Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20151010

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and it was foggy when i came in. it's saturday, october 10th. i'm claudine wong. >> let's get right oefer to rosemary -- over to rosemary to talk about the fog. my drive in, could barely see in front of the headlights. >> yes. the headline at this hour is definitely the fog. very thick. many of us experiencing it. let's take a look outside. see what's going on outside of the doors. in and around san jose, you have the fog there with visibility down to about a mile in some areas. over portions along the coastline, patchy dense fog, meaning visibility down to about a quarter mile and if we flip over to stormtracker2, take a look at some of this fog here that has moved in, it did while we slept. this morning we're waking up along the coast, the peninsula into the east bay, north bay and south bay. we'll take a look at some of the visibility in and around portions of the north bay, napa and santa rosa reporting visibility down to a quarter mile. this gray indicating where it's at its thickest. you will find it along the i-80 stretch through fairfield if you are traveling. to the east bay, we have visibility less than a mile in areas like oakland. we showed you the inner east bay. you can see visibility is great there. down into the south bay, three quarters of a mile in some areas. the fog will break away to mostly sunny skies. for your afternoon, temperatures will come down. 62 right now outside of the door in oakland. 59 in san francisco. upper 50s in areas right around santa rosa. down to the south bay, 61. in mountain view, 57, san jose and as we go farther inland to the east bay, we have 58 in livermore. 61 degrees outside the door in fairfield. we're excited about fleet week continuing for your weekend. of course, the airshow. as we get into noontime, 67 degrees with partly cloudy skies and then low 70s expected by the afternoon. when i come barks i will have a detail -- back, i will have a detailed look at your afternoon highs and show you when the low clouds are expected to move on out. the area around the warfield theater on market street is locked down by san francisco police. president obama is going to take the stage for a democratic fund-raiser in a few hours. doors open at 8:00. event begins at 9:00. kanye west will be there. tickets range for $100 for students and $200 for general admission. air force one landed last night around 8:40. the governor and mayor were on hand to meet the president at the airport and then there was a late-night fund-raiser at the hotel. once the warfield theater ud fund-raiser is -- theater fund- raiser is over, he will fly to l.a.x. that will be around noon. before coming to the bay area, president obama visited roseburg, oregon to offer comfort to the survivors of the umpqua college shooting. >> when you talk to the families, you are reminded that this could be happening to your child to your mom, to your dad, to your relative or friend. >> the president did not speak directly about gun reform. instead saying his visit was about the families. he did say americans have to come together to try to figure out how to start the things from happening. last weekend a gunman killed eight students and a teacher before taking higgs own life. develop right now, police still searching for a suspect after another school shooting. this one at texas southern university in houston. three gunman shot and killed one -- gunmen shot and killed one student and wounded another. this is the third shooting at texas southern this week alone. and investigators think this one may be retaliation for one of the earlier shootings. a memorial last night for the student killed and the three injured in an arizona campus. it began with a parking lot fight outside of a dorm in flagstaff. police say three people were fighting with the victims there when shots rang out. two suspects are in custody this morning. one of them is an 18-year-old freshman. >> none of them deserved it. none of them would have ever like wanted this to happen or warranted to put anyone in danger by having people over to the house. that was just never anyone's intention or even thoughts. so i think we're surprised and hurting because he's gone. >> this morning police are still searching for that third suspect. well, house republicans are still trying to figure out what to do about finding speaker to preplace -- to replace john boehner. all eyes are on a candidate who has consistently said no when asked to run for the job. paul ryan is under intense pressure to step in. other colleagues say he's considering it. the other candidate says he would step aside if ryan changes his mind. >> if paul ryan -- i'm a huge fan of him. i would hope he would do it but he's consistently said he won't. >> daniel webster running and who picked up conservative support from the freedom caucus has refused to say if he will support the nominee. >> not running against anybody. not running against a personality or a name. i'm just running for that set of principles. we'll have a principle-based congress. >> the dave after kevin mccarthy dropped out of the speaker's race, he said the focus is on moving forward. he is also expressing support for ryan. >> trying to work together. i know a lot of speculation about who should run and others. paul is looking at it but it's his decision. if he decide to do, he it would be an amazing speaker. he has to decide on his even. >> sources say john boehner told colleagues it's his hope for the house to elect a new speaker before the end of october. governor brown has signed 24 bills into law, all of them to stop water waste. one of them requires water companies to report annual water loss. that alone could help save billions of gallons a year. the law requires water companies to audit their systems for leaks from aging or cracked pipes. another law that will prevent cities from banning -- this will prevent from banning fake grass. fake grass has become popular and necessary during the drought. well, the blue angels will return to the skies over san francisco today. >> fleet week. so exciting. it continues this weekend with ships and waterfront airshows. hundreds of thousands of people will all be there. >> i think it's amazing watching them all fly together and what it is about. >> all right. well, ktvu fox 2's tom vacar live for us in san francisco with a preview of all of the fest ittivities -- festivities. good morning, tom. so nice to have you on "mornings on 2". >> reporter: happy to do it. lucky me. it's great to see the blue angels and great to see fleet week. one of the things you should see are the ships i'm standing on the use corona-- on the u.s.s. coronodo. this ship is interesting. it's not what most people who think of. it's for a different type of purpose. give us a sense of what we're looking at. >> it's designed -- all aluminum. it high speed, jet drive propulsion. very quick. designed to operate close to shore. >> reporter: that's the interesting thing it may go across the ocean but the reality and situation, it operates close to shore. how close and why. >> typically operates within 20, 25 nautical miles to shore. the way we're designed is to do certain missions that typically off rate toward the environment. >> rate -- off rate toward that environment. >> reporter: one of the missions -- >> we do do a surface warfare mission as well as a multitude of other things. >> this is a fast ship. >> high speed, great maneuver ability. we can operate at 40-plus knots. >> reporter: this is so new we're learning about the operation. the other thing is you call this a modular ship. >> that means we can reconfigure for any type of mission that's required. we do the submarine work or missions, we can change in between any one of those within a matter of days. >> reporter: what's interesting about that, most ships when you think of them, they have a specific purpose, they do this, that, the other. this one has kind of a -- depending upon what you install very quickly, it can do different things. >> that's absolutely right. really they can do a multitude of missions. we can specialize on certain missions. >> reporter: and you don't need a heck of a lot people to do this. >> no. evenly about 50 -- only about 50 people. >> reporter: compared to a destroyer. what's the difference? >> we're 1/6 of the size of any other crew you may see out there. we do a lot with a very few amount of people. >> reporter: and then you could also have aircraft on the ship which is, you know, pretty significant. >> that's true. 60 romeo helicopter as well as unmanned aerial vehicle. both manned and unmanned vehicles. >> reporter: is part of the concept of -- part of the concept, while there are gonna be things out at sea, sometimes you have to get kind of close in and face to face? >> that's absolutely right and sometimes you just don't know what you have until you get out there. being able to reconfigure the mission allows to respond to the threat. >> reporter: thank you. there is -- later on we'll take you on "mornings on 2" on other parts of the ship. we'll go up to the bridge and we'll show you some of the other stuff. this is kind of a remarkable thing because this is the same access you can have. this is at pier 80. you can come down here from 9:00 to 4:00 today, tomorrow and monday. it's absolutely worth it. pier 80, which is way away from most of the other stuff. but absolutely worth coming here. there are two ships here. it's very much worth your while. tom vacar, cute fox 2 news. >> after the tour, i'm sure there will be twice as many people come come -- people coming out. >> thank you. >> thank you, tom. still to come -- three people accused of killings in san francisco and marin counties are headed back to the bay area to face charges. the evidence that links them. and finally, a little bit of normal, the first football in middletown after the valley fire. much more than just a game. that's when "mornings on 2" continues. ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪i'm learning to fly my, my, my. not a good morning to learn how to fly. give you a live look at all of that fog. so soupy for many of us. visibility is low if you are stepping out early. be aware of this. if you are headed to store, there are -- to sfo, there are some delays because of the fog. this fog will clear out. i think we'll have an enjoyable day for fleet week. the first home football game in middletown high since the devastating valley fire, they held a ceremony with flags and horses running across the field for the mustangs. charred patches were all around the area. the but the stadium is fine. a dozen of the players and coaches have lost their homes. many say it's traumatic but also say many people rooting for them makes it all a little bit easier. >> we're all here. our school is still standing. our kids are out on the field. they are playing and yeah, i mean, that's -- that's a win in our book. >> you lose a game. you get back to practice and you fix what needs to be fixed and we're dealing with that on the field as well as in life. get back up and keep going. >> get right back up. the players who lost their homes have been named team captains to honor them but the game against the fort bragg -- against fort bragg last night didn't go the way the mustangs wanted. they lost. but the community says just being there was a big win. there is a warning for people planning to go to the beach this weekend. beaches from sonoma to monterey counties are at risk for strong rip currents that can knock people down. the national weather service says strong rip currents could last through tomorrow. as we wait for el nino to bring us rain, our record drought continues. that's why wilma chan is sponsoring the work shoch today. resident -- workshop today. residents will get an update on the drought conditions and water-saving tips and ways to turn the lawn into a drought- tolerant yard. this once from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00. speakers include a representative from east bay m.u.d. and a uc berkeley landscape expert. well, if you need to get rid of old paint or electronics, you can drop the items off in albany. it's at 9:00 and 1 at -- 9:00 and 1:00 at golden gate feet -- field. you can go to for more information. >> sound good -- sounds good. we want to head over to rosemary for a check of the soupy forecast, as you call it. >> enjoying the sunshine. the rest of us are under gray skies. the sunrise happened at 7:10. some of us, like concord, lirnl, great visibility -- livermore, great visibility, antioch, all of the small communities enjoying the sunshine. the rest of us seeing plenty of gray. visibility down to a quarter mile, inside the bay over portions of the north bay. giving you a look at the broad view, ridge of high pressure, but it's being weakened just a little bit. by systems that are riding right over the north of it. for today, again, we have the fog with us. the onshore breeze is with us. and temperatures will be coming down some as we get into the afternoon. i think along the coast and around the bay we'll feel it for their areas in -- for the areas inner east bay, temperatures coming down a few degrees. you may not notice so much. the wind are light out there. we do have a variable wind coming from the north from napa and the southeast in oakland and the wind will continue to be generally light as we get into the second half of your saturday. as far as the cloud cover, as we get into 10:00, 11:00, it begins to peel back. and then noontime, back to the coast. we still have some lingering over san francisco. partly cloudy skies when the airshow begins. the blue angels fly at 3:00, 3:30. by then, we should remain with the partly cloudy skies. as we get into the second part of your evening, if you do have evening plans, i think these low clouds will come back. temperature-wise, 60s at the coast. 60s and 70s around the bay. 70s and 80s for the inland communities. central valley, no 90s. still above average. but again, a tad cooler than yesterday for most. 80 degrees in novato for the afternoon today. 79 in san rafael. low 70s closer to the water in areas like sausalito. temperatures in the mid- to upper 70s for the east bayshore line. 77 for san leandro. it's a warm day. 84 danville. 85 livermore. and 85 expected in antioch. into the south bay for today, warm in your neighborhood as well. 81 san jose. 84 for los gatos. shifting along the peninsula, 79 redwood city, 74 san bruno and 72 the afternoon high for downtown san francisco. upper 60s to near 70 along the coast and again the possibility of increased rip currents definitely there for today. so keep that in mind. the extended forecast, temperatures slightly warmer as we get into sunday and then continue to warm monday/tuesday. summer not finished just yet. there is a possibility that we'll get maybe a little bit of rain come wednesday. we're kind -- we're watching that and then farther out, next weekend, we may actually get more rain. >> legitimate rain? >> that looks like a legitimate storm. >> legit rain. >> and the fog you think will be burned off by the time the blue angems hit the the -- airport -- angels hit the sky. >> it's very shallow. fingers crossed showing it will be out of the way. >> busy day ahead. we need the sunshine. >> yeah. we need it out of here. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. get ready to muck it up in the north bay. we'll tell you who will be jumping in the mud this morning and who it will all benefit. it's time for our pet of the day. this is princess. >> hello, princess. >> a 3-year-old short-haired tabby. looking to find a very special home. she loves playing with other cats and is very affectionate we hear. she's available for adoption at the east bay spca dublin adoption center. what do you think? >> very cute. >> very cute. [laughter] well, breaking news out of turkey. 86 people have been killed and more than 160 injured in two explosions outside of a main train station. the blast happened as people were gathered ahead of a planned peace march to protest against the conflict between the state and kurdish militants in southeast turkey. reports blame the blast hon a suicide a -- blast hon a suicide bomber. suicide -- blast on a suicide bomber. south carolina's governor urging residents to pay close attention to evacuation warnings. >> we want to make sure you are being cautious. if they come to your door, please consider getting out, take your -- whatever your precious belongings are with you but we need to you leave quickly. >> homeland security jay johnson has toured some of the areas and says recovery efforts are underway. fema has more than 100 people on the ground in south carolina. president obama waking up in san francisco. but in his weekly address, he was talking about the transpacific partnership trade agreement reached this week. >> without this agreement, competitors that don't share our values like china will write the rules of the global economy. they will try to lure companies over there. that's what's contributed so much to outsourcing. >> the president is acknowledging falls with trade agreements in the past. but he says this new plan will allow us to export more products abroad and support jobs right here at home. on the heels of hill hill coming out against the -- of hillary clinton coming out against the agreement, her new poll among the democrats is slimming. she tumbled from 51% to 41%. bernie sanders has 28%. third is joe biden who has not even decided to run. with the race tightening up clinton has a lot at stake. mum on tuesday night, the first -- coming up on tuesday night, the first debate takes place in las vegas. there are five in the debate. happening today, on the 20th anniversary of the million man march, organizers are calling for a change in policing policies. there will be a gathering in washington called the justice march. tens of thousands of people are expected to attend. the original march in 1995 pledged to improve life for african-americans. at that event only african- americans were invited to take part. all are being welcomed for today's gathering. well, coming up, new information this morning about what led up to the stabbing of spencer stone, the american hero who helped stop the train attack in france. who witnesses say he was protecting and what we've learned about the suspects. and caltrains wants to raise the fares and parking fees. that's when "mornings on 2" continues. all right. here are the top stories we're following for you today -- president obama is in san francisco preparing for a fund- raiser at the warfield theater later this morning. he will be there with kanye west. stay with us. we'll have live pictures from the warfield in the newscast. doors open in 30 minutes. the search continues today for the third gunmen in a shooting at texas southern university in houston. campus police say the shooters went up to two students outside of an apartment complex and opened fire. one student was killed. the other is expected to survive. officers tracked down two of the suspects. and there's uncertainty on capitol hill this morning. no one knows who is going to replace john boehner as house speaker. that's after california congressman kevin mccarthy dropped out ofthe house. house republicans are lobbying for paul ryan. they view him as someone who can bridge the gap between the tea party candidates. and rosemary joins us to make sense of the fockgy weather. >> -- foggy weather. >> we have good weather. this morning, definitely thick. you have to go well inland to get the sunshine. eventually most of us will see the sunshine. there you go. there's the sunshine. we're looking for it. most of us waking with gray skies and in addition to that, lits a little damp out there -- it's a little damp out there. i know i had drizzle coming in. i'm getting reports along the coastline and into san francisco as dwell -- as well. a look at the sawlt, it moved through at dinnertime, and the evening and overnight inland. that's what we're experiencing. it's a very shallow marine layer and that's why it's thick. we're looking at damp weather this morning for some. quarter mile visibility for areas in sore as well as napa. concord, you are in good shape with mostly sunny skies. if you are traveling along i-80 among american canyon, you will find it patchy. shifting into the east bay where we have a quarter, three quarter visibility with oakland and down into the south bay, mountain view, less than a mile and now san jose reporting quarter mile visibility along highway 101 and 280 along the peninsula, you will find it there. if you are stepping out early, you are getting okay the road, something to be aware of. also smengsed it earlier. sfo reporting delays as well for some arriving flights. more than an hour or so. so check on that if you know somebody frying in -- flying in. 59 in san francisco. 62 in oakland. 58 in walnut creek. 57 into the south bay of san jose and as we point north, 57 in santa rosa as well, with the cloud cover overhead, take a lack at santa rosa, a lot warmer as well as oakland, tad cooler in concord, as well as livermore. clear skies outside your door this morning. but even with temperatures up, it doesn't feel like it. we don't have any sunshine out there around the bay. we are going to, again, see this clear out of the way. i will show you the model tell you when the cloud will pull back at least to the coastline and your numbers for the afternoon coming up. back to you. developing right now, those three homicide suspects found in oregon have waived extradition and will soon return to the bay area. they are morrison harpley, sean michael angold and -- and lie law -- lie law ail good -- lila algood. investigators believe a car found near firerman's whar -- found near fit was -- found near fisherman's wharf was used in the shooting. >> those suspects are described as drifters. police say the suspect shot and killed the hiker and wounded his dog. she's ill proving. has -- improving. has a long recovery ahead. the humane society says it is paying all of the costs of her recovery. we're learning more about what may have led to the stabbing involving spencer stone. new reports from witnesses say spencer stone was trying to protect a woman. his doctors at uc davis medical center say he can get out of bed and is in good spirits. the suspects were wearing white t-shirts and jeans are on the loose. sacramento bayses are trying to raise $7,000 as a reward to help catch the people responsible. and i a leart student and teacher are being credited with a possible shooting at a bay area school. on thursday, police arrested a 15-year-old student at hercules high. the teacher notified officers after another student said the suspect was talking about plans for vengeance. police went to the school to question him. the teen was booked into juvenile hall. president obama is urging americans to make sure that victims killed in school shootings do not -- osh did not lose their lives in vein -- or did not lose their lives in vein. >> we know we have to do something to prevent the gunman last week and two months before that and two months before that, because it's not normal, it is not inevitable. it doesn't just happen. it is a choice that we make and it's a choice that we can change. >> he was pleading for gun control during that campaign stop in seattle for washington senator patty murray. the president said there are ways to protect children while protecting the light -- rights of gun owners. the fbi conducted a record number of background checks for gun sales. nearly 1.8 million federal background checks were made in september accord to a report in foredhun magazine -- fortune magazine. that means gun seams set a record as well. the article says the record could be tied to president obama calling for stricter gun control laws. well, fremont police say a woman died after being hit by a vehicle last night. here's where it happened. there it is. this all happened at the intersection of fremont boulevard and sundale drive, a few blocks away from paseo padre parkway. police say after 7:00 last night, a woman was crossing the street when a driver hit her. she died at the scene. it's not clear what led too the collision. police -- led to the collision. police say the driver is cooperating with the evidence. police sized 30 pounds of marijuana and made two arrests. investigators found a sophisticated grow operation at the home in the 100 block of scenic avenue. the two suspects are booked into the santa rita jail. police say the marijuana has a street value of $150,000. happening today, caltrain is inviting the public to talk about proposed changes to the fares and daily parking charges. they want to increase the adult fare by 50 cents. that change would affect day passes, and monthly passes. eligible discount fares are expected to stay the same and clip -- clippard cardholders will get a 15% discount. cal train is proposing raising the daily fee by 50 cents and monthly fees would be raised 5 bucks. well, the blue angels will return to the skies over san francisco today. >> fleet week continues this weekend with ship tours, the festival on the marina green and waterfront airshows. hundreds of thousands of people will all be there. >> i think it's amazing watching them all fly together and what it's about and stuff. >> tom vacar is live for us in san francisco. ship tours are set to start in just about 90 minutes. but tom is giving us a little sneak peek of really what people can see down there and kind of a remarkable opportunity. >> looks like he's on the bridge. >> reporter: yeah, i will tell you something, this is a remarkable ship. you will find out in a second. what's interesting about this, this is pier 80 -- pier 80. far away from where the blue angels are. come out here early. you will see two very, very important ships and one of the newest in the navy, which is this one. joining me now is commander pete kim, who is also the captain of the ship. rank is commander. he's the captain of the ship. i guess my first question would have to be the technology of the ship is almost unmatched anywhere in the world >> dash. >> yes. there is a lot of technology on board to minimize the crew size, find greater efficiencies. a good example is in the pilothouse on other navy ships, we would have about 7, 10 people here. we can operate the ship with two. they have all. sensors and controls at their -- all of the sensors and controls at their fingertips. >> if you look in the back of the bridge, you see planks. this is important. it's about technology and downsizing the crew. >> yeah. also this -- this ship is designed to fight in the coastal areas and to fill those capability gaps we have. so in this congested battle space to be able to look out the window as well as have all of the sensors, you know, on these screens, very valuable to us. >> but also there would not be -- these people wouldn't necessarily be here on another type of ship. everybody is kind of together here. >> yeah. everyone is here. there's three watch stations here. they are doing about seven or eight people's work here. they are doing three or four different duties on this ship. >> reporter: on this new ship, they picked you. >> yeah. >> reporter: thank you so much. we appreciate your time. pier 80. not only do you get to see one of the newest ships in the navy, one of the most advanced ships in the world, there's the fest out there. take a look out there. that will be full of people, music and fun. it's at pier 80 off cesar chavez. tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. >> any teaser on where you are headed next? i know you will be making your way around the ship and checking out other areas? >> reporter: we'll do one more shoot here. we'll bring the three samiers -- sailors to the camera from the bay area. we'll see what they think. you know they think they are special which they are. but they will talk to us about this ship and what they think about serving on it. >> awesome. >> that ship is special. you haven't been able to show us the outside. but people will know it. >> reporter: what's so interesting about it, it's based on the design -- it's based on the design of a ferry from australia. but what's fascinating, the navy people saw a way to take advantage of this fighting that's become ring more and more -- becoming more and more common. as much as this is a ship of the line, it's also a test for a lot of things. this boat will deliver a lot of technology in the near future. that's for sure. >> all right. >> tom vacar very interesting. thank you. look forward to your next report. >> thank you. well, he's back. president obama touching down in the bay area. what kanye west has to do with the president waking up here this morning when "mornings on 2" continues. ♪ how about some muddy waters to start your morning? a live look. good morning to you. we have the low clouds sort of drifting by over portions of the east bay. mt. diablo in the backdrop. low clouds, patchy dense fog. i will have a look what you can expect for your day coming up. >> how appropriate is that song? >> yeah, muddy waters, the folks in the booth are so smart. we'll be talking about mud next. and muck next team of runners will get muddy today. it's the muck fest obstacle course and 5-k run at the solano county fairgrounds. >> and ktvu fox 2's christien kafton went to see if he has what it takes to make it through the course. >> reporter: muck fest getting underway here. a lot of fun. it's also for a real good cause. janell joining us from the multiple sclerosis national society. this is a lot of money for an important cause. >> at of money to -- a lot of money to raise funds for people to change lives and move forward. >> reporter: the best way is to show the obstacle course. chip vaughn and i will try to do this first one. a big jump. we'll do that in three -- chip, put your toe on the edge so you get a good leap off here. 3, 2, 1. whoa! definitely feel that one. so in is just one of the big events. there -- there's also something called the spinner. if you do the spinner, you spin around holding onto the rings. there's something called the backslide which is where you have mud on your back, trying to pull yourself by the rope, there's also the big balls, the big balls that bump you all over the place and the whole idea is that this is a lot of fun and a good cause here in vallejo and again, thank you for joining us. you didn't do the jump. >> i didn't. [laughter] >> reporter: i think i got dirt in my mouth but you are game, too. there's still availability. it gets underway at 9:00. still availability for people to come out if they show up in person. >> absolutely. come join us help change the world for those living with ms. it will be a great day filled with festivities, fun, music and a lot of mud. >> reporter: a lot of mud. that's why they call it muck fest. >> we're in -- >> he didn't look muddy enough. you have to get in. you have to get in. >> rosemary, we're going -- >> i wanted to go. i wanted to go. >> this whole working on the weekend getting in the way of our fun. >> isn't mud good for your face? >> i don't know about that. [laughter] >> i'm doing a walk tonight in san francisco at lake merced for the pediatric brain tumor foundation. how is my weather gonna look tonight? no mud there. what city? >> san francisco. i think we'll have sunshine but the low clouds will come back. >> you are gonna make me bring a jacket. >> yes. >> as always in the city. >> how about a look at the san mateo bridge or maybe not? can't see anything out there this morning from this view. we've got very thick fog. visibility down to a quarter mile even less than that in many spots. if you have an early-morning drive, be aware of this -- i'm so glad the president flew in last night because this morning, sfo reporting some delays, more than an hour for arriving flights. that to be aware of if you know somebody arriving to sfo. a look at the satellite view, really doesn't do a whole lot in showing us where the fog is. it's along the coast. down the peninsula, into the east bay, even taking the live photos of mowbl -- of mt. diablo. the visibility down to a quarter mile for santa rosa, napa. half-mile, fair field. sometimes when it's patchy, it is almost more dangerous because you have a good view and then before you know it, you have the wall of fog in front of you, it could be more dangerous. take it easy. visibility less than a mile along the shore line, around oakland. you go inland, it's much better. along the peninsula, you can see the darker shade of gray, indicating visibility is down to about a quarter mile, perhaps a half-mile. san jose, even less than that. this will be with us through the morning hours. i think by the second half of the morning and into the early part of the afternoon. we're breaking away to partly cloudy skies where we will be cloudy for most of the day, it will be along the beaches. that to be aware of. i know that ocean beach has a music and art festival going on expect the cloudy and cool conditions. afternoon highs under mostly sunny skies. 80 degrees in nova toy. 84 for sonoma and 81 in napa. to the east bay, temperatures 76 for you alameda, 80 degrees castro valley. and if you like it warmer, well, inland is the place to be. 85 in livermore for today. 85 in antioch. for the south bay locations, 89 gilroy, almost 90 for you today. 8 saratoga. a nice, warm day in santa cruz by the second half. low 80s expected with partly cloudy skies. 79 redwood city, 77 san mateo and 72 in san francisco for claudine. as we get into the extended forecast, back half of the weekend gonna warm slightly. ridge of high pressure will restrengthen as beget into the business week. back in the low 90s. summer not going away. the other day i hashtagged endless summer. but we do see changes in the forecast. it looks like by wednesday, the possible -- the possibility of a system from the south. and then on saturday another system. several days out. so it's really hard to know exactly. but yeah, we have wet weather. >> give us enough time to cross our fingers and our toes. >> if it doesn't come into fruition, don't be mad. i'm just the messenger. >> thank you. it's the home opener for the sharks. who they take on and what time when "mornings on 2" continues. it's a sellout for the sharks. they began with a big road win in los angeles. the puck drops tonight at s.a. prgets center at 7:30. the cal football team plays -- face utah. both teams are undefeated. kickoff of this game at 7:00. goth will improve his chances with the heisman trophy tonight. stanford has the weekend off in the meantime. they will host ucla and sanford stadium next thursday. clayton kershaw continues to have trouble winning in the postseason. he struck out 11 batters against the mets. but he gave up aen home run to daniel murphy in the 4th inning. there it goes. he was pulled in the 7th. the mets beat the dodgers in the first game of their series, 3-1. st. louis cardinals john lackey outpitched jon lester. matt holliday opened the scoring the first inning. they cut out the cubs, 4-0. the wild card houston as street look for their second straight win over the royals. slugged this home run. bounced on into the water fall. that's the royals who lost to the giants in last year's world series, they fought back yesterday. then scored four unanswered runs to win 5-4. in extra innings. rangers upset the blue jays. josh donaldson went deep in the first inning. see ya. game turned into a long stalemate. that's a fun baseball game. rangers broke through in the 14th inning to win 6-4. they come home with a commanding 2- 0. the team that wins three games advances. >> all right. coming up, anticipation is building in downtown san francisco right now for the president and kanye west. what these two are doing together straight ahead. and the new measures governor brown just signed into law to prevent water waste as the one law that can save billions of gallons of water each year. a minor cooldown in store for the bay area saturday outside the door, the headline reads fog. we'll j a look at where visibility -- we'll have a look at where visibility is very low and what you can expect for the afternoon -- coming up. doeight pieces ofily original recipe chicken? yes. [ding] two large mashed potatoes and gravy? yes. [ding] and are you the real colonel sanders? yes... [buzzing] it's finger lickin' good. welcome back to the bay area president obama. what kanye west has to do with the president waking up here this morning. there and who will be the new speaker of the house? the front runner he is not even running yet. good morning everyone. a live look right now from pier 80. this is the flag about to be raised on the uss koruna doe -- cornado. >> fleet week is happening this week. lots of events happening this weekend. what a beautiful shot on this great saturday morning. rosemary working on getting that fog cleared up for you. welcome to mornings on 2. we just wanted to bring you that beautiful shot from that ship as the flag goes up it's just gorgeous. good morning i'm rosemary orozco. >> and i'm ross palombo. you saw that beautiful shot of the flag going up but what was above it? a little fog. >> a little gray. >> a lot of gray. [ laughter ] >> of all weeks this is the week people will be looking at the skies. >> right. and we have is a lot of cloud cover out there. stockton really good in some spots. even patchy tense fog -- patchy dense fog reported around the bay area. visibility is good if you are going to be spending time this morning in the inner east bay. in addition to the very thick fog we have a little bit of patchy drizzle and mist out there this morning so day out to start for some. this is going to go away. we will be left with mostly sunny skies as we get into the second part of your morning and the first part of the afternoon it will begin to pull away but this is what we are looking at right now. even tough to tell what we are looking at. 57-degrees in santa rosa. 59 san francisco. 62 in oakland. 59 in concord to start your morning. 58 in san jose. many of us are warmer this morning because of the cloud cover. doesn't really feel like it without the sunshine it will not feel as nice out there. as we get into the second part of your morning and by 10:00, 11:00 it begins to pull back. along the coastline we will be partly cloudy for mostly cloudy for the entire day but right in here and we are talking about fleet week festivities the air shows are getting under way right about noontime and we will have partly cloudy skies. the blue angels will fly around 3:00-3:30. if you have evening plans we do expect the low clouds to return by about sunset so make sure you bring along a jacket. temperature wise we will be in the low 60s as we get through the morning hours. noontime it's 67-degrees in san francisco. upper 70s to low 80s. we will go low to mid 80s for our inner east bay today. along the peninsula upper 70s. temperatures are down slightly for today. back up for tomorrow and then the warmup will continue into the extended forecast. ly she you how warm i expect we will go in a little bit. >> thanks a lot rosemary. the doors are opening up at the -- at the warfield theater. tickets range from $100 for students to $250 for general admission. and up to $10,000 for a vip reception. president obama arrived in the bay area last night. governor jerry brown and san francisco mayor ed lee greeted him at sfo. once the warfield theater fundraiser is over he is scheduled to fly from sfo to lax. before coming to the bay area, president obama visited roseburg, oregon to offer comfort to the survivors of the umpqua community college shooting and to the families of the victims. >> went to talk to these families. you're reminded that this could happen to your child. to your mom. to your dad. to your relative. to your friend. >> the president didn't speak directly he did say americans have to come together to stop these things from happening. we are following a developing story out of houston, texas. police are look for a third suspect in the latest u.s. school shooting. three gunmen opened fire at the campus of texas southern university until houston. they shot and killed one student and wounded another. this is the third shoots at texas southern. it all began in the parking lot outside of a northern university dorm. three people were fighting with the victim there is when shots rang out. two suspects are in custody. >> none of them deserved it. none of them would have ever wanted this to happen or put anyone in danger by having people over to their house. like that was never anyone's intentions or even thoughts. i think we are really surprised and hurting because he is gone. >> police are still searching for a suspect. house speakers or house republicans are still trying to figure out what to do about finding a successor for out going speaker john boehner. process was thrown into chaos when kevin mccarthy pulled out. today all eyes are on a candidate that said no when asked to run for the job. paul ryan is on intense pressure to jump in. other house republican colleagues says ryan is privately considering it. and the other candidate for the job says he'd step aside if ryan doesn't as a matter of fact change his mind. >> if paul ryan gets in the race, i'm a huge fan of paul ryan, i would support paul ryan. i would hope he would do it. but he consistently said that he won't. >> congressman daniel webster who is running and picked up conservative support this week has refused to say if he will support the gop conferences nominee. >> i'm not running against anybody. i'm not running against a personality or a name. i'm just running for that set of principles that says we're going to have a principle base, member driven cop -- congress. >> the day after mccarthy stunned his colleagues by dropping out he says his focus is on moving forward now and expressed support for ryan. >> trying to work together. i know a lot of speculation about who should run and others. paul is looking at it but it's his decision. if he decides to do it he would be an amazing speaker. but he's got to decide on his own. >> sources say retiring speaker john boehner told colleagues it's his hope for the house to elect a new speaker by the end of october but will take on the task until he is replaced. coming up in the next ten minutes we are going to be joined by a political analyst that all give us insight and break down the big shakeups of the week. governor jerry brown has signed 24 bills into law. all of them to stop water waste. one of them requires water companies to actually report annual water loss. that alone could help save billions of gallons a year. the law requires water companies to audit their systems for leaks from aging or cracked pipes. that information is going to be monitored by the state department of water resources. another new law would prevent cities from banning grass. some communities do not allow it but state grass has become popular and necessary during the drought. that new law takes effect immediately. the blue angels will return to the skies over san francisco today. >> fleet week continues this weekend with ship tours and a festival on the marina green and waterfront air shows right here. hundreds of thousands of people will all be there. >> we had the opportunity to bring the people on board the ships. show them the equipment that their tax dollars are paying for and to show them around and introduce them to the men and women who are trying to keep them safe. >> ktvu fox 2 tom vacar is live for us. >> reporter: this is the uss coronado. if you look off to the left you will see two other ships that you can come see here on pier 80 along with the big festival they will have here. this is one of the places to be this weekend. far from where the blue angels will be but the fact of the matter is you can do this early and do the blue angels later. what is important about the united states navy is not just the armor but the people. people come from all over the world to become americans and they certainly many native born americans but the point is it's the people of the navy that makes this country great. and there is a lot of people that come from california. and my question to you is simply this. what is it like being in the navy in a big water navy and on a ship that is about as state of the art as it can be? >> it's really exciting. we are at the forefront here on lcs. we get some of the newest technologies and some of the newest things coming online and we are sort of pioneers as it goes and it's very exciting to be able to work with that sort of high end technology. >> reporter: here's a young guy that is not quite as young as the other guys because he's been in for 14 years from petaluma. your name, sir. >> petty officer first class kenneth ingler. >> reporter: did you ever think about becoming a sailor or how did it come to be? >> i joined july 18th, 2001 shortly before september 11th. it's something i wanted to do. my father was in the navy. my grandfather was in the navy. i felt a calling. >> reporter: did nerve change you? did it make you even more dedicated and not just to be in the navy but have this role when you are defending the country? >> i was in boot camp at the time the planes hit. by the time i got out i was starting my schools for my rating and i was ready to quit schools and get on site. but i'm glad i stayed in the schools. >> reporter: one more i want to introduce you to. a young man from sacramento. your name is? >> firearm rose. >> reporter: did you ever see yourself in the big water navy out in the big water? >> not originally. but the idea came to me and i really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity that was there. i don't regret it at all. it's been a great time. >> reporter: glad to be back in california? >> absolutely. >> reporter: this is the ship you can come on the newest in the navy. a really high-tech ship plus the other two ships that are here. this is a remarkable place. very much worth coming. there is plenty of parking and i think you will have a good time. tom vacar ktvu fox 2. >> thank you for showing that ship. a real valuable asset. and all of those sailors. >> thank you very much. your time is 8:12. president obama talking about gun control. coming up in 20 minutes why he says people on both sides of the issue have a choice to make. >> and there is a warning for people planning to go to the beach this weekend. what you need to know. >> outside our doors this morning a mostly cloudy start and even patchy thick fog for some i'll have a look at when these clouds will clear out of the way when many of us will see the blue skies like we are seeing outside this view and what you can expect for the afternoon temperature wise coming up. all right check out that line. look at people very excited where they all headed? hay are headed to see president obama or kanye west. which one drew them to this warfield theater? we're not really sure but it is a very diverse group that has come to the warfield theater. all to benefit the dnc. >> and both will be there around 11:00. you can see peopling coin along market street. the tickets kind of expensive. $250 for students and up to $10,000 a ticket for the vip section. >> the students it was a little more affordable. they had a little more economical options. the first home football game at middletown high since the valley fire. a flag ceremony was held last night with horses running across the field for the middle town mustangs. the stadium is fine. all together a dozen players and their coaches lost their homes. many say it's still traumatic but so many people rooting for the middletown team makes it easier to heal. >> we're all here. our school is still standing. our kids are out on the field they are playing. and yeah. that is a win in our book. >> we're kind of dealing with that on the field and in life. just get back up and keep going. >> as another way of showing support the players that lost their homes have been made into team captains. that game against fort bragg didn't go the way the mustangs wanted but as far as the community is concerned they are undefeated. >> there is a warning for people who might be planning to go to the beach this weekend because beaches from sonoma down to monterey counties are at risk for strong rip currents. the currents can knock people down and drag them into the water. the national weather service says the strong hip currents could last through tomorrow. depending on where you are you might be thinking beach. >> not along the city shore. >> maybe until later. >> when you say later you mean later in the week; right? >> rosemary is working on clearing it up. we're fighting about it rosemary. >> it's going to be nice in santa cruz. giving you a look at a very, very socked in start to the day. i think we're looking at the golden gate bridge. [ laughter ] although we can't see it this morning. that fog very thick and it's wide spread. northeast, south bay along the peninsula. along the coast. visibility down to a quarter mile and for some it's a little damp as well. a little misty. a little drizzle out there. if you are getting out early be prepared for that. i want to take you through the next few days and then we will take a look at our numbers just for today. we do have the systems that are riding over the north. breaking it down. just a little bit. so for today we are going to cool it off as we get into the afternoon. but there is this system here near baja, california that is actually going to make tracks up along the coast and into areas of southern california as we get into wednesday we may see a little bit of rain come our way. i will take you into wednesday. i will take you all the way into next weekend and the possibility of more rain coming. so here we are. picking it up for you this morning. we have the low clouds out there. i think by the afternoon we will be mostly sunny. at least away from the coastline. partly cloudy in san francisco. more on that in just a moment. sunday looks to be a little bit warmer but there is this system i was talking about a moment ago. notice how it came in from the south. 4:00 in the afternoon. we have a few sprinkles reported here. it doesn't look like a whole lot. and then as we get into friday and saturday, take a look at what is out over the pacific. this may actually slide in. we are still several days out. it's still too hard to tell if that will come into -- notice the clouds pull back. still partly cloudy over san francisco. we are keeping an eye on this area because the air shows will get under way for fleet week festivities. down into santa cruz you will be warmer and mostly sunny. partly cloudy san francisco. 60s along the peninsula and coast. 60s and 70s for our east bay shoreline and our warmer locations will be in the low to mid 80s. cooler than where we were yesterday. right now 57-degrees in napa. 60 in san francisco. upper 50sin livermore. and 59 in san jose. afternoon highs for today 73 usa lee -- sausalito. the extended forecast temperatures will begin to rebound as early as tomorrow with little change in the forecast to monday and tuesday and warmer weather. low 90s in the forecast for our inland communities. so we continue to enjoy that summertime weather. a bay area health clinic is is offering services for people without insurance for free. coming up in our next half hour how you can help. no phd needed. uhhh, it is a little awkward being on the market again... but uh, i...oh...i actually tried the online thing... which uh, i dunno. i, i guess i'm just hoping for a caring and nurturing relationship, you know, one that's going somewhere. uh, like i, i take them where they're going and they buy me chevron with techron. i mean, yeah, you know, what can i say, i'm a, i'm a romantic. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. alright, now i just look desperate. this young lady seems like a perfectically nice person. she is getting her award. >> this video from a cnn interview back from 2009 where president obama called kanye west out for bombarding taylor swift getting an award at the video music awards. and now the two are joining forces right here today at the bay area. >> i know. we have been talking about it this morning. because very interesting matchup we should say kanye is no stranger to politics. sort of. you know at this years vma he made his bid, sort of, for president. take a listen. >> yes as you probably could have guessed by this moment i have decided in 2020 to run for president. [ laughter ] >> president obama is actually going to be taking the stage with him at a fundraiser just a few hours from now. we have a live look from the warfield theater. this is on market street between 5th and sixth. look at all of those people looking to get in. the doors just opened up. many of these people have tickets but if you don't it's not too late. >> it's too late. i was just looking on their website no tickets available. but we are still talking about this. joining us this morning on the phone is political analyst brian sibell. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> we just saw live pictures from the warfield. we see a lot of young faces. is this a kanye concert? is this a president obama fundraiser. what do you think? >> well you know it's one of the things president obama has done. he has reached out to a lot of different people and kanye west is very popular and without have a little fun with all of that? >> do you think this helps the democratic party over all by securing? the democratic party has a majority of student voters; right? this is just helping out in those efforts. >> yes. >> what the president is king is raising money for the democrats across the country. some of the tickets are very expensive. this money is sent into various campaigns. it's a big collection effort. >> do you think this is an interesting choice or just a smart one? i know we reach out to all sports of generations that is why they make appearances on saturday night live and why they do this stuff. a lot of people talking about obama's comments about kanye when the whole taylor swift thing happened. and then kanye talking about president. do you think this is a smart matchup? >> it doesn't effect the president at all. again he's not running again. and kanye west has a following of lots of the younger democrats who are appealing to democrats who are trying to attract all sorts of new voters to the party and securing their base and so this and the matchup as it were seems kind of natural whether he did something years ago is political irrelevant to the president. >> let's talk about the other party real quickly. disarray and washington right now. mccarthy stepping out and the democrats are really not saying too much about the disarray hitting washington. >> when they choose their nominee for the floor and they elect a speaker, we'll be happy to work in a bipartisan way to find common ground. it's up to them. it's not up to us. >> you know this really seems like a good opportunity for democrats to pounce on republicans in action and congress. and really being the cause they say for this. really they haven't said much. the president not saying much. what do you make of that? >> well, i think it's smart on behalf of the democrats to just let the republicans wallow in what is a very, very difficult situation. and they are left to pick up the coats and move on. nancy pelosi was speak for four years. she has lots of experience with that not only the position but the swirl of washington politics. i don't think there is any upside for dems in washington, d.c. to be commenting on it. they don't have the votes to elect the speaker unless there is some brokered solution. and there is probably not a lot of upside right now for them to be commenting on that. >> super quick brian. joe biden in or out? >> he is getting a lot of pressure. my -- the democratic debate coming up on tuesday whether he jumps in or out and could be ready for tuesday is an open question. i'm told he is leaning to do it. thank you so much for the insight. we appreciate you joining us this morning. >> absolutely. take care. >> you too. mornings on 2 will be right back. here's some of the top stories we following for you right now. a live look outside san francisco's warfield theater. you can see people waiting to get merchandise for a democratic fundraiser with president obama. he is going to take the stage about two hours from now and his guest kanye west. >> i'd be curious to see which person drew those folks there more. we'll check in with that in a bit. the search continues today as well for the third gunman in a shooting at texas southern university in houston. campus police say the shooters went up to two shooters outside of an apartment complex and opened fire. one student was killed. the other is expected to survive. officers did eventually track down two of the suspects. uncertainty on capitol hill this morning. no one knows who will replace john boehner as house speaker after kevin mccarthy dropped out of the house. house republicans are lobbying for paul ryan. they view the former presidential candidate as someone that can bridge the gap between tea party conservatives and more mainstream republicans. 8:34. let's head on over to rosemary. we are watching this changing weather. it's one of those mornings depending on where you are waking up. >> a lot of us waking up with a little bit of fog. if you have an early morning drive be aware of that. what a gorgeous shot there. >> that fog just settled right on in. >> yeah. notice how it poured in. it's a shallow marine layer. you can see it from this point of vow. but with it being fall, it could take a little bit longer to clear out of the way. partly cloudy skies as we get into the noon hour for most of us along the coast i think we are going to be socked in pretty good for most of the day. but can gaze at that view all day long. what a beautiful shot there. mostly clear skies especially for our inner east bay areas like concord and livermore and farther east areas like antioch waking up with sunshine. we have the pancake breakfast going on in fremont. heard from the firefighters on twitter station 9. go out and see them. get mickey mouse pancakes. it moved in and wow it's wide spread. visibility down to a quarter mile. fairfield improving here along i-80. we have a drive into the central valley you are coming this way you're in pretty good shape. that has improved quite a bit over the last hour. concord visibility looking good. you get closer to the water in areas like oakland visibility down to less than a mile. 880 you may find a little bit of trouble. i will shift here along the peninsula and into portions of the south bay. sfo reporting good visibility. you notice the darker shade of gray here along 101 and 280 so it gets thick in these spots. maybe for areas like menlo park and palo alto. earlier sfo reporting delays. temperature wise in the upper 50s to low 60s in most areas. 60-degrees in san francisco. 58 walnut creek. 57 santa rosa. 59 in san jose. these clouds and the fog will clear out of the way. ly show you future -- i will show you future cast and afternoon highs coming up in a bit. developing right now the three homicide suspects found in oregon have waved extradition and will return to the the bay area. police say they connected the trio to two deadly shootings. one was a hiker found monday night near fairfax and another one was 23-year-old canadian found year golden gate park. they believe a gun stole fran a parked car was used in both shootings. >> when the second homicide occurred in a wooded area, the victim died from gunshot wounds, there were too many similarities in a time, location, and manner. >> police tracked down the trio in portland. investigators describe those suspects as drifters. police say the suspects shot and killed that hiker steve carter and wounded his dog cocoa. she is improving this morning but has a long recovery ahead. she is in stable condition. the humane society say it's picking up the tab on the cost of her recovery. this morning we are learning more details on what may have led to the stabbing of the air force hero who helped stop an attack on a train in paris. airman first class spencer stone was stabbed in a street fight near a bar. stone was trying to protect a woman. his doctors at uc davis medical center say he can get out of bed and is in spirits. the suspects were wearing white t-shirts and jeans. they are still on the loose and sacramento businesses are trying to raise money for a reward. on thursday police arrested a 15-year-old student at hercules high school. the teacher notified officers after another student said the suspect was talking about plans for vengeance. police say when they went to the suspects home to question him, they found what they called supporting documentation that he was planning a school shooting. the teen was booked into juvenile hall. fremont police are trying to figure out how a pedestrian got killed. it happened at the intersection of fremont boulevard and sundale drive. police say the woman was crossing the street just after 7:00 last night when she was hit by a car. she died at the scene. police say the driver is though cooperating with their investigation. california now has its first statewide licensing and operating rules for the medical industry. governor brown signed three bills. it impacts growers, manufactures, and retail marijuana outlets. the legislation includes separate licenses for indoor and outdoor growing and for transportation and testing. another provision allows the university of california to study how marijuana effects driving and then recommend appropriate standards for impaired driving. all of this comes as supporters of legalizing recreational marijuana are proposing several ballot measures for the november 2016 election. oakland firefighter recovering after the balcony he was standing on collapsed. it happened at a home on east 21st street yesterday. when firefighters arrived they found flames on the first floor of a two story building. the injured firefighter was on the second floor looking for potential victims when he walked on to the seconds floor deck it just collapsed. he was taken to the hospital with a shoulder injury and burns and later released. caltrain is inviting the public to talk about changes to its fares and parking charges. they want to increase fares by $0.50. eligible discount fares are expected to stay the same and clipper card holders will get a 15% discount. as for parking caltrain is proposing racing the daily fee by $0.50 and raising monthly parking fees by $5. you can weigh in at the gilroy senior center on hannah street. it is fleet week in san francisco and the blue angels are back and that means hundreds of thousands of people will be along the waterfront. tom baker is live in san francisco where ship tours will start in just about 20 minutes. how are things looking out there? >> reporter: people already starting to come and behind me is the uss coronado. if you come out here to pier 80, there will be four ships. three navy and one coast guard welcome aboard. what they do really makes the whole thing work. joining me is public affairs officer by the name of dawn stankis who is a blue water sailor. you were on the uss america and how is life for women aboard ships? >> oh my gosh it is such an experience. there are obviously challenges as with any job. being a woman on a ship it's a lot of fun. you have to stand watch. you have to obviously do your normal day-to-day job. but it's just awesome to be out at sea. awesome to do some real missions on the fleet and to do stuff like this. >> reporter: what is really interesting about this is this is a break for the sailors in a way. they are still doing their jobs. how important is it for sailors men and women to come and do this and interact with the public? because you know rarely are we ever in this close proximity. >> >> it is incredibly important to get out and experience san francisco. it's really about eating the food, going to alcatraz, the golden gate bridge and learning what this city is all about and what the fleet can do if there is a humanitarian assistance disaster relief type situation we need to be involved with. >> reporter: there is a big party coming. >> there is a huge party. fleet fest will be here on pier 80 so is everybody here at fleet week we hope you can come and join us and tour some of the great ships that are behind me. the ussstock dale, the uss coronado. >> reporter: thank you very much for doing this. and pier 80 and obviously downtown along the embarcadero they are doing plenty of things but the point is this is a really important week. tom vacar ktvu fox 2 news. >> thanks a lot tom. 24 new ways to save water. 24. what they are and why you are legally required to follow all of them. >> a clinic coming to the rescue of the sick. how they are helping and how you can too. we all know how expensive health care is and unfortunately for a lot of people they just can't afford it. here in oakland there is a health care clinic that serves only the uninsured and they do it all for free. >> it's called the malta clinic. the clinic is able to do that because it gets private donations and it has vol tuners. the clinic is preparing for its annual fundraiser. noel walker took a look at what makes it all work. >> reporter: a routine doctor visit isn't routine for everyone. at the malta clinic everyone gets a head to toe exam. the patients breathe a little easier because health care here is free. >> the patients we see are just like you and i where they have jobs, they have homes, but they just lack insurance. >> reporter: the last census report showed more than 190,000 people in alameda county had no health insurance. despite the affordable health care act many are still going without. >> people who are falling through the crack for medical care right now. >> reporter: mike lambert son the board of the malta clinic. funding from the church and fundraisers help the malta clinic provide free health care to more than 2500 patients a year of all denominations. there is just one requirement. >> that somebody who comes in and asked one question only do you have medical insurance? the answer is no it's come on in we will take care of you. >> reporter: john frost first came to the clinic in 2010. he's diagnosissed with high blood pressure. >> you haven't had no chest pain, no exercise problem? >> reporter: and diabetes. >> i have top walk past the doughnut aisle at work every day. >> reporter: it's been a wake up call. >> i think i was taking way too much for granted. i was taking my health for granted. and i changed my priorities around. >> reporter: now that frost has a job with insurance this is one of his last appointments here. this place can focus on free health care because its staffed by doctors and nurses who work for free. >> a way for a doctor to contribute and there is no better way for me to help other people than to practice my medicine. >> reporter: helping ease the pain on how to pay for health care. >> as much as they appreciate it, i appreciate it. it's always good to have that feeling of giving back to your community. >> reporter: in oakland noel walker ktvu fox 2 news. >> the malta clinic's annual fundraiser is coming up it's october 13th at the st. francis yacht club. we have provided a link with information on our website at let's switch gears right now and take a look at what is coming up in weather. >> we have a cool down coming our way for the afternoon and the big story this afternoon has been the fog. beginning to see it pull back a little bit. just a little bit. giving you a look at low clouds. and oh a peak of blue there as well. we will continue to see these clouds retreat and for the afternoon mostly sunny skies, away from the coastline if you are going to be out at ocean beach, pacifica, half-moon bay going out there for your pumpkins expect it to be mostly cloudy most of the day. but for fleet week festivities by the afternoon we'll have partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies. at least on the east edge of san francisco. here's a look at storm tracker 2 ridge of high pressure still in place. you notice the rain over portions of washington as well as oregon? that system there helping to break down the ridge of high pressure over our area just a little bit. so the on shore breeze is with us. we also have cooler weather coming our way and we are waking up with low clouds and fog this morning. also going to trigger a lake wind advisory for the tahoe area. if you are going this morning, this to be aware of. mostly sunny skies. upper 60s in the forecast. but this could be a problem if you are thinking about heading out to the lake. it will be from 11:00 this morning until 8:00 this evening. sunday will be calmer with mostly sannyasis and milder weather in the forecast. coming back home there are the clouds along the coast. peninsula and east bay. as we get to the second part of the morning notice pulling back. even outside this morning a little damp in some areas. a little misty. by noontime when the air shows get under way, we do have partly cloudy skies. and these clouds right along the coastline linger the entire day. in and around san francisco. they linger a bit as well. but again we are looking at that partly cloudy, mostly clear at least for the inside the bay when those air shows get under way and into the afternoon for the blue angels. 57 degrees right now in napa. 60 in san francisco. low 60s hayward as well as san jose. the forecast for san francisco today by about noontime 67 degrees. partly cloudy skies and low 70s expected into the afternoon. afternoon highs over the north bay for today 81 for napa. 79 for petaluma. 81 for kentfield. low 70s for sausalito. 83 in walnut creek and 85 expected for antioch. as we shift to the south we have 85 for morgan hill. 81 for san jose. low 80 north side santa cruz with partly cloudy skies. for the peninsula this afternoon 79 near redwood city. we have an art and wine fest going on in san carlos so you should have nice mild weather for the afternoon there. the extended forecast temperatures do begin to rebound slightly for a sunday. more so is as we get into monday, tuesday, and wednesday. and the future cast models want to bring us perhaps just a little bit of rain on wednesday and a bert chance friday into saturday. so we'll fine tune it as we get closer. >> i see you have 89 up on the screen. it seems so -- >> some models keep us completely dry and with temperatures above average. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> it will get more accurate as we go along. thanks a lot rosemary. thousands of people at the national mall in washington what they are there for today. something that hasn't changed they say in 20 years. >> and remember that stolen video equipment we told you about? we'll have the very latest on that. delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. no secrets. just like our family. well there is one. folks, i'm not your grandma. just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. feel bad about lying. nap time. i got her. seriously? i feel like i just woke up. ha ha ha! fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage. we are learning a northbound caltrain has struck and killed a pedestrian at a santa clara station. we are hear that there are more than 125 passengers that are being taken off the train. emergency crews on the scene. we're trying to get more information for you and we'll bring it to you when we get it. she's known as the bike angel from livermore. and at noon today candy al cot will hand out more than 150 new and used bicycles for the victims of the valley fire. when she saw the devastation there she collected 25 bikes and passed them out to kids that lost everything. she and her family launched an even bigger donation drive. the valley fire destroyed 2,000 buildings including 1300 homes. now to a story about loss with a happy end examining after a theft victim took action last month we told you about a woman who had five cameras and some audio and video equipment stolen from her apartment. the thieves also took hard drives with 140,000 images of her work on it. yesterday she sent us these pictures from the oakland flee market. she says she found her cameras and a tripod at a vendors stand. and he said he bought the equipment from another vendor. the manager of the flea market says they do know who the vendor is but they are only going to give that information to the police. expect the shark tank to come alive tonight because it's a sellout. crowds nor san jose openers are squaring off against the anaheim ducks. the puck dropped tonight at 7:30. >> cal football team plays its biggest game in years tonight. the 23rd ranked bears are about to utah. both teams are undefeated. kick off is 7:00 p.m.. quarterback may improve his chances in the heisman trophy race. both of our football teams will be facing the manning brothers tomorrow. the 49ers will take on younger brother eli but all eyes will focus on collin kaepernick. can he overcome his early struggles. he's only thrown two touchdown passes with five intercepts. >> yeah it's something you're going to have that until the back of your mind. i put our team in a bad situation in the arizona game. i wasn't going to allow that to happen again. the raiders will battle the denver broncos and peyton manning. look at this throw back video. that was for the college football top individual honor the heisman trophy. ever they hosted the bronco at the coliseum. green light the search is on for a third suspect involved in another shooting. >> plus nor flooding could be on the we for residents in north carolina. >> a minor cool down in store for your bay area saturday. outside our doors this morning i'm tracking quite a bit of fog. where visibility is low and how long it's expected to last coming up. good morning, mr. president. welcome back to the bay area. what kanye west has to do with president obama waking up here this morning. >> fleet week is in full swing. the tour we are planning for you coming up next. >> into portions of the east bay. some of us waking up to sunshine. away from the coastline it will take a little while giving you a live look at all that overcast sky and just a blip of blue there. right in the middle. so these low clouds moved in while we slept and this morning some of us even waking up with patchy dense fog. in fact, we have visibility issues at some of our airports. sfo reporting delays for about an hour at some of our arriving flights. san jose at 30 minutes or so. along the coast and peninsula east bay through the delta all the way into what looks like perhaps the sacramento valley a little bit of patchy fog there. quarter mile visibility in santa rosa. napa three miles. napa had been down to a quarter mile early on. fairfield visibility was low along i-80 and that has since improved. as we shift closer to the bay we have visibility still less than a mile in some areas. cruising along 880 in oakland you will find that there. but you go inland temperatures and sunshining with mostly clear skies. did i say temperatures? temperatures beginning to rebound already under the sunshine. we have mountain view with a visibility half a mile in san jose reporting quarter mile visibility. as i mentioned a moment ago san jose the airport reporting delays to 30 minutes or so. as we get into the second part of the morning, notice it does begin to pull back. we will be mostly cloudy along the coastline the entire day today. but the rest of us partly cloudy to mostly sunny. right in this area. fleet week festivities under way this morning. but the air show is taking place into the afternoon and that is when we will have the best chance at seeing partly cloudy skies. partly cloudy skies for the air show today. temperatures at this hour 60- degrees in san francisco. 64 in walnut creek. 63 in livermore and 63 in fairfield. upper 50s in santa rosa. 61 until san jose. afternoon highs for today will be coming down slightly. i'll have a look at the warming trend coming up. at this hour the area around the warfield theater is locked down by san francisco police. a live look from there at this moment. this is between fifth and sixth streets. some people sat in line for hours to get inside for president obama's democratic fundraiser with rapper kanye west. we know the ticket prices there ranging from $250 up to $10,000. this fundraiser is scheduled to begin in about a half an hour. president obama will take to the stage at around 10:50 and we know that ticket -- we know that tickets are sold out at this moment. air force one landed at sfo at 8:40 last night. governor jerry brown and san francisco mayor ed lee greeted the president at the airport and then his motorcade zipped into the city for an exclusive late night fundraiser. the president's trip to san francisco this weekend will not even last a full day though. once the warfield theater fundraiser is over, he is scheduled to fly from sfo to lax around noon. developing right now police still searching far suspect after yet another school shooting. this one at texas southern university in houston. three gunmen shot and killed one student and wounded another. officers caught two of those suspects at a dorm but the third one got away. this is the third shooting at texas southern this week alone. investigators say that this one may be in retaliation for one of those earlier shootings. memorial last night for that student killed and three others injured on an arizona campus. it began with a parking lot fight outside of northern arizona university dorms. three people were fighting with the victim there when shots rang out. two suspects are now in custody. one of them is an 18-year-old freshman. >> i was downtown with my friends and we were told there was a shooting on campus and people said you need to get. i thought what is going on? this is too much. >> this morning police are still searching for that last suspect. house republicans are still trying to figure out what to do about finding a successor out going speaker john boehner. the process was thrown into -- this morning all eyes are on a candidate that has said no when asked to run for a job. paul ryan is under intense pressure to jump in. other house republicans say ryan is considering it. now the other candidate for job says he would step aside if ryan does in fact change his mind. >> if paul ryan gets in the race, i'm a huge fan of paul ryan, i would support paul ryan. i would hope he would do it but he is consistently said he won't. >> all right there is another candidate as well. that is congressman daniel webster he is running and picked up support from the house freedom caucus this week. he is refusing to say if he would support ryan as the nominee. >> not running against anybody. i'm not running against a personality or a name. i'm just running for that set of principals that says we'll have a principal base, member driven congress. >> all right the day after majority leader ken mccarthy stunned colleagues by dropping out of the speakers race, he says the focus is on moving forward although he is expressing support for ryan. >> trying to work together. i know a lot of speculation about who should run and others. paul is look at it but it's his decision. if he decided to do it he would be an amazing speaker. >> when will he decide? that is the big question. retiring speaker john boehner told colleagues he wants the house to elect that new speaker. as we continue to wait boehner is also saying he will stay on until he is replaced. one of them requires water companies to report annual water loss. that alone could help save billions of gallons a year. the law requires water companies to audit their systems for leaks from aging or cracked pipes. that information will be monitored by the state department of water resources. another new law will prevent cities from banning fake grass. some communities don't allow it but fake grass has become popular. even necessary during the drought. that new law takes effect immediately. the blue angels are returning to the skies over san francisco today. >> fleet week continues this weekend with ship tours, a festival on marina green and waterfront air shows. hundreds of thousands of people will all be there. parking is limited so people are being encouraged to take public transit. we'll have a live report from our tom vacar at fleet week later on coming up on mornings on 2. if you need to get rid of old paint or electronics, you can drop those items tomorrow night in albany. it's only for people that live in alameda counties so you need to register online. you can go to our website at for more information. time is 9:08 people in some neighborhoods say they are miserable. who they blame for construction concerns that are causing even more problems. >> a minor cool down until store for the start of your bay area weekend. outside your doors this morning waking up with low clouds and the fog and a little mist and drizzle. when this is expected to clear and your numbers for today coming up. it's, it's positive thinking. and teamwork. yes. okay, so we, were going downtown... so i start thinking, parking space, parking space there was no spaces. but then one appeared, right? positive thinking really works. no it, it really does, you know, like when i need gas, i start thinking techron. mmm. techron. and before i know it, we're pulling into a chevron. you put positive thoughts out there and then i just... oh, wait, are you like, controlling me? n-n-no. your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. that's a long leash. that is a good one for you. i want to hear the whole song. a gray saturday for most of us at least. a live look birds eye view over walnut creek. those clouds will be clearing out of the way at least by the afternoon. temperatures are coming down though. i'll have a look at the numbers expected for your neighborhood coming up. a number of cities in towns across south carolina are bracing for more flooding. officials are keeping a close eye on several swollen rivers. south carolina's governor is also urging residents to pay close attention to evacuation warnings. >> we want to make sure that are you being cautious if they come to your door. we want you to consider getting out. take whatever precious belongings are with you. >> reporter: jay johnson has toured some of the effected areas and says recovery efforts are well under way. fema has more than 100 people deployed on the ground in south carolina and more are being added every day. we also have developing news for you out of turkey. at least 86 people have been killed and nearly 190 injured in woman explosions outside of a main train station in the turkish capitol. the blast happened as people were gathered ahead of a planned peace march. reports say the blast was caused by a suicide bomber. back here at home it was the first home football game at middletown high since the devastating valley fire. they held a ceremony last night with flags and horses running across the field for the middletown mustangs. charred patches are still around the area but the stadium is fine. a dozens of the players and coaches have all lost their homes. many say it's still traumatic but they say so many people rooting for them makes it a little easier. >> we're all here. our school is still standing. our kids are out on the field. they are playing and yeah that is a win in our book. >> the message is you lose a gail, you get to practice and you fix what needs to be fixed. we are dealing with that on the field as well as in life. >> reporter: those players who lost their homes have all been named team captains to honor them but the game against fort bragg didn't go the way they planned. the mustangs lost but the community says just being there is a big win. happening today it is the 20th anniversary of the million man march and organizers are calling for changes in policing policies. the man who led that original march. we will lead a gathering in washington it's called the justice for elsmart. tens of thousands of people are expected to begin. the original march pledged to improve lives for african americans. however all are being welcomed at today's gathering. turning now to weather. let's switch gears a little bit. we are so distracted because rosemary and i are looking at this outside picture and it looks like it's getting worse. [ laughter ] >> before it gets better, yes. >> what is going on rosemary? >> it's going to clear. [ laughter ] eventually. >> we'll get there. >> wow san jose. >> is san jose out there? [ laughter ] >> we're told this is a picture of san jose. we've got plenty of gray out there. it's a little damp as well with mist and drizzle this morning. you can see it right there on the lens. visibility down to a quarter mile over the north bay, east bay and south bay. san jose reporting delays for some flights going in and out of the airport. sfo reporting delays of arriving flights. most of us all in the same boat. you go farther inland areas like antioch, livermore, concord, partly cloudy to mostly clear but a lot of us waking up with gray. ridge of high pressure still in place but weakening just a little bit. we have systems that are riding over the north of it. breaking it down some. the low clouds are back with us. it's a very shallow marine layer. we do expect it to burn away. mostly sunny skies away from the coastline as we get into the second part of the day. it could take a little while. temperatures will be coming down as a result as well. 57 degrees right now in napa. 63 in san francisco. livermore you're also waking up 63. 61 in hayward. as well as san jose. upper 70s to low 80s in areas like san rafael, novato, sonoma you will go to 84. it will takal noontime. 77 in oakland for the afternoon. 76 for alameda. and inland areas where we are starting out mostly sunny another warm day. 85 in antioch. 85 for livermore. 84 in pleasanton. for the south bay upper 70s to low 80s. 80 degrees for santa clara. gilroy you will be really warm for the afternoon nearing 90 degrees for you. santa cruz mostly sunny. 81 expected as we come along the peninsula. upper 70 north side senator mccain -- supper 70s in san mateo. beautiful day for you there. 72 in san francisco for the afternoon. for the fleet week festivities low 70s in daly city. upper 60s in pacifica. so we will be partly cloudy into the afternoon for san francisco and the air show looks like it should go on keeping in mind the blue angels will fly right about 3:00 or so. the extended forecast with your bay area weekend always in view. temperatures will rebound some as we get into sunday. and then continue to warm monday, tuesday. partly cloudy skies on the map currently for wednesday. right now a 10% chance a few scattered showers coming our way. and then we get a second chance friday into saturday. i will show you that future cast models coming up in a bit. >> we are looking toward the future. >> yeah fingers crossed. still ahead we may now what led to the bar stabbing of an air force hero. who he may have been protecting next. >> and more police troubles for actor psi la buff. why he is in cuffs again right there. mornings on 2 continues. ♪ some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. in just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your energy savings up. don't let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. take the free home energy checkup. honey, we need a new refrigerator. visit and get started today. actor psi la buff has had another run in with the law. this time it has all been caught on camera. he's been arrested for public intoxication in austin. police say it happened around 7:30 last night in an entertainment district where the austin city limits music festival is taking place right now. the 29-year-old previously made headlines for other bizarre behavior including yelling from the audience during a broadway show and wearing a paper bag on his head to a movie premier who could forget that? >> all right. that is the latest. there is a new twist on the classic childrens tale that hits the box office this weekend. the true story of a woman who was one of the original fighters for the rights of domestic partners. >> the walk i gave up a 4.5 out of 5. make sure you three it in 3d. danny boyle directed it. directed it in 16-millimeter. 35-millimeter for 88. massive release of the movie called pan. this is the new film starring hugh jackman. this film pam is an oregon story. reimagining. you are learn about peter pan and captain hook before they became the characters we know today. black beard is the video in the film. he shaved his head for the role. he really wanted to get into character. some of the cool things about this film visually it looks phenomenal. joe wright is a great visual director. that is where the film works. i would not see it in 3d opinion see it in 2d. the problem with the film is the inconsistent tone. he comes out to a nirvana song. those scenes were awesome but the film had a very inconsistent tone. jackman actually peaks in the beginning of the movie and flattens out as the movie goes on. that was my biggest issue. i wanted more. i wanted to care for the characters a lot more and i sat there thinking why is this movie being made unnecessarily. i would rather watch steal bergs -- next up is called free hell. this story is so important and the film this is based on a true story of laura hester who in 2005 was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. it follows her fight for equal rights in a same sex relationship. she was fighting to pass along her benefits and pension to her domestic partner stacy. it's the story and the performances that makes this movie great. the r the script could have used a little bit of work. but over all see it for the story. it's an important story. an important film to be seen and fantastic performances as well. i gave it a four out of five. i do recommend it. see it this weekend and check out the walk and obviously steve jobs if you are living in new york and l.a.. i'm kevin mccarthy fox news. netflix is raising its prices again. the streaming service hiking up its monthly standard package for new customers. the rate will jump by about $1 from $8.99 to $9.99. it will not effect existing customers for at least a year. what do 140 characters say about you? they say a lot more than you might think. but it can actually indicate how much money you make. >> they talk about politics. while lowering some people they swear more or they talk more about themselves or big activities. >> did we need a study to tell about this? >> they studied more than 10 million tweets and among their interesting findings researchers found that those who expressed anger or fear in their tweets had higher incomes. those that used profanity lower incomes. they have more followers. no shocker there. if you tweet about religion a lot apparently you have fewer followers. >> ha is disturbing. >> it is interesting. you put it out there in social media world. you've got to be careful. while he is tweeting over here we will talk about this busy week ahead for democrats. >> and we're going to have an update on the condition of that hikers dog that was injured by one of the murder suspects. >> outside our doors this morning the clouds are slowly beginning to clear and for the afternoon temperatures will be falling off just late bit. i'll take you through the morning and through the afternoon coming up in just a few moments. >> check out our pet of the day. i don't know if you wanted to take this picture. he >> princess peach. >> all right she is three years old. she is the short haired tabby and wants a special home. she does like playing with other cats and very affectionate so ha is all good stuff that makes far great pet. she is available for adoption at the east bay spca dublin adoption center. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. doeight pieces ofily original recipe chicken? yes. [ding] two large mashed potatoes and gravy? yes. [ding] and are you the real colonel sanders? yes... [buzzing] it's finger lickin' good. we are following breaking news for you this morning. we are learning a northbound caltrain has struck and killed a pedestrian at a santa clara station. it happened along the 1,000 block of railroad avenue here. 125 passengers are being taken off the train. crews are on scene trying to sort all of this out. we do have calls into caltrain and we will bring you the latest information as soon as we have it. happening now there is a democratic fundraiser with president obama right there. you see the warfield theater. it's being held in san francisco. you can see people still being filed in. we've been checking in on this fundraiser throughout the morning. as that line continues to grow. very interesting line in terms of different folks we have seen goingthrough there. >> yes. kanye west will be appearing with president obama. >> you wonder if they are going to see kanye or the president or both. but those tickets they start at $100 for students. the end goal is to raise money for the dnc and that looks like it's happening. so if you are kind of in the area fifth and sixth streets, you have to keep that in mind because it's a little bit crowded down there. >> in fact that part of the market street is shut down. in anticipation of the president being there. he is going to be taking to the stage just before 11:00 and he will be leaving soon after that at about noon it's wheels up at sfo and down to lax. >> yeah moments ago we talked to some of the folks that were in line. let's hear what they had to say. >> that's what life is. it's two people that is different come together for some type of change and for a cause. so you know i'm all about that. i like obama. >> kanye is is out here supporting the democratic party. it's a cool opportunity to see an artist sporting a political movement that we are also supportive of. >> again that is interesting thoughts. they are there to see both of them. the event is sold out as we said before. but obviously the younger audiences coming on in. now the the tickets we were mentioning $100. >> they were $100 for students. all the way up to $10,000 for the vip reception. at that price i hope you get a picture with kanye and the president. >> there are picture opportunities afterwards. most of what has been happening in there has been very vague in terms of what is going to be happening inside the warfield. so certainly we are looking for people coming out to tell us how they like the experience. also today the search continues for the third gunman in a shooting at texas southern university in houston. campus police say the shooters went up to two students and opened fire. one student was killed. the other fortunately is expected to survive. officers eventually tracked down two of those suspects. there is uncertainty on capitol hill this morning. no one knows who will replace that guy. that is john boehner as speaker. that is after kevin mccarthy dropped out of the race. house republicans are lobbying for wisconsin congressman paul ryan to jump in. fellow republicans view the former vice presidential candidate as someone who can bridge the gap between tea party conservatives and more mainstream republicans. ryan has not decided if he wants to jump in. he has repeatedly said no but the word on the hill is he may be reconsidering. >> yeah that he may be softening from a young family. he has a young family. this is absorbing jobs. the biggest part is traveling around the country incessantly. he has talked about how important it was for him. how much he enjoyed that. it will be interesting to see if he can tip him over to the other side and get him to jump in. >> he is more of a policy person. that is what he really enjoys. being speaker is harder politics analysts negotiating. we'll see. we should know something by next week. >> we should know something about this fog. how is that for a segue? we can see the golden gate bridge behind you which is an improvement. >> it is a big improvement. we needed to clear out. that fog is still swallowing up the tower of the portion of the bay ridge. giving you a live look there. we can see the cars at this point. we do have a big of clearing going on. i do want to give you a look at the satellite view. i put a one hour time lapse on here just to see it looks a little jolting. just to see what is going on over the next hour or so. we can see we are beginning to see a little bit of pull back. so this is some good news. we needed to clear out in time for the fleet week air shows going on a little bit later today. visibility still a tough one in areas like santa rosa. down to a quarter mile. darker shades overgrain dating where it's very thick. if you are traveling in and out of petaluma, you may find it as well. napas visibility has improved here. fairfield the visibility has improved there and concord has been fairly good. and we will do one more shift here. sfo reporting 9. this is great news. 9 mountain view. san jose still reporting half a mile. if you are just joining us both sfo and the airport in san jose international airport reporting delays. in addition to the low clouds and the fog, a little bit of drizzle out there this morning. received a tweet from antonio in daly city. he says his rain gauge has accumulated to .01. enough to accumulate something out there. 61 degrees in oakland. 63 in livermore. not sure if this is correct. 63 sfo. half-moon bay 61. as we get into the second part of the morning and into the afternoon again the clouds will continue to clear out of the way. i think by noontime when the air shows get under way we have 67 degrees. partly cloudy skies and for the afternoon partly cloudy with mostly sunny skies. for the second half the blue angels will fly right about 3:00 or so. afternoon highs around the region. upper 60s in pacifica with mostly cloudy skies. 79 in redwood city. 81 san jose. curving around to the east bay. mid 80s for our warmer spots in areas like antioch and brentwood. and low 80s expected for santa rosa and napa. back up for tomorrow and the warming trend will continue for the next few days. i will have a lock another what you can expect coming up. police say they are involved in woman deadly shootings. the other was a 23-year-old canadian found last weekend at golden gate park. a parked car was used in both shootings. >> when the second homicide occurred, the victim died from gunshot wounds. there were too many similarities in the time. police say the suspects shot and killed carter and wounded his dog. she is improving but has a long recovery ahead. she is in stable condition. the humane society says it will pick up all the medical bills. police arrested a student at hercules high school. they did find what they called supporting documentation he was planning a school shooting. the teen was booked into juvenile hall. in san francisco inspectors have shut down a construction project on eighth street while they investigate concerns raised by businesses and residents in the area. crews have been working to replace water and sewer lines for months but problems have been popping up during all of this time. causing five gas leaks and water main leak. people in the neighborhood are making their lives miserable and they blame the contractor. >> i don't think they have anything under control. i think they keep adding more people out here to make us think they have it under control. >> we are as well as the state public utilities commission investigating. had there been proper markings? were the markings followed correctly on the street? fremont police are trying to figure out how a pedestrian got killed. it happened at the intersection of fremont boulevard. police say the woman was crossing the street just after 7:00 when she was hit by a car. she died on the scene. police say the driver is cooperating with the investigation. california now has its first statewide licensing and operating rules for the medical marijuana industry. governor brown signed three bills designed to regulate the pot business. the new rule impacts growers and marijuana outlets for the first time marijuana legalized medical marijuana in 1996. and for transportation, product testing and dispensaries of different sizes. another provision allows the university of california to study how marijuana effects driving and then recommend appropriate standards for impaired driving. all of this comes as the supporters of legalizing recreational marijuana are proposing several ballot measures for the november 2016 election. president obama waking up here in vein this morning but in his weekly address he was talking about the transpacific partnership trade agreement reached this week. >> without this agreement competitors that don't share our values like china will write the rules of global economy. they will keep selling into our markets. meanwhile they will keep their markets close to us. that is what has been going on for the last 20 years. >> the president agrees that there were flaws in the past trade agreements but the new deal helps to level the playing field for american workers and businesses. he says it will allow us to export product -- to support more products abroad. hillary clinton coming out against the agreement a new poll shows her lead against voters is sleeping. clinton's support tumbled to 41% this week. bernie sanders is second with 28%. third is vice president joe biden who has not decided to run. with with the race tightening up clinton has a lot at stake. the first democratic debate will -- clinton, sanders, martin o'malley, lincoln chaff few, and jim web. this morning we are learning more details on what may have led to the stabbing of that air force hero who helped stop an attack on a train in paris. airman first class spencer stone was stabbed in a street fight near a bar. police are not saying which bar. but new reports from witnesses say stone may have been trying to protect a woman when all of this started. this is the surveillance video of it all happening. his doctors at uc davis medical center say stone can get out of bed and he is in good spirits. sus is protects were wearing white t-shirts and jeans. they are still on the loose. coming up getting down and dirty. not everyone's choice when raising money for charity but our own christien kafton took the plunge. what he was up to coming up. >> plus the potential danger that you need to know about if you are planning to head out to bay area beaches this weekend. >> in addition to that we'll have a look at what you can expect for fleet week festivities including a live report coming from tom vacar out at marina green. giving you a live look at all of that cloud cover that remains over the bay area this morning. when the clouds are going to clear and your numbers for today coming up. we spend a lot of time together. well mainly in traffic. i'm serious. we've been together, what, a super long time. true. and at first it was all business, you know, i'd take him here, i'd take him there. everywhere. and over the years, we've really bonded. sure. why else would you always buy me chevron with techron? 'cause we need gas. i think it's more than that. i think that you care about me. you're a good friend. best friends? um, uh, yes, best friends. yeah. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you. care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. ow. i didn't know what it was. did you know what it was? >> they told me too. >> i'm invisioning tom cruz on the motorcycle going down the -- tom cruise on the motorcycle going down the street. a live look at the airport in and around san jose there. you know we do have delays for some flights in and out of san jose this morning. in and out of sfo. due to the low clouds, the fog, a little bit of mist and drizzle out there as well. this is going to clear back to the coast for your afternoon. i will have a detailed look at your weekend forecast coming up. >> movie night. who needs a movie night? we have great things aning all -- happening all over the bay area today. >> it's a good day to be outside and head into san francisco because it is fleet week which is why we are playing that music and the blue angels are back. >> tom bay car is live on the marina green where people are already showing up. i know this is the most fun pause you get to touch and do all things related to the military. >> reporter: a former military member it's fun to see all of this stuff again. one of the fleets primary duties is to driver troops to the combat action and that means united states marine corp and joining me now is captain auggie sullivan. he and 350 other marines have come up from southern california. what are people going to see? >> as you come down, you will see the setup for a humanitarian disaster relief village. what that boils down to in disaster relief response. the marine corp and navy team off load a whole bunch of equipment on to the scene and help to deliver that effective aid. and behind us you see one of our ambulances. you will see medical tent right here where you can perform anything from small treage relief -- triage relief all the way up to operation. we have field kitchen. obviously people need food. so we have that available as well. light weight water purification systems. we have explosive ordnance people who are train the to deliver that capability if need be. pretty much this is a her rid of capabilities that the navy and marine corp team bring to help in a disaster response. >> which is really interesting because more and more increasingly. the military is getting involved in disaster response and humanitarian aid and relief. that has become a big part of the military to be involved in the life saving aspects of it. >> correct. as we talked about earlier san francisco is a prime example. surrounded by water. we have this merry time capability that quickly lets us off load and online. it is really important to work with the disaster relief experts here to refine and the processes an how we do this so we are quicker and it's aer and constantly getting better. >> this is a capability that can be delivered not only anywhere in the country but anywhere in the world if need be. >> correct. if you go back and look throughout history, the recent typhoons in japan, haiyan the typhoon that hit the philippines we have been all over and we are pretty busy. the navy and marine corp are looked to provide this service. we're the only ones that really when we marry as a team to that that capability. >> what about coming and meeting marines? it's one thing to look at equipment and it's incredible equipment but the equipment doesn't mean a thing without the people. how important is it for people to come to and talk to and learn who the united states marine corp people are. >> it's extremely important. you have young motivated men and women. most of the marine corp people. it's surprising to know is under the age of 25. you have these optimistic young talented men and women until uniform that are as you said operating these vehicles. providing this service. so please stop in and thank them for their service and really get to hear their story because every story is unique. >> captain sullivan a pleasure meeting you. thank you very much and have a great fleet week. >> thank you guys. please enjoy. >> that is it. >> all right thanks a lot tom. great information. there is a warning for people planning to go to the beach this weekend. beaches from sonoma to monterey counties are at risk for strong rip currents that can knock people down and drag them into the water. talking about rip currents. talking about beach weather. not quite beach weather maybe. bonfire beach weather. i like to listen to the waves even if i don't want to walk in them. >> music fest at ocean peach. >> if you like it head to santa cruz. that is where we have the sunshine and warm weather coming our way. it is gray out there. in addition to that it's a little damp. you can tell from the lens we have mist and drizzle out there this morning. so off to a soggy start. we will have the low clouds and the fog burn back to the coastline for today. it will take a little while but by noontime we are partly cloudy away from the coast. ridge of high pressure still in place the on shore flow is down with us. temperatures will be cooling off into the afternoonen i also want to point you to this system here over baja, california. this is actually going to work north over the course of the next few days. southern california is expected to see some rain of it. and we may get a few sprinkles. i will take you a week out. starting with the afternoon today. just a quick moment here. this is the system that is bringing rain to washington as well as oregon and that is the system that is helping to cool us down into the afternoon. but i'm now pushing you into wednesday afternoon. there is the possibility some rain. working from the south and you can see it moves through not a big deal. but a better deal friday night into saturday. so we have two opportunities. the one doesn't look like a whole lot into wednesday. but the next one could bring us rain. meanwhile outside our doors this morning we are waiting for those low clouds to clear out of the way bring noontime or so. along the coast partly to mostly cloudy and in san francisco we are partly cloudy. the rest of us should be mostly sunny into 4:00 or so. it just lingers right in here. 57-degrees in napa. 63 in livermore. hayward is 63. 63 a popular number. san jose you are included in there as well. upper 70s and low 80s. as we shift to the east bay we have temperatures in the upper 80s. berkeley you will go to 73. inland 80s. 83 for walnut creek and 85 for livermore. for the south bay today a warm one. 85 morgan hill. and along the peninsula 79 redwood city. 74 san bruno. 72 for downtown san francisco. the extended forecast here temperatures will begin to warm. sunday even warmer than that as we get back to work on monday and the warming continues into tuesday. so the summertime warmth not gone just yet but a 10% chance of seeing rain come midweek wednesday. your time is 9:53. we'll take a break and be right back. she is known as the bike angel from livermore and at noon today candy will hang out 150 new and used bicycles to young victims of the valley fire. when she saw the devastation there she collected 25 donated bikes. she and her family launched an even bigger donation drive. the valley fire destroyed 2,000 buildings as you remember including 1300 homes. >> teams of runners are getting muddy and it's for a good cause. it started about an hour ago at the solan no county fairgrounds. this mud run and christien kafton is trying to keep from getting muddy raises money to help people with multiple sclerosis. >> it's an awesome day of raising awareness and funds for people who are fighting ms. >> organizers say a series of muck fest runs -- it's hard to say sometimes. runs across the country has raised more than $20 million to help people with ms. we want to update you on one we have our top stories. president obama is here in san francisco. he just arrived. here he comes. there is the presidential moe arcade. it's coming down market street. >> that is exciting isn't it? a lot of people line the streets just to get a glimpse. get a wave in. that warfield performance going on for a couple hours. we'll have more on that in our later newscast. that will do it for us here. we certainly appreciate you joining us. >> thank you for joining us. >> have a good day. [ laughter ] - [voiceover] today on xploration outer space. when disaster strikes the space program. what you didn't know about the space shuttle challenger tragedy and how nasa grew stronger because of it. plus, the high school students who sent an experiment into space. - you heard everyone go, "oh my god." - [voiceover] only to see it explode into flames. from failure comes progress. find out how on xploration outer space. - welcome to xploration outer space, i'm emily calandrelli and we're at the kennedy space center visitor complex near cape canaveral, florida and this is the rocket garden. it honors the brave women and men who have made the exploration of outer space possible.

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