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benefit from from him being in the community than incarcerated. >> reporter: the judge could have sentenced thomas to 51 months in prison. the judge john baits said that he would not ignore thomas' community service before the crimes he carried out. >> it's a sad day for the district. was in some betrayal there and out of betrayal comes forgiveness. >> reporter: when they knew thomas was going to jail, his attorneys then asked the judge if he would consider sipping him to prison in pensacola, florida, or montgomery, alabama. all of that will be decided in the future. meanwhile, coming up at 6, we'll speak to the u.s. attorney about this case and other investigations he's conducting into other d.c. leaders. >> i know they're trying to decide where harry thomas judge will go. do we know when he will have to report to prison? >> reporter: as i was just saying, it has to be determined at this point is come they don't know. that is going to be decided in the future and we should know that in the near future, shawn. >> all right, thank you. a laurel doctor and developer linked to the corruption scheme of former prince georges county executive jack johnson is going to prison. today, a judge sentenced him to 18 months behind bars. beg pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit extortion in 2011 on a federal wiretap, federal agents overheard johnson telling his wife to tear up a $100,000 check. a virginia mother is sentenced to a year and a half in prison for using drywall for barricades her three young daughters inside a room. the judge put her in prison for eight years and suspended all but 18 months. they were found barricaded last march. the mother and boyfriend found passed out. they were dealing with drug addict. an altercation between two women and a d.c. fast food restaurant ended with a vicious assault. police say one of the women took a car security club and bashed the victim in the head. fox 5s karen gray houston is here with the details. karen. >> reporter: what a terrible story. the victim was ashley moyer, who doesn't mind being identified. i spoke to her a few minutes ago on the telephone, and she said she was smacked in the head and that is with a blunt object several times. she and the woman had a petty minor argument and didn't see the violence coming. the alleged restaurant where the assault went down is usually very busy. around 5:00 on tuesday night, the accused suspect, 35-year- old barbara roberson of southeast d.c., was sitting in a booth when the victim came in. the trouble started when the victim was accused of hitting the chair that her child was in and claiming she struck the child. >> the suspect said something to the victim, at which words -- point wonders were exchanged between the women. the suspect threatened the victim, left the mcdonald's, put her children in the car, returned back with a car club to the mcdonald's. she struck the victim several times in the head with the car club inside the mcdonald's. >> it happened so fast and just, you know, next thing you know, i had blood coming down me and felt like all of the pain in my head and i realized show hit me with something hard and continued to hit me as i'm trying to get out of the mcdonald's. >> the victim said that detectives told her there is surveillance video of the entire episode and we stopped by the home of the suspect in the barery farms home in southeast today, nobody was home. barbara roberson is under a court-ordered curfew and is ordered to stay away from moyer. laura? >> thank you. and former new york yankee andy pettitte was expected to bost the government's case against roger clemens, but his testimony may have helped his old teammate. he admitted he may have misunderstood a conversation he had with clemens about human growth hormone and said yesterday that clemens claimed he had taken hgh. he was accused of lying to congress in 2008. and another former aid of john edwards took the stand. john davis testified that staff members became concerned in 2006 that real hunter was getting too close to edwards. davis said he had an awkward run-in with hunter in a detroit hotel where edwards ofs say -- was saying. she told him that she and the senator were in love. the next day, ed wards denied it calling her crazy. edwards is accused of using campaign money to hide his pregnant mistress during his 2008 campaign. there is new insight into the last day of osama bin laden's life. in the letters, bin laden appears to be concerned about his diminished influence over al qaeda and the terror network's image in the muslim world and tom has been going over the letters today. tom? >> reporter: they were included in this report by the combating terrorism center at west point. the more than 170 letters detailed parts of the so-called treasure 45 was more than -- treasure trove of more than 6,000 pieces of intelligence seized from bin laden's compound. these documents show she was focused until the end about attacking americans and worried about the bumbling in his own organization andas allies. he was complaining that spinoff groups were unable to win support in the muslim worm because of poorly planned plots killing muslims and in one leader, he wanted to assassinate petraeus and obama and interestingly, not vice president joe biden because bin laden felt that biden was utterly unprepared in his words to be president, which would then harm america and at white house, jay carney said the cooperation puts the revex -- reverse opinion in effect that what bin laden was arguing was wrong. >> i think as president obama's predecessor also made clear, our fight here is with al qaeda and it's not with muslims. it's not with a particular country but with the terrorists who attacked us and threatened the united states and allies around the world. >> reporter: the bin laden letters detailed how he hoped to deliver a major address of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. that letter was dated on april 26th of the 2011 and as you know, bin laden was killed by u.s. military special forces five days later, shawn. >> tom fitzgerald, thank you. the delicate relationship between the u.s. and china may be tested today as the diplomatic situation involving a well-known chinese dissident threatens to overshadow high- level talks taking place there now and fox's peter ducey has the latest. >> reporter: this chinese dissident trying to explain why he changeed his mind about staying in china, after agreeing to leave the american embassy in beijing where he was hiding out for almost a week. he said he made the decision to stay without having all of the information, claiming he was told that his wife and family were threatened by government officials in his home village. his relocation would not be far enough to prevent further harassment and surveillance equipment was set up in his home. the u.s. ambassador to china dismissing reports that chen was pressured to leave the american embassy. >> he was never forced to leave the embassy. absolutely not true. >> reporter: chen's departure came after the secretary of state hillary clinton arrived in beijing for two days of high- level talks. the top u.s. diplomat calling on china to protect human rights. >> we believe that all governments do have to answer to citizens' aspirations for dig nitet and rule of law, and that no nation can or should deny the rights. >> reporter: the remarks not going over well with the chinese officials who accuse the u.s. of interfering with their internal affairs by harboring chen and demanding a apology from the u.s. >> chinese people have the means to choose their own road to development. no one should expect chinese people to deviate from their own path. >> reporter: the delicate human rights crisis threatens to overshadow the high-level meetings, children supposed to be focused on security and economic issues. peter deucey, fox news, washington. coming up, republican presidential candidate mitt romney campaigns in virginia with potential running mate bob mcdonald. we'll examin the governor's chances of becoming a vp nominee. there is someone out there my whole life that doesn't like me because they're jealous or fat and they're ugly. >> well, she said a mouthful there. d mom accused of taking a five- year-old daughter into a tanning both said she's a victim of a witch-hunt. and an online ad featuring ashton kutcher is stirring up a lot of controversy tonight. why some are calling it racist. gary. and hey, thanks, laura. we have been waiting on it all day today. the temperatures to warm up and that is finally starting to do it. the temperatures are really on the rise, especially this hour. we'll show you the temperatures and how great is our chance for some thunderstorms this evening? first look at it all. the forecast is next.  i should be arrested for crimes against potted plant-kind. 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the republicans want to win back the commonwealth. >> that is the first reason and he's a successful governor. more than, that i think what he needs to do is to excite conservative. when you have someone implementing policy, you are putting someone on the ticket who is going to excite the base a lot. >> and what else is going into his decision? >> i wish i knew. the last too 2vps were surprising. pailip and cheney. i think mark arubio is someone everyone's talking about and it might be someone that most people are not talking about. i wouldn't be surprised if he went out of the vortex of d.c. talk and found someone interesting. >> right, and some of the other big names floated, new jersey governor chris christie. and how much rate is -- weight is the romney camp putting on choosing someone with the intent to win the state it represents? >> i don't know. i don't think that is the way to go about it. the vp candidate doesn't add as much as you might think. what are the chances of romney winning new jersey with christ eye ie? that may not be great. portland in ohio, that might be helpful. you need someone who is competent for voters to say, okay, if something happens to the president, this guy will take over or woman. >> sure. >> and is that is what is important. you mentioned condoleezza rice's name out there. how important is it for him to choose a woman? he needs that population. >> yeah. i mean, and i think it would be a good pick. i mean i don't know if condi would be a good pick, but picking a woman wouldn't be terrible. i hope you don't go about making your decisions in that way, but vet everyone and make sure you are getting the best person possible and the person who wants to do it as well. >> do you expect him to wait as most nominees have in moderate days until the final days before the convention to reveal the name of his pick? >> from what i have read and know about mitt romney, i think he's the kind of guy who is going to goba about this in a meticulous way and i expect that will happen. yes. >> you have any guesses? >> i do not. i like chris christie. >> thank you very much. more details about the poll that you heard. craig bosswell mentioned, showing the presidential race tightening in three battleground states. the quinnipiac survey showing president obama leading mitt romney 44-42% in ohio and the president has a wider margin in pennsylvania, 47-39 and in florida, romney has a slight edge, 44-43%. and locate talk weather. another fabulous day. >> it was beautiful and surprisingly hot and seems like this morning was cool and boom. >> yeah. >> and -- what is that,ity, gary? >> eighty. we got to 80 town at 5:00. >> all right. >> and we may get 80, 82 and i want to show you a couple of thunderstorms popping up to the north and to the west and this is to the west of hagerstown and some lightening this there -- in there los angeles and this is drifting to the east- southeast and the larger complex is farther up to the north and into pennsylvania. that was severe earlier and that is weakening a bit. way up in pennsylvania and is in severe conditions. let's switch over and show you. you so the big one there around williamsport and kind of extends down west of hagerstown? a few more showers and thunderstorms west of i-81 and that is what we're watching. no doubt the majority of that will stay to the north of us and we will see a few more thunderstorms popping up. notice here is 80 in town. and monasses, 82; dulles, 82; look out along 81. winchester, 86; martinsburg, 87; hagerstown, 84 and that is was a contrast in temperatures yesterday afternoon. annapolis, 67; leonardtown, 72; temperatures in the mid-80s for baltimore and that is looking like we're starting to get on the western side of that front. and that is why temperatures are warming up. at least here in town. still warm at 7:00. a few showers and thunderstorms. and a few around at 9 and the temperatures, fairly mild and we're in the mid-60s and we have more warmth coming and looks like temperatures will cool down for the weekend. and that is with that full forecast coming up. >> and can you check the 10-day forecast. the video updates and more with the fox 5 weather app that is on our website, there is plenty of speculation about the death of junior seau. did he ever complain about concussions? his family addresses the rumors. >> an i.c.e. agent is found shot to death in his home. wait until you hear who allegedly pulled the trigger. if you have a story idea, call 202-895-3,000 send us an e- mail to fox 5 @w [ banker ] mike and brenda found a house that they really wanted. it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. . police suspect nfl legend junior seau committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest. his family says that he did not appear to have any depression. and never complained about concussion-related medical problems. his death is drawing comparisons to another nfl player's suicide. last year, dave duerson shot himself in the chest and left a note saying he wanted his brain used for research in football- related injuries. seau's family tells tmz they don't believe that was his motive. the 14-year-old son of a federal agent is under arrest in the shooting death of his father in the california home. the victim is not yet identified. we're told that he's an immigration and customs enforcement agent. this morning, colleagues stood in front of the home saluting the fallen officer's body. the boy called 911 claiming his father was shot by a bullet fired into their home from the backyard. no word on a motive. in arizona, five people including one child are dead after an apparent murder/suicide. the police believe the former marine shot four people and then himself in a suburban phoenix arizona home. he was known to find illegal immigrants and drug smugglers. one of the victims was his girlfriend, according to reports. more fallout from a hazing death in a historically black college. why the victim's mother said the marching band must go. and also, stand your ground. a florida woman using the same defense as george zimmerman fails to get a retrial. and an online ad featuring ashton kutcher is yanked from the internet. what all of the fuss is about.  ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪ . the family of a florida a&m drum major wants the school to disband the famed marching band. the comments come after 13 people were charged in robert champion's death. arm like proctor from our sister station in atlanta has the story. >> we learned there was a calculated conspiracy to cover up robert champion's murder. >> reporter: pam and robert champion and their attorney said the alleged coverup changes everything for them. they want the renowned marching 100 band dismantled. they say nothing has changeed since florida a&m university regarding hazing since their son's murder. even more alarming, they claim fam-u alumni coached many band members involved in champion's death on what to say to investigators. >> these people murdered my son on that bus and they're to turn around and deny, hide, and have people to come back and say this is what you need to do to make sure you don't. that is wrong. that is so wrong. >> we have testimony from our statements from students who said they communicated with other stops in addition to alumni on how to phrase and frame what happened on that bus. >> reporter: the champions believe the orange county sheriff's office botched the investigation and allowed critical evidence like the bus the bidding occurred on, to get away. >> that bus never should have left orlando. it did and it got back to tallahassee, got back to students and cleaned and chartered to someone else. the students on the bus never should have been allowed to leave orlando. they did. >> reporter: what happened on the bus caught up with 13 individuals, including brian jones, caleb jackson, and rickey wills, who have all been picked up by police. the champions say fam-u has not done enough to stop hazing. they're demanding that individuals lose their jobs and substantial changes be made. >> what i will say is fam-u can not go on with business as usual. they need to clean house. seriously. they need to cleanous. >> and champion's parents since sued the bus company owner claiming the driver stood guard outside while the hazing took place. the company said that the driver was helping band members with their equipment. motion denied. a florida judge rejected a convicted woman's appeal for a new trial based on the state's stand your ground law. marissa alexander was convicted of aggravated assault after shooting shots at her ex- husband inside the home in 2010. she said she was the victim of domestic abuse for years and was protect hearing. she rejected a ploy deal that would have resulted in a three- year prison sentence. instead, alexander will be sentenced next week and faces a mandatory sentence of 20 years behind bars. the stand your ground law gained nationwide attention since the trayvon martin shooting. just this week, a panel in florida began examining the controversial law. the state's lieutenant governor said that the stand your ground task force will not try the martin case or look at the actions of accused shooter george zimmerman. instead, the panel will focus on how to keep people safe and to protect themselves from possible attackers. george zimmerman's old my space page is spark plenty of reaction. the miami herald was the first to make it public. he makes disparaging comments about mexicans when he refers to the time he spent in monasses, virginia. when in one post, he wrote i don't miss driving around scared to hit mexicans on the side of the street. he discusses his relief after serious criminal charges he faced in tea were reduced to misde-- 2005 were reduced to misdeminors. the maker of pop chips and ashton kuchar are on the hot seat now. this is a clip. take a look. >> i am the baliwood producer. >> the criticism started rolling in immediately after the ads went public and pop chips pulled the ad and released a statement saying the ad campaign was never intended to stereotype or offend anyone and narinda with the association of indians joins us. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> what is your take on this ad? do you think it's racist? >> i do not think it's racist. i think it's offensive. as you know, a large number of indians are coming to the country and most are professionals and they could portray one of them and probably introduce humor in a different way. >> and let me ask you in this ad, kutchar plays what you're seeing here, a rastafarian hippie, a gayman and a blue- collared makeup dude and has an accent and makeup for all of the other characters. he's taking heat for this bolywood director. what is the difference between seeing a saturday night live skit where you see characters and this particular ad. what is bronx work with ashton kuchar playing all of the characters n particular the bollywood director? >> i know bollywood competes with hollywood in terms of number of movies and i don't think that anyone spokes like that and that is, i believe, the issue and they could portray the bollywood director or whoever, but most of them are professionals and not speak like that. >> and you're referring not to the accent but to the script that aton kutchar read during the ad. >> both. >> let me ask you this. eddie murphy donned makeup and played an older jewish man in coming to america without backlash. do you think this is society becoming more sensitive or is it okay? we think it's okay to see people poke fun of different racists and ethnic groups until it's your own group. >> i don't remember that one in particular, but i don't know where society is becoming more sensitive and i think we need to be less sensitive. that is my take. we need to do it in a way that we don't necessarily have to offend it, a larger group. >> how could pop chips have done that ad without offending a part of the population? >> that, i don't know. in case of the indian group, how they could have done it, i would probably have to think a little more. but, you know, i think when you portray as if everyone speaks like that, i think it is offensive, even though i don't consider it, the intention was to be racist. >> all right, arinda with the association of indians in america, thank you for coming in and sharing your views with us. thank you. coming up, a mother accused of taking a daughter into a tanning booth is lashing out y. others are out to get her. that's the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crush that wrist. >> a pastor is apologizing for going an anti-gay tirade. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. . >> dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crush that wrist. man up. give them a good punch, okay. you're not going to act like that. you were made by god to be a male and you going to be a male. a north carolina pastor said he was only joking. sean harris tells the "fayetteville observer" he doesn't advocate hitting children and wishes he could take back the remarks. he was preaching about marriage prior to vote next week on the state constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between a man and woman. celebrities are known for unusual baby name choices. levi johnson is taking it to extremes. and he said he will name his new baby girl after a gun, the name, breeze baretta. johnson and the new girlfriend claims she got pregnant when they went on a hunting trip and forgot birth control. johnson is also the father of tripp, the son with bristol pailin. she said she loves her daughter and would never harm her. tmz catches up with the woman accused of taking her five-year- old into the tanning booth. the cat -- caps game finished five minutes ago and lost in case you missed it and many, many overtimes. it was a heartbreak. what the caps are saying today and how they regroup. laura. and i thought you were still in bed. after staying up so late. we continue to see more rain tomorrow. you don't want to miss the forecast. that is next. 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>> and if they stayed up, there is nothing left. if you scored tickets to the caps games or the nats saturday night, give yourself some extra time to get there. there is scheduled weekend work on the red, green, blue, and orange lines to keep the crowds moving. metro will be operating extra gap trains out of gallery place and maybe yard stations after the games. there will be extra staff in place and be aware. >> going to be a busy weekend. >> yes. and before the weekend. let's talk about the rest of today and in this forecast. >> storms out there now and very, very scattered, hot in places. frederick is 88. >> wow. >> winchester is 88 and we can't see that, you and i, there is no way. i need double glasses to see that. 86 in winchester and that is nice outside. muggy and a couple of showers and thunderstorms popping up and starring with radar and these were legitimate thunderstorms and have weakened quite a bit. there is one hanging out about 81 and that is close to martinsburg and this is west of 68, new west of hagerstown and this is moving a little to the east and to the southeast and 10, 15 miles per hour. putting down good amounts of rain. and that looks like as it's closer to us, the things are dieing out. i do believe that we'll have some showers and some thunderstorms later on this evening. if we switch to sentinel radar now, let me show you the temperatures first, and then the sentinel radar and show you the bigger picture. eighty in town, gaithersburg, 81 degrees; frederick, 88; dulles, 82; monasses, 82 and long 81 there, winchester, 86 and they were 88 earlier and with that 87 in martinsburg and cumberland. reporting a temperature of 90 degrees and that hot is just right to the west of us and there is that frontal system here. you get on the other side of the front. baltimore, 76; annapolis, 67 and leonardtown, 70 degrees and stevensville and cambridge in the lower to mid-70s as well. we'll be warm and muggy at 7:00 with a couple of showers and thunderstorms possible and a few showers or thunderstorms are possible at 9:00 and that temperature is a mild 75 degrees, and calling for a lingering shower out there at 11. the showers won't be numerous. few and far between. it's looking like, as we look at sentinel radar, the strongest thunderstorms in this complex to the north of us. and this is running basically right on along interstate 79 there, williamsport coming closer to 80 and that is a nice complex, drifting to the east- southeast and that is probably heading toward philadelphia and that is a broken line, heavy rain and give the wind and some small hail. we'll have the showers and isolateed thunderstorms in that evening and the temperature gets down to the lower 60s, middle 60s and winds south- southeast at 5 to 10 and tomorrow morning, mild and 70; 91, warm and 79 and by late tomorrow afternoon again showers and thunderstorms possible, the high temperatures for about everybody and some mid- to upper 80s. there is a spotty shower or storm, 76 on sunday and that is good on sunday. i like sunday. monday, sunshine as well and temperatures of 75. a couple of more days here where it looks like it's going to be fairly warm and muggy and a relief on sunday and monday. >> all right. thank you, gary. >> thank you. and to the talk of the town on tmz. the mother facing child endangerment charges for allegedly taking a five-year- old daughter into a tanning booth is lashing out. harvey levine joins us from l.a. we hear show says she's the victim of a witch punt. -- witch-hunt. what is going on? >> she said witch-hunt, indeed. we got video of her in new jersey and she is angry. what i love is anyone criticizing her as a mother is jealous, fat, and ugly and that is how show put it to us. she seems instead when she was talking, i'm not sure why that is, but we, you know, we got her going back and forth and running errands there. she's in trouble. right now, if they can prove show put her five-year-old in a tanning bed, she could theoretically face up to 10 years in prison. this is a serious offense. >> it is. >> she has her supporters, and her position is i never put the kid in the tanning bed. the kid apparently went with her to the tanning salon but didn't go in the bed, at least the way she puts it. if they do prosecute her, they going need witnesses to place that kid in that bed. >> we're seeing some of the video you will be showing later this evening. clearly, and she's admitted that she likes to go to the standing salon and tan a bit herself. you have been able to find anything else about her background? >> no, what we haven't been able to figure out is obviously, she has a major problem on the subject of tang. the issue is that just a symptom of something bigger or crazy compartmentalized where she can have this kind of thing and be normal the rest of her life and what we're hearing is this goes beyond just tanning, but that is just people talking based on what they have seen of her. >> yeah, and this is going to be interesting. harvey, always a pleasure to talk to you. we'll see you here on tmz at 6:30. thanks, harvey. >> reporter: pepsi is sponsoring a reunion tour with the king of pop. remember these commercials? the company struck a deal with michael jackson's estate to bring them back and that is part of a new global ad campaign. consumers in the u.s. and china will be the first to get a taste of the jackson ad campaign in the coming weeks. when i first heard the story, i thought they were going to do the hologram thing. >> right. >> i think jackson's brothers are working on that. >> okay. >> and anyway, it's great to see michael jackson. >> absolutely. and let's go to brian bolter for a look at what is next on the news edge at 6. >> if you do the hologram, does that mean you don't have to be here? maybe i can do it from the beach. >> hey. >> and that is an idea. >> reporter: think it opened me up to a lot of jokes. coming up, a story that may upset metro customers y riders have to find a new bus stop if a metro plan moves forward. a former councilman headed to prison for stealing d.c. tax money meant for kids. we'll talk about other investigations. and the verdict from the worst mass shooting in d.c. history. a member of the jury writes a shocking note. stay with us. 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