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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20170105 17:00:00

use propaganda and the ability to reach out as terrorists are doing and try to incite, and match that up with the tremendous power that social media tools allow to make that easy and simple and effective and broadly applicable. so, given that this is a strategy, and given that it s aimed not just at the united states, particularly with respect to interference in our elections, but at western europe and eastern europe, for that matter, is there an effort underway to work with our allies through nato or otherwise? i ve been to the cybersecurity center in estonia, but there didn t seem to be a nato agreement that this is something we should be working on together to respond to. so is this an effort that is underway?
speaking from my lens on things, there is a lot of interest in doing that and doing it more effectively and more comprehensively, but we have not cracked the code on doing it effectively yet. and so we need to keep the pressure on ourselves and our nato allies, who are like-minded in this regard, to keep improving our approach. and it s also got to be much broader than just cyber. thank you. director clapper, my time is almost up. but before you go, since this is the last opportunity we will have to hear from you, can i just ask you, do you think the dni needs reform? there is always room for improvement. i would never say that this is the ultimate. i do think it would be useful, though, if we are going to reform or change the dni or change cia that some attention
be given to, in our case, the legislative underpinnings that established the dni in the first place, and then have added additional functions and responsibilities over the years, that congress has added, two hour kit bag of duties. to say that there s not room for improvement, i would never suggest that. i appreciate that, and i certainly agree with you, i think that if there is going to be this major reform, hopefully both legislators and others who have been engaged in the intelligence community will be part of that effort. i certainly agree the congress, no pun intended, gets a vote here, i think. thank you. i know that our time has expired, and i apologize to our new members that we won t have time because you have to go.
but director clapper, since this may be, hopefully, your last appearance, do you have any reflections that you d like to provide us with, particularly the role of congress or the lack of role of congress in your years of experience? i have to be careful here. i don t think you have to be. i was around in the intelligence community when the oversight committees were first established, and have watched them and have experienced them ever since. congress does have, clearly, an extremely important role to play when it comes to oversight of intelligence activities. and unlike many other endeavors of the government, much of what we do, virtually all of what we do, is done in secrecy. so the congress has a very
important and crucial responsibility on behalf of the american people for overseeing what we do, particularly in terms of legality and protection of civil liberties and privacy. at risk of delving into a sensitive area, though, i do think there is a difference between oversight and micromanagement. well, we thank you. we think the witnesses, and this has been a very helpful and director clapper, we will be calling you again. really? [laughter] this meeting is adjourned. and with that, capitol hill they are getting ready to get up from the table there, that is the director of the national intelligence, and james clapper has been sitting in that seat for the better part of two and a half, almost three hours,
answering questions bread we have been watching the intel chief standing behind claiming that russia did indeed metal with our elections. so what exactly is the hard evidence? that was the central issue at this hearing on capitol hill, and we watched them leave now. this is outnumbered, i m harris hock wagner. kennedy, national security council staff member, right on time, under presidents bush and obama, gillian turner, and today s #oneluckyguy, cohost of america s newsroom , bill hemmer. glad to have you. bill: happy new year, happy to be with you. harris: 2017, all right, let s get to the news. the director of national intelligence and the head of the national security agency testified about russia s meddling in the presidential election. all of this as president-elect donald trump, who will be sworn in 15 days from now, continues to express doubts about russia s interference. and amid a report which the trump transition team denies, the president-elect is looking to revamp the intel community
once he takes office. a short while ago, armed services chair senator john mccain asked chief james clapper if he stood by the previous assessment that senior russian officials were behind the hacking. based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts not only that only russia s seniormost officials could have authorized in these activities, general klapper, clapper, is that something you stand behind? actually we stand more resolutely on the strength of that statement and we made on the seventh of october. harris: chief intel correspondent joins us now live from capitol hill, good to see you, catherine. thank you, harris. witnesses testified this morning that the u.s. intelligence community is more confident today than it was back in october that the interference was directed by senior russian
authorities. and they also testified that it was part of a multi-faceted campaign that included the theft of emails, as well as disinformation and the use of state news. they also emphasized that they never found any evidence that any of the vote tallies were changed, but other issues were harder to measure. they did not change any vote tallies or anything of that sort, and we have no way of gauging the impact that certainly the intelligence community can t gauge, the impact that it had on the choice of the electorate made. there is no way for us to gauge that. witnesses consistently testified to the senate armed services committee that the campaign was directed by senior russian authorities. there was only a single mention of vladimir putin by name, and that came within the last hour, and it was given by dni james clapper, who said something of
this political sensitivity, the interference and meddling in the american election, could only have happened with his blessing. in time, three transition sources have confirmed to fox news that the trump team is considering a restructuring of the u.s. intelligence community, a kind of streamlining, in an effort to deal with what is described as the bloat in leadership and a politicization of the intelligence itself, as described to us as something that is very preliminary. though this morning the incoming white house press secretary said the report that was carried in the wall street journal was false. in effect, though, this did come up at the hearing a short time ago. yesterday the wall street journal indicated that the president-elect is considering changes to the intelligence community. have you at all as the experts in this field and engaged in any of these discussions? no, we have not. based on our reporting, we
understand that the intelligence report that exceeds about 50 pages, the classified version, has been dropped off at the white house, and that if the president wishes to be brief, that will be happening today. then the president-elect will get his brief tomorrow, friday. a key question to really be following though in the next few days is that if this intelligence report was just finished this week, on what basis did the obama white house make the decision to impose sanctions on russia and then to expel 35 diplomats? all right, thank you very much, catherine, for setting us straight on many of the fact that we will talk about right now. so bill hemmer, i want to start with you. just basically with this hearing, i think we were all perched thinking that we would learn lots of new details. it might be contentious. this was friendly. bill: i thought the biggest headline was from john mccain when he said, we have no strategy. here s a guy who just came from eastern europe, and they feel a threat on behalf of moscow all the time. what senator mccain said was,
our nation has no strategy to deter cyber attacks bid we have no strategy. talk about radio free europe, and lindsey graham almost made fun of it, suggesting it was outdated. harris: he did make fun of it. lindsay was in a mood. bill: answer this, russia and china present the greatest cyber security threat to the u.s., but iran is trying to increase and spend more on its capabilities. one was that written? april, 2016. that was nine months ago. what are we doing as a government if they have already recognized that this is an issue, what are we doing to catch up? i thought that last part was very well taken. are we going after capacity or intent? probably should go after both, because if they are doing a toss, we should return favor. harris: you know what s interesting, senator lindsey graham was in a mood. and he was, and he brought up the point of hitting russia back with what he called the rock. he said that he feels like president obama has just thrown a pebble. but that is not to stay the same as to label what is going on as espionage.
he went back and forth with clapper about that. i understand, and i understand that senators graham and mccain are hardliners when it comes to these issues, and i said it before and i will state again, my worry is that if we keep focusing on russia, we are not going to focus on what is most important, which is our vulnerabilities and our cyber security, because if we are only looking in one place that means we are not looking everywhere else. harris: or anywhere else. kennedy: i thank this is a very valid time to have the conversations about our national security apparatuses and while hillary clinton bragged about 17 security agencies and intelligence agencies agreeing that russia was interfering with the u.s. electoral system, my question is, why do we have 17 intelligence agencies? harris: okay, so i understand what you re saying about not necessarily just focusing on russia, but it s interesting that there are reports i may be some in the transition team, particularly the top national security picks that are getting ready to be deposed on capitol hill next week, for lack of a better word, defense secretary nominee, general james mattis, said
russia could be the most dangerous rival that we have. so is it true or not? mitt romney said so. gillian: i was just going to bring that up. remember when mitt romney said that in 2012 and he got laughed out of the room. well, he was right. a couple of things on the cyber front. one is the united states is much better on offense than on defense when it comes to cyber. we ve got some of the best folks who are able to penetrate systems around the globe, but for whatever reason, the government has been lagging behind for many, many years now. and in spite of all these efforts, in spite of millions, maybe billions of dollars spread across all these different intelligence agencies over the last decade, we haven t made a lot of progress. there was a cyber czar appointed that was supposed to help manage all of that, dear member at the beginning of the administration? sometimes it s not adding another layer of bureaucracy that cures the problem, and we do it with all of these problems. we ve seen it with the va. harris: how do we square this with the idea of what the
president-elect has said about russia? he has a healthy skepticism, we learn today that the fbi i would welcome some more skepticism from the president-elect on russia. because james clapper, here s what he said. i think there is an important distention here between healthy skepticism, which policymakers should have, but i think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement. which i think was a really key thing. bill: i think two major points on this, watch to see what the president-elect says tomorrow. watch his words after he gets his own briefing at trump tower. the second thing, am i the only one that thinks this hearing today may not be the best idea? where the foremost democratic government and the entire world. we have a new administration coming in in 15 days. and you allow in open public hearing to be the center of a partisan debate. perhaps not in the witnesses, but may be in the questions that were asked. is this the time to be doing that? can t you take some of this, if not a lot of it, behind closed
doors and achieve the same end? and why are we speaking in absolutes? why is the director of national intelligence saying things like it can only be members at the highest level of the russian government. why? bill: he said it did not change vote tallies. he said there is no way to gauge the choice that voters made. okay. as an american but it has to be at the highest level! bill: let me just make the point. show me some evidence. i haven t seen it. it hasn t been made public. at what point will we harris: the very public nature that we are always talking about is coming back to the very first thought that i was expressing, it was decidedly friendly. you really can t tear into each other right now, we are talking about the same thing that we agree on being safe. we ll move on. republicans win the first battle in their effort to repeal obamacare. what their replacement plan may look like, and whether the repeal effort could backfire. and just two weeks from tomorrow, president-elect donald trump will be inaugurate
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first battle over obamacare. it came in the form of a vote to fast-track procedures allowing lawmakers to kill the 2010 health care law. without having to face a democratic filibuster in the senate. here s reaction from senate minority leader chuck schumer. the republican plan to cut health care wouldn t make america great again, it would make america sick again. you can t keep the good parts of the aca and remove the rest of the law and still have it work. sandra: president-elect donald trump tweeting that it s time for republicans and democrats to get together and come up with a health care plan that really works, much less expensive, and far better. meantime, president obama reportedly told federal fellow democrats during a closed-door meeting yesterday not to rescue republicans by helping them pass replacement measures. tough to keep track of all that is going on here, and of course timing is going to be everythin everything. bill: there is a lot to say on this. do you want to start going? i think the incoming president
has a pretty good handle on the gravity of the change in this law. you watch his reaction so far, in mid-december when he was on his think you two are, we are going to repeal and replace obamacare, but we ve got to be careful, we ve got to do with the right way. he repeated that again yesterday. he knows that if an american patient, let s say, is harmed by the changes in this law, the they are going to be on the front page of every newspaper in america. they are going to be on every web site across america, and they are going to point the finger and blame republicans. so you break that thing, you bought it, and that is what they really have to be thinking about. so we are hearing these warnings from democrats, chuck schumer, repealing isn t going to make america great again, it will make them sick again. obvious he from nancy pelosi as well. kennedy: then why don t you help out republicans? charles schumer also said that you can t take the good parts and leave the bad parts, while there are so many bad parts. that means you have to leave the
whole thing by his logic. there are a lot of republicans, including the president-elect, who want to keep parts of it. i happen to disagree, i think you should scrap and replace. all at the same time so you don t have that giant leg. where people really could be hurt if they don t have coverage and they are left out in the cold. you really can t do that to people at this point. i think both sides realize this. but i m sorry, the president-elect has, his head and heart are in the right place when he saying the republicans and democrats have to come together to find something that helps people that is far less expensive and far better. that is the message that resonates. when he had the president behind closed doors saying don t help republicans, don t rescue them, that is partisan politics. you are screwing around with people s health care, their health, and their lives, and that is unexceptional. no easy answer here, harris, but we would hope as all these politicians stand up there with her partisan politics that they would put the country first. harris: you know what is interesting, too, put businesses first as well pray to have a business person who was about to
take the presidency. and you talk about the salience of understanding how deep this issue is, do it right, but remember where he spent some time where hillary clinton didn t, and that was the rust belt. he has not just the understanding of the depth and the seriousness for individuals, but also for businesses in this country. he s got to get it right for them as well. kennedy talks about a lag, and my big worry here is you can t avoid a leg. remember when obamacare was finally passed, it took something like two years before even round one of implementation started. that was the fastest that they could legally get some of these programs implement it. it became a tax in the supreme court, basically. but the point is there is no way to avoid that, and we could argue about how many millions of people have health insurance today who didn t a few years ago, but it s millions. and what are you going to tell those people who are now looking at you as the new president and promising that things are going to be better and cheaper and
faster? he s not going to be able to get it done. he s not. bill: the democratic senator from west virginia said why is president obama coming up here and only talking to democrats and why is mike pence only talking to republicans? the wild card is the incoming president. we don t know what he s going to do in terms of selling this to democrats. no republican voted for obamacare. zero. can he make a plan that s palatable to some of these moderate democrats? i don t know after obamacare, though. just how to protect from a filibuster into go along with the rules, every democrat voted against it, and g.o.p. senator rand paul. that would be true if we were starting from scratch it would be different. but remember for democrats this is now a platform issue. we know what doesn t work, if we are starting from scratch we are starting from a completely different place, and i think they re a pointy of people who have been analyzing this who know what not to do now. bill: the wall street journal says voters tend to punish politicians you can but don t
solve problems, even if they did not cause them. i m telling you, there is a wild card. last word there, a lot of praise for president obama from the pentagon, calling him a leader who decisively fought terror, kept our country safe, and neutralize the iran nuclear deal. but did he really do all of these things? tech: at safelite, we know how busy your life can be.
oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay.
new pantene doesn t just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every. .strand stronger don t just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful. hello there. the pentagon heaping tons of praise on president obama at an awards ceremony in virginia, how lovely. an announcer telling the audience he kept our nation safe and decisively countered terrorism. don t tell lies is that. here is mr. obama addressing the audience. you ve shown that when it comes to fighting terrorism we can be strong and we can be smart. not by letting our forces get dragged into sectarian conflicts and civil wars, but with smart,
sustainable i m a principled partnerships. that s how we brought most of our troops home. that s how, even as we suffered terrible things at home from boston to orlando, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years. kennedy: other achievements, the pentagon saluted president obama for include neutralizing iran s nuclear threat, decimating al-qaeda s terrorist network, putting us on a path to defeating isis, strengthening israel s military, and improving our country s military ability. bill hemmer, there is a lot of back patting going on here, and it seems that we are dismissing quite a few important facts. bill: i hope all those things that you just said are correct. and accurate and stay that way. i think for this administration
the legacy of the war overseas and here at home will be judged not today, but for years to com come. absolutely, this is certainly something that will take historical perspective, but you look at what is happening in the middle east, and it certainly doesn t look like a rosier place than it did eight years ago. bill: not just the middle east, i think it has branched out, gillian, you know how many countries where isis has bred and operating in northern africa and southeast asia. this is something that will take a generation, and again, i hope the mayor it is there. for all of us, and for the rest of the world, but i think the answer is inconclusive. maybe even a multi-generational answer. it might take decades, because i don t think the threat of radical islam, whether in the form of al-qaeda or isis, is something that is on the wane around the world. the opposite, i think it is on the rise. not by way of justification, but rather explanation, i think where the pentagon gets this logic from, and this is something i ve heard a lot of the military top brass touting
lately, is that isis is on the wane in iraq and syria, meaning where they formed the caliphate is shrinking, which is great. the problem is that of the same time, and i have said this before on the show, at the same time they are enjoying a massive expansion across the rest of the globe. so how you actually calculate their foothold versus their global footprint is a couple of different calculations. isn t it also true because that is where they are facing the most opposition, particularly from us and our allied forces in iraq and syria? that makes a lot of sense. and just real quickly, and i nodded and agreed wholeheartedly based upon the facts here, generalization lay, how long that will take. we just were learned that the state apartment has declared osama bin laden s son a terrorist, and has added him to the terror watch lit watch list. that is a whole new generation of hate. you also have, what happens in syria if isis truly is
defeated there? and don t tell that to turkey, who has undergone a series of terrorist attacks, including the one that killed dozens on new year s day. but when you praise president obama for keeping our nation safe, and you kind of look back to the election, bill, you can probably cite the polls, american people don t feel safer than they did eight years ago or ten years ago. i just look back at some of the polling back in june, 2016, and it clearly showed that people are more concerned now than they were when president obama took office. bill: it s a real threat, and i understand the reason why they have that fear and concern. i thought it was a little sad on new year s eve that you had the country of turkey, where all these young people have been gunned down during a new year s eve party, and how little attention we seem to give it now. i think the idea there, or the thought, is that we are moving into a new phase where we accept it, and that s bad and that s wrong, and that s dangerous.
whether it s here or somewhere else. i just thought we almost did not justify, perhaps, the loss of life. the way that we would have even a year ago. this new normal here is something that bothers me. but you also try to find a balance of not letting it affect your life so much that you are paralyzed by fear, and i think that is what people are trying to find that very fine line. absolutely. california bracing for a trump presidency. listen to this, by hiring former attorney general eric holder. the role he will play in fighting the incoming administration, and what that could mean for the entire country. that s next. a heart attack doesn t care what you eat
attorney general eric holder as an ally for potential battles against the incoming trump administration. lawmakers announcing they have hired holder, along with numbers of his private firm, as an outside counsel for the state. california s assembly speaker with this statement. while we don t next yet know the harmful proposals in x-men administration will pull forward, thanks to donald trump s campaign, cabinet appointment, and twitter feed, we do have an idea what we will be dealing with. this team will be an important resource as we work with the governor and attorney general to protect californians. and protection might include illegal immigrants. many sanctuary cities and counties in california vowing not to cooperate with possible deportation plans under a trump presidency. they have been gearing up for this, we have been hearing this type of talk from leaders in california since donald trump was elected president, bill hemmer. bill: boy, talk about partisan with a capital p. we are really coming to an era where it s going to get more
intense. the dnc has hired john nothing or come a long time operative, who is now now the washington post writes about the spirit he will be joined by two clinton veterans and outspent the campaign focused on trump, researching his background, monitoring his statements, and trying to drive negative media coverage of his candidacy. already this is happening. and we are 15 days away from the inauguration. buckle up. they are gearing up for a fight, kennedy. kennedy: having lived in california for the better part of 25 years, i will tell you it s not just democrats that live there. there are a lot of independence in that state, and they are certainly underserviced by the state legislature. and by the governor and attorney general. and what they are doing, this is completely politicized. what about looking out for the good things that might happen as a result of a more competitive business environment? what about the companies who fight the good fight not just with federal regulations, but with high stake, corporate taxes?
a lot of state regulations in california, as well. and they still slog it out. and god bless them for doing that could work. and you know, why not talk about some of the good things that might happen as a result of this? bill: i think the bigger point is that the dnc is setting up a war room to take on donald trump. i don t know when the last time that happened. ever? let me push back on that, bill. because i would say that is the reason that the dnc and any of these political fundraising organizations exist. in a way i want to push back against all of you and say, this is not news. this is the way the political system works. if you don t like it, that is understandable. bill: this is how it s written in the washington post. trying to drive negative media coverage of his candidacy. [cross talk] from a p.r. perspective, did you not see the ads during the campaign? of course there is a worm of people thinking about how to describe the opponent in the negative way. let s talk about some of the areas that will be areas of concern. this is the state of
california! immigration is going to be a key, and climate change is going to be a key, because a look at this as a man who, during his campaign, called climate change and some other words a hoax. i guess, didn t we learn from the democratic party that they knew that they had friendly people in the media who they could put messaging out? to me, this is just an extension of that, that they are going to now from a position of legality with an attorney in eric holder, go after those topics and those people that they don t like. doesn t trump have friendly voices on the media that he can call on the side and have interviews with? bill: every morning of this week around 7:30 a.m. there is a stream of twitter feeds that comes from the president-elect. and those twitter feeds are driving the news content of the day across the cable landscape, across is a good? it s different. so you feel the democrats feel left out and they have to raise their game?
i think that s all the democrats have at this point and they are not doing a thorough self-examination. we hear about all these issues because it is politicized here, is politicized with obamacare, when you hear about the people? and doing what is best for the people of california. bill: for now you are correct, that might be the only power they have. by the way, you have a governor there that is concerned about his legacy, because he is concerned about climate change being part of his legacy. if they are so concerned about climate change, one of the utilities in california says that they are going to switch as much as they can to solar because it s clean. and your utility bills are going to go up 56% bridwell, that is really looking out for the little guy. we ve got the scientists, we got the lawyers, and we are ready to fight. that is a bottom line. moved to texas. two weeks from tomorrow, donald trump will become the country s 45th president, but some big-name liberals liberties are having a hard time letting go. so much so they are putting on a big shindig at the exact same time as the inauguration.
grapes at their sour wrist? sour grapes, we debate that.
in exactly two weeks from tomorrow, president-elect donald trump will be inaugurated and at that very moment competing for attention will be a celebrity-filled loveathon. that s going to air on facebook live. think of it as a jerry lewis-style telethon for the digital age. celebrities participating include jamie lee curtis, and her husband, christopher guest. along with jane fonda, tim robbins, patricia arquette, and john abbott out. it is part of an effort to raise at least $500,000 for the aclu of southern california, planned parenthood, and earth justice. can i say something about the guy who created this? he s 23 years old, alex godin, and he did this he says the day after election day. i woke up like a lot of americans feeling pretty crabby. on november 10th. i looked for an opportunity to do something. he is an entrepreneur who sold
his company, dispatch, to the election was november 8th, he woke up november 10th. [laughter] where does he live? what state? is marijuana legalized in that state? now, now. may be live here in new york city. i don t know. but it took them two days to get up from election night. and he woke up feeling pretty crappy . bill: owner home to people watch that facebook live. i m going to watch to see chris for guest, i love him. he s so hilarious, he s the best. bill: i plan on being there, and i love them, they are great. you never forget them. these are wonderful and historical american moments that i cherish. and i can t wait. but how can you pass up a lovefest? bill: i remember after the george bush-al gore deal in
2000, it was a long, rainy weekend here in washington, d.c. i remember the democracy speech four years later at the start of the second term, a cold, cold day in washington, d.c. i remember standing next to an african-american man from louisiana with a paperthin purple jacket on window barack obama was sworn in, and tears streaming down his face to see an african-american president be sworn in. it was a moment. i remember watching joe biden run up pennsylvania avenue in 2013. so who knows what will happen this time around, but it will be something we will never forget. that was lsu purple, you know. bill: you are exactly right, go tigers. they are going to have to do better than jamie lee curtis, aren t they? they ve got jane fonda going as well. is she wearing her helmet, is she bringing that, to? from the good old days. it appears to be a little tone-deaf after the story we did yesterday, the commercial advertisement that they put out
speaking out against donald trump. i just wonder what else they have to be doing. beagle rather than watch the lovefest, people should just rent best in show on netflix, that is one of christopher guest s movies but he is so funny. a mighty wind is also funn funny. and try to think of all the titles now. and that was a free promo. bill: or you can just wait for two days, right harris? harris: i think that the dude who created this, i just laugh. i woke up the next day and it s two days later. who gives up their career to sign on to this? i don t know, but they should all just shut their pie holes and focus their energy and creative pursuits that many people can enjoy. because when you make good movies and when you make funny shows and great music, it doesn t matter your political stripe, you can enjoy that. but when you do this you alienate at least half of the country. just write a check and get a buddy to shut up. you think of any people will
watch on facebook live? no, but it s love. how can you question love? we are very close, we are tight like that. more outnumbered in just a moment, please stick around. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn t have that. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150205 11:00:00

staff preferably office personnel with the weapon locked up in the office. thanks to all who responded. we appreciate it. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it is thursday february 5. i m intek. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, president obama won t call islamist extremists what they are but the king of jordan vows to crush isis. he says he will personally take part in bombing raids. he s the boss. will the white house support jordan s efforts to take down isis? i asked the president yesterday say we re here, we support jordan, we re a key member of the coalition. you can t say whether or not you support the execution? the white house s
head-scratching response as we look like. this atheist making six figures a year on a popular bible app. what you need to know before you download perhaps. i talked to everyone i know, mornings are better with friends. you re watching fox & friends. welcome aboard folks, live from new york city where it is today the warmest day we ve had in about a week. almost 40 degrees. little by go to below zero. no, it s going up today. no, it s actually going down. give me a little melt, as long as there s some melt. this way we can stop hydroplaning to work. let s talk about jordan for a second. their king was here 24 hours ago and that s where we got the news of the january 3 killing of the
jordanian pilot. now we know jordan is going to take action. according to some reports unconfirmed from iraqi media, jordan is in the midst of airstrikes. iraqi media are saying they are killing 65 including perhaps a top isis commander. there are western reports that there have been strikes by jordan in retaliation for the death of that man right there. that s the jordanian pilot. according to the military, jordan military, they have killed 55 isis militants, including that top commander that elisabeth was talking about. what s burning up the internet this morning is when king abdullah was here in washington, d.c., he said we are going to have retribution like isis hasn t seen before, and now there are circulating on the internet that picture for instance, of the king of jordan wearing those black gloves looking tough. then there s another one
where he took part in these are both file photos where he took part in a promotional fly-by last october. there are suggestions that he actually, because he s a trained pilot, may have taken part in the raids. that has not been supported by western media yet. iraqi media said it s true. we re just looking for confirmation. his statements are so strong in the face of that horrific burning of his own. he said that they will vow to pursue isis until the military runs out of fuel and bullets. duncan hunter out of california said he s done two tours of iraq and one in afghanistan. he said he quoted clint eastwood in the past and quoted part of the movie. a note from him on their support to end isis s complete, devastating and horrific action. he knows our western society and has done studying here as did his
dad. let s talk about what the president has done. remember after the paris bombing the president watched football instead of showing up. he blamed it on a staffing error. now we have a shot now of king abdullah to his left to have another key ally at our side as we try to take on isis which i thought was our mission about eight months ago but we have not capitalized on paris emotion and their dirges. seemingly we don t want to capitalize on jordan s emotion and determination to eradicate isis once and for all. ed henry thought he d take that questioning to josh earnest. how could the president yesterday say we re here, we support jordan they re a key member of the coalition. they make this decision overnight and you can t say whether or not you support the execution? it is possible for us to continue to support and stand with the people of jordan at this very difficult time. clearly their nation in the same way that we are is shocked and appalled at this terrible act of
violence captured on video by isil and released to the world. the united states stands with our friends in jordan as they confront this awful barbaric act. but as it relates to decisions that are carried out by the jordanianan justice system, i refer you to them. i don t have the working knowledge of the jordanian justice system to render an opinion on this. there he is responding to the question. yesterday at this time we told you about how jordan was steamed that they killed that guy. as it turns out, they killed him about a month earlier. so they executed these two isis people that they had in custody. that s quick. today we re learning that the president and the king himself may have taken part in airstrikes. that s the kind of leader you want, somebody who backs up his words with action. steven hayes had this observation. the white house seems to
me, quite literally, we re standing by when all of this happens. we re not going to see any change in strategy, we re not going to see new arms to jordan which the jordanians have requested. as you saw in the briefing today, we re not even going to offer rhetorical support for the execution of isis terrorists that the jordanian jans carried out. they need military hardware quickly. they might need f-16 s quickly. we say it s on its way. we still haven t made a decision a year and a half later. the secretary of state is still staring them down offering more blankets. i m wondering why the president can t take one of our best allies in the middle east east who has been attacked by the same enemy who hates us and say here s what you need. you have the money to pay pore it; right? yes, we do. tell me what you theed. here s the requisition form. fill it out before you take off and it will be there. that might be too strong. remember it is just a group with a bankrupt ideology,
soft term for an ideology that we need to start naming specifically. here s the weird thing. it was reported last night we re sending more military assets over to iraq. why didn t the president say that? the president could make a profound statement. we re arming jordan. we see they have a need. we re sending more people over to iraq. we re sending this to iraq. we are really doubling down. look at the words the president uses. he wants to be as far away from conflict as he possibly can. unfortunately he s the commander in chief and you want somebody to sound tough. if you want tough, you ve got to go to jordan because their king is tough. he s about an exit strategy. in the meantime, a lot going on this morning. we have heather childers. i look over my shoulder and i see your smile. we have a lot of other stories today. we have this. a lot of people wanting to know what was she doing on the tracks. a mother of three now identified as the driver whose s.u.v. was plowed by
a train killing her and five passengers. 49-year-old ellen brody was on her way to visit a friend after getting off work. she drove across the tracks when the gates hit the back of her car. she got out to look and then she got back in the car and she drove forward despite another driver telling her to back up. she looked a little confused, gets back in the car and pulls forward, and she was probably 15 feet from the tracks. the front of the car was right at the track line but when she pulled forward she pulled right in front of the train. that train was traveling 58 miles per hour, under the speed limit. it slammed into her s.u.v. her gas tank exploded igniting her car and the train. 400 feet of the electrified third rail apparently ripped from the ground piercing the floor of the first train car. look right here, this passenger, he was one of the passengers sitting up
front and as flames filled the train he managed to open an emergency exit with his burned hands so everyone could escape. frantic audio from the cockpit of this, that plane that came crashing out of the sky yesterday. [inaudible] the pilot warning of a flameout in the left engine before banking a hard left, clipping a bridge and slamming into the water. dramatic video. at least 32 people died. another 11 still missing. search crews saying the murky water is hampering their efforts. amazingly, 15 people made it out alive and new video shows the incredible moment that a toddler is pulled from the wreckage. with the plane s black box sound hopefully officials will get a better understanding of what went wrong. in a few hours jury selection starts for the man accused of killing chris kyle. 27-year-old marine veteran eddie rain is charged with
shooting him at a gun range in texas. his attorney says he will plead not guilty. they previously asked the judge to delay the trial and move it to another location due to the popularity of the movie american sniper but both requests were denied. brian williams finding himself at the center of a scandal this morning after claiming for years that he was on a helicopter that was shot down by enemy fire during the iraq invasion. the nbc anchor admits that story is not true. now that iraq war veterans are publicly contradicting his account williams officially came clean last night. i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft hit by h.p.g. fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. we all landed after the ground fire incident and spent two harrowing nights in a sand storl in sand
stornl in sandstorm in the iraq desert. military saying that is still a giant lie. one veteran is saying b. williams said he was in a follow on aircraft and spent two harrowing nights in the desert but the actual pilot of the aircraft that was hit says he remembers williams asking him what happened and taking off in another unit s bird and going back to kuwait. so the controversy continues flt those are a look at your headlines. that s embarrassing. i think he said he didn t misspeak. he misremembered. big difference there? apparently so. that s embarrassing. remember i landed under sniper fire, hillary clinton. who do we find out the truth from? sin bad the comic. we always go to him it is 11 minutes after the top of the hour.
straight ahead a girl makes a desperate call to emergency services at 911 trying to save her dying father s life, but this is the response she got from 911. two people were struck? yeah. they re just laying here. stop whining. it is hard to understand you. stop whining, is that the really the response you should have given to the little girl whose father just died? one lawmaker got a chance to sit down with the president to talk strategy on isis. former navy sale congressman ryan zinke will be here. it s the purple pill. the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand. available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection.
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by 1914 the dodge brothers quit the ford motor company and set out on their own. they believed in more, than the assembly line.
they believed driving was a holy endeavor. a hundred years later, the dodge brothers spirit lives on. president obama s response to isis and avoiding the words radical islam garnered a lot of criticism on the war on terror. our next guest says this strategy needs to change and spoke with the president yesterday at the white house as well as king abdullah. congressman ryan zinke served as commander in the navy seal. congressman, you had a meeting with the president.
was it a former meeting? did you guys get into issues? he was courteous and kind to invite the freshmen congressmen to the white house. i enjoyed the visit. the president mish mcconnell was there of the senate and nancy pelosi. they didn t take advantage of your background to ask your opinion of what would have been the next step? i don t think this administration is asking anyone s opinion. true. you did meet with king abdullah. king abdullah, a very determined man whose country has been devastated by the burning alive of their pilot. what was your impression? it s not the first time i met the king. i think he s a great leader for his country and certainly has great concern for his people. he does ask for help. and it s ironic that jordan is now leading the fight against isis. and there s a lot that we can do as a country particularly this administration. provide ammunition fuel missiles. and i agree with the king that this is primarily a war with an islam itself.
it is a 1,400-plus war that s going on for years. but the u.s. needs to show leadership and resolve. everyone is looking at this administration for leadership. and it is going to take unfortunately, troops on the ground. and those troops in the form of providing logistics, medical supplies food ammunition, special forces to direct our air power and, most of all, commitment because right now our allies don t trust us and our enemies don t fear us. if you want an cheam you can look at the if you want an example look at the u.a.e. they stopped both in december. they aren t happy with our leadership possibly. i don t know who is heading our coalition. i don t see video of an airstrike. the coalition needs to include obviously the kurds, sunni tribes. we need to empower them. and we need to separate radical islam from mainstream. that has to be core.
again, it s important that islamic countries rally together and solve this problem because it is a battle within islam itself. but certainly the u.s., a great country, a powerful country, has also great responsibility. i just feel bad for the military who might have to go back in and refight a war they won two years ago. congressman ryan, thank you. thanks so much. great to be here. 19 minutes after the hour. it s one of the most popular bible apps for smart phones but what if we were told it s run by an atheist. how would that make you feel? and he s making a boatload off of it. the holy hypocrisy ahead. controversy surrounding michael brown s death. did police fake bullets? you want to hear more? well, you re going to.
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got quick thursday morning headlines. eric holder s justice department rocked by new allegations of nepotism. a department of justice watchdog finding the head of the agency s interpol unit in washington used his leadership position to hire his son. it is the fifth report of hiring problems at the department of justice since 2004. ferguson s answer to the controversy surrounding michael brown s death give police fake bullets. police will be training with something called the alternative. it is a bright orange attachment for guns aimed to encase a bullet and slow it down but still have
enough force to knock a person to the ground if need be. and that s the news. right now to a fox news alert. today we will finally hear from the president s top policy strategist on freed gitmo detainees returning to the battle field. this as we re hearing secretary of defense nominee ash carter s plan it deal with the brutal isis militants. leland vittert is live in washington with more on carter s nomination. how did it go yesterday? it was a little tough at times. these hearings go right to the core issues of the u.s. strategy on terrorism and the problem so many in congress have with the administration. at times it got pretty heated. do you believe that we need to have a strategy to combat isis and the continued successes in many respects that they are achieving? absolutely. do you believe we have a
strategy at this time? i believe i understand our strategy at this time, mr. chairman. what do you understand the strategy to be? i think the strategy connects ends and means and our ends with respect to isil needs to be its lasting defeat. doesn t sound like a strategy to me. the defense secretary is also ultimately responsible for the comings and goings at the detention facility gitmo used to house terrorists. today the under secretary in charge of policy and strategy for gitmo will come before congress. he could face extremely uncomfortable and tough questions over the taliban five. they were traded last year by the administration for sergeant bowe bergdahl. last month we learned that one of the five was calling his old buddies back in afghanistan about getting back in the fight. the latest statistics show roughly one-third of those released from gitmo try to
return to their old ways. the white house is pushing to get below that number of 100 detainees. many on capitol hill will argue today that more releases are putting more terrorists back on the battle field. the closer they get to zero, the easier the rationale is to close that place. he did say he s going to stand up not going to be a rubber stamp and understand the problems with the secretary of defense in the past. you ve got underlings in the white house making decisions. he says he s not going to be the next one. the only thing he has, he has a little bit leverage because the president doesn t want a fifth secretary. coming up the private records of millions of health insurance customers all in the hands of hackers this morning from your name to your social
security number your information is no longer safe. what you need to know to protect yourself. this guy clearly did not have hotel reservations but that didn t stop him from plowing right through the front door. why he did it on purpose. first we want to wish happy birthday to baseball great hank aaron. he turns 81 years old today. we know you re watching. snowe knows dinner tastes better when it s homemade. like chicken blanketed in golden breadcrumbs and wholesome sides with her signature touches. all topped with thick, homemade gravy. because dinner shouldn t take all day. just taste like it did. marie callender s. it s time to savor
walgreens knows that when you re sick your usual routine can leave you feeling a little off your game. luckily, we re just a short drive away for quick easy relief, so you can pick up right where you left off. pop by walgreens to feel better fast with mucinex fast-max, mucus-busting relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms. pick some up today at walgreens. game over! at the corner of happy and healthy. a lot of snow in the midwest and northeast right now. people are trying to make the best of it. take a look at this guy. be careful at the edge of the road when you go from the residential area to the main mile road. it s still treacherous and dangerous, but we re working around the clock.
that s fantastic. i m sure eventually somebody probably pulled him over and gave him a ticket. that s got to be illegal. across the way they re going to have an s.n.l. all-time special and jimmy fallon will be on it. 40 years of saturday night live. meanwhile live from new york city it is time for heather childers with the news. i m looking forward to that. a massive data breach to tell you about at the nation s second largest insurance company anthem. 80 million people have had their account information stolen. cyber thieves grabbed names, social security numbers and other data but no medical or credit card information was compromised they say. anthem is working with the f.b.i. and will notify impacted customers by mail. a teenage girl
frantically calling 911 for help as her father lies dying in the road after a hit-and-run. but what happens on that call? ma am, stop yelling. i need a location. two people were struck? yes. they both stop whining. it s hard to understand you. stop whining? rick war rick and his fiancee pulled over to fix a flat tire along the baltimore washington parkway when they were hit. rick died and his fiancee was seriously injured. that dispatcher banned from taking calls and is under investigation. the fire department saying he used a poor choice of words. control your emotions speaking of that, that is the message from the judge to the victim s mother in the trial against former new england patriot aaron hernandez. here is the exchange moments before she took the stand. it is very important that you manage during this
time you are testifying to retain control of your emotions and not to cry. she has had to leave the courtroom crying at least two other times during the trial. talk about no vacancy. a drunk driver caught on camera plowing through a hotel lobby in china. first he smashed through the glass revolving doors all the way to the reception desk. then he tried to get back out and escape. the man admitting to cops that he did it all for a thrill after drinking quote, a considerable amount of alcohol. you think? well the crash causing nearly $49,000 in damage. and we can joke a little bit because luckily no one was injured. but they could have been. and those are a look at your headlines. dangerous. it is not going to be a long trial if that was his confession. it is going to be open and close chinese book. seems like there would be more damage than that. meanwhile, to extreme weather right now.
another winter storm moving from the great plains overnight taking aim at the northeast and new england as well. snow and strong winds could make for rough travel today. maria molina will firm or deny all of our introduction. hey, maria. maria congratulations. today is national weather person s day. thank you. thanks so much. good morning. good to see you all. speaking of weather people we want to show you your weather conditions across the country. behind that storm system, it is taking aim across portions of new england, take a look at current wind chill temperatures. 13 below zero is what it feels like in chicago. feels like 18 below in minneapolis. in areas farther south like texas, you re on the cooler side. temperatures in the 40 s in dallas. look at denver not bad for you. 62 degrees for your high temperature as we head into this afternoon. get out and enjoy it. you mentioned that snowstorm, we have snow coming down across portions of the interior northeast.
snow accumulations will be limited, two to four inches across parts of new england. it is eastern maine that could see heavier snow. those snow totals not too bad. six to eight inches of snow. the bad news is we ve had so much snow over the past couple of weeks across new england that additional snow is overkill now. across portions of the southeast united states, you have areas of heavy rain across parts of florida, georgia and the carolinas. the big story out west, i want to switch graphics quickly, is the areas of very heavy rain. we re talking about locally up to ten inches of rainfall across northern california later today and into tomorrow and through the weekend. flooding will be the big concern out there across parts of the west coast. northern california washington state and also across oregon. let s head back inside to brian. it s a big country and now the whole country knows the weather. now to find out about sports. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. the syracuse basketball team will not be seen in the post season.
that is because the university put in a self-imposed ban barring them from upcoming tournaments. it is all in response to an ncaa investigation into possible violation by syracuse s athletic department. the head coach saying he s disappointed in himself but supports decision. he ll be better next year and they ll lift their own ban. now let s talk pros. this week getting worse for the cleveland browns. johnny manziel announces he will enter treatment. now josh gordon getting suspended and now the team manager getting suspended for allegedly sending texts to the sidelines during the games. that is prohibited. he should know that. the team will lose a draft pick if found guilty. patriots new super bowl champions riding through the snowy streets yesterday. it was tom brady s fourth victory. look at rob beginkowsky
rocking a beautiful hat and chugging a beer. check out one kid s clever sign summing up how great it is to be a bonn fan. he says he knows this generation is a lot different than previous generations. coming up on radio later, headlining the day, steve doocy will be on radio from nine to noon. i might be able to find something better to do. that is not nice. i m kidding. i always love doing that. listen, there s an app created. you know it s all about the smart phone. with this phone you can do near everything. this guy named trevor mckendrick is an app creator. in 2012 he came out with his first app. it was a spanish bible for the iphone. in the beginning it didn t
sell many. then an audio book and it really took off. now he s making over six figures per year selling this. bibles. here s the thing. he s an atheist selling bibles. he s a capitalist but he s an atheist selling bibles. this is how he explains it. watch. what if you sold harry potter books or lord of the rings books and you told people it was real and you told people they could cast spells, that they could heal their children and you sold it as if it was the real thing, i would feel terrible about that. that s really the situation from my perspective i am in selling the bible. i am selling this thing and i truly believe it s fiction but other people are trying to use and mold their life to fix large and small problems. getting rich selling fiction. sure is. a family member was selling apps and he thought i could make $5,000 or $6,000 a
week or month, that sounds good. he starts doing this. he sold spanish bibles. i will say this i actually have no problem with this because he is helping spanish people who want spanish-language bibles with a better app so they re getting what they. he saw a softness in the market and capitalized on it. he s not hurting anybody. so i have no problem with this. as long as he s not messing with the details in what he s putting out there in the apps and you assume all the information is as it is in the bible. do you agree with me? no. okay fine. i do agree with you because i think the availability is great and it s putting it out there to a market in need. he s an ex-mormon who is now an eightive. what do you think? who is now an atheist?
do you think it is appropriate this guy is being made rich over something he does not believe in would you buy the product if you knew the person didn t believe in it? that s a question there too. there are a lot of bibles you can buy on-line. i ve got a feeling that could change today regarding some of those going forward. meanwhile 20 minute before the top of the hour. isis stepping up its war against the west with a brutal murder of that jordanian pilot, setting him on fire. some are saying now is the time for america to declare war against islamic extremists, but judge napolitano coming in says it s not that simple. he s going to do some explaining. is it ever simple?
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welcome back. two quick headlines, one for the guys and one for the girls. ladies, this one s for you. that s right, the men of magic mike are back. the first official trailer of magic mike, the much anticipated sequel hits theaters this summer. guys, it s your turn. the 2015 sports illustrated swimsuit issue is clear. the 24-year-old on the cover is from the virgin islands and may be best known for dating derek
jeter. she s one of several who have dated derek jeter. thank you very much. how should our country take the fight to isis? you have the fight, you have to have the fight and the military and the ideology as well. i met with king abdullah yesterday along with other members from the armed services committee, and even he pointed out that this is a military war but also an ideological war and in order to defeat it, you have to look at boko haram, you have to look at shabab you have to look at these different groups who are motivated by this same ideology based in radical islam. the first step in identifying the problem. islamic extremists because different groups will be popping up unless this ideology is addressed. judge napolitano says declaring war on isis is not as easy as it appears
and he joins us now. the last time we declared war was in 1941. it was right after pearl harbor. what about iraq and vietnam and korea? it was not as a result of lawful decorations of war by the congress. a resolution here, behavior by the president gradual escalation authority to use military force in 2001, none of those was a traditional declaration of war which identifies a government or country and sets forth the end game as well on this government and this country surrenders, it s over. there has been in the natural response to the horrific barbarty that we saw this week, which the young man was immolated, a call for the united states government declaring war on isis. what would that entail? the congress would decide
who the target is and when the war would be over and the president would have the various tools to wainl the war. but you can t just declare war on anybody and you can t declare war on somebody because they re hateful and they did hateful things. the law the statutes congress has written and the treaties to which we are parties set forth the circumstances under which you can go to war. let s go through them. first of all, a country or entity attacks the united states in one of 50 states. what that means is if somebody attacked us like we were attacked on 9/11, one of the 50 states was attacked. that s important. we re not talking about real estate the united states occupies in germany. that wouldn t be a basis for war. certainly an attack in, fill in the blank anywhere in the 50 states. they attack or the second is they re about to attack. they told us they re going to attack. they re right there, ready to go, we have the right to declare war on them. or if one of our allies is attacked. right. not if our ally attacks
somebody else and then needs help. and the fourth is if we are parties to a treaty that obligates us to declare war. guess what? with respect to jordan, with respect to isis, none none of those four situations pertain. here s the thing. the president of the united states, because he is commander in chief he has wide latitude. there is a pentagon slush fund he can tap money from and he s got a lot of authority if he chooses. right. he has legal authority. the question is does he have the will. he could wire hundreds of millions of dollars this afternoon to king abdullah. the king s issue is not money. the king s issue is hardware. can the president get him hardware? yes, the president has authority to open up the spigots and say to manufacturers, get that stuff over there in 48 hours. forget the rules. i m suspending the rules because the friend needs that stuff right away. why doesn t he do it?
he could do it secretly and we don t know about it. we don t know what he s doing. we don t know how much money is in that fund. it is discretionary to him. the key is things are happening over there and it doesn t seem like we re doing much. does the president of the united states have the will to exercise the authority that he has. that is the question. we ll see what happens. have a safe trip to washington. we ll watch you tonight on special report. coming up on this program, you d think the best place to have a heart attack is at the hospital; right? turns out it s about the worst. we ll explain coming up. when she s not winning pageants she s outdoors hunting but it is more than a hobby for miss kansas. she is about to come in and talk about how hunting saved her life and her brand-new show.
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our next guest is a former top ten finalist in the miss usa packagent, a sergeant in the kansas army national guard and an avid bow hunter. and now she s testing her limits in her very own show op the outdoor channel. take a look at this. out here, i ll prove my capabilities and find my potential. now the passion is as big as outdoors. my drive is limitless and no one can take that away. how great is that? joining us is miss kansas from my home state 2013 sergeant
theresa veil. good morning to you. good morning. thank you for having me. whose idea was the show? it was a combination of my idea and outdoor channel. when they approached me asking if i wanted a show, i said heck yeah. i got the skill set. i said but, it has to be different than a traditional hunting show. i want to show my personality. i want to show that i m break boundaries and pushing limits, hence, the name limitless. i m from kansas and i haven t seen cliffs like that or rapids like that. i will do anything and everything. you obviously love adventure. we know you love hunting. but you love it for a reason that s quite unique. you say it saved your life and credit it you with that. your father said something important. when i was ten, we were living in germany. i didn t get along with my siblings or with kids at school. i was the wallflower, the loner. every single day i contemplated
suicide. there was not a single day that went by that i didn t want to take my life. how old were you? ten years old. so young. i was. and my dad spotted this. he did. he said theresa, you have to find something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. something that makes you want to live. and so he started taking me out hunting. that was his thing. nine kids and he decided to take me out. it became our special thing, our bonding time. fantastic. it is! the serenity of being in the outdoors. he taught me to appreciate what god gave us. the key there, you said serenity. you have the serenity prayer coo tood on you. yes. that is exactly why, to remind myself of my past the past that i came from. what about the national guard, what has that done for you? oh, my gosh, the national guard has been instrumental in where i am today. they taught me leadership. they ve taught me how to be a strong woman. i would not have been miss kansas without the military.
i certainly wouldn t be here without them. i think you re limitless, anything you can do. the series is 11 episodes. when does it start airing? it airs in july on outdoor channel. is it true that when you were in the miss america packagent you had to change your talent to archery? that s right. that started at the state level. i m hoping it will change. i could have won! i could have won! hold still judge! you are limitless. thank you for joining us. thank you. thank you so much. please guard steve s childhood home. will do. this coming up nbc news anchor brian williams finding himself in the news. something saying he lied about his helicopter being shot down in iraq. who partied harder in school, you or your kids?
the answer will surprise you. maybe not.
good morning. today is thursday february 5. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, the people of jordan rallied behind their king spreading pictures of him suited up for war. and he vows to kill isis terrorists with or without help from the united states. right now our allies tonight trust us and our enemies don t fear us. that congressman just met with both president obama and king abdullah. he takes us inside those meetings. frantic audio from the cockpit of that plane in taiwan that came crashing out of the sky. new development from the crash site and the incredible moment a child was saved from the wreckage. look at that. meanwhile, whoever said parents don t know how to have a good
time? hi there. hi. what s your favorite subject? poetry. really? maybe you can help me straighten out my long fellow. who picked that clip? that s great. take pills. that rodney dangerfield. this morning the science is in. who partied harder in college you or rodney daingerfield or your children? we have an answer coming up. live from new york this is fox & friends. hey, it s maria menunos and you re watching fox & friends. it s very entertaining. that rodney daingerfield movie back to school, it s 90 minutes of all the clips they could have picked from. that s the one our producer selected. you can t tell the name.
i mean brian williams. shortly after his aircraft was hit. right. we ll probably have a different clip later in the tease. i m not sure you ll see that again. down down on that. the promotion is who partied harder, you or your kids? we ve got an answer to that coming up. in the meantime, we ve got a fox news alert. reports that jordan s king following through on his vow to crush isis with new air strikes in iraq. conner powell is live in jordan. what is the very latest there? reporter: good morning. across all jordan there is tough talk coming from both the military and the government and the media both in the english and in the arab press. you re seeing harsh response to the killing of the pilot. the government promising an earth shaking response to balloting isis. today earlier just a few minutes ago, king of jordan went down to his family s home in the
southern part of the country to pay his respects and condolences to his family and his family comes from a very important powerful tribe in the southern part of the country. they have called for revenge. the jordanian government, including king abdullah said they are going to battle isis. the bigger question is what will they actually do? jordan is already part of the air campaign and more importantly intelligence campaign against isis. there is some talk about ground troops or some teach ground invasion into iraq and syria about jordan pushing through at that. it s very unlikely they would do that alone. they don t really have the military capabilities, nor would they be willing to do that without the united states or europe or more importantly, other arab countries. right now it isn t clear what type of broader response they will have. they will continue from what we re told, with this military strikes. we re not hearing anything about
a ground invasion. that type of talk has even before the death and after his death, has been controversial here. you re finding no one talking about ground troops or a larger engagement. the tough talk is tough talk for now, with the exception of air strikes. whether or not that changes, that s what we ll be looking for over the next 24 or 48 hours. conner powell with the very latest. we re not positive about the numbers, but we do know there was some tough talk when king abdullah of jordan was here in the united states. he met with congressman. it was shortly after the jordanian pilot was set afire and killed and the king quoted clint eastwood from the movie unforgiven and said quote, i m not only going to kill him, i m going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down. now there is news that the king o is also a trained pilot, the jordanian media is reporting there was a possibility the king
himself could have taken part in some of these air strikes. the photos that are out there, including this one are file photos. but he is a pilot and what a statement that would make. it s so important. when you go into a campaign, we ve seen it before with our president and others, to read people. you have to be a symbol and motivate just like the small team in your local town, as well as a huge country like ours. what he s doing is showing leadership and it s a dangerous situation. he s got a population that is sympathetic toward isis. he s got 1800 people that went over there at minimum to go fight against jordan and everybody else there. so he s got to make sure that his country, which has almost no natural resources, they re one of the few countries with any oil, stays together and unites against a common enemy. isis has made that possible with the horrific killing that we witnessed there. they ve made it very clear look, you come get us, we will burn you alive. that was the message from isis. and yet, he is stepping up with strong leadership and clarity. so what is our president doing? a lot of people here in the united states are asking in that
meeting with king abdullah, the congressman and warrior former navy seal team six commander had words about what happened there and what he hopes will happen in the future. watch. the u.s. needs to show leadership and results. everyone is looking at this administration for leadership and it is going to take unfortunately, troops on the ground. those troops in the form of providing logistics, medical supplies food ammunition, special forces to direct our air power and most of all, commitment because right now, our allies don t trust us and our enemies don t fear us. when josh earnest was asked what are you going to do to help out jordan because they requested it, he had no answer of the he should have been told before he got on stage. this is what you say we re rallying to the side of our allies. instead no word yet from the white house. one thing about what isis has
been doing is they ve been distributing this stuff on social media. so they put out the beheadings and the images of this fellow who was burned alive and then crushed with a concrete on social media. so this morning now you think about it, the king himself has turned the tables on isis. he s projecting this image that is out there on social media of here is a guy who is going to kick their butts and we don t know if he took part or not. but we just know that the people of jordan this morning according to the reports over there, are rallying behind the king because he, unlike the american president, is taking a tough stance. specific strength. just look at that picture. we invented social media. madison avenue is two blocks away. the whole world comes here. barak obama got elected by social media. genius, creative people, and we will blow them away with messages instead of that rinky dunk job they put out a couple days ago. we want our president to show
such strength, let us know. we got heather with some headlines at eight minutes after the top of the hour. we have an update on the plane crash that train crash from new york. a fox news alert. what was she doing on the tracks? the mother of three now identified as the driver whose suv plowed by a train, killing her and five passengers in new york. a 49-year-old ellen brody, she drove across the tracks when the 2008 hit the bask her car. she got out to look around and then she got back in and she drove forward. that was despite another driver telling her to back up. she looked a little confused gets back in the car and pulls forward and she was probably 15 feet from the tracks. the front of the car was right at the track line. but when she pulled forward, she pulled right in front of the train. the train traveling 58 miles per hour slammed into her suv. her gas tank then exploded,
igniting both her car and the train. 400 feet of the electrified third rail ripped from the ground piercing the floor of the first car. there were some heros. patrick is one. he was a passenger sitting up front and as flames filled the train, he somehow managed to open the emergency exit with his burned hand. that was so everyone could escape. frantic audio from the cockpit of that plane that came crashing out of the sky yesterday. may day may day. the pilot warning of a flameout in the left engine before banking hard left clipping a bridge. you saw as it happened, slamming into the water. at least 32 people died. another 11 missing. search crews saying the murky water is hampering their efforts of the amazingly, 15 people actually made it out alive. look at this new video. it shows the incredible moment that a toddler is pulled from the wreckage. with the plane s block box found, officials will get a better understanding hopefully
of exactly what went wrong. hello, hillary two of president obama s top aides calling it quits. communications director jennifer paul mary stepping down this spring. sources say that she will be working for hillary clinton on her expected 2016 presidential campaign. also leaving senior advisor dan pheiffer. he has been with the president since his first white house run. he has not yet announced his future plans. finally, brian williams, the most watched evening news anchor in america and he s finding himself at the center of a scandal this morning. after claiming for years that he was on a helicopter that was shot down by enemy fire during the iraq invasion, the nbc anchor admitting that that story is not true and now that iraq war veterans are publicly contradicting his account, williams officially, sort of, came clean last night. i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg
fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. we all landed after the ground fire incident and spent two harrowing nights in a sand storm in the iraq desert. members of the military are now saying that apology is still a giant lie. look at this. one vet on twitter saying quote, okay, just said that he was on a follow on aircraft and spent two harrowing nights in the desert. but the actual pilot of the aircraft that was hit says he remembers williams asking him what happened? and then taking off in another unit s birds and going back to kuwait. so the controversy continues. i guess he told the story on letterman once. it s in his official biography. so if you hear brian williams saying that he was in the battle of the bulge, he s talking about a diet he was on. which we re all battling. you have to have a perfect
memory. or not make something up. president obama taking heat for his assessment of the islamic extremist who killed that jordanian pilot. ideology they re operating off of it s bankrupt. our next guest says don t call them bankrupt. they re richer than ever. and earlier this week we introduced you to the great american who walks more than 20 miles to work each day because he can t afford a car. today there is an update to that story that will warm your heart. excellent.
fox news alert. our handling isis. this morning many americans are questioning our president s response to the islamic extremists who burned the jordanian pilot alive in that cage. whatever ideology they re operating off of, it s bankrupt. whatever ideology they re operating off of. one of the president s critics from the american islamic forum for democracy joins us this morning from phoenix. good morning to you. good morning. so the president said whatever ideology they re operating from is bankrupt. we know what ideology it is.
it s radical islam, isn t it? absolutely. it s really the radical version of that which is slammism or wahabism. as global ideologies go, it s one of the most wealthy ideologies because of the petro dollars, saudi building for decades. from a human asset perspective they re recruitment tools. jordan itself finds itself losing a lot of citizens that go to fight with isis. so as far as assets go and a business and industry, isis is growing. morally, as far as the islam i know yes, it s corrupt it s evil. it s savagery. choosing the term of bankrupt it s the narrative that oh, they re going to disappear tomorrow. this problem is growing. sure. we know that the president will not say islamic extremism.
it s radioactive from his lexicon. he refuses to say the words together. every year they release their counterterrorism reports, they say the word ideology 40, 50 times, but won t say what it is. why? because for to us get to the next step of defeating it, of putting islamism, not only the islamic state, but all islamic states theocratic movements into the dust of history, we have to identify it. and muslims like myself to have a seat at the table. otherwise we don t have a seat at the table. sure. the world looks to the united states cause we re the only still standing super power. in this fight right now it looks like king abdullah who this week really declared war on isis, he s appearing in these images where he s suited up for battle. they re file photos, but there are suggestions that because he is a trained pilot, he may be taking part in these raids that are going on right now. well, these kingdoms realize
that in order to stay alive and not let this radical islamist monster continue to bite them in the rear and decimate them, they have to operate them and put them in defense, but decimate them and this king realizes that and their military response is going to be powerful and strong as it has been. the saudis did the same thing against al-qaeda after 9-11. the long-term solution is about liberty and freedom. i don t think these autocrats will use these terms and that s why we need the west to provide not only the military strength to continue to put them in fear action but the ideological solution. against political islam. exactly. we thank you very much. by the way, i should point out we understand that so far the king has not taken part in any of the raids, but he may going forward. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. it s a dance party that you paid
for. just how much the feds spent on dancing and poetry in saudi arabia. and you think the best place to have a heart attack is at the hospital right? wrong. turns out that s one of the worst. an e.r. nurse our friend erin tolbert here to explain why. she s coming up next.
time for news by the numbers. first, $150,000. that s how much taxpayer money the state department is spending for music dance and poetry performances in saudi arabia. it s all to promote quote, cultural diplomacy. sounds like a great investment. next, $300,000. that s the amount of money
raised online for a car for james robertson. you may remember seeing him this week on fox & friends. he walks over 20 miles a day from work and from work and does not have to do that anymore. really, it s been such a whirlwind ride since this whole thing came out. i can t say how grateful i m feeling since the money has been raised. that s his buddy that helped drive him to work a few times. more than 11,000 people donated. 35%. that s the amount of high schoolers in 1987, a report partying six or more hours a week. compare that to their kids generation. ucla study shows only 9% of teens now partying that hard. kids today say they re too bogged down with school work and college applications. good job, next generation. we salute you. let s have a beer. thanks, brian. there are now more than 100 cases of measles in 14 states across the united states and mexico. the outbreak renewing the debate whether the federal government
should mandate vaccinations without exceptions. our guest is a emergency room nurse and joins us with more on the story and some of this week s top medical headlines. we re thankful you re here. thanks for having me. you see these things come right to you. you know how serious this can be injuries, et cetera. when you hear about this measles outbreak, what is your perspective? should we be vaccinating our kids? yes. certainly 100% parents need to be vaccinating your children. the risks of the vaccine about one in a million children have a serious reaction. however, one in 1,000 children could die if they get the measles. so the risk of vaccination here are far, far less than a risk getting the actual disease. so you really want to be sure to vaccinate your children vaccinate them on time so they aren t exposed at school. we see big pockets of children going unvaccinated. this is a problem we really need to address. when you say big pocket you re not exaggerating. california where it started 75%
of kids not vaccinated in some schools. this is a tough one. then you have where it s all kind of coming from where parents are getting their information. a new study from washington state university that says internet comments can be as persuasive as the cdc when it comes to vaccines. people are going online and hearing some bloggers opinion about don t vaccinate your kids, and then they re listening to it just as much as they would listen to the c d.c what do you think? we saw this in 1998 when the study on autism came out. everyone was they weren t looking at the data. it s important to get hard scientific facts. talk to your health care provider about getting vaccines rather than looking online and getting that misguided information that we commonly see. there are no studies that really link vaccines and autism. they re not related whatsoever according to science. unfortunately, parents are really getting misguided information when it comes to the internet on this. you re saying they re hearing the fear, but not getting the facts. exactly. good note. what about this?
there is a study showing hospitals are a bad place to suffer a heart attack. erin, you re there as a nurse practitioner, what s going on? yes. so this study shows that unfortunately, the death rate is three times that for people who are admitted into the hospital. they suffer a heart attack while there, rather than coming in through the emergency department. this is because just like you at home might have a fire drill or at work you have a fire drill we have sort of heart attack drills in the emergency department. so we know exactly the steps to take. there are times for when we have patients coming in. but we re not doing this for patients already in the hospital, taking us twice as long to get them that life saving treatment they need. we really need to get those protocols in place not only for the emergency room but also for the inside of the hospital as well, that hospital floor. do you see this will maybe trigger that reaction and get those protocols in place? certainly. awareness is always the first step of the problem. there is a group of 12 hospitals that are working on this issue. they re educating nurses. they re look at the procedures and policies we need to get in
place to help treat these patients a little bit better. we need to be getting them ekg s more quickly. a lot of times we re seeing this happens to women who might have atypical symptoms. we need education, better policies. we are glad you re here with the real information. thanks for having me. coming up, homeland security threatening to cut off funds to sheriffs around the country if congress doesn t pass the president s immigration policies. one sheriff is firing back. his message to the white house next. and let this photo be a lesson to you if you don t put down your phone once in a while. you could miss something really big. we re not kidding.

it s your shot of the morning. the uss john c.stennis cruising right through a rainbow. navy photographer captured this stunning image. he says he s used to taking pictures of aircraft launches and operations but this photo truly unique. surreal. looks like a scene from interstellar. maybe we re going to another planet. i still don t get that. the movie was very confusing. they get stuck on the surface of another planet goes by. gravity i like. you didn t like it. i like it as a rule, but just not the movie. i haven t seen anything. i m terrible. we all knew the words to the rainbow connection. gravity could have been
shot in the hayden planetarium. she s got headlines. i saw birdman last night. it was good. it s intense but it was good. that is all a lie. that is according to the ceo of the polling company gallup. he s blasting the white house, wall street, and even the media for celebrating the lower unemployment numbers. jim clifton says the 5.6% is extremely misleading. partly because if you have stopped looking for work over the past four years, you are no longer counted. on top of that clifton says there are at least 30 million unemployed americans or about 10% of the population. brand-new weekly jobless numbers are released in about an hour. and another blow to law enforcement from new york city s mayor. the nypd s top cop is furious with bill de blasio s administration after writing a $5,000 check to a machete wielding man who tried to attack cops. the man filed a $3 million
lawsuit against police for shooting him in the leg even though he pled guilty to the 2010 confrontation. braton saying the payout makes it seem like the officers are bad and did something wrong. what do you think? rubber stamp the president s agenda or else. that is the message from the department of homeland security. dhs head jay johnson threatening to pull grants from sheriffs all across the country if congress doesn t fund amnesty. but now the colorado sheriff justin smith is firing back on facebook, saying this, mr. president, you don t have to run the congress. but you do have respect their role as established under the constitution. and mr. johnson, don t show please show some integrity and some with the threats. sheriffs, don t take kindly to them. sheriff smith will join us later
on fox & friends coming up in the next hour. maybe it s a sign of the times. this man glued to his phone as a huge hump back whale surfaces just feet away. whatever he was doing, whatever it was it must have been pretty interesting or maybe important because eric smith the man who took this photo says even though the whale was with her calf, flapping around, eating fish this man never even looked up. and those are a look at your headlines. brian, back to you. pay attention. we have breaking news on the super bowl. pete carol speak out for the first time since the controversial call that lost his team the super bowl. listen. i mean, within the instant of the turnover, the gravity of what just happened. it was the worst result of a call ever. the call would have been a great one if we catch it. nobody with would have thought twice about it. he answered after the game and again today.
other coaches would not have. in boston, the patriots celebrated last sunday s victory by riding the duck boat through the snowy streets. that s what tom brady s son looks like. it was the fourth parade but the first one in ten years for brady. look at ron gronkowski. one sign summing up how great it is to be a boston fap. he s 13 now. alive for nine championships by his hometown team. very amazing. this week just keeps getting worse for the cleveland browns. johnny manziel the number one pick announcing he ll enter treatment. josh gordon getting suspended for an entire year. and now the gm of the team, ray farmer faces suspension for allegedly sending texts to the side lines during a game. you can t do that. electronic communications during the game. the team could lose a draft pick if found guilty of that. should the browns even field
next year at this rate? penalties. having a rough year. rough offseason. off the lines and in the line. thanks. to extreme weather now, another winter storm moving in from the great plains overnight, taking aim at the northeast and new england. snow and strong winds could make for rough travel today. maria molina joins us outside our world headquarters on national weather persons day and currently it is dry. but the snow is coming. yeah, it is just to our west. but it s going to be very light. not a huge deal across parts of the northeast. parts of new england though, places like massachusetts, parts of rhode island, could be looking at a couple of inches of snowfall accumulation. two to four inches out there with this system. and higher amounts in eastern maine. about six to even eight inches of snowfall. this is all in addition to all of the snow you ve seen lately with some areas picking up close to five feet of snow in less than two weeks. take a look at those current windchill temperatures. behind that storm system, we have cold arctic air moving in.
those current windchill temperatures are well below zero for cities like chicago minneapolis, and farther north as well into fargo. the high temperatures are only going to be in the teens, in cleveland, chicago and in minneapolis. but as we head farther west in colorado, much warmer. 62 degrees for the high temperature in the city of denver. not bad at all for winter. there is a look at that snow. you can see it moving through portions of the northeast. quick moving. it will be out of here by late this afternoon, into this evening. otherwise across parts of the southeast, you re dealing with areas of heavy rain this morning, across parts of florida, georgia, and eastern parts of the carolinas. let s head back inside. all right. thank you very much. coming up in a couple of hours, the trial begins for the man accused of killing chris kyle. will the buzz over the hit movie cause legal problems? we re live at the courthouse. first we give them driver s licenses and potentially the right to vote. now illegal immigrants have the right to get transgender hormone
therapy. our guest is here with more government freebies that will have you fired up. but first the trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1965 this mvp quarterback is a heisman trophy winner and super bowl stud and vietnam vet. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer.
fox news alert. two years after the death of
chris kyle, the trial of the man accused of murdering him is about to begin. will the popularity of the hit movie, american sniper, play a role? that s a big question they re going to be asking. k dfw reporter live in stephenville texas, where jury selection is about to get underway. dan? reporter: good morning. this is the largest trial that this rural texas county has ever seen. 800 erath county residents were sent jury summonses. today begins the process of narrowing down that field to 12 jurors and two alternates. eddie ray ruth is facing capital murder charges for the shooting death of chris kyle and chad littlefield. the fame of chris kyle has skyrocketed in recent weeks with the release of the hit movie, american sniper. he was considered the most lethal sniper in u.s. military history after leaving the service in 2009. he spent part of his civilian life working with other veterans and that is why he was at a
texas gun range two years ago with his friend chad littlefield, and eddie ray routh. his attorney will show insanity defense. he ll show he was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. the prosecution meanwhile said it will not pursue the death penalty against him but rather live in prison without parole. back to you. dan godwin reporting live from windy texas today where jury selection starts. brian? from encouraging companies to hire felons to handing out diapers as rewards for not smoking, big government give aways can be a bit of a bizarre thing. and almost like a bazaar. so which ones should we keep and which ones should we give the heave ho to? joining us right now to sort it out, scotty, the new director at the tea party news network. first off let s bring it to this. does this sound like a good
idea, to keep felons busy and off welfare, we want to see if we can incentivize businesses to hire them? this is a little gray cause at first it s great wonderful give them a job, something to do. make sure they re not on the government roles. back up then again this is like affirmative action for felons. $5,000. if you take somebody who has the exact same credentials and the business is going to get $5,000 incentive to hire the felon, how about a vet? why don t we incentivize hiring a vet or first time students? we got to stop people from smoking, so we have an idea to receive free diapers. you quit smoking and taxpayers will give you essentially a tax benefit. you re not about to have kids. it s 25-dollar benefit. that lasts three days in diaper world. the truth is, if the mother is already making a bad decision to smoke while she s pregnant, this is just the beginning of a long-term idea of bad decisions. take that $61,000 invest in classes where you teach them what an honor it is to take care
of her baby and give her the confidence that solves the problem in the long-term and not just the short. now let s talk about something that s way overdue. hormone therapy for illegals if they come here illegally, we might as well find out if they want to be a man or woman c. is where the funding will be. do you believe that this is a good investment for us? i can guarantee you, if bruce jenner went down to cabo and got arrested the mexican government would not pay for his estrogen. and the only thing i want to talk about transgender is give them a pair of joe arpao s chief boxer and send them back to their country. we say this, it s a lot of money given away on taxpayers expense where we re trying to get budgets in line. it doesn t seem to make much sense. exactly. they want to raise your taxes to pay for these things. you wonder why the people are angry today. thanks so much. thank you. 14 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, you ve never seen geraldo like this before.
get your party on. grab a cup. mix it, love it, drink it up. by the way, that was the last episode of the apprentice. guess who is here, the woman in the hit. leeza gibbons, she s a superstar. she ll give us the inside scoop on behind the scenes. now she hugs elisabeth. and on this day in history in 1921, the yankees were purchased, 20 acres in the bronks to build their first stadium. some say it would be called yankee stadium. in 1922, the first edition of readers digest was published. and in 1984 karma camille on by the culture club was the song to be singing. we haven t seen him since.
born in 1942, the answer to the trivia question is roger staubach. the winner is patellarson from minnesota. he ll be getting my book george washington s secret six in paperback. donald trump can be sometimes a hard man, but especially on the hit show, celebrity apprentice. but our next guest has been consistently trumping the competition. watch. lee. a was tremendous. she gave a lot of information, but was very creative in doing so. she really hit a homerun. what was your best player? i would say everyone worked really hard. but my best player would have to be between johnny and le. a. joining us is tv host and celebrity apprentice top three finalists, our friend leeza gibb
gibbons. did you know you would be this good at the show? you are a star. you really are. thank you. thank you so much. i knew i would be good at the work because i love business. so i figured i would be pretty good at that. the game part of it it s still kind of buzzing around in my head. what do you mean? the strategy and the alliances and everyone saying what s your strategy? and i m like, my strategy? i m trying to win money for my charity? that was my end game that. is my goal. that s what kept me in it. geraldo s team was getting killed. they said they can draft one person. so they pulled you. he pulled you over. and you knew if you failed this team, he was you were going to get fired. it would have been my last hurrah if we failed for sure. how much pressure did you feel? every day was a lot of pressure. but the reality is i and i learned this from my fabulous mom. show up, do your best and let go of the rest. the way it stands now it s down to you and geraldo and
vivaca a. fox and ultimately in the live show at the finale, what brian? this is the last task and it s a jingle right? we did the jingle, which geraldo and vivaca and i did together. i was the project manager. geraldo likes to be in charge. did you know that? here is a listen of what they came up with. tasty drink that will make you sing grab a cup mix it, love it drink it up . how much fun was it working with geraldo? oftentimes he was without a shirt. i had to tell him to keep his clothes on, please. he was great. i think he works better with women than men. and he did clash consistently with ian, who he proceeded to call ian the entire season long. i don t know if he was just that good he hated kevin jonas. he couldn t stand him.
don t know what that was about. kevin jonas went after him early on. he overplayed his hand, bold bold, brave move. can i ask you, are you a little resentful of brian and me? cause we actually showed up in early episodes and wrote checks for geraldo. i m sorry. geraldo is a home up to boy. he has the advantage in that respect. and you didn t give me any money or the love, quite frankly. we re giving you air time! the greatest thing about the show is that the money goes to the charities. it s so entertaining and so exciting rivetting. but at the educational end, everybody wins. $50 million to date. so you ve got to give it to the trump organization. that s a brilliant concept. no, i don t hold it against you. speaking of charity, you re the spokesperson for senior helpers. tell us about why that means so much to you. your foundation works closely with alzheimer s. families fall apart. people begin to unravel when someone is diagnosed with a chronic illness or a disease. and they need help. you can t walk this path alone.
my entire stake in celebrity apprentice was to show up as my mother s daughter who had alzheimer s and to be as brave and courageous as these family care givers are every day of their lives. it s a family disease right? it certainly is. so if you were lucky enough to make it to the final, where you think it s harder to get to the final or survive the vivaca a. fox, twas kendra from the housewives? that was so brutal. you would not believe, the most brutal fight i ve ever seen. it was. that boardroom was so hot, it was so trump said, it was a new low. she stole the phone of vive is a a. fox and tweeted something out. allegedly. let me play geraldo. there is no proof. someone put a tweet on vivaca s stolen phone. we don t know who it was. they talked about her medical. i don t know that we ll that it will ever be uncovered. it s like inflate gate. check it out.
celebrity apprentice. it s down to the final three. vivaca a. fox lleza gibbons. he does not tell anybody who is going to win before. no one knows except for mr. trump. exciting stuff. great work. thank you. good job. we ll see you soon. now this coming up, marrying rich. sounds like a great idea. but what happens if you want a husband that helps around the house? is that still a good idea? the breaking study just in on that. and another winter storm is on the horizon which means the risk of getting a car crash is even greater. but we have the secret that could save you thousands of dollars when you need it the most. that s ahead.
good morning. today is thursday, february 5. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the people of jordan rallying behind their king, spreading pictures of him suited up for war. this morning he s vowing to destroy isis terrorists with or without the help of the united states. we are live in jordan with the latest. that s great. meanwhile, so where does our leader stand? how can the president yesterday say we re here, we support jordan. they re a key member of the coalition. they make this decision overnight and you can t say whether or not you support the ex accusation? the head scratching response from mr. earnest from the white house coming up. holy hypocrisy. up with of the most popular bible apps for smart phones. but what if we told you it was run by an atheist and he s making boat loads of cash off of it? think about that for a second
while i tell you our slogan, which is mornings are better with friends. it s larry gatlin and you re watching fox & friends and if you ain t, why not? that was getting a lot of coverage yesterday. that was the other one. larry gatlin wrote a song. a sitting member of congress took a hot at the state of texas saying the people there it s a crazy state. larry gatlin o is from texas came on to respond with a very very funny song. that s right. to music. larry gatlin never fails to he never disappoints. never travels without his guitar. he had a lot of people talking about that song yesterday and today. now we want to get to this for you. a fox news alert. reports now that jordan s king is calling to crush isis. conner powell is live in jordan. we ve seen these pictures of the king suited up. are those file photos or is the king actually leading the charge
with these air strikes? reporter: these are file photos. king abdullah of jordan is a certified pilot and he has a long history with jordan s military. at one point he was the honorary commander of the special operations detail. but according to the ministry of information here, he has not and is not participating on any air strikes against isis in iraq or syria. this is pictures and video and reports we re getting that are more about the response that jordan is going to take in terms of fighting isis as opposed to what king abdullah himself is going to too. the military and the government, including the king, are talking about a very harsh, very strong and powerful response against isis. there are no reports credible reports that he s part of these attacks, these air strikes himself. the government is saying no, he is not. but there is a lot of talk about what jordan will do going forward. there is this talk of a harsh response. what that actually means, it s very unclear. jordan has an excellent intelligence gathering
capability that they ve long worked with the united states and others to develop that intelligence capabilities and the u.s. really does rely on jordan a great deal. there is every expectation that jordan will continue to work with the u.s. on intelligence matters and take part in air strikes. just not the king. the bigger question is will there be a ground operation that will include jordanian troops? i can tell that you unless there is a u.s. ground operation against isis, there will probably be no jordanian ground operation. also there has to be a wider area of ground operation with countries from saudi arabia and kuwait and the uae. right now we re not hearing any reports of those countries want to go commit ground troops to fighting isis. this for the foreseeable future will be an intelligence gathering and an air military campaign against isis. not a ground operation. back to you. all right. conner powell live in jordan with the very latest where they are the people of jordan are rallying around the king. the kurds are on the ground. so we know they re fighting for
their lives and their own property. they ve gotten 1% of the land back that they got kobani. yesterday the uae is out until they get a better rescue vehicle to get out of there in case a plane happens to go down. they think it s too risky. you just saw the pictures of jordan s king abdullah suited up, ready for action. they ve gone viral after he vowed to hammer isis until he runs out of bullets and runs out of fuel. so what s our president doing to help the king? kevin cork is live at the white house with the latest. reporter: good morning. this is one of the frustrations when you re outside of washington, you see other leaders, other nation states making strong declarative decisions about what they need to do. but as white house officials like to tell me behind the scenes, what happens in terms of the diplomacy and the slow move you just don t see it and sometimes they can t even say it. as you know, the president met with king abdullah here at the oval office in the wake of that terrible tragedy that happened
with that pilot. obviously just slaughtered by the criminals and isis. i want you to listen very carefully to how josh earnest, the press secretary, tried to sort of answer a question from our ed henry about what on earth are they doing here at 1600 pennsylvania avenue? when you said i don t have a reaction to it, how could the president yesterday say we re here. we support jordan. they re a key member of the coalition. they make this decision overnight. and you can t say whether or not you support the execution? the united states stands with our friends in jordan as they confront this awful bar it is baric act. as it relates to decisions carried out by the jordanian justice system, i would refer you to them. i don t have the working knowledge of the jordanian justice system to render an opinion on this. again, so does the white house have a strong opinion about what s been done? do they back this up or feel like that s something that should be happening? you won t get a straight answer out of josh earnest.
it s a very delicate circumstance. i also want you to listen to what john sinunu told greta. it s been delayed. it s been timid and it s been ineffective. there is no leadership coming out of the white house. uae did what they did because they want to join with the u.s. that leads. not a u.s. that tries to follow from behind. he spent a lot of time in leadership at the nation s capitol, making the decision that what s happening here doesn t seem strong enough at least from public purview. as i pointed out earlier, they would argue a lot is happening behind the scenes. we simply don t see it. we hope so. thanks, kevin. we know jennifer griffin reported we were sending more assets over to iraq. james woods says this, if we capture an isis thug who burn a heroic pilot alive, let s pray we don t pour a cup of water on his face. that would be cruel. because 6,000 retweets on that.
so after the jordanian pilot video was released and it s horrific if you want to watch it it s on people should see if you have the stomach for it see what we re up against. after that was released, and it was clear that isis had done it, the president of the united states said whatever ideology is involved is bankrupt. first of all, we know the ideology. it s islamic extremism. for him to say it s bankrupt it s not working, dr. jasser was with us earlier and says the president s got it all wrong. they say the word ideology 40, 50 times but they won t say what it is. why? because for us to get to the next step of defeating it, of putting islamism not only the islamic state but all islamic states into the dust pin of history, we have to identify it. we have to be careful. it s interesting for him to choose terms like bankrupt
because it s sort of the narrative that oh, it s not a problem. they re going to disappear tomorrow. this problem is growing. it s not going away. if you don t name it, you can t claim it. there is no clear identification verbally with words in terms of what we re battling here from the administration. so how can you fight an enemy that you haven t defined? are you in denial? and they re certainly not bankrupt. as they take territory, they re just gathering up all the money and have the petro dollars every day. every time we drive our cars somebody over there is making a fraction of it. they re selling it on the black market. most of it through turkey, unbelievable. when the price goes down t does actually help. by the way the jerusalem post reports that the islamic state, if you want to call it that is selling crucifying and burying children alive in iraq. so just when you think it can t get any horrific than what you just saw, something else is going on that horrific. they re crucifying children? yes n crucifying them. on actual cross. i saw the picture. but they re bankrupt and they re jv.
yeah, okay. the modern day nazis and they ve got to be taking out and sadly we re the only ones to b do it. it s exactly nine minutes after the top of the hour. heather childers has got our headlines and we re taking a look at what we reported yesterday. we are. the question a lot of people are asking today and that is why did a mother of three stop her suv on the train tracks triggering a deadly disaster that killed her and five passengers in new york? a 49-year-old ellen brody was returning home from work when she drove through the railroad tracks, even though the gate came down and hit her car. she got out to look, according to witnesses and then she got back into her car and drove forward despite another driver telling her to back up. she looked a little confused. gets back in the car, and pulls forward. and she was probably 15 feet from the tracks. the front of the car was right at the track line.
but when she pulled forward, she pulled right in front of the train. the train was traveling at 58 miles per hour, slammed into her suv. her gas tank then exploded, igniting both her car and the train. 400 feet of the electrified third rail ripped from the ground piercing the floor of that first train car. here is a mirror row. he was one of the passengers sitting up front. as the flames filled the train, somehow he managed to open an emergency exit with his burned hands so he could help everyone escape. some frantic audio for you now from the cockpit of this. that plane that came crashing out of the sky yesterday. may day may day. the pilot warning of a flameout in the left engine before that happened, banking hard left clipping a bridge, slamming into the water. at least 32 people died. 11 others still missing. search crews saying the murky water is hampering their efforts and rescuing others. amazingly, 15 people did make it
out alive. new video showing this, the incredible moment that a toddler is pulled from the wreckage. with the plane s black box found, officials will hopefully get a better understanding of exactly what went wrong. a massive data breach to tell but at the nation s second largest insurance company, anthem. 80 million people had their account information stolen. cyber thieves grabbed names social security numbers, along with other data. but no medical or credit card information waskomprized. they will notify impacted customers by mail. finally, he may have the dough, but will he do the dirty work? dad? this is cold. okay. electric you are go.
a new study finding that rich husbands are less likely to help their partners with chores around the house. scientists claim that it is because they can just throw money at the problem instead hire a cleaner, might be that. researchers also say that women, we re partly to blame also, believing that men aren t capable of doing the housework. at least not the way we want to have it done which is the right way. my wife has complained repeatedly about the fact that i frequently do the wash and things that were white turn out pink. wow. that s too bad. by the time we talked about it, she said please just leave the wash for me. it s so weird i follow her instructions. yeah. yesterday before i my wife gets up and makes breakfast for me at 2:30. before i left, she said, promise me you won t change. you re perfect. i said deal.
you re dreaming. has she ever gotten up with you? not that i know of. she gets mad if i rustle the bed too much. excuse me, someone is trying to sleep. we ve got a tempurpedic. it doesn t move. i have a sleeping bag. you sleep in the car. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. snow and ice reeking havoc on roads all across the country this week. oh, my goodness. turns out you might not be fully could have had if you get into an accident. what do you need? you need something called gap insurance. bob massy is going to tell you about that coming up before you leave the house. and this guy runs some of the most popular bible apps for smart phones. but guess what? he s an atheist and making a lot of money off the bible. your comments straight ahead.
snow and ice reeking havoc on america s roads this winter. take a look at this video. oh man. that s happening all over the place. before you and your car become victims, there is one safeguard you need to know about. fox news legal analyst, bob massi, joins us right now from las vegas with a way that can
save people a lot of money. bob, it all comes down to this: a lot of us have cars that we are driving that where there is a gap between the value of the car and the insurance value. and it s that gap that has created this industry called gap insurance. how does that work? guaranteed asset protection, what it stands for. it was designed specifically you know when you buy a car you take off the lot. god forbid if you re in an accident immediate will he and haven t made the first statement. how do you do the difference between what is owed and the value? gap insurance is designed specifically to cover that when you have a total loss of a car or, for example, the car is stolen and not recovered. so gap insurance was specifically designed to say look, if in fact you re in an accident whether it was your fault or not and that vehicle is totaled or the vehicle has been
stolen, that insurance kicks in. value of the car that pays the difference. some finance companies require it right? many times when you go buy a car, the finance companies in the division of the dealership will say hey, do you want gap insurance? it is not expensive. it is affordable. remember, steve, this is not liability coverage if it s your fault or things like that. and the premium is not that expensive. so it s an affordable insurance. but if you own your car outright, if you go pay cash you don t need gap insurance obviously. because you own it. so does it just cover the value of the vehicle or does it also include some liability like if somebody is injured in one of these accidents like we re looking at right here and say i m going to sue for $25 million and nobody has that kind of insurance. i ve done personal injury for over 30 years, along with real estate. this is not a liability coverage. let me say this, these are the things it will not cover:
obviously liability. repairs to the vehicle it doesn t cover. it doesn t cover the difference between the value of the car from when it was damaged because it wasn t totaled in repairs. and if you are sick or have disability, it doesn t make car payments. it is exactly as you defined it at the beginning. it s that gap, it s that window of difference in value that it will pay for. you don t buy it at the gap. you actually buy it at your car dealership or contact your insurance guy as well. yes, sir. bob massi, thank you very much. that s really great advice. by the way folks, if you have questions for bob, go to our web site and click on the little legalese logo and your question might wind up on tv. thank you very much for joining us today from vegas. coming up, sheriffs across the country threatened with cuts if congress doesn t fund the president s amnesty plan through the department of homeland security. that s not sitting well with one sheriff. he joins us live to fire back next. and ferguson missouri s
answer to the controversy surrounding to michael brown s death. give police fake bullets. how is that going to work?
welcome back. we have quick headlines. eric holder s justice department rocked by new allegations of nepotism. doj watchdog finding the head of the agency s interpol unit used his position to hire his son. it s at least the fifth report of hiring problems at the agency since 2004. ferguson s answer to the controversy surrounding michael brown s death, give police fake bullets. police will begin training with something called the alternative. it s a bright orange attachment, you see it there, for guns aimed to encase a bullet and slow it down. however, it s supposed to have
enough force to knock a person to the ground. wow. what do you think about that? on a different note rubber stamp the president s agenda or else. that s the message from the homeland security. threatening to pull grants from sheriffs across the country if congress does not fund amnesty. our next guest received that memo and says he will not be bullied. joining us from colorado. what do you mean you won t be bullied? what way? the intimidation tactics that come out through this memo made it very clear the expectation was that sheriffs and chiefs of police were to run to congress and beg them to go along with executive amnesty or public safety funding through grants would be pulled. we re simply not going to cow tow to that. republicans stood up and said we re not going to fund homeland security past a certain date because we think you overstepped when it came to executive amnesty. and that s what the fight is about. but you re really the ones in the fight. they re talking about the fight and writing the laws.
correct? absolutely. sheriffs are the front line or the last line in protecting our communities. it s come down to the point it s time for the president to work with congress. i believe the american people spoke. they re asking for a different direction. so here is the memo that went out. one of the many consequence of operating on a continuing resolution is our inability to fund new nondisaster grants to states locals and governments law enforcement emergencies and fire departments. so they re warning you that other things are going to be cut if the funding is not there. absolutely. they run down the list. to put that intimidation out and those tactics simply are not going to work. and you also say politically charged amendments won t be tolerated. so you put this on your facebook page. you said, mr. president, you don t have to love the congress we elected. but you do have to respect their role as established under the constitution and mr. johnson please show some integrity and stop with the threats.
sheriffs don t take kindly to them, especially you, i imagine sheriff. i think that s a fair statement. how is that digested? do you know? amongst all the sheriffs, we ve become very frustrated with what we ve seen in this push from washington to intimidate the dismantling ofnities, of the tools that we need and we re ready to draw the line in the sand and say no more. you already saw some negative effects from the executive action. correct? oh, absolutely. we re losing the ability to know which inmates in our jails are here illegally. they re moving to hide that information from local officials and i think the citizens should be very weary of those moves. you think before an executive action, you get all the sheriffs together and say this is what i m thinking about. is it possible? but you re never consulted. just forced to adapt. thanks so much for talking with us today. thank you brian. coming up straight ahead with 33 minutes left to go, a
girl making a desperate call to 911 trying to save her dying father s life. but this is the response she got on the other end. two people were struck? yes. let s stop whining, okay. it s hard to understand you. really? stop whining? is that really the response he should have given to that little girl whose parent died? nbc news anchor brian williams says he s sorry for misremembering a to her about being attacked in a helicopter in iraq. now more vets are coming forward saying he got it wrong even in his apology.
we ve got two shots of the morning for you. one for the girls and one for the guys. ladies, this one is for you.
the men of magic mike are back. channing tatum tweeting out the link to the first official trailer. anticipated sequel hits theaters this summer. who says it s much anticipated? mostly women. what s it about? guys, it s your turn. 2015 sports illustrated swim suit issue is here. and the winner on the cover. a 24-year-old from the u.s. virgin islands and may be best known for dating retired yankee short stop derek jeter. has derek jeter ever not dated somebody on the cover of sports illustrated? i don t know. she looks like a homerun to me. absolutely. he was known from fighting the gaps. he was not known for the long ball. with that said, we turn to
heather childers. thank you. not adding anything to that. we do have some serious stories to talk about right now. switching gears completely a teenage girl frantically calling 911 as her father lies dying in the street and what happens on this phone call? please hurry up! ma am, stop yelling. i need a location. so two people were struck? yes. they both laying there. let s stop whining, okay? let s stop whining. it s hard to understand you. by the way, her father did not survive. this happened on the baltimore washington parkway where the two pulled over to change a tire. the 911 operator now under investigation. and there is no crying in court? the judge presiding over former new england patriot aaron hernandez murder trial telling the victim s mother to keep her
emotions in check. it s important that you manage during this time you are testifying to retain control of your emotions and not cry. she had been forced to leave the courtroom several times in the past due to her emotional breakdown. nbc news anchor brian williams at the center of a growing scandal this morning. for years williams claimed that he was on a helicopter that was shot down by enemy fire in iraq. but last night he caved to pressure from several service members, by the way, who have been saying for years that the story is not true. i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. we all landed after the ground fire isn t spent two harrowing nights in a sand storm in the iraq desert. it gets worse. some members of the military are
challenging williams apology. one vet tweeting this okay brian williams, just said that he was in a follow on aircraft and spent two harrowing nights in the desert. but the actual pilot of the aircraft that was hit says he remembers williams asking him what happened and then taking off in another unit s bird and going back to kuwait. and this guy running one of the most popular smart phone applications for the bible. but guess what? there he is. he s an atheist. he s making big bucks off of it. here is trevor explaining his quote, logic. it s like what if you sold harry potter books or one of the rings books but told people it was real, right, and you told people that they could cast spells and they could heal their children, and if you sold that as if it was a real thing, i would feel terrible about that. but that s really the situation from my perspective i am in
selling the bible. like i am selling this thing that i truly believe is fiction. but other people are trying to use and mold their lives to fix large and small problems. really? comparing it to harry potter? his net revenue on the app, $100,000. your e-mails pouring in on this one, as you can imagine. they sure are, you re right about that. i m saying i don t personally have a problem with an atheist making money off a spanish language bible. would you knowingly buy something from something who didn t believe in it? if i liked the app. same app all things the same except one person believes it and one doesn t who are you buying from? i would probably go to the person who believes. in any language. exactly. what do you think? melissa on twitter says it s a free market and not like he s pretend to go believe in it. at least he s honest. good point there. and danny saying this, i have no beef about an atheist selling bibles. i hope through the whole thing he reads it and gets born again.
first he s got to learn spanish. and brian writes this, this is america. let freedom reign. god used many nonbelievers for his purposes. so god using him through the spanish language app. casting a wider net with his app. what do you think? he was once a mormon and now doing that. god was? no. we don t know. you need the app. i m not going to diss more mondayism, but i m saying he was once a mormon. he says he feels guilty. i read online. but apparently the money is too good. one thing he doesn t have to worry about, going to hell. right. he doesn t believe in it. he s doing good work here. we love your comments. i m going to toss it out to maria. i believe in her and the weather. that s right. good morning. i want to share with you the current windchill temperatures because they are cold out there. especially across parts of the midwest. here in new york city, the current windchill is 18 degrees. head farther west and you re
below zero in cleveland, chicago and minneapolis. those high temperatures really aren t going to be that much better across the great lakes and midwest with highs only reaching the teens today as we head into the afternoon hours. some of that colder air will keep moving eastward and impacting portions of the east coast as we head into thursday and also actually as we head into friday and into the weekend. look at the radar because we do have a storm system rolling through parts of the northeast producing generally light snow accumulations out there, if any at that. it s really new england that could be picking up a couple of inches between two and four inches. heavier snow totals across eastern portions of maine. that s where six to eight inches of snow will be possible. by the way, i m not the only one braving the cold here. we have some folks from virginia and it s your birthday today, right? give me your name and how old you are turning? 18. con graduations. welcome to new york city. you have been here before. dad, tell me the story really quickly. seven years ago with our other daughter when she turned 18, we were here and saw rick
outside with the weather forecast. and you wished her a happy birthday? we sang to her that day. there you go. we have a repeat here. another 18th birthday. family from virginia. let s head back inside. and it s great that he just mentioned rick reichmuth because today is national weather person day. now trending online, #nationalweatherpersonday. the reason i know that brandon noriega, one of our meteorologists, his mother sent me an e-mail today. thanks for sharing that. and happy birthday to your friend behind me. what do you have for me? they asked for a picture. there you go. you can do that. if you want to get something to more i can t, what about cash? works for me. do you have some? yeah. coming up, isis is beheading and burning hostages. ha is the american strategy? the answer from the man who wants to be defense secretary. listen to this.
a strategy connects ends and means and our ends with respect to isil needs to be its lasting defeat. what the heck does that word mean? the chairman of the house committee on homeland security congressman michael mccall, joins us live coming up next. that s disturbing.
fox news alert. two years after the death down in texas of chris kyle, the trial of the man accused of murdering him is about to begin. will the popularity of the hit movie american sniper play a role? kdfw reporter where jury selection is getting underway. reporter: steve, this is the largest trial that this rural texas county has ever seen. 800 erath county residents were sent jury summons. today the process begins to narrow that field down to 12
jurors, plus two alternates. eddie ray routh is facing capital murder charges for the shooting deaths of chris kyle and chad littlefield. the fame of chris kyle has skyrocketed in recent weeks with the release of the hit movie american sniper. kyle was the most lethal sniper in u.s. military history and when he left the service in 2009 he spent part of his civilian life helping other veterans and that s why he was at a shooting range two years ago with iraq war veteran eddie ray routh and chad littlefield. the attorney for eddie ray routh says his client was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. he says he will pursue an insanity defense. the trial expected to last for two weeks. opening statements are scheduled to begin on wednesday morning of next week. reporting live in stephenville
texas, this is dan godwin. thank you very much for the live report. elisabeth? he is the president s top pick to become the next secretary of defense. but things went south when john mccain asked ashson carter about isis. watch. what do you under the strategy to be? i think the strategy connects ends and means and our ends with respect to isil needs to be its lasting defeat. doesn t sound like a strategy to wow. so is any member of the of this administration prepared to address the isis crisis? congressman mike mccaul is the republican chairman. thanks for being with us here. good morning. after hearing ashton carter s remarks there, did that build any confidence that we re going to start to develop a real strategy here against isis? i don t think so. sounds like something from the state department rather than secretary of defense. that doesn t sound like a
strategy at all in a time when we need one because we don t have one. from what i can see, it s a policy of con containment and not a policy to degrade and defeat isis where they exist and that s been the weakness all along with this strategy. i think after the jordanian pilot, i don t know if you saw the video, but how many more wake-up calls do we need to know these are barbarians, butchers in the middle east? that was like a hollywood production movie with a live audience cheering and applauding. this needs to be stopped and now. the region is just ready now to stand up to some extent. turkey is an important ally as well. there is no strategy. that s the problem. as i look at it from homeland security, if the barbarians come to the gate, we don t want them coming to the gate of the united states. that concerns me greatly. if anyone saw that video, it s the most drastic assault on humankind. let me ask you this, it feels as though we re losing this war
because the president and the administration seem to be winning terror taboo. they won t name it or call radical islam where it exists. why? how can we fight and win a war against an enemy we can not define? i ve been saying this for the last year this false narrative with workplace violence, video in florida and benghazi. it s a false narrative that he keeps continuing. he said whatever ideology they follow, he said about this event with the major takennian pilot. we know what the ideology is. it s radical islamic extremist. and we have to call it that. you have to define your enemy to defeat them. and we re not doing that right now. in terms of strategy once we name it, how do we go about in your mind with the strategy what would be your first step? we called out nazi germany. we called out communism. we need to call out radical islamist extremism and have a plan to defeat it long-term globally because it s a global threat. i think with respect to the
immediacy, it s isis and i think we need to we need a ground force. these air strikes are very limited. it s a policy of containment. we need to mobilize the entire region with not only strikes, but a ground force on the ground and not only in iraq but syria. i think secretary baker mentioned, i think turkey is an important nato ally and the gulf states have to stand up as well. some sources are suggesting that the administration could float authorization for use of military forces as early as this weekend. can you confirm that? will congress authorize that? i serve on the foreign affairs committee. indications i have is that that s going to be forth coming very soon. i think that s a good sign because i think congress needs to be involved in authorizing the parameters of this fight against isis. and destruction of isis. i don t think the administration has done enough. i think congress can send a strong message. we just want not just to contain
them, but destroy them. we thank you for your time this morning. thanks. now this coming up, we showed you the coast guard saving this puppy stranded in icy waters. but they were still looking to find the pup his home. the heros and the dog is here with us with a huge update next. first we re going to check in with bill hemmer for what s coming up at the top of the hour. reports that jordan s revenge has already begun. we will go live to shepherd smith in moments. the ceo at gallup with a stern warning about america s financial future. he is here live today. senator lindsey graham with a message on iran. we ll talk to him live. and what s apple cooking up now? have you seen this new car? martha and i will see you at the top of the hour.
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a morning meeting for the frankford coast guard in michigan took an interesting turn when one member witnessed a dog take a dangerous plunge into the lake right outside their window. the men wasting no time, jumped into the icy lake after the pup fell in. the dramatic rescue caught on camera and posted. third class boatswain tim putnam and two others are the men in that video and they join us today with the dog they rescued. look at that tail wagging. you re getting well deserved kisses from bailey. the dog is attached to you for a great reason. he saw the video on our show yesterday. you guys how far did you go in the ice to get to this dog? how dangerous was that? tim? it was about 200 feet and it was right outside of our
station. i never at one point got cold. we have lots of protective equipment to keep us warm. it took me quite a bit of time to get through there. just glad to get back safely. yeah. i know, tim, you said that it was so exhausting and so cold getting out there, you couldn t have done that without jeremy, who is seated right next to you. jeremy, he was out of gas. so how important was it to get your guy back, along with the dog? it was very important. we work as a team. once he made connection with the dog, we pulled him back. i was there for back up in case he needed me. it took both of us to lift the dog up and put it on up to the shore party. it s an incredible thing that you all did. elijah, it s outstanding the rescue here and if anyone has a dog, would say thank you with all their heart. but some would say, wait a second, this is a dog. you risked your own life. you could have lost yours going in after an animal. what do you say to those
critics? those critics, it s a training mission for all of us and to me, a live is a life. we re there for a reason. your tax dollars pay for us to be ready to assist anyone in need. it made perfect sense to use that for an animal as walt. sure. and tim, you guys assessed the risk going in and you decided what? it s worth it, right? yeah. we all decided it was worth it. we always briefly as we re getting ready for a case, we kind of go over do we have more to gain verse the risk? we decided that this is something we could do and definitely just went for it. you did. and by the way, there is a thank you from the family. let s take a look at it right now. that is nice. they all signed it for getting their dog back. who seems very grateful to you. good penmanship. they re working on their handwriting. they must be so thankful and
clearly with this note, you can see how much they are. okay. bailey is down now and looks like bailey is about to take a nap. so we should probably end it there. tim and jeremy and elijah, we thank you all for joining us today from michigan. great work and thank you very much for joining us today on fox & friends. incredible rescue. thanks for having us. we appreciate y all. we appreciate you. thanks for your service. more fox & friends. we say something substantial and insightful when we return.

why we showing that video? is hunter hayes coming here tomorrow on fox & friends ? tomorrow. don t miss him. friday, he ll be on and we hope to see you back here. bill: guys, fox news alert. jordan reportedly launching airstrikes for the retaliation of horrific murderer of a captured pilot burned alive in a cage. good morning i m bill hemmer. welcome to america s newsroom. martha: i m martha maccallum. jordanian king receiving a hero s welcome after vowing to start a harsh war on isis. they swarmed his motorcade as he weren t through the city. they waved flags showing support for their leader. bill: shepard smith live on the ground of capitol city of amman jordan. let s begin there today.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160407 07:00:00, you will see me live right now and in seconds saturday answering your questions. go and ask questions on my facebook page. it s live. good night. welcome to red eye. hello, everyone. i m tom shillue. let s check in with andy levy at the tease desk to see what exciting stories we will be discussing. coming up on the big show, ted cruz refuses to wear a wisconsin cheese head or any other silly hat. sounds like someone doesn t want to make america great again. and hillary clinton has had enough of bernie sanders adding, quote, it is so much better how they get rid of challengers on game of thrones. i can t believe that is a quote. and andrew wk is here to talk about his new political party, the party, party. find out what he has to is say about the strict no party rule.
back to you, cracker. thanks, andy. let s welcome our guest. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. no clef no clever introduction. i usually have something clever to say about you. she is fantastic. i know what you are thinking. this guy is not your high school gym teacher. it is comedian greg stone. welcome back, america. moynihan is best known for breaking the story on fabrication. to put it another way, he is unknown. that s true. columnist at the daily beast. and his punch lines hit harder than at a family reunion. let s start the show. read his lips, no funny hats. ted cruz was the big winner in wisconsin on tuesday despite refusing to wear a cheese head hat.
earlier in the day while touring the mars cheese castle cruz s daughter did something unscripted. that s awesome. it is a little spicy so you may not like it. would you like to try some cheese? she doesn t like jalapeno. she doesn t like jalapenos and he doesn t like funny hats. someone asked the question on everyone s mind. there is an iron clad rule of politics which is no funny hats. any hat is defined as a funny hat. michael due caucus michael dukakis demonstrated that. i will cheer on the hats of others. makes sense. i think if this cheese head video had gotten out before the election, it would have doomed him. game over.
well i would as well. what if they remove the mask he is also revealing. that would be also terrifying. i understand the alien reference, but what is it exactly, they live? did you ever see they live ? it is great work. no, i didn t see. but i know it is a great film. should his should a dad let a daughter put a hat on his head? are there no rules in that family? you don t ask for permission. it is hard bringing a small child on the campaign trail. i have to given that to ted cruz. we don t see trump s kid, great. leave them behind. and kasich s teen daughters are teenagers. they are not all about it. this kid is like free food, ice cream, yay! i want to go to this campaign stop. wearing hats is not cool, but doing impersonations of the
simpsons and quoting princess bride is like really cool. keep doing it, cruz. it is funny. he is pretty loose in a lot of ways, but apparently there is something about hats. joe, what do you think of comedians who wear funny hats? the only way to go. i think, well, if he put on the hat there goes the lactose intolerant folks. i think that s why they call in politic moments a john travolta moment. my hair. you can touch my hair. he needed a sheet around him. was that his grandmother? his father hit him in the head. although i think he did miss an opportunity to show support for the kurds. that s good. i think a cheese head is a masculine look. i don t know what he is afraid of. no, it is not a masculine
look. and cruz is right. full credit for joanne to make having a verb. at my house we do have having. i thought he was totally right about the dukakis thing. and then i realized it was not a hat. it was a helmet first of all. and then he was like a midget in a tank. it is not an appropriate comparison. you don t want to be walking around with a cheese head at this point in the election. it is this close. but he is in wisconsin. i think you have to go local. you wear it like a packer s jersey. they love those cheese heads. they really do. of course many leaders have worn interesting hats and nobody cared of. take a look. they love that hat. and what about mandela? i think that hat was for spcial occasions. and let s not forget fdr. that was on his birthday.
and the last one, look at abraham lincoln. just kidding. nobody would wear a hat like that. plenty of leaders have worn funny hats. it looks like the cruz campaign will use the message that won them wisconsin for the rest of the campaign. look at their new ad. america is at a crossroads. it needs a leader. that leader is not trump. not trump grew up in america, the son of mr. and mrs. not trump. it is a whole family of not trumps and it ends every day the same way. thank god we are not trump. here he is speaking to a crowd. what he is saying doesn t matter. what is important is who is thought saying it? america needs a leader who can deliver. that leader is not trump. i am not donald trump and he
didn t pay for this. that s beautiful and inspiring. he is going to take that message nationally. who is doing the ted cruz voice? that s pretty good. was that you? i think it was ted cruz. it wasn t donald trump. that s all that matters. the most compelling message he can put forward is he is not donald trump. when the awarding were coming in it tells you everything you need to know. isn t it amazing? i am not really happy he won. we have the establishment people. obviously you have guys like romney and walker. i think walker had a comment to someone that he would support someone else. i think he said he would support paul ryan. he was there at the cheese related i think he pointed out when cruz wouldn t put the cheese thing on his head he said there is no way the
republicans would vote for something ridiculous on their head. they would think it is fore shadowing. what do we have here? the next story and hillary clinton has had enough of bernie sanders. if you don t believe me, look at this headline. hillary just wants to move him out of the way so she can focus her attention on donald trump. during an interview with politico she questioned whether he is even a democrat. it is time to bow out. the only then he has done is win 78% of the vote in idaho and win 79% in utah. lose in arizona. 68% in hawaii and 72% in washington and 66% in wisconsin. bernie should go back to mayor of vermont or whatever he was doing. bill clinton doesn t think highly of the republican candidate. i like our primary a lot better than theirs.
we never had a spectacle. it sounded like a rap tune on mtv. wow. the great thing is he has his finger on the pulse of what young people are doing, doesn t he? that actually seems like a bill clinton impersonator. it is like somebody who would let the air out of him. he looks horrible. he looks horrible, but he has a great spirit. i mean he would say they play rap on this. but he is way off. when he played he played the saxaphone on air sin yow hall arsenio hall. did they digitally remove his overalls? he is a larry the cable guy
impersonator. who is very popular. he may bring that. we laugh at bill clinton, but hillary will need him. nobody likes her, greg. because she is a robot. i unplugged her a few months ago and reprogramed i don t know where i am going. she is a countriesy person. he is a she is a crazy person. he is a great guy. i love him. i don t know what he is talking about, but i love him. doesn t it tell you something about hillary? how entitled is she that she says i am getting sick and tired of him. he is beating her. that s why she is sick and tired of him. welcome to the club, hillary. you realize now that bernie is a little lest of lest. we have known this for quite some time. and the fact that she even politico is trying to say it is tense between the two of them and the sparks are flying and the comments she is making, it is like they are
trying to create some sort of excitement on the left that we have on the right. it is not there. why is that? for everything he has done, he hasn t really gone after her. no. i don t think that is really going to work. you start sounding like a republican because this is all of the republicans talking. e-mail server ben go swree is not something you benghazi is not something you would like to do. theut the numbers up and bernie is doing amazing. they are all super white states. that seems to be the problem. he is capturing the african-american votes and she is not. it is totally craze crazy and totally wrong. she has not done anything for the black community. the only thing that is really interesting is that this is a news story. for her to say he is not a
democrat, he hasn t been a democrat since he has been in the house, the senate or even when he was the mayor of burlington, verm. burlington, vermont. she is right in that way. she is right. but it is the demand for loyalty. she is criticizing him by saying you don t like president obama enough. and she has to show she really wants it. she is not acting like she will earn it. the gap kids are not all right. a new adparked accusations of passive racism. the ad is for their gender neutral line for young girls. a partnership with ellen degeneres. the idea is based around the idea that girls can do anything, but some are upset about the white girl resting her arm on the black girl s head. one critic tweeted gap kid proving girls can do anything unless she is black and then all she can do is bear the weight of white girls. despite the backlash gap is standing firm. they issued a statement saying
we appreciate the conversation that is taking place and sorry to anyone we offended. we are replacing the image from a different shot from the campaign. i guess they could have stood a little tiny bit firmer. former nfler turned film maker matthew cherry said of the pic on the left, make the pic on the right okay. let s debate. let s not. joanne, did you see that? it was a black girl putting her elbow on the white girl. it is funny when you pair a tall child next to a short child and you are trying to create levels and interesting images with filling the space and you do things like that. my main issue with this entire campaign is the fact that none of these children are smiling. they are kids. you should be happy. what is with the model mugging. i don t want to see that. you re children.
that s the model look, but you think you have to be i am disgusted with gap. not really. thisy should be having fun and not using other children as armrests. this is upsetting to me. my brother has done that to me my entire life. i am finding out now he hates me. i thought we had a great relationship. it turns out now he was a bully. he is probably racist too. look, is there is there anything obviously do we have i think you know where i stand on this. i think it is ridiculous. but the issue is the gap immediately caved. that s the thing. it is motive. has this photographer done anything racist in his life? if not who cares? you can look at any picture and say why does it grow upside down? australians are upside down people. it is like, you can find anything. they have to get over it. not saying they have to get
over it. who is they, greg? exactly. it is not harmful unless you make it harmful. do we want to go back to the days where black people used white people as armrests? i missed those it is not like i would have done it. i would have thought about it. i don t think it was the time. but this thing going on, can i point something out? the two girls are sisters. nobody has pointed this out except the person who pointed it out. the photographer said they are sisters. which two? the tall racist and the adorable girl. they are sisters? they are sisters. you don t mean sistas? no because that would be horrible. they are actual sisters. that solves it. they can t be racist. they are related. they could be actually. this ad is racist against short people and i am offended because of that.
earlier today you put your foot on my head to tie your shoes and i took that to heart. but we had to get the show moving. we had to start the show. i m sorry. i m glad they caved. i tell you why. it is their own fault for playing identity politics in an ad. they said girls can do anything and they set it up like oh we are so politically correct. and they used one child as a piece of furniture. if you are going to be politically correct you can t have the black child doing anything that will be on a comparable level with the other kids she is not smiling and wearing a different color shirt. you are saying this ad campaign it was a gender neutral clothing . kids can do anything. it is their own fault. this is gender neutral and
this is for anyone. you know, are you a racist. you should always apologize. they will bring you out back and have you shot. anything is gender neutral if you have the balls. he is se xist off the cuff. he does president even know how sexist he is. remember when the whole world was standing with charlie hebdow? see how times have changed. next.
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america s news headquarters, i m jackie ibanez. donald trump is back on home turf drawing supporters and protesters. the front runner speaking to a large crowd in a new york suburb and shrugging off last night s loss in wisconsin to ted cruz. scores of protesters gathered outside the venue, but police kept things mostly calm. north korea is pressing a large caliber rocket launch system. according to south korea, the system could strike seoul as early as this year. it comes after the south said pyongyang has the ability to launch a warhead on a medium medium-range missal. a wildfire is burning out of control in oklahoma. the worst is not far from the borders of kansas and texas. so far there are no reports of serious injuries. some tense moments though were caught on camera yesterday. a tv news crew saw this man running from a truck yesterday right before the flames swallowed it. another person who died from
defective takata air bags. honda reporting the 10th u.s. death. they mailed multiple recall notice to the owner, but the recall repairs were never made. millions of dollars left over from fighting ebola now earmarked against the zika virus. the money will go toward stoping the spread of zika and researching possible birth defects. president obama asked for $2 billion to stop the virus, but the request is stalled in congress. fans and fellow musicians are rec the country music of merle haggard. haggard died yesterday on his 79th birthday after battling pneumonia for months. haggard released dozens of albums over his 40-year career and won a grammy for his works. now back to red eye. the french satirist
published a piece titled how did we get here which follows the recent attacks in paris and brussels. the editor said fear of being labeled easy llama phobic is eating up terrorists. people who want to speak up of them is from fear. it is the dread of being treated as an islamaphobe or being called racist. the mainstream press went on to beautifully prove their point. he is shocked with the editorial. the guardian lamented the french magazine is finding it in bigotry. thisy say charlie hebdow admits its racist prejudices. they called it the most recent expression of a collective pair no pair paranoia. you almost understand if somebody had come into the office and murdered them in cold blood for drawing
cartoons. but that kind of thing never happens, does it? when you y charlie hebdow, stop being so racist. i feel like europe is worse than the u.s. well, i think most of the backlash is in the u.s. and not in france. this drove me crazy. and to their point i thought about writing about this. you said you said i am going to write about this. but i didn t because i didn t want to deal with i was going to defend them. i don t have the time for this at the moment. the editorial is not great. but the premise is that when we back away from criticism and it is a person wearing a headscarf, that s fine, that s fine, we will adjust. it leads to being okay with everything. i don t agree at all, but the
idea is total nonsense and it has been a concerted attack. it is slightly different from what you said. what has changed? nothing has changed. there has been an attack since the bodies were lying on the floor. i am noticing it is worse now. it is worse now. what has happened is one guy who hates free speech and hates charlie hebdow and said i am vindicated. the first thing i want to point out is you are not vindicated. you called him raisist and islamaphobic. this is the previous staff because the they were all murdered. the previous staff you can t say because they are all dead. that s it. the idea of this was saying look what we can t say. we are not allowed to bring up any of this or talk about islam at all. everyone jumped on them. i feel like they proved their
points. it is nonsense. first of all islam is not a race. it is a religion and a belief system. it has nothing to do with race. and islamaphobia, i refuse to use that term. if anyone deserves to have a fear of islamist behavior it is the editorial board of charlie hebdow. this whole thing of when people say let s have a dialogue of the conversation, but you are not allowed to criticize. that s nonsense. if you look at what happened in cologne and the grooming of the young women by immigrant gangs, and what is happening in all of these other countries, the police are actually covering them up. this is proven. this happened because they are afraid of being called racist. and they see it. they see it and they booy tray their and they betray their own people. we don t want to come off the wrong way. they allow criminal behavior to happen. greg, moynihan agrees with
the article. he can t write about it because he know he will get backlash. isn t that what they want? i don t know. i feel like say what you believe. if that s what you believe, say what you believe. don t back away because you are afraid of being called something. do i think muslims are terrorists? no. people in poor communities have the most crime. are they poor people? no. like ted cruz. most people i know who look like ted cruz are sexual deviants. is he a sexual deviant? i wouldn t say that but you know what i mean? he is not asking questions. look, that s the point. some of our panelists read and disagreed with the editorial. but isn t that what the new york times and the guardian should be writing? we disagree instead of saying you re racist?
and provide a compelling argument for the other side. i believe charlie hebdow should get a forever pass. they are still the target of not just criticism, but vitrial is a more appropriate word. i will say my one criticism would be they used the phrase all muslims at one point in their criticism of the religion. you have to understand that if you say that people are going to freak out. they actually said that everything everybody is complicit. anyone who allows the slow chipping away is all responsible. and that was taken by people who they say is all muslim. i guess it is. and they say essentially there was an article about secularism versus religion. everyone read the article. coming up, half time with tv s andy levy. everyone get excited.
welcome back and time to find out what we got wrong. andy? hi, tom, before we get started i have to correct something i said on monday. we are talking about how the republican rule 40 says the candidate will have had to have a role of delegates. no candidate has done that yet. but i miscounted. trump has won the delegates in
10 states. needed to correct that. cruz is now up to six dates he has done that. that s assuming my math is better today than it was on monday. that s entirely possible. speaking of cruz he won t wear the funny hats. i haven t seen it and i used to work in a theater. we showed the double feature. tha film came through our theater and i missed it. i heard from people that it is good so that s how i know it is good. please tell us more. have you seen the good father ? very similar film. it is right up there. you brought up the fact that cruz will do the princess bride scenes, but won t wear a hat which is a fair point.
i guess it is one of those things where an image is worse. you can imagine the meme s if there was a picture of him with the cheese head. it is easier to retweet a meme than up load a video. exactly. i guess. i don t do either. you thought cruz was right about dukakis, but then you realize that was a helmet. cruz did say that. you saw what happened when dukakis put the helmet on. we were looking at the picture in the break and he looks stupid. he is like a compact greek guy and looks like he will fall out. i don t think his ethnicity has anything to do with it. sure it does. he has been in the army with many fine people of greek dissent. i want to point out that we did discuss in the break that it is great because you can
talk about greek people that way and i am clinging to what i have. bring it, twitter. fair and balanced, i guess. the worst thing is he has the shirt and tie you see the tie . one of the things cruz said was i will cheer on the hats of others. there is something kennedy-esque about that. wherever they may be. hillary is tired of bernie. we laugh at bill clinton, but hillary will need him in the campaign. i completely disagree. i said months ago people need to stop thinking of bill clinton as the bill clinton from the 1990s. he screwed up in south carolina in 2008. he hurt hillary. he made a bunch of gaffs this year. he is not the wiley campaigner he used to be.
i didn t love him in the 90s, andy. whether you liked him or not, he was the master of campaigning. at least he will lighten it up. he add life and realism and silliness. he is not good anymore. you said if bernie starts to really go after hillarys he will sound like a republican. she eluded to that and she said he criticizes me and president obama a lot. he keeps on doing the obama thing like it is like the loyalty of can you believe this guy is criticizing obama and they can t forget they don t like each other? she thinks he is a relatively new democrat. she thinks this is a bug. for a lot of people on the left this is a feature. it is absolutely a feature. i left the graphing on monday that i forgot to
delete. i was talking about how bad the controls were. i don t even know what that means. they were the clunk econ trolls. clunky controls and it stopped me from playing through the trilogy. i can understand. twitter is blowing up after that. i am going to hear it. don t get me wrong. the racist gap kids ad which is what we are calling it now. joanne, your main issue is none of the kids are smiling. but they re fierce. children aren t supposed to be fierce. we fight their battles for them. agree to disagree. you said your brother has been dhog to you your whole brother has dn doing this to your whole life. do you think that makes a difference? yeah. i mean, you can t be racist against your sister. you can be horrible.
my brother put me in a hamper and kicked it down the stairs. i was okay with him putting his hand on my head. it was a star wars game. get in the hamper and kicked it down the stairs. great game, joe. you had to can sell last week s gig. you are lucky he didn t have access to a trash compacter. a quick correction, michael, it was not a photographer who pointed out they were sisters, but it was the girls s mom, actress brooke smith. and there was a criticism that there is a video version and the young black girl wasn t smiling. the person who shot it it was the mom again. she is really shy. it is not racist. you can t talk. that s what people are saying. she is super shy. plus, no one smiles in photos because you can t tell females to smile anymore. it is against the law. that s a good point. not allowed anymore. i do that on every show i perform at.
it is like, what are you doing here? this joke is not that bad. you brought up the tag line for the ad is girls can do anything instead of kids can do anything. it is an ad for a girl s clothing line. that is very gender binary. they should show them wearing old navy clothes. i don t understand if it is a gender neutral clothing line, how is it a girl s clothing line? it is not dresses and stuff like that. it is shirts and pants and anything any gender should wear. cost more money. i think that s it. you know how in the u.s. the religious police goes after women wearing slacks and hits them with batons. you know? it is a collection of words with a cultural relevance and they throw them all in a little mixer. it is like saying this food is
allergy free, but there are peanuts in it. come on. quickly on the charlie hebdow being called islamaphobic you said you were going to write something on it but afraid of the backlash. they thank you. i want to say i am the biggest coward. i am old enough to remember that because of the first son in iraq, cindy sheahan had moral authority. you can never criticize her. shouldn t we extend that same courtesey to charlie hebdow. one would think, but we don t extend that to cindy sheahan. time to take a break. don t go anywhere. an andrew wk is here when we come back.
good morning and live from america s news headquarters, i m jackie ibanez. from the badger state to the empire state donald trump brings his quest for the white house to home turf. the republican front runner faces thousands of supporters in the long island sound stage. this is trump s first rally of his new york campaign swing. outside the arena cops kept is a careful watch over a noisy group of protesters. there were a couple of arrests, but for the most part the demonstrations were peaceful. they also gave ted cruz a
chilly reception at the bronks. it stems from a debate earlier during which cruz criticized as new york value. on the democratic side, the presidential race is turning testy. speaking in philadelphia bernie sanders told a large crowd of well wishers he doesn t think it will be there. they think it will be in new york on april 19th. a new law in nighs miss has come under the sharp scute knee of corporate america. the law allows some businesses to deny services to gay and transgender people. a growing list of american corporations, general electric, pepsi, levi straus among them is calling on the mississippi governor to repeal the law. many legal scholars say it amounts to discrimination and is therefore unconstitutional. the world health
organization revealed there is a nearly four fold increase in cases of diabetes off the last quarter century. at least tour 22 million people were at least 422 million people were affected. the spike in number is being blamed on excessive aging and population growth. now back to red eye. remember, for all of your headlines, log on to fox last week musician andrew wk said he is starting a new political party called the party party. many of us have lost faith in our political process. now it is time to restore our faith. over the last few years i worked closely with voters to develop a platform that really is all inclusive. a platform that truly brings all americans together. many people wondered if the party party is real. it is. and andrew is here to tell us more about it.
andrew wk, thank you for joining us. thank you, tom. i want to ask you about the party party. people are on-line they are acting like it is a joke or whatever. i want to read a quote. you said you want to you reached out to some people in the political world who work in government or some of the surrounding industries. can you tell us who you reached out to? no, i would rather not for my own sake and theirs. thisy would not be happy about that. and i want to say i am not mad at them. i completely understand. who would want to be associated with me? perhaps a crazy person or fox news. partying is about coming together. if somebody doesn t want to come to your party, that s okay. i am going from the video of the party-party. you said you want us versus them mentality.
are you saying there is a them and they are doing something wrong? not in this case. this is the world s first party where everyone is invited. and believe me, that s challenging. that s a lot to ask for. there are going to be there that you may not like. we are trying to find the one thing we have in common which is a desire to be alive and a desire to have some fun. we will disagree about issues and try to approach things in a good mood with the hope that the good mood will help us solve these problems best. now i went to your website and again i want to address some of the cynics here. i looked under the party platform and it said coming soon click on projects and it says coming soon. is this kind of could this be you getting signatures for maybe , i don t know, your
musician mailing list? the people who signed up, the whole idea of coming soon is that this like all parties is a team effort and the collaborative effort. we will make it up as we go along. the members get to design it and collaborate on it. that s the beautiful thing. the website there, the video, this was launched as an invitation. and now the party has started and we get to decide what happens. there will be some people that i am reading a party tip here. this is off your twitter feed. pea in your pants. pee in your pants. it feels good. are your personal views the views of the party? not necessarily. i would never inflict my own views. that s against the core value of the party. that s freedom and liberty to be yourself. if you don t want to wet your pants i don t want you to do that. thanks for joining us.
andrew wk.
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next red eye matt welsh and nick mullin and nick lowry. george mason university was going to rename their law school antonin scalia school of law in honor of the late supreme justice, but after twitter realized the law school s acronym would be lsasla. this is not the first time it has ruined a tribute. we remember the steve tyler financial union? that s not something you want to tell clients. and then the allen iverson day
school. i can t believe they kept that one. he is so good to the kids though. that s why it is worth it. michael, a.s.s. law is on the books in tks text. the dash it is not even a gap ad. people are changing it because of idiots on twitter. it spells ass. i mean scalia noticed that sometime in his life. this is the weirdest thing in the world. george mason just like the gap they caved. this is political correctness gone mad. you can solve this. you can hire a comedian before doing it. they will look through it. and we go for the butt humor. i think they should have left it ass law, but they should only deal with cases regarding ass law. you are hearing a trans
vaginal case? you are on the other side of the building. you noah lot about a.s.s. law? i live by one law. i think they should have kept it, but don t use the acronym. no, keep it. use the acronym. change your life. become the ass man with the ass law. joanne, you look a little disgusted. i am. do we not care about george mason? he will no longer have the name of the school. does no one care about the bill of rights? do you not care about your personal freedoms? i get scalia was a great guy, but george was wonderful. joanne nosuchunsky, greg stone, michael moynihan. i m tom shillue and i ll see you next time.
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that means i can t help you. special report. wins in wisconsin reinvig trait presidential hopes of ted cruz and bernie sanders. we ll do the delegate math and tell you what comes next. this is special report. good evening. welcome to washington. donald trump is looking to new
york to prove and provide him a bounceback in the gop race. and hillary clinton is battling much hard he than she or her campaign expected at this point in the campaign. those are the dligs after big wins in wis wigs last night by

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20161215 00:00:00

rebels and government. and assad will control the four major cities. alep aleppo and others. but he doesn t control the whole country. he says he wants it back. certainly in the days ahead, we can expect many more. hours of fighting. and an increasing death toll, sadly. i m joined now by bob corker of tennessee. senator corker, if you had to give advice on an intimate basis with the colonel president, or the incoming president, what would you tell him to do to try to stop this horror? well, look. we ve been giving advice for four or five years, chris. this was said to be on the front end of the conflict. it is a blight on human kind.
at this point, the story as it relates to western syria is mostly written. and what will happen will be determined by russia who stepped in, and iran. and certainly assad. so this is a disaster we ve known he is torturing his own people. you ve seen the holocaust museum of caesar who was documenting this. cutting people s genitals off. it has been going on for a long time. it is as if people are beginning to wake up to what s occurred. as far as advice goes, russia will determine the outcome and the western part. so the real decision is on the eastern part. where isis is. are we going to team one the turks? with the arabs? who are in conjunction the
kurds? or do we do something in coordination with russia? the real what s left is the isis component. we unfortunately led these rebels on. we told them what we were going to do. we cheered them on. we held their coats. and this is what is left. what would you have done in? it was what was done with secretary clinton. that was to attempt to really give the moderate rebels, when there was a moderate rebel group, what they needed to push back. when the kept weapons were used, the free syrian army was on the move. they had momentum. when we decided not to carry out
that operation to push back, it depleted their montum. it left them in many ways lifeless. that we would not do what women. so there has been a series of efforts. we had the opportunity to create a no-fly zone along the southern border of turkey and aleppo. it doesn t do any good. it is a shame. russia is in there. russia is not going away. how do we move russia to bring down assad? you re not going to. it won t happen. the thing can happen is we can hope that we can bring the arabs to the table. they re concerned about iranian influence. and we can hope to negotiate over time.
after years and years and years, but at this point, russia controls what will happen in that area. the next president let s look at the next president. he is not sullied by the lack of decisions that have been made. knew exfocus on the isis on it. he has advocated during the campaign a stronger role from vladimir putin and even bashar assad. let s watch trump in action. if putin wants to go, i can t understand how anybody would be against it. i ve been looking at the different players and i ve been watching and i ve been pretty good with this over the years.
deals are people. i m looking at assad and saying maybe he is better than the kind of people we re supposed to be backing. your reaction? well, look. russia is hitting the folk that we have been supporting for years. in some cases, they re mixed in. but their focus has not been on isis. so the real decision will be, as i mentioned earlier, how do we go forward? do we try to do something? do we try to do so with the kurd era? the coalition has been put together. that s the decision that he has to make. would you support john bolton in
a top position in the new government? john bolton? i have made no comments on nominees until they re actually nominated. so let s see what happens. i understand. look. it is a nomination that has been controversial in the past. i ve never really sat down and talking to john bolton one-on-one. until someone is nominated, i don t like to weigh in. how about the proposal to move the capital to jerusalem? it s always been talked about but never been done. candidly, i ve talk to the israelis about it. and i think there is a way to communicate the moving of the embassy. what we have is a kons hat now that only works on the palestinian side. i think there s a way of doing it if you communicate that you re still hoping and working toward a two-state solution. so i know he campaigned on it.
i think it would be something at this point that could not be negative and could be very positive moving things along. so my guess is they will move in that direction. i disagree but that s your right. yesterday, the ambassador said they are responsible. to the assad regime, russia and iran, three member states, behind the conquest of and carnage in aleppo, you bear responsibility for these atrocities. when one day there is a full accounting of the horrors committed in this aassault of aleppo, and that day will come sooner rather than later, you will not be able to say you did not know what was happening or you were not involved. we all know what was happening and we all know you were involved. it should shame you.
instead, by all appearances, it is emboldening you. are you truly incapable of shame? is there no act of barbarism against civilians? no execution of a child that gets unltd your skin, that creeps you out a little bit? is there nothing you will not lie about or justify? that s the u.s. ambassador to the united nations. i m joined by bob casey, democrat from pennsylvania. i was not getting a lot of response from your chairman, senator corker, about what we can do right now. we see the pictures coming from aleppo. can we leverage it? to petition the country? what can we do to stop the fighting. certainly, we can be continuing to make the efforts. that i know the administration has made and secretary kerry has
worked to get more humanitarian aid on the ground and deliver it. and i know that s an ongoing effort. i don t know how to place a metric on that in terms of success or failure but i know they re trying very hard. and certainly the russians have been, most of the time, have not been cooperative. other times they have been cooperative. lately i think samantha powers is right. not just aleppo but all throughout syria. but right now, the most important thing is to focus on getting that humanitarian aid and to focus on, as i will, the new congress. marco rubio and i, the far from florida, we have legislation that we ve introduced that focuses on sanctioning. but also, focusing intensively on getting humanitarian aid
there. here s what a form he energy minister told engel about the incoming administration. let s watch this. the trump election and the new administration the way it is being shaped. it is a gift. he couldn t have dreamed about that a few months ago. so trump and his team are a gift. how do you react to that in. it is a reality that i think concerns not only me but a lot of the american people. you have this fascination that the president-elect seems to have with vladimir putin. i hope that when he is president, after he takes oath of office, i hope he makes it very clear to the american people that he will be very tough with russia. hold them accountable when they everybody gauge in the kind of
activity they ve engaged in in syria. and i think the way he should view vladimir putin is the way i view him. as close to a 24-hour bad guy as you go get in the world stage. constantly intervening. even in our elections as we know now from good reporting. i hope the president-elect will have a different approach. two tough questions. john bolton for any top position. would you support him? the man, one of the top hawks in the iraq war. your thoughts. it would be very difficult for me to support him. i don t know what will happen in terms of the nomination. what about the idea, not the idea but the reality of moving our embassy to jerusalem. is that something that would be good for our relations over there? i would hope that we could but i don t think that s likely to happen. we ll see what the incoming administration does.
i hope it doesn t happen. it would be cataclysmic. it seems like paul ryan and donald trump are pals now. he said he is like a fine wine. it gets better with time. that s ahead. plus, the hardball round table. can the stars of the movie, the true story of three african-american women, math ma additions. and they composed the film s amazing sound track. finally let me finish with one of my sources. a political guy from boston who saw the election result coming. this is hardball. a place for politics. my business was built with passion.
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choices for the top four positions in the incoming trump cabinet. the real plum jobs are all going to white men. the first time that s happen, on this has happened since 1989. [burke] at farmers, we ve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is
literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
i ve come the appreciate them of speaker paul ryan. where is he? he has been terrific. and honestly, he is like a fine wine. every day goes by. i get to appreciate his genius more and more. if he ever goes against me, i won t say that. okay? we have some amazing things in store. we re going to work on taxes and obamacare and he will lead the way. we re going to work on the wall, paul. see? the old favorites. the golden oldies. the wall. while trump appeared to put ryan on notice last night with their newly forged friendship, it produced big results.
and jeremy peters is with the new york times. let s talk about this. it really gets to the heart of what will get done. he said, well, he won t approve a spending bill. will paul ryan grew he some grand economic deal? or will nothing get done? he has to. let s be honest. paul ryan at some point made calculated risk that trump won t win. what ryan has said since then, he has spoken to people that we haven t been. the key from that footage that you showed, you have to understand. a lot of trump supporters are not necessarily republican supporters. they re trump supporters. and ryan needs them. at the same time, president-elect needs ryan. it is an arranged marriage that you i think it will work.
they re hoping to get the country rolling again. big economic opportunities for everybody. if they don t pass a bill, road building, bridge building, spending money, hiring people, it is all bs if he doesn t do that. will everything along with it? ryan is governance. that s what he is in place to do. building bridges. the nation needs infrastructure. we have crumbling roads and bridges and buildings. but at the same time, donald trump said this on the campaign trail. and to make him successful, these two frenemies have to work. and paul ryan is the one to help find the ways and means to make it happen. will he force trump in every case, pay for this. pay for this. raise taxes to pay for this. it is a very hard thing to do. if you stip hate the economy. trump wants to cut a lot of taxes and spend money.
will they try conduct a scheme like they did? with the gas tax and call it a highway user fee? there will be a way to pay for this. yes. it will have to be done in a way that will be palatable to the grover norquists of the world. what s wrong with borrowing the money? trump bonds. get them to go out and sell trump bonds. this is where the cabinet secretaries will play a key role. his labor secretary. they are going to be deeply involved. elaine chao? the wife of ? mitch mcconnell. this was all very well thought of. do you think he got the spouse to get the spouse? do you think trump has figured this out? let s point out that she does have experience. i just saw her last night. i m saying, was he thinking of this marital connection?
it was her ability to shepherd it through congress. it is a different story. his politics is business and he knows, that s what you do. you final common ground. politico reported that donald trump s son, donald jr., sat in on the interviews and made calls to candidates according to sources familiar with the process. montana congressman ryan zinke was offered the post tuesday. it was an outdoor. he said the only job in government i would want is department of the interior. ends the issues. it is something i will be passionate about. no one gets him more than us. that s the kid talking.
the transition team has been very transparent that donald trump jr. is on the transition team. he is someone who is helping us form this. it only makes expense the transition team member was active in the process. well, you know, trump does listen to other people for advice. it took him a while to pick the new secretary of state designate. but he uses his kids. can he get away as using his kids in the midst of a presidency? i think he will do it and try to figure it out later. i don t think that it matters to him. this is what he has always done. it speaks to how trump doesn t really change. will he stop tweeting now that he s become president? of course not. will he stop going after his
rivals? of course not. how does that affect our operation in india in any time he is talking about indiana, he is talking about indian tribes or anything. how does that affect the operation? donald trump is falling back on who he is. it is about business. his children very strategic for him. we saw it today when he had a tech meeting. all three were in the meeting. and trump falls back on that. he is trying on final business solutions to our everyday problems. can you put your children in a blind trust? the stocks have to be in a blind trust. the children cannot be in charge of a blind trust. they can t be in one either. if you look through campaign, every time the kids got involved, they help make better decisions. not worse.
so he could put up with bad press. you would say risk taking is heat for conflict. governance will win out. what happens when all those trump buildings become targets for the bad guys? here s a way to hit america. the hardball roundtable is staying with us. and always, the star studded this is great stuff. the new about to come out movie. hidden figures. they re all coming to hardball to talk about three african-american mathematicians who worked behind the scenes to get space program off the ground. it really happened. we should have known about it 50 years ago. world ugly and messy.
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bill clinton was a investigatoration reader. george w. bush had people come in and give them, and now president obama read as well as takes the briefings. so we understand donald trump does not like to read much. so we are expecting it will be catered to him. senior sources on capitol hill. it seems like rex tillerson will be fine. fine doesn t mean the process will be pleasant or not bumpy. if i don t see you again, merry christmas. still ahead interesting stars of the movie, hidden figures. stick around. this is great stuff. octavius spencer, kevin costner.
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vladimir putin was personally involved in the campaign to interfere in the election. and yahoo! is disclosing a 2015 breach that allowed hackers to steal personal information from more than a million users. in semi, yahoo! revealed another hacking affecting 500 million accounts. we re coming back with the stars of hidden figures who help launch america s space program. and here is a clip from the film. you re at nasa. that s pretty heavy stuff. yes, it is. they let women handle that s not what i mean. what do you mean? i m just surprised something
so taxing mr. johnson, if i were you, i would quit talking right now. i mean no disrespect. i will have you know, i was the first female negro student at west vf graduate school on any given day, i analyze friction and velocity. and compute over 10,000 calculations by hand. so yes. they let women do some things at nasa, mr. johnson, and it is not because we wear skirts. it is because we wear glasses. the stars behind this great movie are coming here next. it will be great to watchful this is hardball, the place for politics.
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even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum what s the status on that computer? she s right behind you, mr. harrison. can she handle geometry? absolutely. and she speaks. yes, sir. i do. which one? both. geometry and speaking. ruth, get me the do you
think you can find me the frame for this data using the algorithim, yes, sir. i prefer it over euclidian coordinates. welcome back. that was the scene from the upcoming flil, hidden figures. the true story of three african-american mathematicians and the key role they played at nasa to launch the first american into orbit. it sets the struggle of equal rights against the space race. even at nasa, african-americans were segregated from their white counter parts. this is a film about women who broke barriers in more ways than one. here s a clip for the trailer. katherine! we re all going to get unemployed. i ll sit in the back of the bus. you have identification? we were just on our way to work at nasa, sir. i had no idea they hired. quite a few women working in the space program.
that s john glenn. what do you women do for nasa? calculate your landing, sir. and i m proud. it s equal rights. i have a right to see fine in every color. would you wish to be an engineer? i wouldn t have to. i would already be one. hidden figures is out in select theaters at christmas time. christmas day and a wider following on january 6. i am joined by those people who made the movie come to life including the stars of the film. taraji p. henson. she is the superstar. and octavia spencer, i ve been in love with her for a long time. and you all look very glamorous. you re dressed like bureaucrats. the great kevin costner is here and of course, singer-songwriter, and the director, thank you. i love st. vincent with bill
murray. you just dominate movie. i had to say that. and putting one jim crow and putting one jim crow in a federal institution. what grabbed me in the beginning was, the cop who stopped you guys in your 57 chevy i love those. he stops you in a car and he has the usual color mentality going. on black/white thing going on. and all of a sudden he says you re in the space program. and his patriotism kicks in. yes. tell me about that. well, i think that s the overall message of the story. when we put our differences aside as humans, we re able to move the human race forward. at the end of the day, we re all humans. a mind doesn t have a color. when it comes to calculating numbers, i don t care what color you are. i don t care who you sleep with at night. can you find the math? i love the score.
this person that taraji is playing, everybody has to go to the bathroom and everybody knows the experience of having to go to the bathroom now. and then she has, it is like a bad dream. i have to go to a building where there s a colored women s bathroom. and you got this great music. tell me abo the music you put in there. man, the music was largely just led by it is called running. yes, sir. that song was just based on a story. when we got the script, okay. these women are living in the matrix of the 1960s where the physics and the gravity for african-americans was much heavier. and it was twice as hoef a woman. so having to run to the bathroom, not only the other side of the building but the other side of the campus. and there were campus bikes. but for women, we forget as men, you know, long skirts, long dresses. so they had to run rain or shine, 30 on 45 minutes round trip to the other side of the campus just to use the bathroom.
so ted and the other ladies here, high leels a big part of this for some reasons. maybe it is the photography. the women look great but you re always shooting the legs and the shoes. and one time they get caught. and you almost get killed. it is a wind tunnel. you look great by the way. the guy says, the shoe ain t worth it. when you re running to the bathroom, it is high heels. so women in high heels being african-american in a jim crow setting. we did it all like we do every day. what is so inspiring, they did not allow the obstacles to deter them and stop them from the dreams.
yes, we were dealing with classism and racism. when nasa put all those isms to bed, that s when they achieved the extraordinary together. at the end of the day, we all bleed the same color. i think of you all the time in a movie. i think i ve seen 13 days a hundred times. and in the middle of a cuban crisis, you have that same time period. it is 62. this movie includes the reality of american high of much better. you can give some of that a pass. how many stories can you possibly tell? if you look beneath the surface, you will final the story. if you are going to tell original story about john glenn.
not the women working off to the side. if you re going to tell that story, there is a moment when he would go or not going. so it would be like telling a joke and maybe leaving out a punch line. there was a moment where he was going to go or not go and it huck on the balance of a young woman who would have to do math by hand. in great story telling, you don t leave out that bit. if we don t learn about these human computers, i can see that story. hmmm, i would have liked to know about that a long time ago. but not knowing about that moment, that should have been a part of what we knew about for a long time. he was a good guy, octavia. he was a good guy, period. i learned something about him that i didn t know and it made him that much more of an american hero to me. he did something unpopular. he put his hands in the life of
this african-american woman. if her numbers didn t match up, he wouldn t go. he wanted to know he was going to land. that s key information. they have to get to it. with th ship. but you were in the help. i was in the help. i always remember that meal you cooked up for that white lady. we will always remember that. this tastes interesting. so you ve gotten at the jim crow thing from a couple ways now. jim crow is a very difficult time to immerse yourself in, but when you re doing a period film, we have agency as contemporary women that african-american women did not have in the jim crow era. so there s something wonderful to be said about the solidarity that we felt on the set, very insulated, ted created a safe place for us to work and have fun. i like the way, taraji, you look up at that sign as you go out of the room, colored computers. they still designate you by your
ethnicity. let s take another look at the movie. go find your way over there. that colonel jim is a tall glass of water. that he is. tall, strong, commanding. and i bet he s like that day and night. mary, it s sunday. please have some shame. i will not. he s coming over. now, why would he be doing that? because mary s waving at him. no. ladies. fix your hair. i m dorothy vaughn, that s ms. jackson. and mrs. katherine. she s not married. she s a widow, with three beautiful little girls. so well behaved. angels on earth is like we like to call her. dorothy, slice of pie? excuse me. you already have a slice of pie. so it s so great you re doing this. i m so glad you took this project. i m so glad you took this podge. everybody took it.
because hollywood needs it. it s not a redo, but it s something. we need to see this story. we need little girls to see this story. we need little boys to see this story. we need people to know that history wasn t a bunch of white guys in a room. nasa was very diverse. nasa celebrates these women. these women are not hidden from nasa. nasa has been honoring these women for a long time. great to tell the general public that. guys, honor to meet you all. thank you. pharrell, the music gets to even me. we can keep the mugs? you can keep the mugs, we can get you hats. politics and culture are together. they re the same thing. this collection, whatever you think of it, culture and politics are together. we got to put it all together. merry christmas to everybody. thank you so much. i was just going to say, you re not mr. straight hour. we ve been watching you for years. yes. and your interviews is and the way that you keep people straight is amazing, and when
people veer off and they don t answer the question there s no one that slices through it better than you. thank you. that s not in the script. we ll be right back. thank you. see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition.
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people that gives me the benefit of their thinking even when i m not smart enough to accept it. i ve known edward jess per, our political expert from boston since we worked together at the white house in the 1970s. we ve been friends ever since. he s been in presidential campaigns from george mcgovern, sargent shriver, paul songs a. as a democrat by nurture and an independent by nature. he thinks for himself. he doesn t run with the pack. he spent the good part of the past presidential election giving me the benefit of his thinking. and his thinking would be that donald trump would be the winner. he was writing to me when the pundits were predicting a hillary clinton landslide. he e-mailed me the morning after the election he said that trump would get the nomination because he was the only performer, think about that word, performer out there in the field then. on st. patrick s day, he maled me this, we are awash in donald trump. he may be the best political operative in the modern era.
a mix of lee atwater and bill clinton, yet he s only beginning to be treated by the political insiders. who else was in trump s league during the primaries? on august 21th ed ream e-mailed me that hillary clinton has little improvement room. her image, her being is pretty much set in stone in the people s minds. not much is good for her outside the area of her supporters. trump is no longer la raza but his political raison d etre, they ll still hammer him but not with the percentage or turnout she is expecting today. for hillary s gang, it will be much like the french generals defending the line. well, ten days before the election, ed wrote that he thought that trump could still win because all the public polling to the contrary, hillary clinton was not running away with it. even in the best of times when trump was saying the worst of
his stuff, killing himself, she was not opening up a significant lead. in his e-mail to me on october 27 was after an obscenely successful nonstrop run on trump by the national forces of morality he called them, i m running into those who can t vote for hillary. also in that october 27 e-mail a proposal, could you secure, say, a half hour more of your show for a serious discussion of polling? when november 4th, the friday before the election ed wrote me hillary has to get enough black votes in the lock box before the old fashioned vote next tuesday and it appears she ll fail. she s not going to match obama s vote among blacks. why on earth did the clinton people ever think she would? every indication i get is everything is breaking for trump and has been from before the comey letter. if so, it s been my experience that late breaking waves are virtually immutable. everyone wants change, sad to say it may be as simple as that.

President-assad , Rebels , Country , Government , Alep-aleppo , Cities , Others , Four , Senator-corker , Fighting , More , Death-toll

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160511 05:00:00

out what the government knows about ufos. she s trying everything. dominos pizza in oregon, we love you. that s it. stay tuned to fox news. continuing election coverage throughout the night. we will see you back here 5:00 p.m. eastern. donald trump the presumptive gop nominee is inching ever closer toward officially clinching the republican nomination. as bernie sanders racks up yet another win. nice to be with you. nice to be with you. nice to have you here. welcome to america s election headquarters. trump winning two more primaries, nebraska and west virginia today. he earned just over 60% of the votes in the winner-take-all state of in e ne and 36 delegates. trump adding to his total following iz victory in west virginia. as it stands, trump is 130
delegates shy of clinching the gop nomination. getting close. meantime on the democratic side, bernie sanders beating hillary clinton again. this time in west virginia. handedly so. very much so. sanders using momentum to rally supporters in oregon. he insists he will be taking his presidential bid all the way to the convention in july. this is a state, west virginia, where hillary clinton won by over 40 points against barack obama in 2008. with our victory tonight in west virginia, we have now won primaries and caucuses in 19 states. let me be as clear as i can be. we are in this campaign to win the democratic nomination. despite winning the mountain state with a majority of the vote, sanders is making a small
dent in hillary clinton s massive delegate lead. still has a long way to go. he said he is in it until the end, until june 7th, no matter what what. when you think of what happened today in west virginia and where he came from. so far down in the polls, came back an beat her in a state she won in 2008 against barack obama. you never know what will happen in the next couple of months. she made the argue when it came to super delegates because a similar situation happened to her. she didn t get out until july. we ll see what happens. let s talk about the gop race in west virginia. conrad lucas, chairman of the west virginia gop is joining us on the phone. are you there, mr. lucas? yes. good evening. you have had a busy day. how was voter turnout? massive. we broke a lot of records on the republican side for turnout in west virginia. we saw polls having to stay open
late because we had such an interest in our primary. so much excitement that this year in west virginia and largely due to the candidacy of donald trump. he received more votes than bernie sanders, is that correct? yes. that is most likely the first time at least in modern history that a republican has gotten more votes in a presidential primary here than that democrat. what do you credit that for? how do you think he managed to do that? the energy donald trump brings here he s been strong on the coal issue. trump has been out front saying he will get coal miners back to work. we are a state brought to i9s knees by the obama administration and their attack on coal. the war on coal and the attack on our jobs and the economy in west virginia and donald trump tackled that head on. people are excited because people in west virginia want to work. they want jobs and we need the coal industry to make that happen. do you think it was a direct result of hillary clinton really
just far behind bernie sanders today because of her anti-coal comments? absolutely. hillary clinton is on the record saying she wants to bankrupt coal companies and made it personal. she said she wants to bankrupt coal miners themselves. in west virginia we take that personally. bernie sanders victory here was a direct rebuke of hillary clinton anti-coal policies that will be an extension of barack obama s crushing epa regulations. reporter: moving forward from west virginia to the remaining races, how do you think what played out in west virginia will influence or tell us how the primaries will work moving forward. looking a the republican side we are the first state to be called since kasich and cruz suspended is their campaign. if there is any question about pub republican unity, look to west virginia. donald trump got 80% of the vote cast an the other gentlemen suspended is their campaigns la week. republicans in west virginia are uniting and we were the first
with an unit to cast their ballots with one clear individual in the race. i think we will see a lot of unity. the west virginia story will speak nationally. one county, i understood, just came in west virginia where donald trump received 91% of the vote. the highest total he s gotten anywhere across the country. yes. that s mcdow county, west virginia. it suffered like no others. they have spoken loud and clearly and conservatives here are ready for change and ready for donald trump. looks like it. conrad lucas, thank you for joining us. congratulations on a successful primary today. thank you very much. the democrats and bernie sanders big win in west virginia that certainly did not look probable a couple of months ago.
lauren green is joining us from our new york newsroom with more on that. for bernie sanders it maybe a mathematical long shot to win the democratic nomination but his victory in the west virginia primary as given him reason to stay in the race until the end. he intends to do just that. sanders won the mountain state, 51.4% to hillary clinton s 36%. it s delegates will be awarded proportionately, giving sanders 16 and clinton 11. the in e ne primary was a beauty contest for the democrats having awarded delegates in a march 5th caucus. sanders won that too, 57 to 43%. clinton leads the total delegate count with 2,239 to sanders 1,469. that includes all of the important super delegates where clinton has a huge edge. sanders is undaunted, rallying supporters in oregon.
our message to the democratic delegates who will be assembling in philadelphia is while we may have many disagreements with secretary clinton, there s one area we agree. and that is we must defeat donald trump. for mrs. clinton, tuesday s contest turned out much different than in the 2008 when she won the west virginia primary against senator obama who went on to become the eventual nominee and take the white house. clinton s gaffe about the coal industry may have clipped crippled her in west virginia and helped her rival in the coal-rich state. despite the loss, the former secretary of state spoke to supporters in kentucky and kept her focus on the presidential contest. you are voting not just for a president but a commander in chief.
and the highest obligation of a president is to protect america. i take that as a solemn obligation and it s why i have been so concerned about the reckless talk coming from donald trump. reporter: s 19 states to clinton s 23 who needs just 134 delegates to reach the 1283 required to win the nomination. she only needs to win 14% of the remaining delegates and super delegates to capture the party s nomination. leland? lauren green in new york, thank you. exit polls giving us a look inside the voters minds as they hit the polls. exactly why did they vote for who they voted for? what issues are number one to them? kelly wright is joining us live. reporter: good morning, that s following tonight s primaries in west virginia and nebraska, we can see ub republican voters in those
states are reflecting the same sentiment about certain issues as they have in other states. for example, the exit polls show most gop voters in the two states believe the most important issue facing the country is the economy and jobs. we ve seen this throughout the other primaries and caucuses. 57% of the voters say they are concerned about this. they want a candidate who can improve the economy and deliver jobs. the gop also said they feel betrayed by the republican party. 63% of republican voters in nebraska feel betrayed and 49% feel that way in west virginia. moving on looking at other polls, as in other states a large number of gop voters are disappointed and have a lot of anger towards the federal government. because of that anger, we are seeing gop voters, donald trump is the man they believe can improve the economy, create jobs, and help them to get over their anger towards the federal government.
now, these voters want to see a change. trump the outsider is the candidate who s winning voters, who want change in every state except texas. 29% of voters in nebraska and 36% of those in west virginia see trump as the top quality candidate who can bring the change, they say, is needed. so looking at the top quality issue, go to trade and when you see another concern is the trade, most voters in west virginia, nebraska, like trump s view that trade takes away jobs here in the united states. 50% in nebraska and 67% in west virginia agree that trade will do jobs in america instead of improving them. trump scored big with these voters. they believe he s the candidate that can effectively voice their concerns in the general election and defeat hillary clinton. 82% of voters in nebraska and west virginia are backing trump. the republican party is divided right now over trump.
many are wondering if, in fact, the party can come together to rally behind and for trump, the presumptive gop nominee. 50% of gop voters in west virginia and nebraska are divided now. but say trump will yooe unite the party by november. certainly something we will be watching. leland? more coming up. joining us el thank you for staying with us throughout the night. we just got a look at what the new york post cover will be tomorrow morning. take a look at what it says. stop the coronation is the cover. an op-ed piece saying she is unraveling. bernie haz won two states in the past two weeks that hillary
clinton has won in 2008. are things changing? i think things are changing in both parties dramatically. i don t necessarily think that bernie sanders will get the nomination. she does still have the super delegates. they could switch. if he gets 300 delegates or less that he needs by winning california which he is not slated to win but he might. then things could change with the supers but right now they are not. so many supers would have to switch over. that makes it different than in 2008 because barack obama and hillary clinton were much closer at that point but you still think there is a path to victory for him? i don t know. i think at this point people are saying in the democratic party they see hillary clinton as the nominee, period, end of statement. she s acting that way. she s not going after bernie in any way. she s going after trump.
she did buy ads in kentucky and the perception is she bought those ads, which is new. she was not spending additional money on television ads in order to fight bernie sanders in the primary. she probably has to do that. that s probably basic. on the other hand, if you look at her overall way she s doing things, it s that she is going after trump, including taking some of the stop trump name. where does this on the flip side of that, when you look at this in terms of the race that is now appearing to square up, hillary clinton versus donald trump, did we learn anything from west virginia and nebraska that you think is relevant as we take it in to a general election? absolutely. first i would say the coronation ended a long time ago. this is hillary clinton stumbling to the nomination mathematically which many of us believe she will get. bernie sanders is on the verge of winning a 20th state. this is embarrassing for the clintons. with have known historically she
has fundamental flaws as a candidate but the fact she s not been able to create rationale other than it is my turn is a problem. bernie sanders won 52% of women in west virginia. he won 61% of independents in west virginia. on economic issues, on voters that care about those, he won a 55%. 50% of bernie sanders voters said they would vote for donald trump. that to me is the most telling. would you agree with that? the figure i saw was one third of democratic voters said they would vote for but let s face it. toni is right, west virginia was not a good state for hillary clinton. west virginia does not like hillary clinton and that is partly because of her gaffes with respect to coal. also look at the demographics, 91% of the voters were white.
where she does better with minorities. there were a lott of things is that an indication it could be a problem for her. could be. there were warning signs for her. not only her own mistakes but the rationale and enthusiasm on the other side of the aisle, the fact, as you heard earlier, the turnout was remarkable. we had never seen turnout like this on the republican side for a candidate. this is what she faces an enthusiasm gap within her own party and certainly versus donald trump in november. you mentioned the 50% figure in the state of west virginia. people that would vote instead for trump. nationwide there was another poll that is 39% of bernie sanders supporters, nationwide who would switch over to vote for donald trump or not vote at all. that would be a problem for her either way. absolutely.
that s why bernie sanders is so crucial to her. what he decides to do, the extent to which he truly supports her will be very important for her. i think we saw a little bit of change in bernie sanders s tone and content tonight where you begin to see a pivot toward the general election, a recognition that if he cannot win the nomination. he certainly hasn t ruled out the idea of being a vice presidential nominee. is that where this is going, is that why he is taking it all the way and has more say at the convention and gets on the ticket. he has created a movement and he cannot abandon the movement as others are abandoned their extra movements before. a revolution. right. so he feels a connection to that. i have had republicans tell me if he pulls out she will move so far to the right she ll break her leg.
i don t know. but the fact is, he s keeping her more left on several issues. look at how damaging that was on coal. very fact she had to go to the left on that issue. absolutely killed her in west virginia. i want to say she was misquoted because she said the best thing we could do is to help the people who produce the energy we rely on and we re not going to forget. the tape didn t lie. you have to watch it. all right. go get some coffee. it is going to be a long night. toni, judy, ellen we will be back. we will bring it up again. more on the stunning polls from key battleground states that showed tight races and a hypothetical matchup between trump and clinton. who would have thought pennsylvania now possibly in play. is hillary clinton the best candidate to challenge donald trump? bernie sanders says nope.
two national polls have us beating trump by bigger margins than secretary clinton. jordan and chelsea were searching for the perfect place for their wedding on oh! yurt. yes! earthy. just rustic. [laughing] oh my gosh. wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uh, how about an island? island, yeah. yeah. yeah. [laughing] were you laughing in your fantasy? yeah! me, too. [gasps] [alarm beeps]
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the general election is six months away if you are keeping track on the calendar. a new poll shows hillary clinton and donald trump are virtually tied in three key battleground states. this was stunning when it came out. look at that. florida, ohio and pennsylvania. let s bring in charles speed, political law attorney, delegate expert. charles, appreciate you being here in the wee hours of the morning. when we are look at most certainly a trump versus clinton race, what do you make of the fact these three key states that you would think certainly would be strong blue states, have been in the past, may not be anymore? the poll, the quinnipiac polls are certainly good news for donald trump. ohio and florida should be red states. they have got to be a part of any winning coalition for a republican. so that s part of the road map. the fact that trump has moved up and within the margin of error
there. do the polls mean anything six months out from the general? they mean something for the battle that trump is fighting right now, which is trying to win over donors and convince traditional republicans that he s a viable candidate. even though, of course, the polls are going to change the clinton attack machine hasn t unleashed the billions of dollars they will spend but for right now when donald trump and his finance team are going around washington, d.c. this week, trying to put together a plan to get the billion dollars they will need to compete with the clinton machine, proving viability, which is what the quinnipiac polls are the start of doing will be a helpful argument for him. it has changed a lot of thinks. how much has to do with trump s appeal to white, middle class, lower middle class males unhappy
about things like immigration, the economy, trade. that key demographic that trump seems to resonate so well with? that s part of it and the other part of it is hillary clinton s unpopularity with large parts of the electorate. donald trump s unfavorable numbers are sky high, but the only candidate has as close to as high unfavorables is hillary clinton and that s good news for trump supporters. whenny i look at the polling, again quinnipiac,s michigan, wisconsin, you have one story that suddenly this could be good for donald trump. and then places like mississippi, georgia, utah, traditionally dark red states and somebody like erick erickson will tell you this proves trump is another goldwater. the most recent numbers in utah and mississippi are the
argument for why donald trump could be devastating for republicans. but as you noted, if he can put pennsylvania in play, that means we do have a chance, with being republicans. right now, i think this is an insider s game. hillary clinton s team hasn t put any advertiseing against trump. which is important right now and in the coming months before the election that trump put a finance team together and raise that billion dollars that he and the republican party need. and good polling numbers are critically important for that. that is a good day for him. you know donald trump will be talking about his good polling numbers when he meets with paul ryan in d.c. on thursday. appreciate you staying up with us. my pleasure. we are not done. everyone stay up, political power meets up. trump looks for support from the speaker of the house. what will happen with that? wouldn t you like to be a fly on
the wall in that meeting. why paul ryan wants to marinate, when talking about donald trump on whether or not he will support him. . we are meeting on thursday and i think it will be interesting. i look forward to the meeting and i this i positive results. he s a very good man and he wants what is good for the party and i think we will have positive results. . i think for him to frankly stay and be chairman.
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donald trump and house speaker paul ryan are scheduled to meet on thursday in washington. the gop s presumptive presidential nominee is hoping that he can convince ryan to back his bid for the white house. a source close to the congressman said that ryan will not make any hasty commitments. i don t want to negotiate or have a conversation with somebody through the media. i want to have a conversation with them one on one and with our leadership team. basically we need to talk about how do we you know funify the r party. we shouldn t pretend the party is unified when we know it is not. it has been one effect since the primary effectively ended. it was a bitter divisive primary. it will take more than a week to repair and unify this party. joining us from our new york newsroom, fox news political analyst. thank you for coming in early
for us. thank you for having me. what do you think will happen on thursday? we are talking about two great strategist. paul ryan is great. we are in the shadows of one of the bloodiest primary processes we have seen. as a person that likes politics it is great for the party and the country. donald trump is shaking things up. however, it is time for the party to have a unified front. but if ryan were to come out and endorse donald trump right now it would seem disingenuous. i think paul ryan is doing the right strategy. who bears more responsibility to get the party to come together? ryan or trump? from a national standpoint, from the presidential election standpoint it is donald trump. but what paul ryan is doing right now, he s protecting his congressional members. we have to keep the party together. he has to keep the house and the senate.
the only way he can do this to get the intellectual conservatives an the folks that are staunch party supporters, those establishment folks, ryan needs to stand his ground and they need to cut a deal. he needs to fight for the conservatives of the party or the party will still be divided. ryan has to protect republicans can further down the ticket. kpa ktly. let s say this, hypothetically if hillary clinton wins and we lose the house and senate that s a challenge. it would be great if donald trump could win, pull some democrats and independents, some women voters from hillary and keep the party in line. paul ryan is doing his job. he is unifying the party. speaking of pulling the demographics from hillary clinton, donald trump says or he said initially, i should say, he is changing his wording at this point, he said he doesn t necessarily need to unify the party to win. because he needs to know he s a rebel. he s gone rogue. he s actually registered new
voters. we have had 64% more folks vote in the republican process. he needs to keep his constituency in line. he s bringing folks over from the left to the right. he s actually pulling some of bernie s supporters. he needs to keep his constituency in line and paul ryan needs to keep his in mind. we are supposed to be the grand old party, inclusive of all and that s what they are doing. beyond the republican establishment, anyone that is on social media, anyone who works here at fox news, knows that the followers and the supporters of these individuals take trump and cruz specifically. they are die-hard. they love their candidates. how will it how difficult will it be to get any of those folks that were supporting cruz to cross over if cruz does not come out and say vote for donald trump. very good question. it is a fine line. donald trump has to seek a vp
running mate that can actually bring on those ted cruz voters, can bring on those conservatives, those intellectuals that are ultraconservative. those are the challenges that donald trump will have. so he needs to have a running mate where it is the ying and yang where they can balance each other out. we will talk about that in a couple of hours. thank you for joining us. heather, thank you for having me. appreciate it. here again ellen ratnor. nice to see you. judy, to you, so much is being made of the paul ryan meeting and all of the discussion, will ryan endorse trump, will he not. does it really matter? yes, absolutely it matters. it matters big time if the guy who s going to run your
convention isn t endorsing the candidate i think the problem for donald trump is that it is not just paul ryan. let s look at the money for a minute. for the moment, trump has raised $40 million. needs to raise $1.5 billion if the republicans are going to win. in 2012, mitt romney, together with republican party, only raised $500 million. we are talking about a huge amount of money that has to be raised. look at the key republican fund-raisers. we have the koch brothers who are hanging back now. they were going to spend 900 million. we have paul finger one of the largest donors. last night i was 59 the manhattan institute dinner, the fund-raising, hamilton dinner and he said neither donald trump or hillary clinton was acceptable and he was going to hold out. this is a party split down the
middle. when you don t have your major fund-raisers and the leaders of your party, the bushes i don t see how he pulls it together. donald trump won the republican nomination spending less than any other major candidates. he hasn t won it yet. presumptive nominee. presumptive nominee. ted cruz said he might get back in it. the hole so far, i would suggest trump has been amazingly successful in getting media coverage that propelled him far beyond what paid media would have gotten him. he will get the money. what will happen is once paul ryan and others who are respectable in the party get behind donald trump it will give the signal that he is ready to become the right type of general election candidate. i believe paul ryan took a little of donald trump s play book and said the number one thing in the negotiation is to
be willing to walk away from the deal. he said if you don t want me as chairman i won t be chairman and trump has done the right thing. he said no. extended the branch. i want you to do at this time and the two will meet and i suspect it will happen with other major leaders and they will begin the process of resolving the differences. paul ryan, i didn t like how he put it out there. he used silly words. he said i m marinating, i m not there yet. it seems small ball for a powerful intellect like paul ryan but he has on his shoulders bringing the movement, traditional conservative, the social conservatives and if anyone can do it, as far as aligning them with trump it is speaker ryan being the first major domino. if that happens donors will follow. one of the ways that trump can do that specifically, and who he chooses to be his vice presidential candidate. no doubt. i certainly agree with the idea it is more important for trump
to not only bring political experience, which he wants to but to bring an ideological alignment. he needs to pick a real conservative movement conservative, not a ted cruz conservative necessarily but somebody to the degree that could remind people of the ryan-reagan, kemp movement in the party that wants a principaled conservative executive in trump and want to see somebody that could reflect the broadness of the party which people fear trump doesn t right now. judy, i see you shaking your head but we are out of time. i promise i will let you start with that when we come back. the other big question is will one of those stallworth republicans take the vp job if donald trump offers it. some people have said no but does no really mean no. i m not going there. as the gop makes strides toward unifying, how does the democratic party recover from
this division? it is a big question and big night for bernie sanders in west virginia. more on that when we come back. i could get used to this. now you can, with the luxuriously transformed 2016 lexus es and es hybrid.
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take yourself back a few months. would you have really thought the gop race would be essentially wrapped up in early
may? the democratic race still going strong. this was more drama for the democrats today. sanders winning west virginia which means he has won 19 states compared to 23 for clinton. joaning us is the democratic strategist, pollster and senior political analyst. jessica, appreciate you being here. staying up early in the morning. as you look at this, how damaging is back-to-back losses for hillary clinton? i m not sure it is the back-to-back losses. the math is hugely in her favor. she is up 275 delegates. 3.1 million votes, but it is more the messaging that is the problem. we saw tonight with bernie sanders obviously feeling triumphant and confident and i understand that. but we are talking about the fact his attacks on hillary clinton in the past few days are feeding in to the gop narrative. donald trump has said openly he is getting some of his attack lines from bernie sanders. that bodes really badly for the
dems come november to have bernie sanders saying the same thing about hillary clinton that donald trump is. especially bernie sanders ends up as a vp nominee. i think it was interesting where he didn t deny with wolf blitzer there and that is new for him. he had been seeming to go for shaping the democrat you can platform, a few weeks ago that s what we were talk tg about. jeff weaver came out and said we want to have as much influence as we can over the agenda for the democrats going forward. tonight, he looked like he wanted to be vp and he knows the math and it was a big night and he s fired up but for i think he would be open to that which is a new thing. that could change a lot, especially when you consider the messaging that could come out of that, the attack ads, those kinds of things. but in a larger sense how damaging is it to hillary clinton that she can t pivot toward a general election campaign and can t run to the
right or center as she would want to do. we heard what happened because of that in west virginia with her line about putting coal miners out of work. i think it is making her job more difficult. i don t believe that bernie sanders should drop out of the race. i m not that kind of hillary supporter. i understand who i he is there and he has millions of voters behind him. she has many more millions of voters behind her but you raise a good point with the pivot issue. she has to get back to the middle, in the general election as donald trump moves to the middle. we saw his reversal on tax policy, open to a maim wainimum increase. the only republican candidate to say that planned percearenthoods any good things. a lot of criticism she s been unable to define her campaign, i9 has been defined by others and she agrees and goes along
with it will be a third term of obama and trust me because i m best suited to get the 3:00 a.m. phone call. does she have to define herself as a candidate and move forward with a message, hard to beat somebody with nobody. i think she has to sell the nomination before she defines herself as to what she will be in the general election. no doubt she got pushed left by bernie sanders and is playing catch up on the less progressive issues. i think that after the early june primary is when she will have the delegates sewed up there and that is when you will see her define herself as a strong, moderate progressive maybe not as much as bernie sanders but certainly there and will be a great standard bearer for the party in november for sure. we remember bill clinton being defined from the movie a boy from the town named hope. thank you so much. thank you. have a great rest of the
morning. you, as well. so interesting to think we are talking about bernie sanders winning west virginia, a state that hillary clinton won by 41% against barack obama. he won it by such large margins. i can imagine what the clinton team is thinking at this point. they never thought they would still be doing this at this point. sgll bernie sanders was a footnote to everybody. just look at that number. 51% to 36% in west virginia. you have to wonder if team clinton will go through a mid-cycle postmortem and say what did we do wrong, was playing it safe the right way to go about this? everything was about being safe, being safe, being safe. the rollout was understand twice. twice, plus we will see. maybe a new hillary clinton will emerge. up next, we will bring your political panel back. their thoughts on the primary. they have a lot of them. our special election coverage continues right after this. they brought this on themselves.
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willing back. we are joined by ellen are thener.
ratner. thank you for sticking around. we re not letting you go yet. we re here. ellen, we will start with you. the race between bernie sanders and hillary clinton. he said he is not stopping. he said he is in it to win it. he said yesterday in new jersey or day before yesterday. do you think he has any path at all? he has a path certainly. again, when i talk to hillary people people they point out she has 2 million more votes than he does and a lot of popular support in the democratic party and that is reflected in the super delegates. ellen? i m sorry, judy. she is up 3.1 million votes. there s no path, ellen. there s no path that we can see.
barring a black swan event she is the nominee. on trade she was more traditional, backing president obama s trade pact and now walking away from it. issues which she looks like a flip flopper. ironically it is donald trump who has done the flipping on his policy positions, but she s the one who s accused of pandering to the left. she can not pivot to the center until bernie sanders is disposed of. she has to or can t win. in terms of bernie sanders versus hillary clinton, sanders is making the argument i m the electable one, i m the viae candidate to thak on donald trump. do you agree with that? the polls look at that.
albeit, i will add the caveat it is dangerous to read too much in to polls whether national or state polls because a lot can happen between now and november. if you look at the recent batch of quinnipiac polls,er sanders beats trump in every one of them. places like ohio, florida and pennsylvania. i would say bernie sanders has won this argument. this conversation is over and judy is right and hillary clinton won the math. he is bartered to left on fracking, trade an the keystone pipeline which our state approved and this is not the campaign hong kong hillary clin to run in november. she wanted to do what donald trump has done. . where is the off ramp to
dunkin donuts. nicely floating over fact if it were a sanders and perhaps hillary vote against donald trump, sanders wins. i already said that. two 0er more points in the latest quinnipiac poll. in the exit poll out of west virginia somewhere between 40 and a 0% of folks who voted for bernie sanders in west virginia say if it comes to trump versus hillary clinton they are voting for trump. these are sanders supporters. and a lot of people say thatly vothat they will vote for hillary over trump.
if you are looking at a demographic of west virginia voter that bleeds in to ohio and pennsylvania. donald trump is their preferred candidate an he s able to do things and put states in play that other wise don t get put in to play. he may lose traditional republican states as a result, too but i think he adds white male voters. see what happens when you add females. and also young voters. democratic turnout is at an all time low. while she is getting 3 million more than bernie sanders not the turnout that barack obama got. i am depending on donald trump for negative turnout.
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donald trump adding nebraska and west virginia to his long list of primary wins just one week after knocking out the rest of his republican competitors. thank you for joining us. nice to be with you at home. thanks for staying with us this very early morning, 2:00 a.m. in new york city and also in west virginia where bernie sanders won big in the mountain state. here s the latest look at the numbers as they ve come in. race called, bernie sanders 51.4% of the vote. after the win he spoke to a crowd in oregon which has dubbed itself bernie country. sanders says his momentum will
carry over and he ll rack up another win there next week. and on the republican side, trump winning nebraska with just over 60% of the total vote and with the victory comes all 36 of the state s delegates. donald also take west virginia and at least three delegates there. so do the math. trump needs just 130 more to win his party s nomination outright. can he do it? most seem to say yes, he will do it. and it brings up so many fascinating questions that all of a sudden are playing out. who would be his vice presidential nominee. he is down to five or six people including chris christie. does the republican establish coalesce around rim? meeting with paul ryan on thursday. it remains to be seen. we will wait and see on that. in the meantime let s look at the numbers and where they are,
christen fisher following that from our d.c. bureau. donald trump has now won 30 states. he won nebraska by 42 points and there is fresh evidence that he may fare better in battleground states than previous thought. trump is beating clinton in ohio 43 to 39. the same poll shows clinton ahead by one point in florida and pennsylvania. now polls this far out mean fairly little in terms of accuracy but they carry weight in convincing donors to jump on board the trump train. and trump needs money. he also may need the sport of party leaders like paul ryan. a few days ago trump said he thinks he can win the white house without their support but he would still like it. trump w speaker ryan and mitch mcconnell
on capitol hill. we asked what will his opening statement be at that meeting? number one i have a lot of respect for paul and i think the big thing is in the history of the republican party no one has ever got more votes than i ve got in the primaries. trump s campaign is focused on finding a running mate. one name thrown about is chris christie. i like chris a lot. i m not going to say ruling in or out. i have in mind five different people. i think they are excellent. i ll announce whoever it will be at the convention. now another trump rival turned supporter dr. ben carson will be in that vetting process. fox learned that carson and paul ryan spoke on the phone and the conversation was cordial but who
knows what will happen when the republican heavyweights sit down face to face. to be a fly on that wall. wouldn t we all love that? christen fisher live in d.c., more on trump s possible picks with the panel. before we get to that we re going to talk about the late nest the democratic contest. lauren greene has the latest on the two democratic hopefuls, bernie sanders hanging in there and a big win for him in west virginia. absolutely. thank you so up many. for senator bernie sanders it may be a long shot to win the nomination but his victory in the west virginia primary on tuesday has given him good reason to stay in the race until the end. sanders won the mountain state, 51.4% to hillary clinton s 36%. its delegates will be awarded proportionally giving sanders 16 and clinton 11. the nebraska primary was a beauty contest for the democrats
having awarded delegates in a march 5th caucus. sanders won that as well. clinton still leads the total delegate count with 2,239 to sanders 1,469 and that includes the all important superdelegates where clinton has a huge edge. sanders is undaunted, rallying supporters in oregon. i am happy to tell you we will defeat donald trump. if you look over the last month or six weeks and every national poll, bernie sanders defeats donald trump by big numbers. in 2008, clinton won the west virginia primary against barack obama who went on to become the
nominee and take the white house. the gaffe about the coal industry may have crippled her in west virginia and helped her rival in the coal-rich state. despite the loss, clinton kept her focus on the presidential contest. let s look for ways we can work together and look at what did make our country great. i think we are great but we can be great for we do what we must do and so many of the targets that trump aims at and other republicans aims at they are part of how we became great. sanders has won 19 states compared to clinton s 23, she needs 144 delegates to reach the 2,383 required to win the nomination and only needs to win 14% of the remaining delegates and superdelegates to capture the party s nomination. thank you for breaking that down for us. sure. for more insight on what went
down in west virginia, perhaps what it means for our country overall, hoppy curchevall joins us. we talked on sunday this weekend and you predicted how this was going to do down in west virginia. how did trump do it? more importantly what does bernie sanders do to turn the tide there? a couple of things there. donald trump had huge numbers in west virginia in our primary yesterday. he won all the demos, cleared the slate even won 80% of evangelicals in west virginia, extremely strong. for hillary clinton and bernie sanders, hillary clinton struggled. sanders with a 15-point win over hillary clinton. and you talked about her trip to the coal fields where she went
to assuage coal miners fears. she lost that county 48-21% and in fact, hillary clinton she was beaten in the county by a huntington warrior who got in the race as a favorite son. so her trip may have cost her votes. she did terrible in west virginia. interesting to note she did terrible in west virginia. she did great in west virginia in 2008 against barack obama and won the state by almost 41 points. in a state that is deep, dark red and a conservative state as west virginia is, how does bernie sanders, a democratic socialist that he calls himself win over hillary clinton? well, i think because you know, in the primary you had the independents and democratics voting the democrat ballot and a third of them consider themselves liberal and they went
for bernie sanders. but let me give you an interesting stat, is that for those who voted, the democratic ballot in west virginia yesterday and voted for sanders or clinton, one-third of them said in exit polling they would vote for trump over hillary clinton in november. this is the largest story about white, working-class folks who feel disenfranchised and those folks are drawn to trump. he is resonating with them as opposed to hillary clinton in white, work-class areas like west virginia. extrapolate this out for us, for those who have not been to the fine state of west virginia. i have. it is gorgeous in places but it is hard scrabble and has been hurt so battery on the war on coal. economically depressed beyond belief in some places. how similar are places in west virginia to places in ohio,
pennsylvania, kentucky, southwest virginia, that are considered swing states whereas west virginia is dark red? there are places in eastern ohio and coal mining, natural gas drilling in southwestern pennsylvania, parts of southwestern virginia, very similar in that appalachian region. and you saw that poll you were talking about in pennsylvania and ohio where you have almost a dead heat between donald trump and hillary clinton. in those white, working-class area, that trump message is resonating more than hillary clinton. even though she apologized about the statement saying putting coal companies out of business, i m giving $30 billion to appalachian coal areas, the bell got rung, and it s very hard to unring that bell. it s hard to unring that bell or delete that sound bite. you can see the attack ads in ohio and pennsylvania and those places that you talked about that have been hurt so bad.
appreciate you joining us, sir, come back some time. go get some sleep before your show. joining us this hour, ellen ratnor, and the executive vice president of jamestown associates. let s talk more about hillary clinton s words and how they impacted her with the coal industry. you were talking about those exit polls and there was one interesting that was asked this evening in west virginia. clinton, she offended coal workers, no doubt and voters who live in the coal industry, households were not happy with her. they backed sanders by such a large margin. they backed sanders by 55% compared to clinton with 29%. this is going to carry over in many of those states that we were mentioning. for sure. i m not saying that it isn t but if you look at the coal industry in west virginia and certainly
there are sections that are, but it s not the whole state and the state is trying to diversify at this point. whether bernie sanders has a program in terms of diversification over hillary that is in the hearts and minds of the voters. he won the economic voters in that category as well. where clinton has won that category in all but five previous pry mars, sanders won it 57% of people thought he was the best when it comes to job. he won 49% to 38% compared to clinton. that s not a large number at this point. bernie sanders has a message which resonates with that kind of voter. she did very well as we talked about all night, against president obama when as she was running. however and it is also interesting that the very
democratic governor won the primary against two other democrats but he is a bell neighbo billionaire. you want to make money and need jobs. people don t have jobs. such a high percentage of jobs have given up trying to find a job. i know. and the issue for the clinton campaign is west virginia really reflective of the canary in the coal mine. no pun intended. absolutely. and they know they think it is isn t. and they think her record on the economy is pretty good. this administration s record on the economy is very good. and she s going to be depending on that. you know, when people forget when barack obama became president we were in the middle of a recession and we are growing at 2.2%. it s not great but it s not bad. she s going to have that going for her.
but this is going to be for mrs. clinton an i am not donald trump campaign. can you beat somebody by saying i am the never trump candidate. that didn t work we have never seen a candidate like donald trump. so the answer is we don t know. and not when you are running for the third term of the incumbent president s party. while there is no doubt there are economic indicators that can prove more positive than when barack obama started, the majority of america doesn t believe that the economy is work. the polls that you were talking about earlier, they believe that donald trump would do more for the economy in these three key swing states. and that is the untold story of the trump surge. you know, we want to blame anger and frustration. we want to blame the fact that a lot of people want to just blow the whole system up and disrupt it. but that s because there are
americans in this country from all political stripes who have not felt the economic benefit of the stock market going up or of certain indicators going up. the average american today is making the same wage they made 16 years ago. when they look at the entire country and the people running for office, you look at hillary clinton who is part of that ruling class and in fairness, both parties have failed to make the appropriate changes and after eight years of barack obama they are not better off than they were or want to be at this juncture. i think they inherit a tough economic message and in pennsylvania, ohio, i would extend it to the rust belt, michigan and minnesota, wisconsin, this is an angle that donald trump has an opportunity to play much more effectively than probably anywhere else in the country. and talking about trade and immigration in those states
makes an enormous difference. james carvel had a sign above the entryway at the campaign headquarters in little rock that said it s the economy, stupid. and the trade policy, that s where donald trump and his policies are not aligning with the traditional republican conservative viewpoints. will that be a problem with him? he has a big meeting on thursday with paul ryan. i m sure that is one of the issues that will come up. donald trump today is to the left of hillary clinton on a lot of issues. that is the irony of this extraordinary campaign season. what is also interesting is how they are developing their campaign literature early on. there is a never-hillary movement and there is a
never-trump movement. there was a never-carter movement as well. we ll see. more on the panel coming up later. we ll talk about who donald trump s possible vp candidate could be. a superpac will be taking to social media to confront critics of hillary clinton. get on social media and let us know what you think about the issues that we have been talking about. all of this, the social media angle comes as allegations are lodged against facebook about playing down conservative news stories. have you noticed that? we ll have more on that when we return.
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hillary clinton. it s called correct the record. they are pledging to spend $1 million to respond to tweets and facebook posts to establish a ground swell of support in favor of hillary clinton against people who may be critical of the probable democratic nominee. but some people actually have that ground swell of support and they don t have to pay for it. exactly. we know definitely here, supporters of donald trump and bernie sanders. is it a show of weakness? it s definitely coming from a place of weakness. donald trump anyone who has ever said publicly a critical word of donald trump knows you come under attack online if you do so. his fans want to defend him. that is helpful as a candidate. and hillary clinton is saying how do we replicate that?
they don t have the ground swell of support but they have the money. i don t know how effective it s going to be. it s a tactic that they are going to try because they think it is worth while. do you think it will backfire on her? this is the year of the outsider. people don t want the established candidates and that does show her connection with the establishment. look, she has far bigger problems than this. if it backfires it will be minimal compared to other things going on. she is under fbi investigation and has unlikable issues she has to deal with. it s interesting and shows how weak he is and how much trouble she has on a grass roots level. it s not necessarily going to change the outcome either way of this election. we want to get this out here, though. facebook responded to these allegations that they are squashing some of the criticism. here s what they had to say.
facebook does not allow or advise our viewers to discriminate against sources of any ideological origin and we designed our tools to make that technically not feasible. they say that can t happen on facebook. look, that seems it seems a little unlikely. facebook is under fire right now for being discriminatory on their own, reportedly and showing some sort of bias against conservatives and right-wing outlets. that s what this comment is on. their comment is on that. exactly. and so facebook has serious problems, serious trust issue and credibility issues. i think i run and i help run a conservative news website, the weekly standard. i m the online editor. we have a lot of experience using facebook. it doesn t surprise me they are coming under fire for this. we have seen our own facebook we have had our own facebook
issues, let me put it that way. and it s striking that people are surprised by this that an enterprise run out of silicon valley that has a lot of liberals including its leader, mark zuckerberg that it would show a selection bias and it would trickle down to the bottom it seems rather apparent. you say that the weekly standard has been impacted specifically? we have had issues maintaining certain levels. things that had been trending before, we have had our overall growth has diminished because of this perhaps. there s no way of proving it. you don t know what their algorithm is. and they are a private company and allowed to do what they want to do. but on the other hand, you know, people do trust them. people do go through to see what s in their social america and for them to manipulate your
social network creates serious problems and congress has issues with that too. and they want to look into it and take congressional action to see what the hell is going on here. and more and more constituents and individuals across the country are using social media to get their news, to be informed and specifically when it comes to the election, when they look at the different candidates they look on social media to see what other people think about this and where they stand on certain issue. you would like to think it is reliable but that s not always the case. it s supposed to be reflective of your social network. and if you have this anonymous facebook team manipulating what data and information you see and falsely manipulating what is trending and what isn t, it sends a false impression as to what is going on. they have a credibility issue going forward unless they want
to fear losing and shedding actual users. just in general if you look at the two candidates in the lead on the democratic side and on the republican side, it would appear to me and you can tell me if you agree that those two candidates were the best at using social media as was barack obama in 2008. how important is this moving forward and what do candidates need to do? i think what really helps, donald trump especially has this. it s probably too much for him. you think when he tweets it s coming from him. there is an sauthenticity to hi tweets and instagram videos and to his facebook posts that you think are coming from him. we don t know who is behind it. but the authenticity gives it a certain weight. when hillary clinton posts something, it sounds like a
robot. it just doesn t sound like a real person and i think authenticity, i think we can learn really helps across social media and people want to share and interact with the candidates. and if they feel like they are interacting with it that does wonders for repeating your message all over the place the way that donald trump supporters have been able to do and hillary clinton s supporters don t. you will be back, don t go far. we ll talk more with you. a good man, there. on an overnight shift. you think about what happened in west virginia, who would have guessed that bernie sanders won by double digits in west virginia. hillary clinton put coal miners out of business and the coal miners said we ll see about that. but what is interesting is that bernie sanders has a vim viewpoint as her but it didn t get as much coverage. so moving forward we ll see if
that changes. it s not what you say but how you say it. but overwhelmingly it was donald trump. are people voting with their pocketbooks? our next guest has that coming up. the next guest says why people are casting their ballots in favor of outsiders.
welcome back to america s election headquarters. big night in west virginia. donald trump won big but he was essentially unopposed. bernie sanders won big there. it was unthinkable a couple months ago. hillary clinton won that state by 41% in 2008 and now she has a double digit loss to bernie sanders. a lot of people are turning to the outsiders. rex joins us now. dive deeper in this. everyone says this is the year of the outsider. why? there s no doubt that in west virginia and across the nation whether it s donald trump or it s bernie sanders, this is the year of the outsider. people are tired of watch washington politics as usual. i like to call trump and to some
degree sanders the disrupters. they are the uber of politics. they are disrupting the political process and, frankly, west virginians and many people in the country are just tired of the status quo and they are ready for a dramatic change. when you talk about a dramatic change are they more interested in a dramatic change of policy meaning the substance of what these candidates want or more interested in a dramatic change of style? i believe they are looking for something that works, what voters and the public at large have seen the last number of years is a dysfunctional washington, a dysfunctional congress and a relationship with the president and they believe that a strong leader, whether that is a donald trump or perhaps a bernie sanders, can make a difference. and you mentioned hillary clinton and winning a
significant margin in 2008, hillary clinton is not popular and she is part of the establishment and she is not popular in west virginia specifically. and that s one reason bernie sanders did so well tonight. bernie sanders has this argument. he says the math doesn t look great for me. but i m the one who can beat donald trump in the general election in november. what happens when you have outside versus outsider? well, you re familiar with the exit polling and interesting when you look at the head to head match-up between trump and sanders or trump and clinton, in west virginia, about 33% of democrats said they would vote for trump and roughly the same number said they would vote for trump in a head to head match-up with bernie sanders. you will have democrats who will vote for trump in west virginia. whether that will happen in other parts of the country, west
virginia is unique in many ways in that it is a state that is suffering economically and trump s economic message and his trade message works very effectively in west virginia and states like west virginia. you talk about states like it. and you also think about states that border west virginia, places like ohio, the eastern parts of ohio that are big coal country, southwestern pennsylvania, big coal country, western virginia all struck very hard economically. how much can we extrapolate out this data and get us to the quinnipiac polls that are showing that ohio and pennsylvania, traditionally blue states and florida that barack obama won two years in a row are toss ups and in ohio, donald trump is ahead by 4 points. if you look at the appalachian counties in particular in ohio and some of the rural and southwestern
pennsylvania counties, the southwestern virginia counties, as you mentioned, that s where donald trump is strong. if you look at ohio overall, hillary clinton ran very strongly in ohio. and she is if you look in the urban areas of cincinnati, particularly i m sorry, particularly in columbus and cleveland, hillary we believe will run strong there. but in the appalachian counties like west virginia in ohio and virginia and the rural counties of pennsylvania, trump will do well. you look at the republican primary in pennsylvania, trump won every county in the state. and in virginia he won 61% in one county in southwest virginia as well. rex, i appreciate your insight as we try to break down the data. thank you very much. thank you very much. you have to wonder, though, how much this outsider view of the world is going to change if at any point this race becomes
about policy rather than style. and personality. and looking at changing the electoral votes the republicans looking at the rust belt states and democrats liking at the changing demographics in states like north carolina, georgia, and arizona, and donald trump s comments that have impacted him in those states. we have talked about ohio, pennsylvania and virginia being up for grabs but you look at georgia, mississippi, even utah, traditionally deep red states, possibly up for grabs for the democrats. it could be deja vu all over again. a stunning headline will become fodder on the campaign trail. the fbi. controversy over a missing tape. supporting claims that the state department misled the press on the iran negotiations. our vitamins contain no gluten,
dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. to help spread the word, we made t-shirts! reach for the orange, it s 100% shmorange!
the white house facing new questions about part of a missing tape in which a state department official acknowledges misleading the press on the iran negotiations. it is reigniting the debate over whether the white house oversold the deal to curb iran s nuclear program and it will be a hot
button issue in the general election. joining us is the executive director of the daily caller and joins us from the bureau in washington, d.c. thank you for being here so early again. appreciate it. how do you think this will impact the election? the iranian deal itself, hillary clinton is going to have to live with all of obama s decisions including trying to make this is third term of barack obama. this iranian deal clearly as the new york times demonstrated this weekend was oversold and certainly the having has it was involved in manipulating the public on the terms of the deal and manipulating the press and taking advantage of what the obama administration thought was a dumb journalism corps that was believing what the obama administration was saying. and the state department had outright deleted aspects of the
public record about the iran deal suggests that is so bizarre considering they did it in front of a room full of reporters. but ultimately it is north korean to think that the government is going to remove uncomfortable questions from the public record. let s let people see what we are talking about if we can run these two back to back. you will see a white flash in the video. that s where the elements have been edited out. is it the policy of the state department where the preservation of secrecy is considered to lie in order to achieve that goal? there are times where diplomacy needs privacy to progress. this is a good example of that. all right, so now let s take a look at the block that is missing in the tape. look for the white flash.
there are remaining concerns that we have as you all are familiar with of whether it is their involvement in support of the regime in syria or humanitarian issues and that has not changed that. the obama administration says pretty obvious and that is eight minutes that apparently was edited out. who do you think can benefit the most from this? would this be donald trump or bernie sanders? yeah, from this bizarre behavior anyone but the term three obama administration. by the way, i heard chris plant who is a regular guest on this network mention that bright white flash is like the flash in men in black when they are trying to erase your memory. it s hilarious. but politically it doesn t stand to benefit hillary at all. it stands to damage if iran is tied around her neck and she was
a part of that administration and those talks extended back in the administration their efforts to open up discourse with iran to bring about this deal. obama cares sincerely about his legacy. something that donald trump is bringing up. senator mccain says it exposed how the white house manipulated and manufactured facts to sell the reckless iran nuclear deal to the american people. and something that bothered me more, ben rhodes appears to have tried to keep secret news that iran seized the ten u.s. navy sailors until after the president s state of the union speech. it just continues. and we all remember that state of the union speech. leading up to it we were like is the president going to talk about this? our navy sailors are being held by iranians in the face of the fact that the obama
administration is touting this great deal with iran and clearly, this is a white house who cared more about messaging and whether the american public would have an appetite for this deal rather than the safety in that sense of our sailors. what an unbelievable moment in the administration and it s bizarre to hear they were trying to stop that news from getting out. and an administration that said they would be the most transparent. i think they ran on that. but it s not happening. don t go away. we will have you back. i ll be here. and you really have to wonder where the larger outcry is. imagine this is 2006 and a video that is crucial to the narrative leading up to the iraq war disappeared from the state department s website. imagine the outcry. it falls into a lot of other issues that this administration is having and that includes hillary clinton and her e-mail
scandals as well. that and more coming up. stay with us.
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back now, ellen ratner, judy
miller, and tony saeg, the panel for the entire evening or morning, as it were. one thing we have heart from hillary clinton is embracing barack obama s legacy. saying this will be the third term of barack obama s presidency. which is the opposite of what people want. a lot of people have issue with that. one of the signature issues for the obama administration had been the iran nuclear deal, a lot of folks have a problem with. judy miller, to you, as we re looking at hillary clinton going into the general election and as we are learning more and more about the iran nuclear deal that folks aren t happy about, when does this catch up with her? i m not sure it does. i think that on balance americans would rather have a nuclear deal with iran even a flawed one than the alternative, which is a war with iran,
bombing iran, and every poll shows that. and by the way, donald trump is the one candidate who has not said he will tear up this agreement on day one. that is not his line. if anything, donald trump has been more accommodating and less interventionist than hillary clinton has been. if she supports an iran deal which so far appears pretty good on paper only in terms of the nuclear aspects. 90% of the highly enriched uranium has been removed. and the plutonium reactor has been completely reconfigured. thousands of centrifuges have been dismantled. we may have bought ourselves ten years of nuclear nonproliferation in the middle east. i think she will wrap herself around that part of the legacy. that is john kerry and barack
obama s legacy. picky, picky. if you consider that a good thing. there are questions about the verification and questions about the fact they were able to keep their icbm system intact. billions of dollars transferred to the iranian banks. there are holes in that deal as well. hillary s problem is she has not one single foreign policy success she can point to in her tenure as secretary of state from russia to syria to iraq to egypt and the arab string to benghazi, it is wrought with failure. when you combine that with this idea that under barack obama american prestige and feeling of patriotism and exceptionalism has been on the decline, i think it is a difficult road for her to take where her being
secretary of state is something she to wear as a badge of honor. the reason she is trying to replicate this obama third term is she needs the obama coalition. she can t win unless she s able to do what barack obama did, so hillary clinton in large part might not need independent voters like barack obama didn t need independent voters if she gets the margins from the barack obama coalition and the only way to do it is to run as his third term. you mentioned american exceptionalism and i think that s why donald trump is doing so well. his general theme, make america great again. voters on both sides of the aisle want america to be great, of course. i think she can talk even though she can t point to foreign policy success she can
talk about negotiations, meeting with leaders, some of the things she was able to prevent if she does the debates. what do you think about benghazi? an ad is out by donald trump and his team showing benghazi up in flames and hillary clinton. i think people are going to vote with their pocketbook. i think e-mails are more potentially a problem for her. a lot of those. and some missing. an i.t. guy who doesn t send i.t. e-mails. panel stick around, back to you in the next hour. bernie sanders wins support in a key battleground state. don t go away, who is donald trump picking as v.p.?
donald trump s march toward the republican nomination continuing this morning as hillary clinton faceses yet another stumble. hour three is here for us. the party continues and we are so glad you are with us at 3:00 a.m. eastern time. well, trump is adding to his delegate haul following his victory in nebraska. he is taking all of the delegates from the corn husker state. and he nabbed three delegates in west virginia. trump needs just 130 more to reach the magic number we have been talking about for so long of 1237. he can cut into that number next week when republican voters go to the polls in
oregon. and turning to the democrats bernie sanders beating hillary clinton twice in two weeks. the vermont senator picking up sixteen delegates after easily winning in west virginia. sanderses is vowing to, quote, fight for every last vote, but his recent momentum, well a lot of folks are saying it may be alt too late in terms of a little too late in terms of things coming on. think about the tone of the race and the way it has changed. they are leaving open the possibility of a vice presidential slot. they did leave it open, but he definitely wants to contribute to the convention. he has called it a revolution and he wants his voice heard. he does. let s start the headlines from the gop con tess. contest. kristen fisher joins us with more on that. good morning, kristen. good morning, heather. it is easy to win when you are the only one still in the race. trump won by 42 points and west virginia by 68 points.
trump is now just 130 delegates shy of the 1237 needed. he is poised to pick up even more delegates in oregon next week and washington state the week after that and california on june 7th. but first trump has to try to win over speaker of the house. trump would say it is the other way around. ryan needs to win over him. the two will be sitting down on capitol hill. there is a lot of bluster with trump saying he may ask ryan to step down as the convention s chairman and ryan says fine by me if that s what trump wants. but trump seemed to strike a more conciliatory tone when asked about ryan by our bill o reilly. he is a very good man and he wants what is good for the party, and i think we will have positive results. i would love for him to stay and be chairman. it turns outlast night paul ryan spoke on the phone with dr. ben carson who is account aing as a peace broker ahead of tomorrow s meeting. carson is also a member of trump s vp vetting team headed
up by his campaign manager. he says they got it it down to about five or six candidates. one of the main things they are looking for is someone who intimately understands the legislative process and can get things through congress. it is not agenda. it is not geographic location. it is who is the best partner to bring our country back from where it is. in addition to trump s big wins there is evidence trump may fare better in battleground states than previously thought. a new poll has strum trump beating clinton in ohio while clinton is ahead by just 1point in florida and pennsylvania. election day is still six months away so the polls mean very little this far out. but they could help convince the republican donors to perhaps jump on board the trump train. heather and leyland? thank you, kristen. and by the way since 1960 no
candidate has won the white house without at least winning two of those three states. so that could be a big indicator as well. shows you how important they are. bernie sanders meantime winning his 19th nomination contest. now what could be the big political story of the night, bernie sanders big upset in west virginia. absolutely, leyland. thank you so much. for senator bernie sanders, it may be a mathematical long shot to win the nomination, but his victory in the west virginia primary on tuesday has given him good reason to stay in the race until the very end. he intends to do just that. sanders won the mountain state 51.4% to clinton s 36%. its delegates will be awarded proportionally giving sanders 16 and clinton 11. clinton still leads the total delegate count with 2,239 to sanders 1,469. and that includes the all important super delegates
where clinton has a huge edge. the nebraska primary was essentially a beauty contest for the democrats having already awarded delegates in a march 5th caucus. sanders won that too. 57% to clinton s 42%. and here is the vermont senator at a rally in salem, oregon yesterday. our message to the democratic delegates who will be assembling in philadelphia is while we may have many disgroaments with secretary cline disagreements with secretary clinton there is one area we agree. we must defeat donald 2ru78 p. donald trump jiecht for mrs. clinton the tuesday conference was different than in 2008 when she won the west virginia primary against barack obama. the coal industry may have crippled her and helped her rival in the coal rich state.
despite the loss, the former secretary of state speaking to supporters in kentucky and kept her focus on the presidential caucus. you are voting for not just a president, but a commander-in-chief. the highest obligation of a president is to protect america. i take that as a solemn obligation and it is why i have been so concerned about the reckless talk coming from donald trump. sanders has now won 19 states compared to clinton s 23 who needs just 144 delegates to reach the magical 2,383 that s required to win the nomination. she only needs to win 14% of the remaining delegates and super delegates to capture the party s nomination. ly leyland? lauren green live in our newsroom. thanks, lauren. joining us is the bureau chief of talk media news. judy miller the pulitzer prize
winner and author and the vice president of jamestown associates. the numbers are in. donald trump obviously overwhelmingly winning and bernie sanders as well though. i think it was 51% of the vote at the final count? moving forward bernie sanders says he is not going to quit and he is in it to win it and he will stick around. how will that impact hillary clinton? i am not sure how it will impact hillary clinton, but assume she is the nominee even though he sticks with the convention and has some influence in the convention. the question is where do the millennial voters, the younger voters go at this point? what happens to them? do they stay at home? do they move to hillary clinton? does she do an olive branch to that group of people by put putting him on the vp ticket that magnifies his views? we don t know. there was a rock the vote usa today poll and according
to that poll 39% of those that you are speaking of, mill millennials, young voters, say they will either stay home or they will vote for donald trump. there is a lot of water between today and the first week in november. a lot can change and a lot can change in terms of how they move out toward the voters. what about the enthusiasm, judy? that will be an issue. when you look at the number of voters that are turning out, overwhelmingly republican voters are turning out and democrats not so much. the young voters are, and they are turning out for bernie sanderses. how does she pull out that enthusiasm? there are two problems. one is the young voters and will they turn out for her? we don t know the answer of that. and we don t know how many independents will go her way. that s another big factor. tony said before he didn t think she needed to win the independence.
i think it will decide this race. she has a heavy, heavy road ahead of her even though shooy is so far ahead in money and ground game. compare the trump organization to what hillary rodham clinton has going for her and the extent she has been planning for this since she lost to barack obama. you could have made that same argument like compare the jeb bush organization a year or so ago to the donald trump organization. i want to join dana milba milbank to eat his piece of paper. i thought also donald trump would fade out and flame away. i don t think america is even prepared for what we will see in terms of this coming election. i remember the first tuesday night you were not willing to say one way or the other. you said it is crazy i won t say. it is so crazy that i think
a touch of humility is overdue. are we looking to you now for the touch of humility? teasing. i am not sure you were. i am not saying that many would agree with you. i am not sure i said hillary doesn t need independence. if she will rep replicate the obama model he was able to succeed while losing independence. i think she will fail in replicating that. the point ellen is making is they will not be galvanized. they don t trust her and like her and find her authentic. the larger problem it will pose for clinton is the republican grassroots, the republican kind of populous, is getting the candidate they want. the democratic ruling party is getting the candidate they want.
there will be some level of disenfranchisement that will hurt enthusiasm of it is down 20% during their primary. hillary is simply not capable. her candidacy is not inspirational enough to win without it becoming a referendum. she has gotten three million more votes. to tony s point though, you look at the exit polls right now in west virginia and they said all of a sudden in west virginia you are going to have 33 or 40% of the folks who voted for bernie sanders saying i will vote for trump rather than hillary. nationwide you have people way over trump. hillary clinton is down over trump. i understand. it is 50% in west virginia. again, ever since there is a lot of water between now and november. you don t know if those young people and if the people who say they are democrats, but
they will vote for trump, but what he might do in the debate, he has looked very presidential when he gives his speech at the end of winning. but can he look presidential at the presidential debate? you are in ohio and one of the states where that happened this year for donald trull p where those trump where the independents and the democratic voters switched parties. they switched for donald trump. if i had a dollar for every one of my republican friends who came over to me and said quietly, of course i am never going to say this, but there is no way i can support donald trump, i would be wealthy. you wouldn t be here at 3:30 in the morning with us. i would still be here with you. i don t believe the polls. i just don t believe them. they have been wrong about a great many things. we have to wait and see. and trump over performed most polls by 10%. if anything is under represented it is the support for him. you mentioned independents
in strength 61%. we ll see if he can hold on to that. donald trump heads to washington this week in search for party unity. mr. trump heading to washington and paul ryan cosh clear cautious clearly. it may be hard to win over paul ryan, but thought so easy. what will it take to win the house speaker s crucial endorsement.
exit polls are giving us a closer look at the issues that drove voters to the polls yesterday. kelly wright will join us now and he has a break down. voters are angry and they want an outsider. those are some of the things we learned. anger and frustration and they want an outsider to look in on them. what have we learned tonight about democrat and republican voters in west virginia and nebraska? let s take a closer look at what the exit polls reveal about them starting with the republicans. as we look at the republicans donald trump cruised to easy victories. that much we do know. as heather and i discussed, the gop voters are accepting of the outsider s populous
message and they longer trust the republican party. look at these exit poll numbers. half are politicians and half have angry with the federal government. they want changing. as in other states a large number of gop voters are disappointed and have a lot of anger toward the federal government. the gop voters for donald trump say he is the man they believe can improve the economy and create jobs and help them get over their anger toward the federal government. they want to see a change. trump the outsider wants change in every state except texas. 36 of those in west virginia say trump as the top quality candidate. trade, another concern is trade. most like trump s view that
trade takes away jobs in the united states. 67% in nebraska and believes they take the jobs and do not replace them. they believe trump can improve the economy and create jobs. an interesting note. young voters and independents showed broad support. he is doing well among them. he picked up some of hillary clinton s grouches dash clinton groups. he picked up seniors. independents 61% and women at 52%. you can see the exit polls support the idea that they continue to suffer from the perception that she is not trustworthy and not honest. 69% say they trust sanders and 21% trust hillary. they have won it in in every
state except mississippi, alabama and short short. those numbers will continue to change and whether or not it makes a difference remains to be seen. on thursday mr. trump goes to washington for what could be a very contentious meeting with speaker of the house paul ryan. ryan is not ready to endorse trump yet and trump says he is not so sure about ryan either. we are meeting on thursday and i look forward to the meeting and i think positive results. he is a very good man and he wants what is good for the party. we will have positive results. joining us now, kevin sheridan during the 2012 presidential race. kevin, thanks for staying up with us. as you look toward the meeting tomorrow, is this paul ryan
being a politician? or is this paul ryan being genuinely concerned and skeptical of donald trump? i think he is going with his gut on this one and we should leave him. he has concerns that there is members of the party that don t feel united and they don t feel they can get behind donald trump quite yet, but it doesn t mean they can t get there. he is speaking for a number of republicans both in his caw caucus and across the country who want to hear more. they felt alienated and it can be a contentious primary season. this is a first step in opening a line of communication to speaker ryan and to a number of republicans who felt a little left out of the process and hope to hear more from donald trump. we have heard a lot from him on twitter and everything else.
will he say, gee, i will be more presidential? what can he said that he hasn t already assisted? already said? he brings a message that he wants a united party and we can t simply say we are united when we are not. paul ryan realizes the situation. we are not a united party and if we are going to win in november we will all come together. donald trump s tone has turned people off in the party. his policies have raised eyebrows. he wants to raise ks tays and he has some he wants to raise taxes now. they are not going to agree on every policy. they will need to find common ground where they can all agree that beating hillary clinton is the most important thing. do you think all of a
sudden paul ryan and donald trump walk out to the balcony over looking the washington mall and shake hand? or is this going to be a long, slow process? at a minimum this is the beginning of the conversation. i don t know if we can predict exactly how the end of the day thursday will look if we are all unified or not. this is the start of a conversation. this recognizes that trump won 10 million votes and he has an important constituency and he is the presumptive nominee. hopefully donald trump recognizes that paul ryan and a number of republicans have concern about his clat form and his tone and they can find common ground. i only have a few seconds left and at some level do you think donald trump who has run as an outsider and i will thumb my nose at the
establishment? he is aware of the optics. trump heading up to capitol hill to meet the speaker is there a kiss the ring moment? is trump acknowledging that he needs the establishment? i don t know who would be kissing who s ring. they are important leaders of the party now and if we are going to unite we will work closely together in someway. some of the things they have been saying has beep quite possiblive tiff positive. we will see what comes of that meeting. it is not paul ryan coming on-line to trump tower. and paul ryan does realize the bottom line is that trump is a businessman and it will give him the opportunity to
negotiate what is happening. on one happened you have an unbelievable career politician and he is the great negotiator. the art of the deal. he has narrowed the list down to five and six. who could be on it? a few hipts on what strum a few hints on what trump wants. it is not agenda and geographic representation. it is who best as a partner will bring us back to where it is m. we don t want a democrat in the white house taking our country in the opposite direction. we need to make sure we have the right person on the ticket.
to america s election headquarters, donald trump is turning his attention to a running mate. who does he have in mind? a lot of people wanted to know. his campaign manager had this to say. i think the most important thing is god forbid something happen to mr. trump as president you want somebody to take over the next day and they make sure mr. trump s uh agenda would move forward. nobody would want that, but they need to make sure that in the first hundred days we get done the agenda mr. trump is putting forward which is cutting taxes and reducing our
deaf facial sit and re deficit and renegotiating our trade deals. you want someone who has a legislative process to get that accomplished. joining us from the wash washington, d.c. bureau is the weekly standard. thank you for sticking around. great to be here. who is going to be the vp pick? who should it be? we don t know but the key words are intimate ming knowledge with the legislative process. the person will come from capitol hill. by the way, it could be john kasich, the governor of ohio who has spent a lot of years on capitol hill, but not currently there. could be a senator or house member or former governor. we are not sure. it is down to five or six. he hasn t revealed who the names are and it is subject to change. he says he is not going to roll out the names until the
convention. we have been known to do that. he has. the pick is important. is signals what kind of president he will be and it will be a huge moment as to who that person is. choosing someone with legislative experience and experience on capitol hill is the most. as we look ahead to the general election, hispanics, african-americans, is there anything he should do in terms of the vp pick to try to win some of those votes? i think he is suggesting it. that s what he is telegraphing. you are right of he has serious problems p 90% 90% of the black community and 80% of hispanics and 70% of women, touching
into those he has to win some of those in order to win the election. using his vp takes us into that and it may make a certain amount of sense. object high or he can get women to vote for him or hispanic or black voter. the vp pick, it seems like he is siging that signaling that he needs somebody with knowledge of the legislative process which means he will not use that person to each out to democrats. chris christie is on that short list. but he doesn t have knowledge of the legislative process. he does as a governor, but hasn t spent time on capitol hill. we don t know where it is going to go. what is weird about this whole thing is they are driving the news about this.
everyone is curious about it, but they are talking about it. why are they doing that? they are very good at publish siding and branding things. is there a reason? they think it is too their advantage we talk about this rather than something else. hillary clinton is vetting candidates as well. you are nine, 10 weeks from the convention. donald trump perhaps he is trying to see how people react. maybe based on the reactions he can change and uh accommodate and he says i understand the strengths and weaknesses and perhaps that is why he is floating it so
early. thank you s much. appreciate it. daniel was talking about the favor built numbers. for that reason alone the vp pick will be important for both parties. you also have to think about clinton s unfavorables and trump s unfavorable. finding a big gap. a general map up between clinton and trump. 45% of democrats vote for clinton and 35% vote for trump. 18% don t vote. this is among democrats. joining us again is our panel. a few things we don t see from these numbers is one is west
virginia is a dark, red state. when you think about these numbers. they also do not include presidential picks. judy, how important is a vice presidential pick in a year like this? normally once again, the normal rules of politics. you will say not vary. when you have a candidate with donald trump with no experience in government much less the legislative experience, it will be hugely important or as he would say, uge why hugely important, but you have to look at those they are talking to and those who have taken themselves out of the race like marco rubio who i don t think he would have won. you look at you czar, but
there is no experience. i think he will go for something surprising or may try for the ultimate experienced guy who is john kasich. john kasich is everything donald trump is not. if you selected christie you would have two bowls in a china shop. and a man at 2 sick% popularity. there are a great many reasons not to go with christie i will look at something but based on how john kasich did in the primaries how will it help him in the election. it is hard to win an election without winning ohio. it is hard to win an election. one of the three crucial stays. ellen, at this point, say
you have the republican ticket and you put that aside. it is clear that clinton democrats defect to trump at some level if it is clinton versus bernie. is that alleviated or if all of a sudden clinton picks sanders as your vp pick. it helps tremendously because they have a unity ticket. i don t think people will defect as mitch. as much. her numbers are very high and it is interesting pause they put out a fundraiser which another television station won with the like ability factor. they are already saying it is an issue. bernie has a trust factor that
can pull away. will she lose voters if she goes that far left in terms of her pick. no bus the hillary people will say she had to do that and they will discuss it. because they don t trust her? that s the opposite of where they could be going. i am not back to the advice. i am not sure if somebody wants to eclipse her. i think she would be con dent. she wants to win. she does. blind ambition. republicans generally don t play identity politic. even in the case of sara palin who was thought able to bring those people over. it helped john mccain the
most with conservatives. most republican vp picks generally re-aligned a part of the party if the presidential candidate. regan put george h.w. bush, eastern stime. george ew conservative. this has been a the standard. it is george qsh possessing dick cheney. it is probably 40 years of republicans to wit their presidential pick to reflect the fullness. paul ryan and mitt romney is a imr example. you look at sara has the hard core convertible voters because of cruz this time
around who has not thrown his support behind trump. and palinen palin endorsed trump. we ll see what happens. i think he changed his mind. coping out of coming out of weapon it is important to no i what of the reasons that happened. he is still giving hillary clinton a run for her money up neck, what hillary had to say about coal and putting miners out of business. we will talk about the issues of energy coming up. donald trump all the way. he is the only shot in receive receive we have. our coal miners need donald trump. trump will create more jobs throughout the country and there will be more energy con
decisive win for bernie sanders last night. not surprising perhaps considering the heat hillary clinton has been feeling from the coal industry. an exit poll among coal industry households show sanders easy easily trump clinton in that group of
voters, and the executive editor of the caller is joining us for more on this. the devastating picture from hillary clinton because we will put the coal miners and the coal temperatures out of business. is it impossible to underestimate how important that line was. my goodness talk about the cold shoulder? unbelievable. you are never hear a politician playing something like this. if you do you will hear it over and over and over. she suffered the consequences. throughout the general election she will not be able to live that down especially because she seems to be going up against a guy like donald trump who is running a campaign based on class issues and economic issues rather than the identity politic s. think back to 2008. in january of 2008, barack
obama said to a san francisco pay that energy rates would unnecessarily sky rocket. by the time he got to wednesday he was prownsed by hillary trouncetd. she went out there and said something nice bel cool. it is something they haven t had in a longtime. you go to 2000 whenner it flipped from blue to red. unreasonable to think it was in play for hillary clinton and the general election. how do these comments play in places like ohio and southwestern pennsylvania and southwestern virginia where you have conceivably have working class and lower middle class and comb honers. donald trump supporters based on how hillary and trump s campaigns are going,
look how well trump did and he is unopposed and presumptive energy. they identify squarely with the voter you just referenced. if hillary is hoping to inwith in the swing states she has to attack when she is done with bernie sanders. we are trying to win them over with the economic message. this campaign has been about i am the thirst term of barack obama and i will be the first president. a lot of the polls wanting a third perm. to that point, you listen to donald trump. i love coal and i will put them book to work. absolutely zero policy other than how we will do it. have hillary clinton and i will spend this number of
billions of dollars in training. at some poit it is a change to the policies. does it just not matter because people are hearing what they want to hear? politicians across the board and not even donald trup p. he is not an experienced with vagary in their policies because they don t want their opponents to come after them. trump has run on the spirit of his message. cheerly there are a few things. he made he tried to bring back energy jobs to the united states and it has been a main stay. middle class retearses have rewarted him and said i remember that country where i had it in my face. a lot of folks mentioned it and that s the to the that rick santorum was giving.
appreciate your time, sir, thanks for staying up with us. heather? you were talking about the demographics and how the electoral votes could change. hillary clinton state, utah now. our political views. we will get a coffee and a donut. that s coming up.

it was always just a hobby. something you did for fun. until the day it became something much more. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren t just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. our panel. they have been with us all night m ellen and ellen and judy and tone fee. i start with you, ellen. quick, i think there is not just going to be a reform in the republican party, but i think all of this points to a reform in the democratic party that may happen around not having caucuses anymore and perhaps limiting the role of super delegate. that would be huge. since we are here in america we are exemtion exceptional
exexceptional. we are experiencing it across the world the kind of populous upheaval. a demand for outsiders. whether it is the philippines and where you have quote from dirty harry and it was a reversal of what everybody every whenner people are demanding everywhere people are dend making change and they are suspicious of the credentials that give hillary clinton or should give her a word, normal. tony is there anything normal? can we even make predictions? we are here on another primary night. that s the most c thing that is most consistant. unities will happen on the republican side a lot faster than people think senator corke has come out and they
will lineup behind donald trump. if the if it doesn t fall soon you will see more. any final thoughts on that? what do you think will happen? yls they make paul ryan, the vice president, i think it will be a hair sell. i think it will be a the description matches him. it certainly does. i didn t mean to cut you off. i think it will be be a kumbaya moment. you do? our pro douser has incredited producer has incredible sources. he said if anything this will be a longtime before paul ryan gets behind donald trump 7 if it happens. so long as it is before the convention. and donald trump said he would like him to do that. there you go. panel, appreciate it. thanks so much. you can go home and get some
sleep. see you next tuesday. i ll be here. what a time and to think now woo are sitting in the middle of may and go back six months you would have thought for sure hillary clinton will have the nomination. boy how this year is different than any other and how it continues to be improving. i was on vacation and everything changed in one night. cruz dropped out and kasich dropped out m better intoe sanders is holding in there. i. unbelievable. they turned down the state that hillary clinton has lost. abbie huntsman is in. i m out. fog fox and friends first. keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people.
it s what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago. yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] . test.
it is wednesday, may 11, and the votes are in, in nebraska and west virginia. donald trump now one step closer to securing the nomination as the democrats continue to battle. yes, they do. bernie sanders notching another win in his belt in west virginia, insisting don t count him out yet. we re going to run a country that works. we re going to get this country going again, because right now this country is stalled so badly. it s why i ve been so concerned about the reckless talk coming from donald trump. people say maybe he doesn t really mean it.

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