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good 5, 10 degrees. otherwise look for temperatures upper 50s to near 60 degrees. soft 60s. speaking of, sal castaneda. >> gosh, i can't think of something right away but i will. >> the birds. >> turn turn. westbound 580 we do have slow traffic. for those of you who got that reference, you're getting old. it looks all right on 580. but you have to get through the altamonte traffic. no problems on 880 except for one thing on 880 at maui. we'll tell you what's happening but i can tell you 880 is still looking good driving through you just can't get off at maury avenue. also, at the bay bridge, we're getting a little more crowded at the toll plaza. . all right, sal. we're still following breaking news. police are investigating a shooting in fremont. police say someone fired shots at a black bmw around 3:30 this morning but no one was hurt. at this point, no suspects are in custody. we have no description of a suspect either. ktvu's allie rasmus is on this story. allie will bring us a live report coming up at 5:30. now, to this morning's other breaking news. the two charter flights arrived at travis air force base in fairfield. ktvu's sara zendehnam is live at the air force base about what will happen next to those passenger planes. >> good morning, pam. well it will be a process for those passengers. as you mentioned both of those planes have landed here at travis air force base from wuhan, china. about 350 passengers between those two flights. we'll break down all the details and what we know so far. now, we know today at noon, the cdc will hold a news conference and sharen update about the evacuees. it's the same airline that brought 200 other american evacuees from southern wuhan last week. then we'll head to miramar marine corps base in san diego. all the people on these flights will be quarantined for 14 days. it's the first federally ordered quarantine in 50 years. for the passengers who won't go on to san diego, they'll stay at the west wind inn. preparations are under way for the hotel on the base today. they'll all be monitored for symptoms of the coronavirus. evacuees will be isolated and anyone smoeing symptoms will be taken to a civilian hospital. not the one on the base. we've talked to people being brought here to travis. >> you've got to do it somewhere, right. like she said, i kind of just hope we have the proper facilities and we can contain it and it doesn't go any further. >> officials assure there won't be any direct contact between evacuees and air force personnel. those arriving have been screened multiple times already before being on that flight. both of those planes from china have landed here at the travis air force base. we will be here later on and bring details to you. sara zendehnam. ktvu fox 2 news. and 500 people have now died from the coronavirus. close to 25,000 people are infected across 25 countries. more people have died from this illness now in mainland china than the sars outbreak. the world health organization is urging all governments to share information and be more forthcoming about how quickly the coronavirus is spreading in their countries. >> without better data, it's very hard for us to assist how the outbreak is evolving or what impact it could have. >> now, in the state of the union address president trump announced that the u.s. is coordinating with china about the coronavirus and that his administration will stake all necessary steps to safeguard americans from the threat. in san jose, five health care workers from good samaritan hospital who were exposed to the coronavirus will be confined to their homes next week. they were on duty when a man came to the hospital asking for medical help. he with the coronavirus. the santa clara county health department says even though the risk is small those five health care workers were sent home as a precaution. . leaders will decide if the president will be impeached today. the vote is not scheduled to happen until about 1:00 this afternoon but this morning starting at 10:00 senators will take to the senate floor to explain their decision to convict or acquit the president. and you can watch all of the proceedings on the senate floor beginning at 10:00 this morning over on ktvu plus. time is 5:06. prufrm addressed a divided congress on the eve of that crucial vote this morning. he also had a few surprises. he awarded the rush limbaugh. also the white house helped emo of a military family. >> your husband is here with us tonight and we couldn't keep him waiting any longer. >> amy williams, her two children, and her husband sergeant first class townsend williams. meanwhile both parties are reacting to the president's speech. ray bogan joining us with more be about the state of the union address. good morning, ray. >> dave, good morning to you. president trump says the state of our union is strong thanks to what he calls a pro-growth, pro-worker, and pro-american agenda. >> our country is thriving and highly respected again. >> right off the bat, the president painted an optimistic picture of america. it's a country he says is no longer being taken advantage of and stronger than ever. >> our economy is the best it has ever been. >> a big theme of the night, the economy. in his three years in office, the president says he's helped create 7 million new jobs leading to record low unemployment. >> the average unemployment lower than any administration in the history of our country. >> while republicans spent the night on their feet constantly applauding, house speaker nancy pelosi rarely clapped and sat stoic behind the smander in chief. pelosi ripped up the speech following his closing remarks. when asked why she did it, this is what she had to say... >> that was the courteous thing to do. >> in the democratic response, michigan governor gretchen whitmer pushed back on the president's comment of a strong economy saying american workers are hurting, not flourishing. >> the american economy needs to be a different kind of strong. >> of course, there was one big difference between the two speeches. governor whitmer discussed impeachment, president trump did not. there's a big vote in the senate today on those articles of impeachment where the president will likely be acquitted. dave, back to you. >> ray bogan, in washington. thank you. the results of the president alternate caucus after a day-long delay with 71% of the votes in now. elizabeth warren at 18%. joe biden came in at 15%. and amy klobuchar at 13%. party first names say the numbers were delayed by a coding issue with the app. political professor david mccewin told us the problems in iowa put a spotlight on the up coming march 3rd primary. >> california, texas and all of the states, more than a dozen that are voting on march 3rd making them much more important. in some ways, california today is much more important than the debacle of iowa. >> it's not clear when iowa's democratic party will release the complete results. ahead of the primary on tuesday. time is 5:10. let's get you to where you need to go. sal castaneda's wouch watching our commute. >> the commute starts to edge into more of the peak territory. you can see highway 25 already has a little bit of slowing on the way to 101 gilroy. 152, 156 all still look pretty good. just a little slowing northbound 101 on 880. most of it is still a nice drive over to the valley. police activity on maury not affecting the freeway so far. this is 880 up in oakland. you can see it looks good. not particularly fog impact. i don't see any fog at all. let's go to steve paulson here. i don't see one camera where there is fog. >> no. too much of a dry air mass. maybe on friday. thank you, sir. good observation ther . it is colder this morning. chris henry i saw your tweet. unfortunately the tweets don't end up in my computer for about 10 minutes. south san jose 32. san martin below freezing. ben loman, scotts valley 30. if it feels cooler to you, it is. there's not much of a breeze and the higher elevations have tailed off. there's a slight easterly component fremont's 35. fairfield 34. and napa airport 37. down 11 from yesterday. mid 50s yesterday. we'll continue that. although, a little bit of a high cloud spilling over. unfortunately it's a dry pattern. there will be more movement on sunday. it will go over land. another round of wind and maybe cooler temps. until then, wednesday into friday. mostly sunny and warmer near 60 on some of the highs. 62 to 64 by friday. any rain? nothing showing up yet. southern california may be looking like it, but after that, just not happening here. temperatures on the low in the 60s. we will see temperatures bump up each day. that looks to be the warmest day. cooler saturday sunday. 5:12 is the time. a young man stabbed and killed while running an errand for his family. the new surveillance video police are hoping will lead to arrests in the case. >> the new information in the san francisco corruption case involving public works employees. huge tax breaks for the rich, while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. because we need actions speak that works forlouder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:15. opening statements due to begin in the murder trial of john lee cowell. he's also accused of attempted murder for seriously injuring nia wilson's sister latifa. several psychiatrists have examined him. they've now declared him mental mentally comp tentd. opening statements are due to begin at 9:30 this morning. new surveillance video is giving them hope that they will get justice. 18-year-old jose corona gal vin was killed in october after his mother asked him to go to a bakery on allen rock avenue. police say he was involved in a fight and was stabbed. san jose police just released video from a nearby video that shows three suspects running through a parking lot. jose helped support his mother and five siblings and was just about to start a new job when he was killed. >> i believe he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. maybe something happened earlier during the day and he went there and they just confused him for somebody else. i couldn't be there to protect him like i have always been. >> police say they still don't know what started the fight. they are asking anyone who recognizes the young men in the video or has heard anything about the incident to please contact san jose police. san francisco police are increasing foot patrols in the mid market neighborhood. mayor london breed says there's a special officers working the market patrols. the mayor says having more officers out there walking market street could lower the number of drug dealers and drug users out there. >> i want to make sure that there is a significance presence along market street. we have a lot of challenges that exist on market street and we want to make sure we make it more convenient for our officers to show up and to know what's going on and then to get out there into the community as quickly as possible. >> as you know, it was just last wednesday when the city of san francisco banned private vehicles on the two mile stretch of market street to increase safety for pedestrians and some bicyclists and also speeding up public transportation. the 50 to 60 people who were removed from a santa rosa homeless camp just a few days the new obles and bane avenue. days after officials shut down a sprawling camp, more than 250 people had been living there since october. some relocated to shelters. no word on how officials plan to handle this new camp. time is 5:18. we'll get you to where you need to go. sal, you were just talking about fog. is it affecting the commute? >> it is not. steve and i were talking about how there is no fog. it's nice and clear. i have a big bank of cameras that i have over to my left here right at home and i don't see any fog there. in fact, let's go and take a look at some of the freeways. the only thing i see is maur rooe off ramp. it's not affecting the freeway traffic and then interstate 880 traffic is doing fine as you get up to the bay bridge. there's a little bit more of a crowd and absolutely clear pictures. i can see all the way back almost to berkley campus on this shot here. and we see on the richmond bridge traffic is light and clear. one thing i do have for steve paulson to ask him right now is it windy out there at all, steve? >> not unless you're on mount diablo. not as bad as yesterday that's for sure. the breeze has tailed off. that's down from 60 yesterday. and really it's a lot quieter. a lot of 30s here. redwood city's 35. fremont's 35. livermore's down to 33. napa airport, 31. a lot of high clouds continue to just topple over the ridge but it's a dry pattern for us unfortunately. we could sure use some rain but it's not happening. they're called inside sliders that go over the mountains but they don't do much for us. they're dry cold fronts. they're picking up the breeze. maybe a little snow on sunday. so mostly sunny wednesday into friday. warming trend a little bit near 60 on the temps. by the way two years ago today, we set record highs. san jose 79. the city was 77. on this day february 5th, 2018. any precipitation if you're heading up to seattle it looks good there after hardly anything. maybe down towards the san joaquin valley. the pattern is very quiet. 60s for many. upper 50s, 60s on your temps. the wind picking up on sunday. >> thank you. 5:21. a young man was shot multiple times and there were few witnesses , little evidence, and no arrest. coming up... a mother's return to the crime scene 16 years later in hopes of a break in the case. >> we had have a chance to quiet those questions. >> votes from the democratic caucus still trickling in. up next what the numbers say so far about where the top candidates will stand as pete buttigieg is celebrating an early lead. what'd we decide on the flyers again? uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. to deal with the problem.icians but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. we fought oil companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. it's 5:24. the san francisco district attorney does not usually give out details. but chesa boudin is giving details. restaurant owner nickbovis were arrested. officer workers are working to identify employees. the city's airport commission met yesterday to examine claims about a failed attempt to lease a restaurant without competitive bidding. >> the process for rewarding contracts to be above board, transparent, and totally honest. and i intend to do everything in my power to keep it that way. >> the city controller will make public recommendations to the mayor and board of supervisors about their findings and then we'll make recommendations for improvements. those first recommendations are expected during the first week of march. police in brisbane are still investigating say deadly shooting that happened on monday on alvarado street. now police confirm they found a body inside a house and they say it was not the person who lives there. the resident of the home is cooperating with investigators. the identities of the homeowner and the person who died are not being released and investigators are not saying if they know how the two are connected. >> they're getting more and more pieces of the puzzle so it's looking more like now it's not a home invasion or robbery but rather that's an incident that's more random. >> the home is near brisbane elementary school. a mother searching for answers in justice after her 19- year-old son was shot and killed 16 years ago right in front of his home in san leandro. randy gustafson was sleeping inside her home when friends dropped her son off. investigators believe there was a fight and mark was shot several times they are starting to examine more clues fo a potentially break in the case. >> i don't know if it's going to make me feel better, but just to know they won't ever do it to someone else. every day for the rest of my life i will never stop trying to find out who did this. >> these sketches of the possible men believed to be responsible for killing mark. . it's 5:27. a scary story and attempted kidnapping right in front of a little girl's family. just how far a man went to protect his young daughter. >> why'd you rip the speech up, madam speaker? >> as president trump dlired the state of the union address. his message to americans before the day of his final impeachment hearing. the number of uninsured americans, rising. the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. this is the and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. his message to americans before the day of his final impeachment hearing. we have breaking news this morning. two planes carrying hundreds of americans from wuhan, china have landed at travis air force base in fair view. how long will those americans be quarantined because of fears of the coronavirus spreading. >> acquit or convict? senators on capitol hill will cast a historic vote today. we'll tell what you to expect later this morning. . >> from ktvu fox 2 news this is mornings on 2. well, good morning. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on 2. middle of the week. it's wednesday, february 5th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us. steve paulson here as well. it is cold. >> a little high cloud deck. >> by the way the full moon is saturday. >> it's getting there, . i sa2 rural areas are likely 24 to 26. no freeze warning for us again. chris, if it was up to me i'd issue one. 30s, even 29 in fullton. you might want to take it up with the good folks at the national weather service. today, colder morning, but then high clouds and a little warmer on those forecast highs. here's my good friend sal castaneda who will tell us the traffic is... >> getting a little bit slower. we do see some slow traffic especially if you're driving in vallejo on 80 westbound and on 37 heading westbound as well. you could see there's already some slowing approaching the carquinez bridge and if you look at contra costa county, highway 4 looks okay. police activity on the mallory onramp. 880 has that onramp closed and we look at the bay bridge, you can see traffic is going to be here on, it's going to be backed up for about a 10 to 15- minute wait on the toll plaza. we are following the breaking news in the east bay. a freeway shooting is being investigated right now. the mallory onramp to northbound interstate 880 in fremont just re-opened after being closed for two and a half hours since this happened. ktvu's allie rasmus is there. i know you just taungd with investigators so what's the latest? >> we are standing next to mallory avenue you can see the ron ravrp there. police say around 3:00 this morning there was a shooting on the mowry onramp. shortly afterward a second vehicle pulled up directly alongside it and someone in that second car opened fire. the victim who was driving that black bmw, that victim car was not hurt. that shooting went t fremont fire station to call for help. this all happened around 3:00 this morning. we talked to chin to explain that the victim and his friend were coming from another location prior to getting on this onramp and being shot at. >> they drove to an area to pick up a car. they left in tandem one in each car and one of them noticed two vehicles following them as they were coming on the freeway. they heard five gunshots. . >> and that bmw that was shot at had two visible bullet holes in the back. the victim, the two friends told us they did not recognize either of those suspect vehicles that pulled up alongside them and they don't have a description of the two vehicles that pulled up alongside them. the two friends are still being interviewed by chp investigators. police are trying to piece together more information about. after sever l shell casings were cleaned up here. the chp says they are still looking for more information to help them with this investigation. so they said that anyone who was in this area mowry avenue and 880 at 3:00 in the morning should give the chp a call. live in fremont, allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 news. following this news about the coronavirus, 350 americans from two chartered flights from wuhan, china arrived at travis air force base this morning. we were there live. the first plane landed at about 4:00 this morning. the second plane landed just about 20 minutes after that. the passengers are part of the u.s. state department evacuation plan. passengers on the first flight will remain at the air force base and be quarantined for 14 days. the second plane will refuel, then head down to san diego to the miramar marine corps air station. the cdc says passengers on both planes are not showing symptoms of coronavirus. ktvu's sara zendehnam at travis air force base this morning and we will check in with her in just a little bit. doctors are saying there are no signs the coronavirus is slowing down. so far, almost 500 people have died. almost 25,000 are infected with most victims in central china. men make up 2/3 of the deaths and most of them were older than 60 and had other medical problems like diabetes. . >> china is going to win this battle with your strong support. >> now, there are 11 confirmed cases in the united states. the trump administration is considering expanding very tough screening measures already in place at u.s. airports to possibly include shipping ports and check points along both the canadian and mexican borders. >> local disease specialists are trying to keep the public calm. an infectious disease expert says he thinks the threat of the coronavirus is being contained here in the bay area. >> and i think most people can go about their business as they normally would without having to overly worry about coronavirus. the standard message still applies. we want people to stay home if they're sick. . >> now, you can go to our website for updates on the coronavirus outbreak. right now we have a story on the front page about five south bay hospital workers who were sent home after being expoedzed to an infected patient. time is now 5:36. today, the u.s. senate will vote on whether to convict or acquit president trump on two articles of impeachment. the final vote is set for 1:00 this afternoon. the president is expected to be acquitted in the majority republican senate. this is only the third time in history that a president has faced a trial in the senate after andrew johnson was acquitted in 1868 and bill clinton in 1999. rallies are scheduled around the country including right here in the bay area. today, people who believe president trump should be convicted and removed from office will be taking part in rallies. in san francisco a rally is set for 4:30 this afternoon outside of senator diane finestein's office at 1 post street. in emeriville, a rally at the corner of powell street and christy avenue beginning at 5:30 p.m. and in oakland beginning at 5:30 p.m. there are more bay area rallies. one in san rafael at 5: the san rafael city plaza. in hayward alternate 5:30 p.m. at hayward city hall plaza and in mountain view at 5:30 p.m. in gateway park at castro street in el camino real . you can watch the impeachment on ktvu plus. democrats most notably house speaker nansly pelosi ripped her copy of the president's script in half after his speech. >> why did you rip the speech up, madam speaker? >> because that was the courteous thing to do. >> for the first 20 minutes, president trump tauted the nation's economy he stuck to the script. he also tauted new trade agreements with china, mexico and canada. . >> our agenda is relentlessly pro worker, pro-family, pro- growth and most of all pro- american. we will never let socialism destroy american health care. >> other moments that illustrated the divide among lawmakers included when the president spoke about the second amendment, immigration, and abortion. gretchen whitmer delivered the democratic response. >> it doesn't matter what the president said about the stock market. what matters is that millions of people struggle to get by. american workers are hurting. . >> a new gala poll shows national support for president trump is at 49%. that's his highest nusince inauguration day. well, the iowa democratic party had to released partial vote results from its president at caucus after a day-long delay. pete buttigieg shows a slight lead over bernie sanders. elizabeth warren is in third place followed by joe biden and amy klobuchar. the votes in iowa were delayed because of technical problems with a reporting app. right now it is 5:39. let's check back in with sal castaneda for a look at traffic. >> we do have traffic that's getting a little bit busier at the toll plaza if you're driving into san francisco. we also do have a look at the nimitz freeway as you just heard that onramp on 880 north to mowry is open. so no more traffic delay at all as you look at the east bay. there have been no major issues. if you're going to some of the other bridges, for example, the richmond bridge, that traffic is still light. it's still a decent commute throughout the bay area. 5:40. let's bring steve paulson in with today's weather. the breeze has tailed off considerably in the last 24 hours. nap ma airport 11 degrees cooler at this hour. half moon bay 11 degrees cooler. it's close for oakland and concord. san jose minus 2. speaking of san jose we'll go 38 on the low side. 60 for a high. that will be at 4:00 today. temperatures near average to a little bit above over the next couple of days here and the wind which was a huge factor yesterday especially for many out towards napa, fairfield, and vacaville. i think some patchy fog is in our near future. tomorrow something to watch. air mass dry. 51 the water temp at bodega bay. these are colder, a little bit below average. a lot of 30s here. more so than yesterday. high clouds spill over and it's a dry pattern unfortunately. it looks like a little snow for the sierra sunday. similar situation than we had last weekend. mostly sunny. warmer into friday. 60s today. ny bit here. a little bit cooler but more of an on shore breeze on saturday. so the wind cranks up for us on sunday. time is 5:42. making it easier to get around. up next... we'll tell you what local lawmakers are now doing to create a united transit system around the bay area. >> and super bowl 54 has come and gone. so now we're looking ahead to the next big game that will bring the event back to california. up next, a look at how crews in los angeles are preparing for the super bowl. here's the america i know. a country that puts working together ahead of standing apart. where we find common ground to expand health care and build a stronger, fairer economy and save our planet. i'm a problems solver, i build teams, i nurture good ideas, i hold myself accountable for results. it's how i led a complex, diverse city and it's how i'll unite and lead this country. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house.esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. welcome back to mornings on 2. east bay police are investigating two robberies at two wall greens pharmacies. in town and country center monday night. they demanded a worker open a safe where medication is stored. just 45 minutes earlier, three men in hoodies grabbed the pharmacist at the lafayette wallgreens and grabbed pills from behind the counter. >> we are speaking with lafayette police department and determining if they are connected and if they are, we will work those cases together. >> investigators are talking with other bay area police departments about similar cases. that includes the burglars who smashed the windows at the palo alto safeway pharmacy last month. a man from berkley now charged with trying to kidnap a little girl right in front of her parents. the crime happened back on january 17th at the berkley marina. 42-year-old bryan blanchard is accused of trying to kidnap her. the father had a knife and chased after the suspect. when blanchard drove away the family followed his car. >> understandably the father was upset somebody was trying to take his child and of course went after the suspect. he was able to get photographs of the suspect and the vehicle which allowed officers to be able to capture the suspect later. >> blavrjard's being -- blanchard's being held without bail. the 49er fans trying to move on from this year's super bowl. after that it's coming back here to california. super bowl 56 will be played in inglewood, california. the stadium officials say the venue is about 85% complete. it is the first indoor outdoor nfl venue using a clear plastic roof with openings on the sides for extra air flow. >> bringing the super bowl back here, the greatest event that the nfl has back to los angeles will really cement what impact this will have on the city since the 1984 olympics. >> los angeles hosted the very first super bowl but it has not been played in the area since the rose bowl super bowl in the early 90s. this year's miss chinatown usa is very busy preparing for saturday's big parade. the signature event of san francisco's chinese near-old la she saturday's parade. lauren went to high school in texas, now she's a freshman ard developed a program to help young girls in developing countries live healthy, productive lives. we're looking forward to welcoming lauren to the nine here at ktvu to talk about her accomplishments. and then, of course, we hope you'll join us saturday night for the san francisco chinese new year parade. right after ktvu fox 2 news at 5:00. today, ride share drivers are asking the state to enforce a new law that classifies them as combes. more than 100 drivers in san francisco, san diego, and los angeles are planning to file wage claims with the state. now they're also planning a rally at 11: outside the division of worker's worker'scompensation office in san francisco. uber, lyft, and other companies are challengintheir worker as independent contractors. state lawmakers will soon consider new legislation aimed at reforming bay area transit. it would require agencies to accept clipper card and use the same transit map and smartphone app. it also aligns with the proposed ballot initiative this year that would increase the sales tax to raise $100 billion for transportation funding over the next 40 years. that makes a lot of sense. i would think a lot of people use more than one transit to get to work. you're doing train to ferry to bus. ferry to bus. >> yeah, you know, the ferry to the bus. i think that would make a lot of sense since it's more of a regional thing that you can use anywhere. we'll see what happens. good morning, everyone. i want to alert you to a silicon valley situation here. on northbound 101 in san jose there's a crash that has been slowing traffic down. northbound 101 right near 880 at old oakland road and you can see traffic is a little bit slow. it's an accident with no major injuries but it still is slow enough to cause slow traffic. northbound 280 might be your best bet. there was a non injury crash near race street. also 280 at west lawrence expressway. westbound 580 at grant line road there was a crash that makes it harder for you to get to 205. but livermore it looks good to dublin. and no problems on 880 between oakland and fremont in both directions. bay bridge does have a little bit of a backup here. it looks like there could be something here in one of the car pool lanes. i do see people are trying to get over. so it looks like there could be something in that left lane here. 5:51. let's bring steve paulson in. >> thank you, kind sir. let's get to it here. we have mostly clear skies. higher clouds are there. my mic fell off? that's never happened before. how's that sound? >> that's better. good morning, mr. paulson. is my father here? no. you mean me. vallejo is a cool 37. wind is calm cruising into the weekend. i see 37 in vallejo. 37 novato. same for petaluma. napa 35. that's way down from yesterday 44. cloverdale 38. today, some higher clouds but the morning's colder. temperatures 50s to low 60s. they are inching upwards. we'll top you out at 58. forecast models has been overshooting the forecast in livermore. it will still be near 60 in the next couple of days. mount diablo is the only breeze that's worth mentioning. look at the water temps in be r san francisco just outside the golden gate 52 cold degrees. the only time you hear about water temps when they're warm. they're cold. 31 in napa to 34 in berkley. look at this pacific grove. little pg's at a brisk 39. santa cruz also in the 30s. that's cold. lake tahoe's 18. 35 up in ukiah. high clouds spilling over the ridge. could be a little snow in the sierra sunday. but until friday, it's sunny, mostly sunny and a little warmer. if you're going to seattle, i would take about all the rain gear you're going to need because it's going to be very wet up there. but for us, not much. southern california looks dry. 50s to near 60s on the temp. pretty mild to warm and a little cooler and the wind picks up sunday. time is 5:53. access to sunlight and a chance to exercise for all jail inmates. we'll tell you about a court ruling that could change the conditions in san francisco jails for inmates. >> and a pardon for a gay civil rights leader. what governor gavin newsom's doing that could have an effect on people who are lg bt. >> but first... an extremely rare sighting in the bay area that's getting the attention of wild life researchers. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. (vo) this is how you broke from tradition to create new paths to success. as you continue to work hard to secure your future... wells fargo will be by your side, helping you make it happen. this is your moment. this is how empowered becomes empowerful. the number of uninsurising.ricans, the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. candidate news,suort foe who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's now 5:56. a very unusual sight in the south bay. a coyote and badger working and playing together. those images were captured by a group of researchers. many animals have been killed trying to cross highway 101. >> at first glance, this video appears to show a playful coyote and a badger on a night out in the wilderness. but this duo's tail wagging have gotten researchers talking. >> so that's known. but these two species traveling together through a human-made structure to cross safely under a busy road to us that's the first that's ever been captured. >> his team had been studying how wild life use these culverts like these along highway 101 built to drain water from the road were used by wildlife. >> animals seem to find these spots and they use them for safe passage. you might have an individual that say the road is right in its home range and it routinely travels back and forth through the same culvert just to access the habitat to go about its life. >> you could hear the sound of vehicles on the highways above as it crosses safely under the highway. and another imposed camera see a skunk and a racoon. >> they need to be able to move between habitat areas to access habitat and water and food and mates. >> this effort by sharma and his team to keep the bay area wildlife safe is more than his team ever expected. >> scientists who focus on badgers in other parts of the country have never seen this before. >> andre senior ktvu fox 2 news. evacuees from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak have arrived this morning in fairfield. the steps to quarantine them and keep the community safe from the infection. >> also the chp investigating a freeway shooting in the east bay this morning. the conditions of the people inside the car hit by gunfire as the police keep searching for the shooter. >> president trump wrapped up his third state of the union address. it didn't take long for top democrats to rip into him. we have a live report from washington in just minutes. >> from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. well, good morning, to you. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on 2. it's the middle of the week. i'm dave clark. . >> good morning. i'm pam cook. steve paulson is talking about the weather that's very quiet in sight. >> a little snow on su we had colder temps by a good 10 degrees. so high clouds, a little warmer. upper 50s to a few low 60s. 62 in santa rosa. tomorrow chilly morning but maybe around 63, 64. the weekend will be a little cooler. and the wind will pick up on sunday. there's your minus 9 compared to yesterday. fairfield, napa, livermore as well. even half moon bay and novato as well. san jose you'll start out at 60 and a few locations today. all right. sal castaneda's here. we have a crash at the bay bridge toll plaza. i want to go right to it here. we can see the lane blockage on our camera at the bay bridge and westbound traffic is going to be affected. you can see that there's a tow truck blocking the lane here and all the car pool traffic has to get over and that is causing a big back up. now we're going to keep watching to make sure it looks like they might be getting out of the way now. and it looks like they still have vehicles coming in. we also do have a look at some of the far away commutes. it lo

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