Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180807 13:15:00

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want to shape the continent's future to. be part of growing numbers in youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. the seventy seven percent. platform specific charge. anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the united states that is the all trumps warning to the international business world off of the u.s. imposed fresh sanctions against tehran now the e.u. wants to limit the damage for european companies. face coke now wants a bank details coming feature is in its messenger service could see the social media john branching out into the fin tech sector of. the heap. in europe it's
and iran. it is always what we're worried that our ability to do business with the u.s. will be restricted that could mean fines or even ending up on a blacklist so that we won't be able to export anything there many german companies have invested heavily in iran they had high hopes like here at the german iranian chamber of industry and commerce in tehran but all of a sudden that's come to an end. here it's not that i. after three years it was time for companies to begin earning profits one spin is really began to flourish. now the sanctions have come into force again off get it big german corporations are among those affected such as folks. at it's a rainy and commercial vehicle division order books for vans ambulances and taxis are full but the company is holding off on new investments. and mercedes maker dima learned on stern tuesday that it was putting its expansion plans for iran on hold.
let's bring in our financial correspondent of booze and who's done a front for comma what can the e.u. actually do to help european companies. well first of all the european union can make sure the channels for financial transactions remain open and if this doesn't work with corporate banks then state owned banks could be forced to provide those services in the future then the german government has confirmed that the export guarantees and investment guarantees for iran stay in place that is that part of the risk that german companies take when doing business with iran will be protected by the german taxpayers and last but not least the european union has kept its so-called blocking regulation in place which effectively prohibits
a company like that exactly wants to face interesting times thank you very much calmer boozed. facebook is after your financial data now it's asking banks for use as financial information like the cop transactions and compound says that's what the wall street journal has reported facebook wants to use the data for new features for its messaging service including account balance updates and fraud it's also several financial service providers to discuss potential services it could host for bank customers the report is coming at a time where facebook has been under intense scrutiny of privacy reasons well within the studio and. tech editor who has looked into this particular story. what has facebook got to offer to box well from this statement that we've read from facebook so far it basically looks like they're attempting to partner with a lot of major financial institutions in the united states and kind of take some of
their customer service. work that the banks do and tie it into facebook's core service basically they want what does that mean if i were if my bankers are out there so there's a transaction that i don't like and instead of going to my back i'm talking to facebook well to a certain extent yes i mean they don't want had to have access to all users transaction information instead they want users when they're looking for customer service in their banks to turn to facebook messenger their chat app they're hoping to load chat bot so little programs they can speak or actually talk on behalf of the bank into their messenger service and have users turn to them when they need customer service from their financial institutions so they're not the facebook is not after after all bank details to to predict you know all consumer behavior. and then right now they say they're not i mean that was initially reported by the wall street journal but facebook has walked that back saying they're really just looking to take on some of the customer service offerings from the banks in tiny into facebook more directly so does that mean that facebook is going into take no
no it really isn't like i said this is just kind of goes towards facebook's. focus on customer service i mean facebook right now is kind of stagnating in the western world so they're trying to find new ways to kind of deepen the engagement their customers have they want the customers not just to postpone information there but also to turn to facebook for different type of them services and while this is necessary financial tech it's really kind of focusing in on the customer service options that they're hoping will increase in gauge meant among their user base why is facebook looking to deepen the user experience experience all the user engagement why do these are mean another two billion people on facebook already well you're right there are two billion people on facebook but this is really kind of focusing on the western world so our north america and europe because well they have kind of reach market saturation i mean if you live where we live in central europe or in north america if you're the type of person to have a facebook account you already have one so they're using numbers aren't growing in
has been saying germany hasn't done enough to correct the imbalance its chief economist says this is nothing to be proud of. in contrast to the common assumption a large trade surplus is not necessarily a sign of strength it can rather be seen as evidence of weak domestic investment. wants to see berlin invest more at home in digitalisation and infrastructure then germans might consume more and perhaps even spend a bit more on imported goods. the past months of broad record temperatures around the world and europe this has many negative side effects farmers for example are struggling but then there are those who celebrate and profit from it wine makers for example they expect an excellent vintage have started their harvests already. hot dry weather just right for grapes that's why this summer has been perfect after too much rain last year. due to the temperatures the grape harvest has already
getting higher we can see that. four feet the shard some forty years ago in one sense that in one nine hundred seventy six we also had a very hot and dry year. bar so it doesn't mean that it's happening more and more often. than we have elf maybe next summer will be very cool and wet let's wait and see. if the climate is getting hotter and drier going his'n vineyards plan to start growing new varieties of grapes the fall family have set their eyes on red wines. i'm assets for me on the business team beneficial and i have an update for you in the next stop thank you very much. cut cut. cut. cut cut. cut.
cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut. cut. cut cut cut. cut cut cut cut cut cut. some places may be difficult to find on a map. but nearly everyone knows the names. they stand folk world famous products for inventions. like european tour of a different kind. in our series regional success story. their own lives next on g.w. .
sarno just couldn't get this song out of his head. the music college just began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. and found that deep in the rain forest in central africa. the byock of people. saying that i knew. the look was evil because. he was needed by their culture but he stayed. only a promise to our son was made son only of the jungle and returned to the concrete and glass trunk. the result reversed culture shock.

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Five , Seven , Twenty , Youngsters , Stories , Numbers , Part , Dreams , Continent , Challenges , Platform Specific Charge , Seventy Seven , Us , Companies , Sanctions , Business , All , Iran , Anyone Doing Business , Warning , Damage , Coke , Eu , European , Tehran , World Off , Bank , Feature , Messenger Service , Heap , Fin Tech Sector Of , Social Media John , German , Fines , Ability , Blacklist , Anything , Commerce , Industry , All Ofa Sudden , End , Chamber , Three , Spin , Corporations , Folks , Force , One , Company , Order , Maker Dima , Mercedes , Investments , Holding , Division , Expansion Plans , Taxis , Vans Ambulances , Vehicle , Books , Iran On Hold , Comma , Booze , Front , Correspondent , Banks , Government , Services , Doesn T , Transactions , Work , Channels , Investment , Place , Guarantees , Export Guarantees , Risk , Stay , Taxpayers , Blocking Regulation , Facebook , Information , Data , Cop Transactions , Times , Use , Service , Compound , Messaging , Fraud , Updates , Features , Account Balance , Service Providers , Wall Street Journal , Tech Editor , Customers , Story , Report , Scrutiny , Reasons , Privacy , Studio , Kind , Institutions , Statement , Partner , Take , Lot , Customer Service , Back , Score Service , Bankers , Transaction , Users , Chat Bot , Transaction Information , Behalf , Extent , Programs , Access , Messenger , Chat App , Consumer Behavior , Details , Some , Customer Service Offerings , Western World , Ways , Engagement , Stagnating , Type , Customer Service Options , Gauge , User Base , People , Experience , User Engagement , User Experience , Two Billion , Account , Reach , Person , Market Saturation , North America , Trade Surplus , Imbalance , Nothing , Sign , Strength , Contrast , Hasn , Evidence , Assumption , Chief Economist , Record Temperatures , Home , Digitalisation , Infrastructure , Imported Goods , Berlin , Example , Side Effects Farmers , It Wine Makers , Profit , Grapes , Temperatures , Vintage , Summer , Harvests , Rain , Weather , Grape Harvest , Feet , Bar , More , It , Shard , Sense , Self , Wet Let , Forty , Four , Nine Hundred Seventy Six , Family , Climate , Varieties , Eyes , Red Wines , Update , Team , Cut , Places , Inventions , Map , Names , They Stand Folk World Famous Products , European Tour , Everyone , Success Story , Series , Lives , Gw , Zsarno , Song , Head , Music College , In The Rain Forest , Source , Sounds , Byock , Central Africa , Look , Culture , Son , Promise , Concrete , Glass , Jungle , Trunk , Result , Culture Shock ,

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