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and behavior that is not giving us any confidence this agency is being impartial. i don't believe you. this is incredible. >> i have a long career and that is the first time anybody said i don't believe you. >> i don't believe you. >> expected to get worse when he faces issa and the oversight committee. steven hays is here. good morning. >> morning, bill. >> how does the story advance today? >> i would suspect the agency is going to look at the reason the irs has given for the loss of e-mails, when they knew, why didn't they report that, why didn't they disclose that rather than being grilled. there are so many stories about the e-mails i would expect them to get hammered >> does this pass the smell test? you have a company that was fired by the irs that goes to retrieve e-mails about the same time they were investigating? >> i think what we have gone from over the past couple weeks was a story with serious questions that have yet to be answered to a deliberate attempt to deceive. it is a disgrace we have not, at this point, seen for the president to push for a special prosecutor. we should have one immediately. >> who else is reporting on this? >> speaking of disgrace. this is something i should not be surprised and i am blown away at the lack of coverage in the establish media. people made the comparison to the missing 18 minutes of nixon tapes. this is a story that should require you to want to get answers if you have 10 1 journalism interest. there wasn't a word in the front section of the new york times. they had articles about hong kong but nothing about this. >> watergate was working on the powerful and this is the powerful for working with every day people. i talked to people over the weekend and how little they know is surprising and perhaps that is because other people and outl outlets are not following it. >> just rereading what i have written or said before, the more details you know, the more troubled it becomes. >> thank you, steve. the oversight committee later, darryl issa is here next hour on the questions he has and there are many for the irs chief. don't miss that. fox news alert. our other big story is secretary of state john kerry touched down in baghdad as the country continues to spiral into turmoil. iraqi forces trying to push back the fighter after four towns and two border crossing with jordan and syria fell into the hands of militants this weekend. secretary kerry is meading with prime minister maliki and other leaders to try to solve the crisis. peter deucey is live. >> the secretary of state is pressing the prime minister to put together a central government that is inclusive. the message from foggy bottom being delivered is that sunni, shiites and kurds might get along better if the government recognized all of their interest. the government is mostly shiite. >> they must form a government that is united in the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people. >> kerry is maliki sat down for an hour and 40 minutes walking out of the meeting at maliki's residence, he turned to reporters and said that was good. but iraqi leaders are rattled by the militants in their country and people have seen friends killed and homes destroyed. the official description of issa is evolving. yesterday they were described as a criminal sindicate and now they are saying they are an army with political grieveiances that need to be understood so the people can stand up and counter the attacks. back on the map, quick refresher, divide iraq in three and that gives you an understanding. one is the kurd, shiite and the sunnis. all of the focus has been the western part of iraq. north of baghdad and all of these towns operated by isis. the border crosser here by syria is taken by isis. the border here by jordan has been taken by isis. and that is a critical movement. the sunni fighters want to expand the zone and work toward the caliphate. last week we talked about this area on the eastern border are iran. that was last week. over the weekend, if you blinked you missed it because the area increased maybe by 50% so far. one more screen to look at. the number of towns now in control by isis, a lot are big, a lot are also small but the border area is critical to see what they can control and hold on to and with john kerry landing in baghdad he is going to talk to all three groups and we will carry the headlines from iraq. >> mixed reaction dangerous in iraq. rand paul suggests the united states shouldn't get involved and former vice president dick cheney said the problem is bigger than one country. >> i know they are bad terrorist and we should prevent them but exporting but i am sure where the clear-cut american interest is. >> we have to recognize we have a problem and it isn't just iraq. >> they are so extreme al qaeda deannounced them and i would say the state they are creating is far surpassing what we saw in 9/ 9/11. >> adam kingserger of the foreign house committee is here to give us his take on the next step. >> we could be getting rulings from the supreme court in about 50 minutes. high court looking to finish out its term. the case is outstanding. religious freedom, executive power and whether the police are search your phone without a warrant. and the republican senate primary tomorrow with thad cochran running against john mcdaniel. bowe bergdahl is being moved to outpatient care and increasing his social interaction and continuing to investigate his disappearance and capture. another interview for hilary clinton and another slip-up talking about her bank account. why she said she is not like the other truly well off in the in the united states. >> a hot air balloon forced to make a landing in a crowded neighborhood. look at that picture. >> and new questions on why the irs has no backup of the lois lerner e-mails that disappeared. we will tell you about the data storage company that had a long-term contract that was canceled and we will talk to one of the lawyers representing targeted conservative groups. >> i think it is appalling they didn't tell us a year ago. i also want to say i don't believe -- i am with paul ryan, i don't believe him. they should have come forward a year ago about this. there should have been more investigation than what we have heard. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part 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in oregon. neighbors stayed and pitched in to help it steer to a save spot. it went off without a hitch. >> it bounced and he thought it would land on a neighbor's car but the crew grabbed the lead and pulled it down. >> no word on what caused the landing. the balloon was hauled away. that is about it. a stunning new report that shows the irs canceled their long-term contract with the e-mail storage company weeks after lois lerner's computer crash and the agency says it caused the crash of two years of e-mails that might shed light on the scandal. clita mitchell represents dozens of groups and she is back with us. how are you doing? >> i am fine, bill, thank you for having me. >> the sona-soft the company from san jose do great work and a lot of companies use them. the irs canceled the contract that was underway for five years around the time members of the house started asking questions about what went down at the irs. what do we think about that? >> we all might to focus on what tails the commissioner of the irs was weaving before the house committee in which he wanted everybody to believe lindsay lohan's computer had a faulty drive and all of e-mails were gone. i have received e-mails from government employees and forensic companies that said anybody with half a brain know that is not the way it works. and he knows. he was the chairman of clinton's y2k commission charged to make sure the nation's system didn't collapse at the change. he didn't mention sona-soft. >> let me stop you there. this is the timeline, okay? june of 2011, ten days after the house ways and mean committee dave champ sent a letter to lois lerner about this ten days later her computer crashed. two months later, summer of 2011, the contract with sona-soft ended on behalf of the irs. what are they hiding? >> that is what we all want to know. what are they hiding? i am wondering if this isn't the bases on which lois lerner decided to plead the fifth? perhaps she destroyed evidence on purpose she knew would be incriminating. here is what they are asking us to believe. she just discovered she had two years of e-mails missing. don't you think if that had gone on for two years you would have noticed? i would have. this reminds me of the information commercials that keep revealing more. >> what do you expect today with issa? what will we learn? >> he is a skilled bureaucratic spokesperson but i think this committee is hard. i rewatched the appearance on march 24th when they hammered him about turning over lois lerner's e-mails over and over and he never mentioned this glitch or loss of e-mails. so they are loaded for bear. i think they he is going to have to answer for what he told the committee earlier. i think his creditability is on the line here. >> one more question. do you think at some point we retrieve the e-mails? they are on a server and you filed the claim to go get them? and you obtain them? >> well, let me say this, we are going at it on behalf of the vote but another client has and they are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to recovery of the e-mails or private destruction. so i think the private sector is going to step in. >> clita, thank you for your time today. we will see what happens. it isn't just lois lerner. it was six other employees at the irs. patty ann? after a tense match up with portugal a stunning moment. >> and a fishing boat overturns leading people for 13 hours. >> we thought they were bait fish. but once we realized they were in trouble we brought them on board. peace of mind is important when you're running a business. century link provides reliable it services like multi-layered security solution to keep your information safe & secure. century link. your link with what's next. smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. there is a manhunt for an escaped killer in arkansas. he is said to be armed with a shotgun and ammunition. >> there are a lot of places he can hide. we are dragging the areas are horse back and dogs and searching for him. >> buffington was 15-20 years sentence for murdering his ex-wife. we are continuing to follow the case of the u.s. marine still in prison in a mexican jail. two people visited the sergeant and said he remains in good spirits but needs to come home. he has been in prison since late march after making a wrong term into the the country with three registered weapons in his truck. how is andrew tahmooress doing, william? >> he is fine and no longer abused and sees a christian guard every week. he is on his third attorney. he talked to him. his take away is he can present the case of no criminal intense and second he was entitled to see a lawyer and consolute official but it didn't happen and they failed to present that in a timely manner >> there wasn't anything filled. if you want something to be done, and you want a judge to rule on a case, you have to ask for it and then you have to file the appropriate motions and what was clear is that wasn't done. >> the new lawyers doing that and he hopes two pieces of evidence -- the 911 call making mistake and the video of asking for help at the port of entry should help. >> what does his latest lawyer have to say about the calls to boycott mexico? >> he said it is counter productive. their judiciary is independent of congress and trying to bully them into releasing the marine is not realistic. it would be wrong for the president to call the judge and have him released. the lawyer believes 60 days settlement. hilary clinton talk about her money and saying she is not like the truly well off and we ask what difference does that make? >> and heart break for team usa at the world cup. victory snatched away with seconds to go. >> i am devastated. everyone was hyped and we were all about to win. >> that is soccer. now we have to win or tie germany and we are looking pretty still. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. 9:30 here and waiting to see john kerry, secretary of state, arriving in baghdad and he is going to meet with the prime minister maliki and the other leaders to save iraq from further spiraling. that is coming up. and a reversal for the plan to deal with the crisis on the southern border. the u.s. government was planning to fly hundreds of illegals from company to texas but the plan is on ice now. will car is live. why did they decide to stop flying them to california? maryland and the state of new york got some, i believe. >> a spokesperson for border patrol says they are in a fluid state. they decided not to fly 300 immigrants from texas to california, but they are setting up a federal training sight in new mexico that is being prepared so it can hold hundreds of illegal border crosses and others are being flown to non-border states. federal officials showed up to grand isle in new york thinking it was vacant and looking for more housing. we heard from a state massachusetts governor who said he wasn't notified immigrants were being flown in. >> it was last week we got e-mails from people that saw it on social media. they said two planes had landed at the same. >> since october, more than 52, 000 unaccompanied minors have been caught at the border and as the numbers surge so do the concerns for health in the temporary housing >> what is the administration doing to fix the problem? >> at the end of last week, the vice president was in south america on a pr campaign letting them know if they cross our border they will not receive amnesty and the united states is going to detain families at the border. at the same time the united states pledged $93 billion to decrease the violence in the countries. >> thank you, will carr on that. hilary clinton putting her money in her mouth drawing talk after saying here family was dead broke after they left office and now with an interview with the guardian she said quote they don't see me as part of the problem because he way ordinary income tax unlike a lot of people who are truly well off and we did it through heart work. katie pavlich and mary anne marsh is here. since bill clinton left the white house in 1991, the clinton's have earned $100 million in book deals. does that qualify as well off? >> this is a book tour being treated like a presidential c p campaign especially by the republicans. she is not a candidate or running for anything but when she has she is supported by working class and middle class voters because that is how she came up. she spent her career in arkansas, the white house, the state senate fighting were him. >> some people say what she said could be taken several ways. she was asked if she was a credible champion for income inequality because of her wealth. what do you make of the answer? >> i think this is what happens when politicians, and hilary clinton is a politician, despite she is not running currently, this is what happens when they try to be something they are not. hilary clinton has been living a life of luxury for 40 years. he wants to be a champion of the middle class, and it isn't she can not be, but she is a hypocrihi hypocrite saying it. she should say i have earned at lot of money but instead she is bash the rich while she lives a life of luxury. her message needs to be if she wants to connect is say i have a lot of money, it is a great life to live and i want to support middle class policy so you can live like i do. >> the guardian said he left out a burst of laughter when they said she was wealthy. we don't know the exact advance on her book, but it is appropriate to laugh at the notion she is wealthy? >> here is the difference, patty ann. if hilary clinton mentioned mitt romney who has hundreds of millions parked in offshore accounts. if she mentioned jeb bush who said i have to go make money and did it with dubious companies she would look like a candidate. she was making a point of look at mitt romney and jeb bush. i on the other hand am giving speeches and that is the difference. you will hear her talk about the record and all she has done for middle class families. >> okay. bloomberg news reported last week that the clinton's used financial policy for the top 1% of the country to shield their taxes. so the saying she is not the same as romney because she is not hiding taxes -- is that valuable? >> mitt romney was creating jobs and all she is doing is asking people to wait on her. when the clinton's left the white house their income was $12 million. the average income is $51,000 per household. she is part of the healthy class. it is evil for republicans to be rich but okay for people like hilary clinton because she did it through writing books and charging $200,000. >> here is the difference. >> we will have to leave it there. >> the american people had had chance to vote on mitt romney and they saw the way he created jobs was getting rid of people. >> and they voted against hilary clinton in 2008 and they will in 2016. >> we will see. >> thank you both for joining us. >> thanks. heart break for team usa. dempsey scoring a goal in the 81st minute putting the us up 2-1. but then portugal superstar ronaldo matched it and made a beautiful goal: they play germany at high noon, 12 noon eastern time, we need a tie or win to advance. >> win would be preferable. >> we can loose but there are a series -- lose -- of things that have to happen. we stand a 76% chance of advancing. >> we have gone further. >> we are going to win and go to round 16 and keep watching the world cup. >> a major bank accused of moving around money for terrorist and they are about to pay for it. we will tell you about the deal the justice department cut. >> and president obama saying we cannot use a whack a mole strategy in iraq so the question is what is the plan? >> this isn't just about iraq. this is about syria, egypt, and the entire middle east. what is our strategy? what is our strategy? hey. i'm ted and this is rudy. say "hi" rudy. 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[ barks ] new details on the child sex abuse scandal at penn state. the attorney general is expected to release a report and finds the three year investigation into sandusky was handled correctly and prosecutors were collect in taking time to build the case because there were so many victims. it found politics played no role in the investigation. sandusky is serving a 30-60 year prison sentence. >> president obama criticizing a strong of whack a hole in iraq but critics don't see any strategy. >> this is about the entire middle east. what is our strategy? do you send troops? what are they going to do? if you don't have a strategy, how do we push back the momentum of the terrorism? lay out a strategy and then we can see the outcome of what to do. >> alan pickerton is on the committee and a national air pilot in the guard. how are you? >> great. thanks for having me. >> we are waiting for john kerry, but what is the strategy? >> the whack a mole imlied you whack a pole and it comes up in another place. instead of taking any of them down we paralyzed ourselves without acting. that is what this president is good at. we need an overall strategy. and talking brass tax. it is to halt the momentum of isis through airstrikes and not taking off limits isis camps in syria that is feeding this. >> if that is your strategy, airstrikes immediately in the western part of iraq and also in syria? did i hear you right? >> yes, i think so. they are a bad organization and don't see state lines. they are trying to move into other countries like jordan and lebanon. so we cannot look at lines and say well, we have to stick to just iraq, when they are feeding off in syria and taking down camps in syria and that will help the free syrian army who diverted resources from fighting them into isis. we have to figure the political strategy but we cannot wait until they do it. >> if you were to be successful against the sunni terrorist they would pop up in yemen and libya and you are back to whack a mole. >> whack a mole implies a terrorist group is going away and coming back somewhere else. these are continuing to pop up. the war on terror is a long-term battle we will have to fight. we have to confront the reality of these guys want to kill us and do damage to our allies and we handle it or back away. we have the most effective military in the world and i think it is fully capable of doing what needs to be done. >> diane feinstein said the iraq state as a state is in danger. can we prevent iraq from falling apart or dividing into three? do you want to? >> i think we have to prevent it from falling apart because the pr press presserivation of the iraq state is the least bad option. but we need a take a lesson. in two years, the president announced all of the troops are coming home from afghanistan and we will see what happened in iraq happen in afghanistan except next to them is pakistan with a hundred nukes that can go out. i agree with diane feinstein the preservation of the state is ourcoout come. >> you mentioned nukes. the former vice president said this isn't being addressed at all. when you look at the border towns that have fallen to the sunni terrorist they have the ability to move from iraq to syria and possibly in iraq and jordan. >> that is why the fight can't be limited to iraq. we have to take the organization and destroy it. we cannot do that only with airstrikes but halt the momentum. i cannot guarantee success but this is the best option. we are watching in iraq and the middle east the worse case scenario develop. the only thing making it worse would be the induction of wmb's which isn't all that unlikely now. a stunning new report on the troubled phoenix va hospital. and we will tell you how long administrators knew about the cover-up of wait times. >> meet a couple forced to tread waters for 14 hours until someone came to their rescue. >> personally, i was surprised they lasted that long in the water. i have never seen something like that before. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? 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>> it ran out of gas and was found not too far away from where they were rescued and watched up on the ocean manner resort. the boat was in high gear when it fell over and they were not wearing life jackets, just treading water to stay alive. morris flew in from texas to visit him. it is unclear what they were doing when they fell overboard. regardless they are lucky to be alive today. >> that is for sure. incredible story. phil keating, thanks. >> the head of the irs back on capital hill after a verbal beat down from house republicans on friday. darryl issa is joining us live in a matter of moments. plus this woman faces life in prison after she tried to feed ducks on a highway. that story coming up. book any flight or hotel and if you find it for less, we'll match it and give you 50 dollars off your next trip expedia, find yours bill: 10:00 in new york, a brand new hour. john kerry arrives in baghdad. iraq looking to america for help as there is a major divide here at home and how to resolve this crisis now. big issues on the line. new hour of "america's newsroom." great to see you. >> great to be here be at the growing threat in iraq is causing a major split as the obama administration shows solution. americans think the u.s. has no response body to end the violence in iraq. it is not just americans in general on opposite sides, two high-profile republicans highlighted the deep divide between the g.o.p. >> there are jihadists everywhere. if we got rid of assad it is a jihad one man in syria. it is now a jihad wonderland in iraq because too much involvement. >> we spend too much time to bring would have been 11 or ago amid the threat that is growing at we do face. rand paul is basically an isolation, he doesn't believe we should be involved in that part of the world. i think it is essential be at bill: bri brit hume, good mornio you. let's start with that paul first. a war weary nation. 54% said don't get involved, what do you think? >> it is perpetually a war weary nation. think back to when saddam hussein invaded kuwait. do you think there was a majority the thought we should go into kuwait to try to evict saddam hussein's army? of course there wasn't. military involvement overseas are regarded with suspicion and worry and for good reason. that is why is up the president and the big bullhorn they have to try to sway public opinion and a president who leads can do that. george hw bush proved that. he said he would like congress support before the move anyway. by the time the fighting began, the public was behind him. it's not easy to do, but it can be done. that is why form policy is the primary job of the executive branch and especially the president. bill: what is your interpretation of his interest westmark >> he believes the footprint was too big and a big part of the problems. he wanted to end the wars, not about winning them or by ending them successfully, but by bringing the troops home. that is what he did in iraq, that is what he is doing in afghanistan, that is why he has been hesitant to move in places like syria or do much about russia. it is what is going on with russia and ukraine and possibly potentially elsewhere. it is not clear that has worked very well, but i don't think he can change his tune now. the party's 100% behind him, so my senses he will not do very much even though the situation is deteriorating. bill: you can see the headline obama has two they may be bad options now because of the fact that was created by the policy past four years. now he has this whole dick cheney, rand paul back and forth. >> that is a debate it appears we as a nation are now going to have whether or not this trouble is a result of what we did when we invaded iraq and upset the apple core and drove saddam hussein from power. i am not sure they are pining for the days of saddam hussein, but people who think we would be better off nevertheless because he is a bulwark against shiite extremism against iran and terrorist allies. people think we should have left him alone. saddam hussein would have somehow survived all of this trouble affected dictatorships in places like syria and egypt and elsewhere. my senses iraq was going to blow up 1 way or another. the question was whether the united states would be in a position to influence the outcome or whether it wasn't. where not in a position to influence it one way or the other. bill: waiting to hear from john kerry arriving in baghdad earlier. he will hold a news conference any moment now. james rosen with him live in baghdad. what do we expect? >> secretary kerry has approximately 90 minutes meeting with iraqi prime minister nouri al-maliki. we will see secretary kerry very shortly, and here he is. bill: okay. we are waiting for the signal out of baghdad, james. we had a 90 minute meeting when the word went out he would talk with nouri al-maliki, the prime minister, and the sunni leaders on the political side as well. do you get any sense these iraq and leaders are ready and willing to come together? we will get james back in a moment. james is traveling with john kerry in baghdad and we will bring it back in a moment. the first order of business on behalf of the administration that they have said, anyway, they want to forge a political solution into this. but you look at what is happening and uses a border town that fell over the weekend, you wonder if there is the strength and the willingness on behalf of the parties to come together on this. patti ann: meanwhile we are getting new video of the fighting waging in syria. the video shows airstrikes by a syrian government forces against rebels in the capital city. troops loyal to assad have been like my bloody civil war for more than three years now. u.n. says more than 3 million people have fled the country since the fighting began. bill: trying to undermine egypt's security. each will spend the next seven years in jail. the three men were all arrested in december part of a broad crackdown on the islamist group. organizations worldwide called their trial a scam. patti ann: the u.s. cracking down on a french bank under fire for financing terrorism. the justice department nearing a settlement on sanctions violations. france's largest lender could pay $9 billion in fines for allegedly covering up $30 billion in prohibitive transactions. stuart varney joins us now. the u.s. says they covered up these transactions and violations of u.s. policy essentially to cover up terror financing, sf but this is? >> that is what this is about. moving money all around the world for a time of five years and did this to disguise where the money came from. came from sudan and or iran. covering up the paper trail. they were getting away from american sanctions. do not handle their money in any way, shape or form. they were caught, they have to pay the fine, the biggest ever leveraged on a foreign bank and people will be dismissed. america controls the dollar, they control the trade in dollars and can say you are moving money around anywhere in the world and if we don't like it, we can stop it. that is exactly what is happening now. patti ann: you have been known to side with banks at times. would you say this story is very different from others you feel banks are targeted for political reasons? >> in my opinion it is totally different. in 2008 there was the financial meltdown and after that almost all the big thanks for taken to the cleaners by the prosecutors and fined $2 billion. this case, however, the french bank totally different. they alluded sanctions, they are paying a fine and that is highly legitimate. >patti ann: they have to avoid transactions of the u.s. dollar for a while. >> this is a public flogging. patti ann: thank you as always. bill: we are awaiting what could be a significant day for the supreme court in the hobby lobby case before the justices. that goes to the mandate for birth control, don't know of it will happen, but if it does happen today it will happen any moment because it is 10:00 in the morning. there is a cell phone case for the justices, can police search or phone for evidence without a search warrant? in the meantime, the white house, the president on the defense saying they cannot use a whack a mole strategy in iraq, but what should we be doing? do we get involved, and if so, how much? just ahead. patti ann: floodwaters taking over parts of several states. where officials are issuing a code red alert. bill: the house oversight committee got the thousands of lost e-mails over two and half years. chairman darrell issa chairs the committee, he will be the next and what he has planned for today. >> i received e-mails and communications from government employees, forensic experts from all over the country whose anybody with half a brain knows that is not the way it works. the truth is, they will know that is not how it works. 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>> these are simple questions he can go to staff and have the answers and turn them back over to us and save us going through questions as straightforward as food took steps to recover the documents, we decided to destroy it, those kind of questions. the reality is we have serious questions for the commissioner. the biggest one being you came before us, you said you would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under oath. do you believe you told the whole truth? he did not tell the whole truth. bill: what is most critical one for you right now? >> the most critical one has to do with in fact who made the decision to his private document. remember, a lawyer, lois lerner is somebody who decided to put documents on her mobile drive. can you believe for a moment she didn't make a backup copy or if those were important documents to her, that she didn't insist on greater steps be taken to try to recover? bill: you believe the irs is hiding something. what are they hiding? >> blew the justice department, the irs and the white house are interested in her succeeding in hiding what she is hiding which is her targeting of conservative groups based on their ideology in support of the president wore on citizens united, a supreme court decision he did not like it enough to chastise the supreme court in the house of representatives, this is something he vehemently opposes. bill: we understand six other employees from the irs. these e-mails were sent out of the irs to other people in washington, in cincinnati, who knows. what is your working theory for who else was involved outside of the irs that would have been transmitting e-mails for people like lois lerner for the other half dozen? >> we believe it would be politically like-minded people. they are from people who agreed with her and helped her accomplish this target use. bill: members of congress? >> members of congress openly sent letters ask the irs essentially to crack down on conservative groups that includes elijah cummings and a number of prominent democrats, and i think that is interesting that those letters, the president's statements and lois lerner's actions correspond almost exactly along with the 1.1 million private records, mostly private records lois lerner saw that were in the justice department and sat there at the justice department until we discovered them. bill: what about the white house? >> those are documents the irs undoubtedly have not searched for. they have not searched all the people helping the president get reelected, but we are not saying we know they are there, but laws were broken including federal records act, laws this commissioner is supposed to support and defend, but here are one of the things your viewers have to understand, the commissioner knew he had made false statements to congress. did he come to congress and say i need to make you aware of this? no, he went to the treasury and the political appointees at the white house, disgusted with them. he did not even discuss it with his own inspector general because he and fact is co-opted in the political cover-up. bill: is it your belief this operation infected various branches of our government in washington, d.c., and not just the irs? perhaps many others participated in it. what do you think of that? >> any of my key lieutenants, we have the same instructions, follow the fact, don't assume where they lead but don't write off the possibility they lead there. we follow the facts and right now we're being stymied by these disappeared e-mails that should have been recovered, maybe still could be recovered but obviously we were not told in a timely fashion and that makes it hard. bill: appreciate your time today, sir. patti ann: a woman sells her car in the middle of a highway to help baby ducks in a court rules her actions cause a deadly pileup. we will tell you what penalties she could face did bill: in the report administrators have known for years records are being falsified. it is evidence to at some lawmakers have been saying for some time now. >> this is an issue that has been ongoing for many years but the lives and the manipulation of the numbers have just come to light in regards to the criminal activity that is out there. t! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" 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>> this is why people are so cynical about washington. now we have to fix it, they have known. congress have known. those in leadership positions and the secretary have known this has been a systemic problem for a long time. administrators pretending like they are going to fix it and the local levels fudging the numbers to make it look good. it is indicative of a corrosive culture. the chairman of the house committee says you have to rip the culture of the va straight out and start over again through real accountability providing a choice to go somewhere else so they are not lied to and then covered up to make it look better. >> these notes show the va held a conference call back in 2011 with officials nationwide. he mentioned concerns people were gaming the system and he said it should stop. even in 2010 the deputy on record describing the problems prohibiting the falsification of wait time data. now apparently they say they knew about it and they said don't do it. is that enough? >> almost no power to fire someone so the director send memos suggesting may not gain the system. but she could not threatened to fire people if they are not compliant. think of a culture you cannot threaten to fire someone if they falsify data. they were deleting records wholesale, creating secret lis lists. they were making it look like a scheduled appointment to look like they were rapid and the higher-level knew about it. but because they knew they could never be fired, as long as they made it look like they were not gaming the system, nobody got fired and everybody got bonuses. patti ann: the bonus part is kind of important. there was a financial motive for falsifying the data. they got bonuses if they could prove they were meeting their goals or improving wait time. bill: a ruling on the obama administration and the epa just coming in at the moment. we will have it for you after the break. patti ann: world cup soccer taking america by storm. playing a great game against portugal looking forward to their next game against germany. the fever. ♪ weekdays are for rising to the challenge. they're the days to take care of business. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. my treadmill started to dress i mibetter than i did.uts, the problem was the pain. hard to believe, but dr. scholl's active series insoles reduce shock by 40% and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries. amazing! now, i'm a believer. breaks news from the supreme court. the rulings coming in. this is from the epa and courts ruled 5-4 to limit the epa regulation. what does this mean in english, shannon? >> this is a technic technical so i will try to boil it down. it is essentially saying whether this rule the epa game up with for regulated greenhouse gases went too far and beyond what congress is allowed to regulate. it is a split decision. in summing up the opinion, we hold the epa exceeded it's authority when reading the clean air act regarding stationary sources and power plants but he goes on to say even though they went too far and beyond the power they have and the regulations is beyond the scope of power there is another way in which they will regulate the gases. so a strict decisions of being struck down on some but allowing to do some regulations. the next round is wednesday morning at 10 a.m. eastern. we are waiting for hobby lobby, the challenge to the hhs con u contraception mandate. many things to come and we will see watt the justice decide on wednesday. >> thank you, shannon. iraq is moving closer to civil war as the obama administration is struggling to find a solution and a key republican who may have white house ambition is backing the president. kentucky senator rand paul said we should not get involved in this battle fueled by hatred. >> it will be a civil war with feckless people and you have to ask yourself are you willing to your son to retake a city they were not willing to depend themselves. i am not willing to send my son into that mess. >> casey mcfarland is here. and good morning to you. fresh back from ukraine. we will talk about that another time. you have a scenario where the terrorist are gaining control by the day. you believe, let them go? don't get involved. secure the border of the united states and keep a watchful eye here at home. >> we are in the middle of a 3,000 year old war. they have been fighting each other since the beginning of time. we are talking about a third iraq civil war we are going to be in the middle of. unless we are prepared to be there forever, and not just iraq, but the entire region because it is a regional war that is going to go on. we have rethink the strategy and think about how we achieve the objectives. >> what is clear based on the strategy the administration is putting forward? >> the administration is using this as an excuse to do nothing. you cannot do nothing. there is another way. we have oil, terrorist and israel in the region. we want their oil, not their terrorist, but we want to have israel survive. the administration is going to walk away from all of that. i say don't get in the middle of the civil war but take action in the united states. push for energy independence and have us be the new middle east and defend the homeland, protect the borded and build missile defense. >> are you of the mind had we stayed in iraq, be it 5,000-15,000 soldiers and marines we will not be looking at this or just a question of time before they found a way to go to war. >> my guess is if we had stayed we would have a another conversation. but washington is blaming everybody us. there is plenty of game to go around. let's see we are where we are and how do we protect american interest without getting brag dragged into a civil war. >> you write protecting the americans from terrorist attacks and offer full support from israel it will be on his watch and head. >> the president of the united states has to decide where we go. that is not to go home and hide. he cannot blame anybody else if he doesn't take action. >> thank you, kt mcfarland. as isis is gaining ground the united states is considering how to help the u.s. jack keane is here and thank you for being with us. >> glad to be here. >> isis has control of the only crossing from jordan and key into syria and now another area is taken. how much technical advantage has isis gained? >> most of the north and most of the west has been taken in iraq and their next plan to be to incircle baghdad and try to consolid consolidate before attacking itself. what does all of this mean to us? it is the issue. the fact of the matter is when you look at isis, they are not a sectarian organization and i understand the pleas not being involved in a civil war in iraq and sectarian warfare but they are not sectarian. they are a gop organization driven by an idea. they want to take the muslim land back and dominate them and they are hold by sunni's and they intend to topple them and the shiite's in iraq as well. their next steps are jordan and lebanon. they said that. we have look at isis being a threat to our interest in the middle east and a threat to the united states and its security. i would say overwhelmingly yes. and then you have to figure out what to do about this and it could civil war in iraq and do we still act on behalf of u.s. national interest and i say we do and that involves some intervention soon or later to stop taking it down and as the menace grows it will be more and more threat that we will deal with regardless of who is in the white house. >> when you say we need to intervene -- how exactly? >> i believe the president's steps are the right one. let's get in and figure out what we need. if we are going to stop them from continuing the march we will have to take away the l logistics and the target vehicles and if we were going to take back the land in iraq we lost, the iraqi army is going to have to do that and air support and support of the operations will enable us. >> we will have to leave it there. thank you. >> here is a bazaar story. she thought she was doing a good deed by helping ducks but then her actions caused two people to die and now she is facing the possibility of life behind bars. is that fair? >> we have a legal panel for that one. and a tragic scene at a restaurant. a tractor trailer loaded with cars plowed in the restaurant willing one person. >> 4-5 foot flames were coming off the trailer and it doesn't safe for anybody to be in the building. building. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. >> tractor trailer crashed into a restaurant injuring four and leaving a young bartender dead. the driver made an unexpected turn to hit a construction and hit a concrete post and slammed into the restaurant. the cargo might be in question and faulty brakes are to blame. the investigation is ongoing. a canadian woman could be getting a life sentence in prison because she wanted to help ducks on the side of had road. he -- she parked her car in the moving lane and got out to help and caused a crash that killed two people. keith sullivan and doug burns are here. this happened in canada. let's be clear about the facts. the baby ducks were on the median and not on the road. they were safe on the median. she saw them and said i don't see a mommy with those babies let me scoop them up in my car and take them hope. she stopped her car in the middle of the left lane. this woman is criminally stupid. >> no doubt but the bed rock of law is the mental state. she clearly had no intention of killing the individuals on the motorcycles. keep in mind, they are also partly responsible for their death. they were speeding, i think it was 20 miles above their speed limit and didn't leave enough distance. she didn't stop suddenly. this is usually a manslaughter. life in prison isn't humane. >> when you say didn't stop suddenly what do you mean? >> she got out of the car and there was ample opportunity for a driver to see the vehicle and some to a stop. other vehicles swerved out of the way. this motorcyclist was going to be fast and contributed to his own death and his daughter's det death. >> you would say the was neg negligent people on both sides. when you get pass the headline. life in prison. she is not getting life in prison. she will probably get probation in my opinion and last point is negligence is for intent and i can understand people having a problem with that particularly in this type of case. >> as you pointed out, the man tragically behind her 50-year-old dad with his 16-year-old daughter on the back of a motorcycle and they are riding too close and going to say fast. the mom and wife is on a motorcycle behind them. she stopped on time and came out and said i don't blame the woman for stopping the car for my husband and daughter's death. obviously there is some wiggle room there. >> there is a lot of factors there. the idea the car driver has the possibility, and i agree with doug, i don't think she is going to get life, but the mere fact that is on the table -- that is unacceptable and not humane that we would do that to somebody because they were stupid without the intent of wanting to bring about death. >> the woman said i am willing to plead guilty to lesser charges. she wanted a plea deal and it was turned down because they want her to serve jail time. >> this is like a recipe. a dash of media coverage and dash of overreaching. keith and i, anyway lawyers who have been practicing, this case has a tag and she did negligent behavior and should be in trouble. >> she is suffering quite a bit over knowing she caused these deaths. doug and keith, thank you for joining us. >> jon scott standing by and "happening now" rolls your way at the top of the hour. >> a white house correspondant want asked dick cheney if he called the president a trader. and consumer demand sky rockets the gluten-free industry into a frenzy even though some say there is no benefit. so are americans buying into hy hype? and hope solo spending the weekend behind bars for assault. >> baseball is america's past time but right now we have a case of world cup fever. team usa and how their tenacity is drawing millions to the game. >> are you watching, patty ann? >> i am not watching. where might have to start. i know you are. -- i might -- did you know a ten-second test -- i might -- could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. >> three billion have world cup fever. they counted all of them. ten million watched the us game against portugal on espn. numbers are not official. hello to you, media director. >> goal for portugal. >> they are challenging the nfl and nba? >> major league soccer isn't. but the world cup, that game was watched by more people than the nba finals with james in it. more than any world series and three times the nhl finals. world cup is huge but major league soccer isn't at exciting. >> is like the olympics. the best of the best. they keep talking about a tipping point and i have been waiting all my life. >> i have a little girl, but if we have a boy my wife said he is not playing football. it is too dangerous and i see concussions with kids playing football and our kid is playing soccer and that is happening in a lot of households. >> terrific competition and the united states teams are doing well. the times line up with a lot of folks east of the mississippi. >> that helps. 6:00, sunday, there is no more nba finals, stanley cup finals over, baseball games over, no competition to watch the game. i was at a bbq and they plopped down an i-pad on the picnic table. >> the app is up and that tells us about viewing habits and how they are changing. >> high noon. thursday, beat germany. america's top diplomat in baghdad and the u.s. suggesting iraq's prime minister step down to help calm the crisis but he is pushing his own plan. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. >> we will see this hearing later tonight at 7:00 in front of darrell issa, see what happens with the irs commissioner. >> it is going to be fascinating. >> friday was unexpected t was real fiery. we'll see what truth they uncover and see where it leads. freight to be with you, patti ann. >> not sure how much truth. great to be with you. >> "happening now" starts right now. jenna: your big story as we get started, new calls for political reform in iraq as america's top diplomat sits down with the country's embattled prime minister. i hope you're having a great week. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. secretary of state john kerry wrapped up a series of critical meetings in iraq including one with the prime minister there, nouri al-maliki. this comes as washington floats the idea as maliki resign as first step towards stopping vicious and violent uprising convulsing that country. maliki has plans of his own, pushing for targeted airstrikes against militants in iraq and

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