Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives 11302017 20171130

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recognition between the parties. all time rn be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. each member other than the majority and minority leaders and majority whip shall be limited to five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. eters, for five minutes. mr. peters: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i understand that real tax reform is absolutely necessary. in 2013, the harvard business school published a report that identified the most important priorities to promote american growth and competitiveness. two of the eight priorities were tax related. first to simplify the corporate tax code with lower priorities statutory owth and rates and fewer loopholes. and second, to reform the taxation of foreign profits so we don't disadvantage american businesses and workers. many democrats would work with the majority to achieve these pro-growth tax reforms. that's how it worked so well in 1986 under president reagan and speaker statutory rates and fewer o'neill. don't hould not and we need to balloon the federal debt to achieve these goals. that's why republican proposals in the house and senate are so harmful for our country. we know that national debt itself is anti-growth. that's why the same harvard study that advocated tax reform also prioritized a stable federal budget. public debt crowds out private investment. c.b.o. estimates that every dollar in deficit crowds out 383 cents in private investment. debt don't need to balloon the federal debt to achieve these gives us o deal with emergencies. debt increases the risk debt increases the risk of another financial crisis because when investors lose confidence in the government's ability to pay rates can spike. more interest takes up of the budget, less more of the budget, less is available for our programs, including roads, bridges, scientific discovery, and our national defense. when congress passed the bush b funds, interest tax cuts, the national debt was as a level equal to 32% of the u.s. economy. today it's 77% of g.d.p. these bills will put our national debt on track to be larger than our national economy. we can point fingers at each other about how we got here, but if we're trying to get out of the hole, first we need to stop digging. and we will not grow our way out of this hole. according to the nonpartisan committee for responsible federal budget, no estimate that accounts for the economic impact of higher debt has found that the bill would raise the growth rate by more than a quarter of the republicans' declared .4% growth target. in a survey at the university of chicago, known for its conservative economic theory, 37 of 38 economists agreed that the g.o.p. tax bills in cause u.s. debt to increase substantially faster than the economy. at the university of pennsylvania wharton school, which the president himself trumpets as his alma matter, teeming with smart people, their model found that the house bill would lose between $1 trillion and $1.7 trillion over a decade in revenue after accounting for growth. what in the world has happened to the grand ole party and fiscal responsibility? how will we pay for infrastructure now? will we really risk destabilizing the dollar, the world's economic currency? will we ask china to lend us money so we can defend ourselves from north korea? i have heard my republican colleagues say again and again how important it is to pay for spending, to get our fiscal house in order, to get our national debt under control. i asked one colleague why he had run for congress in the first place. he told me he was so concerned about loading his kids up with all this borrowing that he had to do something. his eyes filled with tears as he talked about his children. and yet he like many -- and many like him voted in a rush to add at least $1.5 trillion to the debt without a road or navy ship or one scientific grant to show for it. nobody seriously contends that this is wonderful policy resulting from serious deliberation through regular order. it is not. the only reason for this effort -- and this is out of the mouths of the legislators themselves, is that there's political pressure from interest groups and donors to get something done. that's the definition of putting party before country. and that's exactly what people hate about congress. this is not what your constituents really want. tax don't want their while o expire corporate breaks don't. they don't want students to suffer from even more debt. they don't want to lose their health care because of the premium speaks we know are going to be coming. they don't want their housing to be more expensive than it is today. they don't want to face automatic medicare cuts forced by congressional spending limits. if you are worried about the blowback from not doing something, or taking the extra time to get it right, wait until you see the reaction when people realize what's really in this bill after it's already been passed. we can do real tax reform without jeopardizing our children's future. make the corporate rate 25% instead of 20% like the business round table and mitt romney both once suggested. that saves $600 billion. if you must lift the exemption for the estate tax, won't, but don't eliminate it. that saves $50 billion. maintain the alternative minimum tax for high earning families, but index it over time so it doesn't catch the middle class. work with democrats to find ways to limit tax expenditures but save the burden for those who can afford t if my republicans will commit to doing, that will i commit to working with you and i will honestly and publicly thank you for putting country before politics. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from florida, ms. ros-lehtinen. for five minutes. mr. speaker, n: i rise in recognition of the jewish community services of south florida and the second generation of miami-dade holocaust survivors. together these two organizations will join forces function function , a that honors holocaust survivors and their families. the name is derived from a small lounge in here survivors from liberated concentration camps would search for family and friends after the war, share stories and experiences, and begin to rebuild their lives. today the practice remains -- its tockholm. in this commitment to bring survivors together where they can share insight and thoughts on topics surrounding our world today. cafe ropa allows us to honor these individuals and gain vital knowledge about this dark period in history. this year will be held at the jewish center on sunday, december 3, at 11:30. my constituents, david and irene, herbie, joe, alex, david, and wendy will attend this important event. holocaust survivors will share stories, grieve over loved ones lost, and recommit that this horrendous days of our history and that they survive will never again be repeated. mr. speaker, we must cherish the time we have left with these brave souls to listen and learn about their tragic stories. stories that must be passed along to future generation abouts this brutal period of injustice and ensure that no such tyranny ever happens again. mr. speaker, as we quickly december, e month of we're reminded of the very few legislative days left on this calendar and to pass and debate first a permanent solution to protect our nation's dreamers from deportation. i introduced, along with my dear friend, my colleague, lucille roybal-allard, h.r. 3440, also known as the dream act, to allow over 800,000 young immigrants living in our great country to remain here. the only home that they have truly known. this bill will allow dreamers to apply for conditional permanent residency and eventually to citizenship. each day of inaction by our body to pass the dream act or any legislative fix is a loss for our communities and our country. study after study demonstrate the reality that we already know. that failure to provide a solution for our dreamers will result in hundreds of billions of dollars lost in g.d.p. a truly devastating blow to our economy. the business community, faith leaders, colleges, and universities, advocacy groups all have joined a large bipartisan coalition standing behind these young immigrants. and that is because they recognize the positive contributions of these individuals. contributions that should not be imperiled by their legal status. but they are looking at us, mr. speaker. they are looking at congress. it is up to us, it is up to you and me and our colleagues on both sides of the aisle to act. it is our responsibility and we must not delay action any longer. these individuals who came to this country as children only want an opportunity to attend school, to work, to provide for their families. mr. speaker, this nation, our nation, was born and continues to be built and made stronger by immigrants like these dreamers willing and determined not only to realize their dreams, but truly to love, serve, and protect this land with all of their hearts. and that is precisely why we must act now. this chamber cannot and should not stand idly by while these young immigrants, who already as americans as anyone else in their hearts and minds, live under fear and uncertainty in this country, a country that is a beacon of hope and land of community to those who seek it. the lives of hundreds of thousands of bright, talented, and patriotic young men and women depend on us, on this congress. so it is up to us to rise to the challenge, to legalize the dreamers so se they can truly make their dreams into a reality. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. mcgovern, for five minutes. mr. mcgovern: recognizes the ge from mr. speaker, last monday and tuesday i participated in the eighth annual monty's march, a 43-mile walk from springfield to greenfield, massachusetts to raise awareness about hunger in our community and to raise money for the food bang of western massachusetts. -- bank of western massachusetts. a well-known and beloved radio personality with wrsi the river in north hampton, led dozens of committed activists and community leaders on the walk. this year the march raised over 236,000, a record, to help struggling families in western massachusetts. this translates into about 708,000 meals that will go directly struggling families in to indiv families struggling with food insecurity. as i am each year, i was deeply impressed by the stamina of all those who walked and by the again rossity of community members looking to help those in need. i'd like to take a moment to thank those who joined us along the route to the dedication of ending hunger once and for all. specifically i want to thank from nd his entire crew the river including mark, dave, and renee. they work incredibly hard each year to make this march a success and it wouldn't have been possible from the river the extra hours they without the determination and put in leadin this event. sean of four season liquor and hadley, monty's right hand man, marched the entire two days. andrew, the executive director of the food bank of western massachusetts and everyone at the food bank, they do inspiring work. they deserve to be supported. all of the elected officials who joined us, including my colleagues, representative richie neal and joe ken dirks state senator eric lesser, and representative vega. the north hampton mayor, the greenfield mayor, and ritched art cost. the representative of several local colleges. christina oil, president of holy oak community college. and a special appearance by sament minuteman, umass' beloved mascot. incredible advocates for the including mmunity, tim of the united way of central massachusetts, also from the united way was ryan. ron johnson, c.e.o. of the martin luther king jr. family services inc. in springfield. andrea marion, executive director of lieu rain super soup kitchen. hannon rudd irin holy oak. mindy executive including tim of the united way of central massachusetts, also from director of the amherst survival center, and the chief and food activist. the musicians who kept us entertained along the way. the expandable brass band. double-edged theater, and hopkins academy band. western massachusetts small businesses including bridge grill, ashfield lake house, union station in north hampton, and ben clark of grill house, union clarkdale food farms, and tea guys for their wonderful tea in honor of the march. for their continued again rossity and friendship. the sheriff's departments in ham done, hampshire, and franklin counties help provide escorts for us during the entire 43 miles. mr. michael brooks and the students of smith vocational school in north hampton for making the shopping carts we used during the march of and grateful to the countless students, elementary, middle school, and high school students who raised money and greeted us along the way. members of the tibetan community who greeted us as well. and all the others -- incredible individuals from our community who joined us on the march like my dear friend, steve the hippie, and risk. hristina, aaron, and emily house and so lake many others. as well as industry founders who helped support this effort through their again rossity. i want to thank two of my wonderful district house and so many others. as well as industry staffers fo their efforts in helping to organize the march and assisting me every step of the way. lastly i want to thank my son who marched with me by my side during this entire time. mr. speaker, i was proud to join so many of my constituents and neighbors in western massachusetts to bring attention to the issue of hunger and raise much needed funding for the food bank of western massachusetts. i'm so honored to be part of this march each year, but need to remind my colleagues in this chamber that sharets alone cannot end hunger. to do that it will take further investments in our federally funded programs like snap and w.i.c. and school meals. as we look towards the next farm bill, next budget, and upcoming appropriations cycle i plea with my colleagues to maintain and increase investments in programs to those struggling with food insecurity. in the united states of america the richest country in the history of the world, it is the disgrace that any child goes to bed hungry. senior has to choose between lifesaving medication and the decent meal. that any veteran who risked his or her life in the defevens our nation doesn't have enough to eat. that any senior has to choose i from hunger. but still 42 million americans remain food insecure. food is a right and it is up to this congress to finally take a stand and supporting efforts to end hunger now. i yield back the balance of my time. . the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. mcclintock, for five minutes. mr. mcclintock: i thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to express my gratitude to my chief of staff, igor berman, who will be leaving the house of representatives on december 5 to begin a new career in financial management. he and his wife kim are expecting their first child in april and will be moving to new york. igor berman's story sums up the best of america and his testimony to the exceptionalism of american founding principles, how they beckoned to the oppressed people around the world and how much those who come here legally bring to our nation. igor was born in moscow to parents who desperately yerned for the fundamental rights they were -- yearned for the fundamental rights they were denied in the soviet union. they were russian jews persecuted for their religious beliefs and denied visas because of their technical knowledge. as the soviet union began to collapse, the bermans were able to realize their dream. igor remembers hurriedly learning english on borrowed phoneograph records. the family found their place up-ended by a last-minute k.g.b. raid. igor's mother comforted her children saying in a few weeks we will be in america where this will never happen. igor was 14 when they arrived in california to begin a new life. he entered uc-davis where he quickly rose to prominence after a call he written expressed on his news were censored by the campus newspaper. the irony wasn't lost on anybody and it became a prominent story on northern california talk radio. that's where i first became aware of igor and that year i was fortunate to have him work in my state senate office as an intern. he left to attend law school and when he returned, he did an amazing job as my finance director and a hard-fought campaign for congress in 2008. hiring him as my chief of staff was the easiest decision i have ever made in my careers in public office, and he came to washington at the age of 28. i believe the youngest chief of staff then serving. he was -- he's ablely run my congressional office for nearly a decade, and during those years has assembled the most competent team i ever had the honor to serve with. i have found his judgment impeccable, his insight keen and his honesty and integrity spotless. charles de gaulle said the cemeteries are filled with indispensible men but he never met igor berman. i will say some people are truly indispensible and igor is not one of them. know ot the only one to this. he will be placing his foundations and operations -- one will be placing his foundations and operations in igor's hands. he ran for congress himself and i hope he will not give up on his ambition. i believe the time may be coming when americans could lose the memory of freedom and they'll need to turn to leaders like igor for a passionate reminder of just how valuable a commodity is our freedom. there is a time to every purpose under heaven and for now the time has come for igor and kim to enjoy their new family, to enjoy the fruits of their new labors and to embark upon a promising future together. i wish them the very best in heir many happy years ahead. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona, mr. o'halleran, for five minutes. mr. o'halleran: mr. speaker, today is the final day of national native american heritage month. i rise today to honor and celebrate the rich history and traditions of native americans and to note the work we are doing in congress to invest in the infrastructure, education, health care across the entire indian country. it is an immense privilege to work with tribal communities across arizona's first congressional district. with more than 12 tribes, nations in my district, i see the impact of native american heritage in every town i visit. especially their strong commitment to family, community, and traditions. traditions, by the way, that people from all around the world come to see every year. it's been inspiring to see the many tributes my colleagues have shared here with this body throughout the month. it underscores the immense -- immeasurable contribution of native americans to this country. yesterday i spoke about the navajo code talkers and all the code talkers and the veterans that have come from native american lands. as a member of the congressional native american caucus, i am proud to work with tribal leaders to strengthen the relationship between our country and their sovereign nations. there's a great deal to do to ensure rural tribal communities have access to 21st century infrastructure, education, and health care, but i am confident that the work we are doing will make these critical investments. mr. speaker, one of the founding principles of this great country is the celebration of diversity of its people. when we recognize as a strength we truly are a more perfect union. and i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. flores, for five minutes. mr. speaker, i rise today to honor texas department of public safety trooper damon allen of mexia, texas, who passed away on november 23, 2017. he was born in morgantown, kentucky, on october 4, 1976. his family moved to mexia in 1984. in 1995 damon graduated from mexia high school where he was a member of the varsity high school football team. he went on to marry his sweetheart casey. happily married for nearly 24 years, they had three daughters and a son, chelsea, caitlyn, madison and cameron. damon was also the proud grandfather to his grandson quest. after graduating from mexia high school, damon worked for the state school, rehabilitation school for students with learning impairments. he worked for the texas department of criminal justice for five years before becoming a texas d.p.s. state trooper. he was an exemplary state trooper for 15 years and known in his unit as a model gentleman. he was fair and polite with all he came in contact with and treated all around him like they were his long-life friends. his call to be in law enforcement came from the desire that people turn to in their time of need. tragically he was murdered by a criminal while serving the people of texas on thanksgiving day. in his free time, damon enjoyed hunting, fishing and off-road driving in his jeep, especially on the dunes at the beach. he had a strong faith in god, attending both the cowboy church at freestone and the first assembly of god church in mexia. mr. speaker, damon allen worked tirelessly to serve our central texas communities. he is loved and he's certainly left an enduring impression on the people of mexia. he will forever be remembered as a great state trooper, a community member, a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a friend. my wife gina and i offer our heart-felt condolences to the allen family we lift up them in our prayers. i request the united states flag be flown over the capitol to honor the life and legacy of d.p.s. trooper damon allen. as i close today i urge all members to continue praying for our country during these difficult times, for our military men and women who protect us from external threats, and for our first responders who protect us here at home. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from illinois, ms. kelly, for five minutes. ms. kelly: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise yet again because americans are dying and this house is doing nothing. correction, we aren't doing nothing. house republicans are planning to make the situation worse. yesterday the house judiciary committee considered the so-called conceal carry reciprocity act which should be called the exporting gun violence across the state line act. in addition to threatening the safety of our communities, this bill, h.r. 38, is not only a threat to innocent citizens but a direct threat to the brave men and women who protect and serve our community. so far this year, 42 law enforcement officers have been shot and killed in the united states. i come from a law enforcement family. i have police officers, uncles, cousins and nephews serving in new york city and chicago. i know the fear that law enforcement families feel, the constant worry that they may not come home, that you might get that call in the middle of the night or a knock on the door from the police chaplain. if this house passes this dangerous bill, more law enforcement families will get these calls, get these late-night visits that no family should ever get. h.r. 38 is opposed by many law enforcement organizations, including the international association of chiefs of police, the police foundation, the police executive research forum, major cities chiefs association, the hispanic american police command officers association, national organization of black law enforcement executives, national association of women law enforcement executives, the international association of campus law enforcement administrators, and many others. i ask unanimous consent to submit this letter of opposition from the national law enforcement partnership to prevent gun violence into the record. the letter in part states that the bill will create unacceptable risks to our nation's 900,000 police officers and the public at large. the fraternal order of police has come out in opposition to a similar bill in the senate. mr. speaker, the police are telling us that it's dangerous to them and public safety at large, so why is the majority pushing it so hard? because once again the majority's putting the n.r.a.'s agenda above the lives of americans and our law enforcement officers. this is simply unacceptable. why are we considering a bill that puts our officers at greater risk? why should we take up legislation that we know will increase the number of gun deaths, including among law enforcement officers? why would we make a dangerous job more dangerous just to satisfy the n.r.a.? why is it co-sponsored by one of my colleagues who demanded that a painting be taken down for disrespecting law enforcement but he's willing to co-sponsor a bill that puts their lives at greater risk? i guess it's easier to complain about a picture than stand up to the n.r.a. mr. speaker, once again the n.r.a.'s checks are influencing this house. the victims of gun violence should matter more than their dollars. dollar 209, deputy sheriff robert french, end of watch august 30, 2017. dollar 210, officer any gal moreno, end of watch, june 30, 2017. dollar 211, trooper joel davis, end of watch july 9, 2017. dollar 212, agent roberto medina, end of watch, september 11, 2017. dollar 213, captain brian k. dixon ii, end of watch, september 12, 2014. dollar 214, special agent michael walter, end much watch, march 27, 2017. dollar 215, corporate steven j. ballard, end of watch, april 26, 2017. of watch, lia, end september, 2017. kevin mayhart, may 11, 2017. dollar 218, lieutenant wetherford, end of watch, june 12, 2017. dollar 219, sergeant sam howard, end of watch, august 19, 2017. dollar 220, deputy sheriff mason moore, end of watch, may 16, 2017. dollar 221, chief steven tisario, end of watch, 2017. dollar 222, master sergeant clayton, end of watch, january 9, 2017. durr. 223, sheriff dollar 224, officer eric g. kelly, end of watch, april 4, 2009. dollar 225, officer gary michael, end of watch, august 6, 2017. dollar 226, corrections officer curtis bileu, end of watch, 2017. dollar 227, agent benjamin deloss santos, april 21, 2017. and i'll just jump to dollar 224, trooper damon allen, who we just heard about, end of watch, november 23, 2017. we cannot let this bill pass. if we do the number will tragically grow. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. fitzpatrick, for five minutes. . mr. fitzpatrick: mr. speaker, i rise to recognize master sergeant gilbert holland of lang horn, pennsylvania. one of my constituents. nd a member of meryl's merrauders. they were a top secret unit of commandos who served behind japanese lines during world war ii. the men of this magnificent unit volunteered to serve and face some of the most vicious of the stent fighting war. their commitment to service standards as a profound example of sacrifice for our nation. master sergeant was an of the war. their commitment to service standards as a n.c.o. in charge of 16 men and two heavy weapons in this unit. after being discharged in 1945, ranger holland did not sit idly by. he re-enlisted to serve in korea and then two tours in vietnam. mr. speaker, master sergeant holland and the rest of the should be o served recognized. i'm proud to support h.r. 667, which seeks to award the congressional gold medal to world war ii meryl's mawrauders. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. green, for five minutes. mr. green: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise because i love my country. i rise, mr. speaker, because i refuse to stand idly by i rise, as a billionaire big got -- bigot does irreparable harm to my country. a billionaire bigot who tolerates the kkk. but won't tolerate islam. a billionaire bigot who tolerates anti-semitism, cism, sexism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, and homophobea. mr. speaker, don't know what the consequences will be. but i do know this, the people who sent me here, sent me to this congress to fight hate, not to tolerate, not to litigate, but to eliminate hate, the people i represent have an expectation of me. mr. speaker, i don't know what the vote will be, but i do know this, next week there will be a vote to impeach. next week there will be a resolution brought before the congress and there will be a vote to either table it, to send it to committee, or to vote it up or down. that's what the people i represent expect me to do. and i will do no less. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from arkansas, mr. hill, for five minutes. mr. hill: mr. speaker, i rise today during the national adoption month to encourage adoption and encourage improvements in our foster care system and efforts across this land. currently there are roughly 428,000 children in america's foster care system. and nearly 112,000 of those children are waiting to be adopted into safe, permanent, and loving families. according to arkansas state data, the number of foster youth has outpassioned the number of spots available in 1,200 omes by over children. organizations around the state have been at the forefront of recruitment efforts 1,200 children. for our foster families. one such organization is called, the call. locally directed by laurie. she notes that a stable, loving home can make a huge difference in a child's life. specifically with regard to escaping the rasp of neglect and abuse. i'm proud to work with our mccarthy, der, mr. and my colleagues on the congressional caucus on foster youth to shed light on the mcca perfect pet wation of poverty and -- perpetuation of poverty and dysfunction in our system. we all must work together and move forward in addressing our foster care system and i emphasize the statement on the importance of a loving hometown for every child. thank you. mr. speaker, i rise today to honor the life and legacy of one of our nation's great lawyers and judges. for me a mentor and great family friend. district court judge, tom eisley, who passed away this past sunday at the age of 94. tom faithfully served our nation as a private in the army in world war ii. as an advisor to governor win throp rockefeller in the 1960's, and for the past 41 years as a member of the federal judiciary following his appointment by president nixon in 1970. during his career, judge eisley was named best district court judge for the eighth circuit by the american lawyer and outstanding federal trial court judge by the association of trial lawyers of america. he was a role model and a friend to many across the state of arkansas and our nation. i extend my respect, affection, and prayers to his friends, amily, and loved ones. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize the little rock regional chamber of commerce, love little rock, initiative. this initiative is intended to both attract new business and encourage residents to become love little rock ambassadors by sharing their pride using the love little rock #-- hash tag. as a part of the campaign the little rock regional chamber created the love little rock dot-org website to highlight the advantages of doing usiness in arkansas' capital sitty. led by state -- by president and c.e.o. of the chamber and the mayor, this initiative is a powerful instrument sitty. for community development and business recruitment. the mayor proclaimed october 19 as love little rock day. i'd like to extend my thanks to the city of little rock and the regional chamber of commerce for spearheading this campaign. as a native son, i'm proud to love little rock. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new york, ms. clark, for five minutes. ms. clark: i thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to voice my outrage over the administration's unconscionable decision to terminate haiti's temporary protected status designation on july 22, 2019. this decision, which came just will fore thanksgiving, force over 50,000 haitians to return to a country that is still struggling to recover from the devastating effects of the 2010 earthquake. reeling from a cholera epidemic, and food insecurity caused by hurricane matthew that decimated haiti's agricultural sector. although haiti has made extraordinary strides to overcome the impact of the deadly earthquake, the subsequent events, including the cholera epidemic, food insecurity crisis, and hurricane's math you, irma, and maria, it has killed over 10,000 people and hampered the recovery efforts. the devastation of these events should have made the decision to redesignate haiti for 18 months without setting an end date, an easy call. a no-brainer. however last week's disastrous decision to terminate haiti's status did not occur in a vacuum. in the past few weeks alone this administration has also announced its decision to terminate temporary protected status for nicaragua and sudan. these actions demonstrate the administration's unclear -- excuse me, the administration's clear departure from the bipartisan consensus that is always -- has always surrounded the t.p.s. program which exists to protect human life. instead, this administration has chosen to sow fear and division in our society to distract from its failed policies that benefit the wealthy at the expense of the vast majority of americans. faced with this clear and credible threat, we must come together to pass bipartisan legislation that protects all t.p.s. eligible individuals from being forced to return home to countries experiencing famine, natural disaster, and outright civil war. that is why i have worked with representatives ros-lehtinen and jayapal to introduce the bipartisan i aspire t.p.s. act which would provide meaningful protections to all t.p.s. eligible individuals. i urge my colleagues in this body to co-sponsor our legislation. i also urge house leadership to bring it to the floor for a vote as soon as possible so that we can grant meaningful protection to the 300,000 t.p.s. eligible individuals at risk of being sent back to life threatening conditions abroad. now is the time to act for the sake of 300,000 t.p.s. eligible individuals and our standing in the world. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. zeldin, for five minutes. mr. zeldin: thank you, mr. speaker. the trump administration recently made the important decision to release hundreds of thousands of documents in the possession of the c.i.a. which were found in the may 2011 raid on osama bin laden's compound in pakistan. these documents repeal a much more intimate relationship between iran and al qaeda than what was previously suspected. while it will take time to analyze the extent of the 470,000 documents, some important conclusions can already be made. the obama administration selectively released 571 of these documents during his term. none of which identified the significant relationship between iran and al qaeda. while president obama claimed al qaeda was, quote on the path to defeat, these documents showcase al qaeda strategicically re-organizing its operational base. one of these documents describes iran as al qaeda's, quote, main artery for funds, personnel, and communications. and instructs members to, quote, refrain from attacking iran and devote your total resources to the fight against the crusaders and the apostates. on the one hand al qaeda would publicly declare all shiites to be apostates. on the other hand, they called for a transactional relationship with the mullahs of tehran. another finding in a 19-page document written by senior al qaeda operative martani outlines an arrangement between al qaeda and iran. the relationship between al qaeda and iran was based on their mutual hatred of the united states. iran agreed to provide shelter, financial support, and coordinate efforts with al qaeda across the region. in this document, a senior al qaeda operative confirms that iran and al qaeda's, quote, interests intersect. he goes so far as to describe iranian regime as, quote, the st example of pragmatism and politics. who wants to strike iran, -- anyone who wants to strike america, iran is ready to support them with money and arms and all that is required as long as they are not directly and clearly implicated. iran offered al qaeda everything it needed, including, quote, money, arms. and quote, training in hezbollah camps in lebanon in exchange for attacking u.s. interests in saudi arabia and the gulf. al qaeda operatives were safeguarding iran with the consent of the iranian military. in fact, the 9/11 commission report confirms that eight of the 14 hydrogeners -- hijackers passed through iran during the period of october 2000 to february of 2001. iranian intelligence facilitated the travel of some operatives with visas while sheltering others. in these documents there is even a wedding video of bin laden's son with al qaeda members in attendance in -- you guessed it -- iran. a son who famously said the enemy of my enemy is my friend. we're their shared enemy. it is shameful that the obama administration deliberately withheld this information. if these files exposing iran's outreach and association with al qaeda had been released, support for the identify rain nuclear deal would have eroded even further and rightfully so. . since the jcpoa was entered into, iraq and syria and elsewhere, it's only increased. these bad activities have only gotten worse and now it's clearer why it is. any terror group that wants to attack u.s. interest will have iran's financial and material support. by providing iran with $150 billion in sanctions relief, we are giving iran the resources they need to carry out its bad activities, threatening the united states and our allies. while we already know of iran's close ties with hels and political -- hezbollah and political influence in yirke, this shows the -- in iraq, this shows the extensive reach they have in the region. this was politicization of intelligence and it was totally reprehensible. thankfully the current administration has released these documents to let the american public know the truth. i commend the c.i.a. director, our former colleague here in the house, mike pompeo, who has hit the ground running as new c.i.a. director and made the bold decision to take these 470,000 documents and release them for the american public and for the world to see. they shouldn't have been hidden in the first place. they shouldn't have been hidden for so long now and now we can know the truth of the relationship that absolutely existed between iran and al qaeda. i encourage my colleagues to view these documents. i encourage the media to view these documents, for the american public and the international community and i thank, again, the administration for their leadership in this very important decision. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from wisconsin, ms. moore, for five minutes. mr. speaker, i rise today to decry a provision in this tax bill that would amount to shocking tax increases of thousands of dollars for struggling graduate students by reclassifying their tuition assistance as taxable income. these students provide research and teaching services to offset tuition. i mean, we're talking about assistants in the dorms, teaching assistants for undergraduate courses, researchers in laboratories, all who contribute to universities for excite modest stipends and tuition credits to avoid going further into debt and to support themselves while completing their masters degrees and ph.d.'s. taxing this so-called income would impose a profoundly negative impact on education. i mean, schools across the country could lose half their current graduate students and would diminish the number of students who would even consider graduate school in the future. mr. speaker, what is to become of the vital research and development in the fields of medicine and engineering and agriculture and information technology? things that have led to innovation and invention, things that have truly made america great with this tax provision. n example from my very own alma mater, market university, raises problems with parents. there is a maintenance mechanic o has three, three, triplets college-age students. he receives $40,000 of tuition assistance for each of these students. i mean, for real, mr. speaker, we are going to deem $120,000 income to this maint in an person? be for mant assistance person? be for real. person who is married, 4-month-old son, my research focuses on how persons who have suffered from a neurological disease such as a stroke or spinal cord injury are able to move. this tuition waiver is the only reason i could avoid graduate school and do the research i'm doing to help the disabled. if this becomes taxable income, my wife and i would move into a higher tax bracket and my tax liability would increase roughly 40%. without a single dime of an increase in income with which i could pay that. this equals roughly $1,300 per month of taxes. university of wisconsin-milwaukee, also in my district, graduate student shondra, is finishing her masters in library and science. under the house bill, her income in the eyes of the government would effectively double. you know, doubling the standard deduction, letting people file on a postcard will not offset the draconian tax cuts that these graduate students would experience. taxing tuition credits would hurt lower and middle-class hardworking citizens who rely on this benefit to help them and their families achieve the american dream. i urge my colleagues and people in the public, mr. speaker, not to fall for this trick. and i urge my colleagues in the senate to impose -- to oppose this harmful bill. and with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. thompson, for five minutes. mr. ompson: thank you, speaker. mr. speaker, earlier this week i had the opportunity to visit a true gem in center county, pennsylvania, roney meade. it's a sculpture garden and arboretum, located between the mountains. the roan family owned this property from 1794 to 1937. the land was settled in 1794 when michael roan purchased the farmland from the strom family who received a grant of the land from the penn family. third generation leonard roan was an important leader in the grange movement in pennsylvania. many of the ideas for the movement were developed in historic 1853 farmhouse that still sits on the property today. leonard roan founded the grange fair in 1874, an event that remains a staple in the region. the fair is a proud -- is a proud center county tradition, much like roney meade slogan. the slogan is where art and nature meets. that rings true thanks to dr. richard morgan, a retired penn state professor, who purchased the property in 1984. over several years he transformed the grounds into an arboretum and sculpture garden. he fell in love with the historic home, views of penn valley and some of the oldest trees in central pennsylvania. he restored the house in the property and landscaped the six surrounding acres. in 1985, the house was placed on the national register of historic places. n 1989, dr. morgan established rhoneymeade to obtain an oasis of beauty and share this for all who wish to come. and rhoneymeade has shared with the community and was shared with the community. in 1992 he opened the property to visitors on select weekends. since dr. morgan's death in 2015, rhoneymeade is working towards becoming a nonprofit organization. mr. speaker, the property has thoroughly been cared for for more than 200 years. 150 acres of breathtaking land and its history that have been kept alive by the families who have owned it and now by all those who visit it. thank you, mr. speaker. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today. when the house comes back into session noon eastern, live coverage here on c-span. also today nancy pelosi has a news conference scheduled shortly at 10:45 or thereabouts. when that gets under way we'll bring it to you live here on c-span. until then a conversation from this morning's "washington journal" abo

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