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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240610

$6250 for each of his 28 years behind bars. from 2016 to 2020, 374 people wrongfully convicted of murder, 61% african-americans, have reunited with their families together they spent over 6000 years in prison. years. years they will never get back. that s all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. i am craig melvin and this is dateline. leading up to this assign what it was going to be like. i had so many thoughts leading to this assignment as to what it would be like. trying to imagine going down isoad, knowing it s a one- way trip. this moment where you get your last glimpse of the world around you, but that glimpse is through steelman mesh. louisiana highway 66. it s beautiful countryside and undoubtedly not lost on the countless men driven to the place where they will most likely die. that road ends here. the louisiana state penitentiary, a former plantation. the size of manhattan. 28 square miles. most people call it angola named after the african country that was home to the slaves who once worked these very fields. now, angola is the largest maximum-security prison in the country where today, i will be housed with about 5500 men. i am heading into ground zero of mass incarceration. there is a heightened awareness as i walked through here with no guards. for the next couple of days, i will be staying here, exploring key issues of the person reform debate. juveniles sentenced to life without parole. we were children when we got incarcerated. the lasting effect of the war on drugs. the power of rehabilitation. your life is worthwhile. the demand by many for punishment. i think he s where he needs to be. i will stay in a cell to better understand the purpose and experience of prison all from the inside. hello and welcome to dateline. we have all heard the saying, lock him up and throw away the key. critics say that has been our country s approach for crime for two we long. they question whether mass incarceration is keeping a safer and what lengthy prison terms mean for many of the more than 2 million americans behind bars. lester holt spent three days in one of the nation mesquite toughest penitentiary and this is what he witnessed. here is his special report. life inside. life it angola prison is not what you might imagine. the vast majority live like this. more than 80 men and open dorms, sleeping on bunkbeds. i will be staying in a unit next to death row for high risk offenders are in my case, a high-profile guest. we will go down here. my home will be on a tier called ccr a closed cell restriction. the men here are locked in their cells 23 hours a day. i am given sheets, slippers, and toiletries and shown to my cell. cell 11. go in here, please. go ahead and close. naturally, phones are not allowed. all i have is my journal, a pen, a novel, my watch, and am/fm radio. i have cameras around me installed by our crew to record my experience and my thoughts. as journalists, we note to get to the heart of something have to get inside it. the closer you are to something, the more is revealed to you. i soon meet my neighbor, william curtis who is serving a life sentence for second-degree murder. he tells me he is locked in ccr because he has tried to escape multiple times. how far did you get? not very. he s only allowed out one hour a day. do you go out? not very often. the last time was probably four years ago. you haven t seen the sun in four years? i just want to get through the night. take care of yourself. we will be here a couple of days. i quickly learned the falling asleep in prison is challenging. the toilets flush loudly and often. cell to cell chatter that lasts well into the night. my bed is attached to the wall to curtis is so when he moves around, i feel it. the bed is not much for comfort. it s kind of a plastic mattress, but it did the trick. i slept okay. breakfast arrives at 5:30 a.m., delivered by a prisoner. in case you are wondering, it s scrambled eggs, grits and biscuits to the sound of a flushing toilet. no country on earth locks up more of its citizens than the united states. while we make less than 5% of the world s population, we lock up more than 20% of the world s prisoners. politicians, academics, and activists say mass incarceration is an american crisis. we ve gone from $6 billion in spending to $80 billion today. a civil rights lawyer brian stevenson is one of the nation s leading prison reform advocates. we have hundreds of thousands of people in prison who are not a threat. is it about safety or punishment? we created a culture that makes it entirely about punishment. you might be surprised to us thanks mass incarceration is a problem. the people who run louisiana s prison system. nationwide, we lock up people too long and too many of them. smith is the director of operations for louisiana s department of corrections. it s not working and not giving the results it wants. it s costing a lot of money. we key people that their time of danger is over. he says it s time for americans to rethink the purpose of prison from simply punishment to rehabilitation. you say it s about rehabilitation but a lot of americans think it is about punishment. this should be hell. they ve done awful things. we can make somebody worse. plenty of the incarcerated to believe it is just about punishment. another day in the field. watch it make soap scum here. disappear. and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. (rebecca) it wasn t until after they had done the surgery to remove all the toes that it really hit me. you see the commercials. you never put yourself in that person s shoes until you re there. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. a new toothpaste from [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. lester holt: much of angola prison is farmland. thousands of cattle are raised here to be sold on the open market, and a variety of crops much of angola prison is farmland. thousands of cattle are raised here to be sold on the open market. a variety of crops are grown here as well. all of it happening with inmate labor. one of the many hot button issues and mass incarceration debate. i am on my way to the fields riding on this truck. many of the men are convicted killers including the ones sitting on either side of me. jovan t sanders beat a woman to death and stole her car. what is your sentence? life. without parole. terry mays shot a man in the neck during a drug deal. you ve been here how many years? 30. like prisons everywhere in america, most inmates get paid pennies per hour. how much do you get paid? two cents an hour. this job is not one of the more desired once? it is the bottom of the barrel. nobody want to be in the field. angola is not like any other maximum-security prison i ve ever been to. all of this is angola. a series of prisons. they call them camps. you are from camp d? yes, sir. today to today we are picking carrots. should i be worried about my safety? well, if use an inmate, most definitely. a majority of the inmates are people of color. in fact, black men in america are six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men. i certainly cannot escape the optics. look around, mostly black men working on a former slave plantation under the watch of armed guards on horseback. it is unsettling to many. i know it s a sensitive subject and it troubled me a little bit. it made me uncomfortable talking to the guys. most of them look like me. african american. the history of this land as a slave plantation. do you see that as an issue? i can see how someone would have an issue with the. every land in louisiana was a slave plantation. growing vegetables, it s something given back to the prison itself. smith said the crops provide the inmate population fresh food but he says it saves taxpayers money. it costs $1.70 a day to feed each offender. this will be the life for many of these men for decades to come. some have left young children behind who are among the 5 million kids in america who have had a parent in prison. jovan t has two of them. you know the way it works. you are in prison, your dad in prison, your kids and children. are you afraid for your children? i definitely am. my father got murdered when i was three years old. i never knew him. it is hard to imagine knowing you will spend the rest of your life here. especially if you are convicted as a teenager. advocates like brian stevenson say juvenile offenders should never be treated the same as an adult. we put thousands of kids and adult jails and start prosecuting the kids and states with no minimum age being tried as an adult. we should never put children and adult jails. what about one commit violent crimes like murder? we were children and we got incarcerated. i m sitting in on a support room support group. they committed crimes before adults and given sentences of life without the possibility of parole. they are called juvenile lifers. i was 16. i was 17. i committed my crime at the age of 16. 2000 juvenile lifers like them and presented a. i was different at 17 then i am at 60 now. at 17, i knew right from wrong. how do you reconcile that? you have to be accountable. there s no excuse for what i did or what any of us done. they tell me they are no longer the boys they once were and are no longer a threat to society. how do i know they are not conning me? when we got the opportunity to show we are different, people could see. in the past few years, they have gotten new hope to make their case for a second chance. what gives you hope? right there. that s our man right there. state of louisiana. montgomery versus state of louisiana is a landmark supreme court ruling named after the oldest and longest serving member of this group. henry montgomery who is 72 years old when i met him. you were 17 years old when your sentence. do you remember what it was like to be 17? yeah. young and stupid. montgomery was indicted for murder in november 1963. the same month jfk was assassinated. he has been at angola for 55 years. i am behind 55 years. technology, i am 150 years behind. in 2012, the u.s. supreme court ruled mandatory life without parole sentences for juveniles are unconstitutional, pointing to science that says it s clear that adolescent brains are not yet fully mature. that ruling did not apply to people like henry montgomery who had already been sent away as a juvenile. that is why montgomery took his case to the supreme court and in 2016, he won. now, all juvenile lifers, no matter how long ago they were locked up can make a case that they deserve parole. mostly older guys over here? this 70-year-old clifford is one of them. i went to see him in the dorm where he lives. this is my bed right here. he has been locked up 61 years. since you have been here we have landed a man on the moon. think about that. there have been a lot of changes. six decades in prison have changed him and thanks to the man sitting next to him, hampton, he will have a chance at freedom. why do you think you deserve parole? i would not say i deserve parole. i would not use that word deserve because i took someone s life. i could say that i have earned parole. and faked, hampton and montgomery will see the parole board the same day and i will be there. how are you feeling? u feeling? lester holt (voiceover): one of the things that struck me while walking around angola was how many men i met who seemed to be focused one of the things that struck onme while walking aroun angola was how many men i met who seemed to be focused on changing their lives. one of them is dalton. i knew i had to do something different than just do time and die in prison. since coming to angola in 2004, he says he has turned his life around by taking advantage of the person s programs. i graduated with a ba, 3.91 average. he earned a masters degree from a bible college. he became an ordained minister. a couple of times a week, gospel raps his former preaching to the population. it is hard to square the man sitting across with me with the horrible crime he committed. your actions caused the death of a baby. yeah. when he was 21, he was watching a stepson. the child was inconsolable. he shook the baby so violently he died. now he is serving a 60 year sentence for manslaughter. how do you move past that? how do you become a different person? at first, i didn t know what i was going to do. it was sickening to my heart that i would have done something like that. prejean said he was filled with anger which had its roots in his childhood. this is a picture of prejean and his father shortly before he was executed in the electric chair in 1990 in this very prison for killing a louisiana state trooper. kids watch television and they are like, your daddy is about to be fried chicken. by me have been the same name, people would call my name, i would put my head down because i was ashamed of what i believed that name had meant. over the years, he said programs at angola helped change him. opportunities that were not available when his father was here and still not available at most prisons across the country. there is a movement to try to provide the rehabilitation that was abandoned. people locked up with nothing to do and we know education is transformative. education and programs have proven to reduce violence inside prison. angola was once known as the bloodiest prison in america. things began to change in the 1990s when the prison began to focus on more than simply locking up people and feeding them. now, in addition to his popular annual inmate rodeo, there are a variety of programs. these men are training service dogs for veterans. there s even a radio station run by incarcerated men. the station that kicks behind the bricks. we give them more freedom depending on your behavior. we have a lot of programs led by other guys serving life sentences. it gives them purpose. it looks like an auto shop. i talked with john, a master mechanic at the prison s auto shop. i did not know how to change a spark plug before he came to prison. he has been incarcerated here since 1988 for killing his wife with a shotgun. even though he was sentenced to life without parole, he mentors nonviolent offenders and a reentry program. when you can come in here and change his life and go back out and stay out, you know you done something. your life is worthwhile. many graduates of the program work in a car dealership outside of new orleans. it turns out his life has been changed as well. 2022, louisiana governor john bell edwards commuted his sentence, making them eligible for parole. he was released in february 2023 after nearly 35 years in prison. but there are other offenders at angola who might never get a second chance. this man, sentenced to more than a lifetime. 150 years. you will hear his dramatic story, next. story, next. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don t want to get up out of bed. joe: there s always that saying, well, you ve got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it s a long road. it s hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children s research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it s a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people s lives. and that s a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we ll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it s completely changed our lives and it s given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude s not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don t wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn t escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it s the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i m finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. former president trump is set to virtually meet with a probation officer later today. becomes a little over week after his conviction on 34 felony counts in his hush money trial. the sentencing is set for july 11. police in madison, wisconsin, are investigating after a early morning shooting that left 10 injured. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening and no suspect or motive has been identified. i m craig melvin. does the punishment fit the crime? welcome back to dateline. i am craig melvin. does the punishment fit the crime? it is a question at the heart of the prisoner debate especially when it comes to drug-related offenses. for the man you are about to make, parole board answer could mean the difference between a second chance at life or growing old and dying behind bars. back to lester holt with life inside. and my three days at angola, most of the men i spoke with had committed violent crimes and received long sentences. life without parole. yeah. like every person, there are nonviolent offenders serving laws sentences that might as well be life. john is one of them. i grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. he s a war vet that said he was lost and broken when he came home. i had no direction in life. in 2000, he was found guilty of running a massive drug ring that moved kilos of cocaine between texas and louisiana. it was his second drug conviction. my sentence was 150 years. that s right. 150 years and he is served 20 so far as. s case is a prime example of harsh sentencing laws for drug dealers and users the legacy of the government s decades long war on drugs. more than 450,000 people in america are locked up for a drug offense. brian said criminalizing drug addiction is misguided. we said this people are criminals and we did not have to say that. we could of said drug addiction is a health problem. is that why jails are so full? absolutely. this misguided war on drugs is at the top of the list. things have been changing. the first step act which was signed into law by former president trump in 2018 had been projected to reduce the sentences of thousands of nonviolent offenders in federal prisons. that does not affect more than 90% of the u.s. prison population which is locked up in state and local facilities. some states had already been relaxing sentencing guidelines like in louisiana which started in 2001. epstein was sentenced under the older and harsher laws so he sued the state and one co-which earned him a date with the parole board. now, he is just hours away. i am not a troublemaker. it s about debilitation. i m a little nervous. thinking about things. trying to get my mind that the possibility of me being released. you are making a way for all of us here. be blessed. his 31-year-old son, a law school graduate, came to surprise him. a three-member panel must vote unanimously to grant parole. our cameras were not allowed inside the parole hearing room. about an hour later, his family walked out first. he made it. i made it. i made it. we were there for his first steps as a free man in 20 years. oh, have mercy. [ crying ] two other people are eager to follow him out that gate. henry montgomery and clay after clifford hampton who served a combined 116 years are about to face the parole board themselves. do you think you should be paroled? i should be. i m 55 years older. i am mature enough to know i ain t going to do that again. that might not matter. this is his second parole hearing. he was denied a year before and it seems clear to many why armory is still in prison. you killed a cop. yeah. the man he murder was deputy sheriff charles from east baton rouge. in november 1963, montgomery then 17 years old was playing hooky when the deputy and plainclothes approached him. montgomery said as a black teenager living in the segregated south, he was startled and scared and was carrying a gun and he shot him. i had the gun in my hand and i shot him. i did it and i am sorry. they say it doesn t matter how montgomery feels. what does matter is he stays behind bars. attack on a police officer s attack on the very fabric of society. he is the victim in grandson and today he is a police officer himself. there is no parole for charles. his life sentences permanent. my mom, my aunt, my uncle, our belief in the system is its equal justice. the family of clifford s victim did not want to speak to us on camera but they told us they do not think he should get out either. in 1958, when he was 17, he got in an argument with his 18-year- old neighbor. he flew into a rage and brutally stabbed her to death. i realize what i had did, i walked to the home of the deputy sheriff and turned myself in ski. he has another hurdle to overcome. in 1961, at age 20, he killed another inmate. he told me it was self-defense. angola was like a jungle. that s what you had to do. kill or go under. hampton and montgomery will soon find out if they will be granted parole, but if they are tonight, they could eventually end up where i am heading next. the hospice word. when i want to feel my most powerful, it starts with venus. with five ultra-sharp blades and water-activated serums for incredible glide. i feel the difference with every stroke. feel the power of smooth. (ethan) i smoked and have had multiple strokes. now, it s hard for me to remember things. my tip is, if you need to remember something, write it down quickly. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and lester holt: like every maximum security prison, angola can be a dangerous place. let every maximum-security prison, angola can be a dangerous place. on this morning, knife is found and when that happens, this is the response. a shakedown. this appears to be crushed and medication. we ve seen a couple shakedowns, what do you find? weapons, drugs. they along with assistant warden said being a corrections officer is among the toughest jobs in the world. you ve had things that have raised anxiety. absolutely. i m 34 and on anxiety medicine. studies have shown corrections officers have a higher suicide rate than the general population. can you give me some specific anecdotes of things that have happened to you? i had human waste thrown at me. what can you do? he already has life. the institution is understaffed and the officers say they are underpaid. we start people off at $14 an hour. people in the free world can go to home depot and make the same amount of money and not get feces thrown at them. poor behavior is often the result of hopeless men. the assistant warden said one of the things that is help to something i was surprised to learn that the majority of the officers here are women. there is value in the female officers. we can sometimes talk an offender down a lot quicker. just because we have a calming ability. something else i did not expect to hear. they believe that life without parole sentences makes person less safer everyone. if a man has life he has nothing to lose. he knows there s no chance of going home. i heard the same from many who work your. tonya works in the hospice unit. i would love to see these guys get a second chance. i worry about backlash i would get from that. i know the outside public perception is they are supposed to be here. was there a period in your life you would ve been on the other side? absolutely. my mother worked here as a security guard and i said how can you work with those people? when you get here and you hear some of the stories, no one is the same person from when they were younger to now. decades in prison would change anyone. there is an aging crisis in american prisons. more than 130,000 inmates older than 55 are incarcerated today. that is costing taxpayers more than $9 billion a year. experts say the aging and dying are the most expensive people to keep incarcerated and yet they pose the lowest risk to society. this is what a life sentence looks like when life is running out. dying prisoners being cared for in hospice by other incarcerated men. 63-year-old frank has been in prison for 45 years. when he was 19, he and his younger brother robbed a store, crime that ended with the murder of the owner. now, dying of cancer, he has asked for a compassionate release. the vast majority of petitioners for compassionate release are denied and so was frank. how are you feeling? lester holt. oh, yeah. we are going to have a nice conversation. do you think you should go home? can you give me a candy? it helps my throat. there you go. all right. i will let you rest. he is a human being. i am not here to judge him. but, i don t know how you don t have compassion. a few weeks later, i learned that frank died in his hospice bed alone. back in my cell, i had a lot of time to reflect about everything i have seen. i wrestle with the question of his prison punishment? if it s punishment, it s pretty bad. is it a place of reform? you can see efforts to reform here. i cannot help thinking as we are talking to men incarcerated when they were teenagers, and i think of myself at 16, 17 years old, it s very complicated. and now, the two man i met who committed murders as teenagers, henry montgomery, and clifford hampton are about to find out if they will finally get parole and walked back out into the world. world. mommy, what do you love to do? (chuckling) i love to be your mom. ( ) hey, what s your name? lukie! this is luke, and he has cerebral palsy. are we going to pt? yes, we are. luke s mom: without easterseals, my luke would be a very different luke. i m gonna say hi. okay! let s say hi. hi! he wouldn t have got the help that he desperately needed. easterseals offers important disability and community services that can change a life forever. and your monthly support is critical for these kids future. luke s mom: luke, he has had five therapy sessions a week for almost. for three and a half years. the need has not changed and there are more families that need help. please join easterseals right now. go online, call or scan the qr code with your gift of just $19 a month. luke is a fighter. from the day he was born, to his time in the nicu, to luke s first time walking. now i m going to cry. (sigh) you worked so hard. i m so proud of you. i worked so hard. you did. you know, just to reach into your heart and see what your donation can do for these kids. please visit, call or scan the qr code on your screen with your gift of $19 a month and we ll send you this t-shirt as a thank you. luke s mom: you don t know what the future has and it s very scary. (inaudible) you ve changed the trajectory of my son s life. as a mom, i can t even explain how much that means to me. please join easterseals with your monthly gift right now. her uncle s unhappy. please join easterseals i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. lester holt: if there is one state that defines mass incarceration, it s louisiana, known for decades as the prison capital of the world. if there is one state that defines his incarceration, it s louisiana. known for decades as the prison capitol of the world. 2019, the state s governor john bell edwards said tough on crime approach had not been working. let s talk about mass incarceration. i suppose there was a time it was a good thing. i don t know it was ever a good thing but we know now it was counterproductive. we had the highest incarceration rate in the nation for the last couple of decades but our crime rate was not better for it and recidivism was not better. we were not safer. it was costing a $700 million a year just in louisiana. that s third only to education and health care so we could not afford it. in 2017, edwards, democrat in the deep south signed bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation. the most ambitious in the state s history. you reduced your prison population. we have but we are number 2 at prison. it s a process. to see this happen in a deep red state. law and order south is pretty stunning. it s counterintuitive that you can over incarcerate and be less safe because of it. the reforms are projected to reduce department of corrections spending by more than $260 million over the next decade. some of the money will be invested in reentry programs for those coming home. an important investment because every week an average of 12,000 permanent prisoners in america release back to society. 95% of inmates will get out. when you do next to nothing for successful reentry, you are creating a future that is more riddled with crime. louisiana s reforms focus on nonviolent offenders. what about violent offenders like the juvenile lifer group i are the men dying in hospice. we met people in that person who do not pose a threat to society, but in your opinion, do some people belong in person because what they did was reprehensible? because what they did was reprehensible and there continues to be opposition among the victim s family. whether someone continues to pose a threat to society is a factor to be considered and whether they get released. it cannot be the determinant factor to the of all others. henry montgomery and clifford hampton face opposition from the victim s families. what will happen to them when they see the parole board? montgomery is about to find out. someone has come to support him. his name is andrew. he might look like a lawyer but he is actually the first juvenile lifer to be released because of montgomery s supreme court case. all right. today is the day. he served 19 years in prison. at age 15, he was out with a teenage girl when i got into an argument. he became enraged and peter over the head with a metal rod and try to get rid of her body by burning it. you committed a pretty savage crime. it was a horrible crime and on excusable there s nothing i can do to undo it. they were able to see how i had changed. the parole board said he changed after 19 years, what will it say about henry montgomery after 55 years? you are the first guy who got out and he is still here. there is a lot of guilt. i went to prison when i was 15, a white kid, and got out when i was 34. henry went to prison, a black kid at 17 and he is still here after 55 years. big day. the panel must vote unanimously to free him. they were behind closed doors for more than an hour. this is the audio from that hearing. my vote is to grant parole. my vote is to grant. two yes for his release. then came the third and final vote. for me, unfortunately, mr. montgomery i m going to have to deny your parole. i have a problem i think you need more programs. today your parole has been denied. i caught up with montgomery after he heard the news. he told me he had already packed his bag. you were getting ready in case. in case they said you could go home. yeah. you were holding together. i got life. i will keep my mind on trying to get out. you have to keep hope alive. clifford hampton s hope remains alive. he is about to face the parole board himself. i am realizing he has been in prison longer than i have been alive. i can t wrap my head around that. it was a unanimous vote. parole granted. i was there moments after a surprisingly subdued hampton learned the news. a new adventure begins. yeah. life on the outside. can you imagine what that might be like? excitement. a few days later, he walked free for the first time in 61 years. we will drop your stuff off at your apartment. andrew is here to help him because in 2016, he started a nonprofit called the parole project. by 2020, it had helped more than 40 juvenile lifer s reenter society. his first taste of the outside world, a fast food hamburger with everything on it. first apartment. his temporary apartment painted with bright colors to remind him he is no longer in prison. i am seeing so much that s new to me. i am excited about it all. 2.5 years later, he had the honor of assisting another juvenile lifer in his first moments as a free man. in november 2021, 75-year-old henry montgomery, the man who paved the way to freedom for andrew and hundreds of others was granted parole after serving nearly 58 years behind bars. in all honesty, henry should ve been the first one of us to come home. however, he is home today. you are going to do great. montgomery and clifford hampton left behind thousands of others who will never go home. they are today s filled with only yesterday s. something my neighbor curtis know all too well. this is my son he was killed in a motorcycle crash. in my short time here, i learned a lot about the human ability to cope. to accept. to survive. good night. as i wrote in the journal i kept, it s too easy to look away from prison and prisoners. dignity is earned. hope is essential. i m craig melvin. thank you for watching. that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240610

check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn t for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. life, liberty & levin starts right now. aunt stark is seen as veterans of normandy returned to the country they liberated 80 years ago at me with the leader fighting to save his country now. cracks you are the savior of the people. shannon: emotional commemoration of d-day in an already present invited me with g7 leaders in italy facing increasing criticism from european allies were standing by israel in its war against hamas while trying to bolster support for ukraine as it struggles in its war with russia peopl will talk with repn tom cotton mr. summit intel and armed services committees. then, five months out for election day present by the family takes executive action to try to secure america s a broken border pit where the top issues voters say is hurting the country. plexus will help us gain control of our border, restore order in the process. lexa biden s order is not a border security plan. it is a concession to the fact he has lost control over our borders. shannon: more than 8 million micro encounters at the bar since present invited tech officer it will his moves be enough to stem the flow of migrants have overwhelmed cities and a red and blue states including these nations of the biggest end, new york city plus democratic congressman ritchie torres who played host to a trump rally last month. plus pick works when someone lies to congress that is a crime. even if you are the presidents on the progress knew trouble for hunter biden house republicans accused him of lying to congress part of the same time his defense team prepares to fight back against the prosecution case in this felony gun trial at our sunday pan on the particle blowback for the president. all right now on fox news sunday at hello fox news in new york. headlines today, the celebration israel this weekend as for israelis are rescued and the largest hostage rescue operations and the largest since began to report reno with family after 246 days in captivity. hamas says a 200 side of our palestinians were killed during the raid. built by that military in gaza is back up and taking and food and humanitarian aid for palestinians after it was blown apart and high winds and heavy seas last month. voters across europe are set to decide the direction of the european union s in parliament today. early polls suggest they could shift the largest trading block to the right. a bit concerned over the war in ukraine and migration for those issues sure to be a top party g7 leaders prepared to meet and a link this week including president biden part a moment we ll get reaction from republican senator tom cotton. first we have team coverage from trey yingst in israel and where we began with white house correspondent peter doocy in paris. good afternoon of a present bidens that part s last day here in paris and greeting u.s. embassy staff to rezone his weight right now to go lay a wreath at world war i memorial port all while warding he thanks another big war in this part of europe could be possible if the west stops sending nine figure munition packages to ukraine. you know putin is not going to stop at ukraine. it is not just ukraine it s much more than ukraine. all of europe will be threatened. we are not going to let that happen. later this week the g7 western allies will work not just to help ukraine but figure how to counter china economically present biden claim during during a coffee s getting complaints lately from president xi this will be subtitles because the president was speaking so softly. might last discussion. present biden is not acknowledged the large broke pals and protest at the white house saturday that wrapped all the way around campus. is that is keeping the talk about the war and gossip focused on the rescued hostages. pursuant to ech echo presidents comments welcome this save rescue of four hostages returned to their families in israel. we won t stop working to all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached that is essential to happen. but before attending this week s g7 in italy which is a very short flight from here, president biden is going to fly home to delaware for a couple of days which will mean he will be home if there s a verdict in his son s trial by midweek. shannon: will talk much about that later in the show peter doocy thank you very much from paris is go to trey yingst in tel aviv where people are celebrating the return of those for rescued hostages. hate shannon, good morning. almost 250 days into the war, the israeli people received a rare piece of good news amid the conflict. twenty-six year old noa argamani aperture 56 days in captivity she s headed home. israel special forces conducted complex hostage rescue mission and successfully rescued four of our hostages from captivity and gossip it with a daring rescue operation taking place in central gaza at two locations is really forces engaged in fire fights with hamas gunmen before securing the hostages. helicopters arrived at israeli hospital, crowds cheered, for israelis after more than eight months in gaza were reunited with their loved ones. a father, with his daughter but a man with his friends, a mother with her son. thank you. thank you for bringing my son to me. to us. i am so excited that i could hug him today. this story does not come without dark preacher in the operation one israeli officer succumbed to his wounds sustained during the battle and according to the hamas run palestinian health ministry over 200 people the majority sibley were killed during the operation that included extensive israeli airstrikes. but they did not send u this warning or leaflets or nothing. body parts spread in the streets. the rescue operation illustrate the contradictions of war for palestinians it was a day of the death and destruction. for the israeli people exactly 35 weeks after black saturday it was a day of hope. shannon: trey yingst live in israel for starting is now arkansas senator tom cotton print welcome back to the show i want to start with your reaction to the daring rescue and the good news. quick shannon, thank you for having me on. what a wonderful day for the people of israel to have four of these hostages rescued in a truly heroic well executed mission yesterday had a chance to speak with prime minister netanyahu shortly after the mission pretty commended the israeli defense forces and the israeli police who helped execute this operation. i am very dismayed by sources and the progressive left here in america including the new york times, washington post or somehow condemning israel for saving for hostages at the cost of the supposedly more than 200 palestinians. we cannot take at face value what hamas says and the ministry of health. but my advice to them if you don t want your people killed in a hostage rescue missions you should not take hostages in the first place. you should release what you have you certainly should not hide them in civilian areas. so hats off to the israeli security forces for a fantastic day in a rescue release for hostages. we understand there are still americans being held. there s been discussion whether our own special forces should be operating in that region there is great concern u.s. forces being on the ground there s been a pledge that will not happen but what about our hostages and getting them out? quick shannon, our military is several units specifically trained in hostage rescue. they always have to be available and ready to rescue american citizens, wherever they may be. those are our responsibilities not israel s or any other nation. that said the israeli defense forces and security forces have the expertise operating in gaza working with the american government specifically our intelligence services as well. i am confident israel s government had a chance to rescue american citizens they would you the exact same for our citizens that they would do for israel but our hostage rescue teams always have to be available we simply would not want to have any kind of conflict with israel hostage rescue teams who want to work with them hand in glove to make sure every hostage gives it back alive. shannon: are more than 100 of that we re still try to figure how they come home for the meat of the present given injury to time magazine a few days ago he said this sum and is or have suggested netanyahu is a prolonged the war for his own political self-preservation do you believe that? president biden responded i m not going to comment on that but added the source every reason for people to draw that conclusion. what do you make of that response from him in the region what you say to critics who say that is exactly what netanyahu is doing? this is another slander by joe biden against benjamin netanyahu and the israeli government at large. prime minister netanyahu policies are very popular. is it war cabinet signing off on missions like you saw yesterday. at every turn tries to limit israel s action their ability to defend themselves and put more pressure on israel. not pressure on hamas and its patrons in the middle east. just look at what happened yesterday outside of the white house fo but anti- american pro- hamas lunatics defacing and desecrating the statues of our great veterans. which is a violation of our federal law. joe biden s government allowed it to happen. i bet we will not see any arrest or prosecutions for violating that law will introduce legislation this week that impose stiffer penalties we can lock these lunatics up. biden thanks these lunatics should be guiding american policy towards israel. what we should be doing is backing israel to the hilt really done that since october 7 attacks this war would probably already be over for the hostages would be free there be less civilian casualties and suffering in gaza. joe biden is instead catering to the small pro- hamas wing of the democrat party and set a backing israel like the large approach israel s majority of the american people want astute. shannon: that is what the polling shows let s talk about another ho hotspot, ukraine. present been spending time with he apologize for the delay of a this latest round that came through. he said he blames him a very conservative members holding it up and said we finally got it done. you blocked when the earlier packages read concerns about it. there are changes you ultimately vote for. you think is pointing the finger at you? quick shannon, he shall be pointing the finger at himself. for more than two years joe biden pussyfooting around and did not give ukraine the weapons it needed to defend itself. every turn and this war ukraine has asked for certain types or quantity of weapons. weapons. joe biden has refused only to reverse three or six or nine months later when it was too late. take a step back and look at the broader context. joe biden is largely responsible for tempting vladimir putin to do it he always wanted to do. which is invade and annex ukraine back to russia. and, if you notice vladimir putin only tends to invade ukraine when democrats are present till it did under barack obama he did und did under joe d not happen under donald trump. for four years we had peace and stability and effect donald trump reversed barack obama and joe biden s failed policy of sending ukrainians and blankets and ponchos proven donald trump was in office we sent them the javelins that were essential for winning the battle and the way to have peace in europe and for that matter peace and stability around the world is to remove joe biden from the white house on election day this year and return donald trump. that is how we get back into peace and stability. shannon: you talk about annexation want to bring this up the reports of resident trump plans to do is to potentially push ukraine to give up crimea, if that is the plan do you agree with that strategy and would that be rewarding putin in order to wrap this up in the way he intended to start it and take some of the territory is not just giving him what he wanted? quick shannon, president trump and his campaign has said in eight reports of plans like that are not authorized and are not coming from the president himself but furthermore president trump has said he strongly supports ukraine s strength and survival. he is strong relationship when he was in office with president zelenskyy bird president trump is the one who provided ukraine the weapons they needed to fend off this russia invasion that happen in large part because of joe biden s weakness. i do not think president trump was to prejudge what the situation will become january, nor do i. in part because we have no idea how much worse and joe biden can screw things up but if you judge the circumstances as they exist next year when he returns to office and hopefully will be have a republican majority in congress as a welt to make decisions about what best protects america s interest in the interest of our allies and partners. shannon: on the talk is about you being on the shortlist for vice president. can you confirm whether being vetted formally? quick shannon, as i have said i think only one person know who s on the shortlist. thirty-six at paperwork, requests and those kinds of things? quick shannon i think he will make a choice when he is ready to make that choice i m confident he s going to make a good choice for the ticket and the party but more importantly for the country. i think uganda will make that choice and the time is right. i am focused on helping him win this election. helping republicans win that majority in the congress so we can begin to reverse the damage joe biden has inflicted on this country for four years. shannon: is fair to say you all made statements like things like nato, international organizations, america s role in the global stage that are different. would you come as a vice president advocate for policies that may not line up with your commander-in-chief? are you two different on issues of poor foreign-policy question puts president trump and i ve long been lined on foreign policy both subscribe to what you might say was ronald reagan s vision which is peace through strength for four years of president trump of the white house we had peace and stability around the globe we did not have wars breaking out in europe and the middle east and being the threats and in asia. we believe sometimes you have to use a military force indiscriminate fashion way president trump did when he authorized the strike against iran s terrorist mastermind sulla money. we believe we need to pressure allies to take more responsibility providing our defense or taking responsibility for what is happening in their own region in part because america needs to take the lead against china and the western pacific to preserve peace and stability there. i believe president trump and i rely on foreign policy just like ronald reagan was which is peace through strength strategy which is where the vast majority of not just republicans but normal americans think. only pro- hamas anti- american lunatics the democrat party think america is to blame for what s happening in the world or that we should retreat from strength and confidence in the world. shannon: we hope to hear more from president trump maybe the debate stage on his plans for ukraine in the meantime s senat, thank you for your time keep us updated on that paperwork. thank you, janet. [laughter] protects border cast thousands of migrant so crossing into the u.s. daily despite the presence executive actions fox news will take you alive to the border new york congressman democrat ritchie torres is here in studio next that we have not shut down a silent but we have done is further strengthen the border through executive action. which can be challenged and will be challenged in the courts which is why we need congress to act. shannon: homeland security secretary friday after president biden issued executive actions the white house says are aimed at controlling the flow of migrants illegally crossing the border. how is the reality playing out on the ground? matt finn is live at the border in california with the real world impact. border patrol agents here tell us this area just outside of san diego for the past three years has been a hotspot because human smugglers of their gaping holes in the border wall and they can easily push illegal migrants through. just outside of san diego fox camera captured yet another group of 40 50 migrants illegally crossing. coming from all over the world including china, india, vietnam. one migrant posed for parents whose loaded onto a bus. this week facing mounting political pressure and concerning poll numbers, president biden announced executive order that suspends and limits the entry of noncitizens which will remain in effect until the daily average of migrant encounters drops below 1500 for seven consecutive days. and moving past and using executive authorities available to me as president to do it i can on my own to address the border. migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek after entering through establish lawful process. ask biden claims migrants who now cross illegally will be in eligible for asylum unless they have exceptionally compelling circumstances. i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. or has not been any immediate change as far as any significance of a decrease in illegal border crossings since the announcement. this week fox crew spo box ch migrants from across the globe to the major american san diego metropolitan. all from egypt? america. jordan. jordan? why did you come to egypt? why did you come to america? for a job. for a job? yes you know it s illegal to cross a word like this, right? yes but you don t care? yes. shanna, looks like president biden executive order on immigration could be indefinite for the threshold for it to end is when the daily average hits about 1500 the latest numbers obtained by fox news show we are sitting about 3900 right now. shannon: matt finn live at the border thank you very much. for joining me now insert ignorant congressman democrat ritchie torres. it s good to see if it. is a pleasure to be here in person. shannon: has a very nice to see you. let s talk about new york city there s an influx of some estimates wonders 35000 migrants in a relatively short period of time. no city council member said we are spending more taxpayer money to care for foreign nationals that we are on the annual budget at nypd, at the end why the department of sanitation combines. i know your reaction this week to some of the executive action by the president was where you do not want to be indistinguishable you said from republicans you are worried about excluding or erasing certain communities of color. what do you say to the people of color are your constituents or people live in this town who are worried about the system being overwhelmed, public safety, education. mayor adam said it could destroy the city. the concerns are fair. the migrant crisis has put an enormous strain on the social safety net system of nurse that we in the nine states have a dysfunctional asylum system. anyone anywhere can cross the border, claim asylum, enter the country and border patrol has no emergency authority to limit crossings in the event of a search. that s the gap executive order is billing but in the end executive order is no substitute for an act of congress only congress can fix what s broken in our asylum system for quick to note both sides to point the finger at each other. house republicans will say we passed hr to it s very comprehensive. the president say what about the deal this cent you guys had together? it seems it does not matter who is in charge of this problem is intractable does not get salt. there s one party that has a by camera by partisan order security it is the democratic party we the democrats negotiated border security compromise with the republicans but there are number of republicans press a small handful. most notably mitch mcconnell he was before is for the bill before is against is pressured by donald trump to oppose legislation. those republicans are actively obstructing oppose the border security compromise have no interest in actually solving the problem they re interested in playing politics and demagogue the issue against president biden. there is a difference fink governing and grandstanding and governing as compromise have refused to compromise if you let the enemy of the good you re not part of the solution part of the problem. shannon: they had a number of problems many saying they felt they had no say it was negotiated to a point where they could not go along with what wasn t it. we look at the issue of immigration is not good for the white house or the president. new pulling out a number of key states and virginia. when people were asked who you trust to handle immigration more double-digit you see on our screen they think president trump is a much better handle on us. looked out encourage you to look at new york three long island was ground zero for the red wave in new york and tom was able to win back new york three by an even larger margin that we lost in 2022 he was largely campaigning on border security so tom has shown democrats can proactively on the issue border security i do not think we should proceed to the republicans. shannon: when you look at a 20-point deficit for president biden and is really critical states that s got to be a warning sign to the white house. does it then make you question as some do this executive action is just a political ploy in an election year? the present is acting because of congressional in action. congress needs to do its job to keep in mind the political establishment has a history of underestimating president biden he has proven the conventional wisdom is wrong i suspect is going to outperform the polls and out perform the predictions of the political pundits and the prognosticators. quick so they get tighter people now to make a decision third-party candidates the pole with significant numbers once devoted to the ballot box or early vote they ve got to make a decision is often times tighten up. i want to ask about all these recent reports questioning the president s ability to run, to be effective for the four years forgives in the polls is not just republicans as democrats and independents of questions about the sea atlantic had a really tough piece out yesterday. referring to the president as another ruth bader ginsburg she does not know when it s time to leave and it cost the country that seat across the democrats that seat they say this about him and i say he remains a comprehensively weak income but weighed down by the same liabilities that burden from the start. beginning with the largest and completely unfixable one at 81 he is much too old to run for president. you said last year 80 is not ideal for the age of a candidate running. but here we are. what do you make of these reports you think the president is up to the four years? have full confidence in the presence through the present is old so is donald trump. cooher toys and people differeny because our people seem less concerned about president trump s age. is a narrative but if you actually look at his record it speaks for itself. he is most productively by partisan presidencies in recent memory you bring down democrats and republicans together to provide healthcare to veterans exposed to toxic substances, but brought democrats republicans to mix in the largest investments in infrastructure more than half a century. brought together to address the national security risk around tiktok. when you judge him based on substance rather than narrative i think he deserves reelection. shannon: on the estimate the big rally president trump had a couple of weeks ago in your district prints a very diverse district. a lot of folks showed up at we talk to some of them out there but one gentleman says you are taking everything from blacks and browns everywhere it is hispanics or the other people do not have a lot for your taking it and giving it to illegal aliens which is totally wrong. he talked about why he was attending this at many other similar statements from folks. why do you think your constituency is moving and poll numbers shows hispanic and black waters moving to president trump in a way they did in 2020. first approximate overwhelmingly vote for president biden despite a few anecdotes because it will be shocked if it were other ways. the latina boat in 2000 george w. bush went up 40 40% oe latino votes. puerto ricans and dominicans of the south bronx are different from cubans and venezuelans in florida who are different from mexicans in california are different from mexicans in the south texas. the latino vote ha is been a bipartisan vote for long time despite what the polls say we should be campaigning if we are 10 or 20 points bite we should never take any constituency for granted but we should campaign for every single vote. always a good base for any campaign despite any polls be fighting for every single vote congressman thank you for taking time to come and we appreciate it. up an excellent president trump makes a massive fundraising hall in the space once a dime to buy democrats less than three weeks ahead of the first presidential debates. our sunday panels are to break the new polls showing significant movement with key voting blocs that could make the difference for either candidate come november. i rally and backgrou battlegrt after rigging and big fundraising over the weekend. fox news senior correspondent is live on the ground with the very latest. former president trump arrives here in the silver state after striking gold big dollar donors in california. silicon valley is not a place republicans typically tap for campaign cash former president trump got a boost after tech investor david zach s held a packed private event in san francisco. the bay area is liberal and so we thought that 5 million might be a big lift turns out we got all the way to 12 are. he trust trump more than present by the issues including the economy, border and foreign policy. he types are beginning to change in california but they re starting to look at who are the people they are electing? the answer is postconviction or chestrust which ballooned to a combined $291 million from self-reported funds, are and see many organizations are back in. biting campaigns as well trump s case mabe reenergized his base, monies being spent on legal bills not voters. and it comes to money this is going be very competitive race. we note donald trump is going to raise a lot of money. we raise a lot of money but as of april biden cash on hand advantage is about $35 million. trump started his west coast swing in arizona he promised to resend biden s executive order limiting asylum-seekers to the united states. cooks i will terminate every single open borders a policy of the biden administration. bided narrowly won arizona and nevada in 2020 new fox news polling shows voters are unhappy with their finances the president s job performance. and head to head match ups he leads bided by five points in both states. former presidents rally begins in las vegas later this afternoon but the national weather service has issued excessive heat watch. the campaign is telling supporters to be mindful of the temperatures they will be providing water and have cooling stations. shannon, the high today forecasted in las vegas 103. are right live in vegas and boris. thank you very much. time for our sunday group. fox news contributed present of american spirit tammy bruce author of the new book, fear itself predisposing the left mind killing agenda but former tennessee democratic congressman cohost of the five fox news contributor harold ford junior former new york republican congressman, former gubernatorial nominee and prosecutor of lee is eldon. good to see you all the new york studio in person pre-thank you for being here but let s start with the fox news polling we have out and ke he states. will stop on a couple of them but let s put up florida. president trump up by four they re pretty going to nevada he is up by five. and then in arizona he is also up by five. but there is another twist to this i want to put up in arizona there is an abortion measure they ll be on the ballot and people asked whether they would vote for constitutional amendment to the right to abortion on the statement of the 70% say yes 27% said no. tammy, how could that impact could be a spoiler for president trump went into arizona has a comfortable lead at the moment? what that is the issue the democrats have relied upon to increase their enthusiasm. people are going to rush to vote for joe by if you put an issue on this it could be a variety of issues that is something people are passionate about. it will get them to the polls. however, i do not think this poll also says biden said about five point on the issue of abortion when it comes head to head with trump. suicide a huge lead. you ve got republicans who were alarealso agreeing with that bat measure. i think the trump enthusiasm we have seen this, even after the verdict, this poll it is monstrous, it is huge. this is the one thing thing the democrats have been relying on from the beginning because of biden s weakness. even that is not playing as much as they thought it would even suburban women have moved to trump. is going to be the push for the next few months i don t think it s going be a problem for trump i think they re able to beat that. and got sick at the turn out both sides of got to get operations i mean democrats seem to have an advantage they are underway and some the things he trump team seems applicable catch up on there in arizona will say that let s look to the issues we talked about abortion, president biting at the edge on climate change, abortion, election integrity and healthcare. president trump by much bigger margins gets the wind from these folks on israel/hamas where the economy, immigration and the border and harold, those are issues people say are more important to them. happy sunday, thank you for having us do. i think a couple of things big democrats we should be concerned about the state-by-state polling data showing us down for five-point to president trump at 50. anytime your opponent is at 50 and president trump is a unique opponent he s been a president before that should b because for some concern. but there are some things working in favor president biden but first off president trump s most pessimistic major candidate for president i ve ever seen everything is the worst. president biden is the worst, the economy is the worst scum of the borders the worst there s still an element of americans wantamerica swanting positives g some optimism regardless of how tiktok and social media has influence politics. two, president biden s got to talk about his record if he is straight 50 million-dollar jobs, enter thousand manufacturing jobs investments in arizona including phoenix where they become a manufacturing hub and will continue to be one going forward. you cannot underestimate the power of abortion. keeping it legal and safe. it certainly has been an issue in 2006 same-sex marriage went about and say someone to ensurienshrine that and state constitutions hoping to bring out bigger republican voting numbers. this issue will certainly do that. and the question will come down i think to a viable election had a people feel about their finances? how to go about their future and economic security come october? whomever has the advantage at that moment will have the advantage come november. shannon: would have a question thank you for getting us there will say because we ll get the tweets if i don t 59 jobs created but no give tests on the sill go back and say it most came back because of covid. there s been job creation. but, as a result the latest round of unemployment good jobs anumbers but again previous months have been revised downward seems to have a house every month progress wages are going up also. whatever the number is been 14.9 million jobs created. we can quarrel about all day but if we lost 14.9 million jobs, the tweets will be saying biden is the reason. of the economic issue come up to this point in virginia where there is a thai head to head president biden wen one bite 10 points more than 10 points there last summer and they were tied one of the questions asked what about your family s financial situation? will put this up. holding steady 43% 40% of people say falling behind. lee, you are to the ballot box in october people are going to vote based on their own economics, their own pocketbook. no doubt. the household debt being very high for a lot of families for families who want to get the first home interest rates are higher for some people there but they are in a home prioritizing upper economic mobility harder to be able to afford that larger house. the economy as an issue decide your vote in november is a bigger issue for people who are not benefiting from the economy right now. the point whether it s arizona, florida, nevada, for it voters a lot of them are talking about the border as a top priority there talk about the economy as a top priority. they are not talking as much about some these other issues. into the conversation about abortion being on the ballot they have backed the blue measure in arizona they ha devae white amendment to comment child sex trafficking. i think in the end of the day comes onto the mechanics and campaign it comes down to both sides as ritchie torres was talking t in his message of democrat that applies to republicans take absolutely nothing for granted but work hard on all day every day progress every campaign is at the absolute truth panel do not go far. up next hundred biden s federal gun cases back in session tamara s attorney taken this weekend to decide if the president s son will take the stand. plus, if you need a break available for streaming right now vaccination 80s quiz show you ll recognize a lot of familiar faces including mine. we get a little crazy because super competitive if you ve need a break this is fun hosted by the one and only chuck woolery on fox nation. treated any differently than any other american pickers. they argue, jason smith argues he did not tell the truth. jake and smith kim pursue every remedy available to him burke says that is what is doing a house ways and means chair jason smith oversight ranking member congressman this week. house republicans announce head and criminal referrals to the justice department recommending hunter and james biden the charge of making false statements to congress related to the house impeachment inquiry by the republicans against president biden democrat say this is all a stunt we are back out the panel. lee i will start the former prosecutor this is the letter they re sending over too d.o.j. hundred biden and james may provably false statement oversight committee and judiciary. is d.o.j. going to rethink with this? they should. you see steve bannon on his way to prison, peter was sent to prison, these are chargers that get treated very seriously by the d.o.j. when you are going after the right. it is the d.o.j. s and jute duty to treat the serious is coming from a nine states congress there is testimony given under oath. no one is above the law. those are joe biden s own words right after this verdict came out of manhattan a week and a half ago. the d.o.j. should absolutely investigate it. i happen to agree, knowing the evidence that was presented i agree hundred biden and james biden lied under oath. and for whatever reason, it means to justify the ends of and you re going after president trump to lock him up for the best of his life are bankrupt him and his family or from some cases remove them from the ballot for the left assignment attack on democracy this is everything we have had to witness and they have not even stopped yet they are still going. i think you re the d.o.j. has a responsibility you take it serious it s a referral finances congress with evidence to back it up. shannon: d.o.j. it may be done with at contempt citation for the eternal time itself james, was to send one over potential they re moving forward with this heahe says house oversight and judiciary committees issued lawful subpoenas for the audit records record the present biden interview special counsel her yet he continues to defy our subpoenas there must be consequences for refusing to comply with lawful congressional subpoenas. what, i am fatigued by all of the referrals, by the investment i was fatigued when democrats were doing it against president trump this is a group of people in the congress the last 40 years or 41 years of only submit a budget on time four times. this is a group of people in congress hamas attacked israel october 7 it took them months to finally provide some funding for our neighbors for our friends and allies. the blame goes on both sides i would agree with lee, if there is reason for the justice department no reason to believe they will not take these referral seriously. i hope they do what i hope they give us an answer more quickly than not it s important to note the issues were held in contempt because they did not show up. but if indeed there were allies here in myth truth or not truth i hope they go after but i hope at some point to get back to during their day jobs. democrats and republics if democrats are fortunate to gain a majority in the fall which is not out of the room i hope they take a lesson and realize people want them to behave seriously and do serious things i do not consider this the most serious of efforts by congress. shannon: you guys have broken free but former members of congress didn t break free i was i would ve stayed there. you look at the polling, congress get some of the worst stuff 19% was the lesson we had on that. may not want to make sure we touch on this there s a number of democrats out there warning of president trump is reelected he s talked to be about being a dictator being vindictive or revengeful. here s a little bit from left will hear from the former president too. i am telling it trump could end up rolling the score of got congress, and about the supreme court. i own it all. i am a dictator. it s very reasonable to assumed. people are actually worried abouome sort of extrajudicial detention as crazy as this sounds in the united states of america people should really consider these are possibilities. okay here s what president trump said when he is asked by sean hannity about these accusations. at number one, they are wrong it has to stop otherwise were not going to have a country. we cannot have this stuff go on. when biden goes out everyone says bye-bye and he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. the country does not want that. they did not want i with hilary clinton either. shannon: what do you make of the back-and-forth? works ciampa said even before about hilary when asked specifically put her in jail line, is that will be too divisive this is been a consistent position of his for years now. at no point has he created an action or made a point of statement going to be a dictator through everyone in jail it s been the opposite. then you got that left using meeting to try to guess i people. the fact of the matter is a biden has joked about defying the supreme court on the student loan decision. he has joked about that. only president trump is the one who has been on trial and faces being put in prison which many, including eye, think they will infect incarcerate him in some fashion. it seems a little bit but rejection considering the nature of what s been going on i think it is a shame. the american people can see the difference trump is been vocal about this consistently with piercing simply not true. shannon: before we go does hunter biden testified next week? i don t think he does, do you anybody? i think you should but no question. s second greatest letter all times or no. oh boy. we ll see if the jury thanks about that his father sank this week he is not planning to pardon him. all right panel thank you very much. coming up i m going to introduce you to an israeli man who survived the october 7 the taxi was huddled with his family in a safe room as friends and family members were murdered and kidnapped. here about his mission to all the remaining hostages a home fm gaza now. sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you re probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it s packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. shannon: sending good news for hostage wreck rescued and gaza highlighted the fact hamas is still holding more than 100 people taken on october 7. talked with a survivor of the attacks he lost his father in law and many friends is now fighting to get the remaining hostages home including several from his own community but we spoke before the news that this weakens courageous rescue. it is this week s sunday special. shannon: how are you doing several months out but still very fresh? first of all, thanks for letting me speak here. difficult times we live in difficult times. for the last eight months i live in a hotel. it s not so easy in a very small room with my four kids and my wife. and actually with my dog. it does not matter. only about 125 people from israel who are still in gaza kidnapped. eleven of them are our community, our family. this is the hardest event. the hardest thing to do. not knowing. going to ask you both your ribbon and the necklace you have we in the when called a dog tag but it is very similar in israeli culture what it is because it israel you knew sir e the army you get one with your number, your personal number in the army. and now here in english is ha is and bring them home now. and in hebrew which means our hearts is to gaza. the yellow ribbon is a symbol again to beat with the kidnapped people in their families and friends as a symbol we empathize with them. so they will know we are thinking about them all day long all the time. this is incredibly difficult. people were taken some have not survived. we know we continue to find out there hostages who have not survived their captivity with hamas. what is your message here in the u.s.? we need to get help from everyone we can. first of all to bring everybody home. what you make of the conversations ongoing? there have been some releases. can t israel negotiate with hamas over these things? are they a reliable actor in these negotiations? one of the problems we have is we have some targets, not one. we have some targets it s very difficult to know what to do first. think the israel government we need to first win the war. i do not know what it is we lost the war on the seventh of october. we lost the battle. to win the war we bring the citizens back. not soldiers at citizens, civilians, they were taken from their homes. so, to win the war first bring them back. and then we will deal with gaza. can you envision a future? you grew up on the border with gaza your entire life. can you envision a future post war in which you can live peacefully and live safe on that border? i hope so. i am optimistic. we need to change something. i still do not know what. we cannot go and live the same way we live. now, when my kids hear a siren for example to think the terrorists are going to come. we are refugees in our own country and i m going to go back it will take time physically and mentally. but we go back and we want to go back we are not ler home paragrh to the israeli people feel supported by the americans? i want to think yes the majority think the united states to help us very much. i met with many, many people these last few days from the congress i feel the love that i feel we are together on this occasion is not just a fight between israel and hamas. it is in between good and bad. good and evil. shannon: thank you for sharing your story with us we appreciate it. thank you. shannon: and so we sat down with naor pakciarz we learned of the rescue of those in gaza he sent us a statement we are very happy poor of our captives were rescued by the idf. but we must remember the job is not done. we are still missing 120 hostages we need to bring back home fast. we continue to call upon the international community until all of our families are back home but we think a first time for a quick note my podcast is outliving the bremen this morning i sat down at tonya sheet one to give hope to students on the auburn campus where her husband is a basketball coach. it led to a gathering started revival on numerous campuses across the south. what how it happened where they re going next rate living in the bremen anywhere you get your podcast for that is it, thank you for joining us. i am shannon bream. have a wonderful week and we will see you nex

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240609

Hello, i m helena humphrey. glad you could join me. four israeli hostages taken by hamas during the october 7th attacks have now been reunited with their families. but israeli forces in gaza killed scores of palestinians in the military operation to free them. israeli special forces raided two locations in nuseirat, in central gaza in broad daylight. one israeli soldier was killed. hamas says more than 200 palestinians were killed in the operation. an israeli military spokesman said there were under 100 palestinian casualties. the eu s top diplomat condemned the israeli raid. the us president has also spoken out at a press conference during his state visit to france. i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming the return of the hostages to theirfamilies in israel. we won t stop working until they are all home. hugo bachega has more from tel aviv. a dramatic rescue and she s free again. 25 year old noa argamani, captured by hamas on the 7th of october, and taken to gaza, is finally back in israel. she became one of the most well known faces of this crisis. her kidnapping recorded in this video. today, her ordeal came to an end. this is her, reunited with her dad. translation: please don tl forget that there are another 120 hostages in captivity. we must release them and make every effort in any way to bring them to israel and theirfamilies. by the way, it is my birthday, look what a gift i got. also freed, andrei kozlov, who is 27. shlomi ziv, 40, and almog meirjan, 21. eight months ago, they were in the nova music festival in southern israel when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. this morning, the israeli military carried out a raid of the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. there were heavy airstrikes. special forces went in. the military said this was a complex operation and based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. if there was relief in israel, the operation meant yet more suffering in gaza. at the al aqsa hospital in nearby deir al balah, chaos and desperation. doctors struggled to treat all the wounded. many arrived already dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing. they were sitting at home. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. today s rescue could help lift some of the pressure. our middle east correspondent hugo bachega reporting there. for more, i spoke with hugo a short while ago. good to see you. what more have you been learning about how this operation unfolded 7 the israeli military described this rescue as a special complex operation that happened during the day. there was heavy bombardment by the israeli military. special forces entered the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. they said they had been planning the operation for weeks. the military personnel involved in this operation had received special training for this mission. these four hostages were located at two different locations, then rescued by those teams involved in this operation. it seems that it has come at a very high price in terms of palestinian casualties. numbers are still not clear, but two hospitals in the area of this refugee camp in central gaza say that at least 70 people have been killed. so it is obviously a rescue operation that has been celebrated here in israel, but on the palestinian side, the head of the palestinian authority has described it as a bloody massacre. tell us more about that reaction you have been seeing from israel and from gaza, in light of the high civilian death toll that we appear to be seeing from the palestinian side. i think this is obviously going to lead to more criticism of the israeli military. we ve seen that these operations, many of them, by the israeli army result in large numbers of civilian casualties in gaza. but here in israel, obviously there have been celebrations across the country, but here in tel aviv, there was a huge protest with thousands of people who came here to tel aviv, to demand a deal with hamas for the remaining hostages to be freed. this is one of the key questions what is going to happen with those ceasefire and hostage release negotiations? the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been under pressure to accept a proposal put forward by president biden a week ago a proposal he described as an israeli proposal. this would see not only the release of the hostages, but would also pave the way for a permanent ceasefire in gaza, which is a contentious point here in israel. we have seen that there has been opposition from many in the country, including some members of the coalition government, including far right ministers itamar ben gvir and bezalel smotrich, who have threatened to quit the government. if they do so, this could lead to the end of the governing coalition. so this rescue operation has been considered a success by the israeli authorities, and could perhaps change the calculations of the prime minister, who is under pressure from all sides. let s talk more about the pressure prime minister netanyahu has been under. we know benny gantz today was due to hold a press conference. he called it off. how do you read that? does it tell us anything about the stability and the unity of the government? this is very interesting, because this was a deadline imposed by benny gantz. he had demanded a plan by benjamin netanyahu for gaza, and he said if there was no plan, he would quit the government. he has been facing a lot of pressure from members of his own party who say he should return to the opposition. obviously we focus a lot on benny gantz, because he is seen as a possible candidate to be the next prime minister in the next elections in israel. so now he has cancelled this statement. he was widely expected to announce his decision to leave the government. after the rescue operation, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu asked benny gantz to reconsider his decision. so i think there was a fear here that with the decision by benny gantz to leave the government, this could give more power to those radical far right ministers in the government. but it seems that, for now, this crisis has been averted. talking about this rescue operation and having unfolded, and the high civilian death toll we have seen on the palestinian side, ijust want to get your assessment about what you think it means for any potential agreement and success of that ceasefire proposal. yeah, so we know the us secretary of state antony blinken is returning to the region. he will be in egypt, israel, jordan and qatar. i think the idea of this trip is to put more pressure on both israel and hamas for a deal to be reached. i think one of the most contentious points of the plan put forward by president biden was the idea of a permanent ceasefire. so hamas is demanding that any kind of deal leads to a permanent ceasefire. in other words, the end of the war. because they want a guarantee that the israeli military is not going to return to gaza once the hostages are released. and continue with this military operation against the group. and the idea of a permanent ceasefire again is a divisive point in israel. the prime minister has been saying the goals remain the same, and that is to destroy the military capabilities of hamas, the ability of the group to continue to govern gaza, and there has been lots of opposition from some of his allies and from many in this country. so it is a very difficult position for the prime minister, and these negotiations have been extremely difficult as well. the indications are there hasn t been any kind of breakthrough after days of mediated talks between israel and hamas. in the aftermath of the raid, our correspondent rushdi abualouf has been speaking to palestinians in gaza. yeah, i think the people were quite angry about the number of people killed in this rescue operation. some of them, they have told me that hamas should have accepted the ceasefire proposal that had been in the table for quite a long time. and instead of, like, you know, going in and killing people to get the hostages, they could have been released for also an exchange of some of the palestinian prisoners in the israeli jail. some of the people were also expressing their views towards the other side. they were defending hamas and they said what happened is very little comparing to the period of this war, eight months. i mean, one person told me that they managed to rescue four people after four months, and this is very little achievement where they have been defeated many times in very places and hamas was able to kill some of them. so very, you know, they divide palestinian as always. they are always divided about the issue of hamas. many people are supporting what hamas is doing in gaza and they keep defending them. but today we noticed that many, many people in a very rare way were criticising hamas. and one person, he lost his family, as far as i remember, two months ago, in one of the air strikes. he wrote in his facebook and he said, why keeping hostages among a very crowded refugee camp in a market and put all of the people s life in risk? and some went more far and they said those who are sitting in the doha in qatar and controlling our life should go home. joining me is javed ali who served in the national security council of the trump administration and for the fbi. i d like to get your reaction to the release of the hostages and also how this operation unfolded. and also how this operation unfolded- unfolded. hello, thanks for havin: unfolded. hello, thanks for having me. unfolded. hello, thanks for having me, nice unfolded. hello, thanks for having me, nice to - unfolded. hello, thanks for having me, nice to be - unfolded. hello, thanks for having me, nice to be with| unfolded. hello, thanks for - having me, nice to be with you at the team. based on the reporting coming, this operation seems to have been very complex, as prime minister netanyahu said. planned for weeks, must have been a lot of very precise intelligence driving age in terms of location? of the hostages, and all the security features. driving it in terms of the hostage location? all the security features. now with the successful rescue of these hostages, and the hostage recovery operations, the speed and precision is the name of the game for the tackle forces that have to carry out these missions. at the same time, a high number of civilian casualties that hasn t yet been fully explained, at least not from what i can gather. so i think what happened, in the aftermath of the recovery of the hostages from these buildings, as they were coming out, they were taking fire from hamas fighters embedded in the cap, and other civilians around them. and under the idf s rules of engagement, they were approved to right and that s why so many civilians died. talking about the high price it appears civilians have page in all of this, do you think that could jeopardise the peace plan on the table? that might have paid. on the table? that might have aid. ~ .,, . on the table? that might have aid. . ,., on the table? that might have aid. . , ., ., paid. most recent plan, that deal i paid. most recent plan, that deal i think paid. most recent plan, that deal i think has paid. most recent plan, that deal i think has a paid. most recent plan, that deal i think has a different l deal i think has a different kind of momentum behind it. even though from the israeli side there has been a successful recovery of four hostages, they were still 110 plus that are not recovered. i think the broader aspects of the deal president biden put forward it to the issue of all the remaining hostages, not just these four. so i m a little less optimistic in the sense that this particular mission in the recovery of these hostages, i don t think it s going to add that much to the potential for it s going to add that much to the potentialfor a it s going to add that much to the potential for a ceasefire. i think there are a lot of other variables in play. i “ust wonder where i other variables in play. i “ust wonder where you i other variables in play. i “ust wonder where you think h other variables in play. ijust wonder where you think this | wonder where you think this puts the united states. europe s top diplomats condemned the operation. someone at the eu call it a massacre and that operations like this should unfold. washington is reported to have given intelligence to support it. where do you think that puts the us on the world stage? with respect to this particular operation, based on the media reports, it sounds like the us knew about it and supported the idf with intelligence about the locations of the hostages and the has units, the features of the has units, the features of the buildings that had to be assaulted. so i don t think the us is going to denounce this particular operation, despite the high number of civilian casualties, because the us apparently had a role in supporting it, but getting back to my earlier point. the fact there were so many civilians in this camp and there were hamas fighters in it who were firing on the idf forces as the hostage were coming out of the building, underthe hostage were coming out of the building, under the rules of engagement, they were allowed to take those strikes. so i think we will continue to see this type of high number of civilian casualties if there are other attempted hostage rescue operations like the one we just saw. i rescue operations like the one we just sava rescue operations like the one we just saw- we just saw. i “ust want to touch on b we just saw. i “ust want to touch on the we just saw. i just want to touch on the israeli - we just saw. i just want to touch on the israeli war. touch on the israeli war cabinet, add your thoughts on its stability. today we saw benny gantz calling off his press conference. he had threatened to quit without a plan for how the war would end. what would come after it. what do you think it means for those big questions about the effort to see a conclusion to all of this? ~ , ., ~ this? when benny gantz make that statement, this? when benny gantz make that statement, going - this? when benny gantz make that statement, going back. this? when benny gantz make that statement, going back a i that statement, going back a couple of weeks, about this during the eight deadline which obviously is today. if the conditions he had laid out for is that netanyahu had not been met, he would withdraw politically and that would damage the coalition that prime minister netanyahu operates minister neta nyahu operates under. minister netanyahu operates under. the fact he has now not given this press conference, and perhaps this was a way of prime minister netanyahu calling the bluff on the withdrawal from the coalition. we ve also seen that the coalition is very fragile for prime minister netanyahu, and he has pressure on one side from people like benny gantz, and on the other sand there side, the far right end of the political spectrum, there were members of the coalition who vowed that unless israel continues on the path to what they claim is total victory against hamas, they are going to withdraw their support. on the other side, the far right. so there is pressure on all sides for prime minister netanyahu. minister netanyahu. javed ali, x will be us. minister netanyahu. javed ali, x will be us. minister netanyahu. javed ali, x will be us. thank- minister netanyahu. javed ali, x will be us. thank you - minister netanyahu. javed ali, x will be us. thank you for. x will be us. thank you for with us. president biden has been hosted for a state dinner in france as a commemoration of the d day landings. there was a parade at the champs elysees. they held a press conference on saturday and during his speech, president biden also spoke about the war in ukraine, saying the russian president vladimir putin is not going to stop at ukraine. our two countries stand with the ukrainian people as they fight off putin s brutal aggression. yesterday i announced $225 million of assistance to ukraine, the sixth package since we signed the national security legislation earlier this year. i wish we could have done it when we wanted, six months earlier, but we got it done. $61 billion in additional aid to ukraine. and i commend france and our european allies for their leadership as well. the eu has provided over $107 billion in assistance to ukraine since the war began. because we know what happens if putin succeeds in subjugating ukraine. and we won t. you know, putin won t stop at ukraine. it s notjust ukraine, it s about much more than ukraine. all of europe will be threatened. we re not going let that happen. the us is standing strong with ukraine, with our allies, and with france. we will not walk away i say again, we will not walk away. in the uk, parties are back on the campaign trail following last night s seven way debate. the conservatives are pushing a permanent cut to stamp duty and labour is outlining its position on business rates. i lljust try and get the sign in! rishi sunak was putting a brave face on the events of the past few days. is this taking over from those fidget spinners? he was keen to move on from his d day apology with an announcement to make temporary tax relief for first time homeowners permanent. but his ministers were still having to fight on the political beaches. the prime minister has made a mistake, he s apologised for it and has apologised to those who would have been particularly hurt by it. so how has the prime minister s misstep gone down on the doorstep? we have been talking to conservative candidates, some have spoken about anger and disappointment. one of them despairingly said, whatever is going to happen next? will the prime minister s trousers fall down? others said voters haven t raised the issue at all, and one candidate said that those who are so vexed by this have already defected to labour or reform. elections are often about political theatre, but the snp say, in this campaign, the main westminster parties are sidestepping difficult decisions. the biggest issue that s not been spoken about is the fact there are £18 billion worth of cuts agreed to by the conservatives and endorsed by the labour party, and they are coming down the track towards us. but what about raising revenue? labour say, if they form the next government, then, just like the conservatives, they won t be able to increase tax thresholds in line with inflation any time soon. we will inherit the government s spending plans. i will be candid there - are in those plans tax rises. i mean, the personal allowance, the personal allowance we all. get in terms of our income tax, that is set to be frozen - for several years. but the lib dems are courting voters with spending pledges, including a multi billion pound plan to plant 60 million trees a year. this is a capital investment over the next five years. you re right it is a significant investment. but i believe this is hugely important for our environment. it will help the fight against climate change. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. only then will we know how well their policies will connect with the voters. iain watson, bbc news. the wife of the missing tv presenter michael mosley says his family refuses to lose hope, and the last few days have been unbearable . joe inwood has the latest. just a few hours working on the hills of symi is enough to leave you exhausted. two hours. two hours? that is why there is such concern that michael mosley may still be up here after more than three days. the major search operation to find the missing broadcaster has today focused on the hills to the north of the village of pedi. so that search and rescue helicopter has been circling for maybe half an hour or so. there s been a huge amount of emergency services activity focused on those hills, and that s because we know from cctv taken at this spot that, on wednesday at about 1:30pm, two o clock, michael mosley passed this road and headed into those hills. the search is focusing on the hills because, finally, a picture has emerged of michael mosley s movements. he left the beach where he d been with his wife, clare, at about 1:30 on wednesday. he was then picked up on a camera at a coffee shop here. a second one at a restaurant here, and then, finally, the one at the marina, before he is thought to have headed into the hills. the disappearance of michael mosley has been a major story in greece. here on symi, locals have even joined the search, as have british holiday makers. this morning, she came in my room and said, let s go and look for michael. it would have been terrible. we know the paths, so we. we re just staying there. we re within 2km of where he s got to be, so it was, feeling quite helpless. at the heart of this is not just michael mosley, but his family as well. today, his wife clare released a statement. nor, it seems, will the greek authorities. they say they will continue their search until michael mosley is found. an american veteran who flew back to france for the d day celebrations got married near the beaches where the allies landed 80 years ago. harold terens, who is 100 years old, married his 96 year old fiancee, jeanne swerlin, in the small town of carentan les marais. mr terens was a radio technician, who assisted fighter pilots in the skies over normandy and called their wedding day the best one of his life. stay with us on bbc news. hello there. it s been a pretty decent start to the weekend. there was a good deal of sunshine around across most of the country. a bit of cloud here and there, a few showers mostly in the north. part two of the weekend doesn t look quite as good. it will start certainly quite chilly. but we ve got a couple of weather fronts pushing down from the north west that will increase cloud through the day with some splashes of rain. and we ve got this weather front approaching the north west of the country to move through this evening. showers merging together to produce longer spells of rain for the north and west of scotland. so unsettled, breezy, showery in the north, turning cloudier for northern ireland, but clearer skies for large parts of england and wales with lighter winds here. so it will turn chilly for most, single digits, i think, for the majority of the country. but with more cloud across northern ireland, we will fall to around ten degrees in belfast. so sunday, then, we ve got low pressure still towards the norwegian sea there, bringing northern westerly winds into the country. we start to have quite a bit of sunshine. scotland, england and wales, cloudy skies for northern ireland, south west scotland in towards north west england, north wales. and that cloud with splashes of rain will spill south eastwards through the day. so it will turn cloudy across much of england and wales, probably the best of the sunshine across the far south west, and the northern half of scotland doing pretty well with sunny spells. but there will be blustery showers here and a cooler day to come, i think, because of more cloud around, temperatures of about 12 to 17 degrees. as we move through sunday night, that area of rain splashes across the irish sea into much of england and wales, becomes confined to southern and eastern areas by the end of the night. so where we have the cloud and the rain, then, a less cold night here, 10 to 12 degrees under clearer skies. further north, it will turn chilly. we start to pick up a northerly wind as we move into monday. that rain slowly clears away from the south and east. it may take a while to clear the east of england. eventually it will do that. it s a bright day for most, sunshine and showers. most of these across the northern half of scotland, where they will be quite blustery and a chilly northerly wind at that. temperatures, 10 to 1a degrees in the north, 15 to 17 further south, giving some sunny spells. and we hold on to this chilly northerly wind through tuesday, even into wednesday as well. and before low pressure starts to move in from the south west, that ll cut off the chilly northerly and temperatures will slowly recover towards the end of the week. but it s going to be a fairly unsettled and a cool week to come with a little bit of sunshine here and there. this is bbc news. we will have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. the european union. a50 million people in 27 countries. la president! uniting nations, languages, cultures and economies into the world s biggest trading bloc, and a hugely important political voice on the global stage. but it has its problems, and among its members, there are very different opinions. this weekend, citizens across the bloc will elect members of the european parliament. who will shape the eu, as it faces defining challenges. so what are the issues driving this election? and what s foremost in people s minds as they head to the ballot boxes? welcome to europe votes 202a. hello and welcome from sunny lisbon, where we are coming to you from today. i m mark lowen, one of the bbc s europe correspondents. and over the course of this programme, we will bring new reports from across the continent as the election gets under way. but first, what s it all about? elections to the european parliament take place every five years. it s the only directly elected institution of the european union. shaping the bloc s policies, legislation and budgets. voting happens by proportional representation. each country gets a number of members of the european parliament, or meps, relative to its size.

President , Press-conference , Us , Hostages , Hamas , Israeli , Central-gaza-in-broad-daylight , Forces , Military-operation , Palestinians , Families , Helena-humphrey

Transcripts For CNN Violent Earth 20240609

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[theme music] welcome to violent earth. i m liev schreiber. 2023 set an all time record for weather and climate related disasters in the us. 28 events with losses over $1 billion. wildfires, hurricanes, and floods are more frequent than ever. the earth is changing. tonight, we delve into one of the most powerful natural hazards in the world, tornadoes. terrifying vortexes unleashed from thunderstorms that can cause unimaginable destruction. few examples of their power are more definitive than the 2011 twister that hit joplin, missouri. categorized as an ef5, the highest level possible, with maximum winds over 200 miles per hour, the tornado cut right through the center of the city. storm chaser: oh my gosh. oh my gosh. jim riek: late may is the bull s eye in the midwest for tornadoes. joplin was under a risk of a tornado, but not a great risk. storm chaser: that is a tornado, people. there was a complex of storms that came toward the city. oh my gosh. the tornado formed just outside of the joplin city limits. storm chaser: listen to it! jim riek: and then it just started racing into joplin. [indistinct shouting] all the alarms are going off on my computer, and here it comes. storm chaser: there! storm chaser: i see it. i see it. just straight through the heart of joplin, missouri. storm chaser: oh gosh, that is a monster tornado. i couldn t really see anything because it was obscured by rain. jim riek: it was rain rain. i think that s why so many people died. they did not realize that what they were seeing was the tornado. in this case, an ef5 tornado that is catastrophic. and by the time they did, it s too late. jeff piotrowski: as the tornado went by, everything was gone. it was like a bulldozer, and it leveled everything in its path. kat piotrowski: i just couldn t believe what i was seeing, the millions and millions of pieces of debris. jim riek: the tornado was on the ground for 32 minutes. storm chaser: the sirens are going. jim riek: it hits a convenience store on east 20th street. they had locked it just so the door wouldn t fling open. jim riek: listen to the audio. [screaming, rain pounding] jeff piotrowski: as the tornado entered the center part of the city, it hit the high school, and that s where the max damage occurred. jim riek: that surveillance video from the high school is no more than a hundred yards from amber munson s house. donna kerry: in 2011, amber was 40 years old. amber has always been amber, just always generous and kind and hospitable and just fun to be around. amber was home that afternoon. she wasn t aware that the tornado was coming. she didn t have her tv on and no indicators that it was gonna be that severe. i had spoken to her. she said, oh, it s just turned really dark here. and then she said, um, now the sirens are going off. and that s when i said, you know, go take the quilt off the top of your bed and get in your bathtub. i said, and then call me back. very few houses in joplin, particularly in the path of what turned out to be this tornado, had basements. so the best place to go is either a closet or in your bathtub. harold brooks: you wanna get as low as you can and put as many walls between you and the tornado as possible. storm chaser: oh gosh. i was concerned when she said the sirens were going off. i wouldn t even have imagined the magnitude of what was gonna come. jim riek: amber munson, probably 15 seconds before the tornado hit, realized just how bad it was going to be. and bang. the tornado hit. for tornadoes to form, you have to have a certain set of ingredients. first of all, you have to have moisture available for thunderstorms to develop. you have to have a source of lift or a trigger for those thunderstorms to get going. you have to have unstable air, which is temperatures that get colder with height and that allows the thunderstorm to rise and develop vertically. the most important ingredient is you have to have wind shear, which is changing of wind direction with height and also changing wind speeds with height. there s all sorts of different shapes tornadoes can take. we have a stovepipe, which is kind of like a straight up and down type tornado. we have obviously a cone. that makes sense. it s a cone shape. another one is the wedge, and that s usually the most intense. different tornadoes have different smells. when a tornado is going through a densely wooded area, you can smell the fresh cut wood, the fresh cut pine, whatever the tree is. paul markowski: the typical widths are anywhere from probably 25 to 50 yards across on the low end to, on the high end, a mile wide. tim marshall: the largest one i ve ever seen was the el reno, oklahoma tornado, and that was over two miles wide. kim klockow mcclain: the joplin tornado became a mile wide wedge right on the edge of town. kat piotrowski: the tornado was massive. it was chewing up everything in its path. there was no mercy at all. er: breaking news here at cnn. joplin, missouri, suffering the devastation right now of a very powerful tornado. jim riek: amber lived in what i would call a very middle class area of joplin. jeff piotrowski: this beautiful, quaint subdivision, and now it s level. kat piotrowski: it was just total devastation. our phone rang, and it was her, and she was screaming, mother, my house is on top of me. that s when i said, amber, that s not funny, because we would always kid back and forth. and she said, no, mom, my house is on top of me. and then her phone went dead. so there s a lot of myths that have been passed down through the years. reporter: doors and windows on the north and east sides were open. trent okerson: whenever i was growing up, i heard you ve got to open up the windows to equalize the air pressure. well, pressure is not what will cause damage to a home. it s wind getting up under the roof, blowing the roof off. another big misconception is if you re out in a vehicle, that an overpass is a great place to take shelter. that is not a good place to go. scientists have realized that being in that overpass creates a bit of a wind tunnel effect, that the wind is blowing through a smaller area so it can actually accelerate the wind speeds. so you re putting yourself in greater danger. kim klockow mcclain: there s a really popular misconception that mobile homes are like tornado attractors, and what s behind that is undoubtedly that people hear about mobile homes getting hit more because that s where people die. harold brooks: roughly half of the deaths in tornadoes occur in mobile and manufactured homes. they re much more vulnerable to a tornado and tend to turn into debris quicker. there are myths that tornadoes can t cross bodies of water. oh, tornadoes can t go through cities. jeff piotrowski: but there are no rules when it comes to tornadoes. they go where they wanna go. harold brooks: the deadliest tornado in us history is march 18, 1925, the tri-state tornado that went across southeastern missouri, southern illinois into southwestern indiana, and it killed 695 people over about a two and a half hour long period. generally, after the tri-state tornado, we see, like, a 10-fold decrease in the fatality rate from tornadoes as compared to 1925. we think there are a lot of things that could be going on behind that. there was the emergence of radio and people downstream could hear about it immediately. radar has had something to do with this, increases in our understanding of storms, and now the ability to push warnings to people on their cell phones. harold brooks: but the may 22, 2011 tornado at joplin, missouri, was the deadliest tornado in decades in the united states. being the seventh deadliest in us history. jim riek: on that day, it didn t matter what type of forecasting skills you had, what technology. the tornado won. [dramatic music] jeff piotrowski: everything basically was a three foot, four foot pile of debris everywhere as far as the eye could see. just debris everywhere. there s really nothing standing. donna kerry: in her immediate neighborhood, there were 16 people that perished. jim riek: jeff piotrowski sees a lady who is hysterical, has no idea what has happened to her. and that s amber munson. you could hear amber before you saw her, and that s what i remember more than anything is hearing her cries out. amber munson: can i use your phone? jeff piotrowski: what? kat piotrowski: and coming towards us. jeff piotrowski: yeah, all the phones are jammed. kat piotrowski: jeff jumped out of the car immediately and raced towards her. i m ok. i m ok. jeff piotrowski: come here. come here. hello? hello? how did she survive? amber munson: once the tornado sirens went off and the lights started flickering, i grabbed a pillow and a blanket and my phone and i jumped into the bathtub. i decided to roll over on my right side and i kind of got into a fetal position and covered myself up. but as the pressure started coming, the bath started bouncing. so it was very minor at first, not realizing that you re gonna get sucked out of your house. after the tornado hit, i remember hearing the glass shatter, but i don t remember flying in the tornado. amber munson went flying, ended up in someone else s yard. amber munson: when i woke up, i just remember being upside down, buried within the rubble. i knew i was alive, but i still questioned whether or not i was gonna survive because of the stuff that was falling on me. i think just wanting to survive kicked in for her. i kind of wiggled myself out so that i could get up, and that s when i got out of the hole. i had twisted my knee and i had a puncture wound in my back. but she s alive. it was a miracle. amber munson: the joplin tornado, having lived through it, made me realize that people don t take them serious enough. you see people that go stand on the front porch wanting to capture these things, not realizing how risky they really can be. storm chaser: oh, we got lightning. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. trent okerson: storm chasing has gotten extremely popular over the past couple of decades. storm chaser: get the best footage. harold brooks: people do it, in large part, for the thrill and for the excitement of seeing the event. storm chaser: tornado number one. tornado number two. the original tornado is still on the ground. tim marshall: once you get out there and you see a storm in the open plains and the amazing structure that it has, it s mesmerizing, and it can become even addicting. storm chaser: my goodness. that is a thing of beauty and violence. max olson: there s a side to it that s almost like a hunter, because you re trying to narrow down where in the country this relatively rare phenomenon is gonna take place. storm chaser: come on. tim marshall: now there are thousands of people who do this. there s even tour groups nowadays, and you can get in a van and go with a group of fellow enthusiasts and drive out onto the plains and see the majestic skies. allison chinchar: in the united states, we average more than 1,200 tornadoes per year. that is number one in the world by a long shot. the second closest is canada, which only gets 100 per year. you could actually add canada, australia, and all european countries combined, and we still see more than they do. tornadoes are most common in the midwest. max olson: we also have another area that s really prone to tornadoes in our southeastern states. harold brooks: the tornado season depends on where you are in the country. in the plains, tornado season is typically over a relatively short period of time in the springtime. in the southeastern united states, tornadoes are more likely to occur at any time of the year. tornadoes actually can and do strike all over the country. tim marshall: tornadoes have been known to be in every state of the us. they have been in the highest of mountains, beaches, and offshore. harold brooks: over the last 50 years, what we ve seen has been an increase in the number of tornadoes in what we think of as the mid-south. it looks like it s associated with physical changes in the atmosphere, but we don t have a real underlying reason of why that s occurred. reporter: a rare sight in the skies over japan. a powerful twister ripping across the eastern part of the nation. tornadoes occur worldwide. jeff piotrowski: europe has tornadoes. south america has tornadoes. australia, japan. trent okerson: but the united states has a unique combination of geographical features that can lend itself to a lot of tornadoes. the gulf of mexico, that provides the very warm, humid air. then you also get cooler, drier air that s either coming down from canada or off the rockies. there s really no other place in the world that has the exact combination of ingredients like we do here in the united states. storm chaser: zoom in. storm chasing has definitely evolved into this kind of social media era. storm chaser: where are we? northeast nebraska? max olson: and people wanna be seen. they wanna be, you know, the chaser that everybody thinks of, doing the live streams, posts in front of a tornado and whatnot. trent okerson: storm chasing is a double edged sword. it s very valuable when it comes to learning more about the science behind storms, but it can also be dangerous if you re not 100% sure of what you re doing. the biggest danger of storm chasing has always been the driving. storm chaser: let s go back. we re going back. we re going back. you tend to judge where the tornado is going, but that doesn t always happen. there are so many people who chase now on some storms that traffic is actually a serious problem. when i m chasing out in the plains, i m apt to see dozens of other chasers. when i began storm chasing, there were no other chasers. tim marshall: david hoadley, whether he likes it or not, is the father of modern day storm chasing. max olson: david hoadley is the first person to truly go out and seek tornadoes, driving long distances, attempting to come up with some sort of formula to see tornadoes. he holds the record for the longest consecutive years of storm chasing. i ve been storm chasing 66 years, and i ve seen 265 tornadoes. i saw my first tornado in 1958. i think this is one of the things that appealed to me was the element of, really, mystery. what causes these storms? there was so much that was unknown. 2023, i saw david hoadley out chasing. the man s 85 years old. he s been doing it for most of his life, and he s still out there doing it every single year. david hoadley: it s not like spelunking or surfboarding. you can return to the ocean. you can climb the mountains again and again and again. but that one tornado, that one storm, once it s gone, it s out. it s history. to have a picture of it, have a video or anything else of it, is to say that i ve captured something that will never happen again. tornadoes are most common 4:00 to 8:00 pm. because that s when the atmosphere is warmest, you get the sunshine, heats things up, creates the most instability. that instability is fuel for thunderstorms. mason lillard: may 22, normal sunday. we went fishing for a little bit and we were getting ready to take my cousin lage home. i was 10 and lage was 14, and my grandpa was like, hey, i need some wiring for my garage at home depot. i would say probably around 5:00, 5:15-ish, the sky s starting to get a little kind of weird looking. my grandpa went inside of home depot and my cousin, my grandma, and myself were all sitting in the truck. we heard the sirens go off, but we just ignored them like normal. and then all of a sudden it went from kind of dark to, like, midnight black, almost. we were trying to open up the doors of the truck and the winds were just going too fast. and then my cousin, he was like, whoa, the truck s tearing up. and then at that moment, the truck flipped on its side and got sucked into the vortex. we could kind of hear everything, like the hail hitting the truck and stuff. it felt terrifying to be in that tornado. you see, like, the wizard of oz, and it s almost like that. but in real life, it s loud and you don t know what s going on. lage was sucked out of the truck. i felt like i was slipping out of the truck. i was holding on to my grandma s hand, and then i felt the truck land, like, the tires bounce. and i was like, ok. i m alive, at least. all i felt was, like, my ribs were broken. i realized that something was actually in me. most people are killed in tornadoes by flying debris. storm chaser: that s the most violent motion. kim klockow mcclain: tornadoes consist of anything the tornado brings into the air. so often a lot of dust and dirt and plants, branches. and then if it s a more violent tornado, that can include debris like planks of wood, shards of glass. mason lillard: i hear my grandma. lage, lage. and i was like, mama, i hear him. he was outside of the truck. it wasn t like a, i m here, or i m ok. it was moaning. storm chaser: oh, no. there are the lines. oh my god. oh my god. look at that. harold brooks: one of the things about a tornado is that it s producing a lot of small pieces of debris that are flying at, you know, 150 miles an hour. and even ordinary objects, dinner plates, two by fours, become really, really deadly at those kinds of high speeds. jim riek: i knew after joplin how destructive a tornado could be. it was moving so slowly that it was like a blender. everything on the ground was getting totally mixed together. and it just hits you again and again and again and again. i saw a piece of cardboard that actually penetrated into the exterior insulation finish system on a school. at the hospital, they had $1 million helicopter. all of the rotors are gone. if a rotor of a helicopter is flying by at 100 miles an hour, what is that going to do to a human body? paul markowski: how far the debris goes is going to depend on essentially how heavy it is. the heavier stuff gets centrifuged out, so big chunks of structures or automobiles. lighter debris, though, like a piece of paper, that won t get centrifuged out. that ll instead go up through the funnel, can end up reaching altitudes of 40, 50,000 feet, and there certainly testimonials out there, people finding pieces of paper or photographs 50 to 100 miles from their origin in the wake of a tornado. mason lillard: we thought it was only, like, 20 minutes before help arrived. it ended up almost being two hours. jim riek: when the paramedics came, they spotted lage first because he s outside. they carried lage out on a two by four, and they brought him to the ambulance, and the paramedic jumped out and said he s not gonna make it. the other ones were trying to cut me out. i had a one inch piece of angle iron go through my right shoulder, break seven ribs, puncture my lower lung, and come out my back. a fourth inch away from my spine and a fourth inch away from my liver. they ended up having to use an electric saw. it felt like 5,000 bees stinging me at one time. and i had arrived sitting on the stretcher, sitting up. once they took my cousin to the hospital, they black tagged him and put him in the morgue. left him for death. a nurse came in and she touched his arm and he let out a horrifying scream, and she grabbed a doctor, said, i think we can save him. two hours later, he was in the or. after the tornado, i had 13 surgeries in total over the course of three years. lage was on the ventilator for at least two weeks. he has a brace on his leg and he can t really use his right arm. but he did survive. the may 22, 2011 tornado killed 158 people directly, and there were three indirect deaths. we did not know that we could experience tornadoes this deadly in modern times. harold brooks: nighttime tornadoes are more dangerous than the same tornado in the daytime, for a lot of reasons. we ascribe this to the fact that people are just less aware at night. [ominous music] i was chasing that day. what was that? oh, i think i see it. i start to see the shape of the tornado come into view. i know this is a significant tornado. oh, wow. that is huge. holy [bleep] ok. ok. ok. we got it. and then i just see the tornado, an absolute beast marching off to the northeast. ah, man, it s moving towards populated area now. it was headed from one small community to another small community, and we knew, based on where this was going, if you draw a line, it s coming right to mayfield. the mayfield event was moving at the upper end of tornado speeds, 60, 65 miles an hour. this was something that is very high end. harold brooks: speed certainly can play an impact on how dangerous a tornado is. a faster tornado is gonna give you less time to react. the speed at which the tornado is going to move along is going to roughly match the speed that the parent thunderstorm s moving along. in some cases, we ve seen storms move as fast as 60, 70, 80 miles per hour because they re embedded in very strong winds. allison chinchar: there is one example of a man in illinois back in 2013. he s filming a tornado that is off in the distance, but he quickly realizes it s actually headed right towards him and his home. man: all right. i got to go. i m coming, honey. woman: [screams] man: aw, man. woman: oh my god! allison chinchar: about 45 seconds later, he gets the look at the scope of the damage that s been done to his house. man: oh my god. our house is freaking destroyed. kim klockow mcclain: the survivors i ve spoken with, they just experience what feels like a building dissolving. one minute i was in a building and the next minute i just wasn t. like a bomb has hit it. it s obliterated. [ominous music] derek vaughan: so at its maximum intensity, the peak winds were up to 190 miles per hour. that s enough to just destroy anything in its path. nothing can stand up to that. you knew people were gonna lose their lives that night. once the tornado approached mayfield, it came in from the southwest side of town. derek vaughan: i had a few officers on shift with me that night. we had decided that we were gonna go ahead and meet at the police department. the services all started going down suddenly. the power in the entire town went off. and of course, when that happened, we knew that it was probably about to hit. i remember officer simpson went to the front window and he just yelled, there s debris coming in. and as i watched him turn and run towards us, the whole front of the building just exploded inward on us. you almost couldn t even tell which way it was up, there was much wind and debris. it was almost like being underwater. trent okerson: mayfield water and electric, their facility was just on the edge of the worst damage path. even there, you saw the massive amounts of debris that was blowing, pieces of wood flying through the air like missiles, and they weren t even directly in the core of that tornado. one of the buildings that was close to the police department that got hit real hard was the f&b bank right there on the court square. and all of a sudden, boom. the tornado hits. it s that fast. trent okerson: the candle factory is a major employer in mayfield. this was right before christmas, and a lot of people that were working extra hours trying to do overtime, and their facility was packed that friday night. autumn kirks: i was working at mcp, the candle factory, that night. me and joe did work together at the factory. usually they try not to put couples together, but for some reason, we ve always made it work. he was so goofy. he d do anything to put a smile on anybody s face. kim klockow mcclain: the night of the storm, the couple were sheltering together when the tornado hit the candle factory. i didn t hear a single thing at all. all i heard was people talking. and then all of a sudden someone said, take cover. brad copeland: the best way i can describe it would be a war zone. i remember thinking the amount of force that could have caused that, you know, how could anybody survive what i was looking at. autumn kirks: joe and i were 10 feet from each other when it first hit. trent okerson: kyanna parsons was an employee there at the candle factory, and kyanna goes on facebook live that night to try to get help from the outside. storm chaser: there s two of them. in 2011, we saw one of those generational tornado outbreaks that doesn t happen in our country but every couple decades. storm chaser: oh, dude, that looks wild. storm chaser: oh, it s right there. that s that tornado right there. storm chaser: [bleep] harold brooks: april 27, there end up being a number of storms that produce tornadoes from central mississippi eastward through alabama. and many of those storms produced multiple tornadoes. just in the state of alabama there were 62 tornadoes that hit that day. seems that every hour that passes today, the news out of the south just gets worse. kim klockow mcclain: after the alabama outbreak, there was kind of a renaissance in our field because we hadn t experienced an event that deeply catastrophic in so long. there were hundreds of fatalities, and we hadn t lost that many people in a tornado outbreak since 1974. storm chaser: oh my god. harold brooks: one of the silver linings of the april 27 outbreak was an understanding that we need to do a whole lot more work on social science with respect to forecasting. i describe myself as a tornado epidemiologist. it s really someone who tries to understand the circumstances that lead someone to be injured or die from something. what are the factors that explain fatalities, and what kinds of interventions can we design, whether in our communication system or structurally in our communities, to help mitigate that threat? among the things studied was the amount of time given to warn the public about tornadoes. a tornado warning is issued when a storm is either actively producing a tornado or it looks really likely to. and we re starting to explore what is the right amount of lead time to give people. what they figured out was there is such a thing as too much lead time. if you give people too much time, say, it s going to be 20 minutes before the tornado arrives, many people will look out their window and see that it s still blue skies. the storm hasn t gotten there yet, and either they think they have more time than they do or they think the storm isn t really going to hit them. so there is such a thing as too much lead time. also what they re studying is how people react to the warning they re given. kim klockow mcclain: fear is a really challenging component of this entire equation. there has been no example i ve seen that is clearer of this fear effect than what happened in oklahoma in 2013. on may 20, we had the tornado that went through oklahoma city and moore and killed 24 people, including several children at a school. and after that, we had just days and days of storms and everyone was just on edge. and when may 31, 2013, a two mile wide tornado hit el reno just west of oklahoma city, we saw spontaneous mass evacuation ahead of that tornado. highways were clogged for over 30 miles. they found out because of fear, people actually did the opposite of what they re supposed to do. they fled their homes. they fled their businesses, places that normally would have been safe. when that happens in mass, that becomes very dangerous. you end up getting stuck in traffic as a tornado hits. reporter: and we re still waiting to hear word on what happened to the 110 people who were inside this candle factory. derek vaughan: once we were able to get down there and assist, i saw that this whole building was just gone. so one of the things that you ll notice if you see kyanna s facebook video was how resilient she was and her efforts to stay positive. kyanna parsons: i was under the rubble approximately about three hours. i see one of the rescue people, and i m crying. i m like, please don t leave me. he says, no, no, no, we re not gonna leave you. a trooper that was at the top grabbed my arm and he pulled. and so got out, and every step i made, there was someone grabbing my hand, someone grabbing my hand, and just there for me. autumn kirks: it felt like a wall on top of me and the three girls next to me. and i don t know who it was, but somebody came and lifted it up and got us all out. the minute i actually got out, i fell to my knees and just broke because i had no idea where joe was. i wanted to go back and look for him. i was told i was not allowed. it hit friday night, and at 9:30 monday morning his mom called me. she s like, autumn, they found him. i m like and i had hope for all of two seconds. she s like, autumn, he didn t make it. i wish i could go back to not knowing because there was hope that, hey, they might still find him. i just i pray that nobody else has to go through this. trent okerson: we have so much technology, we have the ability to control so much in our lives these days. you still can t control mother nature. you can t control a tornado. you can t control what it does. and no matter how prepared you may be, you re still at the mercy of what these storms decide to do. autumn kirks: i have a very healthy respect for mother nature and tornadoes and what they can do. it can ruin your entire life. it can destroy everything you know. in 2011, after the joplin tornado, amber munson had lost her house, most of her possessions,

Joplin-tornado , Storm-chaser , One , Everything , Two , Oh-my-god , Chaos , Three , Line , News , Bad-news , Norman

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Europe Votes 2024 20240609

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members of the european parliament. who will shape the eu, as it faces defining challenges. so what are the issues driving this election? and what s foremost in people s minds as they head to the ballot boxes? welcome to europe votes 202a. hello and welcome from sunny lisbon, where we are coming to you from today. i m mark lowen, one of the bbc s europe correspondents. and over the course of this programme, we will bring new reports from across the continent as the election gets under way. but first, what s it all about? elections to the european parliament take place every five years. it s the only directly elected institution of the european union. shaping the bloc s policies, legislation and budgets. voting happens by proportional representation. each country gets a number of members of the european parliament, or meps, relative to its size. the meps sit in transnational groups according to their ideology. so, for example, there s left and right, eurosceptics and greens. the balance between them could change considerably this time. and this is the first european election since the united kingdom finally left the eu. polling is taking place across three days, with different countries voting at different times. the first eu member electing its new meps is the netherlands. with an expected surge in populist and far right support, the dutch are still in the process of forming their own government after elections last november, which saw the anti immigration politician geert wilders win most votes. climate has been one of the most divisive issues with the country under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint. anna holligan has been speaking to young people on both sides of the heated debate. every farmer is a bit crazy because they work the whole week, day in, day out. this man is a fourth generation dairy farmer. it s a kind of a hobby, a way of life. and, yes, the love for this. home to 3.7 million cows approximately one for every four voters a dense population, global shipping and aviation hubs, the netherlands is one of europe s biggest emitters of harmful nitrogen, a potent greenhouse gas. with the desire to hit its 2030 climate goals, the dutch government proposed a number of measures designed to make farming more sustainable. but many farmers felt scapegoated. it s always about the farmers, so every time we had a problem and we had to reduce with nitrogen or carbon or whatever, it s always focused on the farms. and in the summer of 2022, protests ignited, thousands of farmers used their tractors to blocade highways and supermarket distribution centres. across europe, populist politicians have channelled this discontent to force the eu and member states to scale down climate legislation, by many considered to be central to decarbonisation. the key issues for dutch voters are migration, the cost of living and very much the green transition. in the drive to reduce co2 emissions, there s a lively debate over whether the eu is pushing too hard and too fast. what do we want? climate justice! and on the other side of the spectrum, climate activists have also been applying pressure. at a recent rally in the hague, winnie was among those calling for an end to government tax breaks and subsidies for high fossil fuel emitting companies. but she thinks the european union can help their cause. there s a big role for europe to play there because what we see is the dutch politics, dutch politicians have a hard time trying to satisfy their voters and still commit to the paris agreement. and that s a shame because that s the bare minimum that we need to do. among many young people, there is a shared frustration with the polarisation that infiltrates the climate debate. farmers as well will feel the effects of climate change and we need the farmers, so let s shake hands on this. we both want to have a clear perspective for the future, i so i think no one has a clear solution to make one - clear policy in europe. in italy, too, conservative parties are expected to make big gains in election. brothers of italy, the party of the prime minister, giorgia meloni, is topping the opinion polls. she has moved away from a previously more far right position, moderating in office, but she still takes a hard line on immigration, one of the issues voters are worried about. and she s struggling to boost the flagging birth rate and brain drain of young italians leaving the country. as i found out in latina, just south of rome. the big beasts of italian politics are lining up for their european battle. and at this farm south of rome, which rears 1,800 buffaloes, the question is whether change is afloat. it s a very italian family business, churning out exceptional mozzarella and ricotta. the grandson of the founder says the problems are many, from european farmers being undercut by non eu countries to another long standing italian issue. it s not that easy to find workers. medium salary in italy is not going up for a long time. and this is very sad because many times, younger university students prefer to not work because of this. it means they employ migrant workers to fill the gap, and there is no shortage there, with new arrivals soaring by 50% last year, despite the government promising to crack down. so, at the centre for young unaccompanied migrants, more keep coming and the town is feeling the strain. it s ok for now. the numbers we are receiving now. but i don t know in the future if they will increase more, if it will be ok or difficult. you are at your maximum point, do you think? maybe. yes, i think so. they put together pieces of broken lives in a country they will now call home. it cost 2000 euros to get here from burkina faso. translation: lots of africans think europe is a paradise, - but it is not true. now i tell people back home to stay there, but i know they will keep trying, and even if italy wants to stop the boats, it is impossible. so the to do list is long for giorgia meloni, elected prime minister 18 months ago and still leading the polls. the main city here, latina, mirrors italy, with the same issues and the first woman in charge. translation: the meloni | government is working well. we have problems of the falling birth rate, for example, which affects all of europe. we used to passively accept migrants, but now we have a big say in managing flows. it is important that our party wins this election so we can put forward our ideas at a european level. behind italy s blustery beauty lies age old problems, but what has changed here in the last 18 months is who is trying to solve them, with giorgia meloni dominating italian politics and hoping to further entrench her position after these european elections. but well beyond these shores, europe s other right wing leaders are looking at her as a sort of figurehead, an example of what they, too, will hope to achieve. and so, a key moment for italy and for europe, a vote on how to navigate these rough times. well, across the eu, immigration, the economy and the environment are all big themes for voters in this election. that is also true in germany, the eu s largest economy, and with the largest population electing the highest number of meps. but abortion rights campaigners there say women s health issues are failing to get enough attention. 0ur corresponded jessica parker sent this report from hamburg. adriana volunteers to help improve abortion access. in germany, abortions are in reality permitted during early pregnancy, but remain technically illegal. when i read the penalty law, it really crushed me. because it really says you are still a criminal when you have an abortion. you can do it up until 12 weeks without being actually punished, but you are still kind of a criminal. and also, the law is written like they are trying to force you to think about it and to keep the pregnancy. so they are really pushing you in one direction. do you think this issue, women s health issues, have a prominent enough place in the public debate? of course not. women s issues are most of the time not the main priority. i would prefer if we had an eu law that ensures that everyone has access to safe abortions. even in wealthy liberal cities like hamburg, campaigners say women face barriers to abortion, while access across europe can significantly vary, from france where abortions have become a constitutional right to almost total illegality in poland and malta. abortion laws are set by member states, but in the last eu parliament, a majority of lawmakers called for access to be guaranteed across the bloc. it is a prime example of how some see the eu as an engine for social change, while others believe that brussels is already too interfering. it s up to the nations to say whether they want to have this or that particular abortion law, and the eu should not meddle with that. they have done that with other things, they try to interfere with nations sovereignty, and i think they should not push the nations too far. we have seen what happens when they do that, and when people pick up on those ideas in particular countries, you saw that in the uk, and they play it well, people may turn away on a larger scale from the european union, and that s not a good idea. this professor believes eu wide change is a distant prospect. i think member states- focus very much on having competencies in criminal law, and especially in these - sensitive areas of abortion. the eu parliamentary elections are nowjust weeks away. if, as some polls predict, there is a rightwards shift, that may diminish calls for embedding abortion rights. as parties push very different visions of how far the eu should reach into people s lives. from the chilly climes of northern germany down to the boiling beaches of southern spain, the increasing difficulty of making ends meet is playing big in voters minds. spain is the eu s fourth largest economy, but it has the bloc s highest unemployment rate at around 12%, and among young people, it is also top, at almost 30%. in andalusia, away from the tourist hotspots, the country s biggest region is struggling with low wages, high unemployment and a lack of infrastructure. nick beek reports now from a city where one person in every four is out of work. in a perfect world, 20 year old lucia would make a living doing what she loves, restoring furniture. today, it is this coat of arms. but it does not pay enough, and in her part of spain, finding anyjob is really hard. translation: i am working very hard to try to make a living - for what i love doing. i see my friends with full time jobs only making 700 euros a month. they take advantage of the fact we are young because they know we are going to shut up and take whatever money they give us. in the city of algeciras, these people face a tough future. it feels like a bustling place, but 40% of young people cannot find a job. the highest rate in the whole country. the sky high level of unemployment here means that there is huge scepticism that anything will change for the better after the european parliament elections in six weeks time. there are deep rooted economic problems, and despite the vibrancy of this place, success stories are pretty hard to find. but this is one. business is good at the repair company. a 230 metre long containership the latest vessel they re fixing. it s meant 21 year old mario has been able to get a decent job, something that has eluded many of his friends. outside of the sector, it is difficult to have a permanent job. the contracts they are providing, a low wage, short term, they take a little bit of advantage of the people to save them money. one of the bosses says he would love to take on more workers, but the problem is that while so many young people need a job, theyjust don t have the expertise. we are the highest percentage of unemployed people - here and those people, we cannot get with us, | because they don t have the skills. - this city boasts the biggest port in spain, but does not feel the benefits. the eu is sending 140 million euros to the region to try to boostjobs, which may or may not win votes at the european elections. but it feels much bigger investment is needed here, particularly in roads, railways and other infrastructure, to turn the tide for this young generation. and so, to france, often seen as the other half of the power couple driving the eu, along with germany. but it, too, is seeing a surge in support for the far right, the national rally of marine le pen and her young co leader has been towering over opinion polls at around twice the level of support of the nearest rival, the party of emmanuel macron. that could put the far right in a strong position ahead of the next french presidential election in 2027. 0ur paris correspondent hugh schofield has been finding out why this has all been happening, and he starts his report in a cathedral town around 160 kilometres south east of paris. they are on a roll and they know it. they, the national rally, are so far ahead in the french polls that their biggest worry is supporters like these taking a massive victory for granted and not turning out. that is why the president has come to this market town. selfie hell, of course. this is the new face of france s far right. he is personable, popular and above all, very young, and atjust 28, he is leading the national rally in these elections to new heights. circumstances are helping. inflation is hurting. 0ut here in the provinces, president macron is unpopular. and now there has been a run of atrocious stories of violence among immigrant communities in schools, in the paris suburbs, a 15 year old was beaten to death, seemingly by the brothers of a teenage girl angry that she was in contact with him. the case is not unique. for the national rally s newest star recruit, it translates into a popular demand for authority. this former head of the agency frontex says he was hounded out for trying to be tough. immigration is a factor in many of these cases of violence, he says. this is a cultural clash. the fact that some teenagers consider that their sister shall not talk to a boy, that this is a matter of honour, and this is not part of our culture. in france, it is not part of our culture. i m sure nowhere in continental europe or in the uk. back on the campaign trail, i asked jordan bardella where he thought the valance was coming from. translation: there is | a new savagery in society which means you might be attacked anywhere because you are not wearing the right kind of clothes or because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. and now this violence is affecting the institutions of the state, like schools. his answer is to get tough, increase penalties, crackdown on illegal immigration. many, it seems, would agree. so, while voters in much of europe are focusing on their internal challenges, in some eu countries, it is what is happening outside or, rather, beside their country that is a priority, not least for poland, bordering ukraine, but also russia and belarus. although some other eu members in the east of the bloc, such as hungary and slovakia, have wavered in their commitment to assisting ukraine militarily, poland has been a firm voice against the threat of moscow. but there are signs of strain in its relation with kyiv and the conflict next door is having a political impact in poland, as our eastern europe correspondent reports. all along its northern border, poland is on alert. because on the other side here is russian territory that is heavily militarised. poland has taken the threat posed by its neighbour very seriously. ever since the full scale invasion of ukraine. its constant warning is that vladimir putin will not stop there, so poland now plans to spend millions heightening security. prime minister donald tusk is making russia a big issue of european elections. reinforcing the border is about telling the enemy to stay away. and in polish schools, new security drills. getting prepared in case of an emergency. first lesson, evacuation. the training is run by soldiers with the territorial defence. it s partly about building confidence in the armed forces. partly learning skills to cope in a crisis. the teenagers we met here had no doubts why they were doing this. we are in danger. i m worried that the war will come to poland. russia is near to us - and they could attack us. i think. but fearing moscow does not always mean help for kyiv, not to those who spoiled this grain for ukraine at the polish border. the polish countryside is often a place of strong feelings. not all of them positive about the eu of kyiv. not all of them positive about the eu or kyiv. this man has been farming since he was 18. but he says ukrainian goods are starting to flood the market here, undercutting local produce and threatening his livelihood. translation: it looks like ukraine is fighting a war on two fronts, one with russia and one against polish farmers. an economic and agricultural war. if this continues, we willjust perish. we have no chance. it s not the economy, though, its security that is poland s big theme at these elections. the message that living next door to russia remains a risk. and that all europe needs to remain on guard. so, those are many of the issues particular to each country, and here is a particularity with the election itself. changes to the law in some eu member states mean that this year, 16 and 17 year olds are able to vote. while in some countries, the youth vote leans towards the greens or the left, in many, there is an unprecedented support for the far right among young voters, which is expected to help those parties make significant gains. sophia sent this report from the heart of the european union, in brussels. in some countries, like belgium, the voting age has been lowered to 16. do you think that the european elections matter? yes. it s a very big - opportunity for us. and i really like it because it gives us a voice that - we never had before. europe needs to be stronger because we cannot always trust nato. my history teachers are really saying that it would not - surprise me if something i would happen in the future, so that really scares me. and my future and thinking about my children, my - future children, i don t have children now. - but more young people going to the polls won t necessarily translate into support for the eu. in fact, an unprecedented number of young voters are siding with far right, populist parties. the success of the far right among young people in part has to do with their positions on immigration or on anti woke. but also, with their very successful social media strategy, especially on platforms such as tiktok. they also have this very clear antiestablishment discourse, and even a rebellious vibe, that can appeal to young voters. that rebellion blaring out in the capital of europe. hundreds of farmers have come to protest here at brussels with their tractors. they have come from lots of different countries and many of them are really young. as voting gets under way across europe, they want to send a strong message that the eu just isn t listening to them. the reason why we vote for the right is that we have global issues that we don t know how we can take control of. we can actually solve the issues that the left tried to solve, but failed to do so. another issue that is driving them to the right is migration. there is a big issue when it. comes to security and when it comes to keeping in track of all of the people - that come in. so i think that europe does not have the capacity - to receive that many people. and that is why you are voting to the right? that is why i m - voting common sense. common sense or not, many young people feel that the more traditional parties are not listening to their concerns. and that disconnect is what could deliver the most significant victory to the far right since the eu was founded, more than half a century ago. so many challenges, and so much to play for. the 720 meps elected will take decisions on issues that affect all eu citizens, on everything from food standards to immigration, and climate targets to banking rules. and they will vote to decide who becomes president of the european commission, leading the institution for the next five years. the results are expected late on the last day of voting, sunday, the 9th ofjune. we will cover the twists and turns of this election right here on the bbc. but until then, from me, mark lowen, and the rest of our teams right across europe, thanks for watching. bye bye. hello there. it s been a pretty decent start to the weekend. there was a good deal of sunshine around across most of the country. a bit of cloud here and there, a few showers mostly in the north. part two of the weekend doesn t look quite as good. it will start certainly quite chilly. but we ve got a couple of weather fronts pushing down from the north west that will increase cloud through the day, with some splashes of rain. now, we ve got this weather front approaching the north west of the country to move through this evening. showers merging together to produce longer spells of rain for the north and west of scotland. so unsettled, breezy, showery in the north, turning cloudier for northern ireland, but clearer skies for large parts of england and wales, with lighter winds here. so it will turn chilly for most. single digits, i think, for the majority of the country. but with more cloud across northern ireland, we will fall to around ten degrees in belfast. so sunday, then, we ve got low pressure still towards the norwegian sea there, bringing northern westerly winds into the country. we start off with quite a bit of sunshine. scotland, england and wales, cloudy skies for northern ireland, south west scotland, in towards north west england, north wales. and that cloud, with splashes of rain, will spill south eastwards through the day. so it will turn cloudy across much of england and wales, probably the best of the sunshine across the far south west, and the northern half of scotland doing pretty well, with sunny spells. but there will be blustery showers here and a cooler day to come, i think, because of more cloud around temperatures of about 12 to 17 degrees. as we move through sunday night, that area of rain splashes across the irish sea, into much of england and wales, becomes confined to southern and eastern areas by the end of the night. so where we have the cloud and the rain, then, a less cold night here, 10 to 12 degrees under clearer skies. further north, it will turn chilly. we start to pick up a northerly wind as we move into monday. that rain slowly clears away from the south and east. it may take a while to clear the east of england. eventually, it will do. then it s a bright day for most, sunshine and showers. most of these across the northern half of scotland, where they will be quite blustery and a chilly northerly wind at that. temperatures, 10 to 1a degrees in the north, 15 to 17 further south, giving some sunny spells. and we hold on to this chilly northerly wind through tuesday, even into wednesday as well. before low pressure starts to move in from the south west, that ll cut off the chilly northerly and temperatures will slowly recover towards the end of the week. but it s going to be a fairly unsettled and a cool week to come, with a little bit of sunshine here and there. live from washington. this is bbc news. four israeli hostages abducted by hamas last october reunited with their families after israeli forces freed them from captivity in gaza. hamas reports more than 200 palestinians were killed in the raid by the idff. the raid by the idf. two hospitals say they have counted scores of bodies. we ll have the latest from the general election campaign he as the conservatives are pledging tax cuts and labour promises to help small businesses. hello, i m helena humphrey. glad you could join me. four israeli hostages taken by hamas during the october 7th attacks have now been reunited with their families. but israeli forces in gaza killed scores of palestinians in the military operation to free them. israeli special forces raided two locations in nuseirat, in central gaza in broad daylight. 0ne israeli soldier was killed. hamas says more than 200 palestinians were killed in the operation. an israeli military spokesman said there were under100 palestinian casualties. the eu s top diplomat condemned the israeli raid. the us president has also spoken out at a press conference during his state visit to france. i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming

Election , Elections , Course , Way , European-parliament , Continent , Reports , Programme , Five , Eu , Issues , Members

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Searching for Kosovos Missing 20240609

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two women one serb, one albanian prepared to put aside the divisions that tore their worlds apart. the late 1990s conflict between serb forces and albanian insurgents for the future of the former yugoslav province of kosovo left thousands dead. serbian forces attempted to rid the region of its ethnic albanian population. the kosovo liberation army retaliated. many civilians died most of them men. around 5,800 people disappeared. 25 years later, and almost 1,600 people are still missing, leaving many mothers, wives, and sisters to lament birthdays uncelebrated, weddings unplanned, and grandchildren unborn. among them, kujtime, an ethnic albanian who s lived all her life in the city that s become kosovo s lasting symbol of ethnic partition. it was during that time that tragedy struck. dragica, an ethnic serb, lived in kosovo until the war forced her to flee to serbia. her 17 year old son, ivan, went missing on the ill fated journey tojoin her. during spring 1999, the war in kosovo entered its most intense phase. nato intervened in the war, targeting serbian forces they accused of ethnic cleansing. crimes against civilians intensified. kujtime and her family found themselves at the centre of a massacre in mitrovica, at theirfamily home. over the years, the experts working on recovering the missing have faced many obstacles in locating and identifying the remains. kosovo unilaterally declared independence from serbia in 2008. many countries recognise its independence, but not serbia. but, for experts to excavate the mass graves, both sides must work together. families of the missing on opposite sides faced the same problems. many spent years contacting institutions, governments, the military, embassies, and journalists in a desperate attempt to find any trace of their relatives. it took years before serbia and kosovo finally cooperated. but when they did, they worked jointly for over a decade, investigating and discovering new mass graves, and bringing news of missing loved ones to many families. they had identified two thirds of the missing before work stopped in 2021, due to rising tensions between belgrade and pristina. organisations on both sides of the former conflict are determined that the missing third are not forgotten. in mitrovica, gjyla haziri, together with kujtime, has been documenting the missing. dragica and kujtime lived 35km from each other in the same country, yugoslavia. the break up of yugoslavia led to years of war and left communities divided none more so than in mitrovica. this bridge, built to connect, now divides. to the south kosovo albanians who are proud of what they see as their new country. to the north kosovo serbs who pledge their allegiance to another. to this day, kujtime does not feel welcome in the northern part of her city. before the war, dragica lived in pristina today, majority albanian. now she is returning to kosovo, to make contact with kujtime s organisation and visit her former neighbourhood. it s the day of missing persons in kosovo. to mark the occasion, the voice of parents organisation is calling for united multiethnic collaboration in the search for those still missing, and that the rights of families of the missing are not forgotten. kujtime never discovered how exactly her brother died, but she was one of those who found her missing relative s remains. after a decade of searching, they were excavated from a mass grave, along with a few personal belongings. dragica and kujtime have agreed to meet. emotions around the ethnic divides still run deep, and a meeting between women from different sides of the war is difficult for both of them. even though it s tough, both agree that these conversations have to be had. in serbia and kosovo, a generation has grown up not knowing the conflict and pain their parents knew. memories are fading. the world is moving on. but for those left behind, it remains an open wound. women like kujtime and dragica feel their respective governments have made promises they re yet to keep. they don t know when or how this will end. but in the meantime, they re united in their quest to preserve the memory of the missing. hello there. it s been a pretty decent start to the weekend. there was a good deal of sunshine around across most of the country. a bit of cloud here and there, a few showers, mostly in the north. part two of the weekend doesn t look quite as good. it will start sunny, quite chilly. but we ve got a couple of weather fronts pushing down from the northwest that will increase cloud through the day, with some splashes of rain. now, we ve got this weather front approaching the northwest of the country to move through this evening. showers merging together to produce longer spells of rain for the north and west of scotland. so unsettled, breezy, showery in the north, turning cloudier for northern ireland, but clearer skies for large parts of england and wales, with lighter winds here. so it will turn chilly for most. single digits, i think, for the majority of the country. but with more cloud across northern ireland, we will fall to around 10 degrees in belfast. so sunday, then, we ve got low pressure still towards the norwegian sea there, bringing northern westerly winds into the country. we start off with quite a bit of sunshine. scotland, england and wales, cloudy skies for northern ireland, southwest scotland, in towards north west england, north wales. and that cloud, with splashes of rain, will spill south eastwards through the day. so it will turn cloudy across much of england and wales, probably the best of the sunshine across the far southwest, and the northern half of scotland doing pretty well, with sunny spells. but there will be blustery showers here and a cooler day to come, i think, because of more cloud around temperatures of about 12 to 17 degrees. as we move through sunday night, that area of rain splashes across the irish sea, into much of england and wales, becomes confined to southern and eastern areas by the end of the night. so where we have the cloud and the rain, then, a less cold night here, 10 to 12 degrees under clearer skies. further north, it will turn chilly. we start to pick up a northerly wind as we move into monday. that rain slowly clears away from the south and east. it may take a while to clear the east of england. eventually, it will do. then it s a bright day for most, sunshine and showers. most of these across the northern half of scotland, where they will be quite blustery and a chilly northerly wind at that. temperatures, 10 to 14 degrees in the north, 15 to 17 further south, giving some sunny spells. and we hold on to this chilly northerly wind through tuesday, even into wednesday as well. before low pressure starts to move in from the southwest, that ll cut off the chilly northerly and temperatures will slowly recover towards the end of the week. but it s going to be a fairly unsettled and a cool week to come, with a little bit of sunshine here and there. you will live from london. this is bbc news israel has been criticised by a senior european union official over the killing of dozens of palestinians in an operation in gaza yesterday the mission was to rescue four hostages who had been held ship in the territory since the hamas attacks eight months ago. election campaigning continues across the uk ahead of a key week in which parties will set out their manifestos. major restoration work has begun in sweden to protect the wreck of a magnificent 17th century warship the vasa which is housed in a museum in stockholm. hello. i m catherine byaruhanga. the eu s most senior diplomat josep borrell has strongly condemned the killing of palestinians in israel s hostage rescue mission describing it as another massacre of civilians . four israeli hostages taken by hamas during the october seventh attacks were freed during the raid in nuseirat, in central gaza, in broad daylight. 0ne israeli soldier died. the hamas run health ministry says more than 200 palestinians were killed in the raid. israel claims there were fewer than one hundred casualties. 0ur middle east correspondent hugo bachega has more from tel aviv. a dramatic rescue and she s free again. 25 year old noa argamani, captured by hamas on the 7th

Divisions , Worlds-apart , Serb , Women , Albanian , Two , One , Person , Skin , Nose , Forehead , Chin

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Click 20240609

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and campaigning continues across the uk ahead of the general election injuly. it s expected that parties will set out their manifestos over the next week. now on bbc news, click. this week, we re heading into space to find out how we ll live, work and eat on the moon. we have space homes and a spacewoman. all of a sudden, it clicked in my head. wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. ..moon bots and moon dust. the surface is fine and powdery. i can pick it up loosely with my toe. you know, i think i ve seen that chap somewhere before. jfk: we choose to go - to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. i neil armstrong: it s one small step for man. - giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago, we laid our last footprint on the moon. as the crew of apollo 17 left the surface, they didn t know that gene cernan would be the last person to walk on another world for quite a while. we re on our way, houston. but now, in this decade, finally. ..we re going back. mission control: and lift off of artemis 1. nasa s artemis programme will, in the next year or two, return us to our neighbour. part of its mission to land the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. another part to use what we learn here to send the first astronauts to mars. this is where it all began florida s kennedy space center named after the president who made the original pledge to go to the moon. and now, this place is at the centre of even grander plans, because this time, we re notjust visiting the moon we want to stay. this is gateway, humanity s first space station that will orbit another world. it will go round the moon every seven days. and, like the international space station above earth, astronauts will call this place home . although, where the iss can accommodate up to 12 astronauts and is comparable to a five or six bedroom house, gateway will be.more cosy. gateway is a studio apartment. it s. we re going to have room for our four astronauts, multiple docking ports, so we can bring our orion crew transportation ship, we can bring logistics, and we can dock a lander. these four explorers won t all be cooped up on board for the whole time, though. two will actually be spending a week or two on location, down on the lunar surface. it s a chance to further study the landscape and hopefully find a location for our next giant leap a permanent moon base. gateway will be there before we put a habitat on the surface. gateway allows us to access any point on the lunar surface. when we went with apollo, we had to pick that spot on the moon and go to it. gateway will give us the opportunity to go down at different locations. the first section of gateway could be launched as early as 2025, with new modules then being added from 2027. a lunar base is admittedly further out and it comes with risk, but also reward. so, how do we make that a reality? to find out, it s time for me to take one small step of my own. oh, wow. i can instantly see the dust kind of kicking up. yeah. it s really fine, isn t it? it leaves the footprints like you d expect. oh, my gosh. that s brilliant. and this is how moon dust behaves, itjust puffs up like that? it does, yeah. it s so fine. welcome to swamp works. ..the dusty, dirty lab where they work with simulated moon dust. now, the loose soil that covers the lunar surface is called regolith. it s extremely fine, very sharp on a microscopic scale, and it gets everywhere. so when we landed with apollo 11, we didn t know what the surface of the moon exactly was going to be like. you ll notice from some of the footage, the landing pads are quite huge on the landing legs and the ladder s far away from the surface. there was a lot of concern of, how much will this lander sink into the surface? how fluffy is this regolith? the surface is fine and powdery. i can.| can pick it up loosely with my toe. in fact, it s because the eagle lander didn t sink in as much as expected that neil armstrong had to take such a giant leap from the bottom rung of the ladder. today, swamp works is developing robots that can cope with and take advantage of lunar soil. and it will be very useful. see, moon dust is made of materials like silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, which all contain a lot of oxygen. if we could mine the regolith and use chemical processes to extract the oxygen, we could make our own breathable air and our own rocket fuel. the way space flight exploration has been working right now is imagine you re going on a holiday with your family, you re going on a long road trip, thousands of miles, right? right now, we are bringing a trailer behind us with all the gas, you know, that we need with us, all the fuel, everything that we need comes with us. so we want to change that paradigm. we want to. and one of the biggest things that makes the biggest impact is the fuel, right? if we can source some of that from the moon and eventually from mars, that will allow us to bring more and to go more often. making our own fuel makes regular trips to and from the gateway space station much more viable. now, mining moon dust is called isru. and, because they love an acronym round these parts, the robot to do this will be called the isru pilot excavator, ipex. we had to really reinvent how you do excavation for doing mining on the moon, and eventually mars. the challenge is the technology we have for mining here on earth relies on a lot of mass and a lot of weight, right? the more steel you put on an excavator, the heavier it becomes and the better it digs. we can t launch something as heavy as we want on a rocket. it s still very expensive, right? so we have to reduce the mass of what we put on rockets. and then when you land it on the moon, it weighs one sixth of what it does here on earth, right? imagine, like, trying to dig as if you were on ice, right? it will just scoot across the surface. the scoop will not engage and you won t be able to collect anything. so the way the robot scoops up the dust is using this thing called a bucket drum. and it s got a kind of spiral in there. and if it turns it one way, it scoops the soil, which gradually works its way towards the middle and stays there. like that. and then when it wants to unload. turns it the other way and it all comes out again. we put them on opposite ends of the robot and when it excavates, it s using both sets of drums at the same time, but they re digging in opposite directions. so one is pulling it that way and one is pulling it that way. right. ..and pulling itself down to the surface. yeah. one of the main dangers faced by extraterrestrial rovers is getting stuck. so, as an added bonus, ipex s scoops and arms can also help it to get out of a hole orflip it over if it takes a tumble. one of its other defences will keep its cameras free from all that electrostatic dust, which will cling to every part of it. its lenses will be fitted with an electrodynamic dust shield. simply apply electricity and the charged dust particles are repelled, keeping its vision clear. but after a while of going to and fro, we might want to stay a little longer on the surface. robots like this one will prepare the ground for permanent buildings by smoothing and compacting the foundations. do you have a name for this arm? um. we call it. we call it meercat, actually. you ve always got cool names for these things! yeah. why? it s called the multipurpose end effector for regolith acquisition. meercat. .. ..transportation and. yeah, yeah, that s it. you see, what worries me is there are some brilliant inventions you guys haven t bothered with because you couldn t think of a cool acronym. a cool name. that is like one of the. it s very important to have a good name for your projects because it, like, represents the soul of the project, right? now, just like the fuel situation, we can t take building materials with us to the moon either we have to make our structures from moon dust. these bricks and blocks and bars have all been made by mixing and melting regolith with plastic. in the future, giant sd printers will build shelters to protect those living on a world with no atmosphere from radiation, asteroid and micrometeoroid impacts, moonquakes and temperatures ranging from +100 to 200 degrees celsius. even replacement parts can be made from regolith. so this is a wheel that has been printed with regolith and polymer. ok. this is another example of what we can do if we capture the resources from the moon. now, do you know, i ve seen and held wheels for rovers before, full size wheels, and they re really light. right. but this is really heavy. yes, this is the opposite. because those wheels that are light, especially if you re sending it on a rocket, they need to be light because it s expensive. this is heavy because it s made on the moon. and heavy wheels are a good thing, i guess. it s better, right? especially for a digger like that. like the more weight that we have on the excavator, the better it s going to perform. would you believe you can even make rope out of regolith? this is made from basalt glass really, really thin fibres, a bit like optic fibre. so you could even make rope out of moon dust. these are hopeful times for space exploration, but it s always been a risky endeavour. im i odysseus lunar lander separation confirmed. this year, we ve seen three probes sent to the moon. two made it, and both of those had, shall we say, awkward landings. and the artemis mission to put boots back on the lunar ground has been pushed back to 2026 at the earliest. but nasa says space explorers need to take these setbacks in their stride. i don t see it as a disappointment. it s very cliche to say space is hard, but what we re endeavouring to do is highly complex. we expect challenges along the way so this doesn t surprise us and we re pushing forward. it sounds really expensive to do space exploration. is it, and is it worth it? so, yes, it s really expensive. it was really expensive for us to explore this planet, really expensive to lay rail infrastructure, to lay highway infrastructure, to put the infrastructure in place that allows us to travel in air traffic around this globe. it s absolutely necessary for us to lay that critical infrastructure for going to space, because what we learn in that endeavour is tremendous. the exponential growth that we ve seen in the world in technology is because of great endeavours like this. it s absolutely worth it. here in the united states, every year the general population is spending as much money on potato chips as our budget is every year to go out to the moon. that s a good figure. the motivation may be different to that of the space race of the 1960s, but the size of the ambition is just as great today as we shoot for the moon once again. i m alistair keane with this week s tech news. google has confirmed it s started restricting election related questions on its ai chatbot gemini. if a user asks the chatbot about a political party or candidate, it would tell them to try google search instead. they started rolling out the measure in india. the plan is to expand to other countries where big elections are taking place. the european parliament has approved the world s first framework for regulating the risks of artificial intelligence. the ai act works by classifying products according to risk and adjusting scrutiny accordingly. the law s creators say it will make the tech more human centric. however, the act still has to pass several more steps before it formally becomes law. a surgical team at cromwell hospital in london have come the first in europe to use applevision pro to perform two microsurgery spine procedures. with xx software, the apple headset allowed some in the team to have touch free access when assessing up the surgery and offered them visualisations that were previously unavailable. and fancy wearing sunglasses that can quickly swipe to become reading glasses? well, deep optics have you covered with their newly created 32n glasses. users can transition between the two settings thanks to liquid crystal lenses. they contain pixels and tiny electronic controls. i never dreamed that i could become an astronaut. i m talking to kayla barron. time resident of the international space station and now part of the artemis crew, the team who are preparing to go back to the moon. first time i looked out the window of our capsule. ..i6 sunrises and sunsets each day over our beautiful planet, really fundamentally feeling this interconnectedness. everything each one of us does has an impact on the people, notjust immediately around us, but on the entire planet. that inspired me to be really deliberate about, what contribution am i going to make to leave a better, healthier, more connected, more cooperative planet? what inspired you to become an astronaut? i did decide from a pretty early age that i wanted to serve in the military, and ultimately found my way to the naval academy and to the navy and to the submarine force in particular. and i met an astronaut at a navy football game, and hearing her story just reminded me so much of my experience on the submarine. and all of a sudden it clicked in my head, wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. and i told her that and she said, it totally is. it s exactly the same. you have these really complex machines out in these extreme environments that are designed to keep human beings alive in a place we re not meant to be, really, which is deep under the surface of the ocean or in the vacuum of space, and notjust keep us alive, but also allow us to accomplish a mission, do something as a team that s of value to others. what do you think it might be like to live on the moon and then mars? well, the moon is beautiful from the space station, first of all. when the sun is reflecting off this sphere, it s know, a crescent moon, a sliver in the sky. it felt like you could just reach out and grab it, and i think made me realise how incredible it is going to be to send human beings back. and there s incredible scientific questions we re going to be able to answer. we re planning to return to the moon, but this time, to the lunar south pole. so we ll be exploring a different area than we visited during the apollo era. answer some really fundamental questions not only about the moon s formation and its geology, but about our entire solar system. you are part of the artemis team. the artemis 3 crew is the one, i suppose, that everyone wants to be on, cos i think that s the one where the people are going to stand on the moon. are you in with a chance of being on artemis 3? of course. everyone in our office dreams of the opportunity to be part of those crews. you wait and hope. but the really cool thing is even if you re not in that seat on the flight, you get to support them and be a part of the team that makes that happen. the artemis 3 mission, they will put the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. i m guessing that those two people will become as famous as neil armstrong. put yourself in her shoes, even if it s not you. what would that represent for you? for humankind? you know, i think that moment will really represent how far we ve come. you know, we did amazing things in the apollo era, but not everyone had the access to those opportunities. there have been women in the nasa astronaut office for a really long time doing really incredible things. so we ll be standing on those women s shoulders. the first woman to command a space shuttle, the first to do a spacewalk, the first to command the space station. and when we look around at the diversity of our office, it s really incredible, like, who we have around us. it will be this incredible, historic, iconic moment that i think young women and girls around the planet will look to as an example of the fact that you can do anything if you work hard and are supported by the systems, the communities around you to have an opportunity to achieve those goals. you might have seen space food before. but what about space plants? if nasa wants its astronauts to stay out in space for longer, they ll need to be able to replenish their own food supply. this is nothing new. astronauts have been growing crops in space for the past a0 years. but there s still an awful lot that scientists are trying to learn about space farming. we have things like radiation that we have to deal with. we also have issues with microgravity. plants have learned how to detect gravity with their roots and gravity sensing organelles in the plants, and so they know how to use these cues. and without these cues, they have to re adapt to this environment. so, without gravity, the next cue that they use is light. so, how to go up and down, how to orient themselves is based on light now, cos they don t have gravity. water behaves very differently in microgravity. it has a high surface tension, so it likes to cling. and when the water clings to the roots, it prevents the roots from breathing. and so the plants can experience things like drought stress. they mayjust look green to you and me, but plants appear very different when viewed in the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum. and the scientists here are learning how their appearance changes under different types of stress. here in the plant processing area, we re giving the plants a stressor. so, in this case, we re reducing its watering. because on the station, we know it s difficult to water. and so we can identify through our imaging project, using infrared and visible light, as well as fluorescence, that stress. we take all this data and to make that association we use machine learning. then we can associate the wavelengths that are most indicative of that stress and include them in a camera that would monitor the plants on station. this is where the plants live when they get up there. the veggie unit. this is how they grow stuff on the international space station? yep. it s a simple led system, as well as a bellows, so it s open to the crew environment. we have two of these and six plants each. so you can imagine we re not making a huge feast, but it s enough for a nice serving of lettuce. lovely salad. yeah. how excited are the astronauts that they can now have salad and not just space food? they re very grateful. they can have salad, we ve grown peppers as well, and they can even have flowers cos we ve grown zinnia on space. now, there is a knack to getting these seeds to sprout in space. the way you grow plants on the international space station is using this, which is a plant pillow. so, this is the wick that sucks the moisture up. you plug your water source into here and you fill the bottom with soil, and then you get your tiny seeds, which stay in these polymer wrappers so they don t zip off and you lose them around the iss. and you pop it in here, and 28 days later. ..get yourself a lettuce. aside from the obvious benefits of creating a renewable food source, there are all sorts of other advantages to growing plants in space. gardening is very therapeutic. it s something that the astronauts would say, hey, you know, let me take care of something green. it makes them happy. plants produce oxygen and they recycle waste, they recycle water. all this fundamental stuff together will make them a very important organism to take with us. when we re living on the moon and when we re living on mars, what type of plants will we be eating? we would like to have things like nuts and citrus, but, again, there s still so much we don t know about how those plants adapt to the environment. the current goal is to use hydroponic systems, which rely on water based nutrient solutions instead of soil, which is heavy and expensive to transport. but in 2022, scientists showed that plants can grow in lunar soil, regolith. which kind of brings us full circle in a way, doesn t it? if we want to live on new worlds, we need to use the resources that they provide us instead of taking more from our home planet. this has been a fascinating trip to nasa, a place which will one day help us put builders, miners, and even farmers on the moon. hello there. it s been a pretty decent start to the weekend. there was a good deal of sunshine around across most of the country. a bit of cloud here and there, a few showers, mostly in the north. part two of the weekend doesn t look quite as good. it will start sunny, quite chilly. but we ve got a couple of weather fronts pushing down from the northwest that will increase cloud through the day, with some splashes of rain. now, we ve got this weather front approaching the northwest of the country to move through this evening. showers merging together to produce longer spells of rain for the north and west of scotland. so unsettled, breezy, showery in the north, turning cloudier for northern ireland, but clearer skies for large parts of england and wales, with lighter winds here. so it will turn chilly for most. single digits, i think, for the majority of the country. but with more cloud across northern ireland, we will fall to around 10 degrees in belfast. so, sunday, then, we ve got low pressure still towards the norwegian sea there, bringing northern westerly winds into the country. we start off with quite a bit of sunshine. scotland, england and wales, cloudy skies for northern ireland, southwest scotland, in towards northwest england, north wales. and that cloud, with splashes of rain, will spill southeastwards through the day. so it will turn cloudy across much of england and wales, probably the best of the sunshine across the far southwest, and the northern half of scotland doing pretty well, with sunny spells. but there will be blustery showers here and a cooler day to come, i think, because of more cloud around temperatures of about 12 to 17 degrees. as we move through sunday night, that area of rain splashes across the irish sea, into much of england and wales, becomes confined to southern and eastern areas by the end of the night. so where we have the cloud and the rain, then, a less cold night here, 10 to 12 degrees under clearer skies. further north, it will turn chilly. we start to pick up a northerly wind as we move into monday. that rain slowly clears away from the south and east. it may take a while to clear the east of england. eventually, it will do. then it s a bright day for most, sunshine and showers. most of these across the northern half of scotland, where they will be quite blustery and a chilly northerly wind at that. temperatures, 10 to 14 degrees in the north, 15 to 17 further south, giving some sunny spells. and we hold on to this chilly northerly wind through tuesday, even into wednesday as well. before low pressure starts to move in from the southwest, that ll cut off the chilly northerly and temperatures will slowly recover towards the end of the week. but it s going to be a fairly unsettled and a cool week to come, with a little bit of sunshine here and there. good morning and welcome breakfast. their headlines today: the most senior diplomat in the eu has condemned the killing of palestinians in an israeli operation to rescue four hostages. the mission was to bring home the captive held in gaza since the hamas attacks, eight months ago. election campaigning continues across the country ahead of a key week in which parties will set out their manifestoes. thousands of motorcyclists arrived at the end of a mammoth right from london to cumbria. and in sport, joyful we go in a day of commemoration at wembley where rob burrow was paid tribute to, ahead of their challenge cup final. a sunny start for many of you, a more cloud, increasing, thickening and patchy rain as well. details on breakfast. good morning. the main story, israel has been criticised by the european union s matheny diplomat over the key kneeling of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza yesterday. josep borrell called the report another massacre of civilians. a

Bbc-news , Parties , Campaigning , Election , Injuly , Uk , Manifestos , Person , People , Crowd , Pedestrian , Protest

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Unspun World with John Simpson 20240609

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about peace and security. south africa has punished its ruling party for 30 years of failing government. but how does the chastened anc now select partners for the way forward? it is highly expected that the african national congress will come up with a coalition, even though it will be uneasy, but one that will be manageable. and immigration the great issue in so many of the 60 plus elections which are taking place around the world this year how does it affect us? we live in a much more globalised world. it s easier to travel. that has, you know, created movements of people around the planet which are presenting real challenges for governments. news reel: the allied | invasion of europe from the west is launched 0-day the start of d day 80 years ago was heralded by the broadcast of a couple of lines from a verlaine poem, ordering a particular french resistance circuit to start blowing up railway lines. very soon, british, american, canadian, free french and other troops stormed ashore to start the recapture of europe from the nazis. this anniversary seems like a good moment to look at where our world is today. the west in visible decline, russia fighting a war of aggression in europe, china stamping out ideological opposition wherever it can. rightly or wrongly, there s starting to be a kind of pre warfeeling about our times. allan little is the bbc s special correspondent. he s reported on many of the major events of the past 35 years. i think we re definitely in a period of anxiety and fear, and i think the change of policy in russia in february 2022 realigned the world. you and i lived through the revolutions of 1989, which saw the reunification of europe. so, the period of peace that we ve enjoyed over the last 80 years is certainly more fragile than it s been at any time during our lives, john. donald tusk of poland, for instance, the british defence secretary, grant shapps, and plenty of others talking about no longer being in a post war world, but in a pre war world. the threat of a resurgent, imperialist russia is very real. the collapse of the westernising, democratising experiment in post soviet russia amounted to one question what are the political consequences of this degree of destitution and humiliation that the russians were experiencing in the late 1990s? we knew what russia was in transition from. we didn t yet know what russia was in transition to. well, we know the answer now. the answer is that russia reverted to type, if you like. undeeradimir putin, it became authoritarian, dictatorial, and it s allied with changes in china and changes in iran and elsewhere. so, the world is reordering itself in quite a menacing way. do you feel that the 80th anniversary of the d day landings, which is where all of this started, we re now shifting to deep nervousness, instead ofjust patting ourselves on the back, as we have on most d day anniversaries? with the 80th anniversary, we ve lost the living testimony. there s now almost nobody left alive. and i think it s very important to remember notjust what they did in 191m and 1945, but the kind of europe they came home to build after the war. and they wanted a europe that would turn the page on centuries of division in europe. france and germany had gone to war with each other something like four times in the previous century. in 1945, they wanted to build a europe where that wasn t possible any more. where are we, say, in comparison with the past? this is a period of huge anxiety. i feel anxiety myself. you and i have seen war up close. we ve seen genocide up close. we know what it looks like. we know what it sounds like. we know what it smells like. and ifear, in western europe in particular, the danger of complacency. and i think that europe divides on this question as well, between the west and east. one of the things that s happened since 1989 is that eastern europe now, which initially welcomed in 1989, welcomed the westernising process, welcomed being brought into the european union, there is a populist drive in many of these eastern and central european countries against westernisation. they feel that the western model has been imposed upon them, or sufficient numbers of the population feel a western model that they don t recognise, don t feel comfortable with. .. the iconic figure of that position is viktor orban, in hungary, who has said himself that he wants a kind of illiberal democracy. seems to me the big danger is complacency, is saying, we re not living in 1913. we re not living in 1938. we might be. can it really be that europe s whole future, everything has turned around because of one man s attitudes, because of vladimir putin solely deciding to invade ukraine and so on? or are there bigger principles behind him? under him, russia reverted to type, if you like, went back to the imperialism and the authoritarianism that had characterised both tsarist russia and communist russia. and so there is an appetite in russia for this kind of. self definition, this kind of.this characterisation of the nature of the russian state. and i suspect that what we re doing now is walking along the edge of the razor blade, but that at some stage, we ll get over it. what are you, are you pessimistic or optimistic? i err towards pessimism these days, john. even today, 80 years on, the europeans still think of that moment, that 1944 45 moment, in very, very different terms and still think of the post war decades in which they built the institutions of european democracy. they think about them differently to the british. for the british, it was a transactional. it was about trade. scratch away at the surface of european sentiment, european sensibility, what you find is anxiety about peace and security, rather than trade and the economy. and i think that is rooted in the different experience of the 1940s. south africa has marked the 30th anniversary of majority rule with an election which has cut the african national congress, the party of nelson mandela, down to size. crime, corruption, the failure of basic services, like power and water, have infuriated huge numbers of south africans. even though mk the breakaway party of the man who symbolises corruption for many people, former presidentjacob zuma actually did very well. contrary to expectation, the economic freedom fighters, under their fiery leader, julius malema, faded badly, while the democratic alliance, which runs the western cape and is usually called business friendly, which means it gets the support of most white people, held its position with 21% of the vote but didn t noticeably thrive. so, now the anc has lost its overall majority, president cyril ramaphosa, an instinctive moderate, has to decide which of these groups to form a coalition with. i asked nomsa maseko, the bbc s southern africa correspondent, what she thought about the result. absolutely shocked at the loss of the african national congress, but not really surprised, because it was expected. people of south africa have grown tired of promises made and not kept. they are tired of high levels of violent crime, unemployment, the rolling blackouts which have crippled the economy, the day to day service delivery issues, like running water, you know, and the collection of rubbish, things like that, even though they are loyal to the anc government because of the history that south africa has in terms of, you know, apartheid. they know and appreciate what the anc and other liberation movements did for them back then. but this is a message by south africans to say that the honeymoon is over for the anc. but surely cyril ramaphosa cannot go into a coalition with jacob zuma or his people? there are people within the executive council of the anc that are saying that cyril ramaphosa, as president of this country and president of the anc, should resign from his position because this is the lowest point that the anc has ever got in, in terms of election results. in the last elections in 2019, the anc got about 57% of the vote, and this time around, they re barely holding on to a 40% majority. how likely is it that cyril ramaphosa can do some kind of deal with another party, oranother couple of parties? the democratic alliance, for instance. the anc acknowledges that there will be concessions that they have to make if they want to continue to lead, if cyril ramaphosa is to continue as president of the country. because if not, then the anc will have to sit in the opposition benches and allow the other parties to form a coalition and then govern, which is at this stage highly unlikely. but the democratic alliance has said that it is willing to go into a coalition with the african national congress, but in that there s going to be, you know, clashes in terms of policy and ideology because the democratic alliance is pro israel, the anc is pro palestine, the democratic alliance is also against the policy of black economic empowerment. and that will be a hard pill to swallow for the anc, which is trying with that policy to fix the wrongs of the past. and, of course, the democratic alliance is seen, rightly or wrongly, as being a white run party, isn t it? absolutely. south africans, even though they know that it s been 30 years into democracy, they still have the memories of what it was like not to be in control of their lives, of their economy, of where they go and not go. so there s a lot of misgivings. now, the one name that we haven t mentioned here isjulius malema, of the economic freedom fighters. and they did really quite badly, didn t they? they are now officially the fourth, you know, party, biggest party. but, you know, julius malema delivered one of his most modest speeches when he said that he believes that the electorate has decided what they wanted. but also, he believes that the economic freedom fighters received the votes of the black middle class. and he believes that they will still be able to continue, you know, to be in the opposition benches, but also, there could be a chance that the african national congress itself would want to form a coalition with the economic freedom fighters. will we have a government soon, or in the medium term, or is it going to take forever? in the next, say, 20 days after these coalition, you know, negotiations have taken place. parliament needs to sit before the end ofjune, and that is where a president is going to have to be appointed. and it is highly expected that the african national congress will come up with a coalition, even though it will be uneasy, but one that will be manageable. poor mexico, so far from god and so close to the united states. the rueful words of the 19th century mexican dictator porfirio diaz. things have got even worse since then. floods of illegal migrants from all over latin america pass through mexico on their way to the us, and the drugs cartels smuggle immense quantities of synthetic opioids to the huge and growing american market. the drugs trade made this the most violent presidential campaign ever in mexico. 102 political assassinations, as well as kidnappings and attempted murders. and yet, in all this, claudia sheinbaum, the former mayor of mexico city and a joint nobel prize winner for her work on climate change, won a landslide victory. the first woman to become mexico s president. she is the protege of the popular outgoing president, andres manuel lopez 0brador, who s known from his initials as amlo. but can claudia sheinbaum, even with amlo s support, sort out mexico s problems? and what was the cause of the landslide anyway? i turned to daniel pardo, of bbc mundo, in mexico city. andres manuel lopez 0brador, the current president who s been in power for the last six years. and he s managed to have people happy, really. increasing their salaries, poverty has been reduced from 40% to 36% average. 0bviously, violence is still a problem. insecurity is a huge problem for people. sheinbaum has become or was a very. a candidate that gave people the idea that those policies that enlarge their pockets are still going to be in place. that, added to the fact that the opposition is fragmented, divided, that they are trying to attack a very popular president who had to deal with the pandemic, still has 60% of people s support that s a huge number for a latin american president. but it does sound from what you say as though amlo, lopez 0brador, will want to keep a foot in politics, will want to control her, if he can. that s the question that everyone s asking at the moment. how is she going to govern? how autonomous is she going to be? their relationship. although they are part of the same movement, they have major differences. it s not only about their background, they come from different sort of lefts, because amlo is part of this old left in mexico that s very rooted in the revolution, that is very nationalist. it s very traditional in their economic and especially development ideas. sheinbaum, she s a physicist, who went to university. she has got a phd. she s an expert in climate change. she was part of a team who won the nobel prize because of their contribution to climate change studies. she s a woman, right, in a very macho country. and that s why everyone s asking, how is she going to be autonomous and how much is he going to control her? he has said and promised that he s going to retire, that he s going to go to his farm, and he s not going to be involved in politics. this election campaign, in particular, has been very violent, hasn t it? and there s all the question about the drugs trade with the united states and so on. so, violence is still a major problem. the six years in which amlo was in power were the most violent in history, in terms of homicides. and, yes, this campaign killed at least a0 candidates who were running for office in different parts of the country. so, yeah, violence, it is a problem. however, i think most mexicans have got used to it and have realised that that s not a problem that any government, one single government, one single politician, could fix. people are happy because their pockets are filled with money and they re being able to consume as much as they want. this is a very dynamic economy. the choice that americans are going to make in the united states is going to have such an effect on mexico, isn t it? most of mexican foreign policy is regarding the us, either if it s a democrat or a republican. 0bviously, trump did. emerge with the different issues, but it wasn t that different, really. i mean, you see the relationship that he had with amlo. it was a very pragmatic relationship. obviously, it s a huge source of income for mexicans. a huge portion of the gdp here in mexico has to do with money that mexicans in the united states send to theirfamilies here in mexico. it s a tricky relationship, but at the end, pragmatism does take place and does make the rule of the relationship, no matter who is in power. big countries have attracted immigrants throughout history. there are always people who want to better themselves financially, and there are always large amounts ofjobs to fill which local people don t want to do. but in the modern world, with wars and the effects of global heating, immigration has become a majorforce for social change. entire cities have been transformed as a result of the hostility which this can create. it has been responsible in many countries for the rise of an angry populism. i asked the bbc home affairs specialist mark easton for his views on the changes that immigration has brought to modern society. you have to understand, we live in a much more globalised world. it s easier to travel from one place to another, and that has changed things and also our understanding of the world. and i think that has, you know, created movements of people around the planet which, as you rightly say, are presenting real challenges for governments. there was this extraordinary movement of people back in the noughties, after the expansion of the eu. we saw all the poles come in. suddenly, actually, britain was experiencing immigration in a way it never had before. that, i think, changed the way that a lot of communities felt about immigration. it had not been something they d experienced before. and then i think you should wind the clock on and you get to brexit. and that, i think, was to a significant extent about communities who felt that they had not been informed about what was going to happen. and, of course, what we ve seen, almost as soon as the ink was dry on the brexit final deal, immigration soared. i mean, notjust soared, john, but went to levels that we have never, ever experienced in this country. if you go back to 2022, we saw three quarters of a million net migration to this country. so, i think given that there is now rising anxiety about, actually, do we have control of our borders? which matters a lot. and are we making the right decisions on when we bring people in? and that leads you into the other bit of all of this, which is what the government calls illegal migration, a term which is contested, i should say, but certainly irregular migration. so, these are people who are. like, for instance, those coming over in small boats or hiding in the back of lorries, and they are coming principally to seek asylum in the united kingdom. that, just to give you some context, represents about 6% of all the migration that we have. so, the rest is legal? the rest is legal. the government has invited those people to come to the uk, has given them a visa and said, in you come. yeah, we ve got a job for you. this is, what, to be nurses? care workers and nurses. doctors? doctors. i mean, i know zimbabwe very well, where nurses are really needed, and doctors. of course. ..and bringing them here, to a rich country. notjust the uk, but other european nations, sort of absorbing vast numbers of key workers who are actually required desperately in their countries of origin. now, to some extent, this is about, you know, the freedom of the individual to decide how they want to pursue their career. but equally, i think there is a responsibility on the rich countries to ensure that they re not impoverishing the countries from which these people come. and here is the real rub. if you want to reduce immigration and not have to pay the really significant penalty of not having anyone to care for your ailing grandmother, we re going to have to pay more. and that means that money is going to have to come from somewhere, and it essentially means you cut something else or you put up taxes. and that is the unpalatable reality that we have got ourselves in a situation where we are prepared to bring in large numbers of people to do jobs at low rates that local people are not prepared to do. but an awful lot of people are coming in from countries which are just simply poorer. and they want the kind of salaries that are paid in britain, but also, in western europe and the us. there is a huge debate, political debate, certainly, about, what is an economic migrant? what is a genuine asylum seeker? where you have conflict, the countries that border that conflict, i m sure you will have been to many of them, are suddenly overwhelmed by huge numbers of refugees. they haven t got the resources. they re often poor countries themselves, trying to deal with these. how do we have a fair, equitable system that means that those countries are not penalised, really, purely by their geography, while rich countries further away can say, nothing to do with us ? mark easton, speaking to me here in london. we re getting punch drunk, aren t we, with elections? there s the south african one and the mexican one, which we ve heard about in this programme. the european parliament elections begin this week. and there s the indian one, of course. and injuly, we ll have the british one. nigel farage, who played a big part in persuading britain to vote for brexit in 2016, has thrown a hand grenade into the election campaign here by announcing he was taking over the leadership of the small reform party and would stand for parliament, despite having lost seven parliamentary campaigns over the years. and of course, there s the united states, where the election result could genuinely change the future of the world. lots of media experts think that donald trump s conviction on 3a charges of falsifying his accounts to hide the hush money he paid the porn actress stormy daniels has nudged the pendulum an inch or so injoe biden s favour. but we re likely to have televised debates, in which literally anything could happen between two ancient men of 77 and 81. i m just weeks away from turning 80 myself, so i m allowed to say all this. at which point, everyone, everywhere wonders how a country as vast and talented as the us can only turn up a couple of men like biden and trump for the presidency. but that s a story for another day. thank you for being with us for this edition of unspun world. from me and the unspun team, until we meet again, goodbye. hello there. it s been a pretty decent start to the weekend. there was a good deal of sunshine around across most of the country. a bit of cloud here and there, a few showers, mostly in the north. part two of the weekend doesn t look quite as good. it will start sunny, quite chilly. but we ve got a couple of weather fronts pushing down from the north west that will increase cloud through the day, with some splashes of rain. now, we ve got this weather front approaching the north west of the country to move through this evening. showers merging together to produce longer spells of rain for the north and west of scotland. so unsettled, breezy, showery in the north, turning cloudier for northern ireland, but clearer skies for large parts of england and wales, with lighter winds here. so it will turn chilly for most. single digits, i think, for the majority of the country. but with more cloud across northern ireland, we will fall to around ten degrees in belfast. so sunday, then, we ve got low pressure still towards the norwegian sea there, bringing northern westerly winds into the country. we start off with quite a bit of sunshine. scotland, england and wales. cloudy skies for northern ireland, south west scotland, in towards north west england, north wales. and that cloud, with splashes of rain, will spill south eastwards through the day. so it will turn cloudy across much of england and wales. probably the best of the sunshine across the far south west, and the northern half of scotland doing pretty well, with sunny spells. but there will be blustery showers here. and a cooler day to come, i think, because of more cloud around temperatures of about 12 to 17 degrees. as we move through sunday night, that area of rain splashes across the irish sea, into much of england and wales, becomes confined to southern and eastern areas by the end of the night. so where we have the cloud and the rain, then, a less cold night here, 10 to 12 degrees under clearer skies. further north, it will turn chilly. we start to pick up a northerly wind as we move into monday. that rain slowly clears away from the south and east. it may take a while to clear the east of england. eventually, it will do. then it s a bright day for most, sunshine and showers. most of these across the northern half of scotland, where they will be quite blustery and a chilly northerly wind at that. temperatures, 10 to 1a degrees in the north, 15 to 17 further south, giving some sunny spells. and we hold on to this chilly northerly wind through tuesday, even into wednesday as well. before low pressure starts to move in from the south west, that ll cut off the chilly northerly and temperatures will slowly recover towards the end of the week. but it s going to be a fairly unsettled and a cool week to come, with a little bit of sunshine here and there. live from washington. this is bbc news. four israeli hostages abducted by hamas last october reunited with their families after israeli forces freed them from captivity in gaza. hamas reports more than 200 palestinians were killed in the raid by the idf. two hospitals say they have counted scores of bodies. we ll have the latest from the general election campaign as the conservatives are pledging tax cuts and labour promises to help small businesses. hello, i m helena humphrey. four israeli hostages taken by hamas during the october 7th attacks have now been reunited with their families. but israeli forces in gaza killed scores of palestinians in the military operation to free them. israeli special forces raided two locations in nuseirat, in central gaza in broad daylight. 0ne israeli soldier was killed. hamas says more than 200 palestinians were killed in the operation. an israeli military spokesman said there were under100 palestinian casualties. the eu s top diplomat condemned the israeli raid. the us president has also spoken out at a press conference during his state visit to france. i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming

Government , Peace , Security , South-africa , 30 , Landmark , Urban-area , Person , Tourism , Metropolis , City , Human-settlement