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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170728 02:00:00

tonight, infighting and the white house. anthony scaramucci goes to war against leaking on his first week on the job. kellyanne conway is here with reaction. but mike emanuel is alive on the battle over obamacare. mike, aren t they usually on vacation by now? pretty close. a good evening you, sean. we do have some breaking news. mitch mcconnell has just posted the details of the republican health care plan that say a skinny repeal plan, getting rid of the popular parts of the obamacare, four g.o.p. senators came out late saying that there would be unknow on the so-called skinny repeal plan. john mccain, lindsey graham, ron johnson and bill cassidy wanted a severances from paul ryan that it would go to conference to hammer out a more comprehensive plan.
conference if that s what those senators wanted but he said basically, the senate would have to take up the bill that came out of the conference first. he didn t want his numbers taking all the tough votes and the senator sitting back and watch the house struggle. assuming they pass something tonight, they will go to conference and try to hammer out a deal and then ryan says the senate will go first. sean: pretty interesting. mike emanuel will follow this tonight. there s a war to stop leaking, anthony scaramucci has a very colorful phone call with a reporter. ed henry is outside the white house with all the details. ed, we see the cover of the new york post tomorrow. the new york post would look like survivor around here, from reince priebus to steve bannon to anthony scaramucci as well. all these advisors around the president, seemingly battling at out. not just in private but spilling out into the public. starting last night when scaramucci essentially accused reince priebus of leaking
sensitive financial information from scaramucci s financial reports. he pulled that back but then spoke to a reporter and scaramucci really let loose on several people here at the white house, saying they will all be fired by me, i fired one guy the other day, i have 3-4 people i will fire tomorrow. reince priebus, if you want to wait back leak something, he will be asked to resign. then he goes on to say about bannon, i am not steve bannon. i m not trying to build my own brand off the. in his defense he has gone on to twitter to say he requests the colorful language. and he says he has made a mistake in trusting a reporter. it won t happen again, sean. sean: i spoke to anthony
scaramucci tonight. he says he believes in every way that he told this reporter it was off the record. we have conflicting reports on that. but it s a he said he said. looked, the new yorker has not been friendly to this president. that s an open secret. there were only two people in that phone call or that conversation. we don t know for sure. obviously, if you are the incoming white house communications director, you have to be careful about communications, particularly with a reporter from an organization that frankly has been hammering the president every which way. high marks in the early hours, let s remember. it has only been barely a week since it was announced. it s so much has happened but he got high marks for being a street fighter, someone who understands the president and will be more forceful and aggressive in getting his message out. the challenge tonight is when you have this kind of colorful language, that might attract not just media interest but some people like newt gingrich and other conservatives saying this
is all a distraction. to get back on jobs in health care. the other parts of the agenda and as mike emanuel said, they are being bought out tonight. sean: my commentary on this, more in a moment. make or break night tonight. obamacare repeal and replace, g.o.p. lawmakers not only have themselves to blame, that they are in the situation, that s tonight s opening monologue. when we started the program tonight, it s really a shame that we are at this point with senate republicans having to pull an all-nighter. toilet paper, what i get down and throwing it up against the wall. the see what sticks strategy? to try to pass some kind of health care bill. so they can then go to conference with health republicans and eventually come up with a plan to do with a promise to do, repeal and replace obamacare. senator mcconnell just posted details of the skinny obamacare repeal. they beg you, the american people for this opportunity for
it s $50 a month for adults, ten dollars a month for children. they have no co-pays. unlimited office visits. 24-hour doctor service available for you. free procedures. at 95% reductions because they negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies and you leave with your medicine as soon as you leave the doctor s office. the same with lab tests. why not let other doctors and some 400 already are doing similar things? they didn t even bring these ideas up. they did vote to fund some of the presidents border wall but that has to get through the senate. republican lawmakers and their inability to get things done, here s the truth. it s harming you. at this point, it seems like the only person in the republican party who has a vision and is articulating that vision is the president himself in to see the reaction he gets and the crowds that show up when he speaks. earlier this week on the senate
been offering up conservative solutions. 2013, i offered the conservative solution caucus i am constantly encouraging republicans to adopt big ideas, solutions to help the american people, in poverty and on food stamps and out of the labor force that can t buy back the house. i talked about the penny plan for fiscal responsibility, to balance our budget, lowering taxes for all the years i ve been on the air, tax reform, repatriation of trillions of corporate american dollars to build factories and manufacturing centers and fill jobs in america. i talked at length about energy independence. with energy companies to get americans hired, securing the border, charter schools, sending education back to the states. i ve talked about rebuilding our military and ending stifling regulations of government, identify and defeating radical islam. excuse me, senator, i care about the country and i care about
offering solutions. i ve talked about this every day for 22 years on tv and radio and when you were running, you wanted to be on my show as much as you possibly can. i m sorry, that s an unfair cheap shot and i m sorry, republicans, stop pointing the fingers. you sound like hillary clinton. start producing the results he promised. we want to talk about anthony scaramucci, the fox news audience knows him well. we also want to look at the deep state leaking. look, i know the rest of the mainstream media is foaming at the mouth. they love what they view as infighting and the leaking and conflict and everything they think will stop the president and his agenda. okay, so anthony scaramucci made a phone call with a new yorker reporter and guess what? he wasn t clear that it was off the record. apparently, i talked to him tonight and he is apologizing. this was the cover of the new york post tomorrow morning. everyone has a good chuckle at this.
take a look at the cover. survivor, the white house, the trump white house. if you look at everything a person on that front page, they have had to deal for over six months with the d.c. swamp, starting with the president. they have had to deal with unprecedented lies, attacks from liberals in the mainstream destroy-trump-media and much more. everyone of those people have been fighting to drain the swamp and the sewer that is d.c. and they are trying to get these changes done for the american people. if those people are on the cover, if they lose in their battle, if they are beaten by the deep state by democrats, week republicans, never trump-ers, guess what? the american people in this country will lose the opportunity of a generation. speaking with anthony scaramucci as he expressed and adds ed henry reported, he regrets using some of the language he used with the reporter. he thought it was off the record. i don t doubt, there s been
plenty of infighting in leaking. i don t like any of it. but doesn t that happen at everybody s job? let s be honest with ourselves. if the goal of the deep state is the same, excuse me, they are trying to get the president to never enact his agenda. that s what the bottom line is here. they want to delegitimize the president. they don t want what you voted for to become the law of this land. and the president, anthony scaramucci, reince priebus, stephen bannon, the one thing they all have in common in spite of may be disagreeing here and some infighting, they are all tired of the deep state leaks. anthony scaramucci rightly is trying to put an end to it. i don t know who is leaking in the white house and i ve no idea but i hope it ends. it s important that they figure out where these leaks are coming from to the press. the press that wants to destroy the president as well. look at the deep state. they have one singular focus. they are determined to do much the president with selective leaking.
they in and day out and stop his wbr id= wbr9034 /> agenda. which, at the end of the day, that hurts you, the american people toward . joining us with reaction, kellyanne conway, i thought you looked the best on the cover of the the new york post. i didn t even see it yet. i m looking into a blind camera. thank you for noting that, though. the loch ness monster s of the swamp will always try to get in the way of this president and his agenda. i don t know what they were expecting. he said i was going to repeal and replace obamacare. if i showed you all the senators and members of congress who ran successfully on repealing and replacing obamacare, there were no asterisks, footnotes, bibliographies, no may be, should of, could have, would have. i can show you in 16 different shots. pledging to repeal and replace obamacare straight up. the one person keeping that /b>
promise is donald trump. he has been here for six short months. they ve been talking about this for seven years. while he was busy being a successful businessman in new york and around the globe, they were promising their constituents. i also want to point something out about tonight. whether they have an all-nighter, wherever it goes to conference, i want america to know not a single democrat needs helping. republicans offered a single-payer amendment tonight to get a vote on where the democrats say our country is headed and do you know how many votes it got? this is not a okay, this is 0. four or five democrats voted against it in the rest of the democrats voted present. they might as well have been out to dinner because they are certainly out to lunch. they didn t lift a finger. rather than
they are not helping because 83 insurers have fled the market with dozens more promising to do so. they are not helping people to make the call for these premiums. these insurance cards they can t use because their premiums are too high. i want americans to remember who stood up and kept promises and tried to help the people who have been left behind. not white house, people come once a week. obamacare victims. we ve met them personally, the president and vice president, others have met with them personally. their stories are real. the mainstream media doesn t put it they are real. you want to cover intrigue? go talk to those people and ask what happened to them and their family since they had their hours and wages cut, their health care benefits cut. they have been suffering for years and this president stands ready to repeal and replace and give those people the relief they deserve. sean: i got a note from a friend of mine. he spoke with a prominent
democrat that had a skinny bill? it s a dream come true because it eliminates all the things in obamacare that the americans hated and it leaves the backbone of the aca intact. it s inexplicable that we have a party in the senate that basically become the oh, let s put paper or water toilet paper thrown up against the wall when they could be pushing health savings accounts and health care cooperatives and getting rid of the monstrosity and offering competition and choice. sorry, kellyanne conway come as a conservative, those are the things i believe in deeply and that s what the president is tag about. that s right. the president talked about it just this week in several addresses. like i said, the skinny repeal, i have never heard that phrase. when members of the house and senate ran successfully on repealing and replacing obamacare. i didn t hear them say swim at the edges. cut and shave here. i think this is why frankly
congress has such a low approval rating. the media s approval rating is far below the president s approval rating. they just don t cover it as much. and that s because people are looking for relief. sean: all right, kellyanne. it was good to see you. did you want to cover anything else? sean: oh, yeah, anthony and what is going on there? is there anything else to talk about? i said you were the best looking person on the cover tomorrow! thanks. look, i want to say one thing. anthony said he uses colorful language. he s passionate about the president. it sometimes gets the best of him but let me know when any of my colleagues in the west wing call half of the country deplorable and irredeemable. let me know. let me know when they look america in the eye and say you can keep your plan and keep your doctor. and lie to them.
we all have to be together in service to the president s agenda. we went wbr-id= wbr12066 /> elected to anything. donald trump and mike pence elected the rest of us to serve the country. sean: sara carter, gregg jarrett, jay sekulow, up next. growing up, we were german. we danced in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn t finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we re not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at
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sean: fox news alert, just just income of the senate now expected to vote on the skinny repeal of obamacare after midnight tonight. we will have updates for you throughout the evening. also, we have to go explosive breaking news reports. circa news, sara carter reporting that fbi lawmaker james a baker, a close confidant to the fired fbi director james comey is now under investigation by the justice department. why? allegedly leaking national security information to the mainstream press. the establishment press. also, other media stories we are following tonight, this one comes from john solomon of the hill, according to his report, house him del devin nunes is now accusing the obama administration of illicitly
unmasking hundreds of american s last year without any proffered test of proper justification. joining us now, sara carter and jay sekulow. and gregg jarrett. let s start with your breaking news tonight, sara. i ve spoken to three sources with information who have direct knowledge of this that james a baker, the general counsel for the fbi is allegedly under investigation for leaking national security of classified information to the media. i have not been able to get verify what that information once. if these allegations prove true, it s going to be devastating for the fbi. whose morale has already been shook up. i ve spoken to sources even within the fbi right now, they are scouring through everything, looking for leakers. they are looking to clean house. if these allegations prove to be
true, this will be devastating for them. sean: this is the deep state we have talked so much about, jay sekulow. the selective leaks. remember the report, 125 leaks and 126 days, all designed to hurt the president and stop him from enacting his agenda. are we beginning to get to the bottom of this? is this a sign are looking for? hopefully it is but this is not somebody that s just with the fbi. mr. baker is the fbi general counsel. he is the chief lawyer for the federal bureau of investigation. if he leaked information, national security information or anything else for that matter, he needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. the results of the general counsel when james comey, in fact the director of the fbi, we know she did not hesitate to leak information, including information about conversations he had with the president of the
united states that he leaked to a friend of his, ultimately to get it to the press. that was the plan. that s what they executed. now we are getting reports, sara is reported that the fbi general counsel is possibly going to be accused of leaking classified information. listen, this goes beyond the deep state. this puts the entire national security apparatus of the united states of america at risk. sean: i agree. this is how countries become literally republics got destroyed. this is a police state, potentially. if, in fact, this turns out to be true, my argument is that unless they are investigated, unless we convene grand jury as and unless people are charged, it s never going to stop. you are absolutely right. ever since mark phelps was revealed as the source for woodward and bernstein, deep throat, there s this pervasive mentality and the fbi that it s
not only okay to leak, it s a noble thing to do and then james kobe made it worse when he testified that he converted government property, his memos with the president deliberately sought to leak it to the media. there s this totality that it s not against the law and it s okay. if you read the law, it s against the law. sean: the obama administration illicitly unmasking hundreds of americans. we will get to that, more with sara, jay, and gregg. more to come on hannity.
( ) til we get there sean: fox news alert. welcome back again to hannity. at the on the skinny obamacare repeal bill is looking to take place after midnight tonight. we are following these developments on capitol hill very closely. we will give you news as it becomes available.
right here on this program, we have been saying that we need to restore the rule of law, equal justice under the law, and get rid of the two-tiered justice system. looking at the democratic congresswoman, debbie wasserman schultz, charged with bank fraud. back with reaction, sara carter, gregg jarrett, jay sekulow. let s go to the obama administration illicitly unmasking hundreds of americans names, something you and him have now been discussing for a while. i am also told that it is going to get so big and names are going to be named and they are top names that were with obama. how accurate is that? how close are we to may be hearing that? i think we are very close to hearing about that. remember, sean, this wasn t just high-level officials that were unmasking. what john was reporting the set
obama aides in the white house were unmasking the majority of which they believe are people associated with president trump or related to president trump or connected to the president trump and unmasking these foreign intercepts. they wanted to know were some of these stories coincided with the leaks that happened in the media? we ll be looking at this. that s what this is so important. because it s such a violation of fourth movement rights. if it proves to be true. it was used for political espionage. if that allegation is true, it is going to change everything. remember, section 702 comes up for a vote at the end of the year. right now, i ve been told on the hill that they re not enough votes to pass it. that s a huge problem for the intelligence community. sean: this goes through the heart i know that people are focused in on the white house and okay, they are searching for the leakers. in large part, isn t it true that a lot of the trouble that
this white house has had has come from former obama officials? intel, gathered, and unmasking of americans in the political season and beyond into the administration? and also leaking, raw intelligence, a violation of the espionage act. what do you make of this blockbuster report? what you will find, something we ve been talking about for a year, the individuals that were engaged in the unmasking, individuals like samantha powers, the u.n. ambassador, why would she be in the line of being able to unmask an american citizen incidentally phone calls picked up by an intelligent surveillance? there s another question here why in the world with this be deemed it something that s now just being looked at? why has this not been an ongoing fbi investigation since the outset, since all this information broke? why has it taken so long to get this kind of information and get this in front of the appropriate authorities? you have been have been
unelected fourth branch of government. these holdover bureaucrats, the deep state, whatever you want. they are subverting the constitutional republic. sean: if they don t get prosecuted, charged, put in jail, it s never going to stop. what you make that part of the story? according to the report, it s focusing in on samantha powers, not part of the intelligence apparatus. sean: there are other big names involved. there are plenty of suspects. sean: names that the american people will recognize if this comes out. it s because there s only one reason you can request and unmasking. national security. it s a crime to do otherwise. it s also a crime to use your public office for a political purpose and its a crime to unmasking american citizens name in an intelligence collection. sean: jay, last question. i know the media is focused on
the white house, on leaks, anthony scaramucci and bannon and reince, what are your thoughts? i don t like leaks from any source. it s harmful to the constitution. the rule of law. it s got to be stopped. i agree with gregg, until you prosecute and go after the people engaged in leaking, it goes back to the james comey matter. the former fbi director while he was the fbi director to take notes from a private conversation he had with the president of the united states and leak them for the purpose of obtaining a special counsel? if we think that s okay, we ve lost the constitutional republic that our forefathers fought for. sean: when we come back, we will get into the white house and the left s obsession with stopping this president.
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white house, little battles and wars, maybe this one a little more but when you think about it, everybody there wants to drain the swamp and the sewer. i think you are being too generous. when you remember, donald trump came from outside. reince priebus came from inside as you could possibly get. there are different loyalties built up over time. you say the washington post is suggesting that scaramucci is going to present the diagram about who leaked and how it was leaked. i think the deep state exists on both sides. the left and the right and donald trump is up against both of them. i have no doubt. our friend anthony scaramucci has colorful language. unfortunately, it detracted from his main message, these lakes have to stop because they are undermining not only the trump administration but the very nate of the republic itself. i firmly believe that he s got
something on priebus. sean: you do? i do. sean: i would not be surprised. it s inexplicable, where we are. that could be coming in the next 24 hours. mercedes, here s the problem. you have a president being attacked by the deep state, democrats, the media, weak republicans, trying to do the skinny build that they never ran on and of course, never trump-ers and they are fighting with themselves either leaking to the media that hates the president, you can t function in that environment that way. no, the environment seems very toxic and it s unfortunate because you have a lot of talent in that white house but they don t seem to trust each other as a team. that s very counterproductive and at the end, rather than each individual group trying to save their reputation, they are forgetting that the main reason they are there is to serve the president of the united states
and serve the american people, which is most important. when i worked at the white house under president bush, it was the chief of staff who made it very clear that if anyone were to leak, you packed her bags and you get out of this white house. you are serving the american people. i think it s very clear that whatever they re planning to do in terms of getting to the bottom it, it s incredibly important. sean: although he told me he did, i never trust anything any reporter says so i kind of believe anthony on that, i doubt he would have eved the language that geraldo and i use. we are all from new york, new york. you trust me. sean: a little bit of an edge there that new yorkers have. are you saying that reince should have gotten control of these leaks? that anthony, going in, the hard
driving hard-hitting person putting aside the language for a minute that that was the right stance to take? i think they never got control of the leaks from the beginning of this administration and is one of the reasons why scaramucci came in to track these leaks down. sean: was that the right thing to do? it is, you have to control the information getting out of the white house. i totally believe that unless the president can stop these leaks, his presidency itself is in jeopardy. it s absolutely in peril unless imagine everyone of your secrets being ratted out almost immediately. from who you have dinner with to what you are sean: did you say that on purpose? [laughs] i was surprised. sean: fake news, i spent a fortune on lobster? you are a very generous man. sean: that s not true!
$45,000 lobster. [laughs] sean: when we come back, we will continue. want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me. it s aleve.
for voting on the so-called skinny repeal of obamacare. go, republican senators, go. after waiting seven years, given america great health care. from the hill, mike emanuel. a little over an hour from now, senators are getting a closer look at this republican health care plan that has just come out in the last 50 minutes or so. getting rid of the obamacare mandates for employers and individuals, providing flexibility to states, also using health savings accounts and it has a lot of republican press votes, they can only afford to lose two and have a tiebreaker. it looks like they are taking a closer look at it and figuring out if it s a yes or no. sean: they would get the conference and work with the house and from there i imagine it will change a lot and it will go back to both houses again.
this is hardly over even if they get that done tonight. mike emanuel, thank you. also, new leaks coming from the white house. back with us for reaction, geraldo rivera and lieutenant colonel oliver north. you ve been there, how dangerous leaking is to the white house. anthony scaramucci went in and he said he will put an end to it. two of the people that have been with the president since day one, taking them on instead. i lived through that. i watched it happen with president reagan, on some very sensitive missions when the lives of americans were at risk. in this administration, it seems to be so much opposition coming from within the administration. perhaps some holdovers, other people having different perspectives. bottom line of it is, it s bad for america and it s against the law to leaked classified information. they ought to be prosecuted.
sean: when does this all end? i got pretty personal. it was hard driving. where does it end? i love predicting. i think the job that is safe tonight is attorney general jeff sessions. there s no way that the president, distracted as he is with his own staff, will continue to attack the head of the doj and especially with all the republican senators. sean: the movement on getting those unmasking and leaking with the intelligence community, we have seen big progress when the fbi, general counsel is under investigation unbeknownst that the american people, obviously work is being done. agreed. i believe that in this deathmatch, having done celebrity apprentice and then seeing the comparisons, the survivor deathmatch, i cannot bet against anthony scaramucci. he s wounded because of his language. only because of that. he has demonstrated ferocious loyalty to this president.
i predict he wins the deathmatch and that reince priebus will be going back to wisconsin and i think that steve bannon is hanging by a thread. sean: what are your thoughts, all of her? my big beef is that we are distracted from things that really are important. it s important we stop the leaks, no doubt about it. sean: but all that happened in six months, only. icbms and nuclear weapons, military that has been effectively neutered by the previous administration, the president this week issued guidance that we are going to stop treating military personnel like lab rats and social engineering experiments and it s all been distracted by the kinds of things that are going on in the white house and around the corner inside here s the bottom line of what just happened with the president s tweets on the issue of transgender people serving the military. a u.s. marine rifle company is
not a petri dish in which we conduct experiments on how much stupidity it takes to kill men with rifles. there is an estimate in the press, it cost $250,000 for transgender surgery and hormone treatment. why would we spend that? if we have some of those reports right, we have 6,000 people that are transgender in the military and want to come in to get transgender surgery and the like, why would we spend $1.5 billion on that in for the same amount of money, we could build another uss, a delivery vessel? we spend more of that on viagra for the straight guys. there s absolutely no reason for any of that kind of stuff, geraldo. that s the same kind of social engineering that s created this mess we ve got right now. we need a u.s. military to deter war and win more if we
have to fight one. sean: i keep talking about the deep state, democrats, weak republicans, the media. they are all trying to destroy this president. we see the republicans. how pathetic is unfolding tonight. his family up until now is the only people you can trust. he has rats crawling all over. sean: he wants to drain this place. is it because he was the sewer drained? they are unsettled by that but they are also still mad at him because he s so unconventional it wasn t supposed to win. sean: he s got to get the agenda done. more hannity after the break. you know i can t remember that. stop this madness. if it s appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance.
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Anthony-scaramucci , Reaction , Job , White-house , Infighting , War , Mike-emanuel , Kellyanne-conway , Sean , News , Vacation , Details

Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20170725 23:00:00

protect trump from a special prosecutor. that s right. he blames him for two things number one, the president is a combatant. he likes people who fight. so he doesn t like that instead of fighting, sessions recused himself. but he believes initial step what set in motion the process that led to special counsel robert mueller who is causing tremendous headaches for the president and his family. his understanding of the role of the attorney generalship. can you square that what most people think an attorney general should be today? man or woman since at least janet reno, they re seen as the country s attorney general, not the president s personal lawyer. that s right. there have been people very close to them as the attorney general, like kennedy. or bobby kennedy. he would be the prime example but that s not what we think of. we don t think of the attorney general being the president s lawyer. we think of him being the lawyer
for the country. in a way that s very important institutionally. it is interesting that jeff sessions, democrats are not big fans of jeff sessions when he was named attorney general bust now he is seen by democrats as someone who is standing up for the institution. why doesn t somebody tell trump that? that attorney generals are a bit independent. they re almost part of court system sflflt if you re a business leader maybe, your chief lawyer, chief counsel, is watching your back. that s his number one client. but for the attorney general, the president is not in fact his number one client. well, trump got it wrong. today trump seemed the dismiss session s early endorsement of his candaidacace yiflt he said t to alabama. i had 40,000 people. he was a senator from alabama. i won this state by a lot. massive numbers. a lot of the states i won by were massive numbers.
what they shared as an agenda. everybody assumes these guys have 50 options. he is an attorney, he s been elected a number of times tooflt conservative for my blood but i think he fits right in with that state down there. does he have a home to go home to? can he go home again? i m sure he does have a number of options but i think what is disconcerting to him, he gave up a safe senate seat. a seat he held for 20 years to sort of serve a lifelong dream. and six months in, he is being publicly and scathingly trashed by the president for doing what many people think was the appropriate thing to do in recusing himself. this was one thing. no matter where he ends up, he s been deeply humiliated. this is one reason the trump white house is having trouble attracting top talent to go in. so he may get the kennedys encouraging award.
there are multiple reports of frustration among trump s entire cabinet. eric ericson quoted one unnamed secretary criticized. if he can get treated that way, what about the rest of us? that s how people think in the real world. meanwhile, reuters reports foreign policy officials are saying, secretary of state he rex tillerson have told him he ll be lucky to last a year. h.r. mcmaster was frustrated by what he sees as disorganization and indiscipline on key policy issues in the white house. you write the big stories. in all seriousness, is there the rest saying, if he can swing it. he s a close pal of the president s. look at the chief of staff.
reince priebus. the level of instability and possible disruption is extraordinary. two of the top ranking cabinet officials, tillerson and sessions, in some turmoil. the national security adviser, people who have given the administration the credibility that it craved at the beginning with some of these big names are now thinking about leaving. it affects the relationship we senators. he wasn t like the most popular senator but he was a respected senator, to then be treated this way. he is treating him like spicer. this is lbj stuff. the newly installed communications director is looking to shake up his staff. he is exercising a broad mandate for the president he and intends to follow up on threats he to
purge aides he believes are disloyal to trump and leake to the presses. his answer, i ll going to fire everybody. you re going to stop leaking or i ll be fired. i have the authority to do just that. one communications staffer has resigned. it is not exactly clear what led to that resignation. finish up here, what is the mood? if you talk to the confidantes, do they breathe a sense that they re not really intimates of the president? they re not his men and women? or are they still loyal for the appointment itself? because of all the tensions, the confidantes of some cabinet secretaries who i ve spoken to say their whole m.o., their approach is to keep their distance right now from the president. be an ally.
support his policies. if they don t have a deep personal relationship with him, they re in protection mode in their agencies trying to weather the storm. what about the cab complete the? the whole feeling? do they feel like he is not loyal downward? i think they feel he that. i think some of them have a longer leash. for example, ambassador haley has been able to be out in front of the president. they represent the president but oftentimes, they re overseas, they re trying their best to represent the administration. something the president does or says or tweets undercuts them in the eyes of the world. you can see a few others that have been described. thank you very much. coming up, trump lets sessions
twist in the hill. we ll talk to a key member of congress who was in that meeting with kushner behind close he had doors, coming up, plus, john mccain returns, the first step toward taking health care away from americans. something president trump the republicans are now close to doing. they re not going to get it done. in the president s speech last night, did the boy scouts once again control the political convention? he used the scouts as a studio audience for a political speech and tonight he ll be at it again, ripping his political points in a campaign style speech in ohio. he is using every, he is using he have audience. he let s see, there are the wildcats til we die weekenders.
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. a short time ago the house voted overwhelmingly, despite objections from president trump. the legislation passed by a veto proof margin. 419-3. all the dissenting votes came from house republicans. the bill includes a provision that would make it harder to roll back any measures imposed against russia and now heads to the senate for final approval. we ll be right back. 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. today we re bringing you america s number one shave at lower prices every day. putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. as one of those workers, i m proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. gillette - the best a man can get.
nbc reports a source close to manafort says he turned over to the senate committee the notes that he took during the 2016 trump tower meeting. that s important. he took notes. the other guy jared kushner thought wasn t very important. manafort thought it was and he forwarded the e-mails proposing the meeting which indicated the russian government was supporting donald trump. by the way, jared got that same e-mail. despite that, he repeatedly dismissed cell lynn meddling as a talking point. are there any ties between mr. trump, you or your campaign, and putin and his campaign? no. there are not. it is absurd. there s no basis to it. let s go back to this issue of russia and hacking. can you tell us what you know about the relationship and what donald trump believes? we have no relationship. this is an absurd attempt by the clinton campaign to try to get
the focus off what the real issue is. they re pretty desperate pretty quickly is all i have to say. it is a far reach. that was a joke but today it is not a joke. i m joined by walk 18 castro who was at that meeting. also, in the white house, from rhode island, on the senate judiciary committee. i want to start with the congressman. i know the rules are what they are. was he help. is he just left guard up to the teeth and was so careful, you couldn t even read anything new on what he had to say? no. he was helpful. he stayed for an extra hour to speak with the committee. so he didn t answer, or couldn t answer every question that we asked him but he had a demeanor that was forthcoming. we have more questions to ask of him so i know once we have a chance to go through transcript of this interview, hopefully he ll come back for another
interview. where are you on the estimate of this guy? is he the freddo character, from the godfae dsgodfather, not too sophisticated, or is he worth the portfolio, everything you can imagine being responsible for, and yet they re trying to say, he s not too sophisticated chflt is it? sophisticated or not? i think the jury is still out on that. how about you as a jury member? as a juror? i will say. this two things are clear to me. first, that the president puts a lot of trust on jared kushner. perhaps more than anyone else in his immediate family. and also, that jared kushner very much wants to protect the president. those two things based on what i heard stood out for me. how many times did abby lowell stop him from answering a question? they were pretty forthcoming.
as in any deposition situation you re in. stopping a question. it seemed to me they tried to answer the questions. you said there were some questions he couldn t answer. what did you mean? as with any witness, there are things that other people may have knowledge of, that the person doesn t have first hand or direct knowledge of. so can t speak to. but that s part of an investigation. you re not going on get the full story from any single witness, which is why this investigation and this witness list is extensive. it is like putting a puzzle together. can you imagine going to a meeting with russians who came with e-mail that said, your points are on your side of the coming election. they get some dirt on your point and they want to have a meeting about it. they want to talk about the sanctions. is that credible that someone
could take that position? isn t it credible generally? well, you know, he made clear in his own statement this idea that he didn t, he thought the meeting was a waste of time. that honestly hard to believe because the e-mail said something like private and confidential. it also said they were they were his father-in-law win the election. that s right. so i think not just for committee members, but for any american who sees that. at first glance. that s quite hard to believe. okay. thank you for coming on again tonight. let s talk about paul manafort. from the beginning he s had russian connections. that was one reason trump liked him. he owes $17 million to the oligarchs over there. is he going on testify or lawyering his way out of this or what? well, we will see. i am very happy that chairman
grassley actually issued a subpoena for him, which i think gets everything set up right. and in response to that, there are document requests that are pending and the possibility of staff interviews that are being negotiated, and ultimately, i both hope and expect that he will be brought before the committee in a public hearing. obviously it won t be tomorrow at this point and it will be up to the chairman to fick date. i believe that s the direction that we re heading in. it is not uncommon to do that kind of preparatory work before you bring on a witness in a public hearing. speaking of preparatory work, he walked into that meeting that jared kushner says was a waste of time with a notebook, he wrote down contemporaneous notes. he was a russian guy. he knows russian connections. he knew a meeting with these top russians that were representing to be with the government in an
effort to try to help win the election against his point. he took dead seriously. how would you rt square that with the claim of jared kushner that it was a casual stop bied kind of thing? well, it is very hard to square, as you ve pointed out. it is not often the turbulence of a campaign at this juncture, that you get the candidates he son, the son-in-law and the candidate s campaign chairman all in room together over nothing and it gets particularly change when the memo that sets it all up that was circulated amongst all of them describes this as being part of the russian government s plan to interfere in the election. and they all look at that, and say, i m coming in any way. a lot of people would look at that memo think and it is a set up. it is so incriminating. and they all came in anyway. let s watch something bummed
this investigation earlier this spring in april. have you seen any hard evidence of collusion yet? i guess i would say this. that my impression is, i wouldn t be surprised after all this is said and done that some people end up in jail. what do you think collusion means? it seems like it could be showing up in a meeting with foreigners, in this case, russia. isn t that collusion? absolutely. he was speaking of not only collusion but possible obstruction or cover-up or other things. so i stand by that answer. not in a malhe have lent way. if you ask me, my impression is that people won t get out of this completely unscathed and
they will face some kind of criminal penalty. it looks good three months later. from texas. thank you, senator from rhode island. up next, a crucial vote on health care. can republicans agree on what the bill will be? (singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter. it s no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly,
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the republicans finally took the first step toward repealing obamacare and potentially stripping 22 million people of health insurance. potentially. keep that in mind. it came amid loud chants of kill the bill, don t kill us. and even shouts from protesters in the gallery who were dragged out later. i haven t heard that before. nearly all 100 senators took their seats as the roll call began. mcconnell could afford to lose only two of the 52 senators. and as the votes were kounlth, susan collins and lisa mur could
you 60 began. teetering on the edge of defeat, senator john mccain strode into the chal bettmber and cast a dr vote to move the vote forward. let s watch that. [ applause ] mr. mccain. because not one democrat voted for the bill, vice president mike pence had to cast the decided 51st vote which he did. and after the vote, mccain who returned to his home to arizona where he is recovering from surgery. the administration and congressional democrats shouldn t have forced through congress without any opposition support a social and economic change as massive as obamacare. and we shouldn t do the same with ours. why don t we try the old way of legislating in the senate?
the way our rules and customs encourage us to act? if this process ends in failure, which seems likely, then let s return to regular order. forcing the vote was a risky move by mcconnell who required his members to take a leem of faith because it is unclear what the bill will be. joining us, michael steele, and congresswoman from illinois. you voted against it but they jammed through a version of this. i don t think the republican party is a governing party. i think they re still a protest party. they re still running against washington and the government. they don t have the slightest idea of how to square the circle of repeal and replace. all we have to do is look at the last six months of what has gotten done. the election season talked about a trillion-dollar infrastructure package, a jobs bill.
we ve gotten nothing done because we have these constant distractions. i think john mccain pointed out, the american public deserves more from the republican party. his move to proceed was procedural. and i think a lot of people on the left say that was terrible. all did he was move to me, the mayhem into the spotlight. there is no republican health care philosophy. except don t do anything on health care. and that won t sell. not only that. i think there s a philosophy. it is not very clear. do you believe the federal government would have ever moved on health care if the democrats hadn t done it on obamacare? that s your philosophy. don t do anything. that s not the philosophy. don t do anything. there were swhoissues. wasn t about so much health care as it was insurance. and i think that s always been a very, very important distinction.
help me on that. this whole thing has been geared toward the insurance companies. doctors aren t at the table. health care providers aren t at the table. does federal government have a responsibility to make sure the american people have insurance? no. i worked in health care for ten years. i worked in health care before, during and after the affordable care act was passed. is it fair to stay party goes from public option, single payer, or at least something like obamacare. they believe in doing something. for right now, democrats stand with our arms wide open saying we ll work with you. we want to bring down cost prescription drugs west want to make sure co-pays and premiums are available. and i think the way do you know that, this week and over the next few weeks, begin to roll out what your plan would be, to help move republicans into that space. i tell you, the democrats are in
the exact same position the republicans were in. they did it yesterday. i m sorry. chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, the leaders on both sides, rolled out a plan. three legs of it. and one of the legs was, prescription drugs. pillars. have they had it scored? get it scored and put it on the floor and let s talk about it. so it is just an idea. okay, miss manners. they made proposal. fine. you have a proposal. you have your come he s in the house and senate. you go first. you go first. a former speaker of the house, john boehner telling a business gathering that republicans wouldn t repeal obamacare. let s listen. there won t be resale and replace obamacare. it has been around too long. the american people have gotten
accustomed to it. to this medicaid expansion. trying to pull it back won t work. didn t he just say you re going to do something? that s the reality. they should do something. you tell me what will get passed the next three weeks. nothing. okay then. expose the fact little slower that they ain t got nothing to do. they don t believe in national health care. well, what you referenced earlier, we rolled out what we re calling a better deal. it is not just a slogan. i think make america again is a good slogan. better jobs, better wages. look, when we rolled out fire pelosi, that was a call to
action. that s positive. it was. fire somebody. it was. why do you think it works for trump? okay, all right. so you re going to tell me. what is the call to snacks we have a better deal for you or we need you to take out okay. on you re getting so passionate now. fire pelosi seems to have lit your fire. michael steele. and one of the great members of congress. up next, president trump has declared a war on political norms. last night he gave rambling speech on boy scouts. i thought they were protected from politics. more coming up in the roundtable. there s nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. c mon, gary!
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the fake news and all that. welcome back. that was president trump last flight in his speech to, you won t believe it. the national boy scout jamboree. the president opened his remarks by saying he would put politics aside. here s some of what he had to say after that. who the hell wants to speak about politics when i m in front of the boy scouts? i go to washington and i see all these politicians. on i said we ought to change it from the word swamp to the word cesspool or perhaps to the word sewer. secretary tom price is also here today. dr. price. by the way, you re going to get the votes? you better get them. he better get them. oh, otherwise, i ll say tom, you re fired. as the scout law says, a scout is trustworthy, loyal, we could
use some more loyalty, i will tell you that. so i have to tell you, what we did in all fairness is an unbelievable tribute to you and all of the other millions and millions of people that came out and voted for make america great again. just a question, did president obama ever come to a jamboree? what do you say? boy scouts are like 11 years old to start with. it is supposed to be a nonpolitical crowd which they are. maybe they like having they will there. it is an event for tens of thousands of children from across the country. president trump is probably the first to talk politics. last night the boy scouts of america made a statement to clarify their position. the boy scouts of america is
wholy nonpartisan. the invitation for the sitting u.s. president is a longstanding tradition and is in no way an endorsement of any political party or specific policies. he was in youngstown, ohio, and here s what he had to say a short time ago. and now tonight, i m back in the center of the american heartland, far away from the washington swamp to spend time with thousands of true american patriots. i m here this evening to cut through the fake news filter, and to speak straight to the american people. fake news. fake, fake, fake news. is there any place that is more fun, more exciting, and safer than a trump rally?
let s bring in our hardball roundtable. the correspondent for reuters, the reporter for axios, and a congressional reporter for npr. let s talk about it. in fact, you ll start by laughing. what do you make of trump using the boy scouts? just the breaking of all the norms, going after obama as an illegal immigrant. it is like he s shooting the moon. like in hearts. everything he does is against the normal way to do something. he is still in the high 30s. we clearly have seen with this president nrgs his mind, every stage a campaign stage and every audience deserves a show or a spectacle. there is an art of addition. you try to turn people who didn t support you before and you try to make they will support you. every time he does, there it is a missed moment to reach across the aisle. he doesn t win by uniting.
he wins by passionate division. so far that was enough to get him to the white house, clearly. it is fair to say he s kissed off the big cities all across the country and it doesn t steam bother him much. breaking all the norms. he doesn t accept any rules. there are these moments when you can elevate things. you can elevate things. lord knows, 40,000 boy scouts is one of those moments. he talks about hillary and obama and you don t need to receive to the 54%. let s just are imagine there s a chance that theory is wrong. even his mild mannered bullying.
the huge department. that s a street corner drugstore cowboy, standing on the street corner saying, you don t mess with me. you re out of here. this is not what the scouts would have liked in terms of role modeling. if you want to drain the swamp and fill with it people who are good, a crowd of scouts might be the best recruiting place you could go to. inset the of being the role model, he was disparaging washington and saying don t get involved unless you ll be that loyal to me. it would have been great if he wore a scout uniform. the merit badges. scouters wear them. they do that. it would be more appropriate, i think. wouldn t it? perhaps. who knows. donald trump wasn t a boy scout or even an eagle scout. some of the members of his cabinet were. and then to have, to encourage the boy scouts to boo hillary
clinton was a definite low moment. i don t think there s a merit badge in hate. last night s speech to the boy scouts wasn t the last time in the last few days the president turned something into a political rally. here s what he said for the commissioning ceremony for uss gerald ford. now we need congress to do its job and pass the budget that provides for higher, stable and predictable funding levels for our military needs. that our fighting men and women deserve and you will get. believe me. president trump, i will tell you. you will get it. don t worry about it. but i don t mind getting a little hand. so call that congressman and call that senator and make sure you get it. by the way, you can also call those senators to make sure you get health care. let me ask you, you have to
start. this it is stuff. full material for this guy. two full terms or not a full term? give me your predictions. full term? two full terms or not a full term? i will say a full term. i will say that we have not seen the end of trump unleashed with. anthony scaramucci already signaling that he will let trump be trump. let me go to john here. two terms. i ve given up on guessing what the american electorate will do. but let me say this. full term he s still full term. i need to see turning point. the roundtable is sticking with us. we ll be right back with hardball. your next getaway? connecting with family and friends?
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tell me something i don t know. trump wants to attack amazon. did you say he would last one or two terms? the reuters poll found two-thirds of the voters say they shop online this holiday season and more than half of them on amazon. so he is attack a company really popular with a company that helped him into office. anthony scaramucci said he will fire everybody. i would narrow that substantially to people who are really nervous inside and have rnc on their resumes. democrats seem to be in a good position. there are 209 candidates who will challenge republicans often
28 republicans who are you betting on the democrats to win the house back? all these tough questions. i think they re in a good position. what do you think? sure. why not. i would 24. i ll give my answer. the economy stays the way it is. i think the republican there s hold. if it doesn t, look out. i think they lose. it is all about the economy. look at the top issue. politics 101. well said. when we return, let me finish with trump watch. he won t like it.
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to fasten your seatbelts. inwe ll have some turbulence in this city. a u.s. attorney general on his way out after twisting slowly in the wind watergate style. or in trump style, briskly in the wind. one by one for leaking. he can save himself, sessions can. at least for a time if he shows his loyalty to trump by getting rid of the people. he can show loyalty to trump by showing disloyalty to those who showed loyalty from him. none of this will save him from trump s wratss. his original sin was to give tim sword and shield he was given to protect trump himself by recusing himself in the russian matter, he advocated his rowing to an emperor that will not forgive an act he views as tr s treasonous. so one day soon, he will be

Donald-trump , People , Trump-be , Sessions , Things , Number-one , Special-prosecutor , Fight , Fighting , Combatant , One , Two

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20171010 05:00:00

this was somebody there are people who were skeptical about donald trump from the very beginning. this was somebody playing ball with donald trump and was a supporter and maybe even going to be his vice presidential candidate. so the fact that he s saying these kinds of things shows that he gave him a fair hearing, was willing to give him a try, and it s become pretty clear that this is a highly problematic president. part of the thing that is worrying to me is we re starting to see everything through the prism of here s another twitter scandal, here s another bit of the crazy. how crazy. you re talking about somebody who has more access to information about threats to america than almost any human being on earth, senator corker, saying he s afraid of world war iii, to the paper of record for the country. that should be a full stop, all traffic comes to a halt moment. because this is a cry for help for the country.
and yet but it doesn t come until after donald trump personally insults him on twitter. if he really is concerned about the country i thought donald trump was, you know, not a was a bad hombre a couple years ago. do i have better insight than bob corker? corker helped give this guy the presidency and doesn t speak out to the paper of record until he s insulted on twitter. here s what i think. people are saying that because he supported trump in the past that he somehow can t speak out now. people can have relationships that go bad. there s something called divorce. you can be that close to somebody and later on say, this was a bad person. i m saying it s motive. i don t know that he s sort of shrouded i don t know corker, but he s my home state senator. and even as a republican i ve never had a cause to feel anything other than proud of him and the decorum and the way he s conducted himself as a senator. so this is not a fire brand. this is not an irresponsible guy.
when someone like him is talking about an adult day care center, you have to then read into that the level of threat and frustration he feels. this is one of our best senators, and he s saying something very serious. how do you see it? corker is not the only senator that trump has a problem with. at any given time he s feuding with six or seven. and on top of that his strategist, steve bannon, is now recruiting primaries for six other republican incumbents. so that s 12 or 13 out of 52. now, even you are moderately proficient at math, you can see how this is a problem for getting the republican agenda passed. there s significant concern on capitol hill they re not going to bad the budget resolution next week, which is the key to unlocking the door of reconciliation, which is the key to tax reform. we have significant policy agenda problems, and these feuds don t help. and i sit here as someone who wants the president to succeed and wants the republicans to succeed and these feuds are not getting us there.
who bears the lion s share of the blame in your opinion? is it the president for going after corker or is it corker for doing this or some combination thereof? i think there s combination blame in all of these kinds of feuds. look, these people are supposed to be one big, happy family. now, grant it, some of these people are like cousins who ve never met but have to sit next to each other at thanksgiving dinner. but at some juncture, we all have to sit here and eat together and be civil until it s over for the purpose of satisfying the voters who sent the republicans to run washington d.c. so that s the issue. it s trump s fault. because donald trump this is obviously a pattern. i don t know of bob corker having a vendetta or feud with anybody else, maybe it s happened. but what we do know is that donald trump, it he goes from person to person. he s always fighting one person. usually not all at the same time. he goes from enemy to enemy. so i think he s to blame. i think that s part of the problem. it s the sort of cascade of enemies. this cascade of scandals.
so you don t actually realize when something significant happens. this is not in the overall abnormality, the absurdity we have now adapted ourselves to, this is actually scary. this is not ivana and melania trump having an argument today. no. it s an important point when everything gets reduced down to the same prism of, you know, he s fighting with someone. you heard an objection about this, understandably, when he was attacking the mayor of san juan, and the headlines were all, they re in a dispute. they were not in a dispute. he was attacking this woman who was in the middle of his supporters say she was looking for a partisan fight, what have you. you look at the situation she was in, and she s wading through sewage to help people and you wonder if it s a wise idea for the president to attack her. and it is an attack. what is going on with corker is so fundamentally not normal. but to van s point we are on this slow cascade downward. and it s hard to realize sometimes when something i don t have the exact language in front of me, but
is this going to end up? now we re going to have senators name calling. i just think at some point you have to step back and be a grown up. it didn t work when marco rubio tried it in the campaign. everybody else ends up a little bit degraded. nobody survives the back and forth. it s probably not unusual for presidents and members of congress to not get along all the time. but, boy, it is unusual for it to be playing out in public. and, of course, when it plays out in public and people start calling each other names, you never want to feel like, i let that guy get the best of me. so you want to come back and respond and he wants to respond. you know, where does it end? in other words, we re flunking kindergarten here. exactly. we have to take a quick break. we re going to pick this up after the break. including a top presidential advisor criticizing the senator for tweeting. also, later, the vice president s protest to the nfl players protest and the controversy surrounding it. why he walked out of the 49ers-colts game and the storm he caused. crohn s disease.
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year after this election and still can t accept the election results, it adds to their ability and their cover to speak about the president of the united states in ways that no president should be talked about. and that happened. so back now with the panel. i mean, for i mean, the irony, of course, is for kellyanne conway to be saying bob corker s tweet is irresponsible and yet to completely back the president on all of his tweets. i suppose it s completely bonkers. i cannot think of another word when you listen to that. i actually agree with her, as i said on the last panel, that i don t think what bob corker did was senatorial or mature and an appropriate way to respond. but neither is pretty much everything that donald trump tweets. you can t have a two standards. one is that the president can act like a maniac on twitter, and then a senator does something one time that s fairly mild she publically embraces the president s tweets.
every single time. every single time. there s never been a tweet that she didn t figure out some way to justify, defend, be outraged that anybody didn t understand. it s her whole schtick is getting out there and defending this stuff. so for her to wander out into the vast tundra of american society and begin lecturing anybody about anything on twitter is ludicrous. and the idea that it s because world leaders see it. exactly. that s our point. you re mad because he might be saying something about trump on twitter that may be discrediting. trump is saying stuff himself on twitter that is discrediting of himself. you might point that out. this is always the conflict that there s a genuine frustration among the part of trump s aides, and i understand it, where they feel like he does not get the respect that has been afforded to other presidents. the problem is that it never factors in whether he himself is showing respect to the office in
some of his behavior, and that s always the problem. she has a job to do. her job is to defend the president. she works there. absolutely. her job isn t to go out and be a people keep looking for people who work in the white house to come out and trash the president. that s not going to happen. it wouldn t happen in any white house. correct. that is correct. i m worried about the long term political implications of the white house continuously being critical of republican members of congress. especially the ones it did you know apply to corker, because he s not running. but especially the ones who are on the ballot, if grass roots republicans hear the white house saying these people are bad, they re not loyal, they re not worth voting for, and they don t turn out those voters don t turn out in the midterms what are the political implications of this? i think the party has to worry about this in november of next year. i think you re absolutely right. republicans could lose the majority, they haven t repealed obamacare, they re probably not now going to do tax reform and
the last couple days haven t helped. those are actually fairly short-term implications. i think the long-term implications are is this the new normal? will the next president be a celebrity who attacks people on twitter? donald trump didn t completely come out of nowhere. we ve had a degradation over time. and even things like norms violation of norms, like ross pero announcing on a tv show he is going to run for president. not today not shocking, but will this begin something very dark in the future? i m not willing to cut kellyanne the slack you re cutting her. i don t think because you work in the white house it gives you a right to come out and say up is down, down is up. that s what she s doing. it s this complete alice in wonderland insanity. where she s just saying things that aren t true. why is this okay? this idea that somehow bob corker is the one that s problematic i don t think that s what scott was saying or i was saying.
what i m saying is i think there is i don t think what she s saying is any different than what the president is saying. so if you are going to take issue with the president, which many people do people can leave or not leave the white house. but i don t understand the surprise that what i m saying is, if she wants to come out and defend the president, that s her job. i agree with that. she should do that. but she should do it on nonludicrous grounds. she could say, i don t think senator corker is doing well by his people in tennessee because he should have his eyes on tax reform, et ceterea. she s criticizing him over twitter? that s nuts! i don t think that would just think about that for a second, though. i don t think that would sound any less ludicrous, to use your word, he should keep his eye on tax reform. people are going to say the same thing about the president. i guess, what is the line of defense that you think is worth it? it s the lecturing about twitter when she defends everything she s a very good propaganda exactly. i think it s very effective. but i wouldn t have her on if i
were interested in actually getting to the truth or insight or gaining insight into what s happening. but she s good at like blindly defending the president. and as you said, that s kind of her job. that s the point of why corker has a different patina in the first place is he is somebody who has defended the president and now he is not. working at the white house or whether you re bagging groceries at the corner market. if you go out on national television and trash your boss, you won t be working there the next day. so i think she s doing what she s supposed to do. nobody is saying she should be trashing him. just don t say these things that are completely bonkers. we have a lot more ahead tonight. including vice president pence s protest to the nfl game this weekend. and now the president is trying to use it to his advantage. my good friend andy cohen on the first lady, the wife to claims she s the first lady and what it all means, if anything.
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during the anthem. explaining, i left the colt s game because at potus and i will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our flag or the national anthem. then president trump said i asked vice president pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled. and then he returned to twitter saying the trip by vice president pence was long planned. he is receiving great praise for leaving after the players showed such disrespect. to complete the circle on this, the president is fund-raising for his re-election campaign on pence s walkout. we re back with the panel. was this a pre-planned stunt? yes. it was a stunt to protest the protest because this is completely off the rails. nobody remembers this is not this was supposed to be about police community relations. that was the initial concern. that there was some police misconduct issues. they want to raise that. it s now become about free
speech for athletes, disrespect for our sold soldiers. not one player has said one bad thing about soldiers. it s just crazy on top of crazy. apparently it s good politics because they re raising money off of it. the saddest part for me is pence had an opportunity, if he wanted to deal with this, to say we are actually going to do something about the underlying cause of the protest. nobody is talking about the underlying cause of the protest, even though it continues in the neighborhood these guys come from. these are guys are rich they shouldn t complain, trump is rich he complains all the time. these guys come from neighborhoods where they are still getting text messages from their cousins about getting pulled over. these fwies are two years, three years out of those neighborhoods. they are desperate to get something done. we re not talking about it at all. i wrote an article for the daily beast, which is i actually
do not support kneeling during the national anthem, but i think there is a problem with police brutality. i don t think it should stop us from pursuing. real remedies for real problems? right. i m actually with mike pence substantively on this, but i think it was a stunt you think he went to the game with the idea he was going to walk out? it s the 49ers. if there s any team that is going to kneel i don t see it as an act of disrespect. when they were sitting there, and not standing up, that was disrespectful. the idea you take a knee, that s what you do when somebody is hurt on the field. they re saying there s somebody hurt in our country. i don t think that s disrespect. but the idea you re going to go to a 49ers game and nobody is going to kneel, give me a break. mike pence could have stood with his hand over his heart and tweeted i m standing up honoring our flag, our soldiers, our
first responders and i think it s inappropriate that others didn t. he could have done that. he could have still made a political statement. it seems like this was meant to whether it s fund-raising or just to, frankly, divide the country, which i think is a dangerous thing to do. we have the latest cnn poll, which shows more people disagree with what the players are doing. 49% say it s the wrong thing. that makes this the popular black protest in history. let s not forget, when they were doing the sit ins, those polls were saying 79% saying stop it. you made your point. quit. so the fact you have almost half the country saying it s okay, these are the most popular protests in the history of country. somebody was talking to me in a poll where they had seen an uptick in the numbers of voters who believed there was mistreatment of african-americans.
i think one of the problems this president has had is recognizing there is an equal and opposite reaction in life and politics. when you are in the oval office, it s not like you re running a re-election campaign. i don t know if they were if it was a stunt, but they were out of there early and put a statement. they were told he might leave early. but it was beyond thinking what happened. it wasn t he left, they followed it with a statement. it was followed with a picture. so this was a choreographed response. and it was pretty quickly. you know what the most popular thing donald trump has done since he s been president is work with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, but he s not drawn to that. he s actually drawn to this culture war stuff. he s obsessed, according to everyone i talk to and obsessed
is the word they use, with losing his political base. he talks about about it all the time. you had him reporting coming back, in alabama, coming back he felt that was the big success. it went well, it played well with the crowd. then he spent the whole weekend in bed minister, and he would say what do you think of it? and most people told him they didn t think it was wonderful. and he would say my base loves it. the polls support it, it seems. and that s what his advisers cite when ever you ask him about this. this isn t about disrespecting the flag. i have van s point of view it isn t disrespectful. about how they re doing it the way they re doing it. but the reason it s also not about that is because that would mean that the only problem here is that they re doing it during the national anthem, and i just don t believe that. you re asking me to believe that if instead they waited until the national anthem was over and at
some other point decided to put their fists up and do something that donald trump wouldn t be attacking them and people wouldn t be complaining, and i don t believe that. so i think the problem is they re protesting. it wouldn t be as clean as a political issue without the flag and national anthem weren t in play. i m going to give you a raw political analysis. this is a complete and total winner for the white house. in the national surveys, it looks good. but if you look at the surveys in the places he has to hold on, ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, among his people in those states it s not even close. that s why they re coming back to it and i suspect they re going to keep coming back to it. the owner of the cowboys, jerry jones is now saying any of his players who don t stand for the national anthem, should be benched. the players could toss a penalty flag on that. we ll get that in a moment.
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guess where it seems jerry jones got the idea. here s what the reporter tweeted, quote, jones emphasized the nfl game ops manual and then this. you know who reminded me about the policy? donald trump. mr. jones s admission comes a couple weeks after he joined the cowboys in kneeling before the national anthem at a monday night football game. back with the panel and joining us is legal analyst jeffrey toobin. can the owners do this? the first amendment only applies to the government. the government cannot punish you can be cannot throw you in jail for expressing your opinions of any kind. but the first amendment does not apply to private employers. private employers can fire you for exercising your first amendment views. just today an espn analyst was suspended for two weeks for
expressing her views about the current political situation. jamal hill. yes. you and i could be fired if we start endorsing candidates. that is a power employers have in the united states. the only issue in the nfl situation is there s a collective bargaining agreement between the union and the nfl and there may be some provisions in there that the players could argue it could be an unfair act by the employer. but i think by and large, jerry jones, if he wants to, could fire or suspend players who wouldn t stand up. there s a chapter in your new book, it s an open letter to conservatives. you say, quote, more than anything you place great value on protecting the liberties enshrined in the constitution, particularly the right to free speech, movement association, and religion. those principles how do they square with opposition to taking a knee? i think the conservative
movement have some real trouble. i wrote this book beyond the messy truth how we came apart, how we come together trying to figure out how we get better republicans and democrats. i think we need two strong parties. but the conservative movement now seems to an an anti-liberal movement it s more interestinged in looking at ways to poke at liberals rather than to lift up values the country could be united around. the republican party has been leading the charge on criminal justice reform. rick perry, the governor of texas, closed prisons, brought crime down. governor deal in georgia, closed prisons, brought crime down. kasich in ohio, big criminal justice reformer. this is their issue. they have thrown it in the garbage can because they want to do this culture war nonsense. it is outside any policy to lift the country up.
you could say to these young people, talking about these football players, they re coming from neighborhoods that are still struggling. they re doing we believe maybe the past couple of years, their families are not. you could say, listen, i want to talk about not the people who are neiling, but the people that are falling down in this country. they re falling down because they don t have jobs, because they re afraid of what s going on in their neighborhood. you have to say, i m going to look beyond your symbols and deal with the substance because i have conservative values that can help you. they re missing the opportunity because they d rather do this nonsense. that s the strategy i see. what he said. i agree with everything you just said. but i you know, jerry jones, i m a red skins fan so it s hard for me to say anything good about this man, but as you mentioned, he is the owner. in the nfl right now you can t celebrate in the end zone, right? if i want you know, if tom brady wanted to wear an nra sticker on his helmet, he couldn t do that.
that would be banned. the new york yankees you can t have facial hair. you can t have long side burns or even a goatee. that s their policy. i actually like this. i think we need to get back to more sort of old guys, old women, old people whoever, basically saying no, that s not who we are. there used to be an editor at a newspaper who would be like, we re not go ing to cover that story. we re not going to cover twitter, it s junk. now we don t have that anymore. i ll say the first good thing i said about jerry ever, it s good leadership. and in the arizona game the other week, he did go out with his team and kneel in solidarity, not during the national anthem. my question is, most people took the kneeling when he did it the first time as if it was in solidarity with what the players were doing about the national anthem, even though it wasn t then. what i find notable about this is that the president has been looking for an nfl owner to agree with him,
he s been pushing for a while this is what the team owners should be doing. now he has one who seems to be going in that direction. it s surprising to me to hear people supporting a president telling private enterprise how they should run their private enterprise. and that is how this is going. the idea of going back to the olden days when things weren t covered. i hear that and think there s a lot you know, the evening news used to be 15, 18 minutes and everyone was white and very few women. right. and it was a very limited view of what was happening in the world. so i think the idea i think for a lot of people in america, the idea of going back to the good old days, they weren t that good. i think there were some bad aspects to the way things used to be done, and, we ve made progress on that. but we ve also gone in the wrong direction in some ways. you re saying they should be able to decide this is not who we are. so the owner could say that.
i don t know, maybe you were one of the conservatives who had a different position on this, but there was a big case with a man named brendan ike at mozilla who was fired because he gave money to an anti-same sex marriage initiative and he lost his job and mo sil la said that s not who we are. and conservatives went berserk. conservatives said that wasn t right. he should be able to express that we have to take a break. i want to thank you everybody. coming up the real housewives of the west wing. the president s ex-wife and current wife spar over who is the first lady. joining me next the only person for this job, experts on all things reality tv, bravo s andy cohen. what kind of sorcery is that? it s not the magic-wand kind. it s the rfid-collar-and- internet of things-kind we created with chitale dairy. so every cow can let farmers know how she feels and what she needs to be healthier- (phone vibrates)
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cabinet secretaries. it s between his wives. the president s first wife made waves in an interview this morning as part of the promotional tour for her book. take a look. i have the direct number for the white house, and i don t want to call him there because melania there, and i don t want to cause any jealousy because i m basically first trump wife, i m first lady. melania trump s spokesperson quickly released a statement that read in part, there s clearly no substance to this statement from an ex. this is, unfortunately, only attention seeking. it all sounds like a plot line from a reality show. earlier i spoke to my friend, expert on all things reality show, andy cohen. he s executive producer of the real housewives franchise. so you have tweeted out that only you, as the executive producer of the real housewives franchise, can mediate this dispute. absolutely.
i watched you host all those housewife reunions last year. those were presidential debates. i moderated presidential debates. you can call them what they want. how wives reyufe reunions. you re claiming the second debate you stole my bit. what was the bit? when things are going so scorched earth, i say, can you say something nice about each other. sometimes it s the only trick you have left. to end on some kind of positivity. we did end the debate like that. i think that came from an audience question. i was watching this play out today, and i thought you know what, i would like to be i m here on cnn, open invitation, to the first lady, to the honorary first lady, ivana trump. i d like to get marla maples in there. i think she maybe has some unresolved issues.
and i think it would be great to have ivanka trump there as well. i ll set up two couches. get this thing going. just put me in the game. i can do this. i can make this okay. would ivanka have a walk on? would marla maples have a walk on? no marla would be there from the top but ivanka we d bring out later. because i think she has things with everybody. you for the longest time have believed this is an ongoing real housewives show. we are now however many months into the real housewives of the white house. i m calling for a reunion show early. the term isn t up but i think we need to get one going. the president has been tweeting lib erly like a real house wife. i want to read you some of the tweets. because you believe they correspond. he tweeted, going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating therefore invitation is
withdrawn. this is a classic housewife move. rescind invitations liberally. you saw it with bethenny and louann. bethany and ramona in mexico. dorinda and sonya at the berkshires. this is a move they do, a rescinded invitation. yes. now, if he had said that he wasn t coming, so it didn t really work in this case, but that s the fine print. all right. the president also tweeted spoke to president of mexico to give condolences on terrible earthquake. unable to reach for three days because of his cell phone reception site. blaming cell reception, a classic. housewives do that? oh, yeah. works every time. yeah. the president also tweeted drain the swatch should be changed to drain the sewer. it s much worse than anyone ever thought and begins with the fake news. something that works throughout all the franchises is you keep repeating the same lines over and over until someone listens. we saw it with stripper gate in new jersey.
we saw it with book gate in new york. just stay on message, and if you keep repeating it, then it will sink in. all right. final tweet from the president, what about all the contact with the clinton campaign and the russians? also, is it true that the dnc would not let the fbi in to look? okay. well, this is well, there s a few things there. he does remind me sometimes of first season-wife who will say anything to stay on the show, but bringing up former housewives who are no longer on the show is often very effective. they don t have a voice, so when he brings up hillary clinton, she s not on the show anymore, but it s still an effective tool to get people to think of, you know, other things, former housewives. listen, i will say the housewives are entertainment, and that s what they re meant for. this all is distracting nonsense from what s really going on in the country. i should point that out.
but i m here for it. and you want in the game. i want in the game. let a pro in. let a pro in. anything else, andy? no. it s fun. i mean, i d like to co-anchor the show with you sometime. i feel very comfortable here. you think our worlds completely enmesh? listen, there is a reality star in the white house. he teases things coming up. he ll say, oh, i have a decision coming up. stay tuned. i mean, his modus operandi is a reality tv star. so, yes, our worlds are meshing. i would like to host an actual presidential debate. you think you re ready for that? yes. no doubt. andy cohen, thank you. thanks. well, coming up, if you saw this video from puerto rico, your first thought was i wonder how soft those paper towels are. well, you re in luck because the president has an answer for you and the ridicu-list is next. are you done yet?
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to update you, what the president seems most concerned about and this may come as a shock is himself. here he is in an interview with mike huckabee that aired on trinity broadcasting network saturday. we did a great job and we weren t treated fairly by the media because we really did a good job. i mean, one example they had these beautiful soft towels, very good towels. now, i think i speak for all the media when i say we stand corrected. we were not aware that they were beautiful soft towels. that i ve got to say does kind of change everything. from now on we will absolutely twit hear about the attractiveness and texture of whatever you throw at people before we report it. our bad. snl also was not aware of how gorgeous and supple the paper towels were. nothing says i understand the gravity of the situation like a billionaire tossing six rolls of paper towels to hurricane victims. the president s interview was really eye opening.
i want to quickly pick it up, just a quicker picker upper from the part about the pageant ready paper towels. they had these beautiful, soft towels, very good towels. and i came in and there was a crowd of a lot of people and they were screaming and they were loving everything. and we were i was having fun. they were having fun. they said throw them to me, throw them to me, mr. president. and so i m doing so so the next day they said oh, it was so disrespectful to people. it was just a made up thing. and also, when i walked in the cheering was incredible. you were a rock star. i saw the video of it. it was crazy. the cheering, it was deafening. mike huckabee, yeah, you re a rock star. yeah, the president bragged about getting cheered. yes, they are still talking about puerto rico. again, as of today 40% with no water, 85% with no electricity. let s take another look at the video. i hope you can hear me over
the deafening cheers of people catching those alluring velvety paper towels. can you hear me? can you hear over the cheering by the rock star? i believe we have cracked the code of the president s whole fake news thing. factual information, fake news, fawning praise, real news. please, tell us more. the media is really the word i think one of the greatest of all terms i ve come up with is fake. i guess other people have used it perhaps over the years, but i ve never noticed it. i m sorry, did he just kind of indicate that he invented the word fake or he thinks he s the first person to use the term fake news? let s not forget that during the election fake news mostly was used to describe the fabricated untrue stories that trolls posted online. that was until the president himself commandeered the term, latched onto it like it was a

Somebody , Things , People , Fact , Donald-trump , Hearing , Kinds , Vice , Supporter , Candidate , Somebody-playing-ball , President

Transcripts For MSNBCW Kasie DC 20180624 23:00:00

and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. /s welcome to kasie d.c. i m kasie hunt. we are live every sunday from washington from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern. tonight, executive disorder. the president puts his pen to paper, but this nation s immigration policy mess isn t going to be fixed overnight. plus, i traveled to the border to talk exclusively with senator kamala harris. i asked her whether it s time to abolish i.c.e. and she said, we might need to start from scratch. and just in tonight, the washington post reports stormy
daniels will meet with federal prosecutors tomorrow. but first, when we came on the air last week, the country was at an impasse. the president calling on congress to act on sweeping immigration legislation to end the separation of immigrant families at the border with mexico. the president insisting he couldn t fix it alone. republicans in congress were by and large horrified and for the first time since the president s election, they said president trump, you ve gone too far. and with every senate democrat also taking a stand against the policy, the president signed an executive order ending the policy he started the week saying he was helpless to stop. and now we are back at the start of the cruel circle. families are still in flux. federal officials are struggling to keep up to reunite those families and congress has no clear plan to reform an immigration system that has needed repair for decades. with all this, i d like to
welcome in my panelment here with me on set, politics reporter for the daily beast and msnbc contributor betsy woodruff. washington bureau chief for vice news, shawna thomas and principal at koej entitle strategies kevin mclaughlin. president historian msnbc contributor and author of the soul of america, the battle for our better angels, john meacham. john, i want to come to you in a second to for a little bit of conversation about exactly which angels are in charge right at the moment. i want to start with you, shawna thomas, because this week i remember sitting here a week ago sunday and wondering if this was going to be the kind of story that was actually going to breakthrough, that wasn t just going to be another handful of minutes of news cycle and those pictures galvanized the country. they galvanized both parties. and the president was forced to back down. yeah, and i think some of that is you still have people going down to the sites outside of el paso and down in mcallen.
you had members of congress there yesterday. you were there apparently. briefly. briefly. yes. and also there was another event today that had basically activists, lawyers, immigration lawyers, that kind of thing. there are still people going down there. we had a correspondent there, santoro, one of the people there with someone running for congress in that district. as long as people keep drawing attention to this, i think it is going to last for a while as an issue. the thing is we re about to be on the 4th of july. we are going to be in the middle of summer, people are going to be taking vacations with their family, people are not going to be paying as much attention. i don t know if this issue goes all the way to the election and that s some of why it s still bubbling up because both democrats and republicans think this is an issue that either needs to be taken care of so it doesn t affect the election or democrats think they can possibly use it, which sounds callous and i understand that. but it is kind of the situation we re in in 2018. of course, we want to be sensitive and the reality,
though, is that there still are thousands of kids who are, we think hundreds, at least 1800 plus kids who are still separated from their families at this point. john meacham, can you kind of put the week that was in perspective here for us? i mean, this has been an issue that we as a nation is have grappled with time and time again and we ve had, you know, episodes where, you know, america has shown as the shining city on the hill and times when we have not quite frankly lived up to what the statue of liberty promises. absolutely. one of the first debates we had in the country in the 1790s, and you know it s a good sunday when you start with the 1790s. was a battle over the alien sedition acts, where we were an infant nation, and yet we gave the president of the united states the power to deport immigrants by fiat. illegal aliens, aliens he believed to be dangerous. into the 19th century where you had the chinese exclusion act, we had viciously racist rhetoric
from mainstream political figures in the 19th century who worried that, to quote a senator from maine i think it was, worried there was going to be a yellow empire from california to the rockies if we didn t limit immigration from asia. there was the fears of the white working class that led to the rise of the second ku klux klan from 1915 to about 1927 that was explicit anxiety that immigrants were going to work harder and possibly for less money. now, conservatives who believe in a free market had some problems with intellectual consistency. that s never stopped them. into where we are now. and i think what s to me what s really interesting about the last 12 or 13 days or so is i believe it s the first time in the trump administration where the president has explicitly reversed course or at least begun to reverse course. i understand before people start tweeting, i understand that this is like an arsonist, you were
congratulating an arsonist for putting out a fire. at least the fire was put out to some extent. and i think that the lesson for all of us and the country is that sustained public pressure, sustained resistance is absolutely essential at any moment in the life of the republic, but particularly one when we have a president who seems so determined to knock down the ordinary guardrails and the ordinary conventions of generosity that have marked our best eras. kevin mclaughlin, can you weigh in on what john meacham is putting out there? you are i don t know if you are a never trumper. i don t know if i want to label you that in public. i m not. you are somebody who has been a member of the republican party sometime and seen it change under president trump. and quite frankly, this seems it felt to me like the first time that republicans said no way, we re not doing this. let me go back to 1790 polling data and i ll take you back like john did. i think there was a visceral
reaction. republicans have worked hard to get themselves in a good place in the midterm election a first time in a long time. they all see it going up in smoke right now. you know, midterms are base elections so i think in the senate actually, i don t think this is having a huge impact. i think it might kind of sort of help, if you will, on the republican side, as long as it gets solved immediately. but on the house side with so many swing districts and so many retirements in those districts, it s a real problem on the house side. for sure. so, speaking of polling, the reports over the last week said that president trump wanted the showdown over immigration. my people love it, he said, according to the new york times. we now have new polling from cbs news and it shows the vast divide in how americans are reacting and perceiving this issue. while 53% of americans strongly oppose separating children from their parents who enter the country illegally, americans are divided over whether reuniting them is a high priority. and the difference, surprise, surprise, is political party.
75% of democrats said reunification should be a top priority, while just a quarter of republicans said the same thing. and nearly 75% of republicans said those who entered the u.s. illegally should be punished as an example of toughness while 80% of democrats said they should be treated well as an example of kindness. here is the president this weekend in las vegas. we have the toughest border you can have considering the laws are the worst of the whole country. our immigration laws are a laughing stock all over the world. we re the only people people walk in, they put a foot in. please, would you like to register? other countries, they say get the hell out of here. and the president tweeting today in part, quote, we cannot allow all of these people to invade our country. when somebody comes in, we must immediately with no judges or court cases bring them back from where they came. kevin, i want go back to you on this, and betsy, i d like you to weigh in as well. but clearly the president views
this as a base issue, immigration. and the polling to a certain extent bears that out. i think my question is, is the number of those republicans shrinking as this presidency wears on? that may be true. i don t know. the problem i have with it is i think the base is pretty well locked down at this point. to be honest with you, the stuff the republicans would want to run on, economy, ending regulation, judges, that s really good for the base as it is on the republican side. and you don t have to lose people, per se, in droves when you do the hot button issue like immigration. i think that s the big reason that republicans just want to and congress want to move on and get on to the next thing. speaking of political the base of a party, this is the other side. this week i traveled to the otai mesa detention center in san diego to talk with senator kamala harris. during our conversation i asked her about the growing calls from progressive activists to abolish i.c.e. take a look.
a lot of the signs that the rally you just held were people standli standing there saying abolish i.c.e. is that a position you agree with? listen, i think there is no question we have to critically reexamine i.c.e. and its role and the way it is being administered and the work it is doing and we need to probably think about starting from scratch because there s a lot that is wrong with the way that it s conducting itself. and we need to deal with that. what do you think should be the alternative to i.c.e.? well, first of all, i don t think that the government should be in the position of separating families and that is clearly what is part of what s happening at i.c.e. and dhs. you look at what s happening, again, in terms of how they re conducting their perspective on asylum seekers, that is a real problem and is contrary to all of the spirit and the reason that we even have the asylum rules and laws in the first place. so, their mission, i think, is very much in question and has to be reexamined.
what do you make of that? is i.c.e. the bigger problem here? well, i don t know how you abolish an agency without abolishing the function. and i think the function is necessary. as far as what senator harris said about examining what they re doing, how they re doing it, i think that s absolutely something we should do. that s our responsibility to provide oversight. but ultimately there is going to have to be an agency before i.c.e. it was ins. there has to be some agency to administer the immigration laws in the country. there are a lot of questions to be answered. i don t know if i say abolish. i don t think that makes a lot of sense, but i do think looking at it makes a hell of a lot of sense. betsy woodruff, abolish i.c.e. is becoming a litmus test for democrats. that s right. i think particularly progressive activists are trying to make this a central trying to expand the overton window, if you will. in terms of the conversation that can be had about policy. that said, of course, these
calls make people s heads blow up at dhs. and what you ll hear from dhs officials, rank and file, it s their job to enforce the law. they are a law enforcement agency and what they will say, pushing back against kamala harris, the senator from california, and senator king, is very much that the problem is the laws themselves. not the law enforcement agency. that s the argument you re going to hear back. that s something you ll hear from republicans as well. the challenge for progressives is to differentiate the way laws are enforced and the laws themselves. the one thing we know is congress is really bad at changing immigration laws. it s been a nonstarter for literally almost decades now, i think. and that s part of the reason there is such a push back against the agency enforcing the laws. i also think that how the agency does their job is also governed by who is at the top. so, the difference between the obama administration and the trump administration in the case of how i.c.e. performs their function, whether it be within the country or on the border is that this zero tolerance policy on the border was something that was from on high, right?
so i.c.e. has to send their send the people that they catch on the other side of the border into the judicial system. that s not that s not the i.c.e. agent s fault. that is a higher that is a higher calling. absolutely. as well as like the raid everyone wants to point to, this is if you can have a sign that says abolish i.c.e. you can point towards those raids that are also doing things to families. but they are carrying out the policy of a president that has been hard on immigration since he ran for office. and let s remember how much of this comes back to doj rather than immigration enforcement. the zero-tolerance policy was a decision of the attorney general, jeff sessions, it was his idea. it s at the end of the day about the people who are in charge. let s refocus a second i do want to make sure we keep the focus where it needs to be, which is on these people who are still separated from their families. these mothers, fathers and of course the children. i was down on the border because senator harris went to visit that detention center to meet with mothers who had been separated from their children. here s a little bit more of our conversation.
senator, you ve had a long career in law enforcement i mean, can you compare what you saw in this facility to some of the other things you ve seen? i mean, it s a prison, kasie, it s a prison. i visited some of the worst prisons in the united states and it is a prison. you walk in. there are two layers of barbed wire and fence. there are people in pods and there s kind of a more maximum security area and then the lower security area. the time i m spending is to talk with mothers who have been ripped from their children and just and the pain, right? i mean, you know, they re sitting with the united states senators so they kind of hold it together and then we start to talk about it and the tears just start flowing. it s awful. it s the pain of having to leave the only country they ve known, because it was so dangerous. it s the pain of traveling
through an unknown land, right, through the country of mexico, relying on strangers in these caravans. the pain of all that they will be exposed to during that trek, right, not being in control of much. and the abuse they may endure. and then they arrive. and without even having the ability to yet give their story about the circumstances of their arrival, their children are taken from them and taken to unknown places. it s outrageous and it s inhumane. and it s unnecessary. and i think, kasie, that s one of the most important aspects of this whole issue. it s not necessary. it s actually not necessary. but you know why they did it? and this can t be lost in this conversation. they told us why they did it. the administration told us why they did it. they did this to deter others from coming to the country. so you have decided to exact what could be a lifetime of trauma over 2000 children for deterrence of other people?
it s unconscionable. we re going to have my complete interview with senator harris up in the next hour. john meacham, with some of those descriptions, vivid descriptions i sat i rode with senator harris to the detention sen consider. there s rolls and rolls of barbed wire, double prison doors. it feels like it really feels like a prison. i m curious, i mean, we have a couple dark moments in our nation s history that we all kind of remember. is this one that you think is going to get added to that list? it s certainly the most vivid manifestation of what so many people have feared about the trump administration. and i think you go from the travel ban early on to this separation policy and i do think also there is a difference between it gets kind of fuzzed up in the conversation. there is a difference between zero-tolerance illegal border policy and a separate children from parents.
and i think that one can be for a strong border and find what s happening with these children to be abhorrent. i think that s an important distinction. and one that i believe, frankly a more morally sound and a more intellectually consistent administration might actually make. why wouldn t zero tolerance by itself be sufficient deterrent? that s a conversation that can be had. the trump administration isn t interested in having a conversation. they are reaping what they ve sown. everything is a zero-sum game. everything is the war of all against all. and so i do think this moment partly because of visual imagery, partly because the president was forced to at least partially reverse himself. i think this will be something that at least extinction in the mind longer than most of the trump era, which is
unfortunately there is so much of it, it s almost impossible psychologically to hold onto it. but we are called upon to hold onto it and hold fast to it because we don t want to be the era that intern the japanese. you want to be on the right side of history, and history is forever. these news cycles and breitbart and fox moments, even midterm elections, they come and go. but history is going to judge all of us as lincoln once said, down to the last generation, for where we stood in this era where we had a president who really turned an us versus them rhetoric into reality. and i think that notion of history finally got to at least some of the people at least that i talk to every day on capitol hill. we are just getting started here on kasie d.c. when we continue, we ll get into the culture war, breaking out from a fashion statement that the first lady made to the press
secretary being denied service at a restaurant. and in our next hour we ll dig into the book born trump. author emily jane sfoks stops by. plus ken vogel has his offering on the white house featuring mar-a-lago. we re back after this. the blade quality you d expect from gillette. at a price you wouldn t. the new gillette3 & gillette5. available now for $7.99 gillette. the best a man can get.
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are essentially summer camps. look, i read today about a 10-year-old girl with down syndrome who was taken from her mother and put in a cage. i woman p-womp. did you say womp-womp to a 10-year-old? how dare you, sir. these are not like it or not, these aren t our kids. show them compassion, but it s not like he s doing this to the people of idaho or, or, or texas. these are people from another country and now people are saying that they re more important than people in our country who are paying taxes who have needs as well. michael hayden posted a picture of auschwitz. that liberal michael hayden, that screaming liberal michael hayden. you re out of your cotton picking mind. cotton picking mind? let me tell you something. let me tell you something. i ve got some, i ve got some, i ve got some relatives who picked cotton. welcome back. the debate over immigration
policy has gone far past policy and left the basic decency behind on its way. mike huckabee is facing backlash after tweeting out this picture with the caption, nancy pelosi introduces her campaign committee for the take-back of the house. sarah huckabee sanders, the white house press secretary and mike huckabee s daughter was asked to leave a restaurant friday night in virginia because of where she works. sanders tweeted, quote, last night i was told by the owner of red hen in lexington, have, to leave because i work for the president and i politely left. that restaurant has since been inundated with positive and negative yelp reviews. meanwhile white house policy advisor stephen miller was reportedly called a fascist earlier this week while dining at a mexican restaurant here in washington. also, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen also engineer jeered while she ate out at a mexican restaurant.
who wants to take this to start? shawna thomas, how about we start with you. there is a real conversation here about civility, right, and our ability to be in the same spaces at the same time with people who we do not agree with. and the sarah sanders example is one of those where was that the right way for the owner of that restaurant to handle the situation of sarah sanders eating in that restaurant? well, it s definitely not going to further the conversation between republicans and democrats for her to do that. however, the counter is was sarah sanders using her white house account, her at press secretary twitter account to basically rally the anger against this restaurant in virginia? was that a proper use of her function and her title and her job as well? neither of those things gets us any closer to being people who can actually talk about issues in the same room together, but it does really point to kind of where we are, which is it s an example of how divided we actually are. and it s scary that we re that divided. kevin? i do think that one of the
things that s frustrating is, you know, if we want to stop and we want to raise the civility is people need to stop celebrating like on the left, they need to stop celebrating people like robert deniro what he said at the tonys. stop cheering what people are doing in restaurants. it s outrageous. it needs to be treated the same way people treat what president trump says people see as inciteful. we need to have a balance. we need to find it, i don t know how. somebody has to put a pin in the balloon. the balloon is about to burst. it s terrifying. feels like a powder keg. if we re going to demand do unto others what you have done unto you, we disagree we could at the very least in our personal treatment of each other axe that out. john meacham, is this situation, are we destined to keep going farther and farther down the sewer as this goes on? or is it recoverable? is civility gone forever?
no, nothing is ever gone forever. it s redeemable. the founders wanted us to seek a more perfect union, not a perfect one. i agree that it s hard to see exactly how this rights itself, but it can, it should, and i think it will. you know, everybody is in this hobbsian moment. everything is weaponized. the little red hen, whatever it is, is weaponized, the mexican restaurants are. if you re on the left, you re thinking why isn t this appropriate? if i really believe that these people are that these people within the administration are ruining america, why can t i take a stand in the best way i know how? so i understand the reaction to it. and i think, you know, the trump people, there is a reason they are where they are. they are very good at playing suddenly, why can t we all get along, after they have
relentlessly and really created a culture of bullying at the very highest levels. if anything, this is a reminder that the president, the presidency, has an out size effect on our manners and morals. some say we are too sentimental on the presidency. even before when he was attacking obama and his birth which is not an issue, if trump had not helped exacerbate the tribal tendencies, he wouldn t be his staff wouldn t be facing this kind of backlash. so you reap what you sow. far be it from me to disagree with john meacham, i don t think they re saying let s get along. i think they re using this to drive the wedge further and further. it s all tongue in cheek. i don t think there is anything about this that they re saying, oh, my gosh, can t we all be nice to each other in restaurants? the other piece of this is
that it doesn t frighten the white house or republicans to have these protesters show up. in fact, there is some evidence that part of the reason donald trump was able to turn the primary significantly against ted cruz when he was was because some of these protests against trump happened and republican voters said, we want to support whoever is getting protested. so, especially on the right, especially among the president s base, these kind of protests result in sort of a conservative backlash that the white house likely believes can be politically useful to them. when we return, republicans in congress are split over how to fix immigration policy. i ll speak to congressman rodney davis who has been critical of the white house s approach. and as we go to break, a study from fox reveals male political reporters retweet their male colleagues three times as much as their female colleagues. according to that study, out of the top 25 political reporters who those men retweet the most, just three are women. the washington post sun min kim, great reporter is at number 11.
politico s number 20, sneaking in at 21 yours truly. here is an opportunity to retweet women more. follow us on twitter and instagram kasie d.c. you ll find wonderful women journalists on our show. you should follow them also. also tweet us pictures of your pets using the #dogs watching kasie d.c. kasie d.c. is back after this. you like dinosaurs? so do i. hey blue. i brought you something. okay. this is gonna be awesome. rated pg-13. like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad. matt: mm. that s some good mulch. i m awake. but it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. [ wrapper crinkling ] get this butterscotch out of here. progressive can t protect you from becoming your parents.
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welcome back to kasie d.c. i want to give you all a quick note on what might have been a life-saving moment. spokesman for senator joe manchin told me that manchin aided his colleague care mccaskill thursday at the democratic policy lunch when she began choking on a piece of food. mccaskill started waiving her hand signaling she needed help. another senator nearby attempted to help her before manchin stepped in, lifted mccaskill out of her seat and performed the heim lick maneuver. a local journalist said she suffered cracked ribs. we have reached out to her office. haven t heard back yet. and no word on exactly what they were having for lunch, but we are glad senator mccaskill is okay. now, though, something completely different. joining me on set is you believe
are cann congressman rodney davis. appreciate you being here. i think you share our gratitude senator mccaskill is okay. absolutely i do. claire, i m glad you re sessiokd senator manchin, great job. i want to talk about immigration and what exactly the house is going to do. it seems as though and i want to know what your assessment is of where things stand. but the compromised negotiations seem to have fallen apart late last week. now, there does seem to be some discussion of doing a separate stand alone bill to address family separation. is that the case and would you support that? absolutely. i hope to co-sponsor it. but i hope we can actually get some movement on immigration reform. we ve had a lot of people our leadership team has sat down with all facets of our republican conference because we re not getting assistance from the democratic side to address the issues all of us have said are bipartisan issue. let s secure our border. there are areas of our border
that has to have a physical structure. not just with illegal immigration, but drugs that are coming in the country and ravaging the midwest and areas that i serve. we also need to address separation of families and we have to address how we deal with our immigration system at hand right now. eight what do you think is the likelyest outcome? do you think the house will vote on a separate stand alone to end family separation? i m optimistic, kasie. you know me. i m always the eternal optimist. i certainly hope so. i know those individuals, leadership and folks have been talking about a good compromise are sitting down again this weekend. and they re working hard to try and come up with that solution. the president, when he came in to see us last week and talk to our conference, he was clear that he supported both of the bills that we were supposed to put on the floor. sure, but then he tweeted, though, why bother, don t bother doing any of this because we have to win more seats to actually get something done. did that effectively kill any chance for that compromise legislation that was supposed
tonight on the floor last week? if it killed think chance or compromise, nobody would have been talking this weekend to try and find that compromise. that s why you ve got folks like jeff denim. david, carlos, mario. these are republicans that represent districts where immigration reform is much higher on the priority list for their constituents than many other districts that republicans serve in our conference. sure. these are the ones that are sitting down with leadership. i have to give our team a lot of credit for being able to sit down without any democrat assistance and try and put together a good compromise. and i m hopeful that we can see that this week. do you think the freedom caucus, mark meadows, jim jordan, other conservatives, are they negotiating in good faith? i ve talked to a number of your colleagues who feel like they keep moving the goal post, say one thing and change their minds again and again. it s certainly frustrating we couldn t come up with a plan that really was the president s four pillars, border security that actually funded a physical structure. it wasn t just authorization like most bills that we pass in
congress. then we have to go back and vote again on the approps. we loved it all together. we addressed the daca population. 1.8 million daca and dreamer kids would have been taken care of and been granted legal status. in exchange for the wall. in exchange for the wall, exactly what many of my democratic colleagues who have been working with republicans on immigration reform have asked for. but it s getting too close to the election. the democrats aren t going to come together and help us govern on this issue because they know this issue divides republicans. so, i m hopeful that our leadership team who has done a great job in making this happen and frankly i think there are some that are negotiating this that are a little more worried about where they may fall in the next leadership election rather than work and making our current leadership team look bad rather than actually coming up with you re talking about steve scalise and kevin mccarthy? no, i m talking about people who don t want anyone in the current leadership team to remaybe r remain in leadership after this election. i see. i think there is a lot of
ambition when it comes to negotiating legislation right now. very interesting undercurrent. okay. i want to also ask you, as you know, utah s primary alexis is set for tuesday. mitt romney has an op-ed in the salt lake tribune. i appreciate the argument made by those who believe we should stay silent, but i cannot subscribe to it. i know that any criticism may lessen the president s flexibility to enact policy with which i agree, but that end does not justify my silence in the face of things that matter. do you think that republicans need to show more courage in standing up to this president? well, there is the far-right and the far left, no matter what we do, i m never going to stand up enough for the president for the far-right. and immediately when i agree to work with the president on issues like tax reform, immigration reform, the far left is going to say, why don t you just impeach him? we have to get to the common sense voters that are
independents and those that really makeup middle america. we ve got to stop this politicizing everything like dinner. the fact that sarah sanders couldn t go to a restaurant because of who she works for and her political beliefs, that s not the majority of voters in this country. donald trump was elected, in my opinion, because of this move toward making everything politically correct in this country. and frankly, his campaign was the antithesis of political correctness and he won. there are a lot of people that i serve in my district that voted because of what they see happening on the far-right and the far left. do you think i mean, this issue that we saw play out over the course of the last week, do you think it s a place where republicans who couldn t stomach it actually stood up to the president? and do you think the president is right that his people love what they saw this week? well, i m not going to be able to answer the second part. i didn t hear or read what he said on that issue.
but i can tell you there are a lot of people in our republican conference that have varying views on immigration reform. but on the family separation. family separation, that is a policy that is not unique just to this administration as we saw today with jeh johnson s comments. but this is an issue where democrats and republicans should come together and i would hope that we can to pass a bill to ensure that we fix policies so that the flores decision isn t going to be a permanent precedence. congressman davis, stay put. we re going to have you join our panel when we come back and we re going to talk about your party s evolving relationship with the president and his relationship with your party. you have an outstanding man in dean heller and i know, and i ve been on both sides of him. and i want to tell you, he s a tough cookie. he s a tough cookie. and we want him on our side. woman: i stay active
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long-time conservative columnist for the washington post george will surprised everyone this week with this headline. vote against the gop this november. in it he calls for republican caucuses to be, quote, substantially reduced. says speaker ryan traded his soul for a tax cut. calls congressional republicans, quote, the president s poodles and criticizes republican lawmakers for, quote, having no higher ambition than to placate the president. this after a long-time republican strategist steve schmidt tweeted this on wednesday. quote, 29 years and nine months ago i registered to vote and became a member of the republican party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life. today i renounce my membership in the republican party. it is fully the party of trump. in another tweet he called the gop a, quote, danger to our democracy and our values.
john meacham, put this in perspective for us. i mean, i have been reading george will for, you know, my entire working life and he has always been kind of viewed as a conservative touch stone, intellectual, a place where you could go to hear kind of the arguments that under pinned everything that then was played out across our governing system. he is now not simply saying i m leaving the gop, he is saying vote for democrats. yeah. george is essentially a torrey. he s a birkyian conservative. i love it that way. on point. one of his best books was a book besides his baseball book which is one of the great booked ever, state craft, soul craft. he believes government is not always the right answer, that in
fact there are organic reasons to have checks and balances on the state. i haven t talked to him about this, but i think basically he would have the view i don t want to pull him into this. my view is that the trump take over of the republican party is the first recorded case of a high jacker boarding a plane and the passengers sided with the high jacker. the question he is, has the republican party of eisenhower, reagan, both bushes, mccain, romney, is that a recoverable entity? and i think that s a very live question. not sure what the answer is. we have a fascinating senate race down here in tennessee that s going to test this to some extent. and whether a deep red state will go with a republican no matter what, when there is a conservative democrat on the ballot. but i think what george is saying is that the republican party that he knew as a young man at the wall street journal and becoming a syndicated columnist is no more. congressman davis, can you
get you to weigh in on that? is this republican party the party of trump? do you recognize that as the same party you started out in? absolutely it s the same party. george will, i like his baseball book, too. i would hope he would go to middle america and talk to some of the trump voters. talk to the former democrat blue collar voters who gave him the victories in wisconsin, iowa, michigan, pennsylvania, ohio and other states. but george and mr. schmidt, too. remember, they live out here in the d.c. bubble. go talk to those voters who put president trump in place. and his goal to make a republican party and a republican house more of a governing house would actually be the antithesis of what he s asking for if he says, go vote against republicans, because most republicans who could lose are the ones who want to govern. if anything, it could make it i do take your point on that. kevin mclaughlin, final words. i m with the congressman. between washington, d.c., new york conservatives and everyone
else out there, fly over country. it s a huge disconnect, problem for folks in d.c. congressman rodney davis, thank you so much for your time. john meacham, thanks so you as well. let you get back to your cigar. coming up, a look at president trump s habit of praising strong men around the world, including one who is claiming victory in an election today. kasie d.c. back after this. let s do it. come on. this summer, add a new member to the family. at the mercedes-benz summer event. lease the glc300 for $429 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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i took control of egypt. it s great to be with the president of egypt. we are very much behind the president. we ve had a great relationship. this has been very successful. i have a very good relationship with the president of china. he s an incredible guy. i respect putin. he s a strong leader. i can tell you. do you like vladimir putin s comments about you? sure. when a person speaks about you it s always good. putin s a killer. we have a lot of killers. really, he s got a great personality. he s a funny guy. he s a very smart guy. he s a great negotiator. he loves his people, not that i m surprised by that. he s the head of a country and i mean he s a strong head. don t let anyone think anything different. he speaks and his people sit up at attention.
i want my people to do the same. we have a good chemistry together, kim jong-un. we have a great chemistry. it s a great honor and privilege because he s become a friend of mine to introduce the president of turkey. he s getting very high marks. those were just some of president trump s more overt displays of affection for strong men. among the leaders you heard him praise, the president of turkey, who claimed victory today in a vote. he called for an election in april at a time when his public support was more favorable than it is now, but it appears the gamble paid off. according to state run media, he claimed 53% of the vote putting him on track to claim a narrow victory and avoid a second round of voting. betsy, that was kind of a
remarkable display. this is not how the president talks, of course, about his allies, america s traditional allies. he was throwing barbs . it really makes me think that s the kind of job he wants. it suggests that. one thing we can say about president trump is that there s no evidence he cares about human rights. it s not something he s worried about. it s not on his priority list. he s yet to go after any of these leaders. turkey is an oppressive country. the president isn t interested in human rights questions. perhaps what s more significant is in some ways he seems to take leads from these leaders. he thinks the united states drug enforcement needs to look more to the way the drug enforcement works in the philippines where they kill
people for using drugs. trump sees some of these leaders as people to model after and that s unprecedented for an american president. the president did act in syria when he saw evidence of human rights abuses. thank you for being on tonight. in our next hour, we have a show and tell presentation about the latest coins from the white house, but first our staff of producers has been watching the world cup all day, but managed to find time to watch the sunday shows so you don t have to. don t go anywhere.
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Ice , Kamala-harris , Border , Scratch , Stormy-daniels , Washington-post , President , Country , Families , Congress , Immigration , Separation

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20180802 03:00:00

Brian Williams examines the day s top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Brian Williams examines the day s top political stories and current political-campaign news.
considered official white house statements? well, the president is the president of the united states. so they re considered official statements by the president of the united states. at least one republican was willing to speak candidly about the reaction among many lawmakers in the capital. every morning we wake up, he tweets something, and we re supposed to respond to his tweet. mueller is going to finish his investigation and the truth will come out. our lead-open panel, peter baker, chief white house correspondent for the new york times. jill colvin, white house reporter for the associated press. john heilemann, co-author of game change. and harry litman, former u.s. attorney, former deputy assistant attorney general under president clinton. good evening, all. peter, i would like to read you what sally yates, formerly of the justice department, wrote today. today our president called on his recused attorney general to
shut down the investigation of his own campaign. as shocking as that is, what s even more dangerous is that we ve gotten used to it. the rule of law won t evaporate overnight. but it can slip away if we let it. peter, there we have the president s own words to judge him by this morning. this is on him. i guess this is one of those lessons, we get to see if words have consequences. that s right. look, what s fascinating is how much this plays out in public and out loud. what we ve seen from the president s tweets is him saying what would have been a scandal had, say, president nixon been found to have said it privately in a taped session in the oval office. in fact the tape that finally undid him during watergate was hearing him order his aides to tell the cia to tell the fbi to lay off the watergate investigation. here you have the president of the united states saying out loud, not in the privacy of the oval office but on twitter for everyone to read, the attorney general of the united states who was appointed by him, should
command almost doesn t matter, although it s a very, very tenuous distinction. eight not on it s not only the president that s saying this but he s saying in the same sentence, right now, it s a rigged witch hunt, it is staining our country. surely anyone who heard those words in the oval office would think he better remedy the situation or he s going to lose his job. but if what the president is trying to do in a mild way or a dictatorial way, is shut down the investigation, i ll give you three other words, which are obstruction of justice. it s a real possibility. and especially, brian, given the whole run of different tweets, all of which are admissible, he is really flirting with enhancing the criminal case against himself. so harry, as a former fed, you can say with some certainty
and the atmospherics in the west wing. our sources tell us he is definitely not happy right now. the president was watching television, watching coverage of the beginning of the trial of paul manafort this morning. we re told that this is what sparked the flurry of tweets this morning. and one confidant told my colleague jonathan lemire earlier today that the president is in, quote, a dark place. the president has been furious. it s been building over the last couple of weeks, ever since he returned from helsinki. he was furious at the media, the way that he felt that he was not given enough credit for how things went with vladimir putin. he felt like he was being misportrayed and his summit with putin was misportrayed. he felt he didn t get enough credit for meeting with kim jong-un in singapore and he has just been raging. you ve got the president who feels it s not just the media who is attacking him but also the government that s coming and attacking him right now.
you ve got, in addition to the manafort trial, the president has also been deeply shaken by the ongoing investigation into michael cohen, his long time fixer, and the release of that audio tape, that set him off. anyone could say today that the president is not in a good place. john heilemann here in new york, what is it we re witnessing? the president acts out. we see this over and over again, in a variety of different weighs. this is an expression of his id. he s angry and afraid. he can see the walls closing in. i think he s somewhere close to panic right now. and that s part of what s going on. he still has some degree of political calculation that s governing what he s doing, because the reality is, as has been pointed out today, if he wanted to fire rod rosenstein and try to end this investigation, genuinely end it, he could call rod rosenstein into the white house and fire him. he has the ability to do that. but he obviously thinks, rightly or wrongly, we don t know if
he s right or wrong about this, but he thinks the political consequences of that on capitol hill would be too great. if he thought republicans would all just roll over, he would clearly do it, because he does have manifestly corrupt intent. he manifestly believes he would like to shut this entire thing down. one of the great banes of his presidency is the fact that jeff sessions recused himself to this and was not as loyal to him as he thought. you ve got the president making political calculations, not going as far as what his core wants him to do, because i think he would like to fire rod rosenstein. but at the same time, the outlet of twitter, and it really is, you know, we both remember brooklyn, can you imagine what would have happened if bill clinton had walked up to the white house podium and said janet reno should fire ken starr, or if he had taken to the op-ed page of the new york times and said janet reno should fire ken starr, that would have provoked a
cataclysmic reaction, both democrat and republican. that s a long time ago. twitter is a sewer, a cesspool, a horrible medium in some ways, beneficial in others, but it s the same thing as the podium and it s the same thing as the op-ed page of the new york times in 2018. those words are hanging out there tonight. harry, are you a member of the club, despite all the great by-lines tonight, that will believe a mueller/trump meeting when you see it? in other words, i ll believe it when i see it, i don t think it s going to happen. i m a long term card carrying member of that club. however much they pare it down, it will be questions that if he answers them falsely, he will be subject to criminal penalty. and they re not going to be softballs like, did you have corrupt intent. they ll be things like, for example, did you know flynn was under investigation when you told comey to let up on him.
we ve just had new reporting that shows he does. there are probably half a dozen other things that trump doesn t know and mueller does. and yeah, i don t see his sitting down with him under any circumstances, where there s criminal penalty for lying. and i don t see mueller sitting down with him where he gets a free pass for lying. so i see an impasse. peter baker, we knew, as if we needed any help, that the president s words were going to be impactful on twitter this morning, the minute we learned how many news organizations got what the president meant to say phone calls afterwards, and yours among them. absolutely. they re trying very hard to make the point, this is just an opinion, this is not a command. that s because they understand there is a line there, they ve drawn the line, at least. he can express an opinion, he can say it should be shut down but won t actually order it, because as john says correctly, he does perceive that to be a step too far, at least for the
moment. so far he s convinced himself or been convinced that firing rod rosenstein or attempting to fire bob mueller would be would create such a blowback against him legally and politically that it s not worth the effort. he s trying to continue to shape public opinion, to make sure at least his base and maybe some other people believe this investigation isn t legitimate, that there is no reason to believe what they hear that might come out of the paul manafort trial, from anything else that might come out of this investigation, and to prepare the ground for what might amount to a big political battle later on when we do here more results from the investigation, either this summer or after the election. jill colvin, we witnessed three whole news media briefings for the month of july from the white house. they are, i should point out, 1-0 for august so far. we had one today, but the president is about to go down for ten days, rush limbaugh was able to talk to him today. is the philosophy going to be
friendlies preferred? i mean, that s long been the strategy of this administration, especially when they feel under fire, they try to keep the president away from reporters, away from situations where he could turn the tweets into a kind of standing press conference, gaggle back and forth, and make matters worse. i thought it was really interesting, this week it s also bill shine really stepping into his role as the new communications chief. we had a really interesting thing that happened yesterday when we were standing outside the oval office. we were waiting for the president to do a swearing-in ceremony and bill shine actually came out and told reporters ahead of time, the president will not be answering questions. you can try, but he is not going to do it. and that s exactly what happened. we re seeing this new we ll see how long it he selasts, but degree of the president not engaging. that may be because everyone around the president is getting more serious because he could be
in serious trouble. do you think there s any acknowledgement, deep, dark, in the west wing, or in the residence tonight, that he would like to take that back today? i don t know on his part. in the residence, probably not. certainly a lot of us were in the building when he did what he did. to get back to the situation with mueller and the interview, you know, i think a lot of people are going to interpret in a somewhat panicked way the notion that mueller is giving ground, to limit the questions on obstruction of justice. to me it indicates a position of strength. when you look at harry litman s regulatory in the new york review of books, we know mueller has talked to mcgahn and they have already testified to him that yes, trump had been presented with a timeline and with evidence of the fact that the fbi was investigating flynn on criminal charges before he had his conversation with comey, telling comey to lay off, that
there is memos, documentation that mueller has that he s heard from those witnesses, it all feels to me like what this is about is mueller conveying the notion that, i can cut back to half of my questions on obstruction of justice because i don t actually need that much from you, mr. president, i ve already got this case basically made, it s not a position of weakness, it s a position of strength. i think that s making the president, among many other things, feel nervous and making the people around him feel even more nervous. does it get more highbrow than someone quoting the new york review of books on our broadcast? i don t think it does. thank you all for helping us out on a wednesday night. coming up for us, is the president s behavior a clue of what s to come? we ask a former fbi agent what he thinks. and later, if you were curious about those cuq s that popped up in the crowd in the president s rally wednesday night, we ll have that coming
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told us the president s words on twitter count in this investigation. as we ve been saying so far tonight, just days ago, the times reported that mueller is examining all the president has said about sessions. he can throw this morning s tweet on the pile. clint watts, former fbi special agent, his latest, messing with the enemy: surviving in a social media world of hackers, terrorists, russians, and fake news. and shannon pettypiece, white house correspondent for bloomberg. clint, i have to ask you, if you came across the type of behavior we are seeing from the nation s chief executive in your old day job at the fbi, how would that alter your investigation? what would that do? it just adds to the pile. and it continues the timeline. i think several interesting things about this obstruction angle is, we re hearing some negotiation from the mueller
team about taking written responses to questions and then sitting down for an interview. i m sure isn t that just to get him in the door? it is. and it could play very much to the president s disadvantage strategically, because as we ve seen, the president doesn t like to read very much. i doubt he s actually going to be the one crafting up all these statements. he ll be working with his legal team. that s probably correct, yes. he ll have to go in and understand and know what the statements are that are on the paper and be able to speak to those. the other thing, the president is at a huge disadvantage, he doesn t know everyone that mueller has talked to, what they have told him, and what documents, texts, e-mails, phone calls they ve had with each other behind the scenes that also match up to a timeline. we ve seen just here on nbc news where the president has said, well, comey, when i got rid of him, it was because of this russia thing. so these are public things that are very damning. the timelines are damning. even if he did not actually obstruct, it s just the attempt
to obstruct that can be held as a charge. so in terms of how the investigation progresses, it seems to me the mueller team probably has all the data it needs to ask these questions, have the president come in. and that is going to be very difficult, i imagine, for the president to negotiate and be consistent both with the written statement and with the timeline that s been laid out in front of them. shannon pettypiece, any acknowledgement by those around the president that his tone isn t always that of an innocent man? absolutely. his lawyers, his legal advisers, you know, around a year ago, when he first started building up the legal team, really emphasized to him that you cannot be making public attacks against mueller personally or against this investigation. and they were successful for a while, if you remember, back to the summer last time, where trump would say no collusion, and he pretty much tamped down any personal attacks on mueller. but that strategy he felt wasn t
really working for him. and there was a moment, really particularly after the michael cohen raid, where he took the gloves off. and he had already been starting to test the waters, he had already been racheting up this rhetoric about a witch hunt. he had been told that this investigation would be done by the end of 2017 by his lawyers. it wasn t. he continued seeing indictments coming from people involved in his administration and campaign. that moment, that michael cohen raid, was really the moment he said, forget this, the gloves are coming off, i m going on full attack mode. rudy giuliani was brought in with the specific, you know, point or goal of being the public attack dog against mueller. so this is a conscious strategy at this point. and it is a major shift from where we were a year ago when the legal advice was, stay cool, let s cooperate, and try and get this thing over with quickly. and shannon, you also wrote about the state of play in the will mueller and trump sit down.
it looks like mueller is trying to say whatever you need to do to get the guy in here and get him in the door. that s typically how these negotiations work. and to the point the guests were making earlier, does it look like mueller s caving, mueller really knows the answer to a lot of his answers. to the point clint was making, to some extent the trump legal team does know what the documents are out there, they know what the witnesses have said to some extent. but mueller has many, many more pieces of this puzzle than the president s legal team does, and he knows the answer to many of the questions he s going to ask. he wants to get those on record. around obstruction, one of the main ones is to determine the president s intent. so yes, if they have to concede on some areas to get to the areas they really want, that s what they re doing, and that s typically for how these things go between a prosecutor and a defense lawyer in any of these sort of carefully choreographed negotiations. clint watts has agreed to stick around. we re going to put his web
training to use when we talk about the newest fringe group we saw last night at the president s rally. so clint, our thanks for now. shannon pettypiece, our thanks as always for coming on. coming up, incredibly expensive men s wear, million dollar home. why are transfers from bank accounts in cyprus the latest on the manafort trial, from a reporter who was inside the courtroom today, when the 11th hour continues. [upbeat music]
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the trial of former trump campaign chairman paul manafort enters its third day tomorrow in federal court. as you know, it s the first trial of what we re calling the mueller era. prosecutors today started establishing how manafort made his money in ukraine and how they contend he hid it from the u.s. government. they presented piles of evidence to illustrate manafort s lavish lifestyle and more importantly, the manner in which he paid for things, largely through foreign bank transfers. we re guessing not a lot of members of our audience have paid for things through foreign bank transfers. the president, who has sought to distance himself from his former chairman, did weigh in today, writing, quote, looking back on history, who was treated worse, alphonse capone, legendary mob boss, kill and her and public e number one, or paul manafort, now serving solitary confinement although convicted of nothing? where is the russia collusion? daniel goldman, former assistant
u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york, and rachel winer is with us, reporter for the washington post who was inside the courtroom today. rachel, thank you for being with us, i m sorry about the long day this makes for. talk about what was presented today, and the judge s theory that he s not allowing photographs to be displayed in court but he s going to allow the jury photos when they go off some day to deliberate. i think that s in part because he wants the trial to move quickly. he s been adamant about that and it s worked so far. they re way ahead of schedule. they were supposed to take three weeks and now the government says they will finish their case next week. he may not want a commotion knowing how much media coverage this case is getting. but at first it seemed like he might not let them show the jury these fancy suits at all. in the end they did come in, just at the end of the day. but they did get pictures of the $15,000 ostrich skin jacket, and also i think an $18,500 python
jacket and all sorts of other very expensive suits. the man likes jackets. councilor, a couple of questions for you. first of all, this is a nonsequestered jury. the president of the united states is tweeting about the defendant in a way they can all see, proclaiming his innocence. where do we file that? what do we do about that? well, it s tricky. the judge will instruct the jury, as every judge does at every trial, do not read about the case, do not watch television about the case. but this is a different world where we re dealing with twitter. i don t know whether the judge maybe rachel knows has instructed the jury not to read twitter. but that s almost what the judge needs to do. they re not sequestered in the way that, you know, we re used to with the o.j. simpson trial, for example. but they likely have been instructed to not pay attention to any news, do not read newspapers, because of the prominence of the coverage. let s interrupt our
conversation to ask rachel. have you heard such a charge from the judge? yes. judge ellis has made very clear. i m not sure he knows what twitter is, he ll be the first to say that at 78 he is not up on any sort of new media. but he told them don t read anything, don t look at anything, don t look anything up on your computer. he always says, you know, i would say don t look it up in an encyclopedia but i m the only person who does that. don t talk to your family. assuming they hold to that, it s possible they don t see the trump tweets. but you can walk into a coffee shop and it might come across your vision. that s right. dan, we did hear, he gave the government lawyers a couple of brushback pitches today, some chin music. they keep hammering the lavish lifestyle, the expensive ostrich jacket. you can overplay that hand, i guess. well, to the judge, you can
overplay the hand. it s not a crime to be a rich guy. it s not a crime to be a rich guy. but you have to understand the context of this evidence. it s not just that he lived a lavish lifestyle. although that is relevant to sort of his motive, particularly when the money dried up after he stopped working forri iaviktor yanukovych. you also have to be able to show in a tax fraud case that what you declared for your income tax is less than you actually earned. one way to do that is to show what question call in prosecutor world, unexplained wealth. how can you be paying out $6 million in cash if, for example, and i haven t seen his tax returns, you only declare that you made $1 million? so it is very relevant evidence. and i think what the judge is just getting a little frustrated with is, don t try to over as you point out, don t try to oversell it, that s not really what s relevant, what s relevant is the money, not the
photograph. and so he s trying to stress that and keep things moving. and rachel, what was this hint today in court that rick gates, star witness, former manafort assistant, may not end up taking the stand? so one of the prosecutors, assistant u.s. attorney, did say gates may or may not testify, and obviously that caused a lot of commotion. but i think there s not much to it. always prosecutors, when told not to put in some evidence because a later witness will testify to it, will say, well, we haven t we re not sure that person will testify, so we should put it in now, just to make sure they can account for any possibility, you know, whatever might happen to rick gates. and so i think he was just doing that the way prosecutors always do, not recognizing in this case the amount of attention that would get. and he did immediately sort of walk it back and say that s
nothing particular to gates, that s true of any witness. it would be shocked if rick gates didn t testify. he is the key witness in this case. and the defense is planning to blame everything on rick gates. but i m sure prosecutors were expecting that and have prepared him for that. councilor, i have time for a yes or no. will he or won t he testify? yes. but, and i know i gave you a one-word answer once, but the prosecution did not include gates very prominently in their opening statement. so that would indicate they would certainly be calling him. and the fact that they didn t is interesting. it means they re giving themselves room not to call him. remember, they didn t try this case with gates as a witness, so it s possible to prove it without him. our great things to our two guests, daniel goldman, rachel weinor, thank you very much. coming up, you may have seen them displaying the letter q prominently at the trump rally
last night. they are a conspiracy group willing to believe and say and perpetuate just about anything. their story when we come back. ng deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty
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most pills only block one. and six is greater than one. flonase sensimist. one of our guests last night who was in attendance at the trump rally in tampa mentioned seeing members of the fringe right wing, including a conspiracy group the members of which display the letter q prominently. we saw it in the crowd, on signs, on shirts. the q stands for qanon. the group got its start on the web. they believe they ve received intel from a top government source, a mole at the highest reaches of our government, and there is no end to the false rumors they have pushed including a smear effort headquartered on youtube alleging several democratic politicians and others are pedophiles involved in a global child sex ring. they believe that trump is made
to appear as more of the cover. it goes on from there, a local news crew interviewed a q c conspiracist. it all started when the president was meeting with military leaders and said this is the calm before the storm. this launched us into the q intelligence has been talking to all of us, letting us know what s going on behind the scenes, the covert battles raging between the deep state and president trump and his military alliance. what will you do about it? spread it, combat the mainstream media. we re fighting a battle on all fronts here. so there is a q coin among other things. here is the comment from trump that gave this group a lot of fuel. a photo op during a white house dinner for military commanders and their spouses. and note what the president says
here, which would normally be filed under the kind of toss-off comment the president sometimes makes. what this represents, the calm before the storm. reporter: what s the storm? reporter: what does that mean? the calm before the storm. reporter: what storm, mr. president? we have a lot of military people who will tell you that. thank you all for coming. reporter: what storm, mr. president? you ll find out. reporter: give us a hint. thank you, everybody. the calm before the storm. nbc news reporter ben collins covers this digital world for the network and has been looking into this group and writing about them. we ve asked clint watts, former fbi special agent to stick around and be a part of this. ben, did i get their motives and some of their beliefs right?
and what else should we know about them? unfortunately you got it all right, there s not much to know about them. this is basically fan fiction, a conspiracy theory that donald trump is doing anything right and anything that looks like he s doing wrong, he s doing the right thing. they misconstrue typos to make it look like he knows what he s doing. people on the internet who can t grapple with the reality of the situation have decided to take out all this disinformation on their political enemies. they ve accused people from celebrities to politicians of being part of a child sex ring that simply does not exist. we thought it was over with pizza-gate but it amped itself up among people on twitter, facebook and reddit. clint, you do your life s work as we do ours, in a free society, where it s hard to limit this kind of thing. it s hard to squelch or suppress
it. look at the climate this is coming up in. right. and going back two years ago, we saw the kremlin pushing a lot of disinformation around the election. what we re seeing now is everybody adopting those techniques. so there s a lot of artificial production in terms of social media, social bots, amplification. you re seeing very high end production. the videos are very good. which makes them more convincing. you re seeing them spread very rapidly in a much quicker way. the key phrase there, the calm before the storm, if you re a good social engineer and pick out these phrases that are catchy with the audience and combine them into a conspiracy that seems convincing to people who don t know the details. i m not just worried about russian disinformation, i m worried about american disinformation, because it s a public safety issue. a lot of these conspiracies, we ve seen people show up with weapons, we ve seen shutdowns, police emergencies that have come from it. if you look at this, it s got all the elements of what would maybe be an uprising or
advocating for violence or nudging people towards it or even political upheaval. i think it s a dangerous phenomenon especially when you see it tied to the president and his rallies. ben, in the immortal words of my late mother, it s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. what s the danger? we ve already seen it with pizza-gate. a man walked into a pizza parlor and shot it up, assuming there was a child sex ring in the basement, trying to investigate it. with qanon, there is a guy who blocked the entrance to the hoover dam a couple of weeks ago. since he s gotten into jail, he s sent a bunch of wild letters to the president, talking about qanon conspiracy theories. there s a guy in arizona, tucson, who has for the past few weeks, he got a felony trespassing charge because he believed a homeless camp was a child sex trafficking camp. it had nothing to do with it.
he was live streaming it until youtube and facebook until facebook finally brought all this stuff down. this stuff has real life consequences. people putting up q signs at trump rallies is not going to help it. clint, how much do you fear that this group is getting a wink and a nod from the right people to not stop? and what can the government do in a free society? yeah, i think it was a little over a year ago i talked you know, part of the reason this works is because we have politicians in this country that are doing influence operations that are very similar that we see to foreign media influence. and i think the other big thing is, we had a hearing today in the senate, the senate intel committee, you know, was talking about social media and disinformation. and people can make fake news, they can make manipulated truths. they can make conspiracies faster than social media companies can identify them and swat them down. and in that lag time, we have lots of changes happening. one in four people no poll in texas don t think they should
have their children vaccinated. four in ten don t actually think it s a bad idea for russia maybe to meddle in our elections. so these are having real changes in our society. it s breaking us up and dividing us. it s a us. it s a efficient technique for hidden man popularities. those people that can mine and figure out what grabs with an audience which can produce the content can drive major events in our country political public safety. you can get people to show up under false auspices with rifles. this is a dangerous situation. if our politicians are maybe not tamping it down but not saying much about it or letting it go because it might be beneficial in the near term, it could be devastating to our country in the long-term. people can show up with guns they have compiled on a 3-d printer. the president s next rally is tomorrow night. wilkes-barre, pa. another rally this weekend in ohio with we ll watch for this and see who urns out in both
cases. we d love to have you both on again on the subject if you d agree to that. thank you so much for coming on. it s a disturbing topic. ben collins, clint watts. appreciate it. much more ahead the 11th hour when we come right back. for your heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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who is a russian. way too easy to be anonymously hateful. that is why when you come across a truly indispensable twitter account, preferably someone you admire, someone you already know and like, it can be so useful and refreshing. and that s where michael beschloss comes in. is he a long-time friend of this broadcast and truth be told of this broadcaster. and more than that, he s one of the great presidential historians and authors of our time. michael s twitter feed does not disappoint. just in the last few days, he has given us richard nixon jumping off a limo, midtown manhattan, 1956. gerald ford s cue card from when he took the oath of office and an early selfie taken by a young jackie kennedy. but then today, there was this from michael and we couldn t help but notice it said the 11th hour right there on the cover of newsweek from this

Phrase , Case , In-plain-sight , Trump-quote , Trump , Reporting , Jeff-sessions , Seat , Washington-post , It , Obstruction-of-justice , Directive