Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20131123

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to the gusty winds and with the possibility of maybe some power lines still coming down, but for the rest of the day the winds will ease up, it will be a bright and sunny afternoon, with numbers mainly in the 60s by about 1:00, but 40s and 50s for most, and we'll look for the winds to continue to dial back but pretty dangerous in parts of the north bay. katie? >> lisa, thank you. we have breaking news in sunol, interstate 680 is moving again after a fatal accident early this morning. a corvette, excuse me, let me -- there was a corvette, the driver of a corvette, an elderly man who stopped to check on a mini van that had stalled near vargas road. the elderly man got out to check on the people and was hit by a third driver. officers had shut down three northbound lanes around 1:00 this morning, very sad. things are back to normal at lax this morning after police evacuated and searched two terminals last night. >> everyone on the ground! everybody get down! >> this video shows police searching one terminal at gunpoint after receiving reports that someone had fired a gun and at the same time an anonymous caller reported seeing a man with a gun in a different terminal. police quickly determined both reports were false. what actually happened was a woman had a medical problem and crashed her suv in the front of terminal five. the sound of that crash and people screaming triggered the false reports of a shooting. >> and that made everyone think that there was gunshots and then somebody in terminal four call and said they saw somebody with a gun so they evacuated the terminal. everybody was outside and chaos. >> police say the evacuation was precautionary. the incident delayed 60 flights and impacted about 4,600 travelers, four arriving flights were diverted to other airports. this incident of course comes weeks after a deadly shooting at lax. it was november 1st that police say a 23-year-old paul ciancia walked into an lax terminal, shot and killed tsa officer gerardo hernandez. ciancia is facing murder charges. developing news in milpitas, the embassy suites hotel remains open despite a stabbing. 30-year-old woman was rushed to the hospital in critical condition after being found on the third floor around 5:30 suffering from numerous stab wounds. police believe she knew her attacker. they found evidence she was attacked inside the ninth floor room where she was registered. so far, no arrests have been made. developing news from the north bay, wind gusts have spread a massive wildfire in sonoma county. the fire burned the cooling tower at a cal pine corporation geothermal plant. it has been evacuated. nobody's been hurt, but two plants have been knocked offline. the fire started at 2:00 yesterday morning north of geyserville. it has burned 2,500 acres. firefighters have it 10% contained. now to the bay area wind storms, people are still cleaning up after strong gusts hit the east bay thursday night. this is a tweet the picture from reporter heather ishimaru. it is a giant eucalyptus tree uprooted by the storm. our alan wang has more from oakland. >> reporter: a power line stopped this tree from falling into a house in oakland but crews just got to it. >> with everything that was happening in the city it was really hard to get through to emergency crews. >> reporter: meanwhile, about 170 customers in her neighborhood are without power. >> i don't want another cold shower. >> reporter: as bad as this neighborhood looks, oakland public works says it was not at the top of the priority list. roadways like this one at fifth and jackson had to be cleared before the evening rush hour. >> folks are using see, click, fix, an online application where you can use your smartphone and allow us to know where there are downed trees. >> reporter: everywhere debris is pushed to the side of the road, even taking up parking spaces for potential customers at ledger's liquor store in berkeley. >> they said they had 130 calls and trying to move along and pick it up as they can. >> reporter: a 50-foot cypress tree is still leaning against this home in berkeley. >> if we were a one story house, it definitely would have come through our house. >> reporter: tree clears crews are working quickly but safely. alan wang, abc 7 news. now is the time to inspect your trees before the next storm. if a tree in your property has been marked with a red "x" it's your responsibility to have that tree removed. thursday night's wind storm took the lives of two people in the bay area. in one case, a man was killed by falling branches on austin street near fruitvale in oakland. the tree had been marked for removal but never taken out >> it's dangerous, even the branches are still dangling even when there's a little bit of wind. they need to cut that tree down. >> the second occurred on skyline boulevard, a man apparently tried to avoid hitting a downed tree while driving. he wound up colliding with another tree in the center median and died. the winds took down a scoreboard at concord high school. students are worried about next year's football season. school administrators say they don't know where they'll find the money to fix it. more than 5,000 homes and businesses are still without electricity after thursday night's wind storm. 3,000 are in the north bay and power is still out for more than 1,200 customers in the east bay. a reminder, be sure to get the abc 7 news weather app, it will alert you to power outages and severe weather. and it is free. for more information, go to new this morning, secretary of state john kerry is in geneva to finalize on agreement on iran's numbering clear program. negotiators from china, france, russia, the uk and iran are all in attendance. the international leaders have been working on an agreement to roll back iran's march toward a nuclear weapon, in return, tehran wants the nation to ditch the economic sanctions it claims are strangling the iranian economy. new this morning, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake has hit the south pacific. it happened around midnight our time, the quake could be felt in fiji and tonga. hundreds of miles away. no reports of any damage. the pacific tsunami warning center did not issue a warning saying the quake was centered too far underground. a bay area man held captive in north korea may be the victim of mistaken identity. north korean officials admitted they are holding 85-year-old merrill newman of palo alto but there's another korean war veteran with the same name, 84-year-old merrill h. newman from oregon, that newman won a silver star for valor during the war. merrill newman's wife issued a statement begging north korea to release her husband. he's been held since late october as he was yanked off a plane as he was about to come home. in the south bay the naacp will be teaming up with san jose state officials on monday to address racial tensions on campus. the meeting comes as a fourth student has been charged with a hate crime and battery against his african-american roommate. police say he and three others put their roommate's head in a bike lock, called him names with slave references and put nazi symbols and a confederate flag in their shared room. >> stay with "abc 7 saturday morning news." coming in our next half hour, south bay reporter david louie will bring us new details. this morning, convicted serial killer joseph nasois awaiting transfer to san quinton prison having been sentenced to death. at a hearing in san rafael he responded to the judge's decision with an indecent gesture. nasowas convicted of murdering four women between 1977 and 1994. the judge called him evil and disturbed and told him the world is a worse place with him in it. the death toll in the philippines from typhoon haiyan is up to 5,200 people. two bay area nurses saw the damage caused by the storm firsthand. they just returned to sfo last night, after spending a week assisting with relief efforts. their task was to go into evacuee camps and set up operations for future volunteers. the nurses said the devastation is enormous. >> both nurses hope to return to the philippines to help with relief efforts again. good for them. lot of help needed. 6:09 and we're dealing with a little bit of wind. >> a little bit of wind up in the north bay but elsewhere, much much calmer conditions. beautiful shot from the embarcadero, exploratorium camera. you can see how festive it looks, we're looking at the holiday forecast coming up which includes some rain. stay tuned. we'll have it for you in a few minutes. >> thanks, lisa. lbs ahead, remembering the jfk assassination 50 years later. the events around the country and here at home marking one of the darkest moments in the nation's history. plus an east bay teacher is dealing with a personal family tragedy but he's getting a boost from his former students, don't worry, santa will find us. ♪ [ female announcer ] this christmas, light santa's way with the hallmark santa signal ornament. you got to love the weekend. it's like everyone came to, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. welcome back everyone. it is 6:13. live look right now at the bay bridge from our hd roof cam, just beyond the bay lights you can see some low clouds now but those are going to clear and it's going to be a pretty nice, sunny day in san francisco. yesterday much of the nation pautz paused to remember a turning point in history, the 50th anniversary of the jfk assassination. in dallas where kennedy was killed the city erected a memorial at dealey plaza with the final paragraph of the speech he was supposed to give that day. in washington, tourists paused at the kennedy gravesite where an eternal flame has burned since he was laid to rest in 1963. and here in the bay area, john f. kennedy university in pleasant hill unveiled a bust originally made for the jfk library in boston. a popular walnut creek teacher is getting a boost from a couple of former students after a family tragedy. abc reporter sergio quintana talked with them. >> choo-choo train. >> yes. >> reporter: in walnut creek lots of people know jeff loving simply as mr. loving. he's a p.e. teacher at walnut creek intermediate school. just after a trip back home last year from picking up their two youngest children from an ethiopian orphanage his wife brenda was diagnosed with terminal cancer. >> she made it ten months and you know, lost it. >> reporter: she passed away days ago ending their dream of raising their children together. this week, two former students decided to lend a hand. >> when i heard the news, i thought there's got to be a way for us to help. >> reporter: when they found out mr. loving would be raising four beautiful children by himself they decided to try to help out and launched a website to try to raise a little money to help out and just a couple days, look at the response they've got, they raised $12,000. ali walsh and lita ibrahimi own a local salon, they posted flyers for a full day fund-raising next month. mr. loving has always been someone they and other students looked up to. >> i think he's going to be just fine. i think he needs a little bit of help now it's a tough time. >> they were wonderful kids then and wonderful adults now and just wanted to find a way to help me so that's, i mean, it makes you feel great. it's incredibly, incredibly humbling. >> reporter: he says he's overwhelmed by the support from these two former students and the rest of the community. >> 6:15. lisa argin keeping track of the weather. beautiful bay lights in the morning. >> the embarcadero lit up now and later on tonight, pier 39, i'll tell you when in a few minutes but right now looking at live doppler 7 hd which is quiet. rain is over but it is coming back and it should be this time of year. the timing may not be great. here is a look at the cloud cover that continues to push into southern california. they have the wind and the rain right now. we're left in its wake with still some breezy conditions, red flag warning for parts of the north bay all day today. mt. tam the camera is shaking. nice shot out there and it's clear, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. 65 in oakland. 44 in san jose with mid-50s on the coast and the winds everywhere continue to back off, except in the north bay. east bay hills camera not as shaky as the mt. tam one and looking at mid-50s santa rosa, 47 in napa so pretty mild out there compared to what it could be if we didn't have the winds, with the dry atmosphere, we would certainly be into the 30s this morning. 39 though by the delta, it feels like it's 32 and they have fog to boot here, 50 in concord, 42 in livermore. forecast highlights and a glimpse from our exploratorium camera looking beautiful this morning. gusty north bay winds throughout the morning hours and also into the afternoon. so we've had some wildfires and the possibility remains throughout the day today with a red flag warning, sunny and mild for most taking us through tuesday. the changes come wednesday into thanksgiving day as our next wet weather maker heads our way. wind gusts still in excess of 50 miles an hour, with low relative humidity, in fact it's at 16% in santa rosa, with the dew point at 8, so it is dry as a bone out there, and tonight with the lack of wind, we will have some patchy frost here but the possibility for marin, sonoma and napa to see some fires ignited from the wind and the dry fuel is certainly a possibility, so be careful. it will be a pretty day to get out there and enjoy the weather. the winds are gusting to oh about 23 miles an hour, atlas peak, you can see knoxville creek 20 miles an hour and south bay and east bay it is much, much quieter. so the area of low pressure was so close to us yesterday and that high building in brought the tight pressure gradient. the high is beginning to move a little bit away and the low further south bringing the rain and wind into southern california, so some very rough roadways in the southland with the grapevine experiencing some very slick conditions but for us it's wednesday and thursday with the next area of low pressure heading parallel to the coast and at this point looks like maybe a half inch of rain, we'll have to fine tune that for you as we get closer, and the big game for today, northeast winds 10 to 15 miles an hour with temperatures in the low 60s, down at stanford stadium and for the rest of the bay area, temperatures fairly uniform with plenty of sunshine, maybe a few high clouds. up in the north bay with that wind you could reach 70 degrees near clear lake. the accuweather seven-day forecast notice no changes tomorrow, monday, even tuesday, rain arrives on wednesday and periods of rain for thanksgiving clearing out though by friday. abc 7 news is another great weather resoirs for you to follow following live doppler 7 hd for the latest weather conditions, rain or shine and video forecasts, spare the air alerts, power outage info and tweets from your favorite weather team. black friday is almost here. can you believe it? ahead on the abc 7 saturday morning news, "7 on your side's" michael finney will reveal some of the doorbuster d ♪ with holiday magic in both parks, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the importan and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. black friday almost here and shoppers have one big advantage this year, "7 on your side's" michael finney tells us black friday is no longer a one-day event. >> reporter: this is the black friday scene, shoppers turning into all-night campers, intent on getting the blockbuster deals. >> it's the one day all year where the tables are turned, and we aren't simply reacting at the last minute to marketing. >> reporter: that's brad wilson of brad's deals, who scans the marketplace for bargains. he says we have an advantage, ads tell us who has what deals and this year not all stores open at once. here is a place to start at precisely 6:00 p.m. on thanksgiving day best buy opens one doorbusters like this, a 55 inch lg flat screen television will be offered at half price, just $499. >> that's the lowest price we've ever seen on a tv. >> reporter: 10:00 a.m. friday best buy will offer any mac book air computer for $150 off, or you can get one of these microsoft surface tablets for $199, a savings of $150. >> there will be probably between 700 to 900 people in line. >> reporter: here at toys "r" us doors will open 5:00 p.m. thanksgiving day offering deals that last four hours. this popular leapfrog computer tablet for kids will be sold at half price just $39.99, until 9:00 p.m. ♪ this "despicable me" dancing day will also be half price at just $24.99. other toy deals last through the weekend, like this roadster half price at $49.99. patrick here gives the toy not just one thumbs up but two. here at target we found a $299 nikon camera that will sell for just $99 over the weekend. and target regulars might like this deal, a new ipad air for $479, that's a $20 savings and also comes with a $100 target gift card. macy's will be open on thanksgiving for the first time, from 8:00 p.m. through the night, deals include this $200 five-piece luggage set for just $49. this 11-piece quisinart cookware will be sold at half price just $99 and these $129 cashmere sweaters just 39 bucks. all these deals are offered while supplies last, but walmart is changing even that. here at walmart, customers who are in the store between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on thanksgiving day are guaranteed to get the doorbuster deals, if the store runs out of an item, customers get a voucher. walmart promises to deliver the product before christmas day. >> it's a little funky that they're doing it all within this one hour. the fact that they're offsetting that with guaranteed availability is big time in our favor. >> reporter: here are some of the guaranteed deals, a new ipad mini for $299, it comes with a $100 walmart gift card so if you shop there it's a big savings. >> that was "7 on your side's" michael finney reporting. dan harris joins us live from new york to tell us what is coming up on "good morning america." >> coming up on "gna" we are heading into a day of heavy rain, high winds and dangerous ice at a massive and lethal storm rolls over the american southwest and then starts lumbering eastward. it may not affect you guys but it's going to affect every american perhaps who is traveling by air this week, especially if you're going across country as we enter into one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. speaking of travel an inflight scare a terrifying scene had passengers in real fear as a man loses it on board a flight to atlanta. take a look. >> bomb on the plane, there's a [ bleep ]. >> there's a bomb on the plane he's saying. coming up wait until you see what happened next. also coming up the royal entrance, prince harry landed in antarctica, getting ared to begin his 200-mile trek to the south pole. we'll have the latest details on his journey and the charity that he's raising for and the holiday season is almost here as you noted in your last report, people are already lining up at the stores to get the season's most popular gifts and we sent our sarah haines in with some ruthless kid toy testers to see which children's toys are making the cut. these kids katie are pros enlisted by the industry and their rulings are very interested and may help anybody who is out there looking for toys this holiday season. >> i would have guessed all kids are pros at toys but what do i know. >> i that i you're right about that but these are the real pros. >> double pros. thank you, good to see you. the abc 7 saturday morning news continues at 6:30 with the day's top stories, including new this morning, a visit to the beach turns deadly. the shark attack now under investigation down under. and new details on the hate crime investigation at south bay university, the critical meeting ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raley's, bel air, and nob hill. so glad you're with us on this saturday morning. a weather with meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning,xtukatie. breezy winds keeping the temperatures mild and gusty winds in the higher elevations of the north bay. half moon bay wind gusts of 22 miles an hour, it's calm in the east bay and the south bay, but up in the north bay, despite the calmer winds, still a red flag warn something in effect until 5:00 tonight for low relative humidity and the dry fuels that are present in marin, sonoma and napa county. the possibility of wildfires exist here, but we have good news with rain coming back into the forecast, i'll show it to you and the accuweather seven-day forecast. >> lisa, thank you. we have developing news, things are back to normal this morning at lax, after two terminals were evacuated and searched by police last night. the video shows police searching one terminal at gunpoint after receiving reports that someone had fired a gun and another terminal a caller reported seeing someone with a gun, both reports turned out to be false. police say the sound of an suv crash at a terminal and people screaming were mistakenly reported as a shooting incident. the disruption delayed 40 flights and three inbound planes were diverted to other airports. in new york city, a man was injured after getting hit in the head with a knife at jfk airport, it happened yesterday evening. airport officials say two men started fighting and that's when one of them took out a knife and hit the other man in the forehead. the victim is expected to be okay. no one else was hurt. still no word on what led to that fight. and new from australia, a surfer has been killed by a shark. it happened this morning off the coast of gracetown. state police say the victim appears to be in his 20s. no word yet on the type of shark involved in the attack. beaches though are now closed to visitors. the area has been the site of three fatal shark attacks in the last decade. we're learning new details about three white san jose state freshmen charged with hate crimes against their african-american roommate. campus police discovered other hate material in one of the student's rooms. abc 7 news reporter david louie has the latest in san jose. >> reporter: the hazing happened on the seventh floor of this freshman dorm, a floor for engineering students. suite 704 was occupied by three whites and one african-american. the campus police report says last week the victim returned to the suite and found a racial insult on a dry erase board in the common area, it was the "n" word. when a resident manager contacted police, officers found nazi symbols in one of the bedrooms, and learned of pranks targeting the 17-year-old victim. the victim whose name has not been released told campus police he felt safe in the suite but would stay in his bedroom most of the time. the suite has a common living and kitchen area with four individual bedrooms and two shared bathrooms. the police report also details pranks such as hiding the victim's shoes. the district attorney's office has charged the victim's three roommates with commission of a hate crime and battery. we have confirmed one has surrendered. hose state tells us four students have been suspended. the victim's parents issued a statement saying "as a family we are deeply disturbed by the horrific behaviors that have taken place against our son. our immediate focus is his protection. we appreciate the outpouring of support from our family, community and the efforts of hose state university. due to the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation we are requesting privacy." the campus is diverse and inclusive, however, one student claims she was the victim of racial hazing and even though she reported it she didn't think anyone was disciplined. >> one of them put dish soap in my juice and this was after me, after us having meeting with the rlc and the ras to address the situations that were going on and so after that, the solution was to move me to a different room. >> reporter: in san jose, david louie, abc 7 news. this morning b.a.r.t.'s largest union says it's considering legal action against b.a.r.t. management. this comes after the board approved a new contract agreement which ended last month's strike but it did not include a family leave provision. the union called the move unprecedented and illegitimate. b.a.r.t. management says the provision was mistakenly included. the bay area's dependence on b.a.r.t. was highlighted again yesterday when a computer problem shut down b.a.r.t. service for hours overnight and part of the morning commute. network server upgrade caused the system to go offline, stranding passengers. from southern california, a man who was missing for several days is safe and sound this morning. los angeles police found darwin vella yesterday after he flagged someone down on the side of a road. on tuesday he withent for a walk with his dog. he did not return home but his dog did, along with a bloody leash. police won't say yet if vella was kidnapped. he does have some ties to hollywood celebrities and was scheduled to testify earlier this week at a hearing for a man accused of burglarizing the home of nicolas cage's former girlfriend. in economic news, pixar confirmed reports it has laid off part of its staff in emeryville. fewer than 60 people were let go due to the postponement of its next animated feature. pixar is owned by disney, the parent company of abc 7. new this morning, president obama says the u.s. economy is improving, even if it's been overshadowed by political gridlock and the messy rollout of his health care law. in his weekly address the president says jobs have been created, the auto industry is recovering and deficits are falling. he's trying to be upbeat in the wake of his administration's failure to create a functioning health care website. >> our businesses have created 7.8 million new jobs in the past 44 months, another 200,000 americans went back to work last month. the american auto industry has come roaring back with more than 350,000 new jobs, jobs turning out and selling the high tech fuel-efficient cars the world wants to buy. >> for the republicans, texas congressman mike burgess says the u.s. should scrap obama care and start over. despite the president's promise, some people who like their doctor may lose their doctor. president obama returns to san francisco monday, the president will visit the betty aung recreation center in chinatown to push for immigration reform and he'll attend a fund-raiser at the sf jazz center. the president visited the bay area eight times in the last two and a half years. stay with abc 7 news for complete coverage of the president's visit monday. you can get updates any time on twitter. just follow us @abc7newsbayarea. tesla's ceo elon musk is charged up. the new vow he's making this morning as the federal government looks into the safety of his model "s" sedan. console complication, microsoft's brand new x-box is so popular it can't be found on store shelves but customers are already finding problems with the new system. taking a live look outside taking a live look outside at 6:37 from our mt. tamalp is is jim, a man who doesn't stand still. atrial fibrilljim has afib, taking a live look outside at 6:37 from our mt. tamalp is is jim, atrial fibrillation -- an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. 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>> yes, right, i guess. i know people who are. >> we are looking at breezy winds along the coast, a nice shot of the golden gate bridge, winds still up to 15 and 20 miles an hour but don't see any tree branches moving here. north of the golden gate the gusty winds and red flag warning. i'll detail that for you and talk about when the rain is coming back in the sex seven days. >> thanks, lisa. coming up first, phones on planes, the fcc says it may allow passengers to use them during flights but strong you got to love the weekend. it's like everyone came to, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. withal come back. live look from our sutro tower cam. looks a little hazy out there. there are some clouds in some places but the main story is the wind in the north bay, a red flag warning there. lisa argen will fill you in on all the details coming up. . big changes could be coming to air travel. the fcc is considering allowing cell phone calls during flight once the plane hits 10,000 feet. as karen traverse tells us the backlash from passengers and flight attendance has been very quick and very negative. >> can you hear me now? >> reporter: that guy is annoying on the street. imagine him sitting next to you on the plane. travelers can use their electronic devices takeoff through landing but the friendly skies may get more noisy. the fcc is considering allowing cell phone calls on planes above 10,000 feet. the immediate reaction has been overwhelmingly negative. >> people are talking loud i think that might be disruptive. >> some things too personal and you don't really want to know. >> reporter: flight attendants say no way. >> a terrible idea, overwhelmingly passengers rejected that notion and flight attendants don't want that on board either. >> reporter: if the fcc decides to change the rules each airline could decide whether it will allow calls. for now many airlines are reluctant, worried about passenger backlash pb jetblue and united say their customers are largely opposed. delta was adamant no voice calls. the calls would be made through wifi, not cellular technology. airlines would have to install special equipment to give off the signal. passengers would most likely have to pay a fee to use the service but if you want to avoid the chatty kathy in row ten you have to pay for a seat in a quiet zone. >> passengers might not want the phone calls but if the airlines think they can can make enough money off of this, they might go ahead with the plan anyway. >> reporter: even if the fcc approves the change it wouldn't take effect immediately. there will be a public comment period that could take up to a year. for now enjoy the peace and quiet. karen traverse, abc news, washington. >> i'm in the anti-camp on that one. people talking on their phones on planes? no thank you. that's it for me. what is the weather zone? >> make sure you make a phone call while i'm doing the weather. >> please, focus on one thing at a time. >> it's looking much calmer and looks like a nice looking weekend out there, except for the fact we still have some winds up in the north bay and that is a biggie. the national weather service issued a red flag warning for parts of marin, sonoma and napa through 5:00. the wind gusts some of them have still been in excess of 50 miles an hour, but the rest of the bay is quiet, and take a look at this, from mt. tam, not only is this beautiful, but the winds have even lightened up here earlier, the past couple of hours we had the cameras shaking and as a result the winds didn't want to let up and they were allowing for temperatures to stay rather mild, and still doing that, though, with oakland at 65. 46 in redwood city. 42 in los gatos own an the coast 54 mahalf moon bay. fairfield sticks out, we're looking at numbers in the upper 30s, they have a windchill factor and also have some fog there, 47 in napa, so it is not too hard to take with the temperatures. 42 in livermore valley and forecast highlights from the ex-porer to yum camera look how clear this is. perhaps a nice day to get out there and really enjoy the beach if you're wanting to surf. yesterday it was totally blown out of course due to the winds but those gusty north bay winds continue throughout the day today and we'll look for sunny and mild conditions for the rest of us right on through tuesday, rainy outlook not only for thanksgiving but the day before. here is the red flag warning until 5:00, marin, sonoma, napa. relative humidity at 16% in sonoma, the dew point down to 8 so we're talking mega dry winds and this fuels the fire if there happens to be any to spread with the dry fuel so be very careful, very popular area to bike and hike around mt. tam, and points north in sonoma, but despite the sunny skies we are looking at the gusty winds at the coast right now. but that, too, will brighten up. 22 miles an hour and notice across all of the bay area much calmer so mainly in the higher elevations today of the north bay. storm system moving south out of central california but boy, it's rough going in the southland with the wind advisories down through san diego. high pressure has built on in and our fair weather maker staying with us for the next several days. statewide though the wind warning has been lifted for the sierra nevada, still gusty in spots, 42 for the northern sierra, 62 in monterrey, so mild around here. the changes as this area of low pressure gets closer, bringing rain wednesday into thanksgiving day, perhaps a half an inch of rain is what we could see for the beginning of the holiday for that getaway wednesday. today, big game down at stanford, northeast winds 10 to 15 miles an hour. 62 degrees at 1:00 and by 3:00 the rest of the bay area mainly in the mid-60s, except up to the north with the gusty winds, cloverdale and clear lake near 70 degrees. the accuweather seven-day forecast check it out, you'll notice status quo right through sunday, monday, tuesday, here comes the rain on wednesday, doesn't look like a strong system, but we'll take anything we can get, kind of a sloppy thanksgiving, and then it's over for friday. >> anything we can get, that's the truth. thank you, lisa. in sports, big game is today. stanford versus cal, the cardinal heavily favored. you never know what happens when the two teams get together and the warriors plagued by injuries in l.a. here's larry diehl with your morning sports. >> good morning, everybody. seth curry sat out the second straight game for the warriors in l.a. and much worse, andre igoudala got hurt and it looks bad. curry in street clothes, still experiencing headaches after the concussion earlier in the week. the throwdown, second quarter, barnes and bogart, big man show and go. gasol puts him in the torture chamber, up and under, lakers by nine at the half. igoudala felt his left hamstring pop and can't walk. he could be out for a while. in the fourth nick young the night of his life off the steal coast to coast, warriors drop their seventh straight to the lakers in l.a., 102-95 and we'll see what the story is with curry and igoudala going forward. can cal shock the world and upset stanford in the 116th edition of the big game? the cardinal listed as 32-point favorites going in. stanford's won three straight games, face a struggling cal team, 1-10 on the year, allowing 44 points per game. the question for stanford, can they get up for a cal team after having seen the rose bowl hopes vanish in the lost to usc last week? the bears looking for their first elusive pac-12 victory but sobby knows the agony of a wiped season could be wiped away if they knock off the cardinal. >> this would be a way to end it on a positive note. sanford obviously has a great football team. it will be a challenge for us but our kids are excited, we have a great week of practice, preparing well and we have to go out and play well. there's two incredible academic institutions that have great tradition and great pride and i paid attention to this game growing up my entire life and career and it's what is great about college football. >> the energy seen around campus here and in berkeley before the game is pretty unique and a great experience. probably one of the best rivalries in the country and it's an honor to represent stanford in that rivalry. >> see if cal can shock the world. we have college football today on abc 7 at 12:30, oregon versus arizona and at 5:00 it's baylor and oklahoma state, we'll be on after that with lexus after the game at 8:30 with all the highlights of the day's action and of course the big game. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry diehl. britain's prince harry left london for the other side of the equator, ahead on "abc 7 saturday morning news" the good cause that has the fun-loving royal waking up in the south pole. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raley's, bel air, and nob hill. britain's prince harry is in antarctica this morning. he arrived yesterday to begin a 200-mile charity trek to the south pole involving wounded servicemen and women. harry is part of a team raising money for the military charity "walking with the wounded." he's expected to reach the pole in mid-december. "good morning america" will have much more on the story coming up at 7:00. good luck to the group there. the countdown is on for this weekend's american music awards. armando christian perez, better known as pitbull is rehearsing his emcee duties in los angeles. tomorrow night's show will include performances by jennifer lopez, justin timberlake, katy perry, rihanna, lady gaga and miley cyrus, just to name a few. pitbull amping up for his new venture at host. >> never had a hosting gig or job but i wake up and host a world every day. so the american music awards, what better place than with a room full of beautiful, sexy, sophisticated powerful women, you know? >> think it's going to be a good show. tomorrow will mark the network prime time's debut of pitbull's latest hit "timber." catch it on abc 7 starting at 8:00 p.m. speaking of beautiful ladies, lisa argen with a last look at the weather. >> we're looking nice except for the red flag warning that continues up in the north bay. dry winds gusting to up to 50 miles an hour, the possibility anyway so be careful, a beautiful day though to get out and enjoy the weather as the winds continue to dial back and ease up throughout the day. numbers in the north bay, with that wind, 64 fremont, morgan hill, 63 in antioch and notice the rain wednesday and thanksgiving. >> holiday just around the corner. thank you, lisa and thank you for joining us on the "abc7 saturday morning news." abc 7 news continues at 8:00 a.m., "good morning america" is next. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the importan and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the blection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. good morning, america. this morning, extreme weather. a large and lethal storm slamming the american southwest, with record rain, high wind and dangerous ice. and it's all now moving east, as we head into one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. breaking overnight, airport panic. travelers at l.a.x. rushed to the exits after reports of a man with a gun. this, just weeks after the murder of a tsa officer. from the airport to the air. look at this video from a scary flight. >> there's a bomb on the plane. >> a man losing it mid-air, alarming his fellow passengers. what set him off? and what happened next? and finally found.

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