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i just saw a kid. and that's it. katie and suri's close call. the mother and daughter side-swiped in an accident with a new york city garbage truck. this morning, pictures from the scene of the accident. they're okay. but will this lead to katie hiring new security? a good tuesday morning. great to have everybody back here. as always, so much to get to. including those scorching high temperatures, tuburning up the east coast. today is going to be another sizzler. the fourth heat wave. sam is tracking all of it. also, the latest on the desperate search for the two little cousins in iowa who disappeared on friday. there's no trace at all of either one of them. a big search going on. we also have an exclusive interview with jennifer lopez, and caspar smart. they're life on the scene. let's get to the shocking discovery, four delta flights headed for the u.s., turcy sandwiches with needles in them. the fbi is investigating this is a possible terrorist act. we're going to speak exsclusively to two passengers who found the needles. first, abc's pierre thomas has more and joins us this morning from washington. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. overnight, the sandwich scare left us with a critical question about airline security. how safe from stabotage on commercial planes? a half-dozen sewing needles on sandwiches on four separate delta flights this past sunday. at least one person injured after biting in. >> it was the second bite into the sandwich. it actually poked the top of my mouth. it was a one-inch-long straight needle. >> reporter: fbi is investigating who had access to the food. a father and son on two separate flights were also injured. authorities are trying to figure out if it was just a coincidence. delta airlines released a statement, saying has taken immediately action with our in-flight caterer. the sandwiches were prepared in the gate gourmet catering company at the airport in amsterdam. all sandwiches have been removed from flights. gate gourmet operates in 28 countries. it serves an average of 9,700 flights every day of the year and over 300 million passengers annually. >> you can't check every sandwich that goes aboard a plane. and unfortunately, this demonstrates to people that want to do bad things that this is a gaping hole. >> reporter: in a statement, gate gourmet said, we take this matter very seriously. gate gourmet immediately launched a full investigation to determine the root cause of this disturbing incident. last year, wsb performed an investigation, with an employee who worked for gate gourmet. this video showed how easy it was to add unauthorized food to a cart. at the time, the company said the investigation did not account for all the layers of its security. but with this scare, more questions about the safety of its food is sure to be raised. robin? >> pierre, thank you? with more, we turn to james tonges, with fellow passenger, dr. jack grodt. james, if i can begin with you, sir. we heard in pierre's piece, that you were injured. can you tell us a little bit more about what happened? >> yeah. about the second bite that i took into the sandwich, i noticed something that poked me in the top of my south very hard. i thought at first it was a toothpick. sometimes you have a club sandwich that has a toothpick in it that you don't see. and when i pulled it out, i found a needle. a one-inch-long needle. about two minutes later, jack rang his bell. and he had the same thing. >> you met, ironically, going over to europe. didn't realize you were on the same flight coming back. also, jack, when you called your wife, who was with your two children on another flight, a different flight from amsterdam, you found out that your son had also received a sandwich with a needle in it? >> yeah. that was the uncanny thing about this. when i landed, i spoke to an fbi agent. and called my wife to let her know what happened. and she told me the same thing happened to my son. he found a needle in his sandwich on a parallel flight from amsterdam. >> what have authorities told you about the investigation? >> they're saying that this is being viewed as a criminal case. and as they get any information, they'll let us know because the important thing for me is, since it did actually puncture the top of my mouth, i had to be put on medication for that. and we're waiting to see if there's any other type of substance on the needles. they're doing their examination right now and they're going to let me know. >> what kind of medication were you put on? >> it's going -- i saw the news this morning. the new drug that was approved by the fda. truvada. that's what they put me on on sunday. >> and you are concerned, as many are, about the possibility this being a terror plot. why do you think this could be the case? >> it was so deliberate. and this occurring to two separate passengers on the same airline, subsequently noting it happened on another airplane, this was not an incidental finding. the pins were identical. this all pointed towards something which was deliberate and meant to harm. >> a lot of people feel that way. and the investigation continues. and hopefully, we'll get some answers soon. gentlemen, thank you both very much. you take care. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> scary stuff. now, to the dangerously hot weather burning up the east. temperatures from 100 degrees from washington to boston. this heat wave is causing the worst heat you and i have ever seen. >> we were talking about this a month ago. that the heat story would give away to the drought story. the data center came out with a new report yesterday. and look at how much of the country has drought. if you go to the places that don't have drought, it's the northwestern corner and northeastern corner and florida, that are getting rain. this dry zone in northern virginia will be the next level to jump to the drought. 80% of the country dry. in the report, we look at june, which came at 55% of the country at drought level. this is the driest time the country ever had, the '30s. we know them as the dust bowl years. these are the cities that have the heat warnings, watches and advisories. chicago goes to 100 degrees. it's probably your fifth day today at 100 degrees since we've been getting into the summertime numbers. we'll go over when the heat breaks for some woks and how long it stays when we come back in regular weather. 80% of the country in abnormally dry conditions. to josh now and the rest of the morning's headlines. >> we begin with a deadly mass shooting. the worst the city of toronto has ever seen. 21 people, including a baby, were shot when a fight broke out at a big barbecue. there was mass panic. and at least two people were killed. one suspect is in custody. meanwhile, the u.s. military is making new preparations to protect against a potential military threat from iran. "the wall street journal" says the pentagon is building a missile defense radar station in qatar to protect interests in the region. the navy is about to conduct the biggest exercise of its kind, to practice removing iranian mines in the persian gulf. it comes one day after a sma the navy fired on a small boat coming toward the ship. one passenger was killed. now, to the breath-taking rescue here in new york. a little girl falls out of her apartment window. and a bus driver happened to be in the very right place at the exact right time. watch as 7-year-old keyla mccree is dancing on an air conditioning unit in new york, slips and falls three stories. her fall was broken by steven st. bernard, a 52-year-old bus driver who says he was in the right place at the right time. >> let me catch the baby. >> reporter: keyla's mother had stepped out of the room, when her daughter, who is autistic, slipped outside to the accordion folds of an air conditioner unit. st. bernard, whose license plate says saint, says his fraternal instincts kicked in. >> i have kids, too. >> reporter: st. bernard had a torn tendon in his bicep, what he says was a small price for saving a life. this morning, they're calling st. bernard a hero. >> no. a hero's a sandwich. i just saw a kid. and that's it. >> 7-year-old keyla, not hurt in the fall. when we're picking teams for football in the street, i have steve st. bernard. a fire broke out in this high-rise building. flames spreading down the entire side of the skyscraper. the 42-story building in istanbul, turkey, packed with apartments, shops, businesses. but everyone was able to make it out in time. and katie holmes and her daughter, suri, escaped injury when their car was side-swiped by a trash truck. both are okay. and finally, we know the president loves to play basketball. but he is showing the world he's got a little game off the court, as well. take a look. the first family taking in a team usa basketball game last night, when the kiss cam zooms in. president obama bows out, choosing to forgo a public display, and thus drawing boos from the but, the kiss cam gave him a second chance. and wouldn't you know it? the president puckered up. oh, young nationally-televised love. >> look at malia. >> malia's like, get me out of here. this is so embarrassing. she's like, stop that. you're on camera. great stuff. we're going to get to the president's opponent right now. "your voice, your vote." mitt romney's next major move to shake up the presidential race. he's focusing on his choice of a running mate with auditions nearly every day. yesterday was louisiana governor bobby jindal's turn. >> that's right. and he has the others on the list as a fund-raising circuit. five fund-raisers for chris christie next week. his top aides say a decision could come as early as this week. almost all republicans i am talking to close to that campaign believe it has come down to two people. tim pawlenty, the former governor of minnesota, and rob portman of ohio. >> they seem to have chemistry with romney. what about that flurry over the weekend about condoleezza rice? >> that seemed to come to a thud. you'll hear people in the pro-life movement say that would be unacceptable. i interviewed rick santorum. the interview's online today on and he said it would be gone negotiable to have a candidate that was pro-choice. that's how condoleezza rice has described herself. >> yeah. thanks very much. now, to the latest on the frantic search for the two missing little girls in iowa. authorities dredged a man-made lake where their bikes were found. but no sign of the 8-year-old and 10-year-old cousins. alex perez is in evansdale, iowa. >> reporter: authorities searched this five-acre lake over the weekend and found nothing. but to be 100% sure, they started the process of draining the lake. and devastated parents say they're not losing hope. they are living every parents' nightmare. their 8-year-old daughter, elizabeth, and 10-year-old cousin, lyric cook, have been missing since friday. as a dad, how tough is it to watch all this and not have any answers? >> it's indescribable. at night, every day, i have hope. and then, when it gets dark, it's hard. >> reporter: the girls went for a bike ride about noon friday. they never returned. just before 3:00 p.m., elizabeth's mother reported them missing. >> i just had a gut feeling. i mean, my daughter would not believe that long. >> reporter: the girls' bicycles were recovered on a trail behind this small lake about a mile from their home. authorities say there was no indication of a struggle where the bikes were found. about 1,000 volunteers scoured a 12-square-mile area of this tiny town. even dredged the lake. brad garrett believes that since both girls vanished at the same time, is a red flag. >> this is a stranger abduction with someone who had ill intent to take both of them. >> reporter: volunteers have posted ribbons at the lake in elizabeth's favorite color, pink. collins says her pet cat has been outside her bedroom door since she disappeared. >> the cat's depressed. and everybody else is, too. >> reporter: authorities say it could take up to three days to fully drain this lake. investigators have also gone door-to-door in this area. but still, no clues. robin? >> all those volunteers are not going to give up the search. all right, alex. thanks very much. now, to another scary new trend in the skies that has authorities investigating. a jetblue pilot was hit in the eye with a laser as he was landing at jfk airport. this is growing number of attacks on planes. john schriffen has the latest. >> reporter: george, good morning. the incident happening about 35 miles outside of here, jfk, its final destination. because the laser attacks on cockpits are happening more frequently, federal authorities are cracking down. >> jetblue 657. >> go ahead. >> yes, sir, we just got lasered up here. two green flashes into the cockpit. >> reporter: the faa says a green laser pointed directly into the cockpit of a jet blue flight, en route from syracuse to jfk airport on sunday, injured the pilot's eye. >> about 5,000 feet, right? >> yes, sir. 5,000 feet. two green flashes. and it caught the first officer in his eye. >> reporter: even from a quarter-mile away, a point-and-shoot laser can blind a pilot, as demonstrated in this training video. it's not clear if the first officer was in control of the aircraft at the time. >> use caution. laser about 7 miles ahead of you at 5,000 feet. >> we're looking into the matter. >> reporter: in 2001, there were more than 3,500 documented incidents. up from 300 in 2005. last week in san francisco, two planes were reportedly targeted by a green laser beam. those pilots were not injured. >> the pinpoint spreads out as it gets higher and farther away. what may seem like a feint light to you, in the cockpit gets blinding. >> interference with a flight crew is a federal crime. so, the fbi has looked into the laser incidents over the last several years. we located some of them. several have been prosecuted. >> reporter: to give you an idea how seriously the authorities are treating the laser attacks, in 2009, a california man was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for a similar incident. and last year, a fine of $11,000 was added on top of the punishment of anybody convicted of this crime. the jetblue pilot only suffered min minor injuries. but right now, there's no arrests. >> what are people thinking? >> i don't know, george. let's get to the weather and sam. >> you don't hear about the arrests. if you hear about the arrests, it might be a deterrent. these are the areas ma might get record numbers. chicago, st. louis, detroit. it's a quarter of the country that gets relief from the cold front. that cold front will back in cooler temperatures. chicago, this is your last day at 100. 83 by thursday. new york city, 87 by thursday. washington, d.c. but the rest of the country stays in the heat. with that cold front will come sam powerful storms. these are the pockets. we'll talk about those as we go through the morning. >> cool spots, san francisco to seattle. they're the only spots that are showing cooler temperatures. >> good for them. all right, sam. thank you. coming up, stunning, new details from the truck driver hit by kerry kennedy. why he's saying she was convinced she was drunk behind the wheel. and her first family member to speak out, patrick kennedy. sylvester stallone speaking out about his son's sudden and startling death. and jennifer lopez, and casper smart. how they make it work on stage and off. charlie sheen, too. 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[ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. >> good morning. it's tuesday, and it's another very warm morning to start. 76 right now in bowie. elkton 76 and ellicott city around 74. and the wind will turn around to the south and west going throughout the day making for a hot day for us. but look out in manchester where we are seeing plenty of sunshine that will mix with a few clouds and we will stay dry today. maryland's most powerful radar is dry right now. and we look at the hour by hour forecast where we are coming in around 98 degrees and a lot of spots will hit 100. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook good morning. [audio not understandable] [ inaudible ] [ no audio from station ] >> reporter: look live at beltway here in overlea it's to be jammed on the outer loop and that continues up towards loch raven boulevard. megan. >> good morning. it could take several days for crews to repair the roads affected built water main break in downtown baltimore lauren talked about. in the process it will be complicated. underground utility lines. water was rung for hours until the main could be shut off. pieces of the road buckled from all the pressure below. again crews on the scene right now. no word on what caused an early morning fire in towson. a vacant home on bellonna avenue and lagrange lane caught on fire around 3:30 this morning. crews arrived to find heavy smoke and flames. we are told that home is currently up for sale. we are out of time and go back to new york for good morning america. thanks for joining us and we will have another update in 30 minutes. jennifer lopez, one of the hottest superstars on the planet. and wehind the scenes with her and the new man of her life, casper smart. and her smash tour with enrique iglesi iglesias. amy robach will be ahead with that. also, new details in the tragic hollywood history. sylvester stallone's son, sage, found in his home on friday. his grieving parents making their first comments. the case has been turned over to the l.a. robbery and homicide squad. you never know what to expect from charlie sheen. he's back in the headlines for a million-dollar move. we have all the details on you. >> generous charlie sheen. first, the latest in the kerry kennedy case. arrested for driving under the influence. she says she wasn't drinking or taking illegal drugs. now, the truck driver kennedy hit is speaking out about what happened. david muir is here with more. >> reporter: we're hearing for the first time from one of kerry kennedy's well-known cousins. first, the truck driver describing the frightening moments on a new york highway, as abc news learns kerry kennedy will plead not guilty today. a frightening description of kerry kennedy's dangerous highway ride last week. this morning, "the new york post" speaking to the driver that night. my first impression was she was very, very drunk, half asleep or very, very intoxicated. authorities say kennedy was seen driving erratically, when she collided with the truck. she veered in and out of lanes. when she hit me, my left tire tore up her passenger side door. just shredded through it and peeled the tire right off. she woke up a little bit. >> but not a lot. not the way you'd wake up if you hit a 6,000-pound truck, he said. the only thing she wanted to do was get away. kerry kennedy was found slumped over the wheel of her car, reportedly unable to remember what happened. police say she told them she had taken ambien before getting behind the wheel. telling "the new york post," she looked like she just woke up. her cousin, patrick kennedy, was the first to speak out about the case. what do we know about the accident? >> this is out of character for kerry. we're worried about this as anyone would be. >> reporter: patrick kennedy made headlines himself when he was involved in an accident in washington, d.c. in 2006. arrested for dwi. in his case, it was ambien. he says the family is unclear with what happened with kerry kennedy. if it is ambien, you know personally what can happen when you combine that with driving. >> it was a wake-up call for me in many respects. these are medications that are very powerful. it's something we all need to be aware of. >> reporter: and patrick kennedy said, unlike his own struggle of depression and mental illness, his cousin, kerry, has no history with prescription drugs. >> kerry is a resilient person. i know she will be moving forward. >> reporter: patrick kennedy an advocate for americans suffering with mental illness. but he does not believe his cousin is battling what he did. this must be a reaction to a prescription drug or a procedure. let's get more from dan abrams. let's talk about ambien. >> the charge, driving while impaired. it's a misdemeanor. the maximum sentence, up to a year in jail. no one expects that she would actually get jail time in connection with something like this. but remember, ambien is an interesting drug. it has actually been used as a defense in cases where people say, i took ambien and i didn't realize i had drive -- driven. or didn't realize i had gotten out of bed, et cetera. and in certain cases, that defense has been effective. we're also hearing from sources close to kerry kennedy, that she wasn't taking ambien and she didn't say that to authorities. >> could this be a seizure, that we saw a few weeks back. >> now, we hear this truck driver give this account on how out of it she seemed. that tells us she was driving while impaired in some way. it doesn't necessarily mean it was a crime. if it had been a seizure, for example, she had no warning. no doctor had told her you're not allowed to drive, et cetera. then, it might be a medical accident. if on the other hand, she had taken a drug that you're not supposed to take before you drive, different story. >> this case, she has been -- dan, thanks very much. now, developments in the sudden death of sylvester stallone's son, sage. the case has been turned over to the lapd robbery homicide squad. abc's david wright has the latest. >> the speculation and buzz is in overdrive. >> reporter: a celebrity's son. >> the last photo of sly's son. >> reporter: and his sudden, mysterious death. >> are police investigating it as a suicide? >> reporter: tabloid father, even as sage stallone's grieving father pleads for privacy. sylvester stallone made a statement on monday. i'm humbling begging to have my son's soul rest in peace. it will be weeks before the toxicology test will determine cause of death. the 36-year-old actor first appeared opposite his father in "rocky 5." at age 20, he discussed hollywood's expectations of him. >> being stallone's son, they expect you to be this punk, man. this spoiled idiot. >> reporter: lately, sage stallone was trying to find his own path to stardom. >> i want to focus on my directing. and pull off a few more acting things. >> reporter: stallone's family attorney says sage was set to get married in las vegas. instead, his funeral will take place this weekend. his body, found in his hollywood hills home friday, with pills nearby. his mother tells "the new york post" sage had been taking painkillers were dental surgery weeks before his death. no science of foul play. but robbery homicide detectives are on the case because of his high profile. >> it would take four or five days for somebody to find the body. >> reporter: his devastated father writes, when a parent loses a child, there is no greater pain. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news. >> you hear parents make that kind of statement. let's get over to sam and weather. sam? >> we were talking drought at the top of the show. pictures are coming in. this is the norris reservoir. it gives water to the indianapolis area. you see the boats in the background. a large part of the country, about 80% of the country, drier than normal. with these temperatures, we're not going to get any better with the drought situation. drought feeds heat. heat feeds drought. it's one of the cycles that goes on. kansas city, about 109. this is the way it feels today. little rock, 110. new orleans, it will feel like 111 to you. now, we'll bring in this cooler air, only in the northwest. san francisco, eureka, way below normal. so is san francisco. >> all of america's weather was brought to you by canine advantix ii. coming up, charlie's pledge. will his move clean up his bad boy image for good? we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. but not for your eyes. they're still so tired looking. with olay challenge that, with regenerist anti-aging eye roller. its hydrating formula with caffeine conditioning complex, perks up the look of eyes. it works in the blink of an eye. are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 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[ male announcer ] help your family stay afloat at plegh! are a sizzling deal, starting at 6 bucks. try our new lunch-size chicken fajitas, sauteed onions and peppers topped with grilled chicken, served with soup or salad. chili's lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks. news, now, on charlie sheen. we're happy to report it is good news. here on "gma," for the launch of his new tv series, sheen has announced he is donating a record amount of the profits to support u.s. troops. >> we're used to seeing charlie sheen in the headlines for outrageous behavior. this time, he's getting publicity for a very good reason. he has pledged at least $1 million to the uso, one of the largest-single donations the group has ever received. never doubt the word of charlie sheen. >> i have one speed. i have one gear, go. >> reporter: from talking about his headline-grabbing twitter feed last night on "the tonight show." >> what happened? >> i got tired of saying the word. >> reporter: to rumors he will be replacing steven tyler on "american idol." he is get an image overhaul, this time, for his generosity. the man who compared himself to a fighter jet -- >> i'm an f-18, bro. >> reporter: donated $1 million to the uso. sheen calls it an honor to, quote, be able to give back to these men and women of the military, who have done so much for all of us. it's a philosophy he talked about with me on "good afternoon america." >> if we look at an event before it begins, we have success. >> reporter: sheen is offering 1% of the profits from his show, "anger management." good news for the troops, since the show has dropped in the ratings. >> charlie sheen is counting on this tv show to rekindle his career and bring it back in the public eye. since it doesn't seem to be working, now is a good time for him to show up and do something big and bold. why not donate $1 million to the uso? >> reporter: is it all for image? sheen has professed a love for the military, he says, since his dad stored in 'apocaly'"apocaly" and sheen's next role on the big screen, he'll play the president of the united states, in the upcoming film "machete kills." as for the donation, the uso put out a statement, saying sheen's support is so greatly appreciated. and i just spoke to him, he was in great spirits. >> the better "anger management does." coming up, josh has "the play of the day." and then, the exclusive interview with j. lo and casper e, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. look no further than the new chocolate chip frappé from mccafé. bits of chocolate chips in every sip, blended into mocha and caramel, all topped with a double drizzle of chocolate and sweet caramel. the simple joy of the perfect sip. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. did you know honey nut cheerios is america's favorite cereal? oh, you're good! hey, did you know that honey nut cheerios is... oh you too! ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. more generations of fleas. frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill a. plus another to kill the next generation, flea eggs and larvae. ask your vet about frontline plus. in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road, lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens. here's "the play of the day." >> so, you've only seen her from the desk-up. she has the shoes to match. look at those things. they are -- >> is that "the play of the day"? >> yeah. >> robin meowing. >> spike lee, we see him out on the court often. but take a look at what happened when he took in an old ball game, the yankees. >> the majors with 29 come-from-behind victories. and a bat goes flying into the stands behind the yankee dugout, as the ball is fouled off. >> huh-uh. huh-uh. no way. >> he's everywhere. >> with his son. >> he's very happy. yeah. >> a little more dangerous than a basketball at madison square garden. there's a swing by spike. >> no way. >> you think he's not having fun with this? >> he has a stroke. >> his kid went to protect him and he got the bat. he got the souvenir. that's great. >> it was the bat of mark teixeira, the yankees' first baseman. it does bear mentioning, when you sit that close to the dugout, you have to pay attention because lumber could come flying. >> how often? >> once a week. you have to watch out, sam. i know, sam, you have season tickets. that's baseball. backstreet boys. go nowhere. [ man ] ever year, sophia and i use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. when your beauty sleep is cut short new almay wake up liquid make up with hydrating water and caffeine to energize your skin gives you a radiant, well rested look. "hello morning!" switch to straight talk wireless and you could save nearly one thousand dollars a year. now you could win that one thousand dollars every week. just tell us how you'd spend it at same networks. same smartphones. half the cost. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. it is time to say "so long" to the foot long, man. who are you talking to? [ male announcer ] say hello to the p'zolo... in meat trio, italian steak and buffalo chicken. get one for three bucks or two for five. pizza hut. make it great. i was worried about 'em, you know? i mean for instance my mom went to bed tonight before making my dinner. which is fine, i mean i, i know how to make dinner. it just starts to make you wonder. is this what happens when you age? my friends used to say i was the lucky one. i had the fun parents. where's the fun now? night guys! [ sighs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] venza. from toyota. now maryland's most poirful doppler radar and the forecast certified moat accurate by weatherate. >> a beautiful sunrise we are seeing seeing a couple high cloud and cirrus clouds and a few boats on the river as well. it's going to be a nice day to look at. but we are going to be dealing with hot temperatures. but right now, we see the temperatures coming in 76 degrees in baltimore. and 70 in frederick and hagerstown and 80 in dc and the temperatures will soar going through the afternoon. another hued humid day with moisture -- humid day with moisture contents in high. 73 in easton. high pressure is the reason why we are getting the humidity pumped in and all the heat. we are watching for the cold front to make its move going through tomorrow and with that we have a chance for a few thunderstorms and some of those could be on the strong side and we will keep you updated on that. for today, we will stay dry. and the wet weather moves in wednesday afternoon into thursday morning. for today, going with 98 degrees and a lot of spots will hit triple digits. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook record good morning. yesterday's watt -- railroad. >> reporter: good morning. yesterday's water main break will cause problems. shut down between red rood and bomb lard street -- redwood and lombard street. stay with hopkins place or alternates including mlk. mass transit a good bet this morning. we have an accident on center street at st. paul street and another crash heading north in the city going to be right on cold spreng lane at falls road many traveling on 695 this is what it looks like in overlea at bel air packed on inner and outer loops. that's your abc2 time saber traffic. see you in 30 minutes for another traffic and news update. now back to new york for good morning america. ♪ i want to dance and love ♪ what a wonderful tuesday crowd. blowing kisses and everything. it is great, as always. if you're in new york city, come on down. that's "dance again" j. lo's hit single, playing. we have our exclusive with jennifer lopez, and enrique iglesias, behind the scenes of their summer tour. and wait until you hear what jennifer lopez reveals about her new boyfriend. ti wish we didn't have joshs microphone on right now. we're going to play guess that pop tune. ♪ i want it that way >> if you're going to play the first line. >> one of the biggest hits by the backstreet boys. they're going to join us from london with a special announcement. you can only hear it on "gma" this morning. there they are. >> did you not ring the bell? >> taking on a life of its own. also coming up on the program, cybill shepherd, john stamos, kristen davis, all here live. plus, chris' project you gleeks will want to know about. we're going to start with breaking news. a mass shooting in tuscaloosa, alabama, early this morning. as many as 17 people have been shot at a bar frequented by students of the university of alabama. police just released surveillance video, of what they believe is the suspect holding a gun. you see him to the right of your screen. no arrests have been made. at least two of the vic testimonies are in critical season. one of the delta airline passengers who found a needle in his turkey sandwich mid-flight, told us this morning, he thought he bit into a toothpick. but it was one of six sewing needles found on flights in sandwiches from amsterdam to the u.s. the fbi is investigating who has access to the food at amsterdam's airport. all similar sandwiches have been removed from delta planes. and another big bank is in big trouble. this time for alleged money landering. a senate report says that lax oversight at hsbc allowed mexican drug tar gels to launder billions of dollars. the bank also did business with middle east linked to terrorism. mitt romney's vice presidential pick could be revealed as early as friday. former minnesota governor, tim pawlenty and rob portman are said to be the two front-runners. chemicals linked to pba are being linked to smalls in young children. children were more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression than those with silver fillings. we have a clarification to bring you involving queen elizabeth's visit to northern ireland. after the broadcast, we were contacted by lawyers for members of family members who were killed by british horses in 1972. they objected to those killed as i.r.a. protesters. they say all people in bloody sunday should be referred to as civil rights protesters. that they were believed to be innocent by an international commission of inquiry. we regret the error. now, here's diane sawyer, with a preview of tonight's "world news." >> hello, josh. great to see good morning to everyone at "gma." and tonight on "world news," we've been looking into a secret society of the successful people who seem to have more information and make a lot of money. have you heard about something they're calling viagra for the brain? be sure to watch it tonight. >> i have now. and finally, the running of the bulls in spain. that was last week. this week, in england, get ready for it. the running of the cows. except it's a stampede with thaunt exactly planned. residents of this normally quiet neighborhood, not that this really made it any louder. >> it's a stroll. >> the strolling of the cows. >> the meandering of the cows. every lawn and garden. just hanging out. it's a beautiful day, as you can see. my favorite part of the story, they got bored and went back to the farm. >> why wouldn't you? >> i'm going with hungry. what a lovely, little scene. a lovely stroll. >> sure was. from that relaxing scene to a little gorgeous news in new york city. let's get started with "pop news." the black carpet premiere of "the dark man rises." anne hathaway, with this flowing white dress. her co-star marian cuteiard. other stars, christian bale, joseph gordon levitt and morgan friedman. it's the final of the batman trilogy. >> christian couture. >> you see that trailer? that looks phenomenal. >> christian bale. he has owned that character. and happy to see this heading our way. if you're heading into the local convenient store for a cold drink on a hot, summer day, perhaps you'd like some faster mashed potatoes. >> what? >> yes, sam. 7-eleven stores are selling mashed potato dispensers. they look a little watery. >> is that for real? >> really? >> real mashed potatoes? >> why are you yelling at me? what doesn't love mashed potatoes. >> from a vending machine? >> i love mashed potatoes. but i can't unsee that now. >> it's in 7-elevens around the world. they're a big hit in places like singapore. they are heading our way. and they're real. >> a man walks in. >> the statement from the company, they do solidify. of course, they do. they start a little watery. shall we move on to something a little more glamorous? >> please. >> kate middleton can add cover girl to her royal resume. or can she? that's the big question thanks to "marie claire" south africa. the issue features a beaming duchess front and center. the editor of the magazine admitting this cover is a hyperillustration to kate, meant to be a tribute to the queen of fashion. there's four more of her inside the magazine. >> i can't believe her posing like that. that's not her style. >> and very careful how they -- no. it's an illustration. thought that was interesting. and finally no, doubt, that -- no doubt we have missed the platinum-haired -- >> are you feeling yourself? >> no doubt, back in a big way. releasing their first single called "settle down." has a reggae, summer-loving field, and makes it impossible to settle down. lady gaga tweeted, it's so good, she bought it right away. the video released last night has already gone viral. maybe you want to see the band in person. to do that, you need to be with us on "good morning america," july 27th. summer concert series in central park. be there or be square. that's "pop news." >> we're all thinking mashed potatoes. i'm stumped. look at our crowd. look at our amazing crowd. i have found my folks. i found the right place to be. where are you from? >> miami. >> tell me your names? >> esther. >> diana. >> brenda. >> veronica. >> i found my home. let's get to the boards. here's some things happening we want to show you. a live shot out of washington, d.c. hot, steamy, humid today. also in chicagoland today, another day of 105. it feels like that. the heat index. this is your last day. relief and cooling in both locations. look at where the cold front goes and watch the numbers over the next three days. chicago, new york, detroit, washington, all improving. that's it. it's only one-quarter of the country that gets relief from this cool front. watch the numbers go up in the west. denver, salt lake city, phoenix, you all get >> anniversary? who's anniversary? >> my nana and papa. >> where are they? >> in bend, oregon. >> hold that sign up. happy anniversary. >> thank you, sam. here's a look at what else we have coming up on our "gma morning menu." behind the scenes of j. lo and enrique iglesias' summer store. we'll hear from jennifer's boyfriend, casper smart, for the first time. also coming up, the backstreet boys with us. and a big announcement on the way. also coming up, john stamos, kristen davis, cybill shepherd. you don't want to go anywhere, on "good morning america." what we're seeing here is a teen boy resisting every urge to be happy. fighting it with every muscle on his teen face. because i didn't just get him a pair of nikes, i got him the pair of nikes. look - he can barely control himself. (in her head) i'm amazing. the styles they'll totally freak over for back to school are here. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. 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>> whatever makes me sound younger. do it. >> way younger than me. >> reporter: what's it like backstage? >> we talk about what we're going to wear. she talks about, you should do this. this should be your set list. jennifer, i think you should do that. >> should i wear the feathery hat today? >> yeah. >> reporter: they joke because it's all business behind the scenes. two major productions, from flighting, to pyrotechnics, to soundchecks before the show. >> you're the boss. >> reporter: a familiar theme after talking with j. lo's new beau, beau smart, named casper. he is the chief choreographer of her tour. >> sometimes, i tell her something, give her notes. and sometimes, she gives me notes. it doesn't matter who's position is what because she's the boss. >> reporter: how does lopez feel about taking direction from her boyfriend? >> it's all right. not good? >> i wouldn't take that. >> you're right. i'm not going to take that. >> you're the boss. it has to be tough to work with the one you love? >> i have done it many times. it's difficult for some people. and some people, it's easy. it depends on their personality. >> who was it difficult with? >> um -- >> say it. say it. >> reporter: it's obvious, lopez and iglesias are comfortable with one another, on and off the stage. they worked together before. iglesias, most recently, penning her recent hit, "dance again." ♪ i want to dance and love >> reporter: both admit their styles are very different. >> jennifer and i have a completely different type of show. i think your show's better. >> i think your show's -- it's so funny. i'm watching, i want to do that. >> reporter: iglesias says for him, it's connecting with the audience. you had a touching moment with two of your fans. how often do you get them involved in the show? >> it's crucial. the show's only as good as the fans. and i have great shows. >> reporter: j. lo's show is over her career. from jenny from the block, to hollywood glam. you're getting to tell your side of the story. what have the tabloids gotten wrong about you? >> everything. i always feel like history will vindicate you. and the person you are will always come through. &-p. >> reporter: woven throughout j. lo's entire show, the theme of love. are you open to talking about the new love of your life? >> no. >> i'll talk about him. >> no. it's -- >> he's a good man. >> he is. >> reporter: he has a great smile. >> he does. >> great body, too. >> reporter: and it was casper who gave us a little insight on how the two realized their mutual attraction. surprisingly, he says it wasn't love at first sight. >> i don't think it was for either of us. it was very natural. before, no flirting. no nothing. it was just natural. it just happened. >> it can be difficult for anybody who has to stand by my side. but at the end of the day, i know i deserve that. >> reporter: are you open to getting married again? >> yes. for me, the biggest dream is the fairly tale. >> reporter: but with his girlfriend, anna kournikova, his view is not headed to marriage. >> i don't think you need to be married to someone. that doesn't mean you're going to be more loyal. at the end of the day, when you're with someone -- >> we had this discussion over dinner. and it's a long discussion. >> reporter: one they'll have plenty of time to discuss on the road. and the enrique/j. lo inaugural concert met huge success. they were so much fun. >> you can see a lot more images of the tour on also tonight, a lot more on "nightline." >> that's right. >> let's go to lara. >> thank you, george. in more music news, they are the best boy band in history, celebrating 25 years of music. joining us now, the backstreet boys, with a huge announcement in london. first, we want to look back at the songs that made hearts race and charts sizzle. take a look. ♪ rock your body >> reporter: over the last two decades, these guys have rocked right into the hearts of millions. a.j., howie, brian, kevin, and of course, nick. the singing sensation from the sunshine state that made everyone realize -- ♪ i want it that way tell me why ♪ >> reporter: why the backstreet men are the best-selling boy band of all-time. >> the best show ever. >> reporter: in cities of every time zone. ♪ >> reporter: larger than life but burning out fast. in 2002, the five took a much-needed break. and they didn't. despite of keeping out of the studio for two years, the group's next album was "never gone." but it seemed something was missing. the 2010 music awards. >> new kids on the block and backstreet boys. >> a duo, determined to let fans know -- ♪ you are the one desire >> reporter: the boys today, better than ever, still belting it out. ♪ as long as you love me >> unbelievably, joining us now from london, a.j., howie, nick, kevin, brian. good morning, guys. this is a very big announcement. so, make it for us. >> yeah. we're excited. actually, our first time in the studio together, all five of us, since 2005. we're recording our brand-new record here in london. >> and, it gets better. >> the other special announcement we have for you guys. we'll be coming to perform for you guys, on august 31st, first time together, all five of us. >> on "good morning america." unbelievable. thank you, guys, very much. there you go. >> there you go. fellas, how does it feel to be back together in the studio? >> it's awesome. it really is. the vibe is fantastic. this is actually the studio we're recording in at the moment. and we're working, right now, with a producer named martin. it's been really organic. there's three, different rooms. our vibe, i mean -- it's like never before. it really is. revitalized. and we're having so much fun. we're actually living in a house together at the moment. so, we wake up and have breakfast with each other. >> wait a minute. that's living together in a whole, new way. you just decided to get back together. now, you move into a house together, make the album together. tell me, who is the morning person? who is the one that wakes up happy and friendly? [ laughter ] >> everybody wakes up pretty happy. as long as we get a good night's sleep. >> as long as we get our coffee. >> as long as we make our coffee. >> very strong. >> we need a little music. can you guys give us one little sound, just so we can feel the energy? >> feel that magic again. give it to us. >> absolutely. that's what we do. ♪ tell me why ain't nothing but a heartache ♪ ♪ tell me why ain't nothing but a mistake ♪ ♪ tell me why i never want to ♪ ♪ hear you say i want it that way ♪ >> you still got it, boys. you still got it. >> i cannot wait for this. let's make sure we got it right. new album, you guys are working on in london now. they come to town to give us the first group together, august 31st. is that all right? >> that's right. >> that's correct. >> before they go, i want to put up video. they can't see it. but we want the audience to see it. 1993. local station in canada. this is almost 20 years old from the backstreet boys. >> wow. >> what would you say to those guys? >> it's you guys in brightly-color brightly-colored t. shirts. backstreet boys spray painted on the wall. and you're doing all the '80s breakout moves. >> what would you say? >> hang on. it's going to be a bumpy ride. but it will be amazing. and enjoy every step of the way. >> indeed. congratulations. we'll see you soon. and "good morning america" will be right back. good morning and happy tuesday. yesterday's massive water main break in downtown baltimore continuing to cause major problems this morning. now light street is shut down between redwood street and lombard street. lombard street reopened at light street. expect heavy congestion. use hopkins place fayette street or mass transit if possible. traveling in baltimore county a crash in pikesville that you will watch out for right on this is actually going to be on cold spring in the city and the crash in baltimore county right in pikesville is going to be on millford mill and deerfield road. expect a lot of congestion on outer loop from liberty road towards root 40 and this is what it looks like in overl-ea at bel air road. outer loop nice and slow as you make the push up towards loch raven boulevard. that's the amount bc2 timesaver traffic. investigators are looking into what caused a plane to crash in montgomery county killing one person. it went down near the davis airport last night. the pilot died at the scene and the other person on board was flown to shock trauma currently listed in critical condition. bge will charge some you who lost power. bill stablation adjustment allows them to charge customers whether they had power or not for the first 24 hour period of the outage. if you went without power longer than day you won't be charged. on facebook this morning we are asking you about a new york shop now having dress codes for the customers. they say no sunglasses, no hats, and no hoodies. what do you think about that? head to facebook and let us know what you think and the news is available at abc2 one more check of the traffic coming up in 30 minutes. now back to new york for good morning america. [ cheers and applause ] a great crowd down in times square this morning. and what a group of stars we have inside times square this morning. john stamos, cybill shepherd, kristen davis, talking about their time on broadway. >> our couch has never looked better with that trio right there. and right over there, there's the man, chris coulter. he's making his own lifelong dream come true. working with children. is that right? he's going to be here to tell us all about it. a packed room, by the way. victor cruz is speaking out about how he beat the odds. and how you can, too. anything that's tough in your life, will be inspirational. >> tell you what, he lit the nfl on fire a year ago. it's a great story. we're waiting for our third hour of "gma," kicking back up this afternoon. "gaa." what's ahead? what's going on? >> thanks for asking, sam. clothes that will have you looking great, no matter what shape you're in. d.l. hughley, back for another round of toe-to-toe. chris colfer, a two-fer, i dare to say. >> should we log it in now? >> it's now in place. sam? >> i have short legs. it takes a long time to get out to the giant crowd in times square. we haven't seen you. where are you from? >> colorado. >> this is a gorgeous thing. do you do anything with these uniforms? >> this is for the future farmers of america program. >> i was going to make you dance. a singing troupe, dancing. ffa. twitter pictures and facebook pictures. you send them in. from racine. and new york, new york. the city so nice, they name it twice. heat and humidity through the city and the nation. houston, new orleans, memphis, all get in the high numbers. there's some cooling air for the great lakes. and barely one-quarter of the country will tap into this. there's strong to severe storms that will happen with that cold front. if you're in the red zone -- here's what i'm going to say about that. make sure you're up with your local abc stations. they're the ones who will watch >> oh, hi. just telling the audience. all that weather was brought to you by buick lacrosse. but now, back to -- >> robin. >> don't listen to them. we want to get close together here. thank you, sam. no surprise, the best man on broadway this election year. three, hot stars are lining up. cybill shepherd, john stamos, and kristen davis. they're talking about joining the all-star cast of this drama. welcome the broadway stars in our midst. >> thank you. >> this is tough to do. the show opened again in april. you recently joined this wonderful cast. you had a couple of weeks to get started. cybill and kristen, this is your first time on broadway? >> yes, it is. i'm thrilled to be here. gore vidal is a friend of mine. the minute i got the play, i said, i'm going to do it. >> i thought you had been on broadway before. >> you see the performance, you would swear they are veterans. how calm and relaxed. >> john held us together. that's the truth. >> they had such -- they really can hold the stage. it's amazing to see talented film actors, it's tough to make that transfer. but they did a wonderful job. >> it has to be a challenge, kristen. >> it's very scary. i didn't sleep for a couple weeks. being on stage with james earl jones and angela lansbury. john stamos. you have such respect for them. you don't want to mess up. >> you all told your own. we've seen you in musicals. but this is the first time you're doing a play like this. and it was cute to hear you say, you thought this would be easier than a musical. >> physically, i thought it would be easier. but you're thinking so much. with a musical, you have to be here on this beat. this is a slippery slope. you're working with the greatest ever. but they're so powerful on that stage. and the text is deep and rich. there's so many characters and layers of every character. my guy is quite different than i am in real life. >> but you make everybody feel you're at a political convention, the moment you walk in the door there. this is great. this is timeless. it was written more than 50 years ago, cybill. but it's very relatable to what we're seeing today. >> it absolutely is. there's so many references in the play that reflects what's happening in politics. when gore wrote it, an amazing play in 1960. it still relates today. >> i think it's nice that it relates to today but also we can laugh. we can kind of, you know -- right now, our political scene is kind of extreme. and some humor helps. >> we need to do that. >> yeah. >> talk about big names. not only yourselves. but you have angela lansbury, james earl jones, john larroquette. how comforting is it knowing they're out there? and i know, kristen, maybe there's a time when you forgot a line or something? >> two times. you were there, cybill. you were there. i can't believe i'm telling this. it's the kind of thing, you really don't want to mess up. we're in a scene, cybill and i, with angela. we're on the couch. for whatever reason, i think it was our first night. my mind totally blanked. there's a bunch of people in the scene. john's not there to help me. cybill, i'm interrupting. and angela started saying her lines over and over again. it was the sweetest thing. i had to start acting again. in my heart, i was thinking, angela lansbury was helping me. >> be our guest. >> exactly. >> i love that. >> that's what it's about. it's real family out there. and didn't jacqueline kennedy -- >> my character is based on jacqueline kennedy. >> is that who you try to think about? >> i don't because i developed my own character. nobody can imitate jackie kennedy. i do a version of that kind of finishing school polite, i'm always poised, even during the most desperate moments in this play. there's so much comedy. there's some drama. it's intense out there. >> my character wishes she was jacqueline kennedy. >> what is it like? >> sex and the city. >> i never saw that show. >> what do you mean you never -- >> i never saw "sex & the city." and she's never seen "full house." >> how can that be? >> we were working. >> i fell in love with you on "general hospital." >> i watched "general hospital." >> we have some footage here, just in case you want to go down memory lane. >> is that you? >> that's me. >> that's crazy. >> what year? >> that's not me. >> that's the dude i was with. my name was nurse betsy. >> see there? >> that's right. >> last time you were here, you wanted to be on "hot in cleveland." >> yes. >> you have another goal. if you speak it, it seemed to happen for you, cybill? >> we have to fake it until you make it. and i got to do "hot in cleveland." what an experience. betty white is my hero. >> you are for us. so good to see you. always wonderful. >> you're such an inspiration. we've been watching and praying. i'm so impressed with you. >> you're very kind. i was so looking forward to being on this couch with you today. >> thank you. >> and run, don't walk. "the best man," playing on broadway right now. you're going to continue to see it. coming up, chris colfer. [ dog growls, barks ] bring your dog to work day... not our best idea. [ barking ] george! stop it! stop. oh. it was a nice thought. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you're good to go. that was fast! thank you. 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[ cheers and applause ] making the star turn on "glee." now, he's out with his first novel. it's called "the land of stories: the wishing spell." this is a long time in the making. >> it is. i came up with the story when i was 10. and i promised i would write it some day. >> i gave it to my 9-year-old, last night, elliot. and she had a question for you. she wanted to know where the inspiration came from? >> the inspiration came from being an imaginative 10-year-old. they are allison conner. they inherit a magic book from their grandmother. >> and your grandmother was inspiration. you dedicate the book to her. >> i did. >> i want to show everyone at home what she said to you when you talked about this. she said, i think you should wait until you're done with elementary school before worrying about being a failed writer. that's some tough love. >> it was tough love. i started to write when i was very young and failed because i didn't know too many words to write with. she said, i think you should make it to junior high before you've failed anything. >> you also, when you were in high school, drew a cover. let's show everybody the cover. that's the original. >> that's the original cover i made when i was 10. it looks a little different. a little better now. >> the same idea. the same idea. the land of stories. tell us about another story. your character, curt, on glee, graduated. but you're coming back. >> i'm coming back. it starts in a week or so. i don't know what i'm doing yet. but we'll see when i get there. >> what can you tell us about the season? or the whole experience? >> posey parker's coming on. i look forward to that. >> you've been writing a novel. not only acting on "glee," winning awards, you also wrote a scre scre screenplay. >> it's coming out this december. >> that's fantastic. you even found time to get a cat after all that. >> i did. i adopted a cat named brian. hi, brian. why are you watching, brian? you're a cat. he's 20 pounds right now. trying to get him to lose a little weight. >> thanks for coming on. i'll give you a full report from elliot when she finishes the book. >> thank you. when we come back, super bowl champ, victor cruz. [ cheers and applause ] i've been looking forward to this all week. we want to introduce you to a real champion, on and off the field. victor cruz, what a year he had. for my fantasy team, at least. where he does shine is in his personal life. a picture of perseverance. he has overcome some remarkable obstacles. now, here he is, a super bowl hero in this town with the new york football giants. he wrote a book about it. "all of the blue." it's on sale today. everybody, victor cruz. >> thank you. >> i want to -- it is a brisk read. but for every bit of joy in the book, there is some sorrow. you grew up in patterson. you lost your father, you best friend when you were 16. things didn't start off easy for you in life. how did you get through it all at so young an age? >> i owe it to my mom. my biggest support system. and my family. they knew i was talented before i even knew it. they got me hind me 100%. and i owe it to them to keep me focused and on the right track. >> you took the s.a.t.s six times. to get to umass. you struggle academically. again, you keep the focus. that had to have been hard. what got you through that part of your life? >> standardized tests weren't my thing. but i knew to achieve my goals, i had to get it done. i had to take the necessary tests to get it done. and my family was right behind me. they didn't point the finger and say, you have to take it six times. no matter how many times you have to take it. do what you got to do. i had the perseverance to keep after my goals and reach it. >> you never gave up. but did you ever have a backup plan? >> i did. i wanted to be a teacher. i wanted to be someone to go back into the community and teach kids about going to college and teach them -- a lot of kids don't know what it takes to get to college. they know about college. they don't know the necessary stuff to get there. i want to put them on the right path to getting there. >> influenced by your family. a few words of wisdom you got from your grandparents i want to read. your grandmother would say, nothing good happens after 5:00 p.m. and your grandfather would say, if your life is stable, everything will fall into place. tell me about those two pieces of wisdom. >> my grandmother was old-school. her belief was once the street lights came on, nothing good after that. and my grandfather was the most stable person you'll ever meet. he woke up at a certain time. he took a walk at a certain time. he had his lunch at a certain time. his life was very stable. and he lived a long life. lived to be 80 years old. he was a great man. he taught me how to have structure. i take that into account of my life to this very day. >> you're a new dad. congratulations. how is that working into your control issues? >> that's fun, isn't it? threw me off my resume. my resume is out the window. she's fun, man. she's six months now. she's getting to the age. she's dancing a little bit. smiling. >> speaking of, and listen, i want you to dance for us. >> okay. >> the salsa. tell me about the year. a year of football. what a glorious year you had. what was it like for you? >> it was insane. to come in week three and get my first start and do all of the good things. score my touchdowns. when i was young, i wanted to have my own celebratory dance in the end zone. i didn't know what it was going to be. but it celebrates my culture and my life. >> i'll be eli for right now. score and show us what you have. all right. >> no, no. >> you have to dance with me. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] there we go. >> he is victor cruz. the book, you'll get it, won't you? "out of the blue." he's a super bowl hero on and off the field. victor, thank you so much. >> thank you. we'll be right back. the first time i saw fios it was absolutely amazing. for years and years we had to put up with cable. once we got fios it was like somebody like took our computer and shook all the junk out of it. [ male announcer ] don't settle for the same old cable technology. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiber-optic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router plus a new multi-room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. everything has to be fast now, and that's what fios provides us right now when we want it. [ male announcer ] and now, with new fios quantum speeds, you can enjoy internet more than twice as fast as anything you've ever seen. fios gives me way more for my money. 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"gma" producer christina, welcomes a new baby, tristan michael alexander. have a great day, everybody. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. >> good morning. let's start you out with a shot of ocean city where we start out with a little bit of patchy fog and that burned off nicely now we are dealing with blue skies out there. lots of sunshine to be had for today. and what that sunshine is going to do is warm those temperatures up. heat the temperatures up it's going to be a hot day. right now, we are at 81 in baltimore and more of the same in easton and still looking at 80sin dc and salisbury 70s in frederick and hagertown. 69 degrees for a dew point in baltimore. and 70s as we head into frederick and dc. 75 a when -- is what we are work with in easton the weather pattern the high pressure is in controlling pumping in heat and humidity. cold front slices through as we head through tomorrow. with that, that could be bringing us a chance of showers and thunderstorms. but in the meantime, today's temperatures coming in right around 98 degrees. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook record good morning. yesterday -- >> reporter: good morning. yesterday's water main break continues to cause problems. heavy delays on slight streetshut down tweep redwood and lombard street. and this is our cameras footage from yesterday. the roadway looked more like a river. and big problems delays due continue today and traveling in the area stick with hopkins place or fayette street and mass transit is a good alternate. we have accidents trouble on 70 a crash eastbound at 695. heavy days on the west side of the beltway -- delays on the west side of the beltway to route 40. and this is in overl-ea at bel air road a major improvement no concerns towards 83 and a crash on 95 up in harford county right along the northbound lanes at route 543 and we are giving away a $600 gift card to anyone who likes me on facebook. wççñçñ

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