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halloween in the castro. they issued the same request last year but tens of thousands showed up anyway. thomas rahman reports on what community groups are doing to survive the crowd expected tonight. >> several community groups are demonstrating how to call for help in the event of violence on halloween. the night can be scary enough but no one wants it to be terrifying. >> the incidents that have happened have been isolated but of course affected people. once the crowd is hard to control it makes situations more dangerous. >> on sidewalks. everybody to the sidewalk! >> the 2006 street party did get dangerous. nine people were shot. most were grazed by bullets. one woman was trampled. this year and others local safety groups handed out whistles in case someone is attacked or witnesses any type of trouble or violence. sisters of perpetual indulgence, the whistle saved fellow nun weeks ago. >> if you hear a whistle blowing like crazy, please call 9-1-1. >> police have stepped up patrols in the area as have castro communities on patrol and the arts association. but people have to celebrate responsibly. >> don't be a victim. we have to take responsibility for our reactions as a community. so don't allow yourself to be a victim in regards to crowds overindulging sometimes at night. >> safety whistles were welcomed by those who worry about the celebration turning ugly every year. >> very scary sometimes walking around. it's nice to know if you do blow the whistle, somebody will hear you. >> some local residents don't care about the wills or celebrating halloween. they see the violence the night can bring and now want no part of it. >> used to be fun. now it's scary. >> police and city officials are strongly suggesting people do their halloween at home night. that is celebrate halloween at home or with friends and stay off these streets. there will be a very strong police presence. from san francisco, i'm thomas rahman, abc 7 news. >> just two days to go. the race for california governor is headed down the home stretch. last night republican meg whitman rallied in cupertino. she blasted laborers saying unions have too much control over state government. she also tried to raise spirits with news from the campaign's internal poll. >> well, you know, we are in really great shape. the most recent polls we have internally show this to be a complete dead heat. in a dead heat we win because we have a better and bigger volunteer core and more enthusiasm. we're gonna win this, i have no doubt about it. >> but the latest field poll has her opponent jerry brown with a 10 point lead. the democratic candidate made his way through the central valley yesterday with stops in merced and fresno counties. brown criticized whitman and the runs wanting to spend less in this recession. it requires government investment. >> there's stuff to do, roads to build. there's bridges to fix. there's a high-speed rail to get going in the valley. a lot of jobs. >> in the race for u.s. senate, democrat barbara boxer hit the campaign trail yesterday starting in san jose. boxer talked to volunteers stressing the importance of getting voters to the polls on tuesday. and republican candidate carly fiorina is in sacramento and orange county yesterday urging people to vote as well. they both, of course, will be campaigning throughout california right up until election day tuesday. well, tonight the giants will try again to get a step closer to winning their first world series since moving to san francisco 52 years ago. last night texas made it a series again with a 4-2 win at the ranger's ballpark. it was the first home world series game in rangers history. in the second inning, mitch moorland hit a clutch three-run homer putting texas ahead 3-0. in the bottom of the fifth, josh hamilton took jonathan sanchez deep making it 4-0. the giants weren't able to come back despite cody ross's fifth home run in the postseason. >> it was a dog fight at the beginning of this game. we know that. this team has been doing it all year. they're capable of reeling off a few in a row. we know that. you know, we're gonna just keep the intensity up and keep grinding and going after them. >> game 4 is tonight in texas. the first pitch at 5:20. you know, the city seems a bit empty without the team here but you can expect tonight just like last night the fans are going to flock to bars and restaurants near at&t park to watch the game. abc 7's amy holyfield reports on game three and the fans. >> the giants weren't here but there were still lines around at&t park. the nearby bars were at capacity and those who couldn't fit waited in line until there was room inside. >> i like the atmosphere being here right next to the ballpark, all these bars, always the best. the best atmosphere. giants fans, number one, baby. >> at a premium. mike wang got here when the bar opened at 11:30 to grab a table for the fourth game. >> i want to remember this moment. the experience. >> it's an amazing time for bars in san francisco. here at pedro's, these world series games are as profitable as an entire home stand in the summer. >> home stand, three or four days mid july, august, all done in one day. >> these games just a bonus to an already billsy time of year. halloween is one of the biggest nights of the year for bars. >> nice enough to be with a full trailer. refrigeration out back because we had so much beer we couldn't keep cold and basically have blown through all that. >> this being san francisco, the biggest boos during the game came when president george w. bush popped up on the screen. as for the team's loss, the fans have nothing bad to say. >> it's okay. we're ahead. doesn't matter. doesn't matter. you have like giant love. we got this. we got this! >> now there will not be a jumbo screen here in civic center plaza to show the game. the fox network said the city can only do that if it's a clinching game while the giants are on the road. amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> well, all you giants fans are sending us some great pictures and video on youreport powered by take a look at this elaborate pumpkin with the giants logo. it was carved by a young girl named jessica sent in by her mother judy. we like that. another mom sent in this picture of her daughter calling it her mini lincecum. and betsy wilson sent in this picture of her ten-year-old son nate in his giant-themed bedroom that he's had for two years. you can upload your giants photos or video to you report or e-mail them. up next, why legal experts say supporters of both oscar grant and johannes mehserle will likely be disappointed the sentence the judge will hand down to the former bart police officer later this week. >> i'm nanette miranda in sacramento. the department of public health reports more than 6,000 cases of whopping cough this year, the whopping cough this year, the most i'm among 30,000 employees who used to work for hp. i was supposed to retire there. carly fiorina changed all that. fiorina laid off 30,000 people and she shipped our jobs to china and india. i had to pack my bags and i was out the door that night. we even had to train our replacements. she didn't need 5 corporate jets. one hundred million for herself. fiorina never cared about our jobs. not then and not now. i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. . mehserle was convicted by a long jury this year. he could get anything from probation to 14 years in prison. oscar's family is calling on the judge to issue the maximum sentence. the oakland tribune consulted with legal experts who predicted mehserle's jail term will likely be somewhere in the middle. the penalty for voluntary manslaughter for two and four years. the enhancement for using a gun could add ten more years but the judge must weigh aggravating and mitigating factors before deciding. tomorrow president obama's legal challenge to arizona's immigration law will be argued in a san francisco courtroom. a three-judge panel with the 9th circuit court of appeals will hear arguments from arizona state attorneys and justice department lawyers. the obama administration claims the arizona law which requires police to check the immigration status of people they pull over is unconstitutional because only congress can make immigration law. demonstrators on both sides are expected outside the courthouse. it could be weeks or months before the court issues a ruling. a woman in yemen has been arrested on suspicious of sending two mail bombs found friday on cargo planes bound for this united states. the hunt continues for more suspects in the terror plot. one bomb was shipped by fedex to dubai, the other by ups through england. investigators say one of the targets was a gay and lesbian jewish congregation in chicago. british officials believe the powder hidden in a toner cartridge inc. side a computer printer may be the highly explosive cetn. just a small amount can cause huge damage. >> i'm concerned the device was viable and could have exploded. >> does contain all the hallmarks of al-queda. >> yemeni officials are examining dozens of other packages to see if this is part of a wider terror threat. back here at home california is coping with the worst whooping cough outbreak in 50 years. 300 more cases this past week. as nanette miranda reports, health officials are focussed on vaccinations. >> the pattersons are worried for their two-week old daughter. california is in the middle of a whooping couch epidemic hitting babies the hardest. >> they can't get vaccinated. it's up to the parents and family members watching them to get vaccinated. scary. they can get really sick. babies die from whooping cough is the department of public health shows ten babies are died this year from whooping cough. no more than three die in a typical year. the state has had the most cases of whooping couch since 1950 with 6,200 cases reported since january. >> we realize today that immunity from vaccine and from the disease wanes over time and that leaves adults very vulnerable to the disease and often they're the ones who pass it on to vulnerable infants. nine of the ten babies who died are of latino families. dr. dean blumguard is an expert. he noticed spikes in areas where many parents get waivers believing vaccines are dangerous. >> what we've seen with whooping cough, it's been clustering in those areas of the state and those counties of that the highest rate of exemption. >> whooping couch occurs more often in marin and madeira counties when you consider the per capita rate. with numbers like that, doctors wouldn't take any chances with them. >> made sure we were both vaccinated. >> governor schwarzenegger required all 7th through 12th graders to get a whooping cough booster and exemptions would still be allowed. nanette miranda, abc 7 news. >> lisa, looking good out there this morning. finally we are owed some good weather and today we're going to see more sunshine. a lot of clouds around the bay this morning. more in the north bay. still a few showers are going to hang on throughout the morning hours. i'll explain next. >> also next the giants look like a team of destiny at home in the world series. but a different story last night deep in the heart of texas. larry beil has the highlights coming up next in this morning's sports. we know everyone's looking for ways to save. why not save on car insurance? [ coin drops ] [ high-pitched voice ] thanks. [ normal voice ] you're welcome. get a free quote at "abolish the public schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. welcome back, everyone. it is 6:18. a live look showing you the ferry building there all lit up in orange. it's for the giants but works very well today since it is halloween. thanks for waking up with us this morning. and a nice halloween is going to be on tap if you like it dry for all the trick-or-treaters. >> yes. a change of pace. we've had it wet for so long, it should be nice today and the drying trend and warming trend continues all throughout the week. so we're talking an offshore flow by tuesday, wednesday and thursday. a live look outside and plenty dark out there. 7:34. the sunrise. setting at 6:12 tonight so the trick-or-treaters probably at your door before that. this morning temperatures are cool. in fact, with a clear sky earlier, we did drop into the 40s throughout many areas of the bay area. 46 napa, novato and fairfield with 47 in the livermore valley and menlo park. still holding on to the mid-50s. oakland and san francisco cloud cover though moving across the bay throughout the morning hours. so it's going to take some time to see some sun and 24 hours ago, we were warmer with the rain and the clouds. so this morning 7 degrees cooler napa and fairfield with 5 degrees cooler in livermore, menlo park and half moon bay on the order of about 4 degrees cooler. so mostly cloudy skies this morning. high pressure's building in becoming partly cloudy later on today. we'll look for dry conditions tonight for the trick-or-treaters. so the clouds really are most persistent in the north bay, sonoma, napa, marin county and look for that south wind early on scouring out the clouds throughout the afternoon. mainly the 60s today to the sacramento valley for the 70s. 50s at our coast. a south wind early on because we have a frontal band in the vicinity, especially close to the north bay. it's hung up here with the cloud cover. that's pretty much where it's gonna stay. we may see a light shower in the north bay throughout the early morning hours or a sprinkle. but otherwise this high pressure area builds on in and is going to continue to build in throughout the rest of the weekend. early next week and then as it builds into the state remember going to see our wind shift and that's where we'll be the recipients of the warmer air and the offshore flow. northern sierra, 52 in the southern sierra with mid-60s in monterey. a few clouds around the coast there and kind of cool into southern california with 66 there. 80 palm springs and back home in the south bay. mid to upper 60s today, 69 los gatos. 66 campbell. milpitas coming in at 65. start out cloudy, stay cloudy throughout much of the morning. redwood city more sunshine for you. partly cloudy downtown. 63 for your high. and in the north bay, you may see a light sprinkle up in novato or calistoga. 64 petaluma. near east bay beautiful afternoon with 65 oakland today turning partly cloudy throughout the midmorning hours and over the hills look for 67 danville and concord. a little below the average and down by the monterey bay. just some clouds this morning. look for 69 in watsonville. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, happy halloween! we'll look for that 6:12 sunset. each day 2 to 4 degrees of warming right through the middle of the week, election day included. coastal temperatures by wednesday in the upper 60s and then cooling by the end of next week. so nice stretch of dry, mild weather. >> that's great. for those of us who get up early on sunday mornings, one of our favorite deals comes next week. >> yeah, yeah. absolutely. change our clocks. >> get that extra hour of sleep. all right. thanks, lisa. let's check out sports. tonight the giants will try to rebound from last night's loss in texas. we know they can do it. san francisco sends 21-year-old madison baumgartner to the mound against the rangers. the pivotal game four world series matchup. last night jonathan sanchez had another rocky outing. here's larry beil with the morning sports. good morning, everybody. all those thoughts about a giants sweep and a victory parade and all that, hang on. we have a series now. the rangers beat the giants by a score 4-2 and they are very much alive in texas though down two games to one. throwing out the first pitch. a solid 68. bottom two scoreless. mitchland teamed off the three-run blast. his first homer from a lefty. 3-0 rangers. in the fifth sanchez. another bomb. this time josh hamilton takes it deep slowly. 4-0. gave up four runs on six hits. kobe lewis freezes buster posey, went seven two-thirds. cody ross finally gets to lewis. his fifth homer this postseason. in the 8th andre torres, here it comes, there it goes! deep to right, gone! another solo homer to make it 4-2 but that would be it. this guy is nasty. smokin' and ice! the rangers take game three 4-2. giants leading the series two games to one. >> the lefty, i mean, if he came, gets down, i mean -- >> best thing about our team we're capable of striking late. done it all year. tonight we didn't have enough. you know, the whole thing came in, did a good job. >> game four tonight in texas. madison baumgartner against tommy hutter. scouts in attendance for stanford's game in washington. they had to be gushing over andrew luck. enthusiasm unknown to man kind! and he got it. first quarter. takes out the cameraman and the entire defense. he's keeping down the left side line. a 51-yard line scamper. two scores, two-yard plunge. cardinal up 14-0. the route was on. tyler gaffny gets on 28-0 cardinals. third quarter lott, touchdown, stanford rolls 41-nil. they're now 7-1 and could move into the top ten rankings. are they giant fans? they call this the wild vefer formation. hits marvin jones down the side line, a great catch. rising in pain. hit him low. probably a torn ligament in his knee. if that's the case, his cal career probably over. with rogers, easy touchdown. more from the quiz. his third score of the game. remember, he threw for 135-7. cal still winless on the road this season. new mexico state. jordan buys some time here. dumps it off who has time to stop and order starbucks because there's nobody near him. 75 yards. spartans would lead 27-23. 4th and goal. matt christian to rogers for the win as time runs out! 29-27 heartbreak for san jose state. to the ice, sharks and ducks. the gloves coming off in san jose. these guys do not like one another. danny healey in front. thank you very much. off the deflection from joe thornton. fourth of the year. patrick march lowe. look at the speed. shots and scores. sharks a 5-2 win. major league soccer playoffs underway. host in new york. decided by aggregate goals which seems absurd but that's how they do it. 55th minute. red bulls off the deflection and he finds the back of the net. red bulls win 1-nil game two thursday night in new york. that's a wrap on morning sports. we'll be back at 5 p.m. 6:00 and 11:00 with nfl highlights, niners in london, raiders against seattle and the giants game four the world series. enjoy your sunday, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> up next at 6:30, local officials say they are frustrated after more than a dozen people overdose on drugs and alcohol at the cow palace. also a mass transit clipper caper. we'll show you why most muni and bart riderererererererererererer i know many of you see this election as an unhappy choice between a longtime politician with no plan for the future and a billionaire with no government experience. well, let me tell you my story. my husband and i came here as newlyweds. we raised our family here and the california dream came true for me in ways i could never have imagined. now i'm running for governor to restore the california dream for everyone. i'm not a career politician or a hollywood star. i'm from silicon valley, where i created thousands of jobs at ebay. as governor, i'll do something that's been missing from california politics for far too long. i'll treat you like grownups, tell it to you straight, and offer a practical plan forward. these are scary times and i know that cleaning up sacramento won't be easy. our problems are tough, but so am i. if you want more of the same from sacramento, then vote for my opponent. but if you want to get california moving again, i'm ready. are you? >> welcome back, everyone. oakland police are investigating a downtown shooting that sent nine victims to bay area hospitals early this morning. the shootings took place around midnight at 19th street and broadway at a private party inside historic sweets ballroom. all of the victims are reported in stable condition this morning. police are trying to find out what led up to the violence and identify the shooters. so far no arrests have been made. the cow palace is under scrutiny again this morning after a wild saturday night music event sent more than a dozen concertgoers to the hospital. suffering drug and alcohol overdoses. you might remember that just five months ago two concertgoers died and six others were hospitalized after overdosing on ecstasy at a cow palace event. abc 7's lisa amin gulezian reports local officials are frustrated over not being able to impose tighter controls. >> at sub sonic spookfest, 14,000 people packed the cow palace. the 16 and over started at 6:00. by 8:00 medics and police were called. >> a lot of unconsciousness, inability to maintain their own airway, vomiting. >> 17 people were rushed to area hospitals for drug and alcohol-related overdoses. one 16-year-old remains in critical condition. >> attracts a lot more problems. usually the young people, more sensitive to drugs. they don't know how to handle themselves. >> warren who did not want to talk to us on camera was at spookfest. he shared these pictures with us. he was at e. d. t. pub in may, another cow palace raid for those 16 and older. more than 70 people were arrested there for drug possession and two people died from an ecstasy overdose. >> as a council, we want the cow palace shut down. >> city leaders are fed up with what's happening at the cow palace. they say they have no control over the events that come here because it's owned by the state. councilman dave kanaffa wants to change that. >> what i wanna do that's a little different is provide the authority to our police chief to approve or disapprove those venues. >> the people who took too much. >> nora was at both cow palace raids. the 19-year-old says it's not the location or the promoter that's the problem. >> i think people who are gonna do those things are gonna do them kind of they'll find something crazier to do. >> senator leland yee is a harsh critic at having raids at this location. he requires more security at these events. there were two people who were arrested. in daly city, lisa amin gulezian, abc 7 news. >> the clipper card is supposed to make mass transit easier for riders. it's one universal card that works on most bay area transit systems. well, starting tomorrow both bart and muni riders will no longer be able to use the old paper adult fast passes. they have to use clipper. not everyone is confident riders are ready for the transition. >> the clipper is a prepaid plastic fare card accepted by major bay area transit systems, including muni, bart, and the golden gate ferries. no more searching for quarters or buying different passes for different agencies. clipper launched in june and will phase out paper. >> we are averaging over 225,000 daily transactions on the clipper program. >> but that comes with growing pains. san francisco supervisor david chew called a hearing. >> i had numerous concerns about the technical issues and glitches at the fare gates about questions of customer service, lack of access of people that want to purchase the clipper cards. >> especially confusing for those who don't speak english. >> we're doing more. we're rolling out fact sheets at our customer service centers. >> for some riders the change is welcome. >> i'd like to have the opportunity to switch between the services so readily. >> i'm from here so it's not too hard. >> at least it seemed that way until the muni gates refused to open. for some reason the system balked and the ticket agent had to step in. >> certainly we're not in a perfect state of readiness but i think it's time to move to that transition. >> this city hall regular is optimistic. ♪ carry on with muni is good. ♪ i know it will work out like it should. ♪ >> well, we can only hope. as of last week only about one-fourth of the riders who need to buy clipper cards to use starting tomorrow had made that purchase. by the way, caltrain will phase out its paper monthly passes early next year. a. c. transit riders take effect today. in all 70 bus routes in alameda and contra costa counties are impacted. some routes are eliminated all together. others will be shortened and buses on 28 lines will run less frequently. total bus service hours are being reduced 7% to save $11.5 million per year. lisa argen here now and we are liking the weather. >> finally. a chance to dry out later on today. and the week ahead where we're gonna feature much warmer temperatures and offshore flow. the golden gate bridge, it's really dry out there. but we still have a chance of showers in the north bay. i'll tell you about it next. >> thank you, lisa. also ahead tough times for parents having a child in the hospital. that's when ronald mcdonald house is a blessing. we'll take you >> welcome back, everyone. it is 6:37. thank you for waking up with us on a sunday morning. this is a live look from our ballmer cam showing you the city or parts of it. happy halloween to you. hope you enjoy the day with your little trick-or-treaters. necessity is the mother of invention so a bay area book seller is reinventing his business. from the traditional brick and mortar model to a new mobile version. borrowed from the public library system. laura anthony happens the story from martinez. >> her name is big blue and she's making appearances at farmers markets and community events throughout the east bay. dave simpson is the owner of the 35-foot book mobile, a vehicle that represents his rebirth as a book seller in the bay area. >> i thought wouldn't it be neat to have a taco truck for books. i realized they're called book mobiles. >> in july since he closed his lafayette bookstore for good. the store was the oldest in contra costa and first opened in 1963. simpson fully intended to stay in the business through special events and online sales. then he found big blue on the internet and she became part of his reinvention. >> this was decommissioned from the ypsilanti, michigan, public library. >> he flew to michigan, purchased the bus and drove it back to california. as far as he knows his book mobile is one of a handful in the country used for retail book sales. rather than waiting in a brick and mortar school, simpson will bring his books to them. >> the lafayette farmers market, the lafayette wine festival. a neighborhood block party. >> with all the events simpson knows it will be difficult to compete with online discounters. he'll give big blue about a year and if it doesn't work out... >> i've had three people wanting to purchase it. one was somebody who wanted to pull it into his backyard, make it his library. the other was an absolute hippie that wanted to drive across the country in a hippie bus. >> the appearance schedule can be found on at the bay area book mobile. laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> so is it boring for you, lisa, when the weather is just -- >> no, it's never boring. when you like what you do. we have challenges with the frontal system moving through the north bay. a lot of clouds holding on and it may bring out a sprinkle. as we head outside, pretty dark at the airport. no delays though and the skies have clouded up at sfo and the sun coming up not until 7:34. you can expect some of those critters, little trick-or-treaters at your door probably by 5:30 for some of the little ones. as we head outside this morning, taking a look at the temperatures. it has been cool with numbers continuing to cool off. now we have a blanket of clouds over the bay area which will keep our numbers from dropping any further. 46 napa and fairfield and novato. also 47 livermore are mid-50s from san francisco to oakland. 61 mountain view and san jose. 24 hours ago with the light rain, the mist, the drizzle and clouds, we were warmer. starting out cooler right now but we'll make up for that later on today with more sunshine. the clouds still hanging on in the north bay throughout the morning hours. elsewhere clearing a little sooner. everyone enjoying partly cloudy skies later on today. dry tonight for the trick-or-treaters and that's the trend for all of next week. clouds names, sonoma, marin throughout the morning and partly cloudy. a west wind establishing itself by later on today. mainly the 60s around the bay with the 70s pretty far out into the sacramento valley. but we will look for the clouds throughout the morning hours because of a frontal system that is moving through the north coast. in fact, it's going to move through oregon today. we will be looking at the showers around the northern mountains and perhaps one sneaking by calistoga later on this morning but that should be it as high pressure builds in log for the clearing and temperatures across the state mainly in the 60s. a couple 60s in the northern mountains. getting pretty cool. 70 fresno. sunshine all up and down the coast but still cool in l.a. mid-60s. 68 los angeles and san diego. then we look for more mid to upper 60s here. temperatures below the average but the tradeoff is the sun today with 66 in sunnyvale, 69 los gatos and here we'll look for the clouds throughout the morning hours and clearing with 66 menlo park, partly cloudy. san francisco coming in at 63 today. a little below average for everyone but making up for that in the days ahead. 61 at stinson. partly cloudy throughout the afternoon near east bay with a light wind should feel pretty good in oakland today at 65. 68 fremont. mid-60s for dublin and walnut creek. the upper 60s as you head out towards concord, danville and 70 brentwood today. monterey cloudy, 61 watsonville, the 7-day forecast, we definitely change our weather pattern with drier and warmer days as we head throughout the work week. election day will be dry. the warmest days tuesday, wednesday, thursday even an offshore flow. cooler by the end of the week. a chance to get out there, fix the gutters, clean things out. it's been pretty wet for october. >> over 300% of normal in the north bay, rainfall. >> my goodness. all right. lots more rain ahead as we enter -- are we actually in the rainy season? >> yes, we're in the rainy season but this first week of november nice break. >> thank you, lisa. families with critically ill children find themselves even more stressed when short hospital visits turn into long ones, maybe months. it drains the family both emotionally and financially. but there are places that help ease that burden. here's cheryl jennings with the story. (whispering) >> the family has been through a lot because the twin boys jaden and caleb were born 26 weeks prematurely because of something called twin to twin transfusion syndrome. >> where one gets bigger than the other. one can be really big and the other one can be really small because they don't share the nutrients equally. >> the twins were taken away right after birth. >> we didn't know what was going on. if they were alive, we didn't know anything. >> caleb was really touch and go. they didn't want to come back with a yes or no or anything like that. it was pretty scary. >> the twins were in neonatal intensive care for more than two months. jim works in santa cruz in the costco store. >> we had to leave the hospital and didn't know what we were gonna do because we're a couple hours a day. didn't seem that far but going back and forth we didn't know how we would do it. >> a worker told them about the ronald mcdonald house in san francisco. mom and dad were able to stay near their babies during the crisis. big brother giovanni got to stay there, too. jim remembers just how high their emotions were running during that awful time. >> the biggest relief. i knew i was going to have to go back to work. we came to the door and it was just ahhh! just like a little home. i knew arrives going to be able to leave them here and safe and okay. >> jim had used all his vacation time to stay by heather's side and then he got some major help from his manager at the santa cruz costco who kicked off a campaign to donate vacation time. >> and costco pulled up 28 days i was able to stay up here. that's how close everybody at costco's been. >> are they about the same size? >> yes. a little bigger. >> make donations directly to this ronald mcdonald house. the house can use it. the money goes to help the families and repairs like the leaky skylight will have to wait. it's a $40,000 repair job. >> we patched it quite a few years. now it's reaching a point where we can't wait much longer. >> the bucket to catch the drips will have to do for now. in the meantime, executive director lois moore says the house is all about providing a home away from home. >> we have this wonderful cooking space. the volunteer groups come and prepare meals for our families. >> the food, amazing. that was like just having home-cooked meals all the time. that was great. >> the support heather and jim received from other parents at the house made all the difference. >> we talk to them about where you are now and they say, look, this is where we are. things can turn out okay. >> cheryl jennings, abc 7 news. >> ronald mcdonald house san francisco is celebrating 20 years of service. its annual fund-raiser is am could go up this friday. you can find out how to attend at abc under "see it on tv." cheryl and mike nicco are the m. c.'s and johnny mosley is the honorary m. c. >> funding the campaigigigigigig hi! welcome to come on in, and i'll give you a free quote. quote and compare in about 8 minutes. now, that's progressive. call or click today. there are accusations that the insurance industry is secretly funding a campaign to help elect its preferred candidate for insurance commissioner. it's a complicated paper trail, something michael finney has been looking into. >> with so much at stake for the industry, plenty of insurance money is flowing into the insurance commissioner race. >> dave jones, a career politician running for insurance commissioner. tonight a better choice. >> the small print is difficult to read on this copy. but it says the ad was paid for by jobspack. >> it's immoral. it's a deceptive campaign. it's voter fraud. because those ads do not disclose who's really paying for it. >> that's harvey rosenfield, the cham of the campaign for consumer rights. he says the industry should be up front and admit it paid for the ads. that although jobfact is sponsored by the state chamber of commerce, most of the funding for these commercial, he says, is coming from the insurance industry itself. >> if you follow money, it goes from the insurance companies right through the laundry machine at the chamber of commerce into those ads supporting the preferred candidate for commissioner. >> who's paying for them? it declined. sending the e-mail in part, all contributions are reportable and can be found on the secretary of state's website. so i checked. since late september, jobspack has spent $3,814,785 on this year's insurance commissioner rates. according to the campaign for consumer rights, and our "7 on your side" spot check seems to confirm, jobpack raise the $3,806,000 from groups, companies and executives during that same time period. we asked the candidates themselves today for comment. >> for jobspack, i can't speak where that money goes, i don't know, nor does anybody else. but i do think the jobspack in general, the chamber of commerce supported the business owners. >> the insurance industry has spent $5.7 million to elect my opponent. they're trying to buy this office for my opponent. >> while it may seem cozy, there is no indication of any legal wrongdoing. i contacted every insurance organization found listed as a donor. those returning my calls by air time referred me to the chamber but said they followed all election laws. i'm michael finney, "7 on your side." >> up next one of the most enduring musicals in american history. the san francisco revival of west side story. i know many of you see this election as an unhappy choice between a longtime politician with no plan for the future and a billionaire with no government experience. well, let me tell you my story. my husband and i came here as newlyweds. we raised our family here and the california dream came true for me in ways i could never have imagined. now i'm running for governor to restore the california dream for everyone. i'm not a career politician or a hollywood star. i'm from silicon valley, where i created thousands of jobs at ebay. as governor, i'll do something that's been missing from california politics for far too long. i'll treat you like grownups, tell it to you straight, and offer a practical plan forward. these are scary times and i know that cleaning up sacramento won't be easy. our problems are tough, but so am i. if you want more of the same from sacramento, then vote for my opponent. but if you want to get california moving again, i'm ready. are you? i'm ready. "abolish the public schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. the broadway classic west side story is considered to have one of the best scores ever written for a musical. the recent revival has given the company -- the show rather a more contemporary edge and also generated controversy. the production is now at the orpheum in san francisco. here's arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez. ♪ >> the unforgettable score of leonard bernstein. the emotional lyrics. west side story was considered ground breaking more than 50 years ago. >> it's as relevant as it was then. just we have a difference reference for it probably than people did at that time. but the piece really is -- it feels timeless ♪ >> spanish lyrics and dialogue. >> i think i wanted to create more of an edge. >> he wrote the original and directed the revival in '93. it's been reimagined in this production with a grittier edge. ♪ >> it's still the love story of tony and maria, romeo and juliet updated. new york's west side, gang violence more prevalent in society now. leader of the sharks. >> about people wanting to be here looking for an opportunity. >> but it's also unfortunately about bigotry, life and love trying to survive in that environment. >> this is a little extra. rehearsal before opening night. we're at the lobby of the orpheum. 14 local musicians travel with the show. >> we have five hours of rehearsal. we do the show the first time with the cast that evening. it's a challenge, but it's always worked out. >> great. so that's it. >> they're here for five weeks. in san francisco, don sanchez, abc 7 news. ♪ >> well, here's lisa to dance her way through the final accu-weather forecast. >> that would be fun! usually showing you the doppler. but today the satellite picture shows some clouds out there and they will hold on throughout the morning hours. but then rain holding off and sunshine winning out today will bring numbers in the mid to upper 60s throughout the bay. 63 san francisco, upper 60s in our east bay valleys. 68 san jose. cloudy in santa cruz and 65. a little cooler today but, hey, we will dry out for halloween sun setting at 6:12. sunny and warmer right through the week. >> all right. sounds good. that is going to do it for us. thank you for joining us. our next newscast starts at 9:00. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. have a great

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