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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240612

and tonight during the broadcast i will do an exclusive first-time interview with house speaker mike johnson and hakeem jeffries, minority leader. he used to play and a fan of the new york yankees. i ll be doing color commentary on fs1 and the washington capital handles play-by-play and congressional baseball shooting is now available on fox nation. guys, back to you. steve: we ll be watching. thanks, chad. ainsley: everyone have a wonderful day. see you tomorrow. lawrence: a fun show. brian in dallas, back on the couch tomorrow. steve: have a great day. america s newsroom starts now. bill: good morning. so two weeks and two trips to europe. president biden heading to italy for a g7 summit. yesterday around this time he met with his son, hunter, after his felony gun charge conviction. will a change of scenery satisfies. we ve seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to another level. by no means a time to let up or dial back. now, on top of that, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. bill: that was eight days ago. that was chris wray head of the f.b.i. warning us. now it s happened. eight migrants with ties to arrested tied to isis crossing the border illegally. that s where we start. i m bill hemmer. dana: good to be here with you. i m dana perino and this is america s newsroom. the migrants came here from kazakhstan and a source tells fox they were fully vetted at the southern border and yet nothing was flagged. ice caught up with them in philadelphia, new york and los angeles. it begs the question who else is coming across that border? dana: team fox coverage. paul mauro is here with us and first to alexis mcadams on the streets of new york with more. hi. good morning. right now we know those eight kazakhstan nationals are in ice custody after being arrested. majority were arrested here in new york city. exactly where in the city we re trying to figure that out. this morning a democratic councilman says it s another example of a broken southern border that he says the president needs to fix quickly. he says he doesn t know what will happen next in new york city. listen. it s frightening. we re headed for another 9/11. i predicted that. i think we should have a secure border. we should know who is coming into our country. we don t. and millions of migrants and illegal aliens have gotten through. it is a situation that we re rolling the dice here. a group of can kazakhstan nationals were taken into custody. how did they enter the united states in the first place is the question. sources telling fox they crossed illegally at the southern border and were fully vetted. but listen to this. nothing was flagged somehow. it was only after they were already released into the u.s. that customs and border patrol were notified about these major security concerns. so this ice sting took place in three major cities, new york, philadelphia, and in los angeles. according to the new york post, the feds used a wiretap to listen in on these phone calls from the people. hearing one of those arrested talking about bombs. former ice director tom homan says it s an example of a dangerous trend. under 3 1/2 years of biden they have a historic number of russian nationals at the southern border. these numbers are unprecedented. you look at the people on the terrorist watch list, over 380 on the southern border. you heard those numbers, shocking. 380 at the southern border and counting. the department of homeland security and f.b.i. are working this case. they know about that heightened threat and saying they do everything they can around the clock to keep americans safe. dana: thank you. bill: analysis with paul mauro. good morning to you. you have a lot of contacts in new york. want to show alexis and talking about the stunning numbers. known gotaways last year, 670,000. who are they? where are they coming from? on and on the questions go. what do you have for us today? what a paradigm event this is. how much is revealed in this takedown and where they came from and how they came through. as the saying goes in the intelligence world, the further we get from 9/11 the closer we get to 9/ten. when we used to do counter terrorism in new york, i did it half my career, the idea that you could get somebody who came in and was a complete clean skin and no friction at the border and we knew nothing about was a major red flag. the idea we have millions of such people coming into the country right now defies belief. when you look at the fact that these were people who carried out the 144 murders in moscow recently in an operation the head of the f.b.i. is saying he is concerned about mirroring here, it tells you what we re into here. the disconnect within the federal government seems to be income present henceible. you have the intelligence arm ringing every bell and they are oblivious and don t want to hear about it. the only thing to get their attention is another 9/11. i hate to say that. i understand another thing here. they didn t have enough to get these guys on terrorism charges. three cities, cover them 24/seven. not sure how they picked them up. i can surmise. now according to the statement they will kick them out. they aren t arrested here which means you are sending back eight terrorist operatives potentially into bad guy territory with knowledge of the area, with having done recon, they know the train and bus routes and have funding. this is exactly what you don t want. this is what we re enabling through our southern border. dana: what about the burden and strain on law enforcement and intelligence offices around the country then? regular stuff to deal with and how much more pressure does this put on top of them? a ton. you aren t getting the help from the federal government you want. that s why wray was on the hill advocating for the f.b.i. funding not to get cut because he needs the bodies. this is a perfect example. eight people out there talking about bombs. they picked them up on a wiretap. i don t know if it s fisa or not. you say to yourself okay. talking about bombs. they killed 144 people in moscow, isis-k. none can be out of our sight. teams to cover eight people 24/seven. if they get away you ll have to answer to the man and to yourself. bill: not just christopher wray, merrick garland and there was a piece written. you mentioned the attack in moscow. that was low-tech terror. all they used was semi automatic weapons and took out a ton of people. based on what you know about sting operations, how do you know where the go signal is? you hear them mention the word bomb or shooting. how do you know to make good question. let me tell you how this went. they had three different teams coordinated in three different cities. an umbrella over it run out of washington. at some point you go up high enough and get to the one person who will make the call. the one person making the call certainly in the counter terrorism division in washington is looking out over the field here waiting to get probable cause to federal terrorism arrests. that s what you want. that s the big hammer. you can hang onto these guys and get phones and coms and talk to them and maybe flip somebody. what happened here is they hit the end of the line and had to make a call this is getting dangerous and we don t have what i just described. i m not giving anything up by that. very clearly they are only in ice custody pending deportation. unless they develop somethinging through their devices what they had to do is move quicker than they wanted to because they were worried. and that is a very discomforting thing. bill: why you don t keep them here and prosecute them? if they get away, they have enough trade craft. we can t get a source into them, it is not going the way we want and maybe they lost one for a while and got nervous. at some point somebody says take it down. i m speaking we hit the f.b.i. plenty on this network and i have done it. that s their leadership. the rank and file i can guarantee you 40 f.b.i. agents and ice guys who were up all night probably for months making sure they put them to bed at night and wake them up in the morning. let s take them off the set however we can. i used to send guys to knock on a door and say hello as a message when i didn t just to say we know who you are. at some point you hit the end of the line and do something. dana: so much pressure. it reminds me of what president bush used to say. the terrorists only have to be right once. we have to be right however many times and it means the federal government should do what it can to give local law enforcement what it needs, which is first of all closing the southern border legitimately. we ve already let millions in and we don t know where and who they are. we don t know anything about them. the muslim band, a complete misnomeer. people coming in with a nation not cooperating with us and won t give us a background. we have no idea who they are. they were vetted. you know how long that took? seconds. what are you going to do, call the country and get background on these guys? not going to happen. bill: we ll lean on you soon. congressman mike waltz and jason crowe will join us on america s newsroom momentarily. dana: arrivals gate nightmare. hundreds of migrants sprawling across boston s logan airport using baggage claim as shelter and blankets as beds. the city is running out of options. housing capacity has been filled for months. what is the president doing to help the blue city? we don t know. molly line is at the airport with more. good morning. essentially boston s logan airport is flooded with migrants with no place else to go. a state where the shelter system is overwhelmed and has been for months now. overnight more than 100 migrants sleeping in the wide hallway here in the airport s terminal e, the sfwir national terminal. families and children running around crowded onto mats, blankets on the hard floors. the number of people using the logan airport has shelter has ebbed and flowed. headlines have been made in the news since january. it forced state leaders to take creative measures to find housing solution, mass hotel rentals and much more controversial measures like the cakeover of a community center in boston. a move that forced many of the programs that serve the city s disadvantaged youth to find new spaces and expected to reopen as summer gets underway. later this month a former minimum security prison in norfolk, massachusetts is slated to be repurposed opened as a temporary shelter for 450 people. cafeteria, gym, play spaces for children and classrooms for adults. massachusetts, it is a one-of-a-kind right to shelter state. a law here. under the historic strain of the new arrivals in april the state s democrat governor signed into law a nine month limit on how long families can reside in emergency shelters. it is worth noting there are a number of ways that families can extend their stays beyond that 90 days including meeting requirements for employment and job training and various medical conditions, pregnancy and disability status and educational disruption for children and that sort of thing. dana: thank you. we ll keep an eye on it. it is unfortunate he is convicted but him being the son is not what i m thinking. i m thinking that he did a bad thing and actions have consequences. bill: from the mouth of a juror speaking out on the decision to convict hunter biden. this as the president makes a surprise trip to comfort his son throwing his travel plans off for a bit. seems to me he was trying to point a lot of fingers to other individuals or bodies to try to deflect some of the accountability. dana: former new york governor andrew cuomo shifting the blame for nursing home deaths during covid. what he told lawmakers on capitol hill. bill: scary moments in new york city. mass protestors giving an ultimatum to those riding a subway. raise your hands if you re a zionist. this is your chance to get out. okay, no zionists, we re good. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ( ) bill: a russian naval warship arriving in havana, cuba, where they ll conduct military exercises for a period of time. interesting to note putin given his threats last week against western european countries and united states using our military weapons on behalf of ukrainians inside russia. there are hypersonic missiles that are on board these naval ships out of russia. just a story to watch and keep an eye on as they go through this for the next several days and possibly longer. putin is sending a message here in our hemisphere as well. 19 past. dana: hamas responding to a u.s. banked cease-fire proposal. it has not accepted or rejected the deal. israel has signaled its openness to the plan but stopped short of endorsing it. alex hogan is live from london with the latest. hi. so u.s. secretary of state antony blinken finished speaking about hamas s response saying some of the proposed changes are workable. some simply are not. hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes. a number of which go beyond positions that it previously had taken and accepted. u.s. says it is evaluating hamas s response now. egypt and qatar released joint statements saying they re working together to coordinate how to move forward. israel fired back saying it s a rejection. also follows news reported by the wall street journal in leaked messages from hamas leader sinwar that said hamas has the upper hand and thousands of civilian casualties are, quote, necessary sacrifices. israel today releasing this video of the idf taking out what it says was a command center in lebanon. one of the most senior hamas commanders was killed. comments from blinken, he says in the following weeks we ll hear more information what will come next a day after reconstruction and how to make the pause in the fighting a cease-fire a long lasting end to the war. dana: alex, thank you. we have two very different opinions on what happened during covid. i think the federal government failed this nation and it was abyss mal. bill: andrew cuomo passing the buck in the early days of covid policies. it forced nursing homes to take patients who had tested positive for the virus and many argue that decision led to needless more deaths. maybe thousands of them. republican nichole malliotakis from new york is with me now and she was in the room yesterday. good morning to you. what were you able to determine, do you think? maybe something you either didn t know before or maybe gave you confirmation. shocking was the governor claiming he did not know anything about that march 25th order that his administration issued on a nursing homes to accept these individuals. i never heard that before that he completely did know it existed until a month later. when asked who authorized it, it was his letter and name and commissioner of health s name on the letterhead he said we don t know. i think it was probably done at the staff level. how is that possible that the governor of the state of new york who did 111 daily briefings basically got an emmy for his performance in these briefings knowing all the details of what was going on in new york state acting as the king of new york, did not know about this deadly mandate until a month latter when all the other local elected officials people like me and state legislature knew and telling the executive chamber about our concerns and the nursing homes were reaching out to all elected officials expressing the concern. what we learned yesterday is that he is not going to take accountability or apologize and when asked whether he would change that order today, knowing what he knows now with thousands of new yorkers, elderly new yorkers who were killed as a result, he said no. in fact, he would explain it more and communicate it more. nursing homes didn t understand they could reject people if they could not care for them. he didn t try to pivot the blame on the nursing homes who had no choice but to accept these people because the mandate language was clear. it was clear. they were forced to take these people whether they could care for them, whether they had the proper staffing levels or separate them positive or negative or whether they had the ppe. bill: let me a couple of things here. another sound bite from the governor maintaining his innocence. roll this first. department of justice found we did nothing wrong. the investigations found that the new york advisory was wholely consistent with the federal guidance set by cms and cdc. two investigations found exactly that, that what new york did was implement the federal guidance. bill: i imagine he said a lot of that behind closed doors. the numbers in new york. covid confirmed deaths at nursing homes, 6926. confirmed out of facility deaths 4600. presumed deaths at the nursing home. the numbers are staggering just shy of 15,000. you mentioned this directive on the 25th of march. is it possible between his daily briefings that began on march 2nd and went through june 19th, is it possible we just did not understand enough about the virus at that time? well, look, i think you could give the benefit of the doubt if the language was not written as it was. the cms and cdc guidelines were very clear making a recommendation that you could accept patients who were being discharged from the hospitals into a nursing home setting if you had the ability to separate and care for them in the proper staffing levels. his mandate was not a recommendation, it was they shall do it and that they could not test them to see if they were positive before accepting them. they literally prohibited the nursing homes from testing these patients to see if they were still positive before accepting them and no ability in this mandate to reject a nursing home patient if you could not care for them. that was the biggest issue. they were not given the proper ppe to deal with the issue at hand. so the governor again deflecting and pointing fingers. the buck stops with him accountability. bill: will there be a public hearing? i believe so. i think there is a lot of questions that a lot of things that were discrepancies between what his administration officials told us and what the governor said yesterday and also did not use the additional measures that were set up. u.s. navy comfort ship and java center. it was here. didn t get patients. thank you for your time and see what comes of it. it was the story in new york that shut down the entire country. i believe it to this day but it started here. thank you for your time and we ll talk again. dana. dana: president biden looking for legitimacy on the world stage following his son s conviction. can he pull his son s legal troubles in the rearview mirror? 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we have the story from atlanta. as housing prices and interest rates increase, the renter market is heating up. corporate investors are trying to get in on the action buying up large numbers of starter homes in booming real estate markets especially in the sun belt. the situation was studied in atlanta which leads the nation in this trend. everyone rental homes are owned by institution investors, which means more than 1,000 homes nationwide. these are really big corporations. experts say it drives up home prices in surrounding neighborhoods and makes it harder for individuals and families to get in. that can be tough competition for first time home buyers, investors come in with more cash and buying outright with cash on bigger down payments and a more competitive offer. they recommend small home buyers study loan options and get pre-approval to make an immediate offer. institutional investors is a smaller and growing trend of building new homes for the sole purpose of renting them. new build to rent homes surged from just over 6700 in 2019 to more than 27,000 last year with t the while less is known about the short term impact of this, some experts believe there will be a long-term benefit because it is creating more housing stock, which is something we desperately need in this country. and sooner or later, corporate landlords do become sellers. bill. bill: i guess that s true. that s the market. thanks, jonathan serrie in atlanta for that. thank you. can t help but think [inaudible] focus more on what the defense and prosecution are saying. so that s basically what i try i try to block the rest of it out and just [inaudible]. dana: hunter biden found guilty in his federal gun case and the president making a surprise trip to delaware embracing his son on the tarmac showing support before he went to italy today. they put out a statement. jill and i love our son and so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. want to bring in our panel. andrew cherkasky, former federal prosecutor and tim murtaugh. tim, we ve had legal analysis. you wrote a touching and thoughtful tweet thread yesterday or x post thread because you are a recovering addict and wrote a book about that and open about what it has been like but you also understand politics. let s get your take this morning on how you woke up thinking about it today. well, i appreciate you having me on, dana and mentioning the book. i wrote it called swing hard. my life in politics and battling with alcohol and so i do have empathy and sympathy for hunter biden and his family. i know what it is like to be an addict. my drug of choice was alcohol. and the toll it takes on family and what i put my family, wife, parents, brother, everybody through during it. i have empathy for joe and jill biden as well. alcoholism or addiction is not about it s not a defense against all other criminal activity. i was convicted of two duis. i pled guilty. i couldn t go into court and say i was guilty of driving under the influence but in my defense i was drunk at the time. it doesn t work and should not be a shield. the fact that hunter is an addict. i have sympathy for him being an addict. it should not be used as a shield to protect the rest of the bidens from his involvement in the criminal enterprise that i believe the biden family has been engaged on. they sent hunter out to be the bag man representing the family to collect millions of dollars from foreign interests and i actually believe the d.o.j. is prosecuting this gun crime so that they don t have to go after the crimes that lead directly to joe. this gun crime is the only crime that you can charge hunter biden with that does not lead back to his father, the president of the united states, who also happens to be the ultimate boss of the prosecutors making this decision. so yes, i have empathy. bill: swing hard in case you hit it is the name of the book. well stated. andrew, it defies logic. a year ago you had a probation only case and he walked away from it. a year ago he would have had immunity from further legal jeopardy. now what do you have? a conviction yesterday and now you have the tax issue in september in california. i think that hunter biden s decision to plead not guilty and take it to trial has proven politically disastrous for the biden family at large. it proves once and for all the biden family effective interfered with the 2020 election by covering up that laptop. coming in as evidence this laptop that was declared to be russian disinformation in the lead-up to the 2020 election. things the left media and social media stripped from the internet and stripped from the airwaves proves to be quite true. in fact, the d.o.j. using it as a piece of evidence in this trial. it is hard to imagine that joe biden never said to his son, who is so close with, is that laptop real? is that your laptop? hunter biden knew all along that was his laptop as those 51 intelligence officers came forward, as joe biden denied it, as the media quashed that story. i think it is a really telling thing. time tends to dilute the impact of lies but what we have this conviction we have to turn back the clocks a little bit and see what this conviction means in light of what happened back in 2019 and 2020. dana: the chances of them winning on appeal are what, andrew? the second amendment issue is quite interesting here. it is currently up scheduled to be in front of the supreme court the 5th circuit had an interesting case on this dealing with marijuana. the applicable of the second amendment with folks who had past drug addiction and drug use is ambiguous. hunter biden s case is the prime example where you have somebody with frequency and recent to the gun purchase. i think that s a prime case where the law should apply. but there is some debate about the broadness and ambiguity of the law in concert and in consideration of the second amendment. that s an nra point that hunter biden took. bill: we ll bring you back between now and september. thanks for sharing your story, tim. dana reads sports. dana: so usa basketball defending its decision to leave caitlin clark off the olympic roster. the chair of the committee said it would be irresponsible for us to talk about her in a way other than how she would impact the play of the team because it wasn t the purview of our committee to decide how many people would watch or how many people would root for the u.s. it was our purview to create the best team we could for coach cheryl reeve. she is 15th in the wnba and first amongst rookies. bill: she has time. not the end of the world. she will be a player. she already is. maybe they will regret not having her. maybe they go and bring home gold. dana: maybe we could have her on fox and do color commentary for me so i understand what s going on. bill: we ll work on that. apparently they were arguing about something. bill: you had a commute home ending in a fatal tragedy. a gunman jumped on board a bus in atlanta. chase ensued and it was a mess. three decades in prison. pamela smart is making a stunning claim about the murder of her husband for the very first time. now that i am older and able to look back on things, i can see so many errors i made and how skewed my judgment was and how im mature i was. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. arthritis pain? 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- [announcer] call right now to receive your free no-obligation info kit. call the number on your screen. page number 9s1307. crime of conspiracy to commit murder. is the defendant guilty or not guilty? guilty. bill: guilty verdict 33 years ago. pamela smart now taking responsibility for the murder of her husband. she was a former teacher convicted in 1991 of having an affair with a teenager and convincing him to kill her husband. now she is acknowledging her, quote, warped logic in a prison writing class. in those spaces is where i found myself responsible for something i desperately didn t want to be responsible for, my husband s murder. i had to acknowledge for the first time in my own heart and mind how responsible i was because i had deflected blame all the time. bill: wow. william flynn was a teenager who pulled the trigger. been a free man for the last nine years and served 25 years behind bars. pamela believes it is her time releasing the apology video she pleads for a sentence reduction from the governor of new hampshire. what is case that was and what a case it is again today. dana: eight suspected terrorists discovered to have crossed the southern border illegally heightening concerns about the border crisis posing a major security threat throughout the country. both these men sit on the intelligence and foreign affairs committee and good to have you here. pull this from the foreign affairs piece. it says that terrorism warning lights are blinking red again. echoes of the run-up to 9/11 written by ellison and mer yell. fortunately the united states has learned a great deal how to combat terrorist threats including threats not yet well defined. president joe biden and his administration should now use that playbook. i want to bring it up. jason, congressman from colorado, we just had the news about the eight terrorists arrested in ice custody coming across the southern border illegally fully vetted and only after that that local law enforcement caught onto it and it got to the point they could be detained. what is your level of concern? what could you share with the american people from your intel committee point of view? well, a couple of takeaways here. one i want to applaud the work of federal law enforcement for doing a superb job and local law enforcement for finding these suspected terrorists and in doing what they need to do to protect our country and our community. number two, this just continues to underscore the need for us to take up the bipartisan border bill. we need to secure the border. the border is not where it needs to be. there is no doubt about that. we need a comprehensive solution to that. i applaud the president for passing his executive order to clamp down on the border and now we need to fund it. he is limited what he can do without congressional action and time to move the bipartisan deal forward. dana: congressman waltz so many people have come across illegally. possibly vetted but we have hundreds of thousands if not millions of gotaways. we don t know who they are or where they are. we rely on tips for local law enforcement to move it up the chain. it feels like an overwhelming problem. your thoughts now. well, i think every american should be concerned. i, too, commend federal law enforcement for disrupting this isis plot. but with millions and millions coming across our border, dana, with the f.b.i. director saying he has never seen the threats this loud, i fear that it is just a matter of time until we re hit. today is the anniversary of pulse nightclub attack eight years ago outside my district in florida. that individual was on the terrorist watch list and killed almost 50 americans in a shooting. we now have over 400 people on the terrorist watch list that have come across our southern border and somewhere in america. and i want to tell director wray, go talk to the dhs secretary right down the street, mayorkas and shut the border down. and respectfully, i disagree having executive order that still allows 2500 a day or legislation that allows nearly 5,000 a day, that s nearly a million a year across our border, is unacceptable. we have to secure it before it is too late and we suffer another attack like post nightclub or god forbid another niefsh lev. dana: great for everyone to see the two of you on different sides of the aisle and same committee working toward important common goals. we ll watch the international criminal court and what you are trying to do to push them back after they went after israel. thank you so much. i want to leave here with this video. michael waltz, you jumped out of a plane on d-day and we thank you both for your service. here we go. along with jason crowe. a bipartisan jump. bipartisan jump with ten other members of congress and everybody came back safe and sound to honor our forefathers. dana: i didn t know you jumped as well. i m so proud. have a good time at the game if you go as guests since you are not players tonight. bill: good stuff. take me out to the ballgame and take me straight to jail. from cincinnati last night get a load of this. a fan runs on the field during the reds, guardians game. does a black flip. kicks off the cop s hat and charged with criminal trespassing and obstructing official business and that was that. it didn t last long. dana: they will prosecute him, right? not just let him out. bill: they shall in hamilton county. so many people had phones out watching this. i don t know how they got a heads-up on it but you got center field, you ve got first base, you got this one here. so dana: i didn t know gutfeld was at the game last night. that s a good one. no supervision, no parental presence is when the bad things happen. dana: frustration over rising crime amongst teenagers in chicago hitting the boiling point. will the democratic-run city back a new curfew? say goodbye to the champ. why joey chestnut is being banned from nathan s hot dog eating contest this year. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. veterans, need cash? get up to $70,000 or more with a newday 100 va cash out loan from newday. thank you admiral. this money saving benefit for veterans lets you pay off high rate credit card debt and costly car loans. thank you admiral. make home improvements and repairs you ve been putting off. thank you admiral. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they d rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we re not very athletic. (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers. (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the wasn t easy. (lady) 35! (store customer) you re gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. bill: a chicago alderman fed up with surging crime among teenagers is now calling for a curfew downtown. but the democratic mayor is not on board this move. garrett tenney is in the windy city to tell us what s up. hello. this curfew would make it illegal for teenagers to be downtown after 8:00 p.m. without an adult and if requested it would require a parent or guardian to come down and pick it up. if it passes it hopes to prevent the teen take overs where crowds of young people commit crimes like the brutal attack on a husband and wife on their way home from dinner by more than a dozen teens just a couple of weeks ago. alderman brian hopkins says right now there is little deterrence for those teens who want to come downtown to cause trouble because they know they can get away with it. the arrest is always a last resort. not something that we want to do. but it is one of the limited tools that we have to use to get some respect for authority right now, which respect for authority is at all-time lows. mayor brandon johnson is against the new curfew. he told the chicago sun times editorial board all the data indicates that setting arbitrary curfews don t lead to any positive results. it is notable that while the mayor says curfews don t work the city has a 10:00 p.m. curfew in place for teens downtown enacted a couple of years ago. so far mayor johnson has chosen to keep that curfew in place. bill: convention is nine weeks from today. garrett tenney in downtown chicago. thank you. dana: president biden seeking legitimacy on the world stage one day after his son, hunter, became a convicted felon and two weeks before his first 2024 debate with former president donald trump. we are counting down already for that. welcome to a new hou

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. yes. yes. yeah. i expect nothing less. happy tuesday, everyone. so today was a historic day. for the first time ever, hunter evf to hunter get of was found guilty of three felonies in his gun trial and faces to 25 years behindyear bars. the good news, if he goes bes prison lawyers say his family visits and his conjugal visits could be done at the same time ,but it s unlikely he ll get the maximum since it s his first conviction. community services likelconvicte he s already shown an interest in working with unwed mothers, just not the kids. n president bideotn froze for nearly 30 seconds at a white house event. bifroze his white house press tm hailed it as the longest he s gone without saying something stupid. he finally did out of it and exchanged a slight fist bump. doctors say his hand should heal in 4 to 6 months. riders from snl have beenn meeting with the4-6 mo biden top them reach young voters. meanwhile, writers, the biden campaign have been meeting with snl to help them write comedy. this week aoc and rachel maddow both claimed if donald trump is reelected, he ll lock them up even more terrified members of the view who fear trump will send them to fat camp mor researchers using a i have determined that elephants call each other by names in their ownelephant language. but i thought we already knew that. apolog the canadian cancer society has apologized for using the word for instead of thehe te more trans friendlndy front hole . not to be confused with the word. . south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help him win. especially if someone needs to shoot a . and a texas court has ruled that books mentioning and cannot banned in schools and public libraries. it s great news for me and my new book, having 1,000% real. you know, it s you know, it s comin.g. you know it s coming. all right. so prior to, a jury finding bid hunter biden guilty in his gun gu, it unlikelyfound ally. the second amendment. you know, the thinany g that democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last effort, hunter asked that charges be dropped because the questionnaire he filled out violated his second amendment rights. hunter s legal team argued that the question asking if he was a druggieargued t was adc unconstitutional and the state had no right to infringe on hiscause second amendment rights just because he did a little dopehe t and buy a little dope. i don ti mean george stephanopoulos. o i mean so much coke even scarred, would have recommendede rehab. still, the defense has a point. so why it unconstitutional? well, they argued that intoxication statutes cannot stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober citizeten based exclusivelyug on past drug use. and that use. sorry, makes sense. is it constitutional, ment t the government, to remove the second amendment rights of a person baseo condmentd on n interpretation of a subjective standard? an addicrpretation of t is subj moreover, you don t losefirst am the first amendment right because you do drugs. so why wouldghts lose the secont it s a precondition. all right. a higher authority of lawws whe that displaces lower laws whenever they come into conflictne com. same so let s forget about hunter. the same law would bar a wounded velat who uses cannabs for pain from exercisingro his right to self-defense.e imagine a person in recoveryn re who now owns guns. ve should he go to jail? never mind that this ruling dissuades people fromind the frh to treatment or seeking mental health help. i neededea just reading that nok did you break the law. sure. but it s an unjust law. sow you can disagree with me,wh but you re really disagreeing with the second amendment. the shall not be infringed. period. but if that sounds familiat if t you. then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpenr veryf. ro the flashback. flashback, dude. you can make the argument instead that this isn t constitution at all becauseexce the second amendment doesn t have an exception in it. foptior if you re addictedyou to something real. yes. so you could makcan make the ae that his second amendment rights are being violated, whicriing violh it would be fune joe biden essentially asking the cour joet. to make that argument. yes, ma am. . ts next book the rules say you only applaud for me during the monologue. oud haha, but cat s next book should be called i try to keepat hunter out of jail. but imagine that the son ofpn a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra at. they say politics make strange bedfellows. well par, for the second amendmt sake, i hope hunter wore a . but i don t want the secondn amendment getting genital warts . so while the verdict might be bad news for hunter,d it s also bad news for the second amendment. he was found guilt fory of being in possession of a firearm as aa drug user or addict.t but there are many, many americans who fall into this amorphouns whos, but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it and put the democrats in a boxity to c.e if trump calls this unconstitutional and the dems agree, suddenly they re on the the side of the second amendment. but if they don t, that forcesee them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sguiltd i ll bet his dad would love that. so what of the commander in soiled briefs? no, he claimed he wouldn t. pardon hunter, but the odds of joe remembering he said that are slimmer. im the odds of michael loftus wearing underweathe oddsr. i td say it s just another ider it s just another headache for joe. but that assumes he hast feelings above the neck line. here s joe at a juneteenththsuma nighstt. i don t know if that was o that joe or a statue of joe. if it was any more frozen hamase protesters wouldrs spray painted intifada on his face. at this point, the best they can do for him is unplug him, wait 5 minutes, then reboot before calling tech support. you want hear some words?a gu here s joe today at a gunn summit. a gusurol summitn control summi. he s talking about you gun owners by the way if they want to think, to take on government, if we get outou of line, which they re talking about, well, guess what? they neetalkind f-150s. they don t need a rifle. what did he just say?i kind i kind of know what he said, l, it s not about what you need, dude. it s your right to have a rifld it so havee. and yet, this is the guy who believed january 6 was an insurrection. apparently we shouldn t worry because he has succeeds. or if 50 means he s effed upo . and so joe s h approvaisl ratins are dropping faster than jerry nadler s when his comes off. even liberal election forecaster nate silver is suggesting the unthinkable. biden drop out just like he did in 88 when dems went with a8 deo more marketable candidate, michael dukakis. silver says biden just hit an all time in approval, 37%. dropping out would be ak big risk, but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a biggercr risk. dems would have been better servedwould ve b. biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voterk s say. among the many popularg th democrats across the country. yeah, but many popular democrats. e what i hope nate doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he s high too. who do they have? this guy we. he looks like. he looks like the tennis pro who gave the entire country club chlamydia this chuckle monster. i ve seen whoopee cushions more depth. this guy. as transportation secretary. the only thing he transportedgam illegal immigrants on midnight flights. talkmiht fl about shallow bench. they make fox and friends look like this. a prim court mak. so what s joe think? na na na na. like looking? ywhere no. nobody steps down. not going anywhere. that s not way you do it. you r if you re going to be me, you got to run againste t me. nobody wants to do it, right.t oh, they got the californiwha gy with the hair and the teeth. come on.the te etonly one who likes him is him and we got a vp lady laughing. t kathy, good luckha with that jud the mayor guy. judge . pete. he can t be medgpete. nobody respects him. and it s not because he s . because he s not a real judge. h but we ve goe t to guess she can do handstands. rosie grant stands co-host about number two on yo he puts down ha ha and ha ha i m homeless founder of the largest party dog on mike i love the bumper sticker says food is for losers york times best selling author and fox news contributor catch com. he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts . he wears hawaii as a shirt. new york times best selling author and comedian, former nwa world guy. so i ll go to you first,ut even though you re not a lawyer, but i m interested vei in what you thought of this verdict, givenctverdic your fees on the second amendment. well, you know how i feel. actually, we about it this mornin.w hoauseg. yes. yeah. and you also know that i agreet with everything in your monologue. i think that, you know, is something i write about a lot. my new book is the way that partisanship can divided us and actually convince us to argue in favor of giving up our owin fn rights. and i think this is a perfect example of that, because everybody who wantexampl becaus the biden family kind of go down. i understandfa and wherertainl that comes from, i certainly think that they ve been involvedey in i don t think that this is the thing to toammi slam them on because based on the data we do have o basedn drug use and on gun ownership, tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and be facing decades in prison over this exact thin andg wherei there was i mean, would i argue that he was a responsible wae or here? no, i wouldn t. but there was no victim here. also, the law doesn t designate based on sentences, wh obviously you of someone who uses marijuana, who is a veteran, who is a wounded veteran foo n ored r pain, could fall thi under this. and i think that what you need neo to avoid and i write havin about this back to to avoid having partisanship kind cloud tak your thought is just take him out of it. take the biden s out of it. your, is it dowith you agree with and is it constitutional to have your second amendment rights, which it simply says shall not be infringednot ? u no.wa t but do you want that to be uhap to the subjective standardha of what does and does not qualify as an addict and then have the government quas at beik that are somehow allowed to make that determination? and if the answendr is no, as ii is for me, is i m a strong supportefor of the first amendment, then you have to be against this. and alsoe agt , even if you like the law, if you love the law, you think it s a great law, you haveeau have to say that you can t really argue that it s constitutional. there s a difference between a statutorty law and a constitutional law. and you can t argue that this is constitutional regardless of how you feee itl about.el abo so, emily, in theut green room, you said you hope hunter biden, frye reading my thoughts. yeah. do would you agree with kat ort do you think that this is is this a different how do you look at itho youk? it s such a great point. and then let s let s have that is the foundatiot n over which let s put historical statutory application. so bottom line, in 1968, the gun control act was passed where congress you can t own, you can t possess a gun if y you re under the influence right, if you re addicted to these controlled substances. enter 1970, the controlled substances act substances act, which defined what thathe contt i m going to go through the whole decade here. oh, no, no. but i m making a good point.he d gutfeld stop it. so since then, you know,it the reason that tens of millions of americans are vulnerable and als. theo o thousands of our brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been i incarcerated is because of those laws going back all those decadeshoses. so currently right now, almosty 157,000 people are incarcerated federally. that s this is a federal prosecutore a and 10% of them. the second most is for firearmso offensesnd. es so number one is drug offenses. so i also feel that whenen jurym when they were polled in the beginning and they said over half of themd , that they have direct family members with drug use, problems with firearms, brushes with the law, etc., that theythey saw ths being one more person where just because of your last name, you re not going to get away with it. because i saw my family get incarcerated, too, and i saw thw my, you know, get the g, get taken away also. soay als the end of the day, whn the president released the statement, we love our son, you know, we re goinreleasayingl his family in court looks so angry. i feel famil welcome to the rear world because there eas 157,000 american families who are going through the same thing right now that hsthe just went through today. hmm. c. can i just, like, say something super fast? some thingyou to be?this a i would love i would love to see this actually get overturnedt overtuappeal on appd it can strengthen the second amendment rights for all oitf u. it would have to be the supreme court. yeah, they neede supreme d to circuit you l courts, you know, so all right. right. you two little legal ladies, pipe down. i got to get i got to getless g the guy in here. hey, do you wishuy you could t go to prison so you could have a roof over your head? i guessu coul i. do as a as a homeless. and i realized i realized noww t that i have a i ve developedd an a cardboard and shellfish allergy. s shellfiso no more sitting aroune beaten clams out of a box. i got a free tomato juice. i want to talk about joe locking up the day. you got to keep him away from bright light ls. t ligh yeah, it s like they re calling him home. that s where he wenty are. he was just standing there. uncle boosie. is that you. everybody in heaven on green threw. you can t even clap at that point as to the gun thing. it s, you know, it s a veryt good point. in iand true. and this isn t what i want hunter to go to jail. that s kinand isd how it feels . what about the rest of the laptop? yeaht th, right. sweet, i m tired. these crimes. where? well, in an excel spreadsheet, you got to be carefu likl about pulling that down. and how does that look when trump ha hiss his do something that s 34 felonies? yes, but you re slinging guns around high school dumpstersd and doing drugs like that s just three like that makes zero sense. the only thing good about this is it gively abouts hunter a ber story when he meets his fellowyn inmates. right? because if he s like, well, i opened up several shell companieif he severals and i wr money from the ukraine and then putting that in the shell thats and 10% would go to my father. you might as well just it, dude. right therea du. kyra s finish his finish his house. nailed it. yeah. he wouldn t have got that far. but it s all right. look, i really disagree with you and cat, but i just feel like your examples are flawedbut ife your. like when you talked about, oh, the veteran wait is legal prescription week is legal, so he s not an addict. he could say he can fill it. this guy lied about it being an addict. he s taking legal, illegal, controlled crack. okay. you have to commit the crime to get ie tt. and then he now he has a gun. and what do you how do you think that s going to go? there s a reason why that s in place. mplyanybods who lives in inner city, goes deal with drug dealers and that there s a reasonthso he was sohe dangerous. he s just lucky when he left the gun in then hen in it was se in his family who got it right. he left it there and someone tell it or he goes to pay. he doesn t have his money. there s a reason why when we put these things in place, if crack was legal, he wouldn t be an addict. alcohol he woul. unfor alcohol. unfortunately, alcohol is legal because it was firsttuly alcohs it s ten times worse than most drugs, 1,000%. but you can drink all the beerba you want and say, i m not an alcoholic and you re not lying. he went in thereen t lyihe aske are you an addict? said, i didn t check the box and then hadas h addict litera. 7000 people testify that he lied. so him sit in jail like the rest of ussend h who commit. crimes. you not smoke. crack is illegal. cr you go to jail. g we if you get arrested for a felony, you can t vote legal t . you get arrested for a felony, you can t vote. you can t own a gun is a reason for it ownn there a reason. all right. yeah, well, that was a spirited discussion spirited. all right, up next, pelosi admits some fault in the january 6 assault. if you ll be in the new york area and lake tickets to gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on link to join our studio audience for five star backyards. yellow wood brand pressure treated pine. treated pine. if it doesn ntists hed the kacts you don t want it. an brain, scientists have discovered the key factors righ and memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across and ii startere forge ca the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottenbrbreakt my fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more like i was like a little more forgetfuhrient, fog. introducing neuro cue the breakthroughne of the worl t multi action brain care by one of the world s leading brain 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breached the inaugural stuff. should call the capitol police. i mean, the national guard. ben why was the national guard there to begin with? they thought that they had sufficient. i question how far they haveow been. they don t know. they clearly know. and i take responsibility foron not havingsibili to prepare for because it s stupid to be in a situation that they thought they hadt they. they thought these people would act civilized. though athey thought these peope a . oh, wow. even with the mask. even with a mask, she sounds hideous. all right. emily, what is going on here? wh iy is this out now? what could be? why is she taking, like responsibility for this? there s something going on here. well ig , her daughter is making h a documentary. so this was part of all the fileer daughtey that s thatt after everyone found out about it. but the irondy y is that after we all saw this video, pelosi s spokesperson released statement saying that three years later, house republicans are still trying to whitewas ph january 6h . it s shameful, unpatriotic and pathetic. what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6 committee that returned ten key findings among the house democrats like speaker pelosi, were too concerned with optics after the summer of love. and so they didn t want to deploy the national guard. they were too afraid of having ready any form of lawf la enforcement because they didn t want it to look bad while the streets were being burneforn det down. so that it s all her fault, not trump s. yeah, she dis ar down sod it vi, vindicate trump who said that he called for ? e national guard yeah, i think it vindicateses trump and they should releas tr all of the joy sixersary right now. yeah. yeah. it s ridiculou6th people rightsr you it s like why are we seeingo thisw. now? ad becau nancy was must she must have really felt bad because both were going. yeah. like she was she was scared so sober that both hands had the ability to tald thk. i can grab that back of that t and talk to you. ,carrie, we hahat dad a responsibility. i don t know how i m going to buy stocks. do insider trading. if i hadnow., it felt likenc a performance. it s like she knew. like it i don t know. so let me get this straight. itew te knew they were going ine building. yeah. and she did nothing about it lr lock her up. 20 years. 20 years. u get.o yot yo. mm. o 20 years. cap. what do you make of. i see a conspiracy. i m wondering why this, why we saw this now and her. like you said, i m like her daughter filming this.trucky that s what i m struck by. her daughter film that she s making a documentary. what is going on in this family? yeah, yeah lik, yeah. i want to like the i would give anything. bravo reality show the pelosis . it s also creepy. it s so and by the way,g: it the jurys committee that why isn t that like eight it s likee that should be in there but it wasn t because the two republicans were republican. yeah what s that gold greg they saw something. they say if this keeps going on, it get gold ths we we got hm another hope. they put people lives at riskp y to get rid of trump. yeah, they could have made the call and they did it because thdn te this is how we m and that s what it is. yeah, it s anothet it is.rt s they re right. up next, rachel maddow declared trump makes her scared. our military has been infested by a woke revolution the military i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the division that is being into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming only on fox nation. if you re an active duty if you re an active duty military or military veteranon p now and get your first year free. i look back with great i look back with great satisfactionle d. i look back with great satisfactionle my 32 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stupid as i am the 1% club mondays on fox and any time on prime with over 75 million multitude of viewers, more people to be than visit old faithful every year which means to me is more than spewing boiling hot water all over the place several times a day. to me, it s more popular than old faithful. a story in five words i will. trump send maddow camping. so, michae l. d when asked if she worriedtr trump could target her, rachel maddocould w told the ree sources newsletter, quote, i m worried about the country broad about d. enly o if we put someone in powerf who is openly vowing to build camp ts, hold millions of peopl, what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? sog ar i m worried about me, but only as much as i m worried about all of us. so, mike, you live in these makeshift homeless camps. do you think she s. she has every right to be worried. she well, she should be worried about any kind of camp like rachel maddow. going camping is a show i would watch. yeah, because she would talkto d about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long. and then she d starvedeath. to death. she s most boring. my goodness. i m serious, though. i wouly god. a show rachel maddow goes to camps. but but but no one no one soo going to go to a camp becauseset like conservatives don t want to waste the money on it. iv te ofright you d have to hiry counselors and then brainwashing y people of all different colors and spectrums. and then like gavin newsom can t buy a tent for a homeless guy for under 500. k yeah. so like rachel maddow, now, if d she wants to do an episode of naked and afraid, i d watchws it, where are my clothes? ram rachel maddow. ch i m naked and afraid. kat i love how think that if trump wins, like their career is in jeopardyeopard, their cars will explode if he s in power becaus h e, he ll give them soit much material, it will reinvigorate their careers . do you remember the show? like the tax returns? and they were like drying it out fo wholenothinr that time and nothi and it was like nothing. i rememberg that watching. thi yeah, i don t remember how much fun she had with that. yeah. i also just i can t if shes really believes it or not, that s what i can t decide. i can t decidere not lit. she really actually is afraid. or if she s just saying that ori it s even thinking about it. cause i don t. i don t. i don t know how you could really believe that. hod i think there s a lotratche of ratcheting up of rhetoric that happens, and it s alreadyet been ratcheted up so high that there s you have to just keep going and theep goingn you re maybe not even really thinking about it like you have to be. well, i m scared about this, but i think a lot of therump people that i talked to who support trump, this is likeus at the top of the list of why? because they re just like, oh, this that. this is why i shouldn t. and it s this thing that s objectively ridiculous, that it s self-important, it s importance. it s the kind of self-importanta air that these people have. it s such a turnoff to the average person where it s like you reallygen wh tohink that he s going to take time, that you re so dangerous that he s going to put you i t fson a shut up. : it s true. it s an ego thing. you always i it ego thisto - with entertainers. they go like, oh, they re going to come for me next. no, nobody- enul about any of these idiots. no everyone, barely own nobody who watch them except their own echo chamber. do you thinkoamber do going to e time to give that? and here s the thing, they re not going to have this. i disagree. you it worked the first time because people thought there might be some trut the fbecaus up w this russia thing. we put up with it for eight years now. yeah. now, wheh this[ bleeps r 8 yearn she comes in not to be like, what are you going to say now? liar. what else you got? because did it is past that. they overplayed their hand. now they re worried consequences. everybody who bought and tried to get away with stuff and lied and pushed false narratives are now afraidfa now a going tot their come up beings and they call it revenge. you re going to stick me in a camp. e what is that? no, but you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle in lie aournalisen yous and narrative. so if anything, people, once he wins, you your whole thing,gn you ve got what are you going to do now? because no matter what you do, he s going to finish his four years and he wins. and they jus finisht can t have l so yeah, he s going to lock meoc up. you know, the celtics don t wipn the championship. jayson tatum, jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat mtaand e. by the way, what she how does she think he s going to lock lock her up like what could up i m like jeanette and she check out leaps from he becomes president i go to she leaves out all the stuff in between and that s what i was asking you guys like on what? like, is it because she is a journalist? is she er whatever is. kno i couldn t.e i didn t know because it is so preposterous. and if it is being a journalist, then look to your pal obama. h vo you want to see the high volumem of journalists that were in prisoprn. but to your point, too, it s like they re in a space capsulpsule and they haven t evolved. it is so outdated. it s like listening to robert de niro when he was rantingting and raving on the new york corner, the stuff that was coming rly the t out of his mou, you know, trump s not going to accept the results and the fascisesultsm and he s still wes a mask. and it was lik le watching someone from 2016 or even earlier and you re like, we re so past that. so i don t know who listens to her, but ittt know me sad to. i have to say this as maybe liam is this sounds that there i are camps with millions of people in them and they re in china. so i f i were her. tim i would steward her time and her platform a little better because the trum a lp derangement syndromeme is so old and i wish she wouldso use it for some actual good. well points. well put. maybe msnbc will bring in a bunch of republicans and they ll go on tv and say shy would go ae to go, yeah, oh coming up, a coach did a slam dunk, a question that stunk on your period. sutton gushes happen. thy goodbye gush beers thanks u to always ultrathin with rapidsn drive that absorbs two times faster. faster. hello clean and comfortable. always fear no gush. let s get the rest of these let s get the rest of these plants organic from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i ever had. good soil and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful beauty supreme created by french anti-aging specialist dr. zhang lewis. of all his youth, preserving formulas come from a genetically unique melon found only in the south of france with an astonishing youth 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head coaches. given the plight, sometimes of black coaches in the nba, do you think this is a significant moment that yok it s su pride i? how do you view this or do you not see it at all? i wonder how many of those are being christian coaches? i haven t heard an awkward ta silence like that since i showed up at larry kudlow ncs house and clothes and clothes. makes, what do you what was the what was the point that journalist was trying to make and what was the point? the athlett wapoine trying to ma well, the journalist that ske that come on that, you just stop using that term and it s yeah, that s more watered down . than racist. yeah. stop. what? what, joe? cam like i said, i used when joe came in, i thought he was too young. he didn t have experience as a lifelong celtic fan and then he pulls a stunt like this and you heard the proverbial race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow up question because they re all full. they were trying to get him br a gotcha moment to . and i m glad to see a brother s stand up and say, my skin has nothing to dayso with my coachig ability or anything like that. it was my work ethic and mit s y faith that got me where i was at. and so and it just ended it. forget the fact we re up to,. well, forget the fact that we re going to probably sweep forget the fact that will cain has to probably where i love tara s shirt for a whole week at tv for the bet. yeah, i invaded his i invaded his podcast and dropping the bet and the went for it.r li my kids have been prank calling him all week bin. but again, it just goeser back to the point, like most of us, where i m so of, hey, is is the funny black on my skin color light skin. d this has nothing to do with my character and my jokes. chd jokes. i m glad to see thate prominent black athletes are tied. a lot of times they takes the oh, i guess is cool and i m glad to find enough of this. and he puts he s done this before d t. he did it with the royal family. like, what was it like sitting next to prince? singe, was theres only because that s the only king i serve. so he just murdersg all the time. kat as a devout christian and sports lover, how do these comments how do these comments make you feel ho like i could be a sportswriter. yeah. yahoo! becau no, i m completely serious because i could have known he would have answered this way. and there are few things i follow less than basketball. okay?w because you know what i diwhatd i googled him. you know, to think that you rere goin goingg to go into an interw and not go, this is the same person when he was asked about you meeting with the royal family, he answered something along lines of, oh,, mary and joseph. right. this is a this is h thisa chrisr this is a man who prioritizes his faith, talks about his answhis faveuth. you could have known he would have answered this way if you bothered to google. so gle so sportswriters don t need to know sports. yeah, yeah. or even pretend or google it. so i m just saying like, you know, if i if things don t work out here on espn.go there you go. s. michael, do they do sy putting basketball game on at the shelter? no, they do not. no, don t do that. no. but they do throw chicken wings from a distance. they try to catch it very exciting. are they cooked or are they just not sure? from chicken brought to you, you re in a rural shelter where you actually had to fight to kill the chicken. you. yes. and you have to ride the rails out of town. yeah. with when you re in feathers, out of your teeth with your single can of pork, ca n be with all my belongings in a bandana segment i ve had. the question was crazy. likesports was like, for the first time since 1975. okay, so this was settled in 75. like, what are we are we lariously going to argue about lack of diversity in the nba? let ity inh, let s let s have tt fight. coralyzes ou trans people havent even coached one team yet. and that s what i want to see. i want to say let s get in there and fighet. like when you are single and help me change my dress. loe, you are insane. you are insane tonight. do off this you have taken special, outright outrageous pills. all right? laughs to you, emily, but goneye because them. what do you think? yeah, i love your point. do your research. do your research on the person that they are covering. but the problem is we live in an anti christian anti society so that s why harrison but but but thank you i always think about chris and i know that with right nowsi on why he was vilified for speaking up for his faith at aah catholic college. i had a note that the nfl had no problem having pray for tomorrow b their twitter handle all 32 teams when he tragicallyc droppeallyd on the field like oa prayer is only okay when everyone else does it. sone else i applaud thisoach coach irrespective of sports team skin colorsespectiv for bea bastion and a beacon forbe being a christian man in this social environment, right. wow. all right. up next, a texas court over rules banning 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the events the story martha maccallum breaks down every angle. here s w with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. absolutely free. that s been 82 215215. good value watching it s side by yeah nobody s watching guys it s almost 11 on the east coast apb you probably pass out on your mypillow so let ass talk about and . a texas district court hast let ruled that houston area. schools and libraries can no longer banned books that mentionhouston schoo and quote, i brokebu my and larry the leprechaun. tyrus is art. these books are a gateway to. shakespeare and chaucer know because i read shakespeare and chaucer. i didn t read these. thi i think this is a gateway for g your new tv show where you travel to librarieatews checking to make sure they have things about parts and . that is a great emily. come on.s a i as agrean adolescent boy, i kw in my past. not noinw. i love books about , but yeah, look i, i. if this is what gets i a little boy to read, then i love it. s i m all for it. i think it s funny that this whole article was filed under and is hysterical, that there s, like, columns of that. but at the end the day, the ruling said that you can t be on a book because you don t want people to see o the messagy ,but you can ban it ifout want t it s unpopular. so i feel like for thoselar so f communities that don t want their kids to read about and t then you can say, well, it s just unpopular. cat my dream is to be numberm one on amazon and the parazt category. i don t even know if there is a ine category, but i, i want to be the trailblazer. no, i m just i m really glad that this ruling has finallyse made because everyone on staff i know i speak for all of us. so we ve been really sick of pick it up your slack while you ve been away lobbying for that. it was tough. it was tough being a homeless guy. you come into a lot of contact with smelly and terrible. yeah. how? i know i m alive. yesterda contah smely is. but it really is a universal phenomenon that unites people rather than divides flat are always funny. are always funn are y and no r one wants as long as they re not teaching like little kids stuffteaching. right? those are. those are the only books you want out of the library. here ss seosare th i want to kns who s writing the these books. right? because like, when you write a book and you guys have written bote e a boh, i wre a book, neither stunning nor brave, doing well at you don t you don t tell people about your book because then you ve got to do the follow up. this don mcmillan, that s like her whole thing. it s dshe s written like five bs exclusively about . what sthing all that about? and they all have, like, these pseudo titles. i brokd theye my so noisy. i need a second. but oh, all my. it s like, hey, lady, slowy, down. we get it ladie. i need a second. but it s a good. i glued my . i glued my . yes. wow. all right. we ll talk about that after the show, michael. reg: wil back after i look for star backyardsd cavi yellow with brand pressure treated pine. ifti doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want your best defense againstainst erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. vities.d prone animal active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defendit r against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. no works. backin. we talk about cash back it we about cash r back. we talking about cash back in. back in. we re not talking about brana g! no, we re talking about cashg back. we re talking about cash back. we talked cash back.t a game now, the game we ve been talking about practice for too long. word go practice. word go practice. we talk about cash back.k? you talking about cash back? i mean, not talking about a get cash back like a pro would chase. n scie 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

the more i want to hearou more about judge judges a, teacher and send picks bill from virginia joe thought it was junee 10th, so he thre10w a party. aaron from mendon louisianagh . i thought biden was raised in a black churchn with that rhythm. he was dug it fresh, wasn t great either. john from louisiana you can wear a pink tie but can t drinka with a straw. wowtraw whi, you got me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is world i. and welcome to hannity tonight, total, complete history on the lef hysteri theto left-wing conspiracy theorist rachel maddow. she is now claiming she may be put in a camp if donald she c trump is elected. aoc saying trump will throw in jail. the left is losing their minds, but we thei already knew that. they maybe never noticeonly that it s only trump people that get charged, harassed and actually put in jai te th getarged hal and s. anyway, far left back, merrick garland is calling trump s criticism of his weaponized department of justice, quote,say dangerous for people s safety. we will address us tonight later in the show. and the president of your great country, the united states of america, our great country is fear mongering about ther ne second amendment and calling for new gun restrictions jusguna on very day. his very own son iy his convicted of three felony gun charges. but tonight, don t get distracted. please, please pay very close tot i m aboutwha to say, because if you re listening to the media and the pundits and democratic hacks, they havendits no clue about what really happened in this hunter biden. none at all. it s deep. it is profound. what has.s happened. the major story that they are not talking or tellingyou ab you about from hunter biden s trial is not the conviction on gun crimes. now, it s important. s that s low hanging fruit. the evidence in this case was overwhelminglow hang, was incontrovertible. and unlike donald trump, he had refaird venue trial judge with real charges, not onesal wered o made up that you didn t even know about. the critical development even km this trial is one huge single pie of evidence entered into the official record byr u. your government, and that s hunter biden s very reals.. not only did the u.s. federal dd government confirmop i that hunter s laptop is real, they confirmed that its contents are real and the contents have not been tamperedi with by anybody. in other words, you weren to, on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions . you were lied to by hunter biden himself. you were lied to by his father, your president, joe biden. you were lied to bliy nbc. fake news, cnn, npr. well, let s just say prettyb th much everybody in the media mob, the list is far too long to mention l. you were lied to by america s 51 former intel so-called experts, the ones that signey d off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likelst all the earmarks of russian disinformation. meanwhile, notrks single one of them ever did anything to investigate that claim,f examined the contents of the laptop. t you were lied to by clapper,bren you lied to by brennanna. nt you were lied to by your own government. what do they all have in common? they all wanted joe biden to win by any means necessary. and it s worse than a rep that according to a report, john solomon, the fbori, the doj knew that the laptop was reawl since before the 2020 election. but instead of doing the right, honorable and honest thing and telling the american people the truth, the federal amer there was out t the pre bunking the laptop story with big tech executives. ding remember, in the months leading up to the 2020 election,o theeke the fbi was having weekly meetings. they were warning big tech companies they may all be victims of a foreign disinformation compani campaign about the election and that misinform asia may be aboutn an joe biden and hunter biden and gets worse. they knew rudy giuliani s attorney had a copy of hunter s very real laptop. they kne thew odds were very high that it would leak beforewo the electionul, and they knew it eould likely destroy any chanc that biden had to win the election. and then they had to actin the t the new york post broke the story. when faceboohek and asked the fe specifically id f this is what you were warning us about, was the laptop misinformation? n should they refuse to confirmo the truth, leavingco those companies free to then censor very real the very real laptopsn story. and that s what they did i mean, you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the send new york post . big tech, the media mob,yoe gobbhappily gobbled up their fbi. doj probe. led upbiden contribution misinformation. by the way, if who was involveda bragg s district, they probably would be charged with a traffic violatiolvinstrictn. and ultimately, they use this as the basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020ks presidential election, all because they wanted their guy to win. this is beyond ty wa egregious election interference. and frankly, iterferenf it s cr, it should be criminal. but tonight, none of these liars have an ounce of remorse. none of them have ann y regretoc for them, it was all a meansm ae to an end. they wantes tod trump out. n prt they wanted joe biden protected from scandal at all costecs. be and you better believe the contents of that laptop wereve sthat lap and are today r joe biden as well as hunter biden. forget the salacious photos of drug use in, the in theostiu firearms, the real scandaltil is surrounds the so-called biden brand. ar the bw, if you look at the lr and then other information acquired by the house waysinform and means committee, the judiciary committee,he the house oversight committee, you look at texts and emails, other fileus s, zero experience. hunter wasn t raking in cash from some of our top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world becaus d die of his keen intellect. instead, the laptop appears to show that hinstead e was liky selling access to the biden brand and the big was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly eager othe. now hunter implicates his own father numerous times in that very real laptop. remember devon archer? tony bobulinski also debunked joe s that he never once, not one time ever spoke to his son,t brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business dealings. ut businesaccording to testimone the house oversight committee, from thehe participated in meets with hunter s foreign partners by phone. he dined with others at cafe milano. and that s not in 2017, you might recalll th the whatsapp message published by the i house ways and means committee. hunter, allegedly writing to a chinese e associate with their oil and energy conglomerate. i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand whyt that commitment has not been fulfilled. i will make certain betweelledne the man sitting next to me snd the every person he know and ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not followinlg my direction.i am i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father a few days later, magically, according to the committee l. $5 million wired to a bankllio account associated with hunter biden and other texts. other emails hunter allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops. another email talks about the big guy, 10% for him, you know,s allocating 10% as a cut in of 1 to 1 of hunter s deals. but hunter, now a convictedun liar, says he never intendedteon to cut his father in on the deal. meanwhile, accordinge deal to ae text from the laptop uncovered by the new york post d york ,r even paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade. g his hunter even reportedly claimed that his father was using up, wae most of the lines of credit on his wells fargo accounn hit. d and based on the contents of hunter s very real laptopon t it appears that biden was participating in his son s business bidenwas pa deals whily benefiting financially. remember the from hunter s main business partner, devon archer, who saidartner joe participatedp to 20 phone calls with hunter and his foreign business associates? oh, i thought he d never talk business with hunter orbrothe his brother or anybody. think about thisr hink. donald trump was convicted onp 34 so-called felony charges. upcharge misdemeanors pass the statute of limitation fines for allegedly mislabeling a legal document as a legal expense. trump ordered to pay hundreds millions of dollars because of a far left new york judged on unilaterally deciding in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that mar a lago is only worth $18 million. this, despite you have little lock lots. oh, 1/10, 1/20 the size of martn a lago. they gtso for $150 millionst and that s just dirt. and yet the no. one is above the law culte left on the left. they don t seem to care that joe biden, now the president of our countryha,b possibly selling access to the highest levels of our government, to people in china and kazakhstan and ukraine and russiax in rus. this is all evidence the fbi and garland s doj had for over four years and never, ever investigated any of it. and they knew all of it was true. this is what a weaponized and politicized department of justice looks like.o nees according to the johnson grassley senate investigation, quoteonigatio hur biden received $3.5 million fro in a wire transfer from illinois, a battalioe win of the wife of the former mayor of moscow. she was the former first lady of moscow. if the reports are true and the evidence is accurate, money went from russia to hunter to joe. r hunteone way or another. so where s the russia russia hysteria? on the left, devon archer claiming she invested over 100 million more dollars than a real estate venture. whernvested thae the frenzied e on most dnc fake news and thesht new york times , washington post, abc, nbc, cbons. they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation and dirty dossier that hillary paid for to smear trump andd fo secure nt one but four pfizer warrants. where p s their of the contents of hunter s very real laptop and the findings the senate and house committees? or is joe biden above the law? is hunter s gun convictiong a red herring? one of hunter biden s ex-business associates1 of, fox news digital that the gun trial was, quote, a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling. he continuededdlinhe , i am convincedthe en the entire justice system is just an institution of people with agendas, not anfw institution of laws. keep in mind the doj prosecutord tasked with investigating hunter david weiss w, he letimio the statute of limitations run out on the most serious allegation hes, which could have connected hunter s business to thconnectee big guy himself. sadly, the doj is not looking out for you. their primary concern seems to revolve around protecting weak democrats from scrutiny, helping to elect joe biden while waging lawfare against donald trump. and needless to say, massive reform and accountability massym is needed in washington and in the swamp. and by the way, starting in september, early voting begins in 146 days. it s election day. only you 146s can fix it. here with reaction, fox news contributor jonathan turlean tuh we got over the case. to me, the evidence was overwhelming incontrovertible. what about this real big storyhs to me, which is now we that they ve known from the beginning that the laptop begias rea. all these people lied. the 50 t one intel agents. you know what i guess at the direction of wink and tony blinken, you know, out there, they knew nothing about the laptop. t hu they all lied. joe biden lied. hunter lied. everybody liediden. the media lied. big tech lied. they censored the story. and that helped joe in 2016. i think i m sorry. ndin 2020. i think alvin bragg would r call that an fec violation. eco jonathan. oh, well, you know, i think that is the interesting takeaway with this strange shrug that the media gave the introduction of the laptop in the trial. the laptophas us wha establishel fbi agent as reaisl and authentc . and so the media said, okay, well, that evidence was now usede wa. he they forget all of the other files on their laptop. if the laptoon thep is authentif those files are real, then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddlingn operation run by the biden family. ruthose would also be authentic. but the media justt simply doesn t want to go there. and that s part of the problem of the what the house committees have faced. you know, when i testified ittees h, aring the biden impeachment hearing, i said that there was ample evidence theence to do an impeat inquiry. evdidn t prejudge the evidence . but at every stage,age the democrats have opposed inquiriedemos into the presidend role, the president s knowledge and a lot of these files on the laptop. and that s not likely to change after this trial. merrick garland is scorching trump and his allies for h attacks on the justicein department. he says it s dangerous for people s safety. wellit sfor peopafety., first ot to protect every government official. let me be very clear. and i veevery government said ts occasions on this show. however, criticism and of speech are very different. and the idea that his dot inj and his fbi knew aboutju the laptop being reasticl and ty have an investigator for four years, i think he s got andy investand we ll go into ml later. and i have a message for him. he s got a lot of explaining to do. just like what does he think wha a letitia james and alvin bragg running on oonn a platform to gt one man, one organization, one family? i wouln d think he might speak out against that, but he hasn t. . well well, i think that garland s an unavoidable test of principle. ey sen the three house committees sent him referrals of perjuryals by hunter biden and his uncle before congress. those referrals are verye re compelling. i don t seeferral how there h a case to be made that those answers were anythin g than false. now, the department of justice was on aw hair trigger due to indict trump officials. the question is whether merrickn garland, as people expect, a will scuttle any prosecution for perjury. pros so this is that other shoe dropping? yes. this laptop was authenticated. yes. th. e files are real but after that, hunter biden, coter they review those those files, he testified in congress and they rnge chart there,s the congress believes and there s a good basis for that belie f that he committed, knowing perjury. these were questions that he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to these committees. so what is merrick garland going to d wilo about it? it s not time to write another op ed. it s time to show that he s t going to do nothing. e anothehe s judge engoron is a merchan, is b and merrick garland is c, and i haven t been wrong yet. i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he ll lift a fingerthin. i think this is what thi weaponization of hope. you re wrong, too. yeah, me too. but i m not. i m just. i d bet everything i have. no, i m not, professor. you c ayou give me an f if iw all right. joining us now. thank you, professor. joining us now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard law professo gr alan dershowitz, just the news founder, .com asunder john solomon, editor in chief as well. john, let me start with the news. you brokl jo me e a of this new. when did the fbi know that thise was a very real laptop?bi and isn t that the big takeaway in this story, not the conviction e stor? um, yeah. as i reported in 2020 on your show and as the irs whistleblowers later confirmed ,the fbi corroboratedhe the laptop in its entirety by march of 2020 to 2026, eight months before the 51 so-called intelligence analystsn it russian disinformation, when they called it russian disinformationceian disi, i cale law enforcement and they told me no, we corroboratedw it so the fbi was telling people, if you re willing to make a phoneel call back in the fall of 2020 that this laptop was rea l. and it s a shame that 51 men and women signed their name to a letter knowingly trying to mislead the american people days before an election when a single phone call, they allhey d had security cardh they could have called the fbi. they chose not to. they chose to mislead not the american people in the most awful waeay. and why was the fbi, professor dershowitz, why were they meeting weekly with biga tech in the months leading up to the 2020 election? and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not this new york post story was real or what they wereg being warned about, misinformation about hunter and about joe biderned abon n, why didn t they tell them the truth that john solomon rightly reported in march of 2020 that they fully knew about? and by the way, what do you call that? well, you call it fraud. you call it exactly. d trum alvin bragg charged trump with a that is making false statements in an attempt to influenceg fa n election. look, there are only two choices. th the american constitution is going to survive, either we need a ceasefire now and say, n look, all right, there s been a conviction of a biden there s been a conviction of anvictionn. let s stop this weaponization. let s call off all these caseshn that are now pending all overovt the countrhey. trump people are going off to jail, stays are being denied bannon and others. let s call that off. either f either that or. let s have absolutely equal treatment. let s go after people wholectio have committed election fraud by denyingn american publicno the right to know the truth about. wait a minute. yeah, what would that include? the 51 intel people? would that include joe biden? would that include what is it really comparable to say that joe biden, if he lied the american people about being involved in these foreign business dealse ollo and he wasd being paid by hunter and he was calling into meeting bs, hunters foreign business partners, and he leveraged the billion dollarpas burisma, so his son cn continue to get paid millions for a job in which he had no admirience at a time he admits he was addicted to drugs. tell me why that shouldn t be prosecutes ad d and how is that law fair? that seems like that sounds like equal justice. apply to him j to that doesn t sound like a made up crime, like the trump case. well, if you take seriously the charges that brad brought against trump, one of whic brah is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them about an affair which would have had ng tho effl on the election whatsoever. if you take that to its logical, extremeec t, then you e to look to see whether anybody among the 51 people, among even the president of the united states, may have written something on a for hm that would give rise to exactly the same allegation that a fraudulent a statement was made in order to commit another crime. the other crime would be, according to bragg.d , to somehw defraud the american people to voting for somebod yy they would otherwise not vote for. you have to have a single standard you hav . let s go, greg, to the issue of the money. hunter implicates in this very real laptop, his own father. half my income goes to pops. pp 10% for the big guy. that s all in the laptop. that is very rea bl. f now, paying for pops home repairs that thahot complained bitterly about. it seems like joe not only lied to the american people but benefited from the lietion a and then also took action as vice president by leveragingl $1,000,000,000 to ukraine and loan guaranteela s. and the net result of that is son continue to get paid for rworkesul that he had no expere in. by his own admission, at a time whenhad nos ow was addicted to . by his own admission. you re right, the bidens are still getting away. sean with their most serious in crimes, corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by joe biden s doj. so it was so revolting today- do to watch david weiss take a victory lap in fronth of camerasthem this is the guy who struck this sleazy deal tor let hunter biden skate and only when it imploded was weiss whee forced kicking and screaming to prosecute it. running but he s still running interference. he charged hunter with evading taxes on tens of millions in overseass pay to play schemes, but not the enrichment schemes themselves, which are far greater crimes. the sellingment schves out os don t forget it was weiss who let the statute of limitations expire and manytr of those crimes, while he and the doj secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden, i tell you, is not yu done yet. and t be surprised i he f and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal for hunte r on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidenceo of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcomingto election. agreed it ll happen, i think. and last question. some the real country with that, john, they knew about this laptop for four years and they haven t lifted a finger. liger.they knew that joe lied te country. they knew that he benefited, didn t they? yep. yeah. .and in 2016, they got 3.39 million documents from hunter biden, his business partners. they knew everything, including more than is on the laptop . on monday, you re going to see a whole bunch of new documents. we re going to make public bu di them in 2016. oh, wow. unbelievable. y thank you all. appreciate it. that s the big takeaway. big takethe media won t talk abk when we come back. talk about bad timing. earlieabout bar today, biden spr gun safety group only hourous after hunter s conviction for gun crimes. we ve got the lowlights and devine pam bondi react straight ahead. four, five star backyards, yellow with brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t it to dog food in the fridge. it s not dog food. it s freshpet. real meat, real veggies, real real meat, real veggies, real weird. it was bad luck anyway. sleepy headaches, dry skin. you re probably dehydratedand wa liquid labs, rapid hydration. bsit s packed with all five essential electrolytes. take amazing and way less sugar sports drinks. rehydrate and feel better with liquid laughs. gab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today nail fungus is nasty up to now starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it s clinically proven formula penetrates the nail for results you can see quickly opti nail give fungus toenails a makeover, a heart attack. do they have life insurance ? 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maybe an uncle buzzy moment.t th the cannibal guy. take a look. i mean, yes and no. it s hard because i ve gotten those phon ae calls to saying i lost a son or daughter, a wife. i know what it s like. we rs wee not stopping there.ncg it s time once againai to do. ie i did when i was a senator. ban assault weapons. he said, what do you mean i need that done? i said. guess what? if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a gun in a magazine, you re the lousiest shot i ve ever heard. our traditions told the nraet convention recently he s proud that, quote, i did nothing i on guns when i was president. and by doing nothing, he mad e the situation considerably worse. how much you hear this phrase? the blood of liberty. wash it. don t give me a break. so, i mean, seriously. and by the way, if they want to think that is to take on government, if we get out of line, which they re talking again about, well, guess what?le they need f-150s. they don t need a rifle. folks, look, this is crazywht what we re talkinghe about. and president obama, then vice president biden, they did nothing to stop violence, gun violence in chicago and other big citiesgu. anyway, here with reaction to the day s news. miranda devine of the new york post and former florida attorney general pam formi. t well, the laptop from you our emma joe morris. you guys were right the whole time. the verd and to me, the verdict is it was the right verdict. the evidence was overwhelming. rdicelmingthe bigger story is te government introducing that laptop into evidence. and that means all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law. and joe and hunter biden, would you agree? absolutely. and the fact that thutely ine joe biden, the biden campaign, the cia the fbi, those 51 former intelligence officialoss went to such lengtht to lie about the laptop. big tech sense that the new york post , when we wrote about the laptop and, the contents of it. what that shows you is that they were abso absolutely terrified about the contents of the laptop becausse knew that it would be so damaging to joe biden that it would wreck his campaign and they successfully managed to suppress the story. and as you sait theyd earlier, that amounted to election interference. and that is why none of those 51 you saw james clapper the other day, you ve seen others of them, they all refused to admit that they lied, that if they were wrong, that they had zero evidence that it was russian disinformation, they knew it wasn t russian disinformation. the fbi had had the laptop-known since december 2019. it was well known within intelligence community that that information was realty . and yet, if they admit that they knew it wasn t russian disinformationw it, then they are admitting that they were part of an election interference, a coup, really, to ensure that president donald wp didn t win a second term. it really comes down to that, doesn t now that we know all of this, pam bondi, we also the merrick garland doj, the fbi, they ve all known thiss for four years. there s a lot of othertion information damning information on that laptop. imeimplicates joe, it implicatp hunter, it implicates the brother, it implicates all these othed e other people. they ve had this evidence. they haven t done a thing with thiy haven s evidence. what s your reaction to that? which to me is the much bigger story here? it sure is, sean.. and i m glad i am glad they got a conviction on this, because now they caney use the gunthe t conviction in the tax charges. the only charges that aret ag currently left against hunter biden because the case is in 2014 and 2015. of course, 14 and 2 the statuteof limit of limitations had run. they let it run about dealiny gt with agents. the cases that could most likely implicate cou james biden, joe biden, the entire biden family. they those run. but now they re faced with the tax chargebut s. e if let s see what happens. let s see if there s not a plea deal. i think there probably will beaa at this point because of this conviction. but yeah, thanks to miranda, thanks to great reporting, everyone now knows that the laptopryon from, as she says,ng is real and everything on it is real, including all the her garland evidence that. could be great for prosecutors. well, what about garland? he s had this information, this damning information. they all knew that joe lied about. i never talk to my son, my brother or anybody about the foreign business deals. and what about leveraging $1,000,000,000? so a son continues to get paid. s soontinueswhat about the moneh they re getting from a former russian oligarch. what about meeting that oligarch in café milano? what about calling into all the meetings? what about the millions of dollars the family s raking n in? ponta has no experience in energy. oil, gas, coal. ukrainenergye or china. how does he make it all that money while he s addicted to drugsoney? that s exactly right. pnd remember, president trum asked that simple question of president zelenskyy and look what happened. o they tried to impeach him over it. and president trump was, ril alon right all along. yeah. merrick garland is our chief law enforcement officer in this entire country. you know, we talk about the weaponization of the fbi,an the cia, atf, now the irs. well it all starts at the top with merrick garland. he has to respond to this. he has to be held accountable. this is way too important. the american people and our justice system is at stake e . well, miranda, maybe now maybe you re book laptop from will litt bestseller agaik n, and people can now look a little more deeply now that finally the government four years later has confirmed that which have you and emma jo and others reported way back whey back wn. all right, thank you. straight ahead, merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the left s lawfare against trump. we re going to tell you what he said. lara trump reacts straight ahead. stay with us. do you have too much body fat? 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take a look. a look.i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate h president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe that the president of thesghts e united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. you feel embarrassed to my namen personally? yes. we need to focusam. ed t on donald trump and his abuses. we need to follow his mone dy. n we need to find out wherela he s laundered money. we neeundemoned to find out wher not he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important that everyone that the daysare of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to goingnd ine the office of attorney general every daey gy defending your rit and then going home. there s a platform. go after one man,d ap one organization, one family. or doeplrs merrick garland. think it was appropriate for the manhattan district attorney album brag to run on this campaign promise. i know a lot of peoplear are wondering, whoever has this joe wondthis jobb. are they going to convict the donald trump? but that is the number one issue the times calls brag s a talented prosecutor whose successful suit of the trump foundation couldnted pro b be invaluable experience for the investigation. he ll take over valu as the chief deputy attorney general in new york state. i oversaweputy atey some ofia the office s biggest cases from exposing illegal behavio or by the trump foundation. we know there s a trump investigation. i have investigated trump andint his children and held them accountable for their misconductchildren with te trump foundation. i also sued the trump administration more thanimes 100 times. we know that the d.a.ting is investigating when i was the ag s office, i sue trump over 100 times forsc his administration s misconducot and brought a case against the trump foundation that held foe. ntablgainst t one more question. according to a whistleblower testimony the fbi they ve known since late 2019 on his laptop was real. so why? sohow has merrick garlandnd weaponized, politicized weapetment of justic investigated the contents of this very real laptop? s ofwhy was garland s fbi meetii with big tech companies warning themig that they may be targetel for misinformation campaigns and they may be about joe and hunter biden? and when askedjoe d by twitter and facebook after the new york post story broke, if the laptoph story was real, why didn t the fbi confirm what thehey knew to be true that it was real? here was reaction. rnc co-chair lara trump. a lot of questions they kneump.w it was real. all garland knew it was real. now that we all know it s realke . we know that joe lied at the highest level and joe was involved. all these foreign business deals and the millions of dollars they rake id in, including taking direct action by withholding moneyin. so a prosecutor investigating the company is seen as a business worth and millionsm mil with no experience continues to pay in millions. h noso all of that s true. laura and garland hasn t liftedo a finger. if it was your father in law. or you our eric or don, wou i m pretty sure they d go afterh all ofey you. yeah, i was going to say, just go after donald trump. when in doubt, that sort of they re their motto that they, of course, always have. it is reall whichy incredibl sean, to see what has gone on and the fact that you have merrick actually complaining about the american citizens voicing, their concerns for a very clearly biased justice shoulde c be concerning to him because he s the attorney generaer l of the united states. we can t live in a country if we do not trusunited se ttions our foundational institutions like this. and peopleli are terrified right now. everybody knows what this triay knl with biden was about. this is about smoke and mirrors. this is the red herrinit s abou this is a distraction from what you ve talked about the entire show which is that it s not just criminality we re worried about with the biden. it s national security. we re concerned about we need to know as american citizens that when joe biden, as president of, the unitedt of states is making decisions for this country, he s madethey m decisions based on what s best for the american people and noat what s best for the bank account of the biden family. and by the waythe bank, sean, bd on how the last three and a half years have been going, we should really question what has been going on there. and as a family member of the trump family, it is it the whole thing is kind of wild for me to watch. if you think back, sean, to when donald trump won 6 the election in 2016, think about what our family business was. we were a private company that had real estate and golfe n courses around the world. we were in international business originally, yet w what did we do? we said, you know what? when he won, we re not going the to do any new international business deals. the opposite of that happened internat biden became vice vic president of the united states. that s when the bideidenn familo got into international business. we went so far ainternational so as to pay back the united states treasury every penn be u.y that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property. of course, we got no credit for that, but we didn t even want the faintest of impropriety. and yet look at the way they have gone after donald trump for literally anything they could find. for trovean peoplrep with this laptop. the american people are demand transparency. again, it s about our national security aga. want we deserve to know. but i want to tell people out there how you caon actually mak, a difference, how you can rectify this. it comes on novemberu can rect h of this year. it comes the first day of early votingfirs in your state. get out and vote in thisn election. this eioour country depends on . the future of america certainly depends on iict. hing we cannot allow these things to stand. we need to get to the bottom of this stand . save we need to save our country. but you got to get out and vote. to gei agree. ean: e and early voting, by the way, starts in septembear r. some in september, in some states. i hope people keep that in min dget ov and get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early d . i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting knowg hard wanully surpass democratic efforts, but if you want to change it, garland s not going to changngen he s weaponized the department of justice. it will remain that wa e theyino and probably get worse if, god forbid, he was reelected. all righrs it. trump thank you. when we come back, with biden s campaign flailin g, the leftto sca is once again resorting to scare tactics. anere do you hearer? oh, aoc and conspiracy theorist nick straw and their rachel maddow with their tinfoil hats are saying. straight ahead. we ll tell you about four five star backyards, yellow wood, brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want it. why should every man try ageless mail, max? because it has ksm 66 ashwagandha shown to help increase testosterone improve results at the gym, reduce the dad bod and fight the effects of stress. and it has knox perform to boost nitric oxide production. and that could be handy in the gym and in the bedroom. no wonder it s a best selling testosterone booster. get to walmart to try ageless male max and be the man you want to be. tens of millions of rooms across america are failing wearing out decades early and leaking oftentimes without you knowing about it, causing tremendous damage. here s how you know you have a problem with your roof black streaking. your roof looks rough or granules shedding off any of your gutters or showing up in your driveway. your roof is wearing out too fast and it s going to cost you a bundle. roof match makes your roof like new by and rejuvenating it. so give us a call and we ll give you a free assessment to see if your roof qualifies. there are certain areas in american history that define us where fortunes were made. rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen. howdy, bob. and businesses can hear some. some are heroes, some are villains. and that s where the fun begins. let s trainer lewis marsh says this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation. check it out is my work from cozy. grab yourself a or is this dog food in your fridge? 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yeah, it s crazy talk. i mean, these ladies are insane with the things that they re saying. and it proves once again are that the left will use fear to control people. they will use fearpeople, promoe their agenda. donald trump has been very clear that his onln y revenge that he will get on november 5th is america s success. shelall wants is america to be great again and to be successful. and people have more money in their pocketsn an and families to be able to affordo able their groceries and fill their cars with ga ts. he wa so he s been very clear that he just wants america to be all itat it nts ever been on its greatest days. and for them to say that kind of stuff is sos st days. compley irresponsible that i hope that every single american getse the chance to hear them say that because they know for a fact the that not true.e sa and they re saying it just to scare them and they re saying it to controlyi them. now we have as many as eight people that might have isis ties captured at the border, tens of thousands from china, russia ured, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, yemen, kazakhstan . on the economy, two thirds of the middle class. fox businessds o reporting saynl of americans say they re struggling financially and financial gasping for air. add to that more than 25% of americans admit to skipping meals due to a skyrocketing grocery costs that they reare pi paying. those are the things that americans now are caring about thatingsare ca you know, s lie and tell us everything s fine. at the end of the day, isn t going to be what america votesaa on. that s what every single american that i ve talked to in the laswhat eve at i vt 6 to 7 months. that s the only thing on their mind at the top of their min7 nd is how is my family i being impacted by joe biden s administration? they feel it every day. just got back from wisconsin, spent a couple of days there talkink from dayg a lot of folks, a lot of independents, a lot of women, and talking to differentto groups and will be in michigan as well. these are states where people are making up their mind for donald trump because they know that he makes their life better and he lets rs make decisions and have personal responsibility for d the omilies and doesn t to take more money out of their pockets. he wants to help them be more successful. so he wantso be the economy and int are still big issues in this countrily. that s what families are feeling and they recognize that the biden administration is just attacking donald trump because that s the only that the left has, is they have fear and attacks and they ll even weaponizevefea our judicial system in order to do their agenda. i would argue the reason the red wave didn t occur in 22 is, is abortion will americansoa . because democrats will demagogue it? will its emagoguewillt be successful? they re going to try to use that in every single state and they ll try to use it against donald trump, againstt his supporters. i think what is important for us is for us to recognizisfor uy is that that that issue, people want to know where we re at. we talk all the time about the fact that this decision is at the state level. every state will look different and that s the way it is. the people will decide what their laws look likeir law and that we as leaders don t get to dictate that that s not our jos b. and the states will decide and abortion will be legal in the united states no matter how many times they lie about it, which is what they re going to do, because that s about all they got. they can t run on on. are you better off than you were four years ago? governor, thank you. more. more. hanay usa at we believe,ng a at new day, usa. loa we have a noble purpose. we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing alone. we want to do whatever is we want to do whatever is best for the individuaca s person. we want to be knownd they and we want to be knownd they and as america s t veterans and active duty service people. service people. we re the ones that are there to help them. there to help them. people are doing giving difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now. their lives right now. toda that we have here in this country. they re willing to do for you, for me and for our family. so for us at new day to the so for us at new day to the opportunity to turn around snd help those people at thi point in time, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans a men tell us when they use just four menld to eliminate gray. there s a great before there s a great before and afteest. then there sts the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. your best. and that s why more men choosea. for men. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental declini e memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across, and ing likei can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottene braint fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetfulti actil, more brain f introducing neuro cue. the breakthroughbr ingredientoq multi action brain care supplement developedthresearch e of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredeson. doctors, dr. dale bredeson. cue is the result of yearsedient of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. better. neural cue clinically shown to influence clinically shown to influence brain performancroe as littlen. as seven days. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients found in neural cue has been found in neural cue has been shown to help improve memorycus focus and concentration. we ve all seen otheoq is dirf supplements that only focus on one or two factors,ue and pr but neuro cue is different. it s a multi ingredient, multi action for mo formula that helpl boost, renew and protect your. for more comprehensive brain sas abl in an internal study four oue t of five neuro cue users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. first thi would say within a we. first thi would say within a we. time i was able to think the first thing. i can see that there is anomn i can see that there is anomn improvemeng to do around the house. once i starteabd taking her out, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly, and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental online clarity and focus and getting things done as well as my memory and recall ll als call or go online now to find out how you can try to find out how you can try neural q four 4995 plus g at now and you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep. go to dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898. order now our military has been infested by a woke revolution in the military. i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warrior s streaming now only on fox nation. if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. ye

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240612

won t necessarily explode under donald trump. neil: we will see. thank you very much. da i m dannaa perino with judges jenny and,e richard fowler, jee watters and greg gutfeld 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5. brand-new images of president biden from moments ago embracing his now convicted sun. the president blew up his entire schedule rushing to delaware to be with them underbite and wase found guilty ocon all 3 counts d his gun trail the verdictk sending shockwaves for at the white house.ka even canceling theri press brieg something sh.e rarely does. but and turf faces up to 25 years in prison unlikely ghenkelyt diskei the maxirsm as it says first sentencepene all happening as je jeanine will tell you and thers first ladyt jill biden wasn t physically in the court yet to hear it being read aloud. she arrived just afterwards. president biden said he will respect his son s conviction buy talk about. irony after the tril revealed the revolver was dumped into a trash trashcan he spoke at an violence prevention summit where he called for harsher gun-control laws and for americans to safely store their firearms. it s time we establish universal background checks.ches requiring this dave safe storage of firearms.e we neelod locks on those guns. who in god s name needs a magazinemaga told 200 shows.if if you y need 1200 bullets a gun you are the lousy a shot of ever seen. if you want to take on government for get out of line l you need f-15s not a rifle. 1 of the jurors spoke out aboutn the historic ts,o liberation saying the biden name did not play a role. we treated him just like heen was anybody else. he broke the law and that s how it goes a didn t a factor in my decision. was not politically motivated. politics played no part in thisf just to be haven t heard from you today i like to get your thoughts. give me a boost of confidee in the system although they have a lot of work to do to get me back like watching an eagles game and the referees for 20 flags in the first half finally throw 1 flag on the other team okay stone not a fair game remember the biden prosecutors tried to sweep it under the rug last year have the guy not go to jail little devil lifetime immunity until the judge was like say what now he might have to serve prison might have to serve prison on this and taxes he should listen to nancy reagan say no to drugs a lot of the foreigners targeted hunter bidet not just because he was the sunc of aau president but because he was a crackhead and he s been compromised by the chinese theia russiansns romanians mexicans pretty much everybody wanted a piece ane d because he was an addict he was willing to take risks do things you would h normally do as he needed money for our the but also money for his habit and he lived in a world of spies, suspicious wires sects trafficking diamondsmond burner phones wiretaps he was on an 8 year luckily he didn llt kill himselg likely hune didn t have the gun picked up by a kid who shot himself likely theelf. gun wasnt used in a murder and had the gun go back to him. but for a long time this guy it was like an orgy of opportunists he was using his dad his dad waa using him the chinese was using him he was using the chinese and the cia and fbi were using him to spy on the chinese. he s never had any consequencess his entire life. yet a discharge in auditch honourable discharge aarn administrative 1 is pot for coke and new jersey that 1 went under the rug all of r a sudden people are interested istn his art it the first time he s ever had toa pay the consequences couldn ta come awot a worse time his pole numbers are terrible freezing up at june, trump is a raising ofhe the sugar brothers tapped out he hasn t even seen his daughter happy father s day biden this is what happens when you raise au a sun like this you have to raise virtuous young men are also they re going to come back and y bite you that isou the lesson he you think they ll do jail time. under the federal guidelinese there s no requirementre the juo imposed jail timure of course ig up to the judge i think the judge will take into consideration that in a case is direct and clear as this wase that he could have responsibility and showedrs remorse ane,d pled guilty he gotten in the sentencing guidelines he g could ve gotten ota few extra points for doing that notpuni suggesting is being punished foe going to trial the could ve gota a benefit i think it s a lesson in a couple of things. a lesson to abby lowell who is an excellent attorney as we allt of said whoso overplayedor his the jury was insulted for the first time we heard maybe was really an alcohol addict mao be at crack addict and maybe te text is about him meeting another girl and not a druggie to buy more crack cocaine and maybe it was at the 711 to buy coffee and a doughnut.dn t maybe he really didn t know he was an addict the curious thing is the statement issued afteron his conviction was that recovery is possible by the grace of god i try to experience a gift 1 day at a time admitting he s an addict aass the girlfriend saide knew what s you re an addict sober or not you are always anar addict joe giving a statement early on s right after the conviction saved him from having to address it at the speech and at this gonna event but there are certain things being hypocritical need to keep guns out of dangerous hands well your son had a car and his girlfrienb opted out in the garbage can block away from a school and he says we need to make sure gun storage is a priority this is a family of hypocrisy on 1 hande they show united front in the courthouse every day even starting with jury selection being a family joined togetherer to support hunter and yet they were dysfunctional family at best givensf the facunt so manyf the people affected by what hunter biden did and this a jury of ordinary people of delaware were not intimidated by that family and recognize d it was a clear-cut case and that nobody is above the law. greg give you the talking about the momeng:t je claims you don t need arrival because we ve got an f-15 that s t the first or second time he said this just either proofto nobody hasld told him it s a bad idea to boast you can bomb americans redid and he doesn t retain the information he says s we ve got f-15s you don t need a rifle is not about need it s about the right to self defense may be built into that there is a timeto yet to go up against ao corrupt government in his word a government out of line the sameo people whopl smear trump as authoritarian trump nevertr boasted abouumt bombing you 2 americans and remember these are the guys who call january 6 when insurrection and nowy they re saying6t you at don t. f he shouldn tan be president of e taylors with anti- club. hunters going to jail sue joee doesn t have tcoo any comes outd will be rewarded for his loyaltl like ioyt made man in a crimema family it s a distraction n from the influence peddling and kickbacknflus it s not the chare that makes me failed i know hesn is any responsible sky s ball as has been played out as a charge i m comfortable with to me this is about the second amendment you don t lose your first amendment if you lose drugs so why do you lose the second amendmen t it s a preconditional onallaw it s an authority of law which displaces the lower laws when they come in the conflict like now. obviously the lat w waifs broket if it s unconstitutional then it s unconstitutional the only option if you are in recovery as he pointed out as a lifelong addict the only option in recovery let s say you are a wounded veteran needs pain killers are in recovery for t years you have to land the application does objection is subjectiveecti it s predictive assuming you re going to do something bad which we don t do with alcohol we don t make thes projective edge judgements whean people by alcohol which is weigh worse in terms of physical harm. this is it feels good to see tho other side of this but i do fear this law makes it okay to justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on past drug use and that is unjust based on the second amendment because there is nothing inso there about that that s my thought richarmy td final wart?c last weekha dissipated in juy duty for a couple days and. you got rejected? i did rej what i learned froe people i met there they weree regular people atht the take the day off work.mi they wertte committed to the process they answered questions fairly and honestly and to thel point of jesse if you have more confidence in the system i washe reassured it works there was 60h of us part of the process what you saw today were 12 people who come to make a decision a couple weeks ago and they are trying to get it right. so anybody who disparages everybody as every day citizens are going to the process don tai do that these are everyday americans participating in thei responsibility as a voter andd s citizen they made the righted decision because that ts what they are supposed to do that wea will seepp what happens barringn appeal you will have some kind of punishment and at some point to remember what like i said yesterday s not running for office he s not at the biden administration or dnc or biting campaignly t. you some buddies been for a lot of traumasli that we have to see what happens. that s the kehay thing like yesterday this is about hunter it supposed to be about joe. this case was about hunter. i m agreeing with you.ll i will end there. there is agreement on the e also coming up the media using the hunter biden verdictgh to hammer donald trump. i m your inner child. get in. [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn t know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we ve been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! jesse: leave it to the leave it tobera the liberal s to shamelessly use the verdict to dump on the trump conviction despite the case is being miles apart. the hunter gun trial was opent, and shut as you get ironclad evidence like damning text likemessages to drug dealers a y real laptop and solid witnesses like his sister-in-law turned ex-lover. the liberal press still trying to compare it to the hush money mess alvin bragg cooked up against trump. it s a good day by the for the american system. it flies in the face of everything the former presidentn has been pushing to underming,ed the justice systemer we knowha biden s come out strongly against you imagineat donald trump saying the words i will accept the outcome of the case andct continue t to respect the judicl process.. what you are seeing today in connection new with the trump criminal case is jurors doing their job. the doj follows the fact of the law without regard to who is subject to those facts of the lae outside of his last nametr being bideian i don t think the trial ever occurs. richard they had half a dozen whistleblowers saying that every timesayi they tried to follow tt facts they got shut down by the biden administration. i will say this because therh is something great said lastdo thing with t that s where bringp because there ar he politics thd have to do with the case mind you a guilty verdict is a guilty verdict. it. the interesting pivot you seee folks onfo the ratemaking about talking about the biden family, let s movele away from hunter s mobecause his interesting bede pillows that youyo have to navigate this case leans directly into the second amendment and the idea on the form we talked about as theyus have a gun y. has had in the first circuit in 2023 whereus they found it was unconstitutional the questionti was unconstitutionalon. for people in the rate they havo to evaluat te looking hard on ts particular case the second amendment. that s why after the decisiontr was passedum the trump campaigny issued a statement he retracted it put it back out because they re trying to figure how to imagine but also they know ifo you goha to hartigan s huntere biden like they did in 2020 and 2022 it doesn t choke with the electorate as both times they win. the apparent red wave didn t show up so the idea of attacking hunter and just going after hime doesn t seem temo be as effectie as effective as are pelicans think theys are so the question is how we navigate this.ho somebody who identifies as being on the right mapping no all navigating this difficult moment. judge jeanine the pivot they are the people on the radar making to me it just seems like this was a fraction of the crimes on the laptop . so disingenuous richard givei me a breakng it was the bidenidn white house the biden departmen of justicede that had this case from 2018 allowed the statute of limitations to run so biden t be accountable for the worst tax violations in the worst tax crimes connected toec end hites father was vice fathpresident and when he was getting money all over the world which was funneled to everybodye sitting in f the front seed of that courtroom you want to know why they are so unified that sie where the cash came in. so don t give me this judge system work for him saying give me precedent give me some idea on why somebody should be given immunity in perpetuity because his name is hunter biden and they said we ve never done it before us lets not be so holy year than the saying the system g thworks. guy would ve been skating without the judge skating every year the life the first time justice has visited upon a man because of him because of him they lost faith in the this and the social a justice nonsense om out the,e system works now in te system is covered up for this guy for decades.arge the charges would you like them or not our real this pony p to choose from what aboutom trump s charges yet the fashioning create them everybody admitted it was unprecedented aa first of its kind never done before they doing it for a president who is the leading candidate in the election not only is a corrupted selection interference is not about equal justice the it s lopsided a joke is in there i won t make it but screw this antimony is phoniesid these were the lying teabags who claim the laptop was fake so if they re false narrative had prevailed which they wantedre there wouldn t bee wn this verdt to idle then no claim proof of equal justice didn t come downin because of you happened in spite of you this guy got away with a lot for a long time and only stopped becaus oe thernle was to much to ignore.o dana?ig they re trained to see these case were the same applets it s the apples they are apples to cucumbers they aren t the same we sat here for about 6 weeks and to dissect every single worh when thee cnn contributors sayg this wasn t right so that 1 is likely to continue. with 3 weeks not even that.ta i think thoselk talking heads are they not embarrassed and angry at the 51 national security advisors who lied to them and said the hunter biden laptop was disinformation they keep having them on their shows and the actual story in regardst to theop trail was the laptop ws real fear any of those journalists are talking heads i would never talk to those guys agaiwhn so last 2 hear from me next hollywood s most: up challenging project yet convinco voters tjeo back the guy whose brains are shut e guy who down in public judge jeanine: hollywood heavyweights about to spend millions to repackage the oldest they re repackaging the oldest president as hrye in history a d no amount of tinsel down magic can fix this the president turning into brain freeze biden at the white house juneteenth event.whit they are all ghosts try and take it back. taking away your freedoms makinr it harder for black people devote banning books about black experienceieve. it comes as hollywood veterans launch a super back spending $25 million to shore up the youth of the problem the group is hiring millennial generation z writers and producers from shows likene saturday night live anrad parksp and recreation to helpar craft o biting content. as you responded to the. it was the first time i saw w the tape losing control of his mouth.ntro it is frightening that he is the leader of the free world not even making hypotheticals like oh, my god is going to do thisdt or that the promise now with your own eyes you can see he cannot be president. they need a new category for the oscars best reanimation of the corpse what we re seeing right now is not good.eft left me speechless it s artless to do richard i want to go to you on this. joe biden standing at juneteenth i don t know why he did that supposed to be june 19th but what do i know he is the 1 who f said if you don t vote for me w you ain t black. wellel he s got no rhythm or nothing it s a startled responsa or a freezing phenomenon indicative of cognitive declineh mimic asar possibly as a rhythmy a lot of people don t listen too kirk franklin on sunday morning. that s okay i think what si interesting here rate as we think about young people and how they will vote in this election they recently found the number 1 issue for young people is gun violence president spoke earlieu today about that what we found is recent fbi report came out seeing crime is down 26%. we are looking at a man decomposing wait a minute greg as 11,000 finding the murderer rate is down 26% the justme department also announcentd they haven t dated in convicted 500 gun traffickers. c i could do that in 1 countygo the biden administration also hireutd 3700 police officers ths they should be allowed her on t because that s whahat young voth care the truth imes americans don feel ido want to go back to thit with such desperation they brought in steven spielberg to help on the normandy speech the cringe content you get from the young people seeing joe biden, can yocau change that?othe remember the other day he was in france and he bends over like that everybody i know under 40 text me and asked if joe biden pooped his pants it doesn t matter anymore what they tell young americans you see joe biden looks like he pooped young americans see that and it s over what doesn t 80-year-old white man from delaware look like at a party that guy can t find the beat doesn t know how to clap frozen like on solo he s tiredie he was just in europe his son s trial is on and he s just not cut out for that looks like he u just fulfilling the duty and you can tell that he is embarrassed and heiresses more whole countries embarrassed. the truth is there are 81-year-old men with all due respect to congested up this guy it s not even about. mick jagger 6 months younger than biden. he s just not presentn.. i would say here s the thing father time is undefeated and what i find alarming is there s onlyd al 1 person in power a por in a government you can make the national security decisions we d thneed they have to be made oe triggers notice and i don t feel watching in the last several months m particular the last 3 weeks you can have confidence w that it would happen for y examples commander-in-chief chief of staff the military national security of either a i say this is happening right now what you want us to do are you confident?be confident that he would be able to do that i wanted to be able to do that i feel a lot of empathy for him. and i worry for him, about him i don t want to be mad at him i love the fact that people want i to help spielberg great state step uepp you re dealing with facts thatin are not going to get better for the next couple of years. and yet to think really hard about this and the democratsthis really need to think about thiss i m not the only 1 saying that somebody as a former republican you can look at left-leaning people right now who feel b permission has beeeen granted th suggest there could be something like a contested convention in i augustn because it s very worrisome. i think they going to useuy i that guy in the sequence dressed. ahead liberal lunacy is rachel maddow and aoc.el m donald trump is going to throw them in camps. 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first put themselves in jail i don t have that the toy 60 an election i would overturn the roe v. wade and now there are 21 states who have banned a woman s right to reproductive health and you should bring up that right now.righ has answer that question? if you are in kansas and kentucky giving their right to reproductive health saying it will put you in prison.ic the trump ihas a man of his word as the solution if you re an angry democrat and abortion that s what they said up next generations he ditching dating paddleboard yoga g apps for it s odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i m glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. that s why friends and family recommend total beets. now you can find total beets blood pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beets. richard: gen generation z ditching dating apps for in person events it s % increased by 42% from 2023 and0- the company ceo claims to doing things like paddleboard yoga. i don t want to date anyone who makes come bucha that s discussing. i think getting back out there is good for your mental health people it s good.. all of it is great but i would never date a guy who did that. it s interesting becauset there aren t thamat many barsda anymore antid dating apps ande removed thrie risk from social interaction. you don t feel that when yout used tbuo have when you re meetg people is alou ul about the superficiaonl height salary ageo i m not six-foot tall but as a 9.7 i get an extra .3 by workinr on my charming charismisa to yo point aboutht come bucha like freehand glassblowing and i have a serious question 7 you pick a girl and some to go straight over and another question arear you allowed toe put your salarf when you rile dating at profilet why would you do that? say no more jesse.or greg is right. s got sit day a limber out there when yoube are datingcaus because then you get flaccid with your reflexes all of aen sudden the y guy steals your gil and you re in the bathroom. i thank you need to do some backyard beekeeping. judge jeanine? what really it s like young kids are getting involved in plumbing they don t call a plumber they look at it themselves the problem is if you ve got all these dating app everybody is lyingev about somethin sg why not just allow e your instincts andye your eyebas to figure something out for you they areph called pheromones. smell of. most time for us to go. 1 more thing is up next. ctrifie. 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yeah. look how beautiful they look. not as distinguished , but quite accurate. tonight, jesse watters, frontline. spea. ng of accuracy judge jeanine pirro, james comer, kayleigh mcenany and vic rhymes with steak tonight at eight. all right, great. all righ t. tonight, we ve got a great show, 10 p.m. natalie campagna ,michael loft. it s kat tap tyra s. watch it oe r die. it s. let s do this. . dennis. and while. oh, yeah. all right, so we re goinge. to play the sound, and thenu i ll stop it, and then we ll replay it after you guys gasp. play the sounds. all right, richard, your cash. dear, dear. seal. seal a baby otter.y ot oh. let s roll and find out who s f correcint. oh, wow. est at thase: isti baby? sea otter. oh, we had $20,000. wow. i believe i was. thank you. you said that was the dallas zos zoo avo, by the way. they ve seen. my gosh. how do you think that is? one impressive. okay, so this giraffe had a tall order for his birthdatal treat the lady who lives at the oakland zoo spent his fourthg fo birthday bobbing for yams. the yams were hoisted perfectly to mouth height for the 15 foots tall birthday boy. zawadi also tips the scales at 1300 pounds, which surprisingly makes him one of the thinnest in the herd. and then i know jesse toldtold , but i ll tell you again. i m going to be on jesse watters primetime. she ll be hoisting yams to mouth. yes, that s right. i want dan to show you this dy because these kids, golden retriever, he loves to play cards. he loves cards uffle th. so she s going to shuffle the cards for him. he s like, let s go. let s play car ehed. and she gets really excited when he sees that. i don t even know this dog s name. oh, and also, if you hadn t heard, judge jeanine will be on jesse white . it s got to have something to promote. richar. d. g to we all travel a lot, but there s nothing more annoying than having to unexpectedl uneyy check yourg because it s a little bit oversize open happened. to this. guy on his flight from london to spain. he was determined to provee hi that his bag was small enoughy- to fit in the carry on. so he jammedon, he it into the luggage size or thing there. too bad itit stuck. got stuck. and so he had to turn itt. over to pry his bag and i feel it for him becauset n i know what that feels like. how did it end? he eventually got hit to turn it upsidd?rd: he h e down. ine is and i also want to let you know that judge jeanine is goingbese watte to call. a fl there she is. and it s a full bag. if anybody wants another checkay and look at my bus straight here. so it looks likene. can t h you can t hold this with one arm. let s trd y straight out. no, straight out. so i told you it first came o out. i thought in myn mind, newton, but it didn t do anyou of the women on the show, huh?fh why straight?y bu be careful with my posturest. . i like gus s bling. i think that s pretty good. that icloss. nine: do men close, though?ne if you didn t know that he s got a necklace on.have g all right, that s it for us. everyone, i m tired of us. have a great night, everybody. we ll see you tomorrow. we ll be here later. welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. hunter biden convicted of twounts o counts of lying on a form. the combination of gun as and drugs made his conduct dangerous. sno one in this count

Donald-trump , Won-t , Neil , Text , Font , Product , Document , Line , Paper , Paper-product , Organism , Magenta

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240611

with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. that does it for me tonight. tonight. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways back as we sometimes do. when allied soldiers came ashore on the coast of france on the beaches of normandy for the d-day invasion, they opened up a new western front against the nazis in europe. and that of course was a shock to the germans. the operation overlord, the d-day invasion, it relied on the element of surprise. and the germans really were shocked. they had been occupying france for four years at that point. they the installed a collaborationist regime that they assembled from pro-fascist and pro-nazi forces inside france, so the collaborationists and the nazis together were ruling france and they had been for years. there was a french resistance to the nazi rule and the collaborationists, but the nazis and their puppets were definitely in charge. i they were actually heading intoc year five of being in charge. they were really settled in, inf france. and then here comes this shock arrival. this invasion. hundreds of thousands, ultimately millions of allied troops landing on the beaches and the cliffs of the northwest of france. and they are clearly planning to take it all back. the d-day invasion, the allied n invasion, started on june 6th. now, on this date, on june 10th, 1944, just four days into the d-day invasion, the germans were reacting. they had been, of course, shocked by the initial invasion. but a few days into it, they now realized the scale of what they were up against and had started scrambling their units from all over france, turning all the available german troops in france toward the northwest of that country to try to stop the allied advance. and that included a nazi ss panzer division that had been in the south of franz. that division was ordered to essentially traverse the whole length of the country, head north to where the allies were advancing from the beaches of hr normandy. and on their way north through france, toward the new allied front lines, the new western front, this panzer division stopped in a village called oradour. pro-nazi french collaborators had told them, they told this panzer unit that the french resistance was active in this town. and they told them that the french resistance in that town had killed a nazi officer. and in response, that panzer unit decided, yes, they were on their way to the north of france to join the new western front and the, you know, the battle for the whole war, to try to shore up the german lines against the big allied invasion, but they decided on their way e there, they would stop and do something in oradour.g they would destroy that entire village and everyone in it. that panzer unit rounded up every single man, woman, and child in that village. they even rounded up random people who didn t live in the village but were nearby or who had the misfortune to be passing through the village when this nazi unit made this decision.t that nazi unit killed every human being in oradour. or everyone they could find. they killed 643 civilians. a vast majority of them women and children.or they used machine guns and they burned them alive. they looted the entire village, and then they tore down the village as best they could. they razed it. oradour.ed this is what it looks like today. still in ruins. the french decided after the war that they would never rebuild. they would leave the ruins, preserve them as they were left at the end of the war, as a memorial to what the nazis did. and we have these photos of what oradour looks like literally today, because this morning, the president of france and the president of germany visited the ruins at oradour to commemorate what they call the martyrdom of that village, to remember what happened in europe, in france, under fascist occupation. now, this is not the first time that french president emmanuel macron has visited oradour. actually, ten days before he was first elected president, he went there. he visited the village just before he was elected president. he visited in the company of the man who was then the last livini survivor of that massacre.s i said the nazis killed everyone in the village, at least everyone they could the nazis did kill over 600 civilians that day, but there were about half a dozen people from the village who, against all odds, in a miracle managed by hook or by crook to survive. the last one of the survivors was in his 90s when he brought emmanuel macron to oradour in 2017. that last survivor has since died. but today, macron went back to the site, to show this place, to germany s president. now, in 1944, about six months after oradour happened, the germans were still hanging on. but thanks in large part to the d-day invasion, they knew by the end of 1944 that they were losing. they were losing to soviet forces in the east, for sure. they were also simultaneously losing to the allied forces coming in from the west. once the allies opened that new western front with the d-day invasion, they started pressing their advantage against the nazis everywhere. not only liberating france, they clearly intend to liberate everywhere the nazis have taken over. they re pressing toward germany itself. hitler knows that his military is on the ropes. it cannot sustain the losses they re taking on both the eastern and western fronts. and so about six months after d-day, about six months after oradour, hitler decides he s going to mount a surprise of his own. he decides he s going to mount a huge german counteroffensive in belgium against the allies. the allies are basically closing in on germany s own borders and when hitler musters hundreds of thousands of men to mount a counteroffensive against them in the forests of belgium, it absolutely is a surprise to the allies. nobody thought germany still had it in them. everybody thought not everybody, but a lot of people thought the war was going to be over by christmas that year. where did the germans muster 400,000, 500,000 men to mount this new counteroffensive, but they did. that german counteroffensive started in mid-december 1944. it began a six-week-long battles that would be the single deadliest battle of the entire war for the u.s. military. aside from just the brutal toll of that battle, that was the battle of the bulge, that battle also came with its own astonishing and unforgettable atrocity. it was another german panzer unit much like the one that killed the entire population of that french village. it was an ss panzer unit in belgium. and they ended up in the very outset of that surprise german counteroffensive, they ended up ambushing a bunch of americans. and the result of it was they took custody of a large group of american prisoners of war, unarmed american p.o.w.s. and these p.o.w.s, again, they had surrendered. they had no weapons. the nazis lined up those americans in a field, the americans have no weapons. they have they have their hands above their heads. they re p.o.w.s, but the nazis just massacred them in the field, they mowed them down with machine gun fire. and like at that village of oradour, what is almost as unbelievable as what the nazis did there was the fact there were somehow miraculously some survivors. there were some american gis who had also been lined up in that field, who nevertheless lived. american gis who played dead, who hid under the dead bodies of their comrades, who managed in the end to drag themselves into the woods to get away. and what happened to them? you will not believe me when i tell you this, but it would not be long before a sitting united states senator would vehemently object to those men giving testimony about what they saw. about what they survived, about what happened to their platoon mates, to the other men in that battalion. the other p.o.w.s who were massacred by those nazis.p. a sitting u.s. senator tried to block the american soldiers who. survived that massacre from t giving testimony about it in congress. he said the american people shouldn t hear it.e he said it would be he inflammatory. w it would inflame the public to against the nazis who killed alf of those unarmed american i find it absolutely insane to think about, but this became a very strange thing in american domestic politics. i mean, there were unrepentant r leftover nazis in germany after the war. they were trying to make the allies and america in particular the real bad guys from world war ii, and maybe that is understandable when you think about unrepentant nazis who just lost the war, but you would not believe it, the zi thing that s amazing is not that there were leftover nazis who were trying to do this. the thing you wouldn t believe is they enlisted a lot of americans to help them in that project. including taking a stand against the american soldiers who survived that p.o.w. massacre ha and demanding that the nazis who did it should be set free. this became a cause celebre in the right wing press at the e time. and it helped launch the national career, the rocketship ascendance of arguably the most radical and controversial figure in republican electoral politics in the last 80 years before donald trump. while he was swimming in these very dark waters, darker than what seems possible for something in mainstream american politics he would go on to lead a movement of millions of followers who were increasingly radicalized by his increasingly radical rhetoric and tactics over time. his fellow republicans were both repelled by him, horrified by him, while they also wanted in on some of the massive political energy and fanatical devotion he attracted. they thought very seriously about putting him forward for the presidency, and the reaction among close observers of him and his tactics look so much like what you re seeing in the american press today about the e fear of a second trump term, you wouldn t believe that it isn t just a straight up rerun. in his time, the people who stood up against him mostly got mowed down in politics by the strength of his fanatical following. that happened for a very long time. until eventually, ultimately, it stopped happening.en and the forces against him prevailed. and i m telling you this for two reasons.ll number one, this is the thing that i have been working on for the past year. my podcast, rachel maddow presents ultra, now has a season two, and it is out today. episode one is out today.t you can get it anywhere you get podcasts. if you don t usually listen to podcasts, if you take out your phone right now, open the camera on your phone, and point it at that weird looking little on l circular square thing on your screen, you click on the little box that pops up on your phone, it will bring you right there so you can listen to it. you can listen to it for free. it s free to listen to. there are eight episodes of thio all together.ei episode one is out today. i hope you may want to listen.e i have been working really hard on it.n i m really proud of it, but i hope you like it. i hope you ll check it out. that s one of the easons i m telling you this story. i have been working on this story, i have been working in general on stories about other v times in our american history that we have dealt with really terrible threats to the country. where we have confronted reallyr radical people with really radical designs to undo the fundamental things that make us who we are as a country who nevertheless get into political power and attract large followings. this has happened to us before.p and the reason i have been working on this for the past couple years, the reason i have been working on these projects is because for me, i feel like i really need to learn this stuff and fast, for me, there is a real urgency to learn these stories from when we have contended with terrible challenges before, ha particularly when we re talking about powerful americans advocating for authoritarianism or just flat out embodying it. particularly when it s about selling factually unhinged conspiratorial lies to the american public and half the public is mortified, mystified by that, but the other half of the public is super energized by it and they not only believe these lies, they kind of become their whole new reason to live. the public gets bifurcated like that into earth one and earth two where some people are based in the reality based community and some people are based in a different place, and that place is emotionally satisfying to them, and radicalizing them, and it takes over their lives. we are living through a moment like that right now with what is ascendant on the american righth but we have lived through it before. and i feel like i m racing to learn these stories about americans who have fought these kinds of fights before us for the simple reason that i feel like i need their ideas about how to fight it. we need their ideas about how to fight these things. we need to see what worked and what didn t when americans faced threats like this before. and it doesn t mean that fighting them always works. sometimes they get away with a lot of this stuff, and sometimes people take on incredible risk and danger to themselves. sometimes people risk their lives or give up their lives to fight these things, but knowing the track record of americans who have stood up against these kinds of dark and authoritarian and anti-democratic forces knowing who else has tried it and what s happened to them is helpful for us calibrating our available responses now. and knowing what to expect when we confront these dark movements. so that is why i have been working on this, and that is why that story is on my mind tonight. but it is also what s on the news right now. i mean, one of the remarkable things about seeing the french president with the german president at the ruins of oradour today in france is that they took that tour of the ruins of that village today, that th preserved memorial to what fascism did in europe, they took that tour this morning. just one day after the german far right and the french far right won shockingly large an proportions of the vote in the h european elections that were held yesterday. in both of those countries, the parties that did so well have ties not only to the old fascist parties of old world war ii era germany and france, they both have current ties, including financial ties, to vladimir putin and russia. when president biden and president macron of france met in france these past few days ma for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of d-day, president biden said that he and president macron agreed on a new plan to seize russian assets inz the g-7 countries and use those seized russian assets to providn even more support to ukraine. as ukraine continues to struggle against the russian invasion of that country. president biden is just back from france for these d-day commemoration ceremonies and from those meetings with e president macron. he s just back but heads back to europe the day after tomorrow to go to the g-sev summit, among other things to rally the other nations to support this new plan, to support ukraine as muc as possible including this new plan that he and macron have just agreed to involving seizing russian assets to help ukraine even more. and, you know, in the american aperture here, what s going on in our politics while president biden is trying to, you know, rally the free world, trying to strengthen our alliances as much as possible to lead collective international will against a rogue dictatorship that has invaded one big european country already and has its sights set on more, here at home, literally while president biden and other american leaders were headed off to europe for the 80th anniversary of d-day, while they were heading off to europe for that, what was happening in the american congress? a fifth of the republicans in congress just voted that we should leave our allies altogether. that we should break up the big western alliance, that we should defund nato. and i think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of congress, a member of congress who is known for her publicity stunts and she s therefore she is easy to ignore. but it wasn t just her.y 46 republicans voted for this a fifth of the republicans in congress last week voted to defund nato. don t just forget being the leader of the free world, forget the whole idea of there being a free world at all. they saved that for the anniversary of d-day. 46 republicans voting to defund nato. and as radical as that may seem, particularly when you think about where nato came from and why, the wing of the republican party that is pushing for this stuff, i mean, on its face, it seems unlikely they would have such sway. every few days we get a new mugshot of one of their leading lights because so many of them have been charged with crimes. today, it was their presidential candidate s personal lawyer, wh has had his law license suspended, who is under indictment, rudy giuliani s w mugshot just released today after he was arraigned in arizona. you can put it up on the wall with all of the other maga republican mugshots we have accrued over the past year. their presidential candidate is a convicted felon. today he had to meet with the probation office in new york ahead of his sentences. people at his rallies not only wear tshirts and fly flags that have his mugshot on them, they started carrying signs and wearing shirts that now say rr they re proudly voting for the convicted felon. at a rally this weekend, their presidential candidate described members of the mob of his t supporters who physically w attacked congress and injured dozens of police officers, he described them in a speech this weekend as, quote, warriors. his warriors. people who took part in that mob attack on congress. his warriors. while a few days ago, two police officers who were both badly injured fighting hand to hand with that mob to defend congress, to defend the u.s. capitol, those two police officers were jeered and booed by republicans in the pennsylvania state legislature. they jeered them, turned their backs on them and walked out. these are two officers who survived that attack, they were literally injured fighting for their country, defending our seat of government against a violent attack. but the republicans who jeered at them and turned their backs on them and walked out, they want the attackers freed. and they don t want to hear what these survivors of the attack had to say. don t want to hear from the survivors and the witnesses. you want the attackers set free. we are going through some weird stuff right now. but we have gone through weird stuff before. and i do think that we can learn from it and that we urgently need to. that s why i have been working on all these projects. that s why i ve got this new se podcast out and i hope you listen. but it s not just the distant past. in the very recent past when we got donald trump in the white house in the first place, you might remember what preceded that shock election result here in the united states in 2016. our shock presidential election result in 2016 was preceded that year by some shocking and surprisingly right wing election results in europe. including the brexit vote in e britain which happened just months before trump s surprise presidential victory here. i asked ben rhodes to please join us here tonight in the wake of what is now, again, another round of what seemed to be surprisingly right wing election results in europe this weekend.y was it right in 2016 to see right wing election results in europe as a harbinger of what was coming for us in the fall o 2016? as president biden balances his campaign responsibilities right now with back-to-back trips to europe, he just got back from europe, he heads back to europe again on wednesday. do the election results from europe right now, this weekend, have hallmarks that tell us anything about what to expect here and about how weird this is all going to get?ut president biden clearly sees ouo connections to europe right now as absolutely key to the futureo of the world. does what s going on in european politics right now tell us something to expect about the future of our world here? joining us now is ben rhodes. he s former deputy national security adviser to president obama, cohost of the pod save the world podcast. really great to see you. thanks for making time to be here tonight. good to see you. first, let me ask you for some of our viewers who may not have paid close attention to what was happening in the european elections this weekend, let me ask you two questions about them. do you think they re important for us to pay attention to? and can you just give us a rough characterization of what happened in those elections?za sure. these were elections for the european parliament. e so the european union wide parliament, so the only electiop that takes place every few years in which all of europe votes. it s a good barometer of where opinion is in europe. the two headlines are the far right made noticeable gains in the two largest countries in europe, france and germany.rg in france, the national front party, the far right party that used to be on the fringes of french politics, emerged as by far the largest vote getter in g this election and to build on what you re saying, this is a party that is not only far right, they have ties to russia. they have gotten a $10 million loan from russia in the past decade. in germany, the afd party, which has ties that go back into the kind of neonazi past of germany, they got over 15% of the vote, not a huge total, but very alarming given the source here. i want to be clear, in other parts of europe, the center did hold.ur i think the real concerning factor is in the two most important countries, france and germany, we saw these far right gains. do you think that it s right to look back at 2016 and see some of what was going on in politics in europe as a harbinger for the shock election result we got in the fall of r 2016 when trump won? do you think these election results should be read as a harbinger of what s coming down the pike for us this year? i absolutely do, rachel. the commonality between the brexit vote, the vote by the uk to leave the european union in 2016 and the trump election was that it was a it was a surprise.a people did not think brexit was going to win the campaign and they campaigned on a kind of right wing populist message. the slogan was take back control. they ran against globalists and liberal elites and against immigration and was very trumpy in its message, frankly. it kind of foreshadowed what we ended up dealing with in the fall here. i think the warning in this election, and you ask mead a wa question when i came on to talk about my book a few years ago about far right parties and their commonalities around the world, you asked what lesson should we learn. i always think about that. the lesson i take from this one is that their incumbent parties in germany and france that have defended essentially the status quo, emmanuel macron has been a defender of the european union. olaf scholz has been a defender of the liberal order. people are not listening to that message right now. you cannot defeat these parties, these populist insurgents be being the defenders of the status quo, but you have to tapt into people s dissatisfaction e with globalization, dissatisfaction with inequality. sense that things are slipping out of control. it s not enough to say we re the responsible adults here. you have to kind of get down and have a different message for how things are going to change. g i think that s the warning sign that joe biden should hear, nots enough to run on status quo here. not enough to defend even the things we think are very t important. you have to meet people where they are, and people are frustrated.d ben rhodes, former deputy national security adviser to president obama.t ben, thank you for making the time. i feel like when we need to like widen the lens a lot and look at america in the world, you re le almost always one of the first people i think of.s thank you for being here. thanks, rachel. i can t wait to check out the r we have much more ahead here tonight.e do stay with us. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. so let s get down to the nitty-gritty here. georgia became this kind of bench mark for principled republicans refusing to go along with improper, un-american machinations from president trump. governor brian kemp, brad raffensperger, two very conservative republicans, both nevertheless stood up to personal pressure from trump to overturn president biden s win in georgia. and of course, all that pressure trump brought to bear on georgia republicans and the ways in which those republicans resisted, that formed the basis for fulton county district attorney fani willis filing a huge rico case against trump and 18 of his codefendants in georgia. that s one story of the state of georgia after the 2020 election. republicans standing up, the record of them standing up and what they had to stand up against forming the basis for this sprawling, damning criminal indictment. the other story of georgia since that election is all the work that pro-trump republicans have done to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. to make sure nobody can ever again get in the way of trump seizing georgia s 16 electoral votes, no matter what the votes say. the most obvious thing georgia republicans have done is use every tool at their disposal to derail fani willis prosecution of trump. in the latest development in that three republican appointed judges have just put the whole case on hold while they take their time considering whether fani willis should be disqualified from the case. thus guaranteeing that the georgia prosecution will definitely not go forward against trump before the election. but that s only the start. in georgia s most populous county, fulton county, one republican elections board member last month refused to certify the primary results there. because you know, elections are scary. with the help of lawyers from a pro-trump think tank, she has now filed a lawsuit seeking the power to block the certification of elections which would of course throw november s results in georgia into chaos. which is presumably the point. meanwhile, just north of fulton county, republicans recently started agitating to take over an elections board in cherokee county. now, the board there, like other counties in georgia, has always been evenly split between democrats and republicans, but republicans in cherokee county are no longer okay with that. they wanted a full scale republican takeover, when that was blocked, they comp with an ingenious new plan. they decided they would replace one of the democratic commissioners who had been nominated with their own choice. their own choice for a democrat. a new guy that none of the local democrats have ever heard of. but don t worry, the republicans who run cherokee county swear this guy they picked is definitely a democrat. the atlanta journal constitution reported that the republican cherokee county commission chairman, quote, assured the board that the new member is a democrat, even if the local democratic party is unfamiliar with him. i assure you, he s definitely on your team. i know you have never met and i picked him, but trust me. pinky promise. meanwhile, at the state elections board in georgia, republicans there just started writing a new rule that would allow county elections boards to conduct a, quote, reasonable inquiry before they certify any election results. so instead of signing off on election results as county election boards are now required to do by law, they would be empowered instead to investigate those results as they see fit. the journal constitution notes that, quote, the proposed rule doesn t say what a reasonable inquiry would entail before certifying an election. yeah, why would you specify that? you want every election denying republican county elections board member in georgia just making it up as they go along, calling their own behavior reasonable. while the presidential election potentially hangs in the balance. speaking of that state elections board, one of its republican members was ousted last month, one of its republican members was ousted, after trump reportedly spent months calling georgia republicans insisting that that election board member had to go. because that person was not backing trump s lies about the 2020 election. and so of course, the guy had to go. trump s personal involvement in remaking the georgia state elections board is just one of the revelations in new reporting from rolling stone. their new piece is headlined georgia is our laboratory. inside trump s plan to rig 2024. it details how trump s allies are working to make sure there will not be a straightforward election result in georgia this year, given georgia s swing state status that absolutely could be a deciding factor in how the election is going to go down. what is happening there? what is happening to try to stop what is happening there? one of the reporters on that rolling stone piece joins us next. stay with us. stay with us are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at the ultimate authority is the voter. the secretary of state was re-elected by the voters of the state by a larger margin than any other excuse me. order. order. by a larger margin than any other state-wide office. the voters order. have demonstrated their faith and therefore i do not believe that at present, we have the authority to oversee or investigate the secretary of state. georgia s board of elections gathered to discuss launching an investigation into georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger who had the temerity to say no when donald trump demanded he flip the results of the 2020 election in georgia. the lone democrat on that elections board spoke out against doing this unprecedented investigation of raffensperger. as you heard, she was loudly shouted down. in a new article titled georgia is our laboratory, inside trump s plan to rig 2024, rolling stone reports this. quote, the former president and his supporters have been making concrete step by step progress in shaping electoral processes to his benefit. across the state, maga die hards are devoting considerable resources to purging voting rolls, intimidating election officials, employing legal dirty tricks, and ousting appointees who haven t been initiated into the cult of trump. it s the state where the republican party has total control over the levers of power. over the last four years trump loving elements of the georgia republican party have wielded that advantage in a crusade to turn election conspiracy theories into policies. it s an alarmingly anti-democratic experiment that trump planned and much of the republican party hope to take national. joining us now is adam ronsly, the reporter co bylined on that sprawling piece. thank you for being here. thanks for having me. so what are some of the steps that trump and his allies have taken to change the electoral process in georgia? so one of the most alarming ones that a source who has discussed this issue with trump told us, a republican attorney, is they re planning to challenge the election result regardless of the result. you know, we think of the threat to elections from trump s behavior in 2020 as only occurring in the event that trump loses. you know, at the current state of polling, trump is ahead in georgia, if you believe the polling, but what republican attorney who discussed this with trump told us is that, quote, you can t let the left get away with this cheating just because it didn t succeed, air quotes around cheating. and the plan is to challenge the result regardless of the outcome. and the intent behind that is essentially a permanent delegitimization of the election process. it s heads, i win, tails you lose. and i think you had mentioned this a little bit in your intro, is that one of the things people should be paying close attention to is that refusal to certify in the fulton county board of elections in the presidential primary. because one of the things that s very, very notable about that is that the attorneys who filed that lawsuit work for america first policies institute, which is a very trumpy organization filled with former trump folks. and what you see in those kinds of processes is the legal january 6th in miniature. essentially you re taking someone who is, you know, acting beyond their brief and trying to essentially insert themselves into the counting and, you know, assessment of vote tallies. adam, is this actually a fight in georgia? you note, i think, importantly, that georgia s a place where republicans control all of the levers of power. we just played the sound of one democratic member of the state elections board getting shouted down when she objected to what they were trying to do in terms of targeting raffensperger. is this fight joint where there is pushback against what they re doing or are they essentially running the table by changing processes to their own benefit? you know, they definitely have quite a built-in advantage. and i think that s why georgia relative to other battleground states is particularly interesting because it is more so than perhaps any other state a fight for the soul of the republican party. particularly when it comes to their faith in free and fair elections. and yeah, even folks like brian kemp, who was an absolute obstacle to trump s attempt to, you know, illegally overturn the election in georgia, brian kemp signed sb-202, a law that allows for a range of, you know, sort of procedural chicanery. joe biden called it jim crow in the 21st century. you know, even folks who have proven themselves to be obstacles to some of the more overt aspects of it sometimes will just go along to get along. and so they definitely do have an advantage. and they are running the table in certain ways, but you do see folks like you mentioned earlier, like ed lindsay, whose resignation letter we obtained in the story. people like that, you still do have these kind of principled republicans who are willing to stand up for what they believe in, but as you saw with the case of ed, you know, he had to resign under a great deal of pressure from not just president trump but from the grassroots of the party who believe in a lot of election conspiracies. yeah, the bare fact that a presidential candidate is personally lobbying to remove individual state elections board members ought to be on the front page of every paper of the country. been reported by adam, reporter at rolling stone. adam, the by-line reporters on the piece, georgia is our laboratory, thank you for helping us understand this. thanks for doing this work. would love to have you back. thanks so much for having me, rachel. i appreciate it. we ll be right back. stay with us. stay with us i m gina. i want to talk to you about golo and how it has changed my life and how it can change yours too. like many of you i ve been dieting and failing half my life. and each time i would diet i would quit and my weight and health would get much worse. i had to do something. i saw a golo commercial, i talked to my doctors, and i ordered. like me, the golo success stories are real. give golo a shot. you won t be sorry. could have been the heat, i suppose. temperatures were over 100 degrees at his outdoor campaign rally in las vegas yesterday. so hot, six people had to go to the hospital, and another two dozen had to get medical treatment on site. could have been the heat, i suppose. could also maybe have been that he was nervous about the fact that he was less than 24 hours away from his first meeting with his new york state probation officer. that meeting could be particularly nerve-racking for him because, you know, one of the things a probation officer asks you after you re convicted of felonies is if you have been associating with anyone who has a criminal record. that s worth noting because if he is ultimately sentenced to probation next month while he s on probation, he would not be allowed to associate with anyone with a criminal record. for a lot of people, that wouldn t be a big deal. for him, that s a big deal. that particular restriction eats away at his very close social circle. so maybe that was all distracting him. i don t know. he maybe had a lot i don t know. whatever the reason, he decided to venture into new territory in his campaign speech yesterday, less than five months out from the election. this is an important swing state. he decided with the land locked citizens of las vegas needed to hear about from him in order to be persuaded to vote for him was his fear of boats. heavy boats, boats with batteries near sharks. you know, nevada sharks. i know you have heard it happened. you may have seen a headline or scrolled past it on a social media feed. have you actually watched it? uncut, straight through, watched it unfold? it is very much worth watching. it s astonishing. my favorite part is the people you can see at the rally behind him who are really trying to follow along but who clearly have no earthly idea what uncle ramble standers is on about. just watch this. what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? and you re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there? by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. did you notice that? i watched some guys justifying it today. well, they weren t really that angry. they bit off the young lady s leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was. these people are crazy. he said there s no problem with sharks. they just didn t really understand a young woman swimming. really got decimated and a lot of other people. i said so there s a shark ten yards away from the boat. ten yards. or here. do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted because he didn t know the answer. he said, nobody has ever asked me that question. i said i think it s a good question. i think there s a lot of electric current coming through the water, but what i would do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, i would take electrocution every single time. i m not getting near the shark. so we re going to end that. we re going to end it for boats. we re going to end that, we re going to end it for boats. we re going to end it for boats. vote accordingly. vote accordingly a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! all right, that s going to do it for us tonight. i told you tonight was going to be a show and a half. way too early with jonathan lemire is up next. donald trump has completed his presentencing interview with a new york probation officer after being convicted in his criminal hush money trial. what sources are saying about what happened during that private proceeding. plus authorities release a new mug shot of rudy giuliani as

Thing , Pain-won-t , Passions , Absorbine-pro , Pro , Solution , Anesthetics , Pain-relief , Two , Text , Sky , White

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240611

since the founding. the founding of our ideals. we don t know fully what american soil is. mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumblinging, and incoherent. n now, in fairness, this was around 9 p.m. eastern, which is well past joey s bedtime. i m sure bedtime he s going to g well tonight after that vigorous showing. plea s all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveyourr ever h an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not and your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilutfelde on your face. have a great night. i m on. i clap for me. r me happy monday, everyone. all right. san francisc o has opened the first free food market leave without paying. residents are reportedly confused how this is different from any other store in th theec city? in l.a., a new taxpayer funded high rise for homeless people now open. we re talking luxury apartments. there s a gym, a cafe. aps, and to make the residents feel at home. each uni unit features two coat] of fresh, according to a new pew poll. my favorite kind. 65% say gender is determined t at birth, while 34% say their g a person can change their gender later in life, the while 10% of drunk men polled after closing timed said, t i swear to god, i thought that was a chickwas a . we ve all been there. two men applauding heavily yet. he knows what i m talking about. chicago s progressive mayor branded johnson spent $30,000 in campaign contributions on his own private make up artist during hs his first year in office. e but you got to admit, the artist did an amazing job. my god god. during a rodeo in oregon on saturday, four people were injured after a bull jumped over a fence and injured i four people in the crowd. the same thing happene d the view once when joy behar saw someone in the audience sae of thislatoe weekend. donald trump told a nevada crowd he would eliminate taxese on tips. aske what s a tip? asked one man. very cheap, very cheap individual. decin his gun trial, hunter biden not to take the stand in his own defense. apparentlye wanted to be swornn in with his hand on a stripper s a. the account twitter for boston r celtic legend bill russell tweeted, let s celtics last night. turns out those were writtencaus by his wife because he s been deadat were for two years. sounds like he has a lot in common with joe biden. by the way, did you knowt, that joe also won won 11 championships with the celtics last year? now you feel differently. and finally, i think it s finally one of the world s oldest penguini thin s at age 30, s successfully with a four-year-old male. coldcouple canceled their plans to marry, saying the male got cold feet. i like that joke was forandmothe your grandmother. so in vegas over the weekend, trump slammednned e electric mandates for boats after telling the crowd about a chat hndates fr e with a boat maker. i wonder, did he ask what would anppen? the boat sank from its weight. and you re in the boat and you have this tremendouslye boat d l battery. what would happen if the boat sank from its weight?its we and you re in the boatig and you have this tremendously powerful battery. and the batter and thy is now underwater. and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there. by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. do you notic e that? the hold on. there s a shark ten yards away from the boat. 10y fromdo i get electrocuted? so there s a shark ten yardse away from the boat. s10 yardsten yards or do i get electrocuted? i if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. the boat is sinking. ovedo i stay on top of the boa and get electrocuted, or do i jumpd an over by the sharkted and not get electrocuted? because i will tell you, be said., know the entry you know, nobody s ever h asked me that question. it eve is a great question.ea electrocution or eatenn: by shak . we se should give death row inmates the choice. yeah. i like the way you guys think. i bet. trump also said. i think it s ai good question. i said i think it s a thod questio n. i think there s a lotauto of electric current coming through that water. but you know what i do? cu water was a shark or you get electrocuted, i ll take electrocution single time.kiddin i m not getting near the shark. ng - i don t blame him. don t and i m sure biden agrees. electrocution is how they restart his heart. everystar day to zaps to the bolts in his neck. speaking of joey s hemorrhaging, voters like voter jesse sheds follicles s. suddenly, it s trump who looks like he can unite the country. and thisuntr is scaring the outf of the dems. they re melting down like cher sdams face in direct sunlie over the weekend, l.a. timeshisd had this headline, quote, in silicon valley. more support for trump is trickling in. is it a bithg threat to biden? a reer, that tickets to a recent trump fundraiser reportedly went f for 300 grand each and t event was sold out. , trump raised 12 million in one night, the same amount i offered t taylor swift to stop calling me. calling now the big tech mona still go democrat, but crackt s are starting to form, and they re deeper than the ones in pelosi s face. tha it s no secret that the black and hispanic vote mostlymi men is shifting toward trump. this as smart national figuresbf are now willing to come out publicly for trump. for instance rapper 50 cente says he sees black men identifying with trump in thego upcoming election because they got rico charges, which means fani willis bogus rico prosecution of trump may be theh biggest backfire since joe forgot his lactose after. a pint of haagen-dazs. but don t take it from me. vegas odds have trump the favorite to win and joe as the favorite to sta tr in tht walking dead. g meanwhile, talking lizardle had james carville had to gripe. i thought that president biden should not run for reelection. or he said this right before devouring a plate of sauteed worming ss to have all the smah money and people are shifting to trumpt who are the holdoutsi meaning the people in our public lif e who aret on well-informed enough to know better, but still insist on backinga brain dead.? biden i ll tell you whohe it s the rich and famous, paralyzed by their own egos, para at trump with envy? think about it. imagine being robert de niro. or stephen king or howard stern or jimmy kimmel. and you got the memo that you aren t the center of the universe. and that memo is on donald igump letterhead. instead of the working class being ignored. it s this elitist thi it s these powerful men successful in their owialn right that trump makes them feel small. if you noticsme, loudest critics are successful people who sense largr own insignificance in this new world of trump. they feel like i do when takinr. a picture with tyrus. it s art. it s also why has beens likes le cheney, michael cohen and anthony scaramucci limichaessed with taking trump down? they re bit players in this movie, hoping that scenehoping s moment will come. but the most obvious examplee., the guy closest to trump in temperament and personality, howard sternlike ilosest. as trump elevated stern retreated, becoming believer in the gospel of thespel six foot distancing rule o and used covid to justify turning himself into gloria swanson usn, holed up in his 40q square foot mansion, dictating d to everyone how stupid and murderous they were for not anving what he thewere for had. and what is stern have in common with jimmy kimmel? doeit s the sense of demotion. they realize the world doesn t revolv e them.. a crushing realization. if your ego is everythinhingg right now, trump s more important than all of them combineds mo and it s killing them. meanwhile, the smart but ego satisfiemartd person, whether it s elon musk or vivek ramaswamy ormy me, we dont take it personally that trump may be the most consequential humae itn alive. of course, just edging out ryan seacrest. but it s because these people can think larger who know the selection. selectio and in fact, this nation, th are about more than just theismr which is why they ve got their necks out for trump and their middle fingers for and toe media. meanwhile, the egotists have become extras in the film of their lives and those who they considered the extras have taken starring roles. that the electorate. theyhey can t believe that the great unwashed not listening to them. but instead this new leading n. e and so they see trump and they ask, why could that be me ? it s one thing narcissistsrcis can t stand being ignoresistd on the world stage, but welcome tonight s guests. well, you don t have to mention it. he s just that forgettable. writert ha comedian joe devito. an expert in may making, cular men agitated. host of outkick the morning outkicmornink the morning on charlie ardo. his sense of humor comes fromfo his gut, his great, big, disgusting gut. host of fox news saturdayilla! night, jimmy fallon. and he s the only reason your grandpa has instagram. new york times best selling authornstagram. in fox news contributor n kat timpf joe williams. , what what do you think of my theory? because when you loothink ofk ae successful across the board, there are some that are totallys fine and some of them aren t. and i have to believe it is this realization that afterde three or four decades in the afmelight, they re finding out that they re not the center of the universe. yeah, well, trump has an amazing ability to soak up all the air in any room. it s incredible. y fu i mean, it s pretty funny. we have someone like james carville who looks like nosferatoue bideout and saying, i think biden s past his prime. we ve got to move on.hi s prim but got to admit, at this point, a vote for joe biden. it s a vote for kamalat fo. o te i don t think he s going to make it to the debates. yeah, but only elections. i mean, i was watching himthings at the normandy thing. i mean, there s 100 year old vets were like, do want to sit and look good? joe? they can t hide it. yeah, they can t. it they you know, they tried to get him his fancy. they got his footwear becausewaa that s why he was falling over. yeah, it s falling over. his body is saying, let me t die. i want to die heree. k so yeah, i think i mean, trump, if compare them, joe babbles and you think this is not good to watch but trump comes out. it s not like someone asked a questions out, boatut sharks and electric boats, but he had an answer readd any. he had it.. it s already. now, i don t know. er at the thed movie jaws and thought, what if they had an extension cord jawt ? wha a problem? but i think that s what s so hilarious about trump is that- s you can see and he s he s getting stronger and he s getting more vitaler and and het that energy now. i would like if there were some youngerme young people, mae a fresh faced 68-year-old, right? yes. - woul so but i would like if someone said to me, did you hear the president too his pant yous i could say that probably didn t happen. i just want probablyld proba wi: but it is funny, though. it was i no one really hasreally thought about the choice between electrocutioasn short being eaten by a shark. that s the kind of person the thate to have opp in the white house, as opposed someymebody who creates fantas about their uncle being eaten by cannibals. but what do you think about the fact that, like a lot of these people look at trumpo and they go like, i could have done that and they re kind ev mad that they didn t do ioul like, i think about that with mark cuban. i think that mark cuban has a proble mark trum with trump actually being not just a billionaire but also president, and he s still a billionaire. yeah, well, you look at markn cuban and he s worn so many different hats. i mean, he went from being jusht a businessman to a sports team owner to to really just being somebody that i thinke a lot of people at one point were able to relate to. now it s a completely different storo relate icompletey. ve included. i used to love mark cuban. until now he just insertedte in so many different political conversations that he has no busines to s in. but that s the thing about trump. he also has worn so many hats and yo wasu he was a businessma. he s been a a real estate investor. i mean he, he is single handedly responsible for building up new york to the point that it, o is today. , he was, you know, on the apprentice. he s a reality show star. he s nowon apprentieality former presidentm the united states, hopefully soon to be, you knowerident of,d his second term here. but people just don t like that. they don tterm her the fact tha say whatever s on his mind, that he does have a bit of an eger ihis mindo, but he has a pt in everything that he s saying. poy people are understanding and people are seeing the way that he s being treated with the sham trial. all ofated wit the convictionscv and people are now starting to relate to him and he s gettinicti tg, i think, a lot vt of votes or at least people getting on board with him that maybr ate have ben at another point in time, the latino votes, the blact k votes, the young votes, the silicon valley crew. and you sew,nde people turning t in droves in deep blue states, not even organizedd rallies. gk i mean, people are just deciding like, you know, what should we do this weekend? should we go drinking, should s we go to the beach? should we support trump? and they re choosing to supportmocrat trump, which is awesome to see in the democrats reactions. the bests part of it all, because they re calling them, of course, domestic terrorists and things like that, becauseem they don t know what to do with themselves, and especiallse the rally we just saw in vegas this past weekend, so many people showed up there like theseke people must be hireds on craigslist. it s like no democrats. pe hire the ones that have to hire the influencers to support you, not ins. onservativee to you know, jimi, yo, you have no shame. stop, yo it.d even i can t even, like, push back on an intro because i look like a fat cowboey to. yes, i do. i thought i looked cool wheni go i left my office that i just got on set. so the monitor. i look like clint eastwood. yeah. you know, the thing is though, i don t think like, people do have egos. i would saying that trump doesn t have any ego would be wrong. yeah, but trump has no sense of embarrassment. so he can, he can, like controln his ego. he can actually take risks . yes. it s it s this different kind of ego. don tw whatt isi don t know wh, but it s that they cannot bear that he is doing this. and they aren t 1,000% because this is the quality he has that they don t. he is a fighter. you know what n they -i mean? and he s not demoralized by someone else s success. don t forgethumois his whole eny into politics really started in 2012 when obama was dunking him at the white house correspondents dinner and he took all the shots and go white housendents dt offn the thing that burns howard stern s. because rememberde about howard? howard oc wanted to be politics. he ran for governor of new york. that s right. i forgot he wa s last likestic 30 seconds. okay, but stick with me. he was a guy whosek wihe was brd himself the king of all media, but become so much less omnipotent than trump. and he complains about everything omnip. not howard stern is now the prince harry of all media. that s kind of whaprincet he li nope, but but but imaginegine that does kill him then.this this is the bigger thingat sn and this is what s new to the trump movement. uc is trump is garnering majorp is support in the black community and he went to the bronx. the only time you get to hear biden say hello, bronxrmanentllf he s doing a rally in staten island. okay. but but that black street crowd thing matters like 50 cent matters. he is a guy with a lota guot of influence. okay? he got of shot nine times and dead. did something more dangerous like with chelsea handler. okay. but he had his shots. yeah, but that stuff matters. the only time howard orppor kimmel have had black support is when they painted it on to their face. that s true painted i not go. very good. all right, kat, why do celebrities in general struggle with trump s popularity? do you?g popularity is like a finite pie. no one else said it. so g i guess i have to say it is funny. see, you call out other p people for having a big ego. oh, i am right. thank you. that s such an easy joke. i know you re going to do that. well, you give you pictures yourself to other people for christmas. that is a joklf to othee abo uh oh, i, i honestly so i think. that it s not really a celebrity. i think it s why i write about this in my in my new book a little bit. i thin k limit k it s your new book called i used to like you tell. oh, i think it s all that way. oh, pick a lane. get le pick a lane and. it can be really hard for people to get out of that lane or even consider anything from anywhere else because they see the other side sides, not just people that they disagree with. you bad people, so they don t want to listen to anybody else or any other opinions. but i think the thing about stuff that s unprecedentei thg d is like what happened here in new york with the conviction unprecedented leads to more unprecedented. so i think when stuff like that happens, people do pay attention more. but precedink whenngcause pei pe a lot of money, i think, off of saying things trump is thisk. trump is that people have a fan base that expects them to sayn y those things. i think that that can also lead to peopl gettio peope not wantig to consider something else than what they found is make them greg: i successful. i do think some of them drive their careers into the ground outfve - of anger. you know, that s also that that s also definitely true some. yeah. all right. we ve got to move on. up next, no one is above no the laonvew unless it s hamass a drivel. you dramaw it. use] you ll be in the new yorkke f and like tickets to see 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[che hey, hey, hey. it s okay to wreck a statue, but mess with pride and they ll come right at you. ooh, that was a nice ride. eo our video of the day comes to us from america s capitol slash armpit. washingtons, where hundredsf of anti-israel demonstrators were filmed outside the whitan-e house, defacing statues and harassing cops. remember, thoughe fa, d.c. so hf of them were probably robbed and murdered later that da my. well, it s about as bad guy ,right? like there, dad? oh, yes. bad. shocking to see. imagine trashing america and destroying property without receivinimagine g course credit. they also chanted f joe biden. so it s possible they attackd the statue since it was the only thing less mobile thank . the president. std protestsorle the have been going on since october 7th. prior to that, you had riotss en courtesy of blm and antifa. there were no repercussions, no arrestspercussi. but we have now is punishment doled out, withheld based on viewpoint? meanwhile, this insane case inspt.o three teens riding scooters let skid on a painted pride flag sidewalk mural a sidewalk mural.e ar and they were arrestedre and charged with first degree malicious mischiefchar-degre. es so what s that tell you? well, there s vandalism. the media condemns and vandalism that they protect. condemns a you can t deface a pf mural, but feel free to drawac hitler mustache on jesseje watters faceters fac. by the way, that s not a comparison. order. that s actually in order. all right. mos i think what upsets me mostent is the harassment of theof ye, ranger. jimmy? yeah? park rangers are like, the mostm likable people on the planet. they, like, know all thablt they re eagle scouts with a salary that if you if you harass a park ranger, you should get the death penaltt ld gety. bear. yeah. they ve applied it to jokes about the death penalty. this audience, this is. what do you meanath pena ? what do you mean? okay. what do you make about. i mean, i know that it s an od d . kids get charged for, like, riding scooters. a pride barrel. yeah, but you could destroy property. yeahmurau can . engor no, i m surprised biden didn t do more about the statues because he went to higondoe tha- with most of those guys. you knowent tw, so silly.e nr but it does, i think part of this. because guy is unarmed. okay. and that s that s first of all, it s such a movsonal.ts move,ee to go after an unarmed guy like that. mm-hmm. bitch wuf any of this is projection from how bad the paul blart sequel was uni wondere. this is kind of a mall car. but there s this other thing that you know is true when we talk about the pride arrest in spokane t. certain causes have beenave cosigned is righteous and okayas . mm-hmm. and when it comes to the pride thing, that s why they went to jais il, got arrested.him the reason these guys aren t is because the left is cosign to thianons s. le s and that s the double standard thing that speaks to a collective lack of civic s to pride.e okay like, everyone should be mad ife our sacred monuments are being defiled because that s a middle finger to all of us. soddle fin all don t know.i beat your kids. i don t know what else to say. oh, they love violence. it s not just capital punishment. it s corporal punishment they like. yeah i kat, you said in the green room you wish we would just execute all of these protesters. i thought that was weird. coming from a libertarian. well, they didn t like that one. you know, the interesting thing about the pride mural, i think,v is look. vandalism is bad. yes. i think defacing a prideandalisl bad. mm-hmm. i think it s interesting that nobody is pointed intert that these are teenagers being charged with a felony for this. charwith aright. yea and facing ten years for this. which i thought we wereprogre becoming more progressive on criminal justice reform. yeah. and havingss tice ref concernsm an about overcriminalization of things. and this is to md e, a very clear example of an overcriminalization. i say for have that to be a felony for teenagers facing ten years. so i hope it doesn t go there. i hope yearshope i they don tt actually serve ten years for that because, i mean, that s how people become more radicaltw ,too, right?become that s how people become more radicalized. yeah. when you overdo it and the punishment gives me an idea,n though, charlie, i m going to start putting pride stuffment all over my stuff because then i know it won t get vandalized. i m juste thnine o going to pai my entire house a giant rainbow, and theann like, when there s, like, like a huge riot, my house will remain standingt . o well, here s the thing that you would have to tak e to it is pride. y you do have your colorful gucci bag in there, though, different banors that you ve beeoul gu carrying. don t want. they don t want to steal that. yeah. you you weres offore ahead of t- tribe. the part about like if you were going to redesign of your stuff though because i walked by the new york public library the other day and i was just staring at the pride flag and it just has have so many so many advancements to it now. i mean, there s so many different stripes and colors and geographic shapes. and i m like, what does all of this mean? mm-hmm. so you have a lot to learn. probably there if you want to start. i don t want to learn. anything. i m. i m, you know, i m anti learning. if i started, i going to show terrorist mobs. yeah. also anti learning. but the but that s the thing about these these anti-israel protesterse an is they just havi mean, the biggest themin all because they know nothing s going to happen. it s middle of the day. they re defacing history. they know that peopleop are filming themle fil on, their phones and they just don t care because they know nothing going to be done.ything they are completely safe from anything, you know, anyu punishment having happen to them. meanwhile, you havve thee the te scooter riders who decided to commit their crim e at 130, yo in the morning because at least, you know, you figure you re going to do something ang, but do it in the middle of the night where you might not cut, but the democratss ha have a rule. nobody s allowed to leave skid marks. but biden gove a no one it to go, joe, everybody gets a free drink, joe.f we d joe, here s anotherriompari comparison betweenso the covington kid was everywhere in the news that day. one kid at a right to life pro-life parade in dc. one kid everywhere because itre seemed like he d offended some other minority group. and it turned out it was the reverse that got this. it s nowhere in the news, dana pointed out today. there s like you can t find in the story of the protest o anywhere it s well first when i saw the kids with the e i waswa outraged because it was young people having fun and that justn me angry anyway. i m oldd and bitter but i kn think we re calling too many things hate. if you i ng to haf you read the over t the top, they re saying this vile act of hatred. well, look at all the things that the work the anti-israel protesters to do.s they had to climb up a statue. they had to spray paint that threw thingb s. - a cop. they lit up a smoke bomb. meanwhile, these kids, they left scuf mef marks on something that was on the road. yes. scarred ethingg jail. yeah. and it s it s insane because, look, i understand what thee purpose of pride had been. you had a group of peoplad beene who were told to be ashamed of themselves, and they said, an don tthid w to live that way. and everybody was on board with that. and i don t want to hear people says on . what about straight pride? because you don t know about straight pride. nty browserk atm history and you ll never ask what straight people should be proudry and of.okay? but it s the way it s the unfair application. like we re going to talk about equaby l ity, look at those two crimes. you have a crime. it s it s sapplic o much more it s - so much worse. no one s doing anything. and then you havanet a little piddly thing and everyone s supposed to freak out. and that is not equality ng that a pal, not equity, and it is not sustainable because like kat said, people are going to start to pusush back.push b exactly. and i think they re going to push back on novemberac nd i.h yeah, i m. thank you.] stop it. all right. you re amazing. audience though he spends audience though he spends as much on looksks leget the as he does free and crooks. has grow let s get the rest os plants. organic soil from organic soil from miracle-grults. the best garden i have ever had . good soil. and you get good results. this soil will blo w away. it s the martha stewart of soil. i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to andy. jamie was the first person to call. he s resurfaced. my flooring, he s done plumbing work. he s refinished this beautiful he s refinished this beautiful table here. find top rated certified pros in your area at angie aecom psoriasis all ople i couldn t get my hai wre then psoriatic arthritis conc thatc circles on both my people with psoriasis my people with psoriasis on the scalp have a, higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. se some fatvaccine actions severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. some have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, have a infection or symptoms, have a vaccin. symptoms develop or worsen still working for me. see in the fast paced rhythm of life where demands can be relentless and time is precious, prioritizing your well-being can be hard. not to worry. balance of nature. fruits and veggies supplements are convenient and easy to add to any schedule paired with eating more, fresh produce, regular exercise and a positive mindset balance of nature. fruits and veggies supplement can help you keep your rhythm, whether it be excelling in your day to day or living in the moment. start your journey with balance of nature. supplements. due to popular demand, the free fiber and spice plus 35% off promotion is extended. with your first order as a preferred customer, go to balance of nature. com or call 1-800- 2468751. don t wait. this offer is only available while supplies last with free shipping and our money back guarantee use discount code. fox news. this is the oldest ballpark in the country from host to hall of famers and their bambino, home to the women s gibson. jackie robinson and now the giants take on the cardinals in a celebration over a century in the making and they ll be back with would be amy holmes fox there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers more people than there are wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains, which means to me is more popular than health code violations. to me it s more popular than wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains to maximize emotional opportunities. hosting a cook long demonstration streamed live wednesday is welcome camera start speaking disaster. oh god food stars all new wednesday on fox. i m thinking of starting a writing club. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers on june 21st. one of the biggest films of the summer arrives at the many nice little i like you guys. you re in dress a nice. how many stoplights did you when they said seven? felt like one? he keeps he s going to die one way or another. you re crazy. we are undesirable. this is war war of black writers. we are only in theaters june 21st. tickets on sale now. a story in five words.a st ormayor spend 30 k on makeup. charlie chicago s ultra progressive mayor, brandon johnson,e, chica spent $30,000 h and makeup during the first year. air his first year at off office. on this is insane campaign. he spent 30 grand on makeup. this guy m gets like 100 bucksit a day. i just came u cp with thaamt this is insane. it s insane. i am obsessethd with cosmetologe . i mean, i am the highest levelsw of spendinl g at. what s your favorite planet? my favorite planet. grei don t. i don t get astrology. oh, that s cosmology. oh, i get iti do. rology. okay. okay. g no lesseyear is impossibl . yeah, even if you try so hard to do, i can only imagine his donors are like, thank you so much for usinsg our monel towards areas well spent. the the big thing that camest to mind was when i read this article and i saw how much more he spent than other elected officials the area00 and saw that lori lightfoot only spent $2,000 the year prior. yes, i was like, you should a have spent wayr you more, you k, so what what cat like what kind of makeup you using? is it like, maybe it s for his whole body? yeah, he s got something on skin care. i yeah. i ve never heard of man spending this kind of money on skin care. wan, dude.t italia okay, i m just going to half my husband s italian. i m like, you have more your cabinet than i do. it s true. douso they lear you think? you know? do you think he s just bang in the makeup ladt bainy? what?ear ph have you seen her? did you see her photos? otyeah, hopefully.- well well, maybe he is all right ,so maybe he s not. yeah. yeah. what could be the reason? i want to know the reason. yeah, i think a deep.y thin i think when you get into it,k it s a it s can be. sometimes you need this other thing. you need this other thing b you need this other thing. you know, it could be like he s spiraling and skin cared s yeah. you know. do you think he s addicted to the feeling of moisturize. ther? i ve heard that happening. it. you get used to the sensation of i get ut. yes. i sleep in a tub of olive oil every night. you can just see it.go i think he looks fantastic. let s go. brandoy.n i say money well spen, you know. is it corruption? we it corruption corrupt or is t maybelline? you don t kno don t kw. i think it s an overreaction. the pendulum swings because like you said, i remember when lori lightfoot skipped out during the covid lockdowns and said she needed get a haircut because she need to look good. yeah, i meanto , now, like i thinkd wh people said whatever you need to spend. yeah. atev neeto spelori no, you guyst socket with the hair like that?. yeah, i say good for him. but in chicagoin, most makeup expenses like that are reserved for open casketsor ope. yeah. oh, well, since you made it alcal, the reason the locals upset is because in chicago, you normally steal the cosmetic. you know what i meant ause chicago? justice that s just the said. i thought that. but you don t like my k cats. well, yeah. i didn t kill anybody in the drive by. igutfeld but i mean, all i wd say is i spent a lot of money in d.c. as a and this is betterr than what marion barry wass spending 30 grand a month on. i guess i got to give hivem that bea.r. marion barry was able to come back from being caught on crack like mad at this guy madeuy hunter biden like richie cunningham. well, why did that pop intoov my head? 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[be what? that. what? that they re. i didn t realize this wasst a story about a snub. but it s next. we have the olympics next month. did you know this? did you knowdid yo? d yeah. what do you do know? e. se i m outsidyou know nobody knew that it was next month. nobody knew that. [laughteokay. yeah. t this. i mean, i don t know why she why wasn t on the team. wasn.heard a lot people weighing in. i don t get it. if it makes her feel any better, i don t know. i don t recognizt may bettere nf of anyone else on the team except for brittney grinere. and that s not because she s, like, good at basketball so much as, like, bad at packing. goodetball say backp. good job. yeah all right, charlie, all r you re kind of like this sports ladig.y here. a it could be a legit reason forr this omission or it political or social or cultural. it s. it s social. they re just jealous of caitlin clarke and all the eyeballsst jea she has on her.her. nobody cares about the wnba. they care about caitli aboutn cr clt with that being said, caitlin clark is able to bringly so many eyeballs to the wnba. she would bringth millionsmal more viewers to the women s basketball game in the summer olympics. apparently, the olympi morc committee just doesn t want people watching their games during the olympics. d. and it s really sad because caitlin clark certainly deserves to be there. it s notk certaiy rves t of by any stretch to have a exceptional rookie play on the olympic team. this has and if she s a rookie, that s why greg: s. no, it s not why. there s a lot. i m just trying to see excut be,r excuse mighse the you know what i m saying? well, i think one of the excuses that has been made was that she misser n d of themade tha workouts because she was in the championship tournamen becausetn she was still at iowa. that maybe that could have been why. but now they re sayingiowatherea might be an alternate on the team. but we all the yeah was going to play joe. know she could have gonee on the team if she had a . she could have. yeah i, i think caitlin clark ap is partly to blame because she made the controversial decision to be pleasant. yea contral decish. i don t want to hear anything. and i like women s sports. i don t want to hear any more complainingand from the wa as they try to drive away any t potential new viewers. because if i want to watch - who hate white people, i ll put on the new star wars sta i. all right, jimi. oh boy, did you know the olympics were coming up. id not deny lim. i had no idea. i m in my own little world. yeah, that matters. very tin.y. y tiny oh, greg, listen, i care w about this story. my wife, actually a really good high school basketball player. she graduatede .is a v erget nothing. that s great. i love that they re clapping. i ve told that jok e on the show five times. oh, wait, what? that was that when you were i going? i tried to tell this joke twice on a ve tried toke twicene he dove in the way of it by accident. once, like three weeks later, i the topic came up. i naturally roll intocame u the joke and all of a sudden i just stop and go. you did it agai alln. but today matters because we finally completed the joke it! anyway. no, i do. i care about women s basketbal . wife would have been in the wnba, but she s pretty ay wha. but p stop it. that s a joke. [lau. tt it s totally a joke. i am surprised team usa didn t do this just because of thsed he ee jersey sales. because you know how much money her jersey sells comparative to everybody els mucmonee is in the wnba, and we re not exactly rolling in dough in this country like a statucoms of liberty is selling pictures of its feet on only fans right now. it s ba erty is sellind. the m i can t get the money,on that s all. mm. all right. all rig up next, get engrossedup your your favorite local news host if you ll be in the newl be york area and like tickets to see gutfeld to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audiencm/k our studio audiencm/k ieve at e. oan. we believe that new day usa. we a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing. our purpose is not just closing. alon we want to do whatever is best for the individual serviceheir f person. person. we want to be knownamilies. as america se ones t mortgage cy for veterans and active duty for veterans and active duty service people and and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. peopme of thving thed arduous,te difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for for the freedoms that we have here in this country. have here in this country. they re willing to dso for u you, for me and for our family . so for us at new day, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at thisl u point in timt.e, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa to get your done right. pros everywhere trust green works for instant on run all day commercial grade absolute power and. now you can unleash all that power at home with the all new, all electric maximus z, the most versatile zero turn utility mower on planet. it s 30% more powerful than gas, with 31 horsepower cutting up to three and a half acres on a single charge, a consistent maximum blade tip speed for a more precise, beautiful cut and the only zero turn mower with a rear dump bed. no gas, no fumes, no maintenance, just absolute power from an intelligent system that works with over 75 tools, saving you time and hassle for a quieter, faster, easier job done, more power, more versatility, more for a limited time. get up to 25% off plus free shipping. visit participating retailers greenworks tools aecom. now that s life powered by greenworks paul ryan live on your from the presidential debates to the balance of power and the economic impact with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. and. relax. ellipse does all the work for you all. now in order eclipse coast thatoast stories that matter most. you re watchinter mostg local n, with emmy winning anchor w kelly crysta l kelly replacing chet van janssen, who died. and now here s kelly. hi, i m kelly cook. for kelly this is local news or every guest has to share a story from wherever they re from. all right, charlit ate, you o first. thank you so much from indianapolis here. and i just want everyonee willm to mark their calendars. we ve got a big evene everyot cg august 8th, 7:30 p.m. at the indiana state fair, 30:0. keanu reeves will be there, but not keanu reeves. e anthe will be keanu reeves,r the musician, which you knew, who knew that he was in a band called dog star. he s a bassistwain. arde john wick just got even hotter. and i will alshardo say that as someone i m a big fan of the indiana state fair, what, every single yea bacr growing up, andi am fully convinced that the reason i have never any realse serious illnesses growing up or even to this day is becauset at one point i dropped my corn dog on the grounoni d at the indiana state fair and i still ate it. so every germ and you get whi you gain weight, are you goinge] to go? i love to go to the indiana>i state fair. if i can make it on august 8th, ca wouovhen i have the day off? but yeah, absolutely. dog star all the way. great. all right, jimmy, why don t you go? whoa, my people. strong islany. go? -d, obviously. hey, girl, how in the it up for joey buttafuoco? no, i m kidding -. that s timely. my county executive, bruce blakeman, just reintroduced a bill that would ban biological men from competing th women s sports, which anyone who tries to thankan you, anyboy trying to protect women s sports. i think we owe a debt of gratitude because there s not enough speaking up.e beca you know, when when a womanusce swimmer dives the pool, shen shouldn t also be battling shrinkage. you know what i meaimmer die but the point is, again, i m bringing thiw ? s back to my wife because jenny was a good high school athlete and she takes a lot of pride in women s athletics. think of the movie a league of their own that was not supposeds hig thee to describe one persons that was about the whole female movement. and i suppose just want to st out, my member is. blakeman that s it. bruce this is for you, bab- bre okay, greg, are you going at all right? i m going to cover this california homeless high rise. it s amazing. it cost like 50 plus million dollars, 228 studio apartments,o 51 bedroom apartments that each costs about 600 grand. and this is for the homeless. 00but know what s interesting about this, other than it makes you want to throw up what t, itn skid row, do you remember anybody been to l.a.? anybw? t peop the assumption that people that live on skid roe onw are gg to take care of a high rise? right. you have to bee, as mentally il as they are. this idea of justre go. we don t know how you solve the homeless problem. give them houses. don t they don t want your house. e they re homeless. so they could do drugs, queued why casuit u, whatever they wan. so how long do you think? until there s in the pool? [l howhink, god well, if i m . hey, are all rightau, joe? well, here in new york city, new york governor kathy hochulse suspended the plan for congestion pricing. ang so you gets. a little break there. you don t have to pay your exit fees. yeah, it s it s another one of these great new york city plans to punisnuch the law abiding and glad that they they held it off. but it was amazing. it was in conversations with david paterson, our forme r governor. so it just goes to show you when you re taking traffic advice from a blind gugoeso y, i you re not doing a great job. on that note. don t go away. we ll be right years with my best friena.d. pir quick. the quicker picker upper bound the quicker picker upper bound to absorb spills u and is two times more absorbent and is two times more absorbent so you can use less bounty, quicker picker upper organic o the n me the best garden i have ever had soil and you get good results. s look at that. the broccoliix, se was fantasti. that broccoli, i think some of them were six £7. itch, itch. scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone. ten for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number afte one doctor recommended it works fastr and, lasts 4 hours. th at c cortisone ten after 30 yo of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factorss that can cause mental decline and memory issues. in a across and i can t find the right way to say it. to say it. i noticed as i got into my fifties, i started feeling i like a little moreed forgetful, a little more brain fog, introducing cue the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctor studyis. rm bet dr. dale bredeson neural cue is the result of yearste resear studying the precise nutrients your brain needsin perform better. neural cue contains a key ingredient clinicallwithin jy sn to influence brain performance in as littles been s as seven d. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients ono in neural cue has been shown to help improve memory focus, tt concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that onli ingredy fs on one or two factors, it s a multi ingredient, multi action formula that helps fuelbu boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive care and noticeable results. in an internal study four out in an internal study four out of five, neural cue, users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week sn time i wassee th able to think clearer was the first thingke ti i can see that there is an i can see that there is an improvement just in thnge tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking wit, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus call o and getting things done as well as my memory and recall call or go online now to find out how you can try neural cue. how you can try neural cue. shipping act now rec you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep, go dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898 order. now attention! former and family members stationed to camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and have been diagnosed with neurobehavioral effects, had a child born with birth defects or been with fertility issues or more significant compensation may be available. call legal injury advocates now to process your administration claim before the august 10th 2024 deadline. it has been proven that the water at camp lagoon during those years was extremely contaminated with toxic chemicals. legal injury advocates has extensive helping to get the maximum compensation you deserve. now, before it s too late, you re not alone in this fight, and there are no upfront costs to begin your journey to justice. the call is completely free. we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240611

rican. oh, renaissance. when no way he can be his best in this country. no way, jose. judge. okay, who knew a tri dana:p te eye doctor could be so adorable. check out these penguin who took time out of their busy days for their routine eye exams as penguins age cataracts and other eye conditions can affect their vision, just like humans. so it s important that these impo get checked. and i m on the ingram mangle tonight. all right. and, richard, thistonight. 100 and two-year-old, 102 year old vet world war ii vet is retiring fromfrom being a crossing guard. he s also a postal worker. his name is tom bessette. he lives in greensboro, northwate carolina, 3630, just across fromr day! and that s it for us. have a great night. welcome to jesse wattersni primetime tonight. what is deal here and comghte to think about joe biden s advantage. eep ]. whatever we do, the left says off with biden s head. son of a . if donald trump wins, people will start flying out of windows. , they will end up in gulags. they will end up, as donald p ine, send themthe medi to gitmo. the media fantasizing about trumg aboup, the dictator. but what if biden loses. and he doesn t leave? no i m not going anywhere. oh, oh, it s a wild animal. summer across. it was a mostly peacefulnd i weekend in washington. the sun was shining, the birds the and little johnnyg. how jihadis surrounded the white house. rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. oh, it was nice. i like outside, but you had a hard. the johnny jihadi is desecrating the statue of general roshan bo,oo the frenchman who, along with lafayette in washington, forcedchma the surrender of brih general cornwallis, effectively winning the revolutionary war. police made no arrests. actually, there was one arrest, but he escaped. nebiden says he s defending democracy but can t defend the demole of the genera who helped start it. it was also biden s biggestrt turnoued.t of the season.son, crowd size in the tens the of thousands more democrats protested biden in one night,n then showed up to support him all year. arris kamala also got showeredho with sharia love in michiganwer and we mourn all the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza, including those tragically los killed today.. for the past eight months,s, president biden and i have been workinpresidg every day to brins conflict. m sp i m speaking right now and i value and respect your voice, but i m speaking right now. while biden and kamala wereng getting heckled out of their own blue backyards, trump was on their homheckled owne turf g some california love for 40 five didn t come home empty handed. more on that in a minute. thene homended, mo he flew to va a campaign rally that was so hot, the teleprompter broke. could you imagine ifu biden was up? he iime s no good with the teleprompter is the worst i ve seen. but could you imagine of thepror teleprompters were of his biden is is. cu, oh oh. he wouldn t even say anything because he s incapable. he d probably go pause in a pause about what he s reading the teleprompter and thennd the they say pause, meaning, you know, maybe you ll get aboumaybe t three people clg and let s pause. now, he just walked off the stage like this teleprompter, but this guy is the worst. after the comedy show, trump revealed a new economi c policy that hard working americans are going to love. hard-wor you know, people areg to themselves, were we better off four years ago? are we better off now? and it wasn t even closeur o. we had the greatest economy in history. what we dif thd in taxes, nobod ever done. so thino hass is the first timee said this. and for those hotel worker s and people that get tips, you re going to be very happy, because whenyou will i get to o, we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people makingtips tips. ng and now, when i was a bellhop, they paid me about four, 25 an hour, but i made hundreds of dollars in cash tips, whichmn we didn t report, obviously, because they can tax dol it. tai but everything s on credit cards now. you can t hide i t. canno uncle sam, taxes tips. biden hired 87,000 extra irsn he agents, gave him guns to do it.t trump s tip tax cut makeske biden look like a sinister old geezer, and it s already movinlg the needle. i did talk with some hotel some servicerday, workers here in las vegas about how that is playing with theas howm. le tol and america, about six people told me that would change their vote, that is. enough to make them switch from voting democrat to republican ifoughke donald trump is promisg something like that to them. sources trump in delaware tell meble biden s a terrible tipper. usually has somebodyer else payh for him. but when he does pay no buen ho a bed tipping president who taxes tips doesn t get reelected. .a new cbs poll says the econom is the number one issue for america. hurricanes american, not the trump the conviction. that s at the bottom of the list. and it s not just the economy, stupid. turns out mosty, america wants a mass deportations, too. would you support a new program government program that would deport all peopl thae living ine u.s. illegally and that find a majority favor that fine. six and ten. , becausehat a bit this 62% of americans favor the deporting all undocumented immigrants. some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn t seem practicale to in some sense to round up trump holdren. so what exactlyp children do people think they re supporting? deporting illegals could be illegalse: depo. is the kind of brilliant analysis americans are blessed with on cbs sunday alysis as. execu remember biden s executive order to shut down the border ifti border crossings hit overr 2500 a day? well, border crossings have been over 2500 a day every day since biden signed the ordey er, and he hasn t shut it down. the day after he signed the ordeafter, they were 4000 border crossings. the next dayr they were 10,000. anybody hear anything about biden shutting down not the border? you didn t because he didn t. .why would democrats support a man like that? they don t?they dt. e show a friend of the show, nick shirley, went to compton. watch. votin who are you voting for in 2020 for obama. , obama s not even running. i don t know what i m voting for trump, but i m voting for trump because he put money in our pocket. i m. tyou pu say sleepy joe. sleepy joe? no, i m just plain probably trump. i ain t gonna go for trump. i will see whereus i go for trump because biden ain t showed us nothing for the people. give me his name. trump, bruh. and why so? because he for us. cheers to trump. joe biden has been president from 2020 to 2024. what differences have you seen t those past eight years? everything s going up. ass?food s going up.economie gas going up. the economy is going up. goin it s it s a difference, a major difference that can be done for our community. yet we re still in the ghetto. e we re still in the hood. whatever we do s. i haven t seen no changes, period. from compton to silicon valley,o democrats are walking away fromr the guy who can barely walk.$30l trump hauled in $30 million from his california swing. 12 million came straight at nancy pelosi s backyard. tech billionaire say they were impressed by how eloquentan and articulate trump was arti up their checkbooks. he wasn t the guy i seeon on tv, one source told the post. he was very thoughtfulce and self-deprecating. one of the billionaires who hosted the fund raiser forro trump was a lifelong democrat who says he s been forced into political homelessness as a democrat who has been left homeless, who is now deafw and only in the center, but probablyn th leaning increasingly right and left yet again with an appreciation . despite the messenger of the message of the jp administrationenger of t,s remorse is rippling through the democrat ranks. , and clinton guru james carville says, don t blame me on t. never i never wanted the guy isn t a choice. then i was crazy about. i actually was very public that i thought that president biden should not run for reelection, but he did. and it s him and trumpan h. and that s where i am. the lack of enthusiasm among young people for public policy or public service oror pub being involved in the publicli square is quite disheartening. and the democrat numbers guru nate silver announced today that the biden approvalan rating has reached an all time low and says biden is in much h worse shape than he was four years ago and is on track ack to to lose handily and suggests we might have hit the threshold loi where biden dropping out would help democrats more than if. he stuck it out. because what does it saybe about caus doea man who won t pt america s symbolic landmarks, mat our national sovereignty, and won t even protect workers meagert protec s from vicious irs agents during an inflationars fromy bubble tht he caused. if yy, ou love this countr you fight to protect it. number one, take any of thei greatest fighters of all time. trump is, number one, the most resilientrump ist human being t ever met in my life. and what respect? i keep doing this. you know, you got money, you got a great life. you got whatever. wha y keep doing this? and the one thing that i can tell you, and this is a factll. this guy loves this country, right? and he loves all americans, regardless of what color, religion. or whatever it is. he s not a racist. he s a good humais notn being. a and he loves america and he cares about this country. period. end of storynd. from waitresses to whales, from compton to venture capital to lafayette park, just yards from the white house. the antipark biden avalanche is building up speed and is taking all of us along forhe bot the ride from the bottom up to the top down this electio tn boils down to this reason triumphing over fear. if enough americans use their common sense and deliberaten and they don t allow their passions to be inflamed by demagogues, , joe biden will be soundly defeated in novemberll. investor and entrepreneur righd sacks joins me now. all right, david, you havee a few billionaire buddies. you re out there in silicon i valley. is it just you and a couple guys ois ir how big is this anti biden movement at the upper echelons? i think it s getting surprisingly big, jesse.ig you know, when we agreed to do j the fundraiser foresse d was president trump, the goal was just to raise $5 million. and we weren t even sure we could do that because, as you well know, silicon valley is pretty much a liberal sili in. now but we ended up raising $12 million. brawe had over 100 people ther. and it really was a total love fest. and then oved people out in theu the san francisco newspaper has been trying all week to get to gin up protesters and nothing really materialized at all. but hundreds of people came out to demonstrate in favor of presidentl bu? trump andeven they were cheering all along his motorcade, even in san francisco. so if that s the the enthusiasm gap in a liberal place like san francisco, what does that tell you about the rest of the country? it tells you a lot. and we ve seen the it all acrose the country. tree in the bodegas in compton ,pretty much everywhere. it just shocks you. you said there was a lot of love for trump in the room. that s obviously, you know, people definitely there to donaty the. the is it the anti biden feeling or is it the pro-trump feeling? how would you define it? well, we hadd a lot of people in that room who had never donated to republicans before p. to trumr dona they were new donors or they were had always been democrat donors. r theyand yet they came out. and i think i attribute that toy the fact that trump is makingg inroads in silicon valley and then als silicono biden is y alienating people. he s really pursued a very hostilpeople.e e program towards innovation. he s been very hostile towardspt crypto. he s wanted to overregulate a.i.. innovation -t downg that all m&a. and so i think there s a lot i of people in technology who are askinge in, what good is this fr us? how does it help us t ofour y have another four years of president biden? and i think that trump haseaf et basically declared that he s the crypto president. he s in favor of innovation. prhe s willing to listen. i think he listened extremely well to all the people in that roo ynem. and fundamentally, he wants america to do well. and i think that peoplhe ae in h who get to meet the president get to know him, they see that he really cares. and i think they can be won over by him. and reallyng they bei think then over by him. you say that the biden administration is trying to kneecap i think kamala might be the eye, s are i don t know f she s doing it or someone else is doing it. the age factor because kamalaus is in play. if biden is reelected, he s going to hand i it over to kamala probably in the first or second year. how much of a factor is thate i well, the white house had this a.i. summit, and they did trump kamala out with a 100 page pluas regulatory plan.p and it was just absurd in terms of the level of detail that they were getting to in terms of regulating this thing. loo the sink, a.i. is brand . at some point, we re going to need to regulate it, but nolt right now. and i think the feeling from a lot of people in tech was that if this was anoplee government reacted to the internet back in the 1990s, it never would have materialized. itet back 1990s never would hao into the revolution that the internet was the, which was vers very good for american jobs and productivity. and america s leadershipoductivs world. so what you don t want to do ai in in thegreaovatio kil cradle. and i think there was not a great deal of confidencet dew that kamala harris was w the person who was going to be the air czarasoing, who s going. to lead us into this glorious future. so, yeah, i think that they are just going to trigger yeah, the biden administration is way o trigger happyregula on regulation. i mean, that s the bottom line. all right. thank you very much. monetiy talkon ands and it te t 12 million things to say at this fundraisery . that s a lot of talking. david sax, thank you so much. everybody go check out the podcast. there he is. thanks, jesse. johnny goes to the puerto rican day parade. salot of puert pueo ricans are saying they re voting for donald trump. i say yes.h? 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the other is possession. the first is, did hunter biden lie to employ or is thegon wilmington, delaware gun store on october 12th, 2018, when he checked no to being a drug user or being addictedd to drugs? did he lie on the form itself when he checked? e . and did he illegally possess a gun for 11 day ts in octoberur 2018 if he was a drug user. now the government, jesse, does noe got t have to prove that hur was on drugs at the exact moment he bought the gun o momer even really in the whole month of october 2018. jurors have to look kindh of at the entire time frame, talking about months and weeks beforame after leah wise, a lawyer for the government, told jurors not to focuse jurors on the presencn of famous people sitting in the fa meaning the first lady and others. he didn t want jurors to be distracted. hunterd others, the attorney, pu to the gun for which says, are you in unlawfuchl use oro addicted to illegal drugs? it doesn t say, have you ever beenillegal abbe lowell sayingi it s all about hunter biden s frame of minngs ald? so those are some of the things the jury has to weigh. it has been quite a triae somel in just a week. it s been fairly short getting all this done in the courtroom e today, hunter biden seemed cheery. he was walking around, giving people hugs and kisses,x thanking them for coming to support him. there was a momentthankithem foe hallway where you could see he, the first lady and his wifwaeeas bowed their heads with some men who seem to be a religiousod figure, maybe possibly praying before they went into court. he could facorg toe up to 25 years behind bars. jesse, tomorrow, we re likely behi ag to get a jury if weheres don t. clearly, there s something going on with this case. if it doesn mething it comese:h back tomorrow. back to you. thanks. david carrier voank you?n. s legal editorcourth who was also in the courthouse today. ou, carry,carrie hunter looked happy to me, was smiling in goodot spirits. goodwhat does he have to be sou happy about? the aybe he s happy about the possibility that the showing of his family members is having an effect on the jury. it seems like doj is concerned about it becauseju.. a they opened their closing with a pretty stark statement. it was bold. y stark jeff. it was gutsy.ey wer and they were leaning in for a reason and they gesturede jut like this to jill biden and the family members. hi joe bthey re sitting right te several feet away. and they said this is not evidencend. and they went on to say, how do you know to the jurors,them they you may have watched them watching you. you may have seen their implied emotionat you,l you may have seen them on the news. but respectfully, none of thists matters. and then they presented what felt like, frankly, oveherf whelming evidence of hunter biden s drug useiden s d, both e during and after the time period in which he purchased that gun. time o i have the form right he, and it s as clear as day. heas are you an unlawful usera of or addicted to narcoticrcs? you do. why are they even still deliberating, carrie? well, we ve had we ve been sitting listenindeg to abbe lowell, hunter, biden s defense attorney, talk a lot about what doesde at are actually mean. a oh, man. right. we ve had a lot of that. we ve alsota had a lotion ab of discussion about when hunteor biden was texting the wife of his dead brother, who he is at that point in a relationship with, and saying he was smoking on ina car crack and, you know, these various drug dealers, mooky franky , seven elevens, his defense attorney says, well, he was justattorney was mad at holly, d saying stuff to get under our skin. we really don t know whern.y he said that. and if it was true and you w know what? he may have beeny bee getting p of coffee at 5 a.m. at 7-eleven. that s why he was there. oh, yeah. mooky makes the best decaf, s te man. that s where i go forstaf my coffee. mooky at 7-eleven. thank you so much, carrie. maybe we ll get some more may action tomorrow. we will se be you soon. n fox news alert. israeli forces pulled off a stunninglord rescue operationg in gaza, bringin rg four hostags back home. terry yanks is in israel with the story. yeah, jesse, we re learning more details about that. remarkablening hostage rescuet that took place on saturday morning. toce oisraeli special forces releasing new video captured by a helmet camera in centrala gaza as the imam and shin bet forces go into a building, g clear separate rooms and ultimately find three oftely the hostages that were being held by hamas. d the ofthey asked for their nai there, telling them to stay them in hebrew before takingng them out of the building through hamas exchanges of fir e into a waiting helicopter along the shores of gaza. ultimately back to a hospital bc here in tel aviv. the wall street journal reports the mission almost failed. the israelis were coming under rpt failedg and small arms fire, this operation was taking place and other local media is reporting it was weeks in the making. the israelisa orting using top t intelligence to try to locate as many hostageso as possibleim and bring them home jesse. y incredible. so what if it s biden who refuses, leave the white house? 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the fires were still from the summer of love in major cities across the country, boarded up to prepare for another round of democrat riots in case biden lost. but joe biden won. so the angry left stood down. but now that trump s beating biden in the polls, the angry left s predicting more violence. this time, they say trump will a dictator kill journalists, lock up and never leave office ? george conway is predicting some kind of purge. and yes, there will be deprogramming if this guy is elected president. we re going to have civil disorder like you ve never seen 60, 70, 80 million people who will vote for the guy. and we still have to live with those people and we re going to have to deprogram them at some point. trump says his revenge will be success. liberals say that revenge will be civil disorder and deprogramming. who s really inciting violence? and aoc says if trump wins, she ll be sent to prison. it sounds, but like i wouldn t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. really? he s out of his i mean, he did his whole first campaign around lock her up. like this is his motto. i take him at his word when he says that he s going to round up people. i take him at his word when. he threatens journalists. if donald trump wins. we are looking at the potential disillusion of democracy in the united states of america. aoc is much more valuable to the republican party out of prison, speaking freely and sharing her brilliant insights with the country. trust me, michael cohen says the trump administration will shatter, but in a different way. and just like putin, once you start to get too big for your own britches, people will start flying out of windows. they will start like navalny. they will end up in gulags. they will end up, as donald says all the time, send them to gitmo, send them to guantanamo bay. joe biden says he s running to save democracy. if trump wins, america is over . an orange revolution will usher in a racist dictatorship and the constitution will be replaced with the art of the deal. which raises the question if trump does win, why biden concede? a new op ed from the hill wonders what if it s biden who refuses to leave the white house? while speaking with some democratic friends, a reverse scenario was brought up, albeit mostly tongue in cheek. that scenario being that what if, quite ironically, it was biden who either postponed the election out of fear of maga unrest and rebellion or simply refused to leave the white house upon losing in november. makes sense. if trump s hitler and you lose to hitler, why would you willingly hitler? the keys to the white house. former united states assistant secretary of the treasury for public affairs. monica crowley. joins us now. monica, do you think if trump wins, biden is going to go gracefully? oh, well, i mean, it s an outstanding question, isn t it? and there are a lot people who suspect that he might find some pretext, not to leave the presidency or i shouldn t be more accurate, jesse, and say the people pulling his strings would like to stay in power. by the way, that aoc clip, i think aoc is just mad that donald trump won t dater. she s only so obsessed right now, like god is watching you criticize me. it means you re in love with me. yes, that means we re deeply in love with aoc, that we re so gentle and kind with her. so if someone is going to destroy the country and lose, why would you say, okay, my transition team will be in touch? and these are the passwords to the eisenhower executive building. right. you wouldn t. right. you wouldn t do that. so what do you think joe s going to do? is this is this a realistic scenario? well, you know, what s interesting about the left, jesse, is that, you know, a lot of people are talking about projection that they. that s usually an unconscious thing where it s really a confession of what you yourself is doing right, what your side is doing. you blame the other side or you accuse the other side of doing it. it s usually intel, but it s usually, you know, an unconscious thing here. i think it s part of a deliberate strategy on the part of the left. they re lying to everybody about donald trump. they re lying to everybody about the right. and conservatives when they themselves for decades have spent a lot of time and resources burning down the country, literally, whether it was the weather underground, antifa, black lives matter, and now the pro-hamas protesters are out there. remember, the issue is never the issue. the issue was always the revolution. so they re trying to turn consent revolution, right, to destabilize american society . so they re trying to turn the conversation around and flip the script and say, donald trump and maga is going to do this when clearly we ve had now eight years of maga of donald trump on the national political scene and all he has done, jesse, is deliver a booming economy, an enforced border, peace, prosperity, world order. and they deliver civil unrest if he is reelected, that s what they believe them. the resistance colliding with people and causing civil unrest. because i m not going to be deprogram and peacefully, especially by george conway who no offense. but the really important piece about this is, you know, knowing what we know, the deep state and the left are capable of doing, they re not just going to allow donald trump to march back in. they re not just going to allow america first to come back in. so i think a lot of people are braced for something that the deep state that the regime might have up their sleeve. they re capable of anything. we ve seen that evidence very, very clearly. thank you, monica crowley. thank you. jesse watters. president trump campaigning in las vegas this weekend, offering his supporters a very interesting hypothetical. would you rather be electrocuted or eaten by a shark? the boat is sinking and water goes over the battery. the boat is sinking. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? because i will tell you, he didn t know the entry said, you know, nobody s ever asked me that question. i said, i think it s a good question. i think there s a lot of electric current coming through that water. but you know what i do? if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, i ll take electrocution every single time and i get near the shore. electric cars, electric sharks, electric boats that didn t come out of nowhere this weekend. two separate shark attacks sent a pair of teens to the hospital and left a woman armless. the attacks happened within miles of each other on separate beaches in walton county, florida, on friday, before 1:30 p.m., a woman swimming near a sandbar was bit and again lost her arm. an hour and a half later, another shark attacked two teenage girls. these people were hurt badly. life threatening, life altering. thankfully, no one died. but remember, a shark expert told us you re supposed to punch the shark in the face ,not swim away. and he s an expert land isn t any safer. a bull. did the lambeau leap at an oregon rodeo charging the crowd and flipping fans? oh, oh, johnny hits the streets . what s going on with the open border about a better border? down on the border. donald trump will take your seat. about cash back in.t pr not a game.acti not a game. not a game. talking about cash back. we re talking about cash back ish backn. we re not talking about bragging. no, we re talking about cash back. back. we re talkin we r talk about cash back. talking about practice for too long or no practice. make talking about cash back. i mean, we re not talking about a get cash back like a pro. well, chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back, chase? make more of what s yours, quinces. quiet luxury at disruptive prices. because beautiful things should be for everyone. with quince, you can get more summer essentials, more high quality materials, and more of life s finer things. because quality should never be a luxury. when s it $20 off your first purchase at quince ecom? when i started mypillow, it was just a problem. solution one product company. well, since then, with the help of my dedicated employees, we now have hundreds of products. some you might not even know about to get the word out. we re having a $25 extravaganza to pack multi-use my pillows, $25, my pillows handle $25. and for the first time ever, our six pack towel sets. you guessed it, just $25. our brand new four pack dished out $25. and i ve never done this before. premium my pillows with all new keys of fabric, any size, any loft level, even king size for only $25. and there s so much more. so go to mypillow ecommerce, call the number on your screen, use your promo code for our 20 $5 extravaganza. order $75 and over your entire ownership s absolute, totally free. we had to take our old gas heating that was a huge project. i was so overwhelmed because i started contacting people off of energy to work with people that knew what they were doing . it was a game changer. get started today at and .com. he was only 47. aneurism. did he have life insurance? 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[sfx] ambient / laughing. beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. t pe the left s peddled myths for years convincing impressionable young americans to take out massive college loans for useless degrees, put off havingp children and rearrange their lives to account for ans impending climate apocalypse. the people who believe for lies are significantly worse off for it. anhese entire generation was convinced that college degrees were golde n to success. now they re beginning to beg the government to bail them out. climate hysteria has turned millions of youngns of americans into anxious wrecks. not to mention wg americe just 7 billion to install eight electric car charging stations. wit i m sure that helped with inflation a lot. inn a lot.t of all, women, we rl told, hold off on having kids, prioritizing individual fulfillment over starting families as if you couldn t do one or both. according to the new york times , the left sold its followers on a bill of goodk s that was childless. life was not only fulfilling ,it was good for you and for 4 the environment. choosing to not have children wasn t just about focusing on your caree cha it was about sticking it to conservatives who believed sticnty. clear famil 34% of people surveyed chose to not have kids themselves or s knew someone who was intentionallody y childless. turns out the women t who prioritize childlessurns liberalism are wracked with regret after missing their chances dless li to havn of their own. live action founder lela rose joins me now. so i see this as a good thing, lela, that finallysr liberals are waking up to the fact that this crazy propaganda is unhealthy mentally and physically. are we maybe shifting balance here? i think we re definitely shifting balance because the en andd game is this the d that rocks the cradle rules the world and the most meaning you can find in life comes from relationships, comes from love a . and the most meaningful relationships are within families, including parents and their children and in marriage. so i think marriage is going gre to be made great again. it s being made great again because people are realizing,ler that this epidemic of loneliness is only solved epid and fidelityt the and then opening up your love in a marriage to having children, that beautiful risk of children. and so, you knok of children even joke that, well, if the liberals aren t having kids, the conservatives, well, number them. i but i think as liberals wake upi and see the value of children, wake actually makes them more conservative. yeah, that s not how it works. my parents were liberals i had me, so you nevere know. well, is your special jessica special? even though my mom says i m not the one. thanen thougk you very much. this country was founded on creating a government eourage to encourage the pursuit of happiness. happiness involves pursuit o wo happiness involves family, happiness it involves tranquility where you re not worried about the earth ending in ten years. everything that they ve structured goeendingn 10s againe everything the founders prescribed. why woulfounders prescrid they ? yes. yeah, well, it s the propaganda, right? the propaganda of the climate crises people. and i would say marxis msaying and else. why the saying that children actually having childrenor happe is selfish, that the family project is selfish, that you should just care about the state or you should care about the environment to the degree that you are, race yourselfronmen. footp you know, the carbon footprint is the biggest problem in the world that we re facing. that seggest pr the all a the reality is we re actually facing demographic declinrealite in all of the wesw meaning we re not even replacing ourselves re becauseionse no people aren t having enough children. so we ve gone the far extreme and in the pursuit of what? right. i mean, what s the whole point of government? like you said, what s the whole poins e poinhet of the environm? it s for the future of humanity, for children. and so those that are having the children, those that are raising the families, the future actually will belong to those people. and i think more people be are waking up to that because so many people are so miserable right now. yes. se arand we can t have a countn of unhappy women. it wouldn t be good for womenohaveof an and it definitey wouldn t be good for my wife. happy life. jesse, you got it. love that. yeah. then the data is so interesting inteus: you go[ laughte it s al% of trump voters say that they of d about. they they prioritize family in society. rioritizand it s 19% of biden vt today are saying that family matters and children matter for the future. so even that just showdren matte politically the divide. there really is a stark divide by the. thank you so muc. a star h. thanks for having me. the puerto rican day parade marched in manhattan yesterdayyr . so johnny was there, obviously, to ask about our so john big pur rican president, joe biden, 40 five, with with me. let s go over here wheret ist i say, why, dwayne, what ihest the best thing about being puerto ricaning puer? we like to make the plan. x being toxic is .ic the more we ca pn go tueo the hh . bless me, father.nd bless i m about to send. we love that. we we love music.lo [ a? ke to salsve yes. i got my domain. what is the world not know about puerto rican? are we not yelling at you? that s just how we speak. we got that flavor. that s sluggers making you mess with over your thoughts on whether you re flip flop.e wl that s how proud are you to finally have the first puerto rican president of the united you t states and be , what? why about boricua? he says he s puerto rican. ahead. he lied. that s a lie. ,no. he s not puerto rican. you all think i m kidding, don t you? kiddi i don t think he got the flavor. he can be. he s messingored up this countrl you don t have none of our blood running through his veins. oorunning ugh his joe biden, wh, grows clean. white. he s brown. i mahe icheesey be a white boy,m not stupid. what is joe biden done for the latinos? nos? nothing. nothing. nothing. not a mother thing. nothin not, nothing at all. n coming from the top of my head, i m going to keep it on. thi ng.never, ever. one thing. not a thing. he doesn t feel like we re important enough for us to do anything for us. he hasn t donefo o crooked joe. you re fired. er get out of here. go.ayor a mayor adams. puerto rican community not happy with joeda r biden.n, wha and what s happening? well, you know, one thing. i don t know what they re happt ypp about. unhappy about, but i know thing they re happy about it. they re happy to be out here todat here and ty. and i m happy to be here today. and i want to enjoy this summer. nice life, ma am. it to test the prado.will what are we going to do about the open border? closed. that is done. everybody back home. too many dangerous people out there to be roaming around. worry about them better. so all of that on the way . to donald trump. go take your seat. i m the best thing that ever happened to puerto rico. what s going on with the migranmp: ond petert crisis? this country is open for everyone, but doing the rightdu way. this country doesn t even look like america no more. look like venezuele [ you have to take care of your how to be for anything that anybody thinks video but he s saying is a bunch of garbage a lot of latinos say they re voting for donald trump. who are you? i am not the guy trump. trump. oh, that s i say yes, my friends are going to kick my when i get back home. did i not? clearly believ back hoy explaine of trust to you, greg? donald trump did a great job in office. trump did way more than biden did. but i like did trump.becaus he speaks the truth that we pottery could speak the truth. maybe it s time for a feeline gr being offered. i m number one in the polls with hispanics and everyone s like, surprised? i m not surprisedut wit. a ca why don t they get positive? jesse watter s? they pass. i guess you ought to get back to my take. my destiny. what? i love you. mo, everybody, uh, more from our movement next. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become an everyday item to become dangerou tide pods. child guard pack helps keep your laundry packs intichiu safe place and your child safer to clothes. twist until it clicks. tide pods, child guard, packaging start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand some people would rather crash than slow down. i built this club out of nothing. is this my family? 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guy gave m gave e $20 on valent day for his lexus convertibllexs valentine s day. bellhops clean uupp men are always trying to show off for the girl. tony from colorado saxe waslo outstanding, man. i listened to every word he had to say. then, he not mince words? tha yeah. day was great. harr y from marblehead, new jersey. hunter biden is a lawyer and he s confused he sd by a lel form. hard to believe he s the smartest man. hajoe biden ever met. if i can read the gun ford th him and, not misunderstand it. i think a yale educated harvard lawyer, can. heather from emmett, idaho.hv i m withard trump. electrocution over shark encounter. what say you , jesse i m going to try my hands with a shark. they said right hook to the othr gills. you swim the other way. a.j. way billings, montana. i thought we were supposed to swim away from the shark. noim awaw we have to punch the . which one is it now? you punch first, then you swim y away. i m telling you, an expert told me that s the wa.y to get out alive. scott from oceanside, california if biden refuses to leave the white house, it will be because he can t find his warefusey. maybe maybe he doesn t know he loses. k. fainiaom chester, virgini biden will be at the beach. it s jill who won t leav will bh the white house. oh, jill. drte house. biden. excuse me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is my world. and i woke up to. hannity and tonight, here- are six words in the english language that every democrat they love, lov englie to recites quote, no one is above the law. no n

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240611

that is tonight s last word. tonight, donald trump met his probation officer. we will look at a key step as his sentencing approaches. the fate of hunter biden is now in the jury s hands. why he declined to take the stand. kerr is here speaking out as the 11th hour gets underway on this monday night: good evening, once again, we are now 148 days away from the election. today, one of the leading candidates for president met with his probation officer. donald trump fresh off of his guilty verdict sat for a presentencing interview. nothing standard with how it was held. trump got permission to attend virtually from florida and have his attorney present. trump has been complaining for months about a 2-tier system of justice and he is absolutely right. as new york public defenders pointed out today most people do not get to log in remotely from a resort in florida to talk to their probation officers. as far as what happens in these interviews, probation officers generally ask about things like financial resources, mental health and any links to convicted criminals. they also have to ask if you feel remorse for the crime that you are convicted of. meanwhile n delaware, the hunter biden firearms case went to the jury after both sides made their closing arguments. hunter biden chose not to take the stand. here is my colleague with more. reporter: tonight, it is in the hands of the jury. six men, six women deliberating the fate of hunter biden. the first child of a sitting president to be charged with a crime. many of the first family in the courtroom throughout the trial. all of this is not evidence said leo wise while gesturing in the courtroom and in the direction of jill biden in the first row. people sitting in the gallery are not evidence, he said, adding no one is above the law. the special counsel is accused the president s son of liing on a federal background check, checking that he is not an active drug user to purchase a gun. they used evidence from his laptop and called 10 witnesses, many describing hunter biden s drug use including around the time he filled out the background check in october of 2018. hunter biden s ex-wife found drug paraphernalia and his ex- girlfriend who wasidating him at the time said is he was using crack all of the time. the evidence was necessary. the defense attorney gude the prosecution focused far too much on his drug abuse over a 4- year period and no one witnessed drug use during the window of time he purchased a gun. with that let s get smarter with the help of our lead off this evening. reporter with the washington post,, sam stein is here. a journalist and white house editor for politico, and former new york prosecutor charles coleman jr is here. a big legal night so you get first crack. donald trump met with his probation officer today, help us understand the purpose of these interviews, how do they usually go and what do we know about what was asked in this one? reporter: stephanie, when your probation officer will be asking you questions what they are trying to understand is basically what is your set up around your life? how do you live? what your financial resources are, what is the impact of the sentence if a judge decides for example to send you to jail. are there other people depending on you, put in a bad position? by that, are you associating with other criminals that we know in the case of trump. he is, we can go down the long list, roger stone, many others, flin, the list goes on and on. most importantly, the most important that they are looking to ascertain, and you talked about it in your lead in, if you have any understanding and appreciation for the crime that you are committed of. donald trump has a difficult tight rope to toe when it comes to this given everything given in the public around this, rather than what he knows prosecution by the da s office. that will be something that will be hard for him to get around. ultimately the report will be something that the judge takes into account when they make their decision around what sentence they ultimately imposed. the da s office is making a recommendation of trump s attorney, going to argue as lenient of a sentence as possible. sam, trump is arguing for months and months and months. a two tier justice system. there is. it is benefiting him. we got to meet virtually, his lawyer was there and when he speaks at his rallies he is always saying i am doing this for you i am standing here for you. but if any trump supporters were in his position they would not get these special privileges, why do they keep buying this? reporter: well, you are absolutely right. we wrote about that in politico, too, when you think of the gag order various points in the criminal case, that was almost done with reluctance compared to what would have been done for any other person in the justice system. trump is a unique person in the justice system that he is a former president running for president currently. it makes sense some leeway is given to him in that regard. the justice system works in this favor in this case. i would argue thereat second start, hunter biden is evidence that it is not a justice system. the president s own department of justice is currently bringing a case against his son f. there was a thumb on the scale of the system of the part of president bid pen. one would think he would do it to alleviate the burdens on his son but the president sat back and watched this thing progress to the point where we will get a verdict in the next day or so. i get it has been a crazy last eight years and people have become desensitized. it is not even remotely normal for the presumptive nominee to be meeting with his probation officer what is your treks this response. how numb the country has become to everything we watched in the last eight years. nobody can forget and yet we almost act like it was no big deal when then republican nominee for president donald trump was caught on live tape talking about grabbing women in the crotch using a course word and he can get a wid with it because lesay celebrity. starting then and continuing on, it is like a starting gun of new, every other week, every other two weeks, revelations about donald trump as candidate and as a president that made us all kind of gasp and wonder, like, can he survive this? well, donald trump is the nominee for president again. he is the front runner in this race by many polls, and, he is a felon who has been convicted of 34 counts of crimes in the state of new york. the city and the town, where he once ruled. and, all of us are kind of like oh, yeah, that is right, that is how it is. that is, that is sort of the standard now for the last eight years. it is really important for us all to step back and remember that no president and no former president has ever been charged with a crime. and now we have one that has been convicted and is seeking to return to the white house. charles, a lawyer wrote in the new york times today that donald trump s chances of winning an appeal are slim, what do you think? reporter: i think so, stephanie. when you are talking about what it is to appeal a jury the first thing that people need to understand is that it is a rare occurrence that the simple is going to have a decision made by our constitution where you get a dloons have your case heard by a jury of your piers which trump did and override the system and overcalculation by the judge or actions of the attorneys. the judge does not give enough credit for the way he ran this trial. i think he was very much aware of all of the eye s needed to be dotted and t s needed to be crossed that is why he ran such a tight ship. to make sure that there were as few for a po as possible. it does not mean that trump s attorney does not like to seek an issue. rather than it being successful is slim to none. sam, today, bragg says he will testify before the house about the trump case. most likely not until after trump gets sentenced. he knows what he is going to face with house republicans, how do you think he is going to handle this? well, i mean, it is, it, we knew the house republicans were going to do this. they signaled they want to protect trump. they want to go after the prosecution. you know, various over00turs. bringing it to hill. expecting it a long time ago. surprised they did not push harder prior to this. if i were bragg i would point to the fact that trump s piers made a determination guilty on 34 counts. that is the aspects of the american justice system that donald trump had right to the fence. he was given through the fence. there will be questions of who is on the team, funding him. what it comes down to, this is how the justice system would work. they had his defense and, and that is that. the decision was made by a jury of 12. you have to live with it. that is what we do. charles, let s shift to what sam was mentioning a moment ago. hunter biden case. what did you make today of both sides closing arguments, of hunter not taking the stand. go in reverse, stephanie. hunter bid den not take the stand for a number of reasons t is difficult for hunter bid tone give testimony in any way that is going to exonerate him or defend against those charges without either incriminating him or admitting publicly around his substance abuse. i think that is something that he wanted to avoid. his defense team wanted to avoid that. ultimately if you are looking at this from a 50,000 foot view it is something that would not have been well for the biden administration to have in the headlines, not that it has an impact on hunter s case or the charges but that was part of the calculus here. with respect of what you heard, this is straightforward. i think many legal experts myself included understand that when robert herr, the prosecutor on this case and joe biden allowed to stay on the case brought the charges this, if anything, we seen recently was the most political prosecution that we have seen. i say that because for these federal charges to be brought you typically don t see that absence of violent offense involving the handgun or the weapon that is in question. that is not the case here. hunter biden is not charged with that. we don t have the facts. yet, still, herr decided to bring the charges against hunter biden and the case for the prosecution is straightforward. none of it is. the defense is saying you work with the fact that you have. they don t have great facts. they have to call into question the time line. i don t know if it will be enough for a jury to acquit him or result in a mistrial. sam, the president has already said that he will not pardon his son f. he is found guilty he could be taken into custody. how is the campaign going to react to this? they have been hands off. it is taking a toll on the president to make had decision. he is his son, he is a father. when you ask about him and press him on it, they are hands off. as we reported they do not talk about the issue. he does not want to discuss it. not that he does not think there will be political fallout but it is too raw. the question that ultimately comes down to is will republicans try to potentially capitalize on a guilty verdict. we have a debate coming up and trump will use it during the debate. will say upon to this point where we are surprised to see how little republicans are talking about the hunter biden trial including trump himself. does not come up all that much. used to be a topic of a lot of discussion for media and trump but not recently. you wonder if they don t want to draw the attention to his own mishaps or perhaps they test today out and realize there might be effect where people are sympathetic or empathetic to joe biden if you go after his son when fundamentally part of what that issue is, an issue of addiction. now topic, your washington post has a story out trump allies with a post- constitutional vision for a second term. this man s name is russell voyt. what can you tell bus this? by the way, it is for beth reinhart on this team that presses the trump precedency and the people he is entrusting to make the plans for his new administration. he was a deputy director and in congress as a staffer for a long, long time and other federal agencies. he knows his way around both the legislative and the executive parts of our government and he is using that knowledge to broodily expand the powers of the executive if trump takes office. to the point of saying that he is going to find a way for the justice department to prosecute and imprison those who he feels have wrongly gone after the president in the past. that includes journalists, that includes political figures like biden family members and he is, rather, he would work very hard to loosen the militaries ability to take action at the president s command to stop protests that are against the president to interfere, perhaps, in elections. basically the military would be the entity could send into domestic situations. something that really we have avoided since the horrors of ken state for example. this is a person who believes definitely in the executive theory but, now proposing things behind closed doors. he may end up being the chief of staff for the president, we will see. proposing what will send a chill off of the spine of those studying democracy and its norms. here is my head scratcher, carol. a lot of conservatives out there. don t like trump but likes the policies, these are the same people who are all about small government and limited power. this, this man and this plan, isn t that the opposite of small government limited power. this is big, big government with ultimate power. i think that is something that you highlighted on your program consistently if i can give you a hat tip. this idea of the hypocrisy, right? the republican party for as long as i have been a reporter, embarrassed to tell you how long that has been has always been about criminal justice and top, forgive me, serious law enforcement. it has been a party. a concern. russia, chief among them. yet, that is all out the window now with trump as president. putin is a great guy in the new republican party. he is a fan of donald trump. therefore, he is for them. it is not important anymore. we really want to support. certain criminal that have been unfairly and i use this quotation marks persecuted. that is the line that the republican party is pushing. and, so, again, this notion of big government for the republican party that is sought the window as well. if it suits donald trump. that is the litnus test. people can vote however they like. it is our job to shine a light so people understand exactly who and what they are voting for. carol, always great to see you, sam, charles, thank you as well. when we return, nine months into the war, and five americans are still being held hostage by hamas. why the white house is considering a new strategy for negotiations. and, later, after months in a dead heat in the polls with trump. president biden is revving up his engines and maybe even changing lanes. 11th hour just getting underway on a monday night th hour just on a monday night and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. you know what s brilliant? 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[crying] falling to his knees when he was reunited with his mom. while their celebrations in israel in gaza there is mourning the hamas-run health ministry that does not distinguish between combat onand civilian deaths, 270 palestinians were killed including 64 children, one woman telling us. my family is destroyed. my house is destroyed they are reporting that the u.s. is discussing a new move if seize fire moves fail, making a deal with hamas to release the remaining american hostages, negotiating through qatar and not with israel. according to two senior officials. my number one priority as secretary of state is to ensure the well being of americans who are in harm s way anywhere in the world. that is your top priority, wouldn t indirect talks for the americans at least bring those americans home, possibly? the most effective way to do that to achieve that is through the proposal on the table. so, let s see if we get an answer from hamas. for more. peter baker joins us the chief correspondent for the new york times, peter, is it a sign that the white house is frustrated with the pace of negotiations between israel and hamas? yes. of course, obviously. nine months, these american hostages have been there the entire time. the american government has basically taken, deferred the israeli government when it comes to dealing with the hostages, most of the hostages have duel citizenship, theyor the ground. the united states is not. it suggests an impatience at this point. its own hostage remain at, in limbo in effect. remaining at odds for this proposal. you heard him say. hamas at this point to accept this proposal. i think that is an important point that they want to make. israel has, in fact, despite public talk of benjamin netanyahu s statements, right now, frustrated that this has taken so long, seen not to be heading towards a conclusion and therefore, obviously, they will be willing to think about ways to get just the americans at this point out if there is a way to do it. president biden is not the only one expressing frustrations. benny gantz just resigned saying it is the prime minister, he is standing in the way of real victory. what does that signal to you about the state of the war effort and prospects for new elections over there? benjamin netanyahu not once but multiple times in elections for the idea they sat together and the work ethic is remarkable situations, hard to imagine joe biden, donald trump sitting together in a unity government. but, this point, they decided enough is enough. it is not working. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is an obstacle to resolution rather than a leader of it. it puts it. they may require on the far right, staying in power, he knows he will appeal. he may back himself up not finding himself comfortable. avoiding further elections. we would love to see where it leads and further elections and not much chance and not a lot of optimism for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to win another election. he has been a remarkable part of politics. let s sit with the right wing and change locations. you were just in france with president biden. when he was there he spent a lot of time trying to reassure nato allies who are nervous about a second trump term. i want to know how his message was received, a, and b, we keep hearing about our european allies that are worried about trump. there are a lot of elections that took place over europe and they were big, big wins for the far right. it happening over there as well? you are absolutely right. not just a u.s. issue. the european elections on sunday were a remarkable shift in power. for the right. you saw president macron from france that just hosted biden the night before, state dinner where they held hands in effect in favor of establishment politics so rocked he is calling new elections in france himself to see if he can not win over his own public where he is, in fact, not very popular, either. these guys will all get together in italy later there week at a g-7 meeting and talk about a lot of the issues like gaza and ukraine and so forth. hovering over it is their weakness, biden s approval is higher than some of the other leaders at the summit. it is a time where they are all on their back heels a little bit amid this right wing popularrism we are seeing in europe and the united states. peter, you always make us smarter, thank you very much for being here tonight. when we come back. biden getting a revamp. his new strategy to rev up the race, when the 11th hour returns the race, when the 11th hour returns good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. let s get started. bill, where s your mask? 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i think it is smart. reaching people where they are. we know people are getting news from a lot of less traditional outlets and people are watching the news less frequently any way and checking out politics. it is splart to find them when they are not paying attention to the new issues any way. biden campaign recognizes that it has to do with whatever it has to do as we head towards crunch time here. mark t is not just about his base. this is about nikki haley voters, trumpers, independents, these are the people who make or break the election. it is currently by a lot of polls in a dead heat. president trump, former president trump is not looking ahead of his base. is this going to work for biden? yeah. he has to look beyond the base. that is where the election will be decided. i remember when the bush campaign was in big, big trouble in 2000. we had to do a reset. we kind of got push into it. we did not want to do it. ultimately we decided we needed to because we had to. part of it was prescripted and part of it was making changes but a big part, just doing a reset for the press and the larger public to say okay we heard the message we are doing things differently. it makes sense practically speaking and broodily. you are sending a message to everybody. you heard the message. yes, we are doing things differently. again, in this campaign it is so razor thin. the bidens got to do literally everything right there is one of them. this is good. one of the things he needs to do is turn up the volume on the things that donald trump is saying. they are doing that. they are seizing on some of the comments that trump made at his nevada rally this weekend. i don t want anyone going on me, we need any voter. i don t care about you i just want your vote, i don t care. so, what i just heard him say, i don t care about you, i just want your vote. broy an, did the rally attendees hear this? what? did they hear that? no. they have selective hearing. trump can say anything and they will just cheer and cheer and cheer on queue. it is important that americans hear it. that is him giving the game away. he does not care about anybody out here. trump s only goal, first, second, third priority is to keep himself out of prison and make the prosecutions against them go away. he has brought forward no plans for, to lower costs, nothing to lower health care costs, nothing to increase the amount of jobs. no plans on housing or inflation. he is focused on keeping himself out of the courthouse and out of the prison. this is a rare incidents, less rare these days. he is just, he is just coming out and saying it. if you want an example of someone who treats their supporters with nothing but contempt, it is something like trump, standing there, on that stage and just basically telling them what he thinks about them. what i like to hear about is the truth. and billions in infrastructure funding made its way across the country thanks to the infrastructure bill now law. and suddenly we are seeing some house republicans taking credit for all of these jobs that were created but for facts sake, those same republicans voted against the bill. do their constituents who might not pay attention to traditional politics or watch the news, do they know the truth? they are taking credit for things they voted against? no, they don t know the truth because they are not going to hear the truth. it is hypocritical. let me make another point on the vegas speech and the ad and by the way there is another ad that i think the biden campaign has done and it is the best one. donald trump in his own voice talking about veterans. i think they should just leave that up through election day. it is specifically good. really impactful. by the way trump has been complaining about it. what we call that is hit dogs barking. [ laughter ] you know he is feeling the pain so it is working. as a former ad guy, i know the most effectiving you can do is not say what you think that person said but let them say what they said themselves, it is great. i want to go back to the infrastructure point. what do you do about the fact that you have house republicans patting themselves on the back, taking credit for passing things they voted against? i think they have done an effective job at exposing these people. biden said it out loud. he was in lauren s district and she is trying to take credit. going out there, getting in the districts and doing that. and basically where trump one day rallying against toilets nothe flushing and keeping himself out of prison and then biden talking about $35 inhalers and $35 insulin and $2,000 a month health care plans, stuff that is going to impact regular people. they are good-bye that, side by side, it is a matter of getting it out there and hammering the message, over and over and over again. they often say what is the one thing that a politician did to change your life or help you in some way and you just got to show people. thank you for being here. still ahead, you want to stay up for this. when coach steve kerr talks, everybody listens the nine time nba champion is here next. his big endorsement in this election and his take on caitlin clark s first month in the pros when the 11th hour continues the pros when the 11th hour continues some people just know there s a better way to do things. and some people. don t. bundle your home and auto with allstate and save. you re in good hands with allstate. hi, i m greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i m not an actor. i m just a regular person. some people say, why should i take prevagen? 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i mean it is clear that president biden is really interested in implementing gun safety measures. common sense gun violence pro vens measures. i have been doing a lot of work the last 10 years with a lot of gun safety prevention people like brady, giffords, sandy hook promise, march for our lives. i have learned so much. i know that we can prevent lives president biden is adamant he is going to push for common sense law that can do that. i know that president trump will not do that. so it is a simple choice for me. are you voting for joe biden or against donald trump. i am voting for joe biden. i think the biggest thing for me is, everybody needs to vote their conscious. on a few issues but this is the main one. i lost my father to gun violence when i was 18 years old. i know how much pain people go through every single day in this country. i know that, that gun violence is the number one killer of children in america. and, i know that there is so much that we can do about this. and, i think most people out there agree with me if you are republican or a democrat. 80% of people in this country want, want universal background checks. does not matter your political affiliation. we can do this. we kind of have to steer the cruise ship there. it is going to take time. we need to implement laws that the vast majority of our country want and president biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes. you have said in the past that before you lost your father, as you said when you were only 18, you felt like your life was impentrable nothing bad can happen to you. what do you say to those people who don t say gun violence is a part of their life so they don t make it a priority. you don t know. the chances are likely that you won t be impacted. but there is a good chance that you will, also. and the that is a scary thought. i am a recent grandfather. i have a granddaughter that is 18 months old. i am thinking a lot about when she goes off to kinder garten and she kindergarten and she will have to go through mass shooting drills and the trauma our kids across america go through just from the drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation. it is traumatizing and it is just it is a terrible thought that all of our children are feeling this way. and, again, we know that common sense laws save lives, they absolutely do. and there is so much that we can do and, and it is kind of my civic project that i like to work on. it is just, you know, trying to help get the cruise ship moving. it is going to take a lot of work. it really is up to us as private citizens toip sift that our government, you know, take the necessary moves to make that happen. there is a lot of other public figures that share their views, many endorsed biden in 2020. many are staying quiet now. expressing public views right now is getting more and more difficult. the backlash is real. this is not going to be easy for you. you will get heat from all sorts of people. why did you decide to speak out? well, it is too important to save lives. and to, i think, do something that is important for our country. not that i am going to be able to do anything by myself but i have a platform. if i can at least get the message out there. i think it is important for families to talk about this issue, neighbors, friends, you know, there is not an attack on the second amendment. this is about implementing things that can save lives. and, again, it could be your own child, it can be your own mother or father, could be you. we have to understand the gravity of gun violence in our country. and not just pass it off as well, this is the price of freedom, you know. that is what a lot of people say. we have to have the freedom that the second amendment provides us. freedom should also be kids going to school and not being afraid. and, there are ways to do this. we can protect the second amendment but protect our citizens with some really simple laws. we just have to get everybody on board. it is such a political hot- button. it is really not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. it is not. as i say, 80% of people want universal background checks. we should have that. that alone would save hundreds if not thousands of lives every year in america. you said it right there. it is a political hot-button issue. not when you go in people s homes and sit at their kitchen tables and talk to them about what matters to them. i do want to talk to you about something else that matters to you that you know a lot about. obviously basketball. before you go. you played with michael jordan on the chicago bulls, you know how this super star was treated early and the attention he got. given your experience, your firsthand knowledge, what do you think about caitlin clark s treatment so far in the wnba? i think it is a rite of passage. wnba or nba. other players will test you. she reminds me a lot of steph curry. a lot of people may not remember this but in his first couple of years he was not a super star. he was not who he is now. he had to get stronger, he had to understand people were coming after him. that is what is happening with her right now. i think it is all in the name of competition she is handling herself beautifully. she is an amazing player. like any player that comes into the wnba, nba it takes time, they have to get stronger. get used to the athleticism. she will be fine. i think everything she is going through right now is all part of being a pro. what do you think about the fact that she will not be at the olympics, you will be there? i am so excited. i am sorry she will not be. i am sure she will have a chance in four years. when you put the olympic teams together all you care about is winning. and, you know, it is probably going to take caitlin a couple years to be at the top. i think the women s team is taking the 12 players that they think can help bring home a gold and that is exactly what the men s team did. you know, that is the name of the game. no politics in the olympics. we just want to win. and i sure hope you do this year. i can say, nobody remembers when steph curry was not a super star. steve, great to see you, thank you for joining us tonight thank you, great seeing you. we will have more 11th hour after the break have morh hour after the break you know what s brilliant? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240611

a.j. way billings, montana. i thought we were supposed to swim away from the shark. noim awaw we have to punch the . which one is it now? you punch first, then you swim y away. i m telling you, an expert told me that s the wa.y to get out alive. scott from oceanside, california if biden refuses to leave the white house, it will be because he can t find his warefusey. maybe maybe he doesn t know he loses. k. fainiaom chester, virgini biden will be at the beach. it s jill who won t leav will bh the white house. oh, jill. drte house. biden. excuse me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is my world. and i woke up to. hannity and tonight, here- are six words in the english language that every democrat they love, lov englie to recites quote, no one is above the law. no nw if you turn on fake news, cnn media and see you re going to hear that phrase a lot, but only when you re talking about trump or other republican k abs when someone on the left commits a crime. that ss a crim a very differents for example, over the weekend, you had riotertoryexample,s drep as islamic extremists vandalizing historic monuments ,let s say assaulting law enforcement, hurling projectileumentss at a park rand no consequences. lookrits they were trying to han an insurrection. there were no arrests, fines, n no dramatic pleas on the left for anyone to be held accountabldramatic lefe. we ll have a full report and more video of this repotnd s disgusting riol with a message for thoseose wh who are mad at israel for and quite heroically freeing four hostages in gaza. and another message for fake news, cnn, which seem to think that the israeli hostages were simplyh released, know they wee rescued. but first, we turn our attentio.wen to some of the most shameless and morally corrupt people it n america.ld that would be the bidens, many in the mob, the media. they love to point. oute to that hunter biden s ongoing trial is an exampl oute that a biden can face justice. but in reality, hunter s is but a perfect example of the t will goour governmen to allegedly to protect the son of a prominent democrat.know a now, according to the very real contents hunter s very real laptop, the president s son engaged a life of crime for many years. the evidence seems transparentai ,overwhelming, but you decide it was on a massive scale. remember the fallout of the 20 2051 intel experts signing a off on a letter claiming the laptop had all the p s of russiandisi disinformation. this after three years of liesni being peddled over and over again, the russia hoax by the mediover agaa mob, all of it a , all of it based on a dirty dossier. lying the dossier becomes the basis of lying to face the courtss for four separate times, three of tir honored by mr. highe himself, james comey. in reality, the so-called expert.s were spreading disinformation. all they knew about the laptop was nothinformatioaboug. wan they only knew they wanted joe biden to win. you think they d apologize . don t hold your breath. now that the laptop is official evidence at hunter s gun trial.s well, fox news digital reached n inteto theew all 51 intel expers who signed on to the letter and most had no regrets at alld whatsoever. they gotno what they wanted. they helped joe biden get the election in 2020. some even claiming that it was the patrioti.c thing to do.c thn a means to an end. anyway, of course, joe biden b is now president. the evidence of the alleged wrongdoing. on that laptop is shocking. you have rampant drug use, hundreds of thousandsan of dollars seemingly. i can t say for sure spent soliciting, purported tax evasion on millions of dollars in income that needs to be investigatedthat n, refusing tox file tax returns in certain years along with the possibility should be investigated. money laundering. the possibility of fara violations tietied td his own f. many americans can rightly sympathize. sure many, with hunter s addictions and personal struggles, but not the millionsaddi of millions of millions made with businesses in whichitcheric he admits he had zero experience at all. or all the shady actions of hisn father s department of justice, whicish is politicized and weaponized. according to the new york times , the doj prosecutor that s tasked with investigating hunter, this guy, david weiss, remember he s going to sweep the whole thing planned under the rug. no charges at all.ll after purposely the statute of limitations run out on some of the most seriouoms tax chargs from the burisma years. plan a well got ruined by two brave irs whistleblowers on,k tt two plan b, that was the sweetheart plea deal that looped a temporary gun charge and with a few minor tax violations. no jail time. sadly, plan b was ruineduse because. the judge actually read the plea deal and started askingread t real questions aboe totally, completely abd nature of the deal. and now we re on to plan c. welli we pla, years of investig. let s make this guy the special prosecutor. let vestigat guy thes go into ad in delaware in a courthouse there, and hope foe inr the.s the jury has officially beguns their deliberations. you know, any outcome won t surprise me, including an outright acquittal cquittal or a hungg jury jury. but they ll decide if hunter is guilty on the three felony charges. count one accuses hunter of lyingthree felolous hun on an and purchasing a gun, swearing that he was not addicted to drugs. count two accuses hunter of lying to the gun dealer. count three alleges that hunter illegally possessed the guned t while addicted to drugs or actively using drugsdr . t the evidence seems to me overwhelming based on evidence from the trial ased o. r one day after buying the gun, hunter texted his girlfriend hue he was waiting for his dealer. the next day, hunter textedcrac his girlfriend, he s smoking crack. so let s be cleaso be clear. hs these allegations are not a joke. sou biden, his fellow democrat ,don t they love to lecture you about gun control? fac in fact, president biden is now proposing tighter regulationents surrounding lawful gun ownership and steep penaltiesars for anyone who dares to step out of line. ou son on trial. but gun crimes. but if this is the only trial the hunter faces, this will only prove that biden s, s as we have been telling you, is politicized and weaponized. the judge instructed the jury to ignore hunter s ties to thee first family. but let s be clear. only because of those ties that hunter now is only facing gun charges in the biden friendly venue of delaware. he s not getting the donaldp go trump treatment like trump got in new york with a valuation of mar a lago at a mere $18 million in a case that involved, well, valuations the judge in that civil trial was more guilty of valuationaudn fraud than anything they accused donald trump of. and then, of coursg th e, have the case of alvin bragg. misdemeanor statute t of limitations expired upcharge it to a felony electioa felonyng but don t even tell trump what you re charging him with. you , more importantly, about the bidens. , oligarchs.ign oh why did they pay hunter biden millions of millionsing to of dollars, according to the johnson grassley senate report. johnwhat services was he capable of providing if he was admittedly addicted to drugs at the time? now, if he was lobbyingf on behalhef of a foreign entity, why didn t he register r with fara? isn t that required by law?re and why did hunter and the entire biden family use over 20 shell corporationes, according to the house oversight committee? were those accounts used actually used to funnel foreign funds to different members of the familtow y? hmm. interesting questions. right. did the big gu y benefit from hunter s foreign deals in any way? according to the laptop, that apparently is very real. all ths very re guy had 10% pute for him and hunter complainedst- bitterly about giving half his income to pops and complained about, paying for pops as home repairs. why did the big guy lie to you? every one of you watching this show about meeting with his son s business associates, remember, joe said overme eve and over, he never one time ever spoke to his son. brother, anybody about theses fo foreign business deals. devon archerre said he recallse bi joe biden calling into at least 20 meeting s with and theses fore foreign business partners. and what about burismasiness, the ukrainian energy giant? hunter admits no experience in oil, gas, coal, ukraine when he goes on good morning the america, but then gets paid millions to sit on that company s board d. and th and then joe, you might recall, braggeencalld about leveragings a billion of your dollars to get the ukrainiantoe ukrain m investigating this company and his son firepahis son d, brt getting it all done within 6 hours. the resultt gettin of that firig hunter continues to get paid four zero experience. never mind the chinese energy conglomerate cfc. we ll save that for another day. as you can tak see, hunter s gue trial is really just the tip of the iceberg. frankl of they, i would call itw hanging fruit when it comes to hunter and just below the surfac e. y pict it s not a pretty picture. make no mistake, when a family can ostracizuran no miste ize tn five-year-old granddaughter and ignore her until shamed by maureen dowd at the new york times and then neverl even follow up to talk to helor meet with her, include her. it s pretty safe to assume the worst. but of course, everyone, including hunter, they were innocenthunt until proven guilty in a court of law. right. so tonight, we continuighte a to await the verdict out of delaware. not exactly an unfriendly venuen for biden. here with reaction, we have fox news contributorn. e on jonathan turley john. and let s get your take on the case as an outside observer following it as closely as you. i felt the evidence was you , incontrovertible. i thought i actually was well, i actually was pretty impressed with the prosecution in this casey impres in, the case that t eventually did put on, but only because they were forcedy we to. well, the prosecution did an admirable job. i mean they were right on it. v they had a very tight case. what was most impressivede is that abbe lowell, the defense counsefense l, put p a series of defensese that collapsed within two days. the prosecutor just methodically. s method destroyed all of these claims. and in a normal case, that jury would have been out for an hour, come back with a conviction. i mean, this is very obviouslyss an offense that was committed, but that s not what the realffee is. i mean, these as implausible as these arguments are, they re really placeholders. the defense playing to a delaware jury. this is biden town. thisware jurden town is wilming this is where the home of thefay biden family resides. and i think they re hoping for a jury nullification.. and to add to that i s a certain degree of sympathy for someone who had a tragic fightso w with with drug addiction. so we ll see what happens tomorrowlltomorr. ment there s no question in my view that the government stuck the landing here. they prove the case. the question is whether they cane the caestion get the y to consider the evidence and not justt wh who the defendt is. what do you think the most? and i thin youk, i do respect abby as an attorney. i think the one thing hunter does have goin e ong for him is abbe lowell. and i would argue there are noto many great attorneys in d.c., but he is a good attorney for sureat. ght and i thought he did as effective a job as he couldwe considering the hand that he was dealt, which was awful. with that said, do you think he was able to cast doubt in any area that sticks out in your mindha? no, no, i you know, the argument that was made by abby starting out was maybe brmeone else checked out box and they brought this mr. cleveland forward who just blew that out of the water and said, i stood there, watched him check that box and the otherg to boxes and told him to take his time, which he dids time. of then said, well, he was really sort of rushed into buy buyingin gun and cleveland saide no. he came in intendingnding to toy a gun. and then there was this ludicrous argument that hed thes sort of immaculate period of sobriety or, at least he was just drinking, not using drugs v . and the government destroyed it and showed a texent it the veryr day where he s trying to meet mookie to score more drugs.t and the day after that, sayingg that he s doing crack in a car.m and he had witnesses come forward to say that when they saw the crackayt , he doint every 20 minutes. so none of these thing livs survived within two days. but again, that s not to do with me unless i m sure the prosecutor. i m sorry, sylvester. i apologize. i thought you were finished. do a, you agree with me that theorta real important issues that people shouldntat be concernedriou about, then this is a serious ss issue that the crime aspect him and charging him here. but i think the more serious issues involve how much moneyy that this that hunter was heking without experience at a time he s addicted to drugs seemingly offering no services that we can identify as of now . no, that s exactly right. blewknow what s, amazing about this case is that it blew away their own defenser own desr that the media has been repeating for years. they ve been suggesting that hunte r biden really was this incredibly competent in demand. businessman and international expert in his book and in this a trial, it s clear that he was addicted and having a very difficult time managing moste. basic parts of his life. but he was getting millions from these companies wasons. yeah.. all right. jonathan turley, professor, ank you for joinin g us. for now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. harvard law professoing us, for alan dershowitz. professor, you re actually on a satellite tonight, as i, zo don t have you on your little zoom thing. it s great to see you a little bit more clearly. we ll start with you tonight. let s get your taker take on the case. do you agree with the last question i asked professor o and turley, which is about, you know, this is low hangingw, fruit as far as i m concerned, considering the millions of millione s of dollars that they brought into this family at a time he s addicted to drugs and at, you know, with no experiencend, admittedl. in an interview on good morning america. look, the best thing that could possibly happet thinn to, donald trump, is if hunter biden gets acquitted because. en i the evidence against hunter biden is so much, so much more compellinh moreg. the legal issue is so much more compelling than anything against trump.t this and it will prove beyond any doubt that this is all about wherall abe the trial wasc conducted, that if you re trump and you tried in new yortehak, i it s automatic guilt. and if you re biden and you re triec guilif you rd in delawarea different verdict. so the best thing that could possibly happen, trump, is the acquittal of biden. based on all of this evidence. c it would also be aa. good thing for the for america. it would it would uncover and disclose the horrible crimi double standard that our criminal justice system is going throughnaicstem i. maybe we could get some reform. maybe we can do something about it right now. our criminal justice system jug of the world.h and i feel just so horribleable about. it i ve devoted six years of my life to trying to defend tars of and explain a legal system based on neutral principle is g that legal system is gone. the trump case destroyed destro. and if there were an acquittal in this case, at least it would expose it itt. now, there may be a conviction in this case because the evidence is so overwhelmingn that won t hurt donald trump. but if there were an acquittal, it would help donaldalt bu wer t trump enormously in the court of public opinion. pu that the acquievef new york verdict was justified. if there s an acquittal in this casen th, there s such a difference in terms of the venue, it seems. diff greg, that if you want equc justice and equal application of our lawatios and you want constitutional order, it s all going to depend on the venue.t l it s all going to depend on whether how politicizedprosec weaponized the prosecutor may be and how abusively biasede the judge can be. mm-hmm. a yeah, it blows a hole in thes notion constitu usually of an impartial jury. but here are the facts here.e so simple. the law is clear. the evidence of guilt overwhelmingthidence o the argut that hunter was in denial about is addiction. so that somehow forgives his lie. that is so. but look, if a hometown jury is already in your back pocket, then jonathan s right. sympathy and jury mightnotifi actually work. and it doesn t matteca r that jurors are not allowed to negate the law. they do it anyway sometimessecrc because secrecy them.pleaseions they could do as they please without consequence. having said that, prosecutors do have an advantage. ,they don t have to prove that hunter was high on drugs or addicted. ought the day bought the gunth only during the general timeframe, and that was proventt conclusively through text messages, photograph s, oo witnesses, his own words from the book he wrote. hunteotr, it turns out, was the best witness against hunter tohich is precisely why he chose not to testify. e been he would have beenly completely shredded on cross-examination shredcrossi all right. predictions. professor dershowitz essor de? well, i think the evidence a coo overwhelming there could be a conviction, but i wouldn t be surprised if we sawbut jury nullification. remember, jury nullification cuts both ways. what happenee saation.d in new n jury nullification. the jury found an innocen nev person who committed no crime whatsoever, guilty becauseerth of the judge s instruction. and because the prosecutor made up a case that was juryon nullification with the judge nullification. this very well be a casecase o of jury nullification as well. ry prediction. gregg jarrett well, this hase beenen a no nonsense honest judge, a federal judge hugeon difference between this judge and machine. s foll if the jurors follow theirth duty as theyey mus there will be a conviction. all right. i noll rightt know outcome, be t juilty verdict, acquittal, a hung jury. nothing will surprise me here, but we ll see. surall right. we thank you appreciate it. when we come back, thingsmes ar are so i mean, so bad for democrats. you ve got prominent democrats, even a prominent election forecaster are floatinge id the idea that biden should drop out of the rac e. our friend james carville is losing his mind. arm e go, out the latest on him and much more as hannity continuears. i try to put my arm around any event that i can. absolutely. absolutely. at new day, usa, that what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. i think of 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for public policy, public service or being involved in the public squaren th is quite dishearteni. and i can understand that on one level, i may not talk term and a lot of things are nos art working for them, and i feel like the two guymean ms that dol mean much to him and i am really afraid that we re goingnl to lose a generation of young people. democrats use it losing their core coalition of party, young people, african-americans, hispanic-americans -. earlier today, election forecaster nate silver echoed comments saying democrats be would have been better off e would if biden had stepped d . yesterday, the new york times even publishinyestg a piece lon highlighting biden s long list of bizarre lies, including his claim that he used to driveh an 18-wheeler, that he was the first in his family to go to collegeo . that is uncle. he was eaten by cannibals. he receiven byd appointment to e naval academy from his future senate fro. he got involved with the civil rights movement at the ageinvold of 15. e we know that s a lie. he was arrested on a front porch with aarrestt family durg desegregation at a local neighborhood and that he never earned $400,000 in a year. well, now, of course, the newco york timesursek of various points, they kind of downplay these blatant lies as hyperbole or exaggeration and ones. and those are the ones they included. that s all the tip of the iceber.e g. cause take a look at your screenwe because we re scrolling more that biden has told over the years. by the wayby the, the new york s you re very, very welcome to use our farst o more comprehensive list of joe biden lies. biden lies you ever decide to an your corrupt and abusive bias? h and by the way, you can eventhat give me attribution. youoh, and joe did partner with that friend of his that mentor of his. that s right. the former klansman, robert byrd, to stop bussing and the integration of publicf schools. remember, joey said he didn t want public school ramembs to become racial jungles. they might want to cover that, too. th mightand as biden struggles e to mount, trump is not slowingtl down at all. his vp search is allegedly in full swing. earcbiden s desperate electione year border crackdown is alreadyear wate failing as i continue to flood over the border, whic h sources nowh saying 10,000 were apprehended on thursday alons knuckle, fours the limit at which biden said procould stop processing claims. in other words, it was asylum all smoke and mirrors als, noteo real. here with reaction, harris poll chair mark pen. n, the host of tomi lahren, is fearless. there s no such thing as a fearful tomi lahren. anyway, on outkick. tomi lahren. tomi, let s get your take. it s a long list of people now. it s james carville. i won t speak for mark penn. let i ll let him speak for himself. but it s van jones. it s david axelrod. is maureen dowd, nate silver. norod,w joining the chorus?you you have been saying, do you still believe 140 days out,o you think they re going to replace biden? i absolutely believe they re going to replace biden. i believe it s going to happen either at the or shortly thereafter. i think the democrats are far to s oro strategic and they re far too used to winninger and they enjoyefor winning far t much to take a risk with joe biden. and i knowe bide they took a rik in 2020. but when we look back ate lo and the debates in 2020 and we look at when he was newly elected, he was in fahen her better shapa than he is now, and he was slipping then. son th h i don t think they cani possibly take that risk. i do believe they re going to swablwho belip out. tha i also think that when it comes to this first debate, we need to actually raise our expectations of joe, because us counting it as aiseui he s able to sit upright and complete his sentence is givino stepg him far too much credit because then he ll claim a victory just like he did aften her the state of the union because he was able to get through it in one piece. so we have tioo raiseo ra our expectations of biden. and we also have to put the onuse oude on the democrat a and not just the messenger, but the actual messagecrat a. d because if and when they do swap out biden, we have to be ready on the republican siden and we cannot be caught flat footed if they bring gavin newsom in anottedd he s a shiny new toy. we can t let that happen. we thas, egy of the democrat i don t think we got that.n: i think it s more likel i dot be whitmer if they have the ability to bypass vice b president. mark, can anybody really conclude anythinmark, g? smart democrats like yourself, you really don t want biden, do you? well, i think i ll i ll defer that one per se. but look, i didn t think he wasd goinidn g to run. he decided to run. thesyou know what swept the democratic primaries? these are his delegatee hes. it s his convention. the idea that he s not going i to be the nominee i think is ara fantasy. i think the party is around hiri . i don t know why james said what he said. it s not really particularly tyi oint. useful at this point. i l the only thing i ll say is this the base. mark, you know why he saidid what he said? vengeance. a little riskyha. you know why he said it was. it s a sign that it s obvious this guy is a mumbling and bumbling, stumbling, bumbling. you know, he could barely sentences together. however, i do take tommy swever, admonition really seriously. i think we ll see the return up of jacked up joe.wh whatever joe drankatev eight tak before the state of the union. maybe it was just red bull and caffeine pills. i don t know. whatever it was, that was note m the normal joe. we never saw it before and we haven t seen it since. but we will see it fornce. the. now, there are some even saying, mark, that donald jus trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate. wait till he s nominatede firs,n debate. and what would you say to thawhat wt? h oh, i d say he accepted it. he it in the lion s den. ifif i were donald trump, i would have done some betterin negotiating here, but i don t think he can back ougt without really looking cowardly. and i think biden has, you know, said he s going to meet the challenge. i thinow, saidk it s big test wt he is whether you think he s jacked up or noher yot. dt if he can get through that debate, he ll lift his campaign. and if he can theampaign ant, - that might actually be in some jeopardy. they might have actually, joe, might have done donald trump a favo mr and i say this affectionately, tommy, by insistingg that that when itm his turn to speak, that they mute his microphone becausk the think that was a mistake in the first debate in 2020. your reaction? well, i would hope with a i w lot of things foouldr that firsd debate. obviously, it s stacked against donald trump and we know that. but i thin agak donald trump han incredible opportunity in this first debate to act more presidentiaortunityirst den he s ever acted in his entire life. push everything on joe and joe pushs agenda and his failed policies, which is the democrat failed and policies and agenda. de donald trump just sits back and he lets talk himself into a corner, then donald trump will win that first debate. he just has to restrain himself, which i believeave to he do i . pull it in, act t as presidentit and dignified as possible, n and he will win against joe biden and his failed policies. he simply can t stand on thosebn . and quite frankly, he can t stand at all. all right. t ask you this. if, in fact, joe, for whatever mark penn went out, tom is convinced mar it wouldt be gavin newsom. i m not sure. i don t think it would be gavin. that s just my guess. i have no inside knowledgethat except that he told me over ove and over and over and over again when i interviewed himt do and in the debate with governor desantis, that he wouldn t do it. okayokay. so i think the most lk person, if it s notharris president harris, would be governor whitme wor whitmr. that s my take. people have floated the name jo michelle e obama. i don t think she s up to the. job myself. would be the most likelywh democrat? who would you pick if you had to choose somebody? well, again, you have to go through the history here. these delegates were nominated for this ticket. harris, i think would be the likely nominee if for some reason, any reasone hims joe biden had to remove himself, you could bet on thate as almost a certainty you think would be kamala harrisy feat. yes, absolutely. all right. is on well, bet the game s on.t i don t know what you guys want to. bet. but, you know, feel free, you know, off ai yr. when w thank you both. all right. when we come back. all right. foack ghr israeli hostages, thak god held by hamas terrorists october the seventh. they were rescued duringai what was a daring raid this week. and we have the video of it. but your vic we ho e is making sure to appease her far left base rather than praising those involved in the heroic raid. ha and we ll tell you what the left als also said about ths heroic moment. moyof think they would be happ the hostages were freed. the people that were involve thd in taking them, yes, some of them died. but every death that has taken place since october seven. blood is on hamas s hands th next. artificial intelligence is transforming agriculture, advancing life saving health care, and strengthening small businesses. this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america s economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. our leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect america s competitive edge. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know you got to get it. check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. it s worth it. life insurance is too important to put off another day. that s why selectquote makes getting 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watch. listen. get latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening this. arin past weekend during a daring raid as israel rescued hostages taken during the october seven terrorist attack. the idf just released video of this very dangerousy da operation. take a look at thisngerous. we had recorded a catch phrase that said and they indeed said listening to the in me. yes, yes, yes, yes. a very courageous, serious, but complex military operation. but over there in fake news, cnn one banner called the, quote, a hostage release. no, that would be a rescue. keep in mind, that is a networka that s supposed to hosto the upcoming presidential debate. host the fake jake tapper and dana bash really be objective or trusted? no, they re liberal talkir show hosts. they re not journalists, as they claim to be. alsoeral ot, vice president harris. oh, she mourned the palestinians, quote, tragicallyt ha killed duringn an the raid and call for an end to the war. playino thg, of course, to her extremist left-wing base which showed in full force thishi weekend in front of the white house and promptlyin fro started vandalizing monuments and lafayette square, reportedlyyette sq at police ant service and demanding the elimination of the state of israel. now, secret service agents, you know were told to kill themselves and there was a lot of f the police s release fromof some of these radicals. and by way, they were forced fro to retreat from the insane mob. anyway, herethe in reaction. r former senior aide to presidentr trump stephe sn miller. and from the lawfare project,pr brooke goldsteinoject is us. you know, the people that aresi responsible fobler the murder of 1200, brooke, the people that took all of these israelisi and americans hostage and israel bravely is risking lives to go saved is the liveseh of people. i argue that every death of every palestinian that blood is on the hand is of hamas, that that started this war, esea that killed these israelis. the worst terror attack in their history. and it s miraculous that they got thesn histor mire four host. and that would be called a rescue, not a release. your reaction? well, sean it s great to beo be here with you again tonight. and i want to say that you re ab are absolutely correct. under the laws of armed conflict , it is hamas, a terrorist group that is responsible for the death of civilians, both israeli civilians and palestiniaans bothaelin civ. but you have to ask yourself, knowing what is happeningwhat in this war right now, at what point under the laws of armer td conflict do you lose your civilian status? t wa because let us not forget that it wa00s over 2000 and gaza civilians that broke into israel on october the seventh. it was the gazan civilians along with hamas that tortured that that murdered that burned israeli civilian babies alive. it was gazan civilians that then took israeli civilianit gars as hosts that kept them, tortured them were paid by hamas to keep them, raise them as . at what point do you lose your civilian status, being a civilian is not an affirmative defense to murder civilians or r do murder other civilians. and you best be sureothers c tho matter what you call yourself, if you kidnap and murder israeli civilians, the idf will rightly hols thd accountabt and, you know, it s sort of like that that coastal elitist, you know, hollywood leftists, george clooney and his wife literally wanting bg bibi netanyahu to be brought up on war crimes as he s literally trying to defend his own country from radical islamic terrorists radic. al you know how people lack that moral clarity. stephen miller i will nevestepha for the life of me understanndd israel has the right to self-determination to defend their country from a group that has in their charter a call israel s destruction that would have been 40,0000 ded dead americans in a day based on their populationn. and then you have, you know, jack actors likegoing george clooney and his wife going after the prime prime mint for trying to preserve their country. really? well, you knowally, is your morl compass, mr. clooney. although mr. i m being a bito too polite. here isn there isn t one, sean. there s no moral compasss no moe the radical left in this country has decided that it s on the side of hamas. it s as simple as that. hamas is a genocidal terroristte organizationrror. one of the most evil, vile, repugnant, repulsive organizations alive today, or any point in the history of humanity. they, as has been discussed, they , they butcher, wome murder, they tortur coue t enslave women and children, barbarians. but joe biden, us democrat parte y is now playing fore pr the pro hamas vote in this this country. they re playing for whatever sliver of voters in this country they thinkslivft is sympathetic to hamas. now, that s morally to hs morall. but i would also sayi wo it s politically idiotichamas because for every pro-hamas site in this country thi, theres 20 voters, 30 voters who are as horrified and, as appalled te by the atrocities of hamas i e are on this panel tonight. i believe joe biden will pay a dearbeliev pay price for cozyp to that segment of thete us electorate. e this is one of the saddest moments in us histor that n did he abdicate america s rolee on the world stage as theus leader of the cause of libertyan and freedod freem but then he ao surrendered in the war against islamic terrorism by saying, we re not going to help israel defend against those people that attacked them on october 7th. you know, just just the perfect to raise money with george clooney and his wife. thanoney a his wifk you both.p t appreciate it. coming up, donald trump,he biy in thea, thell state of virginia, the commonwealth, well, the blue statecommon red in nov. we ll ask governor glenn youngkin. and later, biden hosted a juneteenth event at the white house tonight. yeah, it appeared to be a little late for joe to stay up. yeahyou got th, he got the tapec you don t want to miss it.ti straight ahead. the ve i look back with greatet satisfaction on my 32 yearsposii on active duty. i understand the veteran i understand the veteran mentalitoning these are peoplee who have served. they ve been in leadership positions. positions. financial helpthey re willing tt their life on the line if necessary. and tfor a handout. and say, i need some financial help at this point in time. oing to they re looking for a h. they re looking for our little hand up. hand up. my team at new day usa is going to do everything we possibly to do everything we possibly can to make sure gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans liken ists hav new . of veterans liken ists hav new . after 30 years of research, brain scientistsy to say have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i m trying to get a thoughtli across and ike i w can t find the right way to say it. a lid as got into, 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huge. according to the latest fox poll in the commonwealth of virginia. donald trump.n, joe biden. this is a second poll in a row a tied at 48%. o remember, this is the place joe biden won by ten points in 2020. the same poll shows trump winning 25% of black voters in the commonwealth of virginia right now.n repu can republicans considerbl virginia in playrginia come novb joining us with moreer, virginia governor glennh youngkin.t gahe governor, listen, your victory reallyer shocked the world man in many ways because a lot of people, like myself include d ,thought that virginia had gone solidly blue, that northern virginia, thata h- too many d.c. employees that were going to vote for the bureaucracrey. and it became that much more difficult of a state to win. to wiis this state in play forf donald trump? sean? it is i believe it is. and that s exactly what the polls are showing us. just like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin. michigan, nevada and arizona, those battlegrounda an states ae seeing the exact same kind of statement that virginians are make. and they want a strong america. they want an america that ha was economic strength, not the biden generated economy. no unleashed inflation. they want an america that has national security, not the indecisive, weak america that joe biden has created. they want an america that has a secure border, not one that has terrorist and illegal immigrants and fentanyl flowing over every day. i i mean, we see it in virginia. we literally have five virginians dying on average from fentanyl overdose. and we hadeinians d i two illegl immigrants crash the gates at quantico in a box truck recently. and they want an america that has energy . we are so tired. i can hear it every single day of being told that you have to buy. and even if you live e b in california, but not in virginia anymore because we declared our independenc ivirgir that in fact you and you have, 0 to pay 20, 30, 40% more for a gallon of gas because of the biden failed energy policy. they want trump back in the amei white house because he built a strong america. and that sca exactly what we ve seen in virginia over the course of the last couple of years , commonsense conservative policy works. we ve unleashed a riunleashep ey in virginia, and i think they want to see it on a national level. yean thins, virginia is in we got five months of hard work . but i m telling you, when they put that when they put the records of president trump againss oft president bidi i believe that virginians and american ts are going to fid themselves pulling the lever for president trump. so when i was with presidentr trump last week and i did an asterview with himeseekend, youe came up and he asked me ifke i spoke to you off, and i said, well, occasionally you we you k, we have we have spoken. and you come on the show. , tell and he said, when you talk to him, tell him i m going to give him a call goito g. i want to thoughts on virginia. so i would say expect the callmt from president trump. i don t know. i m just a mere messenger. right. you know, what about northern virginia? because that alwayr.s scares me, because there are so many dark bureaucrats that live in the commonwealth of, virginia, that work in d.c. and how big ah percentage of the vote is that going to end up being for the commonwealthating the ? well, in order to win virginia like we did in 2021,e you have to lose northern virginia less badly. and what we did, of course, was wen the hispanic vote, we won the asian vote, we won oen the independendent vt vote. people are ready for change. and in 2021, they were readywe to see parents put back at the head of the table, controlof of control of their children s lives. they were tire t children sd oft taking all of their hard earned money and putting it in government cofferrned mones,g in their pocket. they wanted a chance to build their livethey wands the way thd to build them and not being told what to do all the timeo . mandated masks and oh, by the way, mandate what kind of ca or. you drive. this is virginia. and of course, i think thithisv is america. and therefore, the plan to win virginiathan t is, of course, to lose northern virginia. less bad, but to get over 40% nt of the vote and then knock it out in the rest of the state. di and that s exactly what we did in 2021. and when you looand when youk am trump s strength across virginia, that s exactly what he ca ginia thn. let me ask you a finalr fi question. if donald trump annald i knowou your name hasn t been out there prominently, but if donald trump called not you, asked you toun run with him, what would you say,m governor? well, well, first, i would be honored and humblede . he rep tell him that there is a ton of talent in the republican party today, everyw and i ve seen them everywhere. and it s my job to finismyh winv my finish my time as governor and help him win virginia. irwhat tell you what.ha we ve got to make sure weve t get donald trump back in the white house because donat withstand another four years of joe biden. is that a hard no, sean,r hear that that is that is a a realistic view of the fact that there s so much talentha that i think he can have a great choice and fin d lots of people i think i can ask this would be honored but indert understand. all righand. t governor, alwayswhen great to have you on the program. when we come back, the white w u house hold the juneteenth event tonight. they didn t go well for joe. straight aheadll o, the thinking is starting the writing clock. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers on june 21st. one of the biggest films of the summer arrived the many nice little i like you guys. you re in a nice. how many staff ladies did you win? they said seven. felt like one. he keeps writing. he s going to die one way or another. you re crazy. we are on desire, but characters on this is war war. the black writers meeting are only in 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doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery, goalies increases water in the stool, making it softer so it s easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining. kohli repair has the beltway lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news the country to the global events shaping our world. we ll bring you there and have a live report, special report with britt baer weeknights on fox news channel america is watching. earlier tonight, biden hosted a juneteenth celebratio sean:n at the whiti house and big surprise, it didn t go well. throughout the event biden stood awkwardly still, while other attendees were singin werg and dancing before later clapping along completely out of rhythbeforem with everyoe around him. and when he did speak, it only got worse. he d g a look. she not lost. she knows. so long as i that night. r be our freedom can never be secured. these black soldiers were a link in the distinguished line of patriots, enslaved and free, who risked their live s in every war. since the founding. the founding of our ideals. we don t know fully what american soil is. mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumblinging, and incoherent. n now, in fairness, this was around 9 p.m. eastern, which is well past joey s bedtime. i m sure bedtime he s going to g well tonight after that vigorous showing. plea s all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveyourr ever h an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not and your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilutfelde on your face. have a great nigh

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240611

we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle. they want to destroy our his history. [screaming] [screaming] laura: it is a disgrace, that is the statue across from the white house in the lafayette park. was a commander in the french army who helped america during the revolutionary war. that is what happens when radical leftism and sympathizers take over the ark. thousand showed up towedo prote. the question i had all week, where as law enforcement? there was this poor guy. [chanting]d st laura: assaulted up youappe would when the police tried to step in the one time, this happened. [chanting] laura: the park place, the d.c. metro police, secret service knew this testst was happening weeks ago, so it is unclear why the statutes weren t protected, given what w happened to the sameer park in e same park memorial day 2020. we cri were there. now, we have no my criminals onu video assaulting police officers, committing crimes, and look, we understand there are no plans to prosecute anyone here that the protest is described as largely in florida, iowa, tennessee, vandals were caught on camera doing with these friends arr wet doing they would be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but in liberal areas if you are a democrat or someone the democrats are trying to court to vote for them, they don t have to worry. and these protesters knew this. s president biden certainly unlike president trump supports the freedom of expertise andt freedom of expression. so they are exercising their rights and that is their right toare do. laura: these are among the most privileged people outrisd there. they can do stuff in blue states, liberal jurisdictions or as we saw on college campuses, and they can get away with it,su total impunity. here are the laws that can and should be used against anti-american anarchist.fe 1361 is the destruction of federal properly and authorizes a penalty of up to ten yearst fo imprisonment for the willful injury of federal property. an aunt amidst of remember the 2020 riots, the trumd smpan administration issued smartly in the executive protecting american monuments and memorials, noting it is the department of ps. justice to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyin person destroying, damaging, vandalizing or desecrating aor monument memorial or a statute within the u.s. or otherwise damages government property.ffic but with biden in office, common sense and the rule of law are out the window. law is supposed to apply across the board to all, but we have two sets of laws cured one for friends of the regime, and one for the enemies of the regimehe where they think of the enemies of the regime who should expect to be persecuted whenever possible. so, what happened to the pro-life demonstrators put in prison for years, the janppen january 6th defendants hunted down, and of course, what we sea happening to president trump. but the fact is biden, kamala harris, merrick garland and college administrators will always cut a break to the people who hate america. look, as long as you areu defending traditional americansa christians, others or if you potentially help democrats, why basically you can do whatever you want to be or that is why those people are spray painting statue and throwing stuff at thh police officer.endi this is what they mean when they talk about defending democracy. if a bunch of twentysomethings oklahoma though through red paint on thel black lives matter mural on 16th street across from the park, they had beenwoul arrested. they had been arrested on the spot. the doj would hold a press conference and it would be a big deal, large, large forces of doe prosecutors would be bearing down on these people right now here to becausthe e we know what looks like when the doj wants to get serious and send a message f deterrence. the fbi is quite familiar with large-scale, complex and fast-moving investigations.ity we are up to the challenge. the brutality the american people watched with shock and disbelief on the sixth will not be tolerated by the fbi. the men and women at the fbi will leave no stone unturned in this investigation. laura: even this yearts, thes are still sending doj alerts about january 6th and you seeid this guy, the democrat on the hill put a statement out callina for the prosecution of the people who did that in lafayette park? it is clearly the policy at this point of the administration and thdothe doj that left-wing grous can destroy any statute, they can block any road, they can do any of that as long as the democratic party doesn t have to pay any political price. the doj doesn t work for you. y it works for joe biden and the democrat party. we told you this from thehe outset. the statute takedowns and destructions, it was never about the confederacy or property lee or slaveholders or the 1800s, this was about their hatred of the american story. they do not believe in the constitution. they do not believthere in the n declaration of independence or whether we win another war, they don t care about that. for that matter, they don t cara california, illinois, new york, they don t care if it goes downs the drain, look what they were doing to migrants. it doesn t matter to them. as for the democrats in congress, they, too, know theey rules of accountability do not u apply to them not the same way as republicans. asy pe we told you from the very beginning, if nancy pelosi had done her job before january 6th, the breach never would have happened at the capital. and now, we have proof that shes knew she was responsible. this was footage taken by her own daughter of the day the attack. any did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should ha. this is ridiculous. you are goin g to ask me in the middle of the thing, they have already reached the inauguralce? stuff that should we call the capitol police? t i mean, the national guard? why would the national guard not there to begin with? speak what they thought thatth they had sufficient they don t know! they clearly didn t know, and i take responsibility for not having them. laura: she said she was responsible not once but twice on that tape.da the democrat leadership in charge that day was responsible for how it got out of hand.ei no wondellr they kept those thousands of hours of surveillance videos secret until the republican house speaker ordered thease.e release. so by now, i think more americans see the real privilege out there.t co the privilege that protects some of the most corrupt people. the political write a report ony the vat money trail is interesting to me, but we know they will never be held accountable. it doesn t matter how shady their money of sources are ors oflong time drifter racking up tens of billions of dollars forr their whole family tree for thao joe biden lied about not talkind to hunter s foreign business contacts. it is the ultimate privilege,nd and thats is the angle. late hunter s future now lies in the hands of the jury started late this afternoon with jury deliberations in the federal gun trial. irea if convicted on all three counts lying on a federal firearms form october 2018, he faces a maximun sentence of 25 years in prison. instead of focusing on what the actual crimes are come at theki ngmedia spends most of its time lamenting about what a heartbreaking moment this is for the biden family.g no this has been an emotional trial from the start unfolding not only in front of a jury but in front of the eyes of hunter biden s diversely the jill biden, and other members of the so the closest people in the biden circle inside the courthouse, the force is no different withfa the women in hs familyrect all side-by-side andn directly behind hunter biden. nw the 120 may now judge janine. pyro, host of the five and it is interesting job there jill biden flew from france for a day to sit in that courtroom as the jury was still there. the she flew back to france, huge expense of the taxpayers and a lot of people wondering about that what that might have said to the jury. clebut is this a clear case her could weal expect acquittal in u liberal jurisdiction? first of all, you are absolutely right, laura, solo transatlantic flight so she could stay as long a bs she coud with the trial and then get back to the trial. look, the biden family is trying to put on a united front here, when in truth, laura, they are as dysfunctional as a family caa get for getting what was going on in that family.on a and giving all the trauma visited upon the biden women as a result of what hunter did and, you know, whether his ex-wife to g,his brother s wido hw who endp testifying, his daughter endedll up testifying, his stepmother, jill, day in and day out. t what the prosecutor actually had to say, actually, ladies and gentlemen the fact that the powerful biden family sittingel there is not they have the power to try to sway this jury and intimidateeyp them in whatever way theyr possibly can. to answer your question directly, laura might never been in a criminal court room we can literally hear the voice of the accused defendant bellowing out and basically admitting he is an addict and involved in all kinds of debauchery during the period ofy du time that he signed thisn pistol permit application. so the evidenc impe is there ane american people should be impressed this judge wasn t trying to string outthey the trh so they could keep someone off ofdeli the campaign trail.tomo they got it done pure they will deliberate. they will have ado verdict tomorrow and only issue, do they want to convict him or not push mark because it s all there. this is a friendly democrat delawarei ju jury. laura: i don t see itt ju happening, but i was wrong and. you were right about that jury in new york, judge. i held out hope. cnn thinks the jury would vote to acquit fowar this reason her at a watch. a jury could also say waitsdl at the mic wait a second,ri prosecutors you didn t establish used or possessed these drugs ta during october and the defendant knowingly did so. he might have thought so in his mind that hehat a was clean, fg his life u.p and so on.fore that is like saying aally defendant coming before me on a murder case, i really wasn t was murdering him. your actions speak louder thanty your supposed thoughts at this point. but what they ve got and you have to give every laura credit though my credit for this, basically we don t know if he was using thboe day he filled ot the form. baloney! the statute says are addicted to end the prosecutor shot holes through it and every 20 minuteas he was smoking crack according to his girlfriend zoe. within minutes, he is with w mookie picking up crack and abby comes up with, well maybe he was lying and with another woman. and then abby says maybe he was an alcoholic. according to abby, you have to have the crack on the pistol the application.tion but the truth is, the biden administration has increased the penalties for people lying on these applications. but they think they are above the law and shouldn t have to apply to hunter. laura: judge him up before we let you go, the desecration of the statute in lafayette park and the assault of a park polic. officer, no arrests, no pressag conferences, not a democrat that i have heard to speak out against this talk about two tiers of justice, and were six defendants in this? i love your angle there. look, january 6, they found. them, got there bank records to find them. it is almost as if it s not aes big deal.peop they did nothing to prevent it. these are people and so right, u they hate america. they want to bring anarchy to this country and the biden administration is aiding and abetting and complicit whether the southern border or whether lafayette park. this is why america can no longer handle the way that theno bidens for running the country.e and hopefully, things willl ri change in november. laura: judge, great to see you tonight.ario thank you so much. biden porter cracked down, this is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time. we will have the details next. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we are at a very early stage. implementation come as you noted, has just begun. it is early. the signs are positive.y jo our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a big shift how we operate on the southern border. laura: biden has made a big change on the border! and just hours ago my niece leper of a piece ofos es the new york times says it all, days after border closes for most migrants, most manageable crowds but more anxiety i think that migrants feel fearful and stranded. of course, the the times worry about bit the feelings? they are biden. what do you think of president biden?yeah i love biden.urse biden help us. laura: that says thathi all come t of course. this is illegals the key to securing a permanent, democrat majority. so the democrats don t care whatns. it cost me even to nationalned security concerns. according to thethe border patr memo obtained by fox, the administration s basically ordering a catch and release.nos we knew this before, but agents in the san diego sector areadul being told to release single adults from every country on thn face of the earth but six countries in the eastern hemisphere: russia, georgia, moldova, kirk a stand. noticeably missing from that t list, china, cuba, north kore, they can get right in apparently and get a notice to appear or three years, fivthe years, seven years and who knows what happens after thatof t. just more confirmation o f the biden team radical plans to permanently alter the america that wve.e love. these are so committed to importing new democrat voters that they will waive that anyonf except a very small sliver ofwh russians and otherils from thead republic.e meanwhile, the biden family made millions in china and they have no problem waving in the 100,00c chinese in the united states. of course, china was an adversary the last time i checked and also a communist country the last time i checked. it is disturbing, but not surprising because this is all politics are joining us eric schmitt, senator, why is the biden administration fine with migrants from places like syria, iran, china, but not russia? they have a long-term play here as you know to because you don t need to be a citizen to be counted in the citizen, that is one. they believe that is a path to more power and more control.trol if you need further evidence number one, joe biden isvide a . and two, there would be open borders crowd appearances as exhibit 5,438. it is in plain view now and thig memo confirms with everybody that this is window dressing anu they know exactly what they are doing. the as you mention only six m countries noted in the easternsp hemisphere. that means from china, a spy from china you can get her $5,000, $10,000 and you ca n be in the united states with catch and release. a touriseal.t from it this hh never happen in the history of anywhere in ther world, laura. laura: never! this has never happened. no one has done this aloud and been complicit with an impatien of our country. they don t believe in real borders. sapling malcolm americansould literally are dying and i fear it can be worse. there were terrorists here operating in the united states. and the biden administration is ready to trade that for an electoral event. laura: the media seem to not really comprehend. we saw what happened in europe p on european elections over the weekend. a populist i came in, globalists for the most part on the run, people tired of mass migration, but the media are stilisl clingg to this notion of globalism that they don t understand american s feelings on this puree to watch. speak with a 62% of americans favor deporting all undocumented immigrants. s alreso homeland security says president biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any yearwhat since 2010. some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn t seem practical in some sense to round up childrenr laura: oh, my god, they are still doing the round up of children. senator, the american people have seen how this has already change their communities, they are schools, compromised our health care, rooms, and a porchr toob my course the huge budgetay problems along with the other problems we have you or but the media are like, what about the families? what about the american families? get ready for space bowl style ludicrous speede fearmongering in october. that is what all the democratsi. are left with.port and conveniently sort of reported on this stuff, thet threat to democracy is actually people voting. that is what happened in europem yesterday and what is happening here in the united states, another tsunami is coming because if they would get out of coastal bubble and come to real america and actually talk to people, real people don t understand how the president ofs the united states is willingly opening up the border for theth fentanyl killing people in the communities. the crime you see every day anld the terrorism and don t understand it but all politicsen shot in november here. laura: thank you, senator. next biden doj targets a doctorl after he blew the whistle on sex change for kids. he is here for an exclusive interview next. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? 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what is that all about? it is unbelievable. my wife, she was undergoing ae background check because she goa hired as an assistant u.s. attorney in the northern district of texas. in a letter my attorneys wroteav outlining the behavior, she said my wife andrea will not have problems with her background check unless she becomes difficult. e what she was referring to was my wife encouraging me. she knew mike to choose my constitutional right to not speak to the agents with a came to my home three hours before my graduation from surgery residency. laura: is there any doubt l, tthat this is political attet to intimidate you and others for speaking out, in a dell? no doubt because that is what he told us. laura: doctor, we can talk to you foryou an hour. thank you for joining us. look, making inroads into deep red wyoming. it may be because that h is whee radiologists say he was punished for speaking out against transgender surgery for childreh there. dr. eric lubin said he wrote an email urging state legislatures to endorse a bill banning it. the bill passed and signed by d governor mark. but after that dr. cubin said he got a letter from the governor removing him from the state board of medicine before eventually allowed to resign. joni meet dr. air cuban, interventional radiologists. this became law banning the surgery in wyoming. texas did the same. what is their real beef with you? what is it customer i wish ie knew what they are real beef wah but what is concerning the woke mob in this country has so much power and influence that they can even affect the weekin governor in the state of wyoming, the most republican state in the country and somehow cores him into silencing the voice of reasoning his state.i a i have no idea, no idea who it sort of the influence here and who caused this to but if it s really scary is that if this can happen wyoming whatr is going on in the rest of theh country? the spokesperson for the governor s office said that you resigned after receiving a letter from the governor reminding you of theto policy fu medical board members toti remai objective withon duties tounds maintain the confidence of medical professionals on the board. sounds like a lot of bureaucratic nonsense. that says nothing and that is typical bureaucratic speech. i hate people that write that way. it is like cia statement. but your response to whatever that was suppose id to mean. it was difficult to read andc made no sense. he also accused me ofssib potentially having a conflict of quite frankly, that is not possible because it is the i law in the state. somthough mike violates the lawd comes before the board of medicine we enforce that no conflict of interest but we arei enforcing the law appeared s laura, what i would really like to talk about is the children if that is okay. make no mistake about it, this is not gender-affirming care we are talking about. this is gender denying care. these children have a delusion similar to anorexia. what we have learnedcan with anorexia, you don t treat ittrea with liposuction. the treatment these kids need is love and kindness and psychotherapy. they don t need surgical mutilation of hormones. only reaffirming for these children is that we love them, cherish them, and we are sur committed to making sure they are okay and they get the care that they need. we should not laura: thrae word gender s phrase, gender is so orwellian.. orwellian would be rolling in his grave, doctor, thank you. the media, are they preparing to kick joe biden to the curb? a what else might be afoot?we h a big development next. whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america s mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they re willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. laura: more post than a democrat contingency plan may be underway to swap biden from the democratic ticket. the over the weekend the new york times published s gentle fact-checked of biden s tall tales. well, they said biden might use antidotes in order to win over his audiences and appear more charming. is this charming?armi i used to drive an 18-wheeler. i wa as sort of raised in the r puerto rican community at home. i like allow for a lot of people in this audience and happen t o be the first of my family to go to college. and my uncle posey who got shot- down in new guinea. e wehe never found the body bece there are a lot of cannibals, for real comment that part ofya the community.rn laura: for real pures the new york times calls these yarns. but the fact is they catalogued them to me was not significant.c then, there is the political piece exposing how biden s closest aides were deeply n his family business dealings .te for years he shared a bookkeepe with his son, hunter my personal lawyerr with his brother jim. he had secret service investigated a chinese executive doing business with hunter.tale well, that might be another tall tale. never discussed with my sontn or my brother or anyone else o business, period! laura: jordan may ned ryans and founder of ceo majority andt sean davis, the federal spirit what is going on here? i think some of the corporate propaganda and who is pushing for stories because someone is pushing it in a coordinated fashion thinks joe biden is the real problem but that is not their real problem here are the real problem is leftist policie. they are pushing your list notor forget why they have joe biden, pure joe biden is the basebut putting on for obama s third term to beat trump and pace of the mirror on obama s third term and radical policies androja the trojan horse for leftist ideas. they are focused on joe biden as the real problem but it s thee a essence and the american people are waking up and understanding what the modern-day democraticna has become, a neo-marxist un-american party. the american people we don t agree with you o on n immigratin and we don t agree with you onsr the economy and we don t agreesi with you on your ideas or peo illusions of law and order. that is what is happening. i people are focused on the real problem pure the real problem it they want to take off joe biden and smear fresh lipstick on nasty, ugly pig of her left of american ideas. they are focused on the wrong problems and the wrongd fo solutions. laura: polling has been so bad for biden even cnn as of late can t avoid covering look atou this tremendous shift, oh, my goodness gracious, now 2024, biden s drop eight points and trump up 44%. he is losing. he is under water the israel/moss war in russia and ukraine war. donald trump seems to have an edge in this race. what is president biden doing wrong that this is the case? laura: sean, i had to cover this sooner or later you re to be we saw crowds in californiaa turning out for trump. they are lined the streets form. him. and very few trump haters at least which wakly.s shocking tos frankly, i don t know, there is a lot going on they are gettingy a little nervous about, sean.n. i think that is exactly what is going on here they are not trying to dump biden yet but if it gets to that point, they definitely will pure the bobr th race in 2002 where he was dead in the water so they swapped him out at the last minute andhey through an wrinkle altenburg.he about what they were trying to do is raise the alarm bells, hey, guys, your whole strategy of throwing trump in prison is not working anymore. it is time to panic and start changing things up because of the way things stand now, it isu not going the thing about the propaganda press and corporate media, they never tell the truth and theyow always have an agenda. i think their agenda right now is to get the regime reelectedu and they need to make sure thepp people in the white house and the people running in the white house know they are in trouble.e wi laura: ned, do you agree with that? i do agree with that but ther. problem they have is they have the scranton show good old joe from scranton and this moderate and now what the problem is if they replace joe biden without an out leftist on top of the leftist agenda, i think the gig is up in the masquerade is over.y i totally agree with sean, howre do they retain power? at some point, they will panic because joe biden grandpa dimension is amala hard seller d kamala harris is even worse. laura: floated a scenario on x, biden hit all-time low a approval rating paying dropping out would be a big wrist but threshold continuing to run is o bigger wrist the mic risk. are we there yet i don t knowm. but it s fair to ask appear to think it is that point for them in incredibly risky for them to lose this last touch stone to the old seemingly more reasonable democrat party and f that.row o they lose that and look, it is the free palestine protesters in lafayette square spray painting commander rochambeau. it is that chaos.e that is it, and the border. right, that might explain that very odd, june 22nd debate they scheduled the pier thatst might beil joe biden s last chae to prove that he still has it.wn i can t recall in memory when we had presidential debates before there was even a convention. it is very strange. laura: that is the last chance for joe. ned and shawn, thank you both. seen and unseen with raymond arroyo is next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it s 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i m trying to get a.a thought across and i can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain care supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredesen. neuroq is the result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. neuroq contains a key ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performance in as little as seven days. and within just two months a combination of ingredients found in neuroq has been shown to help improve memory focus and concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that only focus on one or two factors, but neuroq is different. it s the multi ingredient multi action formula that helps fuel, boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive brain care and noticeable results. in an internal study, 4 out of 5 neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week s time i was able to. think clearer was the first thing. i can see that there is an improvement just in the tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking neuroq, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done. as well as my memory and recall. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq for $49.95 plus get free shipping. act now and you ll also receive neuroq s fast dissolving sleep now oral strips, to boost brain recovery while you sleep. laura: time laura: it is time fordlin seen and unseen where we revealedes the stories behind te headlines.ntri raymond arroyo. biden is said to take part in a big fund-raiser this weekend. ti the slabs will lift him up your jimmy kimmel, george connie, julia roberts command more. lore, dire warnings aregs coming from hollywood like this. ro how do you feel about the specter of the second trump administration? ie will move. w ili can t live in this country f he became president. understand why people are not taking him seriously. i think hitler i would rather push in our life and be stopped by that is what the choice will be in 2024.. a response to all of this,a, ricky drop this over the weekend. as a celebrity, science andor politics, trust me when i tellot you you should vote for. if you don t vote the right wayh a hate crime and it makes me sad and angry, and i will leave the country. and you don t want that. laura: they never leave the country. if only they leave the country. please leave. you can t bully and harangue people into a political conformity, laura. it is only news if suddenly sean foyt said i m supportingg bi joe biden. that is news but theselebr celebrities have always been in his corner reporting oppositionh to the candidate here that is hardly news and i think he is right. laura: they are not affected by biden s policies. they floated of adverse effects of the policy so they are totally fine . i want to talk about caitlin clark i know a lot of people are interested in thee story. she is probably thpre most important player in the nba. period she left off the olympicc team and reacted with enormous grace though appearance because she had great poise and humility and took it in stride. her record is not perfect andscr the pro, 14th in scoring, but still i tend to agree withs. stephen a. smith on this. this girls box office! i said a rise in tide, but whate you do, especially if team usa and you re trying to be globalized, it is an opportunitn to globalize the wnbita brand! you don t sit up there and pass on caitlin clark! it is stupid, team usa, it was a dumb decision! well, look, she still has aau shot. chelsea gray with a leg injury and if she she gets out of that roster, there might be room for caitlin clark. but it does seem they missed an opportunity for marketing and publicity in a big way. but she has time he or she is young. laura: my free said though my friend said rookie larry johnson and larry bird, it all works out. i have to say that i haven t followed the wnba that closely but she should probably be on the team.. what else? the number for joe biden amongjo black voters is a rolling tragedy and trump s best performance in black voters in 60 years for republicans. some polls say 63%, a drop from 91% in 2020. part of this is attributable for trump making attributes to blacks in the bronx appeared to try to turn the tide, trump s june s juneteenth concert june 10th at the white house. patti labelle, gladys knight, as we like to say new orleans, the essence festival. i don t know why you need aou campaign and basically aaign campaign event being sponsored by the taxpayer. a comedian roy would open the festivities this way. we get thfestatche day off jt that is right. we get the day off june 19th. i don t know about some of y all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i m not here to tell you thank you for what you did, but a week i don t know if you ve been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don t think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei carley: a fox and friends first exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an

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