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>> we had already signed up 70,000 vaccine sites. let me remind you on january 20th, 1.5 million shots were in arms on that day. that had nothing to do with the biden administration. i think the biden administration are doing some good things in underserved communities and carrying the bat onwell. i think the roll-out was really about as well as it could be. miraculous given the short time. i think we'll look back on that and history will prove that to be correct. >> bill: thank you for your time and the job you've done. >> dana: when you hear that fourth of july messaging small gathers maybe outside. even people as careful as you can be have been following their own monitor, i think, on what makes sense. you could be in the backyard, you can have a lot of space around you. i just keep feeling like the message that comes out is giving us the hold, hold, hold. brave heart, hold on. don't get excited or freak out yet. i understand you want to be cautious but it feels like sit a disconnect from where people are. >> bill: he set the bar low last night. american achieve more. the vaccination roll-out is impressive. every day we see them at the board. they continue to climb. hope is here already because of the vaccination. larry kudlow is coming up and will tell you the recovery you see economically is all based on whether or not the vaccination roll-out is successful. today we know that it is. so hats off to all those who worked on it. >> people who show up at the vaccination sites i hear more stories of people say i went, hung around. at the end of the day they gave me a shot. it is loosening up. people should be aggressive about how to pursue it. >> bill: we're getting better. violent night in portland, oregon again. the mayor looks to now boost funding. >> vice president kamala harris is still silent on the governor cuomo situation. why do you think that is? we'll discuss that with katie pavlich and donna brazile. >> guess who police officers were beaten by and hang the vice president? white supremacists, tim scott. what are you doing? >> done lemon going after tim scott saying woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy. senator scott is here to respond in moments. so i only pay for what i need. 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where do you stand on that? >> thank you so much, martha. let me just say 30 years ago i was a very young capitol hill staffer when seven women marched across the capitol complex to demand a hearing for anita hill. as you all know a lot has changed in 30 years. women are coming forward about harassment in the workplace. women and men and others. so it is important that this investigation that leticia james is now overseeing go forward. i'm also aware that the new york assembly, the democratic members are also going forward with an impeachment. this is the proper way to handle this. i hope more women or women who have their stories who want to tell their version of the story also come forward and yes, i do believe at the end of the day we will have not just an investigation but when they conclude, i am hopeful that everybody will speak up and speak out. >> martha: let me circle back to my question. do you think the women that we just mentioned, hillary clinton, vice president of the united states kamala harris should call for the resignation of andrew cuomo or should they stay on the sidelines? >> you know, it's up to each and every individual woman. look, if we start making this about women, powerful women who have been machines of equality. if we ask them to stand up for every man who has done something wrong including their own staffers or people that they know all we are going to do is talk about this one did this and this one did this. there is a process underway. martha, no, i don't believe every woman should -- martha, i have my on views. i know andrew cuomo. i don't know any of the women who have come forward. i have every confidence that leticia james will get to the bottom of it. when she is able to get to the bottom of it i guarantee you all of those women including -- >> martha: we talked about the importance of due process. cuomo deserves the process to play out. the problem is the precedent set with brett kavanaugh did not afford him anywhere near that kind of leeway and moment to say whoa, wait a minute. these are huge really disparaging accusations and we need to give this man his chance to speak his truth as well as her the chance to speak her truth, katie. >> well, if andrew cuomo were a supreme court justice nominee appointed by a republican president, there would be a very different narrative playing out here. vice president harris believes tara reade when she came out with her allegations against joe biden until it was politically convenient for her to become biden's vice presidential candidate and ultimately take office with him. this is about the left being held to their own standard of believe all women. there should be room for due process, that's something we've asked for for a number of powerful people who have been accused. when it comes to people like hillary clinton, nancy pelosi, kamala harris they haven't given that process to people who they think they need to use the issue of sexual assault or harassment allegations against them for a political weapon in order to gain power in some way or the other. martha, this is a bigger problem for the biden administration. they are looking at now through the department of education repealing some of these due process that the trump administration put in place for young men who are accused on college campuses. this isn't just about andrew cuomo, a powerful person who can defend himself. this is about their overall view of people who are accused who don't have the resources to defend themselves. and not given that due process. >> martha: i'm out of time and a quick response. do you believe that those should be revoked. due process should be revoked for young men on college campuses? do they deserve the same due process andrew cuomo preserves? >> everyone deserves due process under the law. equality and justice under the law. >> martha: that's what betsy devos put in place. >> we should not run to twitter justice just because this person happens to be a democrat or republican. this is about sexual harassment in the workplace and that is the underlying issue here that is what we should be talking about. >> martha: i think you're right. the point is that people need to think about due process across the board from college students to every american in this country, including andrew cuomo and it needs to be -- absolutely agree. thank you donna and katie. good to see you both. >> bill: the debate over reopening schools revving up. new information on getting kids back in class. why school closures are being called questionable. plus president biden signing the covid relief bill promising to transform america. question today, what's wrong with america? larry kudlow has an answer and he is coming up live next. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. the new myww+ gives you more of what you need to help you lose weight! more simplicity with the what's in your fridge? 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larry kudlow good question on fox business 4:00 every day. welcome to our program and happy friday. what do you think the covid relief bill is going to do for america? >> i think it is a very poorly crafted bill. it should have been a bipartisan bill. would have made it better. look. one of the many flaws in that bill it would constitute the largest expansion in the u.s. welfare state in 55 or 60 years going all the way back to l.b.j.'s great society in 1965. there are numerous provisions in there that would provide assistance through spending or tax credits with no work requirements whatsoever. and the really sad part of this, the part of the transformation that i do not want. i don't want central planning. i want to have individual and plenty of incentives to work. bill clinton democrat, newt gingrich republican 1995 or 1996 crafted the best welfare reform bill that emphasized work requirements. it provided relief so long as you worked across the board. and despite dire prediction of poverty it was the reverse. it worked. we had a booming economy, we had more people employed and poverty declined. what mr. biden's bill does here is the exact reverse. it unwinds that and i fear over time this will transform america. this is one of many items that bugs me. over time into a real top down central planning welfare stateist economy. worse than europe ever was. >> martha: it's interesting. a piece in the "new york times" calls it sweeping reforms to the social safety net. and points out very intentional there is only 9% or 10% in covid relief here. the rest is orchestrated since the biden campaign pointing out the stops he made in georgia, different f.d.r. hallmark places along the way because he wanted to equate himself with f.d.r. he wanted to create this transformation of american society. this is not a covid bill. it is a transforming america bill. the proponents of it say it is going to reduce poverty in america by a third. do you believe that? do you think that's true? >> i do not, martha. i absolutely do not. there are so many disincentives to work. in so many places in this bill the government assistance -- and by the way tax exemptions government assistance -- means frankly up to 150,000 or 170,000 a year pays more to not work than to work. that is a fundamental issue. and this is really far left stuff because most economists, most social analysts don't want this sort of thing. there has almost been a consensus down through the years ago harking back to the great bipartisan coalition of bill clinton and newt gingrich. it served this country well. i don't want central planning. i don't want uncle sam to run the healthcare system. i don't want to enlarge the welfare state. i don't want to raise taxes and destroy carbon fuels and fossil fuels. i want -- i don't want to punish success, i want to reward success. i think free enterprise beats government planners every day of the year. that's what history proves. i don't want to end our history and i don't want to end our culture. i want to stay with our judeo-christian culture. a story we covered yesterday in a fancy new york city private school you can't use the words mom and dad. huh? i don't want any of that stuff. we can improve america. we can improve america because of our great democracy and we always move forward with prosperity and security and help, but this is wrong. biden did not run on this. i know he talks about f.d.r., i get that. if you go back, folks, go back to the south carolina primary which he won and closed out bernie sanders. he ran as a moderate. mr. clyburn, james clyburn who engineered that they sold him as a moderate and a unity candidate. we have seen none of that and i will tell you i like america just as it is. >> bill: quote from last night. we were hit with a virus met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months. i thought he was talking about beijing. apparently he was talking about you and the guys at the white house. we're watching on fox business today at 4:00, larry. thanks for being on today. >> thank you and trump deserves credit for the vaccine. >> martha: good to see you, larry. urgent need to reopen schools across america and that is the headline from a new report that is about to land in front of congress. it is a massive comprehensive study across the country saying schools can open safely without endangering students, kids, or communities. mark meredith has the latest on this from washington hi. >> the new report confirms what so many parents are talking about for months. kids stuck at home with remote learning are suffering. seven organizations including the conservative american institute commissioned the report looking at 130 studies analyzing the impact of school closures. authors arguing keeping classrooms closed any longer will have far reaching consequences for years to come. they write any public health benefit gained from school closures must be weighed against the significant and potentially lasting costs imposed on individual students and society as a whole. now the report says to protect both teachers and staff common sense protocols are needed. social distancing, enhanced cleaning, improved ventilation. the largest focus needs to be on what the last year has meant for those kids struggling online. >> struggle translates into falling behind academically. we need to find out where they are and then help them catch up and accelerate as fast as possible. that starts today. we can't wait for the fall for that. >> bill: president biden says hissed indication secretary's number one priority is getting schools open. some states moving faster than others. parents moved their students to private schools. gop lawmakers are to be briefed on the finding and urge local officials to open classrooms as quickly as possible. >> martha: thank you, mark meredith. good to see you. >> i had a number of meetings with him, too. the chinese communist party didn't give an inch. we didn't give an inch and we imposed real costs on the chinese communist party. i hope this administration is prepared to do that too. >> bill: the biden administration's first big meeting with china. plus power players in college hoops ending their season early and their march madness dreams over after a positive covid test. this has been a lost year, martha, for so many. back in a moment. nicorette® knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette®. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette® we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. we started with computers. we didn't stop at computers. we didn't stop at storage or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. >> biden administration seems so intent on proofing president trump wrong that they are going to prove him right at the sake of national security and literally snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. we're enjoying relative peace in the middle east because iran is poorer, weaker and less influential in decades. nobody can argue otherwise with a straight face. >> bill: he said biden will risk national security to do so? a new survey how americans feel about our place in the world. washington director of the ronald reagan presidential foundation and institute. nice to see you during these covid times. good morning to you. normally we meet in california. unable to now. hopefully we'll do it very soon. what you find in your survey is that american ideas about the middle east have shifted and gone to asia and china. how come? >> that's exactly right. they are still concerned about the middle east, 76% of americans view iran as a real threat and are concerned about it. for the first time china ranks as a country that poses the greatest threat in the minds of americans. we've shifted over to asia and china in particular because of all the different ways they're challenging us. >> bill: here is what you found. put it on screen. what is the greatest threat to the united states? you find china at 37%, russia at 16, north korea 15, iran 8%. what do those numbers tell you? >> one, the american people understand which countries threaten them. the trump administration was right to focus on china and influenced the minds of americans. a year ago americans would have put russia ahead of china. this is the direction not only where the biden administration is going and the trump administration took us. china is at the top because of the economic challenge, the political challenge and of course the military challenge is so robust. >> bill: i would bet in a year you will see the number higher when it comes to china. two other findings you found. u.s. military most trusted, proud to say that. also americans want us to be a global leader in the world. explain. >> there is this isolationist view. the reality is americans overwhelmingly support americans leading the world. our peace and prosperity is really anchored by our presence in the world leading on all these fronts militarily, economically and politically. it goes to china. americans are concerned not only about the economic challenge of the chinese let's say taking away our intellectual property and stealing it and human rights violations going on in hong kong and the uighurs. >> bill: hope to see you in california at some point. >> december 2021. >> it's on the calendar from the reagan institute. nice to sigh. >> martha: sounds good. a veteran led group taking a lead roll helping to vaccinate people in underserved communities. the amazing work they're doing on the ground. check out our next hour guest and our jam-packed morning in "america's newsroom." we'll move on. senator tim scott of south carolina coming up. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! 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>> thanks, martha. we're really proud to be the cornerstone partner for team rubicon and its mission to ramp up to 500 vaccination sites in rural and underserved markets. for every one person that is giving out vaccines it takes 10 people behind the scenes. that's where we can help. we can make our financial contribution with team rubicon and activate our employee volunteer network, dental partners across the u.s. and financial representatives to partner and be side-by-side with team rubicon at these sites. >> martha: talk to us about the volunteer efforts out there as team rubicon puts this together and how can people get involved? can they? >> everyone can play a role in communities across the country. one of the common misnomers when it comes to distribution of vaccinations is people think they have to be a medical professional. the reality as chris outlined so many different tasks need to be met from greeting people as they come in to setting up cones if it is a mobile distribution site to watching people after they get the shot to see if they are having and allergic reaction. all those things are incredibly important. the other important piece of it is connecting the community. everyone in the community has a voice. as a nation and as a community if we can come together to accept the vaccines and participate in these vaccinations it moves us forward where schools begin to open, businesses begin to have customers, all of this stuff begins to roll in the manner that we're all hopeful for as we look into the future. >> martha: so true. you can feel it that things are changing, chris. one of the hesitations has been on the part of some people to get the vaccine. so once you get out to these areas, how do you work that part of the equation? >> where guardian plays a role is with people. team rubicon with the veterans they work with. it is a wonderful organization from veterans supporting each other and being out in the community and showing that it is safe. that you have normal people taking the vaccine and being part of the process. and being in the rural communities and underserved communities where we need to make sure we get the vaccine out. as art said the core of our business is supporting small and medium sized businesses. those have been the hardest hit by the covid pandemic and it is important to get our country back to getting safe and healthy and we get as many vaccinations out there. turning vaccines into vaccinations. >> martha: thank you for what you're doing. great to speak with you guys today. have a great weekend. >> bill: thanks. the skyrocketing surge of illegals now fueling tensions from the hill to the southern border. completely ignored by president biden in his first prime time address to the nation as we watched last night. a look at the latest numbers. 100,000 apprehended along the border in february. up 28% from january. up 174% in the same period a year ago. the number of migrants crossing illegally now the highest level we've seen since june of 2019. we begin the hour on that topic. good to have you with us today. dana perino continues her tour in dallas. >> martha: everything will be okay is the name of her book. >> bill: number one on amazon. >> martha: everything will be okay. a good motto to have. i'm martha maccallum in for dana. it's like riding a bike. >> bill: how much years did we do that show? >> martha: six or seven years, right? how long was it? about seven years. >> bill: ben would know. >> martha: we look exactly the same. amazing. >> bill: you look great. welcome back. >> martha: let's get on the border story this morning. the white house is rejecting claims that the border is open and refusing to call the alarming conditions that are clear for most people to see as you look at the actual numbers, they don't want to call it a crisis. >> bill: looking at the numbers a moment ago you wonder when this process starts to ebb. all the policies have been enacted over the last 50 days have done nothing but encourage more to come to the border and give it a shot to cross. >> martha: the border crisis is now getting a closer look from two texas lawmakers, senator john cornyn will join congressman henry cuellar to look over a center. we're live in laredo, texas with the story. >> that bipartisan group of lawmakers coming here to laredo, texas right on the rio grande river, the border between laredo and across in mexico. we want to take you up on the drone and give you a little bit of a picture here. this particular sector doesn't see the number of family units and unaccompanied minors so much as the rio grande valley does. this is mostly single adults and narcotics. they are up 141% in the single adults here. that's going to be a big part of the discussion. in addition to being in that meeting senator cornyn, congressman cuellar and border patrol union will be here talking about what the perspective of the boots on the ground is. here is a little bit of what mr. garza told me just moments ago. listen. >> we want to make sure we are seeing a lot of criminals coming across. we want to highlight a lot of uncode children coming across without parents and a massive amount of family units crossing the border illegally. >> the number, bill, you mentioned is exactly 100,441, cbp numbers from february of this year. we also are learning that in the city of brownsville where they test for covid when the migrants are dropped off at the bus station. remember, cbp and border patrol don't test them. there are 204 positive cases since january 25th. they've tested 1700 migrants. congressman cuellar tried to put these numbers in perspective and where we're headed. please listen. >> march, april, may, june the high peak. we are about to see the numbers. if we have got 100,000 for february, march is going to be higher. >> martha and bill, let me give you one last look if i can of that drone shot because this bridge right here you are looking at is actually also the foot bridge in the distance a little bit to the east another bridge. this is where they have crossings all day long. they run the water patrol out of here and the border patrol vehicles are lining us from east to west right here. they said they are seeing crossings all day long but again, it is mostly the single adults here rather than those family units and unaccompanied children. martha and bill. >> martha: thank you griff jenkins at the border. >> president biden: we have made so much progress. this is not the time to let up. just as we were emerging from a dark winter, into a hopeful spring and summer is not the time to not stick with the rules. >> bill: president biden marking one year since the pandemic was started. senator tim scott. we have a lot to talk about. thank you for being here. here is the line that stuck out to me last night. he said we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked. denials for days, weeks, then months. he wasn't talking about wuhan, wasn't talking about beijing. he was talking about the trump white house and operation warp speed. what did you think of that, senator? >> unbelievable to be honest with you. let's take a look back at 2020. it was nbc news that said they had to fact check president trump who said we would have a vaccine within a year. they said it would take a a miracle. what did president trump produce? a miracle. operation warp speed not only produced the vaccine but because of president trump's genius, we saw three companies that we saw potential in. 100 million doses we bought at the beginning of this cycle. that means when president biden came into office, we were already averaging more than a million doses a day. by january 25th it was 1.2 million. so in his first 100 days he would have done 120 million doses, not the 100. the goal itself was underweming and no ability to share credit on such a day when we were thinking about 250,000 americans lost their lives thank god for the genius of the trump administration who delivered 300 million doses ready to be put in arms on day one. >> martha: senator scott, good to see you this morning, sir. you just touched on something that i think is really important here. it wouldn't be that hard to acknowledge the successes of all these people who are involved, right? regardless of your feelings about president trump's personality or whatever it is, right? joe biden ran on a platform of bringing people together, of healing, right? we heard so much about healing. i can't help but think what the reaction would be across america if he stepped in front of that podium and said let's give credit where credit is do. so many americans were involved in this great effort. why do you think it is that he is so, so -- it is such an -- >> the vitriol of the public forum leaves no room for civility. president biden, who ran on this kumbaya bring america together. the policies have divided people. we have seen nothing that leads to the coalition of americans working together under his administration. we've seen the exact opposite. a tribal america is not an america together. we have to focus our attention on what's best for the nation as a whole. warp speed is a classic example. number two, the fact that we passed five relief bills in 2020 with 90 plus senators voting together saying yes. this covid relief package zero republican senators saying yes because 1% -- 1% of all the money goes to vaccines which reinforces the point, by the way, martha, the trump administration gave them the place we could put them in arm. it focuses little resources on covid relief. it is frustrating to see the american family bearing the burden of $22,000 per family of four for a relief package that has more to do with a payment plan for progressives than it does covid relief for america. >> bill: the devil could be in the details. there is a provision in that bill. i don't know how you feel about this, but if you are a farmer, you can get a government loan up to 120% but only if you are a minority farmer. how would that fly? >> terrible policy. it shouldn't fly at all. it is too heavy to fly. think about this. as an african-american who has felt the burden of racism, the last thing i would ever want to do is discriminate against other people. so when you have a farm program that is designed specifically for the exclusion of white farmers who are struggling as well, that is unamerican. it is exactly what we fought against in the 60s and 70s and beyond was this theory we should judge people based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. what we're seeing in this farm component of the covid relief is an thet call to the progress we hoped for and have seen in america. this is a step back, not a step forward. frankly, it is frustrating for the farmers who paid their bills now you are saying there is a bill that will give me 120% of my debt as long as i'm not white? black farmers who paid their bills the same thing. >> bill: the beginning of reparations, i think. >> martha: senator scott you said the other day when you were on with trey gowdy woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy and need to take it seriously in response to something that joy reid had said about you that you were representing the patina of diversity, she said, in a very snide way on her program. here is what don lemon, who went after you big time on this on cnn. i want you to watch this and give you a chance to respond to what he says here. watch this. >> guess what police officers were beaten by, guess who wanted the hang the vice president? white supremacists, tim scott? what are you doing? >> martha: that's just part of it. it went on for some time, senator scott. what do you say about that and what do you say to him? >> i would say white supremacy and woke supremacy from their roots in racism and discrimination and it's bad. i am not talking about tomorrow or yesterday. i'm talking about today. if we don't deal with it today, we are going to have something on our hands that we can't deal with. it was the woke supremacists, by the way, who said that me and herschel walker were the coon squad. if you watch the folks who are yelling the loudest right now, it includes people who are at their witt's end because there are african-americans willing to speak their minds from a conservative perspective. why it requires people to threaten my life and have a security detail because i decide to stand up for my convictions based on my faith, i don't understand that. don lemon can say whatever he wants to say. until he has taken a serious look at what is happening on his side of the aisle and come out strong against that, we'll continue to have a conversation in america that keeps us divided and not building a bridge to that we can live in this nation together. >> bill: thank you, senator. >> martha: the dire situation at the southern border setting up an all-out fight in congress. republicans looking to rev up their base over the crisis as the wave of my grants tries to cross into the united states. resources are being stretched to the limit there. house minority leader kevin mccarthy saying the crisis is getting worse in his opinion under this president. watch this. >> look what has happened in the short amount of time they controlled all. biden created a crisis on the border that he won't admit. 100,000 illegal immigrants were encountered just last month. now it's only growing month after month. >> martha: joining us now "fox news sunday" anchor chris wallace. good to see you this morning. this is becoming a political problem for the biden administration and they've been tongue twisted over the language of how to approach it. you can't argue with numbers and the numbers have grown dramatically. >> you are exactly right. the number of unaccompanied minors who are being held, sheltered by the u.s. government has tripled in the last month or so. you are right. you can't argue with the numbers. you can call it whatever you want. clearly the administration is not going to call it a crisis but they have to do something about it. you had president biden and i understand pushed by the left wing of his party and a lot of other people who think that the trump policies went too far especially when it came to family separation. but under the guise of saying we'll make the policies more humane, biden took some actual steps like saying instead of unaccompanied minors being turned around and sent back we'll allow them to stay in this country. whether intentionally or not that put a big green light at the border and you are seeing the results of that now. as has been pointed out if it's this bad in february and march when the weather gets even better in april and may, that's when the real flood of migrants across the border comes. it is going to be a crisis whatever you want to call it. >> bill: henry cuellar a democrat from texas, his district. he has a lot of concerns. he said the messaging is very, very important. they should learn from what happened in 2014 i think because of the pandemic it is going to be a humanitarian crisis very, very soon which goes to the point you just made, chris, about the numbers. what is your sense about the media at the white house and how they are covering this president and this administration? 51 days now without a press conference. as we look at the numbers from the border. karl rove was talking yesterday about 100 years since you had an incoming president who hasn't had a press conference for this amount of time. is he getting a pass for now? if so, does the administration think that? >> i don't know that he has gotten a pass. it's interesting our crack fox news brain room did research and they went back for new presidents and when was their first news conference. how long after inauguration day? they went all the way back to herbert hoover in 1929 and to go what, 50 days plus without a full scale news conference taking all questions just is, i think double at least if not triple in some cases. a lot of presidents do it in their first week. they are taking heat on this and getting asked questions. not just by peter doocy. it is by a lot of the so-called mainstream reporters. they are taking some heat on that and you are seeing tougher questions being asked about the border. cnn just yesterday or the day before asking questions about the crisis at the border and why won't you call a crisis a crisis. that's good. i think that joe biden benefited from some soft coverage earlier on. but ultimately the white house press corps -- let me finish my sentence. >> bill: we were talking earlier, they just passed a $2 trillion spending bill. instead of barnstorming the country and selling it joe biden is going to delaware this weekend. what do you make of that? >> in fairness he is going to philadelphia on tuesday and georgia. they'll sell it. i'm not sure a lot of people will be paying attention over the weekend anyway. i was just going to say the white house press corps tends to be a pretty can tankerous group. their access to the president being cut off they'll take it out more on jen psaki. so i'm counting on the press corps to go back to being as adversarial as they should be. maybe i'm an optimist on that. that's the role they should play. they should hold whoever is in power to account. >> martha: absolutely. we do hope we'll hear a formal press briefing with this president sometime soon. you will get a chance to ask questions soon when he signed the bill yesterday. we'll see when that is >> bill: hang tough. we'll see you on sunday. 18 past. top democrat and republican house armed services committee joining forces saying national guard troops are no longer fleded on the hill after fox news exclusively obtained a memo saying the defense secretary overruled the head of the national guard when he decided to keep troops there through may. gillian turner has the story from washington hello. >> good morning. what happened is the national guard chief wanted to send his troops home. the secretary of defense said no. so fox news has exclusively obtained an official government memo reveals that defense secretary overruled the national guard chief with a decision to keep 2280 national guard troops at the u.s. capitol protecting it through may. the memo is dated march 4. the guard's top general makes the case the guard is oversteefpd and not equipped to carry out this mission. he cites covid-19, civil disturbance, wildfire and hurricane and flood response and goes on to say efforts to date haven't secured enough volunteers among supporting states to meet the u.s. capitol police request of 2280 soldiers nor even option b which is to keep 1,000 soldiers there. it is not just lawmakers in the house, bill. key senators are now responding to fox news's reporting on this story as well. take a listen to senator cotton. >> we still have razor wire fencing around the capitol and thousands of national guard troops there even though the director of the national guard does not believe they can continue to support that mission. >> so far 500 troops have been assigned. states now need to come up with another 800. >> bill: thank you, nice to see you in d.c. >> martha: the calls for new york governor cuomo to resign have spread beyond the state capitol now to include one very powerful voter group. >> martha: the national organization for women calling on governor cuomo to resign immediately today following the latest bombshell accusation what he groped a female staffer, a current female staffer at the executive mission at the end of last year just a few months back. the president of the new york chapter of now, a long-time ally of governor cuomo. this behavior can't be tolerated any workplace and in the state capitol. carley shimkus joins us with the latest. good to see you this morning. new development every day pretty much. >> bill: you're right. national organization for women in new york endorsed governor cuomo in 2018. i ron ley -- two big things happened yesterday. the first was we learned police were notified regarding this sixth allegation of aggressive groping which could rise to the level of a crime and then after a big three-hour emergency meeting the assembly announced they're moving forward with an impeachment investigation. there are so many questions regarding governor cuomo's political future. he said that he wanted to run for governor for the fourth term. and that election is november 8th, 2022, next year. so i think there are a lot of people in new york right now that are thinking about throwing their hat into that race that weren't before. >> bill: "new york post" cover cuomo must go. lindsey boylan as the original accuser. here is what she said on twitter. please understand i'm okay and i will be okay. but these online trolls are being seen by other survivors, not all survivors have the privilege of a platform i do. not all survivors have the support system i do. it needs to stop. when you think about that, the impact on others? >> we were talking, bill, on wednesday about how they weren't enough votes to move forward with this impeachment. that has changed. the total number of people in the assembly calling for him to either resign or be impeached is 78. in order to move forward with that impeachment you need 76 votes. while this impeachment investigation is being billed as the first step towards removing him from office there are republicans that are saying this is a stall tactic. this is something designed to give governor cuomo more time. the democrat hasty is facing pressure to move forward with the vote. this gives him control of the clock rather than just moving forwards with the vote right now. >> bill: the makeup in albany, it's 2-1 democrats. 63 senators, about 2-1 democrats there as well. the numbers we're watching. >> martha: i want the point out one other thing for some democrats 59 of them are calling for this process to move forward, for some of them it is helpful to get the focus off the nursing home situation because a lot of them also have some connections to some of those decisions that were made. so for them they may be happy the focus has turned more to these harassment allegations than the nursing home situation. >> that's true. >> bill: hope you enjoy the weekend whenever it arrives as we like to say. >> you, too, good to see you. >> bill: police are warning a racial justice memorial is becoming a major liability on the same city where the trial is going on for the death of george floyd. you have the city that's slashed its police budget dealing with violence again in the streets. guess what the mayor wants more money for now? 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>> after relative calm over the protest front over the last month portland exploded. 60 anarchists broke doors and set fires for two hours. police responded with flash bangs and tear gas. the group was protesting an oil pipeline from canada to wisconsin. trespassed in a bank where a security guard pulled his gun. one arrest was made. the scene played out hours after portland mayor ted wheeler announced he will ask city council for $2 million to address record gun violence. last summer wheeler joined the protestors at the federal courthouse where he was mocked by protestors and tear gassed by the feds. he also cut the portland police budget by $15 million and disbanded the gun violence reduction team. now he is having defund the police buyers remorse. g*up violence is out of control. portland add its 20th murder of the year matching the total for 2016. last year saw the most homicides in 26 years. the portland areas in two months has seen 278 shooting. he wants to bring back the gun violence we reduction team. now there is an effort to refund the police. >> bill: thank you, dan. >> martha: national police association raising concerns about george floyd square in minneapolis saying the memorial has become an anti-cop autonomous zone and putting the community at risk. watch this. >> this started out as a memorial to george floyd. this is the site of his arrest. but it now has just become like we saw in seattle with chop and like we saw in portland with the red house autonomous zone. now it's dangerous for everybody. >> martha: bring in ted williams fox news contributor. good to see you today. let's take a look at this quick sound bite from news nation now reporter threatened at the scene and i want to get your take on the other side. >> they don't allow anyone in. not even the police. it's an autonomous zone. >> you will need a pass to come in. >> martha: what's happening inside that zone? >> martha, the word ridiculous comes to mind. this is ridiculous. they are in minnesota, minneapolis, to allow an autonomous zone. we saw what happened in seattle, washington when there was an autonomous zone where someone died and they had to go back in and take over the autonomous zone. this is what's happening now in minnesota in minneapolis there. that is that they are letting individuals who are not even concerned about the death of george floyd to come into their area and to take over a portion of the city. i think that the city leaders should step down if they can't do their job. if they are going to do their job they should immediately move into this so-called autonomous zone and take back over. we have had gunshots in that area. we have had one killing in that area. we've had the fact that police officers are not permitted in that area. this is in a city in the united states of america and this cannot continue to happen. >> martha: we also know they're putting up fencing barbed wire around the courthouse area as they begin the process of putting together a jury in the george floyd case that derek chauvin is charged in. the judge added a third degree murder charge. what is your take on that? >> what is going on here is that they have three charges, second degree murder, there is manslaughter, and now the third degree murder charge. what our viewers need to understand when we talk about a third degree murder charge. unintentional killing of a person. if i take a gun and fire it in the air and i know that the bullet is going to come down somewhere and when it does it kills someone, then that is considered unintentional killing and that is third degree murder. they need that. they do not, i believe, need -- the prosecutors believe they have enough for second degree murder and therefore they're hoping the third degree murder will stick against the officer. >> martha: we're -- thank you very much, good to see you today. thank you, sir. >> bill: so we got some breaking news on the fate of governor cuomo here. the democrats are lining up en masse breaking right now bowman, a representative from new york, alexandria ocasio-cortez calling on cuomo to resign. here is part of their statement as members of the new york delegation we believe these women and we believe the reporting, we believe the attorney general, we believe that 55 members of the state legislature who have concluded that governor cuomo can no longer effectively lead in the face of so many challenges. almost as if on cue new york representative jerry nadler also calling on cuomo to step down. the final statement in his -- final sentence in his statement reads this. governor cuomo has lost the confidence of the people of new york. governor cuomo must resign. in quick succession we get these statements from leading democrats here in new york. >> martha: he said he was elected by the people of the state and not by politicians. and that he won't step down at the behest of politicians. we'll see if it changes as it increases. impeachment process is underway and so is the attorney general's investigation into this. an important part of this thing. interesting to see if continued pressure from folks in new york makes a difference. >> bill: you get the impression that he is there to fight it when he makes a comment, until the end. at the election in 2022. can he hold out that long when you have the pressure of the party coming down on you like this? so far he has. >> martha: yeah. coming up it's the $2 trillion question. will that stimulus bill put a dent in income inequality. it goes a long way to try to do that. democrats and many in the media are arguing that. we'll talk about it when we come back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. >> bill: president biden democrats and mainstream media praising the covid relief bill. cnn and "new york times" talking up the measure. want to bring in our friday money team. good morning to both of you. "wall street journal" here is their headline. biden's 1.9 trillion dollar great society remake. mr. moore, you are up first. is that what it is? >> this is the biggest expansion in welfare in income redistribution in the history of this country except other than the great society. in the 1990s, bill, under bill clinton, a democratic president, and a republican congress we passed welfare reform. we got people off of welfare into work. it was an incredibly successful program. we saw a lot of people who had formerly been on welfare rising the latter of success. with the massive amounts of spending a family can get $100,000 or more of government benefits for not working. i find that problematic. i don't think it's fair to the people who are working in this country that sometimes they come home and the people next door who are on welfare make more money than they are. >> bill: austan, tell us how great it is. >> i don't know if steve started his weekend early with drinking or something. nobody is getting a $100,000 payment for not working in this bill. it has the support of 76% of america for the simple reason that millions of people in this country are hurting. we just went through a worst year in many, many decades. and we need relief. president biden ran on a platform saying he would do this. he won by 7 million votes. now he did it and has the support of majorities of both parties and independents for the simple reason that we need this. so i think that he is getting due praise. >> look, if you tell people you will give them free money we're america. americans love free things. i'm not surprised there is approval for this bill but i think as people start to look at what is in this bill, i think there will be a lot of opposition. by the way, bill, i want you to post on the fox news site a piece i had in the "wall street journal" with austan's colleague at the university of chicago and we find a lot of families on an annualized basis when you look at the welfare benefits, unemployment insurance, obamacare subsidies and increase in food stamps people will make a lot of money and it is true, austan. the congressional budget says half of people unemployed today will make more money staying unemployed than going back on the job. that's bad economics. >> you said $100,000. >> bill: is the issue the devil in the details once more people discover what's in it austan? >> maybe. but i think primarily you've got checks going to the unemployed, checks to parents of kids, money that is going to vaccine distribution, improving childcare, making healthcare more affordable. that stuff will get more popular over time. >> bill: austan and steve, thank you. it was short. come back next friday. >> martha: back to breaking news. pressure building today on governor cuomo. more members of new york's delegation calling for him to resign over sexual harassment allegations, jerry nadler, alexandria ocasio-cortez, both joining the resignation choir against the governor and that is what we're on top of. let's check in with harris faulkner, a preview of what's coming up on "the faulkner focus". hello, harris. >> harris: isn't it always a friday when the news is hitting like this? and we'll continue to cover it as it unfolds. big breaking news on governor cuomo's sexual harassment scandals. very high profile democrats are now calling for him to resign including as you just heard martha say, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, congressman jerry nadler, plus president biden using his first prime time address to take a few jabs at president trump. not by name but we knew who he was talking about. no solo news conference from the president of the united states still. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa so you're a small business, usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. important news for veteran homeowners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. refiplus lets you refinance at today's all-time low interest rates plus get cash. with home values climbing, now is the smartest time ever to turn your home's increased value into an average of $50,000 cash. refiplus. it's new, it's only for veterans, and it's only from newday usa. >> bill: democrats are piling on with governor cuomo. ocasio-cortez, jerry nadler from the new york delegation telling governor ko*em to step down. we'll bring in carol markowitz and get a hot take as we close out on a friday. what do you think of the pressure building and what happens as a result, carol? >> i think a lot of americans might not realize in the deep blue state of new york governor cuomo is considered something of a moderate. while he would be a leftist in a lot of other states it is so far left and he is still a moderate. it is not extremely surprising they're calling for his head. there were leftist candidates running against him and been at odds for some time. until we see moderates in the biden administration calling for his head i think he remains relatively safe. >> martha: it's interesting, carol. there is this escalation of these cases of these women that are coming forward and when you look at the folks who are climbing on the resignation band wagon, it looks like he doesn't have a lot of friends. does he just keep pushing it and saying people elected me, not these politicians, i don't care and not going anywhere? >> i think he probably does. it has been an open secret for many years that cuomo is abrasive and really mean and nasty and aggressive towards anybody who disagrees with him on anything. it's not surprising the chickens have come home to roost. it is surprising that none of these people spoke up when there was an obvious cover-up of nursing home deaths and only speaking up now. what took them so long? the administration admitted they had covered up nursing home deaths because they were afraid of donald trump. none of these people said a word then and asked to answer for that now. >> bill: great point. we were talking about that last hour on our program. kamala harris has not said a word about cuomo. is that when the dam breaks, if it does? >> oh yeah, if kamala says anything or anybody senior in the biden administration calls for him to step down that's the end of his political career. if somebody in the biden administration steps forward that will be the end for him. >> martha: it's interesting the question of whether or not there is so much clamoring on this and not on the nursing home issue. is it cover for some of the rest of his administration is also in a bind on that issue? >> well, also cover for other governors who made similar decisions who all happen to be governors of blue states. while they might have not covered it up the way the cuomo administration did there might be reckoning about why would you put covid positive patients in nursing home when the only thing we knew about covid a year ago it was dangerous for older people? i do suspect there is some level of cover there for those people. >> bill: thank you for coming in today. we'll see what else gives on this throughout the day and into the weekend. carol markowitz from the "new york post." martha my guest. like riding a bike. we just go. we'll see you at 3:00 this afternoon. the covid cable rolls on here, right? we get a couple of days here. what do you make of new york right now? >> martha: i think it is changing. i had a lightning bolt moment yesterday. i was walking through central park yesterday and new york will come back and it will happen. we need an enormous campaign, i love new york campaign in order to do it and good leadership. >> bill: maybe we should vote for you for governor? >> martha: now thank you. >> bill: i vote maccallum. have a great weekend. see you on monday. until then harris faulkner continues our coverage on "the faulkner focus". goodbye from new york. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. sexual harassment scandal engulfing new york governor andrew cuomo has taken a new turn. a new level it's hitting in just a past few minutes. i'm harris faulkner and you're in the "the faulkner focus". jerry nadler has just called on the governor of new york to resign. as are democrat squad members ocasio-cortez and jamal bowman both. just one day after this. >> it's deeply troubling the specific allegation that the er

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Brownsville , 100441 , Cases , Congressman , 204 , 1700 , January 25th , May , March 4 , Got 100000 For February , High Peak , Bridge , Distance , Least , Water Patrol , Vehicles , East To West , Progress , Griff Jenkins , Biden Marking One , Spring , Rules , Dark Winter , Pandemic , Speed , Operation Warp , Wasn T Talking About Beijing , He Wasn T Talking About Wuhan , Donald Trump , Fact , Nbc News , Take A Look , 2020 , Genius , Companies , Miracle , Trump Produce , Aa Miracle , Cycle , 100 Million , 1 2 Million , Doses , 100 , 120 Million , Lives , Day One , God , 300 Million , 250000 , Sir , It Wouldn T , Successes , Platform , Healing , Personality , Feelings , Podium , Vitriol , Civility , Forum , Kumbaya , Attention , Opposite , Senators , Relief Bills , Warp Speed , Voting , Example , 90 , The Point , Zero , Arm , Relief Package , Covid Relief For America , Burden , Progressives , Covid Relief , 2000 , 22000 , Devil , Details , Provision , Farmer , Government Loan , African American , Policy , Minority Farmer , Fly , It Shouldn T Fly , Farmers , Farm Program , Racism , Well , Exclusion , Character , Farm Component , Content , Against , Theory , Color , The 60s And 70s , Bills , Step , Step Back , Thet , Frankly , Debt , Preparations , Trey Gowdy , Diversity , Patina , Joy Reid , Don Lemon , Cnn , Big Time , Guess , Discrimination , Roots , Woke Supremacists , Hands , End , Squad , Herschel Walker , Convictions , Security Detail , Faith , Side , Conversation , Aisle , Situation , Fight , Southern Border Setting , Kevin Mccarthy , Limit , Base , Wave , Opinion , House Minority Leader , , Admit 100000 Illegal Immigrants , Chris Wallace , Language , Tongue , Fox News Sunday , Unaccompanied Minors , Party , Wing , Steps , Family Separation , Humane , Guise , Results , Big Green Light , Flood , Weather , Concerns , District , 2014 , Media , Press Conference , 51 , Pass , Hasn T , Karl Rove , Presidents , News Conference , Research , Crack , Brain Room , Questions , Scale , Herbert Hoover , 1929 , Heat , Mainstream Reporters , Peter Doocy , Crisis A , Won T , Sentence , Coverage , Spending Bill , White House Press Corps , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Fairness , On Tuesday , Philadelphia , Access , Tankerous , Press Corps , Optimist , Jen Psaki , Bill Yesterday , Press Briefing , Guard , Troops , Memo , Defense Secretary , House Armed Services Committee , Forces , Fleded , 18 , Chief , Defense , National Guard , Gillian Turner , Washington Hello , Decision , 2280 , U S Capitol , Disturbance , General , Case , The Guard , 19 , Soldiers , Date Haven T , Efforts , U S Capitol Police , Request , Wildfire , Hurricane , Reporting , Listen , Fencing , Thousands , Razor Wire , Calls , D C , 800 , Estate , Voter Group , National Organization For Women , Bombshell Accusation , Governor Cuomo , Executive Mission , Behavior , Rally , Chapter , The End , Development , Carley Shimkus , First , Ron Ley , 2018 , Assembly , Big Three , Emergency , New York Post , Election , Weren T , Term , Race , Hat , November 8th , 2022 , November 8th 2022 , Cover Cuomo , Twitter , Survivors , Support System , Privilege , Trolls , Assembly Calling , Talking , Votes , 78 , Vote , Stall Tactic , Clock , Hasty , Makeup , 63 , Nursing Home , 59 , Decisions , Harassment Allegations , Connections , Memorial , Trial , Liability , Violence , Death , George Floyd , Streets , Police Budget , Spin Class , Wi Fi Password , Massaging Seat , Music , Apple , Buick , Buickenvision2021 , Hooh , Oohh Yeah , Parking , Spot , Suv , Yes , Don T Worry , Envision , Brand , All Of You , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Glucerna , Plant , Plants , Wendy , Walmart , Metrolina Greenhouses , Vilma , Kisses , Data , Benefits , 5g , Price , Magenta Max , Phone , Fees , Booking Options , Millions , Dreams Into Tomorrow , Car Horn , Trips , Times , Mind , Money In The Bank , Expedia , Protestors , Courthouse , Counting , Officers , Police Funding , Images , Boost , Night Erupting , Protest , Seattle , Portland Exploded , Security Guard , Bank , Doors , Fires , Tear Gas , Oil Pipeline , Flash , Wisconsin , Canada , Trespassed , Summer Wheeler , Gun , Scene , Arrest , City Council , 2 Million , Police Buyers Remorse , Gun Violence Reduction Team , Portland Police Budget , The Feds , 5 Million , 15 Million , Add , Control , Total , Saw , Homicides , 20th Murder , 26 , 2016 , Gun Violence We Reduction Team , Shooting , 278 , Dan , George Floyd Square , National Police Association Raising , Site , Chop , Ted Williams , News Nation , Reporter , Red House Autonomous Zone , Sound Bite , Stake , Anyone , Ridiculous , The Word , Someone , In Minneapolis , Minnesota , We Saw , Individuals , Leaders , Area , Portion , Killing , Gunshots , Courthouse Area , Barbed Wire , Degree , Murder Charge , Judge , Jury , George Floyd Case , Derek Chauvin , Murder , Manslaughter , Viewers , Bullet , Somewhere , Fire , Hair , Prosecutors , Officer , En Masse Breaking Right Now Bowman , Breaking News , Fate , Statement , Ocasio Cortez , Attorney General , Calling , Delegation , State Legislature , Alexandria , Cuomo , Jerry Nadler , Challenges , Cue , Statements , Succession , Politicians , Impeachment Process , Behest , Comment , Impression , Difference , Stimulus Bill , Dent , Income Inequality , Substitute Teaching , Greg , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Shock , Memory , Healthier Brain , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Biden Democrats , Both , Measure , Friday Money Team , Welfare , Great Society Remake , Income Redistribution , Great Society , Moore , 1 9 Trillion Dollar , 1 9 Trillion , Welfare Into Work , Welfare Reform , 1990 , Amounts , Latter , 00000 , Door , Austan , Reason , Support , Drinking , Steve , Biden Ran , 7 Million , Parties , Majorities , Independents , Praise , Way , Approval , Opposition , Colleague , Welfare Benefits , Basis , University Of Chicago , Unemployment Insurance , Economics , Subsidies , Increase , Food Stamps , Half , Obamacare , Unemployed , Checks , Healthcare , Childcare , Delegation Calling , Harris Faulkner , Preview , Isn T It , The Faulkner Focus , Resignation Choir , Hello , Big Breaking News , Scandals , Profile , Jabs , Martha Say , Top , Martin , Hailstorm Hit , Small Business , Big One , Gig Speed Network , Connection , Bounce Forward , Comcast Business , Veteran Homeowners , Interest Rates , Em , Carol Markowitz , Carol , Pressure Building , Leftist , Deep Blue , Left , Escalation , Moderates , Odds , Resignation Band Wagon , Friends , Care , Anywhere , Open Secret , Anybody , Cover Up , Chickens , Deaths , Obvious , Word , Nursing Home Deaths , Great Point , Dam Breaks , Senior , Somebody , Career , Governors , It Cover , Nursing Home Issue , Clamoring , Bind , Blue States , Patients , Reckoning , Suspect , Covid A , Couple , Covid Cable , Central Park , Lightning Bolt , Leadership , Goodbye , Scandal , Fox News Alert , Turn , Hitting , Her , Jamal Bowman ,

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