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0 those gets insurance for the first time. despite hysterical right wing rhetoric and despite threats of impeachment, 6 million americans are now receiving insurance coverage under the president's health care law. welcome to 2014. on january 1st, coverage went into effect for 2.1 million people who enrolled in private plans through the health exchanges. it took effect for another 3.9 million covered through medicaid expansion. this is a major milestone. it's a day the president looked towards when he signed the affordable care act into law nearly four years ago. >> it'll take four years to implement fully many of these reforms. because we need to implement them responsibly. when this exchange is up and running, millions of people will get tax breaks to help them afford coverage which represents obamacare. congressman eric cantor said today that republicans will start 2014 with more house votes taking aim at obamacare. and a right wing group backed by the koch brothers is spending over $2 million in three states on tv attack ads. >> obamacare doesn't work. new hampshire families deserve better. >> tell kay hagen obamacare hurts north carolina. >> obamacare hurts louisiana families. >> it's a new year, but the same old message from republicans. and millions of americans gainigain ing care this week are sick of hearing it. joining me now congressman jim mcdermott and krystal ball. happy new year, first of all, to both of you. >> happy new year. >> same to you. i mean, there's nothing scarier than having a health threat. how do the fact that we're seeing people get this out there, how is this on the politics? >> it matters a huge amount. not only are these stories real. not only are there millions of stories out there in the country, but it's something everyone can relate to. everyone knows someone who has struggled to get insurance who was denied who had a problem with their insurer whose incentives were to provide them the least possible care. and where costs were so high that millions of people have never been able to afford health insurance. it's absolutely critical. and not only is it irresponsible for republicans to attack this law without providing another alternative solution. when you look and listen to stories like those, it's absolutely immoral. and i don't think that republicans have ever thought through what they are going to do when this law is a success. they've always just convinced themselves it's going to fail. >> well, even beyond that, congressman, not only have they not thought about what they're going to do when the law's a success, they don't know what they want to do as alternative to the law they want to repeal. many republicans are still talking about repealing obamacare even though they have no backup plan. give you an example, congressman. "the new york times" asked a republican senator names dan coats about it. quote, asked what should be done with the millions of people getting health care through the law, senator coats said, call the white house and ask them. i mean, it's unbelievable. >> well, you know, i sit on the ways and means committee, al. that's the committee where we wrote the obamacare or affordable care act. and members on the other side who are voting again and again and again to vote out these repeals, i've said repeatedly to them, look. if you have an alternative, why don't you bring it out here and put it on the table and let us look at it and vote it up or down. they have no alternative. they haven't had one for three years. and yet all they talk about is getting rid of what the president has. it's simply -- it's mindless kind of politics and it's inhuman. >> and it is all of that. that was what i was going to say, inhuman. but, krystal, talking about the insensitivity of it, gop governors and lawmakers in 25 states have refused to expand medicaid. it denied insurance to nearly 5 million americans. we're not talking now about posturing. they have refused to expand medicaid impacting the lives of 5 million americans. >> it is hard to believe that they looked at this situation and looked at their own state's residen residents, people who are counting on them as their public servants to do the right thing and said sorry. my ideology, my desire to hurt this president says you cannot have health insurance. it is despicable and i think they will ultimately pay the price in terms of their political careers. >> congressman mcdermott and krystal ball, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> and be sure nothing has changed in 2014. catch krystal on "the cycle" week days at 3:00 p.m. right here on msnbc. ahead, the fight to save unemployment benefits for over a million americans is on. and pressure is building on republicans to act. plus the progressive wave rolls into 2014 for new york to congress to the white house. get ready for action on the fight for income equality. and the mystery deepens in new jersey. did chris christie shut down a carmen says i love this little guy. i'm sending him much love and positive energy. mary says be strong and get well soon. hardy says he is what our future most needs. light, energy, intelligence, social awareness, and humanity. want to send kid president your well wishes? you can do so on our facebook page. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. 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i love my home, but i'm afraid to lose it. >> i'm going to have to either look for a temporary part-time job doing menial labor or i'm going to have to consider giving up the house. >> it's important especially when it's the only income i had. i have to push my schooling off to the side for the moment to maintain employment. >> i wouldn't be worried of how i was going to keep the car or pay my mortgage. it's not just me. i have three boys i have to think of. they're my first priority. >> real people in real pain. those are the voices that republicans should be listening to. joining me now is jared bernstein, former chief economist for vice president biden. thanks for coming on the show, jared. >> my pleasure, rev. >> why would republicans let this happen when it hurts so many people and it hurts the larger economy as well, jared? >> it's a good question. i think the misunderstanding among republicans is that the economy which is clearly improving is somehow back to a place where any job seeker can find a job that will meet their qualities, that will meet the kind of skills they bring to the labor market. now you and i know that's not though case. they're confusing an economy that's on the mend with an economy that's healed. in fact, the share of long-term unemployment is twice as high as it's been in the past when congress has extended emergency benefits like this. >> you know, look at some of these that are the grinches on the right who stole christmas. that's when this expired. in senator rand paul's state of kentucky, 18,000 people have lost their jobless benefits. senator chambliss let 54,000 lose their jobs in georgia. and senator ted cruz allowed over 64,000 texans to lose theirs. on monday these senators will vote on jobless benefits. i mean, how can they not extend them for voters back home if nothing else, jared? >> i mean, if you look across the states where many of these republican representatives hold office, illinois, ohio, you mentioned georgia, mississippi, florida. many of these states have unemployment rates that are above the national average. and by the way, i think the unfortunate thing you said they're going to vote against it, this may never come to a vote. they may employ a filibuster. we'll see that on monday whether harry reid has the votes to at least get this to a vote. if it does get to a vote, one of the things we hoped is over this recess, the kind of points you just made, the people you shows in your introduction would move this in the right direction. i'm afraid that may not of happened. >> but what this means for the economy as well, clearly it helps people that are in pain and need it. people that worked and lost their jobs but the economy, what it means to the health of the country's economy, what does that mean? >> very important. clearly unemployed people go out and spend their unemployment insurance benefits. they have to to meet their family budgets. when they do so, they create more economic activity. if they buy groceries, someone has to restock those shelves. there's another job. nonpartisan analysts tell us by failing to extend unemployment insurance benefits we're shaving two points off the gdp this year. >> jared bernstein, thank you for your time tonight. >> you're welcome. coming up, did governor christie shut down a bridge for political payback? the lead investigator is breaking news, and it puts christie on the hot seat. plus florida governor rick scott vowed to drug test people on welfare. tonight i vow to say we got you. and think the rob ford reality show ended last year? think again. news today making comedians very happy. stay with us. ♪ [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place at 315 chestnut street. the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the dusty basement at 1406 35th street. it is the story of the old dining room table at 25th and hoffman avenue. the southbound bus barreling down i-95. ...and the second floor above the strip mall at roble and el camino. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. ♪ so different and so new where those with endless vision and an equal amount of audaciousness believed they had the power to do more. time and time again. ♪ and then, it happened at dell, we're honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. stories that began much the same way ours did. in a little dorm room -- # 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ ♪ this magic moment [ female announcer ] trying for a baby? 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