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washington d.c., calling for cease-fire of the war and for support for israel. >> i'm alicia acuna. griff: good to see you. president benjamin netanyahu. we have team coverage in rehoe bath beach and mike tobin in southern israel. let's kick it off with mike tobin on the ground. >> griff, you might have heard the artillery firing. as soon as the sun went down we saw the activity pick up out of the gaza strip. we saw a lone rocket usually where we don't see them go. usually they come out in a barrage. but the phone started-- we have rockets coming in right now. stick with us here. . griff: keeping a watch here with mike tobin and his crew. obviously, and an active situation there, artillery either outgoing or incoming, we hope he and his team are safe. we'll check back in with mike as we get that right now. alicia. >> and iran-backed terror group hezbollah, threatening to escalate in the israel-hamas war. warships entering the region will not scare us. chief national correspondent steve harrigan is in northern israel with the latest, steve. >> alicia, it's been three weeks, really, of steady cross-border fighting between hezbollah, about two miles behind me in lebanon and countering hezbollah strikes here. thousands of israelis civilians across the north have left their homes to try to get away from the near daily shelling and many of those who remain say they do so in a climate of fear. >> they always ask questions, whether hamas is going to our home or we are going to evacuate it again in another city. it's not good for everybody. >> much of the fighting has taken place within just a couple of miles of the border, at least 60 hezbollah fighters have been killed by israeli strikes over the three weeks. so far, hezbollah has constrained itself, mainly using the shorter range rockets in the fight, but its leader nasrallah said yesterday all options are on the table and depends how israel reacts in gaza and all he remain on high alert. back to you. >> steve one follow-up question. the secretary of state is in amman, jordan meeting with leaders right now. how much do you anticipate could come out of the meetings on hezbollah? >> i think there's been widespread pressure of hezbollah to stay out of this fight. i think that people were expecting a range of operations from nasrallah yesterday. would he declare major war or hold back? i think right now there's a sense of relief that nez nesrallay for now. >> and they're calling for a humanitarian pause in gaza. they're ramping up, and in delaware, the president is spending the weekend. hey, alex. we have not heard from the president here from rehoboth beach. we heard from antony blinken, he wrapped up a press conference with jordan and egypt. and calling on an immediate cease-fire, and there was something close to that, but they do not want a cease-fire and secretary of state blinken explained why. >> we're still asking for an immediate cease-fire and that israel would stop hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid. >> it's our view that cease-fire now simply would leave hamas in place, able to regroup and repeat what it did on october 7th. >> so this is essentially israel's view against a localized pause in military in gaza. and feels it only benefits hamas. and secretary blinken was in israel speaking to benjamin netanyahu yesterday. president biden was asked yesterday about getting americans out of gaza. >> president biden, your message to americans trying to get out of gaza right now, who are still trapped there? (inaudible) >> can you contain the mideast wa war? >> all right. so the war in the middle east becoming uncontained. it's a major concern for americans and a new poll out of quinnipiac university about the united states being drawn into a military conflict and in that poll, 43% reported that they're concerned 41% somewhat concerned. and 6% say they're not concerned at all and this week, fbi director christopher wray, he says the conflict in the middle east ramps up a terror attack in the united states potentially, but at least that's on a whole other level because of this conflict. remember, president biden is mid campaign right now. americans want to feel safe, griff. >> alexandria hoff live for us in rehoboth. thank you very much. >> if you were watching the beginning of the show, we were receiving a report from mike tobin on the ground in southern israel and for a moment there we understood, mike, that there were rockets going off and then you froze. can you give us an update and let us know? you seem to be okay. is everyone there okay? >> we are okay and this is a drill that gets repeated over and over again, in southern israel. you get the alarm that the rockets are coming, you move to a shelter, and you move very rapidly and in the process of moving it we messed up some of the gear. so pardon the alarm if it looked like the signal froze at once. it happens quite a bit. i don't mean to make light of it because there are deadly rockets coming when it happens. and the interceptors did their job and everybody moved to the shelter. you hear behind me the air strikes going into the northeast side of the gaza strip because the fight continues in the town, and we're talking about the fight in the center of gaza city itself. israeli forces now have gaza city surrounded. hamas seems to have hit and damaged armored vehicles in southern gaza city and the location would indicate that the israeli forces are deep into the population center of the surrounding areas of the gaza city. so, the fight should be very intense at this point. we have seen the israelis claim that they have destroyed command and control structures, tunnels, weapons left behind by hamas and of course, hamas personnel. meantime, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken is in the region for some furious shuttle diplomacy trying to keep the war in the gaza strip from spilling over in the region and stopped in israel tried once again unsuccessfully to dissuade prime minister benjamin netanyahu and this time pauses so aid could get to the palestinian civilians. >> mike tobin in southern israel, glad to hear you and your crew are doing okay. we'll check with you later. thanks, griff. griff: new details emerging after a federal grand jury in houston on a palestinian man who crossed in illegally. crossing the border, arrested by ice agents in new york. >> as for the 20-year-old palestinian man who was indicted by a grand jury in houston, the criminal complaint filed upon his arrest says that he was allegedly conducting physical training with weapons to possibly commit an attack. the u.s. attorney's office in the southern districts of texas identified the suspect as an alien, illegally in the u.s., who was in possession of a .9 millimeter pistol and say, quote, he entered the united states on a non-immigrant visa which expired in 2019 and has allegedly been in direct contact with others who share a radical mindset. the fbi is investigating. now, this news comes after the federal immigration authorities october 17th announcement of the arrest of a 29-year-old man in new york city, who was wanted by authorities in senegal for criminal conspiracy in relation to a terrorist organization and acts of preparatory acts, aimed at compromising public safety or causing political troubles. now, there's also growing concerns over unknown individuals possibly slipping into the u.s. by illegally crossing the southern border. people with possibly bad intentions. a caravan of about 5,000 migrants from venezuela, central america, cuba and haiti are heading north to the southern border right now. republican house speaker mike johnson is critical of how the biden administration has tried to deal with this mounting issue. take a listen. >> when you keep the border open and you allow dangerous people to come in, you open yourselves up for that kind of chaos. we have been working with everything we have for the last nearly three years to get that border closed and secured. >> as for the foreign national arrested in new york, who was wanted in senegal for terroristic activities, he'll remain in custody without bond pending removal proceedings, griff. >> christine na coleman live for us with the details. thank you. joining me now for more on this, former acting attorney general matt whitaker. matt, you heard christina's report there and i want your reaction. are you surprised that we're getting news like this? >> not at all, griff, and it's good to be with you today. what i'm seeing, obviously, is that we have millions of people that have come into our country, whether, you know, completely illegally or whether they have filed these bogus asylum claims that are not going to be adjudicated for up to a decade. ultimately, you know, the people that want to do us harm know that we are allowing everybody to enter our country, and that is causing these situations, like you saw in houston, but what's important is that in both of these cases that were just referenced, that means that law enforcement is working and i'm just concerned that they're overwhelmed with the sheer numbers of folk that have illegally entered our country or filed bogus asylum claims, there's not enough fbi agents to do this. you've been to the border and so have i, we have to shut down this border to get operational cell and understand who is coming into the country and congress should have acted and i'm tired of politicians telling they're doing everything they can, when they're doing absolutely nothing. griff: you're right. i did spend the first part of october in eagle pass, texas and in just the 10 days i was there, matt, there were some nine iranians crossed, six syrians, three lebanese, i mean, they're coming from all over and their special interest aliens so they get more extensive vetting. in just the first two weeks of october, the entire southwest border or northern border, at least two hit the terror data, the terror watch list, if you will. that's very concerned, particularly in light of the testimony we saw this week from fbi director chris wray. i think we have a little sound about where he looks at the concern, not necessarily just from border crossers, but from anyone in this country, to carry out attacks in light of the recent situation in israel and in gaza. listen here. >> we assess that the actions of hamas and its allies, will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since isis launched its so-called caliphate several years ago. griff: so, add to that, in my reporting i can tell you accurately, the first 31 days of october, more than 31,000 known got-aways. meaning, they were observed, seen, or detected and not brought into custody, illegal migrants crossing between ports of entry. that's more than a thousand a day. how likely do you think, and this is a very sobering question, how likely do you think that we have potential people with national security threat, terrorist attack intentions, coming in these groups? >> we absolutely do, griff. even if it's one in a thousand or even one in 10,000, that's many, many folks that are coming here with the intention to do harm to the american people. remember, law enforcement needs to be diligent, but i think every american at this point in time is going to have to pay extra attention what's happening in their neighborhoods and their communities with these folks because again, so many, you know, potential terrorists have come in, both known that are on the watch list and those that we didn't even know were preparing for that and i think that's what this houston case really points out is that we have them amongst us right now. we need to pay attention what's going on, griff. and this administration has failed us. >> you're the former acting attorney general and your insight is important on this. my last question, i've only got like 10 seconds, but do you think that it's really more a matter of when, not if, that this country gets hit somehow? >> yeah, well, remember, law enforcement has to get it right. i would immediately pivot the fbi to address these threats is what the first thing i would do. griff: matt whitaker, warmer acting attorney general, thank you for your time. >> thank you, my friend. >> thanks, griff. back to the top story for more on the latest from israel we're joined from speakman for benjamin netanyahu. thank you for being here. fox news confirmed new york times is reporting part of the slowdown of getting some of these foreigners evacuated out of gaza is that hamas, it was discovered, was trying to sneak in hamas fighters under the guise of being wounded palestinians. what is the prime minister's response to this? >> well, we know that this method has been tried in the past by hamas. by the way, it's not only us saying it. even the palestinian authority, president abbas invoked that method in one of the previous speeches in the past. it's a known method and for that reason we're monitoring every movement and for that reason idf is targeting the terrorist movement once we lock in on them and we are-- we have evidence that they are trying to move around the gaza strip sometimes and you know, cynical uses of vehicles as ambulances, serving as taxis, in fact, for their murderous actions. so we're watching every movement. >> it makes it ever more complicated and president biden, the biden administration is calling for humanitarian pause to help get hostages out. prime minister netanyahu, as you've mentioned has rejected that. but this three-hour window today could that be interpreted that israel is willing to pause, if needed? >> well, we are willing to pause, as we said. there will be a cessation of activity as we've had in the past. i think -- oh, so we've had a cessation of activity in the past when hamas released two hostages and two more hostages and we wanted to facilitate from gaza and once they release hostages, we're waiting to see and we want to see all hostages released and we're calling on hamas to do so unconditionally and immediately, but in terms of a bigger cease-fire, it's not something that's negotiable. we said that our goal is to eliminate the hamas regime and to bring back the hostages home. >> how does israel see the distinction between a humanitarian pause and a cease-fire? >> again, a humanitarian pause is something we're willing to discuss once more hostages will be released from the gaza strip. we want to facilitate the safe exit of hostages edges once there will be something of this kind on the table. nobody than us will be more than thrilled if this happens, but it's not something we're discussing. but in terms of humanitarian aid it's something that jerusalem and washington want to see the civilian population in gaza receiving. for that reason we said that we will allow in humanitarian aid and dozens of trucks are coming in every day from the rafah border crossing for safe haven designated for the population in the south. >> as you know, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken meeting with arab leaders in jordan on the heels of his trip to israel. reporting that pushing for humanitarian pause. blinken's message accord to go one u.s. and two israeli officials is quote, we don't want to stop you, but help us help you get more time. i understand that you're limited in what you can say on meetings, is there a concern that there could be daylight peeking through between u.s. and israel. >> there's no daylight between u.s. and israel. we're in lockstep with our counterparts in terms of the goal of the operation, which is to bring back the hostages, as i said, and also to eliminate the hamas terrorist regime as a governance body. a terror military wing and terrorizing us and the population there. everyone wants to see humanitarian aid reaching the palestinian civilians and discussing, by the way, the future of gaza, the day after, future contingencies, discussed right now and we hope once hamas is eliminated this will make the population in israel way more secured, of course, and bring safety to the residents of southern israel, but also bring new opportunities for the palestinian people should they choose differently and understand that terrorism is a dead end. >> tal heinrich, thank you for being with us and providing us with this update. >> thank you. >> protesters beginning to gather in washington for a free palestine rally. we'll take you live to freedom plaza next. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) i hope you all like potatoes... these are fresh from my garden. what? is your... garden in idaho? no, it's in my backyard. ahhhh! always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> thousands of protesters are gathering in washington d.c. today for a pro-palestinian rally. many calling for a cease-fire and an end to u.s. aid in israel. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel is live out there at freedom plaza with the latest. how is it looking, mike? >> griff, good afternoon to you. it's a beautiful day in the nation's capital and the crowd is growing by the our. people are bused in some pro-palestinian and others anti-war. i spoke to one protester from ohio he's pro-palestinian, but not a supporter of hamas. you're not pro-hamas, you're pro-palestinian, right? >> 100%. hamas, they're doing what they're doing to go against the israeli soldiers and zionism. we have nothing against the jewish people. >> and another protester from chicago who rode all night on a bus, this is not about conflict, but the past. you support the palestinian people, do you support hamas? >> i'm a supporter and i do support hamas in their struggle. hamas did not start anything new. this is an ongoing war for over 75 years. >> we expect speeches to start at the top of the hour after a number of speeches here. we do expect protesters to march from freedom plaza to the vicinity of the white house. president biden is not there this weekend, but they are clearly trying to send a message, griff. griff: the crowd growing. mike, thank you. alicia. alicia: and griff, two u.s. aircraft are conducting exercises together in the mediterranean sea. a live report from the pentagon coming up next. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. purple 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groups have carried out a series of exercises in the eastern mediterranean to send a clear message to hezbollah or iran to strike if any u.s. interests are harmed. the u.s.s. eisenhower joined the u.s.s. ford, and they've seemed to have heard the message. >> and i say to the americans, threatening and demonizing us and the resistance in a region are useless. they will not affect resistance move movements. we were told that, that if we operate in the south, that we will not just be bombed, no, there will be bombing iran. >> secretary of state antony blinken thanked the arab leaders from egypt, lebanon, jordan and saudi arabia, who he met with today in amman. >> countries across the middle east and iran have-- to deter any state or nonmachine state actor from opening a front in this conflict or taking other destabilizing action. all of us have a direct interest. >> the qatari government has played a particular role in mediation. u.s. groups and bases continue to be tested with rockets and drones fired by iranian proxies, none have caused serious damage. leader nasrallah made clear in his speech in lebanon that he's not ready to enter the conflict yet, but continued the fiery warnings and insults directed to the u.s. military. >> demonizing and threatening will be of no use. your fleets in the mediterranean do not frighten us or deter us and never will. i say to you, sincerely that your fleet, that you are using to threaten us, we have prepared for them. >> he went on to threaten the u.s. military and remind them that lebanon, from the early 1980's, when the marine barracks was bombed by hezbollah and other counterparts in lebanon, that they are still alive, he said. they have their next of generation, their children and grandchildren are still alive. again, u.s. forces, griff, remain on alert watching iran and proxiproxies, carefully. >> i'm not sure how you prepare to take on the u.s.s. gerald ford, the ship known to man. >> and benjamin hall joins us with the latest on the developing relationship between russia and hamas. hi, benji. >> alicia, hi, good to see you. much of the focus is really on the war inside israel and inside gaza. there's growing focus and pushback against some of the countries supporting hamas and chief among them after iran really is russia and we've seen benefits for both sides at this point. the russia ambassador to the u.n., saying that israel is now an occupying force while hamas, calling russia our closest friend. russia is gaining greatly from the war as well. much of the world focus has moved away from the war in ukraine and focused on israel and russia feels it can flex its muscles and we've seen more attacks going on recently. at the same time western funding for ukraine is now also shifting towards israel and in fact, the pentagon has already decided to send israel tens of thousands of artillery shells that were originally planned for ukraine, leaving ukraine as ever, calling out for more. this friendship between hamas and russia was made even more clear this week when russia invited hamas leaders to moscow infuriating israel, while at the same time russia has been helping hamas avoid western and u.s. sanctions by funneling millions of dollars of hamas money through russia crypto exchanges and we know that used in the terror attack on october 7th and the ukraine says that russia is on hamas, they've been condemning with putin saying that iz israel is now acting like nazis. we've seen growing calls of anti-semitism and we've heard some hunting jews they thought arrived on a plane from israel. and putin is reminding 8,000 mosques have been built inside of russia and it's a clear reach out that he has been trying to do to the arab world and also, remember, important to remember the relationship between iran and russia. russia using many iranian drones in its battle in ukraine. while at the same time the iranians seem to be benefitting from russian involvement in their number sites and there are growing push for them with growing sanctions. alicia: so much of a reminder that we can't lose our focus on russia in all of this. >> a great reminder there, alicia and ben, for more on the rising tensions in the middle east. and mark joins us from the ceo of the defense of democracies. an individual, i happen to know, has been sanctioned by both iran and russia and we were talking about that. mark, as we look now at this map and jen griffin was mentioning, we have the u.s.s. ford and eisenhower carrier strike groups here in the eastern mediterranean. sending a message to people like hezbollah and nasrallah in lebanon and of course, a lot of activity in the gaza strip. what do you make of what we're looking at here in the fact, as benjamin hall was mentioning, rush is an is here and iran is here and they're players as well. >> that's right, the problem with the map it don't show the major players, iran and russia, iran is every here and orchestrating this. they've surrounded israel with essentially a ring of fire. hezbollah with 150,000 guided munitions and the revolutionary guard corps with hezbollah attacking israel on that border. and hamas and islamic jihad from over there and of course, islamic jihad here, all backed by iran and the ring of fire. griff: let's look at the next one, of course, mark, the situation on israel's northern border, lebanon. you talked about hezbollah and the recent area of attacks and in just the law few hours, the u.s. embassy in beirut telling americans in lebanon to get out. >> fighting a war, and nasrallah said after the war if they know what they were going to do. wouldn't start it again. and there are 10 or so israelis killed over here and this border here is the most dangerous border, right, again, 150,000 missiles that hezbollah has, aimed at israeli population centers. >> precision guided missiles as well. very different from what hamas has. >> that's right. what hezbollah has could do devastating damage to the israeli heartland and hitting civilian centers and also telecommunications, energy, infrastructure. griff: something they're definitely watching. i want to take you, mark, down into the strip, gaza. this is the area that we've seen idf forces really working their way in, getting a bit of a circle around gaza city. this is their ground operation. what do you make of that? >> it's essential, in northern gaza about 80% of hamas' terror infrastructure, their missiles and terrorists and the idf has said repeatedly to gazans, please get out of this war zone. 800,000 to a million gazans have heeded that call and about 150,000 to 300,000 have not. the question is why not? are they hard core hamas supporters or afraid of hamas? because israel just opened up this long road here and the gazaens are trying to take advantage of it. hamas is firing on the road and hamas just yesterday or the day before fired on gazaen women and children. >> that's important for our viewers in just the time we've got left. i want to show you the last map what mark are talking about. and this is roughly the valley, that's there where they're trying to get everyone out. in the sala aldin route, goes this way and idf helping to clear it, but taking mortar attacks according to the idf spokesman, trying to get civilians out. and they're trying to clear it. you can see the orange is recent attacks, the red is most recent. >> that's right, and again, the length of gaza is about 25 miles, it's absolutely possible for gazans to take that road and get out of the war zone and again, 800,000 to a million have already availed themselves of that opportunity. israel does not want civilians here. hamas does because hamas uses civilians as human shields in order to protect their fighters, and their weapons and their terror tunnels. griff: just in the last five seconds. i want to point out. you talk about 25 miles for the length of all of gaza and you see that here in this 25 miles, such a small area. in fact, the humanitarian corridor they're trying to get the equivalent of going to d.c. to alexandria old town, something that civilians should be able to do, but prohibited by hamas. >> and they've been blocked by egypt. the egypses could open the border into sinai, plenty of room for refugees, and could take care of them. jordanians have blocked their border. jordanians have blocked theirs to prevent gazan refugees from coming in. why is this to put the blame on israel. thank you, sir. back to you. alicia: thanks, jewish students say they feel unsafe on college campuses as anti-semitism hits horrific levels. we'll speak with a george washington university student next. dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help power operations for one of the 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(music ends) >> major law firms writing to the top 14 law schools in the nation saying there's no room for anti-semitism, islamophobia or hatred on campus. and one firm rescinded job offers for students who signed public statements supporting palestine. >> some of the prominent law firms signed onto letters. and forewarns of this. and 14 of the country's top ranked law schools, the letter, over the last several weeks we have been alarmed at reports of anti-semitic harassment, vandalism and assault on campuses, including rallies calling for the death of jews and elimination of the state of israel and the letter goes on to say, such anti-semitic activities will not be tolerated at any of our firms. this letter on the heels of a video which surfaced this week, the video appearing to show a harvard jewish student cornered on the campus of harvard's business school during a pro-palestinian rally and people surrounding him shouting shame, over and over. harvard student paper says the confrontation began with the jewish student began filming people's faces, in addition to a campus investigation, a course confirmed to fox there's also an active fbi investigation. the dean of harvard's business school called the encounter troubling and late last month, harvard's president announced an advisory board to tackle anti-semitism. this morning on fox and friends, an israeli journalist and activist saying that social media and tik tok created anti-israel sentiment young young people. >> these are gen z students and kids that don't know the difference, they're not going to have tik tok to do research and they're brain washed by the propaganda videos and you're only seeing pro palestine. >> several elite schools are now facing calls to better tackle anti-semitism. cornell university keeping security heightened after a student was federally charged this week on a connection of online posts threatening the university's jewish students, griff. griff: cb cotton, keeping an eye on college campuses for us. thank you. alicia: for more on how anti-semitism is affecting students. a student at george washington university in washington d.c. sabrina, thank you for being here. can you tell me, do you feel like your college campus or college campuses around the country are doing enough to protect jewish students? >> hi alicia, thank you so much for having me on the show today to share my story and the story of many jewish students. i'd like to start out by saying my university, the administration has been supportive through statements and the administration has agreed to meet with students in such. unfortunately, other universities have not had the same support. which is very unfortunate. but i don't feel like these rhetorical statements are enough. my friends have been spat on, they have been laughed at for having family members lost in israel and their protesters remain silent. the zbt frat house, there were students who came up and started trying to strike brothers with flag poles. yesterday, right before shabbat, the g bfb building, fls were taken down. and there were euphemisms to destroy the state of israel and celebrating mass murder. there should be no tolerance for this and the universities have to put an end to this immediately. alicia: we're putting up the images of the library and what was projected, horrible words projected up onto the wall. you know, we're not just talking about rhetoric here though, we're talking about people being victims of violence here. and threats, and physical threats. this is a much larger thing than just going online, but when it comes to the hash tags, i stand with palestine. #stand with israel. stand with palestine far outweighs stand with israel. what is it about social media that's pushing this so hard? >> yeah, so i think that social media really, with great power comes great responsibility. today really anybody can claim themselves to be a creator and i think that a lot of the time because there's so much radicalization going on in the classroom and on social media platforms where there's this identity politics, if you have the oppressed and the oppressor and the misinformation about the state of israel that's basically curated now by ai and different bots. it's basically a propaganda machine and they are people are sucked into their own echo chambers and not the true content on the ground and not listening to the other side. i tell you this has intimidated jewish students and affected the campus dialog and infiltrates the classrooms and makes students like myself to change our way of life. this past week my mom told me from california, by the way, and my family in israel, also, has been asking me if i'm safe, which is so wrong, but when my mom tells me not to leave the house with my jewish star, that's scary and now i wear one where i actually have to open it and this was worn by jews during the spanish inquisition. and this is the reality that jews are facing around the world in countries from the middle east to europe and the united states, the country of freedom and human rights and good values. now the values have been d distorted. thank you so much, sabrina. we'll be back. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. 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(inspirational music) >> you're looking live here at freedom plaza in washington d.c. on pennsylvania avenue where thousands of expected to take part in a pro-palestinian rally today. the organizers calling for a cease-fire and an end to u.s. aid in israel. we'll bring you updates from that event as we get them. alicia, it's a busy day here. people getting their first amendment right on, but of course, the crowd upset with the president and the u.s.'s presence in israel. alicia: we have mike emanuel on the ground and you'll be there later with full coverage. at the top of the hour we'll be joining our correspondents who are also in israel. we'll take you there as fox news live continues next. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. life, diabetes. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. .. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? you don't have to take it to the dealer. bring it to safelite. we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪

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, Personnel , Structures , Shuttle Diplomacy , Spilling Over , Pauses , Palestinian , Oman , Thanks , Houston , Details , Grand Jury , Complaint , New York , Ice Agents , 20 , Arrest , Suspect , Attack , Alien , Districts , Training , Possession , U S Attorney Office , Texas , , Quote , Others , Visa , Contact , Mindset , Pistol , 2019 , News , Relation , Authorities , Conspiracy , Immigration Authorities October 17th Announcement , 29 , October 17th , 17 , Public Safety , Concerns , Preparatory Acts , Organization , Facts , Individuals , Troubles , Migrants , Intentions , Caravan , Venezuela , Cuba , 5000 , Administration , Mike Johnson , Listen , Issue , Chaos , Republican , Custody , Everything , Activities , Bond Pending Removal Proceedings , Senegal , Matt Whitaker , Christine Na Coleman , Former , Reaction , Christina , Country , Harm , Millions , Asylum , Law Enforcement , Cases , Situations , Both , You Saw , Numbers , Folk , Asylum Claims , Politicians , Cell , Congress , 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None , Demonizing , Fleets , Warnings , Insults , Use , Fleet , Barracks , 1980 , Gerald Ford , Grandchildren , Generation , Children , Proxiproxies , Ship , Benjamin Hall , Russia , Focus , Relationship , War Inside Israel , Benji , Hi , Force , Chief , Sides , Pushback , Ambassador , Benefits , U N , World , Ukraine , Muscles , Israel Tens Of Thousands , Artillery Shells , Funding , Sanctions , Friendship , Leaders To Moscow Infuriating Israel , Dollars , Money , Exchanges , Crypto , Anti Semitism , Calls , Putin , Plane , Nazis , 8000 , Reach , Mosques , Battle , Arab World , Push , Sites , Involvement , Reminder , Wall , Alicia , Mark , Tensions , Ceo , Ben , Mentioning , Democracies , Individual , Map , Defense , Lot , Eisenhower Carrier Strike , Players , It Don T , Problem , Brush , Munitions , Ring Of Fire , Revolutionary Guard Corps , 150000 , Islamic Jihad , Area , Law , Embassy , Missiles , Wouldn , Population Centers , Heartland , Strip , Centers , Infrastructure , Telecommunications , Ground Operation , Northern Gaza , Circle , Essential , Terror Infrastructure , 80 , Gazans , War Zone , Has , 300000 , A Million , 800000 , Road , On The Road , Gazaens , Supporters , Advantage , Valley , Viewers , Gazaen Women And Children , Mortar Attacks , Sala Aldin Route , Length , Red , Spokesman , Opportunity , Order , Human Shields , Corridor , Terror Tunnels , Five , Egypses , Equivalent , Alexandria , Old Town , Refugees , Sinai , Care , Room , Plenty , Sir , Students , College Campuses , Levels , Blame , Fast Cough Relief , Dripping , Dude , Style , Cold , George Washington University Student Next , Plop , Alka Seltzer , Business , T Mobile , Businesses , Power Operations , Racing Events , 5g Solutions , Grand Prix , Las Vegas , 5 , Network , Back On The Road , Stay , Members , Partners , 5g Network , Game , Mlb , Aaa , Plans , Matters , Medicare , Enrollment , Remember , December 7th , Medicare Advantage , Doctor , Plan , Prescription Drug Coverage , Exams , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp , Hospital , 0 , Prescriptions , Lab Tests , Eye Exam , Dollar , Eyewear Allowance , Hundreds , Call Unitedhealthcare , Services A , Doors , Needs , Member , Healthcare Experience , Ucard , Music Ends , Law Schools , Law Firms , 14 , Statements , Campus , Firm , Islamophobia , Hatred , Job Offers , Letter , Letters , Forewarns , Campuses , Death , Elimination , Reports , Vandalism , Harassment , Assault , Student , Video , Harvard , Firms , Harvard Jewish , Confrontation , Shame , Faces , Addition , Student Paper , Business School , President , Advisory Board , Campus Investigation , Investigation , Dean , Troubling , Social Media , Don T , Activist , Journalist , Sentiment , Difference , Kids , Fox And Friends , Tik Tok , Research , Propaganda Videos , Schools , University , Posts , Eye , Connection , Cb Cotton , Cornell University , Sabrina , George Washington University , In Washington D C , Hi Alicia , College Campus , College , Universities , Family Members , Friends , Spat , Zbt , Frat House , Brothers , Shabbat , Flag Poles , Fls , G Bfb Building , Euphemisms , Tolerance , Celebrating Mass Murder , Images , Words , Library , Rhetoric , Victims , Violence , Tand , Hash Tags , Great Power , Responsibility , Anybody , Creator , Social Media Platforms , Radicalization , Classroom , Oppressor , Ai , Identity Politics , Oppressed , Misinformation , Content , Bots , Propaganda Machine , Echo Chambers , Life , Mom , Classrooms , Campus Dialog , House , Family , Star , California , Reality , Freedom , Inquisition , Human Rights , Europe , Values , Seat Protector , American , Products , Cargo Liner , Pet Feeding System , Variety , Weathertech , Nice , Floorliners , Boot Tray , Cupfone , Sink Mat , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Gift , Gift Card , Ai Tools , Music , Button , Constant Contact , Damage Rinvoq , Rinvoq , Check , Symptom Relief , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Uc , Colon Lining , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Infections , 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