0 out. not exactly what we had been promised by some conservatives earlier but i will tell you it is not good news for the white house. at the same time, you have somebody else saying the administration was pressuring them not to tell the truth about afghanistan. you have cheryl mills who is hillary clinton's chief of staff calling and yelling at a 22-year-old foreign service veteran for meeting with a congressman. you got a guy told not to talk to the press. you got, again, on this pentagon story, you've got the administration telling somebody not to talk to the press without first being screened. it really was a rough day politically. we also have a poll out we will will be showing that shows the president's numbers are up and republican numbers are down. so a lot going on. >> questions about the use of chemical weapons in syria. there is a certain piece in eye according to a police report, the suspect impregnated one of the victims five times and punched her into the stomach until she miscarried. it goes on to say one of the young women was forced to deliver the baby of another in a kiddie pool. meanwhile, neighbors are criticizing police for failing to investigate the home, despite at least two reports of strange behavior there. officials say they have no record of the calls. >> donny, it just boggles the mind. this could have been going on as long as 2002 in this house in this neighborhood and nobody knew. the cops didn't follow through on opportunities to save these girls. shocking. >> as a father of daughters, you hear those. sometimes you just -- it's incomprehensible. the beasts that live within people. no words as far as the police. you got to wonder in a indication situation like this how there was never a knock at the door but i think we will continue to hear that. >> why their cases were essentially given up on, i don't know. >> the police and the mayor adamant. you have the neighbors saying we saw women in the backyard and strange things happen and called the cops. the police said yesterday over and over, we never got these phone calls. you have conflicting reports about neighbors who suspected things and tried to reach out and the police say they combed through all of their call records and had a system that would have picked it up and said they never received those calls. it's hard to make those two pieces fit but that is what the police are saying. >> i don't know. we are going to be following this story, obviously, it might be mental recovery for these young women. >> do you ever recover? i don't see, richard, how you ever wolf from this. i know the support they are being shown right now certainly phelps for now but i don't know what happens. >> let's face it. they are young adult lives have been taken away from them. we can turn our anger towards and frustration towards the police and who knows whether there was something there but really our anger and frustration should be about people, evil people who are doing things like that. we have to be careful about describing certain people. this is evil. >> the community has to look at how this could happen right before their eyes. right next door. right down the street and every community needs to look at that. when you ask questions about something you see that seems to be strange, you shouldn't be embarrassed. i mean, just ten years. come on! >> there was infamous story out the questions that police and investigators answer in terms of how this was looked at. not making aining any judgments can't wait to hear how this happened in their community. >> one thing that cannot be overstated is the courage of amanda berry to do what she did. when you knew what was going on in the house and new if caught she would be beaten or killed by this guy and took a huge risk doing what she did. >> she has something special. >> and charles ramsey, the neighbor came and helped. the decisions she made taking her life into her own hands and tried to get out and save the other women too. >> i agree with you. let's move to the obama administration clashing with republicans in congress over the attack on the u.s. consolute in ben ghazi last year and brings terror and diplomacy on capitol hill. the militant raid left four americans dead. >> the committee's labor on uncover what happened prior during and after the attack mats. it matters to me personally and it matters to my colleagues. it matters to the american public for whom we serve and, most importantly, excuse me. it matters to the friends and family of ambassador stevens, sean smith, glenn doherty and tyrone woods who were murdered on september 11th, 2012. >> susan rice originally suggested it was sparked by protesters online video mocking the prophet muhammad. >> so fast forward, mr. hicks, to the sunday talk shows and ambassador suture rice. she blamed this attack on a video. in fact, she did it five different times. what was your reaction to that? >> i was stunned. my jaw dropped. and i was embarrassed. >> hicks, who served as ambassador stevens second in command said he was demoted for questioning the administration's actions. he referenced an angry phone call he received from the chief of staff to then secretary of state hillary clinton who, according to him, was upset that he spoke with a republican congressman without a state department lawyer present at the meeting. >> what did she have to say to you? >> she demanded a report on the visit. >> was she upset by the fact this lawyer -- this -- >> was upset. >> this baby-sitter was not allowed to happen? was sheup set about that fact? >> she was very upset. >> this goes right to the person next to secretary clinton, is that accurate? >> yes, sir. >> here is a guy with 22 years of outstanding service to our country. now they are obstructing because he won't -- he won't help them cover this up, he's an honorable man here telling the truth. now is getting this kind of treatment from the very people who praised him before. >> so he's in the state department, willie, for 2 years and for the first time in 22 years, he talks to it a congressional delegation. they go over and investigate these things and if you're in the state department or -- you talk to them and he is getting yelled at for not doing that. he is saying and what "the new york times" is talking about now, he was effectively demote and they got pissed off at him for what he said about susan rice's system which is clearly false. i'm not saying that she did it intentionally. somebody handed her talking points that was false and it appears knowingly false because you had people over there in the state department saying it was knowingly false. and this guy is effectively demot demoted. >> yes, the talking points were made by someone but didn't come from the ground. mr. hicks yesterday said he was stunned when he heard ambassador rice say that on the sunday shows because they no inkling. they were under attack and they didn't know there was a video or didn't know that was a possibility and no report from ambassador stevens about a protester outside the gates so the point is where did the talking points come from if they didn't come from the people on the ground. >> lisa myers is with us from washington. you've been following these hearings closely, lisa. we have been careful on this program since this happened september 11th to look before we leapt. there have been a lot of people stirring up conspiracy theories not knowing what they were talking about because it was the obama administration. i give them about as much credit this morning as i gave people who were against the iraq war without knowing the details first. in this case, though, you look at the testimony. forget the republicans. forget the congressman. you look at these state department officials, these professionals. you're flool floabsolutely floo what they are saying. put this in respect for us in all of your time in washington, d.c. >> look. this was an extraordinary moment where the raw emotion overtook the politics in the room. here you had three highly credible career state department employees who were putting their careers on the line because they believe the full truth has not been told about what happened before, during, and after the attacks in ben ghazi. they expressed their frustrating over inadequate security at the embassy and to get mi helps from ben ghazi that night and talked about efforts to suppress in their view the truth. they believe that the independent review that was done was not adequate because it did not examine the decision making and the actions of the most senior state department officials and clearly hicks believe there was a concerted effort to shut him up. he was demoted and chewed out and he essentially says he now has a job with no real responsibilities. >> are you surprised? i guess as a congressman who has been on these delegations before, are you surprised that state department official called and yelled at a 22-year-old -- 22-year foreign service diplomat for talking to a congressional delegation? >> i've been in washington long enough that i'm not really surprised. i should say that the state department or people representing cheryl mills and hillary clinton say that that did not happen, that cheryl mills was very supportive of the people in ben ghazi and only called to see if they needed more help and to see how they were doing. clearly that no, sir the message that greg hicks took away. >> are they saying he is lying? >> are they accusing him of lying in front of a congressional committee? >> they are disputing the accuracy of his memory. >> wow. >> donny, this doesn't pass a sniff test. you know what we are about to get into? we are about to get into some very dangerous territory for the administration. they demote this guy and now they are doing what we have seen too often, where you try to now call him a liar? >> this has clearly -- >> are they saying he doesn't remember? i don't think this guy will forget the events of september 11th and beyond for the rest of his life. >> i started with a circus and ended the day with a yuck. the big question for this country in 2016 does it have the sticky factor for hillary clinton. this is, obviously, the football, richard, the republicans don't let go of. the american public has a strange way of deciding what they want to hold on to and don't want to hold on to, vis-a-vis, a republican presidential candidate and this is going to be a big question mark going forward for mrs. clinton. >> the. i think democrats after the 9/11 commission thought they might have something out of that when it came to president bush and there was no stickiness to it at all. let's just compare, obviously, the scale of the events are different but the reaction to an official report. this independent review, including people like tom pickering. he is hugely respected. was the u.n. ambassador for bush 41 in the first gulf war. these are not lightweight people who came up with this independent review. now, we got to separate out how cheryl mills who, by the way, is well known for chewing out people. the idea that cheryl mills was shouting at officials for doing something that transgressed what she thought was her boss's position not unusual and not saying that is justified but that is cheryl mills for you you. the treatment of a whistle-blower, you got to be super careful. she clearly crossed the line but that is very different from suggesting that susan rice, who was reading from cia proofed talking points, was willfully misleading the american people, it's very different from talking about the security lapses and especially very different, what was most emotional in the hearing was what could have been done differently which is what this independent review looked at. could they have scrambled jets or used air power? this is not the movie here. this was a surprise attack. whatever you think the reason was for it, the overwhelmed the defense's in its place and the few people protecting the ambassador calling in jets showers away to have precision target bombs and somehow laser guided by some former air controller that -- >> richard, i keep hearing that. that is the democratic talking point. >> it's not a talking point. it is reality. >> i hear it every day and it is a talking point. let me ask you this. do you think you and i know what would have saved people in ben ghazi better than somebody sitting in tripoli? are we sitting here in the comfort of this studio in midtown, manhattan? are we dismissing what hicks and other people are saying? >> i'm saying the independent review led by somebody like tom pickering has a better idea than any of us sitting in washington, yes. >> lisa? >> one point i think needs to be made when hicks asked for first military flyover and the dispatch of a four-person special ops team which was in trip tripoli to ben ghazi nobody knew another attack in a few hours and no one knew when there would be another attack or if there would be another attack. i think what appalls someone in the special forces community is that more effort wasn't made to get someone there, no matter the degree of difficulty. now, i agree with richard, there has been no information to contradict what the pentagon has said they didn't have the ability to get anyone there, but that begs the question, how can you send diplomats in this case were incredibly brave and heroic and send them to a post where is there inadequate security for a risk there and you have no contingency plan to help them if there is an attack? >> lisa, i take it you're on this story again today and we are going to be in washington tomorrow. love to have you on if you can make it. >> would love to. >> nbc lisa myers, coming up. coming up, republican senator tom coburn will be here and david gregory of "meet the press" and al sharpton and walter isaacson. >> first talk about the severe weather that happened in kansas yesterday. this amazing picture from fairport, kansas. these are twin tornadoes. if you look careful in between the telephone poles you can see one right there and another one located right there. that is where we want to see the tornadoes, by the way. out in the farmers fields doing no damage whatsoever. in all five twisters across the country and most located in kansas or there was one actually located there in areas of central texas but, again, no significant damage from yesterday's severe weather. we have more today, though. almost the same spots. oklahoma city, wichita falls, dallas, ft. worth, south towards to central texas near austin you could see strong storms today. i don't think we will see many tornadoes and area this from illinois to indianapolis we could see some storms. i mentioned three inches of rain in new york yesterday and philadelphia up to an inch of rain. you got wet the last hour or two. and there is more rain heading for new york city during the day today. maybe even about two hours from now, i think the best chances and then new england a little later this afternoon. so the bottom line, we are are in spring weather pattern area more humidity and more storms out there and many of us need to carry the umbrella, including you in washington, d.c. you're watching "morning joe," brewed by starbucks. i don't make any decisions about who to hire