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good morning, america. >> good morning. it's sunday, august 8th. i have the tissues prepared. bill's last day. pass them around. >> i think there's probably going to be more cheering. >> no, no. there are tissues for you, too. >> i have asked to have some boyz ii men loaded up. in case ron and i want to do a little "it's so hard to say book." >> that's us. >> it will be hard. >> six years. >> six years of doing this. >> i'm trying not to take it personally. >> we do have a great show for you coming up. >> a busy show this morning. three months after the biggest oil spill in u.s. history, the gulf fishing grounds are reopening for business. there's no questions about the safety of the seafood there. bp's new man in charge of the gulf operation will weigh in. we have the stunning cancer hoax. you won't believe the lengths that this young woman went to to fool those closest to her. we begin with a manhunt this morning. for two escaped convicts and the woman who helped them break out of an arizona prison. police say they're armed and dangerous and may be involved in kills a couple in new mexico. clayton sandell with more. >> reporter: the badly burned bodies of these two people were found in what's left of their trailer in a remote part of new mexico. these armed and dangerous fugitives may be to blame. >> we have linked one of the suspects to the crime scene in santa rosa. >> reporter: the bodies were found more than 500 miles from where tracy province and john mccluskey escaped from this prison. they say she is an alleged accomplice. police say she gave them wire cutters to cut through a fence. >> reporter: on saturday, u.s. marshalls arrested mccluskey's own mother. >> i haven't got that long to live. if i could ever see you, what you did -- i'll shoot you in front of me. >> reporter: the manhunt continues as prison officials investigate security lapses. felons who escaped on their watch may have killed again. clayton sandell, abc news. >> let's turn to a spokesman for the new mexico state police, peter olson. joining us via telephone this morning. peter can you give us anymore insight to the forensics that link these to to the scene. >> we were able to develop some of the forensics that link them to what we believe are the bodies of linda and gary haas in their trailer. >> they took two semi truck drives when they were first out and they released them. now they allegedly killed these people. what does that tell you? >> they're going to do anything it takes to stay out of prison. >> given the location of the vehicle, given the time lapse since they left it there, do you have a radius of search? any idea where they might be? >> it's been a long time since we discovered the vehicle. they could be in new mexico or neighboring states. we're hopeful that when people see their pictures on your program this morning that they will be aware of who is around them, at gas stations and convenience stores. we don't know where they are. we're hoping somebody will spot them in the next few hours. >> we have the pictures up. we had a shot of the truck that was found. now you say be on the look out possibly for a 1997 platinum gold nissa sentra. gold, platinum, 620-pfv, arizona plates. if someone sees that car or sees those men, what should they do? >> immediately call the police. don't take action yourself. call the police. tell them what you see. tell them where they're at. as much information about the location, what they're wearing, where they might be going, what direction of travel they might be doing. if somebody's with them. they made a purchase. any information you can provide police would be helpful. >> okay. peter thank you. best of luck in the manhunt. bianna? all right, bill. there's outrage around the world after the taliban in afghanistan claimed responsibility for killing ten civilian medical workers in cold blood. nick schifrin is in kabul this morning with more. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. the violence continues across this country in the last day and a half. three more u.s. troops killed. and in the last two hours, the bodies of that team that was killed in northeastern afghanistan arrive back here in kabul. today we're learning new details about how that team was ambushed. to set up a remote eye clinic, tom little, karen woo and their 12-person team climbed ten hours up a 16,000-foot peak. just a year ago, the area where they were killed was safer. recently, insurgents overran a nearby u.s. base. and u.s. troops have pulled out. lawlessness has spread. as it has in many parts of the country. dr. woo new the risks. she was a tomboy, a former dancer who became a surgeon in london. she gave everything up to help afghanistan's poorest. she found herself in a war zone. flat broke. said delivering health care to the people in the most remote parts of the country was worth the sacrifice. dr. little had seen it all. he moved to afghanistan 30 years ago. he survived the soviet invasion, the taliban, by hiding in his basement. he traveled the country running eye clinics for afghans. who often received no medical help. he gave this interview in 2001. >> i'm familiar with the people. living around there. we fear for them. we trust that they are staying out of harm's way. >> reporter: all the while, he and his wife raised three daughters in kabul. >> he was surrounded by afghans. they would lay down their life for him because they saw that he really cared for the afghan people. >> reporter: the little family says tom little will be buried here in kabul. this was his fifth trip into that remote northeastern area. usually his wife goes with him on the trips. she stayed back this time because the couple's oldest daughter is having their first grandchild. bianna. >> okay, nick, thank you. we want to bring in christiane main amanpour, who has reported from this region many times. good morning. >> good morning. >> what does it say about the taliban becoming more violent. well outside of their base? >> it shows as they're being squeezed in their traditional heartland, they're moving operations elsewhere. the northeast region was by and large spared. there's a lot of development and international forces, international aid organization up there. by and large, it was spared the taliban attacks we have seen elsewhere in the country. so this is very bad. as you know, there's a handful of dedicated americans and other westerners and foreigners, who have been living in afghanistan for a long time. trying to do their best for the people there. >> why this shift? why are we seeing it now? the taliban have traditionally left aid workers alone? >> they have, but they have also gone after aid workers. it's a little bit difficult to really make that distinction. what they're saying, according to a taliban spokesman, these were spies and christian proselytizers. i think we have to be careful about where the aid workers go and they go with security. >> i want to turn to the other war. in iraq, another deadly day yesterday. some 43 people killed in explosions in downtown market in basra. this is after they have yet to form a cohesive government. are the insurgents trying to take power back in there? >> this is the worry. the political impasse is causing space for insurgents to regroup. the fact of the matter is, there's been a spike in violence in the last month. and certainly over this weekend. where dozens have been killed. it's generally much better than two years ago before the surge. once the surge happened, things got much better in iraq. this surge allows the u.s. to be able to bring out all the combat troops by the end of this month. and that is what's going to happen. and they're already, the u.s., handing over combat operations to iraqi forces. >> you'll be speaking to general odierno. what did he tell you? >> i'm going to be speaking to him. i want to ask him how confident are they that at this precise time, they can meet the withdrawal deadline. 50,000 u.s. troops will still be in iraq. but the combat operations will no longer be in u.s. hands. although i'm sure, as many have told me, if there are spikes in violence, if there are emergencies, those u.s. forces will be on hand. >> thank you for joining us this morning. we'll be sure to tune in to "this week" later on. let's go to the gulf coast. weary residents want to get to the bottom of a tough question. even though the well is sealed, will bp try to tap back into the huge reservoir. matt gutman went looking for answers. from bp's new head of operations. matt is in buras, louisiana, again this morning. matt? >> reporter: bill, excuse me, good morning. i've talked to so many locals here the last couple of days. the overwhelming sentiment is they thought bp would never not try to exploit the vast riches beneath that crippled well. fishing and oil are the major industries here. they say they need the revenue. it looks ever more likely they're going to get it. this morning, more certainty on whether bp intends to tap the vast riches beneath the blown well. in his first network interview since becoming bp's new head of operations in the gulf, mike utsler said it's less of whether they will exploit that oil rather than how. >> that is a decision to be made in the due course of time. >> reporter: the reservoir is estimated to contain billions of barrels of oil. where the former chee eer chief failed -- >> i would like my life back. >> reporter: in our interview, he reiterated his focus on the people. >> we will be here for as long as it takes to respond. our response efforts. respond to this tragic event. >> reporter: bridging that trust gap is difficult. especially for folks like patrick hue. he took us out on his skiff to stir up the water. all this oil came up. >> there's a lot of oil on the bottom that people don't see. out of sight, out of mind. >> reporter: what happens if you guys end up selling some shrimp that are contaminated? >> it will ruin the market. if we do that and one person gets sick, we're going to take the downfall on that, bp's not going to take the down on that. >> reporter: it should be mentioned that most of the fisheries that are being opened right now are clear of oil, especially far out at receive sea, where it's becoming increasingly hard to find. most of the fishing is on the bay. the oil there is still clearly visible. >> interesting. bp thinking about future profits. fishermen thinking about today. >> they're own credibility, too. >> let's go to ron claiborne now. >> good morning, bill, bianna. good morning, everyone. three u.s. service members have been killed in southern afghanistan. one in a bomb blast. the other two in an insurgent attack. last month was the deadliest month yet in the now nine-year war. the website that released documents about the afghan war says it will keep publishing government secrets, that includes another 15,000 military documents on the war. the pentagon, meanwhile is demanding that the site, wikileaks, does not release them. there's not much they can do to stop them. elena kagan was sworn in by the chief justice. it was a private ceremony for family and friends. she's now the fourth woman to serve on the high court. and fidel castro made his first appearance in front of the cuban parliament there since emergency surgery four years ago. he appeared frail and had to be helped to the podium. he called on the president to avoid a nuclear war. meanwhile, michelle obama is wrapping up a vacation in spain. with an official visit to the king and queen there. her trip with daughter sasha raised questions at home about how much it cost u.s. taxpayers and who will pick up the tab. >> reporter: it's supposed to be a relaxing vacation. yet the first lady-daughter duo is shadowed in spain like socialites. >> translator: she's beautiful. very nice. >> reporter: they're acting the part, too. they're flying in a plane used by vice president biden. $150,000 is the estimated round-trip cost. the obama's reportedly will pay the price of two first class plane tickets. >> it's a private trip. it's being paid that way. >> reporter: then there's traveling security. 70 secret service agents. u.s. tab estimated at more than $95,000. >> michelle obama has something going against her that other first ladies have not. she's traveling at the end of a very painful recession. >> reporter: as the five-day vacation nears an end, scrutiny looks to be only beginning. for "good morning america," mike marusarz, abc news. finally, a couple of all-time greats head this year's class going into the hall of fame. jerry rice, and the league's career rushing leader, emmitt smith, were honored at the hall of fame. along with five others. when you go to the hall of fame with jerry rice and emmitt smith, you are known as others. >> what's his name? >> those guys. >> hi, mary. >> hi. your last toss to me for weather. six years ago. zb zblo. >> six years. >> i had no idea what i was doing. still don't. good morning to you, guys. good morning everyone at home. amazing video of a tornado. western minnesota, wilkin county. if you can believe it no injuries or fatalities. it sure did make for an interesting picture. six tornados in the midwest yesterday. i need my clicker. thank you. we had hail, rain, wind. here are the two trouble spots. we're keeping an eye on the winds, flooding rain, large hail. in and around salt lake. omaha, des moines, portions of michigan. the heat still in the news. 17 states with advisories and warnings. 101 in oklahoma city, 99 in memphis. >> thanks so much. more on your sunday outlook later on in the show. bianna? >> thank you. the apple executive in charge of engineering the iphone is leaving the company. just weeks after what some are calling antenna gate. when apple was forced to offer a free fix after complaints about dropped calls. dropped call or not, the iphone has plenty of fans. you're more likely to be a fan depending on where you live. here's jeremy hubbard. >> reporter: a technological rift is tearing america apart. >> i have a blackberry. >> i think it's just more user friendly. >> reporter: it's straining marriages. >> i hate the iphone. i think the blackberry is great. it has a fuel keyboard. you can feel the keys. >> it's known as jealousy. >> reporter: blackberry, iphone, what is best depends on where you live. a california company just finished a gadget census. san francisco has 23% more iphones than new york. >> i have an iphone. you can use internet, e-mail, take pictures. it's really accessible. >> reporter: the big apple has 56% more blackberries than the bay area. >> it's great business phone. >> reporter: one has cool apps. one is great for company e-mail. both have fueled a nationwide phone fracas. >> i'm never going to give up my blackberry. he loves his iphone. >> reporter: perhaps the rest of the country has the last word. phones with google's android system have just toppled blackberry. a three-way quarrel for best phone? confused? is all of this way too much to deal with? maybe it's time to go back to buying phones the way this lady does. >> i don't go by that. i look around. if that one's pretty, i say, take it. >> reporter: finally, a voice of reason in the great smart phone debate. for "good morning america," jeremy hubbard, abc news, new york. >> if that one's pretty, take it. see, well look. i have one of each. >> i do, too. >> i have an iphone and blackberry. the blackberry works better for me. >> i found an old rotary phone. i was showing my daughter. see what we used to do. where is pay phone when you need it? coming up, why this young woman said she lied about having cancer. how she conned cash out of people that thought she only had a few months to live. shaifrd her head and her eyebrows. we'll have an exclinterview wit. -yes. ? and you know where your classroom is? uh huh. mom, i can walk from here. what about your... mom, i got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] they're never too big for a little something sweet. kellogg's rice krispies treats. it was a mystery to me. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and with less pain, i can do more of what matters to me. 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[ male announcer ] get back to school and back to savings on everything on your list at staples. that was easy. ♪ early morning yesterday it's a sad morning for us here. bill's last day on "gma." he's moving on to "nightline." we have a few surprises up our sleeves. on his last day here. stay tuned. >> planning my own funeral. ew surprises up our sleeves. but it's also rich in powerful nutrients that help cleanse and purify your body. cranberries are the ninja fruit. wh-wh-whoa! ocean spray -- tastes good, good for you. a heart attack at 57. that was a rough time. my doctor told me i should've been doing more for my high cholesterol. ♪ you should've listened. you're right. now i'm eating healthier and i trust my heart to lipitor. 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>> okay, marysol. we turn now to that shocking charity scam. a young woman faked having cancer for over a year. she duped people out of thousands of dollars. we'll talk to her father, exclusively, in a moment. ron, first, with the details. >> this happened in ontario, canada. after successful treatment for a benign tumor, ashley kirilow embarked on a year-long fraud to swindle people by pretending she was dying of cancer. in january of 2005, she told people she had cancer. >> she always wore a bandanna on her head. she felt drawn, pale. starved. >> my cousin offered her a smoke. she said, no, i'm dying of cancer, you idiot. >> reporter: then she started a facebook page, change for a cure, to raise money supposedly for cancer research. she s she solicited funds. a canadian cancer charity sent her to disney world. a few weeks ago, her father confronted her and she confessed. she was arraigned on three counts of theft. >> you've wasted your time. you've wasted the energy. you've lost your faith in helping charities. i feel so burned. >> reporter: she told "the toronto star" i was trying to be noticed. it went wrong. it spread like crazy. >> people often call these people pathological liars. it doesn't ally fit. usually, the lies are a representation of their belief that their real life is not good enough. >> reporter: false cancer claims to scam people are not uncommon. just last week, a tennessee woman, 39-year-old kiel maynor was sentenced to jail. on facebook, people have reacted with outrage and fury. the worst, said one posting. said another, you disgust me. there are reports that she may have taken as much as $20,000 in donations. that money is believed to be gone now. kirilow has not entered a plea yet. she's due in court tomorrow. >> let's get more insight. joining us from toronto, exclusively, is ashley's father, mike kirilow. he asked not to show his face. we obliged with shadow. mike, what was your reaction when your daughter said she had cancer? >> i was concerned. obviously, as a parent, you want to do what's best for your child. when she told me she was dying, my wife and i were going to try to do everything we could for her. >> i understand you looked into getting your marrow tested to see if you could donate. when and why did you suspect this might have been a ruse? >> when ashley stopped answering my phone calls, we did a little bit of investigating on our own. found out she was not being treated at the hospital she claimed to be being treated at. and she wasn't returning my phone calls. so after ten days, i simply stated to her, listen, if i don't hear from you in half an hour, i'm going to call the police. they will have the authority to break down the door because i don't know if you have collapsed or not. it was in that time frame that she called me back and told me to stay out of her life. >> when you did call her on it, what was her explanation for her motive? >> i didn't call her on the cancer until april of this past year, when i was speaking with her. she claimed to me that she did it in order to hurt myself and her mother. >> i was reading that at one point, a few months into this ruse, she called your ex-wife and asked for money for chemo and she said, chemo is free in canada, i'm not sending you money. she said, well, then, in that case, before i die, i want you to know yourself the worst mother in the world. from all accounts, she sounds like a real problem child gr growing up. what is striking is that the idea that stories like this are going to make good-hearted people more skeptical of online charities. you see that on the searing message boards that have popped up. what would you say to those people? >> it is unfortunate that incidents like this are going to make people think twice. what is also very disturbing about what's going on on the message boards, first of all, there's no need for all the profanity. i understand the anger and hatred. believe me. as a parent i'm ashamed and embarrassed by this. however, the people that volunteered to help ashley and to help raise the money, they did nothing wrong. and yet they're receiving death threats. we have gone way too far. everybody settle down. ashley has been caught. what she did is wrong. hopefully, she will pay. let the justice system do what they need to do. but do not threaten the volunteers who simply are trying to make things better for the people that are suffering cancer. >> mike kirilow, we appreciate you taking some time. i know this is a painful period for you. best of luck to you and your family going forward. >> thank you, bill. >> and we'll be right back. . 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[ female announcer ] roc® we keep our promises. all-natural benefiber. the fiber supplement that's tasteless and dissolves completely. to make getting fiber easier. that's the beauty of benefiber. oh see this is the back to school list. the cost always makes mom freak. mommy. mom. hey mom. good times. mom, the back to school list is here. looks expensive. graphing calculator, flash drive, pencils... that was easy. good times. [ male announcer ] get back to school and back to savings on everything on your list at staples. that was easy. so this is it. we have to say good-bye to you. i feel like i have said good-bye to you 12 times already. we say good-bye to you, bill, as you move on to "nightline." you've been with the show for six incredible years and worked with a lot of the same people behind the cameras the entire time. incredible. here's a look back through the eyes of some of those that made the journey with you. >> and good morning, america. it's saturday, september 4th. this is our first weekend broadcast. my colleague and co-anchor kate snow is in the bullseye of the storm this morning. >> first show together. i just remember thinking that day that there's something here. and this is going to work. >> much more ahead. stay with us, everybody. >> bill weir doesn't see things the way the rest of the world sees things. >> hard to describe how exhilarating this is. the pacific right beneath you. the word comes from two greek words that mean few and rule. >> he's a weird-a-pedia. he knows these weird weir-isms. these obscure facts that no one else would know. it makes him who he is. >> sometimes my mind is blown. i think this guy is really, really quick. and he's really smart. he's a really good reporter. >> the insurgents in the hills, though these guys have been marching all night. they're tired. and, of course, they just gave up the high ground. >> bill has perfected the art of interviewing a variety of people. >> don lafontaine, the voice of the movie trailers! >> hi, bill. ♪ once there was a way to get back homeward ♪ >> he's good. the boy is good. >> see you at the super bowl. >> sounds good. >> al franken. >> christina hendrick. >> the high five guys. >> justin bieber. >> and the world's oldest dog, uncle chichi. >> no other place to play poker with a chimpanzee. >> there you are. ♪ >> there's the rush of the news you missed. [ whistling ] >> oh. >> the news you missed is wonderful. it involved people on the crew. >> i would look forward to seeing the script and the crazy stuff he would come up with. that challenged me to match his vision. >> time for the news you missed in bed this morning. >> oh, hi, bill, you want a unitard? four? >> how does it feel? boys? you all right? you had to go with the boxers, though. >> pink barbie car? got it. >> we do it for bill. he brings that out in us. >> this is the guy who downhill skis. scuba dives. rides motorcycles. the man jumps out of airplanes. he even plays the guitar. pretty cool guy. >> one of the great things about traveling with bill is that you never know what you're going to get yourself into. >> right over there -- that's where the jaguars live. one, two, three. i get it. >> route 66 was fantastic. >> i don't think bill realized driving across the arizona desert in a corvette was not a good idea. >> are we out of gas? >> yeah. >> being on the road with bill weir is having is a good time. >> i got doritos. sunflower seeds. >> we have a winner. kate. >> an intensely fierce competitor. we have had tons of competitions on this show. he has to win. >> done! >> go, go, go. >> bill actually holds the world record for the highest pancake toss. >> oh! >> hi, can i sleep in your house? >> the point of our trip to spain was to see how much we could do with a small budget. we thought we had it in the bag. >> this is unbelievable. >> the next morning when i woke up, there was an e-mail from bill saying -- >> i just couldn't do it. this is going to throw the budget off a little bit. this is olivia weir. she comes from a long line of power nappers. >> it was hard to get bill to choke up or get emotional. >> look at that. >> wow. >> when he spoke about his daughter, olivia, you saw something in his eyes. >> the most important thing grandpa weir taught me is sometimes the best gift that you can give anyone is to make them laugh. >> why? >> because it makes them feel good. >> three words that describe bill weir, witty, kind, friend. >> you're going to another floor, another show. you're not disappearing. i'll be seeing you around and -- it was special. it was really special. >> oh, man. oh, you guys. >> yeah, yeah. >> thank you so much. i -- that means so much to me. i can't even tell you. >> well, thank you for inspiring us. to be better at what we do. we've been through just about everything on the show. marriage, divorce, death, birth. and everything in between. how many producers have we been through? you were the mainstay. you were giving us a good kick. when you were turning to jelly, we were like, come on, dude. >> you're a lucky person if you can work with your friends. that's the great part is i get to keep you all. >> i didn't know these people and this guy. you're a great guy. it's great working with you. >> thanks, brother. i feel the same. >> two months, i'm lucky i got the two months. >> you're going to make these memories with whoever jumps into this seat. >> you're one in a million. >> thank you so much. i'll have a final thought when we come back. me... this is yours... thank you! you're welcome. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back in your pocket. fun money from freedom. this is yours! thank you! what? that's 5% cash back in quarterly bonus categories all year long. does your card do this? sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to the medicine in advil is their #1 choice for pain relief. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. use the medicine doctors use for themselves. one more reason to make advil your #1 choice. use for themselves. ♪ [ instrumental: uphey, max. 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[ animals calling ] ♪ [ pop ] [ man ] ♪ well, we get along ♪ yeah, we really do - ♪ and there's nothing wrong - [ bird squawks ] ♪ with what i feel for you ♪ i could hang around till the leaves are brown and the summer's gone ♪ [ announcer ] when you're not worried about potential dangers, the world can be a far less threatening place. take the scary out of life with travelers insurance... and see the world in a different light. why sometimeslike you lovei haveno choice/ but to eat on the run and to eat whatever hapens to be around. heavy greasy food hat's had on my diet and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with ifidus regularis, helps regulate your igestive system in two weeks. activia light is not light on taste! and with only 70 calories activia light helps ake it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! oh, well. i will see you on tomorrow night on "nightline" everybody. ♪ storyteller: hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon. then quickly fell back to earth, landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily, geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow, because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance.

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