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of the hospital's rooms. they also say noa marciano, the i9—year—old israeli soldier said to have been found dead at al—shifa, was murdered by hamas inside the hospital. here is the idf spokesman, daniel hagari, briefing journalists. i9 19 years old idf corporal noa marciano was taken hostage by hamas terrorists during the massacre of october the 7th. he was taken into gaza alive. taken hostage in gaza city next to the hospital. during ongoing combat in the vicinity of where she was held captive, noa marciano was injured. i repeat, she was injured. an independent pathological report has determined that her injuries were not life—threatening, i repeat, her injuries were not life—threatening. what happens to noa marciano? the world should know. hamas terrorists took noa marciano into the hospital where she was murdered quickly hamas murdered noa marciano inside the al—shifa hospital. our thoughts are with noa marciano alistair macrow family. we send our heartfelt condolences to the family. ——, thoughts are with noa marciano pass family. we did not reach her in time. this is only made us more determined to do everything in our power to bring all of our hostages home. we have also gathered more intelligence from the hospital proving that noa marciano was not the only hostage taken by hamas into al—shifa hospital. iwill the only hostage taken by hamas into al—shifa hospital. i will now share concrete evidence of hostages. one from nepal, one from thailand, taken from nepal, one from thailand, taken from israel during the hamas massacre on october the 7th. after ruthlessly massacring and taking people hostage, the terrorists fled to al—shifa hospital, they went to the hospital to hide. here, you can see hamas terrorists drove back from the massacre. this is an israeli militaryjeep the massacre. this is an israeli military jeep that they the massacre. this is an israeli militaryjeep that they brought into the hospital, i want to repeat that: they are bringing an israeli jeep, a militaryjeep, into the hospital compound. terrorists should not enter, they are entering with the militaryjeep. this is 10:15. one of the toyotas used by hamas are bringing hostages into the hospital. we have found this toyota, a different one, with all of the gear and the toyota hidden in a garaged inside the hospital. she was ready to go to the 7th of october massacre like other toyotas going back into the hospital, using the hospital as a terror base. anotherjeep, and israeli vehicle, a military vehicle, entered into the hospital using the hospital as a human shield for the hamas terrorists, bringing military equipment in the vicinity of the hospital. click. this is 7th of october. 10:55 a:m.. the evidence i will share was sent by israel to diplomatic channels, to the countries of those civilians. here, you can see hamas taking a hostage inside the vicinity. he doesn't look even he even doesn't look need to need a treatment. but they're taking him inside the hospital. i will now share this video that shows the same hostage entering into the hospital with the gunman. terrorists inside the hospital. this is the main entrance of the hospital. click. this is at 10:55 a:m. they're entering another hostage. gunmen are entering another hostage from those countries i mentioned into the vicinity. the terrorists are guarding the room. we have not yet located both of these hostages and rescued them. we have not yet located them. we do not know where they are. there are still hostages we need to rescue. live now to our correspondent nick beake injerusalem. that was supposedly concrete evidence being produced, whether people believe that or not, there is definitely an uptake in the evidence the israelis are putting forward to justify what is being done around our she fat over the last few days. watch in our viewers take away from what they have just watched? i watch in our viewers take away from what they have just watched? what they have “ust watched? i think that what they have 'ust watched? i think that israel is — what they have just watched? i think that israel is slowly, _ what they have just watched? i think that israel is slowly, methodically, l that israel is slowly, methodically, it would say, building evidence which, it claims, justifies the operation at the al—shifa hospital. to give this in context: this was a really big military operation at the military to ring israelis have in carrying out at gaza's biggest hospital. the reason they did this, bringing in tanks, having a fierce battle, even though thousands of civilians has gone to the hospital to seek safety, the argument was that hamas had transformed it from hospital into a legitimate military target. that is why you hear the idf chief spokesman talking about hamas bringing militaryjeeps, which he said had taken from the israelis, why he showed cctv footage which he said showed hamas fighters armed, where he also said that hostages have been capped at the hospital, and also why he says that hostages were actually murdered there within the grounds of the al—shifa hospital. this is evidence that, bit by bit, israel says it has collected and is now putting forward both in video form and other material as well. it is worth stressing: this has come out tonight, there is no way that we can immediately verify this, but, certainly, israel is saying that this is the evidence it has been talking about for a long time now, that the hospital is being used as a place where hamas are taking hostages and also using it for human shield purposes. i taking hostages and also using it for human shield purposes. i want to show our viewers _ for human shield purposes. i want to show our viewers here _ for human shield purposes. i want to show our viewers here on _ for human shield purposes. i want to show our viewers here on bbc- for human shield purposes. i want to show our viewers here on bbc news| show our viewers here on bbc news footage of the israeli military has released a what it says is a tunnel underneath al—shifa hospital. the bbc has not been able to independently verify this video either, but the israelis say that this is the entrance of the tunnel underneath the hospital complex. the idf says on the troops have exposed 55 metres of length and it lies a ten metres underground. the idf says the shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital beneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including rpg is, explosives, and kalashnikov rifles. the idf claims that the entrance includes a blast proof door and a firing poll. they have not commented, they have previously said —— hamas have not yet commented, they had previously said that there is no command based mini al shiva. nick, this has been a key area of focus, we are unable to verify the footage are where we are working to do so, what argument will be israelis be putting forward alongside the footage that they are showing? alongside the footage that they are showin: ? , ., ., alongside the footage that they are showin ? , ., ., ,., , ., showing? yes, there are two parts to what the israelis _ showing? yes, there are two parts to what the israelis have _ showing? yes, there are two parts to what the israelis have been _ showing? yes, there are two parts to what the israelis have been saying, l what the israelis have been saying, firstly, that hamas have been using the hospital as a place to keep hostages, using it as a military zone, or rain control command centre, but also, the bigger claimant that beneath the floors of the wards of this big medical complex, they say there is an extremely large hamas control centre, headquarters which is a really significant operation. previously, the israelis have put forward a video simulation which they said may well resemble what this operation would look like. it is very intricate, you have different tunnels, different rooms in which operatives, hamas presumably, work detected as working and moving around. as it stands, the tunnel that has been exposed tonight, the israelis say, the video that has been put forward, does not resemble that video simulation. i think that the israelis would say this takes time and that they are, piece by piece, hour by hour, day by day, presenting the evidence that they are showing. it is worth noting that the americans have said that their own intelligence backs up what their own intelligence backs up what the israelis say about hamas using hospitals... backs up what the israelis say about hamas using hospitals for military purposes, including al shiva. i think that the americas used the phrase: command node, that would be a small operation and a vast headquarters. tonight, the israelis have said that the americans are able to substantiate their claim. hamas have said all along that they have not he is a vast headquarters. tonight, the israelis have said that the americans are able to substantiate their claim. hamas have said all along that they have not used al shiva in this way and that they do not have an underground complex there. some of the doctors that we have been talking to someone they are not aware of a high mass facility. it is a contested claim, but israel is a night are once again providing what they say is compelling evidence that hamas have been using al—shifa hospital and are holding hostages there. for more on this, i have been speaking to a senior palestine analyst at the international crisis group. i asked her about the images of the tunnel. i mean, israel has a serious credibility issue in this war at the moment. you know, the images we're seeing, again, they haven't been verified. and your correspondent made that very clear. we haven't had any independent third party verify them. but even then, you know, we know that hamas has a significant tunnel system underneath gaza that stretches hundreds of kilometres. that's no secret to anyone. now, with israel claiming that they've been using shifa hospital as a command center, you know, that really does change the dynamics here, because if israel cannot produce any verifiable evidence that really does put into question the way that israel hasjustified its actions in order to violate international law here, hospitals are meant to be safe places. they are meant to be places that are meant to be safe from military activity. now, israel has justified this on the basis of hamas using this as a command centre. again, hamas has explicitly refuted this claim. doctors themselves have not verified this. they themselves have said that they've seen no evidence of this. and to assume that to say no evidence of this means that, yes, that that that is definitely for sure they're using it is absolutely absurd. so, i cannot disagree on that points more strongly. but more importantly, again, israel's evidence that they have produced about this has been completely debunked and discredited. even the bbc stated that a lot of the images that had come out over the last few days had been doctored. so, you know, it really does look like a serious intelligence failure on the behalf of both israel and the us. let us bring you this now: 31 premature babies have been moved from the al shifa hospital in northern gaza to the emirati hospital in rafah, in the south of gaza. a warning, viewers may find the following images distressing. these pictures have emerged today, showing the children being cared for. doctors say 31 have survived, but eight passed away. teams are now working to stabilise their condition. here's the director general of the palestinian health ministry in gaza. translation: we found that even i the water with which their baby l formula was made was polluted. it wasn't sanitised because sanitisation was not available, and that caused vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss. instead of gaining weight, they lost weight, and that caused them severe harm. some of them had sepsis and severe inflammation. we began a quick resuscitation process for them as soon as they arrived at the hospital. translation: they also had low temperatures. . they hadn't been kept warm. we usually assign one nurse to every two or three babies, but the medical staff was greatly reduced due to the siege around the al—shifa hospital and the staff's inability to change shifts. there were severe shortages in medicine, like antibiotics, other solutions and food, and that was banned by the occupying powers from reaching the al—shifa medical complex. translation: it took hours of work and coordination. i the medical staff — that's one doctor and the four nurses who were with — them finally arrived. the final number who came to us was 31 babies. there had originally been 39, but eight babies died, the final two of which died in the al—shifa medical complex. some of the babies are in critical condition. one of them is on ventilator. there are some who are in critical, others in medium conditions, some who are stable, whose health condition allows them to be fed directly with baby formula or through tubes. earlier today qatar's prime minister spoke to reporters in doha and said only �*minor obstacles remain�* in the way of reaching a deal on releasing some of the hostages taken by hamas. his comments came after the washington post said that israel, hamas and the united states were close to an agreement on the release of women and children. it's not really about a specific thing that i can comment yes or no about it. but, the challenges that remain in the negotiations are very minor compared to the bigger challenges. they are more logistical, they are more practical, and i believe that with the willingness of both parties to engage and to have this deal moving, we can reach a deal. we have been focused in the past four or five weeks now in these negotiations, we tried every way, all possible ways, in order to ensure that civilians are released. and we treat all human beings all the same. civilians are civilians, whether they are from the israeli side or the palestinian side. as we mentioned in several occasions, ourfocus is to make sure that the release is happening safely and there are also the humanitarian issues of the gaza strip to be addressed in that deal. well earlier i spoke to dania thafer who's the executive director of gulf international forum. i asked her what more need to happen for a agreement between israel and hamas to begin releasing some of the hostages. there needs to be an agreement between the two main parties, hamas and the israeli government, about the terms for this release. and the qataris said that they are very close and there's only a matter of practical or logistical issues. the israelis haven't said as much. there is some indication that they were hopeful that a deal would come through. and the us hasn't commented that much either. but based on what the qataris said, i don't think they would say that without actually believing that that is the case. and looking back at the last four to five weeks, as qatar has mediated between the two parties, they have released updates based on the status and different situations as as there was escalation, they would say, ok, now our we're having more trouble with the talks. and i guess at this point, they feel they're reaching a breaking point where a deal could be imminent. hamas says that israeli airstrikes have continued across gaza. in one incident, it says 41 members of the same family died in the zeytoun district. and thirteen more people died in what palestinian sources say was an israeli attack on the nuseirat refugee camp, in central gaza, shown here. the united nations has reiterated warnings by aid officials that nowhere in gaza is now safe. a now it's time for a look at today's sport. hello from the bbc sport centre. what a year it's been for australia's cricketers, they retained thre ashes, won the world test championship and now they are one day world champions for the 6th time. they stunned the hosts india in ahmedabad, travis head's century helping them easily reach their target of 241 to win by 6 wickets. put into bat, india never really got going . after all his heroics in their unbeaten run to the final, virat kohli made a half century. he was bowled by pat cummins. pick of the australia bowlers mitchell starc removed india's top scorer rahulfor 66. australia lost three early wickets but head then took the match away from the hosts his brilliant 137 coming off 120 balls. could not make it to the end. australia extend their record as the most successful side in the 50 over world cup that is huge, i think that that is the pinnacle of international cricket, winning a one—day world cup, especially in india in front of a crowd like this. it has been a big yearfor a crowd like this. it has been a big year for everyone. a crowd like this. it has been a big yearfor everyone. but, you know, our team has been here in india, the ashes, the world chest mac championship, these are the moments you will rememberfor the championship, these are the moments you will remember for the rest of your life. we you will remember for the rest of our life. ~ . ., your life. we were confident if we -la ed your life. we were confident if we played well _ your life. we were confident if we played well we — your life. we were confident if we played well we would _ your life. we were confident if we played well we would get - your life. we were confident if we played well we would get the - your life. we were confident if we | played well we would get the right result, _ played well we would get the right result, on— played well we would get the right result, on the day, they played better— result, on the day, they played better than ours. you know, as i said, _ better than ours. you know, as i said. it — better than ours. you know, as i said. it is — better than ours. you know, as i said. it is for— better than ours. you know, as i said, it is for us, of course, disappointing, there is disappointment in the dressing room and there _ disappointment in the dressing room and there is disappointment among the boys _ and there is disappointment among the boys and among the support staff, _ the boys and among the support staff, but— the boys and among the support staff, but certainly, in time, when the dust_ staff, but certainly, in time, when the dust settles, we can reflect on what _ the dust settles, we can reflect on what i _ the dust settles, we can reflect on what i think has been a really good campaign — time for a look at sunday's euro qualifiers, belgium were already sure of being at next year's tournnament in germany. they had a ten nil win over azerbaijan. they finished that group unbeaten and at the top of austria. sweden beat their opponents 2—0. serbia came from behind against bulgaria to draw which also sees them qualify. plenty of matches ongoing, not too much to play for in group a. top spot is at stake, both of the drawing at the moment, the scottish have come from behind twice against the norwegians. 2— t. spain are drawing against georgia. can portugal make it ten wins from ten? they are against iceland. you can see the other games as well. no goals. over30 see the other games as well. no goals. over 30 minutes played in those three matches in group lerager. formula one's return to las vegas prodeuced one of the season's great races with the lead changing hands seven times, before champion max verstappen took the honours. ferrari's charles leclerc started from pole, but there was chaos at the first corner as verstappen pushed him wide taking the lead and earning him a five second penalty. he had to give the lead back. two drivers failed to finish, the most dramatic exit was that of lando norris, he was taken to hospital as a precaution. fellow britons lewis hamilton and george russell also crashed. verstappen�*s time penalty saw him drop to eleventh place after his first pit stop, but he fought back to win for the 18th time this season. novak djokovic won a record breaking seventh finals title. he comfortably breached home favourite jannik sinner in straight sets in turin. jannik sinner beat him in the group stage. they had shared the record with roger federer, djokovic now holds it outright. britain's joe salisbury and the american rajeev ram have retained their doubles title, with a straight sets victory over marcel granoliers and horacio zeballos, taking their winning streak at the finals to 10 matches. they also won the us open earlier this year, for a third time in a row. and that's all the sport for now. backin back in the next hour. studio: some news from the last few hours, russell brand has been questioned by metropolitan police detectives in relation to allegations of historical six offences. an investigation by the sunday times, the times and channel 4's dispatches revealed allegations of rape, sexual assaults and emotional abuse against the comedian and actor. brand has previously denied the claims. for more on this, i spoke earlier to our culture reporter, noor nanji. well, the metropolitan police has confirmed that a man in his 40s attended a police station in south london on november the 16th — so that's last thursday — as first reported by the times newspaper. now, the police force said it was he was interviewed under caution by detectives in relation to allegations of three non—recent sexual offences, and it said that inquiries were continuing. now, the met police has not named the individual, but it is understood to be russell brand. now, the met said in september that it would investigate allegations of non—recent sexual offences. that was after receiving a number of allegations. and earlier that month, of course, the sunday times and channel 4 dispatches programme had said that four women had accused brand, who is a8, of sexual offences, including a rape alleged to have taken place between 2006 and 2013. now, the bbc has approached russell brand for a comment, but has not yet heard back. it is important to say that he has previously denied those claims and said that his relationships have always been consensual. breaking news: the formerfirst lady of the united states has died. she was 96. she was married tojimmy carterfor many years. was 96. she was married tojimmy carter for many years. her family said that she died peacefully in georgia. jimmy carter said that as long as she was in the world, your eyes knew someone loved and supported him. she is survived by her husband and her three children, 11 grandchildren and 1a great—grandchildren. voting is under way in the second round of argentina's presidential elections. the poll has been dominated by an escalating economic crisis, with inflation running at more than 140%. polls suggest it will be a tight race between the left—wing economy minister, sergio massa, and a far—right outsider, javier milei. mr massa won the first round with 36.7%, ahead of mr milei with 30%. stay with us here on bbc news. thank you for watching. hello there. sunshine was certainly in short supply earlier today. we've had more rain around. snowdonia, actually, by far the wettest part of the country. and we've got some more rain, actually into the night, all rotating around that particular area of low pressure. and we may well find more rain affecting northern england, southern scotland for a while. a spell of rain moves down across northern ireland. this rain in the south—west here could be quite heavy, gusty winds too, which will drive that rain eastwards across southern parts of england, some breaks in the cloud through the midlands and it will be a little bit chillier than it was last night. now we should see that rain in the south—east moving through, and things sort of even out a little bit. there'll be a lot of cloud around. there'll be a few showers to come on monday. sunshine for a while in the midlands before it clouds over, and then we get the sunshine in east anglia in the south — the sunshine and showers for northern ireland. but a colder, stronger northerly wind picking up, as it will do, across other western areas and temperatures won't be as high as they were over the weekend. but after what showers there are, really, i think on monday, the rest of the week is looking really quite dry. there may not be a great deal of sunshine. once again, it's cloudier skies heading our way. the low pressure itself takes the rain away. instead, pressure builds from off the atlantic. but we've still got a northerly breeze, i think on tuesday, maybe not quite as strong, but it will bring in more cloud and showers to england and wales during the morning. should get a bit more sunshine later in the day. sunshine for a while across scotland and northern ireland before the cloud increases from the north—west. temperatures will continue to just drop away a little, typically 9—10 degrees on tuesday. and it could get quite chilly actually for england and wales in particular for a while with clearer skies on tuesday night. further north, those temperatures may recover because here we're going to start to draw in the air from the atlantic. we've got that colder air across england and wales for a while, but it's this atlantic air, westerly winds, that will come to dominate around the middle part of the week and a bit later on as well, to the north of that area of high pressure. we've got the stronger winds across northern areas — this is where we're going to find most of the rain. northern and western scotland. again, further south looks mostly dry, but again it looks quite cloudy out there, bit a sunshine for sheltered eastern bit of sunshine for sheltered eastern areas and those temperatures lifting to a high of 1a degrees in scotland. we've got milder air in place wednesday and through thursday, south of that weather front which is bringing the rain. but by the end of the week, we may start to see some colder air just starting to dig down from the far north. good—bye. this is bbc news. the headlines... israel releases footage which it says shows hostages captured by hamas on the 7th of october were taken to the al shifa hospital. israeli troops say they've found a 55—metre tunnel under the hamas—run al—shifa complex in gaza. meawhile, 31 premature babies are evacuated from the al—shifa hospital — palestinian doctors say eight other children died because of lack of care. the prime minister of qatar suggests israel and hamas could be close to a deal to release some of the hostages held in gaza. and the actor russell brand has been questioned by metropolitan police detectives in london, in relation to allegations of historical sex offences. now on bbc news — click.

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Al Shifa Hospital , Babies , Care , Black , Children , Prime Minister , Doctors , 31 , Eight , Hamas , Deal , Israel , Hostages , Allegations , Russell Brand , Some , Relation , Detectives , Sex Offences , Al Shifa Hospital In Northern Gaza , Qatar , In London , Metropolitan Police , Bbc News , Officials , Hello , Hostage , Footage , One , Entrance , Spokesman , Cctv Footage , Attacks , Guard , Noa Marciano , Rooms , The I9 Year , Idf Spokesman , Terrorists , Massacre , Idf , Corporal , Hamas Massacre On October The 7th , Daniel Hagari , Briefing Journalists , 7 , October The 7th , 19 , Vicinity , Captive , Combat , Report , Injuries , Noa Marciano Into The Hospital , World , Noa Marciano Inside The Al Shifa Hospital , Quickly Hamas , Thoughts , Family , Condolences , Alistair Macrow Family , Wall , Noa Marciano Pass Family , More , Everything , Power , Intelligence , Home , Evidence , Thailand , Nepal , Iwill , People , Militaryjeep , Military Jeep , Israeli Militaryjeep The Massacre 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Complex , Rain Control , Video Simulation , Headquarters , Tunnels , Work , It Stands , Operatives , Forward , Israelis Say , Americans , Day By , Hospitals , Military Purposes , Claim , Have , Phrase , Command Node , Americas , Someone , Complex , High Mass Facility , Night , Images , Issue , Analyst , Senior , Credibility , War , International Crisis Group , Palestine , We Haven T , Tunnel System , Correspondent , Third Party , Kilometres , Anyone , Secret , Haven T , Verified , Order , Command Center , Actions , Dynamics , Law , Israel Cannot , Israel Hasjustified , Places , Safe , Basis , Military Activity , Yes , Lot , Points , Us , Behalf , Intelligence Failure , South , Teams , Warning , Pictures , Emirati Hospital In Rafah , Translation , Condition , Formula , Baby , Sanitisation , Director General , Water , Palestinian Health Ministry In Gaza , It Wasn T Sanitised , Weight , Inflammation , Weight Loss , Diarrhoea , Vomiting , Harm , Sepsis , Resuscitation Process , Temperatures , Staff , Nurse , Inability , Siege , Three , Shifts , Medicine , Powers , Shortages , Solutions , Food , Antibiotics , Number , Nurses , Doctor , Coordination , Four , 39 , Health Condition , Baby Formula , Conditions , Others , Stable , Ventilator , Comments , Reporters , Obstacles , Tubes , Doha , Washington Post , Release , Challenges , Women , Agreement , Negotiations , Thing , Parties , Deal Moving , Willingness , Logistical , Ways , Five , Side , Same , Human Beings , Occasions , Ourfocus , Issues , Gaza Strip , Dania Thafer , Executive Director , Need , Gulf International Forum , Government , Terms , Matter , Israelis Haven T , Hasn T , Indication , Case , Breaking Point , Status , Situations , Talks , Escalation , Trouble , Updates , Airstrikes , Incident , United Nations , Attack , Aid Officials , Warnings , Sources , Central Gaza , Members , Nuseirat Refugee Camp , Zeytoun District , Thirteen , 41 , Australia , Sport , Cricketers , Look , Bbc Sport Centre , Thre Ashes , Hosts India In Ahmedabad , World Test Championship , India , Final , World Champions , Target , Wickets , Run , Bat , Heroics , Travis Head , 6 , 241 , Mitchell Starc , Match , Bowlers , Scorer , Rahulfor , Virat Kohli , Pat Cummins , 66 , Record , Balls , The End , World Cup , 137 , 120 , 50 , Crowd , Pinnacle , Everyone , Front , International Cricket , Big Yearfor , Life , Chest Mac , Rest , Team , The Ashes , We La Ed , Disappointment , Course , Boys , Result , Support Staff , Dressing Room , The Boys , Dust Settles , Tournnament , The Dust Settles , Look At Sunday S Euro Qualifiers , Germany , Belgium , Group , Top , Beat , Win , Opponents , Austria , Sweden , 2 , 0 , Matches , Serbia , Behind , Bulgaria , Group A Top Spot , Drawing , Georgia , Scottish , Stake , Wins , Norwegians 2 T Spain , Portugal , Season , Games , Goals , Formula One , Prodeuced One , Iceland , Group Lerager , Las Vegas , Over30 , 30 , Max Verstappen , Charles Leclerc , Lead , Times , Races , Penalty 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Voting , Elections , Argentina , 1 , 11 , Sergio Massa , Economy Minister , Poll , Polls , Crisis , Race , Inflation Running , Outsider , Javier Milei , 36 7 , 140 , Stay , Rain , Pressure , Part , Country , Sunshine , Snowdonia , Rain Affecting Northern England , Rain In The South West , Cloud , Midlands , England , Winds , Breaks , Spell , Northern Ireland , Southern Scotland For A While , Rain Eastwards Across Southern Parts , Bit , Showers , Rain In The South East Moving Through , Things , Areas , In The South , Weekend , Wind , East Anglia , Breeze , Off The Atlantic , Western Scotland , Little , Wales , North West , 9 , Hair , North , Particular , Skies , Atlantic , High Pressure , Most , Atlantic Air , Westerly Winds , Weather Front , Headlines , In Gaza , Hamas Run , Meawhile ,

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