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ah hello, i was the whole robin. you're watching the out. is there a news or lie from our headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes to kilt and several injured in a shooting incident in central powers? we lie from france, a hope for peace, the democratic republic of congo, the m 23 fighters say there, handy over some territory on the outskirts of go math to a regional falls. on the video from china shows dozens of body bags piled up at a funeral parlor, raising concerns over a major cove at 19 outbreak and thousands of board for staff in the u. k. gone strike to demand better pay is for majesty. city are off to winning sought after woke up early highlander getting on the score sheet as a be dumped liverpool out of the ne cough ah welcome to the prego. we begin with breaking news coming out of frauds were. local media is reporting at least 3 people have been shot dead and several others injured in central paris. police have arrested a man in his sixties halls. you stuff as you sunk. the shooting happened in the center of the kurdish community, which is situated in the 10th district of paris, as well as outside of restaurant, which is in front of the community center and a hairdresser. as of today, we don't know the motivation of the killer. the investigation is ongoing. all that must cross over to natasha butler correspondent in paris, whose monitoring event. so you just ride near the location? natasha. just tell us what you can see in here and patch. you have a clear picture of what seems to have happened while we've had a good look round and what we have for the time being is there are lots of police officers as you'd imagine. the street where the shooting took place are actually caught and doff. see, call get to close, but everybody's moving around, trying to trying to see people here, of course, extremely short. the such a thing should happen in what is a very residential part of paris central parish. now what we know so far, according to police and according to the local mass, we understand 3 people have now died because of that shooting. several people are injured anywhere between $4.00 and $6.00 of the time being that those figures do change because this happened a short while ago, about $1220.00 local time the shooting took place. as you imagine, details are just starting to emerge. we also understand the frances interior minister gerald damina has arrived at the scene of course, talking to police and trying to ascertain what happens now in terms of the suspect police say they have arrested a suspect, a man who is 69 years old. he's known to the police because in 2021 he try to attacks him. my grand said a temporary camp in the center of paris. he is not known though to the intelligence services. some people here are concerned because the shooting happened near curtis center. they said that perhaps there is something in that, but the police for the time being are saying nothing of the sort. they say that they don't know what the motivations are of the shooter. what they can tell us though, is that he is in a critical condition. of course, it's no great surprise that this happens very close to the festive period of christmas. most european capitals are on high alert and france is no stranger to attacks and assaults at this time of the year. it has happened in the past. yes or no for a very long time. you know, there was a period of time when there were many attacks sold in paris in the center 450406070, but really not for a very long time. you know, we don't know whether or not what the motivations were or the shooter. some people are saying that this is somebody who had a racist motivations. other people are saying perhaps he suffered from mental health problems. we, we don't know what the motivations also we do need to be rather cautious right now . but as you say, this is the festive pairs. it is the christmas period, people out and about their shopping, their restaurants, lots of restaurants, and kept a very popular area with many people when they want to go out. so of course this is, this is shaken. many people, many residents, eye witnesses earlier were saying that they ran inside when they heard so short sort of thing. of course, nobody expects would happen on the doorstep because we'll come back to you as we get more information from the authorities. natasha butler that force empowers thank you. in 23 and group in the democratic republic of congo says it's withdrawing from some territory as a goodwill gesture. if i to say bel, give up a position in the north eastern city of columbia to a regional piece talks commission m $23.00 is widely understood to be backed by wonder. an allegation that could garley denies. east african leaders have been pushing for an end to the conflict. this for hundreds of thousands of people from their home since october. let's get the latest bulk web correspondent, following developments from the kenyan capital my re b. hi mel. interesting development. really. in the conflict to considering its been raging in the east of the d. r. c. for some time now. in recent months, the $33.00 armed group took control of several key towns and bonds towards the regional capital of goma. the city of goma seitz's have been forced to go off and filmed with rwandan soldiers among them. like to use london military equipment for everyone to deny. the 23 is it proxy? now people in cities across home that have been demonstrating for months. the, again, for wonder and uganda, they accuse of decades of military battling and aggression. they've also been protesting against the international community, particularly u. k. and france. so that silent on this issue in recent months, everyone to depend on a military aid from western countries. and the campaign, the state is simply need the international community, the way to stop one day from its military aggression. now, just 4 days ago, after months of silence, from which the key ally of rwanda and a military partner, frank finally said that rwanda is back in 23 in the raw the should stop. and then just days later, we seeing that, you turn on the ground with them 23 pulling back from territory that is taken in recent bulk of a force that inevitably thanks. well, let's continue this because the un peacekeeping mission in the democratic republic of congo is the biggest in the world get, has been unable to prevent attacks by armed groups. in 23 is one of more than 100, based in the eastern congo in emerge more than a decade ago when find to sees as you go over on the border with the wonder that they say they're defending the interests of the ethnic to see minority in 2013, the cong leaves all me and us back to force is defeated. the m $23.00 and it's fighters fled to one. and you gander. m 23 splintered into several factions. but early this year, 2 of them united to launch the latest offensive reagan mobility is a conflict analyst at the key, the security tracker. he explains what led to this withdrawal m just asking for discussion. but so glad they didn't get that was so that those are the other issues that we just we broke up last week about a still keep on by mark blade when you all that. how good the last couple of months when you see that because of the stuff coming from different governments. but we know from the last 3 weeks so spread out from the us government by growth. so we hope that. 7 also because of these new records, brenda edwards, from, from the us show, there is a run that there is a bit you bought meant from yesterday. so i think that that, that meant that we haven't been shown create that. don't you? free is willing now to make i just with regard to this, you get these present it to him has accuse washington, the fighting and indirect war against russia and ukraine using ukrainian soldiers instead of its own. the russian president also dismissed the patriot missile defense system pledged by washington. no, because it's a period of regarding patriot missiles. it's a relatively old system. it doesn't work as well as our s 300. and nonetheless, those have a confronting our side. this is a defensive weapon. well ok, but they will always be an antidote. so the people who are doing this are doing it in vain. it's just prolonging in the complex, that's all giving you the head of russian private military company. the wagner group has dismissed us report that it received a north korean arm shipment, film yang has denied sending the weapons, but us national security council spokesman john kirby says, intelligent shows that north korea said rockets and missiles into russia for use by the best race in ukraine, north korean officials have said publicly that they would not support russia's war and ukraine, and yet here they are delivering arms to wagner, indirect violations of un security of un security council resolutions. and we're going to raise these violations with the security council alongside of our allies and partners, and of course, we condemn. north korea is actions. and we urge north korea to see these delivers delivers to wagner immediately. often, jordan has more from washington d. c. the white house did confirm on thursday that north korea did sell weapons to the a wall near group of which is essentially a private russian military operation, acting on behalf of the government and moscow inside the ukraine. the usaa is very, very angry about this development. there are plants at the un security council to bring the matter up because it doesn't represent a violation of un security council resolutions involving north korea's behavior on the world stage. as well as out trying to bring up new concerns about the behavior of iran, which has also been providing a military support, particularly in the form of drones to our russia as it continues its invasion of ukraine. the position here at the state department is that north korea needs to be held to account. but beyond an extensive us sanctions, regime officials here don't want to get into any more specifics about what else could be done to try to curb the behavior of pyongyang in this a war south cruise military says knolls, gray has 5 to short range ballistic missiles towards the sea of his eastern coast, the weapons are said to have been fired from the soon on area. the report comes days after the knolls launched 2 other missiles. young young has conducted an unprecedented member of test. the sheer china claims it has no reports of new cove at 19 fatalities is being disputed after the video. now this was really showing dozens of body bags piled up as a funeral, poller and john king in the southwest. china recently changed the definition of k v death to those caused by pneumonia and respiratory failure of this hospital bill. john king has been converted into a makeshift cove at 19 ward. another room of the facility is still the patients alive. he drips cases a surging in china after the government began easing restrictions. this month following a wave of protests, of solid physic is from the gate of his college of london. she says, trying to is vulnerable to a major outbreak. there is an immunity gap due to the 0 coven policy, which means that the majority of the population has not yet been exposed. and we do have an elderly population that been backing hesitant and it's been difficult to get the home grown vaccine available to this population. so those 2 factors mean that over 60 percent of the population can be hit in the next 90 days and is going to be very difficult to combat the tidal wave of covet 19 in the wake of what has been really a 3 years of quite severe cooper restriction, but some described as draconian, but it did in fact prevent many debts and we're seeing sort of the, almost the consequence of that success now because there are many people that will be experiencing who would for the 1st time. so i think that there's also an issue here that we could see not, not just myself, but other models predict that over a 1000000 people. i could end up dying from cove it as a result of not just this way, but the consequent waves that will emerge from the current outbreak. plenty more had here on the algae is there a news are including the u. s. braces, what's being called a bomb claim. it's they feel white christmas, that could be the cold, the decade. the to say that school health teachers, pupils and parents of things together to overcome hardship in the sport. we hear from table tennis topic to all the premier league restart on that coming up within the hour. ah, the congressional tunnel investigating last year as capitol hill attack has released its final report, declaring the blame lies with one man. donald trump, the hearings into how the insurrection on january, the 6th happened, and he was responsible focus mostly on the role played by the full, the president, alexander buyers, reports to record the january 6th committee has cemented its place in the history books, the combination of 18 months of work, more than 1000 witness testimonies, and more than a 1000000 pages of evidence summarized in an 845 page report. this is uncharted territory or the united states for the department of justice to actually weigh whether or not to break charges against donald trump. the report details how then president donald trump carried out a plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election result from knowingly disseminating false information. to pressuring the vice president, members of congress and local and federal officials, he failed then summoned a mob of his supporters to washington and did nothing to stop them as they attacked the capital for more than 3 hours. committee members were unanimous in their conclusion. one man cause the january 6th attack donald trump, and they've made clear he must be held accountable. earlier this week, they formerly accused the former president of inciting insurrection and other crimes, and recommended he face criminal prosecution. the justice department is conducting its own investigation and the committee hopes its findings will be a roadmap for the special council heading that process. trump has dismissed what he says are fake charges as an attempt to block his white house run into years. time. analysts say it's a significant moment for us politics. this is unprecedented. we're talking about a former us president and also a candidate for the president of the united states in 2024. even though this is non binding. this certainly puts pressure on the justice department to actually weigh this evidence against the former president. republicans will take control of congress in the new year, almost certainly putting an end to any further congressional investigations into the insurrection. now ensuring accountability for the attack and the decision to press charges lies solely with the department of justice. alexandra buyers al jazeera, well as the shell correspondent, joseph, or from washington d. c. and al, and the evidence really gathered up by the committee is damning. according to their report, but what happens now? what if you hear that noise, that that's the clock ticking on the lifespan of this congress? because of course, the republicans take control on january the 3rd know in the lame duck session between now and january, the 3rd. there is the possibility that congress could pass at the, at the reform of the electoral count act, which would mean that the vice president will make it absolutely clear that the vice president can't reject any electro slates from the states. and of course, that was the key for donald trump. he believed that mike pence could do that and declare him the president. so they're going to take that away. but when the republicans take control on january the 3rd, they are going to review everything that this committee has done. they're going to look for errors and mistakes and things that could have it put donald trump in a better light that may have been omitted. they are going to go through this with a fine tooth comb. so there could be very small changes, but the idea of there being big changes between now and january, the 3rd infantry decimal, i'm afraid. so does this mean now sort of the owners of whether donald trump sees a court room or not, or is charged or whatever really hangs with the justice department now and their investigation. i like the fact that congress has me that criminal referral to the justice department. it is important and it's significant. but anyone can do that. i could make a criminal referral to the justice department. no. from congress that would carry a lot more weight. but you've got to remember that the justice department is already carrying out its own investigation and the level of proof that they need for a case is much higher than the committee needs to make its recommendations. and he is an important thing to remember. no president has ever been charged with a crime. and so if the department of justice makes the decision that it's going to charge donald trump, that it's case has got to be absolutely watertight. so donald trump, the moment is, is continuing with this which hunt theory that he's propagating isn't getting any traction amongst his own party members. cuz what we're seeing as well, republicans as a sort of jostle for position in it as potential candidates for that presidential election in 2024 are slightly distancing themselves from their summer, still closer to him. where does it all stand right now? well donald trump's idea of a stolen election has gain traction from the moment he spoke about it in the white house, the night of the election. and there are many people who are elected very recently, who believe that the election was indeed stolen, even though a lot more were actually defeated. a donald trump will continue to claim it's a witch hunt. there are those who say the reason he declared his candid see, was to protect himself because he's facing a lot of criminal charges, not just connected with january the 6th, but in connection with his taxes, with his business, with his charity dealings. all of these things are built into the idea that donald trump declared his candidacy so that anyone took legal action against them. it would look political. and there are plenty of people out there who are going to defend donald trump, who believe in donald trump's words, he did nothing wrong and they will continue to put up that fight despite the mountain of evidence that has been presented here by the january 6th committee alicia for so washington dc. thank you. the apostle into storm is causing holiday travel. cale sir cross parts of north america. the plunging temperatures are set to deliver the coldest christmas day to parts of the us in nearly 40 years. caroline has the latest. the end of the year is usually a time of festive cheer, but not for these travellers. heading into the holiday weekend, thousands of flights had been cancelled as a powerful arctic storm spreads across the us and canada. hope is hard to find. we don't know what's gonna happen whether or not they have extra flights for to night, or they're saying maybe they won't even have flights tomorrow. so it's christmas, it's like scary repaired and i saw her while the long way over her to figure extreme weather alerts had been issued in nearly 2 thirds of the u. s. as temperatures plunge due to a life threatening wind chill. even the u. s. president has urged people to heed the warnings, goose not like a snow day and owner kid. this is serious stuff. and i team it for to help communities. whether this so no pun intended, the so called bomb cyclone is set to unleash heavy blinding snow to the eastern us in canada. just wanted a grocery store so well had to come out for this week. and i will be stuck in house looking at the smell and numbing cold. intensified by strong winds, extends as far south as texas when newly arrived, undocumented migrants are sleeping on the streets. a number of governors have already declared states of emergencies as the cold snap delivers. the i seized christmas in decades and cholera join us now in the studio with really the very latest on what's going on. yes, the worst is still to come for some areas of the us to the north, east and east can parts of canada. and now you as president joe biden was not joking when he said this is serious stuff. what warnings out stretching from coast to coast in the us border border know that system is currently sitting, the storm over the great lakes where it's 20. that's where it's likely to become this so called bomb fi clone. now, behind it, we've had an optic block. you can see from the temperature chart that's dropped temperature severely in record time as well for places like denver. we are expecting not trend to continue as that air reaches down to the very south. now we won't see time just of minus 55 degrees celsius, but it will certainly feel that way. thanks the life threatening wind chill and that could cause frost bite is skin is exposed for under 10 minutes. so really, really bitter cold. here we could see minus 10 degrees in parts of florida. and the worst of those wintery conditions offset to sweep across the north east towards eastern parts of canada. that's when the storm it becomes the equipment of a category to hurricane. and that's where we'd like to see damaging winds. we could see power outages as well as blizzards and so called white out conditions and also see some flooding in new york that's been declared. the state of emergency a number of states have the temperature dipping down to minus 2 degrees even by sunday is certainly going to be the cold as christmas in a long time to some day that will play so much car for the update. well, stella had here on the news, our rights groups condemned the use of force by police and the army into route during protest earlier this month. and it's for the celebrations. continue and argentina following the countries world cup. try those details coming up. ah, it's one of the biggest clubs in south america, but it's greatest rival is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between fans formed from a class device sustained over generations. most book junior supporters are born into these club colors. in an epic feud of rich versus poor friends who make football on al jazeera with oh, i thought you all just there was news. i mean, the whole run the reminder of on top stories, at least 3 people are being shot dead and several others injured at a kurdish community center in central paris. police arrested a man in his 1623 group in the democratic republic of congo science, a drawing from some territory. as a goodwill gesture, the faintest sight, they'll give us a position in the northeast to a regional peace talks commission. and a severe winter storm that the united states, the national weather service, as temperatures are the coldest on record in 4 decades, the conditions are disrupting holiday travel for millions of people. at least 8 people have died and heavy snow storms in northwestern japan. the powerful weather system started on saturday. so drifts cause traffic calles disrupted railway services and cut power to thousands of homes. more severe weather is forecast in the coming days. tens of thousands. the people levels are being displayed by flooding and malaysia, have the days of heavy monsoon, rain, the northern states of canton, and had gone to our worst hit land slides in floods of submerged roads, bridges, houses, and calls emergency services. say at least 5 people have been killed for st. louis has will, on the floods are affecting people in the north, wherein a village in pursuit intern gone. you said one of the worst effected areas. nouns, the floods here, people say, was the worst in living memory. what is rose quickly? people barely had time to escape and get to relief centers. there's a river, not far from the village and heavy rains over the weekend had caused the river to burst its banks. you can see the extent of the damage caused by flood waters. houses completely destroyed. zinc roofs lie on the ground. trees have been up rooted water receded several days ago. so people have been able to return to begin the process of cleaning up. but rebuilding is going to take a lot longer, weeks, months, even now people here say they have received some aid from volunteers and also from the government. but it's still a long and difficult road ahead to replace what they've lost. but as a physician, as i did to remove the hon glide, the move was backed by 3 of 4 major opposition groups. as they seek a united front, the head of presidential elections in 2024 is so schedule to undergo another consultation next week before being finalized. why that type of stuff, but as well as interim president, 29 team. following a wave of protests against the government authorities in peru say at least $22.00 people were killed during protest spot by the ousting of the former president pedro castillo earlier this month. rights groups have condemned the use of force by police of the army under demanding investigations or other sanchez has more from lima. oh, tiers than anger. the family of 27 year old. now the one got laid him to rest. then i'll see you soon. little brother, i know that we are all going to die. may they be justice law? yes. no. now lose one of more than 20 protesters killed in clashes with security forces. at least 4 of the victims were children. prosecutor say it is likely that most of the demonstrators were killed by gunfire. in the region of a futon, arm claims protesters attacked them with blunt objects. after weeks of protest, the government declared a nation wide state of emergency allowing the army to support the police. a mistake could exceed me on the macro level that isn't le valuable because opening the door to the military, increase the number of that's in the tension sort of everything doubled. which shows once again, the danger of using the military to control internal order. human rights will say most of the deaths of the demonstrators were caused by an excessive use of force by police on the military violating human rights standards. the inter american commission for human rights in bidder is investigating a legit violations in underway. ask one of the 1st cities were protestors demanded new general elections. hundreds of civilians and police officers were injured in the clashes officer, louisa raleigh says protestors attacked his unit with a grenade, injuring 15. 14 members. lamb would be too long for the crowd threw an object with my partner, shouted grenade. i tried to see where but it exploded and we all fell on the ground . ah, another officer we sca mitchell said the aftermath from the force of the explosion left him numb. that's when he says a mob went after him, but if not a problem, they kicked and hit me with rocks. i tried to cut my head and face with my helmet until they took it off and hit me ah, as hundreds of people more in the depths of their loved ones. but he didn't. he never what he has called for an investigation. ah, but many peruvians are furious. say she is responsible for this deadly political and social crisis. medina center center cedar, lima, b, 2, inflation, inter kia this year has been the highest since president rhetoric died. oh, the one to cough is nearly 20 years ago. critic, se policies favorite equally expansion and cheap credit over the currency and stability. but government officials blame russia's invasion of ukraine said him consider, explains how inflation is affecting people, living in istanbul, 16 year old sammy john has been training as a mechanic atlas shop in a stumbled for a few months or 3 years ago. his parents divorced his mother was forced to find a job to support him, but a winter kiss. inflation skyrocketed here decided to drop out of school. last is that the long, even if you have 2 people earnings, you minimum, which salaries life is difficult for that household and little i did my salary to my family with the circle. i also work as a photographer over the weekend, and i spend that money for myself. i did not want to force my family to send in each school, especially as a young american inflation, which 85 percent when the government cut entrust weights at the end of 2021 in a year. the lira has those more than twice its value compared to the us dollar terms. bill alisha runs is 40 year old dowers shop. he says he's had to increase the price is 5 times in the past to you. i read the use of inflation is like a monster increases in the minimum wage. don't help people. if we didn't have arab tourists, it would be too difficult. not only for us, all of istanbul, the hotels groceries and markets, or higher rent water in electricity bills are weighing heavily on the small business. yeah, mr. church, i was sure this president did. there are 3 people working here. i need one more, but i can't afford it. many businesses around here half started to employ african or syrian refugees all over $60000000.00 presenters have type out on an answer total of 80 percent increase in the minimum wage this year. on top of the 50 percent high, at the end of last year, turkey is giving up for an election and mid 2023 present ardon is expected to pump more money into the economy. further vote, which is likely to lead to more pricing quizzes. he also promised to reduce inflation to 40 percent in a few months. it is unclear how he will manage both, but in the meantime, turkey citizens are finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet cnn per solo al jazeera assemble of the show that actually is a to clear economic expert and joseph ally from its double good time with us on the program has to really be asked how to tech, you really get itself into this mass. number wise, it's actually running around. now you said at the outset software that is not the end of the story actually use in bringing to reasonable. i don't want thousands but it says, i think it's a big question. i would say that it's it's a combination or what meant inventions and some unfortunate misperceptions about the nature of an economy. by that i mean the follow up with 2016. yeah. know that please carol, beginning with 2016 authorities and decided that he needed venue. and that this new growth model would be based on low interest rates and high exchange rates, meaning bank all the big changes aiming for booster export. and where we ended up as a result of these invest, beginning at 16 with one or more of this, but monetary policy because they are north of books and those, or nobody's. and i would say in my view, may be the week. but at the end of 2021, they gave the boost to exchange it nation through these totally on what i would say. and then exchanges which led to little jason and that's faster. the vision caused us to come up with these very unreasonable, unnecessarily. i information. now the problem is, when you say it's why you should level, for long enough time period, better than, you know, she said that it because it's a great indeed and i can just jump in. that's exactly what i was coming to now, because when you do have high inflation, it does hit everyone, doesn't it? a while the government might have an aisle the bigger picture at the end of the day . it's the individual at home, either without savings to draw on to, to deal with those rising prices. that sort of deals with the everyday commodities that they have to buy a dig into that cash reserves. and lots of people just don't have those cash reserves right now. it's very difficult time for the old and we take on the st. and those who do actually do the follow up. they rush why goods and services because they know that if they get the cash, he's going to be losing his value. and so it's an inflation process that feeds is that there is a sort of the cost pushing in $30.00 like more strategies. but the also have a demand will be invasion, which is coming from the need to spend the money before it loses its value. so it's a combination of cost push and both of us and turkish lit up based at the prices are at biddy unreasonable levels. by that i mean the laundry, the deposit, jade. the government bought me. they said they are all in very negative for india. ok, let me just jump it out because both capital, including ankara, a company blaming the conflict in ukraine for all the other financial ways. i mean, the u. k. is one of them that we've been for today is it's a fair assessment by anchored to continue to blame what's going on it, not those region. no, i don't either these because all these numbers we started cutting dates in september 2021. and at that point you'd be, she was $19.00 policy rate was 19 and the change. it was up, the $8.00 against the dollar. and just for the outbreak of that, i should say more already. she was 55 percent 55 from 19.5 exchange a had searched from 8.7 to 14. before you slide the above 14. and that tells you the story. and i'll call to say that that man was down by line. what? so when you've cut the whole is 8 by 5 points, actually make it irrelevant, the horse, it, you know, the, a san diego and inflation. so just 19165 before the outbreak of the war. okay, so the order for me. so let me them fat. sadly, we have to leave it the i miss actually thank you very much for your time for joining us here on out there. you're on. thank you. thousands of board for staff are on strike in the u. k. a few days after similar action was taken by ambulance drivers. nurses that amending a 10 percent pay increase in line with you came flacier, which is currently at 10.7 percent. let's get more pull brendan to join us now from london. i mean, you over to heathrow airport shortly earlier in the day, paul, you got a good idea of the disruption that is being caused and the impact it's having on the public as we get closer to a very busy time of the year. yes, i mean the $1000.00 border force officers who would be manning goes passport kiosks as you arrive at various airports up and down the country. they're walking out for 8 days over the christmas and new year period in support of the claims for pay, pay increase and stopping the erosion of working conditions and pensions. the board of force chiefs are saying that there will be robust plans in place, and there are bus plans in place they say in order to try to minimize the disruption. we're talking about nearly $9000.00 flights, which are due to land at the various airports, london bending and manchester in the strike period. so we're talking potentially as many as 1700000 passengers. but what the, what the government as essentially done is draft in the military with some short period of training to actually staff. those passport desks. and the indication that we're getting so far this morning is disruption, has indeed been minimized. hatred, spokes person said morning arrivals, peaks dotted, well, immigration holes, free flowing, gatwick, spokes person said everything's going okay at the moment. plenty of staff, e gates, all operating no delays and that's also being. busy corroborated by passengers on social media, one saying got through heathrow, airport, border control, and the quickest time in 10 years being run with military precision. if only the army could run it permanently. well, there is a bit of an issue because clearly the army is relied upon for a national emergency flood zone. disasters like that to use the army as essentially strike busters is not really what the army is there for. so the government has to watch itself on that school, but certainly at the moment the disruption that is going to undoubtedly take place has so far been mitigated. and it's not the only industry that's actually a pin obs on striking at the bay. but nurses, as well as the, the post office and rail workers, all offering dates of when best services will. and this is of the linking that strikes to more in january. apparently. yes, we're not at the stage of a general strike yet. normally what you have is one union and one economic sector will called a strike because of disputes. and what we've got in the u. k, at the moment is across the board. there are numerous professions, numerous workplaces which are totally unhappy with the, with the, the way, the prices of a totally outstripping, the wage increases at the moment. some people i essentially worse and worse off as days and weeks go by. the health workers have announced new strike dates january, for example, the rural culture. nothing saying the strike young. the january 18th and 19th, an ambulance workers represented by the g m. b union have scheduled to new day for action on january the 11th. so it's clear that these strikes are not just for christmas. they're going to go on into the new year, and it's going to be a really difficult winter of discontent. full force in london. thank you. let's because i was beats in the see muslim. he's a chief market analyst at adver trade. join me now from london. good. have you with us on the program. missed us. and so the border full staff walk off the job. nurses are available strike days in january as well. this is involving or evolving into a much larger problem for the government. and one way, all sides don't seem to want to talk to the authorities because the authorities really aren't offering them what they want. yes, that's actually true and i think i cannot can, can more. ready you earlier commentator was really saying that this is across the board, the economic courses, the cost of living has really pushed everyone on the border edge last time i was on your in. so i story and we talked about this particular change in spending pattern pattern, and that was the case. now the russians have started to see more n t c. 3 weeks ago or 4 weeks ago, we were still seeing restaurants being ashamed in the busy slide. people not really experiencing the cost of living quarters in, in the actual living. now the disposable income in the united kingdom has eroded at the fastest pace ever. we have the cpi number on the id or in facial number or a name. and people utilize the multi deck at high and the bank of england has no other choice, but continue to increase interest rate to say, and that is only going to prolong recession in the united kingdom. so this develop country is really facing a situation in which people can the undeveloped countries are facing. people are hiring and making a choice of either turning on electric. they using precise measurement of water in the cattle to keep the electric cost low. could you believe in the united kingdom gap. ready rebel energy, everything is great, but because of the cost of crisis, you're putting exact amount of water in the capital so that you, electric bill isn't really going up. you are putting more less on in the united kingdom so that you don't have to turn on electric. got because of the other issues because you cannot afford to pay the electric bill. okay, mr. some you can, it's a really good, broad idea of what's going on in the case study for international views. let's just focus it on one of the fact to certainly playing into the hands of the health workers. for example, the nurses that are on strike at the moment, and that's the immense public support that they have. you know, carson, laurie's are going pass their beeping, their holes is support. we had one commentator on the program earlier saying that, you know, herb and polls suggest as many as 60 percent of the public support what the, the medical staff are doing right now. regardless of all the sort of saber rattling and fears that the government is talking about when it comes to not enough medical staff in case of emergencies. the sacrifices at the health service made over the coven period have not gone unnoticed. have they in the general public and the public believe genuinely that the hell service deserves a pay rise? but it's, it's a very difficult $1.00 to sell. and for in terms the government to sell her to get him into the law makers who do not obey by the same rule. i mean is that asked the question that. ready really occupied, you know, you are supporting people, you are going for a law which is really increasing the cost of living prices in your own country. and you are not rewarding people who saved the old country doing the corporate crisis. the front line workers we're talking about you have like last time or discuss this mary brawley. i have a 3 year old daughter. if she is sick, ambulance is not going to be turning to my daughter. i have to take my daughter to a hospital and the journey is going to be very, very intense. when you go to the hospital, the system is already broken because we don't have enough doctors and nurses. you have to wait in the 20 for emergency hours for hours and hours as a parent or as a patient. now, you are not palletized in these people yet, you have billions and billions of dollars to help and fight a wall, which is not your own war to begin with because your own war is taking care of people here in the country. taking care of people who are keeping the countryside taken care of for people who are helping other to live for another day so that i may have to leave a name or some thank so much for joining us from the capital market company. i've tried. thank you. there was rising cost and increasingly constrained government spending public services in the u. k. under intense pressure. the health sector is getting much of the attention village cation is also feeling. the strain for challenge has been to a primary school in london to see that unusual solution to funding crisis. ah, my, the children of barn croft primary school be heading the musical st. autumn. ah, kids on vocals, parents handling video and editing with this cover of an eighties pot classic he or the voice by john farnham, they're shooting for that most hallowed of british traditions. topping the charts with a christmas number one single. ah, not for fortune or fame, though they're much more modest aim is to keep their school lights on, and their teachers employed. ah, i've been a teacher since the late ninety's. ah, this is the worst i'd ever known it. bon crosshead says the school is in a huge financial black hole and it's not alone. it's absolutely country light. and i think if you spoke to any had teacher in the country, they would say that their school has been really badly hit by this. earlier in the year, teachers wages went up box. the government did not give schools the money to pay for this, leaving them with serious budget deficits. bancroft hopes they can raise enough money to buy solar panels for the roof. cutting soaring energy bills might mean the school won't have to make staff redundancy in a year or 2, the teaching assistants that vulnerable and special needs children rely on for support. despite having fun with the video, the situation has left parents despondent, really angry and you know, our children, they, they say like children, not the future really we need to invest in them. it's a bigger problem, the schools everywhere. and it's very, very ring the future registration in the whole country. you're the voice trying on this day, making noise in may kick things every month and every day being my layer. and then i basically just once i gave you a job and i was, i mean you in the one practice of christmas number one would of course be a fantastic present for the kids and the parents of this school. but a better one would be the funding they need. indeed the funding that every cash strapped school across this country needs and isn't receiving at the moment. re challenge out as era london? french, serial killer. charles, the raj is on his way home from the pole. he's on a flight back to the front following his release from prison serv. raj named the serpent was jailed in the pole in 2003 for murdering american and canadian bank packers. the 78 year old was released on poll grounds for poor health and good behavior. and he served most of his sentence. i can great, great the soon. i only full, full well, how did i, i usually look at. i have to assume that if you do this did well still lead hill. the news are in st. paul mohammed sala wasn't of the world cup, but he's back to liverpool doing what he does in football action, coming up after the break. ah. with mm pool. ah ah, poked about sport or his other. thank you very much so well. earling had on the wasted little time and the minding every wanna buy his qualities, having and not being at the walk up. no region afford got on this course. eat the as amanda city, beach, liverpool and the new cup. last 16. and what was the 1st match for both teams? following cut out 20. 22. other big names. the absentees, that from the global event, manse, it is algerian. sorry i'd matters, and it was egyptian forward mohammed selah also bad the goals. the match however, was decided by dutch defender nathan a key who sealed a 3 to victory for city. i had the feeling the game that were really, really good in everything here. remember here with the games, the same, a finance manager here that you had the feeling that under control do have chances and they don't need anything to, to score a career choices for the quality. the half of the structure they have. when they are much better, they destroy you. when you are in mama's, during the game birds in brochure to in 90 minutes, better than them. but in long period this game would work better. spectacular game i would say followed early stage again and lots high intensity as there is a lot to take from m. j. the result obviously not in a goal to concede not, but in between. yes we me played yeah. so a couple of times from your best him in the world unbelievable how they are and what they do. and so it's normal that you're struggling moments, so i accepted it from league resumes on monday, which is box. and there traditionally a massive occasion for, for boy england tabletop is arsenal, will be an action against west ham one man, you want spots training is gabriel. he says, who has undergone a knee surgery? he picked up an injury while a wall cup, a dutiful purcell. they are really good and we not really good place obviously, and huge blow with together. his focus on what happened in the work or with his injury and tear. we're gonna museum for a period of time. but this isn't half challenges. that's a challenge that we have to overcome as well. but to him, you want to be at the top and you know that you've been asked to face those type of fan challenges. celebrations, continue across argentina. following about woke up transfer and there was a massive gathering in a hometown of goalkeeper in indiana martinez. thousands of people came on to celebrate with their hero. martinez won the fif of golden globe award, which is given it to the torments, best goalkeeper e b. joy. and i do need to learn a silly john. my dream was to give a title to leonor massey with the national teams. i had given the corp america, i'm on my final dream as a goalkeeper, as an athlete, was to give the world cup title to the best player in the world. so there aren't any doubts left about him being the best player in history. this is personal. i sent him a message after the world cup that said, thank you for giving me the world cup. and he replied, the same thing. it is incredible to have the best player, respect your heart, and be a now and a new orleans pelicans that have snapped their full game losing streak with the wind over the san antonio spurs. so on performance that from a c, j. m a column that's going a season high 40 points, got them out of the windless run pelicans and now sit fed in the western conference eco, a window that with the top 2 teams, the having played one game more. it's great to see, see, do you have a night like he did to night 40 point, saw the 9 asses are impressive. he rebounded the ball and we needed that type of production from him with the guys being out those ion. ah no, be i know larry ah, is just sort of a next man up me mentality. but is good to see c, j along with all the other guys as a group come together, execute on both ends of the floor and, and is good to get on a wind side of things. another team with the wind to their name are the utah jazz, or shooting a god that may leak at bisley 3rd off the band with 25 points on the night. it wasn't a cake walk for the jazz, as quoi is for to score the half caught the buzzer beater what? it was as 6 up at half time. however, the jazz came back in the 2nd half is secure. 12212. when they sit 7th in the wes anonymous, start in italy and changed my mind sir, began sto, team player. ah morrow's to come in and do it. i'll do offer meant i'm still sometimes finish the game. i still going early with the starters and just depends on the game for those out. the do not, but being mer will not start and would not take advantage of moral and do not supposed to do in the of the team when anyway, alizay's. well, for me, thank you back to so thanks very much so, and you'll be watching the news now. i'll be about more news on the other side of the break until i'm from santa me. how many is our team? that's your time and your company? ah, the wind blows the fishing boats home as it has for the countless centuries. people have lived here, these malagasy migrants, they move from the drought written self in such a means to survive. and as story is the interface between climate change and biodiversity laws, the arrival of the migrants is adding to the precious on fish, dogs and marine by diversity, already stretched by over fishing. and this is going to happen all over the world is impacts like sea level rise, cause people to move further and further in learn, putting more pressure on environmental resources for people fleeing the impacts of global warming. it's survival at all costs for a meeting with all the country, the cost getting more bang for your buck, the dollars being on the up in plenty. plenty to what's next, with the greenback. why gold hasn't been doing so well this year on crypt of currency. what we're going to look at, what's next, by the industry as it struggles to regain trust, counting the cost on all just discover a world of difference determination. i'm coming down with me, but we are moving freedom with the 16 people with corruption and compassion al jazeera wound, a selection of the best films from across our network of channels. oh.

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