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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170705

gun. his name is ale alexander brook. the suspect has been identified as this this says alexander bonds. they were reporting on fox & friends. alexander brooks. we will find out. see if we get clarification on that. this is a picture of the gun bonds used to kill him. a bystander was also shot, but is in stable condition. the attack appears to be unprovoked and she was a 12 year veteran and when this happened a few years ago when that killer came from out of town and assassinated our police officer, we heard no longer going to sit in the police car by themselves anymore. this seems to have been the case right now. ainsley: you heard the partner calling 911 screaming my partner has been shoat. my partner has been shot. you can here hear the fear and just the sadness or the immediate i can t say is i in immediacy in his voice. this lady 48 years old. giving up everything, sack fissing so much for that community. they are keeping them safe and that happens to her. steve: keep in mind this is at the conclusion of a very long day for the new york city police department. hundreds of people out on the street for the independence day celebration as people watched on the east river. and there she was in her police car apparently it was essentially at inside a headquarters vehicle. it was parked at temporary headquarters right there. ainsley: marked car. steve: 183rd street and morris avenue in the fordham heights section of the bronx. the guy comes up, shoots one bullet. and then you heard the partner scream she needs help. needs backup now. two police officers confronted the killer two blocks away, shot him dead. brian: all right. meanwhile, we will follow that story because the suspect is dead. and it looks like the police officer has lost her life. so we ll find out more about her and find out where we go from here and what kind of spurred this assassination. meanwhile two minutes after the hour. also breaking right now. the trump administration set to hold emergency meeting at this hour vowing action against kim jong un and north korea. ainsley: comes just hours after the u.s. and south korea respond to north korea s ballistic missile launch with a joint show of force. steve: fox news white house correspondent kevin corke is up already at the white house and he joins us with the very latest. good morning. you are right. even as he prepares to head to the g-20 summit in europe and haul that goes along with that and bilateral with president putin. president trump s sending a very strong and unmistakable message. let me share share statement from tillerson. the united states strongly condemns north korea s launch of an intercontinental b ballistic missile. the test of the icbm represents a new escalation of a threat of the united states and our allies and partner. the president in his remarks last night to service members in his address to the white house wasn t quite as direct. he did say this. we do have challenges. but we will handle those challenges. believe me. unmistakable messaging by the president of the united states. by the way, that was pyongyang s 11th missile launch this year alone. this leading to a request for u.n. emergency meeting coming up later today and our u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley will conduct that we will see what she gets from the body as they talk about this ongoing situation. guys, back to you. brian: all right. thanks a lot, kevin corke. it s unbelievable, this clown kim jong un has launched in one year more missile launches than his father did in 17 years. meanwhile russia and china, they meet to talk about north korea without us. ainsley: the last time they launch at missile we remember was mother s day. you remember a month ago, two months ago, flew for 30 minutes and reached 1,000 miles higher than the international space station. not far enough where it could reach the united states. what s interesting is this missile that was filed off yesterday flew 37 minutes. the height of 1500 miles. meaning it could reach the united states because that s 4,000 miles away from we are within range of that 4,000 miles. steve: sure with alaska. ainsley, i m glad you brought up that particular statement. this is what has people worried about what north korea did over the fourth of july. this is the range. keep in mind, this new missile, they pretty much went straight up 1700 miles and a distance of 600 miles. as can you see right there. alaska is 3700 miles. they are exstrap plating that alaska would be in the range. l.a. is 6,000 miles as is chicago, new york, a little more than that and washington, d.c. on may 14th, they tested a wassan 12 missile. that s a good intermediate range thing or first stage for icbm. what they launched yesterday was icbm. intercontinental ballistic missile. that has several stages. so they have two of these together it sounds like and the scary part now is now we are in their cross hair. brian: two stages. expect more to come they say. and on top of that, it looks as though they are saying to us what can you do about it? so we responded within hours of our own series of war games that shows what we re capable of doing with south korea. a lot of people think well, that s a little bit title too little, and way too late. you can t look at this and say what was president trump doing. what were we doing with the clinton administration, the bush administration, back as long as the carter administration. we never thought they would get to this point. they did. ainsley: president says he is prepared for range options that might include the military options there are so many questions i had after learning this news. what do we do next? economic pressure on china or japan to help them get involved or send north korea a message because north korea is nothing without china or japan. bottom line is they can attack us. that s what happened yesterday. they can attack us and something needs to be done. steve: president trump is leaving for second foreign trip of his presidency. you will see it in about 90 minutes. clearly he is going to do his best to try to hold them accountable and use the leverage as you mentioned, ainsley, with others in the neighborhood particularly with south korea and china. the problem with china though, and we figured china is going to help us out a lot. right now china is silg all sorts of stuff to north korea. in the first quarter, trade with china grew almost 40%. it s a boom time there because china is taking north korea s cheap materials and cheap labor and then, in turn, what the north koreans are winding up with is technology to build missiles like this one. ainsley: china will be at the g-20 summit. i wonder if president trump will have an opportunity to talk to that leader. steve: let s come over here and talk in the corner. brian: what china doesn t want is our military presence around that peninsula. they certainly don t like us around the china sea. we sent a destroyer right through their man made island. china s attention. a beefed up american presence there and, perhaps, saying we have an obligation as donald trump says when he was candidate trump and everyone said he was crazy and he couldn t be trusted, we knew that think tanks produces this same type of solution. we could say listen, our owner gation is to japan. we have to give them nuclear weapons. and obligation to keep south korea safe is well we have to be able to do that. being that you are a nuclear nation now for us to protect them, we have to give not only the thad missile system, give them offer capabilities. get whose other attention that would get? that would get china s deangs. that s the last thing they need. that s one of the few cards we have to play. charles krauthammer brought that up last night. and the retort, of course, didn t president trump wasn t he labeled as unhinged for bringing that up earlier? now it seems very practical. steve: i think what we re going to have to do is they re going to have to convince the countries in the neighborhood to go ahead and cut ties to north korea and consider shooting down anything. ainsley: the question is that going to be possible? i do have a question, too. why didn t we shoot down this icbm missile? we have the capability to do that. this is how we responded after the fact this video showing that we held this joint ballistic missile drill. that s what you are seeing now. nets this is in south korea. brian: hooh here is michael who weighed in last night on special report. we need regime that says we are going to use diplomatic pressure and appropriate military pressure to make it very clear that there is no path forward for the kim regime and to force them to come forward. clearly the last 25 years of just thinking we can negotiate nuclear weapons is something that s been an abject failure. ainsley: can t negotiate with north korea, can you? steve: so far it hasn t worked out. every time the last three administrations okay we going to have all sorts of sanctions and freezes and north korea goes oh, we will follow that, until they needed money and then, of course, they broke it. brian: meanwhile, i m sure that s going to come up with meets with vladimir putin on friday in poland. we will see him in poland maybe issuing andreas in about an hour and a half. ainsley: poland today and germany for the g-20 on friday. brian: he has bilateral with vladimir putin. steve: busy week. 6:10 in new york city. jillian joins us on wednesday it kind of seems like monday with the news. jillian: i know. a lot happening. talk more about the news you were just talking about. in a little more than an hour, president trump takes off for second foreign trip. today he will travel to poll land where he is expected to receive a warm welcome before attending the g-20 summit in germany. friday he will meet with russia and china highly anticipated bilateral meeting is expected with vladimir putin. we will go live to warsaw ahead of that big trip. how do u.s. led coalition forces celebrate the fourth of july by bombing isis. launching 25 separate bombings on the terror army throughout iraqi and syria over the holiday weekend. this as iraqi forces are on the verge of liberating the city of mosul after more than two years of isis control. and this is why president trump sent in the feds. the chicago tribune reporting more than 60 people were shot in chicago over the fourth of july weekend alone. 8 people were killed. more than 1700 people have been shot in the windy city since january. the trump administration has dispatched federal agents to help stop gang violence. americans around the country celebrating independence day. fireworks lighting up the skies from coast to coast. doesn t that look spectacular. macy s annual show here in new york city kicking off with a bang for millions. and in utah, the largest american flag ever flown nearly the size of two basketball courts unfurled over a cannon. the event bringing many people to tears. if we could end on good news there. it was beautiful. it was my first fourth of july in new york city and i got seat fireworks. brian: you were in philadelphia. they are pretty in to it. thanks, jillian. steve: on this wednesday, president trump extending lifeline to critically ill. the media is questioning his motive. can you decide this was the president trying to use the grief of two parents and a small baby for political gain. steve: our next guest says what that guy just said is sick. ainsley: plus, what happens when you force people to use food stamps to go to work? the big result from one state s new idea, that s just ahead. can you feel that it s not about the money, money, money we don t need your money, money, money we just want to make the world dance forget about the price tag mawhen it comes to helping. her daughter, shopping for groceries, unclogging the sink, setting up dentist appointments and planning birthday parties, nobody does it better. she s also 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this was the president trying to use the grief of go parents and a small baby for political gain. steve: here with reaction is editor and chief of the daily caller news foundation christopher bedford joins us from our nation s capital. good morning. steve: you just heard matthew bradley on msnbc, depending where you are politically you are either looking at it as the president trying to help a family or politics. i think pretty cynical and political here. a this is a situation where we have 83,000 people donated well over 1 million pounds to help save this baby. have you grieving parents. you have the pope who has weighed in and said the vatican would do anything it could to help. have you this court in europe and courts in england who decided that the parents are wrong and they know what s best. one thing about matt bradley s point of view on this is that he has got a point. that s how cynical the people on the left have become. it doesn t matter if donald trump says good morning how are you or donald trump says i want to help this chronically ill baby whose mother said very happy donald trump said. this no matter what donald trump does, people are going to say this is evil donald trump he shouldn t interfere with other people s killing babies. steve: the pope are on the same page regardin regarding th, christopher. i understand overnight the vatican hospital has offered to take in baby charlie gard so when the pope made the offer, watt the pope being political, too? the pope is only political when he is on the side of liberals. when the pope says something that cans misinterpreted to back up what the democratic party might push, then you will hear about it in every single section of the news. when the pope says something like i want to help this critically ill baby. when the pope talks about the sanctity of life should not be european issue. it should be universal issue. steve: people unfamiliar with the story of little charlie gard, apparently the hospital he was born at and sustained at ever since birth, they ve said that he is going to die. and nothing could be done to save his life. and so it has up the court system in england and at every stage they have said, you know what? he is not going to live. and, in fact, they are talking about taking him off life support on friday. so it is curious that the president and the pope both make these offers at the 11th hour and it looks like the authorities in england are saying no, thank you. it s a complicated and sad issue. charlie gard has a degenerative disease. the only thing that might even help him is an experimental treatment which means, not proven in the united states that would be very expensive. so the courts pushed back against that and the hospital did and then charlie gard s parents through private appeals raised 1.3 million pounds to bring charlie over to the u.s.s. which would be a difficult operation to bring someone across the atlantic when they are sick, when they are on life support. that is a complicated issue. what is crystal clear here is that the courts in united kingdom and courts in europe have said that they have the right to choose if this child will die before the parents want to give up fighting. steve: the parents did what any parent would do. terrible story. christopher bedford, from the daily caller, sir, thank you very much for joining us on this wednesday morning. thank you. steve: what do you think about that email us at we have a fox news alert. north korea testing a missile that could reach the united states. can president trump negotiated with a mad man like kim jong un. the next guest says the situation is dire and dealing with the rogue regime may be impossible. plus, kathy griffin just got visited by the feds. she is not happy. with hydrogenated oil. .but real joyful moments are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. reddi-wip. share the joy. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. isn t it time to let the real you shine 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alabama more than 85%. brian? brian: fox news alert now. the world is on edge or portions of the world at this hour. state department confirms that north korea has tested intercontinental ballistic missile with potential to reach places like alaska. the u.s. and south korea conducting joint military drills in response but how else should would he be handling this threat? joining us now is the author of this book dear reader unauthorized autobiography of kim jong il the dad of this 35-year-old who has now conducted more missile tests in one year than his dad did in 17 years in power. michael malice joins us now. mike cool, what should our response be. there is no good options here. where we had sanctions on him before, kim jong il chose to allow his population to starve rather than bring in food. then they can blame us. they don t care about their own population and human life. the reason kim jong un is in power over his younger brother who was recently is a assassina. because he wanted to denuclearize and kim jong un promised his dad he would keep nuclear power. brian: what would get their attention? japan or south korea doing something in response? they are in most direct threat. we have their attention and president trump is doing a great job of playing mind games women this. he is creating parading around with the chinese president and president moon and visited him from the white house in the earlier administration. they are publicly and explicitly saying we are talking about the north korea s threat. all of the enemies are getting together in public and discuss them and this is clearly getting inside kim jong un s head. brian: north korea just launched another missile. does this guy have anything better to do with his life. hard to believe south korea and japan will put up with this. perhaps china will put a heavy move and end this once and for all. read between the lines. president saying do something about this tomorrow. back deal dealings with north korea and china has taken the lead on their because they are the ones that would have to deal with a collapsed regime 23 million refugees had who don t speak chinese. it would be a huge problem for them. brian: proves they can seal a border. i think they proved that with great wall. my sense is the only thing if china wanted to end this tomorrow they could. they are their number one customer, correct? not really. if north korea doesn t exchange things with china they will still have no problem making their people suffer. put pressure on north korea and north korea rebels in the fact this they call themselves a shrimp among what else. country of size of pennsylvania and show shove the big boys around. brian: only way sadly for the north korean leader to get the message is for his people to rise up against him. right now i understand there is some small free market gains and economic improvement within north korea which will do nothing but sustain him in power. those free market gains are wonderful. showing people they are getting food from the market as through the government. brian: they know that they just don t have an option. they can t rise up and say hey i would like a free market economy. crengeght the point is there is creeping cynicism in north korea brought down the soviet union. when people stop looking at the police and people enforced kim jong un s law and look at them as corroboration which is what is beginning to happen. that s when you start to see the faith in the regime fall away and that s healthy step. brian: how do you brought up before as a candidate and brought in past times to confront china is to let them know north korea through china oh, yeah, we have to give nuclear weapons to south korea. we will have to give them to japan. that s the only way we can with a clear conscience to protect our allies, which were treaty obligated. i m sure when president trump sat down with jing ping in mar-a-lago they looked at all the options. south korea had a plan they came to us and see president trump as someone willing to take the lead. president obama didn t know what to do for 8 years. brian: what china wants and russia wants is to stop the coordinated war games with south korea. that already was brought up yesterday after russia and china met. should we? this is a very tricky issue. plus and minuses both sides. what china doesn t want to have to defend a young tourist being murdered and have china on the world stage being this important player. they don t that blood on heir hands. brian: end game for north korea. maintain power at any costs. brian: they are doing it michael mouse, thank you. thank you. brian: more on breaking news out of new york city. it s not good. nypd assassinated while sitting in cop car. ambushed, shot in the face. details ahead. plus, president trump promised he would crack down on criminal illegals. that s exactly what his administration is doing. todd piro takes us inside a wrong along with ice agents. and 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trust me i am patriotic. there is my wife amanda and i having a good time on the beach. ainsley: she is covering it for you. she is wearing white and blue. jersey shore hanging out with mom and dad. steve: did you see governor christie. todd: i will not comment on that because we have had enough commentary on that. he decided to mess with the optics and did that thing on the island beach. i wouldn t have done it. brian: they ended up getting a bunch of deals. ainsley: you need to send in pictures. brian: i have a few pictures. i don t know if i can get permission to show them. ainsley: talk to the wife. brian: it s actually somebody else. ainsley: your kids? brian: no. steve: somebody photo bombing. why is todd here. promise of the trump administration keep our streets safe. part of that includes targeting dangerous critical illegals. brian: since president trump took surged nearly 40%. ainsley: todd joins us with the story. ice agents in new jersey recently conducted a surge of arrests 113 criminal aliens taking taken off the streets in just five days. weave got a look what is happening on the front lines of the battle to keep us safe. first target that we have the subject apparently came through the united states, the border about four years ago. using the identity of his brother. any questions? good? all right, guys, be safe. so we received some information from a source that basically told us that he is not the person who he is saying he is. he might be wanted in honduras for two separate homicides. todd: so this isn t a guy accused of shoplifting this is a bad hombre. why do you individually choose to do this. i feel i can contribute to the safety of the community. safety of the country. todd: are you scared with what we re about to go do. you rely on your training, incidents will occur where stuff happens. i m a model for my guys they all follow. kill them with kindness. todd: what does your family think but doing this. they know i have been doing it so long, always that one time. you never know 5:00 in the morning. on the way to work. element of surprise is here. he has no clue we are waiting for him. todd: did he say anything. he resisted a little bit because he probably didn t know what is going on. in the basket mind he does know what s going on. todd: that is so crucial you needed the exact time that guy was going to be getting into his car. you could have the situation angry mob, angry crowd. we are pretty good at trying to get in and get out as fast as possible. todd: how deep is the pool of illegals in the u.s. go. criminal element that we focus on unfortunately we do not have a shortage. immigration, it s always been a catch-22. i just wish that people would know or understand exactly what we re doing. we don t target the hard working people. we targeting the criminal aliens. todd: just shocking that somebody who has been arrested, convicted, doesn t get deported right off the bat. the locals don t notify us. they have problems with some of our jails they will not honor our detainees. they are just releasing the people back into the street. todd: somewhat difference the third week of january of this year? the morale is higher. the officers feel that they can actually do the job that they are paid to do. todd: if had you a message for those who say what you re doing is wrong, what would you say to them? for the american people, we are professional in our job. we are out there trying to make the communities a safer place to live. we do focus on the criminal element that s at large in our community. todd: did your work this week and the work have you been doing for the last 25 years, does that make america safer? absolutely. todd: of the 113 aliens arrested in the newark raids 87% of them had prior felony convictions and one antidote i wanted to say during one of the incidents, one of the arrests, one of the individuals asked the ice officer what s going to happen to my bike. the ice officer said we will take care of it. make sure it gets to your family. hiflting the compassion that these individuals are showing. they are doing their job. they are not out there to be cruel. they are out there to keep america safe. steve: that s key. a while back they weren t age to do their job and now there they are. that was a great ride along: ainsley: jillian has headlines. jillian: good morning, todd, and to you at home. sanctuary cities across the u.s. pledging to turn 1 million incidents just this year. cities teaming up with the naturalize now campaign to rush the process forrism legals pouring over our borders. this is in definsz of the trump campaign which is working to pass multiple bills cracking down on illegal immigrants. several fourth of july celebrations gone wrong. raging fire and plumes of smoke filling the air in missouri after a home explosion. three people hurt as shocked neighbors helped drag several people from the home. just take a look at this video. police say illegal ficialtion may be tfireworksmay to be blam. getting more than they expected when the show ended with a bang. a massive wildfire egg niger nighted outside a casino. no one was hurt. kathy griffin grilled by secret service agents after this photo of a severed head of president trump. according to the report the comedian was interviewed more than an hour after her stunt last month caused severe backlash. griffin has apologized, calling it just a joke but has lost major endorsements. that s a look at your headlines on this wednesday. as i will send it back to you guys. brian: hard to get everyone laughing when the secret service is investigating you. steve: some things just not funny. jillian: we kind of expected that i m sure this is not the last we are going to hear. steve: thank you, jillian. brian: we have a fox news alert. it s not good. a new york city police officer ambushed, shot, and killed overnight days after another police chief delivered this powerful message. i m angry at the police haters i m sick of the police haters. brian: that police chief here next. steve: president trump about an hour away from taking off from second foreign trip. one where he will meet with russian president vladimir putin. kristin fisher is already live on the ground in poland and she is coming up live next. you can go your own way you can call it after a dvt blood clot. i sure had a lot on my mind. my 30-year marriage. .my 3-month old business. plus.what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i made a point to talk to my doctor. he told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis had both. .and that turned around my thinking. don t stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in 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dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors. .for up to 30 days smells nice. breathe happy, with new febreze. brian: in just a few minutes president trump will fly to europe for the g 20 summit where he will meet with his counter parts. steve: kristin fisher is live in poland with what s to be expected on another historic trip overseas. good morning, kristin. hey, guys, good morning from poland. when president trump touches down here a little bit later today, is he likely going to receive a very warm welcome. that s because there is a lot of similarities between the trump administration and the polish government. the polish government is a conservative government, favors a lot of very restricted immigration policies. poland also one of the few united states toe allies that actually meets its commitment to spend 2% of its g.d.p. on defense. something that president trump, of course, has been calling for since the very early days of his campaign. there is a loft similarities. one of the big questions heading into this is will they differ on the one issue that matters most, that is russia. poll land, of course, very we rey of russia. it wants president trump to really reconfirm his commitment to nato. especially the alliance s military buildup in eastern europe where right now there are about 1,000 u.s. troops. on the other hand, have you president putin who wants the exact opposite. trump has to choose really here to some extent. he has to choose whether i is going to prioritize the nato alliance. prit prioritize trans-atlantic security and standing with european countries to deter russia or prioritize improved relations with russia. and so after all this talk, all of this hype, now, finally, president trump set to meet face to face with russian president vladimir putin in just two days time. at the g-20 in germany. brian, ainsley and steve. steve: kristin fisher live in warsaw. thanks very much. ainsley: new york city police officer was assassinated just while sitting in her patrol car. steve: 12 year new york city veteran shot through the window in ambush. police catching the killer a block away shooting him dead after build out a gun. william mcmanis just buried one of his own officers murdered last week and he joins us now from san an tone s. good morning to you. good morning. steve: big fireworks display last night. the police presence on every street corner throughout the area. somebody walked up. puts a bullet into this poor woman s head. one of those things almost impossible to guard against. unfortunately become all too common in today s world. it s been that way for a few years now. ainsley: what s the reason? why would anyone, an american walk up to a police officer, and point a gun at her head and shoot her? there is so much antipolice sentiment circuiting the countrsent circulating the couny and it has been the last few years. it s incredible. just incredible. people out there who not only condone it but celebrate it. and that is i don t understand that. brian: i just think that when it comes to police officers. it s the foundation of this society. when you stop paying attention to law and order and those who enforce it, it is falling downstairs. this is more than just police officers. it s the fabric of our country. i would agree. and, you know, our goal in law enforcement has always been to work with the auto community as partners to help solve and deter crime. and there are folks out there, the police haters that i mentioned last week, the police haters hoorks again, advocate and condone and celebrate violence against police. steve: chief, was it a police hate his or her shot at two of your officers last week when they were responding to a suspicious person s report? indeed it was. ainsley: what happened? steve: tell us the story. we had two officers on patrol just outside of downtown. where you are looking for specific crimes. in this case it was vehicle burglaries. and the officers were cruising up the street. they noticed a car had been broken into. they checked this out. they saw two individuals a little further down the street who were kind of eyeballing the officers as they were coming up the street. so the officers cruised up. and the one officer, the driver, asked the two hey, guys, step over to the car, would you? and there were two individuals there. the non-shooter came over to the vehicle. putt his hand on the hood. the two officers exited the vehicle. as soon as they stepped out, and this was one of the most cold and calculated moves that i have ever seen, pulle subject pulled a gun from his waistband, took a shooting stance, fired at the passenger first, officer kavasso. he went down. then they fired at officer moreno he went down. officer kavaso was able to get up after taking a bullet in the chest. he was able to get up and return fire as the suspect is running away. get in front of car and drag the officer from the gutter in front of the car to keep him out of the line of the fire in the event any more shots were exchanged. started cpr on him trying to start first aid. other citizens came to help. he could barely talk from the wound. and from there, ems showed up and that s all history from there. ainsley: oh my gosh. i know you said you watched the body camera footage. you said it was the worst unprovoked attack assaulted you have ever seen. our thoughts and prayers are with those families officer kavassos and officer mareno. thank you, chief for being with us. thank you. ainsley: more trouble for cnn this morning. why they are being aciewrszed of blackmail. brian: david bossie, da king and dan bongino come your way. ainsley: two days after president trump called out the fake news media and posted that video to twitter. cnn is being accused of blackmailing the reddit user who created the video. radio talk show host tammy bruce is here to respond to that. good morning. ainsley: #cnn blackmail is the number one trending hash tag. people are talking about this story. it is the number one story trending on twitter. cnn had hunted down the maker of this silly wrestling people that donald trump happened to retweet. this is on a site called reddit. and it appeared as though they went hunting for him. they found him. and then, according to their own story, they talked to this person. who apologized. he became very afraid. he was nervous. he eventually talked to cnn. they said that they were not going to publish his identity because he is a private citizen. he apologized. he was remorseful and that he is never going to repeat this again. but cnn reserves the right to publish his identity if any of that should change. ainsley: they are threatening him. saying if you do this again, we will release your identity? it s astounding. it s as though they realized they can t quash trump like a bug. they went after this private citizen. this individual who has nothing to do with trump. made this people that the president picked up. and they decided that they could get their pound of flesh from this individual. now, all of twitter and social media in general, you ve got everybody coming together on this. it s not a conservative or liberal thing. people have been shocked that they would go after a person like this who has no recourse and no resources to deal with this as a shocking event. and yet their intention was to send a message that we will, and, look, they could destroy someone like that. that was the message. and that s the message that s now being sent outside. this, of course, proves president trump s point. that the media is so consumed with their loathing, that they can t see past themselves and they have got to be fed in some manner and that the american people can t ultimately trust what they end up doing. ainsley: a lot of people are saying this is inciting violence. have you a lot of people who support the president saying is he just sick of what the mainstream media is doing and spreading the wrong message and he is greg to take them down. that s it. that s what is brilliant about that twoot. the highlights the reaction of the media which proves him correct. we have a letter. north korea testing that missile that could reach the united states. how should our administration respond? david bossie is here to react to that dean kaine and dan bongino are here live. urnt-on g. nice. cascade. for mom, the nation s largest senior living referral service. for the past five years, i ve spoken with hundreds of families and visited senior care communities around the country and i ve got to tell you, today s senior livingnd communities are better than tever.ou, today s senior living communities are better than ever. these days, there are amazing amenities like movie theaters, texercise rooms and swimmingg pools, public cafes, bars and, bistros. exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros. even pet care services. and nobody understands your options 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didn t. match picked it up for you. check out new missed connections on match. start for free today! bret: north korea says it has successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile. responded by holding combined ballistic drills. we have 25 years of failed policy. if we fail now there are serious life and death implications. we need a policy. police officer ambushed and shot in the head while sitting in her patrol car. the suspect here shooting that female officer right through the window of her squad car. 7:30 today president trump will take off for poland where he is expected to receive a warm welcome. this setting the stage for highly anticipated meeting between president trump and vladimir putin. may god bless our military, it is because of you that well over 300 million american citizens can live in freedom. steve: we start this hour off with a fox news alert. the trump administration holding an emergency meeting vowing to take action against north korea. brian: yeah. meanwhile, i guess you could say additional action this after kim jong un testing another ballistic missile, this one capable of reaching the united states, not the 48 but alaska. ainsley: fox news white house correspondent kevin corke is live at the white house to tell us what this means for you and your family. goofed morning, kevin. you are right about this. even as the president prepares to make a trip to europe for the g-20 beginning with a stop in poland. the trump administration is making it no surprise that it is going to have a very strong response to what happened thanks to the rogue leadership over in pyongyang. once again formulating what exactly to do following yet another b ballistic missile test. let me say what the state department is saying about that launch the 11th of the year. just incredible. this is rex tillerson the secretary of state the united states strongly condemns the north korea s launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile testing the icbm. represents a new escalation of the a threat united states and our allies and the partners, the region and world. and this is the most important part global action is riders to stop a global threat. of course that just ahead of the g-20, right? that launch the 11th of the year by the north. some argue it frankly sends a message to the west that sanctions aren t working and they certainly haven t worked to this pointed or so it would seem. u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley has requested an emergency meeting at the u.n. to discuss this latest provocation by pyongyang even he s the president who tried to avoid addressing this directly yesterday did offer this not so subtle warning. we do have challenges but we will handle those challenges. , believe me. got to appreciate the candor there by the president. he didn t come right out and say it, guys. but i think the messaging was unmistakable. we have a team already in place already in europe. john roberts, kristin fisher and i will keep you covered here until the president makes his way to europe. steve: thank you very much. brian: bring in davi david boss. fox news contributor and we called on you on july 5th. how dare we. the president not taking a day off. what s at stake here? what do you think he picked up from the g-20 that will help him in g-8? i think learning, you know, first of all, getting to those these leaders of these other countries is an important thing for any president of the united states. i think the president trump is going to go to poland and deliver a major foreign policy speech. then he is going to go do germany for the g-8. i m excited about that. because it gives him an opportunity to face-to-face threat that is north korea. and this rogue regime that is incredit continuablisincredibly. he poisons his family and feeds them to dog. he is unstable. the president understands it. he understands the threat. is he having nikki haley today call an emergency session of the united nations security counsel. brian: china is in charge this month. i don t know if they are in charge this month. but i think that the president wants to work hand in hand with china to make sure that between us we deliver a very strong message to the rogue regime in north korea. ainsley: david, you know, we re americans here. we have seen them throw up these missiles and test these moistles. this one is the scariest one so far because this one could actually hit america? what s next they keep getting closer around closer around closer and he is extremely scary can what is is the experience north korea telling the president? how should he respond? well, first of all, we want to deescalate. we want to get rid of this problem. not increase the threat, not increase the military action that s necessary. so, clearly, there are multiple ways to go about it. i m not an expert in north korea. but i am an expert like you said in being a parent here of my children here in the united states. and so i want this to be dealt with in the most expeditious and safe way possible. now, president trump wants that same thing. and pump i woke up yesterday on the fourth of july thanking god that president trump is the president of the united states and not hillary clinton. because it was heck as secretary of state and barack obama in his presidency that kicked the can down the road of north korea and iran. both very dangerous allies. we all have to remember now that iran has and wants nuclear capability as well. and with north korea being a very close ally of theirs. one of the concerns i have of them is exporting technology or exporting nuclear weapons to them. we have multiple problems here in just this one piece of evidence. so i think this president is a decisive leader who is going to work with leaders across the globe to make sure that this problem is dealt with in the best way possible. best outcome. steve: absolutely. i know he would like to hold them accountable. let s see if china finally gets on board. the president of the united states, we are expecting, david, within the half hour, the president to be at joint base andrews to starts this second historic trip of his presidency. just about five minutes ago he tweeted this out. getting ready to leave for poland after which i will travel to germany for the g-20. will be back on saturday. meanwhile, there was a columnist for the the washington post, he is also a cnn contributor. fellow by the name of josh rogan. i want you to hear what he had to say about the president meeting mr. putin for the first time. he said this yesterday. when he has this meeting, it s not going to be two chess masters sitting down. one guy is playing chess and one guy is playing hungry hippo. if donald trump doesn t prepare for this meeting and isn t well briefed and doesn t know exactly what he wants to achieve and get out of vladimir putin. there is a chance, a risk, that this meeting could go very gaddly for not only the president but the president of the united states. steve: president trump should prepare to be taken he d vantage of. who was that? steve: josh rogan. i apologize for not knowing who that is. i have got to be honest with you. that is the columbus game that the democrats are playing. the democrats for almost one year now have been playing the game of a disrupting the american relationship with russia over politics. over trying to use the russian influence in our elections, which we all understand what they were trying to do. there was no collusion with the campaign. that s a different story. the democrats continuously make this and i believe into a dangerous situation because when president trump is going to go talk to vladimir putin, the democrats and the media are already on him about what he can and can t do. i think this really is a game changer over the last six months of what they have done to our relationship and it s dangerous and its irresponsible by the democrats. brian: no one has done more damage oour relationship than president as well. what they have done in ukraine and getting everyone nervous. costing lots of money as we bolster of our ground forces. highest in decades. they have leverage after meeting with japan about north korea. they have a lot of livers. they are making it clere that the president has a lot on the line here if he walked out saying what a great guy, that s problematic, wouldn t you i have, david if there. it is a dangerous world we are into. everything you just touched upon is first and foremost in prisonnenned prind when he comes goats to pet the president. the president because of these irresponsible attacks by the democrats and unfounded i might add create a situation where they can t have the dialogue open and honest conversation they need to have. that s on the democrats. i blame them for creating this really circus like atmosphere that the president has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. i find it osceola that the democrats for political reasons have made our relationship with russia much more difficult to manage for president trump. again, this is not the first time. president obama left president trump, you know, now five months ago with a bag of problems around the world. north korea, iran, and what is going on with russia. so this is not new. but they kicked the can down the road for 8 years. and now president trump is waking up every day to massive problems around the world. a lot of things he has done has been directly in the fails of vladimir putin showing strength but just also going both ways. ainsley: we will see what happens. economic pressure on north korea. the military action. we will see. the president is going to the g-20 summit on friday. meeting with leaders from china as well as south korea and japan. steve: trip starts. thank you for joining us live. jillian: good morning. we begin with sad miss and fox news alert. new york city police officer am burned and shot to death overnight. 12 year veteran o of the police department shot through the patrol car. a bystander also shot but is in stable condition. we will have a live report from the scene coming up in just a few minutes. u.s. flight coalition forces celebrating the fourth of july by bombing isis. separation inherit resolve watching 25 separate in syria over the weekend. this as the iraqi forces are on the verge of liberating the city of mosul after more than two years of identifies sis control. this is why trump to people shot in thinking over the fourth of july alone. 8 people killed. 1700 shot in the windy city since january. the trump administration has dispatched federal agents to top gang license. the military celebrates at the mouse with first family. hosting a picnic and fireworks g to help our presiden troops. fighting our enemies. they are fighting for us. we are thanking them, praying for them and saluting them for their selfless sacrifice. jillian: the white house also lit up in red, white, and blue to celebrate america s birthday. that s a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you guys. steve: i saw that image on instagram. it s beautiful. a former gitmo detainee who admitted killing a u.s. soldier. why is one country about to give him millions of dollars and an apology? ainsley: plus, one magazine calling for an act of true patriotism by flying the flag upside down actor dean kaine is fired up about this one. is he going to join us live. all fired up there s a flame burning in my soul (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurhuh. with geico. i should take a closer look at geico. geico can help with way more than car insurance. boats, homes, motorcycles. even umbrella coverage. this guy s gonna wish he brought his umbrella. fire at will! how d you know the guy s name is will? yeah? it s an expression, ya know? fire at will? you never heard of that? oh, there goes will! bye, will! that s not his name! take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. brian: fox news alert now there. we have been following this all morning long. nypd officer ambushed, killed sitting in her patrol car. steve: this is a picture of the gun the suspect used to kill her. officer familiar trying to figut display motivated the killer. ainsley: rob is on the scene. what s the latest. let me set the scene. we are a few miles north of manhattan in the bronx. contains some of the more dangerous neighborhoods of new york city. most of the gun violence. today a very sad story. 48-year-old a 12 year veteran of the nypd shot and killed in ambush attack while sitting in marked cruiser. this happened right behind me at 183rd street right here in the bronx. terrible story. the police commission they re morning had this to say. it is clear this was unprovoked attack on police officers who are assigned to keep the people of this great city safe. rob: it may very well have been an assassination here. 34-year-old alexander bonds, the gunman in this, shot and killed by other officers who made quick work of this case. finding him just about a block away. and opening fire after he pulled that revolver that you just showed when you tossed to me out. he was killed here at the scene. you see those yellow markers on the ground down the block there. those likely, most of the time do mark shell casings. this time probably from police opening fire. also an innocent bystander was shot in the stomach in that encounter but is expected to be okay. police calling this unprovoked attack. no reason for this to happen. some two years after the assassination you will remember of two officers in central brooklyn by a gunman who was upset over the death of a black man eric garner in staten island who died in a chokehold from police. very sad scene here in the bronx. fortunately the gunman here has been taken out before he could do any more damage. back to you guys. ainsley: so unnecessary. so sad. few hours after the fireworks ended in new york city on independence day and this happens. steve: rob, thank you so much. she was doing her job keeping the people of new york city safe and tends like this. brian: here is what we have coming up straight ahead. former gitmo detainee who admittedy willing one soldier. why with sun country about to give him a million dollars and an apology. steve: no wonder is he smiling. one magazine calling act of true patriotism by flying the american flag upside down. deadean cain come up here next. he has reaction and i think you know what it s going to be what if we pull customer insights from the data in real time? 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ainsley: coney island. 10th time 11 years the man known as jaws has won the mustard belt. steve: congratulations mr. chestnut. brian: we think. ainsley: brian, you jealous. brian: no buns though. you realize that website calling for true patriotism by urging americans to fly the flag upside down. steve: is it really too much for them to take one day to honor the nation actor dean cain joins us now. he flew into the studio. good morning, superman. good morning. what a great studio by the way. first day in the new one, this s.s. amazing. ainsley: we like the american flag. can you see it flying right outside. listen, to me it s another example of a group who don t want to accept the results of the election. they are upset with it they don t like that president trump is in office and they dual anything to oppose him even denigrate the world s most well known symbol of freedom. steve: can you imagine if somebody would have said to do this during the first six months of barack obama s administration? i find that insane. listen, i didn t vote for barack obama. i didn t support his policies. but he was my president. he won the election fair and square. and i rooted for him to do well. people just won t do that with president trump. it s unfortunate. however, i will say this. i was watching last night i was watching all the fireworks displays all throughout the country. i was watching some baseball last night and they had the stars and stripes socks and the things. i feel and maybe it s just me. i feel a sort of renewed sense of patriotism throughout the country. i don t subscribe to that philosophy. i m fly my flag right side up. too many people have fought and died for that symbol our freedoms i would not do that. brian: you were over in the middle east and you saw the difference what america has to deal with and the rest of the world. i travel all the time. brian: australia. australia is not the middle east. the truth of the matter is we have such great freedoms here people don t get it get out there and travel and go to places where you don t have those freedoms. you have the freedom to fly it upside down. steve: people fought for that freedom. i would fight for that freedom. i don t appreciate you would do that but i have the right to voice my opinion. ainsley: i remember when i did something wrong at church and mad because my mom scolded me. i didn t stand up to sing one of the hymns. don t take your anger out on god. stand up. that s how i feel about the flag. shouldn t we put our difference whfs it comes to politics aside and still make the flag. shouldn t that, no pun intend dollars, trump how we feel about the president? that he was what i do with my household. we have our hats off. five or six times in a row. that s the way it is. brian: guy like rob reiner came out i m declaring war on trump and fox news. this word is thrown around too easily and too simply. war is disgusting. horrible, horrible thing. to say something like declaring war is going way too far. if you don t like what s going on. say you don t like what s going on and here is why. don t throw a word like war around. too many of my friends and family members have been involved in that and it s horrible. steve: couple weeks ago kathy griffin got in trouble of her holding trump s head. she just gott fired by cnn and yesterday it was revealed that the veto service dropped by. interviewed her for an ohio river hour. i have think i read online somewhere that her attorney feels her first amendment rights have been trampled. she did have the president s variation of president s head in her hand there is a certain point in time where if you are calling for violence not that she was inciting violence there. i m just a comedian. that was out of bounds and she deserved a visit and talking to. i don t know how it went. i don t think she is really a threat to the president. some of that rhetoric can be. brian: what s interesting is family guy craters matt stone and tray. tray parker. trey parker. swearing off the. falling in the same trap as cnn and snl. we realize that s not what we re about. i m thought saying they are pro-trump but clearly they see it as a problem that is really deraked america. it s getting boring. how long can that be your platform. steve: same joke over and over and over. ainsley: same joke. every day we are coming in and reporting on someone had against the president and more and more extreme. today, galg officer lost their life because people aren t support, the police officers? ing what he happening in our country troy everybody is so angry. i don t think everybody is angry. small version on out small left and right. 80% of us in the middle unhappy with this or that but not going out and doing. brian: never asked us why america is so angry she waited for dean cain. ainsley: i need the expert. steve: expert as well on your tv show masters of allusion. season four over on ncw. ainsley: sorry, brian, i love you but you can t compete. brian: i understand that. also never drafted in the nfl. good job, dean. steve: thank you, dean. all right, straight ahead on this wednesday, fox news alert, north korea s rogue leader now claiming he can strike anywhere in the world. so how should the white house respond to him? our panel here to discuss that coming up next. brain brian we are awaiting the president s departure as he sets out on second foreign trip. we will brings you that live as it happens. ainsley: some police officers gott called to deal with the noise complaint. they divided to join in the fun instead. i miss those. brian: got to bring a change of outfits. everybody just have a good time party rockers in the house tonight everybody just have a good time. comfortable you are in it. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. prototype brian president trump about to depart from joint base andrews in a few minutes. he will head over to poland. the president is tweeting about the trip. the united states made some of the worst trade deals in world history. why should we continue these deals with countries that do not help us? i guess that s a precursor. trade between china and north korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. so much for china working with us. but we had to give it a try. the table set. this comes as north korea successfully fires off its first intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the u.s. by the way it bass a mobile launch. how should the white house respond? let s ask our esteemed panel fred flights is here along with former cia officer bud sexton and author jordan cheng who just returned from south korea and study group jim hanson part of a four person panel. let s start with you jim hanson. the significance that stands out with you from yesterday s launch? icbm completely changes the game. fortunately president trump has completely changed the game. he now brangs credible threat of violence to the diplomacy. it can t work without it. you have to have that iron fist in a velvet glove. you have formal wised lying in formal wear. so when he talks to the north koreans and talks to the security council. we can say you need to do this otherwise be ashamed if something happened to that prison kings dom of yours. brian: if we didn t d. have a military option i haven t read about it yet. do you see one. i think there are options that can be taken. we first have to recognize that a military conflict with north korea is probably inevitable unless we do things that we have been reluctant to do. that means implementing sanctions that china has been blocking such as cutting off all access to finance for north korea. and also interdicting north korean ships at sea to inspect them for wd technology. counter drugs. shooting down. we have to do things to pressure north korea and pressure china to cut off its ties to north korea. brian: people say north korea has got america s attention and got them sidetracked. china has to be happy in some level. they are not happy about our presence around the peninsula. not happy about the war games that continue between south korea and the united states of america. so, is that how we get their attention, bulk it up even more. certainly a way to get north korea s attention. with china, there are some places where our interests coincide very thoroughly with china in north korea. there are others where it doesn t. china doesn t want to unify korean peninsula, for example unless it s going to be a north korean they are not looking for the same long-term goal that we are ceiling with this conflict. with working with them there is leverage we can use. they re also playing their own game. continuation of a lot of policies. stuff that has been going on for years but yet they icbm they can put a nuke on top of it. that s a world changing problem. brian: already had more missile launches in one year than his dad had in 17. now let s go to gordon cheng. not only do you know north korea but you know china. you say this new liberal leader of south korea significant, why? what president trump did was box him in. moon jinping wanted to defect to north korea and also to china. with president trump s actions last week that he impose sanctions on china, he met with the indian leader. he did all sorts of things. that showed moon julian moon. you mentioned thi mention unit . it was fired by chinese launcher. we need to start launching the chinese more questions why is all this chinese looking equipment showing up in north korea s inventory? brian: jim and it s pretty clear that the president who is very kind to mar-a-lago, even on his tweet was very docile was very direct now. china could be doing more, coal limits are over. you are back to trading full boar. they are showing an awakening in north korea now. no doubt. it s one thing you can do to north korea is squeeze them. the chinese keep them alive. they keep them alive with food and money and energy. if they cut those off, north korea goes down. and president trump has made it abundantly clear he is not going to put up with that anymore. he needs to tell the chinese and anybody else who is providing aid to knock it off so we can really pressure the north koreans. we see what kicking the can down the road does kim built icbm out of it. brian: what about the chances of putting nuclear weapons in japan and south korea? president brought up on the campaign trail and people dismissed. now people think that s the trump card to truly get china and russia s attention. buck? i don t think we are there yet. i think we should pursue other options like smarter sanctions, and tougher sanctions. but military options have to be looked at. brian: at least if you put that pressure there, china will have a coronary and they, of course, do not want to see japan. they still fear them from world war ii. great panel. thanks. thank you. brian: meanwhile, jillian, tell us what s happening upstairs. jillian: good morning, brian to you at home as well. gitmo detainee who killed a soldier is getting a million dollars and apology. he sued the canadian government for not protecting his citizenship by giving his information to the u.s. the canadian supreme court basically agreed. awarding him $8 million. the government also must issue an official apology. apparently black lives matter but blue lives don t. try to stop a bill to teach students to interact properly with police. bill in new jersey focusing on preventing confrontation. black lives matter filed a petition calling it a waste of time. bill passed through the house and now in the hands of the stated senate. looks like police let this one slide. literally. two officers responded to a noise complaint at fourth of july party but decided to join in on the fun. they both rode down a slip and side. one managed to stay dry by putting trash bag over uniform. other officer wasn t so lucky and got wet after riding down in a raft. regardless, it looks like they were having fun there look at your headlines, brian? brian: thanks so much, jillian. let me tell you what s coming up straight ahead. the mainstream media went berserk. i have never seen berserk in the prompter before but understand what it meant: next guest says this is a distraction from the more realistic threat left wing extremism. we ll explain. plus, what happens when you force people who use food stamps to work? one state trust tried it another state just lined it up. results are astounding and should be a learning moment for the rest of the country. get ready get ready get ready cause here i come it s like nothing you ve seen. the power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. could save money on car insurance.nce you know, the kind of driver who always buckles up. comes to a complete stop. and looks both ways, no matter what. because esurance believes that s the kind of driver who deserves to save money on car insurance. in fact, safe drivers who switch from geico to esurance could save hundreds. so if you switch to esurance, saving is a pretty safe bet. auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. steve: we have got some great headlines. quarter till the top of the hour. first up robots coming to kitchen near you. kitchen assistant felony as flippy will be in all los angeles based cali burger restaurants next year. flippy does it all from making the burgers to serving them as well. look at that speaking of burger joints. can you now get a frosty at wendy s for just 50 cents. the chain tweeting this photo out with the promotion but the deal is only available during the summer months. all right. ainsley: thank you, steve. president trump calling out the fake news media for what it is and the liberal press can t seem to take it? have you incitement to violence. is he going to get somebody killed in the media. maybe that will stop him. it s insanity. i mean, it really s i mean, obviously, it s an attempt that might be scefl to drum up violence against journalists. this is exactlith language leaders use when they are trying to undermine the press. ainsley: next guest says this misplaced fear just distracts from the left wing extremism. here to weigh in friewns contributor mr. byron york. good morning you to you, mr. byron. good morning. ainsley: i read your article. you reflect on the president s tweet in the washington examiner. in the article you write: there is a relaxed way to read the tweet and there is an alarmed way to read the tweet. what do you mean by that? we can have a separate conversation about whether tweeting this kind of stuff is a good idea for the president politically. does it help him pursue his agenda. but, in terms of whether it is an incitement to violence, i think there are really a couple of ways to look a at the tweet. on the relaxed way to look at the tweet is the president is an entertainer. he was entertainer when he was a real estate developer. he was entertainer when he was reality show producer and star, and is he entertainer as president. not to say he doesn t do other things. but, he communicates in the way of an entertainer and you could look at this tweet. which features professional wrestling, for goodness sakes. which is kind of synonymous with fake entertainment. you can look at it in a relaxed way. or you could look at it in an alarmed way which is what you just played, examples of people saying it s an actual incrime to violence against et press are. ainsley: what s interesting is they are reacting to the president putting up this video. i m sure cnn is putting up a video of him. calling it fake news. we have to respond. we are embarrassed so we have to respond. what s interesting about this, byron, our own kathy griffin who has done the new year s eve special forever holds trump with the blood imr trump head. she inciting violence with that just interesting that when it doesn t fit their narrative they are coming out and blaming the president even though he is calling them out for fake news. there are contrasting episodes here. the criticism here of this trump video and the tweet is of progressivof prospective viot could cause someone to harm a reporter. we do have examples on the left of violent political expression. you mentioned the kathy griffin thing where she is holding what appears to be trump s bloodied severed head. you have the trump at caesar assassination shakespeare play in new york. have you actual examples of violent expression from the left that did not causes a much controversy plunge some of these guardians of the press as did the trump tweet. ainsley: all right, byron, thank you so much. great to see you. happy fourth. thank you. ainsley: what are you doing in south carolina my neck of the woods? i know you are in myrtle beach. it s the place to be, isn t it? ainsley: that s right. on the beach they did salute of the shore. you salute the fly over i hope you saw it. beautiful. a lot of vintage old airplaners standing by. more on our breaking news, an nfnd officer killed in cold blood just sitting in her patrol car. nypd lieutenant and army vet says the war on cops is an attack on all of us. is he going to join us next to talk about that. any minute now president trump will board air force one and board for second foreign trip. we will bring that to you live. stay with us. steve: oh my goodness, a fox news alert overnight a police officer assassinated in cold blood while sitting in her patrol car. the 12 year police veteran shot through the window in an apparent ambush. ainsley: police catching the killer a block away after he pulled his gun on them. here to react is former nypd lieutenant and army veteran dr. darren porcher. dr. porcher, thanks for being with us. thanks for having me. ainsley: you know the area very well. i was a cop in this area when i started out. ainsley: what was it like. it was a high crime area in the 1990s. they have dropped a precipitous drop in crime. that s something attributable to the nypd. brian: bronx usually think that s trouble. not these areas it s been revitalized. you say it does remind you of what happened to ramos and lou a couple of years ago? it does. brian: what way. when we go back to the gardner, you are had recalcitrant community that felt the officer should have been convicted. then had you this mann that drove in from maryland and shot lou and ramos in the car. it brings that memory to me and it s terrible. steve: looks as if this woman miosotis familia 48 years old 12 year veteran looks like she was targeted just for being a cop. what does that say about our culture and society where people will just walk up to police officers and try to kill them? terrible. there has been acrimonious relationship between police and community in various parts of the country. however, that relationship between police and community should be when we take into consideration the social correct, it affords us those protections as law enforcement for the citizens in the city such as new york city. however, unfortunately, we have a minute population that gets in to these types of vitriolic discourses with police that results in the death of this officer. ainsley: i remember growing up. i remember 5 years old thinking or hearing on the news that someone shot a cop and we all, my whole family oh my gosh, the guy is going to be electric chair. we this that in south carolina at the time. you knew that was like the worst crime ever. you don t ever incites violence on a police officer. our culture as you were saying has totally changed now. and this guy, we re learning, has a past criminal record. he heaves a past assault on a police officer. what do we do to change the attitude of people like this? we take into consideration this particular individual, he placed numerous acrimonious statements online against police officers and one of the things that really screams out to me is why didn t someone make this these complaints to authorities whereas it could have been possible surveillance. granted, i agree, the first amendment does afford us these protections for free speech. however, free speech is not 100 percent garnl teed. brirch brian is there lawmplet way to defender against them. they do monitor media and thretsd. when there are threats surveillance comes in to play. we as citizens, i go back to the quote if you see something, say something, there are only 36,000 police officers in the city of new york. however, we have a population of 8.5 million people. 8.5 million people elicit far greater source of intelligence. brian: chicago 60 were shot over the weekend. steve: this is new york city. it s just matter time before someone says this is another instance where we need more gun controls. i believe gun croyle is that the not the argument here. here we have convicted fell lone. the second eant has right of maintaining connections. these are the people we need to protect ourselves against. the second amendment affords us these protections to have legally possessed firearms. he was not in possession of a legally possessed firearm. ainsley: thank you four your service. police officer and army veteran. thank you. thank you. steve: all right, meanwhile, we are awaiting the president s departure as he sets out on seconds foreign trip and there you see air force one. we understanding marine one has just landed at joint base andrews. brian: dan bongino will be thawing to us about protecting the president soon. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at won t replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won t have to worry about replacing your car because you ll get the full value back including depreciation. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. there s a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. fixodent plus adhesives. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. steve: well, this is a fox news alert. there you can see marine one making the ten-mile flight from the south lawn of the white house to joint-based andrews. the president of the united states is about to depart for his second foreign trip. first stop poland, then he s on to hamburg for a two-day group 20 meeting. brian: people are so happy that president trump has chosen them. they have an elected leader that really is a fan of president trump, and the polish people for the most part are extremely pro american and a lot of people say what message does that send to paris? what message does that say to london that the president said bringing to the g20, i m going to choose to go to poland? i think it says a lot. i think it s reinforcing loyalty. ainsley: to go to a dinner and then a speech tomorrow and then g20 summit where china, south korea are representatives, so maybe he ll have a chance to talk to what happened in north korea shooting off that intercontinental ballistic missile. steve: according to white house sources to show solidarity to the european allies of the united states who live in russia s shadow. the message, we re going to stand with countries on nato s eastern flank most directly pressured by russia. and of course, the president will have a bilateral chat with vladimir putin for their first face to face meeting on friday. it would be great to be a fly on the wall in that room. brian: the word in england there s going to be protests when the president showed up, so he said what you know? i m not going to come. when you guys are done with your protests, i m going to work something down the line. he did work the phones talking to the leaders of italy, angela merkel of germany, and le crone of france. ainsley: tweeting over the weekend saying gas prices are the lowest of ten years and tweeting out a video of a choir saying make america great again. brian: which i didn t know it was a song, by the way. ainsley: he also had a message for korea saying south korea will put up much longer talking about that missile. perhaps china will put a heavy move on north korea and end their nonsense once and for all. steve: the president, once he makes the trip will arrive about 4:15 eastern time. while everybody s going to put on a happy face at these meetings, keep in mind europe s tense. a lot of europeans don t like donald trump s america first message. they say it s harmful to free trade and the environment. the french are worried that this president s going to inhibit trade, and they say that europe is preparing retaliatory measures to impose terror on u.s. steel imports, if that becomes necessary. meanwhile, german chancellor angela merkel last week was referring to the fact that the united states is not going to be part of the paris accord, and she said we cannot and will not wait until the very last person in the world has been successfully convinced of the scientific findings about climate change. literally, she s taken a shot at the president of the united states. so it will be interesting to see what they will do. brian: and if they pay attention, i don t know if they re translating from german to english, but he didn t say he s against. he s against the one president obama came out with because he thinks it s grossly unfair to america, and he doubts there s that adherence to china as well as russia. ainsley: that s a very good point, brian because he s a businessman. he was saying it s too expensive for the u.s. we re paying conservative getting enough in return. he says other countries need to do this. now look at this. they re opening the door of the helicopter there, marine one. steve: yep. the president will pop out in just a minute. so let s go ahead and talk about our top story. brian: reminds me, though. i do needattic stairs because it s the same concept. steve: for your attic or garage? brian: same thing. for my attic. ainsley: you re right. it s the same thing. brian: same thing. steve: let s talk about north korea, yesterday they fired off their first icbm. this is different from their other missiles they sent off in the past because this is actually a two-stage rocket with the ability now to apparently hit the united states of america. it s a it can technical feet. it s more consequential. there s the president, speaking of consequential. the most powerful man of the free world about to take his second trip. brian: yeah, this looks like a smaller trump contingent than the first trip. ainsley: right when ivanka was there and jarod was there? brian: yes and of course melania gray represents this country, i think her background in terms of modeling and presentation, she seems to always be aware of public surroundings and have a holder cell. it becomes very natural. ainsley: when they did that first foreign trip, she went to italy and met with the pope, she was able to speak italian to the children there that were at the children s hospital. steve: how cool is this? always fun to watch the president of the united states, whoever is holding the office as they make way up the steps to air force one, and we know what s going to happen. at the top step, the president and the first lady are going to turn, and they re going to wave. let s just wait for that. come on. come on. thank you. all right. ainsley: so beautiful. steve: there s the president of the united states. next stop 4:15 this afternoon. the big question when it comes to as he prepares for his second foreign trip, what the united states can do regarding north korea, and that is, you know and the president himself yesterday tweeted out perhaps china will put a heavy move on north korea and end this nonsense once and for all is what can china do to force north korea to just stop it? brian: well, wait a second. the next tweet i think is more telling. the next tweet said china s upped their trade with north korea by 40%. so that shows the president s got a much more aggressive tone. i m not saying he didn t feel just the same way knowing that china could be doing more. but instead of saying china tried, but it hasn t worked, now he s saying not only didn t you try, you re not going to help. ainsley: if you don t want to send the troops, and you don t want to do something that is so harsh and save lives, then you have to think of putting pressure on them chic. so by saying that, by the president saying i m acknowledging that they re upping their trade 40%, that s a lot. steve: that s a lot. ainsley: he s going to have to say stop doing that, or we re going to put pressure on you. brian: and your banks. ainsley: absolutely. steve: because china is north korea s best customer because china is able to get mineral deposits from north korea, they exploit the cheap labor in north korea and in turn what does north korea get? they get technology they can use to build the missiles we just saw. obviously, the options are few and risky with the united states faces. regime change would be great. working with the neighbors as they pull back the stairs to air force one if you re watching on television right now, convincing the country if and the region to cut ties. they should, the united states should probably consider shooting down future missiles that north korea pops off over international waters. ainsley: and wondering why that didn t happen. them able to test the missiles without shooting them down. brian: meanwhile, kim jong-un s dad who actually extensively in his book evaluates the entire family, he s a war hero, that s not true. listen. president trump is playing mind games with him because he s creating around the chinese president at mar-a-lago, president from japan visited him at the white house, and they re all publicly and explicitly saying we re talking about the north korean threat. so all of north korea s enemies are getting together and publicly discussing them, and this is clearly getting inside kim jong-un s head. and i think china had a plan because they came to us and see president trump as somebody who s willing to take lead on this issue. president obama didn t know what to do for eight years. steve: so what is the united states do? north korea had a weapons drill will where they shot off missiles deeply into south korean waters. also, there s going to be an emergency closed-door meeting with the united nations security counsel this afternoon. nikki haley will convene that. meanwhile, administration officials apparently are considering some sort of measured response, which will probably be more troops, more ships, and more planes near north korea, and that s going to drive that guy nuts. brian: the response to the missile launch was the u.s. and south korea are doing their own type of war games. charles krauthammer last night says i think it s rather embarrassing to have the release of this video immediately after their show of force. what the north koreans done is crossed the entire new phase. once they have an icbm, which they have, they re obviously going to want to put a nuke on top of it. we re in a totally different world. ainsley: well, here s the bottom line. they can attack us now. because we saw with the mother s day launch that it flew the missile they launched up into the air flew 1,000 miles higher than the international space station. that s a lot. that goes a long way, but not enough it could strike the u.s. but this missile yesterday flew higher than that. it flew 1,500 miles, meaning it could reach the u.s. because experts are saying that that means they shoot it over toward the u.s., it could go 4,000 miles. well, guess what? we have a u.s. navy base in guam that s about 2,000 miles away. alaska, 3700 miles away. so it could hit that navy base or alaska. brian: u.s. forces in japan too. u.s. forces in south korea. and of course south korea and japan, we re obligated to protect them. and to do that, i think we should consider putting nuclear weapons in both of those countries. steve: so what is the pentagon doing today? we know for sure that apparently they ve got antimissile systems poised in the western pacific and in alaska as well, and they are ready. brian: and we kind of we kind of slowed down, retarded our missile defense systems under the last administration. and, by the way, president secretary of defense, one of the first things he wanted to do is congress kept hamstringing the bus station administration. now all of a sudden there s a rush when they realize can we really protect san francisco? can we really protect our allies in the region? well, we might not. and, by the way, this new leader of south korea said, hey, i want to slow down the implementation of the fad missile defense system. i want to do some environmental studies. how is that in the best interest of the south korean people? by the way, they were getting it for free, which is driving this president nuts because it was spending a billion dollars to give them our latest technology and give them our missile defense for free under a deal that president obama cut. steve: that s right. all right. and surely the symbolism of north korea launching this icbm on the american independence day is no accident. but just the fact that now they ve got an icbm, an intercontinental ballistic missile, that is a scary part, and that is surely what they re talking about in air force one and the support plane prepared to leave joint base andrews. we ve got a look at what the schedule looks like for today. ainsley: yes, we believe of. the president and the first lady are going to land in warsaw at 4:15 eastern time. and then they re going to take part in a welcome ceremony, and then the president s going to head to the hotel for the evening. his official events don t begin until thursday. we re being told he s going to give a speech tomorrow morning, i believe, producers, am i right by saying this? 7:00 a.m. our time, approximately 7:00 a.m. we ll of course be on live for fox and friends, so we will listen in on that speech live. brian: and of course no one would use their names gavin and sean, but this time you want to keep it general to their title. when you see the united states go to poland, it s no accident. you know what the u.s. said inspect nato was outdated, they added a wing. he also said it s about time you paid your bill and put 2% in your defense. poland has done that. and not only that, they added more to their defense since president trump took over, and so far, they ve added about $12 billion overall to nato. steve: that s right. so first off is warsaw, and that as air force one takes the main runway out at joint base andrews. prepares for the big trip, and then it s onto hamburg. let s go ahead and watch the president take off on his historic second foreign trip as president of the united states. you re watching fox and friends live from joint base andrews and new york city. brian: mike pence, you re in charge. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home. .with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%. .a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you re allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you d rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. brian: fox news alert now. kim jong-un warning he could strike anywhere in the world as north korea fires its first ballistic missile capable of reaching the united states. how should the white house respond? head of the cia division bruce. what would the response be if you were in charge? well, the first thing we need to do is ensure we have sufficient defenses for ourselves and our allies and as mentioned earlier, that includes ballistic missile defense, so we need to complete the deployment of the ballistic missile defense system in south korea. we have about 44 currently deployed in alaska and california. we also need to review the cuts that the obama administration made to the strategic missile defense systems. brian: all right. so now rex tillerson, just his statement yesterday says any country that hosts north korea guest worker provides economic or military benefits or fails to fully implement un security council resolution is aiding and abetting regime. all nations should demonstrate to north korea that there are consequences in their pursuit of nuclear weapons. is that strong enough? well, there s an ongoing three-track policy to try to pressure north korea. one is enforcement. more fully enforce un security council resolution sanctions, and china has really been dropping the ball there. they turn a blind eye to proliferation on their soil from north korea. they turn a lined blind eye on pro behind nuclear missiles programs. the second is u.s. law, and u.s. has been pulling its punches on enforcing its own laws. and the third track is going after even legitimate businesses that are engaging with north korea trying to shame them away from, you know, such a regime, economic, and that includes as secretary tillerson has talked about, these overseas workers that north korea sends. many of them operating in slave labor conditions. and the wages are going to the regime. steve: bruce, something about stopping that bank when secretary of state that got their attention. has that ship sailed, or is there another pressure point that we do not know about? well, there s a lot of pressure points. and that bank, at the time a north korean official told a white house official you finally found a way to hurt us. and then the bus station administration backed away. last week, the trump administration sanctioned a bank in china. that s long overdue. there s evidence for that and as well as many other entities that provided a to the administration of other chinese entities that ought to be sanctioned. so we need to do more of that. brian: bruce clinger, thank you so much. thanks for having me. brian: straight ahead, more on the fox news alert out of new york city. and i didn t want the to wake up to this, but we have to share it with you. police officer shot and killed in her patrol car. former nypd officer himself joins us to react straight ahead. plus, many on the left accuse trump voters say they were motivated by fear of brown people. and our next guest says that s absurd. he ll say more. not gonna get my job done. pain s kind of self-defining. when it hurts, it hurts. when i can t do something, it makes me feel isolated. with aleve, you can stay strong longer because only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. tylenol can t do that. i get to be present and enjoy what i love. this is my pain. but i am stronger. aleve. all day strong. all day long. for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it s out of reach. why promise something you can t deliver? comcast business is different. we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. brian: quick headlines now. glad you re up, illinois closely passing a budget hoping to have a deal by the end of today, this overriding the governor s veto on government spending. and reaching junk status. and here s what happens when you force i wanted to stamps recipients to work. some are seeing numbers to drop big time. applicants are forced to find a job or participate in the workforce training programs in areas of georgia seeing a drop of 50% in alabama, 85%. think about that as steve and ainsley bring you something else. steve: thank you, brian. the political left still trying to make sense of their election loss last november and staking controversial theory of president trump s supporters. listen to this. really good research since the election shows that fear of changing america is the number one factor that you can see drive, really, divides a white trump voter from a white nontrump voter. that it fears of brown people, fears of losing the majority. ainsley: our next guest works on president trump s hispanic advisory council, and he says he takes offense to that. joining us now is fox news contributor steve cortez. thanks for joining us, steve. she says people went to the polls to vote for donald trump because people are afraid of brown people, that they re fearful of losing the majority and fearful of a changing america. but fearful of brown people? do you agree? no, i most certainly do not agree, ainsley. and to borrow ms. walsh characterization, i can tell you that i worked my brown butt off to help elect this president, and i find her comments insulting and offense and, by the way, what she s doing here, which the left has done far too much is resorting to the kind of division and identity politics that are so popular to our country. i think there s one of the reasons there s polarization that exists right now. i would say this. also their condescension. they cannot even say that trump motivates for a more prosperous and secure america. instead, they have to malign those voters and assume that they had nefarious motivations of racism. this is what the left does when they don t want to talk about ideas. steve: sure. steve, and we ve talked about it. many on the political left have trump derangement syndrome, they just can t come to grips that he won, and they don t have a message. but for her to say that people who voted for trump are essentially just racist, that includes a lot of americans. right. and, by the way, a lot of americans who just twice not once, but twice elected a black man as president of the united states. so tell me how racist this country is to do that? and, by the way, to get more specific, the voters that really turned this race in trump s favor were rural or mostly rural midwestern white voters, largely catholic. most of whom, by the way, did, in fact, vote. if you look county by county in ohio, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin did, in fact, vote for president obama twice. i guess they weren t racist then, and they suddenly turned racist in 2016. so it s a lazy analysis and, again, a division that we don t need right now in our country. and, by the way, too, i m very proud of the fact that donald trump regarding the brown people, that donald trump, his take of the hispanic vote actually bested what mitt romney did in 2012. so despite the mainstream media constantly trying to tell us that donald trump is some kind of antihispanic bigot, we hispanics ourselves didn t believe that, and i think we also buy into the vision that prosperity and security lie ahead, regardless of what your color is in america. ainsley: yeah, todd, one of our reporters, he did a story with a ride along with a police officer in new york and new jersey, and they were telling him, like, 87% of those are arrested for being here illegally, they were criminals. they had rap sheets in the past. and those are the ones that the president said he wanted out of our country. the people here illegally committing other crimes as well. if you have to give the president a grade so far, what is the grade that you would give him and what is his biggest accomplishment? well, i will say this: i m certainly a very bias grader as a disclaimer because i worked so hard for his election and believe so much in his agenda. but i give him an a. and i would say the biggest achievement so far that the mainstream media doesn t want to talk about also is the economy. we just got out on monday. it wasn t a busy newsday for folks. but on monday, we got off the manufacturing report for june. highest manufacturing surge in three years. stock market at all-time highs. ceo confidence all-time highs. consumer confidence soaring. so there s something going on in the country. there s an optimism out there that s real and tangible and palpable. they might not know about it in newsrooms in washington, d.c. and new york, but the people of america feel it and know it. we re going to grow again. steve: although i don t know that you would hear it on another channel aside from this one where we try to cover all the news. all right. steve cortez joining us today from the great city of pittsburgh. sir, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, steve. thank you. ainsley: still ahead, more on the fox news alert out of new york city and the war on cops that continues, unfortunately. a police officer assassinated in cold blood. so where is the outrage from the liberal press? dna bon a former nypd himself. steve: and more trouble for cnn. why they are being accused of #cnn bleeth blackmail. i m leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven t noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can t remember that. stop this madness. if it s appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. it s a miracle. i can walk again. go back to your room, susan lucci. steve: and they got there quickly. fox news for you this morning overnight a new york city police department officer assassinated, killed in cold blood while sitting in her patrol car. the 12-year vet shot through a window in a apparent assassination. ambush. ainsley: police catching the killer a block away, shooting him dead after he pulled that gun right there on the police officers. brian: all right. now, former nypd officer, he has done so many things, dan joins us right now to react. dan, we went through this almost two years ago, and now it happened again in an area where most people around the country think, well, the wrongs is probably a bad area. a lot of the bronx is beautiful. these officers were targeted. yeah. and you know what s interesting about that radio call you just played? it opens up with 1085, 1085. that s the officer needs assistance code, a nonemergency. but when it is an emergency, they say 1013, not 1085. i only bring that up because it speaks to the heroism even in such a horrifying situation, i don t think he wanted the other officers to get in an accident getting there to use 1085 instead. thinking about his other cops. and one more thing, you know, if i can salute the men and women in blue out there. not one cop is going to call in sick today or skip work, even though this event happened, and they know. they absolutely know that their blue uniforms and shield make them targets for criminals and terrorists among us. as a matter of fact, they ll show up today, they ll put a black band over their shield, they ll salute this officer and do their job. i mean, this is disgusting, this war on cops going on in the country today. ainsley: dan, i think that we need vehicles of emblem of nypd on the side of the car so someone knows where we can go. but why do we put a marked car in a neighborhood that might have been a bad neighborhood at one point and is now changing. but why would we put a marked car or why wouldn t we have bulletproof glass on these vehicles? and what can the public do? do we need to start a campaign to raise money so that this could happen? well, simply, it s a great question, ainsley. but the outfitting of rmps, radio motor patrols. we would call a police car in normal terminology with bulletproof glass just cost prohibit. it would be too expensive. now, it s interesting you bring up the symbolism and the outfitting of the cars in police colors. you know, it s those very symbol of authority most people respect the cops that have made the cops a target for psychopathic individuals. if you re going to hit a government symbol, why hit the cops? they re the ones with the cops and shoot back. but it s because they re symbols of stability and authority that these guys go after them. steve: and going back to september 2014 when that guy simply targeted the two officers because their uniforms. ramos and lou. this is reminiscent of that because it also took place in a car. but what s to stop an unstable person and, by the way, the suspect who is now dead in this case, apparently was arrested before for roughing up a cop. what s to stop from shooting somebody, assassinating a police officer walking the beach? steve, this is what gets me really worried late at night and a lot of cops friends of mine, still, as a matter of fact, i m visiting this week on friday and saturday. there s nothing that can stop this. there s nothing. you can never react as quickly as someone can act. it s simply not possible. when cops become targets, that s why it speaks to the bravery of these men and women. they don t even think twice about this. they just do their job knowing if some criminal or terrorist wants to do this, there s almost nothing that can be done. all they can hope is that the shot isn t fatal, and they can survive to fight back. i wish i had better news to report, but i would be lying to you. you cannot react quicker than someone can act if they have criminal intentions against a police officer. brian: another major story over the last 48 hours has been the president s decision to tweet out video of wrestling cnn. they find out cnn used all their resources to find out who this person was that put the original video up with cnn over vince mcmann s face. it turns out it s a 15-year-old and now they re accused, cnn is threatening to reveal this private citizen s identity and in response, i think some of these people on the internet, these hackers have released the identity of every cnn on air talent. you know, this is an amazing story. when i saw this morning, i was really flabbergasted. think about this; right? cnn, which is this big, multinational news organization, can t develop one on the record source to corroborate their trump russia affair tale x file sources, when b they found out a 15-year-old who goes by the alias of han solo or something amazing. guys, go develop a source to corroborate your trump russia story before you out a bunch of teenagers playing their xbox making gifs you don t like. brian: yeah, they made the kid apologize and those hackers on the internet are going to bat for the 15-year-old. well, of course they are. that s a very close-knit community. to make that kid apologize, i mean, what are they going to do next? put him in time out, take his xbox away? this is a major news network. guys, i see your twitter a lot because i m on twitter. if you did this to everyone that tweeted negative things to fox, you would run out of money tomorrow. i mean, give me a break. please. ainsley: #cnnblackmail is the number one hashtag right now. steve: the kid just did it as a joke, and that brings us to where we are today. thank you very much for joining us on what feels like a monday. we ll see you on friday and saturday on the couch. ainsley: let s head over to jillian with some headlines for us. good morning. that s right. the internet sar wild place these days, isn t it? good morning to you at home. 18 people now without a home after an illegal immigrant crashed a car packed full of propane tanks into a florida apartment building. watch. oh, my god. wow. force pierce police say the 31-year-old driver originally from haiti may have been targeting his former girlfriend who lived in the building. he died at the scene but thankfully, no one else was hurt. this is why president trump sent in the feds. the chicago tribune reporting more than 60 people were shot in chicago over the fourth of july weekend alone. eight people were killed. more than 1,700 people have been shot in the windy city since january. the trump administration has dispatched federal agents to help stop gang violence. officers are being held as heroes for rescuing a dog locked inside a hot car. police in south florida received a 9-1-1 call that a dog was trapped inside a car with the engine off and the windows up. an officer breaking a window with his baton then giving the dog water. police say it was at least 110 degrees inside. the owner who claimed to be running errands was given a citation. kathy griffin with the depicted severed head of her trump after her stunt last month caused severe backlash. she has apologized calling it a joke but has lost major endorsements. a look at your headlines on this wednesday. steve: july 5th. all right. jillian, thank you. we ve got a fox news alert for you right now. president trump departed joint base andrews a little while ago for his second foreign trip where he will meet russian president vladimir putin on friday. kristen fisher is live ahead of the meeting. we ll hear from her next. brian: plus, many in the media wrapping up their attacks to president trump comparing him to dictators. is this president trying to enters nature hugo chavez? vladimir putin? because this is exactly the kind of language that leaders use when they are trying to undermine the press. brian: who was that? our next guest says he has never seen anything like this before, and he s been in the press forever. he ll be joining us noo introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades text blades to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand. .and get $3 off your first order it s happening, it s happening! in the modern world, you can control just about anything with an app. your son is turning on all the lights again! and with the esurance mobile app, you can do the same thing with your car insurance. like access your id card, file a claim, or manage your policy. it s so easy it s almost scary. let s get outta here! that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. brian: 8:45, you should be dressed. some headlines now. thousands of america celebrating america s birthday over there in squaw valley, they seem to be having fun. allowing the slopes to stay open a little bit longer. and just get my marketing second now. a celebration that s out of this world. astronauts peggy and jack aboard the international space station. you thought you packed everything? sharing this video showing off their american flag pants. as i look this way, you go that way. steve: all right. brian. moments ago air force one taking off for poland where the president will start his second foreign trip. ainsley: he s going to be attending the g20 summit with world leaders like vladimir putin and kristen fisher is already in warsaw with what we can expect. good morning, kristen. good morning, steve, brian, and ainsley. north korea just shot to the top of president trump s agenda as he heads off on his second foreign trip. he was already scheduled to meet with many of north korea s leaders in germany. south korea, china, japan, russia. but this morning, president trump is already taking aim at the one nation that he was relying on the most to deal with the rogue regime. he just said on twitter, quote, attributing between china and north korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. so so much for trying to working with us, but we had to give it a try. while this morning, president trump is also preemptively setting, germany trade surplus with the u.s. has been of course a huge point of contention for president trump. so just before he left the white house, he tweeted out quote the u.s. made some of the worst trade deals in world history. why should we continue these deals with countries that do not help us? now, one country that mr. trump will say is helping the u.s., at least in terms of trade deals is poland. but the polish government is going to want him to take a very tough line when he meets with russian president vladimir putin when he meets with him at g20. president trump is going to have to make a choice. please poland or putin, he s going to be very hard-pressed to please both. steve: kristen fisher at 2:40 in the afternoon all right in the streets of warsaw. awesome. ainsley: glad we sent her there. awesome. the mainstream media taking their attacks to president trump a whole new level. is this president trying to immerse nature hugo chavez? erdogan? vladimir putin? because this is exactly the kind of language the leaders use when they re trying to undermine the press. ainsley: our next guest says he s never seen anything like this from the press before. steve: but first, a preview for what happens on the channel in 12 minutes. ainsley: is it already that time, shannon? it is. you guys are coming into the home stretch and hope you will joining us because after yet another missile launch, rex tillerson said they will never accept another u.s. arm from north korea. we re going to talk about options being considered for the president s consideration as he heads to europe, including face to face sit down with russian president vladimir putin. what s at stake there? plus, lawmakers at home for the recess are getting an earful for health care reform. congressman joins us live to talk about that and his vow that any senate efforts to restore planned parenthood funding will kill efforts to repeal and replace in the house. we ll see you at the top of the hour for america s newsroom. you always pay your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. badda book. that s it?. he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. all right. fourth of july photos. here is our senior producer. your daughter olivia lee. hi, olivia lee. fourth of july. this photo of his son jackson. he s celebrating independence day and his second birthday. happy birthday, everyone. ashley sent in this photo. if you re ready to move past the fourth of july, join me on my radio show. it will be tom price, tucker carlson. it s going to be fun. please, you don t have to get dressed when you watch radio, so do whatever you want. have a great day. shannon: president trump facing two major tests on the world stage. north korea launching a ballistic missile it claims can reach the united states. while the president also heads for europe for a summit that will include his very first sit down face to face with vladamir putin. i m shannon breen joined by eric shawn. hi, shannon. i m in for bill hemmer. north korea of course taunting us, claiming success with what the pentagon now confirms was an intercontinental ballistic missile launch. it turns out kim

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170629

has raised some new questions. she strongly suggests her race and gender played a role in the heat she faced dating back to benghazi. if anything cnn is getting worse by the day. people hate the media. they hated jim acosta going bananas at the press conference because the big mean press secretary won t let turn camera on him. i m in favor of placing jim acosta with elmo at the white house press conference it s america. steve: welcome to america s number one cable news show up here on the mezzanine level studio f. en. ainsley: joel. hi. we talk about joel. there he is. also on our couch this morning anthony scar scaramucci. you decided to come to us and not cnn. i had a lot of choices. ainsley: first time he has talked since the story was retracted. brian: good news is president promised jobs and you are a witness that you finally have a job since you sold your company. steve: this is great news. could have gotten bureau of labor. good thing. brian: finally off the doll. thank god. steve: talk about your new job in just a minute. thanks to a story that cnn did earlier this week, a bunch of people got fired. and they have changed their editorial standards. they said that you were involved in a preinaugural meeting of sorts with some guy from a russian vert. you said the story was all wrong. apparently cnn agreed didn t meet their standards. it was fake news? was it fake news? i did meet with a person. i was at the world economic forum. i was in a restaurant. the person came over and shook my hand. i think a reporter snapped a picture. i think the first part of the the fake news potential senior trump official meeting with somebody from the russian fund. that was not a quote, unquote. meeting, planned meeting. anything like that. it was really an interaction with him in a restaurant. brian: what is your thought as you begin to find out that you might be that foirvel and that brief encounter was what they were talking about. well, first of all, i thought the whole thing was unfair. i think senator warren questioned steve mnuchin about it at his confirmation hearing. again, it s more of this nonsense that goes on in washington where have you this sandalscan scandals incorporate. brian: you are it. all of a sudden you are the target. i m target but the flip side is i also know in my heart and soul i haven t done anything wrong. so what ends up happening is if you have got good character, you have a strong backbone can you hold yourself up against these people and that s exactly what i did. ainsley: important to get a lawyer. threaten them. i think all of that stuff, ainsley was exaggerated. i had a couple conversations with senior staff at cnn. i made it very clear to them the story was not accurate and it was defamatory story. i he reminded he them in my gep back ground there is a famous case new york times vs. suleman. talking about a character and saying something not truthful then they have defamatory action. it was not true. needed to be reaction. i didn t go to sue them or anything like that. i think that got a little bit overblown to be honest. steve: something going on over at cnn and their parent company time warner they are trying to merge with at&t, 85 billion-dollar merger. the last thing they would need is a great big lawsuit right now. certainly that s the case, steven. what i will say is that they moved quickly. once they realized that they got the information wrong and hopefully this tighten up editorial standards not just at a place like cnn but other places. my biggest issue with the whole thing is i would like to focus on the president s agenda. i would like to focus on what he is doing for jobs, the economy, how we re going to fix the healthcare situation which will eventually implode upon itself if it is not fixed. i want to focus on must could no don t like too hit personally and i don t like getting hit personally. bryan brian the president has a harder time doing anything if this russia thing continues to cycle itself. he said it there is a cloud over it you would be an addition to that cloud. some argue wrongly, i should add. you would have had a different job had another erroneous story not been out there earlier. this has got to be frustrating for a guys who ha made all his living in the business world. it doesn t matter to me. like i said to the president in our personal conversations i would like to serve him, like to serve the american people. the role of the job that i have is not as important to me as the overall mission. and so for me, the russian situation, i think, is a bunch of nonsense. i have said that i have said that on other networks. steve: ben jones said the same thing. he said it. steve: big nothing burger. that probably could be the news about the russian story. brian: what do you mean? i think it s a bunch of nonsense. i would like it to stop. certainly was nonsense related to me. it s probably nonsense related to others e and the big point about the whole thing is that the president has a great agenda for all the american people, democrats, republicans, race, color and creed doesn t matter. this president is going to do a phenomenal job for the american people. ainsley: what s your reaction to the way the mainstream media is covering the russian collusion and the way they are covering his campaign and his presidency? okay. so i am not a journalist. but i did play one on television on your sister network. i hosted wall street week. so i have some empathy for journalism in terms of the race to get the news out and to put the thing together and beat the competition. but what i do think they have to do now is have more checks and balances in the system. they have to be more prudent about what they are saying about people because i think you re going to leave your own reputation behind. you re going to potentially damage the reputation of the people you are talking about. but once you start to lose your integrity and your reputation as a news organization. people starter to get tone tone deaf. brian: just want to ask one question. what was the president s reaction to you when this started of coming down if you don t mine sharing it i know you are cool, calm, and collected, but he wasn t in his tweets e i wonder what it was like one-on-one. this is the big irony of the president. he has a phenomenal temperament. is he very cool, calm and collected. i think these tweets he puts out are quite strategic. brian: mad? listen, private conversation with the president so it s probably important to keep it private. i do think there is some level of vindication not just for the president but for the entire team that this is a bunch of nonsense. we need to focus on our agenda. we have got this phenomenal agenda we are going to roll out on behalf of the american people. one of the best lines the president gave in the campaign which i love is we re going to be winning so much people are going to get tired of winning. i think we decided none of us are going to get tired of winning. let s get the agenda out there and help et american people. that s the reason why he left this unbelievable lifestyle here in the city of new york and manhattan to serve the american people. let s work on that. steve: let s talk a little bit about the president s agenda. healthcare. republicans say behind the scenes they have got until friday to come up with a new plan. do you think that s realistic? well, i mean, listen, that s another thing i love about the president. he is audacious guy. he has very big goal as it relates to curing these problems. he wants to get tax reform, steve. this is a critical component to that my prediction is they will get a deal done. i do think it could be element tall where it comes in phases. all sides recognize that obamacare, the affordable care act as it s currently configured is going typically employed on itself. take measures to protect that and the american people. i m confident we are going to get a deal done. i think the best legislative aid that the white house has no, offense to anybody, is the president. this guy is masterful when it comes to pulling people together, working on a negotiation and trying to get people to meet in the middle. i think is he going to get it done. brian: how close is tax reform? well, if we get this done and let s assume that we do. brian: you have to get it done first or put it to bed? i sort of feel that we do because the way the cbo work. again, the president is a cautious guy when it comes to numbers. i think steve mnuchin is also a cautious guy. if you look at the footprint of steve gary and gary cohn and the president. getting this done first and then rolling that out i think is a really good sequencing. and he will win in a landslide in re-election. he gets these two pieces done, he is our president right through 2024. i believe it s going to happen. ainsley: i know you have been appointed to new job chief strategy officer of export import bank. what does that mean for the american citizens watching? the bank is an interesting thing. it s 83 years old. it basically was set up in the 1930s to frankly help the expoor station oexexportexporti. only been two weeks but as strategy officer come up with best idea for that bank going forward basis. how it can help the american people. some people in congress want to shut the bank down. brian: some republicans did. some republicans want to shut it down it basically hasn t been lending any money for the last two years. and i think the president probably wants to have an idea of where he wants to go with it and hopefully we will be able to present them with an objective solution for the bank long term. but i love the people at the bank. i have been there for two short weeks and it s a great community inside that organization. ainsley: you have been in finance your entire career, correct. i have been in finance. sometimes on a couch, sometimes on auto therapy couch but yes i have been in finance the last 29 years. steve: have you had to sell your company. have you taken a gigantic pay cut. why did you decide pluck service was something you he wanted to do at this point in your life. i m not going to sound like a boy scout here. i think that this president and the mission he has he is historic opportunity for the american people and to just have the opportunity to serve him and the american people, i think nibble in my position that loves the country as much as i do would want to do it, steve. brian: import/export bank get your new atm. export/import bank. brian: export/import. send it out get it back. en. steve: congratulations. ainsley: thank you. congratulations. steve: we have headlines don t we jillian? jillian: we do. good morning to you and to you at home as well. the president s travel ban begins tonight after the supreme court ruled earlier this week some of it could take evening. only travelers with close business or family ties will be allowed into the u.s. for these six muslim majority countries. the voice hav visas that have ay been approved won t ebb revoked. the supreme court final vote on the ban in october. homeland security secretary john kelly calling u.s. bound flights the crown giuliani target fojewel for terrorists. vetting and detection and rooting out threats to airlines. airlines that fail to follow the rules risk an electronic ban. take a look at your headlines on this thursday morning. we have more headlines coming up later in the show. ainsley: whatever it takes to keep us safe. thank you, jillian. steve: big travel week. this is what susan rice first said when asked about the obama administration unmasking team trump. i know nothing about this. steve: well then she came clean. but now she has a new excuse and she blames her race and her gender. brian: she has to pick one. ainsley: only democrat won a special election in the trump era hasn t shown up for work yet. where is he? steve: right there. hey, bud. you need some help? no, i m good. come on, moe. i have to go. 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here to explain fox news medical a team super star dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, people keep say expand medicaid. you are saying hold on, fix it first. because nobody has looked at that brian. 30% of doctors like me don t see new medicaid patients. we know it s impossible to work with it s unwe wouldy. too many things with it too many bells and whistles. brian: if you didn t like it before, since six years when you got obamacare. it s probably more of a challenge. no disincentive for overuse. no co-pays no. deductibles. in states that have the medicaid expansion emergency room visits rupp by 9%. hospitals like that because patients that used to be uninsured now have medicaid card. they are flocking into the ers to get services they don t often need. did you know, brian, 15% of medicaid patients are prescribed an opioid every year? now, that s the doctor s fault for overprescribing. but medicaid allows doctors to overprescribe and that s one of the secret stories that we re breaking right now is that the opioid epidemic is tied to medicaid as an enabler. doctors are the problem. medicaid is enabling it. brian: dr. siegel, if you put new charge of fixing it, where do we start? back to basic services. what does a person need? there is a lot of disabled patients. a lot of children on medicaid. really poor people really need medicaid. do they need a wheelchair every two years? i don t think so. i want to scale back the excess. and as medicaid director verma has said quite smartly let s have premium buy ins for the medicaid expansion states for services. how about a bridge to jobs program. brian: what does that mean? it means if you want more than the basic services. brian: okay. and have you some income, okay, we re talking about the medicaid expansion states, then you can pay a premium to get more than you would just freely be given. and, also, we need bridge-to-jobs program in the medicaid expansion states because people that don t have jobs, brian, get their medicaid card and they say i don t want to give it up. i don t want to give up that medicaid because i can t afford to take that job i won t get as good as healthcare. i m talking about medicaid expansion states and i completely understand the bill wants to peel that back. i get that i predict that a compromise will have to occur. i think the democrats and the republicans have to come together and get a deal going where medicaid is reformed, revamped, scaled back, and then maybe kept in those states. brian: yeah, we have to see because a lot of states are doing well without the medicaid expansion like wisconsin. in ohio we can t live without it someone has to make sense of this. dr. marc siegel thanks so much. great to sigh. brian: next on our rundown, she lied on all the sunday shows about benghazi, remember that then she lied about unmasking team trump. now susan rice says i know why, because racism and sexism may be to blame for the controversy. are you buying that? we ll explain. and a disgusting display. the american flag set on fire. who would do this? we ll tell you. if you hang outside don t come in i ll only run and hide who can it be now who can it be now and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. e steve: all right. 6:23 right now on this thursday morning in new york city. we have got some quick headlines for you. while you were sleeping, lawmakers were making major moves to rebuild our military to keep soldiers safe overseas. a house panel approving the nearly $700 billion defense policy bill. the proposal beefs up our armed forces with advanced weapons it now heads to the house for a vote. guess who was not in the house? that would be representative elect jimmy gomez. the only democrat to win a special congressional election this year has not shown up for work yet. he was voted to represent los angeles on june the 6th, but he won t be sworn in until next month due to a family conflict. house majority leader kevin mccarthy sent him a letter this week saying if he doesn t start working soon, he should quit. all right, ainsley, over to you. ainsley: thank you, steve. she lied about the terror attack in benghazi and lied about unrolling unmasking members of team trump. now former national security advisor susan rice is suggesting recent scrutiny on her is due to her race and her gender. in an interview with new york magazine she says, quote: what do you think i do not leak to the simple explanation, that is only about race and gender. i m trying to keep my theory to myself until i m ready to come out with them. so does she have a snoint here to debate this is free think jamil foster and jamila bay. thank you both for being with us. thank you. ainsley: camille, i will start with you. do you think she is using this sexism and racism? is she using that to blame the media for her lies? unfortunately become conventional for folks to use race or gender or allusions discrimination on that basis as a dodge to not talk about the issues that are substantive. and i don t want to overstate the case here. i am skeptical of a lot of more overwrought claims about benghazi, i m a lot less concerned about some these other things. but, the fact of the matter is, the reason that she has come under scrutiny is because she was a high profile obama official. there is zero evidence whatsoever she has come under unique scriewt any because of her race or gender. it doesn t matter how many times people state the fact that she happens to be a woman or that she happens to be black stating that fact is not proof a of discrimination. ainsley: jamila she went on five sunday shows. she blamed a video. we learned the truth after that. she said bowe bergdahl the deserver was serving with honor and distinction. that was false. he was charged with desertion. then she said during spy gate that she doesn t know anything about unmasking that turned out to be false. she later said sometimes she did you know mask that she wasn t leaking though, and it wasn t for political purposes. so she lied. those are three different examples of her lying at the national level. so can she blame sexism and racism? first of all, i m glad that camille admits that many of the claims around benghazi were, indeed, overwrought. i know we are dealing in fact here. what i do want to point out, however, is that the fact of the matter of susan rice being an african-american woman doesn t mean that that had no bearing upon how she was treated by senators, by the media and so on. we know there s a great body of evidence and research that illustrates that women do come under more scrutiny for doing the same jobs that men do. we do recognize this. and we can look at it. but why not appeal to the facts here? there are was any discrimination in this particular case. i think we can just talk about that. as susan rice in her interview says i m keeping my theories to myself. did the fact of who i am have something to do with that perhaps. not so indirect accusation. we look at the ways nancy pelosi is treated. and we look at the way sarah palin has been treated. women do face undue scrutiny. this is nationally politics. this isn t particularly interesting. let s stick to the facts and talk about the substance. you and i agree there great deal about benghazi that is overwrought. i will tell you what is not overwrought about benghazi and broader libya policy and the failure of the obama administration foreign policy and quite frankly many ways. jim carney was the press secretary at the time. james carney was a mouth piece for the administration. who should have taken more of the heevmentd. ainsley: let me stay with our topic. okay. ainsley: condoleezza rice how do you think she was treated because susan rice said she took the same heat. she just said she is taking it worse. do you agree with that? i don t know off hand to be honest. i think that condoleezza rice, when we look at portrayals of her in international media, in u.s. media, calling her a raven and, you know, the whole military boots thing, the secretary of state of the united states had to defend a fashion choice that was actually a really fierce one, i think that looking at the way women are boxed in and the way that appearance and sue per plus things actually have to be discussed at all is something that we really should be advancing beyond. ainsley: you know, camille, i can understand when you are talking about gender when you don t get equal pay and dhifned thing. when she didn t do her job and she lies over and over and over at the national level on national television to all of us and people died in benghazi, why does it have to be about sexism? why does it have to be about racism? why can t it just be on the facts and her record? i think speculating about racism and gender. the most can you do there is speculate. it s easy to make those accusations. as i said, i think the real problem is the libya policy more broadly, not benghazi narrowly. there has been an extensive investigation into benghazi. lots and lots of money spent. no smoking guns it is true that they went out with half-baked intelligence and made a case that was beneficial to the administration and not necessarily on the merits. but the broader policy failure in libya is worth talking about. the administration, unfortunately is actually lead off the hook when conservatives narrowly focus on benghazi rather than talking about the fact that libya is still in disarray. the libya policy which hillary clinton called smart power but is really just failed foreign policy. ainsley: all right. we have to bring you back if you want to talk about that then, too camille. we will be glad to talk about that. thanks camille and jamila for being with us this morning. thank you. thank you. ainsley: you re welcome. what s it like to come face to face with isis fighters? >[gunfire] ainsley: our next guest is the one that is run into the gunfire to rescue a little girl. his powerful story and his message from the iraqis to president trump. that s coming up next. and the dramatic new video showing the moment a man crashes his car right into a 10 commandments monument. stay with us. anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen and you always laugh like you re hearing it for the first time. at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. and some you shouldn t have to shoulder alone. like ensuring he s well-taken care of. even as you build your own plans for retirement. ask a financial advisor how lincoln can help protect your savings from the impact of long-term care expenses. i m ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit cold turkey. i tried to quit with the patch; that didn t work. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. for me, chantix worked. it reduced my urge to smoke. compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you ve had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i m so proud to be a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. many insurance plans cover chantix for a low or $0 copay. [gunfire] steve: he brought her back. incredible video shows you what it is like to come face to face with isis terrorists. ainsley: the hero in that video coming to the rescue of that little 6-year-old iraqi girl. he is former special forces operative turned into a worker, an aide worker. he has made it his life mission to help victims that are caught on the front lines of the war on terror. brian: joining us right now is the founder of free burma rangers dave eubanks. what was it about your days in the military that forced to you focus differently in the war zone? i think the military s great preparation to, as you said, focus on what needs to be done. not all the things that might happen but what needs to be done, and then you think through what can you do to get it done? and in this particular mission, i believe it was god that helped u.s. military drop smoke. the iraqis tank and we ran behind it. ainsley: tell us about the free burma rangers and why this is so important it? was started by myself and my wife and ethic people any burma. we give help hope and love in burrma. we have 70 teams there the last toledo years we were invited to come help for isis in kurdistan, iraq, and syria. we are there. we are very small, we re the people living with the people to give them medical care and put a light on what s happening. and iraqi general said please, tell the americans, when you go back, we love you. please love us. we need your help. and i thank you for this opportunity. steve: you just told them. dave, let s talk a little bit about the video we have been looking at. it was from three weeks ago. apparently isis had come into an area and tried to kill everybody. you noticed there was somebody over there moving and it wound up being a little 6-year-old girl. you were behind, it looks like an armored vehicle, and you don t have a gun in your hand and you just have a helmet and a little body armor and you took off. what happened? well, sir, i prayed. and i have two friends there. efferman sky a tank saluting. two men shooting. i had a pistol. but i wasn t depending on that. i was depending on god and running. and i just thought right then if i die right now, my wife and kids would understand. i really thought i was going to die at that moment. i ran, and i got there. i actually picked her up. fell down, picked her up again and ran back. there was two more guys that we had to go back and get after that. brian: you are all focused on the humanitarian. saving people in a war zone by really not under their volition and getting them out of trouble, correct? yes, sir. brian: steve, let me ask you. you said there is a message from the iraqis. maybe for a while they felt abandoned. do they understand they are not abandoned now? they do sir. our military is doing a fantastic job being careful to hit isis and not hit civilians. the iraqis have done two things that really surprise me. one they have taken the fight to isis bloody battle. i have lost over 30 friends. three senior commanders. a couple of them died right next to me. the second thing is what really is encouraging to me how the she a soldiers are taking care of the sunni families who are under isis. some of them are isis families. they come out and i asked them why are you submersible. they said allah wants us to be that way. the only way we have a future in iraq is to take care of these children. steve: you mentioned your group is small. if folks out there in tv land would like to help you, how can they do that? first is prayer. and i thank god he is in all of our lives and we ask him. and the second, if you want to help us. again, pray how you should. we are called the free burma rangers, working in burr marks syria, iraq and suffered stan and sometimes sudan. look it up on the website. steve: okay. ainsley: dave, you are very brave. god bless you face to face with isis. we have seen the videos what they are capable of. hats off to you, my friend. stay safe. god bless you. they love america and our leadership. i want to say that. steve: that s great. brian: thanks, dave. meanwhile, talk about love, we love jillian. ainsley: we do. jillian: thanks. i love you guys too. brian: must being a thursday. jillian: must be a thursday. exactly. good thursday morning to you. dramatic new video just released from inside a bus showing the terrifying moment a baltimore man opens fire at police. after officers stopped and boarded the bus looking for the armed robbery suspect. he pulled out two guns and started shooting three weeks ago. passengers running for their lives to keep from being caught in the crossfire. that man eventually shot dead at the scene. but not before injuring one officer who is recovering. our symbol of freedom going up in flames. police in richmond, virginia are trying to find the suspect seen setting an american flag on fire. take a look at this surveillance footage from the horrifying act now igniting outrage. the homeowner says it s more than vandalism. it s terrorism. demanding the man is caught, saying the suspect obviously has zero regard for what our flag stands for. and a man has been hauled off to jail. accused of slamming his car into a controversial 10 commandments monument and posting it on facebook. freedom police say that 32-year-old michael reed who had destroyed religious monuments before is set to appear in court today. the monument destroyed just hours after it was finally put up on arkansas capitol grounds after years of debate. a replacement has been ordered and go fund me page has been set up to finance the already raising nearly $30,000. that s a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you guys. steve: thank you very much. brian: 29 minutes before the top of the hour. graham before the obama administration spied on him? i don t mind if you are listening. i do mind if somebody can take that conversation and use it against me politically. brian: that s got to be a concern for a lot of the people. wait until you hear how top intel lawyers answered his questions. judge napolitano has been scrambled here and refuses to walk. he will only stand. ainsley: judge, before you take off on family vacation this summer how about 83% off luggage. that and much more on our mega morning deals just for you. steve: there she goes. vacation all i ever wanted vacation happy to get away g new cars. you re smart. you already knew that. but it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you re even smarter. this is truecar. tempers flaring at senate hearing on surveillance. one senior republican right there lindsey graham demanded to know if the obama administration spied on him. if i m talking to the russian ambassador in the united states apparently y all are listening. i don t really mind if you are listening. i do mind if somebody can take that conversation and use it against me politically. senator we have that request from you and we are processing. yeah like months ago. am i ever going to get it in my lifetime. if there is anything in this country people are entitled to, entitled to at least an answer to their question. if i were you i would answer my question because is he mad. [laughter] steve: i think everybody was mad there judge andrew napolitano joins us right now. i was mad watching this because i come from an environment where you take an oath to answer truthfully. questioner answers your question and you don t answer, there should be consequences to that you should laugh at the questionnaire which is what we just saw. senator lindsey gram unleashed the power of spying now finds himself victimized by it and he canned get a straight answer. so what happened is that the nsa captured all key strokes and stores it someone in the white house says that conversation lindsey graham had with so and so such and such a date give us the transcript of it and tell us the proper names that are in it. that s the unmasking. does he have a right to know? of course he has a right to know. the danger is when the unmasking, the revealing of the contents of the conversation and the names of the part pants is done for a political reason, not a national security reason. that s a danger to the republic. that s what we believe happened to michael flynn. there are all these stories about michael flynn said. this it was pretty much the transcript of what he said on a private conversation played thought america s newspaper. edited by people at the washington post, perhaps edited by the people who gave it to the the washington post to make general flynn look so bad that the president fired him. steve: okay. so lindsey graham who is on the intel committee you would think, first of all, if you are in the intel community don t spy on somebody at the committee, but secondly, you would think that he would be able to call somebody and say hey, did you guys spy on me and ways unmasked? because there is a culture, steve, in this community we re talking about the intelligence community and its connection with the political community. susan rice, the west wing. well, you don t want to talk about what you do. senator rand paul was also spied upon, meaning unmasked for political reasons. and he believes that he and senator graham are not the only senators who had their conversations revealed and names revealed for political purposes. you can make anybody look ridiculous, even bad by selectively editing the conversation and revealing it as if it were the whole conversation. steve: sure, by statute, this is legal. you can the nsa can collect all the data and we think it s just regarding, as was mentioned in this case a russian authority, but they record everything for all of us. correct. now, i have argued that such a statute, a, is unconstitutional and b, is information overload. too much data for the nsa to analyze. which is why these tragedies like orlando and san bernardino happened even though the nsa had their text messages and phone calls but didn t get around to looking at them after the tragedy happened. instead they are wasting time listening to senator graham and senator paul. steve: will he ever find out? i don t know the answer to that given how angry senator grassly weighs, righteous anger yesterday, i hope. so. steve: judge napolitano, thank you so much. all the best. steve: still ahead on this thursday your kids favorite sesame street characters talking about syrian refugees is cnn using elmo as a political punt some have suggested? we re going to talk about that. taking summer savings to knew heights. how would you like to save up to 80% off a drone. world s most popular tie fidget spinner coming up on fox & friends. have a nice day look around introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. brian: the fourth of july sales are right around the corner. hottest deals on the market on our [applause] why would i stay because it wasn t true. ainsley: because meghan is here to tell us what the exclusive deals are for you the fox & friends viewer. that is true. hi guys, happy summer. brian: let s talk wolfgang puck. go to fox & friends website look for the icon to get the deal. pressure cooker. 70% faster cooks than average oven it goes on the counter top. brian: usually pressure cooker is on the inside. this is on the outside. conventional oven. it s a broiler, a toaster, oven. you don t have to baste anything. the whole point of the pressure cook something it locks in all the juices. it s only $95. you don t like to cook? ainsley: how how much is it normally. normally 249 bucks or. so so we love that and nice and space saving. wolfgang puck famous that guy flows what he is doing. if you are camping or hiking this summer, go with a buddy. survival bracelets. instead of putting survival gear in a backpack and carry it around. all on your wrist. five things in here. there is a compass. a whistle, help. this is a fire starter. this is a paracord comes unraveled tie up tent and this is scraper, a knife, all in this bracelet. you get two of them 15 bucks. ainsley: how much are they. 70% off today. $15. normally 50 bucks. and you get two? did i say that? drones. every kid loves a drone. summer entertainment, endless hours. remote control. it goes backwards. they go forward. they flip. they come some of them with video recorders. some come with cameras. you can download an app. and follow your drone through all these cool environments. and today 29 to $89, normally 69 to 400 bucks. today that s 80% off. mega morning deals. look for the icon. super fun. have you guys mastered these yet? all the rage with children. they have even some schools won t let you bring them in anymore because the kids had so many of them. created to relieve stress kind of like stress balls. just the spin something supposed to relax you. you get six of these today all six for 18 bucks. ainsley: that s a great deal. my kids can put these on their forehead their baseball cap lid. brian: all the age around the country? brian: this is the first time i have actually touched one. 79% off. they are pretty addictive you have to admit. if you are taking a trip this summer. you have to get luggage. small, large, minute yum. beautiful spinners. 20% extra packing room in these babies as opposed to the average luggage. they are right. they are durable. easy to pull around. extra pockets hidden on the inside. 83% off today. are you kidding me? ainsley: how much are they? $119 typically up to 700 bucks. so you have got to get one of these for your summer vacation. brian: all these deals? all these deals fox & friends for you, all for you right there on the website. check for the mega morning deals icon. start shopping before it s all gone. brian: appreciate it. ainsley: have you more coming up, don t you? ainsley: actually we will toss it inside to steve. brian: they want a deeper voice. still can t do it. steve: president trump making good on campaign promise. meeting with families who have been victims with illegal eu78 granted crimes. jamil shaw was sitting next to the president. he is here next hour. brand new security measures implemented to keep america safe. what you need to know on this thursday morning. then peta has a very important question. what s the best argument for eating bacon? not kidding. at johnson s we care about safety as much as you do. that s why we meet or exceed 15 global regulations for baby products. and where standards differ, we always go with the toughest. johnson s. [ light music playing ] you ve wished upon it all year, and now it s finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you ve always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. whimper yap yap yap yip is your dog trying to tell you something? allergic itch in dogs is a medical condition that s more common and treatable than you think. that s why there s prescription apoquel: the revolutionary medicine that s giving millions of dogs the relief they deserve. apoquel goes to the source of the itch to provide relief in as little as 4 hours. woof and apoquel is safe without many of the side effects associated with the use of steroids. apoquel is for the control of itch associated with allergic dermatitis and the control of atopic dermatitis in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs less than 12 months old or those with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chance of developing serious infections and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to worsen. do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. don t wait. ask your veterinarian about apoquel today. apoquel. it s itch relief worth barking about. bark (baby crying) (slow jazz music) fly me to the moon and let me play (bell ringing) (audience cheering) healthcare is working along very well. we could have a big surprise with a great healthcare package. i spoke with the president. he and i kind of came one an idea that i think is really a break through. this would to be separate this into two bills. there is not much of a cob census for repealing obamacare. i think they should admit this is not a bill that will repeal obamacare. it s a bill to fix obamacare. just hours from now, president trump s travel ban is set to take effect. homeland security department now issuing new rules for international flights coming into the country. this announcement we send a clear message that inaction is not an option. interview with susan rice has raised some new questions. sh she strongly suggest her race and gender played a role dating back to benghazi it? is a week that will live in infamy in the history of cnn and if anything it is getting worse by the day. i thought the whole thing was unfair. i had a couple conversations with senior staff at cnn. i made it very clear to them that the story was not accurate. once you start to lose your integrity and your reputation as a news organization, people start to get tone deaf. anyway you want it. that s the way you need it any way you want it ainsley: anything brian wants to do brian does. ainsley: he just sat there. brian: my ipad was talking back to me. ainsley: noise coming out of there. steve: his notifications are on. ainsley: or is that the ring doorbell. brian: actually my ring doorbell ran out of battery. i didn t know you have to recharge it therefore pretty much of a standoff. i m in a black out. i have no bell and no video. steve: people in your neighborhood know they can go to your house. brian: they can make faces and we would have no idea. ainsley: yesterday we were telling you about healthcare and saying that the republicans were saying we are not going to be able to get this done until after the fourth of july hollywood. the bihollywood holiday. we could see something before we all leave for the fourth of july holiday. brian: the question is did he say it on camera? ainsley: yes he did. listen. healthcare is working along very well we could have a big surprise with a great healthcare package. obamacare is dying. it s essentially dead. if you don t give it the subsidy it will die within 24 hours. it s been a headache for everybody. it s been a nightmare for many. and we are looking at a healthcare that would be a fantastic tribute to our country. healthcare that will take care of people finally for the right reasons and also at the right cost. steve: so what could the big surprise be? well, according to a number of republicans up on capitol hill, mitch mcconnell put out word i want a deal on my desk by friday. get on it. and the problem was there are nine u.s. senators on the republican side who have publicly come out and said neh, not going to happen. at the stage it is right now. i talked to one of them yesterday, one ever the famous ones. he said it seems unlikely they will have a deal by friday. they could. it would take a hurrican herculn effort. can they do it. brian: i appreciate everyone who has their princes and standards. go to work. rand paul says this isn t where i want to be i want to make it right. ron johnson i want to make it right. susan collins go talk to democrats i have to go back to maine and talk to my rural constituents. corker pass the bill 3.8% tax income that gets erased for high earners. and had you jerry more ran, rob portman all say i can t vote for either. i thought senator orrin happen and this could be his last run. he just grumbled. i m as conservative as anybody. you can t be recalcitrant when it comes to this. we don t have a choice. we have to fix it. so go to work. roll up your sleeves. don t go home. ainsley: that s right. senator lindsey graham said if it s not done by friday it s not going to happen. thune said you have to make a decision. the longer it drags out the harder it is to get it to pass to repeal and replace. steve: apparently mitch mcconnell very unhappy it leaked out there was a deadline. nonetheless, what they are doing behind the scenes is trying to figure out does one program need more money or do we have to alter the program completely. it s interesting ted cruz has an idea and this is gain ago lot of traction. apparently. if one insurers have one that meets the affordable care act standards. that same insurer could have is a cheaper plan. for instance they wouldn t have the same benefits. for instance, men wouldn t have to have maternity coverage and stuff like that, which would encourage the young people to get on board. that s what they need. there are a whole bunch of ideas floating around on capitol hill. will they make the friday deadline? stay tuned. brian: i will say just real quick, democrats do say come back. come back to me. i want to deal with you. i want to help out. that was relayed to president trump, senator chuck schumer hasn t been serious about anything. is he serious about this? steve: they said they weren t interested in working on it. ainsley: schumer did say yesterday we ll work together. and joe manchin has been saying that senator rand paul says this could be two different bills it might actually be split. we re going to ask him. he is going to be on the show later. we will talk to him about it. steve: absolutely. meanwhile, i don t know if you have been looking at the entertainment press but cnn has all sorts of problems. they are in turmoil after that story regarding anthony scaramucci who was on our program an hour ago. apparently they didn t have enough sources. the story was incorrect. he asked for them to take it down. they did, they publicly apologized. but then you add that to all sorts of other problems that cnn had had over the last couple evidence months, not good over there. brian: talking about russia, russia, russia. and if there is no story line, are they making it up? and have you these two stories about these two talents. one executive producer, one on camera caught with surveillance video. if this video was true of them saying van jones yesterday that this russia story. ainsley: nothing burger. brian: senior producer, executive producer saying we were told just jam russia my words to paraphrase down everyone s throat. don t talk about anything else. when anthony scare moochy got slimed about to take this position on export import bank. ainsley: he was sitting there. first time he talked on camera about cnn. listen to. this i had a couple conservations with senior staff at cnn. i made it very clear to them that the story was not accurate. and that it was a defamatory story. i reminded them about my legal background. i there it s a bunch of nonsense. i worked on the campaign. i worked on the transition. i think it s a bunch of nonsense. i would like it to stop. certainly was nonsense related to me. it s probably nonsense related to others. what i do think they have to do now is have more checks and balances in the system. they have to be more prudent about what they are saying about people. because i think you re going to leave your own reputation behind. you re going to potentially damage the reputation of the people you are talking about. but once you start to lose your integrity and your reputation as a news organization, people start to get tone deaf. steve: here s the thing for cnn you look at over the last month or so they have had all sorts of problems. you had kathy griffin did that dumb picture with the president s head. she got fired over that. then they had that other host who got fired after calling the president a piece of you know. what then had you donna brazile who when she was at cnn she was actually giving hillary clinton the questions to a town hall meeting. so, they have had all sorts of problems. frame that at the same time cnn, time warner, the parent company is trying to merge with at&t. it s 85 billion-dollar deal. the last thing they would need right now would be 100-million-dollar lawsuit from anthony scaramucci. which he said i love the firing of those three was classy. he made a commented about that. he was making his dry. he has heavyweight legal team who put the fear of jesus in that. ainsley: he said when you don t do anything wrong can you defend yourself and stand up against the press trying to smear your reputation. steve: then have you cnn actually used elmo to try to explain the syrian refugee crisis where kids are kids all over the world. which prompted mark steyn, the host of the mark steyn show to talk about cnn right now who has a credibility problem on their hands. they are actually selling a bag that has all the packaging of potato clips and there are no potato chips inside. that s the problem with the russia story. they went bananas over that malaysian plane that disappeared a couple years ago, but at least there was a malaysian plane that was here one minute and wasn t there the next. here there actually is no malaysian plane and they re covering it i mean you said jeff zucker is telling them to stop real news. you are not entirely accurate on that tucker. yesterday, they interviewed elmo about what he thought of syrian refugees. and oddly enough elmo happens to like them. that actually was the least nutty thing cnn has done in the last few weeks. it s the nearest thing to real news. brian: if you want to follow the russia story. the real story how severe the access and the cyber attack was on our election system and how the administration, previous administration should have been a lot tougher. and how this administration, i hope, will sign off on the tough sanctions that could be coming russia s way. ainsley: elmo story is just cracking me up. they used elmo. steve: cnn has turned elmo into a propaganda tool. brian: against elmo s will. steve: let us know what you think about that. fox about jillian: elmo was once so innocent. what has done with wrong. my daughter s favorite. brian: at one point he was behind this couch not anymore. ainsley: that was other one. that was the magician girl. she came to visit us. brian: she did? she was behind the couch? ainsley: yeah. steve: how about some headlines? jillian: good morning to you at home. let s start with this. some portions of president trump s travel ban will go into effect tonight after the supreme court lifted blocks on the ban earlier this week. it stops travelers from these six muslim majority nations from entering the u.s. for 90 days so the government can review its vetting procedures. to get a visa, people will now need to prove close business or family ties in the country that includes parents, children, spouses and siblings. cousins, fiances and grandparents do not qualify. but visas that have already been approved will not be revoked. the trump administration also rolling out brand new worldwide airport screening rules to make america safe again. homeland security secretary john kelly calling u.s. bound flights the crown jewel target for terrorists. announcing new requirements including stricter vetting, explosive detection and rooting out insider threats to airlines. airports and airlines that fail to follow the rules risk an electronic ban. tonight, president trump will meet with south korean president for the first time at the white house. now the main goal is to get north korea to abandon its rapidly expanding nuclear and missile programs. but the rogue nation s ambassador to the u.n. says north korea will continue beefing up its nuclear arsenal regardless of sanctions or military pressure. this comes as two congressman on both sides of the aisle are proposing a new law restricting american tourism to the country after the death of otto warmbier. peta is getting bold asking twitter for the best arguments for eating bacon. the group had no shortage of replies but senator orrin happen s office deserves special mention for perhaps the best answer of all. quite simple an american flag emogi and several pictures of him eating bacon filled foods. we want know what s your best argument for eating bacon. email us at brian: you have to have a reason? jillian: i m a vegetarian so don t ask me. do you have a reason? steve: absolutely because it s delicious. bacon! jillian: you get that crunch. brian: i m not a vegetarian but i don t eat bacon. i try not to eat red meat or stuff friday with a lot of juice in it i. jillian: is he kidding. brian: not kidding. ainsley: wussification of america right here. brian: i m sorry i should up my cholesterol. pass legislation to protect americans from people in this country illegally. and now the president is about to make good on that promise. jamil shaw whose son was killed by illegal immigrant will join us coming up. steve: and remember elizabeth warren saying the republican party s healthcare plan would kill people? these cuts are blood money. people will die. [cheers] steve: next guest says that type of language from the left is only hurting cause. j.d. hayward is in the studio next. we didn t start the fire your body was made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don t start xeljanz if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a once-daily pill. ask about xeljanz xr. badda book. that s it?. he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at okay, i picked out my dream car. now s the really fun part. choosing the color, the wheels, the interior, everything exactly how i want it. here s the thing: just because i configured this car online doesn t mean it really exists at a dealership, but with truecar, i get real pricing on actual cars in my area. i see what others paid for them, and they show me the ones that match the car i want, so i know i can go to a truecar-certified dealer and it ll be right there waiting for me. today, right now. this is truecar. you.smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors. .for up to 30 days smells nice. breathe happy, with new febreze. these can you say are blood money. people will die. horrible and unspeakable truth is that if this legislation were to pass, many thousands of our fellow americans every single year will die. steve: they will die. more doom and gloom from bernie sanders and elizabeth warren when it comes to the republicans new healthcare replacement bill. next guest says this rhetoric only is driving the american people away from the democratic party. joining us right now is former arizona congressman and radio talk show host j.d. hayward. good to have new studio f. thanks for watching me on news max tv where i will be on at 10:00 this morning. thanks for the plug. steve: a plug machine. let s talk a little bit about that. i m surprised talking about how many people are going to be dies 10 days after assassination attack on steve scalise. okay, enough of that kind of talk. you have to understanding the left is different from you and me. they can say whatever they want. and their apologists in the dominant media culture it s a sign of their carrying. here is what they really care about, government taking more and more control of your life to the point it s cradle to grave government planning, taking your money and telling you what to do. that ain t compassion. that s slavery. steve: i have heard some republicans say you know, we would love it if elizabeth warren or bernie sanders were the standard beariers in 2020. because the american people would realize, wait a minute, bernie sanders is a socialist. do we want to go that far into left field? it s interesting isn t it that bernie has to rent a party as a socialist he wants to run as a democrat. but every time i think about socialists in name and in fact like bernie or socialists who have the democrat label like liz warren i think about what margaret thatcher said the problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people s money. case in point, arizona. the increases on obamacare premiums on average 116%. that s like the temperature in june in the desert. 116% increase in average premiums in arizona. steve: you know the democrats made it very clear with chuck schumer they weren t interested in helping the republicans come up with anything but now they are saying oh, we will go back to fixing the affordable care act. we don t want to start from scratch. if you listen to chuckles yesterday as i used to call him in the house gym. steve: you called him chuckles in the gym? sure. chuckles comes out, forget about these tax cuts. we want social lived medicine and once you accept what we want, then that will be fine. you know, if the democrats treated the russians the way they do republicans, we would have the greatest national security the last eight years of obama would not have been retreat and leading from behind. we might have actually prevailed on the world stage. but they reserve their disdain for republicans rather than foreign powers and enemies. steve: all right. j.d. always a pleasure. check him out on news max television. troop-a-thon raise money for the troops 10 to 4 eastern. steve: arkansas community rattled after a man drives car into 10 commandsments plummet hours after it was unveiled. the man to replace it coming up. monday. can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? brian, i just had a quick question. brian? brian. legacy technology can handcuff any company. but yes is here. you re saying the new app will go live monday?! yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. but with my back pain i couldn t sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i m back! aleve pm for a better am. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. brian: all right. time for a look at news by the numbers and then i will toss it downstairs to ainsley. first 40 months. that s the countdown until the next election. president trump is already raising money. the commander in chief bringing in $10 million at his first re-election fundraiser last night at the trump international hotel. i wonder why how he got that booking. next, 12. that s how many illegal immigrants were busted at the mexican border by border patrol agents catching two alleged drug smugglers trying to bring in $600,000 worth of marijuana into the u.s. that s the story yesterday. finally we are at 4.3%. that s how much nato allies are going to increase defense spending this year. america s european allies and canada are expected to spend an additional $12 billion in 2017. this comes as president trump puts pressure on member states to contribute their fair share. i will look over the edge and see what ainsley has prepared. ainsley: hey, brian. i love our new studio. did you a great job. brian: talk to the people. ainsley: i will talk to you people. brand new video this morning showing the monument a car rams into the arkansas state capitol destroying the 10 commandments monument. the suspect is now in custody. the community, of course, is still rattled as this act of violence comes less than one day after that statue was unveiled. joining us now via skype is travis story, general counsel for the american history and heritage foundation and helped raise money for this monument. the group behind the effort to fund and replace the monument. good morning to you, travis. hi, ainsley, how are you this morning? ainsley: i m great. i m so sorry to hear what happened your monument. i know you worked so hard to get that put up and now it s taken down already by this guy who was live streaming the video while he was tearing down the monument ramming it with his car. what was your reaction when you saw that and heard about it? well, honestly the first reaction when i heard early yesterday i told my wife i guess god made a second set of stones for moses so we re going to have to put up a second monument. that s where we are is we re resolved to seat law come to fruition and to have the monument put up and to stand and so we are already in that process right now. ainsley: what are you going to do when you build the next monument and do put it up? i know you are raising money for that go fund me page. go fund and go to 10 commandments ar as in arkansas if you want to give money so that this monument can go back up again. what are you going to do to prevent this respecting from happening in the future? so we are already in talks with the secretary of state s office here in the state capitol of arkansas that will see what we can do to actually secure that. this has been taken into account and when you look at the video he actually came from kind of up a grassy knoll that you would expect to have a car. this was something that obviously wasn t thought this would be the direction someone would come to take this act of violence. that s really what s important here where the civil discourse is taking us where someone is committing an act of violence against really everybody in the state of arkansas. that s what is so disturbing about this one individual s actions. ainsley: against the 10 commandments. unbelievable when you think about what this guy did. why is the monument so important to you, travis? i think the thing to realize is as an attorney i realize where our laws come from. and they come from the 10 commandments: that s why it s so important to have a piece of the american really heritage and history that s put on the state capitol grounds. when we look around, there is great monuments on arkansas capital grounds. wasn t anything to signify where our laws come from. that s why we felt we needed to bring this to the state of arkansas. it s been a long, two-year process going through all the approvals. it s there now. even since this has happened we have received an outpouring of people who are requesting can you help us do this in our communities in various states and county courthouses. ainsley: okay. how much money do you need to build it again? well, it took us about $26,000 is what we raised the first time. and given where we are, the insurance probably isn t going to be able to cover it from the man s car insurance, so we re going to have to replace it we re committed to do that we made a commitment to the state of arkansas and the people of arkansas that we would bring the monument to the capital grounds and we will be there to bring it back. and we are going to do that as quick as we can. ainsley: i m sure our viewers will help you. we have the best viewers. they love god. they love faith. they love this country. if you want to donate again go to go fund and type in forward slash 10 commandments ar. can you see it at the bottom of our screen if you want to give money. we will report to the viewers how familiar you raised after this segment. god bless you. thanks for what you are doing. he sat next to the president when he urged president to identify pass legislation to protect americans from people in this country illegally and now the president is about to make good on that promise. jamil shaw, whose son was killed, there s his picture, by an illegal immigrant. he is going to join us coming up to tell us about his son and what he thinks about this. and the female fighter battling isis unfazed by sniper fire just missing her head. [gunfire] ainsley: wow, that was close. the incredible story behind that video right there. that was next. wake up in the morning don t know what happened whoa, something bad whoa, something bad and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. hey, bud. you need some help? no, i m good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that s it. (vo) we just didn t think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it s a subaru. hit could be the next big thing i should totally get that domain name. get your great idea online too. get your domain today, and get. .a free trial of gocentral from godaddy if you enter this country illegally, you violate the laws of this country, you should know that and you should not feel comfortable that it s okay. you can just, you know, think everything is fine, because it s not. you violated the law of this country. ainsley: just hours from now the house voting on two immigration bills we have been talking about a day after the president invited families of the victims of murdered of those murdered by illegal immigrants to the white house. steve: our next guest has fought for reform since 2008 when his son was shot and killed by an illegal. jamil shaw was at the president s meeting yesterday and he joins us live from our nation s cap toll. for folks that don t know about your son s story. tell us about your son and tell us what happened to him. yeah. on march the 2nd, 2008. we had went to a football clinic in pasadena. on the way home he asked if he could go to the mall. of course i didn t want to do it but i let him go. the day before he asked if he could go to a party. i said you can t go to party around here. i said you know why, right? he said i know, i might get shot. the next day he was dead. it drives me crazy because 10 years later and we did all the things right and for him to end up with a casket and then, you know, it s just so it just sucks. steve: who was person who killed your son? illegal alien 18th street gang member that was a so-called dreamer. he was brought into the country 3 years old and they raised him like a rabid pit bull. let him do whatever he wanted to. he committed crime after crime. put schools on lockdown. he was like satan s disciple, and they let him run rampant. the day before he killed my son he was in l.a. county jail on assault with a deadly weapon. battery on a police officer, resisting arrest. they still let him out four months early time. let him out on a saturday night on the same night he went out and saw my son walking down the street and shot him to death just for the hell of it. brian: now we understand jamil there is going to be action. you told your story, the president heard about it when he was just trying to get the nomination. he kept with you. and then yesterday you are sitting by his side and what was that likes a he made this crackdown on illegals official. that was awesome. i m a little bitty guy from l.a. a little speck so to speak. and to be, you know, for the president of the united states to pay attention to you that s major. that s a major deal. just so sit there on right side and put me there and it was awesome, you know, and to see that he really cares. he is a truman, you know. i really wish people give him a chance to do what he got to do. they will see that he is an awesome guy. ainsley: he wanted to do that to honor your son. we re so sorry when we hear your story as parents. we just could not imagine. what is the message for people that support these sanctuary cities and support these illegal immigrants to be here in our country, these criminal illegal immigrants. what s your message to them? why would you be against that? you know, the life you are saving could be your own, your family members. it happened to me. i had no idea when i woke up sunday morning that that would be my son s last day and to go through that process and then the day ends with him dead, you know. it just seems so, i mean, it s bizarre. you can t even i mean, you can t even talk about it, you know. and people embrace this as they are doing the right thing because we want to be safe, you know. they have all the examples of dead people from babies to grandparents, everybody in between. you know, if you are against that. then it s your fault. like it is now. brian: jamil, now it s not a conversation, now it s legislation. and it s going to be put before the house. expected to pass the house. it s supposed to have a tougher time in the senate. from what you read, from what you understanding, what s your message to the senate? do your job. you know, protect the people. you know, we are here. we need protection. we are running out here like lambs in the saharan getty. lions, everybody is trying to take advantage of us. all we have is you guys to help us. we need law enforcement to do their job so we can walk the streets. my son thought he could walk down the street without being murdered. do you know what i mean? can you imagine what he thought when he had a gun on n. his face on his own street. i m getting ready to die. shot in the stomach. guy goes over to his head. the coroner said he was laying on his back with hands up through the air. shot him through his hand into his head. i was home. i heard the gunshots. to come outside and see him laying there all his blood and brains in the street. i still can t understand. i still 10 years later, i still don t even believe it happened. brian: have you told us this story before, every time you say it we can t believe it happened. it s sad but at least people you have a president taking action now. yeah. brian: hopefully legislators will get behind it. ainsley: how do you live on like that. i can t imagine if something happened to my daughter. what gets you through each day? to be truthful, you just wake up and go to sleep and in between you are not dead. i mean, i don t know what else to say. you wake up thinking about it did you go to bed. your whole life is just living the past. and you just can t move on. you know, the whole family is devastated. friends. and it s just and to see the politicians act like it s just part of, you know, the circle of life to be shot dead in the street. that s just unacceptable. steve: well, if these bills are enacted it would certainly be part of your son s legacy. jamil, thank you very much for joining us and telling us your story. thank you, guys. keep up the good work. you are doing good for the country. steve: thank you very much. that means a lot. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. so powerful. ainsley: the president did say he promise all those parents your child did not die in vein. promised to get something done. brian: jillian have you an important story you are leading with right now. jillian: video of a kurdish soldier fighting isis show nothing fear as a bullet just mists her head by inches. [gunshot] ainsley: bullet hitting a wall inches from her face during an isis shootout in raqqa city. moments later she smiled poking her head out and tongue out laughing. ainsley: teachers may soon be allowed to bring their guns to pass class. allow school employees licensed to carry the ability to store their gun in a safe in their classroom or office. the measure headed to the house for approval. more and more teachers across the country are learning how to use a gun to better protect their students from a potential threat. well, don t mess with this soon to be mom. a suspected purse thief learning the hard way as a pregnant woman runs him down in a wal-mart parking lot. take a look. jumped in the car, throwed it in gear and come across the cush and ran him over. the somebody taken to the hospital for minor injuries and hauled off to jail. is he facing several charges. a man in texas is paying it forward for a complete stranger who walked three miles to work every day. andy mitchell surprising the 20-year-old with his very own car. [cheers] ainsley: after offering him a ride. mitchell and his friends decided to raise money for him to have his very own car. surprise going viral on facebook live with over 1 million views. we like those good samaritan stories, guys. steve: how great is that? the side benefit is now he is going to be to work sooner. is he not going to have to walk. that s great. thank you, jillian. ainsley: must have been watching oprah. you get a car. you get a car. brian: only happens if you are in other audiences. now you need to know that guy. special election under president trump. why hasn t he shown up to work yet. it s been three weeks. ainsley: as americans look to fix our healthcare i read that wrong. should would he be looking down under for guidance? nic couldn t wait to become an american citizen and he is going to weigh in on it walk this way walk this way walk this way i m leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven t noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can t remember that. stop this madness. if it s appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. i have news. i ve used most of our cellular data. come on, susan lucci! yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day men s complete with key nutrients we may need. plus heart-health support with b vitamins. one a day men s in gummies and tablets. we have quick headlines for you. turns out smart children get a lot more than good grades. they also get long lives. stiff vocabulary. not to mention a phenomenal grasp of grammar. ainsley: little rascals. find low iq scores have a risk of dying from heart disease and respiratory later in life. still unknown. no more rough mornings thanks to hangovers. slogan of hangover tour. the already has 10,000 people on the wait list. contains her ball breaking down cellular inflammation cause nausea and vomiting. available for purchase on july 5th. right after the holiday. brian? brian: our entire staff is writing that down too along with the crew to see if it s going to help. learn a lot about healthcare to see obamacare fix. some are looking to other countries like australia for inspiration. with the australia system so much like us in many ways work for america? here to discuss is the author of green card warrior retaking america nick adams. welcome. you lived in australia. now in the american system. do you wish we had single pair system? there is a big difference between australia and america in so many ways. ideological and cultural difference. i don t think what runs smooth in australia would translate well in the united states of america. when you think about australia, it s a big island, physically very large but the population of florida. there are more texans than as yoaustralians and more californians than australians. lifestyle has to be considered. on top of that australia doesn t have the added pressure of bordering countries where people of other countries can come in to the united states and use the system. brian: right. you are saying right now if you are a new immigrant or illegal immigrant, you are not using the australian healthcare system. that s right. so obviously australia has a very strict immigration policy which means we don t have the illegal immigration problem that the united states of america has. and i think that one of the big burdens and stresses on the american system is that so many people that are illegal here in the united states are using it. brian: right. so, one way in which the cultures are the same. another way in which he they re are not. another point is canada, you believe the quality of australian healthcare is also good. i have heard big complaints about the u.k. quality and long lines. you guys don t have that problem. no. the quality. brian: your former country. my former, that s right. it s good. it s good. brian, i think the really important point here is that there is a big cultural divide that most americans don t know that exist between australia and america. and that is that here in the united states of america, there is a sink or swim culture there is a capitalist idea. there is an idea that rights come from god and the constitution. whereas australians see healthcare as a right. and as a result, i don t think that americans would costs being brian: you just defined american debate right now. right now most democrats say it s a right. and most republicans say it isn t. that s right. it s all about what you want. if you believe in freedom. if you believe in a sink or swim culture and striving for greatness and not mediocrity then the american system is the way to go. if you believe in the welfare state, then really the australian system is what you are going to prefer. brian: and you are here. that s right. nick adams, i appreciate it? always a pleasure. brian: speaking of healthcare, senator rand paul will join us at the top of the hour. he has a plan that will guide this bill in half. he will explain. plus, if you are planning to cash in on the fourth of july shopping deals, we have the bargains on our plaza like a robot that cleans your grill. gugigantor. grew another inch. became the fourth player in major league history 4,000 career strikeouts and 2007 the apple iphone went on sale as you know no one bought it and went out of business. [laughter] my momma told me you better shop around these birds once affected by oil are heading back home. thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it s tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home steve: well, the fourth of july weekend is a great time to get some great shopping deals. this morning we are bringing the deals directly to you. jillian: taking all the work out of it for you. meghan meany is taking all the work out of it? hi, guys. jillian: mega morning deals is where you are from. you are back with more savings for fox & friends viewers. i am. jillian: what do we have here? we start with the grill. everyone is grilling this summer. it s the fourth of july weekend. we have the grill bot. a robot that cleans your grill. so easy, guys. all do you is press this button 1, 2, or 3 times. 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes. set it and forget it you put it on the grill. you close the lid. it does everything itself. these brushes are so strong. you don t have to put any fluids, anything to clean it. just and it comes with two sets of replacement brushes and the carrying case. the grill bot at 61% off today when you go to fox & friends. look for the mega morning deals. it s $6 instead of 1750. what a deal. jillian: what do we have here? when you are golfing, steve, this summer you can take these towels. you wet them, you ring them out and they have it cooling effect. do you feel how chilly they are? it s as if you have had them in the refrigerator. you put them on your neck and your body. steve: is this nas a technology. keeps you heat free. pulls the heat out of your skin. get two of them and two bottles. they go for 16 bucks. so they are 60% off today for you. typically $40. take them biking this summer. okay. now, when you are chilling out and washing some summer flicks maybe on your bed, you might want the cushion with a k. it s a blue tooth pillow. throw pillow. put it on the couch our your bed. hooks up to four devices in the room. you guys i m telling you the sound is amazing. it has a usb cord plug in over here. you can public in your cell phone and listen to audio books, movies, your gaming consoles. steve: a lot of people, meghan go to their bedroom to turn voices off. this turns voices on. mozart then. it s typically $300 this thing. today for you guys it s 70% off. $89 mega morning deals. look for the icon on the website. so we know apple has wireless ear buds now. so this is a wireless ear bud. you pop that right in your ear. it s a one-touch situation. blue tooth. jillian: very cool. be hands free while you are jogging. you can even answer your phone with this. you can hit redial. all one button. jillian: you don t have the cords because this is what happens when you have the cords. it s a mess. steve: apple ipod ear buds are expensive how much are those? $99. i m sorry. i m sorry. $12. see, 70% off today. so, typically they are $40. it s the chairs that are $99. okay. so these are made of yellow cedar. the classic adirondack covered in polyyou re tee poll policy p. super colors, super easy. $99. typically 249. steve: very comfortable. basically i have hooked you up this morning. you have everything you need for the fourth of july. steve: any of this stuff you are interested in go to and look for the mega deal. i hear rand paul, the u.s. senator is going to be joining us top of the hour. and jillian: only democrat to win a special election under president trump. why hasn t he shown up for work yet? it s been almost three weeks. steve: thank you, meghan suddenly i see why the hell health care is working along very well. we re going to have a big surprise with a great health care package. i spoke with the president, and he and i kind of came up with an idea that i think is a break through. and this would be to separate this into two bills. there is not much of a consensus for repealing obamacare. i think they should admit that this is not a bill that will repeal obamacare. it s a bill to fix obamacare. travel ban about to take effect. the homeland security department about to issue new rules for international flights coming into the country. this announcement we send a clear action that inaction is not aboption. susan rice has raised new questions. she strongly suggest her race and gender play a big role back to benghazi, really. it s a week that will live in infamy in the history of cnn and if anything, getting worse by the day. i thought the whole thing was unfair. i had a couple of conversations with senior staff at cnn. i made it very clear to them that the story was not accurate. once you start to lose your integrity as a news organization, people start to get tone deaf. brian: how many people in imagine dragons? like queen, it sounds like they have 30 people. steve: no idea. brian: it sounds like a big group. steve: don t you have google? can t you look this up? brian: i don t know the song until we hear it. ainsley: the producer back there putting it all together, we re listening what song are they going to put? and they put it on the screen if you want to download it. steve: this is a question kentucky senator rand paul. how many members in imagine dragons, senator? got to be four. my guess. brian: at least four. they re very good at singing. ainsley: when we asked you to come on, maybe we ll talk to you about health care. is this thing really going to happen by the end of the week? you know, i still sense we re at impasse, and i sunniest that yesterday at lunch with the republic caucus because, yeah, there s still quite a bit of disagreement. and there s basically two faxes. conservatives like myself who don t want new federal programs, we want to repeal obamacare. and then the moderates who keep obamacare, and they re not to oppose the new federal government programs. so what i ve come up with, and i talked to the president about this is what about dividing the bill in two? do the repeal, which no democrat will vote for, repeal the taxes, repeal the regulations, and fix medicaid that helps to pay for everything. reform medicaid. no democrats will vote for anything good like that. but democrats will always vote for spending. so the big government republicans that want more spending take the spending and put it in a bill that the democrats will vote for. there s about 20 different bills democrats vote for every year. stick on one of those bills and now you have two bills. boom. you get it done in five minutes. and the president seems open and interested in the idea. steve: well, what about mitch mcconnell? he also has nine senate republicans opposing the bill, and then you have the public, a brand-new university poll says only 12% support. the plan, as we know it, so maybe your plan would be a winner. well, see, the typical way in washington is they give everybody money, and i think that s what s going to happen now. they have 200 billion that s supposedly extra money. but there are several of us that are fiscal conservatives that want smaller government, repeal of obamacare, and the question is are they going to try to get conservatives on the bill? if they don t, and we re still at impasse, then what i would say is why don t we split the bills in two, let conservatives have a clean repeal, or a cleaner repeal, and then let the moderates vote on some big spending bil b. so, senator, do you think that s what the president was referring to when he said there was a bit of a surprise that could come as early as friday? you know, i don t know. but i do know that it is my belief the president is open. i ve had great conversations with him. i do believe that i connect with had me i, and i feel like we re really on the same side when i talk to him, and i don t always get that feeling when we re in the senate. brian: how many people of the ten that object with this and how many are sitting to be impressed? well, i think half of them want more money and half want less money. every time you stuff more money in it for the moderates, it offends the conservatives. so if you separate the bills, you could keep stuffing until the printing machine runs out of money, and then probably get the same result. but you ll get conservatives to vote for a cleaner repeal, which you won t get if you stuff a bunch of money in this one. ainsley: senator, what s your message to the constituents that are watching that are furious because they want this thing passed? many people who voted for president trump, they voted for him for repealing and replacing, and it s not happening. and many people think it s because of the senate, it s because of the house that nothing s getting done, and you re one of those ten that is not in favor of this bill. so what do you say to your constituents? it s probably not been a bigger of the president on the hill than myself. i voted for him, i supported him, i still support him. i also promised to repeal obamacare, and i just can t vote for a bill that keeps it. the bill as it stands currently keeps obamacare. my fear with the money they re trying to add more obamacare add more federal spending. you know, here s the worst thing. one of the worst things. there s something they call stabilization fund. $130billion. steve: flush fund. yeah, we re $105 billion in the hole this year. and we ll lower insurance rates by subsidizing. it s, like, look, i have an old car. i want a new car. i pay high rent in dc for my apartment. could you have a rent stabilization fund? you could lower any price if you thought there was no limit to the taxpayer to just dump money to a lower price. that s not the republican way, not conservative, and it s not capitalism. steve: sure. senator, a moment ago, you said you and the president seem to be on the same page. it sounded like you were taking a shot at the republican leadership in the senate. not so much behind closed doors. you know, i think the president is a leader, and i think he has the ability to lead the way on this, and like i said, we re on the same page on this. i think if he leads the way and tells them, guys, we re going to do two bills. one s going to be more repeal, and one is going to be more of federal programs and moderates will get to vote for a second one and conservatives get to vote for the first one. i don t know i think he could do it. i think he has the force of personality and the bully pulpit of the presidency to do it. brian: senator, there s a compromise on this. and on the big picture, i know you can drill down because you grew up in the medical profession. you do get $320 billion. if you increase medicaid for moderates and get your conservative cuts, isn t that compromise? yeah. there s kind of a funny math going on here. when they say they re saving $300 billion, it s off of a baseline that goes like those. so spending goes like this, and when you pass it, it still goes like this, but you still have a $500 billion deficit, so it s not actually fiscally conservative. we re leaving $300 billion is what we re leaving of obamacare. ainsley: all right. let s talk about what s happening over at cnn. they had to retract that story about apt scaramucci being connected to a russian bank. and he s saying that s not true. i have an attorney. i m going to go after you guys. i stand behind my record and my reputation. so now they re covering the russia story in a different way, and they sent out an e-mail that the press got their hands on of how they re changing their reporting on russia. we had anthony scaramucci, the first-timer has on camera since all of this happened this morning on our show. we ll get your reaction. i had a number of conversations, i made it very clear to them that the story was not accurate, i remind them about my legal background. i think it s a bunch of nonsense. i think it s a bunch of nonsense. i would like it to stop. it s probably nonsense related to others. what i do think they have to do now is have more biomechanics and balances in the system. they have to be more prudent about what they re saying to people because i think you re going to leave your own reputation behind. you re going to potentially damage the reputation of people you re talking about. but once you start to lose your integrity and your reputation in news organization, people start to get tone deaf. ainsley: so, senator, we heard all of this in the main street media and russia. so what is your reaction on the way the main street media is handling this? is it backfire? i think the whole russia thing about trump and russia is a witch hunt. they re still depressed they lost the election and they re looking at things, like, oh, so-and-so once upon a time met the russian ambassador. most senators in washington have met the russian ambassador and a dozen other ambassadors or month. so, yeah, i think that it s always been sour grapes. witch hunt. certainly, if they had some really show you what has been marked as gun, they would have shown it. and the fact that they re not. but what i hate about this is we ve been investigating this for the whole presidency. the whole first term this is going to be investigated and then finally they ll say whoops. we didn t really have anything. steve: well, you know why. they don t want him to get anything done. yeah. so it s kind of a misdirection campaign trying to keep us off track of things that we could do that s good for the country. brian: and those people that keep saying the president does not understand health care, what s your reaction? you know, i think he has very keen insight into the political process. he has great instincts as to what would be good for business. what would be good for jobs. and so i haven t seen that at all. when i ve had meetings with hum, and i ve had lots of conversations in the last couple of months, i sense that it s a person who really does get exactly not only the intricacies of it but what would be good for america. brian: and do yourself a favor. don t let him win. okay? you don t want to beat the president. see, unfortunately, it s not letting. he actually beats me fair and square. steve: he owns golf courses. but i will tell you. we re on the first tee, and he said what was my handicap? and he offered to give me a stroke on each nine, and i said, no, mr. president, i don t tack any welfare. brian: all right. good job. you stand for something. appreciate it. ainsley: let s take it over to jillian who has headlines for us. good thursday morning to you guys. let s begin with this right now. today president trump will meet with south korean president for the first time. the goal of the white house meeting is to get north korea to abandon its missile program. the ambassador of un says north korea will continue to beef up its nuclear arsenal regardless of sanctions or military pressure. now, this congressman on both sides of the aisle propose a new law that would ban american tourism in the country after otto warmbier s death. and now to weather. severe storms weren t moving through the midwest overnight. multiple tornadoes ripping through iowa and wisconsin. and just outside cedar rapids, one woman was hurt. several twisters in wisconsin including damaged homes and overturned cars. and arizona now in a state of emergency after 40 wild cars rage out of control. 21,000 acres have been burned forcing evacuations. the fires burning in the same area. 19 firefighters were killed fighting the fire in 2013. tim tebow he didn t his minor league baseball promotion. tebow mania still going strong. the former professional football player hitting a home run during his first day. this marks his fourth home run of the season. he had three hits yesterday. this is off a 92-mile per hour fastball. so if you re a tebow fan, then go ahead. steve: he can play baseball. ainsley: do you like him? do you like him? ehh. ainsley: what? you love him, don t you? you re a philly girl, that s why. yeah. yeah. brian: back in florida hitting the ball well. ainsley: he is such a good guy. i love him. brian: and if you strike out, that means he doesn t bless you; right? steve: he s getting sick of winning, winning, winning. steve: all right. we re going to step aside. more fox and friends after a brief time out . stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. buttrust angie s list to help., [ barks ] visit today. brian: all right. the ball back in president trump s court now allowing him to follow through on a key campaign promise making america safe again. steve: in just a few hours, parts of the revised travel ban are actually going to kick in, take effect. that as the white house rolls out brand-new screening rules for airports worldwide. brian: it went so smooth the first time. ainsley: rob schmidt has all the details for us. we re hoping for a smoother run than the first time. brian: chuck schumer is crying about this. chuck schumer is always crying. starting at 8:00 travelers from six muslim majority countries who are not citizens. green card holders or have ties to school business or immediate family in the united states will not be allowed in for 90 days. now, this affects six countries, and you ve seen them before, syria, iran, yemen, sudan and libya. also on hold for 120 days to come up with a new extreme vetting system to make traveling safer. the supreme court lifting blocks on the ban from lower courts that many saw as being liberal bias. that happened earlier this week. and if you re taking a big trip overseas, expect tighter security on your flight deck. that s the other news today. homeland security top boss calling john kelly the crown jewel target for terrorists and rolling out brand-new worldwide airport screening. our enemies are constantly working to find new methods for disguising explosives, recruiting insiders, and hijacking aircraft. we must put in place new measures across the board. inaction is not an option. all right. the new restrictions include stricter vetting, and rooting out insider threats to airlines. airports and airlines around the world that fail to follow these rules do risk an electronic ban on the united states or even a ban flying into the u.s. at all. the new global standard will be implemented here in the coming weeks and months. a lot of it you won t see and a lot of it they won t tell us what it is they re doing. which is the idea. that you can t get around it. so tonight at 8:00; right? tonight at 8:00, and i think we just saw a reporter head out and walk to jfk airport, so we re hoping everything is smooth sailing this time, but we ll have to wait and see. and by the time the supreme court gets a look at this, 90 days could be up. by october, it will probably be a mute point. all right. thank you, rob. thank you, sir. coming up, the president promised that he s going to protect americans and today congress has a chance to deliver. and he s the only democrat to be elected to congress. so why doesn t he shop at work yet? it s been three weeks. i m waiting (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she s all yours. 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well, first of all, it s important for all americans. i even hate the term sanctuary cities because sanctuary for whom? it s not sanctuary for the cops who have to deal with these people or the victims like the young, promising football star. but i would also say this as a hispanic. most of the time look, you shouldn t be here in the first place. if you re an illegal immigrant and on top of that you commit a crime, you need to be gone yesterday. brian: yet, the house will pass it, and the senate could be stuck with it. how do you explain that? well, brian, i will say this. political correctness sometimes it s not just dumb, it can be deadly. and regarding the hispanics, by the way, very often the victims of these dangerous illegal aliens are hispanics. because those are the communities in which they roy. so we all know about kate steinle who was killed in san francisco, an awful and very well publicized case. a less publicized happened in los angeles where sandra duran who was killed by an illegal immigrant who was deported five times. so there you had an hispanic legal american citizen killed by somebody who shouldn t have been here in the first place. these are preventable crimes, and i give the president so much credit that he s putting america first, and he s saying political correctness, enough. we re not going to cater to a leftist lobby that wants to claim. people like i love chicago. people like rob emmanuel. chicago, unfortunately, is practically the wild west and yet what s he concerned with? protecting dangerous illegals. brian: and yet they re spending all of this money making sure illegals get proper protection and schooling, which is not fair to the citizens. a lot of people say on percentage, illegals aren t committing that much crime, but this is grandstanding. i m a son of an immigrant, all of us were not so we love immigration, but i lovitz in a front, by the way, to immigrants who do it the right way. it s a hard process to become an american. it s expensive, it s time-consuming. people like my father who do it the right way, it s disrespectful to them to say you can then hop the line and cheat the system. the message to americans, though, many people went to the polls for donald trump because the message it s sending to hard working americans if you re a criminal, you re here illegally, you have sanctuary, you have more rights than the people who are paying taxes. it s almost obscene, isn t it? ainsley, to think about that, and i will tell you somebody who worked very hard on the trump campaign when i would go to rallies, when i would meet people, regular-working americans, this issue got them more fired up than almost anything else i could think of. number one, it s about their safety but also national security policy, having a porous border which we had previously, the president is already securing the border. and why should they have to compete in a labor market who are almost always willing to work for lower wages. for economic reasons, security reasons, crime reasons, we are going to get control. we are already getting control of our immigration system. brian: steve cortez, thank you very much. thank you for having me. brian: a man drives his car into the ten commandments national monument just hours after it was put up. where is that man now and the effort to put the man meant back up. ainsley: there s a gofundme. and the media triggered by the white house new press briefing rules. what we re witnessing right now is just this erosion of freedoms in terms of covering the president of the united states. ainsley: clinton former press secretary disagrees usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. the process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like you re a part of the family. i love that i can pass the membership to my children. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. so when i need to book a hotel to me tharoom,vacation. i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it, with great summer deals up to 40% off. visit booking.yeah! we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. brian: we know this week it has all been about health care. but the under current has been the tension between the white house press core and the white house because they re changing the rules because of the way the first five months has gone between what they feel is unfair treatment and in questioning on one story line, and that s russia, russia, russia. and some of the inaccuracies. and this press office has taken action. steve: they have. let s face it we heard from the white house, a number of white house reporters are grand standards or just trying to get into a confrontation to become youtube stars. so now what they re doing is occasionally they will have the briefing on camera and off camera. and sometimes there s a reporter from jim over at cnn, he hates the fact that sometimes they pull the plug. watch this. what we re witnessing right now is the erosion of. i could hold up my phone tomorrow and live stream that press briefing with sarah sanders, whoever comes in there, and that is just where technology is right now. so to think that we re going backwards and not having things on camera is preposterous. steve: going backwards. brian: right. so the question is is it that big of a deal? is it that historic, that unprecedented that a white house briefing would not be on camera? the answer is, no. in fact, a lot of past secretaries on both sides of the aisle think it should stop. steve: press secretary for george w. bush and mike who actually turned on the cameras, together they sent out this tweet. ainsley: they said we support no live tv coverage of white house briefing. embargo it. and let it be used but not as live tv. for the white house and the press. there s the televised and the mccurry version, when they actually decided they would go ahead and televise these things, they were relatively boring in this this particular presidential cycle. but it s interesting because dd meyers, who was also press secretary, she was on c-span a number of years ago. we went to the back of the vault to pull this out where the clinton white house knew it was not a good idea to have it televised. i can t remember exactly when we stopped it, but it was done it was a new administration. i think we wanted to talk about what was going on here. i think we found that it wasn t really necessary. the briefing is more of an opportunity to exchange ideas and have a conversation about what s happening. that wasn t really happening in a way that as productively as we would hope. brian: and once in a time, you have a story for what s happening that day in the white house. i get it. but every single time they re saying we re doing this on the white house. and the first question is about russia and kislack and then some other ambassador, and then they would just sit there and cut sean spicer off and people lose their temper, ratings go up, reporters run out, they feel like they re big stars, and the administration was tired of being trampled on. steve: well, here s the thing. reporters still get to ask any question they want, and then the white house will answer it the way they want. not like they re saying okay. we re not going to answer any of your questions. we re just not going to answer them on tv, necessarily. ainsley: right so what does it say about the reporters that want the tv cameras there? they want to be on tv, they want to be on facetime, on youtube, they want to be a star when really your job is to get the information and pass it on to the folks at home who are working to put food on the table. we re all paid to sit in the white house and sit in the press briefing room to get the information to you. it doesn t matter how you get. steve: it does if you re on camera and here s the thing. rush limbaugh think so what s going on right now, the argument over whether or not it should be televised, not a good thing for the reporters. the media is now gob smacked. they re in the process of humiliating themselves every day. they re embarrassing themselves. the latest example, and it s glaring is cnn and the three people who had to resign or quit about a trump associate working with banks and russia, the whole story has simply consumed the media. brian: and it s self indulging. you re focusing on your lawn and everybody else in the neighborhood cares about your lawn. this is your career, this is your report, and this is your problem that you ve gotten to the point point where the press secretary doesn t want to call on you anymore. i mean, sean spicer does not call on him, but he gets his questions answered. so as a reporter, you go to the white house and say this as opposed to talking to a sound byte of the white house. what s the big deal? steve: so what do you think? rush limbaugh think so the media are humiliating themselves. do you think it s important to see the person in the press briefing room asking the spokesperson the question. or do you just want to hear the words? let us know. friends at we re going to read it all day long. ainsley: in the meantime, we re going to hand it over to jillian who has headlines for you. good morning. let s begin here. a man has been hauled off to jail accused of slamming his car into a controversial ten commandments monument and then posting it on facebook. freedom. police say that was 32-year-old michael who has destroyed monuments before. it was finally put on arkansas grounds after years of debate. general counsel for the american history and heritage foundation joined us earlier to discuss the effort to fund and replace the monument. we re going to have to replace it. we re committed to do that. we made a commitment to the state of arkansas and the people of arkansas that we would bring the monument to the capitol grounds, and we re going to be there to bring it back. and we are going to do that as quick as we can. a gofundme page has been set up to finance that, already raising nearly $45,000. he s the only democrat to win a special congressional election in the trump era but weeks later, he still hasn t shown up for work. jimmy gomez was voted to represent california on june 6th, but he won t be sworn in until next month. house majority leader kevin mccarthy sent him a leader this week saying if he doesn t start working soon, he should resign. pita is getting bold. the group had no shortage of replays but senator s office deserves special mention for perhaps the best answer of all. it s simple. just an american flag emoji and then of course several pictures of him eating bacon-filled food. we re getting a lot of comment about this; right? what are people saying. john says you had me at bacon. steve: meanwhile, cheryl saying the secret to a long life is eating a slice of bacon every day. brian: who is that 103 year old? i couldn t have made that up. and one viewer says it s necessary because it s in my name. ainsley: and john writes this and says god did not promise happiness, but he did give us bacon, and that s pretty close. brian: hey, and, by the way, against them today, against tim tebow and against bacon. steve: here she comes. i have to interject if you re going to throw me under the bus. i was a former sports reporter, and not just loving his nfl career. brian: i m with you. i want to see him go to canada and then convince everybody. or if the quarterback isn t working, become a tightened or switch positions. ainsley: he had a home run yesterday. and there s nothing wrong with that. because he is a good role model to our children and the nicest guy. steve: we ll see him at the world series this year; right? maybe not. i like to become a mets fan. steve: good luck. meanwhile. brian: she loves single eight ball. new calls for robert to step down. should he? robert says got to go. going to make the case next. ainsley: plus, she fought breast cancer, and she won. now our own gerri willis is cooking with friends sharing the comfort food that pulled her through. yay. today, we re out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this. how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn t, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn t know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there s good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it s time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. what s the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. the only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. and snoring.. does your bed do that? right now save on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, it s the lowest prices of the season with savings of $500 on our most popular p5 bed. ends saturday. brian: all right. some sports headlines right now, unless someone stops me in the middle. the world champion chicago cubs making the second trip to the white house to meet with president trump. they first met with president obama back in january. but is this meeting overshadowing the rest? team owner and senator ted cruz social media going crazy. they look exactly alike. am i right? and quarterback eli manning making a special appearance in the new jersey courtroom. tmz video showing him in a striped polo shirt paying an $89 fine for driving on the shoulder of the road because he s eli manning and apparently bill bel can do more than coach football, he can sing. he sang bon jovi back in 2014. we recorded it. that was a bunch of super bowls ago. coach and his girlfriend doing the magazine interview to raise money for the foundation helping kids through sports. he also walked around with his sweater and looked very relaxed. not many people see him like that. steve. steve: thank you, brian. new calls for special council robert muller to recuse himself from the investigation into president trump s administration and resign. citing his close relationship with former fbi director james comey. the white house calling such a move political suicide. here for reaction is the host of the property man on fox business and fox news legal analyst join us from vegas, baby. just y do you say mr. muller should say you know what? you re right. i m too chummy with mr. comey. i ve got to get out of here. the real victims of this are the american people and if you look back, steve, when certain senators made statements about sessions, it parallels why mr. muller should step away because we as lawyers, we have an obligation that there should never be an appearance of impropriety on any level. and what we ve learned to reference the relationship with comey and also the question is if it is mute and there s no evidence, what is the reason to even go on with that investigation? steve: sure. well, the department of justice rule is pretty clear, bob. it reads no department of justice employee may participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct, which is being investigated. do we know how close they are? and, you know, at the same time, we ve heard so many people say that robert muller is a man of great integrity. yes. and that s the issue. he s a great lawyer. i don t know the man personally. only professionally, and it would seem we only know by what s reported. you would think because of the case factually that it is not an agendized investigation. it should be in the best interest of the country because when a special prosecutor or counsel is appointed, it s appointed because the attorney general did not have the right standing, and they recused themself. and as a result, the american people should feel that this special counsel is going to bring untainted, untarnished information to the public. if that relationship is real, what s been appointed, then i believe in the best interest of the country, not an agenda, he should respectfully say you know what? i want what s best for the country. i m going to step down. that s what should happen if that s the case. steve: all right. we ll stand up for that. bob, thank you for getting up early in las vegas today. okay. steve, always a pleasure. steve: meanwhile, before the top of the hour, she fought breast cancer and won and now our own gerri willis is cooking with friends sharing the comfort food that pulled her through, and it smells delicious. meanwhile, 12 floors above us is bill. oh, you re out in washington. good morning, steve. health care, syria, russia, the white house briefing. all for sarah huckabee sanders when she joins us live here coming up today. also, newt gingrich, whether the president needs to address the country and health care and speech and more. new travel ban goes into effect as homeland security takes serious measures on what you can and cannot bring onto a plane into our country. we ll tell you about that. and the clock is running here in dc. it will be a 36-hour sprint to the holiday break, and it all starts in ten minutes. we ll see you at the top of the hour here on america s newsm t sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i m back! aleve pm for a better am. how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. whattwo servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. went on a chemo diet. there was that. it s been a while. i was diagnosed back in may, and i wrote to fox viewers i m going to be back. don t be sad, and here i am. so i m very happy to be here. ainsley: gerri willis opening up you saw there about her battle with breast cancer on the fox news channel. that was back in november. steve: and today we re happy to report she has beaten cancer and here with cooking for friends. and, gerri, today, you re going to make a comfort food that got you through the rough patch. that s right. so i have to eat healthy now, and i think a lot of your viewers do too. we always want to feel like we re eating healthy. so i m using kale. some people don t like it. steve: hate it. brian: kale s hot. i m going to make you love it. it s going to be easy to eat and beautiful. steve: this is your invention. this is my invention. this is sweet potato. can you see this? so what we door is roast this in the fox 11 news about 20 minutes at 400. olive oil, salt and pepper, this is a one-and a half inch dice, so try that. ainsley: have you tried it with butter nut sasquatch? this is much healthier, though. ainsley: oh, it is? potato? uh-huh. so now we re going to go onto the chickpeas. so i chose chickpeas because they have a lot of protein. you can get them in any supermarket in the country; right? and they smell like because i m using great spices. i m using a chipotle paprika that a friend of mine makes right here on set. and curry, so you just add this in, lots of garlic. steve: that gets it the color, and you and you let this go for 20 minutes. steve: that s it? olive oil, salt and pepper, caramelizes on the outside, a little bit of crunch, totally yummy, and you have a protein hit here, which is fabulous. steve: okay. now, i need you guys to help me with something here. we re talking about the cael. brian: oh, boy. i know. you re, like, backing up. so what you need to do to make this eatable is first cut out that rib. steve: that s the hard part. it s not that hard. steve: too chewy. right. exactly. ainsley: so cut that off. put it on your plate. and then there you have it. so here s what we re going to do now. make it so you can eat it. you put some olive oil on it; right? steve: right. and then you put some you just want some salt. this is sea salt and now brian here is going to massage this. brian: i m pro massage. you mean with my hands? steve: no. use the. no. no. not the tongs. with your hands. brian: you don t want me to do that. come here. so this is how you do it. you see this? are you scared of the kale? you re scared of the kale. brian: no, i don t want to destroy it. i haven t washed my hands. no one will eat it. well, we have some all set up. ainsley: so you do sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and then what else? let me show you the vinaigrette, though. steve: real quickly, folks will be able to get the recipe on fox and that s right. brian: more fox and friends in just a moment. thanks, gerri. steve: thank you, gerri willis. so fun to be here. thank you a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home. .with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%. .a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you re allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you d rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. i drive your truck i roll every window down. tomorrow country music star lee bryce will roll it out on summer american concert series presented by keurig. steve: email right now the first people hanging out in fox fan area. brian brian more gerri willis in the after the show show. bill: well done. good morning, everybody. fox news alert. two big stories out of washington today. the trump administration getting ready to enforce a travel ban on those six mainly muslim countries as key portions of the ban go in effect later tonight. meanwhile, the clock is running now on senate republicans to get a deal done on healthcare reform before they break for the 40 fourth of july. so you have got a 36-hour window now as we say good morning. split broadcast today i m bill hemmer live in america s newsroom and shannon, good morning. how are you doing? shannon: i m shannon bream. as for healthcare battle, republicans are going back to the drawing board for a compromise the goal to get to 50 votes. nine

Arkansas , United-states , Myanmar , Australia , Turkey , Cedar-rapids , Iowa , California , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Syria , Russia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170707

commitment to be the leader of the free world. i think that, you know, there is definitely a new sheriff in town. we re in the beginning stages of what the trump team will call maximum pressure policy on north korea. they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it. but i have been pretty severe things that we re thinking about. president trump has made it clear we don t threat lines we deal with reality. slamming president obama for failing to react on russian election meddling. he did nothing about it why did he do nothing about it? his feud with the american media, followed him to europe. what we want to see in the united states is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press. we don t want fake news. riding into battle don t be afraid to take the road less traveled. brian: why are we playing that song? steve: because the roads are less traveled today. friday in the summer all-american concert series brought to you by keurig and lynn s tand listening to laun alaina. i hope she has a bib because we have some ribs. ainsley: don t take the easy way out. brian: as usual. ainsley: climb the hill, brian. have you got to go through the valley to get to the mountain, brian. brian: all this symbolism. i don t know what you mean. steve: did you say the rib less traveled? brian: american idol, runner-up. almost a champion in one of these american idol runner-ups ends up being more successful than the winner. steve: wee have tweeted the fact she is other feature performer today on the twitter verse. the president is giving us company because he has sent out five tweets. we have a couple he has sent out in the last hour or two. ainsley: we are just waking up in america. is he well into his day as he is over in germany for the g-20 summit. this is his tweet. i will represent our country well and fight for its interests. fake news media will never cover me accurately, but who cares? we ll make america great again. brian: mr. president i know you care. he will mead meet with the world leaders today. my meeting with vladimir putin much to discuss be accompanied by one person secretary of state. steve: plus his translator. brian: that s true. ainsley: rex tillerson secretary of state he has dealt with rex tillerson. he was ceo of exxon oil. that might be good to have that ally. brian: that s great. steve: he has actually cut deals with the russians. ainsley: that s exactly right. brian: as kristin fisher ever cut a deal wet russians? steve: wife would you be mentioning her. brian: sometimes her family meets gets to know your astronaut week kristin fisher is here. [laughter] steve: i don t think your parents want to be a cosmonaut. i know my mom has tried to cut a deal with a cosmonaut or two over a shoat of vodka. brian: i didn t know that. ainsley: i hope she won. i don t know who won. i m guessing the cosmonaut won because my mom is not much of a drinker but who knows. listen, let me bring you guys up to speed over what is happening here in hamburg. we just got into town and you could certainly tell that something happened here last night because we had to walk about half a mile just to get to this location. broken glass all over the streets. all the streets are closed around the area. and that s because about 100, 111 police officers were injured last night in clashes with anti-capitalists, mostly anticall at that point list demonstrators. they damaged cars, they started fires, threw bottles. police responded by firing water canons and pepper spray. we are told 12,000 demonstrators last night. but about 100,000 are expected to be here over the course of the next two days. so the possibility of even more violence is certainly possible. now, today is the opening day of the g-20 summit. also, probably the biggest day, the most hotly anticipated day because today is the day that president trump will finally meet face to face with russian president vladimir putin for the very first time. and we re now just four hours away from that meeting taking place. and you know after all the talk on the campaign trail amidst all of these ongoing investigations back in washington, everyone is going to be waiting to see how these two presidents interact? will they say anything during the photo oon? whaop.? what will their body language be like? president trump used his strongest language yet to condemn some the kremlin s activities. listen. we urge russia too cease its destabilizing activities in ukraine and elsewhere and it s support for hostile regimes, including syria and iran. and to, instead, join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and a defense of civilization itself. now, the white house has said that it s hoping to find some kind of common ground with russia on what s been going on in syria. it s unclear, obviously, if that will happen, then the other big question is, you know, will president trump bring up russian interference in the u.s. election when he sits down face-to-face president putin. the white house has said they don t know. they don t want to get ahead of the president on this one. at the end of the day it s between him and putin and whatever president trump decides to say. he has certainly been preparing for this big meeting brian, anthony, and steve. probably the biggest meeting that he has had yet as president. steve: all right you, kristin fisher go and talk to your mom on the phone. i m sure she wants to talk to you about i know. i have already gotten a text. [laughter] steve: thank you very much. you see all the protests over there and people are going look at all those people who are protesting donald trump and in fact that s reflected in. so mainstream media. keep in mind they think they are going to have 1,200,000 protesters over the weekend. they are not there for donald trump per se. they are antiwar people. they are anti-capitalists, activists. they are there to protest the war, climate change, the west, and capitalism. ainsley: look at that they are burning cars. damaged shops. blocking the streets so the leaders couldn t get through to the g-20. they threw bottles and stones. flares. steve: 76 police officers were hurt in the clashes with the protesters yesterday. so it is violent. brian: just real quick on what we could expect today. i m curious to see what we could find out actually happened today. so far the only thing we know for sure is there are leaks everywhere what do you believe. what is the best scenario? listen, we hit it off on many aspects? is the best scenario to say vladimir putin, this is a guy i can t deal with? what is better for american? listen i got him to admit he medicine dead in thmedicine dea. they seemed to have stood up their army and wasted a lot of money. looking for an out there. ainsley: everywhere you go in new york people are not happy with this mayor bill de blasio. had this officer shot in just dead in the bronx. she is the mother of three. single mother of three. that just happened and one day after this lady right there is shot dead up in the bronx, bill de blasio gets on a plane and he is headed to germany. is he there to be the keynote speaker for all these protest people here are so upset that he is our mayor is not here to swear in 524 nypd recruits and to be there for that lady s family. steve: he skipped it take a look at the cover of the post. day after are cop is executed he jets off lefties g-20. ed mullins who heads up the new york city police department sergeant s union as the city mourns city flees. he wonders why he has a problem with the police. real leaders stay with the city in this time of hardship. he is the keynote speaker. he was invited by the organizer called hamburg shows attitude according to one of their tweets. brian: here s the thing. he knew this is bad. that s why he only gave us 90 minutes notice he was leaving. ainsley: city council did not know he was abandoning the big apple. brian: maybe find a stalking mask with a guy with a head that big. this is why you should be embarrassed in new york city. he has almost 50% approval rating. as bad as he is and ineffective is he. homeless situation is coming back. gravity is coming back to new york city. crime is on slight uptick i as thest as well as the last two mayor s to change things in new york said impossible. huge step back. he looks like the favorite to get another four years. ainsley: here is the message is he sending to new yorkers who voted for him. i don t care about new york city i would rather push my progressive agenda overseas. telling to new yorkers and to the family of this police officer. brian: gets up every day and works out for two hours and shows up late for everything. ainsley: let s say you have a vacation plan and something big happens at the plant or office. you have to cancel your vacation or go a few days later you hold down the fort at work. that s what you are paid to do. that s what the constituents voted and elected to do. brian: protest trump embarrassment. steve: he can t put those anti-capitalists on hold. brian: he a agrees with them. steve: mark penn is going to tell us how the problem for democrats right now is they need to move to the center rather than to the far de blasio left. all right, 6:11 now here in new york city. jillian joins us with those headlines. jillian: that s right. good morning to you and to you at home as well. protesters behind bars accused of making a sick threat against a republic lawmaker. police say mark vowed to get better aim than the congressional baseball shooter that threat allegedly made outside senator jeff flake s office tucson office. comes as congressman steve scalise as you remember was hurt in the baseball shooting is back in serious condition. the white house majority whip moved to the icu over concerns about possible infection after another surgery. well, a major win overnight for the trump administration vowing to make america safe. a federal judge in hawaii ruling the travel ban from six muslim majority country also remain in place. now this move denies the state s request to challenge the border order clarifying the criteria on relatives. most non-immediate family members are restricted from traveling to the u.s. for 90 days. hearings train their attention to u.s. nuclear facilities. homeland security and the fbi says hackers have been infiltrating companies that control nuclear power stations, possibly exposing dangerous information. the agencies don t know what the hackers were after. but officials say russia could be behind it and a major scare in the air overnight as a plane packed with people forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger allegedly assaulted a crew member. the delta flight from seattle, headed to beijing, turned backs around after the man fought with the attendant in first class. several passengers jumping in to steal him. in this event three people were hurt. 23-year-old suspect from florida was taken into custody. we ll keep you updated on all of these headlines and i will see you guys back here in a little bit. steve: maybe the not so friendly skies. jillian: not so friendly skies theist days. steve: thank you. woman who organized women s march calling on muslims to wage jihad against president trump. brian: we have our first fake controversy on the president s frorn trip. we have the story behind the handshake that did happen. going to be all right. because the players are going to play, play, play and the haters going to hate, hate, hate i m just going to shake, shake, shake shake it off shake it off not dandruff. [radi alarm] julie is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she s also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor- positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. and ibrance plus letrozole shrunk tumors in over half of these patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts. .infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. julie calls it her new normal. because a lot has changed, but a lot hasn t. ask your doctor about ibrance, the number-one-prescribed, fda-approved oral combination treatment for hr+/her2- mbc. steve: 8 months after hillary clinton s loss in the presidential election and on the heels of a string of losses in special election, a former clinton insider is urging the democratic party to move away from the left and closer to the center. writing in an op-ed the path back to power for the democratic party today as it was in the 1990s is unquestionably the move to the center and reject the siren calls of the left whose policies and ideas have weakened the party. here now one of the piece who wrote that piece senior advisor to the clintons mark penn. good morning to you. good morning. steve: who has pulled the party so far out to the lift? is it bernie and elizabeth warren? i think there is a lot pulling it to the left. i think activist groups. big donor money. i think sanders and warren. i think the vacuum in the party after the last presidential race, which hillary clinton, everyone thought, was going to win. steve: um-huh. the problem for the democrats is they have lost the support among working class voters. and democrats don t get elected unless they have got them. how do you get them back? well, i think that s where the democrats have a real opportunity. they re leaving so much issues on the table. take infrastructure. where is the democratic infrastructure plan? i think they could come out with one right now. what about the opioid crisis? what about some of the crime that we re seeing in major cities? what about the growth of the concentration of economic power in the tech industry that there could be a prime issue for democrats. steve: sure. there are a lot of new issues, not just old ones that democrats can use to prove that they could restore leadership in the 21st century here. steve: in your op-ed you talk about how the democratic party has shown disdain for religion and has been so immersed in identity politics that s really damaged the brand. yeah. i think that again, if you go back to the 1990s, the party was involved in a lot with identity politics. believing there should be a government program that would solve every problem instead of creating opportunity instead of, i think at this point, really understanding the cultural disconnect between the party and working class voters who want to be respected for values hard work, religion, and family. and i think there is room for that in the democratic party without question. steve: okay. well, you ve got some problems now. people on the left don t like your op-ed, the huffington post says hey it s 2017, democrats should really stop taking mark penn s at vice. the washington post says breaking the democratic party is different now than in 1995. slate says the silliest advice in that asinine new york times op-ed promoting democratic centrism. your friends are steamed at you. i knew i would be poking the bear with this article but it had to be written. more people has to stand up for the center because the country is in the center. only 25, 27% of the country is liberal. democrats know that three quarters are moderate or conservative. the primary system, in particular, is squeezing out the voice of moderates. one of the things i say is let s get rid of caucuses. let s make the democratic primary process more democratic by having it all based on primaries. those caucuses favor activists, give the left too much power in the party. steve: all right. it s provocative op-ed in the pages of the new york times. mark penn thank you very much for joining us live today. thank you. steve: what do you think about that? let us know. meanwhile president trump in poland talking tough on terror. we are fighting hard against radical islamic terrorism and we will prevail. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. hey you ve gotta see this. cno.n. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it s going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i m gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. brian: so glad you re up. it s friday. here are your headlines. ohio man facing decades behind bars after admitting sending $250 to isis recruiter there he is. 20-year-old aaron davis. he was arrested after trying to board a flight to libya last year. facing maximum of 20 years in prison. convicted cop killer executed overnight in virginia. there he is william morva. no word on his final last words if he had any. did he not have any. i just got that confirmed through my ear: he was convicted of 2008 for killing a security guard and hospital worker. go downstairs to ainsley. ainsley: thank you so much. president trump on the world stage delivering one of his most well-received speeches. how did his message resonate with the voters? we have the brand new dilsz grading the president yesterday in poland. lee carter is president and pollster at maslansky and partners. she has the results for us. good morning, lee. good morning. ainsley: let s start with when he was talking about america is not going to back down. listen to the sound bite and we ll discuss. our citizens did not win freedom together, did not survive horrors together, did not face down evil together, only to lose our freedom to a lack of pride and confidence in our values. we did not and we will not. we will never back down. ainsley: what grade do you give it and what did the dials say? you can see there republicans gave this a plus off the charts. independents a b. democrats even a c. this mess savage unity, bringing us all together. on the back drop of warsaw, reminding that we all came together over threw a dictator symbolic what we are facing in north korea. it wasn t lost on the democrats. people are really happy to hear that it sounds like we weren t going to go this alone and reach out to our allies. ainsley: he also talked about border security. he said we will prevail over terrorism. watch this and watch the dials. we are fighting hard against radical islamic terrorism and we will prevail. [cheers and applause] we cannot accept those who reject our values and who use hatred to justify violence against the innocent. today the west is also confronted by the powers that seek to test our will, undermine our confidence, and challenge our interests. to meet new forms of aggression e including propaganda, financial crimes, and cyber warfare, we must adapt our alliance to compete effectively in new ways and on all new battle fields. ainsley: republicans, of course high. independence right under. they were right there. republicans a plus. independence a minus and democrats gave it a c. this was a home run for the about the. he hit everything. he hit his america first message but really bringing people together. talking about all the values we share. very unifying message. democrats were even willing to get on board. i think this was really really great moment for him. despite the fact that a lot of people are talking about the press conference instead of the speech. ainsley: saw talking about terrorism and security. also talked about isis and the borders here in america. listen to and this watch the dials. we must stand united against these shared enemies to strip them of their territory and their funding and their networks in any form of ideological support that they may have. what we will also welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people. our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind. ainsley: off the charts for republicans. off the charts there republicans gave this a plus. independents b plus. surprisingly there, even the democrats gave a c. when he was talking about closing our borders. so i think this speech overall did a lot to help donald trump and if people can pay attention to this part of yesterday and not just the press conference and a lot of the riots that were happening in hamburg that they could really have a different peivelg on this president and what he is going to do with nato and how is he going to stand up to world leaders right now. people saw a strong, strong leaders. ainsley: you know what i m thinking about when i m watching those dials when we had you on almost every day with the election. the independents were right there with the republicans. we weren t sure if donald trump was going to win or hillary clinton was going to win. looking at the results and looking at the democrats. the democrats were of 00 charts bottom during the election. now it looks like they re coming on board. giving him a c. this is one of his best speeches so far. ainsley: interesting. thank you so much, lee. we have a fox news alert. we are getting ready for the world leaders at the g-20 to take their group photo. you are looking live at hamburg as that is about to get underway. we will bring it to you as it happens. we have our first fake controversy on the president s foreign trip. we have the real story behind that handshake right there. giving all my secrets away. one laugh, and hello sensitive bladder. so i tried always discreet. i didn t think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it s out of sight. .and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. led to a new adventure? then keep the tradition going at bass pro shops with great deals like the eclipse 2-person dome tent for under $30. plus, free workshops, activities and crafts. steve: welt, ladies and gentlemen, we have ours first fake #fake news authenticated snub that certainly made its way around the twitter verse yesterday kristin, the guy who had been at the washington post and nows is at cnn, he put this up tweet yesterday. it simplely said omg, omg, omg it linked to what looks like. watch this, president trump appears to put his hand out to shake the hand of the first lady of poland but she walked past to shake melania s hand. it looks like a super awkward snub. right? when you play the whole thing you realize wait a minute, she does shake the president s hand. she is making eye contact with melania. she is not even looking at president trump. that s the real take. she shakes hands with her first and then shakes hands with president trump. they make it like the big snub. of course it s going to be awkward. make a big deal of it the problem is it never happened. you are seeing the actual video now. the polish president got involved and tweeted this out. he said cob temporary to surprising reports, my wife did shake hands with mrs. and mr. trump potus after a great visit. let s fight fake news. it wasn t to hut that out. it was northeast it said watch donald trump handshake rejected by polish first lady in hilariously awkward exchange. u.s.a. today and the washington post and it was others. brian: can i say something, too? these people don t know each other number one. number two, hav have you been ia group and met somebody for the first time maybe tonight it s going to happen sometimes you don t know whether to kiss the person. you don t know like you don t know. this is an aunt that you kiss? is this a friend that you should know. do you shake. ainsley: if you watching, an aunt that he kisses. you don t walk up to someone and start kissing them. i get that you know in that moment. ainsley: not anymore. brian: you feel bad. usually understand i being can see that after it happened. why are people waiting for the biggest slip up. ainsley: it would be different if it were vladimir putin and putin his his wife. they like each other. not like she is snubbing him. brian: who is vladimir putin s wife. is he married? steve: that was not the only fake news thing yesterday as well after the press conference in the 4:00 hour. jim acosta from cnn said ever he was doing the reporting on what the president said. the president was talking about russian interference in our election. evidence said the president said that he had heard that it was 17 of our intel agencies had said that it was russia involved president trump said it actually it was three or four and mr. acosta said that s not true. if we ask the white house about that they are probably not going to get back to us. apparently mr. acosta did not read in the pages of the new york times about a week ago. where they actually corrected the story. it s a story we did here on this program so i think my advice to jim acosta is watch more fox & friends go watch sean spicer. that s what he does best. brian: jillian, have you more news and this is not a good story? jillian: it is not. get you what you need to know. we have brand flu video showing the devastating moment a police officer is assassinated. alexander bonds standing there behind a tree shooting through the window of a police vehicle. killing nypd officer familia and then running away. she was a 12 year veteran of the force and mother of three. across the country a country. police are remembering the five officers killed in ambush one year ago today. can you believe a muslim activist now calling on people to wage jihad against the trump administration. that we when we stand up to those who oppress our communities that our as a form of jihad that we are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only of abroad middle east other side of the world but here in these united states of america where you have fascists and white supremacist and islamophobes reigning in the white house. that is former dnc delegate. this isn t her first outburst of hate against the president. she organized the infamous women s march against him. we have video off the plane burst apart on chicago runway. take a look. ntsb shows emergency slide blowing around uncontrollably before the pilot shut the engine off last fall. also revealing chaos in the cockpit as can you imagine. flight attendance told them to stay seated as flames overtook the plane. all 170 people on the american airlines flight made it out alive. that s a look at your headlines. i can t imagine what it would be like in a situation like that. that is so frightening. brian: how about who is taping it on the inside? jillian: everyone is taping something now adays. that s the reality of it. brian: thank you. jillian: thank you. brian: let me tell you what s coming up next since my name is on the prompter. he ran hillary clinton s failed presidential campaign. why is john podesta the talk of the town at the g-20? ainsley: super cars for super stars. custom rides build for the celebrities. we are getting a sneak peek at them on our plaza. brian: celebrities? ainsley: no. cars. baby, you just ain t seen nothing yet here s nothing that you re never going to forget. you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. wise man, i m nervous about affecting my good credit score. i see you ve planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek. lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it s completely free for everyone. it s free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don t know. aw, i thought you did. i don t know either. either way it s free for everyone. cool. what s in your wallet? i m karen, i m a teacher.olfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you ve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you re prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don t start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage. can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, fda approved for 18 years. he were. ainsley: built with slave labor and named after white supremacists some campus buildings about to face big changes. the university of mississippi will soon post signs acknowledging the buildings were constructed by slaves and rename a building originally named after white supremacists mississippi governor james vardaman university leaders saying they are trying to make all students feel welcome. new video now showing the terrifying moments a college dorm gets blown to pieces. you can see the building murray state in kentucky explode after a gas leak explosion. thankfully no students were inside at the time. an employee did get injured but is expected to be okay. brian? brian: thanks, ainsley. time zones won t stop the president from tweeting in the latest topic on everyone s mind apparent solid john podesta. the president tweeting this out this morning. everyone here is talking about why john podesta refused to give the dnc server to the fbi and the cia. that happened back in july. that is disgraceful. joining us now to react to do that and so much more is adrian elrod, former director of strategic communication hillary clinton and. adrian, your response is true, the dnc did not turn over that server, it would have answered a lot of issues quickly in july, right? yeah. first of all, why is donald trump treating about hillary clinton s server when is he on arguably his most important foreign trip to date? is he trying to deflect from some the criticism of his speech or some of the other issues that he has raised since he has been over there? secondly, john podesta, number one, i was our campaign chairman it was not his jurisdiction or authority to turn over the actual server. and, secondly, in terms of the dnc, they obviously have some issues with the way the fbi handled the investigation to hillary clinton s server. it did take longer to turn over emails that eventually led to james comey s revelation in the most recent congressional testimony where he made it very clear that he thinks russians meddled in this election. brian: president brought up something in response to a question question if president obama knew about the hacking in august why did we not hearing anything about it until november or late october and then, of course, did he something about it in january. jim, is this beginning to become a murky issue? i m kind of curious. it wouldn t be what you would expect to sees a a hot topic of the g-20 summit. what i find a scenario i find a little bit more plausible meetings with merkels, meeting with trumps. they are trying to have a nice conversation. she needs a refill of her drink and she says where is that server? and trump says exactly. that s my point. the other possibility is merkel and trump did not have the warmest or best of initial meetings, so, if you are a g-20 world leader, maybe you ask about this sort of thing. you know it s a topic on the president s mind and probably can get him talking. if you ask about favorite topics and non-polite smile and nod that maybe you will ingasht gratiot yourself with him. everyone here talking in his limo. brian: peter swisser talked about the investments russian bank if you are going to bring that up, let s see if that investigation going to continue there i want to bring something else up to your attention, adrian. one thing unique. seems like president obama to a degree is shadowing the current president. think about his meeting hours after with the new south korean leader did he that he met with the italian leader. he was over in the as a preor post with angela merkel to the president s initial meeting at the g-8 with angela merkel. what s going on here? i thought president obama was going to fade away like president bush? look, with all due respect to president trump, i think the last thing on his mind on president obama s mind is trying to shadow president trump right now. look, he is obviously got engagements, speaking engagements and whatnot across the globe. but i think the last thing on his mind rights now is trying to make sure that he is following donald trump. brian: he seems to though. right after the meeting with the south korean leader. having a sit down with him. i think it could be because president obama seems to have more international popularity. could be trying to swamp him. but i m going to switch it over to you, jim. in the big picture. this question was asked of terry mcauliff who many people believe is going to be running for president. who is the leader of the democratic party? how would you answer that? well, as you say, the more time president obama spends out on the campaign out on making public apances or his various facebook statements, the larger the profile for president obama. the less media oxygen there is for any other figure to emerge for that whether it s chuck schumer or nancy pelosi or any one of the younger voices in the party since a good portion of the party s leadership looks like a sequel to cacoon right now. i have think they could use somebody like corey booker or somebody like that younger than a baby boomer to be fair thinks and voice in the coming years. the more obama wants to keep that front and center, you can hear the teeth grinding of democratic offices all across washington. brian: let s close with this. today is going to be a hallmark meeting, everyone is looking at vladimir putin and president trump. best case scenario, if you are a part of the trump administration, what do you want to emerge from this adrian elrod? you first. you know, if i were the trump administration, i would want to emerge with being able to reassure the american people that we have got it together in terms of forming allies to keep the threat of north korea and nuclear proliferation away. as an american citizen that is what i m hoping for. brian: jim? sure. i think a lot of the media that s hostile to trump has created this narrative they are going to come out of today s meeting blah ha ha ha ha, we finally got away with it you and i. i don t think that s going to harassment polite meeting, cordial and diplomatic. we have two alpha meals. one points or another they will feel like one will disrespected them. brian: i don t know that they have a friendship to wear on to wear off. so many consequential issues i don t know if you get that done in 30 minutes no. matter what happens, people going to say great job and bad job. the same people saying going in will be saying it going out. we will see what goes on between north korea and syria of course the ukraine and the rest of eastern europe. thank you so much for the debate. thank you. brian: and signed. insight. dan bongino will be on and judge jeanine pirro will be on to provide insight. let s check this out. that s called the army wrangler. it has a full hydraulic system. that s not all. we have a sneak peek of super cars that you could buy got what you want. .i got what you need. i ll be your i ll, i ll. sarah? clean enough. i did active duty 11 in july of 98. and two in the reserves. our 18 year old was in an accident. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok? that s where i felt relief. it actually helped to know that somebody else cared and wanted make sure that i was okay. that was really great. we re the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. call today to talk about your insurance needs. ainsley: these cars are super cars for super stars. they are tricked out rides built for. so biggest names in sports and entertainment. today we are getting a sneak peek of some of the ones that you will see on a new tv series called the auto firm. here to showed us about his cars the host of that show alex vega. thanks for joining us. your first show aired on velocity tv network on wednesday night. it was great. it was awesome. ainsley: i love your story. had you a dream as indicated. you were a teenager when you started tricking out these cars and customizing cars for individuals. now have you your own tv show. who are some of the celebrities that asked to you customize car. we had taylor on the show. we have marc anthony. ramirez, gary sanchez from new york. ainsley: wow, have you worked with michael jordan, may weather. lil wayne. tell me about the car i m sitting. in what makes this so special. this is like a marvel edition. we painted it like an army green. we did the whole interior like a marvel design. and if you look at the back, i know it s crazy, but. ainsley: let me see. people love it. ainsley: can we show the back of the car? let s see oh, wow. is that a speaker sound system? yeah. like a sound system looks like it s coming at you. ainsley: can you hear this thing down the road, right? oh probably like three blocks. ainsley: brian is in the next car. will you run over there and show awesome car and what makes it so special? definitely. ainsley: take it away, brian. brian: this is the biggest disappointment not been healthy but his car has been. tell me about this car. well, we pretty much made it a complete white body. you will see it now in our second show on wednesday. brian: there is for mets outfielder. we customize the whole inel tierier. gave him his what they call him. brian: that s his make name you put on it. customize the seats. made it wider. made it wider. gave it some custom wheels. new design we made for him. brian: did you see this? his number 52 in front of the car. brian: check. this just in case you he wants to know what car is his and what spot he should park in that s his number with the new york mets. that s how you know he is coming? brian: how much does this cost and does he need it back. a build like this is about 50,000. brian: wow. very nice. steve, take it away. come ove. steve: come over here, mr. vega. this is gary sanchez. the grill is fantastic. tell us how have you outfitted this jeep wrangler. we pretty much whole front of it brand new. hood is new. steve: yankee blue. had the white and red. we made his white and blue. steve: let s go on inside and take a look at the interior. what i love about the interior is come on in here. where do you get this custom leather. in-house. hand stitched. show them different designs. they pick the designs they like. and we make it happen. steve: what happens? a celebrity comes to you and says you know what? i would really like a really cool ride and do you come up with the idea or do they have something cooking up there? no. they usually tell me go at it i want something different, special. everybody has a turned car. they want to outdo each other. steve: can you do it with any car? any car. could you do it with that taxi behind you? 1,000%. steve: thank you. my pleasure. steve: where can we see your tv channel again. velocity channel every wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. steve: round of applause who makes your car really cool looking. still ahead. big program on this friday. pete hegseth. dan bongino and judge jeanine and newt gingrich all here live. fresh off winning the cmt award for break through video of the year. lauren alayna going to be here for our summer concert series brought to you by keurig. bln .but real joyful moments are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. reddi-wip. share the joy. badda book. that s it?. he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at president trump off to early start here the first day of the g-20 summit in hamburg. president trump and russian leader vladimir putin will finally meet face to face. we urge russia to cease its destabilizing activities and its support for hostile regime. that was the most anti-russian speech since ronald reagan. the west will never ever be broken. our values will prevail. our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph. president donald trump reaffirmed our nation s commitment to the the leader of the free world. there is definitely a new sheriff in town. we are in the beginning stages of what the trump team will call maximum pressure policy on north korea. we are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner. and something will have to be done about it. but i pretty severe things we re thinking about. president trump has made it clear we don t red lines we deal with reality. skipped out on a ceremony fallen officer to protest president trump and other world leaders at the g-20 summit in germany. ainsley: it is a friday. brian: buck wild. that is reminiscent of almost every friday. i will say this, the turf begins to fill up for one very good reason. this is the fox & friends concert series sign. and we are about to hear from lauren alaina. steve: that s right. she was out preparing with the sound check just a moment ago. she was out wearing a poncho, some of the folks in front of our studio are doing. you don t need it for ribs. drop by 48th and sixth avenue this morning. we will give you a concert in one hour and all you can eat. ainsley: sings that famous song the road less traveled. she is a country musician. she is young. she is cute. we have so much fun on the plaza. brian: she is doing fine. we will be singing in the f block. ainsley: if you know tv talk you know the f block. brian: check your fax i gave the run down. steve: right now 7 o 02 in new york city. but two minutes after 1:00 in the morning in the city of hamburg. this is a procession where the. ainsley: you mean 1:00 in the afternoon. steve: 1:00 in the afternoon. thank you very much. they are now taking photographs, we believe, one at a time with angela merkel the chancellor of germany. here comes one of the world leaders. and we believe he will eventually shake hands with the host. ainsley: she is the hostess of the g-20 summit. her focus primarily on paris climate change. she says she is willing to compromise and she wants to talk about open international trading systems. brian: this is kind of interesting. this reminds me of the dating game after you choose the bachelor because they have to walk from around the wall and just appear. there is your choice. we will keep an eye when the president of the united states shakes hands. and meet president putin later today. ainsley: i look forward with world leaders including vladimir putin. much to discuss. i will our country well and represent our interests. fake news will never cover me accurately. but who cares? we ll make america great again. brian: this happening as police face major protests at the g-20. watch. [chanting. brian: when you don t have a job it s easy to get off on thursday and run the streets. kristin fisher joins us. you are witnessing the aftermath, right? yeah, we really are. broken glass all over the street here. and this is happening, of course, on one the biggest days of the g-20 summit. and we are just three hours away from this first big meeting between president trump and president putin. i don t know if excited is the right word to use. i will be on the edge of my seat as we wait for this video to come in and see how these two world leaders interact. now, both president trump and president putin have already arrived here at the g-20. and the kremlin is saying that they already shook hands. the white house won t confirm it as for what we can expect. according to the white house, only president trump and secretary of state tillerson will be in the room along with the translator, of course, syria, ukraine and north korea all issues that are almost certainly going to come up. syria in particular is an issue where the white house is hoping to cut a deal. the secretary of state said yesterday that the u.s. is prepared to explore the possibility of establishing esth no-fly zones. to use president trump one of his favorite phrases we will see what happens. yesterday at that big speech in poland, president trump used his strongest language yet to condemn some the kremlin s activities including its interference in the 2016 u.s. election. i think it was russia. and i think it could have been other people in other country. it could have been a lot of people interfered. i said it very simply i think it could well have been russia but well could have been other countries and i won t be specific u. of course, all of this is happening just hours after these huge protests here in the streets of hamburg. more than 100 police officers injured last night and, you know, i m just now getting here. one of our photographers was on the ground during the protest last night. he has been around a lot of protesters in the past. he said this one was given. these protesters intimidated him whereas other ones typically don t because these protesters inel tim dated him and the words he used was because of their size, their physical size and their intensity. so the potential for more violence certainly possible over the next two days, brian, ainsley, and steve. steve: bigger protest is planned for tomorrow. brian: protesting capitalism, oops, russia is there, saudi arabia is there. it s not about donald trump. it is causing a big problem. in fact there was a spouses reception scheduled earlier. melania trump missed it because of protests. ainsley: protesters were linking arms, sitting in the streets. saying they were not going to incite violence. wearing plastic bags over them like the things you wear at the football games when it s raining. steve: it wasn t raining. ainsley: because the police officers were firing water on them. trying to get them to move. and they wouldn t. the police officers removing them one by one and then arresting them. brian: one thing they have a no mask rule. take your mask off. won t do that then the cops have to move on them. of course they expect 100,000 people little by little. ainsley: this has been planned for a year. brian: report from another network angela merkel to get under president trump s skin i planned this in the middle of the major city so he would see at loft protests and that couldn t possibly be true because this was set a year ago when donald trump was a candidate and i don t think angela merkel thought president trump was going to win. steve: so maybe that s some fake news. ainsley: see on the left-hand side of the screen world leaders involved with the g-20. getting ready for their photo. steve: there is president trump there next to macron. as soon as they get ready for the group photo, group of 20. we will tell you while this is going on inside this gigantic protest is going on outside, do you know who was invited by the protesters, the hamburg shows attitude group as their keynote speaker. the answer is mayor bill de blasio of new york who skipped a new york city police department swearing in ceremony for new there is vladimir putin. for new recruits made somber by this week s cop assassination here in new york city. instead of being here in new york city where the city needed him in the wake of this tragedy, mayor de blasio went over there. he says it s to promote human rights to make sure that people in that photograph, the g-20 countries know that he stands for basic human rights. brian: i imagine by the way there are spots on the ground they seem to know where to go or told behind the scenes exactly where to go. and i think this is the time in which you want to see people as if you are looking in on them. that last 10 seconds before did you go to break johnny carson the tonight show and see what these guys really talk about. you want to seat relationship who is walking over to whom. and what they possibly could be saying. steve: i wonder what the reaction to the group is on the president s speech yesterday in warsaw because you look at the reviews. you know, for the most part across the united states of america. and they call it a defining speech. it was a good speech. actually it was a good speech to introduce the president to the world. it would have been great to have some of those themes at his inauguration. they chose about six months in to do all of that. ainsley: angela merkel is the most obviously of the g-20 summit because it takes place in germany. she standing in the very front row, wearing red. everyone else is in basically navy or black suits. i was watching as president trump walks in and then vladimir putin walked in next to angela merkel. and i wanted to see if they were going to discuss anything or talk or shake hands. didn t see that. brian: couple things interesting. vladimir putin is in this one. told to stay out of home g 8. g 7 because of invasion of ukraine. that was a quick photo op. ainsley: there is our president all the way to the far left. someone pulled him aside. oh that was macron of france. ba still day soon together. they are going over the logistics. steve: later on in the day president of the united states and vladimir putin will meet in a side room. very intimate affair. six of them, the president, rex tillerson, a translator and then three from the former soviet side. the russian side. ainsley: a lot of power in that room. steve: no kidding. brian: getting reports that when macron walked over to president trump he gave him like a fist bump in the chest. that s kinds of like a guy thing i think to say you are taller. i m not sure what that means in france in french. it s interesting to see because when the president was walking out on the g-7 recommendation he wanted to get ahead of the leader from montenegro who was making his debut. that made international news. steve: we talked a little bit about as we look at them file out of the room after the class photo, it would be good if we could split the screen right now and after we play for you yesterday et president s speech live during our program just about 24 hours ago, rush limbaugh had an unbelievable assessment of the trump speech and it was like nothing he had heard in a very long time. he said it was very reaganesque. if we could watch a little of these pictures and watch and listen to rush from yesterday, this is going to sum it up. ainsley: trying to get that together. while the producers in the back have it. take a listen. steve: here is rush. talking about western civilization. western values. american culture. the american culture, this distinct american culture that resulted from our founding, that is now under assault, not just from enemies around the world but from enemies within. that distinctive american culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the miner media and agents in the democrat party and academia and i hollywood. the threat is domestic and it has to be beaten back if we tore survive. and it s a battle to the death, folks. we are is that correct dab in the middle of it. and trump is the only president since reagan to acknowledge it. brian: that s rush going to break. right now you are witnessing they are going to have a working lunch together and that s going to be closed session. angela merkel is supposed to make opening remarks before this starts. and the president, of course, find ago seat, going over some things. he has some big meetings. not just with vladimir putin. ainsley: also have a concert with hamburg philharmonic playing for them. dinner tonight at concert hall. leaders will be seated together at one large table discussing world issues. brian: president going to have one-on-one with the mexican leader as well as theresa may of britain. these things came together relatively quickly. these end up being regular bilaterals instead of having the polar side where you maybe have an informal conversation. now usually you walk in with somewhat of an agenda. the president like he always does likes to keep things to himself. not play his hand ahead of time. steve: let s have bilateral meeting right now as the president talks to steve munich and gary cohn right there. our bilateral is with pete hegseth. pete, as we look at these images as he commit commence ths there at the g-20 in hamburg. your topic today while why the founding fathers make things great again speech yesterday. what he underscored yesterday were the foundations and fundamentals of western civilization. they would recognize what he had to say. but those very fundamentals have been forgotten by most of the leaders and countries in that room. a message he was to deliver if we re going to save our civilization. if the west is going to remain strong and free, we have to remember the values that got us here. the values enshrined in the declaration and constitution. basic things like patriotism and productivity and borders and belief in your own country. having babies and passing it onto the next generation. these things are sort of passe or not as sophisticated as many in those room would view them as. therefore, they are discounted. they focus on diversity, multi-culturallism, atheism. frankly he talked a lot about god. if you believe in something greater than your sufficiently that forms how are and what you are willing to fight for. ainsley: what was hisst his message for vladimir putin because think will be sitting down today. his message strong anti-russia or pro-u.s.a. speech we have heard. ainsley: without saying russia. pete: of course. reinforcement of article 5 in nato. steve: unmistakable message. pete: unmistake cable and where america has stood with free people and freedoms and europe. and if the kremlin didn t get that message, they weren t listening. it was very strong speech. brian: interesting g-20 for many reasons. number one, there is a sense of a split personality among western leaders. do we go towards free trade? do we go for making these huge agreements whether it s the tpp or whether it s redoing nato? there is a sense among in the eu do we keep this thing together? do we really redefine our borders? do we open up our arms to refugees? what about america as a leader? firm and strong but also saying america first. what does that mean for us? you have the menace of russia. this all has to get done and these things are implied and inferred over a two-day period. this should be a two-week meeting where everyone should have a chance to go one on one, one on three and should be able to hash things out. i don t know what could possibly of substance take place. so much has to be defined. pete: there are a ton of meetings that happen beforehand to make these meetings productive when you get there. two week meeting you are talking about u.s. election. the brecket election. it is a clash between nationalism and globalism. and this the difference between international agreements and alliances. alliances based on shared values. something like nato, our countries, if they invest the proper amount of money in military force, countries with like minds coming together as opposed to big international agreements where ultimately the values. steve: that s a great picture. the president of the united states with angela merkel and emanuel macron not including vladimir putin the three most cons questionable person in that room. pete, let me ask you about what rush macron and trump seem to be forging relationship where initially people were saying independent guy, ran against a trump-like figure in le pen, but all of a sudden when they got a chance to meet each other, even though there is a 30 year gap in their ages they steam hit it off. hence la krohn reaching out. mr. president, when you are done with the g-20 while don t you come by for ba still day in france. pete: personalities matter in these particular cases. that s why president saw a possible friendship in vladimir putin to begin with fed into the conspiracy of the mainstream media or the so-called mainstream media that they he was in collusion. no, no. he saw someones who he saw as a strong leader who believed in his own nation. like president trump believes in america. forge a bond based on common interests. he was willing to talk about that openly. his critics used that against him. the fact that emanuel macron and him are forging a relationship is fantastic. longest alliance america has is with the french. steve: remember the last time the two of these were together they did a handshake like a death grip. later he said well, i knew it was essentially a standoff. it was a. brian: president has never acknowledged that. steve: mr. macron did. ainsley: do we think climate change is going to dominate the g-20. angela merkel is willing to compromise. justin trudeau we saw some images there recently saying that president trump needs to take a lead role in this. climate change is going to dominate for all but two countries, the united states and russia. two still playing geopolitical ball. because, for the left, to the international left especially, climate change and issues of refugees are sort of a borderless world are of utmost importance. for president trump, leadership doesn t mean international climate agreements. it means leadership in a world where danger still exists. where enemies where you still need navies to command the seas and still need armies to make sure dnc in south korea remain where they are. to president trump s credit he is willing to dismiss that they will try continue to diet america first as screw you guys, we are focused on what we want and we don t care about the climate which the some sit. ainsley: meanwhile ask us to fund everything. pete: discuss to fund everything and induce people to start giving the way they should to nato which is tough love. brian: already happening. france is picking up the pace. germany is slow to do so. we know that poland has surpassed it. and england has already gone over the 2% since they have been called on the carpet. pete: turns out the guy who was going to destroy the nato alliance is going to be the one to who he vifs it. making member countries invest it and making article 5 mean something. pointing it towards the real threats which ultimately are radical islamic terrorism in their midst. he realizes the west is committing suicide because it doesn t believe in itself anymore. that s the message he delivered yesterday in poland. ainsley: let me read out the countries involved 19 country trisz and 20th is the eu. i want your opinion as to which countries we need to be focused on. russia, germany, argentina, australia, brazil, canada, china, france, india, indonesia, italy, japan, mexico, saudi arabia, and south africa, south korea, turkey, and the u.k., of course, the united states and then the eu. pete: go ahead. steve: i was going to say we got another image in from the german government facebook page. and it is of a consequential meeting just moments ago. there can you see right there. there is president trump and vladimir putin shaking hands off of facebook. ainsley: who posted that, steve, did you say? the government of germany. got some graphic. brian: they met yesterday 40 minutes angela merkel and president trump. going to be meeting later today vladimir putin it looks like somebody has got a body cam. i think the impractical jokers use the same type camera equipment. i m not sure why this is surveillance video. i don t know if they knew they were even being taped. ainsley: i doubt it. pete: are we going to stop and take 30 minutes to analyze that handshake? steve: somebody is already doing that on another channel. brian: out of those countries that ainsley mentioned, what really intrigues you? pete: china does for very significant reasons in light of what we have seen out of north korea. i m sure there are side bar meetings happening. are they really going to come to the take? is of critical importance to prevent what could be a nuclear showdown or no one wants what could happen on the korean peninsula if it becomes a shooting war. that s an important conversation. brian: you know what s also interesting, too. not only did we send a destroyer there over the weekend. yesterday, we are continuing to challenge those man made islands and those international seas. we have been very aggressive in that area without the bluster and the verbiage that goes along with it. pete: we have to be. your comments yesterday about the president s steady hand on foreign policy in light of what they want to be talking on is spot on. in case of these islands, we re sailing past them because we do not recognize them. barack obama said sure you can build them if you don t militarize them. it s such a perfect geample of the failure and night at this of that administration. of course they were going to militarize them that was the point to begin with we let them do it. try to roll back the failures of the last 8 years. brian: looking at the leader of turkeyered within a no turke. one of the biggest disappointments in the nato alliance and alliance with america. they seem to be going to the islamic extremist doctrine more than not. pete: of course. once again,. brian: pushing back of our arming of the kurds. pete: invoke article 5. brian: would they defend us? are they helping us in the fight against isis? these are a lot of the real questions that people ask. ainsley: when it comes to nato, the president is saying we are one of the few countries paying into this, you are asking us to support you and defend you if there is a problem, but we re not going to do that unless you pay into nato, too. those are the rules. do you think that the other countries are going to start paying more and more money in the president said yesterday in the speech is he seeing more and more money pouring in. is it really going to make a difference? how important is it that america is saying hold on, we are not going to take part in this unless you give your money. pete: extremely significant. it s the tough love aspect. if they don t believe in defending themselves. ainsley: they need ults. pete: they have free loaded off of us for years. fay for they re welfare states. reverse that equation. makes us more secure and them more secure. brian: we where to see angela merkel s opening remarks. in any language it sounds like please find your seats while we were going over a few things. and there will be the host of the g-20 summit angela merkel. steve: exactly. we saw the images of donald trump. we believe that was a prepared text of her comments in english. ainsley: is that our president two seats over from her on the left? steve: i believe it is. brian: right. they asked everyone to turn around so the press can goat a photo. brian: if i paid more attention in school. i took three years of german we wouldn t have needed a translator. steve: how smart was it for the president to start in poland before this event? pete: perfectly played. the audience were those people this those seats as well. steve: letter, let s listen. i would like to bid a very warm welcome to awful you. some of us have already met in the retreat format. a very warm welcome to germany. germany, as you probably know, is hosting the g-20 for the first time. and we re very glad to be able to do this in this port city of hamburg, a maritime, a location which is why we chose the logo from the maritime from the maritime world, it is a the more you pull on it, the faster it will hold. so, the motto of our g-20 shaping a world. since all of us around the table represent a large part of the world, there are millions of people who are listening in on what we have to say. they bring our anxieties, their fears to this table, they hope we will be able to contribute to allaying their fears and anxieties into solving their problems. this ought to be the spirit in which we cooperate here. i am absolutely certain that each and every one will do his or her own to give a good contribution to the success of this meeting. before we come before we could come here together, we have done a lot of work. they will work through another night and yet but that s part and parcel of their job. many young people here. [speaking german] steve: it does look as if we have lost the translation. now brian we will put you to the test. brian: quiet down. let me here. we have worked together with norway. brian: got them back. we have worked together with each of the au with all of you are our guests are very welcome guests here and thank you also for the contributions have you made already to making this meeting a success. we are all familiar with the great global challenges we all know time is of the essence. and only be frowned if we are ready to strike a compromise if we accommodate each other s views without bending over backwards too much. and giving up our principles. i mean, key with very clearly also say well, we differ. we are represent two thirds of the population. global g.d.p. and three quarters of global trade. so, everyone not at the table today is absolutely justified in expecting us to do a good job. we are tried to put together a good agenda on global trade obviously and growth but also climate change, energy policy. germany has set a particular priority on africa because we as europeans if i may be allowed to speak from european vantage point consider africa as our neighboring continent. we think we have to do everything in order to bring this continent forward. health will play a central role. all of these issues will be debated here. also central role of women in the world where women unfortunately far too often do not enjoy equal rights. have it difficult and at the same time in many, many cases bear the brunt of family work and of looking after the youngster he is. thank you all for coming here. i will now ask the members of the press to leave us so that we may start our serious work and then later on, we start with global growth and global trade. this, after all, is the core competence of the group of 20 nations. brian: that was opening remarks angela merkel. now they want the press to leave which most leaders do. steve: want to get something done. ainsley: heard her call on the paris climate change agreement several times. that s a big issue for her. she did say earlier she is willing to compromise. steve: in fact, the key message there was everybody lehr ihere in this room needs to compromise climate and energy and africa as well. this is the kickoff. they are going to be meeting throughout the day. at some point the president of the united states will be pulled aside by vladimir putin or visa versa. and they will finally have that face to face that so many people have been talking about. brian: a lot of issues going on with north korea with the presence of vladimir putin who is told to stay home and the last time they he had a summit of economic powers. the g 8, the g 7 because of their invasion of the ukraine. what about a way forward in syria? pete: we thought this was going to be place for cooperation. instead more antagonism as they have dug in deeper with the iranians. there hasn t been overlap as much as we would like. i heard her talk about trade, climate change. growth: on trade we are talking about leveling the playing field not just fair trade and free trade. global climate change obviously pulling out of the paris climate accord. on energy unleashing. deregulating. the rest of the world. steve: take that russia. pete: on growth, president trump says cut taxes and reduce bureaucracy. the rest of the world is drowning in bureaucracy and even more taxes and global and their welfare states. he has a message the world needs. brian: one thing, lng offering poland i m pretty happy with russia s which is unbelievably disrespectful to us that they might view russia is more depend being. ainsley: money talks. maybe they can negotiate a better deal. brian: so much more street smart. steve: as we looked at those images and everybody was smiling behind the scenes there is a lot of tension. pete hegseth thanks so much. brian: see you tomorrow. meanwhile here for 8 hours. terrorist who killed an american soldier. why is canada paying him millions of dollars? ainsley: as all hell breaks loose between police and g-20 protesters in germany, the press is blaming president trump? steve: that s right. dan bongino is next. he has a reality check for the left. good morning to you, dan. brian: our live coverage of the g-20 summit continues as we can let our cameras back. in hey, dan. s go let s go award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer today and get up to $4,500 in allowances. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. is brian: 26 minutes before the top of the hour. looking at the images we shaw. we shared them with you. president trump and vladimir putin we believe that the first time they have met face to face. that was posted on the facebook page. all in the greeting room behind the scenes. someone was this there with a camera obviously and they posted it on the facebook page. brian: what do you say to somebody who has been linked to somebody have you never talked to before. ainsley: talk to you later. we have a one-on-one. discuss everything then. brian: a lot of the people are going into this meeting and prepare for vladimir putin if you are john kerry, you learn everything about them. you understand what he is going to bring to the table. h.r. mcmaster national security advisor is president trump is not going in with a specific agenda. so that gets some russian experts nervous. steve: we have an agenda. the reasonable somebody is sitting next to brian, dan bongino is because he is the renegade republican you see. and is he a former new york city plymouth officer and former secret service guy. we want you to react to the protests going on in hamburg. the protester referred to they have title dollars it welcome to hell. it s officially sponsored by a group that is a passivist group. however there are some trouble makers in there who wear masks and black and refuse to take them off and about 100 cops were hurt yesterday. interesting they call it welcome to hell because as a secret service agent and cop hell with dealing with intellectual buffoons. sometimes you would grab these guys this they were engaged in law-breaking which sadly was often and say to them what exactly are you protesting? i will never forget one of their answers like one of those dude type answers like the guy from the big labowski he couldn t get dough heernt sentence out. my humble opinion is they want to break stuff. a way for them to vent. they don t even understand what they re protesting. brian: i understand, too, getting reports that the first lady is not being allowed to leave her residence because of security concerns. i m not surprised by that having done a lot of these big, you know, multinational meetings where u.n. general assembly down the road or g-20 or if type of events. crowd get out of hand. secret service have to be lucky all the time. don t want to have to deal with luck. brian: show you they put her in the wrong place leaders can get there but first lady can t? may be motorcade trying to get through the city. they are not going to walk her out there. me being a former transaction guy, when you have large crowds who are really violent or can be really violent. you don t want to get out there in a motorcade and lost in a car. steve: there is a story this morning i read the united states government in planning for this apparently didn t book one of those luxury hotels in downtown like they normally do and instead had to go to i believe they re staying the president and his family are staying at the senate house over there and then the balance of the staff is staying at another location. but, this is the kind of event though with these anarchists or anti-capitalists activists in this case. this happens every couple of years. i know some members of the mainstream media are saying look at all the people out there to protest donald trump. they are not protesting him. they are protesting the war and global climate change and we have just put together a montage of all of these guys over the years. look at that. what s interesting. i know that story is picking up some steam about how they couldn t find a hotel room. i remember being an agent and we have ppd ops. presidential protection division operation section. they are the ones who book the hotel rooms. we can only go by what the staff says. if they made this decision within the last few months, i remember going to events like this where there was one time we rented an rv because you have to be housed somewhere. brian: advance guy? yeah. ainsley: we have been reporting this morning that bill de blasio the mayor of new york city that he was going over there. he took a flight out one day after the officer was killed here in the bronx. yeah. ainsley: this the is city he represents. many people are outraged with him. he says he was going to promote human rights issues answered felt like that was important. as a new york city former police officer, what are your thoughts about that? yeah. i have to be honest with you. i hate talking about this because i get so emotional about it i don t mean that in a bad way. this cop goes to work on mid night shift. she has three kids. these kids are never ever every single holiday for the rest of their lives is going to be memorialized by the fact that one thing happened. their mother is not there because some savage decided he was going to shoot her in the face. brian: you see the video now that s exactly what happened. he cased it, brian. he cased it: i good friends in the camera unit. he cased it. meaning he walked by and then he premeditated act of human savagery shot this cop right in the face, who was just there to do her job. this story is an salute disgrace. anan sloot.itabsolute.99% cons . do their job and work for very little money and look what happened to her. ainsley: the mayor is not going to be there for the funeral. i don t know about that. but i know he is not there for we don t know when the funeral is going to be. he is skipping the swearing in ceremony. 524 new york city police officers, new recruits getting sworn in and he is not going to be there to shake their hands. i will be honest with you. best thing de blasio cuckoo is to skip it cops i know can t stand him. he has never been in the cops corner. he has seen the cops as some sort of form of liberal oppression. he has never ever been fasten the cops. the cops turned their back on him a long time ago. is he not a leader. is he a follower. the west thing he can do to leave the country. brian: they turn their backs on him at the hospital and swearing in ceremony would have been nice if he attended the swearing in of brand new officers that was happening today. bill de blasio carsz about bill de blasio. everything sales distant second. steve: instead, he is the keynote speaker at this event, big protest event in hamburg, germany. i m sure that s good for his fundraising and international profile for his soon to be presidential run. there is a dead cop who is going to be laid to rest and hero. they deserve leadership. brian: we appreciate you joining us. new digs are nice. brian: meanwhile, speaking of new, here is jillian providing new headlines for us. jillian: good morning to you guys and to you at home as well. a protester behind bars accused of making a sick threat against a republican lawmaker. police in arizona say mark pichard vowed to get better aim than the baseball shooter. that threat made outside of jeff flake s office. his arrest comes as steve scalise hurt in the baseball shooting is back in the hospital in serious condition. moved to the icu over concerns about an infection. a major win overnight for the trump administration vowing to make america safe. a federal judge in hawaii ruling the travel ban from six muslim majority countries will remain in place. the move denies the state s request to challenge the border order clarifying the criteria on relatives. most non-immediate family members are restricted from traveling to the u.s. for ninth day us. former gitmo detainee who killed an american soldier is now an amillionaire. convicted terrorists sued the canadian government by not protecting his citizenship by giving information to the u.s. the supreme court agreed awarding him $8 million. that money is now officially in his bank account. the government must also apologize i that s a look at your headlines on this friday. steve: no wonder is he smiling. ainsley: $8 million. crazy. steve: thank you, jillian. ainsley: we just told you about the police officer mother of three asan sis nateed up in the bronx. why is the mainstream media ignoring this story? judge gentleman subpoena here and she is fired up. steve: she is lauren alaina just won the cmt award for this hit riding into battle don t be afraid take the road less traveled. steve: lauren is getting ready to perform on the plaza 48th and sixth avenue. come on down. we will talk to her next. when itrust the brandtburn, doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. and all day, all night protection. when it comes to heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day 50+ a complete multi-vitamin with 100% daily value of more than 15 key nutrients. one a day 50+. running into battle don t be afraid take the road less traveled brian: that woman has a really good voice. that is country music singer star lauren alaina. she is here now. just received cmt s break through video of the year for chart topping hit road less traveled. ainsley: you said you wanted to meet her now you can. releasing brand new single doing fine. she shot the music video in new york yesterday. i did. steve: ladies and gentlemen, give it up lauren alaina joins us live. [cheers and applause] steve: in the rain. ainsley: welcome to new york. so glad you are here on fox & friends. tell us a little bit about yourself. how you got started. where you are from. i was on american idol when i was 15. i was a baby. steve: runner-up? i got second place. it s been really crazy. i have been traveling for the last six years and working really hard. we finally got a number one song earlier this year. so i was really excited about that. but it s crazy. we have been on tour with leukemia brian thi luke bryad martina mcbride. i m on the road traveling around with my heroes. brian: trying to make sure you re protected. it s raining, people. brian: did the music video for the song you are doing for us. brand new song is doing fine and it s about my family and my parents divorce and growth period through all of that we all have crazy families and situations that we re trying to hide. and i write country music for a living so i don t really hide my problems. brian: sorry, family. i love that song. going through a hard time got to stay positive. that song is say you know what? i didn i didn t think i would gt here but i m here and i m doing fine. exactly. steve: speaking of crazy stories. american idol was on fox for a long time went away and now it s coming back? i m excited because i wouldn t be talking to you guys without american idol. it changed my life. i guess the thing i was most sad about is that that opportunity was gone for people. i know, there are other shows, but there is only one american idol. so i m glad they are bringing it back. it will be interesting to see what they change about it. brian: there are other shows but no shows give birth to stars like american idol. people win the voice, absolutely. you don t even actually have to win to be a super star. ainsley: shark. brian: they don t sing on that show. ainsley: brian lives and you rock. brian: you have been singing since 3 years old. does that mean you were born a star or do you have to develop your talent. look, i was definitely not a start. i had to work on all of that i have always been comfortable on stage. it was the cute outfits and the dresses and nice hairdos i had to work on. steve: i will tell you what, you are going to be performing starting at 8:00 eastern time. 10 minutes from right now. right here the next hour of fox & friends. brian: are we going to let the rain stop us? no. brian: good. that s why we are going inside. [laughter] bye-bye. brian: talk to you in a little while. you will be singing in the next hour. a police officer and mom of three assassinated. the mainstream media has not covered the story. judge jeanine is here to talk about that. she has plenty to say. steve: we have our first fake news controversy on the president s foreign trip. we have the real story behind that handshake coming up straight ahead live from new york and hamburg there s a reason why the the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. g new cars. you re smart. you already knew that. but it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you re even smarter. this is truecar. steve: a 12-year veteran of the new york city police department and mother of three, officer familia. nobody else talking about it. ainsley: what needs to be done to protect our police officers? brian: the host of justice with judge jeanine, judge jeanine pirro joins its right now. judge, not only are you a woman justice with your own show, you are also a new yorker. so this must be outrage especially outrageous for you. not just that i m a new yorker. i spent 32 years in law enforcement. and what we have a mayor right now who is not focused on law enforcement, who has done everything he can to criticize law enforcement, a female police officer, 48 years old, 12-year veteran, three children, is executed. she is assassinated. and the next day the guy flies off to hamburg, which is why. brian: knew it was a problem. he gave 90 minutes notice. he kept it quiet. look, bill de blasio, also known as warren wilhelm, that s his name. he didn t officially change until 2001. brian: why? why? i don t know. he and i don t talk regularly. we don t talk at all. but what this guy if you recall, i think it was 2015, he really angered the police because he said he had to talk to his son about the dangers of confrontations with police. and then he had this whole thing during those protests, what do we want dead cops when do we want them now he? called that a patty sful protest when police officers were seriously assaulted he called it an incident. everything this mayor has done has been antipolice, anti-law enforcement. it s no wonder as ed mullins said that police don t like him. think about it, 254 new recruits, nypd, i went to a lot of these where, you know, the rookies, they are sworn. in given the badge. the guy is not even there this is in the shadow of the assassination of a female police officer. all of those family members, all of those recruits are saying did i do the right thing? ainsley: how do we get to this point where msnbc is not even covering the story, a police officer was killed. well, and the police officer, you would think that they might say well, you know, it was a woman, a mother of three, maybe we will, because it s not important to them. law and order is not important to msnbc. it s not important to the other channels because it s all about, in their mind, donald trump, the victimization of police, they don t believe. ainsley: rather talk about his tweets than a police officer that is killed. that s why they are quickly losing a lot of support among the american public. the american public knows they are fake news. they are not only fake news you, for the most part they don t even cover the news. brian: we want to watch over the weekend how do we do it? turn on fox news channel at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, and then midnight, and then my mother watches it, i think, again at 4:00. [laughter] we have a great show. we will be talking about what s going on today with putin and the president and, of course, jason chaffetz, lee zeldin, and a bunch of great guests. brian: we have the first video of president trump and vladimir putin meeting. we will be watching. would you like to analyze. brian: do it in the break. we have a big hour straight ahead. steve: geraldo rivera, newt gingrich all here live in the next hour. lauren alaina starts singing in two minutes baby, you better believe i m back . . . . there s nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home. .with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%. .a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you re allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you d rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. president trump off to early start here first day of the g20 summit in hamburg. president trump and vladmir putin finally will meet face-to-face. we urge russia to cease destablizing activities and its support for hostile regimes. that was the most anti-russian speech since ronald reagan. traditional lines where america stood with free people and europe. if the kremlin didn t get that message they weren t listening. the west will never, ever, be broken. our values will prevail. our people will thrive. and our systemization will triumph. a president donald trump reaffirmed our nation s commitment to be the leader of the free world. i think there is definitely a new sheriff in town. we re in beginning stages of what the trump team will call maximum pressure policy on north korea. they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner. and something will have to be done about it. i have pretty severe things we re thinking about. president trump made it clear we don t accept red lines. we deal with reality. his feud with the american media followed him to europe. what we want to see in the united states is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press. we don t want fake news. they can tear you apart the road less traveled . ainsley: that young girl is lauren alaina. that is the american dream. she was on american idol, finished second place. she won an award for that song, road less traveled. she is sing on avenue of americas. brian: the rain not helping yet. steve: the road is less traveled today because it s a little slippery. she was able to make it live today, on curvy couch, laura ingraham. you guys are spoiled in the studio. this is really cool. you need ropes to scale up here. i made it. ainsley: did you sweat? like one of those little tank tops. steve: were you in a closet couple days ago you tweeted out this image. i didn t go to fox and friends. the show came to me. look at that photo. steve: where was that? that is my house. i have five foxes in my backyard. i just moved do you have an idea for me? do i look like beekeeper farm are? i wish i was. brian: don t foxes go for chickens. they were clever. knew i hadn t seen you guys. three of them. my son last one is kilmeade. there is doocy. the ainsley is the one dainty on the steps. isn t that hilarious. i have five of them. brian: first off we know at 9:45 eastern time president trump will be meeting with vladmir putin. we know that the agenda has not been solidified from our perspective. we do know of a hand shack that took place posted on german facebook which is more expensive than american facebook. this video just posted. for the first time we believe they met face-to-face. he did this thing. trump, hey, brian, how are you doing. everybody is talking about the handshake. everybody is talking about it. brian: you know him a little bit. what is going through his mine? he knows how important the image is, what people are speculating meeting. top of the agenda, north korea, iran. of course syria. i would be very surprised if he didn t mention the election meddling. these cyber attacks on united states not going over well. brian: right. we have capabilities of our own. we respect you as a freight power. you need to respect our sovereignty and election process. steve: sure. we ll not going to put up with it. people think he won t bring it up i would be surprised if he didn t bring it up. steve: you mentioned four things on the agenda. the white house said, this is kind of a blue sky thing. that is not how it goes. they don t go into the meeting. they will not wing it. putin is crafty guy. he does what is good for russia. people say he is can knifing but not strategic, putin. i disagree. he wants the mother land back. he wants the greatness of russia to be recognized on the world stage. he will work with us if it is benefit. just like china. president xi will not do anything to help with north korea unless we use significant trade and economic front to really force their hand. you will have to help us. if it means with have to pay dollar more for pair of pants at target, that is what we ll have to do. the alternative is thermonuclear war. we have a lot of leverage. ainsley: isn t north korea the most important issue? most important, without a doubt. it has been the most important issue. we were talking about north korea on this couch year-and-a-half ago, more modest studio. it has been the biggest single threat for the united states. we have unstable actor. we have a desperate situation brewing in north korea. there is no great alternative. brian: this guy john finer, writes in today s playbook, has working with secretary kerry, his challenge with the running up the clock with history lessons and russian grievance. constantly playing defense. the trick absorb as much and put back at times. i don t know if president trump cares about what vladmir putin brings to the table. he cares more what he wants. that will be interesting. trump doesn t sometimes let you get in a word edgewise. siege of leningrad. we re not talk about the battle of stalingrad. let s get to what is really going on here. get to the point. we respect. you have to respect us. ainsley: get that image up there. put that up again. both their faces. everyone made a big deal how angela merkel and president trump didn t have warmer moment. it was kind of a handshake. steve: at least they shook hands. they were saying similar things about reagan going to europe. there were massive protests. merkel is irked by the united states. she is irked that he is calling them out not paying their fair share. that donald trump has american first policy. she preferred american president happy to cede to global bodies. i can t blame germany preferring barack obama. but strong are america is better for stability around the world. ainsley: this is the front cover of the post today. steve: saving you a dollar. ainsley: telling mayor de blasio in new york city, don t come back. he decided to go to russia to participate in the protests. he is the keynote speaker. things are going so well. ainsley: we had the police officer just shot. we know his priorities. he is is community organizer that happens to be mayor of new york. bill de blasio made it clear citizenship means nothing to him. rule of law is mallable. we have a crisis of respect with police officer at all levels of society. what happened to that police officer was so appalling and so heart-breaking. three little children. a wonderful person. but this is being repeated across the country and they re talking about trump wwf video? are you kidding me? steve scalise is back in serious condition in the icu. it is a video you re worried about? people are being shot in cold blood in middle of the day. brian: funding to bulletproof this glass. it hasn t been done yet. millions set aside to do it. that should be focus. if he wants to win over new yorkers, republicans, democrats, series of speeches picking up pace. maybe he can put on the black mask with all the brave once. steve: it is not about donald trump. it is about the west and climate change. you mentioned ronald reagan a little while ago. yeah. steve: many people looked at speech president delivered 24 hours ago in warsaw, poland, you know what, that reminds me of reagan. you worked with reagan. i worked with the reagan administration. when i was watching that, it took me back. he is not reagan. nobody is reagan. i m not trying to say he is reagan but the moment where he said us did the west have the will to survive? do we have the will to confront the challenges before us? i say we do. it was optimistic. new york times, atlantic or new york times said it was, washington post saying its with a dark speech. it is a speech based in real hety. the west has major challenges. military, on military, economic, cultural religious front. the fact that he went back to the power of prayer in 1979 when the pols first saw john paul ii as their pope, the first polish pope, they didn t ask for more government. they asked for the ability to pray publicly. they did, and prayed in ones of thousands of people in hundreds of thousands of people in prayer. if the church and religion cedes to the background a lot fills vacuum. it was real in your face to the secular progressives. brian: rule five, i m there for you. russia stop your meddling. cyber mid-link. brian: one thing i walked away from it, no one talked about they were chanting his name. they said usa, but mostly said donald trump. they see someone standing we all have imperfections and flaws. he is not perfect. he made some miss makes. to the pols, i m half polish, i was proud yesterday, donald trump s speech and presence was like a candle in the darkness. a lot of dark forces around poland today, even though they re free. he represented something that harkened back and also lept forward what is possible. that is hard to do in a speech. very difficult to do. ainsley: people always talked about michelle obama, mainstream media talked about her. melania, what about medical lawn you yaw being on the world stage, representing her country and first lady as an immigrant. speaks five languages. she was both gracious. of course she is beautiful. and just being, she went to visit that school yesterday. she said thank you for showing us poland. what a beautiful country and beautiful spirit. my mom who passed away years ago, never count the pols out. we always outwork you, might to the have same fancy back frowned. we will always outwork you. they were deeply, deeply religious. steve: this morning the first lady can t get out of the house staying at because of protests. all of this helps trump. protests in europe. steve: that s what i m talking about. 1983 through 87, 10 days of protests what reagan wanted to do in missile defense. that helped reagan. what do you want? you want black mask folks or freedom, liberty and economic prosperity? brian: laura, you said we all have imperfections. not you guys. or ainsley. just three of us. i hate to disappoint people. i m filling in for steve: did a great job. a little rusty hosting stuff. a little russ citi. steve: you have a house surrounded by foxes. we had great interview with vice president pence. great fun. brian: laura, stay within self. ainsley: we re not sure what that means, laura. president trump on the world stage talking tough on terror. we are fighting hard against radical islamic terrorism, and we will prevail. ainsley: what do you you, the voter, think about that? we have the dials you will only see here. steve: then geraldo rivera and newt gingrich join us live on this couch. when did you see the sign? when i needed to create a better visitor experience. improve our workflow. attract new customers. that s when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. yeah! now business is rolling in. get started at yeah! now business is rolling in. mmmm. mmmm. mmmm. ugh. nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. try new alka-seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. it s fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alka-seltzer. enjoy the relief. brian: 17 minutes after the hour. thanks so much for watching. president trump delivering one of his most well-received speeches in poland. how did the message resonate with voters or did it? we have the dials. lee carter is with us. we want you to take a look at the speech. we know how it will come out. want you to do it. the first cut you picked was? this is where trump talked about never backing down. take a look. our citizens did not win freedom together, did not survive horrors together, did not face down evil together. only to lose our freedom to a lack of pride and confidence in our values. we did not and we will not. we will never he back down. brian: the grades? the grades republicans off the chart. gave this an a-plus, independents and democrats gave this speech a c. overall donald trump performed excellently. he performed very, very well with all voters across the board. this was unifying speech. democrats had a lot to be thankful for. they felt like america wasn t going alone. reaching out to people. it was symbolic bringing in background of europe as we re facing another dictator in north korea. he did an excellent, excellent job. brian: a little more optimistic than we re used to. hitting you over the head with what the problem is. president trump did go after what he calls fake news to a question. what cnn did was unfortunate for them, as you know now they have some pretty serious problems. cnn has really taken it too seriously. i think they have hurt themselves very badly, very, very badly. and what we want to see in the united states is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press. we want to see fair press. i think it is very important thing. we don t want fake news. by the way not everybody is fake news. but we don t want fake news. bad thing, very bad for our country. brian: unscripted, q&a, his answer? his answer republicans really liked it. they gave it a minus. independents gave it a c. there was a bump we want a free press, very important that he supports that. democrats hate this narrative. they hate the storyline because they re very protective of the mainstream media, speaking to their truth. brian: a line for cnn employees, woe have been lower than democrats. probably along with their ratings. brian: lee carter, thanks so much have a great weekend. thank you. brian: we have first controversy of the president s foreign trip. we have the story behind the handshake that actually happened geraldo rivera is in the keurig corner having one cup at a time. restricted from traveling to the u.s. 90 days. brian: not even thanks, jillian, by the way. not even 24 hours into his trip president trump hit with fake controversy. they posted this video looking like polish first lady refusing to shake the hand of the president. steve: when you play the video out, they do fake hands a couple seconds after the first lady s. why does the media continue to make stuff up in some cases? ainsley: joining us fox news correspondent at large. geraldo rivera. nice to see you ainsley. steve you too. brian. i love you. brian: speaking of snubs. that was a snub that s right. ainsley: if you watch the video, brian is the president, i m melania. we re making eye contact. they shake hands. she turns to the president shakes hands. not like she looked at president, said no, no. then shook hands with melania. speaking only for myself, if i made eye contact with melania would definitely not see president trump. that is the fact. the first lady of poland, president duda, president and mrs. dude today. very clear shoe does not have donald trump in her line of sight. charles: focused on melania. then sees the president, does the right thing. what is interesting. this is like, when you have a real enemy, what you do is you exalt, you thrill and every, every bad thank that happens to your enemy, he could have toilet paper on his shoe coming out of men s room or fly open or something on his face that would become a news segment. not just a story. look at him, he has dandruff. there is just so much inbred hatred of this man in people who should be objective. when chris saliza, his name, a pretty good political analyst at cnn, when saw the video he tweeted in a way as if he won the lottery, oh, my god, oh, my god. like all in caps. it was whole 140 characters. i thought to myself, even if it had been a snub, you i mean, at least analyze it, not with this boyish glee that clearly shows that you have an agenda, your agenda is to denigrate, demean, to insult, to shrink the president of the united states. i think brian: that whole network went unhinged after the rest of us. i can no longer disagree with that assessment. cnn, in my regard always has been trying to do things right down the middle with msnbc and fox on either flank. it does not appear to be that to me anymore. just seems they have this unremitting hostility to donald trump. this is the man who can do no good in the eyes of that network. that is very unfortunate. they have to get past this. there is spite thing happening here. too much after gotcha. brian: they re not getting him. they re getting himselfs. trump was up to 5% in rasmussen. 56%. he is expanding his base. cnn is more embattled. msnbc is doing better in the ratings, we re still the dominant power. we ll stay that as long as i m here. the scene is set for this epic meeting between president of united states and leader of the free world. steve: we have images from the official german government facebook page when they officially did meet for a handshake. brian: what did you think of this? it is clear these guys know they are heading for a major confrontation, collision meeting. to me vladmir putin of all the world leaders i have met over time, i the met some of the great ones, some of the great dictators, latin america and so forth, to me vladmir putin remind me most of john got hety. when john gotti in his full grandeur, teflon don, head of mafia, this mystery, what else was going on. putin is coming into this meeting knowing the world considers him a gangster. much of it. wants to be a statesman. he sees in trump in my view, i don t want to be a amateur shrink, he sees someone he can deal with. he read art of the deal. sees another movie star like him. let s fool the world. let s work something out. announce something after this. okay, whether it is crimea or ukraine or syria. brian: geraldo, if you had one topic that bring up in their meeting in hour and 15 what would be. syria. rush and united states are on same side in syria. i would punch him like this, don t mess with my elections anymore. ainsley: what do you mean russia and u.s. are on the same side? we re against sunni muslim extremism isis, al nusra, al qaeda. ainsley: but syria and russia are allies? it is complicated story but russia and iran are supporting the shiite government of syria. what we are in syria for to fight sunni muslim extremists of isis. isis is enemy of russia and iran. i think we have common ground to indthe syrian civil war, create safe zones, defeat isis and sunni muslim extremists show russia and united states can work together to accomplish something to save hundreds of thousands have been killed already. millions are displaced. world is unstable because of syria. would i love to see president and putin come it we ll work together. our air traffic controllers will cooperate. our fighter jets take the left side of highway. yours take the right side. you look like it is not impossible. brian: i haven t talked in five minutes. what are you talking about. i can see you smirking. brian: how dare you look at my cut away. steve: we her geraldo s take on president and putin which happens in one hour and 15 minutes. newt gingrich will weigh in on the top being coming next. we ll see if he agrees. maybe you should ve done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. one laugh, and hello so i tried always discreet. i didn t think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it s out of sight. .and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. a farmer s what s in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go? expedia. steve: there is is an image going viral this morning. we ll roll this. they were taking a group photo little over an hour ago. emannuel macron, guy runs france, is in the middle. watch how he tries to get to donald trump. ainsley: he will kiss the lady, excuse me, excuse me excuse me. steve: trying to get to trump. there he is. they cut away. here is the official photo. ainsley: look at hole at the top i am president of france. i can do whatever the heck i want. i m getting down there. i don t care where they told me to stand. brian: i am 39 years old, i have no part. i can do anything. there is is the punch in the chest we heard about. steve: protocol, longest serving president, world leaders are closest to the center around angela merkel. instead mr. macron essentially photo bomb the president of the united states. brian: this is bunch of people who think they re the leader of the leader of the leader. not many people like to tell them what to do. to put it all in perspective with non-verbal cues, former speaker of the house, best-selling author of brand new new york times best-selling book, understanding trump. mr. speaker, what is the significance of french president trying to get near our president. macron has gone out of way to invite president trump to paris for biggest annual holiday, bastille day. trump agreed to come. this would surprise americans. macron is very business oriented technocrat. he came out of nowhere. he built his own legislative party, won massive election for the assembly. he is probably strongest president of france in modern times. i think he admirers trump. plus i think he wants to balance off angela merkel, the chancellor of germany. no french president wants to be in shadow of a german chancellor. if he can be balanced between trump and merkel he max mices his own leverage. very smart man, well worth watching. steve: maybe he was supposed to be far screen left. we don t know for sure. he was out of position in the beginning. he is like trump. you say to him stand like there. he walks off does what he wants to. i don t think he is easily managed. ainsley: he will be meeting with vladmir putin today. i don t know if you gave him any advice? if you didn t, what would you say to him? we can show first video shaking hands behind the scene. this was on the german facebook page. he pats him on the back. pats his arm shaking his hand. what advice do you have for him going into that meeting today? anytime you have leaders of this power meeting for the first time, the most important thing is not the agenda, it is how they assess each other. in 1961 when kennedy met khrushchev in vienna, kennedy was not feeling very well. khrushchev read him as very weak and led to the cuban missile crisis. what reagan met gorbachev, he went out of his way to look younger, better condition, with reagan without a coat on in winter, gorbachev with this huge russian coat. gorbachev looks like the old guy, reagan the young guy. that was staged in reagan s mind i m really strong and you re going to lose. trump has to communicate. we re the most powerful nation in the world. we have the most powerful military in the world. we have the most powerful economy. we re fed up with putin jerking us around. we woe like to have good relationship but it will not come with these gangster tactics. brian: do you believe that president has no agenda or do you believe, h.r. mcmaster says we go there without an agenda, what do you think the truth is? george shultz had same deal with ronald reagan who met with gorbachev one-on-one. they re very similar. donald trump has an agenda the minute he wakes up every morning. donald trump will not walk in the meeting go, oh, gee, now i m here with vladmir putin, i wonder what i will do? he has been thinking about this meeting almost a year. he has a good sense what he wants to accomplish. think he is going to turn most details over to secretary tillerson. i think in terms of shaping the meeting the guy who wrote the art of the deal understands what he wants to communicate. i think he has a psychological agenda, whether or not he has a detailed policy agenda. steve: sure, mr. speaker in your he detailed story about swiss winners and out wear, you mentioned ronald reagan. a lot of people looked at speech, that reminds me of ronald reagan. did you have that feeling? well first of all i think powerful as reagan s westminster speech, calista and i watched the speech with great attention because we filmed nine days that changed world about pope john paul going back to poland and had that scene that the president described so powerfully where a million pols began chanting we want god. the communist minders watching realized beginning of the end had started. poland in that sense was epicenter of the end of soviet empire. reagan understood it was strongly supportive of the pope. i thought the speech was historic yesterday. i think in fact the administration ought to bring it up again and again. here is an american president defending western civilization by name, defending it both against islamic terrorism and against the kind of secular bureaucratic tyranny that wants to kill the young a baby charlie guard in britain because the state decided he is not worth living. what trump did yesterday was center our fight for the survival of our civilization as well as any president in history. it s a remarkably important speech. brian: along with reconfirming rule five we ll stick up with anybody anytime if you re in nato as well as taking on the russians directly. he hit notice what he did. he said a line for putin and said a line for merkel. in that one speech he positioned the u.s. with poland and central europe, gave a warning to the germans in the west and gave a warning to putin and russia and did so in the name of civilization which encompasses all of us. pretty remarkable achievement. steve: mr. speaker, we were looking a moment ago at gary cohn, steve mooch mnuchin, the president s cabinet money guys. this particular venue, faces we see, what does that say to you what the united states is trying to get out of this meeting? trump has a continuing focus on job creation, he believes most of the trade treaties of last generation have been hostile to american interests. he assigned both those guys to focus how do we get our trade relations back in the right way which doesn t necessarily mean we re anti-trade. it means we want the same right to export to or thes that they have to export to us, we re tired of being played for suckers. everywhere trump goes he talks about and thinks about economics. he knows job creation is the key to his administration s success. he has really focused on doing the things necessary to create jobs and that is why you have mnuchin and cohen there. ainsley: reporters this morning were writing their articles about this russian meeting with vladmir putin. they weren t sure if the president or vladmir putin would come out and talk to the press after the meeting. do you think we ll hear from president trump? well, at least through a series of tweets, but i suspect, i suspect at some point he will talk to the press. ainsley: i think so too. whether or not they do it together i m not sure. i think it will be fascinating to see. these are both strong personalities. they are both people willing to attempt to dominate his space. they have very deep differences. no one you should kid themselves about this where i do give president trump credit he understands that russia is dangerous. they have more nuclear weapons than any country but the united states. they have a doctrine of using tactical nuclear weapons and i think you have to deal with them very carefully. you want to be tough, you want to be firm. you want to avoid getting to a point where there is a real shooting war. brian: absolutely. a lot at stake. looking forward to the aftermath of it. so many people looking at it. congratulations on your book. mr. speaker, you always had successful books. you know understanding trump because you think you do. i try. ainsley: have a great weekend. steve: fox news alert right now. violent protests breaking out in germany during this g20 summit are now interfering with the first lady s schedule. we re live from hamburg talking about how she can t get out of the building. ainsley: fresh off winning the cmt award for her breakthrough video of the year, lawyer rein alaina is here. she will perform for us live coming up. there she is with the keurig machine. steve: very nice. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! but with my back pain i couldn t sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i m back! aleve pm for a better am. my dad called them up and asked for the jennifer garner card which is such a dad thing to do. after he gave his name the woman from capital one said mr. garner, are you related to jennifer? kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter . so now dad has the venture card, he s earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! what s in your wallet? nice job dad. jillian: good friday morning. take a look at your screen. we re back with a fox news alert. firefighters battling a massive fire out of oakland, california. this is happening right now. huge flames shooting out top of the roof. the crain is swaying back and forth. it could collapse any moment, forcing crews to back away. police say this is building apartment complex currently under construction. we don t know if anyone was inside at the time the fire broke out. the raging inferno is growing by the minute. thick black smoke can be seen for miles. stay with fox news as it continues to unfold. ainsley: i bet know one is in there, three hours behind u.s. steve: we have fox news alert. thank you, jillian. american employersers added it 22,000 jobs in june, beating expectations for 179,000. good news for the administration. people are hiring. brian: we re an hour ahe way from president trump, vladmir putin having face-to-face bilateral meeting. they saw each other a few hours ago. they met the first time this morning. steve: this happens as police face major protests in germany. [shouting] ainsley: kristin fisher live in hamburg, germany, with the latest for us. good morning, kristin. reporter: good morning, brian, ainsley and steve. the security concerns here in hamburg are so serious right now german police are not allowing first lady melania trump to leave her residence in hamburg. last night the streets behind me more than 100 police officers were injured in clashes with these anti-capitalist demonstrators. these protesters damaged cars, started fires. threw bottles at officers. police responded by firing water cannons and pepper spray back at them. there were 12,000 in the streets last night. that number is expected to grow to about 100,000 over the next two days. so the potential for even more violence very possible as the g20 summit gets underway. the highlight of the summit is the first meeting of russian president vladmir putin and president trump. now we re still been a hour away from their sit-down, but, they have already met this morning. we ve got video. this is video that was posted on the german government facebook page of president trump walking over to president putin. they shake hands. president trump pats him on the back. appeared to be pretty friendly. yesterday at the big speech in poland president trump used strong of the language yet to condemn some kremlin activities. to use one of president trump s favorite phases we ll have to wait and see what happens. the big question is, is he going to bring up any talk about russian interference in the 2016 election? brian, ainsley, steve. steve: thank you very much, kristin. you have to figure the president will bring up. by the way back in the united states. ainsley: coming up next lauren alaina will perform for you live. stay with us. is this a phone? or a little internet machine? [ phone ringing ] hi mom. it makes you wonder. shouldn t we get our phones and internet from the same company? that s why xfinity mobile comes with your internet. you get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. [ laughing ] so all you pay for is data. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. call or go to introducing xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. brian: lauren alaina not feeling 100%. she will play and sing for us because she does not want to let the fans down. lauren alaina. i still got fear inside of me, i m not okay but i m going be all right, for the first time in a long time i m doing fine i m doing inch fine daddy signed the papers the day i turned 19. mama drove north to find a new beginning, i blamed god, i blamed myself, then i fell on my niece and prayed like hell, it s funny how touch a grace gives you healing. yeah, i m halling. healing. i still got fear inside of me, i m not okay but i m gonna be all right, for the first time for the first time in a long time i m doing fine oh, doing fine oh, these growing pains, well, i wish they d go away but i guess you can t be free without a fight i m doing fine enough to know that he have one s a little broken, fine enough to learn that hearts are best when they re wide open, i still got fear inside of me, i m not okay but i m gonna be all right, for the first time in a long, long time, i m doing fine yeah i m doing fine daddy got sober, mama got his best friend but i m doing fine. . this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. s coming up on the show, corey lewandowski, food truck friends day. we will see you tomorrow morning. great job, lauren. shannon: it is the meaning the world be watching. and 45 minutes, president donald trump will be face-to-face with vladimir putin on the silence of the g20. we know he could include syria, i said, ukraine, in the u.s. election. it is easily the most anticipated moment of the senate and humber germany. it will take lie. good morning, and, and shannon bream wife and america s newsroom. bill: great to be with you at home. the two leaders shaking hands for the first time had their official meeting in history making moment not post on president trump. he tweeted this morning, i look forward to all meetings today with world leaders, including my meeting with

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170714

it s called opposition research. an honestly i think the press made a very big deal over something that really a lot of people would do. if after nine months all of these hearings, all of these investigations, the best we can come up with is a 20-minute meeting with a lawyer who had nothing to say? i think a lot of people don t understand how foreign policy works. which is we don t have friends. we have interests. republicans count heads as they drop another version of their obamacare replacement. time to rise to the occasion. the american people deserve better than the pain of obamacare. why do i have a friendship with him? because is he called a brother with a different mother. you both have grandchildren. what do your grand children call you. i m called peppe. i m more humble. i m called papa. yeah, yeah. steve: there they are. 25 years ago they formed and today hanson, our feature performers during our all-american summer concert sear reerks it is hard to believe it was 1997 and this song, the one everybody knew the words to number one song in 25 different countries around the world. ainsley: we all remember it. where were you in 1997? brian: here? i was getting up 2:30 in the morning. ainsley: and you? steve: yeah. brian: much smaller studio wawnsz sam goodies. no more sam goodies. now in a beautiful studio can you land a plane in. steve: record store where they actually had the hanson album. ainsley: all of the folks you don t see that are amazing that work behind the scenes on the show, many of them are re very young. i was in college and they were in middle school in 97 and they are freaking out that hanson is going to be on he show today. three brothers from oklahoma. some of them invited their friends. they are going crazy. kelly kramer very first concert and when she was in middle school and her friends are here for the sound check. steve: came in 4:00 in the morning there was a line down 48th street. take the stage at 8:00 eastern time. if you have a little time stop by and be part of the show. ainsley: send in the pictures, show us where you were in 97. brian: hansons in the green room send us your pictures what you looked like back then. wait, we have that. we watched mtv. there is a fox news alert now. a live look at paris where a where president trump is celebrating bastille day alongside french president emanuel macron. ainsley: two world leaders forging their relationship. steve: you know who loves a parade john roberts who is live in paris [applause] steve: they are not applauding for him. ainsley: yes, they are. jon: applauding for your program this morning. good morning, steve, brian, and ainsley. bastille day parade is wrapping up with the perform means of a precision band, sort of a military version of the college bands that we see perform at halftime during the bowl games where they spell out letters across the field and very poignant appointment right after they began the marching band formed the letters nice. last year someone mowed down 86 people. president trump with a show of solidarity. the president also got a chance to review some american troops at the beginning of this parade because this parade also marks the 100 year anniversary of the u.s. entering into world war i. some 200 u.s. service members were participating in the parade, including five that were dressed in the uniforms from world war i of course, in the united states had not gotten into this war in 1917, the history of europe may have been very different. the two presidents got together yesterday at the palace the official president of french president emanuel macron to have a bilateral meeting and then met the press. president trump speaking openly to the press for the first time about this new firestorm of controversy surrounding his son donald trump jr. at a meeting he took with a russian attorney back in july of 2016. who, supposedly, had some information about hillary clinton that she wanted to share. this attorney, natalia came away with no information about hillary clinton. merely wanted to talk about the russian adoptions. so the president yesterday raising questions as to how and why she got into the country in the first place. listen here. the lawyer that went to the meeting. i see that she was in the halls of congress, also. somebody said that her visa or her passport to come into the country was approved by attorney general lynch. now, maybe that s wrong. i just heard that a little while ago. but, it s a little surprise here. so after the president said that i reached out to the department of justin as well as the department of homeland security and here is what i found out. she was allowed into the country called immigration parole so she could participate in a court case of a client of hers. she was paroled into the country several times until february of 2016 when that parole ended and she reentered the country in june of 2016 on nonimmigrant visa. that entry into the country she has a meeting with donald trump jr. steve, ainsley, brian? he. ainsley: that was beautiful. french flag and american flag out there. steve: looks like the conclusion of the event. we do expect the president of the united states very shortly. he and the first lady and presidential team. there you see the president of the united states stand along with the president of france. brian: also the reason why the flag is so important this year it s been 100 years since we joined world war i and our troops came over. steve: let s go ahead and listen in. national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [applause] steve: how great is that? donald trump and the first lady who are the guests of honor at bastille day. listening to our national anthem. and they are very shortly going to be departing for the airport and they are going to fly to europe and then they are going to chop tore somerset and then the president will weekend at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey. ainsley: wonderful to see that bond continue to grow. unbelievable that world war i was only 100 years ago. steve: that s right. brian: 100 years ago. our troops were marching in to the teeth of a raging war down that very street 100 years ago. many of which would not return home. but that also forges the bond between the nations as they recast our history and their history together and how our freedom spurred their freedom with the storming of bastille. steve: you have got to wonder whether or not as he was sitting there for the last hour or so the president of the united states was thinking, okay, i have got to get back on the plane. i have work to do. he has already been tweeting this morning just about an hour ago while he is there in france. he has actually been thinking about what s going on here in the united states of america. yesterday, the senate republicans unveiled their latest plan to repeal obamacare. it s going to be rough sledding. the president trying to apply a little pressure, tweeted out a couple of tweets. ainsley: that s right. the first one was republican senators are working hard to get their failed healthcare replacement approved. i will be at my desk, pen in hand. referring to the fact that he is ready to sign. this he has his pen in hand. and he is ready as soon as the senators and then the house members get on board. brian: the other tweet is, important representative senators under leadership of senator mitch mcconnell get healthcare plan approved after seven years of obamacare disaster. this must happen. which is true. i mean, even democrats would tell you. there has got to be changes. current system is not being overturned. it s being replaced because it s failed. that s what they want to get out. what republicans have to realize is your obligation is to make this better or if you prefer, and susan collins prefers it. you deal with democrats. but they will now have leverage and look even for many republicans even more of a disaster. ainsley: continues to remind the folks out there if this does not pass, it is not his fault. he is in the white house. he has his pen in hand. he is ready to sign. brian: can he sit there with mitch mcconnell or healthcare expert that know he is the nitty gritty of this and quality governors in the states in which these senators are just having a trouble voting. if their governors green light them, portman and company will do it. do maine governor and governor kasich if they can find out what they need and see if they can put that in the plan, then the senators will do what the governors want. they are hamstrung by their constituents and their governors feel they have their constituents in mind. the president can do that. steve: here is the problem with the latest version. it s not a very good bill. what it would do is allow insurers cheaper plans homage to tid cruz. he is he is willing to go ahead and to go ahead with the procedural vote next week it does keep the taxes though on some of americans which they had promised to get rid of. and just like with the first obamacare, where nebraska got the cornhusker kick back, in this one there are millions of dollars built in simply to get the vote of lisa murkowski. she is the senator from the great state of alaska. there are millions of dollars in there that will only impact alaska. so, kick back wise, they have baked kick backs into alaska. brian: the problem is, mitch mcconnell says i can t get moderates while keeping those taxes in place. and i can t get conservatives if i don t get rid of those taxes. so, he doesn t want those taxes in there. but he is saying that moderates will be destroyed if it s played the way democrats are playing it and that is you are giving a tax break for the rich. we all know the president hammered the people who are those horrible people that made over $200,000 last year with a 4% tax. i get that so the republicans said i m going to take that away. the moderates said wait a second, then it looks like we are just kissing up to the rich giving them a break. steve: ultimately, the u.s. congress voted a number of times to repeal and replace it they don t repeal it you know, they chew on it around the edges. there just isn t enough change with it. but, ultimately, the president needs a win. and the people in congress need a wins a well. because they are are going to go back home. ainsley: is it about. steve: no wins on the board. so there is a possibility, although. brian: saying take it. ainsley: is it about the individual states or what s best for america? to to collapse. steve: ultimately best for america. this is not a good bill because it s politics everybody wants a win. are they going to go ahead and sign off on this right now at this stage? it is too close to call. they don t even know if they have enough votes to proceed. brian: that s the problem. even with those moderates being played up, to they still don t know, portman and collins if they will vote to even debate it. ainsley: we will be talking about it all morning. you are looking at president macron, the president of paris there at the podium. our president is there, too. as soon as this ceremony wraps up, our president is coming home because this will be the end of the celebrations for bastille day there in paris. steve: of course, president macron would have the president of the united states sign onto the paris climate agreement because he said maybe we will undo ourselves. somebody who is big on climate is al gore. he just compared the climate change battle to struggles like slavery. inconvenient truth about that coming up. for your heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. whimper yap yap yap yip is 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brian: exciting morning here as the president of the united states wraps up his big meeting with 27 hours in paris. his trip to paris was really, as we look admah krohn make final remarks as we see the procession. we will continue to cover this as the president gets set to board air force one and come back to new jersey for the weekend. it s been a really positive trip for our president and for macron. both are in their rookie years and both realize the significance of the positions that they have. meanwhile, the debate here at home, believe it or not, according to some is acclimate change. heats up as president trump leaves the door open, kinda to the paris accords. former vice president al gore comparing climate change to the struggles of he former struggles like slavery. here is michael waltz. does it drive you crazy when you know what it s like to fight terror, you see what happened in nice one year ago today and people think climate change is something that has to be addressed like terroris terrorism? these aanalogies to slavery, women s suffrage movement and all the other things that the vice president were talking about were a little ridiculous and little emotional. if we can look at this in practical terms in national security and jobs, there is no doubt that areas that are going through drought and famine and that are drying up are places that terrorists take advantage of. like boko haram in nigeria, al shabaab in somalia. they take advantage of these places and these people to spread their islamic extremist ideology. the world is warming up. let s talk about why. let s focus on how the renewables energy market can create jobs in the united states and around the world. there is just a reasonable way to have this conversation. brian: exactly. the president didn t want the paris accord. he thought it was a bad deal for america. doesn t mean that environmental causes don t matter. there has got to be a bunch list. the thing on top of the bunch list has to be radical islamic terror. and the average american gets that, i would hope. here is what the former vice president said and by the way almost everything in his documentary has not come true as he thought the world would be basically over by now. he said this yesterday. and we will roll it forward. the climate movement is right now in the tradition of all the great moral causes that have improved the circumstances of humanity through our history. the abolition of slavery and antiapartheid movement in south africa. the movement to stop the toxic nuclear arms. they have all met with ferocious resistance. what a leap. look, let s just look at mac particular call as you said a bunch list and practical solutions here. i look at things scare me for both me, my family, and my country like constant cyber attacks on our electrical grid and on nuclear power plants. i can tell you i m personally looking at solar panels in my home just to pull it off the grid. you know, the chinese are leading the world in renewable energy. there are jobs to be had here and i want to seat united states energy independent so we re not dependent on middle east oil. brian: lieutenant colonel thanks so much. more on the president s trip and more top topics in just a minute. fox & friends continues. ek. lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it s completely free for everyone. it s free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don t know. aw, i thought you did. i don t know either. either way it s free for everyone. cool. what s in your wallet? award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this july visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. this july visit your local volvo dealer i m karen, i m a teacher.olfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried 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you can see the president of france, emanuel macron and his wife meeting some of the folks there. the president macron is expected to head to nice later on today where it was just a year ago today that an extremist in a truck killed dozens of people in nice. the president very shortly will be arriving at the airport, hop on air force one and come on home. meanwhile, back here at home, the left remains so obsessed with the russia story that now at least one top democrat suggests that we should bomb russia for me meddling in our election. watch this. we were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power and they seem to be abetting that hostile foreign power. we should be debating how many sanctions we should place on russia or whether we should blow up the kgb or gru. i mean, we should be retaliating massively because, by the way, if i were a trump supporter. it ha has tainted their victory. steve: do rank and file democrats believe that? director of strategic. adrian elrod. good morning. good morning. steve: former speech writer for george w. bush mark thiessen. good morning. steve: says it is time to blow them up. what do you think. the point is he trying to make there should be stronger sanctions in place. that is something that donald trump and his administration should be focused on. i mean, look, again, we are looking at an adversarial government that was actively trying to influence our election process. there should be stronger punishment. that was the point he was trying to make. steve: adrian, you know, if the president of the united states last year, barack obama, knew in the middle of the summer that apparently the russian wrs trying to mess around with our elections and, yet, he didn t do anything until after the election. yeah. look, you know, i think he should have done more. i agree with adam schiff, he is the ranking member on the house intelligence committee. the ranking democrat that i think the president president obama should have done more and should have been a little more out there on this. again, we are looking forward. we have got to absolutely get to the bottom of this. that s why we have bob muriel and congressional investigative committee looking into this matter. did you but, again, going back to what paul begala was saying we have got to have stronger punishments on a country was that actively trying to influence our elections process toward one particular candidate. steve: okay, mark, what do you think? first of all, i m the first to tell you that the donald trump jr. emails were very troubling. but, donald trump s best defense against the charges of russian collusion are his policy. he can honestly look the american people in the eye and say no one has been tougher on russia. we haven t had a president this tough on russia since ronald reagan. he bombed putin s ally in syria. few weeks ago they shot down syrian warplane. accused the russians of violating the imf nuclear treaty. accused the russians of taliban. he just reintroduced a energy deal with poland that is starting to make poland less dependent on russian energy so they re not influenced by russia pressure. he sent 1,000 troops to poland. these are not policies that vladimir putin want. steve: right. the idea that he is somehow if the russians bought the trump administration to be for trump to be a russian puppet, it s kind of back fired on them because the policies are not quite what they wanted. steve: that s a great point. the other thing is if there has been any russian collusion, it s not from the trumps, from what we can see, it s the dnc operative who went over to the ukraine to try to dig up dirt on donald trump. and then circulated it that s the collusion right there. well, i think that donald trump jr. emails are very, very troubling. i think we can t skirt over those things. what we know from the donald trump jr. emails, up until now i have been coming on fox regularly saying there is no evidence of collusion. donald trump jr. received emails saying the russian government wants to help donald trump and want to meet with you. and he said sure. steve: they didn t collude ultimately is what donald jr. s father says. i disagree with that. they wanted to. he thought he was meeting with a russian government official. so, this is very troubling and, look, we have got a special counsel that s looking into this. let s let him do his job. right now donald trump s best defense against all these charges are look at my policies. i mean, how long did it take him to meet with vladimir putin? seven months. he met with the chinese leader in the first few weeks. stick with the tough policies on russia. steve: adrian, i will give you the final word. first of all when it comes to dnc, that is a conspiracy theory that is being pedaled by the trump administration to try to deflect from their own problems. this is the contractor that we were talking about. but, look, i agree with mark, the fact is donald trump jr. was intending to collude, you negotiation this is exactly why we have investigations looking into this, but he was intending to collude with a government that had adversarial relationships. steve: you know there you both know there is a big difference between intending to collude and colluding. correct. steve: as it turned out she turned out to be a lobbyist who wanted to talk about russian adoptions. that s why we have investigations. he didn t know that he didn t think that meeting was about. but it is not a conspiracy theory that bill clinton took millions of dollars from russia and hillary clinton enacted policy he is on uranium that benefited the people who was doing. this. steve: that s a whole another conversation. [laughter] steve: adrian and s. nodding her head. i am thinking we will do that another time. another time. steve: adrian and mark, have a wonderful weekend. you too. steve: former presidents george bush and bill clinton open up about their families. you both have grandchildren. what do your grandchildren call you? what are you called? steve: wait until you hear the answer coming up next. president trump heading toward air force one and to new jersey later today after paris trip. we sent abby huntsman to a diner in nearby new jersey. she is having breakfast with friends and it looks like she is pouring some coffee. good morning to you, abby. first, happy birthday to actor matthew fox. he is 51 years old today. more kinds of crab than ever, new dishes, and all your favorites. only while crabfest lasts. red lobster. now this is seafood. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that s mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. g new cars. you re smart. you already knew that. but it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you re even smarter. this is truecar. you on a perfect car,rch then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should ve done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. steve: we are back. it is about 12: 0 right now in pairs, france, where president trump has just left downtown paris and his visit to that capital city to mark the 100th anniversary of u.s. forces joining the french with world war ii. this is, of course, bastille day. ainsley: you can see president macron there and our president is on his way to the airport. he will then fly into new jersey and that is where we find abby huntsman who is at the sun set diner in ground brook township, new jersey. brian: hey, abby. abby: good morning, ainsley, steve and brian. i told everyone, brian, breakfast is on you. can you send me your card. ainsley: we will give you the number right now. brian, where is your card? abby: the whole world can get his card. brian: i do have spending caps, abby. tell them they are on a budget. steve: unlike the government. be a sun set diner about 20 minutes from the uspga is happening. i m here with john and bruce and george and we re getting to know each other this morning. john, we have been talking about your story. you came here at a very young age at 4 france. you said you did it the right way and things need to go back to the way they were. that s absolutely correct. we came here, well, actually, i was not planning on coming here but my wife now came to quebec city. i fell in love and came here to america to just see the world. and ended up staying and six years in the air force. even though i was not a citizen. and i didn t have to have the government to sustain my daily expenses. abby: you say you like the fact that president trump is trying to get back to those days, getting bake to coming here of the legal way, law and order in this country? that s the only way. that s the only way. why should you be given a gift of being here without having to pay for it in some ways with your work. but it is also due to the fact that we have had companies in california and other places that just welcome those because they are cheaper. so, our companies have a price to pay for it as well. they claim that they no american there willing to do work that the illegals do. and to some extent it may be true because sometimes i observe some of the people now, if i need some help the kids don t give you help. when i was young, we used to do help, and it was beneficial. so,. abby: we have been talking about how times have change sod much and how millennials are less patriotic and they are all agreeing we need to get back to patriotism in this country. george is very shy. he may not open up to the camera. but i came to him first because he has been eating carrot cake. tell us how you feel the media has been doing. have you been talking to me all morning how you are sick and tired about hearing about russia so much. you know something, what we got here is the patriots. you notice how many democrats went with the falcons? it would have been great if they went with the eagles that represents more of america than the falcons. i think that the democrats went with the patriots? it s not so much about a deflated football, it s more a part of the word. they can t stand the word patriots. that s what trump is. he is doing something for the veterans. he is doing something for the entire country. abby: how come you think the media focused on russia? does that bother you? yeah. it s like an 85% of cnn, the collusion news network and msnbc, the misinformed speculative news broadcasting company, 85% of their program, for program material for like 9 or 10 months already has been nothing but cnn collusion news network. all you do is go to cnn and you don t hear the news. you hear opinions. abby: bruce, you are nodding your head. yeah. i m agreeing. i see all the time how these other news stations put so much time into nothing. there is no news anymore. abby: you are a steel worker here in this area, and you said this is the first time have you really gotten interested in politics. what would you like to hear more from the media? let s get back to what we used to do. i understand president trump is our president and about half of the world doesn t like him, but, come on now, let s go on with our days. let s do what we used to do. i understand nobody likes our all this, you know, traditions, but, come on now. abby: and you were saying that as well, john, we were talking about patriotism. you say that it starts with the parents. it starts with the parents and it starts also with the fact that you if you have a value have you an inside value as well. if you are a lady person, when you are young, and you get away with it, then you grow that way. and this is what we have today. a bunch of cry babies. that we have. they want everything for nothing. there is no such thing. you don t survive that way. so we have to go back and whether you like it or not. who doesn t like it, take a hike and go to libya. abby: all right. we will leave it there, john, bruce, george. everyone has a lot of opinions here at the sun set diner. if you are in the area, please come and join us. we want to spend the morning with you. i will send it back to you guys. steve: i love that george guy down at the end who came up with the new call letters for the stations. hopped up on carrot cake right now. i would have carrot cake for break gast every morning. ainsley: is carrot cake healthy? it s a cake made out of carrots. brian: it doesn t. i m going to have carrots and cake. they should not be merged pit them together they are delicious. ainsley: peanut gallery is chiming in it has cream cheese eyeing. jillian: what is going on with a the fox news alert right now. brand new gruesome details in the case of four young men who vanished on a farm outside philadelphia. a source tells our local fox affiliate that a 20-year-old accomplice with a criminal past was arrested overnight. this comes after the killer cosmo dinardo confessed to the brutal murders our affiliate fox 2 reports he shot the victims to death over drug and gun deal. then he set their bodies on fire before burying them in two separate graves. the guilty plea part of a deal taking a death penalty off the table. why did you do it? what do you have to say to these families, cosmo? do you have anything to say? i m sorry. jillian: that video from yesterday. police in bucks county, pennsylvania have been able to identify the body of 19-year-old dean finocchiaro. still working to identify the others in the grave. the he he he man charged with the killing of kate steinle now blaming the gun. lopez back in court this morning. steinle was shot on the pier back in july of 2015. bullet that pierced her heart was from a stolen gun out of a government agent s car. lopez s attorney now saying that type of gun is known for accidental discharges. lopez had been deported five times and had seven felony convictions. political rivals turned buddies. former presidents george w. bush and bill clinton talking about their strong friendship and grandchildren during a lecture. take a look. you both have grandchildren, what do your grandchildren call you? what are you called? i m called heffy. now why do i have a friendship with him? well, because is he called a brother with a different mother. he hangs out in our. [laughter] jillian: the two were in texas last night to talk to students about leadership and their experiences with the presidency. brian: that should have been broadcast live because nobody in this country talks to each other, democrats and republicans. and have you two presidents sticking up for each others and their record. do you know what he said? one of the things that attracted me to bill clinton is the grace he showed in winning and beating his dad. that bonded the families. not hillary. she seems to be left out of this. but when bill and george bush get together they sing each other s praises. steve: not always. brian: they did pretty much through thinks presidency. if you look at bill clinton s comments during the 8 years he was probably least critical. don t talk negatively about another break that. talk negatively: joke around and talk about your family together, to be able to put forward he. steve: jillian, thank you very much. trip to france. cover the president, kellyanne conway is going to join us live in the next hour. ainsley: it is the incredible oval office picture that has gone viral, a group of pastors laying their hands on the president trump s shoulders, a woman s happened, man s hand, black, white, they are all coming together to pray for our president. one of those pastors is going to join us next keeping the faith yeah, yeah, yeah keeping the faith when you re close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? 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legacy technology can handcuff any company. but yes is here. so, you re saying we can cut delivery time? yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. four seconds on the clock, championship on the line. erin the sharpshooter shanahan fakes left. she s outside of the key, she shoots. .she scores! uh. yes, erin, it is great time to score a deal. we need to make room for the 2018 models. relive the thrill of beating the clock. the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 bonus and 0% apr on a new 2017 jetta or passat. ainsley: a moment of prayer for the president. this photo going viral of a group of pastors laying their hands on president trump s shoulders with his head bent in prayer. pastor jack graham of the preston wood baptist church in texas was there for the special prayer session in the oval office. he joins us now. good morning pastor, thanks for being with us. good morning, ainsley. it s good to be with you. ainsley: thank you. tell me about that meeting and how you ended up in the oval office with all the other evangelical pastors. we were there for a working meeting, actually, with the office of public liaison. it s a faith leaders group. we were working away throughout the day. and middle of the afternoon we got a visit from jared kushner and then later the vice president who said the president wanted us to come over to the oval office. we weren t expecting it. it wasn t planned. so we end up in the oval office about 25 of us and our group. and it was conversation. it was social. the president was welcoming and inviting. he is a very powerful personality. so friendly. so inviting to all of us. and so after a time of just regular conversation among friends. and that s what it felt like, just some of us had known the president for a while. some for many, many years. and so after an extended conversation, someone suggested that we pray. and we ended up huddling up around the president, around the oval office desk and the president as he bowed in prayer. he welcomed that he invited us to pray. it was an incredible moment, really. ainsley: what s incredible about this is someone else took this picture. it wasn t the official white house photographer. and we found it on social media. it s a beautiful, precious image of the highest office in the land praying to the highest supreme being which is just such a beautiful image. who was leading the prayer and what did you say? a number of us prayed, two people actually voiced the prayer. we were all praying. you know, the idea of actually putting our hands on him or around him. when people pray they often hold hands to pray or maybe a football team huddles up in a circle to pray. it was like that. it was that feeling. and the president bowed his head. he recognizes his need for god. this wasn t contrived. it wasn t forced. it wasn t weird. it wasn t tense. it was a prayer among friends for the president of the united states who realizes his need for god. and needs the prayers of god s people. it s imperative we pray for our leaders, our president. vice president pence was there as well. and it s imperative. we re commanded to pray for our leaders. this wasn t unusual that we would pray. it wasn t fixed. it wasn t formed. it wasn t a photo op. this photo went out from a public citizen. it didn t go out from the white house. ainsley: yeah. i believe god probably had a hand in that. pastor graham real quickly. as a minister, you know, did you ever think you would end up in the oval office praying to god for our president? no. you never expect that. you realize that it is a privilege. you know, it s a privilege that all of us have. we can all pray for our president. and in one sense i hope our hands on the president praying for him is a reminder for all of us to pray. as we are commanded for our president, for our leaders. ainsley: thank you so much, pastor graham for being with us. god bless you for praying for our president all you are doing. very important. thank you. ainsley: god bless you. counselor to the president kellyanne conway is going to join us live in the next hour. the president pick for fbi director testifying where he stands on key privacy issues affecting all of us americans. what do you need to know? curt the cyberguy is on deck with that i have no privacy oh, i always feel like somebody s watching me tell me, is it just a dream? badda book. badda boom. that s it? he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at steve: attorney christopher wray could be the next director of the fbi. the had a lot to say during the senate confirmation hearing on wednesday including where he stands on technology privacy issues. brian: all right. here with more is kurt the cyberguy. kurt, you thought this was significant. his stance was significant? brian, i ve got to tell you i was very impressed with the stance that came out. because here is what i have always thought we should have in this country. we should have the ability for law enforcement, for the nsa to really watch out, especially from foreign interests that are getting into the country and at the same time you have technology companies that don t want us as consumers to go bye-bye when they hand over data. it s important for the government to have at times. brian: consumer market. if i think i someone is going to be looking at my private stuff, i won t buy it. if you have a samsung phone and suddenly anyone can look into your phone and i have an apple that can t, guess what phone you are getting next, period. ainsley: not necessarily. if you are not doing anything fine, i m fine with them looking through people s phones and keeping country safe. i am until they start using the information against me for, say, a civil matter. ainsley: is there a way make sure they don t do that but still protecting the country? yes. let th this guy get approved wray. listen to what he says whether there should be staunchly this way or that way. here is actually what he says. there is a balance, obviously, that has to be struck between the importance of encryption which i think we can all respect, when there are so many threats to our systems and the importance of giving law enforcement the tools that they lawfully need to keep us all safe. i would look for ways to try to see if i could get the private sector more on board to understand why this issue is so important to keeping us all safe. steve: so he wants balance. he wants balance. i think that s a smart approach. the gray area when it comes to these matters is the right place to be. you shouldn t be so far this way or so far the other way saying, hey, don t look at all my stuff. anyway, take a look at this. these are the things that scare the daylights out of the government. and rightfully so. when it comes to our ability to look at people doing bad stuff, they are the top five apps really causing concern. steve: they are. they are encrypted, they are secret. it s really hard for anyone to see what s going on with them. can i share things with them you with me. good and bad. brian: and al qaeda knows how to do that. they do as well. very well in fact. ainsley: thanks, kurt. steve: summer concert series continues with hanson. they are going to take the stage. see the pictures from the 90 sy when we all had interesting hair our 18 year old was in an accident. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok? 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i think a lot of people don t understand how foreign policy works, which is we don t have friends. we have interests. republicans count heads as they drop another version of their obamacare replacement. time to rise to the occasion. the american people deserve better to end the pain of obamacare. why do i have a relationship with him? because is he called a brother with a different mother. you both have grandchildren what do they call you. i m called heffy. i m more humble i m called pappa. yeah, yeah ainsley: remember that song? steve: only one i knew all the words to. ainsley: from the 90 s. it s flashback friday. we invited hanson to come on. they are all grown up. three brothers from oklahoma. steve: zac and taylor. ainsley: that little one all in love with him. i was in college. that little boy is so cute. steve: this song was number one song in 23 different countries across the planet. ainsley: it just made you happy. steve: number one song 21 years ago around the world just like famous dave s got started 20 years ago and they have been burning the meat the t ever since. brian: they have forgotten the words to the song. steve: luckily we all know them. brian: there is a cover on the stage. bad news for the audience. good news for the turf that doesn t need water, it s phony. steve: the concert starts exactly one hour from now if you are 48th and 6th avenue. if you grew up listening to hanson, they are going to be on the stage live. usually it s throw back thursday. today we are having flashback friday. what were we like back in 1997? very bravely, we have gone into the archives. ainsley: this was me in college in 1997 with my friend meredith and my friend catherine. that was at an event in college my junior year. steve: 20 years ago. 20 years ago i was peter doocy s baseball coach and we made it into the town world series. as can you see we got trophies. much fluffier hair. ainsley: you haven t changed. brian: working through archives. brian, where are your pictures? you said just go through the archives here because i was sitting on the curvey couch then too. brian: it was probably a chair and a pentapus brian ainsley ains i don t believe you are allowed to say that. brian: three chairs and a desk pole that came out with arms on it which were like the desk. have this movable desk. steve: that s what we look like. you wonder what our current president of the united states looked like back in 1996. well, there he is on the david letterman show when they were cordial. it was prophetic. talking about all sorts of things very donald trumpish. ainsley: that s fun to look back. hasn t changed that much. so you are wondering where he is right now. well, he was in france, in paris when we started the show an hour ago. we have been told is he on air force one. is he heading back home or on his way to get on air force one. steve: let s turn to john roberts who is our chief white house correspondent. he has been there at the bastille day parade. mr. roberts, where is the president of the united states right now? ainsley: where in the world is the president? where in the world is the president? he is either at the airport about to take off on air force one or already in the air. we don t have a full report on that yet. he heads back to the united states after what, for all intents and purposes appears to be a very successful relationship building exercise with the newly installed president of france emmanuel macron. a relationship building exercise that to some degree though was overshadowed by the political firestorm surrounding the meeting that his son don jr. had with that russian attorney in june of 2016. the president spent two hours here at the reviewing stand at the concord. reviewing the troops for the bastille day parade, including contingent of some 200 u.s. troops. the reason why they were in the parade. this marks the 100th 100th anniversary of america s entry into world war i. a turning points in 1917 that really kind of rescued france. god knows what the world would have looked like here in western europe had the united states not gotten into that war. at one point, too because this was also in defiance of what happened in nice last year, when the terrorists took a truck and ran down more than 500 people, killing 86 of them. a precision military marching band spelled out the words nice in front of the viewing stand. a very poignant moment there then there was a shot on the concord where the french and u.s. flags were displayed side by side as that same military band played the u.s. and french national anthems. emmanuel macron took to the microphone at the end of this parade to talk about the enduring friendship between the united states and france saying that the presence of president donald trump at his side was a testament that relationship is going to last the test of time. there were some disagreements between the two presidents in their bilateral meeting. specifically on the u.s. decision to withdraw from the paris climate accord. however, the french president said he was not going to let that one disagreement get in the way of the overall relationship. brian, ainsley, steve? brian: you know, john, i get the sense that president macron also didn t want that he kind of glazed over that too. where that would have been his opportunity to score some domestic points and say very disappointed. instead, he moved on and he talked about things they agreed on. so i think they honestly seemed to have forged somewhat of a bond. i guess we will see down the line. jon: you know, he was french president macron before he became the president during the election campaign was very critical of the president s decision to pull out of paris. yesterday, at that press conference he said he respected the decision of president trump. it really does look like he wants to forge a very close bond with the united states. the body language between the two of them really is quite cordial. at the end of the parade it was all hand shakes and pats on the shoulder. a couple times macron grabbed the president by the shoulder. he really wants to make this relationship work because it s too important to squander. steve: speaking of body language, john roberts you are in such good shape i might say. thank you so much for the live report from paris. for a massive my age. steve: no, no. famous quote from this particular trip. famous quote for the trip. which we re not going to talk about. ainsley: that means you can have all the sham page you want now and mad lines. he has left paris now can you go have fun. steve: thank you, john. i still have 12 hours to work, folks. brian: oh, my goodness. steve: well, you know what? we can tell john what his next report is going to be about. once the president of the united states, we just learned in the last one minute, once the president got on air force one, he started tweeting answered just tweeted. this. it was a great honor to represent the united states at the magnificent #bastille day parade. congratulations president emmanuel macron. brian: also, keep in mind when you talk about the nice attack that killed 84 people, two of which were americans from copeland, texas, sean and brode excuse me, from texas, sean and brode copeland, and, remember, they were just there on vacation going to the beach. and he and his dad got killed. so, that, keep in mind. we are very familiar with what s going on in europe and how it effects. ainsley: i m sure security was tight today. that comment the president made about in very good shape. i m guilty of that almost every day. i comment on people s fitness all the time and people go why do you always do that? ened i mean it in the nicest way. steve: on an open mike. four hours ago the president was tweeting even before he did the little review and he was looking to the fight next week in congress. ainsley: he tweeted out this: republican senators are working hard to get failed obamacare replacement approved. i will be at my desk, pen in hand, reminding everyone if it doesn t get passed he is saying it s not his fault, basically, he is ready to sign it republicans, get this done, he is saying. brian: keep in mind the plan that the republicans are trying to replace is shot up in terms of costs on the exchanges, in terms of premiums. in alabama, alaska, oklahoma, and arizona, just shy premiums are all up 200 percent. this is an emergency. the republicans are trying to solve moderates problems and conservatives needs. these are 52 people all with things they simply have to have. that s why people say for success, if the president wants to help them, we know he does, he is comes to this. his skills are with peer. tell the governors what you need. especially the republicans that took the free money. steve: well, at this stage, there is not even assurance mitch mcconnell doesn t even know for sure that they are going to have the procedural vote to take the big vote. ultimately, if that were to happen, then, remember what the president tweeted about a week or two ago, and that was if they can t get what they re intending to do in the senate done, just do a repeal. do a clean repeal and then work it out that waziristan something that rand paul had suggested. and ultimately, when you look at this bill that was suggested yesterday and lindsey graham had one as well. they are great big casseroles of more taxes and more regulations. it s not what they they, the republicans, had promised. i think a lot of people would be disappointed if it actually did pass. however, they would like to have some points on the board. ainsley: they definitely have to get it right. the problem with just repealing it like you were saying yesterday, it just delays the process. they are going to have to eventually replace it get it done but many are saying just get it done so they can focus on other things. other pressing issues as well. brian: like tax reform and infrastructure. if they fail to pass, this nothing shy of a disaster. the problem with repeal is for two years the markets, the average american doesn t have no idea what s going to be hitting them square in the face. there is no way if these guys can t even work two extra weeks, barely can work two extra weeks to get this done, what are they going to do after a year or two. there are going to be other things to distract them. they will never get to the replace part. ainsley: meanwhile get it over to jillian. jillian: good morning. get to a straight fox news alert right now. brand new gruesome details in the four young men who vanished on a farm outside of philadelphia. a source tells our local fox affiliate. a 20-year-old accomplice with a criminal past was arrested overnight. this comes after the killer, you can see him right there, cosmo dinardo, confessed to the brutal murders. our affiliate, fox 29, reports he shot the victims to death over a drug and gun deal. then set their bodies on fire before burying them in two separate graves. the guilty plea part of a deal taking the death penalty off the table. why did you do it? what do you have to say to these families, columns mow? anything to say? i m sorry. jillian: and that was from yesterday. police in bucks county, pennsylvania, have been able to identify the body of 19-year-old dean finocchiaro but are still working to i.d. other remains found in the same grave. also breaking overnight, two police officers are dead after a shootout with three palestinian gunmen at one of jerusalem s holiest sites. the gunman all citizens of israel are also dead and another person is hurt. the shootout happens near the loin s gate in jerusalem s old city. israeli police releasing these images of the guns recovered. the site of the attack will be closed today. president trump s travel ban takes another hit overnight. a federal judge in hawaii expanding the list of family relationships needed by people seeking new visas from six mostly muslim countries. you can see them on your screen. travel ban exceptions now include grandparents, grand children, uncles, aunts and other relatives. honolulu u.s. district judge derek watson says grand parents are the epitted tomorrow of close family members. that s a quick look at your headlines on this friday. i will send it back to you guys in a little bit. steve: all right, jillian. thank you. president trump says he will be angry if republicans don t get a healthcare bill voted on next week. are they running out of time? yes. dan as you will van helped lead the charge to cancel the august recess. i joins us fede us next. ainsley: abby joins us next from sun set diner. hey, abby relive the thrill of beating the clock. the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 bonus and 0% apr on a new 2017 jetta or passat. then you belong at bass pro shops for freedom days. with clearance savings of 33 to 50% on select men s and ladies sandals. and save 30% on select towables, wakeboards and skis. at bp s cooper river plant, employees take safety personally - down to each piece of equipment, so they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. previously treated withd platinum-based chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene who ve tried an fda-approved targeted therapy, here s a question: who wouldn t want a chance for another.? who d say no to a.? who wouldn t want. a chance to live longer. opdivo (nivolumab). opdivo demonstrated longer life versus chemotherapy. over 40,000 of these patients have been prescribed opdivo. opdivo works with your immune system. opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this may happen any time during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; diarrhea; severe stomach pain or tenderness; severe nausea or vomiting; extreme fatigue; constipation; excessive thirst or urine; swollen ankles; loss of appetite; rash; itching; headache; confusion; hallucinations; muscle or joint pain; flushing; fever; or weakness, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects of opdivo. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you ve had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing, or liver problems. because who wouldn t want.that? ask your doctor about opdivo. see for this and other indications. bristol-myers squibb thanks the patients, nurses, and physicians involved in opdivo clinical trials. i will be very angry about it and a lot of people will be very upset. but i m sitting, waiting for that bill to come to my desk. they have been promising it ever since obamacare, which has failed. it s a failed experiment. it is totally gone. it s out of business. steve: president trump anxious to pass new healthcare legislation. even after unveiling revamped healthcare bill yesterday, senate republicans remain divided. so are they running out of time to pass the president s agenda? our next guest led the charge to delay the august recess two weeks, alaska senator dan sullivan joins us from our nation s capitol. good morning. great to to be on the show. steve: great to have you as well. are they going to get the votes. i think why will get there. what the american people want right now we are doing our due diligence. we are reviewing the document, the new bill. and, you know, we are working hard to get t yes, that s for sure. steve: the bill is an improvement over what we have got right now it keeps taxes. it keeps regulations. and it keeps, as rand paul said yesterday, keeps that great big insurance industry slush fund in effect. well, along, one of the things and i m, like i said, believe it or not, we actually have senators who are reading the whole bill. i read the last whole bill. that s what i m doing right now. steve: great. imagine that. there are things in the latest version, there is enormous amount of new flexibility to the states. i mean, if you believe in the tenth amendment, that is a very, very positive aspect of this bill. there is, and i wouldn t call it a slush fund. there is a huge amount of money towards the opioid and addiction crisis that is, you know, crushing many states, including mine in the bill, and there are provisions, for example, that relate to states like mine with very, very high premiums. you guys mentioned it at the outset, over 200 percent. so kind of a safety valve for states that have super high premiums and the ability to bring those down. so there is some good things in this. steve: senator, you know that a number of republicans were elected specifically because they said we are going to repeal and replace it this does not repeal it. well, look, steve, one of the things when you mention taxes, the biggest tax, in many ways in obamacare, were the employer and individual mandates. steve: um-huh. those are gone. steve: good. in this draft. i think that, you know, there are elements like that that are much in some ways being overlooked but absolutely critical moving forward giving americans more freedom with regard to their healthcare choices. steve: it s a step in the right direction. let s see if they can even get a vote. mitch mcconnell is going to try on tuesday. senator, thank you very much. good to see you, steve. steve: good luck to you as well. what do you think about that? let us know. meanwhile, coming up, al gore compared the climate change battle to battles like slavery. inconvenient truth about that coming up. he just announced his senate run two days ago. kid rock is already fighting #fake news. green mountain coffee. g new cars. you re smart. you already knew that. but it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you re even smarter. this is truecar. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that s mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. that s why at comcast we re continuing to make4/7. our services more reliable than ever. like technology that can update itself. an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. brian: headlines now. military organization celebrating a win. the house rejecting an attempt to stop the pentagon from paying for gender transition treatments such as hormone therapy. 24 republicans joining democrats to defeat the amendment. the vote comes over a year after former defense secretary ash carter repealed the ban on serving openly in the military. house is also helping our heroes get their degrees. bipartisan legislation unveiled provide the biggest expansion of college aid for veterans in a decade. the proposal would remove a 15-year time limit on benefits which would make more money available. it s an effort to fill coverage gaps in the gi bill. awesome. ainsley? ainsley: thank you, brian. the parents of 11-month-old charlie gard storming out of a british courtroom where they were making a final pitch. a final plea to keep their young son alive. the u.k. s high court set to rule on whether the terminally ill infant how see here can come to the united states for experimental treatment or be pulled off of life support. catherine glen foster is the president and ceo of americans united for life and she is an attorney smawrgt charlie gard s family. catherine, you were there i know in the courtroom yesterday during that emotional hearing. tell us what the latest is. well, there is going to be another hearing today. so this case is not settled. but, yesterday s hearing was explosive. we saw a doctor testify that with this new ground breaking treatment, there is an 11 to 56% chance of meaningful, muscular recovery for little charlie gard. ainsley: is that the doctor from the united states that was saying that? yes. it was a doctor from the united states who is wanting to be able to treat charlie gard and as yet the high court has not allowed him to allowed charlie to be transferred to this doctor in the united states for treatment. ainsley: that sounds very positive. if a judge hears that 11 to 56% chance. so what are your thoughts. you are looking at the judge and looking at the reaction. do you think that the judge is going to side with the parents and allow charlie to come over here to the u.s. for that treatment? it s interesting. the judge asked for new evidence and he got it yesterday. there was just so much new evidence that this doctor provided and other doctors around the world who are looking to be able to give charlie that chance. the judge repeatedly said that he intends to be very fair about this. he has an open mind. he is looking at all of the evidence. and he has an extremely positive reaction. ainsley: what about the parents? i understand they stormed out of the courtroom. i have heard once, i have heard twice. what s the truth there and why did they storm out? what made them so upset? well, the hospital, that they had hired to care for their son, and to treat him and to just love him in the same way that they did has instead, betrayed them. so it does make sense in a lot of ways. i know that i as a parent would be reacting in much the same way if i went in to court and had this same hospital fight me at every turn. so, they did leave the courtroom quite upset. i spoke with them during the break and then afterwards again. and. they retain so much hope. but they do they do feel disappointment and the process. and this hospital is fighting them. ainsley: what are they saying? why wouldn t they just give this child a chance? why do they think that the parents need to pull the child off the life support? well, the hospital is saying that they are looking out for charlie s best interest. and they don t believe that it is in his best interest to give him this chance. what connie and chris, charlie s parents are looking for, is just that ability to get that second opinion. ainsley: right. they have a second opinion from doctors around the world who are interested in giving charlie that chance. and believe that he has a chance, a very significant recovery. steve. ainsley: real quickly, catherine, are we going to find something out today? will a judge make a ruling today? probably not a ruling today. it looks like this will probably extend into next week. and perhaps even on after that. but, there is a very important hearing today. and we ll just have to see where that goes. ainsley: okay. if you want to check out her website it s am charlie gard. thank you so much for being with us catherine glen foster. we appreciate it? thank you. ainsley: thank you. president trump on his way home after wrapping up his trip to france just a short time ago, counselor to the president kellyanne conway is going to join us live from the white house to react to that next. plus, it is flashback friday. they were just children when they skyrocketed to fame with their smash hit about 20 years ago. now hanson, look at them they are all grown up. they are going to join to us perform live out on the plaza. send us your pictures, too. we will be showing them. flashback friday nt to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! steve: 7:32 in new york city and washington, d.c. we have the counselor to the president donald j. trump kellyanne conway on the north lawn. good morning to you. good morning. steve: the president is on air force one right now heading back to the united states. what is the headline from his trip to paris? the headline is france and the united states deepen oldest and very strong alliance. clearly the two presidents and their wives had a wonderful exchanges while they were there, bilateral meeting. the president was very honored to have the united states of america as the guest of the country of france for the 100th anniversary of the u.s. entering world war i. and of course to be there on bastille day. and i said this during his first foreign trip. i will keep saying it president trump really enjoys visiting countries around the world and heads of state and finds sitting down and finding out a way that we can work together. even countries where we don t necessarily agree on most issues. to sit down and figure out how to approach and tackle and perhaps solve the vexing issues of the day. and, of course, he did that with president macron. i m just really struck that one year ago neither of these men held the position they hold now. steve that s right. when you look at them together it reminds you how quickly things can change when voters take matters into their own hands. also, here at home. new healthcare bill happened in the senate yesterday. it s very exciting, frankly. i think if the senate does its work and gets something on president trump s desk, he will sign that into law. so he is going to return to a very busy domestic agenda here a as well. the president just completed his third foreign trip in seven weeks time it s pretty remarkable. the president had a message for republican, for the congress members, the republican congress members. he was over there in paris and still tweeting at 4:00 in the morning our time eastern time and urging those republican senators to pass his agenda. he said he is in the oval office, going to be in the oval office ready with a pen ready to sign this thing. he is. we have had those discussions here. i think leader mcconnell and his members are working very hard. vice president pence has been our greatest asset on capitol hill all along but particularly this week. the result is an additional $70 billion in a stability fund and that is really a supplement to us already there allowing people for the first time to use health savings accounts to pay their premiums. because we hear from americans all the time that those who even bother to have obamacare, they are having a difficult time meeting these premiums. so the fact that you can use health savings account money to do that, there is 45 billion in there for opioid funding. there are protections in there for those who are on medicaid, and, you know, so far the democrats, who everybody from bill clinton to sitting senators who have admitted that obamacare has not worked as well as it needed to or as the projection suggested it would be, they have only come to the table with two ideas. what ideas? a bailout for the insurance companies, which is temporary fix and number two an entire government takeover of our healthcare system. neither of those is plausible or supported by the public. they are very unserious in negotiations. leader mcconnell is working with his conference. also, ted cruz s amendment made it into this latest version which means if you already qualify for an obamacare-type plan, that s right, you can get a lesser included plan as well. so, it s basically expanding the market for more individuals, but making sure that we re keeping those premium costs down and that medicaid is dedicated to those for whom it was originally intended. brian: you know, marco rubio just tweeted out. i don t want to get into the nitty gritty of it. he said i don t want states penalized that didn t take the free medicaid money which was on a credit card. that s right. brian: other states that did. if ohio says you better leave this in place. what does florida say? we never took the money that we shouldn t have had coming to us any way in production view. i want to ask you this. we know the president loves to get his hands dirty in these things. interpersonal skills greatest asset. with the house he was calling lawmakers nonstop. with the senate i guess he was told thought it was best to let them work it out themselves. if he is asked to get involved from jersey or the oval office, will he do it by calling governors to find out what they need to green light their senators? as you know, president trump is very hands on. he works the phones. he hosts meetings. we have had any number of members of congress and senators here, governors, frankly, over time. we have also had obamacare victims. we have had drug manufacturers. he has approached this from every different facet of the healthcare system because that was what that s one of the many things that was lacking in obamacare. this is a seven and a half year sinking battle ship and those turn slowly. the president is always involved. that said, it s up to the senate to put this legislation on his desk. he has made very clear he has pen in hand. while we are on the topic of healthcare if i may for me. because people just aren t going to hear about it unless we discuss it yesterday, attorney general sessions and secretary of health and human services secretary tom price announced the largest, let me get this right, the largest medicare fraud investigation. steve: sure. and bust, really, in our nation s history. and, you know,. steve: a lot of the people in trouble. a lot of people in trouble over a billion dollars in fraud. and they went in protection of our consumers of americans. and they are busting up these people, these healthcare professionals who have violated their hippocratic oath and put greed in front of the patients. steve: sure, right. you see actions like this and you realize that we are trying to protect patients and americans through better healthcare reform but also by busting up the fraud and abuse in the system. steve: kellyanne conway, we will see whether or not they do get a vote in the senate on tuesday. that s first up. first, let s talk a little bit about the number one story on the other channels. and that s russia, russia, russia. you know, when it started, it looked like a don jr. got this email. he jumped at it he met with this woman. it looks like collusion. as it turns out, the russian story is starting to fall apart because it looks like she was just a lobbyist. and she met with a whole bunch of members of congress and state department officials and members of the press and washington ohihoypaloy. moving the gool post. collusion that not only interfered with our election process but indeed dictate the electoral outcome. the only people that say that seriously these days is hillary clinton and nobody believes it we know why she lost. it s obvious. and, frankly, when i was campaign manager in those last several months. you know, when i needed negative information about hillary clinton, i didn t have to go very far. i looked at hillary clinton. she was a treasure trove. she was like a treasure box of negative hillary information with arms and legs. steve: kellyanne conway, people call you up all the time and say i have dirt on her and would you take a meeting with them? no. steve: the president said yesterday that that kind of occurrence happened all the time. it does. but in the case of hillary clinton, it was all there to see. no, is he absolutely right in terms of people are always whispering i have got opposition here. or i have got information there. and sometimes people want to aggrandize their own positions. wish to be helpful. many meetings end up as a bust that aren t particularly meaningful, consequential or helpful to hear don jr. to speak of it. that s how he character rips this particular meeting. let s go back to your point. your essential point is that we re not telling the american people all the good that s happening in this administration. brian: right. for a couple of reasons. first is because of the russian obsession. as i call it the russian concussion. the russian percussion. secondly, and this doesn t get covered at all. it s a heck of a lot easier to sit around and scream russia, russia, russia, with no basis than to go learn the finer points of the new healthcare bill to. dig in and understand the simplicity and fairness and middle class tax relief in the fax plan being developed right behind me. brian: i heard that in december the treasury sect secretary is going to release it kellyanne conway, to stop the critics, to stop the critics that want to trip up the trump administration all cost and some of which are on the right. do you believe that there should be everybody involved in the campaign and in the administration should once and for all go through all their communications, those little post-it notes, down to what they wrote on their hands to find out any type of interaction with any type of russian official just astray gowdy said to get it all out? every single colleague i know here at the white house and in the administration, in the campaign, even if they don t serve here, ladies and gentlemen have said they are willing to cooperate. they are willing to share whatever they know. whatever they have. so we have been forthcoming from the very beginning is that really going to shut down. ainsley: people would argue that s not true. that meeting happened a year and a month ago. people are wondering why don jr. just didn t come forward and say that right after it happened. well, in terms of those who work here, who have been asked to cooperate, they have made very clear to their attorneys that they re willing to cooperate. and i know that some people s disclosure forms are recently amended. as i understand, that s how this has all been revealed. and i will tell you that this is an administration that talks about transparency, talks about sunlight and talks about, you know, full information. but, is this you know, the president calls it a witch-hunt. he calls it a hoax. others have said others who aren t particularly very fond of this administration have admitted that there is no there there. so, again, what kind of money are we going to spend by the taxpayers having these infinite investigations, and there are many of them. if we are going to do that fine, i suppose. but we really need to spend our time, also, telling people what s being done here for them. steve: sure. that s not being covered at all. the day after i went on cnn for marathon interview on monday morning, the next day there was an analysis done by the media research center. cnn had spent 93% of its coverage on one show on russia. literally 93%. 6% on everything else. that s out of whack according to cnn s own polling where they are telling the people are telling the pollsters everywhere. move on. i want to hear about the issues. steve: that s what we try to do on this channel. try to do all the stories and the russia story, too. kellyannkellyanne, thank you vey much. thank you. steve: he just announced his website kid rock for kid rock already fighting fake news. we re going to tell you about that. brian: 20 years ago hanson became super stars with smash hit m bop. they are all grown up and performing live on our plaza. ainsley: we finally found brian s 90 s picture. is that chris chulo? brian: that s one of our fine camera men: chris, do it again. there we go. let s go. those were the days. that s great. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ash ash this is flashback friday. they were just children when they skyrocketed to fame with their smash single mmmbop. brian: since then six studio albums and 16 million records. [cheers] steve: all 16 million of the people who bought them are here today. [cheers] steve: now, after celebrating 25 years performing together, they are heading out on a world tour, ladies and gentlemen, say hello to hanson. [cheers and applause] steve: welcome. brian isaac, tailor and zac. you still look exactly alike. who grew up first. if only that were true. brian: that s true. technically since i m the oldest i grew up first. this whole year is about celebrating getting to do this and the amazing fans waiting to come out in the rain. we already kick started this world tour. we wanted to celebrate not just when we introduced ourselves 20 years ago to playing music 25. steve: speaking of 20 yeergs ago we have before and after. and we are going to put that up on the screen. new hotness. going for new hotness. ainsley: scott, you were the baby of the group. youngest of the three brothers. i remember you. you were so cute. still are. still are. but what s crazy, what s crazy is that you have five children? i have four. taylor has five. ainsley: have you five and have you three. ainsley: 12 in between you. obviously your parents are very happy. cute grand kids. that s unbelievable. it seems like yesterday. 20 years we started. a lot has happened along the way. that s why it s important for us to we keep being a band because we are excited about the future the next projects and next things. this is a moment where we wanted to stop and go here is where we have been. let s put it in the package. steve: put all your kids in the video, right? we picked one new song. greatest hits that comes out in september. and we want to put at least one new song in this year. the song called i was born it. it is about pure optimist. pure opposite what we see in the universe. you only see the bad news that s happening. brian: one thing i worry about. every time i see a young band has so much success. do you feel like you gave up your childhood for this unbelievable success? i still feel like i m living my childhood. i feel like i haven t grown up. brian: do you feel like you missed out on something. if you want to do something extraordinary, you have to give up the ordinary. right? so you miss out on high school prom and those things instead go sing on the great wall of china. those are the things you have to choose what you want in your life. sometimes the normal things you don t get. this is a pretty amazing life. steve: not the great wall of china but you will start singing here on fox & friends in about 10 minutes. are you guys ready for that? [cheers and applause] steve: hanson coming up: ainsley: coming up more 90 s pictures including this guy geraldo rivera. he is going to be joining us live. steve: president trump on his way to new jersey right now on air force 1. we sent abby huntsman to a diner nearby. we will be checking in with her coming up next. i ve been thinking about something i ve been thinking about something that s it? he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. 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[ laughing ] so all you pay for is data. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. call or go to introducing xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. steve: well, we re a little damp. it s raining right now. brian: pouring. ainsley: not stopping the fans though from coming out to see hanson. steve: president of the united states is heading to his golf course in bedminster, new jersey right now. not far from there is the sun set diner. abby: that s where we find abby huntsman having breakfast with friends. brian: very important people. hey, abby. with a bunch of friends. hey, you guys. ainsley, please do me a favor. i was the 13-year-old girl who had hanson all over my room. i m obsessed with hanson. so please give them a hug for me. of all days. there is nowhere i would rather be than at the diner. ainsley: can you believe zac has four kids. he was a kid when we were worshiping them on stage he has four kids of his own. abby: unbelievable. i love that i m here with some wonderful people joanne who had three sons of her own going on seven grandchildren. and one on the way. abby: one on the way. we have been talking about respect in this country. you said you did not vote for president obama. but you didn t act out. you didn t protest. i don t walk around with signs. i don t call him all kinds of names. i think the way they are treating president trump is absolutely horrible. he is still the president of the united states, have respect for that. the man is trying to help the country. get out of the way and help him. you know, they are not hurting themselves. they are hurting the american people. abby: you said the media also is hurting. the media, the democrats, they north hurting themselves. they are hurting average american people like myself. abby: bill, we have been talking about the tweeting, i said what do you think of president trump s tweets? he stead that is the guy that campaigned for this job. that s the man that was successful in new york. what do you think about those tweets? i think the tweets are important because his message is not getting out with mainstream media or the cnn and msnbc. they are not going to report what he really is thinking. so, it s something that i think is important for him to do. is he in your face. is he letting the american people know exactly what his agenda is. and i appreciate it. an ache quickly, both of you said you are frustrated with the republican party. you said they promised for years a change in obamacare and you are not seeing it? well, they have had seven years to figure it out. and now they are still chasing it and trying to get everybody on board, which is frustrating for me. frustrating for american people. it s something that i don t understand why, you know, mitch mcconnell and paul ryan just can t get their act together. i m going to use names on that because i m disappointed in them. abby: that s why i m talking to you guys. i want to get over to george real quick. have you strong words on obamacare. okay. obamacare jeesh, i don t even know where this is going. you know. it could be it could be voted in or voted out. it depends on what happens on the senate floor. but, you know, what it is. it s just going to fail. it s eventually going to fail. and it s doing that right now. abby: that is a tease for you. we will have more of george coming up you guys. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional . . . . . . brian: president trump celebrating bastille day alongside french president emannuel macron. showing a solidarity. president trump really enjoys visiting countries around the world, finding out a way we can work together. today in paris president trump spoke on the first time of his son s meeting with a russian lawyer. he issued a staunch defense of don, jr. he took a meeting with a russian lawyer. most people would have taken that meeting he. it is call opposition research. honestly the press made a big deal over something a lot of people would do. if after nine months, all these hearings, the all the investigations, the best we can comp with a 20 minute meeting with a lawyer who had nothing to say? republicans count heads as they drop another version of their obamacare replacement. time to rise the occasion. the american people deserve better than the pain of obamacare. why do i have a friendship with him? because he is called a brother with a different mother. you both have grouped children. what do your grandchildren call you? i m called heffe. i m more humble. i m called pop pop. ainsley: that song put them on the map in 1997. the three brothers from oklahoma, the band is called, hanson. and you know that. steve: they are featured entertainers in the all american summer concert series brought to our by our friends at keurig. we were asking where were you when mmmbop hit the stage. brian, here is where you are. brian: i didn t know geraldo back then in 1997. tell you where i was. here it is, that is me next to a weather puppet, steve. that is steve s weather puppet for the record. were you you working at kmart. brian: not sure what i was doing there. ainsley: your hair longer. brian: absolutely is. ainsley: face hasn t changed. brian: thank you very much. what about januaries necessary dean. steve: with patrick swayze. look at janice dean. how about geraldo rivera here on the curvy couch after he opened somebody s vault. keeping clinton out of jail in the midst of impeachment. simpson s civil trial was that year. found liable for the deaths of ron goldman and nicole simpson. president of the united states hanging by a shoestring. there are some parallels i guess certainly people tried to gin up of the arc of president bill clinton and president donald trump. steve: democrats are all talking about impeachment. they should choke on that word. it is ridiculous overstated. even media. talking about the meeting donald trump, jr. had with the russian lawyer. it apgears to be bigger than it was yesterday. now you have this fifth person in the room. he is former soviet, i don t know i hesitate to say agent because i don t know for a fact. steve: there was a registered lobbiest in the room with them. with soviet connections. my take on this, i have known donald trump, jr., not as long as his dad, know him pretty well, kids in the same school, all the rest of that. this is absolutely, this with absolute love, bungling amateur hour, a absolutely benign kinds of seeking out i think the president is right, almost anyone would have taken that meeting. maybe they would have used appropiate cautions. maybe would have notified other officials. steve: wouldn t writ back on email. would not be swapping loving emails. cool. this is neat stuff. running for president. i would smack him in the back of the head. to me, sometimes when what you do is so overt and not designed in a diabolical way to achieve a result, sometimes when you do clumsy like that, it is an indication that is exculpatory. you re innocent of mind rather than you re guilty. brian: not only do you have investigative instincts but you have a legal background. i understand that with don, jr., he is not lawyer. he is a real estate guy running a a billion dollar company legitimately, huge responsibility. but for paul manafort go in the room, look at that email, it is okay to be in here, this guy doing it for 50 years, he knows danger of being associated with a outside country. take it in reverse. with don, jr. first. he not only a real estate guy. he is first-born son. his father improblemmably, about to win the nomination for the presidency of the united states. he has gone from, another upper east side kid, zion of a wealthy family, center of a hurricane, hurricane known as the presidential race. this is heady stuff for don, jr. manafort different. manafort i hate to say this, i don t like to characterize people, but forgive me, sounds harsh, he has a sleazy aspect to him and his client, the you ukrainian government, the old you ukrainian government, was a pro-russian ukrainian government. he was taking a ton of money from him. manafort, the best thing trump did was to dump manafort. brian: democrats got him out by the ukrainian connections. i don t quite understand what you re saying there. brian: the democrats have a meeting with, democratic national committee has a the meeting with a ukrainian operative who hates manafort because he is associated with the russian government. the old brian: who is carving up their country. they established those ties. manafort becomes sullied. president trump has to get rid of him. there is absolutely no crime described. you asked my legal background. there is absolutely no crime described, even if there was a kgb killer in that room, there is nothing criminal about what donald trump, jr. did steve: poor judgment. poor judgment. ainsley: no collusion. if it doesn t change the election, why is mainstream media making headline and spending majority of newscast on this? they hate the president. they hate the trump administration. they hate donald trump, jr. by association and by relationship. and you know it is too bad. very briefly. meetings, not a crime. if he on the other hand said, if you go to computer xyz in the second room of the nsa you can hack into if he conspired to hack, if he obstructs justice, destroys those emails, which he obviously did not do. if i lies about it, that is his biggest peril, was there anyone else in the room? no, no one else in the room. turns out this fifth guy, this soviet guy. ainsley: want you to react. we talked to kellyanne at white house. when i was campaign manager in those last several months i, when i needed negative information about hillary clinton, i didn t have to go very far. i looked at hillary clinton. she was a treasure trove. she was like a treasure box of negative hillary information with arms and legs. again, what kind of money are we going to spend by the taxpayers having these infinite investigations. there are many of them. if we re going to do that, fine i suppose. but we really need to spend our time also telling people what is being done here for them. and that is not being covered at all. brian: legally i don t think that is particularly helpful to the trump position. i think what the trump position has to be right now is, everything was benign. everything was legal. clumsy, amateurish, but absolutely not criminal. anything we have you get. brian: robert mueller. your older brother. brian: i want to finish this line questioning, after investigating this, bus robert mueller have green light to go into the president s taxes, business arrangements, because they are now probing this area? as a non-lawyer, as you expressed that question i bet you know the answer. of course there is. of course there is. how else do you prove the possibility of a quid pro quo but by examining any relationships, business relationships that existed with any of the relevant players. at the very least he has to take a cursory look at all of these russian deals. there is no doubt about it. that is the problem with a special prosecutor. once they start that process, it is very difficult to slow them down. particularly when they are motivated, let me say, by something other than just the just pursuit of the truth. steve: politics. yes. steve: all right. geraldo. thanks for joining us live. ainsley: let s hand it over to jillian. good morning to you at home. fox news alert. brand new grewsome details of four young men vanished outside a farm in philadelphia. a source tells the local fox affiliate, 20-year-old accomplice was arrested with a overnight. cost mow din farred do i con messed to the murders dinardo he shot the victims over gun and drug deal and buried them in two separate graves. a guilty plea part of a deal to take the death penalty off the deal. what do you say to the families, cosmo. they have been able to identify the body of 19-year-old done carafor they re still working to identify remains in the gray. shootout with three palestinian gunmen at one of jerusalem holiest sites. the gunmen, citizens of arab israel are dead. the attackers rused weapons stored inside of jerusalem s old city, opening fire on a police patrol. the relative says all three were devout muslims who frequently visited the shrine. president trump s travel ban takes another hit overnight. federal judge in hawaii expanding list of family relationships needed by people needing new visas from six mostly muslim countries. they include grandparents, uncles, aunts and other relatives. judge watson, said grandparents are the epitome of close family members. tim tebow does it again. hit as walk-home run to win the game. take a look. oh! [cheering] the crowd goes wild. last night s homer is the 29-year-old s third of the season for the st. lucie mets. tube he bow has an 11-game hitting streak promoted from single a columbia late last month. the his first walk-off homer since high school. that walk-off homer in high school won district championship. he said that one was nice but this is special. steve: why wasn t he at the all-star game? brian: he is hitting over .300. he is doing well. i will admit it. ainsley: our guy is doing great. tebow is doing so great. becoming a tim tebow fan. steve: wasn t in the beginning. she made the turn. brian: we want him as quarterback in in the cfl or the nfl. ainsley: fine with what he is doing. steve: there you go. coming up on this friday, more winning under president trump. stock markets are hitting record highs since he took offers, the various averages. our next guest says because investors are ignoring all the fake news out there. there ask plenty of it. ainsley: former president as george w. bush and bill clinton open up about their lives after the oval office. now why do i have a friendship with him? because he is called a brother with a different mother. he hangs out [laughter] ainsley: what they have to say about their families is just ahead. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get time for more life. this family wanted to keep the game going. son: hey mom, one more game? tech: with safelite, you get a text when we re on our way. you can see exactly when we ll arrive. mom: sure. bring it! tech: i m micah with safelite. mom: thanks for coming, it s right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care! family: bye! kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace. .is not just something you can see or touch. a feeling. it s the place where you feel safe to have those little moments that mean everything. at adt, we believe that feeling should always be there. whether it s at your house, or your business, we help keep you safe. so you can have those moments that make you feel at home. you are loved wherever you are. brian: looks like investors aren t buying into many of the media s fake news. in fact they re ignoring headlines about president trump colluding with the russians you hear about. that storyline is expanding. as a result stocks are surging. why? the dow, s&p 500, nasdaq seeing straight gains. here to weigh in assistant editor of wall street journal. editorial page of james freeman who wrote about this the market is not getting caught up with the soap opera with russians. what evidence do we have? kind of weird. you have this disconnect, if you surfed most news channels this book you heard about dire threats to rule of law, potential trials in the trump family, word treason thrown around, when you look at markets investors obviously don t see this danger. so, you have, yesterday, the dow jones industrial average set its 24th record of this year. stocks are valued very highly. these are investment decisions of investors you all over the world. we think of someone skeptical of media reports being kind of blue-collar trump voter in the midwest but this is really the whole world is discounting a lot of what they re hearing from the media. brian: as we see, look at the timeline, we have a full screen what happened when the word came out that don, jr. had this email chain and it was being exposed and he published him self. slight dip, disaster. what happened after that? you re looking at 100 point drop on the dow which is really a hiccup. the dow is up 3,000 points since trump s election. brian: and then? bounces back immediately. brian: same day. we re bouncing along near records. now the futures are pointing down a little bit today, but banks reporting real good earnings this morning who knows. a lot of things go into stock prices. my point investors don t think we re facing a some civil agessal threat, that we re going into constitutional crisis. they have a very different analysis than you get from a lot of media reports. brian: what does that make you conclude? some things president trump put on track and with september release of tax reform and deregulation and backing of the energy sector and defense stocks, they re saying i like the path, my money likes this path? those are all positive for stocks. you look at obviously health care reform is touch-and-go right now but if that gets done gives people a lot more optimism that we get the tax cut. yeah, that is good for growth. that could be very powerful. whereas investors looking at controversy around trump and they don t, they re kind of skeptical about it. brian: another reason to pick up the editorial section of the wall street journal. thank you, sir. brian: i get it electronically, every day. thank you, james. watch you this weekend. coming up straight ahead abc news under fire for labeling a christian legal organization a hate group. first on a lighter note. here is hanson. all grown up. thinking about something. that is their song. office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. what s the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. we re on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we re good. we re good. terminix. defenders of home. brian: some headlines now. house majority whip steve scalise in fair condition after undergoing surgery to manage an infection stemming from his bullet wounds. he was readmitted to infinance sieve care this month due to that infection. scalise was targeted by a gunman while attending a gop baseball practice in virginia. he was sitting in a chair this weekend. that is good. also recovering in a hospital this morning, former president 92 year-old jimmy carter. collapsing for dehydration, volunteering for habitat for humanity in canada. this came two years after he was announced free from cancer that spread he across his brain. steve, ainsley. steve: thank you, brian. abc news was under fire after labeling alliance defending freedom, labeling it a hate group. ainsley: the organization calling them out for journalistic malpractice, demanding they retract the story and issue an apology. steve: joining us right now the legal counsel and communications director of alliance defending freedom from los angeles. carrie, good morning to you. good morning. so what did abc do and why do you take exception to it? i take a lot of exception to it this is the reason that president trump and american people are frustrated with the media. what abc did was essentially cut and paste aer. campaign from adally left-wing, violence inciting organization called the southern poverty law center and put it out as fact in a headline, comparing us, labeling us as a hate group. when in fact we are one of the most respected supreme court practices in the country. we ve won seven case in the last seven years. we won a case at the supreme court couple weeks ago. you might be familiar with the play ground case where the supreme court said that you can t treat people of faith worse than everyone else. you can t deny children safer playgrounds simply because they attend a religious school. that s what we re about but unfortunately abc took it upon themselves to present incredibly biased headline that indicated otherwise. ainsley: i know abc smeared christians who believe the bill of rights secures religious liberty and called you a hate group. said you were anti-lgbt. what is the mission of your group. nothing could be further from the truth. our mission is pretty simple, we advocate for all people of faith to freely, and peacefully live out their conscience and their faith without threat of government punishment. there is a distinct common denominator among our clients who we represent. it is this. they love everyone. they serve everyone, no matter who they are, no matter what their walk of life, no matter how they identify but they can t be compelled by the government to create custom design or art for all events asked of them. a violation of their conscience as faith based people. regardless where we say something like marriage should be deeply concerned about a government that can punish someone simply for living in accordance with their faith as an artist. steve: it is one thing, one thing for the southern poverty law center which you say has an agenda, they are to the left. one thing for them to call you a hate group but for abc news then to just, you said just cut and paste that headline, put it on their website, that is where you have got a problem. have you her from abc yet? i know you want an apology. yeah. we would like an apology. we would like them to retract the story. they have modified the headline slightly but the let s again, he think about who they are referencing. southern poverty law center is organization at that attacks veterans, nuns, muslims who are fighting islamic terrorists, they attack christians, catholics, it doesn t matter. yet, abc took is upon themselves to cut and paste language from this violence-inciting organization and put it in their headline as fact. what is really sad to me, steve, is that the real news got lost in all of this. that was attorney general jeff sessions delivered a beautiful speech on religious freedom. i encourage all viewers to check it out on the federalist. look at remarks where he talks about religious freedom and freedom of conscience being inherent who we are as a nation and society. that is the real news. he talked about faith driving martin luther king, jr., to do the great work that he did. same faith that inspires us to do what we do. our clients to serve and love everyone. steve: carrie, we understand abc attributed that quote, the hate group passage, to the southern poverty law center now. so at a lot of there is some small print that explains why they have it in it now. is that okay for you? i would like for them to include the quote from our organization within their piece as well. and actually explain what we do and what we re about. that would be real news. ainsley: what is your response if they don t do that? we re going to continue to fight this kind of fake news. that is what this is about. journalists are ethically obligated to present both sides of a story. a mainstream news out let like abc news needs to present both sides of a conversation. what they re doing, when they cut and paste smear campaigns, is simply, just encouraging this lack of civil discourse in our society. that is a real problem. tolerance should be a two-way street. ainsley: thank you, carrie. steve: joining us from l.a. ainsley: thanks, carrie. the illegal immigrant charged with kate steinle s murder. says it is not his fault. guess what he is blaming? the gun. steve: of course. you know nra spokeswoman dane a if lash has something to say about that. ainsley: president trump after the paris trip. here is hanson, performing, this time around quote. the steve: it is flash back friday. hanson one of featured performers. we are going back exactly 20 years ago when this song was number one in 25 countries. we would take a look what people look like. people you know in 1997. that person you know. there she is right there. nothing s changed, right? brian: exactly. look the same. was in 7th grade. marked by the 7th on the bottom. brian: you were in 7th grade we were beginning the show. me, laura green and o reilly studio today. steve: it was ours first. brian: that was ours first. that was everything. that was one year in i think. chris, providing the 20 years later. steve: here we are back at work on friday morning. ainsley: how does it make you feel you were working at fox & friends and jillian was in 7th grade? that s okay. brian: that is what it means. i m embarrassed. steve: elizabeth sent of this photo of her in the 90s wearing a ainsley: there she is with her brothers. one is her twin. the her dad in the background, hugging them on the new jersey shore. elizabeth wearing a hanson t-shirt there. brian: that is incredible. really? ainsley: she is adorability. there are some people that work behind the scenes. a lot of our producers. they were in middle school at time. hanson was huge. steve: they re outside listening to them. ainsley: they brought friends. waiting on hanson to sing for them this morning. brian: sometimes as little kids growing up looking totally different. these guys look bert as young adults because they re young men. ainsley: they were still as cute. brian: they could still be models. steve: 25 minutes before the top of hour. bring in national spokesperson for the nra. know her from broadcasting as well, dana loesch from the blaze. good morning to you. good morning to you. ainsley: where were you in 1997. i remember hanson. i was senior in high school. i remember hanson, yeah. steve: talk a little bit i ve been shooting rifles for a long time. brian: i know you have. talk a little bit now about famously when he was out on the stump running for president, donald trump talked a lot about the case of kate steinle which happened during the campaign year where she was murdered when a man who was in this country illegally, that man, right there, who had been deported a number of times, got his hands on a gun. apparently he is back in court later today. you know what, here is the interesting thing, dana. apparently his lawyer now says that the blame belongs not on him, but on the gun. oh, this is the goofiest argument that i have ever heard. this guy, by the way, has 25-year history of felonies. this guy knew exactly what he was doing when he stole this firearm. this guy knew exactly what he was doing when he pulled the trigger on this firearm. as i understand it this is sig sauer p-226. that is not how the firearm operates. that is not how any of these firearms operate. it would do his attorneys well to actually understand how firearms work. no, this guy, this is an excuse for this ongoing illegality from this illegal alien who should have been deported a long time ago before he was able to murder kate steinle. ainsley: his lawyer saying the semiautomatic, sig sauer, is known for accidental discharges among police. they re saying it accidentally discharged and probably did in this case. their argument are incredibly weak on this. look, i have sig sauer. i don t have a p-22. i fired a p-22before. i m very familiar with this firearm. did it also cause him to steal the firearm? did it also cause him to get his finger in the trigger guard? how do you accidentally fire a again at someone, get your finger in the trigger guard around grip it? that is not how any of this work. it is asinine argument for lawyers desperate to defend someone who should not be in the country anyway. was illegally in this country. because of continued coddling of this sort of criminality, we have a beautiful young woman who is now dead and we have to stop coddling criminals because it perpetuates criminal activity. steve: oh, boy. let s talk about one other thing. we see you on television as a spokesperson for the nra. marchers with a history of violence i understand, are supposedly going to be protesting the nra tomorrow. tell us about this. yeah. i m doing a special broadcast today in fact. people can find out more information at dana you have women s march. mom demands, blacks lives matter, bunch of social justice warriors, under flag of woman s march going from the nra to department of justice, me and my call for non-violence through nra ad. what i find incredibly interesting about all this, these woman s march don t have problem calling for jihad against the president of the united states. they have no problem with endorsing and celebrating someone like louis farrakhan, who is a hateful religious terrorist, a hateful anti-semite. these are the people that these organizers endorse. they endorsed wahaj, who defines jihad as forcible violent struggle. they have no problems with any of those individuals but they have a problem with an explicit call for non-violence? all this is are people who are looking to justify their own bigotry. this is not all women s march. it is some women s march. they banned pro-life women. they banned muslim gay groups. they banned basically conservative second amendment. this is only some women s march. steve: where is the tolerance? dana loesch from dallas, texas, have a good weekend. good luck tomorrow. thank you all so much. good to see you. brian: 20 minutes left. here is what is straight ahead. president trump in the air and on his way to new jersey after a successful trip to paris. we sent abby huntsman to a diner by the golf course to see how everything is going. she is having breakfast with friends. that s next. staff steve hanson steve: hanson performing ainsley: penny and me. penny and me tonight (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. with reduced redness,. thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t take otezla if you re allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight. and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea,. nausea, upper respiratory tract infection. and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. good friday morning to you, back with headlines right now. former vice president al gore thinks the battle overclimate change is on par with humanity s great post trials. comparing it to abolition of slavery, women s suffrage, voting rights and anti- anti-anti-apartheid movement in south africa. what are you called? i m called heffe. why do i have a friendship with him? , he is called a brother with a different mother. he hangs out in our i love that the two were in texas last night to talk to students about leadership and their experiences with the presidency. that is quick look at headlines. send it back to you nice. steve: that means boss or leader so refreshing to see he democrats and republicans getting along. steve: there you go. abby getting along at sunset diner not too far from president trump s golf course in bedminister, new jersey. abby, the president is heading your way right now. he is is. i m surrounded by men who say they all support women. they re going to the golf tournament today. they want to go see president trump. listen to this, combined, 14 girls, little girls they all have, teenage girls. i asked al what advice he had for me. he has a girl named abby. keep your new daughter from any boys that come her way. which i love. i talk politics. are you going to the golf tournament. are you excited to see president trump? we re very excited to go to the u.s. open today. it will be a great event. we re looking forward to it. but real excited if we can see president trump. it would be awesome. we were talking politics earlier, ralph as well. and you said you were kind of tired hearing about russia. you really want the media to focus on other issues you want to hear about. would be so great to focus on policy so many good things the administration wants to do. there are too many distractions out there. if you look where donald trump is coming today, from bastille day in france, back to new jersey, back to the u.s., tireless, energic, great policy. focus on that. so much more can be done here. great to get back to basics. probably watching. hope to see you guys at tournament. you guys were great with that. were you from new york city? yes. you followed his career? yes. how do you think he is doing? i think he is great. people from new york tendency a little more blunt, come across aabrasive. that is the way we are from new york. so i don t really misinterpret it as him being nasty or anything like that. it is him being him. he does that to get what he wants done. what do you do? i work in the financial industry investments. everyone at this table does can something different which i love. you twice all have different career. what do you think about his tweets, ralph? it is great way for the president to get his word out, right? to really go directly to the people, right? sometimes the press feeds on that. comes back to haunt him quite a it about, right? there is something to be said about speaking his mind. that is who the man is. that is what people have galvanized around. so it is double-edged sword. you have to be careful about it. i think it face nominal way to reach people without it being screened and filtered, really abrupted by any media. if you had any advice, focus on issues. don t talk about russia anymore, president trump. do you have any advice? the advice? keep working hard. we need you. right. you heard it here first of stable of men at tournament today, full of women at home i m sure watching so proud of their dads. back to you guys. steve: abby huntsman. ainsley: she is in the second trimester. feeling a lot better. made it. ainsley: getting energy back. thanks, abby. hanson will perform live out on our plaza. steve: first let s check in with bill hemmer who grew up listening to them and still love them. i m in my is being trimester too. steve: what? it was a joke. turning away from paris, heading into the teeth of this health care debate. who the president needs to sell in the senate now. this as the russia matter awaits more scrutiny. what we re learning about that this friday morning. cease-fire holds in syria. washington and moscow figure this out. come join us this friday morning. see you in ten minutes, top of the hour. or activity in one place and save, where would you go? expedia. my doctor recommended i switch laxatives. stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. steve: time for hanson, brand new song. here they are. i was born . . i don t want a ticket to the same routine i want to see the sights unseen i want the extraordinary everybody s waking to the same clock, i could never be another chip off that old block cause i was born to do something, no one s ever done, no one s ever done before. i was born to go somewhere, no one s ever gone, no one s ever gone before i was born to be someone, no one s ever been, no one s ever been before i don t need a map, i can t be directed i ve got a madness don t need the method my heart is a weapon and my mind s electric, i ll shock the world when you least expect it everybody s betting on the big guy but don t underestimate the sting of the butterfly oh cause i was born to do something no one s ever done, no one s ever done before i was born to go somewhere, no one s ever gone, no one s ever gone before i i was born to be someone no one s ever been, no one s ever been before before there s a road out in front of me nobody can see, i m paving it as i go gonna take it wherever it leads, cause i want to be somewhere no one has been before i was born to do, i was born to go, i was born to be, someone and i was born to do something no one s ever done, no one s ever done before i was born to go somewhere no one s ever gone, no one s ever gone before i was born to be someone no one s ever been before i was born to do, i was born to go, i was born to be someone no one s ever been, no one s ever been before [cheers and applause] what s the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that s mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. four seconds on the clock, championship on the line. erin the sharpshooter shanahan fakes left. she s outside of the key, she shoots. .she scores! uh. yes, erin, it is great time to score a deal. we need to make room for the 2018 models. relive the thrill of beating the clock. the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 bonus and 0% apr on a new 2017 jetta or passat. we have had so much fun out here with hanson for our concert series. thank you so much for being here and performing for our fabulous friends. [cheers and applause] what s coming up this weekend? corey lewandowski, we have nigel farrage, and the wiffle ball factory made in america tell the story. have a good day everybody! bill: nicely done, friday morning after president trump is on his way home wrapping up a two day trip in france. earlier today, he was witness to a historic bastille day parade in paris, and now he returns to a full agenda, the height stakes showdown on health care that looms on capitol hill. good morning and it s a good friday morning here on america s newsroom. how are you? shannon: we can ride around the corner! before that we have a couple of news for you. president trump keeping the heat on republican senators over health care even before leaving paris. the president tweeting so important republican senators get health care plan approved. after seven years o

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Alabama , United-states , Green-mountain , Washington , Paris , France-general- , France , Alaska , China

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170711

for blocking the president s nominee. senate has confirmed 48 of 197 presidential nominees. mosul has been liberated. think about that. we have only been in office less than six months thanks to the president s leadership we are winning everywhere. you wouldn t know it if you turned on cnn or read the new york times. brian: all right. get ready we are going trite a fox news alert. the death toll is rising in horrific military plane crash. ainsley: marine corps refueling plane spiraling out of control and slamming into a soybean field in mississippi, killing at least 16 people. steve: this is a terrible story. griff jenkins is covering it live with the latest on this devastating loss. griff? griff griff good morning, gog guys, our thoughts and prayers going out to those who lost their lives in the plane crash. the cause is undetermined at this point but that the marine corps kc 130 experienced a mishap before going down in the mississippi delta some 85 miles north of jackson around 4:00 p.m. yesterday. one witness on the ground reported hearing a loud boom and seeing a large plume of black smoke as the plane spiraled down in a corkscrew crashing. the debris field stretching for miles. the officials for will he leffly urging everyone to stay away. we don t want anybody without responding in the area or around any area. fbi has been called into this scene. there are few details coming out of the marine corps folks. they announced the crash on twitter. we re trying to learn more. here is what they had to say. at this time we getting more information to work this incident, the scene out to see further what we need to do. mississippi s governor phil brian expressing his concerns for these marines. this is certainly a tragic and developing story, guys, that we will certainly learn a lot more about later today. steve: we will, indeed. all right, griff, thank you very much. brian: you realize, too, when it comes to the military oh you are just going through training, just going through exercises. no, everything is dangerous. because they drill, they go through all these things and you just hear about this stuff domestically because you have to go through all of this to hopefully pull it off in actually the theater of war. steve: in this case the kc 130 is essentially a flying gas station. full of gas. apparently in this instance it sounds like it also had a load of ammo as well. ainsley: so dangerous. they are still searching. the vegetation is so high in rural field they re searching through all of that to see if there are more bodies. 16 people we know confirmed dead as griff was reporting. keep those families in your thoughts and prayers today because those lives are changed forever. steve: absolutely. as the sun comes up, we have a live report out there in mississippi. brian: i like to have productive lunches. though i like to enjoy myself for the most party. i love when people say let s have a working lunch. man, on the republican side they will have a working lunch today at which time all the work that s been done during out so-called recess over the last week and a half will be revealed. the brief, the draft that was put together and was not successfully put to a vote two weeks ago has been amended and changed and will be reintroduced to the g.o.p., to the senators today at lunch. ainsley: senators are working really hard. they are trying to fix the healthcare bill. they are trying to get it passed before they go on the next recess, before the year is over. because republicans ran on this. and they know their constituents are expecting it. steve: so they have got the revised version. they are going to unveil it because really nobody has seen it so far. by the beginning of next week they hope the cbo is able to price it out, figure out how much it would cost and how many people would lose insurance. they hardly ever remind people that a lot of the people would no longer have insurance because they choose not to. mandated. and then perhaps a vote next week. from the changes that we have seen so for a, it is unlikely that any of the changes suggested so far are going to get the 10 republican senators back on board. and that is a problem for mitch mcconnell who is in charge of trying to right this ship. ainsley: they do have the majority. 52 republicans. they need 50 votes and the vice president would be that tie breaker. pretty hard. brian: twrerm with the opioid money, they have to come up with money for opioid rehab and to address that situation. number two, have you te ted cruz with something got a lot of the people intrigued. proposal to allow the insurance companies to sell any kind of healthcare plans they want sell one plan that regulatory requirements. among the people who like that secretary treasury mnuchin. among the people who like that senator majority whip cornyn in texas. ted cruz is somebody who he is so conservative you will never let him go along with anything that doesn t go by his structure. no this the time. is he going to work. he wants everyone to work through the summer. it s crazy that we would be taking a recess. there are a bunch of us, myself included that have been urging leadership back from january. let s not take any recesses. let s work every day. let s work weekends. let s work until we get the job done. and, you know, the people who are pushing for that, i would say the folks elected in the last five, six, years, what i call the young tuckers that we have been consistently in the lunches pressing saying look, we have a job to do and we have a short window of time and so we ought to stop taking recesses, stop taking time off and just keep going until we get it done. ainsley: they all have vacations planned because they have that august recess but good for him for saying that because the constituents, this is what they want. steve: here s the problem though with his plan. it makes sense to a lot of people where if you have a affordable care act compliant thing loaded with all the stuff and then have a skinny plan, unfortunately what they are worried is that for people with preexisting conditions it would jack the price of premiums way up. if you are young and in good shape, it s great for you. but anybody with preexisting conditions, that s going to be a problem. ainsley: they have to get it right. if they don t they are going to be in the same mess as obamacare. steve: in iowa chuck grassley tweeted out over the weekend all 52 republican senators should be ashamed they haven t voted to repeal the affordable care act by now. if we fail, he writes, we will go from majority to minority and, of course, that s the big rub. it is all politics. brian: i would add this. i think the repeal and we will replace it when we get a chance would be a political disaster worse than not passing anything. although the vice president of the united states said yesterday that would be preferable to not doing anything at all. senator mitch mcconnell said last week if i don t get this done with the republican support, i m going to go talk to senator chuck schumer and talk with democrats which most republicans would hate because senator chuck schumer would then have leverage. steve: that s not whether a they voted for. people across america voted to have the repeal and the replacement which is what we were promise you had. ainsley: today the nypd is giving the final salute to officer familia. you remember we talked about this. she is the one murdered in the bronx last week when she was on the job. steve: absolutely. there is a bit of bright news regarding this story. you know, we talked about it on this show last week. she was killed when she was sitting in a commands vehicle outside an area on the fifth of july. 12:30 in the morning. yesterday, the state senate here in new york state appropriated $4 million for bullet proof glass because they don t ever want what happened to her to happen to anybody ever again. brian: all right. so families and friends and colleagues are set to say their final goodbyes today. i wonder if the mayor will fig fit that into his schedule. steve: he went to the viewing last night but he refused to answer questions. ainsley: you see the picture of the mother and kids. look at that picture. steve: i know. sat story. ainsley: now we are going to shift gears a little bit. george lopez the comedian has never been a friend of donald trump when he was running for president. yesterday he posted on his instagram this. this was the message. the trump administration is deporting latinos to make the streets safer. you want to make the streets safer, deport the police. this is not an indictment of all law enforcement but, still, he then deleted it proximate result. ainsley: he then sent out an apology, kind of. and tried to clarify what he meant by the police. he says i hope this clears up any misunderstanding, comedy has a wave healing but i also realize it can hurt, too. so, let s let cooler heads prevail and then look at the picture. deport the police, which is the band. steve: from great britain. brian: unbelievably inappropriate and lacking. listen to dan bongino. these guys and women, martha are banged up. they have heir heads on swivels. they have to be worried about getting hit by actions and cold blooded shooters shooting them. have you black lives matter with these chants that happen and general climate against the cops. these guys are really, i was just up in new york and i spoke to a port authority cop and he said morale is at all-time low. they will can t seem to catch a break, ever. thank god the general public still holds them in high esteem. but the politicians have really failed them. it s really a disgrace u. brian: worry too fallen down is it fair to say and pressure from families who ever wanted to be police officers. i don t want you to do that you are not supported by the government and local people. you are not getting the respect on the streets you deserve. i don t want new harm s way. there is better things for you to do. you don t get top cops. ainsley: even the cars you are sitting in don t have bullet proof glass. brian: if it s a shame you need it. ainsley: remember in philadelphia he told us i take my uniform off when i clock out every day. steve: on the way home. ainsley: i m too scared. steve: sad commentary. yesterday on this program we aired and tweeted this story saying former fbi director james comey leaked memos containing top secret information. we were mistaken in that according to the report half of the information in the report clarified secret or classified level not top secret. documents in which mr. comey leaked are at this point unclear. just you wanted to straighten that out. in the meantime 12 minutes after the top of the hour, time for other news with jillian. jillian: we are following a few breaking news stories this morning. let s start with this. a fox news alert. the u.s. flexing defense muscles overnight destroying incoming test missile off the coast of alaska. lockheed martin thad system successfully intercepted the target. the u.s. army providing critical support to full off. the test meant to send a strong message to north korea that if the communist country fires nukes, america can denksd itself. more breaking news right now, the phish arriving on the scene and a military center in oklahoma this morning. after a late-night explosion. witnesses say someone on a motorcycle threw a backpack at the u.s. air force recruiting center near tulsa. when that happened, the doors were completely blown off the building. officials believe it may have had a pipe bomb inside. calling it a possible act of domestic terror. no arrests have been made and no one was hurt. and the home run derby turned into judgment day. take a look. there it is, ladies and gentlemen. aaron george your 2017 home run derby champion. ainsley: is he unreal. yankees rookie slugger aaron judge putting on a show easily winning the der any miami. beating minnesota miguel snow in the final round. judge crushed 47 homers, overall, four of them over 500 feet. i know a lot of people had a late night watching this. brian: first round he had 22, 21. ainsley: that s amazing. that s awesome. brian: one of the greatest sporting events you will see that doesn t matter. steve: always fun to watch. thank you, jillian. the white house tearing into senate democrats chuck schumer for what they call unprecedented obstruction against the pit s nominee. why the delay? former trump spokesperson katrina pearson on that coming up next. brian: hignext.brian high school student score an interview with defense secretary james mattis. we ll tell you. where would you go? expedia. previously treated withd platinum-based chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene who ve tried an fda-approved targeted therapy, here s a question: who wouldn t want a chance for another.? who d say no to a.? who wouldn t 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call today to talk about your insurance needs. for the past six months, senator schumer has deliberately run an aggressively campaign of obstruction against the president s nominees for high ranking positions in the government. to date, to a total of 50 trump administration nominees to. put that in perspective, the senate had confirmed 202 officials at the at the same time point. pointing fingers at schumer for blocking president trump s nominees. here for reaction is former trump campaign national spokeswoman katrina pearson. good morning to you. good morning, steve. steve: the wall street journal today they write in the op-ed pages senate democrats are abusing senate rules to undermine the executive branch and the republicans need to restore normal order. what s going on? well, it s true. the democrats are definitely obstructing these nominations. you know, republicans are getting a real eye opener what it means to be the opposition party. what is it nearly every cabinet official has been confirmed by now since eisenhower. but the good news is they are operating under democrat rules put in place in 2013. so all they can is slow walk. eventually there will be confirmations. they think this is being parity of the resistance that s going to putter president trump and, in fact, they are wrong. steve: take look at the big wall over there 336 nominations, 186 were confirmed and then with pump, he has made 242 nominations. and only 50 confirmed there are a number of democrats though, katrina, who say, look, the problem is from the administration because we haven t gotten this many names. is there any truths to that? the math doesn t add up. if you are waiting on another 100 to 200 nominees but still slow walking the 50 on your table. is it doesn t matter how many have been appointed. they are obstructed literally by causing obstruction committees can t meet i literally slow walking this process. the only people it s hurting are the american people. even in blue states, people voted for donald trump. they wanted to get affordable healthcare. they need tax reform. they need relief from this country. that s what they are slow-walking. steve: mitch mcconnell runs the u.s. senate. he is in your party. he should be able to zip these people through. what s going on with the mitch team? i agree. i think the president would agree that the republicans need to get a little bit more aggressive at pushing these measures through. we will see what happens. but, at the same time, there are rules that are in place and the democrats are using those rules to slow walk it they have this gentleman s code in the senate and republicans are finding out that they re not going along to get along like they have been so long. steve: we will see what happened. we will. steve: thank you, katrina, for joining us live. what do you think about that? email us at this man could have killed cops had he gotten his way. why did a judge just release him with no bail? and governor chris christie gets a shot hosting a sports radio show? how did that go? listen. i love getting calls from communists. are you swearing on the air, mike. you are bum. of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. (baby crying) (slow jazz music) fly me to the moon and let me play (bell ringing) (audience cheering) ainsley: here are quick headlines for you. new evidence might give charlie gard a chance at life. the parents have until tomorrow to prove that their son could be kept alive. a british judge giving them a chance to prove brain damage the 11-month-old has suffered can be reversed by experiment tall treatment in the u.s. or italy. otherwise the original ruling to pull charlie off life support will stand. the aclu is suing president trump over voter fraud. accusing the administration of violating federal public access requirements by holding first meeting in private without public notice. president trump put together the 15 member group to investigate claims of voter fraud in last year s election. brian: backlash is building this morning after a judge released this guy cardale emanuel. is he accused of trying to violently steal a nypd s gun from his holster. steve: thankfully that officer was able to overtake him and arrest him. the police officer said he cketdz have killed officers had he gotten his hand on the gun. still one day later he was released without bail. by a judge. judge lauren bailey shipman. ainsley: here to react is pat lynch patrolman of the benevolent association. good morning. thank you for being with us. what is your reaction? it s outrageous that a judge would sit on that bench and look down at a person who attacked a new york city police officer on the eve of a shouldering assist police officer killed in the line of duty say that this person who walked into a station house, struggled to get a police officer s gun, was interviewed after the police officer subdued him and the mission was the voices in my head are saying kill as many police officers as possible and this judge can look down and say, you know what? we re going to release you on your own recognize. steve: are they going to treat the voices in his head. no. treat it by sending him out on the street into other neighborhoods to attack police officers and god forbid officers walking up the block. she says own recognizance. that means you are good, go home. don t get in trouble. brian: think about this. this person saying i will strike again. nothing will stop me from striking again. is that something similar that happened with the assassination of that officer last week. absolutely right. person hearing voices in the head walked up and assassinated a police officer. days later release, walked into a police house. tried to gain control of the officer s weapon. thank god the officers were who they were and brought him to the ground and arrested him. we have got to put them away. $250,000 bail. the judge says go on home but be good. ainsley: today is the funeral for officer familiaria, visiting hours were on monday. what s your reaction? what are the folks in the police department? what are they saying about the mayor? you know, the mayor s job is to be the compass for the city of new york, to say this is where we are trying to go. and we talk about bringing the community and the police together. that s the time to say here, look, this is what police officers do each and every day. they put them sestlesz as the risk and wto rest.we lost one o. brian: protest our country and our president. protest what we stand for. what police officers and our country stand for. brian: support the anarchists on the street hurt the cops. cops are great but 250 went off to the hospital. meanwhile, you should be here in the neighborhood. look, we had a vigil in the fourth, sixth precinct in the bronx where the neighborhood came out. fellow police officers came out. the family was there. standing with candles, in silent prayer. he was protesting over in germany. his job is to say we need to support our police officers from all sides. we need to bring everyone together. the way do you that is say look at this tragedy. we have lost one of our finest, a mother, the bread winner in the family who now three children are without a mother. brian: he showed up last night. he showed up last night at the end of the wake. brian: at the end? he showed up at the end. he showed up at the house earlier in the morning while everyone else, law enforcement, other folks in the city all weekend were embracing that family and the fellow police officers. steve: we are looking at a picture of her. tell us about her. three children she leaves. she is a wonderful person. even folks in the neighborhood said oh, i knew her. i would talk to her and when her and her partner were walking down the concourse. i didn t know this was going to happen. you saw the line at the wake yesterday for blocks regular working folks getting off the subway but standing for hours online to go in and show respect for those two children, for that daughter, 20-year-old girl who when told that it s not good, your mother may not make it, you saw it in her face that she realized that i am it now. i m the mother. i m the bread winner, i have to rear my brother and my sister. terrible. ainsley: there is outpouring of support and love for the community. fund set up for three children to help send them to college. there is $88,000 so far in the fund, which is wonderful for them. if folks want to give? take the time to go on the nypd website, look at all the different charities there. make sure it s a reputable charity where the money is going to that family. and we need your help. this woman was working on the fourth of july to make sure that she can take care of her children. kiss them goodbye. an extra hug to her daughter. unfortunately never came home. brian: is that the right one? absolutely. ainsley: can you go online, send by name, what s the difference sending online and electronically. send through your bank account online. steve: to make it easier go, to our websit web foxandfriends. and we will link to your website. pat, there is a story this morning that apparently the republican senate up in albany appropriated $4 million for bullet proofing. does that help you guys out? it does, indeed. we have these thvs, big campers with the police elm represent blems on the side. they are sitting ducks when they re on the street by themselves. thee need to be resistant like we have done to radio cars. we need to be training our police officers, not being reactionary. doing it after the fact. we appreciate it. let s continue the money coming to we can prepare for the tragedy that may come tomorrow. that s what we do as police officers plan for what we hope never happens. brian: pat, great to sigh. thank you so much. ainsley: thank you for your service. brian: brand new details emerging this morning about james comey s memos. jay sekulow here live next. ainsley: how did this photo get an high school student to score an interview with the defense secretary james mattis? steve: i think it has to do something with that round circle. happy birthday to guitarist. he is 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going on before it crashed down in the mississippi delta, which is about 85 miles north of jackson, mississippi. steve: the debris field stretches apparently for miles and officials in leflore county warning residents to stay away. the fbi looking into a cause. details released later today as the sun comes up, we will try to get a live picture out there in mississippi. brian: let s bring in chief counsel, center for law and justice and attorney for president trump jay sekulow is with us. good morning. brian: we have a bunch of topics to talk about which is all in your area of expertise. the story in the hill that came out a couple days ago that talked about james comey in his nine meetings with the president, seven of those meetings he took notes on it is said n story that four of the seven contained some type of classified information, some type of classification. what does this mean to you? it means that james comey was potentially leaking classified information. but we know he was leaking information. and may well have been classified. look, just think about for a moment here what has happened. james comey had conversations with the president of the united states. he wrote those conversations or put them into a memo that he types in his government car on his government computer. put them in his government desk. then, when he got fired, he releases them to a friend of his who then releases them to the new york times. this was not just conversations, you know, extending pleasantries, exchanging pleasantries. this was a conversation with the president of the united states. the classified information situation increases the level one more time. look, at a minimum. at a minimum, he gave out information about a conversation with the president of the united states that violates section 641 of the criminal code. ainsley: jay, will we ever find out if any of the information he leaked to his friend if that information was classified? yeah. i think we are going to. ultimately this information has been turned over to special council. i m sure the committees, senate and house committees are going to look at it look at the number percentages. the percentages something there was classified. i want to take a step back again, ainsley, this was a conversation with the president of the united states. it was covered by executive privilege at a minimum and james comey ignored that when he illegally, i will underscore that again, distributed that information for one purpose only, to get a special prosecutor. he gets a special prosecutor based on illegally leaked information. what does that tell you about the whole basis for this special counsel? steve: there you go about that. mr. comey, the fellow who leaked to the new york times, columbia university law professor daniel rich monday, he says that no memos were given to the press, no memos were classified at the time he received them. i have think he says they weren t given because i believe he read them to him over the telephone. right. steve: he also says this was not classified at the time and remains unclassified. how does this football professor know that by the way? steve: that was my question? how does this law professor know if it was classified or not? remember what james comey testified to on the hillary clinton matter? it s not always marked as classified even if it is classified? first of all, how did he end up with these memos? oh, james comey gave them to him. memos, again, i wanted to reiterate these. memo that s engaged in conversations with the president of the united states that he leaks to this law professor who leaks them to the new york times by reading them to him as if that means they are not liable because they were read. that s not the way it works. taking that property was violation of the law. that s the basis of the counsel. that s absurd. ainsley: quickly want to ask about donald jr. he got them from a friend. this lady says she has information against her dad s opponent and the party. he says he has no knowledge that she was specifically connected with russia. is him taking a crime. no. are the democrats screaming thascreamingthat the ukrainianse working with the dnc and others for the hillary clinton campaign and are they screaming about that process? no. look, in campaigns, guess what? there is opposition research that becomes available sometimes. here ends up being nothing. a meeting takes place. making like this is some huge international event hundreds of meetings take place in campaigns. brian: are you going to go through the entire campaign and say you are embarrassing the president. come clean. talk your secretaries and assistants and find out who met with any russian or anybody of russian dissent or any other country instead of drip, drip, drip doesn t fuel other haters? brian with due respect, if he met with anybody with a russian dissent he would be meeting with me. my name is sekulow. i understand that. this whole thing no one is going on you are asking basically is everybody reviewing notes? of course people review notes, review data and find out that data. this is much to do about nothing. it was a meeting with an individual lawyer who was russian, flight that s what it s been reported as. and supposedly had information regarding hillary clinton. which she did and the meeting turned out to be about what? brian: i agree with you. if he had said that when they asked, it would be almost no issue. well, look, it s no issue anyways and guy back to, brian, the fact that the ukrainians were attempting to intervene on behalf of hillary clinton and because these are political campaigns. these things happen. no one has pointed to me where there is a legal violation of a meeting with a russian lawyer that involved a campaign. steve: jay real quick exit question and this kind of tie into the comey stuff where he had his friend leak to the new york times. according to the new york times on this story about don jr. and the email, there were three sources who talked to the new york times. it sounds like either the sources were somehow in the department of justice or in congress. and both of that, if either of those are true, that s really bad. well, i mean, if there was leaked information by people who had authority to have that information that was leaked, of course it s bad. there are also reports that the individual, one of the recipients of the pro-portered emails, i haven t seen anything, was also the one talking to the new york times yesterday. so here s what you ve got. information is being leaked. those location needed stopped. james comey, the known leaker, the one leaker we have is the basis upon which a special counsel has been formed. that should raise into question the entire special counsel issue based on illegally leaked information. brian: somebody doesn t want to see this administration get traction. jay, thanks so much. ainsley: thank you, jay. it s gotten traction. the supreme court justice confirmed a lot of activity has taken place. steve: absolutely. we have tried to detail it here on the counsel. thank you, sir. thank you. ainsley: jillians has headlines for us. jillian: a decorated u.s. soldier now accused of trying to give highly classified information to isis. the fbi says sergeant first class pledged allegiance to the terror group. the 34-year-old tried to give drone and military documents to undercover fbi agents who he thought were connected to isis. the affidavit says the hawaiian based soldier was heard saying he wanted to kill a bunch of people. he may suffer from service related mental health issues. kang set to be in court thursday. we will keep you updated. sophomore in washington state landing an interview with james mattis after spotting his phone numbers scribbled on that little yellow post it note. the teen texted mattis and the secretary gave him a call back agreeing for interview for high school newspaper. mattis said quote i think we owe it to you young folks to pass on who we learn going down out road so you can make your own mistakes not the same ones we made. got to love that governor criminals christie still feeling the heat over these pictures of him on the beach during the new jersey government shutdown. the governor clashing with one of his constituents while guest hosting on new york s sports radio. governor, next time you want to sit on a beach that is close you had to the entire world except you, you put your fat [bleep] in a car and go to one that s open to all your constituents. i love getting calls from communists in montana. you are a bully, governor. i don t like bullies. you are swearing on the air, mike, you are a bum. jillian: christie is auditioning to take over for mike francesca who is expected to retire this year. what do you think about that. brian: i listened to his show yesterday. he is very good. he needs a partner. no one is ever going to replace mike fra francesca. he is insult at all. steve: if he did that every day i would listen because you don t know who is going to call in and how is he going to answer. ainsley: you need to be polite and you don t need to can you say and say that about him. that was really mean. people feel like they can say anything. brian: that s why you don t listen to sports radio. a lot of people are mean. ainsley: call each other? steve: yes. brian: absolutely. come from a string of attacks. best selling author daniel silva s book may have predicted. this he is here next. i m karen, i m a teacher.olfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, 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mosul it will be a brief celebration as islamic terror attacks. next guest fiction book i put that in parentheses shares some of the story lines. house of spice out today. best selling author daniel silva joins us now. fiction, but your success is based on what you know. what do you know? what do i know is that this is a incredibly important wonderful event that has happened in mosul. people like me have been calling for, you know, full-on assault of isis and to take away the caliphate. but it does not mean, necessarily, that the end of isis is at hand. they have been preparing for the loss of the physical caliphate for about a year now. so they have been moving their operatives around, moving their resources and while we have taken away mosul and we are probably about to really hurt them in raqqa. we have not really degraded their ability to carry out attacks in the west. brian: they will become insurgency. they are already making that transition. what i think is going to happen with isis is that they are going to be a little bit of both. they are going to be a local insurgency as well as international terrorist group. brian: how does house of surprisspiesplay into the fact. anyone who follows this issue as carefully dies knew that isis had literally painted a bulls eye on the united kingdom and they were bound to strike in the united kingdom. british authorities, british intelligence services were incredibly lucky in interdicting and stopping about 13 attacks and their luck ran out. we had a string of three attacks there and my book actually opens with an attack. so i wrote my book before and pretty much what i wrote in my book came true in real life. brian: sadly ariana grande concert what happened next on the bridge. correct. brian: chronicled by new a fiction book. your sources led us to believe this stuff is going to take place and sadly foreshadowed a lot of attacks. daniel silva congratulations on house of spies. pick it up today. i know you will. thanks for sharing: democrats have a new plan to get back on top. hillary clinton and former president obama. new explores past. we ll take a look at that on fox & friends this morning. ahh. where are mom and dad? saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin up the country. love mom and dad i m takin a nap. dude, you just woke up! i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ainsley: have you ever wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes with the first ladies of this great country? the smithsonian channel has a new four-part series, it s called first ladies revealed. that gives us a new perspective on some of history s most powerful women. joining me now with what to expect is anita mcbride, the former chief of staff for laura bush, also an assistant for president bush 43. you serve on the white house historical association. i do. ainsley: have you quite a resume. thank you. thani m very honored. ains apes you worked for president reagan and president bush senior and 43 and his family. . you know these first ladies. dime. ainsley: tell us about the series. it s an honor and privilege to have worked in the white house. you just spent a lot of time there covering it you feel the awesome sense of our history when you walk through those doors. so to have been there three different times is really quite an honor. watching them up close and seeing who they are as people and not just the images that, of course, are always on the news is really an opportunity to appreciate what life is like in the white house. and the pressures that they all feel and the challenges, but also the opportunity. ainsley: why was it important for you to be a part of this series. i think the series that the smithsonian has launched is really terrific. because it gives it such a snapshot into the multifaceted world of a first lady. first ladies of example of style and the impact that has an our country in diplomacy. style is power. first ladies in times of war, which is such an important role to help comfort the nation like laura bush bush did, eleanor roosevelt did. first ladies by chance. those that didn t expect to be in the role. lady bird johnson came at a time of such national grieving, after the assassination of jfk. and had that famous line, people look at the living and they wish for the dead. that s how she started as first lady. ainsley: i want to play a clip for our audience. this is the clip that highlights laura bush s life. you know her well, watch. this thank you. certainly somebody like laura bush drew from inner reserves of strength. laura bush after 9/11 became a different first lady. she really had to confront this issue head on, the fact that the nation was at war. ainsley: you bring up a good point in that because everybody can be going great and then all of a sudden something happens, there is breaking news, have you a tragedy like 9/11 and everyone turns to the president and first lady to see how they are going to respond. absolutely. at this point this was september of nine months into the administration. already started with, you know, such controversy, of course, after the election. and by this point, laura bush had just found her footing. she had just hosted the first national book festival. they just had their first state dinner. she really felt she was now able to hit the ground running on her initiatives, then 9/11 happened. that s where really the character of a person is tested. and that s how she helped our nation get through the trauma. ainsley: wonderful. thank you so much. thank you for covering. this. ainsley: have to continue these series because now we will have to watch melania trump. absolutely. another woman of style. ainsley: thank you so much. great to see you. anita mcbride. we have a huge show still ahead. house majority leader kevin mccarthy, laura ingraham and dr. sebastian gorka. they are all going to join us live. the associated press says don t say islamist or terrorist. say militant instead. the new guidelines that may have you scratching your head. don t bring me down don t bring me down we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare 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mississippi killing at least 16 people. decorated u.s. soldier now accused of trying to give highly classified information to isis. the fbi says sergeant first class kang pledged allegiance to the terror group. this was a conversation with the president of the united states. it was covered by executive privilege. at a minimum, taking that property was a violation of the law. the draft that was put together has been amended and changed and will be reintroduced to the g.o.p. today at lunch. we ought to stop taking recesses, stop taking time off, and just keep going until we get it done. the white house pointing fingers at senate democrats for blocking the president s nominees. they think this is being part of the reisis tans that s going to hurt president trump. but the only people that it s hurting are the american people. there it is, aaron judge, your 2017 home run derby champion. and he made it look easy. steve: straight to a fox news alert on this tuesday morning. we now know that 16 people were killed in a military plane crash. they were service members. brian: they were marine corps they were on a marine corps refueling plane that spiraled out of control slamming into a mississippi soybean field. ainsley: griff jenkins is live in washington, d.c. with an update for all of us. good morning, griff. good morning, ainsley, brian, and steve. the marine corps confirming our fears saying a transport aircraft crashed in leflore county, mississippi 4 o clock p.m. the flight originate frud cherry point, north carolina. federal aviation officials contacted the marine corps when the aircraft disappeared from air traffic control radar over in mississippi the cause of the crash is unknown at this time. the incident is under investigation. as our thoughts and prayer goes out to the families of those service members. a witness on the ground reported hearing a loud boom and seeing the plane spiraling down. a large plume of black smoke as the debris field stretched for miles. fires burning in the fields with smaller after explosions. it occurred here about 85 miles north of jackson and the plane is the standard bear for military work. not only is it capable of refueling operations, guys, but also used frequently for decades for troop and crarg transport. warning residents to stay away. we don t want nobody out there. we have fuel everywhere. why don t want anybody without responders in the area or tamp around any area. that guidance still holds this morning as the fbi is on the scene assisting with local authorities. we can expect to hear more as well from the marine corps eventually. in these sensitive times it s important to remember that the military first has to notify the next of kin before further details. and i would just add, guys, it is a stark reminder whether on the battlefield far away or training back at home our men and women in uniform put their lives on on the line every day. sending condolences this morning. steve: i m looking right now senator thad cochran from the great state of mississippi tweeted out deeply saddened by the loss of life today in the u.s. marine corps when the plane crashed in the mississippi delta. our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. ainsley: confirming 16 people died do. we know how many people were on the plane? i know they are still searching for bodies. the vegetation they say in that rural field is so tall they are looking for other bodies. the debris field is vast. steve: right. in that report it didn t say at least 16. they said 16. perhaps that s the numbers of people who were on board. brian: all right. now switching over to washington. what s going to be happening behind closed doors. you know the draft plan that was put out by the republicans last week did not get unanimous. about 10 republican senators said i can t do this. they can only afford to lose two. they went back to the drawing board. they went home, celebrated the fourths of july. some had town halls like senator cassidy and started to revise the plan. number one mitch mcconnell thread the needle. make the moderates and conservatives happy. do something that the house will accept on its face and not take into conference. how do you do that? put together a plan to release it today during lunch. amongst the ideas. taking in all ideas, ted cruz s ideas. he said, listen, if you guys don t want to do. this he goes then we have got to stay and work it out until it gets done. listen. it s crazy that we would be taking a recess. there are a bunch of us, myself included, that have been urging leadership back from january. let s not take any recesses. let s work every day. let s work weekends. let s work until we get the job done. and, you know, it s really the people who are pushing for that i would say are the folks elected in the last five or six years. what i would call the young turks that we have been consistent will he in the lunches pressing say look, we have got a job to do and short window of time. so we ought to stop taking recesses, stop taking time off and just keep going until we get it done. ainsley: that s went to the polls. voted for donald trump. because he said he was going to repeal and replace. obamacare is not working. it s failing. insurance companies pulling out. people left without herng. they need to repeal and replace. steve: nobody suggested mitch mcconnell is talking about adding $45 billion to help fight the opioid epidemic. susan collins had said she would be interested in that. would that get her vote? she said that would be helpful. but not sufficient. some other changes would actually leave some of the taxes intact, which so many republicans were against. at the end of the day, mitch mcconnell has a math problem on his hands. he has got 52 members of his caucus. can he only lose two. so far 10 are not in his column. i just don t see how ainsley: goal is to vote next week. brian said yesterday he thinks this is going to happen. steve and i saying. brian: i think it was harder to pass the house. ainsley: if you win, brian, next week what do you want? healthcare care? brian: satisfy my deductible. [laughter] ainsley: how much is it? brian: i m not sure. and my dental which is required. ainsley: not going to happen. sorry. steve: here is the thing, ainsley, to your point. the people of the united states went to the polls in november, one of the reasons they elected a republican senate and house was the fact that they were all promising to repeal and replace obamacare as the president of the united states did. that is one of the main things that he has got on the big wall that he wants to check off here is the thing. reportedly there was an item in politico yesterday that said is he so furious a at a number of republican senators who have not been on board and, in fact, according to politico, the president has said, you know, jeff flake has not been on board with this. i am willing to spend 10 million of my own dollars to make sure that he is no longer a senator from the great state of arizona. brian: that s a mistake. jeff flake knows one of the worst places for the exchanges is arizona. you are better off trying to win over jeff flake not run against him. he seems to be doing enough to keep himself popular in arizona. steve: the senators need to get together and figure a plan to satisfactorsatisfy everybody. ainsley: having a did closed door meeting today. they are in a tough spot. they don t wants repeat of obamacare. they don t want insurance companies to pull out because they will be at fault two, three years down the road. brian: you need 60 votes to pass a repeal and replace. procedure that don t do the things that require anything about a simple majority. bottom line is they have got to get it done. it s how they are going to get it done is the key. everybody wants to get it done. most people know it s got to be fixed but they can t agree on how to do it. the problem is the american people. you are very fickle. you hated obamacare when you had it. now all of a sudden therein is a replacement and 17% support the replacement plan because the republicans have been piecemeal in releasing the details. at the same time, you put people in office to change. they go to change it and then did you go crazy because you want to change it. steve: those are in polls where they ask everybody about obamacare. how many people actually are involved in obamacare? i think maybe 8 million across the whole country and the balance are in medicaid. the people who have obamacare hate it. my daughter has got it she hates it employers hate it. they are having to cut back people s hours. they have got to cut back the number of people they can employ to make sure that they don t have to then provide it. this is such a lousy program for the most part when you look at the high coast of deductibles and stuff like that. brian: and the medicaid expansion. steve: it s been clear. november we heard from the people of the united states get rid of it. if they can t do it, the republicans have going to have brian: true. now talk about something else. this inexcusable, unacceptable. even if you didn t vote for president trump. have you a right when you win an election to staff up. the senate democrats have gone out of their way in great detail. lead editorial for the wall street journal if you really want to know the exact detail how senator schumer is doing it going out of think way to delay the confirmation of president trump s nominee he is. to the tune they have only confirmed 46 of the 178 appointees up there. ainsley: look at the tweet, brian, obama had 183 and bush had 130. steve: president tweeted this the senate democrats have only confirmed 48 of 197 presidential nominees. they can t win so all they do is slow things down and obstruct. and with the wall street journal lead editorial also says is with the republicans in charge, what they need to do is they need to return to regular order, which is something they haven t done for a while. brian: look for senator lankford has a way forward here and up to senator mcconnell to get as flexible as senator schumer in stopping minority leader from blocking the president from having a staff. he has 248 nominees out there. 50 are okay. this guy david pellpass was nominated for international secretary for affairs oversee the pine lines. put through in march. passed committee in june. he can t get confirmation simply because democrats don t want to see this administration stand on its feet. ainsley: that s right. not like they are appointing supreme court justices that are going to change laws down the road. this is so president obama can have a staff. brian: president trump. ainsley: i mean president trump can have a staff. brian: anti-american. steve: antichurch which is what it is. brian: anti-american. steve: democrats don t want the president to succeed. ainsley: hand it over to jillian. she has headlines for us. jillian: we fin to follow few breaks news stories. fox news alert. u.s. exercising defense muscles overnight. lockheed martin were aerial defense system or thad successfully intercepted the target. the test meant to send a strong message to north korea that if the communist country fires nuke, america can defend itself. desperate search for four missing young men in bucks county, pennsylvania feared to be victims of foul play is set to resume this morning. this comes one day after police arrest a man linked to a property that has become the focus of that investigation. cosmo denardo being held on million dollars bail on unrelated gun charge. 20-year-old accused of possessing a shotgun and ammo despite a history of mental illness. police are scouring every inch of his family s farm north of philadelphia. the four men all vanishing one week week of each other. fearless firefighters run into the fails of danger to save an american flag. take a look at this picture. can you seat trio of heroes grabbing our symbol of freedom surrounded by flames in northern california. one of those firefighters actually smiling wide as his teammate passes down the flag. that fire forcing thousands from their homes and is only 35% contained. see a picture like that, and you are like my goodness. steve: so aspiring. brian: looks like mars. thanks, jillian. we will talk about the home run derby in the break, okay? jillian: okay. brian: highly decorated soldier out to defend our country now accused of working with isis. the evidence tying into terrorism is coming your way. steve: meet the fresh faces of the democratic party. hillary clinton and former president barack obama. dinesh d souza made two documentaries about them. he weighs in on the new strategy. next. at bp s cooper river plant, employees take safety personally - down to each piece of equipment, so they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. mmmm. mmmm. mmmm. ugh. nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. try new alka-seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. it s fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alka-seltzer. enjoy the relief. brian: they are back. hillary clinton and barack obama officially reentering the political arena. hillary launching a pro-democratic pac and president obama hosting a fundraiser this weekment first one of post presidency. both in an effort to flip congress in the upcoming elections. is this really the democratic party s fresh new plan to get back on top or only way to raise money. let s ask dinesh d souza who did documentaries on both those people, those very well known democrats. first off, is this a good move dinesh, after all, they are money-making machines. maybe from a fundraising point of view it makes sense. i think in a deeper way the democrats are trying to recapture some of the magic from the clinton 90 s and maybe from obama s first term in office. but the reality is that these are two people, obama and hillary, who have wrecked the brand of the democratic party. they have taken the democratic party from a party that was perceived as fighting for the ordinary guy, fighting for his economic interests, fighting for his values, to now being a party that is economically and culturally at war with the aspirations of ordinary people. so i think the hilarious aspect of all of this is that the two people who have poisoned the waters are now showing up dressed as the water commissioners. brian: that s interesting. nobody has the courage on the left to stand up to them. bottom line is the most popular active democratic politician is a leftist, is he a socialist. is he bernie sanders. not officially in the party. how do you gel the two if you are a democrat hoping for the best in these mid terms? i think that for a while people were so exhausted with the deep levels of narcissism and corruption on the part of obama and hillary that they were looking to bernie as the kind of honest outsider. he might be a little whacked out but neferlsz, he seemed to have a certain kind of decency to him. the problem is that even bernie now has been caught with his paws in the cookie jar. he is embroiled in a financial scandal involving his wife. so it appears that the contamination in the democratic party, not merely ideological but also financial runs pretty deep. brian: let s look at what hillary wants to do. she is examining the 23 districts that she won, but republicans won their district and she is going to try to see if she can flip them. try to dive into california where, for example, darrell issa is somebody in a district that hillary clinton won by 8 points. that is not a bad that is not a bad strategy. well, by itself it isn t. but, think about it. california is already heavily democratic state. the idea of winning a district or two more in california isn t going to change the fortunes of the party. the problem is that the american industrial states won safely in the democratic camp were essentially invaded and conquered by trump. that s their problem. brian: do you believe that there is a democrat throughout in the middle, like a congressmen ryan or joe manchin say enough of this, we have to give the people what they want and that is more representatives in government that are for the people, not for themselves? well, i think that when we look back a generation or so, there were many mainstream democrats who would fit that description. the problem today is the people like leashman, manchin, these guys are seen as freaks in the democratic party. even if they were the solution, it s difficult to see the party nominating them. brian: dinesh d souza us a great to get your insight. thank you so much. so much. brian: what if you had to provtwodays to prove your infasn could be kept alive. why he has to come to america to possibly live. across the country, we walk. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer s disease. but what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimer s first survivor? what if there were millions of them? join us for the alzheimer s association walk to end alzheimer s. register today at before fibromyalgia, i was on the go. i kept on top of things. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i can be more active. theso when i need to book tant to mea hotel room,tion. i want someone that makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i m getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ainsley: time now for news by the numbers. first, 700, that s how high the national average credit score has reached. f.i.c.a. reporting the all-time record high. then $655,555, that is how much 19-year-old in california won on two $5 scratch off tickets in one week. rosa doug domingas planners to o shopping and buy a car. she should save it museum workers in new jersey find prohibition wall of new jersey s first governor and get, this it s probably still drinkable because that type of wine rarely spoils. brian: it was around the founding father s time. meanwhile the parents of baby charlie gard have until tomorrow to prove that their son should be kept alive. steve: courts in the united kingdom demanding what they called drastically new evidence that little charlie gard should leave england to the united states for treatment. ainsley: our next guest was asked to join the family for support. u.s. pastor patrick mahoney, he joins us now with more as the situation is unfolding there in london. all right, patrick, i m reading about in this morning. i understand parents in britain don t have the absolute right to make decisions for their children. another reason we are grateful to be in america. and i have been told, well, according to this article, their 18 children that are currently on this treatment that s being offered here at flornewyork prebs. one of the children was not able to do anything, now she is riding a bicycle. my question is why in the world wouldn t the judge give this child a shot to come here or go to italy to get this treatment? well, this is what is so troubling about this case. the issue is simple. should parents make the decision for their children medical help for their future or their destiny rather than courts, judges, hospital officials and government brats. sadly in this case, that has not happened. i have to say, this charlie s parents connie and chris are two of the most wonderful people i have ever met, loving, cargt, they have raised $1.7 million to get help for charlie, and it s stunning, and this is why most of great britain, the world, we have had a petition drive with over 400,000 signatures in just a few days, presented that to the hospital. are stunned by. this our simple notion is quite basic. parents, know what is best for their children. and public institutions should come alongside those parents, not strip and usurp them of parental authority. that s why the pope got involved. in fact, a little joke that was going around, only little charlie gard could get the pope together, president trump together, and the actress cher together who all are in agreement that charlie s parents should have the final say in this decision. steve: surely. so, reverend, the suggestion is there is a doctor here in the united states who has got a treatment. but it is only got 10% chance of working. the question is, if it were to work, would charlie s brain condition and everything be reversed or we always be at this stage for the balance of his life? i m not a medical expert. but the 10% would be there would be significant improvement. but you raise a very interesting point. we have to understand out there if the court rules against chris and connie, charlie s parents, they will take him off a ventilator and he will die very, very soon. so, if there is a 10% chance for improvement, is there not one parent, anywhere on this planet whatever country they are from. whatever faith tradition they might have that would not risk everything for that 10% chance? and that s what connie and chris are saying. give us a chance. let us move forward. and that s what we re talking. this isn t whether he will get significantly better and they will leave him. this is a life and death decision. and the the court case on thursday, our hope and prayer is that the judge will listen to the seven world renowned medical experts and allow charlie to come to america to get this treatment. ainsley: so we find that out. next step we find that out on thursday. this judge who has actually made rulings on this very case before is going to make decision if the parents provide enough evidence to show them or show this judge that this child could have hope down the road, right? we find that out on thursday? the judge indicated, i was at the hearing yesterday, he may issue a decision thursday it may take a bit longer, not much. but i think everyone needs to pray. we re encouraging everyone, set their profile picture, #i am charlie gard. this decision will impact whether the hospital takes charlie off the ventilator or not. it s tragic and we must speak out as an advocate for human rights for justice and the role of parents in our culture and society. steve: absolutely, all right. reverend patrick mahoney joining us from london. thank you very much. thank you. brian: email single pair, who would decide if we had single pair who would decide something like that. the government says yeah, it s not worth it. steve: if there is a one in 10 chance, slim chance we would all still go for it. ainsley: can you imagine if you heard that if your child takes this treatment there is a chance, might be a 10% chance, and there is another little girl riding a bike now who was in a similar situation. if you heard that as a parent, you would move mountains to get your child that treatment. steve: it s heart-breaking. let s see what happens. ainsley: president trump is urging congress to pass the healthcare bill next week or work through the august recess. what s the plan in the house? we will ask house majority leader kevin mccarthy next. steve: journalists now being told they can t say pro-life, refugees, or terrorist because those words are too conservative. brian: one state sold out of legal pot so fast the governor just declared an emergency. what you see give me a higher love bring me a higher love bring me a higher love back in the early 2000 s, janice would have dropped off all four of her kids at soccer practice after a sit-down dinner. but janice is a mother today, so all four of janice s kids are on four separate paths of self-discovery which occur at four different times in the afternoon, leaving a total of four minutes for her kids to eat. even though dinner time has become less strict, we remain strict as ever when it comes to our standards. made with premium cuts of 100% kosher beef, so you can feel good feeding your family, no matter what time dinner is. hebrew national. we remain strict. brian: we are back right now with a fox news alert. 16 service members are killed when a military plane crashes into a field. ainsley: according to a statement just released from the u.s. marine corps, the refueling plane left from a base in north korea. the faa contacted the marines when the air disappeared from radar over the state of mississippi. steve: exact cause at this hour of the crash still under investigation as debris field apparently stretches for miles. more details are expected at a press briefing a little later on today. brian: joining us now from capitol hill is house majority leader congressman kevin mccarthy. congressman, thanks so much for joining us. before we get into the issues. last time i saw you were so optimistic about steve scalise the whip, and then we find out he had a set back. can you update everybody about how he is doing today? yes. i was with him on the fourth of july. i actually saw him. my wife and i, he and jennifer, in the hospital. and he was in the chair. he was out of his bed in the chair. now, the one thing i want to tell you, i was at the hospital the day of the shooting. i was with the doctor. and what we were battling at that time was the amount of bleeding. but the doctor told me once we go through this, it s not if, it s when steve would get an infection. so this was why knew this would come about, we just didn t know when it would happen. steve had a little temperature. he last has been battling infection. we talked update last night. he is doing better. that s really what we are fighting and working through today. but he looks so much better. he was back to finally eating any food that he wanted. so he was feeling better. ainsley: that s great. we wish him all the best if he is watching this morning. let s talk about healthcare. the president is pushing the senate to pass healthcare bill by next week or to work through the august recess. what is the plan moving forward? i think they need to get it done. let s not wait until august. we have three more weeks right now. i know during the fourth of july, when people back in their district, they were working out different ideas. they are looking at congressional budget office to score those ideas and have a vote next week. this is much what would happen inside the house. remember a lot of people didn t give us the opportunity or thought we could get it done, and we did. so, i have high hopes that they get it done, send it over to this house, and let s solve this problem once and for all. because every day that goes by, we have a new story. just in the short amount of time since the house passed the bill. one more of those co-ops have collapsed. 19 out of 23 co-ops that were given $2 billion under obamacare have now collapsed. steve: sure, absolutely. congressman, i got to ask you though, i know the ball is in the senate court right now and up to mitch mcconnell to pull a rabbit out of a hat and try to get the requisite number of yes votes on it. but, every republican on capitol hill knows that unless you can get this done, you re going to be punished next time folks roll around to the polls. we made this promise. there is no excuse. every member that had served here prior has voted on repealing obamacare and made the promise that we would actually improve. give a lower the cost of premiums, the quality of care, there is story after story where the premium premiums have doubled in the individual market. 41% of every county only has 1 provider. what more do individuals need to understand. brian: right. that they need to move this bill forward quality of care. bill: i know you say they were active house bill coming through. yesterday it was speculated that maybe the president would do well to speak generally to the country about the need to get this done. and frame it out and put additional pressure aside from tweets on the republicans to push this forward. and reaffirm his commitment and outline what has to be in there. i know the president is always helpful when he is talking to members. i think talking to the american public is a great idea. explain to them, because if we simply go on the facts, i mean, remember this. under obamacare, mandates that you have health insurance. if you don t, you have to pay a penalty or take a waiver. more people, almost twice a man, pay the penalty or take the waiver than what signed up for it if you want to go back to the old cbo score it, never materialized what okay said it would do. all it did was raise premiums, push more people out of market. look at the number of counties next year that won t have any healthcare. we cannot wait. i think the president talking to the american people will help drive those phone calls to those senators and encourage them to get it done this month. steve: congressman, there is a report in the wall street journal that apparently one of the plans with this new plan the revised version that s going to be unveiled, there is a possibility some of those taxes, that you guys tried to get rid of in the house may actually be left in place in the senate. republicans who voted for repeal and replace didn t vote for that. no. we voted to repeal those taxes. because that s continuing to harm this economy. think for the last eight years the middle class work less today than they were eight years ago. if you take the highest growth year under barack obama, it s still lower than the lowest year under clinton. this country has got to get working again. we have seen in the short time of donald trump that more jobs are being produced. he is going after the regulatory. we changed that now we are trying to make sure healthcare has the quality and affordability that we deserve. we have got that through the house. let s get it through the astronaut, and let s finish the job we promised american people we would do. brian: if those taxes are there, this whole thing is predicated on passing if you guys don t go to conference. you will take the senate plan, you will say okay, let s put that forward, and let tom price have had it over the next upcoming months and years. if those taxes are there, will that stop kevin mccarthy and company from signing off on it? i m not going to prejudge. let s see what the senate produces. i know where their heart is and i know where they have been going. i think the product they produce is going to look pretty close to what the house did and we can be accepting of what they do. ainsley: all right. there are two republican congressman that say they are going to shut down the government if you don t build the big beautiful mexican wall. there is mark meadows and mo brooks saying we need to fund this wall. we want the money to do it. what s your reaction? i would say that s what we re working for in the aprops. join us and help pass those bills. i never think when you threaten somebody we can get the job done. this something the president promise to the american public. this is something that he campaigned on. and one ever the reasons why he was elected. we need the security in this country. we can get the job done and the aprops process is working right now. join with us to pass that and we can all be in the right place. brian: you are the threat. because. you know what? i have always found i know ronald reagan. i have a big portrait of him smiling. if you truly believe your policies bring people more freedom, you should be happy about it you don t have to threaten people. more people want to join what you are doing. this is something that the president campaigned on. so more people joined him. elected him to be president. now let s get the job done. steve: congressman, before did you go, exit question, a year from now, will they be building a wall? i believe they will. if we get the propositions through this year, they will start building it next year. what s even more important, we would have new healthcare, we would have a new tax plan done, more people would be going to work. america would be coming exactly as the president said great again. brian: especially san diego your state where they could finish that wall pretty quickly, right? there is a lot of portion of san diego that has been able to be built already in the republicans were in the majority in the past. we need to finish that across the country. steve: all right, congressman. ainsley: thank you. i like the abbreviation. aprop. brian: inside basic for a while. talking about inside baseball. what about outside weather? ainsley: janice dean is outside. she is going to tell us what we can expect today. good morning, janice. janice: good morning my friends where are you. from mississippi kansas. where from you from. kansas. jane from janesville, wisconsin. where are from you. thomasville and my name is evelyn. janice: what s your name? come on up? her name is susina. what s your name, love. grace. janice: do you want to do weather real quick with me? sure. janice: hot and humid across the northeast can you see right there. just say hot and humid across the northeast. hot and humid across the northeast. janice: we could be expectation storms across the midwest and the great lakes. we could be. janice: storms across the midwest. have some storms across the midwest. janice: and the northeast. janice: how did she do? great. janice: say back to you, steve, ainsley, and brian. steve: that s how it works. janice: than fast particular. good job. wave, everybody. we have a great crowd today. ainsley: we do. they are the best. thanks so much, janice. another reason to have another cup of coffee this morning. new science shows it will help you live longer. brian: every day we change our view on this. steve: tax man only targeting the wealthy in seattle while everybody else is getting a break. stuart varney says that plan won t work. he is shaking his head. he will tell you about it next. ainsley: did you drink your coffee? always. day 13. if only this were as easy as saving $600 when you switch to progressive. winds stirring. too treacherous for a selfie. [ camera shutter clicks ] sure, i ve taken discounts to new heights with safe driver and paperless billing. but the prize at the top is worth every last breath. here we go. [ grunts ] got em. ahh. wait a minute. whole wheat waffles? [ crying ] why! ainsley: welcome back on this tuesday morning. quick headlines for you right now. active duty soldiers stationed in hawaii is accused of trying to support isis. the feds arresting first class kang. they say he pledged allegiance to the terror group. tried to give undercover documents to agent he thought were isis members. the 34-year-old was heard saying he wanted to quote kill a bunch of people. his lawyers say he may suffer from service related mental health issues. less than two weeks after sales kicked off, for recreational marijuana, nevada is now making emergency regulation because there is not enough pot. stores in nevada running out due to unanticipated demand. the regulation will allow more dispensaries to become distributors including liquor wholesalers. coffee, regular or decaf could help you live longer. new stud notice show a few cups a day could decrease your risk of death from cancer, heart disease and more. reason why still unclear. hey, if you are enjoying your coffee right now, cheers to you. i m going to get some. brian: that study sponsored by maxwell house. steve: thank you, maxwell house. brian: i m kidding. taster s choice. ainsley: this week you are okay to drink a lot of coffee. this week is different. more stories that say coffee is positive than negative. steve: starbucks is from seattle. ainsley: that s funny you should say that seattle s wealthiest residence might be the only ways to pay a state income tax. steve: approved 2.25% tax for those earning more than a quarter of a million dollars a year and families earning more than half a million dollars a year. brian: here to react the host of varney and company for the fox business network airing 9:00 to noon. stuart, this bothers you. it doesn t seem like thatch money. what else the big deal? here we go again. the socialists of seattle ruining things all over again. it s the law of unintended consequences. so they introduce an income tax on the wealthier residents of the city of seattle, 2.25% as you just pointed out. has it never occurred to them that rich people when faced with a brand new tax that takes money right out of their pocket will simply leave. go to the subburebsz of seattle and you don t pay the tax. that s what happened in maryland. they introduced a big tax for wealthy people. wealthy people simply moved and they brought in less than ever. there are other examples of seattle doing the same thing, counter productive policy. for example, much higher minimum wage. as soon as they imposed that came down, employers had their employees work fewer hours, lower paid people actually took home less money it s the law of unintended consequences. there is one more. seattle also introduced a special tax on guns and ammunition, result, didn t bring in as much money as they thought and there was explosion of gun violence. they hurt the people that they say they are trying to help. it s always the same. steve: sure. but people on the political left they love to say hey, let s tax the rich. they have plenty of money. we will help people down below them. it s their way of this income inequality solution. they think. steve: redistribution. take from the rich and redistribute it, then you get a more equal financial society. brian: look at what governor scott does. look at what governor perry did. they went and took those companies that were getting heavily taxed and said you come with us, bring your employees, we have zero tax. so america will create out competition to make seattle maybe change their ways. that s the great thing about america. have you 50 laboratories, 50 different states with different tax structures who can attract people from high tax states to come to my state. florida and texas did exactly that and won. i think the same thing will happen here. ainsley: when i lived in texas we had more money in our paychecks but our property taxes were really high. okay. steve: i live in new york. ainsley: if you live in texas, rent. brian: watch from you 9 to noon. we have a simulcast. yes, we do. brian: i m going to wear this outfit. so will i. steve: journalists now being told not to use words like pro-life, migrant, or even terrorist. is there a bias against conservatives going on here? kind of looks like it. that s next. listen closely to the all about the workplace word play. for my constipation, my doctor recommended i switch laxatives. stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. ainsley: a journalism style book by the associated press gives guidelines for writers on everything from punctuation to words that should be used in coverage. steve: now the a.p. style book doesn t want journalists to say words like pro-life, refugee, event, terrorist. and so is the associated press style book blatantly changing phrase to be more toward liberals? ainsley: editor for the stream and contributor for the hill, she thinks. so and she joins us live. good morning, great to see you, rachel. good morning. thank you for having me on. ainsley: i have my a.p. book here. it s from 1997. we showed you a picture in the new style book that kids are getting in college now it, says don t say pro-life. you should say anti-abortion. don t say migrant or refugee, you should say people struggling to enter europe. don t say islamist or terrorist, you should say militant. so what is your reaction to this? the mainstream media claims that it s not biased, but it s got this bias built into its own words. and we re seeing these words increasingly scrubsd from news articles and replaced by politically correct words instead. i mean, how many times have you seen those who doubt mainstream client science recently. and climate change doubters. it s frankly ridiculous and it s fan that advertising the english language. sanitizing the english language from conservative words to instill more liberal words instead? absolutely. that s what they are doing. it s a bias against conservatives and it s getting worse every year. i mean, i have gone through in my article and show how words like, you know, illegal alien were first taken out. and then it was illegal immigrant is now no longer even able to be used. and they don t even say what you are supposed to use instead. ainsley: who takes them out of your articles? your editor? well, the a.p. the a.p. style book instructs journalists to write it this way. if you don t write it this way. and then you submit an article to mainstream publication, the editors will change your words. steve: it sure looks like the associated press style book wise at least has a bias. rachel alexander senior editor for the stream, contributor at the hill. thank you for joining us live. ainsley: do you know what i remember. further and farther. farther is distance and further is furthermore. copy and editing was the hardest class in journalism school. steve: laura ingraham joins us, dr. sebastian gorka and ari fleischer fox news contributor all ahead on fox & friends live from new york city. taking it to the street taking it to the streets meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. we now know that 16 people were killed in a military plane crash. they were service members. the cause of the crash is unknown at this time. the incident is under investigation. decorated u.s. soldier is now accused of trying to give highly classified information to isis. a hawaiian-based soldier was allegedly heard saying that he wanted to quote kill a bunch of people. it was put together has been amended and changed. it will be reintroduced to the senators today at lunch. that s because i have high hopes that they get it done, send it over to this house, and let s solve this problem once and for all. we made this promise. there s no excuse. the u.s. likely sending defense missiles overnight destroying an incoming test missile over the coast of alaska. now, the test was supposed to send a strong message to north korea. we ve only been in office for six months and thanks to s leadership we re winning everywhere, but you wouldn t know it if you turned on cnn or the new york times. steve: our director is standing up in the control room. ainsley: he s being a conductor. steve: exactly right. ainsley: that is a great song, isn t it? brian: it s good, and i found out that imagine dragons, who i thought had a bigger group than the mormon an tabernacle choir, they are at just four. ainsley: who did you ask? brian: rand paul. rand paul. and he was right. rand paul was right. steve: if you look at the calendar, what is today? ainsley: tuesday. steve: july. ainsley: what is today s date? i don t know. steve: 11th. it s 7/11, it s free slurpee day across the country. brian: you have to choose between cherry or coke. ainsley: if you turn it around you can get those. but i enjoyed the coca-cola slush ease that my husband got me. steve: they are delicious. let s deal in laura ingram, she s the editor and chief. i like the rotating hot dogs that never change. those are my favorite. brian: order those so you can get new ones? are this like the old let s make a deal food stops where you open the refrigerator and it s the fake roast beef. brian: if there s a long line, it hypnotizes you. ainsley: i m so glad you pointed it out. i m going to laugh he have time i go in a gas station. see? news you can use, ainsley. you guys go from 7-eleven slurpees to breach birth and now health care. we re going to do it all. ainsley: it s all medically-related. steve: why would anybody eat that and not a slim jim, i have no idea. good point. the touched on health care. the senate now is going to phase two, they re going to see if they can come up with something to get enough people onboard. what does your gut tell you? because right now, the math is not in mitch mcconnell s favor. yeah. the math isn t there. vice president pence came on my radio show yesterday and said they re close. and i pressed him, and i said are you in constant contact with mitch mcconnell? because in my mind, this is due or die to him. this is a test of his leadership in the u.s. senate. after all of these years of voting to repeal obamacare when it didn t count, when they were kind of show votes and now when they can govern, and they choose not to or people can t take a little haircut on what they want, it s going to raise serious questions on the part of american voters on whether these at least these republicans are the right republicans to go forward. brian: right? ted cruz has some interesting ideas on offering lower cost plans that don t comply with the regulations and the provisions in this affordable really, more affordable care act. i m not sure that they re going to get the votes on that. you have two or three senators who are liberal republicans who are happy with expanded medicare and have become, frankly, like a lot of these governors, guys. they ve become drug addicts. you have to wean them off of narcotics with something like methadone or something because they became addicted to expansion of medicaid dollars. so the states are addicted to federal dollars, the federal dollars are drying up, and health care costs have to come down. if they don t, we re going to have a flat lining economy. mitch hick connell should step aside and let someone else do it. brian: i don t think minimal really has that type of experience. this seems to be a series of brush back pitches to democrats and republicans that were happening over the last week. if you hear mitch mcconnell say, listen, we can t get this done, i m going to have to go deal with republicans excuse me. democrats. and then we re going to leave it in place and see what voters say. so he s kind of manipulating behind the scenes. i think they ll pass a framework just like obamacare with some blank pages and let tom price, a lot of people agree that he might be the perfect person to fill in this pages. steve: blank pages are scary. another thing they could do, of course, is to repeal obamacare, leave a two or three-year grandfathered period of time in place where it could be a slow wind down of obamacare. brian: exactly. and that period of time in the next 12 months, they get together, and they re going to have to get together with some democrats, and they come up with a framework that will actually lower the cost of health care, including a wide range of options on transparency and prescription drug prices, which they do not deal with in this legislation. so that all has to be done. but the waves way to do this is to repeal and have a slow phase out. not abrupt. no one will get thrown off their coverage. that gives them a little breathing room. frankly, a lot of these republicans, you can tell by their comments, they really do want to kick the can down the road, but they have a deadline. ainsley: you know what s frustrating about the republicans we talked to? everything. ainsley: they say we elected the president, we have the senate, we have the house, we thought we were going to get everything passed quickly, and look what happened? that is not happening. one day the moderates want that, the conservatives want this, the american people aren t keeping up with that. they just want it passed. brian: but they also want it to work. right. think about in november everybody was shocked after the election because this man donald trump surprised everyone. the pundits, the clintons, the obama s, everyone. they were voting for a radical transformation of these programs and policies that have failed the american people. they don t want a little snip here and a little snip there. they want this fixed in a profound way and the republicans that are not willing to do this because their governors and their states are addicted to federal dollars, they still don t understand why he won. and the white house has to have a all out clear push for the health care plan that we need. and i think there s some room for improvement for the communications for republicans who have good ideas in the senate, the house, and the white house. they have to have a push. the democrats are pushing resistance 24/7. they have hollywood, they have all of these guys getting arrested on capitol hill every day sitting in because preexisting condition people are going to get hurt. they have to do the hospice. we have been health care freedom in america. health care freedom. brian: yeah, i wouldn t mind a presidential speech. real quick on the donald trump jr. story in russia accelerated just a little bit. evidently three people saw an e-mail from this ron gold stone to don jr. saying i have information from the russian government that s damaging. where s this story going? i watched it last night on special report. and there s some mistakes that the administration has made in being exposing this stuff. i think, again, any contact with anyone related to russia, anything related to russia, it has to it has to be put out early. brian: yep. and you have to be really clear and transparent. and this issue i do believe in what i know this is a pal of donald trump jr. he wasn t all that informed on what the person want. he was, like, oh, yeah, during the campaign, these guys are getting thousands of e-mails. okay. i know because i was talking to them. and i don t know how much they read. i don t know how much he understood about that. but one thing he did not get before that meeting is that this was going to be some person really connected with the russian government. this was a friend of his who had business in russia and had business with the trump corporation or potential business, his father. and so i was, like, yeah, we ll meet with anybody. the clintons were meeting with everyone. journalists, we re getting help from dona to the dnc during the debates. they were meeting with everyone anywhere any time to get their war room going. so i think this is a big nothing. but, again, anything connected to russia, you have to be transparent about, otherwise it s the appearance. ainsley: expensive meeting. nothing came out of it. and now he has to hire an attorney. 20 minutes. steve: and the hypocrisy, according to politico, the ukrainians met with the dnc on how to discredit donald trump. and hillary s team was happy to get any information they want. the issue we were talking about before is what people want traction on. steve: meanwhile, let s talk a little bit about the president of the united states. he s been up about an hour ago. he tweeted this out. the senate democrats have only confirmed 48 of his 197 presidential nominees. they can t win, so all they do is slow things down and obstruct. and, laura, when you look historically, it s clear that this particular senate under the leadership on the democratic side of chuck schumer is slow walking everybody on donald trump s slate because they don t want him to get stuff done. yeah. again, it s the resistance. and you have to hand it to schumer. they can t do a lot, but they can slow things down, and they can make departments virtually not unworkable but really crippled in their ability to do their mission. that s resistance. and so the president is right to raise this. i hope he speaks about this, gets his surrogates out there to speak about this. brian: nonstop. i just ran into rick perry, who i know was on earlier. energy secretary. he said we don t have a debt duty yet. ainsley: what does that mean, laura? the american people cannot get effective government if the key players in each department are not in place. brian: right? we didn t vote for obama s holdovers. we voted for fundamental transformation of government and an economy that works for a broad base of americans. the american people are being hurt because we don t have the players on the field. we have to expose schumer on this. brian: listen, this is not up for debate. this is a fact. schumer is flat out lying. they got off to a slow start. if you read the lead editorial of the wall street journal, they ll go into detail on what exactly they re doing. senator langford has an answer. it s time for republicans to stand up because not that you re this is anti-american. we have no government. now, i know we re out of time but john mccain, lindsey graham, all of these people who spend 24/7 trashing donald trump on foreign policy policy. it would be nice on occasion if they stood up and said, you know, we have some disagreements with the president. but he deserves to have his team in place at the energy department defense, state, white house employees still innocent place. that is resistance. that is intolerable and hurting the american people open. on occasion, it would be nice if some of these guys who were always trashing trump would help on this. but it s like critics. you don t hear from them at all on this. brian: now they will. i think people will understand. thanks, laura. great to see you. brian: 12 minutes after the hour. ainsley: jillian has headlines for us. that s right. guys. starting with this breaking news. the fbi arriving on the scene at a military center in oklahoma this morning after a late night explosion. witnesses say someone on a motorcycle through a backpack near the u.s. recruiting center in tulsa blowing the doors off the building. no arrests have been made and no one was hurt. the search for four missing men in pennsylvania did to be victims is set to resume this morning. now, this comes one day after police arrest a man linked to a property that has become the focus of that investigation. now being held on a million dollars bail on a unrelated gun charge. the 20-year-old accused of possessing a shotgun and ammo, despite a history of mental illness. police have been scouring every inch of his family farm north of philadelphia. the four young men all vanishing within a week of each other. that s a quick look at your headlines. i ll see you guys in a little bit. steve: thank you, jillian. ainsley: thank you. coming up, police say this man could have killed cops, had he gotten his way. so why did a judge just let him walk free? 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ask your doctor about opdivo. see for this and other indications. bristol-myers squibb thanks the patients, nurses, and physicians involved in opdivo clinical trials. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that s mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. we now know 16 people are dead after a military plane crashed in mississippi. all of them were service members. steve: president trump just tweeting this: marine plane crash in mississippi. it s hard. melania and i send our deepest condolences to all. brian: live in washington, d.c. with the other reaction from the white house. hey, griff. hey, brian, ainsley, and steve. that s right the president reacting to the news that we re all waking up to. the marine core releasing a statement in our last hour confirming our worst fears. a marine core ac130 crashed at approximately 4:00 p.m. central, claiming the lives of those 16 service members. they also say the flight originated from cherry point, north carolina and that the faa contacted the marine core when the aircraft disappeared from air traffic control radar over mississippi. the cause of the crash is unknown at this time. the incident is under investigation. the fbi is on the ground assisting. this occurred now in the mississippi delta. some 85 miles north of jackson. a witness on the ground reported hearing a loud boom, seeing the plane spiraling down in a large plume of spoke as this debris field streps for miles. they can expect more details become available. but right now the name of the service members is being withheld to allow time for the loved ones to be notified. vice president mike pence also tweeting his condolences saying quote karen and i are praying for the family of marines who lost their lives. these marines will be in our hearts. it s important to know that pence s son michael is a marine core pilot in jet training right now. certainly not part of this, but it s hits at home and let s us know that friends and loved ones are fighting for our freedom whether at home or far away. ainsley: god bless them all. steve: a former gitmo dainty who killed an american soldier narrow terror attack. and canada s prime minister is paying the guy $8 million. now one soldier blinded in that attack says justin trudeau is guilty of treason. he joins us live coming up next. brian: and to republican congressman sending a message to their colleague. if you understand the border wall or we re going to shut down the government. mark meadows is one of them. this lovely lady has a typical airline credit card. so she only earns double miles on purchases she makes from that airline. what d you earn double miles on, please? 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we re going to release you. steve: what, are they going to treat the voices in his head? no. by sending him out onto your street to attack police officers and god forbid, the folks walking down the block. steve: officers say prosecutors are taking the case seriously. but apparently not the judge. all right. brian and ainsley. brian: a former gitmo prisoner, steve, who killed an american soldier and blinded another gets an apology and $8 million check from the canadian government. ainsley: omar is a canadian citizen and claims his rights were violated radio when he was detained at gitmo. here s canadian prime minister justin trudeau defending the 8 million-dollar payout. the rights of charges and freedoms protects all canadians. even when it is uncomfortable and the government violates any canadian s charter rights, we all end up paying for it. brian: it s not uncomfortable. he s a terrorist. former special forces officer lain morris the soldier blinded by a grenade during a fierce firefight in afghanistan. he says trudeau is guilty of treason and joins us right now. even if it s uncomfortable, it s okay. that s okay to write an $8 million check and let him out? was that offensive, isn t it? totally offensive. this man kills somebody and then gets a check for $8 million? you know, $8 million. he s not even dead. it s just crazy that the canadian government even if the guy s rights were violated, that s worth $8 million? he had a bad day at gitmo. varney shoulder to cry on at gitmo, and you want to give him $8 million? where is the scale. where is the justice there? there is none. ainsley: lane, tell the folks at home what happened to you and how you are connected to this story. well, in 2002, we were tracking we were hunting omar s father, who is an international terrorist and fundraiser for osama bin laden. we tracked him to an isolated compound. he had left, but he had four or five guys there along with his son, omar. we sat outside that compound for 45 minutes trying to get them to come out and talk to us. finally, when the rest of my team showed up and the afghans we were working with, they started a firefight, decided to go out in a blaze of glory, shot our two interpreters and through grenades at the wall to the rest of us. we ended up killing the rest of them, shooting omar. in that firefight, omar through a grenade that landed too close to me and blinded me. brian: so you can t see right now? fortunately, i have two. the right eye doesn t do much. brian: so what s your reaction from the comments of the prime minister and also the message it sent to these terrorists? it s so it is so crazy. i mean, i don t know what kind of sick, twisted ivory tower trudeau has to live in to have this make any sense. but to those of us on the street walking around, this totally sucks. there s it s just crazy that you would give somebody like that $8 million because his feelings got hurt. i know he spent time in guantanamo. that was due to his own actions. brian: i have to tell you. president obama moved him out in the middle of the night and put him back in canada, so he knew this was going to be a problem. he probably knew where this guy was heading, and that s freedom and a multimillion-dollar lifestyle. what s your reaction to the fact that the former president thought it was okay to move him out? well, you know, and you re totally right. obama when he realized he could not close down gitmo, decided to change strategy and just empty it out. so he made a deal, sent him back to canada, they promptly released him, he s out on bail, and then he turned around and sued them. so, yeah, we ve got president obama to thank for this fiasco. ainsley: what we all worry about, we worry about the future. what s this guy capable of down the road? well, his family, this is what his family does. these people move money around the world. they re very good at it. so to write this man a check for $8 million u.s., i mean, it s crazy. $8million, you know, trudeau says, oh, no, he wasn t anxious to do it. he s got to have the worst negotiators on the face of the earth. that s why i was there was deliberate intent on the trudeau government to not only shield omar from any repercussions legally from this, but they gave him that $8 million in secret, told him, omar, we ve got we can t keep this secret forever, so you better get that money and get it secure before the americans come after it. brian: incredible. yeah. when trudeau says, oh, no, he they negotiated in good faith. they didn t negotiate in good faith. they just wholesaled just otto march cotter bandwagon with both feet and have funded him an extremist jihadis for good share money. brian: isis, al al shabaab, al-qaeda where high-fiving today. exactly. brian: thank you, lane. ainsley: thank you, lane. thank you for serving. trump touting a major victory in the fight against isis, dr. sebastion go t is here next. brian: and governor chris christie s next job. listen. governor, next time you want to sit on a beach that is closed to the entire world except you, you put your fat (bleep) in a car. hey. steve: i tell you, one thing about having donald trump as president of the united states, never boring. he just sent out a tweet 48 minutes ago working hard to get the olympics for the united states in los angeles. stay tuned. what s he up to? brian: it s amazing because you know who wants it? paris. so we ve got to get it for los angeles. remember, last time we had the olympics. jillian, you know this. last time we had the olympics, the russians boycotted, and we had mary lou on the balance beam, and still there today. steve: if paris wants it, keep in mind, the president of the united states is going on thursday. yep. all of these connections. i see where you re going with this, steve. i will take that as your t toss. good morning to you, by the way. if funding for president trump s border wall doesn t move forward, mark meadows believes the president will veto a spending measure if it doesn t include money for the wall. house majority leader kevin mccarthy tells us earlier what happens next. this is something the president promised to the american public. this is something that he complained on and one of the reasons why he was elected. we need to security in this country. we can get the job done and the process is working right now to pass that, and we can all be in the right place. congress passed a funding bill in may to keep the government operating through september. money for the border wall was not included, despite president trump s demands. more than a dozen members accused in the hazing death are heading back to port today. a judge is deciding if there s sufficient grounds to send the case to county court for trial. today s hearing comes on the heels of explosive new evidence being revealed. bombshell techs show frat members was dead after he fell down the stairs during a night of heavy drinking. and then acting pledges to keep quiet out of fear of going to jail. this morning, the faa investigating a near catastrophe on a crowded runway. an air canada flight packed with 140 passengers from toronto cleared to land in san francisco last friday. but the pilot lined up for a taxiway instead where four other planes were waiting to take off. other pilots raising the alarm, possibly preventing a really horrific accident. the plane eventually landing safely. air canada is also investigating. well, governor chris christie is still feeling the heat after these pictures of him on the beach during the new jersey government shut down. the governor clashing with one of his constituents on sports radio. listen. governor, next time you want to sit on a beach that is closed to the entire world except you, you put your fat (bleep) in a car and go to one that s open to all constituents. i love being called you re a bully, governor. you re swearing on the air, mic. you re a bum. oh, man. christie is auditioning to take over for a long time wfam host who is expected to retire this year. and that s a look at your headlines this tuesday morning, guys. brian: he was still very good. he needs a cohost. ainsley: one to do color and then one to do brian: just owned by mike and the mad dog for years. mike took it by himself, so i think that christie with somebody else would be very interesting. ainsley: says the guy who just changed his radio show from brian and friends to the brian kilmeade show. you re cutting out the friends. yeah. i have. i cut out the friends. okay. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: a decorated u.s. soldier under arrest this morning trying to apparently help isis. sergeant allegedly pledged allegiance to the terror group, even helping to buy them a drone. brian: our next guest warns isis is using drones like never before. joining us now special ops analyst author of drone warrior and elite soldiers in the hunt for america s most dangerous enemies. welcome back, brett. hey, good morning to you. does this surprise you? it stuns us. no, it s absolutely incredible. and in this case what we know from the fbi affidavit is that this u.s. army active soldier started first class cane was using material basically to provide material to the group isis, specifically classified documents and utilize his military training to actually take a drone, a consumer drone and use it for targeting. specifically to direct artillery attacks on coalition troops overseas. so we ve been talking about it all week, and it s definitely something that people need to be prepared to see a lot more of. ainsley: did he ever buy into what the army teaches him? or was he just using that as a cover? well, his actual position was out of an air traffic controller. so when you think about what he does all day and especially coupled with trips over to iraq and afghanistan, he knows what groups like isis need, and he understands very quickly the type of technology that can be used for that. so when you take a consumer drone, especially now that as of january isis actually created this drone warfare unit. when you take a consumer drone, and you use it in a way for surveillance, you give the enemy a capability unlike ever before to be able to look at indirect fire for their attacks to be able to determine where they re located and saying that effectively fire. steve: and essentially a book out of our playbook. that s what you used to do. used to use drones as eyes in the sky. well, look, this is a future of warfare. i don t think another war that s fought will ever be without drone technology, and it s also the future of terrorism. the fact is that drone technology is more capable than it ever has been before. the manufacturers know this, and i ve got to tell you. we really need to lean on them to help fix this problem. there s no reason right now that a consumer drone should be able to fly in raqqa or mosul or isis territory. they need to create a geofencing platform to be able to not fly and hurt u.s. troops. brian: and read your book, you talking about hunting the worst of the worst and sometimes you don t kill them right away. you watch them to see who else they re working with, and you chronical that in your book. other are reporting that a al-baghdadi could be dead right now. yeah. and i have to tell you, i know al-baghdadi more than anyone, and i don t believe the report that he s killed. it doesn t make sense to be around hundreds of isis fighters. he doesn t operate like that. the u.s. government has some of the greatest minds right now hunting him down, and he knows it only takes one of his fighters to rat him out, so he s constantly on the move at this point. but obviously with them closing in on mosul, we re getting very close to hurting isis quite a bit, so we re getting close to getting him, and i think it s just a matter of time before that happens. brian: but you do not think the reports are correct. no. i don t believe them. ainsley: u.s. government has not confirmed it, so maybe he s right. thank you, brett. thank you. brian: all right. straight ahead, speaking of isis, president trump just tweeted about big wins against eyes as mosul is free from the terror group. but what s next? 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let s bring in sebastion gorka, deputy assistant to donald trump. he joins us from the north lawn. sebastion, good morning. when the president talks about big wins against isis. what is he talking about? he s talking about the incredible news that after only 24 weeks in office here in dc, our partner, the iraqi government has declared mosul liberated. and that really is significant because if you recall after the former administration pulled out our forces in 2011 out of iraq, just two, three years later in the summer 2014, isis declared the new caliphate out of mosul. mosul was the epicenter of the new radical islamic terrorist caliphate. and in just a few months in office with our partners in iraq, we ve routed them from the place where they created the new caliphate. so a huge success. it s just the beginning, but a huge success. ainsley: how did that happen, dr. gorka? well, first thing s first. we did something that absolutely essential to success. we allowed our troops to use the rules of engagement that are standard. we je jettisoned the idea that you have like vietnam the 8,000 mile screwdriver and that we re going to sit here telling people what to do in theater. that s insane. we don t do that. that s obama strategy. we said we trust you. the president trusts our military. they ve been trained to do this job. the local commanders understand best. and with the iraqi partners, we told them go and crush the enemy. remember what the president said in front of congress? he didn t talk about managing the threat. he didn t use obama verbiage or degrading. he said we are brian: but dr. gorka, it did start under the obama administration, the take down of mosul when we realized that wasn t the jv time that we thought famously isis was. brian, with one big difference. one massive difference. and this is thanks to how it was expressed by secretary mattis. we re not here to degrade the enemy. okay? it s not nibbling at the edges. we are there to annihilate them. that s why you can see such rapid changes. brian: what has changed about today? because we have to make sure that the shi a and sunni coexist. the shi a police cannot police a sunni population. that is why they basically welcomed isis because of the thuggery of the government. what can we do to make sure that doesn t happen to al-baghdadi s government? we have an administration that isn t paranoid like maliki. malachi s administration was paranoid to work with other terrorist groups in the country. we have a chance now. it s not going to be easy, but you re absolutely right. this war isn t just about kinetics. it s not just about body bags and theater. at the end of the day, everybody has to come together and answer a very simple question. do you think your future, the future of your children and your grandchildren will be better served by an iraq that sticks together or by maintaining sectarian violence? and i think the answer to that question whether you re shi a, sunni, whether you re from one clan or another tribe, i think that question is easy. it s what the founding fathers said; right? we stick together, or we hang together. steve: exactly. dr. gorka, when we saw the president s tweet, we thought when he s talking about the big strategy against isis, maybe he s referring to these unconfirmed reports, at this point, that al-baghdadi, the guy who runs isis is dead. there are some news accounts out there that he is. what does the federal government know about that? well, right now, we take any report of this nature with a large dose of salt. do you remember how many reports we had about bin laden being dead or bin laden being on dialysis? i mean, look. the fact is we have an amazing intelligence community in america, the best in the world. we will verify. we will look at the intelligence available, whether it s signals intelligence, imagery intelligence, and we will give a statement when we have the requisite facts. but right now, remember, the first rule of war. all initial reports are erroneous. brian: right. the daily mail saying that he was killed in a air strike. the russians claim they killed him two and a half weeks ago. but you say representing the white house you will not confirm that he is dead, but you have heard the reports. correct. exactly correct. ainsley: our last guest says he doubts he is dead. he thinks that isis might be putting out this information because normally the leader of this group is not going to be out in the middle of a group of soldiers. right. so they have been pressured. we put the squeeze on them in mosul, and now they re running for cover. and one of the things they want to do is they want to distract, and they want to provide disinformation. a classic tactic in war, and this could be another disinformation. we shall see. ainsley: all right. we ll see. steve: indeed. dr. gorka, thank you very much. ainsley: coming up next, all the mainstream media wants to talk about is russia, russia, russia. but what about the the president s accomplishments. former press secretary joins us live next. come on in. steve: part of the family now. but first, let s check in with shannon. what s happening in ten minutes on the channel? good morning, gang. well, is there new life for obamacare repeal and replace efforts in the senate. we have yes and no columns with us this morning. will join us live. plus, we ll take you live to the scene of that tragic military plane crash in mississippi. the marine core confirming at least 16 are dead. and more questions about a meeting between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer during last year s campaign. we ve got new details. we re going to separate facts from fiction this morning when we see you at the top of the hour from america s newsroom what s the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that s mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards. taking care of business. steve: you wouldn t know it by watching the mainstream media, since all they talk about these days is russia and collusion but our president has a list of accomplishments. joining us right now is fox news contributor as of this week. welcome to the family. thank you. great to be here, dad. so all you hear about, we were clicking around a little while ago on the other channels. it s russia, it s don jr. collusion, blah, blah, blah. i thought the press was my entire career antirepublican. it s so much easier to be working with a democrat than republican. it was bush derangement syndrome. whatever bush derangement syndrome was, it s triply worse with donald trump. but part of that he brings on himself. steve: they hate him because they don t want him to get anything done? i think it s simple. during the campaign, he offended them and took relishing in offending him, and they don t like him ideological and because they never expected on and won by taking on the press, which was to his benefit during the campaign, they have a deep grain sense that he shouldn t be president, and they never had a honeymoon, which presidents usually do, and antitrump. steve: we ll take a look at his accomplishments, though. neil gorsuch approved to the supreme court, keystone pipeline green lighted, dramatic declines in illegal crossing, and this morning agreed on a syria cease-fire. and he s making america an energy exporter. if you want to be tough on russia, the toughest thing you can do is lower the price of fossil fuels, which he in effect as of doing. so he has a lot he can brag about. but he competes with himself too. it has to be said. sometimes the tweets he puts out have gone too far and created a firestorm, taking the attention away from those accomplishments. steve: but sometimes they re used to divert, again, a way from other stuff the mainstream media s chewing on. well, that s true. he does use it that way also. but if you tweet smarter, you would have a better presidency. i have no problem with him tweeting. but he has had a couple tweet bombs, and those have hurt him badly. steve: all right. part of the fox news family. thank you very much. thank you. steve: we re going to step aside. more fox and friends in two minutes and two seconds as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. why you laughing? because it used to be brian and friends. now you do not have any friends. no more money, jason davis will be with us. it will be a great show. we ll see you tomorrow, everybody. bill: morning everybody. we are going to begin with a fox news alert. a plane crash and in mississippi. the pentagon confirming, 16 service members are dead. an active investigation underway. we will get a live report coming up. first, can republicans get closer to a new deal on health care. senators say they could be a crack in the stalemate as they arrived back in washington, d.c. see bachrach s big enough to win over some votes. good morning, how are you. shannon: great to see you, bill. i am shannon bream. they re hoping to relive a revived bill this week.

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