Transcripts For LINKTV Newsline 20161010

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engage in further provocation in the wake of an important anniversary. the ruling workers parties official newspaper ran an editorial on monday, the 71st anniversary of the party's foundation. the editorial refers to the government policy of simultaneously pursue ing nuclear and economic development. and it says the country is pushing ahead with its nuclear and missile programs. ♪ state-run korean television started broadcasting earlier than usual to screen documentaries of the grandfather and father of the current leader. a u.s.-based monitoring group says there's increasing activity at a nuclear test site in the northeast of the country. they also report movement at a launch site ballistic missiles in the northwest. south korean media had reported activity around medium range ballistic missile launches in the eastern city. the american and south korean militaries have begun constructed joint drills off the coast of korean peninsula. the six days of exercises started on monday in the yellow sea and in waters around the south southern island of jeju. the aim is to increase military pressure on north korea. the u.s. military's deploying "uss ronald reagan," whose home port is the japanese base south of tokyo. south korean media reports the drillsls will simulate precisioion-guideded attacks on facilities including a command position. north korea's state-run media reacted sharply to the drills. the north's foreign ministry on thursday issued a statement saying the united states will face a gruesome reality in the near future. the health of thailand's ailing king has worsened. thailand's royal household says the 88-year-old monarch has been advised to suspend all royal functions. king bhumibol adulyadej's blood pressure fell as doctors performed a hemodialysis procedure on saturday. king bhumibol adulyadej is the longest-reigning monarch. his health has been failing for several years. he has been in hospital for years and had heart surgery in june. the thai constitution stipulates that a regent can be appointed when the king cannot perform official duties. the king is widely respected at home andnd has played a key rol in uniting the country during political crises. volcanic activities are continuing on mount aso in southwestern japan. officials say there could be more eruptions of a similar scale. say these could spread rococks within a two-kilometer radius of the crater. the eruptions sent large volcanicic stones flying more tn one kilometer from the crater. satellite images confirmed that a plume of volcanic smoke rose as high as 11,000 meters. volcanic tremors and earth quakes are continuing. the meteorological agency raised the eruption alert level from 2 to 3 on a scale of 5. entry to the area is restricted. officials say three centimeters of volcanic ash have accumulated at a point about six kilometers from the crater. people living at the foot of the mountain have been busy removing the ash. >> translator: it's hard work. ash is heavy like sand. it's difficult to wash it off. >> the officials also say a volcanic stone about seven centimeters in diameter was found four kilometers northeast of the crater. tropical coastlines, lush farmland, modern cities, kyushu in southwestern japan has a rich history y and unique traditions once a gateway for foreign trade. kyushu prospered and developed and remain as key ancient business hub. but the region boasts one of the japan's largest volcanoes and is prone to naturural disasters, discover the many faces of kyushu, right here on nhk "newsline." u.n. experts estimate that an individual height between $7 and $22 trillion offshore and say it could be costing countries hundreds of billions in tax income every year. the estimate came after reports on the panama papers that shed light on the involvement of numerous politicians with shell companies. many asian journalists are trying to learn from the report. >> more than 350 journalists across asia gathered in nepal last month. more inspired than ever to have the opportunity to learn firsthand from those who worked on the panama papers project. >> an unprecedented collaboration that involved initially 400 journalists, now 500 journalists, from 0 countries, now nearly 100 countries, that produced stories that made headlines around the world. >> the speakers emphasized the impact the late documents gave to society. >> among those names were two sitting cabinet ministers, one chief of the state auditor agency and a couple of criminals that have been recorded in the past. >> the biggest impact of panama papers is that never, ever in the history people were so much aware of the offshoot company as they have become now. >> we interviewed one of the presenters of an indian newspaper "the indian express." she said it took her team eight months to conduct research. their findings revealed involvement of leading business figures and a top actress with shell companies. >> for journalists it has changed the mindset that they cannot work in a big group, on a secret project. because the panama papers have proven that they can do it. >> the panama papers contains more than 11.5 million files of companies set up in tax havens. journalists have revealed hidden assets of powerful men and women. but access to the panama papers is limited. they must be authorized by the international consortium of investigative journalists. the organization supporting journalists working on this project. >> participants discuss establishing their own network for asian journalists. >> can you raise your hand if you think this is something you think we should be doing?? >> they are especially eager t gain access to the panama papers. >> if we get the name of companies and then we can investigate on that. >> they have agreed to set up a new network and use it as a base to share information once they have found potential stories. this will be the first collaboration of this kind among asian journalists to investigate hidden facts possibly related to powerful figures in the region. they say it gives meaning to their role as watchdogs. >> i find it very interesting and opportunity i've been given, i appreciate. >> asian countries face some common problems. if we work together, we will be strong, people will be more benefitted. >> the organizer of the event emphasizes that journalists in north america or europe have a long tradition of networking that enabled such big projects to take place. and now is the time for journalists in asia to follow suit. >> the panama papers didn't just happen. the panama papers occurred because of 20 years of building networks. of investigative reporters. to help as a catalyzing force to bring together asia's best journalists. and get them talking to each other. >> reporter: there are more private documents being added to the pile and this confeference a chance to make new connections to continue the work. takafumi terui, nhk world, kathmandu, nepal. south korea's southern city pusan has high hopes for what it sees as a growth industry, it wants to become one of asia's top destinations for people wanting medical treatment. nhk world has the details. > reporter: pusan, south kor, on the money side of things, it's known for ship building, sea cargo and seafood. over the past several years, the city has put the push on medical tourism. this one street is home to more than 300 medical clinics, busan's city authorities took the initiative to brand the area as a medical street six years ago. it's become one of the most popular destinations for foreign tourists. more and more chinese tourists flock here for dental as skin care, as well as plastic surgery. one big reason, their growing fascination with k-pop culture and wanting to look like their favorite stars. >> translator: the doctor gives special care to foreigners. >> reporter: on hand at each clinic are chinese-speaking coordinators.. their job iss to stand by their patients all the times. medical professionals say the system is working well. >> translator: joint hospital management will cost less than a single operation and patients can receive high-quality services in various fields at one place. >> reporter: busan wants too become one of the top three medical tourism cities i in asi byby 2020. full of things to eat and enjoy. with festivals for the whole year. a green city in all seasons. busan is now the hub for medical tourists. >> part of the busininess plan r attracting customers involves hosting medical conventions like this one. the guest list includes hundreds ofof medical staff and tourism agencies from 13 countries. the pitch is simple, busan can offer high-quality service for a low price. >> people are satisfied with professionalism of korean professors and doctors. >> reporter: busan is trying to attract patients from developing countries who need medical treatment for illnesses. for many, they come to the city because they can't find proper treatment at home. 6-year-old alikhahan is from kazakhstan. diagnosed with cerebral paralysis, he's gone through his first medical operation in busan. >> translator: i traveled everywhere to treat my son. but in the end, i made a decision, choosing this academic medical center. >> reporteter: the treatmentnt doesesn't end after surgery. once back at home, patients can stilll cult with medical staff about issues they're having. special equipment for video conferencing will help patients get remote diagnosis and treatment. >> translator: i believe our medical t techniques are highh enough to treat patients from any country in the world. >> reporter: busan has come a long way in its effort to attract medical tourists. but there are still issues. at the international level, it's not as well known as country capital, seoul. plus there have been reports of brokers from other countries arranging medical treatments for patients, but instead pocketing the cash for themselves. incidents that can hurt the city's service reputation. through the good and the bad, though, busan has its sights on overtaking regional medical tourism powerhouses like singapore and bangkok. nhk world, busan. u.s. presidential candidates donald trump and hillary clinton squared off for their second debate sunday night. in the focus quickly turned to the video released last week of trump making lewd comments about women. the republican candidate apologized for the remarks he made in 2005 and took the chance to attack his rival's husband. >> i apologized to my family and the american people. if you look at bill clinton far worse, mine are words and his was action. his was what he's done to women. there's never been anybody in the history of p politics in th nation that's been so abusive to women. >> clinton responded with a list of people she says trump has offended. >> it's not only women and it's not only this video that raise s questions about his fitness to be our president. because he has also targeted immigrants, african-americans, latinos, people with disabilities, p.o.w.s, muslims and so many others. >> the debate came at the end of a challenging week for trump. republican lawmakers have been withdrawing their support for him and calling on him to pull out of the race. . attacks on police stations by armed groups in western myanmar have left at least 17 people dead. the government is worried the violence could lead to a recurrence of religious conflict and has prompted it to impose a nighttime curfew. about 20 to 90 gunmen stormed three police stations in maungdaw town on the border of bangladesh. myanmar's government said nine officers and eight attackers were killed in the assaults. tension has been mounting since fatal clashes erupted in 2012 between the majority buddhists and minority rohingya muslims. no one has claimed responsibility for sundaday's attacks, in the home to many rohingya people. last year, the group gathered international attention after boats filledd with people driftd to countries to escape discrimination. last month, the myanmar government sent an advisory commission led by former u.n. secretary-general kofi annan on an inspection. poland's filmmaker wajda died on sunday. he was 90 years old. he was born in 1926. after the end of world war ii he studied at an art academy and a film school. his debut "generation" depicted young polish people during the nazi wartime occupation. he looked at communist regime through the eyes of a female student. in 1981 he won the top prize at the cannes film festival for "men of iron." he kept working in his later years to highlight the preciousness of freedom. his 2013 movie "walesa: men of hope "depicted the life of walesa who led poland's pro-democracy movement and later became president. autumn is the season when the arts schedule in japan gets busy after a long, hot summer two events in the kansai region brought artists and audiences from around the world together. nhk world's marie yanaka reports. >> reporter: "unknown asia" featurured artrtists f from ten countries and territories across the region. whenen visitors beat a drdrum, images above them change. and the artists says the display mirrors their feelings. >> chart is an illustrator from singapore. his drawings are inspired by everyday feelings and impressions. in this self-portrait, he is staring at an invoice and looking disappointed. >> it's a very good option platform for young artists, especially for me from singapore to come here and see what it's like. >> this one takes viewers on a trip using virtual reality. people suddenly disappear from kyoto's central train station, leaving a surreal projection of an empty space. ideas about the real world yield to new conceptions. >> this artist is from malaysia, but an interest to multimediaa art led him to japan. >> translator: i'm showing my work herere in order to geget greater exposure in the asian market. >> reporter: down the road, another event with a french pedigree drew big crowds. the ancient city of kyoto is tonight, all about celebrating contemporary art. look at all these people. hundredsds are gathered here foa one-night festival filled with creativity. one of the producers of the event, isabelle olivier is from france where new blanche first originated. >> translator: our goal is to create work that tears down the boundaries between art and music. >> reporter: kyoto's castle is a national treasure. its kitchens are usually off-limits, but they were opened as a stage for a french artist. they're a mash-u-up of classica european adventure novels and japanese video games. ench artist karl maslslow works withth jewelry. everything he showed here was created in the two months since he arrived in japan. for the artist, the project was all about working with people. navigating a language barrier, he and his collaborators let their art speak for itself. >> one of the things they came up with was a sake cup. >> translator: these two people in the cup represent friendship between me and an artist. this product symbolizes dialogue between france and japan colored by my personal experiences. >> reporter: these events presented opportunities for encounters, between japan and asia, japan and france, and between the works themselves and the viewers. one for all, and all for art. marie yanaka, nhk world. two u.s.-based professors have shared this year's nobel prize in economic sciences, they're being honored for research that shows how contracts deal with conflicting inteterests. >> the royal swedish academy of sciences has decided to award the prize in econonomic science in memory of alfred nobel, for 2016 to oliver hart and ben bengt holmstrom for theirir contributions to contract theory. >> oliver hart was born in england, a professor at harvard university. bengt homestrom is from finland, a professor at massachusetts institute of technology. the royal swedish academy of sciences awarded the prize to two professors for developing contract theory, a general framework to understanding how contracts work. in the 1970s, holmstrom showed how a principal, such as company shareholders should design a contract for an agent such as the ceo. he explained how the contract should link the agent's pay to performance. in the 1980s, hart made a major contribution to the understanding of incomplete contracts. these are contracts that don't cover every possibility in a legal relationship. the academy says the professors laid the foundation for designing policies and institutions in many areas from bankruptcy legislation to political constitutions. people in parts of the caribbean islands and southeast u.s. are dealing with the aftermath of hurricane matthew. our meteorologist saiki mori joins us with the latest. >> about a week ago hurricane matthew hit haiti and 900 people were killed and the hurricane hugged the u.s. coast on friday and made landfall in south carolina on saturday. we have damage video coming out of the southeastern united states. hurricane matthew battered the southeastern united states on friday and saturday, in florida, at least five people were killed. houses along the northeast coast were damaged and flooded. in north carolina unprecedented flooding took place after 400 millimeters of rainfall fell on saturday. seven people lost their lives. emergency crews and boats rescued hundreds of residents from floodwaters. a high pressure system is controlling the southeastern united states, so it's sunny at this moment. but the risk for floods will remain because the water levels are still high. the remnants of hurricane matthew are now located off the coast of atlticc canada and the isobars are closely packed, gusts couldld be up to 100 kilometers per hrr across atlantic canada and infall of abouout 140 milillimeters expec into monday night. so stormy conditions expected for atlantic cananada. across the opposite side of the continenent we're looking at wintry precipitation falling across alberta and saskatchewan. snow will shift towards the south so parts of montana may see up to 40 centimeters of snowfall into monday night. temperatures are going to be 14 degrees in seattle with partly sunny conditions on monday. 29 in houston and cooler areas coming in from the north affecting eastern canada and the northeastern united states. quite chilly for this time of year. only 13 in toronto, despite sunny weather, new york city could see a high of 17 degrees. now let's go to japan, it is a calm day for many places of the country, with the exception of the okinawawa region. and as we go into tuesday, a low pressure system is moving into hokkaido, so we will see widespread rainfall from tuesday going into wednesday. so rainy weather is expected for sapporo and temperatures are cooling down to 13 on wednesday, quite chilly for this time of year. as for tokyo, sunny weather will continue and temperatures are going to be about 20 degrees, it's going to be pleasant as we go into the rest of the work week. there's a tropical depression off the coast of southeastern china, this system will likely weaken. but is expected to cause some surf across the southeastern portions of china. and there's a typhoon located to the south of japan. this sysystem is not expected t make landfall in japan, but the system will likely cause high waves through the eastern islands. temperatures for ace kwa as follows, 21 in tokyo, and about 21 in chongqing, and rainy weatheher is expected in hong g kong, as well as taipei on tuesday. over towards europe, there's a potent low pressure system affecting italy. orange alerts for thurms and gusts posted. there's a line of rainfall from the british isles to russia. and it's going to be sunny for many places of the iberian peninsula and temperatures are going to be 23 in madrid. temperatures expected to drop significantly on wednesday. that's it for now, here's your extended forecast. >> exactly 950 years since the norman conquest. we're taking you to the north of france to follow and the footsteps of the architects of the invasion of england, william the conqueror. finding out more

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Montana , United States , Kazakhstan , Iberian Peninsula , Spain General , Spain , Kansai , Japan General , Japan , Madrid , Sapporo , Hokkaido , China , Jeju , Cheju Do , South Korea , Massachusetts , Nepal , Finland , Chongqing , Panama , Poland , Singapore , Haiti , New York , Canada , Malaysia , Tokyo , North Carolina , Florida , Taipei , T Ai Pei , Taiwan , Kyoto , Busan , Pusan Gwangyoksi , Toronto , Ontario , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , Bangladesh , Kathmandu , Bagmati , Thailand , Harvard University , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Sweden , Houston , Texas , North Korea , France , Italy , Polish , Americans , America , Swedish , Chinese , Thai , French , Japanese , South Korean , American , Nhk Newsline , Isabelle Olivier , Oliver Hart , Ronald Reagan , Saiki Mori , Keiko Kitagawa , King Bhumibol Adulyadej , Alfred Nobel , Hillary Clinton ,

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