Transcripts For CNNW CNNI Simulcast 20141006

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the world. i'm john vause. >> i'm glad to have company this hour. >> nice to be here. >> i'm natalie allen. and ahead here, the search for malaysian airlines flight 370 is back on after it was put on hold as you know. we'll look at what might be different this time around. also ahead, stopping ebola with stepped-up security. u.s. officials consider extra screening at the nation's airports. >> and later a millionaire businessman accused of hiring hitmen to kill his new wife. we'll take you to the opening of the so-called honeymoon murder trial. >> a lot of interest in that trial in south africa. it comes a few weeks after the oscar pistorius trial. and they are following yet another sensational trial there in south africa. but we will begin with the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. it is now under way in the southern indian ocean. >> yes. the first of three ships already scanning the ocean floor. looking for any trace of the passenger jet that have notished, as you know, almost seven months ago. 239 people on board. >> hard to believe it has been seven long months without a trace. paula hancocks is in seoul, south korea. she joins us now with the latest. so paula, this could take a few days. it could take a year. they may not find anything at all. >> reporter: well, that's true, john, but obviously they have to try. they simply don't know at this point whether they will find something. but australian officials say they're cautiously optimistic. they're also specifying that they appreciate the most important thing they could do is to give some answers to the families of 239 people who were on board that plane. they say they're not losing sight of that fact, that they have to tell people exactly what happened to their loved ones. jack song never dreamt he would still be wondering where his sister is. song ching ling was a passenger on missing malaysian airlines flight mh 370, a flight she wasn't supposed to be on. a mother and a grandmother, song was booked on a later flight. but agreed to swap tickets with another passenger to help them out. mh 370, with 239 people on board, vanished from radar screens march 8th on its way from kuala lumpur to beijing. despite an unprecedented search in the southern indian ocean where the plane is believed to have run out of fuel, not a single trace has been found. as a new phase of the search begins, song criticizes what he considers to be a lack of open information and investigation. >> without investigation the searching is no use. it's not in the right area, not in the right direction. the searching is waste time, i just say. waste of time. >> reporter: but australian officials in charge of the operation are cautiously optimistic the refined search area will bring results. it covers 60,000 square kilometers. roughly the size of west virginia or croatia. it could take up to a year and cost $48 million. so how will it work? three ships will be equipped with a tow fish that contains side scan sonar and a camera to be towed about 100 meters above the ocean floor. data will then be transmitted in real time to the ship and on a daily basis via satellite to shore. >> how fast it goes depends essentially on the sort of terrain you're covering. and that varies from quite flat or sloping areas to ravines and fissures and crevices which require much closer work. >> reporter: ships have spent months mapping the previously unknown ocean floor, finding dramatic challenges like underwater volcanoes. some families have lost confidence in this search. some independent experts have even cast doubt on whether this is the right spot. the teams at sea are acutely aware that previous false starts raised false hopes. >> certainly we're going to be hearing a much more cautious statement from officials this time around. for example, the australian prime minister tony abbott last time said they thought they knew where the flight detectors, recorders were, the so-called black boxes. that turned out not to be the case. also, there were many hopes risen after they said that they had found certain areas that had certain debris on the ocean top. but of course that turned out to just be ocean rubbish. so i think what we'll see this time, john, is a lot more caution in what they announce. >> what happens if they do find wreckage? what's the procedure then? >> they haven't finalized that at this point. we asked australian officials about this, and they said the assumption at this point would be that australia would take the lead. effectively, australia is taking the lead on the search as the malaysian government asked them to. so it would make sense as they're there on the site to take the lead. obviously, they have to find out exactly what kind of state the plane was in, what the ocean floor looked like in that particular area, how deep it was, and then they would have to come up with a plan to try and excavate some of the -- obviously the victims, those passengers and also the flight recorders. they would be searching for to find out exactly what happened with this mysterious disappearance of the plane. the assumption as well is that that would then be taken to perth in western australia, which is of course the closest land mass, and then at that point there would be a number of countries involved. of course most of the passengers on board were in fact chinese. john? >> paula, thank you. paula hancocks live in seoul with the very latest on this renewed search to find whatever may be left of mh370. natalie? now to hong kong, where government employees are returning to work as protesters clear out of a key area. this street near the chief executive's office had been one of their main rallying points, but the crowd as you can see much thinner. that's after the government told pro-democracy activists they had to leave. and they had monday before they could leave. does that make any sense? they it h. had to get out by mo. okay. i think i got that right. but in other parts demonstrators are ignoring it. kyung lah, many are indicating they're still in this thing for a while. >> reporter: and what they've done, even though, natalie, as you can see, the street is a bit lighter and thinner than it was in previous days, they still are here. you can see that there are still tents and as we walk down further this way, remember, this is a main road of hong kong. this would be like 5th avenue in new york being shut down. you can see that people are in it for the long haul. they have chairs. they have tents. they plan on staying and trying to keep this road shut down. but here is what's different. look up above. that is the pedestrian bridge. and on that pedestrian bridge this morning it was open. that's a significant change. the employees, the civil servants were able to return to work to the main governmental building. they were able to go back to work. that is something the government had insisted on. so the protesters did open up this bridge. we saw them going back to work today. here's what some of them told us. >> i came from -- the ngo has been great. no complaints. i think the normal operation of the government is very smshl esl to society. so i think the government and protesters should make ways to make the office become normal today. >> i think it will be as peaceful as -- as before. >> reporter: so the other side of the building, though, has not been open to road traffic. so the protesters have been able to maintain some type of blockage here. what you can see if you look a little further down the road is that even though they're sparsely populated they've maintained a shutdown of this main street. these protesters saying what they would like is for their leaders to meet with governmental leaders eventually and talk about what's driving all of this, that they get more of a say, freedom from beijing in who they get to select to be the leader of hong kong. natalie? >> so would you say there is a sense of disenchantment in this process at this point? >> reporter: not really. i mean, everyone has had generally the same mood. you know, people are lying on the street. they're jovial. they're talking. they're very, very friendly. we're not getting a sense that people here are really discouraged. it's much more a sense of community. the occupy movements that we saw in the united states, very similar to this one. they're trying to make this a grass movement, a grassroots operation to try to get some change done. but there is partially a problem there because they're so grassroots, they're somewhat disorganized. and that may be some of the issues as far as trying get which leaders to talk to which members of government, natalie. >> well, they certainly have gotten people's attention. i will say that. scattered, organized, or not. thank you so much, kyung lah for us on the streets there of hong kong. now to john. and typhoon phanfone is weakening quickly as it moves northeast of japan. the storm lashed of the much of the yienl nation with fierce rains and heavy winds. fire officials say at least 185,000 people were forced to evacuate their homes. also three u.s. airmen stationed at a base in japan were swept out to sea. one was found dead. two others remain missing. a 21-year-old student who was sufrk during the storm, never a good idea. pedram javaheri following this for us. hundreds of flights canceled. thousands of people were at one point without electricity. what's the latest now in. >> the storm has completely moved away from this region, guys, but the waves still haven't died down and that's not expected to o. kur across tokyo until thursday morning. look how fast it moves here. literally 60 kilometers per hour. we're talking 40 miles per hour. that's the forward progression of the storm system. kind of skirts the eastern japanese coastline, goes over the highest populated metropolitan city in the world, that being tokyo. if you're watching us from the united states, you take the metme metro population of new york, that being around 20 million, you put it with the metro population of los angeles, roughly 18 million, that's what usual looking at for tokyo. that's a lot of people being impacted by the brunt of the storm system. the main concern with this tremendous rainfall, upwards of 11 inches from sunday into monday in tokyo and then powerful winds as well as john alluded to. some 600 flights canceled or delayed in tokyo. still seeing reports of many flights being delayed across that region. bullet train service suspended between tokyo and osaka as well. here's the latest breakdown as far as what we expect for delays from tokyo airports. roughly 60 to 90-minute delays expected while around osaka roughly 45 minutes and in taipei unrelated storms causing 45-minute delays. but here's the perspective across tokyo metro and some 112 buildings defined as skyscrapers or 500 feet or higher. 150 meters or higher. all of these of course enhance the winds across this region. the peak of the storm system we had wind gusts of 70, 80 miles per hour. they've dropped down into the 40s range, which is roughly 25 to 28 miles per hour. expected to taper off as we head into the early morning hours of tuesday. the heaviest of the rainfall here about 14 inches in spots. 360 millimeters. tokyo picked up nearly 300 millimeters of rainfall when the storm system made landfall early on monday morning. causing some problems as well for the grand prix out there across portions of japan. we know this formula one race here, tremendous water on the track itself causing some accidents and one them quite severe as the storm system moved out of this region. right now all eyes go back out towards the western pacific, where 1/3 of all tropical storms in the world occur right here. with the steering patterns in the atmosphere, john and natalie, being very similar to what we saw last week. the models want to bring the storm system, vongfong, up to the exact area in six to seven days. we could be looking at an identical scene play out if everything stays as expected right now. >> they'll barely get to dry out before -- >> quite the season. they've had one tropical storm after the other. >> yeah. >> and a volcanic eruption to boot. >> there's normally a lot this time of the year, but this does seem to be exceptional. >> pedram, thanks. you mentioned the grand prix. well, there was that crash, and it appears that weather was a factor. rising formula 1 star jules bianchi out of surgery following the crash there at the japanese grand prix. the french driver suffered a severe head injury sunday when he hit a vehicle that was clearing another crash. the crack was wet from heavy rain brought on by the typhoon. >> medics rushed bianchi to the hospital. he was in critical condition. the 25-year-old driver is rated one of the most promising young racers on the gp circuit. >> hopefully he's going to be okay. >> still to come on cnn the star-reaching impact of just one case of ebola. thompsoas duncan is still fight for his life in a texas hospital. >> back where he lived in liberia authorities are struggling to track everyone he came in contact with. this behind me is the room that thomas eric duncan was rent heerg in this compound. it is the focal point of so much of the fear and paranoia that's ricochetting around the world. and that room through that door is exactly how he left it the day he boarded that plane heading to the united states. as officials closely monitor an ebola case in texas they're now considering extra screening procedures at u.s. airports. this is to try to stop the spread of this deadly virus. >> there does seem to be that there should be something more done. >> remember during sars they tested everyone, their temperature -- >> right. >> travelers from ebola-affected countries could have their temperatures checked when they arrive. the director of the centers for disease control and prevention will brief president obama in the coming hours. >> our top priority at cdc is to protect americans from threats. we work 24/7 to do that. in this case we're doing that by many different ways. one of them is working to stop the outbreak at its source in africa because as long as cases continue there there's a possibility that someone will travel, infect someone else, come into this country or another country and possibly have another case of ebola. >> and in a few hours the nebraska medical center will receive its second ebola patient. he's believed to be a freelance cameraman working for nbc news. ashoka mukpo was diagnosed with ebola in liberia on thursday. he is the fifth american to be infected with the virus during this current outbreak. the first patient to be diagnosed with ebola in the u.s. is apparently fighting for his life. a dallas hospital says eric duncan is now in critical condition. officials are tracking about 50 people hon came into contact with him since he arrived in texas. twice a day health care workers take the contact's temperature and monitor whether they have any symptoms. officials in liberia are also trying to trace anyone who came into contact with duncan. neme albara went to his neighborhood in monrovia where he apparently contracted the virus and she found the toll there is quickly mounting. >> reporter: this is the house where thomas eric duncan was renting rooms. the rest of his neighbors have now all been put under quarantine. they can't go out. we can come into them as long as we keep our distance. duncan was renting rooms from the family of marthaline williams. williams's aunt anna deer told us she was in her seventh month of pregnancy when she collapsed. her family and neighbors rushed to help. duncan amongst them. >> he tried to help. >> reporter: now both of williams's parents, her aunt says, have tested positive for ebola, and duncan is accused of having left liberia knowingly taking the virus with him. this door behind me is the room that thomas eric duncan was renting here in this compound. it is the focal point of so much of the fear and paranoia has ricochetting around the world. and that room through that door is exactly how he left it's day he boarded that plane heading to the united states. deta williams is 12. last week she rushed to her dying sister's aid alongside duncan. none of them could have imagined the consequences, she says. especially not duncan. as he boarded his plane. >> did he know she died of ebola? >> no. >> nobody knew? >> no. >> reporter: the leader of the local ebola task force has more questions for delta williams. his is an unenviable task. >> are you trying to trace all of the people that were in dakota with marthaline? >> yes. >> how many do you have already? >> right now according to statistics we got -- >> almost 100 people. >> yes. >> as america struggles to contain the fear of duncan's diagnosis in dallas, here they're struggling to come to terms with the mounting death toll. already nine others who came into contact with williams are dead or dying. 9-year-old mercy is being looked after by her 17-year-old brother, harris. their mother also was among the first at williams's side. days later she herself was to the hospital. mercy doesn't know this yet, but after we leave one of the neighbors is going to take her aside and explain that her mother is never coming back home. >> we have been carrying on this awareness over and over. we tell the people, no matter how much you love your person it is the health authority that are responsible to pick up the sick. >> reporter: it's a lesson they've learned here the hard way. nima elbagir, cnn, monrovia. >> and when you look at that, you just have to wonder how much worse this will get. how many more people will be infected. how many more people are going to die before this peaks and they start getting a handle on it. >> you know, because just to see the people there on the ground, because there's not even beds for them to take care of them. it's just heartbreaking. well, still to come here on cnn, a millionaire businessman accused of having his wife murdered on their honeymoon is going to trial. we'll go live to capetown for more on this story. the trial of a british millionaire charged with arranging the murder of his wife on their honeymoon is set to start in moments. shrien dewanni accused of hiring hitmen to kill his wife anni while the couple visited cape town in 2010. >> their taxi was carjacked at gunpoint by several men, and the two were separated. anni was found dead the next day with a gunshot wound in her neck. within weeks the taxi driver made a plea deal and confessed, claiming he was paid by dewani to carry out the murder and make it look like a carjacking. 34-year-old sherin maintains he was a victim and denies any involvement. >> let's bring in cnn legal analyst kelly phelps. she's right outside the courtroom there in south africa. kelly, court will begin at any moment. take us through the arguments each side will have to make. >> reporter: well, we're still going to see exactly the ambit of the arguments of each of the sides. and this morning when we hear them opening their cases. but we already know quite a bit of information because as you correctly say these allegations arose from the convictions of three other participants in this crime who all claimed that essentially the murder was masterminded by anni dewani's husband, shrien dewani. we note ambit of their arguments. what we don't know yet is what additional information the state has managed to gather in order to support those allegations because of course considering the fact that awful these people are already convicted murderers themselves the court will approach the evidence with a large degree of caution, and the state will need to have support of those claims with other surrounding evidence in order to prove its case. we are all waiting with bated breath. we're literally in the queue outside the courtroom waiting to go in. and within a few moments we'll have more concrete information on this case. >> kelly, the media of course played a big role in the recent south african trial of oscar pistorius. has the judge ruled if cameras will be allowed in court for this case? >> reporter: no. the judge has decided that this case will not be broadcast live, and i can't say i'm very surprised in the wake of the chaos of the pistorius verdict. the media have been given accreditation and are allowed to report on the trial, and given limited access at prearranged time to take photographs but no live footage will be broadcast of the particular trial. >> you look at that picture on the screen there, their wedding photo, this beautiful couple. he's a millionaire. and she was killed. and i was just wondering how much attention is this getting there? or did the people in south africa have trial fatigue after going through the pistorius case? >> reporter: i don't think they do. and the reason i say that is because the case struck a chord with south africans from the moment the death occurred in 2010. as south africans have followed the long winding road to justice the case has taken in order for the trial to start. because you may know that this trial is only starting now so many years later as a result of extradition arguments that occurred in england with mr. dewani trying to fight his extradition back to south africa. and the south african public have been very vested in following those proceedings, wanting justice for anni. and in fact every year a small vigil is laid at the place where she was killed. but it's still very fresh in the minds of south africans. >> kelly phelps for us. we know you're headed into court there to cover it for us. we thank you. >> a lot of people in south africa are also angered by this trial. those who believe that dewani is guilty, and he's not because that trial is yet to get under way, but they believe he used south africa's reputation as a place of violent crime, deliberately took his wife there, thought he could have her murdered and get away with it. a lot of people believe that. it doesn't mean it's true. of course we should say he's innocent until proven guilty. >> right. and just fyi, the pistorius sentencing comes up in -- >> a week from today. >> a week from today. we'll be covering that one as well. >> in the meantime we'll take a short break. family and friends have gathered to pay tribute to alan henning, the latest western hostage murdered by isis. help but see the good. john vause. >> and i'm natalie allen. our top stories this hour, the search for malaysian airlines flight 370, well, it is back on. three ships will scan parts of the southern indian ocean with sophisticated sonar. authorities suspended the initial search, as you'll recall, earlier this year. the plane disappeared in march with 239 people on board. hong kong's government workers are passing protester barricades and returning to their jobs. that's after authorities gave activists a monday deadline to leave key parts of the city. many of the demonstrators who once camped out near the chief executive's office are now gone, but some in other parts of hong kong are refusing to budge. the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the u.s. is now in critical condition. eric duncan is being treated in a hospital in texas after traveling from liberia. officials are considering extra screening now at u.s. airports to try to prevent a larger outbreak of the virus in the united states. okay. the latest on isis. the militant group is moving closer to capturing the syrian kurdish town of kobani. >> the people of kobani have certainly put up a long fight to try to keep that from happening. but a kurdish fighter says the islamist militants have breached part of the city now. kurds protecting kobani are now trying to escape, but isis snipers are apparently pinning them down. if this city falls, isis will control a 95-kilometer stretch of land from raqqa to the border with turkey. >> that's why it's so important, because it opens up a whole lot of supply lines and it gives them control of the entire northern part of syria. in the meantime, on sunday turkish kurds gathered at the border to try to support kobani's defenders, but they were pushed back by turkish forces. cnn's phil black has more. >> reporter: you can see here there's a turkish security forces vehicle here that is coming under rock fire from some of the local kurds who've been watching the fight going across the border on in syria. and they've been responding with tear gas here. meanwhile, just over here we can see another confrontation. there you can see a crowd of local kurds, and also we believe some of the kurdish people that have crossed over from syria, again, confronting, throwing rocks at turkish security forces and they are responding with tear gas. you can see a cloud of tear gas moving across the landscape there. there is considerable anger from this local kurdish population that has been watching the battle unfold across the border in syria all day. they are angry, firstly that the turkish security forces and military will not allow many of them to cross over to join the fight. they are also angry that the turkish military is not doing more to protect their fellow kurds across the border in kobani. this is a backdrop to the conflict that is taking place just over here. this is where you can see the battle of kobani going on just in the distance. this is where we have witnessed through the course of this morning very heavy shelling, a very heavy bombardment by isis forces into this eastern and southeastern pocket of the city. we've been watching the shells fall. there's constant smoke, constant explosions coming from that direction. people who are still in the city, officials and fighters, tell us this is -- this they believe are coming from isis tanks that are maneuvering around that eastern-southeastern approach where kurdish fighters are battling isis that have moved right up to the outskirts of the city. phil black, cnn, on the turkey-syria border. as u.s.-led air strikes on isis continue vice president joe biden has apologized to turkey and the uae for comments he made last week. on thursday he implied some coalition partners recklessly strengthened isis by aiding militant groups fighting syrian president bashar al assad. >> our biggest problem is our allies. our allies in the region are our largest problem in syria. the turks are great friends, and i have a great relationship with erdogan, which i've spent a lot of time with. the saudis, the emiratis, et cetera. what were they doing? they were so determined to take down assad and essentially have a proxy sunni-shia war, what did they do? they poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens -- thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against assad. except that the people who were being -- who were being supplied were al-nusra and al qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world. >> biden also said last week that turkey's president admitted his country has mistakenly let foreign fighters cross from turkey into syria. reaccept tayyip erdogan denies making the comment. there ways very moving memorial on sunday for the latest western hostage murdered by isis. alan henning's family members appearing in public for the first time since the beheading video was released. karl penhaul. so many have been left stunned by mr. henning's brutal death. >> reporter: absolutely, john. and here on echols' high street people have been dropping by all weekend to leave flowers and tie yellow ribbons in memory of alan henning. on saturday at manchester central cathedral some of his friends from that aid convoy to syria had gathered to say a prayer for him. they had strong words of condemnation for isis, saying that henning's killing was a violation of all the principles of islam as well as the sanctity of life. but they also had strong words for the british government, saying that britain's decision to join those u.s.-led air strikes on isis had effectively meant a death sentence for alan henning and some of the other hostages. and then last night of course the henning family coming out in public for the first time since the death, joining in a vigil and memorial. in memory of their friend. >> we're all so devastated at the outcome, and we're all going to miss him terribly. >> he was just a down to earth bloke, really good bloke. i miss him. >> reporter: in life alan henning was their neighbor. in death he's become their hero. >> alan was taking some lights to a dark place. >> reporter: a terrorist's robbed her of her husband. adam and lucy of their father. henning spent his last christmas ferrying aid to syria's most needy. >> is this the first time you spent christmas away from them? >> yeah. >> aw. >> it's hard. >> where there is hatred let me bring your love. >> reporter: henning's wife had made a direct appeal to isis to let her husband go. it was not to be. >> what do you say when there are no words? what do you say when fear has replaced what is normal? what do you say when all you want to do is scream? >> reporter: yasser emir was henning's friend. he was riding along on that last aid convoy. >> alan is still in our hearts. you're going to stay in our hearts forever. i'll love you forever. >> reporter: candles for their friend. a burning light for their hero. now, i was talking to alan henning's brother-in-law here in echols town center yesterday, and he said that one of the toughest things for the henning family will be that possibly they will never have a body to bury, they will never have a grave site to go and mourn at. and then at that point he looked at me and he says, you know, isis are just scum. absolute scum, he said. john? >> you'd have to agree. karl, thank you. karl penhaul live for us. natalie. >> the parents of isis hostage abdul ahmad kassig are asking the world to continue to pray for him. the 26-year-old medic and former u.s. soldier who converted to islam and changed his name from peter after he was abducted is the latest western captive the terror group threatens to kill next. cnn is honoring ed and paula kassig's request their son be referred to by his new muslim name. well, still to come here on cnn, brazilians vote for their next president. and now they'll get to vote again. and we'll tell you why. after the break. (cheering) yeah!! touchdown! who's ready for half time? ok i'm going to draw something up new... who ate the quarterback? share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grrreat! and welcome back to cnn. not one but two elections to decide the next president of brazil. they'll be doing it all over again. 99% of the ballots were cast on sunday, they've all been counted and the incumbent dilma rousseff in the lead. >> same woman you got to know from the world cup in brazil. but she didn't get enough votes to win the first round. instead she'll face center right candidate aecio neves in a runoff. that vote set for october 26th. authorities say they have uncovered the remains of at least 28 people buried in an unmarked mass grave in southern mexico. the site is near the city of igualo, where six people were killed last weekend. more than 40 others disappeared. most were students and football players traveling in buses which were attacked by gun nen. officials say the bodies could take weeks to identify. they were doused in gasoline, set alight before they were buried. mexico's baja peninsula is once again dealing with a tropical storm. >> let's go to pedram javaheri. he has all the weather details for us. it's a busy day, isn't it? >> for this region of baja it's not like odile. not similar to odile as far as the magnitude impacting cabo san lucas, but it is a portion of baja that is fairly populated especially as you head to the north. this is a very strong tropical storm. the winds currently at 70 miles an hour. keep in mind at 73 you transition to a category 1 hurricane. the difference here very minimal as it begins to push in toward that northern mexico and eventually the storm system begins to weaken here and move over cooler waters and nushz toward the sonora desert and eventually into the southwestern united states. if you're tuned in from phoenix, from tucson, wednesday, thursday, friday, rainfall heading your direction. quite a wet period over the last several weeks to several months with heavy rainfall occurring across the southwestern u.s. uppadres of four to six inches could come down over portions of the northern tip of the mexican baja, and your temperatures this morning not too bad. 77 out of phoenix. once you get up above 7,000 feet in flagstaff, temperatures into the upper 30s. while los angeles coming off a heat wave just around 70 degrees after being well into the 90s in recent days. notice the trend cools off significantly more in averages after you get toward wednesday and thursday. while the additional rainfall across the southwest cools you down to the low 80s. a few degrees below the average for this time of year. not a bad setup across the pacific northwest. the low 70s for our friends in seattle the next couple days. to the midwest we go where we've had some significant snow at least for this time of year. around portions of the twin cities. duluth even across northern portions of the u.s. state of minnesota. he temperatures at this hour sitting close to 40 degrees but snowfall upwards of two inches came down in some of those areas. the first time in 72 years we've had more than trace amounts for the first weekend of october. all that cold air not going to last for too long. we see a retreat of the coldest of the air working its way toward the northern tier of the united states. while we moderate the temperatures back out across this region. your national perspective not too bad. 60 degrees in chicago fahrenheit. about 62 out of minneapolis. and temperatures are in the southwest again cooling off just a little bit. but we are approaching peak season in portions of the northern and northeastern corner of the united states and also the upper midwest with all the cool air. some photographs to share with you and leave you with here coming out of aspen, colorado from this past weekend. how about the colors up there? i know natalie over there ahhing and ahhing. big traveler among us here, natalie. >> it's leaf changing season. >> it is. i like your funky map there. >> yeah. >> fall colors. it looked kind of '60s mod. >> did you put out your halloween decorations? >> not yet. >> i did mine this weekend. put them all out there. >> good for you. the crisp air will keep that pumpkin fresh. >> well, last year it collapsed. it was a bit of a disaster. and we went a little early on the pumpkin. thanks. members of the u.s. congress and supreme court attended the traditional red mass in washington on sunday. here they request the guidance from the holy spirit for all who seek justice. >> that includes the u.s. supreme court, which opens its new term monday, and there's no shortage of issues on the justices' plate, including whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. here's cnn's erin mcpike. >> reporter: the supreme court's docket is dominated by one momentous, socially charged issue -- whether gays and lesbians have a nationwide equal protection right to wed legally. the justices expected to decide in coming weeks whether to put same-sex marriage to the constitutional test. >> in theory the justices can avoid deciding any question, particularly when there's no division, and there isn't about same-sex marriage yet. but this is just too important. they can't stay out. it would be ridiculous for the nation's highest court not to decide this issue. >> reporter: 31 states ban same-sex marriage. and while homosexual couples seeking the right say their committed relationships deserve full legal recognition, some say courts should stay out of the fight after their citizens have voted to preserve traditional marriage. >> when the court on such an issue where there are very strong opinions on both sides like this, this is a huge issue of social change in our country, when the court steps in and makes it into a constitutional issue, it makes the court look significantly more political in the eyes of the american people. >> reporter: other key disputes grabbing the court's attention, whether a no beards prison policy violates the religious liberty rights of muslim inmates. when pregnant workers can bring workplace discrimination lawsuits against their employers. and policing speech crimes in the digital age. just when do online threats cross the line from free speech into criminal conduct? >> it often can be hard to judge the intent behind some comments. and so the question is whether you have to show in order to convict someone of a crime based on comments they've made on facebook that they intended to make a true threat of serious bodily harm or death. or is the issue whether a reasonable person reading those facebook posts would have considered him or herself to be seriously threatened. >> reporter: erin mcpike, cnn, washington. >> we're back a little early. but that was erin mcpike reporting from washington. of course that red mass, no particular reason why it's red. >> we looked it up. >> we did check. it just happens to be red. that's why it's red mass. and with that we'll take a short break here. when we come back, olympic superstar michael phelps, he's also taking a break from swimming. that's after he got stopped for dui, driving under the influence. we'll tell you what he plans to do with all that free time he now has. 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(male announcer) today's the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. well, olympic gold medalist michael phelps is putting his swimming career on hold to attend a program, as he puts it. this comes just days after his second arrest on drunk driving charges. >> phelps didn't offer a lot of details about the type of program he's attending. you can probably work it out. but he did post on twitter that it will give him the help he needs to better understand himself. phelps was arrested last week on suspicion of driving under the influence in baltimore, maryland. he also faced similar charges back in 2004, pleaded guilty back then. of course there was the 2009 incident with the bong at the university which he later apologized actually on cnn. during an interview with piers morgan. >> he did? >> yeah. said he made some bad choices p p. >> yes. we wish him well. he's a very talented person. it has been a busy week in entertainment. movie stars ashton kutcher and mila kunis had a baby girl. i got all caught up in that one. actor charlie sheen got in trouble with his mouth. i did not get caught up in that one. >> of course there's george clooney's wedding and the honeymoon. that's your cup of tea. so i asked the senior editor at "in touch weekly" magazine to weigh in on the nuptials, the names and some of the nonsense. >> kim serafin, the clooney wedding just over a week ago. and we're learning a lot more details about what went on and how much george shelled out for this. he didn't hold back. >> well, would you expect him to hold back? this has been a long time coming. the wedding of george clooney. a long time. so they, there are reports he spent at least $1.6 million, possibly more. but it was a four-day a, in a the party friday night, saturday, sunday, then the actual ceremony on monday. i wouldn't expect him to spare any expense for the wedding. >> and they're honeymooning in a couple of places by the sounds of things. >> yeah. where in the world is george clooney? people want to know. >> exactly. >> there are different reports. potentially he and amal are in seychelles on the north island, which is very super, super private, super luxurious. this is where kate and william honeymooned. victoria and david beckham have been there for their anniversary. salma hayek honeymooned there. it's very private. you can only get there by a helicopter. but there are some other reports that maybe they are actually honeymooning at this english countryside mansion that george clooney may or may have not bought for amal for i think like $8 million which has a screening room and a spa and two cottages. look, george clooney also has his lake como house. they can honeymoon there. they can go anywhere in the world they want to go. >> the world is their oyster. finish this sentence. charlie sheen goes to the dentist and -- >> and gets sued basically is what's happening. charlie sheen, we haven't heard a lot from charlie seen. he's been kind of quiet. not been acting out at all. a new report that a dental tech is suing charlie seen because she's saying he attacked her while she was giving him nitrous oxide. but charlie sheen's publicist is saying dharlie sheen had adverse reaction, he's on pain medications for an old shoulder injury he's dealing with, had an adverse reaction, but a lot of other reports are trickling out that tha there was a knife involved and the dentist was attacked. his publicist saying that's not true. >> finish with happy news for ash kutcher and mila kunis. >> yes, ashton upper and mila kunis finally had their baby. white is the name. >> stupid name alert. wyatt. it's a girl. >> it's a girl, yes. true ashton kutcher fashion he's still punking people. on his blog posted a bunch of different photos saying can you guess which one is our baby, essentially. >> the one with the stupid name. >> well, no. there's a picture of a dog and -- then he said all babies are cute so, it doesn't really matter which one is our baby. >> kim, we appreciate it. have a great week. thanks. >> thank you so much. >> stupid name. >> what if they go by isabel? would that be okay with you? because we want to make you happy. and can we just ban charlie sheen stories forever? >> no. god, no. >> you like them? >> and amal, the clooney wife, looked too thin. you've been watching cnn. i'm john vause. >> i'm natalie allen. stay with us. cnn newsroom is next for our international viewers. >> and if you're watching in the u.s., "early start" begins after the break. fighting for his life. the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states is said to be near death as a second victim makes his way now to nebraska. what the administration is now considering to keep you safe. gaining grounds. isis now closing in on kobani as the syrian city's defender start to retreat. are coalition efforts falling flat? we are live this morning. and imminent danger. could an attack on the u.s. be coming any day? the group kra

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