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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240608

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div class= gutr > arizona, the great jenny nichols, my friend who played for them behind , ucla for the most wins and women s college world series. congratulations. go,d you go girl. we also want to thank mike the situation for showinn fog us tht jersey shore boardwalk. his book is reality check. and wehe. are some we have somer big summer plans. we re going to be in milwaukee, goink yeah. yeah. isn t it funny that situationha a book as he read one that s terrible man. rea how dare you? you know what? i bet he s read your. i don t think he s ever read a book. all right, let s come on, let s go. i like mike. the situation right there. greg. he a: we lo y hugged and thank you for having us. martell s tiki bar. all right for us .t,so [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] rachel: good morning. it is 6:00 in new york city and i just turned my phone on mute. make sure my kids don t call in the middle of this. it is great to be back. pete: how are you? will: i am okay. it is a little bit like is that. rachel: i feel like we are on peter hegseth now. i love it. pete: i don t want to hear myself talk. rachel: i hope the book is going well. rachel: i saw my dad reading your book. he loves it. will: you still have your chance to buy that. to the news starting now. we are waiting the arrival of president biden and the first lady in paris where president emmanuel macron post them for a state visit. they will make a statement in a few hours but won t take questions. rachel: this as the white house denies the two reportedly butting heads over assistance for ukraine. reporter: a few blocks from where we are standing, this parade is getting underway, biden being hosted by president emmanuel macron even though they had big disagreements including on things like trade where macro thinks the biden trade policy is too pro usn on ukraine because emmanuel macron does not want nato to rule out sending nato troops to ukraine at some point to fight russia. white house officials tell us it is all good. they have a warm and close relationship. people are focused on areas they may not agree on everything rather than focusing on the strength of this relationship but reporter: something president biden will do is open the checkbook. he told volodymyr zelenskyy there s $225 million on the way in the military aid, that s a drop in the bucket my 50 one billion dollars and military assistance and on the world stage president biden wanted to make sure everybody knows the new nine figure munitions package have come sooner if not for republicans back home. president biden: i m not going to walk away from you. i apologize for weeks of not knowing what was going to happen in terms of funding because we had trouble getting the bill we had to pass, had the money in it, members were concerned with holding it up. we got it done finally. reporter: we expect to see president biden and president emmanuel macron taking questions later. making statements later. white house officials are saying under no circumstances will the two of them be taking questions. we expect a state dinner later on that president biden will attend with the first lady, jill biden. she was here on thursday and flew back to wilmington, delaware to sit in the gallery for her son s trial before flying all the way back to paris. how does the first lady travel back and forth across the atlantic, is that on air force one? on the public time? how does she fly back and forth? reporter: her plane is called executive foxtrot one but it is an air force aircraft with air force pilots so it is not like she s hopping on the red eye on air france $2 to meet some suburbans there. this is a taxpayer-funded back-and-forth. rachel: would want to miss a party so she had to rush back. if while they are in france, his any discussion been had about weapons being launched into russia. it appears to be a new stage of this conflict that is pretty reckless. reporter: there s been a little bit of talk about that. president biden saying the ukrainians are only going to be allowed to attack places the russians are using in russia to attack them. they insist even though they will be striking inside russia with these us weapons it is not an offensive operation. they consider that defensive operation but when getting that close, that is how close they are 2 escalating fingers it. pete: thanks for breaking it down. is exactly right. where were we at the beginning of this conflict, what they said would not happen. you heard peter doocy mention the idea there are discussions about nato troops on the ground. if vladimir putin wasn t correct about the desire of nato to surround and we are making sure to fulfill that. neil: plan report and responded because of what you ve done, usa, we are going to provide long-range weapons to your enemies. they are considering that. we are escalating it not just there in this conflict in russia and ukraine on that quarter but potentially in other areas. we have enemies all over the world and this is very troubling. will: we heard there might be small levels between the united states and france over france s more. written tone or commitment to ukraine. as of the end of 2023, france has given 3 billion to ukraine. the united states has given 51. rachel: they feel so comfortable, why aren t you supporting us and getting nato troops, they have such a cocky attitude with us and they are not doing anything. they are not giving any money or putting skin in the game. pete: president biden felt the need to issue an apology, here is vivek ramaswamy on that. if you wants to imitate reagan peace through strength is different from peace through frailty and weakness which is where biden is exhibiting today. the reality is we are forking over more money to ukraine then we have accounting for how it has been spent in the first place. this is the problem with american culture under the leadership of biden in the democrats we are taught to apologize for who we are both at home and the global stage to flog ourselves for helping the countries we are helping. enough of that. we are done with this culture of apologist him. pete: they work very hard to almost completely rekey create what reagan did 40 years ago, catch a little bit of the magic of that famous speech. we are going to go off the wall on biden s failed recreation of biden s normally the the biden team was as concerned about the pathway from his vehicle to the stage to make sure he was going to make it as they are about the speech, that s the challenge they are facing, trying to carefully curate what their candidate is saying. rachel: trying to re-create a republican moment. however lichen has aged in terms of speech and impact on the world and history. interesting to see a democrat try to do that. will: the judge published letters saying the court became aware of our comment posted on the unified court system s public facebook page which i will now bring to your attention. my cousin says trump is getting convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard work. the judge alerting the court this posting was made to facebook. there is some legitimate questions about legitimacy, whether or not this was truly the cousin of some juror about the fact that it has been acknowledged by the court is quite a statement and a serious potential development. pete: we were prepping for the show when this came out and when you look at the letter, how big a deal is this? for him to put out a letter publicly stating that this comment but it all looks like the comment was made on a post that wasn t pertaining to the trial. there were other comments the poster made that sounded like that. is that a scammer, is it real? but room to put a letter out you would think they did some of the pulmonary work to identify that but that is not yet clear. don t want to get ahead of what this means. could have just been this is something we have to put out just in case, let s see how it sources out. at this point we don t know how significant this is. rachel: greg jarrett had this to say about what would happen if it turns out to be true. if it is true, that s a big if but if it is true, it is grounds to vacate the conviction and order a new trial. what this judge needs to do is appoint an independent, impartial officer of the court to does contract and investigation that may include subpoenaing facebook to identify who this person is who posted it because the message indicates that a juror spoke with a relative about the case. jurors are admonished at the outset of the trial you are not allowed to talk to your wife, your spouse, anybody, about this case. that taints the impartiality of the juror, and outside influence potentially. not only that. it also suggests that perhaps before deliberations even began, the jurors had already decided to convict. if there s merit to it that case gets tossed, a new trial is ordered. rachel: half the fbi has been deployed to find january 6th to identify from. i don t know why at this point we still, it s pretty easy to find this person and if this did happen it would be a case of election interference. will: the jury was never sequestered was a whole week before it came out, like swiss cheese. what an appeal would be but it was never about appeal. it was about getting forward as fast as possible. will: whether it is true it lends to the seriousness that you take it in the beginning. rachel: millions are hitting the beach but may be at risk if they get into the water. pete: sharks are back, there have been several shark attacks in florida and one in texas. reporter: the sheriff calling back to back shark attacks yesterday exceedingly rare. two teenagers and one woman were rushed to the hospital in two separate incidents taking place in waist deep water about four miles apart within the span of an hour and 1/2. 45-year-old woman lost her arm in the first attack and is in critical condition at a nearby trauma hospital. two teenage girls were attacked, one remains in critical condition and one in stable condition. something that is important is to understand the continuity of care, that s a seamless operation between the folks at southpoint fire district, the deputies in walton county, the sheriffs office and rescue. everybody did their role professionally and these two ladies have a fighting chance because of the way we interact. reporter: these attacks mark the first in florida this year, in texas in 19-year-old woman is recovering after fighting off a 5 foot shark at galveston beach last week. as i was turning, a shark grabbed a hold of my hand and i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hands which i m glad it happened to me and not my siblings and i wasn t too affected by it. reporter: law enforcement hasn t specified the type of shark involved but the beaches are close for now. the sheriff says his office is in contact with a shark expert to see if there s an anomaly in these attacks. pete: i m going to the beach and i will swim extra far out. rachel: you are supposed to punch the shark. pete: what else do you do? the only thing you will do is try to punch. don t know if it is effective. rachel: i heard you punch it in the eyes or something. pete: if you get bit by a shark like that, among the scars and stories, what happened to your arm? obviously there s a level beyond. pete: it is obviously scary. odds are you are going to be all right. pete: they look out for the jellyfish, they are bothersome. will: additional headlines. a family confirming apollo 8 astronaut william anders is dead after his plane crashed off the san juan islands. anders was the only one inside the plane accorded to officials. he had his apollo 8 crew mates were the first people to have traveled to the moon although they did not land on it. he was known for taping this famous photo in space called earthrise. he is survived by his wife and 6 children. she was he was 90 years old. hunter biden s federal gun trial continues monday after prosecutors put their case to rest yesterday. biden s lawyers may call hunter to the stand after prosecutors revealed biden s truck and gun case had remnants of drugs on the. hunter apple the starter naomi testifying she did not see drug paraphernalia and her father s truck when he bought the gun in 2018. the trial is expected to wrap up next week. baseball, new york mets taking on the philadelphia phillies across the pond just after one:00 p.m. today. postings facing off in the third london s series. major league baseball is looking at bringing even more games to europe with another game in 2026 and paris potentially hosting the games. coverage starts at 12:30 eastern time on fox. hall of fame pitcher john smoltz joined us later today with more. pete: why are they taking will: i will be interested in what the turnout is for baseball. people fly to taylor swift concert so currently tickets are cheaper in europe. i don t know. will: the paralympics are going green but looks like the stars of the show, the athletes aren t very interested in it. pete: janice tina s off ahead of the belmont stakes. will: brian kill me joining us on the couch on the weekend, stay with us. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it s still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. help heal your painful skin disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? rachel: parish had a plan to be the greenest olympic games yet but according to reports, some of the biggest nations don t trust the water-based cooling system in the athletes village and are bringing in their own air-conditioners instead. the washington post saying wealthier nations undercut paris s sustainability measures signaling they care about environmental aims but not if it risks the comfort of their athletes. joining us is climate depot publisher mark moore ranknow, saying these athletes are spoiled and they should just get on board with the green agenda put forward by paris. and france. this is a wonderful story to expose the vacuous nurse of the green agenda. i give the washington post credit. they called this whole idea the greenest olympics ever, now has taken a farcical turn according to the washington post, they did a survey, they called a series of countries, every country that responded saying we are flying in air-conditioners, using fossil fuels, bringing in the net energy hog plug-in air-conditioners, the mayor of paris if you want to go announced we are going to trust the science, the water-based cooling you referenced was going to allow temperatures to get up to near 80 ° fahrenheit in the other pick dorm rooms, 79 degrees, these are elite athletes on different time zones in paris summer and the actual athletes themselves weren t having it, spent decades of their life preparing for this, the entire thing went belly up on them. rachel: they are not going to let some green agenda get in the way of that, the mayor of paris as we have to trust the scientists, scientists are telling us we are on the brink of a precipice, everyone including the athletes must be aware of this. let s move to another green topic, first lady jill biden was in paris with her husband or in france for the events with the state visit but then she flew back for hunter s trial, doesn t want to miss the big party, the state dinner so she flew back again. what do you make of this, these are the biggest proponents of the green agenda, willing to have people, poor and not able to afford groceries over the green agenda but she has to get back to the party. again, you expect world leaders to do a lot of traveling, the difference is the biden administration is directly aiming at our freedom of movement. we already have a declared climate emergency, massive travel restrictions being proposed, one activist says in a climate emergency which president biden wants to do it has been multiply reported he s going to do at some point, only fly when it is, quote, morally justifiable, reminds me of barbra streisand, funding climate scientists and pushing the climate change at the same time she flew her three dogs to europe to visit her when she was in one of her concerts, had a plane just for her dogs, this has been going on for years, cnn proposing carbon passports for americans, the government to monitor our travel but jill biden can fly freely. this is a new era being descended. americans are not used to this, class-based society where we the peasants are going to be massively restricted in our movement but the ruling class can do whatever they want, fly endlessly and that is why this is significant. rachel: before we go so people know we are not making this up this is part of an agenda to limit people s long-haul and short-haul flights by the year 30, right? 2030. 2030. the bbc has said it is not a question of if but when we can start having a flying for a world, they warned of not being able to get fruits unless they are in season. remember 70 years ago, can t get strawberries when they aren t in season, that s because the advent of modern airline travel you can get what you want to now but because of carbon footprints and net 0 we are taking a complete reversal on all of this. there s a war on air-conditioning, freedom of movement, intentional restriction and rationing of food, energy, transportation and they are getting away with it every day we go forward with the net 0 agenda takes a little more away of our freedom and prosperity. rachel: who could say supporting a 50-year-old man in court is not morally justifiable. so great to have you always. president biden in france this morning arriving for welcome ceremony but isn t expected to questions following his statement with the french president was we are asking get brian kilmeade about his performance on the world stage next. the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn t have a dark side? 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their state dinner. rachel: they will not be taking any questions. will: let s bring in brian kilmeade. he agreed to be here if we didn t ask questions. brian: i m afraid of what you will ask. i was trying to bring down ukrainian talking points until the elevator got stuck. thursday, friday, now saturday, a great opportunity with the world watching the, to talk about the need for nato to grow, for us to combine efforts to go against, china, to see the growth of the new axis powers of iran, north korea, russia, and in china. no questions. gives an speeches, have some awkward glances and call it a day. he is exhausted. there s probably a lot of things you want to discuss or get done or navigate and you are just not meeting a capable partner. reporter: i always say what if this happened under trump. one of the first thing that s happened the first year of president biden, they decided to sell our nuclear submarines to australia. the deal was done with the french selling it, billions of dollars, australians go i would rather buy them from you so we came in and undercut the french. pooled their ambassador. can you imagine if trump did that, that s not how you treat an ally but since that time, although the word is he doesn t like donald trump, they had their ups and downs, tolerated each other, that is the start they got off of an president biden let everybody know. rachel: is the bad what about that move? started that way. will: you got out of your yacht on saturday morning and drove into new york city so quickly you couldn t put on a tie, i take her seriously enough that i came in studio but not serious enough for a tie. but the reason you did is you had a big interview for one nation. had a chance to talk to the man in charge in terms of global power it is and the other thing is he happens to one of the best friends donald trump has in real life, nothing to do with politics. they ve been friends for 30 years. i had a chance to talk to dana white behind the scenes before big event, a huge fight with at the end of this month, the biggest ever, he talked about the trump that he knows and the guy he expects to finish off and when in november. you wants to be the next president, stare in more fighters eyes to see what s in there. where does he rank? number one, take any of the greatest fighters of all time, trump is number one, the most resilient human being i have ever met in my life. you got money, you got a great life, whatever, why keep doing this, one thing i can tell you and this is a fact, this guy loves this country and he loves all americans regardless of what color, religion or whatever it is, he s not a racist, he s a good human being and he loves america and cares about this country period, end of story. will: dana, it is no secret dana is going to do what dana is going to do, he s not afraid, he will say what he wants to say, he s unique as an individual that way but unique in the world of sports. i cannot imagine any other leader of a sports organization taking a position on trans let alone that. that is all the way. he spoke at the rnc and i am doing it and don t do it and doing it and killed it and that s just it. he meets with kings and queens around the world and the middle east, has things going on in japan. he s got a global, opening up facilities in mexico. he literally is a global power. everyone has their fighters. i think it will be an olympic sport soon. the other thing is what is it with these fighters and trump, they hopped out of the octagon to shake his hand, give tributes to him after they win or lose and the bond that they have. what about his connection to the fans, fighters wanting, he walks in, fans in the stands. joe rogan is the most powerful in the media right now. he did the first 15 for free and now he loves it. he has martial arts background. i think he was on the fence about bernie sanders and by the way he talks, you could hear him on the introduction describing everything, he might be there. they are presenting a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in paris. you hear the sound. one thing that has been edifying to switch gears is to watch the level of appreciation the french seem to still have for what america did 80 years ago. we can talk about the other stuff on the side, you were just there, the way in which they seem to still pass it to the younger generation that americans did something really special. their country was taken over. they were occupied by heather. we still weren t in the war and when we came in we came into a buzz saw and had to have the element of surprise to overcome the weather and guess will be saved, millions of french along with the french resistance from the worst person in the modern world, hitler, who was doing nothing but getting revenge on the french. he says if you let me keep friends i won t take any more and the allies said that s not going to be enough and to see people walk into the teeth of gunfire like this, they had six to 8 weeks of training and they were just doing other things, the only thing that was so interesting, you are on our coverage, their objective was, wasn t goes so far, we have to win. that s what they did. we knew we would go home after we won, that s it. 80 years later, it is remembered. rachel: listening to french taps. o say can you see by the dawn s early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight s last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o say does that star spangled banner yet wave o er the land of the free and the home of the brave will: national anthem of the united states of america at the arc they triomphe in paris, france at the tomb of the unknown soldier. french president emmanuel macron, american president joe biden. it is significant they are standing in front of the term of the unknown soldier. i ve fallen down the rabbit hole. i was in france the week before the eighth anniversary of d-day, you start studying and watching documentaries and movies, the casualties on d-day were something like 20,000 dead but another 10,000 missing. you know what that means, missing. to the ocean, to the overwhelming firepower. the unknown soldier is a big part of the casualties on d-day in world war ii. the one hundred first airborne in the 82nd airborne, they were working against german intelligence which started to get a sense where those drop zones might be and move them. will: they were scattered all over the country. the number of b-52s shot down during that dropped. they all missed the target. they had to rally, scramble that morning to accomplish their objective and make it clear for the guys coming down the beach. rachel: france doing a wonderful job of covering our dead. will: this goes back to the revolution. rachel: they arrive on the scene. a lot of their desire to help us was mounted in their animus toward the british, but we will take it and here we are 80 years ago, when you experience one of those, it s pretty cool. 80 years ago sending our boys over there to liberate their entire country. not getting in this until americans prove they can win in the battle of saratoga prove to the french that we are worth it. these guys have a shot. rachel: as the state visit continues, if and when there are moments worthy of coverage we will bring them to you. there is a state dinner but unlikely to be any questions, will not hear in an unscripted sense from emmanuel macron or president biden. great to have you this morning. what time this evening and people view the interview on your program? reporter: 9:00 tonight. pete hegseth is going to be on and pete, i won t give it away but you were good, insightful, handle two topics you weren t expecting and you ended up, it all went together? pete: i had a chance to watch that interview. it s really good. what was my grade? it wasn t an a plus, maybe it was a plus. did really good. we got mugs now. don t touch them. we finally got them. give me the styrofoam. last thing i need is something else, with a little sponge, wiping them out and get the taste of the sponge in the cup. rachel: you did you approve these cups for the b team? i don t consider you the team. a reference to something, you can t complete that. going back on stage in june 29th, and on the 27th, inspirational motivation. we need to find a moment all 3 of us are somewhere in the tri-state area. we don t travel. this is my clothes are, showing two kids who walked out now. hard to figure out how to stop. pete: stay as long as you want. he heads back to his yacht, we head to the belmont stakes. everything is fancy. final stop for the triple crown run and a new homeland in saratoga springs, new york. rachel: a fight is brewing to see who takes home the big prize. pete: janice dean is live. carley: it is a people day in saratoga. hard to believe it is only three hours from new york city. one of the oldest tracks in the nation and the oldest thoroughbred race in the country, that happens in august. that is where my husband and i had one of our first dates. we talk to the folks at saratoga and who they are excited to win. [the william tell overture reporter: the third leg of the triple crown, the belmont, is being held in saratoga. we were expecting some rain but i am here so it is mostly sunny skies. what is it about saratoga that so special? a beautiful facility, the history of it. every day at saratoga is nice. backyard, the people. every time i come here, it s home. reporter: the first time you ve been at the racetrack? do you like it so far? yes. you, your parents? what they love about this racetrack? they love watching the race and betting on horses. reporter: i ve been to a lot of racetracks are across the country but saratoga is my favorite. you know why? my husband, sean, and i had one of our first dates at this track 20 years ago and i ve got a picture to prove it. are you betting on the big race at the belmont stakes? absolutely. mystic dan. i like sierra leone. the prettiest name, that is a horse. all of them. what you are you doing today? just being cute? yes. reporter: there s going to be a lot of people here for the belmont. is that exciting for this town? we are used to what. kids are in school right now so that is even better. they are in school. is this mom s day off? nice, very nice. there is food, there s drinks. it s not belmont without a hat. but let s talk about saratoga and belmont and why these hats are different from other races. saratoga at belmont is over the top. the combination of the wonderful race in the summertime plus the third race of the triple crown. it is like smash and fashion wonder. are you excited to have it here? totally. what i have seen is everyone is excited about it and they are getting behind it like the kentucky derby but new york style. it s amazing to me. reporter: you get to see the first look at the beautiful hat christine made me. how do you like my hat? the race is about to begin and i ve got the best seat in the house. reporter: this is the winner circle where the winner of the belmont, we give it good luck and i don t know if the rain has held off so far. maybe i am just lucky. we were expecting rain on this race day but it is mostly sunny skies. maybe it is because i m here, maybe not. 6:41 is post time, the 156th belmont stakes is going to beyond fox. back inside. pete: stick with us all morning. will: more fox and friends still ahead. er child. get in. listen. what you really need in life is some freakin torque. [ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Weekend 20240608

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div class= gutr > oftentimes, that you have an illness. so people, they turn inward. that is the instinct. that is what brian and i are b trying to encourage people to fight against because when they do come forward, their voices are so powerful and having been in government and advocacy for so long prior to our diagnosis, i mean, our whole job for so e many years was to elevate people who were affected by policy. when that happened to us, we knew that even if we were just one voice, even if you are just one voice, being public, if you have one of these illnesses, ve can have such an impact. that is all the time we have for today. thank you for joining us the r saturday morning. we re back tomorrow at six:00 a.m. with two more hours of t morni joe weekend. we will see you then. u then good morning. it is saturday, june 8. i am alicia menendez with symone sanders-townsend and michael steele. right now, president joe biden is in paris in a crucial fight for democracy both at home and abroad. the latest on the ground in just a moment. breaking news from his rule. the military says it has rescued four hostages from gaza. we are live in the region with those details. also this morning, republican calls for retribution after the guilty verdict. they are stronger and more specific. get your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend . we begin this hour with breaking news. we have a busy saturday for president biden on the world stage. right now the president is in a meeting with emmanuel macron following a procession the two leaders participated in earlier this morning. they are expected to deliver remarks later this morning. this is all part of the president s trip to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy and world war ii. throughout the visit, the president has emphasized the threat to our democracy, not just here at home but also abroad. it is as urgent as it was 80 years ago. joining us now to discuss is staff writer for the atlantic and msnbc contributor and former homeland security and counterterrorism advisor to vice president mike pence, welcome to you both. this was quite the week for president biden to stand on the global stage in a way that he did to talk about the urgency of this moment in democracy and relating it back to history. what was your take on what the president had to say and how do you think it resonated, not just with our european allies but here at home? there we go. i get it. i think he did an excellent job and he is an excellent leader on the world stage. it was critical to show that face to the world and also to americans. you know, i think michael, you know, he did have sort of that reaganesque quality and i thought it was important to talk about, you know, the people that have served in the military, the lives that have been given to freedom and that is really what is at stake here. you know, i saw some criticism on fox and other channels, why isn t he attacking trump in this moment? he never mentioned trupp. he never mentioned him by name, i don t believe. i think what he needed to say is that this is a bigger choice, bigger choice then each and every one of us, it is a choice about what do we want our future to be as a country? let s honor those lives that served. important stuff. olivia, the words of president biden were so poignant, i thought spot on, let s play a little bit of what he talked about when it comes to hardships of american democracy. this is the president in normandy, france on friday with emmanuel macron. we talk about democracy. american democracy. we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. what we don t talk about is how hard it is, how many ways we are asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away, the most natural instinct is to walk away. to be selfish, to force our will upon others, to seize power and never give up. american democracy asked the hardest of things, to believe in something bigger than ourselves. does anybody think michael donald trump could have given that speech? alicia, i don t know. it is a rhetorical question. it speaks to all the reporting you have been doing, which is the impossible to watch president biden on the world stage without doing a compare and contrast, not just us, people who show up on cable news but as an american watching at home and certainly if you are an ally watching. yeah, the themes biden is sounding in the speeches and throughout these events commemorating d-day are very familiar themes from past administrations and frankly, both parties. to olivia s point, sounds like ronald reagan, george h. bush, george w. bush, not a very popular president abroad. in certain things, there has been a bipartisan consensus in this country for a long time. one of those things is the important aspect of the transatlantic relationship and the fact it is rooted in western democratic values and belief that america is supposed to align with other democracies and that alliance is a safeguard for the rest of the world and what is interesting is that speech biden gave would have been completely uncontroversial and unmemorable, you know, just a few short years ago. now it is like, you know, right in the middle of a massive domestic political debate about what role america should play in the world and what it does to its allies. that compare and contrast is really start this year. you touched on that, mckay, actually, in a great observation of your fears, the irony of the obsession with the election is that the people who decide this are not thinking about your much at all. in part, it is because many americans have not seen the need for nato in their lifetime, despite the fact that this september 11th terrorist attacks were the only time article 5 has been invoked. you touched on a very important point about disconnection. actually and ironically, something george bush 43 warned about on the heels of 9/11. we cannot forget this moment. we feel good, we are unified now, we understand we are standing in defense of our values and we are prepared to prosecute the case against terrorism but all of that is dissipated, that connection to those institutions that hold all of this together and i think biden, being there, and saying what he said was important, but you point out the fact that there is still this tension, this disconnect that needs to be reconciled between us and europe, between our role in the world and the rest of the world and how we, as americans, look at these institutions. so i was traveling throughout europe this spring and talking to european officials and diplomats and the thing that kept coming up is this real sense of uncertainty about what america is anymore, right? because for 75 years, since world war ii, your even when they disagreed with people we elected, even then they didn t really like certain administrations, they trusted in america to be a reliable ally. america was the linchpin to the nato alliance, it was going to be a generally responsible member of the global community, right? that first trump term really did damage to america s reputation and to the trust america could be relied upon. again and again, i would hear these european officials sort of ask me, what does it mean that donald trump is currently leading in the polls? what s wrong with y all? because they finally remember the u. s. that stormed the beaches of normandy, that is the your america a lot of europeans still remember and we wonder how many europeans remember that. to crystallize that point, olivia, let s listen to something liz cheney put out, called our great task. take a listen. one s country is worth dying for. democracy is worth dying for because it is the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. all of you love liberty. all of you were willing to fight tyranny. you knew the people of your countries with were behind two. today we give thanks for all that was gained on the beaches of normandy. we remember what was lost with respect, admiration and love. this freedom and these hopes are with the heroes of dj fought and died for. america deserves a president as good and steadfast as our nation. a president of character, driven by a noble purpose, one who honors the sacrifices of our troops, not a man consumed by spite, revenge and self-pity. you don t need to say the name, olivia, to know who it is they are talking about there. yeah, you don t. at this time, it reminds me of trump saying these people are losers and every time i think about that, a president of the united states would ever say something like that, my stomach turns. watching that ad and thinking about my time during the trump administration working in national security, i think what lacked among some of the inner circles, including trump himself was a greater purpose of service and i don t think that any of these people that is in his inner circle, i am talking about his enable us and him, understand a greater calling, understand something that you belong to that is bigger than yourself and bigger than your selfishness of what these people have exhibited because most of them never did serve. they don t understand military service, they don t understand the intelligence community, they don t understand public service. i think it is a threat to not remind ourselves to what the president, as what they stand for and what they represent and what they will eventually do. a reminder, we will likely pull out of nato because those discussions were had during the trump administration. the reason the world is so concerned about what is about to happen should he return to office is because i was in those meetings when we were having serious discussions with warren hendrix, where the narrative for a daily basis, where he would say, i thought we agreed to this and it would change. we did this on venezuela. i am telling you, i covered africa for vice president pence, i sat in these discussions where there would be a commitment made and they would pull the rug out from under him. that is not how you do diplomacy. that is not how you do these diplomatic relations. they are so critical and so challenging. olivia, people at home may not appreciate fully what you are saying because literally all the thing is you do this, i will do that and we come to an agreement. people need to keep their word, that is it. not even just the idea but the fact, we often talk about it but the choice, as alicia noted, the stark choice that is before the american people could not have been made more clear today, this week, frankly, with what we saw from president biden juxtaposed with the republican nominee. the nato , 80 years ago when ad happened, nato was not established. was allied troops that came together, the world came together and took the beaches of normandy. it was that time in normandy that turned the tide to end world war ii, it led to the establishment of nato world cooperation years later and we are in a severe moment, the president talked about linking ad to what is happening in ukraine and the fight right now , i want to play that for you and see how you guys talk about it on the other side. between dictatorship and freedom, it is unending. here in europe, we see one stark example , ukraine has been invaded by a tyrant for domination. ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage, suffering great losses, but never backing down. the united states and nato, a coalition of more than 50 countries, standing strong with ukraine. we will not walk away. mckay, it sounds to me like the president is standing in front of the world trying to convince people, making everyone feel okay that as long as i am here, we will be standing with ukraine but as the time magazine article said about a week ago about american presidents, they must earn their mandate and we don t know if joe biden will earn his. yeah, that s right. again, going throughout europe and talking to these european officials, the thing i heard again and again was, look , the biden administration has been great. they are doing everything they can to say the right things and they are trying to reassure allies who were around during trump s administration. at the end of the day, the biden administration can only do so much. i even spoke to officials in the biden administration in washington who say we are ambassadors out there, trying to reassure allies, they got their talking points. these people in europe are smart, right? they know the promises that joe biden is making only go so far and, you know, because the outcome of the election is going to determine the future of america s approach to alliances. mckay and olivia, you will stick with us and we will continue this conversation in just a moment. now to other breaking news is our. four israeli hostages have been rescued in raleigh a a live by idf. they were kidnapped from the nova music festival on october seventh. one of those hostages , noel argo mohney, was seen in a widely circulated video at the time being taken away on a motorcycle and she cried for help and reached out for her boyfriend. we will be back with more after this. r this. e better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. music unnecessary action hero! for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. unnecessary. was that necessary? no. neither is missing your daughter s competition to do payroll. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don t have to miss your daughter s big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. what causes a curve down there? is it peyronie s disease? will it get worse? how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie s disease, or pd. it s a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl s has the breakthrough you ve been waiting for. now there s an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. let s go back to that breaking news we just mentioned. four israeli hostages kidnapped by hamas on october seventh have been rescued. there 245 day nightmare coming to an end. nbc news foreign correspondent ref sanchez joins us now. what are you hearing about the condition of the hostages and the next steps in the coming days and how will this come together? reporter: michael, the idea is that these four hostages freed from gaza are in good condition medically. we have seen pictures of noa argamani, the viewers will remember, that young woman being taken into gaza from the music festival on october 7th on the back of that motorcycle, her hands outstretched to her boyfriend, who was also being kidnapped. he was marched away into gaza. we have seen images of her this morning at a hospital in the greater tel aviv area. you can see her there, reuniting her with her father. it is extraordinary to think that eight months and one day after she was kidnapped, she is smiling, she is laughing. she is speaking with her family. she spoke on the phone earlier today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was very interesting, guys, she said in that phone call, i haven t spoken in hebrew in such a long time, which suggests she was being held on her own, away from other hostages. that does appear to chime in with the report we are getting from the israeli military, detailed, obviously, still emerging. just setting the scene here, this was in the center of gaza in broad daylight at 11:00 a.m. the israeli military says hundreds of soldiers took part, there was a part from air and by sea. they say they stormed two separate buildings that we believe noa argamani was being held on her own in one of those buildings and the three male hostages were being held in a separate building. at least one israeli soldier was seriously wounded in this raid but this seems to be the single greatest success in terms of hostage rescue we have had, that is ruled has had in the course of this eight months. you will remember, guys, only three other hostages had been rescued alive up until this point. today four hostages in just a couple of hours. now you can see noa argamani on your screen. she is speaking to israeli president isaac herzog, who was telling her just how overjoyed his rule is to see her say, to see her home. there have been celebrations across this country today. the lifeguards on the beach in tel aviv announcing the news over a loudspeaker. people jumping up and cheering in front of the mediterranean on this saturday here in is ruled. we met the father of noa argamani on october 8, less than 24 hours after his daughter had been kidnapped by hamas. he is at her side right now. her mother, as far as we know at this point, is not. her mother is dying of brain cancer. for these eight months she has been telling the world her dying wish was to see her daughter once again. she is in very serious condition at another hospital in tel aviv, but we believe mother and daughter are going to be reunited later on today. noa s boyfriend, who you see in that video from october 7th being marched by a crowd of militants into gaza, remains one of the 120 hostages still being held. this is obviously a moment of joy, while this is obviously a moment of joy for noa and her family, her partner remained inside gaza, his fate unknown at this hour, as is the fate of so many of those 120 other hostages. well there is celebration here in israel, there is mourning in gaza right now because there are reports of at least 50 people killed during this israeli raid. we know there was intense bombardment by israeli aircraft, by israeli ships to cover the special forces and moved in. we don t know how many of those 50 or so killed were militants, how many of them were civilians. this is just an enormous, enormous moment here in is ruled. it is really hard to overstate the happiness here. one israeli friend told me the whole country is crying. guys? nbc, thank you so much for that report. next with olivia troye and mckay coppins will be back with us to discuss mckay s new piece about a potential special second trump term and we will discuss the news breaking out of his rule. you are watching the weekend . e weekend . 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because he was afraid his hair would become disheveled. remember, that day it was raining. he did not want to go to the cemetery because it was raining. more importantly, to his staff, his senior staff he remarked, quote, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers. and then he referred to the more than 1800 marines who lost their lives as suckers for getting killed. olivia, in the context of the work you have done in foreign- policy, what does it mean to contrast, and i think it is important for the american people to get this contrast in leadership, a man who refuses to visit the men who sacrificed themselves for freedom and democracy on foreign shores, right, because he didn t want to get his hair messed up and looked at them as suckers and losers versus a president who stands on that hollowed ground and reminds us of our call to destinies, to destiny as citizens of the world, that this fight for democracy is an important battle and we must be engaged in it together. okay, i think it is a critical reminder of what trump views value to be in a situation like this, which is himself and no one else. there is no interest in military baller. he doesn t think about the lives of these people and going into critical international situations, where you are making decisions on troops, when you are making decisions on intelligence officers and what is the next step, deliberations that are very calculated, i want americans to remember that. these are your sons, your daughters, your brothers, sisters, moms and dads and remember that there is the potential to have a president back in the oval office that will make those decisions along the way where he will have complete disregard for what it truly means when these people deploy and what happens to them. in other ways, he has no regard or respect for the fact of what it means to serve, right? that is why you end up with classified documents at mar-a- lago because he forgets that in those classified documents there are lives at risk. there our sources there. there are people there put at risk every day with the possibility of that information getting into the wrong hands because he doesn t hear and he doesn t think about things that way. he only thinks about himself. this is a leader solely focused on his own qualities which is why, by the way, he doesn t think about the alliance with nato. he doesn t think about european allies that really actually have our backs should there be a critical moment when they need them. he is thinking about dictators and his best friends are people like victoire ben, these are leaders he looks up to. that is a direct contrast between what president biden is and what former president trump is. that is what we think about and remember. i think the top line from your extensively reported piece is that the allies are watching this election understanding the existential crisis. you have the last 30 seconds, you are take away. yeah, i mean, the two things that stood out to me in all my conversations in you are, one, they are intensely focused on this election in america. everybody is paying attention. according to polling data from battleground states. the second, almost all of them believe trump is going to win. i found myself in a position saying, it is not a foregone conclusion, it is a tight race, anything could happen. scared is the best way to put it. they are scared of what will happen to the nato alliance, to european security, what it will signal to russia, to china, if donald trump comes back into office and abandons his allies. they rely on american stability and americans steadfastness for its alliances and they do not think they will get that with donald trump. so chilling. mckay coppins and olivia troye, thank you so much for getting us started. as january 6th community committee members are in jail, we will talk to the directors of the new documentary next. you are watching the weekend . i thought i was sleeping ok. but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. if you re living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. why would i use kayak to compare with cabenuva, you re good to go. hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right. kayak. aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. this week, prosecutors working on january 6th cases gave us a new update. nearly 1500 defendants have now been charged for the roles in the insurrection. meanwhile, donald trump is calling for the members of the january 6th committee to be indicted. he is promising to pardon all the rioters. a new documentary shows a perspective of six people who witnessed the violence firsthand. democracy needs a ground to stand on. we have to tell the truth. if we can handle that. we are not losing the u.s. capitol today. you ready? joining us now are the directors of the documentary of the sixth , award-winning filmmakers. this is the best documentary i have ever seen. i have never watched prior to this more than five minutes of footage from january 6th. this is , this centers the people. i just want to play this piece from the documentary, a staffer who worked at the white house and congress and talks about assuming the worst. i had to assume the worst. i had to assume these people were armed. you kind of go into survival mode. i remember essentially casing the office, what can i use as a weapon? i remember feeling like, whatever is in here that is heavy is what i will have to use you know? if it comes to that. andrea, when you look at this as a complete scenario, right, from start to finish, you now have president trump out here talking about giving basically solace to those insurrectionists by pardoning them and making the case that the january 6th committee members should be indicted. when you look at what you guys captured, juxtaposed against that background, what is your reaction? what should we know that donald trump clearly doesn t know about what happened that day? thank you. what i want, i want people to know what we now know. i think that we had the luxury of being able to spend over a year plus with our team looking and scouring the footage, finding the right people, finding six people who just went to work that day to tell the story and that what we stitched together from beginning of day to the end was one of the most violent, heartbreaking, gut punching days in american history. people think they know january 6th but they don t. they don t know the scale of the violence. everyone that was in the capitol that day thought they were going to die. there was the sense of 10,000 plus people surrounding this building and breaking in. it is criminal. it was violent. i think people just saw this in pieces. they don t quite understand the mass in the scale and the threat. we are so lucky more people did not die at the end of that day. we are eternally grateful to the people that did their job that day and the next day, who served in the legislature, congress, journalism and law enforcement. we should be thankful of the fact law enforcement is being booed at and hissed, they actually did their job and protecting the lives of the lawmakers that are now turning their back on what happened that day is despicable. you know? there is a code and ethic to every single person that we profile in this film about how they do their job and thank goodness they did. the outcome could have been so much worse if they hadn t. to that point about law enforcement, here is the photographer talking about the picture he took. if they wanted to kill him, they would have killed him. the man pleaded for his life. he told people he had kids. it is kind of crazy. if i had to put a dollar on it, i would say everybody was like, blue lives matter, blue lives matter. [ bleep ] didn t matter that day. i felt for him. i have a son. i thought about what it would feel like for him if some weak happened to me, you know? this is a another human being. part of what i appreciated is that you centered the voices of those who were impacted on that day but their reflections about the crowd and who showed up and the inconsistencies around their theories of justice, sean, are laid bare. yeah. we, i think it was important for us to give a voice to the people that went through that day and what they went through and personalize it. i think it is really important. i think, with the crowd there, we also did something i think was important. we listened in our area found. you hear things in our film you don t here in our own soundbites and it talks about, he is talking about being right next to this man pleading for his life, pleading because he has kids. you also hear how he is capturing all the different things the crowd is saying, the crowd is saying, take their guns. the crowd is saying, you are going to die tonight with such conviction you can hear it in their voice that you believe it. i think people need to take this all in as a beginning of the day to the end of the day through the personal experiences of the six people that we follow and kind of decide what you think about the people that were in the crowd that day, what their intentions were and what could have happened. what could have happened, i mean, there is a part in the film where former metropolitan police chief conti talks about a phone call that he had, he was part of that with mayor bowser and literally pleading for help from the national guard. the dee was deployed to the capitol to do something to help. the capitol police call for help, the national guard, this call was just, we will play a clip because it is so hard to believe. you wonder what trump would do if he were in office again, we know what he did on january 6th. take a listen. we had a phone call that was can be by myself, the mayor, the district of columbia d.c. national guard, the u. s. capitol police chief where he essentially was pleading for assistance from the national guard. in response to that, whoever on the other side from the representatives from the defense department, the discussion then switched to talking about optics and boots on the ground and what that would look like, which, you know, in a crisis situation, i don t care what it looks like. it looks like help to me. it took hours until the national guard was approved. donald trump put that video out. when he put that video out, people finally did go home. it just really feels like he knew what he was doing. that is a big part of it for me. when you step back, what the sub story i think you guys captured here is the other stuff that was going on in the face of all of the drama and the tragedy on the hill, the stub story was the white house wasn t doing anything. there was no real effort and i think that cut really embraces that part of it. when you are putting this story line together and you are talking it through, how did you capture that? you said, this is the other side of this. we could show you, you know, donald trump and the roosevelt room sitting there watching television eating a hamburger. you know that is what is going on. you know that was the rest of the story, why the d.c. police were so animated about the lack of response from federal law enforcement at the highest level. yeah, it was a different type of film for us. we had this huge kind of forensic timeline in our office. we were looking at all the different things, all the things playing out that day and when we stepped back and we said, where is the national guard? we know that, we know what happened. i know what happens, i see the national guard, they are always around. they do what they are supposed to do. we were just scratching our heads. why are we talking about this? it was actually andrea that so we needed to do a deep dive in that and then the chief started talking about that and he said, you know, he basically said the national guard is not here and i will do it and do my duty. the capitol is under attack. i will do whatever i can. i will get local law enforcement to come and help. that is what they did. why are not people talking about this? d.c. police for for hours, especially in the tunnel, four or five hours they were underhand to hand combat. police arrest people in under 10 minutes. they are not trained to fight hand to hand combat like that, you know? you could argue that the powers that be that had the authorization to release and deploy the guard to help weren t aware of what was going on. the entire world was watching what was going on. i think that is what is so upsetting. why wait that long? that is what we felt was so important. once we realized how soon they were asked and how many hours, everybody is seeing the horrific violence going down, this all could have been stopped. you are watching it in real time as the violence increases and spins out of control. it took them 15 minutes to get there when they were deployed. 15 minutes. andrea nix fine, sean fine, fine work, good work. the sixth is available to purchase on streaming platforms, please pick it up and view it. it is important. senate republican shootdown the chance to protect access to contraceptive . next hour, the president and ceo is at the table to discuss. be sure to follow are so on social media. are handle everywhere is @theweekendmsnbc. @theweekendmsnbc. it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair? 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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240608

class= nosel >
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div class= gutr > we did our job and we got him convicted. so they did. this sisterhood. for the sake of a woman whose fate might have been theirs. diane holik. whose friends came together to remember how they miss her. even after all these years. she was a constant friend. she was in my life every day and all of a sudden she was gone in an instant like blowing a candle out. you see the smile on all these photographs. was she always smiling? always. always. she had a magic smile. it was infectious. if she was smiling everybody else had to. we had to. i m andrea canning, and this is dateline. andrea canning: it was one of the most harrowing days in our history. i hear this pop, pop, pop,. the attempted assassination of president reagan. screaming and yelling. it is chaos. and now unprecedented look into the mind of the gunman, john hinckley junior. and the police officer that questioned hinckley speaks out in his first television interview. he turned to her and said, will you marry me? secrets of his diaries on daylight. his obsession to actress jody foster. is hinckley really fit to be free. he s a potentially dangerous character. he s proven that. hello. welcome to dateline. he shot a president and shook the country. we re about to unveal a probe of his most private thoughts and feeling and his second act as a free man. here is special contributor troy roberts. hinckley, diary are a dangerous mind. reporter: charming, small town, williamsberg, virginia. people visit from all over the world for a taste of america s colognal history. that man came for something more, a new life. one that would be quiet and normal. he volunteers at a church goes for long walks. reporter: but his journey to get here was a long one, filled with violence, mental illness and confinement. this is a violently insane person, so you need to put him some are where he cannot harm somebody. reporter: no one would guess now, but this senior citizen casually walking around town it is the man that tried to kill a president of the united states over a movie star, john hinckley junior. after being institutionalized for three decades, he is pretty much a free man. it was a rainy spring monday in washington d.c. , a few months after ronald reagan was elect the president. 70 days into reagan s first term. it is a nothing die. he gave a speech at the washington hilton . reporter: a nothing day was about to be a day that no one would ever forget. dale wilber interviewed well over 100 people for his book, raw hide, the secret service code word for reagan. he gives a speech and walking out. it is 2:27 p.m. i was part of the press pool, which is the small group of reporters that follow along in the motor motorcade. he came out the door and waving. he raised his arm to wave to people there. reporter: 15 feet away was a rope line that separated a small crowd of reporters and bystanders from the president. in that crowd, a sandy blonde- haired 25-year-old named john hinckley junior. moments later. it sounded like firecrackers. you knew in an instant it could knot be firecrackers and you knew it was a gun. i saw a jumble of people shov people shoving the into the car. reporter: all three camera crews that were able to capture it all. first shot hits in the head. and the fourth shot hits tom mccarthy and turned and took a shot to the chest without a bulletproof vest. i remember the yelling and the chaos and said, was the president hit? they said, i don t think so. reporter: did you see john hinckley outside of the hotel? i saw the police on top of a man on the ground. a secret service agent with a oozy. so they are hustling him over to this car. reporter: president reagan s son ron was in lincoln, nebraska when he was told about the shooting. he told my wife and i that shots been fired. they didn t think he was hit. we was an announcement from the white house. definitely, the president was not hit. reporter: but inside the presidential limo, a different story was playing out. reagan is increasingly complaining of chest inside. he pulls a napkin out of his right coat pocket and there was blood. reporter: president reagan was shot and his life was in danger. wilber explained how he was wounded. we re watching a slow motion reply. look how close he is. look at the gun. the bullet hits right there and gets through that little gap. reporter: through the tiny gap created by the open door of the bullet proof car hitting the president and incredible fluke. it was hinckley s sixth and final shot. the secret service agents raced him to george washington university hospital, where the doctors found the bullet dangerously close to president reagan s heart. judy, i m sorry to interrupt. reporter: nbc cut into her report with the news. we have two bulletins that president reagan was shot in the chest. reporter: he was rushed into surgery. the fbi was desperately trying to find out what happened. retired fbi agent, thomas baker. was there part of the conspiracy? were other people shot. reporter: the incident ands were chilling more than they could imagine and the clues were hiding in plain sight. a nation is rocked as the announcement about the president s condition and man that pulled the trigger. reporter: the first nationally televised interview of the detective that questioned hinckley minutes after the attack. he was like matter of fact like it wasn t really a big deal. reporter: did he ask any questions about the condition of the president or mr. brady? no. he did not seem concerned. reporter: no remorse? no remorse at all. copd has not been pretty. it is tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering, if this is as good as it gets. with three medicines and one inhaler, it keeps the airways open and prevents future flareups. and with one dose a day, it improves lung function so i can breathe freely and all night. do not take it more than prescribed. it may increase your chance of the thrust, pneumonia or problem breathing. ask your doctor about once daily trilogy because breathing should be beautiful. some people know that the best rate for you is the rate based on you with all state. there is a right way to and the speed limit is not 700 million miles an hour an hour. you re a terrible boss with a terrible haircut. safe and get a rate based on you. you re in good hands with allstate. suffering from arthritis, muscle and joint manet. pain. ease stiffness and soreness naturally. rose sparks engineered for the spontaneous. it has the active ingredients norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? 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reagan came within a couple minutes of dying. reporter: meanwhile, the man that shot him was in the custody of the washington d.c. the entire homicide detective was the first person to question hinckley. more than 38 years since that day, this was his first national television interview. he looked like a college student. he just didn t seem to fit the profile of what i thought presidential assassin look like. reporter: what was john hinckley s demeanor when you started the interview. he didn t seems like it was a big deal. reporter: he also assured detective that he acted alone. did you ask him that question directly? yes, i did. i asked, are you by yourself. he responded i m with no run. reporter: did he ask any questions about the condition of the president or mr. brady? no, never did. he never seemed concerned. reporter: no remorse? no remorse at all. reporter: desperate for any clue or everyday that could explain the motive for the shooting, he searched his wallet and found photos. what did he say? you ll find out when you read the letter in my room. reporter: at that point, he shut down and refused to say more. he seemed arrogant, almost smug. i said you re going to be charged with attempted assassination of the president of the united states. as i m writing this in my notes, i m having a hard time spelling assassination. he said i ll spell it for you. reporter: soon after, he was turned over to the fbi. by evening, word of hinckley s arrest was public. the man that fired the shots today has been identified as john warnock hinckley of evergreen, colorado. i m thinking that is so weird that the guy that shot the president has the same name as my friend john hinckley. reporter: as kids, evan price, kurt dooley and well will francis grew up with hinckley. they didn t believe the shooter was their john till they heard where he went to school. i know this guy. friendly person. this cannot be happening. reporter: it was hard for all of them to scare the would be assassin for a friend they have known for a decade. he s handsome, happy, and look greats. reporter: they met in the 1960s and bonded over sports and music. he was a well-liked guy. we would go to record shops, stores, places to go to have burger. reporter: his father was the owner of a oil and gas business. they said that his family seemed perfect, straight out of a tv classic, leave to beaver. it was a great family. she was just june clear of. and his dad was more like ward. reporter: so what changed for the kid that grew up with everything? back in washington, the fbi was wondering the same thing. that night, agents were at the park central hotel where hinckley had been staying. we executed a search warrant of his hotel room. thomas baker was the agent in charge. we found the later, the statement of why he was doing this. reporter: the letter revealed that hinckley did not try to kill the president for political reasons. he did it because of attacker and twisted obsession with a woman. hinckley s bombshell motive thrusts a young hollywood actress into the the spotlight and those close to the president are left reeling. raw pain for the reagan family. and hinckley s fixation on actress jody foster. the letters were assumed to be love type letters. what dateline continues. tell me why. have you tried downey rinse and refresh. down i didn t rinse and refresh. down any will get your heart racing and prices that you know every day. the designer sales up to 70% off. shop today. two scoops of ice cream and two thumbs up. get two months of service free. all with fast, reliable nationwide coverage. make the switch today. did you know taking at night relieves while you sleep for a more productive sleep. and get 24-hour relief. i m here to tell you about ab all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom remodel that you don t want to miss. they have been making water feel great for 25 years. we re waiving all installation cost. they have a design that you ll love at a price that you can afford. best of all, they can install in as little as one day with no stress and no mess p are you ready to see your new shower? 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either politically motive or he s just racy. reporter: they learned that his motives were not at all by political. he was fueled by an obsession by an actress, jody foster. dear jody. i will be killed in my attempt to get reagan. it is for this reason that i m writing you this letter now. retired fbi agent phenomenon baker. he wanted to impress her and win her heart. i have to do something that i m doing all of this for your sake. reporter: the fbi needed to talk to foster. when the agents arrived at yale university, where she was a student, the actress was visibly upset. she said that hinckley started arriving her soon after she arrived on campus the previous fall and had not stopped. was he threatening? what was he like? i m not allowed to say. letters were assumed to have been love type letters. have you ever seen hinckley, that you know of? no, not to my knowledge, i have never met him. reporter: he was attending a yale writer s program. that was a lie. he was not there. he was there living in a hotel and stalking jody foster. reporter: this note was left for her just weeks before the shooting. jodie, good-bye, i love you 6 trillion times. you must admit, i am different. it would make all of this worthwhile. reporter: when did the obsession of jodie foster s obsession began? 1976. he saw the movie taxi driver. she plays like a prostitute in the movie. and he became obsessed with her. he identified with bickle. he thought he was going to asass nature and die in the guns like bickle did. reporter: but hinckley considered other options first, like hijacking a plane and even killing the woman that he claimed to love. his plan was to kill jodie foster, shoot him, her or shoot himself in front of her. return they thought this could be the basis of an insanity defense. and they hired dr. carpenter. carpenter met with hinckley for months and charted his unraveling. what was his relationship like with his parents? it wasn t anything like childhood neglect or trauma. reporter: but hinckley started to with withdrawl from high school. and they the parent took him to a therapist. at one point, they cut him off. reporter: it backfired. they re kind of dark and anticipatory things in it is compatable with a lonely life. if i wish, the president will fall and the world will look at me in disbelief. reporter: by the end of his evaluation, carpenter concluded that hinckley was legally insane. his official diagnosis? the most suitable one would be schizophrenia. reporter: could the defense convince a jury. the prosecution had their own experts and planned to argue that hinckley was perfectly sane. he was legally sane because he knew it was wrong. partly cloudy he knew he was shooting at humans in a way that could harm them. the trial would be a 7 week battle for the experts, over hinckley was sane or not. upon answers to that question were buried in a remarkable diary and that dateline uncovered. coming up. we uncovered news footage of carter during the election that hinckley was in the crowd. ronald reagan was not hinckley s own target. john hinckley had plans to kill president jimmy carter? yes. when dateline continues. ga, the form of dry degeneration and it can progress faster than you think. when ga stays over your eyes, stay a stand. this is an eye injection that has proven to slow lesion growth with increasing effect over time. it is the only fda treatment to few ga in as few as six doses per year. do not take an infection or active swelling in and around your eye that may cause pain or redness. it can cause in infection, severe inflammation in the retna that could cause vision loss or increase of high pressure. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts. act now to slow ga with syfovre. i ve been using deodorant for 40 years. i felt like i was not clean or something was wrong with me. and then my dermatology told me about sew my. my bottom has been saved. charmin cleans better with less effort. you see the commercials. you never put viagra for as lit 87 cents. good morning. we have the hour s top stories. a heat dome created dangerously honestly conditions out risk. the temperatures reach triple digit in las vegas and phoenix. it is expected to continue till saturday stretching from california to florida. bill anders was piloting a plane that crashed into the water off washington state. he was 90 years old. now back to dateline. welcome back to dateline. john hinckley junior shot president reagan in a twisted attempt to impress actress jodie foster. and now we have new insight from hinckley himself in a document written in his own hand that after all of these years is seeing the light of day. this is hinckley, diary of a dangerous mind. reporter: on the night he was arrested, hours after trying to kill the president, john hinckley began to keep a day tory. march 30th, 1981, rush to d.c. headquarters and spent hours handcuffs to a desk. he would write it up to and through his trial. the diary is a remarkable insight into hinckley s trouble mind. i have such and empty, sad feeling. where are you jodie. he titled, the diary of a person that we all know. at times it is a chronicle of despair. why go on? i m immortally i am infamous, but i m dead inside. he tried to take his own life. but he seemed to have a moment of clarity of the shooting. there are times that i m sad about the incident. but other times i m satisfied. reporter: he was almost giddie. it will be a miracle, almost a miracle if i m found not guilty. reporter: the damage that hinckley caused it was on people s mind. he could have changed the course of history. yes. this foolish, young man could have changed the course of history. reporter: secret service sergeant mccarthy and president reagan. officer deli that was forced to retire early. but it was brady, where he had severe brain damage and paralysis. nbc news legal analyst. at the time of the hinckley trial, the prosecution had the burden to prove each and every element of the crime, including the defendant s sanity. reporter: the prosecution began by showing jurors footage of the shooting. they argued that he was not sick when he pulled the trigger, just a narcissistic. he told me his goal to be on the cover of time magazine. reporter: the obsession, the prosecutors said it did not prove he was insane. he was interested in committing a crime and fell aupon taxi driver. reporter: hinckley thought that the trial was the perfect stage for his story. jodie, everyone in the whole wide world knows about us. i think what i did was worth it. in the courtroom, the prosecutors argued that hinckley knew exactly what he was doing what he shot the president, that it was a premeditated plan months in the making, and originally with a different target. he actually had been talking the previous president, jimmy carter. reporter: in the fall of 1980, he bought guns and went target shooting and followed carter on the campaign trail. we recovered news footage of carter at different rallies in the fall. reporter: john hinckley had plans to kill president jimmy carter? yes. it just never worked out for him. so he switched his attention to president reagan after he became president. reporter: when it was the defense s turn. they said that his judgment was impaired by schizophrenia elusions. the only meaningful thing in his life was his delusional attachment to jodie foster. he developed the grandiose view of jodie and hims a couple. he felt this is something that everybody should know about, killing carter, killing reagan. he needed something that would cause attention to this. reporter: and his attempts to contact foster was to show them that they were meant to be. he reported a phone call between himself and the actress. i cannot carry on conversations with people that i don t know. reporter: jodie did not appear at trial but she was video week earlier. how would you describe your relationship with john hinckley? i don t have any relationship with john hinckley. her words infuriated him. in his diary that note, he threw a pen at her and shouted, jodie i m still going to kill you. oh, my god, what have i done? what i have done. everyone is angry with me. jodie hates me. i m so famous, but i m so miserable. reporter: would the jury find the him a calculating killer. the verdict would leave the nation outraged. coming up. you were confident that the jurors would see things your way? yes. the jury speaks. to say that the country was surprised is an understatement. what dateline continues. this is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, tapeworm even more. next guard combo. the monthly one and done that to want. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with pain reliever. rose sparks engineered for the spontaneous. faster acting and long lasting. grab the moment. get started. frustrated by skin tags? dr. shoals has the break- through that you ve been waiting for in as little as one treatment. is your shower trying to tell you something? is getting in and out of bathtub becoming a safety concern? are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go on for weeks and weeks? 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yes. i didn t for a moment it could be the otherwise. by the fourth day, the verdict was in. the verdict on john hinckley, not guilty by reason of insanity turned the country upside down today turned the upside down today. to say that america was shocked by the verdict is an understatement. they were furious. not everyone was up in arms. surprisingly president reagan had found peace with hinckley. my father had forgiven him, a day or so after being shot, he had forgive convenient forgiven him. my mother, on the other hand, she would have killed him if she could have got her hand on him. he entered the final entry in his dairy. it is all over. i m not responsible for shooting the president and three others. what does jodie think now. you re going to a treatment facility. and only when you re better will you be released. hinckley was sent to saint elizabeth hospital in washington d.c. , one of the oldest psychiatrist hospitals in the country. he was put on anti-psychotic drugs. it seemed to trust. john and leslie metro at a halloween party. reporter: she was a fellow patient at st. elizabeth. she wrote about hero man tick relationship with hinckley. leslie was described by neighbors and family, friend and even her ex-husband as a perfect woman and mother and she killed her child. reporter: she was convicted for her crime and sent to the contradict hospital. today the old grounds closed. the buildings abandoned. what was it like when you came here the first time? you know, it was different from it is now. but leslie and john used to communicate from a window, not this building, but a similar one, three floors up where he was. reporter: she was more than a decade holder than hinckley and like him came from an upper background and educated. when she told him who he was, he did not care. she said i did so much worse than he did. i killed my own child. she took her gun and shot her child and then herself. her injuries wore so severe, she amputated her arm. she never understood people s shock for her love with hinckley. people ask why would he have a relationship with him. why would he have a relationship with me? he talked at chaperone events orbit window. by the following year, hinckley was in love and did something that no one ever expected. he proposed. and she accepted. walsh said they became each other s confidants. hinckley trusted her with his darkest moments. he said that he went through the terrible percents of shame and guilt, particularly when he would see brady, the press secretary that he shot. reporter: after three years of treatment, devoluntary was released. but got a job at the hospital, so hinckley still saw her regularly. the staff at the mental hospital condoned this relationship, even supported it? yes, they did because they saw it as a healthy growth. reporter: but they learned that he was in an astonishing relationship with someone else, ted bundy who was on death row. dear john, i think we have something going on here. it is pleasure to find someone i feel comfortable writing. reporter: the secret service discovered that hinckley started the corresponds. dear ted, i read about your new death order and it upsets me because i m against the death penalty and i value you as a friend. reporter: the doctors became more concerned that hinckley was still obsessed with jodie foster and had some 20 photos of her in a room. he considered writing to convicted killer charles manson. despite the letters, after four years, the hospital trusted hinckley enough to let him leave his building and rome the grounds freely. he devoluntary was still engaged and could walk outside together and have privacy. they went up to a little spot on the hill. they did not have sex the first time there, but after that, they did. on the ground. on the ground. a few years later, he went to court to make a bid for more freedom. but would a judge allow a man that stalked two presidents and tried to kill one of them back into society? he should not be able allow to rome around all alone out there. he s a potentially dangerous character. he s proven that. the eye popping gated community where he proposed to live. he played on the tee where former president obama and former president clinton and this fellow is only 50 feet away. when dateline continues. why do we even buy them. i ve had multiple strokes. if you need help remembering something, write it down quickly. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. the pattened filter keeps the leaves out of your gutters, guaranteed. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they put us at ease. unclog gutters for good. visit today. shingles some describe it as a unbearable itch. it could disrupt your work and time with family. debail indicatingdebilitating shingles. good time that you get a break with your flexible payment options. this is the dmvip. vending machine charcuterie. wait till the driving shipping generic viagra for 87 cents. in 1997, john hinckley junior was back in court, this time fighting for a bit of freedom. he spent 15 years at a psychiatric hospital and believed he was a changed man. his parents believed it too. john s demeanor has changed. he s more open, loving person. to them, hinckley was no criminal. he was being treated for mental illness and deserved compassion. he was not a snipper on a rooftop or religious fanatic. he was a pathetic figure that he was trying to impress a movie star that he never met. he wanted permission to visit his family off the hospital ground. hinckley doctors said that his psychosis and depression were in remission and had been for years. i think they observed that he was less preoccupied with the psychotic delusions. reporter: but federal prosecution did not buy it. they believe he was a threat to society. would he go over to her office and chat and talk. and then he started bugging her. he would come every day or call. reporter: the judge denied his request and he lost my chance of leaving the hospital grounds for a long time. but by 2003, he stayed out of trouble for years. his doctors felt he was ready to inch back into society. they began gradually one day out in the city. by 2006, the treatment team had been recommended that he be allowed to stay with his parents for days at a time and the court agreed. the goal of a hospital is to rehabilitate, right? they have no justification to hold him. reporter: but not everyone happy about hinckley s increasing freedom. the home that he retired to was in an upscale community in williamsburg, virginia, overlooking the 14th hole of the kings golf course. that concerned the secret service. in the past few years that played on that tee, president obama, former president clinton. these are the people that played golf in williamsburg, and this fellow is only 50 feet away. reporter: despite the federal prosecute s protest, the judge followed saint elizabeth s recommendation and granted hinckley more and more time with his parents, time that no longer included his fiancee leslie devoe. after 22 years, the relationship was over. do you know why the relationship over? being identified public as his girlfriend was hard for her. the secret service was always coming to her door. it became too much. reporter: hinckley s focus was now solely on being permanently released from saint elizabeth s. in 2016, a judge granted his request. the man that attempted to assassinate president ronald reagan is now free from a mental hospital. hinckley s father had died. so he would live for his 90- year-old mother for at least for a year. not all of hinckley s new neighbors were convinced that was a good idea. bring him here and put him under the care of his 90-year- old mother seems to be a pretty foolish decision. we know medicine is not an exact science. few things are. so i just hope they re right. i m a layperson. i m not a psychologist or psychiatrist. but it doesn t seem to me that people with these kind of severe mental problems are ever really, truly cured. reporter: still, hinckley was not completely free. the secret service would keep an eye on him. and there was a long list of court mandate the rules that he had to follow. among them therapy, medication, limited travel. no media interviews or contact with his victims relatives or jodie foster. but ron reagan was still concerned. my worry is that his narcissistic personality or the will be affronted and he will not get the attention that he feel he s owed and he will act out again in some violent way. reporter: there is greater awareness and empathy in those that suffer from mental illness. but insanity laws are much stricter. states were in a rush to change to insanity defenses. some states instituted guilty, but mentally ill. reporter: in federal course. the burden of proof has shifted to the defense team that must prove that the defendant is insane. if hinckley were tried under the new law, many believe, he would be convicted. do you know what he s doing with himself? he volunteers at a church. he goes on walks. he established a bunch of friends over time. reporter: he got a job of sorts buying and selling and antiques at a low mall. and it appears found romance again. i trust the doctors and the people that have been treating him. i trust their decision. reporter: hinckley childhood friends believe he has earned a second chance and wish him well. i don t expect we ll see him at our high school reunion, i d welcome him. reporter: but president reagan s son believes that the man that tried to assassinate a president, even insane, should not be go free. the crime that he committed was not just a crime another person. it was a crime against a state. the penalty has to be drastic and permanent. reporter: and in 2020, the court relaxed the conditions of hinckley s release, even further. among his new freedoms, he was able to publicly display his artwork and his name. he seemed content. during one of his mental health evaluations, he told doctors, this is the happiest i ve been in my life. i m happy as a clam, to be honest. i really am. be honest. i really am. jr. who four decades after shooting an american president appeared at peace with his past. that s all for this edition of dateline. # thank you for watching. . good morning. and welcome to the saturday edition of morning

John-warnock-hinckley , Police-officer , Hinckley , Television-interview , Woman , Friends , Job , Sake , Sisterhood , Fate , Diane-holik , Person

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240608

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it s a nice day outside. it s my hope for everyone outside watching us right now. rachel: marinating your meat or getting ready for the barbecue coming up. will: didn t feel like last summer in paris. it was not warm. see if it s a little warmer this week. peter doocy is over there and joe biden meeting with french president macron and first lady today and receive the official welcome during the ceremony at ark day trail and leaders expected to make a statement and will not be taking any questions. rachel: comes as white house denies there s been a rift between biden and macron despite the two reportedly butting heads over money or money for ukraine. pete: peter doocy is live for us. reporter: they ve returned to france after jetting back quickly to attend one day of hunter biden s trial yesterday. we know that this big celebration of president biden and the first lady is happening. even though macron and biden don t always get along, especially on trade because macron thinks biden s inflation reduction act is hurting the french and on ukraine because macron pes to consider sending macron wants to send nato troops there and macron does not. they had a warm and close relationship and they re focused on areas where people agree rather than focusing on the strength of this relationship. reporter: president bleeden be open the checkbook and told zelensky $225 million on the way in murrieta military aid and that s a drop in the bucket of $51 billion and here on the world stage, president biden wanted to make clear this new nine figure munitions package could have come sooner if not for republicans back home. i m not going to walk away from you. i apologize for the weeks of not knowing what s going to pass in terms of funding, and because we had trouble getting the act of some of our conservative members to pass it. reporter: last time there was a really, really big protest and the paint and resembling blood left on the perimeter for days. back to you. so far so good and paris is starting with the reception out and normandy was very, very good and it s not necessarily because people love joe biden, but they love the american president coming to visit. everywhere we went in normandy, kids and adults waiving u.s. flags. they love america in that part of the world because of what happened 80 years ago or that part of the country. now as we return to paris. we ll get down to policy and where the two of these guys disagree on gaza and on ukraine and so if there is going to be anything that s a little icy, that would happen today. will: one more question, peter about that visit to normandy and the american president wen and those capable and veterans of d-day. i know a lot of a lot of french citizens and americans there and celebrating that 80th anniversary? reporter: yeah, majority of the visitors were american visitors who have some connection to d-day. whether it is a living relative who make the producer will put the notes that we re sending to ukraine and all that borrowed money is have that money and rachel: it puts america at resident and can what kind of discussion haves you heard about that escalation while you ve been in paris and these two have been together and what s the russian response to that? reporter: well, president biden is trying to make clear to the rest of the nato partners including macron here in france and by giving ukraine the green light to u.s. u.s. weapons to shoot inside of russia and he s saying they re not approving onsive operations but rather offensive operations baa defensive operation because the ukrainians are just going after positions within russia that are shooting stuff at people in ukraine and so conditions are similar to what they were in the 1940s and dictator held back on overtaking europe and he has many, many times promised to send nato troops into any nato country that winds up having any kind of russian aggression and nato is expanding that the responsibility of that and would basically be world war iii. it s what president biden was trying to warn against and wouldn t go into ukraine and basically because ukraine is not a nato partner and touching any of the other nato partners and president biden is saying that it s going to be americans with the rest of nato in there and that is what this whole trip, it seems like, at least theematically they re trying to warn against. pete: thank you, peter. will: thank you, peter. rachel: i think we re slow walking into something really huge. he said we re talking about world war iii potentially and anything could go wrong, a civilian could get killed and a huge nook larra power russia is. i have kids that are either 18 almost 18 and another one that s 22. you have kids close to that age. i don t know if you re willing to have your kids die for ukraine. i m not. this is a serious situation and not getting enough attention and that s why i brought it up. pete: these kind of wars start with incrementalism and a bit more and bit-and bit more and time and time again, we re not doing this and we do it. rachel: what s happening with the military and your book could nerve pathology been more important than at this moment right now. will: jury misconducts of this and the comment of the court s public facebook book and said micos season a juror and tram subpoena getting convicted. my cousin is a juror and trump is getting convicted. thank you, all, for your hard work! ]. pete: watching the coverage yesterday, there s a lot of confusion and the only thing giving validation to this whole thing is the letter from the judge. the judge is putting out a letter saying this could be the problem. did he do it on the back end of an internal investigation and then the letter went out or did the letter go out and notifying all parties involve that had they re looking into it. you could have grounds for a mistrial, but we re along way from that right now. will: an eye waterringly hypocritical and revealing statement doing anything to regain power and preserve ask seek revenge on anyone that opposes him and warning signs clear torr all to see and dangerous constitution and threat to democracy and so consumed by his own failed diminished state and he s gone off the deep end. the irony, i don t so it s beyond hypocritical and ironic and have an effect. rachel: they want to weaponnize him and put him in jail. will: how dare they lock her up. we ll lock him up. it s consist and it truly is consist. rachel: everything they accuse donald trump of doing whether it s perfect and doing it with silicon valley and donald trump said the accusation is a confession. pete: that s a great way to get it. rachel: i have a couple of things to say, i like the answer that success is for america. but in the end, if there s people that have been using our intelligence agencies and our legal system, if it cops to light that these prosecutors were also courted nailing with the white house, if we want it to end, like talking about covid. if we want this to never happen again, there has to be consequences to it. i m not saying our political family and growing out and i ll be bitter 100,000 time more bitter than donald trump and that wasny my take away and no matter what he does in a new administration. he ll be accused of recking the system; right? taking the pentagon for example and go in and fire a lot of people and he does that and fire the chairman of the joint chiefs and the new secretary of defense and he ll be accused of a maga purge and that s not what he s doing and he s not getting revenge or retribution and fixing a system that s messed up and go for it. go all the way. rachel: people behind trump and people you didn t expect, minorities and tech and people are getting behind trump because they want someone to shape that system. if they wanted business as usual. they d get behind biden. that s not what people want. i ve been a bit down as you know on how thing haves been going on the constitutions on everything else. that interview gave me some hope that, you know, with everything that s happened, he s still bullish on america. now to the headlines. one person killed and four others hurt in a shooting at a backyard pool party in compton, california. the identity of the man who was found dead at the scene has not been released. the sheriff s department says a second pan and three women were all rushed to the hospital. so far no arrests and it s still unclear what triggered the shooting. arizona attorney general investigating democratic governor katie hobbs after being accused in taking part in a pay for play involving a group home operator who according to reports was denied a rate increase in december of 2022 before donating $100,000 to the hobbs campaign three days later. the next weir they were reportedly approved for a rate increase well over the average of other group homes and hobbs office is denying the allegation. pat sajak giving an emotional speech during his final episode of wheel of fortune. it was a daily privilege to keep the half hour a safe place for family fun. just a game. rachel: i love that. sajak took over hosting duties from chuck woolrey in 1981. ryan seacrest will host the show along his long time koenen host vana white, who is not retiring. will: ryan seacrest does a great job. pete: he does. he s a talented guy. will: he s dick clarke and inherited pat sajak and regis filpurn. pete: republican governor calling out administrative war on oil and nothing but attack opportunistic american energy. we re talking to governor kevin stitt about it. losing weight and keeping it off? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. president biden paused new oil and gas leases and canceled the keystone pipeline. when you try to shut down that industry where innovation is thriving, you re shoving the result of that demand onto places like russia, meet steps that can be taken to unleash american independence and american energy independence and proudly supports vied real relief for american families. rachel: it s facing a blistering counter attack by republican governors calling on the white house to take steps to lower prices for americans. one of those republicans is oklahoma governor gavin newsom 1.3 trillion since biden took office and the pause on l and g exports makes no sense. l and g exports help our allies more than anything and when you pause that, you pressure our friends and allies in europe and asia and russia and going to more of everything approached and going to love talking about oil and gas and we have clean wind and number three in electricity ra generation and we need the president to help with permitting reform and unlock american energy and it s a national security issue. rachel: i think the windmills are an e eyesore and can t stand them and they kill birds as well. i d rather have it under the ground. i m glad you brought up the fashional security point of this and it s not safe like the other countries of oil and war and allies are going there and are you surprised how stubborn joe biden is his administration is on these policies and they re clearly not good in an election year and look at it for craven political reasons and why continuing with this when the american people hate it? ewe know, that s what s crazy. putting your thumb on the scale of what s good and china is building three new coal plants every single month and it s just unbelievable to us. it make nosocommon sense to the american people. rachel: no, we ve done stories, governor, where we found out that china was founding some of the green activists and coach they would be and pushing this and opening up coal plants themselves and letting the american needs meet the needs of americans and allies around the world and people understand they re paying more at the gas pump and they re paying more for everything, groceries and last time i checked, we all have to heat our hopes and businesses to attack this and have a hidden tax, you re hurting am lie of ours in south america and no need to get dirty oil or push our allies over to our enemies to get their oil. we can do it ourselves and we can help build our economy and help the working class. you re right on that . rachel: a dramatic leak in the federal gun trial and we could hear testimony from the first son himself in the next coming days and details on that, next. will: biden s lawyers may call hunter to the stand after the weekend. this wraps up a week of eye opening testimony and prosecutors claim biden s truck and gun case had remnants of drugs on them. hunter s daughter naomi testify that had she did not see any drug paraphernalia and mark is here with us. let s start with hunter testifying, likelihood? yeah, they re definitely considering it. not because they want to, but because they have to. the government did an amazing drug painting him as drug user and addict and the only contradiction is him taking the stand saying i wasn t a user at the time. when i got that gun, i wasn t using. at least i looked a the it as literally at that moment and was ann addict? now i realize i probably was. at the time, i was in deep denial about my addiction like most addicts can be. i didn t lie, i wrote down that i wasn t an addict because i didn t think i was. if you testify to not being an addict but believe we re not an addict but you are, are you safe? i think so because jurors that love the bidens in delaware are more inclined to believe his testimony and in his mine, that was his truth. addict really is not an objective word, it s a dependent upon what the person feel feels and many people that consider themselves it s an objective truth and the truth of the medical community that addict is defineable and not something you personally testify to and you always are. it s a diagnostic condition and you re an addict and there s a way to define someone as an addict and done it every single way and only one miss asking a bus load of nones and smoked crack with them. will: sorry, the bus load of nones was a great detail. we ll see. i fear as you point out a jury in delaware but the modern in vogue idea it s your truth and somehow valuable when compared to the jobbive truth and winning the day for hunter biden is talking about joe biden and jurors are looking and should getting tails and feeling things out that aren t necessarily in evidence and those condemning any parents for being in the courtroom when their son is facing time in the pokey oring it dishonest and they d be there too to support their children. will: one last question, mark, in the time i have left. i know this and having grown up in the legal community and my wife served on a jury when it came to a case prosecuting a guy that was manufacturing crystal meth and asked everyone if you had experience with it. everyone did, my nephew, my cousin. they were not sympathetic and threw the book at the defendant within 15 minutes of deliberation. this jury was all asked about their experience with addicts and they all had experienced as many do, with addiction. how do you think that will play for hunter? that everybody has experience with this and more sympathy and more condemnation. you just don t know. that s the problem. no one knew about ndas and porn stars and how to manage books in the trump trial and had to be told will: tim kennedy went to norman day for the 80s anniversary of d-day and re-enlisted. we ll talk to him, next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. pete: army ranger tim kennedy went to moray mandy for the 80td re-enlisted. he also jumped into hallowed ground performing a parachute jump much like the original d-day heros and he awarded medals to two deserving world war ii heros. tim kennedy joins us now to discuss. tim, what an awesome moment. we ll get to re-enlistment but first the ability to jump 80 years later out of a similar aircraft and be alongside the world war ii heros. it was unreal. unreal. pete: i can t imagine. that was re-enlistment and heck of a mohawk you ve got going and talk about your decision and your decision to re-enlist and i ve been a part of conversations and you ve been with me in the state of the military and you re re-upping and talk to me about re-enlisting in the army. i don t to want be a hypocrite and all the virtues and characteristics i have to live by and those in the greatest generation and subscribe to. the greatest generation and they weren t great till the first shot went off in europe and climbing stormy beaches and i have a lot of confidence in the current youth in the united states. it s the country we re fighting for still. pete: good for you. the voice of tim kennedy and his visual shot isn t great and not over there and showing images and can t see this now of that ceremony we re not the best but we re the first to recognize and even and equal and doesn t matter. pete: stuff like this is what the army needs to be doing, showcasing people like you saying it doesn t matter what your race or background is. we just need patriots willing to join. yeah, pete, while i ve been here, 82 nd airborne and 18th army core. i ve seen countless marines, navy guys and c130 and c47s and the sediment across the board and those in uniform and those that have served and the french populous as a whole, they re celebrating and remembering and respecting the acts of heroism that occurred on d-day 80 years ago on june 6 and for currently for the military, i think it s you have to demonstrate the historic acts that have occurred for people that understand their heritage and their lineage and why we fight the way we do, train the way that we do so the military is ready. september 10, 2001, everybody in uniform is like why are we even here? why are we training like this and september 11 happened. i don t know what the next thing is going to be, i don t know if it s a pearl harbor or an october 7. i don t know if it s going to be a september 11, but we have to have a military that s lethal and ready to fight and ready to answer the call. the generation has the apical but the army has to ability to but the army has to lead the way. i have a haircut like the man that stormed into normandy and dirty dozen. i m doing what what i can to demonstrate this is what it looks like to serve. pete: bring us that haircut onset. tim kennedy, congratulations and thank you so much for joining us. by the way, order the war on warriors, and get a signed copy on and lays out a lot of what tim was talking about and need capable and ready military and weepholing short and fellow vets do as well and tell the behind the scenes story and we re ready in september 10 posture should something terrible happen. we haved aerer sayres and all around the we haved aerer sayres and around the world and have and thed aerer sayres and more around the world. will: one man was hurt and many more were damaged and witnesses say the suspect undressed himself during the shooting spree. the motive is still unclear but police say he tried buy ago shot of liquor and didn t have enough money before the shooting. two adults and two children hurt after a small plane crashed in front of a home outside of denver this morning. like power just before crashing. i don t know what to do but i ll put it down. will: moments before the pilot reported low oil pressure and some take ton hospital and some with burns. ntsb is investigating. will: cities with the best prices with the average foodies looking to dine out. cheapest city was ft. worth, texas, where a couple can get a three course meal for $60 total. second cheapest city was el paso, texas, followed by memphis, tennessee. detroit and columbus were tied for fourth place and the most expensive city was the big apple, new york. those are your headlines. it s the belmont stakes today and this year it s being held in saratoga springs, new york, for the first time. janice dean is live with last year s winner and the first woman to win the triple crown stakes and they are next. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals sure, i m a paid actor, and this is not a real company, but there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now. i need help with her snoring. sleep number does that. thank you now, save 40% on the sleep number special edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now at (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? 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it s something i had a find a lot of balance with and i understand what it means to a lot of peep. i wasn t raised to do things because you re a women and accelerate because you re a women. i was raised to do things because you work hard and accomplish things because you do it. how did you get into it? i must have been a little unhealthy mentally. i love the horses and they re a part of you and you re around and there s something about them. it just speaking to your soul. reporter: this racing is older than baseball. it is .x a lot of people don t realize that. we get a lot of flak for how out of touch it might be and it s an animal but older than baseball and so americana and history that s here at saratoga and so special. reporter: what is your beautiful horse doing right now? he s living his best life. having babies. reporter: we promised him if he did exceptional things he d have a cool next job. he entered into a stallion career this year and done well so far. there s a couple of horses racing today. the first two tomny two socks and she prospers. reporter: nice. are you rooting for a horse tonight at 6:41 p.m. i have a bit of sweet spot obviously for seize the gray with mr. lucas because of the arrogate connections by i want a happy big ration for the fans. it s special. reporter: what s next? once you win all the races and get back to it? carry on. you enjoy for the minute and you ve got everyone else to tend to and sold your arm and going to make the next champion. work hard and keep digging and working hard. it s just like any big business. you want to get to the top and you ve got to put your full cup blinker on and going to accomplish and don t lose yourself. reporter: what was it like seeing your picture and your beautiful horse and all the billboards? it s been crazy. reporter: thank you for what you do for this virgin islands i love it and for two minutes, we all get together as a nation and doesn t matter who you voted for or your background. you re rooting for your hostage. you are and it s the great equalizer and bring sos many people from so many walks of life together for an amazing animal. reporter: okay, so the big race is happening here, belmont saratoga and that s cool too. 6:41 p.m. and ten horses in the ragaini and is beautiful track, you ve been here, baby. i have, it s a special, special place. reporter: if you can t be here, watch. fox tonight starting the coverage. will: pete has a question for you. pete: janice, your hat is beautiful, but does it also double as a satellite dish? reporter: oh, i ve heard that one. it has its own zip code, i know. i ve heard it all. pete: it s gorgeous. it s gorgeous. i love it. nobody can rock it like you. amazing. reporter: christine moore, that s the one. will: i love it. more fox & friends . pete: that was great.

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The Source With Kaitlan Collins

We as we move ahead and as we look at the insecurities that are on that border, what did you make that comment? sorry, which comment? which one? trump s segment hill, reverse. i mean, listen, it s so absurd. what republicans were offered was more than they had ever been offered before from democrats they made the political calculation to not take it to save trump. now, they got something that, would solve a problem and now trump is san while it s no good on, i would reverse. i mean, it s absurd. no one s interested in solving problems anymore. it s all for political gain and people are sick of it. indeed, law fig se cup, who i should note is the host of the new election show, battleground that starts june 10th on fox stations. be sure to watch i m not sure hear on the source as well. thank you both. also tonight, the war over reproductive rights is heating up on capitol speaking of no solutions. this is the election is drawing closer. democrats that s want to put pressure on republicans to go on the record. this time when it comes to birth control, one of the lawmakers leading that charge

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All In With Chris Hayes

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All In With Chris Hayes

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