Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 6 20100108 :

Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 6 20100108

1 10%. the man accused of trying to blow up a plane entered a not guilty plea in court today. programs will fall victim to fairfax county budget cuts. freezer temperatures are going to stay around a while. >> the snow wasn't really much but it was enough to cause problems for drivers this morning. no major delays but a few accidents. those road conditions caused some school districts to close or to open late today. and this evening, the story is shifting from the snow to the bitter cold temperatures that are settling in across our area. bob has got more on that. hi, bob. >> hi, doreen and jim. we had that fluffy snow with sort of a 20-1 snow. that is less than a tenth of an inch of precipitation. some spots down through the northern neck, more than an inch and a half to two inches of snow. but now that's settled down, but the temperatures, once we get light snow and clearer skies as we have with gusty winds, temperatures already at 6:00 into the low 20s. with a northwesterly wind, it already feels like it's in the single digits out in winchester. by later on tonight, we'll see temperatures tomorrow morning feel like they're close to zero, even around town with a northwesterly wind. 10 to 15 miles per hour. so dress accordingly. right now, the temperatures you can get an idea. out at elkins where there's over 20 inches of snow in the mountains there, 11 degrees. there's that little area of snow through the northern neck and really did a little snow burst early in the morning moving on out. here's how it looked at i-95 after being cleared. it really snowed for a time. that snow has moved out. we've got a cold, blustery weekend. the good news is we, i think, will be seeing a pattern change. all of this as we get into the middle part of next week and for the time being, that is certainly for the next week or so, no more snowstorms. we'll see some moderation. but not this weekend. this weekend will be very, very cold with windchills dangerously low. back to you. >> thanks, bob. some new unemployment numbers were released today. 85,000 jobs were lost last month. that's disappointing information to many people who thought there would be little or no job loss for december. the unemployment rate is unchanged at 10%. brian mooar has more on this. >> there's a bit of a boom in temporary work, but right now companies are unwilling to make long-term commitments. shipping giant ups announced it's slashing its workforce by 1,800. they'll be joining the 85,000 americans pink-slipped in december. the nation's unemployment rate held steady at 10%, but that's not necessarily good news. >> the reason that happened is because we had over half a million workers give up, drop out of the labor force. if you're not actively seeking work anymore, you're no longer counted as officially unemployed. >> reporter: without clear signs of a turn-around, companies remain hesitant to hire. small businesses power the nation out of the last recession, but not this time. >> the question is why. it's not just confidence. it's also access to credit and lending. >> reporter: the nation has lost more than 7 million jobs since the recession began. but monthly job cuts now average a tenth of what they were in early 2009. >> the road to recovery is never straight. and we have to continue to work every single day to get our economy moving again. >> reporter: president obama is highlighting a program to grow environmentally friendly green jobs. this south carolina plant which makes power-saving smart grids and meters will be getting $5.5 million in tax credits. money used to save energy and jobs. and critics say the obama administration hasn't created enough jobs quickly enough. that sets the stage for another stimulus fight. jim? >> brian mooar, thanks. despite the jobless numbers, the markets managed modest gains today. it could be a sign that the fed will keep interest rates low. the dow picks up 11 points today. 10,618, the closing level. nasdaq gained 17 points. it closed at 2,317. and the s&p was up three points. it closed at 1,144. the man accused of trying to blow up northwest airlines flight 253 on christmas day made his first appearance in court today. his name is umar abdulmutallab. his arraignment in detroit lasted just three minutes. kristen dahlgren reports. >> reporter: abdulmutallab stood quietly in the courtroom. the 23-year-old accused of attempting to blow up a detroit-bound jetliner showed little emotion at his public defender entered a plea of not guilty on six counts including attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and the attempted murder of the almost 300 people on board that plane. authorities say abdulmutallab concealed explosives in his underwear and that mass murder was only averted when the bomb failed to detonate. abdulmutallab's case changed the way we fly, prompting stricter security and a government review of what went wrong. today's hearing drew a peaceful demonstrate from the local muslim community, protesting against the violence of radicals. >> i feel like it's -- for us muslim-americans, we have to send out the message that we do not condone terrorism. we do not support terrorism in any way. and terrorism is not a part of our religion whatsoever. >> reporter: al qaeda in the arabian peninsula has claimed responsibility for the attempted bombing. the question of how much contact they had with abdulmutallab is one many hope the court case and the quiet yng man may soon answer. abdulmutallab's attorney did not request bail today, but the defense is likely to file tions requesting more documents related to the case the government is building against him. given the number of eye witnesses on board the plane as well as the admissions he made at the time, they say this case is unlikely to ever make it all the way to trial. in detroit, kristen dahlgren, news4. two additional men have been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to bomb new york city last year. the fbi says the men are associates of najibullah zazi. zazi is accused of trying to attack new york's transit system with bombs. federal agents tailed one of the susspectses before high arrested him this morning. the second suspect was arrested later after authorities searched his apartment in queens. those men could face charges of supporting terrorism and lying to investigators. both the abdulmutallab case and the new york terror plot now have u.s. government agencies rushing to increase security measures. the white house has new recommendations on how to fix the system. president obama says that the attack that failed on -- the attack that failed on christmas day is one that needs -- that demands attention. steve handelsman has our report. >> reporter: more u.s. allies are cooperating, and airports are now being patted down. italy is joining britain and holland, installing fall full-body scanners. >> it's an annoyance, but it wouldn't bother me. >> reporter: they digitally undress people. buteric holder said today better scanners are a must. d >> there are things that we can do to protect people's privacy. >> reporter: a body scanner on christmas might have revealed the bomb in abdulmutallab's underwear, but as the 23-year-old nigerian went to court in detroit today, another issue was why he was allowed to book a flight. a misspelling of his name helped keep him off the no-fly list. >> we all are looking hard at what did happen. >> reporter: now there's a rush to get the four u.s. watch lists better coordinated and more quickly updated. a critic says the christmas attack did not fail completely. >> with a guy who meant nothing to al qaeda, abdulmutallab, someone who really is very easily replaceable from their context, they have managed to cause the entire tsa system to go into chaos. >> reporter: and the arrest of two men today in connection with the suspected plot to bomb new york city's subways is a reminder that watch lists and scanners can't stop suspected terrorists who are already in the united states. steve handelsman, news4. >> other security ideas being proposed include more intensive interrogations and lifting restrictions on profiling passengers. there was a rocket strike today at the future home of a u.s. consulate in afghanistan. the site of the former hotel near the iranian border. the building has been leased by the u.s. government to serve as the consulate, but it is not yet occupied. three rockets were fired in the vicinity today. just one of them hit the building. some windows were shattered, but nobody was injured. it's part of a plan to increase the u.s. diplomatic presence outside of kabul. the mother of vice president joe biden has died. the vice president released a statement this afternoon that says that his mother passed away peacefully at their home in delaware. she was surrounded by her family and many other loved ones. the vice president left washington yesterday to be at her side. today he said his mother taught her children that family is to be treasured, loyalty is paramount and that faith would guide them through the tough times. catherine eugenia finnegan biden was 92. coming up, we'll tell you about a train that arrived at its destination 19 hours late. icy roads cause major problems down in the south today. >> whoa. budget cuts at fairfax county schools could eliminate sports teams and foreign language programs. and we'll tell you about two guys who went to the top of the world's tallest building and then jumped. wizards playing their first game without gilbert arenas tonight. lindsay is at verizon. she will have a live report. and alabama turns the tide against the longhorns. parents in fairfax county will notice changes at their kids' school if new plans proposed by the school's superintendent are approved. among the changes offered are eliminating all freshman sports to save money, increasing class sizes by one student, eliminating hundreds of jobs, and adding $100 fees for every child who plays sports. some parents already are organizing to fight the cuts and offer solutions to save programs. julie carey has our report. >> reporter: some chilling news for thousands of fairfax county student athletes. a second year of budget woes mean the superintendent is proposing an end to indoor sports. athletes in the remaining sports would have to pay a $100 participation fee. parents are organizing to promote other solutions besides cuts. dan woolly says indoor track could be paid for with the participation fee. >> a program that covers all age groups and all genders and supports the academic growth is really where we need to be. taking a prac that is impacting 3,000 kids, we think, as very negative affects for the county and on our kids' future growth. >> reporter: academic programs like foreign language in the elementary schools are slated for major cuts and hundreds of teaching positions would be eliminated, leading to larger class sizes. >> i have fifth grades at 37. i have high school classes at 35, 36, 37. that's not right. huge concern. >> reporter: it's now up to janey strauss and the rest of the school board to wrestle with the proposed budget before sending a final request to the board of supervisors. but some ptas are signing on to a plan to raise the profit tax rate and earmark the money for schools. the initiative is dubbed ten cents makes cents. >> do you increase the tax rate by ten cents because assessments will be going down, the average tax bill will not go up. >> reporter: ron reasons even in tough economic times, investing in schools is really a way to invest in property values. >> these cuts, which are devastating, will set back our system ten to 15 years. if these cuts go into effect, that will affect everything in this county. property values, you name it. >> reporter: a final decision by the board of supervisors won't come until late april. >> public hearings on the proposal will be held later this month. metro has removed a train operator accused of nearly striking a team of track inspectors last month. the incident happened justfter metro lifted a six-month ban on giving inspectors access to live tracks. the tristate oversight committee says inspectors had to scramble out of the way after the operator made no attempt to slow the train down. there are exhausted amtrak passengers in chicago right now. their train arrived at its destination 19 hours late. the train left sacramento, california, five days ago. it did not arrive in chicago until today. along the way it encounertered two-story-high snow drifts on e tracks in nebska. it also had to stop in iowa where the train hit a truck on the tracks. passengers say there was not enough food to go around and the crew members did not let them know what was going on. >> no one should have to go through what we went through on that train. we were cold. literally cold. we didn't have any heat. they ran out of food. >> it was a disaster the entire ride. i mean, i could understand one or two things going wrong, but it was just one thing after another every two hours. >> amtrak says it's going to offer refunds on a case-by-case basis. an international soccer tournament will go on as planned despite a deadly attack on one of the teams today. gunmen opened fire on a bus carrying the national soccer team of togo. a bus driver was killed and nine others including two players were wounded. one player says the attack lasted at least ten minutes and that they were in his words machine gunned like dogs. he adds that the team is inclined to pull out of the 16-team tournament, which begins on sunday. rebels are claiming responsibility. we reported last week about the tallest building in the world opening over in dubai. that thing is 200 stories tall. two men just had to be the first ones to jump off of it. they did. they're from the emirates aviation society. they got permission for the jump and they shot the jump. both of the guys landed safely. they set a new record for the world's highest base jump. that tower is located in downtown dubai. it cost $1.5 billion to build it. coming up on "news4 at 6," we'll hear from wizards fans as the team gets ready to play their first home game since giert arenas was suspended. icy roads causing serious problems for drivers in the south. and bob is back with another check on those ice-cold temperatures. stay with us. if i had to sit on a bench during the middle of a game due to diabetes would frustrate me. in a basketball game a couple minutes could mean a big momentum shift. my bayer meter is very important. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to be able to look at my highs and lows to make sure that my diabetes is being controlled as tightly as possible. with my bayer meter i don't miss valuable game time. i'm alana burns and staying in the game is my simple win. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer. they have a mess down in atlanta today with snow and ice all over the roads. several cars involved in accidents. ice blamed for a 29-car pile-up early this morning. don't you hate it when that happens? atlanta owns only four sand trucks in the whole city. they had to borrow other trucks to treat -- ouch. to treat miles of icy roads. that is not fun. >> no. >> and there you go. that's the worst feeling in the world. and you know what you say. you say, oh, my. >> just when you lose control. you're just waiting it out. >> whoa! >> look at that. that looks like a sheet of ice. >> yeah. >> it's like the banana peel. there's the humor in there as long as you're not in that car. >> right. >> as long as you are not in that car. >> our driving conditions weren't too bad today. >> the side roads were a bit slick. it was nice to get all that gucky stuff covers with light snow. >> for however briefly. >> a little fluffy stuff. it's also a sound insulator. did you notice after it snows how -- it's just pretty. outside, here's how it looked. chester goes around and will shovel your walk. did you know that? and also provide us with a video. so anytime you want to have -- we get the snow, i'm going to send chester to my house the next time. outside, you can see how light it was. our high temperature today made it up to the low 30s. 32. that's when we were getting left-over snow. now we're heading into the two coldest weeks of the year. our average high, 42. 21 of the last 25 days we've been below average. look at these morning temperatures early this morning. it was into the -- well below freezing. outside right now, we' below freezing. look at how dry that yare is. it was even dry when it was snowing. that's why we had sort of that inflated snow. less than a teh of an inch equated to over an inch and a half in washington. 26 this morning. 33 below zero in bismarck. rapid city was the spot that set 18 below zero record low temperature. it was records down into arkansas. jonesboro, arkansas, was in the teens. look at the current temperatures. it's cold not only around us. brownsville, texas, 37 degrees. jacksonville, florida, 40 degrees. right now that's the current temperature. and the windchills in florida also were into the 20s and 30s. it's been a really, really brutal pattern. there's the jet stream which has been diving to the south. that area of low pressure is moving out, away from us. did bring in that left-over wrap-around moisture. overall it is still a rather cold pattern. that will be finally changing. there's the pattern that we've had for basically the last couple of weeks. as we get into next week, tuesday and wednesday and thursday, the -- really that jet stream will be lifting to the north. not only has it been storms here, but storms moving in to the pacific northwest. with the big pressure gradient, have you been out to the columbia gorge? with that ix treme pattern, this is a reporter trying to get a -- watch out! there they go. when the winds are up to around 100 miles an hour, you don't want to be a reporter trying to do your stand-up when the columbia river gorge. we're going to be seeing more of the same, that area of low pressure and storminess has moved out. behind it, we have strong northwesterly winds. that will be with us right on into sunday. the winds will diminish on sunday. temperatures tomorrow for highs, only 31 degrees. look at chicago and st. louis. the high temperatures tomorrow, into the teens. so it will remain breezy with the temperatures continuing to tumble into the low 20s. as we go through the next few hours. then tomorrow morning with that fresh covering of snow, even though a lit of it has compacted and melted, it really sets up the stage for a cold night. temperatures as low as the low teens. even the nearby suburbs. even for you folks in charles county when you had that day off from school. then as we get on into saturday, to sunday, the morning on sunday could be even a little bit colder with lighter winds. temperatures into the low to mid teens. by next tuesday, the pattern begins to change a bit. by the time we get into wednesday, thursday and friday, we'll be near average. that is 42 or 43 degrees for the high temperature. >> we are going to appreciate average temperatures so much more. >> open the pools. get out the shorts. i need to point out that i said that tower in dubai is 27,000 feet. that was really stupid of me. it's 2,700 feet. 27,000 feet is five miles. so get off your computer. coming up in the broadcast, how people are dealing with these bitterly cold temperatures. two women and a firefighter had to be taken to the hospital today. good news concerning the graduation rates at d.c. schools. and reports about that late-nath shake-up in the works here in nbc. a look now at the stories making headlines tonight. >> the news about unemployment was surprising to some. the government says 85,000 workers lauts their jobs last month. most experts lot there would be few or no jobs lost. the unemployment rate remains at 10%. the jobless numbers show that the road to recovery is never straight. the man accused of trying to bomb northwest airlines flight 253 on christmas day had his first appearance in court in detroit today. his name is umar abdulmutallab. the hearing lasted only three minutes. when the magistrate asked if he understood the charges against him, he answered with one word, yes. his public defender entered a not guilty plea on his behalf. the school superintendent in fairfax county is proposing an array of cuts and fees to balance the budget. among the plans, all freshman sports would be eliminated and all children participating in sports would pay a $100 fee. staff cuts and elementary foreign language programs cuts are also proposed. coming up in this half hour of "news4 at 6," we'll tell you about reports that nbc is planning to shake up its late-night lineup. the wizards are playing their first home game since gilbert arenas was suspended. and we'll tell you how a cat ended up being summoned for jury duty. as noted, it is cold out there. bob says temperatures are going to stay that way. and this deep freeze has a lot of people hoping for an early spring. tom sherwood has that report. >> reporter: a false alarm here in the district's columbia heights. sent hundreds of customers out into the cold late friday afrnoon. it was so cold and windy we wondered why some people would even be out and about. >> i'm from california. i'm not used to this. >> reporter: what do you need that you have to go out in the cold to go to a grocery store? why don't you just stay home? >> i need tomatoes and some haul pa -- some food. >> reporter: what did you need so bad that you had to come out in this cold? >> it's friday. and on fridays, i stop by the store to pick up what i need, little small things. then i'm gone. i'm in and out and i'm out of this cold. >> reporter: why are you out in the cold? >> i'm out in the cold because i have the day off and i want to eat chipotle. >> reporter: so you're not going to the grocery. what are you doing with the return bag? >> i'm going to go to cvs afterwards. >> reporter: in virginia, icy residential streets trapped motorists trying to navigate through them. the washington region confronted ice, snow, and exceptionally cold winds and temperatures. this man used his leaf blower to blow away the light dusting of snow. most roads in the district even ones with steep hills were reported mostly clear of snow and ice as the colder evening approached. tom sherwood, news4, washington. kerosene is likely to blame for a fire that destroyed a home and injured two women in montgomery county today. one of the victims told her neighbor that she was trying to fill a kerosene heater when it blew up. the woman and her daughter were taken to the hospital. a firefighter was also injured. firefighters had several challenge challeng challengeds. there are no hydrants in the area. a man has been arrested charged with raping a motel employee while she was at work. 23-year-old luis rivera of gaithersburg was arrested last ght. he's been held without bond. the incident happened last october at a motel 6 in gaithersburg. police say a housekeeper was cleaning a room when a man wearing a mask raped her. he got away in a green car. investigators say they found the car two weeks ago and were able to connect the suspect to the crime through both the car and dna evidence. prince georges hospital center will be a key player in large-scale emergency management. ste leaders announced that the hospital will receive $2.5 million in federal funding as part of an emergency response plan. the gold is to make sure that maryland is ready to deal with an attack. the hospital center's location puts it in a key role to help if a terror attack should happen. >> you're on the outer edge of the district of columbia. and where if there's going to be a major attack on the united states, it is not going to hop into utah. the blast zone, whether it's bio or whatever, is right here. >> prince georges hospital center is the second busiest trauma center in maryland and the hospital serves about 180,000 patients every year. good news from the district today. graduation rates are up. the mayor says 123 more students graduated in 2009 compared to the prious year. that's an increase of 3%. it makes the district's graduate rate 72% overall now. new programs have helped with the increase. and to increase the number of children who graduate. >> over the last couple of years, we've had incredibly aggressive summer school programs and credit recovery programs. both of which we would say had a huge hand in our ability to rapidly increase the graduation rates. >> while 72% is definitely an improvement, it is not where she ultimately wants the school system to be. coming up on "news4 at 6," we'll tell you about reports that nbc is considering moving jay leno back to his old 11:30 time slot. elvis presley fans celebrated what would have been his 75th birthday. and a young polar good evening. bob ryan, storm center4. a cold night. it's going to be a colder morning, too. we'll see that cold air in on us. stay inside or there are a lot of things going on this weekend. this is the weekend for the washington antiques show. one of our neighbors at the american university's art center. tomorrow and also this evening and saturday and sunday. so a lot of things to do. it's open to the public. stop by. 30 degrees is the high temperature tomorrow. high 20s on sunday with a lot of sunshine. winds won't be quite as much on sunday as they will be tomorrow. windchills making it feel like about 10 to 15 degrees even during the afternoon tomorrow. then finally we see a little pattern change. i think by next week, middle part of the week, temperatures for highs will be in the low to mid-40s. back to you. >> we're looking forer with to it. thank you, bob. wizards fans are showing up to see the team's first home game since gilbert arenas was suspended. arenas was suspended on wednesday indefinitely for an incident in which he brought guns to the verizon center. craig melvin has more on how fans feel about all this. hi, craig. >> hi, doreen. first of all, we should mention that the fans are freezing. let me show them to you. those freezing fans starting to file in to verizon. many of them talking about the ongoing gilbert arenas saga. the team desperately needing him. he's their franchise player. fans want to see him outthere, too. we met a long magic fan who will miss arenas for a different reason. >> i think it's a shame that he isn't playing because i'd love to see dwight howard dunk all over him. i think it's a pretty dumb move what he did. >> reporter: yesterday the wizards took down the banner of arenas that hung outside hverizn center. fans say they understand why the nba has suspended him. >> i'm disappointed. both gilbert and in the fact that the wizards didn't move faster and had to have the league intervene. but i'm okay with it. it's a sport. it's not baseball. so there's going to be criminals there. >> reporter: mike and his wife made the drive in from virginia. they say they'll miss arenas tonight, but they're confident he'll be back. >> it's sports and they -- he's a pro. you know, it's just the way it is. >> you've got to remember one other thing. he's only 28 years old. i did a lot of silly things when i was 28 years old. >> reporter: whether agent zero actually comes back depends largely on that ongoing criminal investigation and also whether the wizards will have him back. we are live at verizon center tonight. craig melvin, news4. back to you. there are reports of a late-night shakeup at nbc. sources say nbc wants to get rid of jay leno's show in primetime. reports claim the show will move to late night or be canceled altogether after the olympics. nbc has denied that speculation saying the network remains committed to leno's program as well as conan o'brien's. fans around the world honored elvis presley today on what would have been his 75th birthday. there was a party at graceland in memphis. his daughter, lisa marie presley, and her children did the honors of cutting a special cake. presley died in 1977. his ex-wife says if he were still alive, he'd be performing. >> i don't know if he'd be doing rock and roll right now, but i think that maybe he'd be going into gospel. maybe even preaching a little bit. he loved to have -- he loved to teach and he loved the bible. i don't know. you know, it's interesting. i do know that he would always be dedicated to his music. >> maybe a little hip-hop. not only is there a new exhibit in graceland, but there are a few in d.c. as well. the elvis exhibit began today at the mlb library. the smithsonian also launched an elvis exhibit. it's a one-room exhibit that will be on display at the nation portrait gallery through august. >> happy birthday, elvis. >> yeah, man. love him. a little before my time, but i've heard a lot of elvis. talking wizards on the court this time. the crimson tide corral the longhorns. and would jim hazlett be happy in washington? we'll talk about it. "news4 at 6" conti lindsay is inside. craig was stuck outside. >> quit talking over me. >> i'm sorry. >> that's okay. it happens all the time. >> what kind of house do you expect tonight? >> that's a great question. definitely not going to be a sell-out, but you'd hope for a good crowd. they're playing orlando. a team that's really good right now. the wizar are at home tonight for the first time since gilbert arenas was suspended. changes continue for the organization. the wizards become the second nba team to ban gambling on team charter flights. a card game was at the root of gilbert's argument with juvarves crittenton. at this point, nobody and i mean nobody is untouchable. lindsay czarniak down at verizon center. is anybody actual talng about this game right now? >> they're trying to avoid it, but i just heard the line of the night. the pr department needs a win badly. that's what the word around the street here is. just because there's been so much drama. is team knows that there will be more drama down the pipeline because of a lot of these players playing tonight who are involved in a photo that we'll show you. tonight it's all about basketball. the orlando magic is such a tough opponent. tonight they'll have to try to win without the former face of their franchise. the only reminder that you can find now of gilbert arenas is his locker, the stall with his name plate. his shoes are still there. there's a bigger reminder and that is a photo. gilbert arenas mimed like he was carrying guns. part of that behavior was deemed unacceptable. the players involved will face fines likely. the team is deciding on that right now. antoine jamison knows that it was in poor judgment. >> a lot of guys didn't know what was going to take place. a lot of guys, you know, didn't see that happening. i know you see the photo. when you see a certain image -- that photo really doesn't justify the way guyviewed the whole situation. so once again, it's just another use of poor judgment. you know, that's the reason why we're at where we're at right now, because of that. you just got to put it behind us. >> antoine jamison is one of the captains of this team. it's interesting, dan, because i've been talking to a lot of popal tonight and the problem they're having now, a fine will be laid down possibly for several players. you look at one photo and it's very difficult to describe and figure out who exactly is involved for which reason. it's hard for them to figure out who they can give a fine to and how you justify that. that's something they expect to happen. they will get that approved. >> listening to some of antoine's comments, he definitely expects more changes to be made. did he talk about the possibility of him heading somewhere? >> he did not because right now he's so focused on keeping the core group together. he did talk about how earlier in the week stevenson was one of the players who had talked about, you know, well, we don't know. this could break everything up. that's the kind of mentality that you cannot have at a time like this. so whether or not he thinks it would be good for him to leave, who knows. he might want to be traded right now. the thing is right now they can't let their focus go there. >> all right, lindsay. thanks so much. it's going to be the wizards and the magic tonight at verizon. nobody hired or fired just yet. mike shanahan met with most of the current assistants yesterday. kind of a get to know you session. early next week there will be another round of interviews and then shanahan will make moves. he's not likely to keep very many members of the current staff. defensively, shanahan wants to go with a three-four scheme and is set to interview jim hazlett for the defensive coordinator position. expect a lot of yelling if that actually comes to fruition. he's also interested in cincinnati defensive coordinator mike zimmer, but they can't talk to him until the bengals are bounced out of the playoffs. one other note, seattle fired jim mora after just one season. no, it does not sound like jim zorn is a candidate for that job, but pete carroll is, and unlike in the past, carroll is very interested. i can say this, too, at least for one night last night, carroll would have liked to have been nick saban. alabama is the new national cha champion. the fourth straight sec school to take home the title. they beat up on texas in the national championship game. nick saban now the first coach to win bcs championships with two different teams. texas came into the game needing colt mccoy magic and early on colt with the ball gets popped here. didn't really look that bad, but texas head coach mack brown knew he was going to be in some trouble. colt said he lost all of the feeling in his arm. he would take himself out of the game. afterwards he said it just felt like i had a dead arm. a huge blow for texas. so in comes a freshman. his name is garrett gilbert. thrown into action. he was a little bit shaky. didn't expect to play last night. this is a shovel pass. deflected. talk about bad luck. picked off by big marcel darieu. takes it all the way into the end zone. gilbert and the longhorns go into the locker room trailing 24-6. but in the second half, the freshman quarterback played a little bit better. down 24-13, check out this pass. perfect to jordan shipley. it's a 28-yard touchdown. the two-point conversion is good. texas trails by just three. so now down by three with just over three minutes to go. texas has a shot but gilbert gored by eric anders. that was basically the ball game. that fumble recovery set up this. heisman trophy winner mark ingram plows his way in for a touchdown. that ices the ball game. bama adds another score. they win it by a final of 37-21. saban getting the old gatorade bath right here. he wins his second national title in seven years. they got him good on that one. afterwards, saban said he was feeling for colt mccoy. >> as much as i enjoy winning, you always see a great competitor. you hate to see a great comp competitor who has had a great career not be able to participate in a game that he's probably worked his into tire career to be a part of. and, you know, it's heart-felt for us and his family that he was not able to participate in the game today. but, you know, marcel dareus, i think, got the hit on him. >> we had ourind set on going undefeated and winning the championship. just the fact that we went out there and we accomplished that and we worked hard and we had a common goal and a common goal that we wanted to accomplish. it was real sweet that we're here. we took advantage of that opportunity. >> alabama, the new national champions. . caps playing in atlanta tomorrow. if i'm the thrashers i'm scared because the caps back in their groove after a short losing streak. they just pounded ottawa last night. third period, it's 3-1 caps. niklas backstrom goes to work. look at this wrap-around goal. just making it look way too easy. one more time. backstrom, great stickwork. the puck is like a yo-yo, man. how about alex ovechkin? so fast, so powerful. it's almost like tunnel vision, you know? coast-to-coast in basketball. you just can't stop him. yep. his 27th goal of the year. he had two assists. the caps win it 5-2. >> i'm glad the caps are in this town. >> we need them right now. coming up, a young polar bear made its debut at a zoo in japan today. we'll tell you about a cat summoned for j at a zoo in japan today, they introduced their new polar bear cub. it's a she. she did not seem to be the least bit bothered. crowds of people walked around getting a glimpse, taking pictures. she is three months old now. just started walking. at birth she weighed just 1 1/2 pounds. that cub is now 26 pounds. won't be long before she's 1,100 pounds. very large. >> how cute. >> she is cute. one more check on that really cold weather forecast, bob. >> not so cute. heading out for this evening, look at the current temperature right now in washington. 27 degrees, give you an idea. those are the current -- look at omaha. one below zero right now. tomorrow morning, the winds will continue. the windchills even during the day tomorrow will be about 10 to 15 degrees. got friends in the midpart of the country. there are windchill warnings and advisories out. we'll see the actually temperature up into the 20s to 30. on sunday, only in the low to mid 20s for the high temperature. at least winds will be lighter. finally as we get into next week, there's no storms coming our way. not even -- other than a passing flurry in the mountains tomorrow. finally by wednesday and thursday, temperatures into the mid-40s. back to average. back to you. >> thanks, bob. tonight, a man from virginia accused of becoming so unruly on a flight that they sent up f-16s to escort that plane to an emergency landing. one of the biggest clubs of the city has been shut down indefinitely. more on why the cops are shutting down love. and a party for texas fans ended with a real longhorn running loose in las vegas. the city of boston sent a jury summons to sal esposito last week. sal is a cat. a well-fed cat, you might notice. his owners are anna and guy esposito. they aren't sure just how their cat got caught up in the massive wheels of justice, but they think it could have something to do with a form that mrs. esposito filled out during the last census. she considers sal a member of the family so she wrote his name on the form under pets. after she got the jury summons, she went online and requested that sal be disqualified from service. the jury commissioner, however, refused. the espositos say if the matter is not cleared up by the time sal's jury duty rolls around, they will take him on into court and plead their case in person.

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