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>> a his or ttor >> a his or tic deal in hollywo after the 95-year history in hollywood sag-aftra reachs a deal with the directors. and at the gop, nikki haley uses the word scum. and now, for loved ones stuck at the gaza border crossing. i'm sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman, and this is cnn "news central." ♪ ♪ collective bargaining works. that's the message this morning from president biden. his first reaction to the tentative deal struck after the longest actors strike ever against the hollywood studios. the walkout lasted 118 days. it cost the economy thousands of jobs and billions of dollars with 160,000 actors essentially forced to hit the pause button on the work and current projects. here is more of a statement from president biden this morning. he says when both sides come to the table to negotiate in earnest they can make businesses stronger. here is what we know about the deal. the actors have locked in wage increases that haven't been seen in 40 years. streaming compensation to a new level. a.i. is included in the deal which has never been mentioned before in an actor's deal. now, we will talk much more about this, and we are joined by the president of sag-aftra fran drescher which you have slept none, because of these long hard-fought negotiations that have lasted so long. thank you for joining us. how do you feel this morning and most importantly, what is the message that you have to your members? >> well, how i feel is great relief and happiness that we stood firm, we held our ground, and we got a historic and seminel contract at a point in history that was necessary. and what is the other question? >> your message to members this morning. >> oh, you know, i feel like i'm grateful that they hung in. i'm appreciative they showed the support they did for our negotiating committee, all of the staff, everybody working so hard, riding side by side. and duncan crabtree is just a gift. it is just that we can really celebrate with this contract. i'm already thinking about the things that i want to get in the next contract that we didn't get in this contract, but we broke so much ground. there is so much language in this contract that covers so much new ground that has never been in any other contract before. that was the point of this negotiation, to break a lot of new ground. we did. and of course, we crossed the billion dollar mark. that, too, is historic. we passed without objection, and that, too, is historic. >> it still needs to be ratified by the union member, and i assume you say no, because you are looking to the next contract, but any question that it is not going to go through? >> no, no. not really. because it has to go to the board which is going to approve it tomorrow morning, and then from there we get the member body to ratify it, and i feel like it is such a good contract and our lowest paid, you know, members who are in background, they got an unbelievable deal. and our expert from that community said they never felt so represented, and never seen, and he's been in seven contract negotiations never seen his community fought so hard for. they got an incredible deal. it is not over. and it is never over with contract negotiations, but it is historic and we got so much, so much important stuff. and improvements financially in so many different places that i feel like we all in our negotiating committee slept much better last night than we have in months, because we have all felt the weight of responsibility of this strike and needed a whole lot of fortitude to see it all of the way to the point where we said we can close it now. because the most important thing -- >> let me ask you about the road ahead, because in this strike and in the negotiations, i heard you call the studios tone deaf, greedy, and in the way they were operating disgusting. the alliance representing the studios says that after this, the amptp is pleased to have reached a tentative agreement, and looks forward to the industry telling great stories. so what about the relationship of the studios and the actors and what do you say about the relationship today? >> i think it is going to be business as usual and zero problem. you can never take these things personally. as fredrick douglass said power concedes nothing without demand, it never has and never will, and the demands were made and met. i'm very grateful that, you know, what we felt and what we said ignited a workers movement around the world. it rang like a clear bell tone and it landed in the ears of the amtpt, and they heard it and met the moment. >> a.i., and i am interested in this aspect of the deal, which has never been mentioned before in the deal, and is this required in the most important? >> absolutely. there was nothing in the contract that, you know, was consent. they didn't have to ask for permission for anything. and now they have to ask for permission for everything. and the last piece was put in place very late in the evening the night before we, you know, we passed without objection. the motion to accept the contract and end the strike. >> i have heard media watchers and media reports and analysts describe it this way that the actors union, you all got a lot, and the studios essentially got very little other than the ability to get back to work. do you see it that way? >> well, they certainly got everything that we didn't get. [ laughter ] you know. it is a negotiation. they are going to winsome times. and sometimes accept where history is and what needs to happen. they may not have wanted to, you know, because we're the employees. so what are we going to give. it is all really about understanding besides, you know, our art and being the biggest foundational contributors to the whole industry, it is up to them to concede certain things so that we can feel honored and respected and protected and compensated. you know, it is never easy. but over time which is always my secret sauce, time and patience, we came to a meting of the minds, and i think that they were expecting a different kind of leadership. they were, you know, in for a rude awakening, but once you wake up and smell the coffee, it is hard to go back to sleep. then we had to roll up our sleeves. they knew that they were facing a different kind of leadership. they had to lean in. >> well, the secret sauce of time and patience seems to have worked. fran drescher, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. thank you so much. i appreciate your support. >> thank you. john. all right. this just in, and we are getting word, i believe from the white house that israel issing to to be -- is going to begin four-hour pauses in gaza each day. let's go to jeremy diamond, and i am using this language carefully. what exactly does this mean? >> yeah, that is right. it is interesting that this is coming from the white house and not from the israelis at this point, but the white house national security spokesman john kirby is saying moments ago that israel will agree to implement four-hour humanitarian pauses each day to ensure that humanitarian aid gets through, and it seems to be linked to the effort to get civilians from northern gaza to be able to head to the south. we have watched of course over the last several days as israel has established the four and sometimes five-hour corridors for the civilians to head from northern gaza down to the south, and not carrying out military activities in that area during that time span. what is not clear to me yet based on what john kirby is saying is whether the four-hour pauses are extending to the entirety of the gaza strip, if they extend to certain specific areas, and that is to me not quite clear at this moment as i am reading some of the information. but what is clear is that this is part of a broader effort by the united states to get israel to pay closer attention to the humanitarian disaster that is unfolding inside of gaza, and to get israel to pay closer attention to minimizing the civilian casualties, and this is part of the drum beat of international pressure mounting on iz radioel to heed those warnings more seriously, and of course, the pressure that the white house and the president is facing from some in his own party to pay closer attention to the plight of civilians inside of gaza. we have watched of course in recent days as the death toll in gaza of palestinians has risen to over 10,000 people of which 40% are children according to the hamas-run palestinian ministry of health. so, we are watching as israel is now being pressured to implement the humanitarian pauses. we will see also, a question, john, of whether or not this is related to the negotiations in qatar. and we know that there has been a push to have some of the humanitarian pauses in order to allow some of the mediations over the release of hostages to play out in a more significant way, and so whether all of these things are linked and the gauze strip to me remains questions here, and we will see what the response is directly to the israelis and if they confirm the pauses later today. >> and again, very good points, all of them, jeremy, and the announcement came from the white house, and they will be enacting four-hour pauses everyday in gaza, and where is unclear and what this is going to be in the pause is unclear, and so we will give jeremy diamond some time to do some digging on this, and we will check back with you. moments ago, former south carolina governor nikki haley commented on the high drama moment in the debate where she called the opponent scum, and what she now says that she might have said otherwise. >> all right. moments ago, former south carolina governor nikki haley addressed the extreme tension on the miami presidential debate stage last night when she called her opponent vivek ramaswamy scum. this is how she just explained it. >> we heard you say that you are s scum. do you want to continue with that today or have anything to say? >> restraint. that is showing a lot of restraint. >> so this is the moment she is referring to. listen. >> do you want dick cheney and three-inch heel, because we have two of them on stage tonight. >> mr. ra ramaswamy. >> they are five-inch heels, and don't wear them unless you can run in them. >> and you accused me of using tiktok and in which your own daughter uses tiktok. >> and leave my daughter out of it. >> and you are just propping them up -- >> you are just scum. >> and now, nikki haley says that is showing a lot of restraint. and now joining us is margaret hoover and john avalon, and you think that moment is hugely important. >> it is the zing over the evee -- zinger of the evening, and it is actually not planned, but it is the neophyte the rules of politics, you don't go after people's family or children, and vivek ramaswamy is green, and he came out punching women all through the debate, and he went after the kristen welker and went after nikki in a deeply personal way, and we say about power that it does not make you into a stronger character, but it will reveal your character, and in that moment, you saw nikki unguarded but being who she is and calling it how she saw it. >> i love you, but it is more than the rules of the road in politics, but that is basic human decency, and you don't bring a person's children into the fight, and if you do, you will get hard pushback, and as parents you understand that. you get my daughter's name out of your mouth, and you know that, and scum is a distraction and extra hit, but that is how fired out she is, and you don't mess with people's kid, but it is not politics, but decency and character. >> and you are saying it is not about politic, but decency and character, and politically what does she get from that, and the main opponent, and if you had to rank them, ron desantis or vivek ramaswamy, and something that she gets something beyond it? >> it is showing strength, and strength of character, and i think that as the only woman on that stage, not only well positioned to talk about abortion in a way that is closest thing to the position that can unite the country and what happened in the election the previous day, and note of strength, and one of my favorite rules of politics for bill clinton is that they will vote for strong and wrong every time, and so it is important to show strength and she did. >> are you saying that she is wrong? >> no, if people will not project strength, they will go for someone who does. >> and that is all true, but about the abortion piece. if republicans want to learn a lesson finally about this lesson of abortion in which they continue to get beaten time and time again, they can do nothing better than to have nikki haley nominee for the party, because if you can put a woman who can speak sensibly about this issue of nuance and varying degrees of perspectives and the gray around the issue that is a deeply sensitive issue, she would ameliorate this issue, and be a silver bullet, and the republicans are not in the business of winning lately, be if they want to win, they would have a woman to be the head of the ticket and not the mention she lines up against biden in the most favorable match of any of the republican contests candidates in the contest. >> ron desantis, and what did he do to help or hurt himself? >> well, ron desantis had a good debate. i think that he was polished and he has underperformed in previous debates, but still, gary tuchman's focus group showed that nikki haley won the debate, and desantis showed that he is in the top tier, and chris christie had a strong debate, but he is having a hard time getting traction with the base. and vivek ramaswamy and tim scott are fading away. butommunicator, and if you are listening to him, you will think that something is terribly wrong. and not calling him out, but saying that he is a secret puppet and bringing in the spector of the war that the president needs to prosecute against fellow citizens is what has been seeping into the water, and ron desantis had a good debate, but nikki haley out shown him. >> last word? >> you are beginning to see the field narrow and winnow in a way that could give way of a different set of outcomes and when you 17 candidates or 16 candidates going into iowa and if 15 defy the non-trump vote, trump could very well end up with the majority. >> and stop tiptoeing around donald trump. >> thank you, both. kate? another government shutdown is looming, and as you roll your collective eyes, we will go back to capitol hill with a check on them with eight days to get the act together. and same drug, different use and new name, and why there is a new use for a diabetic drug to be used to treat obesity. this morning the country is eight days away from a government shutdown if no deal is reached, and we are aware of no sign that deal is about to be reached. joining us from capitol hill is congressman greg murphy, and eight days away, can you guarantee the voters of north carolina, that there is not going to be a shutdown? >> no, i can't guarantee anybody anything, and i have not been able to do that as a physician or surgeon, so i can't do it as a member of politics. but i will tell you that we are working hard to find some resolutions that members, republicans can agree on, and we have eight days, and speaker johnson is providing the best leadership possible to bring the constituencies together to avoid a shutdown. >> it is 11:30 a.m., and do you know the plan? >> well, we pulled one vote, because we didn't have all of the people online with this, and so they are working to create different options for folks. >> but right now, no set plan? >> well, john, i mean, i am not the speaker, but i don't know the exact thing that he is working on and the different folks that have voted against the bill or saying they are going to vote against it. he is working with the individuals to try to bring it closer to bring things to the floor next week to avoid a shutdown. >> no, i absolutely know that you are not the speaker, but you will hear about a plan before i do, but has he conveyed to the rank and file members if he has conveyed a plan forward? >> wehave hadder a laddered cr negotiated cr, and i think that we will have a cr of some type, and we will have some type, because nobody wants a government shutdown, but we want appropriations bills, and have government run like it is supposed to and not jammed with a huge omnibus bill like senator schumer sends us to with a big stinky package, and we want to govern like we are supposed to. >> now there are subpoenas for jim biden and hunter biden, and if they do not abide by them, would you serf them in contempt? >> yes, why not. why would they not. why the hell would hunter and jim create 20 shell companies to be legal? we have seen time and time again, and representative comer has proven this, there was money influencing pedalling that he had as vice president, and then they wanted to gain the money back, and -- yes, go ahead. >> you say, yes, absolutely, and why have you changed your position on holding people in contempt of congress, because you voted against holding steve bannon in contempt? >> well, it is different when you have a president of the united states and somebody who is not a president of the united states and someone who is accused of selling influence, and it is a different standard of someone who is in elected office and someone who is not. >> steve bannon -- >> well and there is a difference -- >> who are you saying is in elected office when you are talking about holding someone in contempt of office -- >> well, tell me what office steve bannon is in? >> and tell me about hunter biden. >> no, am talking about president biden. >> no, we are talking about hunter biden and james biden who are son and brother, and they are not holding office. >> if you have seen the facts, the facts that have occurred and we have seen that there is influence peddling, and the vice president of the time said point blank if you don't fire a prosecutor, i will withhold money, and that is a crooked deal in and of itself, and it is a scheme, and if we don't get these -- >> congressman, aim trying to understand the difference when you are talking about congressional subpoenas, you voted against steve bannon against a subpoena when he did not testify before -- >> and was he related to the president of the united states, no. >> he was a former employee of president donald trump and the other people who did you not vote literally worked for the president donald trump -- >> when you have a son who is using biden brand, and when you have a son who is using biden brand and using illegal issues to use his father's brand, and if they are going to come to lie with his brother james, it is a entirely different standard, john, and you know it. >> i am just, no, i don't. because we are talking about private citizens and my question to you is if they are not responsive to the subpoena, and will you hold them in contempt and you say yes for hunter biden and no for steve bannon and neither of them are elected? >> john, hunter and jim are both related to the vice president and now the president of the united states and intimately involved in the business dealings, and the president said no, and point blank lied. ask sam donaldson, because he exposed him of fraud decades ago. and now we find it again. joe biden is a pathological liar and his son hunter is intimately involved in the influence peddling schemes, and two entirely different things, and putting them together is not true. >> i was just asking about holding them in contempt. >> nice interview, john. and now, ahead, a fight to get family members, an american citizen, out of gaza. there are new developments in the israel-hamas war where there are going to be four-hour pauses each day to allow for humanitarian assistance to get into the besieged enclave and allow civilians who are wanting to leave to get out. benjamin netanyahu who has continued to insist there is going to be no cease-fire. we have learned that the cia director met with the head of israel's masad and in doha today on who those 239 hostages are and still being held in gaza. one idea that is being floated is a humanitarian pause in exchange for the release of 10 to 20 hostages, something that president biden has said that he could support. we just heard that from him, and he also said today, that he has been pushing israel for longer pauses than just those three days. now, in gaedz, the effort to get foreign nationals out of the country is continuing. 312 people are evacuated through the rafah crossing today along with 12 critically wounded palestinians, and i am joined by mai whose family members were just out of gaza, and her attorney who has filed a lawsuit against the u.s. government on behalf of palestinian americans who have simply been unable to get out of gaza. thank you both for joining us on the cnn today. >> thank you. >> mei, i wanted to start with you. >> thank you, sara. >> this is incredibly a nightmare for you, and i want to understand just how you have been able to get through this and what your family went through to get out of gaza. >> right. so, i mean, i'm very relieved that they are home, but it is also bittersweet and heartbreaking, because we have left behind so many of our loved ones, and we feel like our evacuation is not a win for biden administration, and i am terrified for my loved ones there, and we are talking about children, brother, this father, doctors and journalists and each and every one of them is at risk. four hours of humanitarian pauses are not enough, and we are calling on the biden administration to push for a cease-fire and protect the lives of not only my loved ones but 2.3 million palestinians living in gaza. when i talk to my mom and sister describe things to me that i can only imagine. the pictures coming out of gaza, and the pictures on instagram are nothing compared to the reality of the situation. it is traumatizing, you know, at least they were able to get out, but what about the other people there, and what is the fate going to look like and for those 2.3 million palestinians still stuck in gaza. >> i know that your family has to be traumatized and anyone going through that and living through that, seeing and feeling what is happening there is going to have to deal with that for a very long time to come. can you give me some sense of what the issues were trying to get them out, because there are other people who are still trying to do so. what happened with your, i think it is your mother and your sister? >> yes. it is my mother and sister. so i think that for us, there were two main issues. one, the communication from the state department was very vague and it did not provide concrete directions in moving forward or any sort of guidance that could be trusted. my mom and sister had to go to border five times, and they were evacuated on the final attempt. that is completely unacceptable. it is something that as american citizens or as people in general, we should haven't to go through that false sense of hope five times and then, you know, not sure if you will be turned away or be able to make it into safety. and the second issue was the lack of self-service and wi-fi being able to communicate with my mom and sister if there are updates from the state department, and if the state department needed to contact them, they had very little means to do so, just because there is no connection, no internet, no wi-fi, and no way of getting in touch with the outside world. >> i cannot imagine going to that border five times knowing that there are still air strikes, still a ground war going on, and then not being able to leave. thank god they are out and in a safe place. mar marya, you have filed a lawsuit against the state department, and why it is and what you are asking for. >> i can definitely tell you that there is a lot of americans still on the ground, americans and their family members. just this morning i was hoping to get in touch with 11-year-old adam who is a u.s. citizen currently there with his parents who have attempted to cross a couple of times, and every day i wake up to check on the phone how they are doing. it really does feel like i am checking to see if they are still alive. my understanding is that there is no concrete numbers from the state department at this point, and we are hearing that 400 people have been able to leave gaza, but there is way more people who are still stuck, way more americans. this failure to get people out is -- there is simply no words. i can tell you that evacuations like this are nothing new for the state department. the state department and the department of defense sometimes work in conjunction to do these types of evacuations. one that i am reminded of is afghanistan in 2021 and i worked on that one, and we still see that trauma in my clients two years later and that sense of betrayal. i am worried for the mental health ramifications of the people that we did get out, and i'm really concerned now of course with reports of people starving to death. you know, it is -- we have been saying that it is a matter of life and death, but it is a matter of time until one of my clients dies. >> which is just a horrible thought and something to sort of have to live with in your life that level of anxiety. i want to end with mai, how are you doing? how are you doing after going through this trauma and knowing that there are so many people stuck in harm's way in gaza where your mother and sister were just able to escape? >>, so, for me, like i said, i m relieved to have them back, but the fight is not over, and as an american citizen, i feel like i am obligated to represent people who don't have the ability to speak out or just say that they are, you know, they are essentially dying in gaza. people are dying. they are calling for a cease-fire, and they want to live. they want to be able to go to school and work and go back to their homes. there is no reason why my little cousins should be making a to-do list for after the war which includes things like taking a hot shower, eating a home cooked meal. those are the things that we take for granted on a day-to-day basis and those should be given basic rights not only for kids in gaza, but adults who are also stuck there as well. that why i am really pushing for the biden administration to call for a cease-fire, and what is happening in gaza is a humanitarian crisis, and words can't describe how severe this situation is there. i will continue to use my voice to fight for justice and to fight against the oppression and the occupation that the people in gaza are experiencing. it is unacceptable yesterday and today, and it will be unacceptable tomorrow. >> i am sorry to hear about your cousins to be making the lists and those are the kinds of things that human beings should have, the hot shower and ability to eat and get clean fresh water. so thank you so much, mai abushaaban and so pleased to hear that your sister and mother are safe at this time, and maria kari, we will check back with you to see how this lawsuit progresses and how the clients are able to get out of harm's way. appreciate you. >> thank you. >> kate? >> coming up for us, donald trump's legal team is about to lay out their case with the judge already ruling that he is liable for fraud, what is the damage? we are be back. we heard from the prosecution. next week donald trump's team will have a chance to mount a defense in the civil fraud trial here in new york. he has already been found liable by the judge for fraud. today the new york attorney general's office is asking the judge to block several of trump's expert witnesses from testifying. they say their testimony relates to issues that have already been resolved by the judge. senior legal analyst and former prosecutor elie honig. we had the fourth member of the trump family testify. ivanka trump testified. did her testimony add a whole lot? she did a lot of things of not being able to recall on the stand. >> it was relevant, but i don't think it was a game changer. you're right. there was a lot of i don't recall and i wasn't involved na that, but the a.g.'s office wasn't able to come back from that. she said i wasn't involve d in the creation of these statements. in contrast to her brother, who tried the same thing earlier in the week, but was directly confronted with e-mails that contradicted that, that was a bad moment for eric trump. we didn't have that kind of holy smokes moment. >> the prosecutors had had receipts in the testimony. they did not have the same thing for van ka. i want to ask a about the defense looks like. there's forensic accounting. there's already been a big decision by the judge in this. >> really important to keep in mind the judge has ruled against the trumps, in favor of the a.g. there's six other counts in play. first of all, i think they will try to justify their valuations. they will provide expert witnesses and others to say, these valuations were not inflated. they are committed to that because in some instances, donald trump said even our estimations were still low. we'll see if they can back that up. we'll see. the other thing is what we call materiality. that means in order for it to be a fraud under the are maining counts, somebody has had to believed the representations and relied on them. we're going to see various bankers, who maid the loans, saying those valuations, we saw them. we have our own experts. we didn't care, we thought they were fine. they repaid us with interest. no materiality, no harm, no foul. >> quickly because this is interesting. donald trump on the attack all the time against the judge and whomever. that's normal for him. you have also heard a lot from the a.g., who has come out -- i want to pull up this tweet. she's daily come out and spoken to cameras, but she's also been tweeting during the trial. she talks about donald trump taking the stand in our trial against hill. he's repeatedly lied. you don't hear that very often during a case from prosecutors. what do you make of her actions during all of this? >> it's inappropriate. and i think it's troubling to have the attorney general, the elected top law enforcement officer of the state, actively commenting on witnesses before, during, and after their testimony. donald trump and ivanka trump, to put tweets saying he's lying on the stand is completely inappropriate and would the get you disciplined or maybe even fired. it could cause a problem. if shes to be above the fray, she needs to be above the fray. >> elie honig, thank you, you're the best. and i'm heading over to my friends. >> and thank you all for joining us this. this has been "cnn news central." 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Related Keywords

Ttor , Deal , Directors , Tic , Sag Aftra , Hollywood , Reachs , 95 , Nikki Haley , Word , Scum , Loved Ones , Gaza Border Crossing , Gop , John Berman , Collective Bargaining Works , News Central , Cnn , Kate Bolduan , Sara Sidner , James Biden , Actors , Message , Walkout , Morning , Billions , Reaction , Dollars , Economy Thousands , Jobs , Hollywood Studios , 118 , Sides , Statement , Work , Pause Button , Projects , Table , 160000 , Haven T , Level , Businesses , Compensation , Wage , A I , 40 , Negotiations , President , Factor , Fran Drescher , None , Members , U S , Ground , Relief , Firm , Happiness , Contract , Point , Question , History , Seminel , Wall , Negotiating Committee , Everybody , Support , Staff , Things , Gift , Side By , Duncan Crabtree , Riding , Language , Lot , Course , Negotiation , Dollar Mark , Objection , Member , The Union , It , Board , Member Body , Contract Negotiations , Community , Expert , Background , Seven , Improvements , Places , Stuff , Strike , Felt , Responsibility , Weight , Harm S Way , Thing , Road , Fortitude , Studios , Alliance , Studios Tone Deaf , Operating Disgusting , Industry , Relationship , Amptp , Agreement , Stories , Problem , Business As Usual , Zero , Nothing , Power , Demand , Met , Fredrick Douglass , Demands , Bell Tone , It Rang , Tears , Ignited A Workers Movement Around The World , Aspect , Anything , Permission , Important , Consent , Place , Evening , Everything , Piece , Media Reports , Analysts , Motion , Media Watchers , Ability , Way , Union , Winsome Times , Laughter , Art , Employees , Contributors , Compensated , Kind , Sauce , Leadership , Patience , Minds , Meting , Coffee , Rude Awakening , Sleeves , White House , Israel Issing , Pauses , Let S Go To Jeremy Diamond , Four , Israelis , Israel , John Kirby , National Security Spokesman , Northern Gaza , Civilians , Effort , South , Aid , Activities , Area , Corridors , Five , Saying , Areas , Entirety , Information , Gaza Strip , Attention , Part , Disaster , Casualties , Pressure , Party , Some , Warnings , Drum Beat , Iz Radioel , People , Children , Palestinians , Plight , Death Toll , 10000 , Ministry Of Health , Whether , Palestinian , Hamas Run , Order , Hostages , Release , Mediations , Push , Qatar , Points , Gauze Strip , Questions , Response , Jeremy , Announcement , Pause , Digging , South Carolina , Debate , Opponent Scum , Drama , Vivek Ramaswamy Scum , Tension , Presidential Debate Stage Last Night , Miami , Restraint , Heel , Mr , Ra Ramaswamy , Dick Cheney , Two , Three , Daughter , Don T , Heels , Tiktok , Margaret Hoover , Zing , Zinger , Evee , John Avalon , Politics , Family , Rules , Neophyte , Women , Vivek Ramaswamy Is Green , Character , Nikki , Kristen Welker , I Love You , Human Decency , Person , Nikki Unguarded , Parents , Fight , Out Of Your Mouth , Distraction , Hit , Hard Pushback , Decency , Opponent , Kid , Politic , Something , Woman , Ron Desantis , Strength , Stage , One , Abortion , Country , Position , Note , Election , Bill Clinton , Someone , Republicans , True , Abortion Piece , Issue , Lesson , Nominee , Business , Perspectives , Degrees , Nuance , Silver Bullet , Win , Candidates , Contests , Contest , Head , Many , Match , Mention , Ticket , Debates , Tier , Focus Group , Chris Christie , Gary Tuchman , Traction , Base , Tim Scott , Butommunicator , War , Puppet , Spector , Citizens , Water , Seeping , Vote , Set , Winnow , Outcomes , Field , Iowa , 17 , 15 , 16 , Donald Trump , Trump , Government Shutdown , Both , Majority , Tiptoeing , Use , Drug , Fact , Eyes , Check , Capitol Hill , Eight , Obesity , Greg Murphy , Sign , Shutdown , Voters , Anybody , Surgeon , Physician , North Carolina , Johnson , Resolutions , Plan , Constituencies , 30 , 11 , Folks , Bill , Options , Individuals , Floor , File , Wehave Hadder A Laddered Cr , Cr , Type , Government , Appropriations Bills , Nobody , A Cr , Subpoenas , Omnibus Bill , Senator Schumer , Package , Contempt , Yes , Hunter Biden , Serf , Hell Would Hunter , Money , Representative Comer , Shell Companies , Pedalling , 20 , Vice President , Steve Bannon , Contempt Of Congress , Money Back , Go , Standard , President Of The United States , Somebody , Selling Influence , Office , Difference , Son , Facts , Brother , Point Blank , Influence Peddling , Prosecutor , Scheme , Aim , Subpoena , Employee , Issues , Biden Brand , Father , Brand , Brother James , Neither , The Business Dealings , Hunter , Fraud , Joe Biden , Son Hunter , Liar , Influence Peddling Schemes , Ask Sam Donaldson , Family Members , American Citizen , Interview , Developments , Israel Hamas War , Cease Fire , Benjamin Netanyahu , Enclave , Assistance , Cia , Director , Doha , 239 , Idea , Exchange , 10 , Nationals , Rafah Crossing , Gaedz , 312 , 12 , Lawsuit , Palestinian Americans , Attorney , Mai , Behalf , Sara , Cnn Today , Mei , Home , Nightmare , Administration , Evacuation , Doctors , Risk , Journalists , Sister , Mom , Lives , 2 3 Million , Situation , Pictures , Fate , Reality , Instagram , Feeling , Anyone , Mother , Sense , State Department , Communication , Times , Attempt , Guidance , Sort , Directions , Wi Fi , General , Safety , Black , Self Service , Updates , Internet , Connection , Ground War , God , Air Strikes , World , Touch , Mar Marya , Adam , Citizen , Numbers , Understanding , Phone , Couple , Words , Leave Gaza , Failure , Hearing , 400 , Evacuations , Types , Conjunction , Department Of Defense , Trauma , Ramifications , Mental Health , Betrayal , 2021 , Death , Reports , Matter , Matter Of Life And Death , Get Out , Thought , Clients , Have , Life , Anxiety , In Harm S Way , Rim , Cousins , Reason , Homes , Shower , List , Kids , Basis , Rights , Meal , Eating A , Adults , Crisis , Voice , Occupation , Justice , Yesterday And Today , Oppression , Fresh Water , Lists , Kinds , Human Beings , Mai Abushaaban , Maria Kari , Judge , Case , Team , Damage , Coming Up , Defense , Prosecution , Chance , Civil Fraud Trial , Testimony , Witnesses , New York Attorney General S Office , Several , New York , Elie Honig , Analyst , Ivanka Trump , Stand , Game Changer , Testimony Add , A G , Contrast , Statements , Creation , Office Wasn T , Wasn T Involved Na , Wasn T Involve D , Prosecutors , Eric Trump , E Mails , Receipts , Van Ka , Counts , Valuations , Trumps , Accounting , Mind , Play , Favor , Decision , Six , Instances , Others , Estimations , Materiality , Who , Representations , Bankers , Maid , Loans , Interest , Harm , Experts , Care , Foul , Attack , Whomever , Tweet , Cameras , Trial , Tweeting , Hill , Actions , Law Enforcement Officer , Estate , Tweets , Fray , Best , Shes , Friends , Inside Politics , Cnn News Central , Speed , Network , Comcast Business , Downloads , Devices , Uploads , Wifi , Card , The Next Generation , 10g Network , 00 , 800 , 9 99 , 59 99 , Internet Bundle , Powering Possibilities ,

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