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a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? you don't have to take it to the dealer. bring it to safelite. we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ >> carley: we begin this hour with a fox news alert. right now smoke rising over gaza. just hours after the israeli cabinet approved a limited four day cease-fire with hamas the pause in fighting will take effect sometime in the next 24 hours. >> lawrence: this is what we know. under the deal 150 palestinian prisoners will be handed over in exchange for 50 hostages taken by the terrorist group. brian. >> brian: here we go. that includes a 3-year-old american girl whose parents were killed on october 7th. we think her name is abigail. jeff paul joins us right now from tel aviv. hey, jeff. >> yeah, weeks of tense negotiations finally with some results here in tel aviv. this meeting with israeli government officials where they debated whether or not to approve this deal. that took more than six hours. they ended around 3:00, 3:30 in the morning here local time. under this agreement, you are going to have not only a pause in the fighting but this release of hostages which you have got to think about for all the families of the hostages it gives them a bit of hope that there is some good news on the horizon. now, under this brokered deal it involved the u.s., qatar and egyptians. israel will get 50 hostages released to them from hamas. these will be women and children. in exchange israel will release 150 palestinian prisoners. the hostages, as we understand, will be released in groups of about 10 to 12 over a span of four to five days. each of those days when hostages are released, there will be a pause in the fighting. prime minister benjamin has been under increasing pressure from the hostages. this is a tough decision but he believes it's the right decision. evidence also added their campaign to crack hamas will continue. >> we are at war and we will continue this war until we achieve all our goals. to eliminate hamas, to bring back all of our hostages and missing people and to ensure that in gaza there will be no factor that threatens israel. >> hamas released a statement regarding the agreement saying, in part: we affirm that our fingers remain on the trigger and our victorious fighters will remain on the lookout to defeat the occupation. we could see the first batch of hostages released as soon as tomorrow. we are hearing the cease-fire could start at 10:00 a.m. local time. so that is good news. and in past hostage releases, we have seen the hostages taken to the rafah crossing. they get into egypt. and then they are choppered back here to israel. go the to hospital and get checked out and talking to israeli security about the things they saw and the things they experienced. send it back to you all. >> brian: get them out. thanks. that would be a rescue rather than release. let's bring assad veteran odet he is joining us from tel aviv. is this a deal you would do. >> thanks for having me, first of all. and i wouldn't call it a deal, but it's more of sort of a blackmail. but, under the circumstances, morality overrides the objections of the war. which is to eradicate the hamas. so, this is more or less the same deal that was on the table in the beginning of the invasion into gaza, with a few changes and little bit of flexibility of both sides. but, basically, it's more or less the same deal. >> brian: it's worth pointing out there is an explosion on the right it looks like. >> lawrence: which goes to my next point of that. sin war is on the ropes right now. we know israeli's special forces have been hitting him hard entryman and air support. the question is did they come to the negotiation table because they are fractured and they need some time to regroup? >> absolutely. this is exactly the point right now. the hamas right now is, as you said, on the rope. it's not. it does not feel that it's going to be eradicated. not now. we need to use much more force in order to convince him that this is his last chance and then in the future we can get a better deal. >> carley: oded in the original reporting hamas agreed to hostage negotiation -- you called it blackmail and i understand why you said that the original report iran would have to agree not to use drone surveillance over gaza. >> do you know if that is included in the final deal? >> it's difficult to say what is included in the final deal or not. but, i think eventually the next few hours we will all know what is included in the final deals. right now, it seems that this is included in the final deal which actually hinders israelis' efforts to gather intelligence on the ground. you might understand most fundamental intelligence that is being gathered is underground, is by troops, it's by drones. it's by documents. >> brian: right. >> and whatever you have access to. so this him ders in a way our ability to see how the hamas is going to regain its force, change its position, and even reach a more hostages. >> brian: oded, right now they have been in there three weeks. i understand one of the big stories yesterday they went into a mosque and saw a whole weapons depot and weapons plant inside a mosque. they have information on the grounds. the special forces also on the ground. how much information and intelligence can we get if there is a drone. they are all undebtable by the eye above to see where these hostages emerge? how valuable is that? >> >> enormous. because, right now, the hamas will use the po for few purposes. first of all, to regain supply. second to move hostages where they are in a place that the hamas not safe enough for their purposes you have to take into consideration hamas does not have the full picture where we are and what we are doing because they are partially blinded by the fact that they have to hide in the tunnels. >> brian: yep. >> this will enable them to see the overall picture and this can be a major risk to the israeli forces that the right now under ground. >> lawrence: i guess the next question would be, okay, we know part of the negotiation with hamas. what does it mean for the houthi rebels? what does this mean for hezbollah? do they pause as well? or are they going to be assisting hamas, trying to get some of their major commanders out of town? because i think that's part of the calculus here. they can always reorganize and get more folks on the ground, but they need their leaders to stay in place for the ideology purposes. right? >> absolutely. i think the hamas -- i think the hamas nook is trying desperately to gain support from the houthis, from hezbollah, from iraq, and from other places, and special from the west bank. right now, they have failed on all fronts. i mean hezbollah is joining the war but on a very, very medial scale. so, of course, the houthi and the hezbollah will try to, let's say increase their effort for support but i'm not sure how much it is are working and how much it's actually supporting the hamas leaders. >> brian: a lot of people feel as though hezbollah has got to be neutralized at the end of this conflict because there is a lot of people in israel do not feel safe. even if hamas is virtually defeated and destroyed. thanks so much for joining us oded, appreciate it. >> carley: absolutely. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: you got it. >> lawrence: happy thanksgiving. turning to a powerful weather alert a storm system pounding the states with snow and plenty of rain here on the east coast, brian. >> brian: lawrence, the storm is disrupting travel plans at airports across america on what could be the busiest travel day in american history and we are 248 years young. right now, folks are pouring into airports across the country to get to their holiday destination. >> carley: dating back to 1776. can you believe it? the busiest day. this is bad news on the busiest day. more than 370 flights are delayed this morning with another 40 canceled. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast in this historic moment. >> janice: history in the making right here. we had 2.5 million people or close to it passing through the tsa check point. that's up from 180,000. or 180,000 more than last year. take a look at it. we got 1400 flights in the air. 352 delays. 40 cancellations the worst delays right now in atlanta, new york and los angeles. we have that coastal storm that is moving offshore. that's part of the problem along the east coast. temperatures ahead of the front warmer than average except new england and canada where we have snow flying and that's going to disrupt things. even though this storm is going to move offshore, it's the winds behind it that will cause delays and the cancellation. even though the radar looks good. the winds will definitely cause issues in the air. here is the snow still to come for parts of new england. certainly maine will get the bulls eye of over a foot. that front moves offshore. that's the same storm system that brought the severe weather including tornadoes this week. a new storm system moves into the northwest. otherwise, a pretty good-looking forecast as we get into thanksgiving. we do have that new storm system moving across the rockies and that's going to bring some snow, a white thanksgiving, but, for the rest of the country, pretty good and above average for a lot of folks, if there is a silver lining, you are delayed. tomorrow is a better day and friday will be good as well in terms of weather and getting to grandma's house. fingers crossed. >> lawrence: janice, i'm digging the turtle neck. stylish. >> janice: my time of year. >> lawrence: time to bring them out. >> brian: i used to beg my mom not to have to wear them. i felt like i was choking to death. >> carley: i know a lot of people feel that way. >> brian: mock turtle. >> carley: very 80's. >> janice: i have not seen that. do you have pictures somewhere of you wearing a turtle neck. >> brian: picture day i had to wear a turtle neck no. one is wearing turtle necks. she didn't believe me. just to get it over your head i felt for a moment i could lose breath. >> janice: if they could have extra large turtle neck that would be you. >> carley: now we know what he would getting brian for christmas. >> brian: turtle neck. hated the turtle neck. >> carley: sam altman is back. a.i. firing him and regretting it. rehiring him a matter of days. the board room backtrack. >> brian: anyone else scared about this. too little too late the army begging unvacked shoulders to come back after kicking them out. >> lawrence: rob smith on the back backlash. that's next. ♪ remember the heroes ♪ who fight for the right to choose ♪ remember the heroes ♪ she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. psst. hey, sarah. hi. if you had to choose, would you listen to elevator music all day or deal with payroll compliance? 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tomorrow's commemoration gave gave coin include a turducken the dish made famous by madden, a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey catch the tribute. coverage begins tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. eastern time on fox. kickoff is at 12:30. those are your headlines, brian over to you. >> brian: he made thanksgiving special. a lot of people give credit to the pilgrims i give it to john madden. >> carley: let's give them equal credit. >> brian: the u.s. army send letters to to those let go from service because of not getting the covid vaccine. some saying too late for acken a apology. >> they have lost my trust and faith. they made it clear they didn't care about my health and well-being. they didn't care about my personal opinion and professional opinion. they didn't care about my family, you know, my baby, and it's hard to come back from that they have crossed the line. >> brian: they did. and she was pregnant by the way. of the 100 soldiers let go only 19 rushed to active service as the army continues continued recruiting shortages including spending millions of dollars on diversity and equity. 269 million. rob smith, you can't blame her for telling the army go stick it. >> you can't blame her. what a lot of your viewers need to understand when you are dishonorably discharged from the military which is what a lot of these people refused to get this vaccine were dishonorably discharged. you lose access to college and university benefits. you lose access to all of these things these are soldiers most of which had no disciplinary issues. had zero issues with their service prior to their refusal to take this vaccine. so, yeah. when you kick these people out, they are going to have an issue with it. and going back in to get these records updated is a very onerous process that a lot of people just aren't even equipped to deal with on their own. some people have to engage with lawyers. you have to deal with the v.a. there is all sorts of stuff going on in there yeah, you can't blame these people for not really wanting to deal with the military after it's treated them like this. >> brian: it's so hard to get the proper defense funding. there is always this push and pull. to take 269 million and say we are going to put it toward diversity hiring, understanding classes and seminars is insane. they don't care how it looks, rob. isn't that hard to wrap your head around? >> >> no, it's hard to wrap my head around -- let me tell you something what is going on in the military right now. this is what a lot of people do not understand. so the military's top brass has been captured by what i can only describe as the biden administration's ideological agenda. okay? so while we are lessening standards in the military we are pumping up the di stuff. we have the smallest active duty military army that we have had in this country since 1940. they have missed their recruitment goal by 15,000. and, get this? the physical fitness standards are being lessened in the military as we pump all of this money into this dei agenda. now, a two mile rub used to have to be able to run two miles within about 5 minutes at the time it was when i was active duty. that standard is now 22 minutes. you can practically walk that it's ridiculous. we have a military full of people becoming less fit to serve as they pump millions and billions of taxpayer dollars into the dei agenda. it is making our military weak. i do not believe that people recognize the moment we are in with the united states military right now. >> brian: rob, what i have been told in the military is more than any other place in and around this country, it doesn't matter your gender, it doesn't matter the color of your skin, it's a meritocracy as pure as it gets. is that the military you remember slipping away day by day. the more i read up on this and make my personal platforms about come batting this sort of far left shift in the united states military right now i got my stock woke research team on a lot of this stuff going on in the military and the stuff that i'm getting back is really shocking me. i hope we can speak more about this in the future. i don't think we are paying enough attention to this. i appreciate you guys for always bringing focus to the united states military. >> brian: we tried to save those 1900 with the vaccine with admirable kirby and he wouldn't hear it. now we find out that's exactly how the soldiers felt. they told him to go take a walk. we don't need you. rob smith, thank you. appreciate law are doing. meanwhile i appreciate everyone picking up teddy and booker t. i can't wait to see you saturday 4:00 bayshore. new jersey, a place dana perino calls home don't go to her house. that's a beautiful bookstore. eureka, missouri, that's going to be a great event. and then in dallas at the bush library, i hope to see everyone there. also, fox nation specials it's going to be carried and co-promoted. check that out on brian coming up straight ahead, fox news alert, the israeli government reaches a deal to free at least 50 hostages from hamas. in exchange for a four-day cease-fire. we will have a live report, next. we could be seeing them back as early as tomorrow. plus, a horrific story, an alleged illegal immigrant accused of raping a 5-year-old girl in brazil caught hiding out in martha's vineyard? 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>> lawrence: the next story is just crazy. an illegal immigrant convicted of sexually assaulting a child in brazil was just arrested by ice in martha's vineyard. the brazilian sex offender fled his home country after being sentenced to 14 years in prison. he then evaded border patrol as he crossed into the u.s. he was a got away. joining us now is former director of new york ice removal tom feely. so, tom, i mean, this guy is able to cross the border. he is a got away. then we pick him up in martha's vineyard. >> yeah. i mean, nobody is really shocked by this anymore, right? i mean, the border is wide open. people can come and go as they please. like i have been saying for two years now on fox news, anybody can come here, including terrorists, this gentleman. it's absolutely ridiculous that this border is wide open and nobody wants to do anything. >> lawrence: tom, obviously this was a got away. we have people that we have captured, given them a notice to appear. that are on the sex offender list. that are known terrorists. the agency within ice ero they are the sole agency responsible for removing people from the united states since biden has taken office, all the senior leadership has pretty much retired or left and gone to do something else. right now this administration is actually down sizing them. they are losing positions so this individual was apprehended by a fugitive operations team out of the boston field office, which is run by a very, very good director. but the fact is we're losing positions. so these fugitive 600,000 known got-aways a little over 270 people on the terror watch list. this brings me back to my home town of texas. governor abbott has endorsed donald trump. people are concerned in the liberal media because donald trump has said look there are going to be mass deportation. tell me how president trump would get something like that done. >> so, when i worked for president trump, we were called nazis. we were accused of separating families. everybody know fuss are arrested for a crime and you get sentenced to prison obviously, you are separated from your family i'm sure the left is getting ready to dust off all those signs even if it isn't trump whoever comes in next and tries to right the ship and remove the people who don't belong here they have no legal status here. you will be called a nazi. they will protest out of your house how dare you are separating families as we currently turn a blind eye to literally millions of people crossing this border including terror groups like hamas. how do you know hamas is here. when i was a director i actually interviewed many of the hamas that are here. they are here amongst other terror organizations. governor abbott lives on the border. he is on the crisis knee deep as you know being from texas. unfortunately or formally depending on how you look at it. the american people are scared. they want a president they feel protects them and a president who will will help put food on the table. people are struggle glick. >> lawrence: that's why the name calling isn't going to work this time. the american people are afraid for their safety. they tried to give joe biden a shot, to get something done but they say they want comprehensive immigration reform done. he said he was going to give us some sort of security. now we have wide open border and terrorists in the country as a result. tom, thank you for your service to this country and coming on this morning. >> thanks for having me and have a great thanksgiving. >> lawrence: you, too, brother. desantis getting a big endorsement. >> governor desantis took a reliable toss-up state in florida and made it complete red. won by 20 points. won in demographics we haven't won in. >> lawrence: so will this boost from the iowa caucus king maker help him catch up in the hawkeye state? we will discuss. thanksgiving weather woes, millions of travelers are heading out today. what you need to know to arrive safely at your holiday destination. that's next. ♪ given up on me ♪ calling me baby ♪ ♪ how long has this been going on ♪ shady ♪ i've been feeling it lately ♪ i've been feeling it lately ♪ genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? [sfx: video game] emergen-c crystals. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! [sfx: cards shuffling] this holiday, weathertech gift cards are perfect for people to pick exactly what they want. laser measured floorliners that fit your vehicle precisely. keep your seats safe from messes with the child car seat protector. sinkmat protects under your sink. there's even something for our furry friends with the pet feeding system. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the holidays at ♪ ♪ >> brian: all right. we are seeing traffic picking up at airports across the country on what could be the busiest travel day in the history of america. with the severe storm hitting the east coast today. hundreds of flights already canceled or delayed. we have live team coverage, senior meteorologist janice dean is standing by with our fox weather forecast. but, first, we go to fox business correspondent madison alworth live from newark airport in new jersey. madison? >> good morning, brian, lawrence, and carley. so, millions of americans are going to be traveling home for the thanksgiving holiday and when it comes today so far things are looking pretty good, especially when it comes to cancellation. taking a look at flight aware, so far we have seen 40 cancellations today and just over 400 delays. here at newark airport, the line, it has consistently been pretty long and we have been talking to passengers who showed up early and they said even though they showed up early, they are now a little nervous. i thoughts i was early but still have to stand in line. i will is still make my flight. >> flight at 9:00. 7:00 thought we would be down with it. there is a big line so now we are worried. >> the lines are long because tsa is expecting to screen 30 million passengers during the 12-day period spanning thanksgiving. historically the three busiest day for travel are the tuesday and wednesday before. so, today. and the sunday after thanksgiving. if you are joining me at the airport, know that you are not going to be alone. and, if you are like me, and you rely heavily on tsa precheck i have got to let you know today ♪ the day to make that bet there are now 17.6 million passengers enrolled in that program. it's the highest number we have ever seen. and it's 3.9 million more than this time last year. and as you mentioned off the top, we are looking at some bad weather in the northeast. that was something that really messed with the airlines last year. so we're hoping that does not become a factor but the reality is we are still dealing with the problems we had last holiday season. still staffing issues. all eyes are on the skies i'm happy to report so far in newark things are moving smoothly. >> carley: that is good news. >> brian: clear. how does the clear line look? do they check your iris. >> carley: they check your eye. >> lawrence: longer than the tsa. >> carley: we need alternative to clear and tsa precheck. >> brian: or private plane. if you have a choice, fly private. let's go do something else. >> carley: you are such a 1 percenter, brian. madison, thank you so much. let's check in senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hi, janice. >> janice: i have known flown on a private plane. >> brian: you will. >> carley: you are a woman of the people like me. >> brian: show up at the private airport and ask for a ride. >> janice: people asked if you were on time. i announced on air you were on time for the airport you were. america needed to know. let's take a look at the maps. because we still have that storm system across the northeast, the cold front associated with that is moving offshore. so, improved conditions that's the good news. new storm moving into the u.s. central u.s. looks excellent. here is the thanksgiving day parade weather. i want to make mention they have moved it a little earlier this year 8:30 instead of 9:00 a.m. giving you information. if you are watching the parade it will begin at 8:30. adam klotz will be out there talking to the folks before the parade. the weather looks fabulous. here your thanksgiving forecast for all of those headed on the roadways, clear across the i-95 corridor great news. we have that storm system moving across the rockies and southwest. otherwise, not too bad at all. we just got get there all right, we are going to lawrence and carley and brian. >> carley: janice, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> brian: let's talk 2024. >> carley: bill political political news out of iowa bob vander plaats family leader organization. they also call him the iowa caucus king maker because his endorsement means so much. yesterday he was on bret baier's show. and he made his official endorsement. listen to what he had to say. >> i'm thrilled to throw my personal endorsement and support behind governor ron desantis of florida. governor desantis took a reliable toss-up state in florida and made it complete red. won by 20 points. one in democrats we haven't won in. last friday's family forum he closed the sale with me. he was very clear we need a president who can serve two terms, not one term. we don't need a president who is going to be a lame duck on day one. >> carley: yeah. so, that is very good news for ron desantis. he was really hoping for that endorsement. he did a lot of campaigning at faith-based forums. he had the six week abortion ban. he also -- his pac supported vander platt's foundation by giving him $95,000 but now vander platt is saying that has nothing to do with his endorsement. so there is that. the big question is will vander platt's endorsement and kim reynolds really matter when donald trump suspect by 30 points in iowa polls. >> lawrence: also i find it very curious that him along with the governor said all along they weren't supporting ron desantis and when donald trump criticized them and then they came out with an endorsement of ron desantis rook, endorse. s used to mean a lot back in the day. but i think donald trump took a wrecking actual to the political system. it is who can meet with the voters and meet them where they are at right now. been on the ground several times in iowa. doesn't look like like anyone has swayed the iowa voters. i think they are open-minded but i think donald trump has a strong hold on the republican base. >> brian: ron desantis has moved basically his whole staff, key guys, key people over to iowa. he in the doing well in new hampshire in the polls. but, if he wins iowa. or gets real close, that will change. so, he is betting all in right here. so he has got the very popular governor. and then donald trump called her out and said i endorse you. you don't endorse me. then he called out -- his team called out vander plaats last night for $95,000. this is what ron desantis needed to propel him, if anyone is going to get a shot, it's going to be him. we still have weeks to go. we will see if this begins to close the gap. his other strategy going after trump's age, i don't love that that seems very democrat of a talking point. >> lawrence: i don't think it's going to work very well. last thing i say on this is you don't want to endorse a candidate when they are down by 30-plus points. >> brian: shows purity, purpose. >> lawrence: why not go in early. in i know it was successful the last time when he was down in 30 points in florida and donald trump endorsed him and ended up turning him aren't. that's a presidential -- that's the president at the time endorsing you. i don't understand why the governor and bob didn't endorse him early on to show this big show of force. right now it's a sinking ship. >> brian: still got a month. >> carley: just a month. >> brian: we're still in the locker room, guys. >> carley: still in the locker room haven't gone out on the field yet. "the des moines register" spoke to couple iowa residents, of course, most of them said most of juans got to tell you love trump. >> this is a trump state and boy this is definitely a trump town. he was in a town where made a lot of people went to that, yeah. a lot of farmer. >> brian: farmers like trump. is he always going to bat for them. >> lawrence: in iowa they farm. >> carley: buying day coming up. 8 how many workers filed for unemployment benefits last week. at 2:00 p.m. here in new york city. far left protesters hold a, quote: flood manhattan for gaza event. >> brian: sickening. >> carley: also today people from around the world gather in dallas to mark 60 years since jfk's assassination. >> brian: still many questions. >> carley: all today on fox news. >> lawrence: coming up tim tebow and his wife join us. carley's new cookbook is out now. today, dr. nicole saphier makes her recipe featured in the book. >> brian: on our show? going to be for you? >> carley: my two favorite people on screen right now. sorry, brian and lawrence. >> brian: no cut aways. all right. bring in the music. ♪ put an end to all this cheer ♪ it's always the time of thet year ♪ sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. this is a tempur-pedic mattress and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way no other mattress can. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? 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