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shot from the golden gate bridge. >> it is a bright start to the morning, today is expected to be the warmest day of the week. temperatures will tumble as we head into tomorrow. the warmest out to be in the mid-70s and we will continue with cooler weather by the middle of this week. livermore '91, '92 and antioch. a closer look at your after an highs and that the weather that is on the way in my next report. >> what a great day for the drive around the bay. we're not talking hot spots. the bay bridge, there is the end of the back up a 14 to 16 minutes drive this morning. the san mateo bridge ride is not bad at all, back down to 11 minute and a group town to foster city coming out of hayward. if you're driving from marin to san francisco this morning, you have an easy trip through the county on 1 01 and a problem free ride across the golden gate bridge. >> 7:01 a.m. and a developing story we're following out of east palo alto, police are investigating a troubleshooting killing at least one person at a 16 year-old. yoli aceves is live on the scene with more. >> we know a little bit more about the 16 year-old victim. his name was jose luis de on as. we have a picture of them and we were able to speak to his father. he was attending redwoodside high school in redwood city. on all accounts he was a good kid and a student who studied hard. he love football and last night around 11:00, he was sitting in front of his home friends and just coming back from mcdonald's. two young men came walking up to the car and shot into the car. they stroke jose luis and the chest. a fourth passenger was able to escape. unfortunately, what looked jose luis it did not survive his injuries but the other two did. they do have life- threatening injuries but the big question is who did this and why? investigators are still trying to find this out. speaking with his father he believes it was the case of mistaken identity. at this point, even the officers are saying they do not believe this has any sort of gang affiliation. you can see this is actually the home of jose luis and you can see they're even some stray bullets that hit some other family members car. you can see the back window is blown out as well as another stray bullet that hit a home. very close to the doorway right there. fortunately, no one in the home was hurt. he did die on the state. we will try to hit more informations from the police department to see if there any brother descriptions of the two males that walked up to them last night. >> another developing story we're following comes out of the north bay. fire crews on the scene at a house of fire that broke out early this morning. mike pelton is live in greenbrae. >> this is very damage, this is the kitchen that has totally cave and. this extends all the way to the back part of the home in the cabana area. the blaze broke out just after 2:00 this morning. there were three people inside, a 93 year-old grandmother, her adult son and his wife. someone heard the fire alarm go off overnight, the alarm inside the home did not go off and luckily they heard something outside. the wife woke up first and manage to get everyone out safely. they had to run to their neighbor's home to get help. >> i wake up hearing the doorbell ringing. there is pounding on the door. the woman from next door says our house is on fire, called 911. that is what i did. >> the neighbor also tells me that he was concerned that the fire would get his home and he began spraying water on his neighbor's home. they have some temporary shelter and the red cross is also out here helping as much as they can. the official cause of the fire is under investigation. the neighbor tells me the firfamily was barbequing late last night. 21 homes lost power and they are working to restore the power to those songs. >> it looks like it will take awhile to repair all of that damage, it looks pretty extensive. >> north korea has fired a short-range missile into its own eastern waters for the fifth time in three days. the launches appear to be a weapons test or an attempt to get u.s. and southeadeteafr . sanctions aimed at a north korean nuclear tests. north korea's as its rocket tests are part of drills to bolster the deterrence against what it called u.s. and south korean threats to attack the north. another star we are following, we are getting pictures coming and after a violent storms ripped through iowa, kansas and app oklahoma yesterday. the worst damage appears to be and shawnee obama area where one person was killed. residents said his mobile home park took a dead hit. another 21 were injured through out the state. >> we will take a quick break at 7 07 a.m.. a live look outside at the san mateo bridge. the ride is looking pretty good. we will be right back. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. we've made major advancements in reducing the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. >> we're learning that a man has died from his injuries after falling four stories during what appears to have been a bay to breakers house party. the victis happened on felt street near the panhandle of golden gate park. the victim apparently was leaning over the railing when he fell over. that was the most serious incident reported during the bay to breakers race. san francisco police arrested 21 people for public intoxication, one for possession of a fire arm and one felony arrests for robbery during the race and event. one officer sustain minor injuries during an arrest, another 16 people were taken into sobering centers. police also shut down 20 house parties. >> new this morning, it is official yacht who is buying online blocking form tumbler for $1.1 billion. the deal announced about hour ago represents a ceo morris tharissy yeamayer's bold move yet said she left the will 10 months ago to leave yahoos latest comeback attempt. it marciano's most expensive acquisition since the company bought overture for 1.3 billion a decade ago. the dow's at 15,342 and getting a fresh high on friday. more coming when the kron4 news continues. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. 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shooting attacks across iraq to 70. the officials say the latest blast struck on monday afternoon and a busy market and beat she ougand the shaab se neighborhood of the iraqi capital. a police officer says 25 wounded people in the explosion. >> also this morning, emergency responders have been searching for a dallas firefighter who was reportedly trapped while battling a sixth alarm blaze at a condominium complex. emergency offpersonnel had no immediate reports of any residents hurt in the fire that broke out before dawn. no word on what sparked the blaze. >> watching the weather around the nation as tornadoes ripped through the central plains. here's video coming into kron4 newsroom of a couple tornadoes caught on camera. on the left side, a tornado from wichita kansas. on the right, video of a tornado from shawnee oklahoma. these tornadoes were part of the severe weather outbreak that stretched from texas to minnesota. twisters also were reported sunday in iowa and kansas. >> we will increase the fire danger if you live in the east bay hills. very dry, hot conditions throughout the day. we're looking at pretty pleasant conditions. a live shot from our mt. tam cam. we will see nineties today, fairfield about five degrees warmer than yesterday and six degrees warmer and san jose and fremont. we're currently in the fees for the rest of the bay warea. into the afternoon, our fair share of '80s. san jose 87, 89 evergreen. plenty of '90s for the east bay interior valleys. antioch 92, low eighties for san leandro. downtown san francisco 75 degrees. that bought 94, upper '70's berkeley. satellite and radar shows strong weather continues as high pressure is still building over head. into tomorrow, a weaker system will approach the pacific northwest. a lot of air will be thrown into the bay area. expect pretty windy conditions into the middle of this week. temperatures will take a tumble. wednesday inland spots the warmest lonely climb into the upper 60s. saturday and sunday look pretty good and with temperatures starting to climb and not a raindrop insight for the next seven days. 7:18 a.m. and here is george with traffic. >> we're still looking at a pretty good commute. the volume is picking up and we are tracking a little bit of slowing, there are still no hot spots around the bay. the bay bridge westbound to me it looks good. the backup is growing a bit beyond the first over crossing, the 880 approach is not bad at all. drive times are about 18 minutes. this >> tale bridge, something has happened. slow and go, stopping go from the toll plaza to mid span. have not seen any incidents reported that would account for this traffic but we will check and see what the cause might be. the golden gate bridge 1 01 southbound is a light and easy ride. heading over to the east bay, take a look of the traffic maps and update drive times. the east shore freeway ride is at 21 minutes. and earlier occurring accident at stone valley road southbound may traffic a little slower than usual, earlier than usual. west 580, a very normal right here. the commute to the south bay as thick of some slowing through saratoga on highway 85 and northbound direction. 280 to the 17 inter andchangehe ride through marin county 1 01 southbound heaviest here at the 37 merge with drive times of about 33 minutes from about to the golden gate bridge. also learning us and caltrans delays. through sunnyvale there have some roadside set of caught fire adjacent to the track. they have been instructed to reduce speeds in that direction. >> new this morning, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake has struck too late shortly before 2 this morning. the quake is about 950 mi. away from santiago. so far there been no reports of any damage or injuries from the earthquake. >> also this morning, a new poll finds that despite the controversies surrounding the irs and the attacks in benghazi, president obama approval rating is up from the last month. obama now has a 53 percent approval rating, that is up from 51% at the beginning of april. 45 percent now they say they disapprove of the president. gallops daily tracking poll also indicated a slight upward movement of obama approval rating over the past week. the u.s. senate is any to wrap up work on a sweeping immigration bill this week. a judiciary committee has been meeting over the last two weeks to settle a few remaining disputes. when involved work visas for high skilled immigrants. the high-tech industry is in favor of them, labor unions are opposed. there is also disagreement over whether the americans should be allowed a right to sponsor their partners for green cards. democrats have the votes to pass it in committee but the outcome is less certain when the full senate votes. >> jodi arias is back in court today for the continuation of her sentence hearing after being convicted of killing her plumber boyfriend back into thousand eight. today wibegan a new phase of the trial as defense attorneys present witnesses to testify on arias is behalf in hopes of saving her life. jurors convicted areas back on may 8th of first-degree murder and now consider a light sentence or execution. the ongoing penalty proceedings will be ♪ ♪ all around the world ♪ everybody singing along ♪ everybody singing along ♪ never looking back ♪ it's a long, long way from my home ♪ [ male announcer ] with the best line up of vehicles ever. introducing the new chevrolet. why just go from a to b, when imagination can take you everywhere? here we go. [ male announcer ] chevrolet. find new roads. here we go. you deserve more than justto go flexibility and convenience. so here are a few reasons o choose university of phoenix. our averavage cle ass size is only 14 students. our finafincial iatools help you make smart choices about hot w to pay for schoo. our oufaculty have, on average, over 16 1years arof field experience. we'lwel helphe you build a personal career plan. we build pro pgrams ambased on t employers are looking for. our for otballba team is always undefeated. and anleadinadg companies are interested in our graduates. we'lwel evenev help you decorate your new office.. ok. let'les get to work. yeah, kfc! original recipe. original recipe? dad, i think you ate the bones. i did what? you ate the bones! i ate the bones? i ate the bones! i ate the bones! [ male announcer ] kfc original recipe, now available without the bone. freshly prepared white or dark meat chicken, bonekinless. get 4 delicious, mouth-watering pieces in your next 10 piece mixed bucket for $14.99. today tastes so good. some of the most advanced driver systems ever made. stereoscopic vision... distronic plus braking... lane keeping and steering assist... eleven enhanced systems in all. ♪ twelve, counting your adrenaline system. the 2014 e-class. the most intelligent, exhilarating mercedes-benz ever made. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. >> boeing's 787 dream liner will return to the skies today. battery problems resulted in its grounding earlier this year. in fact, it was the first entire airline models to be grounded by the federal aviation administration in more than 30 years. a redesign battery system has cleared the way for the planes returned to service. this morning, united airlines will start flying the dream liner again on domestic routes. united flight one will depart from houston's george bush entered continental airport heading for chicago o'hare international airport. consumer spending is likely to pick up this year while government spending declines at a faster rate. according to a survey of business economists, the u.s. economy will grow 2.4% this year and 3% next year. that is unchanged from their forecast in february. they're more confident on consumer spending and housing market and they were three months ago. that partly reflects a more positive view on unemployment. >> to a yacht is planning a giant increase in production of lithium ion batteries as they prepare to use them in its flagship 3 as saddam. toyota plans a six old blues and its use of the batteries which are substantially it lighter and more powerful than a nickel metal hydride batteries it uses in the current rias. nearly all blood and vehicles depend on lithium ion batteries. toyota and battery partner panasonic will increase lithium ion battery output capacity to 200,000 units a year. traffic and southwest conn could be a mess for as much as a week. palin friday's collision between two trains. the accident left more than 70 injured. now crews are rebuilding some 2,000 ft. of track as well as overhead wires and signals. connecticut gov. danienel mallory is warning of traffic trouble for the next several days in says the state will dispatch more state troopers and towed trucks to respond to car accidents that would come with crowded roads. look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> 7:29 a.m. and temperatures are hot today, so hot that we may be single low 90s and land. we have a pretty up and down forecast. >> absolutely, in fact we could lose as much as 15 degrees into tomorrow. enjoy today while it lasts. a pretty good shot from our look roof cam at portions of the skyline. temperatures and tumbled tuesday into wednesday. wednesday we're only talking upper 60s for the warmest inland spots. a dramatic cool down on the way, more details on what to expect in just a couple of minutes. >> we were concerned about the slow traffic on the san mateo bridge highway 92. there are no incidents reported but what we are seeing is what often happens at the san mateo bridge. slow going out of the base of the high-rise and works its way back to the toll plaza. we will continue for a while to see this accordion of fact. the slow and go, sometimes stopping go conditions. 15 minutes drive time for your was down ride. in the accident reported that could become a hot spot here on 880 southbound at el dorado. there may be two lines blocked here but it is being reported as an injury accident. >> 731 8:00 p.m. and a developing story we're following out of the north bay. police are investigating a fire that they put out overnight while you were sleeping and greenbrae. mike pelton is on the scene. it is great that everyone got out, there is extensive damage to the house. >> a lot of damage. these people have owned this house for 60 years. we're looking at the kitchen area of the somme and it is completely collapsed and. it went through the rows burning a couple of cars and extended to the back of the home. this broke out just after 2 this morning. a 95 year-old grandmother, hit her adult son and his wife were in the home. they made it out safely. you will hear from the home owner coming up and about half an hour. they woke up and saw the fire and managed to escape from the house. their phones were not working so they had to run to a neighbor's house to call for help. >> i was worried about might house which is why i dragged my hose out. i started sprang up when i realized it was not enough. >> the neighbors helping the family as much as he can this morning. fire crews remain here on the scene. the official cause of the fire is being investigated. at this point there is telling me that the family was barbequing late last night. they have all of this house for 60 years and they're trying to go through as salvage what remains. >> a woman was arrested on suspicion of setting a fire in the hills of martine as. police say 49 year-old julie tenpenny from caught concord was under the influence. witnesses say they saw her use of lighter to start the fire. the fire broke out on the hill near homes and alhambra avenue and l humber at hills drive just after 5:00 yesterday evening. firefighters were called in and help prevent a neighborhood from going up in flames. contra costa county fire says it took about 48 fire fighters and 38 hand crew members to handle the flames. helicopters and planes were also used to cover the flames of fire retardant. it's about 90 minutes to contain the fire. one firefighter suffered minor injuries and all about 15 a. burned. >> his father says that he was a good kid, a good student and went to woodside high school in redwood city and was part of the football team. he does not know why he would be involved in any kind of criminal activities. >> we are having some audio problems with ely's connection. we're going to try to get that reestablished. the investigating on this shooting continues this morning. we will give you more informations as we get it. >> more trouble for the new eastern span of the bay bridge to tell you about. the sacramento beat reports' engineers in 2006 discovered that the duckts enns have been left unsealed exposing those tendons to rainfall and salt water. this has some worried about corrosion. caltrans examine hundreds of the tendons and says it found little significant corrosion. experts to review the study question the agency's testing methods and say the corrosion could make portions of the skyway unusable after an earthquake. this is all on top of the bird old bolt problem with 32 bolts snapping when they were tightened. although accusations of lot wells. it is unclear the bridges will open as has over labor day weekend. >> we're learning that a man has died from his injuries after falling four stories during what appears to have been a bay to breakers house party. this happened on that fell street near the panhandle of golden gate park. the victim apparently was leaning over the railing when he fell over. that was the most serious incident reported during the bay to breakers race. sam francisco police arrested 21 people for public intoxication, one for possession a firearm and one of felony arrests for robbery during the race any man. one officer sustain minor injuries during an arrest, another 16 people were taken into severing centers. police also shut down 20 house parties. >> redwood city wants to increase its monthly water and sewer rates by 9% a year for the next three years. this is in response to a steady increase in the price it pays to buy water from san francisco. the city council will consider the rate increases at its june 10th meeting. the public will be invited to comment at its second meeting on june 24th. police are beefing up patrols in downtown palo alto after 2 attempted army robbery is and the area earlier this week. police said the first robbery happen on monday night on hamilton avenue near emerson street. the segment had been about one block down on emerson street near fourth avenue. police say two men approached three women who were walking in the area, pointed a gun at them and demanded their stuff. the three women ran some nearby businesses and called police. no suspects have been arrested and the taxes are looking into any possible connection between the two robberies. >> changes may be coming to disabled drivers trying to park at sampras is coming years. if 15 member committees all the city's minutes of the transportation agency that tightening current parking rules with expanding disabled parking zones would make it easier for people with physical restrictions to find a parking in need. also as part of the proposal, the disabled drivers could be forced to feed the meters. >> 748 m in a small florida city is waiting anxiously to find out who won the biggest power ball jackpot in history. the winning ticket is worth $590.5 million was bought some time late last week at a public supermarket and zephyr less about 30 mi. northeast of the tampa. the winner has 60 days to claim the lump-sum amount from the lotteries tallahassee office. lottery officials said the winner will probably take the time to craft a plan with the attorneys or accountants before coming forward. the news that the town of about 13,000 people buzzing over who might know the winner. back here in california, lottery officials say 2 million people are holding a winning lottery tickets worth $2.3 million after their tickets matched five of six winning numbers. one of those tickets were sold at a 7-eleven a convenience store in san jose, while the other was sold at space 711 and taft. >> 74828 am at a live look at the san mateo bridge. we will be back in a moment. . >> welcome back the time is 744 and we are tracking a hot spot right now. to actually, both in the east bay. the san mateo bridge and highway 92, we are still looking at slow and go conditions all the way across the span. we have been incident free but we do know that traffic is heavier at the base of a high-rise back to the toll plaza. 18 minutes drive times are what you should expect headed west. that you're continuing assault on the nimitz freeway, you will find additional delays here for 880 southbound. this new accident southbound eldorado, the chp is showing its vessel traffic advisory. they do that when they expect one or more lanes to be bought for 30 or more minutes. looking at the rest of the bridges the bay bridge ride westbound, the backup has grown beyond the first over crossing. it is toward mass brand within 18 to 20 minutes drive time out of the macarthur maze. the golden gate bridge 1 01 southbound is still a pretty good ride with no delays as you come from marin county. it looks like a beautiful day and it will be a warm one. there is erica. >> it is simply gorgeous out there. we're waking up too bright, clear skies and plenty of sunshine. this'll be the last one day of around the bay area as temperatures take a tumble over the next couple of days. crank conditions, we're in the '70s for fairfield. 65 antioch, mid- 50s for the rest of us pretty mild conditions as we start out the morning. and the afternoon '70s post wide 7 day around the bay shows when the conditions on the way anddual cather. temperae little warmer but still below the seasonal average as we head into the weekend. ♪ >> good morning gary how are you? >> it's too hot. >> its not even 8:00 in the morning. >> i am so ready with everything from baseball to basketball to you name it >> and our contract, you are to pick the subject. i am to react. it is by the cost you extra if i have to come up with the idea. >> let's go with baseball. giants, nightmare on elm street is over. i don't know if the colorado rockies play but i like the sounds of it. >> will go with that then. the funny thing about this whole giants string if you ask anyone what is this drug as part of the team, they will say the starting pitching. all the sudden, these guys just in a row had a road trip, one win in five losses. it started with zito is bad, will song was bad, kane was bad, baumgartner was bad, timmy was bad, and zito was bad again yesterday. that five bad starts and a row, they are lucky to win one. >> what you do when you look at the dodgers? the giants still have their chance at home, the dodgers have these amazing pictures and they are all on the roster and going to be playing tonight. they have just been through and they are continuing to sock. mattingly is when to go today or soon because of them? >> tha that is been going around for a while. have you heard of like getting fired today? >> i feel like, i feel let the axe is going to fall. the ugly losses piling on over the weekend. it could be today. >> it would not surprise me. that is part of the new ownership taking over. when you spend that kind of money, over 200 and the yankees and dodgers spent more than anyone. you have to win. you just have to. >> i just noticed there the best art buying in the next series. you can't pay all this money out though. >> that's the joke in any sport. you can't fire 12 and basketball agian fan you want to encourage them. would give the dodgers. >> at least we're not paying them dr. money and they don't suck half the time. >> they've got money with that ball park, it is a cash cow. we are not at their level but let's put it this way, matt cain anzio are not taking home town discounts. >> are they accepting gifts? on average, they make so much money. redskin fans out of their of money buying against on his bed bath and beyond registry. >> he is getting married. >> he is getting married and you have to remember how much money these people make. he didn't ask for these gifts but people are going on bed bath and beyond buying a cup or a place setting for this company. >> if you are spending $800 or more or even $50 or more, you have to get a life. >> they don't want your money, >> on not being funny. you know how people go to the autograph show and stand in line to get a guys autograph as than 50 bucks? maybe these people are thinking eight think the note to him is worth it. >> did you know that when you get married you can invite the president. you will get something back. am i the only one that didn't know? they will get a note back saying sorry the president could not attend and he signs it himself. >> there are people running around and costumes yesterday. >> i don't have a picture but i did see that. they said are you tired? i said no i'm not tired. there is a sea of people almost propelling you. it makes it easy when you have all these people behind you. james was out there. >> yes he was, he is very nice. dino would jasey gives for graduation presents? he gave this grow the basketball player that you like a mercedes. >> that's part of the deal. you want someone to represent them, that as part of the deal. come to my organization, i will give you a mercedes. >> is getting the key to this city, as it san francisco. why is the only getting the san francisco's city key? >> you know why. don't you dare. >> no i don't. >> badly wants to steal the warriors. major quang as having the same route out from under her by ed lee. >> have you ever received the key to this city? >> yes on might anniversary at crime. >> and do we have to resignees so you can get another key? if we don't give you the key and you get locked out of the building >> it is a symbolic thing. it was given to me by newsom >> at the jal mangel man? >> he is good looking. >never start a segment by asking what do you want? >> i was trying to give you a choice. >> i will tell you once again, that is extra. all right young lady, but tell james fletcher to wipe that smile off. . for over 60,000 california foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside, i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. mamake a wish!h! i 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[ [ male annououncer ] it's p practicallyly yours. testst dri! bubut we stillll need your s signature.. vovolkswagen s sign then d dri. and d it's neverer been easisir to get a j jetta. that's t the power of german n engineerining. get $0 dowown, $0 due at t signing, $ $0 des, anand $0 firstst month's p pe visit t today anand $0 firstst month's p pe whatwthat's it won't take long, will it? okay.ay this, wo, n't take long will i? no, nonot att all. how many of thf ese cae n we do on our budget? moremo than hayou think.k. didndi't tak te very long, did it? summsuer's h'sere, so are the savings.. that'sat nice.ic post istt. already addid.d. more sav sing. more doing. that's the power of the thhome dmeepot. get memomerial day savings,ng like 3 b 3ags of earteahgro®ro mulch for jur st $10. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] when is it t okay to lose the cover-up?-u when you can c. take tkehe special k challenge...e. and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks.s ♪ my, my, my, my ♪ and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks.s with the help of delicious special k red berries cereal,l you can truly enjoy a cover up free summermm. what will you gau in when you lose? >> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news better news for the two hotspot we have been tracking. >> the san mateo bridge westbound is still incident free but experiencing the according like the fact of slow and go stop and go conditions differ it starts at the base of a high-rise and works back to the toll plaza. 18 minutes is a drive time. if a look at the ride on 880 south bound the sig dollar has been cancelled traffic from to 38 southbound toward union city and fremont. >> the kron 4 morning news you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. when yenour allergies start, doctdoors recommend taking one nodrowsy claritin every dayy duridung your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 day ds! 17 d17ays!s! 22 days of continuous relief.. liveli claritin clear.r. every erday.y. backflipfls and cartwheels.mile? love, wa, rmth. here, retry this. mmmm, ok! ching!g! i likeli the fact that there's lotslo of different tastes going on. mmmm!! breakfaskft i'm vem ry impressed. this is ia great cereal! honey buy nches of oats. i hei ar you crunching. >> (male announcer) live from the bay area's news station, this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 8 to now. >> top stores that we're falling on monday, may 20th. a violent weekend in east palo alto, with the latest incident leading a 16 year- old dead. >> a live report straight ahead. >> fire crews ran on the scene of a three alarm fire that broke out overnight in the north bay. >> incredible pictures coming out of damaged from dozens of tornadoes crossing the nation's midsection. >> for more on top stores just a bit but first a check with george was tracking hotspots. >> westbound 92 is still slow and go sometimes bought and go in the west bound direction with an 18 minute enroute time is that of the usual 11 to 13 minutes. for the good news is there are no incidents on the bridge. it will just take the typical time that it does to on wind the back up on this extra long span. >> we have also been tracking an incident on 880 southbound. a motorcycle accident at elvaradoo boulevard. it had been cleared from the traffic lanes of the slowest conditions are from 92 south will start to clear in about 10 or 15 minutes. >> erica. >> good morning george. we're waking up with plenty of sunshine today will be the warmest day of the week. yesterday was taught you have not seen anything yesterdayet . >> temperatures could be 10 to 15 degrees warmer than yesterday. >> oakland 64 the same for concord. mid-50s in downtown san francisco. today will be the warmest day a week. plenty of sunshine and increase in cloud cover by later tonight. >> temperatures will start to decrease as we head into tomorrow with more of a westerly breeze. full details on what to expect in the 7 day around they forecast minutes away. darya. 801 . at about the story were falling out east palo alto, where police are investigating a trouble shooting, killing at least one person, a 16 year-old. to get you more faster let's turn to our team was all reporters kron fours yoi aceves is live with more. hi yoli. >> what you're looking at now is the house of the victim died the 16 year old. we have a picture. he is 16 years old and went to woodside high school in redwood city. he was on the football team and his family said it was a good son and a nice friend. he loved sports. they did not understand why it started at all. in fact, they think it was a mistaken identity. it happened last night at around 11:00. he was in the car with three other franc fraiends . two young males came and shot about 20 to 25 rounds of bullets into the car. >> unfortunately it did hit hosea and the upper area of the body. the other two victims were in the back seat they also got injured. they are not life- threatening injuries. there were able to run into the home along with the fourth passenger was sitting in front. he got away unscathed. they all went into the home. most that can be told about the suspect there were two males. witnesses say they ran down the street and got into a getaway car which was described only as being great or silver sedan. i got to speak to the father and the father expressed why thought it was a mistaken identity. >> they were thinking because he was driving a car that was not he >> he was confused. instead of shooting yeah.. you can see how stray bullets hit another car that belongs to the family. it hit the back. hear and into the side window. it actually hit the corner of the house. very close to the entrance of a home. nobody in the home was injured by stray bullets. at the moment they are inside holding a family vigil. police are asking for anyone if they witnessed anything if they think it is not important to report to them. they had an anonymous tip line. to give any details they can about the case. >> darya. >> thank-you yoli . we had dry windy, warm conditions this morning ticket out of the north bay were fire crews are on the scene of a house fire that broke out early this morning. mike pelton is live in greenbrae where the fire broke out. >> this is the kitchen area you are looking at a totally collapsed again. the fire spread to the garage and burned two cars and extended the back part of a the home bring a guest on. the blaze broke out at 2:00. a 95 year-old grandmother, her adult son and his wife heard noise, woke up and saw the flames they all rushed out of the home. with the help of a neighbor called 911. now the family is devastated after watching their longtime home golden flames. >> your mind does not work. you just panic. how big tennessee high. >> the homeowner tells me he is absolutely devastated by having watched all this is morning. he has gone through the house multiple times collecting the few items that are not burned. crews are cleaning up the scene. the official cause of the fire is under investigation. neighbors said the family was barbequing last night. they hope to have power restored to the homes where the power was knocked out by 1130 this morning. >> no one was injured mike? >> no. no one was injured everyone got out including the 95 year-old grandmother. >> also the following developing story that of the nation's midsection. were forecasters say more tornadoes could hit the midwest today after violent storms ripped through iowa, kansas and oklahoma yesterday's devastating a number of communities. you can see the damage. one of the hardest hit was shawnee, okla.. that is where these pictures are coming from. at least one person was killed by twister. for 21 others were injured throughout the state. oklahoma's governor mary fallin will tour some of the worst damage today. >> no. korea aspiring short- range missile into a town in eastern waters for tfirst fifth--the fifth time in three days. the losses appear to be weapons test or an attempt to get u.s. and south korean attention after u.n sanctions aimed at north korean nuclear tests. north korea says it rocket test a part otests are part of drills to bolster a deterrent against what is called u.s. and south korean threats to attack the north. >> we're learning that a man has died from injuries after falling four stories during what appears at the bay to breakers out party. >> b >> we're back. new this morning, it is official ya goo is buying on line blogging form tumblr for 1.1 million--billion. the deal announced about our goal represents ceo marisa myers all this move yet since he left google 10 months ago to lead ya latest comeback attempt. it marks involves most expensive acquisitions as the company bought overture for 1.3 million a decade ago. >> the new this morning, a new poll finds that despite the controversy surrounding the irs in the attacks in benghazi, president obamas of full rating is up from last month. obama has now i figured percent rating, if that is up 41% of the beginning of april. 45 percent of said it is the for the president. intel said it tracking poll also indicated a slight upward movement of obamas of redding old as week off. >> the dow started off-but up nine. at 15,364 preferred marching down after the acquisition of tumblr . up 18¢ to 267. >> we will be back with more crystal geyser is always bottled at the mountain source. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. then we deliver it directly to you. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. new story out of barack. officials say car bomb and another shite neverland baghdad has killed 13 people. the blast was today's death toll from a deadly wave of bombings and shooting attacks across i rack to 70. the officials say the latest last struck on monday afternoon in a busy market in the shaab shite neighborhood of the iraqi capital. of police officers as 25 people wounded in the explosion. >> and other developing story with a follow throughout the morning with the emergency responders searching for a dallas firefighter was entrapped in a sixth alarm blaze at a condominium complex. here is video of the six alarm fire that has damaged 24 condos. i reserve personnel had no immediate reports of any residents heard a fire that broke out before dawn. they had to rescue five residents from the large structure. the world was sparked the blaze at a surge of a firefighter. >> 815 is the time. we want to get a look at the hotspot and an update from george by the traffic center. >> thank you darya. we are tracking a couple of hot spots first on highway 5 80 in the west bound direction where it is the traffic is slow still coming all the way, as we backed that up, all the way out of the altamonte pass from the 205 to change for the west bound ride. the drive time 44 minutes is not so unusual. in fact, it is a typical ride. it is kind of slow this morning. looking at your ride on 880 southbound is back up but clearing now that the motorcycle accident at alvardo boulevard is cleared from the lanes and freeway according to the chp. you can see the east bay ride heavy even as you head south coming out of san leandro, san lorenzo. however, the good news is the rest of the ride through the fremont and milpitas corridor heading toward 237 looks great. here is a bridge check as we look at the bay bridge. the west bound back of riches back to west grand ave. about an 18- 20 minute drive time out of the macarthur maize. on 92, we are looking at sluggish conditions. the drive times are down from 18 minutes closer to 15 minutes. the lower stop and go across the span. >> the golden gate bridge ride, 101 southbound oswald commute with no surprises for your trip through marin. >> the drive time for 39 minutes south bound. >> let us as to the weather center will be warm bed day. here's erica. >> absolutely george people may need to have the air- conditioning in their cars at a drive around in the sunshine. this is my favorite shot ever morning live from our mount tam cam. most of us walking up to clear skies certainly a bright start. a warm start for some of us. fairfield, that is not your afternoon high that is your current temperature mid to upper seventies. low seventies in antioch. lows 60s for the east bay shoreline. downtown san francisco gaining a couple of degrees at 59. >> off tracking the numbers into the afternoon plenty of '80s in the south bay pier it settled a 87. mid '80s for mountain view. sunnyvale. plenty of is for the east bay interior valleys. we will see an increase in fire danger coupled with the dry conditions and the northerly winds. fairfield 92. the site for antioch. 83 in castro valley. could break records today 9 degrees in napa. here's the big weather story satellite and radar shows clear, dry conditions of the bay area right now. high-pressure still overhead. what will change as we are tracking it week system. it will bring shower activity to the pacific northwest. could be as far south of sacramento. today windy conditions just light rain heading into tomorrow. that will not directly impact us. we will not see any showers but an increase in the onshore flow and the westerly breeze. ocean air will celebrsettle into the bay. the seventies for the warmest spots tomorrows. by wednesday, the coolest day only in the upper 60s. >>, conditions by thursday. temperatures will be a bit more as we head into the weekend. temperatures still trending below the seasonal average. darya. >> thank you erica. 819 . new this morning a 6.8 magnitude quake strikes and chile . the quake is about 950 mi. away for on diablo. so far there have been no reports of any damages or injuries from earthquake. the u.s. senate is aiming to wrap up work on a sweeping immigration bill this week. the judiciary committee has been meeting over the last two weeks to sell if your main disputes. one and all the work visas for high skilled immigrants. the high-tech industry is in favor of them. labor unions are opposed. there also is given over whether gay american should be allowed the right to sponsor their partners for ring cards. democrats have the votes to pass it in committee but the outcome is less certain when the full senate vote. >> jodi arias is back in court today for the continuation of for trial after being convicted of killing her former boyfriend back in 2008. today begins a new phase of the trial as defense attorneys present witnesses to testify on aria's behalf in hopes of saving her life. jurors convicted her back on may 8th of first-degree murder in now they consider a life sentence or execution. the ongoing penalty proceedings will be the final phase of the trial. jurors are expected to begin deliberating the ultimate fate this week. >> the federal civil rights trial of the new york please pardon stopped and frisked at extending after more than nine weeks of testimony. closing of renton case are scheduled for today. about a dozen witnesses who said they were wrongly stopped by police testified. a u.s. district court judge or on whether any changes are needed in the apartment. >> it will be a hot one today. will be back with more on the kron 4 morning news. for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created... a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more.. low and no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know... exactly what y'ralorie beverages... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks... with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories... america's beverage companies are delivering. >> boeing 787 dream liner or turn to the skies today. battery problems resulted in its grounding earlier that year. for a fact, it was the first entire airline model to be granted by the federal aviation administration and morgan 30 years. but a redesigned battery system is clear the way for the planes returned to service. the morning and i dis morning unites to start flying the dream liner in on domestic routes. united flight 1 apart from his as george bush internatintercontinental airport heading for chicago o'hare international airport. >> consumer spending is likely to pick up this year while government spendin >> toyota is planning a giant increase in production of lithium ion batteries as they prepared used them in flagship pruis sedan. toyota plans a six phobos in its use of the batteries which are substantially lighter and more powerful than the nickel metal hydride batteries uses and the current car. nearly all blood and because it in a lithium ion batteries. toyota and better part of panasonic will increase lithium ion battery output capacities to lead a calling as a year. >> consumer spending is likely to pick up this year of government spending declined at a faster rate. according to a survey of business economist the u.s. economy will grow 2.4% this year and 3% next year. that is unchanged from their forecast in february. but they're more, but not a summer spinning in housing market and they were two months ago. >> traffic is out of connecticut could be a mess for as much as a week following friday's collision between two trains. get to elect more than 70 injured. now crews are rebuilding some two dozen feet of track as well as overhead wires and signals. connecticut gov. daniel mallory is warning of traffic trouble for the next several days as they will dispatch one state trooper and a trust to respond to car accidents that could come with crowd rose. will be back with more on kron 4 morning news. >> we are back. a look at the bay bridge where the hot spot is still backed up. >> 880 in the southbound direction riding through hayward and the fremont union city that is backed up so badly. if it start with an accent in their early morning hours. just cleared was a motorcycle accident southbound at alvarsdo bart. >do . >> the san mateo bridge to had been and hotspot is much improved. here's a look at what with erica. bright blue skies. temperatures are on the rise. it will be sunny, warm, hot inland. night is for your warmest inland spots. dry weather sticks around if you want to leave head to the coastline. santa cruz 75. sliding up the coastline 65 for but a the bay. low seventies for ocean beach. i have a closer look at the highs and talk about the drastic changes in just a couple of minutes. >> thank you erica. at 829 and developing story of east palo alto where police are investigating a troubleshooting that left a 16 year-old boy dead. to get you more news faster let's turn to our solo reporter yoli aceves. >> yes a darya. family members are arriving at the house of the victim. he was only 16 years old. he went to woodside high school. he was part of a ball team there. his father said it was a good kid. he was a good son. he loved hanging out with his friends. at 11:00 last night hang out with his friends in front of his home, there were four people and a white car that you see. it was about 11:00 when to males came running to the car and began firing inside the car. police officers say they rounded off about 20-25 bullets into the car. unfortunately it did hit the upper part of hosea leaving a trail injury. the other people had not life threatening injuries and are able to get out of the car. there were able to get into the house of all the four passengers sitting next to jose luis . witnesses say the two men ran down the streets to get away car described as a silver or gray sedan. >> police officers a aside from that they do not have much more on the suspect. >> they're asking for people live or may havsee someone to in the neighborhood who or who may have seen something to contact police. >> there was also a shooting on saturday and friday night this past weekend. this is the fifth homicide in east palo alto in the year so far. we did get to speak to the father he shared with us how he's doing this morning. >> (inaudible) darya, right now they are inside the home holding a vigil. they have pictures and candles inside. you can see how some of a stray bullets also hit a parked cars as well as a home. fortunately no one else in the home was injured. darya. >> thank you yoli . a developing story out of greenbrae with a house fire overnight. mike pelton is on the scene with an update. >> crews are leaving the scene but imagine this home has been owned by the same family for 60 years. it sits on the core of good deal and woodlandcorner of goodhill. >> the top part of the kitchen collapse. the family says there were three people inside a home when the blaze broke out after two this morning. and i defy year-old grandmother, her adult son and wife. but thankfully, woke up and saw the flames outside. all three rushed outside of a home and manage to get out safely. they're on able to call 911 and sought out a neighbor for help. >> you do not know my wife ran over here and she knocked on the neighbor's door to call. >> i wake up and hear the doorbell ringing and pounding on the door. the woman from next-door says her house on fire call 911. which is what i did. >> this is a neighbor's home he tells me he was concerned fire may jump to his house and tried to put the flames out with a garden hose. crews are close to clearing the scene at the official cause of the fire is under investigation. as a result of the fire in knocked out power to 21 homes. pg&e c crews are on scene and hahoped have power back on by 11:00. >> 49 year olds julie tenpenny was arrested. she appeared to be under the influence as she used a ladder to start the fire. the fire broke out on a hill near, alhambra avenue and ahambra pills jhills july just after 5:00 this day evening. fire fighters it called in and help rent a room of going up in flames. contra costa county are said about 48 firefighters and 30 inmates hand crew members to handle claims. helicopters and planes are also used to cover the flames of fire year it took 90 minutes to contain fire one firefighters suffered minor injuries. more trouble for the new east and the bay bridge to tell you about. >> the sacramento bee reported engineers in 2006 and discovered that the d ucts containing thousands of steel tendons had been left unsealed exposing those tendons to write columns of water. that has some worried this could lead to corrosion. caltran examine the attendance a fallible significant corrosion. experts to review the study questioned the agency's testing methods and said the corrosion and a portion of the skyway unusable after in a earthquake. and this all comes on top of the brittle bolt problem with 32 bolts snapped at the were tightened. this also concern about the faulty welds earlier in the project. as a lot cleared the bridge opens scheduled for labor day. >> we're learning that a man has died from injuries after falling four stories during with your seven best records house party. this happened on fell street near the panel golden gate park. but apparently was leaning over the railing when he failed. >> tells a most serious visitor for the and the bay to breakers race san francisco police arrested 21 people for public intoxication one for possession of a firearm, and a felony arrests for robbery the race. while the officer sustained minor injuries during an arrest. another 60 before taking it as all presenters. police also shut down 20 house parties. >> redwood city wants to increase is not the water in storage by snipers in the year for the next three days. this is and in response to a steady increase in the price it pays to buy water from san francisco. the city council will consider the rate increase at its june 10th meeting the public will be invited to comment on the second meeting on june 24th. >> police are beefing up patrols in downtown palo alto after to attend on reason the area last week. please add for the robbery happened on monday night on hamilton avenue near industry and the second half and about one block on emerson street near fourth avenue. police say two men approached three women walking in the area point a gun at them and demanded their stuff. the three women arrested nearby businesses and called police no suspect been arrested in texas are looking into any possible connection between the two robberies. >> in changes may be coming to disabled drivers try to park at san francisco meters. a 15 member committee to all the city's municipal transportation agency that tied the car parking rules and expanding the double parking zone that it easier for people with physical did restrictions to find a parking they need. also in part of all disabled drivers could be forced to feed the meters. will be back with more on the kron 4 morning for over 60,000 california foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside, i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. >> is the time. a small florida city is waiting anxiously to find out who won the biggest power ball jack pot in history. they sold the winning ticket for $590.5 million was bought some time late last week at a publix supermarket in ze phyrhills . about 30 mi. north of tampa. when yesterday's decline the lump-sum amount from the lotteries tallahassee office. or officials and the winner or paul we take the time to craft a plan the attorneys are counted before coming forward. the news that the town of about 13 out of it was in overall might know the winner. >> you're watching kron 4 24/7 the area news channel. back here in california, lottery officials are to be borrowing winning lottery ticket worth $2.3 million after it is matched by the six winning numbers. one of those tickets were sold at 711 convenience store in san jose, while the others were told at 711 attacks. the-- in taft >> we are back. it is time for another tech report a test drive. this high tech to. thisdemuro is given by the will of an eagle freely for fusion energy. >> it has aggressive styling and energy efficiency would not expect rifle sights. >> the thing about the fusion energy if you live 10 mi. from work you go back and forth using all electric energy without ever having to get up the car. plug in, fuel it up. hybrid an electric let us see what it can do. the difference between volt and a fusion energy this car is a plug in hybrid. once you have depleted the battery and gone to 21 mi. it turned into a hybrid. you have a nominal fuel economy what ever mode you are driving in. once the battery drain on the volt it runs a regular gas engine. we are giving the customer and no compromise solution. the fuel economy, the elected driving a fun to drive car. >> fusion energy is fun to drive. a mix of muscle and compassion. what makes his car the fusion energy so special is that it gives you the opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint like no other car can. >> before fusion energy runs about $40,000 and no you're not mistaken the front end is definitely inspired by the aston martin. >> if you want to learn more about the cargo to the tech report. tv website i am rich demuro the tech report. >> cool car and hot weather definitely in the bay area. >> we are about 10 degrees warmer than we should be for this type of year waking up to sunshine a pleasant weather. a lot of people wish to adjust they were they are. they're certainly going to climb. here's a look at today's afternoon highs. 92 in antioch. 90 in walnut creek. a notable about heading into tomorrow. we're not talking '80s. warmest by climbing into the mid-70s. here is a look at current conditions. fairfield at 76. of seventies in antioch. temperatures will continue to soar into the afternoon. oakland, 64. 60 in downtown san francisco. britain and the afternoon highs in your neighborhood. you'll want to head for the south bay for petitions. 88 in campbell. warmer for east bay spots with fairfield 92 the site for antioch. 91 in livermore. due to the dry conditions and the northerly breeze this does elevate fire danger. be extra cautious out there. it will be cooler for san francisco. 75 and there. a few degrees warmer for berkeley. >> big changes to talk about a relatively strong area of low pressure that will approach the pacific northwest. it will be weak in its impact in the bay area. we would not see any irritation. many rain drops in sacramento. we will contend with when it conditions the onshore flow will bring in the cool ocean air. wednesday just a cooler. a bit warmer heading into thursday. expect heavy fog waking up friday morning. temperatures will climb into the weekend but below the seasonal average. george. >> thank you erica. we're out of hotspot mold of our process cleared up on the san mateo bridge and the nimitz freeway through hayward. we still however, have slowed traffic at the bay bridge for the west bound ride. the back abridging not into the macarthur maize but nearly to it. as for westbound interstate 580 18-20 minute drive times. >> san mateo bridge, invited to the west bound ride has not been hotspot earlier but is no longer. drive time down at 13 minutes. >> notice slowing on 01 01, the golden gate bridge and north bound direction there must be an incident at or near mid span or the north tower. we're checking out with the chp to see if we can get an update on what is that a slowing the northbound right. it is starting to back up ride to the toll plaza for the 2 lanes available on the northbound side of the span. >> looking at the traffic maps updating drive times for you. 21 minutes for hercules to berkeley. westbound interstate 80. looking at slowing the san mon vaey. theri time 22 minutes. >> westbound 580 looks better from livermore to dublin and into castro valley. >> in the south bay we still have slowing from 17 out for a fight. this is into cupertino on 28 0 northbound. 101 typically heavy at 85 and 87. >> the north bay ride navto back under 35 minutes for south bound 101 from navato and golden gate bridge. >> darya. >> tejay van gardrern and i says came out on top becoming the years toward california champion. the a mgen tour california entered its eighth and final day over the weekend. or than 100 of the world's top cyclists took off from marina green yesterday morning. heading on and 81 mi. for the santa rosa. yesterday marked the end of the toward california which cover more than 700 mi. across our state. but first time this is to the tour ended in northern california at the beginning down and escondido . usually is the other way around. that allowed for bay area a disadvantage in from their hometown fans. >> on to bay area sports there the a's were in kansas city over the weekend or this what the royals. yoenis cespedes hit a leadoff homer in the eighth inning. and with one inning left to tie the game, his hit help the a's beat the royals. >> day's play the texas rangers today in texas at 505 our time. >> in advance of the way for the giants yesterday. of colorado rockies on the first here is over san francisco in two years beating the giants five to zero. there's no place like home after a 1-5 road trip the starting pitchers had a 9.82 era and the field and committed 13 errors on the trip. the guys play the washington national tonight at at&t park at 715. >> 57 degrees and a high of 86 in sunnyvale this >> 57 degrees and a high of 8omomg,g, stop. jack, your new chipotle chicken club is craze amaze. annnd chipotle is totes trending. spspicicy crispy chicken, hicky smoked bacon,on memeltlting cheese, and smoky chipotle sauce plus fries anand d a drink for $4.99? tht combo is chipot-cray. anand d chipotle is my hashtag faveflave. lelet t me guess-you're the nw social media intern.nt yeyeahah! grgreaeat. i'm late for a mee. can you make some copies? .....w.with the tanning bede >> watching bay area weather tippers crying of the 90s and one. 70 at the coast. a good beach day. a dramatic cool down will see this over the next few days a 15 degree drop tomorrow. another five on wednesday. . heavy fog in the morning which will clear into the afternoon. really hot today a big cool down kicking in bay area wide. >> nasa scientists recorded a powerful explosion on the moon recently. a meteor roareoid struck the lower surfae at speeds of 56,000 mi. an hour on march 17th. the impact was so powerful a flash of bright light from the blast could be seen on earth with the naked eye. nasa just release information on a collision friday. the space agency's astronomers have been monitoring the moon for the past eight years. they're looking for slow to causer by a tooids. it is part of a program designed to fight and monitor space debris that could hit earth. >> will be right back on the kron 4 morning news. coming up at 9:00 we're hearing from the father of 16 year- old boy was dead following a shooting in east palo alto. two others were injured in the shooting. details in a live report coming up. an investigation is underway in greenbrae after a three alarm house fire burned early this morning. >> keeping an eye on their area weather and traffic more on hot weather around the bay area. we will let you know about how we will be in your neighborhood. also hot spots and traffic on the bay bridge and earlier problems in hayward year it will be back in two minutes as a kron 4 morning news >> the top stories that we are following this monday, may 20th. we're learning more about the 60 year-old killed in an overnight shooting in east palo alto. just the latest in a string of incidents for that city over the weekend. >> fire crews remain on the scene of victory alarm fire that broke out overnight in the north bay. >> incredible pitchers, and then of the damage from dozens of tornadoes crossing the nation's midsection. >> they normally start at about opening of the third leg.lane. and again, they have a delays. a quick check of the bay bridge because we had a word of a stalled car. >> we have gradually cooler conditions for tomorrow. we are focusing on afternoon highs. any hot, and fairfield will be coming into the '90s. i will have a full check on the forecast just minutes away. >> we are going to developing story that we are falling out of east palo alto, where police are investigating a triple shooting, killing at least one person, a 16 year-old. if to get you more news faster we will go to kron 4 yoli aceves. >> here is a picture of the 16 year-old perry ed hiss' a part of the football team. his father stated that he was a good student and he loved hanging out with his friends. he was parked in front of his home when to males came up to the car and shot at him and one of the other friends. the police stated that they did about 20 to 25 rounds and issued the upper part of his body which made it very fatal for him. as far as the passengers they had not life-threatening injuries. one of the managed to get out of the car and run to a home for help perry ed police officers stated that the to live that came up to the vehicle ran down the street and got into a getaway car. that car was described as being either great or silver. there is not much more that was said. when we turn back you could see how some of the stray bullets hit the cars or parts and from the zone. some of them were hit and one bullet it and went to a home. unfortunately, no one else was injured and the home of the time. if police said there are looking for help from the community because not much is known about the suspect. the father stated that this was a mistake and i did it with his son. >> he was mistaken because he was driving a car that he was not supposed to drive. the person that was shooting-s >> as i mentioned police are looking for help from the community and that they have an anonymous tip where you can either call the more tax them. this is east palo alto said, of the year. >> the time now is 9:04 a.m.. fire crews battled a three alarm fire that broke out in a house in greenbrae. kron 4 mike pelton is live on the scene with more. >> this home is just near the corner. this home has been home by a family for about 60 years. this fire tore through the crotch and burned two vehicles perry ed it also barred the guest room that is in the back perry ed it broke out around to pe2:00 a.m. this morning. the son stated this day her flames and they managed to get out safely. they sought out help from a neighbor. >> the phone line was down and at this point i ran over here and i knocked on the neighbor's door for help. >> i heard my doorbell, i heard pompadou some one not keen the door. the woman stated of her house was on fire and a call on 911, that isi did. >> the neighbor was concern that he tried to put out the flames of using his holes but that di not work perry drse but that did not work. >> you were stated that they had a theory on what might have cause the fire. >> earlier this morning the fire chief stated that they do know what caused the fire but that will not release it yet. the neighbors stated that the famine was a barbecue and at the time and that maybe they dumb boss, bob coles that might have started thmay have dumped some f the coles and that that may have started the fire. >> boeing said 787 dream liner is returning to the skies. this is a live video from houston's and george bush intercontinental airport. united flight one is headed to chicago o'hare international airport. batterer problems resulted in a ground in that earlier this year. in fact, it was the first entire airline model to be on the bike federal aviation the minister is now more than 30 years. >> we will see how quickly they can start doing this for domestic destinations. >> we're also fall when a developing story out of the nation's midsection. forecasters say it more tornadoes could hit the midwest today after a bye and storms ripped through iowa, kansas and oklahoma yesterday. one of the hardest hit was shawnee, oklahoma. at least two people were killed by a twister there. 21 others were injured drop the state. oklahoma gov. mario fallin will tour some of the worst damage is today. >> we will be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues. we will have details of the president's approval rating we return. >> welcome back. the time is 9:11 a.m.. traffic is backed up in this lane because there is installed tour bus that is near the south tower. even though the tow truck is there is limited. right now, they are offloading all the passengers. it is not sure if they're want to stage a new bus. the traffic is backed up way before the toll plaza with no indication on how soon that will get this a bus cleared. >> the internal revenue service is targeting conservative groups. the justice department's secret subpoena of associated press phone records and talking points in the immediate aftermath of last year's ban gauzy tourist attack. the white house is dealing with all three controversies. but despite the so-called scandals, the president's approval rating is holding steady. jumped acosta reports. >> there is a culture of intimidation throughout the administration. >> they are stating that they will get down to the investigation with their internal revenue service. >> we want to know why did they do this and how far it went perry ed >> this is set feisty--he is asking how soon did the president find out about it. >> here is the cardinal rule in a situation like this. you do not interfere with independent investigations. >> the irs scandal has not damaged the president's approval rating. a deeper look at the number fine said the public remains concerned about the irs and then got sick and the seizure of phone records. after his address to college graduates on sunday he told them that is him versus washington. >> sometimes you feel like washington is is impeding whether advancing is possible. >> with more hearings, more officials are coming and the president may need to get used to this. >> the time is 9:13 a.m. we will be right back in a few minutes. >> welcome back. this is the bay bridge as you can see it is still a little sluggish. this has been a recurring problem for the commute. we will now go to the golden gate bridge. we are looking at the traffic that is molded a little bit better in the northbound direction. this is because the stall bus has been clear from the traffic lanes. that blocked the left-hand lane and it has now cleared. the traffic however has now cleared up. here is a san mateo bridge and the ride is down to about a 15 minute commute time. heavy traffic on the mid peninsula all around the dumbarton bridge. >> a bright and warm start for the morning. we are still starting out with a live look from the san francisco skyline. the temperatures are flirting with low 70's out the door. 64 rightan carlos. today is expected to be the warmest day of the week. you can expect an increase in cloud cover by later on tonight. as we head into somalia will be much cooler weather. we will see an increase in wins with a westerly winds. it will be 86 degrees for fremont and increased fire danger for the east bay. fairfield is coming in at 92 degrees. '90s is anticipated for walnut creek. 85 will be are high for novatoo. >> the temperatures will take a tumble and we will be below the seasonal average. when will have a little bit of a warm-up by sunday. low 70's for the coast. >> and we are watching today's winners and losers on wall street. we are now joined by rob black. >> the winner, yahoo's mayer buys tumjblr for $1.1 billion. this is the biggest deal. this is all about 110 million + eyeballs more than on any television show that yahoo wants to place ads in front of. >> i like the deal. so far the stocks are up 70%. >> he is a young high school dropout that is worth about $220 million. >> loser, calif. jobless rate falls to 9%. payrolls increased by 10,400, but economic growth in the state remains tepid. >> when they slow down in china in hers california. the trouble and europe and also for the middle and come. it is not good. our economy is improving but a lot of the focus is not on the job market. >> another winner, calpers votes to split jamie dim on's role. california public employees retirement system, has voted to split the roles of chairman and ceo at j.p. morgan, stripping jamie dimon of his dual title. >> they will probably split the vote and we will know tomorrow. the fact that we are talking about corporate government someone as big as j.p. morgan, i think this is nice. and again, they know the issues that will affect the stocks. >> almost all european companies split their r oles. united states does not do that. >> we have questions. how much cash to to keep on hand for emergencies? >> i will keep an extra $20. they're right answer is that you won a fund your retirement. you never want to touch this so instead of reading your piggy bank to one have a piggy bank that is set up for your emergency fund. this is typically how long it may take you find a job. >> and end coming your take- home pay or your gross pay? >> it is basically whatever works for you. if you are an engineer, >> if you have a question for rob if you can put on his face book page. >> the time is 9:22 a.m.. here is a live look at walnut creek. there is no traffic but loss of sunshine on this monday morning. the temperature is supposed to be 89 degrees in pleasanton. we will be right back. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. >> i iraqi officials say car bomb in a another shiite neighborhood in baghdad has killed 13 people. the blast pushed the day's death toll from a deadly wave of bombings and shooting attacks across iraq to 7 day. the latest momma's struck on today in a busy market. a police officers arrested 25 people were wounded in the explosion. >> new this morning, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake has struck chile shortly before 2:00 a.m. this morning. this quake is about 950 mi. away from santiago. so far there have been no reports of any damages injuries from the earthquake. >> the u.s. senate is aiming to wrap up work on a sweeping immigration bill this week. a judiciary committee has been meeting of the last two weeks to settle a few remaining disputes. the high-tech industry is in favor of them, labor unions are opposed. if there is also disagreement over whether gay american should be allowed the right to sponsor their partners for green cards. democrats have the votes to pass it in committee, but they all come is less certain when the full senate votes. >> we will be right back. >> welcome back. >> we continue to track a hot spot on the lower peninsula where 101 at willow road is slow in both directions and at highway 84. there is no direction because accidents have been reported both the north and south bound. this floor peninsula ride is bogged down between redwood city and palo alto. if a again, this is in both directions perry e. this is a hot spot bece of accidents that are out there. >> we are waking up to sunshine and the temperatures are on the climb. if today will be the warmest day of the week. if you like the 90's you should head to the east. we're talking low 90s for fairfield and and the dock. if you like cooler weather you can go to the beaches. santa cruz will have a high of 75 degrees. 71 degrees for pacifica. i will have a closer look at the forecasted numbers coming up. >> a developing story that we are following out of east palo alto where police are investigating a triple shooting were a teenager was shot. the shooting happened at about 11:00 p.m. sunday on for him street near stevenson ave. officers responded to the shot spotter activation and found three teenage boys suffering from gunshot wounds. police said f-14s were sitting together inside of a car when two suspects approach them and started shooting. one team, jose luis quianes, a football player at woodside high school in redwood city was shot multiple times and died. his father believes that his son was mistaken for someone else. >> the two other boys were 15 and 16 years old and they were treated for minor injuries and a hospital. fourth teenager was not harmed. a person was a star running away from the scene and jumping and a car. they still do not know the motive. >> just into the kron 4 news. a child riding a bicycle was killed in a collision with a vehicle this morning in san jose. the collision was reported as 70 6:00 a.m. in the area of east capitol expressway and silver creek road. the bicyclist was transported to hospital with life- threatening injuries and died at approximately 8:10 a.m.. the cause of the collision remains under investigation. the bicyclist name has not yet been released. >> the driver did remain at the scene and he is cooperating with investigators. they're taking photographs and collecting evidence. they're also looking at the tire tracks on the roadway. >> the time is 9:33 a.m.. following a developing story out of the north bay were fire crews are on the scene of a house fire in greenbrae. here is video from the scene. it is at 3 alarm fire at 106 godhill road. the fire started to 3:00 p.m. this morning in the single-family home. no word yet on any injuries or damages. >> you concede that there crotch caught fire and went up and plgarage caught fire andt up in flames in damaged their vehicles. >> a woman is arrested on suspicion of setting a hill in martinez on fire. police say that 490 julie tenpenny from concord was under the employees when the fire broke out. firefighters were called in and help prevent the fire from going into other homes. contra costa ys tunt it's a 1040 eight firefighters and three inmates and crew members and of the flames. one firefighter suffered minor injuries. in all, about 15 a. and burned. >> more trouble for the new easter span of the bay bridge to tell you about. the sacramento bee reports engineers in 2006 discovered that ducts containing thousands of still tendons had been left unsealed, exposing those tendons to rain fall and salt water. that was why some people worried that this could lead to corrosion. caltran examine hundreds of the tendons and say that they found a experts who reviewed the study question the agency's testing methods and say that the corrosion could make portions of the sky way unusable. >> also new this morning we have now learned that it dallas fire fighter has died after battling a 6 alarm blaze at a condominium complex overnight. here is video of the 6 alarm fire that has damaged 24 condos. no word on what sparked the blaze. >> at least two people are dead after multiple tornadoes tore through several midwest states. the terrifying weather is not over yet, stacey cohan reports. >> they are the storm chasers who captured these pictures and oklahoma. >> this is a horrifying experience. where less than a quarter mile from where we were standing were filming the tornado. we can see a significant amount. about 28 of them were reported in kansas, illinois, and the iowa. >> when we came out of the phone we saw the trees-to- >> my son was screaming the whole time and i was shaking. i am still shaken now. >> there may be little time for people to catch their breath. more twisters' may be on the way. >> we will be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues. 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[ man ] where all systems are go. ♪ >> that was the star of people participating in the bay to breakers. he ran the course and 35 minutes. on the woman side. she ran for 40 minutes. >> the bay to breakers is much more than a rise, it is also a massive party. kron 4 maureen kelley gives us a look at the celebration and the efforts that were made to try to keep it from getting out of control. >> police efforts to crack down on open containers and at all were not a hundred percent. this officer tossed out a for the odds bottle of beer. >> this was repeated many times by veteran party goers. one reason was that people were moved to decide what to make way for cleanup crews. much earlier than the pressure. some stated that it put a damper on the fun. >> it was good for while but it was also written 3:00 p.m..some of them tried to resit having their drinks taken away. they did not want to give us an open container. we did not want to be mean. o ron the noon hour there was a lot of people still having fun. >> there are all sold police and park police making their rounds. >> some felt that the enforcement was--i feel like it is a lot of pressure for people to fill up out of here. it is a very positive thing perez this was a little bit of upsetting. >> this year's bay to breakers presented by craigslist was still a good time even though it was not wild. >> it is still a lot of fun and there was a lot cool people out here. san francisco is amazing for letting this happen. >> it did not feel, like a free-for-all. it is like a fun, a costume. >> it was very artsy. >> we will be right back. ñáçwçñ look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. the time is 9:47 a.m.. >> we are still tracking a incident in the lower peninsula. 101 in both directions around highway 84. even down to paula out so we're still looking as slow traffic for this entire stretch. there was a series of problems both north and south bound. there was even a motorcycle crash a one time. this is why we are delayed from highway 85 and highway 84. you should add about 12 to 14 minutes for your in route time. >> your ride to the bridges, the bay bridge you can see that things are slowly tireotranto slow down from the macarthur mayes. is still about 18 to 90 minutes. the golden gate bridge was a hot spot earlier we had a stall bus and it is gone. they have already netted a third lane. three lanes southbound can now handle was left of the morning commute. >> there is a beautiful day in store. >> we will apply a hot spot to the walnut creek area. the temperatures will be warmer than what we saw yesterday. today will be the warmest. did start to cool and there is a drastic cool down. mid-70s for your warmus areas. it is a bright start to the morning. the temperatures right now at 9:50 p.m. is s 79 degrees. now but is in the upper 70's. we do want to follow these numbers in afternoon. manley 80s in the south bay. 80 degrees for santa clara. there will be a fair share of low 90s for the east bay. the same goes for fairfield. >> we will increase the fire danger because of the dry conditions. 75 degrees for downtown san francisco and a three-year high in oakland. satellite radar shows dry conditions and high pressure is still overhead. it will bring rain fall and possibly to a sacramento as well. although this is a strong area the ratifications are weak. we will remain dry and we will see an increase in winds. the temperatures will take a tumble. when dick conditions for wednesday through thursday. you can expect temperatures to be below average. >> we are getting closer to finding out if the bay area will be chosen to host a super bowl. kron4 scott rates breaks down who else is in the running. >> people want to know if super bowl 50 will be played here at levi stadium. they're excited to find out and we may get our answer on tuesday. the 32 team owners from around the nfl will vote for south florida or san francisco. i spoke with people in santa clara about the possibility. >> i feel that this is good for sports fans and that we can really use is preparethis. >> honestly, in my opinion i think because it is before the niners and the whole feel of the city. >> the super bowl will be played in 2016 at levi stadium. the last time the bay area hosted this was back in 1985. >> hold one of the lottery jackpot. a small florida city is waiting anxiously to find out. the winning ticket worth $590.5 million was bought some time last week and a supermarket and zep hyrhills. the winner has 60 days to plan the lump-sum amount from the lotteries tallahassee office. lottery officials said that the winner will probably take the time to craft a plan with the attorneys or accountants before they come forward. >> in california there was to tickets that were sold at one matched five of six numbers for $2.3 million. unfortunately i was in san jose and the government was out and taft. >> it will be a nice hot day today here is a live look from mount tam. the temperatures a at 70 degrees are ready. i will get up to 91 degrees. >> we are going to say a bit cool down and the winds will pick up for tomorrow. another 5 to 10 degrees on top of that for wednesday. we will stay with nicole pattern as we make our way to get end of the week perry ed one really hot one today. >> taken a look at how movies did over the weekend. star trek into darkness has scrapped its way to a $78 million opening. though it is not seen any lights speed record with a date debut that is lower than studio expectations. the latest blow which of the starship enterprise fell short of is press a duster, 2009 is star trek which opened eight $75.2 million. >> doctor felt as come in $75.2 million. >> doctor felt as come in the next ♪ ♪ $so you can make easy, no-fee >reloads with cash and checks... the next and know you're not on your own. so you can get the reloadable card that keeps up with you. chase liquid. so you can. 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