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meeting with the french president today israel war cabinet could see a shakeup in the hours ahead as we await the end of a deadline set by former defense minister benny gantz. what he s threatened department shift from the cabinets could mean for the conflict in gaza. plus the u.s. jobs report is showing a mixed bag when it comes to growth and inflation by families and small business this is my have a less rosy perspective than what the numbers would the close ties between the u.s. and france will be on full display in the coming hours as us president joe biden continues his official state visit in paris french president emmanuel macron will welcome mr. biden and the first lady with a formal ceremony at the okta triomphe there will be a parade precession, the least say palace followed by a working lunch. in the evening, the macron s will host the bidens at the musee d orsay, 48 state desert dinner it s coming on the heels. the 80th anniversary of d-day. president biden on the allied troops of world war ii during a speech on the cliffs of normandy on friday, he evoked their legacy as he called on the world to defend democracies under threat. today they re not asking us to give or risk our lives. but they are asking us to care for others and our country more than ourselves they re not asking us do their job are asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad and at home be part of something bigger than ourselves well, for more on this, cnn, international diplomatic getters and nic robertson joins us now live from london and make president biden. he s been in france now for, for quite a few days, you ll spend the day with his host, emmanuel macron. it really is testament today bond and the country s bonds it is. and i think it was testament to president emmanuel macron s desire to have a strong relationship with whomever the us president is. it was only a few years ago. it feels like now that he was hosting at that time, president trump, and undoubtedly one can imagine the possibility. i mean, this will be put, i guess in the most diplomatic terms, but the real possibility and president my mind president biden will believe he s going to win the when the upcoming us election. but in president macrons mind the concern that the next us president that he may be greeting in france could be donald trump, if he, if he wins the election. and that s a concern. and i think we heard those concerns overlaid and all the conversation and speeches that president biden has given while he s been in france about the importance of united states not being isolated, the importance of the duty of unity of the nation let s to support ukraine in its fight against president putin s russia which president zelenskyy himself compared to germany under the nazis and adolf hitler. so this is the sort of backdrop to the conversations, but the real meat of the conversations for what they both late to du really those lie in the sphere of peace in the middle east and, and of course how best to support ukraine and in juror that support going forward, whomever wins the us presidency as you say, nick, there are differing opinions between biden and macron despite their close bond. i mean, what impact do you think this trip will have on us foreign policy, particular regarding the wars in ukraine and gaza i think president biden is bounded by a couple of things here. when it comes to sort of how he adjusts his foreign policy for international pressure, even from a strong la lake like frogs. and that is the demands have domestic politics and the way that contains and constraints what he wants to do. we ve seen any apologized for president zelenskyy for taking so long to get that $60 billion aid package for ukraine because it got stuck. he said because of some hardline republicans so his constrained what he can do, macron, of course, we ll want to push biden to get tougher on israel. he supports president biden s latest peace proposal for hostage judge release and a ceasefire in gaza. but he wants biden to do more. and when it comes to ukraine, he wants biden to do more there as well and be more for forward leaning and support. his own initiative, macrons initiative, to have a coalition of international military trainers who would be inside ukraine we don t have this, at least not publicly knowledge at the moment that nato nations have military members inside ukraine supporting and training troops. and that s something match a chrome wants to, wants to do is something president biden is averse to doing because part of the american electorate is very leery about seeing a, you who is entanglement, a military engagement on the ground inside ukraine something president biden said wouldn t happen even if and when russia invaded ukraine. so it s hard to see what wiggle room biden has, but that just president macron isn t going to try to find that space to move things in his direction rather send journeys from london, good to see you. thank you in gaza fire and destruction at refers at kuwait hospital, the director of rafah s kuwaiti hospitals has two workers there were killed and five others wounded in a strike by the israeli military. last month, the kuwait hospital was forced to close after can you it s continuous israeli strikes. cnn has reached out to the idf for comment. they re going hours could be crucial for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing pressure from the united states to accept ceasefire and hostage release agreement and now a key member who s war cabinet could quit. benny gantz has threatened to leave the group meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas and palestinian islamic jihad to a list of groups that harm children. the un secretary generals spokesman says the list will be presented to the security council next week gaza s ministry of health says more than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in the israel hamas war israel denies deliberately targeting civilians we ll see you then that senior international correspondent, but wait a man joins us now, live from beirut. but let s start with an ultimatum that by benny gantz, what is the us s trying to get him to stay what could this mean for the israeli political landscape if he does leave? well, in the immediate short term, nothing really because his party is not a member of the ruling coalition now, benny gantz, a former army chief of staff, former defense minister. he was the main political opponent of prime minister netanyahu before for the war. but after the war began, he joined a national unity cabinet. he s a member of this so-called war cabinet with him, leaving it s certainly remove is somebody who was considered a somewhat moderating force on the prime minister. he s somebody who has maintained good relations with the americans. in fact, he s gone to washington, dc since the war began on more than one occasion without the actual cool permission of the prime minister for him to leave it means that that sort of counter balance to netanyahu s perhaps more bellicose inclinations is gone. and it means that, that really basically opens up for vacuum into which the likes of which national security minister ben gvir will step in. and he s sort of the extreme of the extremists in the israeli cabinet. so it could definitely spell more political chaos in israel. now, last month, gantz did he say that on the 8th of june it today, he would resign if netanyahu did not. in the meantime, come up with some sort of post war plan for gaza. netanyahu really hasn t done that yet. but fundamentally, even on the post-war plan for gaza, it s not clear what but he has in mind because gantz, like netanyahu is opposed to the creation of a palestinian state. and he is opposed to the palestinian authority taking over gaza after the war as well. but clearly this is going to open up another gap in an all ready chaotic scene. and israeli politics and wait a min, joining us from beirut, many thanks. the secret service is preparing for massive pro-palestinian demonstrations in washington dc today, putting up extra fencing to protect the white house. they ve also blocked off access to the white house gates. service agent tells cnn they re expecting up to 12,000 protesters were us president joe biden will not be the one white house says he s attending the state visit in france well, there s been talk of european concerns about possible second, trump presidency, but should be u.s. equally concerned about the european parliament election taking place this weekend. we ll check in with an expert plus these back on the campaign trail. newly convicted donald trump fundraises in california i brought in a short max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy. it just two weeks here i ll take that. i m sure not to protein 30 grams protein one frame, sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend 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required fired so phi get your money, right well, voters are casting their ballots. slovakia and latvia at this hour for elections to see the next european parliament over a four-day period, 27 european union countries voting in elections that will shape the blocks political direction for the next five years. the jack republic and ireland voted on friday, but most nations will go to the polls on sunday including economic powerhouses germany and france will cnn s bobbing to do has more. what s at stake? this concludes this unique transnational democratic exercise. the world is a very different place since european parliamentary elections were held back at 20:19 a global pandemic two major wars, including one in europe. and the subsequent rise in energy costs farmers frustrated by eu red tape and cheap imports i ve dumping manure in brussels a worsening climate with activists attacking cultural gems from paris to venice and a cost of living crisis are all among the issues facing europe s 300 373 million eligible voters these elections are the second largest in the world after india. and considerably bigger than the upcoming american vote. leinz, nine amendments by the computer responsible as a blog hotels in favor between june 6 and ninth, voters in 27 european countries will choose the 720 lawmakers to shape and increasingly splintered europe for the next five years your van elections are important because in eu member countries nowadays, a lot of important strategic decisions are taking at the european level. this is why the election of the european parliament, which is the only directly elected body of europe, is so important. policy making in europe is more complex and the election of the european parliament is only part of that. as a result, usually we record a lower turnout than in national elections. creating a functioning parliament when europe is making a hard rightward shift, won t be easy the first difficult task the parliament is choosing the president of the european commission with the current president s centered right german ursula von der leyen, leading most polls for the incumbent to win. she has to slalom between her center-right european people s party and the increasingly popular far-right parties of giorgia meloni marine le pen, to secure the newly elected parliaments support. you are preparing to work together with the ecr with that s not what i ve said. i wanted to be very clear. this is not what i ve said. okay. i m speaking about members of the european parliament. i want to see where their group themselves and then we work with a groups that are clearly, clearly pro-european approach ukraine against food. and for the rule of law are far-right with more members could greatly influence how europe deals with political priorities like how to share the burden of irregular migration and what exactly to do about artificial intelligence and regulating big tech against a more sort of china and united states the european union will need the parliament to set a clear path. but with balancing the wide-ranging needs of voters against the goals of divergent parties approving legislation with a fractured parliament will be complex. the stakes for europe and beyond couldn t be higher barbie lots of knidos, cnn, rome well, natasha lins is a professor of government at the university of essex and cultures to england. great to have you with us, with european politics are fragmented and a rise in support for right-wing bodies explained to us more what s at stake there are a lot of things at stake with its election, though the parliament isn t the most important eu institution when it comes to foreign policy making you see that the results will reflect what the national debates are going to be about these national debate, of course, inform what the commission does and the council, and we have some of the biggest issues facing europe since world war ii. by far the biggest security threat facing europe with russian aggression in ukraine and the ongoing war in ukraine but beyond the questions of whether or not europe can be united in its support for you ukraine. there are questions of european enlargement of the green agenda and also at the heart of what the european union is about whether it s going to be a model for democracy and supporting human rights. you see with the rise of these far-right parties that don t like institutions that are aren t particularly supportive of democracy or human rights it s very anti-immigration. they want to almost dismantle the european union from within. so these are really been questions that are coming with this particular election. disaster there s obviously a lot of talk about what will happen if, if donald trump becomes president again and what that would mean for europe. but let s turn that around if right-wing parties perform well, what could that mean for relations with us? it s a really good question, and i think in terms of if it s still joe biden in 2024 the biden administration has maintained that they are committed to democracy, to human rights into working to ensure that the partnership, the transatlantic partnership is ironclad and that they were working in lockstep in fighting against russian aggression and they ll have to work with whatever partners are there. and you see that biden is in france right now. and though he and macron don t agree on everything, that they are showing a united efforts here that they do mostly agree on on the issue of russian aggression. and in trying to strengthen the european union but with the trump presidency, i think you re going to see quite a bit of disarray and chaos if you look at the far-right, this family group is probably one of the groups that is the least united and trump promotes disarray. whether it d be just this isolationists idea that doesn t really work for institutions, particularly intergovernmental institutions. and also the transatlantic partnership. there needs to be i guess something fighting against that rugged individualism that these far-right parties want to promote. so it would be very hard to predict what s going to happen. but what you ve seen is just at least the voting of some of the var of the far-right in the european parliament. they vote to basically support russia either refusing to vote against putin or russia. but they show their true colors many times by their voting record. and this of course, would be a big win for putin as asha, whilst biden has been in paris this this week he certainly has reiterated, america s commitment to european security given these, there a sense that that s ringing a little hello given that he could be out of the white house come november definitely. there s a sense that europe cannot rely on the u.s. that is not a trustworthy partner because even though there were decades and decades of the us and europe being incredibly united against what they perceive to be similar threats and that they had similar goals. the trump presidency really through everything into total disorder because he has threatened to abandon nato course left the paris agreement at a moment s notice, left the iran nuclear agreement has threatened to leave the world health organization so u.s. commitment to these types of institutions appears to be wavering. and of course, france, president emmanuel macron has sounded the alarm on this that europe has to be more independent, both militarily, financially in every single way, and can t rely on the us and he s been talking about modernizing europe s nuclear forces because the big the big threat is without a united, us and europe making it very clear to putin, what they re capable of russia under putin was very risky accent acceptant, could take huge risks. whether that means using nuclear weapons, whether it means attacking other nato countries. there s a lot of unknowns there so. there have been many voices within europe besides just macron, that are saying that they cannot really count on the u.s. as reliable partner you d have to assume that vladimir putin is watching these elections very closely, hoping for that disarray and chaos natasha lins said great to see you. thank you for joining us. thanks for having me bill, former us president trump has been boasting of his fundraising windfall on the heels of his hush money conviction. and now he s in california to raise even more on his cnn s alayna treene with the latest we ll just a week. after, the former president was convicted in manhattan, donald trump is back on the campaign trail and aggressively fundraising in california now on thursday, donald trump attended a san francisco fundraiser at the home of silicon valley investor david sacks. that was organized actually by jd vance, one of donald trump s top contenders to become vice president. and i was told that advance it really spent months working on getting sacks to endorse the former president. they viewed that endorsement the fundraiser as a sinus silicon valley starting to embrace donald trump. now, on friday, donald trump also has a fundraiser in beverly hills. this one hosted by le samson and a very wealthy businessman who has endorsed the former president in the past and has donated to him before and then on saturday, donald trump will have another fundraiser in orange county and look all of this comes as donald trump is continuing to rail against that verdict in new york, we heard him speak about that in thursday at a rally in phoenix where he called the conviction rigueur, called the verdict. rigueur and the jury rigged, and also said that if his case did not win on an appeal, there would be no country anymore. and we also have heard donald trump really escalate his rhetoric for retribution against his political opponents. take a listen to what trump to dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. we re going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together. the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we haven t revenge through success while revenge this time, i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest, sometimes it can t. now what i find very interesting staying about that interview is that donald trump, over the past several days now, has done a series of what i would characterize as friendly interviews where the host have really tried to get him to step away from these calls for retribution. but as we just saw, in that interview with dr. phil he s refusing to do so. instead, he s doubling if not tripling down on his calls for revenge. and this is something we ve really heard donald trump talk about ever since he was indicted. last year, he is called for potentially going after and prosecuting some of his political opponents. and i think we ll continue to hear that rhetoric when he speaks at a rally in las vegas on sunday, alayna treene, cnn, los angeles after the break, a former top trump associate pleads not guilty, two election interference charges plus hunter biden s daughter takes the stand on day five of his federal gun trial russia we re trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn, knew mr. kliger in ultra foamy magic eraser with the scrubbing power magic eraser and the cleaning barkat on question, make soaps come here, disappear and sprays can leave ghraieb that ultra foamy melted on contact can you ultra valmy magic eraser so who are you? i m in a child less horsepower keeps going up towards get you going on. now we re talking dodge order or two. but totally torqued out crossover ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand slow ga with saif ovary. saif ovary is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over two years with increasing effect over 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our. viewers in the united states and canada on a current this is cnn newsroom. surprisingly strong jobs growth in the u.s. is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 272,000 some jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers are earning more with wage growth coming in stronger than expected, will average hourly earnings and now up for 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side, unemployment rose to 4% for the first time in over two years ryan patel is a senior fellow at the drucker school of management, say claremont graduate university. he s joining us via skype from los angeles. ryan, always good to see you tell us, what do these numbers say about the us economy? confusion i guess, right? you re looking for these reports to come out and say this is the direction of the economy is going but the number is kinda show both pictures where unemployment kinda continuous rise, wage growth rises, but jobs are actually increased as well. so what i mean by that, what it means we re looking at the federal reserve so they can do choose, decide to decrease interest rates. but this jobs report does not help the case. it also shows a painted picture that is divided on both sides. and so i don t the word is confusion, i guess for those looking from the outside, looking in, and it means that the fed, the federal reserve will continue to hold pat are not decrease in interest rate because the numbers are not still fighting an inflation as it wants to these 272,000 jobs added. i mean, the numbers are misleading as you say, because of the way that the surveys are conducted, payroll obviously focuses on large companies, but the broader household surveys suggest that unemployment is ticking up. so why are they not aligned i think also there s a couple of things capturing think about these surveys, how they re capturing it, where they re capturing at what time is it being captured? i also think that gig worker is not being captured in this as well, people choosing not to come come back into the workforce as another thing. so where do you categorize those types of folks in those and also companies choosing, think about small businesses. if wages starting to go up, they re going to have less employees on w2, which means that they re going to probably go contractor roles. and so that gets reported differently as well. and then you think about some of these industries. where do you think of that job growth out of that report? it was health care government, leisure and hospitality. these are consistent with the trends that are growing where the other sectors are not and then there is this, i guess confusion on the stock market you ve got the magnificent seven. are these big companies outperforming, making record profits they re hiring obviously remains strong with small to medium enterprises suffering yeah, no, i think it was clear in this report in the last couple of reports that small businesses are struggling. i think when you mentioned that magnificent seven, you have to call out nvidia all, of, this, the record growth bag had and that s holding the market, i would say. and the word ai for a couple of or amd and others are pulling the market up so that trend goes hot. it brings a market go up. now, mind you when the market goes down, typically, who are those who would the tech talks are taking the town with them? is these very, very sudden that you mentioned. so i think that s you see the market, but i think small businesses are really feeling it because of wages are becoming more expensive. supply chain costs to goods are expensive and i think that s part of why i think though the biden white house is trying to before the before the white house, before the november election to do more at the consumer level, or they can keep the soon we re spending at a high. and so it d be interesting to see what happens next employments is strong. i mean, that suggests that the economy is in good shape, but i guess not everybody is feeling that. and then you mentioned prison of biden. i mean, this is a big problem. him stealing. he s economic performance, the strength of the economy because inflation is hurting poor people the most yeah you ve got the economic fundamentals. you see the numbers, you look at the backend and when you see where prices of increased in what parts of the country what types of different graphics it turns to be when you see these numbers, then you see your bank account. i think the word had been using as by you don t feel that you re getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they re not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there, but that doesn t mean with all the different groups so they re there and even certain companies and they are sitting on the sideline and holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don t, they re still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause is built up where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don t always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house, needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and hasn t been really working when it comes with some things, exit polls and surveys then i guess the biggest question in the markets is when will the fed cut rates? and i guess that s not gonna to happen while employment remained strong i with you. now, the market the market wants as of today, the market thought over 60% of the trend or the guesses were that they marked the future market was saying that they were going to see a rate cut in september. we ll find out next week when the fed meets, when, what the rhetoric looks like. but i can tell you this i d be hard pressed to think that they re gonna make a cut in september right before election. and if they did is 25 basis point no, that doesn t mean very much. and that would mean that they would start cutting it down. and as of today, i don t see them doing that based on the data that we have now, things can change until september, but it seems like maybe we ll get a rate cut by the end of the year and then going into next year, have a better plan, but it to me it doesn t look good for september even though the market, future markets are saying it s still over 50% chance that occur. but i think it s still coming down in that percentage when we get closer. my money is on ryan patel, any day the week rhyme to tell always a pleasure, love with his speak to you appreciate you. thank you. the judge who oversaw the trump hush money trial is dealing with the social media posts that claim to know the verdict before it was even delivered. a poster who claims to be a cousin of a juror. so drop would be convicted in a message on the courts facebook page last month the judge has briefed both the prosecution and trump s defense team on the comment. it s not clear if there is any validity to the post meanwhile, judge juan merchan says, trump s attorney can join the former president at his pre-sentence investigation interview. the interview will form part of the report. the judge will receive. ahead of trump s sentencing next month. or prosecutors in hunter biden s federal gun trial, rest of their case on friday, and lawyers for the us president s son. so they ll decide over the weekend whether he ll testify in his own defense on friday. his legal team called hunters daughter naomi to the stand. she said she was proud to see her father in rehab in the summer of 2018, but she appeared uncomfortable when confronted with text messages that appear to show he was somewhat erratic in october 2018? that s the same month prosecutors claim hunter bought and owned a firearm while addicted to drugs and to biden is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs, and lying on a form about his use of the contraband former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona. he s one of 18 trump allies are charged in connection with the fake electors case in the stage, cnn s nick watt has more sir, could you state your name, please mark randall matters. thank you. and virtual appearance in an arizona court and facing nine felony counts of conspiracy, forgery, and fraudulent schemes because prosecutors, say meadows schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. how did he go from this chief of staff to the most powerful man on earth? to this? if you failed to appear for court without good cause, a warrant could issue for your arrest. these indicted along with other trump acolytes, including rudy giuliani, lawyers, john eastman, jenna ellis christina bobb, as well as advisors boris epshteyn and michael roman also arizona s 11 so-called fake elector vectors, state lawmakers and republican operatives who gathered in phoenix december 14, 2020, pledging part president donald j. trump of his state of florida but joe biden had won the state, thus winning their states 11 electoral votes. they also sent the fake pro-trump electors turtle certificates to washington those fake electors hoped prosecutors say to encourage vice president mike pence not to certify biden s victory on january 6, 2021. according to the indictment, meadows worked with members of the trump campaign to coordinate and implement the false republican electors votes in arizona. and six other states. and was involved in the many efforts to keep unindicted coconspirator one in power, despite his defeat at the polls unindicted coconspirator one is, of course donald trump and that broad fake electors scheme plays a significant part. in federal indictment filed against him. over the january 6 capitol insurrection the arizona election was tight he s biden won by just about 10,000 votes. trump s supporters filed numerous lawsuits that all came to naught and later mounted an exhaustive audit of the maricopa county vote that found no significant fraud. that in 2023, a democratic state attorney general took office in arizona i will not allow american democracy to be undermined. it s too important. kris mayes succeeded a republican who investigated the unfounded allegations that fraud had benefited biden but not the fake electors the mayes office investigation led to a grand jury indicting meadows at al in april. and today confirmation that meadows will fight it, council. do you ever reading yes, your honor. we do an enter a plea of not guilty rudy giuliani also indicted in arizona. he s been a little trickier to deal with record officials who took nearly three weeks to find him an order to serve him a summons. they eventually tracked him through his live streams and gave him that some and served in that summons as he was coming out of his 80th birthday party in palm beach, florida giuliani also called into his first court appearance about an hour or latent called the case a complete embarrassment to the american legal system. the judge actually threatened to mute him. now, giuliani has been given 30 days to actually appear in person in arizona for processing and to post a $10,000 bond. he s got about 12 days left before that deadline expires. thank cnn los angeles record low birth rates in japan will show you what the japanese government plans to do to encourage births including launching its own the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be the higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate, tuesday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmasked. i have moderate 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new toothpaste from periodontics, the gum experts. i brought a jew or max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i ll take that ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic did you know taking xyz all at night relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous relief that does no feel i can has my back join me. it can decay come japan s fertility rate reached another record low last year. it s been declining for years with 2023 recording double the number of deaths compared to births. that trend is already contributing to a shrinking population. and to cnn s hanako montgomery reports it s prompting the government to take action running towards her future commonly be told me the decision to frehse rags in an effort to achieve her goals the shaima take it and now. i have this big dream of becoming number one in the world. and i want to achieve that first. i don t think that s something i can do ten or 20 years from now after having a child it s now or never the 33-year-old japanese marathon runner is working hard to be number one in the world s toughest marathon we do is one of a growing number of japanese women choosing to freeze their eggs? it s for future planning japan s birth rate hit an all-time low in 2023, according to the country s health ministry data released this week in 2020 d3, the average number of babies born fell for the eighth consecutive year. and government officials warned japan s youth population will rapidly shrink in the coming years if the trend continues, this could lead to a shrinking workforce with not enough young people to fill the gaps if this trend continues, japan socio economy will contract and it will become difficult to maintain our social security system and our local communities. the six or seven years we have from now until we enter the 2030s. it will be our last chance. government officials have announced various programs to tackle this issue. japan s parliament enacted a law to expand monthly child care allowances and parental leave policies. the tokyo government offers to subsidize women aged 18 to 39, up to 200,000 yen to freeze their eggs for future pregnancies. city officials also plan to launch a dating app encouraging singles who want to get married to find each other some contributing factors behind the low birth rates include the country s high cost of living lack of childcare support, and changing attitudes towards marriage and family the country s number of marriages has declined in the past couple of years, and the rate of divorce has increased a lot. they also anymore it costs a lot of money to raise children. and if there was more support for that, i think people would be more optimistic when sintering, raising children. he does not bto shared her experience with egg freezing on social media, hoping more women will have access to this option. dan it s reassuring to know that i have a choice and have the possibility to get pregnant when i want to hanako montgomery, cnn, tokyo we ll be right back after this short break i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy is just two weeks here. i ll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic it s doomsday but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen every night it s the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping your stove top night. well, now you can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day with stole guard slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they started. sauces are red to end sayonara gone in seconds, 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joint down i mentioned and in psa can leave skin clear or almost clear, revoke can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb, serious infections, and blood clots. some fatal the answer is including lymphoma and skin heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can kurt tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant? done suddenly? ascii rheumatologists, four rings. okay then take back what yours he could help you save blows captioning is brought to you by page publishing. if you written a book, will publish it for you. if you ve written a book page publishing can help you through the process. we cut through the confusion of the publishing world to make it easy for you, called 805, 630741 well, it hasn t been the easiest of sounds to a career for basketball phenomenon caitlin clark, but friday night was the best of her brief time in the wnba joining me now is seen in sports correspondent carolyn menno, with more on clark s record night. hey, carolyn hi, her pro debut, as you noted, it has been accompanied by this very divisive undercurrent and she s dealing with life as a very rich and very famous rookie that juxtaposition hasn t garnered a particularly warm welcome from some of her colleagues on the floor. so before friday s game, she addressed a recent off the ball foul but when viral involving the chicago sky is kennedy carter. she said she doesn t expect an apology for the incident which a lot of people thought was particularly malicious and she understands that basketball is a competitive sport. she backed that up on the floor friday night car kit, 73 signed the rookie record set by chris robinson back in 1999. in her 30 points tying a career-high in the pros as the indiana fever beat the winless washington mystics, 85, 83. it s karch second, 30.5 rebound five assists game if she can do can use to make her way in the initial stages of her pro career if i ll go to the shoot the ball well, like i feel like even my missus were like right there, i thought multiple are still going in and it s nice to have a night like that. and obviously overall, we shot the ball well, 16 may threes, but i still feel like there s so many ways that i can continue to be better and that probably goes for our whole team. we saw so if i feel like there s so many ways for us to improve and execute, especially down the stretch and not make it as close elsewhere, german tennis star alexander zverev has been playing at the french open with the cloud over him accused in his home country of abusing his former partner in a friday, the two agreed to settle the case with no admission. patient of guilt by zverev on the court. he was able to focus and finally get over the hump at roland garros after three-straight exits in the semifinals zverev top reigning two-time runner-up, casper ruud and four sets to reach a grand slam final for just a second time. in his career. on the other side of the net onset and they will be carlos alcaraz carlitos and yannick sinner putting on an epic performance for the crowds in paris. this has been projected to be the next great men sentence rivalry. some they say is already there. the 21-year-old spaniard has two major titles, the 22-year-old the italian just want his first this year at the australian open, this time algorithm that s coming out on top rallying from being down one row and 2121 a marathon for our five-set match. alvarez breaching his first french final in the year that his hero, 14 times champion rafat on adele might have played in his last. meanwhile, in about three hours time, iga swiatek will try to make it a three-peat in paris, the world number one, taking on 28-year-old italian jasmine paolini. listen to this before the year paolini had never even made it out of the second round of a grand slam. and now she has a chance the biggest upsets in recent memory against the undisputed best player in the world. and lastly, for you this morning, the puck dropping on the stanley cup final states sayyed here between the euler s in the panthers tonight. and i can think of no better way to celebrate ana then with these he s adorable puppies. see nhl putting on the first ever stanley pup game 16 adorable dogs all up for adoption. and every one of them was named after a player. so there s connor mcdougal, surrogate, bob ruff ski, in honor of two of the stars in the edmonton florida series, the mvp or the most valuable part? up as it were award the went to nakoda, nikita pucci, her off. i think i got all those right. but just adorable event who doesn t love it? exactly. i think you d want to take them all home. absolutely. carolyn, lovely to see you. thank you for that well, that wraps up this our of cnn newsroom. thank you so much for your company. i m anna coren hong kong dna this morning is coming up next i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it would with 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Way , President , Pressure , Politics , Constraints , Demands , La-lake , Zelenskyy , Food , Ingredient , Drink , Mayonnaise

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240608

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div class= gutr > but most of the time iff you just leave them alone, they l leavel be fine and you are reassuring. now, you were so nice e on.m thank you so much. great to see you. great to see you. gu,k you. oh, boy. it was a very emotional day fort the ingram, my oldest and my only daughter, maria. mycaroline graduated high school today. can you believe it? it was a beautiful ceremonhay, h and like all parents all the time, i m saying where did the time go?d she was three years old,co 2 seconds ago, and now she s off to texasnds ag for coi soon. and i m going to be an absolute wreck. you re all going to have to help mente wreck it give me some advice. but we re all so proud of the so aren that she s become. she loves the lord. she loves her family and hershe friendlove s. and, boy, do we love maria.a. that s it for us tonight. it s americas at now and foreveu enjoy your weekend. see him monday. jessi s next next. there. greg how did you get that done? g at five and why? why jersey?nt and then jus t the five feet back. and welcome to the five week back. we[applausthe five live in lancaster for what a way kick off this summer with this amazing crowd. i to give a shout out to t-mobile and empire retirement for sponsoringwe right guys i think we found our our people i mean jane cannot believe you pulled this out. this was all your idea, by the y. you thank you. we have a lot of fans, the jersey shore, and it s good tnso be first time.eanine: yeah, it s my first time. and i got to tell you, dana, i m following you from now on everyevery we now about greg that it s great to be here to work. yes. finally i get to casual i met got an actuaal casual friday you might you know this is for pride month. oh yeah thanksr the guys. all right, you know what? we honor them. we honorana: we you as well. vt so it wouldn t be a short visit without hitting up that boardwalkwithou behind us. and who better to guide us than the king of new jersey himself? the jersey shoreimself, , mike e situation sorrentino. we met him earlier. check it out stion swe met ou i got the crew, me, the judge, we ve got jesse watters. great. got that. we ve lost him somewhere. is too i can t find him. he s too short to ride the ride, so we don t knowo thea where he is right now. but we ll get there. but i m so glad that you came to the jersey shore. no tw, i ve never been here. tell me about it. this is point pleasant beach boardwalre, tellk. and this is all families. it s fun. what exactly were you going n. be doing toda at arey? ot well, as you can imagine,t thin i wanted to show you lots of different things, but i neededgseede to do my research i had to find this an expert, of course. but the bestexi go. t th do you want to meet him? let s go back. the situation thank you so much for meeting. like i said. how ar how s everything? what s up? everything. hi. how are you, love? here, come on. hi, how are you? well, guys, we a little bitsitut of a situation on our hands. in fact, we have a food situation. io follow. let s go.i lo yeah, this way. i love the chicken tendersve. all right, what do weve h have here, guys? l staples that would come when you come to the you c jersey shoreom. fried my gosh, we have fried oreos. we ore have pizzosa, have chickn tenders. chicken tenders. get here. here s i m going to because it s not one of those trendy stairs and he s got to stand. his shares, chairs, protein jes jersey, stand up. can we get some diese: ys, c? thank you. yes. yeah. thank caroline.caroli johnny. thank you. jesse. jesse.f the strawneank you. you got good hair. thank you very much. i ll be honest, he could probably on the jersey shore. heit y and i get my haircut like,ouy you know, your hair looks great. i think we rour haate fueled upt right now, but i think it s time to step it up a notch. wellep i, jea we got some games. all right, let s go. let night,s go right here. right we have basketball and we her have football right next to it. i think we should probably have a little competition. oh, jesse. oh, my god. no warmups. oh, okay. oh, gosh. you get. all right. you just got it. it. have yout. have you ever done the hippos? i have. let s go. js go.. yeah. yeah. great. that s impossible. what time is that? it s tee shirts shirts. ! ready? . tee shirt yeah. yes, i know. this is the place to come. oh i, yeah. show us around the tee shirt. yes. what about gre judgeg? you get well, i found greg for d myself. i m going to go with this nices blue, but look what i got for greg. oh, are you ready?we because now that we gotsh our t-shirts covered, there irtt only one thing left for us to accomplish. what do we gotplish. ? we have rights. oh, hey, ready, guys? all right, ready? okay, now. you all right, guys, are you readytu for a situation? it s time for some rightation?? do it. wait a minute. we ve got the five. we haven t even prepped ye the i can t prepare. i ve got our folders. i ve got the checklist. b eight blocks. jesse, the. bll ta okayyour a seat situation. stop. it is your fault having in the building. all right, let s folde go. oh, my god. what s happening? oh oh, all right, guys, that win be complete at the jersey shore without takingoto. photo. a squad photo. let s go. ie. his selfi it s a great time indeed. and thank you, mike, the situation for being there. his book is just out . had him on his show. that s right. we got reality check. making the bes the rea t his situation. you see what he did there. little play on words. mike was greats beard but danat a shot underhand in the basket and judge jeanine set an all time record for the hungry. hungryl-time? 30, 30, 33, hungry hippo 32. l she said 32 to greg. i got you a t-shirt. g, i g hope iott fits the cute little one for you here at the jersey shore. that s beautiful the and i love that. but you know what? i n i look because whe at this situation and i see that he s gotten old. gotten t meanthat i m really o. i mean, remember, i mean, they ve gone from cocaine to calling skippy s from stds, ira, from beer to by focals.o y yes.ha do you have any more? now? you could probably keep itfor th going. you re the only one that prepared for the show, all right. no, i know harold. i know. you couldn t come to us. come with us to the t-shirt shopouldn t to. so i got you a t-shirt. it s called rock the boat, which is what you do wear all of it. i love rock and rol, harol lt was a great time. and then this is a lot of good, clean fun. harold, you could bring your kids. i got to telyours. i got to l you.first ti it s my first timee sh on the shore, and i didn t realize the people were this good. going to come back? yeah, boards are going to come back. so thank you. all right, well, let s. get little bit of news. up next, inflation causing a summer concert. cool su down with a major artist like jennifer lopez, even s amiding their tour reports of poor ticket sales as the average ticket cost at thskyward. e yo rockets hardest hit. jesse watters. are you sad jennifer lopez isn t goinnifeg to have a concel yeah j.lo and i go way back. she s with ben now and i m not t that upset about it. th our timee coul together. but i heard because she couldn t sell out in vegas. that sdn tn vega reason she s ni the tour. so i don t know if it s bad inflatios bideation, bn, but i years ago, all concerts were free because you just hajust hdo to a trump rally and they let you in. that s true. herald dan that s what do you think the economy is this sort of reflection of the economy? i don t know. on oi think there s so many man concerts and so many options that peopld optione have. you have all the festivals, you have individual concerts. so at some point there is a finite wallet. and i think that the way that the market works supply and demand, that s exactly what i m talking about saying that s what greg told me to sa. s whatyt on t . we got on the show. greg, what do you think? i mean, i don t know about concertshew. dana:. they ve changed a it s an excuse. the only reason why they cancele it d j-lo s tour wt they couldn t find a stadium big enough fortadium b her . thank you. hey, it s jersey. yeah. here s the deal. under america under joe biden has become a neighborhoojo ad that pricing everyone out. the only peopleev, the only people who can afford house in america are the rich or foreign rich coming here ords hedge funders buying up tons of houses else is screwed. by the way, inflation isn tting just affecting prices. it s also immigration. he s inflaterices. it immigrati. he s inflated crime, right? he s also inflated government control. ed goverentright by by targeting political opposition. and suppressing political speech. an pressin when you think it s h it s not just the price of food, it s the coste pric, your freedoms and the price of being an american, we ll be right back. we should buy. before we do, let s get a check in tonight. eager face heralds. of the he s got a cute face. so one of the things we know isi got hindm out today is kindf yo of expensive if you re buying toys for the kids. yeahare i was looking at that. i mean, even buying beach are simple things. t-shirts are expensive. is, y and the truth is that, you know, people don t want to payople don w inflated priceo to some of these concerts and know only the really good ones now are getting out of state. a stadiu ing a stm of fans. going so going forward, i mean, you rather watch it on tv or, you know, watch it like, like? s it what s your name? who does the concerts in the movie theater? taylor swift. taylor swift. theater danyou can watch insg $5,000 or $10,000 for a ticket, watch it on television. i would love that, because then i can press and go to the bathroom. all right, let s move a muscle, america. there s more summebathroom.move huge surprises and guests ahead to come on the vibes beach bash live from martell s tiki bar. up next, get ready for the f tiki trash trump aaigniv talk. donald trump and joe biden trading insults. we have moreoe right after bidel wek. reats. wek. reats. we ve never spoken, but you ve told us many things that love stargazing, hate, parallel parking and. occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus esv didn t begin in the studio. it began with you. you know what s crazy? this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. groceries are expensive. i thought i was in trouble i thought i was in trouble ther you are. and doug limbaugh. someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let s chief doug. oh, wow. i thought you were right behind . me? only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. every delivery man, ever family. rem[bber when i said we need rem[bber when i said we need to screen footr? was that after i texted was that after i texted the screen was now 45? because i said, oh, the guard be there. where did you come from? yep. with me. you cat my wayn at home. at s e just talk to your provider. just talk to your provider. well, stream of call the carffs. and. do it my way.egative cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for. that s effective and noninvasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive or negative results may occur. ask you provider for me, cologuard. most guys get serious airbags as they get older, but most guys don t do anything about it because most guys don t really understand skin care. they think it s too expensive and they don t believe that anything actually works. but here s the thing. most guys are wrong because there are actually a few ways to your air bags. and one of the easiest articles six and one face cream actually works really well, and most guys actually can afford it because it s six and one formula means you re getting six products at 2 to 1. just wash your and then massage in particle for 30 seconds. and before you know it, you re looking younger. then well, most guys but forget about most guys just be you got a younger version of you you can order right now it s part of medcom. we ve got free shipping in the united states plus a 30 day money back guarantee. biden s border move. new economic data. how do the voters these so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. i got you john star sure we are having a blast at the at ma jersey shore at martell s tiki bar. rtikinow let s go to some polit. joth three more weeks until first debate, joe biden and donald trump are trading insults and letting the trash talk fly. trasp your opponent, donald trump. he has said of your executive your, he s pretending to finally do something about the border. but it s all about show says wee have a debate coming up. biden s executive order is weak . d pathetic is he describing himself as weak, empathetic? r this are you ready for this debate? yes. ye yess. president trump is hammeringbidn on the border crisis. we are so t weahek. the borders now. we were so strong. this guy goes to the beach he b all theathe. er wat you ever watch him in a bathingh suit? somebody told him he looks good. suit told hioh, joe, you look ga bathing suit. you know, you re 82 years old. you look he can t liftu ge the chair. the chair weighs about three. you knowhair., chairs, aluminum, hollow, aluminum. they weigh like they re builtm, for old people to lift and for children to lift. he can t lift. and that guilty verdict is not keeping trump down. new polling shows the formers t president is beating sleepy biden in arizona and florida and it s a dead heat in thegini. blue state of virginia. all right. so seeing as donald trump, harold is beating all those states, beating biden, do you think that biden is right when he says that donald trump is weak and pathetic? i hope that they are able to get to talking about the issuest at some point. i think they re major s between the two of them on trade. there s major differences on the economy. that deb i m interested in that debate for a lot of reasons. perhaps most important question is to get specifics on how do you lower food costs, how do you lower gas costs. mr. president, how do you thinkt should deal with reproductive rights for women across the countrcrosy. views i want both of them to be able to share their views and let the country choose. do think in a poll you just puts up a judge, jeanine, the fact there s only a four point difference in florida is really ann florid thing to me.esiden i thought president trump would be a far bigget p r in florida. this race is a 5050 race. this june 27 debate i thinkit will tip things a little bit in favor of whomever america thinks won that debate and then we ll all be lookinallg forward to the second one in a t august and maybe even a third one in september. wellhird you know, dana, you ret one who s great with all the numbers in the polls. what do you thin tk about what harold said? i think it s pretty interesting that virginia is tieaid?udge jek partly that s because governor glenn youngkin has revitalized the republicantalize party in virginia and he s also achieved results. and so people are at that. but i also think that that northern part of virginia makes it fool s gold for republicans sometimes. however, if biden having to spend money in virginia, that he s not able to spend all that money elsewhere. right. so that getsney else so that ti. the other thing is, is that biden cannot hold a news cycle ,he can t win a news cycle. he can go to france. he can t win a news cyclrance a and, you know, abc news did this big interview with him. they went that when he interviewed with zelenskyy, they go over, do a big interview with biden. it makes no news. it doesn t even make this intervieo news, doesw. make and friends with biden didn t even make the front page of their website. so i think in the lead up between now and the debate, wine trump is going to try to figure out a way to win every news cycle like he hacycle, ls been and that gets you that like hype, like leading up to theyo mike tysong up to . ake paul what s his name? jake paul, thank god. i was going to say john paul g but it was a pope. yes. okay. i like that you re going to have to hype it up and get ready. so i think this is the ramp up to that. hyper that is the rabut biden can t win aw cycle. you know, jesse, one of the things that donald trump has done is he has really criticizrumpe joe biden in this alleged securing the border executivise order. you know, do you think that the public is buying that jo te biden is securing the border with 1.8 million can still come 1. year. absolutely not. and if i m trump at the debate stage and hep at thestage me wy joe, the taliban told you whatw to do. i d say the the cartels telldo. you whatels tell do. you a i d say aoc boss is you around joe biden you re the weakest president we ve ever had in the history of the united states of americain the h. ol these border control policies that he just initiatedd they change the definition of fear. so you don t even have to safear y get scared in order to get asylum if you re just silentat as they interpret that as being scared and they let anou com and herald. this is not a 5050 race. joe biden is losing every single battleground state. and if you re tied in virginiiea, this is lookingnl like an absolute landslide. ide. he s four points ahead in florida, though, four points ahead in florida. he s up in all of the rust belt states that he needs to win up h in the sunbelt. he s up and he s going to win nevada. and now donald t trump is pickig off joe biden s base with young people, blacksbiden sp, hispanii joe biden s on the defensive big time. and donald trump is raisinden g boatloads of money. so now they re even in the word chess. think it s over? harold, you might as well just quit. you know you migh what, greg? do you know that theknow trump campaign raised $300milli million in may? take that one, harold, too. but in addition to that, i love ,though, harold. but in addition to that, greg, hoperuth is the democrats that the convicted felon moniker would put an f to donal trump. it doesn t mean a darn thing. ct well, i think they forgetthat s the mistake that the democrats have made is they ve abdicatedrc their as the victim. they were the victim party. they just madetheir the victim. what i think about this, ree we it s three weeks till the debate. ekwhat that in biden years. this guy is declining so fast. f ukrainase is sending him aid. but you know what? there s a there is a sense of existential dread among the democrats because they realize that america has gone from wanting change to deciding for change. it s like when you were a younge gu.y and you were dating a girl and you were selfish and uncaring she wanted to leave you. but then when she decide d was going to leave you, thenro you make the promises. thenmises. you you re going to change. then you say, oh, i m going to be differen tt. me, i don t leave me. please don t leave me. i ll chang le that, america. what the democrats have noticed is that their decision has been made. the americans want changein and they re looking at trump in a different way. thererene some people that arent crazy about him, but they realize biden is a bigger risk to the country than donald trump is a risk to your feelings. jeanine all right. all right. and a girl never left you, did she. nev a girl would never leave. coming up next, the medi leaame is totally in the bag forise ba the democrats. wait until you seeg for th whatt wing clown jimmy kimmel is leg to biden? 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yeah, yeah, yeah. you also get asked, look, the republicans don t play it square. why do you play square? it s like you re playingou with somebody who you know won t pass. h someonn tgo, won t follow anye rules. and how do you ever make any progress if? e rule they re not following the rules of the jail. you knows?ve got tnd them . they remove boxing the referee, the jail. nd and legendary democratic strategist james carville says the media needs to get tougher on president biden s opponent, formers president trump i don t have anything against slanted dt coverage. i really don t. i would have something against it. on the other most other timeshir in american history, but not right noy,right now. objectivity. [b of a teamo have in this country right now is we are going to have a constitution are we no atitut so, greg, your thoughts? jimmy kimmel and even the things that carville is saying is saying about president trump. but most important, we think and, jimmy kimmelabout ji what he s doing for the biden campaign. it s pretty strange to see, even though his show isn t watched by anybody, he s stillhi late night show host. could you imagine, jimmy, johnny carson, david letterman, jay leno, any of those people actually sending out a fundraising email? i mean, and also kimmel used to be host of the man show where he interviewed women in bikinis on trampolines. so he went from like t drooling over women on trampolines to shilling for a drooling man on a stretcher. it s strange, though. it is weird. it ihis old job of telling jokes is now being replaced bitfo by shilling for politicians. that s not his job. don t know how abc is okay with that. dana, you caw abc isn pick up ob if you want. but what about the carville point? he think he isout ? e is he right that there s there s that the media he believes is not questioning g trump enough? is that something that you feel thing th? at but i find that odd becauseesidn president trump is thet only talking to the media all the time. and even under a gag ordertime,a he talks more to the media than joe biden does. the josmore te hasn t even donen interview with the new york times . so i think that that is a little bitew york times , so to speak, besides the media. they just decide to write whatever they want about without even checking. and then the democrats freaked ou t. there was a story written by news reporters, the wall street journalrters of with 45ft different sources, all saying that joe biden has lost a step and they have it and the media goes nuts and they attaca goesk the reporters, instead of saying, yeah, we have a problem, i do think jimmy kimmel is kind of giving up on getting ratings because any of those previous comedians that gregg mentioned, they would have been reaching sato trump campaign and they would have said, let sid go, let s have him let s have you on my show. and i think trump would do it absolutely. and that way, that s how you get ratings. that s to me, i feel like just given uppitow and going. but the biden team seems to want to recreate what hillary clinton tried in 2016 with their raw campaign . i m going to let it roar. right. and so she s got all the celebritie aign, th s and didn t work.s bi but it s biden s safest place. like he doesn t want to go in en events in new hampshire, evenle because only 30 people showed up in new jersey pointed out 12 of them were staffers. soe staf i find that all a littt odd. i do wish that more of them would do in-dept h interviews.nd i think that biden s sitting down and doing the time magazine interview time magaz,e everybody should read that for themselves. d and theld be rea transcript, audio should be released. got your thought releass and your you thi thoughts on whether or not president trump, you think he would acceptmy kim jimmy kimmel invitation to debate joe biden in a late night settingme like that? donald trump would go into the lion s and poke the lion. he s willing to go anywhere atn, any time. eddie howe okay, sohis wo jimmy kimmel s the least of his worries. but i got to telbut i ve gotl ye you hear carville say something liy thisare goobjectivit country now is either we re going to have a constitution or we re noine t, which i think is really incredible, given the fact that the democrat were the ones who suppressed free speech, who suppress the firstme amendment during the 2020 election, whennt anthony blinken got 52 so-called intel, cee guys took him out and say the laptop, which is now a central piece in a criminall case against hunter biden, wascs russian disinformation. democr the democrats should not talk deout the constitutionat t becae they re the ones who ve been destroying it at every stestp. n i have a slightly different opinion about that. but jesse, what art jesse,e your about this? well, because joe biden needs a lo about te joe t more e donald trump does. joe biden needs kimmel. s.he bill clinton, he needs barack obama. he needs clooney to raise money. donald trump can throw a fundraiser mp can t and, raise 50 million just by himself. and if we were at fox and greg tried to throw a fundraiser for donald trump, wow, they de four have to call the show the four. i mean, he would be out of here. so. be they would never allow tha. and then for carville to say that they need to be tougher, how much more tougher can the medihre tough meda be on tr? they re trying to throw him in prison. they re trying to call himstrip a racist. they re trying to strip him off the ballot. so i don thim off so i know what more they can do. but whatever they re doing is working because s up i he s in all the polls and now he s raising more money d he s going to cruiseraisoned to reelection. harold, quick question. the judge has said that she thinks there shouluick ques sair debate. you think he should have three debates, but he s dead? atesi think the third debate sha be on fox news. how aboutbo that? we debate coming up., jess jesse, grae,b your speedo becaue the five is hitting the beach. when we come back, live from . he job r shore why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right track kayak ,search one and done. ashley is having a stars and stripes preview shop early for hot buys. now only 799 and take advantage of recliner deals right in time for father s plus pay 0% interest for five years with no imag only at ashley.od fre imagine a future where plastic is not wasteshd, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food to and our planet cleaner to help us get there, america s plastic makers are investing billions makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovativepen. products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. can happen. we are people living a-fib and over 400,000 of usle have left blood thinners behine. for life. for life. we ve cut our stroke ris and said goodbye to our bleeding worry with the watchman implant. we may be getting older, we may be getting older, but we ve never squeezed more of life and we are just getting starte d. join us at watch watch men. it s one time for a lifetime. who launches a makeup brand in their sixties? 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i the torch is going to come out to the side. it as i down, i throw mt as enter the water to not get tangled. i swim, swim, swimtangled, swi. once i get five yards out, i get a hand on my handlete. i put it in front of jesse. i say, don t grab me, grab this float, because we don t want a panicking victim to drown the the lifeguard in the process. what if i want to grab you? well, we ll talk about that late be r. i m a married man, jesse. all right, so i put my arm i am, right and then g i start stroke came to kick until we get to safetyet. just like that now. well done, boy. i get brown around him. okaylause.u very. thank you very much. now, have you noticed i? brought three torpedoes here. so i d like you guys to give this a tryhis . ctim so i ll be a victim.judge je and i want maybe judge jeanine and dana. could you guys can y be victims and see if the guys can try to rescue you? we d love to tryyod love t that. okay. i guess. do we have to choose which one we want to rescue? it s totallywhich on res to you totally up to you. all right, try. up to y a drowning. victim. you re going to grab that strap. you re going to put it over your shoulde going strr.ap i so it s across your chest. i m drowning. soross not too that s better. now you re going to come. you re going to throw it out? grabfor any of the side of you . right. you re going to hand me the tour. say, don t grab me, grab this floais. t this. dana. that s okay. and now you re going to start showin ag the back to fantastic. greg, you let me drown. sorry. gy. awnkay. i have a question. sure. you guys have diy policies fo. lifeguard guys have d i ve noticed a lack of diversity. no plus size lifeguards. ll you noticed this? i was actually thinner in my yo but not £2ed tha that i know about situation. but it s awesomet. that you guyn are up here. we really. how many times a year would you have to do one of these? last year wetorpedoe had 590 orr rescues. yeah, not me personally, but i di d learn how to so so how many lifeguards do you have here? have about 100. ove a little over 100 lifeguards. wow. well, over my beacr 10h, 15 lifeguard stands. and this is one of the busiest in the jersey shore. we re very crowded, very busy. wow. all right. now, janine, he s not going to you mouth to mouth no matter how much you say nmouth-too i gt harold, and he saved me. he decides who decides who to b save. like you re all at the beach. there s you see somebodyeach,set there? is there like a taking turns thing? no. aarere sittin g with your partner, you would identify someone who s in trouble. but what if you re on lunch? what if you re having lunch and there s somebody there? you know, it s like you re. you re on your break. yeah. during lunch break, somebody goes off and somebody else comes on. we rotate on, rotateebod off. keep everybody fresh. yeah. all right. well, thank you guys very muchgr . we got fan mail.t fa next thing. you guys, that was fish in the i don t care if we ever come that. on i love fishing one day and now through june 14th save 10% on that favorite gift specia l day gift cards bass pro chefs and cabela s. these bills are crazy. she has no idea all o she s sitting on a goldmine. well, she doesn t knowr if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more. she ca n all or part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even term goldm policy. even our policyine. call. find out if you re sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at 804 nine six 9200 or visit coventry direct, icom. most guys get serious airbags as they get older, but most guys don t do anything about it because guys don t really understand skin care. they it s too expensive and they don t believe that anything actually works. but here s the thing most guys are wrong because there are actually a few ways to reduce air bags. and one of the easiest particles, six and one face cream actually works really well. and most guys actually can afford it because it s six and one formula means you re getting six products packed into one. just wash your face and then massage and particle for 30 seconds. before you know it, you re looking younger than, well, most guys. but forget about most guys. just be you got a younger version of you you can order right now as part of medcom. we ve got shipping in the united states plus a 30 day money back guarantee. tonight, calling out the president. elise stefanik breaks down a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! so we are american made from beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com you it is a fan mail friday live from martell s tiki bar at the jersey shore. mathe first question is a doozyn all right. this is from zac iozy!h. you are traveling with a friend. you get picked for a freyou gee upgrade to first class. do you leave your friend or significant other behind and take the upgrader be? we already know what jess is going to say, so let s . t him out of the way jesse, you would abandon your own child for first class yo it s a friendil, you definitely take the upgrade. taket s a spouse, you definitely take the upgrade . judge what would say greg: yoy you know, i initially thought i would probably do it, but you know what, if i had a friend who wasn t normally in first fi i would give it to my friend, i really would. liar. so i m i know i his maker s in and liberal but harold. yes, harold. you only fly private so thisso makes no sense to you. you limousine liberas no sl. you make me sick to my stomach. i ve beeoln give ud: ip my prive and my first class. any friend, any any prime member. every time, every time. dan all right, dana, i don t knoa:w who these people are. i m definitely takine pegth the upgrade. you re taking the upgrade. does it really matter? you just kind of go into the baggage compartmene upgradd yeah, i mean, that s. i always get upgraded. yes, exactly i. all right. second question. this is a great question. a greawhat tv show was canceledo early that you would like to see come back. jesse, would it be the o rileybh ? we had a good a goo greg i would say live pd. i love live pd. e go they canceled it during the summer of love and they got to bring iringt back. watch dana i watched the show on netflix from australia called offspring so good,en sea but there were only seven seasons and it really could have gone longerso. me wow, she picked one from australia. harold todd the i like idris elba. i thought when they canceled , i wish wer a few had a few more. and diff rent strokes are different for different folks. judge there s a show called lioness that harold is cominness g back to back. so my wish has been granted. you know what? i thinnted. you knok they shoulr baywatch. oh, don t even go there. read back all the originals b with new implants, huh? and it could be at the billy jest at the village. the village is lake. w oh, god.e with the alligators. yes, exactly. you have to fight. what was the what was your reaction when you first saw yourself on television, y gh dana? oh, my gosh. i do remember one time they playe, i doer one td back a and i blink a lot, way too muchl . you re like a hostage sending a message. yeahik. you re doing morse code right now. please get me out. help me. helpmorse code rig.ana: hel me.g dge. i remember the first time i wase on it was the today show, and the driver got los dt. so there was no hair or no makeup. i looked like nightmare.t fo i didn t come out for, like, a week after that.d? oh, carol, i like that look, i had a bad hairstyle. i had a part in my head. and i remember that part i had i to get rid of that doggone thing. yeah, terrible. that was a good move on your part. thanible. k you, sir. thank you, sir. see what i did there? all right, there jesse. so i was 13 and they interviewed me during the milli vanilli scandal. s wow. and i was at aat a f footlocker in philly. , i sa and so they interviewed me. i said my piece, and i told goin i m going to be watch, on tv tonight. mom and dad, you got to watch. and then we waited for the anden they showed me. my vthen a old lady s voice wans dubbed over my voice like milli vanilli. wow. li one of the first time i saw myself on tv, i thought, wow, who this good looking guy? of course you did. yeah. all right, we have time for another. okay. what s okay the worst thing to heat up in an office? a break room, microwavbreak roeh and don t say jesse s hair, dana. dana: fish,iously but i m going to give you another tip. if you ever cook cauliflower in a microwave and burn it, you will be to another country.e judge that you shouldn t put in a microwave in the office. yeah, i don t know. i don t cook in the microwave in the officthe ofe. somebody else does it. jud i don t go, i don t go in that room. fihawhat would you like what el. that i know what s fish smells bad. what else is new. new jesse. indian food. gy. oh, boy. oh but bull. oh, let s go.! brandon. way, way to get out of troublesl . i was close. harold, did i ask? you already know d, i think any food that is cooked by someone who can t cook is always smell y when it when you got to read it. that s why the judge cooks well. cooks well datad so want to have that? no. a way. you re in the green room. somebody comes in and reheat their lunch because they have to eat lunch. their broccoli, brussels sprouts. right. terrible, horrible, horriblee.l. and shakes. yeah. who does that kill gre? ge jei me? oh, he lives. m closet. ore thin, pour one more things up next. why? i don t get that . let s get the rest of these plants organicve ever . soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best gardenlow you i har had. good soil and you get good results. this will blow you this will blow you it s the martha stewar t of. call the guard. cologuard. cologuard screened for negat colon cancer at home like you want either maivy occur.n. y cologuard is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high ris k. false, positive and negative results may occur. std . ha don save up to 25%t on moving book and see my positive and trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait. use promo code 25 now to save. look at popcom today i m excited to announce we re having a huge mypillow spring. and here s a few examples by one of our my people 2.0 yeah. get another mypillow 2.0. absolutely free meet cooling technology. the best pillow ever just got even better. and this just in nine brand new colors and styles of percale bed sheets. they re made with the finest long staple cotton. and now you can save 50% or more. now it s as low as 2498. and for the first time this year, i m bringing out my slippers and sandals for as low as $25 up here. so go to mypillow ecommerce, call the number on your screen, use your promo code to get your my two point odds. buy one, get one free percale sheets as low as 2498. my slippers and sandals as low as $25 up here and for a limited time when you are $75 or more, your entire order ships free. i m matthew. i m melissa and we started product cleaning products. for most of my life, i ve worn a black t-shirt and mostly they re too short, too baggy or inconsistent. using my of apparel experience, we set out to make the world s best fitting t-shirt since day one. our fresh clean tees were made to offer a flattering fit for all body types and not break the bank. unleash your confidence at fresh clean threads dot biggest benefit honestly has been with my skin skin was more hydrated, more radiant is the best superfood that you can taste has all the essential nutrients you need for your skin, your gut energy focused mood performance. my hair has gotten so much thicker ever since taking this . i used to have a probiotic the green juice that replaced it all with, this arm of colostrum. it is amazing, but you got to take it. you want try it right arm recommend. were you stationed working or living at camp lagoon between 1953 and 1987. if you or a loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement ranging from 100,000 to $550000 without a court filing. morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families in the fight towards justice. for more information, call the number on your screen visit ww dot camp is you an injury icon a heart attack do they have insurance? 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you know what? i bet he s read your. i don t think he s ever read a book. all right, let s come on, let s go. i like mike. the situation right there. greg. he a: we lo y hugged and thank you for having us. martell s tiki bar. all right for us .t,so

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Weekend 20240608

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div class= gutr > oftentimes, that you have an illness. so people, they turn inward. that is the instinct. that is what brian and i are b trying to encourage people to fight against because when they do come forward, their voices are so powerful and having been in government and advocacy for so long prior to our diagnosis, i mean, our whole job for so e many years was to elevate people who were affected by policy. when that happened to us, we knew that even if we were just one voice, even if you are just one voice, being public, if you have one of these illnesses, ve can have such an impact. that is all the time we have for today. thank you for joining us the r saturday morning. we re back tomorrow at six:00 a.m. with two more hours of t morni joe weekend. we will see you then. u then good morning. it is saturday, june 8. i am alicia menendez with symone sanders-townsend and michael steele. right now, president joe biden is in paris in a crucial fight for democracy both at home and abroad. the latest on the ground in just a moment. breaking news from his rule. the military says it has rescued four hostages from gaza. we are live in the region with those details. also this morning, republican calls for retribution after the guilty verdict. they are stronger and more specific. get your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend . we begin this hour with breaking news. we have a busy saturday for president biden on the world stage. right now the president is in a meeting with emmanuel macron following a procession the two leaders participated in earlier this morning. they are expected to deliver remarks later this morning. this is all part of the president s trip to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy and world war ii. throughout the visit, the president has emphasized the threat to our democracy, not just here at home but also abroad. it is as urgent as it was 80 years ago. joining us now to discuss is staff writer for the atlantic and msnbc contributor and former homeland security and counterterrorism advisor to vice president mike pence, welcome to you both. this was quite the week for president biden to stand on the global stage in a way that he did to talk about the urgency of this moment in democracy and relating it back to history. what was your take on what the president had to say and how do you think it resonated, not just with our european allies but here at home? there we go. i get it. i think he did an excellent job and he is an excellent leader on the world stage. it was critical to show that face to the world and also to americans. you know, i think michael, you know, he did have sort of that reaganesque quality and i thought it was important to talk about, you know, the people that have served in the military, the lives that have been given to freedom and that is really what is at stake here. you know, i saw some criticism on fox and other channels, why isn t he attacking trump in this moment? he never mentioned trupp. he never mentioned him by name, i don t believe. i think what he needed to say is that this is a bigger choice, bigger choice then each and every one of us, it is a choice about what do we want our future to be as a country? let s honor those lives that served. important stuff. olivia, the words of president biden were so poignant, i thought spot on, let s play a little bit of what he talked about when it comes to hardships of american democracy. this is the president in normandy, france on friday with emmanuel macron. we talk about democracy. american democracy. we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. what we don t talk about is how hard it is, how many ways we are asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away, the most natural instinct is to walk away. to be selfish, to force our will upon others, to seize power and never give up. american democracy asked the hardest of things, to believe in something bigger than ourselves. does anybody think michael donald trump could have given that speech? alicia, i don t know. it is a rhetorical question. it speaks to all the reporting you have been doing, which is the impossible to watch president biden on the world stage without doing a compare and contrast, not just us, people who show up on cable news but as an american watching at home and certainly if you are an ally watching. yeah, the themes biden is sounding in the speeches and throughout these events commemorating d-day are very familiar themes from past administrations and frankly, both parties. to olivia s point, sounds like ronald reagan, george h. bush, george w. bush, not a very popular president abroad. in certain things, there has been a bipartisan consensus in this country for a long time. one of those things is the important aspect of the transatlantic relationship and the fact it is rooted in western democratic values and belief that america is supposed to align with other democracies and that alliance is a safeguard for the rest of the world and what is interesting is that speech biden gave would have been completely uncontroversial and unmemorable, you know, just a few short years ago. now it is like, you know, right in the middle of a massive domestic political debate about what role america should play in the world and what it does to its allies. that compare and contrast is really start this year. you touched on that, mckay, actually, in a great observation of your fears, the irony of the obsession with the election is that the people who decide this are not thinking about your much at all. in part, it is because many americans have not seen the need for nato in their lifetime, despite the fact that this september 11th terrorist attacks were the only time article 5 has been invoked. you touched on a very important point about disconnection. actually and ironically, something george bush 43 warned about on the heels of 9/11. we cannot forget this moment. we feel good, we are unified now, we understand we are standing in defense of our values and we are prepared to prosecute the case against terrorism but all of that is dissipated, that connection to those institutions that hold all of this together and i think biden, being there, and saying what he said was important, but you point out the fact that there is still this tension, this disconnect that needs to be reconciled between us and europe, between our role in the world and the rest of the world and how we, as americans, look at these institutions. so i was traveling throughout europe this spring and talking to european officials and diplomats and the thing that kept coming up is this real sense of uncertainty about what america is anymore, right? because for 75 years, since world war ii, your even when they disagreed with people we elected, even then they didn t really like certain administrations, they trusted in america to be a reliable ally. america was the linchpin to the nato alliance, it was going to be a generally responsible member of the global community, right? that first trump term really did damage to america s reputation and to the trust america could be relied upon. again and again, i would hear these european officials sort of ask me, what does it mean that donald trump is currently leading in the polls? what s wrong with y all? because they finally remember the u. s. that stormed the beaches of normandy, that is the your america a lot of europeans still remember and we wonder how many europeans remember that. to crystallize that point, olivia, let s listen to something liz cheney put out, called our great task. take a listen. one s country is worth dying for. democracy is worth dying for because it is the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. all of you love liberty. all of you were willing to fight tyranny. you knew the people of your countries with were behind two. today we give thanks for all that was gained on the beaches of normandy. we remember what was lost with respect, admiration and love. this freedom and these hopes are with the heroes of dj fought and died for. america deserves a president as good and steadfast as our nation. a president of character, driven by a noble purpose, one who honors the sacrifices of our troops, not a man consumed by spite, revenge and self-pity. you don t need to say the name, olivia, to know who it is they are talking about there. yeah, you don t. at this time, it reminds me of trump saying these people are losers and every time i think about that, a president of the united states would ever say something like that, my stomach turns. watching that ad and thinking about my time during the trump administration working in national security, i think what lacked among some of the inner circles, including trump himself was a greater purpose of service and i don t think that any of these people that is in his inner circle, i am talking about his enable us and him, understand a greater calling, understand something that you belong to that is bigger than yourself and bigger than your selfishness of what these people have exhibited because most of them never did serve. they don t understand military service, they don t understand the intelligence community, they don t understand public service. i think it is a threat to not remind ourselves to what the president, as what they stand for and what they represent and what they will eventually do. a reminder, we will likely pull out of nato because those discussions were had during the trump administration. the reason the world is so concerned about what is about to happen should he return to office is because i was in those meetings when we were having serious discussions with warren hendrix, where the narrative for a daily basis, where he would say, i thought we agreed to this and it would change. we did this on venezuela. i am telling you, i covered africa for vice president pence, i sat in these discussions where there would be a commitment made and they would pull the rug out from under him. that is not how you do diplomacy. that is not how you do these diplomatic relations. they are so critical and so challenging. olivia, people at home may not appreciate fully what you are saying because literally all the thing is you do this, i will do that and we come to an agreement. people need to keep their word, that is it. not even just the idea but the fact, we often talk about it but the choice, as alicia noted, the stark choice that is before the american people could not have been made more clear today, this week, frankly, with what we saw from president biden juxtaposed with the republican nominee. the nato , 80 years ago when ad happened, nato was not established. was allied troops that came together, the world came together and took the beaches of normandy. it was that time in normandy that turned the tide to end world war ii, it led to the establishment of nato world cooperation years later and we are in a severe moment, the president talked about linking ad to what is happening in ukraine and the fight right now , i want to play that for you and see how you guys talk about it on the other side. between dictatorship and freedom, it is unending. here in europe, we see one stark example , ukraine has been invaded by a tyrant for domination. ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage, suffering great losses, but never backing down. the united states and nato, a coalition of more than 50 countries, standing strong with ukraine. we will not walk away. mckay, it sounds to me like the president is standing in front of the world trying to convince people, making everyone feel okay that as long as i am here, we will be standing with ukraine but as the time magazine article said about a week ago about american presidents, they must earn their mandate and we don t know if joe biden will earn his. yeah, that s right. again, going throughout europe and talking to these european officials, the thing i heard again and again was, look , the biden administration has been great. they are doing everything they can to say the right things and they are trying to reassure allies who were around during trump s administration. at the end of the day, the biden administration can only do so much. i even spoke to officials in the biden administration in washington who say we are ambassadors out there, trying to reassure allies, they got their talking points. these people in europe are smart, right? they know the promises that joe biden is making only go so far and, you know, because the outcome of the election is going to determine the future of america s approach to alliances. mckay and olivia, you will stick with us and we will continue this conversation in just a moment. now to other breaking news is our. four israeli hostages have been rescued in raleigh a a live by idf. they were kidnapped from the nova music festival on october seventh. one of those hostages , noel argo mohney, was seen in a widely circulated video at the time being taken away on a motorcycle and she cried for help and reached out for her boyfriend. we will be back with more after this. r this. e better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. music unnecessary action hero! for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. unnecessary. was that necessary? no. neither is missing your daughter s competition to do payroll. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don t have to miss your daughter s big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. what causes a curve down there? is it peyronie s disease? will it get worse? how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie s disease, or pd. it s a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl s has the breakthrough you ve been waiting for. now there s an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. let s go back to that breaking news we just mentioned. four israeli hostages kidnapped by hamas on october seventh have been rescued. there 245 day nightmare coming to an end. nbc news foreign correspondent ref sanchez joins us now. what are you hearing about the condition of the hostages and the next steps in the coming days and how will this come together? reporter: michael, the idea is that these four hostages freed from gaza are in good condition medically. we have seen pictures of noa argamani, the viewers will remember, that young woman being taken into gaza from the music festival on october 7th on the back of that motorcycle, her hands outstretched to her boyfriend, who was also being kidnapped. he was marched away into gaza. we have seen images of her this morning at a hospital in the greater tel aviv area. you can see her there, reuniting her with her father. it is extraordinary to think that eight months and one day after she was kidnapped, she is smiling, she is laughing. she is speaking with her family. she spoke on the phone earlier today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was very interesting, guys, she said in that phone call, i haven t spoken in hebrew in such a long time, which suggests she was being held on her own, away from other hostages. that does appear to chime in with the report we are getting from the israeli military, detailed, obviously, still emerging. just setting the scene here, this was in the center of gaza in broad daylight at 11:00 a.m. the israeli military says hundreds of soldiers took part, there was a part from air and by sea. they say they stormed two separate buildings that we believe noa argamani was being held on her own in one of those buildings and the three male hostages were being held in a separate building. at least one israeli soldier was seriously wounded in this raid but this seems to be the single greatest success in terms of hostage rescue we have had, that is ruled has had in the course of this eight months. you will remember, guys, only three other hostages had been rescued alive up until this point. today four hostages in just a couple of hours. now you can see noa argamani on your screen. she is speaking to israeli president isaac herzog, who was telling her just how overjoyed his rule is to see her say, to see her home. there have been celebrations across this country today. the lifeguards on the beach in tel aviv announcing the news over a loudspeaker. people jumping up and cheering in front of the mediterranean on this saturday here in is ruled. we met the father of noa argamani on october 8, less than 24 hours after his daughter had been kidnapped by hamas. he is at her side right now. her mother, as far as we know at this point, is not. her mother is dying of brain cancer. for these eight months she has been telling the world her dying wish was to see her daughter once again. she is in very serious condition at another hospital in tel aviv, but we believe mother and daughter are going to be reunited later on today. noa s boyfriend, who you see in that video from october 7th being marched by a crowd of militants into gaza, remains one of the 120 hostages still being held. this is obviously a moment of joy, while this is obviously a moment of joy for noa and her family, her partner remained inside gaza, his fate unknown at this hour, as is the fate of so many of those 120 other hostages. well there is celebration here in israel, there is mourning in gaza right now because there are reports of at least 50 people killed during this israeli raid. we know there was intense bombardment by israeli aircraft, by israeli ships to cover the special forces and moved in. we don t know how many of those 50 or so killed were militants, how many of them were civilians. this is just an enormous, enormous moment here in is ruled. it is really hard to overstate the happiness here. one israeli friend told me the whole country is crying. guys? nbc, thank you so much for that report. next with olivia troye and mckay coppins will be back with us to discuss mckay s new piece about a potential special second trump term and we will discuss the news breaking out of his rule. you are watching the weekend . e weekend . 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because he was afraid his hair would become disheveled. remember, that day it was raining. he did not want to go to the cemetery because it was raining. more importantly, to his staff, his senior staff he remarked, quote, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers. and then he referred to the more than 1800 marines who lost their lives as suckers for getting killed. olivia, in the context of the work you have done in foreign- policy, what does it mean to contrast, and i think it is important for the american people to get this contrast in leadership, a man who refuses to visit the men who sacrificed themselves for freedom and democracy on foreign shores, right, because he didn t want to get his hair messed up and looked at them as suckers and losers versus a president who stands on that hollowed ground and reminds us of our call to destinies, to destiny as citizens of the world, that this fight for democracy is an important battle and we must be engaged in it together. okay, i think it is a critical reminder of what trump views value to be in a situation like this, which is himself and no one else. there is no interest in military baller. he doesn t think about the lives of these people and going into critical international situations, where you are making decisions on troops, when you are making decisions on intelligence officers and what is the next step, deliberations that are very calculated, i want americans to remember that. these are your sons, your daughters, your brothers, sisters, moms and dads and remember that there is the potential to have a president back in the oval office that will make those decisions along the way where he will have complete disregard for what it truly means when these people deploy and what happens to them. in other ways, he has no regard or respect for the fact of what it means to serve, right? that is why you end up with classified documents at mar-a- lago because he forgets that in those classified documents there are lives at risk. there our sources there. there are people there put at risk every day with the possibility of that information getting into the wrong hands because he doesn t hear and he doesn t think about things that way. he only thinks about himself. this is a leader solely focused on his own qualities which is why, by the way, he doesn t think about the alliance with nato. he doesn t think about european allies that really actually have our backs should there be a critical moment when they need them. he is thinking about dictators and his best friends are people like victoire ben, these are leaders he looks up to. that is a direct contrast between what president biden is and what former president trump is. that is what we think about and remember. i think the top line from your extensively reported piece is that the allies are watching this election understanding the existential crisis. you have the last 30 seconds, you are take away. yeah, i mean, the two things that stood out to me in all my conversations in you are, one, they are intensely focused on this election in america. everybody is paying attention. according to polling data from battleground states. the second, almost all of them believe trump is going to win. i found myself in a position saying, it is not a foregone conclusion, it is a tight race, anything could happen. scared is the best way to put it. they are scared of what will happen to the nato alliance, to european security, what it will signal to russia, to china, if donald trump comes back into office and abandons his allies. they rely on american stability and americans steadfastness for its alliances and they do not think they will get that with donald trump. so chilling. mckay coppins and olivia troye, thank you so much for getting us started. as january 6th community committee members are in jail, we will talk to the directors of the new documentary next. you are watching the weekend . i thought i was sleeping ok. but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. if you re living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. why would i use kayak to compare with cabenuva, you re good to go. hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right. kayak. aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. this week, prosecutors working on january 6th cases gave us a new update. nearly 1500 defendants have now been charged for the roles in the insurrection. meanwhile, donald trump is calling for the members of the january 6th committee to be indicted. he is promising to pardon all the rioters. a new documentary shows a perspective of six people who witnessed the violence firsthand. democracy needs a ground to stand on. we have to tell the truth. if we can handle that. we are not losing the u.s. capitol today. you ready? joining us now are the directors of the documentary of the sixth , award-winning filmmakers. this is the best documentary i have ever seen. i have never watched prior to this more than five minutes of footage from january 6th. this is , this centers the people. i just want to play this piece from the documentary, a staffer who worked at the white house and congress and talks about assuming the worst. i had to assume the worst. i had to assume these people were armed. you kind of go into survival mode. i remember essentially casing the office, what can i use as a weapon? i remember feeling like, whatever is in here that is heavy is what i will have to use you know? if it comes to that. andrea, when you look at this as a complete scenario, right, from start to finish, you now have president trump out here talking about giving basically solace to those insurrectionists by pardoning them and making the case that the january 6th committee members should be indicted. when you look at what you guys captured, juxtaposed against that background, what is your reaction? what should we know that donald trump clearly doesn t know about what happened that day? thank you. what i want, i want people to know what we now know. i think that we had the luxury of being able to spend over a year plus with our team looking and scouring the footage, finding the right people, finding six people who just went to work that day to tell the story and that what we stitched together from beginning of day to the end was one of the most violent, heartbreaking, gut punching days in american history. people think they know january 6th but they don t. they don t know the scale of the violence. everyone that was in the capitol that day thought they were going to die. there was the sense of 10,000 plus people surrounding this building and breaking in. it is criminal. it was violent. i think people just saw this in pieces. they don t quite understand the mass in the scale and the threat. we are so lucky more people did not die at the end of that day. we are eternally grateful to the people that did their job that day and the next day, who served in the legislature, congress, journalism and law enforcement. we should be thankful of the fact law enforcement is being booed at and hissed, they actually did their job and protecting the lives of the lawmakers that are now turning their back on what happened that day is despicable. you know? there is a code and ethic to every single person that we profile in this film about how they do their job and thank goodness they did. the outcome could have been so much worse if they hadn t. to that point about law enforcement, here is the photographer talking about the picture he took. if they wanted to kill him, they would have killed him. the man pleaded for his life. he told people he had kids. it is kind of crazy. if i had to put a dollar on it, i would say everybody was like, blue lives matter, blue lives matter. [ bleep ] didn t matter that day. i felt for him. i have a son. i thought about what it would feel like for him if some weak happened to me, you know? this is a another human being. part of what i appreciated is that you centered the voices of those who were impacted on that day but their reflections about the crowd and who showed up and the inconsistencies around their theories of justice, sean, are laid bare. yeah. we, i think it was important for us to give a voice to the people that went through that day and what they went through and personalize it. i think it is really important. i think, with the crowd there, we also did something i think was important. we listened in our area found. you hear things in our film you don t here in our own soundbites and it talks about, he is talking about being right next to this man pleading for his life, pleading because he has kids. you also hear how he is capturing all the different things the crowd is saying, the crowd is saying, take their guns. the crowd is saying, you are going to die tonight with such conviction you can hear it in their voice that you believe it. i think people need to take this all in as a beginning of the day to the end of the day through the personal experiences of the six people that we follow and kind of decide what you think about the people that were in the crowd that day, what their intentions were and what could have happened. what could have happened, i mean, there is a part in the film where former metropolitan police chief conti talks about a phone call that he had, he was part of that with mayor bowser and literally pleading for help from the national guard. the dee was deployed to the capitol to do something to help. the capitol police call for help, the national guard, this call was just, we will play a clip because it is so hard to believe. you wonder what trump would do if he were in office again, we know what he did on january 6th. take a listen. we had a phone call that was can be by myself, the mayor, the district of columbia d.c. national guard, the u. s. capitol police chief where he essentially was pleading for assistance from the national guard. in response to that, whoever on the other side from the representatives from the defense department, the discussion then switched to talking about optics and boots on the ground and what that would look like, which, you know, in a crisis situation, i don t care what it looks like. it looks like help to me. it took hours until the national guard was approved. donald trump put that video out. when he put that video out, people finally did go home. it just really feels like he knew what he was doing. that is a big part of it for me. when you step back, what the sub story i think you guys captured here is the other stuff that was going on in the face of all of the drama and the tragedy on the hill, the stub story was the white house wasn t doing anything. there was no real effort and i think that cut really embraces that part of it. when you are putting this story line together and you are talking it through, how did you capture that? you said, this is the other side of this. we could show you, you know, donald trump and the roosevelt room sitting there watching television eating a hamburger. you know that is what is going on. you know that was the rest of the story, why the d.c. police were so animated about the lack of response from federal law enforcement at the highest level. yeah, it was a different type of film for us. we had this huge kind of forensic timeline in our office. we were looking at all the different things, all the things playing out that day and when we stepped back and we said, where is the national guard? we know that, we know what happened. i know what happens, i see the national guard, they are always around. they do what they are supposed to do. we were just scratching our heads. why are we talking about this? it was actually andrea that so we needed to do a deep dive in that and then the chief started talking about that and he said, you know, he basically said the national guard is not here and i will do it and do my duty. the capitol is under attack. i will do whatever i can. i will get local law enforcement to come and help. that is what they did. why are not people talking about this? d.c. police for for hours, especially in the tunnel, four or five hours they were underhand to hand combat. police arrest people in under 10 minutes. they are not trained to fight hand to hand combat like that, you know? you could argue that the powers that be that had the authorization to release and deploy the guard to help weren t aware of what was going on. the entire world was watching what was going on. i think that is what is so upsetting. why wait that long? that is what we felt was so important. once we realized how soon they were asked and how many hours, everybody is seeing the horrific violence going down, this all could have been stopped. you are watching it in real time as the violence increases and spins out of control. it took them 15 minutes to get there when they were deployed. 15 minutes. andrea nix fine, sean fine, fine work, good work. the sixth is available to purchase on streaming platforms, please pick it up and view it. it is important. senate republican shootdown the chance to protect access to contraceptive . next hour, the president and ceo is at the table to discuss. be sure to follow are so on social media. are handle everywhere is @theweekendmsnbc. @theweekendmsnbc. it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair? 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Joe-biden , President , Way , American-democracy , Mike-pence , Stage , Urgency , Person , News , Product , Mouth , Service

Anderson Cooper 360

Subpoena. that s the requirement. he. could have come in, he could have pled the fifth. and this would all be over, but he wanted to try to look tough to the maga base, even as he s going to prison, he wants to look tough to the maga base because he s going to come out of prison in november or whatever and he s going to monetize this so he can again make money from people that are going to give him this because they think think he s some great fighter. he s a con artist. he s a scammer. and we saw that even in maga fundraising between the election and between actual january 6, hundreds of millions of dollars was raised on this idea of stop the steal and none of that money went to try to stop any steal. it went into the lawyers, into the pockets of donald we ll drop and this just continues. and so i have always called this like this is abuse of the american people, convincing them that they re very existence in life is at stake. so you can extract one more dollar from them every day and until the american people stand up and reject this, it s going to continue. was the january 6 committee able to work around bannon s

Prison , Whatever , Base , Subpoena , Requirement , Fifth , Come-in , People , Money , Fundraising , Fighter , Scammer

All In With Chris Hayes

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Anderson Cooper 360

Between actual january 6 hundreds of millions of dollars was raised on this idea of stop the steal. and none of that money went to try to stop any steal. it went into the lawyers, into the pockets of donald trump and this just continues. and so i have always called this, this is abuse of the american people, convincing them that their very existence life is at stake. so you can extract one more dollar from them every day and until the american people stand up and reject this, it s going to continue. was the january 6 committee able to work around bannon s testimony or were there areas are your investigation that you still would have liked to explore with his testimony? oh, i m sure there s a lot we would have liked to explore if you would ve come in and testified honestly and openly, i think we got quite a bit of evidence. we made quite a strong case, but you never know what we don t know that he could have brought to light. and i think a lot of that through the smith investigation will be able to see because doj has a lot more than iris has to be able to compel witness testimonies. we didn t do we didn t give people immunity, for instance, to come in and

Donald-trump , Money , Stop , Idea , None , Steal , Lawyers , Dollars , Millions , Pockets , Hundreds , January-6

Anderson Cooper 360

Artist. he s a scammer and we saw that even in maga fundraising between the election and between actual january 6, hundreds of millions of dollars was raised on this idea of stop the steal and none of that money went to try to stop any steal. it went into the lawyers, into the pockets of donald we ll drop and this just continues. and so i have always called this. this is abuse of the american people, convincing them that they re very existence in life is at stake. so you can extract one more dollar from them every day and until the american people stand up and reject this, it s going to continue. was the january 6 committee able to work around bannon s testimony or were there areas of your investment? nation and you still would have liked to explore with his testimony oh, i m sure there s a lot we would have liked to explore if you would ve come in and testify, honestly and openly i think we got quite a bit of evidence. we made quite a strong case, but you never know what we don t know that he could have brought to light. and i think a lot of that through the smith investigation will be able to see because doj has a lot more

Money , Election , None , Steal , Idea , Dollars , Fundraising , Stop , Millions , Scammer , Hundreds , January-6

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240607-720

Speech today on this the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion that changed the course of the war, led to the end of the word less than a year later, it s pretty remarkable how will this resonate? do you think? with the reagan s supporters out there? and there s still a lot of them, especially in the gop. but i think it matters, wolf, what s also interesting is that the language was very similar 40 years later. the language is very similar and i ve been drawing this term out a lot and i want the viewers to familiar ys themselves, but democratic recession, i think we re perhaps in the era of democratic recessions were seen rushing can aggression and ukraine were seeing potential aggression from china and taiwan, south chinese c, c, we re seeing what china s attempting to do with their brick system to attempt to devalue or lessen the worth of the us dollar internationally, there are some very serious things with our adversaries at the us has to deal with. and i think there the american people, republicans, democrats alike would like for the united states to continue to be that beacon of hope leading the world forward, assisting these young democracies would fill in

Lot , War , D-day , Ronald-reagan , 80th-anniversary , Word , Course , Supporters , The-end , 80 , Viewers , Wolf-blitzer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240607-2100

Ones worn by cops will help deter stores, that by some 50%. a international retail federation about 10% of the members test of the body cams, 35% are considering buying them. also this week dollar general eliminated self check out, some 12,000 stores to reduce theft at the safeway you needed to scan your receipt to get out of the store for the doors to open so the manager of that shop here in santa monica since his video went viral has got flowers and cards people stopping in, everyone is fed up with how a few criminals and felons are ruining it for everybody else. back to you. but i do really like that, alleged thief. you can t look in my back that s a legal. the best defences get offence i guess. awesome stuff. amazing the world we live in. i want to pass along some donald trump court case news coming from judge juan merchan who ruled donald trump s defence attorney can go ahead and attend

Stores , Ones , International-retail-federation , Cams , Self-check-out , Dollar , Cops-will , Members , 50 , 10 , 35 , Store

Alex Wagner Tonight

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