> and tonight, we want to wish, a very happy birthdayay t to pr"> > and tonight, we want to wish, a very happy birthdayay t to pr" property="og:description"> > and tonight, we want to wish, a very happy birthdayay t to pr">

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702 : vimarsana.com

FOXNEWSW Hannity July 2, 2024

welcome to thi seditio edition of "hannity". i'm kayleigh mcenany, in forn sean. >> and tonight, we want to wish, a very happy birthdayay t to president biden. >> and by the waideny it's my birthday today, they can actually sign birthdays. actually sign birthdays. it's difficult turning>> 60 difficult now just to get here. >> libertyfficult. bell had to beat som some tough odds, a competition they hadds to work hard to show patience and be willing to travel over sho a miles. >> you could say even harder getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or or for repeating his tour. rena in was kind of warm in brazil right now. >> brazi now i think he meant t taylor swift. and that was after he said the turkey saying happy birthday to him. yes, that happened. that's the oldest president in american history and he keepsans getting older. today, biden turnsto, 81, and hd might not have likedy the headlines that he woke upe to check these out. the wall street journal editoria u.l board put it this way. quote, president joee wall biden turns 81 years old running for reelection and hisb is an act of profounds co selfishnesnds. ouch. meanwhile, politico spoke to a dozen biden donors and fund raisers and they had a very clear takeaway. biden biden campaign facing heat over plans to dea, fal with his age. and in that one, their recommendation was for joe biden to joke about his age, to call himself grandpat wi joe. sure, that's going to quell the fears of the american voter. ll quell ars of tmericaand then there wah "the washington post". this was basedington on 30ews. interviews. the biden campaign works to ease a democrat anxiety over reelection chances. one fundraiser in the article bu had this brutal assessmentta. the bad news is that everybody is wetting the bed inside of biden world. rea it's really an unhappypy co's really an unhappypy world donors, cocktail party friends saying, can't you get him? noty sayint to run? which is stupid and absurd. if you know joe.'s that's selfish. joe biden. but karine jean-pierre. t tr she just tried to laugh itie all away. she said thit s in.aid thit >> how does the president planow to convince the americanyear people over the next year that 80 is not too old for someone who's running for reelection? >> 80 is the new 40. didn't you heas thr? >> i it's the new 40. the american people, meanwhilet' ,appear to see it differently. 71% of voters say biden is too old to be an effectivenew york president. according to the "new york times" siena college poll iena col in six swing states, that's a pretty big number. and trump, this is brutal for the president to he beats biden in the last eight eight national pollslast conducted. even the liberal lapdog media, they're in full panic mode. according to obama's one time senior adviser, david axelrod, quote, i thinkbama's. he has a 5050 shot here, but no better than that and maybe a little worse. and axelror than that and is not the only democrat who sees the writing on the wall. take a look at this. >> happy 81st birthday to president biden. but he is lookin 81sg at some nt so happy poll numbers. a new nbc newso poll puts his his approval rating at 40%, the lowest of hi s presidency. hi >> nbc news polling on a hypothetical trump-biden rematch is not looking good for democracy. is noti've said it before. bid do i think joe biden can doen the job? absolutely. don't th i don't think he can win the job, and that's what i care about. he's going t to lose becausepeop the people think he's too old. >> and perception is realitylesr >> i'm sorry if we are heading ho i'm sorry if we are heading in 2024. how does that look in our polling right now? here it is. podonald trump, we have at 46%, biden, 44. >> and this is significant because this is thecausee firste in the history of our poll that former president trumppr beat president biden. still withinesidenp beat the man of error, but still significant. >> but st so those are the lucid liberal lapdogs, but some on the lefberal lat they have o willful blindness. biden isn'opt the problem. no, he couldn't be. could you are the problem. beinability to be controlled. >> sadly, so many of those extremists, those maga extremists, take their marching orders from donald trump,ld tru who has no credibility left by any measurmpe. he's only in it for himself. he's now defending himselfinal in civil actions and criminal actions. and when do they break with hi mat ? you know, because at some som point, you know maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult memberdes. you're the problem. remember it. prepare for the most negative campaign in history because democrats havestor positive to n on. here now with reaction, here ari with reaction, fleischer. the harris poll chairman mark penn, along with pollster lee carter. penn i specifically wit with those pieces from "the washington post" and,a lo politico. they have a lot of sources in democrat circles. thist ofn based on at least 42 democrat sources. there's a lot of angst. you know, this source is where h former press secretaries, you don't want these pieces pru don't want these pieces . no, >> no. and let me talk about one of my favorite things of that washington post article was sayiington post article was house saying they want him to walk less so the public doesn't se t e him have difficultys walking. so what's the most concrete thing they've doneth. they have stopped him from walking up the big majestic step thes to the top of air fore one, and he goes in the a baby steps on the bottomnd. but, kelly, as you know, once yu you enter the bottom level of air force one, there's no elevator. there's nothing that getsighe you to the higher levels making it easier. there's an inner staircase. makso the only thing they're d is hiding. joe biden. there is no reason to have him take those lower steps. nothing is easier for him. the only way they can hide him. and that's unfortunately the realitan t y of what you hat to deal with when you're dealing with an 81-year-old. they are hiding the presidenh an tuntrare hiding the presidenh an so the country cannot see the difficulties he has. that'se th a shame. >> that is not what you doa with a president. it's basement campaignent. poini zero. except this time it's the oval office. you know, markth , and onef thkth of these pieces, ron klain, was asked at one of these swankyes events that both parties have. he was asked, you know, what's the backup plan? to which he replied, there is n whicho backup plan.back that seems inconceivable to me, given the pollin-u seems ig, gin the president's age. do you think there's a backup plane when your age is twicege nohen your age is twicege a problem? no question about it. but -- but que don't think that there is going to be a change here in the nomineea . and that nbc poll, 77% 7 of democrats picked biden forrt the nominee. she's got the party machinery. she want s to run again.nning. she is running. so i don't think there'sso a pl . biden has a year. i work with presidents before so preside is ari. a year is a long time in presidential history. and let's face it, if a people thought the economy was going well, they wouldn't care about age. it's really about the economy, immigration, crimeldn't his, k. >> she's got a year to fix now,a years long time, leigh. a and i mean, you look at thepoll. polls, eight national polls have trump beating biden. that's got to cause trepidation among, democrats. but among republicans, polls haven't always translated to electoral victories. i think of the red wave, for instance. so where b hasn' are we? >> when you look at what happened with the red wave, g ee there was there was something else that was going on there, though, because a lot of people were saying that the economy pe the number one concern, but really there was also abortion on the ballot and a lot of women'ss th one that hurt democrats and hurt republicanswk . in addition, there were a lothep of weak candidates on the republican ticketub. ione so this is a vercay different l situation because you're looking at polling that says this is trump versus biden, not just generic ballot. this is exactly what peopleg at are looking at. it does not look good forare joe biden right now. and there's a couple of things that i would be most concerned about if i were hia co id be mmr one. he is losing significant numbers among younge, he's losr he carried young voters by as by lot last time. it doesn't look like he's going to be able to do that. the other thing that it.othes re in some of these polls is hisse favourability among independents . two and three are saying they look at him unfavorably f, 55%, i'm sorry, 65% of even democrats, they don't thinkfo he's fit, mentally fit for office. so these numbers office really, really staggering. and he can't just get through them by denyine can'g and he's t going to be able to do it by hiding either. to. youg either. you can't stop him from walking. you can't stop him from talking. he's got from walkin to get oute and tell his story. and, you know, you heard yellen today say it's her job, an to tl his story. no, it's not. it's his job. he's got to get out there and convince say onvince the american people he's up for the job. >> and right now, it's not looking good. ari, you knoe he's u job anw, t you know, i worked on a campaign. you always knorked on w the achilles heel of your boss. you know their strengths, you know their weaknesses. this is a huge weakness for bos, biden his age. how as a team do you unwin strd that? do you reverse the conception, the perception, rather, of the the perception, rather, of the well, there's only one way,th p and that'seo to turn him into benjamin button. watch him get youngeon andr and. that's not going to happen. and so it really is ia huge problem for the democrats. and then what a massive opportunity for republicans, whethesiver the nominee is president trump or nikki haley or somebody else. as i like to say, and i've said it forever. don' t don't compare donalddon' trump to the almighty compare him to the alternative. and the alternative is joeernate biden. i am i'm just struck by how the democrats are createy committing political suicide. it is beyond belief that thee. y are putting the worst two candidates against donald trump in the country. >> there is nobody who willy lose easier to donald trump than joe biden and harris . yet that is the paths that democrats are on. it's inexplicable. and that's why i think you're going to seit'seund jo huge pressure built around joe biden to get him to drop oun t right beforesure the convention. >> i think that pressure is going to build. mark, you know wl mark, in the wake of the 2023 elections, not a good night for republicans yet again. not a good night in 2022 for n the wake of that election, politico said there are two camps of democrats . outocrats there's the time to freak out democrats because they see the weakness of jocrats bee andt the time to chill out democrats because they keeats becap well in elections. which camp are you? chill out or freak out? ou >> either in the freak outt?the camp? for a long time, i've beenfr callineag attention to these same numbers. i mean, trump has been aheadi've in the house calls for months. biden's been in this kind of doldrums particularly. i thought he hadrums a very bad summer. but i come back to, you knowd .w biden, like trump in many ways,a hanas managed to have nine liveg time and time again. everybody thought he wasai out,atic you know, last time in the democratic primary, and suddenly he wa ps in everybody thought he was going to lose and he won. and heoing won. so i do think you're going to see democrats hold on ts hols but the reality is we gotgo ret the reality is we gotgo >> that's what this election is really about, not about ageat . lee, one thing that the biden team has done welln tee an is mobilize an army of influencers to reach gen z, to reach millennials. you mentioned trump is doing very well with this cohortlenni and usually well for any republican. but the day before the midterms, biden brought all the tik-tok influencers into the in the days before,fl i should say, with an aggregatul following of 67 million, obama met with them. io t withey dc.w powe how powerful and how difficultrf is that to comba t armyers, t of influencers that has a huge >> influencers that has a huge >> i mean really hard to combaty the the army influencersn because they can mobilize on key issues becausmoe some ofs the polling i've seen suggests that seven in ten independent women are goinseem test seveg tn to the polls this election cycle because of abortion in three of our key states. abortion going to be on the ballot. seven in ten independent women. nine in ten democratic women d men. and so if influencers are reallyemocratic so i able td there and mobilize on that issue, i don't think they're going to able to mobilizonhey e ableo mobie ot but if they're going to be able to mobilize on women's issues, they couldhe omen's i a lot of n and i think that republicans must come up with an answern anw that is an all of the above answer. that isn't just to say they don't have to change their positionhat n't, on abort but what they do need to do is change perceptions on how they vieo w women.to come and so they need to come up with a women's agenda that's going to mobilize them just as much because. ar >> these influencers can be hard to beat, especially on that particular issue. beeciall that. lar issue. ari fleischer, mark penn, lee carter, thank you. well, it's no secret that democrats are now in panic mode over biden' thas poll numbp it's a game of how low cannumb you go forer joe? g but kamala harris, she is not worried. r the vice president told cnnsh that she and biden will just have to earn their reelection. but how? joining us now with more, fox news contributor their and formerth speaker of the house, newt gingrich. you knowuse,, gingrich, it's als a pleasure to hear your wisdo . and at a moment in history where republicans, you know, w asure e the house, that's it. we don't have the senate, we don't have the presidency. and we know election rep have te choice. how does the house, under newly elected speake r mike, who i sa across from, was very impressed by? how doest acro the house give the american people a choice? illustrate a contrasting g to biden. >> what should they be doinga r well, i think they're doing a lot of it. i think that if you look at the pas bills they've been passing aidto israel but offset by cutting money out of the internal revenue service, a series steps a very strong parental rights bill that virtually every tha democrat voted against. i think there are a lot of stepst virtuall they can tak but you also have to be realistic. and i think speaker johnsond decided was that keeping the government opewan was the practical next step. given where they were in the w that they'd been in. and i suspect that was right now they're going to havei some big fights over appropriations. but in the long run, theree are a lot of other things the house republicans are doing that are goingdo end upe goingdo mattering. the fact is that the biden thincreasis that the biden family increasingly looks like in a newsletter recently in , i called them the delaware sopranos. frpranos. from people like chairman colmer and chairmaomken jordane and chairman smith. every single week we're gettinst evidence that this is just a family of crooks. an important job, n which would not be happening ifi the house republicans didn't have a majority. so i think you're going to see bothe goin the process of legislation and the processgation of investigation moving forward. movingd. be clear. if if biden can't solve, solve the challenge with israel, ukr the challenge with ukraine, the challenge on the bordeair, e the challenge with fentanyl, the challenge with crimeng, s the challenge with prices going up everywhere. listen, i were jusupt out and shopping yesterday and i mean, the degree to which grocery prices keep going up affects every single american. it's not about polling. it's not about advertising. >> it's about pain. ad you know, newt in the famous old adage is, it's the economy, stupid. we've all heard that. but, you know, the counterargument to thaty ca, is the economy didn't seem to have as much of an effect in the midter, s as we would have hoped. but is it a different beast when you're talking about a see presidential election? do people more directly tie the economy to the sittingeffect president? will it matter in a way pell it matter in a way midterms? >> well, i think the i'vn'e a lt of work on what happened in the midterms and what happened agustrms and what happened a week ago. and part of my conclusion is thao. t republican hands do not yet understand the scale of the democratic machine t. when you check the service employees union, you take the teachersoyee union.ef you take the left wing activist groups. you take billionaire acs. ake billionaire >> soros. the total weight if you go state u.s. senate race by u.s. senate race, for example, or narrow house races or in virginia, some of the legislative race s were jusg not big enough. >> and we're like a mid-sized collegwe're lie team in the sups and we're going to have to really get a grip this year on what are we going to do to offset the sheer weight of left wing money, which money is desperately trying to retainn control. for a practical reason, joe biden is spending $6,000,000,000,200 billion annually nowx , if you're a left-wing union or a left wing interest group losing control of 6.2 trillion gets you pretty darn motivated. of >> and that's a big partg of what's going on. that's a fascinating descriptio. n. , now, what happens when you put what you just described, that massivet operation and combine it with mail in ballots, whicmail-ih people t realize, but in a place like nevada, they've codified their covid era mail in ballot laws, mass mail out voting to all of their voter rolls. >> so what happens when you make that combinatio irn? >> well, i think it's very think dangerous for the and veryerous dangerous for the country. what you have todafotry.y is a nationwide machine on the leftns ,a machine made up of interest groups. i mean, for example, the newwill bample, york city democrats to be asking for billions to paye joe biden's illegal immigrants billions. the and they're going to want the money. money.ney. o mayor is acros going to want billions. he goes across the whole country. i and what you see is interest group after interest groupntp a that's going to want the money. what you have on the republican side. epublicaeoplare people who are t worried about the budget. they really to get to a balance. they want to save social security and medicarrity ande. well, all those things are a direct threat to the interest groups on the left. now, the difference in aleft presidential race, particularly if donald j. trump's involved, is he has ifsuch a huge figure. figur he is not a candidate. he ie.s the champion of millions of americans, the leader of aife movement, very different than anything we've seen in most of americant n history.above, he can rise above, no matter how much money the has. he has the capacity to reach the american people despite a them. and you have to say, as of tonight,s t, he' he's certainlyn to be the nominee. and the odds are much better than eved aren maybe three outv of five or four out of five that he'll be the next president, which, as it sinks in, is going to drive the left crazve the ly. moveme >> there's no doubt he has a movement like we've never whmovement like we've never be deprogrammed, in the words of hillary clinton. speakehyr gingrich, thank you very much. coming up, the very latest from israel's with hamas. nton. plus, president biden is either unwilling or unable to deter formlling or unable to deter the middle east. for

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