Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Sat Morn Edition 20160716 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Sat Morn Edition 20160716

>> reporter: the winds of change are blowing into the bay area now. a much stronger on-shore flow with water temperatures 20 degrees cooler than tuesday it means also better air quality. as we're looking at good air quality from top to bottom because the ocean breeze has returned. concord, 100 degrees on thursday. 84 for a high today. san jose, your high 83 and san francisco today 65 degrees how long does the cool air stick around? the answer coming up. this morning in turkey, at least 160 people are dead and soldiers arrested after an attempted coup. the president there says he's in control of the country and the efforts against him will not succeed. he says those who try to overthrow the government will be severely punished >> reporter: a night of chaos and violence. tanks surrounded the istanbul airport, bridges connecting the city were shut down. early saturday morning, the president, who had been on vacation, returned to istanbul and said that the plotters would pay a heavy price for their treason. he's a controversial figure seen as an authoritarian to some. the group portrayed themselves as liberators writing that looked to reinstall the institution and freedoms. president obama and secretary of state said all parties there should respect the government. some cheering and others denouncing. a night that left turkey in uncertain hands. >> president obama is condemning the attempted takeover and urging everyone to respect the elected government there. the chaos at the airport. travelers heard the airport in istanbul was closed because of the military coup but turkish airline, they had stopovers in istanbul in route to the middle east. some could not change their flight and got on the plane. others refused to board. >> i can't imagine why they would take the flight. and why would the airline risk the crew and the passengers? >> he and his family say they're willing to forfeit their german vacation if they cannot avoid a stopover in istanbul. travelers at lax who has tickets said they're changing plans because of the unrest. >> it's happening right now. i don't know. i have kids. so there is no way that i'm just going and thinking, you know what? maybe it's nothing. >> today is the first of three days of national mourning in france. the death toll from thursday's attack stands at 84. and we're learning several uc berkeley students are among those injured. the picture posted on his facebook page he broke his leg in the attack with the truck. >> the last time they saw 20-year-old nick, he was running away from the truck barreling through crowds of people. they think he got away, but no one has seen him since. >> i think it's best we just stay positive and optimistic. because nick is a very smart guy. >> his former friend and inmate is interning but trying to find his buddy. >> we're trying to stay positive. it's been a while. it's been a while since the incident. >> nick is one of 85 uc berkeley graduates studying in france. two had broken legs, another had a broken foot. she was running away from the attack. >> she told me that during the incident she i guess in all of the chaos, she broke her foot >> fellow students are hoping for the best outcome for nick. he's a junior and planning to major in business. >> some of the students posted saying they were safe. they were part of my fra terpty. >> i talked to nick's mother and she said that the u.s. embassy are going from hospital to hospital looking for nick. >> nick is from delmar in southern california. nick's mother posted this picture on facebook with a plea for help. this is what nick was wearing yesterday she said, neighbors were dropping by the family home bringing flowers and words of encouragement. relatives are scouring a local hospital looking for nick. they plan to fly there and get answers in person. tensions were high as hundreds of protesters under the out for a day of rage in oakland and san francisco. things got heated in the mission district. protesters assaulted a news crew and police lined the street in riot gear. they walked onto the ramp and left before chp arrived but the crowd became an gray when one appeared to hit a protester with his baton. the use of force was unnecessary during a protest that remained peaceful. >> he got out of his car. infringing our our first amendment rights. >> the protest continues throughout the night with no vandalism. oakland police say they made no arrest and issued no citations the demonstrations were part of antipolice brutality protest nationwide yesterday. >> they waved signs and chanted black lives matter following the police shootings of sterling in baton rouge. and in phoenix, demonstrators took to the streets bringing traffic to a standstill. the calls were lead by a local reverend who outlined his plan for the police department which includes the use of body cameras the protests were peaceful in that city last week that ended with police using pepper spray and tear gas. republican presidential candidate donald trump will introduce his running mate to the nation in just about an hour. trump made the unofficial announcement yesterday saying, quote, he's pleased to announce he chose mike pence as his running mate. we're getting a look at their campaign logo. it's a match up of the initials woven into the american flag. they hold their first joint appearance around 8:00 this morning. there could be drama behind the scenes. melissa tell us that trump might be questioning his choice. >> reportedly last night at around midnight, donald trump was calling around to various campaign persons asking them if he was really, really for real obligated to announce that pence would be his vp. according to reports, donald trump was having second thoughts. >> trump is having serious doubts and could change his mind before the republican national convention and that starts monday in ohio. from delegates and national leaders are already in cleveland. they're adjusting their security plans following the attack in france. political analysis is headed to ohio for the rnc, look for the live reports from cleveland beginning on monday right here on kpix 5. this morning was a democratic national convention less than two weeks away we're learning who the headliners will be. first lady michelle obama are expected to speak. so will former president bill clinton along with bernie sanders. the zika virus is a huge health concern especially for pregnant women. why they say that the epidemic is not as bad as originally thought. >> there's a significant weather change in time for the start of the weekend. i'll have your forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, over a wildfire. cal fire says eric wasser got in the first person in california arrested for driving a drone over a wildfire u. he got in the way of firefighterring operations when he flew his drone over the center in june. it forcedded them to ground their aircraft or risk a collision with the drone. it burned 6600-acres and now 98% contained. >> sinkhole repair continues after the lawrence express way caved in. it took a huge chunk out of the middle of the road there. emergency repair crews were called in to patch the sinkhole. a teen driver behind bars for murder for allegedly hitting and killing a bike rider in golden gate and running from the scene. it crashed and killed 41-year-old heather miller. the 19-year-old of san francisco abandoned the car and then took off. according to sfpd, they were able to identify garcia and made the arrest yesterday. as a dangerous stretch of roadway is under scrutiny as traffic experts aim to increase the speed limit. there's already been one pedestrian fatality. why police want to now raise the speed limit. >> reporter: this stretch of roadway has been considered a hazard by the people who live in san rafael. >> any space along this area is unsafe, there's runners, bikers, whatever. >> reporter: informer more so than last june when a 17-year-old was hit and killed by a minirock when she left the sidewalk to run around a downed tree. >> i'm a parent, this would be my nightmare. >> police never said how fast the vehicle was going that killed her, now that the speed limit is planned to go from 35-45 miles per hour, neighbors are worried. >> it's a residential neighborhood and i think 35 is more than ample. nobody needs to be in that much of a hurry >> once the new limit takes effect at the beginning of september, they will. it gives the speed limit peace and for the neighbors, peace of mind. two vacaville teens hailed as heros after they noticed a toddler from a busy street. she found her child and babysitter gone. this woman, a bade by sitter through were supposed to be taking care of the toddler when the teens found them, they were investigating a near by drunk driving incident. the driver was the babysitter. >> someone would have took her or she could have walked to the streets and got hit by a car. >> the babysitter is facing a misdemeanor charge and felony child cruelty. the babysitter is longer listed on it's about to get chill on muny. they putting a an end to hot, stuffy buses they're equipping the fleet with air conditioners. it came mostly from the bus drivers there's a total of 880 buses in the fleet. the initial cost, $5 million. new in the health watch, british researchers say that the zika epidemic will likely burn itself out over the next 3 years. scientists say that while the spread of the mosquito-born virus cannot be contained, cases will diminish. this time, a young woman returned to new york city from a zika-infected country and and infected the man. and there are three new cases of zika in san francisco. the department of public health says that all of the patients got the virus while traveling in countries where it is circulating. those people tested positive bringing the total number in san francisco to five. let's get a quick check of weather this morning and a live look at the fog over our beaches here is paul with a first look. >> lots of outdoor activities coming up. one is the summer fest both today and tomorrow. you were in the 90s for the last couple days not the case later on. low 80s, the ocean breeze gives you as much of the air-conditioning to provide for a nice sunday. as a stronger flow has returned. what it will do this weekend, it will take away the heat. temperatures near the bay, doesn't warm up that much. away from the water, where we saw the 90s and 100s, they're finished. they're running below because of the ocean breeze. we have a strong low pressure to the north. it's important for us, even though the low itself will stay in canada. the strong rotation is bringing back the on shore flow, bringing an enhancement by a ridge of high pressure. both of those elements are like 800 to 1000-miles away. the on shore flow returns and looking at temperatures dropping and fog that is going to be tough to shake along the coastline. this morning, into the afternoon. pretty cloudy and chilly near the beach. you get the sunshine but it's going to be brisk the low clouds tonight with coastal drizzle we will be milder, not as hot away from the water. anywhere near, you work throughout the week and you're going to stay that way. concord, 84 degrees. very close for san jose. union city 76. redwood, only the 60s for half moon bay. 62, that's it for daily city. cloverdale 93 degrees. cooler on sunday with highs in the 60s near the bay. low to mid-80s inland and staying near or below average with afternoon sunshine every day from today through next friday. some bear clubs are getting used to their new space and put on some weight. they weigh less than 10 pounds but they will be ten times that size before next year. if you want to see more in person today, while also catching pokemon, head to the san francisco zoo. they're having a pokemon go meetup from 10-5 today. for all of you, it's good to know you have three gyms on their property. good morning. it was back to work for major league baseball last night. we saw the giants, and we saw the a's. do not take them lightly. toronto will tell you. ,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. for your retirement, you wanted to celebrate the little things, before they get too big. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. even faster. today, u-p-s begins testing saturday delivery. fed-ex and the u-s postal service already deliver on saturday... and u- p-s says it's a matter of keeping up with competition. the first test markets include ups will test saturday delivery and it's a matter of keeping up with competition. the first test markets is atlanta, philadelphia and l.a. a little more than a year ago, microsoft executive predicts it would be installed by 2018. now the company says it won't meet that goal. it blames the decision to scale back production of its smart tones over -- phones over the last year and upgrades for microsoft for free. it will now cost. one of the most interesting features, it will be able to record sounds from the red planet. they will have power that lasts up to 10 years and features several cameras including one that can make a 3d map. the rover will land in 2021 and the main mission to look for signs of life on the planet. good morning. baseball was back at it last night, the giants in san diego. that's madison against the padres, they got this. for the padres they had other ideas. roughed up by his standards. in the fifth, a solo job. six innings, four runs and the padres 4-1. now for the a's, we pixlated his face because we didn't want you to read his lips in the 7th, the all-star catcher went and again in the 7th with him threatening. bringing home the potential tying run. josh is called out. upon further review, the call was overturned. a's won the game, a final of 8-7. one of the power teams out of the east. in golf, more of the british open a little bit later on this afternoon. that and phil mickelson, wasn't it something if he was able to hang onto the lead across the pond i'll see you later. of years early. but first, on today's community calendar: street soccer u-s-a" gets underway in san francisco's union square in a few hours. the event will bring out a san jose earthquakes forward and friends for a celebrity match. it runs from 10- to-7. and the sf anime & cosplay festival is happening in japantown. it's a costumed celebration that includes cosplay 101 for beginners and contests for the whole family. it starts at 11. ,,,,,,,,,, ♪ light piano ,,,,,,,,,, today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. (hawk call) it had no heart, but it was alive. (train wheels on tracks) it had no mouth, but it spoke to me. it said, "rocky mountaineer: all aboard amazing". good morning, i'm maria medina. let's get a quick check on weather this morning... here's paul dianno with a first look. let's check on weather, you can see a lot of clouds there. here's paul with a very first look. >> the winds of change are literally blowing into the bay area with a much stronger on shore flow meaning cooler temperatures to the tune of 20 degrees cooler than thursday. it means better air quality. we have three straight spare-the-air days in the area. we're looking at good air quality from top to bottom. concord, 100 degrees on thursday. 84 for a high today. san jose, your high is 83 and san francisco today, 65 degrees. how long does the cool air stick around? the answer coming up. turkey which hosts the u.s .-led coalition fighting isis suffered a violent attempted coup last night and 28 military members are under arrest. >> reporter: good morning we just witnessed a night of violence and confusion here in turkey. though the attempted coup may have been defeated, what we saw makes one of america's most important allies in the middle east look increasingly unstable. the tanks that rolled onto the streets late last night were the first sign that an attempted coup was underway. gunfire an explosions rang out in turkey's biggest city. fighter jets repeatedly flew low overhead. this internet video appears to show a helicopter opening fire on protesters. turkey's parliament was hit by a bomb. the attempted power grab was announced on turkey's state tv which was taken over by some of the coup plotters as a council now in charge of the country to defend turkey's democracy. not long after that, turkey's president called in to another tv station vowing to defeat the attempted coup and urging people to take to the street. crowds of the supporters did just that. confronting the tanks and troops and shouting their defiance. by the early hours of the morning, the soldiers who attempted to seize power were surrendering and handing over their weapons. government supporters retook control of state tv. and then the president arrived back in istanbul welcomed by hundreds of his supporters the attempted coup was treason he said this morning promising to make the perpetrators make a heavy price for pointing the people's guns against the people there were still plumes of smoke hanging over the area this morning. the government may be back in charge, but this is a nation shaken by a night of chaos. there are reports this morning that the turkish military helicopter landed in greece with 7 turkish military personnel onboard all linked to this failed coup and have requested political asylum. >> isis is claiming it inspired the terrorist attack in nice, france. they have not indicated it was part of as a isis plot. five people have been taken into custody including a suspect's ex-wife. police shot and killed as a 31-year-old after he drove a truck into crowds killing 84 people celebrating. a desperate search for a missing student last seen running for his life. nick is one of the 85 students studying abroad in east france. he and his friends were celebrating when the attack happened. a uc berkeley spokesperson says two had broken legs, one had a broken foot. they're reaching out to find nick leslie. >> i think it's best we just stay positive and stay optimistic because nick is a very smart guy. >> nick has relatives in europe who are checking french hospitals for any sign of him he is planning on majoring in business. in the lone star state, a day of remembrance for copelin killed in france. a short but inspirational life of the 11-year-old. >> reporter: when riley watched his friend brodie perform peter pan, he knew he wanted to follow him into acting. >> he was the one that made this happen. it brought this into my life. >> reporter: he learned late last night that brodie and his father were killed. >> my mom told me the car. it took me as a while to really comprehend what happened. >> reporter: he had just finished performing when he got the news >> he feels far away. it's not for several of us here. we think of their families >> a family that called prosper home before moving outside of austin a few years ago. 11-year-old brodie left a lasting impression to those who knew him. >> he made every other kid feel good about themselves. >> he was really funny and nice and had an awesome smile. >> his biggest impact was helping one of his best friends find his passion. he introduced me to theater. >> today the theater group will perform a tribute to brodie. police in san francisco are warning about the possibility of hostility on the streets after protesters yesterday clashed with officers a camera crew was assaulted around 9:30 in the mission district. protesters demanded the crew quit filming them. police formed a barricade to protect the crowd. it's been 7 years since she was freed from a captor who held for 16 years why he could be releasedded hundreds of years early. >> reporter: he wants the public to know what is happening surrounding as a kidnapping case. >> he abducted an 11-year-old and held her in captivity for many years we shouldn't be talking about a release. >> reporter: she was kidnapped from tahoe and taken and sexual assaulted an imprisoned for the next 18 years. under the elderly parol program, state prisoners who have served 25 years now are offered parol hearings. >> if someone has proven themselves to be that dangerous, we should not release them ever. he was released early after serving 11 years of his 50-year sentence. eligibility for a hearing doesn't guaranty parol. according to staff, as the over 1000 hearings, only 359 were granted. 102 rejected the hearing and his parol hearing would be 2034. he would be over 80 years old. but 2034, the governor at the time will have the ability to reverse the decision or send it back to board for another review. still ahead, trying to find the perfect place for a summer get away. why a trip to south africa a might be the place you're looking for. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, indiana governor mike pence, in the next hour. their first joint news conference in manhattan will serve as the unofficial kickoff event for the republican national convention two days before it opens in cleveland. and a lot of people are making plans to have their voices heard at the convention. political activists are already set near the convention center, awaiting trumps arrival. some are even handing out flyers to boost their numbers ahead of monday. some of the speakers scheduled to talk at the r-n-c include former house speaker newt gingrich, texas senator ted cruz, and trump's daughter ivanka. live coverage of the republican convention won't be limited to the network news divisions our own stephen colbert will be broadcasting live nightly too from cleveland and philadelphia. the man who made a name as a political satirist will be doing "the late show" live during both political conventions in july. 11:52:22 the odd thing ...out courtesy among professionals...flash ...whreas as mrs clinon...outrcue it's easy to make jokes about an orange manatee...11:53:16 again the late show with steven colbert... will be live from the i don't think there's any joke you could make that would upset him enough not to talk to him again he's an entertainer. mrs. clinton, i believe she means everything she says. she's a little harder to make jokes about because it's hard to make jokes about a policymaker, but easy about a manatee. >> live next week monday through thursday and again july 25th through the 28th with a the democrats. taking another look at weather, as a live look over san jose where the skies are clearer than san francisco. here's paul with the weekend forecast. lots of outdoor activities coming up, one is the summer fest today and tomorrow. you were in the 90s for the past couple days not the case today we're talking low 80s, the ocean breeze will give you just enough to provide for a nice saturday and sunday. here's the deal, a stronger flow returned what it will do this weekend, it will take away the heat. temperatures in the bay didn't warm up, they won't move that much back down. they are finished the 90s are gone for a while. the reason why, we have a strong low pressure area to the north and it's important to us, even though the low itself will stay in canada because the strong rotation around it is bringing back the on shore flow bringing an enhancement. both of those elements are like 8000 miles away and exerting an influence and the on shore flow returns and we're looking at temperatures dropping and fog that is going to be tough to shake into the afternoon. cloudy and chilly near the beach you get the sunshine away from the water. it is going to be brisk the low clouds overnight with coastal drizzle again we'll be milder, not as hot away from the water. anywhere near the water, you'll stay that way. high temperatures today, concord, 84 degrees. 3 degrees below average. union city 76. only the 60s for half moon bay. pittsburgh 87. 62, that's it for daily city. san rafael 77. your extended forecast cooler on sunday with highs in the 60s near the bay and low to mid-80s inland and we'll stay near or below average with afternoon sunshine every day from today through next friday. that's your forecast. overseas, turmoil has made the dollar stronger in europe and other parts of the world including south africa it's an incredibly cheap time for americans to travel there. south africa officers a rich mix of traditions, beautiful scenery and adventure there's nothing like emerging near a great white shark. if you'd rather observe wild life on land, safaris offer close-up views of lions, leopards and elephants >> with i don't have any tv or radios, you come to relax. >> reporter: there's also wine country about 45 minutes from cape town. they started making wine here in the 1600s and it's now sold around the world. drink in views like these. >> it's the most spectacular wine country in the world. the dollar is worth three times than five years ago bringing more americans to hotels like the one and only cape town. >> it's an incredibly good value when you're here for the things one would spend money on. eating out in restaurants, shopping. >> the four seasons recently opened its first south african hotel. room prices dip under $250 >> we have seen great interest in travel to the region in general. it creates more opportunities for people to stop by. >> it's popular to see high security. those in tourism say if you're aware and avoid unsafe areas, your trip should be a dream vacation. next vacation, if you're interested, the journey is not easy, it takes 15 hours meet our pet of the week. find out how to help him make him part of your family. where you can go to help other cats in need of a home. we'll be right back ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they have to feel fresh. when you bring them home, store them in your refrigerator right away. i cut them in half, take out the seeds. put them on the grill for about a minute half to two minutes all the way around and salt and pepper and stuff them with some cheese that's it. you will love it. ricotta, you will love it. sweet banana peppers, grilling time. remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. time now for the pets of the week. billy is in need of a new home and joining us with how to adopt him is karen from the san francisco spca. thank you for joining us. tell us about billy, he's just a baby. >> he is four months old he came to us a couple weeks ago from another shelter we don't know a lot about the background. we do know he's playful, lots of energy as you can see. he's also very loving and likes to have a cuddle. >> he has a lot of energy. he stayed in your lap for the last 15 minutes >> he's a very good kitten. >> our mic is picking up purring >> you have an event next weekend. >> yes. >> pretty important event. >> we have a clear the shelters event. we have some activities going on on our mission campus, pet costumes, a bake sale and fun stuff. it would be great if everyone could come down. free adoptions all weekend. >> free is the keyword. >> yes. >> tell us about adopting a young cat what do bishop need to know? >> they need a lot of attention and play time and a lot of socialization. we like people who make sure they give the time. the most important thing is to love and care for the cat and make sure that it's healthy and happy at all times. >> right now it's kitten season. the immediate is there. >> we have a lot of kittens a lot of kittens that need homes. it would be great if people could come to the spca. >> he's all good. >> a little play time and cuddle. >> oh, my gosh. >> he's purring. >> thank you so much. thank you for joining us and thank you, billy. to learn more, head to our web site. thank you so much. >> we'll introduce you to the mom who crea we've all heard of pokemon go, but how about this one? the mom who created the game that is coming up next. ,,,,,,,, she was visiting mission high school in san francisco. she comes back to her old when we first met anna, she was visiting in san francisco. she comes back to see those who set her on path to college she's in town again this year. this time, as a college graduate. >> reporter: anna shot this video selfie as she graduated from uc santa cruz with a 3.4 gpa. not that long ago, she spoke no english. >> it feels like a dream. >> the first in her family to graduate from college. her relatives were all there and say saved enough money to bring her mother and brother from guatemala. it all hit home. mommy, poppy, she says, this is for you and because of you. she was already in college when we first met her. it shows her in the dorm. she wanted an education so badly she came to the united states by herself when she was 14 years old leaving her parents behind. >> my parents, we can't afford to pay working women, and that's it. i can't. i need to go to school. i wanted to go to school. i wanted to be someone one day. >> she lived with her sister who supported her by cleaning houses. no welfare or government support. on their own with worries >> a roof, transportation. >> what made the difference for anna was a staff at mission high in san francisco where she graduated with a 3.8. she would always go visit when home from college. >> it's my home. >> mission high. >> mission high school is my home. the teachers made me feel like home >> reporter: eventually she moved home with a teacher >> the more time we spent together, the more i would see her taking care of me like a mom things a mom would do. >> reporter: at graduation, she was there along with anna's biological family. >> i felt like i had all of my ancestors telling me we did it. my grandparents, my grandmothers >> she carries the hope of her entire family. and she still goes back to mission high to visit and give hope to other students >> it's about pushing, persevering and that's it. >> students need support to get through college, to get help, go online. pokemon takes over parks and neighborhoods, a viral game has people stopping to smell the wine. she and friends track down wine under a bush in someone's house and even in a man's pants >> on tuesday, we were like let's have this idea and we called the neighbors and said can i beat you up in front of a tree, she was like yeah. >> it isn't the real app that comes to your phone any time soon. thank you for joining us. we'll be back tomorrow morning at 7:30. enjoy your weekend. narrator: today on "lucky dog," an even-tempered lab mix could be the key to unlocking the world for a devoted mother and her autistic son. susan: dustin would really like to become more independent, but he lacks some of the skills to be independent. narrator: but if maverick hopes to become dustin's wingman, he'll need to prove he can perform under pressure. brandon: i know, what is it? what is it? what is it? oh! this comes down to safety. if there is a shadow of a doubt in my mind, the deal is one hundred percent off. [balloon popping] [screaming and laughter] brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely,

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