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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240614

made missiles and the fleet s headquarters in sebastopol was struck by missiles last year, the repeated humiliations pushing russian ships further and further away from ukraine and eventually leading to the dismissal of russia s navy chief in march, not so long ago, russian state media would celebrate the navy s single aircraft carrier, the admiral, cuz nets off the jewel in the crown. but the ship has long been plagued by mechanical problems and has been in dark for years and more months, some western analysts predict it will never set sail again despite putin s glorification of russia s naval prowess, many of its warships here are vulnerable to both air and sea attacks and lack the technology to compete with western navies. or even cheap maritime drones made and ukraine an air in the ukrainian say that while the russians might be gaining ground in other areas, they feel that they ve really hurt. moscow is black sea fleet and essentially rendered it ineffective and the ukrainian say they will continue to develop those sea drones to hurt vladimir putin s naval forces even more. aaron. all right. thank you very much tonight and thanks so much to all all of you. it s time now for ac30, 60 tonight on through 60, the former president goes to washington to formalize his almost total takeover of the republican party. what he told lawmakers behind and closed doors when it signals about his plans, if we elect it. also time, cnn s donie o sullivan and talking with trump s supporters about what they think will happen to the country if he loses and to appeal its are prize-winning historian. but what she thinks might happen if you wins. also breaking news on supreme court justice clarence thomas already under scrutiny for setting millions of dollars in gifts and travel over the years. now, the senate judiciary committee reveals three more trips he took did not disclose. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with the former president s de in washington with his party, and that use the possessive to describe the republican senators and house members he met with today in separate closed-door sessions, each just steps from the capital is no accident because if he s done nothing else over the last three-and-a-half years. of insurrection and search warrants and indictments and trials and felony convictions. it has been to remake the party of ronald reagan in his own image at the house meeting, he made a point of reminding members that nearly every republican who voted to impeach him as either been voted out of office or retired? not that by this point, there s survivors really needed reminding listen to speaker of the house mike johnson was basking in the afterglow and majority whip tom emmer, a self-proclaimed tough on crime law maker, attacking the criminal justice system he said very complimentary things about all of us we had sustained applause. he said, i m doing a very good job. i mean, we re grateful for that. i m going to add anybody who thought that this president was going to be down after the sham trial after that crooked trial that we saw in new york i think again more than more than one member of congress and the house meeting told cnn that the former president has spent most of his time airing grievances about his felony conviction. afterwards that a house judiciary committee hearing democratic members were all too happy to bring it up. just a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today hey, guys. i everyone get your hands up i want to begin by quoting the jury in the manhattan hush money payment trial guilty guilty guilty. guilty now, it s remarkable because whatever you think it congressional decorum or for that matter, x presidential criminality. this is where we are, but we are a convicted felon leads the self-proclaimed party of law and order in his post-conviction visit, just a few blocks away from the place that his supporters attacked into filed is just another headline. and so is what one lawmaker in the rooms, as he told house members about former democratic house speaker nancy pelosi, after calling one of his daughters a quote, wacko he reportedly claimed that one of her daughters wants told him that he and speaker pelosi would have had a quote, great romance in another life. daughter christine, today responded tweeting quote, speaking for all four pelosi daughters, this is ally he also called milwaukee side of the republican national convention, quote, horrible, according to a source in the room, another lawmaker later saying he was only talking about crime. all from a single meeting. at this other meeting, his republic republican senator is also close to the capital. he spoke with minority leader mitch mcconnell for the first time since december 2020. the photo prompting this reaction from liz cheney, the staunchly conservative former republican congresswoman, who was drummed out while first out of the party leadership and then out of office for co-chair and the january 6 committee she tweeted and quoted words mitch mcconnell made on the senate floor in february 13, 2021. cheney wrote, mitch mcconnell knows trump provoked the violent attack and our capital, and then quote watch television happily unquote as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the vice president he knows trump reviews for hours to tell his mob to leave and quote, even then with police officers bleeding, he kept repeating his election leinz and praising the criminals she went on to say again, quoting mcconnell, he knows that trump committed a quote disgraceful dereliction of duty unquote, and is a danger to our republic here are some more of what mcconnell said on that day there s no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day those are tough words for mitch mcconnell, but just 12 days later, after he said that on the 25th, senator mcconnell, eight, those words telling fox is brett baer, he would support the man he so recently criticized if he s nominated in 2024 talk, it seems is cheap. join his now with more cnn s meloni s and ohno. what else went on behind closed doors today with trump will anderson heading into these meetings, lawmakers are really hopeful that trump was going to be talking about a campaign strategy or laying out his vision for a policy agenda. and now there was some of that. one of the more substantive moments was on trump brought up the topic of abortion and any counseled republicans about how he thinks they should talk about this issue. and he said they shouldn t be afraid of it. they should frame it as a state s issue. and you also encouraged republicans to voice support for exceptions not come across as too extreme on the issue, but for the most part, according to all the lawmakers that i spoke to, these meetings were more of an airing of grievance it says it was a gripe session at particularly in the house meeting this morning, i m told that trump, of course, brought up the legal challenges against them, calling all the charges against him, quote, bogus he also referred for to the department of justice as quote, dirty, no-good according to some of the lawmakers that i talked to, he even at one point, complained about taylor swift, were endorsing his rival president joe biden. and he also gloated about how most of the house republicans who voted to impeach him over the january 6 insurrection are no lines hunger in congress. so it was very wide ranging speech, very freewheeling that member ce felt more like a pep rally or even a roast than a serious policy discussion. morning and taylor swift has not endorsed joe biden. do you have any more details on the trump mcconnell counter well, with trump and mcconnell, there was a very serious effort. i m told by both parties he s to really bury the hatchet after years of feuding and years of frost newness right before the meeting, trump and mcconnell shook hands, which was captured on a phone photograph during the meeting. trump credited mcconnell with helping to elect more republican senators, and then after the meeting, mcconnell praised trump and said the mean eating was very, very positive. so just a remarkable inflection point. i think anderson, we re going to look back on this moment similar to kevin mccarthy trekking down to mar-a-lago in the weeks after january 6 and really just captures how much the party, including some of trump s former critics like mcconnell, have really fallen in line in the years after january 6 and despite these criminal convictions, anderson, millions and thanks so much, jonasson. i was new york democratic congressman daniel goldman, congressman. any surprises for you today in the visit by trump not really. he didn t come to the capital, which was good good thing because this is where he fomented a massive riot and insurrection to try to keep him installed in office. he didn t talk much about policy because he doesn t really care much about policy. what he cares about is himself and what he cares about is his conviction 34 times for being a felon and what he cares about her as three other cases and getting revenge. and he wants to do that by tearing down our democracy and what he was effectively doing today is greases the wheels, trying to play nice with republicans who support he needs in order to become president. so that he can take his fat let s just authoritarian views into office if he were to win. and it is just a very telling i think that mitch mcconnell has now bowed down to the ring of donald trump someone who, you quoted what he said on january 25, where he helped donald trump responsible for the january 6 riot. and has resisted donald trump. but now he has clearly demonstrated graded that donald trump owns the republican party. there is no other faction of the republican party that has any influence other than donald trump his maga supporters, obviously, none of us, there s privilege privy to the inner thoughts and mitch mcconnell. but why do you think center mcconnell made this choice? i mean, after, you know the strong comments he made criticizing trump theta, the racist attacks trump made against me kennels own wife. i mean, what is mitch mcconnell get out of this anderson, what do any of these people who have i know good mccaul s running. i mean, it he could he could go out on i d like liz cheney, who at least, has taken a very strong stand ultimately mixed for the same reason since that mitch mcconnell refuse to give merrick garland a vote for the supreme court and then rammed any amy coney barrett through under the same circumstances, two weeks before the election? that s what connell has a very focused and narrowly tailored view of what he wants to accomplish. and at the end of the day i m sure mitch mcconnell views donald trump as the only possibility to get these type of conservative judges who have now overturned roe v. wade paid back into more into the our judiciary and into the supreme court and push forward a clearly minority favored agenda that mitch mcconnell has been pushing for decades. it was seeing melodies and i was reporting is that trump was telling lawmakers counseling them on how to run about and talk about abortion and to talk about states rights and to not seem too extreme do you have any belief that that s how he would be if he got into office? absolutely none. donald trump does not care. donald trump used to be pro-choice. he used to be a democrat. now, he s out there promoting and celebrating his own work and getting roe versus wade overturned he will do whatever he needs to do to secure the support for his fascist anti-democratic attacks on the rule of law to undermine our democratic institutions. and if that means that he ll give over supreme court nominations to mitch mcconnell or someone else on the far right who wants to roll back our individual freedoms, even more than the supreme court has done. he will do that in a minute. and if there here s a national abortion ban that the republicans pass donald trump will sign that in two seconds. do not believe donald trump whenever he says that he will stand up for abortion rights, he has completely flip-flopped in his career. he will do whatever benefits himself. speaker johnson was asked yesterday, the former president attempt the outcome of the election. i just want to play that for years really for the first time republican house and senate meeting with him since the january 6 attack on the capitol are you committed or have you spoken to him about basically not not doing anything like that again, in committing to respecting the sort of american tradition of peaceful transfer of course, he respects that and we all do and we ve all talked about it at nauseum i mean i mean yeah. i mean, i can anyone say with a straight face is donald trump respects the peaceful transfer of power that i want you to take that clip and run it over and over and over. that is everything you need to know. oh about mike johnson and the maga republican party. they will look you in the eye and they will lie directly to your face over and over and over. there is no question that donald trump does not respect the peaceful transfer of power he has made it a litmus test for his vice president that whoever that will be willing not accept the results. and that s why you have every single vice presidential candidates. so far refusing to concede or acknowledged that they will accept them the results. donald trump, it will not accept the peaceful a trap power. you don t have to ask me or trust me, he already did it so for speaker johnson to look in the camera and to say that of course he respects the peaceful transfer of power. put that on every bulletin board around the country. it is total bogus and it shows you what knowing liars the republicans are. congressman, i appreciate your time. thank you thank you. president biden met today with ukraine s president zelenskyy of the g7 summit in italy. the two signing a new tenure security agreement at the press conference afterwards, frozen biden spoke briefly when asked about his son, hunter i m extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome and addiction. he is he s one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i m not going to do anything. i sat i said i advise by the jury decision. i will do that no i m not pardon him the present-day also ruled out commuting his one-sentence seen as mj lee is traveling with the president joins us now from from very italy. so mj, earlier in the week, the white house appeared to leave open the possibility of a commutation or that flee not commenting at essentially overturning the sentence, not a conviction. what specifically did the president say about that yeah. when the president was walking away from that press conference, some reporters yell loud. would you commute your sons sentence and he answered directly. he said no that was after he had more broadly addressed the conviction of his son, hunter, as you just play they re standing by his son, standing by the judicial system, and also reiterating his previously stated position pardoning his son. he said, i will not pardon him. anderson white house officials had suspected that it was likely he would get asked about the hunter issue at this news conference, given that it happened just two days ago, he had not publicly commented on in yet on it yeah they knew that the specific issue of the commutation was one that could come up if you ll recall yesterday, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked by a reporter whether she would rule out that possibility and she wouldn t say yes or no. and that exchange, the white house, new had taken on a life of its own when in reality, i m told the issue was really that some senior aides hadn t had a chance yet to speak to the president about the commutation issue. corinne john p, or said yesterday to reporters, i haven t talked to him about this yet. i m not just i m not going to have anything more to say on this, but it certainly was a really remarkable moment. the president speaking on this kind of a stage. on the other side of the world about an issue that has been so deeply sensitive for his entire family, mj lee, thanks more in prison, biden s trip later in the program next though cnn s donie o sullivan talking to trump supporters as well as a historian of dictatorships and autocracies about donald trump and democracy. and later there s breaking news turns out there are even more undisclosed it s trips supreme court justice clarence thomas took paid for by republican megadonor ave heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated he did symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath an irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious cold, eight ttr cm a rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time 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democracy? she is actually not as good as you think it is but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy. united states of america kirk is not a democracy. we are constitutional republic. those things were america is not a democracy. you don t want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic. is america a democracy america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. i hear a lot of things out on the road but to hear americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that stopped me in my tracks. you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be saying that who ve been planting that narrative? his america democracy i don t i think we ll never know, but yeah, we re republic. what s the difference i feel like democracy what do we think this through its government i don t see freedom in democracy freedom in the republic honestly, the word democracy and the word republic have often been used interchangeably. there isn t a meaningful difference between them. so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic. absolutely. if they can convince people that we don t have a democracy, then it s okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn t really matter that s why, like why has democracy become a bad word? because it s been used in a way to change the flavor of our country, which is a republic these words were used in different ways in the 18th century and it s true the founders didn t want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why does conversation about language has so now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority and they need an excuse for why that s okay. and so they ve begun to say, we re not a democracy. were, are public and it s not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i ve been seeing debt trump events recently. yes. have been saying american is not a democracy. it s a republic and we ve always been my pros. first of all we have sleek. we re use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they re picking on the christians and the jewish people i mean, how much more can we are you concerned if trump loses yeah. that there ll be another january 6. no. i think there will be a civil war that s what i think will happen during this whole democracy republican is fascinating. this is the first i ve, i ve heard of that new thing that there are now pushing those. it looks like folks on fox are pushing it. is there a reason the people you spoke with think that country isn t a democracy now, i mean, yeah, look, i mean, i understand some of those folks. no doubt genuinely believed that i might have believed for a long time, this isn t necessarily a new talking point. however, we have seen it just revive over the past few months and they re really the reason we did this piece was over the over the past few months, just unprompted. as i was speaking to a lot of trump s supporters, they would bring this very specific lineup i love this real, it s not a debase right about the former government here. it s not a debate about democracy really why this is happening. and you saw it there in that piece, some fox news and elsewhere on conservative and right-wing media people are trying to convince trump s supporters, others that america is not a democracy in the first place. and we actually saw i haven t noticed that this seem to pick up a bit after president biden speech in philadelphia, where he described trump as a threat to democracy. this is how they seem to be trying to twist language to try and neutralize describing trump as a threat to democracy. because if america is not a democracy in the first place, then there s nothing to worry about your winning a solvent. thank you very much. one of the pillars of a democracy is the rule of law and laws of course are enforced by courts and the highest court in the land supreme court is once again under fire tonight. over new ethics concerns, specifically the behaviors surrounding justice clarence thomas. late this afternoon, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin released new information from a major republican donor about more undisclosed trips provided to justice thomas. it follows previous reporting about numerous undisclosed gifts from that conservative billionaire harlan crow, which include private school tuition for a relative of thomases and decade s worth of luxury vacations. last week after the release of his 2023 disclosures, thomas said certain disclosures had been, quote inadvertently omitted wherever last month in a speech, who railed against the quote, nastiness and quote lies directed toward him. draw now by our justice correspondent, just cash snyder, also a former federal district judge, johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor elie honig. so jessica, what do we know about these additional trips now that thomas took on harlan crow plane? yeah. the details just being released tonight for i m senator dick durbin. the details are several new trips happened in 2017, 2019, and 2021. so first and may 20, he 17 justice thomas took harlan crows jet from st. louis to montana and then to dallas. then there was a march 2019 flight where he flew roundtrip between washington, dc and savannah and then in june 2021, he flu round trip between washington, dc and san jose, california. all of this on crows jet and really intersect. i mean, these newly revealed flights, it only adds to what we know were other luxury trips that justice thomas enjoyed, bankrolled by harlan crow. there was also but 2019 trip to indonesia where justice thomas stayed on crows mega yacht. so there have been a lot of previously undisclosed travel that s been gifted by harlan crow is a gop megadonor. he s active and conservative causes. justice thomas, though, i ll note anderson has always it s described him as just a dear friend and says they ve never had any discussions about cases before the court. they ve wow, i mean, that that s you you re hanging out with justice supreme court. that s kind of amazing to think. has justice thomas explained why he did not disclose these these trips? because he talks about his love of staying in for vrb travel and drawing ran on a bus yeah. so he hasn t directly answered about these recent disclosures, but his attorney just released a statement tonight. it says this. it says the formation that harlan crow provided to the senate judiciary committee fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be disclosed by justice thomas the judicial conference change this provision last year, and justice thomas has fully complied with the new disclosure requirement. so i ll expand upon this to really explain it up until last year there was in fact this personal hospitality exemption. so justices, in the way they read it, didn t have to disclose certain benefits, maybe from there wealthy friends, things like when they stayed at their friends properties or traveled on jets. it was just last year, anderson that exemption was removed. so justices now have to disclose these perks, but there s some question as to whether the disclosures need to be retroactive. there s nothing specifically saying justices have to go back now and disclosed year s worth of trips. but it is still coming out and it came out tonight from the senate judiciary committee, judge jones, does this make sense you why wouldn t justice thomas just come clean about everything harlan crow has given him or paid for. why go through this kind of drip, drip, drip? you know, anderson, i have no idea but this has all the allure of a slow motion car accident. it doesn t look good. i toiled in the federal judiciary for 20 years and i love it. i respect it, but this tears that the fabric the code of ethics that the justices are subject to, which is, by the way, not enforceable says in the first canon that it is there to basically preserve the integrity and the independence of the judiciary now, under the circumstances to the point that was just made he amended his is 2023 ethic statement and he added a couple of his trips when you go to the question of retroactivity, i agree it s less than clear so why would you do that? and not include the other trips they re just revealed there s there s no good answer to that elie. i mean, do you agree with the statement from thomas s attorneys saying that because the personal hospitality exemption, he didn t need to not at all, the spirit of these rules is disclosure and these are not just a small gifts, these are gifts and not donations, but gifts worth tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. and the whole explanation that this is just a friend doing something for me. i mean, i gotta get better friends that this is something more than just a friend paying for his friend. hundreds of thousands dollars over that here for private school tuition for flights, for hotels violates every cannon in this ethics code. and if you remember anderson about a year ago, the supreme court for the first time ever adopted an ethics code. the criticism we made was it s toothless and i think now we re seeing that judge jones i mean, go ahead, judge. while i was going to say it s interesting to ellie s point about having a friend. here s the acid test, and this is not hard and it s not in the statement of ethics at all if you are making a friend because you re on the supreme court of the united states. if that s why this guy is friends with you, then i would suggest to you that if he s providing hospitality, that s just wrong. it just shouldn t happen. and i don t think that s a hard a hard test for any justice or judge observe if i had done this as a district judge, us district judge, i would have been absolutely subject to judicial discipline of the the most pronounced kind, and i would have deserved it. and so to me, there s if clarence thomas was sitting on this circuit court or was the head of the eoc. do you think that harlan crow would afford him this kind of hospitality? of course, he would judge jones. thank you. elie honig, jessica schneider, as well, just ahead. present. biden, promoting democracy on the world stage with ukraine and making a campaign issued home former us ambassador to the un, susan rice it s joins us next welcome to the waiver hood with wave. finding your style is fine when the music stops grabbing it, doesn t matter if you re outdoors hello. i m sorry, carl. this is me and chair form. i don t see you. just perfect for you but you love it. i told you we should have done opinion data i explained how many died they re not sending you need to sit down every style, every home at fisher investments. we may look like other money managers, but were different. and how so we re a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client s best interests. so we don t sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do the clients really come first then yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health lifestyle, and more. wow maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. let s get started no. where s your mask? 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if it s not binding on the next administration well, anderson, let s step back a second and thank you for having me on and take a look at what president biden is doing at the g7 in europe he is going back to his third g7 with, our alliances restored and rebuilt stronger than ever with the united states leadership embraced in respected and he has rallied the world to defend ukraine, including with a $50,000,000,000 loan that the united states led and negotiating this week using the interest off of the russian frozen assets. he s negotiated this bilateral agreement, which is very valuable in that there is always a cost for the united states when it reneges on its commitments, when it walks back its agreements and while it s not a legally binding treaty, it s a powerful statement of us support and intentions in addition, he s just this week led and imposing tough new sanctions on russia and china. so with joe biden, we have strong leadership that is strengthened our leinz is not only in europe, but in asia and around the world, which makes america more secure and we have a leader who s trusted and respected we contrast that as you did in your opening with donald trump who is so profoundly dangerous, he has not committed to democracy at home or abroad. he embraces dictators he is the president, former president whose own vice president? national security advisors, secretary of state secretaries of defense. yeah, pretty much everybody on the cabinets of staff. all have set are unfit. and what does that say when the people closest to you say you re unfit to lead, that s very, very concerning when you hear from say that vladimir putin would release wall street journal reporter it just adjust if he asked, what i mean, does that make sense to you like, why wouldn t he then just ask now for that to happen? well, that s a good question. i understand. no, of course it doesn t make sense. it s bluster. it s, it s all dishonest and every day we hear something dishonest out of donald trump s mouth. that is inherently self-serving and not anything we can rely on its. you don t just get to wave a magic wand and have a dictator who s hell-bent on not only taking over ukraine but western europe and more if we allow him. and what is donald trump s say? donald i m trump calls putin a genius. donald trump tells putin that he can do whatever he wants. the hell he wants with our nato allies. i mean, it s the height of recklessness self-interest, and danger, and it s not a future that we can be confident in at all, it would undermine our security profoundly at a time when the world is a complicated place, when you are us ambassador to the un, you obviously dealt with nations whose leaders disregard laws, carry out vendettas against their political opponents when you hear don trump talking about getting revenge or retribution does that seem i mean that seem realistic to you? do you believe he would do that? i do believe he would do it. i believe we have if we have learned anything we should listen to what he says and what he does is often exactly what he says and sometimes worse we have in donald trump a leader who is not running to be the president of the american people he s running for his own self-interest to try to stay out of jail and that is incredibly worrying. and when he says that on day one, he intends to be a dictator, that he will come after his political opponents and anybody who has rubbed i m tim the wrong way. i take that very seriously and i think we all should susan rice. thank you for your time thank you. anderson. way up next to cnn exclusive. been wiedemann talks with hamas spokesman in beirut about the remaining hostages they are holding captive in gaza he asked them how many are still alive and why hamas is yet to agree to ceasefire. his responses coming up this is country is corrupt. we ve got to save it do some terrible things for the greater good we need you build. for the soup, start rounding this up and dumping us off in kansas show me, wrap that doesn t sound good. ashley? 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you seem that count star from the beginning. let s start from beijing on. but one why to talk about the base of 7 october what about the israeli came after good luck to 7 october. it was a reaction against the occupation. what camps after that? it shows the real face of israel. it shows how israeli the cube buying the policy and lands demolishing the situation of the palestinians, killing the civilians. it s not the first time they are getting the civilians hamas is, is an organization. does it regret what it did on 7 october, given what happened afterwards? we are living with this for the last 75 years as palestine s yes now, cnn spoke to one of the doctors who treated the for israelis who were freed on saturday. and he said that they suffered mental and physical abuse. and what do you say when he is an israeli has to say what does lay authorities are asking him to say if you compare the images of both before and after releasing, you will find that they were better than before. i believe they have mental problem. this is because of what israel have done in gaza. but in addition to what has been said about the four recent hostages freed there have been also claims about the dire conditions others faced while in captivity. the fate of the remaining hostages hangs in the balance at the g7 summit in italy, us secretary of state antony blinken said, hoping hamas would agree to the latest us backed ceasefire proposal. response we got was unfortunately not the yes that we were looking for a yes that virtually the entire world has given. okay. mr. hamdan simple question. why hasn t hamas yet agreed officially to the us backed posel for a ceasefire who said it s a positive step but we need to see the facts on the ground. we need to know what exactly that president means by saying a ceasefire, i withdraw while what is left, what do you need we need an israeli ideally, a clear position from israel to accept the ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from gaza, and let the palestinians to determine their future by themselves are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement well, i think if the united states administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of israel we can reach soon an agreement. and in the absence of an agreement, this war goes on with know site then i mean, this hamas leader justifies the october 7 attack by hamas. and as long as she had an others, which was a violation of an ongoing ceasefire, claimed, no one knows how many hostages are still alive. obviously there are people who know in hamas, any claims that the released, that the hostages who were freed just recently, the four hostages that they are actually better off than they were before they were taken into captivity. i mean, that s just absurd well, that s what he said, but you need to look at it through the lens of how it s been seen in the region anderson there lot of pictures circulating for before and after pictures circulating on social media of palestinian prisoners who d been freed from israeli jails hills the pictures show healthy people going in gaunt, sickly people looking out. no. mr. hamdan, like millions of other in this region are seeing the pictures of these for israelis who were recently freed from gaza, who on the surf base surface superficially looked to be okay. so that seems to be why he s saying this and we re hearing it from many other people as well. keep in mind also that osama hamdan is a political figure in hamas. he is involved in and then negotiating process, but he s not part of the military wing that holds the hostages in gaza, so he s probably not complete the up on the situation in there. and i think what you re hearing in that interview is more a reflection, perhaps social media then his knowledge of the specifics of the hostages themselves anderson, where she refuses even call hostages, but been wiedemann. thank you. appreciate it. we ll be right back three body serie a. city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress grass whether you re moving across town or across the country now, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will, which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief new abdo targeted relief all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals orioles. what s missing? 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let s tsunami afghanistan, iraq. so many places we ve been all those stories we ve told, interviews and live shots and folders, endless days and sleepless nights, boring car rides and bad flights all those airports we ve rushed to getting, there, getting out how many hours have we waited? how many calls have you made how much could cajoling and talking? how did you come to know me so well time passes and memories fade but i hope i never forget all that we ve shared and all that you ve been and will forever be to me. charlie and i spend more than a month reporting from new orleans and the gulf coast in the difficult days after hurricane katrina. the last show we did was from a badly damaged street and it was all deserted and it was charlie and meeting maybe seven or eight others cameraman and engineers and satellite truck operators we ve finished around midnight. we broke down the equipment, we wrapped up the cables are other people did neal halls worth one of my cameraman two dozen years from the cooler on his truck and pass them around and we lingered there for time talking remembering the things we d all just lived through, not wanting that feeling we had to

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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240613

the oklahoma justices ruling said the lingering impact of the massacre does not fall within the scope of our state public nuisance statute and they rule the state can continue to profit from tulsa massacre related tourism without compensating survivors. today s dismissal marks an end to the quest to see justice in their life time, something i got to speak to ms. fletcher about last year. what does justice look like to you? well, everything is beautiful and rebuilt and restored. you know, we think it is just time now that we have justice on all of that to where we can live all our life. and that is the reidout . all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in day people are saying to themselves, where we better off four years ago or are we better off now and it wasn t even close. the greatest confidence game ever played. voters believe they were better off during trump s term than biden s. we are not better off today than we were four years ago. tonight, from crime to the economy and beyond how a political party led by a criminal is conning america. then you, you are working for a felon. a felon. the maga scandal machine and today s contempt about for the attorney general. and the senate push to do something about the ethics crisis in the supreme court. the highest court in the land should not and could not have the lowest ethical standards. when all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i am chris hayes. as we approach the first debate of a presidential election season, earlier than normal between joe biden and donald trump, it is clear that trump and the republican pitch to voters is fundamentally a con job. i mean that in the most literal sense. the term comes from so-called confidence man, fixtures in the late 18th and 19th century who swindled the victims with their confidence. right now that all s bravado is the defining feature of donald trump s attempt to win back the oval office. remember, this is the man who tried to destroy our constitutional republic live on national television and who utterly failed in overseeing the one national crisis he had to guide the nation through the pandemic. and yet trump and his surrogates are constantly telling voters to ask themselves a question, are you better off than you were four years ago? are you better off than you were four years ago? i don t think joe biden can run on the question of are you better off than you were four years ago. that is one question he is praying that he never hears. are you better under four years of joe biden were four years of donald trump. you know, people are saying to themselves are we better off four years ago or are we better off now and it wasn t even close. that, by the way, was all from the past week. we have been running a series on all in responding to that question because the events of four years ago were so shocking, unprecedented, and traumatic. i think a lot of people, i would say most people including myself, have blocked it out. again, i get it. i don t want to think about sitting inside trying to homeschool my kids or attending zuma for my dearly departed uncle or the images of packed hospitals and dying saying goodbye to their loved ones on ipads. of course the fact that most people don t want to think too much about 2020 is an enormous advantage for republicans and the trump campaign who are attempting to pull off this con job. their aim is to kind of magically replace her memory. to distract you from the fact that four years ago we were all living in the midst of disaster. tonight the country has reached another sobering milestone in the coronavirus pandemic, surpassing 2 million cases and this warning sign. hospitalizations are surging in many states. we will start our rallies back up now. we had a tremendous run at rallies. i don t think there has been an empty seat. i think one in texas. we are going to arizona. texas and arizona among nine states reporting a jump in hospitalizations, the best indicator of the viruses toll. we are really doing a financial comeback. the jobs numbers are fantastic. 1.5 million people filed front employment last week, almost 43 million since the pandemic began. i think the economy next year will be maybe the best it has ever been. we are already seeing the stock market going up, because you have a lot of smart people betting on exactly what i m saying. a selloff from wall street amid new concerns about the continuing spread of covid-19. the dow plunging more than 1800 points, its biggest drop in three months. a very important time in our country. a lot of things are happening and i think when it all ends up it is going to end up very good for everybody. there is growing concern tonight that restricting restrictions is causing an increase in covid-19 cases. all lives are precious, not just the people infected by covid, but also the people who are being driven to this because of the lockdown. what is happening in some of those places. that shut down. the poverty rate is going up. what are people going to do if they don t have jobs to go to to earn a living in order to take care of their families? that is the main reason. all of these scare tactics, they don t work this time around. they will not work. i should note one week after herman cain made that appearance on fox news, he attended donald trump s indoor rally. a big, indoor rally in the midst of covid in tulsa, oklahoma and by the end of june he was hospitalized with covid and died on july 30 at the age of 74. naturally every time we do one of these segments i find that looking back at four years ago brings a lot of emotion. most people divide recent history into the before times and the after times, myself included. a lot of us feel nostalgia for the before times and that is exactly what donald trump and his allies are using to build their lie about what really happened. to erase our real memories and implant false ones. that is their project and it has been unnervingly effective so far. four years ago in june, 2020 while we were living through the pandemic donald trump s approval rating was 42%. and when a new poll, 47% of americans say they approve of the job that trump did as president. it is not much, but those five points are basically the margin of the entire election and they are accomplishing that through flat out lies about what is actually happening. take a listen to missouri senator josh hawley doing this today. he s going to run on his record from four years ago versus biden right now. gas under president biden, up 55%. groceries, up 40%. wages down 3%. that is the campaign. that is before we get to crime, before we get to the border. sorry, josh hawley. wages are up. average hourly earnings are actually up 17% from may, 2020 two 2024 in nominal terms, like groceries and stuff. wages have also outpaced inflation for the past 13 months as the washington post pointed out today. crime is way down. look at what has happened with the homicide rate. in 2020 when donald trump was president, he ushered in under his presidency the largest ever one year jump, spiking 30%. by 2023 the homicide rate had tumbled 19% to 5.3 per 100,000 people. new data shows the rate continues to drop dramatically, down another 20 another 26% in the first quarter from the same time period last year. gas prices, are, i will admit, overall higher than they were in the summer of 2020. why were they low then? no one was traveling anywhere. okay? that is why there were cheap gas prices. refrigerator trucks full of cadavers, yeah, the gas prices were low. and they spiked up in the early part of the biden administration with the war in ukraine, but they have been trending in the right direction and continue to fall even as the summer travel season heats up. grocery prices are coming down. not just with inflation which cooled to 3.3% today, but retailers are actually slashing prices on thousands of islands. of items. again, they spiked during the pandemic like they did everywhere in the world, but they are on the right trajectory now and all of this is happening under the incumbent, joe biden. and we are not losing thousands of americans per day to a deadly pandemic. we do not live in a nation in the throes of constant disorder. this time four years ago we were living through the televised murder of george lloyd and the protestant police response that followed while then president trump called for sending in troops. across the country was started as peaceful gatherings protesting the death of george floyd evolved into destruction. from new york, where police and protesters squared off in the streets, to portland where the mayor issued a state of emergency and a city curfew. the nation erupted into scenes of chaos. violence. and widespread destruction into the early morning hours. in some of the nation s biggest cities, the night spiraled out of control early. we had to run rubber bullets. my cameraman has been hit. we have also seen tear gas being used. here we go again. this is exactly what it looks like. oh. whoa. can you hear us? are you okay? reporter: we are surrounded by the police and you saw the way that they dealt with my cameraman. we don t know who they are targeting at the moment. i said you have to dominate the streets. you can t let that happen and we are doing it with compassion, if you think about it. we are dominating the street with compassion. all that happens under the watch of president donald trump. we cannot say or hear that and if he returns to power i am telling you it is a safe bet that we will return to trauma and chaos. she is a democratic strategist who served as an advisor for the 2020 campaign. they both join me now. doug, i wanted to talk to you because in some ways history and recent history is part of what is being contested in this campaign. the legacy of the first trump year, trump term, and particularly 2020, the four years ago in the famous formulation, as a historian and historian and presidential elections, how do you see it? i think january 6 is such a seminal event and for the days after it seemed like trump was toast. everybody was furious that insurrectionists, but lo and behold suddenly mitch mcconnell came back to trump and lindsey graham and they sort of built this coalition and what is it? it is really anti-federal government. that is what trump represents now. that is why we are seeing the american flag hung upside down by conservative justices. and biden is trying to be part of a tradition, presidents club, of all of the other presidents. you saw on june 6, where ronald reagan is. by then saying i represent all of this and trump is sort of the anti-federal government, anger over covid. and that people still feel that their lives became topsy-turvy and they are going to punish whoever the incumbent is. so it is hard for biden to get traction even though as you said, numbers on the economy are good. we are much better off. he has shown great leadership, but communicating that to the people when there is this much frenzy on social media and hatred toward the federal government, it is an uphill battle for biden to get reelected. i was thinking about 2010, the elections in which of course democrats lost. the tea party uprising. a lot of that was something similar was happening. which is people were frustrated with the aftermath of the financial crisis ushered in by the republican party. democrats were the incumbent party and they took it out against the democrats and it was sort of classic like we don t like the status quo because things are bad and they were bad, but the reason they were bad is because what had been passed on. there is something similar here where the things people don t like him a totally understandably, the shocks that came out of covid were not the doing of joe biden. subsequent administrations had to fix that and people still feel frustrated with the pace that is happening. it s interesting that you bring up what happened in 2010 because i think of the history of the democratic party. to clean up the miss of the republican party and as democrats clean up the miss they have to message against republicans who are acting as if they want the party that let estate into it. four years ago donald trump was telling people to drink leach to cure covid while he was having superspreader events. four years ago people were in their homes watching what you just did in a montage, but we were watching that every day for 24 hours, not knowing when we would see our loved ones and then trying to figure out who we were going to vote for when it comes to the president to get us out of this. you know, policy for people to feel it in their pocket books takes a very long time and while you mentioned some great reports for the biden administration, even the global economic report this week that said the global economy is strong because the u.s. economy is getting strong, but people are not feeling that yet. that is not the fault of president biden. that is the unregulated corporations that republicans are blocking anything democrats want to do around this. this debate coming up, president biden will have to figure out how to message that as well as the surrogates and people talking about this between now and election day so people understand how they are not feeling this, even though these historic numbers are bringing us back to a place that the american people really want to be. you know, doug, i think that before times nostalgia is powerful and i think there is another thing in play here and i would like to get your thoughts on it. my view of trump was always that this is a person who is so unsuited to the job above all else that if and when a crisis comes it will be the worst possible response and then covid happened and it was borne out. i think a lot of people think 2020 is a mulligan. it was a meteor that hit earth and they sort of blocked out the degree of insanity in the crisis management that happened that year and i wonder if you think it is possible to remind them or people are so resistant to thinking about it. i think you can and it is going to be imperative that joe biden reminds people, particularly during the upcoming debate with trump. trump has gone through so many legal jeopardy moments and years have gone by and we are running it on television all the time and you have the 34 felony conventions convictions. even when that happens some democrats were saying don t rub it in trump s base. of course you have to rub it in his face. you have to call him a felon. biden has struggled i think with messaging in the sense of this economy that has been building. he called it a transitory pain we were having at one point and then it was bidenomics. instead they have to lay out that our economy is doing well. yes, i feel your pain at milk, groceries, gas, but he has to be the happy warrior like fdr. at times he does that. i felt that when he was in france, talking about freedom and democracy, but other times he gets in a bit of a defensive crouch. you can t be gerald ford with whip inflation now buttons. you can t be jimmy carter, the malaise or crisis of confidence. presidents get reelected with a sense of victory and optimism and better times are yet to come and obama when he ran, he had the killing of osama bin laden which gave him the foreign policy credential that people clearly understood. the revenge of the 9/11 disaster. the sort of past versus future obviously you have two individuals, one is who is 78 and the other is 81. in some ways donald trump is the recent past and i do wonder if because the past four years have been so dramatic and disruptive, people want to go back in time and that is part of the allure. i think people want to go back in time when there was what they felt was more certainty. with covid there was such uncertainty. the racial unrest and then we saw january 6. hindsight is 2020 and for some reason some people as though they people feel as though they were better under donald trump. that wasn t the case. i think we have to make sure that president biden, and i hope his campaign is listening, that he simplifies his message. he has always been the comforter right next to president obama. be that president and then talk about the ways not only has it gotten folks out of this, but he will continue to do so if they give him four more years. along with a congress and senate to keep doing this work. alencia johnson and doug brinkley, thank you both. coming up, the hunter biden narrative backfires on republicans and now they are going after the attorney general instead. that is next. next. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. for moderate to severe crohn s disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. 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have the transcript. today they voted to hold the attorney general in contempt. congressman joe neguse of colorado is assistant democratic leader and member of the judiciary committee and joins me now. congressman, what was this all about? good evening and good to be with you, chris. unfortunately it is a sad state of affairs in washington, d.c. as extreme house republicans have once again found a way to weaponize what are very constitutional and serious tools that the congress has at its disposal. in this case, as you articulated, they pursued a baseless contempt resolution against the attorney general. by way of background as many of your viewers already know, the attorney general fully complied with the requests made by the congress. the department of justice produced over 90,000 pages of documents with respect to this inquiry. more by the way, chris, then the entire department of justice provided during the course of the trump administration and also produced the transcript itself of the president s conversation with the special counsel. the contextual reasons house republicans offered for purposes of the audio were clearly a smokescreen for what was a political exercise. they wanted audiotapes to use them for a campaign commercial and the attorney general cited a number of reasons why ultimately that tape could not be provided. the president invoked executive privilege and republicans in the house of course know that to be the case, but they proceeded anyway. unfortunately i think it is shameful and disgraceful and we will have to see what comes next in the clown show that they have perpetrated on the american people right now. you know, two things i want to note. the republican who voted against it said as a former prosecutor i cannot in good conscience support a position to score political points. the american people expect congress to work for them and solve policy problems. enough is enough. second of all i want to make sure that i have the events right. merrick garland appoints a special counsel to investigate the president. the man that he appoints is a republican who is a donald trump appointee in the justice department. this individual asks for an interview which the president voluntarily complies with i think for nine hours despite the fact that donald trump never gave an interview to robert mueller. he then uses parts of that interview to take political shots at him in the opening introduction. they release the transcript and all of this is deemed, what? partisan by the republicans? how far can you possibly go? the answer is nowhere. there is nothing you can do. that is the question and it is an open question. you articulated the timeline well. i would offer two amendments. one, this attorney general produced as you know the special counsel report in full, unredacted. very different compared to attorney general bill burr. i remember as we dealt with subterfuge with respect to the special counsel investigation and in this case the special counsel testified in front of my committee, as did the attorney general as recently as last week. this is a farce. house republicans know that. it is a way for them to up skate their lack of days for them to obfuscate their lack of an agenda. they prefer to spend time on these political games, which is unfortunate. it is not a coincidence the timing between hunter biden s conviction yesterday and this. this is the new york times reporting. mister trump who aggressively attacked hunter biden in the 2020 election has changed his mind about doing so now. trump said republicans needed to be careful not to go overboard because it could elicit sympathy and make people view the president as a caring father. so they spend years chasing this guy to the ends of the earth. they successfully, let s be clear, they basically successfully control this investigation. the prosecution happens and now it is like we ve got to light a new fire because that one has burned out. look, in their view the circus must continue. their message is not resonating with the american people, so as a result they will continue pursuing political retribution at every turn and of course this is not the first time. they pursued seven or eight different impeachment resolutions at various points in the last 18 months against a variety of cabinet officials. they impeached secretary mayorkas. that was dispensed in the senate without a trial. the attempted impeachment of president biden failed. so i have no doubt that unfortunately these games are going to continue for some time. hope springs eternal that perhaps some in the republican caucus will do what representative joyce did today and ultimately speak truth to power and do the right thing and join us in getting back to the business of the house. congressman joe neguse, thank you for your time. up next, what happened in the senate when the democrats tried to introduce ethics to the supreme court. next. . my mental health was better. but 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your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga chewy, a citi client, uses citi s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. they say we should stop eating so much meat. for the love of moving so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. we are going to start with something simple that the whole country will be able to understand immediately and intuitive. we want a $50 gift to ben. they make $300,000 a year. pay for your own lunch and pay for your own vacation. it seems sensible. democrats have started actively pushing for binding ethics legislation in the house like a bill that would limit the justices, all of the justices, to the same rules that guide members of congress and federal employees. in the senate today democrats ask for unanimous consent to pass a binding ethics package for the court. it was blocked by the top republican on the senate judiciary committee, senator lindsey graham. joining me now is senator jeff merkley, one of several democrats who took to the senate floor arguing why the ethics package should pass. senator, it is good to have you on. first, tell me what the act fix what the ethics package, what would it do? it is so straightforward, chris. it says they would have to have a binding code of ethics at least as strong as the house or senate has. what applies to the executive branch, what applies to other judges, what applies to members of the house and senate applies to the supremes as well. that is like what congressman raskin and ocasio- cortez were talking about. you could not do it as a senator. you could not do it as a mid- level engineer at the department of the interior and you could not do it as any other federal judge. chris, it is just phenomenal. think about what this looks like. it is mega yacht trips. indonesia. tuition for family members. luxury rvs. helicopter flights. you name it. $6 million of gifts over the last 20 years. here is the scenario. for an average person hauled into court and somebody sues you and you find out the person suing you has been going on fishing trips to alaska with the judge. would you think you are getting a fair shake? that there is any possibility of justice in that situation? the answer is absolutely not. that is a profoundly corrupt court and that is what we have today. i think, well, i don t know what the logic is but i think republicans say this is all partisan. the reason you are doing this is because you don t like the rulings in the court, you don t like the ideology, so you are trying to attack legitimacy to a road power for purely ideological and partisan reasons. certainly if republicans want this court to have the force that comes with integrity and respect of the american people, then they should be the first to step forward to clean up this miss. it is in fact a miss and certainly i believe that these justices on the right who were trained and selected by the federalist society to deliver power on a plate to corporations in america, are deeply, profoundly warping the constitution. in favor of corporations and against consumers and environmental laws and many other things. this issue of accepting massive gifts from people who have issues before the court, that stands on its own. separate from any dispute one might have. i want to redo something that sam alito said last summer in an interview with the wall street journal to a lawyer and a writer there. he said i know this is a controversial view, but i m willing to say it, he says. no provision in the constitution gives congress the authority to regulate the supreme court, period. what do you think of that? it is called legislation and the constitution does give legislation power to the congress. it gives the ability to put a code of ethics on the executive branch. yes a president can veto it, but we can override that veto. certainly there was a sense of while the constitution said little about what the court system would look like, there were massive decisions made by congress to decide how the judiciary would be structured and run. so absolutely that does not pass any sort of common sense or legal examination. final question and quickly. on the question of having the chief justice come before the senate. he has basically blown off an inquiry from the chair of the judiciary committee who reached out to him. samuel alito has written to say i am not recusing myself. basically they are like, you are not the boss of us and we don t have to listen to anything you say. is that a tolerable equilibrium? it is not, because they are basically saying we have the right to be corrupt and you can t do anything about it and that deeply undermines a key institution in our country in which we need to have a sense of respect. a sense that it delivers the balls and strikes, as justice roberts once said in his confirmation hearings. right now we are getting profound conflict of interest and that is really sad to hear. chris, here is the thing. justice roberts, in running this court, he has to recognize that he is failing in his responsibility to run this court in a fashion which delivers fairness and a sense of integrity to the american people. one jeff merkley, inc. s very much. we will be right back. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, 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against pharmaceutical companies and the like and bernie sanders message from the beginning. it has been almost a decade since my brief flirtation with internet immortality. there was even a videogame created out of that. in my defense it had been a very long day covering the new hampshire primary and we were doing my show where we did so many msnbc shows that you re at jds tavern. in that very moment as i was speaking, in my line of sight, howard feynman sitting in a booth about to take a bite from a huge pastrami sandwich. the legendary political journalist was with us at all of those political moments on every primary, convention, everything in between going back more than 20 years. he was a near constant presence on msnbc, sharing reporting and insight from his career spanning four decades and seven presidents. you confess your weak spot up front, but then you turn it into a virtue and make what you hope is a dramatic and winning contest with your opponent. in this case as you say you cannot out flamboyant donald trump. you cannot be more, in many ways, irresponsible than donald trump. howard fineman was more connected in politics than just about any journalist has been. it was a force of nature who knew everybody in washington. i was so saddened to learn that howard died today at the age of 75 after a long battle with cancer. i knew him well. i knew him to be exceedingly clever and exceedingly kind. and howard had this bravado that they don t make anymore. our thoughts are with the family tonight including his son nick, who is a senior producer here at msnbc. we are all really going to miss him. i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it. it only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick for amazing trap and lock. even for his hair. wow! and for dust i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i m so hooked! you ll love swiffer or your money 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first and foremost, a ceasefire. first and foremost, a ceasefire. this is elementary. this is like when there was a ceasefire, hostages came back. now, they happen here and there, they are not a strategic solution to the problem of 120 people still kept in captivity. you know, during seven months of military operation israel succeeded in releasing seven hostages alive. this is, you know, a pace of one hostage a month. eight months, even. so 120 hostages would take ten years time. the hostages have no time. the sanitary conditions are nonexistent. the health is deteriorating by the day. physical and mental. and we must find a way to bring them back home as soon as possible. these are not, you know, these are not only young people, these are elderly people, grandfathers and parents and uncles and people that were taken from their beds at 7:00 a.m. on a saturday, you know, in their pajamas and barefoot sometimes, yeah. in the u.s., one of the things that people there has been kind of a joining of the notion of the war and the justness of it and doing it on behalf of the hostages. many people feel that the war is on behalf of the hostages, and people think that those, you know, who are calling for ceasefire are betraying them or forgetting about them. and you wrote this open letter that basically argued the opposite. and so for people that are people of good faith across the spectrum on this very contested issue, i want to hear your argument to them as a family member. sure, sure. first, again, a ceasefire. why? the thing that endangers the hostages the most right now, idf bombing. this has been from october 8th ongoing where my 9-year-old cousin s son was asked during an interview after he has spent 49 days in gaza captivity, he was asked what do you feel most about your grandfather still being there? without hesitation he answered the idf bombing. the idf bombing endangers the hostages, and the idf bombing, actually, we know about 14 hostages that were killed either by direct hit by the idf or, you know, as after an idf attack, the attackers needed to evacuate the space. they killed them, so you know, the military operation endangers the hostages. it got seven hostages out, 14, at least, dead, and this the whole military maneuver is not getting it s not for the hostages at all. it s not helping them. on the contrary, it gets them further and further away from the hostage deal, further and further away from getting united with their loved ones. because we know that the conditions for the hostage exchange or the prisoners exchange or whatever you want to call this, getting them back home is first, ceasefire. and by waging this war from day one, the israel government initiatives of this military operation is only keeping us apart, keeping us further and further apart. at the beginning it was only northern gaza, then it was rafah, and before that it was elsewhere, and we re just getting further and further apart from a solution to this problem, because the solution should start with a ceasefire. this is, you know, logical and basic. a spokesperson for the group of hostage, his uncle held by hamas in gaza. i can t thank you enough for making time for us. we re all thinking about you and your family. thank you very much. and we pray for the safe return of all of the hostages as soon as possible. this is a humanitarian issue. this is not some political issue, and people trying to make this a political issue, especially, the government trying to make this political. no, this is a humanitarian crisis. and everything should be done to get them back as soon as possible. thank you very much. that is all in on this wednesday night. alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. 250 days, just unbelievable this is where we are. thank you, my friend, as always. so i want to start with a story that in any other universe would have absolutely nothing to do with politics or anything even approximating controversy. the kind of news we all used to read or hear and accept. but in the post-trump era, this

Everything , Something , Justice , Quest , End , Ms , Dismissal , Justices , State , Statute , Massacre , Impact

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240612

welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, i m arunoday mukharji. let s get you the headlines. ajury has found hunter biden guilty of all three felony gun charges in the first criminal trial of a child of a sitting us president. hamas responds to the latest peace proposal for gaza, saying its ready to engage but still wants israel to commit to a permanent ceasefire and completely withdraw its forces. india confirms two of its nationals have been killed while fighting illegally for the russian forces in ukraine. welcome to bbc news broadcasting to viewers in the uk and around the world. we begin in the united states where the president s son, hunter biden, has been found guilty of lying about his drug use to illegally buy a gun. the jury in the trial in delaware convicted him on all three counts. he could face a maximum of 25 years in jail. our north america editor sarah smith has been following the story and has more. handin hand in hand with his step mother, the first lady, as well as his life, hunter biden left court a convicted felon. this trial, peppered with lurid details about his private life and previous addiction to crack cocaine, has clearly put great stress on the whole family. presidentjoe biden appeared at a gun safety rally, saying he loved hunter and is proud of the man he is today. he travelled to delaware to be with his son. prosecutors admitted that hunter biden committed a crime by lying on a form to buy a gun. that was discovered in his car by his then partner haillie biden, also his sister in law, the widow of his brother beau. prosecutors showed video of her trying to dispose of the weapon in a dumpster. she told the court she realised it was a stupid idea. court she realised it was a stu - id idea. . stupid idea. hunter biden had already described stupid idea. hunter biden had already described his - stupid idea. hunter biden had already described his drug - already described his drug addiction in a book. excerpts read by the author himself was played in court. it read by the author himself was played in court- played in court. it became smokeing played in court. it became smokeing every played in court. it became smokeing every two - played in court. it became smokeing every two days. i played in court. it became - smokeing every two days. his defence argued that hunter biden wasn t using drugs around the time he bought the gun, but the time he bought the gun, but thejury the time he bought the gun, but the jury rejected that. donald trump insists he was only convicted because president biden is using the legal system to persecute his political opponent, claims undermined by the guilty verdict against the president s own son. the justice department say they care only about the law, not politics. care only about the law, not olitics. ., ., , politics. no-one in this country politics. no-one in this country is politics. no-one in this country is above - politics. no-one in this country is above the i politics. no-one in this l country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. everyone must be accountable fortheiractions. even everyone must be accountable for their actions. even this defendant. however, hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. , conduct. hunter biden s wilful refusal to conduct. hunter biden s wilful refusal to comply. conduct. hunter biden s wilful refusal to comply. he - conduct. hunter biden s wilful refusalto comply. he has i refusal to comply. he has been investigated by republicans in congress, who accuse him of peddling influence while his father was vice president. no charges have resulted from, that and attempts to impeachjoe biden in connection with his son s business dealings have come to nothing. to developments in the middle east and hamas has responded to the american led proposals for a ceasefire and hostage release deal in gaza, saying they view the plan favourably. in a statement, they said they were ready to move towards a deal but they insisted that any ceasefire must be permanent. israel has been reluctant to end the war, while hamas retains its ability to carry out further attacks. the us says it s considering their response. our correspondent hugo bachega is injerusalem and gave us his assessment of events. hamas has expressed readiness to reach a deal, but it s sticking to its initial demands, they include a guarantee there will be a permanent ceasefire in gaza, and also the complete withdrawal of israeli forces from the territory. now, qatar and egypt, which have been mediating the talks, say they have received this response from hamas, and they will be co ordinate the next they will co ordinate the next steps with the negotiations with the united states. the deal being discussed is a 3 stage plan that was announced by president biden, he described it as an israeli proposal. the first stage of this plan would see the release of hostages being held in gaza, and then pave the way for a permanent ceasefire. now, hamas wants a guarantee of a permanent ceasefire because they feel once the hostages are out, the israeli military may continue to gaza to continue with its military operation against the group. now, the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu had previously said that israel would not commit to an end of the war without achieving its goals of destroying hamas s military and governing capabilities in gaza. for more, we can speak to ian parmeter in canberra. he is the former australian ambassador to lebanon and currently a research scholar at the centre for arab and islamic studies at the australian national university. thank you very much, ambassador, for being with us here on news day. just want to begin by asking hamas has responded, demanding a complete halt to fighting. how realistic is the prospect of a full withdrawal of israeli troops and could that delay the deal going through? i and could that delay the deal going through? and could that delay the deal going through? i think it will. it s very unfortunate - going through? i think it will. it s very unfortunate that - it s very unfortunate that hamas s response has been as well, keeping to the hard line they insist on a full agreement to cease the the full ceasefire, permanent ceasefire, before they will agree to it. so, there s still a lot of diplomacy to be got through. the americans will be putting a lot of pressure on egypt to get a more definite response to at least the first phase, which is the six week temporary ceasefire from hamas. but as well the americans would be putting a lot of pressure on the netanyahu government to give its agreement and we don t have that full agreement as yet. the americans say the israeli government has agreed but binyamin netanyahu has said the operation will continue until until hamas is destroyed. so, we have two irreconcile able objectives here. hamas is determined to remain standing at the end of the conflict, and israel is determined that it will be the conflict won t end until hamas is removed. and that has been the problem right from the start. i been the problem right from the start. ., ., , ., start. i want to understand the ressure start. i want to understand the pressure the start. i want to understand the pressure the us start. i want to understand the pressure the us can start. i want to understand the pressure the us can put, - start. i want to understand the pressure the us can put, to . pressure the us can put, to what extent they can exert that pressure. the deal is very important to washington. how muscular do you think they ll be in getting this across the line? i be in getting this across the line? ~ ~ . ., , line? i think the americans will be putting line? i think the americans will be putting a line? i think the americans will be putting a lot - line? i think the americans will be putting a lot of - will be putting a lot of pressure on israel to fully agree to at least the first phase of the ceasefire. the temporary six week ceasefire. this is very important to president biden because the gaza war is actually pulling the democratic party apart. and one of the consequences of the war, the fact that arab americans who normally vote democrat and progressive democrats are very opposed to biden s support for israel and to the huge number of casualties that the war has caused. and they may well not vote in november, which of course will hand the election to trump by default. so, it s very important to biden that the warfinish as very important to biden that the war finish as soon as possible and that as much possible and that as much possible get out of the american people s system. very briefl , american people s system. very briefly, ambassador, american people s system. very briefly, ambassador, there are domestic political compulsions for israel. benny gantz is out of the war cabinet, there are fears that netanyahu will have to listen to the far right. does that complicate matters? it certainly does. benny gantz was a moderating influence within the war cabinet. now he s gone, very hard line ministerfor national he s gone, very hard line minister for national security, ben gvir, will take his place in the war cabinet. that will mean it will be a less balanced management of the war and ben gvir has said that he and his coalition partner will withdraw their parties from the coalition, the governing coalition, the governing coalition, if the war stops, if there s even a temporary ceasefire. so netanyahu is in an extremely difficult situation, particularly given there is now so much pressure from the families of the hostages, following the release of another four hostages over the weekend. of another four hostages over the weekend. right. all right. ambassador, the weekend. right. all right. ambassador, thank the weekend. right. all right. ambassador, thank you - the weekend. right. all right. ambassador, thank you very i ambassador, thank you very much, a pleasure having you on the show. in the uk, the conservatives have put tax cuts at the heart of their manifesto, as they launched their programme for government if they return to power after the election. among the policies announced was a cut in national insurance, scrapping the main rate of national insurance for the self employed and they pledged a new help to buy scheme for potential homeowners. our political editor chris mason was at the manifesto launch and sent us this report. halfway through this election race, it s the moment for the cardboard boxes, within them, those bundles of promises, not always kept, that set out a party s blueprint for the next five years. so, the manifesto is here, so is the cabinet. ..then the prime minister. applause music, applause, an ovation from party supporters, yes, but also a candid acknowledgment from rishi sunak about how you may feel about him and the conservatives. may feel about him and the conservatives. i m not blind to the fact that conservatives. i m not blind to the fact that people conservatives. i m not blind to the fact that people are - the fact that people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with our party and frustrated with our party and frustrated with me. things have not always been easy. and we have not got everything right. but we are the only party in this election with the big ideas to make our country a better place to live. applause applause a central theme of this manifesto is tax cuts including a promise of another 2p cut in employee national insurance. br; 2p cut in employee national insurance. insurance. by 2027, we will have halved insurance. by 2027, we will have halved national- insurance. by 2027, we will. have halved national insurance to 6%, that s a tax cut, my friends, worth £1,300 to the average worker. average worker. rishi sunak - raised average worker. rishi sunak praised the average worker. rishi sunak praised the enterprise - average worker. rishi sunak praised the enterprise and l average worker. rishi sunak i praised the enterprise and risk taking of the self employed, and said this: in taking of the self-employed, and said this: and said this: in the next parliament, and said this: in the next parliament, we ll- and said this: in the next parliament, we ll scrap l parliament, we ll scrap entirely the main rate of self employed national insurance. self-employed national insurance. insurance. and having acknowledged - insurance. and having acknowledged on - insurance. and having acknowledged on bbcj insurance. and having acknowledged on bbc panorama it s become harder to buy a home in recent years, the prime minister said he wanted to make it easier. for minister said he wanted to make it easier. ., , it easier. for the first time bu ers it easier. for the first time buyers purchasing - it easier. for the first time buyers purchasing a - it easier. for the first time buyers purchasing a home| it easier. for the first time i buyers purchasing a home up it easier. for the first time - buyers purchasing a home up to £425,000, we ll abolish stamp duty entirely. applause stamp duty is a tax on buying a home in england and northern ireland. next, what about the plan to send some migrants to rwanda? some conservatives say it s time the uk left the european convention on human rights or echr to make this easier. but mr sunak stopped short of saying that. ii easier. but mr sunak stopped short of saying that. short of saying that. if we are forced to short of saying that. if we are forced to choose short of saying that. if we are forced to choose between - short of saying that. if we are forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of a foreign court, including the echr, we ll always choose our nation s security. applause for much of the last 18 months, you have tried everything to try and revive conservative fortunes and not much appears to have worked. could we rename this document today your last chance saloon? chance saloon? well, chris, i ve chance saloon? well, chris, i ve been chance saloon? well, chris, i ve been very chance saloon? well, chris, i ve been very clear- chance saloon? well, chris, i ve been very clear when i i chance saloon? well, chris, i i ve been very clear when i got thisjob we had been i ve been very clear when i got this job we had been through a very difficult time as a country. if you want a secure future, if you want lower taxes, if you want your pensions protected, if you want a more sensible approach to net zero and you want your border secure, vote conservative at this election. this election. there ended -erha - s this election. there ended perhaps this this election. there ended perhaps this man s - this election. there ended perhaps this man s last i this election. there ended| perhaps this man s last big this election. there ended - perhaps this man s last big set piece moment to change his fortunes. time, then, to scuttle through the crowds and talk to some cabinet ministers. what do you make of that? i think this is a really exciting manifesto for the future. what i love about it, it addresses every stage of our lives. ii every stage of our lives. if this is the game changer, why you are standing down? me? well, i m you are standing down? me? well. m an you are standing down? me? well, i m an old you are standing down? me? well, i m an old war- you are standing down? me? well, i m an old war horse i well, i m an old war horse that s put out to grass because we need a new generation to support the prime minister in the future. support the prime minister in the future- support the prime minister in the future. , ., ., ., ., the future. it s a fudge o-rama on the european the future. it s a fudge o-rama on the european convention i the future. it s a fudge o-rama on the european convention of| on the european convention of huntan on the european convention of human rights. if on the european convention of human rights. human rights. if there s a contradiction human rights. if there s a contradiction between i human rights. if there s a contradiction between an | contradiction between an adjudication in a foreign court, we protect our borders. i know we re behind in the polls i know we re behind in the polls | i know we re behind in the olls. ., . ., polls. i notice you re not sa in: polls. i notice you re not saying yes- polls. i notice you re not saying yes. it s - polls. i notice you re not saying yes. it s an i polls. i notice you re not i saying yes. it s an election. i can t predict saying yes. it s an election. i can t predict the saying yes. it s an election. i can t predict the outcome i saying yes. it s an election. i can t predict the outcome of| saying yes. it s an election. i i can t predict the outcome of an election, it s not myjob. the election, it s not my “0b. the outcome election, it s not my “0b. the outcome of h election, it s not my “0b. the outcome of the i election, it s not myjob. the outcome of the election is your job at home. the cases the different parties are making are becoming clearer. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. you re live with bbc news. ukraine s far east has come under intense russian bombardment over the last few months. but now, the mayor of kharkiv says there have been fewer russian attacks ever since the us allowed ukraine to strike targets across the border using american weapons. it comes as president volodymyr zelensky is in germany to appeal for more support to protect ukrainian cities hoping to encourage european nations to invest in the country s post war reconstruction. our correspondent david mcguinness has more details on mr zelensky s push for recovery efforts in berlin. thousands of delegates from all over the world are in berlin to plan the reconstruction of ukraine after the war. they include governments, officials from around 60 countries, as well as business leaders and that s because the main point of this conference is to get private investment into ukraine, politicians say that state funds are not going to be enough, no matter how many billions of euros and dollars get pumped into ukraine, they need businesses to get involved. and on the one hand, its immediate reconstruction for bond infrastructure, to provide energy, or water to people here and now, on the other hand, it s about rebuilding ukraine in the future, when the war finishes. and that s more difficult because no one knows how long this is going to last. after the conference, president zelensky went to the bundestag to deliver a speech. the mps there applauded, gave him a standing ovation, it was a moving moment. but not all mps attended. mps from the far left and the far right boycotted president zelensky s speech, accusing him of escalating the war. and i think as we see national elections here in germany approaching next year, those voices on the extreme are going to get louder. mainstream germany, though, still very much supports ukraine, ask they back german chancellor olaf scholz s line that peace in europe is only possible if ukraine is fully supported. india says two of its nationals have been killed, fighting illegally for russian forces in ukraine. the indian foreign ministry said it had urged the russian authorities to repatriate the bodies of the two deceased. it further added that it had strongly called for moscow to release and repatriate all indian nationals currently with the russian army. indian media say dozens of nationals have been duped by agents into fighting for russian forces with the lure of money and the promise of obtaining russian passports. our south asia regional editor, anbarasan ethirajan, explained the indian government has been concerned about the posibility of fatalities for some time. indian authorities are worried about the reports of nearly 200 indians fighting in the ukraine war, most of them on the russian side. and what the authorities are saying is there are agents sitting in the middle east, in dubai and some other places, they recruit these very unsuspecting indian nationals, young men looking forjobs, with the promise of more than $1,000 worth ofjobs and within a few months, a russian passport. so they were being duped to come and do some support roles for the russian army and later on they were given combat roles. that s how they were being duped. that s what the indian authorities say now. the death of two more indian nationals would have come as a big shock to the new indian government, the prime minister narendra modi was sworn in on sunday. so it will be a big challenge now for the foreign ministry to talk to the russians, to send back the remaining indians who they believe are fighting for the russian forces without the permission. because india does allow its nationals to go and join another army. in fact, on that point, the indian government has not taken a strong position against russia s war in ukraine, given its traditional proximity to russia. if we see more indians recruited and killed, do you feel that may change perceptions about the war on the indian side? the indian side? well, india shares very the indian side? well, india shares very close the indian side? well, india shares very close strategicl the indian side? well, india i shares very close strategic and defence ties for decades. this issue has come as an irritant because india also is aware of the domestic how this will play out domestically. because if more indians getting killed in russia, means that will be a warning sign. that is why privately the indian authorities have been putting pressure on russia, on moscow, to send back in fact about 20 of them have come back 20 indians were fighting for the russian forces have come back. but in the long run, if this continues, then that will put pressure on mr modi s government. it s notjust india we re also talking about countries like nepal and sri lanka in the region where they have urged their nationals not to fight for russia. 20 nepalese were killed. it s not just about india, it s about the south asian region, how the conflict in ukraine is having a global impact. very briefly, what can be done to crack down on these recruiting agents on the government side?- recruiting agents on the government side? the indian government government side? the indian government says government side? the indian government says they i government side? the indian government says they have l government says they have already arrested some suspects who allegedly recruited indians to go to russia. they re now preventing asking a lot of questions of immigration, why they were going, where they were going. but these agents can find another route, first going to the middle east and then to russia, that s a challenge for the indian government. firefighters are battling wildfires in brazil s pantanal, the world s largest tropical wetland. close to 32,000 hectares have already been destroyed by the fires in the state of mato grosso do sul according to local media report. the pantanal is home to jaguars, giant anteaters and giant river otters. the number of fires from the start of the year till now has been 935% higher than the same period last year according to brazil s national institute for space research. so, to put into context the scale of what we re seeing i spoke to regina rodrigues from florianapolis in brazil a climate professor at the federal university of santa catarina. yes, the second biggest fire since 2015. and so, sorry, 2010. and it s since 2015. and so, sorry, 2010. and its huge. but, this is due to the drought, the drought last year, it was very severe during the rainy season. so now we re heading to the dry season already in dry conditions. due to the failure of the rainy season last year. and the high season, i was reading, for wildfires, is not due to start untiljuly. would you say there s a worry the worst is yet to come?- you say there s a worry the worst is yet to come? yes. the eak is worst is yet to come? yes. the peak is - worst is yet to come? yes. the peak is - as worst is yet to come? yes. the peak is - as you worst is yet to come? yes. the peak is - as you said, - worst is yet to come? yes. the peak is - as you said, it- peak is as you said, it started injuly, and the peak is august and september. and we are already seeing these fires now. so it s very worrisome. could you give us a sense of the areas which are being affected and the flora and fauna, just to help understand what we re looking at. this fauna, just to help understand what we re looking at.- what we re looking at. as you said, what we re looking at. as you said. these what we re looking at. as you said, these hectares, - what we re looking at. as you said, these hectares, this i what we re looking at. as you i said, these hectares, this huge area. and the pantanal is a wetland. this area of the midwest of brazil is getting really hot and dry. almost every year we have heat waves, even during the winter, which is now. during the dry season. and, so yeah, it s really shocking. because the pantanal is home to extraordinary biodiversity, with 300 fish species, bird species, 200 mammal species and 3,500 plant species unique to the place, including jaguars and all the unique animals. the including jaguars and all the unique animals. unique animals. the federal government unique animals. the federal government say unique animals. the federal government say they ll i unique animals. the federal government say they ll be i government say they ll be working with the state governments to combat this. do you see a strategy in place to deal with the fires? it’s deal with the fires? it s difficult deal with the fires? it s difficult because i deal with the fires? it s difficult because even though the droughts are a big player, obviously, the fires generally started by humans, they re human induced. and the extension of the soil plantations are getting to this area of the pantanal and they area of the pantanal and they are deforesting the area and they re sometimes putting fire, with the dry conditions it s the perfect combination to get out of control. so the federal government now is actually helping the local government to try to combat the fires. and finally this half hour, officials in kosovo s capital pristina are offering $50 a month to people who adopt a stray dog. at least 4,000 dogs are believed to live on the city s streets, often creating problems for residents, including dog attacks. the mayor of pristina is spending more than 300,000 dollars on efforts to catch, sterilise and immunise the street dogs ahead of their adoption. and coming up on business today. we re looking at apple bouncing back on wall street, closing at a record high. we re looking at how teenagers are fighting their smartphone addiction. that s all for now. thanks for watching. hello there. it s felt quite pleasant in any strong june sunshine. but generally temperatures have been below par for this time of year and wednesday looks pretty similar to the last few days. some spells of sunshine, variable cloud and further showers mostly across eastern areas. i think there ll be fewer showers around on wednesday because this is a ridge of high pressure, will tend to kill the showers off. the winds will be lighter, but we re still got that blue hue, that cold arctic air hanging around for at least one more day before something milder starts to push in off the atlantic, but with wind and rain. so it s a chilly start to wednesday. temperatures could be in low single digits in some rural spots. these are towns and city values. a little bit of mist and fog where skies have cleared overnight, but it s here where you ll have the best of the sunshine, northern and western areas. a bit of cloud across eastern scotland, eastern england, one 01’ two showers. through the day, it ll be one of sunshine and showers, but the clouds will tend to build most of the showers eastern areas, tending to stay drier towards the west with the best of the sunshine. so it could be up to 17 or 18 degrees in the sunniest spots, but generally cool, ten to 15 or 16 celsius. and then as we move through wednesday night, any showers fade away, lengthy, clear skies. the temperatures will tumble against mist and fog developing. temperatures in rural spots dipping close to freezing in a few places. generally, though, in the towns and cities, we re looking at 4 to eight degrees. now we ll start to see some changes into thursday. we change the wind direction, we lose that cooler air, something a bit milder. but this frontal system tied into low pressure will start to bring wet and windy weather initially into northern ireland, spreading across the irish sea, into western britain and pushing its way eastward. so we start dry with some early sunshine across eastern areas and it should stay dry, i think in eastern england, eastern scotland until after dark. we change the wind direction despite more cloud around, 17 or 18 degrees. and it means thursday night will be milder. so a milder start to friday, but low pressure across the country bring stronger winds, sunshine and showers or longer spells of rain. some of these showers will be heavy and thundery, particularly across southern and western areas. but despite that, in the sunshine, it ll feel a little bit warmer, maybe 19 or 20 degrees. not much change into the weekend, low pressure dominates the scene. it ll be breezy at times. there will be showers or longer spells of rain again, some of them heavy and thundery. but in the sunnier, brighter moments, it llfeela bit warmer, 19 or 20 degrees. and another thing you ll notice, it will feel milder at night. take care. the fight to be the world s most valuable company heats up, after apple announces new ai tools on its devices. and how long can you survive without your smartphone? we put a group of british teenagers to the test. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. apple shares have surged to a record high, after it unveiled new ai tools. the tech giant is now valued at $3.18 trillion, just behind microsoft which remains the world s most valuable company. from new york, erin delmore has the details. investors have been waiting for months to see how apple would embrace ai and propelled many other tech trains to big market gains. on monday they got their answer, a partnership

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

delay tactic. if hope at best they might get an evidencey hearing. how the boxes were organized this way. whether or not there is something of allegations of bias and improper storage. on on the merits, it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022. when he turned stuff over to the archives. he is talking with his lawyers they are telling him to turn it over. we keep finding stuff. it will not ultimately change anything. but it will quite possibly the way judge cannon handles things but it will drag things out a little more. we are at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case. anyone s guess whether we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show. now it is time for the last word with jonathan who is in for lawrence o donnell. good evening. i would love to know if we are going to have a classified documents case but who knows. prepare a sheet cake with the number not on the cake and eat it or not. let s just eat it anyway. have a good show. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, oh three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors many president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i m the president. i am also a dad. jill and i love our son. and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect 2 judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. joe and i will also be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. he didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. no. all the wild and irresponsible reaction to the verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felony to misdirect from other crimes. bigly crimes. unnamed. unspecified. imagined biden crimes that are much bigger and badder than all the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. steven miller posted the hunter biden verdict was proof that doj is joe s election protection racket. the trump campaign called it a distraction from the real crimes. one right wing commenter thinks it was cover for the trump prosecution? you go after donald trump and hunter biden. okay. in republican s defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser and now 34-time convicted felon for president. in a new op ed, merrick garland denounced the republican attacks on the justice department. quote, they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today the doj sent a let tore jim jordan to confirm there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney alvin bragg. quote, the department has no control over the district attorney. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan da s office said it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation following the full count felony conviction in people v trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, neil, argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law, an msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast court side. thank you so much for being here. so now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some kerry matheson red yarn over a cork board stuff. did you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. for years these conservatives have been crowing about a politicized justice department. what happened today, the justice department convicted the president s own son. his only living son. imagine what that would take. the president gave you that job. you have the power as every attorney general does to end the prosecution. with the stroke of a pen. and you didn t do it. that s what the rule of law is all about. and, similarly, the constitution gives the president the power to pull the plug on any prosecution. that is part of article two. so biden, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that s the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden wining about a trump judge though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump. rather you heard the president saying he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that but presidential. he even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son. we saw this with judge merchan and it is merrick garland s way too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these overthe top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionally to the trumpian all-out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op ed today in the washington post saying look, what the department does is justify the rule of law and we do so fairly and impartially. that s the justice department that i saw jonathan when i worked there in two different administrations. and it is like why people respect this country so much. this morning i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries and what do they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this. even the president s own son could be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm because this president respects the constitution and respects the rule of law. unlike some of these republicans who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when mat hat tan da alvin bragg testifies? i expect to see a big nothing. all sorts of innuendo related to how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son though it was overseen by a trump appointed special council. and adjudicated by a trump judge. i m sure we will hear cray-cray like that. the justice department said today there was no communication between the prosecutor who is the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories and the justice department. zero. none. so have the hearing by all means. that is part of congress responsibilities. but it would be nice to have some facts in these hearings. be nice to have some. but i m not expecting any. thank you for coming to the last word. thank you. so, here is how you know trump knows it could get much worse for him. he is a dumb son of a [bleep] convicted felon trump indicted for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election praised the january 6th rioters who attacked the capitol calling them warriors. those j6 warriors were warriors but they were victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election. that s what they were doing. while trump was ranting in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander-in-chief is somebody who gives a [bleep]. i served in the united states marine corp. i m ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. i m matthew mclaughlin. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility and when i see his predecessor donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans. who doesn t see it important for him to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. he is a draft dodger. simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon. a mandatory requirement before his sentencing july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth. a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. let s be clear. they are all ghosts trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity. equity and inclusion. banning books about black experiences. trying to erase and rewrite history. it is not just about the past. it s about our present and our future. it is whether that future is a future all of us, not just for some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former assistant democratic leader in the house of representatives, congressman james cleiburn. a cochair of the biden harris 2024 campaign. congressman, always great to see you. welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act. lowering drug prices. but listen to how roy wood jr. talked about that achievement. we have legislation for cheaper prescription drugs. insulin is down to $35 if you are a senior. i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before. but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs so we appreciate that $35 right there. i love the relatable roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well thank you very much for having me. absolutely. we have to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequal even cannot be imagined. by a lot of people who thought about these things as we went into the last election. this administration with this rescue plan has brought young children out of poverty. with this infrastructure bill is put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. the chipping science act. it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done. joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me well, he isn t talking loud enough. he didn t show the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance. not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what will leave for our children and grandchildren a country to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud. you can misrepresent. you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i used to listen to my dad s sermons and one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that get them. not their words. if you get caught up on the words, they will pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president. this administration. biden and harris. let s talk about, some more deeds. because today, the biden administration announced that medical debt can no longer be considered in credit scores. president biden has made debt elimination one of his pitches on the campaign. but new polling shows americans are split on student loan forgiveness. three in ten adults approve while four in ten disapprove. how concerned are you about those polling numbers we see on the screen right there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear. we are talking about eliminating this compounded interest. and all these things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have a constituent. not a black constituent. a constituent in north charleston who wrote a letter to the president with a copy to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years he has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest. and paying for it for more than 20 years. and still owed money. so when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest. not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney says that this was a bad deal, how can it be a bad deal? the principle is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there by people who are making money when the original principle was paid back a long time ago. so that is what is going on here. so nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. the compound interest people are collecting and putting people in the poor house as we say down south. let me get you on one more thing. let s talk comments that entertainment 50-cent made on capitol hill last week. listen to this. i said i m identifying with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they have rico charges? look. he should have been with me last saturday night at this south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in there, male or female, for donald trump. should have been with me at greater target memorial ame church on sunday morning. 100% for joe biden. not a single person there. for donald trump. i don t know where 50-cent is hanging out. but i hang out with the naacp. i hang out with the black community. back faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people are not worried about rico, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin when it comes to their health care. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broad band deployment. that s what they are getting from this president and they are not thinking about whatever it is 50-cent is talking about in rico. it is down in georgia. that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violateing the rico statute? come on 50-cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. congressman, always great to see you. thank you for comeing to the last word. thank you very much for having me. all right, 50 cents. coming up, we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who isn t celebrating. justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation at seeing pride flags from her house. and that s not the only reason we should be worried about what s on those secret recordings. that s next. those secret recordings. that s next. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, there s skyrizi. things are looking up, i ve got symptom relief. control of my crohn s means everything to me. control is everything to me. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn s disease. now s the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn s with skyrizi. control is everything to me. learn how abbvie could help you save. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. ( ) it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their home associated with the stop the steal movement and carried by rioters at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife martha anne alito are revealing more about what motivates her to fly flags. you know what i want? i want is a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he is like oh, please don t put up a flag. i won t do it because i m deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day. maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag, it is white. and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the world vergogna. vergogna in italian means shame. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq plus community during pride month. people. like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags that she is flying. and for what it s worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha annes in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but this is martha anne alito. she is not just any random person. she is married to a supreme court justice for life. one of the most powerful people in the country who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v. wade. and that laid the foundation for another right wing justice with a right wing wife. clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq plus community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that affirm the rights of same sex couples including same sex marriage. martha anne alito longs for the day when 74-year-old justice alito is quote free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. your reaction to what we heard. shocking but not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags. it s a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a symbol to talk about how they want to push us back into the closet. when i talk about what it represents, tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting where 49 members of our community s lives were stolen forever. this kind of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real world outcomes so anyone that is listening to her, anyone that is watching what she says, should be very, very concerned. not only about her words but what it means in terms of the actions of people that are listening to her. uh-huh. this audio, new audio from justice alito tonight. listen. justice alito tonight. listen. kelly, does this sound ominous given the two abortion cases and january 6th cases to be decided? to me it sounds hypocrital. i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. and now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this who is espousing these belief that s are concerning for someone on the highest court of the land. so i do think that anyone that is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq plus person, a woman, someone who is nonbinary, we don t have the luxury of putting our fear into a state of analysis. it is more critical than ever that we get out and we vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. uh-huh. trump is out there giving comfort to anti-abortion groups promising to defend life. these also sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. we have to remember that when roe v. wade was overturned and justice thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next the court should revisit lawrence. they should revisit griswold. they asserted our basic rights as lgbtq plus people in this country and our right to contraception so any time they say that these things are not on the table, look at what they are doing. we should be very concerned about what we are seeing and take it as a call to action. at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count. and there is something that we can do right now about how this court has gotten so far disconnected from its actual mission in our democracy. as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night. but that s not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full-on attack on hard fought hard won freedoms and rights. including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride. the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate. the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history. and the freedom that unlocks all others, the freedom the vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november. what is at stake is more samuel alitos or more ketanji brown jackson. exactly. what i saw from kamala harris, that is leadership. at the end of the day when we think about this election coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is two fundamentally different visions for our country. when you talk to people, a lot of our fears are the same. worried your kids will have a better life than you do. concerns about inflation. making sure schools are good and welcoming and safe. but i want to make sure that whoever we elect that their solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v. wade to all they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights not only of the last ten years or last 40 years but the last 100. we have got to do something about it for the sake of all of our communities and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, thank you very much for comeing to the last word. thank you. coming up, it s election night in nevada. a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris and a muster win seat for democrat ifs they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jack see rosen joins us next. rosen joins us next. clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now. call 833-leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. i ve had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand why. right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. call us today and schedule your free inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833.leaf.filter today or visit -cologuard®? 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i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. and my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i myself lived here the last 50 years just about. we are in the community all the time. we are listening and we are responding. i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee. we talk about all the latino small businesses. so many entrepreneurs. we want to be sure they have all the tools that they need to keep and start their small business and thrive. it is really important. and we talk about education. and our environment. we are connecting with our latino voters. the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late long time nevada senator harry reid built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? what that means around nevada state. we work together to make sure we do our field program. we are talking about the issues. we coordinate. being sure we are communicating. working together. nevada families, they really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters. we will have the new va hospital. they are searching for their 50- acre site now. it will be a game changer fir the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is seniors, veterans, students, or a tourism economy. we are listening and delivering. senator jackie rosen of nevada. thank you very much for coming to the last word. thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin and particularly, with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that s next. the trump base. that s next. yself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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the issues they care about our kitchen table issues that a lot of us talk about. affordable healthcare. women s reproductive rights, voting rights, saving our democracy, good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues. what do you say back to them? we talked about some of the issues that president biden and harris put forward. the jobs that have been created. money that has come into green county for various rings such as our ymca and county seats in the city of monroe. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about trump if anything? that they really do not want him back in office. it is as simple as that. been, how voters get their information has changed, much more now on social media then with traditional advertising. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is there is no silver bullet. you may get something on the local news that reaches some voters. some are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up at the grocery store. we have to be everywhere. social media platforms, foreign science, door to door organizing, phone calls and text messages. show up at parades and county fairs, we build a surroundsound environment. we assume just because you said something somewhere does not mean anybody heard it. you have to say it everywhere and over and over. that is what it takes. trump is trying to confuse people. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom to make decisions about their own body and living in a democracy. who is fighting for them. trump promising wealthy donors whatever they want. that contrast does resonate for people but you have to go to where the voters are. sandy you have been nodding in agreement. my last question is, if biden were to come to green county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i would guess to just be honest with them on what he plans to do for the voters, listening to them and what their issues are is the most important. being able to address those. if biden could come to green county, they would be ecstatic. we have 90 seconds left, same question been, what would you say team biden needs to work on or watch out for? we love biden coming to the state because he does listen to people. when they hear from him they moved toward him and when they hear from trump they move away. we have 97-99 assembly district covered. anybody that wants to help us organize you can volunteer at the website. biden really digs into what he is delivering. he announced a $3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon and stars and never did anything. that contrast really lance. for people that wonder what jobs they will have in 10 years, when biden shows up and does something it clicks. we want him to keep coming and we think we can draw a contrast with trump who talks big and delivers nothing and uses power to exact revenge instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed that biden and harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very much for coming to the last word. we will be right back. ht back. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. i wanna hold you forever hey little bear bear. i m gonna love you forever c mon, bear. you don don t have to worry. be by your side. i ll be there. with my arms wrapped around. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. 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Way , Whether , Delay-tactic , Evidencey-hearing , Hope , Boxes , Person , Suit , Eyewear , Tie , Official , Speech

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

destruction of evidence, and it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022, when he turned stuff over to the archives. they told him, hey, there s classified documents in this stuff. they knew he had them over the course of the next year, talking to his lawyers telling him, turn them over. and the fbi kept funding stuff in what you are turning over. it will ultimately not change anything, but quite possibly with the way judge cannon handles things, it could drag it out just a little bit more. just a little bit more. we are now at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case, the grand jury and bob dikeman came down on june 8th, 2023. anyone s guess if we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you, sir, for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show for this evening. now, it is time for the last word , with jonathan k part. lawrence o donnell come in for jonathan. i would love to see if we get the classified documents case, but who knows? she take, with the number not on the cake, and eat it depending or not, if it happens. if it is sheet cake, let s just eat it, anyway. have a good show. thank you. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, of three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors in president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter, and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. she didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. he didn t attack the judge, the prosecutors, or the jury. no, all the while, an irresponsible reaction to the hunter biden verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felonies to misdirect from other crimes, big-league crimes, unnamed, unspecified, imagined, biden crimes that are much bigger and better than all of the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. x trump adviser, steve miller, posted, the hunter biden verdict is proof that doj is the democrat protection racket. he called the verdict a distraction from the real crimes. one right-wing commentator things hunter biden was prosecuted as cover for the trump prosecution? i don t know if this is fair, you go after donald trump and you go after hunter biden. okay, in republicans defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser, and now 34 times convicted felon for president. in a new op-ed, attorney general merrick garland denounced the attacks on the the justice department. they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today, the doj sent a letter to jim jordan to confirm that there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. the department has no control over the district attorney, just as the district attorney has no control over the department. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th, the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan d.a.s office said, it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation, baseless claims, and conspiracy theories following the jury s return of a full count felony conviction in people be trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, former acting solicitor general of the united states, who has argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law and msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast courtside with neil cocktail. neil, thank you much as always for being here. so, now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some carrie matheson red yarn over a corkboard stuff. eight you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. i mean, jonathan, the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. i m i mean, for years, these conservatives have been pulling about a politicized justice department and so on. what happened today, this justice department convicted the president s own son, his only living son. i mean, imagine what that would take. imagine you are the attorney general and the president gave you that job, jonathan, one of the most important jobs in the country, in the world, and you have the power as every attorney general does, as merrick garland does, to end the prosecution with the stroke of a pen and you didn t do it. garland didn t do it. that is what the rule of law is all about, and similarly, the constitution gives the power to the president to pull the plug on any in the constitution, that is article two. so, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that is the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden whining about a trump judge even though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump, rather you heard the president say, he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that, but presidential. even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son, that is how much respect he has for the system. so, neal, we saw this with judge merchan, and it seems to be merrick garland s way, too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these over the top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionately to the trump be an all out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op-ed today in the washington post basically saying, look, what the department does is just apply the rule of law, we do so fairly and impartially. that is the justice department that i saw, jonathan, when i worked there in two different administrations. it is why people respect this country so much. this morning, i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries, and what did they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this, that even the president s own son can be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm, because this president, as almost every president in our history does, respects the constitution and respects the rule of law, unlike some of these republicans, like stephen miller, who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when manhattan d.a. alvin bragg testifies before jim jordan subcommittee? do you think you made the right decision? i expect to see a big nothing. i expect to see all sorts of innuendo, akin to the kind of innuendo we are hearing today about how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son even though it was overseen by trump appointed national council and adjudicated by trump judge i am sure we will hear craig cray like that, but there will be no fax, because as the justice department even said today, literally, there was no communication between the prosecutor, matthew, angelo, the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories, and the justice department, zero, none. so, have the hearing. by all means, of course, that is part of congress responsibilities and oversight. , it would be nice to have some facts in those hearings. yeah, it would be nice to have some. i am not expecting any, though. neal, neal katyal, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. so, here s how you know can pick the convicted felon, trump, knows it can get much, much, much worse for him. you have a deranged individual named jack smith, he is a deranged, john dumb guy, he is a dumb son of a convicted felon, trump, indicted by special prosecutor jack smith on multiple criminal charges for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election, also praised that january 6th writers that attacked the capital calling them warriors. those january 6th warriors, they were warriors, but more than anything else, they were victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election, that is all they were doing. while trump was landing in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad, featuring three american veterans slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander in chief is somebody who gives a [ bleep ]. i registered, i served in the united states marine corps point my name is ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. my name is matthew mclaughlin. i was a navy pilot for eight years. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield, but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility, and when i see his predecessor, donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans, who doesn t see it important to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. is a draft dodger, simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon, a mandatory requirement before his sentencing on july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth, a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. but, let s be clear, they are all ghosts, and they are trying to take this back. they are taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. well, i will have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking diversity, equity, and inclusion. if you can believe it, banning books about black experiences, trying to erase and rewrite history. or, this is not just about the past, this is about our present and our future. it is whether or not that future is the future for all of us, not just some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former democratic leader of the house of representatives, james clyburn of north carolina, he is a co-chair of the biden- harris campaign, congressman clyburn, always good to see you, welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act, and lowering drug prices, but listen to how the events host, comedian roy wood junior, talked about that achievement. we have legislation now for cheaper prescription drugs because of this administration. insulin is down to $35, if you are a senior. and i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before, but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs. so, we appreciate that $35 right there. [ laughter ] congressman clyburn, i love the relate ability roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but it is telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well, thank you very much for having me, jonathan. absolutely. we have got to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequaled, even cannot be imagined by a lot of people who have thought about these kinds of things as we went into the last election. this administration, with this rescue plan, has brought young children out of poverty with this infrastructure bill. it has put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. it is chips and signs act, it is packed act, it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done, joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me, well, he isn t talking loud enough. he isn t showing the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance, not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what we will leave for our children and grandchildren, to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud, you can misrepresent, you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i grew up in the prostitute and i used to listen to my dad s sermons. one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that make them, not their words. and if you get caught up on the words, and don t pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but, if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president, this administration, biden and harris. well, let s talk about so, more deeds, congressman clyburn. today, the biden administration announced that medical get that can no longer be considered in credit scores and president biden has made debt elimination one of his major pitches on the campaign, but new polling shows that voters are split on student loan forgiveness. three out of 10 approve and four out of 10 disapprove. how concerned are you about the polling numbers we see on the screen there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear, we are talking about eliminating this compound it is interest and all of the things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have got a constituent not a black constituent, but still a constituent in north charleston who wrote to the president and copied to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years, she has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest, and paying for it for more than 20 years and still owed money. so, when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest, not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney saying that this is a bad deal, how can this be a bad deal? the principal is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there about people who are making money when the original principal was paid back a long time ago. so, that is what is going on here. so, nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. it is a compounded interest that people are electing and that is putting people in the poorhouse, as we say down south. congressman, let me get you on one more thing before we have to go in a couple of minutes. let s talk about comments that entertainer, $.50, meanwhile on capitol hill last week. listen to this. what do you think appears as significant to african-american men this election? i see them identify with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman clyburn, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they ve got rico charges? [ laughter ] look, he should ve been with me last saturday night at the south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in their, male or female, for donald trump. he should have been with me at greater target memorial miami church on sunday morning, 100% for joe biden. not a single person there for donald trump. i don t know where $.50 is hanging out, but i hang out with naacp. i hang out with the black community, black faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people aren t worried about rico statutes, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin, when it comes to their healthcare. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broadband deployment. that is what they are getting from this president and they are thinking whatever it is, what they will talk about in rico statutes. the rico statutes down in georgia, that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violating the rico statutes? come on, 50 cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. [ laughter ] congressman james clyburn, always great to see you. thanks for coming to the last word . thank you very much for having me. [ laughter ] all right. $.50. we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who is in celebrating justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation in seeing pride flags from her house. and that is not the only reason we should be worried about what is on those secret recordings. that is next. at is next. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. summer. it s the hungriest time of year for kids across america. kids whose hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet. whether it s working the crazy hours so you can have enough money for food or, you know, just giving up things for your personal self, and it s just yeah, gotta feed your kids. far too many kids are missing the meals they need this summer. that s why i m here now asking you to join me in helping end child hunger in america for just $0.63 a day. that s only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to power kids through their days. they re growing at this age, and they need the best diet they can have. so please, call now or go online to right now give $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. and when you use your credit card, you ll get this special team t-shirt to show that you re helping kids build a brighter future for themselves and for the world. we want to ensure that all of our kids have healthy meals every day, and many of our parents and many of our communities are still suffering. it s very difficult to, you know, have a good family setting when we are worrying about having enough food for your family. you can help kids get healthy meals this summer and all year long. please join me in supporting no kid hungry today. for just $0.63 a day, only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to kids across america and in your local community. thank you for giving. thank you for giving. thank you! families are struggling to make ends meet. these are hard times. so please call now or go online to give. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their homes that are associated with the stop the steel movement and carried by writers at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife, martha and alito are revealing more about flying flags. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flags next month and he is like, please don t put up a flag. and i said, i want to do it because i am referring to you. but, when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week i will be changing the flags. they will be all kind, this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word vergona, which means shame in italian. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq+ community during pride month. people, like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags she is fine. and for what it is worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha-ann s in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but, this is martha-ann alito. she is not just any random person, she is married to a supreme court justice, for life. one of the most powerful people in the country, who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v wade. that laid the foundation for another right-wing justice with a right-wing wife, clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq+ community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that reaffirmed the rights of same-sex, including same-sex marriage. so, martha-ann alito longs for the day when samuel alito is free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. kelly, thank you for coming back to the last word . your reaction to what we heard from mrs. alito? shocking, and also not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags, it is a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a simple to talk about how they want to erase us from public life, to push us back into the closet. and when i think about what today represents, not only is it pride month, but tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting, were 49 members of our communities lives were stolen forever. this type of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real-world outcomes. so, anyone that is listening to her, anyone who is watching what she says should be very, very concerned. not only about her words, but what it means in terms of the actions of the people that are listening to her. this new audio from justice alito tonight, listen. i just wanted to ask you, why do you think the supreme court is so is being so attacked and being so targeted by the media these days? well, i think it s a simple reason. they don t like our decisions and they don t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. that s that s the beginning and the end of it. kelly, does the sound often is, given the two abortion cases and two january 6th cases yet to be decided this term? to me, it sounds hypocritical. i mean, i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. those lines! right! now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this, who is espousing these beliefs that are concerning for someone who is on the highest court of the land. so, i do think anyone who is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but, i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq+ person, a woman, or someone who is non-binary, we don t have the luxury of letting our concern and fear put us into a state of paralysis. we have to understand that this is why it is more critical than ever that we get out and vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. you know, trump is out there giving comfort to antiabortion groups, promising to defend life, while republicans are not voting to protect conception. today, a federal judge struck down a florida ban on transgender care for minors. these all sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. i mean, we have to remember that when roe v wade was overturned, justice clarence thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next court should revisit lawrence, they should revisit griswold, these are cases that fundamentally asserted our basic rights as lgbtq+ people in this country, and our right to contraception. so, anytime they say that these things aren t on the table, that these rights aren t at risk, look at what they are doing. we should all, again, be very concerned with what we are seeing, but also take it as a call to action, because at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count, and there is something we can do right now about how this course has gotten so far disconnected from this actual mission and our democracy. you know, as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night, but that is not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full on attack on hard-fought, hard won freedoms and rights, including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride, the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate, the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history, and the freedom that unlocks all others the freedom to vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november? what is at stake is more samuel alito, or marco tonya brown jackson? exactly. what i saw from kamala harris right now, that is leadership. and at the end of the day when we think about this election that is coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is about two fundamentally different visions for our country, two fundamentally different visions for our future, and our children. when you talk to people regardless of where they are on the political spectrum, a lot of our fears are the same, worry that your kids will have a better life than you do today, worries about inflation, making sure schools are good, and welcoming, and safe. but, i want to make sure that whoever we elect, the solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v wade, to all that they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights, not even the last 10 years or last 40 years, but the last 100. we have got to do something about it, for the sake of all of our communities, and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. coming up, it is election night in nevada. it is a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris, and a must win seat for democrats if they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jacky rosen joins us next. ins us next. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. rising costs. selective coverage. for countless americans, the complex specialty care they need has always felt. just out of reach. at evernorth, we give members unrivaled access to the most complex therapies at the best prices. while providing enhanced support like in home nursing at no additional cost. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i m free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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well, i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. i can also tell you that my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i, myself, lived there for the last 50 years, just about. so, we are in the community all the time, we are listening, we are responding. i can tell you, i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee, and when i talk to our latin chamber of congress, we talked to all of our latino small businesses, so many entrepreneurs, we want to be sure that they have all the tools they need to keep their small business and thrive. we talk about affordable healthcare, it is really, really important that we talk about education, our environment, we are connecting with our latino voters every day on the issues that matter to them. kitchen table issues, the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late longtime nevada senator, harry reid, built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? well, what senator reid did is really build a coordinated campaign. so, what that means for the nevada state democratic party, all of the candidates, the incumbents and candidates who are running, we work together to be sure we knock on doors, we do our field program, we are talking about the issues, we coordinate. that is really what is the magic. being sure that we are communicating, working together, bringing people together, because nevada families really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters, like delivering for our seniors. i can tell you for our veterans, we passed the pact act in northern nevada in reno, we will have that va hospital, they are searching for that 50 acre site now. it will be a game changer for the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is our seniors, our veterans, our students, our tours economy, we are listening, and we are delivering. senator jacky rosen of nevada, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast, and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin, and particularly with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that is next. that is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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the fundamentals favored biden, and according to 538, biden currently has a better chance of winning pennsylvania and all of the blue wall states of michigan, minnesota, and wisconsin. my newest favorite, the washington post has a new report about president biden s success so far in wisconsin, where republicans will officially renominate a convicted felon donald trump after a national convention next month. particularly, with white, noncollege voters who make up the trump base. the post reports wisconsin democrats attribute part of biden s relative strength with white voters without degrees to a real progressive tradition that has faded but not disappeared and part of it to tenacious organizing, including in rural areas where many of those voters live. biden s campaign is investing in an unprecedented field operation in wisconsin with 47 coordinated campaign offices across the state, more offices than biden has in any other battleground state, and far more than republicans have in wisconsin, staffed by more than 100 full-time campaign workers. even ousted republican governor scott walker admitted to the post, the organization is on the side of the left, so joining us now, ben worker, wisconsin democratic republican chair, and sandy wendy, the greene county democratic party chair. thank you for coming to the last word . you worked tirelessly to defeat the scott walker gop machine in wisconsin, but it must still feel good to have walker praise the democratic organization. it does feel good. it is the result of a huge amount of work by thousands of people in the most rural parts of our state. in suburbs, big towns, small towns, and cities. our motto is we work statewide and year-round. we don t take anyone for granted and we don t write anyone off. that is what it takes to win in a state like wisconsin. you can see the result in the numbers and it is an exciting moment. if we win wisconsin we win the white house. sandy, tell us about the green county voters you are reaching out to. is this 2020 biden voters who might be going software a true undecided voter? what issues do they care about? i think the issues they care about are the real, kitchen table issues that a lot of us have been talking about. affordable care, healthcare. women s reproductive rights. voting rights. saving our democracy. good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues, that is what we are hearing about. what do you say back to them when you hear about kitchen table economic issues? we talked to them about some of the issues president biden and kamala harris have already put forward. unemployment, the jobs that have been created. money that has come into greene county for various things such as our ymca in our county seat, in the city of munro. we have received funding for that. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about donald trump, if anything? that they really don t want to have him back in office. simple as that. simple as that. so, ben, how do voters how voters get their information has changed, much more in social media or add then newspaper editorials, which breaks my heart as an opinion writer. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is that there is no silver bullet. you might get something on the evening news that reaches some voters. some voters are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up in the grocery store. we have to really be everywhere. social media platforms. on any screen. billboards, yard signs, door to door organizing, phone calls, text messages. show up at parades. show up at county fairs. we try to build a surroundsound environment so people here from trusted messengers and we assume that just because you say something similar doesn t mean everyone has heard it. on you have to say it over and over and that is what it will take. we have to cut through the noise. trump is trying to confuse people. he s trying to throw people off. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom. to make their own decisions about their own body. living in a democracy and who is fighting for them, fighting special interests and bringing down costs. trump promising wealthy voters whatever they want. that contrast does resonate with people, but you have to go where the voters are and not expect them to come to you. you have been nodding in agreement. my last question to you is if president biden were to come to greene county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i guess just to be honest with him and what he plans to do with the voters. listening to them, the most important thing, listening to the voters and what their issues are and being able to address those. i know if president biden were to come to greene county, they would be ecstatic. i can t tell time, so we actually have about 90 seconds l left. same weston to you. what would you say to team biden? what would you say they need to work on or watch out for? we love president biden w coming to our state because he does listen to people and they move toward him. we also have local candidates. 97 out of 99 assembly districts covered with local candidates. we are organizing everywhere. our website, if anyone wants to help us organize, volunteer, chip in. i love what president biden does which is really dig into what he is doing and wants to do. he announced a $3.3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon, and stars with a golden shovel and never did anything. that contrast early lands for people wondering what job they will be working over the next 10 years. when president biden does something it clicks. we love the president s visit, we hope they keep coming and we think we can draw a real contrast with trump who talks big, delivers nothing and tries to ward it all for himself instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed president biden and vice president harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very time very much for coming to the e last word. we will be right back. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am. being me. keep being you. and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you re 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether you re just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter bide

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hypersonic missiles it is when those modern russian navy ships that vladimir putin has in his navy and is at this moment bring havana harbor, one of four of these ships, including nuclear-powered submarine that is expected to arrive today in cuba, arrived in the next few hours into havana harbor. you see it just coming up behind that statue there as it makes its way into the port of havana. and there are russian ships, russian naval ships that come to cuba over the years. i don t remember what a convoy as large as this, a convoy that has the latest weaponry that vladimir putin to has at his disposal. so while it may not be a direct threat to the united states, it is very symbolic because vladimir putin has been talking recently about how if the us will deploy weaponry his borders. he could do the same to dus certainly. meaning countries like cuba or venezuela. the cuban armed forces that can government have said that they, these ships are not carrying any nuclear warheads that they re not a threat. this is a friendly visit, but we all know the history. of course, it s only 60 years ago that of course, we re rushing water heads up based in cuba. no one expects that to happen now, but certainly this is a message that behind me right now, this morning you have russian warships coming into havana harbor. some of the most modern, the vladimir putin has. you couldn t have expected, couldn t ask for a more quad profile visit in this limits taking place right behind right behind me as we speak yeah. it s wild to see it right over your shoulder, patrick, it s so great to have you there and it s great to see you as always. thank you so much. a new rmc and a new central starts now president biden on his way to approve, she ll overseas trip we are standing by at joint base andrews where for the first time it is possible he could speak on the criminal conviction of his son, hunter. confusion over the status of khan hostage and ceasefire talks in the middle east as a barrage of missiles is fired into israel, we are expecting to hear from secretary of state antony blinken shortly today, a vote that could change the future of the country s largest protestant denomination sarah signer is out, i m john berman with kate bolduan and this is cnn news central president biden. it will be making his way for italy where he will be attending the high stakes meetings of the g7 summit. biden heading up first from delaware, where he was spending time with his family hey, after his son hunter was convicted just yesterday on federal gun charges, that guilty verdict is one of many things you could expect is on the president s fine as he is heading off to meet with world leaders, which huge issues on their agenda the israel-hamas war, supporting let me a huge loan for ukraine and also the impact in future of ai for these major economies, among many other topics, another interesting fact, five of these eight liters that will be meeting in italy are all facing serious election challengers. joe biden included, cnn s priscilla alvarez, nic robertson, joining us with both on this. priscilla what is on the mind and the mission of president biden today okay. as you just mentioned elections in the united states and around the world could really change the geopolitics. and that is it s top of mind for president biden, just as it was last week. and this time around, donald trump s shadow will loom large over this g7 summit and some similar ways that it did when the president was commemorating d-day in france last week, the president is going to be arriving three years almost two the de, of when he attended the g7 summit in his first term. and at that time, us official said that the president was met with world leaders with relief and enthusiasm that he had won the election. and this is going to be part of what is part of the president s argument moving forward because the us is trying to strengthen its alliance and reaffirm its leaves your ship on the world stage and it becomes quite clear when we re talking about ukraine that has been top of mind for the president last week, including this week and that is something that it s going to be discussed among the leaders because there is, as the president says, the need to preserve democracies around the world. and that is clearest with ukraine. now, we know that the united states is pushing for a $50 $50,000,000,000 loan to ukraine using frozen russian assets. so the aid will be something again, top of mind as the president publicly apologize and a rare move last week to the ukrainian president because aid had been stalled, given what had occurred in congress. so all of this is expected to come up. the president and ukrainian president zelenskyy are going to participate in a news conference, but of course, this is not the only thing happening around the world. you have this situation in the middle east, climate change china combating their influence around around the world. and of course, ai. so all of that is on the agenda for the president to discuss with world leaders. pope francis also will be there to talk about ai. so the president meeting with all of them over the three-day visit to italy priscilla, thank you so much, nick. you re in italy take us into that agenda. those agenda items and what s at stake for all of these world leaders yeah, one of the big issues for the italian prime minister giorgia meloni, who s hosting this event is of course, the massive amount of migration immigrants that have arrived in italy over the last several years. and one of the ways that the g7 nations have typically try to address this in the past is looking at development projects and sub-saharan africa. so the first issue on the agenda will be africa, will be development as well as the climate because of course, the changing climate is a driver for people to leave their homes where the economies are becoming less stable and move. in many cases out of africa towards europe. so that will be a big issue. and of course, migration a familiar issue for president biden, but the context in europe is a little different. there will be on the second day, a specific agenda item of migration. the second item, ukraine, that funding of ukraine through a $50 $50,000,000,000 loan to be financed from frozen russian assets. there are technical details here about how do you do it. do you sort of push it all off on the eu to help underwrite it. they have collected budget about one point 2 $2 trillion there are about $300 billion of frozen assets. how do you really finance it? united states looks like it s going to shoulder some of that some of that burden along with the european union to underwrite it, if you will not, to put forward the money itself it s great to see your neck and so great to have you there for these meetings, priscilla. thank you so much. much more to come on this jaume. this morning. 200 missiles fired into israel how, how will that impact ceasefire and hostage talks? secretary of state anthony blinken will speak in any moment. quote. it throws a bit of sand in the gears of people suggesting the biden department of justice has been engineered to go after from what some republicans are now saying that the president s son has been convicted of federal gun charges and then three comedians and the pope walk into a bar. okay, it s not a bar and it s actually more than three comedian stephen colbert, chris rock will be goldberg and others, all with pope francis. why the. most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmet, winning a bond on this project. i asked mark, do you want here s an idea let s ask markham. that s good now. now, launch a couple ones were the people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham, accountants and advisers. you ve 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that helps let s treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nurture echo dt allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time. we all do or health care provider about nortech ott from pfizer? the athletes in awe or pushing the limit of what i m capable i m ready to show the world good. i am, i ve trained all over the globe and that s what you re going to see an awl whole different b, c, w wednesday night dynamite tonight at eight i tbs all right. you are looking at live pictures from dot doha in qatar, these empty podium right now, we are waiting to hear from the us secretary of state anthony blinken, amid confusion over what is happening with the ceasefire and hostage negotiations in the middle east. and israeli official described the hamas response to the most recent proposal as a rejection, but a diplomatic source tells cnn that hamas is neither accepted nor rejected it. let s get right to cnn s oren liebermann live in tel aviv with the latest. so where do things stand as we re waiting on us secretary of state john, this will be an incredibly important statement from secretary of state antony blinken because it will give us the us perspective and whether blinken sees a path forward here, that is what we need to hear as well as from the countries. how do they view the boss response? president joe biden put forward a us back proposal 13 days ago hamas finally responded yesterday according to a source familiar with the talks, they offered some amendments to the proposal israel, according to an israeli official view that as a rejection of the proposal, but it s unclear how blinken the country s the egyptians, the crucial negotiators here view that and whether there s a path forward, that is what we hope to to learn, or whether once again, this entire effort has fallen apart when it comes down to the details as it has so many times before. meanwhile, in the midst of this blinken diplomatic flurry throughout the region, the un has issued a report of the first months of the war the most in-depth investigation carried out by the the un commission of inquiry to this point. and it concludes that both israel and palestinian militant groups, including hamas, have committed war crimes and violated national humanitarian law at the beginning of the war, the investigation looks at october 7 to december 31st, the end of last year. so the first two-and-a-half months and in it, the un concludes the both israel and palestinian militant groups carried out acts of torture committed sexual violence and intentionally attacks civilians. the findings are based on interviews with witnesses, victims media reports, as well as open in source material that they were able to verify. perhaps not surprisingly, the hamas portion of the investigation focused on october 7, and that is where the un found that hamas intentionally targeted civilians, carried out acts of murder and torture, outrageous upon personal dignity, dignity, and taking hostages, including children. now it has to be noted that the un found that israel has in systemic and widespread way targeted civilians in its campaign in gaza. and it s bombardment of gaza. israel did not cooperate with the report and dismissed it or rejected it earlier. today as anti-israel discrimination coming from the un. john in oren, it s been an intense several hours between israel and hezbollah inside lebanon over israel s northern border. what hundreds of missiles fired into thrill approximately 200 rockets at this point, this is some of the most intense fighting we have seen across that border. and sometimes it gets even close to this level, the fear of course, is even further escalation in a region that has already seen escalation question over the course of the past couple of weeks. so last night the idf says it carried out a strike in southern lebanon that took out a hamas hezbollah commander. abu tallied in response, we are seeing this barrage for some 200 rockets that have sparked fires in northern israel enforced evacuations. the fear here is a further escalation can open up another front in the war. and that s exactly what we re watching right now. and to see where this goes from here, john wright, oren liebermann for us in tel aviv, a lot going on this morning or i thank you very much for that new information about the man accused of hijacking a plus and killing a passenger while leading police, police on a chase in rush hour traffic and the reaction for right-wing media has been noticeably different to hunter biden s guilty verdict compared to a another recent try i voted buttons dragging my remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah chins, pew rainbows there 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727289, or visit my back join me a like it s hard besides this morning president biden s son, hunter biden, wakes up a convicted felon, and despite that, after the news broke yesterday, donald trump s staunch supporters for right media personalities still maintain justice was not served. donald trump junior even suggesting that the case was done in order to create the illusion of equal justice under the law, students a desk gold has much more on this hadassah. you re tracking all of the response from the halls of congress to the halls of right-wing media. what is going on here? we saw sort of two themes really emerged. one was this was a case finally of justice served a lot of praise for the judge who was a trump appointee. but then there was sort of more sinister conspiracy theory emerging that this was actually all sort of cover up for larger crimes. and that s what you saw, don junior are pointing to, but i want to start with that. this was a good trial, quite a different reaction from this right-wing media sphere to what we saw in reaction to the trump trial, which was also guilty verdicts also brought by a jury of their peers, but just take a listen here. this is fox news host janine, period. the difference between how she reacted to the trump trial to how she reacted to the verdict yesterday? this is a new error in america, and i think it goes against the elc of who we are as americans and our faith in the criminal justice system this will be very difficult to get a reverse alon. it was handled by judge noriega, who is an experienced judge who didn t play any games. she was as fair to the defense as she was to the prosecution so quite a different sort of tone there over the exact same verdict from a jury of their peers. but then you go into further into the right-wing media sphere and you get something else, you get what they say is essentially a larger conspiracy theory, even though this was a guilty verdict. here is right-wing talk show host early kirk in a tweet, he says, hunter biden, guilty. jan, the true crimes of the biden crime family remain untouched. this is a fake trial trying to make the justice system appear balanced, don t fall for it. this is also something that donald trump campaign tout. it s pushing the conspiracy theory that president biden has taken money from foreign governments and that this whole trial was just to try to cover up for it, tried to give something to take away from what they say is a larger, unfounded conspiracy theory in this sunday of that donald trump junior also spouting in a live conversation on x saying it s not even close to justice, saying it s trying to create the illusion of equal justice under the law. and this goes to show you how the far fringes of the protein trump media world. they have drifted into just sort of automatic conspiracy theories that the default is a conspiracy theory when the do s does not justify their point of view that image of hitting the automatic conspiracy theory button is stuck in my head right now hadassah it s good to see you. thank you so much, jaume. with me now, democratic strategists, former senior adviser to bernie sanders 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. chuck raja and former trump administration official, matt mauer in gentlemen, what s so interesting here, there was a piece and politico this morning in their playbook where you had both democrats and republicans saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to the hunter biden trial in mat, i want to go to you first with jason wrote like a republican strategist two does real republican campaign says, quote, it throws a bit of sand in the gears of people s suggesting the biden department of justice has been engineered to go after trump. we have this. i think we re going to graph pick it up one feature of the modern republican party is ignoring facts that don t support the argument in sometimes embracing the conspiracy theories that do what about that? although it can be, i know we just played the two clips from fox news, but i imagined if i wasn t watching msnbc last night because of course i was watching cnn. but if we had, i got to match them just noticeably more quiet than it would ve been two weeks ago after the conviction, new york. and so look, both sides are going to play the politics it s the way they feel they need to on this. clearly the trump campaign s going to try to highlight the inadequacy they felt in their case and downplay what happened yesterday, the same way you re hearing pretty much silence outside of a pretty basic statement out from the white house yesterday about hunter biden s conviction yesterday here s the truth of it. all this race between donald trump and joe biden right now. so static that both of these have had relatively little impact on the actual results of any poll right now, this election at the end of the de is gonna be decided by a very, very, very narrow set of swing voters. and those swing voters are likely going to say the talks and all their houses, they ve already disapproval, both candidates, this just adds to that fire are going to ultimately vote on what they believe is in the best interests for them and their families in november. and i think the first campaign to recognize that and grab onto that is likely going to be the candidate that wins in november i will say the reaction for most democrats has been respect the rule of law and to the trump verdict, it was respect the rule of law. and with republicans, the response to the trump verdict was outraged and the response to that hunter biden verdict is conspiracy. there is a vast difference here in those reactions. i do want to ask you, chuck joe crowley, if former congressman from new york, it as far as making a statement, democrats saying the quiet part out loud says, quote, it s the silver lining. they weren t looking for maybe suggesting in some ways this helps president biden in his reelection i think that it s distinguishable because the younger biden is not the president. and so what you get to see is joe biden be a caring father for a son who had a substance abuse program who was in one of those who i think gets sympathy, people always run to their corners on the right or the left and that tried a small group of folks would decide the outcome. but when you can personalize the president, whose demagogue on the right all the time because of his age or anything else they can find and he can become more human as a political consultant who runs campaigns every single day those are the little moments i m looking for when a president can be more human and not just this thing that we see on the news all day long or i want to get your reaction to something that paul i think we have the paul ryan sound all so do we have paul ryan talking on fox? we don t have paul ryan. well, paul ryan, the former speaker of the house, went on fox news, matt yesterday and said the types of things that paul ryan has really said, frankly, since 2020, he said that donald trump isn t fit to be president. and he said it right on fox news for many conservative viewers to hear this upset i should say, supporters of donald trump, including congressmen troy nehls, listen to what he said paul ryan, you re a piece of garbage. you re a piece of garbage. and we should kick you out of the party for paul ryan to say he s not vote for donald trump. that s the problem with some of our republicans. its guys like that. don t go spout in your mouth often, same euro conservative. your spit in the face of the leader of our party, donald trump. i m grow up a little bit doesn t really sound like big ten. they re mad no. i mean, look, if you you mentioned that this foot paul ryan been saying since 2020, that s been made, been saying it publicly since 2020, but it s essentially what he s been saying even privately since 2016. and there s been a literal books written on on that, so i don t think this really comes as much of a surprise to anyone. there are certainly going to be a sliver of the party which is going to say they re knocking support donald trump as the nominee. and what s going to be interesting by nicely looking at polling every single day what i m looking for is, which can t is going to be able to hold onto the larger share of their own party, going november, it s amazing, despite talks like this, despite discussions at division and the republican party, despite high profile republicans saying they want support doctrine, he still maintains actually much stronger course of work from registered republican voters than joe biden does from democratic voters. and that just gets the core of one, the bigger political challenges for the white house right now now is that it s upwards of over 20% of their core based right now, it s saying they may not support joe biden or donald trump is holding almost anywhere between 85 to 90% of his own party right now. so despite paul ryan basically saying ways been saying for almost a decade now, not much has changed that i ll trump s still as of today as a stronger fold on the republic welcome party than joe biden does on the democratic party. and that s why you re seeing in the head impulse right now? yeah. chuck, what about matt s point there? paul ryan saying what he says, who does that actually convince well i would push back on that just a little bit. we ve had elections last night in ohio and every tuesday we ve had an election and all these states were republican primary motors got to pick on who they wanted and about 80% have picked trump to his point but 20% of pick nikki haley, who ain t even running for president no more. so i wouldn t say he s got that consolidated. we got our own problems with democrats but our base is pretty secure with joe biden s one has been getting about 90 or 95% and what do you see for paul ryan represents a lot of common sense economic driven republicans in the suburb who were sick and tired. of donald trump. there was a primary internationally, a special election in ohio yesterday, ohio s sixth congressional district in a district any trump won by like 29 points where the heavily finance republican candidate, one. but by around ten points or even a little bit less, any source of concern there, matt no. i mean, look, yeah, you re seeing a bit of a juxtaposition compared to special elections almost ten years ago, republicans traditionally have had habitual voters on their side, older voters, voters with college degrees. lately, those are two groups have been shifting to democratic party while the republican party is doing much better with voters without college degrees and even younger voters who are much harder to turn out in a special election scenario like we saw in ohio yesterday. i think you re going to see likely a republican carry that district again by 20 plus points in the november general election. it is an interesting dichotomy though you go back just a few cycles ago. chuck and i probably on opposite pages about looking at these special election results. it is the scenario right now we re republicans are doing better in presidential elections because they re pulling out different voters who may not show up outside of the big, the big show every four years. now, there is really something happening interesting in the special luncheon with the high and low propensity voters there. thanks for pointing it out that mauer is great to see you chuck wrote that culture as always nice to see you as well right now, president biden is headed to italy ahead of the g7 summit. big issues on the agenda, of course, include the israel hamas war, the war in ukraine, the impact of ai on the world. that with all the political term let me, while we will talk about that gold one second, but let s go to doha right now. secretary blinken speaking there now as you heard him say, we were together just yesterday in jordan, had a conference to work to rally more international support to address the dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. qatar has already shown remarkable generosity and helping people in such urgent need providing 4,700 tons of food medicine and other life-saving aid at yesterday s conference in ounces $400 million more in additional support from the united states too. the palestinians that brings the total amount that we ve provided to $670 million in additional us assistance to the yeah. palestinians any eight months that this war has been going on we ve long been the leading provider of support to palestinians. and we we will continue to do everything we can to support them particularly in this time of need we re also continuing to work every single day on it pre-seen the flow of assistance into gaza and making sure that it gets to people who need it within gaza working to improve civilian protection working to secure the release of hostages now single, most effective and most immediate way to end the suffering of people in gaza to end the suffering of palestinians and israelis alike to tackle the humanitarian assistance crisis, to prevent the conflict from, further escalating and spreading to other places is to get ceasefire that allows us to get to work toward a more durable end to the conflict here again qatar has been tireless partner in the prime minister personally, a tireless partner in working to mediate a ceasefire and a hostage release something that the prime minister and i first discussed here on october 13th and many times since 12 days ago president biden s set out a ceasefire proposal rooted in core principles of releasing all the hostages surging assistance into gaza guaranteeing israel security providing a path to an enduring and to war. and starting the massive reconstruction for gaza the entire world almost without fail has been behind this proposal and we heard it again and again and again. individual countries pronouncing themselves in support in this region and beyond. important groups like the g7, the honorably palestinian authority israel and of course just two days ago, the united nations security council leaders in the region that i ve met with over the last couple of days they have reaffirmed that. again and again and again so we re waiting on one response and that was the response it s from hamas and as the prime minister said, last night, we received a response hamas has proposed numerous changes to the posel that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with a different colleagues and today with the prime minister some of the changes are workable. some are not here in a nutshell is where we stand a deal was on the table that was virtually identical to proposal that hamas before on may the sixth a deal that the entire world is behind a deal israel is accepted hamas could have answered with a single word yes instead hamas weighted nearly two weeks and then propose more changes a number of which go beyond positions that had previously taken an accepted as a result, you heard the prime minister say this the war that hamas started on october 7. but this barbaric attack on israel and on israeli civilians we ll go on more people will suffer. palestinians will suffer more, israelis will suffer but in the days ahead we are going to continue to push on an urgent basis with our partners with qatar with egypt to try to close this deal. because we know it s in the interests of israelis, palestinians. the region indeed, the entire world and we all three that the deal has to be grounded in the principles at the ceasefire proposal that the entire international community supports there s something nelson s critical and the prime minister alluded to it it s also crucial that we get from the immediate ceasefire that we re working personally to achieve to an enduring end and in order to do that and to do that effectively we have to have plans for the day after the conflict ganzen, gaza, and we need to have them as soon as possible for months. we ve been working with partners throughout the region on such a plan and that was also key focus conversations i ve had over the last couple of days in the coming weeks, we will put forward proposals for key elements of the day after plan, including concrete ideas for how to manage governance security reconstruction that plan is key to turning a ceasefire into an enduring end to the conflict. but also turning an end of war into a just and durable peace. and using that he s using that piece as a foundation for building a more integrated more stable more prosperous region over the course of but what s now my eighth visit to the region since october 7 everyone that i ve engaged with has made clear that this is the path they want to pursue. now i can t speak for hamas or answer for hamas and ultimately, it may not be the path that hamas wants to pursue. but hamas cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future for this region that s people enough dialogue and majorly less. so i lower zero on had known have numbering connected jazeera what we ve just been listening to is secretary of state tony blinken can he in doha and these are his first remarks. first real response since they have received the response from hamas to the hostage and ceasefire proposal has now been on the table. the reaction from tony blinken important. he says that hamas in its response proposed numerous changes. some are workable, some are not. he says tony blinken, though, making very clear that this is on hamas at this point because he went into detail on how many nations, how many regions of the world have come together to agree and support this proposal? just this week, the un in security council giving its endorsement to this proposal, the g7, the arrow league, israel, all saying yes to this proposal. and tony blinken saying hamas could have ended this essentially and start to bring about to bring an end to the suffering with a simple yes but now more changes are being proposed and asked for requested and demanded by hamas for this to come to an end. we re going to continue to cover this, but this is an important development in what has now in what is now been this kind of waiting period to see what was going to come and how much hope to put behind this proposal that president biden laid out 12 days ago. jaume anti-bullying, very careful with words there, but suggesting that hamas is moving the goalposts. we do have brain picking economic news, new inflation data just out showing it came in cooler than analysts were expecting. how much good news is this for the economy? the sirens are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear it and feel it. nick eyes and my throat were buried. i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. along with earth, with leah whenever sunday at nine on cnn bombast makes absurdly comfortable underwear made to move with you. not on you. because your basic 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t have to. when you sign up at shining through cid, you ll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more see idp can be tough, but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up is shining through be heard, be hopeful the eu with fast sides, create factory great visual solutions it s perfect. your process cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 the greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing expertise, you know? the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great s tomb. next wednesday, if nine and discovery and stream on max bragging moments ago, the latest read on inflation, just in inflation cooling off last month for health here with much more on this good news, i come bearing some better news this island rating for the caveats, but please exactly takeaways. so yeah. so cpi, the consumer price index, of course, a basket of goods and services. the government tracks the change in price. so this coming in, this index, coming in for may at 3.3% on an annual basis certainly better than the peak. but a reminder that this is the fed s goals. so this is where we re trying to get to. but 3.3% that is slightly better than we saw at the month prior. it is also better than expectations. so we like to see that when you look at cpi on a monthly basis, this is where the real good news cause this is where the gift is 0% remaining unchanged on a monthly basis, right? so the index pretty much remaining flat. the last it s how we saw this, you d have to go all the way back to july, i think of 2022. so you certainly like to see that. i want to talk really quickly about sectors on a monthly basis because this gives you a sense of where prices are still rising and where they re falling. so shelter which has been really stubborn shelter, you think the price to put a roof over your head, think about rent. you think about there s a component for mortgages. so that increased again on a monthly basis and food slightly increased. but as you can see on this graphic here, just so slightly on the other hand, we saw prices fall for gas in a pretty big way. we saw prices fall for apparel as well, and airline fares also came down. so the reason why this is really important in general, but certainly on a day like today when we re getting hit with a double whammy effect of economic event is it just gives us a sense, not just of where prices have been, but also where rates are going. and when we hear from jay powell, the federal reserve chairman, and about six hours from now, we don t expect this softer inflation report to necessarily change what we hear from him, then we re not expecting a rate cut. this meeting, but perhaps now that we re getting more welcoming inflation data, maybe that means a rate cut. maybe later this summer, maybe early this fall, which after the string of inflation reports that we have been getting, that we re actually hotter than expected that was even a big question. so for change, i come with some are better than expected news, inflation cooling for the month of may, we ll wait a few hours to hear what j power has to say about this. i m sure he will have something to say. and quite a day getting this report this morning, and then the announcement the fed policy this afternoon, it s great to see you. thank you. likewise that inflation, that a whole bunch of investors are looking at that going oh, really liking that this morning, 6 million people across southern florida are bracing for a new round of flooding. this after sarasota saw nearly a month s worth of rain last night, last night alone. and it comes as heat waves out west are bringing triple digit temperatures there. it is hot meteorologist elisa rafah with us this morning, very hot out there. lisa yes. an incredibly early in the season for it to be this hard. we ve had multiple consecutive days in las vegas and phoenix with those temperatures over 100 degrees, these places hit their earliest 110 degree temperatures on record about. a week or two ago. now that heat is going to start to slide east as we go into the weekend and going into next week, we re going to start to find extreme measures of heat risk as we go into monday. now this is a new map, a new product that we have that s with the national weather service and the cdc to convey his sickness and heat risk when you re looking at the symptoms of heat sickness, you re looking at maybe dizziness, headaches, some cool and pale skin. is that could be a sign of heat exhaustion. you want to watch out for that if it gets worse, you could even be working at unconsciousness and confusion for symptoms of heat stroke. so these are things that we need to watch out for. again we ve had this extreme pete pretty early in the season. so you ll want to make sure that you re looking at exercising either early or late to avoid that pq, you wanna wear lightweight, light-colored closed drink lots of water. remember to check on children, elderly and pads, and remember that these cards could get incredibly hot. it only takes minutes for these cars two get to a level that can be deadly. now, heat is the biggest killer in the us on average, me look at that, how it sticks out, not hurricanes, not tornadoes, flooding is right behind it, but heat is our biggest killer and that s important because as our climate continues to warm our extreme heat days are getting even hotter. this is becoming an even greater risk that doctors and medical agencies have come out calling climate change a public health crisis. you have 32 more risky heat days in phoenix since 1970. again, just exacerbating this problem. john. yeah, graphics like that, charts like that just so concerning lisa rafah. thanks so much for being with us. the southern baptist convention just kicked out a church in virginia for having female pastors. another vote, vote of the convention on the role of women and in the church is happening today health, this morning brought to you by amgen, learn more about thyroid disease at, is it if you have graves disease, your eyes symptoms could mean something more that gritty feeling can be brushed away even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious maybe behind those itchy eyes up to 50% of people with graves it was could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor see an expert, find a ted is specialist at is-it the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, denied life on cnn and streaming on max they cracked the code on shopping for auto insurance, experian compares your current coverage with over 40 top providers i saved over 800 bucks. we do the work. you saved the money free at slash car if we weren t proud of the craftsmanship and level of 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with female pastors are standing. is this is likely to pass the band seen ryan young joins us now with the latest ryan, what are you hearing? john this is likely to pass from what we re learning just last year, they had a preliminary vote and it seemed like the members went along with this, but i should tell you this is big news because you re talking about some 13 million members who are part of this church organization. and what we know, the 10,000 members will be having that discussion today. there will be a debate something that will be monitoring throughout day. but what we know is almost 47,000 churches are linked to this association. on top of that, women working in pastoral roles at about 100 churches. and this could affect black church across the country. but one of the things that people want to talk about is the fact that supporters believe this is biblically necessary. listened to to pastors talk about this breakdown and why this vote could go one way today women have had a prominent role within the ministry and pastoral positions within the leadership of first alexandria for over 44 years first alexandria stands before you today as a testament that we can maintain a fruitful partnership with churches. the take a different stance on women and ministry we find no joy in making this recommendation, but have formed the opinion that the churches egalitarian beliefs regarding the office of pastor do not closely identify what the conventions adopted statement of faith yeah. john, obviously i said we will still monitor this throughout the day last year that preliminary vote was cast and it looked like this will pass. sometimes they now again, like i said, this could affect 100, hundreds of churches. they ll have to make the decision how they want to move forward. but something we should also say, this is in their constitution, the doctrine actually states that only men can be pastors at one church. you had women pastors only doing their pasturing to women and children. so there s big discussions about how this breakdown will happen, how it will move forward, especially in this changing, changing landscape across the country when it comes to people going to church. but this debate will happen today. the vote should happen later on, and we ll bring it to you john alright, ryan young. thanks very much. kate joining us right now is referencing victoria rob powers. she s the first female senior pastor at the royal lane baptist church in texas. reverend, thanks for being here and just to bring everyone up to speed, your congregation is an autonomous baptist church, not affiliated with a southern baptist convention but your experience is so important here because this is not the first time a church has been ejected from the southern baptist convention over female pastors why do you think they are doubling down on this? yeah that s right. thanks for having me i think one of the reasons why they re doubling down on this is because they re trying to maintain power. i mean, studies show that to maintain power, you have to constantly exert power. i think they re doing this in an effort to exert power. the irony is the southern baptist convention is losing power because it s losing influence. a decision like this will inevitably lead to the disfellowship of hundreds of churches, which means the convention will significantly dwindle and size rafat, this feels very strange to ask, but i shall, which is have you ever witnessed any negative impacts? of having a female pastor in a church yeah. i actually grew up in the southern baptist convention, which is funny that you should ask that. and as i, as you mentioned earlier, royal lane is not part of the southern baptist convention, but we were in fact we left the convention in the early 90s because of their discrimination of women and ministry. so in many ways what we re seeing is not new. the convention has a long history of excluding women administrate, especially from leadership roles. i think the point i was trying to make have you ever seen having a female pastor leader church and a senior role that it s been a problem for a church in terms of actual spiritual faith and leading a congregation for separate from its connection to the, to the convention sure. thanks for that clarification. no. i haven t seen that. i mean, i think our church in particular has seen a lot of fruitful ministry from the result of having a female and a pulpit. it s also helpful to just expand the number of voices that we hear from. so to. choose to only reserve the office of pastor for men is to limit ministry and limit the possibilities of what god can do the reverend, we heard the reverend of the man who is leading the alexandria church. his name s robert stevens speaking there saying this is a sad moment for us. but we also recognize that god has a future for first baptist church. and i had read, used speaking to, i believe as a local community newspaper earlier this year and talking about women women in clergy and the impact and you say often i tell people, you can t be what you can t see what does this movement from egalitarian beliefs mean for young kids growing up in the southern baptist churches all over the country right now yeah. i can t help but think about all those young girls in these churches who will never know what s possible for them. because as you said, you can t be what you can t see. so it s disheartening to think about the ways in which we re limiting their imaginations but i actually remain hopeful because if my religious experience tells me anything it s that god is bigger than the walls we tried to put around god. so i m confident this won t be the last word for women in baptist life i wanted to ask you if you could speak with the clergy of the first baptist church in alexandria today, what would your message be? reverend yeah, i would tell them to keep going to be courageous in their prophetic witness and to remember that there are many examples of women and leadership throughout the bible of a southern baptist just convention likes to hold that the office of pastor is reserved for men alone. and at that somehow is qualified by scripture. but that s just not true. we see women in leadership roles across the bible as they serve as judges, prophets, apostles, the first witnesses to the resurrection were women. so we wouldn t even have a church today if it weren t for women. so i would tell them to press on to keep going and to remember that if the son of god can come from the womb of a woman, then surely the word of god can come from her mouth now that is a perfect note to end on a perfect message to end on here, reverend. thank you so much for coming on this morning. thank you. they knew are in a new central starts now all right cool is cool, breaking news, brand new inflation data just in better than better-than-expe cted, the market good love if futures way up right now, we have the latest moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken suggested that hamas is moving the goal posts on ceasefire and hostage hostage negotiations. so where do things stand now and just in italian media reporting, the pope tuesday, homophobic slur behind closed doors again, this is a second and consecutive months sara sidner is out. i m john berman with kate baldwin in this is cnn news central all right the breaking. news that type of in-flight inflation data that a lot of people were hoping for. let s get right to cnn s rahel solomon with the very latest on this. what are the numbers show real? yeah, john, it may be somewhere outside, but it is cooling off in the inflation report, at least this inflation report. so this is cpi, the

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Transcripts For CNN Laura Coates Live 20240612

told. that s fascinating what you re saying there again, the book is called white poverty. how exposing myths about race and class can reconstruct american democracy. reverend dr. william barber. thank you very much for joining us thank you and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now tonight a. new batch of secretly reported audio supreme court justice samuel alito, the activists behind the reporting s will share it with us in just minutes from now, plus, hunter biden convicted the new reporting about the reaction from inside the trump campaign and say it ain t. so why joey chest that s reign as one of the top dogs at coney island is coming to an end. good evening anja lithosphere now i ll go good evening. i m jim acosta and for laura coates on this busy tuesday night for months, donald trump and republicans have tried to make the case that there is a two tiered justice system one system of justice for trump and one for everybody else. there are tax goes something like this that the justice department is being weaponized against donald trump. and donald trump only at direction of president biden. never mind that trump and his allies are also claiming that biden is slipping mentally while at the same time orchestrating that conspiracy set that aside. just consider the trump-world allegation that biden is behind this plot. two persecute the former president just so you understand this is all done by biden and his people maybe as people more importantly, democrats across the slide they ve crossed the line in which now the court system is a political weapon. this department of justice, the biden department of justice he is the most partisan department of justice in our nation s history today that same biden department of justice secured a conviction against the president s son, hunter, guilty on all three counts for lying about his drug use when he purchased a gun here is david weiss, the special counsel leading the case no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. i want to thank attorney general garland for providing the support necessary to fulfill our mission. that s why it s thanking the attorney general for ensuring that he has independence. the same attorney general that the former president and his allies have relentlessly accused without evidence of conspiring to get trump s today. some of those trump allies accused the biden administration of pursuing a conviction of hunter basically accusing the president of sacrificing his own son to continue that conspiracy. former trump white house adviser stephen miller posted this. take a look at this. the gun charges he says are a misdirection, don t be gasland. this is all about protecting joe biden don t be gaslight. indeed, new tonight, the new york times reports hunter biden s conviction not only undercuts trump s narrative, but also hurts his campaigns fundraising efforts, citing a person familiar, the time says, quote, there had been discussions about how much an acquittal of hunter biden would help mr. trump? potentially raising tens of millions of additional dollars as they plan to cite it as more evidence. the justice system was rigged oops it s an ai, democrats on the hill noted their response to the biden conviction was different. we re not here contesting the results. were not here trying to defund the fbi or the department of justice because we don t like the outcome of a of a given trial we respect the judicial process, which we respect the outcome of it for his part, president biden two, it says he accepts the outcome of the case, and we ll respect it. he issued that statement before he changed the schedule to be with his son, fleming fine. to wilmington, delaware, where he remains the night photographer. you can see right? they re capturing their embrace hey, shortly after the president landed on the tarmac. now i want to get to brandy harden, a criminal defense attorney, liam donovan, former national republican senatorial campaign committee aid and karen funny a cnn legal commentator. brandy, i so let s let s jump right into this. republicans still saying that doj is a big weapon but against them, does that hold up anymore? let s listen to a speaker johnson. he was talking to our manu raju and other reporters about this verdict will talk about the other side every case is different. and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the charges that have been brought again, obviously brought for political purposes. hunter biden is a separate instance separate instance. the speaker say separate incidents, and so i think, look, this convictions certainly undercuts the theory that there are two there s a two tier justice system in reality, there s not one system for donald trump in one system for other folks in reality, we see that this conviction stands that when the government sets their sights on you, when they think that you ve committed a crime, they re gonna go after you and just like what happened here, a jury of your peers is going to listen, is going to figure out what happens. and here there was a guilty verdict yeah. and leon, the new york times, reporting that the trump campaign plan to raise millions of dollars off of 100 biden acquittal, i guess that s oh, well, i guess that s not gonna work out now what do you make of that? well, i mean, it s certainly makes sense if you re trying to play into the cynical idea that the system is rigged, that would certainly be prove it. i think well, with the punches though, if you start with that premise, then you can use that to any anything can come back and affirm that. so there s there s nothing that can prove the negative the system s not rigged, not a conviction of hunter biden. i mean, look, this would never should have gone to trial was supposed to be a plea deal. the plea deal fell apart. this also doesn t resolve because there s going to be a tax trial that comes up in september. it s just a mess. nobody s actually satisfied the president. but what do you sent through a tax trial to get help right? exactly what where does the conspiracy end? all the way up and then sanity begin? but here s this so cynical and discussing about that anybody who is dealt with addiction or it has people that they know deal with addiction it is a journey to stay clean, right? and the idea that the president would want to risk his child sobriety for the presidency. i get why in donald trump s mind that might make sense because that s how he thinks about things, right? is how do i work the angles to get the result i want, but the thought of joe biden doing that after again, i think what s important about today, i think about the contrast here you have a man who has this is a guy who has taken punches throughout his life. joe biden and he gets back up and he s resilient and he has figured out how to say, look, i love my son, but the law is the law versus trump, who acts like a spoiled brat, who just doesn t get his way yeah. i mean liam, the trump campaign saying in a statement, we put this up on screen. this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family and limb. people buy this stuff. i think there is a separate issue. i mean, truly if you look at this, this is kind of the it s the bragg case of the hunter charges. it really is small potatoes. i mean, i don t think republicans truly do believe there are other things that foot here they. haven t produced the goods though. they haven t been able to put together a case in the house of representatives that would that would be able to pursue this. i know that the oversight committee is tried, but there are big things that you re going to call the biden crime family. should you have are tied to the president, wears we re doing we re doing hot dogs later ron, those out. we ll look at for the nothing now, you know, that s why i think we are where we are. they talk a good game. they talk like there s going to be something else. but in reality, this is it. this is what they have. this is the case that they have and ultimately it s resulted in a conviction. yeah. and brandie, a juror ten, spoke to cnn about the decision all 12 jurors did agree that yes, he know and laying bought a gun when he was an attic or he was addicted to drugs yeah. i know everything gets thrown into the political meat grinder in dc. but again, this is further validation of the jury system that we have in this country. it s, it s not perfect. it s flawed. our justice system is why there s no doubt about that but in the trump case, you had a jury of men and women doing their job, doing their civic duty. they came to a verdict. they issued that verdict. same in this case, saving this point in new york one and delaware, you know, it s really important that we rely on the jury system. i mean, we call it a jury of your peers, whether it s actually your peers or not, it s 12 people who listen to the evidence and make get decision. one of the things that i think is so problematic here though, is that why is this? i mean, you shouldn t be able to lie on an application, but with respect to whether or not he was addicted, i mean, that just takes it another step and i think it s sad that he was struggling with addiction is sad ultimately that he said what he said on the application, but i do think that the jury system i m has 12 people decide what the evidence is and i listened to what the juror said the jury seem to say the fact that he s in the biden family had nothing to do with the case although in reality, everyone knew it was joe biden son and so even if it was in the back of their minds, they may have been at the front of their mind, but certainly it was something that everyone was aware of apparently it didn t, impact the verdict. this ties back to this larger theme about democracy that we ve been talking about, right? because there is a part of democracy that is a leap of faith. you have to have a leap of faith that you go into the system 12 people are going to listen to the evidence and make a decision and you abide by that decision, you have a right to appeal, you have a right, you write, you have plenty of rights, under house that hunter has that right there s rather, you know, exactly. and so but that s democracy that and when some of the commentary that we re seeing from republican let s the whole fact that the trump campaign initially put out a statement that had sympathy for hunter and then pull that back. i mean, all that does is undermine people s belief in our democracy and in our systems at a time when we actually should be reaffirming into your point, it s not perfect. there s so much work we need to do. but this is our system and we ve got to work with it. and by undermining it actually makes us less safe as a country tree. and the jury system works. i mean, at the end of the day and we re gonna for a long time, it worked and so regardless of how perfect it is, one way or the other, 12 people look at the evidence, they listen, sometimes say they get it wrong, sometimes they get it right, but the jury system works and leave just very quickly. there s a bob menendez trial going on henry cuellar trial going i mean, there are other trials of prominent democrats going on right now. i think the tricky part is and you re exactly right, but i think the tricky part is if you look at these piecemeal, you can say, well, this just proves the democrats are corrupt in this case of menendez or whomever. i think the tricky part is, as you say, i think there is trust in these institutions. but when we start to, when we start to talk about the supreme court, we start to talk about judge cannon and we pick apart things that maybe it looks like it s not on the level in other areas. i think it s hard to make these cases that we need to trust in the system if we re not bringing that across the board fair point, our guys, thank you very much. great discussion. i appreciate it tonight the bidens are huddling together in their delaware home to be with their son, hunter and addressing the verdict, the president said he could relate to families who have had loved ones battling addiction, saying quote, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill, and i love our son and we are so proud of the man and he is today and chris whipple joins me now he s the author of the fight of his life inside joe biden s white house chris good to see you. i see you studied the bidens for a long time. how painful is this moment for the president yeah, i think it s extremely painful, just heart wrenching and it s impossible to overstate date just how close joe and hunter biden arnon it goes all the way back to that horrific car crash in 1972, which hunter and beau barely survived. it s the reason why we ve been seeing him holding him close through throughout the trial and jill biden has been there and why you see these continuing statements of support? i mean, i think that for joe biden, this is a personal tragedy at a political windfall because i think that politically, i just don t see any downside soup so many people, so many americans can relate to a father, loving and supporting his son why? and chris, we were talking about this new york times piece that s out this evening where the trump campaign has sort of analyze this various different ways of how a biden acquittal or conviction might play out. one of the things that says in that story is that the former president has been talking about hunter biden a whole lot less out on the campaign trail in part because the former president thinks that there s some sympathy out there for the current president because of what his son has been going through. and it is worth reminding our viewers just how much tragedy, personal tragedy, the president, the united states has endured over his life. and it has shaped him. it s made him the man he is. now. it s absolutely true and i think that look, i think a lot of the joe biden s advisers are keeping a close eye on him, not because they re worried about the political fallout as i say, i think that s nothing but upside, but i think they re just worried about him personally. they re worried about having to shoulder this on top of the burdens of the presidency. this is a guy who s got a lot of stuff on his plate but again, politically, i think there s no downside. i thought so even before the verdict and after the verdict, even more so because the guilty verdict gives the lie to the notion that joe biden is some kind of puppeteer who weaponized as the department of justice punishing his enemies it s and freeing his friends, obviously hundred biden never would have seen the inside of a courtroom if that were the case. and i think luck we ve got a debate coming up and i don t think joe biden, would ever go there. i don t think he ll bring it up but let me tell you if donald trump is makes the mistake of going there and spewing nonsense about the biden crime family. i think joe will be prepared. mean can you imagine if that happened? joe biden saying, look, last time i checked you were guilty of 34 felonies i m guilty of loving my son yeah. and chris, the president, has said that he will not pardon his son. what did you think of that? i thought it was extraordinary. i mean, it was it was a moment of just moral clarity on the part of joe biden and couldn t have been in starker contrast to the way donald trump has handled his own conviction so i think it was extraordinary when he was asked will you will you accept the verdict, whatever it is? he said? yes. would you and then again, what would you rule out a pardon? yes. you can t be much more clear than that. all right. for swivel a great discussion. thanks so much for your time. really appreciate it. good to be with you as we were saying earlier, new audio of supreme court justice samuel alito bashing the courts critics, the activists releasing these tapes this audio is here to walk us through it. that s next. say what the assignments are going off. the tornado here you cannot swim you cannot outlet on it. it really doesn t. terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares. you just hear and feel it nick eyes and my throat or brain i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn dad is a legends and his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry dna can show you which traits were inherited. where they came from and who he shares them with but get moving. the sale is only for a limited time. how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink? my secrets lumen, no way mainstream. i mean, that is why. and because there s no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often and you can get this at walmart or target we never thought that with verizon s saving on the best and entertainment was 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uncovered ethics scandals at the highest court in the country is the latest in a series of recordings released by progressive filmmaker who secretly recorded alito while posing as a religious conservative, the next clip was recorded by her colleague, ali said marco, take a listen to this tylee they don t like our decisions, have, they don t like now they the sides of the case that s the beginning and there are groups that are get somebody gets a lot of money now, cnn is not obtained the full video, but we ve reached out to the supreme court and propublica for comment. we have not heard back from the supreme court, but of propublica saying in a statement tonight, propublica exposes abuses of power, no matter which party is in charge. and our newsroom operates with fierce independence. the fact that clarence thomas amended his past filings to formally disclose trips that were paid for by billionaire harlan crow speaks for itself and joining me now, the executive producer of the undercurrent, lauren windsor, she is the person behind those secret recordings. lauren, great to see you again, we talked to you earlier this morning thanks for coming back on. walk us through this. i can first of all, why did you want to get these justices on tape? and was it tough when you walked up to them where they more reserved at first digit to warm them up. how did it work? well, so it went to two different dinners. there s one and 20231 and 2024, at the first one? i spoke with justice alito only there were several justices there, but we had a good conversation. i had gone initially because of propublica reporting on clarence thomas so i thought at the time, will he be there? will he not who knows, but the reporting is it s like one of his favorite dinners so i thought there was a good chance he was not there. harlan crow is not there to my knowledge but justice alito was and so i had a conversation with him about how do we repair this partisan rift in our country that s right. they didn t say partisan rather, sorry. how do we repair the polarization in this country at the time he responded really and newsworthy way it was. i don t know. i don t know. that s not really a role. so he didn t publish that audio. but then this was before he actually went under the glare of propublica is fantastic reporting, right and so i imagined that because of that he might be more aggrieved and i might have a second shot at that this year. and sure enough, when i asked him similar questions, he had a much different response. and let s talk about what he had to say. they re about pro public. i mean, it is odd to say the leaves to see a supreme court justice or hear a supreme court justice go after a news organization which by the way, for propublica did a perfectly legitimate series of new stories on what was going on at the supreme court. and it s raised all sorts of questions about the ethics there there have been calls for ethics, codes and so on, because of that, they ve wonderful is a private one that they did they did honestly, i have no idea what propublica is budget is, but let s just say that what is it 4 million that i think that clarence thomas is accepted in gifts from donors. i would, imagine that given that it s an independent newsroom, that the annual budget probably rivals the amount that clarence thomas is taken in donations that he hasn t reported. do i know for sure? i don t know. i just you know, if you re talking about millions of dollars there that you didn t report and justice alito is saying, oh, they ve spent a fortune on going after clarence thomas. let s look at that relative. were you surprised that he was as candid with you as he comes across and as mrs. alito comes across, i mean, what what surprised you the most? it was very surprised in my so just to give some more context to this, i spoke with justice alito at the cocktail reception before. that s nris spoke with mrs. alito after the dinner? and i was surprised with him because when i went, i honestly thought these justices, they have to exercise discretion all the time. and so it wasn t surprised the first year when it wasn t newsworthy. the second year i go back. okay. we ll try again and see if we get something newsworthy so as i m standing there and having this conversation with him, it s blowing my mind when he says there are fundamental things that can t be compromised. and so to me that s okay. well, wow what are those fundamental things that can t be compromised because it s clearly is going to affect how you rule on really critical decisions that are impacting the lives of americans every day yeah and i know you and i talked about this earlier this morning, but just in case the viewers have missed that, are watching now let s talk about tactics and the way you went about doing this when i was talking to you earlier this morning, you said spare me the pearl-clutching but what about the folks at home who might be saying, oh, you know what, she shouldn t have misrepresented who she was, she should just go in there and say, hey, i m i m doing this investigation, talk to me well, you know, if i were to walk up to someone and say, hi, i m a journalists, would you please tell me that you have a lack of impartiality. that s not something you re really going to be candid about. and it really goes to the genesis. i ve done undercover reporting for a long time back to a huge scoop that i had in 2014 with the koch brothers it s reserved for events or situations where you re not going to get information. really any other way. and in this particular circumstance, they re not forthcoming. there already evading any accountability measures whatsoever. and so is it worse for me too? tend to be a fan girl or is it worse for them to not disclose millions of dollars worth of gifts from gop donors let s talk about relative ethics violations here. i think that what i m doing is in service of knowledge for the public good, the greater good for all of us congress needs to take action this i shouldn t have to do this it should be congress and this should be the media holding these justice. justice is two accounts is say your public service as part of the problem, the supreme court is unaccountable course. it isn t accountable. they can get ethics reform passed you know, why are we having congressional hearings into this? i think any reasonable person would say that clarence thomas let s getting his mother s house paid for or his nephews tuition paid for or an rv loan, much of which was forgiven. all of these things, any reasonable person would say there extraordinary. all right. lauren windsor. thanks a lot. you got i got us all talking here in dc. that s for sure. thank you, jim. thanks for your time. i appreciate it. all right. just ahead. a cnn exclusive rare access inside detention camps and facilities in syria where children of isis isis fighters are coming the age. and it s being described as a breeding ground for the next generation of isis plus could trump may military service, mandatory why some and his camp are pushing that idea. we ll talk about them the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. hey, you ve seen this hi was the dish everyone you re telling me you can get directtv, vogue good stuff, and you don t need a satellite dish i used to love doing i d business on those things. yeah, won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beaks. we just have different priorities is satellite free directtv never thought i d see the day well, our lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without a satellite dish, you gonna do this thing with my neck just for a bit dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and 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all protected from scary oner s day, and get free shipping anywhere nationwide hydrozoa alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn also tonight seen in his learning that federal agents have arrested eight nationals from tajikistan who were inside the united states over suspected ties to the terror group isis versus say they entered the us or the southern border. and it was later discovered they had popped possible links to isis members overseas. they were monitored for more than a month and eventually arrested before it possible plot could develop those arrests coming as the us grapples with a growing problem in syria tens of thousands of children have suspected isis fighters, many now becoming adults held in detention facilities and camps controlled by us ally hi as an american general describes one of those camps as a breeding ground for the next generation of isis. cnn s clarissa ward got rare exclusive access to these sites including a prison that holds some of the most dangerous isis members. and here s what she saw. cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters the world no journalist has been allowed in sayyed panoramas since 2021 until now. so the head of the prison has asked me to put on a head scarf what we walk through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern at pan panorama is a prison break the fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless. the men we see appear to be indecent physical condition. but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison. and we are only allowed to look inside two cells versus your where are you from? a british man approaches the great, but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us funding did panorama illegal black hole worse than guantanamo bay in an interrogation room, we he made 19-year-old stephane ux charloux from suriname. he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14, along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talk to a lawyer? well, i don t know about the big guys. you speak about the kids assume we re all feeling know the truth. you don t know even my we re always punished is like five years in prison. i were punished we don t even know what he s done. like we ve been imprisoned because of our clients at the sdf intelligence headquarters. we made british pakistani dr. mohammed socket accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas. inmates are abused so we live in torture. i live in fear we say, you live in torture, do you mean that you are actually physically being tortured? this happens on and off. what kind of torture, like beating by the stick by the gods. to be honest, i m just waiting for my death. is no getting in out of this prison. belle-v never the warden at panorama called psaki claim of abuse false, saying, quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act this way the sdf and the us are pushing countries to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose, can we meet brits, canadians, belgians, australians, and a couple of americans? survive basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck here with her seven-year-old son for more than five years. i have to ask you, i m seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering their faces you re not covered, you re wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. i would say for the first 23 here s people were not accepting of it, you know, and they harassed us a lot. they stole our stuff in i had to stay strong and show example for myself. born and raised in the us. hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20 and left her family in alabama to live under isis a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time in prison have you reconciled yourself without possibility i always tell myself that i m going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i d server and not come out and begin my life with my son for now. that is not an option. while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled hold is us citizenship invalid on a technicality, i didn t write down. she lives in fear for her son s future what do you miss most about america? i just want to breathe at moroccan air and be around people i loved the people of america. they re very open and they re very forgiving and they re vary. their people who gives second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance and clarissa ward joins us, dow, chlorus are great reporting as always, i want to ask you about hoda the american we saw there, the us just completed one of the largest repatriation is from syria to date last month. why wasn t she part of it well, this is an interesting one gym, so we did actually reach out to the state department and ask them about hoda and they basically told us and i ll just read you the statement. the department has does not changed its position with regards to ms methanol citizenship status as the state department determined, and the courts agreed she is not and never was a us citizen. we ve also heard from who does lawyer who said the us has taken a high and mighty approach and lecturing other countries that they need to repatriate hello to them athena is not a us citizen than she is stateless. and that is a violation of international law that directly contradicts what the us government has stated that other countries cannot and should not do the lawyer also raises the issue of who does 7-year-old son, whose grandparents are american? again, so this is a complicated case it is continuing efforts to try to resolve it, and i should add, jim, that is senior us official told us there are about a dozen other americans who are also still in those camps. in syria. the difficulty with repatriation is that some of them don t even want to go back. we spoke to one woman. she didn t want to be identified she said that she doesn t want to put up her hand to go back to the us. she s fearful of whatever punishment or recrimination she may face there for her actions. jim all right. fascinating report. clarissa ward. thank you very much just ahead. one of trump s cabinet secretaries pushing for mandatory military service if the former president gets a second term. but what does former trump defense secretary mark esper think about all of that? it s not his ideas. other cabinet members idea. we ll talk about that last convex older chains is cold calculating, cynical and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn from real quality that starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard. steel tools, or as tough and dependable as the people who use them. this fathers de give them the gift that s built for dab right now, save $30 on the fs 56 rc gas-powered driven real still the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free that s right. two months free, all the fast, reliable nationwide coverage make this switch today you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because their places to be for circular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract 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the era of voluntary service, trump denied that he wants to revive mandatory service posting on truth, social quote, the story is completely untrue and he never even thought of that idea. he says, but the report highlights a concern all military leaders have in the united states plummeting recruitment staffing levels have dropped in every branch except for the space force is raising fears about military readiness and security with me now cnn global affairs analyst and former defense secretary under trump, mark esper of us secretary. great. grateful to have your time. this late tuesday night christopher miller says that mandatory service should be quote, strongly considered. what do you think of this idea well, jim, we do have a problem in the united states when it comes to recruiting and the numbers seem to be getting worse, we have when i was army secretary in 2018, only 71% of america s youth qualified to serve and now 56 years, years later, 78% are unqualified to serve. then the number who are interested in serving who remain has decreased from about 13% to 9%. so look out of a cohort of 34 million or so, 17 to 24 year-olds we can only seem to generate 500,000 or so that are qualified and interested in serving. so this is, this is a matter i m deeply concerned about. it s not going to bite us today or tomorrow. but if these trends continue in their cultural there lifestyle trends, if they continue, we re going to find ourselves in a bad situation when it comes to the all voluntary force, 5810 years from now let me ask you about the political dimensions of this, because trump says he doesn t. this is not his idea, but he famously calls some american veterans who died in we re losers and suckers does trump s past comments about the military make recruiting more difficult i mean, can you imagine something like this happening in a second trump term after what he has said about fallen american heroes there are a number of things that have made recruiting difficult coming from both sides of the aisle, frankly, but i think it s the bigger issues in our country. i mean, the bottom line is that america s youth just are not familiar with americans military, with the one-half of 1% that serves and defense them. and that s the challenges we had to grow that with a close that knowledge gap among america s youth. so i think there are a number of ways to address that. measures that are far less radical than then reinstating a draft. things such as expanding j rotc and making sure that recruiters are guaranteed full access to high schools too. to simple things like bringing back physical fitness to high school students every day. and when they go to school and high school, things like that, they could really improve the pool of applicants. because right now, they just simply don t know that these are credible career fields and we don t want to go the way of mandatory service because what s really made the american military great since the draft was ended in 1973, was affected, they re all volunteers. they re professionals who want to serve. they want to be there. they want to do right by their country. and that s makes our military so capable and so great you and i were talking before the segment about various things and i asked about d-day. and, you know, my thoughts. i mean, there s still with those amazing veterans that we saw on june 6, last week. you know, these these men who and women who we are in their late 90s and 100s, just a stunning and just stirring example of bravery to americans all over the country have you been able to put your finger on what has been lost in and why? maybe americans just don t have the same reverence for military service that we have for the greatest generation for the people who fought on d-day know what i mean yeah, there are tremendous generation toughened by the depression of course. and then brought together by the spread of naziism. and of course imperial japan in world war ii they re just remarkable and they thought that war for four years and then came back home and went straight to work and raised families and built america into what she is today. but look i think that ember is still there in the hearts of america s youth. i see when i visit the academies, when i used to go to visit basic training or units out in the field, i think it s still there but again, they re a distance is grown between the american population and the military that serves them. and we have to bring them back together and we need our national leaders to go out there and talk about the virtues of military service, about what it means to help one another to serve one another. and i do think there is also a virtue and bring them, bringing the americans together from all democrats graphics from all ethnic groups, from all religious and racism, bringing them together that would go a long distance to helping bring our country together, make us more cohesive. as cohesive as the greatest generation was nearly 80 years ago now. yeah, and i should note, you and i both though after 911, we saw the same kind of patriotic response. inside this country. and so does somebody extent what chris miller is saying is that maybe we need to bring back mandatory service because that doesn t exist anymore. but if there were to be a national crisis, international crisis, i agree with you. i think americans, young americans would respond in the same fashion. we have to keep fostering that kind of spirit in this country secretary mark esper, great to talk to you as always. thanks so much for your time. really appreciate it thank you, jim alright. just ahead. a big shakeup for a fourth of july tradition. a reigning champion, joey chestnut he has been banned from nathan s hot dog eating contests. that s right. he has been banned and it s all over. vegan frankfurter s. are harry ensign our very own frame further here and cnn as here to explain this coming up next this election season, stay with cnn with 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july will be missing a famous hungry face, joey chestnut, and 16 times champion will sit out this year s feast because he s sponsored by a rival brand and plant-based company impossible foods. nathan says it has a longstanding rule banning competitors sponsored by rival brands, but major league eating says in a statement, quote, joey chestnut is an american hero. we would love nothing more than to have him at nathan s famous international hotdog eating contests, which he has dominated for years just not tweeting. he s gutted and argues the organizers are changing the rules from past years and regard to partnerships and cnn senior data reporter harry ensign is here now, eating a hot dog, though less hairy. what i figured we d be talking to you about this so where s the beef here and all of this? what s going? but on this is going to open up the competition. i suppose. and a pretty big way how dominant has chest not been hizon this thing. he s absolutely owned it. just look, joey chestnut to record he is when 16 nathan. no, no, no, no, not another always said don t speak with you while you re chewing your food. but anyway, anyway my mother is not here. that s what s most important. all right. he s 11617. last contests these in a total of 1070 hot dogs, the most at once. a world record 76. this dude eat hotdogs and his sleep, if he was here right now instead of just taking one byte, he would have finished all of the hot dogs that i have on this desk. so this dude is amazing he is an athlete. there s no question about a world-class athlete. and this is a tradition along the coney island boardwalk in new york harry wax poetic here. how did it start? this? there s a lot of myth-making with this particular contest and i actually went in, i thought maybe it started in the 19-teens, but no, it s only been every year since 1978, maybe a kind of start in the early 70s, but it s been consistent since 78. it s really been a competitive contest since 1997 when major league eating first sponsored it. and that s when we really started seeing the crowds and those competitive eaters, sometimes 40,000 plus people turn out to watch this thing. my goodness, gracious. you ve got 40,000 people to watch. anything yeah. and i don t want to think about what was going into those hot dogs back in 1918, but all move on. hairy chest on sponsorship change reflects this, i guess shift towards a vegan products plant-based meat. i eat some of this stuff every once in awhile. it s good stuff what are the number say in terms of what s more popular now, meet or plant-based alternatives. i mean, meet, it s still so dominant i mean, you just look at the profits and over the last year and you see, you know, look at the animal meat, 122 billion plant-based meat, only 806 million, far less. but you know, jim, you mentioned plant-based and i wanted to do it the taste tests right here, i got a plant-based impossible hot dog right here. all right. i m going to take a little bite here. all right it looks tasty so it s nothing compared to this. i mean, this is where you want it that is where you want it. that is where you are right now. it s where i am. i am in heaven, jim, i m in heaven right now. fantastic. i just love hotdogs overall. there s nothing that says some are more than a nice hot dog especially one that s made in the finest city in the world at a baseball game. there s nothing better. i harry answered, i ll let you finish your food, please chu and shoe everybody and swallow and please don t show up. we re still on the year. all right. i ll be fine thanks a lot see a light, wash it down with a good beer. all right. see you later. and thank you for watching. i ll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn anderson cooper 360 is next tonight on 360. what happens now that the president s son is a convicted felon and why supporters convicted felon who is running for president are still complaining about the criminal justice system, keeping them honest. also, a cnn exclusive course award goes inside a searing detention camp. were families, vices, fighters are being held and some fear of the next generation may be being born. plus we have breaking news tonight. a bus

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240612

there s classified documents in this stuff. he knew he had them over the course of the next year talking to his lawyers and they told him to turn them over. he knew it when the fbi told him we keep finding stuff in the stuff you re turning over. it will in the way judge cannon handles things drag it out just a little bit more. a grand jury indictment came down on june 8, 2023. anyone s guess whether we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you so much for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show for this evening. way too early with jonathan lemire is coming up next. this case was about the illegal choices the defendant made while in the throes of addiction, his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. that was special counsel david weiss speaking to reporters after a jury found hunter biden guilty on three felony counts in this federal gun trial. we ll go over the key take-aways including what hunter s sentence could look like, how president biden reacted, and what one juror is now saying about what happened during deliberations. plus, we ll break down new poll numbers that show who voters in key battleground states say they believe is best to handle the economy ahead of november s election. and also, despite his long running feud with donald trump, senator mitch mcconnell says he will attend a meeting with the former president this week. their first face-to-face meeting in four years. we ll talk about what to expect from that. good morning and welcome to way too early on this wednesday, june 12th. i m jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day with us, and we have a lot to get to this morning, and we will begin here. a jury has found hunter biden guilty on all three felony gun charges in his federal trial. the jury reached its verdict yesterday in wilmington, delaware, after only about three hours of deliberations split over two days. the president s son had pleaded not guilty to the three counts tied to lying on a federal gun application about his drug use. sources inside the defense room tell nbc news that following the verdict hunter biden thanked everyone in the room by name, hugged them, and tried to raise their spirits. he later issued this public statement. i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community than i am disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god, and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. hunter biden could face-up to 25 years in prison, and each count carries a maximum fine of $250,000. no sentencing date has been set, but under federal sentencing guild line recommendations and as a first-time offender, the new york times points out that someone in hunter biden s position typically would face 15 to 21 months behind bars, significantly a lighter sentence. special counsel david weiss spoke briefly to reporters following the verdict. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. however, hunter biden should no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. the prosecution has been and will continue to be committed to this principle and to the principles of federal prosecution in carrying out its responsibilities. both hunter biden and his attorney have indicated that they plan to appeal. president biden issued a statement reacting to his son s guilty verdict. it reads in part this. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. last week president biden said he will not pardon his son. the president also had an emotional reunion with hunter late yesterday. the two hugged on the tarmac after the president changed his schedule and flew to delaware following an event in d.c. preceding his departure from italy early this morning. hunter biden s guilty verdict comes as former president trump was found guilty of all 34 charges against him in his new york hush money trial a couple weeks ago. while the trump campaign decried the former president s verdict they were quick to call hunter biden s as distractions. well, first, let s remember this was joe biden s corrupt doj that tried to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal with outside immunity unrelated to this case. there are two tiers of justice, and again they wanted to let him off of everything. and now i see the law being used in sort of these ticky-tacky ways missing the main point which would have been the biden family corruption and just trying to ensnare president trump because he s winning. do you think the department of justice is still weaponized against conservatives even though we see nice verdict today? absolutely. when they tell school moms they re domestic terrorists because they don t like what s being taught in their classrooms we still can go into it, yes, ma am. they re sticking with their talking points despite the facts. meanwhile, a juror in the hunter biden trial spoke just moments after the verdict was read. in an anonymous interview with nbc news juror number 10 insisted the decision to vote guilty was not based on any political leanings. it was not politically motivated. politics never played in anything that we said in the jury room and as we were deliberating. of course we spent the last five days together and yesterday and today, and we were not allowed to talk about any of the case until the trial was over. like i told a lot of reporters, i ve seen a lot worse than hunter. so honestly, i don t think putting hunter in jail is going to help anybody. i hope that i hope that hunter is clean, and i hope that his sobriety is going well, and i hope it continues to go well. we should note the jurors in this case are talking out even anonymously while no one, no one in the trump case has had for fear of retribution. now let s bring in state attorney for palm beach county, dave aronberg. dave, good to see you this morning. first let s get your broad take-aways. what was your reaction to the guilty verdict? i was not surprised, jonathan. i thought this was a cut and dry case. the prosecution had the facts and law on their side. hunter biden s own words came back to hunt him. he wrote an auto birog aef talking about being in the throes of the addiction at the time he purchased this gun. and he was in denial. but, look, his own words came back to hurt him because his text messages right after he bought the gun, the day after indicated that he was going to buy drugs from a drug dealer named mooky, and then two days after he bought the gun he was texting his daughter that he was on a car in wilmington smoking crack. so that s why i thought the prosecutors had him. now, whether they should have brought this case, whether this was selective prosecution is another matter. and i agree with a jury that i think that the doj probably should have had bigger fish to fry, and i wonder would he have been prosecuted had his name been hunter smith? but it is what it is, and i think the jury did the right thing in the following the evidence and the law. we ll have far more on the political fallout of this later in the show, but i noted in some of my reporting last night that president biden has told associates in recent weeks exactly what you just said. he believes if he weren t running for re-election, hunter biden would have gotten that plea deal last summer that would have kept him out of prison, but that fell apart. so, dave, what do we tink? what potential sentence realistically will hunter biden face? i think probably probation. now, they re going to look at a lot of things, for example, his lack of a rap sheet, the fact that he was in the throes of addiction during this time. he didn t hold onto the gun very long. after it was disposed of by his then-girlfriend he didn t get it back and never used it. there are a lot of factors in play that tell me the prosecutors may just ask for probation, and even if they don t i think the judge is more likely than not to give him probation, i don t so see what is served by throwing him in prison. i think he has a bigger problem in california during the trial that s upcoming later this year on tax charges. you don t want to mess with the irs. but when it comes to this case, this is a statute that s rarely prosecuted, rarely used in a stand alone charge. usually it s a add on. then the prosecutors will add on this charge of buying a gun while they re in the throes of addiction or if there s drugs found on them at the time. also this statute thrown out by the supreme court which is very pro-gun these days, very second amechlt, all these factors tell me that i think hunter biden is more likely than not to just get probation in this case. and you re more likely to do you think there s any strength there? i think it s tough based on the facts. the facts are pretty clear in this case. their best chance on appeal is go to the conservative judges and justices and to say this is an unconstitutional statute. the fifth circuit county of appeal a very conservative court throughout this statute. they have to declare once and for all this statute is unconstitutional, it s vague and puts restrictions on your law-abiding citizens who are trying to exercise their second amendment rights. it is ironic, jonathan, you have people on the right who are very pro-gun, very pro-second amendment who are now applauding this conviction. it s a topsy-turvy political world we re living in. no doubt. we ll have much more on the politics of this a little later in the show. state attorney for palm beach county, dave aronberg, thank you for starting us off this morning. we appreciate it. next up here just hours after his son s verdict on gun charges, president biden touted his efforts to strengthen gun safety legislation. we ll bring you some of his new remarks. plus, we ll take a look at some of last night s consequential primary results from races across the country. those stories and a check on sports and weather as the sun starts from up behind the u.s. capitol. we ll be right back. from up be. pitol. we ll be right back. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she s sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn t know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you re sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit this isn t charmin! no wonder i don t feel as clean. here s charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom s been 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ban assault weapons. the president s speech as you can hear was briefly interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters calling on him to stop the war in gaza. instead of ignoring the interruption, the president addressed it. take a listen. four more years! four more years! folks, they care. in the children have been lost. important issues both gaza and guns. now, new polling finds improving views about president biden s ability to manage the economy. according to the latest numbers from the financial times and the university of michigan, 41% of registered voters trust donald trump more to handle the economy compared today 37% who say they trust biden more. as recently as february trump s lead over biden was 11 points when that same question was asked, now just 4. overall voters rank the economy as their most important issue by a wide margin, 24 points ahead of the future of social security and medicare. immigration comes third along with crime. now, let s take a look at some of last night s primary results. republican congresswoman nancy mace of south carolina did defeat a well funded primary challenger who had the backing of former speaker kevin mccarthy. mace, of course, one of the eight republicans who voted to oust mccarthy last year. in north dakota trump backed congressman kelly armstrong won the state s republican nomination for governor. outgoing governor doug burgham had supported the challenger in that race, marking a rare split between trump and one of his potential vp contenders. and in nevada army veteran sam brown who received a late endorsement from donald trump won the state s gop senate primary. he ll take on democratic senator jacky rosen this november in what s expected to be one of the most competitive senate races in the country this year. next up here we ll take a turn to sports and bring you a preview of tonight s game three of the nba finals. plus, we ll explain the beef keeping joey chestnut out of this year s nathan s famous hot dog eating contest, a contest he s dominated for so long. we ll bring you that next. o long we ll bring you that next. touge and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there s still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. if you have chronic kidney 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[ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. deep right field. at the wall, and it s off the base of the fence. this game is tied. riley green demolishes a baseball, and he s not done. here he comes. lakers lead. a rock around the bases for riley green. that was a little league grand slam for the detroit tigers. riley green clearing the bases with a triple hit off-the-wall right center field in the third inning, and then he scored the go ahead run on that throwing error, but the washington nationals took advantage of the tiger s late game miscues and went onto beat them 5-4 in extras. another stellar performance on the mound from pittsburgh pirates phenom rookie paul skenes. he received a standing ovation from the cardinals crowd those are some knowledgeable fans when he was pulled from the game in the seventh. we turn now to the nba finals. the dallas mavericks will host the boston celtics tonight in game three. the celtics might be playing without center christof porzingis with a left leg injury he suffered in game two on sunday. porzingis had just come back for game one after missing more than five weeks with a calf strain. long issues and celtics babied him all yearlong, wept back, injured again. 50/50 it seems like he ll be able to play if he does play, probably limit. how will the celtics adjust, this is concern boston fans have had all yearlong. the mavs will try to hand the celtics their first road loss of the post-season to try to cut their series deficit in half. meanwhile a third of golf s four major championships, the u.s. open, will tee off tomorrow at pine hurst country club in north carolina. tiger woods who has faired even worse in majors after returning to competitive golf after he was jurred in a car crash in february 2021, despite all that tiger expressed confidence in his game ahead of this week s tournament. do you feel like your body right now is in a spot that you can win this tournament, has it approved enough you feel like you have the strength to carry for four rounds? yeah, i do. i do feel like i have the strength to be able to do it. it s just a matter of doing it. this golf course is going to test every single aspect of your game especially mentally, and just the mental discipline that it takes to play this particular golf course, and it s going to take a lot. in a stunning headline here, joey chestnut will not compete in the nathan s famous hot dog eating contest next month. the perennial champion has been banned from the fourth of july event because of his reported sponsorship deal with the competing brand named impossible foods. in a statement yesterday major league eating said in part this, we are devastated to learn joey chestnut has chosen to represent a rival brand that sells plant based hot dogs rather than competing. . in a series of posts on twitter x chestnut wrote he was gutted to learn about his ban. he said his decision will deprive the great fans of the holiday s usual joy and entertainment. chestnut has won the annual coney island contest 16 times in a row. i m not going to watch any of this footage. he s also won the last eight straight years. he ate a world record 86 hot dugs and buns in 2021 and did 62 last year to retain his title. time now for the weather and let s go to meteorologist angie lassman for the forecast. crew here can attest i closed my eyes at the very end of that reel. i too shielded my eyes. i m so sorry, joey chestnut, but i can t look at that this early in the morning but i can look at this. i ll tell you about the forecast instead. we ve got a whole lot of run already fallen across the state of florida and more to come. 7 million people under these flood watches right now, and you can see how unsettled it at this hour, and it s going to remain like that not just through the day but the next couple of days. we ve got a stationary front hanging out and more tropical moisture to tap into. and by the way already happening over places that received anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of rain yesterday, likely some more flooding concerns here through the day today and probably through the rest of the week. you can see why. rainfall up to 15 inches will be possible in parts of southwest florida. meanwhile out west is the heat that gets your attention. 18 million people are under those alerts at this time, and temperatures expected to hit the triple digits once again in phoenix today. but notice omaha, chicago headed to the 90s. by the time we get into tomorrow, the 90s will spread closer to the east coast. we ve got richmond and charlotte into the 90s, 85 degrees and cincinnati and detroit will also hit the 90s. angie lassman, thank you as always. coming up here on way too early we ll look ahead to president biden s trip to italy for the g7 summit where the ongoing war in ukraine will be one of several topics the leaders will try to attack. we ll be right back with that. ok we ll be right back with that. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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what else do they hope to accomplish? they ve been negotiating for months to sort of tap these frozen russian assets as waway to help fund ukraine for the rest of the year and also into 2025. what has been really unclear about this deal is who exactly is left holding the bag for these assets, say, for example, if the war ends early? because this really depends on those assets staying immobilized for a couple of years for those profits to really pay off that loan. so that s still really unclear. if this is not made, this could be a huge blow to the u.s. and they believe this could be announced this week, so that would be a very awkward situation for them to be put in because officials have been discussing this for months now. usually these things have already been worked out, their teams haven t landed together. we should expect to hear from the president much like they did last week in france ahead of the d-day anniversary a push to defend democracy in ukraine and beyond. let s turp to back here at home. the fallout from the hunter biden conviction. let s start on the political side. aides and those close to the president have said for months they didn t think the trajectory of this case would change much. now the verdict has come and it s guilty what s the early sense this will play out politically? i think aides are right this is probably have little to no impact on the electorate. particularly for democrats, independents, folks biden really needs to turn out, but it was an awkward moment yesterday for biden to be speaking at this event with gun control advocates just hours after that conviction from hunter biden. and what s been interesting from trump and republicans is they have said this conviction i just a distraction, they don t think it amounts to much, they wanted the justice department to go further even though this seems to undermine trump s claims this department is weaponized and now we ve seen them bring a conviction which was also historic for president biden and the president as well. first of all they re making claimwise no evidence whatsoever the gun charge was to cover up for corruption oilgss. that s been thoroughly investigated and nothing was there. president biden did not stop the prosecution of his own son. even if the political fallout is limited and hunter is just one remaining son. we showed earlier his embrace with him on the tarmac yesterday in wilmington. the family was gathered last night there in delaware. what is the level of concern among those close to the mr. president on how this will weigh on him in these crucial months after the election and as he awaits to see if his son potentially could face prison time. i think the real question is how is it going to weigh on him going forward? because we still have another case. of course hunter biden is facing tax charges in september in california. but the way biden has dealt with this is he s said it from i m a dad, i love my son. me and jill support our son. we ve seen family members day in and day out continue to support hunter, and that is certainly a stark contrast with donald trump who is largely without family for most of his trial and at that huge press conference when he was convicted. and biden aides are preparing for the idea trump would be on the attack. thank you for your reporting. next up here we ll go live to cnbc for an early look what s driving the day on wall street as the federal reserve is expected to announce a decision on interest rates later today. plus the united kingdom showed no economic growth last month despite claims of a turn around. what we re learning from the latest labor report and what it could mean for us back here in the united states. way too early will be back in a moment. s. way too early will be back in a moment it ain t my dad s razor, dad. ay watch it! it s from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! .while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. i m jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. through the colonial penn program. if you re age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p s. what are the three p s? 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[ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we ll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that s effective and non-invasive. it s for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. time now for business. for that let s bring in cnbc s silvia amaro, who joins us live from london. good morning, silvia. so stock futures rose slightly overnight as investors anxiously await the federal reserve s interest rate decision and consumer inflation data for may, both coming later today. what should we expect? exactly. it is a very busy day for equity markets. but, indeed, futures do suggest it could be a bit of a higher start to the trading session on wall street. this is after we saw a mixed session on tuesday. however, the s&p and the nasdaq, they both posted fresh record highs. and a lot of that had to do with tech tech sector being the best performer yesterday. now today, as you mention, all eyes are both on the cpoo print and the fed rate decision. when it comes to inflation data the expectations that we ll see annual rate of 3.4% and change from the previous reading, but know that investors will also be keeping a close eye on the commentary from jerome powell. now, previously the fed had guided we should expect about three rate cuts this year, however going into today s rate decision markets expect the fed will go for lower rate cuts. just a reminder for our viewers at the moment markets are only pricing in one rate cut for 2024, so let s see what sort of commentary we ll get from the fed in terms of the outlook for potential rate cuts. yeah, really an important moment there. we will, of course, have complete coverage. hitting other headlines britain s economic recovery grinded to a halt in the run up to that country s general election slated for july 4th. so what have we learned from the latest report, and what could it mean for the u.s. economy? so the data we got this morning was definitely a little bit disappointing, really. just to give you an idea the latest gdp print basically showed no growth in the month of april after we saw a 0.4% month on month increase in the month of in march i should say. however, though, this precipitate actually is even more important at this stage when we are approaching the general election. and yesterday we heard from the prime minister rishi sunak announcing tax cuts of about 17 billion pounds. it could actually sound it s quite significant, but some members in his party believe this number is not high enough. and looking at the opinion polls it does seem the conservative party is struggling and the labor party might be the one forming the next government here in the u.k. a lot of good news for president sunak and of course having the coverage of that economic forum coming out of the g7 in italy. cnbc s silva amaro, live from london thank you as always. the leader of hamas appears to be putting off a cease-fire in hopes more bloodshed could help his cause. we re going to dig into that reporting next on way too early. on way too early. old spice gentleman s super hydration body wash. 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jonathan, it s a multi-part structure. you ve got a political wing and a military wing. and simwar is part of the military wing, not really been seen publicly since the war broke out october 7th, seems to wield incredible power and it seems is probably inside that area of gaza, which also just points to some of the other leaders which have either been killed or seen in other locations that are oftentimes outside gaza. so he seems to wield incredible power over the negotiation process because he is basically with the hamas multiple wing. i think it s confusing how to navigate who is really in control. and i think that s what secretary blinken was saying at one point, this may come down to swaying the opinion of one man, and that one man could be simwar. let s talk about where things stand in this cease-fire proposal. there was another renewed burst of optimism yesterday when hamas did finally respond. they asked for a concrete time line regarding the permanent end of the war in gaza and withdrawal of troops from the strip there. how feasible are those requests? yeah, the time line is probably a real sticking point because you just don t know how long some of these phases will take. the process is really broken into three parts versus an initial cease-fire with prisoner swaps and withdrawal from populated areas. the second part would be a whole withdrawal from gaza, and the third would be an exchange of remaining bodies and then a reconstruction effort. that all is probably difficult for either side to really commit to. they just won t know how long it will take to do each part of that. so i think hamas is using that as a sticking point, but as you noted simwar s messages about negotiations seems to suggest the longer this goes on, the more civilian casualties there are, he sees that to his benefit politically and also suggests as you noted with the notion of the french-algerian war of the 1950s, which was a very bloody and long war for algerian independence, that the longer it goes on, now you re talking about an insurgency versus an a counter insurgency. we know after 20 years in iraq and afghanistan how difficult those processes will be. simwar definitely showing no value of human life there. give us an update where things stand in rafah, israel. we had the hostage rescue the other day, some sort of tactical efforts. no full on invasion just yet. what should we be looking for? yeah, i think it s probably a balancing act of the israeli military looking to see if they can rescue some hostages through these surgical missions, but even in this case a surgical mission rescue of four hostages, they lost some troops, many we operation. this is urban warfare at its most intense. you ve got the entire civilian population, really have been pushed down to rafah from the beginning. now you have a military encircling it. having to go house-to-house, that is a small operation in urban warfare. and i think anything else in rafah and why this peace settlement is so important, anything else would be extremely intense. you would see israeli military casualties, and you would also see more palestinians killed in this battle as well. so it s just not a good situation at all, looking forward, if this continues. clint watts, we really appreciate the analysis. please come back soon. thank you for joining us this morning. up next here, donald trump is set so meet with congressional republicans tomorrow in washington. what we re learning about that meeting, as the presumptive gop nominee looks to shore up more support. and then, coming up on morning joe, we ll bring you expert legal analysis on hunter biden s guilty verdict, as well as the president s reaction and the impact it could have on the 2024 race. plus, democratic governor wes moore of maryland will be a guest, as baltimore reopens its shipping channel after that deadly bridge collapse. also ahead, the dating nightmare. why more and more young women say they are struggling to find a partner. the features editor of the cut will bring us that conversation. morning joe just a few moments away. morning joe just a few ms away makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e trade from morgan stanley power e trade s easy to-use tools make complex trading less complicated. custom scans can help you find new trading opportunities, while an earnings tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. e trade from morgan stanley centrum! it s scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. welcome back. tomorrow, former president donald trump and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell will meet face-to-face for the first time in more than three years. trump and mcconnell have not spoken since december of 2020, when mcconnell publicly congratulated biden for winning the presidential election. mcconnell, the longest serving senate leader in u.s. history has made clear of his distaste for trump, but yet still endorsed him back in march. joining us now to talk more on this is msnbc political analyst, brandon buck. he was a communication strategist and former aid to house speakers, ryan and boehner. brian, good to see you this morning. does anything about this meeting surprise you, that mcconnell has agreed to meet with trump, and why do you think this meeting with trump and republicans on the hill matters? yeah, mitch mcconnell hates donald trump, but he loves the idea ofwinning back the majority, securing his legacy more than anything. he ll put his pride aside. you have your party s nominee, you re going to plan for the next year, it s a normal thing that the party leader would do. obviously, they have a very strained relationship. i ll be very interested to see how trump treats mcconnell in that meeting. these are awkward, sometimes very small, intimate settings. and trump is known to call out friends or jeer at rivals. so i think there will be some tension in the room, but i imagine mcconnell will sit there very quietly, say very little, and he s not going to be leader next year. he ll allow others to set the agenda. so elsewhere, the republican party, we had some primary results last night, including nancy mace surviving a challenge backed by former speaker kevin mccarthy. what s your take? it was an interesting play by kevin mccarthy. he went around and found a lot of money from some rich votes to go after a sitting member who voted to oust him. i m with kevin mccarthy in sentiment. that the eight people that voted him out did some real damage to the institution and really broke it for a long time. but nancy mace never really showed any signs of vulnerability. it was a long shot to begin with. and the fact that we have so many member-on-member primaries or members challenging each other is really toxic for the institution. while kevin mccarthy was trying to fight back against these forces that are eating the house conference from the inside, i think he s only adding to it, because you ve got this primary this week, you ve got bob good next week. it seems like every week, you have a house republican member who has to worry about their primary, and that is the exact dynamic that has hurt us. at the end of the day, it s as if you have donald trump on your side, though. that s what s been proven time and time again. bob good, the virginia congressman who s likely to lose his primary next week, hard line conservative still potentially could lose hi primary. it s because donald trump is coming after him. here in this case, donald trump didn t go after nancy mays, and that proved on the difference. let s turn so some other 2024 story lines. we ve been covering it all morning. hunter president biden, guilty verdict yesterday. aides from both campaigns don t really think it will play, have changed much of the structure of the race. what s your analysis? does it become anything that the republicans will use or are they hamstrung by the fact that, wait a minute, hunter biden is not on the ballot, donald trump is. he just got convicted, too. i think there s been some wishful thinking that this will end some of the republican conspiracy theories about all of this, you know, showing that obviously the justice department isn t solely being used to go after donald trump. i don t think you can really worry about people like that. they ve made up their mind and they re not going to be swayed by facts like this. i m most interested to see how this is handled in the debate. you would think that joe biden would come at donald trump for being a convicted felon. not hard to see donald trump coming right back at joe biden in very personal ways and how the president would respond to something like that. that could be a very powerful moment and may handcuff joe biden a little bit. i have some reporting on this. the biden campaign is still going to lean into convicted felon, biden himself will probably on occasion do the same, potentially even at the debate, and some aides are encouraging or at least talking among themselves that if trump does come after biden about hunter, which i m sure he will, president biden will take it personally, that maybe it would be okay flash some anger. that would be a normal, personal, human response. and americans, a lot can really sympathize about people who s struggling with addiction. if he s able to rise above it, that would be smart. this is the thing we re arguing about, whose conviction is worse and doesn t inspire a lot of the gravity of the moment that we should be talking about. i don t think in the end at the end of the day, either conviction is really what people are going to be voting on. and so it s to the point you re getting at, can someone change the dynamic around it? can they rise above it in a positive way and potentially joe biden is well positioned to do that. but for that and so many other reasons, that debate now just two weeks or so away looms a very important marker in this race. we really appreciate you being here. msnbc political analyst, brandon buck. thank you, as always. come back soon. and thanks to all of you for getting up way too early on this wednesday morning. morning joe starts right now. the contrast today is just staggering. apparently when a republican is convicted, it s weaponization, but when a democrat is convicted, the president s son, no less, that s justice. i mean, give me a break. do republicans still believe that president biden is weaponizing the justice system? because if he is, he s sure doing a lousy job. and as usual, the only trump derangement syndrome going on around here is on the other side of the aisle. people say that biden orchestrated the quick of his ow

Meeting , Four , Stuff , Course , Documents , Lawyers , Fbi , Person , Eyewear , News , Suit , Tie

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240612

you can make that case. here s the thing. the wnba and its leadership have complained for years and years and years pay attention to us. grow the game. we need more. we need. this and well now they have it and they have it in caitlin clark. you are telling me the second best betting favorite is belgium. the three of us, two retired players and my wife could beat belgium for crying out loud. it s not like you bring caitlin clark on the team and this is some charity case. are you kidding me? caitlin clark on that team brings more eyeballs the wnba has been begging for more eyeballs and they haven t gotten them and they got it wrong in case. todd: fox & friends begins right now. they could use you. steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it s 5:00 in dallas and this is the fox & friends for wednesday, june 12th, 2024. you saw it on our air live yesterday. hunter biden convicted on all three federal gun charges. you may have missed this unless you were watching another channel. this has to be, as a parent, the worst nightmare come true. most people see this and feel sympathy. this trial was so personal and so painful. ainsley: and 8 suspected terrorists with ties to isis are arrested and a nationwide sting operation and it won t come as a surprise. they crossed the border illegally. lawrence: that s the top issue for folks from my home state of texas. seeing brian there to get the pulse of the people. brian? brian: thank you very much. i am brian kilmeade and it is lawrence jones sitting in my seat. more on that later. i m at. lawrence: you are in my state. brian: really thinking, lawrence, you can t interrupt a cold open it s against the law. ainsley: he has to defend himself. brian: and now you are doing it, ainsley? steve: let me do it for you, brian. [laughter] lawrence: did he say get dressed? ainsley: get dressed. and mornings are better with friends, brian. [laughter] steve: okay, more with brian in a minute but, first, a fox news alert. president biden is about to take off for italy in just about an hour from now for the annual g-7 summit in italy. lawrence: here at home concerns of terror threats crossing our southern border are becoming a reality as sources say 8 suspects with possible ties to isis are arrested after being released into the country. ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us now with the latest. lucas lucas good morning, guys not only did they enter illegally through the southern border they apparently received, quote, full vetting according to our own bill melugin, suspects are from tajikistan the land locked country infantry in central arab borders afghanistan to the south and china to the east. recall the same suspects on that concert hall killed 45 people. those people were also from tajikistan. said in a statement to fox fbi says the individuals are detained in ice custody pending removal proceedings as the fbi and dhs recently described public and private bulletins heightened environment. dhs continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, identify and disrupt potential threats to national security. the suspected terrorists were arrested in los angeles and across the country in new york and philadelphia as well in recent days according to the new york post who broke the story, quote: part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one of the now arrested individuals was talking about bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing, i m afraid something like that might happen again or worse fbi director christopher wray warned lawmakers back in april what he described as threat coordinated attack after the moscow massacre those suspects were from tajikistan like the suspects here. ainsley: i know they weren t flagged when they walked across the border when they came across the border. they were let. in once they were here, what led them to realize these guys were terrorists? lucas: it appears there was wiretaps. ainsley: what made them go to that point? what made them wiretapped? lucas: americans being surveilled. apparently picked up. also somebody could have called in a potential threat for these guys and people were warned. this is the problem americans have been worried that something like this might be happening for years now. as millions of unvetted and illegal immigrants cross the southern border. lawrence: so luke s, the question is the president released his executive action last week and banning some countries and all of that did they know about this before they released that executive action or did this come afterwards? lucas: these guys have been on the radar now for a few weeks, lawrence. safe to say, before. steve: indeed. luke s, thank you very much. and keep in mind, he just mentioned christopher wray, the director of the fbi was in front of congress in april. and he was talking about a potential coordinated attack after what happened in that concert hall. our joint task force keeping an eye on everybody. i bet a dollar to doughnuts something popped up on one of the people were surveil surveilling. oh they are in the united states. joint task force alerted ice they swept them up in new york, philly and washington, d.c. lawrence: brian, the fbi director has been talking about these lights flickering all over the board. he said that he is concerned brian they thought their executive orders they think their executive orders are going to do it. so far no discernible difference between prior and current with the executive orders. got to worry about all the stans, these guys are coming from outlaw provinces moscow and don t have love loss for us. it s really got to be cancer. if you are christopher wray. you know the danger but it doesn t seem to be relayed to the people in charge and the border patrol seems flat out overwhelmed. i also thought it s interesting, too, that we re seeing the flood of immigrants come through san diego now, california, but they knocked it down 72% in texas at the cost of $11 billion with operation lone star. texas is doing it themselves because the federal government is not. steve: that s right. great point, brian. that s one of the reasons you are down in texas. meanwhile, border patrol, ainsley to your point, border patrol let them in. these people, because they presented id but apparently those particular names didn t click on the data base. and border patrol says we know people slip through all the time but we simply don t have enough time to fully vet them. if there is 300 people waiting in line. it s kinds of like how long is this going to take? okay, go. lawrence: just a revolving door right now. this is what happens when you have zero strategy and zero enforcement. they want to be out here going after these guys. they want to be going after the drug traffickers. they have been forced to baby-sitted. they didn t sign up to be cops to be babysitters. ainsley: here is what is scary. the borders are open. millions have come across. this just 8 men that were caught. just 8. lawrence: that we know. ainsley: how many here that we don t know about that are planning attacks here. hats off to the people did recognize. this had the wiretaps. but this administration, this is a crisis from washington. this is joe biden s crisis. he has left the door open. now he is trying to do something about it because he realizes democrats and republicans are concerned about this. not just republicans anymore. and we re close to an election. steve: thank you very much, law enforcement. ainsley, speaking of joe biden. ainsley: right now, president biden is in delaware after traveling to see his son after his convince on fall gun charges, hunter biden now awaits sentence iting as his attorney vows to exauction all legal options. lawrence: brooke singman is here with the latest. the jury found the first son guilty on all counts for lying about his drug use while buying a gun. sentencing date has yet to be scheduled. hunter is now facing a hefty fine of $750,000 in a maximum of 25 years in prison. although he is unlikely to do any prison time here since is he a first time offender. special counsel david wise who brought the charges against him spoke after the verdict. listen. this case was not just about addiction. this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throws of addiction. his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. president biden is seen here hugging hunter in delaware after the verdict. the president spoke yesterday about gun safety after his son s firearm conviction but did not mention hunter s case. watch this. asses second amendment. never been a time you could own anything you want. never. you couldn t own a cannon during the civil war. [laughter] no, i m serious. think about it. how much have you heard this phrase? the blood of liberty. [laughter] give me a break. one of the jurors speaking out about the trial. listen. biden was on trial and he was just like anybody else. nobody is above the law. yeah. no matter how are. politics played no part in this whatsoever. it may not have been a political decision by the jury, but it will likely have political ramifications. former senior adviser to president barack obama david axelrod saying, quote: i don t think voters are going to hold biden accountable for his son s addiction or his son s misbehavior, but i think the real question is the toll it takes on him and his family. this is another heavy brick on the load. the first son is also facing another federal trial, which is expected to begin in september. over allegedly failing to pay over a million dollars in taxes. those taxes have since been paid and hunter biden has pleaded not guilty. guys? steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. the cover of the new york post. first felon faces up to 25 years after historic verdict. and i heard on one of the other channels that apparently, you know, the jury got the case a couple days ago at 3:30 in the afternoon. they deliberated for about an hour. lawrence: they were 50/50. steve: it was split 6-6. a couple hours into the second day they were like, okay. he broke the law. and here s the thing. we knew he had broken the law because he signed that thing. and we know he put that x there. so it s one of those things where if he were not convicted on this, what does it take to get arrested and convicted in delaware? lawrence: when you look at the other channels and look at their conch of it, there is this reaction to compare what happened here and the justice system what happened to trump. and they say this is the legal system doing what it does this. is the right thing. but, i think they skipped the important step, this wasn t going go to trial at first, this was not there was unprecedented deal, and if they weren t shamed, both the prosecution as well as the defense with this deal, then we wouldn t have been here. now, you take that versus donald trump where you have unprecedented prosecution. not unprecedented deal. and i think there is a clear difference judicial system shouldn t be shamed. i get that everybody has someone, probably. i know i have family members that have struggled with addiction. steve: yep all of our family members should be treated the same it. looks like hunter biden is finally being held accountable like most americans would have ainsley. and, brian, we will bring you into this, too. the trump campaign said this is just a distraction from the real crimes, the real crimes are the biden family which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from china, raush and ukraine. what we learned in this court case the laptop really was hunter biden s. we knew that before. this is additional verification of that. which means we were lied to by those 51 intel individuals that signed that letter back before the election and joe biden. who lied to us about it. anbc, and cnn and npr who lied about it. social media individuals or social media platforms that were censoring this story so it didn t get out before the election. it s not just about addiction and lying on a government form. this goes beyond that the cover-ups. the money that the biden family possibly made from all of this. before the election. and burying a story so that you didn t know about it. you, the public, the voter didn t know about it before the election, brian. brian: yeah. a couple of things. number one out of everything on that laptop it s absolutely insane the one thing they get is the gun charge. on unsavory behavior that s witnessed there they all told us we are crazy for believing and definitely effected the 2020 election. also i think it s important this guy kevin morris who is funding all his legal defenses out of money. how do i know that s not hype. his daughter raised to hunter biden you are taking advantage of my dad who is writing checks for you. yeah. his dad is the president of the united states. he can t write the checks. but some obscure producer who made money early on and a sitcom nobody watches could empty his account for a guy who can t get off crack and obviously loves hookers. other thing is, the big story is coming up in the fall is going to be the tax case. and what about the made for tv moment, i m sorry, my heart does not go out to joe biden who has to go back to his house and stand in front of his driveway and hug his son who got convicted of a buying a gun and having haley biden throw it out while, by the way an hour before he was telling us the need for gun control. who booked that gig for him the day his son is actually. lawrence: that was so dumb. brian: actually convicted of a gun violation. the dumbest thing ever but smart to have the hug in the driveway so msnbc has something to talk about. and they want to say it s no dual path to justice and trump got convict and he got convicted. it s totally different. this guy actually scripted his conviction seven years ago. they made up charges on donald trump and didn t even tell us the charges until they handed it over to the jury. and when you come up and speak about a jury decision and don t like it, that s called an american free move to do. you are not being anti-american by criticizing a jury decision. is everyone happy with the way the o.j. decision came out. are you anti-american by saying o.j. pretty much got away with murder? no, i don t think so. so, yesterday really bothered me he comes off as a sympathetic figure where everything he has done is his own personal behavior. lawrence: speaking of that, brian, this is the media s reaction to that watch. this has to be as a parent the worst nightmare come true. joey and joe biden have been role models for parents of addicted children. you are seeing sort of such a sad day on personal level, but you are seeing such an uplifting day in terms of sort of heroic action in terms of what it means to live a principle. republicans have really struggled to make this line of attack stick because most people see this and feel sympathy. it is not an unfair verdict. they followed the law. but it s a sad verdict. this trial was so personal and so painful for the biden family. the details in this case, sarah, as you well know are really ugly and they are really sad. brian: we don t have audio here but just know, guys, that msnbc and cnn says it s a very sad day for the biden family which is true but it s all self-inflict and we will see how you guys feel about it. we are in cubey s in dallas. get the pulls of the people. what is your name? marlow. brian: what is your opinion on the hunter biden decision. one, you mentioned sympathy. i m wholly in agreement with you. if he had been doing crack cocaine or had an addiction for decades before his brother died, why would i feel sympathy? it had nothing to do with his brother dying. as far as the verdict, it s appropriate, he probably won t get jail time but he should get three felonies? what about one month each. other people go to jail for committing that crime. brian: because you guys are very aware of gun laws, especially in texas, right? right, absolutely. brian: what did you order, sir? well, the breakfast croissant. brian: is that croissant underneath those layers of eggs and ham. brian: oh my goodness need a plunger to open up his aorta later. what s your name. bob burns. bob burns fans, ladies and gentlemen. weighs convicted on three separate counts. shows you that justice is indeed equal because same thing happened to trump. what s your reaction? well, i bet you everybody in this room knows somebody or their family member has been addicted to something in their life. and all i heard yesterday on the other networks was real sympathy towards towards hunter. no sympathy from our family. you get what you make your choices and you deal with your consequences. brian: also, what about the arrogance of showing up on the congressional steps and having a mini press conference and storming into a hearing he said he wasn t going to be at. he was grand standing prior to this. and he has got another case staring at him and sentencing somewhere in between. this is not the top priority of people here in dallas. do you know what is? immigration, border security, political corruption and inflation. [cheers and applause] brian: we will talk about all of that back to you guys on the couch. we are here at kuby s getting a pulse of the people. steve: that is a great place. my daughter went to school across the street. deli counter. they have the best chicken salad in dallas i feel. ainsley: i love good chicken salad, too. that s a southern thing, isn t it? delicious. turning now to some of your headlines, a crazed man hijacks a bus and leads police on a wild pursuit through atlanta yesterday. look at that the suspect allegedly holding a gun to the driver of that bus head during the pursuit and one of the 17 hostages was shot and killed. atlanta s mayor placing the blame on the availability of guns. too many guns on our streets. too many guns in our homes. too many guns in our schools, buses, et cetera. crime is down overall. violent crime is down. this day is not indicative of all of the days of the city of atlanta. this is a day we will never forget. ainsley: the suspect, who is a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests, was eventually taken into custody after police disabled the bus. 19 priors? it s the guns, right. 60 survivors of the sandy hook elementary school shooting will be graduating from high school in newton, connecticut, new town connecticut, today. back in 2012 when they were first grade. 20 of their classmates and sex educators were killed by deranged gunman one spoke out about their state of mind. since kindergarten, graduate. we can t forget about a whole chunk of our class missing. so going into graduation we all have very mixed emotions. ainsley: bless their hearts. double that they were in first grade. the school shooting victims will be honored during today s ceremony. very nice. nypd officers arresting a brooklyn man accusing him of smashing several religious statues outside of the catholic church. they say he took a hammer to the statues of mother teresa and the catholic pope on monday. then he broke the church s doors and damaged two glass bus shelters. he is facing a series of charges. but no word if he will be charged with a hate crime. to some primary results now. south carolina congressman or congresswoman nancy mace defeating both of her challengers in the congressional republican runoff. in nevada, trump-backed army veteran sam brown winning his primary race to challenge incumbent democratic senator jacky rosen. brown joined us yesterday. nevadans are hurting. the american dream is at risk. and people are looking for some hope. i know the power and the importance of hope when all seems lost. as it was my own soldiers who came to my rescue in 2008 when i was wounded delivering hope to me by saying sir, i ve got you. ainsley: and in maine former nascar driver austin theriault wins his primary rails. and in north dakota kelly armstrong take over for doug burgum as the republican candidate in the state s gubernatorial election in november. also, in north dakota, voters deciding to impose a maximum age limit on members of congress from their state at 81 years old. and check out this wild drone footage of a hammerhead shark lurking in the waters off of st. petersburg, florida. steve: don t fall in. ainsley: paddle borders kept their cool as a group hunt the harr pin fish. scramble to get back on the shore. the owner of the company that rents those boards thankfully hammer medicines generally steer clear of people and attacks are very uncommon. those are your headlines. lawrence: i love when they say that it s uncommon. steve: it just takes one. lawrence: we want to be the one they experiment with. steve: the weather down there very warm and that leads us to this. lawrence: fox weather alert. miami beach and other parts of florida seeing major flooding. ainsley: sunshine state is going to get even more rain this week as a tropical disturbance through the region. steve: check in with the senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast. i heard some spots in florida could get two feet of rain. janice: this is 9011. hurricane season is here. don t think this going to get a name but it is going to move out across the florida peninsula and in towards the atlantic. and the bottom line is it doesn t take a named storm to cause a lot of problems. heavy rain in the forecast for several days for parts of central and south florida. and we could see an additional foot or more of rain that s going to cause tremendous flooding in some of these areas. look at the fort myers area and naples area that s 8 to 12 right there and they already received in some cases close to a foot of rain there is the rain still to come 8 to 12 aren t the fort myers areas. that s going to be the story we are following as well as the heat fox for all of your latest details. over to the couch. steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. straight ahead on the program the liberal activists who recorded justifiable alito and his wife and chief justice roberts speaks out why she did. it nothing illegal in d.c. about recording people. please tell me how we are going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. it s kubota orange days, shop the year s biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn t know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we ve been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! oh no. running low? 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( ) your pain shouldn t be minimized or forgotten. ( ) when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. 3, 2, 1. joey is already in his rhythm. his d.n.a. is a blueprint for modern [cheers and applause] go, joey. we re almost there. [cheers] joey, joey. steve: oh joey, joey. we have loved him for decades now, perhaps, his reign as the greatest of all time competitive eater. lawrence: we still love him. he just has to get it together. steve: is done he won t be competing on the fourth of july. he signed a contract with a competitor. signed a contract with impossible foods. the lead maker of the meatless meat products like the impossible burger. the hot dogs he signed with are made from plants. lawrence: this is what they are saying in the statement to the major league eating. we are devastated to learn that joey chestnut has chosen to represent a rival brand that sells plant based hot dogs rather than competing in the 2024 nathan famous fourth of july hot dog eating contest. janice: this is tragic. i was a judge, an esteemed judge a couple years ago. one of the greatest moments of my life, really. ainsley: top of the resume. steve: i m going to put that on your wikipedia page. janice: it s a huge event. without him are thousands of people going to come to coney island? i don t think so. but i think it hurts joey chestnut more. lawrence: do you? janice: yes, absolutely. if you remember a couple decades ago. co-barbie. nathan s hog dog eating contest made him the person he was. he decided not to sign a contract. whatever happened to him? we never heard from him again. ainsley: in 2021 joey ate 76 dogs and the buns, just to compare it. i read that another guy was eating about 49 hot dogs. so number two guy is probably thrilled by. this now he has a shot. janice: right. honors lawrence real quickly this is what joey is saying on x. this is the decision nathan and the major league eating are making. it will deprive the great fans of the holiday usual joy. janice: who can blame them. lawrence: rest assured you will see me eat again soon. stay hungry. i don t think if you are in a contest of eating it should be plant based at all. janice: that s another topic all together. ainsley: making more money. steve: still a hot dog not made the traditional nathan s way. ultimately the headline is he will not be a weaner. [laughter] steve: i not relish saying that. janice: you have been waiting. steve: i have been playing ketchup. ainsley: if joey decides. janice: make it more popular. lawrence: maybe brian can get to the bottom of this. steve: is he a guy who likes to be frank. [laughter] lawrence: that was really good. brian: if we have to blow a commercial. any news at all on it interrupt my interview. we need to spend more time on it if we could. let me tell you about what is going on now. this is going to be big. it s one of the most replayed moment in sports history. you have all seen it not even sports. buzzer beating dunk. jim gets a winning college championship to win the 1983 ncaa, nc state had cinderella year. now they are suing 10 members of that team claim co-conspirator have systematically and intentionally misappropriated the cardiac parks publicity rights including their names and likenesses. this just the beginning, guys. now joining to us discuss this and so much more is a dallas favorite. he still lives here after winning three super bowl championships for the dallas cowboys. he is now the ufl president, ceo darryl moose johnson. round of applause, guys. here at kuby s restaurant. so you are oshould the # 3 team be paid. they are in their 50 s and 60 s. first group. we had undefeated college football game 1987, doug flutie moments. so many iconic moments in sports how many more people are going to step forward now. brian: this is ruining college sports. i feel bad nobody was paid back then and education was a wash. you give me an education just go play sports. billions are in there. we are going to be playing football players and basketball players back to 2016. what s going to be left of the college sports that we know? i think it may go away. we were fortunate to grow up in a time where college sports was on par with professional sports. and i don t think we are going to see that moment again. i think it becomes professional sports now. it s going to be basketball and football. the future of the smaller sports is what i m concerned about and the impact title # had. because they never matched it with football there was no women s football on the college campuses. why do you try to match scholarships offered when you can t find a way to keep football out of that equation. brian: everyone is getting paid. who hasn t been paid will be paid soon. as would you know you made the transition from nfl p pro bowler to executive. you merge the usl and xfl on the precipice of the championship game. going to be in st. louis. it s going to be 5:00. fox will cover it. on the game joel klatt and kurt men fee. this matchup with birmingham and san antonio. great first season. the merger came together late in the process. we navigated that the football has been outstanding and shame on us if we didn t pull that off. we went from 18 teams or 16 teams down to 8 teams so the talent level has been great, depth in the offensive line. great quarterback play. great ratings, anxious for this game. the only loss birmingham has had all season long has been to san antonio brahmas in week 9. rematch 18-9. everybody come out and join us st. louis. brian: i love that the merger worked and i think some type of relationship with the nfl is inevitable. between 27 and 30 players already invite ford tryouts with the nfl. i think that s important, also,ment fact is skip holtz against wade phillips. two famous names, famous coaches, famous football families. darrell, the bigger question is, are your cowboys ever going to get back to the super bowl again? [laughter] , the last time they were in it, you were playing in it. [ applause ] i think the community has been so excited to see the stars and the mavericks have that success. everybody is ready for dallas. it s been almost 30 years now. hopefully that s their turn this fall. we will see what happens. yeah, i just don t know why we can t get over that hump. every season. we play well throughout the regular season but then we fall short in the playoffs. brian: mavericks down 0-2. are they going to come back and win this thing against the celtics? nba championship. darryl is going to go do a boot camp workout. darryl, thank you so much. welcome great to see. welcome to dallas. brian: guys, more from kuby s in just a moment. fox & friends continues, texas and new york. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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chase, make more of what s yours. ainsley: new york congresswoman elise stefanik hosting ear epac rising stars reception yesterday where she endorsed female g.o.p. congressional candidates from all across our country. joining us now are those candidates. we have lori buckout from north carolina. nancy dull strum from alaska who is also the lt. governor there mayra flores from texas and caroline dobson from north carolina. good morning, ladies. good morning. i will start with you myra. you are running again, tell me why. because i love south texas. it s my home. it s my community. and, you know, the democrat part has just taking for granted the hispanic community. it s very important that would invest in the. the republican party has no future if we don t continue invest not guilty hispanic community. south texas is home and where i was raised and where i m raising my children. i want to make sure we have the right representation in washington. unfortunately we don t have that representation in washington right now. this is why i m running again to take back texas district 34. ainsley: lori, why is it important to have women serving in congress? you know, i m a combat veteran. grew up in the shenandoah valley. and, you know, like most women, i have an experience that far exceeds just who i am as a woman. so, i think that we need fresh voices in congress overall right now. we definitely need some change. my district has been represented by democrats 141 years. we don t just need women but rim bring fresh voices and change and really want to represent their people. nancy, how about you? why are you running and why is it important to elect republicans now to congress and females. this election is going to be consequential. in alaska specifically we have been hit so hard by the things this administration has done. president biden has issued over 60 executive orders that are basically trying to shut our state down. we are oil and gas and mining state minerals that the entire country needs. not just for production but national security. if we don t have those things in our country and we have to rely on other countries we have got to have a change in d.c. we have got to have president trump back in office. we need to get the course reversed that we are on. you know, i went to the yuma border several weeks ago and i witnessed with my own two eyes the officers who were there how demoralizing for them to have to act as a baby-sitter and social worker for these people coming across the border illegally our country has no security with open borders. we have none. it effects us even here clear up to alaska. the fentanyl coming into this country is making its way up here. last year, unfortunately, alaska had the highest rate of per capita of overdose fentanyl deaths in the entire country, totally unacceptable. i m not going to stand for it. i m going to washington, i m going to fight for our state. and for our country care lien, i know you are representing alabama. it s important for you to win your race and to her point there were 8 suspected terrorists that were just arrested. they are on the terrorist list talking about making bombs. they are here in the u.s. and came through our border. no. it s it s incredibly terrifying and that s why i m running to fight for alabama families to fight for american families and that s why it s so important to elect republican women because we understand the struggles that american families are going through. we ll understand the way that biden s reckless border policy has jeopardized our security and we re in a position to fight for and represent american families and try to get our country back on track. i don t know how you do it i know being a working mom. i m here in new york. for y all you have to travel to d.c. often. thank you so much for doing this for country. god bless. more fox & friends coming up. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality. it s waiting for you. mere minutes away. the future is nothing but power and it s all yours. the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they ve been in leadership positions. they re willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they re not looking for a handout. they re looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240611

weeks. the israelis want a campaign. with lebanon even with yemen, we have seen the increased tensions. deploying troops and naval forces. none of that will stop until there is a cease-fire in gaza. s almost there is a line drawn, diplomacy on any of these friends continue. the biden administration s credit has been cleared. they don t want to see a war but it is not up to them as we have seen with the israelis on the hostage cease-fire deal as well. so i think the risk is extremely high. and lebanon is the war of another magnitude. thank you so much. . there is a lot going on tonight. the former president of the united states and presumptive republican nominee had a meeting with the probation officer today, which i guess is the sort of thing we just have to get use to seeing these days. we will talk about what may have come up during the meeting and how it could impact his sentencing coming up in a month. pennsylvania governor josh schapiro was going to join me to talk about one of the biggest political questions of the moment. how should joe biden and democrats be talking about trump s conviction and how much? we will start with the supreme court. in a mountain of ethics scandals that just got bigger, and just get bigger because of a woman named lauren winsor. in case you don t know who she is, she is a progressive activist known to approach her public and figures and pretend she is an ally, statements and then record her targets making candid comments. comments recorded by lauren winsor at the supreme court historical society s annual dinner earlier this month, the supreme court justice samuel alito offered his assessment of the political and ideological struggle in america. i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think that it is a matter of, like, winning. i think your probably right. on one side of the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. they really can t be compromised. so it s not like you can split the difference. one side or the other is going to win. now heard in a vacuum by someone, those comments may not seem particularly striking. but remember samuel alito is one of nine justices on the supreme court. the highest court in our country. it is supposed to conduct itself with utmost fairness and impartiality in interpreting our constitution and adjudicating the laws. and one of the justices, samuel alito, you just heard him, as telling a stranger at a crowded event, that he believes that one political side is going to win. that there is no place for compromised. and for anyone who has followed samuel alito s time on the court, there is no secret to what side the justice firm and thinks he is on. look at the past few weeks. he has refused to recuse himself from a generous six case in the trump immunity case sitting before the court currently. even after reports that his homes displayed flights with right wing political symbolism including an upside down american flag in the days after january 6th. samuel alito, who built a reputation over the course of years, has been tough on crime and generally unser but that it to criminal defendants and also has a newfound empathy for generally six defendants of all people and donald trump. during or go arguments in two cases. take for example, the case of a january 6th defendant. sim allele used costumes the justice department to question people in the capital attack. he suggested that if the court does not intervene, prosecutors could seek to use it against people involved in these will demonstrations like those that take place in a courtroom from time to time. but the protest is clearly not at all same as people are smashing windows and doors to invade the capital and causing members of congress and the republican vice president of the united states to flee for their lives. in the face of multiple ethics scandals, we have been talking about involving undisclosed gifts from her publican mega- donors to members of the supreme court, samuel alito has been unapologetic telling the wall street journal late last year that the quote no provision in the constitution gives congress the authority to regulate the supreme court period. look, fairness and impartiality in both appearance and action are the principles judges are supposed to follow. especially in the highest court of the land. and at least at some point, samuel alito knew that. take a listen to an answer from his confirmation hearing back in 2006. to believe there is any room for a judge s own value or personal beliefs when he or she interprets the constitution? judges have to be careful not to inject their own views into the interpretation of the constitution. and for that matter, into the interpretation of statutes. that is not the job we are given. that is not the authority we are given. that is not the authority we are given. it is not the job we are given. alito knows or at least knew then what his job entailed. and despite all the actions and statements, he also apparently can t stand those who claim he is not living up to those standards. as he told the wall street journal, everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit. but saying or implying that the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity cross is an important line. see, justice alito wants to be revered as an impartial judge. just call balls and strikes as they are supposed to. but as this new tape and his time on the bench have shown, especially over the last several weeks and months, he is actually more of a player, actively engaged in one side s struggle to win. so is giving us every reason to expect this from him, given all the actions. it also doesn t mean it is something we should or need to accept. this is the former president of the naacp legal defense fund and joins me now. i always want to know what you are thinking. but as i listen to these tapes today, i wanted to know, what is share anable thinking. we talk to a becoming two things. how big of a deal is this? i think it s a big deal. i think it s a big deal in the cumulative sense and as you point out in your opening, this is not a colloquy that floats around in the air that is surrounded by plenty of context. we have seen all these statements from justice alito, not only in his decisions but when he went to rome after the dobbs decision. we heard him in very similar ways. what is it that is disturbing about this particular excerpt of the conversation? i think there are two things. one, i think is the way in which he was bantering back and forth with this woman who he did know was taping him in a way that suggested sympathy to her position. she was saying some pretty extreme things. probably the worst of it is when she said that we have to work to move this country back toward godliness. and he said, i agree with you. to me, that is just a very shocking statement. i don t think that is his charge as a supreme court justice to suggest that he believes the country needs to move toward godliness. she spoke often of what it was like in the past and that we need to return to some period in which things were more moral pick and he was agreeing with her. i don t know what period they were referring to. were they referring to a period in which there was much more religious talk in american life but there was also talk about keeping black people out of schools? what was the time period? i think the reason this is important is because the standard is a reasonable person standard. and justice alito refused to recuse himself from a variety of cases. said it is because a reasonable person, knowing all the facts of that is what he said about the flight controversy. but when we probe, we realize we don t know all the facts and the facts he has told us are not necessarily that accurate facts. we learned that from the flag flying issue when justice alito gave us a timeline that is not up. now, the reasonable person would reasonably believe perhaps that this justice was not impartial and that is the standard for recusal. but we will never get there unless parties actually file motions to recuse and that is i am hoping that this will show the united states, which is the party and the trump privilege case and others, that they have to have the courage to demand that these justices come forward in the context of recusal practice and explain themselves. we are not going to get it from sending letters to the justices we are not going to get it from having the justices just recuse themselves because they won t do it. we need to get really serious. and of course we need hearing from the senate judiciary committee so we can get to the bottom of this. it is quite serious. quite disturbing. quite alarming. and it is not a legitimate question the legitimacy of the court we have had this barrage of across the line conduct and misstatements and disclosures that would call into question the impartiality of any court. one of the things that was striking to me too is how he blames the erosion of trust in the court. what he blames it on. he blames it on all sorts of things. i was reminded of this today. he said this in 2023. and then talk to you about it on the other side. it is easy to blame the media. but i do blame them because they do nothing but criticize us. it is pretty rich, given his actions in his own words. it is not the first time he blame somebody else. his wife. everyone attacking him. what is that about? you were talking about accountability. people watching, what should they be doing if they are just outraged about this as well? i find this just really mortifying. and embarrassed for the court. we hear it with clarence thomas as well when he talks about the nastiness in washington d.c. and we hear it with alito. it is the media that eroded trust in the supreme court. no, it is the supreme court that eroded trust in the supreme court. in this kind of teenage refusal to take responsibility for their own actions is really incredibly alarming and disturbing and i put that at the feet of chief justice roberts. he is running the court. if i were running in institution and something extraordinary happens and like what happened in the dobbs case, which is something that never happened before in the history of the court, and a decision was leaked out to the public, i wouldn t just be trying to get to the bottom of who leaked it as vigorously as possible. i would want to understand what i created or what we created in our culture that encouraged such a breach of culture and protocol. all of these things should require the court to self reflect. to look at themselves. why do you have a justice on the court like clarence thomas who is not making the appropriate disclosures? we know they are appropriate because he is making them now that he has been found out. this has nothing to do with the media. the media is doing its job. in fact, the media has often been quite kind to the supreme court including around this flag issue which we had not heard about until three years late. it is not the media. these justices have to grow up and stop being stubborn teenagers and take responsibility for their own actions. this is where the leadership of the chief comes in here and when the chief allows a code of conduct, a voluntary code, as he allowed several months ago, a code so much more weak than the code that holds all other federal judges, he is essentially allowing and creating this culture of impunity in which they create rules that accommodate the actions they have already taken. so we have a real problem, ethical problem on the supreme court appeared to be honest with you, i blame us. i blame congress. we have failed. we have counted on the good behavior and the norms of the supreme court instead of putting in place real rules that they have to follow. and congress does have the power to be able to issue a code of ethics for the united states supreme court and they should do so. we cannot blame this just on the justices. we can t blame it on trump. we can t blame it on anything else but our believes that norms were enough. they are not enough as we are learning across the united states government and we have to get serious about what kinds of protections we need in place for the integrity of our nation s highest court. a lot of homework, including for chief justice roberts. thank you as always for joining me this evening. really appreciate it. coming up, governor josh shapiro joins me live to talk about donald trump s promises of revenge. first, the nominee had a meeting with his probation officer today. we will tell you what he was likely asked about and how it could affect his sentencing. christie greenberg is a former deputy chief of the criminal division in the southern district of new york and joins me in 60 seconds. seconds. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. today, donald trump met with the probation officer had of his sentencing for his 34 felony convictions in new york city. and the biden campaign cochair reminded me yesterday that this is one of those times where we need to pause and reflect on the extraordinary moment we are in. can we just stop on that fact. i will talk about the debate and a second. a guy that wants to be president of the united states first test to go sit down with his probation officer. that is just an astounding statement that sometimes people walk by. i don t think most americans are going to walk by that. he is completely right. we cannot just breeze by this stuff. trump s probation interview today happened virtually from mar-a-lago which is not typical. these meetings typically happen in person. but he is not a typical person who was just convicted either. but the interview itself is standard procedure for anyone convicted of a felony in new york. and one standard question trump may have been asked is whether he associates with criminals. you know, other convicted felons like steve bannon and oliver stone and his other buddies. we should not forget how extraordinary this moment is. kristi greenberg is the former deputy chief of the criminal division in the southern district of new york and joins me now. thank you so much. you tweeted today. i will start there. that trump would try to convince the probation officer not to recommend a jail sentence. but you said probation should reject the argument. how does that conversation exactly go down during one of these meetings? i think what you probably saw this was just 30 minutes. a short interview. you probably saw todd blanche taking the lead to try to highlight positive aspects of donald trump s character that they think or mitigating circumstances and things that they think will show he is amenable to supervision. so they will say, look, this criminal conduct which he denies, there is no victim here. but they need to look closer. we are victims. the american people are victims, not getting information that he was paying off a pornography start to make sure she didn t share that could have affected the election outcome. other things i think he will focus on are, i was the former president of the united states. i performed a great public service and you should take that into account. but it is also aggravating in the circumstance because he committed some of this crime like signing the checks to reimburse michael cohen right in the oval office. you could argue that. and he will point to the fact that he is a first-time offender. you know who else is a first- time offender? michael cohen, and he got sentenced to jail for the same conduct. allen weisselberg is essentially the same old one year apart. a lot of the factors that i expect todd blanche tried to highlight today in his interview, really it is going to be on the prosecutors to make their case separately to the probation office in presenting the fact that the trial record shows all the gag order violations and to show he is not following the court orders and he certainly won t follow the orders of probation. a lot of things to argue. i wanted to ask you, i mentioned one of the standard lines of questioning during one of these probation meetings. whether or not the person convicted of a felony associates with criminals. trump has a number of people who happen to fall into that category. i presume he is going to say no. i don t know what he said but what happens if he does associate with convicted criminals? are there repercussions? there are. there if he were sentenced to probation, there would be conditions to that probation term. among them is he cannot associate with other convicted felons. and so, steve bannon for example, is somebody that was convicted for criminal contempt charge and it has a trial that will start in a few months before the judge on a separate fraud case. with someone like that, someone who he has not pardoned because he is pardoned a number of his other criminal associates, for someone he is not pardoned, i would think he would not be able to associate. these are people that like we are involved with his campaign and that he would want to associate with. so we figure he will try to do that through intermediaries if he is sentenced to probation. quite a time to be alive, kristi greenberg. thank you for explaining this to us. that is always helping us to understand. i appreciate it. donald trump is not going to be able to append democracy on his own. he will need help. and a lot of help is available. we will introduce you to someone who could be his chief of staff and who has chilling plans for a second term. later, governor josh shapiro joins me to talk about all the ways the rule of law will be on the ballot in 2024. we are back after a quick break. so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i m still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i m really, really happy with the results. it s still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at they say we should stop eating so much meat. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. i bought the team! kevin.? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i m gonna cashback on a few other things too. starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that s caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don t think so! steph, one more thing. the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i ll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what s yours. 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every d.a. starting investigations right now? when donald trump gets elected, should he lock them up? no question. should there be a list of democrats that go to jail? 100%. it is a terrible path they are leading us to. and it is very possible that it is going to have to happen to them. in that description, as you just heard, it is all about karma. it is an eye for an eye. fighting fire with fire. that is the story they are telling over and over again. and it is one that far too many headliners are running with. as a near public had, in the media, the story tends to be framed as follows. will trump seek revenge for his legal travails or won t he? . it implies that he is bound to do to democrats what was done to him. you see, obviously, there is a big difference between what happens to trump and what he is promising to do to democrats or anybody who he is mad at. despite with the former president and his allies claim, trump was legitimately investigated, indicted, tried and convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers. 12 everyday americans. there was a legal basis and evidence for all of it. all presented during a six-week trial. not trying to hold people accountable for actual wrongdoing but reshape the american justice system and make it a political tool to go after democrats or anyone who has done trump wrong. political prosecutions were a major goal for the maga movement long before trump got indicted or convicted. i was reminded of this this week in. the washington post published an incredibly eye popping piece on the influential figure in trump s orbit that you might not be familiar with. for what it is worth, i had never heard of him either. the former director of the office of management and budget. and his name is russ vote. according to the piece, he is a potential chief of staff for a second trump term and could wield a lot of power. a self-proclaimed christian nationalist to crafted parts of the heritage foundation s project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch a trump presidency. then back in september of 2022, before trump got indicted or enter the presidential race, he wrote an essay saying that the left to drive america into a post- constitutional moment. saying it was time for the right to reinterpret the constitution and a radical new way. he encouraged conservatives to throw off precedents and legal paradigms that have wrongly developed over the last 200 years. and their place according to the post, he laid out plans for donald trump to deploy the military for civil unrest and use more control over the justice department and assert the power to hold congressional appropriations. that is just on trump s first day back in office. let s pause on that. is not calling for accountability through due process of the law to hold people accountable. he wants to reshape the system for the purpose of punishing trump s perceived enemies. last year, he told the heritage foundation crowd that the department of justice is not an independent agency. and if anyone brings up in a policy meeting in the white house, i want them out of the meeting. here s the larger picture. outside of the week to week news cycle and the latest republican reactions, the republican line of fight fire with fire that you hear over and over again is really just cover. framing a plan to overhaul the justice system and executive branch at large. and by the way, this plan completely predates trump s convictions and indictments and what he had in mind all along. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is standing by and join say next. we are back after a quick break. join cken, cr ies all wrapped up these wrapare amaz people can hear my thoughts? 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there is a trial and a jury finds someone innocent or guilty? or do we prefer a country where he president uses the justice department as his personal law firm? are we okay with the current system where every american is accountable to the same set of laws? or do we prefer a country where the president can just prosecute whomever he chooses simply because he does not like them? the election will be about a lot of things no question. but that is definitely one of them. joining me now is pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. he was previously the state s attorney general. i m grateful you are here with me. i want to start with what i laid out in the earlier block. basically, this idea that donald trump and his allies are bowing what they are telling supporters. simply fighting fire with fire. you are doing something with our guy and we are going to go back to you. but to me, when you look at the specifics of the plan, it feels like it is not exactly the right description. it is not just revenge but a plan in my view to reshape the system and go after their enemies. and last week, you said something that really struck me. you said i m scared to death if he is in charge with the system. is a strong statement. i want to see what you anticipate or expect. what worries you about what could happen to the system? i m deeply concerned by the system. it is why we should not put the country at risk by putting donald trump back in charge of the justice system or back in charge of the military. donald trump came out of those 34 convictions doing what he always does when he gets in legal trouble. kind of a cut and paste job, if you will. and a room with us well from my time as attorney general. he complains. he bemoans the fact that he lost and he makes up excuses and tries to pipit away from personal responsibility. remember, i was attorney general in pennsylvania where he and his cronies and allies took us to court 43 different times to try to stop certain people from voting and stop the votes from being cast. by the way, he went 0-43. we went 43-0 unprotected the rule of law and the will of the people. and now donald trump wants to come back. as he said, exact revenge. the idea he would be put in charge of the justice system and have people surrounding him that that should scare all americans. it is another example of the kind of chaos he would inflict on the country if he was given the opportunity to lead this nation. we have always been a nation that respects the rule of law and respects the institutions. donald trump has tried to undermine our faith in one another and our faith in the institutions. we didn t let him get away with it in 2020 and i hope and pray we won t let him get away with it in 2024. i will be doing everything in my political power here in pennsylvania to ensure he is not successful and the institutions stand and hold. let me ask you about something you just alluded to which is the takeover of the justice system. i think people hear that and they think it is the reshuffling of the government and what does it actually mean? i talked about this influential figure apparently and trump residence world. and could end of being his chief of staff of for trump was reelected. who knows? this is a man who openly says he does not believe the department of justice is an independent agency. i just want to ask you, what is the danger of that quick sometimes i think it feels like just bureaucracy in washington but it is much more than that. it is a lot more than bureaucracy. dangerous if he controls a bureaucracy as well. think about the justice department. he would have the power to criminally prosecute people who didn t do anything wrong but are just his enemies. go after companies that he disagreed with the products they are selling or the manner in which they are conducting themselves and to use the justice department to strip away people s liberties, rights and freedoms and undermine the constitution. ignore the courts and essentially just have his way with good people of this nation. and it should scare the hell out of everybody. remember in 2016 ever donald trump won and then took office in 2017, he and most people around him did not know what the hell they were doing and there were still a few people around him that provided some guardrails for his chaotic conduct. now those people that might provide the guardrails are gone and a lot of the dangerous people around him know how the bureaucracy works. they know how the justice system works. they know how the military works. and if he is given the opportunity to lead this nation again with those people around him, who want to do danger and take away your fundamental freedoms, that should scare the hell out of everybody and that is not the kind of chaos we want in this country. it is such an important point. it is the people that know how to manipulate and it is also the plans being written. a lot of the more online. keeping with the legal discussion here, i want to ask about the supreme court. at the top of the hour, we talked about the supreme court and specifically, justice samuel alito. and this audio come he agreed there should be a fight to return our country to a place of godliness. this comes after the reporting of a flag outside of his house that has been a symbol associated with january 6th and serious ethical scandals around justice thomas and a lot of things. it feels like there is a credibility crisis for the supreme court. i just want to ask you, what is the solution here? remember, this is the court that donald trump packed in order to take away woman s right to choose. in order to make my daughter and other women out there have fewer rights today then they were born with. so this is purposeful on donald trump residence part, to pack the court with these people that want to restrict our freedom. people that have their own agendas. and justice alito, samuel alito, is showing his agenda by the way he flies his flags and apparently the way he runs his mouth as well. what the american people need to do is take that into consideration when they go vote this november. do you really want to give donald trump the ability to appoint more samuel alito as opposed to the court or more clarence thomas is to the court. you want to give him the ability to put more people on the court who will take away our fundamental freedoms? remember that justice thomas wrote that abortion is just the beginning. the very fundamental reasoning or foundation or reasoning they used to overturn roe v wade could be applied in other ways. it could be used to restrict your ability to marry who you love or undermine your ability to be able to go out and take the medications that you and your doctor want you to take. i really fear that this was just the beginning. and if donald trump is given the ability to lead this nation again and put more of those kinds of justices on the court, it will not only set us back for four years but it will set us back for 40 years. the stakes are so high in the selection. and while donald trump and joe biden s names are on the ballot, this is a binary choice. and don t let anybody tell you anything else. there a bunch of randoms on the ballot that have no chance of winning. this is a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. it is not about those two. it is the kind of country want for ourselves. it is whether we value freedom and care about our institutions and whether we believe we have to move forward to brighter days or whether we will go back to a very dark time. this election is a referendum and a reflection on all of us. and we have a responsibility to turn out and to get others to turn out who will stand up against the kind of extremism we have seen on the supreme court and in the white house with donald trump and instead stand up for freedom and for fundamental values as americans and continue to move our country forward. before we let you go, i have to ask you about pennsylvania. you know the politics of your state. you know them extremely well. we have seen it. it has not been that long since the convictions. we have seen a little bit of impact in the polls. there are a lot of things that will be on the ballot and on voter mines. as you are talking to voters and knowing your state as you do, you think trump s conviction will be something that helps people to decide who are on the fence at this state? i don t know how that conviction will ultimately play out. i know the people of pennsylvania, they care a lot about four basic things. they want good schools. they want safe communities. they want economic opportunities. and they want their freedoms to be protected. i think they want to be led by someone who is honest and decent. someone who actually is on their side like joe biden. all they hear from donald trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country and i think donald trump has to quit whining. quit trying to divide us. we are producing more energy than anyone before the in this nation. we have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating china for the first time in decades. more people went to work this morning in america than any other time in our nation s history. i have a message to donald trump and all of his negativity and whining, stop shit talking america. this is the greatest country on earth and it is time we start acting like it. the good people of pennsylvania understand this is a great country. they understand we have a lot going for us. and we have time to continue this path of progress that joe biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time. and not listen to the whining of the former president and instead, focus on a positive future for all of us. quit your whining. it is a good message. thank you so much governor schapiro. i always enjoy talking to you. i appreciate it. we will be right back after a quick b break. ack it himmune fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. first, we did the impossible. then, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now. they re backk! the footlong cookie is back at subway! organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. 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( ) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. we don t even know yet how any americans will be moved by donald trump s conviction when it is said and done. it is only a couple weeks old. but there early signs that the verdict may be swaying some former trump voters. here s what we heard from some trump voters in a focus group. if they violate the law, then they should be subject to exactly the same rules that all of us are expected to abide to. pay the penalty for the crime. we all know what is going to happen. they will negotiate and he is not going to serve any time. but he will get more time on television. just to underscore, those are a couple of two time trump voters that are essentially saying, lock him up. the publisher of the executive accountability project and conducted the focus group he just heard. dan pfeiffer is the former communications director for barack obama. they are both joining me now. we only played one clip of your great focus groups but that was the two time trump voters that want trump to be held accountable it sounds like. did you get this sense, because the big leap here is the one who to be held accountable, but are they just turned off by trump? or the whale will they just vote for biden instead? or do we know that by your conversations? in this particular group, five out of nine of them, trump voters, five of them were going to vote for biden. i think there are a lot of people that think, somebody that voted for donald trump twice, it seems like a long shot to get them to vote for biden. but i think it is important to understand that for a section of voters who kind of held their nose and voted for donald trump twice and then saw what happened on january 6th, saw donald trump s claims and lies about the election, they were already pretty that was sort of a red line for them. they were pretty far out. what the conviction does is it moves them from and i hear this a lot from a two time trump voters who were upset. saying, i m not going to leave it blank. it got them to a place where they said, this guy is totally unfit to be in the white house. i will vote for biden, not because i want to vote for biden and not because i want to vote for a democrat but because i will vote for anybody that will keep donald trump out of the white house because he is that dangerous. you are always in the selection, especially with the swing voters or the right. for them, you are not building it pro joe biden coalition but an anti-trump coalition. and as donald trump gets back into people s consciousness which is a lot of what is happening with the conviction, people are remembering, yeah, i don t like that guy. you are seeing a shift in voters were before, they were focused on negative things they thought about biden and now they are remembering the negative things they don t like about trump. it is so interesting to watch the focus groups and listen to you talk about them. you know well and i know well that they are big moments in campaigns. we have also seen the campaign sharpening rhetoric around the convictions. and there is a difference between what the campaign says and what michael tyler is saying and what the candidates say. when you look at the debate coming up, is a couple weeks from now, what should the president be saying? he is trying to appeal to the voters and to base voters. what is the right framing of language? the conviction is the elephant in the room. you have to talk about it. and you also don t get in a situation where you would just call him a convicted felon as many times as possible and try to win on points. the conviction is the critical data point in the story that a lot of the polling and focus group say we should be telling about trump which is that he is in this for himself. is running for office to protect himself from further legal jeopardy to help himself and his rich friends and to bring revenge to his enemies. it was that exact attitude, that me first attitude, that got him in this trouble to begin with. you have to take the conviction. this moment that actually caused people to brave out of their anti- politics bubble for a few minutes and pay attention to this race and then use that to tell the more broad story. you can do that in a debate over and over again and do it in a disciplined, calm falls way that is not allowed trump to drag you down into the mud. that makes a huge amount of sense to me. i wanted to ask you a similar version of the story. there are a couple of audiences biden has to appeal to. of these people you talk to and focus groups, is there anything president biden could say about the convictions that would turn them off? is there anything that is a trigger for them about it? when it comes to the swing voters, it is not just what he says but how he says it. for them, they want to see that joe biden can do this job. you have to get people over this hump that they think joe biden is too old. because this is where trump kind of wins often times. he has big lunatic energy that make him seem just more vivacious or more aggressive. and sometimes when he listened to voters, they get into kind of a strong framing where they are like, trump is bad but strong and biden is okay but weak. biden has to show strength. i agree with dan. you can t just say conviction over and over again. but he does have to go on offense. in fact, the whole campaign right now has to go on offense. we are in the moment to push. we have to stop talking about democracy being at stake and the campaign has to campaign like democracy is at stake. joe biden has to show that he is ready to go. i think it is not just the name- calling of convicted felons but being able to say, this man is unfit and i m good to go. and you have to show that and not just tell it. state of the union energy. it is about the vibes i m hearing. i wanted to ask you about you encouraging people not to be stressed. everyone should find it and subscribe to it. we will talk about it next time. thank you both for joining me. we will be right back after a quick break. don t go anywhere! dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there s leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. fastsigns. make your statement. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga when we say it ll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. the rachel maddow show starts right now. hi, rachel. hi, yen. thanks very much. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways

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