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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240611

that s going to do it for us tonight. i told you it was going to be a show and a half. now, it is time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. that evening, rachel. i listened to episode one of the new podcast today, and i ve got to ask you a favor. could you stop doing this thing where you reveal really dramatic, interesting stories about united states senators i ve never heard of? because, one of the angles of me getting a paycheck out of this place is i pretend that i m like the senate expert around here because i worked there for a while and this is not helpful, rachel. i spend the day listening to you tell me about a senator i ve never heard of and by the way, the single most dramatic thing that has ever occurred in the russell senate office building where i used to work and i did not know what happened until today listening to you, and it s not supposed to be like that. i m very sorry. i will start doing podcasts that are about like state legislatures and states you ve never been to. and rachel, i am filled with questions and possible spoiler questions that you are free to deflect, but could you possibly join me after i get a little worked on here about donald trump s probation, to talk about the podcast because there are just so many things i want to see if you can answer and then of course there are things you might not want to answer. i would love it. i look forward to answering your questions and to dodging them. all right. just get into your slippers well i do a little chat with andrew wiseman. thank you, i will see you in a minute. today was a routine workday for america s 93,900 probation officers. but, one of those probation officers had the least routine workday of that probation officers life today when that probation officer in new york city became the first probation officer in history to interview a former president of the united states. donald trump s first probation interview today is a standard and necessary part of determining what sentence donald trump should receive after a manhattan jury found him guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records with criminal intent to violate new york election law and the 2016 presidential election. the probation department will use donald trump s responses to date to determine what sentence the probation department will recommend for defendant trump at his sentencing hearing on july 11th. in yet another demonstration of donald trump getting extra favorable treatment while he is complaining of being persecuted, judge merchan allowed donald trump s defense lawyer to attend the first probation meeting and allowed the meeting to take place virtually with donald trump in florida. special treatment for donald trump did not go unnoticed by the legal aid society, vermont defenders, new york county defender services and neighborhood defender services. they issued a joint statement saying all people convicted of crimes should be allowed counsel in their probation interview, not just billionaires. this is just another example of the two-tiered system of justice. presentencing interviews with probation officers influence sentencing and public defenders are deprived of joining their clients for these meetings. the option of joining these interviews virtually is typically not extended to the people we represent either. to ensure integrity and fairness, we call on nyc department of probation to ensure that all new yorkers, regardless of income, status or class, receive the same presentencing opportunities. nbc news is reporting that the interview lasted less than 30 minutes and that donald trump s probation officer is a woman. cnn is reporting that the commissioner for the new york city department of probation was present, along with general counsel for the department. joining our discussion now is martin horn, former commissioner of new york city s department of probation. thank you very much for joining us tonight. first of all, we want to get a sense of how unusual this was. we already have the sense that it was a bit unusual, but as to the presence of counsel and it being remote, you have these people representing other defendants, saying that is never available to us. that is correct. it is highly unusual. i think it is appropriate to make some accommodation and recognize the fact that when trump shows up his going to be accompanied by secret service. he s going to be accompanied by the press, and his presence might be disruptive, so the idea of doing the interview remotely doesn t trouble me that much. i think it is somewhat appropriate and certainly during covid, we made use of these remote kinds of interviews. i think you could make arguments both ways. the presence of counsel is highly unusual, and the presence of the commissioner is something i have never heard of in 40 years in this business. can you think of a reason for doing it if you are a commissioner at the time, would you do it? would you join that meeting? no. i cannot think of a reason to do it. i think it skews the interview. i think too many people in the room is distracting and disruptive and not conducive to candor, so no. i definitely would not have done it and i don t think it should ve been done in this case. 30 minutes is the report we are getting. what do you make of that? sounds abbreviated to me. usually these things take at least an hour. the content of what this interview was supposed to cover, and what the court is supposed to address is spelled out very explicitly in state regulations and it goes on in some length that it covers a wide array of issues. i don t believe they could be addressed and half hour unless mr. trump just refused to discuss all of them, which was certainly his right to do. there is reporting that he did cooperate and answer all the questions. i m not sure whether that is completely true but i m assuming that. what do you think are the most important things they should have obtained in this discussion? the judge certainly knows the defendants. he does not need to know much more. i think the important question to be addressed here was aggravating or mitigating circumstances. this was an opportunity for the defendant to set forth mitigating circumstances, and for the probation officer on behalf of the people to set forth any aggravating circumstances, but perhaps most importantly is the question of whether, if this individual is not sent to prison, but is granted probation, is this an individual who is likely to accept the terms of that probation and the supervision of a probation officer? and, what with the terms of probation be, and what would that supervision be like? all i can speak to is the typical case and obviously this is not the typical case, but typically a probationer would be expected to report to the probation office periodically, certainly no less than monthly at first, to keep the probation officer apprised of his or her comings and goings, certainly not to engage in illegal activities, not to associate with individuals engaged in illegal activities, certainly not to miss use drugs and alcohol, to fulfill his or her financial obligations both to his or her dependents, but also any fines or restitution that has been ordered. what about associating with people who have been convicted of crimes, many people around donald trump has been convicted of crimes. historically this has been discouraged by probation agencies around the country. it has been liberalized somewhat recently but i think it is something the probation officer appropriately would discuss with the individual to determine whether it is the association that is occurring for a good reason or not. thank you very much for joining us tonight and sharing your expertise. this evening in florida, donald trump s favorite federal judge whom he appointed, denied trump s request to dismiss the case against him for violations of the espionage and act and illegal possession of classified documents. she wrote checks myths prosecution or other permitted by law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate at this juncture and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate forms as to which defendants alleged conduct. judge cannon did grant trump request to strike one paragraph of the indictment about donald trump s alleged meeting with a representative of his political action committee believed to be his campaign adviser, susie wiles, and his golf club in bedminster, new jersey in 2021. the indictment says donald trump showed that person a classified map at that time. judge cannon said that because showing that map is not one of the charged crimes in the indictment, it is quote, not appropriate to include it in the indictment. in the ongoing scandal that is the united states supreme court, now there are tapes, thanks to lauren wednesday, winsor, who was interviewed by julie reid earlier this evening. lauren windsor is a progressive activist known to approach important republican people pretending to be an hour, making flattering comments than secretly recording their responses. she is a dues-paying member of the supreme court historical society, which has corrupted itself into an organization that allows right-wing supreme court influencers to comfortably influence right- wing supreme court justices at the annual dinner of that organization. last year at the supreme court historical society s annual dinner, lauren windsor made recordings of her chats with supreme court justices that even she found so uninteresting she did not publish them. this year was different. she got samuel alito to agree on tape to the goal of returning the country to quote, a place of godliness. is a catholic and as someone who like really cherishes my faith, i just don t know that we can negotiate with the left and the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think it s a matter of like winning. i think you re probably right. one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of living together peacefully, but it s difficult you know because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised, so it s not like we re going to split the difference. that s what i m saying. i think that the solution really is like winning the moral argument, like people in this country who believe in god love got to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. i agree with you. by contrast, chief justice roberts responded very differently. you don t think there s like a role for the court in like guiding us toward a more moral path? no. i think the role for the court is deciding the cases. that is for the people we elect. that s not for lawyers. i guess i believe the founders were godly, like were christians, and i think that we live in a christian nation and that our supreme court should be guiding us in that path. yeah, i don t know that we live in a christian nation. i know a lot of jewish and those muslim friends would say maybe not. let s not our job to do that. our job is to decide the cases as best we can. and samuel alito made his wife very much a public figure by blaming her publicly for flying flags supportive of the january 6 insurrection at the capital at their homes, you might expect mrs. alito to have little to say to strangers about flags. and you would be wrong. what you think they re coming after you? i mean like the whole like appeal to heaven flag was like right. the other thing is feminazis believe they should be in control. feminazis was a term coined by rush limbaugh. fox news had not even been invented yet and so samuel alito s wife is quoting material from rush limbaugh that is over 30 years old. that is how long she has apparently been listening and taking direction from the likes of rush limbaugh. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus like because i have to look across the lagoon at the flag. for the next month and he s like oh, please don t put up a flag. i said i will do it because i m deferring to you but when you are free of this nonsense, i am putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, and every week i m changing the flags. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag into white and it is yellow and orange flames around it and is the word for shaman italian. andrew weissmann, msnbc legal analyst and co-author of the best-selling book, the trump indictments. andrew, this is quite an interesting window of sound into the thinking of senator alito and chief justice roberts. well, the description from both of them could not be more striking in terms of where the country is, and you know, we are hearing from a man who is the principal architect for the reversal after 50 years of roe versus wade. his thinking is in that decision is, i think, just this week as his thinking that was shown in the letter he submitted trying to justify the flag incident, and you also have this dichotomy because you have the chief justice saying what is of course the correct thing to say, and we are on the eve of getting a decision on presidential immunity and it is a real sort of blot on this country and the judicial system had to be so direct that you have justice alito and justice thomas sitting on decisions that is not the way the country is supposed to be operated. it s not the way the court is supposed to be operating and their conduct is reflected on these tapes but their conduct in many ways even without these tapes is something that is really besmirching a really important branch of government in this country that we are entitled to count on and it is very hard to have faith in the system when you have that kind of conduct in these types of tape recordings coming out. we also have in these tapes now something very close to proving that samuel alito supreme court justice lied, lied publicly about the flags and the reason for the flags being up because here is the person who he is blaming on the flags being up saying she wants to do these flags just because of the flags that other people have including the pride flag that somehow is oppressive to her. absolutely. there is nothing in there about a response and we know that even that story, the timing of that story did not make any sense in terms of what it was supposed to be in response to, as we have now heard with respect to the police report and the neighbor across the way, and so what is really amazing to me is that there is just zero accountability of the supreme court and that is where chief justice roberts is much as he may be a good man personally and obviously said the right things which you don t really get credit for that for saying the right thing because that is what is expected but that is where he is to blame for not taking stronger action and there are a number of things he can do that would put more pressure on two justices who are really not upholding their oath of office in a way that helps this country , whatever side you are on. if you saw this from a so- called liberal justice i think we would be just as outraged and of course you would hear just as much but rightly from the far right that it is not appropriate behavior. you know, i will speak for me and i think this applies to you. i spent most of my life finding it inconceivable that we would be doing a story about a supreme court justice lying and lying about something important in public that affects the integrity of the courts on decisions and i am now realizing in retrospect that the reason that was inconceivable was really the supreme court justices themselves who we grew up with, who could not possibly step in these things the way samuel alito and clarence thomas have, but especially a leader with the flags and his wife making his comments to a stranger about the flags that have become something far beyond controversial. the flags that they are flying that share the spirit of the january 6 insurrection, all of that just completely inconceivable not because of any ethics enforcement body, but simply before because who was actually serving on the supreme court, whether we agree with them or not during most of our lifetimes. i want to point out one other aspect of what he was hurt now on tape saying, which is that the christian nation should be brought more to be a christian nation and as a jewish-american, that is not what our country is about. there is an establishment clause that is supposed to separate our religious beliefs which everyone is entitled to their own, but it is not established by the government, and that principal is very much under attack right now with at least five, if not six justices, but hearing that from justice alito s mouth basically just rips off any sort of pretense as to what is going on, and it really tells you very much how dishonest the dobbs decision was that reversed roe versus wade, this idea of we are sending it back to the states. that is not what is going on. this was part of a religious fervor that was animating what was going on, and you have justice alito really just saying it out loud, whether you like the idea of the tape recordings happening in the way they were done is neither here nor there, because you know, there was nothing that prevented him from responding in a way that justice roberts responded, which was entirely correct. the tape reveals the profound depths of the stupidity of samuel alito. we are out of time for this discussion. andrew weissmann, thank you very much for joining us tonight. coming up, our next guest needs either a very long introduction or no introduction. i will decide which one during a commercial break. rachel maddow joins us next. has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with 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for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. i think some of them [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. wyoming in the 1940s. wonderful wyoming, state of promise, land of far horizons. horizons, promise, also, pigeons. lots of pigeons. there was a serious infestation of pigeons. that is roger mcdaniel, a wyoming historian and author. he also served in both houses of the wyoming state legislature, and the pigeon infestation he is talking about was that his old workplace at the wyoming state capital. that is the start of season two of rachel maddow presents ultra, the broadcast in which rachel once again introduces us to a u.s. senator i have never heard of. lester hunt is the man who climbed out on the window ledges at the state capital to drop poison to kill the pigeons. lester hunt, when he did this, was the newly elected governor of the state of wyoming. it gives me pleasure to introduce to you at this time the honorable lester hunt, governor of wyoming. he set his sights on the u.s. senate and he won that race. a distinguished guest for the evening is the honorable lester c. hunt, the senator from wyoming. the most popular politician in his state. lester hunt, newly elected u.s. senator, he heads to washington to do what he has always done, to advocate for his constituents, the people of wyoming and also to try to do some good for the rest of the country. he is as poised as anyone could be for success in that job, but things are about to change for him radically. what he is about to encounter in washington will cost him his life. he will not live to see the end of even one term as a u.s. senator. joining us now is rachel maddow. you can get the first episode of ultra, second season now anywhere you get your podcast or subscribe to msnbc premium on the apple podcast up to get every episode early and add free. rachel, i can t take it. listen. we have 10 minutes. it s just us. tell me all the rest of it right now. like i can t wait for the next episode, just go. so then what happens? well, and then there is us at the end of it. it becomes the america that we know. i m not going to tell you the whole story. thank you so much for letting me come onto your show to talk about it and for listening to it and for liking it. lester hunt is i mean, he is not a completely forgotten figure, but the thing things went so badly for him very quickly after he got to washington that went i have tried to do in episode one is create the lost sense of possibility. he really did lose his life to the scandal i am writing about and working on in this podcast and it is a huge loss for the country because he did have a long, bright future ahead of him if everything leading up to his life and that moment was anything to go by and i feel like i have become really good at resurrecting old villains we had forgotten about from history, but lester hunt is one of the good guys that we need to unearth and remember his legacy, too, and the loss of him is something that went really wrong with extremism in american politics. it is something we should regret and remember and commemorate. yes, so he is a democrat getting elected in republican ohio wyoming, a difficult thing to do and impressive no matter when you hear that. he is kind of the jon tester of his time there in that situation. but, apparently very naove when he gets to washington in such a way, and i m speaking beyond what i know because all i know is episode one but clearly, he gets eaten up by washington, so this is a drama about more than him. so, what happens with him, and you will get there very quickly in the next couple of episodes, is that he is confronted in the senate with the first major thing he does in the senate. there is another senator who is in the opposite party, who is his opposite number and this other senator gets involved in a nazi propaganda campaign, this dirty false conspiracy theory tale that is designed to hurt the united states, and lester hunt realizes what this other senator is doing. he is repulsed by it in the come to loggerheads in the senate over this thing the other senator is trying to advance in part of the reason i wanted to do this story is learning that while that is happening, while there becoming mortal enemies in the united states senate, they also lived next door to one another, and their backyards back up onto one in each and others houses and how they have decided they re out to destroy each other, they can see how each other is living, and that only ratchets up the revulsion lester hunt has for this other senator and he just decides you know what? i m going to take the political risk. i ve got to stand up against a monster like this and he does and it is for the good of the country and cost him his life, but what he is fighting for, and the reason he is fighting against that foreign influence operation in washington and the low down dirty depth some people were willing to go to for political gain is an inspiration to me even though it cost him his life. so, the first season of ultra taught us about the poll that fascism had in the united states, the attraction it had for some people, how far they were willing to go to advance the cause of fascism here, and that is pre-world war ii and into world war ii, that story, and this takes us to a period after world war ii where it hasn t you make the point that those people, most of them tended to disappear after pearl harbor, but that did not mean they stop thinking what they were thinking. it also did not mean they went away in politics. one of the things you and i talked about a lot with season one is that it became kind of a forgotten story, the great sedition trial, all the americans who sort of worked with a nazi agent who wanted nazis to win world work two were defeated in the united states and that means we forgot their stories and we forgot them pretty quickly. when they were all kind of let go and didn t get prosecuted for it, not successfully prosecuted for it or in the case of members of congress, none of them were prosecuted at all, their story was mostly forgotten and those of them that stayed in public life kept being the same kind of people they were before, and so, for example, one of the characters in season two is a guy who was part of the silver shirts and linked to the german-american phone that was riding for charles conklin s publication. those are all entities we learned about an altar season one. in season two, he ends up being the subject of an international years long manhunt by the united states government. they believe him to not be just an american fascist, but an american fascist and a traitor and possibly a nuclear terrorist. so, it just gets worse when these people get away and he ends up involved with a republican senator who is a sitting senator in the united states senate, so when you let these folks get away with things, it is important you at least keep tabs on them to see where else they re going to turn up, because it s never good. so, how many episodes, rachel? eight. and those of us who want 16 or 24, what do we do? so, you tell stories in your show that are similar to this. they tend to be 20 to 25 minutes, something like that. each podcast episode is significantly longer than that. what is the difference for you as a storyteller in the way you approach the podcast as opposed to the way you approach the show? very good question. so, the podcast is basically a little book. or a tv show, like if you think about it if you put of the episode links together it ends up being something that i want to be able to hold your attention for about four or five hours. in order to hold your attention for that time, it has to be well told. we use a lot of archival audio, a lot of historical audio. finding the wyoming audio archives to get the sound of lester hunt s voice was an incredible odyssey and super fun, but the idea is that this is a single story arc that cannot be told in the course of a tv show. you need to stick with it for an eight-episode arc but by the time you get to the end of it, you should ve learned a whole nothing about american history and hopefully be propelled along the way by the dramatic interest in it, so that it sticks. i want these stories to be memorable. i m not just interested in these stories because they are not well known. i think they should be well known. like, we should all remember lester hunt. we should all remember there was an internationally wanted american fascist fugitive who was involved with the republican senator at the onset of the cold war. we should understand what happens when the great sedition trial in the united states and with all of those people getting away and all of those seditionist movements effectively getting away without ever being held criminally accountable for what they ve been charged with. i want those stories to be vernacular, to be part of the way we think about our history as americans in dealing with really strong, antidemocratic challenges, because we have a strong antidemocratic challenge right now so we should do what is in our armamentarium of options for how to respond to it and what has worked well in the past and what is not. and, the key to this kind of great drama is even if you don t care about democracy, and i don t understand you if you don t, but if you don t care about democracy, this is still great drama with great characters, perfectly told by america s friendliest voice to tell you scary things. the good news is, these scary things are kind of over, except there are big threads of them still with us now. rachel, by the way, an alternative name for altar that you could have considered it s more letters, but stuff lawrence o donnell doesn t know. that could be the title but it s hard to squeeze it into a small state space. i like america s friendliest voice for telling you scary stories. i may hit you up for the copyright on that. you got it, it s yours. thank you, lawrence. thank you, rachel. can t wait for more episodes. thank you. remember, you can listen to the first episode of alters second season everywhere you listen to your podcast. coming up, there have been only two presidents in the history of the united states who have issued pardons to members of their family. president biden has promised he will not become the third as leger deliberates the case against hunter biden. that is next with andrew weissmann. is next with andrew weissmann. cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. i did it my 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well, before we get to that i want to point out that compared to the opening where we talked about justice alito and the concern about the rule of law in this country, this is an example, as was the new york criminal trial, of the rule of law working for you see the courts function even when you re dealing with the former president or in this case, the son of the current president. i think they re focusing on intent. the proof here is very strong that there was possession of the gun. there is very strong evidence of the addiction hunter biden had, and the issue is, was healed she aware during the relative time periods when he signed the form that said essentially he was not an addict, did he believe that he, at that point, was an addict and also during the time he possessed of the gun, for about a two-week period, did he believe he was an addict? in other words, there is an intent requirement. making a mistake is not for criminal law. that s for civil law but this is a criminal case so i think they re going to be focused on that. also there is sufficient proof, if the jury wants to find it, but abby lowell is an extremely good defense lawyer and we will see if he pulls a rabbit out of the hat, but i think the big picture for the public is less what happens in this case and the fact that you have a president of the united states living the rule of law in this country, and you have the rule of law working, even for the president s son. andrew weissmann, thank you very much. we will be right back. very muc. we will be right back. for pneumococcal pneumonia. i m getting prevnar 20 because there s a chance. .pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you re 19 or older with certain chronic conditions. like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, .or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults. .to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don t get prevnar 20® if you ve had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. that s why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. for moderate to severe crohn s disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn s disease. control of crohn s means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. control is everything to me learn how abbvie could help you save. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. chris counahan for leaffilter the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we ve got the job covered. like leaffilter s has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again. and you know how else leaffilter protects your home? 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U-s , Thing , Episode , Half , Evening , Show , Rachel-maddow , Word , Podcast-today , Favor , Lawrence-o-donnell , One

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240611

that will do it for us tonight. i told you that tonight would be a show and have. now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. i listened to episode one of the new podcast today. i got to ask you a favor. okay. did you stop doing this thing where you reveal really dramatic interesting stories about united states senators i ve never heard of? because one of the angles on me getting a paycheck out of this place is i pretend that i m like the senate expert because i worked there for a while. this is not helpful, rachel. i spend the day listening to you telling me that a senator i ve never heard of, and, by the way, the single most dramatic thing that has ever occurred in the building where i used to work at i did not know it happened until today listening to you, and it s not supposed to be like that. i will start doing podcasts that are about state legislatures in states you never been to. rachel, i am filled with questions and possible spoiler questions that you are free to deflect, could you possibly join me after i get a little work done here about trump s probation to talk about the podcast because there are so many things i want to see if you can answer, and then, of course, there might be things you don t want to answer. i would love that. i look forward to answering your questions and dodging them? getting your slippers while i chat with andrew weissmann and we will do that. thank you. today was a routine workday for america s probation officers. one of those probation officers had the least routine workday of that probation officers life today when that probation officer new york city became the first probation officer in history to interview a former president of the united states. his first probation interview today is a standard and necessary part of determining what sentence donald trump should receive after a manhattan jury found him guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records with the criminal intent of violating new york election lot in the 2016 presidential election. the probation department will use his responses today to determine what sentence the probation department will recommend for defendant trump at his sentencing hearing on july 11th. in another demonstration of donald trump getting extra favorable treatment, while he is complaining of being persecuted, judge juan merchan allowed his criminal defense lawyer to attend his first probation meeting and the probation department allowed it to take place virtually with donald trump in florida. a special treatment for trump did not go unnoticed by the legal aid society, the bronx defenders, new york county defender services and neighborhood defender services. they issued a joint statement saying all people convicted of crimes should be allowed counsel in their probation interview not just billionaires. this is another example of the two-tiered system of justice. presentencing interviews with probation officers influence sentencing, and public defenders are deprived of joining their clients for these meetings. the option of joining these interviews virtually is typically not extended to the people we represent either. to ensure integrity and fairness, we call on nyc department of probation to ensure that all new yorkers, regardless of income, status, or class, receive the same presentencing opportunities. nbc news is reporting that the interview lasted less than 30 minutes and that trump s probation officer is a woman. cnn is reporting that the commissioner for new york city department of probation was present along with the general counsel for the department. joining our discussion is the former commissioner of new york city s department of probation. thank you for joining us tonight. first of all, we want to get a sense of how unusual this was. we already have a sense that it was a bit unusual. as to the presence of counsel and it being remote you have these people representing other defendants saying that is never available to us. that is correct. it is highly unusual. i think it is appropriate to make some accommodation and recognize the fact that when trump shows up he will be accompanied by the secret service, he will be accompanied by the press, and his presence may be disruptive. the idea of doing the interview remotely does not troubled me that much. i think it is somewhat appropriate. and certainly during covid probation made use of these kind promote interviews. i think you can make arguments both ways. the presence of counsel is highly unusual and the presence of the commissioner is something i ve never heard of in 40 years in this business. can you think of a reason for doing it? would you have done it. would you join that meeting? no. i cannot think of a reason to do it. i think it skews the interview. i think too many people in the room is distracting and disruptive and not conducive to candor. i definitely would not have done that and i don t think it should be done in this case. 30 minutes is the report we are getting. what you make of that? it sounds abbreviated to me. usually these things take at least one hour. the content of what this interview is supposed to cover and what this report is supposed to address is spelled out very explicitly in state regulations, and it goes on in some link that covers a wide array of issues. i don t believe they could be addressed in a half hour unless mr. trump just refused to discuss all of them, which is his right to do. there is reporting that he did cooperate and answer all the questions. i m not sure whether that is completely true. assuming that, what you think the most important things aren t that they should have obtained in this discussion? i think that the judge certainly knows this defendant. he does not need to know much more. i think the important question to be addressed here was aggravating or mitigating circumstances. this was an opportunity for the defendant to set forth mitigating circumstances and for the probation officer, on behalf of the people, to set forth aggravating circumstances. but most importantly of all is the question of if this individual is not sent to prison but is granted probation , is this an individual who is likely to accept the terms of that probation and the supervision of a probation officer. and what would the terms of probation be and what would that supervision be like? all i can speak to is the typical case, and obviously, this is not a typical case. typically, a probationer would be expected to report to the probation office periodically. certainly no less than monthly at first. and to keep the probation officer apprised of his or her comings and goings, certainly not to engage in illegal activities and not to associate with individuals engaged in illegal activities. and not to misuse drugs or alcohol. to fulfill his or her financial obligations both to his or her defend dependence or any fines or restitution that has been ordered. what about associating with people who have been convicted of crimes? many people around donald trump have been convicted of crimes. historically this has been discouraged by probation agencies around the country. it has been liberalized somewhat recently, but i think it is something that the probation officer appropriately would discuss with the individual to determine whether the association is occurring for a good reason or not. martin horn, thank you very much for sharing your expertise. you are welcome. this evening in florida, trump s favorite federal judge denied his request to dismiss the federal criminal case against him for violations of the espionage act and illegal possession of classified documents. the judge said that the prosecution documents are permitted by law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate for disposition at this juncture, and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient, so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate verdict forms as to each of defendant s alleged conduct. the judge did grant the request to strike a paragraph of the indictment about his alleged meeting with a representative of his political action committee believed to be his campaign advisor, susie wiles, at his golf club in new jersey in 2021. it says that trump showed that person a classified map at that time. judge cannon said because showing that map is not one of the charged crimes in the indictment, it is not appropriate to include it in the indictment. in the ongoing scandal that is the united states supreme court, now there are tapes thanks to warren windsor. lauren windsor is an activist known to approach important republican people attending to be an ally and making flattering comments and secretly recording the responses. she is a dues paying member of the supreme court historical society, which has corrupted itself into an organization that allows right-wing supreme court influencers to comfortably influence right- wing supreme court justices at the annual dinner of that organization. last year at the supreme court historical society annual dinner, lauren windsor made recordings of her chats with supreme court justices that even she found so uninteresting she did not publish them. this year was different. she got samuel alito to agree on tape to returning the country to a place of godliness. as a catholic and as someone who really cherishes my faith, i just don t i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think it s a matter of, light, winning. i think you re probably right. on one side or the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully. but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. so it s not like you re going to split the difference. that s what i m saying. it s just i think that the solution really is like winning the moral argument. like people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. i agree with you. and by contrast, chief justice roberts responded very differently. but you don t think there s a role for the court in guiding us toward a more moral path? no. i think the role for the court is deciding the case is. if i start would you want me to be in charge of guiding morals? i believe that the founders were godly, like were christians, and i think that we live in a christian nation and that are supreme court should be guiding us in that path. i don t know if that s true. i don t know that we live in a christian nation. i had jewish and muslim friends that would say maybe not and it s not our job to do that. it is our job to decide the cases as best we can. and since justice alito made his wife a public figure by blaming her publicly for flying flags supportive of the january 6th insurrection, you might expect her to have little to say to strangers about flags. and you would be wrong. why do you think they are coming after you? i mean like, the whole appeal to have have been flag the other thing is they believe rush limbaugh coined the term when he was not just the center of right-wing media, he was the only real national right-wing media. fox news was not invented yet so samuel alito s wife is quoting material from rush limbaugh that is over 30 years old that s how long she has apparently been listening and taking direction from the likes of rush limbaugh. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he s like, oh please don t put up a flag. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send the message every day. maybe every week i ll be changing the flags. i made a flag in my head. it s white and has yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word shame in italian. joining us now is andrew weissmann. he is co-author of the best- selling book, the trump indictments. andrew, this is quite an interesting window of sound into the thinking of justice alito and chief justice roberts. well, it could not be more striking from both of them of where the country is and we are hearing from a man who is a principal architect for the reversal, after 50 years, of roe v. wade. his thinking is in that decision is just as weak as his thinking that was shown in the letter he submitted trying to justify the flag incidents. and you have this dichotomy because you have the chief justice saying, what is the correct thing to say. we are on the eve of getting a decision on presidential immunity. it is a real lot on this country and the judicial system and i hate to be so direct that you have justice alito and justice thomas sitting on those decisions. that is not the way the country is supposed to be operated and not the way the court should be operating. their conduct as reflected on these tapes but their conduct in many ways without these tapes is something that is besmirching an important branch of government in this country that we are entitled to count on and it s hard to have faith in the system when you have that kind of conduct in these tape recordings coming out. we also have in these tapes, something very close to proving that justice alito lied publicly about the flags and the reason for the flags being up because the person he s blaming saying she wants these flags because of the other ones people have including the pride flag that somehow is oppressive to her. absolutely. there is nothing in there that i did it just in response. and even that story, the timing of that story did not make any sense in terms of what it was supposed to be in response to. as referred with respect to the police report and the neighbor across the way. so what is just amazing to me is there is zero accountability of the supreme court. and that is where chief justice roberts, as much as he might be a good man personally and he obviously said the right things. you don t really get credit for that because that is what is expected, but that is where he is to blame in part for not taking stronger action and there are a number of things he can do that would put more pressure on two justices who are not upholding their oath of office and away that helps this country at large, whatever side you re on. if you saw this from a liberal justice, we would be just as outraged and, of course, you would hear just as much, but it s not appropriate behavior. you know, andrew, i will speak for me. i spent most of my life finding inconceivable that we would be doing a story about a supreme court justice lying. and lying about something important that affects the integrity of the course own decisions. and i am now realizing in retrospect that the reason it was inconceivable was the supreme court justices themselves who we grew up with who could not possibly step in these things the way that samuel alito has or that clarence thomas has but especially justice alito with the flags and his wife making these comments to stranger about the flags that have become something far beyond controversial. the flags that they are flying that shared the spirit of the january 6th insurrection, all of that completely inconceivable not because of any ethics enforcement body but because, who was actually serving on the supreme court, whether we agreed with them or not during most of our lifetimes. i just want to point out one other aspect of what he was hurt on tape saying is that this is a christian nation and should be brought more to be a christian nation. and is a jewish american, that is not what our country is about. there is an establishment clause that s is supposed to separate the religious beliefs, which everyone is entitled to their own, but it s not established by the government. and that principal is very much under attack right now. with at least five if not six justices. hearing that from justice alito s mouth basically rips off any sort of pretense as to what is going on and it really tells you very much how dishonest the dobbs decision was that reversed roe v. wade. the idea that we are just sending it back to the states. that is not what is going on. this is part of a religious fervor and you have justice alito saying it out loud and whether you like the idea of the tape recordings happening in the way they were done is neither here nor there because there was nothing that prevented him from responding the way that justice roberts responded, which was correct. and it reveals the profound depths of the stupidity of samuel alito. andrew weissmann, thank you very much for joining us tonight. you are welcome. coming up, our next guest needs either a long introduction or no introduction. i will decide which one during the commercial break. rachel maddow joins us next. this soil 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. wyoming in the 1940s. horizons, promise, also pigeons. lots and lots of pigeons. there was a serious infestation of pigeons. that s roger mcdaniel, a wyoming historian and author. he served in both houses of the wyoming state legislature, and the pigeon infestation he s talking about was that his old workplace at the wyoming state capital. that is the start of season 2 of the podcast in which rachel once again introduces us to a u.s. senator i ve never heard of. lester hunt is the man who climbed out on the window ledges at the state capitol to drop poison to kill the pigeons. lester hunt, when he did this, was the newly elected governor of the state of wyoming. it gives me pleasure to introduce you at this time, the honorable lester hunt. he set his sights on the u.s. senate, and he won that race too. our distinguished guest this evening is the honorable lester c hunt. the most popular politician in his state, lester hunt, newly elected u.s. senator, he heads to washington to do what he has always done, to advocate for his constituents for the people of wyoming. and to do some good for the rest of the country through service in the u.s. senate. he is as poised as anyone could be for success in that job, but things are about to change him radically. what he is about to encounter in washington will cost him his life. he will not live to see the end of even one term as a u.s. senator. joining us now is rachel maddow. you can get the first episode anywhere you listen to podcasts. and you can subscribe to msnbc. him and get every episode. rachel, i cannot take it. listen. we have 10 minutes. tell me the rest of it right now. i cannot wait for the next episode. well, i mean, and then there is us. it becomes the america that we know. i will not tell you the whole story. thank you for letting me come to show and talk about it. lester hunt is i mean, he stopped completely forgotten figure, but things went so badly for him very quickly after he got to washington that what i was trying to do in episode one was create the sense of the lost possibility. he really did lose his life to the scandal that i am working on in this podcast. it is a huge loss for the country because he did have a bright future ahead of him and everything else in his life leading up to that moment was not anything to go by. and i think i ve become good at resurrecting old villains who we forgotten about from history, but lester hunt is one of the good guys that we need to remember his legacy and the loss of him to something that went wrong with extremism in american politics and it is something we should regret and remember and commemorate. he s a democrat getting elected in republican wyoming. a difficult thing to do and impressive no matter when you hear that. he s like the jon tester of his time in that situation. but apparently, very naove when he gets to washington in such a way and i m speaking beyond what i know. but clearly he gets eaten up by washington and this is the drama about more than him. so what happens with him, and you will get there very quickly in the next few episodes, is that he s confronted in the senate with the first major thing he does in the senate. there is another senator in the opposite party who is his opposite and this other senator gets involved in a propaganda campaign . a foreign influence operation, which is an outrageous, like, dirty, false conspiracy theory tale designed to hurt united states. and lester hunt realizes what the other senator is doing. he s repulsed by it, and they come to loggerheads in the senate over this thing that the other senator is trying to advance. part of the reason i wanted to do this story is that while this is happening and while they are becoming mortal enemies in the senate, they lived next door to one another and their backyards backup to each other s houses. and while they have decided they are out to destroy each other, they can see how each other are living. and it only ratchets up the repulsion that lester hunt has and he decides on to take the political risk and i have to stand up against a monster like this and he does. and it is for the good of the country and it costs him his life. what he is fighting for and the reason he s fighting against that foreign influence operation in washington and the lowdown depth that some people will go to for political gain is an inspiration to me, even though it cost him his life. the first season talks about the poll that fascism had in the united states. the attraction it had for some people, how far they were willing to go to advance the cause of fascism here, and this and that is pre-world war ii and into world war ii. and this takes us to a period after world war ii. those people, most of them disappeared and one of the things we talked a lot about was that it became a forgotten story. the great sedition trial and the americans that worked with a asian they were defeated one way or another. and that means that we forgot their stories. and it means we forgot their stories pretty quickly. when they were let go and didn t get prosecuted for it and in the case of members of congress, none of them were prosecuted at all. their story was mostly forgotten and those of them that stayed in public life kept being the same kind of people they were before. for example, one of the characters in season 2 is someone who was part of the silver shirts and was writing for and in season 2 he ends up being the subject of an international years long manhunt by the u.s. government as, they believe him not just to be an american fascist, but a traitor and a nuclear terrorist. so this stuff gets worse. and he ends up involved with the republican senator who is a sitting senator in the u.s. senate. so when you let these folks get away with things, it is important that you please keep tabs on them to see where else they re going to turn up because it is never good. how many episodes, rachel? there are eight. and those of us who want 16 or 24, what do we do so you tell stories in your show that are similar to this and they tend to be 20 to 25 minutes. each podcast episode is significantly longer than that. what is the difference for you, as a storyteller, in the way you approach the podcast as opposed to the way you approach the show? a very good question. the podcast is basically it s a little book. it s a tv show. if you put all the episode legs together it s something that i want to hold your attention for about 4 to 5 hours. so in order to hold your attention for that time, it has to be well told. we use a lot of archival audio and historical audio and the wyoming audio archives to get the sound of lester hunt s voice was an incredible odyssey and superfund. but this is a single story arc that cannot be told in the course of the tv show. you have to stick with it. but by the time you get to the end, you should ve learned a new thing about american history and be propelled along the way by the dramatic interest in it so it sticks. i want these stories to be memorable. i m interested in these stories because i think they should be well known and we should all remember lester hunt and we should remember there was an internationally wanted american fascist fugitive who was involved with the republican senate at the onset of the cold war. we should understand what happens when the great sedition trial of the united states and with all of those people getting away and those seditionist movements getting away without ever being criminally held criminally accountable for what they ve been charged with. i want those stories to be vernacular and be a part of the way we think about our history as americans in dealing with a really strong anti-democratic challenges. we have a strong anti- democratic challenge right now, so we should know what are the options for how to respond to it and what has worked well in the past and what has not. the key to this great drama is, even if you don t care about democracy, and i don t understand you if you don t, if you don t care about democracy, this is still great drama with great characters just perfectly told by america s friendliest boys to tell you scary things. the good news is these scary things are kind of over, except there are threads of them that are still with us now. an alternative name for ultra you could ve considered, but stuff that lawrence o donnell does not know. that could be the title. it s hard to squeeze it into that small space. but what did you say? the friendliest boys? i might hit you up for that. thank you. i cannot wait for more episodes. thank you. you can listen to the first episode of the second season everywhere you listen to podcasts. coming up there have only been two presidents in the history of the united states who have issued pardons to members of their family. joe biden has thomas he will not become the third as a jury deliberates a case against hunter biden. that is next with andrew weissmann. to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. when did i call leaffilter? for the love of progress. when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it s the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit limu emu. and doug. 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well, before i get to that, i want to point out that compared to the opening where we talked about justice alito and the concern about the rule of law in this country, this is an example of the criminal trial of the rule of law working where you see the court functioning, even when you re dealing with a former president, or, in this case, the son of a president. there focusing on intent. the proof here is very strong that there was possession of a gun. there is very strong evidence that the addiction that hunter biden had and the issue is, was he aware during the relevant time periods of when he signed the form that said that essentially he was not an addict and did he believe at that point that he was an addict. and at the time that he possessed the gun for that two- week period, did he also believe that he was an addict. there is an intent. making a mistake is not for criminal law. this is a criminal case and they will be focused on that. there is sufficient proof if the jury wants to find it. it is very strong case. but abby lowell is an extremely good defense lawyer and we will see if he pulls a rabbit out of the hat. the big picture for the public is less of what happens and the fact that you have a president of the united states living the rule of law in this country and you have the rule of law working for the president son. andrew weissmann, thank you very much. we will be right back. what causes a curve here? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608-420

Of democrats and i can even bother voting for joe in the general election s policies are horrible. progressives are furious they would even pretend to address the border crisis he created with the phonies executive order that doesn t help they want unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty no limits whatsoever to make matters worse his own sun is on trial for gun crimes while joe makes gun control a central theme of the campaign that s the biggest revelation from the hunter biden trial that his infamous laptop from hell was actually entered into evidence by biden s own department of justice s government. for the first time ever under oath the federal government confirmed what we knew that his laptop is authentic its contents are authentic free of any kind of foreign interference the new

Joe-in-the-general-election , Progressives , Border , Democrats , Policies , Crisis , Voting , Biden-doesn-t , Immigration , Sun-is-on-trial-for-gun-crimes-while-joe-makes-control , Executive-order , Amnesty

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 06:07

Now grow that hundreds o of thousands of democrat s aren t going to bother even voting for joe in the general election. wh evebother voting y it. those policies are horrible. now far less progressives. they re furious that biden would even pretend to addrespros the border crisis he created with a phony executive order that won t help. they want unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty, no limits at all whatsoever. and then to make these matters worse, biden s own son is nos w on trial for gun crimes.s gun while joe makes gucon control a central of his campaign. perhaps the biggest revelation from hunte r biden s trial is that his infamous laptop from that was actually enterede into evidence by biden s owngove doj, his governmenrnt. r un now, for the first time ever under oath, the federal government has confirmedhe f gos we already knew that hunter s laptop is authentic. its context contents are authentic. it s frec ite of kind of foreigw

Joe-biden-s-agconversae-and-ment-fitness , It , Election , Joe-biden-hase , Thousands , Policies , Hundreds-o , Progressives , Democrats , Aren-t , Wh-evebother , Immigration

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 01:07:15

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 01:07:15 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Biden-doesn-t , Immigration , Sun-is-on-trial-for-gun-crimes-while-joe-makes-control , Executive-order , Amnesty , Limits ,

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 06:07:15

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 06:07:15 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Joe-biden-s-agconversae-and-ment-fitness , Immigration , Son , Executive-order , Whatsoever , Border , Nos-w-on-trial-for-gun-crimes-s , Crisis , Help , No-limits , Amnesty ,

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240604 11:13:00

Play if you crack down on the border you don t like hispanics. if you talk about criminals coming through, you don t like hispanics or being intolerant. no, there are criminals coming through and they are killing people. lawrence: can you imagine immigration being the number one the number two, number one during the primary. as the number two issue for voters and democrats saying as you saw in that clip, that the president is not going far enough. he needs to be giving amnesty. giving pathway to citizenship in the country. steve: so steamed yesterday he signed this executive order. and they say, look, he is being he has caved to the republicans demands. the republicans would like to see the number at zero. joe biden is going to allow upwards of 2 million people in the country illegally but they are going to be able to stay under this new plan. that s crazy. rachel: it s all kabuki theater. joe biden puts out these executive orders that we know will do nothing to make it look like he is tough on the border. and then they use their far left

People , Border , Lawrence , Criminals , Hispanics , Number-one , Immigration , Play , Primary , Two , One , Joe-biden

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240604 15:09:00

We re learning about this amnesty, so-called amnesty for people with asylum and another level of asylum look from the president yesterday. what we re learning, harris, this administration is finding every way they can to throw open the border and grant mass amnesty. what they ve done now, we learn, is all these asylum cases, hundreds of thousands of them, the administration has dropped them and canceled them. people come into the country, claim asylum. almost none of them qualify for all asylum. they almost all fail when they get adjudicated. biden is saying we won t try the cases. just go ahead. we re canceling your hearing and canceling your case. just stay in the country. we know of at least 350,000 cases which this has happened. a lot. that s how we got 9 million illegals in the country. harris: talk to me about the vetting process. if they are in line for that, i don t know, fantasy court date that will happen after my

Hunter-biden , Harris-faulkner , People , Administration , Way , Asylum , Amnesty , Learning , Level , Border , Country , Asylum-cases

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240604 01:44:00

As security background on you, health check in light of what happened with covid-19, and the different beyond that attest to make sure you want to be a financial burden on the american people. then it senator i don t care where you come from. welcome to the country. there s a right way to go speeding other giving amnesty on top of it. something of great value, a path to citizenship which would lead to what, i hope you vote for us, we are the ones i gave that to you. meanwhile you pay $10 million to get it to australia. a look that is exactly right, listened there is a right way to come. you come legally. as you know i am of the son of a cuban immigrant, you know my dad, he came in 1957 from cuba, he d been in prison, he s being tortured as a teenager in cuba. when you came to america, he came to texas he was 18 you cannot speak english? teenage immigrant hundred dollars in his underwear, but his job was washing dishes 50 cents an hour.

People , Country , Senator , Security-background , Covid-19 , Health-check , Light , Burden , 19 , Spoiler-alert , U-s , Something

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240604 01:40:00

Congress could only congress could reverse those terrible border policy that he himself reversed with the stroke of a pen. but now with the election right nearby, 154 days away, time for an election year conversion, now joe is planning later this week a new executive order to finally address the crisis that he himself created. by the way, spoiler alert, it is a little bit more than an absolute failure and a political ploy on his part. in the meantime biden granted a kind of make a shift mass amnesty without is watching to 350,000 illegal immigrants according to data gathered by the new york post. amnesty, something of great value, will be vote for a spin! here now with reaction, texas senator ted cruz is with us. it s even worse and we thought. now we re basically allowing the people who stay in the country. and on top of it, were not even paying attention where it s coming from, here s a sinister

Election , Stroke , Pen , Congress , Border-policy , Conversion , 154 , Joe-biden , Spoiler-alert , Executive-order , Part , Failure