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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20180211

olympic sporting action. a lot of focus indeed was on sports. it was also on politics. influential sister of the north korean leader kim jong-un met with soakian president moon. there was no daylight between the u.s. and soak in their aim to rid the north of its nukes and missiles. free and easy. the musical track that they chose for right now. but what they were play in our ear moments ago was the one hit wonder lady in red because. they were. lady in red. i did it for valentine s day. coming up. so we do. valentine s day on sunday because we won t be here on smond and tuesday. griff, good to have you here this morning. what a weekend of news we have. only being overshadowed by this thing happening involving athletics. different colors. something like that. the lady in red is a huge fan of the olympics. yesterday i said i hate the olympics and i thought i was going to get a lot of twitter reviews. you wouldn t believe how many people wrote me saying, i hate the olympics too. i thought it was a bad person. i haven t checked on the olympics since 1996, the atlanta olympics. you think we would be hearing about the athletics. instead we re not. what we re hearing about is apparently north korea had a monarchy that we didn t know about. and i m reading today i can quote from the headline, a high level delegation from north korea led by a youthful political princess. a youthful political princess. they re fawning over this young woman, 30 years old, certainly attractive. but my goodness you would have thought princess diana has gone to the olympics. good analogy. here s some head lines. fawning over the sister of the dictator who murders people. okay. cnn says this, kim jong-un s sister is stealing the show at the winter olympics. washington post get this one. of north korea captivated, all swaller and smiles, king jong-un s mysterious sister gets her star turn at winter olympics. so interesting. if only ivanka could get these kind of glowing head lines from cnn and from the media. and it s also interesting that one of the tactics that the media has spent you can t normalize the trumps because that would be normalizing republicans and by extension giving their ideas a platform to be discussed. so you can t, you can t normalize the trumps. here they are normalizing the sister which by the way, i kind of feel bad for her. she s had siblings who have been murdered by her brother. who knows if she s being forced to be there at all. still you don t want to be complicit. where are all of the articles of being complicit. as you said, brutal. i normally don t come on this show. in many weeks i ve been allowed to come here but my blood is boiling. people forget they re making the suggestion, the media foolishly i would say that the korean peninsula is possible because this 30-year-old kid shows up. we forget what the rogue regime, brutal dictator has done to thousands of people. another to war wormbier, you remember him? we have to put this in context of the spirit of olympics. their athletes are not exchanging ideas with other olympic ideas with others i oth. this is not political for me. i m telling the truth about the regime s treatment of my son. guess what? they do this to countless other people. this is standing up and being the voice of otto. thank goodness this administration and vice president pence have been there to have the message. think about the headline from the washington post. ivanka trump of north korea. ivanka trump is in the white house working for paid leave and this is what she s complicit in the white house? the sister of kim jong-un, complicit in the murderous starvation regime of her brother who suppresses her people to seek nuclear weapons. i don t know if she s happy or not. i hope she defects. if i was her i would run away right now. she s surrounded by bodyguards who are keeping her from defecting than protecting her. it s the never trump, hate trump media will find whatever angle they can. you get the idea that they hate trump more than north korea and all of the atrocities that are going oin there. it s not just that they re normalizing north korea. they re trying to find a connection. we ve heard it before from the media. donald trump is like, you know, a dictator. exactly. and it s the most insane analogy because if anything this is a president who has been trying to take power away from centralizcentralized governmente it back to the people. the dueling memos which i cover all last week and this week, the the new york times today has a headline. now remember, the president cannot declassify the democrat memo because it has sensitive. it s responsible not to. but he can t. why? we learned after the the new york times has a head line that president trump won t release it after democrats of course, we played yesterday, piling on the president for not releasing it. we now learn, after the headline that trump is to blame to release it, we learn in the the new york times article, and i think we ve got a quote here. there s the headline, pressure by trump may lead to revision of the democratic memo. here s the article, in a letter to the white house on friday, top justice department and fbi officials said they had law enforcement or national security concerns about declassifying parts of the democratic memo. so essentially the fbi, the authority which determines whether or not it should be released told him not to do it. he can t do it because of these things in there. so he sends it back. yet he gets blamed. this is the trump blame game. look at the headline. but that quote you just wrote was buried in the article. so it s trump trying to stop this memo but then you look at this and you see it s really the fbi and the doj. remember the democrats yelling about the nunes memo saying our agencies don t want to release it. the reason that the fbi and the doj had issues with the republican memo is because of omissions. they wanted more context in the memo. there was nothing in the memo that was wrong. fine. you can t release that stuff which is what we talked about yesterday. democratsintentionally included sources and methods in their memo to make it look like president trump is holding things back. very very different. and again, the breathless attacks from democrats are not based on anything other than a political mo thif. because our intelligence agencies are now saying you can t release this because it would jeopardize the national security. now it goes back to the democrats and they have a chance to revise this. to the committee. to the full committee. based on recommendations by the doj. we ll see it? you ll see it in a responsible form because this white house has said you should see it, just not everything that could jeopardize us. there s a lot of hypocrisy out there because we know that mark warner, the senator, the democrat senator. senate intelligence committee. from the senate intelligence committee actually made contact with russians which is interesting because we know thay trying to make sure that it was done where nobody else he wanted to do it without the other members of the committee, the republican members of the committee finding out about it. so senate warner reaches out to russian lobbyist who said he had connections to christopher steele, he alerted the committee six months later, got defense for that, this is part of the text message exchange between senator warner and this lobbyist, he said, senator warner, we have to so much to discuss. you need to be careful but we can help our country. the lobbyist says, i m in. that s one part of a longer exchange. how do i get to clirs fer steele. how do i learn what you know about president trump. turns out we have videotape. it turns out people say things. do you know about this? remember that meeting at trump tower, don jr., absolute attack, mark warner. uncharged, right? against don jr. let s look back at what mark warner had to say about that meeting at trump tower. the president and frankly i can t believe what he s saying. here was in black and white an e-mail that said, hey, meet with this russian lawyer acting as an agent of the russian government and this is part of the russian government s effort to help then candidate trump and to discredit clinton. onanybody, democrat or republican, that would take that kind of meeting with not only a foreign government but a foreign adversary. so that last july, special report with brett baier. the trump blame game is on fire and the north korean princess is saving apparently the world. it s all. there may be some other head lines. if you want to take it. i don t know. that s what you need to know. good morning. i love videotape so much. the video helps. a little bit of a different turn. i got to take a hard turn to headlines. fox news alert. police are identified the man accused of killing two police officers responding to a 911 hangup call. the officers are gunned down. 9 # 11 what s your message. please help me. what s wrong? what s going on. he shot the police officers. your husband? where is your husband now. he is in there. help me please. during died at the scene, morally died in the hospital. these officers gave their life in protection of others. a makeshift memorial was set up for the fallen officers who had combined service of nearly 50 years on the force the tour of the grand canyon turns deadly when a chopper crashes 600 feet to the ground killing three people. crews still rescuing four survivors and treating them. strong winds from air lifting them to a ner by hospital. seven people, including the pilot on board taking off from las vegas. it s unclear what caused the crash. and those are your head lines. tough stuff. well president trump slamming the swamp over reports of a shady russian spy scammed intel agencies out of 100 grand. but is he right to blame the swamp? we ll ask former cia analyst next. this officer wants you to know there are rooms available at the green roof inn but you don t want to stay there. the hilarious video now going viral. we have a one-star rating. there s no privacy in this hotel. enough to help you save, we could start a carpool. look at this traffic. don t worry. ok, if that s not enough we ll start a trainpool. oh i have a meeting in five minutes. and if that s still not enough. i got it. we ll just create a shortcut. we ll do anything, seriously anything to help you save. ally. do it right. talking 4th quarter? 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(announcer) purchase $699 or moret tat helzberg diamonds and get a free megablast waterproof speaker with built-in amazon alexa. a $339.98 value. a the new york times report out yesterday, we reported on it, says a russian spy duped u.s. intel officers out of $100,000 and offered to give up trump s secrets and stolen nsa cyber weapons. the cia is calling the report patently false. here to discuss is former cia analyst and senior vice president for policy and programs with the center for security. fred, thanks for joining us. the story that came out, the cia working for cyber weapons, working with shadowy russians, the russians offering up information about then president trump. the cia says we didn t want that information. what do you make of this story and its validity ? you know, it makes sense that the cia would try to acquire information like this and pay a lot of money for it. but the bottom line for me is this. we have the instance of a russian intelligence linked russian trying to provide salacious anti-trump material that is similar to the steele dossier funded by the democratic campaign. and i think the question is how can the democrats continue to maintain this collusion narrative. how can adam schiff continue to say that donald trump is soft on the russians and colluding with the russians when we have all of these reports of the rughtses trying to smear and undermine mr. trump. fred, you know the agency. i want to take them at face value. we re looking for the cyber weapons back and then they tried to get dirt on president trump. would agents say we don t want that? could they be so deuced by that? what happens on the ground? i mean, part of this story, this is being talked about, that there were people in the agency, careers who wanted this information to hurt the president. but the story says that agency officers did not want this information. i hope that s true. that s very promising. the reason the president is so credible is because the agency s reputation and the reputation of the intelligence community has gone down so far because they have constantly leaked against him. yesterday there was another report on how the president received the presidential daily brief that was completely inaccurate and it was leaked by agency officers to embarrass mr. i don t think trump is prepared to give the cia the benefit of the doubt when it comes to stories like that. the cia has come out saying this, the people swindled here were james risen and matt rosenburg, the two authors of the the new york times piece. the fictional story that the cia was built out of $100,000 is patently false. you want to believe the cia but at the same time you ve acknowledged that the cia will pay for information or secrets. would it be unlikely that they would pay for the first piece of information and once they don t get it they cut it off? a similar story by the intercept. i want to believe the agency. i worked there for 19 years. but i thought the the new york times story sounded plausible. there s another angle here. why was this leaked in the first place. who leaked it. and i think the people who leaked it are people in the agency who resent the fact that pompeo has an off-the-books channel with russian and they don t like that because they denies access to information that they would like to leak. are you concerned at all that fbi, cia, nsa, any agents of our government still today would be looking for information on a sitting president? president trump? i m worried that that s going on. i m encouraged with director pompeo at the cia. i think he s going to stop that from happening. this is why we need strong leadership at the top of these agencies, to make sure that these agents keep politics out of their work and do the work of the american people. that s what we hope for thanks for your time this morning. appreciate it. good to be here. a fox news alert. one in ten deaths in this country last week were because of the flu. and the outbreak showing no signs of showing down. how worried should you be? we re bringing that to you next. plus, the media gushing over kim jong-un s sister at the winter olympics. all she did was show up and smile. why are they glamourizing that nation. a reality check about that country coming up. when you combine ancestry s dna test with its historical records. .you could learn you re from ireland. .donegal, ireland. .and your ancestor was a fisherman. with blue eyes. just like you. begin your journey at so allstate is giving us money back on our bill. well, that seems fair. we didn t use it. wish we got money back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it. successful people have onthey read more.on. how do they find the time? with audible. audible has the world s largest selection of audiobooks. for just $14.95 a month, you get a credit-good for any audiobook. and you can roll your credits to the next month if you don t use them. audible members get free, no-hassle exchanges. .and use the mobile app to listen anytime, anywhere. start a 30-day trial and your first audiobook is free. listening, is the new reading. text audio 8 to five hundred five hundred to start listening today. there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future. and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. welcome pack. some quick head lines. a security scare overnight at l.a.x. internet. a shirtless man shutting down runways after scaling a fence and running up to a plane preparing for takeoff. police arresting the unidentified man who may have been mentally ill. a doctor convicted of sexually abusing girls has been transferred to a federal security prison. larry nassar starting his prison sentence this season s nationwide deadly flu outbreak could be the worst on record. one in ten americans are dying from the flu with no signs of stopping. center for disease control and prevention has reported 63 deaths from pneumonia among children this season alone. how worried should we be. joining to discuss is radiologist nicole sapphire. thank you for joining us. it s one in every ten deaths last week. should we be scared? those statistics are terrifying and the truth is they re all true. however, you know, i want to be honest and say that we re on par with some of our other seasons. we have influenza like diseases or diagnoses right now that are mapping where it was in the swine flu epidemic in 2009, 2010. the thing that s scary is we re going to exceed the deaths from the swine flu. that s what concerns me. the amount of people being diagnosed with the flu isn t necessarily more than we ve seen in the past. the concern is why are people dying from the flu. it s not just the diagnosis from the flu. when you have the flu, it releases chemicals into your system and that causes inflammation which can cause new moan yapneumonia, sepsis and het attacks. what can we do? we re going to exceed the number from last year. can that be slowed down and what can we do as patients to make that happen? the far majority of adults and children who get the flu are going to cover completely. be just fine. stay home. stay home from school, stay home from work. don t go to the store. if you have the flu and the great way to tell a difference between the cold and the flu is high fever and chills. the flu comes on faster than a cold. if you have signs of the flu, only leave your house to go get medical treatment. the sooner you get medical treatment, you can start on medications, the sooner you recognize you have the flu, the sooner you re going to get better. the one thing i encouraging people to keep on eye out for is the child and the adult who has the flu and then they start getting better and then they re sick again. that could mean they have a super infection. that s when people are dying. if that happens to you, seek medical treatment immediately. what s the point where i have kids at the house. what point do i need to go to the doctor? if you have young children under the age of five or any with chronic conditions, bad allergies, you should always go see the physician if you think they may have the flu. don t try to keep them at home. but for the other kids who have fefer and chills that you can manage, they re still eating and drinking, using the rest room, give them a week. clean everything and get rid of everything in the house they ve touched. the stories are maybe more scary than they are, we re hearing people their kid gets sick and two days later they re dead. so i mean, it kind of confuses me. you re saying wait a week to go to the doctor. no, i m not saying wait a week to go to the doctor. if your child has the flu and it s not a complicated coarse, then for the majority of them they re going to get better. what i m saying is some children are getting better and then they get sick again and people are thinking they got a relapse of the flu. that getting sick again could be an emergency. it s good to have the diagnosis, get swapped but that s the only time they should be leaving the house. too late to get the flu shot? absolutely not. the worst is yet to come. thank you so much. very helpful for a lot of parents at home watching. tensions flaring in the middle east, israel and syria, one step closer to confrontation after an israeli fighter jet is shot down. governor huckabee is in jerusalem right now. we ll get his take on the situation. they may tb friends on sex and the city but kim catrel and jessica parker have some bad blood between them in real life. teddy s a pitmaster. when it comes to playing with fire, nobody does it better. he s also a volunteer firefighter. (low-pitched yelling) but when it comes to mortgages, he s. less confident. fortunately for teddy, there s rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it s simple, so he can understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. apply simply, understand clearly, mortgage confidently. rocket mortgage by quicken loans. south korea s president sharing with her this historic handshake. this grand breaking moment, kim jong-un extending an invitation presented by his sister to south korean president. we re going to bring in mike huckabee who happens to be in jerusalem this morning. sir, thank you for being here. before we get to topics of israel, vi to ask you about the fawning of the media over kim jong-un s sister. she s a political princess. why would we bend over backwards to characterize her as such? it s the narrative o the meda must want to paint. but the little sister of little kim comes from a keun triwhere most of the people are starving to death, where repression is extraordinary and where they kill visitors like they did with the gentleman, warmbier. that s the sad thing. they haven t changed their ways. they s an incredibly dangerous country that threatens the peace of the world. having the sister show up pretending she s all full and games doesn t change a thing in north korea. they actually compared her to ivanka trump. and you have a daughter by the way who is also complicit in the trump administration. i mean, how do you feel about this kind of coverage? it s really unbelievable that they re trying to normalize this dictatorship s family. well, having watched the news coverage of the trump administration for the last year, nothing surprises me anymore about the way the media portrays not just this white house but portrays everything else on the globe. i mean, they pretend that good is bad and bad is good and most of the time they can t tell the difference. but most people in the world can. and nobody is fooled by the theatrics of north korea and them pretending to be normal. they re anything but normal. they re still the hermit kingdom, still dangerous, still pose a threat to the world and they still have no business getting close to a nuclear weapon. governor, let me ask you, israel and iran closer to confrontation. we saw what happened yesterday. you re on the ground. bring us up to speed on what you see there. well i think a lot of people would say, boy, it s really tense there and certainly there s some tension because of what happened yesterday. but the one message that became very clear is israel, i think, said about as perfectly as they can. if you try to get into our territory, we re going to hit you and we re going to hit you hard. and there s several holes in the landscape of syria today that are the reminders of the 12 strikes that the israelis inflicted upon that launch site and some other sites as well. let s not kid ourselves. the reason that this president and others need to be concerned about the iranian deal was shown yesterday. the iranians are not good people and they have no intention of becoming good people. they only have one thing in mind and that s to inflict as much carnage as possible. but the israelis did yesterday will bring a calm most likely to this country for the next several days. and u was very important that both the white house and the state department issued strong statements of support for israel to protect itself. but israel did the right thing yesterday by saying, you come at us with a knife, we come at you with a gun. you put somebody in a hospital, we put somebody in the morgue. the only way to deal with these bullies from iran is to hit them hard. you re in jerusalem. you re a great friend of israel. so what happened was, iranian drone came into israeli space, they dealt with it, then there was an attack, an israeli fighter jet shot down in syrian air space. could this escalate inside that region. it ultimately is a co confrontan between israel and iran which has implications for the united states. well it certainly could. and the two pilots of this, both survived. one of them seriously injured, one not. the they both ejected. the plane crash landed into israeli territory, so that s good. but the russians have said to the syrians, back down. don t escalate this. the u.s. is clearly standing the israel. i don t see what could be possibly gained if there was any escalation on the part of either the syrians or the iranians. it would be a fool s eaer rand . let s hope what they did yesterday proved this isn t a smart strategy. i don t think we re going to see them do it in the future. i hope not. thank you so much, governor. be safe and come home safe. thanks. glad to. turns now to your headlines, hungs raises a candle at a vigil remembering a fallen georgia officer shot and killed in the line of due pi. an autopsy report showing officer chase mad ducks died from an gunshot wound to his head. 26-year-old newly wed leaving behind his young son and pregnant wife due any day now. two other deputies shot are expected to be okay. the suspect was killed in the gunfight. take a look at this incredible video. police frantically evacuating a subway train after a passenger sparked a massiv massive fireba. david ferguson threatening to light himself on fire using paint thinner when a shilg officer tried kicking away the can. officers struggling to stop him before a wall of flames pushed them out. at one time an officer s shoe catching on fire and another burned a bill to ban use use youth tackle football in maryland can t get off the ground. a state senate considering sponsoring the bill. the mesh should would forbid tackle football and hitting a soccer ball with your game until high school. along with banning lacrosse and hockey checks. this comes amid growing concern over the lasting effects of head injury. who comes up anyway, i m going to stop available at the green roof inn in florida, it might not be a plais you r place you re look. let me tell you about your accommodations. we have a one-star rating, no privacy in this hotel, no meal selection. you eat what we give you or you don t eat. well that sounds like my kitchen actually. you eat what i give you. yeah. flag her county jail deputies having a sense of humor with this new vacancy sign and a list of accommodations inside the jail. they re hoping the sign will make people think twice before breaking the law. i didn t know what that story was. now it makes sense. i love that kind of sense of humor. let s check in with rick. it s a little wet here. you don t make different meals for all of your kids? i ve got like eight of them. hot dogs one another. it s not possible. you would be cooking all day. big storm all across the east. warm temperatures with this one. 68 in raleigh, flooding concerns across virginia. back across the northern plains. that s the cold air. this overall pattern sticks with us, cold ner the northern plains and warm across the eastern seaboard. we have a lot of drought going on across the south. you want to get the moisture but some is coming too fast. had a torn warning across the florida panhandle and alabama. to the north of that we have flooding across parts of virginia. i think we ll see a little bit of flooding throughout the day towards areas of washington, d.c. and baltimore. more heavy rain falling there. it s all rain, not snow. look at the future radar to see how the storm plays out. rain with us most of the day. it s out of here finally by tomorrow morning s commute. a few lingering showers across parts of florida. get your umbrella out now. get it out now. weatherman umbrella. just trying to help you out. a fox news alert, two police officers shot and killed in ohio. the latest in what s already been a deadly year for law enforcement. the department s union leader said we have to end the war on cops. now he joins us next. that s true. plus, a memo from senators chuck grassley and lindsey graham backs up the surveillance claims made in the devin nunes memo. we re going to cover this memo on how it validates the nunes memo coming up. it s time for the ultimate sleep number event on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. ends soon. visit fora store near you. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! (horn honking) alright! alright! we ve all got places to go! we ve all got places to go! washington crossing the delaware turnpike? surprising. what s not surprising? how much money sean saved by switching to geico. big man with a horn. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. this is a fox news alert. two police officers shot and killed saturday while responding to a 911 hangup call in westerville, ohio two officers down. critical. suspect is down withi, also sho. so far this year, nine police officers across the u.s. have died in the line of duty. keith ferrell is the executive vice president of the fraternal order of police in capital city, ohio. he joins us. thank you for joining us. i talked to you yesterday. it was certainly an emotional time. tell us how are the families of these officers doing? well, first, thank you for having me. obviously it s a traumatic time for these families. both officers have children. some very young. it was very emotional. not just for the families of the officers but for the police family. in westerville, the surrounding communities and i m sure across the country. the president tweeting yesterday, my thoughts and prayers are with the two police officers and their families. tell me about officers morelli and joering. tell me about what they did? as far as yesterday or in the careers? yesterday and their careers. the country needs to know both. yeah. these absolutely are high roe hd people need to understand that. one of the officers had 30 years on the police department. the other had 17 years. it was a saturday afternoon while most people are at home with their families, or at sporting events watching their kids, these two put on a uniform to go out and serve the people of their community. even after all of this time in service. they responded to a 911 call like officers do across the country every single day and were immediately attacked by gun fire upon arriving. and just so i know that our viewers fully understand, there was a hangup. they don t know what they re going into. but yet they go in and lose both of their lives. it just speak to the absolute courage, bravery and sacrifice. this is happening all across the country. violence last year, 46 awessers kille46 officerskilled in the l. what do you make of this as the larger example of the problem across the country? so unfortunately even in my 22-year career we ve seen a change in mentality. and it s a small portion of society. but there is a portion of society that made the determination that it s okay to assault or try to hurt police officers. and that s very different than we ve seen. there are more ambush style attacks and a different state in policing. and that can t be acceptable. we re seeing violence across the country not just with the police but violence itself needs to stop. there s a go fund man gofund. tell us how people with help? i hope you re putting that up on the screen. go to the page, through our lodge 9 capital city lodge 9 website with the link they re providing, that money, it will go to those families so we can take care of those kids and everyone else hopefully for the rest of their lives for the sacrifice, the heros made for the citizens. keith ferrell, thank you very much for joining us and please to the families of morelli and joering, tell them we thank them for their sacrifice and wish them the best. thank you very much. president trump says republicans want to fix daca far more than the democrats and now a dreamer even agrees. you ll hear from that dreamer top of the hour. a memo from dwrasesly and graham backed up the surveillance claim made in the devin nunes memo. why is the media barely covering this? you ll find out. we ll cover it. if you re 65 or older, you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if you re healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia. it s a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. welcome pack. you know on this program we like to bring things to you that maybe the so-called mainstream media missed. we may have missed this. el this week senators grassley and graham declassified further information in a memorandum about the so-called russian collusion and fisa information. now we know about the house committees. new nenunes and the democrats. neither of them known as partisans, they re looking to get to the bottom of this. if you re looking for collaboration on what devin nunes said, it s in this memo. the reason we caught this is andy mccarthy, a writer for national review, a legal scholar himself, wrote this article. and part of this article said this. it said, with its verification by the grassley/graham memo, the nunes memo, the one we ve talked a lot about, now has a thousand time for corroboration than the steele dossier. and mccarthy goes on to write if this were a democrat being targeted, this would be wall-to-wall political scandal of no end. now you have two committees saying we ve seen the fisa abuse, we know that obama s white house along with help from the clintons, worked with the fbi and doj to target for political purposes donald trump and no one is talking about it. right. and we have another committee saying in a mem to grassley and graham that s what happened. and what grassley and graham declassified was their criminal referral of christopher steele, the author of the dossier for which was used as evidence to get that fisa warrant and ultimately you now have mccarthy and others calling for, and this isn t been covered either, there should be a separate investigation specifically into this or into why they are not looking into the fact that the fisa judge was misled when the fbi went to him and didn t tell him that that dossier and christopher steele s information was paid for by the clinton campaign. it s not just the fisa judge that was misled. remember when comey went to visit the president to talk about the dossier and then he leaked it to the media so the media could cover that he had talked about it to the president. do you really think in that meeting he told the president that that dossier was paid for by the hillary clinton campaign? great point. that never came out. they hid it then, they hid it in the fisa warrant, and they misled a judge and this is absolutely scandalous. so thank you andy mccarthy. look at the grassley/graham memo. it validates this, the justice department and fbi used clinton generated innuendo to convince the fisa court to issue surveillance against carter page who had been let go from the trump campaign so that they could surveil on the trump campaign. and we still have an on going investigation against a sitting president based on this. coming up, presh off their super bowl victory, some philadelphia eagles, they re going to boycott the white house. we ll react to that next hour. plus, congressman jeff raf cliff here life. your an amazing machine. especially when inside another amazing machine. the lexus es. with standard technology like lexus safety system plus. the lexus es, and es hybrid. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. . to most, he s phil mickelson pro golfer. to me he s, well, dad. so when his joint pain from psoriatic arthritis got really bad, it scared me. and what could that pain mean? 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lady in red, rachel campos. griff jenkins live from washington d.c. in new york city rachel: good morning to all of you get your coffee, join us we ve got a lot of news today. pete: it s sunday morning. we tell you to stay undressed maybe put on a reason if you want. lay on the couch but don t get out of bed just enjoy the morning with us. be lazy it s sunday. church doesn t start for a few hours there s no more football just kind of be lazy. griff: but do pay attention because we have a fox & friends weekend olympic update for you and that is a political princess from north korea has solved the crisis on the korean peninsula after more than 50 years. rachel: we can really explain that, that political print sense is the words of the american media, the dictators it s not sarcasm it s what they wrote. griff: it is so the media is just absolutely fawning head over heels over this beautiful princess. pete: sister of kim jong-un there she is 30 years old in the center of your screen, and the media has basically gone wall to wall infatuated with the fact she showed up, hasn t been poisoned and knows how to smile so here is headlines from so-called news networks. cnn says kim jong-un s sister stealing the show at the winter olympics, yahoo is saying kim jong-un s mysterous sister gets her star turn at the winter olympics so we ve got all these athletes training for years and years to be on the world stage and we have to talk about the sister of a dictator? rachel: i love this somebody tweeted back to that cnn article yes, work it, oppress your people get that crime against humanity, girl. that s the kind of glowing weird coverage that they re sending out and they also in this say that she is the ivanka of north korea. wrong on so many levels, putting those two women on the same page one is working for paid leave. the other is complicit in really a dictatorship that is murdering its people, starving them and again, the word complicit used for ivanka in the trump administration why isn t it being used here? griff: it doesn t even stop there. already a representative, a u.s. representative to the olympic committee is suggesting that the north korean/south korean women s hockey team should receive, wait for it, the nobel peace prize. pete: really wait who would deserve it more the north and south korean women s ice hockey team or barack obama when they gave it to him before he ever did anything. i m just asking but think about the fact that you ve got a u.s. representative to the ioc saying give them the peace prize because they re skating together on the ice. do not forget north korea is flying under this unified flag with south korea, but you know what kim jong-un wants? he wants a unified korean peninsula under his rule under his nukes to impress the entire peninsula. they will never be a shared peace rachel: so why is the media doing this, pete. why do you think they re giving this coverage to her? pete: i think it s because they absolutely hate president trump s approach to resolving what s going on there. the reality that you can t live in a world where north korea has nukes and threatens the world with nukes and coordinates with iran frankly which also wants to threaten the world so he s used the toughest language, little rocket man, fire and fury, to talk about north korea, an the media hates it, so they want anyone that will fawn and of course the sister of kim jong-un goes to the south, invites president moon, the south korean president to come to north korea , all fine. talk all you want but if you talk and then let north korea get the ability to deliver nukes , icbm s to our shores that s not america first. the president is focused on that so is vice president pence to their credit the media wants to hate on them. rachel: so is mike huckabee and we had him on earlier and here is what he had to say about north korea. it s the narrative, the media must want to paint but look, the little sister of little kim still comes from a country where most of the people are starving to death, where repression is extraordinary, and where they kill visitors like they did with the gentlemen otto warmbier. that s the sad thing they haven t changed their ways. they re still an incredibly dangerous country that threatens a piece of the world and having the sister show up and pretend she s all fun and games doesn t change a thing in north korea. pete: did you know kim jong-un can get the peace prize? denounce your brother and then you d be a peace advocate. rachel: then i d watch the olympics. i would watch if that happened. griff: now there s another headline story we ve got to get to and that is a headline in the new york times now, remember the president sent the democrat memo back for revision. he chose not to de classify it and democrats of course outraged the new york times has this headline out there, pressure from trump may lead to revision of the democratic memo. now, we have heard that president trump from the new york times and from democrats that it is the pete: it s the same thing. same thing. griff: but here is what we learned. buried deep in the story is it s the fbi and the department of justice who is pressuring the president to send this back for revision. it s not the president. it s the doj and let me just read the buried portion of this new york times article. in a letter to the white house on friday, top justice department and fbi officials said they had law enforcement, national security concerns about de classifying parts of the democratic memo. i covered this story all week and yet i don t remember any reports coming out of the doj and fbi was pressuring for revision. rachel: so it s not trump that s pressuring for revision. it s the doj and the fbi. griff: and that s why we don t see it as this memo goes back to the intelligence committee for the revisions called for by the fbi. rachel: and remember when the democrats last week when the republicans released their memo said we should do nothing to undermine what the fbi and the doj say. pete: yes. rachel: they just said you guys need to change your memo. pete: remember the doj and the fbi said about the republican memo, the nunes memo don t release it, because it omits facts like the doj and fbi wanted more contacts or context en the republican memo. not redactions so they released it. so in this memo, doj and fbi are saying you can t release this. sources and methods compromising of national security mr. president you have to be responsible and redact this which is exactly what the president has referred but again the headlines you don t see it at all. president trump obstructing justice not being transparent that s what the so-called mainstream media which is not mainstream at all, they are all leftist that s what they will say in reality he s being responsible. we ll hear what the democrats have to say and ultimately rachel you said this yesterday none of it contradicts so we re hearing what devon nunes said, what chuck grassley and lindsay graham had said, that the political opponents spotted president trump using the fisa process to do so. that s a fact but you turn on another channel, don t do it but if you turn on another channel that s all you ll hear. rachel: so we just saw a tweet come out by the way i want to switch topics here from the president recently said he put the tweet up here, republicans want to fix daca far more than democrats do. the democrats had all three branches of government back in 2008, 2011 and they decided not to do anything about daca. they only want to use it as a campaign issue, vote republican. well we had an amazing young man on yesterday. he s a dreamer he came here as a one year old child and he has made an amazing life here thanks to the opportunities that he s had. he has two degrees. he now works for a fortune 500 company. he is so grateful to donald trump for this opportunity and is calling out democrats. pete: he s grateful to donald trump? rachel: no because i told you he was smart. he was actually trying to do something for dreamers let s hear this clip. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer really have no clear message, have been, we have been confused, i think at the end of the day they ve been using us as pawns and the second point i want to bring in is they should never have shutdown the government over daca. we should never held our american people and our military hostage. there s plenty time on the table to fix this. march 5 is the deadline and you could see republicans already willing to do something about it as we speak. at the end of the day you re looking at a president that s all about results. i think he needs to meet democrats in the middle and he s bringing this pathway to citizenship so that we can actually finally get something done, immigration reform. griff: now this issue is going to take front and center in washington this week in the coming weeks because despite nancy pelosi s eight hour on the house floor paul ryan has said look we re going to do something on daca, we want to do something on daca we ll see what comes up and what deal can be donald it will be interesting to see if democrats continue to just resist from any progress. pete: he was a very clear thinker and he pointed out a very important point. if democrats really cared about daca recipients they would have done something about it when they had the levers of power and they never did instead they did an executive action which kicked the can down the road, president trump had to deal with it and no i argue too generous of an offer but he s made a very generous offer on immigration deal and some dreamers are saying we should thank president trump. rachel: right and i think what he points out is that the deput ies hate donald trump more than they want to help the dream ers and this is the best opportunity for bipartisan deal that has ever existed. now is the time pointing out that, so well yesterday. if you get a chance go online and check out that interview. pete: we ll see if those democrats come to the table. rachel: we have to get to headlines and we have a fox news alert. a tour of the grand canyon turns deadly when a chopper crashes 600 feet to the ground killing three people. crews still rescuing four survivors and treating them on the scene blaming rough terrain and strong winds from airlifting them to a nearby hospital. seven people including the pilot on board taking off from las vegas. it s unclear what caused this fiery crash. defense secretary james mattis is on his way to rome. mattis departing just moments ago for talks with senior italian officials to reaffirm partnerships and alliances in europe and he then goes to brussels for a nato conference. mattis will wrap up the trip to the munich security conference. drama in the city. the feud between former co-stars on hbo hit show sex in the city kim catrell and sarah jessica parker. parker shared public condolences to her after the death of her brother and catrell accusing parker of exploiting her families loss and writing on instagram i don t need your love and support at this tragic time and the caption reading you are not my friend. wow. deep thoughts. pete: wow. rachel: and those are your headlines. griff: i don t know what to say about that. pete: stilettos at dawn. rachel: i can t believe it s a headline, like the front page. griff: democrats say president trump s de session to not release the memo proves he has something to hide but not all democrats agree. mark pen is next. pete: and the video will give you chills a student choir fills an entire hotel, the sounds of our national anthem. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. i neverunderwear that s this, but actually pretty.leak always discreet boutique. hidden inside is a super absorbent core that quickly turns liquid to gel. so i feel protected. .and pretty. new always discreet boutique. successful people have onthey read more.on. how do they find the time? 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well, look, today it s nancy pelosi so i think she shouldn t have made that statement. i think this memo has to go through a process with the fbi and the justice department. i don t think that process should be politicized and i think the spotlights on her. she s turning it to trump. trump is turning it back to them they both reverse their positions in the last two days, wow how more confused could the public be. we need more adults in this thing making sane, rational comments. pete: well mark, we ve got an op ed in the new york post we want to get your comment on. michael goodwin kind of pulling back the layers of hillary clinton s deceit wrote this and i want your response. he said it increasingly appears the clinton machine was the secret original source of virtually all the allegations about trump and russia that led to the fbi investigation. the clinton connections are so fundamental there probably would not have been an fbi investigation without her involvement so mark what we ve been talking about. st. truth more important or is it getting at trump and how do we get to that truth? look, i think we re beginning to learn some things fairly definitely and i think the grassley/graham memo is really quite credible and it does suggest that this dossier was a key part of this fisa warrant that steele seemed to go everywhere. steele created a one-man echo chamber almost everywhere with the media, the fbi, the department of justice. pete: and the clinton campaign. well i think the clinton campaign we know and the dnc paid for it. the chain back to hillary again, let s not overstate facts we don t know. nunes said he s going to investigate that. let s understand there s a set of facts we can pretty much agree to and then everybody would like to take it to trump to take it to hillary. right now we know steele is right at the center of what appears to be completely un verified allegations. mark penn thank you very much and interesting you mentioned that grassley/graham memo. not a lot of people covering it but we are here. thanks for joining us. thank you. griff: all right eagles star malcolm jenkins no relation won t celebrate his team s super bowl win at the white house. he says it s not worth his time. diamond & silk may have a little something to say about that, coming up. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it s proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. what s your body of proof? griff: now for your news by the numbers. first, five, that s how many people were arrested after violent protests against the campus event hosted by college republicans. police forced to use pepper spray breaking up the out of control crowd at the university of washington. next, 17, that s the age of the kid who earned the u.s. first gold at the winter olympics, congratulations red gerard took first at the mens snowboarding, he s the youngest olympic snow boarding champ ever. and finally, 9% that s the chilly drop in ratings the olympic opening ceremonies saw compared to 2014. nearly 29 million people tuned in compared to the 31 million that watched the sochi olympic games ceremony. the ceremonial coverage on nbc lasting more than three and a half hours fueled certainly by rachel s opposition. pete: yeah i was going to blame her but i m going to credit her. well done rachel. all right well her family holds one of the worst human rights records in the world, but that s not stopping the liberal media from making kim jong-un s sister the star of its olympics coverage. griff: headlines like this one under fire. the washington post claiming the ivanka trump of north korea captivates people in the south. rachel: social media stars and trump supporters diamond diamond & silk are here, welcome, ladies hi, thank you for having us. rachel: so we know that kim yo has a rap star name but why is she being treated like a rock star by the media? isn t she complicit in one of the most brutal edge reams on earth right now? absolutely. let us get this straight. she is no princess. what she is is she s controlled, she s abused and looks like she s suffering from malnutrition. you know, for the left wing media to even compare ivanka trump to this lady, i mean we just do not get that right there ivanka trump do not abuse people she is not in some kind of a dictatorship regime where people are being abused. that s right. so let us first get that straight and i find it very offensive for the left wing media to go after ivanka trump like that and compare her to this girl right here. and since the media is so infatuated with her maybe they should pack their stuff and move to north korea with her: griff: you call her princess. i read this morning from the a,, a high level north korean delegation led by youth full political print sense is expected to head home after a whirl wind three day visit in south korea. i ask you guys is it irresponsible of the media to call her this political princess when yet there are thousands, count thousands of political prisoners being tortured in that country. it is irresponsible. that s right. because you are trying to normalize her as if they re over there eating cherry pie. no, these people are being abused over there. yes. these people don t have food to eat. they don t even have heat to heat their houses. that s right. so no this is a brutal regime we need to be looking at how we can take and keep nuclear weapon s from these people while they try to destroy the united states of america. pete: well said well we got to get your comments on another topic as well. many of us watched a great super bowl game when the eagles came out on top super bowl champions so they ve earned a trip to the white house but not for eagles safety malcolm jenkins who said he s not eager to go to the white house. he says visiting the white house isn t worth his time. listen. it comes to this presidency i m just, i m not very excited about getting my picture taken with him, you know just not worth my time. i d rather spend my time working with, you know, whoever on these issues we ve been fighting for. pete: what do you make of him skipping the white house? you know it s sad because it is a great honor when you have an invite to the white house. that s right. but you have to keep in mind some of these people like him are still stuck in that democratic plantation mindset, being controlled by the dogs that feed them the narrative and they continue to bite that narrative. shame on him he don t know how to man up and stand up and go talk to the president that can help him with these issues which is inner and urban cities with reform and the justice system. but oh, he don t want to do that shame on him. maybe it s time for him to man up and stand up. that s right. griff: i just want to tell you ladies there is no relation to griff jenkins and malcolm jenkins although if malcolm jenkins doesn t want to go to the white house, he s welcome to come visit me and i ll take him over to walter reed medical center and we can visit wounded troops. rachel: by the way diamond & silk i ll be joining you guys on your chit chat tour. i m looking forward to it. thank you. get your tickets at diamond & pete: will you promise to pull rachel up on stage and make her yes, she s up there with us so we can interview her, we ll have fun. griff: good stuff thank you very much for joining us we ll send her your way. thank you for having us. pete: griff: woodward and bernstein are the journalists who broke watergate. now they say president trump s actions are similar to nixons before the saturday night massacre. really? rachel: and the video will give you chills. a student choir fills an entire hotel with the sound of the national anthem. the moment that will make you even prouder to be an american. it s easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that s why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. and the rockets red glare , the bombs bursting in air , gave proof to the night, pete: i mean the anthem itself is beautiful but you put it in that context and it s amazing, that s your shot of the morning more than 650 choir students waking up, louisville who test guests with their beautiful rendition as you re hearing of the star spank banner. griff: guests are erupting into the performance, for kids participating in the kentucky music educator s association all -state choir. rachel: that is pete: super cool. rachel: gorgeous. pete: can you imagine waking up to that? rachel: no. pete: i do. rachel: maybe i should make that my new alarm thing. better than the typical one. griff: yeah. rachel: [laughter] all right, turning now to your headlines. a teacher fighting for her life after catching the deadly flu during one of the worst outbreak s of the virus in years. christy whitley is on life support after contracting both strains of the flu two weeks ago despite getting vaccinated in october after giving birth to her son the 35 year old a special education teacher in central wisconsin, i m sorry incent all texas. her family says she was healthy and very active before getting sick. thousands of men and women in uniform lining the streets during a heavy snowfall to honor a fallen colorado deputy. the procession escorting 35 year old el paso county sheriff s deputy. he was shot and killed after struggling with a suspected car thief, leaving behind his wife and their seven-year-old twins. and a veteran hospital under fire after putting 56 of our heros on a secret wait list for eye care. the omaha harold reports the norfolk nebraska va was offered a new treatment but lacked the necessary equipment and training and instead of following the rules and putting it in an online database staff kept names in a folder. they didn t say how many workers are disciplined but have retrained some of the staff and those are your headlines. pete: hopefully with the new rules of the va, whoever is responsible for that could be fired. we ve got another headline that caught our eye. as you know i follow the va issues very closely as does this program fox & friends. the headline in the washington post caught our eye that said this. it said the white house targets va s deputy secretary, scott number two at the va as a warning shot to the agencies leader. now, we reached out to the va and the white house for a statement on this. we ve not heard back from either but the article says that inside the va, the number two has been resisting, his name is tom bow man, he s been resisting the president s attempts to give real choice to veterans, you know you can go to the va, or go to a private provider. it was a central plank that s tom bowman on our screen, a central plank of what president trump ran on. if the bureaucracy is not serving you, go elsewhere so others have been fighting to make that happen. the number two there whose appointed in august has been secretly sort of resisting that working with veterans groups and deputies and others to say let s water down what the president is doing. let s not make that happen so it looks like the white house is looking to find him a new job, the number two, and shulkin is in hot water a little bit too. he s done great things but will he go full bore on veterans choice as well is a big question this program has covered a lot we want comments from the white house and the va, we ll see where it goes. griff: why, why is this guy bow man so so deep? the veteran service organizations, the veterans groups who do a lot of great things but pete: they re invested in the way va does business currently so they resist giving veterans a true choice and they build up a fake argument that if you give a veteran a choice you ll privat ize the va and shut it all down. president trump has said that s deserved the best possible care either at a va facility or from a private physician and that s what the va is attemtpting to deliver, mostly democrats but some republicans including the chairman of the va committee in the senate are resisting that true choice and so swamp creatures inside the vahads are going to do what they can inside the bureaucracy to fight back and it s important we shine light on that and i was very interested to see this. rachel: if he goes then the secretary will be on notice as well. pete: he s saying deliver what the president wanted it s not your perogative it s the president and the president is clear give vets choice so you know at fox & friends we pay very close attention to the va and vets we ll stay on this story for you. griff: we got to talk to rick whose probably utilizing one of those great weather man umbrella s. there he is, looking good. pete: that s army green, right, like? rick: yes, look at all of that. actually, yeah i love it. let s talk about the weather out there. big storm all across the eastern part of the country is causing major problems. the west where you ve been so dry get ready, we have a chance of rain coming in across the southwest towards la this week which is great news we so desperately need it. we really need rain across parts of southeast as well you see the warm temperatures 63 in atlanta, 68 in raleigh. it s warm and we re going to continue to see more rain throughout the day today. it s a slow mover that means the rainfall totals are going to pileup and we ll see spots up to about five inches by the time this is donald down across the southeast, very heavy storms moving in we had a tornado warning earlier this morning. could see a few severe storms throughout afternoon as that line continues to pull to the east. very heavy rain still around the philly area this morning and it s probably not going to be, we ll put this map into motion, until tomorrow morning by the time this storm is completely gone out of here which is going to be great news finally, your weekend pretty much a washout. here is the precipitation still to come down across parts of the southeast another two to three inches, all right guys sending it back to you inside. pete: thanks, rick. rachel: thanks, rick. pete: we weren t paying attention to his weather the conversations always continue on the couch. rachel: we re still talking about the va. griff: curious why the number two guy isn t being made to answer. pete: if tom bowman wants to come on the program he s more than welcome so liberal billionaire just revealed as a major donor to a campaign trying to sabotage brexit and this is real political collusion and he joins us next. rachel: plus a bitter sweet night for a gold star daughter her army sargent dad died in a training accident last year, so a national guardsman stepped up and took the girl to her first father daughter dance in his place, both of them join us live oh, that s lovely. so graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless. .his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the baby bird . breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? 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which may cause kidney problems. change the course of your treatment. ask your doctor about victoza®. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. hallucinations and delusions. the unknown parts of living with parkinson s. what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson s will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson s specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. pete: welcome back liberal billionaire george soros donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to a campaign looking to sabotage voters decision to leave the european union. rachel: the grant was to support british groups striving to ensure this crucial debate is not shutdown. pete: but wasn t the debate decided when a majority of voter s chose to leave the eu? here to weigh in former uk independence party leader and fox news contributor nigel farag e. it s no surprise someone will try to undermine the will of the people to puerto rico sue his open borders agenda. what do you make of the most recent attempt? i ve been saying since 2011 that we all need to wake up to who george soros is and how big his organization is and just get a handle on this. he s open society for him has received $30 billion, not million, billion dollars and this is the biggest political campaigning organization the world has ever seen. he has got an agenda there s nothing illegal in that but he doesn t believe in what he calls nationalism and what i would call nation state democracy. brexit was about saying we want a governor in country and make our own laws and this man, okay, so far we ve discovered about a million dollars that he spent on various organizations, but want to overturn the brexit result. i suspect that s the tip of the iceberg. if you really examine the money this man is spending across the whole of europe, in america, to push his agenda which is to get rid of the nations state and to encourage mass migration and i d just say to people in an era when much of the media is obsessing about russian collusion, what is ever itable in an investigation is just what has open society done over the course of the last few years. rachel: nigel, for those viewers who don t know who george soros is briefly just tell us who is he? well, he s an 87 year old he was born in hungary and lived as a child through the bad times there under nazi rule. he came to the west initially to london and then to new york, he s been in new york for the best part of 50 years. i mean to be fair to hip, he is one of the most successful stock market investors history has ever seen. he s made tens of billions getting call after call right, so he s clearly a very clever man, very clever man with a big political agenda. and there s nothing wrong or illegal in that but as i say normally, you know, wealthy people might put a few million dollars into what they believe in whether it s the democrats or whether it s the republicans or whatever it may be, but in this case, we re talking about $30 billion and it is literally the biggest and most powerful campaign organization that s ever been seen across the west and we need to start talking about it. griff: nigel, let me ask you about another topic that is wood ward and bernstein the journalist behind watergate, now saying trump s actions similarly to nixons we ll put on the wall this quote from cnn and the washington post saying president trump insists it s all a witch hunt in an unfair examination of his family s personal finances. no wonder many people are making comparisons to this saturday night massacre of 1973. nixon didn t know it at the time but this saturday night massacre would become a pivot point in this presidency crucial to the obstruction of justice. what do you make of it? what i make of it is this investigation has been going on for a very long time incidental ly happening here too. did the russians influence brexit? you know, we kind of reached a level of histeria with all of this. all i can say is that if the washington post and cnn are putting these two guys out, who without doubt, did remarkable work 40 years ago, it must be just about the last shot they ve got in the barrel. come on, months and months of these investigations are nothing of any significance whatsoever has been uncovered and i m not surprised, the president in private is frustrated by all this after all what he wants to do is to get on with the job. i really think, you know, they basically don t have knew bullets left to fire. pete: of course now that we re in the clear our interview next will be conducted in russian so brush up on your russian. thank you, sir. thank you. pete: good to talk to you always appreciate it. thank you. pete: all right well, coming up a bitter sweet night for a gold star daughter. her army sargent dad died in a training accident last year, so a national guardsman stepped up and took the girl to her first father daughter dance in his place. both of them join us live with this inspiring story, next. pete: welcome back to fox & friends. remember the story we covered yesterday i believe it was yesterday. democrat senator mark warner had we learned that in march of 2017 , he had reached out through a lobbyist for a russian oligarch to try to get in touch with christopher steele so he s on the top democrat on the senate intel committee basically going rogue and he let the committee know months later but he tried to get in touch with christopher steele. rachel: he wasn t kind of going rogue, he was going rogue. in the text messages reveal that he wanted no paper trail. now the way these committees work is normally the republicans and the democrats work together so they re working on the same information and by the way, highly unusual for a senator to setup a meeting for himself. there are staffers that do this. he did this on his own and in the text as i said he said i want no paper trail. he s clearly trying to keep the republican members of the senate intelligence committee out of the loop on this. griff: and we can show you these texts this is between senator warner and a lobbyist getting him to that oligarch. warner, we have so much to discuss you need to be careful but we can trip to help our country. waldman, i m in. this is all about going to meet christopher steele but here is the thing. we now are taking a look back. remember when donald trump jr. had that meeting at the trump tower with a russian lawyer who by the way was far from what christopher steele is now been accused of criminally referred for his dossier but that meeting last year, we now have looked back to an interview given by warner and he was talking, warner, about donald trump jr. s meeting. take a listen. the president and frankly i can t believe what he s saying. here it was in black and white an e-mail that said meet with this russian lawyer acting as an agent of the russian government and this is part of the russian government s effort to help then candidate trump and to discredit clinton. i don t know anybody democrat or republican that would take that kind of meeting with not only a foreign government but a foreign adversary. pete: i don t know any kind of democrat that would take that kind of meeting. come on. he says in black and white an e-mail. how about we have in black and white text messages from him, warner himself to this lobbyist saying hook me up with christopher steele. no paper trail. i ve got to hear from this guy and learn dirt on trump. the hipocracy is so obvious. rachel: and that s on the senate side then you go to the house side and you have adam schiff getting prank calls by so-called russians who had dirt on trump and he also tried to arrange with his staffers a secret meeting to get dirt on trump, so you see it on both sides and then you wonder. pete: but for democrats remember this. it s not about truth, it s about trump. it s not about truth it s about trump. they want to get to the bottom of anything they can to discredit him. thankfully folks like devon nunes i wish the senate intelligence committee would be less cord quality, patting each other on the back. rachel: right because that s the other interesting angle we had marco rubio and also senator bur r on that committee sort of excusing, you know the fact that he didn t coordinate with them saying well listen nothing really came of it but you know and again that s the senate. they like to be very collegial, and they want to keep everything very bipartisan. you can imagine if that happened on the democrat side they would be calling out the republicans. griff: bottom line it s about hipocracy. warner says if the president does it, but if i do it no big deal that s a double standard and he s the member on the senate intelligence committee investigating the president for russia ties and yet he was trying to do exactly the same. still ahead, philadelphia now fighting the growing opioid crisis by getting this, legaliz ing a safe space to take drugs, is that a good idea? rachel: plus, texas congressman john ratcliffe former boston police commissioner ed davis, reverend franklin graham and maria bartiromo all live and coming here. stay with us. there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future. and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. the future is for the unafraid. (announcer) purchase $699 or moret tat helzberg diamonds and get a free megablast waterproof speaker with built-in amazon alexa. a $339.98 value. a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients . . if you d rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. i had a very minor fender bender tonight! in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. . democrats say the president s decision s decision not to release the memo proves he has something to hide. president what you are called political actually are called facts. i think this memo has to go through a process. i don t think this process should be politicized. officers eric joring and morelli died. these two put on a uniform to go out and serve the people of their community. they re absolutely are heroes and people need to understand that. olympic update for you. the sister of kim jong-un was part of the north korean delegation, kim jong s sister stealing the show at the winter olympics. having the sister show up and pretend she s all fun and games doesn t change a thing in north korea. vice president pence said saturday there was no daylight between the u.s. and south korea in their aim to rid the north of its nukes and missiles. pete: isn t that anthem of most of our lives, find something that we re good at? rachel: yes. pete: what are you best at, rachel? rachel: i love to cook. and i m actually really good, and the best tacos in wausau, wisconsin. pete: i believe that. i m inviting myself to your house for ta.os rachel: you should. we d love to have you. pete: what are you good at? griff: curling. i was disappointed i wasn t chosen for the olympic pete: are you the pusher or the sweeper? griff: i love to sweep. rachel: you re good at surfing, too, . pete: surfing will be in the 2020 olympics i believe and i m making fun of the olympics. this is the story of the weekend weekend. setting aside the politics for which i apologize i brought from washington this story of the olympics which rachel is certainly a huge fan of the olympics. we ve been giving her a hard time because she hates the olympics, but the story of the media absolutely fawning and just glamourizing the visit by the, as the ap says, youthful political princess kim jong-un, the brutal dictator of the hermit kingdom, his little sister showing up and sitting and smiling and now she has essentially solved the entire problem on the korean pete: give her a peace prize. that s her. her name is kim yo jong, and you have on the so-called mainstream media a fawning impression of who she is. here s some headlines on how they have characterized her. her brother let her out of jail and let her go to south korea, and they re saying this. cnn. kim jong-un s sister is stealing the show at the winter olympics. also the ivanka trump of north korea captivates people in the south at the olympics. and yahoo says all swagger and smiles, kim jong-un s sister gets her star turn at the winter olympics. rachel: that washington post headline, i don t think that s coincidental. i mean, putting pete: of course .ot rachel: north korea, the daughter of the or the sister of the north korean being dictator next to the name ivanka because as you know the media has been caring our president to the north korean dictator, despite the fact that, you know, dictators consolidate power. this administration had been but decentralizing all the power obama had in d.c. giving money back to the people in tax reform what they re doing with this is they re normalizing north korea, and it s really curious. i think a lot of people are upset. in fact, south koreans are upset about this. there s some protesters. i think we have footage of pete: absolutely. so it s not all hugs and kisses and rainbows between the north and the south. you know, we saw them walk underneath the same flag, and some even a republican representative of the ioc has suggested maybe some of those north and south koreans should get a peace prize for watching together but a lot of citizens of south korea are saying, hey, by cutting a deal with the north you re cutting a deal with the devil. they re protesting that, saying they re starving in the north, it s political oppression. don t glamourize or glorify the sister off the regime. griff: we had someone on earlier that put it into perspective saying this regime threatens world peace. take a listen. it s the narrative the media must want to paint. look, the little sister of little king still comes from a country where most of the people are starving to death, where repression is extraordinary, and where they kill visitors like they did with the gentleman warmbier. that s the sad thing. they haven t changed their ways. they re still an incredibly dangerous country that threatens the peace of the world, and having, you know, the sister show up and pretend that she s all fun and games doesn t change a thing in north korea. griff: you know, here s the problem with this with my colleagues in the media, with the glamourizing. they re essentially giving her credit for setting the groundwork for some some of the historical summit after more than 60 years between north and south korea, and it s just irresponsible, i think, for my colleagues to write things like a why do you feel political princess when there are political prisoners being tortured and starved in their prisons and across that country. rachel: and thank you to vice president pence for bringing in otto warmbier s parents. he was killed by the dictatorship and bringing attention to the repression, the cruelty. people are eating dirt there. they re being tortured by the thousands in these gulags that they have. it s really quite astounding that the media wouldn t draw attention to that. griff: course because the media hates trump and they hate his approach to what s happened there to they write these headlines to try to make him look bad lining he s a war mong monger and she s a a peacemaker because he talks about little rocket man and fire and fiery. he s taking seriously the fact that we are being blackmailed by a backwards regime that can hit our people cause he can hit our shores emp. serious implications. he talks about military exercises. they say he wants to sets the world on fire so they find any reason to glorify the sister of the dictator who, you know, i hope she defects. if she s really a peacemaker she would defect to the south to tell the truth about the north. rachel: and then we should give up her the nobel peace prize. griff: the president s going to be beaten up for more than just this, and that is daca. when i go back to washington, front and center the issue of daca is going to come up, paul ryan saying that he hopes to do something. but here is the president s tweet about that. we re going to put it up for you yesterday. republicans want to fix daca far honor the democrats do. the dems had all three branches of government back in 2008, 2011 and they decided not to do anything about daca. they only want to use it as a campaign issue. boat very. so yesterday we had a really fascinating interview with a young dreamer. he was brought here as a young child. his name is hilario yanez. he has two degrees, works for a fortune 500 company. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer really have no clear message, have been you know, we have been confused, i think at the end of the day they ve been using us as pawns. the second point i want to bring is is they should have never shut down the government over daca. we should never hold the american people and our military hostage. there s plenty of time on the table to fix this. march 5th is the deadline, and you can see republicans already willing to do something about it as we speak. at the end of the day you re looking at a president that s all about results. i think he needs to meet democrats in the middle, and he s bringing this pathway to citizenship so that we can actually get something done with immigration reform. pete: hilario was fantastic and has an amazing perspective on this my country. let s not be mistaken. not every dreamer is hilario and not every voter that voted for president trump had an expectation he was going to advance amnesty. so there s a tight rote, the wall and some form of immigration reform. if someone is so grateful and loves this country so much and was brought here not of their own volition, you certainly understand that story, so that s what makes the debate coming forward so complicated and difficult. rachel: it is a very complicated and difficult case. and what was really compelling to me about hilario is he was not an entitled dreamer. he was one who was so grateful to the president, grateful to this country, says make me a citizen, i ll never kneel during the national anthem. i get goose bumps when i hear it it. so i think what he did for me when i saw it was really draw into stark contrast, who wants to help the dreamers and who s all talk? who thinks the resistance trump trump s helping the dreamers, and that, i think, if you haven t seen the interview, go to pete: he said we need to fix the problem, too, he said build the wall, build the wall, end chain migration, the visa lottery system does not make sense. he s common sense. i think you can get that exchange. the question is is will democrats ever come to the table in good faith? he doesn t think they will. rachel: see now because the budget is off the table and when we talk about immigration it s just going to be are you for an immigration deal that will fix daca and fix the border, or not? griff: but we re not willing to come to the table is where the issue of immigration ended. maybe they should invite hilario to washington to the table. rachel: not a bad idea. our headlines now, starting with a fox news alert. russia media reporting a passenger plan crashed in the suburbs of moscow just moments ago. the saratok airlines flying caring 65 passengers and crew, all expected to be dead. the plane crashing shortly after takeoff from moscow. pieces of the plane have been found. a security scare overnight at lax airport. a shirtless man temporarily shutting down runways after scaling a fence and running up to a southwest plane preparing for takeoff and then taking a fire extinguisher out of its wheel wear. police arrested the unidentified man who may have been ill. the airport back to normal operations. loved ones gathering to remember philanthropist, in favor of the, and the grandfather of our own abby huntsman, jon huntsman sr., abby abby s father, john, giving this emotional eulogy. today it kind of feels like a part of utah died with him. a beautiful part of the state all of a sudden seems gone. today we bury a body, but we un unleash a legacy. rachel: following the funeral, abby shared this beautiful image a final balloon send-off from the huntsmans grandkids. jon huntsman sr. was 80 years old. and those are your headlines. very sad. pete: we re thinking of you, abby, and the entire huntsman family. rachel: if you know abby, you know she comes from an amazing family. griff: and we thank him for the contributions of the huntsman family to this country. president trump delaying the release of the democrats fisa but that memo. texas congressman john ratcliffe has had enough. he says what s most important is what s not in it. he joins us next. pete: a bittersweet night for a gold star daughter. her army sergeant dad died in a training accident last year so a national guardsmen stepped up and took the daughter to her first father-daughter dance in his place. both of them are coming up. hi, i m bob harper, and i recently had a heart attack. it changed my life. but i m a survivor. after my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. it s for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. brilinta is taken with a low-dose aspirin. no more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. in a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. brilinta reduced the chance of having another heart attack. .or dying from one. don t stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor, since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don t take brilinta if 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the white house was just following the advice of the department of justice and the f.b.i. when the president sent back the letter to the house intelligence committee saying that there need to be redactions, those are coming from the department of justice and the f.b.i. who have dozens of concerns. pete: you ve seen not only the democratic memo but also the source documents for the fisa applications that are at issue here. when this memo is released, redacted or otherwise, will it contradict what the republicans, devin nunes, put out in their memo? it won t. in fact it will confirm the most important points. to understand what s in the democratic response memo, you have to understand what s not in it. and what s not in it is a representation that the fisa court was ever told that hillary clinton paid for the dossier that was used to spy on the trump campaign associate. they weren t told that christopher steele was desperate and passionate about prevention donald trump from becoming president, and the fisa court also wasn t told that same christopher steele had a personal relationship with the number 4 lawyer at the department of justice, bruce ohr and his wife, nellie ohr who did the research for the dossier at fusion gps. those are all facts that should have been disclosed to the fisa court and never were. so the democratic memo can t contend that. instead what it does say is, well, the court was told about politically motivated actors, and they were pete: in a footnote. in footnotes that had very convoluted explanations about funding sources, and the democrats argue that the court should have been able to put this puzzle together. but that really reflects that they don t understand what the obligation is for an officer of the court before a fisa proceeding, an ex parte proceeding, which is for full disclosure. the court s not supposed to have to figure it out. they are to be expressly told before you try and take away someone s civil liberties. pete: so the hypocrisy of the left, every time they are exposed, there s a new explanation. the new explanation now is that christopher steele is a rogue agent, he was just doing his own thing with no direction from anyone else. based on what you ve seen, was there collusion and coordination with democrats and christopher steele, or was he going rogue? well, we know that the f.b.i. and the department of justice ultimately did terminate the relationship with christopher steele because he wouldn t follow the rules and the guidelines with respect to providing them with information. we ve of course subsequently learned that there are democrats that have tried to coordinate with christopher steele, and so, you know, i don t know the details of the democratic efforts to get in touch with him but we do know that christopher steele was not a reliable source and, as a result, he provided an unverified dossier that the court relied upon to issue a warrant to spy on an american citizen. pete: we know this spying occurred, congressman, briefly, we only have about 15 seconds. is this the beginning of this scandal or are we at the end where are we on the timeline of the exposure of this? you know, unfortunately, chris, much more or, pete, unfortunately much more to come. i ve had the chance to see all of the underlying documents. when the inspector general report comes out, it s going to identify some more anomalies and things that have happened at the department of justice and the f.b.i. that unfortunately are going to make this story continue for some time. pete: that s an important reminder. the inspector general s report still due out from the department of justice. a lot of what we ve learned so far has come from that as well. representative john ratcliffe, thank you for your time. appreciate it. pete, good to be with you. pete: you got it. well, a bittersweet night for a gold star daughter. her army sergeant dad died in a training accident last year so a national guardsman stepped up and took the girl to her first father-daughter dance in his place. we promise you will now both of them join us live next. and i ll be your friend i ll help you carry on morning on the beach was so peaceful. until. it. wasn t. don t let type 2 diabetes get between you and your heart. because your risk of heart attack or stroke is up to four times greater. but there are steps you can take to lower your cardiovascular risk. talk to your health care provider today about diabetic heart disease. and find out more at your heart and type 2 diabetes. make the connection. griff: this is a fox news alert. a tour of the grand canyon turned deadly when a chopper crashed 600 feet to the ground, killing three people. blaming rough terrain and strong winds from airlifting them to a nearby hospital. seven people, including the pilot on board, taking off from las vegas. it s unclear what caused the fiery crash. and a car flips and flies into a building, injuring five people. incredible video coming out of oklahoma. the driver blaming a mechanical issue with the car causing it to catch air off the curb. despite how bad , the five people suffered only minor injuries. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff. five year old lost her army sergeant dad in a training accident last year. described as daddy s little girl s dad, sergeant hinton, was never able to take her to a father-daughter dance but when the school held the dance last week, didn t have to go along. an illinois army guard soldier stepped up to escort her and they danced the night away. and joining us now to tell us all about it is first sergeant joseph eric bierbrodt with the illinois national guard and five-year old cayley hinton. welcome to you both. i m going to start with you, sergeant. how did you find that cayley needed a date to the father- father-daughter dance? a request was made probably three weeks ago through the my chain of command, and as soon as it came out i d seen the request and responded immediately. i ve got two daughters of my own and i felt that this was definitely something that needed to be done. they chose our unit based on our location to where she lives. rachel: cayleigh, can you hear me? hm-hm. rachel: i remember my first father-daughter dance. what was your favorite part about this dance? dancing. rachel: dancing? and how did sergeant bierbrodt ask you out to this dance? did he send you something to ask you? yes. rachel: what was it? a big dog. rachel: he sent a giant dog, stuffed animal dog? wow, look at that. and i understand that you guys rode in a limo as well? yes. rachel: and you were wearing you looked like a princess at that dance. did you feel like a princess? look at that. yeah. rachel: that s amazing. and i understand that your brother, christian, he s 15 years old, he sort of stepped up in this situation. he opened the door for the sergeant bierbrodt; is that right? yes. rachel: sergeant bierbrodt? yes, he did. he was there all the way. rachel: tell us a little bit about cayleigh s dad. he was a sergeant in the army was stationed in hawaii. last year on mother s day there was an accident in which he lost his life. rachel: wow. difficult. listen, we re really proud of what the military s done, really come together as a family in this case. i know that cayleigh s mom said that cayleigh s daddy s little girl. i think when we saw that video of her dancing on your polished military shoes we all felt like she was america s little girl in that moment. thank you so much. one last question for you, sergeant. will there be a second father- father-daughter date? will you be asking her out again again? absolutely. if she would go with me, i would go with her in a heartbeat. she is a beautiful little princess. rachel: why is it so important to honor our heroes in these situations? because gold star families, we have to honor and care for the families, and we never forget their sacrifices. and as a military member, i view all military as a family no matter what branch of service they re in. rachel: well, cayleigh, you are a beautiful little girl. you are a princess to all of us. thank you for joining us, both of you. look. she s yawning. it s a little early in the morning. thank you both for sharing this moment with us and all the best to you both. thank you. all right. thank you. rachel: do you remember this teacher s disgusting anti- anti-military rant? [bleep] high level thinkers. they re not academic people. not intellectual people. they re the lowest of our low. rachel: well, we ve got a big update on the student who recorded that, and he s going to be joining us live coming up. it s time for the ultimate sleep number event on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. ends soon. visit for a store near you. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors we chose prolia® to help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones by stopping cells that damage them with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren t getting stronger isn t it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia. pete: we are back with a fox news alert. two police officers shot and killed yesterday, saturday, while responding to a domestic emergency call in ohio. law enforcement has seen a deadly start to 2018 with nine u.s. cops dying in the line of duty so far this year. griff: fox news contributor ed davis is the former chief of police for boston. he joins us now. chief, first, what do you say about this latest shooting in ohio? well, good morning. our hearts go out to the families that are left in the wake of this ambush. it was a coward that attacked these two men who were responding to a very routine type of call, one they respond to multiple times a day, so this is very, very rachel: keith, what do you think is happening in the culture that might be affecting these kinds of stories? well, i think the constant drumbeat-of-negative press against police plays a role here here. we ve been vilified over the past few years. we certainly have things that we need to correct, a lot of work that needs to be done in police but but the truth of the matter is there are good men and women out there every night protecting their fellow citizens. and when you see two of them sacrificed like this, it s just horrible. pete: mr. davis, i have to ask you, we had the high profile, you know, black lives matter movement, the conversation, you know, fry em like bacon, all the things that have gone on in our culture; what adjustments have been made, if any, i m sure there have been in police departments and that have accounted for these situations we ve seen. unfortunately when you have this type of mentality out there and you see officer deaths start to go up, the officers respond in kind. they have to protect themselves. so i ll bet every police officer in ohio is going to be responding to domestic calls very differently today than they did yesterday. so it does raise the ante and it s just so unfortunate to have this. rachel: is it hurting recruitment? some colleagues have said that it is, that it s very difficult especially to recruit officers of color into policing right now. and we lose on both sides when that occurs. but there are other departments like the nypd, commissioner o neill recently i talked he said he had no trouble recruiting. so it depends on where you are in the country. griff: chief, very quickly, we re almost out of time, but is it your opinion that there s a mentality out there that it s okay to harm cops? oh, there certainly is among some people, if you look on the internet or you look at some of the rhetoric that we have coming out of not only extremists, zealots on one side of this but also responsible spokespeople who are angry for one reason or another. we have to team back a little bit and understand that 99% of the officers out there are working really hard to do the right thing. griff: thank you, chief davis, thanks for joining us. we want to put up on our page that gofundme page, you can go to . thanks, chief. thank you, sir. rachel: now to a breaking story. we re following this morning out of russia. a passenger plane has crashed southeast of moscow. 71 people on board all feared dead. the plane crashed shortly after taking off from a moscow airport airport. russian media saying pieces of the plane have been found. the white house standing firm behind israel s right to defend itself after carrying out its largest strike on syria in decades. it all started when an israeli helicopter took out an iranian drone launched from syria, saying it was in their airspace. an israeli jet then shot down, leading to more attacks on syrian targets. mike huckabee, who lives in israel right now, says they are in the right. what s the israelis did yesterday honestly will bring a calm, most likely, to the golan mites and to this country for the next several days and it was very important that both the white house and the state department issued strong statements of support for israe. rachel: the u.s. is blaming iran and its allies, saying they need to work towards peace. a bill to ban youth tackle football in maryland can t get off the line of scrimmage. a state senator reconsidering sponsoring the bill while coaches are publicly voicing their disapproval. the measure would forbid tackle football and hitting a soccer ball with your head on public fields until high school. along with banning lacrosse and hockey checks, this comes amid growing concerns over the lasting effects of head injuries injuries. those are your headlines. i know you re not a fan of that, phil. pete: i think we should make everyone wear helmets all day long, just in case you get hit. griff: what is the thing with soccer? i played soccer in high school rachel: cause if you hit 2 with your head griff:. pete: what is the point, if you don t want to get hurt you play soccer? griff: the point of the game, you score goals with your head. pete: rick scores goals with his head when covering the weather. aren t our skulls strong enough to handle a soccer ball? pete: thank you for the common sense. exactly. griff: put a helmet on! that s because it s inside the thick skull. let s talk a bit of weather. we do have a lot going on right now. a really active week across parts of the west, which is great news. take a look at the map. cold parts of the north, really warm down across the southeast. overall that is going to be our trend for much of the coming, say, week, even two weeks, that will be a copy the dominant factor we re watching. you ll also notice here a lot of drought building in across much of the country. you notice parts of the east and parts of the west, parts of the center area of the country not going to get any rain, but right now we have big rain last night throughout the day today and all the way til tomorrow, severe weather down across the southeast, watch for that and some flooding conditions potentially, especially around parts of the mid-atlantic. this is how this is going to play out throughout the rest of the day in towards tomorrow. you ll notice it s still with us for quite a bit of time. and real quickly i want to just move out across parts of the west. we have not been able to get any rain in towards southern california and the southwest, and watch what begins to happen here tomorrow. we re going to have a bit of a rainy week across parts of southern california. we desperately need it. griff: you could hear the rain just pounding. rachel: yeah, we could hear it from here. griff: still ahead, philadelphia now fighting the growing opioid crisis by get this legal legalizing a safe space to take drugs. is that a good idea? pete: here kids, take drugs over here. griff: we discuss that coming up up. plus the media gushing over kim jong-un s sister at the winter olympics. why are they glamourizing the rogue nation? we ll ask questions and get answers. baby boomers, here s something you should know. there s a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most don t even know it. a virus that s been almost forgotten. it s hepatitis c. hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us, it s time to get tested. it s the only way to know for sure. with over 63,000 drug over overdose deaths in 2016 alone, some cities are taking the opioid crisis into their own hands. like philadelphia, which has the highest opioid death rate of any u.s. city, and officials say the city s on track for 1200 over overdose deaths. so what s philadelphia s solution? becoming the first u.s. city to legalize safe injection sites. but is this the best course of action? let s ask our fox news medical a team s dr. mark segal and trial attorney, and marie appley, you re suing some of these pharmaceutical companies and opioids, but dr. segal, i want to start with you, is this a good idea, a safe space to legally shoot up drugs? let s start with the idea that i m not in any way condoning this idea that drug use is killing a lot of people. but this isn t the first time we have syringe services programs throughout the united states. griff, over 30 states, over 200 programs, and they ve been studied by the centers for disease control. they re a place to educate people. a place to have naloxone which is an antidote to opioids. in philadelphia over 60% of the opioid deaths you talked about are due to fentanyl which is much more powerful. you can start them with knacks alone, and you can say so seboxo seboxone that works. it reduces hiv in people who inject drugs. hiv cases decreased by 80%. hepatitis c decreases dramatically by using these programs, bringing them into the light, having medical professionals involved. i m not condoning it but it cuts down dramatically on cost and health risks. griff: doctor, you say good idea idea. marie, what do you think about it? i think we could spend our money on rehabilitation and integrated rehabilitation and go to the root of the cause and go after the drug manufacturers and the distributors who are mis mismarketing it. and they re distributing distributing to communities and create pill mills, donating what they re supposed to be doing. what they re supposed to be doing is reporting any strange activity to the fda, which they re not doing because they re making money over it. so hold them responsible, work on rehabilitation, and get the message out there that these drugs are addictive, the opposite of what everybody s been told. there is no evidence that these syringe programs increase use of intravenous drugs, no evidence. now, i m not in favor of what they re doing in nevada where they have like in a slot machine where you just push a punt and you get a syringe. that s not what i want. i like the idea of medical professionals involved, counselors involve, people that can start you on medically assisted therapy like ceboxone which really workers. i m not for decriminalizing this this. putting pushers in jail is a good idea. that s different if you re an addict, you need medical help, we need to cut down on infections by sharing syringes. i would agree that there are two issues going on. one is to prevent new addicts from forming so that s going after the manufacturers and distributors and getting the message out. for the people who are already addicts, i think the way to go is rehabilitation. whether or not you give them clean syringes and give them nar narcn so they don t overdose in the future, i m not against that but just giving them a location where they can shoot up, it s not going to be legal activity just because they re in this location. they can still get arrested. griff: right, cause they re doing the drugs. dr. segal, seattle and san francisco seemed to try this but it failed there. it failed in seattle because they had to get city council approval. here in philadelphia what i think will succeed is they re going to use a private company. so i think it will pass. with the current laws it s hard to get a city council to agree to do this but to get a private company involved has happened all over the country. by the way, i want to agree with one point marie is making. i think the drug companies are terrible, i think the pharmaceutical companies have enabled this problem and 250 million prescriptions written by physicians in 2015 for opioids, physicians bear a lot of the responsibility here. griff: that, dr. segal is un unacceptable, almost every family community in this country knows someone or has been affected by this terrible tragedy. dr. segal, marie, thank you for coming in and weighing in with us. still ahead, remember this teacher s anti-military rant? griff: now the student behind the video has gotten a special invite. he s here to tell us about it next. plus, if you ever run into clinton eastwood, don t ask him for a selfie. the legendary actor just revealed why. hey! we didn t have a homeowners claim last year so allstate is giving us money back on our bill. well, that seems fair. we didn t use it. wish we got money back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it. 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pete: i have to return my tickets, then, griff, is that what you re saying? griff: y.ah, pete: remember when a california public school teacher went on this anti-military rant in his classroom? pete: the lowest of the low. well, the student who recorded that rant who comes from a big military family and wants to enlist in the military himself now has a special invitation to the white house and the pentagon from chief of staff general john kelly. rachel: joining us now, you high school senior victor quinones. what inspired you the feeling i got when i first heard about this was that this probably wasn t the first time that your teacher has gone off on the military. no. it wasn t the first time at all. griff: and so did you make a concerted effort to say, hey, i m going to keep my phone nearby so if he does it again, i m record it. actually the first time saying that anyone joins the military are retarded, so i ended up letting my dad know, and he just told me you let me know the next time he makes another rant about that, and it just so happen that he did and he had a lot of cell phones out, so i took advantage of that and began to rec.rd pete: it got of the attention of a lot of people, including, as you know, the chief of staff to the president of the united states, general john kelly. now, he saw what you recorded, he was on brian kilmeade s radio program. this is how john kelly reacted to what the teacher said. listen. i think the guy ought to go to hell. i just hope he enjoys the liberties and the lifestyle that we have fought for. pete: did your teacher who is now on administrative leave, does he understand where his freedoms come from? no, i don t believe he does, if he went on a rant like that. rachel: and so now you re going to the white house, i understand understand? yes, i am. rachel: and you ve got a gofundme page because you re trying to raise money. who else is going with you? you know, my uncle louie, course my siblings, my parents. so pete: absolutely. looks like as many as 16 folks might be joining him on the trip. he s got a big family, a lot of military in the family. pete: obviously what victor did took some fragile. trevor you re there as a lawyer, usually if there s a lawyer there it means there s a legal aspect to this. what land mines could victor be facing from simply recording an anti-military rant? i actually think the land mines are something mr. salcedo may have to contend with. like many of the veterans who have stepped forward in support of victor, i m here to provide moral support. there are potentially legal ramifications related to this case and my team and i are enjoying doing the research. we re finding a lot of things out. i can t say a lot about it now. i m not comfortable discussing it because i just don t know enough but i do believe victor s family needs legal representation. i m honored that they asked me to join them. rachel: victor, how did you find out that you re going to be going to the white house? actually, my dad texted me saying we re going to the white house, and he was really excited and pretty much it felt unreal. not an every day thing someone tells you you re going to the white rachel: that s incredible. if your family makes it to d.c. and the white house and you want a capitol tour we can make sure that congressman sean duffy s office gets you guys a capitol tour as well. thanks for joining us. you re eye real hero. pete: well done. thank you for exposing that. coming up the media gushing over kim jong-un s sister at the winter olympics. why are they doing that? we re going to ask that question and answer it. . democrats say president trump s decision to not reclose their memo proves he has something to hide. schiff firing back saying this, mr. president what you call political are actually called facts. they don t understand what the obligation is for an officer of the court before a fisa proceeding which is for full disclosure. rachel: officers eric joering and anthony morelli are gunned down. they died at the scene outside columbus, ohio. these two put on a uniform to go out and serve the people of their community. these absolutely are heros and people need to understand that. griff: olympic update for you the sister of kim jong-un she was part of the north korean delegation to south korea and cnn says kim jong-un s sister stealing the show at the winter olympics. having the sister show up and pretend she s all fun and games doesn t change a thing in north korea. pete: a bitter sweet night for a gold star daughter, her army sargent dad died in a training accident last year so a national guardsman stepped up and took the girl to her first father- daughter dance. she was a beautiful little princess. rachel: all right we start with your headlines. pete: no, no, i prepared for this show, i stayed up all night rachel: okay. pete: because i want to have all of the latest facts for our viewers who we love. you guys stay up all night too? rachel: yeah, i m a night owl and that s why this is an adjustment for me i get up at 3: 30. griff: i haven t slept in days. pete: it s true you re ever reporting. always on it. griff: catch monday through friday on the early fox & friends. pete: it has been a ton of fun always, rachel, griff bringing the news to you this morning and we were not up all night. but don t get out of bed, stick with us we ve got a whole other hour of fox & friends and big headlines. rachel: we re starting with headlines and a fox news alert. brand new photos just into our news room showing the wreckage of a passenger plane crash near moscow. all 71 people on board are feared dead. the plane crashing in a snowy field shortly after taking off from a moscow airport. no word on what caused the crash we ll bring you the latest details as we get them. also breaking this morning, police have identified the man accused of killing two officers responding to a 911 hangup call. quentin smith s wife frantically calling 911 as officers eric joering and anthony morelli are gunned down. 911 what s your emergency? what s wrong? he shot the police officers. where is your husband now? please. rachel: joering died at the hospital. i m sorry at the scene, just outside of columbus, ohio. morelli died in the hospital. officers gave their life in protection of others . those are true american heros. rachel: a makeshift . liz: memorial was setup for the fam en officer who together had nearly 50 years on the force pete: god bless them. rachel: one of the makers of oxycontin cuts its sails staff in half promising to stop promoting the dangerously addictive painkillers to doctors purdue pharma has been pitching the drug since 1995 calling it a non-addictive way to treat pain. purdue and other drug makers have been fighting lawsuits accusing them of pushing addictive painkillers through deceptive marketing. and the united states winning its first gold medal at the winter olympics by a 17 year old , red gerard becoming the golden boy after this final trick in the mens snowboard. he s now the youngest olympic snowboarding champ ever. team usa is in fourth place in the medal count. germany taking the lead with three golds. pete: it s early but when you re 17 and you get a gold medal is life all downhill from there? rachel: it put be. griff: speaking of gold medals i m surprised anyone can get a gold medal other than the brutal dictator of north korea kim jong-un s little sister for whom the media has given every gold medal they can find. look at these headlines that we ve been just unbelievable headlines. kim jong-un s sister is stealing the show at the winter olympics. washington post, the ivanka trump of north korea, captivates people in the south at the olympics. pete: stop reading. the ivanka trump of north korea? think about that. rachel: it s crazy. pete: it s unbelievable. keep reading sorry. rachel: [laughter] griff: i continue. yahoo all swagger and smiles, kim jong-un s sister gets her star turn at the winter olympic and just my favorite that i ve been lamenting all morning and that is the ap wire for which i almost choked on my coffee at 4: 30 a high level north korean delegation led by youth full political princess. pete: not to be out done reuters a friend of ap, they purport to do the same thing, this just came in. we can t even keep up with these headlines fawning over north korea. this headline, north korea judged winter at diplomatic gold at the olympics, so kim jong-un lets his little sister out she s 30 years old there she is on the left. kim yo jong, goes to south korea with a delegation. she smiles, shakes a few hands, invites the president moon of south korea to north korea and a charm offensive as they starve their people and throw them in political prisons and threaten the world of nuclear weapons and our headlines here in the united states give them diplomatic gold and compare ivanka trump to her as if i advantage a trump s complicit with the trump administration, i don t know, tam cuts or paid family leave is similar to what this woman at the olympics is doing. unbelievable. rachel: by the way if only ivanka got this kind of glowing coverage here in the united states. i mean, she would just love to get this kind of coverage and again they use, you know, they use the word normalizing. the press did. we can t normalize trump that came immediately as soon as it started they still talk about that. this is absolutely normalizing the most brutal repress ever evil dictatorship on the earth. griff: you were right yesterday before any of these headlines started coming, she said i don t like the olympics and now you may be on to something. pete: like the media found a reverse way to hate trump. they don t like the approach he s taking fire and fury, you know, a bloody nose, talking about little rocket man so they re praising north korea to make trump look bad? rachel: i think she defects and that would be a story and then she could win the nobel peace prize, but other than that this is absolutely shameful. pete: well said well another issue we reported on yesterday is the release or pending release of the democratic memo a response to devon nunes republican memo that showed indeed the on administration used the fisa warrants to spy on members of the trump team. well the white house looked at this democratic memo put out by adam schiff who says there s got to be redactions and of course the media has gone nuts since then look at the new york times headline. pressure from trump may lead to revision of the democratic memo. well turns out if you read deeper into that new york times article never that first or second paragraph is always that sixth or seventh where they re forced to sometimes report something true. this is what they ended up saying about why the white house would be redacting portions of the democratic memo. they say in a letter to the white house on friday top justice and fbi officials said they had law enforcement or national security concerns about declassifying parts of the democratic memo, so it turns outsources and methods were contained in the democratic memo so they re going to get rid of them. the reason they didn t want the republican memo to come out is because it omitted things. there wasn t enough in there very big difference the hipocracy coming from democrats on this very glaring. griff: but the point here is that the pressure to revise this democratic memo before the president could declassify it the pressures coming from the fbi and the doj and the news of a letter or from the doj and fbi that it needs to be made the pressure, if you will, where was that? pete: and then on the republican memo, assistant attorney general steven floyd sent this letter to every media outlet saying don t release the republican one. this now we finally learned how the story ends and that is the pressures coming for the revision from the fbi and doj. rachel: but the bottom line the pressure is coming from the doj, the fbi that s not the headline. the headline is exactly what the democrats wanted it to be which is donald trump s trying to re press or cover up what we have in our memo although congressman whose seen the democrat memo say it does not refute any of the things that were in the republican memo saying how the fisa warrant was, they were being mislead. pete: absolutely. we have representative john ratcliffe on who had seen the democratic memo and underlying fisa evidence. this is what he said earlier on the program. to understand what s in the democratic response memo, you have to understand what s not in it and what s not in it is a representation that the fisa court was ever told that hillary clinton paid for the dossier used to spy on the trump campaign associates. they weren t told that christopher steele was desperate and passionate about preventing donald trump from becoming president and the fisa court also wasn t told that same christopher steele had a personal relationship with the number four lawyer at the department of justice bruce ohr and his wife nellie who did the research for the dossier at fusion gps. those are all facts that should have been disclosed to the fisa court and never were. griff: this is interesting because going forward this week this puts democrats in a difficult position in the house intelligence committee because the fbi and the doj is saying it needs revisions. the memo goes back, they can no longer push back on the white house for being at blame. they re going to have to choose to make revisions presumably and send it back to the president for which he will then declassify it. pete: we talk a lot about these mep os. bottom line is it looks like there was deception to the fisa court about what was really happening potentially for political motive. a lot of people want to know few people have seen what was said in front of that fisa court. a lot more needs to be revealed but if you step back even more there s a poll that came out yesterday at investors business daily that shows that 55% of americans believe that the obama camp spied on then candidate trump. think about that number, 33% of democrats with all the overwhelming russian collusion narrative that s come from all of the other buildings who hate president trump yet the american people, you re not dumb. you are not hoodwink, you understand when people are lying to you and that s why these memos matter because the truth matters. you see they hate trump so much they don t care about the truth. good bees what senators guam and grassley have done which has been underreported which validates the nun else memo. democrats could trial they want to muddy the waters but if you spied and you re being caught for it the american people are watching. rachel: let s bring in dan bongino in because he synthesize s it. this is military-state pete: police-state rachel: police-state kind of activities and this is obama gate. we kind of forget who started this entire spying, it was under his regime and that s what we have right now and by the way, our sitting president right now still is under investigation for russia with nothing to prove for it. pete: all based on an unverified dossier rachel: paid for by the democrat s. griff: by hillary. pete: thanks, hillary. griff: getting back to a great olympic story a very important segment coming up speaking of north korea just how ruthless and deadly has this rogue regime been? we ll break it down with a retired cia chief next. pete: plus if you ever run into clint eastwood, i never have but would love to don t ask him for a selfie. the legendary actor just revealed by he won t take one with you. remember that. it s time for the ultimate sleep number event on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. ends soon. visit fora store near you. i m mark and i quit smoking with chantix. my friends and family never thought i d be the one to quit smoking, i was such a heavy smoker. but i was able to do it with chantix. i did not know that chantix would reduce my urges so significantly. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you ve had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. everybody had doubts, including me, but i did it. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. pete: the liberal media not holding back for making kim jong-un s sister their shining star at the olympics, but a key point missing from their coverage, the fact her family holds one of the worst human rights records in the world. here to break it down retired cia station chief and vp at spg, daniel hoffman. daniel, you know about the nature of this regime so when you hear the fawning coverage from the so-called mainstream media, how disconnected is it from the reality of what folks live within north korea? well, i don t know that kim jong-un could have written anything better himself. it s worth remembering that his sister has been the director of propaganda and agitation department since july of 2015 and just a few months back was elevated to a more prominent position in the north korean bureau right around the time our sanctions were starting to sting the government. so there s a means for him to try to drive a wedge between the united states and south korea. we saw three hours of negotiation already between south korea and north korean representatives there was no discussion of scrapping the north korean nuclear program which has been our policy but rather the south koreans were saying that we need to saying to the north koreans that they should pursue talks with the united states. south korea is a democracy while the opposition in south korea favors scrapping the nuclear north korea s nuclear capability and the peninsula, president moon is a strong component of the so-called sunshine policy and again north korea is seeking to take advantage of that and look, you know, kim jong-un s found the right person to do it. pete: absolutely found the right media as well so if his sister is the head of propaganda i assume she doesn t talk that much about the fact there are between 80 and 120,000 people in prison for political prison camp s in north korea. yeah, i think you d like to see someone hold her to some tough questions about that, about the humanitarian catastrophe that is north korea or the danger that north korea poses to its own region and beyond by pursuing this nuclear weapons program and icbm s. she does have a position of quite significant authority in the government and you d like to see them hold her to answer some hard questions aside from being just a mantel piece. pete: of course she keeps that position because she s fawning to her brother because if she cuts the other way he will kill her as we know otherwise. this is the nature of that regime. it s how unhealthful is it to a resolution on that peninsula preventing nuclear weapons that can be delivered to our source how unhealthful is fawning over them or promoting peace talks that just delay the timeline. i think it s on us, the united states, just to hold north korea accountable for their humanitarian catastrophe and the danger of the nuclear weapons program that they continue to pursue with wreckless abandonment and i also think that it s clear that north korea is trying to drive a wedge among the different actors involved us and south korea so we immediate to pull south korea closer and highlight the necessity really of having a cohesive strategy together which does involve continued maximum diplomatic and economic pressure on north korea. pete: daniel, we see north and south korea walking under a unified flag. is there any scenario when kim jong-un in the north unifies the peninsula peacefully? they want it under their rule. yeah, i don t see that, that s why he s pursuing his nuclear weapons program and beyond that he knows he has a degree of deter answer. we haven t attacked north korea cognizant of the massive potential for damage to the region from just north korea s conventional weapons. i think he s pursuing the nuclear weapons and the icbm capabilities so that he can maybe himself seek to unify the peninsula under his own terms. absolutely that s the benefits of having the nuclear weapons is that the united states in his mind might not take action. pete: it s a huge card they can drop on the table. daniel hoffman thank you for your expertise appreciate it. thank you. pete: well forget the drive through. you can now get taco bell and kf c delivered right to your door we will tell you how, plus, president trump stressing our country s opinions on god in a powerful speech at the national prayer breakfast. franklin graham was there, he will tell us what he thought about the president s message and he s coming up next on sunday edition of fox & friends. friends, colleagues, gathered here are the world s finest insurance experts. rodney mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it s a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? insurance. that s kind of what we do here. when it comes to travel, i sweat the details. late checkout. .down-alternative pillows. .and of course, price. tripadvisor helps you book a. .hotel without breaking a sweat. because we now instantly. .search over 200 booking sites .to find you the lowest price. .on the hotel you want. don t sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. griff: all right quick headlines former democratic congresswoman corrine brown maybe getting special treatment behind bars. they have letters from fellow inmates angry that the 71 year old gets special meals, massages and even a brand new mattress. security officials denying those claims. brown was sentenced in december to five years in prison for corruption. and in the disgraced former usa gymnastics team doctor convicted of sexually abusing underage girls is transferred to a high security federal prison. larry mass after starting his 60 year sentence in tucson, arizona a facility specializing in treating sex offenders. [applause] pete: donald trump stressing our country s dependence on god, in a powerful speech at the national prayer breakfast last week. president trump: when americans are able to live by their convictions to speak openly of their faith and to teach their children what is right, our families thrive, our communities flourish, and our nation can achieve anything at all. rachel: franklin graham joins us now to react but first, you ve been to north korea four times. what is your take on the human rights records there? well no question north korea has a great problem in this area regardless of who runs north korea, we need to be talking to them. a country that has nuclear weapons a country that could create havoc on the core en an peninsula, but that whole region we need to find ways to talk and i believe when you talk, we can maybe negotiate some of the problems away. not all of them but some of them and as i m a firm believer in talking to them and trying to find a way around these roadblocks that we ve had since the early 1950s. we ve been there on the korean border for north korea border since the 1950s with our army and there hasn t been any change , there hasn t been any settlement. there s got to be away around this. pete: reverend we talk a lot about political prisoners in north korea. what is the status of the church and religious prisoners as well? well there are some official churches and i ve spoken in some of them so has my father but we also hear reports that in the interior christians are killed, prosecuted, any sign of christian faith and you could be executed and what i love about our president is that our president defends the christian faith. our past president scolded christians. this president is defending christians and he s very open about the christian faith, so i love that about president trump and of course at the prayer breakfast a few days ago he was tremendous that america is a nation of believers and we re strengthened by the power of prayer, he reminded everyone, and he also reminded us that faith is central to the american life and it is. it s central to our life as a nation and so i m very very thankful that donald trump takes the stand. many people can condemn him that he is not an example of the christian faith. well he may not be the greatest example, well neither am i but at least he s defending the faith and standing strong on that. griff: reverend graham why is it that so many in the media miss what president trump s trying to do when it comes to prayer and politics? i don t know why they miss it listen, i appreciate i think his transparency in this issue. he s very open, he doesn t care if he gets criticized, he s just going to speak what he believes and i really believe he believes in god and of course as a believer, i believe that jesus christ is god s son, i believe that he died for your sins and my sins, that god raised him to life and we put our faith and trust in him god will forgive us our sins and heal our hearts and i believe the president believes this, and he doesn t always articulate it like a preacher would and i think people condemn him because they expect him to talk like a preacher. he s not. but he does have a very strong faith. rachel: reverend, it s interesting you talk about his strong faith. i ve never, i m a political spouse by the way. i ve never seen a politician or a political family take on the abuse and the amount of just non -stop kit six that donald trump and his family have taken on. how are they getting through that? i know you know him well and is it sustainable over another four , two, maybe six more years? well, i think so, and that is if people pray and i think it s important that we pray for all leaders and the bible tells us to pray for those in authority, whether you voted for donald trump or you didn t, we still should vote. i didn t vote for barack obama because of his position on same sex marriage on abortion. i could not vote for him, but that doesn t stop me from praying for him when he became our president, and if we pray for donald trump if he does well , that our nation will do well. all of us will do well and at the prayer breakfast this was the 66th prayer breakfast my father helped to start it and republicans and democrats come together, they co-chair this breakfast. they set aside their differences and they work together and they ve been doing this for 66 years. if christians and congress from both sides can get together and work together, it tells us we need more christians in politics we need christian men and women at every level and if there were more christians they would come together and work even though they may have differences but they would work together for the american people. pete: a lot of it is pretty simple there. of course it s been a baseline of religious liberty as well. reverend franklin graham thank you very much for your time this morning sir, appreciate it. thank you, god bless. griff: all right we ve been telling you how businesses are giving back to workers, thanks to president trump s tax plan. now, a new survey is revealing just how much money is going into your wallet. maria bartiromo has the numbers that s coming up. rachel: and the video will give you chills. a student choir fills an entire hotel with the sound of the national anthem. the moments that will make you even prouder to be an american. pete: fox & friends. we re friends and we bring friends on the set none more so than maria bartiromo. she s here every day during the week maybe the hardest working woman in this building and here in sunday morning futures in about 26 minutes. maria: that s right. pete: thanks for being here. maria: thank you so much. rachel: i always say i worked with barbara walters and i worked with maria bartiromo, career done. maria: oh, come on. i m so honored to work with you all all the time. thank you so much. griff: speaking of work we re talking about the democratic memo, what do you make of this, now we know from a new york times article buried deep that it was actually the department of justice and fbi that is calling for the revisions, but you have the latest. maria: let s just call this what it is, shall we? this is an abuse of government power at the state department at the fbi and at so many agencies under the obama administration. what they did here was use government, government work to spy on a political operative so they lied to the fisa court yes they lied to the fisa court by omitting incredibly important information and that was that the democratic campaign and the hillary clinton campaign paid for this. so we ll talk with devon nunes the chairman of the house intel committee in about 20 minutes and he will give us the latest in terms of this democratic memo why they put a memo out there to basically say, obviously it has to be redacted they put all of this national security information in there so they could come back and say president trump doesn t want that. rachel: devon nunes really been i think the unspoken hero, i mean we would not know what s going on right now, pete hegseth not just gone after this information but really withstood so much criticism, so much against his integrity for trying to get at the truth. maria: it s almost like a street fight at this point. devon nunes anything he says adam schiff comes back and tries to attack him. nancy pelosi a week ago said that devon nunes wasn t fit to be in office. they re trying so hard to stop him from releasing the truth so that the american people understand what went on here. leadership and at least 10 people have been fired already at the department of justice and the fbi they used government work, their power, their seat to spy on a political enemy during an election it s incredible. obama gate. griff: the economy another story , let s talk about the tax savings going into hard working americans pockets. maria: there s no doubt about it we ve seen more than 200 companies give $1000 checks back or do something for employees, invest in their businesses. you re seeing a real impact of this tax plan but the thing people don t talk about as much is the fact that it s going to have a long runway. we re going to see this impact this economy for the next couple of years. obviously we re seeing a wild stock market because there s a new narrative right now. investors are digesting higher interest rate, little higher inflation, higher wages. these are all the kinds of things you want to see with the growing economy but right now the markets are digesting that understanding that rates are going to go higher. it s not 0% rates that have been the case in the last 10 years so expect wild swings i m not worried. pete: we re digesting the additional money in my paycheck. i m not kidding 13%. the 13% of business savings going into the worker s pockets. maria: and the left likes to say oh, they may, you know, buyback stock, they may pay dividends and not necessarily create new jobs. whatever they do with this additional savings is economic activity and ultimately hit the worker and the person whose actually the consumer out there. that s how you move the needle on economic growth by making an environment for business for favorable to business puts money back into the economy. griff: better paychecks and devon nunes you re giving us a lot this morning coming up in just 20 minutes. rachel: tune in for that. pete: and a busy week on wall street last week. maria: [laughter] thanks, guys. rachel: now to your headlines. if you re just waking up, we are following breaking news out of russia. brand new video into our news room of a deadly passenger plane crash outside of moscow. you can see what appears to be the plane s nose, the wreckage scattered across a snowy field. the plane crashing shortly after takeoff from a moscow airport. all 71 people on board are feared to be dead. emergency workers and family members gathering at the airport where the flight was supposed to land. no word on what caused this crash. if you ever run into clint eastwood, do not ask him for a selfie. the actor-turned director letting his feelings be known while talking about his new movie the 15:17 to paris. you know, i don t like selfie s and i don t like selfies period. it s a pain in the rear. rachel: his new movie based on the paris train attack of 2015 features the real-life heros it s in theatres now. choir students waking up louisville hotel guests with their moving rendition of the star spangled banner. rachel: guests erupting into applause for the kentucky music educator s association all state choir members, and their annual performance tradition and those are your headlines that s so beautiful. pete: it is. were you ever a member of a choir? rachel: no, i can not sing. do you hear this voice? imagine. griff: do you wake up in a hotel room and wonder if you re dead, maybe gone to heaven and there s all these angels? rachel: all right we ve got rick outside. pete: rick were you ever in a choir? rick: i was. pete: i love it. rick: i can carry a tune. rachel: come on rick. rick: you no one of the best parts about the show is i can produce from here so producers why don t i go and do weather from there live. rachel: sing it. rick: we should be there live for that. pete: next year. i agree. rick: producers let s work on that but talk weather right now. we do have a lot going on this week we ve had a lot of drought going on and now we re getting a lot of precipitation that s going to be coming on both the eastern seaboard and the western coast throughout the next couple of days which is great news. we obviously have this rain going on right now and i m stumbling guys because my click en just got stuck. batteries probably dead, and now i m just stuck on this one map and won t be able to show you what s going on unfortunately. well we got rain on the east obviously. good news is we have rain coming to the west where they ve been so dry with one of the hottest winters they ve had and no precipitation and some coming this week so that s great news you ll appreciate that rachel in arizona. rachel: i will. pete: indeed. thanks rick appreciate it. rachel: thank you rick. griff: president trump says republicans want to fix daca far more than the democrats, so will democrats ever come to the table we ll debate it next. pete: plus we ve got sugar, spice and everything nice, new york city s famed delmonico s restaurant here sharing chocolate chili rubbed steaks, there s bacon too and that s for valentine s day coming up, you won t want to miss it. it s the original and the best. i m your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold. warmer. warmer. ah boiling. jackpot. and if you ve got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. .like me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? pete: president trump says the gop wants to help daca recipients more than democrats do tweeting republicans want to fix daca more than the democrats do. the dems had all three branches of government back in 2008-2011 and they decided not to do anything about daca. they only want to use it as a campaign issue, vote republican! we had a dreamer on the show yesterday who said this. listen. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer really have no clear message, have been, you know, we have been confused i think at the end of the day they ve been using us as pawns. the second point i want to bring in is they never should have shutdown the government over daca. we should have never held our american people and our military hostage. there s plenty time on the table to fix this, march 5 is the deadline and you could see republicans already willing to do something about it as we speak. at the end of the day you re looking at a president that is all about results. i think he needs to meet democrats in the middle and he is bringing this pathway to citizenship so that we can actually finally get something done, immigration reform. pete: so is he right and can both sides come together? here to debate president of the black conservative federation de onte johnson and democratic strategist michael star hopkins thank you both for joining us. michael i ll start with you. can the resistance take a pause long enough to actually make a deal with this president and do something that both addresses border security which the president has demanded but also addresses the daca situation? look, the democrats have been trying since 2008 to get an immigration deal done. you know, we had comprehensive immigration reform that was put together by the gang of eight and republican president decided that he wasn t going to implement that and now we have president trump saying he wants to get the immigration deal donald he would sign anything that was put in front of him. two different bills have been put in front and he won t sign them. pete: wait we had a democratic president from 2008-2016 that took executive action but no legislation the democrats were able to push to fix this. but under president bush that s when the gang of eight came together to put together a bill and that s when the immigration issue started. the only reason we ended up getting daca was because republicans filibustered in the senate. pete: so he s saying it s republicans fault when a lot of people look back and say if democrats are going to make daca their big issue, they haven t solved it. that s true. you know, the republicans, the democrats have had, they had a democrat president, president obama had time to do it but he didn t. he didn t push it. president trump is working to make a compromise but something that speaker ryan said is that for a compromise, both sides have to know that you ve got to give something you ll have to lose some and the democrats right now don t understand they will lose some issues and they will gain some but we have to come together and meet in the middle. pete: michael you understand right now democrats hold no levers of power so if they want to get a deal they will have to give. will they be willing to give to the parameters of what this white house talked about? an end of chain migration or end to the visa lottery program. can that happen in exchange for a pathway to legalization? will democrats actually come to the table to do that? i think democrats have come to the tailing and said that. we ve offered up border security pete: that s not the same as a wall. there s a difference between doing a full voila cross the border and having a technological upgrade which is what was suggested by george w. bush, what was suggested by candidate trump and i think that it s something we could all agree to but lindsay graham said it best. we have no idea what the president wants because one day he says one thing. pete: he s made it clear. i think the president has been very clear. members of the republican party aren t clear about what the president wants when it comes to a bill. pete: the members want to pretend like president trump didn t get elected on these issues they run like the gang of eight from 2008 and voters voted for president trump because he said he would deliver on it. deonte, your thoughts? the president set his plan out when he ran for office and he s been pushing that plan and done a great job pushing for that plan. he set it out and go to the white website it s all clear and there and the problem is he s got to get bipartisan ship and support from republican s but you know the thing about it is president trump is going to push for what he planned and his campaign no matter who likes it or not and that s one thing we like about him. pete: yes or no, does a deal get done before the march deadline, michael? i sure hope so because we made a promise to the dreamers if they came out of the shadows we would get it done so i hope so. i hope that democrats can work with republicans to get something done. pete: a lot of hope. no yes or no there. we shall see. michael and deonte, thanks a lot appreciate it. thank you. pete: up next, how does chocolate chili rubbed steaks sound? sounds fantastic to me. we re making it for valentine s day which is coming up. griff at the tomahawk, stay away from it. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, . with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. griff: welcome back quick headlines no cars allowed georgia officials are considering creating a separate highway for trucks they say a new road would help reduce congestion for drivers the project would cost nearly $2 billion and two major chains are bringing the convenience of the drive through right to your door. you can now order taco bell and kfc and have it delivered, grub hub says the initial phase of their partnership will start over the coming months. pete: sometimes i just need taco bell. got to have it at like 2:00 a.m. and i can order it. okay, well speaking of great food with valentine s day right around the corner we ve got the perfect dish to make for your significant other. griff: joining us from one of new york s most iconic restaurants which absolutely rocks is the executive chef from delmonico s. first quickly tell us about it. so in the same location since 1837, down near wall street, a restaurant first eggs benedict, baked alaska, of course steak, all in vented there. pete: and i was there about a month ago unbelievable. you ve got to visit it. griff: what did you bring us today? so it s valentine s day, so chocolate, roses, so we re going to do a quick marinade. you have short ribs and tomahawk steak here we ll do a quick marinade if you can hold that and start wisking. a chocolate chili marinade for steak, pork, chicken works really well and a cocoa powder and this we make in the restaurant. it s spices and chocolate. i have a couple guys that make it. it s hard work. rachel: i love pete, what s that [laughter] some pepper. griff: how long do we do this? then we ll just mix the oil into it. griff: this is a marinade? kind of a semi-wet rub. rick: do you need it on there like hours? you can do it the night before. rachel: you ll put this on here? pete: even if you wreck the recipe and put love into it? that s it that s all that matters right? you just make it up as you go along. rick: how long for you to cook that? this one is for two. pete: or just get a reservation. this one we ll seer it in a pan and it would definitely go in the oven for about 20 minutes . pete: we only have 20 seconds chef for the fondu. okay so this is just a very simple recipe, it s online. it s chocolate, cream, a little simple syrup and here we have all kinds of stuff. we do our own cured bacon in- house. pete: i ve been eating it all morning. rachel: chocolate and bacon? oh, my gosh. strawberries. you know, this is good. griff: they re playing music. we re coming right back. we re sticking with you. pete: we would never leave you. griff: more fox & friends coming up right away, something delicious to eat. pete: rachel in honor of valentine s day i m giving you the final word. griff: i got a giant steak from you from chef billy. this means you re back next week rachel. pete: happy valentine s day. rachel: thank you and happy valentine s day to all of you out there. maria: good sunday morning. a power at the fbi. democrats will go back to the drawing board this weekend if they want their countermemo on alleged abuse at the justice department released with the budget battle in the rear view mirror now president trump gets set to review this infrastructure plan this upcoming week and the rollercoaster ride on wall street continue, hi, everybody thanks for joining me this is sunday morning futures i m maria bartiromo. the white house declining to release the democratic counter memo on alleged surveillance abuses at the fbi, citing national security risks. did democrats play politics to force the president s hand? i ll talk with house i

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democrats start to fear and make it your backlash. and whether trump can get mueller to wind up his investigation by consenting to an interview. let s look at spygate. that s what president trump calls a growing reports that the fbi under obama placed at least one informant or spy in his presidential campaign. those reports also fueled suspicion on the right that the russian investigation has been nothing more than a political coup by obama allies in the deep state against the duly elected president of the united states. in an era of the exploding surveillance state. have we actually witnessed an infiltration of the presidential campaign of the opposing party? in an editorial in wednesday s investor s daily points out how timing is everything. they pointed out that the timing of the russian investigation keep shifting, and the earlier the probe began the less likely it is to have anything to do with russian involvement in the 2016 elections but everything to do with stopping the surprising surge of trump during the g.o.p. probably primaries and beyond. let s examine that prospect with some top-notch experts. former fbi agent jeff beatty is in orlando. in washington, bill benny who served more than 30 years as top intel official with the nsa before turning whistle-blower. and here in new york, steve rogers, former fbi joint terrorism task force. steve, let s start with you. i have a theory here, one is bad and one s a little worse. first, the obama administration thought there was russia infiltration so they use the trump officials as bait in order to lure the russians in. but nothing materialized, and they looked around and thought, i have some trump people on the hook here, let s turn the cruise. and screws. or, it was deceitful from the very beginning and they wanted eyes and ears on the trump campaign. so without any probable cause, they cooked up this echo chamber of spies and lies and misinformation to get the surveillance. what do you think? if they were going for the russians, they would have gone for the trump campaign. they are in their hands are the greatest assets of human intelligence right in the trump campaign. they would have wired those individuals up and said the russians are coming after you, we need you and we need you to wire you up. they are going after donald trump. jesse: bill, where are the russians here in this investigation? we see lots of spies and fbi people but we haven t seen a lot of russian spies. have they ever materialized? even the effort they put forth to say it was a russian hacker turned out to be a very clear fabrication. it s provable through forensics, that it s not a valid download it remotely. so all of it was fabricated. jesse: so jeff, like bill just mentioned, it all started with the so-called hack of the democrat computers. now the counter intel investigation opened up a couple weeks after the emails released in the summer with debbie wasserman schultz. and remember they rake the primaries, all that stuff. why didn t the fbi then go look at the server at the dnc and do a forensic audit? wouldn t that be the first place you would look if you are looking for russian infiltratio infiltration? well that goes back to 2015. i m a believer in your course of action, too, that you outlined at the top of the show. but let me give you what i see as the bluff, the bottom line up front. the fbi gave a defensive briefing to the democratic national committee when they had information that there was a foreign entity trying to sway, influence, move into or penetrate the democratic apparatus. they did not do that for the republican apparatus, as steve alluded to. but they did from the very beginning was treat the republican apparatus differently. democrat, defensive briefing, let s work together. a republican. i think it was nothing more than a fig leaf to use other government agencies to introduce a russian reason as to why they could go ahead and launch an investigation, for two purposes. first of all, to get political intelligence as to what was going on on the inside of the campaign so they could use it, and secondly, to be able to destroy their enemy. these guys, not to use a chris matthews reference, but these guys were playing hardball. jesse: there are no chris matthews of references on this show, those are now band for the rest of the hour. no more [laughs] jesse: it but you did touch on a serious issue, they did have suspicions about either paige or manna fort or papadopoulos in the spring. and instead of interviewing whoever, they don t do any of that. they don t even alert donald trump that, we are supposed to protect you, there could be some issues. instead they just wiretap everybody and send spy rings throughout the whole campaign. it doesn t seem like an anti-rush operation, it seems like an anti-trump operation. if they didn t even go into the dnc to see if there was a russian opening the back door to the servers. i believe the state said that jay james comey testified before congress and give hillary clinton a pass, they never really pursued the 33,000 missing emails, number one. what happened to bill clinton and the famous tarmac meeting at the airport with loretta lynch? they gave her a pass. and as i said earlier, why didn t they go to the trump campaign and say, i think the russians are coming. what we need you to do is wire your people up, we want to trap your people. theft because they had them all wired, once you get one person in the campaign you have the whole campaign. jesse: and half of these guys were coming in and out of trump tower. the other couple guys were overseas. they threw everything at this campaign. they threw spies, informants, secret subpoenas, electronic surveillance, fake dossiers, unmasking. every technicality that you have used in an investigation, they threw everything at these guys. and you know what? donald trump still won the election, what does that say? no evidence of collusion. keep in mind, jesse, they are using the nsa databases, and they can retroactively analyze all the data on everyone in the campaign. jesse: now clapper, as we all remember, one of the top intelligence chiefs under president barack obama has been doing the rounds on television, and he the whole spying thing, kind of. i think he is deliberately spending a narrative, whereby he is the victim of the deep state spying on him or spying on a campaign, which is not the case. that s what i would call my informed opinion, that given the massive effort that the russians made in the number of citizens that they touched, to me, it exceeds logic and credulity that they didn t affect the election. and it s my belief they actually turned it. so i ask you, was the fbi spying on trump s campaign? know they were not. they were spying a term i don t particularly like but, what the russians were doing. why isn t he happy about that? he should be. jesse: first of all, james clapper is on the view. i don t think the top intel guy for any team should be on the view. second of all, he just admitted they spied but they were trying to help president trump. president trump should thank them for spying on the campaign, right? jesse, one thing you said opening up and the question is, did the obama administration know about this, i don t believe for one minute they didn t know. i believe obama knew what was going on and his justice department knew what was going on, and it s all falling apart. jesse: that s a great point, bill. we have evidence that the white house was in the loop on this. we have some text that at one point say, the white house is running this, talking about this counterintelligence operation. there are briefings with the top people in the obama team, the white house chief of staff was in on the loop, how could obama not know that this was happening? after all, just take the steel dossier. that was some fellow from am i six, which is the equivalent of cia. the end cia was involved, the department of justice. the only place that those organizations come to a point where it can be ordered and coordinated is the president. jesse: and we do have records of this spy, or whatever you want to call him in england was getting paid pretty handsomely by the obama administration, right around the same time he was running these dirty tricks. this guy was connected to am i six and cia. he had done some dirty tricks on elections in the past. he s been outspoken about his support for hillary clinton and even tried to get a job within the trump administration afterwards. so jeff, it s all coming apart. it is. to see klapper and brennan out there with the titles of former director, et cetera, these guys are no longer intelligence officials, and it s time for the president to start striking back at them. and by that, i mean, a lot of these senior people get to keep their security clearances so they can consult within people in government. there is no need to have security clearances anymore. start taking away brennan s security clearance, or access to anything, klapper security clearance or access to anything, because they have become partisans. they are not out there doing what they should be as professionals which is to do their job and be blind, agnostic, when it comes to party politics. jesse: that is a bold move to make and i think president trump would make that move or flirt with doing that. you brought up an interesting point about people, though, still in the fbi or in the doj that do have these clearances. we are hearing word here at fox news that there may be some people coming forward, may be some whistle-blowers that might like to talk about how james comey ran these operations, how he dealt with the clintons and how he dealt with the trump campaign. if you guys were still in the government, would you guys come forward and testify and lawyer up? the good news, the oig report is about to come out and the oig has the ability to protect the whistle-blowers within the department of justice and within the fbi. so hopeful and optimistic that some of those folks will do the right thing and get protected by the oig, and we might see some of their content coming out in his report. jesse, they need to break down the blue wall of silence. when the ship is sinking, no one will throw you a life raft. according to the constitution, you have recourse to congress. and that s exactly what i did in 2002, and i won. i went to congress to report some of the spying on u.s. citizens. it s all a lie when they tell you they are after the russians. their tapping points in the fairview program are internal in the u.s. there are 11 points that they could pick up every foreigner into or out of or through the united states, if they stay at those 11 points, they get them all. jesse: the russians that they did indict, all they were doing was calling hillary names on facebook. not that bad. guys, gotta run, thank you. up next to incredibly compost fbi agents give us the inside story of what s happening inside the bureau right now. and, why current agents are reportedly so fed up that they want to testify before congress. mom, dad, can we talk? sure. what s up son? i can t be your it guy anymore. what? you guys have xfinity. you can do this. what s a good wifi password, mom? you still have to visit us. i will. no. make that the password: you stillóhave toóvisit us. that s a good one. [ chuckles ] download the xfinity my account app and set a password you can easily remember. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. if spygate is real, if the obama administration spied on a political component without justification, it could be the biggest scandal in history. so it s little wonder that james comey appointed by obama and fired by trump was involved, in full denial boy mode last nigh. you find it possible there was a spy inserted into his campaign by an intelligence agency? i don t find it possible and i know it not to be true which is why i m confident there will be something else bigger than waterproof gate next week. jesse: they are so disgusted with comey, they told the daily caller that they want to testify to congress that politics and incompetence at the top are destroying the bureau. here is how senator ron johnson, chairman of the senate committee responded to that report wednesday on the ankle. what surprised me as we haven t had fbi agents come forward to our committee. they are going to go to the press. and testify on what? we heard that when comey exonerated clinton, they were going to blow a basket, gasket basically. why did they come forward? jesse: it sounds like his problems may be just beginning. let s discuss spygate with two distinguished members of the bureau. in phoenix, fbi spokesperson john einar rally, and former fbi agent and counter terrorism expert chad jenkins who was awarded three bronze star metals as an army ranger. so i don t think these guys are getting their story straight, john. you heard at the top of the show, klapper said there was a spy in there, and then call me on the late-night shows that there wasn t a spy. it s kind of important to make sure everybody is on the same page, don t you think? i find it odd that director comey is going on the view. i will tell you that, agents across the board are not political. but at the top, there appears to be a problem there. if they were interested in russians, the first person you will talk to would be the person that was the victim of the russians and that didn t happen. jesse: no, instead they spied on that person and surveilled them. it s not good for james comey, he s basically contaminated the so-called crime scene. you have these agents in there and when you bring in the fake dossier and the illegal spying, it doesn t look good. if it was the court of law, this thing would get tossed. do you think this is the genesis of this anger by the booths at the fbi, or not? i think it is, jesse. we are at the point where the judge in this is the american people, and the american people are being lied to on all sides at this point. no one really knows where the truth lies, and at this point what we recommend is, this whole entire investigation, the special counsel, it needs to be declassified. we are at the point where the american society as a whole will fall in on itself if we don t get to the bottom of what the truth is. not the half-truth, but the full truth. the only way to do that is have these agents come out whether through subpoenas and testifyin testifying, something has to happen in order to get everything out there so that we can all decide and see for ourselves what is really taking place in this mess. jesse: there is a real insurrection brewing with the rank and file. james comey obviously not an admired leader. remember, we heard things about his leadership during the campaign. there were many people very upset with the way he treated the hillary clinton criminal probe. just look at the difference, john. hillary s people were given immunity and trumps people are going scorched earth. hillary destroyed evidence under subpoena and the truck people have given over millions and millions of documents. it s just very unfair to the average person with the way this thing has been handled politically by the bureau. for more than 100 years the fbi enjoyed this great reputation to defend the american people. i m afraid in the past couple of years, that reputation is diminishing not because of the rank and file like you said but because of the actions of people like this. in the past, the fbi has always been very clear. we treat both sides of the political aisle the same, but there are certainly problems there that are not congruent with the way one side is being treated versus the other. i agree with my colleague, we need to come clear here and let the american people know what is going on so we can have confidence in the fbi. jesse: there is lying taking place all over. tucker last night had joe digenova on and he had this to say about the atmosphere there. they are lying in the most unbelievably brazen and insidious way. if they were not spying on the trump campaign, why did they not just tell the trump people, the russians are coming after you, be careful. because that s not what they were doing. they were spying on the trump campaign trying to frame people and set them up. comey and klapper and brennan are a group of psychotics that can t stop lying. jesse: he made a point about setting up. you know, they were getting invited over to england and wined and dined, and had hotels and airlines paid for, they were getting set up for drinks with clinton donors. the flynn deal where he was ambushed without an attorney based by peter strzok. you have the russian lawyer that granted an exceptional visa by loretta lynch to come into the country. she meets with the president of fusion gps before and after the trump tower meeting. looking back, a lot of it looks set up. do you believe it was set up? as an attorney, i would take this case in a heartbeat and claim entrapment at the very least. it doesn t look good, the objects, even if they have the best of intentions which i don t think existed, it looks bad. that s why these political cases, the fbi is so careful because they want to be concerned with how the public will perceive their actions. that wasn t done in this case, and it has hurt everyone. jesse: this is why, chad. they won t give any information to the congressional oversight people who have a constitutional right to use their oversight powers to look into what the fbi is doing. why are they stonewalling if everything was on the up and up? you are right, jesse. we are to the point where we can no longer say that the fbi and doj is a political, and they were the blindfold that lady liberty wears. that is gone, that ship has sailed. that goes back to my point, where we need to divulge everything. the truth needs to be told. you look at it, going back to james comey, i tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. i actually read his book and that s actually what changed my opinion of him. too often, number one he s always on the right side of history throughout. the only real vulnerability that he shares as may be being a bully to a college kid one time. outside of that, in his professional career, he makes every decision rightful every single time. then you out what happened with loretta lynch and bill clinton on the tarmac, there is political involvement in that. as the fbi director, he needed to address that. step up to the plate and be the leader that you need to be an address that if you are really truly trying to be apolitical. jesse: he s above it all and he s so sanctimonious. listen to what he said about the president to stephanopoulos. is donald trump unfit to be president? i don t think he s medically unfit to be president, i think he is morally unfit to be president. jesse: for a leaguer and an operator, political animal come up that really has a tough track record at the fbi with all these abuses piling up, i don t think he s fit to be casting moral judgment on the commander in chief. guys, gotta run. great talking to you. laura s interview with a former trump campaign advisor on what it was like to be targeted by an fbi informant, that s next. jesse: the russia investigation turned into spygate after the new york times reported last week that the fbi had placed at least one informant inside the trump presidential campaign. the informant met several times with carter page who only served briefly as an advisor to the trump campaign. michael cavuto said he was approached by a suspicious individual during the election. laura spoke with both paige and cavuto on monday about those experiences and here is a look back. let s start with you. you had a lot of contact with this informant. okay, whatever we want to call him. informant, spy, mole. i want to read one of the emails that he sent to you. i believe it was released by daily caller. dear carter, i find as the summer is on to ask how you are and what your plans are at this point. it seems attention has shifted from the collusion investigation to contempt in the white house, and how or if mistress karen lucci will be accommodated there. i must assume this gives you some release. if you have time, get in touch. it would be great to catch up. when did you first meet this informant that we now know is an informant, and briefly tell us about that exchange? well again, similar to you in terms of being cautious about identity, i have also i never knew anything about the person i was speaking with who is a university professor at cambridge, in the u.k., at the time. i was invited to participate in a conference in july of 2016, and everything seemed totally normal. frankly, i had been falsely accused myself. we will see what happens in terms of if further details come out. but based on everything i have seen thus far, we still don t have any information. we know he was paid a million dollars over five years, pretty good money as a consultant or researcher. but we shall see. who started the conversation, how did the date begin? did he approach you or did he mention russian collusion first? it was a multi-day conference, and there were scholars and people from government, both from the united kingdom i know, but stay focused with me. did he approach you first or did you approach him? i don t even recall. we spent a couple days together. it was a long event over several days. what i m saying is, there were lots of scholars there. you have to know the process of grooming someone. when someone is an informant, they don t just go up to someone and say, i want to plant information on you or find out what you have. you try to win someone s trust over and that s how it goes. i never felt groomed. if he s good at doing that, then perhaps that s part of the game. but you don t know who mentioned the collusion issue first. i can t even remember. you know, i think russia was in the news, and a lot of politics sort of revolved around various news events, and so these various stories came up. we stayed in touch for over a year, and i m sorry to interrupt, but we have limited time. looking back on that, it does anything seem odd? you know when you look back and think, was a little odd. and given what we know now, odd, out of the ordinary, or maybe somewhat improper? i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. and it might be something but i might have otherwise expected. we had things happening with this dodgy dossier which was first debuted in september 2016 as a way of damaging the trump campaign, and destroying myself. he always seemed very sympathetic about that. so again, we will see. i like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and people that know him in washington and senior circles that i have spoken with afterwards say, you seem like a pretty decent guy. that would be the perfect person to use for it. maybe i m just cynical. but if only they gave you the benefit of the doubt. we ve been through the meat grinder at the investigation and he has all of these are really highly skilled interviewers, or prosecutors on his side. many of them, but not all of them, i have been a built-in animus against donald trump. you are very angry that you have been drawn into this. and i think carter has been through more of a meat grinder than i have. in fact when i first heard about this, i think in 2016 or 2017 about carter, i wasn t very kind in my criticism. they were treating them poorly and i think we owed carter an apology. and that was months and months or even years. i m angry, and i m surprised that carter is not. he is a greater man than i, i think. this is sick and twisted stuff. like carter said to come up this gentleman who shall not be named has a reputation of being very pro-american and very patriotic. if, in fact, he was brought into this under false circumstances or false pretenses as well, he s the kind of guy that a deep state would target. well, the dossier was the basis for getting this. i don t care what people say, it was all a big lie. without that dossier, carter page would not have been surveilled in the fall of 2016. that would not have happened. they were running to that russian oligarch to get him involved. and he said, i don t even like paul manafort, this is ridiculous. they were working this informant angle and they brought you in, michael, which we will get to in a moment. but i want to play for you what sally yates, the acting attorney general at the very beginning of the trump administration, and the one responsible for interviewing michael flynn at the beginning, i had to say. i think what we are saying here is, the president has taken is all out assault on the rule of law to a new level. and in this case, he s ordering up an investigation of the investigators who are examining his own campaign. that s really shocking. rob rosenstein is trying to strike a balance here between diffusing the situation, but also protecting the rule of law and the institutional integrity of the department. carter page, as i pointed out in the opening anger. the government under the obama administration has surveilled people and lied about that. and with clapper, whether it was the fbi under holder, surveillance journalists, they had a problem telling the history. your reaction? going to michael s point about things they did to me, president trump during the campaign would often say, this is not about me, this is about us. it s about terrible things that have been to so many people like michael, like some of the other people that are involved. they actually spoke very positively. i got a positive impression about the informant and a couple of people i mention him to. and the campaign, i was pretty positive with the endorsement. i hope and pray that all these allegations turn out to be fals false. and that s why i m somewhat open with my communications, it will lead to some truth finally for the department of justice. i have been asking for the doj to own up to these things. it s funny, the defamation suit that i have against a top media organization and doj, the media organization is actually much more honest than the false pleadings by the doj so far. all right, we have to play this james clapper for michael. he is basically just justifying the use of any type of informan informant. at the fork focus here with the intelligence community is not on the campaign per se, but what the russians were doing to try to instantiate themselves in the campaign or to influence and leverage that. so if there was someone who observes that sort of thing, that s a good thing. the russians pose a threat to the very basis of our political system. michael, you see a pattern here? former obama administration officials justifying spying on surveilling or whatever you want to call it, putting a mole in, and a hotly contested election here. final thought? you have spent time in russia, and the national security leadership that secretly spies on the entire citizenry of russia, and here we are in the united states with our own soliloquy under president obama. here s something that i know as a fact. this informant, the person they try to plant into the campaign and even into the administration if you believe axios, is not the only person that came with the campaign and i know because they came at me. i m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal it to the public, and this is just the beginning. i tell you, when we finally find out the truth about this, director klapper and the rest of them are going to be wearing some orange suits. michael cavuto and carter page, i hope we get to the bottom of this much sooner than people are predicting because the american people deserve to know who is behind us, who authorized it and how high up the ladder it went. thank you both for joining us tonight. jesse: we should note that the producer got in touch with the person he was just talking about and, he claims he was not working for any intelligence agency. we will see. next, americans may be fed up with russia, prussia, russia. we will show you what a new poll says and whether the russian obsession will backfire on democrats in november. jesse: welcome back to our the ingraham angle special of the russian cloud. it could backfire on the president s opponents. americans are growing tired of it. a poll shows that 30% of americans believe the investigation should stop immediately. 20% say the investigation should wind down with the next three months. and on wednesday, nancy pelosi heard from an increasingly skeptical public during our cnn town hall. if trump actually colluded with the russians, why wasn t he found guilty of it after a year of investigation? would there be some type of concrete proof? he knows there is an investigation going on under counsel molar, and that is where we wouldn t have any idea of what was going on in that, nor should we know what is going on in that investigation. it takes time. jesse: are democrats putting too many eggs in the mueller basket? let s ask conservative commentator and fox news contributor rachel campos duffy in wausau, wisconsin. so, ladies first. we will start with you, because i m a gentleman. i think the democrats should just nominate mueller. that s the only thing they can have that stopped president trump. they don t have everything any. every day that they talk about russia and trump and that the republicans talk about america, it s a winning day for republicans. i heard your poll numbers earlier, the one poll number we should focus on his 75% which is the americans that give donald trump credit for crushing it on the economy. the democrats are frustrated right now and there are a few people out there that are trying to raise the red flags. one of them is a former clinton camp person saying, get off the special counsel, get off of russia. come up with a a message because you don t have one. and that s a problem coming into the midterm. speaking jesse: jesse: do s a disservice, because they haven t crafted any coherent message around policy that can jive with the voters. i don t know if that is the case. if you follow social media and the resistance movement, certainly they talk about russia all the time. there are other networks that talk about russia all the time. but i think the candidates that are out on the trail all across the country, looking forward to november, they are talking about other issues. they are talking about jobs and the economy and climate change, and other things that are topical to their district. jesse: i don t think i would talk about climate change, that s not the best policy prescription for the midterms. but i understand when people are politicking and pressing the flesh of the barbecues, they talk one on one about stuff that is good for the local district. but the megaphone with the media, the machine, the democratic party apparatus, they are not talking about kitchen table issues, they are talking about impeaching, talking about russia, i don t even know what their slogan is next midterm. absolutely. the message from the democrat party is not just russia, but also, vote for us, we will impeach donald trump. the american people i don t think are buying that. that s why we are seeing this blue wave turned into a trickle because of that. jesse: pelosi is not even buying that and if it s too crazy for pelosi, maybe they should reconsider. very true. i think they counted on to things. they thought they could have 24/7 bad press on trump, and we all know it s a 90% bad press on him. they thought they could start with this whole russia hoax, and they thought they could continue their resistance. i know our guest here, jason ault mears says, the resistance. well the resistance isn t the democrat party and i think the american people see that. what they didn t count on was a, a year and a half of spying on trump and trying to frame people from his camp campaign, they have come up with nothing in a year and a half, zero evidence. and there s something else that they didn t expect. they didn t expect him to crush it on the economy, to decimate vices, to really keep all of the promises that he did on the campaign trail. i can tell you that here in wausau, wisconsin, when i talk to people, that s the one thing that i hear the most. whether they agree with him or not, they say this is a guy that keeps his promises. voters didn t expect that because they got cynical and didn t think it would happen. jesse: jason, what do you think about that? i wouldn t say they have come up with nothing, there have been 17 indictments and five guilty pleas. jesse: nothing to do with collusion. two of those guilty pleas have to do with russia, and certainly, the mueller investigation is not complete. we don t know what the investigation is going to do. and both had to do with russia. the one having to do with russia is not collusion. and with papadopoulos, he got the date wrong. then the investigators that interviewed flynn, they came back and said they didn t think he was lying. but he pled guilty so i think that s pretty clear. i m not prejudging what the report is going to say, i m simply saying that it is an ongoing investigation. there have been laws broken and there have been guilty pleas and indictments. i don t buy this witch hunt idea. this is a legitimate issue and let s get to the bottom of it. jesse: you are turning all around, because these abuses keep stocking up on the democrat side when they were in office, and it may not look too good once we get everything straightened out. i have to run guys, thank you. i couldn t agree with you more, jesse. we are sitting on the mother of all scandals. jesse: as president trump says, we will see what happens. up next, we reveal the leverage the president s legal team is now using to get the special counsel to end its investigation of the president, up next jesse: the trumpet legal team trump legal team has gone on to the offensive. giuliani told the huffington post that they could probably decide by june 12 went to testify in front of mueller s team, but he also told the washington post the president was still likely to meet with north korean president kim jong un then mueller. and he tweeted that that still could happen. let s look into legal strategies with attorney and democrat roger coyle and kenneth delvecchio of new jersey. it s my opinion, kindness, the president shouldn t go near bob mueller for a few reasons. one, i don t trust mueller. number two, the president has a big mouth and he likes to talk a lot. and that s not a good strategy when you are facing a possible indictment by someone who doesn t seem to like you too much. absolutely under no circumstances should he go and speak with special counsel. and if there is nothing good that can come out of it. you don t go and talk with u.s. attorneys, with the justice department, unless you are dead in the water. since trump is innocent, and he s only going to go there to get his words potentially twisted, to get some bogus obstruction or perjury charges filed against him. and you have to look at it first from a criminal law perspective. as a criminal lawyer, i would advise him 100% not to go. now, the political angle is secondary, deep second. what are the political ramifications? mueller will do what, subpoena him in front of a grand jury? so he will take the fifth. jesse: it just doesn t look good when whoever you are, i it doesn t look good. i think president trump owes it to the american people to let us know what happened in this investigation. i know the two of you think the whole thing is a hoax and the whole thing is made up. jesse: i didn t say it was a hoax, i said it was fishy based on the facts. i think the facts show as your previous guest said, we have 17 indictments. and by the way, what you are going to say is, it s not about collusion. well guess what it s about? obstruction of justice. you want to focus on the collusion with russia, so when you have people jesse: he can fire people for whatever reason he wants. so how could he be charged with five people around the president, people very close to him have pled guilty. you are a criminal lawyer, you were a judge and prosecutor. people don t do that casually. what they should just do is let the facts and let the process run. the reason why i think the president should sit down with an interview with bob mueller and jesse: he pled guilty, that had nothing to do with it. there is no obstruction because number one, he has the right to fire anybody he wants anytime he wants. if a u.s. attorney knows that an underling is investigating somebody who he knows is innocent, let s say the guys name is bob, and he is investigating bob for murder. but the u.s. attorney himself knows that he is innocent because he was with him at the time of the murder, not only does he have the right to end of the investigation, he has the duty. so if donald trump knows he is and people around him know he s innocent, he had a duty almost to end the mueller investigation. jesse: so he goes to talk to mueller. if the president has nothing to hide, why doesn t he sit down with bob mueller? because he has the right to remain silent. silent. justice is politically, he should not be guiding this. the man s constitutional rights to protect themselves should be guiding it and he should be treated the same as everyone else. jesse: clinton went and talked to a grand jury and you know what happened? perjury. this network was very supportive of that, so what changed? jesse: i just said, don t go talk to the grand jury if you have nothing to hide. and what did bill clinton do? he went to talk to the grand jury and he was convicted of perjury. what would you do if you are donald trump? it s a risky proposition. i have a great idea for justice. why don t we pack the office of special counsel, just like there has been talk about packing the supreme court. put nine special councils altogether and they all have to vote to even seek an indictment or even seek a warrant. let me say this very quickly. the american people deserve, no man is above the law. we will agree to that, it s a political process. the ultimate jury will be in the 2018 and 2020 elections where the american people pass judgment. jesse: i think we can all agree on that. guys, gotta go. we will be right back. that s all the time we have for tonight. don t forget to watch water s world at 8:00. somebody gets water boarded. check that out. all right. we also have tommy and diamond and silk. laura will be back on monday, a memorial day special on the first amendment. have a wonderful weekend. take a moment and reflect on the sacrifices that the armed services made. hello and welcome to fox news at night. i m ed henry in for shannon bream. the breaking details from the white house straight ahead. plus, there may not be a slim chance the president will get funding for the border hall before the midterms. we ll talk live to california republican jeff denham.

North-korea , New-york , United-states , Washington , Wisconsin , Phoenix , Arizona , Jersey , Russia , Wausau , Russian , North-korean

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180526

investigation by consenting to an interview. let s look at spygate. that s what president trump calls a growing reports that the fbi under obama placed at least one informant or spy in his presidential campaign. those reports also fueled suspicion on the right that the russian investigation has been nothing more than a political coup by obama allies in the deep state against the duly elected president of the united states. in an era of the exploding surveillance state. have we actually witnessed an infiltration of the presidential campaign of the opposing party? in an editorial in wednesday s investor s daily points out how timing is everything. they pointed out that the timing of the russian investigation keep shifting, and the earlier the probe began the less likely it is to have anything to do with russian involvement in the 2016 elections but everything to do with stopping the surprising surge of trump during the g.o.p. primaries and beyond. let s examine that prospect with some top-notch experts. former fbi agent jeff beatty is in orlando. in washington, bill benny who served more than 30 years as top intel official with the nsa before turning whistle-blower. and here in new york, steve rogers, former fbi joint terrorism task force. steve, let s start with you. i have a theory here, one is bad and one s a little worse. first, the obama administration thought there was russia infiltration so they use the trump officials as bait in order to lure the russians in. but nothing materialized, and they looked around and thought, i have some trump people on the hook here, let s turn the screws. or, it was deceitful from the very beginning and they wanted eyes and ears on the trump campaign. so without any probable cause, they cooked up this echo chamber of spies and lies and misinformation to get the surveillance. what do you think? if they were going for the russians, they would have gone for the trump campaign. there in their hands are the greatest assets of human intelligence right in the trump campaign. they would have wired those individuals up and said the russians are coming after you, we need you and we need you to wire you up. they are going after donald trump. jesse: bill, where are the russians here in this investigation? we see lots of spies and fbi people but we haven t seen a lot of russian spies. have they ever materialized? even the effort they put forth to say it was a russian hacker turned out to be a very clear fabrication. it s provable through forensics, that it s not a valid download remotely. so all of it was fabricated. jesse: so jeff, like bill just mentioned, it all started with the so-called hack of the democrat computers. now the counter intel investigation opened up a couple weeks after the emails released in the summer with debbie wasserman schultz. and remember they rake the primaries, all that stuff. why didn t the fbi then go look at the server at the dnc and do a forensic audit? wouldn t that be the first place you would look if you are looking for russian infiltration? well that goes back to 2015. i m a believer in your course of action, too, that you outlined at the top of the show. but let me give you what i see as the bluff, the bottom line up front. the fbi gave a defensive briefing to the democratic national committee when they had information that there was a foreign entity trying to sway, influence, move into or penetrate the democratic apparatus. they did not do that for the republican apparatus, as steve alluded to. but they did from the very beginning was treat the republican apparatus differently. democrat, defensive briefing, let s work together. a republican. i think it was nothing more than a fig leaf to use other government agencies to introduce a russian reason as to why they could go ahead and launch an investigation, for two purposes. first of all, to get political intelligence as to what was going on on the inside of the campaign so they could use it, and secondly, to be able to destroy their enemy. these guys, not to use a chris matthews reference, but these guys were playing hardball. jesse: there are no chris matthews of references on this show, those are now banned for the rest of the hour. no more [laughs] jesse: it but you did touch on a serious issue, they did have suspicions about either paige or manafort or papadopoulos in the spring. and instead of interviewing whoever, they don t do any of that. they don t even alert donald trump that, we are supposed to protect you, there could be some issues. instead they just wiretap everybody and send spy rings throughout the whole campaign. it doesn t seem like an anti-rush operation, it seems like an anti-trump operation. if they didn t even go into the dnc to see if there was a russian opening the back door to the servers. i believe the state said that jay james comey testified before congress and give hillary clinton a pass, they never really pursued the 33,000 missing emails, number one. what happened to bill clinton and the famous tarmac meeting at the airport with loretta lynch? they gave her a pass. and as i said earlier, why didn t they go to the trump campaign and say, i think the russians are coming. what we need you to do is wire your people up, we want to trap your people. theft because they had them all wired, once you get one person in the campaign you have the whole campaign. jesse: and half of these guys were coming in and out of trump tower. the other couple guys were overseas. they threw everything at this campaign. they threw spies, informants, secret subpoenas, electronic surveillance, fake dossiers, unmasking. every technicality that you have used in an investigation, they threw everything at these guys. and you know what? donald trump still won the election, what does that say? no evidence of collusion. keep in mind, jesse, they are using the nsa databases, and they can retroactively analyze all the data on everyone in the campaign. jesse: now clapper, as we all remember, one of the top intelligence chiefs under president barack obama has been doing the rounds on television, and he the whole spying thing, kind of. i think he is deliberately spending a narrative, whereby he is the victim of the deep state spying on him or spying on a campaign, which is not the case. that s what i would call my informed opinion, that given the massive effort that the russians made in the number of citizens that they touched, to me, it exceeds logic and credulity that they didn t affect the election. and it s my belief they actually turned it. so i ask you, was the fbi spying on trump s campaign? know they were not. they were spying a term i don t particularly like but, what the russians were doing. why isn t he happy about that? he should be. jesse: first of all, james clapper is on the view. i don t think the top intel guy for any team should be on the view. second of all, he just admitted they spied but they were trying to help president trump. president trump should thank them for spying on the campaign, right? jesse, one thing you said opening up and the question is, did the obama administration know about this, i don t believe for one minute they didn t know. i believe obama knew what was going on and his justice department knew what was going on, and it s all falling apart. jesse: that s a great point, bill. we have evidence that the white house was in the loop on this. we have some text that at one point say, the white house is running this, talking about this counterintelligence operation. there are briefings with the top people in the obama team, the white house chief of staff was in on the loop, how could obama not know that this was happening? after all, just take the steel dossier. that was some fellow from misix, which is the equivalent of cia. the end cia was involved, the department of justice. the only place that those organizations come to a point where it can be ordered and coordinated is the president. jesse: and we do have records of this spy, or whatever you want to call him in england was getting paid pretty handsomely by the obama administration, right around the same time he was running these dirty tricks. this guy was connected to mi6 and cia. he had done some dirty tricks on elections in the past. he s been outspoken about his support for hillary clinton and even tried to get a job within the trump administration afterwards. so jeff, it s all coming apart. it is. to see klapper and brennan out there with the titles of former director, et cetera, these guys are no longer intelligence officials, and it s time for the president to start striking back at them. and by that, i mean, a lot of these senior people get to keep their security clearances so they can consult within people in government. there is no need to have security clearances anymore. start taking away brennan s security clearance, or access to anything, klapper security clearance or access to anything, because they have become partisans. they are not out there doing what they should be as professionals which is to do their job and be blind, agnostic, when it comes to party politics. jesse: that is a bold move to make and i think president trump would make that move or flirt with doing that. you brought up an interesting point about people, though, still in the fbi or in the doj that do have these clearances. we are hearing word here at fox news that there may be some people coming forward, may be some whistle-blowers that might like to talk about how james comey ran these operations, how he dealt with the clintons and how he dealt with the trump campaign. if you guys were still in the government, would you guys come forward and testify and lawyer up? the good news, the oig report is about to come out and the oig has the ability to protect the whistle-blowers within the department of justice and within the fbi. so hopeful and optimistic that some of those folks will do the right thing and get protected by the oig, and we might see some of their content coming out in his report. jesse, they need to break down the blue wall of silence. when the ship is sinking, no one will throw you a life raft. according to the constitution, you have recourse to congress. and that s exactly what i did in 2002, and i won. i went to congress to report some of the spying on u.s. citizens. it s all a lie when they tell you they are after the russians. their tapping points in the fairview program are internal in the u.s. there are 11 points that they could pick up every foreigner into or out of or through the united states, if they stay at those 11 points, they get them all. jesse: the russians that they did indict, all they were doing was calling hillary names on facebook. not that bad. guys, gotta run, thank you. up next to incredibly compost fbi agents give us the inside story of what s happening inside the bureau right now. and, why current agents are reportedly so fed up that they want to testify before congress. if spygate is real, if the obama administration spied on a political component without justification, it could be the biggest scandal in history. so it s little wonder that james comey appointed by obama and fired by trump was involved, in full denial mode last night. you find it possible there was a spy inserted into his campaign by an intelligence agency? i don t find it possible and i know it not to be true which is why i m confident there will be something else bigger than waterproof gate next week. jesse: they are so disgusted with comey, they told the daily caller that they want to testify to congress that politics and incompetence at the top are destroying the bureau. here is how senator ron johnson, chairman of the senate committee responded to that report wednesday on the ankle. what surprised me as we haven t had fbi agents come forward to our committee. they are going to go to the press. and testify on what? we heard that when comey exonerated clinton, they were going to blow a basket, gasket basically. why did they come forward? jesse: it sounds like his problems may be just beginning. let s discuss spygate with two distinguished members of the bureau. in phoenix, fbi spokesperson john einar rally, and former fbi agent and counter terrorism expert chad jenkins who was awarded three bronze star metals as an army ranger. so i don t think these guys are getting their story straight, john. you heard at the top of the show, klapper said there was a spy in there, and then call me on the late-night shows that there wasn t a spy. it s kind of important to make sure everybody is on the same page, don t you think? i find it odd that director comey is going on the view. i will tell you that, agents across the board are not political. but at the top, there appears to be a problem there. if they were interested in russians, the first person you will talk to would be the person that was the victim of the russians and that didn t happen. jesse: no, instead they spied on that person and surveilled them. it s not good for james comey, he s basically contaminated the so-called crime scene. you have these agents in there and when you bring in the fake dossier and the illegal spying, it doesn t look good. if it was the court of law, this thing would get tossed. do you think this is the genesis of this anger by the booths at the fbi, or not? i think it is, jesse. we are at the point where the judge in this is the american people, and the american people are being lied to on all sides at this point. no one really knows where the truth lies, and at this point what we recommend is, this whole entire investigation, the special counsel, it needs to be declassified. we are at the point where the american society as a whole will fall in on itself if we don t get to the bottom of what the truth is. not the half-truth, but the full truth. the only way to do that is have these agents come out whether through subpoenas and testifying, something has to happen in order to get everything out there so that we can all decide and see for ourselves what is really taking place in this mess. jesse: there is a real insurrection brewing with the rank and file. james comey obviously not an admired leader. remember, we heard things about his leadership during the campaign. there were many people very upset with the way he treated the hillary clinton criminal probe. just look at the difference, john. hillary s people were given immunity and trumps people are going scorched earth. hillary destroyed evidence under subpoena and the truck people have given over millions and millions of documents. it s just very unfair to the average person with the way this thing has been handled politically by the bureau. for more than 100 years the fbi enjoyed this great reputation to defend the american people. i m afraid in the past couple of years, that reputation is diminishing not because of the rank and file like you said but because of the actions of people like this. in the past, the fbi has always been very clear. we treat both sides of the political aisle the same, but there are certainly problems there that are not congruent with the way one side is being treated versus the other. i agree with my colleague, we need to come clear here and let the american people know what is going on so we can have confidence in the fbi. jesse: there is lying taking place all over. tucker last night had joe digenova on and he had this to say about the atmosphere there. they are lying in the most unbelievably brazen and insidious way. if they were not spying on the trump campaign, why did they not just tell the trump people, the russians are coming after you, be careful. because that s not what they were doing. they were spying on the trump campaign trying to frame people and set them up. comey and klapper and brennan are a group of psychotics that can t stop lying. jesse: he made a point about setting up. you know, they were getting invited over to england and wined and dined, and had hotels and airlines paid for, they were getting set up for drinks with clinton donors. the flynn deal where he was ambushed without an attorney by peter strzok. you have the russian lawyer that granted an exceptional visa by loretta lynch to come into the country. she meets with the president of fusion gps before and after the trump tower meeting. looking back, a lot of it looks set up. do you believe it was set up? as an attorney, i would take this case in a heartbeat and claim entrapment at the very least. it doesn t look good, the objects, even if they have the best of intentions which i don t think existed, it looks bad. that s why these political cases, the fbi is so careful because they want to be concerned with how the public will perceive their actions. that wasn t done in this case, and it has hurt everyone. jesse: this is why, chad. they won t give any information to the congressional oversight people who have a constitutional right to use their oversight powers to look into what the fbi is doing. why are they stonewalling if everything was on the up and up? you are right, jesse. we are to the point where we can no longer say that the fbi and doj is a political, and they were the blindfold that lady liberty wears. that is gone, that ship has sailed. that goes back to my point, where we need to divulge everything. the truth needs to be told. you look at it, going back to james comey, i tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. i actually read his book and that s actually what changed my opinion of him. too often, number one he s always on the right side of history throughout. the only real vulnerability that he shares as may be being a bully to a college kid one time. outside of that, in his professional career, he makes every decision rightful every single time. then you out what happened with loretta lynch and bill clinton on the tarmac, there is political involvement in that. as the fbi director, he needed to address that. step up to the plate and be the leader that you need to be an address that if you are really truly trying to be apolitical. jesse: he s above it all and he s so sanctimonious. listen to what he said about the president to stephanopoulos. is donald trump unfit to be president? i don t think he s medically unfit to be president, i think he is morally unfit to be president. jesse: for a leaguer and an operator, political animal come up that really has a tough track record at the fbi with all these abuses piling up, i don t think he s fit to be casting moral judgment on the commander in chief. guys, gotta run. great talking to you. laura s interview with a former trump campaign advisor on what it was like to be targeted by an fbi informant, that s next. jesse: the russia investigation turned into spygate after the new york times reported last week that the fbi had placed at least one informant inside the trump presidential campaign. the informant met several times with carter page who only served briefly as an advisor to the trump campaign. michael cavuto said he was approached by a suspicious individual during the election. laura spoke with both paige and cavuto on monday about those experiences and here is a look back. let s start with you. you had a lot of contact with this informant. okay, whatever we want to call him. informant, spy, mole. i want to read one of the emails that he sent to you. i believe it was released by daily caller. dear carter, i find as the summer is on to ask how you are and what your plans are at this point. it seems attention has shifted from the collusion investigation to contempt in the white house, and how or if mr. scaramuchi will be accommodated there. i must assume this gives you some release. if you have time, get in touch. it would be great to catch up. when did you first meet this informant that we now know is an informant, and briefly tell us about that exchange? well again, similar to you in terms of being cautious about identity, i have also i never knew anything about the person i was speaking with who is a university professor at cambridge, in the u.k., at the time. i was invited to participate in a conference in july of 2016, and everything seemed totally normal. frankly, i had been falsely accused myself. we will see what happens in terms of if further details come out. but based on everything i have seen thus far, we still don t have any information. we know he was paid a million dollars over five years, pretty good money as a consultant or researcher. but we shall see. who started the conversation, how did the date begin? did he approach you or did he mention russian collusion first? it was a multi-day conference, and there were scholars and people from government, both from the united kingdom i know, but stay focused with me. did he approach you first or did you approach him? i don t even recall. we spent a couple days together. it was a long event over several days. what i m saying is, there were lots of scholars there. you have to know the process of grooming someone. when someone is an informant, they don t just go up to someone and say, i want to plant information on you or find out what you have. you try to win someone s trust over and that s how it goes. i never felt groomed. if he s good at doing that, then perhaps that s part of the game. but you don t know who mentioned the collusion issue first. i can t even remember. you know, i think russia was in the news, and a lot of politics sort of revolved around various news events, and so these various stories came up. we stayed in touch for over a year, and i m sorry to interrupt, but we have limited time. looking back on that, it does anything seem odd? you know when you look back and think, was a little odd. and given what we know now, odd, out of the ordinary, or maybe somewhat improper? i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. and it might be something but i might have otherwise expected. we had things happening with this dodgy dossier which was first debuted in september 2016 as a way of damaging the trump campaign, and destroying myself. he always seemed very sympathetic about that. so again, we will see. i like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and people that know him in washington and senior circles that i have spoken with afterwards say, you seem like a pretty decent guy. that would be the perfect person to use for it. maybe i m just cynical. but if only they gave you the benefit of the doubt. we ve been through the meat grinder at the investigation and he has all of these are really highly skilled interviewers, or prosecutors on his side. many of them, but not all of them, i have been a built-in animus against donald trump. you are very angry that you have been drawn into this. and i think carter has been through more of a meat grinder than i have. in fact when i first heard about this, i think in 2016 or 2017 about carter, i wasn t very kind in my criticism. they were treating them poorly and i think we owed carter an apology. and that was months and months or even years. i m angry, and i m surprised that carter is not. he is a greater man than i, i think. this is sick and twisted stuff. like carter said to come up this gentleman who shall not be named has a reputation of being very pro-american and very patriotic. if, in fact, he was brought into this under false circumstances or false pretenses as well, he s the kind of guy that a deep state would target. well, the dossier was the basis for getting this. i don t care what people say, it was all a big lie. without that dossier, carter page would not have been surveilled in the fall of 2016. that would not have happened. they were running to that russian oligarch to get him involved. and he said, i don t even like paul manafort, this is ridiculous. they were working this informant angle and they brought you in, michael, which we will get to in a moment. but i want to play for you what sally yates, the acting attorney general at the very beginning of the trump administration, and the one responsible for interviewing michael flynn at the beginning, i had to say. i think what we are saying here is, the president has taken is all out assault on the rule of law to a new level. and in this case, he s ordering up an investigation of the investigators who are examining his own campaign. that s really shocking. rob rosenstein is trying to strike a balance here between diffusing the situation, but also protecting the rule of law and the institutional integrity of the department. carter page, as i pointed out in the opening anger. the government under the obama administration has surveilled people and lied about that. and with clapper, whether it was the fbi under holder, surveillance journalists, they had a problem telling the history. your reaction? going to michael s point about things they did to me, president trump during the campaign would often say, this is not about me, this is about us. it s about terrible things that have been to so many people like michael, like some of the other people that are involved. they actually spoke very positively. i got a positive impression about the informant and a couple of people i mention him to. and the campaign, i was pretty positive with the endorsement. i hope and pray that all these allegations turn out to be false. and that s why i m somewhat open with my communications, it will lead to some truth finally for the department of justice. i have been asking for the doj to own up to these things. it s funny, the defamation suit that i have against a top media organization and doj, the media organization is actually much more honest than the false pleadings by the doj so far. all right, we have to play this james clapper for michael. he is basically just justifying the use of any type of informant. at the fork focus here with the intelligence community is not on the campaign per se, but what the russians were doing to try to instantiate themselves in the campaign or to influence and leverage that. so if there was someone who observes that sort of thing, that s a good thing. the russians pose a threat to the very basis of our political system. michael, you see a pattern here? former obama administration officials justifying spying on surveilling or whatever you want to call it, putting a mole in, and a hotly contested election here. final thought? you have spent time in russia, and the national security leadership that secretly spies on the entire citizenry of russia, and here we are in the united states with our own soliloquy under president obama. here s something that i know as a fact. this informant, the person they try to plant into the campaign and even into the administration if you believe axios, is not the only person that came with the campaign and i know because they came at me. i m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal it to the public, and this is just the beginning. i tell you, when we finally find out the truth about this, director klapper and the rest of them are going to be wearing some orange suits. michael cavuto and carter page, i hope we get to the bottom of this much sooner than people are predicting because the american people deserve to know who is behind us, who authorized it and how high up the ladder it went. thank you both for joining us tonight. jesse: we should note that the producer got in touch with the person he was just talking about and, he claims he was not working for any intelligence agency. we will see. next, americans may be fed up with russia, prussia, russia. we will show you what a new poll says and whether the russian obsession will backfire on democrats in november. jesse: welcome back to our the ingraham angle special of the russian cloud. it could backfire on the president s opponents. americans are growing tired of it. a poll shows that 30% of americans believe the investigation should stop immediately. 20% say the investigation should wind down with the next three months. and on wednesday, nancy pelosi heard from an increasingly skeptical public during our cnn town hall. if trump actually colluded with the russians, why wasn t he found guilty of it after a year of investigation? would there be some type of concrete proof? he knows there is an investigation going on under counsel molar, and that is where we wouldn t have any idea of what was going on in that, nor should we know what is going on in that investigation. it takes time. jesse: are democrats putting too many eggs in the mueller basket? let s ask conservative commentator and fox news contributor rachel campos duffy in wausau, wisconsin. so, ladies first. we will start with you, because i m a gentleman. i think the democrats should just nominate mueller. that s the only thing they can have that stopped president trump. they don t have anything else. every day that they talk about russia and trump and that the republicans talk about america, it s a winning day for republicans. i heard your poll numbers earlier, the one poll number we should focus on his 75% which is the americans that give donald trump credit for crushing it on the economy. the democrats are frustrated right now and there are a few people out there that are trying to raise the red flags. one of them is a former clinton camp person saying, get off the special counsel, get off of russia. come up with a a message because you don t have one. and that s a problem coming into the midterm. jesse: do you think that s a disservice, because they haven t crafted any coherent message around policy that can jive with the voters. i don t know if that is the case. if you follow social media and the resistance movement, certainly they talk about russia all the time. there are other networks that talk about russia all the time. but i think the candidates that are out on the trail all across the country, looking forward to november, they are talking about other issues. they are talking about jobs and the economy and climate change, and other things that are topical to their district. jesse: i don t think i would talk about climate change, that s not the best policy prescription for the midterms. but i understand when people are politicking and pressing the flesh of the barbecues, they talk one on one about stuff that is good for the local district. but the megaphone with the media, the machine, the democratic party apparatus, they are not talking about kitchen table issues, they are talking about impeaching, talking about russia, i don t even know what their slogan is next midterm. absolutely. the message from the democrat party is not just russia, but also, vote for us, we will impeach donald trump. the american people i don t think are buying that. that s why we are seeing this blue wave turned into a trickle because of that. jesse: pelosi is not even buying that and if it s too crazy for pelosi, maybe they should reconsider. very true. i think they counted on to things. they thought they could have 24/7 bad press on trump, and we all know it s a 90% bad press on him. they thought they could start with this whole russia hoax, and they thought they could continue their resistance. i know our guest here, jason altmear says, the resistance. well the resistance isn t the democrat party and i think the american people see that. what they didn t count on was a, a year and a half of spying on trump and trying to frame people from his camp campaign, they have come up with nothing in a year and a half, zero evidence. and there s something else that they didn t expect. they didn t expect him to crush it on the economy, to decimate vices, to really keep all of the promises that he did on the campaign trail. i can tell you that here in wausau, wisconsin, when i talk to people, that s the one thing that i hear the most. whether they agree with him or not, they say this is a guy that keeps his promises. voters didn t expect that because they got cynical and didn t think it would happen. jesse: jason, what do you think about that? i wouldn t say they have come up with nothing, there have been 17 indictments and five guilty pleas. jesse: nothing to do with collusion. two of those guilty pleas have to do with russia, and certainly, the mueller investigation is not complete. we don t know what the investigation is going to do. and both had to do with russia. the one having to do with russia is not collusion. and with papadopoulos, he got the date wrong. then the investigators that interviewed flynn, they came back and said they didn t think he was lying. but he pled guilty so i think that s pretty clear. i m not prejudging what the report is going to say, i m simply saying that it is an ongoing investigation. there have been laws broken and there have been guilty pleas and indictments. i don t buy this witch hunt idea. this is a legitimate issue and let s get to the bottom of it. jesse: you are turning all around, because these abuses keep stocking up on the democrat side when they were in office, and it may not look too good once we get everything straightened out. i have to run guys, thank you. i couldn t agree with you more, jesse. we are sitting on the mother of all scandals. jesse: as president trump says, we will see what happens. up next, we reveal the leverage the president s legal team is now using to get the special counsel to end its investigation of the president, up next jesse: the trumpet legal team trump legal team has gone on to the offensive. giuliani told the huffington post that they could probably decide by june 12 went to testify in front of mueller s team, but he also told the washington post the president was still likely to meet with north korean president kim jong un then mueller. and he tweeted that that still could happen. let s look into legal strategies with attorney and democrat roger coyle and kenneth delvecchio of new jersey. it s my opinion, kindness, the president shouldn t go near bob mueller for a few reasons. one, i don t trust mueller. number two, the president has a big mouth and he likes to talk a lot. and that s not a good strategy when you are facing a possible indictment by someone who doesn t seem to like you too much. absolutely under no circumstances should he go and speak with special counsel. and if there is nothing good that can come out of it. you don t go and talk with u.s. attorneys, with the justice department, unless you are dead in the water. since trump is innocent, and he s only going to go there to get his words potentially twisted, to get some bogus obstruction or perjury charges filed against him. and you have to look at it first from a criminal law perspective. as a criminal lawyer, i would advise him 100% not to go. now, the political angle is secondary, deep second. what are the political ramifications? mueller will do what, subpoena him in front of a grand jury? so he will take the fifth. jesse: it just doesn t look good when whoever you are, i it doesn t look good. i think president trump owes it to the american people to let us know what happened in this investigation. i know the two of you think the whole thing is a hoax and the whole thing is made up. jesse: i didn t say it was a hoax, i said it was fishy based on the facts. i think the facts show as your previous guest said, we have 17 indictments. and by the way, what you are going to say is, it s not about collusion. well guess what it s about? obstruction of justice. you want to focus on the collusion with russia, so when you have people jesse: he can fire people for whatever reason he wants. so how could he be charged with five people around the president, people very close to him have pled guilty. you are a criminal lawyer, you were a judge and prosecutor. people don t do that casually. what they should just do is let the facts and let the process run. the reason why i think the president should sit down with an interview with bob mueller and jesse: he pled guilty, that had nothing to do with it. there is no obstruction because number one, he has the right to fire anybody he wants anytime he wants. if a u.s. attorney knows that an underling is investigating somebody who he knows is innocent, let s say the guys name is bob, and he is investigating bob for murder. but the u.s. attorney himself knows that he is innocent because he was with him at the time of the murder, not only does he have the right to end of the investigation, he has the duty. so if donald trump knows he is and people around him know he s innocent, he had a duty almost to end the mueller investigation. jesse: so he goes to talk to mueller. if the president has nothing to hide, why doesn t he sit down with bob mueller? because he has the right to remain silent. justice is politically, he should not be guiding this. the man s constitutional rights to protect themselves should be guiding it and he should be treated the same as everyone else. jesse: clinton went and talked to a grand jury and you know what happened? perjury. this network was very supportive of that, so what changed? jesse: i just said, don t go talk to the grand jury if you have nothing to hide. and what did bill clinton do? he went to talk to the grand jury and he was convicted of perjury. what would you do if you are donald trump? it s a risky proposition. i have a great idea for justice. why don t we pack the office of special counsel, just like there has been talk about packing the supreme court. put nine special councils altogether and they all have to vote to even seek an indictment or even seek a warrant. let me say this very quickly. the american people deserve, no man is above the law. we will agree to that, it s a political process. the ultimate jury will be in the 2018 and 2020 elections where the american people pass judgment. jesse: i think we can all agree on that. guys, gotta go. we will be right back. that s all the time we that is (we had tonight. don t forget to watch waters world tonight. charlie and the chocolate factory. tommy laren and diamond ansell. lauren will be back monday, memorial day special in defending the first. have a wonderful weekend. take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices. welcome to fox news at night. this is a fox news alert. looks like kim jong un may have blinked, the singapore summit with north korea could still happen in a couple weeks. the breaking details from the white house straight ahead. there may be a slim chance the pres. will get funding for the border wall before the midterms. is immigration debate about to take another shift, we will talk to california republican jeff

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fox coverage. first let s go to brian near the clinton s home in westchester county with brand-new information on the fbi s involvement. brian? jesse, the fbi said the packages sent to eric holder, the obamas, and the clintons, george soros, and to cnn were all similar. they were all the same type of packaging. the potential explosive devices were packed into heavy manila envelopes with computer-generated headers. gail had six american postage stamps and all of the packages had the return address of debbie wasserman schultz and her name was misspelled. on tuesday night, a package sent to the clinton s was intercepted before it reached her home and chappaqua, new york, a screening technician spotted at where they checked all of the clinton mill. now, president bill clinton was at home at the time. former secretary hillary clinton had been campaigning in florida. in the meantime this morning, this explosive device was mailed to cnn s headquarters in new york. it was just a former cia director john brennan, who was a contributor at cnn. it contained fires, an envelope filled with white powder. now, the time warner center was evacuated. it was part of the bomb squad facility to be investigated. here in chappaqua, we re 15 minutes away from the home of george soros, the billionaire philanthropist and mega democratic donor, and you will remember that on monday at a package was delivered to his mailbox. investigators are now looking at surveillance tape to deliver whether or not that package, which had an explosive device, was hand delivered, put into the mailbox, and not brought there via the mailing system. jesse? jesse: thank you very much. let s bring in john roberts with the latest reaction from the white house. john? the president saying earlier today that he is angry, upset, and not satisfied at all with what has been going on here. the president also promising to bring the full weight of the federal government onto the investigation to get to the bottom of this and try to quickly find out who was responsible. when you take off the list of names of people who got these devices, hillary clinton, barack obama, john brennan, eric holder, maxine waters, george soros, they count among the the president s fiercest rivals or critics. the president was very careful to stay away from politics. listen here. in these times, we have to unify. we have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts with rights of any kind have no place in the united states of america. the president made those remarks this afternoon to talk about progress being made in the war against opioid addiction. that is a particularly favorite issue of melania trump, the first lady, as part of her be the best campaign, and to the surprise of a lot of people, she was addressing this afternoon. she waited on the mailings. we cannot tolerate those cowardly attacks, and i strongly condemn all violence. the president will be leaving the mill house shortly heading for a campaign rally in wisconsin just south of wausau. the president urging unity against political violence in that same event earlier today. however, when he gets on the campaign trail tonight, he is going to be in a highly competitive state, one where the republican governor, scott walker, is in some difficulty. i think in a sense of political comity when it comes to defending these races may go out the window, but maybe there is a difference, jesse, i don t know, when it comes to the harsh rhetoric when it comes to the rhetoric to try to win, i m not sure how you do that. jesse: is a tightrope to walk tonight. we want to let the viewers know, john brennan works for msnbc, not cnn. a really sad day for the countr country, the president looking very sad and somber at the white house, now he s got a big rally tonight, turn out the base for the midterms. a tough situation for the country and for the president and both political parties. dana: one of the things hy number one responsibility is the people. i also think, this is a big deal. he had just had a briefing from the u.s. secret service, department of justice, fbi, and the department of homeland security. they are coordinating with the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, and the nypd, washington, d.c. this is something that they train for, they planned for, it is unfortunate. the good news for america is that the u.s. secret service, a very good investigators. they have great leads, the ability to track this down, plus, thankfully, because none of these dental ranges, they have the evidence to look through, find a fingerprint, cross-check with social media posts. i m not trying to downplay it. it s extremely serious, there could be more out there, but the full weight of our investigative capabilities makes it all the more likely that this will be caught sooner than later. jesse: hopefully as soon as possible. what do you think about the targets here, all high profile, very harsh critics of this president, it just a series of male bombings to these individuals, does this make any sense to you? greg: you can draw a number of conclusions. you can say, well, this is somebody that doesn t make these people, but i would say this is not a normal act, so don t act like it s a normal act by a normal person triggered by rhetoric. it is an act of terror by, likely, a deranged perpetrator or a group. but when i look at stuff like that, it looks almost always like it is a single person. but i am a weight-and-c guy. at times like this , you should have less speculation, not my speculation. the problem is, you are required to fill time and speculate, but i realize when it comes to mass shootings and suspicious packages and certain events, the first conclusion is often the first conclusion on twitter is never the right one. the guy that comes out first usually ends up looking like an idiot. you need less speculation, that s better. i want to say this is an illustration, how easy it is to disrupt a free society with fear and panic. one person or a handful of people can have an impact of millions with boxes, pipes, and postage. i think the upside of this is that it is so shocking because it s rare, and we have to remind ourselves it shocks us, because back in the 1970s, this wasn t rare. this was a common problem. they were actual terror groups, domestic terror groups, more than a handful of them, who were setting bombs, pipe bombs, trying to kill police officers, this was a regular thing in the early 70s, mitt 70s. so this is a rare, disgusting events. it is an act of terror. but to go and try to speculate on anything without first having an arrest or suspect, i would stay away from it. jesse: i think recently trump family members received white powder in the mail, and trump cabinet members received ricin, but this takes it to a whole nother level when you look at the level of democratic officeholders, former president presidents, former attorney general s, and george soros is very, very influential person in the democratic party in terms of fund-raising and things like that. what do you make about today s event? juan: when i listen to you guys talk about the rally tonight and how the president would have to walk a tightrope, what strikes me is that his rhetoric is quite incendiary at these events. i don t think this is representative of his supporters anyway, but i do think there are people out there who hear him very clearly when he says, oh, those democrats, lock up hillary clinton, barack obama, he is not really an american. these people want to do with i.c.e., they don t want borders. these are people who want to turn america into it the rhetoric. and he is the one who always said, go ahead and punch them. i ll pay your legal bills. the big problem around here is that we don t want to hurt anyone anymore. that kind of rhetoric, i don t care if you are republican are democrat, that doesn t cite violence. a number people on the left, the instinct, and i think it s a mistake, would be to jump and say, i know exactly the force of this. jesse: you just did. you just said it s frederick. juan: i think you and dana both spoke to this. he uses fear to stir his face. jesse: you are implying that because this? juan: i am implying that is the society we live in today. i think it is when the pants are political opponents as people who are not americans, not patriots, not worthy, and then it invites the kind of loan actor, someone who may deranged, to participate in this. jesse: is there a line between this? emily: with all due respect to juan, it is irresponsible to make that assumption, that tither that rhetoric causes it. recently we had a former democratic staffer that was charged with multiple felonies for dousing three centers. you can t isolate not only that brings me to my next point, we shouldn t isolate this, or should we should include a larger spectrum of what this act means. so there was an explosive device. there was also powder, as he pointed out. those are trick with different things. when i got my death threat is a federal acting director, i was able to call in federal service services, opd, they were active doorstep within 30 minutes. my point is, the resources, there is a whole spectrum of them, and they treat every threat. the word credible threat, that s a misnomer. every threat is credible. nothing is isolated or ignored, and that speaks to integrity of the secret service and fbi. jesse: the secret service did an excellent job today and couldn t do an excellent job. more breaking news on the suspicious packages ahead. but first, democrats in a major flip-flop on immigration. we are going to show you the video next on the five. so a tree falls on your brand new car and totals it. and as if that wasn t bad enough, now your insurance won t replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won t replace your car, what good is it? 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because they know the republicans in the u.s. border patrol will end up being the bad guys. we always are. and bail them out. it s perfect for democrats because really, it s all about feeling good. it s all theater, and the evil characters or anyone who thinks critically, and a hero, the progressive who pushes emotion without consequence, and he wins because he can fake empathy, still have a border, and a villain to blame it on. it s great being a kid. you can demand the dumbest things and secretly hope your parents aren t listening. what do you think of my theory, dana, that the democrats need republicans to be the bad guys because they know that they are going to pull the band-aid off, they are going to ground the students, you know what i mean? dana: i was thinking about a blind taste test, just to comments from republicans and democrats when they were in charge and then republicans and the george bush term, then president obama. blind test. read them. i think it would be hard-pressed to find any disagreement. that is what is so frustrating about this issue. greg: my theory, emily, when you are out of power, you can say things you really don t mean, then you get into power, suddenly you grow up and go, well, you ve got to have a border. emily: absolutely. just to build on what you said in your opening, i think that the less framed, the coverage and conversation, either it is emotional and moral or you are totally devoid of compassion. and you can t have both. the irony to me is the fact that that all all-or-nothing approah does a disturbance in that compassion arena to all of the s included, and all the central american and some southern american countries that are affected in a multitude of areas, economically and politically and criminally. there are so many other issues that i would think it would be the greater humanitarian and compassionate position to be honest and complex about that coverage and conversation. greg: jesse, i think there is a lot of dishonesty and pushing an event that has no positive outcome for the people involved. sooner or later they re going to hit something that isn t going to let them in. everybody else can walk away and do another story. this story may be over in a couple of days, but you know it? we have incited a couple of caravans and they are going to fail at some point. jesse: they are, and i m the most compassionate guy at this table. greg: i believe that. at least the top five. jesse: yet i m portrayed as mean-spirited because i want to maintain the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the united states and country that i love. i treat this country like a house. i want to know who is coming in, and i want to invite them when they come in, and i think every american agrees with me. and i want hungry foreigners to come to america and make money and achieve success, but i also don t like foreigners controlling u.s. immigration policy. i d like americans to control u.s. immigration policy. so when you see a bunch of impoverished strangers from central america kind of hostility rushing north, and they are chanting things about our president and wearing t-shirts that kind of are a little defensive and they are paying coyotes cash and when they meet up with a bunch of lawyers from the aclu south of the border and they are coached on what to say in order to get, a lot of americans look at that and are a little uneasy on that. all we are saying is, don t cut in line. come here in an orderly process. we want a fair and orderly immigration system. but we also want compassion for americans. yuma and, i think, arizona, being overwhelmed by immigrants who are just dumb to barbecue border patrol because they can t hold them. the townspeople of yuma are feeling like, what is happening to our town? we didn t vote for this, where is the compassion for them? greg: juan, a second caravan starting, obviously they re getting encouragement by seeing this one, then they start another, so that is the consequence of this. juan: i think it is the consequence of the failure of this president to enact any kind of immigration policy. obviously the horrible things he was doing to children at the border has not acted as a disincentive. in fact, now we see instances like i wanted to say to you, greg, that to me, i was thinking to myself, wow, so i guess the democrats clearly are not people who are opposed to borders or opposed to keeping illegals out. what we saw at the top of this segment was democrats saying, we need borders, we need legitimate protection, but maybe we don t need a wall that s not going to be effective. but the second thing to say here is that, again, you demonize people, and today, right-wing media fights were showing a picture of what looked like a beaten mexican cop, the picture was from 2012. greg: i didn t demonize anybody, juan. juan: it rather than saying that we have humanitarian crisis right now and that we need to hp people and deal with this crisis so that we don t have new lines forming, instead, the oakley emphasis is on, oh, the democrats are on the bad one. i wish republicans would say, you know what, i understand, that somebody is pushing a fair button, and it s the kind of thing that then leads people to conclude, oh, we should go after the democrats. greg: emily: , juan, i think it s unfair to say that they don t want to change the problem. they have tried to change, and when you say that the ball won t work, i disagree with you. democrats don t want the ball because they know it will work. juan: it won t work. greg: if i wanted to grow why won t it work? juan: i ll tell you quickly. most people that come into this country, and overstay visas, they come on airplanes coats spewing the wall won t prevent people from coming over on an airplane. i agree with you. greg: is the democrats dream of a midterm blue wave dream that? that s next. ids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that s why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. oh! oh! ozempic®! 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[cheers and applause] juan: so, emily, what do you make you see these former obama administration officials, you see democrats now, everybody saying, it s going to be close, we knew it was going to be close. are they covering their tracks? they were talking about a blue wave. emily: probably. i think there was a bit of danger associated with calling it a blue wave because that might lead to wake of or in light of or ironically after the whole kavanaugh debacle, women are more than any other electio election, and no polls matter except for after the election. everything is always going to be probably wrong, a huge margin of error, we learned that multiple times, and i think the races that matter or will be fascinating are the ones outside of washington state, the legislators and governors, and i think that is where a lot of policy will be driven, especially with the climate we are in in terms of the state laws. that s going to be an interesting arena moving forwar forward. juan: a lot of concern about what the messaging is. the president has been traveling principally to red states, oftentimes to rural areas. he doesn t go to cities. it looks like he s saying, i m going to charge up my base. are those the people who are voting early? jesse: obviously it s the midterms, kind of an october surprise, not a political conspiracy with these mailings. it changes the dynamic and a huge way. think about it. right now it takes the caravan completely off the front page. it really puts kavanaugh more in the rear mirror. then the mob narrative, it doesn t neutralize it, but it slows it down temporarily. i think the president right now has to think to himself, right now, is not dominating. 99% dominating, usually never on the defensive, but he is going to be a little bit on the defensive after these attempted bombings because the media is going to blame him. if already started to blame him. he s got a choice. does he sit back and try to rise above it or does he fight back. he s going to fight back and say something and there s going to be a brick wall. you can see it now. democrats probably feel a little vindicated when they look at some of these attacks because they think, we ve been saying that the president s rhetoric is going to cause violence and because political civil war in this country, and look what is happening. republicans are probably looking at this and saying, probably feeling a little bit guilty, some right-wing psychopath and feeling depressed, kind of started to feel, with the trump presidency, but this brings a whole lot more instability to the trump presidency. they are a little unnerved with what is going on. juan: our local media maven is dana perino. dana, i wanted to ask about messaging. the democrats have been focusing on health care is the message, and it looks like they are continuing to do so despite the fact that it now looks like the senate really is going to stay red. dana: there are reasons for that. do democrats focus on health care for a good reason. every poll shows, including the fox news poll, it is the number one issue. i think republicans didn t realize that the issue of pre-existing conditions, no matter how many times they say, we are for covering pre-existing conditions, it is just a way for the democrats to get in there and get under peoples skin. two weeks is an eternity. political winds can change. two thinks will be happening. president trump will continue to saturate the airwaves. it s a strategy that worked in 2016 and he s going to write that again. the 2020 democrats have realized that elizabeth warren getting that last week and trying to show that she is indian, native american, fl five. you don t see a lot of the 2020 democrats getting ahead of the midterm elections, going to wait until the starting pistol goes off. that will be at midnight. juan: what do they do for messaging, you ve heard mitch mcconnell saying, yeah, the deficit is exploding after the tax cuts, but that is because of entitlement spending, not necessarily because of the tax cuts. how do you make sense of that? greg: we have incredible achievements you can point to, who would have thought that donald trump, you ve got nonexistent unemployment, you think it s a bad model, compared to what the dems have, which is nothing, those three stooges, those actually worked for obama, they remind me of guys with clipboards on the street trying to sign to help pay for the greenpeace tugboat. do you have a mentor? actually an electronic kiosk at the airport. had me take that seriously? that s hilarious. the democrats are in such a commanding position that if i were a democrat, i wouldn t worry too much about voting. it s in the bag. i would say, on voting day, if you are a democrat, start partying early, maybe start the night before, get hammered. it s all in the bag. don t go out. juan: the latest form of voter oppression. hey, you young people, you white women, stay home, stay home. these guys have got it. they are going to the polls. randy developments on the investigation into who may be responsible for the packages seo democrats today. all that right here on the five. we ll give you the latest. ways to lose stubborn belly fat. the roasted core wrap. 3, 2, 1. not cool. freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting? 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emily: rick, thank you for that. president trump is condemning the political tax while also calling for national unity. this egregious conduct is abhorrent to everything we hold dear and sacred as americans. we are extremely angry, upset, unhappy about what we have witnessed this morning, and we will get to the bottom of it. emily: so, jesse, will we have unity or is there going to be more blazing? jesse: well, i remember after the scalise shooting, there was a call for unity which lasted about a week. i don t expect this to last more than a couple of days. unfortunately, this country is so divided that something even as heinous as this isn t going to bring us together. with that said, everyone is speculating on the motives. we still don t know the motive of the las vegas shooter, so for people to think we are going to get to the bottom of this now, they have no clue. these investigations couldn t go anyway. right now, all signs are pointing to some lunatic right-wing psychopathic loner or a group of people, but you don t know what the investigation could find. they could find anything. i think it s safer for everybody to wait and see what happens and then we can comment on the facts. emily: and so, juan, today we have had threats and suspicious packages to political figures and also in the media. and just recently we had the capital gazette newsroom being shot up and multiple people killed. how do you account for that lack of memory, that goldfish memory that the nation seems to have, that we could unity that jesse just described, why is that? i think it s pretty obvious we have a president who likes to divide people. but to me, the sad part is, if you think back to something like 9/11 and all the flags we saw in every neighborhood, those moments of cohesiveness are easily dissolved when you have people who decide, you know wha what, it s easy enough to tellhe enemy, you mentioned the shooting at the capital gazette in annapolis. but there is a constant language from the rally. to me, this is disturbing. i m with jesse on this one. i don t think we know what s behind it or who is behind it, but i can say i live in america today, we are not only divided, we are being intentionally divided. we talk about the russians going at the various fissures in american society, whether it be race or income or party. and this is where we are. and i think president trump thinks that pushing that fear button, telling lies about the caravan, oh, it s just fine, just a political tactic in a midterm campaign. well, no, it hurts. dana: i just want to jump in here. we should not blame people for violence if they are not responsible for it. greg: thank you. dana: the capital gazette, let s go back, this was a person who sent letters to the editor and was known to the capital gazette that was not about political speech. that was about how a deranged person had a gun and how he was able to get in there. that was thought that was about. there was a tangential relationship to say, we shouldn t say the president is the enemy of the people. absolutely agree. but if we blame people that are speaking juan, last night, your one more thing was about the important of the first amendment and freedom of speech. speech is not action, speech is speech, and we have to given that in mind. there is a first amendment for a reason. let s not take the capital gazette example. juan: emily brought it up, and i think it s legitimate, by the way. when you have a president who says, i really loved body slamming this dana: he didn t slam the reporter. greg: it s a joke. you are incapable of telling the difference between something serious and a joke. by the way, if you want to sit here and blame him for the rhetoric, it goes both way, sir. juan: what about it? greg: let me finish. you had your soliloquy. if you had your soliloquy. if you want to blame rhetoric, if you want to blame violence on rhetoric, everybody is guilty. you could go after the networks for specials on police brutality, linking back to the death of cops. you could talk about how much anti-drum coverage there is and you could link that to death threats against him. it s something that is so meaningless. if you blame rhetoric then you let the real people off the hook, and some of those people just happen to be fringe frickin cycles. you ll do this every day. you ll take everything you can and throw it on trump. it s so comical, it is funny. it s funny to me. juan: imagine that, because trump goes after democrats for turning into socialists, not only that, what about the enemy of the people, george soros jesse: if we re going to slam him, let s thank him accurately. juan: you close your eyes, trump is just talking. greg: i was so good on trump when he was running. emily: don t go anywhere, you guys. we re going to lighten things up with wild card wednesday when we come back. dana: that s a good song. all right, it s time for this. it s wildcard wednesday. we each pick topics, put them in this hat. none of us know the other stories. going to pick one. number one, san francisco now has an app to help residents report on public walkways. let s people figure it out, you can take a photo, get it cleaned up. was this yours? emily: it was mine. greg: you are bay area, you know, it s sad. emily: it took someone not from the bay who moved to the bank, a guy who moved to vermont to create it, he texted when you find, not only human feces, but needles. it was over let s see, i wrote it down. oh, 24,000 direct calls to public works. he created this app, and as my home cities across the bay, it s such a shame. greg: the whole city, it s full of crap. i had to take an escalator coming out of part, the escalator was broken, one of the tall escalator. why, because it is clogged with feces. they had to open up the whole escalator. dana: next one, report, 25% of millennial say they are suffering from ptsd because of the 2016 2016 election. come on, guys. average stress hormone similar to witnesses of a mass shooting. that s an insult. greg: it s really pathetic. jesse: this is, like, a couple months after experiencing firsthand a mass shooting. think about how psychologically scarred that would be. a school shooting, watching friends getting blown away. that s how people feel about trump s election. can you believe that, it juan? how scary is that. juan: yeah, but i can believe it. jesse: no. are you suffering? juan: i remember election night. buddy, you re going to have a rough four years. i think you don t understand, this gets back to what we were discussing earlier, how divided trump has made this. dana: and not have ptsd like veterans. we have time for one more? $10,000, coaches like personal trainers for your dreams. a growing number of people peope turning to sleep coaches to help catch the shuttle shut eye. greg: they teach you how to sleep better? this was mine. my sleep coach, better than that, like seven bucks a bottle. if you re buying a sleep coach, you disgust me. juan: i think you are right, what did you say, nyquil? greg: zquil. dana: mine was a weighted blanket. it was a gift, i tried it out, i passed out immediately. it s amazing. a weighted blanket. jesse: all right, one more thing is up next. dge, weather. -clear skies and 75. -trash can, turn on the tv. -my pleasure. -ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. -okay. -and make ice. -pizza delivered. -what s happened to my son? -i think that s just what people are like now. i mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. even on social media. he ll be fine. -[ laughs ] -will he? -i don t know. little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not a cream. it s a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla,75% clearer skin is achievable. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. our big idaho potato truck and we re going to find it. awe man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. it s time now for one more thing. good news, jessie, for some lucky kids in new york city. rapper and businessman sean p did eat combs is putting a million dollars into a new charter school. it s about educating our children and bringing them up as leaders, bringing them up to fight for social justice, preparing them for this world that we live in. because this will be the third charter school he supports. he already has one in bridgeport, connecticut and another in manhattan and harlem. the rapper says he wants every kid to have a good shot at making it in america. and sean combs, let me say, i salute you because you are exactly right to do is focus on our children as a key to america s future. wishing to have him on the five one of these days. if there s a new podcast we recorded today, chris stirewalt and me, and it has a lot of stuff about them in terms. and it jesse, pbs air the last episode of the great american rita. it s very cute. but it was a contest, america participated to figure out which books do you like the most. to kill a mockingbird was number one, outlander, harry potter, lord of the rings, and others. to kill a mockingbird, my father s favorite book. my turn, the police are on the hunt for this man. british police are after this guy who stole some beers from a liquor store. does he remind you of somebody? everyone thinks it s david schwimmer. now, schwimmer actually responded to the story with this video, but he says, he has an alibi. he is actually in america when this happened. what about you? i don t know why everyone s pointing a finger at me. [laughter] by the way, they photoshopped that. why didn t they just go buy some beer and re-created it, and you would have had some beer. that s right. greg gutfeld? my podcast is up, at i interviewed one of the great writers of my life, about the new book the republican river which focuses on red states like kansas and nebraska, and why they are ready. if you want to get that, it s not here, you can have my coffee. two vermont candidates who are running for the house eat drew national attention because after they had a two hour debate in a local library they asked if he were participants to hold on a second because i had something extra. take a listen. [singing] it didn t sound good, but the point is that they did this duet and they were playing eddie vedder s society, and one of the voters said it, he me a lot of hope. i d like to see trump and biden do that after the election. capri: 21 is up next. bret: we begin tonight with what could be the hottest trend of domestic terrorism, package bombs. several suspicious packages were set to high-profile political figures, one in care of cnn over the past several hours. none of those bombs exploded, no one was hurt. the secret service says the bill and hillary clinton and former president obama were never in any danger from packages sent to them and intercepted by screeners. cnn evacuated its new york office is after a suspicious package was delivered and it discovered in its

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20181025

other top democrats, as well as cnn. sarah sanders addressing the threat moments ago. look at, the president has been made aware of the latest developments. as he said yesterday, he has continued to say from day one of taking office that we condemn violence and all forms. this is a despicable act. certainly something that should never take place in america. bill: still full coverage of where we stand, tribeca, that is near dinero s office. a starting on the investigative front with catherine herridge now. thank you, bill, and good morning. issued this statement is late yesterday, asking for the public s health, saying that no piece of information is too small. warning that war packages may be out there. newly identified package in new york city and another in delaware, targeting joe biden. within the last 72 hours, investigation is now within george soros arrived on monday, followed by former secretary of state hillary clinton, barack obama, john brennan, delivered to cnn. eric holder, and congresswoman maxine waters. the secret service confirmed yesterday that it s routine male screening intercepted two of the packages, and joined terrorism tax worse. donald trump too often has helped to incite some of these feelings of anger. it s not violence. it s what a lot of bullies and individuals do. emphasize that who or whatever it is responsible will feel the full brunt of the law. my highest duty as you know as president is to keep america safe. any threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself. and texas, he said that the earlier statement marked a turning point. it is important to note, though, that no suspect or motive or political agenda has been publicly linked to the packages by the fbi. bill: so we are learning some things. what we know about the similarities. none of them detonated. told fox news that there is a wealth of forensic evidence that is being analyzed by the fbi lab in virginia. it is also important to note that the fbi director highlighted a number of similarities yesterday. each package used a large manila envelope, sick stamps with american flags. the same return address, with debbie wasserman schultz s name and address in florida as well as computer printed address labels. tells fox that such printers can embed identification codes into the actual print, and that can link to the packages and in some cases, it can even trace back to the printer. so a lot of forensics to work with on the investigative side, bill. bill: thank you, catherine. it we are going to lean on you a lot yet again. sandra: back to new york now. the package sent to dr. robert de niro recovered in manhattan. live on the scene there now. brian. good morning. a at the tribeca film center hee in tribeca new york and downtown manhattan, security personnel noticed an image or i m sorry, a package that looked similar to the ones that were sent out yesterday and the days prior. called the nypd, showed up, ask for that particular package, and it decided that it was deemed necessary to put it into the side of a containment vehicle. delivered many of these package packages. see where we are further after after that appeared in terms of the similarity s, we are talking about what catherine herridge was just talking about. have yellow manila envelope, excessive poster stamps, the american flag. and apparently also, this package was found not only in the tribeca film center, it is cofounded by robert de niro. also next to the tribeca girl, which is also coowned by robert janeiro. the package was addressed to robert janeiro, and of course he is a very vocal critic of donald trump. the other packages were sent to other prominent democrats. sandra: we are waiting for more details to come out in the coming minutes and hours. still on a high state of alert this morning. yeah, new york governor says that this is they have also doubled state police and law enforcement in iconic places like times square. and james o neill said yesterday that they are looking at security images, security cameras, particularly at the time warner building where a package was sent to cnn yesterday. they believe, according to the commissioner, that they have captured images of the courier who delivered that package to cnn. i also would stress that there are cameras around here. there is a camera behind me actually in the corner of this building, and i can imagine that the nypd would be looking at all of that surveillance video as they try to determine how this package that was sent to robert janeiro was delivered. by courier or otherwise? sandra: branyan is a new york city on the breaking news this morning. thank you. bill: so you ve got the fbi, the secret service. they are all involved. fred byrne was with us yesterday when the news broke. we welcome him back yesterday. live in austin, texas. thank you for your time. putting together what we think we know at the moment, what do you think? well, i am not surprised. they tended to put together several ids and mail them out. next will be for me, from my perspective, predicated upon the news coverage now, will the bomb maker shift his tactics to which we saw? he is waiting, watching to see what will be the reaction, and if he has more construction, who is going to be next on the target list. bill: interesting. yesterday, you said repeatedly in the middle of all this, you set i want to remind the viewers that not one bomb went off. now, why is that significant? well, i think the significant part of that aspect is that the bomb maker, and it might be different than the person that is delivering it. let s keep that in mind. the focus here might be nothing more than panic and sheer terror versus actual harm. so by now, the fbi and atf know exactly what the poem is. i would not be surprised to see some aggressive investigative developments today. so it might be simply what we are seeing unfold right now. bill: okay. so there was no note that we know of so far. there were six forever stamps. a courier drop them off. apparently hand-delivered to george soros home on monday. others perhaps went to the post office. there is no markings on these packages. what s with that indicate from an investigative standpoint? bill: will, in all probability here, you have a singleton, alone bomb maker that is probably delivering or causing these to be delivered by himself. in all probability it is male. i think that it would be a good forensic footprint across the whole spectrum from trace evidence. to the composition of the actual ids. and the cctv will probably lead to the bomb makers captured by end of business today. bill: wow it, today? do you believe that? i do. let s keep in mind for your viewers, our entire counterterrorism focus since 9/11 is geared specifically to quickly apprehend to them. the austin bomb maker got away with that so long because he shifted tactics. if he sticks to his m.o., he will be captured very quickly. bill: can you say now whether investigators believe these devices were real or not? were they made with the intent to cause harm? there is no doubt that the fbi, forensic lab, and atf know the answer to that question specifically. perhaps there was something as simplistic as a firing train mishap, and these were actually made or intended to go, but with the fact that none of them have detonated, i think it was sheer panic. bill: panic. panic and fear, bill. it could be something as simple as a typo. it could be purposeful. there will be psycholinguistic analysis conducted on things such as not to try to make sense of that. so that s going to be interesting. i think we re going to be surprised when the bomb maker is taken into custody. typically, you will find that individuals like this have a range of different motives and intentions, but what i would be really interested right now if i was involved is a shift in tactics. will he go somewhere else? will he pick other kinds of tactics? or will he keep to the actual plan that he has formulated in his mind? bill: two final questions here. do you believe that this person is incredibly skilled or far from it? i don t think he is an incredibly skilled. i think it is fairly simple to put together what he has done. i think you re going to find that he is above average in intellect. these are not stupid people that put these kinds of devices together, so to me, that is going to be interesting. what kind of job does he have, education level, and what does he do from 8:00-5:00 every day? bill: why do you think that this case will be cracked by the end of the day? i think by looking at cases like this, we never had the resources in my day to deal with a problem like this. now the entire system is geared to two very quickly people just like this. and therefore i think by now they have cctv footage of the suspect, i wouldn t be surprised if they re not watching 70 perhaps, like we saw in the boston bombing. they are just putting the pieces of the case together. bill: fred burton, thank you for your expertise. fred burton dealt with the boston bomber. got a lot of media attention. we forget how he changed his tactics and law enforcement tracked him down in due time. sandra: on fox earlier today, making a similar forecaster that perhaps by end of time, he was suggesting that the suspect would be in handcuffs. bill: we can only hope, right? sandra: s continuing coverage as it we tell the story. how the president is responding. bill: and other big story to come, negotiating with mexico on the response of the migrant caravan, making its way north. the president still saying that military intervention is on the table, so where do we go from here? james lankford is here. we will talk about that and all of the other news of the day. coming up. the crisis on the border, and it is a crisis, it s crazy. it s crazy. right now, is this will result of democrat laws and democrat judges that do whatever they want. and that prevent us from returning illegal aliens. one of the biggest successes we had early on, was entering agreements with the epa on cleaning up the property. we re recycling over 98% of the products on site. the impact that this project will have on the community will be enormous. ato be there. for the good. and not so good. for the mundane. the awe-inspiring. the heart racing. the heart breaking. that s what life is all about. showing up. unless migraine steals your chance to say i am here. that s why, we created aimovig.. a preventive treatment for migraine in adults. one dose, once a month. aimovig is proven to reduce the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. the most common side effects are pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site and constipation. these are your days what will each one bring? doesn t matter, as long as you can say. i am here. talk to your doctor about preventing migraine with aimovig. and be there more. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. whoooo. here s a trip tip! when you search hotels on tripadvisor. enter your destination and the dates of your stay. tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. to find the best deal on the right hotel for you. any acts or threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself. we want all sides to come together in peace and harmony as part of a larger national effort to bridge our devise and bring people together. the media also has the responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories. bill: from wisconsin last night, big rally. president from condemning the string of mail bombings. as you heard last night, calling for the media to change the ton tone. could be a delicate dance on all of this. when you look at our elections. what is your sense? look, i think the good news here, if there is good news, is that both parties and every gradient spot on the dial now seems to agree that the fellow rhetoric and the political space in which we live has real-life consequences, right? this is not your twitter feed. there are crazy and rotten and evil people who can be incited into bad actions by bad words. so the good news is that democrats and republicans and everybody seemed to know agree that the tone and tenor of our conversation has consequences. that s step one. step two is getting people to take their own inventory instead of the other sides. if only you would be better, if only the media, the democrats, republicans. let s put it this way. we need sister soldiers. remember when bill clinton called out black voters in particular, he said something he wasn t supposed to say, which is this cop killer language and these rap songs have consequences. it was shocking, and it won him admiration on the other side. take some accountability, take our own inventory. bill: that was 1995. i would have to google it to figure out more accurate data. we just ran the sound bites from austin, texas, last night. while all of this was happening yesterday afternoon, we got a statement from nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. protecting the american people, that is our first responsibility however, president trump s words ring hollow until he reverses his statements i condone acts of violence time and time again, the president has condoned physical violence with his words and his actions. they returned to before we had even nailed down facts, chris. this is reminiscent, if you recall, the clinton having said that we can start to be civil after we win back the house. once we take back congress, then we can start to be civil, but the republicans don t deserve stability until that point. i hate to say this, but this is not a political issue. this is a cultural, spiritual issue. we have the sickness in our country. and it is there. we will never solve it by looking to the people who profit from it, and that is in both parties. the president and congress. bill: did you hear sarah sanders earlier today? she had a very pointed comments about things that have been said about her. she gives specific examples. then you have the tweet from the president. a very big part of the anger that we see today is caused by inaccurate reporting of the mainstream media and fake news. it has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. mainstream media must clean up eggs acts. fast. now you have a strategy of sort sorts. coming from the white house on this. that s right. it s not about the white house is in a position to tell republicans to clean up their, and a democrats are in a position to tell them to clean up their acts. no change occurs because no responsibility is heated with the responsible party. it is also about well, you need to. so with the we that we are talking about, we need to unite, they mean you need to unite, you need to be a better job. and that s why we keep going, self-licking ice-cream cone, getting us nowhere. bill: steve scalise s had it right. 1992. thank you, sir. chris stirewalt. sandra has more. sandra: how the president is reacting. anthony scaramucci will join us live in studio next hour. plus this. well, it was a rough day in wall street yesterday. all in 2018, the gains completely wiped out, so what will we do today? 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(jodi sniffles) that s why we haven t discussed it. - i guess, yeah. - i m not gone yet. - i know. - but still. - [narrator] acceptance is guaranteed for people aged 45 to 85. coverage begins immediately and most claims are paid within 24 hours. call now for your free quote at the number on your screen. - it would be unfair for my granddaughter to be left with end-of-life expenses, whatever they are. - you don t know what tomorrow s gonna bring, so you gotta be prepared. you just got to be prepared. - [narrator] don t go another day without coverage. click or call for your free quote at the number on your screen. that s the number on your screen. bill: opening bell a mom to go on wall street. markets are now open for trading. we are up about 170 points at the opening. we will see how we do. the dow dropped 600 points. the nasdaq was off for them a half percent. the s&p was down 3%. in this world, maybe we bounce back. in one morning so far. sandra: you never know. a few seconds into training, popping 200 points. south perhaps seen as a buying opportunity. amazon reporting after the bell today. they are expected, bill. this is a big number. they are expected to report their fourth straight quarter of quarterly profits over a billion dollars. bill: that s real money. pretty extraordinary. sandra: we will see if that is enough to bring the dow back into positive territory for the year. bill: as we look at the down come of the larger index obviously. but 26.6 is our ultimate high. so we are off about many points from that. sandra: back into positive territory for the year. we will see if it can close there. you knew had a long time ago, but when our country was assaulted by thousands and thousands of people marching, and they openly say we re going to go into the country, we can t do that. we can t do that. we can t allow that. sandra: president trump addressing that massive migrant caravan. negotiations are in progress with mexico about how to handle senator james lankford joins us now. senator, how would you like to see this handled? i think actually president trump is handling this the right way. he is working with the governments to say that you are moving at these people across the country. please don t just let the move by just because they are making you aware that they re going to try to move to the united states. the guatemalan government has already returned to 3500 people that they have pulled out when they crossed from honduras into guatemala to try to get into new mexico. they have already returned 3500 of those folks. so others are engaging. it is the right way to be able to handle it. sandra: but the president has not rolled out the military option. he says it is still on the table, and he will throw all of the resources at the border as it is needed. what do you expect to see happen there, and is it so good that the president is putting that on the table? sure it is. what is interesting, democratic colleagues saying that i can t believe that the president would call the national guard for that. president obama called out the national guard for the unaccompanied minors push that happened in 2013-2014. they are not there for law enforcement. those are the law enforcement officers that are going to be able to take care of it. a support role to what is happening in customs and border patrol. it has been done many times, and it should be if the need is there. sandra: if we could just step back and look at this more broadly, i will ask the question, how did we get here? how did this all come to this point? this has been a growing issue for multiple years. obviously there was a greater openness to having people cross the border illegally, and then it really started spinning out of control because they did not know how to control the unaccompanied minor issue. tens of thousands of people coming and saying we want to access. those individuals are then placed in the homes of people who are here in the country already illegally as sponsors. reconnecting with families here, and that has just caused a rolling chain reaction. now it so much of the media covering families coming in and families crossing the border, it has created a push of individuals to come to our border. if you bring in a child, then they have the perception i am a family unit, i will get into the united states for free basically. and i can claim that i can get a silent but never actually apply. the vast majority of people say that they have credibility, come across the border, they are allowed to do that, but they never actually apply for asylum. and if they do, they never show up for their hearings. sandra: how do you think the issue of immigration is going to play for your party? you know, i would say, it is always hard to be able to tell what the issue of the day will be. but i don t see a lot of people love either side of the political spectrum that i think we should just have open borders. some of my most liberal colleagues are very open borders, they want to abolish i.c.e., but most people, that is not where they are. they think that we should have secure borders, we should know who is coming. we should allow people to work and return to their own countries, but we should definitely know who they are. this is not just a run across the border and i can come in when i want to kind of society. it never has been. sandra: youth canned i ask you, and turning page here, what we see across the country, just some of your colleagues, joe biden was targeted with one of the suspicious packages. other sent to hillary clinton, and the former home of barack obama, maxine waters, and others. what are your thoughts as we continue to learn more, and we all pray that law enforcement is able to find whoever is responsible for this. as we await that, what are you thinking as you see this play out? it s atrocious. it is unacceptable for anyone to carry out acts of violence. we don t know what the messages, but clearly, they are targeting people with a liberal point of view. that is not who we are as americans. it wasn t appropriate last year when we had a man walk up to a baseball practice and say it is this where the republicans are playing, and when they said yes, he opened fire in washington, d.c. it wasn t appropriate when they sent white powder to ted cruz s office to try to help intimidate him. it is not appropriate now. it wasn t appropriate during the cavanagh hearings to come in and scream at people. this is not how we should handle our differences. we will disagree on issues, but we should be able to still receive each other as americans and a not try to threaten one another into silence. sandra: some of your democratic colleagues have said that they have wished for a stronger response from president trump you at some are even blaming him for this, senator. i don t think that you can blame president trump. obviously, this is someone who is sick and deranged trying to put these pipe bombs out here. that is not healthy. that is not normal human behavior to say the least. to try to blame president trump is absurd in this process. we didn t try to run blame to say all democrats are to blame for this and their rhetoric. so that is uncalled for. in realistic terms, we should be able to engage in healthy debate. it should never be personal. it certainly should never be violence. sandra: senator james lankford, great to have you on this morning. bill: we will get to that quickly. the saudi crown prince speaking about the killing of jamaal khashoggi. a justice will prevail. where are we on this story? quite significant. it was the first time that we have heard directly appeared a bigger news coming out of saudi arabia today pure news that the saudi prosecutor s office believes that this was indeed premeditated murder. of course, that is a real shift in the narrative for them. remember all along, they had said that he had left out of the back door, altercation, which led to him being charged, so this is a major shift it. and of course, it all suggests that they knew more about it, or perhaps trying to get to the bottom of this premeditated theory peer triggered have also published oct tv image now. scouting of forest in the outskirts of istanbul the day before. that is where authorities now believe his body may be buried. this new saudi position comes days after they spoke by phone. at what we are seeing now is a growing detente between the two. perhaps trying to reach him were deployed to mike diplomatic solution. what she learned on her trip to turkey. that could be key in deciding the policy. bill: thank you. we appreciate that. benjamin hall. sandra: raising questions about america s political climate. has the rhetoric gotten too hot? ari fleischer joins us now to talk about that and more next. there is much we can do to bring our nation together. those engaged in the political arena must stop treating political opponents as it being a morally defective. gibility fon for up to 100% of your home s value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. call 1-877-423-5732. if you re a veteran, own a home, and need money for your family, call newday usa to use your valuable va home loan benefit. thank you, admiral. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home s value. thank you, admiral. with today s rising home values, that could mean more money for you and your family. thank you, admiral. money to pay down debts and get financial peace of mind. thank you, admiral. we ll do everything we possibly can to get you approved. call 1-877-423-5732. the language of moral condemnation and destructive routine, these are arguments and disagreements that have to stop. it no one should carelessly compare political opponents to historical villains. which is done often. it s done all the time. it s got to stop. bill: more of the comments last night in wisconsin pushing back against critics, many of whom were blaming the present for the string of bomb threats developing today. ari fleischer, former white house press secretary and fox news contributor, good morning to you. this is the tweet you sent out earlier today on the screen. on the stupid blame game that we are engaging in on the pipe on mailings, knock it off. pundits and politicians should keep their mouths closed and their minds open. let investigators do their job. don t speculate. we will know more soon enough. what prompted that? well, just frustrating to watch once i blamed the other, as if that is what this site is supposed to be about. it catch the person who did it. i just don t know how in the name of civility, you can accuse somebody you don t like and politics of being uncivil when you don t know anything yet. i don t know why people feel the tendency or they need to speculate. bill: so here is a tweet from john brennan earlier today. former cia director. he says stop blaming others. look in the mirror. this is directed at the present. your inflammatory rhetoric and threats of physical violence are disgraceful. clean up your act, try to act presidential. the american people deserve much better. by the way, your critics will not be intended into silence. you know, john brennan should certainly know better. both sides can say these things to each other and find examples where the other side has said something they don t like. what does that have to do with who is sending these apparent pipe bombs to nine different people? we don t know yet who is behind that, so to blame one side or the other in the midst of this is highly, highly irresponsible. and john brennan of all people should be the first do not engage in that. bill: there were some comments last night as well from nancy pelosi ended chuck schumer that were put out yesterday in the middle of all this. now go back into your former role. you are in the white house. how is the president? sarah sanders, how are they handling this? i think they are handling it just right. that is the way that presidents should be when it comes to something like this. they should be the told setter and example for the country. that is what law enforcement wants to do, that is what the american people want to, to catch the person. this reminds me of after president trump took office, there were a series of comments throughout the united states. many in the press and on the democratic party, rushing to blame him. it turned out it was a former disgruntled journalist, african-american, who did this to retaliate against his girlfriend. and a troubled israeli teenager who engaged in the violence against these jewish community centers, but people blamed it on donald trump. it is irresponsible. this is why something terrible like this happens, wait. i don t speculate. be armed with facts. stay out of politics. just let the investigators do their jobs. bill: the temperatures are a little bit hotter. but given what we have watched over the past two years, ari, i am not surprised that at any other time of year it would be much different, do you? my point about the jewish community centers. people don t like donald trump, so they blamed it on donald trump. that is what is so reprehensible about this blame game. that is why i tweeted this morning stay out of the blame game. the investigators are going to catch this person, and when we know, we will learn what this person s motives were. even if they belong to a political philosophy that you don t lie, it doesn t mean that one party or the other inspired the person to do this. the person is likely just sick. they are just waxed. so what does a politician have to do with it on up there side of? bill: the speed by which information travels, who knows what happens this afternoon? who knows what comes of this story tonight or even tomorrow? we had of bomb expert on here about 40 minutes ago. he thinks this case is solved by the close of business today. now that might be a bit generous. we can hope so, ari. that wouldn t surprise me either. if you take a look at everything that has been done since september 11th, it s all been done to prevent or to catch people like this very quickly. bill: massive growth in our ability. it to be able to detect things like this. and of the fact that none of these bombs exploded, there is so much evidence that the experts are gathering which could lead to capture as well. it is very significant. bill: and that has been brought to our attention time and again. but you think about the number of cameras in certain locations all over this country, not to mention new york city, you have to think, your hunch, anyway, is that they should have a pretty good lead at the moment. this is exactly right. this is what law enforcement is there for. they are good at it. they know patterns, forensics. there is a whole series of scientific things in terms of detecting where it came from. what machines were used, what powders were used. it is just amazing health law enforcement can do this, and since september 11, law enforcement is plenty beefed up. bill: you had a courier drop off some of these packages too. there is a long trail. thank you for your time, ari fleischer. sandra: continuing coverage in just a moment, investigating a series of packages, targeting prominent critics of the present. a john kennedy joins us live in studio next. cosentyx can help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you ve had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. how sexy are these elbows? ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. ask your dermatologist you ve worked so hard to (huachieve so much. perhaps it s time to partner with someone who knows you well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. sandra: back now to the breaking news on those mail bombs causing a scare across the country. let s welcome and john kennedy here at our new york studios. great to have you here. good to have you right in front of us, senator. what a couple of days this has been. i can t even say a couple of days. 24 hours ago this all began. what has been your thoughts as we now learn according to the ap, that they are confirming that this is another one of these suspicious packages, it was mailed to joe biden. discovered at the delaware postal facility. another one, senator. i think it is the responsible thing to say for leadership. it is how i feel. i m sorry. i m sorry for what happened to the clintons and the obama s, and mr. george soros, and now apparently vice president biden. i am sorry for america. we shouldn t have to go through this. the fbi is the premier law enforcement agencies. they will catch this person. maybe someone who is mentally ill. maybe somebody who is not mentally ill but is just a whack job. i don t know. it is too early to assess. i know that there has been some political rhetoric in this country, it has been hot on both sides. on both sides. as i contribute to it? i don t think it has helped. probably we all ought to dial it down a notch. when you are civil, it doesn t mean you agree with your colleagues. it means you respect them. and i m just sorry this happened. there s not much else you can say, but i do think we will catch this person. sandra: what do you think of john brennan for example? i would say of his interview, if you are going to place blame on the political climate in this country in my judgment, there is enough blame to go around. president trump has hot political rhetoric, yes, but so does what s, a month ago, secretary clinton said we shouldn t be civil to the republican party. i can remember a famous comedian on television holding the fake severed head of president trump. i have heard some of my colleagues on capitol hill science when you see a republican in a restaurant, harass him or her. sandra: and all of this happening to mitch mcconnell and his wife. i don t believe in this tit-for-tat. there rhetoric in our country is hot. all sides are responsible for it. even under the best of circumstances sandra: we still don t know the motive. it may well be some whack job. it could be somebody who is just angry at opponents of the president. sandra: because we are just getting that in here, this quick clip of jeff sessions. spoke just a moment at the national opioid summit at the doj. he made some comments on the news. listen. we condemned the accident, these activities. in the strongest possible term. we are determined to make sure that we get to the bottom of it and justice is done. sandra: i want to get your quick response to that. we will find this person. we will find this person. until then, it is all speculation all speculation. sandra: senator kennedy. from the great states of louisiana. bill. bill: right now, more practice have been turning up so far today. joe biden, robert de niro, the latest targets. fresh reaction from the white house and up and down the east coast. come right back, top of the hour rightbl here. for up to 100% of your home s value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. call now: 1-855-376-1361. sandra: fox news alert. all full-scale criminal investigation intensifies this morning as more suspicious packages are reportedly sent to you new targets. welcome back to america s newsroom. i m sandra smith. bill: and don bill hemmer. we have reports. this in his home state of delaware. now engaging on a postal facility. earlier today, there was a bomb squad before the sun came up this morning, removing the device assented to actor robert de niro. similar pictures were sent to the obama s and clinton s and maxine waters. president trump condemning this last night in wisconsin in no uncertain terms, saying this. any acts or threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself. no nation can succeed that tolerates violence or the threat of violence as a method of political intimidation, coercion, or control. we all know that. such conduct must be fiercely opposed and firmly prosecuted. sandra: we have fox coverage for you. we begin with kevin corke at the white house, which is closely monitoring all of this. kevin, as we confirmed, the second package at the delaware postal facility is being investigated by the fbi. kevin. you are right about that. we just spoke to sarah sanders about this. they are monitoring all this very carefully for obvious reasons now. you mentioned that sound of the present truck last night at the rally in wisconsin. he is increasingly sharpening his focus on the tone, the media has been taking throughout his investigation, and broadly speaking, for the country. a very big part of the anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and accurate reporting of the mainstream media, referred to as fake news. it has gotten so bad and hateful, it is beyond description. mainstream media must clean up its act fast. last night at that rally in wisconsin, he took a softer tone, i think it is fair to say. we must all come together in peace and harmony. those comments and the hours after several suspicious packages, some prepared to look like pipe bombs, were delivered to a number of notable democrats yesterday. he also singled out the media again for its role in the increasingly the media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and it to the endless hostility and constant negative and often times false attacks and stories. we have to do it. [cheers and applause] this as other suspicious packages have been found, including one allegedly near a restaurant owned by actor and fear strong critic robert de niro overnight. we will take you back to twitter. bernie sanders saying this. in this country, we battle with words and ideas, not fists and evolves. acts and violence have no place in american society. sarah sanders has mentioned this morning pushing back against the suggestions of the president is in any way responsible for these latest attacks. there is a big difference between comments made and actions taken. the president is certainly not responsible for sending suspicious packages to someone no more than bernie sanders was responsible for a supporter of his shooting up a republican baseball field practice last year. bill: as you can tell, things are very intense here at the white house. we expect to see the president speaking this afternoon. should also point this out this morning, we are expecting that we will also hear from the cia director about the ongoing investigation into the death of the journalist from saudi arabi saudi arabia, jamal khashoggi. we will keep you updated on that. sandra: we will learn a lot more as a day goes on. bill: so we know that police are investigating similar packages. including two addressed to maxine waters, want to intercept it in maryland, the other intercepted on the west coast. that story is live in l.a. jonathan. bill, good morning to you. this is a sprawling usps facility in los angeles. last night, and hundreds of workers were evacuated from it as a police, fbi, and etf investigators swarmed to the scene. ultimately made safe, we are told to be very similar to those mailed to prominent democrats and it to the offices of cnn on the east coast. it is as we are told, a crude device, but officials say it was capable of exploding and a doing damage. now, maxine waters of course represents california s 43rd district here in l.a. she has been a frequent critic of president trump, who has interim label to as extraordinarily low iq. in an interview after the discovery of the device here and another one headed it towards her capitol hill office, congressman waters of blame to president trump for stoking the flames of violence. listen here. i think the president of the united states and his constituency, making them believe that there problems are caused by those people over there. and i think that they are acting out because they believe the president wants them to. and the way that he wants them to ask. it now president trump was critical of congressman waters after she called on him to confront members of his administration if they saw them in public, gas stations, department stores. that was back in june. mr. trump responded then anna tweets. the same one in which he called ms. waters low iq. he also said she has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the make america great again movement. be careful what you wish for, max. one assumes that no one of any sound mind on either side of of our ever deepening political divide would wish for this potentially deadly explosive devices being sent to politicians, be they democrats or republican. it appears that about is where we are as a country right now. frightening times coast to coast. bill: thank you for that part of the story. sandra: now let s go to the former assistant fbi director. ron, thank you for jumping on the phone and following this breaking story with us now that we have learned that there have been two more suspicious packages. we have not confirmed whether they were directly addressed to joe biden, but we expect to learn more soon. what are your thoughts? well, i think that each additional package presents law enforcement with an additional opportunity, so every time that they discover one of these, it gives them another chance to find some dna, find hairs, or fibers. find of fingerprint inside or outside these packages that might lead them to the subject. that is the goal here, to identify who is responsible, to get to them as quickly as possible, i think that we have certain expectations about developing a profile of this bomber, or like communications to be cracked very quickly. there are multiple leads being covered right now. certainly looking back at any kind of video, anybody who touched these devices in the mailing or delivery chain, law enforcement is going to be looking back. and i see this as really an all-star team of law enforcement, with the fbi, u.s. capitol police, the postal inspectors, secret service, nypd. there is great pressure on them, and i think they re going to come through, if they will do it very quickly. bill: how well do you think the perpetrator is covering his or her tracks? you think about the forever stamps. maybe there is evidence on the package, maybe not. some were delivered by courier, some were not. put all of that you get get a forest. yeah, i don t think we are dealing with somebody who is ted kaczynski sophisticated, living in the woods in montana. coming out of the cabin. very intermittently, maybe weeks or months apart, to travel and put a package in the mail. thousands of miles of oa. away. we haven t heard whether any of these devices were timed to go off, or if the clock struck us her number, where they have actually function? so where these devices really meant to scare as much to detonate and maim or kill? i don t see someone here who has great sophistication, and today, we have not only cameras, but with what is going on with internet searches, the fbi and law enforcement will be narrowing down a subject. we saw this in austin, texas, a few months ago where internet searches where part of their undoing. there is a digital footprints that follows us. i think that will all be advantageous. bill: ron, we can still hear you, can you hear us? i can. bill: it is an excellent write up, by the way. deep in the article, lawmakers generally avoid attaching visible clocks to their devices to keep from tipping off the target about when the bomb is set to explode. but apparently on all of these devices, they are similar to one another, the clock is in the middle of the package. once you open it up. what would that tell you? is this the work of an amateur, or somebody who is incredibly skilled? well, i think somebody who is incredibly skilled that wants to have a device detonate. you can go to the internet. we have seen evidence of folks in the past, i think notably the bomber who puts the advice and chelsea on the jersey shore months ago. some of these folks are testing the devices. maybe in the backyard, in the field nearby. and they are sophistication and their capability grows every time they successfully tested device. here, look, i want to find out more about whether these devices were capable of donating with a timer on them. it doesn t appear as though that was the case. his real intent might have been to create confusion, scare people, generate the media attention that is already being generated. that may be a success. it may also motivate him to take a next step. people who are waiting for another wave. maybe he sits quietly to see if law enforcement comes knocking for a short period of time as we see another wave of these. time will tell about his sophistication. but skilled bombers can build devices much like ted kaczynski that s our increasingly sophisticated and very deadly. this person hasn t shown us that he had. sandra: ron, i want you to know the latest news that we are getting in here pure law enforcement officials are confirming to fox officials that they were indeed addressed it to former vice president joe biden. one went to newcastle. a second 112 wilmington. fbi and local investigations can confirm both packages were similar to all of the others, which obviously is a very important piece of information. potential explosive device. they did not go off, as the others. so obviously, these are similar stories here. and no injuries reported. we need to confirm all of that. that is just coming into our newsroom. what more can you confirm for what i just told you? none of this is surprising. it appears as though this person was putting these in the mail chain a few days ago. some, perhaps the george soros package, and maybe the robert de niro package were hand-delivered through the use of some sort of courier. but none of this is a surprise. once this person committed to a course of action with the first device, he has committed a crime. very serious crime. and it to do it eight times over is going to certainly multiply the penalty. certainly if somebody were to get hurt by one of these devices, whether they detonated as perhaps he had a intended, being put into a machine, friction, shaking, causes it to detonate because there is explosive powder inside. if somebody gets hurt, the penalty would obviously go up, but i think he has committed to this course of action. it would not surprise me in the least to see additional devices being received by mail processing facilities or by prominent people on the political left you know. i could think of a half of a dozen names off of the top of my head, folks who have opposed the president, said negative things about the president. it you could see those types of folks as obvious additional targets, but let s just hope the law enforcement can t can ideny this person and bring an end to this. bill: back to this piece, written by william rush, by the way. a digital clock was taken, usually shown on fictional bombs. you have said and so many experts have said they remind viewers, not a single one of these bombs has gone off. from an investigative standpoint, what does that tell you? well, one of two things. he did not take the time to develop the technical capability of having the devices actually detonate, as he would if he wanted that to happen. he did not have the technical capability. he wasn t practicing. he didn t work through the details. or two, this is for show. the explosive powder, whether it is gunpowder or something else, something compacted within a pvc pipe bomb has the capability of doing great harm. if it detonates. but less likely to detonate if it doesn t have an initiation system. if it doesn t have a functioning timing system or victim actuated system to trigger it, then it looks like it is more for show than anything else. again, we will have to understand the psychology of this when he is in handcuffs to understand what his true intent was. but if it was too scared, he is certainly having that effect. sandra: amazing to watch these vehicles both in delaware and lower manhattan removing these devices safely in these vehicles. they transport them then to police labs obviously for the investigation. run house go of course is an fbi director. by the way, fox news is also reminded by the fbi that this is the highest priority for them. the bureau is bringing and massive amounts of resources to this. an ongoing investigation. we have heard from multiple experts that they could have whoever is responsible for this by end of day. bill: great guest there. meanwhile, the president was in wisconsin last night with a softer tone due to the events of yesterday. did you see how nice this is? have you ever seen this? we are all behaving very well. and hopefully, we can keep it that way, right? bill: more on the rally and the message. more on the authorities coming up on the packages. coming up shortly today. sandra: plus, was russia and china eavesdropping on the cell phone conversations? the residents is a saying about this is fake news. whoooo. did you know the exact same hotel room. .can have many different prices? that s why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. your perfect hotel room for the perfect price! billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there s a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can. breathe easy. there s therabreath at walmart. the language of moral condemnation and distractive routine, these are arguments and disagreements that have to stop it. no one should carelessly compare political opponents to historical villains. which is done often, it is done all the time. it s got to stop. sandra: that was president trump last night. let s get to her house later this morning, anthony scaramucc scaramucci. former what has communication director, and author of a brand-new book, right away. you spend a lot of your time talking about the president and where he is coming from on issues. where is he coming from on this particular issue? i think he was great last night. he is sending the right message. it is a more temperate message. trying to de-escalate the tension that is out there. you don t want the roughness of the rhetoric turning into violence. he is the leader of the free world. a lot of people listen to him. awfully he will dial down and to de-escalate. sandra: is he responsible? i think we all are. elements of the media that fires people up, democrats and republicans, and certainly the president has his moments where he has been very aggressive with his rhetoric. knowing him as well as i feel i know him, it is usually when someone is coming after him. i have never really seen him get up in the morning and say okay, i am going to start a vicious attack of a, b, and c. usually someone is firing a missile into him. bill: i m going to put two things on the screen. just react to it. jeff stucker of cnn. there was a total and complete lack of understanding in the white house of the continued attacks on the media. the president and especially the white house press secretary should understand that their words matter. thus far, they have shown no understanding of that. sarah sanders had a very strong reaction to this. donald trump asked americans to come together in a very clear, strong, and unmistakable stance. do you choose to attack and divide. should divide against all political violence. those whose lives are not going to come together. there was a war declaration. those two sides are at war. the president feels justified because he will look at the harvard study. 92% of the media is decidedly biased. that is a harvard study. that is not so republican saying it. so justifiably, people like sarah sanders feel that they don t get a fair shake. i am a little sore. he does intentionally lie to create a dog whistle and this atmosphere so that you raise the volume on him like a high school proctor. so they go out and put out a tagline. anthony scaramucci calls the president a liar. that is not what i was saying. when we get upset with each other, i had to call my wife down last night because she watched a video of me on their show four times. i did not say that he was a liar. i said that he is using a methodology of the ministries to create the level of anxiety. he is trying to galvanize his base. it is a media device. if you read his books, i read every single one. one of his strategies is to get the volume up on the media. he has done a very good job in the campaign and in the presidency. bill: but when you talk about not firing the first shot, what we are seeing now, is the west wing on offense based on the criticism that has come from nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and john brennan? listen, i think everybody would be well served if there was another piece meeting. i think you may remember this going back into the transition. of course in december. a lot of the business executives in the area descending on trump tower. had a big meeting to see if we could work on a pattern of de-escalation. it didn t work. but now we are here at the borderline of violence. maybe it is time to revisit that in the west wing. a group of media executives get down there to the president. they have an airing out of the issues. clearly, remember what the president said about the khashoggi situation. he said to leslie stahl, the fact that this person is a journalist, it makes me even more upset. that is telling you that he believes in the first amendment, he wants there to be a rigorous debate with the press. and obviously, at times it will be adversarial. it has been forever president of every administration, frankly. left and right. but i think we have to dial it down from the wartime situation that we are in right now. those two statements that you put up, that is more declaration. let s cease fire. sandra: a very good part of the anger that we see today in our society is called by the will evolve and inaccurate reporting of the media. the mainstream media must clean up its act fast. we are now 12 days out from midterm elections. where do things stand? it is a lot higher than people think. if you look at the polling data, some of the polling data that we are looking at yesterday, i look at certain polls that were very predictable about the president success, despite people like nate silver same differently. 86%. said that the secretary clinton was going to win by 86%. literally two years earlier. but i do think that this bomb scare, that the perpetration of the bomb scare has got some of that momentum, some of my galvanizing moment was taking place on the republican party. republicans have to get out the vote. you have to get the port-au-prince patient afoot. happy about the economy, the ones that are really upset with the president, they have a tendency to turn out. that is why most presidents lose the midterm elections. look, it is more mooch in one day. bill: i think what is interesting about your book, i will give you a chance to pitch it. you made a lot of money. you make the case that you lost touch with america. now, how did you find a way to understand what was happening? west of new jersey? yes, my dad was a blue-collar worker. put his lunch paled together. we had a nice middle class upbringing. then i started talking to my peer group. i started getting all of those confirmed biases of the establishment and of the elite appear to join the trump campaign, ended up in albuquerque, new mexico. went into see the people that were talking about supporting president trump s, that i realized he was talking to my friends and my neighbors, the ones he didn t go to college. my cousin bobby, who is in the auto glass industry. he was talking to people that i grew up with, and to those people love him. they feel that there has not been a voice of advocacy from the oval office in the last 30-35 years. and if they like him. so if he says something that maybe needs to be fact-checked, they actually don t care. they are more focused on the policies. the nuances of his personality, so i tried to put that in the book. i did a lot of research on the presidents data data and the president when he was a younger man. people who lived in the trump apartments. they would talk about the 25-year-old trump in the djt car with his license plate. going over to you collect coins of the laundry facility. collecting coins out of the vending machine. and also letting people slide once in a while on rent when they were having tough times in their lives. so the president brought all of that, all of that blue-collar interaction, all of that blue-collar interaction with construction workers into the game of politics. here s what he did, guys. he took the republican party s mantle of leadership with the nomination, and then he stole a base of the other party. he brought it over to the republicans. while they were focused on social issues and political correctness bill: economic desperation. even though he has a golden toilet seat, the blue-collar people love him. that was the point. sandra: trump, the blue-collar president . it is on amazon, help me get those sales. sandra: more suspicious packages keep turning up. two more today. the latest on the packages. this is a very divided time. it is a polarizing time. violence is never okay. it doesn t matter where on the political spectrum it comes. or just put money in the bank. as a veteran, you ve earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100 percent of your home s value. so, if you re a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you ll ever make. call 1-844-637-2860. - mwith the best ofodi, the prespressure cooking andsps, air frying all in one. with our tendercrisp technology, you can quickly cook food, juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. go from fresh to deliciously done in half the time. which means it may become the only thing you use in your kitchen. 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all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. there is no obligation and the book is free. sandra: back to our top story this morning, pipe bombs targeting several of the president trump s biggest critics. as joe biden and another new york city. outside of the business of actor robert de niro. brian yanez, traffic has pretty much stopped in the city as they moved to that specific package out of new york city. brian. traffic is back to normal here in tribeca. we are just blocks away from the world series. i am standing in front of the tribeca world series, next to or restaurant called the tribeca c, which is coowned by robert de niro. of course very vocal critic of president donald trump. now, this is what happened this morning. noticed a package that looked just like the images and the packages that we have been seeing on tv that were released by the fbi. heavy yellow manila envelope. the american flag postage stamps as well as that block yellow typing. the nypd came, they x-rayed that package and realized this was the real deal. so they put it into a vehicle, a containment vehicle. they brought it over to and nypd tactics range. for the bomb squad. it is now there appeared more evidence for this case. interesting to note that this was here and discovered at 5:00 a.m., which means that this pack is package was delivered y early. we will be looking at that as well. bill: we want to bring in america s 18. jessica tarlov, fox news contributor. good day, ladies. all of you. have you been watching? what have you been observing? yet, what i ve observed is a president who exhibited leadership. he condemned these attacks, call for unity. you had a response from the liberal media to you then blame the president. instead of blaming the present, they should take a cue from the president, who exhibited leadership yesterday, who called for this country to come together. instead of attacking one another, it is time to stand behind the president. and it is shameful i will add to that the new york times chose to public an article that depicted the assassination of the president of the united states. we are 24 hours from these devices being delivered. bill: i disagree with kaylee. i think that the president controlled himself as best as he cut last night at his rally, as he was poking fun at the whole idea of i am not going to talk about this, i m going to be presidential. essentially saying to his office you know what i m thinking. and then this morning he tweeted that it was cnn s fault, basically indicating if a woman to get sexually assaulted, is it her fault for wearing a short skirt? you don t think so? this morning, he says that cnn was responsible for this. the fake news that they are spreading. this is no one s fault was a deranged maniac that is sending those pipe bombs. let me just add i want to be on the record saying that. not culpable for the pipe bombs, culpable for their rhetoric that we have seen. you had an anchor on that network endorse the assassination of the president that is shameful to do that. bill: we are not going to crank this, but the temperature can get hot on another day. we are going to keep it measured for now. liz, would you like to be the arbiter? i think that there is blame to go around for everybody s rhetoric. i also think it is completely irresponsible for the media to jump on and say that this is president trump s fault. personally, when they have no facts. the fact of the matter is media doesn t care about reporting the facts anymore. they are care about the narrative. the narrative is that it is trump s fault, and that media gets attacked. look at the media s culpability and driving up this division and this rhetoric. there is never an excuse for political violence. when you have historical coverage for two years, saying everyone is going to die if we pull out of the health care debate, paris accord, what happened? tried to assassinate to the entire republican house caucus. so words matter of course. the media is to having more than its fair share to blame. bill: it would be wise for all of us to be very responsibl responsible. overly so. but i don t think that this is president trump s fault. i do think that i wasn t saying that. the media is saying this. here is john brennan. you got it? unfortunately, i think donald too often has failed to incite some of these feelings of anger, if not violence. when he points to acts of violence or also talks about swinging at somebody from the press. the media. i am hoping that this is going to make it clear to him that what he has done here before, a lot of this rhetoric is really counterproductive. it is un-american. sandra: jessica. john brennan has his own beef with the present, and they go at each other all the time. he is also speaking as someone who one of these pipe bombs was addressed to, but not as his place of work. what he is highlighting that is important is the kind of rhetoric that the president has been espousing. he recently commanded the congressman who said about body slamming the reporter. he has called cyprus the enemy of the people. he used to say that he would pay the legal fees for anyone what about this language? get in in their face. that is mild compared to they had a choice yesterday. you saw the president, saying that this is a poor what america stands for. what does he then choose to do? blame this on the president, blame this on sarah sanders. how does that move us forward? it doesn t move us forward. they took the low road, president trump took the high road. hillary clinton said we cannot have civility in. do you think that she would bill: it is appreciated. we do not have a lot of facts. maybe by the end of the day, we can move the story forward. right now, we are lucky to guest. thank you. thank you. fox news alert. check out the doubt. we are back in the green again today. my, oh, my. check that out. sandra: this is bowl over here. bill: what is behind the wild ride? we will find out next. vo: right now, criminals are using the web to capture your personal information. phone numbers, home addresses, social security numbers, your kids names. everything they need to steal from you. as a retired us colonel i know the threat is real and i know how to deal with it. active privacy protection by reputationdefender acts to scrub over 70 sites that publish and sell your personal data, protecting you, your business, and your family. go on the offensive. call 1-888-570-6784. sandra: act like you like us. all right, recovering from yesterday s big plunge. at the dow jones industrial average, up 300 points in the first hour of trading. a different story than we saw yesterday. it was a doozy. the dow fell 608 points in late trading. charles payne, host of making money. please tell us what we should be thinking as we look at this wild action in the stock market. the markets can be volatile at times. we did get spoiled for a long time. it was idyllic. not this kind of crazy volatility. by about side, people are afraid. yesterday, fell off again in the 3:00 hour. the only thing that stops the selling was the closing bell. if it had been there, we would have fallen 1300 points. bill: five. we are going to do segments about this yesterday. i do believe that the chairman of the federal reserve sets us off. he made a comment on october 3rd that because there is nothing else sandra: fundamentals have not changed. those are still up. none of the worry is different. very strong, which has hurt a lot of the numbers. we knew about the tier four, the labor shortage. we know about everything, but chairman powell talked about she made a comment about interest rates. sold off 11%. sandra: we are in correction mode. i m telling you, that is the only thing that changed this month, coming into this month. now we are going through these earnings, we are getting some. for the most part, they are very good. microsoft leading the way. sandra: are you still officially buyer of u.s. stocks in this environment? absolutely. the right stocks. it hasn t been dart throwing market for a long time. talking about even before this month, the s&p 500, half of those names for a year. bill: coming back to earnings, are they good? are some companies, yes, some companies know if your twitter came out earlier. they were good. sandra: is not the actual earnings, right? it is like guidance. bill: the guidance is the key. and i guess one of the issues here, there are a lot of unknowns out there for some of these companies. but again, having said that, this is pure panic. we witnessed the market panic over the last three weeks, what it looks like. obviously, it is not pleasant, but maybe this is kind of the test of the market needed. companies make a lot of money, right? in the last quarter, there has been a record. what s going on now. you cannot have three quarters in a row as corporate america does over 20% year after year. that has never happened. so we do know that that is going to change. the absolute number could be high, but the rating of the pace of what is going on right now is unsustainable. we will make more than $2 trillion. they will say that. that is something that you such was the other day. ceos of major american corporations, one of their biggest concerns right now is the rise of the u.s. dollar. look at 3m. almost every single company, the currency hurt us really badly. almost back to this argument that it is the federal reserve hurting us. we are going to finish up highe higher. sandra: all right. 2:00. charles payne. thank you. of fox news alert. the suspicious packages showing at pier three more were found today along to how is homeld security joining us now live. the head. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. sandra: saudi arabia now saying evidence shows the telling of journalist jamal khashoggi was premeditated. that is a change from what they set them stomach originally. this statement just coming out, saying that there is indication that it was planned. the public prosecution received information that the suspects in the incident had committed their act with a premeditated intention. weeks ago the saudi government claimed khashoggi had left the consulate in istanbul. they blamed his death on an accident. speaking for the first time since saudi arabia acknowledged khashoggi s murder, said that there is an attempt to divide saudi arabia and turkey. we know that many are trying to use this painful thing to drive a wedge between saudi arabia and turkey. i wanted to send them a message. they will not be able to do that. though this week the turkish president did tell his party in parliament that the friday explanation was essentially untrue. planned with the coordination from the higher levels of the saudi government. now the washington post is directing that while she wasn t turkey working with investigations, part of that audio that has been reported of khashoggi s death. she has a meeting at the white house earlier today. back to you. bill: there are more packages on our investigation, including two addressed to vice president joe biden. and in washington and in new york city. who is behind all of this? we will talk to some great experts coming up in a matter of moments out the top of the next hour. - [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we re dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who s 85, 90 years old, can t 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now. sandra: fox news alert on the investigation into mail bomb attacks, targeting prominent democrats and liberals as more suspicious factors turn up today. we ll come back to america s newsroom. thursday morning. sandra smith here. bill: bill hemmer here. third hour begins now. here s what we have learned thus far. we woke up today, new bomb scare is it today. you have police in delaware now checking packages. first that were sent to the offices here in new york and also the former vice president, joe biden. now searching for the person or persons behind a growing number of these devices. sandra: white house chief correspondent john roberts joins us. first the chief intelligence correspondent, catherine herridge. she is in washington for us this morning. this investigation is now their highest priority. bringing a massive amount of resources, including agents, animals, and multiple maps. law enforcement officials tell fox news this morning that you more packages were addressed at two former vice president joe biden. and a second it to wilmington. we are told that these factors are similar to others intereste intercepted. they are described as potential explosive devices that did not indented. secret service also told fox that they did not reach biden, noting that he is no longer a secret service protective. investigations now unfolding in the last 48 hours in multiple jurisdictions on the east and west coast. billionaire democratic donor george soros, followed by hillary clinton. barack obama. john brennan. that was delivered to cnn. former attorney general eric holder. congresswoman maxine waters, and then the new packages identified this morning in new york and delaware. in his first public comments after the bomb scare, brennan told his audience last night that president trump is to blame for the political climate. this country was founded upon the foundation of freedom and liberty and freedom of speech. and if i and others are being targeted because we are speaking out and we are living up to our responsibilities as citizens, i think that is a very unfortunate turn of events. the white house press secretary has a different take. and the person that is responsible for this is a person who made and created and put the suspicious packages in the hand of sand in the arms of innocent american citizens, that is the person responsible, and i find that disgraceful that that was one of the first statements that they try to put the blame on the president. law enforcement officials verifying that the packages had a lot of red flags that would attract attention from the excessive postage. it democratic congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz, and the computer printed address labels that were overly large. the official also said that it was not usual to see all of the devices failing to donate. at the official said about the white powder seemed it designed it to simply panic. sandra: thank you for all of your reporting on that. bill: the president saying that the threat of violence has no place in american society. this during a rally in wisconsi wisconsin. no nation can succeed that tolerates violence. or the threat of violence as a method of political intimidation, coercion, or control. we all know that. bill: john roberts now has more from the white house north lawn. good morning to you. the president has certainly had his share of hot political rhetoric. virality from republicans in the state of wisconsin, the town of moz ne. several times jokingly saying to the crowd look at how well i m behaving. but denouncing the mailings as an active political violence. it is attack on democracy itself. urging the country to come to gather. singling out the media for fueling some of the discord in the united states. there is one way to settle our disagreements. it s called peacefully at the ballot box. the media also has the responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks. at an event in austin, texas, yesterday, john brennan, target of suspicious packages as well, continue to criticize the president yesterday. listen here. donald trump has not helped to encourage the type of civil discourse and public engagement, and his rhetoric too frequently i think feels the feelings and sentiments that now are bleeding over into potentially acts of violence. sarah huckabee sanders this morning rejecting any notion that the president was in any way responsible for the mailings. listen here. there is a big difference between comments made and actions taken. the president is certainly not responsible for sending suspicious packages to someone. no more than bernie sanders was responsible for a supporter of his shooting upper republican baseball field. we may soon find out who is responsible. i suspect will be arrested and taken into custody soon. we will likely hear more on this. he is expected to you gets briefed on it this morning, and he has an event this afternoon. 2:00 p.m. on the drug crisis. bill: we will see you then pure john roberts on the north lawn. sandra: condemning these acts of terror, calling for unity and stability on all side sides. bret baier is the anchor of special report. good morning to you. with the latest fox news is able to confirm that jeff sessions right now is being briefed on the latest in the package investigation by the fbi. we are all hoping we are going to learn a lot more soon, brett. i think that is a hope that is really worth thinking about today. they are moving fast from everything we are being told. they have a lot of information. none of these packages detonate detonated. they say that they were clearly designed to scare. they were set up in a way that the wires were on the outside, there was clock attached to one. it was clumsy in the way it was constructed. and perhaps just a designed to instill fear. and so hopefully they are going to get to the bottom of it. you are now at ten packages. everybody is alert, looking at mil rooms, to see if anything matches what we are seeing on screen. sandra: it has only been 2425 hours since we learned about the first package that was sent. what has been the reaction to dan to all of this? i think he was pretty measured at first. ahead of the opioid event yesterday. you know, he made reference to it in his rally in wisconsin last night about how good he was being. obviously, those things are off-the-cuff, not really teleprompter driven. and you know, i think that there is a split here. a lot of people especially on the democratic side who say that the president kind of has instilled this political environment and has made it much worse. there are others on the republican side who say listen, it goes both ways. let s focus on the package creator and not just spreading blame. to the president of the united states. i think it is split. i will say that s with the election this close, there is a potential that it has blunted a little bit of the republican motivation a lot of the push, just buy the coverage yesterday. sandra: we continue to hear members of congress speak out. ted cruz making it a very clear where he stands. listen. this is a very divided time. is it is polarized time. violence is never okay. it doesn t matter where on the political spectrum it comes. i hope the terrorist is caught and prosecuted and sent away to jail for a long, long time. sandra: meanwhile, we are reminded that we are just days out now from midterm elections and karl rove and of the wall street journal point out that every midterm election to some extent is about who occupies the oval office. the exception of 1934, george w. bush in 2002, the party in power loses ground in the midterms both in congress and down the ballot. almost always succeed in providing a check on the incumbent party. how are things shaping up? the average is that the party in power loses in the first midterm. it is like 35-37. about the president s approval rating is kicking up. it is at the highest point it has ever been. it was at the highest point in the wall street journal nbc poll just last week. how people perceive donald trump is a big part of this midterm. obviously, there are local issues, and there are races that are being run on personalities and what people are saying will get done, but the president factors into almost every race around the country, especially the big senate races. in those states that he won, ten democrats up for reelection. some of them are really on the water now after the kavanaugh bumps that happen a couple of weeks ago. sandra: busy morning in washington and across the country. thank you very much. good to see you. bill: just learning this now, fox news alert on the military on the southwestern bernie. border. hundred of troops will be sent to the u.s.-mexico border. sandra: plus a rash of bomb scares with more showing up today. as investigator search for whomever sent the some luminaries stomach similarities and the clues that they may have. watching, waiting, to see what the reaction is. and if he has more constructed, who is going to be next on the target list? when you re looking for answers, it s good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that s especially true when you re looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that s why we re offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. it s yours free just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that s right for you. the call is free and there s no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses, the rest is up to you. that s why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. they re designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs 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right for you. the call is free and there s no obligation. you know medicare won t cover all your medical costs, so call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer. bill: 15 past the hour now. watching stocks surging out. recovering some of yesterday s losses. 235. yesterday, it was whiplash. the dow dropped by more than 600 points at the close, wiping out gains for the year. report earnings in the future. also, the trade issue with china, all helping to get back from yesterday. sandra: but don t take away from today. bill: i m not going to. if the dow were to close your, it is positive for the year. so bill: the nasdaq yesterday was off by 4%. i mean, that is just an extraordinary amount of trading right now. what are you doing? sandra: reporting the news, how about you? bill hemmer. bill: always. 15 past. sandra: fox news alert. nationwide search for a serial bomber. check out new suspicious packages sent to robert de niro, the actor, and joe biden. after a string of similar devices were sent to cnn and stop democrats across the country is ready. joining us now, former superintendent and chief of the boston police department. he joins us now. thanks for your time this morning. you have obviously been watching this all play out. what are your thoughts this morning as we now learn about three more devices that were found this morning? i have spoken to some folks who have been looking at the devices and right now, it appears that they would not have functioned as designed. whether that was intentional or not it is unclear. if this individual did not have the capability to do it, or if they designed it in such a way to make it look like it was going to happen. it doesn t mean that they want to explode. you always have static electricity and other means. clearly someone who is looking for test. the fact that the teams are taking these devices with them as opposed to looking at them means that they can identify the individual responsible for this. sandra: are you surprised that they haven t found this person yet based on all of the evidence that is on hand? not yet. it takes time. you ve got to go through slowly. you have to have the secret service look. they are going to be looking at where the ink came from on those envelopes. any signature on the bombs. very quickly they were able to determine that there were unique screw sets. that s were only utilized in a garage door installations. focusing on the companies in the area that focused on that. they started to put suspects together. it was when he went and bought a home depot sign that they were able to identify his credit card and as somebody who worked in the garage door industry. so they are going to piece their information together, getting information out is helpful. we want to make sure that people who could potentially be targeted here have people on alert to make sure that they are looking for these devices. have two walls of separation between a device, one floor of, one floor down before officials can get there. when they do find the person responsible, which i don t know, do you not think that that is going to happen by end of day today? how soon do you think it will happen? it s possible. law enforcement might have things that we don t know in the public realm. those unit characters and took typing on the envelope may be something that they have seen. might have shared skin cells, left fingerprints. could it be signatures in the devices. between secret service, fbi, and the local authorities in new york and elsewhere. a lot of very talented investigators who will piece this together and put the pieces of the puzzle in place quickly and find this guy. beat you to go back to your initial point about the way these devices were built and what they, what their actual intention was, what the penalty be the same? obviously nobody has been hurt, but based on what you just told us, with the penalty be the same thing for the person? it certainly is. it terrorizes the individual it is intended for. terrorizes the community as a whole, whatever their motivation was, maybe there are mitigating factors. however, these things can function. i have a personal experience. a police officer who was my best friend s dad was examining a device that had fallen off of a car that everyone thought was a hoax. it exploded and ended up taking his life. these are potentially concerning. the fact that it didn t function is good. the person may be just lacks the knowledge to do with the proper way. thank you for lending your expertise to this and the information as well. good to have you on the program this morning. thanks, sandra. bill: interesting stuff. what would that tell you? the mystery goes deeper there. george papadopoulos makes his first appearance in front of congress. more on a closed-door meeting coming up [ upbeat music ] i m ready to crush ap english. i m ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i m trying to do some homework here. so they re ready for anything. sandra: george papadopoulos former interim campaign advisor was the first person to plead guilty in the case you re now making his first appearance before a house investigators who are looking into allegations of partisan bias. his closed-door interview having just a month after he was sentenced to two weeks in prison for lying to the fbi about his contact with the russian intermediaries. bill: another alert appeared more suspicious packages found earlier today. a massive criminal investigation active and underway. dr. robert de niro here in new york city, joe biden in the states of delaware. both high-profile critics of president trump. let s check with rand cal me, author of his new book. how are you doing, brian? good day to you. what are you hearing on the radio? what are people talking about? those package drums. a side note, bill. we can still talk. bill: we are 9-12 now. we actually competitors. i had lunch, by the way come with george pavlov was on tuesday. he was really looking forward to meeting out thursday. he has a story to tell that could blow the lid off of this entire thing and leave politics out of it. in terms of all my colors are saying, a lot of concern and want to count that nothing was detonated. a lot of people feel as though when it is all said and done, there is a plot on the left to make donald trump like a bad guy. we start talking about this, not about the cave-in caravan. we took a lot of calls anticipating this. those are just the calls of people. since i have been on and since you have been on, we have founded two new packages, both intended for joe biden. i have yet to talk to anybody, and like you, i talked to ron hosko. it just worries me that if they were, the most in this and like postal workers and couriers would have been in the line of fire. it reminds me of the anthrax situation. bill: yes. you mentioned the papadopoulos. he was sentenced to 14 days in jail. hasn t served a day yet. has he addressed that he had? coming up. bill: what does that mean? what does that say? what does that indicate about the investigation? i think it says everything. what devin nunes has been doing and pursuing. what they have been talking about. this 28-year-old who was targeted by the previous administration because of his links to israel. helping israel with newly discovered oil and setting it up with greece. the word is there might be another warrant and it was on him. and as they continue to look at him, and then he pops up in britain, reading a critical column against a david camera, and next thing you know, people start talking to him. bill: he finds himself in the middle of all of this. quickly on your book, what more have we learned? since we talked last time, it has been defiled. since his death prior to the civil war. he is now in a line of fire. what i try to do is remove donald trump, who is a fan of andrew jackson, and see what past presidents thought of him. we are doing this war in history, so i have a look at what reagan said, fdr, truman. about the impact of jackson. made him the most famous man in america. why are we attacking him now? why are we putting horrible phrases on his tomb? those are the things that i attack in the paper back this time. bill: check it out. nice to see you, brian. sandra: you are welcome back anytime. i can t wait. sandra: well the political reaction to the mail bomb attacks as more suspicious packages turn up today. what some republicans are nothing. we are going to talk live to michael mccaul, chairman of the homeland security committee. bill: and confirming hundreds of u.s. troops will be sent to our southern borders as hundreds of migrants had to the border. what we are learning from the pentagon on that. coming up. where people go to learn about their medicare options before they re on medicare. come on in. you re turning 65 soon? yep. and you re retiring at 67? that s the plan! it s also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. here s why.medicare part b doesn t pay for everything. this part is up to you. a medicare supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesn t. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today to request this free decision guide. and learn about the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. this type of plan lets you say yes to any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. do you accept medicare patients? i sure do! so call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. oh, and happy birthday. or retirement. in advance. you knew it along time ago, but when our country is assaulted by thousands and thousands of people marching, and they openly say we are going to go into the country, we can t do that. we can t do that. we can t allow it. sandra: dustless president trump addressing migrant vans at a rally in wisconsin. we learned this morning that hundreds of migrant troops will be heading to our southern border. life in mexico. what i was going to say is what you just saw here, these people, this is the hitchhiking. they have been on the road for roughly about five or six hours. what they will frequently do was fly down any kind of a truck or a pick up and try to get aboard, like they are here, and then go up to the next town so that they don t have to walk 30 or 40 miles a day. it is true that we are going to send some additional troops to the border. it is unclear if their rule change. the group itself, it is going to splinter a little bit. some will stay in mexico, some will go to texas, about 45 miles away from where i am now. and it tijuana, about 2,023 miles away. so these people, anybody here speak english? where are you going? tijuana? texas? can you tell me? texas. do you want to. can you tell me what you are going to say when you get there? no habla? most of the people here do not speak english. to some of them have already gone over to texas. the group is going to try to stay together on their way to tijuana. what i will say it is that we are prepared to negotiate. they don t want all of these people heading to the border. a place like tijuana, they don t have the post to my capacity. the other thing that they are concerned about, and i noticed this yesterday, they don t want people right up against the port of entry. they saw these people jumping the fence. they are concerned that they will storm it again. not for the security of the u.s. they are not worried about that, but they are worried about the safety of these guys. some kind of incident. finally, they are talking about streamlining this, so it is a matter of hours or day, not months or years. finally, will the u.s. to be able to basically repatriate these people or deport them to mexico. the u.s. doesn t want to take them in because then they have all of these due process rights. as you said, there is another caravan behind this one. what the u.s. wants to do is send some kind of a message to these people. do not continue to come. you need to stop. only if they deport them will that be the message. sandra: thank you for your reporting down there. william larson met. bill: we want to bring in the head of the security council. talking about these packages, similar bombs that have been sent in from new york to delaware and los angeles as well. we want to ask you about the report that we are getting. 800 active-duty troops will go to the border. doctors and lawyers, they will join the national guard down there. what do you think of that? welcome the president has been talking about sending it million military down there. the question is will they be operating in a logistical role? i think this demonstrates why we need to pass the bill to close legal loopholes, secure the border once and for all. we wouldn t even be having to deal with the situation had not all the democrats voted against that. so when now we have a precarious situation where we have to stop them before they touch base in the country. once they set foot in the united states. so now we have to work out an agreement with mexico and my judgments where they would claim asylum in mexico because after all, they are away from any further persecution while they are in mexico. we are watching that. bill: you have been following the coverage. what is your take and what you think we need to be focused on at at the moment? you know, i dealt with the situation in my hometown of austin during the bombings. about 18 days to find the culprit. i think the difference in this case is that none of these bombs, none of them have exploded. so we have all of the materials of the bomb, possibly dna evidence attached to them. we have the packages. there is a lot of forensic evidence that we have that we probably didn t have in the austin case, so i predict that the joined forces working. i predict that we re going to find the suspect in the next several days. bill: some are even predicting by the close of business today. could possibly be. bill: the police chief of boston, massachusetts, to something similar. we do not have verification of this. the packages were not designed it to explode. what would that indicate? scary/intimidation tactics. more of a hoax. as i understand, these bombs could explode, but unlike in the austin bomber case, the packages when you opened them up, they would explode. in this case, they are not. that is a major distinction, and i know that theory has been kind of posited out there in the investigation world as a significant piece of evidence that they are maybe not designed it to explode. i think that is very odd. just to intimidate. we will see once we find this person, we will find a lot more. bill: s that individual changed his tactics. over the course of the weekend was watching television and media reports to see folks like you react. we don t know if this is over or if there is another wave on that. no, we don t. the potential for more explosive devices to be used by courier or mail, we have a lot of video, let s not forget. postage stamps and markings, so we can determine where these packages came out of. there is a lot of evidence here to look at. i know secret service and the fbi, all doing a great job focusing in on this. bill: sir, thank you for your time. michael mccaul live in texas today. sandra: president trump in wisconsin last night, trying to give a mature boost to republicans. also here, your republican members of congress. that s right. duffy. sean duffy. sandra: he s talking about wisconsin. it sean duffy getting some love at that rally last night. his thoughts on the final stretch as we had even further to the midterms. bill: how much does a difference a day make? we are bumping up against 25,000 after the roller coaster ride from yesterday. hang on, we are back in the green. amazon is up $84. real time. that s a bad phrase around here. sandra: yeah. senator kennedy might hear you. let me just tell you something, even with this bounce back today, it is not a pretty october today for u.s. stocks. on pace for its worst month since august 2015. we will see it. bill: i am over here trying to be optimistic. then we have a negative nelly over here. keep up the optimism. sandra: s people love stats. 350-point gain. we will take it. any acts or threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself. such conduct must be fiercely opposed and firmly prosecuted. we want all sides to come together in peace and harmony. we can do it. we can do it. sandra: president trump campaigning in the state of wisconsin last night, calling for unity, following a series of bombs mailed to prominent democrats. my next guest was at that rally. sean duffy. good to see you this morning. how did last night go? hey, good to be with you as well. in all some rally in central wisconsin at the most in the airport. we had a big wausau contingency there. the president is always on fire, but a little bit muted. he didn t want to go too hard after democrats after the bombs had been sent out yesterday and now today. it s a call for civility in america. when you look at what the president is saying, civility has to go both ways. you can t have democrats attacking republican candidates in california, nevada, minnesota, and you have kathy griffin holding out by head of donald trump. you have young people who wear a make america great again had, and they are afraid of getting beaten up. joe biden was just out there saying i am going to beat the hell out of donald trump. hillary clinton is saying that we can t be civil. this is out of control. both sides have to say hey, let s sheath the anger and to talk about policy and politics. one thing that frustrates me in, i am a member of congress with steve scalise s, and it was a pretty series volunteer. republicans said a lo and behold, it is probably not bernie sanders who did it. now. you get some deranged people. we had hate four days with 24-hour panels, talking about democratic panels and how ridiculous they are. we try to make it what it is. here in the situation with these bombs, we don t even know what it is, and the 24-hour news cycle is going on and on about how it is donald trump s fault. i think conservatives are so sick of being blamed for things that democrats don t take credit for. sandra: chuck schumer, ranking democrat, he is sending out a statement by twitter basically saying that he does and buy the president s respons response. his words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condone acts of violence. the white house was asked about this this morning. senator sanders was on fox & friends. she responded to whether or not the president plans to change his tone. watch. the president is going to continue to point out contrast to policies between the democrats and republicans, that they absolutely have a choice to make on what they believe in. it couldn t be clearer, and we re going to see that happen when the elections take place. the president is going to continue to lay out that take, but we are condemning violence and calling all americans to come together. sandra: she was one of the first two come out immediately after this yesterday. this is someone who has been chased out of a restaurant, mitch mcconnell and sean cruz can t sit down in a restaurant with their wives because they are so unhinged. you know, you can lie about me, you can tell mistruths about what i am doing, but you just want me to be silent about it. donald trump is a fighter. you try to spin the story and an untruthful way, he s going to stand up, fight back her, and to tell the american people what he is actually doing. i was watching one of the liberal networks the other day about the caravan. i could not believe the presentation that was coming from the left and how untruthful it was. i think conservatives and independents appreciate it donald trump standing up for common sense conservative american principles. you mentioned of donald trump was here. leah vukmir running against tammy baldwin. a lot of people right off our state. it is these kinds of things sandra: well, the president certainly did not do that last night. let s hear a little bit of that rally. these courageous wisconsin patriots did not shed their blood, shed their sweat and tears, so that we could sit at home while others tried to erase their legacy and to destroy our proud american heritage. for the sake of our freedom, and for the sake of our children, we are going to work, we are going to fight, and we are going to win, win, win. and we re going to keep on winning like never before. sandra: we only have a few seconds left, congressman. how is the present doing in your state? he is doing well. leah vukmir was a yield to shame at her. she was spit on. she was popular two years ago. ron johnson won. she has a great chance at winning and being one of those upset seats that no one was watching in the senate race. sandra: sean duffy, great to see you from wisconsin. bill: outnumbered is next. here is a preview. great to see you, bill. this information is popping. renew packages being investigated today. two of them were sent to joe biden. 12 robert de niro. the political blame game, it is in full effect. we still don t have all the facts. whether we can calm the political climate is the question. if and the president keeping his word on the migrant caravan, moving towards the u.s. the pentagon claiming to send hundreds of trips to the board and next week to prevent illegal crossing, and now democrats criticized for staying silent on the issue. why they are doing that. yeah, we just got the alert. that plus the man in the middle to my left. he likes to be early. high mike, bill. bill: sounds like a hashtag. see you in a moment ladies. the missing wisconsin teenager. where is jimmy clouse? gas-x relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort. fast! so we can all sleep easier tonight. unstopand it s strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. .well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. unstopand it s strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. .well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. bill: it has been 11 long days since the wisconsin teenager was last seen alive. 13-year-old jayme closs is her name. missing since her parents were shot dead in her home. the fbi offering a $25,000 reward for her safe return. matt. bill, this morning, the entire region is on edge. a killer or killers on the loose. happening all around us the last couple of days. there have been intense searches and wooded areas and feel the same swans were-year-old jayme closs. has organized and expands. it mapped out the searches in which thousands of volunteers have showed up and been instructed to walk single file, working for anything of evidentiary value, even a gun. you can only imagine how surreal and painful this is as many people in the area are scouring their own properties for one of their own. a 13-year-old girl. we talked her to some of these volunteers who say that they are emotionally preparing themselves by convincing themselves that they are looking for a clue, not a body. and we are hearing for the first time from her. your dog is waiting for you. she is sleeping in one of your sweatshirts and will only eat chicken. grandpa needs new artwork on his fridge. jayme, we need you here with us to fill your whole that we have in their hearts. we all love you to the moon and back, and we will never stop looking for you. this morning, jayme closs is at the top of the fbi s most wanted missing person list. bill: we are praying for the best yet again. baron, wisconsin. sandra: the investigation is now expanding with joe biden being a target. on the search for a suspect. where things stand now next. whoooo. tripadvisor makes finding your perfect hotel. relaxing! just enter your destination and dates. tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. to find the hotel you want for the lowest price. dates. deals. done! bill: from all the news of the day, the world series. fall classic, here we go. they are happy in boston. sandra smith, sure what happened. he s looking at a dollar. sandra: i m no red sox fan, let s be clear! bill: they are up to have been zero. he had a son on his flat postgame and watch what happene happened. [laughter] bill: go to mama. said every father, everywhere. a cute moment from last night to l.a., they move on friday night. good luck, i m pulling for you. sandra: make sure you keep the dollars in your wallet. all right, that s it for us. outnumbered starts now. harris: a nationwide manhunt underway for the suspect or suspects behind ten suspicious packages sent to prominent democrat figures, focal trump critics, and cnn s offices in new york city. you are watching outnumbered, i m harris faulkner. here today melissa francis, host of kennedy on the fox business network, kennedy. former leader of the strategic negations for the hillary clinton camp and income adrienne elrod. in the center seat, former utah congressman and fox news contributor, and author, and so much more, jason

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