Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180202 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180202

of her visit to china, and her officials are trumpeting the nearly $13 million worth of deals they expect to be signed during the trip. theresa may has agreed a joint trade and investment review with china. it's the first step to what she says will be an ambitious trade deal post—brexit — although the recently—lea ked civil service forecasts on brexit suggest a china trade deal would be of only limited benefit to the uk's gdp. president xi jinping has said china's markets will be opened further to the uk. and the two leaders also discussed north korea, protecting the environment, and, more controversially, human rights and democracy. live, now, to shanghai, and our correspondent robin brant. —— this report from laura kuenssberg. watch what i do, not what others say. theresa may wants you to judge her actions, not her critics' words. taking tea with her husband and one of the most powerful men in the world. lapsang souchong, no less. maybe that's what they drink in numberten. herjourney of thousands of miles has been for more than a cup of tea, but a shake on billions' worth of business deals. despite frank talk on hong kong and north korea too. i've been pleased to bring a very large business delegation here. we've had a very successful visit. the convoy held up the traffic, a big charm offensive to help business sign on the dotted line. a brexit—friendly diplomatic visit, complete with bags. there's a real success story here. we've signed agreements on financial services. bp have signed a £750 million deal. one of the biggest chinese e—commerce sellers has signed a deal to sell £2 billion worth of uk goods over the next two years. all of this adds up. we've got to get away in britain from our obsession with europe in terms of its relation to the global economy. is that enough to make our economy roar after we leave the eu? there's menace at home from those who believe are too timid, too slow to decide. what do you say to colleagues who are frustrated either because they think theresa may is backsliding on brexit or they think because she's somehow a hostage to people on the other side? well, i heard some of these arguments back in december — "we'll never get a deal on how we move forward". then we did get a deal. and now i hear people saying, well, we'll not get an agreement on our trading relationship. yes, we will get an agreement on that and we've got to see that against the government's wider programme of britain's relationship with the rest of the world. people have doubts about her ability too though, don't they? what do you say to those people? when i've been talking to chinese leaders here, they're looking at performance. they're looking to see what the uk is doing, and they look at the prime minister in a different way than some of, let's say, the internal tea room discussions in the uk do. some of your colleagues are too obsessed with themselves, do you think? too obsessed with westminster? i think in britain there's always a tendency to focus on britain. inside europe, there's a tendency to focus on europe. both should be focusing on the big world that's outside. but while mr and mrs may were roaming beijing's forbidden city, someone who was a crucial part of the tory empire was urging those mps to make her listen. the conservative party must offer to the country a big plan for the future. big ideas, big vision. whether it's transforming schools in the north of england or a plan to engage with the rest of the world, like china, or indeed a form of brexit which is not as economically damaging as some of the forms being proposed, iwould humbly suggest that's what's required. it suits the prime minister's allies to present the ructions at home as parochial difficulties or a few petty disputes, but the divisions matter because before too long she has to make big decisions that will shape all our futures and britain's place in the world. with plenty of others competing to drive, the back seat is getting pretty crowded. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, beijing. uighurlike to shanghai uighur like to shanghai and robin brant. we should first acknowledged that everything you say is pretty much what the prime minister is saying, and it is being monitored by authorities. —— we go live to shanghai. iam authorities. —— we go live to shanghai. i am not afraid to say what i like, but for viewers here in china, the bbc, for instance, is monitored and censored. viewers in shinjang and 20 sea and enjoy everything. given what is a had to say about hong kong, not all about got through to chinese viewers? there are subjects of the chinese consider very sensitive. xinjiang is one, hong kong was another. hong kong was discussed yesterday in the meeting. we are not told who brought it up, but there was an agreement about what is known as the one country, two systems, which treats hong kong as, or is supposed to treat hong kong as different to the rest of mainland china. but the view, certainly from the chinese, and increasingly from people like theresa may, emmanuel macron, the french president, who is your a few weeks ago, is the idea of what is known as megaphone diplomacy, shouting out loud, talking out loud, about topics at the chinese feel is sensitive guy that is not how you achieve progress with china. but human rights, modern slavery, these area human rights, modern slavery, these are a hugely important issues for trees in may, and this is something she says she will not shy away from, and some she says, behind closed doors, she is certainly bringing up with the chinese. but there are critics, who say that is not the way to do it. —— issues fought to reason me. “— to do it. —— issues fought to reason me. —— issues for teresa may. to do it. —— issues fought to reason me. -- issues for teresa may. what are you going to happen in the next few days and will make this a successful trip? success is deepening the relationship and getting the deal is done. $30 million worth of deals done, we're told, between british firms in various chinese entities, and being up various chinese entities, and being up to go progress forward. those parties have a strategic view of this relationship. there is no doubt that to reason me is having issues at home in terms of leadership and the cloud of brexit. the chinese know that. —— teresa may. in terms of the uk the moment, train it is only the eight export market. this will be the biggest economy in the world in a few weeks time. —— theresa may. thank you very much are is robin brant from shanghai. the british government has told the bbc is concerned about the treatment of muslims in the western chinese region of xinjiang. there have been an increase of reports of minorities being held in detention cans without trial. 0ur china correspondent john sudworth travelled to the region, where all filming and coverage by foreign media is tightly controlled. in looks and in distance, it's closer to baghdad than beijing. but this is china, its far western province of xinjiang and now the target of one of world's most intense security crackdowns. the uighurs, a mainly muslim minority, have a long history here. today, fear is everywhere. under the watchful eye of government minders, there's only ever one correct answer. "i know nothing," he tells me, "life is good here". moments later, armed police show up. this is the china visiting prime ministers never get to see. police power here is all—pervasive and growing. millions of residents are being forced to give dna samples. mobile phones are searched for sensitive religious content, using hand—held plug—in devices. and for those suspected of even the mildest disloyalty to beijing, there's now a network of secretive detention camps in which thousands of uighurs have been locked up without trial. close to what we believe is one of them, we are stopped from filming. china is building a total surveillance state. it's a place where saying, doing or even thinking the wrong thing can you get you locked up in an internment camp. as you can see, it is a place where foreign journalists are certainly not welcome. wherever we go in xinjiang, we are constantly hassled, detained, monitored and followed. like thousands of uighurs, abdurahman hassan has fled to turkey. he thought his wife and mother would be safe at home — he has since heard, he says, that they have been taken to the camps. translation: from early morning to late evening, she is only allowed to sit on a hard chair. my poor mother has to endure this punishment every day. my wife's only crime was to be born a uighur and, because of that, she lives in a re—education camp where she has to sleep on the ground. i don't know whether they are alive or dead. i can't bear it any more. i would rather they were executed than abused to death by the chinese government. he says he has no idea what's happened to his children. today, the british government raised its concerns about the treatment of muslims here, including restrictions on religious practice. such a frank statement in the middle of a prime ministerial visit will not go down well. china is seeking the uk's backing for a plan to use xinjiang's desert highways as a new economic corridor to central asia and beyond. it insists the threat of islamic terrorism — with a number of attacks in recent years — is a real one. can i ask you the question? is it difficult to answer questions? but a police state breeds fear. they're busy, they say. and can stoke the very resentments china says it's trying to stamp out. john sudworth, bbc news, xinjiang. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. a court in britain has found a man guilty of murder and attempted murder for deliberately driving his van into a group of muslims outside a london mosque. darren osborne killed one person and injured another nine in the attack, which prosecutors called an act of terror. a 12—year—old girl has been arrested by police in los angeles on suspicion of shooting and wounding two fellow pupils at a school. the mayor of calais has called for extra security measures after violent clashes between migrants. eighteen people are reported to have been injured in a series of fights between afghans and africans living rough in and around the town. four eritreans who were hit by gunfire are reported to be in a very serious condition. the eldest son of fidel castro has been found dead. he is reported to have taken his own life. he was 68. it looks increasingly likely that president trump is going to release a controversial memo accusing the fbi and justice department of bias against him. based on classified material, it was written by republican members of the house intelligence committee. the fbi has issued a public statement saying it has grave concerns about factual omissions, which fundamentally impact on the accuracy of the document. the democrats claim it's an attempt to distract from the russia investigation. rajini vaidya nathan reports. as he left the state of the union, the president was asked to release a memo. the worry, 10096. the president was asked to release a memo. the worry, 100%. can the president was asked to release a memo. the worry, 10096. can you |magine? memo. the worry, 10096. can you imagine? a memo which has been the talk of washington political circles for weeks. but what is in it, and white as a matter? well, it is related to the ongoing investigation into the drum campaign's ties to russia. a document is said to have alleged anti— donald trump buys in the fbi, specifically in the way that carter page was placed under surveillance. they argue that permission to wiretapping was based on unsubstantiated intelligence, the first british bobsled team to participate in the winter olympics. this is the moment that millions in iran had been waiting for. after his long years in exile, the first hesitant steps of and the anc leader, nelson mandela, after 27 years injail, is to be set free unconditionally. the aircraft was returning from belgrade, where manchester united had entered the semi—final of the european cup. two americans have become the first humans to walk in space without any lifeline to their spaceship. one of them called it a piece of cake. thousands of people have given the yachstwoman ellen macarthur a spectacular homecoming in the cornish port of falmouth after she smashed the world record for sailing solo around the world non—stop. very glad to have you with us on bbc news. the latest headlines... the british prime minister holds talks with the chinese president. they have been discussing trade, the environment and north korea. police investigating the death of the actress natalie would say they are now treating her husband as a person of interest. james cook reports from los angeles. natalie wood was hugely famous when she disappeared in 1981. she had been a child star and she had gone on to win the first of three oscar nominations for her performance in rebel without a cause. her body was found in 1981, thanksgiving weekend, off the coast of california's catalina island. she had been on board the family yacht with her husband, robert whyte now, her co—star christopher walken and the boat's captain. her death was initially ruled an accident but in 2011, the la county sheriff's department reopens an inquiry into the death and two of the detectives involved had now been speaking to cbs and they have given some details about that inquiry. they say it for example that two new witnesses on another boat had now corroborated reports of a fight between mr wipe—out and ms ward on the night that she disappeared. they now believe that mr whiteman was the last person to see her alive, but they say they do not know how she ended up in the water. please have not declared the death murder, no charges have been laid against robert wagner. he is now 87 years old, police say he refused requests to be interviewed by them for this investigation, and he has refused to comment on the latest developments. a french mountaineer who was rescued from one of the world's most deadly mountains has described the decision to abandon her climbing partner as "terrible and painful." elisabeth revol says she was forced to leave tomek mackiewicz, who was weak and bleeding, and descend nanga parbat in north pakistan on her own. sarah corker reports. elisabeth revol has severe frostbite on hands feet. doctors may have to amputate. she spent to freezing nights trapped on one of pakistan's most deadly himalayan mountains without a tent. she was with fellow climber and friend, tomek mackiewicz. he could not be rescued. translation: he was someone who is really passionate, who had a real desire to climb this mountain and he climbed it. the pair were climbing nanga parbat in northern pakistan, more than 8,000m high and nicknamed killer mountain. shortly after they reached a peak last week, they ran into trouble and an elite group of polish climbers were called in to rescue them. translation: we get to the top and he says i cannot see anything. at that point, i say listen, take my shoulder and let's go. because it was dark, will at 8,000m and he could not see anything. and his condition deteriorated with blood streaming from his mouth. elisabeth revol said she was told by rescuers to leave him behind. translation: they told me to go down to 6,000m and they could get tomek mackiewicz at 7,200m. it was the only way possible to rescue both of us are they made us to rescue both of us are they made us separate. and when i came down on the first night, help had not come, they had to spend a night outside without equipment, without a tent, without equipment, without a tent, without food. in the end, only she was rescued. her left foot is severely damaged, hallucinations caused her to take issue for five hours in freezing conditions. but despite this ordeal, she has not ruled out climbing —— but despite this ordeal, she has not ruled out climbing again. a year ago you might remember donald trump starting his presidency with a row about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. one year on the discussion has turned to the audience for tuesday night's state of the union address. mr trump has been boasting on twitter of the high ratings for his speech, saying: "115.6 million people watched, the highest number in history" — except that isn't true. the figure came from nielsen, and they say more people tuned in for all three of his predecessors. well, someone who once had the task of defending the president's claims is former white house press secretary, sean spicer. he's been speaking to the bbc. there were plenty of times when it was really painful, in the sense that i did something that i knew a step in and that those really difficult moments, the president was probably the most gracious. he would say i know what you're trying to say and it is just those guys in the media, they were looking to get you andi media, they were looking to get you and i know we did not mean it to come out that way. that helped time. it is an honour to do this and yes, i believe that we have to be honest with the american people. i think sometimes we can disagree with the fa ct. sometimes we can disagree with the fact. there were other times when he would say why would use that word? that it was not what we had talked about. there were moments of disappointment, again i would feel bad that i had not checked in with him why had articulated something in a way that was not really what he wa nted a way that was not really what he wanted expressed. but in most cases, the president was actually extremely gracious and frankly, forgiving. i think frankly, i approach the job gracious and frankly, forgiving. i think frankly, i approach thejob in a very traditional way for an untraditional president, and that is something that frankly, all of the folks in the white house and throughout the administration have learned. brackley, the media has learned. brackley, the media has learned that, other folks at capitol hilland learned that, other folks at capitol hill and outside stakeholders, that he rana hill and outside stakeholders, that he ran a nontraditional administration and is operating that way. other people like myself that have grown up in the system and approach thejob have grown up in the system and approach the job in a very traditional way, normally you would cityplace and know what the position of the administration was an go out and articulate it. the president is very hands—on and i think a lot of times raced on the state of negotiations, hasn't updated view that he wants to express any need to be in constant contact with him. there are things like saturday night live, they are iconic. there are skits that i remember from live, they are iconic. there are skits that i rememberfrom danny murphy and dan ackroyd that i can still decide by heart, and now to think that my kids are going yeah, but now you are one of them. sean sean spicer. the winter olympics are just around the corner, and for the first time ever nigeria will compete.three female athletes who make up the country's bobsled team have qualified for the games. our sports news correspondent alex capstick has gone to meet them at their training camp at lake placid. we are the nigerian women's bobsleigh team. we are the first team from the country of nigeria... the first team from the continent of africa... and the first team to be represented in the winter olympics in the sport of bobsleigh... pyeongchang. they're known as the ice blazers, going where no african has gone before. heading to a bobsleigh track at the olympics. the opening ceremony, that would be really cool. we werejust like, gosh, we are carrying the nigerian flag in a winter olympics. gosh! born in america, like her team—mates, seun adigun qualifies for nigeria through her parents, and it all began in her garage in houston with a home—made wooden sled. get on up, it's bobsled time! cool running! the exploits of the jamaican men's team at the calgary olympics in 1988 inspired a hollywood movie. comparisons are inevitable. it's really honourable, to say the least, that 30 years later people are still singing their praises, and to say that we are along that same path of what people consider to be legendary is really humbling and it's an honour to receive. just over a year ago, seun recruited two team—mates who take it in turns to sit behind the driver. they knew nothing about the sport and its risks. after going to whistler, that's the fastest track in the world, it was like, ok, this sport is actually pretty dangerous. you know, like people can get seriously hurt. behind all the excitement, the fun, the global exposure, is a group of women who have no desire to be considered a novelty act. rank outsiders, yes, but they also want to be taken seriously in their bid to set a new benchmark for africa at the winter olympics. people didn't think we had a chance to make it to the olympics, so i think when you talk about things like that, anything can happen and we are here to compete. the team know they are unlikely to become the first africans to stand on the podium at a winter games but they also know the olympics is about more than just medals. alex ca pstick, bbc news, lake placid. much more on bass, much more and all of the news any time on the bbc website. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. thank you for watching. hello once again. it was quite a windy day, to say the very least, on thursday — and coming from a pretty cold direction, from the north and north—west. the wind probably at its strongest across parts of scotland, especially across northern and western shores. there was some disruption to ferries. the only difference i can see about the wind on friday is that there'll be less of it. the isobars just that little bit further apart. it may not seem that way first up along the eastern shores of england — where you'll have a combination of quite a stiff north and north—westerly breeze, and also quite a supply of showers as well. those tending to lose their oomph as we get on through the day. out towards the west, maybe even some of these showers through western wales and the south—west will also lose their intensity. elsewhere, it's a really decent day. plenty of sunshine but not, again, overly warm if you're exposed to that breeze. temperatures dipping away underneath the clear skies until we bring cloud in, in association with a weather front from the atlantic. this is going to be the major feature of interest, certainly from a meteorological point of view, on saturday. if only because we're not quite sure how far east it's going to go, some of it wants to go that way, some of it wants to come this way. other portions of it mayjust go round and round as it forms a little low centre somewhere along its length. and where it stops going eastward is really quite important because, if you don't get all of the weather on at this front, you'll end up with a dry day, maybe even a bit of sunshine there. but on its eastern flank, because it's so cold, the moisture will turn to snow, particularly over the higher ground, i suspect. wherever it stops going eastwards, i think it is going to be all over cardiff. no great issues, france versus ireland in paris. the more westerly fixtures here affected by that rain. possibly a little bit of sleet and snow getting over the pennines, and the eastern fixtures in scotland, again i'm not promising that everybody is going to stay dry by any means at all. less in the way of rain or snow on sunday. there will be some snow showers coming down on this noticeable north—easterly wind into the far south—east. best of the sunshine — scotland and into northern ireland. and, if you're heading as far as italy for england's fixture on sunday, well, there really won't be many issues with the weather there, we suspect. so, the weekend — a real mishmash. the rain and snow come sunday will eventually ease across many parts, but it will remain cloudy and there will be that cold wind. monday is very much more straightforward until we bring more moisture from the atlantic. and tuesday's weather's going to be really tricky because there could be quite significant amounts of snow right across the heart of the british isles. stay up to date on the forecast for that one. this is bbc news. the headlines: the british prime minister is on the final day of her visit to china and downing street is saying nine billion pounds worth of deals are expected to be signed. theresa may has agreed a joint trade and investment review with china as the first step towards an "ambitious" post—brexit deal. with the chinese president she has also discussed hong kong, north korea, and human rights. police in the us say the veteran actor, robert wagner, is being treated as a "person of interest" in an investigation into the death of his wife, the hollywood star natalie wood. she was found dead off the california coast after going missing from the family yacht in 1981. the white house says donald trump will on friday release a secret memo accusing the fbi of political bias against the republicans. the report is believed to claim the fbi spied on a member of donald trump's campaign team. now on bbc news, it's time for thursday in parliament.

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Nanga , Punjab , Pakistan , Hollywood , California , United States , Eritrea , China , Shanghai , British Isles , United Kingdom General , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , Hong Kong , Jamaica , Turkey , Beijing , North Korea , Belgrade , Serbia General , , Xinjiang , Jiangxi , London , City Of , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Italy , Ireland , Washington , Iran , Baghdad , Iraq , Nigeria , Russia , Afghanistan , Chinese , Americans , Scotland , British , Nigerian , Britain , French , America , Eritreans , Jamaican , Afghans , American , Sean Spicer , Los Angeles , Robert Whyte , Natalie Wood , Dan Ackroyd , Theresa May , Teresa May , Nelson Mandela , Sarah Corker , Vaidya Nathan , Robin Brant , Christopher Walken , Darren Osborne , Abdurahman Hassan , Seun Adigun , Robert Wagner ,

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