Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20120722

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scientist. here described as a soccer loving, aspiring scientist whose dream one day is to own a slurpee machine. >> what better game than rock, paper, scissors. apparently, rock, paper, scissors is a professional sport. meanwhile, a lot of new information coming out about the investigation. we know that holmes is being held in isolation, away from other prisoners, and that while police are interviewing people who know holmes, they insist that he acted alone. also this morning, police say they have safely removed all of the 30 separate explosive devices from his apartment. and last night they detonated some of them up out of harm's way. and let's not forget this, the faces of the victims. all the names have now been released, and this morning we're going to tell you about their lives. so let's get right out to colorado where abc anchor david muir is leading our coverage. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, bianna and dan. and there were two major developments here overnight. first of all, all of that material taken from the suspect's apartment where there were booby traps and trip wires, that material taken to a field and ignited. they were testing for explosives. but first, that brand-new video of the suspect himself, taken just a couple of years ago showing a teenager who loved science. overnight, abc news obtaining exclusive video and photographs of suspect james holmes. >> hello, i'm james. >> reporter: this is the first video released of the suspected shooter recorded six years ago when holmes was 18. here he is standing in front of his peers at a science camp in san diego talking about what are called temporal illusions. >> over the course of the summer, i have been working with temporal illusions. it's an illusion that allows you to change the path. >> reporter: in the video he appears slightly nervous speaking to the group but he also appears to be a smart teenager. this is him explaining his mentor's shared interest in fantasy versus reality. >> the study is subjective experience is what takes place in the mind as opposed to the external world. i carry on his work in dealing with subjective experience. >> reporter: among fellow students, he appears to be a typical teenager with a particular interest in science. this is how he was introduced at the seminar. >> his goals are to become a researcher and to make scientific discoveries. a good start. in his personal life, he likes playing soccer and strategy games, and his dream is to own a slurpee machine. >> reporter: meanwhile, overnight there was also this, new pictures emerging of several explosions in a colorado field where investigators took chemical materials recovered from the apartment of suspect james holmes. crews reportedly transporting the materials by dump truck to the field so that they could be ignited to determine if they were, in fact, explosives, and this morning, federal authorities and local police have pulled all of the potential explosives from james holmes' apartment after gaining entry. once inside carefully eliminating potentially explosive traps. you can even hear one of the explosives being disarmed. the police chief here said the suspect's intentions were clear. >> this apartment was designed, i say, based on everything i've seen, to kill whoever entered it. >> reporter: and this morning, as investigators continue to come through what they pulled from his apartment, abc news also learning that james holmes' interests landed him a federal grant from the national institutes of health to study neuroscience. only one of the half dozen students to win one every year. he reportedly began the process of withdrawing from the ph.d. program this spring. now, the focus of that grant according to the program is to train outstanding neuroscientists who will, quote, make a significant contributions. there are reports he began to struggle in that program but real questions about a student who showed so many promise in that video could take such a dark turn. those questions amid the president's visit here later today to meet with the victims' families. dan and bianna, back to you. >> that is the big question, david, thank you. for more on that incredible video, let's get to brad garrett. a consultant for abc news. brad, a lot of people look at that video and the natural question is how does a kid that is so smart and highly functioning turn into allegedly a monster? when you look at the video, what do you see? >> i see someone who appears to be very high functioning, and clearly he is. but schizophrenia if, in fact, that's what's wrong with him but he has some significant mental health issue, i believe, and if that is true, there is a chemical imbalance that tends to increase as kids reach into their late teens and early 20s. they can still continue to function. they can be extremely bright like mr. holmes appears to be, but they have this whole other side of themselves where they have trouble with -- they're insecure. they start having perhaps dark thoughts that people are following them or that there are voices, auditory voices that are directing them. again, we don't really know, but some version of this happened to mr. holmes. and my belief and experience has been, it's a gradual thing, and it occurs over a number of months or years. and so for his ability to continue to function, go into a ph.d. program, and appear to be at least okay academically for awhile does not surprise me, but as the onset of whatever this chemical imbalance might be, it starts taking over, and he starts withdrawing, and what happens is they have less and less empathy. they start believing that people around them are against them and are causing them to be not successful. and it becomes so acute and extreme that they believe that the only option they have left is basically to start destroying people. >> brad, very quickly, you know, pierre thomas, our chief justice correspondent, learned overnight from sources that he may have sought counseling recently, so that raises the question, should somebody have caught this? >> i don't think so. would people see him changing behaviorally, his parents, obviously, the answer is yes, but nothing to the extent that you would know that something like this was about to happen. >> brad garrett, so great to have your perspective this morning. thank you very much. later today in aurora, a way too familiar ritual after a mass shooting in america, a candlelight vigil. a massive gathering in that town. this as we're really now getting our first full picture of the victims, their names, their faces, their stories. look at them. many of them so young and many of them so brave. abc's cecilia vega is covering that angle from colorado this morning. cecilia, good morning to you. >> reporter: dan, good morning to you guys in new york. so many faces out here, we know now the identities of all 12 victims. the coroner releasing those identities overnight. sadly, they are the people who died out here, and they will be remembered. one had just earned a masters degree. another just finished high school. for someone else, it was supposed to be a happy birthday. for another, a night out with a group of fellow sailors. most of them were only in their 20s, but one was just 6 years old. >> veronica was just a very vibrant girl. she was always happy. she always wanted to meet new people and try new things. she was just a happy little girl. >> reporter: veronica moser-sullivan was at the "batman" premiere with her mother. today ashley moser clings to life. her little girl didn't make it out alive. >> so sad that she had to have life taken away from her. >> reporter: these are their faces. 12 in all. gone simply because they went to see a midnight movie, and as they are mourned and remembered, their stories emerge. many of them died as heroes, sacrificing their lives to save their girlfriends. matt mcquinn dove on top of his love. >> well, he was one good guy. you know, he was always there for family and friends if they needed it. >> reporter: alexander teves fresh out of grad school used his body to block a bullet heading for his girlfriend. jon blunk pushed his girlfriend under the seat. he told her, we have to get down. and john larimer leapt over his seat to protect his girlfriend. and all his fellow sailors dragged his body out never leaving a man behind. >> he was an outstanding shipmate, a valued member of our navy team and an extremely dedicated sailor. >> reporter: micayla medek described as independent and fun. alexander boik, an artist and musician, he was just 18. jessica ghawi escaped a shooting at a mall in toronto a month earlier. gordon cowden brought his teenagers to see the movie. translator rebecca wingo, a loving mother to her young daughters and then there was alex sullivan celebrating his 27th birthday. and not just that, today would have been his one-year anniversary to his wife cassandra. his family has been searching desperately for him after that shooting, sadly, bianna, they now know that he was officially among the dead. >> that's right. who could forget that video of his father searching for him yesterday. all right, cecilia, thank you so much. and we're hearing story after story about sacrifice and bravery, heroes who protected family members, friends and total strangers in the face of unspeakable horror. david wright is outside of the hospital in aurora to bring the story of two men who are best of friends. one thought that the other had died. and david has more on their amazing story. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. we're standing outside the aurora medical center, one of six area hospitals where survivors are being treated. men and women, children too who are lucky to be alive, and they all have a harrowing story to tell including these two men. just three weeks ago, they were riding high, carey rottman, a star, got married to the love of his life and pierce o'farrell, one of his best friends, performed the ceremony. "the dark knight rises" was supposed to be a reunion of sorts. >> the two of us just decided to go to the midnight showing. >> reporter: clearly they chose the wrong theater. >> my buddy pierce got hit in the arm first. >> so i grabbed my buddy, and we just hit the deck, you know, right in front of our seats and just laid as flat as we could. and i just immediately started just praying. >> he told me, i got hit, i got hit. at that point, i got hit in my leg. >> reporter: pinned down beneath their seats, they saw their chance when the shooter paused to reload. >> i was like, pierce, pierce, let's go, let's go. >> and at that point, i just couldn't respond. >> it seemed like he was very lifeless at that point. so i let him go and turned around and just kind of bolted out of there. >> and, thankfully i'm really glad that he did, because the gunman came back in at that point. >> the worst part for me was thinking that my buddy had passed away. i mean, he just married my wife and i, i mean, three weeks ago. >> reporter: pierce o'farrell says the gunman came awfully close. >> his boot was two inches from my head. and i was just face down on the ground, just with my eyes closed and just praying. >> reporter: miraculously, those prayers were answered. >> the lord decided that he's going to keep me around. >> reporter: but even through this awful experience, their faith and friendship survived. >> i keep it pretty simple. i get out of bed every day, and i thank him for another day, and i just let him lead the way, and he's led me so far. >> reporter: both men say that they look forward to seeing each other again as soon as they are physically able, and, bianna, both are expected to make a full recovery. >> such great news. all right, david, thank you. and as we said, president obama is heading to aurora today. both the president and republican mitt romney basically stopped campaigning after the massacre. but the question remains, what impact will this event have on the race? for more on this let's go to george stephanopoulos, co-host of "gma" and "this week." this massacre put politics on hold but how long will that last? >> you saw the president, as you said, he's going to aurora today, he's going to move on and continue with the campaign swing on the west coast, he'll go to nevada and washington state, and he'll begin to campaign again, by tomorrow at the latest. and then at the same time, mitt romney, who as you say, suspended basically campaigning on friday is planning a major overseas trip. he's going to israel, he is going to poland, he is going to great britain starting on wednesday, and that's going to continue as well. so i think we'll gradually get back to full re-engagement on his campaign. >> both president obama and mitt romney spoke out about this massacre on friday. but neither one addressed gun control. it's something that cops up every couple of years when we have a massacre like we've seen. is this going to move anything? is this going to change anything at all especially during an election year >> i doubt it, especially as we learn more about the killer and pretty clear that this is a person who snapped. and as our pierre thomas has pointed out, had a pretty clean background. nothing in his background would have prevented him from getting the guns that he sought. and one of the other things that we have seen, even after all these tragedies in the last decade or so is that support for gun control restrictions has actually declined in the united states, and neither candidate wants to talk about it. i don't expect that to change. >> interesting, one person very outspoken about it, mayor michael bloomberg said no other developed country in the world has this issue that we do. >> that's right. >> a lot of people talking about it. thank you, george. george has a big show coming up this morning, a special of "this week," going inside the movie theater massacre with guests that include the governor of colorado, john hickenlooper. dan? >> all right, bianna, for whatever reason, the shooter chose the latest "batman" movie, it leaves the studio in an extremely difficult position. this was supposed to be the biggest blockbuster of the year, but how do you market a movie now forever linked to america's worst mass shooting? abc's john schriffen is on that story. john, good morning to you. >> reporter: dan, good morning. certainly a tough position. there were no reports of empty theater seats over the weekend but it's less driven by pretold signatures and will be the first real test of "the dark knight rises." in an instant the summer's most anticipated movie, "the dark knight rises," went from being a blockbuster bonanza to a public relations nightmare. the movie's distributor, warner brothers, acted fast canceling premiere events in paris, mexico city and tokyo and pulling the trailer for a different film that features a jarring scene in light of thursday's tragedy, a movie theater shootout. director christopher nolan issued a statement on the movie's website saying "the movie theater is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me." and at that same time, several networks stopped running commercials for the movie. >> this is a business. it's show business. it's the movie industry. but there are personal feelings involved. at warner brothers, there are people who have families of their own who are sensitive to this, and i think in terms of the box office, i think moviegoers are going to go see this movie. >> reporter: in a rare show of solidarity, four other studios have said that they are joining "the dark knight rises" in withholding the regular sunday release of box office numbers. >> so studios have to be highly sensitive to what the moviegoers will think, what the press will think, what the world will think if they're insensitive about these matters. >> reporter: this isn't the first time they've had to handle this. "the matrix" open ed three weeks before the shootings in columbine, colorado. like the movie's characters, the columbine shooters dressed in trench coats and concealed bombs and weapons in duffel bags. after 9/11 producers of "spider-man" pulled a trailer with a helicopter with a web between the twin towers. the star of "the dark knight rises", christian bale released a statement saying "words can't express the horror that i feel. i cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victim and their loved ones but my heart goes out to them." issing interesting. even though warner brothers died to cancel the big premieres with the stars of the movies, they'll go ahead for special screenings for their promotional winners and invited guests. >> john, appreciate that. now, for a check of the other stories making headlines this morning, let's head over to ron claiborne. ron, good morning. >> good morning to you, dan and bianna, john, everyone. we begin with syria and a new front in the growing civil war. syrian rebels have launched an assault on aleppo, the country's largest city. this comes after a week of intense fighting of the capital damascus that put the government on the defensive. anti-government forces have also taken control of four border crossings with iraq and turkey. and the air force instructor convicted of rape has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. staff sergeant luis walker was also convicted on several counts of sexual assault and will be dishonorably discharged. at least 11 other instructors at lakeland air force base in texas are being investigated. for sexual assault against female trainees. lakeland is one of the nation's busiest military training centers. and the statue of former penn state coach, football coach joe paterno is being taken down from outside of the football stadium this morning, a fence was built around the statue and a forklift was brought in. the statue became controversial after a report found that pa terng know concealed child sex abuse charges against his former assistant coach jerry sandusky. a couple of armed robbers from massachusetts were no match for some fruit. take a look at this surveillance video. an 80-year-old woman, 80 years old started throwing mangoes at the gunman, forcing the men to flee from her family store. how about that, pretty good. she was hit over the head with the gun, but she refused to go to the hospital. tough old lady there. both men were caught and charged by the police. fighting them off with mangoes. good idea, i guess. and finally, it was a different kind of unwelcome guest at a mall in pennsylvania. a 120-pound black bear made his way into a sears store sending customers fleeing for safety. i guess it's not funny if it turned out badly. but fleeing for safety. the store and the entire mall evacuated while wildlife officer s tranquilized the bear. put the bear down. tranquilized him. >> you see a lot of things at a shopping mall. a bear, not one of them. >> 120 pounds, kind of a small bear, though. >> still a bear, ron, with the mangoes. all right, thanks, ron. time now to check on the weather and ginger zee. ginger zee. good morning. >> two days. okay. whatever you want to call me is good. i want to show you video where we begin, impressive video out of phoenix and arizona. let's look right now because inside a storm like this, it's called a haboob, one of dan's favorite storms, right, yeah, see him laughing over there, you get 45 to 60-mile-per-hour wind gusts. visibility goes down to almost zero. these things came through and will again today. a very stormy monsoon starts and the moisture is going to pump up with that too so up into the rockies, back to salt lake city, las vegas, areas like that going to see more clouds and storms today. now, just east of it is where we'll find the heat. so heat advisories and warnings stretching through the central plains to st. louis, south central illinois, so a lot of people are included in this but how hot will it be? i want to show you the numbers. in the 100s. kansas city, 104. des moines, 101. not just today, it goes through the end of the weekend, start of >> and just north of all that heat, i want to mention, in parts of minnesota the upper peninsula of michigan there will be some severe weather today. wanted to get this out there. people race from chicago to mack now on this weekend. it is traditionally stormy and there's no exception this morning. >> that heat wave expected to grow to other parts of the country? >> it will stretch into the center. but the northeast won't get it. they'll stay cool here. they're going to stay cool here and then we'll also see the mid-atlantic just starting to see it but nothing like we've seen in the past. >> we have been spoiled the past couple of days. it's been amazing here in new york. >> it feels like spring. >> it does. >> thank you, ginger. coming up on "good morning america," a new twist. investigators now say missing iowa cousins are still alive, but they may have been kidnapped. plus, has michael jackson's mom gone missing? paris jackson is now calling for help very publicly saying she hasn't seen her grandmother in a week but other family members say they know exactly where she is so what's going on here? we'll get to that coming up after the break. and tony robbins catching some heat. nearly two dozen followers of the self-help guru injured after walking on hot coals, so what went wrong? we're going to bring you the latest coming up on "good morning america." america." ning america. america." wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. 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>> he is a marquee name in the motivational speaker industry. and we'll get to that story coming up. but we want to start this half hour with the latest developments in colorado. and for that, we're going to go straight to abc news an authorize david muir, who's been leading our coverage. david, good morning once again. >> reporter: dan, good morning again to you and as you know, president obama is coming to colorado today. he'll be meeting with families of the victims here. also, two major developments overnight. abc news obtaining the first video of the suspect, james holmes. it was from a couple of years ago. he was 18 years old at the time at a summer camp. you see him on stage, before his peers. appearing to be a somewhat nervous teenager but having a real command of the science he was there studying. a teenager with a lot of promise. a lot will ask how did he make such a dark turn? another major development overnight, images of explosions in a field. this is the material they took from the suspect's apartment, that delicate task yesterday getting in, the booby traps and the trip wires. they took the material out and took it to an undisclosed field here in a neighboring community, igniting it. they're now testing it for explosives to figure out just what he had inside that apartment, but, again, here in colorado today where they've already held a small vigil, they're planning a larger vigil. president obama coming here to meet with family of the victims and we'll be reporting on that later on today. >> a lot waiting eagerly for the president. and the big question, as the investigation moves forward, what was the motive here? david muir leading our coverage, this morning, thank you, david. now, to a big break in a story we have been following quite closely on this broadcast, there is new information this morning about those two missing girls in iowa. police now say they believe that the girls are still alive and that they have been abducted. abc's alex perez is on the story. >> reporter: nine days after elizabeth collins and lyric cook vanished, authorities make a stunning announcement. >> we believe these girls are alive. >> reporter: investigators would not elaborate on why they believe the girls are alive, but say they're hopeful. >> we're not discouraged by the passage of time since their disappearance. >> reporter: the case has been reclassified as an abduction, and authorities say they're pursuing persons of interest. after initially cooperating with police, lyric's parents, misty and dan morsi say they're taking legal advise and will no longer allow police to interrogate them. >> law enforcement hasn't received total cooperation from all family and close friends. we feel there's someone out there that has pertinent information about the girls' whereabouts. >> reporter: misty and dan morrissey, who are separated, have both been convicted of felony drug charges and spent time behind bars. dan is out on bond awaiting trial on a recent drug charge. prosecutors have asked he be put on pretrial court supervision. could something in their past have caused this? >> i can't rule that out, you know, i want every stone unturned. >> reporter: the girls disappeared after leaving for a bike ride friday, july 13th. the last person that reported seeing the girls was here just across the street from the evansdale police department. he says he was watering his lawn when the girls rode by on their bicycles and waved hi. then came the discovery about a mile from the girls' house. authorities found their bicycles here on this trail near meyers lake. fbi dive teams have searched the lake but no sign of the girls. the community here, holding on to hope, praying they'll be found alive. alex perez, abc news, evansdale, iowa. >> and our thanks to alex. we're going to turn to a breaking story out of los angeles. there's concern this morning that katherine jackson, the 82-year-old matriarch of the famous jackson music family may be missing. paris jackson sent a tweet pleading for help, but could it all be part of a family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the matriarch of the jackson clan, the mom of the kingpop and katherine jackson might be missing. this morning, michael's daughter paris is tweeting, yes shgs my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week. i want her home now. and if anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities. the family's security team tells abc news this is a missing person situation. the 82-year-old mrs. jackson reportedly left her home in calabassas, california, last sunday to fly to albuquerque to watch her other four sons in concert. but since then paris says she hasn't been able to get in touch, which is strange because she and her siblings have been living with their grandmother since their dad died three years ago. whatever is going on, the jackson family drama has been building to a crescendo. michael's mom and siblings are wrapped up in legal battles over his will. his mom is suing concert promoter, aeg, claiming it was negligent gent in hiring dr. conrad murray convicted of ink voluntary manslaughter in michael's death and paris recently got into a twitter war calling randy jackson a liar. after he said his mom, her grandmother, had a mini stroke. >> there's often a rift over, and one thing there's always a rift over is how the kids should be raised. >> reporter: paris also stirred the pot and made her aunt janet angry when she told ellen that she's going to be in a movie. >> i love acting. >> you love acting. >> reporter: the 14-year-old said her dad inspired her to start an acting career even though michael famously lamented his lost childhood and janet told "prevention" magazine, now is not the time. i told her i thought she should enjoy being a kid, possibly go to college or not, but wait until she turns 18. so is this just paris stirring the pot again? authorities in los angeles tell us they are not calling this a missing persons case yet. and now katherine jackson's son, jermaine, is tweeting that his mom is fine but resting in arizona on the orders of a doctor. >> a bizarre story. how do you not know where she is especially at 82 years of age. we'll know a lot more about this story coming up. scott, thank you. time now for a check on weather and ginger zee. i said it right there, ginger. >> good morning, everyone. i want to start right away with the thunderstorm threat because there will be some scattered thunderstorms anywhere you see here in orange but the dark maroon area, duluth included up through the upper peninsula of michigan, that's where we'll see more intense severe thunderstorms today developing in the afternoon, of course, and looking for damaging wind and hail to be the primary threat. now, i want to start with the rain because a lot of folks need it but not the places that are going to get it. miami, south florida, just getting way too much rain in the last month or two and they'll have more. another inch, inch and a half. another place that hasn't had much summer. 80 degrees only for 50. that's 5-0 minutes this entire season, seattle, >> this weather report brought to youpurina. >> this weather report brought to you by purina. >> this weather report brought to you by purina. bianna and dan. >> thank you, ginger zee. see, i can say your name without a problem. >> hey. coming up next on "good morning america," a life-or-death decision, what would you do? what should you do in a situation similar to the tragedy in colorado? the split-second decisions you need to make coming up. n a situation similar to the tragedy in colorado? the split-second decisions you need to make coming up. ragedy in colorado? the split-second decisions you need to make coming up. bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you, i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth! what makes me feel begtruly decadent? 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[ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. we want to thank you for watching abc news this sunday morning. we're always online at on yahoo!, and we'll have much more later on this morning on a special edition of "this week" with george stephanopoulos on the tragedy in colorado. and "world news" with david muir, as well. we hope you have a great day. thanks for watching "gma." >> bye, everybody. hey, there's barely a line at space mountain. you there ! i am looking for someone, hair black as night, skin white as snow ! yeah, yeah, i got that ! she is at the castle. dad ! honey ! but she's on the move. disney mobile magic, on verizon. you wouldn't happen to have an apple ? find characters, access wait times for the park you're in, and enjoy premium features when you download disney mobile magic, powered by verizon. this morning -- a special edition of "this week." >> what's happening? oh, my god! >> oh, my gosh. seven down in theater nine. colorado catastrophe. >> the first time that i have seen something real, like a real-life nightmare. >> i got a child victim that i need rescued. >> 12 killed. 58 wounded. >> we have taken a blow today. but we will get back on our feet and we will move ahead. now 48 hours after the worst mass shooting in america's history, as the nation mourns the victims, the search for answers. >> if there's anything to take away from this strategy, it's the reminder that life is very fragil

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