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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170608

i think the tradition is that you sign at the end of the tenure, so i expect i will be signing this. [laughter] it is time for the cmt music awards. ainsley: does that remind you of an ex? i still think rabbit you. steve: i ve been married 30 years. there s a lot of territory between me and an ex. ainsley: i never dated a brian. i didn t. did you ever date an ainsley? brian: i never went to school with an ainsley. did you? steve: she s my first. ainsley: let s talk about the news of the day. james comey will be in front of committee today. can we put up the statement? steve: here is exactly what he said. the president says vindicated, eager to continue to move forward with the agenda. so what is he talking about? take a look at the cover of the new york post today because it s all about the comey show. fbi director told the president that he wasn t under investigation and did that three times. that s what president trump said. he said james comey told me three times i was not being personally investigated although there were some other news reports out over the last 48 hours or so that he would refute that, not true. the president was right and that s why he feels vindicated. brien: the other stuff was accurate that leaked out prior to comey surrogates where obviously let those memos out. he did take notes after their meeting. they are going to be obviously front and center. he has coordinated with mueller who is doing the overall probe to make sure he s not going to say things that ll mess up the investigation. what s good for president trump, three times he asked for and verbally got, there s no investigation, he said, yeah. there s no investigation here. i would like you to tell people that and to me knowing president trump as well as you can as not being a member of the family, that s totally trumpian. he s trying to say, i m trying to get my agenda forward. behind the scenes in washington it s not moving because of this russian probe. since you re not investigating me people like paul manafort, carter, i can t remember his last name, carter page. mike flynn is no longer here. can you push this to the side and exonerate me so i can do health care. ainsley: that s why in the phone calls, i have the dates written down. on one of the phone calls that he had with comey it was on march 30th he said can we what can we do to lift the cloud, the russia investigation because he wants the cloud lift sod that republicans can go on and do the job that they were elected to do. steve: headline all over the place is that the president asked mr. comey, are you going to be a loyal guy. keep in mind mr. comey had been appointed fbi director by barack obama and barack obama had a bunch of people who were trying to blow up mr. trump as he came into the presidency. also if you re a ceo or leader, that s what you want your team to be, a bunch of people who are loyal to the team and, in fact, we have heard he asked many other members of the cabinet, that cory lewandowsky who is campaign manager explained loyalty this way. what the president asked for was loyalty to the country and loyalty to make sure that the american people had the justice system that they want. that s not unheard of. that s not uncalled for and what the president asked for is a president elect was to develop a rapport with the incoming fbi director. you read the statement that the fbi director made what he said in entire tenure he had two conversations with barack obama when he was the president of the united states, one to simply say good-bye and in the time that president trump has taken office from the time he was president elect till the time jim comey was fired for not performing his job well, he had nine separate conversations with the president and multiple meetings. the difference is this president is hands on and wants to make sure we had the best justice department available and relieve a person from duty who is no longer capable of running the fbi. brian: he puts things out there and backs off. he didn t say he felt pressure but did say the president on one to one interview said i want loyalty and i would like loyalty and i would like you to leave mike flynn alone. there s a problem with one thing. steve: mike flynn just got fired. he wasn t asking him to stop the investigation. that would have been obstruction of justice. brian: so what he did say that did not make and if you did feel the pressure, if you did feel it was overline you tell the attorney general. i didn t tell the attorney general because he was going to recuse himself and the acting director was acting director. that does not add up. it was two weeks down the line after he had this one-on-one with the president where it turned out that sergey kislyak meeting. that doesn t add up. nobody had any idea that ainsley: here is the thing about the loyalty thing. we can all interpret it differently. they were the only people in the room. we are going to hear testimony today. we would like to her from the president what he meant by loyalty but i could have taken as they are talking about the leakers and, of course, the president wants leakers. we want people within our administration to be loyal. steve: right, exactly. the intel director and nsa boss were on the hot seat essentially because you had republicans an democrats trying to get to the bottom, did the president try to exert influence over you to get you to stop anything and they made it very clear, they were never pressured to intervene in the russia investigation which throws water, cold water on the report that is donald trump was trying to squeeze these guys to stop it. here we have an interchange. look, donald trump didn t do anything wrong. the other voice is senator mark warner of virginia. to the best of my recollection, i have never been directed to do anything i believed to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate and to the best of my recollection, during that same period of service, i do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so. i have never been pressured. i have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in anyway with shaping intelligence in a political way. you may not have felt pressure but if he s even asking, to me that s a relevant piece of information. brian: that s it. he didn t feel pressure but when it came to asking coats, rogers who i never heard rogers was ever asked or even rumored but when it came to coats and when it came to deputy attorney general, the question was did you did he ever come up to you and say, can you telecomy to back off here, they would not say they would not say that those conversations did not take place. and in coats case he said i will tell you behind closed doors. that was the issue. you could tell me tomorrow, you could say, do me a favor, come in early and i need you to come in early and do do it from now. if he pulled you to the side and come in early and do the team, the answer would be yes, they don t want to say yes. steve: mr. coats and i get this, look, i just don t want to talk about private conversations i had with the president of the united states in public. i will tell you in private but not in public. we never felt pressured, case close. brian: no, the question is did he ask you and they would not answer the question and that brought the whole thing out and allows something going on that we don t know. i think they have a better answer to that? ainsley: do all the details have to really mattered? brian: yes or no, did he pull you aside and even marco rubio ainsley: what s wrong with them pulling them aside? they wouldn t answer, i don t know. ainsley: he s very hands on. brian: they wouldn t admit that the president pulled them aside behind closed doors and do me a favor and put pressure or not put pressure, talk to comey about exonerating. ainsley: even if they did pull them aside, i guess the president did pull them aside but they didn t feel pressured no matter what they talked about they didn t feel pressure. brian: did he or not pull you aside? they chose not to answer the question. ainsley: even if it said yes or no, would that change anything? brian: the president pulls out the nsa director, do me a favor, pressure somebody else in justice, that s what democrats and some republicans were getting at. ainsley: let us know what you think. steve: 6:11 in new york city and jillian joins us with the news. jillian: that s right, i don t want you ever questioning me ever. good morning to you guys. to you at home as well. we do begin with fox news alert, terror attack outside the u.s. embassy in ukraine while you were sleeping attacker throwing explosive device over compound fence in keiv, suspect not caught. we just got hands on dramatic new video terrorist in london stabbing man. it s pretty graphic, the three terrorists seem stabbing an innocent man walking down the street within second armed cops storm in and open fire killing the extremists, eight people killed, 48 others injured in the massacre. security taking center stage as voters in britain take to the polls. prime minister theresa may fighting a closer battle than expected against front runner jeremy corbyn. tensions boiling point with north korea as the rogue nation launches four new test missiles. u.s. officials say the rockets do not pose a threat to americans. the launch comes a day after south korea s new president suspended installment of u.s. antimissile system. the south korean regime caving in to china and we realize that america is no longer the protector it was. this is a big shift. fourth missile test in a month and comes less than a week after the un security council imposed new sanctions. a look at your headlines this morning, guys, we will keep you updated on the stories. ainsley: thank you. steve: straight ahead on this thursday, president trump talking tough on obamacare. obamacare is dead. steve: do americans agree that it s dead. brand-new dials you will only see here in lee carter. brian: illegals are going to be let loose because the system is unfair to the poor, seriously? ainsley: here is luke bryant and jason durelo. steve: jason durelo. dynamic performance, so you can own the road. track-tuned handling, so you can conquer corners. aggressive-styling, so you can break away from everyone else. experience the exhilaration of the bold lexus is. experience amazing. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. and my brother ray and i started searching for answers. (vo) when it s time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star. because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with mom s changing needs. (woman) because dad made us promise we d keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide. steve: president trump touting new plans for infrastructure and health care. how did his message resinate with the folks, lee carter is president with maslansky + partners. welcome to the living room. lee: great to be here. amazing. steve: the president was in cincinnati, you poll tested the first sound bite. here is how the president is talking about obamacare, folks, is dead. obamacare is in a total death spiral and the problems will only get worse if congress fails to act. obamacare is dead, the house of representatives has done its job. it sent a plan to the senate and the senate is working it over because we are having no help, it s only obstruction from the democrats. the democrats are destroying health care in this country. steve: all right, lee, republicans gave an a plus, independence a c an democrats an f. what i find most interesting about this that the health care debate, independent are more favorable towards obamacare, 20 points higher than they were when the president took office. steve: why is that? lee: part of the reason the republicans haven t said what s in it and democrats are saying 24 million will lose health care. steve: one of the other things the president said yesterday, look, we are a nation of builders, let s build something. watch. it s time to recapture our legacy as nation of builders, commerce, an discovery and we are going to see all the way into the future and the future is going to be beautiful and the future is going to be bright. steve: independent like that. lee: they sure did, even democrats gave it a c. this is the message where donald trump shines, he was elected on messages like this. america first, we are going to make america great again. this is a great message. steve: another sound bite from the president in cincinnati, folks, let s get busy. it s time that we now start looking for our interest in the united states. [applause] no longer will we sacrifice american jobs, factories and wealth. the theft of american prosperity has come to a screeching halt, folks. and a new era of american greatness is about to begin and you see it, it s already beginning. steve: look at that. lee: a my news with republicans, b plus with independent and c minus with democrats. candidate trump, the one that went to ohio, exactly what he was like, that president trump is so popular and even democrats are willing to listen to him and he needs to be out with the people spreading his message.ger that had way. you pretty much think they are backing a moving van in the white house. lee: pretty much. great to be here. steve: coming up on the thursday james comey confirms president trump is not under investigation three times but that s not what you re going to hear from the mainstream media. there s a lot of smoke and there are a lot of alarm bells. steve: so what s the reality, we are going to debate it with lisa bloom and adrienne ed elrod. standby, ladies. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. what s the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. but we ve got the get tdigital tools to help. now with xfinity s my account, you can figure things out easily, so you won t even have to call us. change your wifi password to something you can actually remember, instantly. add that premium channel, and watch the show everyone s talking about, tonight. and the bill you need to pay? do it in seconds. because we should fit into your life, not the other way around. go to ainsley: quick headlines for you. lawyers for gitmo detainees are sueing and they want doctors to provide information to polish officials who are investigating a former cia in that country, the torture, a facilitator for al-qaeda. and two senators want a major media festival moved out of texas to protest the state s sanctuary city s ban. democrats bob me nend es and cortez, they don t even represent the lone star state. rules, the new rules against immigrant sanctuary goes into effect in september, the ceo by south by southwest festival has no plans to move. brain he just doesn t listen. i m going the tell you, there s a lot of smoke and a lot of alarm bells. this is a code red situation for the trump presidency and emergency situation that s not going to go away and therefore it s a code red situation in the country. brian: i guess it s a code red situation. why the disconnect, here to debate former strategic for hillary clinton and gop strategists lisa boothe and fox news contributor. [laughter] brian: adrienne what do you take from media coverage yesterday? mike flynn is still under investigation, officials from his campaign are still under investigation and robert mueller, special counsel robert mueller is still very much looking into donald trump and what kind of collusion he may have had with russia. i hope we will get more answers today with mr. comey s testimony. brian: right, but with president trump wants to get stuff done and feels that inside washington, you guys will know better, there s a cloud holding back his agenda. he said release me and continue the investigation. is that what you walked away with? well, yeah. and the former fbi director james comey also stated in his written testimony both three times that the president himself is not under investigation and also that this is a counterintelligence investigation as opposed to a criminal investigation. that being said, i don t think the president has helped himself in a lot of conversations, he probably he shouldn t have had in the beginning although liberal law professor like jonathan had said that it does not amount to obstruction of justice but i do think there s a danger here for the media as well as democrats who are really overplaying their hand. you look at the harvard harris poll and the majority of americans believe there are fake news out there. there was buzzfeed article not too long ago about democrats on background talking to this reporter about concerns that they are overplaying their hand regarding the russia investigation. do i think there s a danger for the democratic party to really overreach particularly when you have senator dianne feinstein and even representative like maxine waters who has pushed conspiracy theories saying on record that there s no evidence of collusion. brien: having said that to bring, we don t indict on people for foolish, you shouldn t have been doing that. what do you expect to hear today, if i was to give you an opportunity to ask a couple of questions after reading what comey said? well, first of all, i would want to know what sort of pressure mr. comey felt that donald trump was giving him and all the meetings that they had. donald trump met with mr. comey nine times and several conversations were one-on-one with mr. comey which is something that i would certainly not want to put myself in if i was the president of the united states. so what we want to know from mr. comey what sort of pressure did he feel from the pressure, did he feel any pressured tactics that made him feel that he had to do any sort of how to do anything to influence the investigation. brian: i can tell you by your tone, you re look a lot of democrats i m not too pleased with him either. real quick, what would you ask? i would like to get clarity over written testimony and third testimony when he never felt politically pressured to not investigate or felt political pressure in this investigation. so i would like to get clarity around those comments and i would like to hear about the leak that is we have been seeing that undermine national security as well. brian: somebody was calling the new york times, man, it s unbelievable. it s like the intelligence agencies have turned on this white house. adrián, lisa, thanks so much. thank you. brian: apesly takes a behind the scenes of the vice president s office and she brought her camera. how did you get from indiana to now here? brian: his answer about his american dream will make you proud to be an mesh one day after his birthday and remember the texas democrat who went on a hunger strike for three days to support illegals, now she s in trouble with the law. but first on a different note, happy birthday to first lady laura bush, she s 92 year s old today, everyone if you see her, give her a hug. wise man, i m nervous about things i can t control. affecting my good credit score. i see you ve planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek. lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it s completely free for everyone. it s free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don t know. aw, i thought you did. i don t know either. either way it s free for everyone. cool. what s in your wallet? you wouldn t believe what s in this kiester. a farmer s market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. at angie s list, we believe there are certain things you can count on, like what goes down doesn t always come back up. [ toilet flushes ] so when you need a plumber, you can count on us to help you find the right person for the job. discover all the ways we can help at angie s list. listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don t get too comfortable. we re talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. ostriches don t really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america s tractor for just 99 dollars a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. brian: i ve never really screwed up a birthday before [laughter] ainsley: you almost got it right. brian: i said laura bush, sorry, first lady, that was november 4th. i should have said barbara bush s birthday is today steve: and she is 92. laura bush is 70. brian: i will make one mistake a show, so i got that out of the way. ainsley: happy birthday, mrs. barbara bush. brian: meanwhile, last week ainsley got a sit-down with vice president pence. she says they discussed current events as well as what it means to be vice president. for example president donald trump is a man of his word. literally, he gets up every day and turns his face like flint against the wind [laughter] and says what are we going to do today to make america safe again, to make america prosperous again, to make america great again. and it s the greatest honor of my life to be vice president to president donald trump. brian: when you look at that, it looks like a different room. it s not in the white house, it s next door in the eisenhower executive office right next door to the white house, and that s where the interview was. ainsley: huge building, it s a french-style building. the vice president was so kind to show me around what has been the vice president s ceremonial office since the 1960s. take a look. this is the ceremonial office of the vice president. in the executive office building. i have an office here, i have an office in the west wing where i spend a considerable amount of time. but i also have an office in the senate and an office off the house of representatives. ainsley: so where do you do most of your work? in between floors. [laughter] ainsley: this desk, very special. it s one of four desks that spent time in the oval office. gives it great distinction. but what s special about it, the tradition started many years ago of vice presidents signing the inside of the desk. and so you have everyone from harry truman to joe biden to al gore to dick cheney be, walter mondale. ainsley: dick cheney wrote with a sharpie, but joe biden, it s engraved in there. when do you sign it, do you sign it now or wait? i think the tradition is that you sign it at the end of your tenure. i expect i ll be signing this drawer in seven and a half years. ainsley: your son is a marine. what does freedom, the flag, our country, what does it mean to you? well, i never fail to remember that whatever the challenges of being in public life, we all have the second hardest job. we re only able to serve here because men and women at this very hour are wearing the uniform of the united states and defending our freedom and making it possible. i add to that list the brave men and women of law enforcement, first responders across this country. what i try and do every single day is live up to the courage and the standard that they ve demonstrated in their lives. ainsley: wow. what a view. washington monument. the white house. you know, it s amazing when you think about it that every president since our second president has lived in that home. ainsley: i know. the history. remarkable. ainsley: presidents who are no longer with us walked these halls. it s unbelievable. how did you get from indiana to now you re here? well, that s america, isn t it? small town kid, grew up with a cornfield in my backyard. president john f. kennedy was a hero of my youth as was dr. martin luther king jr. i just got it in my head early on that maybe someday i could come to washington washington, d.c. and serve like they did. studied hard, i prayed hard and here, i say with great humility, here i stand the vice president of the united states. it s, to be the grandson of an immigrant, my grandfather grew up in ireland and immigrated to this country when he was about my son s age. i was just reflecting this week on the inauguration. i couldn t help but think on that day grandpa was looking down from glory and thinking he was right. not right about me, he was right about america. america is the place where anybody can be anybody, even a small town kid from southern indiana who grew up with a dream. ainsley: the sacrifices a parent make. his grandfather came here, doesn t know a soul, came here from ireland, and now his grand grandson is vice president of the united states of america. brian: the american dream. ainsley: it is. our first lady speaks five languages. brian: and it s so cool to see that building on the inside, because it is so much more the white house is fantastic, but that building is so ornate on the inside.n: and like dick , he s playing a major role. i think vice presidents used to not do much, now they re doing a lot. ainsley: i agree. steve: really interesting. ames aibs thank you so much, mr. haven t. steve steve all right, let s go upstairs, and gillian s got the headlines. an armed robber is dead after spark a police shootout in 3wr0d dating. [gunfire] you can see the suspect firing at baltimore cops who returned fire as bystanders run for cover. this all started when police say he robbed two people, then jumped on a public bus to try to get away. police later pulling the bus over, the man immediately opening fire. a police officer and bystander were shot and are in critical condition. in yet another about-face, the newly-released leader of a terror group responsible for more than 100 deadly bombings across the u.s. will be honored at the puerto rican parade. oscar lopez rivera will still be given the national freedom hero award. he s already said he won t accept it. he spent more than 35 years behind bars before president obama communitied his sentence. prisoners enjoying a get out of jail free system in houston. the u.s. supreme court ruling already allowed dozens of inmates to walk free, and the county jail is expected to release another 100 inmates this week. county officials plan to appeal the ruling next month. and remember the texas democrat who starved hearse to protest a herself to protest a sanctuary cities ban? she just got busted for dui. she posted an apology online. take a look. i disappointed my family, my constituent, my supporters, i disappointed myself. i m deeply sorry. a dallas police officer arresting the lawmaker after she crashed her bmw into a tree. the cop says she was uncooperative but told him, quote, i love you and i will fight for you. that s a look for your headlines on this thursday. steve steve thank you very much, gillian. brian: it s one of the campaign promises that got him elected. president trump s new plan to build the wall, that s even got democrats, well, they re going to have a hard time refusing his idea. ainsley: and the president meeting face to face losing their health care insurance because of obamacare. how can republicans pass a health care plan that works for every american? brian brenberg, who is a professor and a guest on our show, is walking towards us. he has an idea. we re going to talk to him coming up. how are you? at bp s cooper river plant, employees take safety personally - down to each piece of equipment, so they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. what s the best way to get v8 or a fancy juice store?s? 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brian: especially in the middle of this turbulence. brian brenberg is the chair of business and finance at kings college in new york city. you know the situation, it s now in the senate s lap. they re not happy with the republicans plan that they gave them, so politically what has to happen? look, house and senate republicans have to come together. it doesn t work anymore to blame democrats. it s true, obamacare was passed by democrats, but voters are saying, republicans, you came into office promising to fix this, you have the power, you need to agree on a fix. there are a lot of contentiousish i shoes. republicans have to tell their story about innovation, about expanded possibilities and about lower costs. they haven t done that. they re just in-fighting, and that s the problem that voters are seeing. ainsley: there s so much talk about russia, we have the fbi investigations, all of this going on when people in middle america or who are losing their health care, that s what they really care about. that s why it s so important for the president to be out in ohio, in places where insurers are dropping out and saying this is a flesh and blood issue. this affects real people. we re talking about tens of thousands of republicans, you have to come together and find a way to put this together. we ve got a plan out there, maybe it needs tweaks, but we ve got a plan out there. brian: i hear they might have a shot of ramming it through the republican senate and redo the whole thing in conference. do you think that the word is they can get that done by the end of july? i don t think they can get it done by the end of july. to me brian: [inaudible] yeah. right now maybe with the senate with conference, i think that s going to to be very hard to do. they re far apart on this. now, if the president is out there making this pitch and people are saying we want change brian: but it s just a negative pitch. all it is is what s wrong with obamacare. he didn t talk about what this new plan will be, because he doesn t have it. yeah. but he is putting pressure on republicans. he s pointing to the fact that there are problems, and he s saying, republicans, your going to pay a price next year if you don t get something done. voters respect going to give you a pass, so i think that is helpful. the senate republicans, the house republicans have to make the positive case here. they have to let people know we want a more innovative system, a system that s going to provide choice and lower cost. ainsley: do you know he should just let obamacare die on its own? no. ainsley: yesterday we heard from, i think it was corey lewandowski who was saying, no, i agree with you, we shouldn t let it die because we care about the people. exactly. voters didn t put republicans in office for it to die, they put them in there to fix it. brian: since there s no mandate to buy insurance, of course, less people are going to be covered. whatever the senate puts out, the cbo s going to make it look back. yeah. look, the cbo has been massively wrong, and this is not a knock on them bruin brian oh, it s a knock on them. [laughter] is it s very hard to model. they don t have a way to model that. so republicans have to say that s not the end of the story, the cbo analysis. let me tell you how we re going to create choice that fits your needs. the president is out there, he s on the trail making the case, now senate republicans have the sam same thing. ainsley: i m between two brians. brian: lucky girl. came up earlier, you never dated a brian. former fbi director james comey hours away from testifying on capitol hill, so what should we all be looking for? judge andrew napolitano has not slept in four weeks. he s coming here the top of the hour. [laughter] ainsley: and the cmt awards. carly shimkus is here with what s new. brian: nice to see you. [cheers and applause] will you be ready when the moment turns romantic? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. and get medical help right away. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. i ve been a police officer for 30 years. to come forward and say, hey, i can t hear is very scary. beltone is conducting a new trial of the most innovative, discreet hearing technology available. having restored hearing is the reason i m back doing the job i love. this is technology that is nothing short of amazing. if you re one of the 48 million experiencing hearing loss, call 1-800 beltone today to trial the most trusted technology in hearing. this is not your grandfather s hearing aid. my life is better with beltone. steve: some of the trends today, the biggest stars in country music descending on nashville for one of their biggest nights of the year. there it is. ainsley: here with what s trending from the cmt awards is fox news headlines reporter carly shimkus. hello. the night kicked off with a tribute to the late gregg allman who passed away in may. let s just jump right into it and get a little bit of that sound. steve: excellent. i got one more silver dollar, but i m not gonna let em catch me, no i m not gonna let em catch the midnight rider. amazing, amazing start to the show. that was jason aldine, darius rucker, they performed midnight rider. all the brothers were known as a rock band, so many people, in the current country music scene including jason aldean who posted a touching tribute. brian: they always have fun on the cmts. they sure did. we can t talk about an awards show without talking about fashion. we re looking at the romphim, it s a male rom per, i don t think he looks that bad. i think i could get down with this. brian: really? so that s a one city? yeah. maybe it would be a little bit more masculine. brian: if you were single and a a showed up in a romper it depends where we are, if we re at the beach, maybe. kayla on twitter says charles looked good in that romper. he says, y all, i don t even care. ro says, dear lord, please don t ever do that again. ainsley, what do you think? ainsley: you know what? it looks like he s wearing a black shirt or longjohns or something. all right. there were some winners that we have to to get to. keith urban won video of the year, carey underwood made history carrie underwood made history, she has won the most cmt awards, with 17. and my favorite moment of the night was when laura elena won breakthrough video. she was so emotional. she felt it was such a special moment, she sang to everybody under the sun and then god, and after she thanked everybody, she said, i m so sorry, god, it was a cute, special moment. let s see if she s that emotional when she comes to fox and friends about a month from now. exactly. july 7th. must-see tv. ainsley: you like the comper? i m excited for her performance. steve: i m going to get you tickets. really? front row? steve steve the romphim? not a fan yet. going to have to grow on me. ainsley: e-mail us pictures of you if you are in a romphim. steve: i don t want to see any pictures. sometimes people send weird stuff. [laughter] carly, thank you very much. iowans auction coming up, an act of kindness. a young woman helping a blind man catch a cab when she thought no one was looking. brian: former fbi director james comey hours away from testifying on capitol hill. what should we be looking for? andrew napolitano steve: all rise. ainsley: hey! ray s always been different. last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. at&t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. remote moisture sensors use a reliable network to tell them when and where to water. so that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. china. oh . he got there. that s the power of and. there s nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins. your vacation is very important. that s why makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. visit now to find out why we re booking.yeah! 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[applause] yea! i feel 58 years young. it is time for the cmt music awards! i ve got one more silver dollar steve: carrie underwood last night at the cmts, all glittery and great. ainsley: with keith urban, best concert. if you ever get a chance to go, he s amazing. i love carrie underwood, my gosh. her voice, unbelievable. brian: sometimes these guys when they sing live, it doesn t sound anything like the record, but it sounds exactly like ainsley: well, they act like they re having fun too. steve: so you believe they like each other? ainsley: they support one another. steve: thing of thinking of support, folks, i know the word is in the news a lot today, loyalty. thanks to your loyalty to fox & friends. ainsley: do not change that channel. brian: i ask for your honesty. write us and say something that you know is true. that s all i ask. [laughter] ainsley: we know gillian has some headlines for us. good morning. we do have some serious news that we want the get to, we begin with a terror or attack outside the u.s. embassy in ukraine. while you were sleeping, an attacker thousandingen an throwing an explosion irv device. explosive device. no one was hurt. the suspect s not caught. we will bring more information as soon as we get it. tensions nearing a boiling point with north korea as the rogue nation launches four new test missiles. u.s. officials say these rockets do not pose a threat to americans. the launch comes a day after south korea s new president suspended the installment of a u.s. anti-missile system. i think this is the new south korean regime caving in to chinese hegemony in the region and realizing america no longer the protector it was. this is a big shift. this is north korea s fourth missile test in a month. it comes less than a week after the u.n. security council imposed new sanctions. all eyes on the market as republican lawmaker es are on track to undo obama-era rules claiming they ve harmed economic growth. the house gop headed toward a vote this morning to dismantle the dodd-frank act. they argue it makes it harder to get credit and cripples the job market. banks are for the move saying it keeps them from lending to small businesses. and an act of kindness is going viral. someone snapping these pictures of a young woman helping a blind cubs fan after a ball game. casey says she asked if he needed help and he accepted. a man took pictures and posted it online to give her a shout-out, and that is certainly the type of thing we like to see going viral. nice act of kindness. steve: gillian, thank you very much. brian: we are pro-kindness. steve: we absolutely are. ainsley: kindness, loyalty and honesty. steve: judge napolitano s here. judge, three hours from right now james comey s going to be in the center square over at the senate intel committee. yesterday he released a seven-page explanation of his interactions with president trump who, according to his personal attorney, feels vindicated because mr. comey, in his document said, yes, indeed, three times i told donald trump he was not under investigation which donald trump said as president and people pooh-poohed it. i know mark has what s well, and i respect him, he is a great lawyer, but i disagree this is a total vindication. i think the way this is worded, there s something in there for everybody. there s enough for republicans to attack former director comey and defend the president, there s enough in there for democrats to defend former director comey and attack the president. and there s a lot of parsing of words. what was the president not being investigated over the incident in russia or over the connection between the campaign and the russians? steve: i would assume it s the collusion. however, do you have a fundamental problem or do you think it s ripe for the democratic picking for him to say i d like your loyalty when you could say he s asked that from everybody in the cabinet. you know, it depends on what he means by loyalty. again, i don t want to sound like bill clinton, it depends on what the meaning of is is. you and i are steve: doesn t mean he agree. right. and when we disagree, we ll talk to each other. i thought director comey s transnothinglyification was very interesting. that s what we have. we are friends, we have loyalty to each other, we re loyal to our employer. but we re honest. if we have a disagreement or discover something that has to be ainsley: now, judge, how do we know he was asking him to be loyal when it comes to mike flynn? they spoke about leaking. what if he was talking about leaking? i expect you to be loyal and not leak well, that s why we have this interrogation today, which i originally thought was gown to be a dud. now i think it s going to be absolutely incendiary steve: why? because there s so much in here to ask questions. brian brooke for example, if you re a democrat senator, where to you go with comey? did you feel the president was trying to influence your decision as to whether or not to investigate general flynn. well, yeah, of course he was trying to influence it. he didn t succeed, but he was trying to. that s plate and potatoes meat and potatoes for the democrats. brian: and for the republicans? you try and hurt his credibility you either try to hurt his credibility or did the president say anything to try to get you to do your job differently? no, i was stunned when i was fired. ainsley: doesn t the fact that the president is not under investigation and the fbi director told him that three times, doesn t that mean that he didn t do anything wrong? no. you have to finish the sentence. the president was not under investigation for, fill in the blank, for his concerns about those absurd allegations in russia, for his involvement with the transition, for any communication with russian intelligence. you have to fill in the blank. but i want to say this, i do not believe that a strong case of obstruction of justice comes from this document. it s just not there. but this is not a courtroom in which you have to prove all the elements of the crime, because this is politics. and if you create the impression, if the democrats can succeed today in creating the impression that donald trump inappropriately used the power of the presidency to protect his friends, then the president loses. if the republicans can create the impression that donald trump was the chief executive officer of the federal government, the person who runs and is responsible for and accountable to the people for what happens in the executive branch and is entitled to tell the people who work for him how he d like them to do it, then the president will prevail. steve: sure. and the mainstream media have tried to present the impression that donald trump tried to stop the investigation. yesterday on capitol hill, 24 hours before james comey sits down, we had the top intel chief, and they made it very clear, judge, we re going to play a sound bite, they never felt the president pressured them to intervene in the russia investigation. listen to this. to the best of my recollection, i have never been directed to do anything i believe to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate. and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service, i do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so. i have never been pressured, i have never felt pressure to to intervene or interfere in any way with shaping intelligence in a political way you may not have felt pressure, but if he was even asking, to me, that is a very relevant piece of information. steve: and they did say that they would say certain things behind closed doors now, you just saw both sides of the argument. did he ask you to talk to jim comey about mike flynn. i m not going to tell you what the president asked me. were you ever pressured to do anything unlawful, inappropriate or immoral? no, i never was. follow-up question, would it have been improper, immoral for him to say flynn s a great guy. no, it wouldn t have been. so there s a lot of parsing of words. we re going to see more of it today. brian: absolutely. we re going to see that, and we saw some of the anger. the decision for coats and rogers and the deputy attorney general to not chance question, if there were legal grounds for them not to say, yeah, the president pulled me aside but i didn t feel pressure no. very unsettling and disheartening brian: because rubio was as exasperated i think senator rubio was correct, i think angus king was correct. you have to give a recognizable, legal reason for not answering the question, and they couldn t do it. brian: can we watch a little of that? let s take a look at that sparring. steve: here s angus king. is there an invocation of of the president of the united states, is there not that i m aware of. why are you not answering the questions? is it an invocation of executive privilege? if there is, then let s know about it. if there isn t, answer the questions. i stand by the comments i ve made. i don t mean that in a, in a contentious way. well, i do mean it in a contentious way. i don t understand why you re not answering our questions. mr. coats, what s the basis for your refusal to answer these questions today? i do not believe it is appropriate for me to what s the basis i m not satisfied with i do not believe it s appropriate or i do not feel i should answer. you swore that oath to tell us the truth, and today you are refusing to do so. what is the legal basis for your refusal to testify to to this committee? i m not sure i have a legal basis. steve: he was honest. senator king was, in my view, 100% correct, and the witnesses just didn t want to give an answer, and they do not have the liberty to do that without stating a legal basis. i commend director coats for saying i don t have a legal basis, i just don t want to talk about it. guess what? you re a witness, you took an oath, you don t get to decide what to talk about, the questioners do. i think it probably my guess is the answer would have implicated some national security matter, and they didn t want to discuss it in public, so there s something called the national security privilege. that s what their answer should have been. why they didn t say that? i don t know. i also suspect there are some pieces of the puzzle that we don t know about yet, and we may learn about it from brian: robert mueller s coordinated with comey. what does that mean? absolutely rational to do. think of this. comey s the excuse me, mueller s the prosecutor. comey is a potential star witness in some forum, a grand jury, a trial jury, a house investigation committee. you really going to let your star witness go out there and blab under oath and not regulate what he said, or are you going to go over with him ahead of time what you want him to say and what you don t want him to say. think of mueller as comey s lawyer, perfectly appropriate he s going to pass on some questions. correct. if they didn t collaborate, they d be bad lawyers it ll be an exciting day! [laughter] i brought a change of clothes. brian: i m going to change ties. [laughter] thanks a lot. there s a shower right behind. moments ago, polls in the u.k. opening under the shadow of terror. how will the security crisis affect the results? we are live in london next. ainsley: and welcome to washington. first lady melania trump pack up at trump tower. brian: but first, more from the cmt music awards. here s chris lane with fix. it s in quotes. steve: love that guy. brian: we just got our hands on some dramatic new video that shows the terrorists in london over the weekend wildly stabbing a man and then police shooting him dead can. i ve got to warn you, this is graphic. steve: it begins with the three cold-blooded killers armed with knives hunting for victims. one seen in this heart-stopping moment lungeing and stabbing an innocent man. the two other terrorists join in, the victim falls to the ground. auction iowans but within seconds armed officers, as you can see, they pull up, they jump out so fast, their car keeps rolling. the copsen then killing the extremists with a hail of bullets, putting an end to the horrific rampage. eight people were killed, 48 others massacred. steve: you mean terrorists, islamic terrorists. brian: security taking center stage as voters in britain hold to the polls, and joining us now live in london, benjamin hall. reporter: the conservatives called this election because they believed they were going to win by a mile, but a number of things have happened in the last couple of months that mean the chance of a far-left government here in the u.k. is far closer than before. theresa a may effectively inherited power from david cameron when he lost the brexit vote last year, and she has said she wants political capital, her own momentum. but she has been accused of failing to inspire the people here, numerous political u-turns, and she has been called the u.k. s right-wing hillary clinton. front-runner is labor leader jeremy corbyn. he s a left-wing socialist verging or maxist. he s been called the bernie sanders of the u.k. he said he would never press the nuclear button, he wants to nationalize rail and water sectors, dramatically raise taxes anden increase benefits. his own party held a vote of no confidence against him, but in a matter of weeks he has managed to close the gap. recent terror attacks in london and manchester have taken center stage. jeremy corbyn has blamed the u.k. s foreign policy for attacks like this and supports dialogue with terrorists like the ira and hamas. but this election is at least today being touted as a triarism of democracy over terrorism. what does this mean for the relationship between the u.k. and the u.s.? well, under may, the relationship would stay very much the same, but under jeremy corbyn you can expect a 180 in foreign policy. he has spoken out against u.s. foreign policy, in fact, even about the trump administration, and that would mean a vastly changed partnership with the u.s. in the fight against terrorism as other things. of it is so much closer than before, and polls have been wrong. look at brexit, look at president trump s own election. for today at least here in the u.k., people really holding their breath. back to you guys. steve: all right, benjamin, thank you very much. here in new york city, president trump giving the obamacare crisis a face and a name, meeting with the victims of the health care debacle. you re going to meet the couple who just met the president coming up next. brian: and first lady melania trump packing up at trump tower. a lot of bubble wrap needed. we re going down south. that s life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. .this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise. jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor about jardiance- the one and only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart. visit for a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. brian: quick headlines now. the government contractor accused of leaking top secret nsa documents to the media tells her mom she is scared. that s what she looked like when she was arrested. reality winner is hoping to be released on bond today, she will plead not guilty for providing a report about russian interference in the presidential election to an online news outlet. and the lawyers for gitmo detainee are suing psychologists who created the cia interrogation techniques used in the war on terror. they want the doctors who provided the information to officials for investigating a former cia jail in that country, the lawsuit describes a torture of an al-qaeda facilitator. stay tuned. that involves dr. james mitch em, one of our mitchell, one of our guests. ainsley: president trump making a stop in ohio yesterday to meet with two families face what he calls the disastrous effects of obamacare. we want millions of americans like rae and dan to finally have the quality and affordable health care that they deserve. they ve been unfairly penalized for too long a period of time. we re working very hard to fix this big problem. ainsley: well, our next guest, one of those families that met with the president, dan withrow, he is the president of cfs distribution group, and his wife, mindy, they re joining us now with their story. thank you so much for being with us, mindy and dan. thank you. thanks for having us. it s a pleasure to be here. ainsley: what was your meeting like with the president yesterday? oh, it was fantastic. he is extremely genuine, extremely concerned about the country and what s happened with health care, listened to my concerns, and i feel like he is going to get something done. ainsley: mindy, what d you think? he was so warm and friendly, just very, very kind with the kids. you could tell that he was a family man. ainsley: dan, you mentioned your concerns, that he heard your concerns. tell the folks at home what you ve been through after the aca was implemented. oh, it s been a mess. prior to the aca i could count on premium increases of 6, 8, 10%. i could budget that. in fact, it was really just easy to absorb it. afterward we had increases of 30, 40, 50%. and in order to keep good employees, i would absorb most of those increases, and it got to the point where i probably absorbed about $100,000 worth of increases. and that really puts a constraint on the p and l. it s more important to have happy employees and employees that stick around, the continuity of keeping employees with the company is much more important than passing on increases that would cause them to leave. awps iowans everyone wants to work for a boss that s loyal to them, so i m sure they appreciate hearing you say that. miniday, how did it affect mindy, how did it affect you, you have three children? no, we have four children. ainsley: gosh, so how did that affect when you re trying to put food on the table, send the kids to college like every family out there? how did this affect the bottom line for you guys? well, i mean, just like dan said, we have to look at alternative ways. ainsley: which were? well, dan? [laughter] well, it caused me to work a lot more. i ve put in a lot of 100-hour weeks. i didn t see the kids that much the first three to four years, so you absorb it by working more and trying to make more money and go out and get more customers and make more money and absorb those costs. ainsley: what changes do you want to see implemented going forward with health care? i d like to see across-the-board competition. competition always lowers costs. i d like to see the democrats just stop with the obstruction and just finally step up and say it s time to help americans, because we re suffering. small business is hurting bigtime. and if small business is hurting, that means we have less money that we can spend, and when we spend money, big business benefits from it. so it s time to do something about this bill and get it passed and make changes for americans, not worry about who s going to get elected and protect themselves. they need to step up and do something. ainsley: miniday and dan mindy and dan from the great state of ohio, thanks for joining us this morning. thank you for having us. we love your show. ainsley: god bless you both and those beautiful children. we wish you all the best. all right, the video is insane, a dramatic shootout between police and a man trying to take over a city bus. [gunfire] we re going to show you what happens nefntle. and foreman fbi director james comey expected to admit president trump did not pressure him to end the russia investigation, but will the mainstream media see it that way? andrew wilco is here to react to that next. come on in, andrew. he came to the world justin the usual way but there were planes to catch and bills to pay so i moved my meeting saw him walk that day he was talking fore i knew it, and as he grew he d say i m gonna be like you, dad you know i m gonna be like you and the cat s in the cradle and the silver spoon little boy blue and the man in the moon. i wanted to get new blinds, about what kind i should get, and she mentioned i should visit blinds dot com. great quality for an incredible price, that s where i got my blinds. 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[cheers and applause] which means everyone will be blacked out around 9:31 a.m [laughter] one minute of steve: there is some suggestion the president could actually be live tweeting as mr. comey is speaking. joining us right now here on the curvy couch, we ve got andrew wilco brian: the extremely successful show. we love having you on. brian: that s part of your success. [laughter] steve: on today s show, democrats putting all their eggs in the comey basket. they have been searching for that thing, right? that thing that s going to bring down trump, and it s been going on and on and on since he actually got the nomination. and it s just not there. and i think the democrat leadership lost control of some of its wackier voices pipe brian is that why we re not hearing senator schumer? they said people need to calm this talk down. the washington times, she went on the view and said it also. they know they kind of threw this out there, they threw the tofu to their wacky members, and now they kind of can t pull it back. they know there s nothing there, absolutely nothing. steve: certainly not yet. ainsley: so what are the american people going to think if there s no there there? i think they re going to continue with the polling and saying, you know, this percentage of americans think there s something there. but until there s high crimes and misdemeanor, there s no articles of impeachment to file. ainsley: they re already talking about it. brian: we re talking about obstruction. instead of talking about russia, collusion and what they did through the cyber attack and maybe with the trump ancillary people might have contacted, yes or no, now we re looking at what was he doing, why was he talking like this, why was comey taking notes. so we re already off on the other fork in the road. first of all, i d like to see loretta lynch s notes from the meeting with bill clinton. and just because he wrote notes, again, no high crimes and misdemeanors. the president making you feel uncomfortable, none of this rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors no matter how many times people try to say it. steve: nothing that mr. comey wrote yesterday in that seven-page document which he s going to present today at 10:00 proves a crime. but people are talking, andrew, and you rook at the front page of the new the new york post , the president of the united states reportedly told mr. comey i expect loyalty. you got a problem with that? no. i mean, again, not a crime. might be uncomfortable, might not be the thing a president should say to the fbi director in that exact language, not a crime, not obstruction. not a high crime or misdemeanor awps a.n.s.w.e.r. senator al green and senator sherman already saying they have filed articles of impeachment. listen to this. i have engaged in the process of drafting articles of impeachment. my articles of impeachment are being reviewed, if at some point and at some point if no one else does, i will file articles of impeachment to impeach president donald j. trump. for obstruction of justice. [inaudible conversations] steve: the average person looking in when they hear the democrats less than six months into a new term trying to impeach a president on loyalty and maybe only on to instruction of justice, and if that s true, that would be a bad thing, but there s no provable evidence that ever happened. but for the average person to hear that talk, isn t that crazy? yeah. and good for him if he wants to file hid little articles of impeachment. the democrats don t control the house of representatives. again, no high crimes and misdemeanor. what would you convict in the senate on? whatwhat would be the reason for senators to convict him and remove him? brian: i think jonathan turley said to do something like that you need, his term, a lead pipe cinch in order to do something like that, and this is not that. this is donald trump acting like donald trump. in fact, chris christie says these are the words donald trump uses in new york. this is what the people, they elected an outsider as president. they didn t elect someone who had been inside government and, quite frankly, hasn t spent a lot of time interacting with government except at a local level. that s what he does. he sees no difference. well, look, it s obvious that some of these member, again, some of the wackier voices in the democratic party are playing to the extreme base that wants more of this. it s one thing if people do this on television or radio as host or bloggers, it s another thing when sitting members, republicans didn t even want to use the i-word under obama. now they re throwing this out there. ainsley: well, then the president has a meeting with republican congressional leaders talking about the wall, that he s going to build the border wall. his latest idea is to cover it with solar panels saying the electricity generated will pay for the wall. i lo this. [laughter] i love this. because i m trying to picture the reaction inside the city year rah club or one of these environmental groups. steve: he s singing their song. that and think about the kind of competition you can have breaking out different sections of the wall for different, competing companies, and we could pint out brian: but, andrew, this was an entry into the contest to get the contract to build the wall. they know how to do it. it s a design that s out there. you can see this online. why not? why not utilize the power of the sun where it s the most hot in our country, at the border? brian: i would have sold it, i would have said like you can buy a portion of the wall and, therefore, pay. indiana ames he wants a big, beautiful wall, so will the solar panels be on the american side or the mexican side? brian: we can share the energy with them, that s fine. look forward to hearing your show, when can we hear it? noon to three. i promise i m going to be on time. ainsley: you ll have a lot to talk about today. let s hand it over to jill grab who has some headlines. is modell s still a thing 234? got that go to mo s. brian: you till go to sports authority, you ll see an empty store. good morning at home. an armed robber is dead after sparking a police shootout in broad daylight. [gunfire] you can see the suspect firing at baltimore cops who returned fire as bystanders run for cover. this all started when police say he robbed two people, then jumped on a public bus to try and get away. police later pulling the bus over, the man immediately opening fire. the a police officer and a bystander were shot, they are in critical condition. an illegal immigrant who was deported and then reentered the u.s. pleads guilty after killing a teenager. he says he was playing with a gun when he accidentally shot darius plumber inside his home in baton rouge, louisiana. it was the 6-year-old s 16-year-old s birthday. he faceses more than a decade in jail and deportation back to mexico. he was first deported in 2012. the white house will no longer be a bachelor pad, melania frump and barron melania trump and barron will move next wednesday, june 4th. the trumps had been waiting for their 11-year-old son to finish the school year. and the biggest stars in country music coming together for the cmt awards all in the heart of nashville. muck but i m not gonna let em catch me, no, i m not gonna let em catch the midnight rider the show kicking off with an all-star tribute to the late gregg allman. carrie underwood has a total of 17 making her the most celebrated performer in the show s history. she s awesome. [laughter] keith urban took home top honors with video of the year and three other awards, and newcomer lauren alaina going home with the breakthrough video award and, guys, we re going to meet her in just a few weeks. she is joining the fox & friends all american concert series on july 7th. brian: we ve met her before, haven t we? no. i ve never met her. [laughter] brian: you sure? john, do you think i ve met her? i don t know. steve: you may have. we don t know what you do when you leave the couch. brian: i kept florida georgia line together. [laughter] meanwhile, coming up, what do lawmakers have in heat for james comey? senator jim lankford is going to talk to us next. brian: and bobby flay is going to be cooking with friends. barbecue and ice tea. it s all going into one dish. i m not kidding. steve: hot cold. brian: i am not kidding. [ america by simon and garfunkel ] let us be lovers, we ll marry our fortunes together i ve got some real estate here in my bag so i looked at the scenery. she read her magazine. the all-new volkswagen atlas. covered from coast to coast with america s best bumper-to-bumper limited warranty. this summer, join the movement and take someone fishing. and there s no better place to get someone started than the bass pro shops gone fishing event. learn more at go to great lengths frto find relief.ain finally there s drug-free aleve direct therapy®. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy. [boy] cannonball! [girl] don t. [man] not again! [burke] swan drive. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum steve: well, just about two hourses and 15 minutes right now, james comey will appear before the senate intel committee to discuss his private conversations with president trump. there were nine of them. brian: so what can we expect? let s ask oklahoma senator james lankford, he ll be asking questions. senator, watch your appearance with bret baier, i know roughly where you stand. comey said, quote, the president said i need loyalty, i expect loyalty, i didn t move, speak or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. it s hike he s writing a script like he s writing a script. paul ryan says it s obviously not appropriate for president trump to ask comey that question. what about you? it s a big difference between not appropriate and criminal in any way. that sounds exactly like the president spoke to every other cabinet official in the process. remember what comey s detailing there is the first week that the president is the president. he s been sitting down with all the cabinet officials, he s in the process of hiring people, and with each of them we already know he said i need your loyalty, i need you on this team. so it actually sounds like he s not saying anything different to jim comey than everyone else that he sat on his team. steve: sure. you know what was curious is before he released the statement yesterday, a number of anonymous sources, colleagues of his came out and said he is going to dispute what donald trump said. donald trump said in his you re fired letter that i spoke to him three times and you re not under investigation. mr. comey says i told him three times, you re not under investigation, mr. trump. that s right. he did more to confirm what the president has said rather than all the other people outside there that are saying there s no way comey would ever say that. comey said, yes, three times i told the president you re never under investigation, same thing the president s said. hey, if there s other people that need to be investigated in our campaign, then they need to be investigated. comey reiterates that the president told him directly it s not me, right? he said, that s correct. but he said if there are other people that need to be investigated, do it. in fact, comey again affirms even after the michael flynn statement that it felt awkward, uncomfortable, but he didn t tell me to stop. that s not criminal activity, that s just him wishing he was different. brian: lindsey graham said, listen, he got fired, he s going to be angry. do you sense james comey s going to come out with an agenda of revenge? i don t. comey s been in front of our committee many times, i ve met with him often. i don t expect him to come out that way. but i do expect him to come out and lay out the details. what i hope we get past is the palace intrigue of what were you eating while you were talking and all these different can things and to move actually 40 how did russia try to interfere with our election and our democracy, what happened on classified information which even comey in his written statement said he s very uncomfortable with all the classified information coming out and was there any american trying to cooperation with the russians. those are the key questions that still have to be settled in fact. comey has a lot of those facts in his head, and we want to press that out tad. brian: have you coordinate nailed with other republicans about a line of questioning in a team concept? each of us is developing our own line of questioning, but we all listen to each other. i have a lot of questions, i m going to hear the other members and what they talk about, the areas they ve already discussed, i m going to puck up new lines. there are 15 total of us, both republican and democrat, so i ll be very attentive to be able to track what s happening and the theme of it, and i ll pick up other details so we can get the details out. steve: we ll all be watching later today on the fox news channel, senator, thank you for joining us. brian: and we ll have you back to talk about your trip to iraq and syria. straight ahead, coming up he was in, then he was out. a brand new update on the parade honoring the leader of a terror group straight ahead. steve: and bobby flay is cooking with friends, and he s combining two summer favorites. what are they? find out next live from the plaza. hey, bobby. when boy meets grill. i m leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven t noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can t remember that. stop this madness. if it s appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. it s a miracle. i can walk again. go back to your room, susan lucci. steve: june is national iced tea month, and to celebrate, bobby flay and lipton have teamed up to make delicious dishes all a made with iced tea. indiana ames with him, anything s possible, with you that s a different story. chef and host of food network star, bobby flay. you have some great recipes. today s the perfect day to kick off summer camp. obviously, i m thinking about iced tea, so we re going to make some, a slushy first, and then i m going to make a grilled chicken. steve, you ready to do this? steve: yep. it s uningredient. those have to go in the freezer. i already have them in here. and then some more iced tea right in here. steve: all right. all right? and then let s just do this. and it goes really quickly. a little more iced tea. steve: all right. how could you tell? come on, baby, you can do it. steve: what is this on everready batteries? it s a slushy. all right. i ll let steve deal with that. we come down here, and we have the grilled chicken. we re going to yeah, there you go. we need to feel the power. okay, i m done. [laughter] ainsley: i think he ran the motor on that. you get the idea. come on, man. there you go. so then we re going to, we re going to make a marinade. you know, people always ask me what do you cook in the summertime. i usually kick it off with some kind of bulgerrers, dogs buggers, dogs, grilled chicken. we re going to marinate it in the iced tea. steve: excellent. we have the lemon flavor and then we have some fresh rosemary and some garlic and onions, and this is going to be the marinade for the chicken. you want to let that marinate for just a couple hour, anden then we re going to come over to the grill, all right? we re going to put the chicken on the skin side down. steve: oh, you use a brick. i use a brick because what happens is you want to, you know, this is actually an old school italian recipe called brick chicken. and you put the brick on the chicken, on the skin side down, it makes it really nice and crispy. that s the key. steve: something like the romans used to do. they re still doing it. we re going to make it really nice and crispy. steve: can i do it? just like that. you re going to pick up all these flavors from the lemon iced tea, from the rosemary, from the onions and the garlic, lots of savory flavors. and then let s give it a try. you guys go. ainsley: can you taste the lemon? definitely. absolutely, absolutely. and it creates a really good balance. and if you want to get these recipes, go to lipton yeah. steve: that s great. and we re having a summer camp in harold square from 11-3. i m going to do some demos, we re going to have some games, exactly, we re going to drink a lot of iced tea. steve: round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, mr. bobby flay! ainsley: that s delicious. it s amazing. steve: coming up, just two hours from now lawmaker are going to start firing questions an former fbi director james colmmy. ainsley: and we got the behind the scenes look at the vice president s office. what he told us about the american dream that will make you proud to be an american. y year after year. for being able to choose exactly the kind of grill you want. for 2,3,4 and 6 burner grills that fit any and every lifestyle. the all new genesis ii series featuring gs4, weber4s brand new high performance grilling engine. go to for more information. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. steve: yep, the party continues. we re hour three now of fox and friends for this the 7th day of june. thank you very much. or is it the 8th day of june? it s a thursday. ainsley: it s a thursday, downhill to the weekend, that s all we care about. steve: exactly. brian: i figured out the game show it reminds me of. do you remember concentration where you would have to get it right and take off a piece of the puzzle off each time. do you remember that? who hosted? steve: flemings? brian: yeah. oh, my goodness. steve: what s flemings first name? ainsley: i have no idea. i don t think i ever saw it. brian: you re going to love it. steve: back in the olden days. ainsley: i have to watch it on channel 1,028. brian: it s on the game show network. steve: well, today it s wheel of comey because today james comey is going to be on starting two hours from right now. you ll see it all right here on the fox news channel. it s interesting because yesterday president trump s personal lawyer said that he felt that the president was totally vindicated because james comey in a seven-page, 3100 word document essentially laid out what he s going to be seeing today, and he said he did tell trump president trump three times that he was not under investigation. and, you know, when you frame it that way, suddenly a lot of stuff makes sense where at one point mr. comey writes the president said there was a cloud impairing his ability to act, so he wanted mr. comey to go out and say you know what? the president is not under investigation, so there s no show there. let s move on to something else, but he would not do that. ainsley: we read the opening statement. it s in our hands right now. we read it this morning or last nigh night. and it does say that trump is not under investigation three times. it also says that president trump asks for loyalty and that mike flynn, the president said is a good guy and hopes he can let this go and james comey agreed he is a good guy. brian: right and then they went back and forth in a way that it sounds like a bad script. the details james comey remembers this as if he s writing a script, he describes the scene, he describe his feelings, he describes the blank look on his face. yeah, but it also he also acknowledges what we ve been discussing. it s still his version. first s version and nobody else is in the room. steve: but what s interesting is the interactions with the president and he does write that during the barack obama administration, he met with the president twice. and the second time was to say goodbye when the president was leaving. meanwhile, donald trump in just a few months, he had actually had nine different interactions with him. and when you look at the interactions that he has details, there s no information that proves a crime, and that is what andrew willcow, the host of the program said earlier. might not be comfortable, mate not be the thing the president should say to the fbi director in that exact language. not a crime. not a obstruction. ainsley: he was talking about the loyalty question. i hope you ll be loyal to me. will you be loyal? will you be honest? you re right. met three times in person, six times on a phone conversation and cory lewandowski said this is what the president does. he s hands on. he met with president obama twice, he met with our president, he s only been in office a few months now, and he has already met with him nine times. brian: so the president say he s going to be live tweeting. but if you look at his schedule, he s going to be too busy to even watch. i m very curious to see if he s going to watch. steve: there is a bar in washington. every time the president live tweets, everybody gets a free drink. brian: it s amazing too because in the past, if you think about it over last two weeks, he has really understand touched russia. and in his past tweets, the russia collusion story a total hoax. he said the real story is the leaks and the intel community that go right to the washington post and new york times. he said comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversation. so his legal team says, hey, mr. president, you probably don t want to do this and now they have to feel good what is and is not in the seven-page primer for what we re going to hear today. now, the big request he is how are lawmakers going to handle it on the right and the left? that s why we have senator james, a republican out of okay. it s a big difference between not appropriate and incriminal in any way. it sounds like the president spoke to every other cabinet official in the process. remember, what comey is detailing there is the first week that the president is the president. he has been sitting don t even with all the cabinet officials, in the process of hiring people, and with each of them we already know. he said i need your loyalty. i need you on this team. so it doesn t sound like he s saying anything different to james comey than anyone else on the team. ainsley: i need your loyalty. that might have been meant i need your loyalty. don t go out and leak information that i tell you. steve: keep in mind, was appointed fbi director by barack obama. and we know that at certain times members of the obama administration were doing the best they can to sandbag donald trump. so trump meeting with the new guy saying you re going to be loyal; right? think about it in washington, d.c. and new york city things are done a little bit differently. if you re the ceo of a big company, and you have 25 different candidates, and you re wondering which of the people i m going to interview and hire? ultimately you re going to hire somebody for your team who you can trust and would be loyal. clearly i think it was chris christie and brian talking about this earlier. chris christie said he saw a normal new york city conversation. that s just the way people work in business. brian: the fact that we re debating this in legal minds that do this for a living, means that it s no hard and fast of obstruction of justice. if it ends right now, there s no obstruction of justice. we go back to finding russia collusion that may or may not have happened, which it doesn t look like it has happened because if you look at maxine waters over to senator warner, they haven t seen it yet. so if there s even a gray area as history says, we re not going to go forward with it. in fact, jonathan turley who layoff people have respect for says we don t endite or impeach people for being borish or simply being donald trump. steve: here s the thing. all of the stuff we have heard that mr. comba is going to say has been vetted. the special investigator in this. if there is a smoking gun and there s no suggestion that there is, it s not going to be there because that would screw up the case. so this is the stuff that has been okayed by the department of justice to present today. is there other stuff? we don t know. but ainsley: lindseyy graham said that s why he doesn t think there s obstruction of justice. other leaders of the intel community were grilled on capitol hill yesterday. you had the intel director mike rodgers and nsa boss dan. they said they have never been asked by the president to do anything fishy or wrong. listen. to the best of my recollection i have never done anything to be illegal, immoral. and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service, i do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so. i have never been pressured. i have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in any way to shape intelligence in a political way. may not have felt pressure. but if he s even asking, to me, that s a very relevant piece of information. steve: never pressured. brian: right and that s key. because even if you look at allen dershowitz, i am not commanded, i am not directed to drop the prosecution against flynn. the president has a right to suggest what he wants to suggest. else he also, by the way, could have barred mike flynn right there and put this whole thing to bed. steve: what s going to be interesting when we had james langford on they re all putting their own questions together. something i would like to know and mr. comey detailed this in his letter yesterday. he said that after his first interaction with president trump, he decided then he was protect trump, he decided he was going to memorialize things. although he met with president trump twice. why did he take notes with trump and not anybody else? and also regarding the cloud thing where mr. trump says i can t get anything done because i m under a cloud and then he says what can you do about lifting the cloud? and then mr. comey says you need to talk to the department of justice through your white house counsel and then apparently mr. comey then sent some letters to the attorney general and acting attorney general and never heard back from him. so that s curious. ainsley: everyone has been talking about russia, russia, russia, and there s no evidence. brian: yeah, and he said about flynn loyalty about him, i can t do anything with everyone thinking that i m hobbled. but i will say this. the one problem that i have that i think you can drive a truck through his statement was when james comey said he knows he should have went to the attorney general if he felt any pressure at all. and he said, well, here s the story. i didn t go to the attorney general because it was clear he was going to have to recuse himself for the russia segment. that doesn t line up with the timeline of when he talked to president trump. because it was two weeks after that when they find out about kislack and then the controversy, and that s when senator sessions said all right. i m going to recuse myself. so the timeline doesn t add up to his reasoning. ainsley: he did say he thought the ag would recuse himself. two weeks later. brian: yeah, but how did he know that? we had no idea that the kislack revelation until he had to come forward. ainsley: we decided it was my word against his word. we had a one-on-one conversation, and that s what everyone s going to say. he saw it one way, the president saw it another way. who s right? brian: right. steve: you re going to want to want to watch it. it starts an hour and 48 minutes right here on this channel. we will all be tuned in, i know that much. good morning to you at home. we want to begin with a terror attack outside the u.s. embassy in ukraine. while you were sleeping, an attacker throwing a explosive device over the compound. you can see police investigating a burned, grassy area right there. that s where it went off. no one was hurt and everything is back to normal. the suspect was not caught. the terrorists in london stabbing a man and police shooting him dead. we want to warn you this video is graphic. one seen in this heart-stopping moment lunging and stabbing an innocent man just walking down the street. the other two terrorists join in. the victim falling to the ground and then right here within seconds, you can see the armed officers pulling up, they jump out so fast, take a look. their car is still rolling down the street without them in it. the cops hail a bullet putting an end to a horrific rampage, 48 people killed and others injured in the massacre. as voters in britain head to the polls in the general election. that s a look at your headlines, guys, and you look at that video, it s so frightening to see that. but you can see how fast they were able to respond. steve: seven or eight minutes from the start to the finish. ainsley: coming up, the commander-in-chief putting policy in action. trump: it s time finally to put america first, and that s what i ve been doing, if you haven t noticed. ainsley: trump voters still onboard. the dials that you won t see anywhere else. next. brian: and accused of leaking classified information this morning. reality winner saying she s scared. th-grade teacher. when it comes to molding young minds, nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she s less confident. fortunately for sarah, there s rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it s simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she s getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. to err is human. to anticipate is lexus. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. real chthat it. that post lunch, post dinner, i need something sweet, just a little something craving. new sargento sweet balanced breaks are that sweet something. perfectly balanced with natural cheese on one side, dried fruit and sweetness, like dark chocolate, on the other. so next time your sweet tooth calls, go right ahead and answer. now you can indulge your sweet craving without apologizing for it. new sargento sweet balanced breaks, find it in our cheese section. for all kinds of things. like walking.ewarded hey, honey. dad, where s the car? thought we d walk. he s counting steps. walk, move and earn money. goal! dad. hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. look at this dad, he s got some moves! money you can use on out-of-pocket medical expenses. he s ok, yeah! unitedhealthcare brian: all right. president trump touting big plans for health care and infrastructure over the next few days. and how did it resonate with voters? lee carter, and she just put together the president s dial test. we never r welcome, lee. great to be here. brian: you went to ohio yesterday. let s take a look at the question. watch the dials. the reds are republicans and then there s independents and then the blue are democrats. obamacare is the in a total death spiral. and the problems will only get worse if congress fails to act. obamacare is dead. the house of representatives has done its job. it sent a plan to the senate, and the senate is working it over. having no help. it s only obstruction from the democrats. the democrats are destroying health care in this country. brian: the grade. so you can see the republicans gave this an a-plus. they were off the charts, independents a c, and democrats an f. now, what i am hearing from voters is that this message that obamacare is not working doesn t resonate. they want to hear what the republicans are going to do to make it better. enough with the bashing the democrats. let s move forward and tell us what we re going to get on the republican side. the approval generating for obamacare went up because they panic they re going to lose everything. next, he talks about building the country. this is infrastructure. listen. trump: we build in foreign countries. we spend trillions and trillions of dollars outside our nation, but we can t build a road, a highway, a tunnel, a bridge in our own nation, and we watch everything falling into despair. it s time to rebuild our country to bring back our jobs to restore our dreams and, yes, it s time finally to put america first, and that s what i ve been doing, if you haven t noticed. and the crowd roars. they went crazy. republicans off the chart as you can see them, independents gave this a b plus, even democrats gave this a c. when he talks about putting america first, making america great again, talking about jobs, the economy, that is when people support him. and even still despite all of the media coverage that everyone is turning on donald trump, they re still willing to give a shot. i mean, you saw even democrats gave him a c. brian: his base is pretty secure, but you have to get the independents back onboard if you re president trump. thanks, lee. great. brian: we re going to watch today and do some dial tests later. meanwhile, it s dangerous to drink on a empty stomach; right? coming up the woman who went on a protest strike to protest the president, well, she was arrested. turned jillian into a human bowling ball. why? there s a very good cause. we ll tell you about it i love how usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. at one point, i did change to a different company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service. we have switched back over and we feel like we re back home now. the process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like you re a part of the family. i love that i can pass the membership to my children, and that they can be protected. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. call usaa today to talk about your insurance needs. man: when people ask me for whiter teeth, i always tell them, the thicker the enamel, the more white you re going to have. i would definitely recommend the new pronamel strong and bright to my patients. pronamel strong and bright toothpaste helps to actually strengthen the enamel. it s going to keep that enamel strong. it s going to keep it white. patients get what they re asking for. they want whiter teeth. they re going to get it with this. not only what dentists are looking for in a product, but also what patients are looking for in a product. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. looking for in a product, let s do more. add one a day women s complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day women s in gummies and tablets. when you clock out, i ll clock in. sensing and automatically adjusting to your every move. there. i can even warm these. does your bed do that? i m the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let s meet at a sleep number store. steve: what are we doing outside? you ll find out in a second. but first, we have headlines for you. your illegal immigrants are applying for food stamps apparently worried they re going to be deported. undocumented residence are not entitled to federal government benefits, but they must reveal their immigration status if they apply on behalf of their children who are eligible. the united states department of agriculture says they will not deport somebody because they receive food stamps. and do you remember the texas democrat who starved herself a few days to protest a ban? well, she just got busted for dui. house representative victoria arrested after she crashed her bmw into a tree in dallas. a police officer says she was uncooperative but told him i love you quote. and i will fight for you. she apologized to her constituents as well. all right. now, why are we outside? ainsley: take a look at the larger than life lane. we are not just bowling on the plaza today. we are human bowling where you get inside the ball. you are the ball. i am the ball. brian: this is courtesy of ball moore, and they re here to tell us about a special relationship. and that is raising awareness about autism. autism awareness. steve: that s right. colleen is the vice president and angela is the ceo of autism speak. thank you for coming on. thank you for having us. steve: so we teamed up. you ve got human bowling here. in reality, you re going to have regular bowling; right? that s right. we re really happy to celebrate our bowl summer game program. this allows you to bowl every day for one low price, and we teamed up for autism speaks today. so every pass you purchase, we ll donate to autism speaks. steve: how much is the pass? the pass starts at 9.99 for kids and 7.95 for adults. you can bowl at any of our over 300 centers. brian: how important is this? oh, it s so important. autism speaks is about accelerating a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow. and censure friendly activities like this make such a difference for this for people on the sector. brian: does it affect too many families? it does. if you re worried to get an early diagnosis, to get treatment, and really, autism affects so many people throughout the life span. ainsley: well, thank you for what you do. your organization is amazing. thank you for teaming up with them. we re super excited about it. jillian, are you ready? steve: we re going to zip her up. ainsley: she s going to be the ball. you are the ball. ainsley: do you feel more comfortable if you walk? steve: three, two, one, go. brian: look at that movement. ainsley: all right. steve: one more time. brian: one more time, jillian. wait. you guys have to let me walk it. steve: push her back. i have to do this myself. brian: this is like 1940s bowling. brian: get it right this time. don t let the showdown. i m come on. brian: there you go. i ll save you. steve: that s good. all right. ainsley: all right. very good. brian: good job. did i get a c plus? ainsley: you get an a. brian: an a for effort. ainsley: go to bowl summer, and we look forward to bowling with you all summer long. go to fox and friends for all the information. ainsley: and thank you, jillian. you are a good support. we are hearing from former fbi director james comey in less than two hours. and predicts a big ol nothing burger. steve: and criminals about to be let loose because the system is unfair to the poor. we ll tell you more about that live from new york city comfortable you are in it. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. it s how well you mow fast. it s not how fast you mow. .it s how well you mow fast! they re not just words to mow by, they re words to live by. the john deere ztrak z345r. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. ainsley: well, lindsey graham. brian: 10:00 it starts. ainsley: we re going to hear james comey speak on capitol hill. we are joined now by lindsey graham, the senator of the great state of south carolina. good morning to you, senator. good morning. brian: after reading the seven pages, what do you now know about the situation that could tee something up for today. here s what i know. that the president of the united states is not under investigation for colluding with the russians. either counterintelligence lies, comey tells us that. i ve always believed that. secondly, the fact he s appearing before the committee tells me that special counsel muller has determined there s no obstruction case here because if he had determined that, he wouldn t let the chief and only witness testify like this. so from the president s point of view, it s a good day. no obstruction of justice, no collusion with the russians, the investigation will go on. steve: yeah. so what do you make of the fact that the president of the united states came out and, for instance, that letter where he fired mr. comey he said remember, remember how you and i were not under investigation three times. and it sounds like how he was talking about there was a cloud over his administration, and is there anything you can list the cloud. he was saying, the way i interpret it, can t you do something to get the word out? i m not under investigation, so i can get on with my agenda. is that how you see it? yeah. totally. he s not colluding with his own government, much less the russians. so he s frustrated. i didn t do anything wrong, and this thing hangs over my head. steve: yeah. well, there s a process here, mr. president. comey is telling the country there s no evidence you colluded with the russians. but we ve got a special counsel now, and he has to do his job. so he s frustrated. i think he s frustrated that general flynn, who got fired, they re going too far with him. so if you got somebody you like, you kind of weigh in on their behalf. the other side of the story that you shouldn t pull the fbi director out by himself. you shouldn t be talking about loyalty. you know, if being rude and crude and sometimes a bull in a china shop is a crime, he s convicted. but it s not. donald trump got elected to be the bull in the china shop for the american people. break up washington to get it to work for them. in this case, i m convinced that the president did not obstruct justice or comey wouldn t be testifying and there s no evidence of collusion yet, and you just have to be patient and let this thing go forward and get back to governing the country. ainsley: all right. so you say it s not illegal for him to ask for loyalty and that he s a good guy and hopes he can let things go. isn t this why the american people elected him, though, because he does things differently? well, i don t think the american people elected him to talk you know, to pull the fbi director aside and put him in an uncomfortable position. i think the american people elected him to cut their taxes, rebuild infrastructure, and put changes in place and fix immigration. and you know what? he can a hell of a president if he chooses to be. he wants to rebuild the military after eight years of obama. i m glad we have a commander-in-chief who sees the military differently. i want to help him cut taxes, replace obamacare if we can. that s what he got elected to do. and here s where he s failing in my view. he doesn t get that the reason he s in trouble is because of putin. i don t believe the president colluded with the russians. i really don t. but time will tell that that proves to be the case or not. but if putin got all of us in this mess, he is not our friend, he is providing arms to the taliban, he colluded with assad, and you need to go after putin because putin s your biggest problem right now. senator, i know you re frustrated that this is not in front of the senate judiciary committee. but you re a greater prosecutor. what are the questions you want to hear today? because a lot of gopers and democrats might be watching right now. well, number one, is it true there s no collusion evidence with the president and the russians. is that what you re telling us today? secondly, when it comes to obstruction of justice, you said to the whole world that clinton doesn t mishandle classified information. why can you let clinton go, but you can t speak directly about trump? and, oh, by the way, may 3rd under oath, didn t you say nobody was interfering in the investigation putting pressure on you? i m not here to beat up on mr. comey. he served his country well. both parties thought he had to lead. it s not about comey, it s about russia. the one thing i can tell you about our president as of this moment, he is not under investigation for cluing with the russians, and i don t believe anybody with a legal background could prosecute this case for obstruction of justice. and i wouldn t beat on comey. i would just make those two facts, and i would move on. steve: sure. what do you make of the rumors there s trouble over the department of justice between the attorney general and the president of the united states? the president has been steamed that he recused himself when he felt he did not have to over russia and there s some discussion that he was forced to resign. what do you make of all of this? i think if jeff sessions resigned from this administration, it would be a great loss for the country and the president. and i want to be as direct as i know how to be. i ve been a lawyer all of my adult life. if you think somebody involved in a campaign can investigate the campaign, the american people won t let that happen because it doesn t pass the smell test. at the end of the day, there s no evidence of trump campaign colluding with the russians yet. but the suggest that jeff sessions, who was an integral part of the campaign, can ride hurt over this investigation was never going to happen, it should happen. jeff sessions has to step down under the canons of ethics and recuse the rules of the department of justice and just common sense. so if you re mad at jeff sessions, then you re mad. jeff sessions did the right thing, mr. president. he had no choice. get back to governing this country and take putin on. he s the one creating all of this mess. not jeff sessions. brian: but he told the secretary of state to repair the relationship. that s been reported. now, you know what it s like and he s not going to repair this relationship until you hold russia accountable of trying to help kill our kids in afghanistan and interfering with our democracy. putin s a thug, a murderer, i m not interested in repairing this relationship. don t be like obama and clinton. brian: senator, you know what it s like to run these hearings. do you believe that these republicans have teamed up at all and have a strategy being that they get seven minutes each over the course of hours? you know democrats are great at that. do you think republicans have a lot of these people? they re great people. all talented. we don t do strategy well. yeah, i m sure they talk with each other, when i said a nothing burger. you can have him on for 15 days every day and here s what it comes down to. he tells us that the president no evidence of colluding with the russians and nobody in the right mind would let this guy go forward as a witness if you believe there was an obstruction of justice case against the president because he s your only witness. you can take everything he said, believe every word of it, it is not a crime. you can say president trump was inappropriate at times, and you would be right. so there is no, there there. president trump needs to up his game and get back to governing this country. so at the end of the day, this is cable chatter. should everybody pulled out and talked to by himself? maybe he shouldn t have been. but he was. but if he thought a crime was committed, he would he would have done something about it. he didn t do a dam thing. he didn t call the department of justice, he didn t quit. and may 3rd, he said nobody bothered him. that was before he was fired. ics hold on a second, senator. are you suggesting what we do is cable chatter? no. this is high level stuff here. other places it s just chatter. ainsley: good answer. clearly, this is the last show of the morning for me. ics thank you very much. lindsey gram, senator of south carolina. ainsley: go gamecocks. brian: all teams you want to go; right? you want to be fair and balanced. ainsley: the one i graduated one is the is probably brian: i guess you can t be partisan when it comes to teams? ainsley: although, he went to law school there. brian: coming up ainsley earhardt who know personally went behind the scenes to look at vice president s office. every president since our second president has lived in the home. brian: his answer about the american dream will make you proud to be an american, according to ainsley. 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it s in the eisenhower executive office building right next door to the white house. ainsley: that s right. the vice president was kind enough to show us around. this is the executive building. i have an office hire, i have an office in the west wing where i spent a considerable amount of time, and i also have a office in the senate and an office in the house of representatives. ainsley: so where do you do most of your work? in between. ainsley: this desk is special; right? it s one of four desks that spent time in the oval office. and it s a great distinction. and but what s special about it, a traditional started many years ago. vice president signed the inside of the desk. so you have everyone from harry truman to joe biden to al gore to dick cheney. ainsley: dick cheney wrote it with a sharpie but joe biden, it s engraved, etched in there. when do you sign it? could you sign it now, or do you wait? i think the tradition is that you sign it at the end of your tenure. so i expect i ll be signing this drawer in seven and a half years. ainsley: your son is a marine. what does freedom, what does the flag, what does our country mean to you? well, i never fail to remember that whatever the challenge is of being in public life, we all have the second hardest job. we re only able to serve here. and because men and women at this very hour are in euphemism of the united states defending our freedom and making it possible. i added that list of brave men and women of law enforcement and first responders across this country. and what i try to do every single day is live up to the courage that they demonstrate in a democracy. ainsley: wow. what a view. washington monument, the white house. you know, it s amazing when you think about it. every president since our second president has lived in that home. it s remarkable. presidents who are no longer with us walked these halls. it s unbelievable. how did you get from where you were to now you re here. well, that s america, isn t it? small town kid. grew up with a cornfield in my backyard. president john f kennedy was a hero of my youth. as was dr. martin luther king jr. i just thought one day i could come to washington, d.c. and serve like i did. i studied hard. i prayed hard. and i say with great humility, here i stand as vice president of the united states. it s the grandson of an immigrant. my grandfather emigrated to this country from ireland when he was about my son s age. i was just reflecting this week of the inauguration. i couldn t help but think on that day, grandpa was looking down from glory and thinking he was right. not right about me. he was right about america. america is a place where anybody can be anybody. even a small town kid from southern indiana who grew up with a dream. steve: that is so cool to see where his office is in relation to the white house. brian: i couldn t do it. two offices. i would forget everything in the wrong office. even if truman was there. truman did sign the desk too. he was vice president. steve: let s talk about this man. james comey his hearing about an hour away. up next, two senators will tell us what they think they would ask him. ainsley: and then shannon will pick up the coverage from there. right, shannon? we will. guys, today could be historic. we are going to have special coverage. take you there live as former fbi director james comey testifies before the senate intelligence committee about his private conversations with the president about michael flynn, russia, and much more. we also have senators from both sides of the aisle there on that committee stopping in live with us before they take their seats. then we have extended special coverage. judge napolitano all kicks off at the top of the hour. we ll take you through every twist and turn of the hearing. so keep it here on fox news steve: well, we have a fox news alert just in. in one hour and ten minutes, james comey is going to sit down in that chair in the center of that senate intel committee hearing room, and he s going to answer questions. but before that, he s going to read from a prepared statement that was released yesterday. usually the day before we have no idea what somebody s going to say. today, we know exactly what mr. comey is going to say during the prepare remarks. essentially, he says i told donald trump three times that i told him he was not under investigation, which is what the president told us ask a lot of people said that never happened. ainsley: january 6th, january 27th, and march 30th. brian: the republicans who are going to have a chance to speak is senator ruby, colin, cotton, blunt, and senator james of okay. we asked him what you picked up from the fact that the president has been asked reportedly said to james comey. i m hoping for your loyalty. listen. it s a big difference. it sounds like the president spoke to every other cabinet official in the process. the first week that the president is the president, he s been sitting down with all the cabinet officials, he s in the process of hiring people. and with each of them, we know i need your loyalty. i need you on this team. so actually it sounds like he s not saying anything different to jim comey than he is to everyone else on his team. ainsley: and lindsey graham was on with us earlier and said you might not like that verbiage. but it s not illegal. steve: absolutely and when you take a look at what mr. comey said yesterday in his prepared statement, donald trump s own personal attorney came out yesterday and said that he felt totally vindicated by the fact that comey said that he was not under investigation personally. brian: the heavy hitter on the democrats, they think going to score the heaviest is senator kamala harris of california. look for her. they say she s batting cleanup for the democrats. ainsley: we re going to have it live for you all right here on fox news in about an hour. we have more fox and friends straight ahead. stay with us. steve: we do. it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. fox news alert. james comey just got in the suburban. he better hurry. he will be appearing on capitol hill in one hour. the d.c. traffic is terrible from mcclain, virginia. it s just over the river but it s a long way between there. just maybe five or six miles. he is used to big moments. this will be another. bill: good morning. the big moment is almost here. fired f.b.i. director james comey will be in that room screen left before the senate intelligence committee one hour from now. the testimony before the testimony already rocking washington, d.c. seven pages of sometimes vivid details in the trump/comey saga that tees up that could be an afternoon of fireworks on a critical day ahead in washington, d.c. as we say good morning in new york city. this is special coverage of the james comey testimony here in america s newsroom. good to have you with us. we ll find out together what we get today. shannon: it will be a great. today s hearing caps off a long drama. it will be former f.b.i.

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170419

l.a. we re covering a special election in the u.s. state of georgia. donald trump is calling it a big win. but it has republicans nervous. jon ossoff ran strong but fell short, and will now face republican carolina handel in a run-off june 20. democrats put more than $8 million into his campaign. in a tweet to supporters he underscored the uphill battle he faced in a solidly republican district. there is no doubt that this is already a victory for the ages. we have defied the odds, we have shattered expectations. considered a referendum on the trump presidency. that s how democrats saw it. they were hoping it would be a predictor of how the midterm leakedzs might turn out. democratic strategist and analysts good to have you all with us. for the president s part, he put that tweet out a short time ago, talking about, glad to have been of help. one would expect in the hours to come that he s going to be looking to double down on that and take the credit for how this turned out in georgia. yeah, that s absolutely right. and i think he s making that claim because he believes that some last-minute robocalls to voters helped tip the scales, at least in republicans favor, until that run-off election. there s no question that if trump has been anything, it s a detriment to republicans. and i say that because price won there by 20 points. mitt romney won there by, i believe, 23 points. trump won there by 1.5 points. so he s already set up conditions in that district and other districts where a lot of republicans who are simultaneously anti-trump, that has created a vulnerability for the republican party, it s created an opening for democrats. but again, those districts that were once staunchly republican are now divided. and the question is, can democrats do enough to win those districts, not just come close to winning those districts and therefore give themselves a distant shot of taking back the house. and john, has donald trump changed essentially the people who vote republican? because we re looking at a lot of democrats around the country who were trump supporters, maybe having some regret. but it appears the voters in this district weren t having much regret when it comes to donald trump? in the presidential election, he expanded it beyond what john mccain and mitt romney were able to produce. for the last several months, i ve been looking at videos where republican members of congress have been screamed at and yelled at by their constituents and i ve been told, it s going to change, even in deep red parts of the country, look at the anger, look at the frustration. now we ve had three test cases, the u.s. senate race in the state of louisiana, where the democrats got blown out, when nationally, they were writing checks and getting involved and celebrities and the whole bit. we had the congressional race in kansas, they got stuffed at the goal line. and then we had this race in georgia, where i predict they will lose when it s a republican versus democratic race. so none of that anger, none of that frustration is resulting in any electoral victories. but you re talking the most conservatives seats in the country. so if they lose these seats, it doesn t mean the democrats are going to lose seats next year. what will we say then? and as for the enthusiasm in 2018, it s not with the republican party. to have to run on donald trump s record is impossible at this point. so in terms of the democrats needing two dozen seats to take the house back, i think the democrats should feel really good about it. stand by. i want you to take a listen to jon ossoff. he spoke earlier on in georgia when he said it would go to a run-off. listen to what he had to say. your voices are gonna ring out across this state and across this country. we will be ready to fight on and win in june and there is no amount of dark money, super pac negative advertising that can overcome real grassroots energy like this. [ cheers and applause ] so bring it on. you heard jon talk about dark money, super pac money, is that a foreshadowing of how ugly this race is going to get in the weeks ahead before they go to the polls? yeah, i would also note, we should note here that his own campaign was not entirely grassroots. there was quite a bit of money coming out of where you and i are sitting right now, which is here in los angeles, out of hollywood. yeah, i think what tonight s race demonstrates is that this is going to be a hard-fought battle. democrats are going to try to spin this as a victory for democrats or at least that there s momentum behind democrats and that trump is really in trouble. republicans will obviously point out rightfully so that the democrats needed a win, they needed a solid win, not a run-off win and they didn t get it tonight. so the landscape right now, the game is open for both parties, and the question is, how hard are they going to fight? what message are they going to put forward? optimism? are they going to sort of go back to, you know, attacks on the opponents? what kind of message are we going to see from the democrats as a whole approaching the mid terms? that s really the question. very quickly, if you listen to the spin from both sides and these guys next to us, the republicans want to focus on the fact that the democrats made no ground here on how trump took this district during the presidential election. the democrats, though, are looking at this and say, tom price, who vacated the seat, he won it by more than 20%. so where does it stand? what s the reality here? well, right, i spoke with a democratic strategist just a few minutes ago, actually, and what he said basically is, if you had asked me could the democrats take back the house, several weeks ago, i would have said it was impossible. now what he s saying is, it s hard. it might be very hard, but there s an opening. there s clearly a sign here that there is frustration with trump among many republicans. there are enough races where democrats, given just a little bit more momentum, given a little bit more enthusiasm could turn things in their favor, but it s an uphill battle, cards are stacked against them in terms of the open races, the demographics in those elections, but we ll have to wait and see. can i just push back a little bit? yeah. he s saying the democrats have to have a positive message. the republicans just won the house, the senate, and the presidency, with very dark messaging. the american public is not asking for an opt the country s not asking for an optimistic message. donald trump is uniquely unpopular in this country. his popularity rating is at about 40%. he s had no major legislation passed. the country does not like donald trump. the democratic party could run just anti-trump and be very [ all speak at once ] and yet, and yet, we re heading to a run-off. yeah, your guy didn t win tonight. and they didn t win in kansas. and the most conservative districts in the country. democrats may not win those races. if coming close is enough for the democrats, god speed. if you want to win this thing, i think there needs to be a little bit more of a message that goes beyond anti-trump. i don t agree with that. and what happens if he does get them on board, donald trump, that is? glad you said that. tax reform, they said it would be done by end of july infrastructure. china, currencies manipulator, hillary clinton, nothing he s been able to do so far. if the democrats are going to win back the house, they need districts that look like this. i heard there was a lot of traffic going back to the district. they do not have to win districts that look like this. there are a lot of districts that are much closer, not that conservative. when we talk about donald trump being unpopular, he was in wisconsin on tuesday, and he had some good old sort of american pie populism with his executive order of buy american, hire american. listen. this historic action declares that the policy of our government is to aggressively promote and use american-made goods, and to ensure that american labor is hired to do the job. it s america first. you better believe it. sounds good. people may look at that and shi and say that s a little hypocrite cal. he can t tell the difference between kim jong-un, lil kim. he gets it wrong all the time. in terms of the buy american stuff, what people should understand, they ll do studies about buying american. they re not telling private companies they have to buy american. that s not really true. and john, it s a great headline, but it doesn t take away from the fact that the president hasn t fulfilled the signature pledges. things that he said he d do right at the beginning. those aren t done yet. he killed tpp, that was part of what appealed to the rust belt, ohio, michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin. china currency manipulator, day one. infrastructure, health care, tax reform, where is this? stuff we care about, he s coming through. he put gorsuch on the supreme court, he s taking bids on the wall, he killed tpp. taking bids on what? the wall. and who s paying for that? it s been a hundred days and trump can point to gorsuch on the supreme court and tpp. it s been an exhausting 90 days and for many people out there, there s almost trump fatigue. when the wall goes up, the trump people are going to be happy. they re saying now that that wall is going to cost $75 billion. initially they said 11 or 12, now they re saying 75. mexico paying for it, not happening. donald trump was saying that it was china that s causing people to lose their jobs by deflating their currency. now he s whatever. we had chocolate cake, whatever. donald trump has insisted that while he sounds like he s taking a softer approach with china, he s not. listen to this. i didn t look, china came to the united states, the president, who i really developed a very good relationship with. i think he s a terrific person. he understands it s a big problem. he s working on it. now, what am i going to do? start a trade war with china in the middle of him working on a bigger problem, frankly, with north korea? so i m dealing with china with great respect. what do you make of that? he s saying, i need chaina for north korea, so i m not calling them a currency manipulator, didn t he know that when he was on the campaign trail? this is a very interesting test of trump supporters and how far they re willing to go with him. in a way, matthew and john are both right. we have this fact-checking mentality in the media. look at all the promises that he made that he hasn t followed through on, and there s a litany of them. no question about that. at the same time, he has followed through on some key things, such as tpp, such as gorsuch, taking bids on the wall, et cetera. and there are a lot of people out there, including influential people in conservative media, rush limbaugh, sean hannity, who are willing to accept the president s explanation here. i can t go after china for currency manipulation because i need them for north korea. i always said i was going to bomb the expletive out of isis, so that s why i went into syria, even though many of you were not voting for an interventionist president. these, call them excuses if you will, or arguments, they resonate with some members of trump s base. there are other members of his base who feel like they ve gotten the bad end of the deal. so there s an interesting debate playing out there amongst his base and you re seeing that reflected in conservative media. i want to introduce a segment called, you win some and you lose some. remember this from last week, the president sabre-rattling with north korea. we are sending an armada, very powerful. we have submarines, very powerful, far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. john, the first rule of sabre-rattling is when you send an aircraft carrier to the country you want to threaten, you should send it in the right direction. what s going on, this is nuts? i think lil kim is nervous. [ laughter ] you ve got a mad man playing with explosives over there. so he had a good night tonight. here s the problem. i don t think that the military told donald trump what they were doing. i think they just did it. and so donald trump comes out, it turns out that this armada, by the way, i thought this was the guy who wasn t going to telegraph what he was doing, is as far away from korea as we are from new york. he doesn t seem to know what s going on with his own military. he s the commander in chief. okay. thank you. we got it. thank you. thanks for the great conversation. let s take a quick break. bill o reilly may be out of fox news after numerous sexual harassment claims. why the popular host denies any wrongdoing. and the british prime minister looks to shore up support ahead of the brexit. we ll tell you how she plans to do that next. dale. dale! oh, hey, rob. what s with the minivan? it s not mine. i don t dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i d like that. great. whoo. you ve got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob. ril. welcome back, everyone. the breaking news, the battle for u.s. congressional seat in georgia moves to a run-off. jon ossoff ran a strong campaign in a long-time republican district and fell short of the majority to win the seat outright. he ll face republican karen handel in the june 20th run-off. and there s developments in the uk. the british prime minister is pulling a major reversal, calling for a snap election in june after months of denying that would happen. as things stand, may has a slim majority in the house of commons, but hopes to shore up support for her agenda as she negotiates britain s exit from the eu. every vote for conservatives will make me stronger when i negotiate with the presidents, prime ministers, and chancellors of the european union. every vote for the conservative will mean we can stick to our plan for a stronger britain, and take the right long-term decisions for a more secure future. the latest polls suggest the june election could go badly for the labour party. 44% said they would vote for the majority conservative party in a snap election. only 23% said they d vote labour. that s the lowest number in nearly eight years. dominic thomas, professor at ucla. always good to have you with us. simple question, was this the right call, by theresa may to call this election? isha, it s all about political gaming. she s accused of opposition of engaging in this. it s about strategy, and it s been out-maneuvering your opponents. by calling the snap election right now, let s remember of course that david cameron was elected prime minister, he hitched his future to the brexit vote. he lost that and theresa may was appointed. she has to wait until 2020 for the next elections, in which case she would go to the polls being held accountable for the brexit negotiations and whatever has happened in the uk during that two to three-year period. by doing this right now, she has an opportunity to have a mandate that will last her all the way through 2022. she has an opportunity to massively grow the margin in the house of commons, where right now, the enemy hold 350 out of the 650. so they got a five-vote majority and she also has an opportunity to really humiliate the labour party. so rather than trying to build bridges in this divided britain, she s aiming to reduce and capitalize on the massive divisions within labour at the moment and essentially strengthen her position in parliament. yeah. it strengthens her hand in parliament, talk to me about what it does to her hand in europe, when it comes to the negotiating the brexit divorce. does this strengthen her position there? will she get a better deal if she has a stronger mandate from the british public? i think the logic is there, and the european union, i think, would respond favorably to her having a strong mandate. what the european union would be concerned about, would be two years of a negotiation, a deal that s brought back to britain to a parliament that she does not control, and that potentially does not support the deal that she has. so as far as the european union is concerned, they would rather the uk didn t leave in the first place, but if they re going to go ahead with this and of course they are, because they ve triggered article 50, they would rather work with a prime minister that has strong support and a strong mandate going into these negotiations, knowing that whatever they agree upon will make it through the parliament at the end of this in 2019. there are ramifications to all of this. let me ask you about what this means to the scottish accessionist impulse. does it blunt the threat? i think it does. i think the bigger threat for theresa may, we talked about this being a political game. she is taking a risk. she s no friend of scotland. the scottish overwhelmingly voted to remain in the european union. so she won t be counting on them in the upcoming election. i think the other area she has to be concerned about is the potential return of the liberal democratic party that is the one pro-europe entity in britain today that could do very well in this, even in labour does not. so it s great uncertainty for the scottish as they go into this, but it s going to be very difficult for them to try and extricate themselves from these kinds of ne goshiations if she wins a strong majority in the parliament. thank you very much. 24 minutes past 10:00 in los angeles. we ll take a short break. up next, bill o reilly s days at fox news might be numbered. that number could be three. plus, the nationwide manhunt for suspected killer is over. what the suspect did when police cornered him just ahead. and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven t worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn s. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s medication isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. you re watching cnn newsroom live from los angeles. i m john vause. our top story this hour, live coverage of this hotly contested u.s. congressional race in georgia. jon ossoff came very close to the majority he needed to claim a seat in the house. instead, he ll face karen handel in a run-off in june. cnn is there at campaign headquarters in atlanta. jon ossoff falling just short of the threshold he needed to win this race outright, getting less than 50% of the vote in this republican-heavy district, a district that actually no democrat has won in 37 years. getting close to that 50% number, but not close enough. now, going forward, this means that it s going to be a two-person race between him and karen handel, republican former secretary of state from georgia, someone who s run for statewide office twice. lost both times for governor and once for senator. now she has a chance at consolidating support on the republican side that was fractured by 11 different candidates as they tried to get into this run-off with jon so t ossoff. ossoff has the support of his party, they re energized behind him. last night when he talked to voters, he said that he shattered all expectations. there is no doubt that this is already a victory for the ages. we have defied the odds, we have shattered expectations. now the question for republicans is the trump factor. how much will it weigh in during the general election? donald trump himself, tweeting several times last night, also saying that this essentially was a victory for his party and criticizing outside money that was spent to help jon ossoff. of course there was outside money spent on the republican side as well. will he be a liability or an asset going forward? cnn, atlanta. bill o reilly s days at fox may be coming to an end. representatives have begun negotiations over his departure after a string of sexual harassment claims, all of which o reilly has denied. a source says an announcement is likely by the end of the week. meantime, there s petitions at fox news headquarters demanding o reilly be fired. a woman has now claimed she was harassed at work by o reilly for months. he would come by her desk when there was no one around and make sexually inappropriate comments to her and racially harassing comments. he called her hot chocolate. he would leer at her, leer at her cleavage, at her legs, he would say, yeah, baby. he would have her get off the elevator first and then make comments about her as she got off the elevator. she found the whole thing very upsetting. dylan byers back with us, switching gears to this story. this happened a few hours ago, the headline in the wall street journal, fox is preparing to cut ties with bill o reilly. given rupert murdoch owns both the journal and fox news, is that essentially the equivalent of, want new host, must have good hr record. yeah, that s basically it. the first was new york magazine, very well sourced reporter there saying that the murdochs were leaning toward getting rid of o reilly, which is a huge development, because there s been a lot of tension between rupered murd ok, the sort of father figure, not just of his sons, but his company, wanting to stand by him, whereas the sons wanted to get rid of him. the second big development, fox and o reilly had at least entered into a discussion about a possible exit. then this wall street journal report. that was the death nel. and you know that because the wall street journal would never go forward with a report like that unless they knew it were true and unless they knew that from the murdochs. when roger ailes left fox news about ten months ago now, the first place that was reported was would rupert have signed off on that story? i wouldn t suggest without knowing first hand. what i would say, it s not even about the reporter. if you are the editor of the wall street journal, you don t run it unless you have your bases covered. and you mentioned new york magazine. here s part of their reporting. sources describe the murdoch family discussions as fraught. initially according to sources lachlan was aligned with his father, but then aligned with his brother. the three are fighting, it goes on to say. rupert has told people, he does not want to fire o reilly because it would make it appear he was forced into a decision by the new york times. that last line, i thought was really telling. no question that s true. both aspects of it. rupert standing by o reilly. one of his sons wanting to get rid of o reilly, and lack lan somewhere in the middle. murdoch is, one, a newspaper man, and two, he s always viewed himself as an outsider. he s an outsider to the new york times. he challenged the new york times with the wall street journal the same way he used fox news to challenge cnn. his the idea that he would have to capitulate, that he would have to give up his biggest asset because fox news reported on many accusations that rupert murdoch was already familiar with, i think that really rubs him the wrong way. we also had a protest outside fox news headquarters. there was a petition claiming 450,000 signatures demanding o reilly be fired. normally fox wouldn t worry about this stuff. the murdochs wouldn t. but there s a big business deal in the works. 21st century fox, they want to take over all of the pay tv provider in britain skye, and there s a morality clause which the uk regulators look at. that s right. it s a feather they d like to put in their cap. it s a really big deal for them to get full ownership of skye. there are british regulators, offcomw who are going to look, back in 2011, the phone hacking scandal, they don t want to see that happen again. you talk to sources inside 21st century fox and they say, that isn t what s driving this consideration. what s driving this consideration is, are we going to tolerate sexual harassment at our workplace? no. is that what bill o reilly did? if so but the truth is, this skye deal is very much in the mix. what i thought was really interesting, even before the details came out, there was i tweet by matt grudge of the grudge report, conservative right-wing reporting. he said o reilly has had a tremendous run. very few in the business get to decide when and how things end. media is most brutal. not exactly accurate, either. well, grudge trying to show he s in the know. and you go back to when roger ailes, the former chief executive had to leaf fox news amid his own sexual harassment allegations. things followed a similar pattern, a report from new york magazine suggesting that the murdochs were leaning one way. then you had grudge coming out and suggesting that ailes might be done approximate andnd a rep 21st century-owned paper suggesting that ailes days were numbered. same pattern. and ailes walked away with a $40 million handshake. o reilly is significantly better paid? well, yes. extremely look, he just signed a contract again with this company. so there s no doubt that he will get a pay-out. and it s one of these things, we view moments like this, when kings of the industry are forced out of their positions as a sort of victory, you know, certainly for his accusers it s a victory and for advocacy groups, and again, this sort of archaic culture in the workplace, and yet, these men walk away with tens of millions of dollars. and they don t have a replacement for o reilly. and this is very important. this is the anguish part. he commands the biggest audience in cable news. he brings in over $100 million in revenue annually for that company. they don t have a bench. don t underestimate how many loyal viewers of fox news are going to be sorry, of bill o reilly are going to be very upset with fox news because they grave in. dylan, thanks so much. quick break here. next it on newsroom l.a., u.s. authorities find an accused killer. also a california man faces hate crime charges for killing three people in less than two minutes. why police say he chose his victims at random. perfectly balanced, are our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something. set it free. see you around, giulia is america s number-one you kmotorcycle insurer. yeah, she does purr! best bike i ever owned! no, you re never alone, because our claims reps are available 24/7. we even cover accessories and custom parts. we diget an early start! took the kids to soccer practice. you want me to jump that cactus? all right. aah! that lady s awesome. i don t see a possum! hello, everyone, we are bringing you continuing live coverage on the battle for u.s. congressional seat in georgia. it moves to a run-off in june, where jon ossoff will face karen handel. the vote is seen maybe as a predictor of midterm elections next year. we ll have more on that story in a moment but in other news, three people are dead after a shooting rampage in fresno, california. police are calling it a hate crime. the victims were white and apparently chosen at random. they were all gunned down in less than two minutes. all the shootings that occurred today were random. all three victims were approached by him. they were unprovoked attacks. cory ali mohammed surrendered to police and faces four counts of murder, the fourth was from a previous incident. he posted his dislike for white people and government on social media. the man at the center of a nationwide manhunt is dead. steve steve nens had been on the run after a brutally gunned down a man and posted video of the murder online. the search for steve stephens has ended. reporter: the man police say killed a 74-year-old man and posted a video of it on facebook is over. pennsylvania state police officers received a tip that the vehicle that we were looking for, the white ford fusion was at a mcdonald s parking lot near erie, p.a. a signal from his cell phone drew police to the east side of erie on sunday. we searched that area initially on sunday when we got that ping up in that area of erie, p.a. we were in the process today of doing a more thorough search of that area when this transpired. reporter: but it was today s tip from a mcdonald s drive-through employee that led police to stephens. the 37-year-old took off, leading police on a two-mile chase, ending when police forced him to lose control of his car. as the officers approached that vehicle, he took his own life. reporter: his death and the nationwide manhunt that started when police say he killed robert godwin easter sunday on a cleveland street. oh, lord, have mercy! oh, my god! somebody ran in front of the house is dead, been shot. reporter: the murder was posted to facebook. on the video, he said he s a monster who snapped and did it because he was angry with his girlfriend. godwin apparently targeted at random. he was definitely a people person. there s nobody that didn t love my dad. reporter: his family, mourning his loss, but forgiving him. murderer. we want to wrap our arms around him. we absolutely do. we don t i honestly can say right now, that i hold no animosity in my heart against this man. reporter: another family member had a sharper tone today after his death. all i can say is that i wish he had gone down in a hail of 100 bullets. brenda heyman told cnn, court records showed he had financial troubles, declaring bankruptcy in 2015 and having wages garnished as recently as this month. he had a history of gambling at two casinos, including one at erie. the search collected more than 400 tips from as far away as texas. this is where the manhunt ended not long ago. his car was towed from the scene, but much of the day was spent investigators going through it, combing for evidence, trying to answer questions as to what he was doing the last 48 hours, but investigators tell us that they don t believe he had any accomplices. it s such an awful story and the family has displayed so much dignity through it all. facebook is facing a backlash over the video that was uploaded. it s the latest incident of violent content on its site. bringing in internet security analyst here in los angeles. good to see you. facebook facing serious questions now about the responsibility it has, being the platform which shared the video of the murder. this is what they said on tuesday. building common ground, not just getting more different opinions out there, but also helping to bring people closer together. and there s a lot to do here. we have a full road map of products to help build groups and community, help build a more informed society, help keep our communities safe. and we have a lot more to do here. we re reminded of this, this week by the tragedy in cleveland. and our hearts go out to the family and friends of robert godwin sr and we have a lot of work and we will keep doing all we can to prevent tragedies like this from happening. okay, we have a lot of work to do. what should facebook be doing right now? it was clear from that segment that mr. zuckerburg is out of his element on this issue. the fact of the matter is that facebook can do a lot and has been doing a lot, but i think what you re seeing is the market forces are changing, whereas facebook usually relies on users saying, hey, there s a bad video here, check it out, or some artificial intelligence, and i think what you re starting to see not just on facebook, but in the industry overall is the need for pro-active content moderation, rather than waiting to respond. in the sense that obviously they re a tech company and they are effectively a media company and they haven t caught up to the responsibilities that come with that. that s a very good way to put it. that the technology company is turning into a media company and with that comes different types of responsibilities, from a business perspective and a user community perspective. you saw that in the fake news, that all of a sudden they were a media company, and now you re going back to this all of a sudden they re a tech company. so they re hovering the line between the two, trying to figure out where their future lies. but at the end of the day, i think the public is speaking, you saw this clearly from all the twitter comments and other facebook comments, why didn t this come down, what s going on. one of the big complaints is facebook took more than two hours to remove the video. the grandson tweeted, please, please, please, stop retweeting that video and report anyone who has posted it. that is my grandfather, show some respect. once something is on the internet, it s everywhere. so this isn t just an issue for facebook. well, it is an industry-wide issue. i will say the two hours was when somebody reported it. from that moment, i believe facebook is thinking they took it down within 23 minutes, which is kudos to facebook. that still seems like a long time. but it is when you re looking at somebody who is dying on camera. what you have to do is look at this from an industry perspective. is there better moderation approaches that need to be created? looking at users, education, all of these things have to work together in a very defined, well-oiled machine. what s going on, in this case, for example, people kept reposting. many companies know how to fingerprint a digital soundtrack. we ll take that soundtrack of that video, fingerprint it and block it. so there are technical solutions as well. facebook live has been at the center of a number of dark episodes recently. talk to us about the concept of facebook and the brand damage here for facebook as a whole. i know this happened on facebook live, but facebook as a whole, what they re facing here. what s happening, when you have live videos, for example, a sexual assault broadcast live, the public is saying, wait a minute, i would never want to see that in my physical community i live in, and more importantly from a facebook perspective, the brands are saying, wait a minute, why would i advertise on a site where my video, or my brand s logo, for example, could end up next to a video that horrifying. and because of that and because of what happened to youtube just a couple weeks ago when more than 250 advertisers, in essence, bailed on the company, that s a message coming from not just wall street, but advertisers, which is, your future business rests on the reputation of your company, because that s what brands are going to look at. you can t separate the two. they re intertwined. we are ought t of time, but s have a responsibility here as well. yes, they do. thank you. stay with us. we re still watching the numbers in the hard-fought congressional election in georgia. a recap coming up. with this level of engineering. it s a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence. it s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection. it s a fortress. and with this standard of luxury. it s an oasis. the 2017 e-class. it s everything you need it to be.and more. lease the e300 for $549 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. take 5, guys. tired of your bladder always cutting into your day? 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[ cheers and applause ] so bring it on. jon ossoff there sounding very positive. indeed. despite what some see as a bit of a loss. and an uphill battle ahead. but still in the game. we will be back with more news right after this. sorry, just getting a quote on motorcycle insurance from progressive. yeah? yeah, they have safe rider discounts, and with total loss coverage, i get a new bike if mine s totaled. but how s their customer service? great. 24/7. just like here. meat loaf! [dings bell] just like here. anybody got a pack. that needs leadin ? serving all your motorcycle insurance needs. now, that s progressive. whoa,i just had to push one button to join. it s like i m in the office with you, even though i m here. it s almost like the virtual reality of business communications. no, it s reality. intuitive one touch video conferencing is a reality. and now it s included at no additional cost with vonage business. call now and see why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. business grade. people friendly. this is cnn breaking news. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m isha sesay. just gone 11:00 here in los angeles. it s now 2:00 a.m. in atlanta, georgia. and donald trump is claiming victory in an election in the u.s. state of georgia, even though the democrat finished far ahead of his republican opponent. he came very close to the majority he needed to claim a seat in

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sally yates set to testify at hearing on russian interference. thanks to donald trump for the economy. jesus. a lot of people don t know that. you can call it father. brian: interesting trophy. you get popcorn. steve: congratulation he won that award at the awards show that was pretty much rained out. ainsley: movie and tv awards. steve: they always hold those the same day as brian kilmeade s birthday. brian: weird. unbelievable. steve: happy birthday. we worship you o brian. ainsley: i have a bone to pick with you. last year you took the day off the friday before your birthday we couldn t give you a kick. i was so excited last year and planning it and i found out you took the day off. that s what caused a big fight last year kind of when you never tell us when you take a day off. brian: the feud america can t get enough of. i had to move my son out of school. ainsley: home now glad to be back. ainsley: isn t it fun to have him back at home? brian: we re not sure yet. steve: 6:00 in the east. he will be up at noon. ainsley: before we get to the news though, what did you do for your birthday? brian: i went to two youth soccer games. and then we went out to eat. ainsley: you never have a birthday party again amp have you kids all about them. brian: also after i became an adult. ainsley: that didn t stop this guy last year. steve: i had a pony. thank you very much for joining us on this monday. it s really busy. we start down in washington. obamacare is dead. president trump using twitter to put brand new pressure on u.s. lawmakers to pass new republican healthcare bill in the senate. brian: yep. this is the g.o.p. plan now heads to the senate but is there a deadline with the senate? ainsley: griff jenkins joins us live in washington with new reaction from capitol hill. good morning to you. good morning, guys. happy birthday, brian. as the battle moves to the senate this week for them to come up with their own version of a healthcare bill. president trump sent it along with this tweet yesterday instructing republicans to not let the american people down. now majority leader mitch mcconnell says they are in no rush to do this and starting from scratch to ensure they get it right. already some republicans voicing concerns like senators lisa murkowski and susan collins over the language in the house bill. house speaker paul ryan and white house chief of staff reince priebus took to the air waives to fight over what they say is collapsing. you can t get health insurance in these places whether have you a preexisting condition or not. what we are trying to do here, george, is stepping in front of this collapsing law and make sure that we can have a system that works. a system with choice and competition and affordable premiums. making sure if you have a preexisting condition this president is not going to let you down. we believe it s going to be a better product. by the time people i see premiums are lower. better service more options and more choices, they are going to reward the republicans that stood up and said we are north going to see the obamacare system, which is failing and collapsing, continue any longer. we re going to do something better. and we re going to do our job as legislators to get this thing done. senate democrats slammed the bill. dianne feinstein saying it created an at most fear of unpredictability. it s important to note guys here the g.o.p. has a much slimmer majority in the senate and can only afford to lose two votes to pass anything. they are limited to the changes they can make under reconciliation rules. we expect this to start this week but expect it could last longer than just weeks. maybe even months to get going. brian: unbelievable. we will do the whole battle again. everyone was under the impression after the rose garden scene this thing is done. it is still alive. the repeal and replace is still alive. got to be substantial changes. before we take a step back and look at what s in this plan, keep in mind, obamacare was not successful. and if you want some proof, not one democrat would ever bring it up for 8 years. they will didn t run on it they ran from it. they admitted there were problems with it and they kept their powder dry until the republicans went to replace it and then you would think they blew up the most successful program since social security. ainsley: the president tweeted over the weekend republican senators will not let it american people down. obamacare premiums and deductibles are way up. and it was a lie and it is dead. steve: right. that was the president yesterday tweeting that out. front page story in the wall street journal today that talks about how they the white house is going to try to push it through the senate. that is to use the fact that insurance companies are having big problems. the system is imploding. and which is going to add a bit of urgency to it which will help propel the senators to do what they want them to. the early signals are right now there will be no insurance coverage in portions of tennessee and also iowa and it looks like they are going belly up with premium surges in virginia and maryland. and so when you put that in front of people like look, we have got to do something the people of maryland and virginia and iowa and tennessee have no choices, we have got to do something. ainsley: that s what s baffling. if obamacare is dead. to it is not going to survive, the republicans or congress i should say needed to step in and do something to change it. steve: absolutely. ainsley: to safety american people. if you listen to the president yesterday, he spoke for the first time actually former president. former president obama spoke last night first time we have heard him speak publicfully a speech since he was president. he received the 2017 profile in courage award. he has a message for congress. for the republicans and democrats in congress he says have the courage to save this thing that s dead that s called obamacare. listen. such moments we need courage to stand up to hate. it doesn t take a lot of courage to aid those who are already powerful. but it does require some courage to champion the vulnerable and the sick. i hope they understand that courage means not simply doing what is politically expedient but doing what they believe deep in their hearts is right. steve: so it would take courage to save obamacare. and he also went on to praise the people who passed it in 2009. brian: many of which have been in the private sector since that day. steve: absolutely. thank you very much former chief executive. probably the underlying message is have courage, insurance companies to continue to lose millions and billions of dollars. ainsley: have the courage to be bankrupt. steve: be involved in this flawed system. brian: i want to build on what you said. this is exactly where it went off the rails and gets political and gets people confused. the insurance companies were losing money, so they called on congress to give the insurance companies more money to subsidize. marco rubio stepgd in and said, listen, we have got to stop this. we can t keep writing blank checks to a program that s note successful, which by the way, should have been sustaining itself by now. and now they turn around and blame republicans for that as did jonathan gruber yesterday. he actually said donald trump is to blame for the problems obamacare had. believe it or not, here s the mit professor. before president trump was elect you had, there were no counties in america that did not have an insurer. wait, you are going to blame the problems with obamacare on president trump. we had a situation under obamacare there was one time premium increase last year that made up for the fact that insurer he is massively underpriced in the first two years. the problem was fixed. then have you a president who comes, in undercuts open enrollment, doesn t hawrnt obligations this law makes to insurers. all right. as a result premiums going up and. >and. ainsley: he can say whatever he wants because the american people are so stupid he can say whatever he wants. brian: you are quoting him. ainsley: remember, he was the one who said americans are so stupid. can you pass obamacare. we will make them thing it s a really good thing. steve: somebody else who formally wanted to be president of the united states and that would be hillary clinton. michael goodwin will be on saying she is running again i remember last week she was appearing here in new york city. and she said that if the election were held on october 27th she would have won because of russia and comey and stuff like that. well, jen psaki who ran the communications department at the white house under president obama, she takes issue with what the former first lady said. listen to this. i do think if you look at her comments of what she said about, you know, been guaranteed she would have won on october 27th. we don t really know that i have watched a lot of focus groups. i have looked at a lot of polling over the years the perception of her was baked into the cake for about 10 years. brian: if you read shattered the number one book in the country right now. all the ways the insiders dropped the ball because she could not articulate the reason why she was running. the reason why she should be elected. her personal story even wasn t scripted correctly. steve: for jen psaki to say baked into the cake for 10 years people known her for 10 years didn t like her. david axelrod said hey, jim comey didn t tell her not to campaign in wisconsin after the convention. it looks like coon settered effort on the part of the obama people to say hillary clinton get off the stage. you didn t win. brian: but she is not. steve: no. brian: she wants to be the reisis tans. think about al-gore and john mccain and mitt romney. they showed class in defeat. steve: with this resistance things, they are trying to funnel all the money through hillary clinton. brian: again? ainsley: they don t want a democrat to win in another three years. that s what it s all about. resising anything that this president does. brian: someone also a to courage to stand up to her on the left or else known else will emerge. steve: very busy headlines. ains jackie ibañez is here. how was your weekend. jackie: it was great. how was yours? ainsley: it was great. jackie: rogue nation now detain ago fourth american citizen. state media accusing a professor of unspecified acts of hos title. kim hacksawn now the fourth professor detained while working in pyongyang. four americans detained in north korea including adam weir warmbier. sally yates set to testify on rush s alleged election interference. she is expected to recount her warnings to the white house regarding former national security advisor michael flynn s ties to russia. this is the first time yates is speaking publicly after being fired by president trump for refusing to defend annual executive order. and the mtv movie awards making sure viewers got a healthy dose of politics. marks seen watters calling for president trump s impeachment. got a standing ovation for best fight against the system. that award going to the film hidden figures. mtv getting politically correct with the first nonbinary presenting the award for best actor. nonbinary is someone who doesn t use gender pronouns like he or she. that award going to emma watson for her role on beauty and the beast. none of this really surprising. those are the headlines. only surprising thing is mtv is still around. i don t know what channel to find it. steve: channel be with no music on it movie hidden figures fantastic. one of my favorites of the year. ainsley: i saw la la land this weekend it was really good. steve: i saw the founder. that guy mcdonald was a tough guy. ainsley: you recommend it? steve: i would not necessarily want to have dinner with him. brian: i was reading condoleezza rice s book on democracy turns out i m for it i m for democracy. not until i read the book. another day, another democrat dress pat for attention and hurling a 4-letter word. you might as well say well, people don t starve because they don t have food [bleep] brian: is that the key to winning back the american voter? ainsley: first, obamacare made life harder for this family and their daughter who suffers from a rare disease. now her mother is here to explain why she is so grateful for this new healthcare bill the story of my life i take her home i drive all night i drive all night to keep her warm to a different company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service. we have switched back over and we feel like we re back home now. the process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like you re a part of the family. i love that i can pass the membership to my children, and that they can be protected. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. call usaa today to talk about your insurance needs. take 5, guys. tired of your bladder always cutting into your day? you may have overactive bladder, or oab. that s it! we really need to get with the program and see the doctor. take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq (mirabegron) for oab symptoms of urgency, frequency and leakage. it s the first and only oab treatment in its class. myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness and headache. okay, time to do this! don t let your bladder always take the lead. ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you. and visit to learn more. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at more than ha part-time job for me to secure insurance after the termination that happened in the fall. so i have worked diligently and advocated for the healthcare that we once had which we don t have anymore. brian: wow. three years ago eileen told us how her family lost healthcare coverage under obamacare. something that s happened four times since 2013. her daughter joanne that was born with a rare brain disease and gone through 90 surgeries in 20 years of her life. helene now says there is reason for hope under the replacement plan the republicans put forward in the house although it will look quick different soon under the senate season. author of breathing under water a journey of hope. she joins us today. sorry about your knee. unrelated to what weaver talking about but do want to bring it up. i know you you are on the road to recovery. um-huh. brian: for example, there is a sense now if you had preexisting conditions under obamacare, your life was set until the republicans got ahold of it on friday. what s the reality. the reality is for us, it s been being out in the midst of a natural disaster navigating through the insurance markets since the enactment of obamacare. health insurance premiums have skyrocketed and the networks are shrinking. that s been really difficult. each a couple of times we had to change insurance companies. we were dropped again. we had very negative networks we could participate in. it really made our life much more difficult and our premiums much more expensive. brian: here is joanna dealing with something you have been dealing with as a family for 20 years. prior to obamacare piecing, was insurance a problem? no. when we entered into when we became sole proprietors in 2008, that was obviously more challenging. but, at the same time, we had affordable coverage and we had more options open to the sole proprietors. the aca seriously limited that. and i think we were in the first wave of those people who lost their insurance because of being sole proprietors. brian: from what you can tell the first 200 pages being released over a few days ago, is this going to be better for you. i have not read all 200 pages, of course, but from what i have read, i do see that there are waiver programs, amendments put in place to help those with preexisting conditions. i do think that it s important to continue to flesh out these things, to make sure. i m concerned about some of the wide sweeping changes to medicaid. medicaid is also a network that helps to provide for people with disabilities like my daughter. but, i also sees a a person who is in touch with how we use medicaid as a network also to help that there is a lot of abuses in that and there is a lot of there needs to be more budgeting within those systems as well. brian: we will keep track of joanna and you eileen and see how it works out for you because it wasn t before. thank you so much. thank you. brian: get back up with that knee. thank you. brian: this person had the courage to stand up for his beliefs on obamacare and now he is getting death threats. look at this. i mean wish i had time to take care of my portfolio, but.. well, what are you doing tomorrow -10am? staff meeting. noon? eating. 3:45? uh, compliance training. 6:30? sam s baseball practice. 8:30? tai chi. yeah, so sounds relaxing. alright, 9:53? i usually make their lunches then, and i have a little vegan so wow, you are busy. wouldn t it be great if you had investments that worked as hard as you do? yeah. introducing essential portfolios. the automated investing solution that lets you focus on your life. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. if you want to stay on top of your health, one simple thing to do is take the pledge to go and get screened for the cancers that might affect you. so stand up to cancer and take the pledge at it only takes a minute to take care of yourself, and nothing rhymes with org . for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it s out of reach. why promise something you can t deliver? comcast business is different. we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. steve: all right. we have some quick monday morning headlines for you. first up a win on the war on terror for the trump administration. the leader of isis in afghanistan killed last month in elite special forces operation. two u.s. army rangers also killed in the terror takedown, unfortunately. it is the newest tool to stop terror truck attacks and apparently it s really working. [explosion] oh, i don t steve: video showing the moment a truck is obliterated in anti-terror test in the germany. the truck driver seriously hurt. the barrier future truck bomb attacks like the one that happened in east translast year. meanwhile the left holding nothing back on their attacks on the republican healthcare bill. now some calling it racist. they re just trying to erase anything that president obama did. i bet you they want to act like that man never existed. why do you think that is? that s racism. that s it. they had a black president and they want to get rid of it. that s what it is. ainsley: after next guest disagreed on fox & friends this weekend, he got death threats. but that s not stopping him from speaking out. his name, is he a conservative radio talk show host. he has been on our show aa lot. lawrence jones is here to react. what did you say that caused to you get these death threats. hey there, by the way. good morning. ainsley: good morning. i was essentially talking about how obamacare was affecting the black community, which is issues that effect all mercury talked about the 30 hour rule and how many black folks weren t able to keep their jobs because of the healthcare law. and it made a lot of people upset for some reason. steve: who are the death threats coming from. you know, interestingly enough. a lot of them came from white liberals and anarchists. i think they really understand now that my mission is to educate the black community about issues facing america and especially when it comes to the far left and progressive and how they continue to get the majority of the black vote. but they don t do anything for my community. and so what you are seeing now is these people trying to gang up on me and try to stop me but that s not happening. brian: doesn t sound like i never thought you were like that anyway. here are what some people are saying that got. steve: this person got suspended. brian: white loving black person betrayed the people he deserves to be strung up. sentiment you have been receiving. unlike what steve harvey and jim brown and kanye west got when they just visited the tower. said what is your agenda? this is what my approach was, just to have a shot at knowing the white power which donald trump would have next four years maybe 8 years of the white house. it doesn t really surprise me sadly. yeah. let me be clear, first of all, i m not afraid for my safety. i live in texas where i am protected by the second amendment. these people right here they failed to acknowledge the failed policies of this first black president. i m not going to give him a pass just because he was the first black president. he made a lot of promises to my community and i supported him in 2008. campaigned for him. so this is not a far right agenda trying to destroy this man. all i wanted him to do is what he said he was going to do, which was make our lives better. and any black person in america, if they can honestly say that this president made life for black america better through this healthcare bill law, i ll accept it but that s not true. steve: how did obamacare impact the black community? for example as i said in the beginning of this, the 30 hour rule affected my community harshly people couldn t get jobs because they wanted more hours. the 30 hour rule required them to get healthcare. when it comes to black small businesses, this healthcare law destroyed them. a lot of them went bankrupt over healthcare. and so, just those two issues alone, my momma has preexisting conditions, she has lupus. our insurance went up. the fact that this president said we could keep our healthcare. we were comfortable with what we had but we couldn t keep that insurance plan. it s issue after issue that this law hurt black america. i just want them to be honest about it let s have an honest policy debate about where we move forward but they don t want to do that. ainsley: what has the president done for the black community? president trump? ainsley: um-huh. he has this new deal for black america that i m really interested in. when he talked about school choice, that is a major accomplishment. when we are talking about black businesses investing in those black businesses, that s going to bring jobs back to our community. i m willing to get on board and support this president if he does what he says he is going to do. steve: all right. lawrence jones, host for the blaze on the radio. thanks for getting up early on this monday morning and telling your story. thanks, family, y all take care. ainsley: newcomer emanuel macron defeating national isles marine le pen. katie hop cinsz was in the middle of the celebration and she is going to join us live next. steve: while you were sleeping, the yankees and cubs were playing baseball and playing baseball and playing baseball. how did it end and what time? got that coming up. brian: i shouldn t give the time? steve: no. goodness gracious great balls of fire you came along and you wooed me honey i changed my mind i was always the girl with psoriasis. people don t stare anymore. i never joined in. that wasn t fair to any of us. i was covered. i tried lots of things over the years. but i didn t give up. i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. that still works. now? see me. see me. i found clear skin that lasts. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. .find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me to know. .clear skin can last. don t hold back. .ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. brian: after contentious campaign, france has elected a pro-european centrist emanuel macron as president. bringing an end to the candidacy of the far right pop police marine le pen. ainsley: what was last night s celebration at the louvre really like in france katie hopkins attended macron s rally in paris. she joins us now. good morning, katie. tell us what it was like. good morning. i should tell you, first up, i am not a macron supporter in no way do i endorse or support his presidency. but i did go to his party. i went to the louvre. i followed the masses of people that were going there. and you know what really struck he was that it was all some kind of allusion, really. i was given before i even knew why i was there. who i had spoken there what anybody was doing there i was given a t-shirt and everyone was equipped with rather tragic looking flags to wave. it became very choreographed, a whiff of propaganda about it every time the tv crews came to the party at the louvre they wave their flags proudly like they were told to do. they didn t even bother voting because it was all set in stone already. whoever was standing against marine le pen was going to win. certainly the way the stages was put out and all organized in advance it was very much knew he was going to win. and it felt very surface level. very kind of skin deep. there was nothing kind of authentic about it like we see with the trump election for for us with brexit. here it s very much the same picture. paris and the metropolitan areas love macron and the rest of france wants marine le pen. she got 11 million votes last night. steve: he won by a landslide. katie, i have got to ask you though. you know, last year, in your country, great britain with brexit, you know that came out of nowhere. this was never going to be a brexit moment, was it? oh, no, no, no. it was never going to be a brexit moment. macron was always going to win. that was very clear from the organization of the celebrations way in advance of the results being announced. we always knew he was going to win. you are completely right. 65%. a much bigger win than i anticipated actually. the person that came second was not marine le pen the 14 million voters who chose to abstain or spoil their ballot paper rather than vote for macron. of the 20 million people who vote for macron they weren t really voting for macron necessarily they were voting to stop marine. what really headquarter my heart last night and yes i do have a heart was that he walked up to the stage to the tune of the eu national anthem. joy. and i find that very difficult, indeed. this really is a man, you know, marine le pen said it well. whoever wins, it will be a woman. it will either be me or merkel. and i really do feel this is a win for merkel and loss for europe. brian: brussels is the new capital of france. sounds like. absolutely. brian: what does he stand for? he wants to hold onto the 35-hour workweek. he has nothing to really address a 23% of young people who are unemployed. and he wants to give money, something like 15,000 euros for people in their 20 s to go do things cultural significance like go to movies and museums. what does that do? yeah. i mean, it really is off the scale bonkers, this guy. the fact that he has got in kind of fills me with fear. when you walk around. i walked out of the station to my hotel, it took me two or three blocks before i found a woman and found a white person. that s the dodgy areas of france as they currently sit. there is a 10% unemployment rate. employment regulation that he brought in. he is a banker. he is married to someone old enough to be his grand. found him school age 15. he doesn t have a real job. he doesn t have a children. he doesn t have a proper family so he doesn t connect to people. ainsley: he was a socialist at one point, wasn t he? yeah. is he basicallyhold in a newer younger kind of prettier, i don t see it myself guy. and ultimately, you know what? he thinks we can solve all the problems of the world by opening up borders and paying for a few people to go to the movies. in reality, you know, we just have the bataclan attacks. we have these kind of things to stop trucks from ramming in to people. another terror attack. have you got to question what this is this 38, 39-year-old going to do. his speech told us last night everything he was against. it didn t tell us anything that he was actually standing for. steve: she is not a fan of his but she went to his party last night. [laughter] steve: katie, thank you very much for joining us. [laughter] not a fan. steve: she is terrific. i like her a lot. brian: i just don t know where she stands. i have no idea. ainsley: so why did she vote for him? let s hand it over to jacque to find out what s going on here in america as far as headlines are concerned. jackie: we have serious news to get to this morning. former penn state fraternity brother breaking silence after 20 fellow brothers. left unconscious for 12 hours after falling down a flight of stairs. cordell davis claims he wanted to call 911 but no one would let him. said you are overreacting, you don t know what you are talking about. i said i a.m. do know what i m talking about. you can have a concussion. basically they just wanted to make sure that they themselves were safe rather than tim truly being safe. jackie: charges against the fraternity members include involuntary manslaughter and evidence tampering. restoring law and order. abbot signing a bill online banning sanctuary cities. the first to do so under the trump administration. texas is to keep them safe and that is exactly what we are going to do by me signing this law. jackie: the law allows the state to withhold funding from local governments enacting sanctuaries for illegals will also punishes authorities who refuse to question the immigration stalls from anyone detained. don t miss greg abbott on fox & friends in the 8:00 hour. that s coming up. liberals ramping up their use of foul mouth rhetoric to slam republican policies. the latest california senator harris using profanity to bash the healthcare reform bill. you might as well say well, people don t starve because they don t have food [bleep] [laughter] jackie: keeping it classy there. comes on the heels of exlettive laced speeches from new dnc chairman tom perez. healthcare because he doesn t give a [bleep] because this is a [bleep] budget. those republican leaders and president trump don t give a [bleep]. jackie: is he refusing to apologize for those words and mocks critics for his salty language. chicago cubs playing marathon 6 hour game finishing up. that s right. did you tell math already. just hours ago, 18 innings, guys, that s two baseball games like you said. the teams breaking a record in the process, combining for a whopping 48 strikeouts, the yanks winning 5 to 4. putting the game away with, you guessed it, a strikeout. brian: they swept the cubs. the yankees might be for real. ainsley: what about all the kids were there. up until 3:00 in the morning. ainsley: i would be for it all too, one night. steve: i have a question. when the show goes until 2:00 in the morning what time do they cut the beer off? brian: 1:50678930 minutes before. they are supposed to cut it off seventh inning. steve: go another 12 innings no beer. brian: untap the beer chant especially in chicago. janice, what time do you cut off yourself from drinking beer? janice: that s why, you know, invented the flask. have you heard of that before? i have one engraved. let s take a quick look at your forecast. tell you we have got to warm up here in the northeast it is cold out there. cooler than average temperatures. trough across the northeast. the high pressure is going to dominate the u.s. freeze warnings still in effect for a lot of these regions where it s below freezing until 9:00 a.m. that s when things are l. expire. low pressure moves across the northeast. bring us inclement weather this week and cooler temperatures across the west. we have also unsettled weather that will continue. will be ongoing. hey. listen. brian, happy birthday my friend. brian: thank you very much. i m in the after glow. janice: i will do my marilyn monroe later on. brian: great job in kentucky. janice: thank you. we will talk about it later. brian: fine. i will put it off until a little bit later. fan tank. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. special surprise for. cover of ainsley s brand new book coming out in the fall. steve: and, still ahead, dr. condoleezza rice, dr. mehmet oz and greg abbott join us on this very busy morning that s the way um-huh i like it um-huh um that s the way um-huh, um-huh i like it when you take me by the hand there s nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation if my plans change. visit booking.yeah. man: when people ask me for whiter teeth, i always tell them, the thicker the enamel, the more white you re going to have. i would definitely recommend the new pronamel strong and bright to my patients. pronamel strong and bright toothpaste helps to actually strengthen the enamel. it s going to keep that enamel strong. it s going to keep it white. patients get what they re asking for. they want whiter teeth. they re going to get it with this. not only what dentists are looking for in a product, but also what patients are looking for in a product. not only what dentists are looking for in a product, trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. ainsley: well, there is the picture of my next children s book. it is called through your eyes. it will be released on november 7th. preorder it right now on ainsley earhardt it is called through your eyes. because i have learned so much through the eyes of my child. if you are a mother or parent you understand what that means. if you want to order it now, you can. i would really appreciate that. we also are here to talk about an organization called first book. my first book is called take heart my child. when i wrote that first book, this organization is amazing. they donate books, the first book to children who come from either under privileged households or to myrtle families: so we have candace rodoykski here. my publishing company is donating up to 5,000 books to first book if people at home tweet take heart my child from today through mother s day you re going to give these 5,000 books to military children. that s right. that s right. ainsley: that s right. we are. steve: tell us your story how you grew up in a military family. sure. well, my father spent 25 years in the u.s. navy. and so as a child, moving regularly, you have to adjust to new environments, new routines, make new friends. and i remember that often books were the greatest comfort during those transitions. steve: because wherever you were the book would go with you. the book was there. that s right. and ainsley, your book take heart my child is so warm and comforting and it s just gorgeous and it s exactly the type of book that can help ease difficult transitions. ainsley: i just love that those are my father s words and advice that my dad gave us growing up and i was able to pass on to my child. those military children those are our heroes. children glowing up in military families have such unique experiences and committed to supporting them. brian: brings a family together when you know at certain times you might have to miss one of them when you are aware. makes you not take anything for granted. absolutely. i can remember coping with the absence of times of deployment. they reflect life experiences that children can relate to and validate those experiences but also provide a glimpse into what is possible. ainsley: my dad was in the army reserves and retired after 22 years. he was such a disciplinarian. whatever he learned in the military he would bring home to us and a lot of the values that they teach you fighting for our country, he would bring home and teach us. so a lot of these lessons in the books, in the pages when the kids, they don t have their parent at home they can read through these pages and it teaches them valuable lessons that their parents are learning overseas. that s right. at first book we are so proud to reach thousands of military families through incredible blue star families and toys for tots. brian: with face time can you have one parent reading the book deployed to a child at home. i hear that s done a lot as well. absolutely. great groox groups like united through reading allow deployed parents to record themselves reading and send a video in book. ainsley: remember that one story the little girl was hugging the teddy bear and her dad had left a message the teddy bear was talking to her and she could hear his voice. steve: my dad is a bear now. ainsley: i know. it was really sweet. #take heart my child. if you #that on any of the social media outlets. every hash tag that s one book going to a child. simon shiewser is donating 5,000 copies for social media hash tag. steve: recent article in new york magazine blames the nra for terrorism. and our next guest says enough is enough with the media bias against guns. antonia okafor is firing back. brian: shoots a hole through hillary clinton s election excuses. you will hear from her. great. a little bit crazy like new orleans memphis blue and daytona sunny cotton in some cut off jeans brian: recent article in new york magazine titled isis appreciate the nra s work. isis claims loose gun laws in the u.s. makes the u.s. susceptible to terrorism. ainsley: read that again. they say isis appreciates the nra s work. is this just the media misleading the public on guns. antonia okafor. good morning, good to see you. good morning. thanks for having me. ainsley: reading that is ridiculous, isn t it. absolutely. it really plays into the larger narrative which is that the media bias particularly the media bias against the second amendment and for gun control is something that we have unfortunately been hearing for a very long time. and it has steeped into now directly saying that the nra basic solid supporting isis in their efforts is absolutely absurd. brian: in the isis magazine they point out that can you get a semiautomatic weapon in the u.s. without a license. so go take advantage of that. ainsley: if you buy it at a gun show. brian: if you buy it at a gun show. absolutely. this is not the this isn t the first time that we have heard about gun show loopholes and the left using that myth to scare people. you know, the last week in texas we have already had horrific events on college campuses. uc austin we had a stabbing. unfortunately one person was killed. we also had a murder-suicide at community college. brian: remember ohio state trying to run over you with a car, this guy. and that is their new thing. should we ban trucks and cars? absolutely. no. and the fact that, you know, it s always been campus carry. i m a campus carry activist. it has bulls been about personal protection not campus protection. we don t know what s going to happen on college campuses and off campus. the associated press had an article saying that while this was a test for campus carry and it failed basically that you know, a student was able to come and bring their gun and save the day. that s not the issue here. that has never been the defense. the defense is personal protection. and that s what the nra has been fighting for is for our personal individual right to keep and bear arms against attackers like ice isis who wants to harm us in our way of life in america. brian: yeah. they want soft targets. they don t want people that are going to shoot back at them these college campus killers. they want to just take you out. thanks so much antonia okafor, thank you. thank you. ainsley: condoleezza rice, dr. oz and greg abbott here live. stay with us. brian: big hour. including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene who ve tried an fda-approved targeted therapy. this is big. a chance to live longer with opdivo (nivolumab). opdivo demonstrated longer life and is the most prescribed immunotherapy for these patients. opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versus chemotherapy. opdivo works with your immune 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patients, nurses, and physicians involved in opdivo clinical trials. how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. the obamacare system is failing and collapsing, we are going to do something better and this president is not going to let you down. since president trump has been elected and massive. wait, you are going to blame the problems with obamacare on president trump. the linds been on october 27th i would have been your president. we don t really know that perception of her wafsz baked into the cake for about 10 years. the big news in france where sen tris emanuel macron will be the next president of that country. i mean, really, it s off the scale bonkers this guy. the fact that he has got in kind of fills me with fear. i sign a through will ban sanctuary cities in texas. fired acting u.s. attorney general sally yates set to testify at a senate hearing on russia s alleged election interfeernsz. yankees and cubs playing a marathon six hour game. swing and a miss and it is over. the yankees win it in 18 innings. this is how we roll we hanging around and singing everything on the radio. brian: hillary clinton just called and she said if the season ends right now the yankees will be world series champions. [laughter] brian: end the season right today they will win it all. ainsley: i m sure jeb bush had said had the season ended in may i would have won. steve: somebody who works for the bush family condoleezza rice condoleezza rice is going to be stopping by. emmet oz is going to be talking about your hair. greg abbott signed a bill regarding sanctuary cities. the hair thing, particularly guys, worried about our hair. you get a little thin. a little crazy. a lot of hair restoration scams out there. dr. oz is going to tell us which ones work. ainsley: bald guys can be sexy though. men could embrace it a bald man can be sexy. brian: h.r. mcmaster sexy. steve: y all brenner. brian: dr. osgood hair. ainsley: he does have good hair. is he going to tell us his secret? steve: busy two hours starts right now with this. obamacare is dead. president trump taking to s medz social media yesterday encouraging lawmakers to pass the new american healthcare act. brian: this as the new measure makes its way to the senate for the biggest challenge yet. many say they are going to tear it up and do it again. ainsley: griff jenkins is joining us now with reaction from capitol hill. hey, griff. good morning, guys. as that battle moves to the senate this week it arrives with a tweet from president trump yesterday. he says republican senators will not let the american people down. obamacare premiums and deductibles are way up. it was a lie and it is dead. majority leader mitch mcconnell says they are in no rush to do this and they are starting from scratch to ensure that they get it right. already some republicans voicing concerns like senators lisa murkowski and susan collins with sticking points on cuts to medicaid and doing enough to protect those with preexisting conditions. well, house speaker paul ryan and white house chief of staff reince prebus defended this critical mission against the system they say is simply collapsing. the slaw collapsing. it s not working. you can t get health insurance in these places whether you have a preexisting condition or not. what we are trying to do here, george, is step in front of this collapsing law and make sure that we can have a system that works. a system with choice and competition and affordable premiums. making sure if you have a preexisting condition this president is not going to let down. we believe this is going to be a better product. we re not going to see the obamacare system which is failing and collapsing, continue any longer. we re going to do something better. and we re going to do our job as legislators to get this thing done. not surprising senate democrats slamming the bill dianne feinstein saying it creates an atmosphere of unpredictability. and finally it s important to note here, guys, the g.o.p. has a much slimmer majority in the senate and can only afford to lose two republicans to pass anything. and working under reconciliation rules at the moment. going to be a tough uphill battle. brian: thanks a lot, griff. all they have to do is get senator collins and senator rand paul and senator ted cruz and senator cassie to agree on something. and then get it back to the house. where they have got to once again get the freedom caucus to agree with the tuesday group. it s that s tough sledding. steve: right now looks like the time line is. this they are going to argue about it in the senate those components of the republican party and everybody else through the summer. and then it s going to move through the conference committee. then it s going to move to the house for another floor fight, which means it will probably, if it happens at all, it s unlikely to pass until fall. now there are a number of key republicans on capitol hill saying that the president s tax reform next year. ainsley: what has rand paul said about the house bill. have you talked to him? brian: we have not spoken to him since. he has basically been sitting in on all these meetings. talking to the president regularly. whatever he dose. it s not going to be out of lack of hustle. he is trying to get something that will work. my question is, is the only thing going to work try to get maybe the six or seven, the moderate democrats in the senate to come on board if they would admit that obamacare was failing? then they would have cover to do that. ainsley: all about compromise. i remember when we were there for the inauguration in washington. we saw rand paul and talking to him about what he really wants. he said my son who is in his 20 s shouldn t be, doesn t need the same care that someone in their 60 s needs. i want to make sure whatever my son is paying for is going to be is going to make sense. steve: it s not necessarily just compromise. it s also job security there are a bunch of democrats who will be up for re-election in states that were won by donald trump a couple of months ago. so they are going to be thinking, hmmm, what should i do? should i stay in washington or should i retire? brian: i was amazed. i watched almost every sunday show and half of them. just painted this plan as the worst in the history of man. not only in the country. in the history of the human race. listen. people could be charged higher premium hos had preexisting conditions. we have a lot of preexisting conditions. i have a lot of people who are elderly. what this is really about. is people who rely on, depend on the guarantee that pre that coverage of preexisting conditions. steve: so the talking points this weekend were talk about preexisting conditions because there is so. confusion out there. you were actually talking to somebody in our b block in the 6:00 hour her daughter has had 90 surgeries and knows interesting preexisting conditions. brian: brian actually did the interview. take a listen. it s been being out in the midst of a natural disaster navigating through the insurance markets since the enactment of obamacare. health insurance premiums have jocketted. and the networks are shrinking. and that s been really difficult. from what i have read, i do see that there are waiver programs, amendments put in place to help those with preexisting conditions. brian: so the question is, with the 9 billion that s put aside, a along with the high risk pools that are there, will states will there be enough money for people to get the care they need like eileen s daughter who is 20 years old now, had 90 brain operations. she was born with these diseases and these challenges like so many other people watching right now have in their family. so that s the question because when they were asked these insurance companies to provide for preexisting conditions, the insurance company said yes. if we do everything we say we can do, we have big hearts but also no business. we go belly up. so we are going to need the government to subsidize what we are doing. then it comes out to how much is this costing? oh, one sixth of the entire economy. that brings us back to can we afford to do everything we want to do? steve: because what is keeping some of these insurance companies in the market is this gigantic slush fund that you know, we didn t really know about until a couple of years later. it s like, we have been floating them because there is a back door payment depending on how much money you are losing? the whole idea was for this to raise all boats and everybody would make money, a fair amount. brian: young people going to pay more for the older people that they would eventually become and we would have more challenges. those young people said by large numbers, i will pay the fine. i don t want to pay for what you want me to pay for. ainsley: over the weekend if you watched mainstream media they were talking about how this preexisting conditions, how this trump care is not a good thing. but, obamacare allowed everyone in our country to have insurance. what this new plan is going to do is allow it to continue. they should be thanking, i feel like everyone should be working together. the democrats should be thanking the republicans for saving this and for making it viable because everyone is saying insurance companies are dropping out. left and right it would not have worked. it would not have continued. brian: insurance is for profit. there is nothing wrong with for profit. ainsley: people have to be patient and work together. it s a very new thing for our you have to work out all the kinks. it s going to take some time. brian: politics makes it poisonous. steve: obamacare. president obama s heart was in the right place i will do this for decades they wanted thork impact all americans. that didn t pan out. ultimately since the republicans are replacing it, they have got to replace it with something that is more affordable and works better. ainsley: right. steve: if it s not the republicans are going to pay at the polls. brian: just like the democrats pay at the polls. you cannot take away something that people are used to having. steve: which party of the republican plan will become the hay, you prom missed if you like your doctor can you keep and it that turned out not to be true there is a lot of political peril. ainsley: hats off. congress is taking a bad rap on this hats off to them for going through with a fine tooth comb. brian: if you have a doctor can you keep them. they went out of business because they weren t making money. steve: jackie ibañez has the headlines. breaking right now. secretary of defense james mattis on the move arriving in denmark just moments ago. it s the first stop on his three nation tour of europe. mattis speaking with reporters before meeting with leaders in copenhagen to discuss how to defeat isis. following denmark mattis will thank german troops in lithuania making sure nato strong show of force before wrapping things up at the conference about the terror crisis in somalia there in london. more provocation from north korea. the rogue nation now detaining a fourth american citizen. state media there accusing a professor of unspecified acts of hostility. kim habitationon the second teacher being detained while working at university in pyongyang. the fourth arrest adam warmbier currently serving 15 year prison sentence. outrage after the sacramento city council approved hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to protect illegal immigrants from being deported. the backlash instant. will when you come to america, you violate the law, you are a criminal. jackie: critics blasting the $300,000 defense fund. 10% of sacramento residents are not u.s. citizens. and finally, the mtv movie and tv awards making sure viewers get a healthy dose of politics. marks seen watters, a democratic congresswoman calling for president trump s impeachment getting a standing ovation before presenting the award for best fight against the system. that award going to the film hidden figures. mtv also getting politically correct with the first nonbinary presenting the award for best actor. what exactly is a nonbinary? someone who doesn t use gender pronouns like he or she. that award going to emma watson for her role on beauty and the beast. and those your headlines, guys. it must be hard to be a republican in hollywood, huh? ainsley: if they are, they don t want to talk about it most of them keep quiet. remember the one who wore the dress? ainsley: trump dress. we had her on. brian: clinton eastwood and maybe sylvester stallone and easy to spot. steve: very quiet. jacque, thank you. coming up. brian: former staff for president obama shoots a hole through hillary clinton s election excuses. that story straight ahead. steve: captured the hearts of the nation. unarmed black man. after trying to can she get a fair trial? ainsley: sleeping on the job. a pilot caught fast asleep while the plane was in mid-air. brian: no way. steve: shouldn t he be in the cockpit? i hear the secrets that you keep when you re walking in your sleep i hear the secrets that you keep when you re talking in your sleep when i hold you in unlike pills that don t treat congestion, clarispray covers 100 percent of your nasal allergy symptoms. clarispray. from the makers of claritin. goal! nitedhealthcare, you can get rewarded for waldad. we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. walk, move and earn money. .for out-of-pocket medical expenses. he s ok! unitedhealthcare tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it s got to be tide. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. ainsley: today the trial is set to begin for officer betty shelby. the tulsa police officer accused of killing an unarmed black man, terrence crutcher last september. brian: all right. it was a case that captured the nation as the trial begins now. the media is sewer so scrutinize over every detail and testimony. steve: with the influence of court of public opinion will officer shelby get a fair trial? here to weigh in is former homicide detective rod wheeler here in d.c. rod, good morning to you. good morning, steve. steve: a lot of people are familiar with this case because it was profiled on 60 minutes in september. what was telling about it is she went out there to try to make her case and she does make it pretty clear that this guy, because he was on pcp, he wasn t falling instructions, couldn t tell what he was doing with his hands. and it was just one it was a lot of bad timing. well, good morning to you, steve. i can tell you that the officer, officer shelby in this case, should have never went on 60 minutes and gave them that interview because that did not help her case in this instance. now, what is it that the jury is going to be confronted with when they start looking at the elements of this case? it really comes down to one thing. whether or not the perceived threat that officer shelby said she experienced. and i underline the word perceived. i want the viewers to understand it s one thing to perceive something and it s another thing for something to be reality. so, was the threat that officer shelby perceived, was that reasonable in and of itself. and that s really what this case is going to come down to. now, steve, as we know, everybody has seen the video. you are playing the video now on the screen. yes, when you look at that video, it looks horrible. most people would say that s a terrible shooting. but, at the same time, in all fairness to officer shelby, what was it that she perceived? what did she hear? what did she see from her standpoint? so all of these things are going to have to be considered in this case. brian: rod, educate me. if she feels as though she was not getting a fair stake by the media, by the portrayal of how she acted, what choice did she have but to go and give her side of the story because she felt like she was going to be ramrodded right to prison? well, you know, brian, i think that s an excellent question. i can tell you many years of law enforcement experience, it never helps a police officer in a shooting situation like this, regardless of how bad the public sentiment is to go on television and talk about the case before the trial. here s the main reason why it doesn t help and i guarantee you we will see this in the trial. a lot of that interview she gave to cbs will be played during the trial. there are certain things she said in that interview in my opinion that kind of incriminated her. she actually planned for the shooting. it never helps an officer to go on television before a trial, guys. ainsley: why do you think she is going to get a fair trial though. this happened in tulsa. there were a lot of protests there. you know what, ainsley. that s another good question. there would be protests no matter where this trial was going to be held. i do think in oklahoma i think she has a better chance. look, we have got an officer here that has way over 12 years experience in that community as a police officer. they are going to give her the benefit of the doubt with that versus having the trial somewhere elsewhere people may not even know her. steve: all right. rod wheeler joining us from our nation s capital. the trial starts today. thank you. brian: we will have you back, rod, to see how it s progressing. thanks so much. guess who coming here? steve: guy with really good hair and he is going to talk about hair scams coming up next. ainsley: dr. oz. brian: how s it going a thousand dreams doctor, doctor and once we do, we see wonder waiting. every step you take, narrows the influence of narrow minds. bridges continents and brings this world one step closer. so, the question you asked me. what is the key? it s you. everything in one place, so you can travel the world better. a cockroach can survive submergede guy. underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah, wow. not getting in today. not on my watch. pests never stop trying to get in. we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that s over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. ainsley: here is quick headlines for you. what s the problem of this photo of a person sleeping on a plane? well, guess what? it s the pilot. steve: what? ainsley: pakistani airlines pilot busted by passenger snoozing in business class for two hours while a training pilot was manning the controls. he is now suspended from the cockpit. steve: oh, boy. ainsley: talladega speedway turns into a junkyard. here we go. here we go. upside down. ainsley: a massive wreck damaging 16 cars during the nascar geico 500. a.j. al monday dinger spinning out chased elliott causing a scary chain reaction with 20 laps to go. thankfully nobody was injured. steve: is there a doctor in the house? yes, dr. emi emmet is joining us today. talk about hair. thank you, steve. steve: last week the american healthcare act passes through the house. lot of talk in the senate. you talked to tom price, our secretary of health and human services. what do you think? they are doing what they wanted to do. make a big dent in how much to pay for healthcare. i would argue really brave move goes one step further and deelts with the underlying health issues. twice as much to take carol of each of us on this couch as we lived in france or germany. we don t want to live in france or germany. we want to live in america and not pay twice as much. steve: why paying twice? a lot of structural problems. we have technology in this country. because we are the leader, actually, in getting people to talk together digitally. we have technology that can dramatically cut our cost. more efficient payment of prescriptions. as as doctor when i give you a pill, i have no idea what it costs. when you go to get the pill from the pharmacy is i you find out for the first time. one third of the time you don t pick it up. things we can do to help farm that and things pharma. insurance, hospital costs and doctor fees. across the board we have inefficient system. brian: who benefit by this lack of transparency. senator cassidy want to have trans (is i in the system when it comes to what it costs so you will know when you go to see a doctor costs you 80 bucks and 40 is picked up by insurance. the insurance factions do benefit. they benefit today. they could benefit even more if we made it more transparent system because people do a good job. if you have confidence doing the best job with the insurance, drugs and hospital care. you will want this transparency. it s going to come anyway. i hope we have a brave group of folks because it takes a lot of bravery because people do not want this to work. it s not just about health and housing and education. all work together. study done in seattle. taking homeless people off the street, cost about $13,000 per person. i just published op-ed on this. saved $43,000 per person. steve: 13 gets you 43. we are paying the $30,000 difference. invest. being homeless is not a healthy lifestyle. make a dent in the right places. same for education that invests money where we know we ll benefit there was a bill that was performed by senator biden that would have given incentive to folks if they would take care of their numbers. blood pressure and blood sugar manage them and take care of them. i would pass that bill. give incentive to people. brian: take care of her respondsability. it works. i don t want to be sick. you don t want me to be sick. have you got to pay for me to take care of myself. healthcare 23478 who getting what what when. it works in other sectors and work here too. i know there are folks who can t manage their care. they need a little bit more coaching. instead of getting in their face more. not checking your numbers. we don t want you to show up in the er. ainsley: speaking of your show, dr. oz, i remember we were talking about hair transplants a lot of men losing their hair they want these hair transplants. they can be expensive. you are talking on b. on your show the dangers of hair trans plants. what do guys in particular, i know women lose their guys too. mostly men what do they need to look for if they are going to get a hair trans plant. biggest scam in america. no credentialing for getting hair implant certificates. just go out and do it. get a weekend course it takes a long time to know how to do hair transplants correctly. not just men. 80% of men, 40% of women do. it s not cheap. people going overseas. people dying. steve: from a hair trans plant. happened to a 22-year-old woman recently in india. a big deal. it can cause infections and bleeding and scarring. and might not work. if it s not done correctly. you need to ask the right questions of your doctor. how many do you guys do? what kind of success rates do you have? and these things should cost 5, 10, $12,000. if somebody is doing it for you for a thousand bucks. brian: people are going to turkey and pakistan. ainsley: india. brian: does it usually go well? russian roulette. i would never do it personally. you don t want the hair just imcomplainted. you want it implanted the right way. you don t want to cause huge scars. angled the right direction so you don t look like a porcupine. did i a big investigation. we looked around the world and also in this country, amazingly these operations are fly by night setups. these guys are after 2 or 3 class to go do it. brian: two or three days. not even doctors doing the implants. you don t want a sales person pitching hair job. ainsley: if folks at home want to know. tomorrow s show. big part. we also have the o.j. case because o.j. is up for parole. we have ron goldman s sister coming on the show to talk about her opinion of what s going on with o.j. should he get out or not. brian: looks like he is going to get out. the odds are farving him getting out. ainsley: congratulations on daytime emmy award. how did you celebrate? i took daphne my biggest competition who you guys trained. steve: used to be our college associate here. we agreed to go to in and out burger. ainsley: in your tuxedo. i have never been there. ainsley whans did you think? steve: fantastic. animal style. pretty good. brian: very interesting way the oz family celebrates. we have to do something out of the ordinary. it worked. it was fun. steve: congratulations. ainsley: thank you so much. tell daphne we said hey. steve: sanctuary cities across the country continue to shelter illegals. many of them are doing it on your dime. should your tax dollars be used to help them run from the law? a debate straight ahead. brian: i m going to think about that in the break. even a former obama staff says hillary clinton needs to give it up, shooting a hole right through her excuses. weasel talk about it and chief correspondent ed henry is here filling in the holes. that s what ed looks like she is so fine tonight and as long as i got my suit and tie i m going to leave it all on the floor tonight steve: well, you know what today is? today is our sound manitoba s birthday. ainsley: happy birthday, t toba. [cheers and applause] brian: do we have a picture of what toba looks like? steve: hey, look. he got a cake. actually was yesterday brian kilmeade s birthday. ainsley: yea, happy birthday. brian: dr. oz delivers it? steve: it s a kale cake. brian: now you can endorse it fully. brian: thank you very much, dr. oz. very nice. did i not know you baked kale. that s why i didn t come to your party yesterday. never mind i wasn t invited. ainsley: aren t you so glad brian was born? yes. steve: kiss on your birthday. brian: first time dr. oz kissed me today. brian: thank you very much. appreciate it. brian: right in the middle of the show? steve: dr. oz, take a seat. i m a surgeon, i can cut. brian: we hope so. brian: might as well take out the appendix while you are in there. weather, traditionally the weather. goes back centuries. fantastic. brian: dr. oz, there is a reason why you do not cut the cake at pears. these are blocks. these aren t pieces. [laughter] brian: keith, come on over. come on over. [we worship you o brian] steve: ed henry joins us from from our nation s capitol. oh wait he is not in our nation s capitol. where are you? in orlando. book signings for 42 faith. i m going to bring back a mickey mouse watch for brian. brian: fantastic. steve: a little while ago we were talking with dr. oz about the american healthcare act which appealed in the u.s. house last week and now it moves onto the senate. and apparently tell us about what ted cruz is saying. ted cruz is basically saying that if republicans punt on this and don t get something through the senate, this is going to be a disaster for the g.o.p. frankly, i think he is right. if you actually report out the facts on, this republicans talking about this for the last six years about repeal and replace. if they just walk away and say oh, there is too much division over this house passed bill, we can t get anything done, it s probably going to be worse for them in the mid terms than what democrats are claiming right now about the effects of the house bill. here is what is fascinating. jonathan gruber who said the american people who are stupid to understand what is in obamacare. now saying donald trump s fault that the premiums going up. president obama saying that lawmakers need courage to stand up for obamacare when he is the person, as president, who lied about if you want to keep your plan you can keep your plan. if you want to doctor you can keep your doctor. how can he possibly now talk about courage? steve: that is such a good point. by the way, we should point out dr. oz had to leave because apparent live1 somebody called. they needed a pie cut. brian: it was emergency. must be the first alert system. steve: let s talk a little bit about the timing. right now it sounds like if the senate is going to pass something and wind up it on the president s desk. they are going to argue about it, the senate is, all summer. it s going to go in to conference with the house. and then the house will argue with it. they will take, you know, they will figure out what s in it. it looks like tax relief or tax reform could get kicked to next year. yeah. this is something this is why you saw president trump pushing so hard after the initial failure on healthcare to get this back on track. because the longer healthcare takes, the longer it s going to be to get to taxes. so, yes. it s going to take months in the senate. but watch very carefully what democrats and folks in the mainstream media are saying. they are charging that donald trump s plan that got through the house is going to kill people, cancer patients who are waiting for care because they are not going to have coverage. i had someone on the way over here pick me up from my hotel and he tells me what are you going to be talking about on fox & friends ? i said healthcare. he said my dad has cancer. i said i m very sorry. he said thank you, but i m not telling you for that i m telling you because he had been in remission and things were getting better. the cancer has come back, he said, but now they are picking and choosing what kind of care he can get. and i said who is they? he said the insurance company. i said that s under obamacare right now, right? he said yeah. so here is somebody in real life. here in florida, who i who is sg his dad has cancer under existing law, obamacare, not trump care, is picking and choosing what his dad can get. if you hear people in the media saying if donald trump s plan passes cancer patients are going to die. there are people experiencing this today under obamacare. those are the facts. steve: not preexisting, it sics cysting. exactly. brian: i don t understand. if obamacare was working, president trump would have avoided it like the plague pun intended because he had no interest. this had to be his number one priority because it was on a respirator, again, pun intended, and he had to deal with this. he did not want to do healthcare first but he it had to be dealt with first. >first. ed: if you are in arizona today and unfortunately a cancer patient and premiums gone up 116%, how do you think you are dealing with your coverage today? that s under existing law. brian: now you are under pressure to do something more effective but nothing is going to be perfect. always something politically to gain from attacking it. steve: thank you, ed, for your report from the happiest place on earth orlando. you know who is going to be happy, jacque. brian: i didn t go block. i just went a little bit different, you don t have this now because i think you have to receipt news. jackie: fun gety, they must really love you. waking up with a new president and new political reality. emanuel macron defeating far right opponent marine le pen in landslide win with more than 60% of the votes. the 39-year-old political newcomer ran a pro-e platform daily columnist for daily katie hopkins joining us earlier slamming the voters for their pick. listen to. this it s off the scale bonkers this guy. the fact he has gotten in fills me with fear. is he a banker. married to someone old enough to be his gram who found him at school age 15. he has never had a real job. he doesn t have any children. he doesn t have a proper family. he doesn t connect with people. jackie: she told us how she feels there president trump showed support online congratulations to emanuel macron on big win today as the next president of france. i look very much forward to working with him. and lawmakers in new york taking aim at the vivacious that is the vicious, not vivacious, vicious months. the proposal would give prosecutors option to charge those who recruit young kids to join and create a prevention curriculum. gangs blamed for 30% of violent crimes in this state while fleets like collin kaepernick fail, folds of honor taking a stance that group holding event in dallas to funds for fallen heroes major dan rooney joined us this weekend to tell us how it all works. listen. we have a group of great americans down here they are committed to stand every day until they raise a million dollars. they are standing 13 minutes at a time. the reason for the number 13 is there are 13 folds that wring the flag to its triangled shape. jackie: of course, thanks to generous viewers like you. folds of honor has already raised money for 70 scholarships. that s $350,000. it s amazing. you can log on to folds of to donate towards their 1-million-dollar goal for 200 scholarships. the viewers of fox & friends are so generous. steve: absolutely. they take action. because yesterday after that story ran, apparently somebody over the weekend was watching in joplin, missouri, got into their car, drove down to dallas, stood on one of the crates for 13 minutes and then got back in their car and drove home. ainsley: when you fold up the flag 13 different folds and dan reason j is amazing. started that organization to help military families. such a great organization. brian: even if it s $10 do it. everything helps. meanwhile, 17 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: using your tax dollars to protect criminals, is that fair? we debate you decide. steve: urgent new warning from democrats about the republican healthcare plan. if the bill passed today in the who house became law, thousands of americans would die. steve: really, bernie? we will break down the fact from fiction from washington and new york city coming up you got me begging you for mercy why don t you relieve me you got me begging you [ toilet flushes ] so when you need a plumber, you can count on us to help you find the right person for the job. discover all the ways we can help at angie s list. because your home is where our heart is. fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. got any ideas?ting you? not all products work the same. my owner gives me k9 advantix ii. it kills all three through contact. no biting required. so they don t have to bite? that s right. no biting required. k9 advantix ii. wise choice. of being there for my son s winning shot. that was it for me. that s why i m quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. steve: listen to this. sanctuary cities as you know across the country still resisting president trump s immigration policies. some doubling down on their defiance. a number of these cities plan to use tax dollars to pay the legal fees of immigrants whose status is challenged by the president s policies. is that too far? here with the debate democratic strategist cathy areu and the president of the federation of the american immigration reform dan stein. good morning to both of you. good morning. good morning. steve: okay. so what they are trying to do spend particularly in sacramento, california, they are going to put up something like $300,000, cathy, to defend people who are in this country illegally from deportation and things like that. and you are 100 percent okay with that? i am okay with that because it s actually done. everyone s taxpayer money. this is their taxpayer money in california alone they pay undocumented people pay, $3 billion in property and sales taxes and in sacramento alone they are paying $30 million in property and sales taxes. so these are their tax dollars as opposed to saying other s tax dollars. so getting 3 hurexz thousand back for legal fees to help families stay together i say is a drop in the bucket compared to what they are paying in taxes. steve: dan, the mayor out there said we are not a city who will exchange people s civil rights for money. if you are in this country illegally what kind of civil rights do you have. remember, deportation or removal proceeding is a civil procedure. it s not a criminal procedure. i had no idea that 40 million poor veterans. descendents of veterans or descendants of slaves all had access to legal services at taxpayer that they need for landlord tenant disputes. you have hundreds of millions of dollars pro bono from america s major law firms to try to stop immigration laws. we are all supposed to pay because the democratic party opposing law enforcement? i think everybody should resent this and realize this is a true divition in this country separating those who respect the rule of law from those who want to obstruct it. steve: cathy? well, these people, these are innocent before guilty. we have had dreamers caught up in this deportation gatherings and we have actually deported dreamers and they are legally allowed to be in this country. there is trying to keep countries together, legally. they need to know their legal rights. many of them are allowed to be here. this is not much money. steve: dan, we will give you the final word. these people, regardless of the dreamers, the balance of the people we are talking about are in this country illegally. no one is entitled to a taxpayer court appointed attorney in a civil removal proceeding. so basically this is a continuation of giving one group of people, law breakers who jump the line more benefits and more opportunity than all the law abiding citizens of this country combined. they are law abiding as well. no, they are not. steve: i will tell you what, they estimate 10% of the people in sacramento are in the country illegally but apparently not in the city. all right, dan and cathy, thank you very much for joining us live. thank you. steve: what do you think about that? let us know at she became the nation s top diplomat during the start of the war on terror. what advice would condoleezza rice offer president trump. she is going to join us next hour. democrats say the republican healthcare plan is going to kill some people. are they sure about that? dr. nicole saphier is here to separate fact from the friction next. put an end to this game before it s too late head games it s you and me baby head games when it comes to heartburn. trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection. banish the burn. with nexium 24hr. if the bill passed today in the house became law, thousands of americans would die. trump care is a moral monstrosity that will defsz state seniors, children and americans. this is where they are plainly lying and producing policies that will kill people. brian: democrats with a deadly message the healthcare bill will kill thousands. is that really true? ainsley: let s separate the fact from the fiction with radiologist dr. nicole saphier. she joins us live now. good morning, dr. saphier. good morning. ainsley: under the ahca do not have to cover health benefits. why? that s false why? false. central benefits are covered with the cav jot with the america is a diverse nation. in the ahca they account for diversity by putting the control out of washington in the states so they can tailor to their individual itemmographics saying you can apply for a waiver. if your demographics meet it now you can cover different coverage options. steve: that s myth number two under the american healthcare act waive those with preexisting conditions. they can do that at the state level if they decide to. what happens with those people? false. this is where the emotional hyperbole needs to end, okay? the states that do not have waivers, it s business as usual. same preexisting conditions as covered under the aca. in the waiver states, it actually states that they are not able to deny coverage for preexisting conditions. for anybody who wants to debate that read the mcare camcmcarthur amendment it specifically says that. brian: what about the high risk pools are they effective? i think that s myth number three. we have got to go into is it going to be affordable? are these people going to be able to afford. ainsley: if they have preexisting conditions. so, news flash, healthcare is not affordable as it is right now, right? at least we are having forward progress here. we are trying to move forward. states that don t have the waivers, they are still going to see high deductibles, high premiums, few options. steve: see on tv montage if republicans have their way people are going to die. is that true? people will die eventually. steve: from their healthcare? well, so in the states that have waivers, what s happening is in the ahca they say as long as you maintain continuous coverage, if you are responsible and you keep your healthcare, you cannot be rated based on your medical status. they say that. and, to be a waiver state, you have to they absolutely have to have the high risk pools or some way to stabilize premiums. steve: and now you know. dr. saphier thank you very much. thank you, guys. brian: coming up straight ahead, former secretary of state condoleezza rice and texas governor greg abbott both here live tackling the issues you need answered, at least they promised to ride it on through . . . . what if we pull customer insights from the data in real time? wait, our data center and our clouds can t connect? michael, can we get this data to.? look at me.look at me. look at me. you used to be the yes guy. what happened to that guy? legacy technology can handcuff any company. but yes is here. so, you re saying we can cut delivery time? yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. we believe it s a better way because it puts patients, families and doctors in charge of health care, not washington, d.c. since president trump has been elected you blame the problems with obamacare on president trump? health care reform, it was hard, this kind of courage is required from all of us. how can he possibly now talk about courage? he is the person as president who lied about if you want to keep your plan. if you want your doctor you can keep your doctor. emanuel macron will be next president of country. off the scale bonkers this guy. the fact he got in fills me with fear. i signed a law that will ban sanctuary cities in texas. fired acting u.s. attorney general salary yates is set to testify at a senate hearing on russia s election interference. yesterday was brian kilmeade s birthday. ainsley: yea, happy birthday. brian: kale cake. steve: now you can endures it. brian: thank you much, doc oz. didn t know you baked kale. steve: from the big apple to the lone star state governor of texas, governor greg abbott is going to be joining us live. he signed the bill yesterday. i had too much fun cutting cake this morning, regarding sanctuary cities and condoleeza rice has a great new book out. brian: gotten confirmation that team conde entered the building. so they re all here. ready to go from the hoover institute. hit the road for 3,000 miles. we have a chance to talk to the former secretary of state and national security advisor, who happens to be a russian/soviet expert. we need you now. steve: you have you to figure out what is going on capitol hill regarding the american health care act. we had dr. sapphire going through some of the scare tactics from the political left over the weekend how people will die and stuff like that. reince priebus and paul ryan speaker of the house were on yesterday. they were making it very clear, we have got to do something to save the american health care system right now obamacare is collapsing. the law is collapsing. it is not working. you can t get health inin places whether you have a preexisting condition or not. what we re trying to do here, george, step in front of this collapsing law and make sure we have a system that works. a system with choice and competition and affordable premiums. making sure if you have a preexisting condition this president is not going to let you down. we believe it will abettor product. we re not going to see the obamacare system which is failing and collapsing continue any longer. we re going to do something better. we ll do our job as legislators to get this thing done. why would the mainstream media be so excited about that we ll provide a better product. the product out there now it is failing. it can t sustain itself. insurance companies are dropping out left and right. brian: here is the thing. not one democrat that i know of including the president that ran on obamacare. when he went up for re-election, reelect me because i came up with obamacare or the affordable care act, whatever you want to call it. nancy pelosi lost her, lost her majority in the house and eventually the senate because of obamacare. so now it comes up, it is ready to die. they re coming up with another program. the question is, is revolutionary enough to change anything for the american health care system. dr. oz was here earlier. we re dancing on the edges. we have to control health care costs, make it more affordable period. listen. i would argue that the really brave me goes one step further and deals with the you know lying cost issues. takes twice as much to take care each much us on the couch if we. we don t want to live in france and germany. steve steve why are we paying twice? a lot of structural problems, most importantly give as solution. we have technology in the country. we re leader in getting people to talk together digitally. we can dramatically cut our costs. efficient medication prescriptions. farm that things they can help for the american people, same for insurance, hospital costs doctor fees. we have very inefficient system. steve: great ideas how to save money going forward. but when we look what is happening on television, people wanted to preserve obamacare. they re using the same scare tactics they used years ago to pass obamacare. remember the tv commercial paul ryan will shove grandma off the cliff? and they ran that over and over and over, you know, it impacted people. brian: we should that wasn t paul ryan, you but that was a stunt grandma. go ahead. it was not real. it wasn t real. steve: that changes everything. are you telling me new argument people will die. brian: that night might not be true either. steve: democrats are saying that the reason insurance companies are pulling out of iowa and pulling out portions of tennessee and going to be big premiums upticks in virginia and maryland is because of donald trump. because donald trump has said, you know, i want to get rid of it. there sun certainty in the insurance market. they say that is why the insurance companies are pulling out. they re blaming donald trump that has been talking about how it is imploding and catastrophe. brian: by the way, this why i don t dive into the 2150 plus pages. it will be totally redone in the senate. it will be ripped up and start all over again and they re going to change it dramatically, with they will have a brand new plan to debate, senator cassidy, senator collins, dramatically different than what senator cruz and senator obama wants. if there is approach to get democrats involved truly revamp the system. they re not revamping the system because they need 51 votes to do it the way they re doing it now. if they do total revamp and total replace you need 60 votes in the senate, not one democrat they claim has been asked to participate. ainsley: president obama, he got an award yesterday. 2017 profile in courage award by caroline kennedy. he was saying, he had a plea to congress, this is his legacy, obamacare, he doesn t want this thing to go away. so he is pleading with congress now saying you need to have the courage, because courage award to save this thing. listen. such moments we need courage to stand up to hate. it doesn t take a lot of courage to aid those who are already powerful but it does require some courage to champion the vulnerable, and the sick. i hope they understand that courage means not simply doing what is politically expedient but doing what they believe deep in their hearts is right. steve: there he was talking about how there is this effort on capitol hill and with this administration to dismantle his legacy. interestingly enough, during the 30 minute speech there in boston honoring president kennedy, he never once mentioned by name president trump. brian: right. one thing peter gruber did, jonathan gruber, peter gruber is also big hollywood mogul who will be part owner of a mls franchise. ainsley: jonathan gruber. brian: jonathan groupinger is one of the architects. ainsley: who called you stupid. brian: stupid because you re an american. he said who is to blame because obamacare is not working. before president trump elected there was no counties elected that didn t have a insurer. you re blaming problems with obamacare under president trump. there was obama care, one-time premium increase last year, made up for the fact that insurers massively underpriced. the problem was fixed. undercuts open enrollment. doesn t honor obligations to make this law as a result premiums are going up and insurers are exiting. steve: system is not working well. republicans, the ball is in their court. if you think any democrats in the senate will help. it will not happen, ultimately in washington it is all about political advantage. things are so polarized. there won t be one single democrat. the big question is how many works will say, that is too far from me? brian: i think a lot. they re seeing blow back that happened yesterday. they re getting nervous. ainsley: becomes so political. democrats look at this, insurance companies are pulling out and it is failing, they care about the american people and wouldn t they get on board to fix this. brian: they don t, they don t want to repeal obamacare. they don t want to do that. steve: repair it. brian: that is the problem. all semantics to me. to the american people it is all semantics. what we have is not working. this is very new to our country. providing health care to everyone in our country. that is not bad thing. steve: make it cheaper and make it better. that is something we can get behind. brian: everybody get a stethoscope treat yourself. ainsley: that is what it comes down to. steve: health care is too expensive. buy a doctor kit. ainsley: fisher price, 29.95. brian: those are great the fisher-price ones. steve: i m not a doctor but play one on tv. ainsley: jackie ibanez has headlines. you remember breathing in the stethoscope? we have a couple of those at or house. headlines. more provocation from north korea. the rogue nation detaining a fourth american citizen. they are accusing a professor of unspecified acts of hostility. he is second american teacher to be detained working at a university in pongyang. it makes four americans detained in north korea. including otto warm brier, serving 15 years of hard labor. sally yates set to testify on russia s alleged election interference. she is set to regard warnings about national security advisor michael flynn s ties to russia. this is the first time yates is speaking publicly being fired by president trump for refusing to defend a executive order. betty shelby, accused of killing a unarmed black man terrence crutcher at an traffic accident. jurors will be asked if officer shelby went too far. she says crutcher was act erratically. his autopsy came back as positive for pcp. rod wheeler joined us earlier, saying that the case will come down to one major thing. one thing to perceive something. another thing for something to be reality. what the threat that officer shelby perceived was that reasonable in and of itself. that is really what this case is going to come down to. officer shelby is facing first-degree manslaughter. tv movies and awards making sure viewers goat healthy dose of politics. maxine waters, democratic congresswoman calling for president trump s impeachment, getting a standing ovation for best award for best fight against the system. that award going to the film, hidden figures. the first non-binary presenting award for best actor. she doesn t use gender pronouns like he or she. that going to emma watson for their role in beauty and the beast. those are the headlines. back to you guys. i m standing underneath an air vent. brian: it is a little cold all of sudden. i m going to redirect it. steve: it is cold here. ainsley: jackie, get a sweater. brian: shut the flu. thank you. ainsley: our next guest nearly lost her husband to a massive heart attack in 2008. this morning she said he wouldn t be here today if they had to rely on obamacare. brian: still to come, former secretary of state condoleeza rice, texas governor greg abbott, both here live. steve: celebrating national pet month with adorable and adoptable dogs. that s life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. .this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise. jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor about jardiance- the one and only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart. visit for a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. termites, we re on the move.24/7. roger. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we re good. we re good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. there s nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation if my plans change. visit booking.yeah. ainsley: in 2008 before obamacare was instituted washington times online opinion editor cheryl chunly doug suffered a massive heart attack that put minimum in 10-day coma and icu. thanks to round-the-clock care, a fate she said would never have happened under obamacare. here is washington times online editor, cheryl chumley. thanks for being with us. ainsley, thank you very much. ainsley: tell what happened to your husband. and why you say if family was insured under obamacare he would not be with us today? i will try to be brief, this was a very long ordeal. in 2008, as you said, i was at work and i got a call from my husband s boss, saying my husband had a heart attack and had been transported to the hospital. when i went to that hospital, they were in process of airlifting him to another hospital. and i had to go home get our four kids, aged 13, 12, six, one, to meet him there. during the flight his potassium levels dropped and he went into a coma. he stayed in that coma for 10 days, during which doctors and nurses, they had two teams working round-the-clock to save his life. his heart couldn t get, his heart couldn t start beating again. he actually had to have a balloon pump inserted to keep the blood flow going. and because of that, he ended up having his leg amputated. there were several health problems after. there was a lot of surgeries after came finally you out of the coma. no brain damage, glory to god on that, perfectly healthy. the thing say he would have died if he had been on obamacare at the time, we had top-notch private insurance provided through my employer, my husband s employer, my news we met up, had we been on medicaid, medicare, government run insurance program, day three they would have pulled the plug. done let and see type of situation to see what would happen. ainsley: wow, that actually does happen. that would have happened under obamacare she is saying? well if obamacare had been in effect at the time, it would have been a government-run program where they picked chose what to, what care to give him and. she said there was no way they would have provided two teams of intensive care service around the clock. ainsley: wow. even though the president at the time, president obama was calling so-called, private insurance companies evil, remember that? i do remember that. and that is the thing that, has really nagged at my husband and i for years since obamacare has gone into effect. everything that obama said was happening at the time didn t actually happen with insurance until the passage of obamacare. that is it when we started to getting our high deductibles, our co-pays out of the world. we couldn t choose the doctor. we had to switch medical provider, all that stuff happened after the fact. ainsley: amputation, the helicopter ride to the hospital, ambulances, however many days, was he in the hospital did you say? oh, he was in the hospital in a coma for 10 days. he had 30 days total in the hospital. then he had months of home health care. ainsley: i read you only had to pay $1200? $1200 for the hello copper to airlift. it was unbelievable. ainsley: so things better than than they are knew for our country? definitely better with the private market. ainsley: i m glad your husband is with you to raise four beautiful children. thanks for telling your story. thanks, ainsley. ainsley: don t most with texas. sanctuary cities are banned in the lone star state. our next guest is the man who signed that controversial new law. governor greg abbott is with us next. another democrat looking for attention and hurling another four-letter word. is cussing the key to winning back american voters? my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i can be more active. 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[customer] sure. ways wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can t keep up. you re stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn t pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. steve: time for quick headlines on this mon morning. a win in the war on terror for the trump administration. the pentagon confirming leader of isis in afghanistan. abdul hasid killed in last month s elite special forces operation. two army rangers, cameron thomas, joshua rogers also killed in the particular terror tick takedown. newest pool to stop truck bomb attacks. apparently very effective. watch this. wow. steve: you got video showing the moment a truck is upended and obliterated in an anti-terror test in germany. the test driver was seriously hurt. the barrier is being tested to stop future truck at takes like the one last year in nice, france. brian? brian: don t mess with texas, have you heard that before? sanctuary cities banned in the state after gove governor greg abbott joins us and signs signed the bill last night. what does this mean? i was proud to sign this law. this law effectively bans sanctuary cities in the state of texas. what it means, no county, no city, no governmental body in the state of texas can ad adopt any policy that provides sanctuary. second what it means that law enforcement officials such as sheriffs are going to be required to comply with i.c.e. detainer requests. what this law is going to do, engender greater cooperation between local law enforcement and federal officials so we insure everybody will simply follow the law. think about this, brian, is this quasi-insane, we have to pass a law to force law enforcement officers to comply with the law? brian: give me an example of complying? for example, if i pick somebody up and i m a low call sheriff, and if they are somebody that can not provide any paperwork, do i now have to call i.c.e.? no, sir. that is not what the law says. if someone is apprehended, taken to jail, what is done is a request is run a computer system to find out whether or not there is an i.c.e. detainer request pending f there is, communication needs to be made with i.c.e. if there is not, nothing else happens other than the usual local law enforcement process. brian: so, if a sheriff or a mayor does not comply with the what the governor says, you said they could face ramifications. what ramifications? right. first, by them not complying, what that would mean is, they have adopted a policy that promotes sanctuary city policies which means that they would be not complying with the law. if they do promote sanctuary city policies what it means is, they could be subject to jail time. it means they could be subject to being removed from office. it means their city or county could be subject to fines or penalties up to $25,000 per day. brian: wow. here is what sylvia garcia says, she is state senator, she says quote, i m afraid to legislation will lead to harrassment and profiling of latinos. this is the last thing anyone want. it would go to broken taillight, to broken family to broken faith in our system. does she have legitimate concerns? that is nothing but wild rhetoric that is divorced from reality. first, remember this, and that, the people who are coming into the united states especially across the border in texas, are coming not just from mexico. in fact most of the people coming across the border in texas are not from mexico. they are from people around the entire globe. this has nothing whatsoever to do with those who are hispanics, point one. point two, most of the hispanics in the state of texas are here legally and they have absolutely nothing to worry about. point three, it is illegal for a law enforcement officer to racially profile anybody. so if somebody does that, the law enforcement officer will be in a lot of trouble themselves. this is simply a mechanism such that when someone who has a criminal record, who is wanted by i.c.e., they re going to be held and detained turned over to i.c.e. if you were here, regardless what your status, you have not committed a crime that makes you subject to i.c.e. detain are you have no problems whatsoever is. brian: got it. governor is doing what the president wanted to do. you re not waiting for it to get unstuck. governor greg abbott, thanks so much. thank you. brian: coming up straight ahead, hillary clinton is full of excuses why she lost the 2016 election. our next guest says only means one thing. she is running in 2020? and she was secretary of state starting the war on terror. what advice would condoleeza rice offer president trump? she started as national security advisor. she joins us live next. z286nz zwtz y286ny ywty won t replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won t have to worry about replacing your car because you ll get the full value back including depreciation. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. what s the best way to get v8 or a fancy juice store?s? ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant. done! that s not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. steve: our great honor to have with us former secretary of state author after brand new book called, democracy, stories from the long road of freedom. pleasure to be with you. steve: rex tillerson who has your job, you re one of the people who suggested to donald trump that he consider him. what was it about the gas guy, he could fill my shoes? first of all he was terrific ceo. he is an oil man. oil people know the world like other people don t. they have to make long tail investments in really difficult places. they have to deal with difficult people. their people are often working in very harsh circumstances. sounds like secretary of state? i really thought that he and the president might contact as business peers as well. steve: had they ever met before that? i don t think so. i m sure that then president-elect trump knew of him, everybody knew of rex tillerson. he had a stellar reputation. steve: how is rex tillerson doing now. he is doing very well. very well. he has the good relationship with the president. that is the most important thing the secretary of state can do establish that relationship. he is speaking out, i thought he was brilliant in moscow he said russians with chemical weapons ban they had supposedly gotten with assad, they were either incompetent or not telling the truth. i would never have the nerve to say that good for him. brian: he had a one-on-one meeting too. bob gates recommended with you. so i think that went a long way. ainsley: you guys used to play golf together. we used to play golf. including at&t where you re a little nervous trying to help each other out. rex is a great person. ainsley: one of three women accepted to be a member of augusta national, which ace big deal. yes. brian: secretary of defense, secretary of state, they seem to be getting along. i understand they meet same page before they meet the president. james mattis was president of hoover institute. i had relationship with bob gates. it matters a lot when secretary of state, secretary of defense see all the people below them. don t bring conflict. we ll work together. that goes through entire government, secretary of state and brian: vladmir putin, very few people know more about the russians and soviets than you. did you predict, when you met deputy mayor standing in corner, this guy would emerge as dominant power for russia and what has he done to that country? i did not. i, when i first met him president of russia, some number of years later, when president bush and i met him in slovenia i wouldn t think we see what he has seen. we know he was harboring deep resentment about the end of the cold war. he saw collapse of soviet union he said as a tragedy. he really believes he is re-establishing russian authority, russian influence in the world. unfortunately, if you have to take the territory of ukraine to do it, well so be it. what you have to do with vladmir putin, because he respects strength, he tries to intimidate. if you re not intimidated he respects that. you have to establish the rules of the game. the rules of the game are, we are not going to allow russia to threaten our allies in the baltic states or in eastern europe. we are never growing to countenance the fact they have taken the territory of ukraine. if you establish those fact, and by the way, i also think what president trump has done rebuilding the american defense budget is sending a very strong message that america is back in the game. brian: should we send arms to the ukrainians? should we instead of blankets and do it now? i think we should arm the you ukrainians. you want to be careful how you arm any group facing an insurgency. we learned that lesson in afghanistan when we found weapons on the other side. but we should indeed arm the ukrainians. let them defend themselves. when it is a bad principle, people trying to defend themselves ainsley: you talk about finding in your book, called, democracy, finding democratic openings in other countries. when you have totalitarian government collapses what we ve seen in syria, is there a chance for democracy there? the hardest case is when a totalitarian regime overthrows or collapses you don t have any institutions underneath. totalitarian regimes control every aspect of life. even in authoritarian regimes you might have a civil society or free university here or there. those are the hardest cases. one of the things i really wanted to say with the book. don t think all democracy promotion is like iraq and afghanistan. those were the hardest cases where we went there for security reasons. we didn t overthrow saddam hussein to bring democracy. we did it because wees a security threat. then we said the iraqi people need a pathway to democracy. but those are the hard of the cases. we ve also helped colombia to reclaim its future from the farc. that was an effort at democracy promotion. we helped kenya after really bad election to find an answer. told the president of kenya you need to step down. how did that go over? brian: talk about where your book starts. that is our constitution because its being debated again. as an african-american woman, do you see yourself in this constitution? do you think that when we look at nine of our first 12 presidents as slave owners, should we start taking their statues down saying we re embarrassed by you? i m a firm believer in keep your history before you. so i don t actually want to rename things that were named for slave owners. i want us to look at the names and recognize what they did and be able to tell our kids what they did and for them to have a sense of their own history. when you start wiping out history, sanitizing history to make you feel better it s a bad thing. let me say one thing about our constitution, that constitution originally countedded my answers as 3/5 of a man. in 1952 my father had trouble registering to vote in birmingham, alabama. in 2005, i stood in the ben franklin room, one of our founders, i took an oath of office to that same constitution and it was administered by a jewish woman supreme court justice. that is the story of america. long road to freedom has indeed been long. it has sometimes been violent t had many martyrs, but ultimately has been americans claiming those institutions forethemselves and expanding the definition of we the people. brian: does it make you think less, should we think less of george washington and thomas jefferson and andrew jackson because they were slave owners? they were people of their times. i wish they had been like john adams who did not believe in slavery. i wish they had been like alexander hamilton, who was an immigrant by the way, a child of questionable are parentage from the caribbean. i wish all of them had been like that. jefferson in particular. a lot of contradictions in jefferson. they were people from their time. we should celebrate the jeffersons, washingtons, slave owners, look where we are now. brian: sure. steve: where we are now we havef donald j. trump. i know over last couple years, when he was running maybe he wasn t your number one guy on the list. that s right. steve: how is he doing now? well he is president. i respect the presidency, i respect anybody who gets elected to that office. i think he is really starting to fill in the job. you know it s hard. the first president in our history who had absolutely no experience in government of any kind. he brought really excellent people in, great national security team. you re starting to see him feel what the american presidency can do. when he said about those syrian babies, i can t watch syrian babies choking on chemical gas and not do something about it, that is the president of the united states speaking. steve: we were talking earlier in the green room, you said you think he is getting a little more presidential? i think he is feeling the weight of that office. when you walk into the oval office and you ve got abraham lincoln on the wall and he saved the country from the civil war and there was george washington despite the fact that a third of his troops were down to smallpox, managed to win the revolutionary war. there is a democrat like franklin roosevelt who rallied the people to defeat adolf hitler. so, you feel the weight of that presidency. you re sitting behind roosevelt s desk. i think you see it. and, the american presidency is the most special institution in all of human history. and the person who occupies it has to be about the presidency, not just about himself. brian: right. do you think that, are you surprised somebody a lot of blow back on president bush, are you surpriserred about the volume of pushback on this president? it has been louder than any in my experience and, maybe it it is partly the fact of an unusual election of someone who had not been in office. it came out after very important moment of our history, someone called it a friend of mine, do you hear me now election? people who felt that they were not being served by institutions. perhaps it exposed divisions in our country. we talk about divisions, let s remember, i hope we get too, america is an idea. it is not nationality, religion, ethnicity, it is an idea. that idea you can come from humble circumstances and do great things because the founding fathers promised you life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. one reason that i wanted to write this book, i wanted americans to start with our own story of struggle to make that right. brian: absolutely. recognize we re at our best when we also stand for that, for others. it can t be true for us and not stand for them. ainsley: you talked about taking the oath. do you plan to run for president? my goodness. i don t have that dna. brian: you gave some thought? doesn t everybody. i ran for presidency of the rice family. i won at age four. brian: this is incredible book. talk to you more on radio in a short time. thank you very much. steve: straight ahead on this monday, hillary clinton full of excuses for why she lost in november. i was on the way to winning until the combination of jim comey s letter on october 28th, and russian wikileaks. steve: by saying that our next guest says it could only mean one thing, she s running again in 2020! ainsley: plus we re celebrating national pet month with these adorable and adoptable dogs. brian you need another one. brian: win condoleeza rice adopt a dog on television? it has never been done before. steve: former first lady hillary clinton full of excuses why she lost in november. watch. i was on the way to winning until the combination of jim comey s letter on october 28th and russian wikileaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were and trying to vote for me but got scared off. steve: that was her last week. our next guest says her excuses only mean one thing, she is running for president again! pulitzer prize-winning columnist michael goodwin. where do you think she is running for president out of that? steve there is an old thing in politics once you re bitten by the presidential bug, there are only two curse, death or election. she is still alive so she is running this new group see has formed called onward together which sounds suspiciously like forward together, her own election campaign group, is very much about co-opting the trump resistance. she will raise money to fund the resistance she says. that will give her enormous amount of power and control over the resistance, over the money. i think right now the democratic party is demoralized and divided, defeated across the country. state elections as well. they don t have a clear leader. i think she very much wants to be the leader. let me make one more point. if she is the leader of the democratic party, do you think she will do this for andrew cuomo for cory booker s presidential campaign? steve: no. ultimately she is setting herself up to be the 2020 nominee. steve: if she is the resistance, that was her argument last time, i m not donald trump, vote me president. that didn t work out? that is a very good point. when you hear her make those comments i would have won if it weren t for comey or russia, it is a very tired argument. i think she is going to have to be a different person if she is going to inwith the election. steve: jen psaki in the obama white house, over the weekend said perception of her was baked in 10 years. we knew what she would be like for 10 years. she ran. and six months later again repeating the arguments saying i m not donald trump. democrats are lost right now. they are continuing to make that same argument that she made. we re not donald trump. and it is getting them nowhere with the public. recent poll shows 67% of the americans think democrats are out of touch with the country. steve: next question, who is the leader of the democrats right now? there is no one. tom perez is steve: she should move right in. in is no obvious candidate for 2020. there is no leadership in the senate. it is very much about following bernie sanders and the rabble. so there is no leadership in the party overall. i think she is aiming for that vacancy. steve: michael goodwin, thank you very much. got a freight column on that new york post .com. thank you very much. straight ahead we re celebrating national pet month with a pet fashion show. two become one. then you re a couple. think of all you ll share. like snoring. does your bed do that? the dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. so every couple can get the best sleep ever. does your bed do that? for a limited time save $900 - $1200 on select final clearance beds during our spring clearance event. only at a sleep number store or good morning, everybody, i m bill hemmer. house republicans did something many did not think was possible. now health care heads to the senate. what you need to know about the path forward. the military is taking out a leading isis commander, and a spaceflight is over afterhundred days in orb 700 days in orbit. why so little is known about the mission. six minutes, top of the hour here on a monday morning. ainsley: may is going to the cats and the dogs. it is national pet month. joining us on the green carpet we have five of our newest fury friends, they re dressed up looking to be adopted. brian: joining us bill is vice president of marketing for chem dry, and eric, is director of publications and content marketing for animal friends society. what is is the message here today? what is the message here today. chem dry and best friends partnered up to support rescue pet adoption. chem dry is committed to donating 25,000 to best friend to he get more pets adopted with a healthy home. ainsley: that is wonderful. who is up for aadoption? starting here is pently. this is a terrier type dog. ainsley: want him to walk the green carpet? have bentley walk. he is a puppy. he has a lot of energy. ainsley: his name is bentley? i love that. like the luxury car. what is this chain. that is gentle leader. brian: not bite people. more about the leash. more about the leash. next we have wilbur the kitten. brian: wilbur the kitten. here with all the dog this is morning. ainsley: who is walking who? next we have bradley. ainsley: i love braddedly. bradley is what a sweet pea. he is 7 years old and shih tzu mix. brian: you talk about chemdry, healthy for animals. we have green certified products. we re world s largest carpet using green products safe and healthy for pets. if you have allergies you remove the allergens from the carpet. our process removes 98% of the allergens. that is important thing for people that own pets. brian: more about chemdry and $25,000 in just a moment. stay with us. at panera, a good salad is so much more than a bowl of something green. more than just something you have on the side. more than just one flavor, or texture, or color. a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. iget a cash rebate of up toring $2,000 on selected models. or get the outlander 450, starting at $5,499. visit your local dealer for details. can-am. the ride says it all. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170612

lucien were russian interference is real 2 i think on the big picture he is situation with james comey. the president has authority to take action. ainsley: the president thank goodness he has the authority to hire attorneys. if mueller is going after him and his character he is saying i m going to fight back. no investigation here. the fbi, james comey, former fbi director said three times in his meetings with him we re not investigating you. steve: you are not under investigation. so far they have been investigating over a year no evidence of collusion. we know and we were talking to the author of the new book that came out a couple months out called shattered on the night hillary clinton lost the presidency. it was a advised by robby mook and john podesta that they would say essentially continued that narrative to today. look how it s manifested itself. extraordinary. brian: one of the most extraordinary under reported things. not unreported but under reported things that came out of james comey s testimony was i knew after i found out what the president thought, when he tweeted out, i said i woke up in the middle of the night and i said i have got to go source close to james comey. he put together. he gave up diary notes. and he put together what he said happened between him him and the president. and at the end of it he said i knew if i released this it would result in a special counsel. oh, really, guess who is running a special counsel. great reputation. worked together for 30 years hand in hand. he says wait a second. you put this out there. now the president has got to feel as though he has got to get a fair shake at this? which is dangerous. especially if you look at the quality of criminal attorneys. criminal attorneys. going to examine the trump administration. ainsley: hired my call on a part time basis. his specialty is criminal matters. he argued 100 cases plus before the supreme court. so he is extremely prepared. then andrew wiseman, also, he was the chief of the fraud section of doj s criminal division. he was also hired by mueller. ainsley: the president saying i m going to fight back. he thinks he is innocent so he says i m fighting. steve: as well he should. clearly he was trying to work the reps in the form of robert mueller. look at all this stuff i m going to show you on tv. it was obstruction of justice. circumstantial that is what he is trying to push that particular case. newt gingrich was on yesterday on fox news sunday. ultimately at the end of the day as you look at the back of our heads, the investigators in this thing, you can t trust him. first of all, look what comey said. comey said i deliberately looked through an intermediary to create this counsel, who happens to be one of his closest friends. then look at who mueller is starting to hire. these are people that frankly look to me like they are setting up to go after trump. including people by the way who have been reprimanded for hiding from the defense representation in two major cases. i think this is going to be a witch-hunt. i distrust independent counsels. i think the people mueller is bringing in are dangerous people. any republican who thinks this counsel is going to be neutral is crazy. it will be like expecting the post on the new york times to be accurate. brian: that is as focused as intense as i have seen newt gingrich in a long time. is he absolutely convinced it coulit could go awry. he said i was concerned back in july when loretta lynch said to me. just review. i have got to go in front of congress senate subcommittee. i was wondering, you don t mind, i m going to call this investigation an investigation, and update everybody on what i m doing with hillary clinton. loretta lynch says hey, wait a second, don t use the term investigation. use the term matter. and everybody s fireworks went off and said wait a second, you say that behind closed doors and now you are saying it in front of everyone. why aren t we looking into that. ainsley: even dianne feinstein she has called yesterday for an investigation into the former attorney general, loretta lynch, listen to this. i would have a queazy feeling too though to be candid with you. i think we need to know more about that. there is only one way to know about it, and that s to have the judiciary committee take a look at that. ainsley: were you all surprised by that? brian: believe me, look for the republicans, the democratic support it seems to go heavily, the judiciary committee especially go heavily after this lynch connection. there is a memo from the dnc to the attorney general whatever do you don t go ahead and go after hillary clinton. they are going to ask to see that memo. if it doesn t exist they want to know why. perhaps it was brought up behind closed doors. ainsley: there is talk it is fake. see what the investigation brings forth. comey said lynch asked him to down play the investigation as merely a matter. this is not an investigation into hillary clinton, please call it a matter. brian: that s politics. steve: when james comey tried to convince congress the reason i m reopening this email thing is memo that shows collusion between the department of justice and the dnc. he never specified lindsey graham said yesterday it might be fake. that s the thing. is it a fake memo? is it fake news? what is it? maybe we will find out if they get to the bottom of loretta lynch. brian: let s see comey s notes on that. meanwhile let s see what jillian. jillian: it was good. how was your weekend? ainsley: it was good. jillian: terrifying moments thousands of feet in the air plane packed with people forced to make an emergency landing overnight after a massive hole rips open in the engine during takeoff. lift engine made a funny sound. sounded like it dropped a pistol or something. some of our friends smelt burning. it was really loud and did then they started moving everyone from the left side of the plane over and shutting the windows. so blessed it wasn t much worse than it looked. we really had no idea. jillian: the china eastern flight headed to shanghai forced to circle for an hour before landing safely back in sydney. the cause of the damage is under investigation. in just hours the supreme court could rule on whether to enforce president trump s border order. the issue is the pause on citizen from muslim majority nations about religion or national security. the trump administration says the executive order puts america first and will allow time to come up with a tougher vetting process. those against it have until 3:00 this afternoon to file a response. the white house set to unveil a major program to revamp your work place and ivanka trump is leading the way. workforce development week. training programs and expand apprenticeships. the administration will take steps to make those programs more cost efficient. ivanka trump will be joining us in the next hour right here on fox & friends to discuss it. so, make sure you stay tuned for that. and the first family reunited. first lady melania trump and son barron have officially moved into the white house. they were waiting for the 11-year-old to finish the school year in new york city. melania tweeting this photo from inside the white house with the caption looking forward to the memories we will make in our new home. that s a look there at your headlines this morning, guys. so that s the moment that we have been talking about for a while and it has official happened. steve: because he is out of school and now they can move on down south. jillian: now they are in d.c. brian: today marks the one-year anniversary since the deadliest terrorist attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. new documentary out tells the harrowing story of what happened that night in orlando. called the news media and tried to let them know to get a message across that america needs to stop bombing isis in syria. brian: film maker behind the documentary. here with the stories we have not heard. steve: this high school student wanted to make his yearbook great again if we drop the banner that you can see that he is wearing a trump vest. well, the school edited out trump from the photo. he wants to know why and so do we. he s coming up love me paparazzi when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok? 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well, brian, i have made 23 documentaries since 2010, most of them represent innocent people who have been murdered. i m here to give them a voice. brian: what about what did you discover when you went down there. well, a lot of victims are upset at the length of time. it took three hours and 12 minutes for the shooter to be taken down. in 1999, because of columbine the swat policy changed where you are supposed to go in and get the active shooter rather than surround and containment. there is n to happen in 2016. brian: we will leave it to the law enforcement experts. the terrorists, the guy that we should focus on, this guy this guy swore allegiance to isis. he killed in the name of allah, why? we have been seeing disturbing brian. look at all the incidents in the last few years. paris, brussels, arianna grande closer to home. orlando, san bernardino. one way that i think we could beat isis is not talk about them. i think it creates copy cats so every time isis is mentioned we are feeding their ego. it creates copy cats. brian: it s interesting. do you not mention the killer s name, the terrorist name. i do not mention in the movie, yes. brian: we know ramadan started and guess what happened, two attacks in paris. might have had one in ther in the landinnetherlands over te weekend. what it was like going from a night of partying to a night of terror. i think i found out later on call the news media and let them know to get a message across that america needs to stop bombing isis in syria. well, we heard that we are like oh my god, is this really what we are hearing? when he said he had bombs to light up a city block, at that point i thought make peace with god and peace with myself. brian: when you went down there, obviously these people and others in the area, they are still traumatized by it, right? absolutely. today being the one year remembrance. that s what the victims want to call it just a few hours ago, 2:00 a.m. eastern time, about 200 mourners were out at the pulse. my cameraman was there getting shots. we are going to have a full day of remembrance to honor the victims today. brian: so awesome. so glad you are focusing on them because that s what it is about and we have to stop it. 49 to find out more. you are going to submit to sundance. thanks a lot, charlie. brian: we move ahead. this high school wanted to make yearbook great again but the yearbook edited out trump from his photo. now he is not the only one who is a censored student and is he going to be here live. food critic said you shouldn t eat chick-fil-a because of christian values. comments fired again. poor chick-fil-a. administrative paperwork. your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. we re coming for you, too. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. bass pro shops wants you to take someone fishing. and there s no better place to get started than the bass pro shops gone fishing event. plus, get up to a $2000 gift card with purchase of select sun tracker, regency and tahoe boats. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that s over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. ainsley: here are some quick headlines for you. another arrest overnight in the london terror attack. british authorities arresting a 19-year-old man marking the 21st arrest overall. this as we get our first look at the fake suicide vests that are born by the three killers. police say the blood spattered belts made from plastic water bottles wrapped in duct tape were designed to create fear. oscar rivera cheered and booed while being honored at the puerto rico can day parade. claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings across the u.s. while that was happening puerto rico cans overwhelmingly voted to become the 51st state. congress has the final say on whether or not that happens. we will have to see. steve? steve: thank you very much, ainsley. a new jersey high school under fire after president trump s name is removed from two students yearbook photos. you can see them wearing the name on their clothing. another student s quote from the president also excluded. now, the school says they have no policy preventing students from expressing their political views. and it was all within the dress code. so, what happened, exactly? joining us now is one of those censored students. high school junior wyatt dobbervich joins us in studio. good morning. steve: have you class later on today. yes. i m going to make it in time. steve: tell us what you know. you got your yearbook when. last week at about wednesday. steve: all right. you opened it up. very excited to see that sweater that you are wearing right now. yes. steve: what did you see? it wasn t there. it was cropped out of the yearbook as well as my sister s quote was cropped out of was not put into the yearbook. steve: right. we should and we can put up the images. it wasn t just that your photo was cropped. somebody photo shopped trump off that it wasn t just with you, was it. it was with another student in my grade. and so when you put all these stories together, there is definitely something going on. there is the deliberate attempt to censor and to silence someone s freedom of speech. steve: all right. when you realized and there is the other student, his name is grant? grant, yes. steve: clearly grant s shirt has been photo shopped. it s so blatant. steve: no doubt what happened there. the big question is what happened? any idea. i don t know. i guess someone didn t like our president and wanted to not have him in the yearbook. that s taking away mine, grant s and my sister s freedom of speech and freedom of expression. steve: sure. keep in mind donald trump is the president of the united states today. it s a part of history. it s not like they can just photo shop that away. exactly. steve: he is the president. maybe somebody doesn t appreciate that back in the photo shop department. this is where i think everything going on in today s country, this is where it has got to end. you can call anyone names, you can say whatever you want, but censoring someone s freedom of speech and freedom of expression is where we have got to stop where this stuff happens. it s insane. steve: sure. we have got an image of your sister who is the freshman class president? correct. steve: she submitted a quote and it was like i like thinking big. if you are going to be thinking anything, you might as wealthas as wealthy big. quote didn t put it in there. something seems kind of fishy. something is a little fishy. steve: we should also point out that the school district said the allegations are disturbing. ingreed the administration applauds students becoming involved in politics, making their voices known and taking active part in our democracy. there is a statement right there. so i understand your mom is going to meet with school officials later today to try to figure out what happened. yes. steve: what do you want to happen? i think that it would only be fair to make sure that all the yearbooks are reissued with our photos fully intact the way it should be and with my sister s quote into the yearbook. i think also that the people or person who did this should be held responsible because it is a violation of mine and other people s first amendment rights. and that s wrong. steve: so essentially you want to find out hot photo shopper is. you want to unmask them. i want to unmask the photo shopper. steve: the meeting is later today and we will share tomorrow with our fox & friends viewers what happened. wyatt, thank you very much. thank you. steve: what do you think about that? email us at fox & friends. the mainstream media says the weekend s massive protests across the country were anti-muslim. but were they? are you out here protesting against islam or against sharia law. against sharia law. i have nothing against islam. steve: pete hegseth was there he heard what the mainstream media won t tell you and he is going to share it next. pride denied a teenager blocked from walking at graduation in his military uniform. how the school is trying to spin that one. but, first, happy birthday to former president george herbert walker bush. he has got 93 candles on his cake down in houston today. go on raise the flag i got stars in my eyes ine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. buttrust angie s list to help., [ barks ] visit today. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. isn t it time to let the real you shine through? 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kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter . so now dad has the venture card, he s earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! what s in your wallet? nice job dad. get by with a little help from my friends all i need is i get by with a little help from my friends. steve: this weekend was fox fan weekend. people from all over the country flew to new york to be with us. let s start in the beginning. there is janice and also ainsley and little ainsley s baby hayden and me wearing the fox fan sunglasses. there are the doocy s girls. sally came up up. great food for the clan. is that jillian? brian, that s rob schmidt and who are you with, brian? brian: that s the fox guy. ainsley: fox bot. there is janice. swinging. you look good form. january january okay, good. pete: i was there but thanks for inincluding me. brian: i had my family pictures too. i guess they didn t make. pete: didn t make the cut. brian: just so you know my family got older. apes ains we will show pictures throughout the morning. that s a tease. stay tuned. brian: won t see any pictures. steve: many protest sharia law over the weekend as a protest against islam. the clashes erupting into brawls here at home over islam. protesters and counter protesters squaring off across the country tonight either against the threat of islamic law or in defense of muslim americans. activists say anti-sharia groups promote distorted view of islam. brian: what? do you want me to read? ainsley: that s your segment. it says brian. brian: it did? i didn t see my name on that. would you roll it back? i didn t see my name on it that doesn t paint accurate picture. ainsley: pete hegseth went out to the protesters to talk to them to find out what they were really protesting. pete: we knew that s how the mainstream media would characterize it. 28 of these protests across the country. one here in folly square in new york city. i went down there. let s ask the protesters themselves why they are there. and this is what they said. there is a protest going on to protest sharia law which is an extreme version of islam. i don t think that killing people or mistreating woman is a religion. pete: are you out here protesting against islam or against sharia law. against sharia law. i have nothing against islam. i want to make sure that we re aware of everything that sharia is, everything extremist islam stands for. and we are aware of the dangers. pete: are you here to protest against islam? it s not against islam. it s against sharia law. every islam come from their law. we need to stop that already. america has to be a strong about this. it s not about being against muslims. it s just being against the ideology of, i guess, murdering homosexuals and treating women as a second class, maybe under second class citizen. just dehumanizing. over in britain they were just frogs boiling in water and now they are dead. critics will say you are anti-muslim refresh your recollection anti-muslim? absolutely not. what needs to happen is really a reformation of religion from the inside and i feel like that needs to start with muslims. so we need muslims. the fact is that none of these people would want to kick out muslims from this country. that s not what we are about here. at least that s my understanding of america. steve: pete, who organized this event? pete: organization called act for america. ultimately a number of different organizations that came together to say hey, we are not against islam. we are patriots. we love this country. we see what happens in europe when we don t have the kind of commitment to a shared collective identity. we want to make sure that the radical forms of sharia law don t make their way quietly or silently into america. we are going to stand up for our first amendment rights. brian: the people that were against that protest were against in support of honor killing? in support of disrespect guys? do you know what these people actually subscribe to with sharia law. of course, if they really understood what sharia law do to people they wouldn t be out there counter protesting. brian: embarrassed for them. pete: should be. ainsley: why are the media saying. this they are anti-islam. they are anti-sharia law. pete: dip your toe into the water anti-muslim. when you talk to these people they know what they re protesting against. it s not islam. obey the constitution not a separate set of laws. steve: welcome back. fox & friends weekend. brian: i guess he was there. steve: spent a lot of time with him. brian: again, i will take your word to it. steve: jillian has the headlines. jillian: good morning, pete, good morning to you at home. man freed after 17 years in prison thanks to a suspect that not only looks exactly like him but get this they have the same first name. richard jones on the left was convicted in armed robbery in kansas back in 1999, this is based on eyewitness testimony. lawyers sent out a picture of doppelganger on the right you can see during a recent court hearing. the same witness couldn t tell them apart. now the other man who lived near the crime scene testified that he wasn t the robber. interesting turn of events there. so a high school student barred from walking at graduation because of his service uniform. harlan fletcher, a u.s. army reserve medic, said he was originally told it was okay to wear his army blues. when he showed up to the ceremony in california, administrators turned him away. they said they had extra cap and gown i said sorry, i can t do that. that s defacing the uniform. that s against the uniform policy. jillian: the school has apologized to fletcher. thanking him for his service. food critics sparking outrage online saying you shouldn t eat chick-fil-a. ryan sutton s article criticized food chain for christian values and conservative views. the backlash was swift. ashley tweeting quote, why? because it s delicious? because they pay their employees well? treat customers with respect? i will eat there twice today. basically you hate chick-fil-a because of the founder s beliefs that s bigotry. someone tweeting picture with at caption me at chick-fil-a. real life political drama playing out on the stage. rushing to drop taxpayer funded in the park. this after a play portrayed president trump being brutally assassinated. delta airlines and bank of america both ending their sponsorship of the public theater julius caesar. joined by someone who saw the play in person. steve: the new york times and also american express still sponsoring that event. ainsley: and use public dollars it s a public theater. steve: jillian, thank you very much. brian: that s why i would stay home and watch netflix. steve: you are using my password. january january is that happening? you use his password? no just kidding. ainsley: big weekend for janice over the weekend. steve: i was talking to your husband yesterday and turns out he got remarried this weekend. january january he did. it s been 10 years. we got married at city hall 10 years ago and my husband a few months ago, we were catching up on the kid s day. we have a big anniversary coming up. maybe we should get married at church. make it legitimate. and i thought that was a beautiful idea. my kids got to take part in the wedding. father gary holy trinity you were west side hosted the beautiful event that we had. joshua zuckerman. beautiful pictures here. there he is father gary. special. we are not really, really religious but religion has been part of our lives. we are catholic. after we baptized our kids and then matthew went through his holy first communion we thought it would be really special to do it in the church. and it really was. you can t even really explain it. but it just feels so special to be in, you know, the house of god. and to make it legitimate. steve: we get it, the doocys. mr. and mrs. doocy renewed our vows in the church. i think our 15th anniversary. january january i highly recommend it. our love is very strong. we have been through a lot in these last 10 years, a lot. and to have our kids there i mean matthew was altar boy. father gary made sure all the kids there participating. beautiful flower girls there and special moment. brian: no one on objected january january. no thank goodness. up to the last minute. could have been the runaway bride on the you were west side the it didn t happen. brian: could have been judge napolitano shown up and created chaos. january january thank you for the pictures. thank you for everybody taking part and sending wonderful messages on facebook and twitter. ainsley: he is a firefighter. january january thank you if you are watching. here is to another 50. brian: 18 minutes now before the top of the hour. next on our rundown, another democrat cursing up a storm. a has he kept any of these promises? no. [bleep] no. brian: have the dems gone too far? we ll debate it with the woodhouse brothers and hopefully they will keep it clean. ainsley: the white house set to unveil a major jobs plan today. ivanka trump will be here at the top of the hour. steve: excellent. thanks for making me finer things work a little bit faster he s told that joke a million times. and you always laugh like you re hearing it for the first time. at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. and some you shouldn t have to shoulder alone. like ensuring he s well-taken care of. even as you build your own plans for retirement. ask a financial advisor how lincoln can help protect your savings from the impact of long-term care expenses. america by simon and garfun [ snoring ]ental) [ deep sleep snoring ] the all-new volkswagen atlas. seats seven, sleeps six. life s as big as you make it. ainsley: another democrat using the stage to can you say up a storcuss up astorm andt trump. has he kept any of these promises? no. [bleep] no. [laughter] instead. [ applause ] sorry. i understand this is a younger audience. it s okay. fundamentally, if we are not helping people, we should go [bleep] home. ainsley: new york senator kristin jill grand keeping with the trend cussing the president. go too far. the woodhouse brothers are with us brad woodhouse and dallas woodhouse. thank you, brothers, for being with us. good morning. ainsley: all right, brad, because you are a democrat, she is a democrat, do you defend her on this? absolutely. look, i don t have look, i don t have a problem with it first of all, if you are going to sit here and criticize democrats for using this language, and you didn t criticize donald trump for using the same language on the campaign trail, for using the same language in his public discourse, then you are a partisan hypocrite. look, we are in the trump era of discourse of political discourse in this country. this is a man who cursed his way to the nomination. cursed his way to the white house, who incited violence against his against protesters at his rallies. i halderly think democrats should apologize for reflecting the frustrations of the american people at his failed presidency. ainsley: dallas, what was your reaction to this? you know, granted, if i were the democrats and i would put all my eggs in the basket over former fbi director comey and i was embarrassed the way they were this week with, you know, basically trump being vindicated, i would probably. you have got to be kidding. i tell you this is amazing to me. you want to make this a discussion of comey. brad, i know that you guys are classless but please let me finish. you know, we just had our north carolina republican state convention, and we would be our speakers would be shouted off the stage. they would be pulled off the stage, our crowds would go crazy if people used that kind of language, talking about any president, democrat or republican. i think it is vile. i think it is embarrassing to their party and i think there is no excuse for it. let me say something, dallas. i know they are frustrated but here s the thing. there is a lot to be happy about in this country. consumer confidence suspect. the economy is going unemployment is going down. and i just don t understand this vile anger that they have just because of the political position that they are in due to their own cause. ainsley: brian, i want tobrad it your reaction after i read. this this is from the washington post. she talked about having anxiety dreams shortly after the inauguration and stressing friend s daughter who tried to sell her girl scout cookies oh my i don t like to use the lord s name in vain oh my g-o-d. i have got to blanking order those cookies. talking about girl scout book cooks. john karr seinfeld in comedy if you cuss it s a crutch. bad language like this it s a sign that you are not so smart there are so many other words that you could replace it with. brad, how did we get to this point that our politicians are using the f word several times on a stage and making the excuse that hey, you are all young so you talk like this anyway, i m going to try to relate to you. well, look, first of all, i think people are, many politicians are reflecting the anxiety and the anger that the american people have in this president. this president is a failure. there is not one thing that you mentioned dallas, unemployment rate, consumer confidence, anything else that s attributable to him. he hasn t passed one piece of significant legislation. he has not accomplished anything. in his president. pulled out all these climate change bureaucracies anything kill jobs. he hasn t accomplished anything in his presidency. you are a bald faced liar when you say people would walk out. people did not walk out on donald trump when he told people in new hampshire to go f themselves. ainsley: dallas, the last word, quickly. i would just say that she excuses the fact that are young people at republican events. we have a lot of children, we just wouldn t put up with it. you wouldn t put up with it if trump did it. ainsley: i mean, i can t even believe this is a discussion. politicians shouldn t be using the f word. and i hope y all would agree with me on that. we have kids to raise. i don t want my daughter saying that word. it s horrible, it s horrible. ainsley: thank you so much for being with us. a florida sheriff not mincing words when it comes to terrorism. fully understand this is war. you better be prepared to wage war to protect you, your family, and those around you if attacked. ainsley: that sheriff is here live coming up next. what does ivanks trump think about fired fbi director james comey s testimony? she is going to tell us when she joins us live at the top of the hour. there she is with steve in our green room. our new green room. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. goal! nitedhealthcare, you can get rewarded for we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. walk, move and earn money. .for out-of-pocket medical expenses. he s ok! unitedhealthcare how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. my book what s next is to fully understand that this is war. you better be prepared to wage war to protect you, your family, and those around you if attacked. brian: a florida sheriff sending a clear message on social media urging people to arm themselves in case of an unseen attack. steve: his message has since gone viral brevard county sheriff wayne ivey joins us now. i watched your video you said i m probably one of the most politically incorrect sheriffs in america but your message is a potent one. that is you have got to be ready because you don t know when somebody is going to come after you, right? that s exactly right. the video was about preparedness. we want our citizens to understand that there is no way to predict where the next attack is coming from or even the next active shooter. we want our citizens to be prepared to be the first line of defense. and that s what the video really spoke to. ainsley: sheriff, what s the reaction from community? it s been very positive. in fact, yesterday, we went through and looked at not only the comments but the likes and dislikes on it and less than 1% of the people that that were on our facebook page, but less than 1% disliked it everybody else loved it the comments were overwhelmingly positive. brian: we re watching london, we are watching paris, we are watching brussels. we see the average citizen of that country are sitting ducks. they become victims. we think about orlando, a year ago today, victims just sitting there because the terrorist has the gun. you want to stop that. i do. you know, the best law enforcement agencies in the country have response times in minutes. a violent criminal can take your life in a second. we need our citizens to be well prepared to emergency plan. if they are conceal carry holder. carry their gun with them. it s not doing any good at the house or in the car. carry it where it s allowed to be carried. and no matter if you are somebody that carries it concealed or don t, have a plan. have a secondary weapon or even look to environmentally arm with things that are in the room or in your meeting environment. steve: that s good advice. brian: these terrorists don t want you to fight back so you have got them to put them on the defensive. they not only don t want you to fight back they are not prepared to fight back. their plan falls to pieces. steve: no kidding. sheriff wan wayne ivey joins us from florida. thanks for having me. ainsley: thank you for your service. big week ahead in the white house. ivanka trump will have a major part in it. she is here to tell us all about it coming up next. brian: in fact she is coming up now. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. when you clock out, i ll clock in. sensing and automatically adjusting to your every move. there. i can even warm these. does your bed do that? 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i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. one blockbuster hearing is in the books and now another is on the way. attorney general jeff sessions will now testify before the senate intelligence committee on tuesday. he s going to be asked to explain why he met, if indeed he did, with ambassador kis kyslak of russia. dianne feinstein has questions for former attorney general loretta lynch who told the fbi director to call the clinton investigation a matter. i think we need to know more about that. in just a matter of hours, the supreme court could rule on whether to enforce president trump s travel orders. the white house set to unveil a major program to revamp your work place and ivanka trump is leading the way. it s workforce development week. a new jersey high school under fire after president trump s name is removed from two students yearbook photos. people or person who did this should be held responsible because it was deliberate attempt to censor and to silence someone s freedom of speech. big weekend for janice. we got married at city hall 10 years ago and my husband we have a big anniversary coming up. mane we should get married at church it feels so special to be, you know, in the house of god. steve: live from studio f it s fox & friends for a monday. a very special guest right over here on the new curvey couch. look, it s ivanka trump special advisor to president donald j. trump. it s so nice to be here. i join you almost every morning, just not on the couch. ainsley: what do you think of the new studio. it s amazing. the people, the location, the studio it s great. a pleasure to be here. brian: how often flu new york these days? i don t get here nearly as often as i would like. so,. brian: main difference? little bit busy down in washington. steve: have you been spending a lot of time in the swamp. very busy. i actually came up for an amazing occasion. my sister-in-law, laura, had a baby shower, which was very. steve: i saw the pictures. it was great. we had an amazing time. all family and just everyone came in for it and it was really sweet. i brought my daughter arabella who asked me if we were bringing theodore to have him showered. i realized baby shower is not an explanatory term. never heard it before. brian: certain things you can t google. where is theodore why isn t he coming? brian: 9 million people were watching in the middle of the day. we lost 33% of our productivity because everyone was watching james comey speak. yeah. brian: what do you think came out of that? where did you watch it? what do you think emerged? well, my father felt very vindicated. and all the statements that he has been making and feels incredibly optimistic. you know, at the white house and throughout the administration, we were incredibly focused on the reason we all went to washington. steve: sure. what we are fighting for. so last week, while it didn t get the level of headlines, will ultimately have more impact infrastructure week. focusing on rebuilding this country. rebuild rural locations which have fallen into great disrepair. repair our waterways, air traffic control. so there were a series of very important and big and far reaching initiatives on infrastructure. this coming week is about workforce development. so with all the noise with all the intensity of the media coverage and obviously what makes headlines ultimately, we are really focused on why the american people elected donald trump as their president. ainsley: people say jobs, jobs, jobs. that s why you your dad, secretary of labor you are dog wisconsin tomorrow to meet with kids taking classes at technical schools? we are visiting one of the great examples of skilled based learning and skilled based education technical schools in wisconsin to talk about the skills gap and to highlight the fact that there is a viable path other than a four year college experience. so, really investing in vocational education. skill based training. there are 6 million available american jobs. so we re constantly hearing from ceos that they have job openings but they don t have workers with the skill set they need to fill those jobs. really bridging that gap and bringing experienced based education to the forefront. so apprenticeship, actually. that s the model. steve: your dad knows it well. something we deemphasized here in favor of four year traditional college. they don t have to be mutually exclusive. steve: as somebody who has run her own business, this something personal to you. i m sure there have been situations where we love to hire people but we can t find the people who have the right skill set. it s true. while it s not a woman s issue, it disproportionately affects women and minorities especially when you think out into the future where the available jobs today and the future jobs are coming from. a lot of the them are in stem related fields, stins, engineering. computer science. steve: train them today for the jobs of tomorrow. women, for example, while we represent 47% of the overall workforce, we only make up 23% of stem-related occupations. so, we re moving in the wrong direction in terms of our participation and that s something ultimately we need to change. encourage k-12 but also retraining for workers whose jobs have been displaced. so we have a huge emphasis on it this week. it s critically important. i think we can make a very big impact. brian: not only this week for the administration but in your book, you put your money where your mouth is you have had women who work out there breaks down this whole issue basically from the female perspective. because you have gotten a real handle on it in the big picture, the 62% of the workforce that s working is more important than the unemployment number perhaps. because a lot of people can work. they can t find a job that matches up with their skills. in some cases they choose not to work. yeah. and we need the full participation. so many people are also working jobs that are part time. and it s enormous problem in this country. the number of part-time workers who are working two and three jobs that collectively they are making less than when they worked one job that s been replaced. and they don t have access to leave for vacation to holidays, to traditional benefits. that s another probable we are looking address. steve: this week the white house is going to be talking about these things. next week congress takes over and there is a bipartisan bill that could inject a billion dollars into this. the perkins act. and it s been it s a very good piece of legislation. so, they are refining it and extending it but it s all about skills based education and really making sure people have the technical skills to succeed in this modern economy. steve: terrific. we are very excited. and this is honestly what it s all about. i mean we, you know, we moved down to washington. we want to be helpful. we want to do big things. important things. and there is nothing more important than enabling people. brian: is it harder than you thought though, is it harder than you thought to stick to the things that you want to do because of what keeps coming up. whether it s the russia investigation or something else? it is hard. and there is a level of viciousness that i was not expecting. i was not expecting the intensity of this experience. but this isn t supposed to be easy. my father s administration intends to be transformative. and we want to do big, bold things. and we re looking to change the status quo. so, i didn t expect it to be easy. i think some of the distractions and some of the ferocity i was a little blind sided by on a personal level. i m trying to keep my head down, not listen to the noise and just work really hard to make a positive impact in the lives of many people. i mean, if you want to at the end of the day if you want to think about difficult, it s the factory worker who has been laid off. difficult is, you know, the mother who has lost a child to opioid abuse. so these are the real challenges. i think that does put it in perspective for me. every time we get out into the country and meet with american people who are very optimistic about what s happening. and they see the economy and it s just booming. small businesses have this sense of just vigor and, you know, i was talking with somebody the other day who was referring to it as the animal spirit. small business owner has been released. so there is a tremendous energy but there is also real challenges. and that s what we re looking to address. ainsley: your father had his first foreign trip. yes. ainsley: what were some of the highlights of that trip for you. that was incredible trip. ainsley: jared was there? yes. jared was instrumental in organizing and planning it. it was wildly successful. saudi arabia alone, if you think about the historic nature of gathering 54 muslim and arab leaders to talk about the goal of eradicating terrorism. collective effort. it was amazing the leadership that my father showed, the way he was able to foster really dialogue. substantive dialogue that not only resulted in $400 million of business, for american businesses, which was an amazing thing in and of itself, but the fact that there was able to be the substantive dialogue with these 54 leaders about how they will collectively join to stop funding terrorism. there are commitment signs where they would be coordination to ensure that nobody was funding steve: and then from saudi arabia, the direct flight into israel made hills industry. yes. steve: that it never happened before. first time a sitting president was at the western wall and had visited. ainsley: what it was it like for you. you converted to judaism. your faith is extremely important to you. what was it like as a convert to be there in israel and to meet with benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister? every day in this experience has been surreal but that was truly an unbelievable moment. so i feel blessed and privileged to have been there it was deeply personal for me as you know to standing at the western wall in a moment of privacy because it was really just us. it was our family that was there. it was beyond special. so really it s hard for each of these moments, it s hard to find the words to adequately be able to describe them. then to move on to rome and to meet with the pope. so to have covered the three largest world religions over the course of four days, it was deeply meaningful. steve: the reviews came in and everybody said he did such a good job, very presidential. i want to ask you though personally. you have lived most of your life here in new york city. now you have relocated to a nice neighborhood in washington, d.c. it seems like every time you go outside to get a cup of coffee or take the kids out to the park or something like that, people are taking pictures of you. that is a weird experience. steve: right? every day there are photographers. steve: look what she is wearing. i m looking for alternative routes out of my home but you know, there is a scrutiny and there is an interest that exceeds anything i have ever experienced before. but, d.c. has been an amazing place. the kids are thriving. and ultimately for me, that s the number one most important thing. if the kids weren t happy, it would be very hard for me. steve: no kidding. ainsley: they really love it down there. steve: does your husband like his job? he loves it. talk about impact. you saw the results of so much of his hard work on display in saudi arabia and in israel and subsequently in rome. but, you know, aside from what he is doing on the foreign policy front, also the various initiatives he is focused on at home, really thinking about modernizing and innovating within government. we saw just this week an incredible announcement with secretary shull ki shulkins inne their operations with the department of defense which is something they have been trying to do for 20 years so there could be continuous care for our soldiers as they leave service. so this is arguably the most important thing that sed adminiy within the v.a. in decades. and it just shows, you know, there is a real focus on getting things done. and getting big things done. and obviously my father has made taking care of our veterans his highest priority. and just laser beam focused on it. brian: what about the talk of jared clashing with the inside? is any of that true? there is 24-hour news cycle that gets fed by and is encouraged by lots of salacious details. at the end of the day, we are all focused on the work. and that s very true for jared. you know, he is somebody who just likes to get things done. so he doesn t get involved in sort of all of that. ainsley: i know you are going to wisconsin and talking to the voters and to the people. yes. ainsley: to the core of this great country. we are going to come down to washington later in the week and talk to you about that. i look forward to it. great to see you. brian: varney one of them a good boxer i don t know which one. steve: and kellyanne conway. hey dad, come meet the new guy. the new guy? what new guy? i hired some help. he really knows his wine. this is the new guy? hello, my name is watson. you know wine, huh? i know that you should check vineyard block 12. block 12? my analysis of satellite imagery shows it would benefit from decreased irrigation. i was wondering about that. easy boy. nice doggy. what do you think? 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because trump is a red tape cutter? no yes. it s the promise of growth in the future from tax cuts, less red tape, an an infrastructure. ainsley: why don t you hear about it? brian: because it s not done yet. tax reform is not done yet. healthcare is not done yet. corporate taxes aren t done yet. even though the president wants it a whole group wants to stop him. yes. the left wants to stop him. the left knows if the president is successful, especially with tax cuts, the economy will start to roll and that will put the republicans and the president in a strong position for the elections next year. ainsley: they are putting politics ahead of what s good for america? absolutely they are. yes. i think it s a disgrace, quite frankly. here we have the media concentrating en masse, russia, russia, russia. comey, comey, comey, plots, investigations. all of that is front page news all the time. what s going on in peoples lives, better jobs, wages, housing improving. the improvement in our economy, our financial way of life, that goes uncovered. and that s a crying shame. brian: right. steve: absolutely. there you have it. brian: 9:00 to noon fox business we are watching you. glad to hear it. brian: straight ahead? steve: evander holyfield here to talk about the big moments from his career. ainsley: scandal surrounding shakespeare in the park. a play depicting the assassination of president trump. you, the taxpayers are paying for it. next, a woman who was actually in the audience for the first show is here to talk about the controversy things you re going to do to me as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. there s nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation if my plans change. visit booking.yeah. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day men s complete with key nutrients we may need. plus heart-health support with b vitamins. one a day men s in gummies and tablets. 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[ voice remote click ] together: ahhh. that works too. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. see despicable me 3 in cinemas in june. jillian: good monday morning, welcome back to fox & friends. now time for headlines. in just hours the supreme court could rule on whether to enforce president trump s border order. the issue is the pause on citizens from muslim majority nations about religion or national security. the trump administration says the order allows time to come up with a tougher vetting process. those against it have until this afternoon to file a response. and terrifying moments in the air as a packed plane makes an emergency landing overnight after a massive hole rips in the engine during takeoff. it got really loud and it was like i feel blessed it wasn t worse than it looks. jillian: forced to circle for an hour before landing safely back in sydney. no word on the cause. oscar lopez rivera cheered and booed while being honored at new york s puerto rico can day parade. his group claim responsibility for more than 100 bombings across the u.s. this as primary care cans overwhelmingly voted to become the 51st state. congress has the final say on whether that happens. ainsley? ainsley: thanks, jillian. outrage over new york city play paid for in part by your tax dollars. laura shaffer of am 970 the answer, the radio show, saw this year s shakespeare in the park and she joins us now to talk about it laura, what did you see julia caesar a shakespeare production. what surprised you? i was expecting it to be a classic rendition of julius caesar. the stage was set very modern and american. classic images in the background. i knew it was going to be different. of course we know julius caesar character as the lead, when that character was brought forth and it was donald trump, i mean, they didn t specifically say it, but his hair, blond, reddish, had the tie tied too long. he was obviously the leader. knowing where that was going, i was appalled, appalled. because you know then that the character is assassinated midway through the play. and just to see that portrayed in central park was just too far. ainsley: what was the reaction from the crowd the liberal new york crowd? i think they accepted it and were fine with it. it was funny. it was imament. buentertainment.but to me is tht of the united states. he is in an office that should be respected. like him or hate him, he is still the president of the united states. i just saw it this is way too far. ainsley: as brutal as what cathy griffin did. i would say if not worse because it was a live rendition of it. so planned and calculated and we are seeing it over and over again in front of a live audience 2,000 people every night it s just too much. ainsley: some the corporate sponsors have pulled out after this all became people in the media were aware of this. i understand the play has been running for weeks now. it only has one more week to run. corporate sponsors that just pulled out delta and bank of america. however, american express and new york times has not pulled out yet and no telling whether or not they will. what was your reaction to that? it makes me sad for shakespeare in the park because the overall the public theater is a great thing. but, yet, at some point like justice needs to happen. like this is not okay. tax dollars are paying for this. like this is not okay. i m glad to see delta airlines pull out. i m glad to see bank of america pull out. at the same time i grieve because this shouldn t have happened. somebody along the way should have realized this is not okay. ainsley: yeah, the bigger picture. what s your reaction to the way the mainstream media is covering this? you have cathy griffin holding up the head of a decapitated president with blood. you have julia caesar on stage with blood all over his shirt and blood spatters all over the stage. yeah. like i said, i just think we have misplaced any form of respect for our president. whether right or left side offed it doesn t matter, he is still the president of the united states. if this had happened for barack obama, if it happened for george w. bush, any president in history, it would have been absolutely an outrage. ainsley: would it have happened if president obama were in office? no, no. you can imagine that first time it was on we would be hearing about it this is weeks since it has been on in central park. we are just now starting the conversation. ainsley: laura shaffer with 970 the answer. thank you. ainsley: win back rural america it could be on your breakfast table right now. attorney general jeff sessions set to testify on capitol hill this week. this as new questions rise about james comey s relationship with a special prosecutor on the russia investigation. kellyanne conway is live from the white house with us coming up next. red, white, and blue only in america where we dream as big as we want to we all it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? 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[laughter] and time, time. jillian: oh my gosh. look at him. this young kid fighting through excrucial united states pain to win the redbirds contest. the team tweeting their support after the game writing quote our man was not going to be denied any iceee chugging contest no matter the cost. so we have to give a huge congratulations to him for sticking through that. ainsley: that is so cute though. steve: the remedy for brain freeze is you are supposed to put your tongue on the top of your mouth. brian: it doesn t work. ainsley: try it now. brian: buy me a slushy. ainsley: brain freeze or throat freeze? i never had the brain freeze. brian: congratulations. brain freeze ains answer really a pain up here. brian: better not cause brain damage because we are all in trouble then. steve: joining us from the north lawn of the of the white house. kellyanne conway. good morning. steve: what is going on, i know attorney general jeff sessions was going to testify before some other committee this week to talk about the budget for the department of justice. and now they have decided because some people were going to ask him about comey and mueller and all that other stuff they have decided to put him out in front of the senate intel committee? yes. well, he is willing to cooperate and share what he knows. what really caught my ear yesterday was senator dianne feinstein, of course, a democrat, saying that she would like to investigate further the fact that jim comey admitted under oath that he exceeded to the wishes of attorney general attorney general loretta lynch. a full blown investigation to quote a matter. taking something from an investigation, calling it a matter is no small thing. and it s not a semantics difference. this was an investigation. 33,000 deleted emails. steve: criminal. yes. 33,000 deleted emails of a private server of smashing phones with hammers. the last time i smashed my phone with a hammer, i wasn t trying to not conceal evidence. i really like the fact that we re talking about both attorneys generate now. because i think the untold story from last week s testimony it reflected very poorly on members of the obama administration as well. ainsley: what was your reaction to senator dianne feinstein a big democrat from the state of california? and she even agrees with you. she says loretta lynch, we need to be asking more questions about what actually happened there. that s right. ainsley. comey told the whole world he acceded to the wishes. made him feel quote queazy but he had no problem doing that this is a man who admitted he leekdz a memo to hurt this president and he admitted to agreeing to loretta lynch s request to downgrade, essentially, something that was an investigation to be calling it a matter. it also goes back to the tarmac meeting between link and president bill clinton. it takes about four and a half minutes, not 45 minutes to talk about golf and the grand kids, a couple selfies included. i think those questions of what we swirled around. and i think what senator feinstein as a democrat did is very refreshing because the democrat, now they basically say the word russia more than they say america. brian: right. they are obsessive about this. they are obstructionists. they will have to go home and face their constituents at some point when they say what was your message? they have no message. no direction. no leader. no compunction to try to cooperate with this white house or the republican majority in both houses. republican governors and republican state legislators across the board. there is no willingness to cross over and support what i would say are even nonpartisan issues like air traffic control and infrastructure reform. ivanka and her father s work place initiatives this week. workforce development. we can t get people to say hey, skills training, technical vocational education great idea. i will cross over and support. brian: all right, kellyanne, just talking about this whole thing and the big picture, so far many people are saying no collusion. now they are saying most legal experts say they don t see obstruction of justice. i don t know what robert mueller is doing with his road team there. what lindsey graham said yesterday, mr. president, if you just don t talk about comey and russia, if you are quiet about this, we will clear you because we don t believe you were even colluding with your own party let alone another country. will the president not talk about comey and russia and just punt to his legal team and allow republicans and others to clear him? the president was very active this weekend speaking about this very matter. and so everybody can see what he thinks at the moment. he spoke about it on friday. he spoke about it every day this week either publicly or on social media which is a very powerful platform for him. he says he reaches over 100 million people combined. he certainly cuts out the middle man. but to your point, let s talk about the things that we didn t learn the other day, that we didn t hear. we heard nothing. we heard that donald trump is not under investigation, never was. all the media who said he was and that he misunderstood jim comey are yet to apologize. it was one little retraction that there is no evidence of obstruction of justice or collusion. that russia. steve: here comes your vacuum. here it is. they love us. hey, guys. it s a very clean lawn here at the white house. steve: and that russia had no impact on the elections, only when hillary clinton. brian: kellyanne conway you are a genius at politics. any time the president mentions comey or russia, it doesn t work to his ad van tang. it works to the democrats. so if you agree with that maybe you don t, if you agree with that and the president wants to get his agenda through, wouldn t he be better off not doing anything about those things, letting others do it? is he likely watching and getting your advice right now, brian. at the same time, i don t know why people just can t cover both. in other words, if i hear one more time we wanted to cover infrastructure, we wanted to cover jobs and workforce development. we really wanted to talk about this incredible economy of 4.3% unemployment. lowest in 15 years. fewer unemployed since 2007, i believe. and certainly the confidence numbers are way up for the last decade. they haven t been this high. so why can t people cover both stories? brian: because they are trying to kill you. because these other media outlets are trying to kill you. they need to quote accept the election results. all the things that i was asked, the president was asked, and everybody was asked six weeks to sunday october 19th debate in las vegas when he said i will keep you in suspense. next day he said in ohio hay rally i will accept them if i win. people freaked out and still freaking out. the responsibility is to cover all of the above. the media has a great responsibility and great role here. they could be telling the veterans that hey. brian: but they re not. but they should. you at least give us a platform to talk about facts and all the great things that are happening that impact real people s lives. ainsley: that s because kellyanne conway they care more about politics than they do about america. this guy is great for ratings and click bait and ad sales. that s it, too. ainsley: plain and simple the economy looks really good right now. the dow since he has been elected up 16%. s&p up almost 14%. nasdaq up almost 20%. well, and you can t deny all the confidence numbers as well. which is an optimistic projection. it means that business owners and job creators and consumers will spend their money. they will invest. and they feel very good about the president s policies, all the regulatory roll back. they feel very good about tax reform coming. about healthcare getting completed. these infrastructure investments. the idea that this white house is going to do what s not been done which to dignify and expand the opportunities for people to get a portable credential or certificates that allows them to go and support themselves right out of high school and not amass an amount of debt in college. if they re not college material. so what? there are all kinds of career paths i grew up with the welders and all. you know what in the american people know it we hear from them all the time. we are praying for you. we support you. we know things are progressing. i think the democrats are guilty of obstruction of progress. that evidence is very clear. steve: all right. kellyanne conway, of course, your boss, the president of the united states your boss said james comey was a leaker. i saw online it turns out you are the big leaker from the white house because you were talking to some people at a party. yeah. well, if i were a great leaker i would get much better press. don t you think? part of why i don t is because i won t divulge confidential information. two things there. first of all, mark short is one of my best friends in the west wing. he came to my wedding 16 years ago and he and chris citizen are friends of ours. and our families are close. i don t wonder what he does every day. i marvel at it. and i often join in those efforts. i think we had three or four meetings together just last week. director of legislative affairs. one of the many unsung heroes behind me. the other thing is i never divulge what the president tells me. i never would. the president has said publicly that we ll all find out. we have to waited and see if there are tapes. i repeated that and i said i converted to no comment. i said that publicly. there is no confidential information there. brian: thank you very much. kellyanne conway from washington. when we come back, somebody totally different. he is a fighter just like the president. evander holyfield goes into the boxing hall of fame. he talks about his career in just a moment. when it comes to heartburn. trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection. banish the burn. with nexium 24hr. it s how well you mow fast. it s not how fast you mow. .it s how well you mow fast! they re not just words to mow by, they re words to live by. the john deere ztrak z345r. what s the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. brian: a high school coming under fire. you might not have heard about this after president trump s name is removed from two student yearbook photos because it was on their shirt and sweatshirt. steve: apparently just air brushed off and another student s quote from president trump also excluded. ainsley: rob schmidt joins us now to tell us all about it good morning, rob. rob: something else. a story a lot of people are going to talk about i m sure. a school district in the blue state of new jersey discussing how political censorship ended up creeping into their school yearbook. wyatt donorvich wore a trump logo on his sweater vest. another student wore a make america great again t-shirt. you see here when they got the class photos on the left everything was fine. when they saw the yearbook last week the logos were edited out you can plainly see in these photos. they say it didn t happen to anybody else at the school. just to them and also to wyatt s sister who happens to be the freshman class president. her yearbook quote was a classic quote from the president quote i like thinking big. if you are going to be thinking anything, you might as wealthy big. that quote never made the yearbook. however the senior class president s fdr quote did. telling steve it s pretty clear what s going on. i don t know. i guess someone just didn t like our president and wanted to not have him in the yearbook, but that s taking away mine, grant s and my sister s freedom of speech and freedom of expression. well, the superintendent says she is quite disturbed by what happened and released this statement. the allegations are disturbing indeed. the administration applauds students for becoming involved in politics, making their voices known, and taking an active part in our democracy. the school s dress code does not prevent students from expressing their political views. the district now has to figure out how this happened. that s going to be their job on this is to figure out who is the inside person that did this editing. steve: the family would like to see once they figure out who the once they unmask the photo shopper is essentially to reprint all the yearbooks so everybody has got the actual picture of the actual students taken on that actual photo day. rob: right, exactly. steve: thanks, rob. ainsley: thank you. brian: 11 minutes before the top of the hour. steve: we just heard kellyanne conway talk about one thing the democrats and republicans agree on. that is loretta lynch, former attorney general should be investigated. i think we need to know more about that. and there is only one way to know about it, and that s to have the judiciary committee take a look at that. steve: oh boy. ed henry with more that at the top of the hour. stick around for that. brian: he is the world s only four time heavyweight champion. now he is in the boxing hall of fame as of yesterday. evander holyfield is to talk about his career. see if it reaches his approval. steve: how are you? usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. the process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like you re a part of the family. i love that i can pass the membership to my children. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. tthat s why at comcast,t to be connected 24/7. we re always working to make our services more reliable. with technology that can update itself. and advanced fiber network infrastructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. brian: one of the newest members of the boxing hall of fame is none other than the real deal to ever win heavyweight title four separate times evander holyfield. he joins us in the studio one day after going to the hall of fame. what was it like, evander, congratulations? it was great. it s amazing to find you are the best. i remember a time i wanted to be the best but i just didn t know what the best was. brian: like so many people in those moments, did you go back to the people that brought you there. and first and foremost, your mom. your mom told you don t quit. and so many times you could have. do you remember being 11 years old and you re at boxing and you couldn t beat this one guy. you said his name was cecil collin. he beat me twice. brian: you said i m quitting. she said i didn t raise a quitter. i couldn t quit. brian: go back and fight him. go back and he beat me again. and i tried to quit quietly. and but my momma found out that i lost again, told me to go back and i won the third time. brian: she said okay, evander, you can quit. what did you say? no. i won t. brian: you wouldn t have had a boxing career if your football coach didn t bench you. right. brian: if you were playing and weren t so frustrated you said i m going to stop football and focus on boxing. thought you were too small. right, exactly. coach shepard just he is like put me on the bench. but then he found that i could play. asked me would i come back? i told him i ll just box. brian: evander the message of your career and some others, it s what you do after you don t reach your goals to find how are. great moments in your career. holyfield, riddick. you fought three times. first time the heavyweight champion and you lose despite a classic tenth round. what did you learn from that? you know, in the point of losing, i kind of gained because everybody say oh my goodness. did you see the beating he took? he keep coming. brian: holyfield wouldn t stop. if you want inspiration watch tenth round. most significant fight is mike tyson. not the bite the first one. no one remembers. you knocked him out on his feet. you won the title from the guy. yeah. it was amazing that first fight was the fight that i had to prove to everybody. because been had the heavyweight champion two times but they say you didn t beat mike. and you know what? i beat him the third time. i beat that time and weight off the shoulders. brian: also showed you weren t scared. fought through the round, after the round in between round. and fight mike and knocking out buster douglass. one of the most inspirational athletes of his generation finally goes into the hall of fame. evander hole field. holyfield. hope you have just as much success in the second half of your life. adam kinzinger will be here live. lawmaker. danar bongino will be here. big final hour. [ toilet flushes ] so when you need a plumber, you can count on us to help you find the right person for the job. discover all the ways we can help at angie s list. because your home is where our heart is. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and 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whether loretta lynch covered for the clinton campaign. i think we need to know more about that. taking something from an investigation calling it matter is no small thing and it s not a different. we have the media concentrating on mass, russia, russia, comey, comey, what s going on in people s lives, better jobs, wages, housing. that goes uncovered. that s a crying shame. if this had happened for barack obama or george w. bush it would have been absolutely an outrage. stick to the things you want to do because what keeps coming pup up. i was blindsided. a level of viciousness i was not expecting. travel on our road. ainsley: don t be afraid to take the road less traveled. it is your life and nobody else s. brian: i m against those words. i don t like them at all. ainsley: that s why you stuck around with us. brian: i m the lewis and clark. steve: ed henry, eddy, good morning to you. good morning. steve: let s recap last week. james comey on capitol hill, no smoking gun. we had ivanka a while ago and said her father felt vindicated because mr. comey did tell president donald trump three times you re not under investigation. explain what this week holds for us because attorney general who was supposed to go to budget meeting before lawmakers, now they are going to put him in front of senate intel committee because they have questions about what s been going on? it is a pivotal week, number one for jeff sessions. after the whole comey testimony he went behind closed doors and allegedly said that there was a third undisclosed meeting between jeff sessions as a senator in 2016 and the russian embassador. we don t know whether that s true. i want to be very clear. this is just a report. there have been a lot of report that is turned out to be false but this will give jeff sessions a chance to clear the air because if there s another undisclosed meeting it would be very bad for him. maybe the administration can finally turn the corner. when you listen to what ivanka trump said on the show, a lot of new information, talking about the economy, getting the administration back focused on what her father was elected to do and yet at the news conference on friday in the rose garden, i was there with the white house with the president when he was talking about vindication, yes, he can make that claim and in the next breath i m willing to testify under oath 100% robert mueller. that shows confidence, but that s the last thing the lawyers want him to do. my point is that this administration has to stop a way to stop creating news on the story and stop talking. excuse me, attorney general in public or private? we frankly don t know. even dianne feinstein doesn t know if it s public or not. ainsley: james comey testified on thursday and said that loretta lynch, former attorney general under president obama asked to down play, liberal left democrat from california she said this about what happens next. one way to know about it is to have judiciary committee take a look at that. james comey was saying that he felt queasy when loretta lynch asked him to make it a matter and that s what she s referring to when she said i had a queasy feeling. you know what, the republicans on that panel have a letter or press conference or whatever and say, yes, let s look at that and take a senior democrat from san francisco at her word and say, yes, the democrats are going to finally take a look at the obama-clinton loretta lynch justice department and find out what really happened. that was a dramatic revelation. james comey under oath saying he was being pressured basically by the democratic attorney general to make the hillary clinton investigation seem less important and not criminal. steve: ed, trying to influence the election. guess what, how many democrats have been up there since the election screaming and yelling about how donald trump won this election unfairly and that all they want are independent fair investigations of russia and all of this, now we find out it was not really an independent and fair investigation of hillary clinton, that the democratic attorney general was maybe trying to do a bidding for hillary clinton. i want to hear more about the memo real fake and existing and nonexisting in the convention to loretta lynch, no matter what happens they ll be no back and forth, they ll be no they ll be no indictment on hillary clinton. did that in fact, prompt james comey to do the press conference that still has many on both sides of the aisle befuddled since last july. how many times was obama asked about hillary clinton e-mail, they say that s being handled by the fbi, we don t want to be involved with that, this is an independent probe. again, with the trump-russia situation we keep hearing the democratic lectures about how the white house can t be polluting what s happening in the fbi and justice department. this was going on last year under a democratic justice department and you re hearing very little about it. steve: by the way, loretia lynch pushed back to surrogate, by the way, i did say a matter to a group of people and nobody said a word to object including james comey who seems to take mental notes on everything that disturbs him and uses it when the time is right. you know what, brian, play the string as well. i hope to james comey that you will let this one go, we heard democrats, but when the commander in chief says that leads someone to feel pressure, right, so now the attorney general former attorney general is saying i told a group of matter i would rather call a matter than investigation. i just told a few people. brien: he s still intimidated. who are you going to believee started the conversation, brian, you said to kellyanne conway. republican sendly lindsey graham, believes that james comey never would have been allowed to testify by robert mueller if in fact, he was working on obstruction of justice. he allowed comey to testify because they realize, i hope to let this go is not obstruction of justice. fast-forward to lindsey graham. yesterday on a program was saying, look, the president is going to be in the clear here, that s from a critic sometimes of donald trump, but again, the administration has to stop, you know, there s now talk that maybe somehow the president has the power to fire robert mueller. why in the world would he do that, stop and focus on the economy. ainsley: julian turner says it s so tough when you talk about messaging, when you focus all last week on infrastructure, the president has a whole team, he has a whole team that s doing the workforce tour with ivanka and she said it s so frustrating when you work in the white house when you put all the blood sweat and tears and you watch the mainstream media and they talk about russia, they talk about comey, comey. we had ivanka earlier and she said it is time to get back to work. that s why she and her dad are going to wisconsin to talk to folks who are in school in some of the technical schools. listen to what she said. my father felt very vindicated in all the statements that he s been making and feels incredibly optimistic and at the white house and throughout the administration we were incredibly focused on the reason we all went to washington and what we are fighting for. ainsley: she s talk about it s frustrating. steve: next week the house of representatives are going to take out a bipartisan bill take a billion dollars to training apprentices and people like that because there s a huge skills gap in america. what i heard from ivanka trump was something else that was very interesting. she used the word transformative. that is kind of a buzz word in politics where you re saying, she wants us to be a presidency like ronald reagan that transforms the country. not the obama presidency who was doing little executive actions because they were frustrated. they want this to be transformative presidency. with all due respect she did not mention that her father was tweeting about jamesomey this weekend. he s a leaker, he s the one under fire, he has to move on and this is a potential pivot point for this administration this week and she layed tout battle plan. we will see if they follow. brian: put your head to the wall, you can hear it. thanks ed henry. ainsley: thank you. it depends on the month, not in november. brian: really? depends on who it is. julian, you the other guys? good morning to you, guys, let s get started with this, in just hours the supreme court could rule on whether to enforce president trump s border order. the issue is the pause on citizens from muslim-majority nations about religion or national security. the trump administration says the executive order puts america first and will allow time to come up with a tougher vetting process. opponents have until 3:00 this afternoon to file a response. also happening in court today montana congressman elect gianforte expect today plea guilty in attacking of a reporter. i m sick and tired of you guys. the last time you came in here you did the same thing, get the hell out of here. that incident taking place last month the day before the special election. gianforte faces up to six months in jail for misdemeanor assault. he is expected to be sworn in by congress later this month. jeff immelt became ceo in september of 2001 just four days before the terror attacks. the 61-year-old is credited with leading the company through the 2008 financial crisis. john flannery, the president and ceo of ge health care will take over august 1st. immelt will remain as chairman through the end of the year and the stanley cup is staying in the steel city. pittsburgh penguins winning their second straight championship. take a look. the stanley cup champions the penguins beating nashville predators, winning playoff mvp for second straight year. nationals couldn t pull out the win at home despite country music star faith hill at the crowd before the game. [cheers and applause] as you can see, husband tim mcgraw giving her a huge hug afterwards. unstoppable. [laughter] brian: star power nashville couldn t do it this time. they could not. brian: i learned to look left and then look right. have you heard this newt gringrich s message to the gop. people mueller is bringing in is dangerous people. anybody who thinks this counsel is going to be neutral, is crazy. brian: turns out he s over to my right. steve: behind door number one. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home. .with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%. .a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you re allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you d rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. look at mueller is starting to hire. these are people who frankly look to me like they are setting up to go after trump. i think this is going to be a witch hunt. i disinfrastructures independent counsels. i think the people mueller is bringing in are dangerous people and any republican who thinks this counsel is going to be newt real is knew real is crazy. brian: republicans being urge to put an end in special investigation. are any on board? joining us member and still in military reserves adam kissinger. great to be here. brian: the quality of people and the budget that they have at this committee with guys with tony who has a great reputation, michael who has argued a hundred cases in front of the supreme court. he s a criminal guys and people wonder if there s another agenda be so close mueller and comey are together in the disdain comey has for the president. he wants to enjoy life and he has been hired to get answers. whenever new piece of news come out, people automatically yell that it s not real and it s not fake and some other people come out and scream impeachment. brian: now we find out one of the people, at least in one case is the former fbi director james comey. everybody is interested in answering questions this moment. lindsey graham made the point that mueller wouldn t have allowed comey to testify if there was obstruction of justice. anybody in the administration, the left is going to look really bad having called for impeachment so long. i disagree with the former speaker when he says basically he how old be fired and move on. that s the wrong answer right now because there are, frankly 60-some percent of americans that are interested and need answers to this, all americans need answers and we are going to get there. brian: i don t know robert mueller, i just know he s buddies with comey and clearly comey can t be fair and balance about this investigation. i hope he s not trying to do something for his friend. we all hope so. i think from what i know about him he s a good american that wants to get the answers and understands that this question is about our democracy and not just 2018 or 2020. brian: always great to see you, thanks so much. he was fighting wars and now in washington. pete hegseth is here. he was called antisharia. since when do americans have a problem with that? pete explains. 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[heartbeat] only new tena intimates has it pro-skin technologyiend designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skin s natural balance. for a free sample, call 1-877-get-tena. ainsley: quick headlines for you, another arrest overnight in london terror attack. british authorities arresting a 19-year-old man, the 21st overall. we are also getting our first look at the fake suicide vest that is were sworn by the three killers. there they are. police say the blood spattered belts made with plastic bottled waters were to create maximum fear and terror leader oscar rivera cheered and booed while being honored in puerto rican parade yesterday, terror group claimed responsibility more more than one hundred bombings across the u.s. brian: i think we have final say, actually. it s ultimately going to be our decision. steve: many in the media portray protests against sharia law against protest against islam. the clash erupting over islam. protestors and counter protestors squaring against threat of islamic law or in defense of muslim americans. activists say they promote a distorted view of islam. brian: right, that doesn t paint accurate picture. ainsley: our own pete hegseth went out and talked to protests. pete: they re going to dumb it down and say these are racists, let s go out and find what they really think and how they really feel and what they re protesting against. this is what they had to say here in new york city. today was a protest going onto protest sharia law which is an extreme version of islam. i don t think that killing people or mistreating woman is a religion. are you out here protesting against islam or sharia law. sharia law. i want to make sure that we are aware of everything that sharia is, we are aware of the dangers. you here to protest against islam? it s not against islam. it s against sharia law. we have to stop that already. america has to be strong about this. it s not about being against muslims, it s just being the ideology of, i guess, murdering homosexuals and treating women as a second-class, just dehumanizing. over in britain they were frogs boiling in water and now they re dead. critics are saying saying saying that you re antimuslim, are you antimuslim? absolutely not. what needs to happen a reformation from the religion from the inside and i feel like that needs to start with muslim. we need muslims and none of these people would want to kick out muslims from this country. that s not what we are about leer. at least that s my understanding of america. steve: i m confused because when you looked at the mainstream media depiction of it is completely different than what those people said. of course, the violent clashes that happened in minneapolis were induced by counterprotestors that were going out to folks saying you are racists. of course, we have religious liberty and we welcome muslims but we can t have an extreme form sharia law being introduced in anyway. it s amaze to go see the protestors show up in all black outfits again. it shows a social media organization. the so-called antifascist who are in a fascist way shut people down. it s amazing. our patriots saying, i love the cops, i love the country and the military and i want to work with partners around the world and not let it be shed here. steve: i heard lee greenwood in the background. i heard it was a patriotic crowd. pete, thanks, guys. ainsley: portraying the assassination of president trump, our next guest says this kind of things could have serious consequences, dan bangino will talk about it next. teenager blocked from walking in military uniform. thousand school is trying to spin this one? we will explain garfunkel (instrumental) is that good? yeah it s perfect. bees! bees! go! go! go! [ girl catching her breath } [ bees buzzing inside vehicle ] the all-new volkswagen atlas. with easy-access 3rd row. life s as big as you make it. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. welcome to the shake shack. ainsley: don t we wish. brian: i can t get a beer there. you can get a beer? steve: absolutely. not right now. ainsley: the question is can you get a shake. i think you can. steve: let s bring in dan bongino, officer and host of renegade republican joins us from palm beach, dan, good morning to you. hey, thanks for having me. steve: ainsley was doing a great story today talking about free shakespeare in the park, they did julius cesar this year, rather than julius cesar was in the form of donald trump and, of course, there s a terrible murder of him and now two of the big responsors have pulled out. bank of america and delta have said, you know what, we don t want our name attach today this. new york times and american express say we are still in it. what do you make of this? yeah, you know, this is so grossly irresponsible. let me caveat this by saying i m not directing comment at all democrats, there are a lot of responsible democrats out there but to the far-left radical who is have engaged in what six-month effort to normalize violence against trump, mock beheadings, mock assassinations, i don t think you have any idea the damage you re doing right now both to the country and to the threat level to trump. listen and the secret service i spent a lot of time at a protective intelligence squad and all we do is interview people who threaten the president. you basically have two types, terrorist groups who don t care, they don t need inspiration and then you have people with psychological disorders who see something like this and could be the trigger moment for them to inspire them to go do something. do you have any idea how irresponsible this is? of course they don t because they don t deal it on the front line. think think it s art. it s not art, it s disgusting. so many people, the murder of john lennon, you see how delusional they are, all they need is a trigger and you have shakespeare in the park, and then kathy griffin, what s the big deal. here is ivanka trump from a family s perspective. it is hard and there s a level of viciousness that i was not expecting. i was not expecting the intensity of this experience but this isn t supposed to be easy. my father and his administration intends to be transformative and we want to do baying big and bold things. i didn t expect this to be easy and i think some of the distractions and some of the veracity was i was a little blind-sided by on a personal level. for me, i m trying to keep my head down and not listen to the noise and just work really hard to make a positive impact on the lives of many people. steve: there she is speaking generally about now that she has relocate today washington, d.c., how the the viciousness all the critics against the trump family not what she saw going in. brian: think about think about this guy, it s a new york woman. it s not that she doesn t have experience of nasty behavior. the party of jfk, the democrat party has been on slow decline and lost their moral base. i m not talking about all democrats. the modern far leftist, the modern liberal sees the world in terms of the good and the bad guys, the oppressor versus the oppressed, they don t care what ends they need to justify means which is removing trump from power, normalizing power against them, outrageous outlandish language and making up false crimes against them like the trump-russia fairy tale. the left has gone mad with rage. ainsley: did you hear what senator was saying? we will get your reaction. had he kept any of the promises, no. [laughter] instead [cheers and applause] sorry. i understand this is a younger audience, it s okay. fundamentally, if we are not helping people we should go ainsley: wow, using the f-word and the excuse that it s a younger crowd, you would appreciate this? i am a new yorker and i have no problem with dropping the f-bombs. brian: she pauses before she winds up. she says at one point and you guys are a younger crowd as if the focus group told her beforehand, hey, you re talking to a younger crowd, throw an f-bomb and they re going to give you applause. they think by throwing a few curse words in there they re going to steve: the washington post dismisses says because this is nothing new. she does it all of the time. there s a quote she talked about having anxiety dreams shortly after the inauguration and stressing over not responding to a ted cruz s daughter who was trying to sell her girl scout cookies, oh, my god, i have to blank, order those cookies. she just got a salty personality. right. that s her defense. listen, i spent time in the white house, i run for office, listeners listen up, the democrats, everything they do is focus-group tested. nothing is natural, they have zero what s their message, bathroom equality, your taxes are to a low, the government needs to get bigger, they have no real message, what do they do, someone told them you guys have to curse a little more and tom pérez and kirsten took them and it s a farce and total joke. the democratic party is a hoax, not for the working men. brian: they are running in fear of the left because the moderate that maybe want to work with republicans are scared to death of alienating those on the left. i m really hoping that bernie sanders win takes over. your taxes are too low american, we need to hike them. you know this government is too small. if we only double the size of it the coal miner in west virginia would start pulling the lever. cheer on bernie. steve: time for free anything. dan bongino, thanks very much. see you next week. ainsley: we will hand it up to julian. good morning, from upstairs, guys, good morning to you as well. let s start with this, terrifying moments in the air, a packed plane making an emergency landing overnight after a massive hole rips in the engine during takeoff. it got really loud. i feel blessed that it wasn t much worse. flight to shanghai forced to circle for an hour before landing safely in sidney. no word on the cause. how about this story, a man spent 17 years in prison not only the suspect looks like him but has the same name. lawyers verifying picture of look-alike, you can see on the right, the same witness couldn t tell them apart during a recent court hearing, the other man lived near crime scene but no dna evidence linking them to the robbery. army reserve medic says he was originally told it was okay to wear army blues but when he showed up administrators turned him away. they said they had an extra cap and gown and i said, i m sorry, i can t do that, that s defacing the uniform, that s against the uniform policy. the school has apologized to fletcher thanking him for his service. we thank you as well. that s a look at your headlines, now let s go outside with janice dean where it is hot today, janice. swran january hello, you guys like the heat? [cheers and applause] janice: you guys like new york city? yeah. janice: what s the best tv program? fantastic. it s going to be hot today. we are going to break records. it s going to be cold enough for snow over parts to of the sierra. and there s your forecast today. it s going to be hot, hot, hot for two-thirds of the country. where are you from? memphis. janice: what s your name? australia. janice: what s your name? benedict. janice: wave to everybody at home. yeah, we love fox & friends . we love our friends on the plaza . brian: she will high-five you but keeps a rack on you. james comey admitted to being a government leaker and our next guest says that s just the tip of the iceberg, stick around, we will touch that iceberg. he came to the world justin the usual way but there were planes to catch and bills to pay so i moved my meeting saw him walk that day he was talking fore i knew it, and as he grew he d say i m gonna be like you, dad you know i m gonna be like you and the cat s in the cradle and the silver spoon little boy blue and the man in the moon. dearthere s no other way to say this. it s over. i ve found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say.if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i m the one clocking in. when you re clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. there. i can even warm these to help you fall asleep faster. does your bed do that? oh. i don t actually talk. though i m smart enough to. i m the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let s meet at a sleep number store. former fbi director james comey confessing last week that he is a leaker of his own memos. my judgment was i need today get that out into the public square and so i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with the reporter. i didn t do it myself for a variety of reasons but i asked him to because i thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel. steve steve president trump responding with harsh words to comey. i believe they would be far more prevalent than anyone possible. totally illegal, very cowardly. our next statement says that s an understatement. joining us michael goodwin, good morning to you. you were referring to the ex-fbi director j. edgar comey. so look, i think the president is right that comey was a very big leaker and in my column i document three different cases where it looks like in addition to the one that he admitted in the senate testimony there was one before that and then one before that and there are a number of others in the new york times and washington post where you have the same reporters who cover the justice department always referring to senior officials, comey associates. steve: sounds like mr. comey. somebody has very good source who is are very close to mr. comey. steve: of course, what we discovered last week he had no problem when loretia lynch said let s call it a matter and not a criminal investigation because that s bad for hillary. it looks like all along he was secretly part of resistance to donald trump. steve steve he s a never-trumper. i think it s an amazing situation because he and mueller are friends. i m not sure how it works. it looks like trump has two against one. steve: we got the text of what he was going to say, mr. comey the day before and he talked about how comey said trump made a request that he drop the flynn probe. so the day before it was a request but then when he s there in the hot seat he says it s an order, he ordered me to do it i took it as a direction, that s two different things. that s right. like a prosecutor, he s acting like a prosecutor against the president. steve: which is not his job. he s laying out a case and arguing to the jury which in this case is the television audience. look, i think it was skillful but i think it was also dirty. steve: ultimately, do you think what he was trying to do is he knew that robert mueller is special counsel was watching on tv and he was trying to put his thumb on the scale to push the special counsel toward the idea that the president obstructed justice? oh, i think that s his aim. i think comey wants to see the president impeached. i think we know he met with mueller. we know that mueller has all the memos which congress cannot get but some citizens have them, some friends of comey has them. congress doesn t have them and mueller reviewed and approved his testimony. steve: no kidding. jay edward comey. thank you very much. coming up, he s a country music legend and now daughter is following in her father footsteps. but first let s check in with dana on what happens on the channel in ten minutes. good morning, well, you know it s a big week for the trump administration as the attorney general agrees to testify before the senate tomorrow. we are going to take a look at what both lawmakers from both sides of the i ll say they need to know from the ag and as the president says he will 100% go under oath, senate minority leader says do it, come see us in the senate. will it happen? could the white house do more to focus attention on the positive news and a big day for the so-called travel ban at the u.s. stream court. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. ainsley: he is a country music legend with ten gram my grammy awards. who is she? that s your second wife. you were married for 16 years and then you met me. in all likelihood your difficulties are due to alzheimer s disease. campbell has recorded and released final album. it is called adios. joining us now glen campbell s daughter and is following her dad s footsteps in music and also her brothers and also his wife. thank you so much for being here. how is glen doing? well, he s cheerful and content but he s the late stage of alzheimer s, probably late stage six beginning of stage seven. but i have to qualify that because every time i tell people that, they think, you know, they ll be things on the internet saying, he s on his death bed or something, the stages last for years, so, you know, but he s happy all of the time, you know, singing. he s lost his ability to speak, so he doesn t understand what anybody says to him. he he can speak he just doesn t know how to use language. a little giberish. ainsley: what s it like for you? it s heartbreaking certainly. it s what s happening and you have to learn how to deal with it but what s nice is sometimes his funny personality still shines through and he ll make a joke even though it won t be with language really, he will go through the same physical motions of making a joke and look right at you like you re supposed to laugh now. ainsley: he was diagnosed at 70 year s old, he s 80 now. in early 70 s. when we did the film i remark 75, so probably 74, 75. ainsley: you re here to tell us about the latest album is called adios. why is it called adios? after the song by jimmy webb, by the time i get to phoenix. glen s favorite song writer and these were songs that glen always sang around the house and always wanted to record but was never just never got around to it so we kind of hepped him check off his bucket list. ainsley: wow, how can we get information if we want to buy it? amazon, it s on the internet. ainsley: what about your cause? and a website to encourage caregivers to take care of themselves while they take care of others. ainsley: we love him and and love his music. we have more fox & friends just moments away does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now s your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. now s your chance at completely clear skin. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. there you go. fox & friends weekend. we had a great time. all the fans were great to come out for the yankees. thank yankees for scoring five million runs. bill: another high-profile hearing taking place tomorrow on capitol hill. jeff sessions goes before the same senate intelligence committee to answer questions about the russia matter. how far will he go? we await to see on that as we say good morning. it s monday. hope you had an awesome weekend. i m bill hemmer. and you? shannon: we re rejuvenated and ready to go. i m shannon bream. session s hearing coming days after comey s bombshell testimony before the same committee. bill: sessions recused himself from the russia investigation back in march. it left rob

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170622

top intelligence official to reject the idea that there was some grand scheme between associates of president trump and the russians. you have seen no evidence that the russians were successful at changing voter tallies or voter totals? correct. media and the democrats have this russian concussion. don t believe me just watch don t believe me just watch brian: bruno mars. steve: this is uptown funk but this is a midtown show. welcome to the fox & friends program from studio f. look who is in the center square today san sa sandra: hi, i m sandra smith. best staircase to come up. a lot of running up and down. brian: black staircase lawsuit waiting to happen. one out front if you trip down you will be blasted by the entire crew. sandra: much prettier. brian: yesterday the united states was back to the future. 1996 all over again. steve: 1996. brian: 2016 all over again, i should say. two years ago yesterday when he got started on this quest to be the e. president of the united states. he promised if he ever won, of course he would have to are success in iowa to do that. yesterday he came back. steve: like a conquering hero returns. he likes to get away from the washington swamp. he was happy. he was really, really happy because there were twin republican wins the night before in georgia and south korea. he is now 5-0. when you factor in the general. he says he loves to work with democrats, even though they are obstructionists. they have a lot of stuff. if you like a flavor of it here is about 1:35. listen to this. i think healthcare is going to happen. infrastructure is going to happen. you are going to have a lot of exciting things over the next few months. and i look forward to being able to produce it let s see what happens. if we had even a little democrat support. just a little like a couple of votes, you would have everything. again, they just want to stop. they just want to obstruct. and their plan isn t working because they thought they were going to win last night in atlanta. and they have been unbelievably nasty, really nasty. and they thought they spent close to $30 million on this kid who foregot to live in the community he was. in make it hard to get their support but who cares. and if karen handle had lost they would have blamed it on me. that s fine. if she had lost they would would have been talking about this for weeks greatest loss in the history of politics. projected winner is karen handle. we switch to another program. right? so, it was so short. they couldn t get out of there fast enough. this happened in montana, right? in kansas, last night south carolina, with ralph and he was expected to win and he won. california. but it s been incredible. so we are 5-0. we are 5-0. brian: did you have a chance to watch it? sandra: winning he said that a few times. the we will talk about the young women behind him in just a moment. he did take an opportunity to say here is what is next. we are working on healthcare and infrastructure. he was so energized. that is what everybody predicted when he said he was going to go and do one of these rallies in the state of iowa. yes, he did take a few moments during that speech to pint out where he is winning. brian: i do think it s going to be a problem for one person that is the freelance teleprompter operator submit an invoice. i don t believe they were used at all. that was the president just talking, having a conversation. intimate conversations with thousands of people. he did make a little bit of news. he went over infrastructure, things he wants to accomplish and things on deck. don t worry it s all coming. new rules for immigrants who want to come here. listen. i believe the time has come for new immigration rules which say that those seeking admission into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years and, yes, we will build the wall. we have already started planning. it will be built. i m a builder. that s what i love to do. that s probably what i do best. i m a builder. and we re thinking of something that s unique. we re talking about the southern border. lots of sun, lots of heat. we are thinking about building the wall as a solar wall so it creates energy and pays for itself. and this way mexico will have to pay much less money. and that s good. sandra: that s that was news. could be a sole bar wall. steve: they called it a rally there at the u.s. cellular center with 6,000 people. really it s a progress report. telling the people of america on the campaign trail i promised you this, this, and this. this is the status on all that stuff. here is a note to whoever is running his schedule. do more of this. because whether you voted for him or not, it is in realtime a progress report of what the united states is doing. the new york times this morning called last night s event mesmerizing whether you voted for him or not, it s great to hear the president of the united states talk about what direction we are going in. sandra: it was incredibly optimistic. i think it rallied his base. and it was an opportunity for him to point out everything he has gotten done and what he intends to do. but then there was this moment. those three lovely ladies standing right behind the president especially the one chewing gum. there is actually more than one. one right behind him but also the woman in the red hat. so as you look at those three women. the woman on the left in the black blouse, she was for a while in the very beginning, she took a number of selfies. but keep in mind yesterday was national selfie day. and then there was the young woman behind him i think in a hawkeyes cap and then the woman in the keep america great hat. san draft. they were having a good time. steve: the internet was melting. people were listening to the president but they were watching those young women. ainsley: they were behaving themselves here and there they didn t make any obscene gestures they hardly acknowledged the camera. brian: i had trouble watching because i have this thing about gum chewing. i thought about what it would be like. san draft. she is really going after it there. jonathan treat this. the trump girls chew gum instead of rioting and vandalizing that is the difference. another tweet from greg. steve: yes, breaking female trump supporter in red hat at iowa rally caught chewing gum on camera. msm wants to investigate russian collusion. san draft. she is supporting our president and is young. i m with her. they couldn t stop talking about it. steve: would you like to see more of the rallies? do you like the idea where the president leaves the d.c. swamp speaking directly to the people. one of the reasons he has the twitter i is it bypasses the media. same thing for. this this directly goes to the people. do you think it s a good idea. email us at, or tweet us or facebook us. brian: the president s policy of just trying tpresideng to go after the president and take him down. the plan of nancy pelosi, adam schiff. it has failed because the president keeps on winning. the problem is the democrats keep on message. being president. might have an opportunity to look at his agenda, see his accomplishments, and then judge him like every other president that held that office because so many people don t want to accept that he is there. unfortunately, the democrats are starting to realize for republicans purposes that their strategy isn t working and they are blaming the poster child for losing and that is nancy pelosi. seth monthlyton on the democratic side has had enough. listen. we have got to accept responsibility. you know, when i was a marine corps platoon commander my job was simple. you were responsible for everything your platoon does or fails to do. our leadership needs to explain what happened. needs to explain why these resources have essentially gone to waste and develop a serious plan for the future. it s clear that i think across the board in the democratic party we need new leadership. it s time for a new jerntion of leadership in the party. i don t know that it s possible at this point to change our party leadership, but i think it s time for change. and these election results frankly show that. steve: is he absolutely right. you look on nancy pelosi s watch how many democrats have lost their seats. and not only have democrats lost their seats at the local and state and federal lone wolf, but cher, the international performer has tweeted against her. congressional race is not olympics. there is no medal for seconds place. admire or respect nancy pelosi brew in every race runs against her. that s effectively what they did down in georgia. do you really want jon ossoff. he is going to be taking the orders from nancy pelosi. ultimately it has not worked and time for new message. sandra: that s the big question right now is it time for nancy pelosi to go? i talked to congresswoman debbie dingell jed who wouldn t answer the question. brian: she has so much money. afraid of crossing her. time ryan who understands how to win in ohio. who doesn t think every republican is a terrible person and doesn t think donald trump should be stopped every step of the way. that would be a normal election cycle where people disagree on issues. it doesn t get personal with nancy pelosi, everything is personal and terrible and awful. and if you like donald trump or are a republican, you can t be tolerated, it doesn t work. steve: the meter is running. let s see what they do. 6:12 in new york city. and jillian joins us with headlines. jillian: we are starting with breaking news at this hour. let s get right to that breaking right now, isis could attack at any moment and that has the world oat high alert. brutal terror group calling for surge of attacks during islam s holiest day. act of terror on american soil at airport in flint, michigan. he shouted allah akbar before am burning an officer from behind repeatedly stabbing him in the neck with a 12-inch hunting knife. lieutenant i in serious but stable at this hour. family and friends will say a final farewell to otto warmbier. the 22 died at the hospital less than a week after his release from north korea. he spent 17 months there after being convicted of stealing a poster. today s services are being held at 9:00 this morning at his former high school in wyoming, ohio. and the services are open to the public. more evidence this morning, obamacare is a prescription for failure. the nation s second largest health insurer just pulled out. anthem ended its agreement in indiana and wisconsin for next year because it just can t manage the cost of sick patients signing up for obamacare. offer plan in five counties across indiana and one in wisconsin. that s a look at your headlines, guys. i will see you more in a little bit. steve: the president touched on that last night. days after steve scalise was shot. another congressman releasing these threatening voice mails he got in his office. i suggest you prepare for the battle [bleep] and apocalypse because we are going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck and hang you from a lamp post. steve: unbelievable. congressman chaffetz says nothing was done about it nothing was done about it how is that possible?romyalgia . she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i can be more active. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. let us be lovers, we ll marry our fortunes together i ve got some real estate here in my bag so i looked at the scenery. sdz the all-new volkswagen atlas. covered from coast to coast with america s best bumper-to-bumper limited warranty. for some, it s going the distance. and for some, it s going for 8 and a half hours of high-performance sleep. with beautyrest s innovations and technology, sleep performance is the new performance. itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. steve: well, republicans again proving the left wrong after karen handle s victory in the georgia special election. the fourth special election the republicans have won this year democrats still want you to believe the president is sinking his party and america. but shouldn t the democrats actually be the ones to worry about the 2018 midterms and beyond? let s talk to tom bevan, set co-founder and publish everywhere of real clear politics. as we heard the president say last night, tom, the republicans are 5-0 when he factors in the general election. i think the democrats are shocked that they haven t been able to pick one of these off. well, yeah. i mean, certainly georgia was their best chance. that was the district that trump won by the smallest margin just a point and a half in november. they threw everything they had at karen handle, 30 million bucks. they have had everybody on the ground. it was a real effort there. and, jon ossoff ended up doing worse than hillary clinton did in that district. democrats are struggling to figure out what went wrong there you mentioned earlier about nancy pelosi the knives are out for her. the question, some questions thought that jon ossoff didn t win because he wasn t progressive enough. wasn t strident enough in his views. he was too centrist. they have to figure out what the left take away from tuesday. if they learn the wrong lessons it will make it harder for them in 2018. steve: what about when it comes to recruiting. as you look forward when you figure out who can democrats put up against these republicans in congress. who is going to step forward and say yeah, give me all the money and i will lose for you? well, look, and that s one of the things about special elections. they are special. and i think sometimes we try and over interpret them. 2018 is still a long, long way off. where this event on tuesday has real practical, you know, real world consequences is on recruiting. if you are a democrat in one of thighs marginal districts around the country and looking to take on a republican there. you look at what happened in georgia and say my gosh. democrats put that much effort into that race, and came up empty, i do really want to invest my time, my energy, my money in something like that? and that s where it may shy some quality candidates away from 2018 and can hurt democrats. steve: tom a moment ago you said don t don t read too much into what we see in these special elections because they are special and unique. what does it say about the president s presidency at this point that he has won four in a row? well, look, and trump can take credit for this. because certainly if the result had been different on tuesday, he would have been blamed for that he mentioned that last night in his speech. that s absolutely true. it would have been the apocalypse for republicans and his presidency. he can take credit for that the reality is, you know, trump s presidency, he is his approval ratings are low in some of these, you know, in some of these districts. and so it s too early to say what this means for his presidency, but certainly is a benefit for him that republicans pulled it out on tuesday. steve: all right. real clear politics is what he founded tom bevins, we thank you very much for joining us from chicago today. thank you, tom. thanks, steve. steve: all right, coming up days after steve scalise shot another releasing voice mails from his office. going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck and hang you from a lamp post. steve: the congressman says nothing was done about it. how can that be? 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that it s time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it s out of reach. why promise something you can t deliver? comcast business is different. we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. brian: turning now to extreme weather. tropical storm cindy making landfall in louisiana within the hour slamming the gulf coast with millions of americans still in its path. steve: a dangerous storm. casey stegall is right where the storm made landfall in louisiana. casey? we are certainly feeling the effects of tropical storm cindy with gusty winds and heavy rain. in fact, it s sort of intermittent. right now we are getting a pretty good downpour. i don t know if it s translating on camera. i want to show you what is the primary concern all along the gulf coast. back here this bayou out of its banks and rising quickly in lake charles, louisiana. before it is all said and done, forecasters say cindy could dump 6 to 9 inches of rain on the gulf coast states from the florida panhandle all the way to texas. 13 inches of rain in some isolated spots. and look at this. a familiar sight. people using kayaks and boats just to navigate some of the flooded streets right here in lake charles. taking it all in stride. now, east of here. in and around new orleans. more of the same. blinding rains producing significant flash flooding. prompting the governor of louisiana issuing this warning to residents. last year in those two storms, most of the injuries and certainly the deaths occurred when individuals tried to drive across flooded roadways. so, it s not worth it just don t take a chance and try to drive across high water. the old saying turn around, don t drown. alabama and mississippi also impacted here. in fact, some of the heaviest rainfall could happen there. the governor of alabama has declared a safety emergency. and in neighboring biloxi, mississippi, a rare image. amateur video showing a waterspout. in fact, cindy has spun several of those in florida, some tornadoes as well. sadly one storm related fatality to tell you about. a 10-year-old boy was killed in alabama when a log washed ashore in the storm surge, hitting him in the head. he was on vacation with his family. brian, steve, back to you. steve: all right, casey, thank you very much. live report from lake charles on tropical storm as i understandy. brian: sandra smith is poised with something different. sandra: thanks, guys. nearly one in four americans has zero savings for a rainy day. what are some ways that you can stash away some money and do it fast? our next guest is the national best selling author of love your life, not theirs. rachel cruze is a personal financial expert with ramsey. how much should the average american have on hand for an emergency? sure. well a starter emergency fund i want $1,000 for every american. and then i want you to go get out of debt. everything but your house and then bump that starter emergency fund up to three to six months of expenses. that s a fully funded emergency fund. sandra: stats show a quarter of all americans don t have that emergency substantial on hand. that s right. so that s why you have to make saving a priority. in your monthly budget, things are going to seem important. right? you are paying bills. possibly saving up for summer vacation. what you want to do is make savings a priority. at the very top of your budget you need to save something out of every paycheck to get that $1,000 emergency fund. then once again once you are out of debt bump it up to three to six months of expenses. sandra: create a cushion between you and life. what do you mean by that? that s right. this is your emergency fund. right? life is going to happen. sometimes it hurts. so, make the fall a little bit squishier if you will by having cash in the bank. and i would rather your money catch your emergency versus the credit card. versus leaning on master card when your tire goes flat. have you cash in the bank. you have to look at your emergency fund as insurance, not an investment. so this three to six months of expenses. put it in something like a money marketed account or savings account can you get to quickly. sandra: sometimes we have those automatic bills coming outs of our debit card account subscriptions ways to easily cut back on what we re spending, right? absolutely. lifestyle is one of the key places you can count. look to see. stop going out to eat. subscriptions like you are talking about. gym mississippi yo membership yt used since february. cut until you get your savings up. sandra: unbelievable u.s.a. today article citing a study that says 74% of americans have gone into debt to pay for a vacation. something to think about as we are talking about emergency savings and we are coming up on the summer, so good tips. rachel cruze, thank you for joining us. priorities. sandra: priorities, everything. coming up, a super star football player making headlines but not for his game. for his shirt. it says i hope i don t get killed for being black today. is that fine or over the line? and president trump says he is serving all americans. i was elected to serve the citizens of iowa and pennsylvania and ohio and michigan and wisconsin and florida and all 50 states. sandra: all right. so we have a question. do those americans agree? we polled them. the results are next. that s where i felt relief. we re the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. the only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. and snoring ? . does your bed do that? right now save on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, it s the lowest prices of the season with savings of $500 on our most popular p5 bed. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. if we set aside the cynics and the critics, we have a chance and it s a great chance, it lies before us to do. extraordinary things for our country in the years ahead. history is written by the dreamers, not the doubters. steve: you saw that last night on the fox news channel. you didn t see tonight other channels. lee carter did sound bite testing. that s right. brian: you were one of the people not late to the trump train. you said there was something going on months before. you actually picked him to come out on top of this election it wouldn t surprise you when these dials had come out positive in front of this live audience. that s right. this is very much like the candidate trump not just as much as the president trump we have seen so far. brian: this one is why would a billionaire run for president and not even take a paycheck. you are talking about serving the people. that s right. i was elected to serve the citizens of iowa and pennsylvania and ohio and michigan and wisconsin and florida and all 50 states and all 320 million american citizens. steve: looks like the democrats didn t like him mentioning the states they lost. in. no. that s absolutely right. republicans love. this they gave an a plus. this is president trump being for the people, of the people. on the other hand, you saw the democrats gave this more like a d minus. he felt like they were squashing it in their faces. b for independents. that s key. with republicans alone you don t surge. if you win over the independents you have a chance. people don t want labels anymore. sandra: speaking of labels. the president had a beautiful moment last night where he was calling for all parties to get together. watch this one. it would be a beautiful, beautiful thing if we could get together as two parties that lo our country and come up with that great healthcare and come up with that great tax deal for our people and tax reform. and infrastructure and so many other things. brian: there is catering at the end. there was but the bottom line here is that people love the idea of people coming together. when he talks about tax reform, getting things done. you see the republicans and independents an a. even democrats gave this a c. you know there is something there. sandra: he is talking about coming together and democrats gave him a c? there are a lot of democrats out there who are saying resist, resist, resist. i will not support any form of compromise. brian: so-called moderates on the left are talking about tax cuts. democrats have to have tax cuts. who is actually for tax increases? do you run on that? bearnsdz. steve: exactly right. meanwhile, one of the things that the president would like to check off his list is taking care of the veterans. is he overhauling the va. here he is on that. watch the numbers. we have achieved historic increase in defense spending. and we have created a new office of accountability at the v.a., our veterans, to ensure that our veterans get the care they so richly deserve. steve: all right. the grades? you can see there republicans a plus, independents b plus democrats. even democrats a c minus. what i have got to say is donald trump getting his message out to the people. speaking in his own voice. being a little bit unscripted. this is the donald trump that people want to hear from. you could just see him get his energy from it. and i think there is no question we will see him doing this more and more. brian: by the way, the va does have transformational. turbo speed health records electronic so when you go from active soldiers to inactive one to retired there is going to be no gap there might be something tangible and improving shortly. people want to see that so much of what donald trump ran on and supported by was this notion of patriotism. one of the most important things we can do is take care of our vets. steve: seems like every day there is a different poll out about popularity, favorability, and people have said well, look how low it is. of course, before the election, at love people said i don t know if you can really trust the polls. what about that? you know what? i would not be so focused on the polls. why are looking at the polls every single day as if it s some big indicator. if you were to be polled about your spouse, the one day they didn t take out the garbage you are going to poll them low. next day they gave you flowers you are going to poll them high. some ways i wouldn t look at. brian: day-to-day tracking poll doesn t help. no it doesn t. is he pretty stable and close to his base. this is a telephone poll. for the most part who answers their phone anymore if you don t answer the number? brian: 39% approval? i think there is a lot more sophisticated methods of understanding biases and understanding what s going on that they might not say out loud. his approval rating is probably higher than you think. people intrigued. there are certainly a number of people against him. i m not going to say that. sandra: june, so early in his presidency. so early. i don t expect to see big increases in his polling numbers until we see tax reform and healthcare come out. people are looking to see what comes out today. brian: healthcare is going to be released. cbo judge it next week. and with that that release comes critics. i have got a problem with this. it s mean, it s this, it s that. no question the democrats are all ready to stomp and attack and say this isn t good. i m hopeful the republicans are going to get the messaging right. focus on the benefits of what s in it for the american people and how thoughtful they have been about this plan. steve: thoughtful of you staying up last night tracking the dials. any time. love doing it. sandra: jillian? jillian: let s get you caught up on the news you need to know this hour. utah congressman jason chaffetz wants police to take threats against politicians more seniorously. it comes after he received these disturbing voice mails. hey, jason chaffetz, i suggest you prepare for the battle [bleep] and the apocalypse because we are going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck and hang you from a lamp post. jillian: congressman chaffetz will join us live in the 8:00 hour. and this as we learn new details about the congressional baseball shooter james hodgkinson. the fbi revealing they found a second laptop more than 200 rounds of ammunition and rifle parts in a storage unit he rented outside d.c. one of his victims, congressman steve scalise now upgraded to fair condition. a star football recruit is turning heads not for his skills but for what he is wearing. take a look at his shirt tyreke smith taking the field in this shirt i hope i don t get killed for being black today. he wore it to ohio football camp to draw attention to what he considers an epidemic of african-american murders. potential jurors in the case against army desserter bowe bergdahl will be asked if they voted for trump or have been influenced by comments like these. he weighs a desserter. he was a dirty rotten desserter. jillian: bergdahl charged with desertion after abandoning his post in 20009 before being held captive by the taliban and traded for the reiss of five terrorists. that s a look at your headlines at this hour. brian: people got shot looking for him. that s the problem. steve: thanks, jillian. brian: coming up straight ahead. he fought for his flag now a veteran and his wife are being forced to take theirs down. we lost so many marines at iwo jima trying to put the flag up, and we are being hassled about taking the flag down. brian: that veteran and his wife here with how they are fighting back. steve: the trump administration making its final pitch to reinstate its border order in an effort to put america s national security first but judge napolitano says this fight could last the entire trump presidency, and he joins us live next. you feel so right and i could be wrong maybe i ve been hoping too hard right from the start listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don t get too comfortable. we re talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home. .with neulasta onpro? 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let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. ykeep you that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. brian: the trump administration making final pitch to reinstate border order. yep in an effort to put national security first. fox news senior judicial analyst judge napolitano says this legal tug-of-war could last the entire presidency. wait a second, judge. aren t we going to find out if the supreme court is going to take it or not? the tug-of-war has got to end. wasn t this supposed to be a ban over with by now. all the judges heard before and a lot of them ended up in appellate courts. all the judges said the same thing. the ban is unconstitutional either motivated by the president s animus against muslims and used language he said before he was president or can t show how the people from these countries, not the government. the people from these countries are dangerous. all these decisions were made without a trial, without testimony, without looking at documents, just a reaction from the judges on the basis of the law. now it s in the supreme court. so the supreme court has to decide do we want to hear it now or do we want to send it back to them to actually have a trial and see if the administration can show that the president has the authority, that he made the right decision, that people from this country are more likely these six countries are more likely than not. if that happens, this won t get back to the supreme court until the end of president trump s current term. brian: what i don t get is this just personal? this is not rational because we are at day 150. 90 day ban from whenever it starts. they have had plenty of time. they have already made changes in home land security and immigration to stop some of these lawless terror laden nations from coming here. you are so smarted, kilmeade, all the questions but the to me on this no one said is it personal? it might be with some of the judges who took the most incendiary things that candidate trump said. they even took things that newt gingrich and rudy giuliani who are not in the government and didn t write the order said back in august of 2015 and the summer of 2016 and said awe, it s a muslim ban. if it had been signed by barack obama, we would have enforced it. because it was signed against somebody who expressed animus against muslims we are not going to enforce it. brian: kicked it up to the supreme court. i should have used the original. i kept he kept the word ban in the tweet. will that make things worse? yes, yes. he sometimes and you know why he tweets. he animates the base. he bypasses mainstream media and communicates. big big makes him feel better. right. better than anyone in history. some of these tweets are profoundly different than what the justice department has said. the judges finally say who should we believe here? the president s tweets or what the lawyers claim he means. brian: i have a prediction the supreme court means it. two different reasons to rejected. taking this case because there is enough there there for us to listen and then, of course, with the way the court is weighted he gets it through. that s my prescription. are we taping this, joel? this is live. this is a good prediction, brian. if they take the case they will not rule until the fall. does the travel ban kick in while the case is bend not guilty supreme court in that s what they have to answer today. brian: this is the type of cliff hanger that gets us ratings. yes. also shows kilmeade understands the law from time to time. brian: judge, use my last name. mr. kilmeade. this veteran has been told to take one of his flags down. he and his wife are here to explain. try to. a big show still ahead. we have congressman scott taylor, newt gingrich, chairman jason chaffetz all joining us live. it s the final countdown the final countdown it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. sandra: he fight for our country now a navy veteran on his wife have been told to take down one of their flag poles displaying an american flag or face a fine. steve: that s right. the city says the couple broke the code but the couple says they are being punished for being very patriotic. brian: joining us now via skype ron and his wife sherriy. ron, what was your fundamental thought when you received word that your flag is a problem? well, actually furious. i can t believe that somebody even turned me in on the code. the two flags i had put up they were professionally done. they were flying beautiful. everybody enjoyed them. but one person has nothing to do, i guess file the code violation. so we went in front of the city council and they try to help us they say if it s in the code you can take it down. they made me take it down on d-day if you can believe that it was unbelievable. then to top it off, they charged me $104 for permit to put the flag pole in the ground. only 200 minutes from here they have two flag poles. sandra: what are your options here? i understand there is a hefty cost to file a petition, $4,400? $4,400 to file a petition and nothing to say that it will get put on the ballot. all the commission has to do is say it s okay. and they said they are going to look at it later on down the road. but meanwhile we have to take the flag pole out. but the planning commissioner said hey, you can leave it there if you make it a flag pole. so to me it s an insult to have to take any american flag down. that s what our people fight for, this is america, we should be able to fly our red, white, and blue. steve: ron, you mentioned a moment ago at the last house you lived in you had two in front of your house. you moved to the new house and put two up and neighbor narked on you. why do you want two flags? why isn t one enough? moved into hughes. we built that telescopic flag pole. i thought it patriotic to put two in the front to make it real nice. one on one side of the house and one on the other side of the house. sandra: it is beautiful as the mayor said. yeah, it is gorgeous. my father was in world war ii he fought and he was shot. he would die if he would see what was happening now. my son was in the navy. in the artillery. this is ridiculous. so is my brother. utterly ridiculous. brian: here is what the statement says from the development. the city of gulf respect galt ro fly. very cut and dry and callous. game on, right? you are not quitting. we are not quitting. the funny part is about it. if i want to put 100 flags on the front of my house off the roof it s okay. i can t put two poles in the ground. we can have two poles or three poles coming out of the side of our house which are technically flag poles. sandra: thanks to you and both of your families for their service. thank you. brian: thanks for fighting back. come up on this show. steve: college professor goes unhinged calling for the destruction of white people. how does he still have a job some are wondering? sandra: after we got our d.n.a. tested and found out about our heritage. we inspired one woman to do the same. and shy met someone she had been searching for her entire life. that incredible story next hour. for their own frequent heartburn. and all day, all night protection. when it comes to heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. ykeep you that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. buttrust angie s list to help., [ barks ] visit today. a used car, truck, suv. that s smart. truecar can help. it s great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. so, no matter what you re looking for. there it is. this is how buying a used car should be. this is truecar. swhen it comes to molding young minds, nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she s less confident. fortunately for sarah, there s rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it s simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she s getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. an act of terrorism in our homeland. a police officer stand in the neck at an airport in flint, michigan. witnesses say the attacker shouted al lacshout allah akbar. leave that washington swamp. i believe that s why the time has come for new immigration rules. look, i will tell you about the democrats. we re 5-0. and the truth is people love us, all of us. they love us. they don t get it. they haven t figured it out yet. the democrats are starting to realize that their strategy isn t working and they are blaming the poster child for losing and that is nancy pelosi. former home land security secretary jeh johnson becoming the latest top intelligence official to reject the idea that there was some grand scheme between associates of president trump and russians. you have seen no evidence that the russians were successful at changing voter tallies or voter totals? correct. the media and the democrats have this russian concussion. i feel good today can t nobody bring me down and i just got paid and. brian: sounds like thomas rhett. sandra: we have the best music on this show. pumping me up. steve: look who is here. sandra smith is here for ainsley who has exclusive interview with the vice president of the united states. sandra: great to be here. brian: getting set for outnumbered. steve: right now you are outnumbered. sandra: did you notice that? it s like flipped. brian: i m not sure if you are talking about last night the president went to iowa seems to be back to campaign mode to explain what he s doing, what these special elections have meant and what he plans on doing. he even made some news last night. steve: he did indeed. sandra: a lot of talk about winning. steve: kind of a victory lap. talk about those young women behind him taking selfies and chewing gum. it was fifth rally in five months. do you think it s a good idea? you do. we will share some of your comments in a moment. here s the president talking a little bit about what he has got next on the agenda. i think healthcare is going to happen and infrastructure is going to happen. going to have a lot of exciting things over the next few months. and i look forward to being able to produce it let s see what happens. [cheers] if we had even a little democrat support, just a little like a couple of votes, you would have everything. but, again, they just want to stop. they just want to obstruct. and their plan isn t working because they thought they were going to win last night in atlanta. and they have been unbelievably nasty. really nasty. and they thought they spent close to $30 million on this kid who forgot to live in the community that he was in. i mean, you know. make it hard to get their support but who cares. and if karen handel had lost, they would have blamed it on me which is fine. if she had lost they would have been there for weeks talking about this would have been the greatest defeat in the history of american politics. when she won, when they said projected winner is karen handel, then they said we switch to another program, right? [laughter] so it was so short. they couldn t get out of there fast enough. this happened in montana, right? in kansas. last night south carolina with ralph, who was expected to win and he won, california. so, but it s been incredible. so we are 5-0. we re 5-0. [cheers] brian bryan it means a lot. it meant a lot to those people. also means a lot to those republicans that say i have to stay away from the president. we could lose the house if we do. healthcare too controversial. instead have win, win, win. margins not as big in the past. they were all victories. they said hey, i can go follow this president and not have political suicide. can i get on board tax reform, infrastructure as well as healthcare. >healthcare. sandra: reminds you why the president tweets. he feels he doesn t get his message out: the media doesn t get his message out. he takes it straight to the people. took his message straight to the people on immigration and the wall and making a little news. listen. i believe the time has come for new immigration rules which say those seeking admission into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years. and, yes, we will build the wall. we have already started planning. it will be built. i m a builder. that s what i love to do. that s probably what i do best. i m a builder. and we re thinking of something that s unique. we re talking about the southern border. lots of sun. lots of heat. we are thinking about building the wall as a solar wall so it creates energy. and pays for itself. and this way mexico will have to pay much less money. and that s good. steve: there you go. we actually had a guy on two weeks ago talking about the solar wall and how it s private industry public facility that they are talking about. and so there is on the books this blueprint for it. are they going to go that way? it would be really cool. sandra: it would cut down on mexico s cost to build that wall as you heard the president point out. steve: if you were driving in your car and you were listening on the radio to the president, you missed quite a show behind him because there were three young trump supporters screen left there is a young woman who on national selfie day took a number of selfies of herself. there is a woman behind the president wearing a hawkeye s cap right there. there is the girl in the make america great red cap who chew you had gum during much. sandra: the whole time. so if you were watching it was probably a little distracting. i don t know. maybe not brian kilmeade. brian: jonathan writes us and say the trump girls chew gum instead of rioting and vandalizing. that is the difference. greg says? sandra: female trump supportner red hat at rally breaking newses chewing gum on camera. msm wants to investigate russian collusion. steve: she supports the president and is young. i m with her. brian: something going on on capitol hill earlier in the day that was a call up from the former homeland security secretary jeh johnson to come explain when he knew about the alleged russian hacking into our elections and why wasn t more done about it? and a lot of this was jeh johnson never looked more composed and more rested. shows it wearing on you. when he was asked when you knew about this in the summer, when you went up in july to the dnc and said your software has been hacked, they would not turn over the server to him, which he said he still doesn t understand why he wouldn t. debbie wasserman schultz denied it ever was requested. could there have been something else on that server, home land security wasn t allowed to see possibly? when jeh johnson was asked though about russia affecting the election, here was his answer. is that still your opinion that 16 election that the intrusion, whatever russians other others did it not effect the actual voting itself? based on everything i know, that is correct. i know of no evidence that through cyber intrusions, votes were altered or suppressed in some way. steve: that s really critical. not a single vote was changed. he did say that when he was the department of homeland security secretary the administration was reluctant to tell the country what had happened. they did, in fact, talk about it and they made press availability and they talked about it, but it didn t get much attention because it was on the same day the access hollywood video came out. so everybody was talking about that. not talking about this. sandra: go ahead. brian: why they waited until october. they said we didn t want to put our foot on the scale. one of the candidates talked about this whole thing rigged and fixed. if we came out and said there has already been some problems it would have played into that. we kept our mouth shut it doesn t talk about why they didn t come out over the summer and tell everybody. steve: well you are running the government. why aren t you stopping it? there has got to be a way for the department of homeland security to stop this thing. if you know it s going on, why didn t you turn it off? sandra: last night on hannity kellyanne conway said something about the media and democrats. i wonder if this will stick. the russian concussion. steve: ouch. during the campaign i used to say there is this total disconnect between what americans are telling us is important to them and what they re being told is important to them. sigh it again now that he is president. the media and the democrats have this russian concussion and they have lost like muscle memory to be able to function in any other way to talk about anything he is doing. that doesn t mean the people don t see it. steve: the russian concussion. sandra: got to chuckle. brian: i think we have turned the page. democrats and never trumpers saying there is no collusion. 7 month investigation. you cannot lead a show with collusion. because of have you nothing to go with. it s not the sci-fi channel. pressure people to do real shows. steve: you may be right. you may be wrong though. last night when we were carrying the president live during the make america great again rally. we carried it fox business carried it the other channels carried other stuff and talked a lot about russian collusion. sandra: we have a fox news alert. let s get to jillian. jillian: good morning to you and to you at home. fox news alert. at any moment isis could attack. the brutal terror group calling for a surge of violence during islam s holiest day. this as the feds investigate an act of terror on american soil at an airport in flint, michigan. authorities say he shouted allah akbar before ambushing an officer from behind repeatedly stabling him in the neck with 12-inch hunting knife. the officer in stable but serious condition at this hour. authorities rating the apartment in quebec. he is now behind bars. he holds dual citizenship for to your knowledge antunisia and. cindy making landfall in lazarus this morning. flooding now threatening the swowt isolated amount of 15 inches of rain. expected to dump across the 125eu9. the eye of the storm is expected to move into arkansas tomorrow. we just learned 600 buildings in england could be coated with that same as on the london high rise where 79 people were killed in fast moving fire. in just hours thousands of families will be informed if their apartments are safe or not. so far three already testing positive, forcing hundreds out of their homes. and today senate republicans will unveil their plan to repeal and replace obamacare after a secret legislative process, majority leader mitch mcconnell will roll out a draft discussion to his members this morning. sources tell fox the reason for the secrecy is because the bill will be substantially different than the house version. now, this comes as the nation s second largest health insurer anthem just ended its agreements in indiana and wisconsin for next year. anthem says it can t manage the cost of sick patients signing up for obamacare. a look at your headlines this morning. brian: the republican plan leaked out to the the washington post. a lot of the details are there. now it s going to have a week of debate. steve: leaked out to the post because apparently the leadership had given it to lobbyists to take a look at and they leaked it to the press. sandra: thanks, jillian. coming up, isis telling its people murder innocent people now. steve: after we got our d.n.a. tested and found out about our heritage, there is janice getting swab in her mouth, we inspired one woman watching to do the same thing. she wound up meeting a person she has been searching for her entire life. her mother. sandra: i get goose bumps. steve: no kidding. you will too. where you re getting to i hope you know somebody loves you an this is my wish guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn t have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. before fibromyalgia, i was on the go. i kept on top of things. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. 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akbar alleged islamic extremist plunged a 12-inch hunting knife into his neck multiple times. that happened in flint michigan. investigating. former navy seal with us now. this is the week e this is the ramadan month with islam and this is called the week of power. and last night the night of power. scott, you guys used to do this on the war on terror. now we are asking cops to fight off these radicals. what s happening here? good morning, brian, it s great to be with you and your viewers of course this morning. we are in a new era. there is no question about it. hats off to officer neville. he is obviously a hero and saved some lives. that s another example of local law enforcement that has done that. we can t be 100 percent secure out there. there is the ability to launch these low level type of attack outs there. people have to be vigilant and communication between not just intelligence community but local law enforcement and cities and international cities need to communicate more and have communication will people may be radicalized and do acts of terror. brian: this isn t laguardia, this is flint, michigan. orlando, san bernardino. what is the message to law enforcement out there who maybe is trained for traditional law enforcement do they have to be trained differently even though they are stepping up wonderfully. you wonder if they are going to be equipped for this generation of terrorists. hats off to law enforcement across the country. i they are equipped. this officer took a stabbing to the neck but still subdued this guy. equipped to do it but communication is key to figure out if there is any potential folks who may have been on the radar, if you will, in different cities and, like i said, this underscores it. so you had this guy from a city from canada, right, that came over here. so cities have to communicate as well, too. there has to be communication between intelligence communities, other local law enforcement as well. i think they are equipped to do it. they have proven theirselves quite frankly. it is a new world. we have to stay vigilant. there is not 100 percent security out there. brian: congressman you saw brussels and paris and multiple attacks in london. this is the middle of ramadan. what s the sense inside homeland security about this month in particular. there is a heightened sense of alertness, of course, across the world because yes, as you said, isis has called four attacks during this holy month, which is unfortunate because, unfortunately a lot of the attacks, the victims are muslims around the world, which is very unfortunate, of course, this is certainly a month where we have to have a heightened sense of awareness in local law enforcement and intelligence communities around the world. brian: congressman scott taylor thanks so much. always a pleasure. brian: after we got our d.n.a. tested and found out about our you are heritage we inspired one of our fans to do the same. then she went out and found somebody change her life who she has been looking for her whole life. her mom. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now s your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, now s your chance at you get time for more life. this family 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dispenser explodes. it struck her chest. rebecca burger s family shared the photo on social media. 33-year-old model was at her french home during the tragic incident. steve: she had a heart attack. sandra: unbelievable. outrage after freed from jail and moved next door to his victim. harold english went to prison more than a decade ago for sexually abusing step niece. now living with his mother whose properties is only 100 yards away from victim. never wants to go home since he is so close by. and a bombshell report about the bill cosby sex assault trial. one juror says the comedian wasn t found guilty because two of the 12 jurors fought for his innocence. after 52 hours of deliberations the judge declared a mistrial. steve: 10 of them thought he was guilty. meanwhile yesterday our own janice dean found out more about her family roots with the help of my heritage. this morning sharing the amazing of one fox & friends viewer have inspired by our deliveries she was able to find somebody she had been searching for her whole life. i m watching steve and ainsley and brian like every morning and i watch their joy and watched them you talk to them about things. but i didn t realize i had a d.n.a. test done many years ago and i didn t realize that you could actually be hooked up with matches. so, as soon as i saw that i mean, while i was watching fox & friends, i was on the computer and, you know, getting my d.n.a. test ordered. brian: her incredible story-here with her incredible story contributor of my heritage ivette. can you believe this happened. i can believe. it happens every day. people go on to my heritage got come. buy these d.n.a. test and swab themselves and instantly matched with relatives around the world. global database. people like sue searching for biological families finally he a have answers. steve: i didn t realize it can find family members. we have had so much fun looking into everyone s ethnicity. so much fun to see where you are from. there are so many layers to. this people are looking for answers. trying to find lining call family and automatic particularly connects you to this global network. brian: how did this come together. sue was home watching us that morning as we dove into your background and that morning watching this show as she does every morning. she is watching right now hi, sue u it changed her life. we have some more audio from sue. steve: all right. listen. it was mother s day i said well, i will check my emails and there was an email from my heritage and said here are your d.n.a. results. and then it says you have 41 d.n.a. matches. i said okay, i m going to copy and paste the email to 8 of them. start out with 8. the first one answered me and said oh, yeah, well, you know, my aunt mary had four children that you are describing. so i went outside. and i called my uncle who turned out to be my uncle stan oh yeah, she is still alive? oh, yeah. she is in a nursing home. here is her number. so i called her. within two hours, maybe an hour and a half of getting the d.n.a. results, i was talking to her. janice: connection almost immediately. not only talking to her. she went upstate new york to visit her mother. i was there that weekend. we have video of the emotional. when i sat down and talked to sue. she cried the entire time. she had been searching for answers. she did d.n.a. test years ago. she was searching. she tried bribing people. she called every name in the phone book. this woman searched for years. sandra: sounds like it was so easy. this was a cousin. easy now because the technology has changed so much. again, watching you guys inspired her to get online and found her mother and found those answers. brian: they stay in touch today. i went upstate and met her with her moim just last weekend. she sat down with me and cried the entire time. she actually had a very special message for you guys. she credits you and considers you her family. she watches every morning. and credits you with helping find her mom. steve: let s watch this. this is all my friends at fox & friends. i feel like you are my friends. i have been watching you. i probably see more of you during the week than i do the rest of my family. thank you so much for having this segment with yvette on my heritage. i m happy for what you people have found out. and i m thrilled with everything that i have found out. another suggestion with this d.n.a. is add kleenex. for somebody who might also be interested based on what they just saw, how do you do this? how do you get started? we are making it easy especially for fox friends. my heritage wants to help everybody find those connections. special coupon code for fox friends. go my heritage d.n.a. you will have discounted kit as well as free shipping. steve: not only we found out what our heritage was. i thought i was half irish. only 19% irish. i m extreatmentsly scandinavianish. it can hook you up with people in your family. it doesn t necessarily say this is your mother and this are your kids. every family has a story and everybody is looking for some type of answers. whether ethnicity or biological family searching for. answer for everyone inside this kit. for me, looking for the family that my grandmother hid from the nazis and we found them with the help of my heritage. i would love to hear all the stories from the fox & friends folks that find their family. sue actually posted steve after watching us and finding her. by the way she found her mother on mother s day and then she posted a note on your facebook page and that s what led us to her. even from yesterday when we got the results i had like a dozen people contact me how do i do this? keep them coming. that s the message. steve: if you have a story, post it on the fox & friends facebook and we will take a look. thank you for sharing. she wrote me after watching you and she said thank you again, she feels after searching she is finally at peace. sandra: i love it. brian: going to hurt the psychic industry. steve: sue thank you very much for those kind words about fox & friends. you are our friend. sandra: days after steve scheez shot man leaves voice mail to jason chaffetz office. hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck and hang you from a lamppost. nothing was done about it. brian: college professor goes on hinge calling for destruction of white people. how does he still have a job at trinity college. lawrence jones from the blaze gives us his take on that. at least he promised to. how s it going? sandra: how are you doing? good morning. we are family i got all my sisters with me getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. 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(chuckles) hole in one! and that s a par five, mind you. see how much you could save on car insurance. go to today. ykeep you that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. we re not going to take it no, we ain t going to take it we re not going to take it anymore brian: lawrence jones has been a commentator that s gotten a lot of getting a lot of interest of late because your interest teenage. the way you speak from the heart and speak from experience. we just wanted to i know you work for the blaze predominantly and on our channel. we wanted to bring you in to get your take where the democrats go from here. they thought with donald trump they drilling down his approval ratings. now we are going to get him in the special election. yeah. brian: they are 0 for 4. their money is down. the fundraising is counsel. the predictions are off. the polls not their way. they are going after their leadership. what are they doing wrong. they are focused on emotion. the american people are broke. and their kids is suffering. the education system, the healthcare markets are out of control. and the democratic party cannot focus on the facts. they can t focus on the economy. so, they have traditionally focused on emotion and it worked calling people racist, xenophobic, sexist. when people are struggling they don t want to hear that they want their lives to be better. sandra: it s not working, that message. they see it s not working with these election results. you still don t see them changing their message or their rhetoric. they have made donald trump the target. because they think he is unlikeable, they think they can have this resistance and russia and scare the hell out of americans. brian: resistance summer. exactly. if they can scare the hell out of americans and believe that donald trump was a double agent for russia they would be successful. it s absurd. the american people know it after comey said well, he was never under investigation. steve: donald trump just wanted somebody to say on the record. now, what makes your perspective unique is the fact that you voted for barack obama in 2008. oh, yeah. steve: young guy, thought this guy was going to change everything, did not. for the most part during the obama administration nancy pelosi was his partner up on capitol hill. a lot of democrats are saying we need a better message and we need new leadership because she is not working out. that s true. but they are scared of nancy pelosi. she has all the money. she holds a lot of weight. and until the democratic party gets younger leadership, they won t be effective. they are trying the same old tricks. and the american people are sick of it nancy pelosi, as well as barack obama need to bring their party in and say we have got to start focusing on jobs and the economy. until they do that, they won t be successful. brian: let s talk about trinity college. sandra: and this college professor johnny eric williams associate professor of sociology. if you haven t seen this yet. he posted this it is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves ton white will not do. put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system #let them die. the time is now to confront these inhuman blank and end this now. tough to read through such vulgar message. what s going on here? the political rhetoric is going through here. sandra: trinity? i m libertarian. i believe in free speech. we have an attack on conservatism. on republicans. and until we call it out, i know a lot of people disagree with me. but, when this shooter targeted the congressman, he said are they republicans or are they democrats? when people keep telling me don t make it about politics, you are politicizing it he made it about politics when he asked are you republican or are you democrat? it s clear from the college campuses all the way to the conservatives and media, we are being targeted. steve: this particular fellow did wind up apologizing. because there are so many threats into clinton they had to close the campus yesterday. it might be open today. i don t believe the apology. that s in your heart. brian: get out of jail free card? trying to keep your job. i think these people should be punished. it s going too far. they are beheading the president. steve: do you want him fired. yes, i want him fired. that s a threat. i m all for free speech. when you incite violence then you are crossing the line. time for law enforcement to step up their game, take the hands off the law enforcement and let them prosecute these people. brian: i think things might change for democrats. they see they have no message. people like cher saying they have no message. congressman ryan saying they have no message. they might understanding even the numbers look strong for the economy, if people aren t feeling it and you are not responding to it, they can note get out of the starting block. this goes back to losing. how long do they want to lose? either wise up or lose the next election. i predict they are setting the stage for donald trump s re-election right now. if they continue. brian: inadvertently. they don t know what they re doing right now. if they keep making it about russia when the american people keep screaming we want our jobs. we want you to put america first. we are tired of illegal immigration and donald trump is improving that we have a conservative supreme court justice. if the they don t listen to the american people the american people won t listen to them. steve: there is somebody who wants to keep nancy pelosi that s the republicans? exactly right. keep her there. sandra: good to have you this morning. steve: time for news. jillian. jillian: let s get you caught up on what you need to know. just days after congressman steve scalise was shot. jason chaffetz says he was targeted. utah congressman releasing these deletening voice mails to his office. take a look. hey jason chaffetz, i suggest you prepare for the battle mode and the apocalypse. because we re going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck and you hang you from a lamppost. jillian: that is scary stuff and this as we learn flu details about the congressional baseball shooter james hodgkinson. fbi agents revealing they found a second laptop. more than 200 rounds of ammunition and rifle parts all in a storage unit he rented outside d.c. one of the victims congressman steve scalise updated to fair condition. congressman chaffetz joins us live in the 8:00 hour how we can protect politicians. edge more than a quarter of illegal my grants have ties to immigrant gangs. revealing findings after surveying unaccompanied children in their facilities. the trump administration has vowed to take down gangs like ms-13. many members come from central america. we saw first hand how they terrorized communities when brian went for a ride along with police in suffolk county, new york. a florida sheriff is sending out a call to arms, encouraging people to be prepared before becoming a victim. if you re not afraid of a gun, get one. and if you need to shoot somebody, shoot them a lot. consider another kind of weapon like pepper spray or a taser. look at your headlines. pretty tough words there but having the conversation. sandra: thanks, jillian. brian: coming up straight ahead talk politics. democrats keep losing elections why a former clinton strategist says that s not good for the future of their party. i guess losing doesn t help. sandra: plus, newt gingrich will be here at the top of the hour. steve: first, we have got the hot test summer toys on the plaza. yes, she is relaxing. janice dean the hammock machine everyone wants to be closer to free sending oxygen to my muscles. again! so i can lift even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free. fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. got any ideas?ting you? 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[ intense music playing ] ] it s here, but it s going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. steve: it was supposed to be a referendum on president trump. after another historic election loss in georgia. do democrats face another grim outlook for mid terms in 2018. our next guest thinks so and is he a were foreclinton strategist. biggest one of all mark penn oversees the harris poll. he joins us from our nation s capitol. good morning to you. good morning. steve: why are the democrats losing these special elections? i think so far the message democrats are deploying is too far to the left. too negative. it s not being effective in changing the electoral calculus. i think that s clear after so many outings with the same set of messages. steve: how do they fix it? what we did in the 90 s was moved not to the left but more to the center. started talking about making government bigger, class warfare, dealing with the modern problems of the world. there are some new problems whether it s a opioid crisis, lack of infrastructure, democrats could be focusing on some incredibly strong messages right now. steve: you say the democrat party should move toward the middle but you know there are a lot of people very progressive like to see things get pulled way to the left. they love bernie sanders on everything. and the party should go that direction. well, there is unquestionablably, i think that is the battle for the soul of the party. i think we have seen it before. i think have you seen it globally. if parties move too far left there is about 25% of the people in this country liberal. it really can t sustain a far left party that will be successful electorally. people are looking for problem-solving. they are looking for compromise on the issues. 89% want to see president trump and the democrats and the republicans work together. until they see that happen, they are giving negative ratings to all of them. steve: sure. i know you are working on a new harvard harris poll. it s going to come out next week. could you kind of tell us what america is thinking right now? yeah. it s going to come out in the hill next week. we re just finishing the tabulation. i can say that we re beginning to see that americans see these investigations as hurting the country. they know we should do it. concerned whether there was russian influence or not in the election. steve: right. at a certain point they think congress should be focusing more on the problems of the country rather than investigations. and i think that s beginning to come through in the polls. steve: that would be good news for donald trump. bad news for the democrats. because that seems to be the card they are playing. well, my point is there is plenty of room for democrats to maneuver. trump is also negative. the certainly he has got a lot of problems in the administration of government in areas of his presidency. and so there are weaknesses for democrats to exploit. think can t win unless they shift the message more positive, more co constructive and problem solving. that was the path back in the 1990s and has to be defined for today s issues. steve: mark penn knows a lot about politics. thank you for joining us live from d.c. thank you. steve: 10 minutes before the top of the hour. the president back in front of people, keeping campaign promises like this. we re thinking about building the wall as a solar wall so it creates. [cheers] so it creates energy and pays for itself. steve: it was his idea. coming up, number dials on what you, the american voter, thought on what he said last night. first the hottest summer toys on the plaza. look at that this is how we do, yeah do it like that this is how we do do, do this is how we do going at bass pro shops, with great deals like your choice of select men s t s and henleys for under $10. plus free family activies and crafts. sandra: summer is officially upon us, which means the kids are out of school and looking for stuff to do. here with the hottest summer toys is meredith sinclaire toy expert and author of well played. please come in. i have got you covered. i m so excited to be partnering with you with 100 percent family time campaign. family time and summertime go together. i will show what you you are going to do for family time. we re going to start with this. two in one rockingham mock. check it out. right here. and this is my heart song. it s super fun. curved as you can see. you can lay in it and rock in it which kids love to do. right? awesome. janice: love it? put it in backward and rock all summer long. janice was just in it. how much. about $170. next up, this one of my favorite. twist on the lemonade stand. we created juice stand. and instead of all that sugary mix. we are using 100 percent juicy juice. we created a tropical sparkler using 15 different flavors. tropical and white grape juice and this is sky. she is going to serve you up. ginger rail. little tea cups. we are using this build and play tent. check this out. your kids can design. this only $22 cover at target. build it and play in it and make their own. they can draw on it. next up. we have got hula hoops. only $6. they are filled with water. and then we have kids love these. gazillion bubbles. hold this up. ready? and this one, try this one, too. janice: oh, wow. it s a little windy. oh, nice. and they are all motorized. we have our poo go stick that makes chalk marks. and then we have got, check this out. kids are loving. this this is the aqua pod. little lagoon in backyard. kids love to jump on it fish. take a nap on it? like a waterbed. seems so simple but kids love playing on this. do you love it. only 60 bucks from heart song. so play away, guys with your fish in the backyard. these are so much fun. this is the x shot bubble ball. and as you can see, a jump in these and it s great on grass. we re on concrete so we re going light here. kids can bounce into each other and roll. they are having a ball with these. adults love them, too. it was easy to put on and a lot of fun. doesn t seem dangerous. it s not dangerous. especially if you are on grass. even when they roll heads are protected. how much is this? these are $50. last we have this really fun swing. this is sky island. so you can spin it like a merry go round like. janice: how much weight will that hold. this is the best part, 400 pounds. sky island. i m taking this home, meredith. great, awesome. there is no way your kids can get bored with those toys. thanks to all of our helpers as well. packed show still ahead this morning. newt gingrich moments away. plus congressman jason chaffetz. stay tuned e i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. so i use excedrin.ments from my life. it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on my symptoms, too. now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. sfx [heartbeat] do you need the most trusted battery in your flashlight? maybe not. maybe you could trust your own eyes to see in the dark. ahh! ow. or you could just trust duracell. ow. there are many fire fighters that have experienced hearing loss. and i m one of them. missing a statement that could get somebody injured it s critical. right now, beltone is offering free hearing evaluations. hearing loss can be corrected it doesn t slow you down a bit. if you re one the 48 million who experience hearing loss, call 1-800 beltone today for your free hearing evaluation from the most trusted partner in hearing care. it will improve your quality of life exponentially. call beltone today. an act of terrorism in our homeland. a police officer stabbed in the neck at an airport in flint, michigan. witnesses say the attacker shouted allahu akbar. isis is called for attacks during this holy month, so people have to be vigilant. it s always terrific to be able to leave that washington swamp. that s why i believe the time has come for new immigration rules. look, i ll tell you about the democrats. so we re 5-0. we re 5-0. the truth is people love us, all of us. they love us. they don t get it. they haven t figured it out yet. the democrats are starting to realize that their strategy isn t working, and they re blaming the poster child for losing, and that is nancy pelosi. until the democratic party gets young leadership, they won t be effective. they re trying the same old tricks, and the american people are sick of it. jay johnson becoming the latest top intelligence official to reject the idea that there was some grand scheme between associates of president trump and the russians. you had seen no evidence that the russians were successful at changing voter tallies or voter totals. correct. the media and the democrats have this russian concussion. steve: yeah, i bet donald trump liked the sound of the applause last night. he was there at the u.s. cellular center in grand rapids, iowa. to 5,000 people, it was the make america great again rally, and he was taking a victory. it reminded us all of of the campaign, the trump campaign, and the election. he went up there, took a lot of credit for republicans. he made several comments about he is winning, the white house is winning. brian: and last week this is tech week, and it started with the ceos and cf os of the most powerful tech companies in the country, and that s what he s trying to bring to rural america, and he understands the working class and rural america put him in the white house. obviously, the crowd was there. we ve seen him a lot. he actually feels great about what s happened with these special elections because in the people around him, there s a sense of, oh, my goodness, when is this russia thing going to get done? when are we going to stop with this comey talk? but out there, you feel as though it s not resonating with the american people. in fact, here s a little of some of his comments last night. i think health care is going to happen and infrastructure s going to happen. you re going to have a lot of exciting things over the next few months, and i look forward to being able to produce it. let s see what happens. if we had even a little democrat support, just a little, like, a couple of votes, you would have everything. but, again, they just want to stop. they just want to obstruct. and their plan isn t working because they thought they were going to win last night in atlanta. and they ve been unbelievably nasty. really nasty. and they thought they spent close to $30 million on this kid who forgot to live in the community that he was in. i mean, you know. they re making it a little bit hard to get their support, but who cares. and if karen handle had lost, they would have blamed it on me, which is fine. and if she lost, they would have been there for weeks talking about this is the greatest defeat in american politics. when she won, when they said projected winner is karen handle. then they said we switch to another program; right? so it was so short. they couldn t get out of there fast enough. this happened in montana; right? in kansas, last night south carolina with ralph who was expected to win, and he won. california. so. but it s been incredible. so we re 5-0. we re 5-0. [applause] steve: of course he was talking about the special congressional election in georgia which once upon a time was held by the former speaker of the house and former 2012 gop presidential candidate of course we re talking about newt gingrich whose book understanding trump just hit number one on new york times best-selling list. congratulations, mr. speaker. thank you. and thank you everybody at fox who helped us do such a good job of understanding trump. steve: well, it s a really good book. so we heard before the election, this was going to be a referendum on trump, at least that s what the mainstream media wanted us to think. we looked at the early polls no way she could win, but she did. what happened? it was a referendum on donald trump. steve: that was easy. brian: you know georgia. you know that district. and you know too that he spent $20 million more. largest republican turnout ever in a georgia special election. people said oh, this is really and karen handle is a good candidate. she got better and better as the campaign went on. ossoff s not living in the district as president trump went out and this became a huge weight on him. they had a debate, and each got to ask one question. she turned and said who are you going to vote for in the election? he couldn t answer because he wasn t allowed to vote in his own election. and i think all of that stuff came together. but in the end, i think the vote the margin of victory for people who are determined not to allow the news media and nancy pelosi and hollywood liberals to defeat donald trump in their district, and i think that was probably the margin of victory. so the news media had it right. this is a referendum on trump. he won. the problems with the news media is they can t come to grips with the fact that in five different specials, the republicans have won, and that sort of says maybe doing a lot better in america than he is in the news media. sandra: mr. speaker, there s questions about nancy pelosi s future coming from both parties. obviously now we re hearing from democrats. some of them not really willing to speak out on that. but still, democrats are having their issues. is it time for some soul searching? is it time for some changes possibly at the top with nancy pelosi? oh, no. oh, no. brian: you want them to keep her? i hope they keep nancy for ten more years. i want her there for at least another decade. they work perfectly in georgia. we know exactly how to run against the nancy-pelosi-run party. we have no questions in 2018 nancy pelosi versus paul ryan, and i hope that the democrats keep her right where she is for a long, long time. at least a decade. brian: you know, one thing is clear, mr. speaker. even from the week you were here when your book rolled out is that i sense the russia thing has hit a brick wall and that the democrats after these four-straight losses are going to let him be president and go at on him health care, north korea policy, and things like that because even they can t get a show through with collusion. let me draw a distinction. i think you re right, and i think frankly we were not very smart. jay johnson put it right yesterday. remember, for jay johnson to say the russians have successfully done something, he had to say he failed as homeland security chief. brian: yes. and so we should have turned it back on the obama administration from day one and said are you telling us that you are so incompetent that for six months, the russians were doing something, and you didn t know it? i think they would have to have said, oh, no, we re not that incompetent. so i think jay johnson won more brick in that wall. here s the problem. muller, who s hiring liberal democrats as the lawyers who came from law firm, which gave think about this number. .19%. .19 of 1% of its donations went to trump. 99.81% went to hillary. that s where mueller s from. mueller s now going to drop obstruction and go to finances. but he is out there trying to find a way to get either trump or somebody close to trump. i think it is disgraceful, i think it is a disaster, and people need to understand. mueller s running a left-wing democratic group. the lawyers he has hired have terrible records. one of them was employed by the clinton administration specifically to stop freedom information act request. now, how is that for transparency? one of them was reputeiated 9-0 by the superior court after they destroyed a company with 85,000 jobs. so i mean, look carefully at mueller because now it s not going to be russia. now it s going to be a personal vendetta by robert mueller against the president of the united states. steve: well, you know what s interesting, mr. speaker, we had mark penn on about 20 minutes ago, and he said he has a new harris harbor poll that s coming out monday in the hills newspaper. and one of the findings is and he was reluctant to give us the full depth of it but the helen is america people think all of this russia talk and how they re promoting it on the democratic side is hurting america. yeah. well, it does. i mean but, look, the democrats have made it very clear that they are and we ll see what happens as they digest the defeat of georgia because that may have been sort of the unlocking event that gets them to come to grips with reality. but up until now since election night they have been so traumatized by losing, and so traumatized by donald trump winning, that they have been incapable of cooperating with anything. and i hope the president s right. i think, for example, in the senate, i wouldn t be shocked because mitch mcconnell is such a great leader to see two or three democrats from very trump states. north dakota, missouri, maybe make a decision to vote for west virginia, some of those may decide want to vote for the health bill because they don t want to go home as an antitrump liberal. brian: it would be stunning because we haven t seen that in nine years. . but it s possible. sandra: mr. speaker, thanks for coming on with us. good to see you. brian: and stay number one, okay, mr. speaker? let s do it two weeks in a row. okay. i will. sandra: thank you, sir. jillian. good morning at home. we have a lot of news to catch up on. isis could attack at any moment, and that has the world at high alert. calling for a surge of attacks on muslim s holiest day. authorities say amor shouted allahu akbar before repeatedly stabbing an officer in the neck with a 12-inch hunting knife. now behind bars. he holds dual citizenship for canada. scott taylor joined us earlier saying the key to preventing attacks is communication between law enforcement. . international cities need to communicate more and have communication about potential suspects out there that may be radicalized. hurt in the attack in serious but stable condition at this hour. today, senate republicans will unreveal their plan to repeal and replace obamacare. roll out discussions to members this morning. sources tell fox the reason for the secrecy is because the bill will be substantially different than the house version. this comes as the nation s second largest health insurer anthem just ended its agreement in indiana and wisconsin next year. anthem says it can t manage the cost of sick patients signing up for obamacare. that s a look at your headlines, guys. i ll see you in a little bit. steve: thank you very much. meanwhile, just days after steve scalise was shot, releasing these threatening voice mails that he got at his office. we re going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a post. steve: oh, man. but congressman jason chaffetz says nothing was done about that. brian: and president trump says the border wall could go solar. what do the american people think about that? 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lee carter is a president and pollster and put a lot of the sound bytes to the test. good morning to you. good morning. steve: all right. first up, we heard the president talk many times about building the wall. he s got support on the right. if he made it a solar wall, he would get support on the left; right? that s what you would think. steve: all right. watch the sound byte and then look at the dial. we re thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, so it creates energy. and pays for itself. [cheers and applause] and this way mexico will have to pay much less money. and that s good. steve: all right. grade wise. so you can see the republicans loved it. and democrats an f. i was surprised. because i would have thought they want alternative energy. they said at best, it was a joke, and at worst, it was him taunting democrats and almost making fun of them. so it sort of backfired with democrats. i know he s not trying to reach those folks. independent and the republicans really did respond, though. steve: okay. also, the president talked a little bit about how he would love to have the political parties get together, watch the sound byte, and the lines. it would be a beautiful, beautiful thing if we could get together as two parties that love our country and come up with that great health care and come up with that great tax deal for our people and tax reform. and infrastructure. and so many other. steve: and the democrats didn t like it but the republicans and independents were together. thank you sure were. both gave it a c, and i would say a c for democrats is pretty good. across the board, a beautiful, beautiful thing if republicans and democrats could get together this is his fifth rally in five months. tell me why this is an effective tool for the president to use. you know, one of the things that donald trump has done so well throughout the campaign is he gets his message out directly to the people. he is the president of the people and for the people, and that s why he resonates so much. when he goes out there, this is who he is. people want to hear directly from him. you can just see the engagement and the energy is really clear and palpable, and i think he feeds off of it as well, and you can see it reach a circle. steve: some people complained about his twitter use, but nobody complains about him going to rallies. same thing. jumping past the media filter. and i tell you, a lot of people i speak to in these groups love his use of twitter. steve: lee carter, thank you. donald trump tweeted out some real estate advice. it turns out it was exactly on the money. speaking of money, bob massie coming up with money talk and the tweet next before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. brian: check your watches. time for news by the numbers. first, $49 million, that s the asking price of former first lady jackie kennedy s child omaha home. it looks pretty nice. it s like sandra smith s estate. it was built in 1919. it has nine bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, an indoor and outdoor pool. next, you re going to love this story. $1million. that s how much this house is as a fixer-upper on hgtv. it s a two-story home with one bed and one bath and now it s 1,000 square feet. it was built in 1920. listed at 28,000. now over a million. it s hard for me to imagine that being a good-bye. and finally, speaking of what i have in my savings account, $1 billion. that s how much george clooney is getting for his tequila company that looks exactly like that. the oscar winner handing it over to the world s largest spirits maker. clooney started the company as a private collection with his friends. now to sandra. bravo, ryan. five years before he was president, donald trump made a very bold claim on the future of america s housing market june of 2012. now is the time to buy housing before values have finally recovered. in five years, i told you so. it seems was right as housing prices continued to rise across the country. joining us host of the property man on the fox business network. bob, so good to see you. thank you. sandra: so the president nailed it. five years ago today he has the right to say i told you so. and so much many people in the real estate business like the president of course who understands real estate, sandra, saw how everything was diving down, and this was a great time to go in and buy. those people that were in the investment business, investors in real estate, hedge funds, and others, went in and bought many properties all over the country. and now, they ve skyrocketed. it s a tremendous return on their business. sandra: so he made these comments in the second quarter of 2012. can you give us a housing price index. but it s a very clear illustration of what happened to housing prices that dramatic decline that we saw in prices, and it was right in that year, 2012, that trump made that prediction, he put out that tweet about housing buy now, and it brings us to the present. things have certainly turned around. is the trend going to continue? yeah. there s a couple of things. first of all, that was pocketed in different parts of the country. for example, vegas, texas, florida, new mexico, arizona, southern california, really felt the crisis and the losses from, like, 07 to 12 getting to that point. at this point, it s what we re experiencing, a microcapitalism. you don t have a lot of inventory on the market, as you know that the demand is there, so is the result, the prices are going up. so if the inventory opens up, the prices will stabilize. but right now, properties, for example, in vegas between 250 and 450,000, there s a bidding war. if you went to buy a home on a retail market right now in vegas, there s a bidding war on it. sandra: well, bob, as usual, we have viewer e-mails coming in for you. john in florida says i have continued issues with the hoa in my development. i feel like i am being treated differently. what rights do i have? homeowners associations obviously play a very important roll in developments through the country. if, in fact, you feel that you re being treated differently that another neighbor is getting something you ask for, you really have to get some counsel, have them review the cc& rs, the bylaws, hoa boards have broad discretionary powers. you re going to have to get a little enforcement from an attorney to help figure out why is it you re being treated different? sandra: if all right. good information and then sarah from scottsdale says watch the property man each week and learn so much. i assume she s asking for that area. yeah. scottsdale is very much like the vegas area. again, depending upon the value of the home, sarah, higher end homes are not necessarily going up as much as the median homes. and when you think about that in the west coast compared to san francisco, new york, you get a big home for the price between 250 and $450,000. get a good real estate expert in your area to look at the prices, and they ll be able to tell you exactly what those prices are and what the future is in the next 12 months. sandra: all right. bob massie, viewers can learn so much from your show, as that one just mentioned. you can watch it 8:30 eastern on fox business and e-mail your questions for bob to friends bob, thank you for joining us this morning. good to see you. thank you so much. sandra: steve. steve: you read. sandra: all right. it s mine. coming up, days after steve scalise was shot, another congressman releasing these threatening voice mails to his office. going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a lamppost. congressman chafitz joins us live to talk about that. and a minor league baseball manager takes a cheap shot at tim tebow s face. who gets the last word? next. it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. brian: well, house oversight chairperson congressman jason chaffetz joins us. and we always love when you come on. you always say it like it is. but sadly, we first have to start off with something that has not changed. and chairman, as you let it be known, the death threats are real, and they keep coming. yeah. look, i ve had dozens of those, unfortunately. we had another person put one out saying he was going to come slit my throat but the u.s. attorney said we re not going to prosecute that. unfortunately, it happens we go regularlily. but the u.s. attorneys don t prosecute anything. steve: we re going to play one of the voice mails that you received at your office, and then you re going to tell us what happened to this guy. listen. i suggest you prepare for the battle (bleep). because we re going to hunt you down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a lamppost. steve: so that was left on your office voice mail. you probably didn t pick it up. i m sure it was a staff member. what happened? well, let s see, you get these young interns, you get your chief of staff and others that have to listen to this. the first time he left a voice mail message, nothing happened. i mean, literally nothing. it was because he left a second voice mail message that finally the authorities got involved, he was arrested, and he s going through that process in florida. i have stacks, mounds of these. and, again, they don t get prosecuted. there has to be better ways to protect members of congress. sandra: are your colleagues have similar experiences? oh, sure. yeah. in this case of the shooter, in this case of steve scalise, so glad he s on the road to recovery here. but that person had contacted i believe it was mike s office some 14 times, passed on to capitol hill police, and my concern is as good and effective as the capitol hill police were in taking down the shooter, what happened on the prevent side when they did pass that to the capitol hill police? i don t think they did nearly enough. sandra: there s an e-mail story too that we have to share. jason chaffetz, believe the best thing to do is to kill you. please, god almighty, please kill jason chaffetz soon. yeah, you re really bad, overseeing the government and letting people be transparent. is this part of the reason you re getting out? well, there are a lot of reasons but nobody should have to put up with that. i think there s a way to deal with this. what i really like to see is the capitol hill police, they protect this, and we re in a fortress here at the capitol. but outside when we leave and disturbance and go across the country, i really believe it s the u.s. marshals that shall do the threat assessment. somebody should prosecute that person. you can t just threaten members of congress like this. and i can tell you, we could go for another hour or two showing examples from just my office. sandra: it s hard to even read those or listen to them, congressman. but there s an exchange yesterday that we want to run by you with tray gowdy. promising president obama s homeland security secretary. watch the exchange and get your reaction. this was early in the summer of 2016 when we learned of the dnc hack. so if they had turned the server over to either you or director comey, maybe we would have known more. why would a victim of crime not turn over a server to the intelligence community or to law enforcement? i m not going to argue with you, sir. that was a leading question, and i ll agree to be led. [laughter] flush. sandra: congressman, a very strong suggestion there that democrats did not cooperate with that investigation. this is the obama administration. remember, all of this hacking happened during the obama administration. and the homeland security secretary is trying to help democrats. the democrats put up their stiff arm and say back off. no need no help needed. now after the fact they re somehow claiming it was donald trump s problem and donald trump s fault. brian: and tray gowdy followed up and said when were you led to believe there was something on that server in addition to hacking that had didn t want to expose, even to their own homeland security? look, they thought they were on a glide path to the presidency. they didn t want to have any hiccups. but donald trump ran a much more effective campaign. and now affiliate fact, the democrats want to blame the hacking on donald trump. i mean, whatever. steve: it is crazy. i m sure you saw that judicial watch has asked for the records of the unmasking of various americans by susan rice, and they ve been told, you know what? we can t give them to you because we gave them to the obama library, and those are sealed for five years. yeah. this is, again, where congress needs to stand up for themselves. when they issue a subpoena, when they ask for demand developments, the administration needs to provide those, and i m telling you, the bureaucracy have not been stepping up and doing that, and i would hope that the senior leadership and the white house itself gets more personally involved to loosen up those documents. we need to be able to see those. brian: right. i just never heard of i sent them to the library. sorry, government. all right. chairman, thanks again. appreciate it. steve: 20 minutes now before the top of the hour and jillian has headlines right over there. that s right. good thursday morning to you guys, you at home as well. potential jurors in this case against army deserter bo bergdahl will be asked if they voted for trump or have been influenced by comments like these. he left. he was a deserter. he was a dirty, rotten deserter. attorneys argue those comments could affect the outcome of the case. bergdahl charged with desertion after abandoning his post in 2009 and then traded for the release of five terrorists. minors in custody have ties to gangs. the office of refugee resettlement revealing its findings after surveying unaccompanied children in their facilities. the trump administration has vowed to take down gangs like ms13. many members come from central america. and we saw firsthand how they terrorize communities when brian went for a ride-along with police in county, new york. time to head outside right now to janice dean and, janice, it is beautiful out there right now but not all across the country. you re rightly. we have tropical storm cindy that heads throughout the morning and the afternoon. so if you live across louisiana, mississippi, alabama, the ohio, tennessee river valley, that s where we re going to see the potential for flooding over the next couple of days, so i want everyone to be safe. otherwise all up and down the east coast, we re looking good. but this will be the story throughout the day today is tropical storm cindy. good thing it is weakening. let s say hi to some of our friends. where are you from? australia? and what s your name? where are you from? indicatcaitlyn, las vegas, nevada. do you want to say had you had had i? hi. you all wait inside. and we have gavin mcgraw; right? so you want to come down to 48th and 6th starting at 6:00 a.m. wave, everybody, come on. steve: right there tomorrow gavin degraw is going to did i read it right? steve: close enough. brian: unaccompanied minors. steve: they re from australia, where we are a late night show. all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, a college professor goes unhinged, calling for the destruction of white people. how does he still have a job? kevin jackson is here to weigh in on that. good morning to you, kevin. you re next. sandra: hey, kevin wise man, i m nervous about things i can t control. affecting my good credit score. i see you ve planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek. lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it s completely free for everyone. it s free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don t know. aw, i thought you did. i don t know either. either way it s free for everyone. cool. what s in your wallet? before we hit the beach, i we can t stay here!o. why? terrible toilet paper! i ll never get clean! way ahead of you, big daddy. aww charmin ultra strong. it s washcloth-like texture helps clean better. it s four times stronger. .and you can use less. beautiful view. (wiggles butt) thanks to charmin. and you, honeybear! awwwww we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin? fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. got any ideas?ting you? not all products work the same. my owner gives me k9 advantix ii. it kills all three through contact. no biting required. so they don t have to bite? that s right. no biting required. k9 advantix ii. wise choice. brian: welcome back, everybody. a college professor under fire today for a series of social media posts you re not going to believe. condemning white people as inhuman. even suggesting congressman scalise should have been left to die because he s white. here to react executive director of this and fox news contributor kevin jackson. kevin, after the shooting last week, that s when he made these comments about white people. yeah. not surprising, though, brian because we sort of been condoning this type of activity leading up to it with people apologizing for black lives matter and people killing cops. we ve been sort of leading up to this point where we ve allowed what is effectively racism, but they call it reverse racism, but it s racism. and what s interesting about this particular guy is he hasn t been fired. they re trying to get him fired. and as we were talking about before the break, who could get away with this with barack obama or somebody saying i hope all leave all black people to die. it wouldn t be a brian: yeah, and a facebook post, this is eric williams who made that comment. it is pastime for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves white will not do. put an end to their destructive mythology of whiteness. he also posted if you see white people drowning, if you see them in a burning building, if they re in a park, and they pull their weapons on each other, do nothing. and he said some explicit comments right after that. yeah. and he was referencing another post by a young lady who had the same type of opinion. but here s what the interesting thing is. 100 college and universities now teach these types of programs. they call them social justice degrees, and they re teaching racism. we re financing the people like him. he probably would be one of the professors that is teaching this that i should hate you. i should right here as we sit here talking to each other friends, i should hate you because the color of your and in and they re teaching these things with social justice degrees and what s sad about it because when you listen to the ads, there s one from eastern can it university, they re geared to influence blacks to come and get these degrees. brian: you know, people talk about, and there s no doubt about it, just like president bush said the other day, if you re an african-american, how do you teach that effectively and not instill rage in people? well, the way you teach it is you teach it as a sign of empowerment. the fact that blacks overcame that issue. that s the way i grew up. brian: effectively built the country. yeah. that blood goes through my veins and the generation of my family overcame that and to be part of the american we built the best country in the world on the backs of slaves, so how could i feel bad about that, given now the opportunity that exists for blacks? but we don t teach that. we teach it s a negative thing that you ve been oppressed, and you continue to be oppressed. and all the institutions that are oppressing blacks are leftist institutions. brian: right. you recognize our background and talk about how far we ve come and how we still have far to go. that is not the mind-set we need. should he be fired? tweet us, come at us, and kevin jackson says yes. all right. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. she s an author and expert on faith, a concert piano, and, oh, she can cook as well. at least she claims. we ll find out if there s truth behind the last thing with lauren green when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at and got them back on track. mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. again! so i can lift even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free. steve: well, she s an author, an expert in faith and theology, a concert pianist, and on top of all of that, she can cook a mean casserole. impressive. we re cooking with fox news correspondent lauren green and her mother. her niece brittany, and her close friends kathy and naomi. i should have let you introduce them all. well, these are my two moms. this is my mom betsy green who actually birthed me and who i love dealer. this is kathy, sort of my new york mom, who is yes. she s responsible. she s in my book a lot because i wrote a lot of the book at my home in home island. steve: well, tell us where you came up with this recipe. this is good minnesota hot food. it s talking about the casserole. so basically, this is cooked chicken and herb seasoning, and then you soak that in butter. steve: yes. right. soak it in butter and put half in the pan, half over here and add the sauteed onions. steve: where did you get this recipe? i got it from lori, sadly she passed away a few years ago. she handed it to the ms. minnesota before me and now to me. there s something that can t go across the television screen. this will make you feel so at home, no matter where you are. steve: and then you put it over a dead of we ll skip that part. okay. so this goes in here. steve: okay. how many times have you made this? a lot. every year at thanksgiving, i just made it a couple of weeks ago out on long island, we had some. and then you kind of eggs like here. a lot of people don t know, lauren. i mean, you were. two eggs, milk. hard to do this when you re steve: on television. yes. have you had this before? every year. every year. and then you put this in the fridge overnight. steve: in the fridge. and then you put this cream of mushrooms. you know you re in the cookers when you do the cream of mushroom soup. oh, my gosh. this is a crowd mirrors. all right. and then you put it in the oven and bake it for how long? 45 to 50 minutes. what if i m in a rush? can i do it overnight? bring it out after 45 or 50 minutes. so butter, mayonnaise, and cheese. this is so localery. steve: and then you put it in the oven, and it comes out like that. i think we re going to have to have a taste. steve, get in there. i m sorry. excuse my fingers, but it s, like, warm. okay. there you go. now you taste it. go for it. he s silent. steve: you know what? it tastes like thanksgiving because of the stuffing. i gave you a huge piece there. oh, my gosh, lauren. steve: i want hers. if you would like the recipe, go to our website. anyway, these are my friends. kathy, who is, like, my second mother, naomi who s my sister. and they used to call them my daughter but now she s too old to be my daughter. brian: thank you for being with us. we ll be right back. what s the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. what s the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? 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