Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20200208 :

ALJAZ NEWSHOUR February 8, 2020

is being used. and in sports arena williams makes a winning return to fed cup action after a 5 year absence at williams a secured have 14 straight win in the event. we start this news all with breaking news at least 12 people have been shot dead in thailand police say a soldier went on a shooting spree in the city of korda swaine hey joins us now on the phone from the thai capital bangkok away and just bring us up to speed what more can you tell us. yes there's still very much an ongoing in the developing situation as you rightly said in the city of coal right otherwise known as not going russia kima this is a city about 250 kilometers to the military east of the capital bangkok according to reports some of the police are now beginning to confirm as well as all just within the last 2 hours or so began shooting on a military base in the city near the city. and killed a commanding officer and at least 2 others on the military base then stole a military vehicle and drove towards the center of knock on what you see not shooting at people as we went towards a shopping mall called terminal $21.00 of the shooting that is going to be inside the shopping mall there could be as secure late in social media and clearly is a very loud gunshots multiple gunshots coming from within the shopping mall itself it is believed that he has the hostages inside that building as well even serving screaming the shooting on social media or facebook posting regular updates up until about 30 minutes ago or his facebook page is now being taken down one of the his last posts suggested what he said in his post that he's tired now instead of a calm move my finger anymore his photos clearly being posted on many social media sites as well so the police have the entire area on the lockdown they've been joined by the military as well some police come on those being floor and also from the capital bangkok so still very much a developing situation and when the images that we're seeing the from the scene right now looks like we're looking at images that are coming from inside the mall we've also seen some images from outside the mall this looks like it's a very busy area a lot of people there. yes certainly not going to see emerge as a busy city it's very much known as the gateway to the middle east again pretty close to the capital bangkok it is a bustling 6 high city and the shopping mall as is the case in many areas all thailand would be the same to all the action on a saturday evening at around 7 o'clock so about an hour ago when this was all beginning to filter through on social media and in the time media would have been very busy in that area as a face the police the military very much have a cordon in place now locking the area down there is a mistake made by a police spokesperson by the people who like the area to move right away those who live in the area to stay indoors and listen to instructions from the security offices so it's still very much and i'm fully situation never say and i mentioned that the social media posts that he has been posting one of the things that he said again about an hour ago on facebook what should i surrender so it seems perhaps that the situation may come to an end soon or lease of course that is the hope but again the situation still changing as we speak when how unusual is it to have a mass shooting in thailand. mentions a very rare head you know dung crime is relatively common access to guns is relatively easy there are strict rules around the down ownership in thailand but it is very easy with corruption being so rife with the black market being so strong it is relatively easy to get your hands on on that and on guns this man is again we should point out is believed to be a soldier serving soldier in the thai army the again the shooting spree on an army base so clearly access to weapons the easier than it would be for a civilian member of the public but generally mass shootings in thailand are very rare they don't happen very often bought again gun crime is common we should also point out that the military in thailand plays a major role in the life you have the military is often in voltaire in politics it is involved in business in thailand and some would say that it is the most powerful organization in this country and one of the again one of the posts that he has made on social media referred to were again we don't know the motives for the shooting we don't know much about the soldier himself but one of the things the big pointed out on social media was making a reference to corruption again too early to say without it the main motivation for the shooting about corruption is a major problem within the military many other gay sions all of them being involved in the illegal business illegal trade so they do play a very large pots of time. details of time show will come out in the aisles in days from now for now thank you for that that's when hey just recapping there at least 12 people have been shot dead in thailand the active shooter is apparently a soldier he went on a shooting spree in the city of korda and is believed that there are now hostages being held inside that mall and we will bring you more as it comes to hand. let's move on now to other news sent the corona virus outbreak shows no sign of slowing down as authorities in china continue efforts to bring the epidemic under control across china at least 722 people have now died the u.s. embassy has confirmed the death of a citizen in the quarantined city of harm a japanese man has also died there after a suspected corona virus infection hong kong has started a mandatory 2 week quarantine for people arriving from mainland china to try and stop the spread of the virus and in japan thousands of people are being quarantined on board a cruise ship in the port of yokohama the ship has 64 confirmed cases of coronavirus record gupta has the story. the owners of this luxury cruise ship describe it as a home away from home and for those on board there is now no choice about 3700 people on the diamond princess are being quarantined for at least 2 weeks off japan's yokohama port that's after mood in 60 tested positive for corona virus you know are all instructed to stay in their own cabin. you know that people from the insurer haven't been allowed up there on yak and they may have had a chance to interact although they've been instructed that they a meter or from each other so it's hard to read. the mood of the other passengers without a contact with them i see you know some people are very worried on the internet and social media japan is already dealing with cases of the virus and has imposed new border controls to stop it from spreading it's turned away another cruise ship from taiwan the world had organization says there is no need for alarm there's over 3700 people in crew and this is after extensive searching for cases and testing and testing of many many people so if i don't get my month's wrong that's that's less than 2 percent of people so. it's still about it's not a great number it does show the virus has spread in the ship but again let's be careful here not to overreact the outbreak that began in china has spread to at least 25 countries in kazakhstan the reports of violence between kazakhstan and a.p. quake community over fears of coronavirus chinese restaurants and businesses have reportedly been burnt down singapore has increased its alert level after new cases of corn a virus not linked to previous infections or travel to china were reported people are rushing to supermarkets to stock up on food and essential goods and around the world war people are buying mass and what's called personal protective equipment or p.p. pushing up prices and creating shortages the world is facing severe disruption in the market for personal for president and protective equipment. demand is $200.00 times higher than normal and prizes not up to 20 times higher the u.n. agency says more than 80 percent of corn a virus cases globally reported can be considered mild and is calling for nations to work together to fight the outbreak priyanka gupta is here orchestrating us live for us in beijing and joins us now katrina as the numbers continue to grow the way that the government needs to respond is is changing what's the latest that we're hearing from beijing. that's right so we have more than 34000 cases now more than 700 deaths including as we've had today a u.s. citizen in hand today but just outside of those numbers we have to remember that this outbreak is affecting tens of millions of people across china either directly affected by the lock down and and was hot in some of these surrounding cities but also just across the country and cities like beijing and shanghai where so many restaurants remain close public gatherings are are not allowed or discouraged in and offices are also close so this is been really massively disruptive and what we do find is that this fear and panic around the corner virus is now sort of morphing into more frustration and anger and how the government has been handling this the numbers are continuing to rise despite the efforts by the government and people are really turning their attention to some recent as we had this week the death of a doctor named. dr lee and he in early in january was 1 of the 1st whistleblowers if you like to sound the alarm over the severity of this virus and he was actually punished and so he passed away this week from the krona virus and there's a lot of anger growing in social media over his death and his treatment as well as that there are some other citizen journalists and who have been posting videos some very disturbing disturbing videos of of the conditions some awful conditions and some of inside some of these hospitals and one of them has gone missing as well so there's really some some anger about the attempt to really silence any criticism about the handling by the government i think the communist party is certainly more more aware of that she came out on friday and said that he's declared what he's called a people's war on virus and saying that no effort is being spared in in trying to contain this outbreak and china's world health organization has said that really this battle is far from over and the authorities really do need to remain vigilant katrin to you there thank you. russian officials are set to meet with the turkish counterpart cement growing tensions in syria's it's a province syrian activists say turkey has set up a new al post and if that comes the syrian government forces continue to advance on the province that is still in question although reports turkey is determined to stop the us syrian government forces in the suburbs of surat camp hours before distributed town well after fierce fighting with the syrian rebel defenders. so racket sits at the junction of 2 major highways and was seen as a major obstacle in regaining control of the province one 3rd of which is now under syrian government control. turkey has warned put the mask his forces to back off no arkie unfortunately the syrian regime does not believe in political process and thinks peace can only be possible by a military solution and i have to say they are wrong about this they have stepped up their aggression turkey has 12 military observation posts positioned around the globe to escalation zone agreed with russia and iran in 2017 but 9 of them have been surrounded by advancing syrian government forces to protect and stop the advance troops yes stablished for more post which ended up in direct clashes between the turkish and syrian army's solve little mission with the hook up some of them use the local should get tax responded to within the scope of such offense from now on any kind of attack will be responded to appropriately and observation post will continue their duties. the syrian government has intensified its attacks since last november and backed by russia has targeted civilians this triggered a new way of a migration with hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the violence in the 9 year long civil war in syria that was where the displaced could find refuge but it looks at the center is now under threat as the syrian government forces captured so rocket and just 7 kilometers of way see them go solo al-jazeera bubble howa northwestern syria well hashim about a joins us now live from istanbul hashem this is a very crucial meeting at a very precarious time for russia and turkey isn't it. indeed kim this is going to be an opportunity for both parties to set aside their differences and see how that incorporates when it comes to the latest developments in a syrian activists are saying that hundreds of turkish soldiers along with their equipment have crossed into and then moved to areas on the. in what looks like an attempt by the turkish military to set up new military posts and this is clearly an indication of growing tension in the region and it seems that the turkish military after the syrian rebels lost the city of sirte is trying to move towards turner's and that must form or on the southern outskirts of . and to prepare in that case the syrian army decides to move towards the city of this against the backdrop of the warning that was issued by the syrian by the turkish government about 2 days ago to damascus that if the syrian army does not pull out from the demilitarized zone in by the end of february then the turkish military would have no other option but to use force i'm going to is making those threats but at the same time it has a lot to lose doesn't it already has nearly ends all the syrian refugees in turkey and i assume it would be wanting to avoid another wave of people coming across the border. everyone is worried everyone is concerned including the united nations the u.n. envoy to syria expressed the same concerns about the potential for must exist if the syrian army continues its push to take over the city of kim we are dealing with an extraordinary political situation in. because in the past when the rebels were losing ground or territory the civilian as would move north to worse rebel held area but it live now is the only part in syria which is under the control of the rebels wish me is that if they lose it then the civilian has about 4000000 civilians will have no other option the has sealed the border with syria and this is going to create behalves one of the worst humanitarian situations for the international community and today the turkish along with the russian diplomats are going to try to see how they can diffuse tension how they can redraw the political map around the city of love to ensure some sort of a buffer zone where the syrian military has to stop the to stop this is a prerequisite for the turkish government we're expecting president of the government to address a rally anytime now and most likely he's going to address the issue of. i doubt we'll be checking back in with you then let's have some about it there live for us in istanbul. find more ahead on the news all including. tomorrow will this day i'm playing we're all going to train together to keep. better tabs on the 7 hopefully vying for the democratic presidential nomination take to the stage once again. and we look at what evolves in india's capital may mean for prime minister narendra modi. in school was a new start for the main gaming to win over football fans in the united states. the united nations is working towards a ceasefire in libya the u.n. secretary general antonio protests made the announcement at a summit of african union the doesn't ethiopia as mohamed vaal reports from the capital addis ababa fighting in libya is affecting other countries in the region. libya is in a high strategic location it boasts the largest oil reserves in africa it commands desert and suits which african migrants use in their tens of thousands each year to reach western europe and since war broke out there several years ago armed groups have taken hold some of whom are linked directly or indirectly to al-qaeda isom all ingredients that make it a challenging issue to discuss when african union leaders meet in the ethiopian capital addis ababa libya is an african country but the war that's been ripping it apart for years is nigh the entire libyan you know african factions such as the self declared libyan national army that by the world are coming to have talks and other groups and go support from foreign countries. have to with the help of the united arab emirates russia egypt and even fall some want others is fighting to remove the you and recognize the government in tripoli he launched his latest campaign from eastern libya early last year and has already captured large areas including the city of silt in the north but his attempts to take the capital tripoli have so far failed. it's in this climate that african leaders must find a road for themselves a u has no troops in libya to enforce peace and as far as negotiations are concerned it's countries like germany that are leading the talks a u. high committee on libya under the leadership of congress president dennis ross and whistle was among the last to be invited to the berlin summit on libya in january and talks both in berlin and in moscow our view of the little results if team of this year is a u.s. summit in addis ababa is silencing the guns and to do that in libya african leaders will need to bring new ideas to the table. let's get more now from ahmed valvo joins me from madison mahmut how are african leaders looking to find those roles for themselves in finding a solution to the libyan conflict. that's subject to be developed tomorrow when they meet on the 1st day of the 2 day summit and we have been listening in the last couple of days to some of the statements by heads of delegates here about how important africans are trying to focus this time around on libya africa feels that it has been marginalized with regards to peace efforts and negotiations in libya as mentioned in the report that you have just saw seen just a while ago the secretary general of the united nations until you go terrorists gave a press in which he used the word scandal to describe what's happening in libya saying that some of the big powers members in the united nations security council are complicit in what's happening in terms of the importation of weapons and also fighters and so on he talked about the embargo that has been imposed in 2011 being violated time and again he talked about the recent tools that has been signed being also violated. and he said it's time for the african union to lend a hand to be involved in this process and the he's coming here to addis ababa to attend the summit as a central message of solidarity and support by the united nations to the african union in its efforts to help efforts for peace in africa and particularly in libya and he particularly mentioned that the united nations is ready to receive some. of service members of the african union to be permanently based in libya within its mission in tripoli as a sign of a new commitment by the united nations to involve africans he talked about peace efforts and peace peace peace troops in africa african efforts to combat terrorism and saying that should be of source supported among other things so it's time africa the united nations saying for africa to play a major role not only across the sahara but also particularly in libya i think that that's mohammed while there live from. and u.s. president donald trump has fired 2 major witnesses in his impeachment trial barely 48 hours after the senate acquitted him the ambassador to the european union golden sun flint was recalled just al softer lieutenant colonel alexander venom and was scored it from the white house both men were critical of president trump's handling of military age to ukraine and the gawker reports from washington. gordon sunland was considered a close ally

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