Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20120910

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offense to a 40-32 win against the saints at home in the superdome. >> it was great. >> it really was. we'll talk more about that coming up throughout the show. >> i'm so glad they won because you would not have been happy today. >> i'm a big fan but i have to admit like many i thought they would lose. i wouldn't have been stunned. but this is fantastic! >> yay! >> also fantastic weather we are having as tony perkins said. just very comfortable out there. gwen has the latest in for tucker this morning. >> good morning. you're absolutely right. it is really going to be a spectacular day today. and we have a refreshing start to the day. some people are calling it chilly, some cold. i'm referring to it as refreshing. let's take a look at our fox 5 accuweather satellite-radar composite. not much happening here. there could be a little fog over the mountains, but other than that we are dominated by a nice ridge of high pressure and that's helping to keep our skies clear so we don't have any clouds to talk about today and no precipitation. current temperatures 60 degrees at reagan national, 59 baltimore, 64 annapolis, and 62 at quantico, to the north frederick at 52. hagerstown at 53. martinsburg 57. dulles 56. and cull pepper a 5. so it's going to be a very sun-filled day today. by midday, expect to see about 74 degrees for your temperature. we'll be about 75 by the 5:00 hour. now, the winds are going to pick up this afternoon so be aware of that. they will be gusting, moving in from the northwest at about 25 miles per hour. and that is certainly going to make it feel a little cooler as we head through into the course of the afternoon. so just be prepared. but our high today 78 degrees. let's check in with traffic now. here's julie wright. >> reporter: more troubles to report this time around in virginia. an accident southbound 286 the fairfax county parkway traveling south before you reach the burke center parkway accident under the hover pass. the left side of the road is blocked. heavy and slow near 123 towards this accident scene. northbound on 286 key mill road another cash to report so not an easy commute this morning on 286 the fairfax county parkway but construction has cleared in each direction on lee chapel. we'll update the ride elsewhere. the top stretch of the beltway below speed leaving 95 around towards university boulevard. all the lanes are open. the big story is the baltimore- washington parkway. delays stacking up from 197 out of laurel all the way to 410 where we have a crash this morning that's cleared but over an hour commute from out of laurel to riverdale. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic.." thank you. a check of this morning's top stories. a community meeting is being held tonight to discuss the unsolved murder of a maryland teenager. 17-year-old amber stanley was killed in her sleep last month at her home in kettering. there is nothing in her background to indicate someone wanted her dead. police will address any concerns about the case at the kettering community center on chesterton drive beginning at 7 p.m. clean-up continues in parts of the region from saturday's severe weather today. one of the hardest-hit areas, reston especially along south shore road. about a half dozen cars and seven homes were damaged in that neighborhood alone. nearly everyone who lost power though has it back this morning. meantime local power companies are still dealing with a backlash from customers who lost power for days after the june derecho storm. today is the last day for maryland residents to comment about how the electrical companies handled the outages. those comments can go to the maryland public services commission. later on this week the panel will hold a hearing with the utility company. turning now to the presidential race, new polls give president obama a slight bounce following last week's democratic convention. now that the conventions are over, the final stages of the campaigns are under way. fox 5's melanie alnwick is following the latest on capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning. president obama and mitt romney hitting all the hot button issues in key battleground states, jobs, the economy, medicare. campaign schedules are filling up and as usual florida and ohio are in the crosshairs. reporter: here's something you don't see every day, the president hoisted in the air by a burleigh and enthusiastic pizza shop owner in fort pierce, florida but the president spent the weekend trying to get up close and personal with as many voters as possible across the sunshine state with a line of attack aimed squarely at his rival's tax plan. >> it was like two plus one equals five. [ laughter ] >> reporter: but there is some math the president agrees with. after last week's democratic convention in charlotte, he seems to have gotten a small but noticeable bounce in the polls. gallup shows him ahead five points just outside the margin of error. the next big event a head-to- head debate on october 3. mitt romney went to church yesterday but has been spending much of his time on debate preps. today he heads to ohio almost certain to continue hitting the president on the economy and another round of lackluster jobs numbers that came out on friday evidence that hundreds of thousands of americans are simply giving up looking for work. and made some headlines yesterday saying that there are aspects of the president's healthcare plan that he may keep. >> one is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like. >> reporter: now, the romney campaign says that's not a change in position, that governor romney still opposes obamacare but supports reforms that would lower healthcare costs. >> thank you. meanwhile, an investigation is under way after a tragic accident during mr. obama's visit to florida. a motorcycle officer escorting the president's motorcade to a campaign event was hit by a pickup truck and killed. the 55-year-old officer from the city of jupiter was preparing to shut down i-95 in west palm beach when he was hit. so far, no charges have been filed against the driver. lawmakers are returning to capitol hill today off five weeks of vacation facing several deadlines and the possibility of a so-called fiscal cliff when huge tax hikes and massive budget cuts kick in, in january. but the fall session is shorter than usual. congress is expected to postpone the most contentious issues until after the november election. the one thing they will get done is pass a temporary spending bill to avoid a government shutdown by the end of the month. there is no class today for nearly 400,000 students in chicago. that's because the teachers union is going on strike after negotiations on a new contract stalled last night. mayor rahm emanuel is not happy about the walkout as you can imagine. fox's mary ann rafferty has the latest. reporter: classes in chicago will be sans instructors. the teachers are on strike after contract talks with the school district failed over issues including pay, benefits and job security. >> no ctu members will be inside our schools. we will walk the picket lines. we will talk to parents. we will talk to clergy. we will demand a fair contract today. we demand a fair contract now. >> reporter: more than 25,000 teachers and support staff will not show up to work today. a spokesman for the teachers union says they didn't take this decision lightly. >> this is a difficult decision and one we hoped we could have avoided. >> school board president david vital says they offered what he called a fair and responsible contract covering four years and meets most of the union's demands. chicago mayor rahm emanuel suggests the strike was unnecessary since the two sides were close to reaching a deal. >> i am disappointed that we have come to this point given all the other parties acknowledge how close we are because this is a strike of choice. and because of how close we are, it is a strike that is unnecessary. >> reporter: he goes on to say the school board is ready to reopen negotiations. >> my team is available at any time now to pick up where we left off so we can get our kids back in the classroom. >> reporter: until the strike ends district officials plan to monitor and feed the students at the more than 140 schools throughout the city. in new york, mary ann rafferty, fox news. a brand-new hospital is coming to northern virginia. ground will be broken today on the inova women's hospital and children's hospital. it will be a shared 12 story facility built on the current campus of inova fairfax. construction finishes in 2016. the first lady of virginia will be the keynote speaker at today's event. a heads up on another new construction project getting under way today. the national park service begins repairs on parts of the memorial bridge. that means temporary lane closures on both the east- and westbound lanes. construction will last from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. and it will be overnight work on weekends. the work is set to be finished in just about two months. >> time now 7:10. still ahead on fox 5 morning news as the 9/11 looms, we have details about how the victims will be remembered here and in new york in shanksville, pennsylvania. >> and coming up after the break... [ yelling ] >> ... really honestly the redskins could not have asked for a better start from their rookie quarterback and the rest of the team. we will break down their big win with dave ross and the sports junkies coming up next. >> and as we head to break, a live look outside right now. we are going to get the latest weather and traffic from gwen and julie coming up next. just a gorgeous day out there. [ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. prcandidate is more likely toion return us to full employment. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income... people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from... the ground up, investing in innovation, education... and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that's what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with his plan. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. welcome back. 7:1. >> for all those people who are tired of the hot steamy weather, here you go. >> yes. >> this is for you. >> yes. >> gift wrapped and ready to enjoy. let's take a look at the maps and put it all together. we're talking sunshine and cooler conditions. here's a look at our fox 5 accuweather satellite-radar composite and nothing happening because we have a nice strong ridge of high pressure keeping the clouds away, no rain, a little fog to areas of our west but other than that, things are starting out very, very nice. your current temperatures, very refreshing this morning. 60 degrees at reagan national airport. 59 at baltimore. 56 at dulles. annapolis 64. a little cooler at frederick at 52 and 57 degrees at martinsburg. so for today, the jet stream south of us allowing cooler air to settle in. we're talking temperatures taking us into the upper 70s pretty much everywhere and we are going to see that sticking around into the course of the week a bit. temperatures are going to be very, very comfortable with low humidity. so some cooler air across the area for us and it will be breezy today. winds will pick up from the northwest gusting 25 miles an hour later but daytime highs 78 degrees and overnight low about 55. >> nice fall weather. starting to sink in, all right. thanks, gwen. >> let's go to julie wright with the latest on the morning rush hour traffic. >> reporter: i don't know why we don't just open up the forecast and say, now here's the forecast for sarah simmons. [ laughter ] >> i know. it's great! >> and many others. >> it's like julie wright had her july and august, now we have sarah. >> exactly. >> we'll sneak in an 80 here or there. >> i hope so. delays on the outer loop around 95 around the georgia avenue. lanes open no accidents. notice the inner loop slowing into the sunshine approaching new hampshire avenue. southbound baltimore-washington parkway gridlocked with delays from laurel to the capital beltway towards 41. better than expected, southbound 270 in germantown the top stretch slows approaching the pass and 109. laser open no problems germantown but slows montrose to the split. southbound 286 at the burke center parkway has an accident. stay to the right to get by. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic.." ♪ [ music ] dave ross is here. >> yes, sir, it's that time of year. >> it sure is! how have we been looking forward to the nfl season? >> i think you and i have been looking forward to this one for about 18 years. >> right. [ laughter ] >> the washington redskins took on the new orleans saints for the first regular season game sunday and boy, did they deliver. >> yeah. of course, it's so big you and i can't just talk about it. we are going to bring in the sports junkies from 106.7 the fan. i know you're excited to see the redskins tie. eb you're sporting redskins gear this morning. >> oh, yeah. we bought out the redskins store! there's nothing left on the shelves. >> i'm bringing the redskins underwear in here next week. >> one of the few things he every paid for in his life. [ laughter ] >> very true. >> when was the last time as a skins fan we felt this good? i can't remember. it's been 20 years. >> we talked about it on the show earlier for once, the redskins were exciting to watch. >> yes. >> it was all because of rg iii what he brought to the field. he was dynamic, a perfect passer rating in the first half. that's never been done before by a looking quarterback making his first start. an off the charts performance. the others threw a combined 11 interceptions and none had a win in the league. he went to new orleans. the saints were 8-0 at home last year. they are averaging 35 points per game. he put up 40! the skins haven't done that since 2005! it was a ridiculous performance by rg iii and the skins. >> i guess the one question is now that the bar has been raised so high, they go to st. louis in week two, can he keep this up pace? i know it's not a mirage what we saw yesterday and that's why redskins fans are so excited today but i mean, what's the ceiling for this guy? it looked like he could have reached it in week one. >> you have to temper it a little bit. he played great but historically rookie quarterbacks don't play this well certainly in the opener but he is obviously very talented and they geared the offense around him. looked like he was running a baylor offense kind of the read option and spread it out in the quick screens. it was exciting football to watch. what gets lost is how well the defense played. >> absolutely. >> they completely took drew brees out of his rhythm especially in the 1st quarter. >> the defense played well. alfred morrison came out of nowhere sixth round pick, 28 tough carries, scored two touchdowns, another factor in the game. >> also the offensive line. that offensive line played very well in the preseason and yesterday they rushed for 150 yards combined and only gave up one sack when rg iii tripped! >> there are a lot of props to go around here and as a die- hard fan i have to say i as well as many people have been pretty critical about some of the things that kyle shanahan in particular has done with this team. but the flank hauling yesterday i thought particularly on that first drop was brilliant i thought. it was very -- it was a very good use of the components that you have. what did you think? >> no question. rg iii also spread the ball around to different receivers. they used the screen passes a lot to get in comfortable early and then the linebackers came up, and he went over the top. we talked about it, against the blitz, rg iii was 7 for 8 when the saints brought five guys or more. it was just a really impressive performance by him. the defense, you know, it does get overlooked but that secondary, which we have been killing here on 106.7 the fan here a lot, it stepped up. >> not often do you say the defense played well when you give up 32 points but against drew brees you're right. some of them were late when they were well behind. for the redskins -- for the redskins team to go into new orleans and really dominate the saints i thought was even more exciting not just to win but really with the exception of the blocked punt at the end of the first half, this was a complete team domination. >> no question. and on the defense, because of the blocked punt they basically only gave up 24 points defensively against that team that was down the whole time. now, an unbelievable performance and it shows that the sky's the limit. it's only one game. we're not crowning him or anything today. but as a skins fan you could be hopeful every given sunday and that's the first for a long time around here. >> here's a nugget for you. mike shanahan, 15-4 in season openers. >> 3-0 as a redskins coach. >> he knows how to win in the opening week. >> he just doesn't know how to win in weeks 15 and 16. [ laughter ] >> week one is great. >> you guys are showing highlights. they forced turnovers, too, which this team didn't do last season. we always heard that the switch to the 3-4 was all about creating turnovers. maybe they are finally getting to that point where you will see the redskins win the turnover battle. >> let's hope. >> amazingly the redskins didn't turn it over which is astonishing. you just don't see rg iii making those bonehead decisions that maybe a guy who wore number 8 made. >> that guy dressed in street clothes yesterday. [ laughter ] >> i liked the poise of rg iii. >> blown away by that. he looked like a five-year vet. >> we're coming to you next hour 9:00 as well to talk more. we could talk all day about rg iii as i'm sure you're doing on 106.7 the fan. nice to talk to you. >> thanks, guys. >> really an exciting time. >> it really is. as they pointed out, he's a rookie. there will be some bumps along the way. >> growing pains at some point. >> but to see this team be competitive and the game plan and get it done, fantastic. >> people are waking up today, is this real? it's really happening. >> dave ross, we'll talk to you later on. >> thank you. >> follow eb's lead. >> new outfit. >> you have a leisure suit in there somewhere that's burgundy, right? >> a leisure suit? [ laughter ] time now 7:22. after an 11-year battle, a victory for some of the ground zero survivors and first responders. what the federal government plans to announce this week. >> plus, a big-name retailer is continuing a popular program for kids. how your child can get a free haircut next. we'll tell you about that. >> then exotic exhibits where butterflies are the main attraction. coming up later holly takes us on a tour and tells us what happens to the butterflies when the exhibit closes this sunday. >> we'll be right back. [ [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. tthis president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney mitt romney's position onpprovoe women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades. tomorrow marks 11 years since the september 11th attacks. here in the districts, washington national cathedral will offer prayers during its regularly scheduled services. president barack obama will attend a private ceremony at the pentagon. and vice president joe biden will speak at the united flight 93 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. in new york city, for the first time, no politicians have been invited to the ceremony at ground zero. according to reports, that's in part because of tensions between new york and new jersey lawmakers over who is responsible for costs of a yet- to-open 9/11 museum. as the nation prepares to remember those lives lost we are also remembering the first responders who got sick after sifting through the toxic rubble. 11 years later the federal government may finally recognize that people who worked or lived near the world trade center after 9/11 got cancer as a result. according to the "new york times," an announcement acknowledging this link could be made any day now. wow. 7:27 now. a rare sight in the nation as biggest city over the weekend. we're going to take a look at the damage a pair of twisters left behind. >> a big debate this year on the campaign trail is the economy, of course. coming up, a closer look at the jobs picture in our region. >> as we head to the break, we have a live look outside. it is a beautiful start to the day even cool out right now. we are going to get the latest weather and traffic from gwen and julie coming up next. >> we'll be right back.  that fridge in your kitchen may have crossed this bridge. your new car probably rode these rails. that shipment you just received was tracked by satellite. we build and maintain. we invest and innovate. so we can deliver what america needs. this year alone, freight rail companies plan to spend twenty-three billion of their own money, not taxpayer dollars, to build bridges, maintain track, and develop new technologies to keep freight rail and our economy moving. there's a lot riding on these rails. from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at but it makes millions offin west marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. the same storm system that pound our reasonable on saturday spawned tornadoes in brooklyn's and queens, new york. no injuries but the storms wreaked havoc on buildings, power lines and trees in its path. it's the latest of 60 small twister that have hit the area in the past half century. >> crazy wild weather. you, you know all about it. >> i was here working it hard. but happy to say that, you know, we haven't had reports of any injuries here either but a lot of damage to property. but power outages and things of that sort. let's look at a little what the service did find in our area. there were a couple of reports of funnel clouds on saturday and everybody was concerned that they were tornadoes. however, the national weather service conducted three surveys one in fairfax, one in reston and one in lorton and there was no evidence of a tornado on the ground. so that's at least some good news there but i know that what happened in those neighborhoods did cause a lot of damage. so clear skies for today though, ridge of high pressure in control. and we don't have anything happening. we don't have any clouds or rain to talk about. could see a little bit of fog to the far west over the mountains but that will definitely burn off soon as it starts to get a little more sunny. 50 at gaithersburg. 60 now at d.c. 62 to the south at quantico. 56 dulles. hagerstown 53. martinsburg 57. so a refreshing start to the day. northwest winds a factor today because they are going to be from 10 to 15 miles an hour but into the course of the afternoon, expect toes winds to pick up. -- expect those winds to pick up. they will be gusty up to 25 miles per hour. but no shortage of sunshine today. skies will definitely be bright and we have that sunshine to look forward to as we head through into the middle of the week. nothing too much to worry about. it will be cooler into the course of the week before the temperatures start to rise. so for today 78 degrees for your daytime high, plenty of sunshine. tonight the skies will be clear, light winds, so 55 degrees for the overnight low. in the western suburbs, it will probably be into the low 50s, maybe 50 to 53. take a look at the fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast. have we got sunshine for you stretching all the way through to friday before we even start to see a cloud or two show up. we have a cold front that will approach into the weekend, could give us a spotty shower or two but overall not too bad. temperatures are going to be on the rise and will be about 84 degrees heading into the weekend. but in the meantime, it's going to be cool, sunny and nice september weather. julie, i hope the roads are doing as great as the weather. >> reporter: unfortunately not. we have problems on this sunny monday. around the capital beltway you will be in jam southbound on the baltimore-washington park which from a laurel to the beltway. earlier incident cleared. eastbound 66 below speed out of centreville and fair oaks to 123 volume delays tying up the commute. slow traffic on the inner loop leaving bradock to 66. 395 remains congested leaving the beltway to seminary road. and again with the delay crossing over the inbounded 14th street bridge. southbound 270 lanes open not bad in germantown but we have delays in rockville leaving 28 towards the split. still going to find delays northbound 5 at brandywine due to a crash. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic." within the last year there's been significant job growth in northern virginia and the district. but that's not the case in suburban maryland. in sunday's "washington post," metro columnist robert mccartney took a closer look at the striking imbalance between maryland and the rest of the region regarding job growth. he joins us this morning with insight. i was surprised to read these figures. thanks for coming in first of all. surprised to read these figures. let's talk about the numbers first. i think we have a graphic. how many jobs have been added in the district, northern virginia and maryland? >> in the last year, raw numbers, it was 32,200 new jobs in northern virginia, 10,000 new jobs in the district, and only 1,400 new jobs in suburban maryland. so that's a very big imbalance. >> and to what do you attribute the difficulty that maryland is having in attracting and developing new jobs? >> there's a lot of debate about that. one reason, a reason certainly republicans and conservative democrats give is that maryland has higher taxes. it has unions. and it has more restrictive regulations. it's tougher regulations and this discourages things. it's also true that northern virginia has a sort of a more varied industries present there. there's more heterogeneous -- a lot more variety and more opportunities for growth. the district, which has a reputation for many years, for being unfriendly to business and has unions and regulations, they gained 10,000 new jobs. they are a much smaller population than northern virginia. >> so how's that? >> that suggests that there's something different going on than just the taxes and the regulations. >> you argue that this imbalance in and of itself is problematic. >> absolutely. first of all, it's bad if one part -- anyplace isn't creating new jobs. everybody wants to be creating new jobs. but it's also bad for our region for the washington region to have this imbalance. and that's partly because if you have new jobs opening up in virginia, but not new jobs in maryland, then people in maryland who need jobs end up commuting to and from virginia to get the jobs and that adds to the traffic. and this is a long-standing problem. this imbalance is dramatic the numbers that i highlighted in my column and that you showed on the screen. but this has been going on for quite a while, this sort of difference. that has contributed over time to traffic congestion mainly people on the beltway going across the woodrow wilson bridge and the american legion bridge to and from the jobs in virginia. >> you mention, you know, some would say some republicans, conservative democrats, would say, all right, well, it's in the a surprise. taxes are too high in maryland, et cetera. so there are political ramifications from this, as well. >> definitely. the politicks are politics are complicated. who gets to boast? republicans control the state government in virginia but democrats control a lot of the local jurisdictions in northern virginia. in fact, the largest county by far, fairfax, has been under the control of democrats for some time. and also this trend has been going on for a long time and there were two democratic administrations in richmond before the current republican one. also as i said, the democrats completely dominate the district and the district is doing pretty well. so the politics are complicated. but as i said, the geography is clear. suburban maryland is lagging and i should emphasize one thing. within suburban maryland it's really prince george's and the eastern part of those maryland suburbs, that's where the real problem is. the eastern suburbs in maryland actually lost jobs in the last year and then the western suburbs in maryland if you will, which is montgomery county and frederick, they gained some but not enough -- they only offset the loss a little bit. so the real problem is really a lot in prince george's county. and that's one reason why they want the casinos. >> that's what i was going to say. >> they want the casino because they say it would add construction jobs and thousands, they say, of jobs working at the casino. >> permanent jobs. >> so that's one reason they are for the casino that they want at national harbor and they are going to vote on it in a referendum, and then theyed willed rushern baker the county executive who is very focused on issue, he got a $50 million fund, county funds, to use to attract businesses to prince george's county. >> it will be very interesting to see what happens over the next year for example and certainly what happens with the vote in november on the casino. >> absolutely. >> bob mccartney, the column in yesterday's "washington post." pick it up and read more about it. thank you, sir. good to see you. we appreciate it. >> good to be here. >> sarah, back to you. coming up, lightning sparks dozens of fires out west over the weekend and this morning one is threatening nearly 200 homes. we are going to have more details on that after the break. >> and as a hard hit during a college football game lands a player in the hospital with a broken spine. an update on his condition after the break. 739. -- time now is 7:39. [ male announcer ] for the dreamers... and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. i didn't know strawberries where in seasshh'sght now. no no no no no no.. rosco, no, no... ♪ opera love it. (crying) ally, ally oh, same dress yeah, you want to get up off the floor? i do. okay. vo: from the new to the hard-to-find: when it's on your mind it's on ebay™. welcome back. a deadly weekend in iraq making headlines this morning. about 100 people died in 30 attacks across 13 cities starting with gunmen killing soldiers before dawn, then a series of explosions targeted mostly shiite areas across the country. nobody is claiming responsibility. but the government is blaming al qaeda for trying to stoke religious tensions. a little closer to home now scary moments on the football field over the weekend. tulane player devon walker fractured his spine while making a tackle during a game against tulsa in oklahoma. after a three-hour surgery, doctors say walker's spine is stabilized. he will remain in intensive care for the next few days. too soon to tell whether he will be paralyzed. in washington state, some 180 homeowners are being told to leave as a wildfire moves closer. lightning strikes sparked up to 80 fires over the weekend but the so-called canyons fire is the only one closest to an urban area. so far, that fire has burned 500 acres. another 1600-acre fire is now 50% contained. nasa's flight facility along the eastern shore is being used for a new mission. it's sending unmanned scientific aircraft over the atlantic ocean to study cyclones and what causes them to intensify into hurricanes. the flights will continue into october. an aircraft that flew over hurricane leslie landed at the facility on friday. leslie is a tropical storm heading for canada after its outer bands brushed by bermuda yesterday causing little damage, but schools have canceled classes and ferry services are suspended. keeping an eye on that, too. >> definitely. we're lucky it's not closer to the u.s. coast. >> right. >> so we won't feel anything from it around here, right? >> maybe some rip currents, along the shores especially to the northeast depending on if it doesn't veer more to the east. so we're just watching it. things are quite the and calm here at home. we have been doing well considering the storm we had. let's look at our accuweather fox-5 radar composite. we have nothing to show you because we have a strong ridge of high pressure. i'm glad. we have no clouds or rain. so looking real good as we head into the forecast. here's a look at your current temperatures. wisdom mentioned when he drives in, in the morning he likes to put his window down. he said oh, no this morning, right back up. coole air for sure. cool in bwi 59. 56 dulles. 52 frederick. so for today we are talking no shortage of sunshine. we have the cooler air that's settling in all behind that strong cold front that moved through but not only that, we have some pretty strong gusty winds this afternoon that will be moving in from the northwest. we'll see the winds gusting up to 25 miles per hour. our daytime high today will be 78 degrees. overnight low about 55. and elsewhere, 75 for your high at gaithersburg, 73 frederick, manassas 75, culpeper 74, fredericksburg 76. that's the same as quantico. so a nice day. remember those were our overnight temperatures a couple of weeks ago? >> right. >> love it. thank you. let's go to julie wright and check traffic. >> reporter: not giving up on summer not happening yet. >> enjoy the milder temperatures [ laughter ] >> you can like this can't you? >> reporter: i can't. but the days are getting shorter. i don't see the su until almost 8 a.m. now. all right. on the roads here we go. 66 heavy volume coming in out of manassas and again as you push eastbound leaving centreville trying to get past fair oaks all the way towards the capital beltway you have delays on the inner loop leaving bradock road continuing to 66. on the east side of town westbound 50 approaching 197 stalled vehicle in the left lane. slow inbounded leaving 410 towards new york avenue slow southbound on 270 austin southbound leaving germantown all the way to the lane divide. overall an hour commute southbound 270 from buckeystown. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic.." we want to let you know about some unique opportunities this week for disabled veterans and soldiers transitioning back from the war front. the group, enable america, is stepping up action to help them find jobs. they include on the job shadowing at places like the fbi and clark construction. to learn more go to the website, or call 1-877-enabled. >> it's a big success for j.c. penney. now they will make its free haircuts for kids program permanent every sunday. the offer begins in november and penney is trying to reverse a severe drop in revenue since eliminating sales. more than 1.6 million children received free haircuts during the debut of the program last month. still ahead, butterflies are bloom at a popular exhibit. if you want to see for yourself, you better hurry up. holly? >> reporter: now is the time. but they're not blooming just yet. if you are having a tough time getting going this morning, you' right along with the butterflies. they don't start moving until it's at least 80 degrees. i learned that because i am in the flight house at brookside gardens this morning where yes, we are taking in the wings of fancy exhibit but this is the week you need to come see it. we'll tell you why and what happens when these beautiful things get shipped out. it's all next on "fox 5 morning news." stay with us. ♪ [ music ] >> take it in now. and take this in now. our facebook fan of the day, today we say hello to russell morgan. he leaves work at 10 a.m. but his tv is fatally locked on fox 5 beginning at 4:25 a.m. that's a long morning for you, russell. for your chance to be tomorrow's fan just log on to our facebook page and leave a comment under russell's picture. thanks, russell. can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. and i've got my pumpkin k-cup packs for at home. now i can have my pumpkin coffee any time i want it. pumpkin's perfect. it's dunkin' with the press of a button. new pumpkin k-cup packs, only at dunkin' restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee. prcandidate is more likely toion return us to full employment. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income... people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from... the ground up, investing in innovation, education... and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that's what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with his plan. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. breakfast time for you and it's breakfast time at brookside gardens. >> fox 5's holly morris just finished preparing a meal for the montgomery park special guests. she joins us live with more. are they enjoying it? >> reporter: yeah. you know what? i'm really good at it because i just found out this morning that my 9-month-old and butterflies eat the same thing. he is just starting to gum some small bits of fruit and i often dice it up for him and here i am dicing it up for the butterflies, as well. i was just learning from cathy stevens why the butterflies like fruit so much. good morning to you, cathy. >> good morning. >> you got me working already. [ laughter ] >> a lot gets done before 10:00. that's for sure. >> reporter: i say that every day with us. but tell everybody what you were just telling me about fruit for the butterflies. >> a lot of them come from costa rica and south america and tropical parts of the world and those butterflies do not use the nectar from flowers for energy. they prefer to just lap up the juices from overripe fruit. they don't drink it like -- well, it's like a straw. they are just kind of getting the juices on the surface of the fruit. >> much like my 9-month-old, they don't have teeth, either. right. so i'm saying this is something you guys having doing since what, 1997? >> look at that, joining us, a special guest right there. and that right there is why you all have been doing it. this is such an immersive experience for everyone. >> it is. you are with the butterflies. [ laughter ] >> reporter: you are in the room with the butterflies. so how are you able to do this? there's just the season that you do it, right? >> right. from may through september. >> reporter: but you have to have a special permit and special setup. >> from the usda. and also, from the maryland department of the environment. they allow us to import our butterflies. that can be from another state in the united states or from other countries. so when you see a butterfly that's from costa rica, it is actually from costa rica and it's come here on a plane as a chrysalis. >> reporter: the average life- span of a butterfly is two weeks? >> yes. >> reporter: one of the things you do is release the butterflies? >> these imported species are kept in a separate room to protect -- to make sure that no parasites or diseases or anything comes -- if it comes with them, it's going to stay in that room and we candice infect. any butterfly that emerges from its chrysalis gets put into a transport cage and brought into the exhibit and hopefully they will warm up here. they were just flying around just a minute ago. >> reporter: it's chilly for them, too. they like warmer weather. >> it is. but we'll get them going. >> so gentle. look at that. >> usually they just want to get out and get going. >> there they go. there goes a nice brown tiger. >> reporter: on any given day how many different species will you have here? >> any from 30 to 80. it depends on the time of year. are you going to go? >> reporter: all the different butterflies, the different species, can thrive in here? >> we try to provide the food for every butterfly's needs. that's why there are so many flower plants and so many trays of fruit because we are providing all their needs. >> reporter: they are as delicate as they look, right? >> well, kinder. they are pretty tough if you think about something that weighs just a fraction of an ounce that can fly around against the wind, the monarchs migrate to mexico thousands of miles so they are delicate but they're tough. >> reporter: do you get attached? there are quite a few that like to hang out with you, kathy. >> you love them all. >> reporter: it's look your children. you love them all, right? you love them differently. >> you love them all. and we try to, you know, we try to take really good care of all of them and that's why we ask our visitors not to handle the butterflies even though i am to try to get them out of the cage, we do have people not to disturb them, let them go about their normal behavior. >> reporter: real quickly before we go. this is so fast naturing. we didn't expect it to take that long for them to come out, at the end of the week air going to catch every adult butterfly that you can in here and then send them through the mail? >> yes. we have these little tiny envelopes -- they come in different sizes. this is our smallest size only the smallest butterfly would fit in here. the others can be quite big. we capture every butterfly, it takes about 20 volunteers and staff, and we fold their wings behind them, fit them into the envelope and then cool them off. we use ice packs and an insulated box. by cooling them off it slows them down. then we can ship them overnight to a year-round facility. this year they are going to the butterfly exhibit in natural bridge, virginia. >> reporter: very good. so be nice to the mail, that's what i'm saying. you never know what precious thing could be in that package. is our website. we a link to the brookside gardens. the wings of fancy exhibit is only open through sunday. coming up in the next hour we'll learn more about this exhibit. maybe we'll show you a chrysalis or two. we'll keep our fingers crossed. maybe we'll see one emerge. >> they are beautiful. thank you. last week we told you about five dematha high school football players accused of hiring prostitutes during an out-of-state game. ahead at 8:00 an expert joins us live to talk about the risk- taking behaviors among high school students. >> and we have more redskins talk for you. dave ross and the sports junkies from 106.7 the fan are back with reaction to yesterday's big win in new orleans. "fox 5 morning news" continues right after the break.  anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but t it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. >> your realtime captioner: linda macdonald >> caption colorado, llc coming up at 8:00, hail to thens are. rg iii starts the season off on the right foot and on the road against the saints. dave ross and the sports junkies will join us for a live look back at week 1. preparations under way on capitol hill for inauguration 2013 and the candidates may as well set up catch in key battleground states. i'm melanie alnwick with the latest on the campaign trail. >> later, president obama's post-convention bump but not quite the kind the pundits usually talk about, the post- convention boost. we'll tell you the story behind this picture. wow, where was security! [ laughter ] >> good morning, everybody. i'm tony perkins. >> i'm wisdom martin. allison see more has the day off. quite a fascinating picture. >> doesn't look like a real person. >> michele saying, put my man down! >> you have a great day for us. >> an award winning day. i'm so happy that i'm here and tucker is not so that i can tell you! [ laughter ] >> you get all the credit. >> i want all the credit for this definitely. i'm going to take the credit for the next few days, as well. plenty of sunshine, a ridge of high pressure keeping our skies very bright and very clear into the course of today. now, we are starting off with a cooler start than we have been over the past few weeks. a very refreshing start. temperatures 54 degrees now at gaithersburg. 57 at hagerstown. 48 cumberland. dulles 59. 66 annapolis. nice ridge of high pressure, cooler conditions, partly a result of the jet stream but also partly because we have had a very strong cold front that moved through and ushered in a lot of cooler air for us. because of the jet stream, though, we are going to see a northwesterly air flow across the area. winds will pick up a little bit later. they will be gusty at about 25 miles per hour. so plenty of sunshine by midday at 74 degrees, by the 5:00 hour 75. but our high today is 78 degrees. and look forward to several cooler sunny days in my seven- day forecast. >> all right. excellent. very good. thank you much. now let's go to julie wright with the latest on our on-time traffic. is it on time, julie? >> reporter: that's wishful thinking, hon. unfortunately, this morning, bumper-to-bumper traffic, we hit the ground running this morning at 4:30. south 270 just a little stretch in here between 109 and 118 in germantown where the pace improves but overall as you travel south from 85 buckeystown to the split, almost an hour and a half commute southbound on 270 and again, that's with all of your lanes open. we have delays on the outer loop of the beltway 95 leaving college park around towards georgia avenue. average speed down to 16 first inner loop slowing into the sunshine as well leaving you university boulevard heading to new hampshire avenue. southbound 95 gridlock 198 to the beltway. northbound 395 big delays right now leaving the beltway continuing towards seminary road. no accidents just volume. heavy across the 14th street bridge. delays on the inner loop 210 to 295. no problems on this live shot from 270. commute southbound from rockville even the service road well below speed headed south. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic.." thank you. the big story, robert griffin iii's explosive debut for the redskins. he lit it up in every aspect of the game. the 21-year-old threw for 320 yards, 2 touchdowns, ran for 42 yards. no turnovers, that was huge. fellow rookie alfred morris led the running game with two touchdowns of his own. so skins win 40-32. you can credit griffin's stellar play in part on his forgetfulness. >> my mind was really clear going into this game. you know, i left my phone back in virginia. not on purpose, but, you know, i -- so i was not distracted at all, really just sat in my room and watched some tv, had time to think about things and the one thing i don't do is try to stress about anything or try to go out and try to prove anything to anyone. >> never bring your phone. never bring it again. >> coming up in 25 minutes dave ross is back to break down the skins' big opening day win. lawmakers head back to work on the hill today fresh off a five-week vacation. it's a short pre-election section and if all goes as expected, congress will punt on most of the most pressing legislation. one thing they can't put off, though, a deal on a temporary spending bill that would help avoid a looming government shutdown. and the u.s. capital building is being prepared for election day. let's get more on that and the latest on the campaign trail from fox 5's melanie alnwick live on capitol hill this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. today is the day when they start to close off parts of the west harris here on the capital to start building those stands for inauguration day 2013. meanwhile the candidates are hitting all the hot button issues in key battleground states, jobs, medicare, taxes. it appears that president obama is getting a small boost in the polls. the latest poll of registered voters shows president obama with a five-point lead, 49-44% just outside the margin of error. the president hit florida sunday attacking the republican ideas or medicare reforms. 29 delegates are up for grabs in the sunshine state. real clear politics average a poll showing mr. obama with a slight lead although the state is a toss-up. governor romney took sunday off and did some debate preps. he will be making campaign stops in ohio today focusing on jobs and the economy. ohio is a crucial state with 18 electoral votes. yesterday, both men did pretaped network interviews. one issue, the deficit and taxes. >> you can't reduce the deficit unless you take a balanced approach that says we have to make government leaner and more efficient but we have to ask people like me or governor romney who have done better than anybody else over the course of the last decade and whose taxes are just about lower than they have been in the last 50 years to do a little bit more. >> we're not going to have high income people pay less of the tax burden than they pay today. that's not what's going to happen. i do want to bring taxes down for middle income people in particular i want middle income americans not to have to pay taxes on interest and dividends and capital gains. >> reporter: a few more interesting notes from e interv president obama saying he is willing to do more to cut government spending and also saying he is willing to make some adjustments to medicare and medicaid although he didn't specify. governor romney said there are some parts of the healthcare law that he would like to keep such as coverage for pre- existing conditions. so tony, we are seeing a little bit of common ground there but i have a feeling we are not going to hear a lot about that on the campaign trail. >> common ground and a few little details. thank you, melanie alnwick on capitol hill. while campaigning in florida, the president got swept off his feet literally. restaurant owner scott van cruiser was so excited to meet mr. obama that he gave him a bear hug. he says that he did have secret service permission to show the sign of affection. he is also a registered republican who says he votes for whomever he feels comfortable with. new this morning, a major step toward the end of the war in afghanistan. today u.s. officials handed over formal control of bagram prison to the afghan government. now, the prison houses thousands of taliban and terror suspects. the afghan president hailed the transfer as a victory for his nation's sovereignty. the retired navy veal who wrote about the raid that killed osama bin laden is speaking out for the first time. >> was the plan to kill osama bin laden or capture him before you went in? >> this was absolutely not a kill-only mission. it was made very clear to us throughout our training for this that, hey, if given the opportunity, this is not an assassination. you will capture him alive if -- if feasible. this operation was one of the most significant operations in u.s. history. and it's something that i believe deserves to be told right and deserves to go in a book and stand for itself. >> matt bissonnette speaking under the suedism mark owen said his life has been threatened since writing the book "no easy day" but denied spilling any classified information saying the book just tells a story. the pentagon is still considering whether to file charges against the author. bissonnette writing under the pseudonym mark owen says he will donate all the income from charity. private memorial events for september 11th are scheduled tomorrow at each site. at ground zero, the 9/11 memorial museum was supposed to open in time but it won't be finished until next year. and a new report shows its construction isn't coming cheap. the foundation that runs the memorial says the $700 million project will cost $60 million more per year to operate. you know that, doesn't include the $12 million per year on private security. critics say it may need federal help to stay sustainable. well, there won't be any teachers in the classroom today for nearly 400,000 students in chicago. teachers in the windy city are on strike. the latest round of contract talks between the union and the city stalled last night. the two sides are haggling over issues like pay raises, benefits and job security in particular benefits. chicago mayor rahm emanuel says the strike is unnecessary because he says they are actually close to a new deal. maybe it was the weather or maybe it was the return of football. either way, it was the worst weekend at the box office in almost a decade. still ahead at 8:00, we'll break down the dismal numbers. >> but first, a high school prostitution scandal. we'll sit down with two experts for a closer look at the shocking allegations against five local student athletes. it's 11 minutes after 8:00. >> we'll be right back. welcome back. it's 8:14 now. a little bit chilly outside. >> yes, it is. >> i guess chilly. chilly is relative. >> it's chilly. >> all right. just checking to make sure everything was on point on my end. [ laughter ] gwen is here filling in for tucker with the latest on that, but first, gwen, you have something else for us? >> something very special. take a look at this cute little face: >> he just turned four months old last week and his parents tell us his favorite activities include laughing at silly songs, stuffing his face with banana baby food and making dinosaur sounds and burping out loud. >> he gets a pass on that because of his age. >> favorite pastime for many. >> i just want to hug that little cutie. well, you can send us your child's picture. weigh would like to see them, as well. -- we would like to see them, as well. go to and click on "mornings." what a cute little one he is. we have adorable weather conditions for you. here's the satellite-radar composite. clear conditions due it a ridge of high pressure in control keeping the skies clear and sun- filled. yesterday 80 at reagan national airport. 79 at dulles the same at bwi thurgood marshall. these temperatures 2 to 3 degrees below the seasonal average. it will be cooler today. we have a northwest wind, as well. it's currently 54 degrees at gaithersburg. 61 baltimore. we have 66 degrees at quantico this hour. 6 3 degrees at d.c. 57 at culpeper and 59 at dulles. so for today. plenty of sunshine, cooler conditions that will be settling in. we're talking a high of 78 degrees for your daytime high. it will be cool tonight, as well. 55 for your overnight low and in the western suburbs, we could see it dip down to about anywhere from 50 to 53 degrees. so be prepared. so here's a look at your highs. 75 for gaithersburg today. 73 at frederick. 75 at manassas. 76 degrees at fredericksburg. 74 culpeper. 74 dulles. 74 at baltimore. plenty of sunshine and the good news is, that sun is not going anywhere anytime soon. it's now a welcome houseguest as we say. we have lots of sunshine into the week. julie, i know you're going to like that, right? >> absolutely. no complaining here. i love the forecast. >> reporter: on the roads you will find lanes are open around the capital beltway but slow- moving. here we are checking for what was reported to be a vehicle fire. this happens to be the outer loop of the beltway here. state police are en route. we have activity in the strike safety zone but this is the outer loop towards the wilson bridge. should find all lanes open on the inner loop. 355 at 124 montgomery county spinning the camera around looking for what was reported to be an accident. 355 at 124. up find lanes open on 270 but it is slow south of germantown towards the split. inbounded out of virginia across the key bridge towards georgetown, no accidents to report. just volume delays. the same for those coming inbounded on canal road slow past arizona avenue. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic.." as we told you friday, 5 high school football players from dematha are off the team and maybe facing charges after reportedly hiring prostitutes during an out-of-state road game. now, the shocking incident prompted lots of questions including right here in our newsroom. so today, we are taking a closer look at the scandal, how it happened, how it could happen and whether this is sort of a risky behavior that could be considered somewhat normal for teenaged boys. joining us now for a live discussion about this is forensic psychiatrist dr. lisa van susteren and chris knoche. good morning to you both. thank you for coming in early to talk about this. as we discuss this in our meeting last week, and a lot of people are talking about this, the first reaction is, how could something like this happen when you have coaches and you're on the road? either one can start. you have coaches, chaperones, how could something like this happen? >> well -- [ laughter ] >> well, as chris said, and i don't want to steal your line, but he was 16 years old once, too. i have had kids. boy, if they're determined to do something, they will spend the whole night figuring out how to do it. and it sounds like that's what happened. they were being monitored and supervised. they found just their moment and they shot right in there. >> you know, i played and i coached and i -- i'm not proud to say i was on both sides of this. i broke curfew and i busted guys for breaking curfew. and the fact of the matter is, if you are inclined to want to get out, wisdom, you're going to find a way. that's a little different. back in the day when i was doing it, obviously from what these guys ended up doing, and, you know, you throw in the immediacy of the internet, something that we didn't have with all due respect to you, you're a relatively young man. >> i didn't have it back in my day. >> but talking about 16-year- old boys almost by definition are knuckle heads. and 16-year-old boys together, you know, you throw in an element of a mob rule with a computer, and guys who know that they have had the last bed check and bad things happen. >> now, we also talked to some parents who were out when we did the story saying some parents who were saying this is too harsh to kick them off the team. they are young people. they do make mistakes but the punishment didn't fit the crime. >> you don't want to overreact, you don't want to underreact. we saw the huguely love affair a couple of years ago. i think the memory of that is still very big in all of our hearts wanting to intervene and make sure that kids learn a lesson. but that's the point. you want to instill in them not a sense of fear and punishment but a moral code. so when authority isn't there, you are still doing the right thing. that's the trick. in those disciplinary hearings, maybe we will have a greater sense of what is the right response. but we don't want to overreact. we don't want to underreact. >> as a coach and player, what's your take on that? >> i completely agree. i think that as an educational institution, whether it's high school or college, you know, your job is to teach. there are teaching moments every day. this is a pretty egregious teaching moment. i honestly never -- would never take away the educational element of what these guys had. i would take away the football element. i would require some community service of some kind. but i would never take away the educational part of that. now, this is in line, though. what you're seeing in dematha, and i'm not -- this is not a generalization, but a lot of jesuit institutions, whether it's college or high school, there's kind of a shoot first and ask questions later attitude. they can be knee jerk, xavier, notre dame the same thing from time to time. and i hate for these kids to lose that opportunity that they have as students. >> last question in this particular segments. is there blame to go around here for the coaches or the chaperones or is this just something that again you said the kids were going to do it, they had planned it, they were going to get it around it one way or the other? >> you don't want a one size fits all approach to anything. i don't know what the ethos was on this team. the benefit of the doubt is that the coaches and the teachers and the supervisors and the monitors were all doing the right thing and the best thing. and they were giving the message that they expected a certain level of behavior from these children and indeed the school responded in a way that sounds like that was the way they were preaching to the kids. and again, that's the issue. if you have a kid that's bound and determined to do something that's -- that it breaks the rules, boy, it's really hard to keep them -- they were there until 4:30 in the morning watching them. what are you supposed to do? >> the coaches have this these guys for six weeks. it's hard to undo in six weeks what took 16 years to cree hate. -- to create. >> very well spoken. hang around until 8:45. we're going to talk more about this, how big an issue is this versus other things that young people do other than things they could have possibly done to get in trouble. so we are going to talk about that coming up at 8:45. so hang around and get some coffee if there's any in there. hang around and we'll discuss this coming up. tony, back to you. >> that's a whole 'nother issue. thank you very much, wisdom. [ laughter ] 8:23. coming up next, a traffic alert for anyone driving into washington. and later, your last chance to catch a special exhibit all about butterflies. holly morris is live at brookside gardens with details. 8:23. >> we'll be right back. anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. mitt romney's position onpprove women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coveraand birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades. in the headlines the update of an unsolved murder of the prince george's county teenager. tonight police will hold a public meeting to discuss the home invasion that left 17-year- old amber stanley dead. nearly a month later police have no motive and no leads in the shooting. today is also the last day marylanders can weigh in on the way their power companies responded to the june derecho. the storm left tens of thousands of people in the dark. some for as long as a week. comments can be submitted to the maryland public service commission website. the panel will hold hearings with the company later this week. and finally a traffic alert for commuters starting today, the national park service will begin repairs to sections of the arlington memorial bridge. as a result, drives should expect temporary lane closures in the eastbound and westbound directions until the project is completed in november. and still ahead, in our next half hour, tornadoes touch down in the big apple. >> we'll look at the damage left behind here at home after a series of storms swept through. but first let's talk to dave ross >> you know what they say, whoever they are. you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. rg iii made an impression redskins fans won't soon forget. all things rg iii when we return in a moment. nt to take y from that pure taste. so smooth, no bitterness. it's awesome. there's no other taste like it. america runs on dunkin' coffee. i thought of s something else e need fwhat's that? it's a 200 watts per channel dynamically balanced surround sound wireless baby monitor... with a sub wolfer. good idea you should also probably have this fuschia leather diaper clutch. (coughing) "buy it" (in agreement) yea for little diapers. tiny smart vo: from the new to the hard-to-find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™. in the people, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence, or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. making headlines at home and around the world, virginia residents are cleaning up after heavy rain. in reston numerous trees damaged homes and cars. the national weather service conducted a storm survey and says there is no evidence of a tornado touchdown. but that wasn't the case in new york city where the same storm system spawned tornadoes in brooklyn and queens. no injuries were reported. but the storms wreaked havoc on buildings, power lines and trees in its path. millions in cuba are in the dark this morning. a massive power outage last night affected a large part of the island including the capital, havana. power is coming back. but it was a hot, humid night. no word on what caused the massive power outage. in the world of ten in this, serena williams won her fourth u.s. open title after defeating victoria azarenka in three sets. now, williams trailed in the third set and was two points away from losing before storming back to win the last four games. she now has 15 grand slam titles. 15! >> 15! the men's final kicks off today with andy murray and novak djokovic. >> she didn't think she was going to win. see her arms? >> look at those guns. >> we saw the guns. >> she's in shape. >> she is. >> good stuff. >> gwen? >> the weather is in great shape as well i want to say. we have no shortage of sunshine for you today. it's the calm after the storm. let's begin with a look at our weather headlines. we are going to put it all together so now what to expect. and starting it off, a little cooler. i'm telling you, temperatures have really taken a big drop from last week. we had a strong cold front that moved through. in fact, when it moved through on saturday, just to give you an example, it was 89 degrees at dulles at 4:00. the front moved through and the temperature dropped 25 degrees bringing that temperature into the 60s by the 4:00 hour. so we have the cool conditions. plenty of sunshine ahead in my forecast and temperatures are going to be on the rise through late week and we have a front to watch as we move into the course of the weekend. clear skies as a result of a ridge of high pressure building in holding us steady into the week and a refreshing start to the morning. 63 d.c., 57 gaithersburg, 61 baltimore, 59 dulles, 55 manassas. up the mid-atlantic, 61 for boston while new york is kicking in at 59. that's the same temperature to the south for raleigh. so we have this ridge of high pressure in control. no shortage of sunshine. cooler days as we move into the 70s. but we have a northwesterly wind to contend with and that's going to be gusty by this afternoon up to 25 miles per hour as we head to a high of 78 degrees. tonight clear skies and cool, as well. 55 degrees in the city. low 50s in the suburbs. here's a look at your fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast. we have sunshine abounding here. we start to warm up through into hump day on wednesday. and by the end of the week, 84 degrees by your saturday. we are going to watch saturday and sunday, could see a spotty shower or two but let's focus on the sun because it's looking great. >> thank you. dave ross just said that was quite a 12-day -- [ laughter ] >> a lot of days. [ laughter ] robert griffin iii left the redskins fans wanting more. the rookie quarterback more than lived up to the hype in his first nfl start leading the burgundy and gold to their highest score in 7 years. >> yes. 2005. >> seven years. here now to overanalyze every play -- [ laughter ] >> that's what we do. [ laughter ] >> reading the script. >> dave ross, wisdom martin and live from "106.7 the fan" the sports junkies with with us again. gentlemen, what's up? >> hello. >> what's going on? >> so we want to figure out from your listeners, too, what's it been like? are people buying their super bowl tickets? how are you keeping everyone can you this morning. it's tough with bikel in the room. just look at the guy. how am i supposed to do that? that's the new bit, by the way. every week that we get a new win we are going to add a new article of clothing. >> all right. >> that's what we're going to do. but i have been amazed at the fans. i think they have been very measured. we have been down this road before. we have started out -- i believe 6 of the last 12 years 3-1. we know what it's like to get off to a good start. can you do it, as jason said, later in the season consistently? but for one week, i think it's fair to celebrate. >> much like the team, you know, the coaches say, celebrate for the next 12 or 24 hours. and then back to business. it's that initial euphoria from seeing such a commanding performance, especially by rg iii. you can enjoy it for a day but then process it and move on to the next. >> the biggest thing is they have a quarterback. just think about this division. you have really good quarterbacks. eli manning won two super bowls. tony romo very good, michael vick had a bad day yesterday but a good quarterback overall. the redskins had rex grossman, on decline. 20 quarterbacks like in the last 20 years. they got the guy and you got to see why they traded picks and drafts so high. >> it's rare you can give this team an a-plus across the board, not all the teams but a plus across the board my eyes total team effort. >> yeah. >> here's the thing. to keep things in perspective, now we have to go into st. louis and play the rams. they're a tough team, as we saw yesterday. >> it's a trouble spot in the past. >> exactly. how many times have we played the rams where we chalked up victories before hand and either lost -- or at home when -- i had to drive that big dummy to work the whole week. extra miles. >> i don't know who is the dummy if you were picking me up. [ laughter ] >> we were talking about this, though. the redskins mix things up. you saw nothing in the preseason. you didn't see anything out of rg3. you saw 10 rushes from him. you saw him stand in the pocket face blitzes and make passes. they are going to give defenses a lot to prepare for. you don't know i think what the redskins will do next week. maybe they will pound the football a little more, drop back, give teams a lot of different looks. >> now rg iii is on film. now they have seen all these different looks that the redskins can give you. now okay, the league is going to adjust. how are the redskins and rg iii going to adjust? that will be interesting to see how that plays out in week 2. >> i'm all about rg iii. he's my guy. i loved him in college. >> yeah, right. >> but here's the thing. i got a question for you all right? he took a lot of unnecessary hits running this option business in the pros didn't like that at all. everything else was perfect but this option business, i'm not a fan of. >> i agree. >> we're with you. >> we all agree. >> secondaries is too much. >> other than possibly j.p., he likes the design run. use the amazing legs, this guy is a world class talent physically but let them happen naturally. let the freelance out of the pocket, that's fine. no reason to run options or run design plays to tailbacks. let those guys take that beating. >> but you have to look at what he did in college. you're talking about his collegiate career. look at how much he pushed per season with baylor. that's why he was drafted number 2. you have to let a guy who is special do what he does, running the ball. >> running against these high paid professional bill old dudes, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. >> they look like me. [ laughter ] >> thanks for agreeing with wisdom, people. he will be insufferable on the set for the next hour. >> more than normal. >> we see the bill belichick redskins hoodie there. [ laughter ] >> okay. talk to you next hour. >> thanks a lot. >> thanks, guys. let me ask you a question because we have some concerns after yesterday's game. how is garrison? >> pierre garcon left, will be fine. he will play sunday in st. louis. so rest easy. >> the guy who was carted off? >> jordan bernstein the rookie didn't look good. mike shanahan said it looks like something that might be a long-term season ending type injury but he was deep on the depth chart so i don't think we should be overly concerned but still you don't like to get your depth eroded in week one. but so far, so good. >> thank you, dave. we'll talk more during the next hour. >> of course. >> we will. >> we'll be back in just a couple of moments. [ laughter ] >> we have to overanalyze. henson, big day -- we're gonna fly to jersey, then mexico, china and france. you're going to travel through so many time zones, you're going to have jet lag for months. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich, with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese, stacked high on texas toast. grab yours at dunkin' donuts. it's a breakfast favorite. start your big day with a big n' toasted breakfast sandwich from dunkin'. welcome back. [ no microphone ] week two at the number one spot. >> the horror flick brought in $9.5 million in its second outing but that doesn't translate to big bucks at the box office. it's the lowest grossing weekend so far this year and one of the worst weekends in a decade. no movie crack the $10 million mark for the first time since 2008. >> but we do have football. that's good. gas prices continue guzzling money out of the drivers' wallets. the average u.s. price of gas has jumped 8 cents over the past two weeks according to the lundberg survey. in d.c. a gallon of regular is $3.97 according to aaa. $3.78 in maryland and virginia it's $3.69. prices are expected to go down because the summer and hurricane seasons are closing. refineries are also starting to use a less expensive winter blend gasoline. all right. it's 8:42. and it is monday morning. so coming up next, part 2 of our discussion with the panel about the prostitution scandal involving a high school football team. >> but first, why holly morris has butterflies this morning. good morning. >> reporter: you're right! i do have butterflies this morning. but i'm not nervous at all. that's because i am live at the wings of fancy exhibit at brookside gardens in wheaton this morning and it is the last week for this exhibit so now is the time for you to come out. we are going to hop in on a little butterfly 101 lesson and show you firsthand why you need to come out and enjoy this yourself. it's all live next on "fox 5 morning news." welcome back to "fox 5 morning news." if you are just joining us, this morning we're taking a lowser look at the prostitution scandal at dematha high school and the mindset of the high school aged athlete. we are joined once again by forensic psychiatrist lise van susteren and chris knoche. let's talk about the mindset of teenagers. they are young and make mistakes but this is another level, or is it? you're calling prostitutes. we're not just talking about teens having sex. we're talking about prostitution here! >> right. well, as you say, it's not a news flash to say that or observe that teenagers don't think of consequences. and i think this is really the heart of the matter is that i would suspect that these kids were really trying to show that they were macho and cool and that they could certainly do it with greater flair using technology but that it isn't categorically different from what teenagers do. the other issue is that the community hears it very differently. they hear it as contempt for the rules, contempt for the community, contempt for all that they represent and what they aspire to. and this is the gap that we have to close in figuring out what to do. >> it's kind of a crime of having too much time on your hands of having some money in your pocket and of having probably -- and this makes it sound trivial but having no other options. it's 5 a.m. you have a computer. there is no bar open. there is no place to go find somebody to buy you a beer or whatever. and again, 16-year-olds find that's you know -- define that sort of area whatever they can exploit and it happens. >> let me ask you a question. is this a bigger issue -- would it be a bigger issue if it was just, say, for example, because we hear about teens getting alcohol, beer, say if they were caught drinking beer, versus maybe they were smoking marijuana, versus having sex with one of their classmates. is this all the same? is it all just bad behavior versus this, what did actually happen? or is it each thing individually just bad? >> you kind of have to talk to the kids individually to find out what spawned this because you'll have a ringleader, maybe he is very contemptuous of authority, maybe he is mad because he wasn't a starter. maybe he's mad at his mom, hates women, who knows what. that could be the case that there is one who spawned it or it could be the case they were trying to be macho, they were trying to be cool. this is what they chose. so you really have to look at it from an individual perspective and understand, which is why this hearing is really important and for authorities to look at what spawned this. >> if you are a parent, you don't care. it's just all wrong. >> it's all wrong. yet somehow you can't help but feel they have crossed the rubicon with this one. kids drink. teenagers drink. we know also that there's occasional drug use. maybe we have just become sort of immune to that. but this is sort of crossing -- this just feels like it's crossing the line. >> in this day and time, we are going to wrap this up -- in this day and time, how shocked and surprised should we actually be as parents, coaches, administrators, people in the community, that it's gone to this level that they did cross some sort of line, that is prostitution and not just a regular old stuff that other young people used to do? or are we not at that point yet? >> it doesn't surprise me, of course, as a psychiatrist. i hear a lot of stuff. and whether we get the opportunity to act on it or not is obviously the critical factor here. i don't think this is categorically different from what kids do. from how they feel. what they did about what they feel is something that technology has afforded them. but i don't think the kids are different. i think the opportunities that they make for themselves with technology is different. >> last word on this. >> i'm not surprised at all. i'm not surprised by kids, you know, misbehaving. it's part of the process. i think the most important part of the story is how dematha is going to handle this and sort of the lessons that come as a result of that. is it going to be -- are they going to summarily toss out everybody? or is it going to be -- you know, it's not lost on me as a former coach that the reports are that these were all substitutes. these were all sort of reserve players. i'm wondering if some of these guys were they better players if they wouldn't be taking a little higher road on this about, you know, we have a responsibility. >> may not necessarily kick them off the team, punish them some other way. >> we're going to talk to them, find out what happened. there are a lot of different layers, it will be different to see what happens over the next couple of weeks. >> we want to thank you for coming in early in the morning and talking about this. we had a big discussion about it in the newsroom and everybody was all over the place. thanks for talking with us. >> thank you. we are learning all about butterflies this morning thanks to the folks at brookside gardens in montgomery county. did you know that butterflies can lay 300 eggs but only 2 of them grow to become adults? that's only one thing that makes them such rare delights. holly morris has more on all things butterflies. holly. >> reporter: take a look at that, there's a rare delight right there catching a butterfly as it sits still on a bran: they do like to take flight in the brookside house in the wings of flight gardens. this exhibit is from may to september and this is the final week. now is the time. we'll have a beautiful week weather-wise to come out and enjoy everything that brookside has to off. we are offering a little butterfly 101 thanks to marina saint clare one of the children's programs directors. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> reporter: these are my wonderful kids that are getting their early look this morning at the butterflies. i have ariel, adam and april. are you having a good time? >> yes. >> are you a little nervous? >> a little. >> why are you nervous? >> i have never been on tv. >> reporter: well, you're doing great to be on tv. but also, a butterfly landed on you. how did that feel? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> reporter: she is not sold on it as far as the butterflies. they don't need much when they land on you? >> they don't have a mouth to eat but they have another part on the face we call it the proboscis and this proboscis is for sipping nectar from the flowers. >> reporter: so when you come out to take the tour, how long does it last? >> 25 minutes. >> reporter: so obviously we don't have that much time. so we want to do the highlights. what are we looking at here? this is cool. >> this is emergence box. we keep the butterflies we bring from around north american area so this one will have chrysalis and cocoons. the chrysalis has a butterfly inside and the cocoon has a moth inside. do you know the difference between chrysalis and could con? >> i don't. >> the chrysalis is a kind of little smaller size. and some of them you will see although it is exactly the same species some of them will be brown and some of them will be green. and the reason is the chrysalis was formed in the brown part of the plant or was formed in the green part of the plant like the leaf. >> reporter: what's interesting is you guys get during the season two deliveries a week from the fedex guy bringing in a little box and there's 400 pupates two times a week that come here, so if you are here you never know you might see an actual butterfly emerging. let's walk this way and take a look at a few other things. >> this particular one is ready to emerge. and you see it's very dark. if you come very close, this is a quinn chrysalis, you can see the wings inside. i can seat outline of the wings. >> reporter: i think adam is going to stay there until it emerges. no, we're going this way. let's watch some other butterflies taking flight. as you give the tour, what do you like most? >> i like to show the feeding stations because on the feeding stations, we can tell the children the butterflies not only bring nectar from the flowers -- drink nectar from the flowers as well as the fruits. >> reporter: there's nothing more appetizing than rotten fruit if you're a butterfly. >> we have plentiful fruits and we have the famous blue butterfly there. the outside is brownish, and the inside is a beautiful iridescent blue. >> does anybody have a question for marina before we go? no they're just too afraid that something will land on them. [ laughter ] >> reporter: is our website. we have a link to the exhibit. it's open on sunday. saturday is children's day and coming up in the next hour we'll talk about that to get more bang for your buck on saturday. we'll have more bang for your buck on "fox 5 morning news" right after the break. stay with us. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. you're going to travel through so many time zones, you're going to have jet lag for months. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich, with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese, stacked high on texas toast. grab yours at dunkin' donuts. it's a breakfast favorite. start your big day with a big n' toasted breakfast sandwich from dunkin'. but it makes millions off west marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. allison seymour has the day off. >> i'm tony perkins. right now at 9:00, rg iii gives fans something to cheer about leading the redskins to a win in their season opener. that's one of the fans they're talking -- hear what the star quarterback thinks of his performance ahead. >> president obama and mitt romney make their way through swing states where they are headed today and the results of a new poll out there. melanie alnwick is live on the campaign trail for us. >> and are you tired? have you gained weight? do you need some healthy habit tips? new episodes of dr. oz begin today and he joins us live from new york with a look at what's coming up. plus, he may just have the secret many overweight americans have been waiting for. >> a lot of people will be interested in that. and later this hour, dogs may b

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