fox 5 morning news. i'm steve chenevey. >> i'm sarah simmons. let's say good morning to tony perkins. news of a warm day out there. very summery day. >> it is august and it will feel like it it wells in the upper 80s to around -- will feel like it with temperatures in the upper volunteer to around 90. i want to tell you about some rain shower that we've seen in northeastern portions of maryland. we'll keep our eyes open because this could change through the morning and through the day. some of this has been heavy rain up around the aberdeen area and pushing into pennsylvania, philadelphia getting some rainfall and maybe even some lightning up there too. currently, it is 74 degrees at reagan national airport. the humidity is at 73 entrepreneur. the winds are -- the huge is at 73%. the winds are out of the south at nine miles per hour. we cannot rule out some thunderstorms and showers popping up here and there through the day. there are your temperatures. we'll have more on all of that coming up in just a little bit. >> thank you. let's check in with lauren demarco and get a look at traffic this morning. good morning. >> good morning to all of you. we do have a couple of things going o if you are traveling the beltway in virginia, the inner loop heading towards 267 towards the dulles toll road, we've got a wreck. let's take a live look from trafficland as you travel north past route 7. light volume so it doesn't appear to be causing much in the way of problems. 66 making the trip inbound out of manassas to the left your screen past the rest area, volume is building. some slowdowns again through centerville and again after route 5 fair oaks. we are traveling northbound 95 making your trip across the occoquan through the left top of the screen. also slowing heading into springfield and 395 from the beltway up past edsall road. in montgomery county, near aspen hill, northbound georgia avenue at connecticut, we've got some leaps closed. you can see that to the right of your screen. that is for some repair work on a water valve. also in la plata, 301 northbound at rosewick road for a wreck. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. back to you. >> thank you. some good news for some 1500 residents evacuated from an apartment complex in silver spring. they have now been allowed back home and power has been restored. there were reports of an explosion at the complex on old columbia pike around 8:30 last night. turned out to be an electrical fire in the utility room. two people were treated for smoke inhalation. an arrest in the murder of a 92-year-old bridge county woman. >> police say the suspect is her 15-year-old neighbor. the teen's family says it doesn't make sense. stacy cohan outside police headquarters with more this morning. >> reporter: normally, it is not uncommon for to us talk to friend and family members of people that have been placed under arrest and they say perhaps they don't believe these charges but in this case, the denials are fire fairly vehement. the 15-year-old suspect william roger fitts was apparently quite close to the victim, thelma steele. she was found murdered last week. police suggest the close relationship may have given fitts access to her house. they believe steele allowed fitts to come inside her home where he then beat her, stabbed her and left her to die. the police say the motive was robbery but william fitts brother says he simply does not believe it. >> he loved that woman and that woman really loved him. this just doesn't fly. it just doesn't make sense. i really feel like he is covering for something or someone. >> reporter: the police did question several young people in connection with this case but we are told that fitts confessed to this crime. 92-year-old steele ways mother, grandmother. she had been widowed for 30 years and relied on neighbors and friend like the fitts family to help her. i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. and in the district, the man accused of murdering his 91- year-old wife has been order held without bail pending a hearing next month. 47-year-old albrecht muth and behave judge yesterday. he faces a second degree murder charge in the death of german socialite viola drath. -- 47-year-old albrecht muth came before a judge yesterday. the maryland man would traveled to aruba with robyn gardner apparently took out an insurance policy on her before the trip. gardner has been missing for more than two week. giordano is being held but is not yet charged. a major traffic alert for tomorrow. if possible, officials are urging northern virginia commuter to take leave or work from home as police will be he is coring some 1800 motorcyclists on a september 11th tribute ride as they make their way to the pentagon. there will be delay in western maryland and rolling road closures along the dulles greenway, the toll road, i-66 and route 110. the backups will likely spill over onto the beltway and the g. with that parkway. drivers can expect the delays tomorrow afternoon and evening and saturday morning. it is all part of this thee-day ride which begins tomorrow in shanksville, pennsylvania, travels to the pentagon and end sunday at the world trade center site. for more on the expected delays, go to our web site at coming up next, its decision to downgrade america's credit rating sent the market into a tailspin. >> now, the justice department investigating moves by the s&p. a tamer accused of plotting an attack on the first day of school that investigators say could have surpassed columbine. we are back with that and more after this. -- a teenager accused of plotting an attack on the first day of school. e .usin a 17-year-old in tampa, florida accused of plotting and tax on his school that investigators say he had hoped would be worst than columbine. he was planning at tax on the first day of school next week. in his home, though found bomb- making materials and disturbing writings outlining a specific plot. the white house says president obama will give a major speech on the economy after labor day. he wrapped up his thee-state bus tour yesterday and, as he told a crowd in atkinson, illinois, he is pushing congress and republicans to act on the economy. >> it is time to put country ahead of party. it is time to worry more about the next generation than the next election inform -- if we do that, nobody can stop us. >> president obama back at the white house this morning and preparing to go on vacation later today to martha's vineyard. the justice department now investigating standard & poor's credit rating agency to tea if it improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years leading up to the financial crisis. the government's investigation started before the s&p cut the u.s. credit rating earlier this month. speed cameras getting called out. >> we'll tell you why aaa wants some controversial cameras taken down. first, we'll check in with tony for our forecast. we'll have more when fox 5 morning news continues.  let's head overseas. there is pope benedict would just arrived in madrid. he has just landed there. he has made it safely out of the plane and will be meeting many, many, many people would are there. it is world youth day today. there is a lot of local youths who are over there right now. hundred of youngsters from the archdiocese of washington and the archdiocese of arlington who enter madrid for this very occasion. hopefully, they will be enjoying their chance to be there right now as we take a look at live pictures of the pope just arriving in spain. >> we'll follow that throughout the morning and bring you the latest. >> halfway through august now. 2011 has already topped previous records for the number of weather disasters. the damage topping out at a billion dollars or more already. national weather service saying the number of natural disasters in the u.s. has tripled in the last 20 years. that report was released yesterday. the national climactic data center said there have been nine large scale disafter theers so far this year. in all, economic losses from severe weather total about $35 billion. test results on that substance found in the anacostia river due back today. when it was first spotted on monday, it sparked fears of an oil spill. when the coast guard followed up, no oil was found. the substance now believed to be dust or silt disturbed during strong rain storms over the weekend. >> that is what they're anticipating it is. it is hard to believe, you have mentioned before we've had many hard rain storms in the past but -- >> maybe there was something new on the land and -- who knows? >> coming up in about a half our, we have today's edition of ask the weather guys. the a special one as we bid adieu to our summer weather intern. we'll have some fun. let's talk about what is happening with our weather conditions around the region. still a warm start to the day. currently in wash, 74 degrees here in the nation's capital. there have been some rolando paulino -- in rain showers up in the northeastern part of maryland. let's look at the temperature trend for the next few days. not bad at all. temperature at or above normal really for most of the area. above normal we think at reagan national airport. and right around or above normal for the next several days. so typical summer weather is here. let's take a look at the sentinel radar. now, again, we've been mentioning this throughout the course of the morning in northeastern portions of maryland. that is where we've seen the rain activity including some areas of heavy rain. the heaviest rain has now pushed off into portions of delaware and pennsylvania and will be pushing into new jersey as well. that is where you see the heavy activity there. so we'll keep our eyes on that through the course of the morning. can't rule out some other showers and thunderstorms popping up here and there during the course of the day today. forecast for washington for today, air quality alert for code orange. air quality unhealthy air conditions for at high pressure risk groups, the elderly, the very young, anybody with a respiratory problem, limit your time outdoors. lots of clouds around today. some scattered showers and thunderstorms, about a 40% chance of that. 89degrees for your high. we have the five-day forecast. not going to be raining constantly for the next five days. there will be periods where we'll see scattered showers and thunderstorms possible every day. again, we do need the rain so we will take that. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. now, here is lauren demarco with an update on traffic. >> as you headen bound today, dulles toll road and 66, you may see some signs urging you to telework or maybe just take the day off tomorrow. we are going to have a lot of congestion in the area because there is a september 11th memorial motorcycle ride that will be taking place between about noon and 7:00 p.m. eastbound dulles toll road to head onto 66 will be affected and there will be a lot of spill overon the area roadways. right now, we do have a wreck at the dulles toll road as you travel the inner loop near 267. it is off to the left shoulder. we are seeing a little bit of congestion there getting by but your lanes should be open. 66 as you make the trip out of manassas, we do have some delays off and on through centreville as well. you should be up to speed as you head past nutley street in toward the beltway. 95, some slow traffic northbound across the occoquan. 395 from the beltway to edsall. here we are again from washington boulevard to the new england -- to to the 14th street bridge and we have some congestion as well. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. a controversy brewing over speed cameras in college park the it started when two men claimedded they were up fairly ticketed for speeding. in a news conference yesterday, one of men presented data from a computer chip in his truck that shows he was going below the posted limit. aaa says the cameras pull in $10,000 a day for the city of college park. >> they steal. when they falsely accuse people, these cameras are not accurate. they give out faulty data. it appears to be a program that is all about money. a gotcha game for greenbacks. >> yaw says the camera operated by control park doesn't comply with several state guideline. that includes being in a transition zone where the speed changes from 30 to 40 miles per hour. octotraffic maintains that all the required safeguard and regular checks are in mace. money problems persist for dulles extension project. transportation secretary ray lahood got them to compromise and cut the costs but it relies on fairfax and loudoun county's chipping in their share. the airports authority wants virginia to triple its $150 million contribution. our business beat coming up next. >> as we go to break, let's take a look at this. it is a triple deck error i don't. how good does that look? the new twist on the old favorite will be arriving in grocery stores each week. one cookie packs in 100 calories and 4 1/2 grams of ith itiss a triple decker on r etch o. -- it is a triple decker oreo. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. president obama preparing to make another big push for job creation. more on that in a memorandum. first, let's look at the the market with lauren simonetti. good morning. >> good morning. >> how are things looking today on the mark sunset. >> not good at all. we have dow futures down by 175 points right now. so the modest gains we saw on the dow yesterday, up just four points points. it was is a welcomed relief on wall street used to such big and volatile movements in the past couple of week. but that volatility certainly returning to the down side this morning. >> president obama hoping to turn to the upside, a plan on job creation. he was out on his bus tour. what is his plan and how is it shaping up. >> he is saying that after labor day in early september, he is going to announce a major man to overhaul this job market and spur job creation but many people are saying he has to give some new ideas and certainly details because we've heard this same rhetoric before. we are expecting him to announce instruct spending. and to spur jobs, he wants to have that special committee who is in charge. cutting$1.5trillion in spending really cut more than that. so all of this to be announced next month. >> thank you. have a good day. we'll talk to you on friday. coming up next, d-d.o.t. and the federal government asking commuters to stay home tomorrow because of a 9-11 tribute expected to cause major traffic tie-up ps here in the area. police make an arrest in the murder of a 92-year-old woman. the suspect, just 15 years old. how investigators say he knew the woman and what they believe motivated this crime. we'll be right back. before i' if you would like to save some money being check out today's my fox half off deal. more than 58% off of botox at well medica. $99 will buy you $240 worth at the office on robert fulton drive in reston. to get in on the dolittle, go to and look for the my fox half off deal. >> it is really sad but i have a feeling this is the one that will sell the most. >> certainly unusual. >> if you are into that and you need it, can you save some money. >> if you come in and your face isn't moving, we'll know why. >> do it on friday so we can't tell by monday. >> i won't -- well, no, i won't be doing that. all right. let's take a look at what is going on with our weather conditions around the region. we've been focusing on this. look at those deep purples we are seeing, not the whole band but the rain from aberdeen from northeastern maryland up to philadelphia, some very strong storms and very heavy rain there. i would not be shocked if they are -- yeah, now, it looks like there are some flood warnings and the like flying around out there because of that heavy rain. we don't usually see that deep purple color very often. current testimony at the area airports, right now at reagan national, 74 degrees. dulles at 71. so is bwi marshall. forecast for today, we'll see lots of clouds around today. chance of some showers and thunderstorms popping up. today's edition of ask the weather guys is a special edition. we'll have some fun. we are losing our college interns that have worked very hard this summer and helped us out tremendously. that is a fact. that is serious. so we'll send them off in style and have some fun with them. >> along with that, we'll probably see a huge letdown starting tomorrow. >> do expect the weather guy questions, we'll not be nearly as sure about our answers. >> they are seeking unpaid unterns you want to -- interns again new want to hang out. >> let's check in with lauren demarco. she is an expert in traffic. >> i was going to say maybe there is an opening for me. i want to intern in weather. >> can you do it. >> we have sky fox over the scene of the wreck in virginia. it is the inner loop at the dulles toll road. effect moved off to the right shoulder. they're going away. well, you can see everybody was getting by in the travel lanes. briefling picture there from them. it is not causing much of a delay but something to watch out for, inner loop at the dulles toll road. let's take a look from trafficland as you travel inbound 395. you will find delays off and on from the beltway up past duke street and again from washington boulevard across the 14th street bridge. not too bad. you are moving but a little bit of volume delay slowing you down there. 66, we had some reports inbound before manassas of the doctor brie -- debris in the roadway. watch out for that. thins do slow as you travel through centerville. also want to mention in montgomery county northbound georgia avenue at connecticut, we do have some lanes blocked because of repair work on a water valve. stay to the right to get by single file in the right lane. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. we'll check in with you in a little bit. a teenaged boy behind bars accused of stabbing his 92-year- old neighbor to death. >> prim county police say robbery was the motive here. stacy cohan live outside police headquarters. do we know what tipped police off to question that 15-year- old? >> reporter: we don't know why they decided to pick him up. usually, an investigation like this, they go around the naacp and get some ideas of with who or what might have caused this incident. they scooped up several youngster and we're told that william fitts, 15 years old, did confess to this criesm killing his neighbor, thelma steele. fitts and the family live just a few doors down. william fitts it is reported to have helped her with various odd jobs and shoveling snow. steele had lived alone for several years. she had been widowed for more than three decades. the suspect's brother insists the 15-year-old didn't do it. >> i don't believe this. we just can't believe it. it is just not his nature. i really hope they dig in the evidence and dig hard and deep to find out more about this because something done fly. something doesn't make sense with this whole situation. >> reporter: police are convinced and they have arrested and have the 15-year- old charged. steele's house was report ily ransacked in the attack. robbery is being reported as the motive at this time. back to you. >> thank you. in the district now, no bail for the man accused of murdering his socialite wife, 91-year-old viola drath. police say 47-year-old albrecht muth beat and strangled her to death last week in their georgetown home. in court yesterday, muth's lawyer said there was no evidence linking him to the but a police affidavit say muth gave drath's family member a letter which said muth should be paid $150,000 if anything should happen to her. family member told police the letter was not a then inand drath's signature was forged. at one point, muth attempted to the respond to the affidavit himself and stepped toward the judge. the white house says president obama will release a legislative proposal that will create job and cut the deficit after labor day. he wrapped up his three-state bus tour in rural alpha, illinois. >> the biggest challenge we have is in washington. there is nothing wrong with our country but there is lot wrong with our politics right now and that is what i aim to fix. that is what we have to fix. when you look at this recent debt ceiling debacle and the downgrade, that was a self- inflicted wound. >> the pres back here in d.c. this morning getting ready to go to martha's vineyard for vacation. a popular and well-funded texas governor declare he is runling. he emphasizes his christian beliefs an immediately rises in the polls justify as the democratic incumbent sits in the white house. we could be talking about rick perry but that also describes george w. bush in 1999. james rosen takes a look at the cop draft of the two texans. >> reporter: it was governor perry's answer about the surface level similarities that roiled the been bush supporter. >> they are not all carbon copies. one of the way to tell the difference is he is a yale graduate, i'm a texas a & m graduate. >> why one would do that, i don't know. >> bush moperry elected. >> bush it to couldn't get to took fast enough to label perry's comments about ben bernanke inappropriate and unpresidential. >> we are talking about the titan of republican politic in texas over the past 20 years p where the bushes represent generally the establishment and rick perry represents the social conservatives who now are pretty much in control of republican politics today. >> reporter: tensions date back to the bush-perry gubernatorial ticket of 1998. >> he wanted to reach out to democrats, hispanics and african-americans and really sort of broaden the base of support. by contrast, rick perry had a very tough battle for lieutenant governor and wanted to go more negative. >> reporter: while something for rudy giuliani perry disparaged bush's record in texas. let pee share something with you being he told voter in iowa. george bush was never a fiscal conservative. in 59, 97, 99, george bush was spending money. last year the bush somebody supported perry's primary opponent, senator kay bailey hutchison. today, old guard cautions perry for forget all that arguing he will need the bushes, if not now, soon. >> perry does want to establish himself as being his & man but stopping like he is being dismissive of the former presidents is not smart or strategic. in washington, james rosen, fox news. police will escort 1800 motorcyclists on a threeton day september 11th tribute ride. it begins tomorrow morning in shankville, pennsylvania and then it travels to the pentagon. drivers in our area can expect delaws tomorrow afternoon and evening and saturday morning. if possible, officials urge northern virginia commutes are to take leave or work from home tomorrow. there will be rolling road closure as long the greenway, the toll road, i-66 and route 110. backups are ups are likely to spill over on to the toll road and the gw parkway. the new martin luther king, jr. memorial will be dedicated on august 28th, 48 years to the day he deliver -- he delivered his i have a dream peach. head to, look under dead kaying the dream. you can share your stories, your photo and video about how he has had an impact your life. fining out exactly what your health insurance does and does not cover can be a headache in and of itself. there is a push to erase the fine print. more on the move to clear up confusion about coverage that could make it easier to get your questions answered before you get hit with the medical bill. christine o'donnell, remember her? she made lots of waves last year when she ran for u.s. senate. now, she is making them for walking out of an interview last night on c cnn. christine o'donnell will be here with us in the #:00 hour. her first tv -- in the 8:00 so i just have to show a college id? and you get an extra hundred dollars back on these laptop deals. the college of mime doesn't count. that's not gonna help. [ male announcer ] staples has great laptop deals for students. that was easy. protests in spain as the pope arrived there for a four had been day visit. the pope is in madrid for world youth day. hundred of local teens from parishes around our area are in spain for that event. but demonstrators there are pretty angry about the hefty cost of his visit. the pontiff's visit is expected to ring up an estimated $72 million tab. there is important information about what is and is not covered on your insurance but the fine print can be a pit of -- bit of a pain. the president barack obama administering has proposed regulation that would require private health insurers to provide an easy to understand plan. >> when you get the lawyer speak and doctor speak together, that is a tough one to figure out. >> not a good combination. all not i good combination, the humidity and the -- also in the a good combination, the huge and the temperatures. >> it is fairly unpleasant outside right now. temperatures in the 70s and humidity levels in the 70s as well. we'll start with our sentinel radar. we're starting with this because we've been watching some heavy rain in northeast maryland. it is now exiting the state. but heavy rain right now across portions of delaware into pennsylvania right around the philadelphia area including a lot of lightning with the system as well. sent net radar doing a good job of depicting that. nothing in our area. a little bit of moisturon the r around here. we do have the humid conditions. 74degrees at reagan national airport. for today, we are looking at warm conditions. highs in the upper 80s. can't rule out scat ared showers and thunderstorms during the course of the day todayed of and really the forecast pretty much the same every day for the next five days the way things are shaping up. you want to be aware of that and it is not going to rain all day on any of those days but we have the chance of some scattered showers here and there. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. it is time for you noe -- time now for a special edition of ask the weather guys. today, we say good-bye to our summer up terns. you have aseep them both on the air, particularly mike who is with us very often every week all through the summer. they both have been very helpful. mike thomas from penn state. michael, you've been wound. thank you very much. jillian anderson who has been a general newsroom inturn but has helpeddous in the weather department from youngstown state. >> yes. >> she has been wonderful as well. so instead of us answering the questions, we thought we would do a game show quiz called the lightning round. >> yes, the lightning round. some of these questions that we'll post to you were actually sent in from viewers. steve and sarah, you all will be keeping track. >> here is how it works. one point per question until we get to the bone us round and then it is two points for the final question. >> for the correct answers. what will you two be playing for? the winner of the lightning round of weather guy, hot pockets. >> you went all out for this. this is $2.25. >> that's right. a taste treat. this one is the philly steak and cheese hot pocket. it takes seconds to heat up. take about an hour to cool down. hot pockets. are you guys ready? >> yeah. >> feel confident? >> we flipped the coin. we'll start with michael. you get the first question. >> this is a question sent in. what is the difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny. you only have 15 second to answer. >> partly cloudy, you will see more sunshine than clouds during the day and partly sunny, you will see more clouds than sun during the day. simple as that. >> we'll give it to you. >> that is right. >> one point for mike. >> jillian, here is your first question. what is the sunniest city in the united states, multiple choice. is the seattle, yuma, arizona, detroit, michigan or cleveland. >> it is actually yuma, arizona, tony. >> she is right. >> one point for each of you. >> very good. so far these questions are going well. this is was sent in by a viewer. how hot is lightning in degree? >> lightning is 54,000 degrees fahrenheit. >> that's right. >> that is very good. michael, excellent. very good. >> all right. jillian, your question. what is your favorite season, winter, spring, summer or fall. >> winter. >> i think will give that to you. >> one point for jillian. >> we are conducting a game show quiz here. >> all right, mike. this question gets a little tougher. between the two of us, who is your favorite weather guy? >> oh, boy. oh boy. >> i am going to have to -- >> you're running out of time. >> it has to be both. together you guys just make such a good team. >> didn't step up to the plate. >> you want to ask jillian her next question. >> all right. the next question, what type of of weather would you encounter if you wanted to fly a kite? >> i want it windy. >> windy? >> yeah. that's right. >> jillian is right. >> that is the end of of the main round. steve, sarah, what are tso far. >> 3-2 jillian. >> this will decide everything. >> why don't we start with jillian. bone us question, worth two points on which tv network does the hit show glee appear? >> we're running out of time. >> fox. >> fox is correct! >> that is a bonus. >> very good. so jillian now has five points. >> mike has what? >> we'll give you thee point if you get this. mike, what is your favorite season, winter, spring, summer or fall? >> i already answered that question. >> that is hi question. >> it has to be winter. >> why? got to love the snowfall. >> all right. >> i don't think he got that right. >> oh, sorry, mike. >> your favorite season is spring. >> jillian is the winter. >> i get the hot pocket? >> it is so statemented. >> that is the same question. >> how can it be right one time. >> each. their schools will be so great for this usele knowledge you learned here if anything. >> as you know, we just like to give mike a hard time. you are both great. michael, you're fantastic. >> i'll go double or nothing for you, tony. >> without looking at your notes, where does jillian go to school? >> youngstown state. >> you stumbled on it. >> i did stumble on it. >> thank you all as well. good luck to both of you as well. its abeen great to have you. if you have a question that you want to ask us, go to and send it n we'll try to answer it for you. without our interns, our answers will not be as good. >> it may tax us a month to get back to you. >> back to you. >> we'll send numbers over to lauren demarco with a look at traffic. >> what is your favorite season? >> what is your favorite season? >> summer, without a doubt. >> no, no. >> you know me better than myself. >> let's take a look. as you travel right now northbound 395, we do have some delays from the beltway head up past duke street and again past the pentagon across the 14th street bridge, just a little bit of congestion due to volume. no accidents or incidents to report. traveling the beltway in virginia, we had the accident on the inner loop. some brief delays because after disabled vehicle also moved off to the side of the roadway. in montgomery county, we do have some off and on the brake between colesville road, 29 and georgia avenue. other than that, you should be in pretty good shape. georgia avenue itself at aspen hill, two lanes blocked with repair work on a water valve. >> the worst wart of that whole thin is they grossly overpaid for the hot pocket to begin with. summer starting to wiped down now. >> oh, good, it will be winter soon and we'll all be right. >> we've got a way for you to wrap thins up on a good note. fine out more about the family friendly fun in store. some impressive music coming up.  happy thursday morning. usually at this time of the morning i bring you a song. today i don't need to because i have my own band. it features the united states air force band. they are in the last month of their summer series. they have nine more performances in this month. guess what, they are all free. we are going to meet the band, get the history behind it, 70 years old and where you can check them out for free. they don't know it yet but i may try to sit in with them, sarah. i was a percussionist back in my day. maybe i can play some snares. >> i can't wait to hear your skills, paul. >> time to say good morning to the fox 5 fan of the day. she had a baby wednesday of last week and she was still able to catch fox 5 morning news by 6:00 a.m. remember for the nights you can't sleep, 4:25 a.m. we are there for you. if you want to be the fan of the day, post a note under alicia's. here is a way to shake up your workout, antigravity yoga. it combines yoga with aerial art and was created in the '90s to help train athletes and gymnasts but has been modified so even if you aren't an athlete you can give it a try. >> it's a whole body workout and combines moves from gymnastics and aerial arts as well as yoga. you get a good cardiovascular workout, great flexibility for your muscles and strengthening for your muscles and you will gain mobility in all of your joints. >> we did research and there is at least one antigravity yoga class in our area at crunch fitness on wisconsin avenue in northwest. that does it for the 6:00 hour. now we will send it over to allison. it looks fun. >> i could do that. >> you let me know how it goes. i want to stay on the sidelines for this one. coming up on fox 5 morning news, there is no snowstorm in the forecast, no emergency but people in our area are being encouraged to stay off the roads tomorrow. what is behind major gridlock. a teenager is arrested in the mer

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