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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170812 09:00:00

revealed that a senior u.s. diplomat has been having conversation with north korean counter parts, another sign that the trump administration is quietly trying to calm this down. joining us now, john bolton. good evening, ambassador. seems like we ve never been closer to it nuclear brink than we are now. is that a correct statement? we re at a crisis point because of the advances that north korea has made in the last eight years, so donald trump inherits 25 years of a failed policy of negotiating north korea out of these programs and his options are few and not very good. what is interesting is the
regime and the threat of nuclear terrorism against our country. without looking backward for too long, do you see the way that some of the administrations, particularly the clinton administration, giving money to north korea, and then the parallel of the obama administration giving money to iran, do you see that the appeasement that seems to be going on is only to our detriment and it s time to stand up because these bullies are at a point where the iranians yell death to america, death to the big devil and the little devil, israel and the united states. are we supposed to put our tail between our legs? the policy has been called appeasement. former secretary of state jim baker right after the clinton administration signed the agreed
framework, wrote an op-ed that called the clinton administration policy appeasement and that was 20 years ago. it hasn t worked. if you want to have a future where north korea can threaten with missiles, you have it look at one more diplomatic play to convince china to reunite the peninsula with us or have to look at the military option. people are worried about the difficulty, the chaos that it may create today. the risk is real. what about the chaos when north korea launches missiles at the united states. yeah. and kim jong-un the american student that was sent home and
died shortly after a. what can what options does america have right now. there is no option to negotiate with north korea. we tried it for 25 years. cite one piece of evidence to think it will succeed in year 26. that s why the president has inherited an unhappy situation. i do think it s worth trying with china on an expedited basis. how do we do that, ambassador? the president has done everything, privately and publicly, and china says, look, if america strikes first and there s issue if it makes us the aggressor if we re trying to defend ourselves, then the question is, china said they will fight with north korea against us. they also said that if we were retaliating they would
stand aside and that s a significant development. i think there s a chunk of chinese decision-makers that think that north korea is an ugly piece of baggage. i think there s a deal that can satisfy china on reunification. it s a hard argument. i wish we had started it 10 years ago. otherwise, the american people have a choice live with a nuclear north korea and threats and bribery that will entail forever and do what the politicians said. do not accept a nuclear north korea. that could well involve a military option of some sort. ambassador john bolton, thanks for joining us. thank you. here with more reaction, the host of war stories, lieutenant come near oliver north. good evening, colonel. here s my question. the last question i asked the ambassador. what does america do now. we have tillerson saying, we re still willing to negotiate. we hear today that there are
back channels and the president is saying, we re locked and loaded and ready to defend the country and our territories. i agree with what john just said in terms of convincing the president in china and the people that it s in their interest to act now. the u.s. will have to take preemptive military action in pyongyang unless it stops now. consider this, judge, 20% of the north korean population is likely to flee on foot and take to the sea like boat people from vietnam. that s a disaster of extraordinary proportions. there are things that the president needs to do to convince that we re deadly serious. it s not as though the
president hasn t explained to the president in china that, look, you will suffer and you will have mass migration from the peninsula. but i don t think that the president of china is confident that we ll take action. there are a bunch of things that can be done. we turn the tactical nukes that we withdrew in the 90s. we have reagan going back to port. when will that be deployed? she s in japan and she can be on the korean coast ready to strike. if we move aircraft and more air tankers to guam and okinawa. these are clear signals to the chinese that we re getting ready to act. and deploy search and rescue assets and base some in china to recover our aircrews, some of
which will be shot down. if, as you say, we take preemptive action and we strike first, china has said that they will if that occurs, they will take the side of north korea. well, this is, again, my point. we are going to have to do this. we re facing a clear and present danger, an existential threat from the regime in pyongyang. we faced the same problem from tehran. we could, just for example, deploy the naval ship mercy to north korea. deploy more u.s. and navy assets. deploy more intelligence satellites and that will leak in this town. you can launch more equipment to the republic of korea and urge
japanese prime minister to go to beijing and tell them, you will go down in history as the man that talked us back from the brink. you will get all the credit if you take kim jong-un back down. all of those things have to be done before you start military action. even though there was an unanimous vote of the u.n. security council. that didn t seem to have any impact, unanimous. but that s because they re not saying in beijing forget pyongyang, they re not seeing in beijing that we re deadly serious and we are and we have to be because what will happen otherwise, a military application will use air force strike aircraft to decapitate the regime in pyongyang, take down their air defenses, their coms with cyber attacks and things that we cannot talk about on tv. if kim survives that, he will have to issue orders to launch
things with carrier pigeons, because they will not be able to talk to each other. seoul, south korea, everybody knows if they strike us or if we strike them, they will strike south korea. why are they resistant to the defense missile system. don t they know what s going on? because, again, nobody thinks we re serious, as ambassador bolton said, there s been so much bluff and bluster, this is not a president that anybody ought to take anything but deadly serious. colonel oliver north, be sure to catch colonel north on war stories. coming up on this edition of coming up on this edition of hannity, retired brigadier no, please, please, oh!
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to guam or anyplace else that i in american territory or an american ally, he will truly regretted and he will regret it fast. welcome back to the special edition of hannity. the trump doctrine, president trump with more stern words for kim jong un. how should the us respond to th latest threat from north green a . joining us now is the us ambassador to the united nation richard grenell and prepared brigadier general tony tata. gentlemen, i will talk with you. you worked in the state department. you have been involved in the communications and i m sure the you have been watching the volleys that have been going back and forth. kim jong un has given us almost a deadline and he said specifically the middle of august and in the last month he has much to two and we know he is the more
hits. we note that he is boasting tha he is going to turn us into jelly. we will are critical of the president. what should the president be saying? okay? are just back off like obama dead and hope it goes away. look, one more scary thing i they successfully put a rock a rocket into orbit. they have all the pieces i thin we have to see the signs and take very seriously. i agree with my old boss, john bolton, that the play is not with north korea, it is really with china. one interesting thing is that the chinese remove oil sanction from this last round of us sanctions. then by removing the sanctions, that means that we still have time, which goes to colonel north point that they are not taking us seriously. what they need to understand is this is not president obama jus with a threat of military action , but this is president trump with a credible threat of military action. for diplomats we need that
credible threat behind us so that when we are sitting across the table and we are negotiating , the other side knows we need to come to a peaceful deal because if not, w have to transfer the file back to the pentagon and general mattis, secretary mattis, they don t negotiate. i can see that. i will go to you, general tata. when the president made it clea that he wasn t going to be soft on this, we often showed our military mechanisms. we also showed the planes and w also talked about the aircraft carriers. the president is putting the power behind the words. is that enough? welcome i think what you are seeing is the application of al of the applications of power an working in sync a nation and harmony, so the obama administration was particularly
competent at and i agree with what rick says, we ve got a rea perception gap to overcome here because president obama is so enough the size of the world an so many to our enemies and giving billions of dollars to other countries and now when president trump comes and says what he means, it is like a stark difference out there and people are waking up. it takes them a little bit of time to say does an american president really mean what he says and i believe that president trump is using the information aspect of national power in a very effective way. he is saying something that is very clear did you have secretary tillerson saying something different matter but supporting what president trump says and secretary mattis is saying something that is very direct but supporting what president trump says. so all of that is aimed at supporting the military and flexible turn options that we have. there s un sanctions that are part of diplomatic power and economic power with the economi sanctions.
so all of that combines and synchronizes two great pressure on north korea and on china. let me ask you this, rick. this is a big weekend, i think. if nothing happens this weekend i think a lot of people are really concerned. if things seem to tamp down in light of there seems be a back channel that secretary tillerso is still, you know, working on, if we can get past this weekend are things okay? that s number one. number two, is a preemptive strike possible? i think things are going to be okay when we see china move. i give them a short window, one week to shut down all of the trade. we have to remember that in the first quarter of this year the chinese increased trade with north korea. they didn t get the message. they are increasing their trade so we need to see in the next week a shutdown, if not, i woul
suggest we ve got one more play with china which is a unilatera us banking sanctions. it s not without pain. it s a painful act for american and wall street, but i think that we immediately go to that and within one week if we haven t seen action from china. preemptive strike, general? is that what should be done or do we wait for him to hit us or our were territory, kuan? a preemptive strike could result the got 8500 artillery pieces, 4500 block rocket launches righ along the dnc there that can range 30, 40, 50 miles, and tha puts soul into play. but salted want to accept th missile defense systems. they have the system that we offer them. that would do nothing agains all of these artillery shells that would come raining across. that they didn t want anything. you would think. my point is that there is a
doctrine of a golden bridge, yo increase the pressure and you lay out all of your elements of power and you show what can be done and you make your intent very clear and you leave that golden bridge to walk across into the land of diplomacy and to stand down, or do you ultimately get into a conflict that the conventional aspect of this conflict is almost scarier than the nuclear aspect of this conflict. thank you, gentlemen. coming up in the special editio of hannity, the trump doctrine. herman cain will be here with reaction to president trump sel reaction to president trump sel telling mcconnell and liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn t have that. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. ykeep you that s why you drink ensure.
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be doing what i am doing, seven years they been talking repeal and replace them and it didn t happen. it not only didn t happen, it was a surprise and it was a horrible surprise and it was very unfair to the republican party and very unfair to the people of this country. welcome back to the special edition of hannity, the trump doctrine. president trump continues with depression pressure on mister connell to enact its agenda. joining us with reaction is fox news contributor and former presidential candidate herman cain. good evening. happy to be with you. it is good to have you. when you listen to the president, i have the sense tha probably the vast majority of american people, democrats or republicans, are probably sayin what is with these bozos after seven years that they couldn t get done what they promised the would get done. some of them even switching whe the time mattered. you are absolutely right and the biggest, to use your word, bozo, is senator john mccain.
i m sorry. i respect him for his military surface but i do not respect hi for stabbing the american peopl in the back. as far as mitch mcconnell, who is supposed to be the majority leader in the senate, if he couldn t get to senator john mccain to be that deciding vote so that we could at least take major step forward, then, yes, there is a problem. senator mccain is that the majority leader and he consistently shows that he presents president donald trump. i don t think there s any question about that. we have seen it over and over. doesn t this explain, herman, the fact that the majority of american people, 60% 16% and may be down to 10% approve of the job that congres is doing. huard these guys, men and women where who are they trying to satisfy? themselves, the reelection or
the american people? they are trying to satisfy their own egos. the longer they are in washington dc, senator susan collins, senator john mccain, the more they drink the water and believe that it is about them and not about the american people. look, the american people are suffering under obamacare, and they have demonstrated that the care more about their rules and care more about their own egos then they care about the suffering of the american people . and i respect president trump for continuing to keep the pressure on because the america people are sick and tired of excuses and that s all senator mcconnell and the other senator are offering. didn t they think was very unusual for mitch mcconnell to go back to his own district or rotary club, i don t know if he thought nobody would hear him,
but when he talked about this president and unrealistic expectations, did he not realiz that by criticizing the president that we elected because he was an outsider, because he believed he could ge the job done, that these bozos can t get done, did he really think the president wouldn t hear it and does he think that we are stupid? yes, he thinks we are stupid. excessive expectations, they ar not excessive because the american people do not believe it s excessive. one of the reasons, one of the reasons that president trump go elected is because the american people have high expectations, but what senator mcconnell was saying is that this president needs to understand that we mov at a steals pace. no, this president and the american people are sick and tired of the snail pace.
i don t know if he believes tha president trump and the america people are going to hear it or not but we have now heard it an that is why many of us had already said what we have been saying all along, senator mcconnell, his leadership is ineffective an effective. let s talk about murkowski. she voted to repeal in 2015 and she campaigned on and then she turned around and we have chanc to do and she voted no even on the skinny repeal, senators lik that i believe deep to be defeated. that the overarching question i is this the republican establishment and who is more established that mitch mcconnell , and everybody is giving him credit for gorsuch. that s the best thing to happen to the supreme court a long time , but is it this an indication that the establishment is out to finish donald trump? yes. you have two types of republicans pick you have republicans who are trying to pass legislation with
conservative values and you hav my called rhinos, republicans i name only and senator murkowski and senator john mccain represent three senators that are rhinos. they are not there to represent the interest of the american people in the american people have figured that out. i m not sure what they claim that reason is for voting against the skinny repeal. we know it wasn t as big and grand as many of us were like, but at least it would ve been a big step in the right direction following but the house of representatives had done. they basically failed the american people and they stabbe the american people in the back because you didn t expect the democrats to vote for it and they didn t. so they are perfectly happy wit the disastrous obamacare. you know what, the shame of it is it makes the whole party look bad and these rinos i
think have to go. coming up next on the specia addition of hannity, president trump is not shy about responding to attacks from the liberal main street media and calling out fake news. when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust
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into speak straight to the american people. these guys, the fake news, they tell you the fake meat he is to silence us, but we will not let them. the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house, but i m president and they are not. that was president trump responded to attacks from the liberal mainstream media. joining us now rnc spokesperson kayleigh mcenany and fox news anchor greg jarrett. isn t it true that donald trump no president trump, has change the paradigm of how americans look at news and that there is now no focus were no necessaril reliability of what we he s to
see as the regular channels and now people are going to social media specifically, facebook an twitter to get their news? your x drops the bright. the press is going over there head. how dare he. journalists in america are overwhelmingly liberal studies. the reason one showed a scant 7 of republicans, so there s no diversity of thought in the newsroom. it is endemic in the industry and journalist tent where their liberalism on their sleeve. they re utterly intolerant of anybody who dares to disagree with them, especially the president of the united states. how could he have one, they think we are smarter than anybody else and we didn t want him as president, so he must ve cheated in some grand conspirac with vladimir putin and they ar hell-bent on conjuring criminality commonality when it
does make sense. the whole idea of rush in th collusion after eight months, i may even be nine months of we haven t heard one iota, one piece of evidence that indicate collusion and yet the mainstrea media, now we know that the center for law and justice, and getting some of the e-mails fro the department of justice has found out that the new york times and washington post that they really didn t want to discuss that tarmac meeting between the redick lynch and bill clinton. i mean, we know that they know about it and they are colluding there is a collusion, and to no tell the american people. that s right. s journalistic malpractice at its best. you look at jim comey, that startling testimony before the committee when he said that february new york times story alleging collusion between contacts between the trump campaign in russia, he said tha story was not true. he went on further to say many, many of the russian stories are in the dead wrong. this is jim comey. he has no intent to help the president who fired him.
it is verifiable and the presse left waiting in this russian conspiracy. is based on little more than rumor and newspapers. those of the words of senator dianne feinstein. you are the lawyer here. and you and kayleigh as well. we are all players here. explained to the viewers. they think to themselves, look, if they are lying and if they are publishing stories that the know are not true, than some of that, in spite of new york time at solving, that they should be liable for this kind of thing, should they be? probably not because we are talking about public figures an you have to prove malice, actua malice. malice and malicious content has to be proven over and over in terms of what they want to govern what they lie about? we all knew the february story in the times was not true and yet no one would deny it and tell coming back was under oath. the president calls it fake news and he is right to the extent that the media by virtue
of their liberalism distorts th news. yes, to some extent that is fak news. they are not acting as impartia reporters of the truth in the news, as it is. instead they re doing something quite different. they are infusing their bias in the stories they choose to tell and the way that they tell them. i will give you an example. and the most egregious form was donald trump junior meeting. he met with the russians. it s a crime, cried the media. not a late this, with the government russian lawyer. she was working with the government and she wasn t even lawyer. politicians and americans meet with russian and russian officials all the time. there s more than a thousand of them here in the united states and we meet with people. it s not a crime to talk to a russian. the federal election commission just go to your website, their website, and it specifically
says the former nationals may volunteer for american politica campaigns. it s not a crime. another the american people, kayleigh, are starting to understand and they get it because they didn t by the pollsters or whatever. where are the american people now going for their news? the american people are having to look to other sources like for instance this trump news update that he is doing on his facebook. it is positive information abou the president, all factual, all true, but you have to go to facebook, you have to go to the presidents own website to hear anything positive. in today s day and age it is only news if it is negative. he is on twitter. he is on facebook. he is on instagram. the whole family is on instagram . and all of those social media sites. how many millions of people are getting their news from this because they are now convinced the mainstream media is not out for the interests. and that media is upset abou because he has co-opted their job that he s speaking gently t the american people. he is not allowing the media to
exercise their nearly unlimited power of mask medications in th weight they have in the past to try to indoctrinate americans into the medias form of liberalism and progressive or and that gets particularly significant that it is east coast/west coast and it is the flyover are the ones that are staying where not even listenin anymore. that s what we ve learned about the american people as they are smart and they can see to the naked coverage leading u to the election. i had a man in nevada say that the coverage is so bad that i didn t vote for president trump it has compelled me to give him a chance. we will see through it. they recognize the bias and the will not be biased. media and congress but isn t that interesting. thanks so much for being with us . coming up next on this special edition of hannity, president trump has made his support for law enforcement very clear.
dave clarke joins me in the new dave clarke joins me in the new body cam footage of an officer award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this august visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500.
believe me, we stand strong together. as you know, i am a big, big believer and admirer of the people in law enforcement, okay from day one. you are saving american lives every day and we half your back believe me. we half your backs 100%, not like the old days. not like the old days. indeed not like the old days. that was president trump repeatedly praising law enforcement and unlike the obam ministration of a president trump has made it crystal clear he fully supports those who serve and protect us and for good reason. a newly released body cam video shows a police officer in south carolina being shot three times last january after confronting an armed suspect. we must warn you the video you are about to see is extremely shocking.
stop. take your hands out of your pocket. take your hands out of your pocket. if you don t stop, i m going to taste you. take your hands out of your pocket. take your hands out of your pocket! take your head out up your pocket. shots fired. the assailant was found guilty of attempted murder in possession of a weapon and sentenced to 35 years in prison. joining us now with reaction, milwaukee county sheriff david clarke. the truth is heather not been a camera on the glasses of the police officer, this individual who shot him three times and almost killed him to the point where the police officers has tell my family i love them. he thought he was going to die.
it would never have been captured. can you tell me why more law enforcement doesn t have these body cameras or cameras on the glasses as opposed to the body? some of those are financial consideration that each jurisdiction has to make in terms of priority. i think it is a high one but that being contraceptive make that. i get chills every time i hear president trump support and praise the american police officers. officer quincy smith here and got wrenching video and only by the grace of god he survived it. i want to talk about this idea coming out of this 21st century task force that will pu together and it was second by the police of executive and former and chuck supporting it. and a call for stupid things like engaging in more dialogue with the suspect before using deadly force and considering less lethal options. you saw how much time once again came up but the police officers said i m going to taste you. the police officer didn t threaten to shoot him and he
said that i will days you so take your anthony pocket. they tell them apart very quickly told him to take his hands out of his pocket. you could css. hands. you have to seat that, that is number one. if he would ve used his firearm not here to second guess what h did. they get to make their own position but had he shot this guy the second time he told the to take his hands out of his pocket, it would ve been reasonable under the circumstances even if he was no armed and i get tired of hearin about this unarmed assailant that the police officers used deadly force against because unarmed does not mean not dangerous. and what is interesting about this is because of the camera necklaces with find out that th police officer was only going t tase him and, number two, a lot of cups has good instincts. when he says take your hand out of your pocket repeatedly, his instincts and, you know, i ve been in this business a long time.
there s something dangerous in that pocket. you have to trust your instincts. i tell police officers all the time to trust your training and instincts when you go in these things. there may be where you make a mistake at the end but in the end they want you to go home an we will sort it out later. again, the training kicks in as well. you can see from the minute i timed it, from the many people the gun out, one second left by the time he got off three or four shots and the officer coul not go to the next level up to his firearm because by that tim the shots had run out and it wa over. he did a great job. thank you. wonderful constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
. . welcome back to this especially edition of hannity, the trump doctrine. that s unfortunately all we have time left this evening but don t forget to set your dvrs and never miss an episode of hannity. be sure to check out my show, justice and judge jeanine pirr jeanine pirro. thanks for joining us. shawn is going to be back on monday. have a great nationalit [national anthem] [national anthem]
[national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem]

Administration , Us- , Trump , Parts , Counter , Diplomat , Sign , Conversation , Senior , Ambassador , Evening , Down

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20170710 00:00:00

pushing fake news, not to be outdone, cnn s chris tried to trivialize the president s trip by tweeting out this video, trying to make it look like polish first lady snubbed president trump, but president dududa, creationing record. corrected the report. saying my wife did shake the president s hand. anyone mocking president obama for bowing to saudi king.
areas like north korea, ukraine and isis, president trump did not let putin go without pushing him on election hacking, which putin denied. media is not covering the president fairly. is not covering president fully, and continues to trivialize him and push fake news. which is why if you want to see president covered fairly, tune in to watter s world, president trump inviting vladimir putin to meet with him face-to-face in hamburg, germany, the first form alarcon veral,conversation that vladimin and a u.s. president has had in over two years. joining me now, kellyanne conway.
what did you think of water s word? i love them, you actually laid out some facts. that is very prefreshing. i thought it was unfortunate white house correspondent from a major news organization would go to poland, following the president s speech, applauded by so many people, including right, lift anleft and center, they apd him for appealing to our stir it, our pride, our identity, how talking about how borders may fall, and nations may suffer but the will of the people is strong and important, back to our western values, just making it about them again, the media are caught in this terrible cycle of trying to make most of the stories about them. they tweet at each other, they tweet snark elie about president, things that would never passat a pass an editor s. and they make such a big deal
about president s social media platform. i want to ask you a question about this meet between president trump and vladimir putin, this is what brinkley said about the meeting on cnn. he already kissing the ridge of putin, putin will go back a champion. narrative is that president trump kissed putin s ring, and president trump said it was an honor to be with vladimir putin. which of the not a good idea to say. and the media is obsessing over how long the meeting took. they can t seem to understand what is going on. what is going on? they are not, but everything you said it irrelevant. to the actual meeting and to what president putin and president trump may be able to accomplishin together. president has said in the fast, if 3 there is a willing partner to help defeat isis, he is
listening, there are so many things they could talk about. they did, they are two presidents of country. all media speculation and handwringing. justin assault, they don t matter, they don t matter to the american people, have you seen the approval rating of media lately. it is in the tank right now, they cover the small fall issues, 220,000 jobs created last month. you have a lot coming out of this putin and trump meeting, they are focused on handshakes and what tie the other person wore. i want to show you funny video
i have seen this. last labor day we invited 20 minute quick trip. between two cleveland and ohio, there was somebody there, a reporter who was just hitting mr. trump day after day, and once he was in his company, he was like can i help you, hole hd your things. and it is when you are in this company of president trump, you realize that it is a specia place to be. i you are with the most powerfulhe man in this country.ot reality has a way of u intruding on the narrative..udig it does. president macron has invitedidep
president trump to france next e week, and he is going, at the invitation of president macron. a leader to leader level, there ther are issues discussed and ideas e presented, matters concurred together that are way above what everyone else is discusses. north korea, your reactionusg there. they tested the icbm the other day, it looks like china, in myh opinion, doesn t want to see a e unified korean peninsula, that i want to kee keep it divided, thy are not doing anything to showeh they are going to make progress on denuclearization. in your opinion, how optimistic is the white house about making china understand the threat and having china use its vast
influence.e.having the trade is about 40 percentts right now with china and north v korea, of calming things down on the peninsula? a few things, in first couple of months of his administrationn president trump has met with all of these leaders. he has established a positive relationship with respect toe trade for example with president xi of china. we we have beef going to china for first time in a long time for ca at same time we has met with leaders of south korea. moo mr. moon and mr. abe of japan, they had a ti tie trilateral diy just this week. everyone is serious in focusing on the fact that north korea launched a missile that seems to have different capabilities, asa secretary of defense mattis mentioned we re exploring thee economic and diplomatic channelm in response. but at the same time, president hasek pressed his opinion on china with respect to north korea.
everyone should look at that. i appreciate the things have you done. very subspan shal stan shall prm we substantial problem we all face in north korea. and i am sure whether it is on north korea or any of the many o things that we ll be discussing, we ll come to a successfulco conclusion. that is not fake news that il the president speaking about very serious issues, let s see s how much they cover thesemes issues. let s see how seriously they take the threat. you are right. inform the t is it a threat that should unite all americans, republicans and democrats. right. and even media, kellyanne thank you very much. thank you, jesse. a nypd officer, gunned down
by a cop hater. is it time black lives matter is listed as a terrorist organization? the fiery debate coming up. but first remember this? he is a loose cannon, he iss going to get us in trouble. i feel like i am in mourning for america. voters in disbelief following donald trump s election win. vo. he joins me next. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get a text when we re on our way. you can see exactly when we ll arrive. i m micah with safelite. customer: thanks for coming, it s right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care. kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace. but with my back pain i couldn t sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve.
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the 67th officer to die on duty since january. a nearly 20% jump this year alone. there was zero coverage on msnbc and only 90 seconds on cnn. the increase in cop killings is no surprise with black live matters protesters chanting things like this. [pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon]ness here to debate. , when you hear death chants like that, do you link those to any of the violence on officers? i couldn t quite make out
what the chant was saying. jesse: pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon. that sounds like a nonsense chant. jesse: i agree it s nonsense, but it s real. it s real nonsense. when you talk about is black lives matter responsible for the uptick in violence against police. black lives matter is not an organization with dues-paying members. it s an uprising that came out of police officers killing blacks. when we look at the fact that this organization which isn t really an organization, it s a few people who started a
hashtag. ess just because it doesn t have a headquarters doesn t mean it s not a vibrant and loud organization. dana: i ll go to you. police officer deaths are up this year, almost 20%. and last year was the deadliest in the last five years for on-duty police killings. do youling black lives matter to any of that? yes. this is a group that was invited to the white house and given a platform at the democratic national convention. let s not make it out like it s a couple guys on a street corner who invented a hashtag. this is the one that gets me. what do we want, dead cops. when do we want them? now. this isn t guilt by association,
it s actively calling for violence against cops. jesse: we all don t want innocent lives to be taken in an exchange with law enforcement. no one wants that, black, white, hispanic, but there are four studies to show there is no racial bias in lethal killing. and lethal force is used against white suspect twice as much as on white suspects. the whole premise that white officers are shooting black suspects is just wrong. if you look at the percentage. 13% of america are african-american. 30% of incarcerated women are black women when they only make up 13% of the population of
americans. straight numbers and percentages can be manipulated to show whatever you want. jesse: that s because african-americans commit more violent crime as a percentage of the population than white americans. they are f.b.i. statistics. as a percentage of the population. but i have to run. and i think we can all agree nobody want to see anybody unfairly targeted by law enforcement. thank you very much. the college professor who says white trump voters are so mysterious, they need to be studied in class. it was the wwe video seen around the world. what do wrestling fans think of this? this is a story about mail and packages. and it s also a story about people
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can t you just walk the streets to find out what white working class americans think? apparently it doesn t work. so many of these people who have four-year degrees, the pundits, the politicians, the professors didn t understand the white working class. they don t understand it. since we already have black studies and female studies and gay studies, it seems we should study this group, too, so everybody, republicans, liberals, democrats and conservatives will understand. we have to understand it. also, something i came up with after i made this call, it s already being picked up with by the way.
life expectancy is a basic measure how well we are doing. since the revolutionary war life expectancy has gown for every group. but recently it has been going down for every white working class. they are suffering from what the experts call diseases of despair, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. jesse: that s why the opioid crisis is such a big issue for president trump. let me save you have a little paper on the study tip used to go out on the street in watters world and talk to regular americans. i will explain why i think they voted for donald trump over hillary clinton. obamacare was hammering them. a lot of good-paying jobs left to go overseas. the open border situation was having hispanics come in and undercut their wages.
they didn t trust hillary clinton and couldn t relate to hillary clinton. donald trump s america first policy they could relate to and he was funny. and he s someone they believe could make america great again. that s pretty simple? it should be. why is it everybody else doesn t understand it. and i don t think that s quite true. if you look at blacks and hispanics many of them are suffering from the same problems the white working class are. their life expectancy is going up and they are not suffering from diseases of despair. you could be the first chair of white working class studies. jesse: i will be the white man chairperson. democrats put refugees over
veterans. they put illegal aliens over police officers and celebrate black lives matter. republican sources are saying republicans have to do this also. both parties have got to do it. jesse: lindsey lohan come together defense of president trump this week. dean cane is here to share first-hands experience of the bullying effect of the left. americans - 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day 50+ a complete multi-vitamin with 100% daily value of more than 15 key nutrients. one a day 50+.
jesse: the tsa failed 95% of its security tests. jesse: i can t even bring my two face. sandra is calling for a jihad against president donald trump. addressing the annual islamic society of north american convention this last weekend. she called on muslim americans to unite against the white house. i hope that when we stand up to those who affect our that all communities that it s a form of jihad and we are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad in the middle east or other side of the world but here in the united states of america where you have fascists and white supremacist and islam
of folks rating in the white house. jesse: lindsay lohan is standing up for the president this week this is our president, stop bullying him and start trusting him. thank you, personally, for supporting the usa. sprint, which trouble did you get him for telling the truth? jesse: lohan will not have a lot of friends after that. the pc police strike in oregon where an hawaiian theme restaurant was forced to close its doors after locals of polynesian dissent slammed the eatery for having cultural and sensitive the core. the owner apologized saying the restaurant was in homage to a place he loved. so, sorry no more pics on a stick. in an ironic the fate the folks at peta are being attacked by the left for what time it is a are the unethical treatment of women. the animal-rights group apparently stayed a promotional event in wimbledon where women
in bikinis handed out dairy free treats to the sweltering crowd. peter fired back i mean it s critics were just a bunch of fruits. i love when the left is itself. here are some fake stories making news this week: the failing new york times strikes again, falsely reporting a statement from a parity north korea twitter account as an actual statement from the north korean government. the time story on it during military exercise between north korea and us said that the north korean government belittled the exercises demonstrating total ignorance of ballistic science. the times for us to publish a correction. ignorance. this time from the times. lastly, the white house is pushing back against the story from the daily beat claiming the administration asked the defense officials to brainstorm ideas that the brand the isis eye bird from his predecessor. false. senior white house officials say it never happened.
not going to be the first or last time. pretty me now is actor in host of masters of illusion, there he is, dean cain. what did you think of those ridiculous stories?? i could hear for an hour and a half. your whole show and then some could be at. it s ridiculous. there s so many and they just keep coming. text you pay attention to the fake new stuff? doesn t get you going or not? i get stupid. it doesn t get me going. it s that some people take it is real and that bothers me. i get where it and say that s jesse: ridiculous but it s insane. it s crazy. jesse: when you haveou conversations with all your left-wing hollywood, today trot out fake news as real news or do you have to correct them? t pron that happens. honestly, it s xyz or this or
that or it s not true or this didn t happen, no they haven t proven collusion. it s not something. no, he doesn t work with putin, he doesn t have a hammer and sickle. jesse: they listen to you when you say that? they listen but i don t know that they hear me. i ll keep pounding my head against the wall. here s the thing for me. i m independent. i see where there s truth and i ll say when your argument is better than mine and you can convince me i ll believe it. jesse: is hard to argue with facts. cnn taking even more hit for threatening to identify the person behind the gif of president trump body slamming the cnn logo. it started when he shared the t video on twitter and went viral. they hunted down the creator and threatened to reveal his identity. when you hear about a company going after some little guy on the internet, how does that make you feel? it s disgusting. it makes them look absolutely terrible. it s a very, very bad look for cnn. it s hurting them. they ve also guaranteed that
there will now be 900,000 meme of donald trump. jesse: if you look on the right now you can find them. the ratings actually in the last two weeks sense this fake news has really gone down for cnn and it s unfortunate for cnn. they become everything on that channel, that show, it s all antitrust. that gets boring after a while. if you keep saying the same thing over and over if you see the tweets or the zero my god zero my god zero my god. jesse: it was phony. i let it slide. i was talking in the green room. jesse: can you do me a favor w contract next time you re in the hollywood walk of stars, if you see someone defacing donald trump can you give them something for me? what you think i would do? if i saw someone burning the
american flag, they will hear my opinion. jesse: listen, if you see dean cain, hollywood walk of stars or walk of fame or whatever, don t debase a star. he s coming at you. thank you, very much still ahead, watters world gets the scoop on what the wwe fans think of the viral video. president trump restoring american leadership on the world stage putting america first in his speech in warsaw. eric bowling is here with his take on the importance of going nationalist. our borders will always bee close to terrorism and extremism of any kind. constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief.
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a super concentrated pro-v formula makes hair stronger . .in just 3 minutes. so it s smoother every day. because strong is beautiful. americans, pols and nations so europe value individual we value individual freedom and sovereignty. we must work together to confront forces whether they come from inside or out, from
the south or the east. that threaten overtime to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition. our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind. we cannot except to those who reject our values and to usese hatred to justify violence against the innocent. jesse: that was present trump in warsaw delivering his best speech yet, what some say. he reiterated his campaign promise to keep america first.m something we should all agree on it but as usual, the mainstream media disagrees. check out the headlines of box published, trump speech sounded like in all the right manifesto. what he said and what it meant, those were just too headlines. i could go on and on. he may now is author of the new
book the swamp: how trump can drain it. cohost of the fox news special eric bolling. trump gives us a powerful speech in poland and he mentions god, freedom and borders. the left can t stand any of that. they are not used to it. that was trump s best speech. it might have been his best speech since he was present. it was very powerful on the chemtrail tone it down as president and this was his best speech. i love the fact that the polish people accepted and loved donald trump. i wish the american people accepted and loved donald trump the way the polish people did. jesse: a lot of people do but we don t hear about them but we only see the riders and instigators on the street.
i want to show you some of the regular americans reacted to some of the lines that the president spoke in poland. roll it. our citizens did not win freedom together, did not survive orders together, did not face down evil together only to lose our freedom to a lack of pride and confidence in our values. we did not and we will not, we will never back down. jesse: the red and yellow dials are republicans and independents and they loved this message. were you turning those dials under the table? [laughter] he delivered everything he promised as a president that he promised as a campaign person. i tell you, i wrote the book the spot because i figured he d win but when we got to dc we wonder what we had in store and i was slapped with a deeper, uglier, murkier spot than anyone
imagined. and it s occupied by people with people on the right and for him to get on the united states, deliver that speech, it was a reset and a great moment. i also like the fact that it set him up to go on to the g20 where he met resistance, no doubt about it but at least the world saw a positive moment with president trump. by the way, melania trump was amazing. jesse: she gave a great introduction look beautiful as always. he mentioned the swamp during the speech in poland when he was talking about the bureaucracy and creeping socialism and all those regulations and how that can create decay in a society. he went from the dc to poland and poland is at the mercy of? russia. for the respective energy. donald trump is done rollback our energy regulations, first thing he did, roll them back, unleash the power of american energy and that is the jet fuel to the american economy but he
goes from poland where they released respect that. look, we have a guy, a friend who s exporting natural gas to poland. they love that. then he goes on to germany, guess what the germans are at risk for two? another problem with energy with russia as well. the world is a very, very sketchy place right now and i by becoming self-sufficient in energy, we are solidified ourselves as the number one powerhouse. jesse: even sketchy or is washington dc and we have the new, big book out and it s doing very well. congratulations. draining the swamp, if you could say one or two key things that president trump needs to do immediately what would it be? i think he did. the book hits the new york times bestseller. he tweeted about the book. i think the biggest thing that trump can do and i talked to him, i m friendly with him and we speak continue to look at
the oval office as you do a board room. cut the fat, let people go thatu are working out, bring in people who are successful, look, we have rex tillerson and some ofid the most successful people in the world working for us and one more thought, when was the last time you ever heard the president say how much did that cost air force one, one of the first things he did was were paying too much for that. he ll be fine at. he s trying to cut the cost for the taxpayer. jesse: do you know who else fle, on that this guy. i m glad were taking some cash out of these fat cats. whatever you want, eric. maybe next time to let you ride around. i want the peanuts and the beer nuts. jesse: i want the beer nuts and the beer. thanks a lot man. cnn allegedly threatening to out to the reddit user who created the viral trump wrestling 20. what wwe fans think of the attempted black male, up next.
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jesse: after a gif of present trump body slamming a super bowl cnn logo added controversy. we wanted to see what wwe fans at the summer slammed the way port had to say about the social media scandal. roll the tape what did you think about the trumpet cnn wrestling video? i thought it was great. i loved everything about it. but pretty damn stupid specs never did it, did a good job. donald trump is showing the world how dumb mainstream mediaw is..
jesse: is a trumpet cnn audioio make you want to do violence to? anyone? i will crush you. you allude and new definition of pain. of course not, the president has never inspired violence in my part. jesse: cnn is now blackmailing the maker of the video? it s absurd. they should be locked up. it s not right for them to do. jesse: what is more fake? cnn or wrestling? wrestling. jesse: wrong. i ll never say that fake. cnn is fake. cnn is totally more fake. it s more anti- conservative [bleep].
jesse: ten i m cnn and take me down. i won t put you in a headlight because i don t want to take your hair mess your hair up. coming up, tweets of the week be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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Jesse , Donald-trump , Trumpet-cnn , President , Video , Fake-news , Tweeting , Trip , Polish , First-lady , Chris , Report

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170615 00:00:00

democrats. members of congress here here from both sides of the aisle to talk about wa happened today. let s turn back to the breaking news, the washington post explosive report that the president of the united states is currently under a criminal investigation for the obstruction of justice. responding in a statement, a spokesman for the president s attorney did not dispute the post report, saying only the fbi leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable, and illegal. joining me now, the washington post s sari horwitz, one of the reporters who broke this tire. sari, this would seem to confirm what james comey appeared to indicate, what many have been sort of hinting at, but squarely you guys have nailed down that apparently robert mueller is looking at obstruction of justice. yes. you re right, chris, that the former fbi director in his testimony did seem to be laying out a case of possible obstruction. but what we found out that, indeed, the special counsel, robert mueller, has expanded,
widened the investigation to look at the president specifically and obstruction of justice. and we know that there are some important interviews this week, including senior intelligence officials who are coming before him really as witnesses because of conversations they, like fbi director comey, had with the president about the russia investigation. so these are dan coats, the director of national intelligence, and mike rogers, who is the national security agency, previous reporting in your paper has indicated both of these men were asked by president in a meeting in the oval office where he asked everyone else to leave, if they could do anything about the flynn investigation, a kind of pattern of behavior, if true, very similar to what james comey said about what the president did to him. yes. well, no, actually what we reported was that dan coats, who is the director of national intelligence, shortly after he was confirmed, was in the meeting in the oval office with another official, not mike rogers. i m sorry. with another official. and he was asked by the president if he could do something to get comey to back
illegal. the fbi leak of information regarding the president is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal. what do you say to that? as we reported in our story, we have five sources. we don t say where they re from. we don t identify where they re from at all. all right. sari horwitz, excellent reporting. thank you for making some time tonight. thank you, chris. joining me now, former chief justice department spokesman matt miller. the line from the white house after the comey testimony was the president is not personally under criminal investigation. it now appears to be the case the president is personally under criminal investigation. yeah. i think we talked about the time. that was an obviously stupid statement to make because whatever donald trump s status was at the time jim comey last told him he wasn t under investigation, the fact that he fired comey, the fact that now it s come to light that he asked him to back off the flynn investigation was going to mean he very soon would be under criminal investigation if he wasn t already. it was a remarkably, i think
it was just dumb. there s no other way to say it. to put all of your eggs in the basket of donald trump was vindicated when it was very likely that within a few days, and now, six days later it turns out he wasn t vindicated. in fact, he is under criminal investigation. to kasowitz s line, the president s attorney that i just asked sari about, you and i have talked before about investigators keeping investigations closely held because to not be prejudicial. but it s also the case as an investigation widens, and this is something you ve said on this show. as an investigation widens, necessarily more and more people will have knowledge of parts of it as investigators start interviewing more and more people. that, to me, is a real problem for the white house at this point. yeah. it s absolutely the case. i mean this is what happens because when you go out and start interviewing people, not only do more people know about what s happening, but they know what you re investigating because of the questions you ask them. so when you call dan coats and when you call mike rogers and
when you call richard legity and tell them we want to talk to you about your conversations with the president when he asked you to intervene, when he asked you to make public statements, it s very clear that the president s under obstruction of justice. as sari noted in the last segment, there are five people confirmed in that story. if you look at where this investigation is likely to go now, it s likely to go to people like jeff sessions, who might have talked with the president, it seems, given that he wouldn t answer the question yesterday. it s likely to go to the upper reaches of the white house where you have to assume that director mueller is going to want to know what did the president say to all of those people about the russia investigation. what did he ask them to do? who did he ask them to intervene with, and why? what did he tell them abo why he was firing jim comey? all those people are going to have to decide do they want to take a risk for donald trump that they lie, that they perjure themselves and spend many years in jail for him. i want to be clear about the stakes here because in some ways, much of the current issue started with michael flynn apparently lying to federal
investigators who asked him about his calls with sergey kislyak. and that is a felony. i mean people get prosecuted for lying to federal investigators. and just to be clear here, my sense is that that obtains here, right? i mean this is an fbi investigation. if he s going to you, dan coats, or whoever, if you are lying to him or not telling the truth under penalty of criminal sanction? that s absolutely right. if you lie to an fbi vector, ine investigator, and you lie on the grand jury and they can prove it, you will go to jail. there s another problem for white house aides and senior administration officials that regular people in the private sector don t have which is, you and i, if the fbi comes to you and wants to talk about something, we can decline to cooperate. that s not tenable for a senior white house staff. it s generally thought that you cannot take the fifth amendment and continue to serve in a senior government position. i assume that will still be the case in this administration. i will assume if people aren t willing to cooperate with the
fbi, if they re taking the fifth inside the grand jury, they have to leave the government. we should be clear that is the constitutional protection of anyone, and that pertains to anyone in the white house. no one can be compelled or forced to testify at the risk of self-incrimination. yeah. everyone has that right, but not everyone has the right to work in a senior position in the u.s. government. right. and there s two avenues here, both of which ty appear to have been trying to avoid, both of which would be escalations from a kin of p.r. perspective. the invocation formally of executive privilege to hide people, stop them from testifying, or pleading the fifth. both of those would be very problematic for the headlines they would create. yeah. well, let s just play that out in one very obvious exam. so jeff sessions wouldn t invoke executive privilege yesterday but it s clear that s where he was going. he s the head of the justice department obviously. if the fbi comes and wants to do an interview with jeff sessions and he declines to do that interview because of this executive privilege claim either informal or because the president formally invokes it,
that s an extremely awkward position for the attorney general. it would force bob mueller to subpoena him to the grand jury and force an exclusive privilege showdown where mueller would go to an appellate court and argue that the need for criminal information trumps executive privilege. that is what courts have held in the past in water and recently in the 90s. that is the pandora s box they would be opening by that invocation. matt miller, thanks for your time. i m joined by hakeem jeffries and leonard nance of new jersey. i m so glad you re here. i m so glad you re safe. obviously everyone in the country is pulling for your colleague, steve scalise and all the people that were injured today. they re in our thoughts. they ve been in our thoughts all day. i want to talk about the wrenching day you had, but i want to start with this news and start with you congressman lance. the president of the united states, it appears, is currently under personal criminal investigation by the special counsel. what s your reaction to that news? i support mr. mueller in his
investigation, and i think that he will do a fine job and a thorough job and let the chips fall where they may. what do you mean by let the chips fall where they may? i want toee the report from mr. mueller, and i assume it will be a complete report. and i presume it will involve all aspects of this situation, chris. the fact you support him, and then congressman jeffries, i ll get your response as well. the fact you support him, i just want to be clear because there are many members of congress, republicans who have called into question his integrity, whether he s unbiased. louie gohmert, who say colleague of yours, referred to him as dirty. you re saying you don t agree with that characterization. you trust him? i do trust mr. mueller. i was the first republican in congress to say that attorney general sessions should recuse himself in any matter regarding russia, and i think that the appointment of mr. mueller by the deputy attorney general, in his capacity as acting attorney general, was an excellent appointment. all right. congressman jeffries, the
president s central line has been the president is not under personal investigation. that appears to no longer be operative. what does that mean to you? well, as leonard said, first of all, bob mueller is a talented launch professional. he s respected by democrats and republicans, and i m confident that he will follow the facts wherever that may lead. it is an extraordinary development in a year of extraordinary developments h and it is following the typical rhythm of a washington scandal. you know, there s the potential crime, in this case, possible collusion between russian spies and members of the trump campaign team. and then there s always the concern about cover-up. in this particular instance, it s now gone all the way up to the top at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, and there s a legitimate question that the american people deserve answers to as to whether president donald trump engaged in obstruction of justice or abuse of power. so to follow up on that, there s reporting from the new york times the president was seriously considering firing robert mueller.
just now in the wake of this news, his son, who is obviously a noted advocate on behalf of his father, re-tweeting someone calling for the investigation to be shut down. what do you see as your constitutional duty as a member of congress should the president try to take steps to shut down this inquiry at this point? well, i think the judiciary committee that i serve on, along with the intelligence committee both in the house and the senate, have an obligation to continue to make sure that we conduct a thorough, independent congressional investigation. i support an independent commission for that purpose so that we can ultimately get to the bottom of what happened in terms of the underlying potential crime of collusion as well as any attempts to cover it up. and hopefully this is not an issue of partisan politics. this is an issue of, you know, americs coming together regardless of whetherou re democrats or republicans to ensure there s a full, fair, and independent investigation and that there s no interference with what the special prosecutor is doing on behalf of the american people. congressman lance, to you, is
it important for republicans on the hill to send the signal whether publicly or privately to the white house that republicans on the hill would not stand for attempts to end this investigation or to remove mueller? yes. i think it is, and i ve sent that message through this program this evening. i do not think mr. mueller should be discharged. dr chris, one wonder who s would discharge him. i would imagine it would have to be the deputy attorney general, and i would imagine the deputy attorney general would not do that given his testimony recently here on the hill. yeah. of course that s correct. it would be the deputy attorney general. he said he wanted in nixon s case, he fired people until he got someone who would. i want to turn now to what happened today. it was horrifying. i think everyone feels shaken having worked on capitol hill as a reporter there, i know how much everyone is sort of in each other s space all the time. how are you feeling, congressman
lance, about what happened today, and what has the atmosphere been like in that building today? it s been very somber, very sad. of course we were all horrified in a bipartisan capacity on the events this morning. i know steve scalise. i know him relatively well, and i thought that the remarks at the lunch hour by speaker ryan and democratic leader pelosi were eloquent. i thought the speaker was particularly eloquent, and i think we re coming together in this matter, and i hope of course that this never occurs again. and i think it demonstrates, chris, that we have to try to work together, listen to other people o the oer side of the island, and work in what is the greategood for the american nation. congressman jeffries, if i m not mistaken, you re playing in this softball game tomorrow night. it s a great baseball game. it s a great tradition. you know, it has always struck
me it s a great thing about america that even post-9/11, as security is ramped up in lots of places, members of congress are still accessible and approachable, and you can talk to them, and sometimes you can see them in washington getting a cup of coffee, or they might be in your district. how important is it to maintain that? extremely important. this is a representative democracy of course, chris. and as a result of that, the people need to be able to talk to their representatives, share their thoughts, their feelings, their concerns, and petition their government, which is their first amendment right. it s essential to the functioning and the integrity of our democracy, and so i think despite the shocking developments, the sadness, the surrealness of the day, that democrats and republicans remain committed to that responsibility that we have to serve the people that we represent and to be accessible. i do think that there will probably be a re-evaluation as to some of the security procedures, particularly whenever large groups of members of congress get together such as at the republican baseball
practice. hopefully also, chris, this will be a moment of clarity for the left and for the right, for democrats, republicans, for the white house, for congress, for people inside the beltway and outside the beltway that we all should rethink about the need to dial down the rhetoric. we can disagree without being disagreeable. congressman, you re nodding your head, and i saw members coming out of the closed-door briefing today, republican and democrat, talking about their feelings of threat, the rise in death threats, the sort of atmosphere of the country at this time. do you feel like you re under threat? um, i ve held four town hall meetings in the last two and a half months, and we had a good deal of security at the town hall meetings. i don t feel threatened, but i m certainly pleased that there is security. i agree with hakeem that i think when there are 10 or 15 members of congress, in the future there should probably be better security.
the baseball game is a tremendous tradition here. i of course hope that we republicans win, and, chris, that s why i am not a player because i was a right fielder in grade school where i could do the least amount of damage, and i m sure hakeem is an excellent player, and i m sure he will do very well for the democrats. i will be rooting tomorrow for the republicans. congressman lance, something tells me you had that line all ready to go. congressman jeffries, what is your position? well, i play left field. i hope to dowell. no one will mistakee for k griffey jr., but we are going to compete, both democrats and republicans. may the best team win, and then we ll all come together as americans afterward. i want to thank both of you afor appearing jointly tonight. i think it was important given what happened today. i do hope obviously the best for everyone and that we can maintain this kind of openness. as you said, congressman lance, people do talk to each other across different viewpoints. but i really appreciate you both coming out tonight.
thank you both. thank you, chris. we ll have much more on both breaking news stories tonight. first, watergate prosecutor jill wine-banks and paul butler join me to talk about the reporting that president trump is being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. that s after this two-minute break. and an entrepreneur named sharon. its witnessed 31 crashes, 4 food fights, and the flood of 09. it s your paradise perfected with behr premium plus low odor paint. the best you can buy starting under $25. unbelievable quality. unbeatable prices. only at the home depot. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even a coupe soup. [woman] so beautiful. [man] beautiful just like you. [woman] oh, why thank you.
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new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. we are back on what has been an absolutely huge day of news, almost overwhelming frankly. at this hour, we continue to follow today s two big stories the attack on republican members of congress on a baseball diamond in virginia, where four people were shot, including top house republican steve scalise. they are in the hospital at this moment. much more on that coming up. the other big story, the washington post citing five sources, reporting that the man leading the justice department s russia investigation, special counsel robert mueller, who today visited capitol hill and who has put together what is being described as a legal dream team is and i quote the article here interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that
now includes an examination of whether president trump attempted to obstruct justice. joining me now, former watergate prosecutor jill wine-banks and nbc legal analyst paul butler. paul, i ve had you on before to talk about obstruction, and you have been fairly clear that you thought there was a plausible case for that. how do you imagine this inquiry goes now? well, chris, you re right. every day in this story it seems like there is breaking news. but make no mistake about what happened today. the president of the united states is the subject of a criminal investigation 145 days in his term. now, the fact that he s being investigated for obstruction isn t really that surprising. director comey testified last week that he felt ordered and directed by president trump to stop the investigation of michael flynn. when the fbi director says that, it has to be investigated.
what i think is just as revealing is the leak, that we know this investigation of the president is happening, and i think that s a response to concerns that trump was thinking about firing the special counsel mueller. now if he fires mueller, that s just more evidence of obstruction. it s like he fired comey, and now he s firing mueller. so he s in a very difficult position. he either fires mueller, tries to impede the investigation that way, or he lets the investigation proceed where he has, as you call, a legal dream team of prosecutors and investigators looking at everything he s ever done. innocent or guilty, that s a very difficult position. yeah. to paul s point, this is the new york times reporting. the president seemed to be entertaining the idea of firing mr. mueller even as his staff tried to discourage him from something they believe would turn a bad situation into a catastrophe. and, jill, of course you have some experience with this because that was the famous saturday night massacre of
archibald cox by richard nixon. i mean just legally here, it would have to be the dag that would fire him, and as congressman lance said earlier, rod rosenstein said under oath that he would do no such thing. but the president could remove him and put in place someone who would, correct? that s exactly what happened in watergate. the attorney general refused, and the deputy attorney general refused. and so he ended up firing them and then having the solicitor general fire archibald cox, the special prosecutor. so he could remove rosenstein and then have someone else there who would do it. but i think paul has very clearly stated all the hurdles that he would face that he, trump, would face if he were to do that. it would be a catastrophe. it would lead to possibly the same reaction we got to the saturday night massacre, which was the public outcry that forced the president, three days later, to reverse himself, to
appoint a new special prosecutor, and to agree to turn over the tapes he had been stone walling about. so the same thing could happen here, and the public could turn against trump if he were to take such a drastic action. here s what hangs over all of this. paul, this is to you, and i ll get your feedback as well, jill. you know, it s unclear it s sort of not settled law whether the president of the united states can be, say, indicted, right? so if you had a finding of obstruction of justice pursuant to code, it appears to be the only remedy is impeachment. what happens? we ve got all these great investigators and it s a pretty open and shut case. he committed obstruction of justice. paul butler, then what? then it becomes a political determination by the congress of the united states. so the house would impeach him, which means charge him. and the senate would judge the case. they would decide whether to convict him or not. but just to be clear, they re under no obligation to do so.
robert mueller could file a report that says, here s all the evidence that the president of the united states criminally obstructed justice. you know, under the letter of the law, there s no legal requirement that the house initiate or theouse judiciary committee initiate impeachment proceengs, right? that s exactly right. again, the congressmen were saying earlier in your program whether those could set aside their partisan differences and just express fidelity to the rule of law is going to be key. one of the reasons that the president can t be indicted, formally charged with a crime, is because we want him to focus on governing the nation. but this president, knowing that he s in serious jeopardy of being accused at least of obstruction of justice, we really wonder how much he ll be able to concentrate on his day to day work. at minimum, i think he s going to now encourage his aides to exercise executive privilege to
try to shut them up and prevent them from talking about their private conversations to the special counsel. well, that s a great point. and, jill, i mean there is now exposure for everyone in that white house who works for the president. you can be an accessory to this for folks that were part of, for instance, the process that kind of pretext tullely created reasons to get rid of comey that appeared not to be the real ones. those folks who work in the white house, they do have some legal exposure, am i correct? yes, they do. in the watergate case all of the top aides went to jail for participating in the cover-up. so that is a real jeopardy that they are in, and i would just add one thing to what paul said, which was 100% correct. but we, during watergate, after the indictment when we couldn t indict the president because archibald cox was gone and leon jaworski believed impeachment was the only remedy, but we found that there is a rule that allowed a prosecutor to ask
permission to release grand jury testimony and other evidence to the house for impeachment. so we created a report which provided a roadmap to impeachment to the house. now, paul is right. the house does not have to take any action on that. right. they can do nothing because that is a political decision. but i think that the pressure that would be on them were there to be such a report would make it very difficult for anyone. and i hope that this congress can come together on this issue as they did after today s tragedy in arlington in alexandria, rather. so i m hoping for some bipartisan cooperation here. we ll see what happens. that was really illuminating and clarifying. thank you both. i really appreciate it. coming up, much more on the two big stories of the day, including more about partisan unity on the hill. stay with us. we are united. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops.
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this occasion as one that brings us together and not separates us further. when my son, jack, was born, i was chairman of the energy and commerce committee, and jack got as many presents from the democrats as he did from the republicans. and he still has some of those. we all feel that we can t let anyone, regardless of what their motive is, the invtigaon is ongoing. we can t let anye stop us from doing our work and for standing together and continuing to move forward. coming up, we talk to the young man who helped save congresswoman gabby giffords life when she was shoot in 2011. we are grateful to daniel hernandez, a volunteer in gabby s office. daniel, i m sorry.
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about the shooter today. reporter: yes, aat deal. all except the critical, what was he doing here, and why did he suddenly become violent? we know he s 66-year-old james t. hodgkinson, known to his friends as tommy. this is a picture from an earlier run-in that he had with the law. but for the most part, the police say he wasn t much trouble. there was an incident at his home in belleville, illinois, which is a suburb of st. louis, in late march when he was out in the woods, target practicing. neighbors called the police. the sheriff came and said, you got to go somewhere else, and he said, fine, and didn t put up a fight. at some point after that, we don t know the exact day, investigators say, he came to the washington area in a white cargo van that he s apparently been living out of ever since. sometimes even sleeping on a bench in the park where today s shooting took place. he showered apparently in the ymca which is just across the
street from the ball field. people who came in contact with him here over the past several weeks say he never appeared to be violent. he never expressed violent tendencies, didn t seem to be dangerous. in fact, he talked to the former mayor, who used the same ymca, about trying to find a job. so the motive is unclear. now, it is known that he had some very strong feelings about the republican party in general. he s been expressing these for at least the past decade, first in letters to the editor of his local paper and then when social media became a common platform, he expressed his views on facebook and twitter. and he d been quite bitter about his opposition to president trump, used obscenities to talk about his hatred for trump. just as recently as two days ago, was posting to facebook about trump. and we know that he was also last year a volunteer f the bernie sanders campaign and also in 2011, joined the occupy wall
street demonstration in st. louis. but it s a long trip to come here from belleville, illinois, to washington. and it s also a long trip metaphorically to go from someone with strong views to someone who suddenly picks up an assault rifle and opens fire after asking a witness nearby whether the people who are playing baseball today are republicans or democrats. so why he did that, why he came here, why he became violent is what the fbi is trying to figure out, chris. and tonight they say they don t know. pete williams, thanks for joining us. you bet. before today, the most recent shooting of a member of congress took place on january 8th, 2011. it is with a heavy heart today that i join my colleagues in paying respects to the victims of the senseless tragedy that took place last weekend in arizona. i extend my prayers to the families of those who lost their lives, to the wounded, and the recovering, and to our dear colleague gabby giffords. that of course was congressman steve scalise on the house floor more than six years
ago after arizona congresswoman gabby giffords was shot in the head while meeting with constituents outside a supermarket in tucson. six people died that day. congresswoman giffords survived thanks in large part to the quick thinking of 20-year-old intern daniel hernandez. joining me now is daniel hernandez, now democratic state representative for arizona. daniel, thank you for making time. i wanted i thought of today, and i thought of your story and wondered what your reaction what you made of today. you know, the attack today on the gop members of congress really was an assault on our democracy. for me it what reminded me what happened in the immediate aftermath of the shooting in tucson where there was l of chaos and a lot of confusion. but i think a lot of qstions as tow where do we go from here. i think one of the things that i heard representative that i think was really heartening was we need to come together. but to hear not just democrats
but republicans saying we need to work on finding solutions. he said he hopes this never happens again, and i think it s totally within the realm of possibility to prevent something like this happening again. but a hope without a plan is just a dream. for me, hearing the news today, it broke my heart wednesday against to see a member of congress, but any people being targeted and attacked about gun violence. but also it reminded me there s so much work we need to continue to do to make sure this doesn t happen again. if you serve the institution of congress, you re connected to your colleagues, current and former, by a shared sense of service to ideals far greater than yourself. this shooting is an attack on all who serve and participate in our democracy. i want to ask you as someone who experienced this as a public event, this horrible thing happened. then you yourself chose to go into politics.
i talked to hakeem jeffries and leonard lance how important is to be in contact with the public. what made you still want to go and be out talking to people? i d always wanted to help people from the young age of about 6 when i wanted to go into health care. and having the experience with congresswoman give ordfforgiffo taught me about the importance of public policy and the way it impacts people s lives, i decided i want to get involved so i interned. after the shooting, i decided the best way for me to be able to impact people with the problems they have every single day was to run for office at the local level. now i m serving as a state representative, but it really strg strengthened and cemented my desire to be out there talking to people. i think it s one of my responsibilities as an elected official to be out there in the public. we cannot segregate ourselves. we need to be out there talking to our constituents and hearing directly from them what their needs are. that s why i think at some
point, what representative jeffries said, we need to be talking to our constituents. we cannot be in a glass house. we need to be out there talking to folks. i think that s for me one of the reasons why i refuse to be terrorized. i ve had death threats. i ve had things happen to me over the last six years where people have said things that are not great. but that doesn t mean that i m going to back away from representing the folks that i got elected by, but also talking about the issues that i care about, whether it s lgbt rights or gun violence prevention. we need folks being vocal about the things we care about if we want to actually enact change in this country. i appreciate you taking some time tonight. thank you very much. we ve just gotten word president trump has left the white house, is heading to the hospital to visit congressman steve scalise. we ll keep you updated on that as we get more information. coming up, more on tonight s washington post bombshell. the president being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. working on my feet all day gave me pain here.
all right. we ve just gotten word the president of the united states is en route to visit steve scalise, one of the people shot today at the alexandria baseball diamond. the president will be visiting two capitol police officers. it was the presence of those capitol police officers that stopped this from becoming a massacre of incomprehensible proportions. it was only because they were there with steve scalise, who is in leadership. they returned fire. ultimately they shot the shooter who died in custody. without them there, it could have been so much more horrific than it already was. lots to talk about on this day. we ll be right back.
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from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. all right. our coverage of two breaking news stories continues on this extraordinary day, which began with a gunman opening fire on republican congressional members at a baseball practice. house majority whip steve scalise struck in the hip, is recovering after surgery. three other people suffered gunshot wounds, also in recovery, some of them in quite critical condition as we understand. then late today, the washington post reported that special counsel robert mueller is investigating the president of the united states for possible obstruction of justice. joining me now, jennifer rubin, jason johnson, and josh barrow. jennifer, i ll start with you.
in some ways this is confirmation of what had been indicated. but just to take a step back, we re in fairly uncharted territory. there s an active special counsel investigation of the president of the united states, a criminal investigation indicated. to take a step back, we re in fairly unchartered territory, there is a criminal investigation open we now know about. correct. you re right. i did assume this was going on both because james comey last week laid out a case you could tell was an obstruction case and because robert mueller is a very esteemed lawyer and former fbi chief and would know an obstruction case when he sees its. this is confirmation. it does a bunch of things. it should put everybody on notice in this administration you should not abide by the president president s lawyer s advice not to get your own lawyer. you should be careful about
telling the truth to everybody, this is a trap for the unwary and time for the senate and house side and republicans to put aside some of this partisanship and stop trying to throw sand in the gears and ask real questions of the witnesses and do their job. josh, you had a contrarian take the other day about republican behavior on capitol hill. you said they have been more adversarial or more willing to exercise oversight of the president than you would have anticipated. they certainly could be doing more to hold trump accountable but a lot less. you look, we re 150 days into this administration, the amount of damaging hearings that have been held on the hill, the hearing held with comey and such. in some cases with fairly aggressive questioning, especially from richard burr and other members on the senate intelligence committee. they don t even have to have these hearings. that s the key to me. the chairs have had hearings that if they were maximally
falling in line wouldn t even have seen the light of day. i think to some extent they would have liked to be covering for the president more. the president has made it difficult for them. especially by firing james comey because he made it look so obvious she was trying to interfere with the investigation, it was hard for people like richard burr to come wake up a plausible reason they re slow walking it. their reason to carry waterer for president is not slow walking and if it became embarrassingly enough not to hold the hearing they have to hold the hearing. this now moves. we don t know what s going on in the special counsel, a somewhat black box but moves to counsel. we all know the president was thinking about firing him. if you have known him for a week you know that. you watched him fire james comey. ultimately, like the boundaries for all this action ultimately what will congress abide and won t. it s a political question. fundamentally.
how bad does it have to get for the republicans in the house, the impeachment has to start there to say we have to get rid of this guy, it s too much of a problem. will it take the 2018 weapons? being wiped out or an additional scandal? that s what we re looking at here. the evidence seems pretty clear. we already knew the trump was under investigation after comey said i already gave that stuff to mueller. the question is whether the republicans want to get ahead of this or wait until the shoes drop and get crushed by it. what makes this strange when you go down to the basic, jennifer, core facts are, what did the russians do, in terms of their efforts in the campaign, appear to be quite extensive, did they receive any aid or help with those persons and were they associated with the trump campaign? did they collude in any way, the entire facts are hidden. everything out there on the
obstruction question is there for us to see. any operating in this political environment is doing largely blind. yes. this is the adage the cover-up can be if not worse more visible than the underlying crime. i would say the republicans have lots of constructive things they could be doing if they wanted to get to the heart of this. one of this is investigating his financial ties and getting to the bottom of the emoluments problem which does intersect with the russian problem. what money does he have coming in? who did he have dealings with? did he really not have any deals with the russians? what did he know or not know about mr. flynn and his association with the russians? there could be a variety of other forums congress could get involved. i would say there was a third event today that any other day would have been remarked upon, it would have been three or four lines down the list, senator
grassley a fervent defender agreed to open hearings on the judiciary committee on the firing of james comey. that s another big development pretty much in parallel with an obstruction investigation with the special prosecutor. to that point the question here in terms of all the parties involved, how does the white house is the white house able to maintain discipline of the president to not essentially do something catastrophic. ultimately he has been his own worst enemy in the behavior he has himself this story is a story because the president of the united states fired james comey what appeared play and thely the problem is for robert mueller to keep his job the president has to wake up every morning and decide not to fire robert mueller. for him to lose his job he just has to wake up once and decide this is the day to fire robert mueller. maggie from the new york times,
why aren t people telling the president no? they re telling him all the time and he s not listening to them. they become more alarmed. just because the staff tries to protect him from himself doesn t mean he will listen consistently. you will see a bunch of people updating their linkedin profiles. if you re in the white house, the little things i ve done for the president i could get wrapped up in this drag net and don t want to get involved in this anymore. someone once told me almost every administration sees someone go to jail, even if you re careful and this white house has not been careful. i want to talk about this morning and the resonance of that. you watch this develop in this extremely polarizing atmosphere, it s exhausting and blaming and who s the villain and connection of normal politics, bernie sanders, volunteered for bernie sanders to ghastly attempted
murder. it seems to me actually jennifer, i want to know what you think about this. i think it s important, my view of this, it s important to draw the line between speech, even if it s rabid and people scream at the members of congress whether they re in the tea party and resistance and violence. it s important to maintain and not do too much connecting between those two. two ideas intentioned. on one hand we have a president who has plowed down democratic norm after democratic norm. he incited violence at his rallies. he has been someone who has not respected the peaceful operation of democracy. you do want to put a stop to that and condemn that. on the other hand, this is important. people who do this are not simply acting as a political actor, there s something terribly disturbed, terribly wrong and terribly evil about th. you have to separate those
people from even irresponsible speech by the president and irresponsible speech in congress. we want a robust democracy even one we don t like very much how people are conducting themselves and on the other hand, make sure we have a correct appropriate response when these horrible events happen that is sober. and for folks liberals, opponents of the president whatever, force themselves through the exercise if the shoe were on the other foot in this circumstance, that has nothing to do with me because obviously i find this horrendous. i would never do something like that, would you extend that basic framework to someone else? that s an exercise for everyone to go through emotionally and cognitively. another thing that is in play here, this is a guy who abused women and has a violent background in general. the lesson i hope we all learn from this on the right and left and praying for steve scalise to
be okay, oftentimes politics will make compromises rhetorically for votes or policy and not recognize how it could exacerbate their own issues. steve has his own issues in the past and he didn t do that because he s a politician, does it for votes and politics can activate people. i think so. i think that s dangerous in some ways. this way of activating, you start to hem in it s a free country. what you should not do is violence to jennifer s point. that has happened. it s important to hold that line between excitement and speech and action. the things i m afraid of and what members of congress are afraid of why they were very nice to each other, the increased agitation of the public not just one side is

President , Independent-congressional-investigation , Congress-of-the-united-states , Washington-post , Members , News , Democrats , Obstruction-of-justice , Statement , To-washington , Wexplosive-report , Us-

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20170818 18:00:00

have ultimately been a decision that two men came to at the same time. whether or not there was some thought, and if there was not consider about making the administration s life and the president s life more difficult, he might have been left it. kelly was said to have delivered the news. it is unclear and unknown, it s a wild card. he goes outside independently. steve bannon is now a household name. there is people that will be
upset that he left this white house. i talked to a bannon ally earlier this week. they said we had a sense this is coming and we look at this white house now and we see new york democrats and generals. that is not what we worked for in 2016. steve bannon is the leader of a coalition and it remains to be seen. let me bring in jennifer reuben. the author of the post, so your paper is quoting friends of steve bannon s assayi saying lo he can help the president s agenda from the outside, that things were not working on the inside. gabe sherman reports something very different that he will go back to breitbart and become a thorn in the side of gabe sherman. which way do you see it.
they try to occupy that space. and in the area that he is trying to drift back, the more antagonistic they will become. so i think they need to occupy that pace for business reasons. that is where fans are and that is how they made their name. she to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up if he wants to, he doesn t have a concrete agenda or ideology. as strong as mr. kelly has been. he doesn t bring content either. there is a big question mark about what is donald trump
without steve bannon? i want to bring in the director of progressive programming. nancy pelosi put out a statement and it reads steve bannon s firing is welcome news but it does hide that donald trump stands on bigoted beliefs. i think he showed this week that the problem is not steve ban non. they clearly come from his heart, and steve ban nonis certainly running bright bart. the platform for the alt-right. and that is a quote, and certainly donald trump panders to that constituency. but donald trump believes some of these things that are so upseatiu
upsetting to americans. it sounds like it is a good thing, but let s not presend the white house is a better place. donald trump is his own man. i think it is good that steve ban nonis out of the white house, but i don t believe he is the problem. that is certainly aligned, but without him he will still believe those things. bannon s departure marks the fourth senior aid to have left the white house in the last few weeks. as people have been telling folks from inside the white
house, saying this is inevitable, or is it a sign that john kelly, while he may not be able to get control with the president s words, he can t control every tweet, he is at least structurally taking charge of this white house. it might be a sign of that. it is an indication here that this is something that kelly wanted. maybe he was not aware that he was doing it. maybe kelly has to do this i think there are a couple x factors. we see people all of the time that move from inside his inner circle to the outside but they maintain proximity with him. if we re looking at just bannon, does it argue for the possibility that he doesn t go out and go to breitbart and become the enemy of the white
house and uses that influence and the power of the platform that is brietbart and is trying to get through the things that he cares about. i think there is a middle ground between he goes out and bashes donald trump or he doesn t do all of that. i think it could put him in a place. it could be that he goes back to a media platform and he becomes a voice of some of the people around donald trump. you go back 30 years to the early days. he was so popular with the conservative base. so what they would do is they would give their policy and he would say i m just letting them be themselves. he would call them globalists or
whatever. he is attacking them, but not donald trump, he says i love you, i love what you re trying to do, and these guys are keeping grow doing it. and he was in a very nasty civil war. let me ask you and your take on th that. do you see steve ban nonsnon sai can if you look at the cia director, general mattis, joe dunford. this is the best national security team of my lifetime. he is a he puts together teams of his executives, his political
side was not working as well. i believe that he is in. wendy: president kamp david this weekend and at his side will be nick ayers who is a genius in republican circles. if you graph the ayers understanding of the congressional republican party under the john kelly ability to execute, command, and control, along with this nation nag security team, i think people that want the president to suck se succeed, and i m one of them, they will be es tatic that it looks like it will be emerged i want to just advantage for you a second. she heard the same thing that i
have heard. . even when they are upset about what he tweets, says, and does, if they think he is not acting yes. he is surrounding himself with good people. you re saying what other people have said. he surrounded himself with his team. national security. he is the commander and chief. you can surround yourself with the biggest geniuses in the world. if you don t understand the way the world works, if you can t make the deep dive, to have the good decisions and right conversations, you can surround yourself with anybody and will it matter. my question to you is is too much being put on the backs of people like gary cohen, these generals for our national
securit security. you and i are both lake eerie people. and the weather can change in a moment up there we both have anecdotal evidence. it was not his finest hour. but they want why are they still with him? number one, they hate us, they hate everyone on television because they do not see themselves reflected on television, talking fairly about the president, like the big north korea win, for the first time in over 15 years, north korea backed down and scrolled itself away. it is a huge win.
he announced he will drop out of the deal soon. i think you have seen more with the fox con announcements. the amazon ihirings. i think the trump base is a little intimidating. against being pro trump is still there and resolute and they re welcoming what appears to be refurbishment, but also policy and intellectually. and they re cheering that john kelly is there and in charge and they will have a nick ayers ability to work. probably the happiest guy is mitch mcconnell. you need to be able to work with the west wing and the president.
the question is who will be there to work with. where will steve bannon go? what will he do? we also have eric wemple with his ion sights on all of this, back after this. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression,
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if you think they re going to give you your country back without a fight, you re sadly mistaken. every day it will be a fight and that is what i m proudest about donald trump. every day he says i committed this to the american people, i promised this when i ran, and i m going to deliver on this. the power of being combative, the power of going to war, now he is gone from the white house. what is next? joining me by phone is president of endeavor relations. he worked with steve bannon, you know the guy. what will he be doing next? all right, we don t have a connection there, we lost the connection, let me go to eric
wemple at the washington post. what are you hearing went went down here? he may be returning to his. mu perch at the top of breitbart. that was the position which he ran this website. it was very much big on the ideology that he favors. which is, you know nationalist, antifree trade, antiglobalist. a hard line on immigration. and those are the positions that he had a mind held with president trump on. and as pointed out in the book devils bargain. they were casting about for a candidate that agreed with him and he found one in trump. i think his departure from the white house detainee mean much
for the trump agenda. i think he will continue to believe the things he believes. trump may be lacking a person on staff that really goads him into more extreme positions. kurt is back on the phone now, sorry we lost you, what do you think is next for steve bannon? exactly what he set out to do, which is destroy the establishment. take down all of the pillars of political correctness. continue his assault against the media. i expect them to go full force. you know, he is a very bombastic and driven in person, and in many ways i feel like living the leaving the white house will be different for him. working in the white house, answers to anybody, steve is not
meant to work for anyone. and i think it was a handicap to him, now he will be able to operate freely. but the speaking out and agenda, that s who we will see more of now. is it the president and the people you naked like the paul ryans? and just how powerful of an enemy have they created? you know, i don t know if it is a full tilt negative, the west wing globalists as he came to recognize them. gary cohen. they fix sate on these personalities, and they fix sate on those personalities.
he would be steering away from the agenda that we elected them on and i think you will see that kind of targeted approach in the beginning. thank you for that. i want to bring back in eric wemple. peter king, the new york congressman said he should go, roger stone said he should go. anthony scaramucci, not that he has any france at the white house, he also was a voice, but the new york times reported that there was a push by the head of fox, rupert murdoch. what do you know about his
influence in the ousting of steve ban non. i think it may have as much to do with john kelly and his ascension to the chief of staff roll as anything else. you know it is interesting you bring up murdoch, now bannon is outside of the white house, but as kirk or anyone would tell you donald trump has a cell phone he can continue talking to steve bannon. donald trump is terribly undisciplined. he will continue to go around the efforts of his aides to funnel information to him. steve bannon could be as much of a influence on the outside as he is on the inside. at the same time directing the machinery of breitbart against these sort of mainstream republican politician that s are
really where his heart lies. this could be the best of both words for steve bannon as far as his agenda is concerned. it will be fascinating to watch how the media agenda on the right does settle in. you have someone that had a back and forth relationship with this president but you have a son who in the last 24 hours released a critical statement. gave a million dollar donation, had harsh words about the president of the united states. we heard some of the fox anchors in the aftermath being highly critical. how does the media landscape look to you and where does that go in terms of what we have already seen at least some movement of his base away from the strong approval of donald trump? i think on the right, if you look at the conservative media
landscape, you re reintroducing him as a media kingpin on the right. maybe that goes back to breitbart or launching something else. there is a lot of thought right knew it will end up with steve bannon running a immediate why outlet. what you will see on display is two very differently powerful strings of conservatism. the conservatism that rupert murdoch has advocated is the conservatism of free trade. of immigration reform. it is the conservatism of globalism. then you steve bannon saying the trade deals are bad. a lot of republican friendly outlets have been trying to figure out how to navigate it and you see that with fox.
the wall street editorial page, you still see the old school murdomu murdoch globalism. he is taking a very strong position and i think we re looking to see if she going to war with trump. i think he is not going after trump, but she going after the globalists in the administration, and the evidence that we have is that donald trump doesn t much mind when his people are sniping at each other in the media. as long as it is loyalty to him. you also have a situation where there is not discontent, but the lack of a settled feeling. in the conservative media
landscape. you have a james murdoch giving a million dollars to the antidefamation league. and speaking firmly about it. congressman king is welcoming in. you don t have the steve bannon in the white house, but this is not like a week like any other week. what happened on tuesday i think is changing the conversation around this white house, this president, and you had a president staid there on tuesday and say there was been there and there was mine people standing along the nazis. i have so many people that watched that on tuesday and it
changed their view on the president. they didn t think he really believed some of these things. i think this week, searchly the drama about who will be around the president, staffing him in the white house, is interesting in this moment. i think beyond this, i think the conversation has become serious and larger than who was staffing the president. what s the headline on your next column? doesm bannon go to war with trump? they had a srelationship that oe of them could not have gotten to the white house without the other. if he attacks all of the preserved opponents, will he rip apart the republican party.
he will go out there and wage war, even if the president doesn t. against dean heller, and paul ryan as they go to 2018. he will make the president s life miserable at the same time he is whispering in trump s ear saying keep at it. that is a good issue for you. i think you re seeing the unwinding of the entire pop list movement that doesn t have a end point other than a disaster. it has an end point on what we have seen this tuesday in charlottesville. there is no there there in terms of the pop list agenda. the rest of it is just a hodgepodge of zenophobia, antii m grant, but it is really about the culture wars and about race. donald trump has always been
about that. he was from his days in new york, and he still is. this is what he truly believes in his heart. he doesn t care what his positions are. he wants to be in touch with the vibe that he tapped into which is white resentment. that will continue i think whether bannon is out there or not. i disagree with hew hewitt when he says congress will be applauding, but no. they will have part of the original base that is now not going to turn out for them in november of 2018. not going to support them. they re going to look at a semidisaster. it will not rid them of this nox
sh nox noxious element. thank you, jennifer reuben, we will look for that column. when we come back, we re going to kacamp david. the business of government going forward. we ll talk about that when we come back.
i don t really have a comment on what mr. bannon s remarks were in that particular interview. i think we have been quite clear what the policy and posture toward north korea is. the secretary of state talking about that wide ranging and shocking interview that steve bannon gave. he said he didn t realize he was on the record. joining me now by phone, talking about the developments and steve ban nonbeing gone, so receistev went on to the american prospect website. what follows is the article that likely pushed steve ban non, the architect of his white nationalist messaging out of the white house door. is that what happened here?
it is certainly important. i think his continued service on the white house was not just unpaletteble and impossible for general kelly. how can he have that claim when the senior advisor to the president of the united states is picking up the phone, talking to magazines, reversing american policy on north korea. under mines the secretary of state, and responsible for running, i think, which is widely held knowledge a smear campaign against the national security advisor. we heard two looks at this. one is that it was the president who really could not stand the self grandisement. and that they didn t like the
chaos being caused. needed to stop the fighting, and you can add on to that interview that he gave, is there anything here to you, steve, that is a sign that the president somewhere here recognizes that he needs a reset here. . there is none until it addresses the false moral equivalency between the nazi movement and the people there peacefully protesting. here is what steve bannon represents. this is as close as we have been. there is a trump party, a republican party, and a democratic party. the republican party tried to fuse with the democratic party. all of that has fallen apart.
we increasingly have the leaders that panicked into silence. like bob corker showing moral courage, coming out, talking about his lack of stability. but at any rate, there is fusion between trumpism, the bright bart wing, and the republican party. all of the winks and nods to the racist elements that took place in this disgusting campaign is all out in the open in and out. the republican party cannot survive fused to a nationalist party that counts it s fellow travelers as members of the neo nazi unit and the kkk there are no good cancer cells. no good neo nazis. the republican leaders have a
moral obligation to address the false equivalents. they bear witness to the magnitude of the crimes. so beyond the span of the li lifetimes of those that survived that they tried to understand the mag any due of the human suffering. to that though, steve, this doesn t seem, to me, does it change the equation at all? no, no. it was the president that came out that said finally, and then did that off the cuff press conference when he was not supposed to be answering questions at all and said what he said. this opens a new act in politics. it is a life and death struggle
now for the republican party. steve bannon will go to breitbart, and he will be the chief intellectual and prop beg propgandist. but it is a world view pilled if con fear sis, dark forces working together. the globalist, the insinuations, and now what we know is with the legitimateization of these groups by the president s moral equivalen equivalents, their inspired, they feel they have been mainstreamed and put into the american political debate as a party with legitimate claims. now when they march increasingly, they march with the view that they have been
sanctified by the president of the united states if is an extraordinary moment in american politics and now that alliance, that doing whistle that san francisco frankly in the campaign was a blow foreihorn. when he takes over and seeks to dominate is and silence members into submission. but to a titanic political battle has arrived in america around a fundamental question of american ideals. and whether you re a liberal democrat or conservative republican, you should find common pause standing on the side of american ideals versus the ideals of white supremacists, hate groups, and what we found to be the profound
moral failure. and the false moral equivalency on it s intentions. steve schmidt, thank you as always. we will talk now about what happens at the white house and who will take his place. we ll be right back. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me. it s aleve. finding the best hotel price is whoooo.
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spicer prieks scaramucci now steve bannon gone from the white house. four top advisers to the president gone in five weeks. let s go back to hugh hewitt. what happens now inside that white house? does somebody come in in that position? how does it sort of reorder how things work? i think the president looks to his cabinet very, very quickly. through the agency general kelly organizing the paper flow. but you ve got some extraordinarily talented people in scott pugh wit at the eps and justice is extremely well talented. and you ask for policy proposals to be staffed appropriately. let gary cohn help put together the tax package. you turn to done mcgahn who is the very talented white house counsel. let s hurry up on the judges. and then you go to mitch
mcconnell and paul ryan and have a summit with maybe mike pence and niek airs helping to bring it all together and say let s organize our fall so that we can roll out sws we did the 14 congressional review act. so i m very optimistic of a reset of what a coalition goth and i ve been calling it a coalition government for months. i ve used the analogy before as well. there is the party of president trump which includes a lot of people who are never republicans before. in my home county president obama won 60%. donald trump won 55%. they all swichld over to president trump. i think the party of trump and the party of congressional republicans have frayed in the past month. i think that can be put back together again, and i mentioned for the second time watch in this case airs and mike pence. i think they re going to be the glue that the president is going to ask to help him repair. and the president has always campaigned on the same four or five things. 355 ship navy. that means the repeal of the
budget control acted. he campaigned on a border fence. he s going to get that or the government is going to shut down. and on a big tax cut. and he s going to get that. so there s a potential that september could be very good for the coalition government for both halves of it. really quickly, and i ve only got 15 seconds for you both. do you think, and let s put this in context. we had two three terror attacks in two different countries or potentially one in finland. the president is talking about the longest war right now in american history, the kkk and white supremacists have been walking on the streets of america. more demonstrations planned this weekend. ask this be a reset? i think with donald trump the idea of a reset in any traditional sense is just impossible. there are these massive eruptions and things just seem to settle down until the next eruption. i don t think so 6789 as long as donald trump is president we re going to see more of what we saw on tuesday. thanks to all of you. when we come back, some new information about the american
killed in that attack in spain. thank you so much. thank you! so we re a go? yes! we got a yes! what does that mean for purchasing? purchase. let s do this. got it. book the flights! hai! si! si! ya! ya! ya! what does that mean for us? we can get stuff. what s it mean for shipping? ship the goods. you re a go! you got the green light. that means go! oh, yeah. start saying yes to your company s best ideas. we re gonna hit our launch date! (scream) thank you! goodbye! let us help with money and know-how, so you can get business done. american express open.
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jewelry. he said he needed to go to the bathroom, and that was the last time she saw him. here is what she told reporters in the aftermath of that horrible accident in spain. accident, terror attack. i just ended up further and further away without my husband, and i haven t seen him or heard from him since. and our sympathize obviously go out to the family, the couple from walnut creek, california. let me bring in steve clem mons. we haven t had a chance in the breaking news that has been about obviously the exit of steve bannon to talk about what s been going on in spain. and let me get your take on how we should all be looking at this and what you think the conversation is, because the president right now, although the topic is largely going to be about afghanistan, the president is talking also about isis and what s going on in the world right now.
what does this all mean as we have yet another attack with a van on european soil. thanks, chris. right now we re responding to people and the horror of their deaths and what we ve seen unfold. and it s a story we ve seen many times. we talk a lot about going after terrorists, a lot about tightening up intelligence. one thing we re not tightening enough is terrorists are performers. actually likes what they re seeing happen. they see this horror that we see as somehow justice department by some grievance they have. we re not bringing those audiences back to our side yet. just going out to kill terrorists is part of the equation. when president trump met the sawed i didn t see they promised to basically spend a lot more on kaurnt terror messaging. i m not seeing it. steve, thank you very much. sorry our time was cut so short.

Decision , Thought , Whether , Men , Two , President , Administration , Life , It , John-kelly , News , Steve-bannon

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170818 00:00:00

presented with another opportunity to be presidential and he chose to offer a factually inaccurate tweet. at least 13 people are dead after a van deliberately swerved on to a pedestrian mall in a popular tourist district. two people have been arrested. isis has claimed responsibility and there s police activity in a town south of bars locelonbarce. spanish police are calling it a raid. we ll bring you details as they become available. today president first tweeted his he condemnation of the attack and offered help. then minutes later, there was this. study what general pershing of the united states did to terrorist when s caught. there was no more radical islamic terror for 35 years. to study that, you ll have to go into your spam folder and find the e-mail forward from your
many bloomberg reports the president is abandoning plans for an advisory council on infrastructure after two others disbanded yesterday. meanwhile in congress, momentum is growing for a formal resolution. a move that just got strong from the editorial board of the usa today which is not known for taking controversial political stands. telling republicans, put your votes where your tweets are. something certainly does seem to be shifting among gop lawmakers with two high profile senators expressing deep concerns about the president and doing on it camera. started erasing the comments that were strong. what we want to see the moral authority. it is compromised when tuesday happens. we should all call that on the carpet. the president has not yet
been able to demonstrate the stability that he needs to demonstrate to be successful. he also has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation. without the things that i just mentioned happening, our nation will go through great peril. steve schmidt is now an msnbc analyst. today he fweetweeted he. thanks for being here. explain your thinking on censuring the president. it is very important when they re shouting anti-semitic slogans, marching adolf hitler s nail in the 1930s, convenient
rating the most evil regime in all of history, that let loose horrors and human suffering on a scale that beggers the imagination. for an american president to equivocate on the denunciation of that evil is a profound moral failure. the false equivalency is an obligation upon political leaders to fix it, to address it. each generation as we move to the end of the life span of the survivors of the death car. s, the men who stormed beaches in normandy, each generation who willley 100 years from now, we have an obligation to bear witness to the magnitude of these crimes. the prop suspicion steve bannon has on the table is this.
he wants to move the republican party away from its legacy of abraham lincoln and eisenhower and reagan and teddy roosevelt and infuse with it white nationalist who s have a common cause with neo-nazis. that s his vision for a new coalition. and he is very willing, he hates the democratic party so much, to tear at the fabric of this country and to do real damage to it for the next mid-term election. it is a cynical a strategy as we ve ever seen coming out of white house. it is despicable, shameful, and republicans should react to protect the dignity and the legacy of the republican party. the neo-nazis there are drawing vociferous condemnation because it is so egregious. what the marchers were there to
do was to convenient rate rob e. lee. and you have this debate across the country about that. and republicans are not against the idea of having these statues up. does republican party have to reckon more fully the fact it did take in these southern conservative who s do conveniere it. it was the party of the north and the west. hit become nation s southern political party. now trump is celebrating and venerating the confederacy. when you look at the problem in 2017, the challenges we face as we move into the third decade of the 21 century, why do we want to refight the civil war is
beyond me. if you choose to refight it, certainly would you want to be on the side of the union. not the side of the confederacy. not the slave he will pier. the republican side really quick will, south carolina senators have come out refwoobu the presidentful will a krenls you are pass? i think this is an enormous inflection point. he dmeemonstrates a level of unfitness every day, sometimes several times within a day. the congress is on recess. they ll be hearing it at home. our military leaders have delivered a powerful rebuke. and i think that republicans in the congress are also called on in this moment the deliver a powerful rebuke to show the president that they are a co-equal branch of government. and that his moral failure
guilt. donald trump went after the central park teenagers. he was very well known for taking pout full page ad. and this is with a he said when he was asked. of course i hate these people. and let s all hate these people. maybe shat what we need to get something done. it is inqulebl a report he asks me whether or not i have compassion for the people that did this crime. no compassion. do you see some hypocrisy in republicans saying they didn t thing guy? the time for republicans to stand up was in 2015 and 2016 and they did not. the stench of donald trump s lifelong racism will stick to him for a long time. we want to have good debates. trump s race six on full display in the story about general jack
black pershing. donald trump just loves that there was violence against impeachment people. you smng general pershing sat down with those people and he read with them from the koran. yeah. as if people could see that, this is donald trump talking about president barack obama s birth certificate in 2012. take a listen. if the state of hawaii says this is official efrgs born in hawaii on this date, here it is, why do you deny that in. a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. his mother was not in the hospital. there were oom things that came out. if you would report it
accurately, i think you would get better ratings than you re getting which are pretty small. is there any way, any adult who has been sentient, can claim they do not know donald trump s racial attitudes? i don t understand this at all. i don t know. just look at the policies. the transgender ban in the military. the muslim ban. the doj. look at the department of justice how they reversed core on the war on drugs. this guy has made it very, very clear. that s not an analogy, my friend. that s not how analogies work. analogies have to have a point of reference. not only is this a mythology but there s no point of reference to make it an analogy.
they live in this world of mythology. there are too many support here s are more than happy to live and breathe in that world. and do you get the sense that he is clinging to this base because he thinks he needs them? or because he agrees with them? well, he does both of those. i think there s something deeper going. on i ve said for more than two years now, if donald could create the circumstances that would allow him to suspend the constitution, formally or informally, and become dictator, he would do so. one thing that s very clear, that donald trump cannot get military to back him to take order this country. that s the only good news in this. donald trump, we have not seen the worst of this. his racism is becoming more and more evident. he is retreating into the evil
inside himself. it was evident to all of us who know him well. this is not as bad as it is going to get. senator corker is right. he is putting the nation in great peril. you have private fury, lots of people tweeting against nazis fast that s a high bar to clear. it s political coward ice. i don t understand this. are they holding out for tax cuts? for repealing of i don t understand what the political strategy is. in not addressing this. unless they actually believe he the core of the base of the republican party is the core of trump. and the core of trump
supporters. many mitch mcconnell has been fwakd this president and when this president stoop ed to his lowest point. obviously he has the power in the senate but i don t understand the lack of courage. history will judge. thank you. appreciate you both. we re following breaking news at this hour. a second terrorist attack in a town called cambrils south of the site of the earlier attack in barcelona where van careened down a busy street. two people were in custody but the driver is still at large. the latest from barcelona.
tell us what you know. claudio? tell us what you know. reporter: well, the town of cambrils is about two hours drive south of barcelona. this comes from a tweet from catalonia. barcelona is the capital. they are working on the hypothesis, the police responded to a terrorist attack. they said that they have killed the alleged attackers while the emergency services only said they neutralized him. it is unclear if this was related to the killing of at leaf 13 people today that were rammed by white van here if barcelona but of course it is a strong possibility, especially considering the driver of that van was still on the loose.
and we know there was an isis claim for the barcelona attack. is there any chatter that it was involved in a second incident? not yet. i think they re trying to make sure that all the people responsible are brought to justice or neutralized in this case. the fact there is a police investigation following another terrorist attack, we ll know more of course as time goes on. it means the peril, the danger is not over yet. so i think they will make sure the towns in spain are secure before they evaluate the claim from isis, joy. all right. claudio, thank you vex for that update. appreciate it. when we come back, the interview
trump s brain didn t want you to hear. he is reviewing his reaction to the nationalists who gathered in charlottesville. hey, is this our turn? honey.our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we ll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru outback models. now through august 31. and life s beautiful moments.ns get between you flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. it helps block 6 key inflammatory substances
that cause symptoms. pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. flonase changes everything. steve bannon is taking heat. despite running the immediate business, bannon claims he didn t realize the reporter would publish the conversation. one of his colleagues said since steve apparently enjoys casually undermining u.s. national security, i ll put this in terms
he ll understand. this is defcon level bad. he rejected the president s hawkish stance on north korea saying there s no military solution the north korea s nuclear threats. forget it. he was candid about his feuds, specially on china. that s a foyt i fight every day. there s treasury and economic chair gary cohn and goldman sachs lobbying. i m changing out people at east asian defense. i m getting susan thornton out of state. pointedly smiling and shaking hands with her ahead of a meeting with japanese officials. two reporters who have been covering all the ins and outs of the trump white house, and hunter walker, join me now.
bannon is either in, out, up, he s down. after the interview in which he contradicted the official line on north korea. where does he stand with the president? ever since general kelly has come in as chief of staff for president trump, it has been made clear to me and other reporters that he s closely evaluating each senior official and their role. and bannon is included in that group. bannon has a rapport with the president and he has a relationship with kelly. they re both military men. haskelly met with him? i ll told that bannon has been in touch with president trump, with kelly and others. there are frustrations about the interview with the american prospect with the candor he used to talk about the administration. i can imagine. let s listen to the new york
congressman pete king. this is what he had to say. i think it is important for the president to fire steve bannon. he was saying he hopes the democrats use race as an issue, that s a win for republicans. that can t be allowed. he is undercutting the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, the head of the security council on north korea, his time in the white house should be over. and you were there is as elane chao was uncomfortable stlang next to donald trump as he went on that rant, supporting the people who marched in charlottesville. does this make him too tox ib to work for? have we expect to see bannon retired over it?
i think you saw after that wild press conference was transportation secretary chao and gary cohn, the president s top economic adviser, attempted to hold a press conference about infrastructure. and i felt it was important to keep pressing the question about neo-nazises who expressed their support for the president. what was really interesting, gary cohen has discussed it and appalled, did not answer at all when i asked him if he had trouble with those comments. steve bannon did address the issue in that blockbuster interview. he did say they were clowns. and i have talked to those people. they ve said while they don t see bannon being white national. is, that the rhetoric, the hard line on immigration, the economic nationalism is
something white nationalists can support. and thank you for correct megaon that, secretary chao. this is what bannon seemed to indicate that more incidents like charlottesville, where does this connect with the american people with their history, culture and traditions? the race-identity policies of the left wants to say it s all racist. just give me more tear down more statues. say the revolution is coming. i can t get enough of it. a comment like that where he seems to say that charlottesville good for business. how does that play inside the white house? inside the west wing? there are some deep concerns about this racial theme that s popping up. not only from steve bannon s
comments but trump. seeing you oh, that s just political correctness but they re saying this is unsettling to them. and no plans to resign among jewish members of his team, people of color? you don t hear any indications that people are appalled enough to quit? i can confirm that many of gary cohn s friends on wall street, people who associated with him at goldman sachs and elsewhere, have couldn t tacted him, urging him to step aside for the good of his reputation, the good of the country. he is resisting even though he has been very alarmed by president trump s comments. he believes he can do something on tax reform or even become cheryl. federal reserve. that s interesting. what about the trump children? they seem tobl awfully quiet and
both practice the jewish faithful any read on their reaction to their father s, i don t know, the sweet spot for people who protest with nazis? well, as robert was saying, a lot of people in and around the administration are doing that old washington parlor trick. where they privately express concern and just how upset they are while still showing up to work the next day. jared and ivanka are not even doing that. i have tried to reach out to their spokespeople, to people close to them and it is utter silence. they had been positioned as liberal voices. and jared and ivanka are practicing jews. coming up, the man known as russia s favorite congressman meets with julian assange. he says he has a men for donald trump. do you think robert mueller may want to know what s going on here?
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been warned by the fbi russian spies were trying to retruth him to which he said this. russian intelligence has been after me since i was a teenager. it is kind of insulting that the fbi thought they had to warn me. which makes it more curious that after meeting with assange for three hours in london, the congressman said, assange reafirld his aggressive depend the russians had anything to do with the hacking of the dnc during the election. he has given us a lot of information. he said there s more to come. but now an fbi witness, known only by his online alias professor, turned himself in.
i don t know had a will happen. it won t be pleasant but i ll still alive. you were ordered to resign by trump. and a former double fbi agent and author of how to catch a russian spy. on the question of the meeting with julie yandle assange, if you were on robert mueller s team works that prompt you to want to interview him? maybe. my resacks he is way out of his lane here. he is really only the executive branch through department of justice that should be negotiating with people. discussing immunity with people. so to be engaging in a three-hour meeting is incredibly inappropriate.
when dennis rodman goes to zmouk visits with kim jong-un. a new complaint was filed alleging that they violated the magazine nowitzki whakt they tried to get the general prosecutor removed from u.s. sanctions. that s bill browder who of course prompted that. does it strike you as odd that this congressman would undertake to clear julian assange in the russian hacking? his motivations are really unclear. i don t know what they are. but he does seem to be interfering. if write robert mueller, i might want to meet with him to tell him to knock it off. he deemed wikileaks to be a hostile intelligence actor. what would be julian assange s motivation in meeting with the
congressman? he cannot get him immunity, i cannot get him out of the hole where he s hiding. what would be his motive of thaeg meeting? with a right wing blogger. i have to theorize. assange has a great affinity for the russians and for putin himself. and there s a report that said assange did not want to take anti-russian leaks and put them out on wikileaks and wikileaks is quite upset about that. so this is something where assange was trying to curry favor with the russians. else incredibly egotistical. so this could be something to get him back in the limelight. he is certainly worried. i think he is just grasping at relevancy. do you think that now the fbi
had the hacker coordinating and talking to them, who will probably tell a different story than julian assange, does that get us close to a conclusion in the russiagate affair? counter intelligence resolves itself with a conviction and a trial. it seeks to both identify and neutralize a threat. if we ve identified someone involved and taken them off the market, off the stage, that will be a win. to answer your question, i m not sure that we ll see something publicly mere will resolve itself. that doesn t mean for counter intelligence he operations standpoint that we aren t winning this battle. a similar question. can you see where we do get
counter intelligence victory that we may or may not think about. that it will be more along the lines of routine garden variety corruption and those kinds. it could be we never hear about the outcome. it could be that it is that you one tool. there are a lot of things that can be done to neutralize threats. in addition jeff sessions said in april that they were working criminal charges against assange. it may be a desperation attempt to try to get himself, curry favor and see if he can shortcut that outcome. one of the other things that came out of meeting was assange saying he would like wikileaks to have a seat in the briefing room. according to trump, the u.s. is
his home. the absurdity, at the end of the day, whether it is snowden or assange, what bothers me is that he hides thunder broad definition of a journalist. quef to say that this is not stealing. we should take him and prosecute him. hear, hear. appreciate your time. coming up, the unprecedented brawl between the 45th president and his own party in the week of charlottesville. and the president of the united states as defender secessionist monuments.
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horrors fts removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. as he condemns removing monuments of those who fought to preserve slavery. remember, trump wasn t always nostalgic. he demolished a building built in 1929. it included two historic art deck loe sculptures wanted by the metropolitan muse he ll of art. he destroyed them to avoid holding up his demolition schedule. you were recently the object of a lot of controversy. you ordered destroyed sculptures on the building that you bought. the building was not worth, as a building or an art decco building, they were not valuable. and they ve proven to not be valuable art structures. we ve had he appraisals done and
they trnld out not to be very valuable. that was contradicted by these know something about artistic value. the rare statues were sought with enthusiasm by the metropolitan muse he um of art. adding they were just jack hammered in half and pulled down in such a way that they shattered. it was just tragic. while trump demolished those structures to build trump tower, he also invented a fake monument for another project and that s thing would in 60 seconds. this i gotta try weekenders. then we ve got the bendy. . spendy weekenders. the tranquility awaits. hanging with our mates weekenders and the it s been quite a day. .so glad we got away weekenders. whatever kind of weekender you are,
there s a hilton for you. book your weekend break direct at and join the weekenders. four seconds on the clock, championship on the line. erin the sharpshooter shanahan fakes left. she s outside of the key, she shoots. .she scores! uh. yes, erin, it is great time to score a deal. we need to make room for the 2018 models. relive the thrill of beating the clock. the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 apr bonus and 0% apr for 60 months on a new 2017 jetta or passat. so the new york times reported in 2015 on this monument which sits on donald trump s virginia golf course. to the flagpole and the pedestal overlooking the potomac with a plaque reading many great american soldiers both of the north and the south died at this
spot. the casualties were so great that the water would turn red and thus became known as the river of blood. the times spoke to historians and there was no such battle. no way. nothing like that ever happened there. the executive director of the preservation group dedicated to that section of virginia. the river of blood, he added. nope. not there. two other historians agreed that assessment but trump pushed back with well, alternative facts. that was a prime site for river crossings so if people are crossing the river and you happen to be in a civil war, i would say that people were shot. a lot of them. how would they know that, trump asked? when told local historians called it a fiction. were they there? r visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don t get too comfortable. we re talking to you, cost inefficiencies
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supremacists but against senators miss the own party for daring to criticize him. tweeting this, great to see that dr. kelli ward is running against flake jeff flake who is weak on borders, crime and a nonfactor in senate. he s toxic. the president he slammed lindsey graham saying publicity seeking lindsey graham falsely stated that i said there was a moral equivalency between the kkk, neo-nazis and white supremacists. he noted that trump s response is drawing praise from racist and hate-filled individuals and asking him, for the sake of our nation, as our president, please fix this. history is watching this all. how will history view trump and the party? i love you, basement guest bathroom.
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president, former senior adviser on policy has been talking with several of them today. he joins me now, as does msnbc contributor charlie sykes. lonnie, how are republicans on the hill feeling now that they have under attack by donald trump and donald trump is under attack by basically the entire world except for the white nationalists. i think there s no question they look at this situation and wonder how did we get here. how did we get into a situation with a republican president, republicans controlling both houses of congress nothing has gotten done and all we have left is a circling firing squad. i think there s deep disappointment. there s questions about the fall agenda, whether the senate republicans and the house republicans and the president can work together to do tax reform, infrastructure. and the reality is that a lot of the members are only sticking to the president to the extent that they think he can be helpful in advancing an agenda.
in fact it s unclear that he can be helpful at all. when longly started talking i thought he was going to say they re incredibly depressed that the party is associated with neo-nazis. is it depressing to you that what republicans are upset about is that they can t pass their tax reform agenda and not that the party is associated with hate. there s something deeply wrong with this man, donald trump. and i think this is dawning on a lot of republicans who have been in denial or figured out that this bargain was going to work out for them. this is a hell of a strategy when you think about what is happening. the number of republican senators he has insulted, he s attacked, he s threatened to primary, he s bullied. so what you re seeking is the senate is turning into a hostile place for him. at the very time, though, when he s toxifying the republican party. this is an existential threat to the republican party, a moral,
political defining moment for the party. but anyone who is actually surprised that we ve gotten here, this question of how did we get here, well, who did you think you were getting? were you not paying attention in 2015 and 2016? did you honestly think that donald trump was going to be somebody other than the man that he made it very clear that he was? so no, you actually have political challenge, policy challenge. but this fundamental moral choosing. and i think that the main question that a lot of these guys have to ask themselves is they may agree with donald trump on the policy but is it worth it? i know that paul ryan wants tax cuts but is it worth it to look the other way when he s aligning himself with neo-nazis and white nationalists. if there s a line he s cross it. what s their line. it doesn t sound like they ve made that calculation. sounds like they think it s wort it. there s a new cbs poll out talking about the handling of sar lotsville. do you approve of donald trump s
handling of it. total it s 33%. among republicans it s 67% are the republicans looking at this is trump describing the blame accurately. are these republicans making the calculation that the base is with trump and that they therefore no matter what they have to be with trump? i think that that is part of the calculous. but look, one thing the president has made clear is that no republican is safe. i mean you look at someone like jeff flake as a perfect example. jeff flake is no fan of donald trump. u at the end of the day jeff flake is supportive of the trump agenda in congress. and jeff flake was the target of this crazed twitter attack against a fellow republican. so obviously no republican can feel safe. and i think that is something that enters into the calculous as well now that even though they know that donald trump is still doing relatively well in polls with the republican base, the question becomes at what
point can i get turned on by this president. at what point am i no longer safe? and i think that s the question they re starting to ask. yes, i think it is a matter of raw politics at this point which is a little sad given the circumstances and given the fact that i do think charlie has a point. this is a moment of choosing for republicans. and charlie, you have been candid and written a book about what the right did to itself in terms of talk radio. you know, there s a lot of news out, there s a potential for john kasich or someone else to primary donald trump. given that the base of the party has been fed for so many decades on white grievance, that they do believe it is wrong and unfair to take down confederate statues, at least the majority think trump is right about that. would a primary against him even succeed? i think to be honest with you, it s highly unlikely. look. that candid on the record interview that steve bannon gave was really very, very revealing. he basically made it clear that
they were relishing this fight over race. they were relishing the fight over the statues. tear down for statues. other presidents may have played upon racial grievance and racial divisions but no one quite this overtly. and i think right now donald trump and steve bannon see this racial divisiveness as something that will indear him to his base. solidify the base. and as long as the base is with him, other republicans are reluctant to break and it s difficult to beat him in a primary. that s where we are here. with the conservative media echo chamber right now, this is all about left wing violence, the attempt to take down the president of the united states. and it s all about these statues. by the way, it is not about statues. look at the posters of this quite the right nazi rally. it is not about robert e. lee. it s about a lot more than that. and donald trump got the same percentage of the white vote as

People , Opportunity , Tweet , Van , Tourist-district , Pedestrian-mall , 13 , Responsibility , Police-activity , Town-south-of-bars-locelonbarce , Isis , Two