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>> vermillion las vegas, swing were his campaign says, the date recently old and more than $30 million west coast in deep blue silicon valley, will go to "fox news" live anwe are learning more about saturday's rescue mission by israeli defense forces, free for hostagm hamas custody life administration saying today, the united states offered help the rescue tray is live in tel aviv with the latest hello tray. >> mike a good afternoon and finally come after nearly 250 days of war, we have good news to report in for them israeli hostages are now home and they were rescued yesterday morning and during mission that took place in central gaza and of course indicate the special forces, standard to buildings in the new refugee camp and there they were engage in firefights with hamas gunmen but ultimately completed the mission. >> this was a high risk complex omission based on the intelligence conducted in daylight and into separated buildings, deep inside gaza and under fire, under fire inside of the buildings, under fire on the way out from gaza and all forces rescued it the hostages' bangmac one was killed during the rescue mission, the brother hostages home and in tel aviv hospital come these really civilians reunited with their loved ones and even visited from the country's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and inside of gaza palestinians and home through the aftermath of the raid no mouse run palestinian health ministry said more than 200 people were killed and the majority of them civilians, when the operation took place when interesting developing though american involvement in the right, thinning of times headline reads, a team of american hostage recovery officials, stationed in israel, as the israeli military supported to rescue the four captives, providing intelligence, hinder the logistical support in the story doesn't illustrate the complexities of operating inside of gaza in a very dark day for the palestinians one of hope for the israelis who do believe there are still hostages alive and hamas custody looking to bring them home. mike: tray, many thanks to you trey and her president biden closing at a time with a visit to historic american cemetery fe final resting place to must service members, who were killed and more world war i and peter ducey live in paris with the latest hello peter. >> hello mike in a major european parliament elections today the parliament election today they could infect it the road have president biden interact with european allies. peter: but it seems like is invited is more concerned with his own election, reassignment in his time in france there were a lot of illusions to donald trump but nothing to specific. >> is to criticize president trump are not coming here on his trip messaging hoping to the voters by being here right now. biden: are there other ques questions. peter: president biden met here in the paris with about $225 million with zelinski for ukraine and you come it is by june $25 million u.s. dollars a month he just got ukraine, mixed up with iraq. biden: i think there's a new horizon in a sense of some within the country and the idea that we have become semi- isolationist now, somebody talking about this them in the idea that we had to wait of this month's just to get the money for iraq because were waiting and is just, well it's not who we are. it is not who america is. peter: is nothing bankable come out of this trick on prison said that he is a french president, emanuel came to an agreement about a plan, to start selling off frozen russian assets and then use the proceeds, to help ukraine and he just said there's an agreement that he did not explain how that will work so we should get at that some point soon right now the president and first lady are in the air heading to delaware and negative just going to next week's summit in italy from here so very short flight they've chosen, to fly back across the atlantic, only to return to europe, made week mike. mike: peter ducey live in paris, for now peter. [laughter] and for more in this journey now south carolina rebellion congresswoman nancy mays was on welcome. >> thank you equity reaction to prison invited trip to france as you take away. >> well just a video come you just saw there, it was a very frail and out of it president of the united states. nancy: then really begins is on the coming can barely walk and he barely stand up and he barely form a sentence and he would not answer reporters questions pretty but in this weekend and it weakens us in the world stage and all i can think about is how quickly we can get a stronger leader both physically and mentally, back in the white house november cannot come fast enough to in the middle east biden administration continues pushing must to accept a deal for a cease-fire here's national security advisor jake sullivan. >> hamas hides among civilian infrastructure and highs in the ground and it was palestinian people in harm's way and they could be a cease-fire it hamas would just step up and say yes to the deal the israelis have accepted the president biden elaborated a week ago so the world to call and hamas to take this deal c1 you think the deal will ever happen. nancy: this is terrorist organization will negotiate for peace in the middle east, no no, but would need to have these emily some he was under donald trump brought is the abraham courts, is under his leadership, we do not have hamas and israel are the policies try to bomb the u.s. military assets the middle east we also did not have russia ukraine invading we were all a lot safer are in the world including our allies donald trump was president it because when you look at their back to back presidencies to contrast could not be any more different to any color undercover the pro- palestinian really yesterday, with the trying to create a human redline on the white house and here's what about lead organizers of etiquette. >> joe biden, you may speak in our name, but not without consent, charged with the genocide joe biden's redline, it was a fiction and it it was a lie in the risen active deception, that it was designed to make us become quiet c1 is president biden in trouble of the young voters in states like michigan, battleground state, with large muslim populations. nancy: absolute joe biden is in trouble with the democrat party and the irony here is that we just were jake sullivan, admit that hamas uses civilians and commit genocide with their own innocent civilian people. many of these folks think they will be peace in the middle east with a cease-fire and adjust will be in these people come the need to be eradicated off of the face of the earth and united states to support his role in the rdf to do everything in our possible figurative among us is no longer existed because this does not end of this israel is a deep god, she got his him and his role as the tip of his beer, today disease row with annex will be the west the united states and will come after us how we are all god we have got to eradicate terrorism in the middle east sue and a struggling to their seems to be a lot of his college students out there yesterday that were showing the audience now what is assigned to you about indoctrination on college campuses. nancy: will come of these college campuses, they should be getting this taxpayer dollars subsidies for u.s. government to indoctrinate her children come to indoctrinate of students and this is absurd we've all seen videos joy students who could not and cannot go to class on u.s. college campuses this is not 1944, germany, his people are biggest and these people are due raiders and they should not be in our college campuses and if you love, so much go to gaza, seek along the last roof and got negative are you not very long. mike: of self-destructive were defacing some of the statutes there outside of the white house and makes you wonder, if authorities will go after them there are cameras all that parking they actually go after the people who defaced federal property. >> well because they have a deed by the name and we know how republicans and conservatives are treated by the department of justice and the fbi versus antibiotic versus hamas supervisor versus the violence on these college campuses versus black lives matter they do not get out of the same standard as everybody else does and it will get a free will pass absolutely in this. mike: president biden will return to europe for the g7 summit, what are your expectations. nancy: i have none for this president and i expect other world leaders to mark the united states and joe biden timothy administration, who clearly do not what they're doing and clearly are not operating from a position of strength and all we're doing is projecting we just around the world because for our allies and that is whether so much turmoil in the middle east and that is why the houthis or bombing in the middle east and the felt the need that they could divide israel that's what put it invaded ukraine it because look at this guy come he is not a leader in the state we need strength of the white smes donald trump in november and we cannot come fast enough. mike: nancy the great state of south carolina great to see you. nancy: thank you mike. mike: thousands of migrants are continue to cross the border this weekend despite president biden's executive order in addressing the crisis predict map ten is come up with the latest hello matt. >> i'm i can it's been a busy weekend here in san diego sector border patrol tells us there suckling illegal microgrid, underway here right now where i'm standing to be processed and older yesterday, we sought large groups throughout the day coming from countries all of the world including china. matt: in vietnam in the morning. coming age of handed turkey and at one point of the was a large group, just walking along and on the really busy highway here and most if not all the migrants we saw yesterday were well-dressed, they were well spoken and telling us that they can fight in new mexico and they were illegally smuggled into the united states and is spoke with one migrant from turkey, who said that he came to u.s. illegally, to meet his son here that margaret. >> you think of president biden. >> it biden. [applause] >> when you love him. >> because, biden we love. reporter: why do you love him. >> bided had us helped us to make up to get into the united states. [background sounds]. matt: border patrols that they are just overwhelming and historically, they would chase you know individual smaller groups of migrants of the drug smugglers, but now, they are rendered useless when these large groups 50 — 100 plus they just appear and that is take them a lot of time and they have a calling for additional personnel to process all of those illegal migrants when i wanted tell us that this is not what they signed up for. mike: live at the border matt thank you very much and for more this was bringing former deputy secretary of homeland security and senior fellow at the center for renewal america can welcome. >> good to be with. mike: and last year with homeland security and talking with the situation at the border earlier today is alejandro mayorkas. >> it is early, the signs are positive, and a personnel have done an extraordinary job and implement think a very big shift in how we operate on the southern border. mike: of the signs positive. ken: wow, looking only positive numbers meeting, effort and the notion of the joe biden's executive order was what is overflow, there's a couple of days the cartels and the other side of the border member the cartels control the border, not the united states under joe biden and they fell down they determined it was not point is on anything ago and they recommenced the flows and i would also point outcome of the exceptions to the so-called limiting executive order, they are enormous in their funding it, 40000 people a month, over the border and these are people literally flying from south america and central america into cities in the united states and the other 2500 number, the date card to somebody holes in including a my point outcome unaccompanied children. what you will see, if a legacy hundred see it, is the foothills will break the families up and children will come across alone be put into the u.s. systems and will never be deported. in america's will come in a different way of there will be reunited built not by the federal government, when the only together in the united states. that was the overwhelming numbers are leading to more catch and release, and this is all for show this is all for show is achieving nothing on the border and is map sent to me reporter noted border patrol folks did not sign up for this and they signed up to protect america. i think that an administration that is actively her money them in their mission. mike: it looks like nothing estate, 4000 apprehensions in the first four hours on the biden executive order and 5600 encounters in the first today, as it was as purely cosmetic change for the sake of a presidential campaign. matt: absolutely, 100 percent, this is you know donald trump is leading in polls in various swing states, joe biden and his team are panicking as he shuffles about the world. they are just grasping at straws here and do not think that anybody, the least attended voter in america, calls for seeing joe biden say just giving the tools. it is a republican congress' fault, not after they taking credit for three years and tearing down one policy after another that we put in place, the work dimension, donald trump is now campaigning on being more aggressive than his last term and there's a lot of room for that by the way and joe is demonstrating the need for that kind of security mentality with his weak minded executive order, that is just political cover. mike: this place them a former trump of the border issue how to get you to react. trump: my disorder is not a border security plan, it is a concession to the fact that he has lost control over our border that joe biden truly wanted to signed an executive order to stop the invasion, he only needs to single think of it a single sentence and it was a hereby immediately reinstate every single order policy. of a gentleman named donald j trump. mike: is the correct. matt: it will go a long way. and there is nothing the president said there, that was not correct however, i look forward to him winning and limiting actually stronger policies, closing the border between the ports of entry, and no more asylum claims, wondering through the countries also, we need to take mexico on directly, matt reported on the notion that he was interviewing the folks flying into mexico, freely, no visas, no paperwork and then walking up to the united states, paying the cartels, for the privilege and that takes the cooperation of the mexican government and if you close the border down you put the pressure in the mexican government to finally stop the flow into mexico because now it will not go through mexico, he will go to mexico and the pressure needs to be put on mexico and fast and joe biden's executive order, it is nothing to stop mexico's role in facilitating the drug cartels human trafficking into the united states. mike: but when clearly in the issue will continue to follow it and ken, think you so much for your time and your analysis today. ken: is good to be with you and appreciate your attention to it. mike: landside being a part of a heavily trafficked a highway that connects wyoming and idaho, a crack appeared in the road on thursday and it was patched up for saturday's landslide," a highway to, catastrophically fail in wyoming department of transportation said that a long-term closure of the highway, is expected we will soon find out hundred biting will testify in his own defense and that story is next. think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i 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to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> 's been bring with her hundred biting with his own defense tomorrow madeleine is live with more was expected as this case will soon had to the jury to mckay when he and hundred biting some of the printers by sharing what is going through an october 2018 and argued that to get a period of sobriety after a stint in rehab and never he was being truthful when he filled out a federal form to get a gun on the prosecutors accused him of lying on the form about his drug use but if you his take the stand he also opens himself up to cross-examination which could be risky in the trials featured highly personal and at times emotional testimony reduces included is x, like his sister-in-law how would, with whom he was into relationship after go step prosecutors should surveillance video holly sing out his gun and a trashcan inside of a supermarket. madeline: and hunter's oldest daughter also testified sing on friday that her father looked great in summer verse 2018 the defense called rep to strengthen their argument that hundred right not of been using drugs when he butted out the gun for 11 days has special counsel david weiss team fell, presented take series of text messages between him and hunter in which he apologizes, for his erratic behavior at the time and told us what daughter, i'm sorry, i been so unreachable and it's not fair to you. the president said that he will pardon the sun if he's convicted, here's michigan governor biting campaign catcher, gretchen witmer. >> when the president asked about the still have confidence in the judicial system is not going to undermine it and i think that you know, will see how it plays out. madeline: first lady jill biden will likely show support for stepson and the return to wilmington dover tonight. mike: thank you very much and for more in this is bringing former federal prosecutor, jonathan and welcome until hallie biden gift emotional testimony she was romantically involved with him through 201600 give her crack cocaine in juneau 2183 trip to la, in october 2010, she found ruminants of crack, cocaine, and the gun how slick it was her testimony counselor. jonathan: well, that is really quite compelling many of those case overall, the case against the hundred biting a sprinkling of the evidences overwhelming at this point you know this really boils down to any guns process the gun using crack cocaine are using illegal drugs and the evidence is simply overwhelming to about. and i think thing that is interesting about the defense on the part of your clean and was talking about willie testify or not, just to generate maybe something i think it's a high-risk painter to play and nothing should be careful as the u.s. defendant testifies that judge him his fault thinking get additional from their centers that that is something that his attorneys will probably well aware of may not be with risk but also the rest of the other stuff coming out in the impeachment it would probably be quite damaging to him. mike: we can find out as soon as for things were morning whether he will testify if he does testify, is a design that they think they are in trouble. jonathan: i think so because i think that at this point to my think that objectively looking at this case, hannigan's been pretty and though real defense and i think this defense that he will commit as they have been using drugs for years and years never 20 minutes i just had crack cocaine but but but a gun company have to be a handful think that when i was not usings or cooking come that just seems really applicable and wise the countrywide because hallie biden was concerned for his safety the safety of otherso begin with this because people are using the drugs they are danger to the community and to y but i think looking at this overall, his best hope is maybe some sort of jury nullification or something like that. i do disagree the governor witmer in part is certainly on the table and one occurring to left of the november elections don't think the biden president biden certainly certain casual relationship with the truth of many of these issues i don't think he'll think for a second to backup on this whether not he wins or loses in november c1 push of the audience a gun which hundred biting fraud in 2018 and hallie biden through doubt when he founded was the impact of the gun into the prosecutors do the job presenting that portion of the case. jonathan: will, yes, i think it was pretty were warming that had the purchase gun question fill out the form and you have hallie biden, throwing away gun in a dumpster and a grocery store and him to be the same gun hundred biting purchased and she also said that she failed to believe, there's in the car so very good job of linking the hundred biting pulled from the south and through her testimony is so that i think that part of the cases strong. i really do same and the only thing that could help them would be somehow convinced the jury that he was no longer addicted to are using drugs for the speak window and again i thank you so a heavy lift so then they fall back on jury notification ultimately imparted for divided. mike: the trump side of the legal issues alvin bragg has a degree to testify and capitol hill, was the significance of that. jonathan: will is interesting because in the letter that he cities a great to testify but is not going to great right now like he's not what about the subpoena. carefully coming is not like not only does what waited until the sentencing is over also the appeals which means that if people really to testify in the health of the next congress and so this idea they cannot talk about this because there's an ongoing case come the juries already reached a verdict they certainly can talk about this now. this is really important issue for the market people come to find out what is this a politically motivated prosecution should answer these questions as to why he prosecuted the case why he doesn't normally prosecute the case when you do not prosecute hillary clinton for something similar in her case printed light of the money from the still glossy and called legal expense when it wasn't how did michael colangelo into his office and there's really nothing political about this and just really is a fair execution to me think that he would want to be have been talking about it certainly democrats would as well city are elected. with this identities agreeing to testify, assembly seem like while he is being agreeable but not agreeing. mike: [laughter] this a good word choice there think you and ankle for your analysis today and still ahead, why caitlin clark is been left off thinking this summer. and former president trump will continue as western swing, where he set to speak at a rally in las vegas predict we will takeer yo wu there next. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you 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three big dollar fundraisers there totaled 33 to half million dollars and president biden when nevada in 2020, right now "fox news" pulling shows that trump is a five-point lead, that is within the monitored of error this week the nevada democratic party hello news conference, trying union support provided and said that this when asked about those foxholes. >> but i do not like those polls, they dictate how we act pretty don't listen to those polls because november is months away. we've a serious ground game. alicia: : tuesday the republican party will hold his primary, disease side who will take on incumbent democratic senator jackie rosen in november and among the crowded field our army veteran tim brown and former investor bison, doctor jeff gunter and both of whom are hoping today, brings an endorsement from the former president, who has yet to weigh in on this race in fox news digital reports of the contest between issue has become particular brutal with accusations and questions over who is more loyal to trump and both are expected to attend today's rally in las vegas were because of the need, that campaign has issued to comfort measures, for today's attendees encouraging the folks to really give the heat in mind and i will also be providing water, allowing small umbrellas and putting up misting and cooling stations and this chapter 11 people were treated for heat exhaustion a local hospitals in phoenix arizona, and on thursday during trump town hall and that high in arizona that he was 110 degrees now like nothing national weather service has issued an excessive heat watch, for las vegas today and behind your las vegas is one of two, there's some cloud cover in a little of breeze now and if this holds makes it a whole lot more bearable the folks really need to be careful. mike: stay hydrated alecia and thank you so much in the spring and political pen with 917 strategies founder and president sarah and former obama campaign foreign policy advisor david and welcome, the both of you to i thank you so much so far president trump may not win a whole lot of those in silicon valley but he is going to leave there with a whole lot of cash must play it. >> him. sort of a liberal ask and so we thought that 5 billion might be a big left but as it turns out we got all of the way to 12 vanessa turns out god hundred's of people turned out of the streets, but they were pro trump demonstrators neighbor welcoming tremendous amount of enthusiasm gap between pro trumped side ofe probe deficit in liberal san francisco come up the 20 but the rest of the country. mike: more than $33m dollars in california what you make of this era. sarah: honestly across the board trump is nobody 30 percent of the most, the donations were from first-time donors prayed is open a small dollar donations, people are excited to come out trump in all of these like eccentric a billionaires are coming in giving money and so why wouldn't is switching people want to give money. mike: prison invited to go swipe it congress today and more fitting of us plate this one. >> seven the idea that we had weight of this month, just get the money for iraq. mike: direct reference concerned about is agent david. david: will i agreed obviously that was a mistake it that ukraine but he is right on the substance, i was too long ukraine really needed that money and it was very important for providing weapons and if you look at the point, was american support ukraine support president biden's approach to ukraine and this is where president biden can draw that are direct president trump attorneys that that he is not going to support ukraine and he was mean the war day one of his presidency and that is unreal in this to conclusion is not going to listen to president trump is a there's a start difference in policy and americans who care about what is happening in ukraine, who care about pushing back against russia against territorial expansionism and he gets authoritarianism in the fusion brand of authoritarianism, they should report biden c1 ritchie taurus we know the ages you on cam fox news sunday let's play him. >> full confidence in president and is true that the president is old but so is donald trump it is a geriatric presidential race c1 sarah is that effective. sarah: no no it is not because biden is completely gapping of his presidency. meanwhile president trump is out there, vibrant and lively and everything that is been doing for the past six years as of this is not an issue and they're grasping for straws what they normally do to and from the possible battleground states from seven arizona, and florida and nevada, is a dead heat in virginia at least at this moment in time. his alarming david. david: she called and vibrant hit and lively and president trump is also, convicted felon which is not something that you hear people called convicted felon i think that house impacted the polls and if you look at the new york times siena college poll and also, the reuters, apple both show that he — 3 percent of the voters after that conviction, have moved over to biden from trump as of yes, the loyal very loyal supporters of trust, they are angry about the conviction and you see that and increases in fundraising the people in the middle of the independence of people might've been leaning trump vote were not sure, there moving to biden because of the conviction there's more this coming in or three more cases may not go to trial in depth of it is going to continue to wait in his campaign. mike: the still more numbers from the foxhole in the voters hundred 30, trump is it a big in arizona of seven in florida, dead heat in virginia, sarah, will be on voters show up in november. sarah: absolutely look at tiktok for example, the last few days trump has about 6 million followers on tiktok whereas that bided here is kim leo's 340,000 overall them over six months so in america's are excited in their sick of seeing biden and the policies and this is the first time kitchen table issues are hitting them at home c1 final word. david: so it's time i think of numbers you raising money but that is not me votes and nobody and the basis of who's going to win based on tiktok in the important question here is of young people going to be affected biden as they did in 2020 is that earlier news, trumps reliable voters are old enough college-educated yes some voters are upset about gaza but to that we will have a cease-fire in gaza over the summer and i think are angry about that coming is going to cool down the canal. mike: okay thank you so much printed the 2024 of usa women's best multi roster is out and perhaps some of the biggest name in the sport, no make the cut christina coleman live in los angeles with more on what would into the decision to leave caitlin clark off the olympic team christina. >> i guess clark stomach the afternoon the 15th which upset summer fans considering all over six is ongoing the via beautiful graphic is the all-time leading score in ncaa division i his history. christina: also leave the wnba rookie of the month, for me after leaving all of the 2024, rookie since cory three-point field goals making three throws at us estimate what you played with iowa some of i was games competed in tv viewership with mba games and millions of new fans, they coded parcels course founder dave believes that the women's a living best about that again much more popularity of court was on the team. >> the living a basketball basketball be like the number one thing people watch with caitlin clark yes it is that would rather watch grass grow would rather watch paint dry would rather watch dirt be moved around because caitlin clark is now the team. christina: these are the 12 players he did make the 11 team and indicates the veteran players were preferred, nine of them have competed in the olympics already including diana roske, this will be her sixth olympics the fittings members are will be playing with her teammate brittney griner in paris this roster was chosen by the women's basketball committee which include is constantly, who is both a former team usa coach and currently the coach south carolina severally olympians and that w va's head of leak operations also make a decision was invited to participate in the national team training camp got the summer games but she did not go because she was playing with iowa in the final four and even though clark it did not make the big roster, this time around, many sports analyst notes of the 22 -year-old will likely have many more chances to represent team usa in the future. mike: i'm sure those of the players over the but this seems like an unforced error christina coleman, thank you so much and i when republican governor is cutting off an electric vehicle mandate at that story is next. e to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪ ♪ 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government should be telling virginians, will kind of a car, they must've drive, is just simply wrong. mike: that was virginia governor glenn young can way virginia's now rolling back there electric vehicle centers, have the previous timpani governor, has signed on to as california's rules in joining me today the attorney general of the commonwealth of virginia, jason and welcome. >> is great to be with you mike and thank you for having me. mike: what he california standards not work for the people of the commonwealth of virginia in your view. >> wealth the governor recognize governor you can recognizes that were not going to be beholden to an elected of 40 california. jason: trying to dictate to virginians, will kind of car they drive is so they asked me to do a legal analysis of it in the previous governor they drafted a bill they use permissive language of may set of command language and in the references section of the california code of the no longer is in existence and so as a result, and legal analysis this is now discretionary and i still applaud him for wanting to make sure that virginians are in charge of their own destiny and they loaded up were the van all electric vehicles and i graduated to scale, all way up to 2035, and he will be able to buy another electric vehicle anymore, anytime work as your show has reported before, the inflation reduction act and biden, and a $1.7 billion to build 500,000 electric charging stations across the country to date, the past into any 21 is a january of this year, the develop one and so, they're not been able to meet with af dictated to the american people weather-related bureaucrats are sacramento bureaucrats in washington dc and so it is a governor and young can getting in virginia and with the common sense we applaud him. mike: it is political season and i don't need to tell you that it must take a look at the point in the commonwealth of virginia and of course president biden one virginia by ten percentage point in 2020, and are pulling at this point, in the campaign shows a 48 — 48 dead heat, when you hear as you travel around virginia and is the date tight race. >> i like to say virginia's not a blue state or red state, is a constant state. jason: virginians have seen what has happened but not just virginia but across the country since president biden has taken offer are taking office and they've seen a .2 million illegal crossings since the biden administration began and thus the larger than the population of 32 states and they've seen the price of groceries and now up 22 verses as biden took office in the price of gasoline of skyrocketed just the cost it to live, so much more expensive now then you to affect they say sending world on fire such as domestically the weakness abroad and you see an international stage and dangerous if you've ever seen and don't forget the virginia, it has the highest concentration military veterans active duty of any state in the union and so they say they know what happened with her trying to still have constituents to bring up to withdrawal in afghanistan and the legacy media maybe have forgotten about it but when they compare that come into the four years under president trump, strong america in real wages were going up that inflation was under control, hit in strong but domestically, and also abroad and i think they can seek a difference and why you see the polls so tight in virginia. mike: thank you jason so much for your time and your analysis today. jason: think you. mike: vacation hotspot in the panhandle in florida reeling after multiple shark attacks on the same day and that's next. oh, absolutely. 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Madeline , Sing Out , Relationship , Go Step Prosecutors , Supermarket , Trashcan Inside , Hunter , Drugs , David Weiss Team , Verse , Series , Text Messages , Rep , Argument , 11 , Governor , The Sun , Campaign Catcher , Behavior , Confidence , Gretchen Witmer , System , Prosecutor , Jill Biden , Stepson , Wilmington Dover , Hallie Biden , Crack Cocaine , Gift , 2183 , 201600 , Testimony Counselor , Cocaine , Sprinkling , Ruminants , La , Jonathan , 2010 , October 2010 , Thing , Evidence , Evidences , Guns , Something , Fault Thinking , Painter , Defendant , Judge , Willie , Attorneys , Centers , Stuff , Rest , Impeachment , May , Things , Design , Think , Handful , Gun Company , Hannigan , 20 , Safety , Cooking , Wise , Otherso , Community , Jury Nullification , Danger , Issues , Backup , Second , Table , Truth , Portion , Fraud , Impact , C1 Push , Gun Question , Grocery Store , Dumpster , Warming , Gun Hundred Biting Purchased , Car , Cases , South , Jury Notification , Lift , Speak Window , Significance , Degree , Letter , Alvin Bragg , Capitol Hill , Appeals , Sentencing , Health , Subpoena , Prosecution , Verdict , Market , Injuries , Hillary Clinton , Expense , Wasn T , Michael Colangelo , Office , Execution , Assembly , City , Identities , Home C1 , Summer , Caitlin Clark , Choice , Ankle , Nutrition , Las Vegas , Rally , Protein , Takeer Yo Wu , Magic , Effects , Food , Dog , Dog Bark , Pet Food , Step , Boost , Farmer , Coats , Pep , Fasting , Nutrition Technology , Program , Prolon , Five , Cells , Habits , You , Trigger A Fasting , Isn T Fasting , California S , Nevada , Campaigns , Latest , Fundraising , Loss , Stay Hydrated Alecia , Western State , Dollar Fundraisers , Making , 90 , 33 , Lead , Terror , News Conference , 2020 , Ground Game , Foxholes , Pretty Don T , Trying Union Support , Jackie Rosen In November , Disease Side , Alicia , Tuesday The Republican Party , Tim Brown , Primary , Field , Army , Both , Jeff Gunter , Race , Contest , Accusations , Investor Bison , Endorsement , Heat , Attendees , Mind , Measures , Water , Stations , Phoenix Arizona , Thigh , Hospitals , Heat Exhaustion , Umbrellas , Chapter , Town Hall , Watch , Cloud Cover , Two , Little , Breeze , National Weather Service , 110 , C1 Sarah , Spring , Founder , Pen , Obama , 917 , David , Sort , Cash , Mask , Him , Streets , Left , Demonstrators , Neighbor , Amount , Enthusiasm Gap , 5 Billion , 12 , Side Ofe Probe Deficit , Pro , San Francisco , 33m , 3m Dollars , Donations , Board Trump , Dollar , Wouldn T , Billionaires , Donors , 30 , Fitting , Plate , Seven , Substance , Reference , Mistake , Day One , The Point , American Support Ukraine , Weapons , Presidency , Care , Conclusion , Who , Authoritarianism , Fusion Brand , Expansionism , Wages , Fox News Sunday Let S Play , Biden C1 Ritchie Taurus , Geriatric , Florida , Battleground States , Six , Virginia , Hit , Felon , Alarming David , Conviction , Poll , Supporters , New York Times , Have , Siena College , Apple , Reuters , Yes , Cleaning , Middle , Increases , Independence , Trust , Foxhole , Depth , Big , Tiktok , Example , Kim Leo , 6 Million , Time , Kitchen Table , Sick , 340000 , Question , Nobody , Basis , Canal , In Gaza , Roster , Decision , Women , Sport , Olympic , Los Angeles , Cut Christina Coleman , 2024 , Team Christina , Fans , Ncaa Division I , Score , Beautiful Graphic , 15 , Games , Rookie Of The Month , Iowa , Rookie , Tv Viewership , History , Estimate , Three Point Field Goals Making Throws , Wnba , Court , Popularity , Dave , Women S , Millions , Basketball , Paint , Dirt , Diana Roske , Players , Members , Olympics , Nine , Women S Basketball Committee , Coach , Brittney Griner , Head , Team Usa , South Carolina Severally Olympians , W Va , Leak Operations , Training Camp , Summer Games , Christina Coleman , Team Usa In The Future , Sports Analyst , Chances , Notes , 22 , Vehicle , Glucerna , Mandate , Blood Sugar Response , Carbsteady , Paper Flips , America S Best , Everyone , Vision , Eye Exam , Spending , Screens , Exam , Pairs , Savings , Glasses , Sixty Nine Bucks , 9 95 , 79 95 , Sixty Nine , Best Com , Ann , Gutters , Problems , Flooding Problems , Gutter Inspection , Mute , 833 , 833 Leaffilter , Leaffilter , Inspection , Gutter Solution , Schedule , Porch , Damage , Leaf , Visit Leaffilter Com , 833 Leaf Filter , Virginians , Glenn Young , Back , Drive , Timpani , Jason , Rules , Attorney General , He California Standards , View , Wealth , 40 , Section , Bill , Command Language , Language , Existence , California Code , Charge , Destiny , Result , Van All Electric Vehicles , Scale , Inflation Reduction Act , 1 7 Billion , 2035 , 7 Billion , Charging Stations , 500000 , 21 , Look , Af , Can , Season , Common Sense , Bureaucrats , Sacramento , Washington Dc , Biden One Virginia , Percentage Point , 48 , Red State , Blue State , Price , Verses , Offer , Population , Groceries , Gasoline , 32 , A Million , Cost , Weakness , World On Fire , Legacy Media , Constituents , Concentration , Military Veterans , Withdrawal , Union , Duty , Afghanistan , Inflation , Domestically , Shark Attacks , Panhandle , Vacation Hotspot , Kids , Someone , Massage , Shoebox , Inner Monologue , Giancarlo , Amalfi , What S Next , Conversations , Caviar , Kidding , Dashboard , 18 Million , Heart , Check Engine Light , Doctor S Office , Check Heart Sign , My Hear , Heart Doesn T Have A Hey , Kardiamobile , Ekg , Anywhere , Fingers , Pads , Ekg Reading , Causes , Device Costs , Thousand , Atrial Fibrillation , Bradycardia , Heart Rhythm , Fda , Tachycardia , 9 , A Thousand , 99 , Dad , Sale , Peace Of Mind , Amazon , 79 , Sfx , Water Lapping , Ambient , Hello , Beaches , Medicine , Sharks , Hi Madison , Swimmers , Walton Countyfe , Incidents , Woman , Life , Madaline , Attack , Per Se , Shark , Woman Swimming , Mother , Arm , Half , Walton County , Girls , Girl , Life Altering , Eye , Beach , Paramedics , Deputies , Shoreline Doing , Professionals , Attacking , Hand , Hawaii , Shark Hold , Houston , Texas , 19 , Siblings , Naturalistic , Freak Occurrence , Bit , Bang , Dog Surfing Competition , Waves , Warning , Dogs , Sizes , Butler Beach , Question Contest , Cause , Animal Shelters , Inventive , Bar , Nonprofits , Shannon , Drop , Option , Makeup Smearing , User , Tyrvaya , Mike Emanuel , Times A Day , Stinging , 5 , Tears , Drops , Body Produce , Nasal Spray , Symptoms , Irritation , Nose , Sneezing , Cough , Dry Eye Disease , Diabetes , Glucose , Eye Doctor , Foods , On Medicare , Relief , Medicare , Freestyle , No Fingersticks , Freestylelibre Us Medicare , Father S Day , Possession , Cargo Liner , Weathertech , Floorliners , Hauler , Cupfone , Gift Card , Seat Protector , Driving , Products , Sunshade , Stains , Uv Rays , Phone , Interior Pristine , Aunt Stark ,

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