Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And D

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20190603

one of the biggest films hasn't hit theaters yet. ♪ >> all right july 19th, industry analysts think it could be one of the highest grossing films o. year. and don't forget there's another disney film coming out later in the year, which is star wars, the rise of sky walker. >> the next trilogy on the way soon. stay with us, "early start" continues right now. president trump just arrived in london after breaking diplomatic etiquette with remarks that risk insulting some of his royal hosts. there is no basis whatsoever for impeachment. none. >> president trump defiant as congress returns to washington today. >> booed. two 2020 democrats hearing it at their own convention. what each candidate said to set off the crowd. alarming moments caught on camera right before a cruise ship slams into a smaller boat and the dock. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> pleasure to see you as always. i'm boris sanchez in for dave briggs. monday, june 3rd. 5:02 a.m. president trump arriving for a three-day state visit. here's the president emerging from air force one with the first lady in the last hour. he's already taken a sledge hammer to diplomatic etiquette, not only with remarks that risk insulting his royal host but also by plunging deep into the uk's messy political landscape. before leaving washington, trump made these remarks about brexiteer boris johnson, who's the front runner to become the next prime minister. >> well, i may meet with him. he's been a friend of mine. he's very nice. i have a very good relationship with him. i have a very good relationship with nigel farage, with many people over there. we'll see what happens. >> president trump getting into a spat with london mayor sadiq khan after khan put out an op-ed calling the president a global threat. mr. trump compared him to the mayor of new york. >> i don't think much of him. i think that he's the twin of de blasio, except shorter. >> before landing, president trump sent out a pair of tweets attacking khan, insulting his height among other things. let's go live to london and bring in cnn's clarissa ward. the timing interesting for president trump, amid an ongoing difficulty in the brexit negotiations and potentially a new prime minister coming soon. >> that's right, and i think that's exactly why here in the uk everyone is essentially girding themselves to see what will transpire during this three-day visit, what tweets will be tweeted by the president, whose feathers will be ruffled. as you mentioned, we have already seen some of that transpiring. we heard the tweet sent by the president just as he landed here in the uk, calling the london mayor, sadiq khan, a stone cold loser. he has also weighed in, as you mentioned, on the brexit debate, criticizing theresa may for her handling of the brexit negotiations, calling for his friend, boris johnson to be potentially a good prime minister, and also saying that far right populous brexiteer, nigel farage who is a controversial character saying that he should have a more central role in the negotiations surrounding brexit. so needless to say he is not disappointed on that front. now, he just arrived behind me in winfield house. this is the u.s. embassy residence of the u.s. ambassador about 20 minutes ago, a number of helicopters in the air. he's expected to essentially take a rest for a few hours before heading over to buckingham palace where there will be a welcoming ceremony. he will have a private lunch with the queen. as you mentioned, there is already the risk that he may have affected prince harry. his comments about prince harry's wife. of whom he said, i didn't know she was so nasty. the sun talking about meghan markle's comments years ago that if president trump was elected she might stay in canada. certainly there are plenty of pitfalls along the way, boris, but i think essentially this is a very important visit for a number of reasons specifically because the special relationship as it has come to be known is really challenged in a number of different ways. and it's very important for the uk at this stage, given the uncertainty that faces it in a post brexit world to try to lock down some kind of a trade agreement with president trump, and newscast what politicians here will be trying to do. bo boris and christine. >> very important issues underlying the pageantry. thank you so much, clarissa ward. back in washington z congre -- washington, congress is in session. president trump had this to say about the subject. >> there is no basis whatsoever for impeachment. none. there was no collusion. there was no obstruction. there was no crime. the crime was by the democrats. the crime was by the democrats. there is no legal basis for impeachment. it's a big witch hunt. everybody knows it, including the democrats. >> for more on the impeachment push, here's sarah westwood reporting from the white house. >> reporter: boris and christine, as talk about impeachment among democrats grows louder a new cnn poll shows that the public support for impeachment could also be on the rise. that poll found that 41% of people support removing the president. that's up from 37%, but the majority of people still pose removing president trump. 54% of people said they are opposed to impeachment. now, democratic house speaker nancy pelosi has been resisting calls within her caucus to start impeachment proceedings. she said on saturday the democrats should continue their oversight, and they should build an ironclad case against president trump. take a listen. >> in the united states of america. no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. >> and house majority whip james clyburn told cnn's jake tapper on sunday that he believes the president will be impeached but thinks there should first be a shift in public opinion. take a listen to what he had to say on state of the union. >> we do believe that if we sufficiently, effectively educate the public, then we will have done our jobs, and we can move on an impeachment vote and it will stand. >> special counsel robert mueller's emergence to emphasize that the obstruction part of his report does not exonerate president trump and to announce his resignation from the justice department has fueled talk among democrats of impeachment. a growing number of democratic lawmakers and 2020 presidential candidates and one lone republican congressman justin amash have expressed support for proceeding with impeachment based on what we already know from the mueller report, but other democrats fear that moving too quickly while the majority of people oppose removing president trump could ultimately backfire on democrats and perhaps even help president trump. boris and christine. >> sarah at the white house, thank you for that. president trump is weighing in on the virginia beach massacre. the president was asked sunday if he would support restrictions to gun silencers like the one used by the gunman in friday's deadly shooting. >> i don't like them at all. >> we now know the gunman resigned from his job as an engineer with the city before killing 12 people and wounding four others. according to a coworker, the suspect was brushing his teeth in the men's room, and he was exchanging pleasantries with him moments before opening fire. miguel marquez has the latest. >> reporter: christine, boris, what may be most disturbing about this situation is that nothing seemed to push this individual over the edge into this. we know that he e-mailed his resignation the morning before all of this took place, but the city manager saying that he had not been fired, that there was no process for him to be fired underway. there were no disciplinary issues that the department was dealing with, that he was in good standing with the department. this is the memorial, the official memorial. there's a couple around town that is starting to grow here at the police station, not far from where all of this took place. this is sort of a massive complex, government complex, the police departments here, two detectives were sitting at the police department when they heard that this was going on. one had the presence of mind to dawn a protective vest or protective gear as they rushed out the door. they engaged the suspect, the chief of police gives us a few more details. >> as the suspect was firing, he was moving. they were returning fire, and at one point, the suspect was firing through the door and through the wall at the officers and then the firing stopped. they eventually breached the door. >> reporter: this memorial has been growing now for some time. there are now 12 crosses, the names of each of the victims, their pictures and people are signing the crosses. people coming here for a little bit of connection, essentially, dropping off flowers, taking a knee, saying a prayer, and hoping that this community can get beyond this, virginia beach, virginia, now on the grim list of u.s. cities that have suffered this sort of violence. christine, boris. >> just awful and our condolences of those 12 families waking up to a new reality. wall street bracing for a fallout between worsening trade tensions. china retaliating on imports. that went into effect friday, cotton, machinery, grains and aircraft parts and investors are figuring trump's threat of tariffs on goods will hurt american businesses and the economy, the unexpected extan expansion of tariffs rattling wall street. futures down this morning. global markets all down around the world figuring a new week with new trade tensions. here's what president said about tariffs on mexico on sunday. >> everyone's coming through mexico, including drugs, including human trafficking, we're going to stop it. we're not going to do business, and that's going to be it. it's very simple. they're sending a big delegation right here to the white house on wednesday, as i understand it, and we'll see what can be done. but if it's not done, you know what we're going to be doing and i'm really okay with that. >> and the white house position is normal economic rules just don't apply in trump's economy. the president's acting chief of staff mick mulvaney explained. >> we put tariffs on china. we're putting tariffs on mexico. and inflation is still under control. american consumers have gone to products that are made in the united states, for example, that don't carry those tariffs. we think the same thing will happen here, and american consumers will not pay for the burden of these tariffs. >> tensions with mexico and china are not the only things keeping investors busy. on friday, announcing the u.s. would remove india from trade programs. india is america's 9th largest trading partner, its population crucial for american businesses and in the front page of the "new york times," a story from maggie haberman about aluminum, the white house is considering tariffs on aluminum, that country has an exemption but ultimately decided not to do that. just the multiple fronts of the trade war is what really is rattling global investor sg tor investors here mpl. nancy pelosi getting big applause, some democrats not getting as warm a reception though. >> two 2020 candidates booed by fellow democrats. we'll explain why next. if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. don't stoop to their level. draw the line with the roundup sure shot wand. it extends with a protective shield and targets weeds more precisely. it lets you kill what's bad right down to the root while guarding the good. roundup sure shot wand. got bugs too? roundup for lawns bug destroyer kills and prevents them, even grubs. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. stand up to chronic migraine with botox®. what if you had fewer headaches and migraines a month? botox® prevents headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or 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socialism is not the answer. i was reelected in a purple state. >> and former maryland congressman john delaney hearing the boo birds for his opposition to medicare for all. >> medicare for all may sound good, but it's actually not good policy, nor is it good politics. i'm telling you. i'm telling you. we should have universal health care. >> notably, former vice president joe biden did not attend the convention. an alarming scene in venice, italy. >> that is an out of control cruise ship crash entoing into tourist boat. it happened sunday in one of venice's biggest canals. the operator of the cruise ship said in a statement the vessel experienced a technical issue. while heading toward the terminal, officials with the local port authority say four people suffered minor injuries. if you counted the golden state warriors out after one game of the nba finals, you may want to reconsider. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report, next. t we're ao a cancer fighting, hiv controlling, 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kick off only 98, 99 days away. thank you so much, andy scholes. president trump arriving in london, and tweeting insults about london's mayor even before the plane landed. live coverage, next. shaving has been difficult for me. i have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. oh i love it. it's a great razor. it has that 'fence' in the middle. it gives a nice smooth shave. ♪ ♪ this simple banana peel represents a bold idea: a way to create energy from household trash. it not only saves about 80% in carbon emissions... it helps reduce landfill waste. that's why bp is partnering with a california company: fulcrum bioenergy. to turn garbage into jet fuel. because we can't let any good ideas go to waste. at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. to help the world keep advancing. ♪ behr presents: tough as walls. that's some great paint. ♪ that's some great paint. ♪ that's some great paint. behr. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with interior paints. paint, prime, protect - all in one. now that's some great paint! 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(burke) and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ president trump just arrived in london after breaking diplomatic etiquette with remarks that risk insulting his royal host. >> there is no basis whatsoever for impeachment. none. >> plus, the president defiant as congress returns to washington today. >> and two 2020 democrats booed after their own convention. what each candidate said to set off the crowd. we'll take you out to california in a bit. welcome back to "early start," i'm boris sanchez in for dave briggs. >> nice to have you here. dave has a day of r and r. nice to see you sitting in. i'm christine romans. the president just arrived in the uk for a three-day state visit. here he is, the president emerging from air force one just last hour with the first lady, and he's already, well, trampling on diplomatic etiquette, not only with remarks that risked insulting his royal hosts but also by diving right into the uk's messy political landscape. he made these remarks about brexiteer boris johnson, the front runner to become the next prime minister before leaving washington. >> i may meet with him. he's been a friend of mine. he's been very nice. i have a very good relationship with him. i have a very good relationship with nigel farage, with many people over there, and we'll see what happens. >> the president also getting into a spat with london mayor sadiq khan. khan called the president a global threat so in true trump form he punched back and compared him to the mayor of new york. >> no, i don't think much of him. i think that he's the twin of de blasio, except shorter. >> mayor de blasio is 6'5" inches tall. let's go live to london and bring in cnn's clarissa ward. >> reporter: that's right, christine. britains really have been bracing themselves for what this three day state visit, which is a big honor with president trump will bring. whose feathers will be ruffled, which diplomatic protocols will be flouted, which tweets will be tweeted and president trump has not disappointed. just as he was landing at stansted airport outside of london, he tweeted about sadiq khan, calling him a stone cold loser, certainly not the kind of language people here in the uk, are used to hearing, especially at this kind of a dignified event. now having said that, it's very clear that everyone in the uk understands this sort of epidemic s eccentricity of president trump so they expect this sort of thing, and they are laying on a major ceremony over the next couple of days. today he's currently taking a rest at winfield house behind me. that's the u.s. ambassador's residence. then he'll go to buckingham palace, a private lurcnch with e queen and prince harry, and given over the weekend, president trump speaking to the sun tabloid, said when he heard that meghan, the duchess of sussex, prince harry's wife had thought about moving to canada after president trump was elected, he said i didn't know she was that nasty. now, after that lunch, there will be a briefing at westminster abbey, a private tea with prince charles where the president says he hopes to raise his thoughts on climate change, and then of course there will be the state banquet, and this really is britain at its best. this is about pomp and circumstance, and it's about pageantry. and why is this so important? it's important because the uk right now needs this relationship to improve. the special relationship as it's been called historically is definitely challenged in this moment, and as the uk looks forward into a post-brexit world, it needs the support of the u.s. and needs to negotiate a trade deal with the u.s. notwithstanding some of the distractions we have come to expect from president trump regarding traditional protocol. this is a fundamentally important trip for the uk, and there is a lot that people are hoping to get out of it. christine. >> absolutely right. clarissa ward in london for us, thank you. we heard from clarissa what president trump said about the duchess of sussex, meghan markle, the president is denying he ever called her nasty. listen to what he said to reporters outside the white house before departing to the uk. >> are you going to apologize to the royal family after the comments about duchess markle. >> i made no bad comment. >> let's rewind and listen to what th what the president told the sun. >> she said she would move to canada. turns out she moved to britain. >> no, i didn't know that she was nasty. joining us is julian zelizer, professor of public affairs at princeton university. i don't think it's a surprise the president insulting meghan markle. he throws insults, especially when he feels, he's been affronted. the fact that he's telling us this is fake, that he didn't do it, when it's on tape. the president saying don't believe what you're hearing. >> he raises doubts and creates a confusion, and this is a small story, but this multiplies into big stories from voter fraud to other issues about the economy, and it leaves people a little bit unsettled and he tries to use that to his political advantage. >> that's a small part of the story. the big part of the story to take the real big overview is this is 75 years to the week this week that the u.s. and uk together basically, well, saved europe and rewrote the global power structure for another 75 years, and at this very moment, both of these countries are moving inward and rejecting the power structure that they designed. that's the backdrop of this whole event. >> that's a big picture look at what's going on, so those relationshiped form relationships formed in the cold war, is under challenge. it's frayed for many reasons, not just president trump but changes going on within england. this trip raises the question of where is this all going. >> what does a successful trip look like? what is a win for both countries? >> in some ways, not making big mistakes is kind of what everyone is looking for, which is not the best way to have a diplomatic pick. >> that's a high bar. >> that's what i do when i go to work every day. >> a win would be to have some kind of path as england settles its own decisions about brexit, its own relations, relations with the u.s. won't be coming apart. we just don't know how that's going to unfold. >> a big conversation stateside revolves around impeachment. let's put up this graphic. a poll cnn conducted asking voters how they felt on the issue of impeachment. the majority of people say that they do not believe that president trump should be impeached. 54% say no. 41% say yes. julian, you wrote for over the weekend talking about how nancy pelosi shouldn't be hesitating pursuing impeachment proceedings. a lot of people don't feel that it's politically the right move to make right now, but you suggest that democrats should move forward anyway. >> well, even that poll, 43, 42% support it is exactly where it was with nixon. in march of 1974 when we were deep into the crisis of watergate. i think ultimately speaker pelosi can't make these decisions based on political prognostications because i don't think they're as clear as she says, i think at some level, the party needs to decide based on issues of accountability and the evidence about what president did, and i think there's a lot at this point to say proceedings are warranted, regardless of a majority of the polls. >> what about the policy -- go ahead. >> i think that a lot of democrats are being cautious in part because of what we saw with bill clinton, republicans going after impeachment in the late 90s led to more support for the president because he painted it as a bipartisan persecution of him. the president has laid grounds to say this is a partisan effort to go after him. couldn't this backfire? >> it could backfire, but it could also backfire not doing anything. in the end, politically, they could play right into president trump's hands saying that democrats basically agreed there was nothing there over these two years. and bill clinton, and donald trump are two very different presidents, and the substance of the accusations are incredibly different, so sometimes historical analogies can trap a party into making the wrong decision. >> a similar economy under both. i think it's interesting, and president clinton got more credit for the economy than i think president trump is right now. let's talk a little bit about san francisco this weekend, the california democrats at the big convention, and booing two of them. this was a progressive crowd, i think. what do we take away from the democratic field from what we saw in california this weekend. to me, it says that this is a wide field with a lot of different position. >> it is. it's a pretty divided group, and there is this debate internally on the party about what should our principles be, and the center versus the left has become a big debate. california itself is interesting in that the primaries coming very early, in some ways, this is going to be as important as iowa and so the politics are very different in terms of how to position yourself. someone like kamala harris has a chance this this state to really make a big show, and so this convention is actually more than appealing to the left. it's dealing with a major decision maker in the democratic primary. >> we were showing you john hickenlooper who was booed for saying socialism is not the answer. i thought it was interesting. you have the president of the united states, republican, who is basically manipulating inside the american economy picking winners and losers. and i was like, wait a minute, which party are we talking about with socialism here, i'm confused sometimes. >> absolutely, and in many ways, the president is quite radical how he deals with the economy, the democrats look moderate in comparison. >> the white house will try to paint the democrats. julian, nice to see you this monday morning. 42 minutes past the hour, a shark attack at a north carolina beach. we've got those details next. johnson & johnson is a baby company. but we're also a company that controls hiv, fights cancer, repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms, helps you back from strokes, and keeps you healthy your whole life. from the day you're born we never stop taking care of you. from the day you're born straight from the world's best plant scientists comes miracle-gro performance organics. it's miracle-gro's next big thing. ♪ ♪ organic plant food and soil that finally work. ♪ ♪ and work... and work. ♪ ♪ and yes we did say organic. for twice the bounty, guaranteed. miracle-gro performance organics. organics finally grow up. and up, and up. why go with anybody else? 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[ grumbling ] all: sausages! mmm, mmmm. bon appetite. make time for what matters. pause your wifi with xfinity xfi and see the secret life of pets 2 in theaters. to save 30% on all the medications we carry. so go directly to now. president trump is weighing in on the virginia beach massacre. the president was asked sunday if he would support restrictions to gun suppressors or silencers like the one used by the gunman in friday's shooting. listen to his response. >> i don't like them at all. >> we know the gunman resigned from his job as an engineer with the city before killing 12 people and wounding four others. according to a coworker, the suspect was brushing his teeth in the men's room and exchanging pleasantries with him just moments before opening fire. miguel marquez has the latest. >> reporter: christine, boris, what may be most disturbing about this situation is that nothing seemed to push this individual over the edge into this. we know that he e-mailed his resignation the morning before all of this took place. but the city manager saying that he had not been fired, that there was no process for him to be fired underway. there were no disciplinary issues that the department was dealing with, that he was in good standing with the department. this is the memorial, the official memorial. there's a couple of them around town right now that is now starting to grow here at the police station not far from where all of this took place. this is sort of a massive complex, government complex. the police department is here, two detectives were sitting at the police department when they heard that this was going on. one had the presence of mind to don a protective vest or gear as they rushed out the door. they engaged the suspect. the chief of police gives us a few more details. >> as the suspect was firing, he was moving. they were returning fire. at one point, the suspect was firing through the door and through the walls at the officer and then the firing stopped. they eventually breached the door. >> reporter: this memorial has been growing now for some time. there are now 12 crosses, the names of each of the victims, their pictures and people are signing the crosses. people coming here for a little bit of connection, essentially, dropping off flowers, taking a knee, saying a prayer, and hoping this community can get beyond this, virginia beach, virginia, now on the grim list of u.s. cities that have suffered this sort of violence. christine. boris. >> miguel, thank you for that this morning. a north carolina teenager is recovering in the hospital this morning after she was bitten by a shark. authorities say 17-year-old page winter was swimming off the atlantic beach on sunday when she was attacked by a shark. she was air lifted to a hospital in greenville, north carolina, treated to deep rlacerations in her hands: watch th. watch this. it could be a scene from a disaster movie. it happened this weekend in venice, an out of control cruise ship crashing into a tourist boat sending people on the dock running for their lives. it happened on sunday in one of venice's busiest canals. the operator of the cruise ship said in a statement, the vessel experienced a technical issue. loc global stock markets are down around the world after beijing says it will not back down in the trade war with the u.s. beiji beijing squarely blaming the u.s. for a break down in talks. on wooall street you've got futures lower by about a third of a percent. we'll watch to see if this holds into the opening bell. friday was a tough day, the dow fell 305 points, on the president's threat to punish mexico with tariffs. that's the longest losing streak since june 2011. the nasdaq fell 1.5%. look for may, those numbers on your screen i think are really interesting, the dow and s&p down 6%, the worst month since that terrible december. the nasdaq fell 7% on the month. that was the worst may for tech stocks since 2010. now despite rising trade war tensions, some perspective here, stocks are at least 21% higher since president trump's inauguration day. high fuel prices, trade tensions and the 737 max grounding all add up to a terrible year for the airline industry. the international air transport association expects the aviation industry will earn a $28 billion in profit this year. that's the lowest forecast for the industry since 2014. the trade group also expects airlines costs to grow 7.4% this yo year mainly because of higher oil price, the group didn't mention the boeing groundings, that plane, the 737 still one of the industry's most important. airlines are dealing with cancelled flights because of that crisis and that's hurting their profits. all right. there's a new king at the box office. yep, "godzilla" took the number one spot over the weekend, bringing in just over 49 million. the film beat out aladdin and "rocketman", two of the year's biggest films haven't hit theaters, disney's remake of the lion king debuts july 19th. many analysts think it could be one of the highest grossing fil films of the year, and there's this, yep, disney world released "star wars, rise of skywalker" in december. we'll be right back. ...when a plan stops being a plan and gets set into motion. today's merrill can help you get there with the people, tools, and personalized advice to help turn your ambitions into action. what would you like the power to do? hi, do you have a travel card? we do! the discover it® miles card. earn unlimited 1.5 miles on every purchase, plus we'll match your miles at the end of your first year. you'll match my miles? yeah! mile for mile! and no blackout dates or annual fee. nice! i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip! i love that. or maybe go surfing... or not. ok. maybe somewhere else. maybe a petting zoo. can't go wrong. can't get eaten. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. plus no annual fee or blackouts. the discover it® miles card. give you the alrprotein you needin 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. senator kirsten gillibrand said the future is female and intersectional, that led to this interesting moment in a town hall. >> what i mean by our future is female, is we want more women's voices heard. i was so inspired by the 2018 election, those 120 women who ran in the red and purple places across the country broke through our first two muslim american women, our first to native american women, young women, diverse women and so we want women to have a seat at the table. >> what about the men? >> they're already there. do you not know? >> during the town hall, gillibrand even slammed fox news itself for what he called the network's false narrative on abortion rights. students at marjorie stoneman douglas high school got a surprise visitor at their graduation ceremony sunday. retired nba star dwayne wade. it's been over a year since 17 people were killed in the veterans d valentine's day massacre. wade chanted a mantra from one of his favorite movies, red tails. >> nothing's difficult through adversity to the last man, to the last minute, to the last second. we fight. we fight. we fight. let's go. thank you, guys. msd strong. >> wade was touched by the story of parkland victim juaquin oliver whose parents buried him in a miami heat jersey wade's number. >> love dwayne wade. a clutch three-pointer stealing the win for the golden state warriors sunday night. >> back to iguodala, iguodala puts it up, it's gone. >> showing why he's a former finals mvp, the warriors winning over the toronto raptors, the series moving to oakland for game three wednesday night. not clear if kevin durant is even going to play in game three. it's getting interesting. >> it is getting interesting. it is monday, hope you have a great rest of your day. thanks for joining us, i'm christine romans. >> i'm boris sanchez. with . the president is setting the stage for his visit to the uk. >> i didn't know she was nasty. >> if we educate the public we can move on impeachment and it will stand. >> there was no collusion. there is no basis whatsoever for impeachment. >> there was not one republican in the senate that would vote for impeachment. why waste your time? >> announcer: this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day." monday, june 3, 6:00 here in new york. we begin with breaking news. president trump beginning his state visit to the uk and shattering diplomatic etiquette in the process. the president attacking london's mayor as air force one landed in london. mr. trump also called duchess meghan markle nasty and denied it even though there was audio of it which we will play. he also weighed in to british politics. in the past that was seen as a no-no by a foreign leader. >> the president and first lady head to buckingham palace where the pageantry begins and who knows what else. they'll have a private lunch with queen elizabeth. prince harry will be there, meghan markle will not. we'll carry the key moments for you live. this visit just as theresa may has a bet to step down as leader of the party resigning as prime minister. in washington as congress com

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