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tonight on "the reidout" -- >> we have tens of thousands of pages of documents where we need to sit down and ask specific questions without filibustering, without interruption, without going five minutes back and forth with jamie raskins and dan goldman and little moscow wits jumping up and down. >> hunter biden agrees to testify before the house oversight committee on the utter lack of evidence that his father did anything wrong. but chairman james comer refuses to take yes for an answer. also tonight, more hostages are freed by hamas, including an american. as negotiators work to extend the pause in fighting. with just hours to go before the extended cease fire is set to end. plus, rejecting the binary us versus them narrative in the israel-hamas war, i'll speak to a prominent rabbi and a labor leader who happened to be married about the importance of a peaceful shared future for israelis and palestinians. ♪♪ but we begin tonight with two very stark warnings about the fight to protect our democracy and the direction of our country. more than 1,000 people have been charged for their participation in the attack on the capitol on january 6th, 2021. a good number of them have been sentenced by d.c. district judge barrel howell. judge howell is far from a household name. but she's been at the center of not only those prosecutions but also efforts to hold donald trump accountable on multiple fronts. she rejected trump's executive privilege claim in special counsel jack smith's investigation of trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election, forcing trump's former chief of staff mark meadows to testify before a federal grand jury. she's also criticized the department of justice for being too lenient in prosecuting the people who carried out the attack on the capitol, saying the rioters were not mere protesters. judge howell addressed her front line experience with the rank and file foot soldiers in donald trump's attempt to stage a coup on january 6th in rare public remarks about america's turn toward authoritarianism. according to politico, at an event for a women's lawyer group, judge howell pointed out that she and her colleagues regularly see the impact of big lies at the sentencing of hundreds convicted for their roles on january 6th. adding that we are having a very surprising and down right troubling moment in this country when the very importance of fact is dismissed or ignored. that's very risky business for all of us in our democracy. the facts matter. and she acknowledged boston college historian heather cox richardson's warning in her new book that the u.s. is at a cross roads, teetering on the brink of authoritarianism. quoting richardson's warning that big lies are spring boards for authoritarians. the warning coming from judge howell, who was chief judge for d.c.'s federal trial court from 2016 until this past march and still serves on the federal bench, is timely and echos new warnings from former republican congresswoman liz cheney in an upcoming new book, she excoriates her party and former colleagues in congress over their failty to the man responsible to the january 6th attacks. cheney shames republicans as enablers and collaborators who one member called orange jesus. who after the 2020 election were willing to violate their oath to the constitution out of political expediency and loyalty to donald trump. cheney calls trump the most dangerous man ever to inhabt the oval office but doesn't hold back on saying buntly, i'm very sad to say that america can no longer count on a body of elected republicans to protect our republic. cheney re-enforces her point by shedding new light on how far top republicans would go to do trump's bidding. including now new house speaker mike johnson, writing about johnson's effort to rally house republicans to support donald trump's attempt to overthrow the 2020 election in the courts. cheney says, when i confronted him with the flaws in his legal arguments, johnson would often concede or say something to the effect of, we just need to do this one last thing for trump. but it's mike johnson's predecessor, as speaker, who gets cheney's most scathing takedown, namely kevin mccarthy she calls out for his lies and craven appeasement of trump, particularly his visit to mar-a-lago, just three weeks after the attack on the capitol to kiss the ring. she recounts her first run-in with mccarthy after his secret visit. quote, mar-a-lago? what the hell, kevin? cheney asked. they're really worried, mccarthy said. trump's not eating so they asked me to come see him. cheney responded, what, you went to mar-a-lago because trump's not eating? >> yeah. he's really depressed, mccarthy said. joining me now is congressman eric swalwell of california and tara set meyer, senior adviser to the lincoln project once served as republican communications director on capitol hill before leaving the party. i wonder why that happened. representative swalwell -- >> he's not eating? was mccarthy a chef? he counted the skittles, but he's going to go down and help him eat? >> the problem with him being concerned about his food consumption is that donald trump pretty much only eats mcdonald's and diet coke. unless he's like an uber eats driver, i'm not sure how he would help him. i would love for you to comment on the fact that the former speaker of the house of representatives felt that he had to go to the home of the insurrectionist to feed him? >> these guys see their jobs tied exclusively to donald trump. and so they use the house of representatives to just wage donald trump's battles. they can't see themselves as having another job or getting another job. >> yeah. >> so this is the only job they can get. and mike johnson, who by the way, had called donald trump back in 2015 dangerous is now also bending the knee to trump. he's found apparently the on conversion therapy that actually works because now he's all in for trump. bottom line, these guys are not going to save us. the hero has to be the voter because they're not going to save us. >> i want to come back you for just a moment because there is -- a lot of what she talks about is the pressure that this gentleman, mike johnson, who is now the speaker, was putting -- including on freshman. let me read a little bit. january 6th before the attack on the capitol, cheney describes a scene where members were encouraged to sign their names on electoral vote objection sheets. most members knew it was a farce. among them was republican congressman mark green. cheney writes as he moved down the line signing his name to the pieces of paper, green said sheepishingly to no one in particular the things we do for orange jesus. you were there at that time. do you recall the sort of atmosphere that mike johnson in particular was putting -- was creating in the house? >> he was the architect of this idea that you could overturn the election. what i saw from my republican friends was it started as no -- we're not going to get on to that letter. then it reached a tipping point because all of a sudden trump was brow beating everyone to get on the letter and aiming his supporters at anyone who wasn't on the letter. then you started to see these names pop up of people who would otherwise not do it. that's why johnson, speaker johnson, is so dangerous because trump is incompetent, he's corrupt, but he's incompetent. incompetent president who is corrupt has a competent architect like mike johnson, we're all going to pay the price. >> you know, tara, i've always viewed -- there's a sense in which donald trump is just a vehicle, right? so for paul ryan, he was a vehicle to get his massive tax cut for the super rich and big business which is what he always wanted. trump is just a vehicle to get it done. what is he is the vehicle for now, for these republicans? they've already got ro ex overturned. mike johnson got that dream already. what is he the vehicle for now to the extent that, you know, speaker mccarthy was like, was he separating his skittles to make sure there weren't green ones in them. what is he getting for republicans that they won't just cut him loose in your view? >> power is very intoxicating. congressman swalwell knows this. when you get to washington, a lot of these guys who were back benchers before, now have relevance. in ways that they never experienced before. they have access to power. and cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. we see this happen every single day with members of congress and elected officials who sell their souls to maintain that power and relevance. just look at, let's say, lindsey graham as an example or ted cruz. you know, these people who are unbelievable hypocrites, they continue -- knowing, they know what they're doing and saying is harmful to the country. they know it's hypocritical of everything they've ever said before. we have it on tape. we have seen them say these things and then they turn around and are the biggest ass kissers of donald trump to walk the earth. why? lindsey graham self admitted, why, i never been this close to power in my entire career. that's a sad commentary. because now this isn't just about tax cuts. this isn't about policy differences. this is about the fundamental foundation and corner stone of our country, which is our democracy. which is at an unbelievable threat. we have never seen anything like this, not since the civil war at least, any way. and you have a group of people who are not only sycophants, but you also have this group who likes the idea of fascist authoritarianism that donald trump is spewing more blatantly every single day where we'll have an america that resembles something like the hunger games where the cruelty is the point versus what we believe in as the american dream here in this country. and i don't know what it's going to take for some of these republicans to finally stand up and have the courage of a liz cheney, of an adam kissinger of a mitt romney to say enough is enough and call these cowards out for what they've done and the damage they've done to this country. history will not be kind to any of those people. >> or the hand maid's tale. mike johnson calls republicans the rule of law party. you know, and he's now attacking the prosecutions against trump. and he's now -- he's also kissed the ring and gone down there. the hand maid's tale is a motivation for him. he wants a theocracy. he sees donald trump as a vehicle to get that. you work with these people. if donald trump were to come back into power, is there a man among them or woman among them on the other side of the aisle who would in any way attempt to stop him from doing the worst of what he wants to do? he now says he wants to shut down msnbc, no one explained this is cable. it isn't a broadcast. he thinks it's free broadcast tv, it's not. to do whatever he wants. >> it would be the end of democracy. he's already told us what he's going to do. he tried to overturn the government. he has a speaker who is all in with him. so we should take that seriously. but there's this tapestry of accountability, the rule of law that speaker johnson, you know, allegedly believes in that is coming at donald trump on the civil and criminal liability that he's facing. but, if he were to become president again, we know that every value for democracy, every principle in the rule of law would be gone. we would lose it. and it would be very hard to get it back. >> and tara, that includes people, like mitch mcconnell. you know, mitch mcconnell gets quoted in books talking about how -- deriding donald trump. he knows better, right? they all know what they really feel about him. i've been told by people who are like this one and that one despise the man and they're the biggest sycophants to him and you get off the record, no, that guy really hates him. but my question is there an institutional part of the party, part held after january 6th. there were republicans that weren't willing to sully themselves and throw the constitution out the window for him. they're mostly gone. the mitt romney brain has left the station. i've never seen mitch mcconnell really try to stop him. is there anything left in washington that would actually deter him if he came back into power? >> that's the scary part about this. i don't think so. i mean, if he comes back into power, he's never leaving. in his mind, the coup has never ended. and he's surrounding himself to congressman swalwell's point, he is surrounding himself with competent people with these nefarious ideas that are better able to carry it out this time. don't believe us. believe him. donald trump is telling us every single day what he plans to do. you need to believe him. i don't know why he's already tried to do it once before. what makes anyone think he wouldn't try to do it again. it's quite obvious. is there anyone left in the party institutionally? no. the party is a shell of itself unfortunately. and the -- just look at jonathan karl's book that came out, 90% of the people he interviewed were republicans and how many were off the record. these are close republicans that worked with donald trump that said the most heinous things about him and sound the alarm. it should be required reading for everyone along with liz cheney's book. they coincide with each other because they re-enforce the idea that the people who know better are sounding the alarm. i think they need to come forward. many of us have had the courage to come forward, you know. yeah, there's a price to pay to do the right thing, but damn it now is the time to do the right thing. our democracy is on the line. we can't wait for donald trump to come into power again and hope and pray that someone finds the intestinal fortitude to stand up and stop him again. then it's too late. >> and these are far right republicans. these aren't liberals. tell me about this ad, put some video up. what is the purpose of the ad? >> to define speaker johnson and what he will do as donald trump president. i did it with david gray. he did the abortion ad that showed a woman would go to jail. the republicans cried foul and said that would never happen. people need to know who this is and connect the republicans who all voted for him to make it speaker. >> just to be clear, there are republicans who you get the sense are playing an act. this guy ain't acting. he is a dominionist, a christian nationalist. am i wrong? is he for real for real? >> that's what he believes and that's what he would do. >> scary is caring for a reason. congressman eric swalwell, tara setmire. god bless us all. house republicans really, really, really want hunter biden to testify. they don't want anybody else to hear what he has to say. it would be undignified for me to make chicken noises. i'm making them in my head. trust me. "the reidout" continues after this. reidout" continues after this hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. as we continue to see the chaos play out among house republicans, which included the inability to name a speaker for three weeks, the need to tackle the important issues on behalf of the american people has been left behind. they are, however, back to the republican party's most important issue, besides making sure trump is eating and isn't sad. yep, you guessed it, hunter biden. now nearly a year since house republicans began an investigation into the finances of president biden and his family, they subpoenaed hunter biden earlier this month. probably to their surprise, hunter agreed to testify publicly instead of a closed door deposition as requested. you think this would excite house republicans who cannot seem to get through any interview without segueing to the president's son. the thought of getting the opportunity to perform their hunter biden schtick live on tv is too much to bear. perhaps because their past public hearings to provide bomb shell evidence against president biden have all been duds. james comer has to be a closed door deposition or hunter biden will face contempt charges. one of the reasons he says a public hearing is a no-go is because of the democratic members of congress of the committee. >> this will be testifying in public but not in a chaotic scene where the democrats who already demonstrated they can't conduct themselves in a mature, credible manner during a hearing. >> so, apparently, if the democrats who can't act maturely during hearings. representative comer wasn't it you two weeks ago during a committee meeting -- >> that is [ bleep ]. yo lk like a smurfere going around in all this stuff. >> rankiocrat on the oversight committee jamie raskin sued a statement in response saying in part, quote, let me get this straight. after wailing and moaning for ten months about hunter biden and alluding to some vast unproven family conspiracy, after sending hunter biden a subpoena to appear and testify, chairman comer and the oversight republicans now reject his offer to appear before the full committee and the eyes of the world and to answer any questions that they pose? what an epic humiliation for our colleagues. joining me now is jasmine crockette, of texas, a member of the aforementioned house oversight committee. can i just show you one in let me show you a picture. >> okay. >> this is marjorie greene. here is her at the irs whistleblower hearing -- >> i remember this. >> can we show this. we have a picture of her doing it. she showed photos of naked hunter biden. >> i was right next to her. so i vividly recall that. yeah. it's interesting. that they have been spending so much time pouring into hunter biden, who has never been elected president, never been appointed to a post that would subject him to being impeached in the first place, and then, of course, they decided they wanted to show his private parts all over the hearing. but, like to have him come in and have a conversation around whatever questions they want to pose, what they're nervous about is the d. team because we really the a-team. that's the problem, right? we literally have so many trained attorneys. he was complaining about jamie raskin, attorney. he was complaining about dan goldman, attorney. he was upset about moschcowitz, also a trained attorney. i'm a trained attorney. when we come in, we come in ready for war because this is a serious matter. even though we know that they don't take this seriously. he just called my colleague a smurf and he's saying that we're the ones that are acting out. >> yeah. >> not marjorie, not bow bert, not any of them. it's us. jim jordan is on her, too. now, talk about sending out a subpoena and telling somebody to come in and testify before a congressional hearing, jim jordan still ain't showed up for his hearing but he wants to be there and he wants to be able to question. but they know how epically they failed in all of their hearings specifically the last impeachment hearing they tried to hold therefore they don't want the eyes of the world. this was a very bold move on behalf of hunter's counsel. i thought it was smart. honestly, it's like forget it, we don't want to fight it. when you fight, sometimes people think you're hiding something -- >> doing something wrong. >> right. but at the same time, he is still facing criminal charges. so to come in and testify under oath, i don't want to do that in a deposition where you're going to get comer and jim jordan and marjorie coming out and spinning the truth or just flat out lying. instead, i would want to make sure that my client could be judged by his demeanor. it's the same thing that happens in a jury trial. >> right. >> and the reality is that he potentially was going to be testifying to a potential upcoming jury for his criminal cases. and so, i think it's the smart move. we should do it in public. what is wrong with transparency, but they're not about that life. >> sure. the thing is if you go back and look at, this is what comer said in september, he would more than welcome hunter biden to come and testify blah blah blah blah blah. here is the challenge. oh, let me play it. let me go ahead and play it. here is james comer. let's play it. >> hunter biden is more than welcome to clear his good name, wants to come and say, you know, these weren't 20 shell companies. they did something. he is more than -- he is invited today. we will drop everything. >> we'll drop everything. the problem is all the previous hearings -- i have watched you spar with some of your colleagues on the other side. and destroy them. but the problem is when ever they set -- the partner, the business partner said, no, president biden didn't have anything to do with it. everyone they brought in so far that was supposed to be witnesses for the prosecution ended up being witnesses for the defense. have you seen, as a member of this committee, any evidence that president biden has any involvement whatsoever in his son's companies or in his businesses? >> i have not. it's a fishing expedition. one of the things that most people aren't talking about is he not only sent out this subpoena, he sent out a subpoena to the president's brother. he sent out subpoenas as well to hunter's wife and so many family members. i mean, he is going after their entire family just looking and hoping that somebody will slip up and say something that will give them a leg to stand on. and be able to say, see, we told you. but that's not how the process works. what you're supposed to do is say, you know what, i see something and i need to dig in further. instead, they're saying, we don't see anything. but if we dig, maybe we'll finally find something. >> yeah. let me go through -- you mentioned some of the people on the other side. so as you mentioned, on the republican side, you have people like jim jordan, paul gosar, virginia fox, clay higgins, pete sessions, andy biggs, insurrectionist guy, you could go on and on. >> anna paulina luna. kelly armstrong, scott perry, people involved in things like insurrection, people -- they're out there. these are theatrical members. >> oh, absolutely. >> as you mentioned on the democratic side, you have some of your best sort of litigants, people former prosecutors, attorneys. >> absolutely. >> do you think the reason they don't want to do the public hearing is mostly about the lack of evidence or mostly about the fact that they know that these people will make them look stupid. >> i think it's a combination of both. they know that both things will take place. number one, we basically put the exclamation point on the fact that they literally have no evidence. we flesh it out so that people understand that what is being presented is absolutely a nothing burger. and they don't want that. he would rather be able to cherry pick and mischaracterize and misinformation the public so that they can get public opinion back on their side. this is all about their orange jesus and trying to make sure that they can do their bidding. we have said it over and over that they need to actually file f.e.c. report for all the donations they have given him through all this nonsense. i mean the reality is that the oversight committee should be a very serious committee. and we do have real work that we could be doing on behalf of the american people. but they've not chose on the do that. >> they have chosen not to do that. it's such a show. congress woman jasmine crockette, i would say they don't want that delta smoke. >> they don't want that delta smoke. >> i won't say it. >> she ain't green right now. >> much appreciated. still ahead, day 54 of the israel-hamas conflict, and we are going to give you the latest details on the latest hostages released and so much more. we'll be right back. released and so much more. we'll be right back. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ it is the sixth day of the humanitarian pause between israel and hamas, and more hostages were released today. and are on their way home for the release of -- in exchange for the release of ten hostages in gaza. qatari spokesman said that 30 palestinians including 16 children and 14 women are now free. in addition two russian citizens and four thai citizens were released outside the framework of the agreement. here is video provided by hamas appears to show the two russian, israeli hostages released into the care of the red cross in gaza. the ten israeli citizens include five dual citizens including an american. late today president biden offered brief remarks on the american hostage who was just released. >> got some very good news to report, liat binin is safe in egypt. she crossed the border. i talked with her mother and father. they are very appreciative and things are moving well. she'll soon be home with her three children. >> this could be the final day of the pause in fighting, but international mediators are pushing for more time. it's an incredibly fluid and precarious situation. mediated by qatar and involving gional leaders as well as our ow secretary of state antony blinken, who arrived in tel aviv to seek a new extension of the pause. fears are also growing for gaza's youngest hostage, only 10 months old, after hamas claimed that he and two other members of his family were killed in an israeli strike. nbc news could not independently verify the claim. joining me now is ayman mohyeldin. let's start with this question whether or not one of the hostages this 10 month old was killed in an air strike. that seems logical to conclude in some cases the air strikes, which have so far resulted in 14,500 palestinian deaths also endanger hostages as well. talk about the difficulty of verifying that claim one way or another. >> it's very difficult first of all for a few reasons. one, outside journalist, foreign journalists are not on the ground to verify that information independently from those that are telling us that information. right now the people who are saying that, although we can't confirm it is hamas. we should take that with a grain of salt for the obvious reasons you mentioned in your setup. what is important to learn from that, and the significance of understanding the dynamics at play here, is what hamas has been saying from the beginning that the 240 hostages that were taken inside gaza were not all taken just by the militant group, it was taken by several other militant groups, smaller gangs, perhaps even palestinians, individual palestinians that brought them into gaza. so the significance of that and why they're saying this sheds light on the fact that they do not know the whereabouts of all of the names that israel is seeking. and so in these hours of cease fire or truce that we've been seeing for the past couple days, hamas is able to go out, try to connect with other groups, try to connect with individuals, follow leads to consolidate these hostages, find out where they are and bring them into their group and that's part of the negotiations. the more hamas can produce captives and hostages for release the more the truce can go on. and we're right now just focussing on civilians that include women and children as we have seen over the past six days. >> let's talk about the role of qatar in this. this is a country with close ties the a.p.rites close ties to the united states, communication with israel sin 1995 and support of black cade of gaza the tune of estimates suggest is more than $1 billion since 2014. qatar is uniquely positioned to break deadlocks in the cease fire blocks. why are they so -- seemingly the only country that has been able to move these negotiations? >> so, qatar has taken a position as a matter of its foreign policy over the last two decades or so to try to be a conduit and intermediary for cross sections or currents, if you will, in the region that sometimes were at odds with one another. they have stated publicly that in the past there's been too many lines, fault lines, that had been drawn that has made it difficult for adversaries and enemies to talk. and so as a result of that, they have tried to foster the relationships with all these adversaries to create more dialogue. and we have seen that -- to be very clear, this has happened at the request of the americans, where central command is based inside of qatar. the largest military facility in the entire gulf is located in qatar. and the americans wanted qatar to play that role, first the taliban, who we were at war with for almost 20 years in afghanistan. secondary with iran, a country that we have very complicated and at times antagonistic relationships with and thirdly with, as we now see play out in realtime, with hamas. an organization that the united states and israel and western european countries labels as a terrorist organization. so the calculation by the united states was if we had one country in the region that could also be a close american allies, that we trust and kind of work with on all these portfolios and these issues, it would reduce or lessen the chances of direct war. and that is a position that qatar has embraced and has done a remarkably good job, even with israel which it does not have diplomatic relations with, by being able to foster and cultivate trust based on past relationships it has had with israel unofficially going back to the mid '90s. >> let's talk about what's happening -- that's really helpful. let's talk about what's happening in the west bank. we know -- because while the news at least for the moment -- i don't know how word -- good is usable at this point, for the people of gaza, at least the bombing has stopped for now. the violence has actually ratcheted up in the west bank. there was a raid in janine that left at least a 9-year-old and perhaps two children dead, killed by idf soldiers. what is going on? and also the arrests are continuing. it appears that while israel is releasing women and children from israeli jails, they're also rearresting and arresting lots and lots of people on the west bank. what's happening there? >> yeah. look, to your point, there's no hamas in the west bank. the palestinian authority is as close of an ally as you possibly can be for israel as well. they are described by palestinians who are disenfranchised with it the palestinian face of the israeli occupation. but against the backdrop of what is supposed to be relative calm and truce during the war in gaza, the west bank is anything but. we have seen over the course of the past 55 days since october 7th, israeli settlers in the occupied west bank going on rampages, destroying homes, forcing palestinians out of their villages many of these backed by the israeli military. when palestinians protest or when they confront israeli soldiers, they are shot and in some cases even in situations where there are no confrontations the israeli military is going in to palestinian towns and villages that are technically supposed to be under control of the palestinian authority and what is known as area a under the oslo accords and raiding these towns and cities and arresting palestinians and at times as we have seen shooting them including a 9-year-old boy that was killed earlier today. this is also happening against the backdrop that israel is releasing palestinians, some of whom, were actually arrested after october 7th, as in the case of a prominent palestinian activist and feminist who were arrested after october 7th. now being released part of this truce that has been playing out other the past six days. so while the world's attention is on gaza, you are now looking at more than 200 palestinians that have been killed over the past several weeks in the occupied west bank, joy. >> thank you. one of the best to do it and reporter that knows this region very well. amen moi dean, thank you as always. up next, rejecting the us versus them mentality. as u.s. officials sound the alarm about rising anti-semitism and anti-muslim sentiment here at home. d anti-muslim sentimente at home. i am speaking up to issue a warning informed by lessons of history too often forgotten. no matter what our beliefs, no matter where we stand on the war in gaza, all of us must condemn anti-semitism with full-throated clarity wherever we see it before it metastasizes into something even worse. because right now, that's what jewish americans fear most. >> that was senate majority leader chuck schumer, the first jewish leader of either chamber of congress and the highest elected jewish official in american history denouncing the surge in anti-semitism today. explained how jewish people felt isolated in the last month, calling out recent examples of anti-semitism in the u.s. and speaking how the trauma of jewish people that they experienced is affecting how they feel now. his views are partially echoed by rabbi sharon, leader of the largest lgbtq plus synagogue in new york city. president of the american federation of teachers, recently returned from a trip to israel where they grieved the october 7 attacks and met with members of the israeli community as well as jewish arab collaborative groups to discuss the importance of a peaceful, shared society. from israel, rabbi wrote, to envision this conflict in simple and binary terms is to remain willfully indifferent while the blood of our fellow human beings, neighbors to one another, is spilled before our eyes. we must reject the binary. to support israeli jews does not mean we cannot support palestinians. to support palestinians does not mean we cannot support israeli jews. joining me now, rabbi sharon and randi weingarten. thank you both very much. i read the piece featuring your trip and immediately started bugging my producers to please, please, please, track these wonderful ladies down. i want to start with you, rabbi. tell us what prompted you to make this trip? and what did you learn? what did you see? >> well, thank you so much for having us on tonight. well, we really wanted to go for a couple of reasons. one is, as you described, it's traditional for jews to pay a visit, to visit somebody who is grieving and mourning and to be physically present with them. and we felt that we wanted to be there for israeli jews and israeli arabs and to be really a witness to what's going on there. and to be able to hug people and say, we are so sorry about the pain that is being experienced now. so that was the first thing is to really be present with people who are suffering. that is what i believe god demands of us is to be in the presence of suffering, to not close our eyes or our hearts and to be able to be open with compassion and with love to all those who are in pain right now. >> and randi weingarten, we are so familiar with you being in the struggle on this side of the world over things like books and history, and that includes holocaust i just want to know what your feelings were, emotions were, now being in israel and i understand you met with families of people, with hostages that were still missing. >> so first off, joy, thank you for having us on. i sink we feel quite shattered for a lot of different reasons. both sharon and i have spent our adult lives fighting for equality for palestinians and fighting for a shared society, fighting for an israel that was said in the declaration of israel's independence in 1948, for wanting to have that kind of shared society, fighting against the occupation, fighting against what is happening on the west bank. and so october 7th changed a lot of things there. there is a shattering that we both feel and there is an empathy that seems lost, both in our country and in israel. and when you are there and talking to israeli arabs as well as israeli jews, you see a sense of fighting for the future and i think that's what president biden is doing, and i think that part of our trip was not only to hug and to bear witness but to be able to be there to help form that future again and that hope again. but it's pretty shattering to hear the stories. >> rabbi cline brown, a very moving emotional speech, 45 minutes talking about the reasons why jewish folks feel so shattered in this moment, and one of the lines that stood out to me, he talked about the trauma, the historical trauma that informs the way the jewish people feel about israel, the way they feel in this moment after october 7th. can you talk a little bit about that? i think people forget that the way people react to circumstances are based on trauma. >> i think these events that are unfolding now actually are triggering trauma for israel jews and for palestinians for jews it is almost no country in the history of the world and of our people from which we were not either expelled or murdered or otherwise victimized. it is in our dna to know that the transformation from being an accepted part of society to being a victim can turn on a dime. and then to see this greatest act of violence against jews since the holocaust, absolutely triggers and rings up such deep fears and is an actual, wasn't actual event of terrible atrocious victim, victimization. but i think it's also true for palestinians. palestinians see thousands of palestinians being sent on march to leave the north of the gaza strip to go to the south, and for them it's a reenactment in many ways of a -- memory. and what we were doing their, and what i've been doing over and over again for all of my years of activism and of concern and of my deepest part of my religious life, is that these are two peoples who are not going anywhere. this is not a sports game where we choose sides. these are two peoples who deserve to have a future. nobody is going anywhere. there are millions of jews, millions of palestinians. and we must find a way for there to be a shared future for both peoples. it will not be solved by a military solution. it will only be solved by a diplomatic, human to human solution, and we need governments to stop talking and start talking that way and exactly, as randi said, what happened on the west bank today was horrific, and it represents until october 60 israeli population had the largest demonstrations for ten months, the equivalent of 15 million americans every saturday night protesting an extremist racist government, and some of those people are continuing to do exactly that on the west bank. but we stand with those israeli jews and the many who stand for this shared future. >> i would be always remiss to ever interrupt a rabbi, when a sister is preaching, but i have to, because i have to go to commercial break. you ladies are wonderful. you can give me a hug any time, because i love hugs. so please come when you guys are near d.c.. rabbi sharon kleinbaum and randi weingarten, you both are wonderful. thank you. and coming up, house democrats and republicans launch another effort to give serial fabricator and onlyfans aficionado george santos dug out of congress out of a damaging report. will it work this time? we will see. ll it work this time we will see. we will see. >> stealing their basic supplies. my mom's life is the most important thing to me. hi mom! i called my mom, "i have this gene and i think you need to get tested." she feels like it was truly lifesaving. when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, and inothing's workedto get tested." or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. >> this week could be merry mandolin congress, george santos, as he's once again facing a vote for his expulsion. it will be the third vote to expel the new york congressman since you took office lessons a year ago. the first since the house ethics committee released the damning report detailing a wide range of abuse fraudulent contact by santos for using campaign funds for things like botox and onlyfans. that's on top of federal charges for identity crafton wire fraud. the house suspected to begin debating this resolution tomorrow, with final votes had for friday. we will be keeping a close eye on all of it. and that is tonight reidout. all in with chris hayes starts right now. wit h chris hayes starts right now. >>

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