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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20200502

reporter: well, fred, we have been monitoring the amount of information that has been released when it comes to deaths in nursing homes for a while now. on april 19th, it was the first batch of information that was released, and at that point in time at 23% of all of the covid-19 deaths in the state of florida were related to nursing homes. well, new data was just released and now it is 32.5. nearly one-third of all of the covid-19 deaths are linked or associated to nursing homes. this is residents and staff. it is important to note that for the first time we re also learning the names of the facilities that are associated with these deaths. now, we ve been monitoring of course just about every press conference the governor has had on covid-19. he had mentioned before that there were two outbreaks in the state of florida. one in swannee county and another in broward county. but now by looking at the new data that was released, we can tell that there have been multiple deaths at certain nursing homes. three for example had 14 deaths associated with them. there is another one that has 12 deaths. so this gives us a better idea of what was actually happening in these nursing homes. now, it is important to note that governor ron desantis has sent strike teams to nursing homes across the state to test both symptomatic and asymptomatic residents and staff to try to control this and also very early on restricted visitations to nursing homes. the governor, himself, has said during multiple press conferences that while some nursing homes have followed the rules, others have not. this makes the next point very important. there is a federation of about 600 nursing homes in the state of florida that are asking governor ron desantis to give them immunity, in essence to free them from liability. fred, governor ron desantis at last check has not made a decision. he is still weighing his options. he has not announced whether he will give nursing homes immunity in the state of florida. rosa flores in miami, thank you. president trump has called on the governor of michigan to make a deal with angry protesters he calls very good people. this after demonstrators stormed the state capitol, some carrying long guns, demanding that the state be reopened immediately. cnn s ryan young joins me now from lansing, michigan. ryan, what are you learning? reporter: let me tell you something, these were dramatic pictures a lot of the people across the country have been talking about. we did find out it is actually frowned upon and you can t take signs into the state capitol but you can open carry into the state capitol. that s what these protesters decided to do. let s look at these images. they were dramatic. obviously they were there to have their voices heard and wanted the stay-at-home order rescinded. the governor decided to extend it through the end of may. you can understand why by the numbers they ve experienced in this state. almost 40,000 people contracting covid-19 and then you have nearly 4,000 people dying from it. but across the state there are different ramifications. there have been some places that obviously haven t been hit as hard by covid-19. some of those folks want to get back to business. when you go to cities like detroit, hit very hard, the stay-at-home order has absolutely worked. listen to the governor talk about the reasons why she believes this is a health emergency and they need to continue to stay the course. yesterday s scene at the capitol was disturbing to be quite honest. swastikas, confederate flags, nooses, automatic rifles do not represent who we are as michiganers. this state has a rich history of people coming together. we are not in a political crisis where we should just negotiate and find common ground. we are in a public health crisis, a global pandemic that has already killed almost 4,000 people in our state. reporter: fred, i ve covered protests all across this country. this was a small protest by the number, talking maybe 400 to 700 people. when you think about the impact of this state, more people have died than showed up at the protest yesterday. yes you can understand why businesses want to go back to work and people want their livelihoods restimulated but when you think about the numbers here in michigan and how fast covid spread throughout the state there is a reason why the governor is pushing forward with this. again, the stay-at-home order has been extended through the end of the month. ryan young, thank you so much, in lansing. in california thousands of protesters packed a popular beach in orange county afr governor gavin newsom ordered beaches there closed. the governor said people were not following social distancing orders. cnn is in huntington beach where the protest took place yesterday. how does it look today? reporter: it looks calm right now, fredricka. if you look behind me, a lot of people have taken the opportunity to go out and surf and off in the distance we are seeing a couple pack up. we re hearing police warn people about getting off the beach and the beach pathway but so far we re not seeing any citations. what they said to us is we want to educate people about this. of course, huntington beach and its attorneys feel that they were blindsided by the governor, singled out, picked on, then they went to court late yesterday and tried to get a temporary restraining order to allow everyone back on the beach. the judge denied this order. the attorney general, of course, arguing for governor newsom said, look. we are in a pandemic. safe social distancing is important. for the people here in huntington beach we ve talked to some of these surfers. they were floored by the governor s decision. this is beach city. they feel like it is a california birth right to go out and go surfing. huntington beach has done an absolutely remarkable job and not with standing the governor issues this order shutting our beaches. we feel targeted. i think it is punitive. if it was really a matter of statewide concern, which is his purview, he would have closed all the beaches up and down the state, but he didn t. he is picking on orange county and huntington beach. the empirical data, the data about spread and cases and deaths here in huntington beach and orange county absolutely do not support the beach closure. reporter: orange county has 3 million people. there have been 50 deaths in orange county. on the flip side, the attorney general again arguing we have got to stop the spread of this virus. social distancing is critical at this time. and basically alluding to what many people have said in the county of los angeles, which is we don t want to undo all of the good work with a busy weekend at the beach and people clustered together. it is a remarkable debate. you never thought you would see californian versus californian and this showdown continues here in huntington beach. back to you now, fred. all right. thanks so much. on to georgia officials report a spike of more than 1,200 new cases just one week after allowing hair salons, gyms, bowling areas to reopen. cnn s natasha chen joins me from alpharetta, georgia north of atlanta. i see a lot of people out behind you. reporter: there are a few more people now within the past hour, fred. what we re seeing is that the mall here in alpharetta is trying to make the walkways one way so they can avoid cross traffic and getting too close to people but we do see that there are some people who really have not noticed the signs on the floor or don t care frankly. and in the distance there you can see a couple people waiting outside the clothing store. that is because that particular clothing store is only allowing ten people maximum inside their store at a time. and that includes the employees. so given that you can t have that many people in there, there s been a line sometimes outside. then over to the left you see some furniture that s been put out by mall management. it is really spaced out to promote social distancing. they have a lot of different types of shops here. of course, restaurants, barber shops, tatoo parlors were able to open last week, so as of yesterday, the new thing was really the retail and clothing shops. there is a movie theater right behind them, but that theater has decided not to open in the meantime even though they are allowed to. here is the general manager we talked to about the difficulties they ve had in trying to make sure this is safe for people to come back to. sanitizing stations, we ve implemented a one way street. we ve spaced all the furniture out as you can see. but it is really everybody s comfort level whenever they re ready to leave their house, avalon is there to be the place for the community to come out to. well, i m a nurse, so instinctively i think it is still too contagious. it is a very contagious disease so i still think it might be a little too soon to come back out and be this close together. so we ll see. reporter: but you re here. i am. reporter: and you notice that she was wearing a mask there. some people are. some people aren t. there aren t people exactly right near us at the moment so we re not wearing them right at this time but the mall property has recommended that guests wear face covering is. they re also offering them at their consierge as long as supplies last. to give you some context, this place has almost a hundred tenants with different types of shops, restaurants, etcetera. about 20 of them are open right now. most of them for curbside or appointment shopping only. they expect another 15 shops will be open next week. all right. we shall see. day to day. natasha chen, thank you so much. all right. stimulus loan money that was meant to keep small businesses afloat has landed in the hands of some wealthy, private schools and u.s. treasury secretary steve mnuchin is not onboard with that. he is calling on schools with endoumts e endowments to give the money back. some private schools are saying no. they will keep the funds despite having millions in endowments. sarah westwood is joining me now from washington. secretary mnuchin clearly wants the schools to return the money. does he have any leverage? do they have to comply? reporter: yes, fred, the treasury secretary saying the private schools with significant endowments should not be keeping money from the paycheck protection program but the treasury program has not defined what significant looks like. they are not offering specifications on what secretary mnuchin is demanding. the money in this program is meant for small businesses to keep employees on the payroll. there has been some outcry when these larger organizations, wealthier organizations have taken the money meant for small businesses. the wealthy preparatory schools are facing a dilemma that a lot of these corporations, well known companies, have faced in recent weeks. and that is whether to keep the money and whether to risk inviting a backlash. we saw that happen to shake shack, a large company who returned the money after facing a backlash for taking it. some of the schools that have taken this money are right here in the d.c. area. that includes sidwell friends here in washington, that counts chelsea clinton and the obama girls among the alumni and the school that the president s youngest son attends. sidwell said they took the money and plan to keep it because they are committed to their staff. in a statement to cnn st. andrews said like many of its peer schools st. andrews applied for ppe funds through our long standing bank to ensure retention of our faculty and staff during this challenging and uncertain time. steve mnuchin has said criminal liability could be on the table for borrowers if they have made untrue certifications to banks. the way the program is structured it is banks not the government who are issuing these loans and the banks are relying on the information provided by the borrowers just to get the loans out the door quickly. all right. sarah westwood, thank you so much. still ahead, your questions on the coronavirus. answer from health to money to your child s education. our panel will separate fact from fiction. plus, a major setback in france. why the country is extending emergency measures for two more months. then later, how british prime minister boris johnson honored the doctors who saved his life. i know for every pizza i deliver that s a trip that family doesn t have to take out of their house. it relieves stress off of me to let me know i m doing something good for the community, not just papa john s. it means being there for each other. that s why state farm is announcing the good neighbor relief program we know our customers are driving less, which means fewer accidents. so state farm is returning $2 billion dollars to auto policyholders for the period ending may 31st. and we ll continue making real time decisions to best serve you - our customers. because now, more than ever, being a good neighbor means everything. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. shortly after surviving a bout with covid-19 britain s prime minister boris johnson became a dad. today johnson and his fiance announced they named their new son after the doctors credited with saving the prime minister s life. cnn s bianca nobilo joins us live from london. what is the child s name? reporter: hi, fred. we can reveal the child is called wilfred laurie nicholas johnson. the reason for that, wilfred after the prime minister s grandfather, laurie after carrie simmons the prime minister s fiance s grandfather, and nicholas. that is the most point tyen tyen name as far as we are concerned. you just mentioned this is a tribute who saved the prime minister s life, dr.s nick hart and price. she said she was eternally grateful to the nhs for saving the prime minister. what a few weeks it has been for boris johnson. he was supposed to be back at prime minister s questions on wednesday. wasn t. there was some consternation, a couple people complaining. then it was revealed it was because his baby boy was being born at 9:00 a.m. that morning. he then returned to work on thursday sounding a little bit breathless but his usual buoyant self. now, of course, everybody wishes the prime minister and his new family all the absolute best but he returns after a long stint of being away, suffering from coronavirus, missing the peak of the virus in the country. now the uk being on track to having the second worst death toll in the world just after the united states. there s only about a couple hundred deaths in it now between italy and the united kingdom and, of course, the outbreak started much earlier in italy than in the uk. a lot of questions being asked as to why the prime minister missed key meetings in the early, preparatory phase of the outbreak in the united kingdom, why there still isn t enough ppe for key members of the national health service, why it took so long to get a testing system up and running, and why there were so many flip-flops on the strategy, fred. going forward the prime minister is going to be under heavy scrutiny and, indeed, may well be a man much changed by his own brush with death as he referred to it in terms of how he now approaches this second phase, this crucial next step in managing the outbreak here in britain. bianca nobilo, thank you so much outside london. appreciate it. all right. president trump has spent a lot of time recently blaming china for the spread of the covid-19 virus. china is not only rejecting the white house s claims. it is pushing back. cnn s david culver looks at how this blame game is heating up. reporter: china s state run media now ramping up its propaganda against the united states, taking direct aim at secretary of state mike pompeo. this week a near daily cct commentary attacks pompeo for calling out china s mishandling of the coronavirus, one saying he is turning himself to be the enemy of human kind by spreading a political virus. on thursday the people s daily the official newspaper for china s communist party ran an editorial saying pompeo s rhetoric makes the u.s. look like it is dealing with a colossal, moral deficit. the government controlled media tweeted an animation proclaiming it as hypocritical. are you listening to yourselves? we are always correct. reporter: the war of words is creating a deepening rift between the u.s. and china. china is a very sophisticated country and could have contained it. they were either unable to or they chose not to and the world is suffering greatly. reporter: it is a change from president donald trump s more sympathetic tone expressed repeatedly over the past few months. look, i know this. president xi loves the people of china. he loves his country, and he is doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation. reporter: while still not directly criticizing president xi jinping president trump is increasingly criticizing china for the virus s devastating and deadly spread echoing secretary of state pompeo s hard line stance. we know this started in wuhan, china. we don t yet know from where. in spite of our best efforts to get experts on the ground that continue to try and hide and obfuscate. that is wrong. it continues to pose a threat to the world. this is classic communist disinformation. this is what communists do. the white house now further pushing the origin theory that the virus started in a wuhan laboratory. last week cnn returned to wuhan post lockdown and traveled to the lab in question. the wuhan institute of virilology, a part of the chinese academy of sciences. we captured a few images from the exterior of the gated campus. chinese officials dismiss allegations it started here. a statement thursday from the u.s. office of the acting director of national intelligence said it concluded that the coronavirus was not man made or genetically modified. but noted it was still evaluating theories linking the outbreak to the lab. cnn s early reporting of this revealed china s covering up and silencing of whistle-blowers. our reports also put into question china s official number of cases which has been revised repeatedly and is widely believed to be vastly under reported. however, china believes the u.s. and the trump administration in particular is trying to deflect for its lack of preparedness in battling the virus within the united states. so you ve got this heated rhetoric, this increased blame, and the world s two largest economies no longer looking at international collaboration but rather in the midst of this animosity filled face-off. david culver, cnn, shanghai. all right. up next some of your questions. is the beach safe? what about dining out? we re answering your top viewer questions about coronavirus. coronavirus has killed more than 65,000 people in the united states and this weekend more states are beginning to reopen. researchers are also making progress finding potential treatments and vaccines but a lot of questions remain. all week you have been posting questions about health, money, and education on our website and our panel will answer some of those questions for you right now. joining me today, cnn medical analyst, an infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist and host of the epidemic podcast. we also have personal finance expert suze orman who hosts the podcast women and money. and michael gonchar editor of the new york times learning network. good to see you all. glad you re all well. so, doctor, b.g. from new mexico asks, what are the effects of prolonged social isolation on my health and immune system? that is a great question and something that s been studied. what we found is that when people are isolated, when they re lonely, their levels of stress hormones go up. that means their immune system is not functioning as well. there can also be increased risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular disease. it s actually been compared to being chronically isolated and lonely. it s been compared to the same health effects as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. it s not a benign thing to be lonely and isolated for very extended periods of time. suze, if you were asked, i m making more money on unemployment than when i was working. what s the incentive to return to work? well, there is a lot of incentive, number one, health insurance, which maybe i need. health insurance as well as they re contributing to social security. here is the real thing. if you don t take a job right now that you could take, is that job going to be there for you in another 13 weeks or 26 weeks? so if i were you, if you had a job, i would be taking it rather than just taking unemployment. remember, unemployment is taxable to you so just don t think you re getting away from taxes because you re not. not just free money. michael, george from rhode island asks how can i make virtual learning more bearable for my fourth grader? that is everybody s question right now. for the parent, too. these are difficult times. if you re a parent and your young children or older children it can definitely be a challenge. one thing we found, i have a #ta 9th grader, a 14-year-old son. he has come up with his own schedule. he is a little older. we found having a schedule can really make a difference. for him it starts with two hours of video games and then his school work and then he takes a break and eats lunch and so on. how old is he? 14 years old. okay. he needs to talk to my 15-year-old. go ahead. it s important the school day doesn t blend into the rest of the day just like we don t want our work day to blend into the rest of the day. it is important. so school time, play time, and our house life we re living in the self-quarantine time doesn t just become a blend and blur of everything. just kidding. my 15-year-old, john, you re doing really good with your personal scheduling and fitting it all in. i am proud of you. dr. gounder, denise asks when can grandparents over 65 see their grandchildren again? that is really going to depend, fredricka, on the local situation, the local transmission. if you are in a place where there is still transmission, especially a place where cases have not peaked, deaths have not peaked, for example georgia, which is reopening, is in that category, i would caution still against going to visit your grandchildren, you know, going out into the community. you know, unfortunately what the states are doing in terms of lifting social distancing guidelines may not be what is best for you in this situation. okay. suze, michelle in missouri writes, my husband was laid off. we can t afford to pay the bills and pay $500 a month for health insurance so what should we do? well, you have to have health insurance especially at this time. since you were laid off or your husband was laid off you now qualify for obama care. go to that is the site. apply. and depending on your income which you don t have any maybe it will only cost you $50 a month. remember there are still subsidies. just go there and try. you now qualify for it, even though there isn t open enrollment, because he was laid off you can apply. a parent asks how do you teach art, music, and physical education at home? remember, this is so new to so many parents and now they ve got to put on their hat of being, you know, a very versatile teacher of sports, art, and music. how do you do that? parents can only do so much. i would recommend that parents play to their strengths if they feel artistic and want to do a crafts activity great. i know i mentioned my son before that he was very athletic before and now that we are living in the house he has adapted incredibly well to maybe getting 50 steps in a day. i think we have to temper our expectations. we can t do everything. parents can t be cafeteria workers, teachers, maintain the household, and hold a job. these are complex times. we do what we can and try to do our best. we can feel overwhelmed and like we re never doing enough. we have so many more questions from our viewers. you will be tasked with answering them all. first a show in the sky over baltimore this afternoon. the u.s. navy blue angels and u.s. air force thunder birds conducted formation flights in honor of front line health care workers battling coronavirus. they also did shows in washington, d.c. and atlanta today and in new york city and new jersey earlier in the week. . you can deposit checks from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. and pay bills from here. because your bank isn t just one place. it s virtually any place you are. just download and use the chase mobile app. visit it means being there for each other. that s why state farm is announcing the good neighbor relief program we know our customers are driving less, which means fewer accidents. so state farm is returning $2 billion dollars to auto policyholders for the period ending may 31st. and we ll continue making real time decisions to best serve you - our customers. because now, more than ever, being a good neighbor means everything. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. being a good neighbor means everything. that gives me cash back onesome new aeverything.akuten that s ebates. i get cash back on electronics, travel, clothes. you re talking about ebates. i can t stop talking about rakuten. pretty good deal - peter sfx [blender] ebates is now rakuten, sign up today. all right. during these difficult times cnn is dedicated to helping you and your family understand and cope with this pandemic. right now our panel is here answering your questions about health, money, your child education. let s welcome back cnn medical analyst dr. gounder along with financial expert suze orman and michael gonchar of the new york times learning network. doctor, hesht asks, dr. fauci says we could have a vaccine by february, but how do we know it will be safe especially when researchers are working so quickly? this is precisely why it takes a long time to actually develop a vaccine. it needs to go through safety testing and trials. we need to see if it actually works. while we do have a couple vaccine candidates under study right now being studied in human subjects, we are unlikely to have an answer as of this fall. so, you know, even once we do have a vaccine it is really going to be targeted at front line health care workers first and those at highest risk. suze, john asks, how should i invest my money during the coronavirus pandemic? john, this is a hard one to answer for you because there is not much that i know about you. let s just assume you have no credit card debt, an eight-month emergency fund, assuming you still have money coming in you should be dollar cost averaging every single month into the stock market where you take a specific sum of money and invest it in to either the vanguard total stock market index funds or things like that, the total stock market. so that you have a variety and you have diversification. if you do it month in and month out and you have at least three, five, or ten years or longer until you need the money you will be happy. if you need money within one year, not take it out now. all right. michael, steve asks, should schools change how they grade students during the pandemic? is it better to have a pass/fail system? i think there is no perfect answer to this question. we asked students this question on the learning network because it is part of the daily writing prompts and some students said they wanted to have grades. they were working so hard to maintain a high average and wanted to go to a competitive school and would be upset if their school changed to a pass/fail system. on the other hand for many students there is a real issue of equity. so many students don t have wi-fi. they don t have lap tops. they re not able to get the learning that they need during this time of remote learning. and so having a grading system is unfair to so many students. different districts and different schools. i don t know if there is a one size fits all answer. as long as people take into account the different experiences kids are having across the country. dr. gounder, william in texas writes, can air conditioners spread covid-19 at restaurants? we have seen some reports of this happening for example in china. you know, my advice for you at least in the next couple months is if you re going out to eat try to go to restaurants that have outdoor seating. the risk of getting covid if you re sitting outside as long as it s not very crowded is quite low. that is probably the best way to hedge your bets there. okay. suze, another viewer has a question about the unemployment benefit. are there extra unemployment benefits available during the pandemic? well, there are extra unemployment benefits available with the federal government. so if you qualify for your state unemployment, and the feds are going to give you an extra $600 a week for 13 weeks, that is a big deal. because some of the states like florida, the maximum unemployment per week is $275 a week. so that $600 extra is a big deal. yeah. that is a big extra benefit. michael, amanda from texas writes i m a first-year teacher and really worried about what school will look like this upcoming fall. how can i make sure my health concerns are being heard? i think we don t know what the fall is going to look like. we re figuring this out. it seems like we re going week by week and month by month. i would recommend that she contact her school. that she contacts her district and find out what policies they have in place to make sure that students and the teaching staff and all of the staff are safe because safety is the most important thing. so we should remember even though these are very isolating times, living in our homes and often not seeing others reach out and ask questions of the right people. sometimes people are afraid to ask especially if you are new. she is a first-year teacher, probably a little nervous about what kind of potential repercussions might come. that is great advice. suze, a viewer writes, my student loan provider just informed me they charged off my debt. do i still owe them money? what is the difference between charged off and discharged? this is a great question. because if your debt has been charged off it just means that your lender got tired of trying to collect it but you still owe it. so be very careful. if it was discharged, it means you don t owe it anymore. but if it was discharged from anything other than a nonprofit entity, you will then owe taxes on it. because it was charged off, you don t owe taxes but you still owe it. so be very, very careful here. does that mean there would also be added interest? it depends. they will come after them probably again sometime in the future. but they just got tired of trying to collect it so this person obviously hasn t been paying it for a long, long time. okay. all right. please stand by. we re going to answer more viewer questions in just a moment. a reminder. join cnn s jake tapper as he investigates what really happened during the u.s. fight against covid-19. cnn s special report the pandemic and the president airs tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. here s the thing about managing multiple clouds for your business. when you ve got public clouds, and private clouds, and hybrid clouds- things can get a bit cloudy for you. but now, there s the dell technologies cloud, powered by vmware. a single hub for a consistent operating experience across all your clouds. that should clear things up. unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr? neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. michael vasquez! come over here. i ve heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn t have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn t have to. and, we re going to need some help with the rest. you ve worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it s time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. all right. welcome back. what do you want to know about coronavirus and its impact on your health, money, and your child s education? your questions are being answered right now. dr. gounder, mary beth writes americans are being told to wear masks but why aren t they told to wear disposable gloves in public? so if you wear disposable gloves it is not perfect protection. you could still touch something and then touch your face with your gloved hands. it is a bit different from when i am caring for a patient in the hospital where i m literally changing gloves and washing my hands between patients. it is just a different situation. i think, you know, in public you should be wearing masks. it is really to protect others in case you might be a carrier and don t even realize it. suze, if you were asked, what should i do if i haven t received my stimulus check yet? ffrjts you haven t received it yet, you should go to there is a little segment there called get my payment. and so if you were to check there, they will tell you where your stimulus check is, when you should get it, and all of those things. if it were me, i would go to and go to get my payment and you ll find out. michael, a question from tom. are school boards evaluating virtual looms to reduce school overcrowding and save on infrastructure costs? we hear from thousands of students each week as part of our writing prompt series and what students are telling us is that the experiences they re having across the country and districts are very different. some students are saying they re getting too much home work. other students say they have very little work to do. some students are having classes with their teachers so they can see each other and are learning together like a regular classroom a few times a week. other students aren t doing that at all. i think at the end of all of this we will have a chance to breathe and see what worked and what didn t work. i think we re building the plane as we are flying right now and it is a challenging situation. i am hoping summer gives us a chance to see what lessons can be learned. there has to be a lot of evaluating because this is unchartered territory for so many. educators and for kids. and families of course. dr. gounder, susan asks is it safe to go to the beach this summer? what should i do if there is over crowding? i think if there is over crowding at the beach you should probably turn right around and go elsewhere. maybe to a park. maybe to some other public outdoor space. outdoor spaces are much safer than being indoors with other people but if it is a crowded beach, you know, we can t guarantee that there can t be transmission in that setting. you know, i think try to use some common sense here and spend as much time as possible outdoors but not in crowded outdoor places. michael, if you were asked, what are the best practices when setting up a virtual classroom? one i would strongly recommend is to remember what teaching is all about. it is about personal relationships, reaching out to students, and just because we re in the virtual universe we re living in and doing school in right now that teachers should reach out to their students and try to have one-on-one connections with students. i think that is really important. after that, there is a whole bunch of other resources and technological resources online. free resources like the times learning network. and they should talk to their colleagues and other school teachers and other schools to find out what is working for them that they can borrow. it s about borrowing best practices. doctor, roya from new york asks, can a person who recently recovered from coronavirus still be contagious and/or can they catch it again and be contagious at that point? well, that is a great question. as somebody is recovering from coronavirus, there are some people who will still be contagious especially people who are older who have weaker immune systems. they can shed the virus for longer and, unfortunately, we don t have a great way of saying who is definitely infectious still or not. we use sort of averages in terms of our advice. can you get coronavirus again? if you look at other coronaviruses the immunity to those tends to last anywhere from one to three years. we are hopeful that kind of thing might apply to this one but there is still a lot we don t know. we re still studying that. suze, monica asks will i get my money back if i cancel travel plans like flight and hotel reservations? well, it depends on the hotel as well as the airlines. most have been really good and giving you your money back. cruise lines, however, even though i know that is not what she asked, it hasn t been the same what many of them have been doing. they ve been saying we re not going to give you the money back but we ll give you a trip a year from now. i don t know. do you want to go on a cruise ship anymore? i m not sure you will. it just depends. that is why it is always a good idea especially if it is a large amount of money to get travel insurance. dr. gounder, hayward is thinking about fall already. is it possible to contract the flu and the coronavirus at the same time this winter? absolutely. we know you can get multiple viral infections at the same time. we often see this in the winter. we didn t see that so much this particular flu season, because the coronavirus was really coming on the scene as our flu season was waning. we fully anticipate there could be some people getting both, sometimes at the same time next fall and winter. all right. well, great questions. great answers. thank you to all of you. our panel, i m feeling safer, smarter, and less worried already. thank you so much. you all are fantastic. all right. thank you so much for joining me this saturday. i m fredricka whitfield. newsroom continues with ana cabrera right after this. nowadays you do more from home than ever before. the xfinity my account app puts you in control with digital tools to give you the help you need when you need it. get fast and easy answers with personalized help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. change your wifi password to a phrase that s easy to remember. even troubleshoot your services on your own. we re working to make things a little easier for everyone. download the xfinity my account app today. you re live in the cnn newsroom. i am ana cabrera in new york. thank you so much for being here. it is a critical new chapter in the fight against a virus that has cost us time, money, and way too many lives. by the end of the weekend at least 32 states will take steps to partially reopen even as health experts warn it is too soon. texas is now allowing restaurants and movie theaters to reopen. you can go to church again in idaho, visit a state park in new mexico, and go golfing

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