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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20161025 23:00:00

neighborhoods, the smartest people who work for you in your staff, they all live in the same neighborhood. whether they re black or white or asian. there s this book written, there s a test if you are part of the new elite. the new elite are corporate executives, really quality lawyers, doctors and because it s now at the point where it is merit-based, whether you re part of the elite, we ve kind of forgotten about ordinary americans out there. and so, it s like, it drove my boys crazy. it had them take the test in the book and it said, have you ever been on a factory floor? were you raised in a neighborhood where over 60% of the people didn t go to college? if you get a chance to go to starbucks or mcdonald s for coffee, where do you go? do you know anybody who has whole milk if their refrigerator? because everybody else has skim milk? elitist. so part of it is that it s
understandable, the good news is, it s based on merit advancement in many cases now, but the bad news is that these folks who were the people who are not the salt of the earth, they re the stuff that makes everything grow. and they re capable of so much more. that s why i think our focus on free college education, our focus on making sure that there s child care and get women back in the job market. our fox on things that are just basically simple fairness. minimum wage. i mean, people want to know that we really do my dad used to have an expression, chris. he said, i don t expect the government to solve my problem, but i expect them to understand it. let me ask you about the things that mr. trump, who you want to beat up, because you do, i know you do, you said so. mr. trump comes out there and doesn t annknow anything about politics or have any ideology,
but he jumped on these issues. illegal immigration, trade relations, which have cost the manufacturing base in this country, and wars which have cost the lives and the arms and legs of their kids. because it s not the elite we re talking about that are fighting these wars. it s those people we re talking about from pennsylvania, western pennsylvania. so he comes on and grabs these three issues? why were they available to him? why weren t the democrats figuring out these things? they re open to him. well, by the way, they were available to us. that s why barack and i ended these two wars. we re still engaged, but we re not talking about spending $10 billion a month. we re talking we re not talking about 200,000 people, 170,000 people in a war zone. they were available to us. and we were talking about making sure that we take all the actions in the world trade organization. we brought more actions against unfair trade practice than any administration has. and a lot of people like my son went to war, and came back war heros. and what we did is, that s why
we focus so much on military families. and so, but, look, when people have been really everybody liked beau. well thank you. that s nice of you to say. it s true. i do. but, anyway, trump comes along, for example, you never heard me criticize the tea party. and the reason i didn t is because a lot of people are scared, beat up, and what happens, they lost a lot, and what happened during the bush administration and the great recession, and they re angry. and so there s two ways to deal with it. and people go out and you find a scapegoat. and it had to be because of the government. i remember we were running in 2008 a woman standing on a chair at a corner with about 100 other people saying, don t take my medicare. isn t that funny? they think government isn t the people who created medicare?
so i think when you re appealing to people s fears and anxieties, you can make some gains. but the end of the day, i think you re going to find, i ll make you a bet, that in the state of pennsylvania, a significant number of those non-college-educated white women and men vote democrat before this is over. the reason i m involved in this, what you were talking about, i was reading the washington post, everything you ve i ve been thinking, bobby kennedy when he died, his train s coming down through jersey to pennsylvania and washington. and you see white guys. a white guy with a dirty face, saluting. that s right! we ve lost that gut connection, i think, with the working people out there. we have black support, the democrats do, the liberals do. but this is gone. this salute to the democratic party. how do you get that back? you can do it, i think. because you have to talk to them. you have to engage with them.
you have to go and let them know that you understand their act anxieties. look, when barack the president picked me up coming from philadelphia in 2009 to go down to be sworn in, thousands of people were along the track in delaware. there were those white guys in hard hats, saluting. and because i ve always i get it. but i think we got to the point where a lot of local democrats took it for granted. and look, the other part of this is, you know, i may be mistaken, but i think after sam nunn left, i m the last guy in the senate that got a majority white male vote in their state. but again, a small enough state write paid attention. and by the way, i get overwhelming support in the african-american commity. i ve seen it. overwhelmingly. let me ask you about the downside of trump, the danger
side. it looks like he s losing, you know more than i know, but if he loses, election night is sort of predictable, say he carries ohio, maybe. maybe it s close in florida, but he loses. pretty clearly secretary clinton wince with a pretty strong electoral victory. it s obvious she won. and he says nothing or he says, they screwed me, they rigged this thing from the beginning. what will be the danger and how would you as an elected official be able to deal with that? how are you going to bring back the public with his 38 or 40%? well i think that you ll only have let s say if he gets, god willing, 38 to 40% of the vote. i think at least two-thirds of that vote knows it s not rigged. you re going to have people, though. you always have them. whether they whatever their background, who are going to believe it s rigged. i saw an interview on, i think, on msnbc this morning, before i took office. good habit. well, yeah. but i saw a guy standing there
and he had all these trump signs and they said, are you going to vote? they said, how are you going to argue it s rigged? he said, it s a rigged system. i m not going to vote. it s rigged. look, we ve always had that element in every election. the difference is, we ve never had the head of a great party saying that it is rigged. but i really don t now, what would be a problem is if, in fact, is if you have a gore, you know, bush election, god forbid, and he says it s rigged if he were on the short end. i don t often agree with charles krauthammer, but he wrote a hell of an article about how fragile democracy is and you can t play with it. that should be disqualifying in and of itself, what he s saying. you got elected at an incredibly young age, and you know what lick life is. no one s had your run, if you put it lightly.
people are still extremely generous. they are fair, and you know, i think people can tell, you know, not about me, but i think people can tell whether when someone says something, whether they mean it. yeah. i think they can taste it. they trust you. your numbers have gone up since you haven t run for president. oh, it s amazing. by t way, you guys never gave me credit. they were up before i ran for president. but you re booming now. is that a lesson there? don t run for president? if i had known that, i would have announced every two years i wasn t running. okay. let me ask you about the world series. sure. now, you re a phillies fan, so does that make you a national league fan? a cubby fan? no, i m a phillies fan because they re in philly and i want to sleep with my wife. she s from willow grove. we know this. she hails from willow grove. oh, god, is she a philly fan, any sport. i know you re not supposed to say who. i m an american league fan. really? how d that start? the yankees?
scranton and the yankees. everybody in scranton is either there s not many phillies fan in i know about that. that s how i was raised. my grand pop was a great athlete, went to santa clarita, played football and i was raised on the yankees. despite the nomination of the national league growing up, all those years. despite. despite it. despite san francisco and l.a.? i m so old, i remember bob feller. early win! i remember that, four straight. the best the indians had the best winning record with 114 games. and they lost four straight, to the giants. leo deroacher and those guys. remember deroacher s comment? he said, better to have lady luck on your bench than skill. my grandfather you d to say, it s better to have both. let s think about that tonight, mr. vice president. thank you for your time. and we ll be right back. you mart sav.
still here in pittsburgh. coming up, reaction to my interview with vice president joe biden as he and the president look to help hillary clinton into the white house and perhaps protect their own legacy. plus, donald trump says the polls that continue to show him trailing, in some cases trailing badly, are phony. that s his word, yet he s touting endorsements that he claims he has, but he s never gotten. they don t exist. and a new prediction from the cook political report. it says democrats could pick up between five and seven seats on election day in the u.s. senate and win control of the senate. it s all coming up this hour, when hardball comes back.
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welcome back to hardball. that was, of course, vice president joe biden sliming actually, slamming well, perhaps sliming as well, donald trump s self-described locker room talk in miss interview with hip today. well, moments ago at a rally in florida, trump responded to the vice president s words. did you say where biden wants to take me to the back of the barn? me. he wants to i would love that. i would love that! mr. tough guy. you know, he s mr. tough guy. you know what he s mr. tough guy, when he s standing behind a microphone by himself. that s what he s he wants to bring me to the back of the barn. oh. some things in life, you could really love doing. our nation has lost and by the way, if i said said that, they d say, he s violent, how could ef-done that! well, in our conversation, vice president biden spoke about how democrats and some
republicans to a lesser extent have lost touch with the white working class of this country. here it is. we don t associate with their difficulty anymore. and it s almost like, like somehow, they re in good shape, but they re not. they re not. the fact of the matter is, those people we re talking about built this country. they built it. and they are smarter than we give them credit for. there s almost like what s happened in both parties, is there s sort of a yielding to pedigree. yeah. you know, the guy who goes to penn state, university of delaware and the guy who goes to yale or penn. the guy at yale or penn must know more. joining me right now for their reaction individually is robert costa, national political reporter at the washington post and howard fineman, global editorial director of huffington post and an msnbc political analyst and katie packer is a republican strategist, formerly with the romney campaign. i ll leave the pugilistics aside
for a second here. robert costa, i ve never heard biden lay this out so clearly. the fact that we have this meritocracy gone bankrupt, where only the people at the very top academically are given any consideration by the democrats in terms of policy. he speaks with personal experience, it seems, for a guy who went to university of delaware for example, about this almost british-style system, if you didn t go to oxford or cambridge, don t talk, we re not listening. it s a fascinating interview, especially at this political moment as democrats look at the map and they wonder, in places where trump has been popular in the industrial midwest, can they make some gains? can they connect with these aggrieved voters who look at globalization and are unanticipate, are frustrated with the economy. and biden made the point that is not just about policy and ideology. it s about the vernacular. it s about making a visceral connection with these voters that have been left behind. we ll track david patrick moynihan, one of our heros, when he talked about this loss of support among the white working
class, starting way back when bobby kennedy was killed. it s been gradual, but persistent. they re turning away from the democratic party, which they view as culturally elitist. your thoughts? first of all, chris, don t leave pittsburgh without having a cut of minhio s pizza in squirrel hill. that s my number one thing to you i went to pizzi rola in mark square no really bond with the working class this pittsburgh, you ve got to do that. two days before the pittsburgh in cleveland, i spent time going to the counties around the city of cleveland, talking to those very white, working class voters we re discussing. they feel screwed. it s not about the language. you know, it s not about learning how to talk to them. as joe biden said, these people are not dumb. they re feeling screwed. and they re feeling screwed by trade policy, which, by the way, wasn t just a matter of the bush administration did, that s what the clinton administration did. they re upset about immigration.
and illegal or undocumented immigration, which they feel is taking their jobs. they re concerned about big money in washington and the fact that their voice is not heard. they re concerned about terrorism. they feel that they are part of another country and it s not theirs. and i think a lot of that has to do with policy. joe biden hit some of it, but he by no means hit all of it. and i think to and i felt back then that trump was going to win ohio and i think he is going to win ohio, because of the decimation of industrial ohio. that s real and that s happening. well, you put your name on that one. i think ohio is the one that i m watching, is a statement. even if trump gets blasted away other places, that is one hell of a statement for him to carry a significant state. katie, your thoughts about this? we re talking about the cultural and economic disconnect between democratic leaders a to the highest level and voters who have turned away from the democratic party, starting well a couple of decades ago.
they have started moving away. i think there s been a real cultural shift, where there s a sense that there s kind of this elitism, within the democratic party. but when it comes to trump, it s very easy to speak to the anger and frustration of these people that have lost jobs, that have seen their communities collapse, because businesses have left. when you don t have a plan that s accountable to anybody. it s very easy to say, we re going to fix all of this, we re going to fix immigration by building a wall, we re going to have good trade deals. but to not have any coherent plan that anybody s able to challenge you on well, who s got one? yeah, katie, who s got a coherent plan? if trump doesn t have one, name the other people who do? what are democrats saying to people in ohio? what are they saying to bobby casey s people in pennsylvania? they may not like those individuals, but they don t like the national democratic tea party quite as much. right. can i also say, chris, in talking to those people there and in other states, i think they know that donald trump doesn t have a plan. and they re almost looking to
trump as a kind of bell to ring in the night. it s a protest vote. and frankly, on trade, hillary doesn t have anything much to say. she says she wants to well, the only thing i would challenge on that is, they may not think he has a plan, but they have bought into this idea that he s been very successful. he s got a big plane, he s got all these companies with his name on them. so he s succeeded at things. so they are putting a fair amount of trust in him to deliver on some thing. let me go back to robert on this. robert, there s a reason this is a good, important topic to get to. there s economic disconnect with the establishment. the only way you can explain people voting for donald trump is not his personal behavior, not his lifestyle, not that he s been caught up in this audio with access hollywood that certainly has hurt him. it s despite that. they re not voting for him because of his misbehavior, they re voting for him despite his misbehavior. therefore we ve got to get, if you care for politics in this country and democracy, you ve got to figure out what is it
that may cause40% of the people in this country to vote for somebody, who many believe is disqualified personally by his personal reasons. i think we re all hurting the country if we don t learn a lesson. why would you vote for trump? it s not trump himself. something else is moving this. for many of these voters, chris, he s disruption. they re not voting for trump. they re not even entranced that much by his biography. he s disruption to the institutions with, the media, government, corporate america, institutions that they believe have failed them. and that the problem for both parties right now is that this dynamic is likely to continue, past november 8th. the democrats who went for senator sanders in the primary, who are unhappy with trade and immigration and the economy, they continue to be there. the trump voters continue to be there, even if trump goes back to mar-a-lago. and just to show how dangerous this is in terms of protests, back in 1992, not a million years ago, when bill clinton was elected, 19% of this country voted for ross perot, who was certifiable.
19% voted for a guy who was uneven in his thinking. let s put it that way. now, 38% are going to vote for trump, probably, at least. so double we have doubled the number of the protest vote in this country against the establishment. that s what s going on. howard, last thought? i was just going to say, if you can get somebody who comes from that part of the country, who is a regular guy, the way joe biden is a regular guy, and get them to use social media to raise the money to run, and not be a billionaire ross perot, not a billionaire donald trump, that s the thing to look for the next go-around in presidential politics. let s stick with that thought. pardon me. what, katie? maybe ben sasse. okay, that s your guy from the state of nebraska. we ll be right back with robert costa, howard fineman, and an early pusher for ben sasse. and our night of vice presidential discussions continues tonight. by the way, 9:00 tonight eastern, join rachel maddow as she interviews tim kaine, who s running for vp and could well be
the winner already, head there had, already. and at 11:00 eastern, brian williams sits down with mike pence, his opponent. is so we re bound to get their next vice president and we re covering all the bases tonight vp wise. when we come back, why is donald trump talking about polls he calls phony, and at the same time, he s talking up endorsements. but actually he doesn t have those endorsements he says he has. this is hardball, the place for politics.
welcome back to hardball. after meeting with law enforcement and first responders in st. augustine, florida, yesterday, donald trump tweeted that he d received the endorsement of the st. john s county sheriff s office. but as it turns out, the sheriff s office did not endorse trump, as he had claimed, clarifying on twitter, quote, comments have been made that sjso has endorsed a candidate for president. the sheriff s office has not made any official endorsement, closed quote. trump later spoke about it in a tv endorsement and boasted that he had received the endorsement of every police department and a conceptual endorsement from the u.s. military. here he is. when we say first responder, we re talking about sheriffs and talking about all the people having to do with the sheriff s department, but we re also talking about the paramedics who are so important and the firefighters. and we had a fantastic meeting with some of the folks pretty large group of folks. and they ve endorsed me. endorsed me, fully. i ve been endorsed by virtually every police department and police group and i ve been endorsed largely, conceptually,
at least, by the military. but as nbc news fact checkers point out, none of that is true. the department of defense has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides. trump does have the endorsement of some retired are military figures as well as some unions who are engaged with law enforcement. we re back with robert costa, howard fineman, and katie packer. katie, as dezi arnes used to say to lucy, explain. what s the point? the only explanation that i can come up with is that every military guy he talks to endorses him. but i m get geuessing the peopl that don t like him don t come and talk to donald trump. it s delusional behavior. is that the delusion that allows him to believe that every
time he goes to a rally and there s 10,000 people there that he s carried the state? there s no excuse for it. it s not based on evidence or actual endorsements, but it s certainly reflective of donald trump s personality, a marketer, a real estate developer. he s he has a tendency to brag. howard? well that s well said. chris, i just want you to know, i have so many conceptual pulitzer prizes. that i m going to give one to robert, so well, give them all away. you can have them all. you deserve them this year. this conceptual. anyway, in a photo op with his staff at the doral hotel down in florida, today, said that all his employees have a problem with their health care because of the affordable care act, because of obama. let s listen. so we re going to repeal and replace obamacare. and i can say all of my employees are having a tremendous problem with obamacare. you folks, this is another group. is that a correct statement? i mean, you look at what they re going through, what they re
going through with their health care is horrible, because of obamacare. now back to planet earth. but later, trump told reporters that it s his company, not obamacare, that provides coverage to most of his staffers. the general manager further clarified that 95% of trump s employees at the hotel are not on the obamacare exchanges. so how do we explain that, howard, that he s blaming obamacare for not being involved with obamacare? well, he doesn t care. he s not disciplined enough or able to focus enough on the most elemental details to be able to do the slam dunk on obamacare. here the headlines are, rates increase by 25%. a lot of people think that obamacare is imploding, all right? that there s a legitimate argument about that. instead of making the clean kill on that, to mix my metaphors, donald trump doesn t even bother getting the facts straight about his own businesses. i mean, it s sloppy and almost
disqualifying in and of itself. it s like, he knows he s not he seems to know he s not going to win. he s kind of mailing it in here, going around the couple the last couple of weeks. it s even worse, even sloppier than usual. the great radical activist, tom haden, just died the other day and he once accused in a primary campaign i m sure you know about this, he accused his opponent the democratic senator of dating teenagers. and when he said, give us one example, he said, i can t, but it s metaphorical. he s metaphorically dated teenagers. that s like conceptual. what s that mean? metaphorically dating teenagers when you re in your 40s? your thoughts? i ll leave that one on the shelf. but i think what we re seeing from donald trump is a candidate who has delved into a conspiracy in the past. he has dealt in falsehoods and exaggerations. and right now, most republicans in the senate and house races, they re seizing on the affordable care act issue, trying to say, this is something they can run on, in spite of all
the thunderstorms around trump. trump himself, is taking on the issue, but isn t making a large coherent case against it. well said. thank you, katie packer for joining us. please come back again, howard fineman, as always, and robert costa. up next, democrats are getting more confident they ll not only win the white house come next month, but take control of the united states as well. that will be a big double win. up next, you re watching hardball, the place for politics. when you relose to the people you love, es psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching ment? ifou have morate tsevere psoriasis,ou can embrave, the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you chance at completely clearkin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant provement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out o10 even achieved completely clear skin. not use if you are allergic to ltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis.
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democrats are poised to make gains. they classify illinois and wisconsin as states already leaning democrat. meanwhile, they call florida, indiana, missouri, new hampshire, north carolina, and pennsylvania toss-ups. let s bring in the hardball roundtable, jennifer duffy, michael steel is msnbc political analyst, former chair of the republican national committee, and david corn is an msnbc political analyst and washington bureau chief. i want to start with jennifer, because you ve generated these numbers. and i have a sense in your headline, poised to take, how confident are you that they will win a net four, the democrats, to take control of the senate if hillary wins? at this point, i m very confident. we re already giving them two. illinois and whisk, which means that out of that toss-up column, they need to win two more. i mean, that s pretty achievable. but when we look at the numbers, when we look at states where trump s numbers have dropped, we ve seen republicans numbers dip not nearly as much, but we ve seen them dip as well, it s not hard to see how they
get five, six, seven seats. on an issue, how biden started tonight, i was kidding around with him with the boxing gloves, because of that thing he says, and he said it very passionate, lewant he wants to fistfight with trump, and trump racketed to it, over the issue what trump was recorded of saying, is this one of those outside variables that jumps into a campaign and jolts it in one direction? absolutely. republicans were really holding their own before that. they were running their campaign pretty separately from trump. they weren t really tied to him in any way. we saw very little evidence of what is being called the trump drag. now, it didn t happen overnight, but since the tape emerged, we ve seen those numbers go down, we ve seen the generic ballot tests, would you rather have a republican or a democrat in congress? we ve seen that number slip some for republicans. so, i really consider the tape a turning point. let me go back to david corn.
aside from philosophy, left versus right, ideological warfare, is this one of those weird things i m convinced that it s become something that the average voter, who may not be that philosophically directed left or right says, wait a minute, is that somebody running for president talking like that? your thoughts. well, i think it was a very decisive moment. and it came at probably the worst time in the election cycle, the election campaign cycle, just as we were getting towards the final debates and when people are really focusing and trying to make a decision if they haven t made a decision. so i think it really clarified the type of choice that voters face, and the type of man and person that donald trump is, and that was so negative. it does reflect on the whole republican party, and it put people like kelly ayotte, who s up for re-election in new hampshire, who s a vulnerable republican, really in a terrible position, and you see her state on that map there, because, you know, she can t run from trump at that point, although she s trying. but it s a little bit too late.
you know, michael, it looks like he was trying to i m looking at it a million times like everybody else, that tape, it looked like he was trying to impress belilly bush. that s looked what it was trying to do. i think that s what it s two guys talking, jock crap. and that s what but he wanted to impress how tough he was. come on, michael. no, he s admitting doing something. he s not just bragging about ocourse! making that point, that s how he tried to impress him. look, we re just talking about two guys in a trailer talking crap. talking trash with each other. and so, yeah, that was a defining moment in a very real way, because we got exposed to it. we heard it. and i think for a lot of women out there especially, that was kind of the final connection that they needed to break off, you know, the relationship, if you will, with the republicans and in particular, this nominee. okay, jennifer, what did woman hear? i think if they listen to it
four or five times, which was easy to do, it s been on a million times, they heard not just trash talk or locker room. they heard a guy describing physically what he s done to women, with total strangers. well, exactly. it went from trash talk and trying to talk a big game about, you know, about his prowess with women, to actually describing it. and i think that is what turned a lot of women off. i know that we were talking about senator kelly ayotte. i think that that was her breaking point. she d been frustrated with him, you know, the party was asking her to stick with him and she just said, enough is enough. you know, i have a daughter. i don t want anybody talking about my kid like that. but she did not do that at that point. but she had just called him a day or two before a role model, despite all the other misogyny that he s demonstrated and exhibited. i mean, i know that was the final straw, but there had been a, you know, a hay wagon full of straw up until then. yeah wing most men, when they talk among each other after a
few beers or ten beers, it s more in wonder at women, jennifer. it s actually honesty, magically amazed by who they are and who they can be to them. it s just astounding. i ve never heard this kind of talk. well, if they talk like that. i think i think not to be too romantic, they think about what they love. the roundtable is staying with me and up next, these three will tell me something they love. i think we re doing that right now. this is hardball, the place for politics. listen to me i am captain
of the track tea and if i m late. she doesn t really think she s going to get o of here, does she? beice. she s new. hello! is anyone there? rrr! wow. even from our stanrds, you ok awful. oh, sweee, what hpened? girl: ? my fencky gotto talk to this supute y, and iriact like ias t jealous, but so tl and the out nowhere, this concte brier juoped u maybybitas a semi. you mean youere iving? yeah. i mean, i know the whole ey thn but this was a super important text. maybe you ve to kn becky. texting? gat. and i m a really, really fast texter, it sn even a big deal. actually, hashe text me back yet? [squishing sound] wow, i get, i wonder y haveewi-fiere. this ple.
new poll numbers in some key battleground states, for that, we check the hard bard scoreboard. starting in arizona, scoreboard. a new monmouth poll shows trump is holding a lead over hillary clinton. the real clear politics average has clinton in 3-d by about a point. that s very close. next to north carolina where a new poll from the new york times and sienna college has clinton out, this is big time, to a seven-point lead. clinton 46, trump 39. last month that poll was tied. and he needs north carolina. in minnesota clinton leads by 8 points. clinton 47, trump 39. i can t believe north carolina and minnesota are the same. who would have believed it? rs cmersho have been impacd will be fully refunded. cond, we ll proaivelsend you a coirmation for any ird,for our retail bankers. t card salegoals open.
to ensure your interests are put first. we re taking action. we re renewing our commitment to u. [chains dragging [cickets chirping] [owl hoots] sparks from drggg w ains n cause a wifire. anthat could bscary. bye, smokey! onlyou can preve wildfires.
so this tells you a significant pool of republicans that the internal fight is just warming up post trump could run next time as well. what do you think, when he loses this time, he runs next time? that would be good for everybody. let s go to jennifer. i m going to stick in the senate. in russ feingold of wisconsin is successful on november 8th and he s favored to be, he will be the first senator since 1934 to avenge his own loss. wow. wow. that s interesting. the count of monte cristo. here he comes. i spoke to a top republican strategist here in d.c. just a couple days ago. he says reporters always come to him before elections and say, tell me about the republican civil war that s going to come after the election and he always says, no, no no, we re going to be fine.
time he says they re right, i m wrong. it s going to be bloody. something to cover next year. jennifer duffy, michael steele, david corn. when i return my election diary for tonight with two weeks to go before the election.
ndistinct nversatio announcer: a full le measured in seats car ashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13. learn how to prvent deathsand injuries by using t rig car s st foyour cld age and size. upgrade yo pho stem and learhow yocould save
my sit squlodown with joe biden pittsburgh tells me that at least one democrat understands the trump phenomenon. while others look down their noses, the longtime senator from delaware gets it. he sees their failure to connect with the voters. they ve driven the majority of white noncollege educated pennsylvania vote toers line up with the new york billionaire which is what we re seeing in polling right now. he s winning among those people, trump is. biden talked about what he calls the pedigree problem. anyone at the top views anyone as not an ivy leaguer as below consideration. how the party has forgotten about ordinary americans out there how those people are smarter than they re given credit for. he s got something here. 90% of white noncollege graduates voted for bill clinton in 2012 that sunk down to 29%. one person who saw this loss of the white working class voters early on was former united states senator moynihan of new
york who wrote in 1968 right after bobby kennedy was killed n a word the people of south boston should be on our minds as those of roxbury or bedford stiv es ant. they ve been abandoned. four years later moynihan talked about catholic voters. he said the white working class should be a base on which to build not to abandon. even in the high office of vice president, joe biden born in scranton hasn t either. as my old boss tip o neill used to say, he hasn t forgotten where he came from. he knows and shares the sentiments of those ordinary people who feel they ve been abandoned by the democratic party they themselves built. and that s hardball for now. thanks for being with us. all in with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on all in nobody should want to wake up on november 9th and wonder whether there was more you could have done. two weeks out, hillary rallies and trump keys off.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20170610 03:00:00

say that. and did he ask you to pledge loyalty and there would be nothing wrong if i did say it according to everybody that i read today but i did not say that. and did he ask for a pledge of loyalty from you. that s another thing he said. no, he did not. he said those things under oath. would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of events. 100%. i didn t say under oath. i hardly know the man, i didn t say i want you to pledge allegiance. who would do that? who would ask someone to pledge allegice under oath? who would do that. it makes no sense. no, i didn t say that, i didn t say the other. if robert mueller wanted to speak to you about that. i would be glad to tell him exactly what i just told you. seem to be hinteding there are recordings of those conversations. i m not hinteding anything. i ll tell you over a very short period of time. when will you tell us about the recordings. over a short period of time. are there take place, sir? you are going to be very
disappointed when you hear the answer. also today, the house intelligence committee moved forward on its investigation into all things russia related. the committee s top republican and top democrat, congressman mike conaway and adam schiff of california announced they have sent out some letters. the first goes to james comey asking for any notes or memos he may have about his discussions with the president. second letter to white house counsel don mcgahn. that letter asks, are there recordings or memos of trump s conversations with james comey. if yes, the committee wants copies, as would the mueller investigation, and the senate intelligence committee investigation. both comey and the white house in this case have until june 23rd to respond. busier than average friday. let s bring in our starting panel for tonight. rick stengel is with us, former underseth for public diplomacy and public affairs at the united states state department in the obama administration.
practically anything but they are still voting for him. some people have 10% loyalty mean if they sneeze in the wrong direction, they are gone. with me, i think i can do almost anything and you are with me. i have the most loyal people, did you ever see that, where i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn t lose any voters, okay? shannon, do you think he has a thing about loyalty? i think there are few mynx more important to him as far as qualities in a person than loyalty. you see it in his entire career. coming up through his father s business. having family surrounding him in his business. this idea of family you can trust. they are loyal to you before all others. you mentioned roy coh his lon time lawyer. he said one of the qualities he admired most in him was his loyalty. yes, i think loyalty is valued above all else for this president into rick, because of what the president kind of set up today, because of that valentine he mailed to mueller,
we may have to take on this question of what makes a better witness. you ve been around james comey in public life. we ve all kind of been around the president. back when he was just donald trump. who makes the better witness? well, i think that s pretty obvious. i mean the fact that he also take contemporaneous notes. i was in many meetings at the white house with jim comey. the thing about jim comey, that he does speak truth to power. it s very hard people don t understand how hard it is to disagree with a president of the united states or tell the president something that he doesn t want to hear. jim comey was able to do that. i saw him do that many times. and he does with it the utmost take the bark off the tree honesty. matt, this was, i hasten to remind everyone, infrastructure week and the head of goldman sachs lloyd blank fine is a very serious person by day. you know the argument is that goldman sachs supplied a lot of
those big west wing jobs. but he delved into comedy this evening when he said just landed from china, trying to catch up, how did infrastructure week go? there is that subplot about this paralyzed west wing. matt, is it true? i think it s absolutely true. i think their coms director resigned or was forced out about a week ago and we see they can push a consistent message. yes some of that is because of the outside circumstances beuse of the investigations. but some of it is just thr ow incompetenc incompetence. they can t stay on message. the president doesn t seem to have interest in staying on message. as you pointed out, oh, i can t answer that question. he loves to jump into the scrum. infrastructure week became laugh line this week. no one was talking about it. mike pence said it was a banner week for infrastructure. nobody took that seriously. shannon, you like the others here work for a serious organization. what s your belief, what s your knowledge about what donald
trump, the president, president trump, wants to get done? let s say between now and the july 4th break for congress. well i think he would like to get health care done, tax reform done, maybe get some money for wall in there. at this point, you know, everyone keeps talking about oh, they are creating distractions they are not talking about their agenda, they are not off message. at this point because they have a congress that they can t get to work together they don t have a great agenda. health care is stalled in the senate. et cetera a unclear they are going to come up with a bill that can pass the senate let alone the house. tax reform is nowhere. they can t agree on that. infrastructure if you want that, you have got to get money for that. you have fiscal conservatives in the congress who don t want to give you money and democrats who won t work for you. it would be great to be talking about message. they don t have a great agenda or message the talk about.
fine, talk about comey and russia, it s better than talking about a health care plan that kicks millions of people off of their insurance if you agree with the cbo report on it. rick stingel, being an institutionalist has been fficult because of the deep state, the administrative state. i want to play something al franken said tonight about the institution of the presidency with this man in it. look, i think he has devalued the presidency. i think that people go like, gee, anyone now could be president. right now we have to take his word versus comey s word? even his supporters said, well don t take him literally. take him seriously. right. this guy can t say anything with almost anything without lying. and that is a very sad state of affairs. whether it s hundreds of my friends died 9/11. we saw thousands of muslims
cheering. you know the whole litany. right. and it s sad. just sad. powerful message there at the end. yes, he defined the presidency downward. i actually think going forward there will have to start to be new tests for the presidency. can anyone just run for president? do you have to take an exam the way a new citizen does? do you have to have a mental health evaluation? i think now the standards are all thrown out the window. one of the things i would say to him is when you are a president you have to get over yourself. and he can seem to get over himself. any moment in that job he is always answering as a personal grievance. and that s what he s responding to. presidents cannot do that. and yet he is mired and bringing the whole office downward. matt in your phone calls and travels, is ere a recognition a realization among all but say one guy in the west wing about how bad this is, agenda was?
look, there is an understanding this is not going well. i think there was a little bit of happy talk yesterday, but more like it could have been worse. yes, it is could have been worse but it was a train wreck for them. you had the fbi director all but accusing the president of obstruction of justice. now the president has come out today and accuses the former fbi director of lying under oath. none of this is advantages health care or taxes or any of that stuff. it s going to become hard and harder for republicans to stick with president trump. one more point on credible. trump is saying that flynn conversation didn t happen. almost no one else is saying that. that s not going to work as coherent message if they are not even backing him up on what factually occurred. shannon, coming off the point that it was infrastructure week was this week, what is the plan
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state. notes to a columbia law professor because he wasn t man enough to give the notes to give them directly to the media when he wanted them out to the media. the gop has got their villain in the russia investigation. it is the fired fbi director jim comey. joining our conversation tonight charlie savage. germane to this conversation, his piece tonight, trump calls comey a leaker. what does that mean. we are going to get to that in one seconds. and peter decidenberg is with us as well, former federal prosecutor and at the justice department, and deposit special counsel book in the scooter libby case during the bush 43 administration. gentlemen welcome to you both. charlie you saw the talking points. there s a lot more where they came from. interestingly, he is being called a leaker and his manhood is getting called out for the way he did it, through someone at columbia, putting a step between him and the material. once and for all, doe this
reach the standard definition of leaking from your article tonight? and does he face any legal exposure? well, there is different kinds of leaks. a leak would be a surreptitious dissemination of information to the public without authorization. but that most of the time that is not illegal. in this case, that is not illegal. there is an attempt in this attempt to smear mr. comey, to conflate his dissemination of his recollections of his conversations with trump with illegal leaks, custom is a very narrow band of information that the law says cannot be disclosed without becoming a felony. that has to do with national security secrets that could hurt the country, essentially, classified information, although it s not perfectly overlapping with that phrase. this was not classified. this was not national defense information. it was not illegal. and the conflation of that is just nonsense and misleading.
peter, i want to read you a quote from the new york times. it s an opinion on the comey testimony. it says, comey set up so many perjury traps for them said a veteran democratic operatedive who serve as mrs. clinton s communications director during the 2016 campaign. how so? can you explain that? well, if donald trump were to try and refute the comey statement by going under oath i think that, at least from my perspective, it would a lot of chance of catching him in a committing perjury. and charlie, if you are robert mueller, if you are watching that news conference in the rose garden today, is there any mechanism where you can do you rush this thing? do you hurry up and get that invitation over to the white house saying i d like to take you up on your offer?
and you were so forceful in agreeing 100% to come talk to us, perhaps we can interview you the first of several times, you don t mind if we call you back with more questions? i think you are putting your finger on the tricky issue that bob mueller the special counsel leading this russia plus obstruction probably investigation is going to have to weigh. you don t get a lot of shots at the president when you are in that position. you are lucky to get one and to get him under oath if the president follows through on what he said. but trump may have just said some words off the cuff that he didn t really mean once his lawyers get to him and explain to him that that might not be such a good idea. i would imagine that mueller thinks he is only going to get one shot at that. and he probably wants the know everything he can learn from everybody else before he goes into the oval office and sits down with the president to bounce what he thinks he knows off of the president s recollections. and peter, do you think if the president had run that by
his defense lawyer, any lawyer would have advised him in a public forum to go out and freely offer his sworn testimony under oath to the special counsel looking into his affairs and administration? no, i m sure his attorney was cringing to ar him say that. i have to agree with charlie on this, though. i don t imagine that bob mueller is going to take up the president on his offer at this time. i think he will in due course. but like charlie was saying, he is going to have one shot at this and he is not going to be asking him exclusively about those conversations with jim comey. that s one aspect this case. he is going to want to ask him about everything. he wants to do that at the ends of his investigation, not at the outset, which is where we are at right now. peter, what are your
questions after this week? we have learned a lot in the public forum. what questions do you think they have gotten to right now in the investigation? well, i would be very interested in getting a statement under oath from the dni, coats, and admiral rogers. they were the ones who were ducking the questions by the senate committee earlier in the week. and their responses to those questions, getting their answers on the record about whether the president asked them to intercede with comey regarding flynn is really important. because right now the way some are spinning it, this is a he said/he said type dispute between comey and trump. i don t really see it that way. with comey, you have one, you have contemporaneous notes. and also, let s say tha coats and admiral rogers basically
corroborate what jim comey has to say. well at that point it isn t really one person s testimony against another. it s one person s testimony against the other, buttressed by a lot of corroborating evidence. at that point it is a very plausible case i think for mueller to make another obstruction case if trump were to say that for instance in the grand jury. gentlemen, we thank you for joining us on a friday night after a long week. we commend you, charlie savage, on your piece in times on a very timely topic now that comey has been labeled a leaker with a certain percentage of the population. thank you both so much. when we come back, why some words from the president at the lectern today sounded so familiar to so many who have covered him. think again. this is the new new york.
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of romania. it is something he has done repeatedly since election night. sometimes when asked by reporters about completely different topics. and sometimes in completely unexpected places. we had a massive landslide victory, as you know in the electoral college. we were unbelievably successful in the election with getting the vote of the military, and probably almost everybody in this room voted for me. we are you know, very honored by the victory that we had, 306 electoral college votes. we were not supposed to crack 220. you know that, right? i like the state of south carolina. i like all those states where i won by double, double, double digits. you know, those states. it s impossible for a republican to win. not only did i win, i won easily. so they made up this russia thing to try and deflect because
they are embarrassed by what happened. the russia is a phony story. joining our panel, jamil smith, senior national correspondent for mtv news. we welcome him back with us. he is of course is former colleague of ours here at msnbc. and matthew nussbaum has decided to stick around for extra punishment on a hot friday night here in new york city. 141 days into this. for how long and i don t mean this in a snide way is the trump base going to believe that it s just on a winning circulation here? well, i think first things first. we have to really understand that the most damn damning thing that james comey said yesterday was about russia. and about russia influencing our elections and the fact that there was no doubt, it s undisputed that that happened. what we have here is not just a president who is bragging about his victory. but he is also in dereliction of his duty 678 his duty as president needs to be if this in fact happened and the former fbi
director is saying that it did, his duty needs to be investigating this and getting to the bottom of that influence and making sure that in the next election it doesn t happen again. and to your point, the memories and maybe transcripts of that dinner should be peppered with questions the president is peppering the fbi director with, how do we root out and find all this russian influence in our democracy, how doway make sure this doesn t happen again when americans go to the polls. instead, he is worry about himself, his own reputation, how it looks for him. i think donald trump understands that in his heart of hearts that his vick eastree is illegal legitimate. with the help of the runs and with help of voter suppression from his own party he was able to win all these states. listen, listen, his victory, it s been certified. nobody is questioning his victory.
i don t understand why people are questioning it. what we are questioning is what brought his victory about. he should be just as concerned about that as an american as we are. matt, in 2018, here s a little civics lesson, 435 house seats, the entire house, is up for re-election. it will take a difference of 24 flipped from where they are now to hand the gavel to nancy pelosi of the democrats. eye imagine these are some desperate hours for a lot of republican house incumbents right about now. i think that s true. i think for them it s a scary time. there s a lot of questions from health care. that bill is extremely unpopular. to this russia scandal, how much that s going to spread and taint them. but it s also important to remember this is not the first time we ve said hey if a few things go right for the democrats they will take back the house. there was even talk in 2016 that they might be able to do it. the way the districts are set up. the way the republicans have come to dominate in niece rural
areas it s really hard for democrats to take back the house. if they can do well in this georgia sixth election that s coming up, that may be a sign that they are able to translate the anti-trump sentiment into real victories. do you think there is a permanent base? let s give it a number, 34, 36%, that s kinds of the subflooring? ye, i think matew made a good point, in fact the jerry mannedering of these districts, the way they ve been twisted and turned so they can exclude primarily african-american voters but any other ethnic group identified as democratic. these district are engineered for republican victory. it may not matter what this administration does, but it may only matter what voters turn out. i keep hearing because this campaign was built in a non-traditional way, there are
campaign volunteers who are going to have to have legal fees despite receiving no compensation. but because they had exposure to things that will get them called for questioning? yeah, which is sort of a sad side to all of this. even lower level staffers at the white house will likely have to lawyer up. probably anyone who rode on a plane with michael flynn during this election. that s the way the special counsel probes work, especially when the questions are as broad as they are here, when there are as many people involved. the tentacles kind of stretch out. it s unfortunate that lot of people who probably had very little to do with the russians and didn t have any meetings that they didn t report are going to have to ep up larry king lawyering up because of all of this. i want to thank jemile smith, matt nussbaum, both of you for joining us tonight for our conferring. terrific segment. thank you both gentlemen. we ll be right back, the
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i have just been to see her magesty, the queen, and i will now form a government a government that can provide certainty and lead britain forward at this critical time for our country. outside number 10, the british prime minister, theresa may, whose decision to hold a snap election, as you may have heard, has backfired. her conservatives lost their majority in parliament. may s future as prime minister is now in question. labor party s jeremy corbin was th spoiler. like bernie sanders state side, he energized a lot of young voters, many of whom were uneasy on the brexit vote and the brexit talks. the election is another blow to president trump s anti-globalist message after the loss of marine
le pen in france and could be a preview of what is to come in germany as angela merkel s popularity is surging a bit as she sheeks a fourth term. it all seems very complicated but at the same time is actually very simple. i m joined by juliet tett. and nile stand itch. white house correspondent for the hill. julie, you get the task of explaining to u.s.a. audience what a hung parliament is, how you can be prime minister may, remain in office, but maybe not remaining in office. what s going happen? essentially, what has happened is that she needed to win a clear majority of all the seats in parm to be able to rule without having to go into coalition. and she has failed to do that. and that is a huge shock. so essentially that s what they mean by the hung parliament. and the only way that she stays in charge is essentially by forming an alliance with the
duc d.u.p. of north ireland. looks like they have a deal to form that grouping. but the u.p. said they want to have a curtains union to ensure they can continue doing their business. that totally flies in the face on the line the government has been taking on brexit. the bigger problem though is that essentially british people have said they are not pleased with what theresa may is doing. she has really lost credibility. what is really striking has been this huge explosion of the youth voting saying very clearly, we don t like the status quo. in some ways theresa may is an awful lot like hillary clinton. clinton campaigned on the slogan, stronger together. theresa may tried to say she was strong and stable. but that was really all about the status quo which young people have said no to.
knile, forgive an ignorant sounding question. can there be a redo on the brexit vote? is that fixable? changeable, at this point? theoretically, it is possible, brian. but it isu highly unlikely for a couple of reasons. obviously, the conservatives remain very firmly probrexit. but the labor party kind of sat on the fence on this issue, to be honest. it was only the liberal democrats, the third and smallest of the main parties in england that was really answer brexit in a very definitive way. so some form of brexit will go ahead. mr. corbin, the labor leader was favoring a softer approach to that in terms of the negotiations which are only, brian, about ten days away, the beginning of those negotiations so that really points to the importance of all this uncertain that we are seeing. there s a short fuse. andrew sullivan has written who is to my eyes just a superb
piece in new york magazine. for admittedly an american audience explaining what we ve witnessed here and in the uk. i ll quote from a part of it. this week trump slumped to the lowst approval ratings of his term, in upper to mid 30s while being called liar by the former head of the fbi. and prime minister may was humiliated by the brirt voters in a snap election. in the wake of brexit and trump, the forces of reaction in europe have also seemed to recede. jillian, do you agree with that, we are we were seeing kind of a dark wave for a while. i think what s particularly interest is that on sunday france going to the pollsen again to see whether parliament will back the election of macron earlier this year. macron is a centrist candidate. very much a globalist. he wants to forge ties with the rest of the european union. but he did that by attentionly
creating a new party. he essentially created this whole new movement seemingly out of nowhere. it s a very positive way of saying no to extremism, no to nationalism, but not doing that within the old wrappers of politics, finding a whole new vehicle, if you like, to express a centrist liberal globalist point of view. and i think that s got a lot of lessons for t rest of the western world right now. because people can look at the republicans and democrats and say well they are both pretty broken. they can look at the uk political scene and say the tories and the labor party neither looks convincing. maybe it s time to start looking for new political vehicles like in france. knile, you know we are americans, we need things explained in paper terms. do you buy that theresa may could be the hillary clinton figure and corbin could be the
bernie sanders? i do like that comparison. the actual victor in the election is clearly mr. corbin. he is eye delogically and temperamentally completely opposite to someone like donald trump. what he and trump have in commons is this capacity to present themselves as antiestablishment, anti-status quo. in his policies he s much more like a bernie sanders figure. he shares those kinds of insurgent values. he starked the kind of youth enthusiasm that we saw here. i think there are a lot of comparisons. one of them also, brian, being this. i think increasingly debatable idea that more centrist candidates are axiomatically more electionible. i think that thesis as it applies either in britain or the united states is increasingly questionable these days. want to thank you both.
while the jet age has shortened the pond sometimes politically we seem worlds apart and hard to understand. you have helped us out greatly tonight. we would love to have you back. thank you very much. when we come back, it was something the president said in the rose garden today that reminded a lot of people about something we had heard from a president named richard nixon. dynamic performance, so you can own the road. track-tuned handling, so you can conquer corners. aggressive-styling, so you can break away from everyone else. experience the exhilaration of the bold lexus is. experience amazing.
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hour. that was president richard nixon a year before he resigned the presidency talking to his staff from the rose garden after spending a week in the hospital with pneumonia. between pneumonia and he had a lot of ailments. in addition to having such political problems all amidst wat watergate hearings. a similar seen during the press conference with visiting romanian president. we are joined tonight by nbc news presidential historian michael beschloss. for history geeks it is just fantastic. what is old is new again. i talked to a great fan of yours tonight who said find a way to talk about how we have never seen anything like these times. are you amazed by the speed of
it? the fact that there are democrats working on an obstruction case as we speak tonight? so early in president trump s term. this is really a speed record. in nixon s case watergate did not kick in until at least four years into that term. the thing is absolutely amazi. he has not really had a presidency n under the cloud of a scandal of some time. very different for richard nixon. about our last segment, the fact that our politics washes across the pond and the fact that it is all kind of interrelated, do you buy that while you and i have had conversations about what sounded like a wave with very dark echoes especially in europe, we have 100,000 holocaust survivors left alive today and sure sounded like we were going backwards. do you think the tide may be turning a bit back the other way
now? i think perhaps so. we sure saw that in the election in france. you have to have hope that that does happen. i think the fascinating thing i was watching that you and i had not had a chance to talk since election results in england. one thing we don t have in england and the united states is a president on the night of his election having to stand next to his opponent next to an opponent call called lord buckethead. i will suggest it and you can back me up. something we say a lot around here and that is republicans were the heroes of watergate. it deserves to be pointed out often. do you think given the fact that we are going into some tumlt in washington where you are it s already loaded and on its way.
do y think we have states men and women today w are up to the challenge in both houses of congress? i think we do although even in watergate times members of richard nixon s own party were reluctant to come out against him until 1974. one of the things that turned it were two or three special elections which went in the direction of democrats had been expected to be republican and the republicans began to get very nervous and a little more courageous. but the big thing as you well know that turned everything was the tapes coming back to what you said at the beginning. without those tapes richard nixon might not have been driven out of office. that decision was made just before that video you showed at the beginning of the segment. he was in the hospital and debating whether to have tapes destroyed or not.
nixon made the decision to provide him some kind of protection. you wish that donald trump knew a little bit more about history than just his own experience in what he experiences through friends and family because i think every other president probably from gerald ford through barack obama in some lobe of their brain are remembering what happened to nixon that he was nailed for obstruction of just skps they certainly never would have great author and great friend thank you for coming on on a friday night. good to see you. coming up after our final break, trump s go-to promise delivering something in the near future. back with more on that right after this.
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rhetorical history reveals it s a mythical date in the future that often has no basis in reality. his grandmother in kenya said he was born in kenya and i was there and i witnessed the birth. she is on tape. i think that tape will be produced. they said my wife might have come in illegally. can you believe that one? they said headlines maybe she came in illegally. maybe. let me tell you one thing. she will have a little news conference over the next couple of weeks. we are building a wall. it will start soon. we want america still made in america. you will be hearing more about this in the very near future. i think we are going to have great legislative victories in the very near future. one is health care and one is tax reform. the answer to if the

Thing , Loyalty , Nothing , Everybody , Pledge , Things , Oath , Man , Pledge-allegiance , Version , 100 , Someone

Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20170810 22:00:00

premptive strike by the united states. the president also is publicly declaring that he has no plans to fire robert mueller as his russia investigation heats up. fbi said he was surprised the raid of the home of paul manafort. and pouring more feud on the top republican in the senate. he called mitch mcconnell s failure to get obama care repeals and replaced a disgrace. this after he posted multiple tweets slamming the majority leader and urging him to get back to work. this hour, i ll talk about the north korea situation with our
today, trump said he would consider diplomatic efforts but offered a pessimistic view of their odds of success. we will always consider negotiations, but they have been negotiating for 25 years. you look at bush and obama imploring china to step up their pressure on pyongyang. i think what noo can do more and i think they will. his secretary of state, rex tillerson, taking a different approach. offering reainsurances to the american people. i think the president has the capability to defend itself from the attack, and from allies, and we will do so. the american people should sleep well tonight. donald trump insisting his
administration is speaking with one voice. there is no mixed messages. i heard that, i mean to be honest, general mattis may have take tennessee a step beyond what i said. no mixed messages and rex was just saying now tensions have been rising not just between the u.s. and north korea, but the u.s. and russia. it was striking to see the different tone that the president took on these issues. while he was slamming kim jong un, he had only positive things to say today. president trump stands firmly for his promise of fire and furry, kim jong-un is also releasing newripley. we got a new statement from north korea, tell our viewers about that?
yes, it came out just before the president s latest press conference. they usually take about 24 hours to response if is still in response to the rhetoric. but this statement, north korean officials and is cites a number of them, vowing to merciously wipe out the provocateurs. saying that the u.s. will suffer a shameful defeat and final doom if it persists in it s most extreme military adventures. they would launch four missiles and put them down near guam.
now you have more rhetoric, and this is mosimilar to what we re used to hears. turning washington into a sea of fire. this is more trip kal rypical r but president trump upping the ante again. they re going to take his words and come up with a response. in the background, you have the region already a tense month here because of the regularly scheduled joint military exercises between south korea and the united states. these are not happening as a result of the latest escalation. these are something that the u.s. does on a military basis, and they re always angered, but given the climate right now, the
uncertainty about how the united states will respond, and what steps north korea will take, china and other countries are nervous and continuing to call for calm for both sides to stop the talk and the actions that will only escalate the dangerous situation on the korean peninsula. will ripley in beijing for us, thank you. if let s bring in barbara star. the president is not ruling anything out as of now. not ruling anything out, and if anything doubling down and then some. reporter: president trump not ruling out a pre-emptive straight against north korea.
he has been given updates options. the death toll, it war breaks out, could be horrific. there is acontingency. if kim jong-un moves first, a decision to shoot the missiles down will have to be made so fast it could come without president trump being consulted several u.s. officials tell cnn. once they fire, a shoot down decision must be made within minutes opinion for guam, the t.h.a.d. missile season will be the final layer of defense.
my sincere vote is that the testing that we have done to demonstrate that capability provides confidence to the residents of guam they re protected. but the next move is up to kim for the moment. president trump today apparently willing to set a new red line. vowing a u.s. response. it will be an event to the likes of which nobody has seen before what will happen, in north korea. it s not a dare, it s a statement. trump signals earlier in the day the fire and fury value against kim more than assistants. we re backed by 100, by our military. even if the state department talks diplomacy, james mattis says if the regime initiates a
conflict, the u.s. will destroy it. general mattis may have take tennessee a step beyond what i said. there are no mixed messages. u.s. military officials are preparing for tensions to ride in the coming days and scheduled days begins august 21st to test how well u.s. and korean troops can work together. and tonight, oust officials say for now, they do not see any evidence of an imminent north korean missile launch. thank you very much, barbara star. let s talk about all of this, the north korean crisis and more with susan rice. thank you very joining us. good to be with you, wolf.
he just said that if he does do something to guam, it will be an event to the likes of which no one has ever seen before. he said that s not a dare, it s a statement of fact. do you see that as a direct threat? wolf, we have to be careful, the rhetoric and hot language is itself a challenge. on the korean side, the north korean side, we run the risk that they fiscmi miscalculate t message from the u.s. incorrectly and act. who president trump said today is that if north korea was to attack the united states, we would respond with the full
force of our capabilities. that is common sense. what i worry about is this discussion and preparation potentially for what the administration called preventive war or preeven pre-emptive war. deterrents makes good sense nap is very essential for us to maintain and for us we don t take off of the table the threat of the use of force, but pre-emptive war, if one was thinking of executing that would be catastrophic for the korean peninsula, the over 200,000 americans that reside there, the 26 million people of seoul, and for the global economy, a direct confrontation with china and a conflict that could go to the extreme of being nuclear.
so a pre-ev pre-emptive attack a good idea. you wrote today in the new york times that you expect the kind of bluster that we re all hearing from north korea, but you added what is unprecedents is the reaction of president trump. explain what you mean. what i said in the article, wolf, is that whenever north korea faces tough sanctions from the united states, and i was part of negotiating several such sanctions solutions, this time
it is combined with the annual exercises. and they always get very insecure even more insecure in august. combine these two things what experts know to be predictably hot rhetoric. by when the president of the united states makes statements that could be mistaken for kim jong- jong-un s, it runs a risk of a threat. not an attack on the united states, which we need to be very clear about, but kim jon u.n. making another provocative statement or threat that is inevitable. we need today be very measured, careful, and planned in our rhetoric. i hope we will see more pressure out of the president as he
approaching this challenge. north korean officials said the u.s. would suffer a shapeful defeat and a final doom if it was to persist. do you think that the want war, how do you this? we heard many times before from north korea. it may be a little hyped pup. but no, i don t think they want war with the united states. i think kim i don t think u.n. knows if he started a war with the united states it would be the end of his regime and country. that message we need to reinforce as general mattis did, i think, effectively yesterday. on the other happened we need to be clear that we re not precipitating something. that we re not ourselves part of destabilizing the situation. but in addition to the rhetoric, the north koreans are
threatening to take specific military action. they said they would fly them toward guam and land 20 or to miles from the ghost of guam. the trump said if they made any more threats, they would face fire and fury like the world has never seen. do you feel that the president drew a red line. i m not clear and i think the problem is no one is clear what the red shrine? is it a threat? action? missiles, flying in the direction of guam, or an attack on the united states, territories, or allies. i think we have to be very clear about what we re trying to deter and prevention. i think one of the challenges we faced in the last several days is the mar las been moved in both directions by the president
and his sports person. any attack on the united states are met with the most powerful response. so if the north koreans we cannot react, be can t react to every daytime or verbal provocation. what if they launch these four missiles into the waters just off of the coast of guam, what should the u.s. do then? i know our pentagon is preparing for that con ttingen contingency, but i have confidence that we have responses that are proportionate to the problem. what would a proportional response be ihypothetically?
that s the whole point, as a former official privy to this information, i don t think it s responsible of me to get into hypotheticals. but the american people need know that we have and continue to refine advanced missile defense capabilities that preekd our cape nlts and our homeland. and defend ourselves.o respond - you said she vicious, em pet chewous, but not irrational. he is a horrific hateful person that killed members of his own family and engaged in behavior that we all find absolutely intolerable, but he wants to survive.
his chief objective is his own personal survival and survival of the north korean regime. he has not, to date, taken actions that naught in jeopardy. an attack on the united states or allies, using make the lar weapons or massive conventional efforts provoke the type of respond from the united states that would weretufor sure be in regime s preference. we have the ability to manage this problem not only through sanctions, not only efforts to undermine the regime, and cooperation with china and others, but we have the ability to manage this through traditional deterrents. they should now if they attack
the united states or our allies, they face overwelling force. given the disproportionate strae between the united states and. for the eight years of the obama administration, diplomacy failed by all accounts, north korea may have 670 bo0 bombs. they may have miniaturized them to put them on intercontinental ballistic missiles that can reach the united states. we ll always consider negotiations, but they have been associating for 25 years. look at clinton. he folded. he was weak and ineffective.
obama didn t even want to talk about it. but i talk, it s about time, someone has to do it. you had eight years as the u.n. ambassador and then the u.n. national security advisor to president obama. you tried very hart to keep flim developing this nuclear threat. you have clearly failed, why? as you said in your question and your read up, this has been a very, very difficult problem that has now fexed four successive american administratio administrations. each tries not on i did lom si but the fact of the mat sere that despite all of those efforts, can the north korean regime has been able to succeed in their program both nuclear and missile. that s a very unfortunate
outcome. you can call it a failure, i accept that characterization over the last two decades. but we are where we are. and we now need to decide how to proceed. and what we re facing is a country with nuclear weapons and reportedly now, a capability to reach the united states with interconal ballistic missiles. one is war, which i argue is foolish and catastrophic. the other is to maintain and increase pressure on north korea, leave open a door for diplomacy. build up our missile defenses, and recognizing that we can, in all likelihood, safely rely on deterrents to prevent a catastrophic event unless wing
in carefully. i think we have a very serious national security challenge, i argue this immediate not be a crisis if we manage this carefully. i hope, but i frankly worry given some of the mixed messages coming out of the administration that we can manage this carefully and responsibly protecting the united states and our allies. containing the threat that north ye korea imposes. something from your article jumped out to me today. the same red line must apply to any proof that north korea transferred nuclear weapons to another state or nonstate actor. does that mean they might be selling nuclear bombs to other nations or terrorist organizations? in order to make money?
i m not saying that has happened, i m saying we are wasn t athrow so happen. up with is we have been discussed in some length is making sure north korea would never dare. they would suffer inkdefeat. the other side is that north korea is not foolish enough to try to proliferate their weapons to a third party. whether or not that is a state or nonstate actor. and so i don t want to suggest that is happened, i want to suggest we have been for many decades concerned about the proliferation potential, and we need to be sure that we are clear. the north koreans helped the syrians build their nuclear reacre that the israelis
eventually bombed, is that right? yes, you re right in recalling that. but that was not straps ftransf weapons, it was transfer of technology. your security clearance has just been renewed, i want your reaction to that. general mcmaster renewed the security clearances of all of his former advisors and living presidents nap is customary to do when a new administration comes in, and all of the prior ones have done the tame, i think it is really unfortunately an opportunity and a excuse for
those that are now quite unfairly, in my judgment, attacking general mcmaster to make an issue where there is not one. have you been in touch with him? i think i would rather not answer that. i think let us just say it is customary for sitting national security advisors, i know from my own experience twob. in touch with predecessors to understand what challenges and issues they wraetle ld with and what options they considered. thank you so much for joining us, deeply appreciate it. good to be with you again, take care. just ahead, president trump insists he is not plbluffing, b how does he enforce the new red lines he is laying down for kim jong un. if he does something in guam,
it will be an event to the likes of which no one as seen before what will happen? tlort koredegr north korea. is supposed to be live streaming the wedding and he s not getting any service. i missed, like, the whole thing. what? and i just got an unlimited plan. it s the right plan, wrong network. you see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. it s built to work better in cities. tell you what, just use mine. thanks. no problem. all right, let s go live. say hi to everybody who wasn t invited! (vo) when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. plus, get the pixel, by google for $5 a month. and in this swe see.veryday act, when we give, we receive.
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he is getting a high level briefing at his golf resort in new jersey and talking at length to reporters. this has kim jong-un is releasing a statement of his own saying this will result in a shameless defeat of the u.s. and a final doom. he is not getting away with it. he got away with it for a long time. it s a whole new ball game. he will not be saying those things and certainly not doing those things. i read about where in guam, by august 15th, let s see what he does with guam. if he does something in guam, it will be an event to the likes of which no one has seen before.
you ll see and he will see. it s not a dare, it s a statement nothing to do with dare. it is not okay for him to go around and threaten guam, the united states, japan, south korea. that is not a dare, that is a statement of fact. what does that tell you? we were wrong. when we looked at the installation of a cabinet, you look at someone that is the head of exxon. the new chief of staff, if the president himself could manage to grow a temperament that was more presidential, with a circle of advisors that they would view assaying look, you can say whatever you want on the campaign trail, but you can
chill out. the in fact he is up there, including officials that i would regard high talented, he says those officials are not having the influence they expected. i don t think anyone knows where this is going. it is not helpful rhetoric. we have seen how with north korea it is a were you surprised when he made the fire and fury statement and that it wasn t tough enough? he is someone that doubles down. he does not deescalate. this is further proof of that. there are consequences. that s where some fights with lawmakers that s one thing, but these are real world, very
large, and millions of people involved here. it really is a i have to question why his advisors allow him to continue to do this and perhaps it s because they don t have any control. i want to play another clip for you, this is what the president said about past attempts to try to resolve this nuclear threat from north korea. . we always consider negotiations, but they have been negotiating for 25 years. clinton folded. you look at bush and obama, obama didn t even want to talk about it. but i talk, it s about time, someone has to do it. you heard susan rice, president obama s former national security advisor saying this was a failure of the obama administration. the failure of four administrations. in one way it is not so unusual.
just today, bill perry took a jab at bush when it came to their negotiations with north korea. the bush administration choosing to isolate it. what is unusual is to see a president seemingly under cut is own team and cabinet. nikki hailey today which should have been hailed as a win for him, and 15 countries both on sanctions, the u.n. againnorth . they say it probably won t result as anything. and you heard the president say listen, i m talking but there is a difference between talking and being tough and coming across at provoking. so if there is a situation and things escalate with north korea, what will happen with our allies. do thaw accuse the united states
of provokes the situation. what happens if north korea decides not to shoot and fire at guam, but to test a nuclear missile. the president sort of boxing himself in right now instead of toning down the rhetoric. he seems to be drawing new red lines. i interviewed george schultz. when you re a republican you always go back to that time. now this interview took place about two months ago. he said when we had the reagan administration, we knew that words matters and if we said something it would matter. he went on to say if you draw a led line and you don t do anything when this is crossed, your words lose their meaning. i hope that donald trump dunk mean it. that could be a situation where
we have a unpredictable leader who very well might pull the trigger himself, and that he could be provoked by president trump. just ahead, we ll talk about the feud that developed into a tense situation that may be aggravated on mitch mcconnell s personal connection to the trump administration. we re very proud of our secretary of transportation. as you know, as you said, mitch s wife, she is doing a very good job. i m very disappointed in mitch.
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breaking news for the russia investigation tonight. the son-in-law of the former campaign chairman paul manafort has been meeting with investigators. that s right, we learned that jeffrey yohi met with federal investigators in recent months. this is according to two people familiar with the matter. we re told he provided information and documents to investigators in new york, over two months ago. and we know, wolf, there are sources that the department of justice investigators have been seeking cooperation from him, from the son-in-law, hoping for more information in the
investigation related to paul manafort. all of the information that he provided to investigators is now in the hands of special couns counsellor robert mueller. has not asked for documents from manafort or a interview. they executed a no knock search warrant on his home in late july. they have also not been accused of any wrong doing. there is an investigation involving real estate deals with yohi and manafort. their lawyers declined to kme s comment. also manafort dropped their legal team and have hired people
fl familiar with tax investigation. thank you, pamela brown resportir reporting for us. mr. manafort, if i was him, empty the bank account and go to tijuana. he is concerned about money. number two you look at some of the lawyers that special consoler mueller brought on, enron people. they are worried about dirty money. one quick point on what we learned, that is the no knock issue that the president raised in his conversation today with the media. you have to understand the importance of this. this is not about the fbi, it s about going to a judge and saying this is not an expediti expedition, we think he is involved in a crime. you can t go in someone s house
unless you think you have evidence. we re not going to his car, we re going into his out at 6:00 a.m. they didn t trust him to respond to a standard inquiry. the president asked about that that pre dawn no knock fbi search warrant that was implemented at his residence, listen to this. it was appropriate for the fbi to raid the home of paul manafort? i thought it was very, very strong signal of whatever. i know he i have not spoke ton him in a long time, he was with the campaign as you know for a very short period of time, but i have always known him as a good man. i thought it was a very, you know, they do that very seldom. so i was surprised to see it.
i was very, very surprised to see it. we have not really been involved. were you surprised the president even reacted to this? normally in an investigation like that. an fbi investigation, the president or someone else would say there is an investigation going on, i m not going to come. he would have been wise to say nothing, right? he continues on, and what he says is i know paulmanafort, he was in the campaign for a very short period of time. we know a con vens vention in cleveland, ohio would not have occurred if it was not for him. so i think he was a little more significant than what he said. and the president following his briefing with his national security advisors is when he was asked to react to russia s decision to expel 750 american
diplomats and those that work in american assemblies and we have not heard any presidential reaction so far. i want to listen to how the president responded. no, i want to thank him, we re cutting down on if you want to argue and say that the president was trolling vladimir putin, that would have been a smart troll if we didn t have the history between these two men that we currently do. we have a president at the united states that just today insulted mitch mcconnell.
and yet they cannot say anything negative about vladimir putin. i m not saying he has to do to def con one here, but in the process of saying thank you to vladimir putin, he insulted hundreds of american civil servants that work in russia, and russians who work at the u.s. embassy as well. i m not saying this should have escalated, but his choice of words is shocking. he also said something different this time. you heard him say there was no collusion between his campaign and the russians. if anything the russians were spending money to defeat him because they feared what he would do if he was president of the united states. we have not seen any indications of that. we saw that vladimir putin was trying to under mine hillary clinton s campaign. you can say that, but there is no proof to it. it has not stopped him in the
past. they want to desperately change this conversation from this collusion to from the collusion idea, and we have seen that many, many times. he was reluctant to criticize putin but not the top republican in the u.s. senate, mitch mcconnell. yeah, no restraint there, and apparently they had a conversation that was very animated. angering someone in charge of pushing your agenda through the senate, and who you re going to need no matter what, is not really a good play for the president. we have seen him hurt himself. he insulted lisa murkowski. he really turned them off. they are not inclined to hem them and put themselves in jeopardy. why would you do that for someone trying to believe you. if you want a friend in washington, get a dog is a famous saying, you want your
friend to be the majority and the house speaker. donald trump has done nothing to get them to work with him and go the extra mile. they have so far, but going forward, i can t imagine what they re going to do much more than what they re expected to do. we ll have much more on the breaking news, have to take a quick break, we ll be right back. for your heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide.
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shoot them down, and then i guess we find out if the systems work. north korea outlined a plan to happened four intermediate range missiles within 18 to 25 miles of the island. but even if a demonstration was intended to be harmless, there are still risks. these missiles are so inaccurate thoo they could inadvertently hit the island or land very close to the island and then again that would likely he list it a response from the united states that could escalate into a larger conflict that would be devastating for the region. we ve dared them to prove the accuracy of their missiles, and i think splashing four missiles down kind of bracketing guam is a good way for them to demonstrate that they do have the capability to aim their missiles. and even if the missiles don t hit land, thejd still pose a problem for the u.s. it might be difficult for the united states to shoot down all of the missiles. and that could expose to north korea that u.s. missile defense, you know, is not iron clad. more specifically, what she s talking about is that there are

President , Fire , Plans , Strike , United-states , Robert-mueller , Premptive , Paul-manafort , Investigation , Fbi , Home , Raid

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180810 10:00:00

to pick my candidate for me. liberals can t bully me. time has come to establish the united states space force. steve: well,that s the all-american concert series that s going to feature cody johnson who is going to be right there on that stage. he will start singing at 8:00. looks like they are doing a little sound check in front our world headquarters and famous davis is here. i wonder how many times people wake up on a friday morning i m either going to eat at famous dave s or going to have barbecue tonight. ainsley: kicks off the weekend. you are going to have barbecue with us or some point this weekend,
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts casual and spontaneous.
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts casual and spontaneous.
chopped. this is dangerous gang i would submit probably one of the most dangerous street gangs we have in the united states. steve: that s a sound bite that was not in their report. ainsley: my question is why? why are they defending them? when you talk to these moms. we have interviewed them and you know what their little girls went through out in long island. have you all geraldo us talk about them. their bodies were not even recognizable they were so brutally hachingted with knives. so, i don t understand why these groups, why would they even defend this gang. brian: they came here in 1979 because they were upset about the u.s. role in that civil war they were having. they come over here angry, start wreaking havoc in southern california and new york and around the country. they take some of the money they earn from illegal drug trafficking and send it back home and they demand it they hold family members hostage to make sure that they provide money for them and they continue to actually apply violence to oftentimes not immigrant communities, working class communities.
receiver. here s why he did it. being a part of this protest hasn t been easy. you know, i thought i was going to be by myself out there and today i had an angel with me. will this continue into the regular season. i don t see why not. brian: really? the giants often looked at as one of the classiest organizations 10 giants were seen kneeling in unison. we don t have the video u jaguars were not on the field for the playing of the national anthem against the new orleans saints players who did not go out jaylen ramsey, tailen smith and arnett and t.j. yelledden. here we go across the league. how many nfl i have never seen such prevailing outrage from the nfl fans. ainsley: this is preseason. let us know. we will read you those throughout the show. steve: here is one of our friends. she joins us for the news about twice an hour. ainsley: happy friday. jillian: has been friday.
good morning. update on story we have been following. a former ohio state wrestling is backing off the claim that congressman jim jordan knew of sex abuse at the school. mark homan a former usc about the then assistant coach are not accurate. maybe i spoke without thinking and i was angry and said words that i shouldn t have said. other former athletes say dr. richard strouse assaulted them before killing himself. three others accuse jordan of knowing about it, which he denies. president trump unleashing on chicago mayor rahm emanuel and local leaders for an unbelievable surge in gun violence. strength in community bonds with law enforcement including cities like chicago that have been an absolute and total disaster. bad stuff happening and probably i guess you have to take from the leadership. there is no reason in a million years that something like that should be happening in chicago. jillian: the president s remarks coming after 74 people were shot in chicago just last weekend.
12 of those victims died. city police say they are cracking down on large outdoor gatherings and adding hundreds of officers to patrol the streets. kansas secretary of state kris kobach will recuse himself from any recounts as his primary race gets even tighter. his office overseas election results. the latest count shows kobach just 121 votes ahead of incumbent governor jeff colyer. he asked kobach to step aside to avoid any conflicts of interest. he kobach says counties are in charge of tallies votes not his office. you remember movies like pretty woman. something s missing. well, nothing else is going to fit into this dress, i will tell that you. maybe something in this box. i don t want you to get too excited it s only on loan. all right. so, could richard gear be gearing up for a new role?
congressman? gere is being floated by democrats in west chester new york as a replacement for sean patrick maloney. he is running for state attorney general. so far no comment from the 68-year-old activist. so, stay tuned to find out about that. ainsley: i didn t know he lived in this area. not hollywood? jillian: apparently not. steve: i think he is a new yorker. yes. ainsley: yes, he said west chester. steve: the president has announced a space force is coming pronto. not enough to have american presence in space. we must have american dominance in space and so we will. steve: so we will. our next guest is the guy in charge of nsa. why hnasa why we need it now more than ever. life depends on it. brian: he gives alexandria ocasio-cortez $10,000 if she debated him. you won t believe her response you just keep me hanging on
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whoamike and jen doyle?than i thought. yeah. time for medicare, huh. i have no idea how we re going to get through this. follow me. choosing a plan can be super-complicated. but it doesn t have to be. unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. well that wasn t so bad at all. that s how we like it. aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. president trump s stated clearly and forcefully that space is, in his words a war-fighting domain just like land and air and sea. the time has come to establish the united states space force. steve: all right. there you go. vice president mike pence detailing new plans to
establish a sixth branch of the u.s. military the space force which will oversea war fighting in the final frontier. space. expected to be rolled out within two years. shortly after the speech, president trump tweeting, quote: space force all the way exclamation mark. here with detail details is a gy who would be really involved with it, the guy who runs nasa. good morning. good to be with you. steve: why do we need a space force isn t that something the nasa has been handling why do we need a sixth branch of the military. it doesn t involve nasa. nasa has blazed a trail resulted in the commercialization of space. think about the way we navigate and communicate people watching at home are probably watching it on direct tv or dish network. steve: sure. the way we produce food and energy and the way we do national security country disaster relief.
predict weather. the way we understand climate and of course a lot of people don t realize every banking transaction in the united states of america requires a timing signal from g.p.s., which means if we lose g.p.s. in this country, we have no milk in the grocery store within a matter of three days. it s an existential threat to the united states. now, as nasa administrator, and nasa, we don t get involved in space security. that s not what we do. we do discovery and exploration and science. what s important to note is we have hundreds of billions of dollars worth of activity in space plus our american astronauts. it s also true that on top of that, the annual economy for space activity is $350 billion annually. now, that s a big economy in space. steve: absolutely. and president trump is really doing the right thing by making sure that it s secure, which is necessary. steve: okay. absolutely. the way you lay it out you don t realize how much we do depend upon satellite technology. but is it too ambitious a
goal? i mean they would like to have it up by 2020 that s less than two years from now. no, i don t think it s too ambitious at all. in fact, a lot of these activities are already being done. they are just being done inside the air force or inside the intelligence community. really what the president is saying we want to take these amazing capabilities and we want to elevate them if you will to its own military service so it gets the same representation on the joint chiefs of staff eventually maybe having its own service secretary so it s not subboard habit to the air domain within the air force. steve: preview of coming attractions. jim bridnestine. thank you very much have. a good weekend. thank you. steve: what do you think of b. that? email us are a little bit country or a little bit rock and roll? the answer could completely change your love life. what do you, a flag knocked over in a brutal storm.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. brian: hi, everyone. welcome to your headlines. i hope you like them. conservative commentator ben shapiro will donate $10,000 if alexandria ocasio-cortez agrees to a debate. the democratic socialist is not having any of it saying, quote. just like cat calling i don t owe a response from unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions. also like cat calling for some reason they feel entitled to one. what? shapiro tweeted back discussion and debate are not bad intentions. slandering someone as a sexist cat caller without reason or evidence does
demonstrate coward disand a bad intent, however. odd. and check this out. an artist creating dozens of stars for president trump on the hollywood walk of fame. he made the replicas after the president s star was have and lied and the city council voted to remove it he tells the hollywood reporter if anyone rips up or destroys his stars 30 more will pop up. take that now to something more importantly. ainsley: thank you so much, brian. two army recruits showing true patriotism gale force winds to rescue an american flag that was knocked over during a storm. see the video there they were taking part in patriot week during an event outside of a shooting range in michigan trying to recruit others into the army when that storm hit. but, thanks to their bravery, the flag was saved seconds after hitting the ground and once inside, it was folded properly as you can see. here with us now are those two patriots from the south gate army recruiting center
staff sergeants jared ferguson and eric barkhorn. thank you both for, with us. good morning. thanks for having us. good morning. eric, i will start with you because i know you were the first to run out, when you saw the flag and saw the pole starting to bend and saw that flag land on the ground what was your first thought? all i could think to myself i wasn t going to leave thing in on the ground. ainsley: jared, we see you in the video you ran out after him, correct? yes. sergeant barkhorn was out there pretty quick. definitely before i even realized what was going on. once i noticed him out there. i went out there to help. that s wonderful. what, eric, first, does the flag mean to you? the flag means everything to me. everything that we stand for. everything that we fight for. ainsley: and jared, how about you? agreed with sergeant barkhorn definitely. we wear the flag on our soldiers every single day we put on our uniform and it s
definitely really important. ainsley: did you know anyone was watching? my friends and family around the country. ainsley: eric, how about you? did you know you were on camera, would you have done this without all the notoriety and publicity? no. i had no idea that we were on camera at all. it s something i would have done if nobody was watching anyways. ainsley: i think that s wonderful. jared, did you learn not to let the flag go down and land on the ground in the army or were you raised in a family that taught you to do that? my family was pretty patriotic growing up, definitely it was just further reiterated through my time in the army. ainsley: and, eric, from a young person s standpoint, people watching around the country, tell us what this country means to you and why you are at the recruiting office. i mean, this country means everything to me. that s why i joined the army in the first place. i want to make a difference for my country. i want to fight for my country and stand up for everything i believe in.
ainsley: i think it s wonderful. thank you both. god bless you. i know the owner of top gun shooting sports, he said that he put up a new flag pole and there is a new flag fry flying and he posted that picture on social media. thank you for doing and thanks for fighting for our country. thank you. thanks for having us. ainsley: you are welcome. coming up, a police officer was refused service at a verizon store. so what happened to that employee? stay tuned. the mayor of philadelphia danced when a judge ruled that he could keep protecting illegals in his sanctuary city. and now one of those illegals is accused of a horrific crime. maybe that mayor should stop celebrating. iginally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. where we re changing withs? contemporary make-overs.
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.you get more than just savings. do you need the most in your wireless mouse? maybe not. no. maybe you could trust that during your fantasy draft .no, no, no. the computer won t auto-draft a kicker, in the 7th round. maybe you can trust you won t be kept at night because you auto-drafted a kicker, in the 7th round. (woman laughing) maybe you could trust that for the next 16 weeks you won t think about auto-drafting a kicker, in the 7th round. or. .you could just trust duracell. (duracell mnemonic) everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me. um-huh. and then told me every time i said i liked trump that i couldn t say it out loud or my career would be
over. i would get kicked out of black community. it took me a year and a half to have the confidence to stand up and put on the hat that represents it represented overcoming fear and doing what you felt, no matter what anyone said and is saying you can t bully me. liberals can t bully me. news can t bully me. if i m afraid to be me, i m no longer ye. that s what makes ye. steve: there have you kanye west sitting down with jimmy kimmel the hat he is talking about is the make america great again hat. of course mr. kimmel pressed him on mr. president trump. let s bring in the executive director of the hispanic society and host of the chris salcedo radio show. chris, i don t know if you saw that interview last night. we just played a clip of it. it s very clear that kanye said that he has taken a lot of heat from people out in hollywood. his hip hop colleagues as well for supporting this president. yeah. we all have.
latinos and blacks. i have a name for this. it s called the great black awakening. and a lot of people in the black community are recognizing that the democrat party is throwing them overboard for illegal aliens. because. steve: what do you mean? well, the democrat party has been so good at promoting abortion inside of the back community. has been so good about curtailing the population of the black community it s no longer a growing demographic in this country as compared to the rest of the country. so the democrats see their future of importing illegal aliens from all over the world into this country and those in the black community here in the united states are witnessing the democrat party chucking them overboard and then have you got donald trump coming in with a prosperity message basically saying hey, look, what have you got to lose? and support among blacks to this president, keeps on doubling from election day it doubled to 2017, from
2017 to today it doubled again. it s going to be a trend you will see continue. brian: the president looking to expand his base why not add to it instead of getting more of the people that he could potentially get. why not be the first republican president to give a true earth? and that happened yesterday with prison reform. because, there is an inordinate number of african-americans in prison. even van jones and other people have responded and say wow, i really like the plan. it might have bipartisan support. and if the president can get this through, it s going to be halder to take that away. just to be totally clear. i watched kanye west not be able to answer question to jimmy kimmel does president trump care about black people. he just froze and didn t say anything. i assume the answer would be yes or else they wouldn t be supporting him. it went to commercial. it was a bizarre interview. brian, i have got to tell you, i m asked. how does the republican party or conservatives reach out to hispanics or reach out to minorities? and i say this is very, very complicated, folks.
take your note pad out. i say talk to them. that s what this president is doing. is he talking directly to the folks. bringing the prosperity message that the republican party has been so timid and shy at bringing into these communities and it s working. ainsley: what do you make, chris, of what s happening in philadelphia. you have the mayor celebrating the fact it s a sanctuary city but then you also have these illegal aliens who are put in prison and ice is not notified and they get back out on the streets and this little girl is sexually assaulted as a result? ainsley, normally i look at my political opposition and i just normally shake my head and i disagree with them. this one gets me angry. let s be fair. it s a bipartisan affliction out there with illegal immigration. but, sanctuary cities is 100 percent the democrats. this is their doing. the philadelphia leadership, the mayor kinney and that judge that allowed this to happen, they all have this
5-year-old s innocence on their heads. i took a phone call from a listen yesterday who said we have got laws. if a bartender serves somebody too much alcohol, the law can come back to that bartender and prosecute him. why can t we do the same to officials who pave the way for illegal alien felons known felons to be predators on american citizens. there is cull packet here and the american people are tired of this. steve: sure. this particular case, and how many times have we heard something just like it? this case involves a fellow by the name of juan ramon vazquez. he was deport from the united states. he came back in. he was arrested in philly and then they said, you know what? we re just going to drop the charges. and there was an ice detainer. ice should have picked him um and adjudicated it. but they never called ice and so a year later, because he is still on the streets, because they dropped the charges, he assaults this
little girl and destroyed her life. there is so much anger out there because everybody sees justifiable being done. i call it the democrats foreigners first policy. yesterday judge emit sullivan, he said he is going to threaten the attorney general of the united states with contempt because he put some individuals who were seeking asylum here for domestic abuse which is not something you qualify for asylum using that excuse. the judge says i want that plane turned around or i m going to hold new contempt attorney general sessions. and there is so much passion by agenda. american foreigners people say what about us? you referenced this video there is a video of a high profile democrat doing a jig dancing and singing about a policy that allowed the rape of a 5-year-old girl. if the president isn t making this parliament of
his stump speech from now to election day. if the republicans aren t using this in their ads all the way to election day, i really got to doubt the g.o.p. s desire to win this next elections. steve: that was jim kiny, the mayor of philly. chris salcedo, we thank you for joining us on this friday from your radio perch. thanks guys. ainsley: hand it over to jillian. jillian: a video that will literally stop you in your tracks. a shootout nearly kills a state trooper. we do want to warm you this video is graphic. look at that terrifying scene unfolded last year. the video now being released because the suspect was convicted. officers pulled over the guy during a routine traffic stop in pennsylvania but things quickly got out of hand when troopers tried to arrest him, he breaks free, grabs a gun from his car and
starts shooting. one of the troopers throws himself over the guardrail. then he ties a tourniquet on himself to stay alive. he was so badly injured his heart stopped for five minutes on the way to the hospital. both officers, though, did survive. and an update to a story we telling you about earlier this week. annual elementary school is scrapping a plan to ditch the pledge of allegiance. atlanta neighborhood charter school planned to have kids recite a chant written by students and teachers. the reason to be more inexclusive. that back fired big time and in a statement the school says, quote: we will return to our original format and provide our students with the opportunity to recite the pledge during the all-school morning meeting. a cell phone store employee is out a job after refusing to serve a police officer. cellular sales in massachusetts near boston now apologizing to officer dan collins. the store says the employee refused to help several customers, not just the officer. the police department has accepted the apology. hey, guys. listen up.
if you want more dates you have to listen to music like this. she thinks my tractor s sexy it really turns her on she s always staring at me while i m chugging along jillian: new survey by the dating site plenty of fish who list country music 32% more messages. women who listen to classic rock are 68% more likely to connect with somebody. start me up you make a grown man cry you make a grown man cry jillian: the study looked at more than 9 million profiles. i don t know what 90s hip hop gets you. ainsley: i don t know where you were going to go with that i think your tractor is
sexy. there is a statistic on what is this about? women like a man with a tractor. brian: right. the question is does janice dean? do you like a man with a tractor janice dean you? are in a safe loixz. steve: you like a man with a fire truck. janice: i do like a man with a fire truck. steve: you married one. janice: 50 s dating i would do very well big classic rock fan. big classic rock dj back in the day. steve: janice, i wonder if more people are responding to the classic rock profile. janice: maybe. steve: more people like that than country. i don t know. janice: we have some country music happening on the plaza today for our summer concert series. cody johnson is going to be here. it s going to be awesome. we have a lineup. a little crowd around the bend. they will be coming in very quickly in the next hour or so and keurig by the way is sponsoring the summer concert series. a beautiful day here in new york city. the humidity has been cut back, so the 73 that is happening right now is not
as humid. it s not as sticky out here. we are going to see the return of some rain this weekend acontrols the east and across the southwest. but we are not getting the rain that we need across the west where firefighters continue to battle wildfires. all right. you want to come with me beer going to look awe re goinge crowd. are you ready for the summer concert series? how are you? can i borrow your hat? yes. of course. pretty big. janice: that s all right. i have a big head. steve: all right, j.d. ainsley: now can you ride your tractor. steve: starts officially 8:00 this morning. ryan brian president trump hosting a round table on prison reform. the goal is reducing crime and save taxpayers money can it indeed happen? get democrats and republicans to work together? phil bryant was at that meeting. we will tell you the story next. steve: wait until we tell you who is coming over the
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liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s treatment isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. brian: president trump honing in on prison reform hosting a round table with state leaders. it happened yesterday in new jersey. the president saying we have a duty to help those seeking redemption disw. our first duty is to our citizens including those who have taken the seeking redemption. that s people been in prison and coming out and having a hard time. not having such a hard time anymore. brian: several in attendance from states that have already implemented reform. let s ask phil bryant who was at the meeting yesterday and joins you now. governor, you had something to add. it was more than listening. what did you learn in mississippi that improves your numbers.
have you 2700 less prisoners from 2014 to 2017. what did you want to get across to the president. i told the president as many of the governors sitting around the table, you can smart on crime. i m a former law enforcement officer. so i understand there are people who need to be incarcerated and there are people we are mad at. so not everyone we are mad at needs to be incarcerated. have you got to start on the front end and make sure have you drug counseling there. so many about 90% of those that are in prison now, incarcerated 2 million across america are there because of drug-related arrests. almost 100% of the women in prison related to drugs. we start there with drugs counseling, with interdiction to make prisons drug-free zones to start with that s a good place. start teaching technical training. let them get their g.e.d. while they are in prison. looking at the nonviolent offenders, perhaps, earlier release so that we can put them in the job market with some of the 3.9 million jobs
that the president has helped create that are now open. we need these men and women to be out working with their families in their communities. brian: right. we know prison reform measure already passed the house. you want to make sure goes through the senate and gets okayed by the president is going to be effective. some of the things that s been brought up recommend parole for offenders u complingt on community service. just to name a futurecast things out there today. do you sense the president is president is focused on this and getting it passed before november? i do after yesterday. i think as he heard governor perry now energy secretary perry talk about what success they had in texas and nathan deal in georgia. edwards in louisiana. he heard how the states, mississippi, has moved forward with prison reform. how successful he has been. he understands 70% of the
people across america support. this this is crime prevention, about 70 to 80% of those released from prison will commit crimes again. if we don t have an active rehabilitation program and give them some opportunity as they leave incarceration. brian: you know, this could get mislabeled soft on crime. it s not. i love your term smart on crime. i love anything that could bring both sides together. and i think the american people would love to see both parties at a signing ceremony this fall. thanks, governor, for the insight. appreciate it? you are absolutely right. thank you so much. glad to be here. brian: some states have shown improvement and take things on their own. maybe we can get it done nationally. meanwhile, come up straight ahead. kids are getting ready to go back to school and one elementary school has a new addition this fall gender neutral bathrooms. is that a good idea for 5-year-olds. biggest, most expensive phone of the year revealed. but, is the samsung galaxy note 9, is 9 worth your
money? kurt the cycler guy here. he got his for free. ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
ainsley: great for the beach, too. not really heavy. if i was going to a dorm right now. i would scratch the dorm cooler and go straight to one of these. then you can personalize. coach. how about teaching a kid how to learn. this is called fly blocks. dyi drone kit. it s meant to crash. so you would send it off and boom, and then it falls into pieces and then you build it back again. so it s a lesson about how to build things and make them work in life, it s a stem product. it s brilliant. just under $70. ainsley: buy something that is meant to break. because you rye build it you don t have a hammer. this is a brand new laptop. this is brilliant lenovo legion laptop called the wifi 30. a student going back that loves gaming. this is it a total new redesign of this laptop. super powerful, giant gaming machine. steve: if you are a student should you be gaming. during lunch and after
school. on the screen is like you get your federal school loans for college. this is a new way to search for private loans to get the best rate called incredible idea. you go and shop loans to fill that gap. brian: people are now hiring coaches to teach their kids how to be better at video games. because it s an industry now. take a look at this. this is my mac book. this is the smartest accessory i have ever seen in my life. ainsley: what is it? a charger? it looks like it. it s from kingston. it s called the nucleum takes one of the ports that comes seven ports from video to sd cards. steve: one gizmo rather than 7. helps you connect your entire world especially going back to school. ainsley: is this the most expensive phone on the market now? it is. samsung note 9. ainsley: how much is it. $1,249 for the top end
model that holds 512 gig bites. ainsley: how much more is that than the iphone 10. double. iphone 10256. they are forcing apple to go bigger with everything. so it s got really smart things like i m holding the s pen and i m controlling the camera. that s cool. click it one time and take as shot. it has artificial intelligence built into it. so when you take a shot like for example if we took a shot right now and brian blinks, it tells you oh, somebody blinked. you might want to take that picture again. brian: person? you take the pen and write the name. ains. we re going to make that your name tag. ainsley: is it worth it. if you are the person that has the have the latest and greatest this certainly hits that market. steve: check it all out at thank you very much. good to be with you. brian: see you over the weekend. ainsley: big hour ahead, the former acting director of ice jay homan, jay sekulow,
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patience of a saint. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, no interest until january 2021. ends wednesday. president trump unleashing on chicago mayor rahm emanuel and local leaders for an unbelievable surge in gun violence. we must strengthen community bonds with law enforcement including cities like chicago that have been an absolute and total disaster. defending the violent and deadly gang ms-13. that s what news outlets vox and propublica are doing from a newly released video. ms-13 that i have been following are working after school jobs. they are living with their parents. steve: yesterday, a full slate of exhibition nfl games. so were there protests? yes, there were. will this continue into the regular season. i don t see why not. do you think he is a good president? everyone around me tried
to pick my candidate for me. liberals can t bully me. the time has come to establish the united states space force. those old outlaw songs my daddy used to listen to because it s in my genes i gotta be me ainsley: well, from prison guard to rodeo star. country prusek. cody johnson is going to be part of our summer concert series today brought to you by keurig. brian: i had no idea country music was big in texas but that s where cody is from. steve: perfect sound track as the guy from famous dave s slathers up the barbecue ribs. brian: here is your cereal. steve: brian thinks somebody watching should invent for
brian a barbecue cereal. brian, i m just guessing, i bet if you googled it there probably is one. brian: a barbecued cereal? kellogg s, this anyone at work at 7:00 on kellogg s i don t know working on special k. how special do you want to make it? do something else. steve: change it from special k to special q barbecue. ainsley: instead of adding milked a a bunch of barbecue sauce. brian: i do think milk should play a role i want the flavor to be barbecue. ainsley: what if they were rice crispies would they still pop? make a noise. brian: rice crispies can t be improved. let s do something else. steve: let s bring in thomas homan the former director of ice. he joining from us the nation s capital. ainsley: good morning, tom. talking about a guy arrested yesterday and charged here in new york, his name is brandon
zybrowski he faces up to knive years in prison. on social media he offered 500 bucks to anybody who would kill an ice agent. he said i am broke but scrounge and literally give 500 bucks to anyone who kills an ice agent. as a guy who heads up ice, what do you think of this guy? i think he needs to be held accountable and be charged with the highest crime that s available. ice agent being threatened all across the country. i myself have had numerous death threats against me and my family. and ice agents aren t going to be bullied into not doing their job. can you continue to threaten ice agents. ice will take it seriously and not be bullied in not doing their work. brian: he already has threatened to kill senator mccain. how many threats before they actually pick him up? it should be the first threat. so i think law enforcement is taking this seriously. i know every time we used to receive a threat at ice or i received a threat, you know, the security detail would
dig into the social media content. they would try to find out who made the threat and run it down. we take every threat seriously. but, again, for those people watching this show thinking of threatening ice agents prevent us from doing the job. not going to happen. ainsley: vox and propublica published this video talking about how ms-13 is not as dangerous as everyone is talking about. they are taking aim at the president because of his concern for gangs and for young kids here in america and for all of our safety. they mention you in the video. let s show our audience at home a little bit of this video and get your reaction. when you think of the street gang ms-13, what do you see? maybe something like this. or this. but what if i told you the typical ms-13 gang member in the u.s. actually looks like one of these young men on facebook? the trump administration has made ms-13 the most visible symbol of why the u.s. needs tougher immigration policies. especially as a reason to point a finger at central
american immigrants. but here s the thing, ms-13 was born right here in the united states. brian: tom, why are you hyping the threat? look, if she believes what she wrote, then she has no journalistic integrity. i have been investigating illegal alien crime for 34 years. i have flown to new york twice for the president, to long island where he met with the families of children that were murdered by ms-13. he has met with local law enforcement, you know, i have personally been in briefings with the president on numerous occasions with ms-13. the president is 100 percent accurate. ms-13 is a border issue. they come in as uacs part of the family unit. take advantage of loopholes in the immigration system that we asked congress to fix. the president 100 percent correct. it s a border issue. immigration issue. he made a comment in long island when i sat down in the second meeting up there. we talked about his comment calling them animals. i told the president you know what? i disagree with you calling
ms-13 animals because if you think about it. animals kill to survive. ms-13 kills for sport. they kill to terrorize. they kill for fun. so, ms-13, despite what this reporter says, they are a significant danger to this country and she is wrong. the command and control of ms-13 in el salvador. we have done numerous investigations. fbi, ice, local law enforcement. we re all not wrong. i understand her views. i have been reportin reporting m long island for ear year. she must be an expert then because she has been looking at this for a year. i have been looking at it for 34 years. she is dead wrong on their. want president is 100 percent right. we have a president that cares about at the border. he wants control of the border. he wants to fight ms-13. he is on point. we need to support him. brian: they say they ride bikes and have jobs. what s the big deal? it s behind up. if they really wanted to surround this issue, did they reach out to you, did vox reach out to the former acting director of ice? no. they don t want to reach out to me.
the left side media don t. they don t want to hear from us. they don t want the truth. bottom line is this is inaccurate story. it paints ms-13 and try humanize them not all ms-13 have tattoos. yeah, no kidding. they change based on law enforcement tactics so they know, you know tattoos is one thing they look at. so these uacs that came across they didn t have tattoos either. one point is very important. we did operation matador in long island. 40% of the ms-13 people we arrested came into the country either as part of a family unit or uac which tells me that president trump is 100 percent accurate when he says criminals and gang members are coming across that border. steve: all right. let s talk a little bit about this. a lot of them wind up as you know, thomas, going to sanctuary cities. the department of justice has slammed the city of philadelphia because of what happened down there last two days we have been talking about juan ramon vazquez.
he was in this country illegally. he was deported, came back, was arrested in philadelphia. philadelphia divided to go ahead, drop the charges. there was an ice detainer out on him. but they didn t call ice. they didn t say we are going to release him. a year later he sexually abuses a small girl and her life is destroyed. what does this particular case, which sounds all too familiar, say to you about philadelphia and their sanctuary city status? the mayor has failed his number one duty, protect the community in philadelphia. look, my heart breaks for that little girl. my heart breaks for her family. what do you think they thought when they saw this guidancing about sanctuary status? it s terrible. look. and this is one of many cases happening. ice faults because they didn t issue a warrant. probable cause.
brian: wait, wait. let everybody home hear this and respond to it mayor jim kenny on being confronted on this exact cas case. if they had gotten a warrant we would have turned the person over and nothing of this would have happened. and if the city had held the detainer against the order of a child wouldn t have been raped. against the order of a common pleas court judge. do you see this though as a tragedy. yes. no way to look at it? absolute tragedy and all they had to do was get a warrant and we would have turned them over. brian: tom, he blames you guys he didn t get a warrant. he needs to talk to his attorneys and research it the way the law is written, ice does not need a judicial warrant to take administrative action on illegal alien. philadelphia took our detainers for decades. this is a political issue. and let s say he truly believes detainer is unconstitutional and need a warrant. his own local police department made the decision to lock this guy up. so, they thought he was a public safety threat or flight risk. they took his liberty away and put him in a jail cell. unless any don t even want
to accept the warrant. they don t want to accept the detainer. what s preventing him from calling ice and saying is he going to be released tomorrow. here take control of him. there is no liability and no issue with a detainer. simply ice working with local law enforcement. he has failed the community in philadelphia. he needs to look in the mirror every morning. this is his policy and it s going to happen again. i have been talking about this issue with y all on fox & friends for over a year. this is one of many. it s not going to end. unless the communities smarten up more children will be raped and killed. ainsley: you lovwe are reportinn people taking a knee for the national anthem, when we know people have died for this country. we are talking about an organization that s defending ms-13, that chops up people, not just kills them. chops them up into pieces. and we re talking about this guy who wants to abolish ice and is dancing for sanctuary cities and a little girl s
life is changed forever. what is happening? what is happening to our country? can you make sense of this? you know, i retired a month ago. i no longer work for the president. but i m not leaving this fight. this isn t the mercury grew up in. the america that, you know, i grew up in has a child. and when america used to respect law enforcement and held them in high esteem. america used the respect the president i m here today and i m not going to shut up on these issues. i m going to keep fighting this fight. again, i m not working for the president anymore. as an american, someone that has enforced immigration law for 34 years, i m concerned. i m concerned about the future of this country. that s why i m out here being voyeur vocal. i m hoping the american people are paying attention to what s going on. the far left wants open borders. the far left wants to abolish ice. the far left wants to attack the president and his family. they never let the president be a president for a week
without attacking him and his family. think about where we come as a society and it s scary to me as somebody who loves my country and i respect the president. and for people that want to call the president out on being wrong on the border issue. is he 100 percent right on border wall and immigration enforce: 100 percent right on ms-13. you can like or not like this president but don t say he is inaccurate on this. he has taken a personal part of, this like i said, i have flown to new york with him twice. i have had numerous meetings. he has taken this seriously. we have a president. name another president who has taken this issue so seriously. another president who understands this issue so clearly. we got to wake up. and i hope, again, november is coming. i hope the american people are paying attention what s happening. steve: so many of these things are political as you said earlier. tom homan who used to be the acting ice director. we thank you for your service and thank you for showing up on this friday. you re welcome. thank you for having me. steve: all right. straight ahead on this
friday. a terrorist compound uncovered in the united states. down in new mexico. a jihadi father trained with training kids to shoot up schools in the future. how did nobody know about it until just the last week or so? we are going to talk about that. brian: plus, as of now, kanye west not backing down from supporting president trump. to stand up and put on the hat. it represented overcoming fear. liberals can t bully me. news can t bully me. the hip hop community they can t bully me. brian: all right, diamond and silk are going to weigh in on kanye west s appearance with jimmy kimmel. don t move. i can t wait much longer i know i got to be right now because i can t get much longer m booking a flight at the last minute doesn t have to be expensive.
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jenkins. also the co-founder of the jenkins group. chad, when this popped up, i said where the heck did this come from? you said this looks familiar. what do you mean? well, we see too often this type of behavior from individuals who are devout followers of islam. this compound out in new mexico is very similar to what we see overseas. isis compounds in syria and iraq. the institute in yemen. al shabaab in, you know, in africa. it represently indicates that now we are seeing it here in the united states. and it s devout followers following the religion in a way in which mohammed started the religion back in the 7th century. they are following it to a t. that s where it s very difficult to decide how long do we allow for them to do this before they go actionable and actually try commit a terrorist attack here on u.s. soil. brian: the story is the that the fbi was surveying this and the local official said i m tired of waiting. i m going in. and they were totally wide open. there was no cover. so they were risking their lives. they don t have the terror training that you have.
they went in and did a great job and they saved a lot of people. but, in the big picture, you don t think this is the only one. we have other places in this country where you can move off the grid between states and between areas. have you ever looked down when you are flying across country, you see places. yeah. we have seen this before. oregon had a compound not too long ago, a couple years back that was doing the same type of things. but, you have got to remember, brian. it s a very fine line and the imams and mosques throughout the country know how to walk it up to that first amendment right of freedom of speech and then to go ahead and teach their ways to go out and then have others go off the grid and continue in that instruction. whether it s doing it here domestically or trying to then facilitate individuals going overseas to join the fight of isis, al qaeda. sal shah bob. you name the terrorist organization. training them here to go over to do it overseas.
brian: sunni muslim extremists. guess what the people in the muslim community know about it they have got to be the first ones to blow the whistle on it. chad jenkins thanks so much. thanks, brian. brian: 20 minutes after the hour will president trump and robert mueller ever meet for a sitdown who better to ask than someone on the president s legal team jay sekulow is next. one elementary school has a new addition in fall gender neutral bathroom? is this a good idea for 5-year-olds? before nexium 24hr mark could only imagine. a peaceful night sleep without frequent heartburn waking him up. now that dream is a reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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of governor jeff colyer his lead dropping after a series of discrepancies across texas. he asked who the state top election official to not instruct counties on counting ballots. kobach says the counties are in charge of tallying votes not his office. a former ohio state wrestler is backing off the claim that congressman jim jordan knew of sex abuse at the school. mark comey a former ufc champion said his comments about the then assistant coach are not accurate. coleman said maybe i spoke without thinking. i was angry and said words i shouldn t have said. other former athletes say dr. richard strouse assaulted them before killing himself. three others accuse jordan of knowing about it, which he denies. the pig farmer grilled by mollie tibbets now admits to taking a polygraph test. wayne cheney says fbi agents asked him if he had anything to do the 20-year-old s disappearance. the test results have in the
been released. cheney denies knowing anything about mollie said some guy probably has her. mollie went missing about three weeks ago. thank you, guys. steve: legal team rejecting terms for interview with special counsel robert mueller. still working toward some sort of a sitdown if the line of questioning is very narrow. brian: so will the president and mueller ever go for a sitdown? ask jay sekulow a member of the president s legal time. chief counselor for law and justice, which we are all for. jay? glad to hear that. brian: law and justice. trey gowdy said this last night on with martha, i will tell the president to sit down and answer the question what, if anything, you would know about the russia in 2016 and then answer the question about who, if anyone, did it with your team. and then don t answer any more questions. how do you feel about that? well, look, i appreciate everybody s advise but they are not representing the president. and what people need to
understand is historical precedent that could be set here. the idea that a president could be asked questions about, first of all, article 2 authority, it s counter to the constitution. i mean, this whole notion that a president should be put in a plates, especially in the scope of this investigation, to be questioned about why you took action against, let s say the former fbi director or whatever it might be. here s the problem. here the problem is not the president could answer the questions. of course he could answer the questions. the question is should under he circumstances the president answer the question? you are now setting a precedent not just for this president but for the presidency. and my concern quite frankly in all of in this is article 2 core constitutional power of the presidency. and to allow questioning to go on with regard to decisions you makes a president, i think, it s not only absurd and outrageous. it makes no sense under the way our government is set up. if that was the case, then any u.s. attorney that had any question about a president s policies you
know i m going to subpoena him and ask him some questions about that. ainsley: if they don t sit down. if he doesn t talk to mueller. what happens next and how long does this go on? that s the process question. they gave us an offer which obviously it s pretty clear now we did not accept their offer. we countered. this is how this works. if you look at this historically, this is the way the back and forth goes on these. we pointed out the irregularities in this investigation. i mean, the biggest news of late has been the whole bruce ohr situation. you had the number four at the united states department of justice, the number four. his wife happens to work for fusion gps. who happens to be retained to put together the dossier with chris steele. and chris steele happens to be talking to the fbi and to bruce orebruce ohr at the justie department. leaking information bruce ohr continues the ongoing dialogue. can you list the salacious dossier and put all of that together and say why in the world would this investigation have
legitimacy at this point? it was really corrupt at its inception. steve: that s why it sounds like they are all going to get haul you had before congress again. goodlatte wants interview bruce ohr. yes. still there. steve: trying to put it all together, he was a narcotics prosecutor. how did he get involved in this? his wife worked for fusion gps they would like to talk to glenn simpson as well. he should. steve: too many questions. not just the questions the nature and scope of the conflict. after he was fired. fired chris steele for leaking. james comey another one that leaked, right? steve: he got fired but didn t stop talking to the fbi. still talking to the fbi and bruce ohr was still taping those conversations. inappropriate. that plays into this calculus you makes a to whether you will submit to an interview. so here s the question that will come at the end of the day. will would he be willing to sit down for an interview? will would he be able to do it by written questions or are we just going to say we re done? those are the issues that are. brian: at the end of the day you are going to make this
i don t think it s going to be the end of the day. brian: this week? here s what we said this week. we responded. so we did respond this week. steve: with a counter offer. we responded. so now what happens they have to respond to us. and, yes, you know, i m not i don t predict dates or percentages. but, i don t predict dates or percentages. this needs to be over with soon. i think it s been very bad for the country. and we re at a point in this inquiry where they can wrap it up. this has been the most transparents investigation in u.s. history. all of these documents given. all of these witnesses put forward. they really don t need to speak made constitutional case. brian: christian minister turkey you put sanctions on a country because they on a person. let me this. very difficult 21 months for this family. andrew brunson has been in
turkey for 23 years. gets picked up in the aftermath of the coup although he was in the united states when the coup took place. the president has worked very aggressively to secure his defense. as aggressive as you can and to secure his release. he has been released to house arrest. so we re kind of 60% of the way there. the next part, the most important part now is how do we get from house arrest to back home in the united states which is where he needs to be with his family? i will tell you this. the administration, the president and his secretary of state, ourselves mike pompeo, the vice president, the president, of course, are working diligently on this. there is not a day that goes by where the president and i are not discussing it he will come home, i believe. brian: turkey did send people here to negotiate. any progress. those are ongoing negotiations. diplomacy takes time. working through that process. i remain hopeful. i think he will be home soon. steve: as we all do. jay seq. kuehl low, chief counsel for the law and justifiable. thank you. thank you. steve: if you thought you saw the last of the kneeling
nfl players last year. you were wrong. this happened last night in the preseason. and one player says he has no plans to stop. diamond and silk fired up. they are next. good morning to you, ladies u. plus our all-american summer concert series rolls on this morning with cody johnson. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure? you won t find relief here. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms. claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. whenshe was pregnant,ter failed,
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felt, no matter what anyone said and is saying, you can t bully me. liberals can t bully me. news can t bully me. if i m afraid to be me. i m no longer ye. that s what makes ye. ainsley: that is kanye west with jimmy kimmel last night. brian: when he rolled out the album i don t think he paid the price commercially. people are still buying himself. steve: the cap he was talking about was make america great again. that was the president s slogan when he ran for president. that is also something that diamond and silk, who are big trump supporters agree with. ladies, i don t know if you saw jimmy kimmel last night interviewing kanye west. but, you know, he revealed that he has taken a lot of heat from hollywood and his hip hop pals in supporting this president. here s the deal we commend kanye west for speaking up and speaking out about being bull idea supporting our president. is he think for himself he doesn t need anyone spoon feeding him a narrative.
shame on liberals for trying to paint everyone in a box with the same thoughts. we don t have the same thoughts. we all think differently if he wants to support this president and wear his make america great again hat. he can do so. i commend him for speaking out about it. ladies on the left. if they can where their would you sayy hats, then certainl with usehats then we america great again hats. ainsley: some of the interview was very bizarre. at the beginning he talked about how he became famous. he said everyone was telling me. i was writing music. i was doing really good at that. and then i became a designer. i was really good at that and then he talks about how the black community, everyone said you are not going to be accepted in the black community anymore. your music sales are going to go down if you support this president. what has been the reaction from the black community? well, listen, people are getting on board. they have like the fact that the president is working on prison reform. that s right.
bringing in more economic opportunity. people are able to thrive again in this country. they have jobs in this country. and that s what black americans like. nobody has the right to bully anybody. and what we call those the people that want to say oh, don t you support president trump? we call those people the gate keepers. the liberals are the gate keepers of what we call the democratic plantation. they want you to stay stuck in that slavery mind set. that s right. where someone can think for you or spoon feed you. we don t need anyone doing that to us. we want to support this president? we will. listen, black people are behind president donald j. trump and that s what scares the left. long gone are those days where we segregate ourself from being a part of the american dream. that s right. brian: have you guys gotten blow back from your support of the. ever since we supported him back in 2015 when we started supporting him. listen, the revolution started back then. we started telling people can you think for yourself. that s right.
you can come off of that democratic plantation. what you see now is the evolvement. people are evolving into something great. they are thinking differently. we have gotten blow back. the more they mate the more we educate no. longer vote for a system that keeps handing us crumbs. i absolutely love this businessman. yes. that s truly making america again. you haters make it greater. steve: there you go. diamond and silk reporting from diamond and silk world headquarters at the end of the skype line. ladies, thank you very much. have a great weekend. ainsley: thanks, ladies. brian: take care diamond and silk. jillian, nothing to hate about you. jillian: thank you so much, brian. back at you. let s get you caught up on headlines right now. shocking video we want to show you. just released from inside a bus crash that left three people dead. we do wants to warn you though this video is graphic. [screams] you did a good job. did you a good job.
jillian: the bus carrying 35 passengers flipped over when the driver lost control in new mexico. she was trying to avoid another crash on the highway when a tractor-trailer slammed into the bus pushing it down the road. us dozens were hurt. some more terrifying moments caught on camera. a large sign topples on to a group of people. watch this. isn t that scary in the nearly 20-foot long sign falling off a building in china and onto the crowd below. at least five people are hurt. good samaritans rushing in to help trying to lift the heavy debris and pull the people out. no word on the victim s conditions. as kids across the nation get ready to head back to class, one kansas city elementary school is welcoming their students with brand new gender neutral bathrooms. schools have certainly
evolved over time. we have more open concept classrooms. our hallways have community learning spaces within them and restrooms have just been a natural evolution as well. district claims the open concept has been well-received by parents and allows teachers to better supervise of the students. the trump administration is making america great again. this time in space. time has come to establish the united states space force. at the pentagon vice president mike pence unveiling plans to launch the newest military branch by 2020. he is calling on congress to approve $8 billion to fumed the plan. earlier nasa administrator jim bride stmplet tine why this makes sense. the annual economy is $350 billion annually. that s a big economy in space. and president trump is really doing the right thing by making sure it s secure, when is necessary.
jillian: listen up. the trump campaign wants your help choosing the logo. look at your screen. they sent an email from supporters to choose one of these six designs that you see right here. the question is which one do you like best? what s your vote? email us at i don t know. digging the red and yellow. brian: i like the one bottom to the right exactly. ainsley: i feel like bottom middle. brian: design the uniforms because they have to be unitards. don t all space outfits have to be unitards? steve: i don t think that is a requirement. brian: janice, do you know? janice: i don t. but look at this uniform. what s your name? owen loaf. you are the best dressed man in rock away. best dressed manual in rock away. janice: sunshiny. 72 in new york city. the good news is he would don t have a lot of humidity here. it s a perfect day for a summer concert series sponsored by keurig. here is the past 24 hours.
a little bit of rain across the ohio, tennessee, southeast, as well as the southwest, unfortunately where we could see the potential for a little bit of flooding. there is your foist today. it s going to remain hot and dry across much of the west. are you guys excited? [cheers] oh my gosh, cody johnson coming up and best dressed man in rock away. steve: taking a bow. all right j.d. thank you. ben shapiro said he would give socialist carks 10,000 bucks if she debated him. will she do it? we have got the answer come up. brian: and he was a prison guard turned bull rider. now is he a country music star. cody johnson is live in the keurig corner. is he about to shake our hands.
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jillian: drink beer, eat chicken, and win money? buffalo wild wings is actively explorlg adding sports betting to restaurants. the supreme court lifted sports betting in may leaving the decision to legalize it to individual states. if wings aren t your thing, how about hamburgers for life? sort of anyway. are order from the mcdonald s app. today for a chance to win a mcgold card. what s that get you? two free meals per week for 50 years. and if you are a fan of pumpkin spice, while it s 90 degrees in august and need something to wash all that food down. pumpkin spice lattes will return to starbucks. can you place your order on august 28th. ainsley, send it out to you. brian: good news is they are actually using real pumpkin now. my favorite. ainsley: all right. listen to this. this texas counse cowboy is takg country by storm selling out
shows across the country. brian: the crowd roars. this morning makes television debut on fox & friends. steve: that s right. can you pick up or download his new single on my way to you which is out today. ladies and gentlemen, cody johnson joins us. thank you for having me. i appreciate it. ainsley: cody, i love. this you call yourself a god fearing, hard working, beer-drinking fighting loving cowboy. that s about it. ainsley: sounds like the perfect man. steve: sounds like the perfect country western song. i will quote you on that tell my wife after the show. steve: back in the day when you were growing up in texas. you and a bunch of your fellow future farmers of america decided to put together a band. actually told me, look, man you are good at a lot of things putting this band together and play. forced me into it played first little competition and after that it was over. brian: you have the clearest, purest, strongest voice and i said where did it come from you said my
parents. your parents sang. you are the one making money with that ability. music has been a part of my life u both sides of my family it was always what we did. it wasn t thought of a dream i was going to chase until i saw garth brooks at central park i thought maybe i don t know if i thought i could do that but i thought man, i sure want to. ainsley: married and two little girls. two beautiful little girls. ainsley: how old are they. 3 and 1 and they are a handful. janice: will they be musicians do you think? they usually get out in bouncy house when i play and screaming daddy i m like you i go oh no. ainsley: prison guard, in the rodeo, how did you end up doing all those things. god works in mysterious. my career. forefront of my life. still continues today. and i think this is why i m here. this is what i was put on earth to do and time to get real now. steve: and you are here. you are here in no,
concreted canyon. that s a good way to put it. steve: how cool is it because have you been working on this dream and suddenly an overnight success but it s taken you over a decade. it s been just over 10 years of playing as an independent artist and tearing up the roads and playing every chance you get. a lot of closed doors. you have to find the open doors over the years. and during the 10 years you kind of look why can t i get a break? why is this happening? why is that happening? 31 you look back and say it all happened for a reason. we are here today. brian: you feel like you earned it and going to appreciate it what are you going to sing for us. new single debuts today on my way to you. janice: are you guys excited? [cheers] steve: that is coming up. thank you guys. appreciate you. steve: also coming up ben shapiro said he would give alexandria ocasio-cortez $10,000 if she debated him. she has decided. what s her decision? it s coming up. brian: it is bizarre. if you thought you saw the
last of kneeling football players in the national football league, you were wrong. it happened again last night. it happened a lot. and one player says he doesn t have any plans to stop. carley shimkus can play football but she won t now. she will put on the eye black for you in just a moment with that story. -i ve seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox.
-keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that.
and also like catcalling for some research they feel entitled to one. ainsley: okay. so how did ben shapiro respond? what s the fate of this debate? here what w. what s trending fox news headlines 24/7 reporter carley shimkus. hey, carley. hey, pretty surprising response from alexandria ocasio-cortez, huh? [laughter] steve: key to the response is the cat call part. what happened was he wanted to debate her. he invited her on to his show. of course, they have very different political leanings so he wanted to set up a debate even offered to donate to her campaign $10,000 for this. she essentially accused him of sexism. that request being a sexist request. ben shapiro defended himself on social media saying this: discussion and debate are not bad intentioned. slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent. however, yeah, so, that s a
stretch by any. brian: it makes no sense. her response makes absolutely no sense. ainsley: she doesn t want to do it. she doesn t want to debate him. so she has to make it sexist or turn it into something else. if she says no. then it makes her look weak. isn t a display of sexism when every news covers debates between president trump and hillary clinton? it s a part of our political system and should be celebrated. so much reaction to this on social media. candice owens female conservative commentator says and what exactly was your excuse for having turned down the debate with me? can t wrap that one up in fake feminism. i will double ben shapiro s offer. 20,000 charity of your choice. a capitalism vs. socialism debate. one person says if this were to happen and no matter how gentle he would be, ben would be savaged for disrespect and misogyny. he is fighting uphill battle with this. brian: yesterday was week
one of the preseason. thursday a couple of games. we had a lot of kneelers. the giants had about 10. it looks like the jaguars had been three and the dolphins had. a bunch of national anthem kneeling issues. collin kaepernick tweeted about it my buddy kenny steels continued protest by taking a knee. albert wilson joined him in protest. stay strong, brothers. of course, he is celebrating this. the nfl came out and said that they are going to put a pause on punishing players for kneeling during the national anthem as conversation with the nfl players association continues. their rules require players to stand remains. brian: they didn t take a pause on taking a knee. no, they didn t. brian: negotiations right now. supposed to be some kind of resolve. that doesn t help. steve: carley, thank you very much. a lot of reaction online. let us know.
straight ahead, what does geraldo rivera have to say about all the things in the world? he is outside and he s next on fox & friends for a friday. brian: he is talking about earth. you wouldn t accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, . . . .
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everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me. liberals can t bully me. we commend kanye west speaking out and being bullied and supporting our president. the time has come to establish the united states space force. i m watching an eagle floating on the breeze dreaming by my side, i wish i could you by my side
i m staying right here. brian: cold by johns son performing, wild as you. it took him tend years to break out. steve: our featured performer on the all american summer concert series by our friends at keurig. i perform a world premier of a new song on fox news channel. ashley: hi, geraldo. hi, ainsley. ashley: there is this guy in massachusetts. he was arrested in new york, cops tried to track him down after what he posted on twitter. social media, telling people, i will pay you 500 bucks, i am broke, i will find the 500 bucks, if you go out and kill i.c.e. he committed a crime. he should be prosecuted.
i know he has been charged, that is a good thing. i feel so sorry for the i.c.e. agents. they are certainly getting the short end of the stick. coming as creature of the 1960s, i came era of cops were pigs. they were disparaged. their homes were vandalized, their children were harassed. it happened to returning gis from the unpopular war in vietnam. they came to the airports and were reviled. cops, gis, people you should esteem in society during the ugly periods in american history, they were scorned and should have been cheered. they were ridiculed, rather than supported by citizens. which is too bad. now i see something of that with i.c.e. i.c.e., is at least two agencies. i have spoken about this before
in a limited way. the i.c.e. investigators. they are the guys that bust the cartels. they go after the transnational fangs. steve: criminals. they go after ms-13 and racketeers and the drug smug list. there is the enforcement and removal side of i.c.e. that is far more unpopular group. they smash in the doors. there is diego been here 20 years and take him out. brian: they have criminal records. i don t know where you get the statistic. brian: tom homan. i want to see objective review. i do not believe that. too often there is temptation to go for low-hanging fruit. they sweep up the poultry processing people. meat-packing people. pizza delivery guy. brian: we don t call dominoes and arrest the delivery guy. it is not 10 on criminal record. steve: ms-13 sympathetic
portrait presented by vox and propublica. forget about the murders on long island. look at this description. misunderstood its that ride bikes and live with mom. brian: with neck tatoos. when you think of ms-13, maybe you see something like this or this. but what if i told you that typical ms-13 gang member in the u.s. actually looks like one of these young men on facebook? the trump administration has made ms-13 the most visible symbol of why the u.s. needs tougher immigration policies, especially as a reason to point a finger at central american immigrants. but here s the thing, ms-13 was born right here in the united states. steve: so geraldo, what they re doing they re claiming that the president s depiction of ms-13 is terrible gang is too bizarre and preposterous.
if you have a big glomy tattoo on your face and gun and knife on this with a tear from the people you killed in jail and your whole body is a mass of at that times to, and you operate, you fund your life by dealing drugs and you keep your drug revenue by eradicating or eliminating your rivals, ms-13 does not deserve to exist. anything that can be done to crush them and shut them down, i am 100% for it. just as i am 100% for going after the gangs and disciples and other gangs in chicago perpetrating terror on the windy city. i don t understand, i remember my friend bernie kerik when he was police commissioner, you had rudy giuliani was mayor and michael bloomberg was mayor here, we busted the backs of the gangs with stop-and-frisk and other aggressive police tactics. i don t understand, first of all
how, brian and my long island neighborhood, ms-13 was allowed to prosper for so long. i don t understand why the full wait of the federal government doesn t come crushing down on native-born gang bangers in chicago and like it. brian: do it block by block. ashley: they are showing pictures of kids part of ms-13 that don t have any tattoos. tattoos are not, they could still be dangerous. part of a gang. out in long island they re chopping people up, geraldo. tom homan was on our show. we were talking about. listen to this. ms 1 is border issue. come in as uacs, part of the family unit. take advantage of loopholes in the immigration system we asked congress to fix. ms ms-13 kills for sport and kills for fun. she is wrong. president trump is 100% accurate
when he says criminals and gang members are coming across the border. steve: he is not a fan of the vox show. propublica are very, very hard left. they are very progressive. they are anti-trump they would get to the place where they re almost pro-ms-13. i think it is, it is, it s a desire to put down the president, a desire to oppose the president in everything he does, and anything he does i think it is ashley: it s a reporter versus tom homan. a reporter spent a day, however long with them and that is their, that is their impression. brian: with 13-year-old voiceover. ashley: with 30 years experience. 30. 50. brian: talk about new mexico, the compound made out of garbage in middle of essentially two states. turns out these are muslim extremists it seems. plans include training children to go in and shoot up schools. some schools start in the middle
of august. i was just on with a special forces guy says this is similar to a what grows out of the desert. this is how mohamed lives. i first thought they were survivalists. i wasn t on the air on monday when the story broke. i was surprised how little coverage it got. we covered it. most of the others were so obsessed with president trump an russia-gate and collusion illusion and all the rest of it, they paid scant attention to this first i thought it was survivalists. more i read about it, came to realize it really was an extreme isthmus him operation. this guy, the main guy, is the son of one of the unindicted co-conspirators from the 1993 world trade center bombing. these people have been on the radar a long time. brian: his mosque was surveiled by new york city police and aclu intervened. is that is exactly how it happened.
but that surveillance program did generate some data. i m surprised took the authorities that long to crack down on this place, to the place, to the point where you had 11 children who were starving to death, not only malnourished but dressed in ration and learning to kill. steve: breaking the story was the guy s father, the guy who is tied to the 93 attack on the world trade center, apparently he dropped a dime on his son because he was worried about his daughter and the kids. the 3-year-old, where is the 3-year-old. is that the bones they found in the backyard of the compound? a compound like this, this really resonates, if you see something say something. the neighbors should have raised holy hell brian: there is no neighbors. there are enough survivalists and others off the grid, you know, i understand they appreciate people s privacy but when you have little children running around in tattered rags, and you hear gun shots on regular basis. they raided the place.
they came up with a ar-15. five or six fully shot or loaded 30-round magazines. the allegation, i haven t seen corroboration of it yet. the allegation they were training the older, the teenagers, the 15, 14-year-old to go shoot up a school. this is horrifying thing. so aberrant, this behavior, you can t ignore it. you have to become involved. that is why you really do. steve: geraldo, have a great weekend. brian: talk to you on the radio. ashley: behind you is jillian. jillian: morning. how are you? we re following a number stories guys, we ll start with one out of tennessee the state executes first inmate in a decade. he was put to death by lethal injection for murdering a 7-year-old girl he was babysitting in 1985. they denied his request to have
it postponed. he used his final words to say he was quote, really sorry. the state hadn t executed anyone since 2009 due to difficulty finding heat this injection chemicals. a coach charged with assault after a man he punched died. jamil jones punch the man in new york and he fell on the concrete. unclear why he punched man or if they knew each other. in a statement the north carolina school says they will comment further once they receive details on the incident. former ohio state wrestler is backing off the claim that congressman jim jordan new of sex abuse at the school. a former ufc champion says the comments about the then assistant coach are not accurate. coleman said, maybe i spoke without thinking. i was angry and said words i shouldn t have. other former athletes say dr. richard straus assaulted
them before killing himself. others accused jordan knowing about it which he denies. an artist tired of seeing the president s star destroyed over and over again is taking matters into his own hands. strategically placing them around liberal activist rob reiner. the city council of west hollywood voted to remove the real star. he says if anyone rips up his stars or he will tear them. steve: they are stickers. they look real. brian: engine newt. ashley: thank you, jillian. coming the first of its kind in the nation. colleges being forced to provide abortion medications. do you think that is a good idea? steve: we asked to you email us, what do you think space force logo should be? your answers, a little poll
going on, are out of this world, we ll share them. brian: bottom right, red one. ashley: i like bottom middle. help prevent this! talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough.
ashley: california lawmakers are taking up a bill that would make the state the first in our country to mandate that public universities offer medication abortion as part of basic student health services. our next guest says this is the leftest proabortion, not pro-choice agenda. set contributor to dale hi wire dot-com and author of, the unholy trinity. he joins us now. thank you, matt for joining us. thanks for having me. ashley: how does this all work? what are your thoughts about it? this first thought i support the california secession movement. they will recruit the entire state of california into the space force and send them to a different solar system or something like that. here is what i m thinking. i know it is crazy, what if rather than supplying a abortion medication, quote, unquote to college students, what if we taught them a little bit about responsibility, how to control themselves, how to be responsible? we wouldn t have to rely on abortion drugs because that s what the state of california, that is their argument, this is
needed because kids in college are getting abortions so frequently. maybe we should go to the root of that. why are they getting abortions so frequently. that is my thought. ashley: 500 students at california public university, they seek this abortion medication every month, the senator who wrote this bill, connie leyva says the kids travel far to get the medication. she wants it available to all the kid. you can take the pill up to 10 weeks into your pregnancy. she writes this, no woman makes this choice lightly, but when you need it, you need to have access. matt, who will pay for this? well they claim it will be paid for by private grants and that kind of thing this is the game they always play abortion. well the money goes to planned parenthood doesn t fund the abortions except that money is fungible. so if you are supporting planned parenthood with tax money, at least indirectly you re funding the abortions. same thing with public universities. if the tax money is going to public university, that is then
turning around and using some money, somewhere, using some resources to fund abortions we are indirectly at least supporting that. by the way abortion medication is a misnomer. medication is something that heals and treats you where abortion medication is something that ends human life. it is not medication. it is not necessary. it is never necessary. so there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to supply it. ashley: matt walsh, thank you so much. thank you. ashley: has to get through the senate in order to get to the governor s desk. philadelphia s mayor, you saw the video when a judge ruled he could keep protecting illegals in sanctuary city. sanctuary city. yes. ashley: now one of those illegals is accused of a horrific crime. so could this happen in texas? never according to the governor there. he is here next. but first, here is cody johnson performing, with you i am.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. to fit into this dress, i ll tell you that. maybe something in this box. i don t want you to get too excited. oh. [laughter]. brian: i love that documentary. some quick headlines now, you remember him from movies like pretty woman. richard gere could be gearing up, get it, for brand new role.
congressman. he is being floated by for westchester, new york, to replace current congressman sean patrick maloney. turns out he was not irish enough. no comment from the 68-year-old activist. rich gere never faced this iconic role but a new face could. the name is bond, james bond. brian: all right. producers are reportedly looking at idri i elba as next 007. once daniel craig wraps up the another bond film. this is released by entertainment weekly is going viral. from the upcoming movie, ralph breaks the internet and wreck-it ralph 2 , that comes out in november. why does that wrecking the internet? i don t get it. ashley: every little girl in america wants to be at the slumber party. brian: they don t usually dress casual? ashley: i m not sure about that.
first time princesses are seen in their pajamas. ashley: mayor of philadelphia was seen dancing and now he is being blamed for the assault of a little girl. steve: they are accused giving that man who was in the country illegally a free pass after they dropped the charges before he assault ad small girl. brian: this is what potentially could happen especially where sanctuary cities flourish. why is that happening in our cities? here is governor greg abbott with the answer to that. texas there is no sanctuary how many sanctuary cities do you actually have in texas? well right now, brian, sanctuary cities are banned in the state of texas. i think texas is the first or maybe the only state in the united states that passed a law banning sanctuary cities. but what is going on in philadelphia, like alice in
wonderland story, topsy-turvy the mayor is blaming i.c.e. or the federal government for trying to enforce the laws, being the cause of this rape. that is insanity. it is the sanctuary cities policies attract and allow in people who committees heinous crimes, just exactly what happened to kate steinle of san francisco, what happened in philadelphia, not only story like this. but going back in texas, we passed that law two years ago to make sure we would not have occasions like this. it is, it is a crime for law enforcement officials, for elected officials in the state of texas to promote or to support sanctuary city policies. and so, we will take swift action against any official in the state of texas that promotes or accepts sanctuary city policies because we have banned sanctuary cities in the state of texas. steve: governor, let s talk a little bit how you re trying to reform the bail system down in texas. i know after law enforcement
agent was killed, his widow approached you. you have proposed the damon allen act in his honor. tell us about that. sure. damon allen was killed by a man who had twice been arrested for assaulting law enforcement officers. the second time the person who, the magistrate who gave him bail to let him back out on the street did not have all the information knowing about the crimes he had committed. this man was out on bail on $15,000 bail. and on thanksgiving day, he gunned down damon allen. damon allen was member of texas department of public safety, who pulled over the criminal for speeding. while he was writing the ticket, the criminal came out and gunned down damon allen. bottom line, what we want to do is several things. we want to make sure all magistrates will allow bail will have full information across the state of texas about any crimes that may have been committed by
the person who is seeking bail. but secondly, with an emphasis on any crimes against law enforcement officers. we want to make sure that it is highest level of court judge which is state district judge in the state of texas make the bail decision as opposed to what happened in this case. a justice of the peace in texas, justice of peace are not required to have a law degree. bottom line we want to do more to protect the law enforcement officials themselves is so we can have a safer texas. ashley: you re growing the economy down in texas. jock growing surged ahead of the nation. annualized job growth through june is 3.6%. how are you doing that. the texas economy is on fire. i will add one more stat to it. we have 1000 people moving to the state of texas every single day. the reason is because texas is the home of economic opportunity. here is how we do it. the formula is simple and replicable. every state can do this. we have low taxes, try to cut
taxes. we have right to work laws and reduce regulations. we have rule of law laws with regard to sanctuary cities we don t tolerate violation of law. i ask ceos why is it you re coming to the state of texas. they all tell me the same thing. texas has the best workforce in the united states. we promote economic opportunity. we promote free enterprise. that what attracts entrepreneurs to the state of texas. they know they can come here and grow here. ashley: no state tax. no income tax. steve: all right. governor greg abbott joins us from austan, texas, the capital city. thanks, governor. ashley: thanks, governor. thank you. brian: straight ahead, securing the border big time. wait until we tell you who is coming over the border now. a story you will not hear any place else. ashley: are you a little bit country or a little bit rock and roll? the answer could completely change your love life.
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brian: wow. women who listen to songs like this, this, are 68% more likely to connect with someone. ashley: this. steve: roll it. start me up, start me up, i never stop, never stop, never stop steve: i remember when that came out. classic rock could be the key to finding love. a study looked at more than nine million profiles and found that a lot of people, more people, like classic rock, what is going on with that? we brought in dr. kevin layman to talk about something else. he is the author of the books, making children mine without losing yours, education a la carte. there are a couple of his books. he has written about a million of them. what do you make of the music study? i sort of think it is interesting that those men, country guys, women like that. ashley: they do. i think they see more down-to-earth real person, maybe
authentic. ashley: strong. not afraid to get his hands dirty. brian: do you like that? ashley: just saying. ashley: you didn t dance to country music but you were damsing with the rock and roll. i m an old rock and roller. i have five jukeboxes in my house. ashley: that is the point. men like rock an roll. we do like to rock and roll. steve: we called you in, there was a story, davidson college in south carolina ashley: really good school. steve: professors will allow students to grade themselves. you have to sign a contract say i m going to do all the work but then the kid actually gets to give themselves a grade. steve, you tell that to a donkey, he will kick your brains out. it is amazing to me. this is another avenue, down through la-la land. the culture we bring up kids today in. not only is this trophy stuff, everybody gets a trophy, now you get to pick your trophy. that is crazy. move over jim carrey, this is
dumber than dumber. brian: melissa gonzalez says, each student will determine what grade they plan to earn in the course and will sign a contract indicating the work that they will do in order to earn that grade. why is this important? it can help students focus on learning more than on grades, therefore make progress in their learning with less anxiety. what is wrong with that theory? well, brian, lots of things. notice only two people, i read the study only two people signed up. if more people don t sign up, it will be canceled. so, i raised five kids. we have six charter schools out in the west in arizona and colorado. what i know about education is this. kids like structure. they actually like to please us. kid the actually want to please their parents. students want to please their instructors. and they know when they haven t earned something. there is something wonderful about earning it.
steve: what does it say to a society you do something like that in college, you go out and get a job, suddenly the job is a lot different than school? steve, it prepares them in fine fashion for a world that doesn t exist. ask any employer how difficult is it to get people to simply do what you asked them to do? young people today, want to start at the top. nobody seems to want to work their way through it. just part of our society deteriorating before our eyes. but i can tell you we build those schools, lehman academy of excellence, we put authority in the classroom teachers hands. brian: people embrace that regimen. kids want some structure. they do. even hermit needs a society to hermit from. brian: you know what i m saying? good point. authoritarianism, we know that doesn t work, but neither does permissiveness. would you turn that music down, i m trying to finish your science project!
we snowplow the road for kids and wonder ashley: what is the best advice for parents? somewhere in the middle? be thor that s tiff parent. ashley: be, okay. let your yes be yes. your no be no. how much sense does that make. don t be afraid to pull the rug out. let the little buzzards stumble. you will not damage their psyche. we put helmets on them at birth. anyone successful in leave life even steve doocy. we know there is failure in your life. we don t have enough time. ashley: gave himself an f. failure is part of learning about life. brian: tell that to jillian. straight as. jillian: never failed anything. ashley: two people at college signed up for the class. give myself an a-plus. but i m signing up. brian: back to education.
ashley: take it away. jillian: serious news to get to right now, how about this? an officer s heart stops for five minutes after a shootout. the dramatic video was just released of that shootout that nearly killed a state trooper. take a look at this. daniel clary pulled over by pennsylvania troopers for speeding. asked to do a field sobriety test. he stumbles all over the road. when the troopers come to place cuffs on him. he bolts. troopers had to use a taser. that didn t work. watch what happens next. [gunfire] jillian: unthinkable. one of troopers throws himself over the guardrail. putting tourniquet. he was so badly injured his heart stopped for five minutes on way to the hospital. incredibly both troopers survived. not just central americans
heading into our country. immigrants from india are flooding a tiny station outnumbering every group but mexicans. border agents captured six indians. this year 3400. they are eager for high value cargo like indianss paying up to $25,000 for the journey. our william la jeunesse will have more on the story coming up on america s newsroom at 9:30 eastern. on duty police officer looking for help in cell phone store like any of us is denied service by employee. the massachusetts officer, dan collins was left hanging at the shop near boston, that employee out of a job. the store is apologizing saying the employee refused to help several customers, not just the officer. the police department has accepted the apology. those are the headlines. send it back to you. steve: let s see. go out to the streets of new york city. janice dean, the weather machine.
the big concert is about to start. cody is here on stage. getting ready to perform. are you guys having a good time? [cheering] i just heard cody is from texas. everybody says people are nice in texas. is that true? yes. everybody in the crowd here. what are you doing here today? supporting my friends. your friends are in the band. you re in the band? not really. happened to be here. saw they were being here. i always wanted to say i m withed band. cody, can i say i m in the band? he says yes. look at map. real exciting. it is beautiful day for a summer concert series here in new york city. no rain. we could see rain in the forecast this weekend. looking at a little bit of rain across the southwest. still dry for california and northwest. are you guys ready for a wonderful concert?! [cheering] we ll go back inside. cody and his band i m with the band. i need a t-shirt. ashley: janice, you re too cute.
brian: 18 minutes to the top of the hour. robert mueller and james comey claim they are committed to rule of law but our next guest says they are nothing more than swamp creatures. steve hilton here with a preview of his exclusive expose next. steve: first, here is cody johnson once again with nothing on you. you ve always impressed when you walk through the door clud, which most pills don t. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist.
we are going to washington to drain the swamp. comey and mueller are the target of his swamp of watch this weekend. here with a preview, steve hilton the host of the next revolution, that is to say, airs sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. you re taking aim at comey and mueller. what have they done? exactly, steve. the next revolution, we have big revelations sunday night as you said just then. the thing is, when you look at comey and mueller, right, you listen to the d.c. establishment you hear all the time they re straight shooters, such decent people. you know, you would think they re practically saints. we took a look at them, look at their record. not just in government but outside government, when they used famous revolving door between public service and the right sector, and it turns out they re not saints. they re swamp creatures. mueller and comey are swamp creatures just like all the rest of them, personally cashing in
on their government service to make money. but worse than that, to help their clients get insider favors steve: like who? to help their businesses. one of the big ones we ll be exposing is really bad when you think about the role that james comey played, before he was at the fbi, he was for many years at the justice department, rising to deputy attorney general. he really pushed the whole idea of the surveillance state, using technology to spy on people. he then leaves government and joins one of the biggest private sector companies enacting the surveillance state in the world. steve: that is how it works. it is unbelievable when you think about the way these two, mueller and comey in particular are treated better than everyone else. they are exactly the same. they re as corrupt as everyone else. we will expose the details on our show this sunday. ainsley: steve, how much money are they making? unbelievable. look at the rise in wealth. as he left, the justice
department he was on the public sector salary, his wealth was around 200,000, something like that. just in a couple of years he is worth multiple millions of dollars. just cashing in on his public service with that big contractor. mueller as well, going into law firms, helping clients that have direct connections with the business that he used to look after in the public sector. it is there just the same as all the others. brian: steve, i guess our country threating you down a little bit as you came to our people, right? we re doing our best to expose it, brian and we re going to drain the swamp. we ll do it together. steve: we ll watch sunday night 9:00 p.m. on the channel. ainsley: love your show, steve, thank you. brian: there he is looking at us in a different direction. thanks, steve hilton. he is one of country music s rising stars, is making his national television debut today. cody johnson performs life on our plaza. some say he is doing it there. steve: first bill hemmer performs in ten minutes. the immigration fight in court, who wins this round?
we ll tell you about that. is nancy pelosi a problem for democrats in the midterms? what some democrats are saying about that the president a moment ago sounding off on the nfl yet again. the head of nays is a is here to tell us how space force will change the game. america s a team is lining up. america s a team is lining up. nine to morning. see you then. that s a lot less bulky. always discreet. (burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even vengeful vermin.
not so cute when they re angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
love i lost i ve been kicked around, i ve been black and blue, on my way all the stars i ve seen, all the songs i ve sung, all the beers i ve drank, all the damage done i was just passing the tile, kind of just passing through, on my way to you [audio difficulty]
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20180810 20:00:00

followed. it will amount to a declaration of complication war and it will warn a response with economic means, political means and, if necessary, other means. our american friends should understanding that now, that threat follows this week s announced u.s. sanctions on moscow for its use of a nerve agent to target a former russian spy on british soil. those sanctions, by the way, which could ratchet up even more in 90 days just the latest blow to the russian economy and, in particular, its currency. i don t have to tell you this, you know. this but for the folks at home who are unaware, the president s dollar diplomacy sent the ruble plummeting. their currency is down 7% for the week. its worst week in over three years. it is absolutely cratering. as for the state department. here is what heather nauert had to say. she said secretary pompeo spoke with russian counter part sergey lavrov. secretary pompeo reiterated the u.s. seeks an improved
the 10-year treasury yield settled lowest level since mid july. with those levels the yield curve is narrowing. that means banks make less money when they lend. not surprisingly bank stocks were one of the groups that weighed in in on stocks. in u.k. and europe, stocks down across the board. european banking stocks down on concerns about lender s exposure to debts in turkey the turkish lehr are a hit a record low vest success the u.s. dollar. president trump authorized a doubling metals tariff on turkey quoting the president s tweet tariffs on loom aluminu our relations with turkey are not good at this time. there is an added diplomatic layer to the tension that turkish delegates returned from d.c. with no apparent progress on releasing an american pastor who was detained in turkey in 2016. turkish authorities accuse pastor brunson of supporting a failed coup attempt
against tuckery s president erdogan and his government earlier that year. the pastor has denied the charges but still being held in turkey. also another diplomatic issue has turkey s plan to acquire russian missile defense system. the trump administration has objected that that situation. unclear if turkey will change its mind. president erdogan has spoken with russian president putin and discussed strengthening economic ties between the two countries. trish, a lot for investors to digest today and this week. back to you. trish: for sure. thank you so much, deed draft today s sell off warranted or is this overblown? let s ask our guests. kevin, what say you? the thing with turkey is clearly a garden variety currency crisis rooted in a country that was driving growth and spending beyond its needs. so it had been needing to import capital for years and
i don t believe it s a systemic problem. is the eu going to break up. german branches holding a lot of greece. german banks learned their lesson. spanish banks own about $30 billion of turkish debt followed by france 13 billion and italy. i don t believe the contagion effect with greece is something that the market should worry about. i think it s a bit overdone. trish: i think you are right it s a bit overdone. the market is worried to sell off rather significantly with nothing that s motivated the sell-off here in this country. so, kevin, back to you for a moment, i mean is, this just sort of one and done it s friday in the summer and people are kind of looking for a reason to sell or is this something that you think is going to be a problem as we go into next week and the rest of the summer? well, you can t item. you ve seen this in the past in other emerging market economies. that has often necessitated a bailout of some kind. we have to see what happens here. but, the reality is, their
debt is an asset to somebody else. if their debt becomes impaired, then those other assets held on someone else s balance sheet become problematic as well. so, we have been overweight. u.s. equities here in the united states. u.s. assets because we think that growth is better here. and underweight overseas and especially emerging markets. trish: you look at the kohl s of our debt in terms of what we are paying for interest rates it keeps moving down. it s good to see both of you. thank you so much. meanwhile russia slamming any additional sanctions by the u.s.s. as an act of economic war. and vowing to fight back not just economically and politically but by, quote: other means. what exactly does that mean other means? how serious a threat should that be? how should we take it rebeccah heinrichs is with the hudson institute and joins me now. good to see you. good to see you, too. trish: other means. what are we supposed to think that. the russians threaten. this is what they do. we shouldn t not take it
seriously. so, you know, any time this is a nuclear power we should take it, you know, a little bit seriously. this is kind of what they do. they threaten aggression. back in march the united states kicked out those 60 russian spies out of the u.s. so this is sort of this is ratcheting up our response to the russian s use to a weapons grade nerve agent on u.k. soil to try to as iassassinate this former spy. so this is just a consequence of their actions. trish: rebecca, what i love about this is we have so much economic power. and we can use it i would much rather see us use our economic power than any kind of military power. that should be last resort. right? you use everything you can economically speaking to try and to try to influence these actors. and we know, i mean, given russia s economy right now, walk us through it. they can t withstand a lot of these sanctions from us. can they? the ruble is falling in value they have a weak economy. the trump administration
knows. this that s something that is incredibly unique about the trump administration it s perfectly willing to use the full weight of the american economy. to strengthen the american economy and we would it in foreign policy and use all these diplomatic levers and tools to implement american foreign policy, everything short of military force but, also, you know, having this sort of foreboding credible military force should everything fail. it s actually having great effect. this is an administration that s been incredibly tough towards russia and the russians understand strength and resolve afternoon that s what they are getting from the trump administration. trish: interesting because the left keep criticizing this administration saying it s too soft on russia. if you look at the actual policies and if you drill down on that what you see they are anything but soft. that s right. because president trump has a different rhetoric that he uses towards adversaries but it s not just russia. the president s opponents like to pick on russia. he is the same way towards
committee jinping and kim jong un and other authorities because he tries to have a good personal relationship with them to see if he can have a diplomatic break through while not relenting at all as a matter of policy. trish: really, really interesting and very different from anything we have seen from previous presidents, i think. his rhetoric when we see him in the room with these leaders is quite charming and he has that charm offensive going on. and, yet, the policies themselves are pretty challenging for these leaders. for example, what we are seeing in russia u is it going to get us anywhere? is it going to change the situation in a material way? rebecca? i think out important thing here is that we can t let the russians get away with just impunity on using chemical weapons. we have these banned. we have seen the russians give cover towards assad using chemical weapons in syria. then this weapons grade nerve agent in the u.k. this has got to stop. the big thing here is to compel the russians to understand this is not going to be something that we tolerate. so you just continue to show
resolve. continue to show where the united states is not willing to budge. then can you play ball with the russians in other areas where there might be some overlapping. the russians, again, they understand strength and we have a better relationship with them if they understand where the resolve and hard lines are. trish: sounds like a strategy. rebeccah heinrichs, thank you very much. thanks. trish: nfl players kneeling again and president trump is needling. he said they should stand proudly for the national anthem or lose their pay. how is the league going to handle this? how should they? burgess owens has some ideas. he is next. he challenged her to a debate to hash out the issues. now democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez is comparing his offer to catcalling. what is ben shapiro saying? you will find out because is he here. is he only here. we will see you right after this.
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trish: might be preseason football some nfl players are in full game mode when it comes to protesting the national anthem and president trump is already tackling the issue. let s go right now to fox news channel trace gallagher who has the latest for us. hey, trace. hey, trish. there were a dozen games last night. three involved national protests including jacksonville jaguar players staying in the locker room. then the tampa bay bucks game robert quinn raised a fist like he did last season and dolphin receivers albert wilson and kenny stils each took a knee. being a part of this protest hasn t been easy. you know, i thought i was going to be by myself out there. and today i had an angel with me with albert being out there. and, you know, i m grateful that he sees what s happening and he wants to stand up and do something about it as well. and for the steelers
eagles game the eagles malcolm jenkins and raised their fist. jenkins says he is trying to get the conversation going and not waiting to see what the league does. you may recall back in the spring the nfl said players who kneel or sit during the anthem would be fine. when the union balked at that the nfl suspended the rule. now it appears the league is leaning back in that direction saying and i m quoting all player and nonpersonnel non-player personnel on the field at the time are expected to stands during the presentation of the flag and performance of the anthem. personnel who do not wish to do so can choose to remain in the locker room. and the president, as you noted certainly hasn t changed his stance tweeting, quoting again: be happy, be cool. a football game that fans are paying so much money to watch and enjoy is no place to protest. most of that money goes to the players anyway. find another way to protest. stand proudly for your national anthem or be suspended without pay.
and the regular season is one month away. trish? trish: thanks so much, trace. i want to get right to my next guest former nfl player burgess owens right now. the author of the new book why i stand. sir, good to have you here. what do you think about this right now? hi, trish. trish: what does the nfl need to be doing in your view. trish, the focus right now is on these players. i think we need to go further than that. we have an organization that the last three years now should have gotten this right. keep in mind they lost over 20% of viewership over the last two years. capped out at 13 billion. lost tv revenue. they can t sit down and figure out a way to make sure that the employees, people that work for them protect and respect their brand. there is something more to this than meets the eye. this is what i want people to understand. at the same time you have a commissioner being paid $40 million per year. only 10% of that by the way is guaranteed. the rest is based on incentives. projecting here capped out
here 13 billion. projecting 9 years from now to be 25 billion around the world. with foreign nfl players in china and france and mexico. this is not by accident. these guys understanding they re leftist globalist and that s all i need to say about that. trish: leftist globalists. come on. they have benefited from the opportunity that they have been given. they are talented athletes. they have worked hard at their athletic craft. they have excelled at it. they are making a lot of money and they are leftist globalists? no, no. not the owners. the players. trish: i m talking about the players. no. the players basically young men who have been brought up in these socialist environments. they have never pledge the flag. never said a prayer. 70% of these young men don t have fathers unlike the generation i grew up in. they will be used and abused and discarded. they will lose their careers. have their brand to follow later on is these owners that understand this game.
they understand the profitability they have around the world. they want to make as much as they can. they don t mind using black players to get there. trish: i had not thought about it that way, mr. owens. that s an interesting viewpoint on it to me, roger goodell, like ought to be thinking about ratings. ought to be thinking about ticket sales in the u.s. it is an american sport. and the majority of his profit was are still from the united states of america. and if you have got americans saying i don t want to watch this anymore. i m turning it off because i don t feel like these guys out there on the field have any appreciation for this great country we live in, then that s going to hurt your business. well, you would think so. but, understand, goodell is not like the goodell in the past or al davis. it s not about america. it s about how much profit globally. they see themselves as the new soccer league. a world sport. not an american sport. trish: is it that popular overseas?
when you are talking about $25 billion in profits over next seven to nine years they see a way of getting there we have to understanding that s just the way these people think. trish: let me ask you this, are they afraid roger goodell and team owners afraid of players walking off the field and that s part of what is motivating their lack of willingness to clamp down on this? trish, if you think at the nba they feel the exact same way. they don t do it because they have rules and regulations and they know the consequences. the nfl this is the wild, wild west. let these guys and kids, not kids, younger men do whatever they want to do because they are not putting in place parameters. trish: i have to leave it there. alexandria ocasio-cortez accusing conservative ben shapiro of catcalling after he challenges her to a debate tweeting: i don t know a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions. we couldn t get her but we certainly did get ben.
for some reason, they feel entitled to one. whoa. we called alexandria ocasio-cortez and asked her to come on the show she is yet to respond. you know who did respond no other than ben shapiro for his first interview since that tweet. ben, it s good to see you. first of all, quickly. trish: she is making news with you here. quick comment. first of all, how dare you cat call alexandria ocasio-cortez by inviting her on your show. how dare you, that s sexism in action there. trish: apparently. what do you think of that though? to use that term, which, you know, to remind everyone, a woman walking down the street and someone, you know, whistles or something. that s catcalling. how is what you did asking her to have an intellectual debate on the actual issues, how is that in any way relevant or similar to a cat call? catcalling must be very weird in queens. i don t know construction worker standing on street corners shouting to women
hey baby you want to have hour long discussion about trade policies economic vest success neo marks ix economics. it gets strange in her district apparently. some folks on the left jumping to sort of intersectional defense in which anybody who requests a discussion or debate must be evil by their very nature. right? i m a man, therefore i m catcalling her even though as an orthodox jew i have never cat called a woman in my entire life. it s catcalling i guess because if i suggest that i want to have a conversation, i m demanding a response. well, every request is a request. all she had though say here is nah. that would be fine. she has got that prerogative. but sheet goes around talking about how trish: serve a victim. we need to take as much money we can from everybody else to redistribute it. that s what socialism is about. so she just playing that victim card? no question. and the fact that she feels the necessary toy go to this particular card, right? to play the i m a female and therefore i m being
their life. instead, it turned into her invoking victim status which rallies the base. there is no question folks in the media are very excited about it leftist response to her tweet. alexandria ocasio-cortez responds to everybody on the left wants to responds to those on the right. wondering why many people are turning away from the intersection than ever? trish: one of the things that made us great is appreciation for intellectual diversity. being able to have civil debates. being able to share ideas. that s how we evolve and get better. when one side isn t even willing to have the conversation, where does that leave us as a country? that is a serious problem. what s absurd is there is a bunch of folks on the left responded to this entire controversy mainstream commentator why don t have you me on your show and i m like okay. they will don t know how to respond to that because i m happy to have conversations with folks on the left. i have conversations with folks on the left all the time. the left doesn t want to open the overton window enough to have conversations with anybody on the right.
trish: they automatically assume they are right. you are wrong. they don t want to be proven otherwise with any kind of factual knowledge. i mean, look, you know, i think if you go out and you ask anyone and you know this, americans believe in opportunity, right, and prosperity. it s just in our d.n.a. it s part of what this country was founded on. do you have around the world and whether you are talking about venezuela or cuba or denmark where they charge well over 50% in taxes at the federal rate so everybody is working for the government where you pay 180% tax on a car which is more than the cost of a car or did you go to college and get a spip pen, they plan on five years but everybody is taking six plus years because you are being paid to go to a free college. it shows you when you look at their debt levels even in denmark it just doesn t work. does it? i mean, this is the serious problem with a lot of socialist philosophy is that they re constantly shifting the goal post. their education system is good or healthcare system is good. or is it that all of these systems are built to top a
capital et fast maybe these countries are prosperous in the first place. these are conversations that should be had but alexandria ocasio-cortez is not interested in having them. trish: let me ask you about the harassment of conservative commentator candace owens and charlie kirk. i feel luck i didn t even coach at restaurants where most of the people around me are members of my community because i would like to be able to get through a meal in peace apparently charlie and candace cannot. trish: you know, ben, i will tell you one thing, had you debated her, my money is on you. it would have been fun. oh well. trish: thank you so much. thank you for being here first. forget peter strzok and his involvement in the russia probe. why this is the guy how republicans are zeroing in on right now. so is my next guest judicial watch president tom fitton pursuing the justice department for more information and he is here next.u
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the care that ctca brings is the kind of care i ve wanted for my patients. being able to spend time with them, have a whole team to look after them is fantastic. i empower women with choices. it s not just picking a surgeon. it s picking the care team, and feeling secure where you are. surround yourself with the team of breast cancer experts at cancer treatment centers of america. visit appointments available now. trish: hearing for supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh he will appear judiciary committee tuesday september 4th. the hearing expected to last the entire week. we have more after this.
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my next guest is suing for documents involvingor and others. tom fitton the president of judicial watch joins me now. tom, good to see you. hey, trish, how are you? trish: what do you think might be there? what is your concern surrounding oar. >ohr s conversations with j ps hired by the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic national committee who quote investigate trump they came up with the dossier authored by christopher steele. ohr s problem was he involved himself in that investigation and his wife was hired by fusion gps. nellie ohr. so we have been asking for documents and having to sue repeatedly on these very issues. and we just had to file yet another lawsuit to get this basic information about what ohr was up to with fusion gps and steele. have you got to include peter strzok who had this anti-trump agenda that included having an insurance policy wanting to stop trump. you have bruce ohr whose wife worked at fusion gps the clinton campaign vendor. you had christopher steele who another judicial watch
lawsuit showed the fbi deemed not to be a suitable confidential human source. but who, according to documents leaked to congress this week show that ohr was meeting with repeatedly to launder his information back into the fbi. it s a wholly created mess the way steele was handled. ohr is at the center of it. strzok, ohr. congress is on the right track and finally asking these people questions. it s been too long. trish: it certainly seems pretty incestuous here. that s the right word. trish: given the fbi, given fusion gps and then you get over to the british spy who went and solicited information from his russian contacts. let me ask you something, tom, do you think there is any chance that vladimir putin might have known this was all going on? i mean, if you want to use the greatest thing in our society against us, which is the openness of our society. maybe you re able to do that in a way that really
undermines our faith in our institutions. well, it looks like steele may have been using russia linked sources to drum up this salacious and unverified dossier targeting trump. and why were the russians trying to make trump look bad? were they trying to hold something over trump in order to get him to do things? why wasn t trump warned about this prior to his being elected to the presidency? you know, look at the way they treated president trump with dianne feinstein. trish: that s a really good comparison, right? they went and warned her and told her hey, we think you may have a spy among your staff members and she was able to deal with that as opposed to this situation. and the government just starts spying on the campaign. certainly not the same kind of treatment. let me ask you, this tom. the clinton campaign was the vehicle for the russians to intimidate trump and try to make trump miserable.
trish: what are you trying to get from the doj? what specific documents are you looking for. we are looking for communications between ohr, his wife, fusion gps and christopher steele. and have you got to ask all different offices in the justice department if you are pursuing one topic have you file multiple freedom of information acts and lawsuits. the problem with this justice department is you can t get any answers, you can t get any documents without a lawsuit. and we have had to file more lawsuits against this justice department, i think, than any previous justice department that we have been dealing with. trish: have you been very busy filing away. keep it up because americans need information. thank you tom fitton, good to see you. you are welcome. trish: democrats may be fighting for control of congress in november. house minority leader nancy pelosi facing a big fight of her own. we ll have more on that next.
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will you vote for nancy pelosi? probably not. probably not? that s my answer. no, probably not. trish: that was michigan democratic congressional candidate rashida tlaib joins a list of democratic candidates distancing herself from pelosi. does this hurt her chances in possibly taking the gavel in november? joining us right now washington examiner gabby. it seems like they are all trying to run for the hills when nancy pelosi is involved. they don t want to be associated with her, what s going on? we are seeing a lot of democrats, trish, trying to distance themselves. they are waffling when they re asked whether or not they would support another bid for the speakership by pelosi if democrats took back the house this fall. i think a lot of the reason for this is that they see
nancy pelosi widely as this beltway elitist. somebody who has been in washington for decades and though she might have the fundraising expertise and the political experience, she would be almost 80 years old as a speaker of the house. trish: all right. i m going to leave age out of it for a second. because, you know, look, my father-in-law is 92 and he is still in great shape. let s just leave age out of it that aside, what is it about her ideas that feel old for the party? i think, you know, the age thing is important. a lot of what we are hearing from these democrats, particularly the 5140 have signed on to this movement to sort of distance themselves from nancy pelosi and say that they wouldn t support her, if she decided to run for speaker is that they want fresh blood. they want people who are in touch with young democrats. the young progressives who are sort of running for congress right now. people like alexandria ocasio-cortez and that s one of the reasons why this is so sort of concerning for a
lot of moderate voters, independent voters and even blue. trish: don t have to go that way gabby, right? have you folks like tim ryan out in the middle of the country that would like to give nancy pelosi a run for her money. he represents the new blue collar roots. still a capitalist we are talking capitalism vs. socialism. who would have thought. they could be seeking out people like that. why do you have to go so far left? i think that s the direction this party is moving in right now. certainly tim ryan is somebody who would likely launch a bid for the speakership if the democrats take back control. is he somebody who has expressed an interest in doing so. he would be the most or one of the most viable candidates for that position. and probably one of the wisest choices for democrats at this point in time. but, we have seen the democrats move so far to the left, just in the first year and a half of this presidency that it is very
likely they could also put up a candidate for the speakership or house minority leader depending on election outcome this fall that would be very progressive, that would be somebody who is endorsed impeachment efforts, that would be somebody who has endorsed abolishing ice. that is not outside the realm of possibility with the current democratic party. trish: yeah, except once again they would be committing political suicide because the i think the majority of americans push comes to shove would not go for that anyway, gabby, good to see you. thank you very much. thanks, trish. trish: kanye west getting grilled by jimmy kimmel last night all because he supports president trump. do you think he is a good president? yes. were you ever concerned about her being alone in the oval office with president trump? you so famously and so powerfully said george bush doesn t care about black people make me wonder what makes you think that donald trump does.
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call or visit everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me. um-huh. and then told me every time i said i liked trump that i couldn t say it out loud or my career would be over, i would get kicked out of the black community. you can t bully me. liberals can t bully me. news can t bully me. the hip hop community can t bully me because at that point if i m afraid to be me i m no longer ye. trish: kanye west defending his support for president trump in an interview with jimmy kimmel last night. the media now slamming the rapper for what he did and did not say is any of this fair we are asking racial equality spokesperson nigel ennis and robin bureau. starting with you, niger, what do you make of this?
you are not allowed to support trump by the way? i m sorry? trish: he is note allowed to support trump because is he african-american? oh, trish, there is an intellectual tyranny in hollywood, the hip hop community, within black america, hispanic america, even among some called feminists if you get off of the plantation that you are supposed to be on because of identity politics or identity industry, then you have hell to pay. let me give you a really frightening example. louis farrakhan who is not i have not been the biggest fan of his over the years there is no question is he an extremely influential powerful historic figure louis farrakhan flirted with the possibility of voting for donald trump and kicking open the door for noi folk to vote for donald trump. he got so much pressure put on him that within a few
days he had to distract the world with anti-semitic greatest hits. if you can intimidate louis farrakhan or give louis farrakhan pause, can you imagine what goes on for the rank and file black or hispanic or woman that wants to support donald trump openly? trish: yeah, you know, kanye west is lucky in that he is not rank and file. what he says has a pretty big impact and there are so many members of the african-american community right now, robin that are saying look, you know, this is great. our community has better access to jobs right now. the economy is doing better. black unemployment lowest level it s been in recent history. same with unemployment levels for women, for hispanics. minority communities in a better economy are seeing much more opportunity. does this make the left nervous? you know, not really, this is continuing a trend that started in 2010.
which coincidently which is when the aca went into effect. npr actually did a good study where they fact checked this and they showed that it is basically a straight line of continuing the employment for the black community. trish: i get it the jobs we are seeing right now is all because of oklahoma. is that what you are going to tell me? i m saying it s continuing the trend that started in 2010. and it s been a steady trend. it didn t have a big bump when donald trump took office. i don t know trish: niger? 2010 is also the beginning of the tea party actually not the beginning but it s when the tea party reached its full zenith and the house of representatives was taken back by the republicans and nearly took the united states senate as well. we can go to any particular year and actually, i would
actually argue the fact very serious phenomenon was the fact that republicans had more power in 2010 and come 2011, they were more of a check on obama manifesting ultimately his far left agenda. and i do believe that that had an impact probably positive impact on an economy that could have been much worse than it was during those last few years of the obama years. trish: let me get back to the issue at hand here. robin, why is it that a black american cannot come out and say without getting ridiculed. without getting tarred and feathered so to speak by other members of the left? why can t an african-american say i support this president? i like his policies? how come? nothing is stopping him from doing that this is kanye being kanye. i m glad he is being his authentic self. i m glad he is very happy for kim getting clemens for
alice johnson. that was wonderful. trish: you heard what he said. they told him it was going to ruin his career. why? he also said though that he loves donald trump the same way i loves his brother who is incarcerated for murder who did bad things. trish: all right. you are pivoting here. you are going off on a tangent because the question i m just trying to answer and it keeps coming up over and over and over again. niger, i will let you take a stab at this one. the left is so intolerant of anybody s opinions or views it s my way or the highway. i think real diversity includes that diversity of thought and you are welcome to your own opinion. but why can t someone like kanye west do that without risking his career? you know, it s so interesting. a good buddy of mine deroy murdock, a fox news contributor always would say how is it that if you say
that all blacks lookalike that s racist but if you order, demand or assume that all blacks think alike,that s somehow not racist. trish: all right. wow. we ll be right back. thanks so much, guys. thank you. thank you. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? before you can achieve a higher standard of craftsmanship, you need a higher standard of craftsman. see for yourself at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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