Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News Tonight With David Muir

Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20140925

what they reveal tonight. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a thursday night. and that major development. what we learned from the fbi today. top u.s. officials confirming tonight they believe they have now identified the man behind this mask. the killer from those horrific isis videos, killing those american hostages. let's get right to abc's pierre thomas tonight, who was at the fbi today. what did you learn? >> reporter: david, i spoke with the fbi director today. and he said the u.s. now knows who that man is. the barbaric video is haunting. a masked man standing above doomed american journalist james foley. the man in the mask known by the nickname jihadi john. sources say authorities have used a variety of techniques to try to learn his true identity. listen. the isis radical speaks in a british accent. >> you have plotted against us. >> reporter: that voice has been compared to known recordings and intelligence officials have been allowing informants to listen to it. authorities searched for a match with his eyes, his hand and examined the desert background from the tapes, identifying plant growth and rock formations. and they've used computer simulations like this to try to construct a composite of a man's face to compare with photographs of known terrorism suspects. if i director james comey told me and a small group of reporters he is now confident he knows who this man is. but he refused to reveal his name. >> the big question tonight, pierre, if they know who this man is, where he is tonight? >> reporter: intelligence officials believe he's somewhere in syria, but they admit they don't know for sure. an intensive manhunt is now under way to find him, david. >> pierre, thank you. we move on tonight to the gulf and our martha raddatz is the only reporter on one of those american warships. new air strikes on isis. you can see this oil site wiped out. and look at this. the before and then the after. decimating the equipment isis is using to get that oil and their money. and this evening, there's something else. undercover video from the capital of isis, raqqa, syria. look at life not long before the air strikes. a young mother, a well on her shoulder, walking with her toddler. a fighter holding what looks like an ipod. a woman logging onto facebook before missiles rain down. abc's chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz phoning in this report from the gulf moments ago. >> reporter: we're in the middle of the persian gulf. u.s. ships and war planes are raging a 24/7 war against isis. droming almost as many bombs in just three dames as the entire first month of attacks on isis in iraq. there are over 60 aircraft on this carrier. most of them are strike fighters, but there are also reconnaissance plans and helicopters, as well. the strikes targeting those critical isis controlled oil supplies. mobil oil refineries once generating millions a day, but after a waive of airstrikes, now destroyed. >> i was on a tanker mission, so, a support mission. >> reporter: the commander of this carrier strike group telling us today, the goal is to stop the isis money flow. another major target, the isis stronghold of raqqa, in syria. we're seeing for the first time inside the city, this video, secretly shot by a woman before the airstrikes. showing the brutality within. heavily armed men and women everywhere. here, extremists burning what they call western vices. cigarettes and alcohol. and a harrowing moment when the woman is called over to militants, who think her face too exposed. but life in raqqa has not been the same since the air campaign began. indeed, after the sun went down here in the persian gulf, flight operations seemed to intensify, as we watched and waited for what comes next. martha raddatz, abc news, aboard the aircraft carrier george h.w. bush in the persian gulf. >> our thanks tonight to martha and her team. back here at home, and to startling new video this evening, watch this. what started out as a routine traffic stop, a driver pulled over for allegedly not wearing a seat belt. the officer opening fire soon after. the driver does survive this, and you're about to see and hear it all. abc's linsey davis now on what happened next. >> reporter: startling dash cam video of the moments after a trooper pulls a man over. >> license please? get out of the car! get out of the car! >> reporter: watch again. levar jones, who is told to produce his driver's license, reaches into his car. trooper sean groubert fires at least four shots, hitting jones once in the hip. >> get on the ground! get on the ground! >> i just got my license. you said get my license. >> reporter: the former state trooper now charged with assault and battery. it's the latest in a string of police incidents that thanks to technology are caught on tape for all to see and judge for themselves. california police paying $1.5 million to settle with this woman, beaten by a patrolman. an ohio grand jury deciding this week not to charge officers who fatally shot this man at a walmart. he was holding a pellet gun. it's hag an effect on police departments across the country. in new york city and washington, d.c., police are now considering using body cameras, after a recent study of one department showed the technology reduced the rate of unnecessary force by 59%. >> you told me they are planning to use the body cams elsewhere? >> reporter: right in ferguson, missouri. and today, the police chief coming out and apologizing directly to the parents of that 18-year-old who was shot and killed by police last month, saying that he is deeply sorry for their loss. >> linsey, thank you. now, to pictures from alaska this evening, rocked by a powerful earthquake. take a look at a news conference, under way when the whole thing happened. the 6.2 quake rattling this political event. everyone rushing to get outside. lasted about a minute. 80 miles northwest of anchorage. let's get right to rob marciano. you told me, no reports of injuries as of ratyet. >> reporter: as of yet. that's a big earthquake, but not enough to set off a tsunami. two big storms in the country right now. let's start off with the east coast. this caused record rains across florida. flooding from the carolinas up the east coast. it will be out to sea. relatively speaking, this is a weak storm, but the first of many to come this season. out too t the west, a much bigg storm and bringing rains where they are needed. we don't want too much rain at any one time. that will cause mudslides in the burn area. that storm consolidates, it sits over the mountain west. we could see heavy rain from montana to arizona. this is a significant event for the west. >> rob, thank you. we're going to turn now to that missing college student last seen on this surveillance tape. tonight, the man also seen on that tape now under arrest, charged with abduction. he's been discovered 1,300 miles away in texas. where was he headed next? abc's steve osunsami now. >> reporter: in two texas courtrooms today, the 32-year-old virginia hospital assistant accused in the disappearance of hannah graham, in police custody. >> so, you are, in fact, agreeing to waive extradition? >> reporter: complaining about his jailhouse jump suit and the hard bed in his cell. jesse matthew waived his right to extradition. >> if i sign this, what does this thing do? >> it only sails that i read you your rights. >> reporter: the long arm of the law reached down to a beach in texas wednesday afternoon, where police say he pitched a tent. in surveillance video from a mini mart, he is seen getting bug spray. tuesday night, someone called the sheriff and a deputy took him in. >> we seed m to be the end of t road. >> reporter: matthew is seen in ve surveillance video with graham minutes before she disappeared. today, a bombshell from a bar, telling us when the two left, matthew had to help her walk. police in charlottesville asking local realtors to search vacant homes for sale. >> we don't know where hannah graham is. we have to find her. >> reporter: it's not clear why matthew headed to texas. but records show he may have had family there. he is not yet entered a plea. david? >> steve, thank you. from one search to another, and the nationwide manhunt tonight for this suspect, on the run now for nearly two weeks, accused of ambushing state troopers, killing a young father. and the question here this evening, after being spotted, how is he surviving in those woods? abc's linzie janis with what authorities are saying now. >> reporter: tonight, law enforcement now battling the elements. we saw those dogs searching the woods. police telling us they have picked up eric frein's scent, only to lose it on the wet ground and at water crossings. >> we believe that frein has prepared and planned extensively for months or maybe years for this attack and his efforts to avoid apprehension. >> reporter: today, we went out with julie martin and eddie starnater, who teach survival skills. watch as eddie spokes us how a person can hide in a hollowed out log. julie hiding in plain sight. we're standing so close to her, but she's totally camouflaged in the brush. >> and if she doesn't move, there's a good chance you'll walk right past her. >> reporter: they believe frein knows those tricks, too. >> he probably has mres and freeze-dried foods and things that have heaters with them that he can just eat on the run. >> reporter: still, in these conditions, he can only run so long. the key to winning this -- >> the longer they can keep him contained, the more energy he's going to burn, the more apt he'll be to make mistakes and be spotted. >> reporter: and david, tonight, that's exactly what law enforcement say they're doing, keeping frein on the run, so he tires out and starts to make some errors. david? >> linzie janis, thank you. and, to california now, an image of a home break-in and authorities say, a lesson for us all. this was incredible. a young woman crouched right there on her rooftop, outside her window and above her right there, the intruder, closing in. her split-second decisions may have saved her life. tonight, how she survived it all, and here's abc's aditi roy. >> reporter: it is a terrifying image. a woman, crouched on her roof, wearing only a flannel shirt and clutching her phone while a man hovers just above. authorities say he was an intruder, 29-year-old christian hicks. a homeless man. and had broken into melora rivera's home while she was in bed. rivera saying she called police before crawling out of her attic window 20 feet up. >> once i saw him in the house, i knew that we both couldn't president there. >> i have a suspect on gun point on the roof. >> reporter: two minutes later, authorities arrived. police talking hicks off the roof while firefighters rushed rivera down. so, was she right to act the way she did? >> she was. number one, you run, number two, you hide and number three, if you have to, you fight to save your life. >> reporter: tonight, that intruder behind bars on $50,000 bail, while rivera, grounded and safe. aditi roy, abc news, los angeles. >> aditi, thank you. now to a headline tonight about your money. the dow closing down more than 250 points. that's the worst day on wall street in nearly two months. and tonight, u.s. attorney general eric hold earl announcing he will step down, ending his six-year tenure. he was the first african-american to hold the post. and an update tonight on an abc news investigation we brought you last week here. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross showing us a common type of guardrail with a slight design change. hundreds of thousands of them on highways across this country, and now, a series of law suits, claiming they are responsible for deadly accidents. now comes word, state officials taking action. brian with the news tonight. >> reporter: this test film show what is supposed to happen when a vehicle hits a guardrail head-on. a device, the end terminal, absorbs the impact and deflects the rail off to the side. but now in the wake of a rash of accidents where that did not happen, where guardrails pierced vehicles and people inside, state highway officials are taking action. rebecca dryer lost her right leg. >> it essentially was a spear that came through my car. >> reporter: lawyers for dryer and others now suing the guardrail company say a slight modification in the design saved a few dollars, but created a dangerous flaw. >> makes all the difference in the world. >> reporter: this animation shows what the lawyers say can happen with the modified version. and today, missouri said it is stopping further use of the guardrails and massachusetts said it will halt their use while they investigate. >> these are two states that take safety seriously and we're hoping we'll see more states do the same. >> reporter: the company, trinity industries, insists the guardrails are safe, that they've passed crash tests and meet federal standards. these guardrails are in almost every state and to remove them all would be one of the biggest safety recalls ever, david. >> brian ross, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday. the abc news exclusive. the story that shocked the world. my interview with the parents of the 12-year-d girl left for dead by her friends in the woods. all to impress an internet character. what that family reveals to us here tonight. then, the nfl star making headlines. the story behind a fist bump in the car and what we have just learned about his little girl, right there in the backseat. word coming in tonight. and it would appear this evening george clooney's run is just about over. new word coming in from venice this evening. stay tuned for that. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread. now to that story that shocked parents around the world. tonight, an abc news exclusive. the parents of that wisconsin 1-year-old, lured into the woods by her own friends, police say, stabbed 19 times, left for dead. all to impress a character they learned about on the internet. she survived it all and tonight, her parents on the first moment they saw her. >> i walked into the trauma room that she was in and she was pale as a ghost. she was terrified. she was crying. she couldn't breathe. >> reporter: but she saw you there? >> she saw me and she put her hand out and i rushed over to her and i hugged her and i said, you're going to be okay. it's going to be fine. but i could see that she was covered, her arms and her legs and her abodomen were covered i stab wounds. and all i hear, there's five on her arm, there's seven on her leg and i'm thinking, seven? what? and one of the nurses say, all right, i count 19 and the second nurse said, i count 19, as well. >> reporter: where on earth do you think she got the strength to crawl out of those woods? >> we asked her. she said, i wanted to live. >> reporter: nearly five hours after their 12-year-old daughter crawled out of those woods, the two other 12-year-old lgs at that sleepover, morgan geyser and anissa weier, are found. right here, along internate 94, walking out of waukesha, wisconsin. the girls tell police they are headed to find a mansion where they believe that fictional internet character truly lived, slender man. police say they were hoping to impress him. they were going to live in this mansion. >> yeah. >> reporter: that they believed existed. >> yeah. yeah. >> reporter: how do you even wrap your heads around that? >> i -- i can't. i -- i've tried. >> reporter: who is this slender man? what is this character? >> he is a faceless creature. he wears a suit. he has no hair. he has no features on his head. he is always there, sort of always in the background, lurking. and you only notice him if you are looking closely for him. >> and tomorrow night, right here, where this internet character came from, and our experiment in a school across the country, far away from that town. how many children knew slender man, too? this was eye-opening. and then tomorrow night, the special. "20/20," out of the woods. 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central and you will meet that brave 12-year-old girl, who is smiling again. when we come back here tonight, the big clue coming about george clooney. it's coming in at that hour. and the parking space wars like you've never seen them. what one driver did to trap another tonight. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread. to the index and a big hint that george clooney is getting married very soon. walkways being closed. some saying the wedding could happen monday or sooner. nfl player devin still, his 4-year-old daughter battling cancer. his pep talk going viral. >> you ready to get this cancer up out you? let's do it! >> love that smile tonight. word from dad, doctors have removed the tumor. she is doing well. and the parking space wars heating up tonight with this image. the brand new corvette taking up two spots. another driver fed up, trapping him with his jeep. later recording the corvette owner's reaction, saying he just wanted to teach him a friendly lesson. when we come back here tonight, a quiz. the one thing made in america being retired tonight, along with a superstar. ow... my scalp hurts. my hair hurts. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful, blistering, rash. look at me. she's embarrassed by the way she looks. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. as you get older, your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. well i had to go to the eye doctor last week and i have to go back today. the doctor's worried its so close to her eye. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. it hurts. it's hard. don't wait until you someone you love develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. i had tried to do it in the with chantix. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i talked to my doctor and i... i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it was important to me that chantix was a non-nicotine pill. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i am very proud. i love myself as a nonsmoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! finally tonight here, we learned of something made in america being retired tonight. along with a very famous player. derek jeter and his final home game, tonight, paying tribute to him and that bat. abc's ron claiborne. >> reporter: tonight, fans by the thousands pouring into yankee stadium to see and say good-bye to the captain, number 2. every time he comes to the plate at yankee stadium, the home crowd chants begin. in this, his 20th and final season, the country paying tribute to derek jeter. millions watching this video, made by gatorade. the company says it was his idea to walk the streets of the bronx. and this week, too, louisville slugger, that made in america company, retiring his model bat. and this video, by nike. >> derek jeter. >> reporter: fans, celebrities, opponents tipping their caps. respect. today, rival players sending in their messages for jeter to us. >> thank you. >> you'll forever be the captain of baseball. >> thank you. thank you for what you brought to this game. >> young derek jeter. >> reporter: jeter going out just the way he came in, so many years ago, playing hard. playing to win. >> walkoff home run by derek jeter! >> reporter: david, there are 42,000 fired up fans inside of yankee stadium right now, but the yankees out of playoff contention. they are here for only one reason, and that is to see number 2 on the field one last time, derek jeter's final home game. david, to pay respect. >> ron, thank you. so many players paying tribute and so are we tonight. and that is "world news tonight." we hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. from sony pictures studios, it's america's game. wheel... of... fortune! ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our show, pat sajak and vanna white. hey, how you doing? good to see you all. thank you, jim. look, they're all color-coordinated. yeah.

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , New York , Missouri , Texas , Alaska , Turkey , Florida , California , Waukesha , Wisconsin , Anchorage , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , United Kingdom , Arizona , Iraq , Massachusetts , Ohio , Yankee Stadium , America , British , American , Derek Jeter , Pierre Thomas , Martha Raddatz , James Foley , Ron Claiborne , Hannah Graham , Aditi Roy , Jesse Matthew , Christian Hicks , Isis Raqqa , Los Angeles , James Comey , Brian Ross , Julie Martin , George Clooney ,

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