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extraordinary that a philosophy of that nature would be spoken by a president of the united states. >> steve: but he did. >> eric: what was nice mitt romney was on the defense. he was defending his tax record and time a bain capital and depending he wanted to be booed at the naacp and maybe it was this comment from president obama that awoke the sleeping giant and put him on offense . that was a mitt romney that we haven't seen before and needs to last next four months. >> gretchen: it is interesting, the way he described it was not only the top of the line ceo's that are depended but the average joe. i said joe. remember yesterday i was equating this comment to the joe the plumber moment in the 2008 campaign it will be interesting to see whether or not it keeps its legs as it moves forward. >> steve: the president of the united states was in san antonio where he declared that texas would be a swing state. that was a jaw dropping. he did his best to clarify what he had said a couple of days earlier. let's see if you think he accomplishes that task. >> the history of how he built the country was everyone having a chance to pursue their dreams and together building an opportunity that made us the envy of the world and so i don't believe that we should try once again something that didn't work. but we need to keep pursuing a strategy that said let's make the investments in the american people that will help us grow but also create ladders of opportunity for everybody. >> steve: we are all in this together was it is tune. and don't dwell on the gloomy numbers that are out there. better times and brighter days are around the corner. stick with me. >> gretchen: if i was a obama surrogate like corey booker and others i wouldn't want to go on to say we agree. we had the mayor of tampa who happened to get the question and he didn't agree with it. so if you have a mayor in the town in florida who doesn't agree with it. you have to wonder about the bigger name democrats and what they are thinking about that kind of comment. >> eric: it seems like every time president obama goes off prompter, it is doing, whether it is economy is doing fine. and they say no, we have a lot of work to do. this time he said business, government is to thank for the success. will they put him back on prompter. >> gretchen: it it was one of the main criticisms from the opponents saying, hey, he can't give a peach without looking at teleprompter. at the elementary school. he spoke with a teleprompter and you need to be able to speak without it >> eric: there is not a teleprompter in the debates. >> steve: this is what they are saying, they are trying to wean him off of the teleprompter. >> eric: it would be hard for him to stand there with a teleprompter and mitt romney without one. a member of the president's cabinet had an interesting observation about the loss of teleprompter age and what the president said. >> we have a president whose statement this weekend was a disgrace. for him to tell the people that take the chances to create jobs they didn't do it, i think it is insulting and i cannot imagine how that thought popped in his head. i do notice he went off teleprompter and that is probably part of the reason. but him to reveal his real feelings about the country that way was not smart in a political campaign. >> steve: we'll be talking live about how dick morris it could impact the swing states and mr. romney attacked the president in pennsylvania which currently is a swinger. >> gretchen: a scare on the runway. a pilot scaling a barbed wire fence and trying to steal a company plane. brian hedgeland was on the run from police in colorado where he was accused of killing his girlfriend. he clipped it in the terminal in the airport in utah later killed himself before the plane took off. >> he knew how to get in the vessel and cabin. >> gretchen: sky west said hedgeland was on administrative leave. missing cousins might have been abducted. family members now forethe worst. it is not a river and current. i don't think that there is in the lake. it is like a dead end as far as we know. i wouldn't be able to function when i think about what is going on and could have happened. >> gretchen: the eight year old and 10 year old were last seen leaving their grandmother's house on the bike. launching another bid to block police from checking the illegal at that timus. the supreme court ruled that the arizona police could have enforced the so called show me the papers. groups with the aclu said it would lead to racial profiling. lone star, texas. grainsville, texas is the most patriotic town in the country. it is standing out. gainsville holds the it every year. it is the best of the road contest and congratulations to the folk in grainsville. >> steve: the day before the national atheist conference. athiest are going to saint paul? they are going to have a event in the minor league festival for the st. paul saints. they are going to take big posters and rename the team from st. paul saints to the mr. paul ain'ts because it is sponsored by the athism group. >> gretchen: a lot of people will be upset. you have to keep in mind they do different kind of theme nights. they have had christian concerts and jewish heritage night and here is the minnesota atheist spokesperson defending the atheist night in the ball park. everybody had a belief in something and ain't is a word. we ain't got a belief in god. >> i know if you do have a belief in god you might not want to go to the game. >> eric: it is terrible business sense for baseball, and american pie and people in america love our religion. isn't it a syncroinized swim. august 10th. we can say a prayer for rain on that one night. steve stove that was very affective. what are they going to do for the 7th inning stretch singing "god bless america". what is going to happen! >> eric: maybe lady gaga. >> gretchen: one of the blogers said it was dog bless america. that is a cold shower for mr. hot tub and something is done about the gsa wasting tax dollars. >> eric: mr. stuart varney walking in the studio. stunning new evidence and he's been right all along. ♪ [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... 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(sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> president obama told cbs news that the biggest mistake of his first term was not good enough story teller. i have to disagree. i think he has told great stories. the one of cutting the deficit in half . guantanamo bay closing that is fantastic. >> gretchen: like jay leno is taking aim. they said there was nothing to funny to joke about . i think comedian found him stuff . >> steve: you will not see david letterman say bad. it is just anti-mitt romney >> brian: it is like where they like to take it . >> eric: we had teleproster jokes. >> steve: yes. tele>> gretchen: it had its own blog. we'll do headlines. a stunning day on capitol hill. one of hsdc top executives announcing his resignation shocking report that the u.s. exposed drug money from mexico andling would to terrorism. >> i have thought about the bank's function and i recommended to the group that now is the appropriate for me and else to head. there will be an orderly transition of this report. >> gretchen: he was mentioned for ignoring warnings. it is the second time in 10 years hsbc is fighting reports of money lawnering. >> steve: the state of minnesota is found 24,000 fraudulent driver's license. and facial recognition scan found 1.3 million duplicates . wait there is more. it gets worse. people are using fake licenses to collect welfare is money. one guy was getting government benefits for a decade and convicted of forgery and departed. and did president obama snub the naacp for ophrah. he passed up a chance go in person. his campaign said it didn't work with his schedule. but we know that we found the same day president obama and first lady sat down with ophrah win free for an interview. she will not be out there for him this time. ophrah went to new hampshire to interview mitt romney. >> gretchen: she's not doing a show anymore. she could have would the date. i woman in oregon trying to sell her house. it reads. a husband left us for a 22. slightly scorned and new owner and adulterers need not apply. she hopes this will attract a buyer. >> i am corned and i am hurt and bit yer sad. and none of us wants the house to end up in foreclosure. her exhusband gave her permission to put up the sign. so far, no bit bidders. getting the dough. >> steve: it is all about the hot. you will be cooking later. widely scattered showers in the northern plains and down on the gulf coast of texas and also louisiana and alabama and mississippi and florida at this hour . current temperatures as you head out of the door. 70s and 80s all over the map with the exception of the pacific northwest. and portions of new england. and 64 right now in caribou main. forget about the 106 in arizona. in new york city with a temperature of 94 . same as raleigh and it will feel like 100 or 105 later on today. >> it will be 105 in kansas city and missouri. 99 in dallas and 84 in tampa and up in the northern plains where we go for relief. it is going to be 96 today in rapid city. no word in denver where it will be 95. >> eric: not now and not for the high of the day. stove steve when we have the map at foo eric will send me a message room temperature. >> eric: it is room temperature in l.a. >> steve: it is barely room temperature in here. >> gretchen: it is always below room temperature. no shame in success . this after the president said the maul business owners have the government to thank. >> you a business. you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> the id to say that steve jobs didn't build apple and hen row ford didn't build ford motor . that papa john didn't build papa yawn piz a. to say that is foolishness and insulting to every entrepreneur and innovator in america it is wrong. >> gretchen: the president and governor not seeing eye to eye on this. how are voters seeing it. especially the voters in the key swing state. we'll have authour dick morris. dick, is this going to matter and be the joe the plumber. president obama won the election after the joe the plumber moment. will it affect the outcome. >> it is an important moment and one of four times in his life that i heard obama really explain who he is. one is when he spoke about bitter people clingging to their religion and guns and another with joe the plumber and spread the wealth around . in kansas rugged individualism doesn't work and now if you accomplish success in your you didn't do it yourself you are standing on machine else's shoulders. the whole line against individualism and initiative runs sharply counter to the american narrative. it is more attuned to the pene pone one that values civil service and government involvement and humanitarian efforts. i think you can remake american politics if you are lucky. but you can't remake our culture except over a long period of time. >> steve: the president went off the teleprompter and a lot of people say. conservatives said mitt, you have to hit back. was he successful. >> yes, i am delighted that rom no hit back. there has to be more counter punch he did a heck of a job of doing that. the american people strongly believe in individualism and that is the core of our country and they had to identify one motif. individualism as opposed tism. >> eric: point out in occasions where obama showed him . we are five-days away from fundmentally changing america . he gave us a look. he's doing it and yet the vores don't seem to hear it, why is that. >> they didn't in '08 but are herring now. the wreckage of his vision is all around us . when he explains his views. we come to understand why the wreckage better. >> gretchen: will it affect the voters in the swing states. a lot of people are amazed that it is a neck and neck race nationally . in the swing states president obama is winning . how will this affect. >> gretchen, he's not winning, he's losing by a lot. the polls of likely voters show a close race. but the undecided always goes against the incumbent. you talk about marital history. i said you can be married to the same guy next year and i said yes. i said are you undecide you said not in the least. if you are undecided you wouldn't say good things about the marriage. >> gretchen: i am only concerned about the election and not my marriage. >> steve: you said hillary clinton has a underhanded way to get a treaty passed regarding the united nations and gun control. treaties have to get ratified by the senate. but there is manage on the books that let them back door this thing. >> exactly. on july twenth. hillary is going to sign a global arms control treaty it is a purpose to shop guns to being shipped to criminal gangs. but the un body will control guns throughout the world. it is opposed by 58 u.s. senators and more than enough to kill it under the vienna convention which the united states signed. once we sign the treaty we are bound by it until the senate rejects it or the president renounces it . her strategy is to sign the treat yebind the united states and harry reid will never bring it up for a vote and obama will not renounce it. on my website dicknoris petition to protest it to the skies. i urge people to circulate it. it is one of the few times on broadcast or cable television people have been informed about this. it is great that "fox and friends" is doing it. but abc, cbs nbc are silent and that leads to confiscation. >> eric: at a try to get the other gun. with the other hand holding on to the constitution. >> the treaty has the force of a constitutional amendment under the suplemacy clause. it would repeal the second amendment. >> steve: interesting that harry reid will not bring it up it becomes law by default. thank you, sir, have a great day. >> gretchen: coming up on "fox and friends", a single mom is better off on welfare than taking jobs for $69,000. who is at fault the mom or the white house. >> eric: who is more embarrassing? mom or dad. we'll veal the most pitiful parent. it is so obvious. the mom. ♪ [ male announcer ] summer is here. and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st. we take it on ours. this summer put your family in an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz now for an exceptional price during the summer event. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st. >> gretchen: did you know that a single mom is better off taking welfare than a job making $69,000 a year. and good morning to you, star. >> guest: good morning. >> gretchen: how is it that a single mother is better off on welfare than take a good job. >> guest: this is the problem with liberalism and welfare state model. a one size fits all programming that just piles on benefits. and at a certain point there are diminishing returns . the benefit package is much greater than them going back to work. when you start this type of model and take the individual out of the equation and all about benefits, this is that type of scenario . i am glad aei is pointing it out. >> gretchen: it is call would the welfare cliff in action. single mother and income $69,000. and the net income for welfare $57,000. and single mom of two out working for $69,000 . net enemy is less . $57,045. how does that happen? >> guest: we calculate the mom all of the food benefits which we have talked about extensively on "fox and friends" and health care benefits and medicaid is bankrupting our nation and day care . when you count all of the costs and take the scenario where you have a single mom who is working. these costs are hers. health care perhaps are shared by the employer but the food costs and child care costs. yes, it is a point where you incent vise staying at home and/or working a lesser job and staying on the welfare program and getting out there and not only work. one of the concerns is starting a business. the risk that you have in developing out a health yewhole life weather where you are responsible for the decisions and welfare of your children are less than the benefits of saying i will let the government take care of me. >> gretchen: doesthere is a lot of welfare reforms are untied and bed rest personal care and massage and exercise and journalism and motivational read et cetera, is this going to playy in more people feeling more comfortable on the government doyle. >> guest: not only more people on the government doyle, it will feed in the frustration that hard working americans are feel why the elections are critical. what is happening, the power that comes from one department hss. department of the health and human services that handles our medical and welfare programs makes these types of decisions. the congress passed the bill and your governor adheres to this. they say you don't have to work anymore. we'll determine what qualifies for work. if you have a headache, you don't have to work anymore. american people are tired of this. the general population of american people are tired of it. you get up and come to work every day. >> gretchen: i have to wrap tup. have a great rest of the week. good to see you. coming up on "fox and friends" a piece of history is up for sale. the government used imminent do main to force them out. we told you the founder of media matters trying to take down fox news. there are details about his ties to the obama campaign. ♪ my brother doesn't look like heart attack patient. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. >> eric: welcome back more controversy on media matters whose self proclaimed goal is to take down fox news. there is a special super pac that works behind the scene with obama. david brock in addition to heading up media matters a couple of years ago started american bridge 21st century which is a super pac. >> guest: that's right. >> steve: who have they teamed up with. >> guest: george soros gave a million and most democratic, their identities is secret. you can give money to it. and the law specifies it cannot be in on coordination to the campaign. but david brock is head of media matters and he has tensively coordinated with the white house is for the obama campaign. we have documented between brock and the white house and running the super pac. >> steve: that is clear violation of campaign law. >> guest: it is clear to me. it is not something that the government went after him. you can say well, that is capacity as a head of another organization. but it is a problem. >> steve: the hypocicy. said super pacs are a bright and terrible. >> guest: they are for special interest. >> steve: he's embraced them now he's in a tough go. >> guest: they are having trouble raising money for the campaign in a straightforward way. they are relying on outside groups. they are very much inside of the 10. stove steve they are out to destroy fox news and a super pac is raising millions. can the super pac use million to try to take down fox news, too? >> guest: anything it wants and david brock said many times he's on the jihad fox news. and also christianity and part of their stated goal is to fight christian propaganda and long history against israel. that money n attack whomever they want. >> steve: good you brought the story to the attention. thank you for joining us from the bureau. great. wild ride and ends a unbelievable crash and half million worth of equipment miss bigger problem. you know who paid for it? stimulus. all of us right back. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. ♪ [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm. thanks. [ man ] at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. [ female announcer ] and now, try our new chocolate chip cookie 90 calorie brownie. gotta get that bacon! baco! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you, i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth! >> hope you have a great wednesday. i am gretchin karlson. mitt romney comes out swinging. >> president obama attacks success and therefore under president obama we have less success and i will change that. [applause] >> gretchen: so is this an issue that voters are paying attention to now and could divide them? we report and you decide. >> eric: mitt is not the only one to disagree with president obama. one obama backer said it is not cool. >> i surf the web and text lol. omg . oh, my god . wtf. why the face? i know the steps to the high school mucal. >> steve: we are not as cool as we thought. hour two starts right now. it is not cool when we are getting in the car and my wife is saying, you are not wearing that. i am right then. >> gretchen: talk black socks. >> steve: it is a wrinkled shirt and pants i wore for a week . not looking like urkel. >> gretchen: i am thinking of one embarrassing moment. eric you said it was moms who were more embarrassing. >> eric: do we know the answer to the study. >> gretchen: i think we gave it away. >> eric: i think it is mom that that are less cool. >> gretchen: it is two-one as far as gender. >> steve: in the meantime we told you about what the president of united states said in roanoke, virginia. you have a business you didn't build that. somebody else . and people can't get to the internet unless people taught them. mitt romney who was beaten over the head with bain capital is bad . where are your tax . he kept his powder dry yesterday in pennsylvania. he went on the attack against the president, listen. >> he describes people who we care about and school teachers and firefighters and people who build roads. we need those things and we value school teachers and firefighters and you couldn't have a business if you didn't have those things. we you know, pay for those things. the taxpayers pay for government. it is not like government just provides them and thank you, government for doing those thingings. in fact we pay for them and we benefit and appreciate the work they do and sacrifices that are done by the people who work in government. >> gretchen: that is an interesting point. oh, yeah, somebody pays for the stuff that the government provides. that is important to make that sort of counter punch point. a lot of people were fired up if they were mitt romney supporters. finallyy . a lot of people are waiting for mitt romney to fight back because he's been on the defensive with all of the attacks coming from the president obama. >> eric: he rolled up his sleeves and a lot of people are waiting for him to come out. it is fantastic and he goes throughh energy, he goes through regulation and teaching and education . and he outlines his plan for america and for the first time you saw a real passion in the man. i have a hunch and look. that swings the numbers a little. >> steve: this is one of the first times that the president went off prompter and obviously off script and then last night in san antonio. the white house scripted something that the president said my point is we are all in this together. we do well. but conservatives said that what mr. obama has done is revealled himself to be a big government and central government guy, and where if you want to get ahead in the world you have to have a good gigantic government. >> gretchen: i don't know how you sping or it doesn't matter. it is two different ideologies and the way in which america is moving forward. some people argue that what president obama said differs with how they describe the american dream. and so is it that -- it is that poignant of a moment. whether or not, people are not paying attention to the election until after the conventions and debates . so does the thing have leg to continue as part of the conversation. >> eric: it is conversation. and look at it this way. this is a big boxing match. romney is back and taking heat from the obama campaign on anything they can throw at him and he was deflecting and that sound bite from president obama turned it. they flipped them around and now mitt romney is on the offense and throwing the punches . obama trying to clarify is now defending. >> gretchen: see if they stay on that. there is a new campaign adand about the president tting jobs over seas. mitt romney should put out an adand resonates with the american voters. >> steve: he said the american economy has mot seen success because the president has been attacking success . meanwhile, somebody who had the keys in his pockets to air force one is former president george bush. he's out promoting a new book right now that is put out by the george w. bush called the four percent solution . he sat down with peter robinson in the hoover institute and asked questions about mitt romney. gwb is out of the spotlight but said this about mitt. >> either you are in and out of the politics and i am chosegen to be out of them. given the nvironment with all of the blogs and this and that and the otherings. i told -- it is pretty unattractive. i crawled out out of the wamp and i am not crawling back n i am interested in politics and i am a supporter of mitt romney and i hope he does well. but he can do well without me. >> steve: since he was promoting the book, they no longer have book stands. he's all about the ipad. former president is a big fan of the ipad. >> gretchen: talk a bit about how the high ranking democrats feel about the president's comments. and the influence of government. what was like mayor corey booker. he came out and said stop the attacks on private equity and he was pretty much hut down. other high-ranking democrats. one of them who was a huge entrepreneur and supporter of obama. this is what he said. he is a president. >> the message coming out from the democratic is a critism of wealth or wealth creators and what that does, it penalizes for and makes people uncomfortable with being successful orelth withy and most americans aspire to achieve one or both of those. i think the government has to make the case once they made the cuts before they ask american to pay more. if nothing is done there will be a tax increase. if he and congress don't extend the bush tax cuts and they should, then we are going to get a tax increase. in this kind of environment we don't need a tax increase. >> steve: one of the reasons that big business people, even though he is democratic side but coming against the president, it is because the administration is anti-business. >> gretchen: a attack in sir yampt leaving a defense minister dead. some of the officials are seriously wounded. the capitol had seen four straight days of clashes and rebels are trying to bring down the assad regime. a scare on the runway. a pilot scaling a bob wired fence trying to steal a company plane. he was on the run from police in colorado. he was accused of stabing to death his former girlfriend. hedgeland clipped it into the terminal and a fence in the st. george municipal airport in utah and later killed himself before the plane took off. >> he knew what he was going for and get in the plane and operate it. >> gretchen: sky west said he was on administrative leave. >> there is a possibility that the girls from iowa may have been abdoubted . the police drained the lake where the bikes were found. family members say they fear the worst. >> my daughter -- it is not a river or current. i don't think that they are in the lake. not at all. i think it is a dead end fars we know so far. i wouldn't be able to function if i was thinking about what happened. >> gretchen: eight year old elizabeth colins and 10 year old lyric cook were last seen leaving their grandmother's house. a driver's wild ride ends in a crazy cash. >> oh, my gosh. there it went. >> what happened? >> no. oh, my gosh. >> the driver going the wrong way for miles and amazingly the two women inside of the suv is hit and walked away with only bumps and bruises. one had a broken shoulder. that is the driver of the other car and charged with wreckless driving. >> steve: it looked like the driver of the car that documented what was happening. maybe not a good idea for the driver to take pictures. depretch gretch spending hours wait always late. dr. ablo is here with the diagnosis. >> eric: you are a business owner you shouldn't just pat yourself on the back. >> you didn't get there on your own. i am always struck because people say i am so smart. >> steve: one maul business owner said the president threw a grenade at the small business and he's here. that's next . [ male announcer ] at scottrade, you won't just find us online, you'll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide. so when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. because personal service starts with a real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our support teams are nearby, ready to help. it's no wonder so many investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful, efficient c250 sport sedan with an agility control sport-tuned suspension. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. ♪ the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st. ♪ >> gretchen: president obama takes aim at entrepreneur and now mitt romney is fighting back. >> the idea to say that steve jobs didn't build pull exul and henry ford didn't build ford mort and bill gates didn't build microsoft. that is not just foolishness but insulting to every entrepreneur and innovator in america. >> gretchen: is entrepreneur feeling insulted. gary sloan is an entrepreneur. we should explain you are not only in charge of this company but you deal with 100,000 small businesses in the country. >> guest: we have 100,000 business customers and many of them are entrepreneur and independent businesses typically and they are offended by the president's comments. many of them had personally signed on loans and worked 80 hours a week to make their business successful. >> gretchen: the president tried to reexplain and spin the words. i want to paraphrase what he said. we need to keep pursuing a strategy and make the investments in the american people and help us grow and create ladders of tint. is that different than what he said friday. >> guest: he's trying to water it down and not be so offensive to the owners and wealth builders. but frankly wealth builders do a lot for the employees and chair orgs . and he's trying to walk it back a bit. but frankly he's done the damage and embraced a cultural and fill softical divide where he wants wealth reed >> gretchen: that was my question. i see it as a difference in ideology and i wonder what the feed back has been with the small businesses that you deal with on a daily business. >> guest: our business owners are offended by the comments because they feel they have earned the right to be successful and they do a greatt job in their communities. they give charit yehire people and build taxes that builds roads and bridges that allows everybody to drive to work in the morning. we need to put accolades on the for the government. it is people who created the taxs and revenues. >> gretchen: the government gets in the way of running a small business from time to time. >> guest: government is interfering for the ability for the economy and pie to grow which benefits all americans. >> thank you for your thoughts this morning. thank you. coming up to "fox and friends". half million is miss bigger problem. stim tim money paid for it . so much for creating jobs with that dough. a piece of history is on the block. the government used imminent do main to force them out. that story is coming out. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. first 831 billion dollars, that's how much president obama's stimulus plan really cost. and they create about a million jobs and that cost 831,000 per job. and 500,000 bucks and that is how much equipment was paid for stimulus money and the department of the energy . the department now is unable to locate andly this one. 75 percent. so many jobs have gone to men since june 2009 in the men session in and in recovery mode. they are doing better with manufacture construction jobs are coming back. steven. >> thank you, eric. >> for many, many years. in new jersey, it is a staple in this community and opening 100 years ago . now the market is forced to clotes - close their doors after a county closed a nearby bridge. it closed for three months. main problem it turns the bridge remain in a one year project. joining us right now property owners of the new market. good morning to you. anthony delapeel and an imminent do main authority. you guys in the 2800 were going to buy the place and live the dream. >> we were excited about it. it is an adorable hundred year old build asking worked hard to change it . were together day and night . then. >> steve: the bridge over there right next to you. we have to fix it. it was the year. >> building a new subway up town. it is all of the businesses next to the construction here in new york. half of them are shuttered and soon as they detoured the traffic away from your business. >> it is a driving route and not a walking route. we lost business. >> we lost the other people. the kids that go to bus at school and even in the afternoon. we lost our whole life of street. it just went away. >> they lost the tenants that moved out and what makes us different than the businesses on 2 inn avenue. construction equipment blocked the driveway which was the main property. we were part of that project and not just next to it. >> steve: they made a generous offer. for the wear and tear how much money. >> $9000 >> chris: how much would you estimate that cost you so far. >> $500,000. >> chris: $500,000. that's where you come in. >> the case is pendog hope to be in court and making our damage claim in the case. >> chris: aside from your business it is hard on you as a couple. you are in the process of splitting up. and i imagine you are looking to just sell the place so you have money going forward. >> we have a buyer in waiting and we are about to close. >> it took a long time. and the sale price is much lower than what they invested for. >> steve: it is heart breaking . we had a statement from the county attorney's office. the property had acess and detour was less than a thousand feet and as a result any damages are not recoveriable in a condemnation session . what is the moral for the businesses that are impacted like this. >> we are in a maul town. we are not in a big city and there is different traffic patterns. >> and also i think, it is the american dream. we put everything into this and worked so hard to get it going . it really was and it was going well and it is only two years . bang. everything stopped. awful thing about it you guys say the bridge was okay . didn't need to be fixed. thank you very much and good luck to you. and thank you for telling us. good luck. what do you think about that e-mail in trend friend. the president said quit patting yourself on the back if you built a successful business. dave ramsey used to work all day and teach at night and sold books out of the trunk of his car and he has something to say to the president. who is more embarrassing, moms or dads? we'll reveal the most pitiful parent. it is obvious to me. how about you. [ whimpers ] - hugs from beneful baked delights... - [ barks ] are crispy, oven-baked dog snacks with soft savory centers, made with beef and cheese. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks... to help spark play in your day. ♪ atmix of the world needs a broader that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. >> i surf the web and tax lol laugh out loud. omg. oh, my god. and waf. what a face. and i know the step to dance musical. >> steve: there is a new survey out. they talked to 2000 kids between the ages of 13-21 . of the kids they talked to. 60 percent said that their dads are lame. 75 percent of the kids said they are mortified by things. >> gretchen: about moms. >> eric: more lame or lamer. >> gretchen: more lame. >> eric: yesterday when you talked about the women's iq was higher than men and the city you cited and taking a victory lapp around the studio and the dance and all of that. steve and i looked it up. and turns out in australia and south afria. and estonia. and united states of america in that study. >> gretchen: i didn't take a victory lap. >> eric: it was memorable. >> gretchen: if i could do the worm i would. i can't do it. those five different countries was done by a new zealand researchers. those are the facts. they are hot. >> eric: it was an iq study. >> steve: without a dad dads are less cool than moms. that is just true . eric was talking about it . gretch, dancing, you don't want to see dads dancing. i do owe me a dance. that was a direct lie i was doing the worm. you need to do it because you lost the bet. kerry kennedy pled not guilty to driving while impaired just days after she side swiped a tractt tract on a new york highway. the 52 year old claims it was not drugs and alcohols that caused the crash but a seizure. >> i want to apologize to the driver of the truck i hit . i remember getting on the highway and i have no memory until i was stopped at a traffic light and a police officer was at my car door. >> gretchen: kennedy said he might have taken the ambian pill instead of the daily thyroid pill. >> eric: is one of the largest drug schemes ever. four people are charged in a medicated fraud ring and costing taxpayers half a billion. and prosecutor said patients were buying drugs for hiv . they were resold to the drug. they were told they were improperly store expired. >> gretchen: supreme court ruling that the arizona police can check the legal status. that is not stopping a bid to block the show me your papers provision. the groups including the aclu to preventt that part of the law. but arizona insists it is a fair and legal way to protect their borders. and a 12 story windature bine. jeopardizing the historic town scenery so he can save money it is expected to cost $97,000 and he will get a $38,000 rebate from the power company and nearly 18,000 federal tax credit but i am guessing they would not let him do it. it is a big windature bin. >> steve: yes, that is a problem. i am outside of new york city . it is 86 degrees and first i hav images to show you from outer space . pictures that are literally out of this world. nasa releasing stunning new images of saturn and many moons. saturn has 60 moons . this is the first time in two years scientist have seen such clear views of saturn's ringings. if you want to see rings in new york city i suggest tiffany and card ye. and this weather, showers in the northern plains and spotty stuff in the gulf coast and midatlantic. otherwise things are warming up because there is no rain in sight. current readingings. a lot of 60s and 70s the next map shows you how hot it is going to be. remember if it is not hot in summer, you are in trouble. it is 105 and 106 and close to 100 in texas and midatlantic and new york city. it feels like 105. >> it feels like a bad hair day. i only have been here for a minute . so far, so good. gretch, and eric. back to you. >> gretchen: i am glad to hear they have -- >> steve: i have so much aqua net. >> eric: got to have fun here. >> gretchen: exactly . fireworks on the set. got to love it. >> eric: business owners outraged by the president's comments. remember this. >> you got a business. you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen. the point is, when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative and also because we do things together. >> eric: that small business owner himself. dave ramsey has thing or do. did you send president obama a thank you card for all of the things he bestowed. >> no, it was the biggest political faux pa. it was a disasterous line. and he got wound up and forgot he was on camera. oh, my goodness. it exposed him as being a extreme left wing liberal. he was trying to appeal to the middle and he lost the middle on this . he never had the right. this is the joe plumber and a disaster for him. he got it back words. the reason the government is well is because of me. i support his freaking programs. >> gretchen: that is interesting . mitt romney made that point. assaulting the general nature of the argument. he made an effective point. don't forget taxpayers are the ones who fund the government including maul businesses that pay taxes. >> i had a fabulous fourth grade teacher who changed my life. it was paid for for property taxs and i am one of the largest property owners and i pay taxes. government exist because of us. it is an indication of difference of capitalism can socialism and far left wing rhetoric it is a political disaster. >> eric:icate lin from north carolina. my husband has a maul landscaping business he does part-time. i am worried about not keeping correct records. i am under the impression of quarterly taxes. can they doanual. >> you are going to succeed because of the government. you don't have to do anything. of course you have to do accounting and quarterly estimates and sit down with a cpa and if you don't set your money aside. it is bad accounting . rush to your cpa and get it done. >> here is robert from tennessee. my wife had a successful business. her mom is ready to retire and upons to stay busy. i heard you advise against partnership and she would be happy with a small weekly check. how would you proceed with this deal. you are getting in family matters. >> it is an employee and you could pay her a small weekly check and percentage of profits as a employee. that doesn't mean she is a stock holder or owner. you need to be careful from the first generation. the first generation is the toughest and that founder. guys like me are hard head and it is tough to let it go. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up on "fox news sunday". most people are out playing. parents, bring your kids to the tv to learn about this one. >> men playing mr. mom and women at work. but is it normal or not. they are here with the answer next. >> first the affleck trivia question. the former baseball manager on four titles with the new york yankees. be the first to answer. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to provida better benefits package... oahhh! 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[ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil pm®. upon >> eric: our next guest did is getting a lesson running her own lobster company. megan, 12 years old and how long have you been a fisher person. >> i started in 2009. >> eric: do you go out with dad on the boat and catch lobsters and what happens then in >> me and my dad catch the lobsteros the boat and we sell them at our house. it is 4.99 a pound. >> eric: that is great. and doocy will take a couple of pounds and so will gretchin. dad, talk about this. you bring your daughter out on the boat and you need a license to do this, right. >> actually we have a commercial fisherman sponsors her and megan is able to fish 50 lobster traps with this sponsor and she's using a student license and pretty much out there learning the lobster trea right now. >> eric: you fish and work the pods and work and get the lobsters and bring them to the front porch and sell them. you have to pay dad for gas or use of the boat? >> this year, i don't have get to keep the money because i need to pay dad back for the gas. but next way in a college fund. >> eric: you are making a lot of money, too. how much money are you making? >> may parents want me to make $2000. >> show makes about $300 a week rightt now. >> eric: megan, are your friends doing the same thing, what are they doing this summer? >> hang around with their friends. i still get to hang out with them. >> eric: are they jealous of you? >> my friend comos the boat sometimes, but not like every time we go on >> eric: dad, you must be pretty proud she has a grasp of the business of harwork and good way to start a future, right. >> yeah, show's out there and working it and she's understanding the value of money. she can really, she is doing really well out there. she knows what she is doing. >> eric: what do you want to be. >> i want to be a person who designs houses and where the furniture goes and bedrooms and bathrooms. >> eric: somehow, i think you will make that work. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> eric: coming up next. a dad refuse to talk to his son after his son decides to stay at home and be mr. mom. is the dad normal or not. first on this day in 1982, eye of the tiger was the number one song. this happy couple used capital one venture miles for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. >> well, happy birthday joe torres born this date in 1940 . guntersville, alabama congratulations. >> this is a great segment every week. are you normal or nuts. it is a question everyone ask and we are going to ask dr. keith ablow. >> steve: dr. keith ablow is live in boston. good morning, keith. >> guest: doing fine. >> steve: first e-mail. my son lost his job and since his wife makes a good income he decided it would be best for my son to be mr. mom and my husband is livid and calls him a loser and will not talk to him; is that normal or is it nuts? >> well, drum roll. your husband is nuts. but he's also a moron. can you believe he's calling your son a moron. i am not a big fan of mr. mom stuff because it is tough to pull off in a marriage and it is gender bending. but you support your son and you done kale will him names and it is not your life style choice. and nuts and moronic. >> gretchen: number twompt a voice mail involved in this one. my 18 year old son died five years ago . i keep his recording on voice mail. family members wants me to move on is this nuts. >> it is terribly sad. but it is normal. listen, the trappings of memories like that. are tremendously . who can tell a mother how she should grieve the loss of her son. real friends will support you. 18 years, i had a great mom 18 years. >> steve: final e-mail. i love my husband but in 40 years of marriage, he's never been on time. late for funerals and weddings and job interviews and hobby events that he lovings. i spend hours waiting for him to get ready; what do you think? >> he's crazy. he's nuts. >> gretchen: all right. >> guest: you don't take howevers to get ready for a single event. i say nuts lovinglyy. there is obsessive compulsive or in the mirror or is my shirt or tie. have you stood for them your whole marriage and has your kids been exposed. get him help. medicine or psychotherapy. he's not well. >> steve: just the fact him being late that is not the problem. he fixates on his presentation before he goes out of the door. >> guest: it is hours and monot news and laborous. you can do what you do and you look exquisite as you do in the mornings. imagine, hours. >> gretchen: i just like the fact that that e-mail was about a guy spending hours being late . usually that is a wrap for the women and it takes them a long time. >> steve: i am always late. >> guest: hours is over the line. >> steve: we have a couch mere and he has a couch in boston. do you have people lay down on the couch when they come in. >> guest: i don't. they are sit nothing a chair. >> steve: i think that is nuts. >> the couch is in the library and i take naps on it. it is dark green and pretty. >> gretchen: if you have a question log on to "fox and friends" and e-mail dr. keith ablow your question. be aware. you could be nuts. >> steve: if you help terrorist to bring in money . a major bag does it and gets a slap on the wrist. >> gretchen: athism night in the ball park. that story coming up. 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[ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, july 18, 012. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for spending part of your day with us. get ready for a whole new mitt romney? he's finally getting fired up over the president's so-called attacks on success. >> to say something like that is not just foolishness, it's insulting to every entrepreneur and innovator in america and it's wrong. >> gretchen: is this an issue that could divide vote increase key swing states? >> steve: mitt romney is not the only one who disagrees with president obama. even some of his own supporters are fired up. we'll hear from one obama backer who says the fair share message has got to go. eric bolling? >> eric: leave your bibles at home, it's the atheist night at the ballpark. we'll explain. "fox & friends" starts right now >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. hope you're begun have a great wednesday. eric bolling is sitting in for brian kilmeade who is resting. we've been talking a lot about business and what happened last friday with president obama. many deemed his comments on friday as an attack on small business in insinuating that you need the government to help you achieve success in this country. yesterday many people also were inspired to see mitt romney come out swinging when he said this. >> the idea to say that steve jobs didn't build apple, that henry ford didn't build ford motor, that papa john didn't build papa john pizza, that ray crock didn't build mcdonald's, that bill gates didn't build microsoft u go on the list, that joe and his colleagues didn't build this enterprise, to say something like that not just foolishness, it's insulting to every entrepreneur, every innovator in america and it's wrong. president obama attacks success and therefore, under president obama, we have less success and i will change that! i've got to be honest. i don't think anyone could have said what he said, who had actually started a business or been in a business and my own view is what the president said was both startling and revealing. i find it extraordinary that a philosophy of that nature would be spoken by a president of the united states. >> steve: after mr. romney said that in pennsylvania yesterday, the obama campaign came out and said that that criticism of the president over the top. absolutely over the top. simply an attempt by mr. romney to distract voters from the critical issue which is their memo that they're trying to get across to everybody and that is bain is bad, bain is bad. who says bain is bad? i think what did he at bain absolutely qualifies him to be a detainee for president of the united states. but it's not helpful to the left wing main stream media 'cause they want to beat that drum. >> gretchen: over the top. some people would say accusing somebody of being a potential felon might be a little bit more over the top. but you be the judge about that one. >> eric: that's what it was. the felon comment. it was romney said bain. it was everything but the economy. but what president obama did on friday, he brought it back to the economy. he deem bized businesses. but he has a history of this. in 2008 when he was running, he said he was going to fundamentally change the way we did things in america. he talked about spreading the wealth with joe the plumber, class warfare speech after class warfare speech. and that one, we owe the government a debt of gratitude if we're successful in business. he brought the conversation back on business and that is what fired up mitt romney. >> gretchen: the interesting thing is, after he made that spread the wealth comment and the joe the plumber moment, he have elected as president of the united states. and so we'll have to see how the voters feel this time around when they've seen 3 1/2 years, many argue that philosophy has been played out now and now he made this comment. he was off the teleprompter, so some people are saying that's very telling. he wasn't reading a script. so is this how he truly feels? yesterday he reexplained himself, but is it the same message? listen. >> how we built this country was everybody having a chance to pursue their dream and together us building opportunity that made us the envy of the world. and so i don't believe that we should try once again something that didn't work. i think what we need to do is keep pursuing a strategy that says let's make the investments in the american people that will help us grow, but will also create ladders of opportunity for everybody. >> steve: so the president is saying we're all in this together. we do better as a group rather than everybody on their own. you've heard a lot of people on the right say the president can't run on his record, so what he's going to do is bring up all these distractive issues. i think what he revealed makes it clear. i think dave ramsey made it very simple to understand. come november, it will be for a lot of people, a choice between the capitalist, mr. romney, and the socialist, the president of the united states. that's the way dave ramsey put it and a lot of people agree. >> eric: gretchen pointed out there is an opportunity to not elect the guy who wants more social re-engineering, more redistribution of wealth with the spread the wealth and fundamental change comments that he made. he was elected. then we spent the last three years listening to speech after speech how business is bad and millionaires and billionaires and corporate jet owner, do your fair share, 150 times in the last year alone. then you kind of said, well, maybe he is the redistributor in chief, and then this one. that just opening the whole inside about obama. >> gretchen: what's interesting about the last election is that even though people heard that joe the plumber comment, they were listening as hope and change. many people were look at him as a transformational figure and i think many of the people who voted for him have been disappointed that that part of it didn't play out. so maybe this comment friday has more legs than the joe the plumber comment originally. >> steve: right. gretchen, you mentioned the teleprompter, the campaign is trying to wean the president off of the teleprompter. some feel that it is a crutch for him. i was reading in the hill newspaper that they talked to a professor who said when he looks side to side, he looks robotic. they're trying to get him to look up and down at notes instead. former governor of new hampshire observed that this unusual statement that they made came at the same time that he was off prompter. here is the former governor, a surrogate. >> we have a president whose statement this weekend was an absolute disgrace. for him to tell the people that take the chances to create jobs that they didn't do it, i think is insulting. i cannot imagine how that thought popped into his head. i do notice he went off teleprompter and so that's probably part of the reason, but for him to reveal his real feelings about the country that way, i think was not very smart in a political campaign. >> gretchen: you got to wonder how the other surrogates defending president obama feel about this right now. steve will have a panel coming up in the next block. does it make it tougher for some of the leading democrat surrogates to defend that statement now? i would think a some of the same ones who were against the private equity attacks would also be against this particular line of thinking. so we'll be interested to see what they say. >> eric: we did the boxing analogy last hour. let's do the football analogy. president obama had the ball, he's marching down the field, did he a leon let, he went like this, held the ball out and shook it and it fell out of his hand at the one yard line, he fumbled. romney has the ball now. >> steve: no teleprompter at the debates. i can hardly wait for them. stand by. we've got headlines for you. >> gretchen: a big developing story for you out of syria. syria's defense minister, a man tied to that country's brutal assault on its own people likely dead today. new reports suggest this morning that he was killed in an attack by a homicide bomber during a cabinet meeting in damascus. he was the highest level christian official in syria's government. sources say one of his bodyguards may be responsible. there is new reports president assad's brother-in-law who was the deputy defense minister and the interior minister also are dead. the clashes, the u.n. security council expected to vote later today on a new resolution to pressure president assad's regime to comply with a peace plan. they've been slaughtering their own people for almost a year. scare on the runway. a pilot for sky west airlines scaling a barbed wire fence, stealing a plane. he was on the run from police in colorado, accuse of stabbing his former girlfriend. while at the controls of this plane, he clipped the stolen plane into the terminal and a fence of saint george municipal airport in utah. he later killed himself, though, before the plane took off. >> he knew exactly how it get into the plane, how to operate it. >> gretchen: sky west airlines says he was on administrative leave at the time. strong possibility two missing cousins from iowa may have been abducted. f.b.i. dogs detected the girls' scents as police drained a lake where their bikes were found over the weekend. family members are fearing the worst now. >> it's not a river. there is no current. i don't think that they're in the lake. not at all. it is like a dead end as far as we know so far. i wouldn't be able to function to think about what is going on. >> gretchen: the two were last seen leaving their grandmother's house friday. they were on their bikes. a stunning day on capitol hill. one of the hsbc's top executives announcing his resignation during a senate hearing. it comes after a shocking report that the bank exposed the u.s. to drug money from mexico and did business with firms linked to terrorism. >> as i have thought about the structural transformation, i recommended to the group that now is the appropriate time for me and for the bank for someone new to serve as the head. i have agreed to work with the bank senior management towards an orderly transition of this important role. >> gretchen: baggily, that gentleman, mentioned throughout the report for not complying properly and ignoring warnings for the second time in he ten years hsbc has been cited for poor efforts to fight money laundering. those are your headlines. >> steve: let's talk about this. the st. paul saints, minor league baseball team in minnesota, they have in the past hosted christian nights and jewish heritage nights and so one of the bosses there said it was hypocritical if we did not host an atheist night. so the saint paul saints will become for one night, the mr. paul ain'ts as they take the s off saint. >> gretchen: here is the quote from august berkshire of the minnesota atheist. we thought everybody ain't got believe in something. obviously we ain't got a belief in god. >> eric: he ain't got to go to that ballpark and you can pray for rain that day which all of us christians will be praying for. come on, really? baseball? american, all american, apple pie, stay out of the ballpark. don't bring the religion into the ballpark. let these people have a good time. by the way, st. paul ain'ts, didn't they do that with the new orleans saints when it was a scab team? that's funny. this is not so funny for me. >> gretchen: one a it crist blogger wondered if the 7th inning stretch would include dog bless america. might be taking it too far. >> steve: straight ahead, it's a cold shower for mr. hot tub. something is finally being done about the gsa wasting all those tax dollars. but is it enough? we'll talk about that. >> eric: the president says your success really isn't your own. so how will those comments play out in the very important swing states in november? political panel on deck. >> steve: morning, folks! >> steve: president obama telling business owners that they have the government to thank for their success. huh? listen. >> if you got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. the point is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. >> steve: well, now entrepreneurs across the country are speaking out against those comments. so how are these comments going to play out in the all important swing states that determine the election come november? we are joined by a great political panel. best selling author and co-writer and director of a movie called "2016, obama's america." miles miller, white house correspondent for the daily. and julie is a democratic political consultant and fox news contributor. good morning to awful you. >> good morning. >> steve: julie, we'll start with you. if you were handling the president that day and he said that, once picked your jaw up, how do you spin that as something good? >> i would have said, there is going to be people out there, shocked people might take something out of context and ignore what you said before that sentence and after that sentence. the president was referring to was not business. he was referring to roads and infrastructure and business, saying you didn't build that. if you're a business person, you're traveling roads the taxpayers fondue get to your business. >> steve: the insinuation is if we want to go out there and pursue the american dream, you need the government to provide the infrastructure. >> how did you get to work ted, steve? >> steve: i walked! are you happy? >> you walked on the sidewalks that the taxpayers paid for? yes, you did. >> what if you would have said, you didn't get elected because after all, you took public transportation to your speeches. that's a ridiculous thing to say because what it does is devalues the incremental achievement that produces success. obviously we all take the roads. but the roads are not what make you successful. the roads are not what made bill gates create microsoft. >> again, you're spinning this way out of condition text. >> i think it's sort of a very weird thing to believe that the president doesn't have any belief in success for the american worker. >> steve: he's been very antibusiness in the past. >> i think that what he has said repeat lead is that government can't solve all our problems. he said this on the stump. he said it in his 2004 speech. you really have to focus on what he's done and the way he's helped trumpet business. >> steve: we've got a graphic that shows some of the swing states that are up for grabs and the big question is will people in those states be impacted by this? because the president has in the past been deemed to be very antibusiness, according to people on the right. he's talked about big government a million times. >> that's his whole history. when he worked for a small company, he writes in ice autobiography, i was working for the enemy. he gives commencement speeches and tells young people, don't go after the brass ring, the corner office. in other words, don't go for private sector success. i guess what he moons is, become a community organizer. become a union boss. so the prejudice is very much toward the public sector. >> up union workers work for a company and it's worth noting that the president is talking about -- estrum meed success for the american people but worked a lot with the business sector action especially wall street which is why -- >> steve: unions aren't people. >> he had less regulations imposed than george bush. he had the lowest tax rates since the korean war. what antibusiness are you talking about? look at the reality. >> steve: the reality is, we're going to have a commercial break and make some money here in a minute. and this panel is going to stick around. they're going to talk about this: the obama campaign calls mitt romney the most secretive candidate ever. really? should they really be throwing stones? the panel on that coming up next. miles is already look up the story. then the video you'll be talk being all day. a wild dog no match for this little girl, determined to protect her cat! i'm taking it home. scratch down, dog. 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[ laughing ] that's why there's beneful baked delights. from crispy crackers to shortbread cookie dog snacks, they're oven-baked to surprise and delight. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks... to help spark play in your day. >> eric: quick headlines. government bonuses for the gsa employees are getting the ax. earlier this year, several top officials, including this guy were fired or stepped down. the waste ridden agency busted for spending taxpayer money on lavish hotel rooms and fortune tellers. also under an immediate hiring freeze. the lone star state making the stars and stripes proud. gainesville, texas has been named the most patriotic town in the country. that's right. steve is standing out and for how it treats our nation's heros. the pick, part of usa's today's best of the road contest. speaking of patriots, go ahead, steve. >> steve: thank you. the obama campaign refusing to run on its record is instead taking aim at mitt romney over his refusal to release a bunch of past tax returns. in the latest attack, press secretary likened the gop candidate to a controversial past president. >> mitt romney is the most secretive candidate we've seen since richard nixon. mitt romney's own father released 12 years worth of tax returns. he provided john mccain 23 years when running for vice president. but only shared with the american people one year worth of returns. >> steve: and another one is supposed to be forth coming. is this a fair comparison given the president's own shaky track record on transparency? we are rejoined by our political panel. we've got a graphic. the president came in and promised the most transparent administration in history and yet you look at how many times he's used executive privilege, the espionage act used six times, the lobbyist, meeting across the street rather than releasing the logs and stuff like that. obamacare hashed out in private, transparencies are abolished. julie? you're up first. the president who said he would be transparent hasn't been and now they're saying mitt romney who has released a year and will release another year's worth of tax returns not transparent. >> well, you have the record that you just cited for obama and you can judge that against mitt romney's record, except you can't because mitt romney won't release his record. he deleted all of his e-mails when he left the governor's mansion. he has not done what his father done. that's not me saying this. that's republican after republican. the national review, george will, bill crystal, plenty of conservatives think he's being too secretive and it will hurt him. >> steve: miles, i was at a barbecue this weekend and asking about the bain stuff. nobody cared. i asked them about the tax returns. nobody cared about that. >> the barbecue of mitt romney? >> steve: no, no. nobody cared about the tax returns because we all know he's rich and we all know he's probably paid more in taxes than we've ever made in our lives. >> his father -- you know, to not match the standard set by your father is a big problem. >> steve: i know. but if you say he relooses ten years worth, you know the democrats are going to say okay. that's ten. we want 20. okay. he gives 20, and mitt romney -- >> it's even bobby jindal thinks that this is a problem for him. back on july 8, he said look, i think voters will consider all distractions from the obama campaign. i think that really plays into this. if romney doesn't release more tax, the american people will really start to see that this is a cloak and dagger operation. >> steve: let's talk about mitt romney's taxes from 20 years ago instead of barak obama's record for the last three years. >> you know what concerns me on secreciy. barak obama tapping the russian president on the thigh and saying, give me some time and some flexibility. after my election, i can do things, missile of defense that i can't do now. what is obama saying? he's telling the russian president, i want to make some concessions on missile defense. but if i told the american people now what they were, they might not reelect me. so wait 'til after the election and then we'll talk. now, that shows the guy has a hidden agenda. that's the transparency i'd like to fight. >> steve: that was embarrassing. tell us about your new movie. >> the movie looks at what would america look like in 2016 if obama got a second term. presidents don't play their full hand in the first term. in the second term, they're not tethered to public opinion. you can see who they really are. and i think we're look to see the real obama in the second term. so the movie tells the obama story and where we're going. >> steve: okay. right now it's only playing in houston. but you're out selling "spiderman." >> steve: we go nationwide the end of the month. excellent debate today. thank you very much. talk about embarrassing, obama supporter says the president's fair share message has got to go. doesn't like it. >> what that does is it kind of penalizes or makes people uncomfortable with being successful or wealthy. and most americans aspire to achieve one or both of those. >> steve: is the president risking big money donors by pushing that fair message business? then who is more embarrassed? moms or dads? oh, come on. this shoot even be a question. your e-mail pouring in on this one. we're reading them next the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. 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there is a new survey out that deems whether or not moms or dads are more embarrassing. and there it is. >> eric: mom is more lame by 60%. >> gretchen: no, no, no. >> steve: yeah. british company did the survey. 75% of kids are mortified by things their fathers have said in the past. we can all identify. >> eric: i have to point out, a british survey. clearly. have you seen -- >> gretchen: 'cause they wear black socks with tennis shoes? >> eric: perhaps. they say varney wears black socks with shorts and tennis shoes. is that what you're saying? >> gretchen: wow, this whole day has been about putting words in my mouth that didn't come out. >> steve: i have played tennis with stuart varney. especially has worn white socks. we asked you if you thought this particular survey was true. mike says the so-called cool dads are probably the worst parents. all right. they're the ones who let their kids have alcohol -- >> eric: no, we do not. >> gretchen: why are you so hung up on this topic? >> eric: 'cause i can't stand these surveys you guys come up with. women have higher iq's than men. dads are lamer than moms. >> gretchen: who cares? e-mail in how cool eric is. here is a tweet, the more you embarrass your daughter, the more likely she is to date when she's 18. >> eric: matthew says, those teens have never met my mom. >> steve: very nice. keep them coming. >> gretchen: now to your headlines. opponents of arizona's controversial immigration law launching a new bid to block police from enforcing the part of it that the supreme court even upheld. remember the law let's cops check the immigration status of anyone they suspect to be an illegal immigrant. the supreme court ruled arizona police could enforce the so-called show me your papers provision of the law. but groups including the aclu are seeking a court order to prevent that from happening. they say it would lead to racial profiling while arizona insists the law is fair and legal. >> steve: kerry kennedy, daughter of robert f. kennedy, pleaded not guilty to charges claiming she was driving on drugs. this just days after kennedy sideswiped a tractor-trailer on a new york highway. the truck's driver claims he saw kennedy nod off, split second before the crash while she was driving and when police arrived on the scene, they found her slumped over the wheel. kennedy says she had a seizure. >> i want to apologize to the driver of the truck who i apparently hit. i remember getting on the highway and then i have no memory until i was stopped at a traffic light and a police officer was at my car door. >> steve: that's not good. kennedy told cops she may have accidentally taken ambien, a powerful sleeping pill, instead of her daily thyroid medication. might have mixed up the pills. police are still waiting for an official toxicology report to figure out what she did take, if anything. >> eric: did president obama snub the ncaa forks oprah? he passed -- >> gretchen: ncaa? >> eric: seer about that. >> steve: you're thinking kiss cam. >> eric: i'm so lame. that's proof of the study that dads are lamer. did he snub the naacp for oprah? he passed up a chance to attend the conference in person and send the video message instead. his campaign said he couldn't attend because it didn't work with his schedule, but now we know that the same day president obama and the first lady sat down with oprah winfrey at the white house for an interview. she strongly campaigned for the president four years ago, but says she won't be out there for him this time. oprah went to new hampshire the next day to interview mitt romney and ann romney. both interviews will appear in the november issue of her magazine. gretch? >> gretchen: dogs might be man's best friend, but not in this case. watch this little girl race through a winding dirt path carrying her unusually fat cat to safety. she's rescuing the cat from a growling dog. good news, the girl and her friend made it all the way home before things got ugly. >> steve: that's great. i used to have a cat that looked just like that. our cat's name? g gordon kitty. same color. look at that little dog snapping at it. nerves of steel. let's take look at the day ahead. let's see if there is anything cataclysmic on the horizon. o 105 in kansas city. 106 in phoenix. it will feel like north of 100 when you factor in 94 in new york city or raleigh. plus the humidity. 95 today as well in memphis. that's your travelcast. >> gretchen: let's tell you about this, there was a huge president obama fund-raiser on neil cavuto's show yesterday disagreeing with what the president had said about the fair share message and whether or not private businesses become successful in america because of government intervention or support, depending on how you look at it. here is donahue peels with his thoughts. >> the messaging coming out from the democratic side tends to be criticism somewhat of wealth or wealth creators. and so what that does is it kind of penalizes or makes people uncomfortable with being successful or wealthy. and most americans aspire to achieve one or both of those. i think that the government has to make the case, one that they've made all the cuts that are necessary before they ask americans to pay more. if nothing is done, there will be a tax increase. if he and congress do not extend the bush tax cuts, which they should and the president should sign when it gets to his desk, then we're all going to get a tax increase. in this kind of environment where the country is at its knee, we do not need one. >> steve: this administration has been antibusiness, eric u know this, that's why a lot of the people down on wall street who gave big money last time to president obama are either not giving him money or giving it to mitt romney. >> eric: very important to note, mr. peebles said it's very important not to raise tax. hopefully president obama hears that and they get something before the fiscal cliff. >> gretchen: he still plans to vote for president obama. coming up next, come it your tv right now. a wild ride ends in this unbelievable crash. and the entire thing caught on camera. >> eric: then food prices are soaring. so where can you get the best buy? 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(male announcer) call... schedule a free consultation with a hearing care professional near you and to try invisible hearing aids free for 30 days. that's... ...or visit today. >> steve: 17 minutes before the top of the hour. millions of americans battling obesity now have a new drug to help them lose weight. the f.d.a. approving diet drug which is said to help decrease a person's appetite. research finds the afternoon person taking it lost 10% of their weight. and a driver's wild ride ends in a crazy crash and caught on camera. watch. >> no! >> oh, my gosh. there it went. >> steve: man, watch that suv. the driver going the wrong way for miles on a busy mississippi highway. amazingly, the two women inside that suv he hit walked away with only bumps and bruises. he was taken to a hospital with broken shoulder and charged with wreckless driving. do you think? gretch? >> gretchen: food prices are on the rise across the country. the latest numbers show some foods have been going up now into the double digits. so major droughts in the heartland causing the prices to climb even higher. what you need to know now to get the best deals on your groceries. andrea warwick joins me live. we want to help people save money right now. we're going back to the dollar store. what can we get there? >> it's been popping up all over the place. if you go to the national brands, dollar tree, dollar general, you can find really great food deals there. i recommend looking at the expiration dates and picking up candy for as little as a dollar. bag snack, nuts, anything like that that you probably give to your kids to head to school. you can also find huge savings on national brands for soda and heinze ketchup. look for the nonperrishable items. >> gretchen: a lot of people buy in bulk. you have special recommendations at those stores. >> i do recommend, again, anything that's perishable that you won't news time, is a big waste of money. however, meats bought in bulk can be frozen for what you don't use. so you can use it later. you can save up to 60% by buying your meats there, as well, frozen foods. looking at buying finger type foods, appetizers, that are great for teen-agers and what not right after school to pick and go. look at saving 30%. i also recommend olive oil has been a huge savings you buy in bulk and it has a long shelf life. >> gretchen: then if you go to the drugstore, this is sort of a new thing over the last couple of years. you can actually buy some groceries at the drugstore. what do they do? >> drugstores are trying to create this one stop shopping experience. they've been adding fresh food like milk and eggs and the daily necessities like cereal. and what you can find is that those fresh food items like milk are going to be priced really low. they're considered their lost leaders. gale the people into the store hoping they'll spend money on other products. compare the deals. i found on average, 10% less at those drugstores. >> gretchen: that works. because if go in the drugstore, you go, i'm going to pick up milk. now i see that over there and that there. let's talk about the organic or the natural or some of these buzz words that we see on some of the foods. what should we be aware of? >> first of all, organic is a huge trend right now. but it does cost more. you want to look out for the usda certified organic label. words like natural or even antibiotic free aren't approved and don't necessarily promise organic food. however, when it comes to different fruits and vegetable, there are some you don't have to buy organic. so pine am, banana, mangos and avocados have these harder skin shells and so they won't be affected by the pesticides. you don't have to overspend on those. >> gretchen: organic tends to be more expensive. thanks for helping us save some dough over the summer. >> thank you. >> gretchen: forget florida, ohio, too. larry sabato, who has predicted every presidential election correctly says nebraska is the state to watch. nebraska? really? okay. first, let's check in with martha mccallum for what's coming up at the top of the hour. i didn't know that, martha. >> i didn't either. learn something new every day. good morning, everybody. so mitt romney fires back now at the slam on business owners. we'll tell you what's got him riled up. dick cheney has everybody's ear on capitol hill. what he's telling them, though, may surprise you. syria heats up as assad's brother-in-law is reportedly killed. murder suspect who is a pilot who steals a plane and crashes it on a runway. all this and more. bill and i will join you at the top of the hour alice the cat is about to explore. the world of new friskies plus. which is friskies plus more. more of the things alice desires. with all theutrition alice requires. it's a world of shiny furs. of sparkly eyes and happy purrs. it's a world unlike any alice has ever seen before. the world of new friskies plus. which is friskies plus more. >> eric: you can forget the old battle ground states of 2008. larry sabato, who has predicted every presidential race correctly says there are some secret swing states that you've got to watch. joining me from virginia, the professor of political science for the university of virginia, larry sabato. larry, couple of big typically right and left states. let's look at the first full screen. arizona and minnesota. tell us why these might be potential swing states. that's a surprise, by the way. >> it would be. let's say that mitt romney picks former minnesota governor tim pawlenty to be his running mate. i think that puts minnesota on the docket for both campaigns. they'll be campaigning there. they'll be spending real money there. that would be bad news obviously for the democrats because minnesota actually has the longest democratic streak of any state. only the district of colombia has voted democratic more often. the last republican to carry minnesota, richard nixon in 72. it's gotten close. >> eric: the arizona is what i want to get to. with all the back and forth between the obama administration suing the state of arizona, et cetera, how could that possibly go to obama? >> well, go back to 2008, if the nominee, the republican party, hadn't been john mccain from arizona, i think barak obama would have carried arizona. but this is not 2008 anymore. it's 2012. even with a sizable hispanic vote, i think that state can probably be pretty safely put in the romney category. but if suddenly we see it being competitive, it tells us that the election has shifted in the obama direction. >> eric: take a look at the next one. you say maine could be what? >> well, maine and nebraska are the two states that the -- the only two states that split their electors. if you carry a single congressional district in the state, you get one elector. in maine, one of the congressional districts, the second, is more republican than the other congressional districts. so mitt romney, if things are going well for him in the fall, he might want to invest in the second. yes, it leans to obama, but that's one that might be worth trying to pick up. >> eric: talk about nebraska for a second, larry. >> very same principle there. you have one congressional district, the second. ohm ohm based -- omaha based second. barak obama actually won it in 2008. it's the first time the congressional districts in nebraska have ever split. now, is it going to happen this year? i doubt it. i think romney is going to carry every electoral vote in nebraska. but if in the fall you see obama investing heavily in the second, it may mean he has a chance to pick that up again. >> eric: let's talk about one of the most important swing states out there right now, ohio. split because there are a lot of auto industry jobs that were maybe saved by all the auto bailouts from barak obama. but on the other hand, you have john kasich, a strong republican governor who is doing a lot of things in the state pro-business for the state. where does that go? >> look, ohio is the ultimate swing state. it's been right presidentially 27 of the last 29 times. it's a microcosm of america. you can actually find almost a bit of america, every interest group, every demographic group, every piece of america is in ohio someplace. that's why it's really 50/50 right now. it's extremely close. ohio may, as usual, tell the tale on election night. >> eric: let me throw a couple more at you very quickly. indiana, which went to barak obama last time. historically very republican state. and then virginia. talk to me about those two quickly, if you will. >> quickly, indiana, automatic switch to remain knee. i don't think there is any real chance for obama to carry it. virginia, is the new ohio. it's very much like ohio. microcosm of the country. obama has a tiny lead. i think mainly because they're such a low unemployment rate. but it's highly competitive. just like ohio. >> eric: larry sabato, thanks. >> thanks. >> eric: we'll be right back in two minutes well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at >> the big news, the price of lobster been plummeting. the price of lobster is down as much as 70% in some parts of the country. they're new serving it at red lobster. that's how cheap. they actually is it. that's how cheap it is now. >> steve: although you just had a little lady selling it for 4.99 a pound. >> eric: she's doing great. little business owner. and she didn't have to thank president obama for her success. >> gretchen: that would be the only food going down in price. we did the other segment. most food is up in price, unfortunately. earlier we had this study about mops or dads more embarrassing. dads are more embarrassing. but somebody wrote in to say eric is awesome. enough said. >> eric: fantastic. >> steve: an awesome line - up tomorrow. senator marco rubio, rex ryan and joe montana. see you then. bill: that's a good show. that's tomorrow. today, however, governor romney coming out swinging. fiery new reaction on the president's comments that have critics calling the white house, anti-success in america. goods morning. i'm bill hemmer. live in "america's newsroom." we'll do our best to be successful. martha: i think we can all get around that idea. good morning, bill. good morning, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. the president said, quote, if you're successful somebody helped you along the way. he says that is fine. the other side says there is something wrong with that. governor romney says president obama wants to be ashamed of their accomplishments. that is an insult. >> he is speaking by the way of businesses like this one, small businesses, big businesses middle sized businesses. mining businesses manufacturing services businesses of all kinds. he said this. if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. it is insulting to every entrepreneur, every innovator in america. [cheers and applause] bill: how does this play on the trail now? ed rollins, fox news contributor. former national director for reagan much bush, '84. that campaign among some others. >> good morning. how are you? bill: how does this play do you think. >> it gives romney the opportunity to talk about the difference between the two. the president believes government has to be involved in every element of someone's life to have any success. we believe in the individual. we believe people can work hard in america that is w

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