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worse. is that if we take comparable things then it could be new york you can compare us with new york city do we do better or worse than new york la i believe we did well enough compared to new york and to chris tricked of measures on time starting lockdown in march we imposed lockdown in march with 1200 cases the day when new york close and 20000 in fact it per day basically it did not make sense because it's not only about introducing a lockdown it's important to make it on time but why did they close why did they choose these tactic or almost gone russia's chose a different one yes many countries are doing locked and but the problem is that they did not open during lockdown many european countries have chosen a tactic in which they have been close for a 2nd year and therefore any attempt to open up to reduce restrictive measures what's medically leads to an explosive increase in cases we had looked at last year on these printing after that there were no. worked as in moscow there have been certain reasonable restrictions but despite the whole of europe from september moscow has lived a full life everything worked everything was open and gradually over the 6 months i said population immunity was formed a lot of people have already been ill do you think the 3rd wave will come. when not making predictions for the 1st 2nd and 3rd wave it all understand that today we are ready for any scenario so there are some other top stories for this hour a lot of what our international thank you for joining us we are back with more in about 26 minutes time. greetings and sell you. here in washington d.c. quite often you can find both republicans and democrats worshiping at the altar of american exceptionalism both political parties love to patrol of this country is somehow greater than all the rest that simply being born on us soil guarantees you success and freedom and liberty in cable t.v. well for many around the world this guarantee of greatness is laughable more often downright brutal especially they've found themselves or their family members on the business end of the u.s. war machine and its economic imperialism and here inside the united states for all of us living outside the stone and marble halls of capitol hill or the studios of mainstream corporate media there is no guarantee of success liberty or freedom oftentimes quite the opposite we saw that this weekend where despite passing a massive 1.9 trillion dollar code 19 relief bill once again the common decency of providing us workers at least an attempt and earning a living wage was dramatically shot down and ground into the dirt politics as usual the hill is reporting that an effort by senate budget committee budget committee chairman bernie sanders to waive a procedural objection to adding the $15.00 minimum wage to a code. 19 relief package was resoundingly defeated by a vote of 58 to 42 in which 7 democrats and one independent joined all 50 republicans against it yes my friends it wasn't just the narcissistic lead ism of southern republicans who burned down the fight for 15 no they were joined by members of the democratic party as well and just who were those fine feathered officials who decided that american exceptionalism exceptionalism does not include a living wage well there was 1st independent angus king on a maine we all know angus followed by democrats chris coons jeanne shaheen john tester meg haasan tom carper our good old buddy joe mansion and former green party member turned democrat kristen cinema who she took the time to give a big thumbs down to the measure while rocking the giant lululemon bag and handing out cake to senate floor staffers. because nothing my friends nothing goes better with a big dish of domestic economic tyranny. and a little chocolate cake i want to start watching. on a city. that is so let's see see this is joyce state see. grace see this least systemic dissent says the late show which. brings us. all right welcome everyone to watching the hawks i am a robot and i'm lisa cross so let me say well when the yanks democrat southern democrats won and the president shoot down all the efforts for a fight for 15 no $15.00 minimum wage here in the u.s. at least for the time being the democrats killing that i think is it's very telling and foremost i don't think that mansion was anybody that we didn't expect to kill it considering the area that he represents in west virginia but i do think that for the others particularly thin of a it was really shocking because we've seen that by 15 take hold across this country for years now this isn't something that just started during the trump administration people have been fighting for higher minimum wage for a very long time now close to at least 12 years so it's really frustrating to watch it basically die on the fine for democrats who argue that they thought that this shouldn't be included in the code 90 relief package and it's fresh rating because i can't think of a better time to include it then when you have individuals who are literally trying to hold on to any lifeline and the people most affected are those who were working these lower income jobs it's interesting too when you look and i want to bring this tweet up to unclipping stein tweeted that according to recent financial disclosures compiled by the center for responsive politics the net worth of the people who voted this down is quite telling chris combs $10300000.00 and this can. 1000000 joe manchin 7000000 tom carper 5000000 jeanne shaheen 3000000 john tester 3 all millionaires we don't know christensen the most but she did a very nice bag but she's congresswoman she makes 174008 manual salary for congress so these are all people that clearly. are so detached from what the working person goes through at this point b. given the fact that they're all millionaires now doesn't mean that necessarily you get 3000000 dollars you're living large you're not you know you're not jeff bezos but you're still far detached from what it's like to actually struggle in this country they are absolutely right i think that you know seeing seeing the uprising seeing the protesters in the streets knowing that particularly for women and women who are heads of households and leading their families these jobs matter this by matters the majority of women across this country who are minority women specifically face a very different burden when it comes to being the people who are predominantly working these jobs we're talking about retail we're talking about the food industry these are the jobs that are known to have these this ridiculous lee low minimum wage this could help to lift them out of poverty and we consider it considerably over and over again see democratic leaders run on actually you know helping this class of people helping them to be able to you know afford housing and things like that and then when given the opportunity they fall back they do and look here's the thing too is that the teams a star i mean realistically if we were to follow inflation. the minimum wage should actually be up around $20.00 to $25.00 an hour ago could be wrong but it's past 20 and when they say oh well the small businesses will be destroyed having to pay out you know $15.00 well most small businesses in this country already are destroyed they don't exist because they've been systematically destroyed by corporate takeover of this country you know so look mcdonald's wal-mart they can pay these wages some are. and then also at the same time when you look at someone like them price didn't seattle the person who basically said i'm going to pay a small mid-level business so i'm going to pay all my. employ $75000.00 a year and myself when you take away the big money that goes up to the top and actually pay everyone equally across the board in the business you can afford these things i want to point this out real quick is the countries with a higher minimum wage in the us include luxembourg australia france new zealand germany netherlands belgium united kingdom ireland canada and israel comes to $794.00 a little bit couple cents higher but these are all cut australia $12.14 we would be able to just leapfrog them and maybe then we could actually sit and say look how exceptional we are it actually can be done our issue is that the people at the top just refuse to spread the wealth this. this weekend marks the 56th anniversary of bloody sunday the fateful day when alabama state troopers met peaceful protests protesters marching for their right to vote the troopers attacked black civil rights activists on the edmund pettus bridge using tear gas beating them and forcefully pushing them back to the little 5 in the south and right to vote only belonged to whites the late representative john lewis famously marched and became what it was skull fractures on that day 56 years ago in 2021 much of what john lewis and several activists on the edmund pettus bridge put their lives on the line for is under attack the very core of the voting rights act of 1965 landmark legislation that prohibited racial discrimination in voting has faced constant threats from republicans since its passage everything from partisan gerrymandering voter id requirements removal of polling places limited or nonexistent early voting and other restrictions aimed at keeping blacks from fully participating in democracy are alive and well and the conservative leaning u.s. supreme court is doing everything in its power to protect the southern states in advancing their mission to block the black vote. it's one of 13 the court got at the civil rights act in a ruling that held that time to change and blatant voter discrimination was rare contrary to the assault that was taking place on the ground president joe biden said during his remarks to martin luther king unity breakfast on sunday. with the record voter turnout in 2020 black voters decidedly gave trump his white house of fiction notice republicans have responded with hundreds of aggressive voter suppression bills passing in state legislators on sunday biden signed another integral executive order directing agencies to increase access to voter registration materials and reduce barriers to voting aimed at minorities people with disabilities military and overseas voters this comes on the hills of continue calls for the biden administration congressional black caucus and civil rights activists for congress to fully restore the voting rights act. but the likelihood seems uncertain as long as republicans maintain a strong hold in judicial appointments the supreme court in the phone messaging of voter fraud who'll spool steam ahead would out so that i'm glad you have the thing is the messaging of voter fraud because i've always found in my years one of the party starts talking about voter fraud that means they're trying to take away someone's right to vote because the voter the actual voter fraud in this country is so mind new and so small when you actually really break it down from partisan groups of study voting it's nonexistent that any time you hear that way about like all of the voter fraud it's usually because they're trying to actually take away someone's right to vote you know you're absolutely right the issue of voter fraud america is really a non-issue we have more people who are eligible to vote who don't vote or don't have access to voting than we've ever had people trying to shift the shake and go and vote 23 times or skip states to vote that's not an issue we have and it's amazing how republicans across the board in was a 43 some of states are trying to restrict voting provisions correct and 43 states across the country these are both red and some blue states they've introduced more than 250 bills that were strict voting particularly provisions that are restricting voting for early voting states so they want to decrease the amount of time that people have to vote for voting on weekends as well as trying to institute these voter id laws bills like the one in georgia that we recently saw which passed the house limited early voting those bills can pass at the house and am at the senate in the state legislatures and joe biden's administration can't really do much to stop them all of those all about actually require congress to actually step in and that's where we see a lot of the pickle right now but you know it's funny and i thought that we were like this great democracy the always talked about how wonderful it is that we spread democracy go around the world look at how free our people are because they can vote on their leaders where you know this is not the case group is really it's these 2 parties specifically republicans in recent years. we're doing everything that they can to essentially keep the majority of americans who don't vote their way from voting i mean that's really all that you can going to rome when you well that's basically the summation of the frustration that i have in the pressure and i think that you know historians have overall is that we have spread this bold message of american democracy where everybody has the right to vote in this was essentially this fundamental thing for america when it is in the origins of this nation it never was the right to vote was for wealthy white males and that was how it lasted for a very long time and even when women became included it was the wives of stand wealthy white males and when else was there and now you know passport voting rights act we have black people that are building and in 2020 were voting in very large number and the immediate response wasn't let's share in the fact that people who didn't have access to the polls before now voted in such a large number it was now we need to take away their rights and we need to take it away immediately so that we won't see the same results come midterms when your it's interesting to me. when i was looking at this story too was when you brought up the job was at the house just a week ago. for the people you mention about mail in ballot which we saw this year for the 1st time ever how many people were able to mail in their vote and it made a difference this year and it wasn't because it was people cheating it's because people actually would normally are able to get to the polls was able to actually vote still exactly we've seen so many polling places that have been shut down we know that kobe 1000 really affected in person voting last year but traditionally speaking mail in voting has largely favor conservatives and largely because people in rural areas were the ones who were doing it because it was harder for them to get to the polling places this might actually be a shot in the foot to the republican party by saying that they don't want this because they are sumption is the only people who are really using it at least from what they saw in 2020 were black people i think that there is an essential problem with that but also just as limiting voting in any way it's one of the most fundamental rights that americans have a strong part of our democracy we should be working to make sure that as many people can get out and vote as possible and not. have birds in place for them and that's just something republicans don't seem to care about well they really don't know truly breaks your heart because look it is at the end of the day we project that to the world but if we don't practice how what can we tell the rest of the world to get their act right when it comes to voting or elections and all of that absolutely ridiculous all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching all of the brand new portable t.v. you have to do the billboards all platforms coming up the trial against the police officer for. george white and ultimately killed him killed him begin. and which began a summer protest commences and civil rights attorney robert sealed joins us to discuss did not want to miss this one for the state to watch or. else look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. must obey the orders given by human beings except when such a conflict with the 1st law. we should be very careful about a social intelligence and the point is made. various saying with artificial intelligence was something that the. obama must protect its own existence and existence. with. tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit i don't even think people in the u.s. really get that the police are allowed to lie to you the person who falsely fast actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior once a false confession the stake in the case is closed and nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that is. black lives matter the chant heard around the world sparking one of the largest racial uprising in history began with the police killing of an unarmed black man george floyd the murder trial of minnesota police officer derek shaaban the man who held his knee on the neck of george floyd until he died begins today jury selection has been delayed due to a dispute about whether the case can move forward as the judge reconsiders a request to add a 3rd degree murder charge the case is a ball being in real time but for starters there's a lot on the line the murder of george lloyd was a unifying battle cry for black activists in ramping up efforts for police reform and accountability it became a focal point during the 2020 presidential campaign season but beyond all of that the people in minneapolis a city no stranger to the dangerous intersection of race and policing braces for answers leery of a court system that tends to let murderous police officers off with a mere slap on the wrist shot with attorney eric nelson plans to appeal over the addition of a possible 3rd degree murder charge that appeal could delay the trial currently shaaban faces 2nd degree murder and manslaughter charges the city of minneapolis has prepared for this trial better than the nation's capital prepared for its threat of violence in advance of the january 6th and selection. but we shouldn't be surprised that security forces bring all the stops when blacks are the population protesting city and county officials on the ground are spending over $1000000.00 ahead of the trial to protect building adding fences and barbed wire along the streets and bringing in the national guard and the full force of law enforcement the minneapolis courthouse and perimeter is essentially a militarized zone for case already delayed by code 19 further delays for potential appeals are expected and even though george ward's name is no longer in daily news headlines that hasn't stopped the activists on the ground civil rights leaders and attorneys from fighting for justice in his name joining us now a civil rights attorney so philip welcome robert. though your leisure. so robert there are a lot of fast moving parts with the show in china can you update our audience on what's happening what are some of the protests potential stalls and why it feels like the defense is aimed to put george ploy on trial. for the defense is going to do because unlike when the normal individuals on trial for cases like this and this is your eye on video of arnie on somebody's neck until they died this would not be going to trial this would be a plea bargain to be open and shut issue before police officers or what they are going to attempt to do is show that the officers response was reasonable that he was within the confines of hoodoo is a police officer and even a force was evil force would say that it was still within the parameters not meet the criteria for either murder or manslaughter or even reckless homicide or negligent homicide so this is why the police department is going to or of the attorneys are going to put george float on trial they're going to try to do not to get too deep into the weeds on the legal leads they're going to try to bring in prior previous bad at evidence they're going to try to bring in his history of drug use are going probably bring in previous convictions in order to try to justify why the officers need to take these sorts of at since in order to subdue him and all they need to do is convince one singular juror that the officer did not not only committed such a force but that he would not commit a murder and this is why i think the prosecution is going to try to at the 3rd degree murder charge and want that that's what's causing in current delay in the trial because the 3rd degree murder charge is kind of a catch all it's a reckless 'd reckless homicide charge 'd that would say that the police officer did not intentionally murder the individual but his actions led to such as a lower included offense and that they could fall back on so what showings of fits of terms want to do is not give them that fallback to say that if you can't prove intent and he cannot prove guilt a conscious object that the officer or the inevitable result of his actions to cause the death of this individua. therefore he should be acquitted altogether so this will be a trial about george floyd if the defense has its way you know given the events of last summer this trial i feel like is going to have a lot of a lot of media attention a lot of lights and a lot of cameras pointed at it what what does this case mean for the ongoing pride in efforts to actually hold police officers accountable for their actions in this country and do you think that the outcome of this trial will be indicative of a change in police culture if that you know depending on what i'll bet how come turns out to be. well is it going to think the outcome is going to determine the nation's response because right now the house has already passed a george florey criminal justice reform bill which itself is a very moderate build a business not go far enough. but right now it's unlikely that it will pass in the senate because as was mentioned earlier those moderate senators manchin and cinema and tester and many of those centrist democrats who voted against the fight for 15 have indicated that they will not support the criminal justice reform to the state necessary to what you do anything about the problem and what we have seen previously as a nation gets in a war you know so that the rodney king beating the nations of the war but there was never any federal legislation we saw that to be killing of trayvon martin but there was never any thought or all of the sleigh should we see this with george floored on an international level but the question is here we are barely a year out from that death and still no meaningful federal legislation so if the officer is acquitted you'll see the same will of the woods in the streets you'll see the same will people demanding change but that we have a recalcitrant government which was always intended to not do things america values racism far more than a value anything else so if you give a city like chicago the option of paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements for the ability to continue to be racist they will absolutely do that if you give the federal government the opportunity to simply post a can down the road and set up military blockades to deal with the aftermath of what they intend to be an acquittal they will do that instead of simply addressing the underlying issue of race to congress arrive said their racism is the birth defect of america the fundamental birth defect of this nation and we are yet to address the appears to still be even after a year vet to visit a nation which is unable and unwilling to address its core issues and robert you're also with jesse jackson's rainbow push coalition from that perspective and that of civil rights leaders what are the expectations of the organizers the activists and even george blue. families on the ground we know that the black lives matter took hold and the black lives matter movement took hold in a really big way after george clooney to death what impact if any does that movement have on this case. well that the power that the movement has is what we saw in the election because you have to turn those protest into people power and right now it will what we're seeing around the country is groups like pushed out of the c.e.o.'s see black clouds matter black voters matter the panel really of groups are working the series of realize it is far more likely that you will be able to make change on the local level than on the state level or even the federal level place like atlanta where i'm from well it's a state that's 35 percent african-american 15 percent latino all senate it every statewide elected official but on the state on the local level cities like atlanta counties like the cape that have county many of the urban areas are able to push through the sorts of police reforms that are needed to prevent the reoccurrence of these and so it was have to work on those local levels places where you have high african-american populations where you control the city council the wards and ship the mayors to county commissioners so on the so forth you're older than you can make change on that level so there has to be a focus going forward because we have we were told the current federal government and the state governments that are run by the same dixiecrats that have no interest in police reform robert i couldn't agree with you more about that but your assessment of that is as perfect for this thank you for joining us today and breaking down you know what the early stages of this trial we hope to have you on again to really dig into this and sadly i moved when we saw brianna taylor and trayvon martin and all of them i don't have high hopes for the outcome of this drought but we can keep our fingers crossed and keep fighting thank you so much for joining us today. and into. for those of us north of the equator summer is just a few months away and with summer come swimming and who doesn't love to die in the mirror swimming pool or lake on a summer day well tragically however where there is water there hasn't been enough lifeguards especially in germany it seems but they fully science ingenuity and robotics are here to save the day quite literally a team of researchers from the institute for advanced systems technology of the from home for institute has developed an underwater robotic system that can save drowning swimmers in both lakes and pools using a combination of surveillance cameras and sound wave act goes in trials the man sized underwater vehicle was able to locate a swimmer in distress secure them in place and bring them to the surface in mere seconds then chooses the quickest and safest path to shore yes my friends it appears that even though 'd lifeguards may soon be falling victim to the robotic takeover which means that for wendy peppercorn mitch buchanan c.j. parker and rick carlson are probably going to all be out of a job but boy did i dig deep on those pop culture references from the young marriage sandlot little baby daughter disappeared a little bit like i do they have a lot that is one thing if you had the promo out there are anybody that is our show for you today remember in this world we are not told that we love them up so i tell you all i love you i am tired robot and i love music keep on watching those talks never great day and night everybody. some control from the middle. of the night most of my very hardworking people that want to get ahead that either have some some health issues or have some of them had a streak of bad luck the whole time is pay for a place to live and missing just a month's rent can. gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. you better catch up real quick or you're going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted anyone that's homeless is treated like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time it's not the case see how it is to be paul in the world's richest country. in the headlines one international this hour a french schoolgirl admits that she made up claims about. a story spotting online a hate campaign against the teacher. but ultimately led to his beheading. the e.u. chief puts the blame on astra zeneca for vaccine supply failures with just 10 per cent of orders delivered. says how the kremlin brown's fresh u.s. claims of moscow meddling this time to supposedly discredit american vaccines in favor of the russian. independence movement is stripped of his immunity as a member of the e.u. parliament paving the way for spain pushed.

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New York ,United States ,Moscow ,Moskva ,Russia ,Georgia ,Australia ,Atlanta ,Luxembourg ,China ,Minnesota ,Washington ,Seattle ,West Virginia ,Germany ,Maine ,Rome ,Lazio ,Italy ,Israel ,Capitol Hill ,District Of Columbia ,France ,Spain ,Chicago ,Illinois ,Kobe ,Hyogo ,Japan ,Americans ,America ,French ,Chinese ,Russian ,American ,Eric Nelson ,Astra Zeneca ,Trayvon Martin ,Martin Luther King ,Kremlin Brown ,Tom Carper ,George Floyd ,Joe Biden ,Jesse Jackson ,Mcdonald Wal Mart ,Mitch Buchanan ,Rodney King ,Brianna Taylor ,Chris Coons Jeanne Shaheen ,George Clooney ,Derek Shaaban ,Rick Carlson ,Jeanne Shaheen ,Meg Haasan Tom Carper ,John Lewis ,Lisa Cross ,Chris Combs ,George Lloyd ,Bernie Sanders ,

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