traffic is moving well if you are driving on 101 and san rafael also through the marin county. also if you drive on the sunole grade out of pleasanton it does look good. now let's go back to the desk. sal, we are following developing news this morning about a search in east oakland about a suspect in the police shooting just hours ago the alameda s.w.a.t. team was involved. alex savage has an update on the situation now, alex, what do you know? >> reporter: good morning, dave, police lieutenant told me a short time ago, he believes the man at the center has escaped and he's the man who opened fire on officers near 79th and mcarthur. he opened fire and ran off and at one point late last night a s.w.a.t. team moved on a house in this neighborhood thinking that man may have been hiding inside. the alameda s.w.a.t. team searched that home but did not find who they were looking for signed. everything got started when police pulled a car over in this neighborhood and the passenger holding a gun hopped out and may have fired on officers. he than ran into the neighborhood and a perimeter was set up in this neighborhood. worried neighbors stayed inside while officers searched for a suspect. >> it is kind of like normal around here. i just worry about the kids because i have a six-year-old, you know. all can i do is protect our kids. >> reporter: but this perimeter that police had set up, this perimeter has come down and they do believe the man at the center of this search has likely escaped. they were also telling me they know who the suspect is but at this point they are not putting out a description on who the man is. all level savage -- all level -- alex savage ktvu channel 2 morning news. it happened on post street. investigators say a person of interest in roner park barricaded himself in the apartment. the man then started firing shots through the walls and floors and set things on fire. >> the commander made the decision that there was immediate danger or life or serious injury to other tenants in the building and gave the green light to eliminate the threat for when it can be done safely the suspect was neutralized. >> reporter: they forced the evacuation of the nearby apartment building. as we told you the man in this building was a person of interest in the deadly crime in ron they are crime earl -- roner park earlier this week. two people were shot, they were wounded when driving near santa clara just before 6:00 last night. while the woman suffered a graze, the man was shot several times and has life-threatening injuries. the back window was blown out and if you are in that area, officers are now asking for witnesses. several townhouses went up in flames overnight. claudine wong is at the santa clara housing development where fire crews have been standing guard, claudine? >> reporter: they are still putting out hot spots and they put some water behind us. this is going to be a long process this morning and they are not going anywhere. they are watching this area, one lane of scott street still remains blocked out and no traffic getting through that lane and i asked firefighters how long they will be here and they said it was going to be awhile. i want to give you some idea of when this all started, it started at 10:00 last night. flames were shooting about 100 feet in the air. these are unoccupied homes and the townhouse is in the process of being built. it burned hot, hot enough to set offspring letters and hot enough to have firefighters worried and they spoke to us about what they faced. >> we saw flames and they were inn pinning on -- they were coming close to other homes so we were worried and we wanted to make sure it didn't make it to other homes. >> reporter: as we said it went straight up in the air and about an hour and a half later they were able to get the fire out. as we come back here live, you can see a little bit of a flame here, hot spots continue to watch us and we can tell you they are still evacuating and there is some damage and those homes are still affected. new development in this area and they are waiting for first light and investigators can come out here and start to figure out how this started and crews will try to come in and figure out how this started. >> time now 5:06 now we are finding out more about president barack obama's controversial decision for same sex marriage. what political experts are saying whether it will help or hurt his reelection chances. well san francisco's castro district celebrated after president barack obama's big announcement and at the corner people were writing messages of thanks. >> and the president promised hope and change for years to come so today those words they truly give us hope and truly, it is change and things are never going to be the same after today. >> now among those talking they say if the president can change his view, there is hope others can change as well. and a bart board meeting, calling on the bart board of directors are calling on new trains made in the u.s.a. they are awarding a new fleet of cars to a canadian company. now they have pledged to build 66% of the new train cars in the u.s. and a french company also bid on the contract promises to built 90% in the u.s. and labor unions want them to go with the one that will result in the most jobs here. upcoming closure for the dumbarton, it is set for memorial day weekend and they need to have access when they replace a major seismic spot on the bridge and it is set to be completed early next year. >> sal, is it busy in your magic empire? >> no. for the most part we have been in pretty good shape. let's look at 80 westbound. that is a nice looking drive with no major problems and it looks good if you are driving 80 westbound to vallejo. also it looks good, i checked the chp list and we don't have much going on with accidents and stalls and it is just the way we like it. and it will be nice getting to highway 17, let's go to steve. it is cool out there this morning. even 40s and lower 50s, i have seen some upper 40s as well. there is a bite to the morning air and we will continue to trend for the inland areas, temperatures continue to come down, a little sea breeze and northwest 12 fso even at livermore there, 45 at san rafael, lower 50s livermore is in there concord is close, there is san francisco's 50s and there is a cooler pattern in place. we have oranges surrounding us and there will be a lot more 70s and upper 80s. i know it does not look like much but there in lies the key. patchy fog on the santa cruz coast lean and not much there but the pattern continues to show itself and the breeze is there as well. 60s and 0s coast and -- 70s coast and bay, a few mid-80s, fremont 75, half-moon bay and san jose 57 and it looks like a cool down takes hold with a cool down on sunday into monday. we are following the recovery of a four-year-old hit- and-run victim in concord, how she is doing and what police are saying about the truck that hit her. plus more fall out from the leak that foiled an al qaeda bomb headed for the u.s. we will tell you more about the morning commute and bay area weather, stay tuned. does your phone give you all day battery life ? droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droid does. . five al qaeda militants, an early morning attack target add home where they were staying and no word on whether the united states is behind the attack. they resumed cooperation to fight al qaeda which has captured territory during political unrest. federal authorities want to know who leaked about what that airline -- about that airline and would be suicide was working with the cia and helped to thwart the attack. one lawmaker said it disrupted a sensitive ongoing sensitive operation. time now, we are taking a closer look at president barack obama's change of heart about same sex marriage and the political impact. allison burns in our washington d.c. newsroom on how the obama campaign is promoting the president's decision, allison? >> reporter: dave, they seem to think this issue is a winner and they tweeted out the word history last night and when you click on the image it is president barack obama's quote about same sex marriage. at the same time republicans say it had help mitt romney with social conservatives. >> the president i think has handed to mitt romney the one missing piece and that's the intensity and most evacuation that mitt romney needs among social conservatives to win theee heck. >> they found 52 percent of americans should be legal and how could this help president barack obama during fundraising. for now, allison burns ktvu channel 2 morning news. and our coverage at, you can find more video of president barack obama's historic words as well as the reaction from others. time now 5:15, a little girl hit in a hit-and-run may never walk again. she had surgery on her broken femur and her ankle and tip don's were -- tendons were badly damaged. she was playing when she ran into the street and a pickup truck hit her. the driver never stopped. it was a newer model, possibly a dodge ram and there may be some damage to the right front headlight. today sheriff ross mirkarimi is expected to turn over his witness list in his 5:00 fight to save his job. that list will reveal how sheriff ross mirkarimi plans to defend himself before the ethics committee. last month mayor ed lee submitted his wrist, it includes the person who first reported the domestic violence case to the police and also includes the former girlfriend, christina flores and retired sheriff, michael hennessey. they are getting reeled did i to make big job cuts. milpitas plans to eliminate 14 percent of its entire workforce. 52 employees will get pink slips and there will be an organizational change as well to cut costs. now the city will now become part of the public works and the city's recreation will go to human resources department. they will be at least one more year under a compromise agreement. they voted to close doyle park and allow the charter school but they voted to block the school and both sides are negotiating a deal to possibly allow doyle park and the french school to share the campus for at least one year. well, it is a last look at a world war ii battle ship so a popular weekend attraction is at the port of richmond so it is docked there getting repaired. it will reopen for two final days of public tours. >> nice. >> 5:17 is the time back over to sal checking in on traffic, how is it looking, sal? >> we are starting off well, let's see what we have with the roads and traffic continues to look pretty good if you are driving out to let's say bay point to antioch, it is a nice point although it is getting crowded in antioch which is not unusual at least we do have some nice traffic so far if you get on the road early. also the morning commute looks good at the bay bridge toll plaza but it is only 5:18 so you want to get out there before the crowd does. the and 880 southbound still looks good into san jose and freeways are looking nice with no major problems. >> a few high clouds to the north bay, san mateo, the big news is really -- i mean it is not breaking but it is cool out there. twin peeks are all 46 degrees and that's a chill in the morning air. west wind and mainly an on shore breeze or where the direction is coming from. 40s for some here, santa rosa 45, napa 47. i will just bet you hayward 51 also on the peninsular, palo alto, woodside, 80s continue to get pushed off towards the east and we have that sea breeze coming in and the system moving to the north and some of that cooler air. we are on the southern edge and we continue to flexion our muscles. it will be sunny and breezy and nice and it may be cooler inland. we will continue that theme and once you get there, it is tough but there will be mid-80s and lower 70s for others. 60s along the coast and a cool breeze, fresh breeze if you will. 68 santa cruz and morgan hill and it will be sunny on friday, and it looks like a cool down kicks in to monday, pam, dave? despite disappointing news out of china, there are rea -- there is reassurance thyrsessing political tensions in europe. many -- reassurances, political tensions are easing. also this morning sony reported a record net loss of 5 and three quarters of a billion dollars but the electronics giant said they expect to return to profit and sony plans on cutting 10,000 jobs and they are looking for 10,000 partnerships. checking in on our numbers, futures point to a higher opening as you can see yesterday, dow jones industrial average is starting below 13,000, 12,000 and one of the stocks to watch, cisco bay area based company, third quarter openings, the forecast going forward is a bit disappointing for cisco. and now there are four, for tomorrow there will only be three. getting ready, the judges on american idol are about to make a big decision. >> the surfer, the monster wave earned him a spot in the guinness book of world records. and getting out to 880, we will tell you more about the morning commute. america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. . good morning it is cool out there, sunny breezy and nice, 60s and 70s and lower 80s for most. well a new record for the largest wave ever -- surfed. he caught a 70-foot wave off the coast of the portugal. the previous record was surfed off the california coast seven years ago. he was recognized for his big achievement during the big wave award. well the summer olympic game is just ten weeks away and a team from here in the bay area is hoping to ride this summer. they make up the u.s. men's rogue team and this year -- rowing team and this year it is a dream come true for the couch and the team. >> i have been wanting this for a long time. me and the other guys just click. we are literally in the same boat together. it is the ultimate team sport, it is not just about one person. >> they are good, these world class athletes have been training since november and they found out they had been selected for the us olympic team only nine days ago. >> the top contestants are trying to stay in the top three. they didn't like what they heard from holly cavanaugh. you can watch david cook perform and see who gets sent home and that begins at 8:00. don't be surprised if you see more bicyclists during this morning's commute and the reason, that is because more people are pedaling to the office today. live in san francisco, it was an intense stand -- intense standoff with police and how it may be connected to a murder in roner park. and it looks good in marin county and we will have another look at your traffic and weather. ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam ♪ stream, stream, stream... ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam ♪ stream, stream, stream... ♪ when i want you... ♪ my arms... ♪ when i want you... ♪ ...and all your charms... ♪ whenever i want you, all i have to do is... ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing xfinity streampix. stream your favorite movies and full seasons of shows instantly on any screen. find out more online. . well, good morning to you, this is thursday may 10th, i am dave clark. >> thank you for joining us. i am a little under the weather. >> you look fabulous. >> it is cooler this morning, a lot of mid-40s , upper 40s and areas that are in the 50s are hovering and sunny breezy back to where they should be 60s and 70s now an update with sal with traffic. we are already getting some slowed traffic, where else through the construction zone and through the video we are showing you home invasion robbery and in the high-speed chase through oakland, interstate 580 at lakeshore around 11:30, they broke into a vallejo home armed with handguns, they took a car and the family dog. authorities tracked him to oakland where they crashed their car. speeds reached about 100 miles per hour and the suspects were taken to hyland hospital and we have not been told the condition of the dog. let's go back to the desk. in east oakland officers are searching for a suspect in a police shooting and the s.w.a.t. team has shut off areas of mcarthur boulevard. alex? >> reporter: it is a large search effort going on and it is winding down. if you want to look behind me, this is mcarthur boulevard where police opened this street to traffic moving through here. police throughout the morning and night they have been searching for a man who may have opened fire on officers at this traffic stop and at one point, earlier a s.w.a.t. team closed in on a house where they thought the man hiding. an alameda s.w.a.t. team went inside the house early this morning and they did not find the man they were looking for inside. everything started at 7:30 right at the intersection of 79th and mcarthur. a man with a gun, possibly one of the passengers hopped out and may have fired shots at officers before running into a nearby neighborhood. officers fired shots and do not think he was hit. neighbors were kept inside their homes and even though he is still on the loose a police lieutenant tells me he does not believe there was a threat to anybody in this area. >> like i said, we had our entry team as well as the entry teams searching the area looking pretty wide area where we were looking and we are confident he is not in this area. >> so a large search perimeter is being searched and it has since been taken down by police and they believe they were recovered by the weapon that was used by the suspect and the suspect himself is still on the loose. oakland police tell me they know who this man is and they do feel confident they will be able to track him down in short order. alex savage, ktvu channel 2 morning news. this one happened in the oakland hills and our news crew took these pictures of an undercover police car late last night. they were parked where a domestic violence suspect was barricaded inside. at last check he was still there but it is not clear whether or not he has a gun but police say it does not appear anybody is in danger. san francisco police will hold a news conference and they will give us details about a fatal officer involved shooting. ktvu channel 2 morning news' tara moriarty is at the scene of knob hill, what do you know, tara? >> reporter: well as you can see there is a patrol car here as well and within the last half hour, police gave people the okay to go back inside their homes after being removed and evacuated. it was a very tense situation for more than an hour. police cordoned off this entire block after a man started shooting at random. the man was wanted in connection to a murder that happened in roner park. the man began shooting through the walls and floors and started lighting fires. >> they discovered it was a danger to the other tenants and we were given a green light to eliminate the suspect when it can be done safely and the suspect was neutralized. >> the man was a person of interest in the roner park murder. dianne hughes died in a violent struggle off bernice avenue. she had been beaten to death and police were looking for her missing car. we will hear from police and hopefully we will learn more about the identity of this gunman. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 morning news. time now 535, this is no connection between of the disappearance of sierra lemar and another disappearance connected to sierra lemar's disappearance. yesterday about 100 volunteers spread outlooking for the missing 15-year-old. sheriff's dive teams were searching waterways near sierra lemar's home. uc berkeley police are urging students to use the safety program after a string of armed robberies on campus and in the past two weeks there have been four hold ups and one assault with a deadly weapon. it happened with two of the dorms although police are increasing patrols, students are worried and it does involve free nighttime safety services including shuttles and a walking escort. he is repulling and stealing -- repelling and stealing a lamborghini belonging to a famous television chef. what will happen for max michael wade, 17 years old at this time. and a california lawsuit is waged against them. [crowd noise] >> now they marched yesterday from berkeley to the gill track which is a plot of land they have occupied. uc filed a lawsuit against 14 activists who have been using the land as an urban farm. the school uses it for agricultural research and uc warned the time for come row moisturing is closing -- compromising is closing. and teachers rallied at the school board meeting and despite having 80 million in reserves they issued 600 layoff notices and they are proposing more cut backs. the voting will take place between 4:00 and 7:30 tonight. they will allow union leaders to call for a strike in the future. you will be sharing the road with people who are taking part in national bike to workday. thousands of people all over the bay area are expected to grab their bikes and head for working. energizer stations like this one, there will be snacks and drinks and san francisco will enjoy a more bike friendly commute. in the past two years they have added more than 22 bike lanes and more than a dozen coraless to -- corales to park the bikes. >> that is nice, don't you think, sal? >> i know and i have been doing bike to working a lot of times at this station and every time i go downtown there are more and more bikes and people are taking advantage of the bike to working plan. i know not everyone can do that if you are driving your car on vallejo and berkeley so far so good no major problems and traffic looks good approaching the bay bridge toll plaza so if you are trng to get into san francisco, it has a very nice drive so far. also looking good, highway 101 and 280, a two car crash, watch for that and it is good from upper skyline to 280. now let's go to steve. >> i would be up at the tunnel by now. that would go over well. and on the santa cruz coastline it will be a cool morning and high clouds in the north and no big deal but a wholely morning, 60s and 70s mainly lower 80s and forecast 60s by the coast, sunset district downtown, 65 for a high today and actually this forecast model's projections i don't usually show this but i do exactly that as well for oakland. as you get over the coastal hills, upper 70s and very lower 80s by mt. diablo. and oakly and brentwood i see 86. this will be right in the ballpark. it is producing a few high clouds and when inland temperatures start to drop you loose support for the fog and it was there last two mornings. i did see it up to 18 and it has decreased it. napa is in there even san jose is 53 and concord 51, we have a better look at that system and once it moves by it will be breezy at times and nice to warm, a cooler pattern continues to working its way inland and mid-80s and santa rosa 79 and san jose livermore 82 and santa cruz 68. sunny on friday, and with your weekend always in view we will have a cool down starting on sunday and we will carry that into monday, pam, dave? cleanup is underway after an unusual storm it started out with a cloud of dust and inside that dust storm, it caught drivers off guard with a severe weather making for a rough commute. it quickly turned into rain and hail damaging several homes and power lines. a new allegation in bounty game scandal and this time it is the 49ers, they are accused of targeting a player. and an 18-year-old girl on the no fly list, the mistake that has her parents furious but tsa says they are not to blame. we will tell you more about the morning commute coming up and the bay area weather. mom? hmm? what does your esophagus look like? let's look it up after school. here. thanks, anita. eww. dad, how did luke cage get his powers? umm... here, i'll show you. [ comic book expert ] luke cage's superhuman powers... thanks, anita. mom, how is paper recycled? anita! anita! [ male announcer ] answer life's most pressing questions. instantly. get high speed internet from at&t for only $14.95 a month for 12 months. at&t. ♪ . it is cool out there, 40s and 50s, 60s and 70s mainly lower 80s. here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following right now at 5:44 oakland police are searching for a suspect in a police shooting. the s.w.a.t. team has been searching houses in east oakland. police say they know who the suspect is and they think they found the gun he had. san francisco police are investigating a deadly officer involved shooting which happened last night on post street. police were forced to shoot and kill a man who was firing shots and setting fires. the man who was killed is connected to a deadly attack in roner park earlier this week. fire marshalls will investigate the cause of a santa clara housing development and how and why it caught fire last night. several townhouses that were under construction burned to the ground. about 75 to 100 people living nearby had to evacuate and they are still not allowed back in their homes as of now. they have located a russian plain which crashed. the plane was on a demonstration flight for journalists and potential buyers when it crashed. a new jersey couple is furious after their toddler appeared on a no fly list. they were about to return home and a jet blue worker said they could not board the flight because of their 18-month-old daughter reanna. they do not want to appear on camera. >> well it is not you or your husband, your daughter was flagged as the no fly. >> it made no sense. >> it is absurd. >> the family was able to reboard and they say they were humiliated and never received an apology. they are investigating the matter but tsa said they are solely jet blue and the family had boarding passes which means they were cleared by it sa. form -- tsa. they will finish their case today without calling his mistress to the stand. prosecutors said she was not on a list of witnesses they would call but she is still on a list of witnesses for the defense. he is being charged for covering his affair and using donations to do that. it is scheduled to appear in court this morning. max michael wade is charged with repulling into an auto dealership and stealing the lamborghini of guy fieri. he is charged with an attempted murder of two people in mill valley last month and he may appear for the preliminary hearing. and san francisco boundty gate scandal and now they are claiming the 49ers targeted him for serious injuries. ben roethlisberger said the 49ers put a bullseye on his injured ankle during a monday night football game and during that game he threw three interceptions. 49ers remember the night they went out. 5:48 is the time let's check in with sal for traffic. and we are doing well, so far pam and dave, let's keep looking at the chp list and we will look at highway 4, you can see it is really not all that bad coming into san francisco. into concord from bay point and antioch. and also looking at the commute into san francisco after a very small delay if any at the bay bridge toll plaza and we are looking at the commute between union city and hayward, southbound and northbound, northbound 101 looks good in san jose, so does 280 and 85. a very cool morning, happy morning, very low 50s, we clear it out except for santa cruz coastline and we are good to go and a chilly morning and sunny and breezy, 60s and 70s and 80s is where we should be. giving us a few high clouds is where we would fall apart and washout and nothing too outrageous, so far santa rosa, it is a little breezier, san rafael and other locations is closer in the 40s as well. and the 80s continue to get pushed off to the east, maybe a few towards the north bay but i see upper 70s as this system will keep things in check. patchy fog, sunny breezy, nice to cool to mild to warp. a little cooler inland pattern continues to take shape as it settles. napa 78, berkeley 68, although it is 46 and pleasanton 81 mountain view 80 and the five- day forecast has sunny and warmer weather, slight cool down saturday and it does look cooler monday and tuesday. keeping an eye on cisco systems today when the stock opens this morning they opened with $1.6 billion and it beats wall street forecast but it warned the 4th quarter earnings could slide because of the witnesses and it slides by 8% during early trading where it will open down. and casinos continuing there slow will come back from the recession and revenue increased nationwide taking in more than $35 billion last year. las vegas remains 6 billion in revenue and atlantic city saw the biggest decline in earnings. and an incredible mile stone, 1 billion downloads of a video game series and that includes multiple platforms and now there are four versions of the game so far and you can see the numbers skyrocket even higher. they racked up 50 million downloads in the first five weeks which was available. >> my kids look at it, i don't have time for it but it is kind of funny. monkey business goes high tech, a new way to talk to animals and they talk back, a new break through that was planned for the future. plus, who is raiding silicone valley, the new job offers with the message come back home. as a fashion blogger... i tell people how to look like a million bucks without spending it. i'm always talking about t.j.maxx. everyone looks so fresh for spring... and this is the bohemian vibe. and yes, stripes are back. tj's is a great place to find those perfect designer pieces for less. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. born fashionista... self-made maxxinista! t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. . this effort was aimed at people who live in michigan and may be looking for reasons to return. >> we showed them what a high quality of life they have, how far their salary will go. >> one detroit company said they are already talking to 500 engineers who were laid off of yahoo. they are leaving that country with footage, and the executive producer of the documentary myians 2012 and beyond. they filed a complaint against her and others. they asked her to hand over what she has. a show dog is worth 27,000 dollars stolen from a santa cruz motor home and take a look, this is knight. he was taken from el rancho in scott valley sometime yesterday. the thieves seemed to know what they wanted. another dog as well as electronics were not taken. and they have the ability to communicate with oh rang tangs. touch mango. >> oh, you are my girl. they are trying to build up the animal's vocabulary. the hope is that oh rang tanks can tell them what they want for lunch pointing to the picture of their favorite foods. fascinating. sal, how are we looking on the roads now? >> well, i have been pretty pleased and so far let's take a look at the pictures here. the traffic on 280 is looking pretty good, chp is quiet and also the morning commute looks good on 680. coming up, we will look at the entire north bay, now let's go back to you. thank you sal. south baytown houses, the search -- south bay townhouses, the search is not turning up anything. and the very latest on a manhunt happening right now, stay tuned for more.

Related Keywords

Doyle Park ,California ,United States ,Fremont ,Canada ,Brentwood ,Marshall Islands ,Oakland ,Mountain View ,China ,Portugal ,Russia ,Michigan ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,San Francisco ,Bay Point ,Marin County ,Berkeley ,New Jersey ,Atlantic City ,Milpitas ,Morgan Hill ,France ,Mill Valley ,Americans ,America ,Marshalls ,Canadian ,French ,Russian ,American ,Jose Livermore ,Max Michael Wade ,Dave Clark ,Dianne Hughes ,Santa Clara ,Ross Mirkarimi ,David Cook ,Holly Cavanaugh ,Pam Cook ,Barack Obama ,Al Qaeda ,Michael Hennessey ,Las Vegas ,Christina Flores ,Kaiser Permanente ,Tara Moriarty ,

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